V r ■ s.oC9fcnniJ«t»cfl Cirei'. i ‘rUOO'Eieoiapto. ? Qp.r f ' ,UW) L* Notnw' 'fc!' i 000 Regalia do, H , .V.l«tlDo«>Qiyo», i •i I J ~ . I'fi.OOoJmW.S*u cud rvcim .Ji liiiinii, pjft wrtkmcdjmroned Uaaana Cigar* l‘..r »uie l»y 1 KCUatTIN u;»vi i (or tftnlhfieltJ and front *ircf U ij A XCFACTVRRD TOBACCO- '** »V 1 17 fit -i.otuerV* Flog; fl*. and 6' i • "»■ • iiul mV -• ; t u*» ‘ J i«Vi, , ••> uif ‘ tlune‘.) A ItobikonY’ 5? • “i ti» , \Vclj»ier*t*'Sk . * •’ d" “A. oulinnf»O Congrea* 5» , • • ••-» - riraath’* Uui'keyetiißi;.” pown'ta ' ••Bnie.eV” 3«; on coti-wgnmeni and • *ti nn.| I’hm Ca;. Paper, While and B'oei •*» Ho Letter no db do; co do do aMonedcolort. ' ..:n Not* i'»»iii and Embottcdj •••<•, pi and l.egal Entelope*; ' trniii:* W#i ReuTape.Ae I ......... !.y V.I.UOTT 4 ENGLISH .j.:<• Market meet bei -M and4th *i* O I'MIIUF.H- sin w* Kio Coffee; * o <,»hfrhr«t»Y H. Tea; 1 in do Imperial Tea; *n do .Pouchong Tea; -•Jtii.liipN O.Molaaae*; vu,:. .d II- . do;. - ;; . rmon? J*. F. !«d.*o; tor «ale by « t ,i john QHirfl. »« Liberty at I'l'liAli, Wyj’.AHjKS'AND nU'K-, O nOl.hd.7r-m.' N O Sugar. i,i.|« *utai lfou-«* d*. best quality; k,..i, fti.-V received from NfW Or V V u MJTCHKLTHEE . R .,ti NoHWJ.tbcriy street BK.aMn • -i id :-c\' A ** Ur»aJy, J*ik and pale. ,i, j., <•.*:*; l rti *rfn'*i«e» lo P C MAUTI.N *p'j/ >or sumhhelJ ami front »i» , 4ni»'4* t-i.lrr Vinegar. »■■).. i> *>l4 Ifofnng; a -.1... tldp.* .Moialtt-r lo ol>l« S X Jo, v t M' Flonialioi) Mola*ff», ( •»i tieice* Hirr. on vonvigtimem;' j Foi *4.r t.y _■ *pK. W GftKKfl y n LITER S.tLCC- tut !>itir- [pint bollW.) fft'l J In-lm )Vii!»ri ».«*n nia) ' ItHnOKSfc AI.CORN *l-0 % No 27 Fifth sirepl |\IlV I'KACHKri—tv i.u. u pn««* nniclr, In' i J , U irr mill r.„ «atr l.y s? \\V HARBaUOII. •pit No 31 wood street J I’- lit ki»‘* • Alirn'i* Genuine Nerve j It., r I ti me-tl." lor »«!is bv - < • Pit J m'iUXjNMAKER A Co |■'nlC•»ll H«bL urTTKtt—lu brrjuil rrcM It ’ . v K KpBISON a. Co ,p!4 No I*-0 Liberty *t .4i,i M 7. Yi r *.!>■ Winj«or Broom* foi |J,. [• apii J C mi>WKl.l.._Agl 1-j (2A“ ' l l l. - « Im*. [iinur ii-*)vu». ill »mrc ami loi -v -i*J3 J C HI DWELL. Agt J^ISII- -.HI In Mil' wtmr F.*l<. 1 lil do Tioul; % i 1..,*. do. ii.« -air l.y . 7 l*. J C tiIDWKLU A*t i 'ilin w.t v l iJt— Wanted a good iliJu»lriou« Urn t'.. 11l m l.iou.ry Slot*;. The hr»l of refer ipli-’ ' ** V SEITZ. 124 Liberty *irert| S 'S \ 1.1 > -i* M«i« pniiir, iu«t nre'd and for .»le li> J (’ HinWKLL. Agt_ • if At'tii-ULI. Mrrriu*. tfliaJ auil While Fi»h con M .... 1..H1.1 and tor rale by W C3RKER ,pi: < 0( water and itnithfield sts DRIKI> A l*Pt*l£S—Hcr«-i*uig m atore and for »air. J*.o ;u*« Uor.l Apple*. J,,;: L S \VATPRMAN MUbK POItK-S 4 ftMorted: a1*0,4,000 Ibr J J a tin- mi. iiivi rrrt.vnl >ud lor rale hr L S WATERMAN APPUCn-;! i.i* UiHuaniir*,- Pippin'. Ac, jun i".—,v<-«i u.ni or *mc «>y l.» WaTKRMAN No* Jl water and Cj front m li'i /'.lf v< i ÜBS llacon lloirroijinl, in prime order . IU.UUU WILUA.MS A DILWORTI* -C^c.— iipjW_ S? wood «t ), “ CASKS Sjlera’ii*. For sale by i.(.bn .MOltliAN A Co. Ii0wooil»i INDIfJO— F- For Mleby HFO MORGAN A CO rp.VsSIOY A ,-BKST —W’bolesale (irocei* A J. Omni -•) on Mrt.diiu'* and dealer* in Prodaer.— *V,U l Funiiurgb. J apja F Lot'll—i.Ui* Fannlv Flour, received ami for - v ap«4 TaSsKY A_BF^T ’ o 1" A>ll Ow«i»V» pure.in *lorc ami for sale L> Sy ap-S _ ; . I>S»EY_kRKSr_ SHALTS-vT Mi:« priior S Salts, ou hand and far *,!„ in- , P rt _TABSKYju.niar__ BtIOO.IIS —f-tt.ior roT:i Uroom>, larce size, best riir.m.Je* received iv-r etcflmbcat Newark, arid (or.Jc* * - TAaSBV A BEST, NEW oT Ha-weir* EnpmccrV PoekVr I;-.-* Ju*- received and for sale tir' . =- o! run swtii brand Holland Om; IT For sale'.) _ np« J|C MARIIN_ ObD RYE wiIISKICY-Afew bt.U of .up O M K WhiMtey. Ji.-iiUcd 1-37. for sale by ,pa*> P C MARTIN | .RAP D HTK-I case super. G-4 French Draji 1 ' li F.c—or iuic IJiacK Summer Clothe—just oponeo and for-vie !.* b.ao SH ACKUCTT A WIIITK SOAP— llA' Ixixe* Palm Soap landing frooi steamer ttiuMoiiiaod for sale by ap-Ji JSAIAM DICKKV A Co, water and front st» PLAYING for sale by P CJUARTIN /ARANGrFaND LKMONS—IOO bjr* pnmVUweei v / Onutri: Id bzs prime Siulr l.emonq for *a-c M- P a? si‘ P C MAirilS / \ ROCKUIKH— A full a«*ortnem of Sucar, Tf* \JT CofT-r, Knxnna BurWei*, Bacon. 4c. fo' • a - »iioiir-a..- an.i Trt.nl t»y P CWARTIN coramiititicldaod (jynt *:• . n oil*—lG I>llk joit rec'd and for »al stir iiAaejiL'GH ; '* No 33 wood itrcrtj* 1,01 pun.- V«*4iow, to arrive jna £e* i W HARHAUGH.SJ wood « .PENTII9B I? Id* 1» i»*l fcener ,r BkUUN ABMTRK tor L'l‘gr»7 and St Clair tit WHITING-OU aujwtiordry ■id and iox'tnte Hy URAI T N* RKITRB r:tior. ia*t ree'd im Cor *al« by tt E HELLER*. 37 ward ft >r’« Crynallinc Soap inr *«le by H E SELLERS. 57 woo.! ft POT \TOKS—Si* l.iiU prime, iun rteM and for *»lr ~y / aj.ifi _ POINDEXTER& Co Sit. MO I* AiiNKII—ID Mjl* tor aa>e by - apl6 I,KAWaUTC«W»N4Co C- or PICK-ImO hag* Rio. jutt ree'd (hr aale t»7 ttplff LEWIS HUTCHISON A Co ; R 054 K" PjN K“ J jjbi* ofllie very b«i*l uuafliy7f°' Mlettt BRAUN 4RKITRR Bp A) _cor Lllwjty and Si Clair «tnwd» cum'Powdered African Cayenne if Pepper. |ii«t received anti for *ale *■•%* (jp*t_ lIRAUN 4 REITER SB JQUi.LH.VGH~'! d'« jo*S opened anti ale hy SHAfKLKTT A WHITE Ni»W wood *treet * ivAVTKD~Conii-ry Mixed H»*« wa*»> t;, Ij.rit the JiijrlM-iii-nf nit'sab will be paid VIKKS S. COLLIN* Fn*t alien. below Market hit ’i KA**-- lao cheat* Slid kf clte.M V. II • GEO MORGAN 4 Co. 105 rAL —ii tuu* No l Foundry, received per »Uar »:i l Itif »a!e by M ALLEN * Co 18 water at iKF.U OlLf-Sobblr landing from «mr Sara- J. 4 nt.il and lur *al« low by jplV M ALI.ES A Cn. 41 water »t , BACON-r.wa lh*. hog rooud, t» store and formle hr CUNNINGHAM ABONNKR . jj,iy Ul Liberty atrect DRIKD FRUIT—iTSUn* Pea e be*; vou d« Applet; in nan and inr «ale py «pl» CUNNINGHAM A BO,NNE& r pOIIACCO-TJ krr» No 1, C Twill, received per 1 liauc Ne'vton nnd lor tale f>T ' , f . 19 RUHV A P. 57 water n I OAF SUGAR—T 7 bbl» No 7, received per turn j Rot »ri Fulton anti for *al< I>t : FRIKNP. RHK.Y A Co, 57waier«l /"IORN—»,IF» t t»u». prime Yellow, in goodthippng v j orJcr, for *oU i»y *,,19 S_£ W HARI!A_ITOH,JO wood*! M'OBACCO—|(Hi Lx» 4*. t*. Fit,and I«m; aopenor 1 brauJ*; 40 kre« 6Tw*l Tobacco; for »alcb) *1,5 2 _ <;FO MORGAN ACa COPPICE— ’KoaMed’aniTGiouiid, lor tteainboaU twie'fand croeerm. at ihe Mallard end Spice Fac tory. :T r'tfh *i' at* RHODES A AIH kind*, ground forcu*ionier» at the Mu«- turd n-il So-.t Factory,S» Kiftli «ireel J( ,9 \ RHODE* A ALCORN L°*,r » ”j*£"rk£ovl? gTARCIIf— 10 l'i* Itonlirnhi’i-Ei™, Vr’OBACCb— yot>X» '<<* A Ma.Ba.lMof; I ••>( hx» Lavinn'a sa. Lump; in atorr id s> ~*w "PL» i> *_£!"£»_ fiACO.N AM, l" ARI) 'ttlld-? and 6hf bbls No l Wij»te» L# r .* 0.1, a very aupartor truck, recnaad P«x l* 1 * irfima N« i *ntl forrale wb«te»ak arKUil kf < =*l>l3 K SELLERS, 17 Liberty*^ (' U* VKK AN b FI • aXSKKD-S bbU F}t2*ce&, \v 4 bb)» Ooreneed; .;.U S F VON BUNNHQRST & Co Pl-A NJi r>-Konitj far cuiiomer*, At IIK Mwitr n>id Sf.ir r racfary, V 7 F.fib »treet. . . __ RHODES k ALCORN ROUND (;txm:il-4QbbU and HOkeatoahMd O anil io» •«'-• t.> RHODES k ALCORN Nog Fifth ilrcet < AX* VAKNisII—a t)W*Eastern. for*alebjT ✓ «>•>'' II ""jOHNC MORGAN GISfOKK— Whim Jkretica Glnaer. pare crooud f»t Mir- by *?H JOHN D MORGAN ROUND I'tTPF.R, io LH*. ieg» and boxe«. (iMb \T jrrodnd orul •'nnsunlly on hand fot tale,by *. RHODES k ALCORN v npO j No TT Fifth nrrpi Flttf! N.» 2 Mnc'kirel; I •■nt.j,}. r.i.f M.if, Sb 4. ;; »■->> . J.*OINI>PXirKR DRIKD PK ACIIKS—SiXJ bus ktt sale l«trio »'■aju'fiirurui lir .. .. mpii ; riuy-yi), nrrev&^cp.sTwaitMi LUK aiAWBRAVIi-i «iw, rtrr Auk floe rao't far Sutjaicr Staff*, mat iefri*rd and fox »*Je ty *** siiacklctt a. wiiitk • PC MARTIN BUCNSWICK ORBES-4 krri jast reo’d ud “r snlcjir "l'* 11 BE A UN It RKITKK POWD. KXIC-M iba jintiircj and lot Site “ ■!»«*!_ BKAUW » RKITKR. Is Bostno W biuag in *ale by )• SCHOOXMaKEE k. Co, * bbi T.gisß&safaa. riIE€OIfIr^PORTt)FPITTSBDRGir. PITTSBUBOH'BOiro dF TBAPK, COMMITTEE FOB MAY? Movement* of tm Xeanthlp*. ‘•iramtr*, CisUior Lrur LitrrpMl; l.rav Sarah Sandv,Tbonjison. ‘Mar* CatQttrra, Jndkfn- April I CaWonia, Lon, ' Apt W Hibernia, Ryrtc, May J Washipgtot!, Newitl, ■ ■ Orr iCE PITTatVSAH (iazLttl, J / Saturday Mortunj, May 1. \ I 1 The wcstlicr clooded up lomewhat yealerday, bit ! diJ not rate, and Really cleared up. Tl« Rivers aJe •a a stand, with 0 feet water—rather scant—to thf • ebanoel. i \ j Coopaniively lew boat* are now in port, anij IreifhU, though no higher, are firm. Tire amount j oflering is not Urge 'I The Sarah Sands’ news had a favorable eflect the market lor Flour, and. prices improved bjei U>l. ; The demand waa rather active. TM •ale* reported reach 1000 bbls, including some to arrive, at 4,624. The canal Es taking oirja larger amount than >previot»ly, but ihe quantity sp •tore is still very heavy. I 1 Ol- Bacon, sale* at about jhe currency previously! obLa'l&jd, Sales 10,000 lbs Shoulder* and Haas at\ Grandee; 3000'lba Sides at Oe, all. my smoked.—' The,various imal] lots of 100 to lOw lbs of good meat, are selling at about the satne prices. Th« \ Packers sell ihcir cure.at-former prieesi .' • - A tile of 300 hu d Apples at 65c, audV&Q in sev eral loti at 55256 c—nearly all lb go out ol* the mar- , keL - - . I Sate 1000 lbs prime keg Butter at Sc—some at S5/10 aod 20 bbls g Apples at 51 to 5-> u 10 qaa!ity t . Peaches continue dull. •Sale* 30 hluls Sugar, aod 150 this Mpltsses in lots. At previous prices, an active demand pt^tflaTor^Groceries in general. Cotton lams •oaHnnetih Urge arms ml, without change in quo tations. '• I 'the NIY Eipri-as ol I’uesday evening' nays "Owing to the small supplies of Breidstuifs. and the increasing number of vessels, Frsigiita are very dol| snd depressed. Shipowners are taking Oram at loa lld. and Flour 3aft3s 6d. To Antwerp aod Havre S7e3oc for Orain. The Bill market is with out any change. 'The tendency is upwards. Sales, of -Sterling-at and some ol the dealers cefuse anjjhing under IflT. Bills\on Paris! -SAO: Although th?price ©fFJonrand <.'o)»hasnot\ f*U,C(iiroU' aoy.syice the arrival of the steamer for' iratnediate delirerv, yet for conirucu ahead there is a decided decline. Mral is also „Y)c t* bb\ lets. Beet and Pork are improvin'. \ or stesjiboats.—The Dutches and Yorktown entered the canal on Saluiday, aod\liad not paued the Locks last evening. V The Alhambra grounded just after entering, aod was compelled to discharge 150 tons of freight and 30 horses. She had not moved her length up te ti o’clock last evening! The Superintend-mt, Mr Hulm assured us that' he would posh her through last night. vgThe Phoenix/ofter lighting up, passed over the Falls about 6 o'clock l»l evening! The following boats are below the Locks waiting lor an opportunity to eome through; Gondolier, Susquehanna, Diligence, New Era. New World, Rio Grar.de, Hendrick, Hudson. 4>en. Pike, Jsucs> lewit. Thomas Jefferson, and Mail. The following boats are atlmr landing waiting lor a chance to go down: Tom Kirkman, Belle ol the West, Albatross, Robert Fulton, Amaranth, and one nr two others, whose names we didlnot ascertain. was 6 ft 6 loch water in the csual at dusk lasL*Teutng. The amount -oi; deposile from the late freshets has been so gceaVa* to lessen this depth in sume parts of the csoaj? Mr. Hulm, the Superintending inrontf* ui unrhe foand the deposit*' to be fifteen Icet deg>,iq4he lower t,ock. This has been remo ved. and the.gate was elnaed.yesterday. for the first time, sjifcp • December lost.—[Louisville Democrat of Mondays MARKETa / New ObLxam, April 20.—8 y arrival 01/tVi.h -ington Irving »e havechtesol Liverpoo’to Jhh clt. Our has'Seep brought to aedmplete liv IhifSntclli-eocc. In some quarter/ Colton is offering al&decidcd decline, but gcneraily a dis position is eVioced to bold ol! until the receipt < f the account: Sugar I and Moijuac*— TranwctionsUn Sogar.’lOO hhdsjai former \pnecs 1 MoJaues is anlling alowly at29u3oe gal. \ Floor : market comparatively quiet. No change in trices. 1 Sales 400 bbls. amongst which are 5(0 bbls Iftmois, at £fi,12456,25 p bbT. In Pork no bans. In Bacon, : bolder* are firmer, 20 c«k< Sides sold at BAclp lb. ! In Lard, 210 bbls prime brought £)c t* lb. inlbutk I Pork, 7U.000 lbs hogronnd,sold at -a (faction river 1 in Beef, no sales. Corn Market dulet ! today. Sales about 15,000 hu at 70a83e t* bu. Fales or 3000ba Wheat at o»ta—2oo ecksat £7c btf. 140 bblr White Beans sold at $325 Y bbl. WTiukey—No activity— yet holders evince more firmness. 100 bbls sold u SQjc gal. Exchange —N»alleration. Sterling, KUJSi&J; Franes 5T\ 55®5f50; B llson New York, at sixty days, IJ®JJ ’ Yct dis? Checks, pvr. Freights—Several engage. - menu, vix: !A bark, for Cork and a market, at 3ud for I Grain;! brig lor a portdirect in Ireland, at the same rate; a ship for Liverpool, at-His lor Pork, and SBd for Grain; three ships for Liverpool, heavy freight at former rates, and Grain at 2f>6T7d: and One tor Havre, at4se lor Grain, and JO for Flour.-if Com. 'Rmt*;. I St. Louia, April.2L—A great press of bpsinete in the Prodnte market Tor the past week. Imroeo'e amount amvieg—for the last three or four days it ha* been, a pertect jam. Freights have advinced, and are now nearly.as hhh.u at any time during the season ' Rates, JITor flour, 51,25 lor p* UK) lbs for-AcpJyfreight.and 516617 for hemp.— Tulol«o—ArrivaU on the increase, though yet small. A good demand for fine manufacturing leaf, and. owing, to its scarcity,ineditrin and even fair qualities are much aoughtafter,and prices rule high* Liltle or none ol a very fine quality in market, end this description would command ata excellent pnee. Sales6o bhds, princtpallv old crop.nralee of Passed at 53.15661*3 Of Refused it 5r,03ej4 p 100 lbs Hemp—Recciptrlarge. About l'to bales have diasged hinds, at prices ranging from’ $B9 60 to 93 t* ton. Marketciosodbeavyyesterday. Extremes for lair lo good D R may be quoted from 530 to *ft). and forfiae. from 590 to ‘JZJty Y toe. I^ad—Stock oa basd ver; light, market more linn. Last sales msgaitnde’ were 1500 pigs, on Tnesday, at and 200 at No.aales yealerdsy or | Floor—Holden askisg and firm at 54/4) for choice brand* c >ty Mills, fitUe d0ing—5566,50 ta the rratoof prices. Arrivals of.Graio very heavy, par lieulirly of Wheat—egurngate 100.000 bu in 3 days. Sales nn up between 50 and 60.0110 bu Range 73 to 93c. ecks included; in bbls and erejusive 6f reks demand not brisk, lo Corn but little doing. Sales at a further dccliae..- We quote for new. osnaburg and hemp seks, at 424*45e. and exclusive ol ecks, 37iCM0e Y hu. Oats declined; in inferior and good sex* and374£rtOc F bu. ezclusire m nek. A ‘ ntrifed 'demand for Rte. Sale' at 40c. Barley almoipyithout sales. . 472 seks, fair and good, at.'U - 1i.35c .P-bu. ProvUions languid and drooping; liuie aetivity.viiible; transactions on a limited selle.— lots Prime and Mess J10.H2 Nestles of Beef—no demand. Bacon dali,wlth a further decline in price: Shoulders 4|«44c; baas 5S3)c, •ideafij6G]c l'lb. Inquiry lor Lard quite limited j market dull; last sale 200 bbls No 1-on Monday, at ~2c, since, of country. 5U bbls at ,7c —6Jw7je > extreme limits. , D Apples dull. Sales Irom store si 70675 c t* bo 100 bbls at 65c. Of Peaches, in • ■mill way at 51,25 a-! Y bu. Hides— Ma-l et ■ eady | D flint 7|, d salted 7c, g and g salted 363 e Y lb.-ji-fNew Era. IMPORTS BY RIVER. BEAVER—Per Michigan—2o bbl* platter. J A Caaghey—2 bale* wool, W Barker—fi lon« market ing—lot bacon, L b Waterman. SUNFISH—Per Kbode Island—76 btih flour G A Berrr—3).) do. Robison At Co—Pm do. M’ciurk an Ac Co—so do, J>M’Gully—l Virgin!*. \ KiehanreUk. 01' Vn.- I 'i*' r V d^ n . k par Fanner* Ok. of Vn- ... H-ink of{icnnantowtt -px/Uk. aftiu* YaUef « \‘-..Ctae.viefCoiiitty.-par Bk of Virrinra-.’... •.. >< • IVrlaware Co.- i •• MunigtwoeryOo.• -pax d 3 Morruiiom-.- ;I • Nofibombeiland--par N. \V. Bank Vi I Colttrabtaßndgc Co.- • .par dal Welliburg ) Doyleatowti Bank-- ..par do', Parkeraburj:-• •• «* Farmer*’Uk. Reading.par 1 Tennessee. Famrni’Hk Back* Co. par Bk.otf TennrMrr 3 Fanner* U’t Lancu*‘r-P«r Far. A Merch't* Bk— 3 l«c«wrCor-Bk •jnHpktrtert' 8k.v../ : 3 Lanraatcrllk. pur Union Bk 1 l - Notre Bank v -a» !• I MUaoarl. Btownavdle Ilk. i^ute’BkofMUtoun-.-- | \\ nohtnjcnHi Bk. J, North Carolina. Oet!)-<|jureli Uk | |Uk. of Cape Fear I Cbnmbcr»bur* 'Mereb - * Bk .Newbern- l Nis«|urtianna Cu. Bk.- 0 (Stale Bank I Lchijh CqUank, ('• Son 111 Carolina, • -J|| jCnasdea Bk l| .Middletown . ... . .. « ; |Bk.ofCharleuon •• •• 1J *~ arll *!'‘ •;• ••• •••« CotbmcrcialHk H -Frie Hfc>v ...,.if-*dutr «f......i,u jßk.of SoflUt Carolina• || Lebancn •• . - HarrUud. j*oiL«vi'.lr Baltimore Uk*. par }> yarning “ IklunVAOßßtScr,,. .10* \ nrkßk. “ 1 CumberlanJ Bk oi'Alie " e.j Brunch Bk. u • ghany j Belief Note* *• Fur. Bk. of Maryland- • “ ~M A M Bk. Fite. Jo *• |Farntor»* A Mechanic* “ . Cuy A County Scr.p |, Uk. Frederick “ L _ Olilo. Frederick Co. Uk. <• &uue Bk. and Brunrbr* i .liagcnitosrn Bk M.mot Pleasant Mineral Bk-.'-•- - i-Sieubrnviile----.- *♦ Paiaprcoßk “ \Si. Olair*ville • •••• ** WaahinKioii 11k «• Wonelta “ ttk.oflV e*tium»tcr •• . •- Keu Linbun ** 1 Michigan. Ctneiiinaii Batik* “ IA. of Si. Clmr Cdlurolm* do .Jk. of River Haiwn-• •- Cjrklfville *< Michigan In*. Co & Zjdienviile rar.iA.Mecb’* Bk 6 Ptpnaui *• 'Vlaeonaln Terrify. “ .* lariAFireln.Co.Milw'e & MakotUoii “7 Canada*. • Sandusky *y Allsolrcntßaak* 5 Oeausa ‘f Bauk of England Note* Norwalk •' gl 70 X«r. Cleveland • Gold ASpael* Vain*. Xema - .Napoleon* 3 w £?»»«•••• ■: Duca'u x no * >to Western Reserve “I,Eagle, old • -•• 10 flu Franklin B*k Columbo* “\ F.agle, new low ChiMicoitie •< \DouWowu*, Spain.h. 16 w LakeKnc--'- Do. I'ainoi ia to Scigra—■ • M sovereign* I 83 Lanckitet —ju tiuuiea* 600 Hamilton J 3 Brcderckad'or* ... *j eO Granville-- -j 60 Tten Thaler* ?,« Farnt’r* B'k Canton---. 30 Ten (■uilder* •.. 3 go Urhana---, 60 Louiai’or* 4 60 Kentucky. 1 Exchange. DkofiKeniocky New Yark ---. I pm Bk.erf I^tuikviUe-•• ••• • 1 Pbilaidclpkiu- * nra Norhern Bk. Keniu'jtv- l Iklumore 4 prm Yofh— Ciiy Bank*,par.) loienor BkV .■ | r ST EAMBO AT S. ~~ / ] FOR NEW ORLEANS. ifgav* k. Tbe new and Haunch .ie*mer f fii n BUENA VUTI, CeptSweenv.will leave fkr incabove and li.t-rmediaie poruon Monday 3d pair age apply on board. apX REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET /We*» R, The very light draught and staunch JJjfcjLjJS steamer SWALLOW, Wilson, nuKt, will ran a« above do the ifuon, making regular trip*. The 8. draw* only H inches water. For frenhi or P*»»ag« »rply on board. /p» FOR ST. LOUIS—KEG ULA R PACKET. iMVaa The (piendid and staunch I’ackci t IL .- ROSCOE, Javcn*. master. will leave u aliovo, Saturday moro'itg. >Jny l*t,«t iu o'- clock. ltiibar|h skid ZansnilU.' Paekat.r iTfiT a , i THE light draught *trarner tfrrh'K sKWARic, MOHfIBB Hunt, .MaMer.wik mate weekly trips the above ton cbiriiig ih-»ea on • For freight or i-a«A»ee apply on l-o, r d or to apT D a*m __ REGULAR PITTyBUHtJH aND BROWNSVILLE PACKET. i )v THE new and farfrunoing steamer £3 , D AILLJBM, will nut s« a regular Parket tnnnrfn above place*. leaving P,tt«Hur*b Bterv ruentay, Pbursdayand Sxturrfav. m Jo„c!ock. A. and liruwoovtiie every Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at * v’vlork. For freight or passage apply on hoard. dee# PltUbarfh and Hun Safe Paekil: The new and fine uenmer . K lICDROV, IAdMW Fbhen, master. ba» resumed her reg “'■» trip* and will leave I’itt.lmrgb a* above every Thur*day and Mon day at 3 o'clock, I*. M. For freight or pa**agi* apply on board. ar& MeKKfPPORT. KL RaOCTM AND MONO\Ga~ r lit I.A CITV PACKET. a The new tteamer rlETli r J DESPATCH, Nelson inaflrr, will run a* above.'lr a ■■■HBaMßrntgPu tburglt every 31unda>. W.d neaday and Friday, at 9| o'clock. A. M . and Monon> a hela City every Tunday.Tkurwlay and Saturday. >i b o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on boei d TOR sTT. LOl'l9 AND ILLINOIS RIVER The naoneb regular llhnoi* River P*' ^l COLUMBIA, mttfSSBV O’Neal. master, wilt leave a* altoyaon JHMH|oBl*aiurday. April ITth. at 10 o’clock, a. m. For freight or pavaage applv on boai'L an!s fo R t:i Nri x.nati sL L 6 lisviTXE The «ianitrlt aiR fine ateaxner matter, will leave ai abov.' UOflieeal Friday inoruing April «U. at 10 oVloek. >p « PITTSBURGH A.\U WHKKLLM. PACKET. ~ . . The •nl**nitd.and fust running simr b NEW ENGLAND, h i e'J-rrai "Captain G VV Hl>e,i. will rommrnte ** hlwse. on the id day of .March, leading Pittsburgh every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, at Id o'clock, A. M and leaving Wheeling every Monday, Wrdnc-dav anil Friday. at u o'clock. A M. The New England baa been bought expressly for the tr*de,andsnllleavere*oiarly a«above Porfreightor passage apply on board, or to 1 fcMd JOHN FLACK. Agent ' WKLLSVILLE DAlllV PACKET. ~ ' _ The new, elegant and fan Paeket „ „ wkLlsvillb. C. ,C. Catleit. cna»ier; wua tiaili ex presely ior this trade, and will make daily trip* during the season, leaving Pittsburgh e»**y morning at 9 o'clock, and WVllsville every evening at 3 o’clock The W. i« furnisbed with “Faber's Patent magnetic IVmet Guagc**' For treigUi or passage apply on board. 1 r ary*/ rry a Keel lloat i» eon«uutl>| at the PiusUargh wtiarf to receive freight,and the agent always ou ike spot. A McUAiNK. Agent. REGULAR PAUKE-r FOR VvEILsvILLH AND Tlie nrw and Itrht draught *unr llEl-A WILNINOTOir, yMMB 1 O. M. lease* Piiu burgh every. Woodar, HVdnexlay and Friday •tSo’eloek, P. M . leave* Jtieobenville every Tueiday, Tbtfradxy *nJ Kaiurday •1 H o’rloek, A. M. For freight or patuge apply on board. ■ oeeis KKUUt.AK WMKKUftu ' Tlie'!*ie*R>er -i" lIIBBRHIA# bHHTlfflw' Samuel Smith. m**ur,wiJ!eoajtnencr tunning *« a fegolarp»ekel*lieatib* • I jih tout. leaving PtlUburgb every Monday. Wednesday »tM rod ay, at 10 o'clock. A-' M . leaving Wheeling eTrrfTuemluy.Tljunday and Satur day, at h o'clock. A SI. For freight'or ps«*age. apply on board. __ . jan!4J| *' fleguinr PlUibarah and Z>iK«Vlllc~ ■■ Packet* _ The new steamer *ftWrf*3l¥ Ju>ne* F. Boyd, matter, will ran a* a regu'ar packet bctwer.it J’ntahurgb am),J?ene*vllle. Having hail her cabin* Cued up and fornulied in »uperior atyle, the Comet offer* the bocat a'ccoißfnodaiiont lo pa«fcnceT* Kot freight or passage apply op board, or to unu 10 BWU.KINH.Aat AlltChtny Silver Trad*. . The fine and fiat Steamboat Capl. Jame* Atkinson, will eoutin gs3afiftUSfiZ_ ueto ruiraaa Regular Packet da \m i■■i ia lain r j„g jj ie >eß#on between Pittsburgh and Franklin. For freight or pawage apply on beard, ortftf __ pirrstfUKtm and wiinsvrrxk PACKftT. , The new and splendid ateamer r jgj ri OOSDOLIER, Gj Lyon*, master, wu Built ezpreniy wHsßtfSSfiß forthla-trade.and will leave regu larly during the *ta*on. Ilerdar* will I)C advertised lit ffMOif ■aiiiLAß packet fori n ash vjli»k. _ Tl>e new steamer wvomixo, JAMS 1 Capl. John P. ilays will commence 'tfC*!"* trip* to the above port on Monday, the oth in*tanl. at lOo'oiock, a m. For freight or na**ag* apply on board or to _inejitn J W BUTLER A 880. Agta JOHN P PKIIPV, law ortho brat of Malcolm Leech fc Co, Wboleaale Ciroeera Comal* tied and Float Merchant, dealer in all kind* of Country Pn* •luce. Copper, Tin, Tm Plate* Tinner*' Tool*, Zinc, L-id, Ruarn Sheet Iron, Imu and Nail*, White Lead, Dye Stuff!. Cotton Varn* Halt, Ac, and pniahurgh Manafacturea generally, eumec of Liberty and Irwtn Mreet*,PiH«J>ofati, » *■ . o(7*Libarai advancea.iitCa*b or (food*, madeoa eon-' •iauromU or ProducejA* #pM JOIRPII B. Buiiffca ~ 57 Svuth Wharrct, Philadelphia. PIPORT£R of O/unges. Leipoui, fUiimt, Fig*. ftirranU. .Prone*, Date*, Citron. Crap**, Almond*. Filbert*. Walnut*, Cream nnu, O round nut*, Cocoa nuta. Lidnoriee, . . _ Ai«o. Agent-logFaDhtnl*' Patent Platform Scale*, and Undarwood’l Pttklei, fauc*»- .Carnap*, fcrtapa. Sp'.ce*, Ac. ! ' ap»tt; "-liffliEif WM. A. WARD, DENTIST, - HAS Removed i»the house on Penn arrcei, three door* above Hand Mirct. where he nay be found from 9 o’clock. J - LLf * a.twUJr.a. Ac be if rlcsiroaaof being employed by tame ,(>Ol (hose who trill make immediate payment without ‘the necessity on bis part of rnjlecting he would invite par ticular attention to the following irrtni: All bills ktt unpaid at the expiration ol thirty day*, will tic ebanred at the following rate*— For Extracting Teetb, St For Filling from W to S 3 per cavity AH other operation* in the * ante proportion. AM cases tn which engagements are not continued.*: bills will be considered Hoe according to the above reg-l ulanons. " N B —There are those indebted to him whore ac counts, if not paid immediately, will be placed m the hands proper officer for collection. apUdtatwifF’ POBTEKV DAGCBRRIAB PORTRAIT |T ALLERh, Third street, adjoining PoitOffice. Pins- NJ burgh, Pa.—Ma. PORTER (from Baltimore) re •PCftfully myites the ladies and genii etnen of Pitisb’gh, and the public generally, to calf and examine the large eolleettoii of Daguerreot po Portraits at his Gallery. The specimen* produced by Mr. P- for beauty, brillian cy, distinctness, and lone of coloring are not surpassed by any in tbit country. A number of the Portraits of Citizenscan t£ seen at the Gallery. Call and examine | lor yourselves. Likenesses taken m clear or cloudy t weather. N. B.—lnstruction*, apparatus and all material* fur nished. Term* moderate. 7 W S PORTER Dagurrreotypi.it; entrance Philo Hall Stairway, on 3tf street, adjoining Post Office. ap*if CADIKKT WAREHOUSE, use door to the Bank of Pittsburgh.j Til E u udcrsigncd, hav mg recommenced b*- sines*, has established himself at the abort —'tanil. where he will kept constantly oh '■ hand and for said, at reasonable priees, all desenpiions of Furuiuroof the beat quality—such aA. Bure* ua. Bedsteads, Chairs, Ottomans, Hofas, Ae 4e v All tus furniture i» warranted of the finest quality, and will be sold as low as any of the same kind in the city. A few good hands, and none others need apply, will find eranloytaem on application. apg d3w ALEXANDER M’CURDV IX7INKS—Sqr csks treble grape Pori Wme, "* 3 do of the celebrated Roncoa brand; fi do London Port, very* old; 10 do different brands and vintages; 3 qr eatks Lisbon wine; -* do do drr Malaga; - hhdaaupCiarei wise; It bskts sup erown brand Cham, wine ji or esks sun L M Madeira wine; v- do do Pale Sherry; & do Madeira vintage, IS4C; 13 do different brands.and vintages; t do esks sweet Malaya; u 5 do do Red wtne; Part of the above wines havnjuM arrived from,under Custom House Locks, in New Vork; persons wishittg to purchase, may rely nn getting a-pure article, in quantities U> sail. For sale by P C MARTIN _ _ cor «ptthfietd and front sts STAR CLOTHING STORE, _ i W , NO. 70 WOOD hTREETfPnTSBURGH.PA AANCKER A MAVER. wholesale and retail dealers m Eastern Ready-made Clothing, would reipeet fully take this method of soliciting the attention of their customers and the publie generally, to tlie following list* of the>r aioek in trade, and assure them also, tbdt they will sell a* cheap if not cheaper than any other, establishment in the city. Our facilittrsof purchasing) and manufacturing rood*. are such a* to enable os at all times tn keep a full assortment of re*dy made cloth in*, at less price* than ther can be obtained elsewhere The present atoekon hand cousins in part of the fol lowing description of good*; ISO blaek cloth dress coat*, from 910t093R. ISO do do French do 10 “ 37 7t> brown and invisible green do |«“ &5 VOO tack coats, splendidly made A of good material. 1900 pair pant', nf all styie*. qualities and price*. VtOO vest* do .do do do Kg) dozen Liueu plain and stitched bo«om skirts;stocks; •earfa; cravats; bosoms; collars; suspenders; socks, drawers, and under shirt* of every variety, all of which have been reremly purchased and adapted to the present season- • Merchants and others who are tn want of clothing, cannot do belter than to give us a call. __ _j _ apjCj To Travsller*. “EXPRESS PAST PACKET LtgK” for ' PUUAPKLPHU A!»D BALTIMORE. |£xrtMKt-Wy /or Paurnferf*] Canal anil Railroad being now tu excellent 1 ordci the Pai-kci»of itii* Line will leave with paa "oncer* «► foliate* men: nigh! ml fl o'clock: Pueiei Kentucky, Capi. Tillin', Monday, April si*, do Ohio, Craig. Tocaday, April 3?. do lml>*>a, Bcrkcy. Wednesday. April ifci. do Louiaiaria. Capi. Thonpann, Tfcar»day, Apr 3? do Kamorky. Capi. Tiaby, Friday, Apr! 30 do Ohio, Ciaic, Saturday. May l. do Indiana, l£rt try. Sunday, May 3. do Louisiana. Cups Tbompeou, Monday. Mayl do Kentucky Cap. Tiul>>, Tueaday, Alar 4 do Ohio Capt Ci i'? »>,lnexfay, Mu» J. . do Indiana. Capi llerkry. Tliouday May b do l/oanitmt. Capi Thorn,tum. Frjrlay, May 7. . do Krimick), l>pt Ttoby. Saturday, May t*. do Ohio, t'ajrt Ctaig. Sunday, May » If you deaire cheap iraveluug and cosiionahle ucconv rnodaiion*. »eeore your i i-keu at the Packet Office Monongabrla Hoaae, Water "5 ion* burthen. entirely new.of i:ghl draught aiyl ha» a powerful Pnginc, came* iwoof Franns’ Life Boats. »nJ la not *urp.«»ed for speed or accommodation* by i.ity Boat of h<-r *IXO on Ibe Lair*. For freight or p**«age apply on tioaid. or to K N PARK*. Cleveland J MYKK-4 k Cu. Huffal.. i KELLOGG, Ki.r W TMATHER, Puwb’rgl, iptflti Cor Water and Smttlifield *treet» KTlir 'launch boiit..‘ low prr»«orv ■tearelio.it PION, . •‘ml arrive at Warren next morning in t>Brgli’j( 0 o'clock, a x .] or hi the agrnti. (7 M lIARTON A Co, P.ti.burgh t CLARKE A Co, fleatrer * JRSHK BALDWIN. Voang'tewn apl*. M B TAVLOR. Wairen No Caret No Pay! Plleal PJtea! • DH. Jackaon’a Embrocation la iheonly med>rine that will cure thi* >o verv conuDon and irnubleaome diaeaae. It not only immediately allay* pain and tofla nation, atop* nil Needing, Au'odue* that intolerable itch* ■tig. bnt rtfeciuailv rnrea, in a very »bon lure |irraona wbrHc live* have been tcuderrd mieerabie for year* It* apppration produce* no pam, but rather.vn-agreea- Me and |>iea*nnt aen*ation U, per«out offlicteil will c all and hear of the great number of c*>e« that have been cured, they will he •lliniiihnl A erollemaft'Of Ibi» city, who had been under the km>e or the autgetm (or iwoor.thtee t.me* without being cured.ha< byu-- mgB boule*of the Embrocation, been etadieally cured. It vrll* Iteyoixl precedent V—(l’hil Saturday Couner For sale in PittaburgU at tbe PEKIN TEA HTORE.7i Fourth *lrerl, neaf wood, -and al*oatthe Drug Store of II P Scbwanx, Frileral «i Allegheny ct ty apgrdAw tnO Apple Craft*, embracing about forty kind* lU” of *umaier, autumn and winter varienea, *a lected expressly by the inbicriber, from the celebrated orchard of the Hon. Waiter Forward, for tali* cheap. Al*n, grafting cl.ith, a neat and convenient amde for grafting, budding and covering wound* on tree* and shrub*. prepared by a *ki>M amateur. up» S_N WICKERBIIAM, cor 6th A- wood via CANDLKS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS . IS In* Cincinnati Mould Candle*; fib br* Halt Hpaniib Cigar*; lL’,OOO Commor Cigar*; 4 kre* G Twin Tobacco On band and for aale low for ra*h or barter, by OEO B Ml L’l BNBKRUF.R No 30 water street THR partnership existing urider the title of Hamilton A Sterling i* tbi* day disolvtd by mutual consent, conaent. JOHN «. HAMILTON, HOHRRT B. STERLING. PitUburgh, May 12,1“ W. THE buaine** will Tie continued at the old aland be tween Wood and Hmibfieid, on Pifth at reel JOHS ». HAMILTON TOMEs a (jkmjink ItaCTan cheaTlcal 1 1 !*<>A P, for *ofrrnmg the Skut, eradicating Pimple* »mJ ail Eruption*, for bealingthapped bandiorcracked far itirprllmg frrckle*, lari. sunburn nn» 101 •air l.v H A FAHNESTOCK A Co uplt cor l»t and wno«l *i« and wood and Cih * A. LKDOVX k. CO.. Nl> TT CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS. A LENTS far J B Armani's Extensive Sleam Sujtar Refinery. Always on hand, a large stock of Loaf. Powdered, Crushed, Clarified aird Bastard Sugar*, in Tierce* and Harrell. Also, Sugar House Motasse*. Price* liberal and.u lair allowance made on all sale* of.or above. 6o barrel*. mchl I CLERKSHIP W ANTED— For a lid from N York Ift year* of age, a iiiuat'ou in some reaped* al>le Commercial Establishment in the city A* it is the desire of bi* parr lit* that he should acquire a know* ledge of buainas* a small remuneration would only be required for the first year. Reference may be bad to Editor of Gasette npftf STATIONERY —Just received, a large supply of Floral, Silver edged, Kmlxi**-rilged, Lire, (/ill and Plain Note Paper; Note and Caid Envelope*; Wreath. Fto-at, Knot and Moun Wafers. Ac . Ac , and for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Stationers aplU Cor and Third »l» WANTED TO BORROW—*I,3OO to *6f>9D on a mortgage on City Property w'* , h four ttmes the amount—ttan«ferof leaf* for f I,WO pet year, 'for the building*, will accompanydhe mortgage- Apply at this Office. W *P?“_ ADGKINH' MIiTURB-Vauabiis' Vegetabla Lithonthriptie Mixture (bribe cure" of Drop*), Gravel, Ac— b bln just received and for sale hr lIA VS A HROCKWAY Wholesale and Retail Agent* for Allegheny County a pfU No » Cotmnetnal Row. Liberty *1 HORSE RaHISII, grated and pul up .in. vinegar for immediate uie, ronvtantly.fln hand at the Mu«tafd and Since Fattorv, S 7 Fifth *tree|. a P 9 _ R/lODES A ALCORN Ct ITj^DßlfKß—7S*bu* small white Bean*; JS isoo lbs W R Cheetei 'JBOdo RoNßniter; Leaf Lard; 3&fljfrjpeen AWles; For »ale by apB4 lb tVILIJAMSA CO ABLACKBMITII WANTED— A young mao acquainted with plantation work, can have per maneot employment at rood wakes, la a healthy panof Northern Mississippi. For further information apply u, GEO COCHRAN jßSdriSlf •-• No SO woodn CANARY BBKD-fiOOO lbs Italian Canary Seed. just received and for sal# at the Pittsburgh Reed Store TYis i* probably the beat aniete ever offered in Uu* market. S.N WICKEB3HAU ap.B3 cor •iffth A wood - ’?®BIS.i : lABl)'V r ARK. ■ mfiosm“TS r w?§«^isf c ro B Ks : ‘ RICH i:UOUTH EL 61 WILLIAM STREET, NF.Mnvnnif' H-IVF ti'n, i"i li«iul, i ti U.t.r —, itanuCi O,' -'■ pint uMrtn&hl'of Ledc***, Svinihi IK* iw£t , I ««iee Book*, Ciub, Order aaif Bill &»*i,|kf,ol**rt,.u,\l” j aud style* of binding, fro® which art* nf iccraml I *>e wire led at very tow price*; »l*n diidr murder, ruW .i.i ' bound to any jxjllern, at e |>«rt notice, i Foreign and Domestic Stationery, AJiRU*, Wa&nj Scaling Wax. Pena, Black and Bed Ink, • j Writing Fluid, Lead Pencil*, SUtri, InksUadi, 5.ml Both, "fJlfitlWto, I'txket-booki, Gold and Silter Pcireil Case., Pen* koitn, ret* Racks, Pri Holder,, *ltim . Ticket., Plating Card*, Backgammon Board*, Chcumea, Dice, l«ory Folder*, Tabkli, Razor Strop*, Pink Tape, Twine U*el», Twine, tu- f 1 * *®k, Parchment, India Rubber Hr awn, Sciunn, Shear*, Marking lak. Files, Rack*. Diaries for I Mi, .{dtance Books, ‘“‘'T* 1 Table*, ira.li Donas, Tariff*, Exchange Table*, and all oilier ai licit* told by italwoer*. Cheap Aumint Book*. A large stock cun*tanUy ou hand, suitable for detail trade and country merchant* at *rry cheap rale* A Large Assortment of Writing Papers. Ikoyjieap, plain and ruled Lellrr Paper, plain and ruled ftole’paper, Wrappinr Paper, Boonet Board*, L.*, Cloili, Hosiery, Em dope and Blotting Paper Colored Paper*, Thin French l’a{ie£* t Packet Post, ezln. .tied Bank Post, 7kwue and Copying Paper, Muiic Paper, Cold, Tracing, Emboued, and eiery olhitr description o’l pajier at reiy hjw price*. I Gold Pens, Diamond Point. Rich A LoutKl’i, Bagaley's, Brown’s, and all other eejr brated maker*, »n quantifies to »uil purchasers, at llir »ery lowest manufaetbrer’i prices lie tier Copying Presses. Twenty-six different price* and style*-the Iron Chpytng Preu, with Irrerland screw, Die moat expeditious, economi cal, and simple mode of taking a eopr o(.»nj lelUw nr MS, without writing itiorer again , Improved Manifold Letter - Writers. By which Ihe letter and copy b’wntlea at the satfie time. The largest auorUckut eeer otfrrrd.aud al the lowest price*. Public ofßce*, Baals, Insurance Com panic*. Merchants and othersj furauhed With set* of Account Bonks, ruled and bouad.lo any patteniXat thori notice. Al~> with stationery of the.be*l quality. , Notarial Presses, u *e of Baaks tnJ Corporatiotu, to aflit the seal of sucli Dankor Co novation (o their documents. This oiwra liou it performedby any one. cren'at first trial First Premiums Awarded tou* by foe American luatituie, at the late Fair, October, IMV „ \ For the be»t Ruled Blank Books—A Pilvrr Medal \ For lha beat Manifold Letter Writer*— A Diploma \Fur beautiful finished Copying Pr*no —A Diploma \. PUatt Call ami £*t for You»iWr»* dj' *ne Trade and Country iV/ercAattf.s Supplied \. I RICH A- IOUTREL, Importers of French and English Stationery, indmannEkcturrnof Account Books, Manifold Writer*, Eiceluor, Blank aid Carmine Ink*. tf-c.Ae.fil William. nnediKir belowvedar street, Y. JaxnVikicß, » Wj» M LograsL \ • fekM-Wp PAPER WAREHOUSE HO. O BURLIKO SLIP, HEW YORK. i 'Y RLS \V. FIELD offma for sale at the Unrest k ’ Manufactorctß’ prices, a very extensive assort ai''' lof PAPER, comprising every possible variety, idt-pled la the want* of ronsuetvrs m all serum* oi'the con’Ury. Pa|ier ill uil kind* lutiJr to order.ut slion ’I .iestock of PRINTING PAPER is unusually laige pasinf which isnf very superior iiualnv. PAPER MAKfcHS HATSRIAU f every ticsrnption, irapoited and kepi cousiantlv on an , viz: Felling*. Wire Cloth. Fourdnrilcr Wires. Ileuchtng Powder. Blue Ultramarine, Tw me. it-,, Ar RAGS. •Ci.iivn-I. Bale Rope,Grass Rope, Barging. Ae.,4e.. purchased, for which the highest price in Cu»h will he P»;u jygly New York, Jg>v.MMfi. HILL A BiiOWßir Sacttiien to Holdahlp A Browne. and Importer* of PAPER ivi. H A NdINUS. No >7 Wood street Puishurgh Tliemereasmg demand for Amrricaii Paper hasimJurrd them to enlarge und improve their Fnetory, and their fa jcilitic* for manufaetunng are oow equal to any in the leas tern cities. Having adopted the eastern scale of prices, they take pleasure m inviting their fiieu.ts und \ dealer* tr> eanrnine their stock, which i» now larger Itlian at any former period, ami may he found as follow*: t Transparent Window Shade*, \ French. American, Satin, Glased and Common Pa \ • per-Ilangingt; \ Gold, Veiv t and Imitation Borders^ \ Laudtcapes, Statutes and Firc-bonrd Prim**. \ Curtain Paper, vyrd wide.plain green, and fig'd; \** filing. I'miMig)and Wrapping Paper \Bounei Boards. Ac i Rag* taken .n ejuhaueo-at m»r k®l pYiqe*. rueblTibimAwCniT - J Hardware Store Removed. TXTjIiITMORK A WOLFF having removed from the v » Icomer of Liberty and St Clair slreei*. to No BO WocM street,ihiee door* almve St Churles Hotel, would resptctfullr ask thr attention of bnyers to their stock of IfARDWARE, CUTLERY and SaDDLKKY, ree d per .ships Sanaak. Mononrabcm and Rusti*. Jircc; from the mannfoeuirer* of KngUn.l uml Germany. Also, soprilles of Ameriran Hard** arc. from tha prin cipal manufacturers n! ihr ihtsietn r-iuic* Pheir stock t>eing entirely new. am! puri hn.ed upon the be*t terms they tccl great confidrnrr in being aide successfully to meet compctiuon from any quarter, 'whether east or west The Hardware business will he continued at the old WALL PAPER AHD BOUOKKE. PRICES REDUCED-Thomas Puiiner. .Vi 47 M.r kei *lreet,>eiwecn 3d and 4 h sireei., fe«pecifuil> announersto foe public foal hi* preicni sun k of Wail Paperaod Border* of fi>* *set* manufaeiure i* very ex tensive, and daily addition* are being made tu.i. a« they are finished—or new and-i-leiid'd paiierna ,M.o. a well a.lulled stock uf PV.NrS Tape. UM .f AV'd.n Huviug recently rttfnced the price* oi Hi- al.ivr anfcle*. |aml o hcls. ill hi* i-iir. not ruuitieiatcd j-he >» ptepafetl to *eil for ea.h. i.usama foju any e*tahl.*h men* of the kind. East or West of the tnouma.na • apt3d3w \ SADDLE!!Y HARDWARE AND CAR* RIAQR Ft'UHITCRRi So. 133 Wood street, Pittsburgh! SEVEN Door* al-o.c ith. amt I ‘l Jvmie.nc >sd.: eiv HaHwarp a Carnage I'niDntmg*. nl all ile.rr ptio.i* s «, r, < nrap anil tvell feleeird uttirk of (iooO* i.i ta.a I.ue. ul: irr'ii, of tbe newert »tyte«. purebated inr ea>h, it.mi thr l>'M •outeet, and will be di,po»ed oi wlmi-Mle and reU I. at Kfmall sdvanCeon the co*l. Purchaser* are reapret faUy isvited toeailund *ail»fy themreKe*. ALSO—Saddleraf tool*, warranted. Deer ami t'urlnl Him; Wbipa; tila««. Pa|>er. Ar , ilwajion band, and a* cheap a* cUewbeie ap'Jfi JOHN DUNLAP. Nro 17 Market «ir P et, i* now reecving b.- *pr:ng I * ..cu ..f ir.i i*- F-r ...1. ttg Har.lvv.lir Hr t..,.„a. eon*i*ting ,n pari.a* follow* * lit* Japanned Ware, r.n:ii*h and American. 4 bx* Uriiamua do do do, 7 ra*k* Ktigl;*h Tinned Saucepan*, I do Oval I’ot*, 1 rate Traj • and Waiter* I do FjtameMed Wareil 1 va*k Drigl.t Ware, I do Prr»*ed Ware - IbOQtbf a.aortrd t'oppri. -Wpinir*Tinned lopiKM 1500 Ihft Jornaia Wirri Xi>ii*Tia Plate; •p« JOHN DCNLAP. 17 Market *t_ DRAWINU PAPER AND PKNCILS- Fme Ant>qiianaii Drawing Papn 31 tW mclicv. du DouMrJ Elephant do do Elephant do Columbian 'o do dn d» Imperial do do •-’ll - .*.) d« Together wits a lat*e »u>rk of tnutlier .up- DRAWING PENCILS, of Cumberland nnd prepa red trad, of four, three, two. and one II; a laru- •iippiy JU *t received by -ELLIOTT A ENGLISH apl3 I No .'|i Markri *>rrei |l)»T U£CBfVINO iXxtkrNG «I.ASSE> a *1 house-furnishing Hardware. TitT.uL acriher mpeelCuUy inforuir hi* friend* and i)ie public, that he i* now receiving hi* *pr,ng a**nmneiit of good*, relectod by blmteJf. oi auperor quality, and reduced price*. Prr*on» furonihitig ihc.r liou*r< would do wvß to ciU. M be if determined to rell u vmall profit* ferqaiek retarna. 1 Q7*Mrrrbant» *<>ppi>ed a* u*ual, With all the varinu* kind* of looking Olaf*r*, aud packing i-arciullv ai •ended to. Liberal di*eounifor ca«b. T A HILLIKR, looking (*!«*» Manufariuref » p ;i _ ItM Wood slh 'pus BOOK OF COMMKOCK. RV sRa i. AND. LAND, exlu'-ning n* conneri.on wuli Agn clibtire. 4be An*, am! Mnnofaeture* To which arc ; added r t'Hf*tory of Commerce, ami n I’hronolngical .Tibi*. Illtuiriled by a Map and notnerott* engraving/, for tale by V/ JOHNSTON A SriX’KTON 'r.'.apllßook teller, cor Market and 3d *t« — 1 WOULD rcrpectfully announce 10 the merchant* of Pitubtifgb. that he bi* opened a room lor Ibe *alr of K»»tern manufacturedgona*.*ucli a* Stock* nf every drM-uption; Shill*. Uo*oni» and Collar*; dum Suspen der*; North** Hooka and F.yr*. Ac , for «alr #i menu faeinrer*’priee* Al*o- a large a«*orimem of lllark aod Fioey Cravat*, for sale ai Kaiiem pnc*», whole *ale. BDWAKU TODD No Hl> wood airerl, u|i *uir*. meUS* Manufacturer*' Agent Addrras Card, EDWARD TODD v Agent for Baitern inanufjctuiei fur the *ale of North'* Hook* and Kir*. <>um Sus pender* of the Ru«*ell Manufacturing Co . Oi" Stock* of ervery de.irnpt.cin: Shirt*. Ho«otn* am) Collar*.oi tlir Troy manufactory. Ac.; all of which urr tor tale at manufacture)'* price*, wlioleanle. No'Jt» wood »trret,up «iair*. Order* i-e«*.ved for Ainerirnn Hardware nieh'At New works op m p Tri»i»Kii-A.. Author’* Muni, the {look of MV puce*, a tiookful of book*. «n thirty hook* in one. Kdi-ed |,v M F.Tup por. E»g.. M. A. l‘*i'D*ctUTti* an aid to Faith, by the aoibor of the abort work For *a>e by ap« ; JOHNSTON A STOCKTON ANOTHER SKW WORK-Wii and Humor. ►elected front the Knghrb I'oet*; wnb un illu*-ira tive c**ay and rritietil cotuine.m*. I.y Leigh Hum. For •ale by apth! JOHNSON & STOJKTON TUPPKU'H PHILOSOPIIY-Alew copie.ol Tupper'l I’roTcrtua! Plnto*nplii\ju«t rercived and lor rale, by - JOHNS r< >N A STOCKTON mpM ' cor market and ltd at» WIIITHOiIK A WOLFF, IMI’ORTKRS and Dealest Saddlery. No So Wood »tteei. three door* al>ove Si Cliarle*. -JOiLtTW^ALItKH, {Late 1 Walker A Woodwell} WOULD annonnua to hia frieml*uiid thepoblic that lr. ell'll cutttitiue* ilie Hardware lilfaine** at the •U arautJ, No “5 Wood meet. He. would respectfully solicit a continuance of the pa'ronagr heretofore o* kindly t>e*iow#il _ janl3 T AIUPS—A inife ami lienuiiful a*«nnmrm of Pit- I i rni Solar l.a»d l.jropi, *aitnl>lc for Steamboat*. Hotel*. Cliurchru nntl.Dwelling*. constantly on hand at the lowestjintri. W W WII.SON ap!B corner 4tb ntnl Market *t* S~iIOVBLH AMD SPADKS— \Vp.llin*fDrd A Co.. ag-ni» for A Laniont. have on hand an a**ort meni al I.araom 1 * auperio* roal, canal. LV.-»on*hire and collier Shovel*, and No* t and 8 Spade*. mcb‘£) LOOKING OLABBE8 —Gill and Mahogany l«ookmg (ila*M». 1.. (I Plate*. Clock*. Comb*, and a genera! a**orunenl of Variety Good*—all nl lowr tax-*—at No 08, earner of 4th and wood «ireet< •P* THOMAS KKNNKDY, Jr SOL X AQRRCY FOR CUKMKR P I'RINTS -5 MX) juM received. Alm on hand Kellogg A •r’i TriiXa, and Phclp’a Map* and China ~ Merchant* and Prdtara «upplied ai New Yothpncra T KtNNKDY.Jr., aV'i cor 4ih and wood *M UTOVR FATTKHS9 FOR BALK-C-.W, O libiater, Pattern Maker, Allegheny fity Oil Mill, haa the neweat Pattern* tor'Stoaea on hand either in wood or iron. Mill Gearing andllloiher pattern* made io outer. i apl.ltf W/BITUI6 XKIT~WK2FPIN6 PTPKQ if —lOO reanu Cap Writing Paper;* - . SO da Letter do do; .. . ■ IUQ do ft. C. Straw Wrapping do; ■JOO do ‘ Medium do «io do, > 10(1 do D. C._ do do do; 100 ii GOLD PRlffU. Jn»t rearived on additional atvm tarnt of the Iwr’t qtialjifM of c»*r-poimrd Oold> few tad warranted. npQ XV XV WILSON 44TBTA2.—a*ton* No 1 Foundry, landing horn •tmi WA Eutekaandfotwlfchy l(B S| ALLEN A Co, 49 warn nnci KXniAN’fiRiBSOKERSVF:: IH'SSEV HANNA AtO., ' 1 BAAKKRd, BXCIIAMiE DIufKEItS, anij"Dealers in foreign noMKsrtr kxoiianuk cKRnFicATRHOF.DK. ti \%k niti-. \nh specie. CURHEM MUM!! ..,. .v-1 ..I, Sißli! Cheek* lOC It If, .Old • oil<;cl .111. on .early ,i. * ,J « Dimcipal i*oi nl, hi liie HiuUnJ St •’ft"' Highe-t piem Gold .1 lor Furr.*,, ,n,i .\*n> , T..-f • Ailvaiii cvu» s:mu ill - <•' l'i«-lii' r, -tliippeO Eit.l nn l.hrri.l > fmt . m Ac. \' Buyug Unte*. \ew\nrk-. \1 pr N-w York, . { dn*. }*lii!aldiitiiii. w ,to IMuludftlpbu. Ido lUtl.moiV, \i do H ilti-tinr-, , Co Western Currency, lido W<-«iej-n 0»r. Ido Cuy & Counij JScnp. Ailo Cry A C.' Sr rip, {do All good Cbrrency .. j\)o All good CurVy. {do I’annsylvanu d*. {do Penn*} tvamm do. {do Tciineuee do. li- do" Tenne»-re i(i>. :j do nrowqkviHc, I do Uro'.vntvil c, {do Wiuhingiou, |do \V4>hingloa, {46 Korpign t ill* . MARK KT STRF.KT. Plf T I UL’IIOM. But ins Rate*. Selling Rate* New Vork. Jpr Cincinnati. >4t*. Philadelphia, i ee. j do Mnrvlend. Ido ’ Copartxseralitp. JOSEPH 11. HiLL. (late of the firm of Win A J Kill A Co ,| aad\V.M O. Ul’RHY.ilaieoi Ene. IM ! hare entered into Copartnership, under die name oi i-ILL a. CURRY, lor Hie purpose nf carrying on Hie Hanking and Ext hange hu* N HOLMES A SON •!r«£ Flehultee Hroker. V. Minke’ *1 Collections uii c.iictaiiHiiT l all other nrjee*»il»tr |H»ntit iti the United State*, made on accommodating term*. 1111.1/ A CURRV apA Wood »i. n«*ri door io Kag'e Saloon - Etchang* oiv.Sew York. 'Philadelphia, and Hull; nwif cowtantlv ior *nle.liv M11.1.A CL'URN apri Wood «l ncx 1 door 10 Engle Saloon Currency of’ tLe Ohio Indiana, and Kentucky Bank* warned at srery '#w rate* of diM-ount. HILL ft CURRY npfl Wood *i. neii door io Facie Saloon TO LOAN aS.UW tor one or more year/, nn the ncuireil secuiny lir.re given Enquire of tlll.L ft CURKY ap6 Wood -x next door lo Eagle Saiacn OHIO, Indiana, and Kentucky llouk Note* purchased al low rales t»y N HULIUKS A. SON tjieliHs Nnil Market el HOrSEiS. LOTS, FARMS, ill'.' PROPERTY IN YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. FOR SALK. mTKKa.lvrri-er offer* tor -a'.e .1 «plend.d Dr:.-'. dwrlJ'iig Hou*o *itua;c on lor Noriu Ka.»l cornet of the Punlie Square in «\.oui.r>iowu. Mahon np ei’ftet mi . or publo J.ou*e; >t. .1 « . yard. «.Ui water, »i.tldiii£, and all olhei «oih••n.rner- Thi» town • improvin' very rapidly, *;ioaied m>- Roiling Mill. Ac., now In-.ng 1 ■ u.II are completed. will lx ibe ma«l flourishing place ifl Hu* **ci on of Oii.n for properly m For {yariicij,,! .nquire o. I.* i u WJCK. comer of W,a,d and Water ««. Pm*- City I'roperty for sale In Coin ml> it». It, .’"V ; ;!H. ! ifiniTf Tinning KatalilUlimcii t, - <, •• no. pair rtisconloioe the lann.iif f>u«in*»<. line uprrtng now Colitml-u* i* protkMy the point n the Suite mi procuri-Ko mi.ionti »irpplyol *nle. One or («oth of the dwelling ?IOU-r »o‘il »• pn.: Til. 'fruit the »e*l of |)m; properly il i!r>,l;M Hie UO' *nul property. ITIH* A,-. 0.1 apphrutluU -o tl'in 4 ,-v4 l"*A AC T kVt.nK 1 )K.\ I. KSTAI'j: l.\ THE COIN! iO - li><- Jo IV ~-r . t>ei* offri mi .utc u hou«e and 101.,u Vr.iM.,l, clir«rx Mrri-< i (-oiiui). Tin? home liW'l! rnir u>ut--if i-o* on I’amti In iff 110-trit-haig village near IA . are irvf ra: iui i.ure. and m the iuni«i o‘ anrh limning d * A '>'< a iiou*c and lot in the lioort.biiig m (>i sn/r vil !r Mete-r count) . Ttie hl»U»e .» wr Iln'Bh-uluit d Tiir a note property wiil lie »©!d rheuj* and on ur ruiiing itrni- IsAlAll DICKEY k Co oply water anti fioul tit OaPUAK'B COt-UT BALE. IN pu' 4 uuitce of »« order of ibi Orphan** Court ci Allegheny Couuty, f w?Uerpo«e to !>a)p. by public veudue or outer ».r ai ihrv Court House. id like City of PitHliurgh. on Monday the 17ib day of Hay next, ai the hour of U* o'clock, a m ,a certain Lot nnu two half Ixit* of ground being part *»t‘ 'he Coal Hill l-ot*. *iruaii in l.«»ver St. Clair Towii»i»i|«. And conveyed l.j J. H. page and Wilr to Jaine. Mittmlland Hid D K. Milltol land, and uow the property of C F M.lliollaml,uminor cluld of Jamri Miihollarul. d< rM , bounded and dmrri bed u« follow* vi/: on ike Norili by a forty foot »lreri and lot* of —— i'cw’on.tbe Ka«t by lot. of E. Jane. and O R M thullnnd. ott the South by the Riliaburgl’ aiul tloal Hill Turnpike Road, and on Hie \V*.t by iot* of Sanh M. Kbi!>p«. ».i>d;Uw* licutu twenty-two feel m trout :niil eztcml:ii|! back loHbrTucnpike Road afore* •aid Uv ni'ler of the Court. t’AI.KH KOSTKR apttl-idAwP tiunnl.an ofC P Miiliolland ALLKGIIESY CITY’ PKOPEUTY-Fnr • lie.a valuable utimiproved property,liainUr-mrlt • tuated lit! le.et on Chentut, hy infect on North Canal • treet, can be div.ded and improved mi either .treet Alto, a bou*e ami lot on South Common, lit) fr»t from Federal «trret—the lot is 1 C 5 feet by <»A feet, the liome i» a good hr.rfc dwelling.writ arrange,! Thor prnpci• tier will tie vi'd low. and trim* acconinioitui.iig. Alro. -everal bu.liftug lois, situnied on. and nenr Ftankiin »trrei - .’A l>«!t by I Sl'eei. prici from tf to SAM. trrini, S.HO.a bund, blilance in •'> tcuta. r • * S CUTIIRERT - ap'JO , Real Estate Agent. 50 •m.fh'field «t REAL KSTA'i i: "MARKET—For san—V fi rk hnute and lot mi Rot*, near 4tlr» rret The dwel 'hngi* well onenged tor com or .ml convenience Price and iettns lecnmmoitatinß. Al*«. a Rood trauieltW'-iling Itouro nrtd ltit.*!| ft h\ ll<>, H.taaied on Denman *trrei Birmingham. I’r.ce **'dt, part tu hand, balance nt time 4* Al»o,a well-improved property oiiTunnel. nrWlVy |.r jifrrl, 4U iTuom by Stld.cp I'rn e lertiia a> cuiutnodating. SCUTIIBP.Hr li.-n. rat A the Su|iennlend ant. on the Rinund*. or'io P„ Thorn. I)ruei;i>(. eoi net r Penn and Hand TA »h in A' letfhrn J l.n>— Ihr .ui.-.;t i.rr« nflei lor •me 4 lot nl ground in A.’lejlieny Ony. Stl fret by 'J-d, frorn.ng on Cntiul Hired uii<) extruding hark to Liberty »tfrr 1 11 in gill be »übdl vidrd ill 10 1011/ good building Jui». The prnpetiy \v.;l be miM cb-up and on ar.-nmitHidii. ting term* ISaIvII liICKKY ACo _ nplj! mirt mi.l iri.i'l it. MPttr Rent. ' A WF.LI. Pit »eCoitd non Romo «.rl, n giM>d rntiuiM-c on Market «ir*et w ,f. pre.rin . cupted a« a Daguerican ertnhlithrncut. Al/o. a Hooin. Al *lory, ctiitanei* .<1 I'h.ln Hail, atnl two well fuit*hed t»rtice« over I’lr.iu Mall Al*o. tilt: llotetii'-til Room um'rr the Gu/ette Office— a good rtand fui u Uatl.er M I) (LA/./A.M tnarlt) Office, MurVel *t. bet.,ltd und 4th RKAL KHTATK I'OK-SALh^—a gnJil hou(e anil lut on "'a.lnngmn t.|n et. Allegheny Ouy -i The Lot i» 20 by ion fcd Alto.'Jgood linrl Dwelfmg llou»e» nn IDnl lunie, Alieghetiv Cur Alto, 2 Huildmg I/it*, 24 by “b frei. i>n Lilierty «treec Allegheny City. Apply to > Oin'illlKßT.Oenetat Agent apSl .Vp 5(1 Sranhfietd ttfeet FOR HAIiK OR RXCHANGK Al‘ISOKNEI& v ■B f iIATKI lIATSit lIATSII being the day the Spring- Fashion ofJA . lUt» will be tatrodaemJ, b> the sen fash-7-7 lonahle c.t*bli*bmfat*m,’New York end PhUtde Iphi* the tiudcrshtn«d uke great p cam re in Wing cithbf* to n'l.mcm »• :.i their n nice mu.' friends and the public ] S’’!.>-rill*, ihiif tvr ire prepared tu supply 111-Whcrtnat M».tr u» with a rat 1 wnh the fiihionahlc Hat bn th« | «coKtn. 1 ompris-i.- Denver.*. Neutrino sndrxna Cm t Alolt-rkii; M k Hull, euhrr whole*alcaor retail. McCORD A KINO . _tnait>ii' , cor wood and Mints B REMOVAL. * ~ {■ I MCt*RK. Hat and Cap Mntiufuctorer.^^^ 1 _a» removed to Ni> 7Ti Woo*L street three door* stwre I piirli ■arret,. 11if itork ron«:»tsot' ewery variety ot Unis midVapr. ui th- tate»t »tyle; a<*n.Panama. Leghorn and JVthl Si raw Hau. \* ucle-aie and rcUll, • S MOORE ■!* M oihl -t. tliitd door at ovr Fanrth Awnr' ; sl ' ,UN < i fashion. " lI.U It introduced tai. .lay the. new Spring r *" ,31 *' '-an l»e *nppLer J.,1 til - 'Chi 1 11. Mnu.on»Mf pr:re« hy catting a> JAMES WII.SON 63 WILLIAM DOICLAS. CO\|-|.\UEy :o manufacture, and keep*®®? eoiiKiiittt'y on hind, every rurVlv of I and Cap* of-the Ute*t *tyle, nnJ prire< ieti ktw at No ! 7- Wood .treel.EaMtKla tart - Kail Fnsltlon! Itt4tv ( 7 Ih BKKBF. A COSTAR S Style «en»letuen , » Han JB will lintiitfoilared at KEKVIL'S on Tbvirnday Augu»t *J7tli.. t.fiulemrn vudung'a ehdap. fa-li ..mahtc HttfofPiit*liurßli.mnmjfaeiiirr MtiraiTni l‘a»hlOlt:»l*!e [|.\t* imported tit 1 Ttdv«nii*ed Ity MXte'ul the trade, piv.t-c rulinl KKEVII.ACoi . __ IW. head of Wood m ■fc- Surlttc Knaltlon for 1847. fm WILLIAM DOI'OLAD. fiSgl •I® WOULD in ornt lti»i>iriid» srtdpatro'i* that hr fa* riu'.v mi himil a larse *iock of iht ‘Sprnigi'a-niou oi ILt*- ami f’.tp«.‘wlneh will he irt'to dured oaSmuidnt peat Tln**e in wnni of a *upnrioi urt'ole will call Ji • tnrh‘3 No ?S Wood nirret. E»*t ride Fall Faahinn for Hata. ' THEnuiikcnhct ha* jiut received by Etpre** BB§ U.» new Fall fashion for Hat#. Tha*e in nej lof mi rum fine flat vvdi ptcarecall and eiamim . th * eplwid d uriiclv. 8 MOORE . «ep3 . . No. if! wood straw mm m hat warbaodsk, no.m’aiarket street. mrsnußiin. R.. Hi PAIJItKK oißt* ior **leo'n a* favor abld. terme u« nin Inmu" iu Philadelphia, a complete meorttnem ,»f Straw, Fhirenre, Rut land, uml a great variety of fancy Lraiil and giran Bonnets of the *p."ttg etylrs. ALSO—Patni T.eaf, Straw ami Leghorn Hat*; Ani* firm! Flower*. Ac. Ac. mchA TmTkSCII MOLK-HLM llATS—JuiPreerd J a nupenoi article o l ieneh Molr.*sin Hau. Pali ia*liton. and tor *ale low l*y S’ iMOURK nep-’t - No 9-3 wood *ir • t N. YORK ADfERTISEMENTS RUST PROOF IRON j FtIK Klldt’lMj, WIMIUW MIOTTEIiS, it. j r | MIK »'ilr*i riheri» beg to cull the attention of all tbn*e j J. interetteil nt roofing, to their UaLVANIEED TIN j I'LA I'ES, niid’lo Hie many ndvainage* which tiiey i po»»e»s over all tuetalir unit other «uli*ianoe* hitherto i uvd ioi ihi* pur,o>e,(Mwke**ing «► they do.iheutretigth and lightne** of iron wiibuut iikiial*-lny to ium. having now hern tested several >eai.», lioib in thiaroumr)’ anll in Europe Tiiey are af*o'le«* kitbject to expansion and contraction from *uddfn change* ofthr atrao'pbere tLimit couimou Tin, Plate, Iron, Rinc, Ac ,ry any other meinl now n«ed for roofing, and consequently Tornl a much li-tier and iikhier roof requiring far It** frequent uiuir, whil*\ the first rosi i» hit! a tnfle more. The «uh«rrilier* would also call the attention of ail dealer* and worker* iu iwtals, to the many otherpur no*e* to v.hirh Iron ihu* protected, can he applied,— In term* it i« appltr.ilile to all article* of iron urhich il i* doirtfilc to protect from the action of the iiiinri*phere. And they wotn'd ••-'-penally call the at trillion of-tho'e interested mTKLKGRAPMIC LINES, to then (inlvumred Wire, which i» nownlmoM entire ly u*rd in Europe, and winch nnrwer* every purpose u> a conductor of electricity, costing only- ntiomone hail. x.« much a* copper, and possessing equal durabili ty with that meuil. . ; Having lately erected worksinthi* city for the pur jin«e of galvauizing noil*, spike*, iiotis wire. Ac., they will lie. able to furiiirirany article, which may be de*i nd. A *upt>ly ol Poke* [mnnufactarrd m Europe,) conmantly oil baud, from ttlto 33 wire gunge.' GEO. U AIOHHVVOOD A Co No*. 14 nudlG Beaver st, NKW YORK The Patent Right for this article has been secured for the United State* as well o» Great Britain, and other Kumpcau countrie*, and all logal measures will be ta ken u> prevent miy infringement liy itnponatio t oroth rrwiw V .or-37 ty Drnileiueni Euritublug UatsblUtuurai < HI ARLES B HATCH,IC William nreet, New York >ulrril*atttiitiotr to hit astortni.nt nf troeiii m the Urn tlrtn-n't FumuhiDg Line, imported »nd msnuEtetuml ei preiilj lorihe Spring and Bummer tetsout I'artieulsr at teiniuir i« oiled Iu the fufioteittc srtieles. S7X) CKS~ SiIk, Satin and Bombazine, *1! styles and quo] Hie* OPfcß.f TrES —Phin and Finer,light and dar. eolor* HV-JN/f TlES —Fancy Linen and Jarunet, a new article itr »umtner wear. CE.IEJTS.ISD SC.lR.FS—Laltsl Hylc • f Q H uwrt . S USPESDI-JiS —Silk and Cotton, eery elude. Whits and K»nc» Luiru du, to wash, an entire netr article sIWI T.vBOSOAfS, .ISD COLLARS -In e»et7 ean rty of ittlr and quality US film- -HI-TS ASD DRAirF.nS—Si\)t, Cotton, Ln!e Thread, Menno, Woollen, Ac _ (11.0 I ’F.S Black, wlnlr, and col >rr3 Kid, of the best maiiul'*'(..rr. Silk, t'.iinm, Linen, Litle Thread, 4*c Silt, Colton, Linen, t:eriao, i\e UILhJJ >/LA*'' lafn wlntr, of the Very belt quality; Mark cLml dn. JapitnneJ Mu»!in»,J-e (iOtFXft-V&tUi Calico,.Montseline de /Lf.Vf! KF. R CHIEFS - Pbin and twilled SpMICcId, In dia Sinrlirte, longre, {-r; plain and finer Liacß Cam uric, •f-c. J-c ' • VSIRKFLEAS ASD PARASOLS- A full assortment. C.KAFATSTIFFXEHS—V*r>™* kind. % in his SELE-fD- from the He would state that he i< JVSTTSO STOCKS. ..n* I uttiefl) U.e.l, wt... SILKS, SHAWLS, DRKfctfGOdUs,ouc. I LPUKD EDWARDS 4* , YNo. ja. Pearl Street, A. .New York, would mpectiulfr eill the artedltm ofbnv era Lu their EXTEN'SiVESTOUiUK SI'Ri.NCrGOODA', eon*i»Ung of rich figurrd lt/ipe kod j.UiJ Drew Silky of eo tirvlj nrw deeign* aanl cooU drlirkhle flyte>;.bixek mil blue Mark Cguml, watered *nd Stripe Silk*; tcv>tt)irf with a full **«>rtßirat of block and blue bbrhpUid do .‘ A regy exten He *iul dr.irable aMurttneot of Siik,*Thih«t, Caregr, Urge oam and Game' M. ,wl* n»J Srarfi. Tli.tr awnrtinent Dre*. Oi.td. tia» l"-en »f!« rted nith the gr. ite»l care, cun»i»- tinr ufKrench t'rniled Barrge*, *atin j.laid and .tripe do, Co* bauinn, Brilhanin, Preach Priatad ilu.lini.aiid Oiogtiina in grot taruty and of molt deairable patirru*, Enrluh and Scutch Lawuaiiad Gioghao*; arery Htyjv jtoek. Alio, Don* art and Cap flihbcn*at very ehuiev icleetioiu, Glam, Fancy IldkG. Linru l ambricaad Liucn Cambric Hdkfi, Stru* ud t uilin fUSjinc*, Thread Lace*, Li*Je Edgincv block and white figured Lace* of every de*ertptina; together with a full •lock ol ewry dcKriptioo of gooda iu their Roe. STK.in* GOODS-A wry large autirtmrnt of Forergu. ■ud Dooir.u'c Straw Bonnet*. Ac. Ahu, a very extesMie ttixik <.f I aucy--Bona.li and Flower* of their owu nunu&r lurr, well adapted to the Southern and Weatrrn Jobbing Trade. Alnb Cmbniia*, Taraaulr, Paraonleli, Sua Shade*. 4-r 4"r- viMtiag thi* market are rtipcrtfully iuvitrd tu call aud cumiue our i tuck; a* every pom hie iadocaioeut' will be liSrred tu make it for iheiriatemt to trade with a*. New York, if»«h 5, !&47-2fn. ‘ CHEAP ACCOUNT DOORS AND STATIONERY* FRANCIS A 1.0UTRE1.,77 Maiden I.ace.manufactu ter* of every description of Clank Book*, Mrihoian* dum. Copy and I’sm Booka,CrotonlAk,MsiiifaJdLeurr Wrin-r, Ibamoml point Gold Pen*, Ac., Ac.; and im porter. of Kiiglish and French Stationery and Paper: A Dtge a—ortinrin cnn'ianily on hand of the inoit improved .i> ire—lnk-*tai d*. Win, Wafer*, Slate*,' PcitCtH, Steel Pen 4-. livuir*. mono eeata. ivory tablet*, ivor) folilem, carJ*. gum labels pen rack*, card mrk.. ink powder, black, hiuc and carmine ink, ruler*, gold and sHvrhenc.l cure*, quill*, jiortfol.o*, copying pre»- ‘■e*. Ac.. Ac. P.N VKI'.OPESfor I.*!i on baud’, or iumubfdto puiieru at rhmt nonce IVarranird.lo lie mperior in quality uitd very low in pnee. Countiy 'Merchant*..drater* and other* will he «up* Clied at’hr very Inure*) pnee* We (hail ronatannv avr or liuiid a large *tock nl Blank Book*, Paper and BlUionery; and lequest the favor o f t cat] from ttro require article* in oor line. • j* ‘V’ e-.- FRANCIS A I.OUTREr.4 •• Manufaeiurtng Suiionerx. 77 Maiden Laitq f YettTotk PItIMTS O.Nr.V—HPIIIM; STYLES. {-' ■ \IS 17. I* E E •V BKBirST KKY ’ 'Soi 41. Cyilar Street, Net*- York. BEG l.ave tb-tntjtjß'Dealrr? in Dry ti Mil*, that they have rcernH.aad are now ethib.ting.itttir U AUF.HUt.isE EXCLUSIVELY fur fv,,,-,,/ r„hc r , SOO CASKS, e.impri.inc all the New Sprlitir Style*, of Bntiih, Frnn-h and American Matmn.-firr; which, in ADDITION in the ir u»ual »tnck, remlrr* It., ir aunrlmentcne of the rurnt beautiful *ml atiraelirr in thr ci*j; and haring )UrLoa «f which haviits been contracted for befort the ’ate Jtw in the i market, will bawld at leva than tnajiu&elnrer*’ prrwnt pr| 1 Frinled lr«t» of price* air'pnl into Ihe hand* of boyen. I N B-B F LR»L tat* woior partner in theongitul firm of I (from whicji ne retired iu 1843} ha* joined the firm of Lee «iid Jo'dwui, atiJ *olwil* Ihe palrotuga nf hi* old frieudL The buaiuret it rundoeted under Ihe firm of | February 53,1N7-Im2p LEEi JUDSON Sr LEE. NEAPOLITAN BONNETS ' PA r rnsOi\, noe fc co.. PATKNTKUR AND MANtTFACTUUKRti, 23 Delaney .Street, iN’fii'. York. fotOVka - WEimM ■p: If 1 E S • Dr iwoOLDSBrs fiioSperfSfjUbßrw a certain ahd radical eu«, wbcttcriatttßM* bUediaf *r Mind .also, fainiatto ef u» ksdacys ** der, paiel hi the back* and side, habitat! «*o**®*e FemaWbefiir* and after eofl£hemen| are with cceulipaUo® of tbr.betedt Or ccWWearss, v ,>iSe>. la ul such cases tbe'Siweine a* be take* with par tret safety, and it a certain rrmcdr 'jTtW Sfthk ** •*** (iftfitirf, and is an entirely tractable rtmedy, without title of gaasboffe, colucyoce or nine*—pleVsaot totak«udpnrj ectly barmJees to thr most delie*tc_e»s*A This ifto certify that I kno» Ur. FifeSpe 18 lose a certaia cure nd safe remedy. I lit inf » Stdnse.alJ Others wfco'ftd-Tll* flictrd in the like tnuiarr, to pwnre the irtieW. as dsrj nay depend on a eertsm cure. V Yours with respect. _ \V»»m,«.!,r. 15,1645.' Dr. InrnUdM— Dcsr Sir:—Tl.sl twi nay benefit Others •bo miy be .mtfrru.ff,as well as to express my rrsUtode t-r the heneoLLhase dented fnaU,t usp ofyour saleable j?pr cifie, 1 exnply with your m’lawi.aa* now do cite wrlesti moot in later of it, itanng been of a wirre attack oi the riles slier haslxin used other remedies without success^. •Yours with respect Soldwholesale atul ntail by WM JACKMIN.at kuPat ent Medicnrr Warehouw, and B.»t and Shew ftdirr, Na tw Liberty strrd, head of Wood, Pituluirjk. Price, Meats P ,rbp *- ♦ . jaa H—dAy. HOI M OBUA.VS ckVR»RATEI> INDIAN LIVER _t*l i “ILLS, for tbe cure of Liver all 'Ureases anting from the Liver. - In tick' bea ache, ,i.d a* a purgative and AmMJiUoui Piir,»«t» passed by suue. • " Stmptoms dr a Diseased Livrn:—Cbitd.it. infiamalion Liver, when.not the coutequbnda ol an acute attack of Ujs disease, begins generally with symptoms ota lurclKmal disorder .oftbedlaca live.and biliary w£tjit, and dy«pepm frequently. •■*eni« to lie the only aVciion present. '] bi»atieflY complain* or irregular apatite and pouea of dige*t|on. acidity, flauilehtt, cB |, g h t cholic pain* ; occasional nausea.and nn< j j, doll pain and weight an* 'elt In the accompa nied in some cases wuh « draggingNaihtidngbt ahouldcr. Moat commonly, distinct pain it espenenced iq_lbc region oi 'HLiver eicept when firm pressure 11 made on thia*%| Thebowcia arealwaj* very irregular, being common income instance* with diarrhoea!lV dinchargea scanty, dark colored, offensive, slimy, greeniab nr muddy. One ol the uio*t conttnt and Characteristic symplotni of Chronic Liver Com plaint ia a dry, harsh, constricted stale of toe sklo, a short dry cough, witti-slight difficulty in breathing, is a frequent attendant cm this disease, lothe chronic aa in the acute form of this disease,.tbe pl» tient csn'seldom rest as easy oir the left as mo»tioa terminates in suppuration, beetle and rapid edicts, lion consume tbe vital powe'rs. .• i Manufactured and aolil wholesale and retail by JOHN p. MORGAN, Dibaaist. ' Wood street, Pituburgb. CONSUMPTION ARRESTED-To thosft kflllcint with Dtiftui of thrLiuifit —Thin i« to certify to those affl clpd wnh lie Erafpi*.' monitory symptom* of Cons»i"piioti, lliti I'btve l>rea laboring, for several year* with x brofl.crai,Sor*ne*Ssvf tne throat and hoarseness. ) usedm*nymediciaea.b**’ found no in any preparation of medicine- until 1 made me of DR. DU.NCAN’S/KXPECTOKaNT REMEDY. I have bcen'ming this valuable mediem# for several year*., end always find it to redeye wbto*- . ever! make u*e of it My occupation aa an Auction eer, wbichkeep* me almosteoaatauil? engaged. causes my disease,at time*, to become eery alarming, when I at once procure this medicine. I therefore take'plea sure in making this public •tatcraem, ihat other* affect ed with < disease of the lung* and expeciornai organa may know the virtues of this ' all heaiing rrmedy,** and may be eared. 1 h#vsrecommended Dr Duncan's F.ipectorani' Remedy to mint of ray friend*, tome of whom owe their live* to ihi* medicine Somefsei,Obio,Oei. 13. IMS. JAMES lIE WIT The proprietor of the above tnedione would, alas reter to the undersigned perrons, who rern'e tn Perry county, on whom any person may cal! upun arid bo convinced that there are virtue* found iu the above tnrdieine that cannot be excelled; David Cultirruan Somme'; Dr B. Stone,do; Fran cis Goliber, Jaekaen tp; Mr. Larimer, do; Geo. Poltjeji, tialtl ek Jertod Davison, Hopewell ip . • DR. DUNCAN’S WhSTKK.N OFFICE, ISO Bye mftre *ireei, Cinnnna'i. Ohio. -tSild in Pmsburga by W.M. Lfherty head of Wood atrcrl,. ' ' ' . ,nplBl*wT SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS* SWELL •, ING.S.—Scro niff in all ill multipiied forma, whether in that of King's Evil, enlargements n tii« glands or nones, Goitre, White Cr.ron.c Hbenmitiim, l.anser, diseases of the Skin or Spine, or or Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from oua and the same cause, which •« a poisonou.- princlp* hi ore or less inherent in the human syrtem There* fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no r>tli' cal curd can be ejected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, ia removed, a cure must of necessity follow, no matter under whatlurm the disease should maniiest it*cll. This. tberelore is the reason why JaThi.'s Alte rativx is so uni tpfaaliy successful in removing so many malignant diseases. It destroy* tbe vim* or principlo from whico those diseases have their origin, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing ecerj particle of disease frouvilie system Pirpared and void at iNo. South ’J'turd Stri et. Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Stum'. \o.T2 Fourth street Pitisborgh. mchEl, INVALUABLE-FAMILY COMPANION T SIX L IX“J'URKSon ihe USES of THE LUNGS 'Gaurei, I'reventioa anti Cure of f’onxatnpt on Asthma, and Uiaeasea of the Heart. On-the L*wb of Longevity, and mode ol preserving nralc and Ta male health, eymmeuy and beauty; exposing cause* and cure orthose dltcasta that p’oducc Consump. tiou, or shot ten life,as Afioctione oT the Skin, Spice, Slomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Liver*'Fcrolula, Piles, Grovel, and Female Complaints. It* rules: easy, practjcsl and pure, term a gunJe tn pertret neblth and long life. 28 KngraTtnga. 321 pages. 60-eU Postage.9i eta. By SAMUEL SHELDON FITCH, A.M...M.D., at7o7 bKOAD*\VAY, NEVY YORK, -- .. Any person remitting fifty cnnn, free.tvtH-rceeirii one copy.by mail, to any part. The tradeiappliad. Feb 10.1847*dfim • - ROSE OINTMENT, for Truer, Ringworms, Piruple.on the Fare und othrt Cutaitrom Erupnonk: Tetters, Ringwonn*. and herpetic eraptuin* generally, are among liic moat t/'diou* and uifogreeahie a.Qeeunoa to which the human frame <• liable. Situated ajJt': w.r», on the verge nf vitality it l« alroort impo*»ihle fa reach them by inward remedte* lienee ihk meSncy of undergoing a eour»4 nia&iticuir, <*r /uty,ecdegoar • rives to the urn'ornfiirtabie t) atein nf mi.ul diet; such ittema by leductny the ayaietn merely palliate Tha cympluma while: they are m pramce, to reearnSvio leniJj- or more «, when a generous dirt i* returned to Ami iTie geurratlty of external appKi;iu!iina t havd os other ihnn to beat the di«en»y th One pltte.boon to *hnw ti.Hl in the name or another, pan.. Warn; aji iberc mean* have failed, and in many twere ca-ea. a per*rveraace for a abort time in ihe u*e of ihetßoio Ointment has proved effcctunl. There it nv tiouUle in u.ing iu applying il every n.eht.. For.yalc by:, i ft a Fahnestock a Co; ap!2 co> 6th and wood &t«. and : l*t tad wood si* PURIFY TUB BLDOD AND CbEAhaE THE BODY—It is au-crtotinfled tact thm kyery . large eta»» of diwaae* can only'be cured by TOch rem* edit* a* will enter into the Riood. and circu ste With it tbtoDgh every poitionof the body,, for only. Uv!tbii mean* can the remedy be.brought into'mint diate con tact with the duet'e; and to auain tni* de*ir«i>>e end. ho preparation has ever-been *o aniforu.l) aucees-rul a* DR. JAYNE'S aI.TKRATIVK >Ciofut., Kfags’jft. Evil. Cancer and Canrrrou* Turaonra, U bile Sj»el-TF t,ng* Knlaigemen'ortbe Hones, throne RbeumatiHE and Gout. Eruptive d:>ru*r*oi ihe Bkio. old anc. iiido* lent Ulcers. Gottrou* Swelling*of the Throat. Ae., are cured with a eerimny ihst bus sitonisheu every tie holder. It ia hevih-* one of the mo'-i p>ea*a'-t articles thatcanbe turn m o the *j*iem operaune a* a ionic and removing D)tnepiir and Nervous affect-cot.and imparting aglow of animation and hea th unequalled hy anything in the who l * ' ! ater a Aleoica Fur »ate %1 the KKkIN TEA SHORF.. atreei. n»-ar Wood. • , ■ -*■" •» ■*• F FI'LMOXaHY iiALa A 4 \ - A, out juur }eur* since I wus ait«i a d with • cioleal .l’tned-xarious rrae*tie!,awl cousu led ■u-veral phjsiciatu wi-bont relief Oa th- recommen dation of a Ihcnd 1 comiuenceil-us-ag the Ycgctali'a Pulmonary BiUam, ami dtr-ved innnediaie reliet from ii.rttd by cbnitnaina the c*e ot it a *boti time ay coagh wa» entirely removed 1 nave -ince alway* taken it iny*elf. uiui HCummeiidrd i—'o ana bed with a cough, amt n. ver knt-w it to fail ot g-vnfg tfc-jne d ate rrliM although I have rerort mctt'lril it io ma y. 1 can therefore, with ci*ufi*eace recurnn-pu'l to the public. - J U i» INCE Bo*to!<. November 20,1H7. • :a*. . For *alc by U A FAtl 4 Co ’ apl4 cor l»t and wood »i* and woo < and 6m tda Wnrmt 1 Wormi' lVonni! Loitivtu.*. Ann- I*, im?. Mev«r* J Kidd A IV, Geu-fc-Tota »■ -oceiirfv thii a chi dof mine wa* ad cted with oski* I proofed variou* kinds of Vetmnuge. and adrauns’eted' theß, hut with no effect 1 then porchated a vial o' Dr Ale line’s celebrated VeTtnifege and after giv.ng a f«w dn«e.«, me child d,'charged olwai a quart of Rarge. * Woim*' The health-ot the child irapp-ved In-iacdi aiely I wounlrecommend Dr McLace‘» Yermilugc to the public, atone of me most itie and effectual reme dy tor worm*, now in u»e. J U CUTTER Sold wholesale and retail hy J KIDD A CO. corner wood A fourth Ms apvtl JAYNES IUiR TONIL After gnise »J» arbtiaVfw , trial w» nnh*»iutiagh' proceunce it 10 o* what t! prafeiv e*— th« Wit artitle, wnhuui any exception, in tue_ furtbt - mtoratlon and prawrtatioa of u«# human hair. • tv « now ol nmatrev* inManc** whrrv hair ha* beta mtored to Mod* which h»»«bern baldfor )»r.; amfw* think vrecutrtrtdea mntir favor thau to reeoißxntnd to aU our. rvo— crx who are • .toting their hair, td make a trial of ihi.Tameimmedialtljr.— FittAoreh at the Frakitt.Tia SMar*. No.Tt Ffterlh * treet, near Wood W.IA.. T Ur. 2lrL»n»'i Liver Pilla. MESSRS: J.KIDJ fc.ro.—Genu: plr»wlcimi\b«v* jrboxf* Of Dr. McLanis’* Liver'rilt*. My jirif* two boxdftf ihe Doc ton’ Fi'-l* t tuurp you ibey hate done her nwrc food tbth my family pbyi'Citu •lit»bv two jeors attendance Two additional boxei, l Hl, ink, will effect ft rare. JAJUF-S JONES-. , . • 1 . , - Wilkin* Towaihij*' I ’ Thru: valuable' Villi for *u!o by J KIDD&CoNth Go Wood 1 incHaO H KASTMAN’* RLIXIU OF HEALTH'. , •—AifloWep*! re*n>roiv« tn all wbftf* ih* »iomieb£boWrl». liver, or *nv.ottlir r>ig*i!»coaeemtd m'tb'e digf.nivn funcuooi aie di«onlrr'-.|. AIM. lot lever anil •gn*, Jntermiueni fever, bilioo* ftver 1 . jtan* diee.dytenlerv. Adi Ko» sal* I'V- ’ : ! ’ ' II a FAIINI>TOCK-tCn ;■ n[4M ‘ p.->r */>■< w iwh! 4i"l/Uli amt wartd.«M - Wii«i«i*l*~i>ruii w»riiHiu»t ittmuTid' , B A FAIIVKSTOCK * Cp, HAVK i-rum*! tn riitnuw ururehou** otf the corner of Wood and Fi»iT Mretit, in which they hfT'o iftnoved ih«r. Wl»lM»!e Lrunoffj, wferra ImjjwiH ' *iw»)*h»veoo'h»ndan exim*iva BMoihaem.of all■ - ihe»riie!e»uuh*irlm*, l»wtuchlheyift«iuithft.4ttcn* . Iloaof th* {wb»c. ' • Tb* Dr«* ba»n£»i will ba continwiuibe atsiwhF' corwr of Ctaaiw Wooani. . ~:,. . .