The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 01, 1847, Image 2

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    null? Dl'nvjnunilrr SI9DM I "Mr. Jack if haitulloo!» t*k» lb, TIIK EMPRESS JOSKPMfSK- tbrl, mxherU Cura'U jbli-nns • Th. not oi
ilm rliluilUiUjll UA/jfiJ-JJi- i ,||, l H|<„n,n n f.- fc ai ffij iKa»r.n» «riluh>i»ilh i. , ros.-£i-..,.n yr i.a«p-jl«as Bmuft.'-»h,n -t.
11 bold which; ««“'■*»' >l*e A U .„..U pronto. m»J. -% Th*«m.,n. ** Jom p l& wfe dcpoc.od m
” PITTSBURGH* '■■■-& *ery dii AoitytdtSSß4fter««iil.»dopt-? J? be>t hormoowd wiUj bis i3|m chftth of the village to La
■.ATITRDAYMORNINO MAY I ’ l/*7 1 •*** 3&d Mliq* » toitor. io ‘? d "'* u 4| ‘f , " boU ‘ !l ' 1 “f” , 1 (* ,lro S?°- «“ ta»M3»foisw pronoun.-
fIATUnDAx.MUKIvIivIs. MAI 1, IM7. < jrfK—Pn,/. ? >' /. d'M'iado ffluj from V. prup-vals wcne (rtrvf<iJ<"J b , j£ j,. Archtirhoplof Toors. who
rmiiCM# Baiu uumi'u , p'bsEmc'u • , ~5l . .-'if* .1'• • Vienoi ifof the hmiJ 1.1 Mana »‘4;-* c ' ,® c .friar* banner elinucr, aud fcr
Diij r ,Tn.W*ehly,»J.d Vt etkly.-fh* IMnyieSeYen Jlr. Any Body vrho-wiU only lake Mi* tfo •» because puibap*. it had Nvi. cmsid.-n-d wb „ m j,, bt j cfrr . )f( jfes«d and cntrrtaioed Ite
10 "•«* wlll fioJ °° # of . l * th '* h rr,wUof iB I K>litoord. I i6c t o U The iotr^ ; eodefleetwov-TheiM.^
- ! Democracy declaring “if be thought be had a drop *tewa which coined Wlwecn N apolcoti oml Jor« laip had. on more than'une occasion, avowed bis
of Democratic blood in bia-veins he would let it P hmc - ,h<? n ;' v '““"d*-""* 1 negotiations , uua | Wri td# attachment to her peraoo.aod proved
v . -,I L 1 . . tn Were pending, are.drJCMoed t-> have Im-.-u of the lt |ii r a mi death intense wer ht* griff,
■°. *or w» 0 i«»e o goou ennß * * moat painful and t inching cbai.tcti.-r Uolinog , bal at bcf ot-acquica,(car*repeatedly interrupted
ma again to find one wfcoaaid that “if henad liv- her husband, and natural); reluctant to 1»p depth i b ,g, In tb „ pcriVmanco of hi* sacred duties. and
ed in the Devolution he should have been a lory, ved ol astalton which »>hr bud always graced, and w | u -q the tomb cb>ard {over Ihc cofho.of Joacphioe
and that be could never conaider that word a term i dooe not hing to forfeit, ittwa- n<.t wrthou* the the trr hbi?hop l.asuned from tho church, exclairc-
n u e . , .... _• moat trying atrugelca of wf.unded ;pnde that -l.« ' „ lfi «. h« croascJ iu throahold. -Die* mei aicut
reprt»ch. U oar frieod will begin at. f al | en gth reaigncJ bJseir to the inacuumnwue uaJ i,fa .Irclinavfruut, ftegoaieut frtnum aroi, tu
and go tbtoygb the Union, he will find more !)em- aeU>«*crtfipc< When the Arch-chaticcllor au tem. in wtcruum, fermanea
oxalic Federaliata terving with him than were baeerei by command ef the emperor definitely an- . home years alter the death of the Bmpict-w Jo*
■lain in Mr. Polk’a army under the command of n °ao ced l » her the divorce. Josephine summoned : af j*hinc the writer of the foregoing page* viaited
o „,, . courageto rcply,“[f it bos not been in .cny pow- ' | jB M* Ilwaa less a palace-UVc abode
Santa Anna. Willums, Hubbard, Woodbnfy, er t 0 eontribmeto the happincas nf Franc.-, f hope j than a country rcndcoco. of which any private
Chhtcnden and Bancroft, were all rank federalist* some other woman may be more for tuuaU*.” individual might have been proud. The fund*
from New England, and all ate “Simon Pure* Upon the day that lb* act of divorce received (urc a „.j airangemenilof the house, were still ex*
■ Democrats now! We know mote of the eame ! h ® •'galore «i the panic», N«p“l'*“h* r » ffi * actly in tbe same order as when she had inhabi*
* , ... . «, v t. .k v' 1 d .• iog hia njgnaturc to the instrument, took Jose- t t J it; her wnr sKcpiiig-room remained unaltered. ui New York Us. VmnderpohU, Preotww*. pbine '. „j w..h h.,,y ..nJo. w.ltfJ fo. • A, ho K.z'il upon tpoihed upou which .h. h.d
Bltekhra. Bryants, Cu»bmans, Livuigstoos, and considerable time up and down the room with her. breathed her l*ht. a ataitled hat evidently rustled
• a acore of others. They were all blue Federal* At length breaking siluuc.-. be I. *• What (.uib fimn behind tho;, curtains and dtsrribed ita
*iat»"once. They are all whitewashed Democrau ■ fin « object this will make some day f.»r a t»ag- PCf?nlr i C flight •)( mr„und the chamber.
Th i. v iw n ctu_ t •” which, who ia to be the tyr'anl incident was a trivial one. and yet con
-11, There u > room and Wall, of New Jersey. prorop Uy rejotncJ Josephine. Disconcerted by revr,! to the mine a singularly effective image of
Taney, Thqcuas, Coarroll, of Maryland, end even ib# qutUiion thecmj>eror reltMjuishvd her aud i deflation and eitiogutshed grandeur!
Casa, of Michigan, of whom it was sakj in Niles' putnug his bands behind him, replied at a mo- m
’ Register many yeaiasgo, that “bis father was meut’s jinose, "The tyrant, madam.-, um.t 1* The patnotie Wh'g« of Maivjchaaetts have re
*er» .f/lwi.t f«!«f A, a.i. ,,urtie 9’ f‘*®b*ccres. t Jfco j a VllU . „f thanks to Gen. Taylor. The re
ry ardent fedoraliat cten/or those dajr. (ISOO) A Jew j BJS 3l i c rwards anofne. r v l the Guard* tn i u , Ml „ , () lh#l tt T«t were defeated in
that be (the present Gov. Uasa.) waa the precep- vraUftl upon Josophinc, and miimaiod to her that i a t U re, .m the 22d inst., by a vote of 114. to 65.
lor of a grammar school in Wilmington, and ah ho was commanded t> eucoil La Malmiis- ph e , owl un jy condemn thf war, but are unwil
ways appeared with the ‘black cocfcadf' in bis 00 - “Who gave you the nrdrr 1 *hi* p.*ri*mptori* i, np It , vu sia<n cmy ol those who ss«Hted in pro*
hat" If AoroiWfri»r.!< nanttnv more "fede* inqoin»J. “The foipen r himscb, he replied | during it. The? go “ihc entire" for Mexico!
’ 1 T * y T n •" v-oucern. She made no This „ not palriolic.-iW.
ral affi.nnilH-a melamorphoaed into sky blue. rMnir k, busied berth-ll w.ih taking down and ... . . , .... ..... ,
democrats, we have, as the Raxor Strop man aays packing up several pictures, among < thvrs that •>/ ‘ <rami " 9e * cpa rio ic gs o
and etnas, “a few more left of the asms son*" M. de Beanbainais. puintedly omdur.g to touch .Massachusetts P-«rd the following resolution, by
the miniature of Napolron. Aftcrher departure a vote < I 121 1)71. They wero of&red It a
Hie emperor stalled f.»i Saint ('louJ.suJ f-i forty- Whig, leferred to a >Vhig. Committee, replied
eight h »uts wat unseen by uiiy of hi-cmriier-s-- , , , wi i i . , . *'
... , , , . . u ; ii- hick by a >Vh*g. and adoptetl by a Whig Lrgis*
Iho ihlid day he went to hum at Grand I rian<-n. ; .j r 3 . ■
and. upon getting out of his csrriae**, defiled Mar- I* lol '’ ® ur friends ;c-t the Chronicle, too, mu»t
shall Dunic to find a foot He then make the amende honorable to Old Matsaebuaetlfc
wrote a letter to Josephine, and gave otders lor it- Rtsjred. That the people of Massachusetts
speedy conveyance- Before, bowvrcr. the express have b. Jidd with patriotic pride, the bravery, the
reacheJ her. ho had jnrivetl Valnuison- The skill, and sagacity of the American forces in Mex*
emprees. uttered an exclamation of astouiah* j j Cl> , (Jen. Z«ch»ry Taylor, and xhe gallaotry and
menl at brbolding him aguin, and then throwing g,»d difipline displayed by the*nfiicers and'men
herself into hii arms, iwss unable for smie mi?* [ as<v'c-atcd with him in the campaign, by which
menu to speak a word. Tears at length reh*ved | nJo,)mtrlo conduct ot‘ the one. and cordial co-ope*
her, and an •flyctionate interview ensued, in the ratJWU 0 f ,h e olber> flag of the Union baa been
eou'soof wh ch the emperor solemnly assured her nobly upborne, and our name in arms gloriously
that under ah' circmnstAnrvs he should continue maintained.
her best.and -tost faitfifol friend. H«- th*n giw Rr.?o/m/. That the thanks ol the Legislatare
her permistior. to inhabit lh* palace «f L'F.lysec Blt . duc and are hercby i en dered, to Major
Bourbao, wher -she n-sided until the marrlsge ef Ovm>r 3 | Zachary Taylor, his officer* and men, for
the emperor, an 1 received from him repeated vU- ,t. p fidelity; skill and courage which have Julio
lit. If policy jnd ambition had induced Dona- guisbed their successful operations in the campaign
parte to repudiete his consort, he wouU not to|.v Mexico
iate in others the neglect and ingratitude ol which ed t That while the people and the Legia
he bad set the example. Madame dc la Roche- ls ,.„ r of M tt^ac h u seit» leel proud of the brilliaut
fiucault, former mistress of ihe robes to Jose. ectjj P Yemenis cl the army employed in the war
pbit;<\ applied for the same appointment in the : ngunft Mexico, they mourn the loss of the offi*
household of Maria Louisa. “She shall neither ; ce „ an( j roen w ho have gallantly fallen upon the
-retain her otJ. nor have the ntw situation, angn i battle fuld, anJ sincerely sympathise with their
ly observed Napoleon, when he heard of the ap- i re S {,, eg IQ j fn fn dv
plication: “If lam accused or ungrateful conduct ! R. s <Jrfd, Thai Hit Excellency the Governor,
to my Ido nut chooao to bare any imitator;, n qm-stevtjj) cativo th» se resolves to be commu*
m«re especially among thoc whom she has hon* - fHC- i e d to UerL Zachary Tayler, and, through
•ored with her confidence- and overwhelmed w.ih [ llm . t.i the otficeis and men undir his cominand
benv fils.
The palace of the Tuilerics became a dcsrrt ofter
the aecfcsion of Joscphme. and the Hmperor ob
served to bis surrounding* marshall*: *-G«-ntl« uun,
we must candidly adpii.jh#i a (Jourt without no*
. meiiia-a spring without roses.-
The discarded empress had ihe curiixity to wit
oess her rival's eutrauce into l'ans. and *tmstand
ing near the triumphal arch st the moment the
municipal authorities wcropre-jiitins their addres
ses of coiigr-tulatm!).
Net all the blandishments of his new bride nor
the aplendots of the Austrian alliance, could deter
the emperor from seeing hi» lirn wife. To the
Grand ;Equ ,, r\ he would at time > vgnifv hts «i--h
that Mstia Louisa-bould under #.un>‘ pretet'. W
dclaitjcd in the ridibg-sclionl; .'nd ol m |k >
yo gained, he profited to gallop <-tl t,> \,i Malm.n
sou. Thtrc arm in arm with pUioe, Ihey pa
ced (hogarden in familiar convcioattou. Ouc day,
Napo(eon was relating an accident fnm the up
setting of a boat on the canal st Y/crmlh'r, which
had befallen Madame de Moiiiuquu-o. who had
reluctantly i-xrinncrd hi*r t jrm»r p- - •n-n of lad'
of the )>cd chambci fj .1.-rpphujc t .r a Aiiodur ap
pointment in the bourehold ol the new emprera.
“Ah!" said Joscphiue "iny little court of La Ma!
rpaison would Utter suit her (iaIo: here, at lra.,t,
she would find a friend—a ditlicnlt ilunc for her
to meet with in the fK-rilou- p-i»t k> whuh you
have now exalted-lirr.”
To Josephine. Napoleon I'unfiJrd the <cci. i nf
Bis xacjitaled invasion of Ku**ts.->f which, i- her
earnest endeavor lb bun fm:u mad
enterprise of enormous sggres-ion. she with pro
phetic instinct, foresaw qq<J f rrewarned him nl tfn
iailure. 7 he. emperor hur-.self odmiltrd to her.
that an inward voice oftsn *••em* J t-> almoniah
him to rrfra'D from tbat.fsial cxprd tn i, a- ihr
rock upon which w#» to spt l!
Once at a njvsriued bill given at rnuit. Joseph
me addrrssed Marfe Louie* l , and. changing ill n-*'
tume several limes in U'C c<>u-rc ■,f ip,- uv. inni/.
was enabled t) puzzle tnd r-'i fo n l gr.-ii nu:n
!>er» of persona, to the an.i:-i- inrni ;.l the « :i;jK-r
-or who waa alone in iht- wcni ut h« r pie*->ice.
Upon ihe oera-ionuf the hirth of the King of
Rome, Jos-.phine generously *harnl iht- j iy which
that event dilfused, and to the luesscuger who
brought her the intelligence, prra. iii-d a uiignifi
cient .rjng valued at twenty thousand tunes, i>t>-
eerving et the same timr to th>-«** around iirr, -I
think myself bound to Arknowletige. in -■ n>vil
manoer, the night ef the King of Hoim- . luith.
May this event realize the hojics which it ha* j
wakened in Napoleon's mind, ip adding io hts
happiness, and securing benccfnrwaid th. Llrss
ingsof peace."
Joeephine wav prew-ingly ,«i»!icit.»ua to U'hold
the Kin? o f Rome. It being deemed ira|vn«iblo
i for her to receive him j; La Malms, .on, MJimc
de Montp*quifu, by command of Bonsp tn?-. tk
the child to Trianon, where .L.vphirir went to see
him. She lavuned mauy upon the infant
prince, and wuh tc-arn in har cyrn, eirlanned.
•* A laa, I was not destined to realir- ihe emp.-ror'»
hopes! Msria Loui*c is more foitunate ihan 1
have been; I now forgive her for the harm »he did
me in invading mv place. From this day J will
endeavor to forget my hu'band'-t error* Uiuymp**
tbiseoply in a father’* lisppine-v" ft wa< oh.
served accordingly from that moment Josephine
nciTiTcJ her looks and c'le.-nuliiesv. and reuse.l
to entertain for the wotnan- who had prwnip.l
the greet Napoleen with the long wiahrd for hrir.
any other sentiment but thrue of friendltnca* and
good will. She expressed Indeed,a desire to be pic*
wa'ed to the empret-i, hut Marie I.noise could net
be induced to make the acquaintance of hc-r pre
decessor, and upon the occasion »t hi< visits to La
Matmsison Napoleon never mentioned the name
of Iris Austrian bride.
Tho last time he saw her was in January 1 s 1 J,
jus: before the disattrons cnmpiign which i-vl l->
bis abdication. Upon parung, he aJdreAScd her
in thea^terms: “If I am overcome by numinr*.
most of the men who owe i be ir fortunes 1o me ni !
basely seek to depiecisie my couragn. Th* verv
senate which due* homage to m<- tn-diy. will
to-morrow be the first to Ji-mu my pre
cipitation from the Tarpeian rock. In every ca.-«. -
however, when the time arrive;, I dial! know hnw
loescape from my destiny. The puison I carry
in my bosom is a remedy alike for the inton.-)-
•ting fumes of ambition, and the unfotsren revn*- s
of fortune. It has her nmy constant companion
since my n treat from Moscow. If the fortune of
arm* be adverse t > me during this mein arable cam
paign, I shall havt it iu my power te avoid failing
alive iq' * Ihc hands of my < What s-n
you 1 " Josephine, was extrem-,
ahe grshped bis hand and plui-il d nrti K•>r hi-urt,
emotion gained upon him and at length huraiing
into tearH, in half stifled accent*, lie oxclMmrd,
'•All ■ »i jc posaejaib unc antic Jo ephino !"
Napoleon'* haui»hiii-ni i> in * <>t
Elba was announced to Josephine, jlm u i d.i .l : -
follow him thither. "If hoi dcaruM tri.-nd* n m
abandon him." die fried,-I si least will trot lw
otic oTTbiiit. I hate the ungi.tlcfnl. and .-hail
nover share any of llttir panic icrr-m. 1 will go
and join him in his island, and there m the •ocic
ty r»f a fnw friend*, ws m*y holh **i.t*»y p*rh.*p*,
•omu lai-t rsyn ol happmr*-.-'
From the allied sovereigns, who eefertsinod lor
the personal character of Josephine the higbrst
esteem and regard, r-he received the most .mail ked
attention: Even daring thn cunfiatunca of. the
warmest hostilities between England Add France,
the Prince Regent (George IV) ha4'courteously
given orders tbit all plants destined far the gar
dens of. Malimison, should bo shipped without let
or hindrance at any ports of ihe’Unitfd Kingdom
Of tho English detained prisoners of war in
France Josephine had over professed and provod
herself the friend.
After the fait of Napoleou, and hisdepartim- fi>r
Elba, Joeephino fell into a slato of prr-fjuhd mel
ancholy. - t*hc roulJ not hrir his name mention*
ed without deep etuo ion, and professed, tbi* greet
fit repugnaocs for Murat, hy whom she believed
that both her b**biud and herself had been be
trayed. A few day* before her death, she enter*
tallied the Emperor Alexander at La Malnui-mn.
She waa 100 ill to do herself the honors of her
bouse, and deputed that task to-tho Duchr*" do Si
Leu.' Hearing that the disease was id n more
dangerous character than her attendant* appro
bended, the Emperor of Russia rctunu J within a
***k after to La Malmaieon and craved admis
sion to the bedside of Josephine. He entered the
room and beheld her in a dying state. Eugene
t B«*uh«niaia and Queen Hortenst, her two
children, were kaeelipg by her side and receiving
•»- . *>OR GOVERNOR,
(or cxsxsi COCSTT.} ; •
_ CO«T«T )
JOHN C KUNKEL. Oauphtn County
Thomas duncan,
WIIAJXM M W ATTS, Cumberland.
OaNIEL*M SMVtfhß.Ad*m«. ..
JOll i r W;kThERILL. »!mlad«lphi« City.
THOMAS-McORATH, Philadelphia Coumy
ROBERT M BaRO. Friuiklm.
Thomas m t M'KE.nnan, WuiuDpoa
ANDREW J OGLE. souic«#eu
HARMAR DEN ' V, Allrg-roy
BICHARD itOHK, Ven.i.go
JUdbKH ti KLUaS, Wcuuottlu.l
O J BALL, Erie. <
HUM aXW-EIL. Nonhampior.
J B SALISBURY.-J>u«iuen«...ia ;
ELMAN A.NS mi, V\ icwm*
fcAMCKL A PURVlrtNCr.,liuncx
HENRY ff EVaN:»,Chester.
ROBERT T J*OITS, MtnigoirrfT.
In puunonce ol l&e uaffiwor ihf pony.
lb« HeOfc»eX*l>C AllWDevoß* end biff* of Allrghr
nrcmuJp will lopumary meeting*, in ihr ir
trTiral Ktrcuun ts.iurdn> tnr 9<b d*y 01
Mey, .&47,to«lect twopcfoiu t»om each district. a*”
Delegare* (0 0 Ccuuty OuD*eiitiua, lo meet at the Coon
Hoove on Werine*dey.itie3n'J<Uv u( June, ti lOoVluck
A- M io pat in ■>ounuau > 'o tunable candidate# 10 L-
Oopported uy tUr P-liy UUe general EicCttonin Oc'o \
ber next The «ud Wnigaol the town*m|i* 1
(Pitt exccpiedi will meet at the usual placet for holdme
prisuuy i rt t.n«». between ibe i*Our» 01 Sand 0, P. M
a»d those of tbcwtrds anu b»nm*n» and Pta towtunip
between the boors m 7 end 9, P. M-
Thomas Varner.
Cb’m of the Com of Coi
Frederick Reidal baa added «ne aim* of aoicide .
to that of mordpr. The faint premise afforded :
that there waa tome change in the man far;
the'batter, closed with a deliberate design,— !
which of coarse w*» revealed tn no one,—of sell- ,
murder. , '
The priaouer wai removed from hie old cell un i
Thursday to a new o-e to make it the more';
certain that no means of aelf*deatrucUon aboald <
be within faU reach. Ever; nook and comer wa« 1
examined aod ever; article of dreaa about him. I
Uoauapecting the object of other*, be wa* cool* j
ly deliberating bis own death at the time be wa* |
in communion with others,and among these were
•everai clergymen, The Sheriff exerted bimaelfi
to the utmost, a* well to prepare Reidel for death, <
as to remove from bim the means of self deatrue- ;
Last evening the prisoner was viaited by Mr*. :
Fortytb iho wife of tbe Sheriff, and to whom be 1
requ-aied tbit »he woulJ bring his break ;
" fast during tbe morning. Mrs. F. did ao early thi# ;
morning, ‘and diacovered tbe horrible spectacle of;
tbe aelf-oiurd -red prisoner and the floor of tbe cell j
flowing'*)) h blood.
Upon examination it was found that Reidol lud ;
made use »f a glas*f r ■ lancet and bled himself to ;
death/ H a arm was Kcra'chcJ and mutilated but ’
tha instrument baJ done its work,
•T* makeanaranco doubly sure, however, after
a probable death ia one form, be took tbe 1
blanket from his bed, attached it to tbe Cuter pipes j
above and ibea raising bis feet from tbe floor bung ,
himself,aod in this bent and doubled and honi',
bis condition was found tbla morning, a moat ap- ,
• palling spectacle to l.ok upon, aiml with an ap. t
paarene* indicating the agony of the death he
There la no clue to the time o( tbe commission :
of this deed but from the appearance of tbe pria- r
osar aod the cell the murder waa committed at,
as early, hour Friday night- j
A Coroner’s inqae«t will be held to day and tbe !
yardict will be according to the facta.
Tat mws sKost Vkb4 Csux.—The com
mands of General Bcolt, at Vera Cruz on the Stb
inrt, were, that'the second Division of regular*
should leave on tho 6th, and thedivision of volou
leers on the 9th. Engineers, and ordnance offi
cers, dec., attended each division. The field bat
teries, under Taj lor and Talcott left on the Hifa.
The following arc among the aruers.
“A special mjaisitiou for transportation will be
1 made for each ol thim field batteries and equsd
i rons.ond one wagon will be assigned to the medical
! director of the'division for the extra mcdiciues
and hospital store*.
“Every hran will take, fof his musket or rifle,
Rspomd fgr ih* Pittsburgh Osiette ' forty rounds of ammunition, and in bis Inver.
Coroner * luoasst. sack, hard bread for toor days, and bacon or pork
Fkjdax, April 80. I (cooked) for two days. Freth beef, with rations
' The following word* were written by Reidel. of#»lt, will be iasued on th - ->rv!».
I•* l, . * “The utmost care will : be taken ol iou*
_ , , I oiuon and food issued to troop*.'
m J don t need to nru tt waa spry persons fault •! _. .. . _ . . , ; .
1 Son I like tu be hung, and 1 don't knd any, Th. erped,lion To.p.n left <m the Bth.
ptnoh who it evmesfr»m. j »od General Twiggs set out by land on the 9th. ,
Fazntßrcm Bstncx.” •* The nert we bear of General Twiggs is bejond
TltriMosx. 1 ; the rfatiooa! Bridge, where a part of his divt>-u>n
Wm. S. Courtney—Y,..e,d.y I ....r in the! w „ in , Uira i, h with ,»y. Th.
jail about jor an Ucor, and wide there Mr. For-, . , , .
CleeDiOg R.ld.l’. 0,11. H, look th. M ' X ' e “ t * r “ h '" Uad " CO “"*°' l Of
two beds oat of the cell. Reidel wna pat in an j General La Vega. Generals Scott, Worth and
adjoining • ell during the puce** of cleaning.—.! Patterson, bad all set out on the march toward*
AJWr lb. 0.11 ... cktned (uothor bod wee pot in |h . N , BriJ „ ud „ ouM wi[h Gen .„,
With cl ‘thee, dtr. .
BSurff Fortyth —On W.dond.y eeenin, I T "Bk' s *»» Aon. ... reedy 10 com. to
understood deceased bad & rslsr. concealed in bia blow*, suppoiing him to have designed to do so,
cell. Tbe Sheriff stated bo bad employed officer which we do not credit. We believe Santa Anna
IIUUe. -jnd h.d mentioned* to wi „ opo „ . b.ttl. with .ny one of
him. We went into the cell. Reidel was.ljing ... ... . >
lo bed with his child. My aon, who waa along, the divisions of the Army. If he .boald, defeat as
insist*d that Ibe bed abi-uld be examined. Mr certainly awaits him, in a battle with General
Hague said there was no fear. I stated to him Scott, as it did with General Taylor .at Buena Vis.
that Mr. Aldea was jlout t» get out a writ of hs
baas corpus to take him before the District Coarr. ... . . .. ~ o , . ,
H. rephed Ih.l it weld then b. tint, enough to W ” “• “ “ E ‘"* '““"t* 1
wj.k* tbe March. Subsequently Beidel was res 1 hr the following particulars from (he N. O- Delta,
moved into soother cell with bia child, engaged j which has Vera Crux dates to the 4tb inst
with ooe .or two of the clergy, I thought it a Gen. Twigg'e colomn ball fallen in with a lar** 4
proper time to make the examinatwn. Thera were J f<UCB of , be cnemy Bt Ctlo G «rdo, a strong peri
fonrof us- Intbeeell were two bed. filled with , Bn beyond p aer to Jftrionale. A akirml.h bad
straw. The whole of the bedding and clothes . , flken ' |tee
onr advance and the Mexi
wm. anM« into the ball, end c.ery Mil a, , in . h|ch c „f lhe Topigrtph
other utiele tint he imght ue to tnjore binwell ■ le>| Eogin „„, „„ „„„1, „ oun ded. See.
was removed. ■ . , • era! others were also wounded Half an boar after
A;bed ».* then token ont of uother cell mid ■ nf lhs G,n. Wonh mooui«l
pUeed m hi.. He erpretoed . to my [ hi< b „„ r t , D j „ff to the .id of Oencj.l
wSe. About 7 o dock I banded bun a paper of j .j, ■ _ s
tobtfeco. My wife and self wentin to see bim | ' . ~ - .... . , .
.bout ft o’clock. Ho io bed. bnl got np wheo G '» P * ,UM! “" I ™ i kfl ”“ l > hngedem to ■
we went in. He asked hir whether abe waa afraid join Gen. Twigg*. 7he N. 0. Picayune and N.
of blm. Sbe s*id not. We remained about an jO. Delta, appear to enlertaiu strong convictions
hotn.-Hle mindaoewmidering. Heeudhewui S , D „ Ano , denied lofighiouretmy—
could give htin, 1 lold#ra I would for two ret- . have-four or six men \o one, but nototherwise.—
sons—One was that the ladies bad petitioned the Nothing further from the fleet, which, as st&t/d
Goeemor/tho other w.s in (newer to hi. deeite. ( . boII , h ,j kfl hr Tmpjn, reported to be w.dl Je-
About Jrine •> clock we left the cell. . , .
About 6 o’clock this morning my wife went to 1 ' en<Jei “
the cell with tone coffise. ‘A boy opened the Th? Vera Crox Eagle of the 13th states, that
jJoof. She found him dead—came into the back the reports relative to tbe st/ength and position of
foom and exclaimed that Reidel was de 4 Mr. j Anna were fully credited. [The reports
Brdsh was in the cell for ten minutes after i . . 0 . . _ i
_ , „ . n . , , were that Bsnta Anna was 12,000 ftrong, and
the .Sheriff bad Jefi. Had no conversation or 1m | *’
portaiice with bini. llocked the 'cell—am keeper ’in the neighborhood of Jalapa.]
of the key. He was very -calm—unusually so. Gen. Patterson had recovered from indis-
Dr. Watt examined the wound on hr* left arm. . p O- i 1 j 00( Bn( j at the head of bis division.
It bad Reappearance of being cut with glass.— ; Tbe prevailing disease at Vera Crux was the
Tbe.tfllinary vein of the left atm wascot— it was j Diarrhea*. Great numbers were tick,
the mWt material wound. There was not btnod ( Privatcß'of the 2d Pennsylvania Regiment
enough on tbe fl-ror to have killed him. The j had~bßen\lrrfil and found guilty of theft. They
wound waa sufficient to hove J wefe 'ifQter.ced to one month's imprisonment in
•Verdict of the Jury, that Reidel came to fail j lbc md furfciiure of one month’s pay.
daath by bleeding and hanging,, committed by ■ ~
hjflaaelf. Htw Books.
The suicide,of Reidel was the subject of deep
excitement in the city yesterday, particularly in
tba frranoon. Many predicted before the Burning
fh*« the murderer would die like a eowaid, and
were not disappointed when'lhey learned
the manner of bis death. Others, drawn to the |
neighborhood of the Court House seemed to he i
disappointed that :bey were not to eojov tha ex.
diomsnt of a man executed for murder. Every
thing was ready for the-r&ecutiori in the jail yard,
gava to.a frightful mruotyneas. It is more then
pjobeblo tbet Reidel would fa eve died e much ee.
der death open the pablic gallows-aod in the
•yeo of Heaven end of men, a much more honor,
able oat—.lf he had submitted to the decrees of
justice. It is ted to contemplate the fate of a
am murdering the partner of his boeom, and fob
lowing up a crime like this with relentless stub,
and final suicide.
The remains of Reidel will be taken to Erie
to day, In charge of his brother, residing et that
place. _ _• •
KuTopHK Timet*
Mr. Bpfeii, from New Yofk, the ealborized
id! of iho ■Earcpewj Time*,’ u in lown rtcciv*
•übrenpUoEi for joumtj. The •Time*’
_ reliable and valuable commercial paper; com*
j n it* department*, and prapared*«p* daily
for American tradtra upon the departure of every
•tfimcr. * It lain good auibority on both (idea of
&• Atlantic, wiih all dtalrou* of early and accu
rate fjjbnnatwo cf trade and commerce, » hipping
fßttlilfrnct, or the lauat newa. j
gffra»»o* Yopy, of New Tork, bae of&red
1 tisvlrd of Jive hundred doDart for th* street of
•I my fonnd realsdng theUw-
Spring urn* v year is coming, cocmag,
The birds are blyihe and gay
lumcii bright are hamming, humming
And al( itie world uMajr
Welcome to May, the fairest month in all the
year, with the warm, blue sky above, and the
green earth beneath. Welcome to the music of
bird*—the genial breezes that have changed from
the rude to the gentle South Wel
come to the Lod« and blossoms cf fruiu and
flower*—to the fair promises of spring and sum.'
raer;—to joyous fields spiingioginto the bloom of
life, —to the green mountain tops that seem to
Idas the clouds, —to fair valleys fragrant with
the rich perfume* uTesfij-flower*. Welcome
to the freshness of Spring,—it* gushing waters
from hilhaide and mountain,—to.the new lile it
bring*, in giving ardor to youth, and yooth to
old age. Welcome lo the glad promise it gives
"Seed time and harvest shall never fail,’' and
thanks to Him who gave us all. Welcome to
May, to the changed Lnd cheerful nature it
brings,—-the time of fear when, as it seems, the
morning stars sing together, and.iho hills shout
for joy. Wo bid it welcome with all oar hearts
and may the promises it give*, be realized in full
abundance. The changes in creation at ■ season
like this, arc not nuich more than in man himself.
Life becomes buoyant as winter relaxes itshdd
upon the limbs. Thera is a new heaven and a new
earth to the soul within, as well as to the visible
creation without. Reasons like these are land
marks 'in a man’s life, and be who pauses at such
a moment to tbiok of ihe future, or remember the
past, js guilty of a great wrong to hie Creator, to
himself and hii fellow men.
American HiKU>rj;-coajpri»ing historical sketch*
ett of the Indian ‘tribe*, American antiquities, a
history of the eoantry, and sketches of the pres
ent British Provinces, Mexico and Texas ; i y
Mark Wilson ; press of Mark H. Newman 6c Co.,
N*. V., f.’r talc by Elliott 6c English, Pittsburgh.
! Thu work, though attempting much lot a am*
i gle volume, accomplishes • great deal by the au
thor-, euccerU in preaenting)importanl events of hi*
tory before the public, in few words. The tol
uene is divided into three hooka, each of which are
arranged with care, but what gives the volume
real value, to the reader, is a minute marginal
analjtii which has been carried throughout the
entire volume. There are alao marginal dates and
references, geographical and historical notes, and
•msll mapa. The book will be found of great in
terest to every reader, and of particular value to
those who have not time 40 read enlarged works
upon the subject oonqdereftn the volume before
- U ‘- 3
WiiaisaTSi 'asd his OxeiaALs; By J. T.
Headley, author of NapoleoTand his Marshalls,
dtc. This is the first of a. work designed to be
compressed in twn votumrs, ot 350 pages each. It
is from the press of Baker dt Scnboer, New York,
and may l>e bad of Johnston & Stockton. There
are platea of Weahiogtdiij-PulQam, .Montgomery,
Arnold, Stark, Behoylar, Oatee ondAVayne,in tbo
first volume, and interesting akttches of (he lives
of eaeh. The Major GeoaraU of oar own Atmy,
are treated after j the of the Marshalls of
France, in q previous work, highly creditable to
the writer. The dssiga is to illustrate thoee bat.
ties of the Revolution who ars eudetred to up by
• thousand tssodstions of liberty; govtramsm end
indspsadsoc*. - '
Gi;>. Hoistov—tub Mkiic*?i win.—Geu.
Houston was at dan Augustine, Texas on his way
home from Wa-dtiogion, on the IShh ultimo. Du
ring llm few hour* he tarried, be delivered a short
address to the psople. Alluding to hi* speech,
iho dan Augustine “Shield’* observes :
••He stated that the Cbraraisiion of-Major Gen
eral in iho army invading Mexico was tendered lo
hi to re If and his colleague, (Gen. ltu*k,) but both
had decliucd it* acceptance. His own reason for
doing so was that be dill'ered in opinion as to the
pjopoi plan ol carrying on the war, with the ofij
'cfjrs who would have been his seniors in rank, and
li|' Would n->l assist ill carrying out measures di.
rot ity to his own judgment."
> No General Houston like Lieut. .General Ben*
t ■•«. was opp «cd lo the plan adopted for carrying
on stir war Wo »hail hope, some day or Alhrr,
to learn whs' rr»rr I ihos* liro»U» Gen-
| I'iMii.HAHTh.—According lo the official <Jocu*
rafent.\ the number of foreigners who hare armed
in four months i.i as ‘follows •
• s uer3R<* pawngrr:
1 f'abin
ft i» mi:rlo tzjK-cl that this num
i*T wili lo mctcaM-d lo 150.000 before ibe year
Tut Boston says that Enoch Train,Beq.,
thr proprietor of the line of Liverpool packet*, Baa
Riven notice to the joint committee on the Pau*
I«7 I*wk in the* Legislature, that
tbo ship* of his line tv-ill be withdrawn from the
r'ni*rnnt uan-porlntioxi business on the Ut of Ju-
1 MsviHfcsTan iii Kugland has 177 cotton lac
j tnies, whi rh give employment to 41,000 bands
i <M ii:p 177, 92 work full time, 6k short time, and
I ibp rest occasionally. l.owell in the United State*
' hss 13 manufacturing establishments, 4. r , miila,
. I I.‘is.'i persons employed, 7.9 I!> of whom are fe
males. Other factories are going up. When
i will Pm-I.uipli. with greater advantages and aa
! much money, <1« a* well.
Tar i.o«a.—The charge* are reireiated, And,,
I v\,(h mute detail, in regard to foul Wash* :
j m negotiating the loan of £18,00U,000.
l'li» ■ .nreepnndrnt ot the 4 North American aayt: |
• The country requires a distinct answer, why j
i V<* t'</» for thr recent loan were 'opened in secret
cn Sunday night, and why the extraordinary
I and unexampled favor that has hern showered
i upon a 'ingle jinn if Hroken i •"
Hiiibi ron Irecavd!—HO barrel* of floor, 1
; barrel of bean*, and 1 barrel of hominy, have been
: received hora Nmithfield, Ohio, as a contribution
I»r ib*<Ucl:eTnt, by Messrs. Uram, Me
• Grew &. (Jo., and by them forwarded to Puitadel
’ pbia. This is a very handsome donation from so
i «msll a plaee. Many larger tuwn« have not doni
40 Wt II
•f**;>n:u!*nr- i>( ihr Pillsbnn-h Osteite
Wsipisotov, April ‘49.
Thv new* from Mexico indicates a bat'lc be
tween Marita Anna and General Scott. This ie
the opiriior. npressed in loiters received from sotta
ot our officers. The Mexican troop* destined ti>
dplerid the Nscional Bridge, had taken tip •
stronger position near Jalopa. The New Orleans.'
Picayune of the ‘J Ist has the following:
\:i .intelligent oftker, just from Vera Ciuz,
ihuik- U quit■* prtdisble thata battle may have oc
< umd about ttie 13th inst. •
Huroui* from the city of Mexico represented
Santa Anus is more intently bent upon war
than eviT. The rcjmrt* are uol the best authority.,
in so l<r as .lb'- wishes of Santa Anna arc con
'j cerm d; but they indicate the temper of the public
mind, which i» s* ®n'*i ati ititlei of his purposes
a« nm < thi-r. .
Pi.u i i -..i \ UoilaiKler#, who bxsc been in Alba
ny -mcc the l»li, Utt on Wcdiu-Jay for a settle
tti'-nt on die rvcfcierii cua>t ol l.ake Michigan, on
ait ark purchased id Government. One of I heir
owji clergymen, the Kcv. Mr. Vun Kaolin, who has
accotnpviiutd them from Holland, baa showed a
commendable energy and good judgment m furth*
rrinr: lh*-> en'erpri**. Ho i« at present in «h-a
c i • v •
\ acutHT planter in Itowndes county Ala.,
Mi. Vlorgin Smith, called his negroes together,
about ono hundred in number, a short lime.sioco,
and told tht-tn of the distrorsnl condition of the
Irish poor, when thv dattn immediately raised a
Mibecriptton, amounting to £5O, which was duly
Wmu. the Whig meeting whi m session in
I’hUadelpbis on Wednesday, some miscreant
tnnw a quantity uC vitriol la the crowd
Several person* were burnt, one uererriy.
Mu. Uaacu.of the “Sun," (so that paper states)
\i on! a pri«oni r on parole in the city of Mexico,
a* is reported in many oT the pipera.
Jabsd 8e aum is about pobliibing a new edi
tion of his invaluable work, "The Life and Wri
tings of Washington,” at half the original price.
It will bivo a ready and nxtensive aate.
A school on the plan of the London Ragged
schools, iijo bqestaMished iri Philadelphia, to bo
known as the Robert Raikca* Union School.
Two women were lately arrrsted'in New Or*
tears, and put in the stocks, for professing witch
craft, and playing various uncouth pranks.
O.rtß-sict. —Eider G. J. Adams, who la bo-b
b Mormon preacher and enwhided a man
in Boston on Friday loramilinghbfikflrtf<f&*., - l
Tbe Courts adjourned on Thursday to 'Sr.
urdsy. in consequence of the execution which was
to have taken place yesterday-
ihjlgwn intoa tip
M eictenfnl list nmt,
iprge Ik-one eucbfedin*ijb*<t|eT—in buij&
jfiga usaid for irpoajjSj Pittslmrffi I
£jhi Utahiher CfHy. c-'j
wlaln Allegheny, sbdiify <T*rk.
Jt.Bfok.fl.Mt. in.Greco.’* i'ltaiflft, .ii
uale on the bank of the canal, immediately above
Cedar eUHtt, which reads front the Haml: street
bridge up to the common*. The Mill, a pretty
large • fratnetTOiMidg; waS~Tatally defrayed; 'Of
t?cre tbr.-e or foot small frame bows, occupied
a» dwellings. A considerable quantity of worked
and rough lumber wa*. destroyed, and several
neighboring’ houses injured. . We bear thorp
was no insurance, and lha lo*i moat be four or
five thousand dollars. At one time thie-fire look*
ed very dangerous, owing to the wind carrying
burning wood over the neighborhood. No io*u»
ranee beard of. '
Thi» firo was scarcely well out- before another
was discovered in the Cabinet ebop of Messrs
Roberts & Kane, on Front st, between West aod
abort sta., in this city. It may have originated in
a shop adjoining, At all event* it was toon en
veloped in flamrs, which the wind speedily com.
municated to several other buildings, vis—Jooe B
tnd Birkhsmer’s Block 'shop, Hon.. Charles Sht
let’s dwelling, James Elliott’s Blacksmith shop,
and the Paint shop ol Wm I.ccs—*ll of Which
were totally destroyed. Messrs. R. dc K. and Mr.
Levs, were both burned out notloag ago, Uadge
Sbater's furniture was' greatly damaged, The fire
was to quick his lady and family barely escaped
without ' injury. We understand there was no
insurance, on the property lost by this fire—4he
damtgvis eeveral thousand dollars. -
Our gallant firemeo-had a severe night of it in
both cities, and deserve praise for the energy and
rapidity with which they extinguished the fiamu.
In both cases appearances were alarming for a
rhorttime. ~
Correspondence of Plttabvrrta Gatette.
PuiLincLraia, April 30, 9 A. M.
CerreipoDtlrnre of Ibe Pittsburgh Gazette.
T. e Sarah Bands bad. a. pleasant trip, though
delayed by bead winds, want of coal, Ac. She
brugbl 40 pnweffgets.
The markets by the Sarah Sands, which irri*.
ed at New York on the afternoon of the 29th, an
hut one d*y later. The steamer sailed *oo Toe*,
day the 6tb, before-business had transpired.
The Moxxt Msacrr was without material
change of any sort. The rate of discounts were
the same.
Corrox was more firm. than it had been
though prices had not varied. The demand how*
ever was steady through the Sib and 6th.
' Coax was in more demand, also aod - large
purchases were made after the Cumbria’ Ifft wilb
increased prices. •■j-.a
Tbere wes an increasing business io Floc* end
Corn incident to a recovery from the fall oceiuiop-'
ed by the large truporta'ions aod ibe reduced rates
of freights.
The provision market bolJs its own with an in
creased demand and salts.
.7 rorretpourfrm-e of tlie Pm.burch (.Jttlte
April .lOih, 8 P. M.
The sale? of Genes*?* Flour to-day were to a
very moderate extent at $?.50a7,fi8,* per
Western at $7,374 per bbl.
Of prime sample* of Yeildw Corn sales at 97c
for doliTcty in May, and for June delivery at 75c
to the extent .pf 50,000 bu. Sales prime White
Corn at 94c on the spot.
There is do change to the market for Provj.
-nins except that the Sarah Banda' news hssalilP
cnnl price*
(iroc r e* are without chvnge sod silrp suiail.
Holders generally demand previous price* for
leading articles.
Ft!r In**ve C<nrr,|>nltlcncr cl the Pittsburgh (jarrlt*.
April 30lb, 7 P. M.
The market for Flour has lapsed into dutnesa,
and though holders of Howard street name $6,75,
the sales at that are trifling, and for large lots the
quotation may he. considered nominal. In the
morning the feeling was different alter the
blush of the Sand*! news. There ore buyer* a>
fa Provisions no change*—l seed r hol repeal
former quotation*..
The market generally ia without alteration.-
Exclusive Corrcsiiondeiicr oi ibr Piitsi-urih tia/etie
April 30. 7| P. M.
The Sands' news had a favorable effect on our
Flour market, and prices of standard brands went
to $7, at wbieh, however, sales of only 70Q Jtbla.
A speculative demand prevails, tyut buyers are aby
and unwilling to accede to tho present demands
of holders.
Wheat participates somewhat in the improved
feeling, and the in lea to-day were at 161 e for prime
White, and ISTe for Red of equal qualify.
White Cam sold to lua extent oPIOOO bu at
88c—showing no change..
Oat* aije selling at 50a53c per bu.
Corntafral —The tales to-day were at $«, 31 £*
4.3? i per,bbl. t
New Orleans Sugar i« held at 7*<\ without
vrle-i worth ootico.
No local news of importance.
.LtVKBPOOL, April 6tb.
The market for Provisions iu the *hort time
which haselipsad sioec the aailiag of .the Csixk
bria, bad not varied, except slightly Tor the better.
Pork. Beef, Hams. Ac., were sailing at the,
comn prices, and tba market was steady.
Sales Prime .Men* Beef at ninety killings six j
peace to ninety *cvea shillings «ii|>encv.
Pork moved off at seventy two shilling* tlx
penre to seventy-seven shilling* aix pence.
Bacuo, Hama, and other arliele*.of Provisions,
same a* by Cambria.
Cnrre*poadeare of ibe Pntiburgh <iticiic.
Conv told much more freely at fifty-two ahil-
I logs per 480 lbs, and a large bosiueas was done
both in it and in Flour.
There was no change whatever in Provisions.
Flour was wiling at thirty-seven- shilling* aix
peace to thirty eight nhiUings per bbl which ia
jo advance.
Bscov continued in full demand. Pubk «ime
at at the sailing of the Cambria.
WAaarsoTos, April 29.
We are getting oat ot the woods, and have
elected members enough to ensure us the next
Congrccs. The Whigs have elected members in
the third, fifth, seventh, ninth and twelfth dit%
tricU—Flournoy, isoggin, UoMm, Pendleton and
Proton—leaving the first district in doubt,.whicl,
however, the Union claims In a majority of 32.
The Loco Focos hiv’c nine district* and perhaps
ten. The Whigs b*v« gained nine member* to
the Legislature, and had they known their strength
could easily have secured tho State.
RI'.I.IKt fun !»i.tiri,AM) The rollccUnr rein
jriiiiees for the Hebei of Scotland, »re r-*|t>eiiea ip ie
port io " in Blaebsiot'l, rieamrer. Federal urec. Al-
L'lh'-oy on oi heiore Wednrsflay nexi. A* H is m
teivlr-t a* liiat i-me 10 as much inanry ai pojii
t>la u> ok) iu biailiOK a v,:tael,which leaves t'hlladelplna
»N...i Ui* I'nhMsy A. I). CAMPBFI.t. Cli iv
56.00. BOOTS 5,00.
* THE subscriber rrsrist-lfultj- inform* the public that
be bus cofiimenectl tne munofuciure of Gtnilevut*
Brels, of maieruil and workmanship
wh'di lie will warrant eupenor to any Boot ever made
iii l’iinsliurgb for thti puce. These handsome Boot
will be irnuiT to measurn, and warrant them as repfrf
scuted, at tne very low price of FIVE DOLLARS
CASH. Ccailcmcu •»« requested to call and exam
ncthcui. jrit WBERBKINE.
(UpStllsr'i Olßaeag Pansoea-—Mcsical
Tirtiuosv—We beg leave to call pubUfl aitenban to
the following, from 1>(. Wm Doan, of Wiihamsville,
Cierroonl Co , jpid one of the verf-fitst practitioners in
thh county in Which he resides, and Ute Senator io)U»ei
State ft is eheennx thus to see the lead
ing men of the profession, bursting the bonds of profes
sional prt/uitire, and giving merit ns da*?
"Sir: I have in my practice been u-uigsonieoi your
Ginseng Panacea, and, so far v am vyelljitcased in its
effects in Cautrrbtl and Bfdnchltt Complaluu. Pleoas
scad me half a down bottle*—put them as low aa Ton
can, as I expect if it continues m render a* general sat
isfaction a* it has heretofore, io keep it constantly on
band. Respectfally, ~,«pl7. W*l Doa*, u.. d.-.
ffj* After 4 *Proving all thirds, bold favt to ihat-wbich
isyrtod.’*—For tbe Iste«, It will he found that Dr. Up
turn's Vegetable F.lectaaryi ia the only remedy for iha
rotoplaiar, opon whi eh the suffering can rely with eon
fiffenec—iiiaindaed »toi*Bd mtha timaof Bheff. i«»
iTWAoUb WhoteaaU and Retail, by tV V ATT hr
KtTCHA M, Itu Fuiant sued, Ne w A'ofk; W*.
*karfc*t nrret, and P. R. Hawtxs- Smithßield street,
Piitsburfh. Ps. Price fl per box. . ftpSO-ljv ,
E/"{r£»to. Hclleif*—The Committee* ■ppmg*f4 >> ~l
to #pc tMir coftetJon.-j tbg pifiui week. old hand
y t* #1 ALUil^.gfcoi'tf
f'sjjt M*tfL»’nyto Coirtf, S"”Gjtrrrpfan *■*"--
1550 ion* burtheSJ FTedericWlewm.
Jrnb rominauder, will lUrtfrotu New York on the
Bmr> ■«!!■'».
loach »l Cowes and Southampton to land
p*»»eneers and freight, and deliver the mail' fc>« Ci>r
Jjod. rianee -*nd Belgium, and witt u,r.,
Hreaiabavcn I
Brtdrninc will leave Rremerhaven on the Viihot
tiomiinmpio.ion tbe_l. l »U»Ir J . T
•HWIt >W»d|?t»‘Tlftr v ftelgSr from England,
rrancc, audiJelgiuro. Arrangements have boea,nade
rorwanl good; front Havre oft to the I*MuianienT, for
wueh, if desired, bill* of lading will bo. singed by the
agent at Havre. *
Southampton connects by Railroads with att pari* of
England, andbTsta«JlbOW» wiU>'al)'ihe -Continent ~
r rota Bremen access nay be had to all Oeitaanr. Ace'
tna. Ru«»ia. Italy. Switzerland, Ac.
rbc Waduagion (> built la thestrqngesi Banner, wu‘*
a view of being converted'into d khle-of-Wdr, : aJid sat)-
a'.anv trn» to inspection byofficer*uppoinieil by
Uto I’resident, both during and after construction. She
hasi iwoengineaot 1000 horse power eiebfand aecon*- -
modaiiou# torltt first class, and 44 second %|a«a pas
ra«»age from New York to Southampton of'Bremen.
First class' . SlgO
- Second dan • 40
Ps**agc irom Bremen or Southampton to New York
First das 'SI» ”
Second class, 60
Shew,ll carry about 3UQ tons freight which will be
charged according to the natore of the goods offering. 1
AltjeUcra most pass ’broagb the Post Office Parrels;
for which bills of lading will be signed, will be taken
at 85 each.
For pu*age oj freight apply aW* office of ikeOeiin'
Steam Tartgat:aa Company. 44, Wilkarn street. New
York, oi to ihr Atfents arSomhsmpfenl
■ . . : DAY. CHCHKEY k BOSS,
Bremen C▲ UEINEKEN foCO.
Che Waamnitou is intended to leave New York OS
second Trip on first of August next. r j
The second steamer of UtaJincis ta due course of
construction, and trill be in readiness in (he earning
f lii , snrldtta
V/gl«visl prodnemg wonders.—Read the Allowing
from the Her S. Wakefield, Pastor of Liberty «. M. E
Piitiburgh.March 3,1647.
Mr. n. E. Sellers; It ts irom a senseof duty, as well !
av with great pleasure, that 1 bear tesnmonrso the vir- l
me or your justly celebrated Veroifuge. IproeorvJ a
jingis huh/*, and gave it to three oi my children, who bad 1
been ill for several weeks The eldest was seven i
veart old, the next tour, and the youngest eighteen '
month*. Tb- first pabsed fifty-six worms, the second 1
Amy seven, and the third a considerable number not 1
distinctly recollected. Since then they have been dome
well, and are ttpjar In good health. - -< jV
Yours-retp'clAilly, S. Waxxri£U». '■ '
Fioch the Rev. S RBabcock, ofihe Methodist Eoirru
pzl Church .
Mt. H E Seller*. It is with great pleasure l- £ stould ;
inlorn' you ni the fjftod edceis .producedofl my son of '
four yeats of age. ey yourju«ily celebrated Vermifuge, i
After bn haying.cunvulstons. t gave him three.doses, !
whrn he pasted an almost mcrediubln nuralier, from ‘
wtneu time hi* general health ha* beta improved. '
_ —— BKRsscoex i
From ibe Rev Charles. Cooke, of the Methodist Epi*- ,
copal ('hurrfa - . (
. Pittsburgh, December 14,4845.
Mr. R. K Seller*: I gave n y little daughter (between
threr anil for years old) Uiree doses of your Viraiifuge.
according to presrription. with the happiest success
TTte uumber of worm* expelled I do not know pteeise
ly. but it was large. Bhe is now In pc<sc*slouof g«'d
health. ,J thip k iqie toe die ine maybe eohfidoditi with
great unreierredncsa. • Cooke
Asihit VcrmifugelutiaeyerTbeenY/iown mfsil m
any instance, whin worm* aemally existed, paretto
*hoald give it in preference to all others
Prepmed and *old by R. K. SELLERS, peiween M
aud4th,on Wood rtreet.-
For sale by Dr. Cu»«el. Fifth Ward. ' rriyl
npiv'c niPMirst Pt »c'i>ri> * l0 «* Trusses, (Hipporisrs. ke , in great varietr.
UhA.NbUIhMK.AL rLASJER. y.c. Manufacturer and Importer of Pocket and
From Rev. Charles Menon, Minister of the Baptist 1 TableCatlery; Raxors.Sctssori.Piles, &wt, Tools,Ac;
Church. Wooster; late of AshtabnlmO. . ua»removed to ; » ••
Afes«r». H llimi k Co, Proprietor* of K Dean’c ' *3 WOOD STREEP, Piusbar*k, second door be*
Chemical Planter, Gentlemen;—For Several year* i j ' • low Dismosd Alley, o,
have from lime terted the virtue* oCE, Dean’* Chemical' And kaslate. J. received a tars* assortment of
Plaster bjr u*ing it in my lemity as a remedy for Rheo- Pen k Pocket Knlres, Kalvci A Park*,
mat.sin; weakQesfftd lameness oflka book, pain in : Also Rodgers'atidWboiteabolm*’ .
iUe kteasi, iaflami'Hju of ifie tSfoat and ere*,,ans in PUKE CDTLKRY,
lb© brrn*t. Ac; and I take jile&sais In (ay og to'you and Eltious, Wade k Butrfiei'S Razors, Scissors,
io tbc nuliiic.ihal in every ease f have (bund h-orefal Razor Strops, Ac. Damascus and Wire Twin
and I as believe (hit said Plaster pouasse* Virtue* of \ (it 1 NS, RIFLES, AND PISTOLS,
more than ordinary ckaraeter, and that >t will general' ' Allen'* Colt's and Blunt’d Revolvers Powder Flasks
ly he (bund a ea&rieot remedy lor those diseases for Shot Belts.- Game Das*, Walker's & Coj(*b Kura Ppr*
wh<th it i« recommended; and i* justly entitled to tbr - cession Caps, Bowie.l>trk*and Homing Knflve*.
noi-te aiulpatronagsot'aa enlightened community. Tool*.«uch as Calliper*, Dividers, Pljen, Nippers
Vour* liuly, CHAB MOKTON Hand Yjcm. Squares, Rales. Brneei, BiUf, Spoke.
Wooster, O . I>cc. VO. I M'i Staves, Stocks and Die* ->Viye and InmGuagVt.MilL*
Sold by B A Fahursiock k Co. comer First k Wood otnaxica' instruments, &e t iu veiy great variety
meets. myld&w 0(7" Jobbing and repairing neatly, and punctually
:dhugs, drcgs, ,io,ie *
JOlil, MOtuJCR. Druggist and Apothecary; N. W VIEW BOOKS—The three Divine eitter*, Fuithp
cor.ier of Wood and 6th •!> . Piitlbiirgh. wiil kero - Hope anil Charity.
roa»t«m') twi Hand, Drug*. Pninti, Oil'. Pve-atuil*. liTlte Leaven: 01 a direction to Heaven. By Rev 1
Ac. Tnoowi Adams, with an introduction by Rev. W. 11.
N U—rbyaioian t preemption* c«tt«ruhr eomroniid- ‘ Stowrll. - • ■• .. •
•<1 tiom ili« bear-material*. at atiy J«t or Mrinort of Miss Slnry Jano Gfahaiii. , B)' Rev*
nigUt. • Al«a. an a«*ann>ni n! I'erluroen; fine Tooth 'diaries Bridge*. M. A- Author ofj Cliri-tiau Mtu
Hair. andOotb Brifh**. 4- A* , which lie will »«(i I uiO\ * c - _ ' •
lowforea»b- may 1 ,A Coticiae Syaiem ot neology, on ibojbaahi of the
~ : ' I Shorter Catechism fly Rev. AtexauderSmUh Paltry-
I vAbcioa a copy 01 General Ann* 1 * map, taken at" | History: comprising biaiorical sketches of
Resaea da la I’elma, with addition*. and eorreetioDi'. ' jCe Indian tribes: a-description of American Antiqui-
Embehshed well diagrams of the fth and Ptli ■ tics, with an iu<juiry into ibeir the origin of
or Mar. and capture of Monterey. with,! nierusrund* ot j the Indian tribes.
>-tiy»rert, rraub*, Ae 4e, and platuif Vera Crtu lliKo»> of the United ?utc*; wiflnppctipix sluiwhg
and Castle «i Juan da ITlloa k-r.. Ac A tew copies > ;t* coiincctiou with*Kurope;ut History. History of the
lor sale by lOHNSION’ 4. STOCK.ION • present British Provinces. History of Mexico and
rornor of -earket and .3d »ts. , (Texas tiv Mareius.'Villaon-- ~ 1 -•’>
lop etairs.) Jost received, and now opening a full a*- i - -
sonroety. of tbo*< very fi-ttjknil medium cjuvilies Troy ! *',
manofaciured Shirts; Bosopfr-and Collar*, Saiin adjust- * W HLRhA!*, Leiut* Teiumtnurf hare been
.a* Stocks; BonthailneTlodp Plain: Batin Bow stocks 1 *’ p™n‘ed io the undersigned, Executors of the
plain; Black Italian Orav Ms; Fancy do do; Gttm >•** wifi andHeMament ofJohn Ale Master a, £t>C***ed,
t'enders,4- 4e: Ac ' V ' ) iat* of Plural) Township, Allegheny Couniy, nonce i»
.. t! lc iii«nufaciuier and ror sate at 1 hereby given to all person# indebted (• the Estate of
manufacturer'* unco. EDWARD TODfi •* ,d decedent, to make paymeut| and to those having
myt !Manufacturer** Art claim* against the same, to present them dulr autlico
— • *■ «—— -5-i— I tieated tor *«nl**raeiil. toeuherof theaoaeraingeq.
—A small Pocket Book or W*lfet m passing - • RACHEL MeMASIBRB, / ,
irom the store of Mr. F. B MeConny.l. on Marker! ' THOMA# WcMASTERS, )
•'reel, by way ei Fourth, to the Blow of .Mr. II . ChilV l WM. LARMIER, Jr.. I Exeeators..
<>n '-Voo<t ••ontainmjr about ihmy dollars m paper and ’ HD KIWI, ■ *•-
.n silver Also a numliar of papers, one of wh.eb | Piltb'gh. April ®-«l9kw4i*T
.‘.r^S'jfcßiJk'SrE-BSSi-'SSnES-'i 'qwuiunnr bbic«fbjeVs-a.Hc.
ern Tt.-o logical Seminwy. and mhwSianwintnr & ' BheU the;
• uiiscnbei , nnm. \VM Kdo All *on»criber« beg leave again in eall the attention jr»f
T» ™» «.n 6,4 11., .1 ,l,j ui,, ir<i, I .*■» CMfSII m«cW.-
.oha Halt Wood UJrei. ’ ’ 'T*S imi'ii ' ! "> will warrant,!! equal if not superior to anjr other
-L-- ~—» 'j-. C-i- i -L?2 . BnrkrPre*a, of the same price how tn u»c.
HAVANA SRGAM.H'yIA hz* Havana Hegars ftir ‘ We have a number of certificate* of their perforvi
•alolir; VVIU.MMBA DILUtiRTH i-i ance. winch occupy too much space for advertising, but
.myt ; ■' NoS7t*oo<l»i | can be seen aiour office. •-
'mnUoJn.iSM.V. V 7' 7 .. “-J Brickmakera«risT«*peetfully'rnVned-to'give , a»#ie»l|
Vl jl I 7*. ‘ ~.l i?, * l .'. ,r \, ’ ' > • '.Ve will guarantee for the performance
IkOLL^VTTKR-Received unconugtimem.itnd j "r‘> dkwSmFf ’ cadxlbatlh k penn n '
K\fer«aUbv J D WiUJAMMACo ] yir. W., WI’LSON, Waich MskeV k. Teweller,
_ _ 110 •jood ct ’ Vv • corner 4ih anAMarket st«. A large and well
Olfi—l< Libia just rrceiged on con l felected stock of svatcbe*. Jewelry, Silver ware amt
1 ngnnMjit.'a'bd forsale Uv> v . , MiliiarrCfooilr ifiways on hand and at regular cas
'A'Fft'HOD it ’vi, J | tefn price*. Gold Patent, Lawr, fytl Jewelled watches,
my I -.water A frodlsis a«Jow a* *IOj Filvct do waicbck'.aslow a«SIS. >;
~~~— ' v Ccuume Cuuper, Tobias. Jotmtounnd other approved
saeki Feather#, for sale by *' insieorwatebes may be hitd si a «mall advance and
r.JSI I “ _ . ATWOOU. Jo.SF4i ACo J i warranted. - ...
I . nn _ .. ,", ' '* T Jo®Flne watch work Jivi.* Hi tbs wry best-manner
ARD-5 kegs Family juit received and for »P«7
J «* lf bT jay IMM J D WTU.IAMR fcCo 1 XbST "V j "
rssiriTv' -I'.il' ■■; •v: r ? *,' *' ’e Cl Int. «ct with three Topax iidnea, a black
[s J, A, always, on I r ;'ticflinlp.«it*a'Vrir»nificLnsida^-WU-’andns
l band shJ fur sale bj JH W ILLIAMS 4Co ! K W'alfaee.. jTh* nbStre reward will be if re
- IM >‘ l lib wood *t | turned in gred order »| «y office, N«M4 LinertfaireeL
Q BAO9Ri« Coffee,i.iViocV,VeU slid for «Me by ' ■ *&?} ■/* - " ’ ‘W kV WALLAOE '
.. fn l . •_ hio ICO liberty tt JJ Roblun, one fine morklttg Bird ami canary bird* of
FKACHKft-.»»baad»iddFdacbrt.«r*alek)w,. v, "‘.. ! ' j,. ,
close wngnmem, JAtf-DAr.RFXr. 1 * J Al«>. Bud rayfit, cpmpmji aud spate of which
mvl } l j • -.1 No «t w.ier - l we.baveiu»«.re|feivf»nind uow opening at the Phis.
* —: ■■ i bdrgb aeed slDt>| apSM - SiVWICKEIIFHAX V
BACOX— * c»»k» BmcOo, ju*L.reeelved and foraali
„ _,.oßrn.Mc«aEvv jtCos
rov* .-iN'o c Cptnnjm-i«lßo'jfJltb«ny at
Fl®** BRlCK—3u,ou»,br«l quality, for aaf* low
to Plot** rr>n«ien/neni,' by
*ny» .FBIKND, RMKV 4 4 from «tt
POTASH—* eaakt forVaJr l.j* :
i .“Vi_____ FRIKyP, BUEV 4 <"o
COTTON —IVO baler to arrive. (or uiebr <
p __jny! ; FRIKNP, RHKYACo
W P IIITR BRASS—SOO bu for «ale by
■ny» FRIEND. RHKY 4 Co
VARS, 4<%-x,tioU lb* Cotton Yaru<
W Carpel Chain*; Colton Tvon and .Caudla H’ick
F*>r Mle by • -myt JfRIKVD, RHKY k Co
TJIUMETA4*—IGOioq* Hoi and Cold bla«i, (bridle
JL.b}T_ . „ mtl _ FJtIBND. RUKy A Co_
pOLDKH BYHUP-3J.M* for itle'bv
c*. lialve*; 75 do do Apf* I ' - *. (or •#)<■. by
«yI - FRIF.NI> RHEY k Co
O A A LCSJiquill*, ju*t rec'd and for • ale by
”7* , - • ' ‘ ' cor Elti.A woodiaU.'
'JbJf'k 1,15 S Aloe*, joiucc’d and for tale b>
0017 nnl , » A FAHNESTOCK 4Co
Butter * lard—jumi r»ii Bim«rr
•J kg* ilo - do
‘ Mil* LnrJ, reo«i*r«l »nd
< wood <»cfi
BACQ> —SlilHiidcr*, _ ..a - ...
I.HMt Um arnoKr kAa«e, : an<Hnr'
j water ft in>m .1.
rv BALKS Vclvri Bmilc Otrlrt, jn«t received and cor
*-> "nk t-> . B A FAHNESOCK&Co
a P' A ' _ cor first A wood
r\ ST A N Its Bnrfjundv plTpb; fin vale hV '
O .. • ' !1 A.KAHNUSTOCK ft O
T)KA\N lit aiorr; and tor«akl>y
cor wood ft water m*
SEtJAZLS— Cuba 3e.gat».
illi Span..i, do. ’ .
Common do; lor .yak by
-j*a> WICK AJrIcCA N DLKs<
\ fOLASSKS—3. iloiue and N. Orleans, for sale
-»1 by _ _ "3* * AJ<CANi>LKSS
D In »ioiv and for uio by. ,
It *P-”» _ WICK k McCAMH-KSS
CJ UGAtt—lannf aadCm»het>;fpr«alehy
A BHKS—Fcv aildScorch Salt., for tale by
l\. WICK fc MeCANDLEas
PEACIIKB * APPtSH-AOabo* dry I'ucbeT/
' . _ 3do pealed;
‘ ; ISO Bo Applt«j
For ««le by I DiCKUV ft Co,
pKDAB lpiodCedarLciiLfwaftte by'
«p3o ' .IBICKKV A Co.
pOTTOSSW. B»lt* to arrive, for
V “ l ® b >*. ... . y J MCKKy aco
OCOUCIIISGfcIs Tctritfir»i•Ort'Scorclunp'-, for
O »-k_by r i »py ; -t I DtCKRV A t'o
Ton» Saleratoa, to arrive, for I
SL-i.-i si -f.- T i U9Kkv,ac*o. j
"P 00 . ■ - Mo 41 iraicr u
C , P® a^*4l * , *iU» ; «*oPPOdfor;*al^bT : - ••
■gj° ' . _ * DALZKLL * Ci>. l,twrtr«V
QCORCHtWGS—Sa MjfißeifchW vibr «»te by
T K4QSIA9D bu, Sfi of
A-i eacb,Jun rec’d in prime tirrter, and for sale hr. .
«pifl • F.xoMflH ft gEVffrrrrT. arwood_u-
V\T wo.bjf f»tO;
\\t. r> xnado r-ii?.• c ,< ;
. • ‘ ; .'9O do IPltf; , a i
* , 3 j_ v ssf«gssiioW»-c»-■
W. urf i° n '
|g ’ J W k D * DB * il < £|~".
|S AdJo*afk c< l Sal* «ff BtJHBSSHEs^*
gTHlSevcrui&t 9 o'clock, at the iro4fierclal|sUe»
pfeomi,eornefiw Wood ant Fift4*treit#i?wtll UiSold
nSthuat valuable k>ih( grdtwd. si trait# in
(Se city of Allegheny, having a front©/30 feet on Flem
ing tttcctjand cxtctidtnv along WthntlMrect 70 feet,
■tKii|^'^^^fr^WoBTS»V i *fri»*tt residence. ai»»lc wyl
Dry Goods- ,*"1 Jf J ■ ■
ON Mouday morning, May 3d, at 10 will be
aold a. large ataortmcni of fresh uid »cawnabb di^
ky.-jeaiu. paper, rich,style print*. gingham,
bleached aprt ot»ble«efce»'inu#lilJS,/ehyCk*. ticking*,
roito trade and sanheer cloths, gambtooss, colored cam
brtc BtulUUr hosleiysglove*. shawls, hand kerchieft,
patent thread, aewing silk. rpool cotum, moas deUnes,
drc«, silks, aipaeca*,-fancy »e*thig», A*. 1 AUo< U*tr
hxeU;u.paia*oivfirwish:ru,Ae. Ac.
At 9 O'clock. P.M.
An.extensive assortment of new and second band
. b£>o»eho!, crmtlitinsof ©a©
: table*, ropenord day clock and cate, mahogany dress- ,
ihgbdtcaaa, /Way and common.chairs, bedstead*, a
great variety, work A wash Stands, settee*, t very so*
penor mahogany extension dining table, high back
rocking chair*/either bed*, maaiouex, looking flaw*
e*,-engraving*, kitchen atensls. Ac. Ac. -Also, queen*.
wmre,giau«rare > gToceries,Ae Ac.
... . At 7* O’clock, P. M.
A Urge collection iff valuable tnlreeliaaeoas book*.
Talaablsi Boeksat AtettsaV
OX Saturday evening May Ist, at? 1-3 o'clock, t*Mhe
Commercial J4iW Booms, coraerof Wood A Fifth *!*,
will be *oid a v-ry'large assortment of bookaj embra
cing a great variety of standard work*, in almost every
department of literature, of tf e !ale*t and best editions:
Gentlemen desirous of replenishing their libraries
wilt firtd thiJ a fhvorablo opportunity,** the tale, wili
.ticpiwitive." ‘
.The bboks are arranged for examination during the
day.' “ ‘ • ,»p3O
- Balldlng LoU At Auctloa, l
ON Saturday aA*rm»u, M*y Ist. at 3 o’clock, will ba
.sold on the premises, 38 .valuable bulging lots, very
handsomely situated on Fourth street road or Pennsyl
vania Avenue.and street* adjacent thereto, embracing
desirable situation* for private residence or basiaess
purpose* A plan of which may be seen at the auction
rooms,or.on application to Mr. James B Irwin.
Tenor, one fifth approved endorsed note, at
four month*, the residue m -foar equal annuarpatmenWi
with inter**!. Purchaser* topsy expense or convey
Should the weather©
sold at 6 o'clock, P. M. at the. Commercial -tales'room,
corner of Wood and Fifth sa.. ” - apt? ~
Da. WOOD’S lampt/liu had WUd
Cherry Bittern, for the corn of the following
dtsea«e*r Jaundice, Liver Complaifi|. all B : Uioa* Cbm
piainis, su:k Headache, Heart tfqntt lfldi***lk»a,b«t)il\
ual Cosiivenets, Pile*, Palpiiatleosof the Heart, Lost
of Appeuie,Dy*p'epsia.Nervoa*lrrimuons l Debilitaied
Stomach. Languor. Depresnbnof Spirit*, ChroolelUipa-
Co'aiteous Di*e**es, Canker, Syphiloid Di*ea-
Serofala • (ifepurrties or Afie Wood. Pimple* - dud
Pu«inles-eh the Face, Hereditary Httaor*, Cold Bofe»,
and ail disease •arising from ariinjudlcion* use of Mcr-
The attention of the invalid public, and of all tho*e
afflicted, by any of lie above difeasctv is respectfalfy
called to the mrnts of a new and invaluable prepare
lion fiomanorigiual recipe of a distinguished physician,
combining In itself the most active reme'dlal properties
:of two of tbe very fir»t articles-in the Materia Medica.
~Tl« 9amansrilU *nd VFitd ta*
traduced to toe public about twelve months ago L and
during that peiiod their success has been so great as to
indoce-ibo proprietor i* offer than with still moie cm&-
denea. In the full belief that by entering into more ex
tensive use. they will prove a blessing w all those
suffering from the diseases above enumeraleiL
Sold, wholesale and retail, AXPTOH
AM. r euer* 1 ageuis, 121 Yuliori* tree t,NewYorkj Wx
Thom, Market street, and P. K. Sawrxa. SmithfieM
street, Phuburnh, Pa- Price Sl—large bottle*.
I meh93>t2m 9dP
TMPORTEB and Manufacturer of Cutlery, Sergical
X and Dental Instruments, Saddlers and Tinners’hand
■ tools. Taylors’ Patent Shears, Ac. Ac.' Also manafac-
) hKU>L» J « rawWOTK—Wa.hisoto*
] II anin>\»QKXSAfL.«..'Headley,.,a»jbor of
] ' Nsji«lcfln aniJ'bi* SUroiiHai" VThe'SJCfeJ Moun-'
! 4«*. mo,lllimraird withjJG-Por
' tram. , Jim rrceWed and for rale by •
j ap3i) 1 No 41 market «l
OIL LRMON-t Cau ben.Sicily; . ,
OIL BEROAMUT—t Can. fre»h; '*
I OII.SPIKfcLAVKNDER-l la«e Can; (or iale
by np23 J SCUPONMAKF-g JlCo
cure* Towaio
1 (TB Srcfrih; Philadelphia, maaolaeliirerj ju*t re*
| ccivpd and for tale by FSKLLEKB
j -p59 I<L ■■ No 17 liberty'll
/inn 881-Sl'laiiri-Pam.for aale.anhe pjtwbortb
WU French Uarr blfll'Vtone'RUfltifactOfyj. No 2M
Liberty n. nenr the canal. \VW WALLACE'
np® • • ! I
PALM SOAP—Fine quality: i I
do do Common; ju*l received ! and for
anvO No g| wood » .
'l’EAS—ttyton * Yoon^ j 1 * ;
L Hjiou Skin A Gunpowder; /-
Irepeiiat & Black, for rata by
cor wood and watcr*l»
BARYTES —9 toru Barrie*, of prime CBtlUrrecHi
aod for -xlelowby - OEO BREED
»t wood »t
BULSSwcci Cider, on enn.!*'-
Cider, on e£>o>i?iuoetii;
in bblfi »>«• Flours
V«w kfi Nuli'j for »*Je by (
«r» -' f •
BACON— 117.1 lb* Karon, n«»<mcd, jam rtceiTrd
Bill! tor fltilr bi N •
; H F VON BONN HORS rft o»
MKS 9 POttK-4 mlc liv
No 03 from »i
Miu'k»r?l, bl.|« andkit.i,
*■ tl<*rrnig. I'M* null bx»; by
HA v ttAKBI-IOdo»»for oate-by
GIUEKH APPLES—O bxf Green Apple*, for
I taleby up-jo 8 FVON BONNHORSTACo
LTI£HRI!Va9->Wl>bU7iro li juti received;aad for
ABCIIES. for tale low by
*r . . ... WICK A McCANDI.KSS
HRAdGES * LSnOKß.roruie by
V/ “f l -' ' WICK & .McCANDLKJ^
llir ud Shaving Sdap.'fortcle hr
**>“L aj - v_. * • W ICK A JJcC ANDLKSa ...
Whale, and Tanner* oil, for < air by
«pg WICK AMcCaWPLE**-* f
pLOUR—SO bbl. Family Flour, for»a!e by. „
.DACOIV Fifteen raikt Bacon llama and Kkonlden,
lD t for tale by ap*'_ , F-SKU.EK*
>/IBANBEBBIEB—S feblt m ttorc-and fin tale
i\Jby,.apg> - . RPALZKLLACO. liberty Vt r
; F^|L^ BCTT “4A“ml 4 S^
KAOO9- *fl 000 ll>» Hogroand. forwle hy
.L .?_ fc Co 1
iiiA 881-S Herring;
]IHI foMafotoy .v,, ~W GREER
pem . • ' .. corwa'er4»iaiih&etd
l (l( k oXB Ctacniaali Soap,:fo arrive,jb* tale by ; r
IUU ang. ' ■:-=--- \\VOftKER
UULo Maple Alo(a*M •:••>" “, _J;
4 |UO bbU Floor; ■.. ap'Jß . yf OREER
S' s«t VP:, 9 Ffcjfa ».Coi
■p” . . N»airr»i«.,
O'BAQATisHKkj lt(4, bruit by .■
A atv~S rV~ TAB3F.V ABF.rr
FJ*A3C- SEBD—-fr? bov' for taleby
>♦•{oo * ; ■. ' 7;. .; TABjF.y XDEBT
QfVKEGS R fined Saltpetre,'jattreeeived -and for
ou ute br -. b apart* ebtock a CV'
-JF B AP-v&Uf cfc? ft Y 8 Tctw;
£1 f stP Mo'Canjwi*.
% ?y do - Imperial;
gt £w 4® FoWkeooj; - -
» g® ftlbbi* Imprnni and (iunpowdcr;
VW *3 do V'M rwfifcd uni
JKMleb>f% O BLACKBURN 4 00
f t cor «rairf n »nd cben r »!!e>
„^CSDfUKH—Hire* FUx*eed,
"O $ rack* do *
-2° 4** £?P ,e *>.
I do db-Pcichr£
* Üblr.No 1 I«*rd, now. laadiM> front
■jeaowr Abicuci; fer ule by 1 DICKEY */CO
1 •** i.j' te'i •*. • ftMU .trwm
Enjli»h Winding
»P*S ' J schqonmakrr ACO
SPONGE— Selecied^-yeryine,
1 eiMCMnnmd' -
I bole co«t*c, far ■»!> far
fißflit Asm.otTttun.T*'
No M wood »; rfr ,
LIHBEKD OIL—2O bbl* Linteed iw‘j
Wd fertile by .Mk BBS, HUNTKR fc CO
•pg - ■ • Ebony «t.
ALtfX— SObbltjiutrec’dandferflebr '••
>p33 J ODPACo.cordth A wnod »«
1 VO teMmsooVChallenge Ultcltn*. Jen receipt
iOU and ferula by. tp*9 ' J Kipp nco
IO !*••» Wee 1 * Cdagh Cojjdy, jiui ree’d md for sole
IV by tpss ‘ . _JKIIu>AC»
WANTED— Girlt to tnoit njl«
tp*34t PIER?* A COLLINS, fit« t M
LARD OIL—S bblr No 1 Lord Oil;
Shir do do, rec’d per iiasr New
England, tpd for ttJe by _ J^SELI.ERS
°P<3 ... . 17 liberty it
L INSEED OIL—9 bbhLinicek Oil, in flare tnd fo;
ttie by *p3d FSEI J.KRS'
O p. SudlOlbctoitteri of Muritnl,for »«loby
w «p<3 . _ ■ FsbXLKRS
HAMS. A«—l bx VeniaSn Htrsr'
1 cik baeon aidea.jnM recM
tad fertile by FRIF.NP, RHEV kU>
■ a P” fTvawin.
1 BBL Freth Camomile Flower*. ju«t received and
for rale by BA FAHNESTOCK A CO
-IP.* B cor In A wood an
I BBL Ja«aaieaO,njerlßooujUx! received and fe.
A atle by ip93 B A F.filNKrnoCK ACO
6 BAGS Gincer Root, jail receded and for tale \<\
Pia IRON—IOO tons hoi tad cold Msu .Mercer co
rig Iron, in afere and for tale by
ipg» WILLIAMS fc DILWORTH. wo *fsr
BACOJY-4 bblfHwl '*' “"7 ' * T ~T
•• _1 Undiflgfrom Lake Eji*
by _ ,?p»„ tas dai.zklj.
DVIiK POBK-WOUIrt Balk Perk. now .audiu,
for ««Je by ' ISAIaII DICKKV *CO "
' __ | front A w*ir*r m»
D AISINB, *c—SO Lirßiiwn*,
*-V **J bi« Purr Eng. Mu»tai.*-
Wkcff* Uo ‘ JoT
6 Pepper; tor »ale M-'
*P«» w IjHEEH
and 16 bag* Dry a i.pi>»
£V*** Pl»i»«rd; * bag* Timothy Sc-,p ‘
3bill* Pork; • nea«ka Poia»h •
30 baa Dry Peacbea; 3 bbla pmae Roll Duuar
Jimreeeived and for tale low by •
“P®__ J._. ENIiIJSI^A. UK,N N KTT, .17 »-oo<! *,
bbla Greco Apple* vsneiv ui
best kind*; GOO lb*.*apanor.Cbra'J>;
ft bbliUiuer;
. . . .. «. .3 tfbtiU Apple Buti«r, ro.leof <l.ll
*d mm, aiupenor uncle. :o arrive; for sale 11
Cin«l>aX£S **ua farrtf ’v :
"'8 ifo Butter; J
v . 4 6bl» roll Butler: /
Jj. ds pared Poaches;
; sdo Cranberry^’/
-JP B ®. 35 wo«-il.*n>ei
AC\ Burlap'a, lait&bla for Wool Sa,a»; a|,,>
**\/ Grain bagging. Plain and twilled, in great ran*
iy, eooatamly on bana and for ■‘ale by the bale
ap SO dCw IS Market at. Phil>drlnh.«
F**® - White lixr-j**t received, » r«w
hbli of-Very Boe WftltcLine from Si Ixui*
retailing m any qnaatUylotait coniomen*.
1 WAAO HARRIS, Archi A Com Met.
lAgI Ag itcbe«u Kxut Fine Imperil;
**• •* do do Jo (•unpowrtti;
? j eJ* 0 , Young Hyron;
„ , . 5 do QiOJan Powchonr:
Pgr aale by mpH _ JJDWfCUAM* 4CO
FHH— l(i bbl* No 3 Mackeie!;
S do do Jo
L. ®l*2 do do “ •Jo .
- . 5 do do lllcrriug.
J I) U'H.UAMh t n>
L’WH—WbbltNo a Slackcreral”’' " ’
I? 6blfbbJrNoa do ’ . .
"*> kiu Jo Jo
i Mils SaJiooo, for talc by
*"? _ eorwatertMfccherry.allej’
Y®% ow * w *e*? T POTATOES—"- M.U
• e, i W, i o *‘’ JW received in rooJ condi* —
“ lc •>Pitttburrb «eed itore. comer o<
wood and 6th ttt. apgl g N WICKKRMIAM
P eol » cl Boarder* cnn*be-ae-
K ?*‘r oU b . y “Pplyinpwon MNo.a, Kotilnwn,**
iie»rßow, Federal etreel Allegheny City. ap-jo6i
T/**®; Limeed Oil, In
.“ dtor, * lel,y J JORDAN fc SON
a P *° l IS liberty street
100.000 "r‘ ,l?e ' :n “ "” i;
-*?*— J JORDAN k. SON
urifal kooO lor tfoauntr C&«!», ja*t received and for
“!s£r._-. _ shacklktt k. iviTmai
HOBS* for BAIJB-YcH>n 5 ,KH,»d Vod «n
_J* B - A Kfr w» . REYNOUW-k SHEE
- 1 ” ' corptnn fcirwinou
Ati bbla Idea* Pork;
do Prime do. For ula bv
-»£” ' - 1 i JORDAN 4 RON
P *® JF® Wferigll?"* »*o> Blaat. {SFUirSr-
I—tSSa 1 — t S Sa FRIEND, RIIEV-4 CO, 07 water a.
A**f**K*-« bo. for Mle h r
"• B* !. . _ _J JORDAN & SON
f)ILB-C0U|(alta wimer hleaehed oil;
\J .SW “ wbaie • vda
- 5 bbla ; a ’i -do
* in lore*aiTd" fnt
\S -Mjf -ow u etote outMoijjoment, hjrj
J D WICJL cor water k ßood *i
ba dried'Peaehea.jmi reeen-cd
A . and&raalebr iiCTCJIittON A CO
»|Et7 - • .No 45 w«ct. A. di wood «*
S*?9Tt** • a»on«l Jio», received, per ttesarr
O JJ Crittenden, and for sale by
R°.^>® UTTKR * LA aD. * »ro'™ ud‘for
■lVeelety I, &IDWICK.
OMOKSD HKRaiSF-lOObuja.J rec’d and
Sd J Ol ** lc '»w by apV7 ___ LiJD WICK
landing from strainer l.«ka
■‘.^'“ ndfor '* Jeb y JAS UALZELL
- 2&fl VI watnr ti
kega Butler, for tale br
*p? • JAS dalzell ;
I ke^% Lard, tor taic by * ‘
\XrOOL-4tack* wss;lor aaleity ' -
V* —•P g? • „ JA3 DALZELI.
10 5A I £?^ e J 9kitt '* &«*» Michigan! Lit-,
iv mad fin tale br ja* OaLZELi.
T\IUBD FRUIT—7S Lu«hH Praebe-; r
7".., ' •' 75 do • Applet,in nom and
for Mte by J D WILLIAMS k CO
-±P**- - - lilt woodau;
miMOTHY SEED-JJ ba clean Tuaothr seed
X w More and for tale by apVI JAR FLOVD!
lloorr; ■ \ '
Forealo by ap»l __ . ) p WILLIAMS ACO
pOTAIH'O catkt Pare In tiore and for tale ty
*?“** -_ : JJeJMPtOYD, l#»ribeny«
BBANB—In tioreaad for rile by
M «P»» - ■ ■ JARFLOYI)
n^ K P APPLES—SuO ba, in tiore and for male'
A/ by : ■. apR J A RFLOYP
EIIXTCRBB—| caaerec’d and for *alr
- 8 white
OTOPTlltllSIlli: —SO o*. jutf received aad" foi
»* Jb by aplfi J KIDD, w> wood *t ;
T I4UOBICK ROOT-3^[b. »mall .nete, jq-„
•Ll race and for aale by j KIDD id v
A ItCOHOL—i°bblt/atfreeeivedand7or7al7bV
~ l J jtjDD A Co. 8t waierai
OOOBOUUGS-Jutreeeived and for tale fly ' /
°«PI» • WICK A bIeCANDLKjft*
ViyrTKR~4 bb!( Fretb Roll Buiier for ,»!e by
JL> «!>!» WICK k. MrCASDl.nss
pOTASn Prune Potaab ]oh received and far tala
X by- aplfi McCAXIJUSS
T. BAD-~500 pig« Gaieoa Lead, received per «teamM
J-# Caobna and ramie by
■P I ? kyvis HUTCJlljiilN fc Co
/IIILORIDR LUUB-3 eatke lot tale be
B K SELLERS. 57 wood »i 1
I?1«AX8EBD OUe-ls'btil< for tale by
j 7 *P» R K BKLLF.KS.i7 wood tl
YELLOW OCIIRB— lit. pan Freoeb, ibi
A talc by aplP R E SELLERS, 37 avooJ it
pmppßD Logwood-30 bblt for uie by
V»t ls v __ RKe5KLLKRB.37_vrMd.t_
TJACON-7 OUUIU, bar round, in »mre - 3nd for tale
iJjay aplO tf A W lIARBAUGII
XXT OOL-P)eece, Tub Watbed aud-ifollrci Woo
»V wanted by mptP Sk t» HARBAUGII
B BOOHS —JOudox. metare and for tale by
N O. HOLASSBS-tSObbfo in tiore and for >ale
, by apls GEO MORGAN foiCo
SPA»ISUrwniTiSU--JO bbl. for"tale by
jpls OEO MOBGAN A Co, |(ifl wodd
RIO COFFEE-300 bag* landing from C*n«! and
for tale by aplS k, Co
SCORCH SALTS—3 toot for tale by
ap>s W GREER.cor water and «rrmlif,eld «i«
APPLES-IW Obit Romani!? Applet for .ovTy
JEl* . •- r • W GREEK
MOTASH—ISnaKt Potath tor »ale~bv' •
Jr !El? ; to fiRFJ.R
TBA-Whf ebctu Black 7mm Cana!.
»rl7 »' _ W GREER
OCORCHISGS-flbbl. ja.t ree'd fortale bv
Q_«pl7 : , WILLIAMS A DH.U-nrrrt,
bagtparlGreen RioTfor'Mlfc"
V*P |? x • W GREER
S t*apr7 , * , * — * # *°° I 9 *®*
CJOAI*—I*O bit arriving fiwoifCincinnati, fin- «alc bv
pTor taleby . apt? ■ , J p ROkOAX
pITCH—I box Bargmtdy Pitch for »air by
A .*P |< JDMrtiintN
ATATCHBS-UnotaLocofoco. for talaby
XVX api? j p Morgan, n I a wbod «
BACOK-OCCQ lb*, hog round, in tiore and for tala
by api? g ROBISON A Co
OfiL—• bhla Lime«d 'OU inatore and for tale by
«P»* , J C BIDWFJ.L'
T AHSBUO OIL—4 bbl* pare, for rale by
AA api4 -- , J p Morgan,Ml wood n
N« 1 tale by
;APPLB»--»bblt_r»dordeT. fortafo