The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 29, 1847, Image 4

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Burial of the Seed.
Now, my seed, thy grave is made ;
Jn thy silent chamber laid,
-Thou may’st alamber-lightly :
*V the sun his radiance lend,
Alia the dews of heaven
(in thy pilum nightly.
■ Copld'at thou speak, thou gentie one,
C< nld*«t thou fesl what l have done,
rhou whuiper, weeping.
A i, green earth and bright blue skiec
Niver more may gr*«t iny eyes.
All In darkness sleeping. «•'
Ytl steep on, thou Seedling dear .
Sweetly sleep, nor dream of fear ;
Soon from slumber waking,
C nee again shall thou bybold
Morning sunlight brigftTaa gold,
O’er the green earth breaking
I at last must sink like ther,
i ends of love shall bury uie,
Heaping cold ealh o'er me ;
f ut when God, from yonder skies,
.1 "ids the slumbering dead arise,
May ! wake to glory !
From the Edinburgh Review.
ascal, and bib Provincial Letters.
y ins immiiNhiu peasantry, Pascal
Kcdcd »> rnakiKK even the dullest
tern of Hcholamic theology and Jean*
isiil-al cuMHsUy as interesting as a com
K dl ; «nd, by his little volume, did more !
to render ihe formidable Society ihe con
teihpl of Europe, than was ever done by
a»Vn «'h« r enemies pul together.
The. Jesuits had nothing for il but to
inveigh again*- the letters as “the iin
moVial liHin”—Jr* mtntrurs immortelles.
To! tlieir charge of having garbled cita
lions, and tampered' with evidence to
produce an unfair impression against the
Society,) practices utterly abhortent from
all Pascal’s habits of mind and disposi
tions ol heart.) he replies, with the char*
ncferiatic boldness and frankness «t his
* nature—"l was asked if l repented of
hating written Us. Provinciates. I re-1
ply, that, far from having repented, if l
had to write them now, I would write
yet more strongly 1 wa9 asked why 1
have given the names of the authors from
•whom I have taken all the abominable
propositions I have cited. I answer,
• that if 1 lived in a ci.y wheie there were
a dozen fountains, and that I certainly
know that there was one which was
poisoned, 1 should bo obliged to adver
tise all the world to draw no water from
that fountain ; and as they might think
that it was a pure imagination on my
part, I should be obliged to name him
who bad poisoned tt, rather than expose
all the city to the danger of being poi
soned by it. 1 was asked why I had em
ployed a pheasant, jocose, and diverting .
stvle! 1 reply, that if l had written in a •
dogmatical style, it would have been on- j
ly the learned who would hare read, and I
they have had no necessity to do |
it, being at least as well acquainted with i
the subject as myself; thus, 1 thought it j
a duty to writo so as to be comprehend-;
erl by women and men of the world, that
-• they might. know the danger of those
maxims and propositions which were
then universally propigaied r and of which
: they permitted themselves to be so casi
-1 ]y persuaded. I was asked, lastly, if 1
had myself read all the books I have ci
ted. I answer, No ; for in that case it
would have been necossary to have pass
ed roy life in reading very bad books ,
but I had read through the whole of Es
cobar twice, and, for th*e pthers, I caused
them to be read by my friends. But 1
have never used a single passage with
out having myself read it in the book ci
ted, or without having examined the sub
ject on which it is'adduced, or without
having fread both what precedes and
what follows it, in order that l jntghi not
risk of quoting what was, ir. fact,
an objection for a reply to it. which
.would have, been both censurable and
f The Safeguards of Social Virtue.
The Supreme Court of Virginia has
recently' decided that an Atheist, or one
who,denies a future stato of retribution,
is a competent witness before all the tri
bunals* of the State. We sincerely hope
do other State of the Confederacy will
follow so pernicious an example ; Let
this principle be embodied in universal
practice, and carried oul to its legitimate
■ consequences, and public virtue is gone
forever. Wo do not believe, however,
that the spirit of infidelity is yet suffi
ciently rife in nnr country to bring about \
a change so serious and radical in us
- character. There is too much common
iense in tho community to allow the
foundations of society to be destroyed.;
It requires but'Tiule sagacity to discover,
and no argument whatever to prove, thai t
the great ultimate safeguard of our social
interests is to be found to the belief of
nan’* accountability to God; and the cog
"• nate principle of'future retribution. The
very fact that these two points are found
deeply .imbedded in the moral constitu
tion of man —that they are developed in
universal humanity—that they are rare
ly, if ever, eradicated from the human
mind, and never without the utmost vio
lence to the moral sense, demonstrates
their olterior importance, not merely to
the individual, but especially to the spe
cies Nothing, absolutely nothing, can
ljte substituted for them. They alone
constitute the essence of a juramentary
obligation. Extinguish the idea of God,
end deny the accountability of man, and
an oath, solemn aud binding an men
justly consider it, becomes nothing but a
mere farce. And if an oath loses its
. force, what becomes of the witness-box 7
—aye, or the bench 7 Li is ridiculous
‘ to imagine that public opinion will guar
antee the interests of truth and justice,
and perpetuate the order- and happiness
of society. It will do tto such thing.—
Its authority is confined to a limited
range, and not unfrequently wielded in
favor qf principles and practices which
derange the machinery of the social sys
. leny, apd threaten its utter annihilation.
There are a thousand things legalized by
r thef*'Qode of honor," which, if not oppo
sed by a higher and legitimate authority,
would enter into the every day opera
tions of men, and introduce “confusion
and every evil work” into every depart
ment of human society. .The law of God,
with its eternal sanctions, is indispensa
ble for the .prevention, detection and pun- 1
isbment of crime. Obliterate it from the
mind and conscience, and there isinoth
ing left sufficiently powerful to corb the
lawless passions of men. and to prevent'
the seven-fold abominations of the dea
perately.wicked heart from bursting forth
with volcanic violence, spreading de-
Hi ruction and death in its terrible course.
' This universal devastation and ruin has
hitherto been prevented by the conserva
tive regimen which is now; sought to be
destroyed by the innovators upon the ju
•risprudenco .and religion of our land.
Let every patriot and Christian rally
- • around the bulwarks of our constitution,
tho palladium of our social interests, the
eafegiiards of person, property jand char
acter and yield not 9 jot or tattle to the
__pseudt)«liberafity of time-serving detna
, gogues anti designing infiddls. Kest as
sured that if nothing but of God
can effectually cure the e*ils of society,
nothing short of a.belief in hi*, existence
' and retributive government of his crea
tures can $0 check.those etils ** to keep
■* society from being a curse, fit be sllojr
e&aTerpehiation on the eirtb.— South..
: QkjistiaA Advo*<*U.
l«f IRON HAILINfiS »o lt.e.;UmU«J Male*, to
which the attention ol tboae m want or any descrip
tion, aiul ctpeeully for Cemeteries;
principal part ol all tbe haodaome R**l'°B*
»t La* nl H»H. Monument, and other celebrateo
Cemeteries in tbe city and coUnty ol Philadelphia,
whichi»*e been •» highly extolM ty the puwte
pre*a7»ere eiecuted at this manufactory.
A large WaroKoom ta connected with the e«Ut>-
Itahmenl, where t* kept cooauntly on band a Urge
•tuck bfready-made Iron Railing*. Ornamental Iron
Settee*, iron Chur*, new atyleplain and ornamen
tal iron tiatea. with an exlenaivenaaortmeolol iron
Poata, Pedeatala, Iron Arbor*, 4tc: Al*o, *9 V*,
variety, Wrought and Caal IronOrnaAenU.auiUble
for Railing*, and other purpoaea.
The tubaenber would al»o «Ule that in hi* rat
tern and Designing Department;be ha*
some of thereat Ulent in the country, whoae whole
attention i* oeroted to the buaine**— forming alto»
gethemne «l thn mtwt.completelaud ajatcmalice*.
tabtiahmeni* of the kind in the Union.
KOBKKT WOOD, Proprietor.
Rulgn Road, above Buttonwood atreet.
Philadelphia, March 1847 <l6mo»
Gold full Jewelled, **» W
Silver do do » “
Gold Lepmev Jewrllrd. *
Silver do do l» 00
Silver liuaruera, fine quality, , 10 W>
Gold Wairhe*. plain, , ,
Stiver Spectacle*. I
Gold Pencil*. •
’ Gurd Hrscelet*. . , ~4 *" ,
Alao on band a large a»*orin»ent oi t»old and tla.r
Bracelet., finger Ma.i |nm ».«*p eei r,n «*> £!“
neiia. ulver -poou». augar tonga, UniuMr,, gwo urea,
l urti and fob chan... guard key* And jewelry of ever)
at equally low price* All I want .* a cab
U> convinc: eu»toiner«. . '
AH kind, of VVo.che.and Clock. rTa-red and war
ranted to aerp good ...or .or one year, old gold and ail
vertidueiii or taken .r. exchange. ..
*" »•*«. ’" a "“"fi!wi'a t“ wwi»-
•ewsk sraffitiS: jrsasw. I
rpilhi Hammer po»«ei»e» many advuttagr- ovrr all
• arretted, and .u-pended at an) he.fhi
haoune t < , . p, BMn
Iti Simplicity; Compactnev* and riieepnc
lt« AcoeO.bilit) upon »»| the workmen
All the hammer* are made Self-Acting.
The auhaenbor* continue to exrcuie order* for ihr
hammer*, ol alle.*r*.opon reawi.ablr term*.
«-«“■“>— ITO-VSF,
Aaiigneri oi the Paleni lorfoe United Slaty,
deelb-ly ?oulhwark Foundry. PU*i*“ ••
RiJee Road, aboct Sprint Gardm Sturt,
»IMIIS rsiaubshmenl i»erectrd on mn implored p _i|
1 and by the n.d of S.eam I’owrr raa . nuf *^,“ r *‘ .V'
kmd«of Marbli Work nii.upm.r M)le, mad »« ihe
t°anfl‘bc*i aisortmeni of Marble
St«:U4ry “ I,J V "*?' ‘‘Vicat’and
lamrful Mn* and pattern*. made of , * p . 6 !.'T“^ d
band-omeM dcenpt.on of |i»»*.ii MwWc; lilMtor
Floorm*, imported, and ulwoy* on hand, and for
be *uppli.-d at »Umb«
any Dumb.- of fimahed Mantel* or rahle Top*, ■! re
Sliced wholesale pr.cre; and .be Trade w.ll be furmabed
mi the »bortc»t nonce w:ib all kind* of Marl* e
!.iA.-k or rut to ■lie* for Monmurnl*. «e
; l**oil,oreutto JOHN fIAIRD ,
I R:d«*e Road, above Spring Garden »t j
j Fhll»4 , »..iJ , 'cb[u»ry ? ._*»£;, s?^'??
! Manufacturer* of
WAGON covers and grain bags
1 or all psscKirnona
| Jfo. 384 South Front Street,
I Back of T. A. Wilton'* Cabinet Ware Manxtfy
A 1 LL order* loft with S. S. Moon, at the offiee®» “*
rA rDaUKT'.’
Haring » *ery large and comtnoJ.ou. waTel.*u»r {
we are prepared lo rec«»*c tin addition 10 fieight for .
•hipmeoil a large ««aoam of 1
low rate*,. I"’*"*} .. C A MrAMJI.TV*>o_ ,
B2&EOM 1 8 4 7. «ai<S>
for the traiupoi.iu.on oi ''AY
/Pj FREIGHT between Pitwhurgb. Ulair**illf, Johiia-
TO WATCH MAKERS and DEALERS.] | W wn, Holhday»bur*h. Water Sueei. I’eter-bargh and
J, LA DOM US, ! Frt..~.fOAMr.v..i.y
TMPORTERof Watrhe*. U atchanker'a Tool*. 2nd . ” nB 11 ‘ ,!» T . (except Sunday.) and
1 Watch wholesale and retail,and d..* ; faV, depend in tbe.r fi oJ. for
nanilv on hand a large ataonnu mof Lunelle, Patent, •lupper«*an »
and I‘lJtn Ola**. Mamipnng* Verge*. Dial#. \\ at ch , w *! fa .* i Jne wa* formed for the *p*etnl accommodation
Hand*, and *eoiupleiea**ortraent ot ailTool* and Ma- _ d lhe pfT< j lt;c , ora T e»pecltuli>
lass*- »•*
all of .which he will guaranty lo »eil at lhe lowest New PICKWORTH JOHN MILLF.Rt
York price*. All order* iron the country punctually ; n\VL II BARNES ROBERT W(X)|)S
executed. . , L • WILLIAM Ft.'LTV
N B —Country Merchant* and other* are invited u> r Mil IFR tloPnlatitiursh I
call *:ui examine at the OM Stand, No II South Fourth J R W \y s (n. John" tnivn Agent*
iiteeu Philadelphia janaiftm , C A McANL'LTY A Co. I’ituburgb J 1
MIS. HARSESS MAKER, 980 Cheanut ft ,
QtjGrGufff PhUaJtlpMia, Ul< of the firw of
Watuo. rttpcetfolly intormi hi* frieoci I
Swt— the publie, that he hu and will keep j
coutaAtlj os hand and for tale, a Joadjoiac aaajrtmtDt of
aahiootble Carriartf Vehiek* of all ftjit* and deaeription*
made to order at tie ihortrit powiblr notice, and mooted is
•.'.it *rryb«t manner, of .elected « ' ,l *l frt£P-ly
| K Smliii W Ua({*•■<> , xv M Woodwatd
SMITH. BAQALEV dt t'O., wtoleole deal
era i» Uroeenta. Tea*. Indigo, Ac . No 991 Market
i North »ide, Philadelphia. f'd3
other kn rich
Ich tfpruif
amer Sti a •
iw new; pltm
and printed
rued tad emb
iioi'rd Xoiti,
rncb A Scwrti
un and primed
few neb Dpi!'
?atin Striped
ite new. Alao.
full Bsaertrarm
Do V I • TIC
R a V A T S;
ew York.made
Satin, Ac
•a w'er». cheaper
utual ai wbolevtle
-rieea. ipii _ 'V » GaRRARD_
\7OTICJIS—-Application hat been made for the re
1\ news! of Certificate No l“«, dated January ll
IMS; for thmy ria abarea of the capitaf «ock *»t the
company for erectm* a Hridje over the Hieer Monou
rahela. oppo-iie Pitfhursh- wtueb Mid Certificate ha.
" y ' 0 “ QFJiRnK COCHRAN
Wm I* Young. C lhrn««n F Plunkett.
WA REHOUSE No*. i 3 Water mud 104 Tint street,
pituhargh. The (Jims* manufactured by »* ■ ►
warranted equal to may m the country. AN otder*
will rpcnve prompt attention and filled on reasonable
lerm*- Merchant* and other* visiting the city are in
vited to call before purcba»mgel*cwtieTe. fel»l4
TllEgrra te»tand best variety iver offered in thi*city
before-made on Ute mo»t approved Eastern plans—
and moil farhionable Eastern pattern* and roior*. Ar*o
THE rilKAl* ROLL, or BOSfON BLIND, on hand
or made to order of all 'ire*, and at si! prices.
<ll IItUC U. I.| lie I I*l •*. •*' *
Country Merchant* and other* are invited to call and
examine the above for themselves, at all will bc-*n»d
wholetale or retail, and a liberal dedaction rtade u>
wholesale purchaser*. _
Tt Printer*.
x a JUST Received nnJ for aale
from the Foundry of Geo Hrtire
I'nni" of Type
Space rule*, etc.
ety of Second hand Type, from Nonpareil to M line IV
.. Flown*.Ornament* eie .which will be *old low
mebtf? 39 Market it
FROM the very libera! encourage
»«[S.nlent the subscriber ha* received since
MBJEy he ha* located himself in Allegheny.
h„ 8 induced htui to lake* lease, for a
JMfam w ■term of years, on the property he now
oceuoie* in Beaver street, immediately liotide ths
Presbyterian Church From the long experience tn the
above buimei* and a d* .ire to pleaae, he hope* to‘mer
it and receive a share of public P* t,Bn JjS*Y
Now od hand and finishing to orJer, Koekaway Bug
gies. open and top Buggies, and every description of
-"Kifw ■Affir
: a casd!
ARW THROCKMORTON bega to acquaint hi.
friend* that he i* again leuee of Ue GALT
HOUSE, liOuitville, Ky., where be hop** to meet all
hi* old friend*; atiarmg them and the public, that no
effort ihall be spared to make all comfortable who favor
him with their patronage . j anlid l y_
ViNINO JtOftKS. Monthly Rose* and Ever
green*. Ac, tuitable'for planting in Cemetry’s
•■“"can be famished on application at the seed store,
from Nurser>e*of Ja.*. Wardrop, Mancbeuer.
tnch'J&tf No ITLem wood and fob »t»
I HAVE m store and for «aje low—
Bunk Frame*, Maiirassps;
sheets; and Trimming* of all kind*;
And allo’her article, m my line, which i ahal! tell
low and on accommodating term*. WM NOBLE
ml.ltf Store, opposite the Bank of Pituburgh, 3d tt
G "('ROUND ALLSPICE,‘Cinnamon anf Clove* in
i b'lla, bolt* and small package*, eonatamly on band
and for tale ai the' Mustard and-Soice Factory, S? Filth
ftreri up» RHODES A ALCORN
I AM prepared id do *0 kind* of Cabinet" Sloiint
Sofat. DiTaji«,Cha/ra, Chair Seat*, a« then notice
Order* left at Mr. Noble'a on Third it, promptly attend
ed tbs
ITT* Repairing of all kiwi*.
! %'* W “ rt ’ C “ ,lB r&* W HAOLAWN
|hjQ 1847-
Ejrlunrtiy fa* Pwwnfin.
THE public arc rc»pccifulty informed that lt»» Lute
will commence runnmcoxi of al>out Ihc H»lb in'laut,
and conuuu-- throughout tb« ;«»*"*• TU' propM'Wr*
Uvc now placed a «ui-f r>or ° f ?*<•*'" ■«? K *''-
ru.d on ihc rouLr. wab clira
which wall give greatercomfoil u» traveler-
A Packei Boat will mlway* he '» P°n.
el.nir public arc rcrjuealcil to call and t:
nrcviou* to engaging pa*w«e eitewLeie.
' One of the Packet* will leave the lam:
the irmicd Hotel,) comer I’enrt i
Canal, every: night atS o’clocK
For information apply at the ofltce.
Iloooc. Water »treet, or to D 1-r*
mehl3 cor Penn »ue
Wfcßfi Kir tßaisKport A'
1847- m
v. LBBCH 4 CO'S.
rpHE nock of tlii* lie*- cookimi of
1 Lw ot Boat* *" d C, ft j°*{£! r
which are in food order. The >ub«-r _
red to forward a l*n?e qoanmy oi Sl]
Prodace certainty and
i Produce or .Mefchandt** • onsißtie J td
‘deraJpiW.i* forwarded tree ol .«> el, a.
’"’ll.Sl iSJ *“ ....inif.'On* P™"f'"l 1
of lb.. l.~ I'
Canal »x m P.iutunjt, :
JIARRH A LKiXH, Proi.rieiatN j
No USoulh Third *Uer . Pinludrlpli:a •
| JOS. TAILOR AS iNS Arenl*.
\ No 111 North Howard aujcui Baltimore
\v a»*oi, I'
No? 'Veil »tijei-t,Ne\v ' ork
1 'OK the transportation 01 Fr«-,ghi.lfi'V<-en P.tiiburitS
I* and the Allantic I'liie*. avonlirig' iranvhipiuenfii«."
ihe way. 'and the consequent n-lt jifd.-la.. damagF
break age and »«:par*lion of p*w* I
Pnprittou L
No t!?0 Market urcft. Philad<
Onr Penn pud Wayne «n. Piitsbuigh.
OVONNiiK&Co; Nonlisueei. Baltimore i Aprnl*
W A J T TAPSCOTT, ?5 ik>uiirr>i, N '• 1 1
F-ncoitraged by utcrea*ed bu«ineis »he Proprietor*
.oUir.r..ock.nd eaiebdad tbe.r arrange
mem* during the wmwr, and are now l>repar< d to tor
j ,* wall n-(uluii)' and uniurpa**! d
nv anv other Hof. Their long c Jprnence »* ]
the palpable superiority ol ibe Portable 1
and’the greet capacity and convenience »*l the vfar
Soa.e. St each end of the line, are peculiarly ealrule
i«l io enable the proprietor* to tulbt their engagement*
and acrommodata iheir cn.lci»cr*—confide mly offering
and forwarded Stramlioat chargei/paid ar.d B.Uaoi
Lading uan'raitied free of any ehargfc lor ‘ ommi**io»,
advancing or Morar* Having no u\tere«t directly or
indireeily m steamboat*,ihe Ititere*! \»i ihe ron«’gi»r*
mu*t ne'eeaaanly be their primary object in »V n S
well, and they pledge Uieui*elve» to forward all good*
eoniigued io them promptly and on the nk>*( adranin
geou* terms io the owner*
‘ ill.rehl.JM7 . _ _ "*r
Jfefrsapgj 1547. mrri
Buiinii. piih.adki.phia and baltimouk.
[TT-Wiiboui •rrtujslv»rH»*n«--CI) I .
G.oJ. «n«p>«! 10 ouro.f. mil l»- for
OUI delay, at ihe low.*«i current rate*. Hill* of
; lr an«miired, and nil >n»uuenoi»« r.roiup:)> attend, d to.
i uae Iran any extra .Uarse for iitorax* or comm*>«M>«
*- a . 1.4.
RErEHEKo.I. : C »n*'ihc (unn.clon
‘‘“tiEßEßli' ASiT MlCillClS LISIS. „ SI fi
USZJ' IM7. i
TS&=?W«Si* LSSwar
■rid Be*v*r. and tftsjsh: ami pu»*«.i.s«T C*nai [Bout*. . leltlfl
“■ss k^Tm«s i-v.‘4r”» r- et-j 1847. BfeSsa
all point* ou the Rj*f f- *'>d Lake* I ! THROUGH IN *4 HOL'RS; every facility for eonveym* ire.ghi ad. P«J* • KFT ,™,,Sw.lii* and Telegrapfc !*»*« Bea*
•enterv with prompter* and dupsnih the pru(M,etof , p A ‘ ,* . \7weioi-k r u after tha.arnval of tk«
.M Mrm. rSapectfaUy *oi>e:l from the., fnmd. and .L" u-V- -nd .« W.rrea .r
he pot.l.e f.he NU.tT.ine J wtucb leave .mmed.
1 CiM KLKD. hr.e. Proprietor.’ "mf f "' ,hr /.» i «.r ve ,1 Cleveland «t3o’cloek.
RKKDS. PARKS 4 Co, Beaver. Art* aril) 'hereafter and « at c.evei«
jyilN j*
Coi fniuthfUidand Wuiri.n. opjv>-».ie in* \Joji<n'<» ;
gaUelm Hou*e : ore 4 LP.PFI Ntf W P.LL Warren, Propi
„ :. fcl, “* T v- v . ( RF.KD. PARKS & Co, Bearer, Agent*
Wheeler, Crocker 4 < o. N*«v\.xi i aCaI'iHIKV cornet Water and Smiihheld *t
<}eO Davn, Buffalo ; iv I the Mo.tonf.hel. Hr*.** P.«.lmf|h
K N Park* 4jCo.Cleveland i “P* ll . rP? - - •er ,
j», A ArmHrong 4 Co, Detroit PJTTSBUHUII ASP OHKBMVllili*
Biielot 4 Porter, Onego T 1847. £=§£*£
I 1 ■““TKct *sn FREUiIIT I.INK. •
jotut MeAMbur, Hsnutowu, -t>. rfHIIS L.i.e cott.,*t.n* uf freight and pat*eug(;r Pack-
Wtek 4 Aeker.GreedviJle, ■!.. , 1 et«, will run :e*ularly during the *em*oi. Ifetwven
Craig 4 Frauipton. Clarktv.lle. diP . < Beaver and Greenville. Ia . t'T which freight *n«l p««
Hay. A Plumb. Sbarptiimgb. Pa ! i aenaer* tetwern H.e two points wtlH.e earned prompt >•
" W C Alnlaa, Sharon, *1“ i ! and'ai ibe Invrrii rate.
, H W Cunningham New.Ca*«ie, do itnari ■ WICK 4 ARI-llbß. Greenville, A<t»
- -i - „„, _ , iRaII* 4KH AMFTON, Clack.viiie Jo
IUJ7 fSaCMBE lIAYS4 rl.l'MU Sharpatrorgb ; do,
■■■■■■ • • II W C AIALA.N. Sharon. do.
.MKUt-iiA>Dlsh.i«»' ■ WM-MATHPIWS, Pula**.. do,
CITIKS, WIIHXICT TIC*k*HIP»i»ST.| | JOH N . A.CA ClillK Y, rorner Water and Sm.lhteM »!*,
rpHE improved method of r«rryiitg-«»ed f.v thi* loiut j apCi> Oppnanr the Monomrahe’a llouie, Pikrhargti
’SL7.riiSSx: , .t crmnwnmi
tODie.lhu* alUromhipmentoreitri .»*a«ed . m
a?-BaiCa 1847 ' wPfaw
The eapamy of put Warehou**** enaMe* o«-in 'Uxa
any eontignmetit* made to u« Receivinji. *ior n«, an>l
advance* free of chargra. ....
Being fully prepared to makeaale* of Prodm e, we (
reuieeirolly aalmt con*ignment* of weniern Flour,
Bacon, Lard. Butler, Cbre»e, Word. Feather* and other
aniclcv for «ale, on which liberal »»* wi I l«-
made and other uaaat afforded, our
telvea that aoy l*e»mea« emru»ted Im u* aha.l lie a*
nroiuollT eiemied and ni*on a* tail lerro* a* liy any
Canal llaain, P.USl.urgh
S4V and Uyl-Markrt *t, I‘bilaJa
Hast Beaver Point and Bridgewater,
• ■ATI! roovTT, ra. t ,
Proptietor and Agent of neamer* I
oailt imriw riTT«Bt’BQH *m> ***»r«.
WIJ. Upirp*r*d off <?nrlir»l op«n:o*o<'«*«»! n»v
irmtlon io ircr ire at ln» wb*rfho»n*r
in tor all Po;Ht« on Krie Kxtrn-irm. Tn...
Cut, and Onto Canal*, tor all portion l.ak»-l-.r.r s.M
■pper L*ke*,»» »f«o produrr, A<* by I mn u
(oproTrmrnU Apply to or *ddrr*» <
(Vt,*4-dlf _ _ JAM tJSCUK) . Jlravrr
184 t). 1u
. il. Clarke. I! Hoop*. T. h ehraond. k Co
f CLARKE 4 CO., (
7«rwudiß| & CommUtlon BlcrcbtnU,
THE Agents and Proprietor* of thi* Lm< im> favor
ably Known tp th<“ public), will hr prepared on the
earliest opening of canal navigation u> r»-crlve pr«p
ertyai Pittsburgh and Bearer, nnd dehvrr lire »l
any point cm In a Ohio canal*, and «Im«i l»:ikrs K,r.<-
aod Michigan, wiili the greatest despatch and, ! »1 fra
ouabie rate*. ’
The proprietor* of ttiaa l<ne solicit the business of
their former Cu*ti>faer» will* confidi-wr. kntiw<n<fthjf
their facilities are second to non;.
Apply to or address
(i M HAKTON. Agt, Pittsburgh
CLARKE a Co. Beaver
janiS TiKiOIMoNI) A Cr f land
THE Boa‘«ncn> Portable Boat t'ompany being
waived, (lie Company again vnu nno urtirb-s oi 1 <»•
partnership under the name of ilic '•Boatmen'*'.'
and likewise agreed to refit (lie Hu>ck so a* lo have a
iHitnber of Uo*l*[for the purpose of carrying good*
thiougli in from fii to eight days, with erfieinty—and
feel encouraged lif the liberality of lust year's pairou
age, lo make ruoretexiensive arrangement* tor the an
laing year. j
W« would therefore reapeatfgHy solicit m. continu
ance of our (bime( patron*.and refer all newfeustomrr*
to those we hare done business fdf.^
ILiiCul 1847188E31
BOAT SI AII S’ 1111,1,
For the transportation of j ■
' No 365 Market tired, .Philadelphia.
ELDER, OELSTON h. Co, Agents,
Baltimore, Md.
PITTSBURGH—Js». MrCully. (ieo Margin 4 Co
W MeColly 4 Co, B A Siinip*on4 Co. M Allen A Co.
'PHILADELPHIA —Morri* Patirnnn k f*>, Reynold*
MeForUnd 4 Co,i Fleming 4 Barby, I rift Wright 4
Son. J Ui»pbim, Joseph <.rat/.
NEW YORK— Goodbye 4 Co.Tbeo Perry 4 l-o.
nOj*TON—Ree<l,Hard*.Co ~r _ .
CINCINNATI—Adam* A Crragb, W W Briber
"ft. PLEASANT, VA—P A MachW.
No**—All rarn?handi»e ft ora New \ ork and Bo«on,
eomigiwd to A L GnhuiiCo, Philadelphia, will be
promptly foe warded fit* of commiMton- _ ‘ r ‘ lls
Packtf* Rnrew lo PI»IUdeI(.W«.
■immiw THE Canal being now open, the
Kipreaa which bn» been
tabu* AM lor of Vtlaable pselDige* of
taerehandiee, ap»i£ bank noire, jewelry, 4e-‘, coni'
mantel! tabuing on Thbnday, Match IS.
An lienCrst!will bedtapatchedJaiiytintUii)* cto«e
of thecatuHnf seaton. 1
Apply to . f D LEECH 4Co
mebtt eor Penn at mud QmnmJ
* UaU-V link of
mi|iu ™.n known and po|x>l* r Line of 6lt*iwt> I
pan U'inier, by the ad
± br* it *''* 7 magnificent boat*, built
djl.on 01 » Packet Unr, and the entitr line i»
eip»e»» )_ , eight of ilije largest, be*l fimlbed and
on the Water, of
' F.»«> »* co«njoll*iioo tb*i money w.!l pro
j“ e 'V*, i*. ell piovi Je<! 'Off I‘lU'engert. and no pain,
wiU b£ »p£cd 'Q theL corafonabfe and the nip*
They Je-vefttlfburchand Ctnnnnau daily
, and positively at 10 o'clnckj A. M-
IJIR. (C.ppO*>* e
rtfi and the
•ph, MONONGAIIKLA.CapU Stone, willleayr Pitu
imrrh cvrM Monday moment »i 10 o clock; " heeling
stani.' « !(>>■ M ; ..4 Ctnc.nn... «»-
cry Thursday >i l°o' clock -i A **
•:CH A Co
t and Canal.
The HIIIKBNL. NO. % Capk J. anMm.mM
leave Pitubanrh evee> Tuehdmy mornin* ai lOoclo.eE
Wheeling ev'ey Tocila. iavaoinj U 10 P. M.l and
Cincinnati every Friday ai ll> o clock; A. M.
Tiic NEW K.NtiI.AND, NO a, Capt. S. Dr«m, wilt
lemve Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at 1“
o'ciork; Wh-el.ngeve.y evening at 10 P
M- and Cine-niiiii every Saturday at Id o clock, A. M.
ltion line.;
i a doolilr daily ,
y !hrln»rlvp*.j
.er* nrepri-pa
■rrftandize and;
The WISCONSIN. Capt.K. / ftrore, will leave Pitl*-
_ w .,vll!ur»davinort>!n|»mtlUo , rli>ck; Wheeling
even'VTbuMday evening at 10 P M ; and O.neinnaii
everv3»iii'lioy ai 10 o'clock. A. M
i any oi ibe un
iigr tor eoninwj
The CLIPPER, NO. »* Capt. Crool»,w»U leave PitU
tmirh every Friday morning ai 10 o’clock; Wheeling
every Friday evening at t» P. M.; and Cincinnati every
Monday at UloVlook, A. M-
The Sll SSKNIiK.iI. CwA U*M. willfejvj Pile.
Ourcli evciy S.uirlay moliniil ailOo’eloekj « heelmj
«2v ""JeJoy eveiiinglai 10 I' Mtoil Cme.onati
e”ri T« ailOo'eloJk.A. M.
I‘,n.l,uieh every Sunday inornuig ai lUoa-lotk,
XeiiS .A evpnin ? ■' '* 1- »< ■" JI
c.muii even' Wednesday ai 100 eioek, A M
Iff>nie*e Paeans will l>e uUhe.r l*erih» ai Pittsburgh
awl t'inetnnaii. regularly. Uic day previous to leaving
each port, for the reception oftrcigbt. and rniry of 1 a«-
»e«i*e»*on the Register. .. . . ,
No llrrili nr Stale Boom rtia«idrird engaged until Paid
iou fr ‘ ,S
h. Tlie'new anil .plemlid strainer
, irTTIJS beaver,
iAiiLlilkß Coni Cl.urlr* Moon*, rommenr.e* trt r
tfEnMirtular inn* thi» day. leaving IMi*
l.DrehaiOuVlork. k . * .and Uravei at * tfetoeh, f *.,■
Cleveland Line of Canal Packet* and Stage Coaches
daily to Wanen and Cleveland. Canal Packet 1-me* to
New Ca«ile and tfrrent.lle. Pa ; F.rie Extension Lim
i„ MeadviHr and F.rie Ne.l. Moore A to* Line* of
Coaches for Cleveland and Uoosur. leave Bea
ver daily on the arrival of i-iramlioat Beaver fiom
Pittsburgh Apptf ,| AR xi>N A Co, Pittsburgh
, 4 CLARKE A Co, Beaver _
tHflOiS' LINE, " ' ~
lEEwCgs* 1847.
F N PARKS A Co. Cleveland, O )
lit fj PARKS. Beaver. Pa j I ropnelot*
W T MATHER. Pittsburgh. Pa. )
K , ?r.r.T. r j;irj“£L p ?o”
*» *
C “tWac.tine‘ of «aid Line are not equally by any on.
.aid Canll*. '« numbers and «a,.aenv ol Boat*. e *!*•
pence of Captain*, and promptness of Agent*, Ac.
One Uoai leave* Pitt*ba*gh and Cleveland daily run
nine in connection with the Steamer*.
M rti..rati and Lake Erie, hvtweeu Pm»l*ur,rli •'»«
Beaver and a Line of first cla*«
Iri.. »r>g* and Schooner*, otr Luke* V ne, Karon. Mi
rhl^ropeB «v forwarded to any part of the Union with
i ,u«U -E N PARKS A Co. Cleveland. A«l»
j de.petrh RKFJ*. PARKS A Co. Bearer, Agt*
I \v T MATHER. Pittaborgh, Agt .
a , Cor Water and Smnbheld streets
urn 1 3 47. mm.
Time u> Uali»mo|f *( h ‘'“ r ’
Tii«r vo Philadelphia- - • 4U
lOuly W M'l<- *“B‘ n S 1 . .
TIIK •nlrmliJ anil ta»i funning «tca«n»-r»Contul Los
, Mi-1 »»!«• tuid !*w»wt». have commenced «ji«kins
doul.lV J*ii» nip* Une boal w.fl leave **
hela wharf ever;. mormnf p.ecdely ■' » ?, c
I'a'iirnrar» hy tbr luir wlh arrive m llalllißcrr
.elrevemn. ... W for .he rh.ladelphu il»;l Ural, or
E. S w" The Boa. w.ll fhe
vrharf t»ai!> at « o'clock, eiccp* Somlay*-. r ***f w - r [*
R”S, ui. mco«»«.WeUu»e
rwmu 1 mvr 0r0*...»»11r nc*l uu)rn.n< «
mountain* m ila) light, »uj* and lodge id * ui"'
. ' i. nr travel altogeiberj Tie
,br n»«I ma? tcm(an*U
roR thi tR* a* port arson or
Philadelphia, Ualiluaore. Hew York
sad Boalos.
rilliK encouragement lh*» line has received aince
X its commencement, has indoced the proprie
tor* lo increase tt*e stock by adding a number ol first
claaa bonis; and instead of giving receipts as hereto
fore at agents, we will give our own receipts lor
freight shipped by this line
Tne boats are all portable, consequently freight
is taken tbo whole distance without transhipment,
thereby preventing damage from handling
on the route, nod as each ho4t is owned by lh*
Captain who runs them, which is a sufficient guar
antee that there will be ao delay on the route
All Produce or Mercbandtae consigned to the
undemgt.ed will b« forwarded, J REE Of COM
MISSION. for. advancing and forwarding, and will
, be shipped without delay at the loweslj rales of
We respectfully solicit a -aliare of public patro
nage WALMMUOKU& Co..
| Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
CKAIt*. BELLAS 6t Co.. Agt
i Hroad Street, Philadelphia.
J y MILLER. Agent
Bowley's Wharf. Baiumore.
• Pittsburgh. Feb. 18. 1847. * ____________
; 1841) 1847
£S3b iwtf
H'MK undcriijrniHi are now pr*p«rrd to
I . u. lh« KaMrrn Marin* dur
ini; Winmr on Hu* mo«l lavorable Icnn*,
All pro|rrnY rmtM«nrd to u» willtali
lower! raieLaml Willi deapatcb
M*irhurt>li*c received I.) lln« route
V . tl |nl. j'c 111 I) WELL, A,
... JB-fipHß
•TMIK eulinTibce* will receipt Cor the delivery of Pro
-1 dace to n«lt|itK*rwh)' the Alationgahela Sjackwatcr
untie following price* • 1
A*he«, lUcon, Htmer, Lead, Lard, PotkJ Tallow*,
Whi*key.Chre*e, ard Ola*»—b“| cli per llHMb*
Tobacco, Hemp, Flag and Wheat—W cli pier 100 Ibi.
A*he*. <P°t| Apple*. Chce*e, Flax-Seed, Ufa**, and
Leather—l« cl* per lU> th*
Oil*, Skin*. Seed*, Wool—llo cl* per 100 lb*.
Oeeawax,Fefcthcr*, Fur*. Uitweng, and SiUke-Rooi
—IW ci* per lW>lh». J
All property con»i*ned to either of the undersigned
will forwarded without delay, free of ComniiMion.
ai above rate*. WII CLARK, Urownrvllle,
_ _ . . FREIGHTERS and other* wtihing
, Jh l° ha»e Fir# llnck, fce.,
(JmIW (nought to thi< place Trod Steubenville
intermediaie landing*, ran make
by calling on me, a* I
bare a Boat running regularly between Pituburgh and
Steubenville. OW>- B MII.TF.NIiP.RUKR,
Steamboat Agent,_M Water *i
THE Steamboat HARLEM re| aired
i and refitted to bandmne style end
MSSrCtftß. now it Ihc Monongahela wbarl Ai
aboi* improvcdatwiawrll adapted for
carrying freight ail'd pa**engeta;or for towing; ah has
rrcal capacity and power. Anr perron dnpo*<d to
purchase will of eour*e m*prct her.
i al«o propoae to lea*o, for one or more yean my real
Xfetkt, end to a roaiiof energy and baameu habit* they
offer areal advantages. J can furnish the lessen, either
oo aale or charter, my tow boat “MINER." He can
alao hare on fair term* *•* barges, three flats, and two
coal bottoma, sixteen car* with rope*, fixtnrca. 4t.,
made for foil operations. AO examination oftbe e«-
tahllahmenl i* invited. Peraoni' .negotiate
with me in referance to any of the above panicalar i,
may address me at nr<>®« to Smart's Building a 4a
.ireUPiiubnrfb! or J lUrltm^Mr|lOM^UoJj ) c..v,
' UEDiC4.XfcD LOZENGES, AM> TOUR NAK'i [Barilo: tlppu nWpc, Allegheny C.tjr 1
PLANTER. ei'llKpropT.etflrv of • m-on lactotr
Dll. SULUMAN baidrici-ered » to w«A' nifJwbi • '»«!>> alofn. IH-‘ pH ‘-j 't.»l lb- > *!• '" ,w ‘ l 'i. ""(v
nkuinl, to thal ehildreti will Übe »t rridi!) A»lc»? 1 •' ■ tul olv ration Mu’, mi; * lip'. \ dth ' . ,
. i s;-
tiUEJI-MA-V* COLUI LO/LM»£s | VI N'w . Uamitga, W «xp*., and Riown Afu»l u.
- These Ltneuge* are the sa&.l, m-V.orr and nffectualrun * nkr -VOFXiTI.V A '\.
«Jy kreoojhs, wlds, rotuompiton.. whooping eougtsr-asth- l { _ o(Jtf , (r([ ;U „ lC W,l!. or a! the ••<. .of H)
ma, tightness of rtte lungs t» chest, etc, etc. li*e piopnctor I j— l. merry «trrd w!l t>c prntnpti)
ha* wter huowa an instance where they did »<*(!•< J**'* rt i V.. ' : mch'JAMm N. V ACo
satisfaction. Sereral thousand bores hate brrii »oid within
the la* fear, re.lnrmj: to health person, lo almoyt esrry stage t P|TT COTTON MILL.
iu A f |fSTOCK BELL &■ CO..
irrsUUjo, and remote the pronmate or ctctlnrg cause.— I I A
•l-be* are made trust a eumbmaisoo «f a most raluabUespee- r.i tjj|S bciug ut full and complete *»!*«* “
lurast, or couch medicines, and are undoubtedly superior to 1 iiott, rrccivcd Mil replaced all tncif .la
cserr thing inns* (br those cumpLinlt. Hundreds upon him- r |,n«iy:.) the !an-«l improvHn<*m« ) are now malt me
drew ofeeKifieatea hare of Ihetr *ouderfiil tir- a vej\ hravy an.He of 4-4 Brown »herting». I»<*n>
tue*. fromibosewho hare heeomred from aa uituatlj Rrare. iwutnl. hutjd-tinic ifoods. JlTtUided Allegheny D-.J a”u
and restored to perfect health by tuioe them. !* surnawd t»v none.ofthr tame nrle. in the cottnir).
Where iheTe is much pun iti the brea*torsidC,nnr of Sher mirri'lr.l exrtus.vely fur the V>Tltv audCoirtUXß'
man’s Poor Man’s Piasters (price only IJ} ceuts,) should be u<vlr Men hums veiling otiLCtiy are turned toca
applied o»er the jwrt, and woin till reiieredi If attended u ud picvinu* to uiaVnig Uttlfr»
with eosUreness, a few cathartic or Ltatite Itocngcs, or aa> from a il:M;ior' piuniptly to; »'y'R'Ooafcat*-
mildcilhartk medicine, should be used at occasion retjuiret , u ;u .mjtprd when ordered feM.Mftw.lml
Tbc>* worm karagee b»»r bevn proved In more than 1,400
000 cuu lobe tsfallude; ihe only crruta *»ona desirojirtj
meJiem* everdueuiered. Muy discaicsariso Iroai wortni
u><3 oeeasion long uil mirase ■uifrriaj, and even death, with
out their cttr bcuig suspected; grown person* xr* I*l7 often
ifflictcd with them, and are doctored for minus cumplamts
without any benefit; when oar daw of their Lusenge* would
speedily cure them.
Symptowiiff Worm*. —Pains in the joints or limbi, Sfftn
tire breath, picking at the nose, grinding of-the teeth during
tlccp,and allin>«»» palenessabout the lips, with-flushed cheeki,
bUrdingat the note, a gnawing sensational theiitomaeh,"flash
*• of beat over the turfeee ollhe bod}', slight cbiUt or shiv
enngs, headache, drowiinete, rertigo, torpor, disturbed
dreamt, sudden liar ling in sleep, with fright/and screaming?
i tometimea a troublesome cough, frveruhnrri, third, pallid
bur, hit,bad latte in the mouth, difficult breathing, pain in
I the atocnaeh or bowels, fatigue, nautea, aqramithnew, torn
1 ciout appetite, Iraaaess, bloated ttamacb or limb*, griping*,
ibootiaf pains in rariout parte of the body, a seas* of some
thmg ruing in tbc throat, itching of the anut towards night, a
frequent desire to pats tomethiug from ihr buwrlt, and some
times discharges of slime andmocot *.;
shermaN’s camphor lozenges.
They girt immediate relief in nrrrom or tick headache,
palpitation ofthe heart, lowncas of the spirits, deifxmdrncy,
fajUmmatory or putrid tore throat, bowel pr tummrr rom>
plaint,fainting, opprrwion or a seas* of sinkingof l)ie cheat,
choke, ipaami) cramp of the atomaeh or bowels, hysterical
afiecuaor, and all nervous diseases, drowtiam through the
dar, and wakefulness through ihe night; -cholera oe chol
era morbus, diarirhina, lassitude or a sense of faligur. Per
rons trarelling or aitroding large parties, will find the Lorm
ges really retiring, and imparting the buoyancy of youth; uted
after diseipaikm, they will restore the tour of thesyitrm geo] __
abandoned their dissipated habits, will find tbrw Loxcnrei ad ItHEoMATISSI
mirahle composers of the nrrrrt. 1 AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS.
SHERMAN’S POOR MAN’S PLASTER. . -Wha nhough the «u*« may not be eipimnnl. .
The best strengthening ptasler m the worjd,tnda*oerr*jeii ' Since their ejfeeis nrr dulv usernamed, -
remedy to* pains, or seeakueu in the back! hunt, neck, { x) noi <Mn-ion. prejudirr, «i pride.
litnU, joints, rheumatism, lumbago, Ac. An. One million a induce mankind ui art the nteuuijy'idr; •
rear will oot supply the demand. They require aktUe warm- Mean*, which, tho’ simple, ore by llcavi-ti Jrstgn it
lag brtireappUeatson. Warranted tuprrior to allothert, and To alleviate the ilia of liuiunn knid -P j
Ihr one iiuaricr the usual price, making nnl only the best, but f)H CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS AND MAC**
thechrapest plaster in the world. It affords relief in a few ' NKTIC FI.LIU • ■|
Louis, and makerastooisfimg cure*. • rit|||S remarkable invention. whirh hat received the
lu liter eooiplainl and d}ipe[wia, it should be worn o*rr i J universal approbation oi the medical profession ot
the region ofthe liter or stomach, and it will afford gTeal and H r«-at Itninm. comprises un entirely new application Ol
atUaiwiiiag erlief. In coughs, raids, asthma, dimrulty ol , Galvanism. u« a remedial agent, h> mean* ot wlucliiU»e
breathing, oppression uf the chest or stomach; they will im ( ordinary Galvanic Batteries, Klrrtne anil Magnetic Ala
medlately sooth and gmlly ben*hi the ratieut. Persons of I i-lniiee, Ac , aie entirely rfi-|ieii*ed with, and the myato;
trdenlary habits, or those obliged to stand :muelt, will recrue ] nin4 , ol Galvanism applied without any Ol th«
drcidrd support from one of these truly strengthening Plat objection which are inseparable irons tin* general nioat
trr. phynciaus generally recommend th<m, «■ preftretur to | n <iw in uw. The um»ug U*vse>. and irrugular uitvrwaln.
a'lotber»,bee»“s«lhey »Uckoradher«brttee,aadaflWJgr»»t ! m which (taleamnu i» applied bv ill- Mut hmen, hae
er jelief In their operation, they are itim'ileot, tonic, »nJ ! iK-en nrunounred, alter a lujr and uppartinl tna., UJ be
anodyne. Th»r are computed of rutirely diftTermt ingredi 1 ,/,r u /cdfy injurious, arid it w»»w remedy lint ladicttldc
rtts from any other, and knowu from tho.ijcritnce ..i mil- ; frd ft,at tl.i« new applieaiiuti wn« pnijccicti, winch. aU
lions who base used them, as wet! at the luuitrd trslimnuy «f j Irr unceasing toil and pe«»eTeranor. lias been brought
all tbecelebratrd and diiiiagu'ihed clciyj and pliyneuiu, i.< | n. preacut m«ic i»f pi rfi-ei.on. The Goicaufr “M«gi ,
be the inost useful and highly medicated platter. . answer all ilie purpotet of ilie niu*l Ma-
Setrril pertous hare rilled a! the wirehouw t.. eiprut • ~bines, and in « iuiy oilier re-pooi- ara more soys aud .
ilieir surprise and thanks, at the aluott tuiiar ulout rurci th«*e j rerraiit in or romp li siting the desired effect. '
plasters h»»e effected. I j Thr fMranie lU»gt u«nl in conjireiion with the A»Uf’ ,
Directions for u»e are on the back of each plaster, with a 1 Fluid, ore confident!) reconiifleuded in oli fluet- i
facsimile of Dr, Sherman » name. |i u important you should fan tpAicA arise /rtrtn an tnfttSltd at tiitAeialwp Jtatt V ,
always ask fcr Sherman’s Poor Min’i Plaster, and tee that • uenvui or ntoi xystem. un-l these CDjnpUtiil* ate :
you gtt the genuine, as there *rr many worthless imiUti.mi | unioni; the in.i't pauilul amt universal to whicu-we nte
liawked about and sold lor tl.e true Hlieiman'- PL»ler», bj • .ui.. c rL Ttic\ inn. without r irepuou, fiom tine »nn
unpriaripl»d dealers. pie —n derangemeni t>i Uie Ncjvoua
Sold wholeaale and retail by W. JACKSON si his Patent i a ni f „ ,he«e raacs ihui other -irruedica hmTUtg I
MedKint Ware bon**, No. Rl, Lihrrtt street, Sign of tl>»' i «<, often tailed, a new agent wn* greatly needed, which
810 BOOT. Jon 14-diy. . „ conti.leiuly berieved. has been tuurtd the propr r |
IT NEVER FAiILS!' : ‘ i «*.««. i
Dr.COU.irS IXDUM.tfECETfBLE 1 «.”r Bul«.t
alflictnl will; Scrofula, King'* K«il : pi) «g w» the hend. usej.r ,
irancer, ltet. Tetter. I EjuUjrt,, Via, f-W j
Mercurial Diaeaaea, or any other complaint* jrinna lialM>lJ 0 , d, t Hiart, ApopUx 9 . Stiff*** */I
Trom ipipuntiei of the blood,are requited to rc. d J spinal Comphttni • Ij/wtAaga. Sruraltt*. A'mwsa TVf
the following leittmonial*. tn prnnl nillte "Wonder- j »/ u>i lira J. mw uiiu j
lul properties ol the above named! tnedictue. > (imt-al /htihly. Derteienry of ,\‘rrtxiu* +nd Ers-
P RKAPI! HEAD!!! Ut SBUtoU-.lllSOlUlsaS I
Wt. the underatgned. having visited Mr. Isaac ■ outrun<l whje » simp > » ,
Brooka. Jr. ai-llth ollice of Messrs. Kowxnd ami ' rant^‘‘, 7u,° c V»’.'iui K< Tl l eir Atmnrdiiiary effn'ts upon
jValton, J7O Market street. I'htladrljihia, tonsider must be *viute«»ed to be believed, aud a« a '
bis case U>e tm at remarkable «»tie;wc lute ever wit- ! ( . rr , ain p rrv ..|.i v » im the pieceilmg complainu lin y
nested or heard of. I are eou.iiiv rm-oiutoenitcd The Arc of diffetcnt .
' Hw disease was SCROFULA.and terrible must I pure*, b -infi made ot all sires, and of var»oa ortta
*•« * ■ *»«>*• i“'*- c^iui l
• r n .IV It ‘ the sentunon it rathet nircealiU ibauOtherwise, I
ir.sPalate. o entire roof of hia mouth, No»c, l p-_ ,j. <;illv anic Bclu, Bracelet*, Band*,
per Lip. and iower Ltd oi the Right Lye lia.e Inyn liarlenu Xecklace*. Ac.
destnived, bu kaec nearlj ealeu up and part **! Ihe u v «rc sev.-rc cburacicJ.and of long
Jaw Bone earned away And yet wc cun give no . |aa ,i, n «. the power applied by ineGalvwue |
deacnptton of hta c.rte. ' »utscicni u> arrcn \nc ptugresa «>f diaeM* »»d !
Mr. B. inlorma ua that in January last. Ilie whole , ulmnaiely rc»u»;r Uesliti I'hi: I improved inodißrahon |
Ulterior of his mouth, is well as most nf bis face ,n;u>e Uaivan.e Heft.. Lru. lejv 1
wa* a Utas> of deep and pamlui ulcers; U ‘V,’’a.lil>‘he “obimntd MVav < Mißpt*inT which 1
On the 1 llh of January last, ha commenced taking ' * • , of (;ii v ', nin n can ctfeci will full :
Dr. <M;LLKN'> INDIAN VKUKTAtILK I’ANA- relieved. The..- arneleaare ntnp- 1
I'EA. which cheeked the disease in a lew day*, and ! lri( 11% MIP an n». w-t.-is, Lmb*. ancles, or any pun
rout that time the cure has tm>grcs-ed without an] \ „( ,be wnb prrtert convcn encc. The Galvanic
ttnmuioi.. | N„kl., r. ... u«,l WiiHii
n„ J.. 1. |„. ..pia'icd .he pbc.,.l ii.. J«p;ui: |
eera. and though badly diahffurcd. In* l:icc ia*ouiulJ rJ * “ • r . ur , r ,„ Vr , or vporle*y, Kpiteiftir Fit*,
and hia general health ja-rv?atnfrd. * , ..omptanos 'T'
We are assured Ihal in Hu- tte-un. nt of Mr. *' ciirislit’a-MugQfUc i’lulll
Jlrvoka* cue,no Mcrcunafi.UipUiicnU, or a . r j u cllU nrct.on wui. be tiulvuu.c Hoig* uml.alt '
application* have been used.—in lact. the l‘.\iNA- tm-.Uficaiiona. I |i.»i m"|-'-.duii lis> Irru pro-
CKA ALONk.haa st rotight this wonderlul rlunge , nouncid by the French Cli/min» to be one of the nuxt
Davtd S«iith, Beck* county. Fii . . eiiraordiuun discoveries ?l ntodern science. Jb 1 ;
l hsrlea X.. Rowand. Mca./vtt!e] Crawford c.f’a . . ! I.eVed to ,. T >es‘
J W Jones M D South fecund! street. I'tula r ’'“ ra ' r ,„" I *“' lir ■ n rtuetr.' »eatof diacure,
Jacob Lee, i'einbcrton, NJ. ' tints e.vmg impid and peintmirnmlief No other
K W Carr,+lo N Fourth, above I’opltir st, NL. rompo*'«iott che»t«t» i« k bow »to'pr«xluc.e the same
S M'tiullougb, Lancaster. Pa. ' rrt-n or i.> ncp»na «rnnl«r pmpeny to ihe nervous
R M Madihxk, Hi North Eleventh sl -Phili .t rn.-,insofan outward l.u ul appheauon The
C W Appleton. M D U) South Ul. do acnet*.- Fta'd eontaui* capable ullbe ritgfij
Timothy''aid well. Manon eo. , ;p' ,*r r Ts tofnafieial irt'iu rwC
Daniel Ycakel, Cheanul liill, rhuudelphu rn I‘a> ranon* ami* aaroropany it The
John Hwned.SlWHijjb ttred. Rlula. romt.nird inventions are m every way pcrfeeilyharm-.
William Steeling. M D, t ianulen, iV J. i | p4 «. ,bev are «otd aipncr* wuipn the teach ot a<] and-
Willium iUlo, 3«S High streit, I’tnU. ii,e 'discoverer only re s ur«t« a fa>r trial asatrtiof
J H Roller,M*uitlaciurc» «*i Mineral Teeth, I'M ibe.r surpr.s.u* rttcpuy and p.-nuaneni benefit.
Ninth street, Rhtia. t ChrlaUe’t (intvUnic NlreacthCßlDf Plas-
I. A- Wollenweber. F*l. I’lnla .Democrat HI N Nl ' terq» r
.to Tiles- article* f**nn anoiliCt valuable application of
atreet, do nnsi. mffuenre oi lialyanUnt. Th«¥*rtun
t.eorge « Menu. Brush Maker. .11. Market M. -““ ' l!lr greuinb Gatvanm Bang* ami
Ear* Carr. UI I hevnut itrevt. I'lnU. (1 J f miH , ~r ^|loll. . J,, nc »j»>h2>< •*«»« pnneiple. but
A D (iilialle. Pastor «•( hteventli Raptii-t t hure.h, | iaTl „ e »dv»mag- oi ij&al appheahon. They
Phtla. • ar e ooußdeni') re. omtnen.htd ds'a valuntile addition in
Jo ha Bell, Kfie >*tie*t Philjdclpbu. | Nr.rh Amei .u.e ■peed)' euro ot Rheumatism, scute or cbroair. .nail
' can office 1 net vuu« eompia.m*. and u.iu positive remeuy in ews
Aaron Sands, lf.t ('atlianne M»oet. Pin Id «> f ’ air ' •’"*/ UV ' ,^2’J n
n *‘ . .. ; , Si.ltmAilAtoutir.Dfrrtiaru and.nlvawltaiafOwpe**-
Damel Met.tnley.KeMlers Aliev d.. ,r r*bK»nari t*g**t .In S P i ual CWnplamis
Andrew Sweatou, < amden. N;J , llir ,, r rj y. rl « ur , of the most ileridmleharactrfjind they
R H Evans, Weal Phtla. h , rr> t ,,- r „ i., rn u«e.l wntceomptrte suecvs.iThcy are
Richard R- Young, fsilder, WJ Ma/kvt at l ,j4o of the-reatr*i a.lvantngr .n Pams and }Veaki.e»»
John W Ashmcad. U) South Jsiath atreet, dn „r the |lro*«t. mu! «rr highly r-. ointnemird Im many of
t i* w.(~,
B J Kenail. I-* ~ *!° when Jetobtated wiil(,d'.»easr ..rodter rau*es;aaa cer.
Peter Skeo South. tJfitor Native K.igle do , l!( n B-t | Weaknea*. a« a Prevenuvr
Joel Bndme, tilaai .manufai lurer. Willumslown . Jn ‘ l V 1 ),.» ~,4 a n ~, aifeci .i.H the Obesi. generally.
N.J ibe tialvuiuc SIK ußlhetong /Planer will be found of
VVi'luiu hlerlv. Farmington, Van Buren on !*>• v rro»t “od permanent advnqtagc 1« * few wor.lai n
L Bfolaa M D, Boalon.Mar*. ’ entbmcea ail the virtues ..OH.- ijcn tonic preparwion,
Thomas P S Robv MD, Harnakurgh. la. ui„ ronnmirs. These articles will he found orturely
Peter Wright. 259 Market atreet, rbtla • rj,. P from itm*e ohjcrtiona-whicb are a constant source
Jaroe* W Newlio. Filbert!*! do ; eninpla.nt .v ; ih jheord'inar) plaster* in common ate.
John Good, 174 Spruce «t. ' do_ CAUTION. ;
William I'rie, Pastor St. Paul it M 1. Oi 1 :tthiiii>e ( R)“Ttir gn-m sclel.riiy and tccetsuf *!.•■•« anieles
St. Phill. 1 |,a« caused iheiti" 10 !>*■ ivunieiteitei' by anprmcipled
I John rhambrra, Pastor Ist litdep ( tuircli. lir.iad : |, rrv un 1., pt.irule Hguui«t imiws.uwu. Dr-
| g , 1 ha* hot one suihoriir.l ag-.ji es.heua ofthe Union
T L S,„dr,.. * i'l-.*- -nJ j r '- g i’ffi'Hi'TECTifioWAW.
r rV.t**- <«>.. ’« ik,i~... T .!
Bucks co, la | >n ,| «urr-t» ot thr al-ove urtid. • it i« heheve.l that
Wholesale and Retail by Kqwsu.l k \\ allon, | r«>- m ,), c eny of New York atone, upward* of RIGHT
unetora..Tr6 MarkntSt. Philadelphia' It L Seller*. q*HOPSA-Nl> PKIISONS during a per.odof desa fhan
b 7 Wood at. Pittsburgh, Pa , SVui. Th . , ‘>i Mar- » V e» r , have l-een rolirvr.l ofthe most psiafol
kelat do ; K 11 Perkins, Manelta, Oho.; ralon »V j-hrnno- d.«*rder«.V.iur nr which have completely baf-
Sharp. MaV.Ue. K Y; John W Dancnho.* er On.. Vla^T.Vr^
Ohio; Sidell it Reeve*, Madison l»;t. Noble. 1,0 u.- V p M , e „ri,r Mu.-l.uirs. ron«tanily r«c..m
vilb*. KV; Deverouck dt Pelloui, St. Louis, Mo. , , hl . a . l( ,| lca ,i„„ ihe.r, and with the ei-
P H >lc(*nsv, Nalchex, Mi*»j Hardawnv A John „f i)u,«e wh-> arc u«t prejudiced wgitn* ii a it,
•ton; < harlea Jenkina. New Orlean a i. ibe .uvejmuu has rorc.ved mianimon* favur with
ocs ihe mo*l Hitclligeni amiuiß the American Faculty; Hi
Christ,c IS at all lut»e« ready and iium happy to g.vr
evriy facility to physician*, and nil .ntereated, lor lest
mg the irutli nf In* u«>«'iii-m* and (he rffieac) of In*
'onH afcttey m Pittsburgh.corner<|6 and Market »l
LEY. * lew door* lieblW
Wood *lrcct. Inwards, ll •
Having been regulnrty ct
iirmedtothe medical pro
fcesion. anJliebti-for wmo
nuic in grtrcral practice,
now coiiutic* his ntinitioa
i» the ircnuncnt nf those
private-and delicate tom*
.planus lor winch Ins oppor
v’tumiici* and oijicncnce
prculiotly iiimliiy him.—
Eleven Tfl »f a».iduou* / devoted to the study and
trcfttmcnt of those coiupl • nt’> (during Which time be
has hud more practice and 1 a* «®r® pulwnt- than
can ever fall to the lot of a y private practitioner) an
>,tv ounliCi 1 * hmilu offer ns* 01 apeedy. perma
nent and satisfactory euro to all nlHicted with •tdicou
dLoa'..'*, mid all disease anting therefrom. .
Dr. Hruwn would ihltiprn those alDietrd with prival*
dMcasei 1 which have become chrome by lime or aggravn
ted by the use of tuvy ot the common nostrums of the.
day, that then complaint* can W radically and thor
oughly cured,he hiving given bis'«a«fal to
the treatment of such rare*, and succeeded tn hundreds
of .uMßHri't in curing person* of tnflamaUon of he nqck
ofthe bladder, and kimlied diaeaae* which often reauli
icm those cases where other* have consigned them to
hopeless despair lie particularly invitesl*oeh aa have
beeirloug nnd unsuccessfully treated by Btkru , m con
suit him.'when every satisfaction VrilJ be_ given them and
their cures treated in a careful, thorough and inielhgeni
manner, pointed out by long expenence, siudy and m.
vextigalion, which ft 1* impo-'ble for iboie engaged in
general practice ol medicine 10 give any oua class'o
disease. , v „
117* llrrina or Rapture—Dr. Drown also invite*
persons afflicted with Henna to call,- ms he hasipaid
particular ulii-ution this disease.
£>kin Di*easef;also Piles, Palsy,etc-speedily cared
N lT—Patients of eiffier mi liVUifYt * distance
by stating thnr disease in writing, jmngfiii the sympj
tom*, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by
addressing T. BROWN. M. D. post pa l and enclo
sing a fee.
Office No. M Diamond alley, opposite the Wavetrr
XTT No ear*, n p*V •, ilelß
Ll Vfcili COMPLAINT— AooUtercuro perform
ed by using the original, only, true'and genuine
Liver Pill. '
Aucbdct*. Brown county, Ohio; i
March JO, 1647. 1
Mi. R H Sellers: In Aprillasi my wtfe wa» attacked
with Liver Complaint, mod had the advice of two phy
sicians who tried varioas remedies with nrodnctng soy
good effect. Having heard of your celebraietl
Pill*, 1 concluded to give them a lair trial. I P urc *
one hoi of Mr. t*eott Aberdeen, and gave ihem areonJ
ingto the dirtetlflns. b\ which she was great I) « • ,
I procured a second boa. mt.refy
•bo now enjoys hralih. | I
myself, and pronounce them the best iam»)
h.vecv-i Iried— Yo.r., BEASLY ■
CT-Tb,., l-. 11. .uml
known for the cure of IjverConjPl pj LERB
Prepared and sold by No 57 street
hotel for invalids,
riMIK objrrt of lint establishment *•* ,u« supply a wan
A greatly fell by respectable liravederso'ii our western
highway*—by rcaidrub*, without fiinity. taken sick—
•ml by putieni* from the *urruuiidmg towns •ml country
wbu retort to ibis place fur r«lieJ hum surcu-tl uiul oilier
disease*. t*urb have often suffered iron, the want of the
var.ous ewufoita and attr Minin *o nectary aiid'-igrer
•Lie to the «ick, and from careless nnd onfmthlul nurses;
and be<u subjected to heavy aiiit unreasonable <-hfilK< >
Invalid* will here be provided with crusunt.faittiiul
and enmfottahlr attendance, anil at a i« r mot h twin*
ibv usual charier*.
While the care ofboth physician- vfill l.e
every variety of disease. it i* mirmleil l»y Dr hp.wr
«ive*t'eeml nlientiba to nil
rAKTtnrt&aLi to
To lh«:*a branches of hi* pi.ifrsii,on hr lu- given a
(ar*B share of bis atlrtilion fur the last twenty five year*,
and be will conn now I® devote'to them the ejpenct ice
acquired l>y a constant practice duungtliul uuw
The Hotel fr.r Invalid*,* iiotanrapeiiitieni. Its estab
lishment is suggested not only it* nccrssuiy to supply an
evident w-ini in ihi« city, in tile rntun a|.*mce of any
rpecial provision lor the sick, hut is warranted al-xi by
the success uf -uuilurinstitution* m Cim-innati and New
Orleans—the former under tlni rare of Hr*. Taliairrro
Marshall and Htrodur—the Inner under that of Dr. Hume
The building selecird for lhe ; purp»»e is pleasantly si
uaedon the north bank of the Allegheny river, ne.urtli
Aqueduct. His commodious and roomy ,'and furmabc
with all accnmnodationa necessary f», the.'tick.
Applieatinni for admission in be made u» tbe *ul,scr
beta, at their office on Penn street, Pittsburgh,or at tk
, m* Nocontagioo* diseased will be admitted.
J R. 81»EF.h, M D
marff-dAwtrT • H KUHN. !»M
WIIOSK mcannesacan equal your*i-ook at your
fair young wife, with her bright aunny face! 1-nnk
at your own, pitted with croptiou* and blotches! Vet
you ate too mean to five fifty cent* Cot a cake of ibr
great Italian Chemical Soap, which would entirely dee
you from them, make your yellow skin clem uml
healthy, tio at once to JacktouN Store, Liberty »i
i'uuhurgh.and get a cake
N B Jaektnu'a only place in Pi,uburgh where
the OENUINEiaIoba obtained. Beware of Counter-
the Big Boot • lands in the doorway,
* fORUAN’H COVOII RVlitlP—“lt should be
JVI published and made known to the public " Tins
was the expression of ap old man w bo tried the S) rup
Pirrsßi actr, February 1, I >l7
Mr. Morgan:—Tbit may certify that being «iflicird
with a troublesome cough some time, 1 bought a lioiiie
of Morgan’* Cough Syrup, and am happy to aay, alter
usingil, my cough u entirely cured. 1 pronounce your
Cough Syrup the be,cilia I have ever used. sJfo
family should be without Ibis valuable medicine.
DAVID MdRQUERTS*. Allegheny Ciir
lD*Thi» medicine it preparrd wholesale and rein,!
at the Drug Store of JOHN D MOROAN
Wood sticet,one dom below Diamond Alley
cents per liotile. i fei»4
vingOtease spot*, SialnLor Marks from Clothe*,
Woollen*, Carpels, Ac., Ac., and rendering-the spot*
where ,1 i» applied clear, bright, new, and spoils**,
gold with mil direction*. Price iOceni* a cake,
fry Sold by WM. JACKSON, »lsib«ny urea, head
of Wood, at bts Boot and Shoe »u»rn, tiga of the Big
Hoot> > I? 8 •
U TV CAT'S. llrowi
cotton yarn.
C«D(Ue-\Vlck. BAttlnfr, Twine, Coverlet
4 YARX. CARPET CHAIN. AYA-Rrs. Ac. 4c i 1
(Seecrssor* ut Aibueklei A Avery.)
jirrt _ Proprietor*
I‘HTsßiittcH. Pa .
It||F. above e*tabli*inneiil belt.* now in *ucce»*ful
(ij»«-ranon.we arc maiiuiuciuniiß. very eiicnrivcly.
an article of heavy Sheciine*, well uJapir.l lo the retail
trade, which for beauty aua quality cannot be eiceHed
l,y Bll> other make in the country. The uilcntirfit ©!
nurcha.'-cra t« solicited to an ejcaio.nation.
SAND B'B AltB A f* RtLljA i
Kor the re®o**l ood I cnnmaent.-wr* trf tiid'WUW
" »?««■»«: ,
It^TlSsS *' *******
Head, Enlarianmt And i
Stub*,* irJn. SyyAUux
■ (wet., *rul Duaun mnnnfjnm «" ]
ttfZury. AkU* ot Drvp.i r,
t./c A-. 0, CArouic Co«o«»'«”»« Dbrttn.
ITS timely admmiMration hs* beCB . ““SKjS? £,* i
1 Uappicn tcuiiMii many anomaiou? nßeeuonv; w
,1 ~ i-hie fly ii.ienJedu.fill the void which exms '*}***? \
rttihnrue and aperient medicines; bence ll' |
ran-li .. that ot uo alterative directly—indirectly, pff (
v .ne a Jactiiiftjomc to the cy Mem
Itj- li.dity roiieciitmed (or convenience «nn port*
luliiv, containing nothing but the expressed <**eneC|
ami*., the r. p.r.cnUlive of the Sarsaparilla pot, tu
il,r *»mr manner av Qomine i« of Perremu Bark,or
Morphine of t»v'om. It i*an established belt that*
f, a cniHMil either Quinine or Motphme contain* all
the medicinal valueol a laige quantity of the ernde
>jtiMancer, lieace the aupenontj of thoae prepAiaiKta*
—aad iuj mfralid would vl-ssne io dnuk a gallon mixture
when a half pint contained the *4tne medicinal value-
The Sarsaparilla rati he diluted when taken agreeable
to the dtreruun, and made to suit the ta*le 01 the' pa
,,CThc following certificate addressed u> the Agents at
Chicn»o, furni'he* eonclu*i'W pioof of it* great value
C a ,c.„,l.LS,p,.U,.S*.
1 Mra»r« Stebbtn* A Reed —Lents: In May. l&td.l ob
tamed at you. More adwtile of Sand's Sarsapanllt.aod
! l “4,ihen confined toraybe<l.w.thouv sleep for a week,
I occasioned by violent pain tromaregul.r fever core of
L we tunding on my right teg. My physician, advued
!me w bate-lie limb amputated, sayingu was die only
raeanslikely id preserve my U/e. After using half the
ImwErtwpiilntegM to ittbiide, and by the time 1 had
nearly* three*hollies, 1 was able lb tran.Ki mr vug- -
utor bu.tneVs, and before 1 bad finished -tej*™**
tie I was a» welband sound at ever! bad been. Ihave
~e’ * , rt ... ihal Sand’s Sarsaparilla was the
?£. teM.nite .M« *» Ito PM‘Cc>'‘»« »f u. Wood I
VOW'.'"*" MIU.ER j
The following certificate is only .another link in the ,
• teal chain of testimony to tls inents: |
R Socth Holvo.'l. Canada Last, April re, »*• j
Me««r* Sand*—(.qmlcmen: Exposed as we are IO
<arsapartlla. 1 have beenseverely aflheusd forWyears
‘with a disease about which -doctor's disagree* and
iheir prescription* were still more - J”!®*
j r.ou* remedies but found no relief
1 u.inr vour excellent medicine, at which tuneil was
wholly confined to my bed After auug it a few months
l am now able to wall aboui.Tideoui.aadenjoy aco«-
fimot.ledecree of health, winch L attribute entirely to
i! e use of Sand'* Sarsaparilla. Plea»e accept my a*-
< Hemg personally HCip'h'nled with the above state
i mSbUIAN tetter • bmmuum, Vt..Oct.:M, 1845.
M. Rvr* Sand*: l have been affi eled with a severe
„ ~,'y c,jr. (K-ea.iondd by a diseased tiver, for the j
(iwriity year*’ •utfent.g at fine* what ■
Cjnmoi roiivey. but *mre taking jour t-arsaparUU, 1 |
Imve bent eieatlv relieved.*o maohMlhail have been
able to atteiid to my business, aod preach occaaiooally
bt Th“ « aV.»I wbolljr,dta.-.S£d »U«bcr
medicine and thoroughly tried the Jsarsapardja. which
I ran rrromineud in ttuibam! sincerity to all those who
are m any way afflicted with any specie* of scrofulous
rnn.pla.urs There have bee.t some nmrkaMe care*
bi u* u*e in lht« viciuny. hlr*- *• ShiW. by
the U*e of aixdiortles, was re«wied lobellerhcalththiio
,l,e bad before ciyoyrd for un years,and Mra W.Sto
v-ti-. who had been severely afflicted wih the Erjitp
vzxttr"* * * "w BSSS%
V* Fill furtherpariicular* and eosclnaiv* evidenee tJf it*
iuperiot value and efficacy, *eo pamphlets, whiehma/
t.e obtained of Agent* gratis. • ’ . ,
| repared and dby A.B. A DSand..Dttt«i»U,lUO
Fulton *t. cornerof william, New kurk. -.
Will also by L-WILCOX, Jr,.J*J!uburgh; IL Hat
wood, Beaver. Wm. Watson, New Castle; I). N. Rob-
Bmwn«villr; A. Crdgh, Woshlngion; and by
Druggist* generally throughout th. United Stare*.
Price •! per l*otlle—*ix l>Otll«» for W
-1 The public ate respectfully requeued to remember
that u i» Saml’rfSarsaparillaihaituseonsuml* achtev
m. *u. h remarkable euros of the mbit
di*ea»es to which the human frame is subject; there j
fore a*k for s»oi>d’« aareanarilla. and take no other.
j saoi*
asthma - t _. ...
I «t,«t hi. relieved him ia such a short urns fimu hu dif. .
1 brultv of breathing. Cough sad sufloeatioc? He
will tr.Q you it wu “the Oloomuaa, or All
I ’ Heslhw A*k the emwumpuvt
i . what has aliapd bis Cough, removed
| (hr Pain ia his Sid* aad Chest,
, checked his night sweat*, aad
placed the rwe of health ,
. * upon hi» cheek.’ and
h* will "tell you
I* oa •• *
all-healisg balsam.
a* » u or friends if they know of SMthing that vnlt so ipe*,
dily cure a long and tedtou* CoogK Railing t>f .^ ocd » Bf ? l
diitu, DppectK Consumption, Hosnewi, lifflmMX, *nd
diwtoii of the Throat vM the Okaaontaa.’ snd UujywffluO
: sou—iNn. There never yet ha* been a remedy introduced to
public* notico which ha* been productive of eo much good ia
tl , or , » 0 f umr. Read the following
* A atanlalllnK Cure*.
wu Ihn.n.the celebXd balur, 90 N.H
uu .trert. Brooklyn, »Ut« that hi* wife ha* bt# aßicted
will. AMhn.* for M years, and could oot find perwawt iw
lief from the belt medical adste* which iA«
Brooklyn could produce, wu induced lo try Uui great reme
«.. now nearly idl. Hi. daughter who wa, suftr
u,c frwn the *affle diwaje, tried it, and wt» al»o cured by »L
I Me, Bond i. now w weh that she il able to reMfrom her
I todrarl) in i» morning and attend to her ujnaldvtw*through
the day without aov anuoyauee from her dutmoag malady.
| H.NXV JA.:aaoi, m.treet, near the
r-».. h> the store fir the puroote of obtaining » hoUU of the
JJlmsiw, hating been cfflicUdwith Qve £d>M.telßore
,mau a) jrsrs, and wa» w exLsu.ted on hu arrival
t could not .peak- He purthwed a bottle sad rode horn*.—
Four day. afterward he walked from hi* rewdreea to lb* ofr
Kfcce witliout (aritue.a dbtanee of over two apchtoteU Of
r.t.l'.hi.b k,U.ipkml I'ra.'o.m,
■Ural oue half of one boltk. ,
Coosnapttom of the l*«utffiA* .
Mr. I'ouroXT,3S white street, wa* tobwia *« «»“
of December la»t. that he wu given up by Hte
friend, entertoinsd no hope of Eb recovery. .»«.wa»
ded to try the Oluooaiaa, awtto bw ("P"* “
mtored 7 hua to bcalth.that he t* now able to walk about lb*
**Mre Atteh, th* wife of Wm H. Attree,Jame»Hama#,
Ehi and Oeo. W. Hay., E«|. can aU bear temrnooy from
iheir own eiperUace of the healing fcwpettie* of thmGreat
Rraedv in Couiuaption of the Lungs.
HpUtUkf Blood. . . '
Mra. Tnovaoun**, 352 Jlooroe stmt, who had
: troubled for a great length of time bv a mrere eought vad
rairad quantities uf bhxd, wa» relieved bycwhoUle of the
l OU-aoSiaa, end declare, it the gi+alest remedy in lb* wortd.
I Dew in* K«u.t, 3D Water rtreet, was atas relwredfrom
! the same complaint, although he was **ry «uch reduced
! when h. commenced ttkiflg Tt, Uvmg been under the care of |
! hw physician during th* pad winter. Although be 1
I conitantly and was very much troubled with night sweats, J
teitlksut the ere tardy enabled him to return to hi# dally
work. He wwentirely relieved. • ■
! Davto Hutoxuoa.BO Laighl etreet, o*o W. Barnett,
j formerlj uf Newark, N. J., Henry Li.buo, I»
I, Mreet. aud numerous other person*hai* been ipefouv ■»
; urrmanentlv cured of the same eomplaial by this remedy.
The Arrky of Saori
whwh could be produced of petwra. who have urad this great
remedy would more than fill* column. A«*S a £“*? r
wear* permitted torefcr to A-M- ®“ u ?K r » j’!
Mr Wilma of Hoboken; Mw. Bell •TMormlJJ*, JMj
Jsmevß Devoe,lolße*d**t.;Mre.SlXa**e,»A*<o*»7
»(• V Hmith.ftl Third Avenue, Mr* Wm H. Attmof thu
city, anJ Mrs Archibald,3b.White »C .
Lu wholeul« and retoil by Wa Jaeksoo, Mhu Patot
Medicine Warebouw and Boot and Shoe Store, No Se.Libre-
of Wood street, P.ttebngh. Pneejl^rebot
J_ BUY—A Weislng' A Miraele !! A Wonder!!
—To eurr Eruptions audDinfiguremenis of the Skin,
F»trpl<-«.Freckle*, Sanborn, Salt Bheum, Scurvy, Sore
lt Four U«t Apgu»i,thr capital of France 1
wa» a:toni»hc<i in consequence of a discovery made by.
mi, lialunChemiM.: Many doubled—it seemed al»Mt
an in.|K»i«ibiliiy ibai anything made by the hand* of
mail, could hav'e <tieb aiajpitar powet* a* thai claimed
hy Antonia Vesprini for hi* invention. Many claemed
h,m ami hi* .nvennon'arn humbug, [and. aim*! many
fooli«h penon* without-try mg do the name now,) at
length, after te«ung uin the lioipiiali, the Medical So
c.ety of Puri* [the best chemist* in the world)debvered
tUe followin* report to rt-rnor Veeprini:
••\Y**havo now minutely and carefully exammed ihe
singular invention of Vreprini. We have analyzed it*
-component pan*—wehavet»««d it In eeveial ea*e»,and
we ne*iiai«,nnt to pronounce it [the Italian Chemical
*>.ip] hi great blr*»ing. and a truly wonderful rrime
id) fJt any cutaneous eruption or disfigurement of the
*llin It* inventor we eumidet the into philanthropist
□ f -utTering mankind. I'
' (Signed} I.KOPOI.D DUPRE? ,
! president”
From the intermit liiimrlf to the present Proprietor.
Paris, Nov. 4, IWU .
In iou*ider*tion of the nm of lhavedivu
lred to Mr. T. Jones, reaiding in the city of 1 New York,
N A., the vrlnile processor manufacturing, together
wall a Mnirmeni oi the ingredient* composing my Ital
ian Chemical Ku»p Hr i» to manufacture afor sale in
the Fluted Stolen only, and to have the privilege of na
ming it‘‘Jonc*’ltalian Chemical Soap.''
Wiuie<c tteiny J lioldawbrth. '•>
(j/-Sold |.y W JACKSON, at hi* Patent Medicine
V\ arrh»u*r, “0 l.ibctty street, head of Wood, at the ol tlic Hip flout. .. )2d
The only place m Pittsburgh where the GENUINE
ran be obtained AO oilier* are Counterfeit.
Ko Care, No
|)r Jaeiicn’ fylez Fmtbrocalian Nertr FaiU.'
1 1lHK.RK are few diseases more common or trou
-1 blesurpe than the Piles, and yet. notwithstand
ing treat efforts have been made to cure bj the use
dr pill*, electuaries, liniments, &e , all were'lutile
and of little benebt. Now the Kmbroealion is the
only medicine used. A person who has been ••(Ter*
ing witti the file* of tho wont kind came from Sa
lem. New Jersey, almost on parpoae to expratr hit
gratitude fur the speedy cure that thia medicine had
effected in hi* ca<e.—Philt. Sat. Pott;
tL/’b'ornle in Pittsburgh at the PEKKN TEA
STUUK, 75 fourth «t., ano alto at the Drag Store
It. P -Schwarts, federal at. Allegheny City,
feblirr _•
EFFECTUALLY and speedily cored by the use o
(he (treat Remedy of Natorer’AMKRICAN OIL
H alonm nuracaloufrly reducer Inflammation* end con*
frequently i« warranted in illcate* to leare no seam or
»car in the Be*b. .
Sold wholesale and retail by\VM. JACKSON. al hi»
Root and Shoe Store and Patent Mediciue Watehouae.
60 Liberty street, bead o' Wood, Piuibqrgb*. Prlc * *
cent* and <| per bottle- ' ,
W Jackson being ibe Exclusive Ag*n«
Pennsylvania, none it genome buiwbal it t®*®
of IHS appointed AgentJ. , ',.—«<*«» *«•'
Ladies wlo u*e Comn«» n Prepared Ch*lk, »re
ADIKS who fn*Mfi»llT iiunnou* it n to
°« e ," hTwnS*“•»«•*. yellow/
tbeaktn. how *?_ .fcloeppearm aflpr »*n* prepared
*T d |k" U lJ>^le» h «i i'injurious coalmining aTar*eqa*n :
ehmlk. IJp» •,> B " h ■ beautiful eegetaUle
wy M -U we nil JONBS*a SPANISH ULY
vv'itiTF' if i* perfectly innocent, beinrpurified of ail
endiimmart* » tboakin a nata.
bemliUyr*l*l'*» ler »« le * T » “ v,u * wlute » *1 *«•*»•
nine ■ co#met«e on tfae ikm, staking it anft
Anoewen, JPnietieal Cbemimi of Malta-,
rfiuretu. «>T«: “After AtitlymiOf Jonem’aSnanwb Lilli
While. I Gnu It potmOftca ihe moml beautiful and
ral, oi the rmxne tine innocent white I ever nw. I
certtiloiv can conteienltouiljr recommend it* u*e tamll
trho*c •min require* beautifying.”
!n*ftjc«! S 3 cent*abox ~ i • , I
|&-90i4 by WM.4ACW*ON,»tluaßoct and «u*
Store.Hl Liberty mirixi, bead ofWood, *t Uw of
the Sjicß&OU _ __ . ■ _
't/LLLOW OCHRE—shb!«beat Amencah;
1 3 tlo.'i .-Frenchi ■ -
- For tale by . i SCHOQNMAKEa *Co -
aps . .NptttKOiatreet
AL- ~ - -
© Valuable Medicine .'thoaiai.d* hu vebee nrr,i <»-
red U» perfect health who but bjr its use would tow
be m the silent grave.
Another LivmejfiTfcKtt.—llead with aetnn
ishmeot the voided*l cure performed by Doctor
S«ra»ne'» Compound Syrup of WILDCHKRRY.
r til L* DELPHI A, January 5JA,18-IT.
- Dr. Swayoe—Dear Sir la justice to youraelf and
aduir 1 owe to suffering humanity, 1 cheerfully
: aivc uiy testimony, and declare to the world tbo
i ojo«: astonishing efleCU, and ltfd"great core yeur
Compound Sjrup of Wild Cherry performed ou me.
utdeMOd roiwl unfavorable circumstances. 1 na> I
mkr-n with a violent Cbugb/Spiuicg of Blood, »e- \
tcro Paisa io tbo Side and Brcuat, which seemed
to break down anil enTecbleßij constitution,ut'.at
my physician tbought mjr eaae ooyond the power of
{medicine, and my frienda all gave me up to die; but
I banka to you awl tbo effects ol yoor great di*co»e
rv I now foe! mysell* well man, and raised from a
mere skeleton to m fleahr and healthy a man a* l
h„e hen for jowl, awl «*»•' >* in,
infornulion respecting in, Clie, b, Oiling m m,
le<i6euce.MMbame«lreet,lhir<l door below l.coigo
•trenl, Nort&ro Libellie». Jacoi Paiktiek.
Tei/iraotiv re •»» nemta-frm oil qwtrtni el
tile Globe
The following leltere ere pieiented with a til**
or more f.U, Abo Win, Ibe oniniOM of Pb,,ici.m in
reUtioo to tbo
Dr. Srehjno—Door Sir Hating moil jour l <«.
pound Sjrop of Wild Chore, eileiureel, in m,
or,dice. I in requetted b,,onr Ageot, Dodo,
l.’raicher, to eiprosu to, opioioo nr renliog of ilt
propertied aa a .remedial ngent, I most cbeerlully
comply, as 1 feel bylo doing, 1 will discharge a
debt I owe the community at largo, aod Physician*
io particular. Ar much a* I deteit Qoaek Kemp'
dip* and Patent Novtrumt, 1 was induced lrou».
alailureof the moat potent eipectonnts, rccom
trended in our materia piedlta in some cosea ol
Diseased bungs, to try yoor preparation ol Piunus,
Virgioia or Wild Cherry. It it sufficient to say that
1 was so much pleased with the- result of that ami
suSsequent trials, that 1 now prescribe it in prrler
ence to sit other Remedies where an expectorant is
indicated. In the much dreaded Pneumonia or
Disease of the Luogs, in the alarming form in which
- it appear* in Kentucky, 1 regard it is an invaluable'
Remedy in tbo treatmeot ol that disease. 'llo all
who ‘know rne ‘1 bar* said enough, hut aa this ina>
be seen by persons out of the vicinity of Franklori.
i I will bnefiv add, that 1 bate been a»
■‘active praetfee ol my profession ct Vi years,abd aa,
!alfenular Graduate of Transylvania, and Ihia is the
SratPatent Medicine 1 ever thought enough ol to
; erpr'ets an opinion io writing. ’
; r . r J. H. Einsojt, M. D.
January 7tb,'VB47. Franklin County, Ky.'
Fkarkfort, Ky.,Jan’ry 7tb, IB4i.
*l*he above certificate is f'dtn one of our Pl»y*i“
nan* living a few miles from here, he is doing g very
good practice, and is considered a good Physician,
'and standsTuir, be is, as be says, a regulargraduale
"De. W. L. Crutchkh,
Druggist and Apothecary.'
Te*!iinoniolt wtiliuver cease*
From tbeTemperance Fledge
Now that Winter is npon us with its tttrndan t
train of Pulmonic and Bronchial aBectiooi.Cc.ogbs '
Colds, die drc’. wd would advise those afflicted jn
this way to make immediate trial of Dr.S*i)oc'»
Compound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. It will never
(ail to perform a permanent'cure. "The reputation
of this medicine baa caused many spurious, article*,
to be pul tortb under its Dime; but tbe preparation
of Dr f Swayoe, besides being the tint ever ottered
to tbe public, is tie only one that eae be rcli* d on
The other mature* soldlor Wild Cherrv Syrup,
Balsam*) dec., are all spurious and worthless, and
contain none ol the virtues of the original
lion, Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup .ol • Wild
from the Springfield Kspresa.
Ofthe lhouttodi of purported curative nostrum*
now before the public,. Lot very few are found to
poetettlfce beoltng virtue* lor their are 11
cbttmended. Among the latter we are pleased to
leant none itasd a better teat than Dr. Swaync'a
Compound Syrup oi Wild- Cherry . The aflicted
io thia vicinity are beginning to uae it,and to their
iuy they fiod in its uao their hope* baaed upon tla
recommendation* more than realised. The ufflicted
need not deapair. While there ia lile, there now t*
[Tr’Since the introduction of my article to thr
bublic, there have • number of unprincipled inih
Tiduata got up no«Uum» which they asaert contain-
Wild t ncrry,*ome are called “Balsams^'‘‘Billers/
and eveo Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine it the
original and only genuine preparation ev«r imrodu.
ced to the public, which can be proven by iho pub
lie Recordi ol the Commonwealth ofPennsylvanit.
lire only safeguard against imposition is to see that
Prepared only by Dr. H. Swains, at hie Prince
fat Office, corner of Ei«ht -and Riel Streets,
hiladelpbuu ' All Wild Cherry preparation*- being •
fictitious and counterfeit without his sigsatui e,
For sale itf Pittsburgh wholesale and .retail by
WM. THORN. 53 Market street,
OGDEN St SNOWDEN, corner 2nd fit Woodsts.
S JONES, ICO Liberty street;
Sold also by J Mitebcll, Allegheny City; Boyd,
Cams St Co., Butler; Weaver Sl Henderson 9 , Mer
cer:-Norman Calendar,.MendviUeiJ H -Button k
Co,, Erie; M’Kenrie St Kaikell, Cleveland; Denis
it Son, Colambur. Miller, Brownsville; Marab,.
Wheeling, Va.: £ tt Hiuiban, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr
E Easterly St Co., St. Louis; J S 51 orris it Co.,
LouisTillc, Ry.; Andrew Oliver fli Co., New Or
leans. __ _ . ■ i' • ■
. •
IS now universally acknowledged-in be the IN*
FALLIBLE. REMEDY for Rheumatism; Spi
nal Affection*, Contraction* of the hlnaeles/ Sore
Throat and Fun* in the
Back and Cheat, Agile in the Breast and Face.
ToothAcbe, Sprain*, Bnii*ev, Salt Rhenm, Burns,
Croup; Frosted Feet and all Nervous Diaeatei.
The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which r ha* at
tended the application of tbii moat WOW DEL FUL
MEDICINE in curing the most severe ease* of the
difierent Uue&iet above named,—and the HIGH
ENCOMIUMS tbaXbave Seen beatowediupon it. "
wherever it ha* been introduced, give* me the right
to call on the AKFLIC TED to retort at once to
ON. • 5 -
tfyTbe faculty unite in recommepdingthe che
ated External Remedy, IJuntVLiptfiepCSs
The following'letter from thef highly ominert
PhysicHns who have been attached to the iwpuni
Pleasant State Prison for many yeaii, 11 the. beat
evidence of (be value of this celebrated-Liniment.
- Siwo Sm«, December 26,1845. -
Mp Dear Sir—l received yonr note of yesterday,
taking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Rinimeni,
as prepared by Mr George E Stanton. Knowing
its composition, and having IreauenUy used it.* .
can recommend ft lu you at a safe Eiteraal Runt
dy, and. in my opinion, the best Liniment now .u
Me, Verytrulyand
Cot Pierre VanCortiandt, Croton Manor.
1 fully concur in the above opinion.
Yorktowm, Jan. 14,184*.
Sir—in feplv to your letter* Ivrouldny that i
have uaed jour External Remedy, called Hent'a
Liniment, in my practice since you'-made me ac_
quiinted with it* composition, and-uabeultttiogiy
My that 1 believe it to be the beat Eiterhal Kerne
dw got* in ue for tbecomplaints Tor which jcu re
commend it. Youra respectfully,-
Geo E Stanton, Esq.\ .
‘ From The N* Y Sun. v
Qj*Amoag the massjof worthies* article* and
i humbugs that are poured forth at the present day
I upon the country, It at really refreshing to find
I something of real practU-al utility, something aim ,
pte, speedy and eflectnl ia its operatic, and cl
the time time free froin those injurious eflecu
which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt»
Lioioent, prepared, by |Gro. E Stanton, ol Sing
Sing, though it ba* beeb but a abort time before
the public, naaatready olkained the contidence,Bot
ooly ot our moat and influential citizens,
bol our most.eminent.physicians. AH acknowl
.edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of the ills
that flash la heir to, toothing, the aching limb, and
by it* genuine stimulating influence,banishing d<»
ease from the system. . VT
' Mr' Stanton—Sir—S|etng your advertisement
of Hunt’s liniment, I induced toiryits effect*
on my ton, who had been crippled witba lame
back from an infant; and ilia with gratitude 1 bear
I testimony to its wonderfdl healing properties. My
child, who is now five yc r* of age, is now iu a fair
■ war of recover*, •• Yours, Ate., ,
PdiTOrncv, Towai k*. rutnawCo.
I certify-that lam personally acquaint* d with
the above named child, and think the father would
be tale in *ayioe Uiat bis’son is almost well.
Not 5,1845. | Depot; Polluter
I*. S. I would alto aisle that I hare been lor a
number or year* subject to Ireqoeut attacks ol the
Khccmatuta, which in many inaUnctra_prc»ented
my attending to my buaioeaa. Two or three S PP*|-
eationt or the Liniment invariably, remove ail at
fectiona of the kind. Ineaacaot bruises, sprains
andaorea, 100 nomeroo* to mention, it hta in this
vieloilr pro.ed > certain remedr. |l> «!■• «»
o»lj bo wlißuMd bj tbo« «bo bate given it a lair
Thi. LinitneDl if told at i 5 and SO Ceuta jier b«t
tie, by all the Principal Druggists and Merchant*
lhrongboot the counity. , .
Wholesale Agent» m flew York.
BUSHTONdcGo, 11(1 u roadway.
A B4s D SANDS, corner Felton And William.
. ASPINWALL, U> William street.
Order* addressed to me at Sing Si ig, N Y, »m
be attended la GEORGE E STANTON,
For *ale yi FitUborgh by L WILCOX, Jr, and J
KIDD Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT
Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. frblD
fTlHlS.medicine la tut taking the place ol every
X preparation heretofore used for diseases arlaing 1
from Weaioeu or other cauaea. All that la neees*'
isry to tecere thf medicine a place in the Domes*
Practice of irrarf laihlly, when anch'a medicine
traecded. la a trial.
It tpcau for itsell—-is innocent in its operation,
and no ipjery can ariae fiom its uie at anytime.
Wholesale and Retail by ROWAND A. WAL«
TON. Proprietor* 576 Market Stseet, I'hiUd’i.
For sale in PitUborgh by R E Sellern, 57 Wood
a£rr*t; sad A'm. Tham,6z Market sL nefulw T
nently. dyeing Light,’Red or Gray tlmir a Dark
brown or E>lsek color, without dyeing or injuring thr
•kin. Sold with falfdiitlllans rriee accents, brtl
a. bottle. - WM. JACKSON, at hit Psiant Mrdicine
. Waieboase, 68 Like try street, brad of Wood, at the
Sign of the Bie Boot• • ‘ - ' •• yju
BALSAJK-ti doz Wi.iar’s Balaam of Wifa Cherry
ja«t received and for tale byJ KIDD A Co
apt. •» NoflO wood "tree •
VENETIAN RED—7 bbl*beat Ksgiisfc;
; , -f do -'.AjOßlieao; .
• Foraaleby J SCHOONMAK£R*6o
. Np.Rmool •tree:
■ ; -I’-i ■