The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 28, 1847, Image 2

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    ■ ,' v
- ir ~]jW *• Vi \ fr' . Eg. , 1_ Tht M StllkPmqj&t I» has teen
fiffi'plMUßGH (TAZEfE. ?i h r
~ . - =■ piati.i .hen-op motion .OjamnitM oHh.e. caW-Tiylot &}be.ctt,l of «ton»M otoM» B °-jlppafeM onpyftM. Ibat lh> fa
•.: '>*. ausllfe lIHOWKS. siting ~r Abfe j. C. Plnna<; M«jor plitity. Ifroolrit to lut, in fOo4^rtun4,» od tb***!* «f *«■ <»» ,
ifi»r t>.4 „(*■ foron/momail in «»ii foiSne. lbfSlMr>sMlWiw;diitSte«PFraf>Mrr ><lPMa«<Kliopr '
' C rih« !> in*WD i r ol ° U ° D, ' ,Pr ”*" 1 • 'srarfJn^^ii^,hijn l .ljcjn*S t ttfOMllcriUinailin--
I ~~t rf?CnianntiS- .lie. boot Sl.mi. TheFrenMjilCommoo
i tifn*-, tb* following: < ! K n*« of act* of petty oppression "hud jealousy, and ; weahb'detimoalraies the faet to Kentucky,'and the
Wbe.»* f.r B.luai'ire and Ohio Railroad Com-t - Q cucceet ied by adulations towards the ■ blowing aWzad and extract from a recent article
, . loi i,*™ ciprwql a wtflingnm to aid liberal* 1 moothe ere now;«p*aking the pralee* Of General . From.the year 1841 to 1846 indaatre the num
ly 'iK m*ktng a branch to the city of [ T# - lor .oie of the ioodeat in commends- her of date# in that Bute ymoaerf 16,729, the
■ *■ «- —-«* ** - -T
; Tfor-t.-vp loudest in censure. 1341 vu 166,853—the total valuation of whom
] “'j<, -snkai, Astle acre* of the Stockholders of When the rote of Atoka wu proposed in the 1 $63,309,602. In 1846 the total number wet
1 th” Pt* ;ursh art ConneUsriU* Rail Road Coi, of Representatives, at Washington, the fol* * 185,582,and the total valuation $55,003,861.
1 , a „.„ West Newton and vicinity, a dHfcr- . , . ... u. nn . of rh« It b interesUng to note the periods of ehref tn
‘ce f "X Route erection of lowing font appendage was added by on. of the ;, |n number . Ifl the year IMS,the
itiiLnii mni i-'cniwtisviU. B. R. tncianret! domiiuntianj, tndcsnWlhnmihlhs HoMeby . „i 1.181; in 1813. 5,072; in 1811,
: n-tht c Bn't-mrw aid Ohio R. R. O.o.snd the 1,« .Me of 116 ln70: ; 5,730,in 1815. 1,805; in 1816. 1,810. In th* I
’ . t. of Untmo e . ughi not t) pioseol lh« ego-oHroTulsO. Nothin* hereto cinuinnd slull l« ; ,gnr 1613, tbn increw of tUtet nndgf .16 jmt.
!st .ml .end *ith the le*«poB*ibtoH«l»y, tolo irfth, tra, i>f t. 1 -! of ■*•••• 3.153. ““‘ ,c ,a ““I" 1 18,0
;„J n« .6, u» c mpt. n>.. ..f .11 difficulOM jluUtioo of MonUrel ." «m.d.s.
! of Th. Whi, i Jg,^
f »«. Th. J.... compls.n- j „ ch
1 -t. th pt-n . f rn-k'suflodoQl to bsure ed of,' drat, for proposing, a »ote of thanks to Gsh* Commcntbe on this tabubr staUin*nt, the
; th*«••<. uictr •f »d R.-ad and thua make a era i Tavlor and hU braeearmy, and then laughed 1 writer remarks « f»llow»: .
. twt i*rwcen the C.t.csxf PiUshurah and " ,,s 1 .- . • ; -If Christian county is taken as an example of
, l Jti.orebv R.-iR-odrompitte. « f*r Hftrodoang a iw»u | incremw?for one ye»r then the increase of last
! ur- V s.ts’ st ekh Idrrs «<f the Pittsburgh and ''genets ef power wu made dishonorable to ;Mr ln t j, c Sute, would ba»e been 7,098,
if n.istii’ R- R Co., i> rsisc by futhexsttb* General’aylor, and a» the country will determine, *l****. It is plain ftom the ebore facts, that
, r ti ii t.or iiropoition uf aeren hundred aod ju-mccfol to the party who attempted to Impose emigration, from th* counties that are,esteemed
; fifty 11. nina.U-«. Ai.J we ire of opinion '^ n clhJhl U- fa to*.
Ith t th s t'amoei-r ought st ooce to guarantee * 8 *6“ J 3 mesfre slave trade u eery exteogprely earned j
1 i c af tesid sum. man must feel ihtihad Gen. Taylor been onsue- eQ; or thal K« n t oc fcy is not as healthy for tie I
I tagkhtd A. the «nse of this meeting thet ce *Bfdl in dming back twenty thousand Mexicans, gf oe« is it formerly sraa. One of three three
tif Board nf Managers ol the Pittaourgh kod Rome Vista, with five thousand men, be would things must be true, if Hbe emi-J
i Ohio R.iirnodConipany.andiheeuyofßtltiajore fortune attended him, and 10, ceoeure it turned to u u he owbg to the domestic slave trade, then
on uic aUupssul subject, with e determinitioD to praise and eten fulsome adulation tucceeds com- *|area are drereasirg in ralue iu the state; for,
'»«rrfo»k the past as toßouto, and barmonae all pla j nt< re buke, and public condemnation, "it Is if there werea demand tothem at ban e,J they
iff.-i.*iiPr* that the Road may be constructed as \ . . _ , K;- would not lw taken out of the Btate. lfitbeow*
n ' the war of the Administration upon tht. brate inßla lhe QD he.!ihines<of the climale.for them,
Which being read were unanimously adopted man, as ungratefol as it is onjuat, «■ well av the whll is the cause of it! Let not the fact be oret
bv tbe mretii.n. Ami on motion Able J. C. ,pj e ndkl victories he has ■oc. whicb haa endear. looked, that with an increM* of 16.729 alafea,
Pkmer. M-j-r Jamie Gardiner and Randle thfl nime re pataUon of Taylor to thoee the lota! aaluatwn of slfwa in iM6, wae|(7,tos •
I.,hr,ti.n »/r* BUPninted a Committee to lay the v * 741 less than the valuation of slaves in 1641
■oce« ilini* B of before the Stockhold- wha halB >ngrautude ea much as they lore the j, rt ssid that hemp and tobacco do not
f, ol ih« Puiebuigh and CoDiitlUrille Railroad man who perils his life io defence ol hie coontry ■ demmand thepricea io Kentecky that they form*
t ■'.fi.ti.inv who are to assemble in tbe city of If, tlierefore.GenertlTaylor should e»er be erly did? Grant it. Will they agalni command
t3‘ Utah on Tb.sday the 27iUio*t. and request j Pteflid ; m of lbc Unitad Slate*, the friend, those prices for one year, and for year* m sue*
W:»kCvtiauqhey,'sleY ’ ' : of lbe Admim.tmlon may- thank their own un
_ - , 9 I jiui oppression for ihe political eleseHon of toe
Rail Road Movements. 1 man tbiy base most deeply wror ged.
i The *nr*eys on the Lake Obaucualk liio 1
1 OoPtssui Hon Rail Road hare just beencomplet*
'.l The length ni line i* 117 1-3 miles: the
1 from Ogdtmburg to the summit being (
tj2 milrs. anJ thence to Lake Champlaio 35 I*3. (
?lu> doiiiiim of the summit i* 1009 feet sboee
Lake Ohamplaiu, and 359 feet sboee the place of
kpariuie, 00 the St Lawrence, at Ogdenaborgb.
Fraru Ogdensburgh to the lummil of the maxi
mum grade U 264 feet per mile, or one foot in
i«.> hundred, there being in thie distance 1195
i.-i-t of ascending, anil 285 feet of descending
unde the distance of iho railroad from the Cana*
U hue, does not exceed 2$ miles. The most el*
ui'ih point for crossing the lake U in its nutlet,
n. i»r the f*anada border, at Rouse's Point. As
this road is completed, it will t-e connected
wuh the Montreal sod St, Johns Railroad,by the
-atet ai.m of that, along the-banka'of tho
Richlieu, ■ distAiiee cf about 20 miles. By such
a union with the Ogdentburgh Railroad, an ellgi*
ule line of communication will be afforded, pats
mg chirfl) within tbe United Slates bouodary be
w.-en Montreal and L»ke Ontario, and the lines
~f dram navigation to Upper Canada.
Niigaha Sirs?tatiofl Biunca. —The Secreta
r* of tbe gteat Western Canada Railway Co.seys
.1 c Director* of that company are of the opinion that railway will lerminate st the Niagara
-.ysj.i.s.oti Bridge, provided saiisfactory arrange
j.u.te wilh.lbe Bridge
t’l . rVuir.fitcd cod of a bridge capable of sualair.*
;,»>ourp.i* f. 200,000. '•
Vclso-v Kivsr KaiLkoan —Thesurreyoti of
~f thin inUryad. aro now engaged oppo
- r • u’i ,i Poli.t, ami oir running the line near
I > / « i*ir. Th**'f pMigrea- through the High-;
1, .1, j,. i,f.-<;. a r,l; uij »U-W. The expecae aU
<.11,(j the building .of* the road through the j
rlic’.iands will equal one-fourth the whole route. 1
R,u.ko»i. rnoM Niw Hatex to Fihkiu.
tti.-.-rf u to b made to the Legl»l*tore of!
‘ for o charter for a Raitruad from New j
1.. t'-iii writ line of the State, which is da
< <*ned t- c.iiriert with a projeefod line in the State
t No 8 V.nk ii ru.indUi.g «t I.* -•.kill, (opposite
fit, N. Y.,) on the D The diwanc »
i m Ncw’Hjvcii to Fithki-iw uiimated aifrom
5 i*v i.> Mity five retire. The object of the pro
. *-.! Ro-,hs to afford occe»s to the New York
Erie Railroad.
N.w H*rt» Raitanana—The griding of
.• v-onai railioad ts quietly but rapidly, progress*
fl'iijy^Tr^WV^'-),-a>“l f’kiy^-<0
lWcTfs*\V c* ki> :s I i'C l' r 1
«ikio<i>. i* iwa PoiUi* pe< «Ui?lnu,
- jAUfiM IttVIS,
(or cx.TtJts Cncvt. t
JOSEPH \v. pattu*
tor o.'i.wv 1
THOmaVK rXAXhUN, !•-«»•'«* <■
j'ojiN \J KtiNKi i-
jAuk l * .
I.AMU, M s'*%*■» K..U
jlM' I* Wi'l'.it-R' 1 •- *
jOiCPI U Ml,
■ <i i.ltl' T ( ONitAO.
A 5 Mi (i It A M», **bi!a.!i!!pa.4 CvaDiy
|.1i.1,i II i C 1111:11, l>rk'.
»*| *.O 1* 1- M I MKKX 'S > • Wj
fIr.VV I >«u.c; • 1
11 Ali >1 'll DK> .V. Atrg.- I.’,
R|..(IAIIU itf "" IN* VV|...t,i- ■
JiKj?.- 1 u Kl II M, tt e»lw!ju
li J KAt.UK'io
11 ii kr>X"K' 1.. .Nonltaii:pH-i«
i 11 k\ >u-j .-1.-..-,-
Em.AS'S 1 'll. »VWi.rf
a I'l UV|..M!*-I»H*<'
MhN«\ S I V.-N‘ Cm
rommu' r * <•> i-r?*. V.j
AifTinibOMi; *.%»» wiiiu count
aiW * cosyiiNriwa*
In pii'»wer“ Vv - ,. p ,
ihf Prm-erm.c Am o-.<lfoi.» «»J ,
ny«na:.ty win *-c.n»k 10 |. iweun* . n l
i-w-I !*euou U-u.C- m. *.«-<■»' ,a : »n«a ; n
M»>. «7.WHCC> IWUf* >' l ft “ «— T ‘ ; 3
AhrUgo* KjaCouul? Coovrnt ... ly mp-t.®
s,: :
bcr next- «br «m ««»*'""“ l1 Wl ‘'f" 'l' ‘ ,
ig.u«*cc t ..rdiwa-nwa. u.e•■»«=>* p J“f:*.; r 6 ~' a v '
■nimai} r* turn*. t.«n«r. ■> .fie >«mr* o J9»f6 » %
■ •*jibf>#eot ibe wants **nd nr-dc..- uni htf,
Cii’ai of iso Com of t i*f
We.giTO, tti«! oflhwl pioctc'Jmgs •>* tU
R&ilßoad Meeting, hrl.i on niteri.u-n.
bj which it will b# teen-that carry tbir>c Knuu *
In «utuo quo fjr ibrcc wc*k» U»»fii-r W* oc.
| j regret ibis further delay, but io
wise decision of ether?,' we auppose it to be nee. r
mj to occoDipSuh that which is deemm be*t.l«'
tbe Stockholder* and th? city- Thitrc wait o gei.t*
T*t regret, and *lme Iccling manifested fttrtf nfi a
pvt . f iße M.<khoM«« present, at this oclmuid
pux-raninatiun. and the reconciliation to it
«»«« the hope, belief, and understanding, that Wo
. next meeting will certainly bung about a dec“tr:
or Mine tori. Tnero was but little apeaUinj:
among tbe gentlemen picsent, but the little wui,
indicated a deep ioteroat in tbe whole •.object—"
Aodrew Lo-mis. Erq , ulgtd the nocVasny ot V
mad wp.t. aml th-oght thJ interests oflh.* W.m
ero |ir..ple should bn c.m*ult>*d *i* well ax W> i*t 4
thr Ei*«. Until HoaK-tbiiifi was decided op<»n. m
ref uneeto ttir route, he cuu d not cm*-
tent'to ht*W'• ut any inducement* wi.n-t. u *»;•
dt»a|p-Sot.Uie jeople ol the West Mr.L- fJV
* «lechti>a ■'« upon thn-Comnmire of itn
Wr*i>-r<pypif>'p. th.'ug t uig* iWn dn uo by M.i*?,*,
tTrrOic. K :o:»» n. full, l*iuinrf. and Otlufr, gtv
'* l ' n r-**«•-*» tor i!. rll':ii fi
J .3,0. q . .'lll JCI 4* »;ta -u> -m ol We
W«»nn« <«i»d E.iOj. li q.. w B .
a*ld'pj .to the. (yoiu.uUtus. A report l» txpiiin!
I'.O'i* «ht» t.'onimilUe it the next meeting.
‘Hu* J U. [‘luoi' f. in lb« c«uf** «>£•.►*«*■ frtosrk*
H» !■»'•» ut going Ei»f, salJ it was l!»al
tVj. rKtrimutiicaiitin *houlil hii made. sj ev« i.
no* it was to obtain a transit <f 4 a?*
by Canal. Th*-y were 30 buui» at tb*
Pn»t.ig<v. aiul «> (H'd F.'t ? a bn-r
Of fl-ui,fn»m«sli In Pfiil Tl
cty w«#'efi w H w«‘b ncicliai.M ip m*ksnp *« .
egicw.totbr. E*»i. ,
H : »W. ruoimly J-nwa fjfftJ-hk* a•• '.n.rr.;i
541 ion both East awl andxnr v
tb*r*fftfr, tti»' with *j Qj -uy jf.iiutJTnmts to fi-ak*
i.t b •ihdut'CUnn*. ttsat \he v-'O-i n*r
Oot long ag“ accotnpl»*h»-ii. - t?.i*
nwrning, V.l! u-1 *l!o» «• to *dJ to ilu».
.. HRETINfT. *
fHlUbxt'ghlP'd CunriC t-.tiUr R R. i.oitfi iy {
’ Pi rr«BCNOH, Ai ’H 1847 $
■ I-i pUrvliV'lcr ot ai'J’nir* Jli IH Hie •'- C'.rtol'l*''
„l tb«- Pittsburgh, ana C»»i.i.rii.*i»ir II ul K *»«».y. i»**i tbs-i day «f 3 i* " .
Poll** H*l‘ and «*'•!<= celled orO«-r liy Ait E - !.•
baudK E q.. Gb-Mr-nm.
Win. hi. Dulifgfon s.-cmism.
-1 he nm.uut vl, tbe la,l meiuoi* vvh.- c-v K
' the tt crrlniy
The i r.K-#eitinv* of w Pcl-bc uweiins &t l.
eiiiirn-* i f 8.l im»r.-. hr Id >u that e«j nu >i. :i
io.t., at.d i-f a m*Hir g «f U.« »l lo
Ba'timnre and Übu> it-ail C-unpai.y. held
ib. 6 t» uifci., *eru iheß-'jreil lor the * u«i
if the mreung. c ,
V Tbf CHitiH.U'titSOa llie iul j-'Ct »k Oio tVnr*r?K
ifcilM Rail R al and
»reper?i» to report, it «*», on nwU.. ui J •m.-» ».
Craft, E*q..
; Ravlccd, That aard C.inira.u.-r- lure lartnn
.’4me »i«»p ibrai W rtpiirtr
Neville B Ciatg, E*q , «rc*m th* e-imtnutrr oh
the iuij-t.t cf t|)« Baltimore cnnn<ct;oa, pie*™:
id the fdlowlna report and in»o.'tnbi.* ( wh*c:>
»ero»u*ly ack-pu-d:
• Toe Co.'Ofß»-t«o»{>p-'Hit«d.*ttl.c laal meeting
if the alcekhvldei* n*»© had under vraad rut*
'•5. thVeoqr** vf action proper to »>e «UnftrJ **t 'hi
.* K mr ; tod aUhough tntirily ct*n»ciou*ot (Hegira
‘ '«•"* feltf* dtifeiu. av
Af ibeir eager dr*i'«- toeinbatfe-to srune other
icbe(Dd, i/f, improfcm-ai, and to abandon or e
L-.f V ; h*i* be*n p-odudite only of r«
; ■'’>£eai*ddcl«)<t unJd.aipp iuimthis, feel d-ip-wd
to m<k« One ttfort mure-to complete- an vrang
;,. • : a'Cl* by which t**e *try liberal cl-arier un-Jtt
' «»htch «e act .b*b be nude to cantriboieito the
! >: r - : pTwper**y. i*» l only of tliecitier of Pm*bjr*h
T j . and B JuctiJfo. hut of ihieOlervcmfg country.
i ' • lua>li*mg »t tma e»nrta*tn* ibe C./.'c-udte*
• f 4i,Uj *.*ftowted*e that ii U'n.fl I'nrv,! ci modi
* by the lubland friendly , fcdii/* ,iuunf-*tcO t.y
tbiinf*?'** I *’! B»ltimrre*tUuir l*iemeauf»i.'a^:
: by a re-P’-cl for the wiabea and miereneol tb««
: . ■ ■ ■ t>f nur o#n Company who r**'dc along fte r.mi<-
of ibe prope»ed.impro»emtDt, a* l»y then mu
‘ Jodg'neO'B 00 ibe aohject. ■
: . To* Oom'ilUtre-feel.-KoWe'er, that too mod:
- ' : time ba»:ati eidy'b**u ipeiit in frairUr* or'nolu
'• tjo ** «■ ‘d tliv no* dcinanJa a sperdy
,' -.S *;■ sdd 4 isl d Cumor.
Tim* tJeKomiuee, liien-fire, tuc f Inning
• n»d>»ti ♦«*: .
. R>s,’c:d Tbit the SrockMJn* of the Pin*- j
J ■;•; I>,rgii tJonn*»t«*lHe pMfipjuj. in l
‘ ; c?*T»*drfitioi| nt.lbe Trf>ftrudiy dW(>»»iti'»n mill
"if^ied’toward* ou* wn»k by the fi<**f*
/..ebanl- am/oth«t of Oilcliii-'f'', and cai-v •
■ ct*l* f i»m a fega d f r tb« iiiteten-e **f
out »!**»• number laaming along tt«* Y'tigStoge--'
’Vwv. '' - ylvefp’whiiTeik uiion Uj« ko.Ji aaibe laa* pro«n»*o
i-:-:-.- • « paitictf toon in the benefit* of the tjr«!.c
•' achvmant | .t<foal a-o diati.f. d t •
C' : -i ' makM'txp’ **t more to e*m(>ta'« an arron;rovo
: :f. .r - ’. -Wilt) lb* - B«lhtn *r« and Ohio R-iil Rord U
*T - . my- ' l'bertfire» -
Kvtt&d. Tbat the whjla'autyict be rcfctrc l
• ■■ : pack w the Directora of tbit Company, »nh to'l
-•...'i payrof to ael in relation to tbl< wh-d** m rlcr am
to report tie .teaulta of any eoiropm l. c;c-* or
, > which they.or any cOai iultee
• jed by them itt»l hul J wiib atyf.iiih'r pfr*m», to
- • » Ot«i|hk of.lha Sn«kbtjiif«»a of tld* t’omp*ny
VI (ha 19-h day nf May ue*t.
.••: •• That w*n»n 'hi* iD-rVng adjourn it
* - adjourn to meet a4aic on •.b"
!* y Iftja day of Miy, 1847, aftbree o’d«k P. M.,
'T ' Wteke lot®enndderatt'Hi i«poit which n.»t
'••• y* mid* by theDirectorr, and al*oto mn«i,ler itit
\ - jaw p»«ad at the Iwi ,iw hg.*}a»jie
J “ -’ io irla irttto aud to aJopc »'ich
itHMUtea at ta«y be d-tflflincd to bo eipadu-ut
ftroptr, ...
i; 4 j.-.-"?'A* W. Lmmlwy B*q.. wanereu*etJ from aerviof
-,;- , 'V»o'tll*-CHntaii*ee on tb* auljiv:i <•{ a VVra'.r
“ -j Baif<»ad. and J-»*hua Hanna «»*», bn motioo, »u •
j "?. f Kitdt«rin buplice aa Cbtirmati hik! Wm. E:>o».
memhef of**iJ rommiive.
H •m, J. C. Ptiimef, i f tV\-<ju iretand (Jo.
'be .f -Howing pMceedmg. nf-i mecnoj
at tVeat.Newtm, wnlch-werr on ni or.
Jvtd to be puhltdbod *.li tho proceedmga efth'a
| Oa motion th« neetin* *dj limed.
t . W.vl Eli:Hß,UH,Ch«lrm«n.
I '.- M. Dtanao i-li <, Bccy.
?■:v ft>ln poraaance of public a mwtin? of ih--
•i > 'ti^;- y <jfl»«ckb|il lera m the PiHatxirgh aud ConnHUr:l!i
' roqd Company, aod nf iho citjjiu of the mr :
'■r£ »y-ff Jkpandmg couotry generally, .wa* held at the •chool
>.. £fi)«e io the boenogb of WeU;JfewMti on Tbur*
ttl of Apr I 1847, to.; deliberate od, and
JmwM(beer amj'tiioanta reipii'ing ’ •
• eompioy wiib the -Baldcnara and-Onto
•yi*'! jfint'fiiid fjnmpaoy. Theme«liog «aacalled t>
d-jjfta-lyj. C. Hanna,'E*q.,."nominatjDg Col, i.
fitff&'Ur 1® (He Chair, and D. P McCooaegbey'
: -- '
The N-w Y '»k Rulrnad 5 * now aU contracted
nx wiih the ncrv'.iiin of fivn mile*. This load
*: 1 dual i!esj be committed in the cooree of a
The survey* for the Rochester and Corning,
V Y ) U»ilrnad nrt- now completed. .Tbs engi
n*»ia a'e now engaged in making the (Laps and
State of Affairs lu Ireland.
Some gentleman has seot us a late number of
ho K ikenny HJodeflii.n It confirm* even the
iep.uU of tho destitution in that nnfortc
oaecoautry, though we hope. and believe that
.spring time will Wing relief a* ifcba* indeed in a
redaction of the price of Breadstuff*. It ia said
n one paragraph in the paper before a* that there
i, ;viit t>o much reason to ippreheod a total fail •
■Art of liiu Relief fund, long before the Act of tb*
presents »-nn <»1 Padmmeot for providing ttnw
iwrary relief here! Units* imtant and very atre
ni >u* esertions tw ma le, it is also aided to inter*
,at ih* public in behalf of our dastitnta poor, the
Soup and BreadQioree, must, era fear .be dated
Dut’ibe ia Ideal record io this Irish journal is
that of the Kilkenny Spring A»i»t Themire
A icon or m->ro of complaint* and as many pan*
iktim-mt* i* r ml»btQsJroo«' , !» and stories:
F»r (■’fslir-r t‘to hundred j>ounJ* of floor one
;„ a;j vts-i seqtapced'ti seven year* transportation.
t.:r seating four ewe* another is sentenced to im
gmoriin.-iit f'J twelve montba and hard labors*
\ooirler.T4fDily were sentenced to 7 year* trana-
*>aiiDg 100 Ibaof Wheat;* fourth
and bard Ulrar for atealbg a pig,
Jte,&c. Some were fined for stealing turnips
gecae, wra'ing“app*rel and fuel.*
Ma-y Ryan plraded guilty _pf baring oa tho
Ist Feb-u-ry ai Kihnaeov, Holen a blue doth,
rioait. value 2/ . ibe good* of 'Patrick y Malone.—
Scni'-nn* —Impn-onmeiii for three month*.
Catharine Brenman pleaded guilty of having
t7t'i of Frhruary, at Glvnmore, stolen a bag
g 2-, worth of oatmeal. ..Sentence—to
■ e irnpMtoo-d one day.—(in eooaequenc* of good
o nlo.-i io the prison.) •’
Alice B’cwnan pteaJed guilty of a aimilar .of
oce e-<u»<»i.tu.d on tBih of Fentuary at Collarsa
Sentence—lmprisonment, two months.
E!l*n H*a!y w\> iudicted haring on the
•j3„l Feoigarr e»nfon a goose the property of Pat
t,ck Coat-lln, at WaSlVlmigb. She pleaded
.„i tv and «an aenieuceJ to three mrntlha iopri*'
.fn'li'-n* "
' Margaret Purcell, a wretched looking old wo*
.-nvi guilty of haring tlolen a lump of
e .at Sentence imprisonment one fortnight.
We ran add uothiog to give forca to a record
tike ihi<. They are bot common examples of
•h>- c i ninal court and allow the’necessity there ia
f.T a continued hearty labor in the work of ehwh
table ar.J eoclal improvement.
D:&rataaiso Accios«t«— The Lake Erie If ft
rutntoy mining for Bekver with three tows
aid when oppasits the Glass House, while follow,
mg the aitmous course of the channel, wa# struck
><y a vi.itfut of wind which blew her
overboard an the itaiboanl aide. Capt
Br .wn, ■ f the CanalJEoat Andrew Scott of Erie,
■■lie if thi tows, was sitting on (he stem of bii
b -it, wb*n one of the chimneys fell upon bin}.
Me W 49 tikco up inttoslbta'sod it ia feared la dan*
germs’) injure !•' No oibsr perann wat injured.
(*(>•■ hurricane fo-f and guard of the botltf desk’
on tbit r«te, were a mashed'ti pieces. The Erie,
*ja ni thing slowly tt the time sod tlio accident
XV a caused by one of the guys giving way. Tho ,b towing * tigsie. raturoad lo tha
cty for repa s r».' • ! V ' .' .
A man had one hands shattered on Mon
day evening in BirtninghanvduTioj tbs MuarcV.
tion, by the bursting nf a pistol. He U a botcher
by trade—name not heerd.
O&rr. Koosn has bought fi of' tits
Financier now sale owner—price
frraaby balance lour, eight sod twelve months.—
The Financier ia a profitabl# boat. •
- Cits Tiltom’i LITTZB TO G«S. BcTtm.—
Hit virwt respecting his nomination for the Pits
ideney, 4c. We have already referred to this let*
ter, and below gire alt ofit which la important. The
Picayune publisbea it aa a private letter addressed
to Gen. E. G. W. Butler, of the parish of Iber-
Title, La., by Gen. Taylor giring an aceouol of
the battle of Baena Yista. The contest, be aaya,
waa much the sererest of any he baa ever seen,
1 particularly towards the latter part of life day,
when Santa Anna brought dp his rewire, and in
spite of efery effort on oar part, after the greatest
exertion on both aides, drOTe the Americana by
an immense superiority of numbers for some dia-
The subject of most particular interest in the
letter if the remarks he makes respecting the pfo
ring of his name on the nomination for the Pres
idency. In the first place Gen. Taylor allude*
the misreprctcrtitions which hare bcen~gmdc
>o tegard t> Majur General Batler at Monterey.—
Those misieptcaeLtitions bad been the subject of
eonrertabon between them, and left no feeling
like diatiust or unkindness towards each other in
I their breasts. The letter goes on—
••I was aware of the report, as well aa statements
in a few of Ihe'pubUe journal*, that it wu Intend
ed by ceitain indisidoaUto bring Gen. Uutierfor
ward the *a,ucc»a*or t> Mr. PuU, which gar* me
no concern, and would not er<tn had it been the
cast-, which I did oot credit and which bad been
forgotten. I donbt if the subject would La re a- j
gain crossed my mind, had it o< t been brought t >
my notice by you or tome niib els*. I pare net |
er beard him or anj of his- friends allude to the
••1 may obserre that I hare been also named as |
; a candidate for that high office by a few newsp*.
1 per editors and others, which has been done with* i
t out my knowledge, wisher or consent. - j
u This I bare assured all who bare written me j
[ on.ihesubject: assuring them I bad oo aspiration* ]
j fur thxt or any other cieil njjUt: that my whole
i energies, mental and phytical.'trcre end had been
i absorbed in such a way as J thought best ealeula*]
i ted to bring this tear to a speedy end kmvnebU ••
1 close, beliering it eras for the intereat of both
roQotiies the sooner it waa done tha
any rate eo far as oura was concerned; and that
I pnsident making should be lost sight of until
this was accomplished."
A N 4 folios Niaso.—A Philadelphia negro
tu brought into the session on Wednesday, who
haJ been arrested (or stealing two bogs. He da
nied the accusation, bat to give additional weight
to hissrgament be testified n to the beiaty of bis
own rhsrscter, asserting that his father was a bodj
tersani of Xapoleao. He also claimed to be on
intimate, terms with Dirid Paul Drown and other
dlatiugui«heJ gentlemen of Philadelphia. Bat the
jury found the negro guilty, and when the officers
were taking him back to prison ha made t lis res
mark: —“Gentlemen you can do as you plea «, ba*
this child of Napoleon's body serrant see ms to
confess what he ainl guilty of.”
Carr. Liwcolw.—A correspondent of th i Dli.
ca Gaxelte writes from Saltillo that the b idy of
C&pU I/mcoln, immediately upon boa death was
taken to Saltillo, and property 4*l*d for»jjwd «Jd«
all the dead I have seen, be waaths tifcly
I coold look upon withoqt shuddering. HU face
htd a smile upon it. He most have died instant
ly, and at a moment wbenhe saw something that
pleased him- He received a ball in hla spue, and
another in his bead, the latur lodging wader hie
right eye, bat not marking the lid.” I
Tha following extract, from lUi, Uttar will b. , - . tW-SucMboU bttr,kr, ,t
read with interest: f «{ e(T York, the other night,*otered the print shop
“For several hours after the fate of the day wit j by Mr. Nathaniel Corner, by means of
extremely d&ubtfol, so mach so that I was urged ; kejs. snd blew offthe lock end dox of the
by some of the most experienced officers to fall i u f t| by filling the lock foil of igan powder,
back and take up a new position. This 1 knew j the keyhole, stealing therefrom #3OO tii
would to attempt wjt|» volunteers, and at • bill* and specie, together with 016,000 iu
once declined it. Tbe scene* bad now become i j„ oin i**ory notes. This mfe was standing la the
one of the deepest interest. Between the wreral! rtora e )o*«by one of tbe windows, and most extra*
deep ravines there were portions at level lend from | or jj n srj, not one pane of glass was broken by tbe
one to four hundred yard# in extent, which became i e xplo«ton*
alternately points of attack and defence, after our 1 . . . , . '
i,n”u Hby both «)«. Them .Bcndw) , Co. C. ; . ~. --ni. lhjmk. of tho Udy Corm-
Bon, Olid net tho boro of tho moonlun 'or .bout <=«• <* PblUd.lpht., bo«e bOT hhtjr
two mile., oiß tbo .tro w lo for Ib.m tray bo .try PT *PP™P"*“ 1 “
w“,i.Uly conrpotedto a gome of cheu. Nitf. j
rn. BOP to tho contort, »nd, Bring, to »y. both ! tbo comnand of tho Chill Sqiadron. ond owctß
irrnlc. o«uplod tbmmo portion. tW did in l. .< If for I til mWorly ond bumut. o&rtl “t hnd“«
“oruinTSfonith. bßlb, Commenced. Our r,UP th. U'nilod S.ri- troop. ini -man &wn hl,
lory did more thin wooden. Wo Uy on our orn, ■>«•*•“ for ho Buck opon tho city ofV.r.
Bni.hU u.rLd doo. th. two proriooo oo» , Cm*. by which th. -iprtttuo wm prpmotod
rtltotlfilw, then, brio, no -bod tol* hod. ond »W th. I- of . homon I*,
the mercury below tbe freezing point, reedy and MtsmosaarsnaiTtsTea wist.— TbeMem-
renew the contest next morning; bot phi* anneal conference of Die Methodist Cpiaco
we fbooJatdsylight tbe enemy bad retreated -du* p*] Chorch. a conference haviug muchnew tern,
ring tha night, leaving hia killed and many of his tory UO( Jer ate jurisdiction, reported at Ha bis «ee>
wounded Cor os toboty sod lake rare of—carrying ,^ | thousand six hundred mid
off everything else, and taking up a ppritioq at dollars collected for missionary operations, in cash
Ihiaptace. with about two thoaaawd dollars additional doe on
“The road to the dty of-Mexico from her* it notes sod pledges,
now open, and we only want a thousand of good
regabra, in addition to the volunteer*,to etjabjettf
,to fetch that place. What effect our late little
will bsve on Bants Anna and the Mexican Con
gress, time must determine; but f siocerely hope
1 it will.fesd lo peace. One thing is certain; their
-priocrpal anny have become demolished, and it
’ will be very difficult for thereto raise and equip
■ another.”
Woo wasTa to rcaaa aosar, smd sssts-s j |
aoon rustic tutcsmt.— lftbere be euch a per* i
son in tbia city or neighborhood, and we presume ' ,
there are many, we would direct bla attention to 1 i
the erection of Floating BaihJ.aorae where on the
banka of tha Allegheny, aomalbing after the faab- j
ion ofthe floating hatha, at the Battery, near Caa- <
tie Gardeo, New; V/>rk.and such a*.are commoo ;
to moat, if not all, the commercial cilia* of the ;
Coion.' A bathing tub, however luxurious, iano
substitute it the watera of old ocean, nor even the (
waters of one of our noble river*. A apaeioua ba* ■ erected here would pay for itself In s I
•eason/end prove .a moat profitable ioveatment if '
money, for whoever will engage in the enterprise- 1
To the public it will do real service, by aiding j
ItrgelyUo cleaolinea*, which ia the grrsteat praser- j
of health. Hslf the pbyaicai ills which ‘-Arab ;
ia heir to,” would vanivh before the purification*
o‘ pure water. The rheumatic and goat wil*
find, in the ore of the bath, that freedom to their
limbs which will make them hap, where before
they did bat belt. He*d*chf*, ind sometime*
heartaches, 100, would vanish uoder.tha inspiring
influence* of s shower bath. Mind bod body alike |
•hare in the enlivening influence# impure yyater.
Wo shall bail him as a benefactor,.and s'vwiae
mao for himself, too, who will vesture upoqaucb
a speculation as this. It tWfoji
etty -with so many jflftf
summer, for revelling In cold water, that thousands
would become patrons of a good bathing establish
ment. We, therefore, esrawtij aak attention to
theaubject, cmfident that e*cry. professional phy
aidan, and every man, who l« wise enough lo be
hieown physician, will concur in all that w*have
•aid, or can say, in l>ebalf of on object ao essential
to the pabUehealth. 1 •
HreriTfL sits.— Wc learn that thecommiUee
of managers for the selection of aaile for th# Hoe*
pital, are examining the varioua local tons oflerad
for .thd Hospital, and have, upon consultation,
deemedh bast Intake .farther corping
toadecUioh. Tnia'lewall. It la (ooper that there
should bathe moat suture deliberation btibre do».
ing that which 1 cannot ba endooe. The commit,
tee netyerterday, and wilt be in session again. In
(tecoana.cfnfewdsyi. We are glad toswao
goadt ebat the sita will soon b« agreed
upon and tbs building under way.
Fausutsir. —Do not believe because a man I
smiles upon and seek# your society,, that be la
youi friend. Smite* tod proffesnonsjalas ! are so I
abundant as to be of no value. Be only is your
friend whose heart is in his words, and whose
actions illustrates then), through all his life,
who stands, by yon through all the viaaw
hid— of fortuoe, -in sunshine and shade.'' When |
you find such a being, make him your second
self, ding to him as to your very life, for the jew
els of the earth are scarce, and, therefore,pre
cious, for the Band of life glitters in the ndiance
of a high enjoyment; and even the golden bowl
t* broken at the fountain.
WoHis’a roaeivasisa.—Mr. Qjaackenbuah ]
who ran off from Berlin, N* Y., a: abort time 1
t.fciny with him a young girl ahd abtg fid- j
die, and who was subsequently aneated in Bos-1
ton, baa been eentencsd far the offence to four
months imprisonment in the House of Correction. I
A touching letter from his wife wee read in mitt-1
gallon of hia punishment, for he is an an elderly I
man with a fin# family. The following t> the
concluding paragraph:— I
You ask my forgiveness. I do forgive yen
from my very heart, and the children do too. — 1
When they think of yoor going to Bute priseo.
it almost breaks their hearts. I am not able to
come and see you, but I will try and have your
brother come if be will. May the ford be with
you, and if we never meet again In this world,
may we meet where parting shall be jno more.—
This b the prayer of your fbrsakan and broken
hearted wife.
Se**i Items.
Ma. Bawctferr, oar minuter in England, haa
recently bean elected a member of the London So
ciety of motion of f«oevl Morpeth.
Mr. Bancroft is believed to be the first American
on whom this honor has been conferred.
FsTata Mstirw is coming to this eoontry.
doring the summer. He ax prats blmsslfin Ut
ters receivad here, foil of admiration of tha recent
efforts of our countrymen and countrywomen for
the relief of Ireland.
1 It is a singular coincidence, that the earn* die*
ease which has attacked tha potatoes in ether couth
tries, has attacked the cocoa in Jamaica.
On the Slit of March was publishedln Mets
- the capitulation of Vera Crux. President Bar>.
t« Anna irtuej an address to hie countrymen, ip
which, among other things, he aaja:
“Mexicans, Vera Crux it in the power of the
anemy. It bat fallen, not before the valor ef the
1 Americans, or the influence of their good fortune.
’ We, ourselves, to our shame be it avid, have
I hrougbt ibis fatal disgrace upon our armeby our
; interminable distentions.; *••••!
am revolved to go and meet the toenqr. • • •
• Chance may decree that the proud American
host shall take the capital of the Axtte empire; I
•hall not behold that disaster; I shall flits
lay down my life In the struggle. * ' \
• Yet the nstioo shall not perish; I swear that
Mexico shall tiinmph if my wishes are seconded
Hy a sincere and unanimous effort. A thousand
time# fortonata for us will prove the disaster of
Vera Crux, if the fall of (hat city aball awaken In
the breasts ofthe Mexicans the enthusiasm, 1 the
i dignity and generous ardor of a true
| It will undoubtedly prove the salvation nf the
I country. , .
Between tha 37th and 30th of March, two
Brigades of Infantry marched from Mexico to tha
National Bridge, and there would ba 3000 men,
including those under the command of La Vega.
Santa Anna gave notice that he would set out
with 2000 more on the instant, to direct, as ba
says, the military operations in the Bute pf Vera
Cruz, resolved to dispute the ground inch by inch,
and dia before he will content to a peace. EmoO*
menl of troops is going on at various points.
The army of the North has returned to San
Louis Polosi.
Tha Secretary of tha Treasury's New Tariff of
duties for Mexico operates very unfavorably for
the shippers of domestic goods. Prior to tbs or*
der, large shipments of domestic* were mads to
Matamoru and Tampico, and even to Vera Cruz;
bot the same duty baiQf laid ou Aaericaasa on
British goods, our merchants are uowßDsg to eo*
terinto the competition, and havs how withdrawn
their shipment*. Ai bug u domestic! am pro*
by a tha manufacturers are as*
core; but at present they are cautious' in making
their export* to Mexico—at Matt, until ihay base
■ more experience and knowledge ae to result*.—
,Y. Y. Ejprttt.
f * I*l i.|u«Tiscomcs, i<- _
IjtadSlh Ho^Ae^M* or »«<*;*“»»• kv
•V- . . . «£-' / , : i_ ,•. -L. I '«?-'> t*rc liow prepared to eiceuie in a wperior
;M th*!lu*b«^ ; orf«i ; ljs , iw«. H' _ , , .., «*
•Hh%tb« p«xfena»nc**of i ion» of JKU .u'efca* Untr Pu«terr.!»!rimhoarßill». U;ii«ofT.»dmf. i e Bnltdln| Loti “
&■« iprcfrMdotial tiofen. Th« cfcnruse* were , Lener St-rei Oireu:ar*ril* Card* Ar. Sr ON S*'orda> afteruomj,Mwr l«..a^o’^«^j^»^^-
. . •. _. ~ . # : —. ,j • - «OOK awo rawrittirr HUTCTI«« * - «ld ott »k«* prtmitr*, 3C vatoawe fcolWiaf WJ*, rery
(MWVtol sad'Wltfaoat f* ♦*<** 1 * , ny e,real-d ,« ,he ben mam*.. and an!
, , , , „ •>«- ’ ‘ i ■ Aec-oue.aud street! adjacent tnereto», «cu*i»cin*
SoiD* cf the wmue voices ramuideU QS occenon* , kind*fll Pr.minff done'Sierurae-v and at tbr lowest . „e».ra!.l« situation* .'or private residence Of btouJm
•Href three who bnte won diatiAciion in the} ™:t«. __ 1 tmrpwes a p’anof'wfaichoir be
■“J HW !. I -. '.*>iD..or on application to Mr. James B Irwin-.,..
Opera. The inatromectol ouac oil eqatilj tU i ~. DIED, -r Trrmti one fifth e*«h,or approred'endorjied icn u ;
fed..., U d. w-I pf““ •“” 1 ! *£%2?'4t?u&£s £'££*!!%££*’
d'l J^s^^jssssxtsssi
” , J_ .nn FMyM l.bnty I .oro-i of Wood >n J F.flh «c. ■ r «pCT
A r imsas xa weighing poond* came op
on the Mt. Versoo yesterday. The Captain said
ho corned hie own trunk ashore* inqoiry being
excited by the remark, the Captain explained that
bia pawenger wu to Elephant op it* way to
Philadelphia, to supply the place of one of those
lost recently from Kjyroond and Waring’a Me*
Wobt* am Mtnrr.—Dr. Vakniiae, a true
disripk of old Momus, will give an lenteitunmeot
this and ihe two succeeding evenings, at Philo
Hal). Dr. V. will present life in all it* phases,
and wreathe the moat crabbed phiz lo smiles. We
commend to all who would latlgb and be fat,
or who would laugh whether they would be fat or
not. ,
SitaiTa question of the pro
priety of funeral services on the Babbebi was dis-
last avening, at Dr. Herron's Church.—
Then was but a thin attendance,|not more than
fifty personal Resolutions were adapted censn*
i ring public funerals .on ths Sabbath, and orgiug
I opon the Christian community a more religious
observance of the day.
Patbiotjsb or Mr. Cut.—A gentleman of
ibis city has received a letter from Mr. Clay,
which concludes with the following nobis allusion
lo his recent affliction:—N. Y. Expreu.
••My life has been full of domestic afflictions,
but this last is on*'of the severest among them.—
I I derive some consolation from blowing that hi
I died where be would have chosen, and where, i
i Imoit lose him* I should have preferred, on thi
battle field* in the eervice of bis country."
Correspondence 'of Ptttslmrah aaaette.
The Telegraph wires broke last evening seven
mike beyond Carlisle, but lbs break was repaired
by nine o'clock. Tho operator |in Philadelphia,
it appears, waited io lijl near that time,
when cincluding there would no communiea*;
lion till Doming, at kail, left the office for tbo
j night. Consequently we received no despatches.
I Fortunately a despatch hadfeome jm from Pbiladeb
phi* tiler ’Change hours, with the eastern mar
ket!, which we append.
Exclusive Correspondence oTtbe olien
- me rui*--
April 2r, 2J P. M
The Flour market reoub in the come urnel*
tied condition u for three deye put. Holden
contending for former price*, jbot on ’Change
there were few or no bofere even at $6,75-
[From a prieate: telegraph deapateh we learn
that an offer of 1200 bbla prime Flour, at a low
figare, wae refoaed tinleaa it coaid be shipped irn
, mediately. That cannot be done, and it wa* de-
I <dmed-]
I For Prorieiona continued inquiry, but no acu*e
movement yet. ■
I - Grain—'Market doll aod eelf* limited, but no
I poeitive change in pricaa.
Exclusive Correrpowtence o( tie pituburgii Garti
April 37th, 3$ P. Id.
Floor- remain* here a* yesterday. Stock* ve
ry light. Some Mice Genenee on the apol at
$7,75*7,57J. The market ha* become dull.
The market for Niririilni U quite active,
and coodderable aslr# are making at the price*
current yesterday..
The Sarah S*nJ* ba« noj boon TelegrjpheJ
yet. She will bring two day* later.uew*. which i
will probably obow the torn the EaglUh mar
keta arc taking. I
, Jfothlag of impose iJ loc.l -*.»• _
' \ /\ ia Rattetn Ready-made would tc>p>*pi-
Erciinive Cnnopandence cflhe Piittburgh Gazi-ite f-1 | { of •.olieitinv ihe attention of meir
BALTIMORE MARKET. »-.«««• ■».J *» '
April 2?th, * l>. M. ’"■» i
No change baa taken place in thU inaikrt for r*iai»k*i,iijeiti.»«me «•* v »tur i»"ot:r«of f<urrua«ir.y
Floor—it is <oisl, sod modems .sirs sis rnikioj rioib- |
of Howard el. and City Mill* at $6,75 per bbl. in? B| lr .„ thrv ctntV* obt*.n<-d eUcwhere ;
No tDOfement IQ Grmin. • Thr present «i«xlcon hand toriP-.iA 1.1 I»art ofilteiol-
Tbr ProrWoo mukr. ss-ft «i.h- r,.™ 5.0.0 *.»■
out change in price* or demand. Fork moveaoil iao do doFft-nch <lo »» • .w
■lowlyat $l6 Ibrnew Men, and $13, 5u for Prime. ttmown and mmobio sreen .1.. 1? “ - 5 .
Lud-M. IMU*. WsstofaNo. I«I»«.««I ■ 5
bbia st 9Jc. Battar eontumev very scarce ami , Mtf) veWl ,i„ no do .do •
wanted. Sale* of B*Qin fair al 7J*7< far HbooU l«* town Lu*«p‘*.u ami .•«* «
dettt, 9c for Side* tad ftalOc fJr Hama. Stock of C anO*'«ulw°*hVr' aU o( \
Balk Pork light. Which h*v*- been rercmlv i»*fi l»a»e«l and adapt'd to the I
urerem »ea*on Mfchapt- mid other- '*ho are m
wantot t pannot do better titan t»s ve ti «
- The relams continue undecided from the doubt
fa! district*. It Is not certain whether Witt*
(Whig) or Atkinsoo, (Loco Koeo) is elected from
ih* first District. .
An extra from the office of the Washington
Whig «sy* Bolling'* majority over Drorogoole in
the second District is siity*fire ! T!
The Richmond Whig compiles returns from
toms precincts in several of the counties in the
fouith District, sod remarks—^
Tbs chances, from the foregoing returns, are
fair tor Imng's election —though the contest will
be dose, end the resultis doubtful.
The Richmond Timer of Saturday says— ,
Mr. Irvin hiT.afioe suit in the Buckingham
District, and we have strong hopes of his elec*
In the fifth District, the Richmond Repubiicjso
If Nclaob give* Goggin 139 majority, and
Bedford 3X5. far below tho re>l majorities, it
will elect him, even £f Green should give Leake
*3O sod Amberat 30.
The Alexandria Gazette of Monday, remark*:
Th* intelligence Ibe interior fo>neoar
tging. There'i* scarcely a doubt that we have
elected Goggin in the Albemarle District.
The Whig* have, gained tour member* of the
Legislature, and lost one. Loco Foco majority
an Joint Ballot last year 30. ;.
The Richmond Time* holds out encOorage
m«nt of the election of Watu, Bolting, Goggin
•nd Irving with a prospect of Mr. Newton. This
wuutd give ua seven -member#, which ia two
more have expected, The Tiinr* re*
Bo far all i* well. We are not yet “out of the
Wood*," it ia Uun bat we think we may safely
Mj'that whit will be sufficiently disagreeable
to oar political edtereariee.
; The only bad new* we have ia of the cer
taeledioa of Gen. Btyley, produced, bow
cry we understand, I 7 agitation of a religroui
dilute in Accooac county.
BOOTS 5,00.
- so, os rovaTii iturbt,
TIIK •uhw-riberreapeeimlljr in Conn* ch«% public thai
heb** commenced tun manufacture of
y&Xionakit Bo ait. of p»d material and wstkman«h>p
whicb hr will warrant •uprrrar to any Boot ever rnmle
io Pittubunrh for tbr price. There ban<J*u<nr Hoot
will be measure, and warrant tbnn a* rrpre
•enled, low price of FIVE DOLLARS
CASH. ’Onilemen are rrriueeled to call and exam
nr sr«. : i*W W B ERBKINK.
try A word ef Advlea*— Leiindividanl* roller.
Ittffrora the File*. have immediate rcaourrn lo Dr.
llpham’a Veyetable Kfoetnary. From the uniform roc
cet* attending ibm medicine. even in the moet ob«i
-u may be regarded an a certain remedy
iry t*old. Wboltaaie and Rr-iail, by WYATI* A
JCKTCHAM, I*l Fulton »trt«l. New York; Wjt.Tnon.v.
Mufti wrret, and P. R.Sawtsj. SumhGieM *iren,
Piroiburgb, Pa. Price •! per box. ap'Xllv
(gjklaUrr'a Glbm>| Ptnuta.-'
Tteioioai—Wo beg leave to call public attention to
the following, from Dr. Wm Doan, of Witbam»ttlle,
Clement Co , end one of Ute very Cut practitioners in
ibe coonly in wbieh be reaidea, and late Senator in'liie
State Irfgialatnie. it ia cheering tbu« to «ee the lead
ing men of the ptffaa«ion<bor*Ung the bond* of pmt'ee
•conal prejodine, and giving merit it* due:
“flir: I hive in my practice been using some of jour
OinuoK panacea, and, ae far, am welt pleo*<*l in fu
eilrcu in Catarrhal and Bronchial Complaint*. Please
•ead toe half a doretf bottles—putibema* low a« you
ran; I expeel if It continue* to reader u general *ai
itfaction as u has heretofore, to keep it constantly on
hand. Respectfully, apt? Wa. Doss, ». i>
Q7*laaporta«t to adver
tisements which appear in the Daily Wonting Gasetie
also appear in the Tn- Weekly, Ihns receiving the ben*
egt Of the circulation of alt, witbqut any additional
charge. This Istnidvaatagetooara'lvenirets, wiihaiu
any extra expense. Advertisement* are el»o inserted
inthe epantry paper upon reasonable term*.-
nrTf Dm ▼•«*»
•A AlUßbomy.-fcv J. N. MaPPITP will
nreach a Bcitaon to the Young Mu of the two eiilev,
Uua. Wednesday evening, aiaalf past seven o’clock,
et th» Booth Common Mla> Chorali, Allegheny.
Young melt, and the public generally, ere Invited to
attend Beets free. apW
rtUEDI.ET'S BIUCKPRBBS-A1 ibc tea- ; \ »lo»bU BMki U Aafetfoa.
o *>n hn* now commenced for makin* Brick* Hi*- " ON W«dne<day an.* Thursday ©Tenio**, April a*
JuabtcnbcM Ur* leave affam ;n call the attention 01 and 13 included wdl he found: oaaoUcit Itomf; CfcM
brickmukrn and other* >0 tb« verv u«eiiil roarhine.— ■ O’Malley; lUrrr l*ove<ioer, Dicker**' oorela k tale*,
\\> will warrant it equal .f u»t aoperior Jo any other • Uulvrer*’ do do; Scott*'Life of Napoleoojgema from the
Brick t’rcM, of the lanr pure- now in tue 1 Opera*; muieal melange; amarorea' moaical library?
We have a number of ern.Drate* of the.r perform- Whitehead'* tile of We*ley; American,Naral Bjogra
ance. which occouv iou much »pare fur ailemiaint, but : phy; Rollm * nrteicni history, * ro)a; worka of Fl*?
can be »een atour office ' ria»Jo«ephu« ht«onal cabinet; Ufr of Chntl Ud A-
Unt-kmaker* arr trmcirullr ropvs u. »r*ll poit'c. b.-uwf rf cbri.libn nrajoriht
X, Will j..- »> ,w,.iV. to, ibc pi-ribim.ncr .lei,-,- ot ihc Dxtaralijii« Indcpcal.mic; pietorl.l
ufihcHi’- Si>ic m eounly r«h» Ibf ulr * m.puioo.iltd.cb s»rUirfido«~r t»Uw*ml«m4
JOHN McFADEN aCO • mu*‘cal ulio. I»oo«l®ir annoal, |?4«; the foamaln, edited
■ pin d&w-lmF e ;„ilb„i.'*'p«»».. I by Atlhur. IflTl ,br ukni, • lift br ail acaMHimtd
H - - : 0 f h V Chandler; thoughts oa habit, and discipline;
W\V. WILSON, Wa'cli Maker A Jeweller. „ P , cn i.Ce elf*book; tex’ii and the teiun*; lire* ofrob>
. corner 4t)i nnd Market »i'. A Urge and welj . i >ai Hite«*r* and banditti, Family and pocket bible*.
telected Mock of watrbe*. Jewelry. Sitvec ware ami \\ ib many o«her«too numeroet to mention l|
Military Goo*!*. Alway« on handnnd at regular ear- ; lb'e hooka arc inanted for examination donnglhe
tern price*. Gold Patent t-ever, fail Jewelled tvairhe>,; ,|av.( Sale toeomtnenee at I »lf p**t" veloek. apS?
a* low. a* S4w. Aileer do watches, a* loyr a* SIS
(jenmnr Cooper, fobia*. Johnson apd other approved
I make of wntcheSt may be ha'd at a *ina!l advam-e and
| warranted.
wairh wori* dnric m ilie very mannor.
F'CJR TH RKK night* only L*«t .appearance of Hr l II Cberrr Bttieru, for the ear* of the followinf
Valentine .n Pittsburgh, prov.ous 10 In* departure t . j aan d,ee. Liver Complaint. all B'lliotuCom
for Europe. Philo Hall. Wedne-duy. Thu'*rtay, and ! nl , inlll ,*, c k Hradecbe, Heart Horn, Indigestion, habit-
F.dday evenings Apn! Sab. s«hh and 30ih. 1 Oostivrnc**, Pile*, Palpitation* or Ibe Heart, Low
f'r. Valentine. Delineator ui Kiremricuica r.-»pert. ; 0 r Appetite,Dyapepsia.Nervoßslrritation*,Debilitated
fultyßimounreNthat be will introduce h>» llumeioui j Stomach. Languor.
Emenaimupir,*, consisting of queer, quaint, q j.-icnl. a ujtt,i ra . Cutaneous Disease*. Canker, Syphiloid Diaea*
comical characters, embracing fun, farce, t'cak frolic, . e , scrofula Eropuritira of the Blood, Pimplea ana ;
faliy aiul fobble*. illustrated by living portrait* »l rHc- j j, uMalei on the Face. Hereditary Humor*, Coldßoter,
b rated known and unknown perron. interspersed with , aniJ ati »<*a>es anting from ait injudicioua use offset*
musical aketebe*, country court*, old tnaid«, comic lee- - pu ,y '
unci stage travel*, 'learned ignorant women, . rum- Tbe attention of ibe invalid public, and of aU tnow
boat |np«, lsland music, country school*, A r utßiclcd by any of tbe above disease*, « leapecualljr
Tickets, ■ dmiumg'o Lady and (ientlemen 50 t-ents. ca|letl w tbe menw c f a new and ißvaluable prepara-
Single ticket* 50 cents: Children under I'd year, ui age uon f,om an original reeipeofadiitinguithedphytigiaß,
half priee. I combining in itself the most active remedial.prepMUei
Doors ei>eoed at 7; Entertainments to commence at i f , w 0 Q f |j, e vrry g m articles ta Ibe Materi* Medie*.
So'elaek, ajrtsnt_ j xi, e Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitter* were bi*
; - •- - , ' v«v » vTPn-i a I troduced to the public about twelve months ago,, and
T)OAIlD IN THE i<»t NTM ''ANrLD A j j period their success ha* beett-so great as to
I J gentleman With bi* wife, child and nurse, wi. bra iho proprietor ta offer them with dhUJßOte.eoaS
lean! in the country, some two or throe ro.les ifom trie ,m- j u ibe iull belief that by entering into mow et
city, for tbe summer mouths, rommeucing with Jtine. | w lhcy wUI pfoTe m Mewing 10 all those
Also, for a snier and three children in the amr unit , CL .Q* erme from the diseases above enumerated. > -
ly Plain arc and n home, are all .hat is r«« lu.rcd f br . 7*gSi"? whJleonle and retail, by WYATT A KETCH
whicb prompt pay and a rr»-on»!>!e compensation will M eT# | #fcnl ,, m Fulton street, New York; W*.
be allowed, Address -LareUf office, stating place , Mark *, meelt and P- R- Bawt**, Southfield
andusrm*. . street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price *l—large bode*. _ ;
' mch««m wp .
PJSSSSSSSs;: ..,i,aEMT?A.i'ggggwxM
SLuum ■ FOR mhi
K Wallace The above reward will be given if i«- 1 PHILADELPHIA. ABD BALTIMOHJE.
turned . nci ad order atnycfficc, No 3U Liberty street. . [KxtlutMf for Patttßgtrt ) f • /
WW " ALLA*, t rplIK Canal and Railroad being now in uetltelU
|J)i»p»icb and Jo; > i»l_eopy 3ti J_ ,he racket* of ibis Line will leave wi(k pa*
>■ / d<> Oh**,Craig.Tuesday, April *7. *
a do Indiana, Befkejr. Wednesday, April *9.
W d<, l,ouiri»cm, Capt. Tnompron. IWmUy, Apt-2».
- ,1,, Kenrurky. Capl.TiuHv. Friday, April9o.
,|i. Ohio, Cr» e. Saturday,-May t.
_ dn In.lra.m-Heik.-v, Monday, May 2.
t do la»uiimna.Caj.t ThompMm. Monday, May 3
M j„ Kenturk y. Cap'. Traby, Tuesday, May 4.
X .1,, 0r,;,, Capi Cn.a Wednesday. Mays.
S . I urimna.- Capt. Berkey. Thursday. May «-
‘ f- •ii'iTb'HUp'Oiu tniijy.May 7.
.to Kentucky, Cupt Tiuby. SMtatdav, Mar*
m ,io «l)li>o. Capt Craig-, surduy. May 9.
if vo • *i-*ir-'cheap irav.-l.iox and conifortaWe arcofla-
,"w«. -cure your ticket* at alie Packet Office,
: Mono-icnhela l!ou<*. Water street, or of
W | I «J*t D LEECIIA CO, Canal Baaln
Ti.e new lowprrssore steamboat
[J£att«£ C.p. F-B W.rf, will lo*r« Bu&l.
LTuesJay Evening. May 4th, andClere*
Wednesday; May Oih, al 4 f. T.,
nnd per.f»irThur*d*y. May Oth, at ‘2 f- for theabove
i o Ttle W \jtU> .« j - ton* buriheu t entirely new;of
IMt drought. and ha* * powerful Engine, carnet two of
tiai.ri*' l.ifr Boats, and U not wpM»ed for apeed or
imodairona by any Boat of her Hie on the Lake*.
F„, frvr.lil or
J MYEIU A Co. Buffalo
J KELLOGG. Eria • . ~ ■
WTM ATH ER, PrUib’rgb
Cor Water and SmiihSeldnreeU '
or Smth VVAarcf.v Philadelphia.
IMPORTER **i •'n.ncV'
P.tbenft. «'»rui|> m> (.u.u.hl mili, y*o*
n °\]JrAjr" , -o''vi-.'.»nl«- I’nirui 1-hrfwn.
Slavic '*
r I'KAH-4" I.H rhe-t Y H
2 |l- do Gunpowder.
Id do Imperial, j
i:, do I’owkeong.
iO 6 11. bi» Imperial util Ounpow<W- -
11 ilo YII tea last re.tei*«rrt »:»«
"la _«rw.ttr.l..iJ.l.-r.v.'l«v
O- 4 "iirln* <!•'
I do dry A|ip>*.
I du do Pencht**,
| 1,1,U No 1 Uni, now Umlinp ftoi
fo,.ali>,y I n'CK« » «>.
_, p « Ire" 11 7* " J!-
11,‘INDOOR SOAP—* c-*** ollS Kn* l '** l w, “ 4 * or
j w . jl o,,sm*kbi«».<-o ;
SPOJiOK— Selected—' cry fine,
1 ca»< common.
>p 1 poal **‘j A K V-K ACO
L No 54 wood lUfri
Linked oil—sii bi»i* i.wwrf in. jo«<
_. P » 'itwji-
./(fir- c °“" 'Tmtxs!'
(Chronirle k. Journal cop/)
LARD Nol l.ault'.l;
:,l,lf do. du. f«d PCI
Ejiglajnl, and for tale b/ i *j? V:j‘hir*t
1 j NSKKD Ollf—oliM* U«v» - 0-1, m mre and lor
JL *le_bv an*i , _ -
in ll> rJiimtcMol MiiUnnt. for
TrFNls*<>N HAMS. *«• • 1 ! ' x Wn,,w “ ,Um ‘
V I I r« k >*acc>n sidra. m«J •»•• «
and .or.nrl,/ I‘RIK.NU, KHK', iu» .
•p*V • :w *'' ,,( ' 1
r' n ,,| «• _ 4 i I'lmnn.ilr rtr. vrf. ju-t i«-< «■«veil and . \,fOUK HKW OOODS-At W R Morphy’*
I rr.«i..ii\ 11 A FAHNKsrotTK A 1:0 iVI OrytJood* House, north eon corner of 4th and
"w ’ out Ut 4 w«k) ih _l Market >»ofU. Rrc.'iycil ymerday, an as«onn<inlor
_2'*_ • : i Linen T-<t>le Pi-jutr* ;frctn MuiH, including hoae
10HL Jams:ra r»m»ff fUi-ol.iu*! fcrritei! ««'l lor I Trr y anperinr Ilaiaa'k .\W,lHeaebfd«ari*BbJ<. eb
•ale hy • »p4b M A A r ,j f.i nc „ riol'a* '-•■•17 low for quality. AW, Al* :
”, ' "f ~ 1 ... .«t, i.r • iiv«MnJ Alpaca a full AMortmeut.from com
6 BA . < 3?-°'”‘" "“’’“"ll APUINF.-JrOi-KilJi f™ “ ve, V ineliulllij >omo ofr,,? Crt
*P- r . - • • l.tinre». apTJ
PIC IRO.N-IW! lon. l>i« nnJ.fui.t l*la-t Merr.-t .h» ; V i thTtß ‘QIMIDTPUU
J’i* Iron, in atore and (»w •ujebv T» Murphy Invite*lhe intention oftbe ladle* to bia
*p»* WILLIAM”* A DU.U ORTH, woxl »l. ; v -erv full a».ortroent of while rood* for dreaWntoMi*-
. „ r Ihi«,i*v unit fortAlr 1 **wi»* ■"d *«Mth Moll*. Nanwok tad Jaeko • <•" • . •? ..... I ..1 w3 „. f ~ : nei tnu imv barred Jaekonet, wpcr Satia lATfed and
i. A . , atripvd, aatlfiaiMtdo, 4c Ac. . -
BACOSf —4 bbln Haiti*: . A« tlteae good* are jwnehnvsd immediately ihe
I do !*bnuMer>», landing from Lai'* Hue ; manufacturer*’ naenn or impoilcra, they can b« anld
*ir««le !•> up!H It \L’/f.t •* jat the lowe»t r ricc«. a - op9l
BUUK PORK—<II«‘ it** Unit I’wfk. now .muiimg TOIIN P. PBRPVi late of the firm of Malcolm
anil for *ate l>y ISAIAH DIOKI'.V A CXI ;«J Jt Co, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and
fruitti vyrncr »«. , Flour McrrhaoC dcalec la alt kind* of CoanuT Pro*
. „ rt ~,... v nnnirK -n : dtter. r«jpe>, Tin, Tin Plate*.Tioner^-Tools, *•«»
KW AND J ALII AULK BOOKs-n;,',1. Bu,m £heet lroa, Iron and Nalls' Whim U*dr
11 iV Ur iVnfh^i I M?FDror 0 M Drr 00l OTTVInn, S--U, tr, «1
1 ; ° f L,hr " l ■?-Tf
Great Kyrnt* de.cnbed l»y historians i B ” T J n ee»,inCathofGoois, *«*«•■
chromeler. .mlother writer. Collected. ..,.1 >n par, V*.
rranslated, by Francu l*»cber. -•---- tv,,«rdlae and 1
The Juvenile speaker c«ropn».n ß clementirr-nilr. i W GREER, Wholesale
■nil rzeru*e> in Declamation, with a selection of ntr- i TV . Ccminisiioo and ******l w , ,-j
c«\ lor ptacttee. IJy Pranchi T. Ro**el, instroeior jn • ami Pittsburgh Manufactures- c°l’ ner .T .
Bnruliou at Princeton and Rutgers’ College*,&c. Smuhi.ld st». Pimbrirah, Pa- ,
Tb'tigi by their Right Names and other «loriei. la- • , '
Me« and moral piece* m prose ami verse;' .elected and I
arranged ifnmthe avnungs'of Mi. BarbauM. With it '
■ aeiebof hrr lifcji>y Mts.B. J. Hale,
PRCICUUI HU *. M«ir, .
The Juvenile Budget Opened*, being felrciiuns from
[he writing* of Dr.Jno Ai<u>. Dy Mr* Hale.
Direction* for i(]tvMOrai<iifl and Prolonging Life, or
the luvalid* oracle. tty Wm. Kitckinrr, Si. D. Ac-
No SO Piciprtal Koglaml.
Zumpt*’ Latin Grammar. abridged. For rate by
aps6 J L HEAD, 4th near
pOKTICAL. WOaiU-r<m» and Poetry oi
JT America;,. Gitie<tge
Poet* and Poetry of Europe; do d<>
do do of England; do do
do do 'of Aneirnt*; •- do do
Book of British Poeu: *>*. *j«
Howitl. Milman and Ream; Jo-do
Coleridge, Shelley and Krais 4° • ““ '
JlitlOoTVoung, Gray. Beattie,CoUin«; d*».
Crdbb Ifeberaod Pollock; 4° £
ssr&rsvu ; irt .r
.Milton** Poetical Work*; .
Ileman* do do _ ~ ...J 1 .,
Linden;Moorrt Barton: Bum*; llog*.tt o ?*’** ,
The above, with a lent* a««.nm e nt 6f bo<rk»
a v r*-sr-- V""'- w' * BN d iu»tf
£ market »«Uet- W ‘ u
& ~~ 1 . • & M -ss,
%|2lnttioii So|tjgji f| 11
Ifhn D. OtvU, rgg.
Dry G*ods<
is* Tiiurtdav morning, the S9th inn. si 10 o'clock,
w.ll t>-*otd a large nssortment of seasonable dry toods,
cinlirac.nx ihe entire nock of an extensive TeiaUry
good* More Al*K««|n*mUrof new roady wade elo
ihmc: umbrellas; pvuoli; sunshades; boots; slatei, «•
M a O'clock. P. M.
A nunniin ofiarpeime looking glasses: splewlui «»•
; U«l.impn*nanilrrlockr I very superior b day rloek
! a ml<**e.wh:rb eo*tS3o; transparent, window bhod*
! ciurnvinff*: Leather trunks; 1 bag cofae; 3 hlf chests Y
1 ll Tea.ii bid* rice:>uporior manufactured chewing ana
! minkine tobnrco; 3 gross patent paste blacking, eoal*
• Ilf voiwhire * hovel* A general assortment of new and
i «ceon.l buml household fanntore, among whieharema*
I hiwony dressing bureau*, mabogony chairs wilh velvet
•eiumnaho-ony bedsteads; fancy aadjeommoo Chaira;
I li.ghback rocking cbAits. work and wash stands; high
| lind low po.i |*d*tcads, feather bed*; m*ltr*»*es;f lass
j ware; (]ueen*\vare: tinware, and a variety
•! fotniroe. Ac
Ai 7| O'ClocV. P. M.
hiTf.* o» bonk*.**per •tfrcnifcwent ' tpB7.
i Dry Good*.
! IN the ciiv of AlleehCliy- onTuwday morning the27lh
inn, ill' o'clock, at (be store .of A ll Uogeon. Federal
• *b. u/i extensive assortment of choice, fancy and staple
ilrv good*. amnn; wh'cb arc bsreges; law*;balzariaes,
niu'lin*; einghsm*; super tick print* and calicoes,cash*
mere A «ilk shawl* A scurf*. tliibet snd barege do do;
; „,nvr«; hosiery: (sees French worked ehemi»eits;blaek
1 dress *n*l foalard *ilk*. ALoigood* tor gentlemen and
Ixiy* summer wore. Bonti'i silks; laws; ginghams,Ac.
formilhnci*. „ _ , , .
Sole will 1-e continued in the attemoOu at 3 o’cloea,
. ami from day to day ounl all ore sold, as MrHoge is
- declinin' ihe dry good* business.
KH,p --tunch bi'du low _ prepare ateamboat
PION, Cap*, it. Cowell. wilt leave Cleveland on
M,,..dat April dtih, and Detroit onTue*Jay, April47lh,
i't*r t.,e ."-null.
I'nr fr-t-lii or naviage apply oa U>a»o,OT to / .
___ ft fi PABKH. Clewlna,
BKAVKII, wahubx a clkvelahd
uxr. OP canal packet* and stages*.-
£g&SSt HIT. f’Tfiflrlft
Il’AVt: Beaver daity, ai 2 o'clock, T SI., after the
J jft. /B-ofthe,ei«aint'OJt UIiAVEK from Pittsburgh,
' k itl .arnve. ni Warren next morning in *eaaon for the
j <t;*gi>* wbteln reaih Cleveland lie fore night
-1 l’rt»«nirt* «vilt t>e receipted through, *eeoring berth*
t onilie Packet*, and real* in the Stage, on application
i„n board steamboat B*avrr [leaving Ptmbargh'at 9
• * ’or the aseul*:
U M lIARtON &. Co, Piuilmrgh
Cj.aRKE A Co, Beaver
JRSSE H.VLDtVlJf^Yoaogslewn
i aj ,js y B TAYLOR,'Warren
\ V t ns KK—t! qr cilTtreble grape Fori Wine;
■\\ :i do of the celebrated Roncoa brand;.
•5 do landon Pon, vury-oMf. '
to do different bund* and vintage*;
a otca»k»U»l>onwine;
i i Jo do dry- Malaga;
•2 hhd« aup Cfarel wine; ' '
H b»ki« sup crown brand Cham: Wide
i or c»fc» *up L W Madeira wine:
•2 do do Pale Sherryi' , 'j '
| 3 do Madeira vintage, IH6;
. |:t dodidcrentbrand* and vintage*: -
. i 2 do c*t» «weet Malaga'; - ci
5 do do Red Wine; ! _
Pan of the above win< » hjvnjurt arrived from under
Custom llou*e Lock*, in New-York; persouswahag
to purchaie, may rely on getting a pure artfcle, id
quaniitie* <o «uit. For sale.oy r C MARTIN
cor smtthfiald and front «u ,
iiuos Bvasivnue. 7
a«, 133 Wowdatrcef. PlUalnur|fet f >
QEVEN Door* above 3th. and 1 .door above• H,
OCbiliM A OoH Shoe Warehouse. Nowopening aad
for «fttv by RICH ABO T. LF.ECIUr. Importer and
dealer in Foreign and Domestic Saddlery Hardware A
Carnage Trimming*, of all description*, a vert Cheap
and well *eleeied stack of Good* in hit line, all fre*b.
of the newest *lrle», purrhasedifor cash, from the ben
•onreev. and will be diipoeed of wholesale and retail,
aiamiatl advanceontheco«t Purchawraareteepect*
fully invited to coll and tati*fy theaaaWea. ■'»
AUG—Saddler*' tool*, warranted. Deer and Cnrled
Hair; Whip*; Glass; Paper, Ac , always on hand, end
, ai cheap a* elaewhetc. - 3 *-
Qly Property for aalo.ln . Colwmbwa. O.
MTHK*nh«cribef offet* for »ale *everal tola in
a durable pan of the ciiy, on which are two
romfoilaMe brick dwelfingboo*e»,and hit xe*_
>en«ire Tanning Eataljllabmentt all in tooi rt
: pair.
j Having dctt-rmineJ. in coaacqaeoce of iuutmage, to
' diaconunue the limning buaine**, a fine opening Dow
i pre»em* n*elf to any one wishing toearry lion. '
ColuinUo* i* protably ih« beat oaat iu the Slate tor
■ proe.urtng a oiiiturm supply of hido*.
i One or both of the dwelling hou‘e; will be aold aepa
i rate from the rest of tb? propertfM&de'it*'** The an
deroigned wiU give any further infcjmatton relative to
! *atd property, tenus, Ac. onapplleatton tohim.-
lawn* w r I
200 do Roll Itnuer; - -
5 kr*» Lea f !-.»rd; ;
For hy
BUCK BfII T“^ * !*T^ D-A youni BU
arnuai.rted with Plantation; wark, can bra per
at pod ?*««•'
Nonhem ror gf?**
"\jKkUtf __ No 96w00d *1
CANARY lbalttflau Canary Seed.
jail received and Tor tale at-the Pittsburgh Keen
Store This to probably (Ue best article ever offered la
lhl , market H N WICKKRIMIAM
ap *3 cor tilth fc wood •
BiRDS-One Kngllsh Thrush, a fine aiagiruc bird.
will bo sold low. Eoqaire at the Phtsbarfb Seed
.tore. bpl3 1* N AVICICBBSaAM
LATER gTILLt—ISO yds extra ssperiatirß
Freneh Cloth*, of that scrr saaro remarkably
ap«dlw: . : ~ , i .CUtß.neaiwp*d.i<,
HORSR *n* parbp'Uf vlltegalffcr
immediate use, coimaatly on hand at the Menard
and flp‘c* Fsc lory,t? Fifth street
iss-ia rs '1
»3*- ’ q
£|s SAOOunUiaoa Ctotry;.
•X: Etetlapio dw _
1- SjODOLa Nnci da;
* OOP Rcnlia do;
t SjOBDn Aaijoa do;
ln£QOJnsso Putt Prirrippi arul_ rorc
_bo*i aamtUncocted Uaruui c: com.
Pbrniebj - PCMAITIv
apil cop miAfahl mad ftooi
IVI' 17 bit “fcottief**" Flap 3a. and #*4'
X? bn “HactV So;
-*■ - S*tea**J-f«V»SoT ' >■•*••.•.-■,*•••• - -
10 bza *BuaeD A ftablaon'a” So;
7bf bn "Webster**"!* i -• •
30 do . “A 1 Cab*ne*»’ T 'Cauyrc«» B*.;
an do r ßr»*eV» Boekcje fit**,” peasds
? do * i ßnmV , Ba;*®e«wh»«em andfiat
Mlfby a pox 1 A GORDON, wurrrt
ItMutd Plain Cap paper,'Wbhe tad Ulus; .
Do ~ do Letter do do da 1 1
Do do do do usoned color*. )
Faber Note Paper, Plata aad Eabgeaed; .
-Note, LendT and Legal Rmlooea;.
dip*, Sealing nu. Bed Tape, ac
For tale lowbjr FLLIOW k KNGLlfll •
t«to 3daad4ih «i» •
OlfliSSfiU-Wbipßi?Cofer, ’
0 00 bf cheat* Y It. Tea;
IQ do Imperial Tea;
30 do " ' HaocboafTea;
ntbbUN.O. Moltaoee; do;
3 eneooeS. F. ladin <aie bv
aplS JOHN OBIES. *« liberty at
100 bhda prime N. O. Swar; ,
I ÜbblaLoif - .
500 bill* Plantation Woiaroe*. Pdteb’gb BbN;
. SabbjaBcxar Hooae . do, beat qaalir
SticreeaFreah Ricr, received from
lean* and ibr tele br WA .4 UfTCHFJ/l
I *P ,S - NolSOl.ibcrt
'DUAXDT-3 H pipe* A 8 BraoJy, daftandpale;
ii> ito do Otsrd,uapryJ£Co,- do rinl**r» *iG
ido do Pioet CuuDan do do
4-do de of oiler breads;
6 e»k» npold Tennessee Poaeh Brandt; .>
For sale mutualities toi«itby p C JUAKTIN
apSS eor aarthfield and.fruni ti»
tjTßWHillfcli—4o lift* Cider Vine*ar;
O 10 bbUUId Uerrinr
t bbls Mania Molasses
. dObblssTET do;
. 90 bblt Planlatioo Moliuer,
30 tierces Biee, on •ouianmeir;
For sale br tgtO xy QUEER
RAlfUB* Me—M bxa Raiatas;
do bis Pare Eng. Mustard,
jOker* . dq do;
& bags.Prpper, for sals bl
ip! 3 . W OBBRR
oIMDBUfcB—4O JbUoad 10 bags Dry Apple*;
O 9 bias Flat reed; bag* Tuaotbr deed;
3 bolt Pork; - 3 eaaks-Pbtash; -
So bos Dry reaches; 3 bbta prisoe 801 l BaUer,
Jast received and fertile loarkyj
apgO BMOUSHfc BENNcIT, 37 wood n
APPLES' -II bbUGrten Apple*,
l>eu kind*; GOO lb* laperior Cleeir;
“ **m« ts<t-
• bbla |
3 hfbtU Apple Boner, mode of port
ed fruii.aioperioroniclcrio arrive; (or sole lv
aplO IsAIAII DICKER A Co, water ana trip! «i»
SUBDaiBS-s keg* Lard;
6 * do Bauer;
4 bbl* roll Boner?
t do pared Poacher;
t do Craoberryr: 1
10 do dried Appier: ree«
C B Boflalo, and (at rale by «■ TAtrEY i
_ tp&fl 3Swo>
vrooit BACKS IB 0»
Af\ WCHBorlap*, initible for-\Vanl Em
£ vJ Grain bagfiAf, plain; u 4 |wiUed« io gJ
ty, eaiutamly oo hand aadfar «aia by ihs hU
RICH4BP JiCTOHji faq^ontt-and
Deafer in Fofetn and Oaoiesue Badufcif Hard*
ware, and Carnage Trimming*, of all tteKriniioa*, No
12) Wood «trret,Pitubargk. ap3&
FIBS WHIrC LUl£— Jut reterred, aAw
bbliofTcrrflae WfaiteLbae from St Lonfactor
retailing in anyjnuatity ton'll cttsttcoera.
ISAAC HARRIS, Aremfc Com. Her. •
apMd3t • •" ' . ■ N»!Bhh»»e«t
'■'KAS-*3 cbeau Kxtra Fine Imperil;
1 3 . do^dadetioftpowdcr,
fl do do do Young Uyaon;
* ■ 9 do Cbalaa Poweboor: '
Fornlebj- art* . J D WILLIAMS A’CO l
FISH— lb Mb No 3 Hacked); -
■ do •
31-2 do do u do ' .
, j do do IHeniai.
FftTMlebr ipM ■ i 0 WILLIAMS4CO
vi*** ----- *
T7HU-*> libto Wo a Moelcererol/^
r Chlf bbltfio* do
. SO kiti do do
4 bbls Salmon, Tor nle by
■ps7__ eorwaxerti Acbertr «Il«y.
Yellow sweet i^ii
teed Sweet 'Potatoes jui received ia food eoadi*
i|on,aad for oaleattbe Pltuburghieed More, comet ol
wood ond Cth tu. opgO a N WICKERShAM'
TO LBT—A two itory Brick House, situated m
Oaktaad, Pitt Township.. For term*, apply to •
_apl< ; : ATWOOD. JONES A Co_
BOAKOUVG-A/cw genteel Boarder* can be ae
ewnepodatedby applying toon at N 0.3,.3, Robinson's
new Bow; Federal street Allegheny City, apatfit-
LIKSBBDOIL-m-00galU LiaveedOil. in *<tre
and for pale by. J JORDAN. A SON ■
ap gfl _j .; 18 liheoyetru-l •
100.000 isu h “a j .^ ri "'"” ra 7*
HOBAR FOB BALK—Young, strand aodVfi
tie. Apply to REYNOLDS £ BHEK
apSd cot penn t Irwin sta
At* bblslieaa Porkv
It do Prime do. For sale by
apgfi j JORDAN A SON
PIG MKT Air—loo ton* Hot Blau, for sale by
ap3< • FRIEND, BHEY A C 0.57 water «l
lra. 'Yor'aala hr
/'hILR 600 tall* winterbleacheS-oil;
Lf SO>- “ . whale - do - -
“ • . do >
ap37 ~ •
ORASOK* AND DEHORS*ts|BtDre anil for
sale low lo eloae out consignment, by
apO , ,Lfc 1D WICR. cor watfrA wood O
TIEACHES—9OO ha dried Peaches, lasi reretesd
apO. . ’ .-No IS water. fcPtwood su
SHOT— 4t kgs assorted No*, rewired per steanier
J J Crittenden* and {or sale by
apB7 • ■ : - HUTCHISON ACO
DOLL BCTTKR * LARO, in store and for
K sale by - u 11D WICK
IHOKKD Hfi&BIHF-LOObxsjust wM»n4
E for sale low by ap37 LAJ D WICK ,
PIG KAOS—49 tons, landing from steamer Lake
Erie, and for sale by . JAS DALZELL
apy? • • ■ ' 81 watar «t.
BUTTER-15 kegs Bolter, for safety
keg* Lard, ft
WOOL —I seek* Wool, for fblc by
Jrt BALES Deer Sfcia*. landlad from Mtcki«»n!lint,'
IU ~tnd for wle by JA» PaLZKLL .
. *7i do Applu.ia'iorctod
\ no wood Ml
fertile by
rhniOTHT ;
X iB 'iouind
For by, ■
W“ T ‘
1 br w’'
J i>ie by
UICOaiCB SOOT—3O 11m null itiekn.Jew
I rec’dand far aale by . ..J.KIDDACa
lOI«—10 bbl* jtttt reetived ud for Ml* bjc .
. J KIDDACo.fII waief M
SCORCHIHOB —Jon received and far nl< by
nUVflß*i bbli Fteih Soil Better farrale by
r>ipl9 WICK fa MrCAKDLRg
nOTAIH-Priaw Potarb IwreceiiTed and far »»la
ITby - »p!9 WICTtfcycCAWPLfSa
LBAP -500 pietGaletia Lead,r*eeived per steamer
CaabriaaaaurMleby - ,
apW ' ■ J. LEWtgmfTCIHSOXfcCo
fIBLOBIDK LIJDC-3 euh for »ilt by
Oaplb • . . t B SELLERS,SMroodU
FLAXSBKD Oll*—-lSbb)e ferrate by
apl> * E B:SELLERS,»7 wood u_
YBLLOV OCHRK-1,900 lb*. Mn Freiprb, fci
rate by " aplt R E EELLKBM? wood rt
LOGWOOD—« bbU far rale by
L/tplO - . -- E KflELLCTSpwead rt
T7I«OUR BCJLPRU&—da>Ii» forralety
JT apl» • ... B E SELLERS 67 wood »t
f'FSOH SALTS-dcart* Bthsaan, t far 1-7
aaplb ... K R>MJJtKa,syoodW •
GLDK- lObbUGlaefarraleby '
tj>lB B E SKLLEE«,*7’, Tub fSSJpnS'
W wfnicdby »plB 9A w
NO. MObAf SB*— JiSObbU ia (tore u4<br *ale
. fry . ■»«».- OEO MORGAN ft On :
S' PAKIBB ‘WmrUlClMOUiiaibrMlcby
080 MOBQAN k. Cb, IQS t>q».l m
iio cornawoo b**» Itndiw (m
Jaby - «pu - CEOMQRp
SCORCH SAXiTB—V lorn fcr ulc ft ■ . *
»pl3 w UREER,cot water and >AiUujgU>i*
FOT&IU— ]S cun Potaah tor ul< t>r \
apift. -- ftr OfIETK ~
3Si(c heats BUciTea, amrioefroiA Can.
lfcrttlcfcf >r t7 fr CHFiIE
QCOacmaaS-*bbU imuftV ibrMl* hv
g . »AJ*TA-19 euki oa conricnnra^fortata
hnA l * —*>*» TriTtßy frail Ciactanttri,Artak by
Oipir wqrkrk
SPTS. TtaflTClMW bbla jail w’J and
for by apl7. JD MORGAN
PITCH —l box Bufsody fuofe V ule by
ap!7 . t,-, . iiTj CLMOaCAN
IVL apt? . J D MORGAN. »19 wood w
oum ««. yjfogS&l.
wg;? 1 * 8 - 3 ’ l *- ssiaa &
T~tSnBKD OU*—4bh!»p«ft.fcr«kbjr \ ■
Li apt* - J D MOtGAW, Kj wood H ■:
VAKVlftllW hfbbl BUek Lratbrr Vtnuih for ■ '
Hk by apU JOHN D MOHOAN, ■ '
* -ml