' 7■: 1 ■ k f : ;. ~ -fry* t P IUCKSEVW'^riSLARS. ~ I ■' lt' '(loilo6Xwti»i«H»l and ; J-Vrw»fi^tig>l«f»!nnt, H and Piiul.uj/n! .. Bfhjt ■ At WoOU, JO»»*’ »;.rw *.i.i. us4UfcTjjnl/,'li4Tf .ryn»rß«l 10 ib»iroU >Urw, ►Ypia ~»>rf ri«. Vilulmryfa. .• ,wHlj' A KlliK' //«*«*! ■*>» >fa~b»-*lcrm»V JuaiUoflni; • iuJ lnuo'. i9p*J*l*M**7 *S 1 “ i*e ebfe«t>lkiniMrfo«m«-•"*: T.w*oleMle »«d rUI], So m. Tb: nl slrrri. I’m-bnrgb. -igl. vbkot* i t e«*r<, eiOkfi* W[T*-k- BRAIN «*, UKlTXfff' WlokwfajiAlttUtaU l>n*x+<%, -«wn«r an . I'uubu/^^Tf.••. : v 'le’luW r Whole* aJe'lufo Kc wnl Dry Geodk, N«.' •• * •. ’■ to?* **£ CO., Whofcfale k .nod ixiwhn*. /yl.; . *J * Gee cm 4iU*Uce.t‘al'Yc SiniiliCeld.•.■ - ipE7ly - Wa.Celcaiiui. John F. Jcnniur*. Ja*. W.Hailmas. tIOLKSCATT. HAILMAN A t'Q,Mami£aaurcn / ofCanine rprintv>nrfAxlca,.A-, B. aud Spring ■ W*mi’l . . i '' ; ; * : CIUSKIN'OILASI AUUXSKB;W)t«I«aI«Gt» / crrt, C\)i:.im**:on and • dealer* ru *o,l.Fm»bur*li manufactiirds, No UlUbepy y. i L ; .'jaaf . job* c* i" t>.KCUUtRI. CIAKSOSAJUcKNIGIIT, (succeieortto Jl j <_«uuwr‘ rt. vo i WiH)lo»lc Grocer*, Coaunluioa and ranvuritiiK .Mefihnin*, Dealer*.in.Ftodacc and Pittsburgh .M*hutVeMre*. Fix I h *tr*ei,‘bet*vfert Wood and InUeitT. Pa. ’ oitM Ct VKAUKIIy Irnfiirv.r and wholesale and retail /•dealer in Flint y and Staple Variety Good*, aunt Of Die Gilt CVtfnb. tv? Mttfftt strrevnrayLlUeryvFin** burgh. IV _ ~ ofclU_ Dll. X-TtAlilCa, Dealer m!Flwlo*e anil Faradr • Belail Urooer, Nod* Ltl"*riy door to cot ncrof Mattel • • • ’ its ly . Janies DuiiltV J Jlamtoa Sewell DU.VLUF * SEWBlilir WL»w, Otlirei oa !*mnfcbetd, 'l>er*eeri‘ Ud and 4th «u. . mchS-ly ’ • _ __ . n Kwatt • '' ’ * jons oaaaajrr^; rWALT, A OEDMARTi OfQn r, dealer*in'piottiicd lutfFitUburgli manufac*. turcs, comer of l.ii.eiry ami Aland* w.FtUOorfU, Pa reblT •■ ■ 1 „ wa a. k,mii.’»m. . _ _ *. English * BEsiSRTT, iute English, o*i Uglier 4 t'o \ Wh’nli**alr Uipcerr, Commission and Forwarding Merchant*, nnd Dealer* and Pitfeborgh Afsndtueum**, N.i. T 7 Wood tWoit.f and Tlnrd »u. _____ _ L-®*”- ' A A AGRA W J t l. aw, iVli- (HTieer , 'rtia&YVd a lew'.tucuiiiearer prada*r<«t. «n Foonti to HairOldJluaae. . , , / at^dlm Fimw ARD-iTsW AIITZ WELDEU. Awe liry« afiUJtTi Irate tt nvWe.l their oAce to ibd south *ide-ot FniHtt) «t{reiJV«tet»«>UUsFrama|r»ts Pitts* l.urgti. Fa. ", { ; >bS iy ULVUIUf f’ atM Fotjr Mauufaeturer and deal* ! ,h n \tutui*».:. *.. nun*. / KOUGE jiOJIGAJI * CO t WfeolMale Onx vT iKO. A. UUBIU' WlMltuleaiwer mniCoa \J fiitsion Merciiwit,-end i>Mler in Produce nod Manufacture*. • No, It .Wood M,on»birrnh. w, SoliiH. ~M. B. Brown. tIRO. W? SMITH k Dtevrcf»,M*l»ier», f *nd dealer* in Hop*, Pituburgb and Pqcql Brew* rHrt.'Pehn and Pitt KreeW. \ >' { 'J. l JdH . Geoaos COCURAJB, Conumutbb'aair For warding Mcfc-lwot,^|* n J{BAy-VdfU«W»CiUJb»rjh. tn«TtJ,' "“• - ■ • ' ' ? "■garni. fcttilu'.',' • ' • Geo. U. Browne. Hitt t uIiOWSK, [«ueec*»o« :» ilold»Uip A Browne J Iraremer* and «mriufa(rWf i^ead Manafkcturer. Faifit A OirMercb arU, CPB»er ofLib eny «nd (Vllara si*., Pittsburgh: ' • ' ' fcblS IItUR PICKET. . BQBgBX PICXXTi JB* ISAIAII DICKEY A Co, Wholesale Greets, Ccmmis.ijan .Merchants anddealers In Produce, No* M Water andjtf? Ffoul »ireet»,Piitsl)arch. ;i iiqtB J~ OsifcPJl ItaOiXi. AfloiesT'sr-linfc';' PrrtA»sh, Pa., has reiuroed Lb* practice of his proftssfou in his office- No?, Uakcweir* Buildifcg*, Grant street, oc cupied during hi* abseuce by. T. J. Bighorn;and J, Chnsne.Ksgr*. ' ’ jaSdfcvrtfK JOUMD. nURGA.N, Wholesale Druggist, and dealer nn Dye timffi, Pamu,~ Oils, Vanities, Ac , No S3l Wood street, tide door South hr Diamond Auey, Pittsburgh. > jaal JAMES KEIUI. Ja.ACOvUufcesforKttiJojeph G.Dtri*} Ship Chandlers, M'Weier w. , odDl JOIIS JbrrJeaiop'A fleo’a &cel,No &5 Wood strati has eocmttily’on imnd : a large asK.rim<-niof Extra Cast Cast CtaM«e and Sin gle fiuear, Gsraunand English Bliifer tftfeelj.whieb be will sullen Um «oo«i aecoauaodatrnrtenas ’mchia JOHN 11. MKLLeß*Wbofesale ( a*«iH«uU iedl etui MnsicamdMu*ienJlßsmraie«ti;Sdh6ol peeks, Paper,States;Steel Fens. Quill*. Fruueri’_Cani* l and Stationery generally, -No. hi Wood-It, Pittsburgh pyihip looghi or taken in_iiade._ seplS JSCiIOOSaiKEB * CO.«rbiitMlt ; Dr«* « fjiMtNo.jl) Wood »t. Pittsburgh. wfla JO 8EPHJOKDAS A lOS/ CoaaiMiM And Forwardinir.Mrrchani*, No Dr Liberty *l, (apposite. SmnUfiefd «i.i >arpt>«on*ii Row.. • j aTOUN Im GALLATIN, Attorney at Lav. Office •J and Southfield, sooth aide, Pituhtrjn.l’n. Will also attend promptly w basinets nthe . » , ■ ■ : <-wdMy. b. SAVU, AUOnONKFJL cecncr YiAh and Wood nreel*, Pittsburgh. TOUN C. BldVeUii Agent. Wholesale Qm tl, ear.tad Commi«*ion Merchant,- Water arren, Sid door above the Monongafcela Bridge, Pufebprfb-', in* Iron. Nilb. Class, Ac. atmanafsf lorersl prices. ■I BOTtf ' '° 1 ‘ ' , 1 tOUSSTOS A ' STOCKTON, fookdrilers tP Printers and Paper maaufacturer*, No. 44 Marke at, Pittsburgh. .■•■■-e.dv> f >*lA Book Store.'4 (h, near .Market M • Classical, TbealogfeaLHJitcitiefcfy-Sclmft'MJcel' alnrow Had, Methodist Hooka and-Stationcry. '. aptld- J* ~ W* 'KOBKMTaioSfJtS^BEk'eri • ehangrßrokrtt, corner e/Wood and Third streets, iMereham’t Hotel B*ildmga,kPUuharfh.ga-',i«l ! ' fEyCutrency purchased at the anal rates. - .total 1 . JOUBT QKIEE, Wholesale Groeri'BwfliMiyPrb d*c*,Fuuborgtijaamrl'acture., Tin Fl*le,'he.ac, No tsM Liberty M. Pittsburgh! -.John Piojrdj. Ktchard Flo yd. Jk R. FLOYD, {late J Floyd »<«roms; No* tftt Liberty meet .^>JJCTCRISOS A Com VDuh/ik tlrocert, r»rA-anl : ng snd ComryiaftpaMrrphaptl, and i , .falj*r»'\aJlT{»l)Urgli,Mltiuracuirei, «e->.Nb< 43 Ws«ey unitSf »nmt sti/ ‘ angjl | ■ Hemy fmnWTi. '' * ’. ' I AMBETIT ft SOIFTOir, WhofesateOreerrf, j Forword»« aaApawwitaßJiUrrtArtki DdaVm iM.Pfddihii'a pJ P/iufiin»bi manufariores, Noaliaral ,febQ~ Join M'C,Jf, !t.'lLWhfieW.T’l Jas. D^'M.«iTr A UDSMFIKLD.Omcmasd No ISl'Lioeriy jtreet, Jntii- U ' '/a»riy : M AUra.-. Alen NtioieV v ‘wSTc9}?Si~[ \jr OAf' CotamiMton and Fbrtraran* F»m. cornel or Wood sionlMrrchanlr, No' »-‘l and JTJ Wood atiJels Pauhnnrb. •• • 1 ' • > ►' - •• - -•■<.• i -ATIiIOLbIKS i SO»rNo 1> . ©nddoor.front •onter.oTFbßrtH-DHjrfft?SET ergniand Doatasne BOfe-ofExchange, Oenlfteates of Ifepoi.il. IJank Noics aud Specie. ~ . ,-rriiv.," II7“! Cf&tatom m«/r dft all cl t pnhrisvl Kmu. - WlTi MCTLPII T.AViLsbs A CO., UlmfeSaffe Oood» Dealers, Na. a Wood street, Pitubaixk _»cntlu . -, ..... .. .. .j ' v. ‘S At* * K W.|Poindciicr. X Culbeiuba. d U'Grant P T -^ I V'd**®rt.^.WAofeffato- Dcoe«ri ± iand CijnwsiMH>iieho ForwaidingMereham*,No 41 Waierwert 1 . . dec** ; *•**“'>' .r • Bnkewell’* liuild»ng«, nearly oppoeiie the New Court HoUrf. .. .nv.'.;.'! ritUrtWig* TJOBERTSON ft BEPPEftT, PredttM DeaL XY cis and mkrchaoo,N» UPS«e»adsL Pi»m>«tfL v; .... > i,. v M pn • R , s^r^f„?SSiS'- B lsS^*i ■ BUSINESS CARDS. _*• *J££2:j!±- t. fcoßis»oM. Dt BRICE* CO. -Wboieaale (imrWii. Comm.. ■gy J**- W«rhi«u, and dealer* ii, Wodure and PuuUitgJt-Mtuniftcurr*, Liberty n. oppo«iw Bnmi.- -Jjeldaw Pmtlwrgh.-P*. j i m ys RICHARD BARD, irtinieAole aid jrtul dealer in ,Morocco, JhoetnmkerV Too)*aud Kind 4n»».T!Umeni nndCorrieis Tool*, and Tamjcr* o*l. Mo. 10l Wood*t.-Put»tiufgh. *epu nOBERT DALZELL A Co.Tw’h'.Triule (iro cer«jCon»rni«*ion and Forwarding Mer.’hapi*. de«. ler» tn Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*. l»it*env , ~,, . .... .j frl.W ROBT. »OBJ*0». , »AM*L. B.j BOBItfOK. |) BOBISOM E- Oo«» Wfaoletale tiroeer*, I’ro* JLLr-.-dueeand Cotamiuion Merchant*, and Dealer* in . u *r*?P“ **tt*i*ctafe*,iCo. itSl Liberty viTeet, Pitts burgh. ,P«. • • _i janio IIOBERt 1 9100 RE, WbolemleGrocer,Rectify IV inj Dntiller, dealer m Produce. .Maim factnre*,nod all kind* of Foreign and DontetWc Wine* an~lbiqnor», No II Liberty street. Pittsburgh % • li/” N. B. On hand a very large mock of Superior 010 NU}nongg^yU,VVjii*idy vW bidt wtU Ik- luw for cyo- . wa>JtHy . Ld. Reynold*. J, Bhre7 RE s’MOL DP A BII£E, Forwarding and Ccujr ■jniuion Weiaiam, for the Allegheny River Trade, dealer* iuCfoceriea»Prodncc, Pittsburgh Manufacture* .and Chloride, of Luae. Tli« higbeil (irkint, in caib, pud al all tine, for Cogn^r)’Saga. Corner of Penn and Irwin at*, junttl POShicklett Tho*. R White. SHACKLVTT A WHITE, .Wlwleetle Dea ler* in Foreign and Domestic Dry Ooorts, No 09 Wood utreei,'Pitubßigh ieb!7tf S i WHARBAUGH, Wool Merchnmi. ’dcal. • er« in Flour and Prodace generally and Forward ing and Coauniwion Merchant*, No it) Wood •treet, |Jftiabßrßb^ va _. jam CJAMUEI* PALMER, Attorney at LaVr. Ofitcc Oin Dreed 1 * building, No 83 Fourth street, between Wood aod thanhfield. ; ' novjhifcwly ST®***OS2l Q&BA£TT| Manufacturer of Fan | cy.Suarmr and Toilet Soaps, Winter and Summer ! pressed LattTUil. ic. Jf o 17 Fifth »1, betwetn Wood «!«, Pittsburgh. Fa. ■ oc3l SF. VOS BOSSiibBST a Co., Wholesale • tiroeen forwarding and CotnmtMion Merchants, W**l er * m Pjt«burgh Mantrfacmrraand Western Pro- Huce, have re mo red to their new warehouse, (old stand) No 35, comer of Front at and Chancer)' l.ane. no»7 SAMCKIs.III. Forwarding and Commit won Merchant, Dealer in Salt, Produce and 1* iu* hOfjji manufactured aiiiele*, Caual llauu, neat 7Ui -l JK. W ICK.EUWHAM, Dealer m !Mi t no« *•;«*•» Frail Trees, and Agrienltontl Implement*, No. 1-tt Wood •■ireet Piustutntb. Ob'i rpHUS. KENhfcPy, Jr,Looking Mnnatacia J.rer, and Dealer in Clocks, u»mh«, and ViTrt> luiode.corncTOf W.mdand Fourth «treety jiu T Ptt>r*ytfc- K j'For«yth f p .!*» FOBSTTh A Co, Co .Merchants, A * dealers in Sail, Lumber, Groceries, Produce mid. Pit(*borgh Manufactures, Canal Uann, Lilx-ny »ircet, PitUburgb. irl.l r|\ JL HOULI&; Looking Gloat | ami Fu-iurc ,'X .Tisae Manufacturer, and Importer or look.ii>; JPJbn£Kb!c*; dealer In Hoiiso.faniiahi»g Hardware. >Vood-*uJ , c^near r ?VJ». wny«>? - • f --‘ ••■ • • ' • rt " iOU O. WICK. Dil l D KCiNDLin WICK A M’CANDLESS, < •accessor* to I. & JpVVick,) Wbole«aie Grooert, Forwarding and ComniaaioaJlerriiante. dealers la lron,.Na»t»,Glass, Cotton Yuma and pitt»burgb Manufacture* generally, t urtles of Wood and Wajjr*«, PiuHjureli. niolilj W, W. WHJOIT, Watchmaker »u>t Jeweller, k corner, of lib and Market »ireei«.. ap|? m K. ftuapuY~ Invite* Ihe litdie. Id ran and' I* ■ Ckataitne hit Mark of French Worked Collar*, •uoieaslowr mxS cents. r mohu 117! GBKKB, Wholesale Grocer,iforwirduie and »y »‘Co«uai»*lOuMercbmt, and Dealer ut i'nxlure aiul PuLbnrgtl Maoafhruirea, corner ut Walrt and. Sauthficldats, Pittsburgh, Pa. ■ apis II7HITBOBK; * WOLFR, Imjwnrtr and f ” • Wholesale Malers in' Hardware. Omlery, Sad dlery, Ac, eomer Lilleny and Si. Hair «ueei« pm«. - 1 ■ • _ opt?- Bookbinder, ha* removed to u,c r » * 'corneraf Wood antfThini *t«, above ti. 11. Kay, , w bd»»kdia{irep*rea\tt» do every Oetcripiiwu Of Ruim* and Utndiug. ■ r W W-VVAfC • mg c*[alli\tnd canal. LCIZp .Mill »ionp~andTßttlfunn*|i rltl, No. till liberty *tl t, near the roardi - w*. A'CDTraKuS. BOBT. B fUTCHEUB. Wkfi. M'CUTCHKdN, Wbelftle Grocer*. • ami Dealers in Pittsburgh Mamt:i»n*trr* and -Western Prodace generally, No. JW Liberty *ireet, Pituburgh, Pa. _ . m.ll W. A H. SUTCIIKLTaEE,' Wi,ole*«lr lirZ • cen. Rectifying I)t«tiiier*, and \V,nr ijidL.qiuir Merchants, No. ICU Liberty «ncet. (o;>no»iir Bitth «t ) PiTUjmrjrh __ m.mi.l- .i.- .Medieiaes can l>e bad si Ul l«our» of the ni«hi. * feblOdiy a"S Wallmrfoid.' John F Sinret. W ALLIKOFORD & Co., Comm**.on and For warding Merchants, Second, near Wood nrm, PfauhTgk, Pa. • febl m lirSK. M. DARLINGTON, Aimrnr>~srTjTw - TV Piutliurgli. Pa. votumittioner 10 luku the ac- knowledgment and proo of Deeds, Leases, Counsel., Deposition*, or any other wnitng (under «;al ornou) 10 !••* used or recorued >n ihe State of Ohio. Office on Third tireer.abovetrotit -held. Jell-tf' WC. ACGIIINBAUGH, Attorney Law • Fifth atreeh near Smithfield. Collecting, agen cies and other busincM auended 10 with punctuality EUruxscn— Bisselli ft Semple, Wa Croghan, Ea B A Pahasstocs & Co, John Iferroo, Esq, Graf, Lindsay ft Co, John Wright, Esq, James MeCdlly, Esq, MaJ. William Laruaer. J. BRTAR, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, iID. VUOItUU DISLEB IB FOREIGN & DOMESTIC WINES & LIQUORS, No. 114 Liberty sL, and 53 Diamond alley, PIiTFDLRGII, PA jyl?.dly AOAMHOEH 'IXTBOLESALEaad Retail Dealer m all kinds of Sc rf gars, Smoking aitd Chewing Tobacco and Snuff: Onion street, aear the Diamond, Ptii*horgh tayVl WA«RICK MARTiN & Co., FanktTL, Dotten in SzeManfi, Sank No Us and Coin, Corner of Third and Wood street*. Plitabargh, Pa. (Suerssser to Latent 4- PFUfiami.l WILLIAMS ft SHINN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSF.LLOUS aT LAW Q7*4Jffice Norhsidp of Fourth *l,above Xmiihfieil’Kaight,ChurchftCsrothew, ITmha)'. Kaq . Jame* P. Stuart. WjMoek ft Duel* jyfS*. Oliver Blackburn. Geoirr If. Juc- O. BLACKBORN ft CO , YT t HOLESALE Groteri and Dealer* in Oils, lioaf I V l‘iUsboreb Mnnufanur-d anlelr-.jiavr tin band at all time* « full ami general «,t goods e *ald at the lowed martet,Tales. Engine Builders and others, are invited rr eaU indexamine bis stock. Orders promptly at ended to. . . * jydldly JOHB Jt. TOWNSEND, Dtuggist and Apothe cary, No 43 Market si, ttpeeslooif alipep Tl«rd »l, Pittsburgh, will have constantly o;i band, a well select ed utottnentof.ib'e be*t sndfrc»be»tMrihcider, which be wlll seJI on tho‘ tnf«l reasonable terms. Fbysicisn* wiltbc promptly atteaded to, and *vp plicd with' article* Ihey.maJ; rely upon a* kaouioe. Prescriptions will be accurately and (leailyprepared from the best.materials, at any Lour of the dsy or night. ■ Abo for sale, a large steck of fresh and good Periu tnerr. _ rant v . V J. 9. BWE!TZJJK ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ohlci 34 HI, opposite HI. Charlre Hotel, ; PITTSHURrni; WlltE, aUoattend ptoraptly toColtrrtion.v m jnrton}Fayetie andOreen Couutir*, p*. Hart* to ' tnPW» ck * ;ock » B *‘ ,, ;* Co ) ~ Church * CarotWera > Piit»tK>nh. c • D.T. Morran • - l * •T "^GoHSIIUSIiAP, MANtJFACfURFK or Tin, Copper, and Sbr-i Iron Were, and deafer in Uniannra arul Japaunnj War*. N© IT Market meet. The jubrrnber re«pen. Tally em|l» the attention Of the We* tern Merchant*, Cba&try «leatpr«, and other*, to hi* larre »«*ek of man aJactuted Tin and Copper ware, with * JarEea*roii neat of imported llocifa Paraiahutg Hardware- Wholetale buyer* and the publir generally, are ted to call. . an ’z— ■" QEO. W. gillTlt db Co. ■ BREWERS. MAUTtKRS AND MOP ! DEALERS PITTSBCRGHAJID POUT-BBBWBBIIB. Corner Darken Alley tad Puna St, and (bot of Pitl'Sl, ' PUUbargh.P*. J. S. Boobnrbi. * W. Bonbnght. J. B. iH«Ii»OSOCO^ Manufacturers of Hammered Ham.i* « n a gptdca, Hoes, Hay and Manure Forks, Ac., Ac. WuvbeaMrnoU Wood .ireet, Pimburgh. marl 3 FORWARDING & COMMISSION. A. .11 Wal.ingtonl. oA t’Un "M'oiAmWon, D. IT, COMMISSION ft FORV\ aRIMNG MKKCHANTS ; yRNAX C. RORRINSi Mechanical £ng*n«-rr wd „ L ! Agent/or pioeunn* Patent*, will prepare the ne- PITTKBDRQt| A ' ce ' fa *> Draw.n«* ami Paper* lor Applicant*
- r.:m. |a»» and »ir ICO 000 lb. ammed Steel vir. I non* m ihe Unncii Siaic* or Ku.one. IV -on* nt a J. 1 U,l * u * r a,,d Kerman ’r »t: | di«t:mrp desirou* r.f bavin* ciammaiiniu mtiiie at the i* * L, Vl» ; « , «^ r ngur , i|v.r | l • ( Paten: tKßcf, prior to making application .or a p.inu, P *?7 ?"'* hork> • I * i «*r «»wM tp | non will be green in it. and All the ini'otualion that ! B * f ?, ! • could by a *«it of the applicant in peironj J Mln‘* r »,te r ,. 4 tr ®**P*i> comumnicatetl. . «vi.P ,a i * IC X fc ‘ I All Irneraonlia.iDck mir>r t<« poM puid, anJcuutaiq nTS«l»m?„ r.,' U C *- *»’ li I’’ 1 ’’ • " ,UiU b!e lr lion Kdmund Burke, Coiniii»*ioiier ot~Rr irm-; 1 J Reriafdo Sank. ' Hon. Hl. Kllswonh. late' Co do In. CUARXjES H. DARRMIO WJ£R * CO. H Knowlea, Machinist, Patent Office; Judge Crunch, \V uhmeton. I) .C; mil 1H 1 I nil uon n ri i ua, o Hon. R Choate. Mauacnuretis. V 8 Fmstr, .1 U M Jll 58| OH aicKCBAJITS, Hon. W Allen, Olno. do: No. sl> Sooth •Wharvre. and No UTmuili Water st ! Hon. J H Uowiin. MC, Mtijonn, B. nUI.ADELPHIA: Hon. WiUie Hall. New Yorfc: W> m uuorm the tnrde Uil Uralrrs Generally of: Robert Snnh. M C. illinnu, FitWbnrjti, that they hav.Mnade.nrlfarranreuicnia ; | ftu * Rreeic, Vt* Senate, T‘ ..V* e mauufuciuriT. and the Grower* of [ • J*°n- J H Rcllo, hi C, Nraaoun; Urn W c»t, W eet Indie*, and other plaer* a* will insure '* Mt.sourij | a largr and con*tam supply ofthe followingdeicnp- ' 1-J»«tna Brooks, K»<}., Pinaborgh. apl uout of Tobacco which will he fold open as nccom- • JAUES W. WOODWKLL. V^i oo^°.mL ,H will Z j ''ITMCMR ruMjTMEWigI BOOM*, rauted equal to repcesemation:— NO 9S THIRD BTRECT, Havann; St. Domingo: • Conn.. ) A LARGKand splendid MSHSBB^w \ura; Porto Rrco; Prnn’a.. f SeedUaf To B »*f or , i ® tfn * o' Furniture,.MsSlSn Cub.; Igunu; aril Florida. J i bacro;. for Al^*U—Hrancli* celehrated Aromatic Star Oavch- Hoicl*. and private Un*el* i i; diihfw.il, a large assortment of other popular brand*. Iin e»- ronmnily on hand and raadnoonlrW j and qualhie* of potuul*, 6a f* |» 16* lodaa* Lamw Thepresent *u»ck on hand cannot be fietlWl hy Any •3»o* ?* and 10* Plum l.adir*' 'l'wisi: Viircmia Twnu manufactory in the wesiern couuiry. -PeprorM-wnhin; | Ac. awrrt and plain. in whole and l*ae*. wood '? would dA well by gml!* nt« i faUl a» lam and tin. together with every variety o'" Article helonr. rteleriakn « , l m T shall plea«. P»rt of rhe stock , ing to ihe trnde. 1 | fetihdlv codtutn in— j i It i Ljuuesa, _ AaDtaioar “ ; ! PilUl’urgh,Pn. I.atr-nf NaAbrilie,Tenn. • ] RUMER * ANDERSON, Dealer* in Cotton, | Forwarding and Commisrron Alerchant*. No H . Front Mrretj above Hruudwav,Cincinnati. Uhiiv Riru to— ; i M Allert * Co. 1 j ' < Bagalcr A Small, j pitislmreh. I ; Wm. Dtncham. ) Seay ft. Shepherd. l j-, Mantn ft McAUfier, J Trim. Veatautn A Armr.irad. ) W F UneACo., Lou.**-iU B , Ky ! Springer AWh u-man, J , ; James John*ion A Co. l t inemriau, t Heweti, Keren A On., New OrU-su-. ] Maggrqrgor A Morris. New York, i Darail Keißhler A Co,. Ualtnnotr | Swt.kßagaley t Co.. I i D*ui*l peahen. Boston . JW i* J O W. t\ It: W.l oii | J. G. W. LEFTWICH & CO., 1 RF.CKTVINC., FOKWaKDINI., ’ Anil Commlialon Mcrcbauta, PLAtIUKMINK, La. 1 aOcsttion pant to i*ua*iKnrwtUi’ o( l ■* Suear AM;., Kngmc.*, tir tHH'-i 3n:<-ip«[tVn tl|ieVm.». I and AtiakapßN ! j HEFIIK TO—.Messr* Sheifietd A Mr. Tim j nut* Limerick. New Orleans. j Alea*r«. LartonA Berteraon, Mr Z M SberVy, l^m* | iirille I rtMi-SKf. Hall ft SpeT. Mr Wiu triira'v, Rohm ; YVightmaa. Armamnigft Niehofsori, PauhuiKh Ale*»r«. Revau. Tend 4. Co. t'me.nmit. ‘ Mc**rw Hyuc* 4. Craignead. Me*«nil Mvmnli A . '» uiirall, lion. Zeuun Ijl.ouv.-, Hon Ijobn Duiioi, ( Plaiiuemme. La | eel^lv CHAIU, UEU.AK * Co., FI.OI/K FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM MISSION MEKtJHANTS. liItKKAU! tldvaiiee* made Ull recr;pt „f Itiii. Jl "Yuuu-liu Ttmse shipping lonur addit-** vv.lt !*• rate Miree-ViMm),* villi'* in 9ilv4ii>'<* m C*»u, u> apply mpt our f.irml-. Mrs-r* A Taylor. PilPd.'uigb .Messrs T)i«>,..tiell A Co . Bridgeport Ohm. Philadelphia. MuyS, IMS. if N. U. Allpiodure roiHipirJ m u* i« inttirrd when in tlie warekod*r of Wallingfurd A Tailor. FiUi-burtfi. ot .ii our «tore hi Philadelphia. C. 11. A C«. FRESH IMHIKTATIONS OF HAKim.AKK. LOU AM & KKMMKDY, ' IMl*i *RTE M»F AND WIIOLK3ALH DKAIJ'.RS IS II mVAUK, CCTLKIIY, Ac. So. l*-« Wood Slrrrl,: , P TTSBI'RCII. A HK no* «n the .«urw of receiving large a Uu.onv lu lh<*;r>l>ii«,vi* Koekot'.llanlwfire, Cutlery. , Sad .lery. 4c . wlu.-h liny.up t.een on the . o*o*» nilvhuUiprniM unn-iK Hiigtond. and d.reel iruiu I ike Mauuinciufrr* in ik;» country, enable* them in of , let oral* on win* sarp**»ed by notjn anil equalled U> | fcw I’urclu.crt are re'pcoitully invited in pall. , jci \ j , fiKonok cochran, NA- FOKWAHI 1 S*l MRIU'JIA\T, No JC Wrtt.n Stii > t.s. Pi rT»Bijr.f.n, CIO.N I JACKS (o transact n general t-'iunmcmm ‘ Uutiaess. especially m Hie purchase nmTsalc of Anerirjn Manuurtu'rs ami Produce. and »n receiving and forwarding (lixvJ* cumlfnrj io hi* care. A« Apeul Inr the Msnularturcry. bs will be constantly anppltcd with tkp principal article* of Cittkliurgn Manufacture- at the lowest wholesale pricr*. Orders ind ronsiertlnenl* arcropecliullv solicited. ;.'7 U 1 Chuuk) ■ l. f: j mnlin-on 11. K. COSWAIY a coj, v PURTS.WM. Til, Ohm. Cotnm,»*iun ami Forward.ng Mcrr liunll, anil I'ioducc r«— al*« uneiid U) 'be Putchue, Sale and Shipment t>| I\* Iron. Coal, Ac. itrvrn To, Atwood. Jon,., Jt c<* ilrovrn, Hailey A f J-oient. Siciling A Cn Henry GrafT (staff, Liodyr A C*» 1) A Co Lyon SborliA Co Clarke A Thaw marKVJf v i'T,,, . ,ic, AUCTIONEERS AND COM’ISSIONj MERCHANTS,- ALEXANDER LEW 6c URON. CINCINNATI St. ST. LOUIS OFFER u» .ell m eiiber c.t.iM:«hrnrnli nil kind* of Merchandise .it Utc lower rate* ol lV.innii'*ioiis and arr to rniikr u, y > :*rht] >• J O U S 31 . B 11’ JI A BOX, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. SO- WATER . tho.e addressing by mail. ! seplT-ly* jaau* ttmursot*. w. it raaraatx. THOMPSON A CAMPBELL, COMMISSION M FROH ANTS ’ And Mannffcctarera of Linseed Oil, AV). 2D Columbia UtrcclS CINCINNATI. OHIO. paid roa rmatapLrri . *ep4s-ly I wm watterson; | FORWARDJ.NO a nd CUM MISSION MERCHANT, Kedbank, P*. *d»»ni«er would re»pertfully intorin hi. friends and the ptMir thsi hr ha« tagen the WVar-heu»c, formerly oeeupied l.y J K Gould, where tbewilluan sset a genetal AK'-nry. For a-antinc ami (lommi.oiOn l>, ] Rurna Sheet Jr»n, Lead, I'-otion Vurn». Mill. A«\, and : Puhliurgh Mncufunure- e.eocrally, No- vi.UU.anil »t IlnLe rty ureei.oitr door al-ove the'head of Wood »tre«-t. PiU*norrn. Pa- I , „ Liberal advance*. m. rash nr em-lk. oU.lr on rnn I*/'ANTED SOON--P(ucr«m»ar.in n i a • > ._ _ ‘ _ J. . _ lor several *no i NO O SOUTH WaTKK Mr, I‘IIII.AUA. ' labmiog men. HAS mi t.uil.l and Oder* Jor Sale—yjradl>.-d Winter f- Al*o. ‘fur a iiuml-ct of l.oya 01 dilfrmu ace*. Also. mi-1 >i'iun! Sperm Oil, Bleached and tor .1 nuuil-er of color-d men and women, l.ova and >nr .f vn Kl- t-l-unl Oil, Hlrm-he-l Wimrf mid Spung gull l£y*VYanird, wvcral good cook*. l»ou*ek>c|ien Wbatr Oil. iin-ieO Whale Oil. light color and fr«-» I ruin und'cirl* tor nil work ineiiiij'. amt Tnnr,e i •'U<| Alhi. pure Alm-an Ouano. All kind* of Agrnc m» attended ro promptly lor mod m tmij« and lihrrcl* _ imarMVfiP erme i liargr- Plrare appL at ISAAC lIAHHIS'S RIKUCEII, IIKDTfIICItB alco.. Omrral AKrnry and InlrlliisrncrOfKrr . _ _ _ _ ap« l-iiili *t. near Licbaiisr Hank ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, l roi..n«r.i.ip. i Fortin* mile oi ( the nndrmgnril, have cnli-red mioCaparlnrr- Pll IL A DKPII I A 1 ** *lnp kr.tbe juipo*e ol transacting a Pwdure, ' irr'lnU-ral advance* mudr on rnn.irnni.-ni.. r\\ Cnnuni**ion and rWwiudirig under the -t)V I»ull.rt;,VZN-. K«™ T |«f, Olltm, McOIIKW * CO., • - I mid liavc taken tlie warrhouie. No (i.l-onimrrrial Kuw, !». W. ,X ATIHWA. W. V, CATCH. :. 1.-I.city «trrct, fonnrrly oecupird t-y Mi. Pti«ey— WATHKWH * PATCH, wlieie ail liurine** rniruited to our charge mil > COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Not. S nod 0 Light St , BALTIMORfi. |pj-«*»»|, ad ranee* will be mad* on roiyignmeni m )*■ «t«iv* ndrfK**, by I jnn-S I y /CARBON A. McKNKJ Sixth «KO- it MILTkNBEROEH, " AHUXt. CDSMISSION i KOKUARUING MERCHANT, PRODUCE 4 MERCHANDISE BROKER, aacPJOflire. No 30 Walrr Street. PitUtiurßh Pa. J. NBWTOS JOKES STEAMBOAT AfJKNT A NT COMMISSION 9t RRCH ANT, MU.NONIiAIiKI.A HOUSE, Pltlahttrgh, Pa. H.\. F.VIISESTOCK & Co’,l WHITE a LEAD WORKS.—The uudcr>igued hare completed their new work*, located on the bank n AGKSCV FOBPAT.KSTH, io Sola* wiih Plush and Hair-cloth coser*; 2dox Mahogany Nurse Ckaita, 14 pair Divan*; 1“J do? fine mahogany Chairs, 15 mahogany Work S'and*. 3dn*nubogaiiy RnckingCfaair*; IS marble top Dre*a;np Uurmu'i t? pair Ottoman*; Smarblr lop Work Sundv; IS cherry Work Stand*; Mahogany, Maple. Cherry and Poplar Bedstead* of all drreripnou*; ami a large auonmnm of Common Furniture and Chair*, too numerou* to menuon. mar9tf NK W HAR U W A IOT HOrSK7 ~ JOHEPU WOOD WELL. Cdrnar o t Wood and ttd sti, Plltebnrgh, HAVING withdrawn frum the old firm of Walker A Woodwell.-on the 1«t of January. 1547, I take pleasure in annoanemp 'to roy frieirdsm the city and country, that 1 have opened uiy new store at (he above named place. Having putciisted my good* for ra*b, und made a/rangemr'iit whh manufacturer* m thi* country and m Kmope n, he eon*tantly supplied. I am ■ ally prepared to turn..h Hardware of all Kind*. »n an* Sood term* and n, linv at any hi»tl*e Ka.«l or Wc*i lerrham* and other.* arc respertfully invited u. ral ami ezatuin«ray *toek. i,e&,re pufrhatinc el»e»viiere. The fallowing i'ofn{iri»r* ■ part of my rtock. Siramlioat and SaJJfcri Hanlivarr. (Jon Trunuune*, Filet. Naylor** Steel Cutlery, Kilge Tool-,. Anv.U. Vi ce*, Locks. Jmtrhe*, Sieklet, Scythe*, Bait Hinge*, Screivt. Union Kar.tory l*liuitaJiaw«'Mihocairr Imard* and veneers, and all othet article* conpreted With the Hardware lio*ine»* .mHitln (JAZZ ADI'S PAT EX t'b*EDSTKAJ>* N OTWI T.II St AN DI N G / *" oppositlrw to Uuh ii(?ciij tiunuf aJ*.:itiiurgb.Meahiliiic l a'toia* JnnlV the I'abinm uiakl'tS ol tint -and All>*eheny city, and their numer. mi-,u,|iimcraliavc«hoisji.ifeHiu»elvr* •Uji<- the vulgar piejuJu-r ags.n'iAuNUtnvtMna'U. and they give lli-d-leid the j.iefervmie, .Jitiply beeauae it tlitrmt it. I>«nle tlie her/, itrongrit. and malt rvnremml ttad.leod m u*e The folluWrn< testimonial »t*cak» Uii u*elt.— \Vr. ihe tuhrenher* pi arnca! ral*.net maker* of the i-iur* oi J‘i(i«biugb and Allegheny, fa., do hereby err* lily Uut wr have Uiuglil the to matiul'aClUre bed ■ lead* wnh iltnsni'i I'liriil Fattening*, and' cnntidef ihr unir tupeticii <■> mv ia»ienmew w , a bifjh We life John M'tJrew Koheit Famunn Juioea a Uarr 1 | r ja* Lmrry 4 'Sim / . Kni.llr 4 Ihriu.rtn Mocti il Wallace Ramxsy 4 M'ClellanJ More* HtiHuek David taikey . Janie » l.rtiinn T u l uiuig & r.i J K JUllJr) John I.HIJT-H. Jr 4 art. Thwiu-i.< Farlej David t.ukr-r Hugh Wallnre Fur Ri.'hw u> make not «rli the above uied*tradi apply to KHKNEZKK V fiAZJjAM, deelO _ Patentee PATKNT PBICIS BttlCK CTACSTn£ 'I. r luljvjiltpr* hnvmif obtained a patent. May id MSI r i Hie** Itnrk Marhittr, und haviug Autre then thorn clily tested u« ability. ate aow prepared to *rl| ri(t/.u and romrari m drliver machine* to aiiy part oi jnr 1 Jird Stair. Tl.- loaclour fl deupfiii'd to make lir.ra front crude <- r - .\, «■,.! will make 3l).Mk> pood •inmt firm brick pur dnt. ynffirtcntly hard to »tark up hi the kiln tint* avoiding lire eipenre and labor or prr pann t '.hr clay.drying and hnndhjtc ttir after neutg nnuldrd. It >'» simple. tirong,not-lialdy Uirnoai onto! repair. and i« ron«trueted that it can he U»rfl to piece* and put to re l her with great {arility.lhn* reader* in* it ;«mable. H'c nrn now building tnarfa-oc*, and can luiiii»hthrrtj on «bon nance. For a full detcription wr w ild refer tn a machine now m •ueee«»fal narra tion r ,i Mill cm S taxonn. near thr Wcf-tep'i ol t.ruhjh *:rr*t. where we ‘hall tw happy o> eipl.uit every in.ng connected with it to all who may t-a'l. Wr trace 41 present uo authorized Agent. A!) letter* toournd-lrr will t>e prompt]) attended to i fUUJEttTSOX. AIcMII.IJ.'JV k Co. *r|P/Jlf CIJfCIKWATI. BUMVAU KIRK nillCKt). XTKSSI V4\L V i*»lcd amt appro* ed donpc the pa«t j the ptinctpal iron iuaimmote ready for dHr’vr rv on Hie op.-nmy of Nan* at ion The minet i«! mi \» Inch »!!»*>? ,1 nrofufj iv und *upcri)>riiy dr|w»vci) \r«« tnfi made—ih« fu«:Mc , mn:ter. wnli which it 1* imbed ded. i» carefully teparatni Tlwy will l>c thoroughly burned aud compactly prr«*ed t>\ uiaclnutty, iand on* Rule attention jivm >•! Mc»»r«. llarlcy t. t-C .the pro prietor*. in all ir'pert* in maintain limit arhiioUkitsrd "igpcnoriiy. I tnl. on'aij.p'ii'annii m * JHI AW ifeA* " niar'J Keii-utßtotflrott Work* NK W KOCUTII STetklCT UAKKttt, confectioMarv ano fruit stork, won o i aU who have tried' it praryrgnee ti the pwst pleaxnl composition that they have ever u*rd; and in ruder to place it within the reach of all, I have reduced the price low 'nou|& to afford an opportunity to every person togive tt a trial «ftd Judge for themselves, So,’ (irnilrmcn. if you with fui a rick, loxuriOM* shave, on 1 with your thkying cup>, don't be sci-redl-it wou't coal much to fill them; and. If ycroare aot satisfied; the mon* ey will be returned. STEPHEN U A BRETT Iron i'll)- Lard Oil Factory and Fancy Soap Works, t'H>ltf lron Cnv Hotel Hardware, Cattery, Saddlers 1 , Ar. JOflN WALUKB, IMPORTER ANU DEALER in Fbreien and Dotuete 1 tie Hardware.would respectfully Inform his friend* end the public gear rally, that he :■ how rreoiving lint Spnag supply of Hardware, at the old Hand of Walker A Wood well, No to Wood meet, which he will di»po«c of on the most ren«dnfth)e terms. He wifi be roniinuaHy rreeivmg trerh-ujipl.er dirert irom ibe UaanCaeturera in Europe und ihi» enuntry. wlnrli will enable lino lotorapt ie with an) c»tabl‘»h hie nt. either East or "West. Western Merchants are itiYiwd In call and examine ln< slock Iteforepurebaring elsewhere mar 5 Tea. Grocery, Frail and Provision Htore. WHOLESALE A.VD RETAIL NO. 141 LIOKRTV STREET. Benjamin down would re»pecifuUv inform im old friends und ih* public generally, ibat he Im* again commenced hustuo a in the stave b rancher, next door to lh> old Hand, where he hope*. by. keening n ••apply of good articles, selling low for rush, and pay ing •drift attention to hit patton*, to merh d share of public patronage. mrh*J4_ T. a. FLEMING, House, skin and decorative painter, GLAZIER AND PAPER HANHKK, r» now pre pared to undertake the aliove business in all it* various branches, and warrants to give satisfaction 1 in every respect. Military SiamJnrl Banners, Flags. Ac., paint ed to order Odd Fellow and Masonic Apron* always on hand. Imitation* of wood* and marl-', -' die in a »um *ior manner. tO“SigU* of i II kind* done at the shortest nonce. aplWlra No 44 St Clair si. Pittsburgh Pa RAGS WANTED, IfWWIfIA I.US COLNTRV MIXED RACE wanted. IUIMHJU for which the highest priee in CASH will be paid Always on lu ml, every description of Writing and Wrapping Paper *nd Chloride Limit REYNOLDS A SHF.E Rielit (*ornrr Perm and Irwin sis. I'iii«lmrgh NKW KNORAVISGB. JUST Received, a splgndid assorunent of English and Frrneh Engraving*. colored and plain, of a great variety of subjects, suitable for Framing, Portfolio*, or Hcnp Hook.' T A HILLAER mehSO 101 wood at. uear sth _ FlflUX'®EA’«TOßt£, TCpifl JVI TA FfurVi ffaorf P~W Allquulniesof Green and Black Teas dune, up in quarter, half, and one pound pack ages, ran ging from W e per pound to SI ,50 A JAVrtKV 8 jy+o Agt for PekinTea Co NACKBRELr'nEIUiraoi SALMON, *C. THE subscribers keep an assortment of Pickled Fish of Massachusetts and Halifax Inspection, for sale In lota as wanted at their warebouae. No 40 north Wharves. Philadelphia __.......... . tncklOilha JNO M KENNEDY A Oo | LITERARY INSTJTI TiONS PlTISBl'ItGil I'EMAtE INSTITUTE. f PHIS ImrlrinJcitt uudi-r H.r care rjf Ret J Si 1 Oomiors *wx> f.Aor. In %rlr’»c!t.aH the «oln* onJ or uanumai l>fjnelic»ot Khtit*lird education are taught i« note open for.the reception of pupil* » NiH. BS, IrWlna uqw. Liberty Street, between ltd and lilt Mreetnj The s>:C«Hii Senior* rvi.'l continence ouMoftfay thertli of Fci-liarj. and it '• important that an} who mat Ending .horrirl bp jfrr'tnl q« fir a- pmeffruhlc r <>icr IW.tre nr at dial limit. I Ti-iv have aecurorl tao it-rvue* of 1 rr,. f ei»nr RHO [ i:oq»r n« icacher of Sfu>-'ie on (he Fur •> til’d Guitah, i wnoli* loio well known to need rTroimnesdaiiaii AI»o the comers of AIcoa.CaSIMIR LAUUKVT. author oi "Chp:iU>iuwiiie ilc la Liiirulutr FtuucaiK” BudotheT Vfiltial.te «plioo(lK>nk» in hi> native laiteuogc. 1.. i»» graduate of the Unfrcrriiv ami Sormaf'Seboo! of l'aru, nud ttand* high ai a tone hr r. Tlio«exrho de | »iip loolniun mi accurate and thorough! knowledge of, • the Freni h I.angular wou‘ll Jo writ 10 plkrr ilii'itL' r! •.'<•'• | onder bin ine iu»taim-d ju b:s Cdorit to render it a deciruMe liulilulion for tliie cdulniton of Young Ladiea in Allegheny tqld victmtyJ The F,r»t tkiuou oiiltej uext Academic year, will commence on Monday, Felt sjb. I 1 There itfeyet a few mcaheiexto ha bjit n« ibe tnxmher orptipi'a it limited an early application i« dm jjfttbie. For particular*, relative to term*, Ac., comult Circular* or apply m the )n«tructor. j ;fcMtf . BOOKS, MjUSIC, i[€. f J VALUABLE BOOKS— l'uMTfhcd by J a &* U F Janie*, Walnut street, between'r'tmrlli and Fifth, CJncinnntL Guirni’a Gibbon—The histt >( Jii| dr>cllr id vse* .of our most valuable native imjdfeai ptu»ls, and an outline uf Anatomy and jPbjaiology. llliiafcalcd with one hundred Engrailing*. m o' which lie colored. By J(» iVonvomJTM o—Sf-4 pag<-3 IHo. American Flower Garden Companion—Adapted to the United States; by Faiwnrd Sayco , l-aodscape and Ornamental Gardener] 1- mo, Unnl edition, rented, enlarged and illustrated. Palme.r’s Oregon, KucLj;.Mountain*,»\ c. Ac. Family Teslamert, octavo, with and without Polyglot notes,and Psalms’ in metre. | Hire and Ptncrre's liebilp Burn’* Ty«rk* 't.iuly *»r,(Uc Lake. Lolls Kookh. More'* I’firtite Dvyn* Juvenile Uoeka. (fhesp edition* of various work* io pamphlet form ; • incltJ? MAGAZINE* POit MA M. A MlNER'S—Graham » Mu.y thr auihurW "TW I’wmrai l»rio and Miunitactnrc. or Ibc A QCiCAV , I Fathol lldrfunvO, Of ihr Pr hav •au wninj fiodt N'u lip -.m 1 1. which oomjifetr* tiie firrt »u!iinr- \V t can furn:*!i flu : whole work t< tut a* ic putjli»hrd ! Out asro/tuteut ol cheap {Literature r*jw»w the l-fit arid of tSle non vaiaahle wldctiuu# for general iimruc tton v For sale ai ! M.\M|NKR\j ; aptll sirret.3d door finm tJ NEW ,\Nl> VALI\BLK BOOKM-’n.e Ooiist.UnKinal llniorv o{ Euciacd, ;iuiu the acces sion of Henrv VII ra ihe d* ath ol George j|. Ry j| «,t -ry llallaro : From the hfm timAo-i ri'ii„n| translated. by Frisnri* l.iebrlr . , The Javeinle coapri«ing nih-*- and cxcrut'o in Dcclmiei.oii, v iiii a Mticruon ol |>,r. ce» fur proct ce. Dy Pranns T llue*cl, (ueirucmr Elocoiiun at Pnncctoii anti Ringer* ’Uoltr jes, Ac- Th'llg* by heir Kfci" Names, and other stnrlee. fa bles acid nun *1 p.tcet in pru--tc tui l vri«e. eelevtcd Jin' arranged fru it the wri'ing* of Mm HarbsuM. \V.in * ■ketch iff be life: by Mle.J< ■) HaV ThcJuverilc Dudgn opened: b«sng .ehethms from the writing*, ai Dr. Jew Aik>p Uy Mr. Hale. Direction* lor hiToeoruilng ami Prabi’iigipg Life t>t the luvalidsoracle. It) WrJ. Kiiekmer, M D. Ar No tft) Pieional khiglard- | - Zuiupu' (•ranunar, abridgeJ, For ia(« by npW J L READ . 4ili tit uf. maxkei.( POETICAL WORKfi-IVi. and Poriry ol * America; (LjieJgr 1 I'oeti aud Poetry of Furopr, do do do do of England. da do ilo do » of Auctguts; do do Book of British Poe:*; Jo do 1 Howirt,-Mitotan ond Kent** do do i and Kens do do Milton, Voting, (iray. Bcatlir,(Y>'lma; do do Cnbh lleber nud roilock; do do Cowper and Tboiapnon; do do • Campbetl'e Poetical Works, neiilr bound m white . Calf, luii k Milton's Poetical Works;' do Neman* da do • do Lamirn; Moore; Banco; Bams; Hogg; Hood, Ac. - The stave, with a large a**orunent of books mail department* of hrerklufr. JuHl received amt for •isle v«y low. * i ELLIOTT k KNOLTRH sp4i ; marlrtM tlbel.Od A4lh st» \JEW STOCK OP MUSICAL IXSTUC- ItiKNTd AND 1 MUfJCr > *luhn H, Mellor. No H Wood Mrert.hciweynDiatJiond Alloy and. Fouilil >l, i» now opening, atd foi »al<* at very low J>r>cev, *ll eteganl ««M>nnh a nt l of Mmieal tntirumfm*. o-Urini I nun lit* importation*.eonmkninroJ Frenrhjtahan and German Violin*,. Very aupenor Guitar*. uf mwj Fngliab and Italian Vfnlin fkring*; _* Fn-ncb AeronJdona: Violiprclta*, wtib plait) lihJ patent Svrew:*, One very mj-erlor Dout.re Uan V>olim-eiti>. «.‘larinm*tt«, Hale*. Flfe* ; atid Filgeotru: T/oral>»£eno*,Tiomhonr*, and Truro|i>-t», • Frriirh Iloto*, Cornell*, Ojiltklidca, Dnaro*. Tamlrfirinet, ltaujoj.le . Sr Faery article in the Mo<[f »ic*ln/* \4 ROICAL Won*'-' VYI. ot lb- - -4KDICAL WORKAj-A TirßUfr nn'a«*3cr«; r.oni|>ri«inir an mqiim in|n ilir lli <(uiy, l’aUin|*>*>, Oatnf t, a>uiTieutninji oj tlmtr ■tfrnion'of th<* Throat rnlW Hron.-|iii>-v4'liiiiiii<- J.». rytifiii*. Clergyman’* N>rr Throat m- ft.-' l,t j| ia <. •re l.ee.n, M U. i Paine’* In«tjluie« ox Medo-im-, Treatment iii In«amly- hv (in H, U.>r*»e«of IHitXJ’renf-li.r ■n>leqy; - . I'ooiK-r’* .lufßicnl Diciionui\ Hooper** M»|iiiral 1 ,in. f-OplßlK} - ' |).l t'y ol iMeilicrte. Ikwn’r niijCJnUlirn; Eber]e\ P.uHilc; j Webster’* l&iriinnnry. '! vx. -. '•’■.a Forxalel.y tipldl J I. tiH 10-.ir MorVei *.| ?\TfiW WORK—In PrtjrfS —History of Meii i 1 eo, her t.’nfil tVsrs arid t’olnnial and HetAJa liotiary Annals, frum Utej period ol llm Spanish Conquest, KWtt. (9 tlic present, lime, JUt/; including an account of tbo. Kiistind War with the Unitni ‘'Ulrxi, it* f’.nt»cn and MUilary \clucVßutrnU. Hy Philip Young, M F>. ii A «V l> I* JAMES, rrchiy j Publisher", f’inciannli. ' NEW music KOOK-Paraphiet Form. —tphe Melodeon: a choice (election of Song*. Duett*, ({iiartett*, Rounds,[ Waltzes, and Marchci, with a History of, Muttc. :lt!uslrat<mp]rrr hi-lorj ol .Slice}), ihcr brrrd*, mauaijrxtKiit. mid di'"o-r«: Pr‘ li A >!«'}• rrli—tliujirnicd with drawing* ol lie il.ib-um brir-di. Jrxv tViih ah rtppeudix.‘■•mlirarins upward] 01 twenty kflm-i from cnniiem wool grower* mnt »he«*p fatknr r> *.l i!r t-y , . ... ■ - lOllNJnxrS A STOCKTON’ ror hW llooltwlkrm <-t>r tunrirl anti lid *t« PIA.VON! pIANOSJS HKXItV KLKUKU, Dnakf in r»»i*n» Pinim Forty*, hi J W Wuodwcll'*, Nix. HA TUrr-t Strcri. I)ir P'ann* mtiy Ur examined at 41l hour*, ami ibe •übreri i.er w. AM . astd from * 10 3. P bL.cschday. p.H'h R, Octobers, ’lB Wr, the urictrr«i*ned opened by the auiiacttbcft the foilpwtng new Pumo*:— One element Rwewood, Piano Forte, [French Pattern.] , One elegant Rosewood, 0| octave Fi*c» Forte, with carved Gothic Tablets—a spfetnlid mstiumcnt. A<*o. one veiy good second hand Piano, made by loodAOo, I'ltiliilti * .HKXRY KLEBKR , mckH aXJ W ;WoodwoU,>,&s Third at ! Plano*.- a LARGE and splendid awortmyut mfeogatiy and rosewood grand ac-i I I * 1 f *»ioa Pianos, wilhmeiolhc frame* and vinth all ihe Itten jmproveaienu, which tordtnabjliiy,. tone tad toodJt are warranted to le equal to any made' inlie eoawrr: Fo*»*le low foreaeobr { . i• ,F ULUMK i . mcMS No 1U wouilat | Mi MK A ('TORIES. DUOUESNE SPRINU. AXLE, >TEKL dt. IRON WORKS . / 'ULKMA.X, MAILMAN, A Co., having completed v-* tlinr New work}, ats now prepared to manufae line evert description nf Coach and JDiplic spring* irou aih 'v American lUi«ier, spring and plough Steel, amf all»t2i-« of small square and ronud froti, which tlieyoiTer fersalt* on liberal tern*, at ibclr-ir«rcAatu« No.4l>Vo ruli.o« prit't** and tevuv wilt l>e made Übeial iv«MTwt Dlualtttlaa. TUK Pniincirbip beretofote eiifting under the firm of Ma/rhall, Utaillcy, k Co , wa« dnaolvcd on the &th iq'ladl l«y muipnl eonnenl. The tiuiinr.n-of the ItiteGrut will be -rulrd by .Marshall. Wallace k Me- CJrarr JAMES MARSHAIX ALEXANDER BRADLEY Win. W WALLACE HENRY MctiBARY. • FRAUKLIN FOUNDRY. bu«ines»ot the above Foundry will he coOtln X ed by the Mut>acrii>er»ttAder tbe firm of Marshall Wallace A Co ;t m all ii> varum* hraache*. vie Hollow Wure " Mill Gearing Stove* and Stove Plates Light A Hearf MachVy Wagon Uoxea Engine# Urates A Sad Iron# Engine Costing* Plough* Plough Carting*, ke. Ac. Madrof the best materials, and at the'loweM prices Parrhascr* are invited to call and examine our Stook at the Wnrebouse in Liberty street So. Bl.neanhc head of Wood rtrert. JAMFS* MaRSHAEJi, Wm. VV. WALLACE ‘ McfiEARV PITT;MACiIINE WORKS AND Prrrsßcann. P*. JOUR WUIGHT * C 0. ,! ARK prepared to bnild Conan and Woollen Machis* ery nr every dt'.Criptinn, sarh a*—Carding Ua rhme«, Spinning Frame* bneeder*, Draw ng Frameo, Railway Heads, Warpers, Twiller*.Bpoot • *, Dressing Frames, Loom«> Card Grinders, Wiooghf Iron bbafifng turLcd ail stars of Cast.lron. Pollies and Hangers, of the latest patterns, slide and llaud Lathes, and tool*«f all kind*. Castiitgsoi every de.senpnan fantisbed onsbon no* lice Panrrn* made ,n> nrder for Mill Gearing, iroa rmbne, he Steam Pipe for hearing Factories; Cast Iron U’.uJww Sasb. bud fanny CaMmgi getwrallj.— Order* left at the Wifreiioitu- of J. Painter A Co., Lib erty «in*et,.will have prompt attention. UlarkstfK.k. Bell A Co.rJ K Moorhead A G E Warner, John Irwin A .Sort*; Pittsburgh. IJ O k S H Warupi; Wealienvillr. janfr TJIOfK A. lI.iLLIKR, Looking ui.Afifi ,manufa<7tukrr.oad fancy Furiiisiinig Witreiiousc, No lasny ToileMiln*se«, w.th l, a, und U draws German Sdver und BriisnOisTea A Table spoons Hand MagnifyirijfMirrors; Candlestick*,f>rnflVts«MTraV*, ' Gilt, Pier, and Mantel Glasses; Gentletnen'i Shaving Cases; (tomb* Hair Uruahas, Ac. < ijr/*M'',i liaii!s, Hotels, and supplied on liberal terms, and parking rare folly atteoded to Usa* ai Ji.i-nanllor riuL febl? Al-LWGIKNY VENtTJAN BUND FAiTTURV. JOHN A. UHOWN this nietkod io inform hi* frirftd* *IL»La * the puMie iit lfirge that his’FxrtorT - sjnow in faH<>|,eratwrtiJ>ii ike East *id* ■ D' of Uin BiamSUtLAllefhrav. wberr a coni KmLS supply of Blinds, of various eolpra Ifem i ■ also at No.is Wood st. Pnubargh.at J. A KImKSV U. PhiUips'od cloth waivrooiu. Vemtian Shutter* mode tu order in the be*t nyle. S'n * **p»irrd at ih" *honr»t notice N. B. Hi* Blind* will be tmtap, withoot any add:* lionnl elrpn.L->o ihat they can be removed in a at» tnent in ea»e „fEf U or for washing, and without the aid of ua-reur ill v oeHdtyAwlimly A* Kill*T^>lI r 801 l and Brass Fouad- et. has rebuilt and commenced business at In* old stand, where he will l>« pleased to see hi« old cuztomrr* and friends. I'ourch, Bleamboat. and Bellsofovary »ue. iroui tU to 10,OW pound*, cast from of the uw»st approved models, and • • warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Waier Pumps, dotuiirrs. Railing, Ac. Ac oember with every vanriy_of Ursa* Cusungs, tfrcqinr* ed, turned and firf;*he.t in the ncate»t manner. , 11/”A • P is the «ole proprietor of itsßirr > * A*m- Arniirios iliruL, sojiutlr relrbcuJf- Ihiii * and Coaipu *‘i:,).i r anbe b.iilur'b tn.ai .ill limr«. '* • Janl-ly FRANKLIN IRON WORKS, WorcA-sm turner of Ryorf and Front streets PITTSBURGH, PA. f pHE»ab*criiiet‘ huTingipurdiaeed the Franklin Iron X Work*, mrairrly owned hr Me»FT* J. A.'Stockton X Co, anJ ntaile cxieiiajir addinuo* to liirm, arn now prepared m famish jti M,!er IrouX Nuit* of all size*. tran.i,iWw |U >i) 10 any ill tbr imtlket Wr «U,> i»>rp i.ii hnn f .s'pn'nf on./ Amrr>r*n RHft Iftcel ill tue ipulil.e., Oui fV .-ntl* vitu'.iip ttii- niKik.-i -.mll find u* prepared t> supply trunn 'villi n fir*; rate article, and on a* g,od erms as i nn beubuuiseU m tUc city. "tLLs.- 11 COVLTV* fc Q. WDUDIcCVIiItV * Coi IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAVING recently marie very important improve. idcmon.the manufacture of the above aniele, and *d*.p"' ‘ic !ntp*i improved eastern wheel oVen for flat* irintii, .ac air iiovvjtrcjMUcJ lofurnishanurtirlejif Win dow W'j*- rijtai.,.l not cupbror to any Cj lunW iie Sulci. amUiut litue interior 10 (h« Kwel- 4 1> Crowd. We at.-;il«o' veryext'itsively engaged in the manu. faoturc oi Common.-Window Ul&*a otto Druggist*’ rial* and iJnti.bMifrvorydescription. Dreleisgenernlly ai« mvitetl to call anil examine for tbemaclve*. at our. otic. bon**'. No 1 .19 Wuckl strict, Pittsburgh, Pa. iv. wTwaLlack, rirrsuL ut.n steam a; a rule work;#, .V«n '.‘II and *»lt> 7-iirrfy ifrrrL ntar Ott Canal A I.W'AVB on Iraftd ami marie loonier, a large varte .l. ty t>t .Marble M*nic|s. Pier.Centic Tallies, and lluieuu Topr, Toml> Stone*, MouuraenLs. Ac; ail winch, hemp marie of tlic ehoiceattnarlile, and manufactured principally Uv machine ry.wtll be »olil tow for cub. N‘. It. Persm* wishing to purchase Mantels, are informed that it is heuceionh unnecessary for'them to go lv*«l, as I ran furnish them.with an article It) all respectsa« good,ondlfreight,insurance, Ac, consider ed,) as cheap u they tin patchasa diem for lit the Ennt.qCall ami see. je2fl COPPER, HHKKT * WARE MANUFACTORY, Mark*! street, Pittsburgh, renna: 1 n'ters barutg tusdegrvtt improvement* 1 in the rOrikiructipM of their COOKING STOVES, respectfully invite persons building- Steamboats to call ami examine before parehtMar.as wc can sapply them with Peck Stoves, Forges, and every oiher kind of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work necessary in faroiah m* a Kteomlxmt. We *|*o make tl> order on the shortest nonce Sal Tubes and Chamber; Copper work for Steam Engines and every variety of wori in our line. fej*». _ SHERIFF A SHIRK BENNETT & BROTHER." GFKKNSWARR manufacturers, Birmingham, [near PUtibnrcb,} Pa. H archause, A’o. 137, Wood itrt/t, Pillgburgi. keep on hand a (rood o**ort incut t* Ware, of oar own tunnutacuirn, and superior ijualitj. Wholesale and country Mei ehanu aro'yeepecifnlly invited iq rail and el-, uiamefot ihrvnsrlvc*, ns we arc dctemiined la *rJl cheap, r than b*. 4 evet before heco otfrrnd to the pnb |C/“ Order* sent hy in*rtn»erompnnicd bpthe cash or •-lit rr.jejenyr.pvHl! V tmmntlv attended M. febtO Stvr Shovel' Spa tie ami Fork Maauhck lory. GRIFFITHS t DIXON, HAVING cnitimriii'rd the manufacture of Spade*, hhmels. Hay.and Manure Forks. Ac,on an'exiea «ive rncuhr. are-prepared to (,11 all order* for sarh arti cle* at Eastern price*. For the convenience of iheii ru«ionien and dealer* in •ucit' uriirles, they have appointed George Coehraa. l>uo'tti*aiuii Merchant, No SS» Wood street, their Agent foi the sale of their miuuiiViurc* orders addrraa cl to hinrwill receive prompt attention, on the rnoitad vanugeou* leibto. tiIUFUTIIH k 11IXON. iMuhiirglt. July ly—dt y JNO. O. OILhKBPIIi * CO., No. 70. Wood Siren. . MAM FAl'TrßEKSofOiltandAlahoßanjLookinir (>lu**e«, Importers and Dealer* m Inching t»la»* I’lntes, Acron|ron«. Percussion Cups, Clerks, (tombs,. Jewelry mM I'ani-y (iooJ* federally. The adveru-rf* nr iinkiug *otn« intprvvimenis in then liu«in» **. with increased ibeilinr* In the purrliaw nt Domr«tic. unit the iinporiaium of many Foreign lincxti, iliry vvi tl i*c :il>le lo sell at Kuiirs jiriert. TheV ri'spe<-ifmeueatabh«h- I meiii.u'ul ale pi:-p;irttl to itjake all kindtof Colton mid Wiki.lien Mm binrry.'nn ilie ntosi rrnsonablelermi. Onlei* addressed tn uw frill meet with piompt aucnlioti WIGirr.MAN A l.acoi'lr street. Allegheny City N H 11. W)i;liliiliii, who bn* a patent for a very uii|Miriaiu .nii'divrini- 11 un ilir Card, und who has MerJt t'Ugjcrtl lor the last bitren yeara in *otne of the mbit i-x'f ii- vf und mhtcUil Cimpn Favtorie- of the wc*l. Mill give In-pet-nual a'lention to pulling up, to the sat Kluction ol thuKi cuiii-crued, all machines made at this c.Lil.li-l.ineiiL lantWdlv 1 !d&L JOHN SHERIFF A Co., Nos H 3 and 94 Front at*, Bbam FocxoakaaodGAtl'ix txa», Rklii of all sizer c*« iruni ibe latest improved na(- ■ I irtH- and warranted equal to IJ|< any Also, Itias* Cannes, ftmsbed if otdnrcd, <<«l {vt ling* put up promptly undo* reasonable terms. nm-lOdt) I*m SHI7R«H H'i'KKb-WORK* AND SPRING AND AXLK FAITTURY. i-.**r ;uii* ions r.qtioo. JONES A ( and Blitiei SteeL I’loiijli M--rl. Rcrj Plough Wing*, Comth mud Klipiur bjiruie*. Mnniinrrr.) Iron AXlr*. end dealer* ifr Mullraliic CaMitu*. mxl Coa.-li Tiirominf* zenetallj corner of Rn.« nnrt From «irr«*l* l ri. _ _ ____ ’ • LiPPISCOTT IRON WORKii. IRON mill NaiU, Shov* U, Ac. lor Mie si oar new _Warrlioune, No. 5 id .Wnirr *trcei, near Wood, run* nm* 10 From. Ai*o. un mnonment mi the old rttnd, Row. . f \ ■' Having tnmdr great iddmettt lo (be Rolling Mill, ajl ordei* can l/o filicd promjnlr. i: ' noVJO _ _ OKAPF, LIND9AV & Co, ; IIRMIXWITYAiIK FJCTORT L t CAMPBELL * CHESS. unTßirnu or ! FINISHING NA)LB, HOOK HEiD'BaAb« Iron and Cobptr Taolu. IRON ANDGOPPfifeSHOE NAILS • ‘>\ . ; | * Pattern Makers' Points , of every description. o«re No. 9 S«. C\nJe, Hotel, Third str#eC **>* Ptupbarfb. HOTELS. BtKB.CH AWTIi». HOTEL, Corner of Third and Snath field streets PITTSBURGH, Pa*, i T! 8. Wtavtr, Propriot'ar. HJS new und apacioa* HOTCI*. arcetcd unc« the TJRKATjFIRE, and fronting on iwoof the most pubhe •'ireotsVi* uniurpuaedin thecaantry, whether a* regard* it* architectural arranerinem.vor thcelc gaocit, taste and comfort rf it* fannahtoga. Bittuted in the immediate vicinity eftha STEAMBOAT LAND ING, BANKS,’EXCHANGE OFTICES. und principal •MERCANTILE HOUSES, itafiers to TRAVELER;! and BUSINESS MEN desirable conveniences; whilst to FAMILIFIS und GENTIXMEN of Jriroie; it* m * temul arrangements afford every accommodation the most fanidiotu can deuire. The Parlors und Ckaabar* are’ all furniahed to modern style,* with rnurely ; new and elegant, Furuinrre; urr efficient com* . ued obliging gervunui* tnnniaiiied f and the Tablo wllF alwijra utemnd with the choicest delica eirwihe markets afford.'.. •, . ' t The_ Proprietor, whohai had long experience in this lute ofbneneoa, aaaare* the public that no effort on his part will bo spared to satisfactorily accommodate U»*e wtoimay favor him with tbeir cuitocn. An Omnibus and. Baggage Car will always be in retdroessTor she guest* of the house. : _febl* B. WEAVER, 1 Proprietor. PEARL STREET HOUSE, Cincinnati, OHIO~-Tbe subscribers having, purchased the en ure interest of Col. G P Williamson, late of tbu vgeD known establishment.beg leave to state to theirfrieada and the public generally, that they have taken thii commodious Hotel for a tern of year* and will exen their best energies to make it a deairablahonte for Trav ellers and City Boarders. The Hotel** spaeiona and admirably planned fin coo renienee, ligbt-and air, having a number of parlor* adjoining chambers, presenting umttual aitraetsoua to families.- . Tbcpreaent proprietor* baring bad the experience of gear* in thlaeJtr and. alaewhere, hope they will ba able to rive general*4ti;ifaetlon,b«ji)fdeiennifird to give anamded attention ta ibe'twuae alone. The location of the Pearl Btreel Hod seta uncommonly eligible, having fron'a on Pearl, Walnut and Third su, *o iUat it ia equally deairable in view of the conveni ence of busineaa men or retirement for private boarder*, It U near by (be Bank*, Omee, the Masonic Hall, Odd Fellowa Hall, and but onesauaro distant from Main street and two aquarCS froauhe'Clty Wharf, thua offering the greatest inaacemenia, especially to country merchant* and geneiallv to all persona viaiting Cinem* nan. ’ '■**■ JOHN NOBLE raeb*7 - 1 . 'll'. .. ~ JOHN A PpBLK \ HOKOSOABIiLA HO US*. V CORKER OF WiTBE IHD SBITHFIELD STS, , Pittsburgh . Pa* ; HMIR undersigned, Proprietor* of.the Monongabela X Hoa*e, announce to the public that the noaseianow open far ihe reception of Visiter*. ' Thar abe eonacloo* .of having spared no expenae in Suing out the eatabliibment. in such a style a* to rende r every comfort to their Ooenw. They hope by constant Of ro and attention tohusineta to merit the patronage, *o liberally bestowed on the late Monongahel* llooae.- JAS.CHOSSAN i WN, np3dlm_ , j , • , MOUNT VKBKOsIaOPW. AV K NtrtA Stfond Stmt, Philadelphia. THAI lubwribcr* respectfully iafarca the Pitts burgh and Western Pennsylvania, thisl they have taken iheahovehoow, srheathevsesttijsn4 to aeeommadste person* visiting the City of f bil/yiriphi* in the beat atria, tad <*» the bum* rcasoetbU tremdj- The kowi n within aoe square of Market stmt, and ha* multreotir a thorough reno vation and repair*, ana ii will ealeolstrd to arrowmodate ■ i - Oi»* ni»rtD, and wrfrel confident you wiUbesatisfird. BAMUJIL A BRADY, . quvkr h p parkee. February 93,1817-90 PEARL STREET HOUSE 88 Pearl Strut, Neto Yotk. REDUCTION INPRICK—The aubaeriber reaped* fully call* the attention qj'thc travelling communi ty. and eapeeially bo*ine**fnerr, to the faet ihiitlil* bouse i» now open and is offered for their patronage at the low price of ONE DOLLAR PER DAY. It* location for bu«ittea* u not surpassed in N. York,' and every comfort, with good living) clean bed*, airy rppa«,&o.,«afl hen be had a* well an at the meal ex travagant hriu*e« One call will surelysatisfy any one of theac racta and injure mexien«tve jiklronagvtbr the 1 liooic ‘SAML. C. i)!8tIOP, Proprietor New Vorir, April I.lS- jhos to convey Passengers, free jiwi* R. Ashbartt. Wm. R; Thompson, I . George N. Baker, Georgia M. Stroud, i- John J, Vauderkemp, 1 ' George W. Carpenter.. . * WILL taake insurance ■ -tin 5 Loss or Damage by l-tre, in Pitt-*' < « ind vicinity, on Houses, Stores and oth.-i «iui .iii.ps. snd on Kurni* tore. Goods, Wares uul ikrtluaditc, on tht nort favorable terms. . The Mutual Principle,'combined with a Stock Capital, and the bth«r provisions ol :the Charter of this Company, hold oqt onoraal inducements, both ®f profit-ami safety, to those deeirotf* el effecting lasarance,towhien the Company ask the attention and examination of those interested* Those effectingjinsurance, with this Componv have,besides the usual protection against lots, by the ordinay method of insurance.'the additional ad rentage of « direct participation in the piofitt of the Company. toitbout on* .taWify. t , UfcORGE W. TOLASD, President B.M. Hiucumax, Secretary. The subscriber, who u the dal/ authorised Agent or the above named Company, ii prepared to suite msuraaeo, at the Office of -the Agency, in the Su Cbsiles Third it, thinidoorfromWood street, aod' will give all Dutbvr desired | 'TJiOS.J.tJAMrBELL. JOHN PMS'B t“i itt.| ' " rrrfncaei rot «jg DELAWARE mutual lniaraact ConpaßfefPhllidv’la* FIRK RISKS upohbtiildlnfcaand Snerchindiie of every description, sod MAKINK RISKS upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upoathe' tnoat favorable terms. O’ Office in the .Warehoose ol W. fl. Holmes ,& Brq., No. 37 Watery near Market street, I'itts- Iwrgh. ' - I INT ; B. The .success of this Company since the estab hshaiento'rthe Agency in this city; with the promptnos PhilarTia—aa hivmgan ample pan! in eapiini.wlneb by.theoperalionoritscharteris constantly increasing as yielding to each person insured his due share el thw-profits of the company without inrohring him to any refponiibility'whaterer; acd therefore as possesug the Mutual principle divested -of every : obnoxious feature, an fid its most attractive form. uor4 1 • . t . . NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE COMPANY, Stw York* THIS well known ind rerfpertable company it* pre pared, through their PITTSBURGH AGENCY. to make insurance of cvrjy kind eoaorcled with risks of lraii*portslioii ami inland navigation; uviusure against lom or damage by fire, Dwritiiiyllduses, Warehouses, Buildings in.feurral,(Joo. Water and Front streels.'Ptttxburgh. ' apUMf ' JH&MMNITY Ag «**t Lowbybire—Tbe’i’RAiNKLlN Fire Insu rance Coatploy l of Philadelphia, * Mk f ptniSMßt and limited, ▼ T « «*ery description of propertyJnEITTS BURCH red the SURROUNDING COUNTRY, Sart^*^ 0 has s perp*tnal CAFITAL.... , paid la. CONTCNIiKNT FUND,.;..;.. jflrtjKO ' Office corner ol Third and Marital eta,, Fittsb’gb, *p2B—tf WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. INBURANCE. - American . Flaw |aiurrv fl * wapoy Philadelphia . Pnarirhat-; Office 3 ua Pkiladdakiai. -M*-. 78 ; maasrf wfjd yfoe- ut rA *^' , “*^ WM ; DAVID g OR , tnt ,y Co ? p,w *“JS“* “ (brtdSfßSrdel' in TltUburgh and ns —yWt M od.wiU berecatvyL^adrisJra ‘ aovW , Wepl.an^ VOL.' .XIV: —NO. 226 - 1 DRY GOODS J < ?. OK 70 ?OVVL llOUHEßt—Pum.anrt i>^.nT* , if' , 5 pO T^ m ’ N ? fi ? ."*©«» eueeL next doorto Diamond Alley The subscriber respectfully Jntbros u»e citizen*, and strangers vision* the City, thatb* Bu rteeuned the Auction business, and removed to No 97 mF* ■?" ? ho °f* n,n * <* * »*«» CARFET EM niRIUAI. Having been in tbr East fcrtJia laizihreo er - t i n K^* r t*‘U'*K*-Ar«. tor ihiaparpcN, my •tori will be jhr and best assorted. aatL-aeid a] iVfif Vt w un >' “o»ilar ‘•»iabU« ‘•’sS^S Fine, all wool, iio . ,p, Common do ; do do- ” 1 Splendid Tapestry, Hall and Stair Carpem VaricUMofCohoq Ingi'am - do- ■■- Extra heavy twilled Venetian .do: 4-4* 3*4* and ff-Pmriped da; do! ' . Cotton erriped Carpet* for Siam: Llatinfr, Rtut and iiemp Carpels Saper, Schematic and Putty Rug*; • Brussels and Caramon -do do; FineSebeinelle ttoii Door Mansi Ijirfeßiid small Alteant and Ime Hemo Matin: Bia«s Stair Rods, of all sites; ■ All rtades of. Wonted Carpetand Bindiui; Wi ' I Siseenbcai Trvmrinfi. : , . a ft??? 4.4.&-4-and6-4Shecunfajifr4 7*4 u t c t'iL ent > k' n *n Napkin*; Ctmlj. and Piapar. llockabnek Towelling; Carpet Stripe**™* StfteTa l»le Covert; Oilcloth* front 27tncbe* to ii feat wide. rand'anr*in« * ‘ ' • >. .-J Tpoßituawiia •• •• ■*'•■. ' Kiclj fejnbrotdered and Primed Table and Piano cover* I',. Figured £M>r Clothei . .. •; Chenielie, Dhtwel*, Tufted, *nd.\ViHo n Rag*,'.. Tufted,Cbniielle,andShrrtutin DoOtMaua, “ . MmuLlaandjUraw j dp; dir; • . Bra.** Stair Bod* Flat and Oval; ‘ ' Ommaafcaad ‘StripedStair Linen;- V r i -v ■ Carpel Bindibga - 4*4.3-4 end ftU Plain and figured IndS&n'.Maitine; CotoredSpppiiljMiitiDsidic.i*P. i ■•■; •• f, Peraon* fitting up StearabAau,Uotela,or Private llou* "■>, ee*j arejeqnejujd io call, a* he teel*confident UtepWilf • ;»" • find it to iticir advantage to do *o-liefore purcuaiflc;' el**where. • r w. .. . .J>RV QOODB. „**# would al*b inyjie attention to hi* eztentive etooE of NEW. SPRING.DB% GOODS, [embracing every unnfc.in that limU now opening at the above ttand. • . marltMetwaniF 110 Market etreei I DRY doODS. IMACKLETrU: WHITE. " Aljef, are - cji-— —-*»’HITK, No 09 Wood street, above k? Dramoad Al|ej\ are now prepared to offer to tuer iciuuiu.a large-asd desirable stock of - I rkEsj/ spring dkv goods, AU.;of tlus season's purchase—of lair, and desirable style* and Dualities. . Cooniry MercHnois visiting or parsing through our city, wijl find it clfearly to ibor advantage togtveufa 1,4 _.*r We *'* e^crTO|ne 'J to *«H at such small profits, a* wIU maker it gntaiiy. to their imereM to make a bill with u*. Our slack « new full and complete, eompTrsing a general assortment of such roods as ore pxtraliy kept by dry good! houses. - - A good (apply it heavy and light brdwn Sheeting* alway« on hand.; h>ch2? BAHROWS S TI'IISEK, So Jo are:now refctinring their stock of New Spring ■OooJ», and invite khe attention of purchasers, to . lieu . astartiQent of Goods, which it pnuleularlydrsi. table, consisting in pan of ■ Rieh Embroidered Lavnr—very choice patterns: Rteh Organdy* iLawiia— fashionable browns! with er colors, very handsome. Printed Lawns, df different patterns;' ! ' Rich California Plaids—ityles very handsoms; ; S°P*nor French [Ginghams—entirely new and bean tifulpatterns; one lot very handsome at IS| cis. . - Superior Manchksier Ginghams, (warranted] at 30. ■ cents. 1 mchB6 No upmarket street. 3-doors abovo M PINK AND "WHITE GINGHAMS—'V. R. JviVS!' "** ®P®® this nnrnmga few pieces* Pink and While Barred {Ginghams very low, and'beatruful style. Alio, new style spring Muslin de Laines. Al so, nest style Brniirs, a fashionable attielei—besides a full assortment of first quality French and Manchester Ginghams, British Print*, small figured Chintz farin ' tarns, An/; Also, Irish Linens—a full supply, from low est to finest qualities, of most approved make and are wazrairted pure fiaxr*nd very superior shmingmut !tn» at 12| cents per yard. - * <&*WMesole strxik very full in the rooms up stairs, and goods offered at exceedingly low prices io Cash • | apgQdAw f AI!r ES. PLAIN COLORS— y* .!’ * Murphy has now open anassonraemof the - above goods, all wool, inclndmg some very fine. Also, Mwtatr de Mines, yery nxperior, plain mode colon. A w.ptainßrabßaregCi; pink, blue, and blaeic do Also, iMisannes. and fhnry colors, some as low an lt| cctiu; and a litrre ansortmcnt of novrest styles *> TO<>dt mcludmj: black watered, and fancy allAb, of. latest ta>i>oTlaiion*, and at tbwprices forqualuv. Buyers will pirate call and examine at N ' h corner ttb and .Market su-- t ■ • t II?" Wholesale Rooms in second story, where a very choice stock can be seen bydenlear*, ut low cash pri-’ 5 •«“* ' * anlO SCNDRIKS-Bonnet Frames, Tabs and Roehes; rorteise shell and born, tuck, aide and dressing comhsi inlaid satin and rosewood hair bruthei;' tooth, uml, comb, cloth and Hat do; carpet binding, bed.jsce; brown, black and white bollaitd; colored cambric; silk and anion galloons; flannel binding safety envelopes; note paper, sealing wax: motto waters; Barnhill’*. in- uebbw inhj pencils and pencil points; lotions; pins, needles; tapes; spool cotton, Ac. For salolwholevale andretan,by _ '.F II EATON, 03 Market street TO JISaCIXANT TAXL.oaB—Now opesinv a splendid assortment of.tbose Tooy manufactured . Bams, bothfine and medium qualities. A large invoice CravjUsjjboth black and fancies, d. reel from the Importer. Adjusting Stoeki, all qaaliue* and colors. "atm Bows, do -do do; ''Bombasinedo Yo do do: ’* •' ' For sale.by the manufacturer's A cent. No 96 W'oo 'Street, up stairs, wholesale. EDWARD TODD. ■ APJ • . Agcdl for Eastern Manufacthreka. VBBDLB WORKED OAPBBWtich Nee ls die Worked Lace Cepes—newcm siyflea—a lot received this morning. ‘ ‘ H ' .. Also, Chameleon.&iik*; a few pcs Chameleon-Poult ' de ttoi Dress 9ilk«—a beautiful article, and scarce— ■ , open (bis morning - , , Also, French ualzarines; a few pieces, choice styla* dm Dry Goods House of —IV R MURPHY' JPJC N E cor 4th and Market m RECEIVED ibis morning at Barrews A Tnmf Roe sclecltoo of-California Plaids,hew and bckuti .falstyles; French Ginghams, very neb pstienaVfat th cents; Manchester Gmxham*, warrnmed. at the tow price of SD cents; English Prints; Bcbwn pOudrand stripes, new and handsome,at .No 4# Market street, • mehm - ■ • Between ad and 4th street* SI h Kj LISLE THREAD AND PARIS KID GLOVFS—‘JOdozen super.TaniKid from the mannfsciory of Jouvin * Alexandre; Open,work and'embroidered Bilk Ulovex; ’' - Embroidered, plain.anil fancy Lisle do; ~. . - Child's Silk-lasle and t’otton' do;’ ' (ient’sinititary and dress do: - - • ■* For sale by _. _ apb 'F II EATON pUB iniRTB. COLLARS, BOBOHft.Ae T —New styles of Fjne tfbuuin great vaneiy; - Standing and Byron Collars; Spring tie Cravats and Batin Stock*; Bosoms and Cravat Stiffeners;. . WrtUUI. ,UU . Hboalder Brace*, Night Caps,Silk Ouanis.Ae; On hand and for sale }>j ap9 F II EATON ~~~ WHITE (SJODB FOR DRK9BKB—W K MurphT Writer thratteutloii or the'Ladies litbiii very full as-oruneotoi'while goods for (tresses,consis ting of Swim and Scotch Muflt, Nansook and Jfckn net moslmv; barred Jaekonet, super Satin , barred and - sniped, soft finish do, Ac- Ac. * A* (here goods are purchased immediately fionr the •* manufacturers 1 agents or importent, they can bo,sold al the lowest prices. - * ap?l More new goods—ai w k Murphy’^T! 1 ‘ ?"*■ Dry Goods House, north cast comer of*4th Aud —• Market streets. Received yesterday, an asiorotentof \ Linen Table Diaper*’from i tpP . L’pper Sales Roams FRINOES.VIMPS and satin trim- pUia head colored dreraFnu ges; nca mamma blae* do: manuila, polka and chain •laps, blank and colored Lolerlan tnmm«ng»;-Meek and colored *atin ribbon do; just rce jrgTON'fl OIIBRyTsD YARNS—Colton, kilk'and merino More and half More; in great variety fo< men. wsmen.misres and children: Knimng Yams and lVor»ted*7aa*oned,eolor*; mending and udycoitaatod manufaciurer*' Worwrui, siul i tani^ ;i 1 I, I VI „ ill a p9 r H rATONTt JUBT Received and for sale at the raaßufactnref'v . ji*t prices, a large invoice of patent Gam Hint— and Shirred Suspenders, of the Russell Manufacturing Co_ Ct For *ale by the Agenu No *JB wood *trtet,iup ' euttrr* wholesale. ' EDWARD TODD mclrtfl-. • " ,Maccfaetcrer's; Ag»m F. U. EATON,' DEALER in Trimmings siid Variety GoodvTonalw* TbcJl, Ivoiy and Horn empbt;WooUedTanw*nd Woraied*, Bnnons, Needles, Pin*, Tape*,Braidv. Ac-. No 63 Market Si between Diamond and 4th streets Pittsburgh. . . - , . . •. : D»dly WORKED COLLARS, Luces, Kdgmga, Linen Hdkfs, Moreen"an4Grata Lmen .Ribbon*. Paper Aloaiina, *e.dkL F JI;EaTON*B W KAPPIHO PAPBn-WR^gj-,^ ' Received and for tale by JOB N JI.MEW.OSt, aplO »' ,- Noetwppawr»«i CURTAIN JIUsLISS, oi a (reat'vkriety of atyladr raetadiag BaV Praaek w Window foqo3..ai dry good*^6Mej^ OTHy «, ap9od4w ’ N p cor 4th and Harks; sia E W LVND