The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 28, 1847, Image 1

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    *r ;■ ■ I > ' .cJsjfefk
THin'lTTSlil RCTOffll (nZETTB. .'
ursiXESci. CARDS.
Ai7kxjv.iuki; uouooKi
j Wa«i?» anti l«S
___ «, 1 1 - mgftlC,
A'l'WO‘»l>, JOKKM <fc 'C+n 'Cwiawatoo
l iif, Aii ii-l**ju»,Uivp.«tttfWd wwiTOlu
-.1. < VV*UT u»l l'#o.i» mirn* I'lH^bUfKh
hr rd k'>M»»l ••krsrjltjToaWOj.wAolega* •«»
~ ■ ••'• ocoaetaairaa.
Ijit Avi 4» IiRWW, W*We«l«- and B«wU
15 luwitK cviuerol uwiiy aiwl *• Cu “ *\ r^ ls
i fFnSBIii Wholf«l» »iid He
-41; M.uln M.3«ld&n/»* -
1» \ J.-AIINKHTOCIC A. Whoteale 4
B . iruii I>J_
AIIPSOS A c*o.,-Grocer*;
)» Pitftbnr«hM»paf.c-
iVaOALKV i SfeUTU, WhoSeaale. (inter* IS
1> and#»'V«ioJ Mteet,
UAOALtV 4t COn''Vbo»wUe Gid
f f,\*Urr -V>
Mia Q'.i. .Wu - n.iUiddphu.
CO., Forward;.* ami
O.fowc. -.uni U. uli»‘U, Canal
Ha_ • , ; . - "***".
( 1 OItUKDO LOOMIS, Attorney at Law, of
iy. tjr o;i 4in wee ‘ *le*i- Srmibtield. apl»ly
\\,n Coleman. Job'llF Jenmuya,-J«» W.Jlailiumn.
/ IOTiKaJA.V, lIAILM A3f k CO, Manufacturer*
of Caroajr Spiuis-aud Axlea, A U- and
anil* >u Cow* TrimnnUT* * w T fy
;^...«.. r «waftr4D.r oa Si. -CU.r H-
Wood it oM-inif .M Ch»rlr*H®tel jan.i
• ■■•'•' J. CaruUier*.
7*&BS“* i'JSKJSS'SiffaiSffiiS?
u» iw
Hf.-rl*. . i-l '■■—
. .r-,. ~,, i jf k BOWBfKft,‘WUol*aaleUro
( .S Fm,Mn. M.rdu.l.,
Vi. IN.ii.n-e »>d Pi«*burß*a uianofaeiurea.No
144 Litirm IMVUamh. * !
' ' "■ '“ -r " «. 1. KCKXtOUT.
, uttWH A MeKKIOIIT, ,(»uece**ora u> H.
0 , i u.} Wboleaale Grocen, Coinmuucn
kinl Kur'A »HIUIS Merchant*, ® ealew | ~ ? Lf!f?l“*vood
Manufcuinrea.SiXtb *«r«L bawcen VVood
anil Fa-' ==2.;'
~j \ VKAOKH, Importer mid waolerale and iemil
C . 'ran- ,« t aucV aud Staple Var.ely <"•£»•«**
lit? Market nreel, near Libeny^rm*-
Auritn. IN*. • -
lV 11. KKALICM. Dealer m Prodaefeand Fjmjly
1). fciatl <Wr. No <0 Liberty «, a*Xl door to «r
-~oe. o ( Mar-krl / 5.... -t,* iiJi **£_ IJpiZ
( <W«Voi» A BKWKLI/
jj Od.ce- on, Mnnhhvld, »>eiwMH 3d and «tk »«•
i mehtely ... - • ~.
. - roaa oaa&aKT.
»*urjUMr A. UKBBAItT,
v»*«Sms Piiubttrfb
i^.,t3 rt o?«/»-bw«y MdtUml .Wm Piuiborfh.P*
l*bl? 1
' ... ..... iiXB L'ltuuu. .
R'i,,].,, ! o». 1 WboWalr Groom,Commituoa aad
r^-^fs J# W pnrf “ ce and
. n- » *°°* •“«>■
«w<-n>.i • I J
» ,A<-ll AVV * M.KMIOUT.IW«I«
Fuuuii a-.m Oheiry Alley ana^G^nl
l| " 1 , . . - jtioe* Wood.
«(MfcV A cO„\Vkolt..l.Cro«.iv
r ii'.i.i..;... -tftorhafltf; »iul Ayenu Ibr Bnjjuon
« »w. »»r-*«2»
« V ili.liATK. I'.ui'u I'vpr' Manufacturer end deal-
K :S% mK>l IV- Wood
1 Ttr'i ~rrt f
ifc Co, “4 P"™*' 0 *
r Ww« »t, _
I'KAXCIS *kCgKRS, Gtt>wr, C^»’i“
cKhSh i'S. M*nnl« ton*.
beO-1- •• - ~"T
*-« ii'rA'pON. UMler in Glotea, IfomcTy, aad
• ’ ' ,’T
-7,J Ji«»ur7 !»»">«“ r * lJt *;
IMW barch -
(^ KO?\v ai SsiITn ± B re
(■j ila .1.-M.
*'lw« i l*eon.l»»d J‘iit*tfe«V- _ 1 . .
7 1 l OIUJK COCHRAN. c o fluni “’° n D^i«^*
G- jSSSs »"•■>>*«'. So. » W odreec.jP^-'lb.
* ‘Skowhb, i««££.i/SSwiR
H 1 w«"E£f»”H'w
Hapr.i aijdOr«i«l * «P«? '* we,w “. ’ ugo
nit#-!. Pittsburgh- • •
ih<* iu.wcsi pricf *• _ _ ■ 1 ■—
,V,” V B V BKOOICW&Y t Druggist*, No.a Com-
56 Water and »«? From «r«eu, Puuburfh — .
fnvCPn KSOI, Attorney *1 Law, PiUthaigb,
returned the prtieuee of In* P's*£*f‘J
if. .mV n» 7.n»«" «‘i , » “»“"sj •js.^SdS,
o.p.ed durtnfc hvs absence by T. i. Blg
Christie, _ 1.
I mis IK MOBOAH, Wholesale Dreggirt,
f* mk . W
,) (. Duviej Ship Chandlery 36 VN .*«?,««• .. .. ?V* ._.
« " "i M . u t Uu>H», *r.mer»’CinU, *ni
ir/*R*#» U*t!lM»M t* keu ,a . ,rmdß - t --—T
Sm>MfieW-U H»im.«>« , *«»?:
ki»..« aUjmnm* euuni>**, !—' r ~ZitZ
it, . ~— ; " r
Ji'ueaD'S Swrr, 4«b. near "Market «t
' H>*ioric*l r School, Wi»cet-
I ;&^S^s«SaJ§iS«^
wkMSi oltLKll* ?*>
' ; —pj 7-,i - Rielianl Floyi
j„»» J WJ D Vl> Jgp&i 1 G>] (Ml
A b”. CiS4SWl.*•**•■«*«*»»
S'.*t W‘“' l“ 10 .r
Wawr UVlkfMU*.,'' . v _^TT
- - • *• -Jako Skiptott..
NIIIPTOS, WbolettteJJrocer*,
!•. r<o4..«r« nil »*.u*l«urjli maaatacrare*,^^*.^
i:’3'A'aa4rt. l , iia!«rcb.. '' ' I —-,
iMbrt M’ihU. ~ * s' U. W» _, J>,< P - M2?j!
\rOU.M it, BrstimXD, One***
M .air*,*. Mr.<*»«*, No i»l Lite-ny * ,rert i /y’ 1 *
At AtW-n. i‘'-Ali»x- Nimirk. Wa. K-Ninjiak-
MAIiLKX k Co., Commjukott v»4Ferw*™&s
, Mcrt-hxa;:, Wai«-r and FromsULtatweeaWopa
. r v£UK'itPMT'Kßac-O^.VrboleUteCroeen
M j .
ItOLS* ' ۥ W. UCICTSO*. '
MiV.i.KH A RIOIOCTBOS, .Whoteaale
cen andOD™*l* l,s< ‘ ft^,<!rrti,M< - ?*» tTt) Libartjr
TLXcCOnfP* H3HP« CidiittaiUnw
M and Csp roanafactn/er*. and dealer* m. Fancy.
* ror,.r^rj>|(g«>d^ndF i fa».r,V -
, x'v j, SJiOANf WboleeaU Grocer*,
. . ;
ii * aoift No.»M*fk ; et«rdol,'*ece
i\ * ondtloot from corner of FotirUi, Dealer* in rar*
i-irn md Dwneme Bill* ofjicchMfe. Cenifi*W«».of
Deoosii, Bank ‘ \
f!*Urrt»oni -madt ar\ alLikt ptincif&l&lia tkrmti*
o Jnk - •»>•«* LI
i JUBPSVi WIWO* * CO- WWfwle Drif
M (XuPeikri, N*. fl. Wood .
A CatUnimi. “CiiCroat
P andCewcatwkmrnd Forwartiif
WmrerMtcct: - * ' ■V-iiSLI
lTTfnfiWfelSH, Aiwmejr ai_Law, Urani *t,
K.B.k<-«n. Buid*»r.a«*iir
CopiiHoq**,. ■ •-.-■■ ' i ■!_.-■ g-L? lOd y~
R"f. B p “ Hi
pitttbMjfc- - • , \ • .?;<> >
r r "-~ —— : T~ F „ 4mn>r AOKMY KOB PATESTS,
< \T. •- fci>a;»«o*. A U V-il .nftoi.l. J Waihiuefon, D. ('.
R BRUCE k. CO, Wholesale Commi* \vAIaLIXGFQKD. k CO** v imimtxu Fatei.iret at,J
•»» Mtacfa..., - toJ »- .TOlHiwinxT rwWASWXa .argnums.
ri»»burgb. Manufactures LiL*ny »L opposite >nmh- t>**frtw iv >ml fur ktml.ranfi for Pat
fi, id-u, W«Ub»r,J.. Vt. \ ni»'s ! „ AVV HA UttWA ; “ J*” ;X‘&SKE u.Voth^.iSA- Vn the One nf ....
niCHABD BABD, wholesale aod retail dtolrt ; i.r«Tw« M i. 'and [....(..‘-on ui in- I'atem “ffi'e. lie raa 1-eWiuuUcU
AU ii» Leather, Morocco, shoemaker* Vsrxii« and Ksiut- i\\ . * i l)M . m . • m-e, h«v<- on h«n.i unti ior u« all rjttr«nan* relating hi the Pa!* nr l-a»* *»•' * ! Cl
infs TauueVi amiCnnini Tool., and Trotner* Oil. No. V 1 1 ffif 1 k»» a-Toned thret e ; •» >!'f United States ~r hurope P* »o« « a
luUVood.U Pittsburgh. •*!•« “JC '.jyi v. : l7fi* Jr ,ll German .r-i thM.fteedes'.roo, of having exa,nutation* g**'™'
—■ • ■ •«- --- - ——— - - ! e> n> iwf « 1 1> * .........iiv.t I’aieni Office. i>nor to m*kina application i ut n patent,
nOBEKT DALZELI. A Co., H a,.leak-(in,. ; j ? „„ A l)ai f! • A... Ul,.„r npr.niT an.l 1 ~,l ‘ "„„,a (Li, ratloaiiij > fr, of S« dollar,
AV cervCoiuißUsion and Furvrajiitflg Merchants dea- ; '-A* l Jo/ >!io»-* i* p * *)" • a rlrar MatenVni'oV thei/ca—. when immediate alien
let* m Pcpduce and Pni»bur£h .Mahuiuciure*, U{> r f'> : Carnage -pm*./* unit A ' . , .. tl „ w ,;| he riven in u and all the information that
street. Ha. * . e-'ivdV->inui.l» Crown»r- <- u „id lie oStjuned by a nppUrini in permit)
WWT. aosito. .»«V ». OOOMOO. j ~ u „ Sr;;;|in,B „ ..l J .„,a 1 al„„,., '■ r^, r vL™T,7,iXo'.™.tS.oo«paid a.Jronia.n
¥> ROBISON ApCoh Wholesale Oro-cr*. Pro*, j Mmur* a. Oav mui Coal l*.< ks AU .f tier* on** *rvn &r po t fmia. a w
iv* duee end Merchant*. nn«t Hi'alcri in Scvine*, >ickle«Log Chain-.Ac . U-, :i «iis t . , nr» < p'«Tiee!* Office
huryh, t■- • - - a,,<3 '•••" * T OMS Hon. Krlituind Burke, Comm Lionel oi^■ Haleni*.
RQPKHT JUPORg, WWc.aietiwcr. Keet iy I’fI'*' 1 '*' ... .. L— Hon H L KJUworth. late do d 6 do,
iuc Distiller, dealer <n Hroduce. Manu- ; »" K, l>a»enhowvi. H Ktiowie*. Mucfrimsl, Psieat Office;
faiturea. sod All kinds of Foreign and Doiue-tu- V\ ,110 t Clllklll.ES U. D.VIbENIIOWBII * C P* Judge Crnneh, Waiilnfiton. DC:
I ani Liquors No 11 Liberty ureei. Puuburrh TOBA O C 0 1 Hon. R Cta»ate,!Mu»**chuien*, l> S Jafltolej
1 ITV* N. B. On baud »very laiße -tock uf »upcri_oi J 4< || »NI«U | (I «. MKKl’ft.l S T S. H.jn W Allen. Oluo. Jo,
OMilooougnheU Win.key, wb.cb wJI be *oki i tU3I A I SRI Utl ».J 11 ll *» I f\ Hon. Jll Bowlin. MC, Missouri:
-A-tf inay'AMy N* la South \' lurvr-. and .No 11. rouiu aiei «t , Willi* llail. New York:
, . i:-- r: " t, *.bee i 1 IMUL ADKI.PHIA ; Hon .Robert Sunlit. MC. -.
ilv’vwAV’tii A Nil EE. Forwarding and Horn- | R EG *“ •" u,f,n "' c 'fn.l de«U r- general.)-of_| ~o n s Hrecee, l ! S Senate:
IIKY2SOLDP * SHKBr fror R < TJr D H;ii-uuTvtt. that HieyßaT.t|madesaclt irrangements i Ho.t Jlt Rrlie, MC,
n-miasuw dr*« r ® .„ M ShrevA M.*«»ur..
,t,e \Ve.t lu.l-r. wid o»hcr |.l«cc a* w.lim-ure-j K r!isin» Uiook., Krq . H.tuliuryh. apl
and Chloride of Lnne. .1 , i.,.. ....i ..-.h.iahi « u m>lv :««' ihe loltoivnii de-eitr- ,
The hikbest put*, hi cash, putd at at! t:nte» .o. , „ hl . inl’b'. -old upon a* aecoi* ! JAMES W. WOODWKLL,
Coonhj Bat* Corner I enn and Irwin *t- .«'*» i mtjdirting trim* H-uity oilier bou*c .n iln* .■ iiy or el*e- : pittsbijeoii FLHMTDBE WABE BiMMI,
It"tl Sbacklelt ' Tito* H "lute J wbne. ami all goodi ordered Hum tlirm wilt b« war ! N<> tis THIRD yTRKKT.
CUACKLBTI k WHITRt Wholcalc Oea- f ai,t t a rqual tn repre-eniaupn:— ; A t.AKt.KundM'lendnl
O lets in PottißU and Douiestic l)r> tiood*. No ll .vair.. Si. Dtitungo, Conn.. ) , jtf 1 ' i*-«nm*iii «>; I'urniiur. , NUsSmeSa
Woodatrect icbl.ti •Vara, Potto Rico; Peiitt’a., j &ctdl.e*t To for
Pitt*bargh. _ ; btu, -i*nml l-i- IMug: LaUie-' Twt«i; Virginia Twnl, , u p Ufl .i,«*c would do weHt.y givin* tne a rail. h» lam
SAMUEL PALMER, Aiiom-iy at Law. iHhce hvv.-.-i unU plaj... in whole and l«>ie-, w-jod dciermiiied roy price* .ball »Jea«e Part of me *tock
m Ureed’s buiidiug. No Pouttli -Iterl. between lin j logrlhtr with every vanety of article be.otig- ( , 0 -
Wuod and Hruitbbeld. mir.Miwl'_ ! mg b>*ibe trade - _ •JrlG-dly bn Sola* wnh and Hu.r-riuth cover*. . .
TBPllKii BAAUKTT, Mauul'aciurerui Fair ; J IfLiiliiei;', *’ " , ’, A * Dl^' o i ! «dor Mahogany Nurre «.*halr-;
«1 SbaviitK and Toilet Soup*. inter at.d Sumntei . i.Uieul" Pinthurgh. Pa. |^t-ol Nashville, retm. 14 pair Divaus, •*cdUidt>il,Ac No IT Fifth *i, br.wrr:. Wi*Hl I KHMER A ANDERSON. Dealers in Lotion, Id dor Luc inahngany Cbiiiu,
’and Market sis i'utsbunth. Pa. or3l Li Forwarding and CoimniMion Merchant*. N» *I- 13 mahogany " ork a indiK
* u “ N —. • - Front street, above llroadu-ay, Cim ninau, Oh.u i 3doi mahogany RockmgChatn;
Sp. VOS BOMNHORBT A Com 'Vho!e«ale ; Krr*» to— i 16 marble top Drcrtiog Bureau*;
• Orocerr E ’orwardme and Cointnts'ion Merchant*. M Allen A Co. ) J 'b pair Ottomans;
IVilcn in«hurgh Manufacture*and Wcrtcrn Pro* ■ Ragaley & Smnti, }1" tfl.urgh i I Smarbte top Work Stands
dace, have removed to. their new warehou«c, (old stand) ) YVtn. Unicham J *' ‘ lr> cherry \Y ork Stand*;
No 33, comerofFront st and Chancery nov« SmV A Shepherd. 1 Mahogany. Maple, Cherry and Poplar Bedstead! pi
~.-r p, M KIER Ki.rwnrduie and Cotnttn* I Martin A McAlister, J Nashville, Tenu. \ all detrnpuoni; and a large anmrtmeiu cnCommmi
C ! »v U.mijjn, c , cr ,(l. | NV* HVHDWAKE HOIISB.'
.O M. WICMERBHAM» in • eed«, H | iteweti. HeninA Ce , >e.w Ortenn* Corner of Wood and 9d «t« . PUtahttr|br
Nc : * NWri*. Vn.t ' i WaVlNG^^withdr^Tv*“*o. the old inn of Walker A
1 a WMwl - P - ,l, ? b “I? h -: -•- - - Duvall Keigbler A J-0., ; laliunorr. : Wo odwell, on the let of January, J«7,.l «Eke
JOitH ii TOWNSEND, Diaggisi and Apotbe* . Nii.-h. lUgatey & U>.. 1 n.aJe.pb.n. _ pleasure tn annonn.-in* to tqy fncnrt* in the cny and
catty. No 43 Market *b Utrcc door* above Third *u Daniel i)e*hon : 110-.oit 1 'country, that 1 have opened my new store at the abova
Putahdrsb.wtU have consumUy on land a well *rleci- . j. 0. W. H.r. U ,I*olll named pine*. Having purchased my good* for ca*h,
cd asaotiaienlof the heat and freahealMrdtcules, uh.cb J G W LEF*TWICH & CO., nml made arrangement* -with nanufarturer* In tin*
he will Mil on the meal reasouabie tenua. Physician* . * * itKi'KIVING. FOltW AM DIN*.. -oubtry and i-> P.-irupe to be rwn«innUv supplied, 1»m
•ending otdtr* will be promptly attended to, -ud sup- Allti Comiulmlnii Plerctianta, mllv prepared tn fun.i-h Hardware of all kind*, ou as
; plied with article* they may rely gentnue. , PLAttUKMINK, L*. t good icmi* bu.l n, low a»»ny hoo»e East or "e»b
n^Phyaieians’Preacription* will be acuunurly aud , Q A |mci:LAlt paid u» nin*,gmti. ut- rffr Merchant* ami other, are respectfulh- mtited t
1 neatly prepared fiomthe beat materials ai any houroi , r < ucar »| I | l , K„.,„ r< ol „ibri amrleator Ope'ousa* and rxainjm* my nook, liefore purchasing cirewbere.
I tho day or aighb „ f ' and Aitakana* The following comprise* a pan ol ia> Hock,
i ADo for aaJe, a large stock of fresh and good Perfu- urpi H W»— Me*.r- Shetbebl A 1.-htlow. Mr Th.*- and Raddlerv Hardware. Gun Trimminf*.
tnerr. ' ma* I imeroik- New tirleac*. IMe!. Naylor'Steel, Cutlery, hdge Pools. Anvils Vi
! rpHOrt KENNRDY, Jr , Looking (Jla** Manufactu , L«n..n.\ Uetteimn. Mr Z M Aberhy; lam. n lo , „‘V m *l7^*
T T t ~ r - K \ , l^. f 7an' I , . M-**l*. ilrvan I X (*.. - i’.ik .tit. Ht. j UAZZAM !l IMPEST 11RI18TK&D.
P.FQELB\Tll4Co,Comnii»*,o.i1 Men bant*. »•„, K „. j.i Mr,- l.dward* A{ V <IT WITI!ST A N D I N U
.detrain Lumber, I vs - hilr;tl . /,. mm J( tr, H... Jubu Dutu.u, \ a n tnuiohi to t)n« aiverj
rutsburgh Munutacturc*. Canal Ha*ui, l.ibeny t- ec - 1 ,| W ., 11Pm . 0 .. - | , lion of t'.-o.ur-b Mechanic. •* mi*
Pittcburgh. _ . 1 -•' 'V«r aim "kELLAA a’oo, ‘ NB T J T¥lll *l ~ j-‘-' - ni ,M *
(Has* Plates dealer in House-turn.‘lnnf HniJwnie. MIhsMI *.N Nl L 111 HA AI N. j ,j -ov , ,j ie pf. u. 1.. •- ut*,aiu«t *.• n» «.nrniu>«*. ui.d
audFancyCoo.D.lH! Wood «trr*et, mar Fit.h v jnr.HAI. .. b .m ~.e.,,i..t ««*■*- | t)^T r , v .. - IWsw ~d di* prrteicne.*.-imply
aptjS Lr * enmeiii- IW •• ,omir n.'drer.* wdl be 5 ,t , t bcnatMH*!. .n.mgm. and not
josst 0, WtcV. IliVlli »< OAJ.UU.Mk ■ esis. 1:11c -IWM. ,ai..r •. 1 ■. v..ii. .1. *'**ll.l., '-PP'jr j Ra.Lwad d« «• u » »«* i..b.."U"{'C*tmwn..
(I7ICK. * M»CANDLEBB, I*uc«-c»mw- »«-I.A : -■*« I ‘ , . ou ‘ , , L ‘TvV-h.i inb' p, ,rt,eal eublnn make* of lltr
\\ J D Wickd Wholesale Ciroeer*. forward,ng and ; r ' n,.0 1 . J4^ ’J«|, and Adcg.heov. Pa., do lierrhy cer*
ComaiHOu Merrbam*. dealer* in Don. Nad .<*!" - tieUt u> lumunactmc b«.d
Cotton Yam* and-!ltl«hurgfi Manufacture K e,^ f :>. ‘ h: V,’' l 1 t. j « i uLti, C. V-\IZ Pn n. %--*r,-«d eot.-ider
c.nrf'Vrtm.rt WMV.•«, WnOwk. .«M4. : Me*; «”!, r-TC? ‘ i,"...“1 . , ',. » .1, *>'
iIT<W^WILSOS, 'Waicluoaker and Jeweller, or.’rVfru* -io».- 11 Pi l .l.,.ir; ( n.?a. C. V. A ... . J^'f
wyyjhiopi <■>..He ■ ~,; , .s |l , M !*.Hrvri,.v<.H- n«,i:i.. i
ittux A kjsu. till; rv J„
«»»*«”.“;-. ''"is",! «»v*aKV“}.TirKKv;«,'. ' .■•••>•• *. *•
No. f."* Wood Mt-ref- V'"
»• TTSHI IKsll. Dav-ui
ll.m :ht , ,p;f.. r. .-I :V,ny. -1 M Ibrgt. alLli
r .-.innaiß.- -ii-' k .H.,-115.,!.»«,.• H. . r.
A. « liii'h.b:''. ci; lie'etl |..u.-i,a ~(I
.*gm»ua .irttn*Rtglaiol. «• r.. I
~ inf. > • qtihw-rtHtuiry, - »«'•*.* ; '
i v,,r.- .drpi«fAiil»rwi '*- -r...:
,ne ll 1 :
*irULISOPOAD * Co, A*rni' ( ..r A Ij
W mooi, have un hoaJ an oitonmrm »i !•.* ►uim-hiu
*4i|id Box View.Showl* andSpadrs. * ; J « ,) i Hj'n if. r.
WnITnORK * WOLFP» Yuu«irt.-r. ar.a . A IV •• A
WhWeaale Dealers in Hardwar-.Cmlery **.»d ! ;'J ‘
dicry, JtcTfroroer Liberty and s*t- l'l**f 11 '■■'*«*'
b «tb. . i ... ... . Vs i.‘,, « u
WH> GLEN IS, Bookbtnclct, ha* rewoVrd loiiln .-,v P.inii k et
corner of Wood audTbitd «u. aim' 1 * it tl Kai. .. ■>. . . ’• -- r
where be .» prepared to do every d-'< rtpm>" <>< K'd"* UKUItGK'COCtIiKAIk, , . • • - ~- ft a.
•ixl Binding. _ * O.U 1"1U\ <£FQUWAKCIMi MHL< UV M . " ''V D '.„' r j r , lir , lP .i niu kr
WW. WALLACE. Siilleu>neaadiu!l!Uir«n-ti- N,, Zu Wn..,. I’m i -u. ik m vv.n make .Ur.ts* p~xi
• tng < »ial>lirMaem, No. SH Liberty or t. m *r:h.- . itl.Vn.M I-.** 1.. ir;tn&ci :i jmi i..i i "if .„«>,« Vnti !>'■•'• p> ‘ haul to 'U< kup
can«L _ , “ jr *' a ■ \ ttl ‘hr pitrru i?.- -mi ».lr in me kilts- thu- arm-lint; the expend anil >.it»-r <o pr.-
vi, M’CUTCUIOK. ROBT. * CCTCUtOB. :„1A„ , M , r .uurines Viml-ir.„nt in • the clay . dry -UK and h.uuUm» il.e Mi*t alter
W* B. ai*CVTCHROR, WboU-uV tuoorrv r ,. rei , lUi: 41M , „.rward..4'l«.«| s to h» «r It • •-•pie. w
. aud Dealer* in I‘uwbureh ManuUciare*. ■*•••' ~a (p A „ v cnl ,„ r u .c fttauula. U<rh. !>.• *t't t«- «aio« repair nnd l l ';*''‘in,
WerifTn Produce generally, No I -id Liheriy nr*n. <ri ,. M]ul i r V.iltj the ipnl jrndP* Ol V' rr -' P*‘ '°\\- r h an . (M> w7.u,iSn- taaca.ui «. end
_.— - Pittrliurch .Manufacture -t the lov-C't wh«>Jr ,4 »lr rlViiirmrtiihnn .m-turn iiotu.-.- For u trill dew uption
WAA. MITCHELTHBE, Wholesale Gro . t * ‘Order. 3 ..., r> , . /n(lir „ V cM.ully -w',', uu-.v u» .u- «».f
-• cer*. Rrctiiytnj Diaullert,ami »\ :ueandi.njuui kU ii,. l ( < »,| i,„ii .i Mii,rreit l>onotn.oeai >be Wjfi end *»• t. iiinli
Merciianit, No l«"« LiUrny .neeu ...iili •> 1 ■“ »ir« t:. where we *h*ll be bappt m ■rap.Bia ecerv tumij
PiUrbar s b. . « * ‘ c(lN ,vAVdit« ; ceneerd wubi:u> .11-arbo m.) call. n c l.4ve^
i\ O. H. 110BIS80R, Attorney ot Law. U- , p OR »r«.inn».. ..on «>..! Vorwantme ' no A. r!ter» toour
V\ . removed b.e office to the Fjchan?t ; TM.-r.-ha,.... urn, Piwtuce l»c stirad to ih« ■ w»U »*« Me.MH.U-N A Co.,
?t Clatr •ireet, next door to Aldeimaiwoliu* PuieJia*e. iaie and bhipinrot ot Pi* Iron Coal *r w *’ Ct3»CLNRATI>
•pMto - : ,„. lrr *,.„ ” 1)01.1 VAIL KIKE UHICKS. ~
ii' ’J.°,T n f J • tested and approved durtn* ihr p*«i
Gur2 I iiutV,.'v St V,. D Uffti ft fn I!* rwoyearr.l*) the principal iron nianutaJmf^MTj
w. wilson, o.»Trr;.r«;u r to;j,WHr,,, A N|) COM'ISiSIUN MLKI'HANrb; Ji-j'. l "v"
. Silver Ware, Military ««•»’ A ' Nn ; ALEXANIiER LEVY & => "rw^rr.'
It? ’ RTllt?RPllY,wbole«ale and drain in ICINCINN.ATI &, ST. LOU IS ! .11 ie-(*' i'■> iri»"«Ha.U ti.r-l Ai'knowii. i»rd.
VV .Foreign niul Dduicahc Dry <«*•«!•. m.fdieu-icoi- jOtIKK m -c m r -_ r * ’,' o’ ” lint "• r (, r rin u
.wrofAiarkotand FourUi «*. ■«.» I l m4^vw J,‘ n, r v i ?,r»pp!, f »i'..‘.‘m J WllU* UA*n.ARKN
lITM. P. mW>«.* I»o»r0-e<l t.e I f'....""”;.{££? „ l.nt.rr to ; „*!% Iron Wnrir.
couMair'.'lpply </tbl Houi * *•» *•' ' ,,p "? u ' *“• J, ' aW,V VKW POlttTH BTltkicT UAKHtr
loiTctitea, pcif.iu.ery. Ac. ' J(| || \ J[ . K |C 1H RD X , I N «N.AFKrn.»NAKY AND IHI IT m|o«K w.u
l'hywci*n*» caicioily n.mi-.iumlrd. - f . .. open •>» Monday. Apm stb. tour «loor* ino.i t iv«l - ,
Medicines cau tcUadai all hours of the mjshi , COMMISSION. MERCHANT) • * ;l j i.eit .luoi A J«rn' i ,v k lr « " I *.' r c.
febiodiy* ... • , . - - I NO. *0 \A ari:» >r .Wkwtk .-hkaphdp ; a *fir..d.d “‘•"t?™'"’‘ ‘a^waVh
r.tnvalhnxtbid. n S eU j BALTIMORE. haUr. ifUmur
II7AI#IjISGPORI> A f-"-. < on ami for iI - jStVOtV ni*«». UlaK* War- Dr .-.l 1-Vu.i Lees- , s-r the (olh.wmr - . fl-1| n., eiJ „
nmz&r}- .. XLSt »il-.p Ki,.-
WM. M. OABI.ISQTO3I, ni : ....... ' r -• | Nui*. w.ic. J.m .V'. t,. .w|-
’ Piueborrk, I'a. *.ouUßis«iooer u. t-ke ‘he ; jAML , >*>v w n c»vr.r,a . Federal fske; A I’V __
aud proo of Deeds. Loa<e*. tawiuacf • THOMPSON A CAMPBELL, ! O.,ten for Ice Cream-. Jeilf. Brutes t-akr. I aner
Deposittons.or any Other wntiug (ondrr -cst nj w»U m ' rnMMKSION MFRCHANTS i Cnnlrcnouary. Ac ,Ar . e*-coicd m a oit.iiirr uuc
l„VLl o, r.eo.Jjd u, ±.:!»«« ». - *u,, 51.5^rLcli.r.r. of oil, | « ,-l. > ...« !»■»•» H ... o.h.r ,
mSiwS-Sr*?-; 1 . ■ r - AV SO CMmtia Strtrt. . ”',Ci KPt-i,.. R,.k. *- . r»nuf.riu„.i -tef
WC. AUOHISBAUOII, 'A..un.,r ■. l-« (MNCI-VNATI, OHIO. ! Ftoor. .nJ f.„ rro,a.lWr.k«. r v<T
• Fifth atrect, near Smilltfieht. Coll-ctme. ag-n . . rti and ANDRKWH
'• and other buitacM attended lowiib'iiii.ciuainy rain roa io..r-iii< u...
W~H. tiABIUBDt Deiicr m Fancy and suple
• Dry Good*, No T» Market street. P.mburrh
VirUXtAlii a oUirtoittH, n«»tn me i>««r..i
W District) WU.dr‘ttl-5 Urocif. iu ,<s..t.-:3i
No. lie Wood It. where they offr-r tor -a!-- » la.R' a -tnt
meniofCrocetie* out! Puulmtgti ManuisuMure* at low
jinec* aod on favorable term* »‘ a )'l3 .
linKlli & Sample, Wbj. Crofilian. I>«J . WATTEUSOS. } ®Ui’a’u"il»*o uow Shave who urtrr £U»«ed ti« tort.
gtft&SjLtS? l m n«:AKD,.N Ii AN i m.»«u S ..N MtaraAvr. ,
u ‘“ u :T"rr^'“S«:vr^«j ferosMr.s ZZr&rr
RECTIFYING DISTILLER, •««» Rrne ,'.*‘r l A r?^ l ,'' > a.vMo,rr'"'"n‘' : | I .'. * rl.e i»w • .'.nujh to atfor 1»n oj.porl.u.rtjr ro every
ABO WHOtUALI t>liU» >K V ,? Vl,
Ili Liberty it and 53 Diamond, alley, WAUt.IuKOKU k co.. : ,r.»<-b wfciiii.em: and, if yw[«>■
. rrrrtMibßUH, pa. , commission a for tv akhin<* merchants, ~ u -n i.«- rr»uf..«--i xrt.viihx RAHKETr ,
J-J2Jl* ■ feecouil Street, wear Wvoil. | liwi i>i) l.arii Oil I nrior) and fancy s?oup W"*k*.
' VlrTc u ' T\KAJ.KRS 11. P.»«1.«.51. Mtinu*:ii luin jn.l Ilr«v\ ; m.l* s.b*l,opptulir Iron Cuv Hotel
'ADAM MWtn JJ Hardware—w.ll keep c«.«-tani!y on ».»ml u ,iwt, , Uarilvrare, Cutlery, PadtUerr, *C.
• ■ rriur.r »pmiß' and n*ir•. iiumr», »••,-»ln** and «i< k* JOHN WAI.KKII,
W gara, Ibnokm* and Cbewma Tobacco aiid stiufl. , |rt G(t . ' t * ta , »„«•, i.ijul.mui**’bcUowe. »Mf*oftTFß AND UKAI.ER in Foreign anil Dolhmi*
Union *treet. «t«r the Diamond. Piii*lmt«h »T>) ■ Med«r«. Ar.. *i- * -nrl.S* j J ifrrdwrite, wnald re«fM*cifat<i iniotro hi* fnend*
*>• ' j,™.-,
t! \V William*. .Win. M li""‘ l ' u u li .fi 1*.,-In. »■..l.>M-*r. F*v l> l*:-.:*--*. Inm.-r* M in luiiolx- nml lln* oratUM
(A«n<MorM Lmrrirf Tucn •. Imo mi<l Nu.l-. /m-;, Wb;i.- 1..*.l Dye Si»!R h ;| , Mr ron , d.-
WILLIAMS i BUISS, * 1'*..., /bee. In- 1.. .4 \,, **.- A- . «•>* . h noi We *• ,
AtTOBNKVD AND rOON»KI.I.<HM« A 1 !.A« . \Uuu N«. bl-J W ; uv. trm Mcrihant-a IC mvW-Axi .-all and
(Xf*o&*e Norb *id* «f toimh «i, »!«»«■ MmiUUf.U..£J’ j.,.,, . f; i .>.*•. do«.r *> .-I ' ki> , (j(i k ejvwbna inarf.
toblTdAwlyF i I'.n. l*-i .. , \l' AN’i'biO HOON 1 rinc-;* uv rciati
■ ' WALMJIOFOaO & Co., ' ! -• '* '* '• „ W Oil •.nnru^-
SECOND, NF.AK W (HI IS ST K F. I'.T, - . in <••« f«»r#, U.w .«*. **r rmi.un a.rnmd.
Aotrr* ro« NaTlX>* A F« > Sinn. j. .1. A1.1.K.N . a.««l krr,..-r. a,-ni», w*lr
|l**e onhand>lßlU«onu«mflfO*.i, . C qafMl S S I O N MERCHANT, m. .. 1,4-in- m.. in.... a!, (i.h.i.iw find
frf,!s nti*r« and <.«***?« C no u mil in IV vn” rTr l'ilil..Uii * Min. , , /,_
ATTORNEV and ftmo*eU*» U • FNN Al. , fl a,..i ;^,.r;-i- : ""*!' L M„n J e <v-t wA*.biHi-^rpr..
OHIO Collruu,ii« m >ooUinin Übiw •ml m l'n.*a» > ' —,,i «o:« I.!■ ,'!,•> >1 * ii’, . I*|‘ ,| r nn-'- It-' '
i aad m Kentucky, |>ruufpilv and « k - ,: L',‘ A-m .« «*»«hhF
, KKKKRTtt-llou.KiiU-id -.» 1 ,r.V .wivai IS A A*’ HA Rills'**
jC »»*>•, WmUßmabM.hnreb A j* r “'** * 1 * i.,iM-,.it Ancoc, find lnu>ll»H«rw«'tllt*« i
I J,wc> *■ U iltoct A l»n»i*. »'- S V, «h:UCF», lIItOTIIKIIH A *•«.. 1( , : nm, ..i.ii'ca* I'-xcl.anßC Hunt
alv ""o?■2A OK ««ifc»'*'7S ” COMMISSION MERCHANTS, '
WHnI.FXALF. (IrorfM .Hid Deii« 1.. tl,t«. I-M • fi;..; i, , , . \\ 1 , '‘ Lw , ....-LL-, i.a.i.aAlmt I IUI
»lorr*,a.i<j PM 11. A UK Pill A IWwanliOP I.BMm'i-., UK sy:e
W» h>«* »* » !l I. 1! ir rl ‘ n.r II,.«■ . OIUM.MeUUKW * CO., •
toodt in their liue, \\ *t».r rur , HhUoitn. .bin. g , lakm, ibi' wftu>hn»i«e. No C iMinmerem 1 How,
Viiwl'flrab. M w , i Mf»M tniniPilv iM-.-opipdl., Mr w H P«|^V
nmnuu OF TUB JUHIAT.I WdttKX, * .■at< h'. . t
M m*n T |.“lf uvft*! rr ll' a mil. {; OMMIS S I 0 X Ml' KT HAST S, I "‘‘ m,U AVV|MOS ORL’MlfoTm-rly n.
BOILRBIRON.BOILKE lIKADS, I 1.1 I. A Mill-. \V«,rr lIUIS n McURKW. Simil.firld,Olito
E. F. SHOENBERGER W , ;i e . v , lia •>!.. Ur ol l*rn p..tH.«nh. Marra OT.JMT.
PITTBBUROH; PA. d,M— mil i»>. i"* J»’mr Tra, Grocery, Frull and ProvlMOU^Hir*.
llavißl taken the \Y»rehou« formerly oteupie.l- i<y . I(( ,\|hic.i„ it.., I'atdmnili, Pii. WIIOI.KSaI.F* AND HKTAII.
Al.iTßkey * Co. Min *««»! 80. HI LIBERTY BTRKKT.
Water B|rac(* »»«■*■ Kva»a »rr»m - I»1'N J AM IN DOWN weald rej-iwrifnllv inform !»*•
Will keep on hand a faM wpplyot *l' '»wtoMlmlier ]„ M . J'JLOVc'il, t“o’ B oUUnmd-and ibe pnbl.r Renemlly, tliat br ba«
Iron a*»d Mead*. Haa and kiw-Bed ™ a . d r , JUUN MCI l.k-Ol OU *. CO a . a;l , ~o tnroc „red bu*me.» ..fol." «»«« brmneHe*. uMt
whichAaill be *old at tha fowe»i ( „ntmid /• tint'iirdtJif' Mrrr/ianl*, Joo| hl , „jj flaa a, wberr he hope-, l.y Ifeinn? a
market rale*. Engine Builder* and o!i i ei*.a«»o , '' , d \OS. 'JI A NOITII »T. .upply ol *rhJ urii.le.. *«limr low for r».l, ami |«3V
o call and examine bi* nock. Order* 4 ; civ ' IW>\\ i.l u u aRF. Baltimore ,m- -inci mUpiilioh m hi* pMion*, mmcr.i a
Hh-J— L>{. " TIIOS. J. C.UlfiOS, A- Cq- _ . -
ATTORNEY AT LAW,' I ' Ul, ‘'lf lW B ll, ii| o'UlKhtM 1 TS ’ TJOIISE. ?lfiN *Nl> DKCUKAtIvF. I'AIXTEBi
ATTORN t' « , No..S ..dHiKRtSA. f <!t »7IEA ANP PAPER HANOI*, .• ihw pM
- - “• opport , i ir/-* —- - i, k,^
! COMMISSIUX V’l'ftk’\VAßßlSK K HERCHA.'IT 1 ; '^I'?“"' n ' i, S:S , S‘c , ,. ,^S.™rr.
AND HOP D . • . a « s |t> 5O \V*irr sircci 1 Pa. V §»S,ntbv MIXED KAUS wanted,
PITTSBDBGfI ASD POiST BBKnKait. • J. NEWTON JOBKB \ winch ibclngbcMpncem CASH w.lllr
ftirnpr Barker* Allevand Penn and foot ol Pm •i. ; »| l; ,muuaT AOKNT AND COMMISSION \ paid .
Comer Barker » pitttbnrgli. P»* JIRRCIIANT, \ Alway* on hr nd. erorr d«-cnpuon of VVmm* and
. '. . i,*r’ ff.'inbriHui * -MONnNfi A II K I. A lIOI’SK. i\ VV i app'i'f! Paper and Cbfornlo Linm. .
Tk it0nb...!,.. Pllt.ln.nih. P. \ HKVSOI.I»4*IIKK
i!».* W. BO.VDKICHT. ;\» M P.a. ....I 1.»1a... l-ia-h.-.b
SiSll FJCT U II BBS I) F STA R t lji , a. fahnestock a. co’t. wiute
\XTAIIRAXTEI>'<I“.I. i( "“'’.' ,p JT.'; «m , d,!sSn I I >• LEAD IVOllKS.—'nie undcniiffiied Iw.e
W inue.Liutcd dial..,and whicb Ui-> will pan -oimdatad thair new wmka, li*r.alcd an the bank ol
of .Ijoar P„«a.nd«n todd T."*-. p> nb<i.a tl.a Aiy.tdaal, h, Allaghea, cllt,
00 *- uAurnW.O opp«.it6 Filtaburgli. f..r Ilia m.mib.cluie nl a aopa-
M iNUPA<S»S" “t!?,o2£V, .ad Bh«t. n« "J “j
M Ware, and dealer tn Hnta.ui.. and J.jfoHiied ol j. a | 9 o. red lead
Ware, No I? Market Meet. Tie nub»cr.ber refretl- t j je ritael*e«* al* lhe rr . c ®J* t «ntp»«»cnienu in it*
folly call* tke attention of the Wmnn
; Country dealer*!and other*, to hi* U»c<' **»ck ol man' ,cale. »ml «itli capaettv to tnxko leofl in
1 ifaewred Tin and Copper ware, a Ur«e a«e*«t- ** un jnlitica. tbev will be able to fU|f Ij order*
meat of imported lfoo*e FuroUhmx Hardware large qoaintmc • -
wWmle bdyeuand ib« public 9 cuerally, »r* myi «• alru<**l atlf - T
«p.i,d.p>iL m»i*J Split OllntUJ i .
—: . Mrtaos. •r.tx ro*tL*T. »uA VF Received from Pliiladelphra • larje a»ROit
a. r. W«,. pt fc - n * A CO.. I \( CUmnue* minds of «rper,« pkr
'rar'iU- o ’^, V";' -” J "'\vM NOCI.E, Uph*W} .>
rnaxld mcti* Opfosiic H»nk nt Pimbinrk-
J. ’.„ V
I! r.iiiiuaii
J*i I•••■“> •' "-H
tt--4.Hr A Of u-.aii
H w
Hum-vyA M OtiuuJ
llUllU' »
1-u, H.,11- >*• 111 ■**'j• JVi• /KlrIK'UAz!/*AM*! *
I ’i, r h»v*n» oMa-mM ti . MtiV l»
I It; i i v |'ic«* UrirV Mi.civnr atU barm* >inff
. Hi. t.-tl.-O I- *'-• CA>* j»rcj>a|rU to »t-;{
JUST Received.* •pfendirt as'enment of English and
Funi.ii Engrmviiis*. colored ami plant, of a «re*t
i v«firiv of vub.rci*. •oiiulilejot Framing, f\mfol*o«, or
”„ t W ..., T,^HILUEB
• ruchai UH wood «i. ne»rain
S' —j'RffijTTßA ofOSE.
fio. Ti. Fount tirut, tuat VTfd
All yaaluiei of Ureen mod Black Tea*
in JJuanrf, Ualf, ailcToite pound nackaaes. ran
» e per |»>»l»«*,,, £ JjrKfo,
N»< KEHE>.. nEßliliro, g*i.a«Ji, *o.
riljlK • ul»*cnber* keep Wiawrwrtilnf IVklfd Fi«d
JL-«f MaaackuMn.aod fcf
,n 1«»* ms wanted at tbetr w*«bot»e* No N** l4
'^i3^ W “ delP ‘ ,1, ‘ ; JNQ-U KENNEDY *Co '
APRIL’ ‘2B. ?547
Lillis lu«»iiui»u, under the eire of Retr- *■ **•
i it (icoiou Atm Lang,in whichall the ioM-iw®
V ua»rmalbt»neiie».of,« Gmahrd edijgattoo * f C taught
,» dow openfijf Ihereeeplion pf punile at • .■• .
No. M. fnrlu Row; liberty Rwl. -
! between fid and 4th*trreu- Tto Second *«»»“« "‘ ,l
commence »u Monday the tob of Fefc'aiO'* *.,*). ,'J
important that.any who may design entering *w”*‘d
iwprr'inti* thr »« practicable either before or it tnif
hive tetured the utrvices of profeaaor RHD"
HOfcK »s teacher of Ma*ic on the Piano and Guitar,
wbo t« too wellTyiown to need recommendation iu*o
the fceiT.ce, of Mon. PASI.MIR LADRBVT, author «l
*'Ciirr»ioinaOtie dr la [.iwraiute Francai*.' and other
Valuable School booY« In hi» native language. Mon*.
|„ is •graduate of tUn Umverauy and Normal School
of Parir. and -lu.ul- high u* a teach, r, Thow
.ire lo obtain art accurmc and thorough knowledge o t
the Frrnt h Language would do well to place tnemvrlve*
under In. mitniciion
. For leimr, tic Cttrulai ot apply to the Principal.
'"pills Institution h*» but recently been opened under
i. the turnon of Mi N. NY. Metcalf, at the
Corner of Saudneky and Strawberry *t».
The rurpe** w hich has thu* far attended Uns School,
in it* evtabli-bment and progren*, ha* fnlly equalled the
•'xpeoiuuousof it* Imiructor and Propttetor, and war
raitls the hone that he will be lunimed in hi* effort* to
render it a dr*ir*Me : Institution for the education or
Young l.ndioin Alleghany and vicinity.
The Fir.t Sesnon of the uev Academic year, will
commence on Monday, Feb *th. - ' .•
There •re yet a few vacancies lo be filled, but ae Ute
number ot pupt l * j* Inuncd an caily applteilion ndc»
«irable. For particulars, relative to term?. Ac., consult
C rr ulart or apply ti> the lunruetor. fehw_
Valuable' books—i-übiiiM t, j a
& LJ f dame*, Walmit.atrnct. between r ourlb
a net Fifiti.Cinclonntu ' .
(Juiioi’d Gibbon— I The hiatory ol the decline add
fall of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon,
fcUq. Anew tuition,rented andcorrected through
out,preceded by a preface, and accompanied by
note* critical and historical, relating principally to
tl* propagation of Christianity: by M. I l *. Gnuot,
Minister of Public Imtruction for the kingdom of
France. The preface, note* anil correction*, trap*-
laied fiom.tile French expreaaly lor this edition.
With a ooticeol the Life and character of Gibbon,
and WnUon'a Reply lo_ Gibbon, in 2 roll. 1 imp.
8?n. 1073 pages.
iSapicr'i Fcnin»uia War—Complete. I rot. imp.
: Sto , 000 page*.
HaltamV Middle : Aim, Chamber's Rebellion in
ScbUsmJ. RoberUoa'e Virginia nod New England',
I Rowell * French and Engluh War in America, and
I Ramsay’* American Revolution. I rol 4to.
I Library ol American History—Containing *elec*
I (inn* from the beat author* on American Hlalofy,
I Riography,Trt«e!»,i*oniirerce. Statiitic*.lndian*,
* Kevolaiionsry Battle*, dtc. Are. 4te. Al*o, Aoee*
dole*. Poetry and Miscellaneous articles. IJlnstra
ted with more than 500 engravings. 1 vol.trapSvo
Lqiverbal Pictorial Library—t’ontaioing valuable
papers, on tarimis subjects. comprising Natural
Hidory Natural Science*. Agriculture. Kura! Rcon*
may, Biography. Fine Arb-.Uie Orient tls, Travel*,
Geography, Botany, MisceManeos* reading, Ac.
\r. 1 sol imp Uvo. f>W pp. fall sheep.
The Family Medical Library—> ’I rt-atifc on the
i prriention and Cure oflharase*. by regimen aud
simple tiiedicinf J. New edition, retired and enlar
ged iviiti the addition ol * \ egelable Msu na Medi
U;a. poiuUng mil (he urines, preparauu.m ana dure*
of our moll, valuable native medical plant*, *nd an :
ouiUiio «•! Auat-my and Phj*.dHn». llluafcsled
with one hundred F.ngraviuga, ail ol Wuch are
colored. Hr AG Norwood. M I)—EM pagea
American*Flower Garden 1
to the United dUlct, by Edward Saver*. LaVdaraj*
and Ornamental Gardener 1* un*. third Ldilim*.
rrsiird, enlarged and illustrated. 1
Palmer'*Oregon', R"» kj M*»unLim»,Ar.Ar
I Tamil)* Testament. .*Ha*.i. with and Vnihout
| Polyglot no>«-<, ant! Philhls hi metre. |
| Kice and t’lOgree’r Ofbalc Butn’»W«rV| l/idv
1 ~i the Irfke 1..11a U..»kh Mutt s Private Item
I ima. Juvenile Hook* .Gbeap editions ol nan<>u*
* mirks in )iam|ibb't,|orw- i
/~nc* »f Book* hate now mimurd ■ |><ip«daru)- om
1 furallrll.-.! !n iheh *nxy of American Scaoul Book* -
I li i« the ••»pre < »'t»n w Bi»nr teaehrt* who nave lhor
( uuetil) luwd litem, that HmT C*n le»tn their |»ujnl» *•
t fi.ucli I our 4 Li.j|.rr m llie ji»e of these books, as they
I emi in double ihe time l>y its •”') oilit i »rr ,e». »nJ
’ there a no flniiW ihat ihr brittn-rsplir of our lan«u«ee
Kuuy nr rained !e,. hall ol ihr nine te»su
i f\,bi.*. .\'» iiian I run. »ey oilier rtum.
Tue superior exrriirase and popularity of tb<-e
! hook* may be inferred I'rtnn the f»CI luat ihoy bare been
: officially .ukmicd lor Ihe *-e of ull ih< Public Schools
!>a the fol'ow.nii, uinong other imiwinuu etne* *nJ
wwns.vis- fi York. Brooklyn. Philadelphia *nd B*lil
met*. Wdd»inirion l .DeL Canea>ier *m> Keadmc, P* •
i l' and UiuTalo, and M root diet '3l Couniy l”on
! veui;»n« in ihe Smw of Ae»- Yoik, also, by ihe New
1 Jersey Stale N:i .el) Ilf leaeber. and friend* uf ei'uca
lipu—am' she) :u«: iij.iuiy i*ktriß ibe pi«Le ui all •mu
litWork* in ihe We*i amoi'i; the l>e‘* ie*ch; i« and
laiponvm Iwaids of edatrvboo. Tb« parircalar
Miiemiotiaadcntical uu&iniuoiioi ibis aerie* o( hooka
i< ifiviied ol all H-aehrrs and boards of cducalio*, who
coulffTiptaiemakuif ihanfes inlhi* clatiof text book*i
and Uiuie who wake up itetf mind* that (Spy are the
best, and wish touiuoduie them, ran exchange "iib
iheadvrriire.r their oM book., now in uie, for these, by
payuix ball ibe retail price 111 cash.
From ihe New York Uiobe. of F'cb 13, HI"
"tv* are gl»»-l lofiu-i Mr Cobb 'Ull engaged in piejm
n«: u*.w tt-okv bn tin* >r«r m'-chnol* anJ for Ui< beneßi
o- me ntms-irenerub'ai Mr C » new spelling book
an.l !.,• valuatrlv eetics ol rradint arol olbrr book*.
|.irrj'i«;i. gamrtl lor-lima f-puiatioli Ihat will be .nidarit.; ih«n (uonarue.uia wLiawbieor aiaiue* 0<
bras*. \Ye think he ha. done inotc to Correvl the di*»
erepaiirie* ot iho language, and towards elucidating
and eyMeiiutnx ng ti e elements of our Vernacular too*
L 'uirr than ah 7 oibrt author extant in this country.”
F»r «aie wholesale and rr'.sil Uy J It MKL.LOK
L »p?F NoO| seood sired
»,f AGAZINkiI FOil HI AV—Reeelsed ui M 'A
i iVI MlAKK'S—Urai*aiu « Magaune.
i ’ Nobufia! Magariue.
t.<j»ley** Lady's Book
j Taiiried,or Uie urw Cru'ade; by U I> liiaeJi. M. P.,
1 cheap edition.
Ktr«ak*«l Ajualtei Life, and Fat West Scrne*—*
K ic*ui liuinnrou- *kcich«*. drtr!|H.v of incident*
«ud , l,*ra» iri mi Ujc Wild VVt»t, I.) r'oliiauc," with
s original da*igu* by Darloy.
I hr WoodcraolNaiure ami An, or truth tillages
j thin lie ion -illustrated w.ih tixty-ouc engravings; by
I ihe aufhorof “The Pa.mrn! Life and Manufacture* of
1 the Aacirnn.
Father lldclonw, 01 the l*ne»l« of St Unerr, by J. H.‘
Rol)i«ftn, K»q. ,
Chamber** Cyelbriedia of EnelWb Literature; a *e
lemon of the cbcuecM production* of English Author*,
irom (be radical to the pretcaMiroe—connected by ■
critical «n<J Biographical bmoty elegantly illustrated—
u«»r being I by Could, Kendall A Lincoln.
UoMon. We have on band (mo No lU> n inclualre,
<srhirb completes the firet voluror. \Vc can furnishlhe
nbole wort a* (mi *> re published.
Our Mtonmeui of cheap Literature »* now the best
•nil of the mo‘t » aluablr selections tor general inatruc
; uop. For rale «t ■ Ilf A M! NK R'*j
apai . tbmibfifld Mreel.WdooriromSJ
|OjIC.W iDOOKM-We liive received 1
±i Wr of valuable Uovk»,ju»l publubed, mnoujibeio
atfe the followinjt— '
j UeCbcyae'ji life and Lei*f», 9 voI»:
: Haitian on Koniam:
i Sketchrsol Norm Cnrohni;
lli*lorj ol l’re*b>'lerian<*hurcii in Kentucky.
| ' The (lenlnadf Holland,
Chalitxr’a Moral Pbilo*oid^;
Mary Jaue flrahstn;
Winrtovv oil Decluiaiou and ReV-yat;
Tlit* Pfe-Adnwlle Kanh;
.Maig»ret,rirlbePriiTl-“t , Y R< w - B Tuvlor:
l-arty Mary.
ThaQrtatCotnmandmrnl—hy C Pry
The Lord*’Vfajrcr—by Bonnet:
i Thankfulnei* tun) ottirt
f Tbf* above blether wnb * jtenrral a-'oiiintni o*
! ihrjlogtrat Clerical in.! Mi*ceUan«tii« lionkt, for
j-al.- m K» tier n ,i> ire ‘ KI.UOTT Ic. tiNMUSH
| »).IO Hi Market ►inn tuM-vcrii .id an.^tih
; iIKUICAL WORRK-A on il.vik-i
; yVJ. o! ilte air patraffe*; cimtpn-nnjr an liupiuy into
- ini' Mi-nil \, l'»yui]o»), Cauac*. and TteniW'Oi ol iboae
! ailiTiuin- iw the'lThmat called Uronrbiii*. Pluonl.- !.*•
'line'll*. l'irr-.> ; mu*»‘* tMitn-TiilOHt, rlr ri. I.y Hoi
n. ri.rcrli,.\l »>*..•.*• ,
• .\Vditine.
\ I' i.•uinithi nr Jn*auiiy*~l>v (ij.ii.
1 U.’i-n'r* ul Onliliru- l.j
-! M*|ril.lji* , ii l*Hy«rolin»V.
ibopff** •'inrjjieaJ Iheiionuiy.
lliki|i..|'- Mnlival .In,
PflplßUiP* H.(r’V ol Med.rifie
IVwtr'- nil u.
Ki>erle\ •PiuruVe:
VVrU*.r.i'* Hii nonnr) . 3 » ol*.. •*» n.
i _r..rjHlr J_I._BK.MMUi tn:«i Matin at.
VKW WORK-lu l*iM«-Hiin>rjiofMoiit
i 1 rn. lift (“ml VVjra and Colnnial and Kevnla
tii.narr Anna!-. I'l.un Hit* jw-nod gl- (be .Spamsb
i ’onnuoi.l, IKi». tn the |irf«rol lime, PUT j including .
in aiViiiiiil iil‘tlie Hue ting War with (hr Pnitrd
it- (lauaeeand Military Achievement*.. By
Philip ■ J A dtl l P JAMKS,'
• rhi , ; . I'uhliaJioni.Cinclonttli.
(VT.fcitt jHi/HiC.ilook— Pamphlet Korm*
], 1 .—The .NJeJinlcon: a clmic»*clecli«nof Songa,
lluetia, Round*. \VolUe*,amJ Marche*;
w]th a History or Moaie. Illustrated with nuraer
oae engraving?; Imperial octavo. Priee*24 cents.
Published and fnraale t»v JAiUP JAMKS,
. Walnut street. bet. Fourth and Fifth.
Ciuciuptili, March £), 1817. _ -
N*;W wuilk Oaf ’iiilßKP—n.«'A«arii. : un
Shepherd, h'*-inj» u coinjilHi; hi* 1 o«) of r i h<-«'t>; With
•tint breed*,management. antTili'ea-ie*: hy L A Mor
rHt—Uiunraiedwnh drowinß* of the ihdemji breed*.
\ r IV,ti, mi appendix, embracing upward* nr twenty
tetter* fruin riiimein wool jiowrt« anil «brep fattener*
of didetem iiatcr detailing then re»pective mode* of
hUrfagrincnt i For ante by
meiiVtf Booksrllets, cortuarkei and tld «t^__
HEN BY KI.EUEK, Dealer in eastern Pluno Fortes,
at J \V IVondwrll's, No. 85 Thud Street. The
Piano* nmy be examined ui all hoora,-and the iub«ctT*
b«r w ill be there from II u> Jr. A. M., and from 4 to 4*
p. *1 , caeh day 1 Prttili'g, October 24, ’W
A\ r i, the uiidcnigned. would inform the citizen* of
Pittsburgh and vicinity ibai we have appointed Mr. It.'
KleUc>ole Agent for Western Pynmjlvauia. ,fot the
•ale of our Plum FWnee. from whom they may be ob
tained at fret own liNcw York] price*.
, New Vorh.hep. 1. lmC-ociadtf
.New Planoa.
JUST Brec|v,,J and opened by the subscriber, .the
following new Pianosi—■
(me elegant Rosewood,® ocutePi ano Forte, f French
Pattern.] ( ...
Oneekgant-Rrtrcwood.d) octave Piano Foite, with
o*rv»d (loibtc Tablet*—• ipleitdid imtinmfnt.
Also, one veiy. good aecond hand Fiano. made by
U,nd ACo,J»Ulada. lIENBY KLEBLB . -
mctrM < ■- • -, at J-W WoodwciP*. 65 Third It .
.-A LARUBand -splendid assortment
luabogauy and toaowood frand ae»
I f “ I f*tion,Plasos. With laeiaßic fiuies. and
with alt «t>* latest ImproremenW'which foronrabmty,
lone an 4 wach are'warranted to tic *Rf 4 * 10 M V “*® e
in Uiceouints\ For aalatow far QIUME ;
-»cht9 - |i- • No 119 vrood.H W door above 3th '
COLEMAN. MAILMAN, AA>.; baVlag eomplawd
itu-ir New woria, are naw prepared wauaofar
tdfr every description of CoiJh aad Fliplit:*
Jrod alley AncrieM.BUMar.spthix and plough Steal*'
and all kite* of small aqvare tad round Iron, whieh
they offer forPfila' on Hheral tenay at their Htnowi
So. 43 Wood atrreti where they also keep on hand a
complete *rtd baadwoe'arottmetu ot Coach trim
raint*. Carriage hardwtre, malleable caning*. Natla
**C IL A Co., kannHa arrangements with Messrs
Day A Croux. mmtalatfttrer* ol .Shovel*, *H»»dea
Forks, will Wp constantly oa hand ever,
article made by them- Dealer* are reapeCLfullT *»*
cateti tacalUapiicoy and term* »tM he '
DiuolnUoa. ’
THE Faitnciihip haretofere existing jtader lb* 6m
of Uarihtll, Bradley, A Co, waa diMolTfd on the
Mb taauni by. Battuta! eonwnt TTie baameaa or ihe
15?.%“" i, ‘iluraMAiSilt” *“
THEAualneasof the*above Fouudry will be. coniln
ed by the aubacribcra under the firm of Ma rstinil
' Wallace A Co , iu all tta varutua brunche*. Mi
Hollow Ware Mill Gearing ,
Stoves aud Stove Plater Light A Heavy Mach-ry
Wagon Bole* Engines
Grate* A Sad Iroat Engine Caaunga
plough* Plough Casting**, Ae. Ac.
Made of the best material*, and at the lowest prices.-
Purchaser* are invited to c«ll|aud examine our Stock
at the Werehome In Liberty street No. Sl.nearthe
Prrriacßcu, Pi.
joua waieHT * 00..
A RE prepared to build Condn and Woollen Maehrn*..
A. erf or'every desertptiod, such a»—Carding Ma
chine?, Spinning Fraroes Spetdera, Frame*,
RailwayKeada, Warper*. Twilleri.Ppooi * s, Dreaauig
Frame*, Loom*, Card Grinder., At-, W t?o0t uoa
Shafting turred all aize* of; Cast Iron, Pome* and
Hangers, of the latest pattetad; slide and;hand Lathe*,
and tool* of sll kmda. . . • . .
Castings of every derenptmn furnished on *borl no
tice. Pauerai made to order lor Mill Gearing, lnm
railing, Ae. Fleam Pipe far hearing Factories. Cast
Iran Window Pa*h, and fancy Castmp generally.—
Order* left at the Warebotue of J. Palmer A Co.. Lib
erty street, will have pr*mpt attention. *
Regia to '
Blaekstork. Bell AtCo., J K Moorhead A Co.. G F.
Warner, John Irwin A Sons? Pitubarglu •
G C A J II Warner; Steubenvills. jaulO
T nog. A. KILUER.
Furmshing Warehouse, No 1M Wood street, near
fifth, Pittsburgh. Pa; Wholesale and Retail: *
English and French Engraving*;
Japanned Waiter* ahd Tray*;
Looking Glass Plaies, by the box or singlt light;
Table Cul'ery;
pieiurv lal**# of all sue*;
Britannia Tea Ware, m aett* or single jupees;
Portrait and Piituie P'raoes;
F»re ironaand Fenders;
Mahogany Toilet Glasaea, with I, *. an.).. 'Haw,
Ga-fmna Silver and HritanoiaTea A Table Spoon*;
Hand Magnifying Minor*;
4*an,lle«ficka, Snuffei* and Trey-.
GUL Pier, and Mantel Glasses,
Gentlemeu’* Fhsviitg Case.*;
Comb*. Halt Brashra, Ac. , ,
«?-Merchants, Hotels and. Ftrumboal* supplied on
hheral unn*. and peeking earefally attended to l*u
• i .l.Ncount for cash . . f ** t,l ‘
ihif.method u»*DWimh.» fnen l1 *
and llrf patiie at Urge that his Faetotf
'rtow tu foil operaticrv, on the East aide
0 * the Diamond, AllegheJir. where a cob|
itaut supply of Blind*, of vurioas color*
aadqualil.e*. are constantly kept on hand,
also ut No » "’nod *i. Piiubtirgh uiJ A
IL Phillips’ oil cloth waieroom.
Ihwiterembde to ordet in the style.
Wind.* repaired at the apone-t
N. B. Hu Ulmd« will be pul up, withoiU *ar add>-
ttbnal e*cpn«e so ihai they run te removed ,<> a mo
■neid m case ui tire or tor washing, and wdboot the aid
VT, rf e* •!, , o>:l4dlyAwUmlv
Arpfttos, Belt aiid Hri"* Found'
Arr- lua* rebuilt and commented biumrsa at
hi*nld stand, whrie he will be pleased lu
..... bi» old ru'iMOer* and friends.
Churcb, Sicamloat, and Bella of every
></r. i'iwui iu n> lo.issi jaiond*. cast troui
{■aiterns of the r.iaii approved rnodeN. and
warranted to bf of the !>e*t material*.
Mineral Water Piirup-, Conru. n Hading, Ae Ac.
.oecther vutArvary variety uißi.c Ca*ung.. ti r.-quir
erf, tntned and fii.i.hrd .n the nmie-imanner ,
rr j*A- V I* tbs sole pruprawr cl Uasatr** Aicri-
Ajiairw'i Mrr»x- »u ju»il> reb-brateJ ur the reJue*
lion oi rnoiM.'i in mai hitter). The ikae* and tompo-
haJof hira at ail lime*. _ )anl-ly
Warfhotift torntr of Hixof (put Front atrfeU
r!E«uh«rnhfT» hanagpurchawd the Frauklin Irou
Work*, formerly owned by Messrs- J. A. Slock ton
A Co, and made extensive addiiiODMuilirra. are now
prepared id lunnxb ui vider Irou A Nalla ol all *irrs ;
wmanied equal to any hi the market
We aiaokeep on hand Spring and dmrxua*.iwt*».
gtccl of the beat qoalitica.-
Onr friend* viaillng this market, will hud o- |«.-|>ar- *■
a supply them with a 6r*t rye aiticle, and *.n a* g>a*i
ernut as can bo obtained in tka city. .
ruYl) |l COULTFR k 1 n
HAVING recently made very important nuptov..
menu in the manufacture of tbe above article. and
ailo|>"* ‘roUtoi improved eastern wbvelureuior Aal
u-.niua. <v« ate now prepared u farniMi nunirlf or Win
dow equal, it not aupenor. 10 an* C>i.ndrt Me**
made In the Uatted Stale*, and but linle iiti'rrior <n >•*>'
Eiirlitb Crown. . __
We are also very cxienaivel}- engMnl m the niwtu
failure of Common Window data situ Dt«®tt«tV rial'
and Fottlwofeverydeacription. Dealer* xruvraily ate
invited to call and examine for ibemaclvr* ainur ware
| trout*. No 13* Wood wreet.Pmalmrirh, Pa.
[ \v
...If. tVILLA^E,
.V»«. *J44 and tftt Liberty itrrti, n«r tht Canal
A LW AY 800 hand and made to order, • large varie*.
<y of Marble .ManieU, Pter.Canue Table*, and
Bateau Tbpf.Toob Stone*, Monument*. Ac; all which,
being made of the cholee*t marble, and tnanafttetured
principally be machinery, will be sold low tor cash.
N. B. HeiMm* wtahuig to purchase Mantel*, are
informed that ii i«beoeelorth onncce**ary tor them u>
n Ka*t, a* I can furai«h them with an article in all
rtapccu a* good, aud(freight, iMuranee, Ac, consider*
ed.) a* cheap a* they cap purchaae them tor lathe
East Call and ***
Vase manufactory.
No S Market street, Piu»bcrfh, Penas;
THE subscriber* haring nuiapy, imptprtmttiu
in th£ construction of their COOKING STOVES,
tespeciiidij iivjts parsons building Steamboat*.to call
aid e inoiue before pojehauax, a» we can- toppljr the*
with Deck Stove*, Forges, and every other kind of
Otfppcr, Tin and Sheet Iron work ueeemry m lonufh
ioa a Steamboat. ', ....
We aUo make to order on the shortest nonce Sal
Tktbe*and Chamber; Copper work for Steam Engine*
-isr* " rI " T * T: a JSmn±."mi
, Blmlßfhata; (wear Ptktalmnkfot] P«*
ifrarthowt, Ao. 137, Wood itmt, PUUbvrgk.
«flßft\VJLLcou*iamly keep on hand a good assort*
JK/sitiii ol Ware, of our own manufacture, and
saperiorquality. Wholesale and eoantry Mer*
chant* are reaped fatly melted to call and «X
anuna for'theraielve*. as we are determined to •ell
cheaper than has ever before been offered to the pub*
‘try Order* oenl by mail, accompanied by the cash or
city reference, will be promptly attended in. feb-AS
tfewiKovririlpaS* nxuTTbrirMiiawlWc-
HAVINU commenced the mamifarniTe of Spades,
.Shovels, llay and MsnuieForh on an eaten*
•!ve k.-ale, a re. prep* ted'to x fill all order* for each arti
cle* Mli*M«Rptwea. ,
For the ronvemenrrof their cuMomere aitddesleram
«orh articles, they have appointed George Owhran,
tVinimieeioti Merchant, No Wood -treec, tlicir Agent
loi the #al«: of their manufacture-. All order* address
ed «o bun wilt receive ihe-mo«tad
reiiiSßCDu* h rnt?. l»l\*».v.
Fxiktiurgh. JofyS—dly __
No Y 6 Wood Sum.
Hlassaa, Importers and IValeis in LodkiagGlass
Plaies, Aceordcons, Perea*«ion Capt. I'look-', Combo, I
Jewelry and Fancy ( eenerelly.
The advcrii«er* u« making soon*. Improvement* in. I
if.eli htfsinr »■*, Wiih increased facilities in the purchase |
ill Dameit.c, and the importation of many Foreignl
lio«l*, they w<ll hr able to sell at Faunn f r,fr«. TUrv
respectfully • dir it ihe attennon oi purchaser*.
THE «nl»*eHt>rr> are now enlargmc tomr esiabli.h* |
mrnt.a'id ate prepated to make o/l l-oltoa
and Woollen r>. on the n*.wt reasonable terms
I .acock street,- All-ghcny City
N U.—H Wieliiltion, tvhn has a pmrni. for * very;
important linprovetne i.i on the Curd, and who bn* been.
niMged for the laM liftrett »eare m *on«e of the mu«t
esiensive and successful Cotton Factories o< the west,
will five hrs personal attention to putting up. to the aat
nfucuono! those conerrned. all machines made at this
e-übtishmenL _ . . ianThlK
C#., Noa.OTandtH Front sts,
Uasss Fovsnsas and U*s Fix*
tut; Bells of all size* east
from the latest improved oai*
■ ■ tern* and warranted equal to
any- Abw, Bras* Casilnf*,'-
finished if ordered, Get bit*,
ting* put up promptly and on
novlfldly ,
Isaac iovxs lea* 9. quioo.
JOSKB 1 nviao,
MBNUFACrUIIER» or »pr”V, ond Bjttl end, Bie.l Ptoolli Umifc Couh .nA
Elinlic Satin**. Hammered Iron Atte*. and dealer* in
Malleable CasUnsa.nnd Coach Tjimmingl **pei«Uy
corner of Rosa and Front atreeU.Pmabtlrgh, Pa
feta* :
IRON and Nall*, Sbovtl-, Ac. for sale at oar new I
Wareboo*e. No.»» "'»tor street, near Wood, ran* I
a, jSto, l a r n n as*ortmeiu at the old Hand, AJrMastePs
additions to ibkxoUmg Mill, aU
ht t “' S ’"“Sfcrrr. UND3AY I. Co. ,
iimireau Ticir ictQii
finishing nails. HOOK, HEAD BRADS,
IrnM and Contr Tacki, I
, - an. .• . . x .. .. ;
i-Pafitm I Vakert Poinh, of ft>ifry description.
• tSl.CkarterHMel.'ifUrdstreet, " ’ "h
■>L4 .. '. r. • P4Ual»«»§tto
. Corner vf Tkirdand Stuitkjield rtrteta,
B, Wtsvsr. Proprietor.
TUl** new and apariou* HOTEL, erected *inre tbr j
GREAT FIRE. auJ iromil\jC on iwoW tUeinoit
Vublir **re«lf, U |i«*urpa> *cd ox 1 U« '-ou/|i ey. v. Kei lie r (
its regard* us architectural atraiigcmeni*,or theele-,
tUe and comfort c f it. *«*»*«& ***»! sn.‘ *
me immediate vicinity cl the i-ANl>*
INK. HANKS.*KXCt l AX GK OmClA«mll*nji«gU
and-BUSINESS MEN deiirable convenience*. wM«I j
l*. FAMILIES and GENTLEMEN or Jetmi*, tl* in
ternal arrangement* added even accommodation tnr
mo*t TatilJioa* can dc*ire. The Parlors and
Chawbtn are ail furnished-in wtl"
euurtdy. new and elegant Fiumtarefan emvwnt corp*
of aumiive aed obliging vervains i* maintained.amVihe
Tahto will shear* abound with the rhoiKM deina*
etestba nlnfketa afford. j
Tie Proprietor, who ha* had long experience m th,a .
line ofbastnesA, assure* the public that no effort on hi*
pan will be spared to satisfactorily accommodate tho«e !
whA nay frsorhiur with their custom. '
• An Omnibus and Baggage Car will always be iu :
readiness for 'be guest* of the house. ’
- feblfl - ; B. WEAVER, Proprietor. :
P' EABL BTREET HOUSE, Cincinnati, j
OHIO—The- snbtcribere haring purchased: the en- (
tire interest of-Col. G t Williamson, late of this welt
kaown establishment, beg leave to etate to their friends I
aud the public generally, that they have when this
commodious Hotelfor a term of year* and wumxrtt!
their bestonerglea to make it a tie suable home forTrar
ellen and City Bondere.
' Hotel taspacions and admirably planned forcon
eenienee, light and air, having a number of parlors
adjoining Chamber-S presenting unusual auracnous to
pfeprietors haring had the experience of,
yean in this city aud elsewhere, hw>e they will be able j
to give-general satisfaction, being determined to give
unaivided uifeutioo to the bouse atone.
The location of the Pearl Street House is mtcommonly
\ eligible, haring fronts on Pearl,'' alntu and Third »'*<-
so that it ia equally desirable in riew of the.conveni
ence of business mea or retirement for private boarder*.
It ia near by the Banks, the Po«i-Omc*,ihe Masonic
Hall,Odd Fellows UalLand butonesquare distant from
Main street and two squares from the City '* half. Urns
offering the greatest indneeinenu, especially to country
merehauis and generally to alf personaVj*tti;pg £• lB ? m '
nati JOHN rluUub
tnchff7 ; JOHN A DUPLE :
Pittsburgh, Fa.
TIIF, undersigned. Proprietors of the Mortougahela
House, announce to the public lhatthe Hou.'r is now
open tot ike reception of Visiters.
.Ther are conscioua of haying spared no expense in
fitting out ih£r»tibli»bmeut, in «uru a si) le a* t« rend. r
every comfort to thgir-C«ue‘ts. '
They hope by constant care and aitmnon to bu»ine*%
, to merit the patronage, *o litieralty bestowed on tbr hie
Mooongahela House, JAS. CROSSAN A SON
apldltn ,
MomT Verson house,
No. 85 W#«A Steond Etna, PhUadtiphot.
THF. lubteribcn respectfully- inform the eitlxeui of Pius
burgh sad Western Penwylreaia, that they bare iikeu
the shore house, where they arc prepared to aco-uunodat#
person* rid ting Ihe City of Philadelphia in the brtl »iJJ«>, aud
on the most reaxmabK terms. The boor* i» within our
•quare of Market ilrret.and bar uudereon* a thorough rruu
ration and retire, nod i» wdl ealrubird to areoam dste
perron* who US) l»cr ur with anil.
Kim iK.araU, and we irrleflufidrut you willbesatirficd
February ‘S3, VMT-rhu . OIJVKR H V PaRKFH.
Rfi-8 Pearl Street, AVit* York.
EI»L’CTH»N IN PRICK-The ’ub'criiicr luiprvi
fully cull* the uilentian of the irsrrdUng ciuirnuiu
ty, and especially bu'-inets .urn, U> the fact-lhal'thi*
h,m*e ia now open aii'K* offered l**r their pano.i.sgr f>i
ihe low price of ONF/ DOLLAR I ER.Da V.
If location fonnsjfces* i> r.ot rutpas/wl in N Vurl,
and everg comfort, witli poo-I lis»n t, clean beds, airy
looms, Ae., cau here he had a* Well «•» ut tut 1 > mo.'i ex-
Eragnni bonsr - One .- all w >ji suiely ratmy nny one
he<e facts 4>iid tn»u«* an exi« l O'*i ve paum*(tge for the
re SaMI. «' RWIIUI*, l‘<<)[>r>eUl
•New VoHlAj.m: 1 tftr dim
■. r.jicKßO*. • n. fhAKarnw.
Ute-Mhe A*tm Hnii‘e ,tfi l‘us ihoa. Hit'kawiy
t'foai he* will hr ui ren.lme.* ai the l»»Vof* win! .1 .sum
lV«n W. c«n\ey l*n->eu«ei« »■ U.
JVT.'-dly the UOii-K-,
idcmnlfr sgaluil l.oaa or Usiutg* by
\Viih the adduional feciiiiiy of a Sio. L t'upiial
Tie HtHdnet Mutual Insurance Co., uf Phi Fa.
CHARTER I , F.KPirrUAI.. , *
: . MRttTOKI.
George W.Tolnod, John 51. Atwood,
ThomuC. Roeibilt, K. A«hliur-t,
Wb. H.Tbomp*on, ' (••s,rp<-N Bukrr,
George M Bimid, J Vaudrikemp,
Grtsrge W• . y.-r.
WILL make insurun,. . r ».-t Lo*s or Damage
by Fire, in I‘mvvt l ;ml and vicioity, «iu
llouaet, Stores and other Buildings, and on Furni
ture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise,on the must
'J'ho Mutual Principle, combiued with a Slopk
Capital, and the other pioviaiuna ol the, Charter <>T
this Company, hold out unusual Uiducentenfo, both
uf profit and safety, to those desirous ol oNccliug
insurance, towhieii neLthc attentiun
' tnd eraminstiun of those interested.
. Those etfecllng insurance with this Company
b4ve,bciidea the usual protection against lots, by
itifc otdinay method of insurance, the additional
idvantageof a direct participation iu tlte pio/ilt of
the Cotupesty, onp itoMiify.
UtORCE W. T’OLAND, President. .
B.M. PiipciiMAK, Becretayy.
The subscriber, prho is the duly authorised Agent
or the dbove named Company, is prepared to make
insurance, at tbe'Otfice of tho Agency, jn the
St Chi les Mote*, Third sll, third door from Wood
street, aud will give all fUrtber inr» rmaUou desired
mySsdty. TiiOS. J. CAMPBELL.
aesxT at rnmcncu fob tux.
Safety Ini wanes Company er PhUadc’Ui
PI RE RISKS upon buildings and ottrcltandixc
of every description, and MARINE RISKS
upon hull* or cargoes of veuela, taken upon ihe
mostlavorabie terms.
O* Office in the \Varehooae ol W. B. Holmes
; A Bro., No. 37 Water,'near Market street. Fitts*
. burgh.
11 (NT B. The luceess of this Company since the eatab*
I lishmenio' the Agency in this city; wiih the prtmftnnt
1 and liberality with which every claim upon them for
I loss has been adjusted, fully warrant ih t agtnl in in*
T.ung the confidence and ouronage of bit friends and
the commimity at Urge Vo tho lirlaware M S. Insu
rance Company, while n hasihearidiiirflial advantages
las an institution among lue moat nourishing in
I Philad’u—a* having an ample paid in capual, which
I by the operation ofits charter liconsLantlyincreasing
1 aa jielaing to rach* person inured bia uue share ol
I thn profits of the company suthonl involving him
I in-any responsibility whatever, and therefore as
i poaicsing the Mutual principle divested of every
I obnoxious feature, anTln its most attractive form.
New York.
THIS well known .nut respectable company is pre
pared, through then PITTHM’ ntili AGENCV, to
make insurance «t evriy kni.l t'omicctr.i wiih risks of
tnin»]»orttiion nnd inland nav.yutlon; to ui*ure aga>n*<
lum or duimge by hre. Dwelling Hoosi #, Warebouica,
in general, Good'., U ami Metcfiabdiac,
and evei y desenptinn <ll .»n ihoinnst
favorable terms. ••
| ApplioatrtMi* for tnsuram-e aitc.iJded to without dclav
I auUc otficr, Nn rjlAV.iod mi-cl .. „ • fc ? >
AT an Election held JFluc other in N V-.Msyl2th,
■h« lollowtog named acntlerorit w etc_cU>tr.t Ditsctor#
I »»f this Company, far year, via;
j Juzeph W. wevase, c'iephen Holt,
I John Umutver, John McCniun.
I William G. \V»..I, Wdiism tV.Campbell,
John New house, J.cob'.Miiicr,
fTiUtemK lßu*-iun. Spring.
John F Mackie. Joseph 9.l.ake.
I John J H,rm-k.
And ajrM.nyr/thc Ttostd, JOSEPH
W. SAVAGE. Kfai., v*a% un »i.tuic.ii-ty re-elected Pre*-
idriil lot the cnsnui* >ear. J’.OtiHS.
j>-« Post* ••!')- Secretory^
fV>HE Insurahcn t’oinpiuy .i North America.
X through us duly authoruunl Agent, the subscri
ber, offers to mall** permanent auJ limited Insur-.
ance on properly, in this city and its v»cuu’j, ar.d
on ahipmonts by the t'anal vtid Rtvert.
DIHEf v It)RS.
John r.'Sniilh Fres't.,' Nvinue! Hrooks,
Atex. Henry. AJii'U-e Taylor,
I Sami. VV. Jones. 'Sami. V. Smith,
1 Edward Sintllj, Ambrose While,
I John A. Brown. Jacob M. Thonua,
John White, Johu K. Neil,
.Tho*. P.Cope. Rir.ltard Wood,
’ Wn. Welsh, -Arthur(i. ('ortth.Sec.
This* is the oldest Usurauce Company iu the
United States, having been chartered in Us
charter is perpetual, aud train its high stauding,
long expenencs, ample all
risks of an extra-hatardnus character, it may be
eoaaidered as offering ample security to the public.-
... V - . - ■ i‘MOSES ATkVOUD,
At'Counting of Atwood i .Jones 4k t r ’o.,
Water and Front streetii Fittshorgli. ap^tf
A» iibttdut by Fife "The FRANKLIN Fire Itnu
raace Company of FkiUdelphia,-
WILL make Usorance, permanent and limited,
on everydascriplion orproperty, in FITTS*
OB favorable terms. This compauy haa.a perpetual
C-AHTAL —. j™.™* P 4 >*-
1 Olfice corner ot Tbinl .ntl M«O l •fji ‘'
»l>SB-ir WARHtCK M.lKI'IN.Al cnL^
Offia wi DAVIDSON, hci'L
CofflPMy »®
I xL.raß»ilil i rir«i Bjgn = h * adi * c ‘ P»miwr«fcrf ptor-.
CiMMWI, «*liiUt «9» Of
".„' . kl. ‘-Ro * Wto4 «;.;
NO. 224 :
| OOK TO Tova HOCaEai— '
Carpet Iknporium. No P 7 Waajnreei.iMctAosvia;
Diamond Alley. Tins subscriber re»p*rtfaUy infetfiV '
dir cit.*«ns auJ manger* Ti»itiag ike City, tbttbe bt* M
d'dined the Aucuon business, and remorrd w> N»B7v ’
Wood Mfrri, fm tie opening W «targe CARPET EM-v
I'tißll’M Having beenut the Em» fcf ikeluufcire
months, irk, ting Carpet-cg, Ac , iot ihi* parpcs*v-©y;
»uh i. will he the largest and Lest assorted, amiStJJ El
puce* l*elow any similar establishment £ailor : WiMt''
oi ihe-Mnouia<rt‘. Jking ■ new n«et,inyCarpeta,fcc.rf
mil all l.e the freshest «ooJs anJ lalesi pattern*. Tb»_
, o!oi» of all <cwij« _ooiJ by rnr vrill be wiriaoirfi to
/•’ami,or a detfuetionmsde. _ 1 •• .»
Rich and Mrgaiit Caipett tot Spring Tfk*k.
•Arrangement* having beau made with oaa of the Ur* -
Manufacturer*, to lx* krpl constantly. supplied Ut*
ihr above aniflr*, my will always be .dull Mid
romphttv- Nn«fon hand:
• Super. Three Piv Imperial Carpets. —.•
SiperfinqDouUf Ingram do,
I’me all wool do da;
Common do do do r
Splendid Tapestry. Hall and Suit Catheis
Varieties if Cotton Inerain .dU; '
Kura twilled Venetian do;
4-4.3 4. and S-S striped da >lo;
Codon striped Carnets-for Siairs; *
Listing, Rag and liemp Carpets;.
Saper. J*ehfinelle. and Tufty Bugs;.
Brusaela and Common do do; «
FineScliemetle mod SheepsLiu Door Mau*;
Large and small Alieani and lute Hemp Maul;
Qians Stair Rods, of all sites;
AH ;haUe»ol\Wor,irdCarp«t»rtd Binding; r
VVt»«-irU audEmbM Table and Piano Cover*;
Highland Plaid Table Carets; i
Transparent Landscape Window Shades;
4-1 Oil CloihsJot rich patterns 1
SheetOilClotb»,cuitoaay fit; i
Gam Fiiish Oil Cloth Table Covers
4 4, 5-4. and (Ti White Marine;
Snow-Drop Napkins
? and Damask Table Linen;
Damask and Bird-Kye Diaper;
Crash mod Skair
C *rP«* •*«! Dry Goods Warihout.
DESPECTFVLLY informs his friends and the public
ll «Ber*»y, that be it now. receiving a Urge and
jnlendid assortment ol N*w »rrn Carpeung.Ot-
Ltoth*, dm-direct from the Importci# and Manufawo*
rer«, composed tupait of
Superfine Brussel* Carpets;
Extra or Tapestry BniaaeJ* Carpeting;
Super Imperial frphr ap'd Extra do: L
Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Common ''
'*-*l3-4 and 4-4 Plain Venttian Carpeting; 7
—5 8,3-4 and <-4 Damatk do '• do;
5 £ 3-4 mid 4-4 Tapestry do • do; • ,
Suaniboat Trijumingi.
Drown Drillings; 4 4,5 4 and 8-4 Sheetings; M 7-4
e 4 Tahir Lmrn*; Linen Napkins; Crash and Diaper; :
I loekabuck Towelling; Carpel Ktripes; New Style Ta
bi« Covert; Oil Cloths Irout S 7 inches lo a 4 reel wide. c
rut to any sue;
„ . , _ . Toowiiaa wnn > ' •
Rreli Embroidered aud Primed Table and Piano cover*
Figured Floor Cloths;
Chcnielle. Brussels. Tufted, and Wilton Rugs;'
Tufted, Cbenielle, and Sheepskin Door Matts ’•
Manilla and Grass 1 . J,i <i„-
Brs«« Stair Rods Flat au(l Oval; -
Damask and Striped Stair Linen; ,
Carpet Bindings; . ~ ~
■H*\ am! 8-4 Plain end figured Indian Maturig; -
Colored Spanish Matting, 8e.,8e.
Pe(Mm> lilting up Kteaaaboau,Hotels,or Privatellpa*
‘ti, ate-requetteil to call, a* be (eels confident they will'
6n.i it lo ttieir nilvamiee to|lo w before pnrrhatiitg
ct'ewheie ..
* . '.DRY GOODS.
He would also invite aurr.tion lo his liifcniive atoek
O. NEW SPttINO DRY UOOD-M«mbr*ein?erery
thing .n that line.) now opening at the above stand.
_n.*tiu.u Ip-No 110 Mertet street
DUT.GOODS* '' „ . ■ L
OIIAi’KLETT k WHITE, No TO Wood street, above J
l.v Diamond AdJey, are now prepared to offer to raer* * •• J
{•hnr.u a large and desirable stock of • . •. ,-J
All of this season’s pnrebase-of late and desirable. - j
style*, and {qualities. • - J
CoimtiT. Merchants veiling or pacing through oct, >
eiiy. will Lnd .1 clearly to their adviniage-wgtre at a' i
ss we are deiemuued to sell at such small profits,
• , S r '' a * , y to their interest to make* bill] - . j
Our stork t« now full and complete, i-ostnrU*njr a i
general assortment of snch goods as are usually ketrt
In-dry goods houses. • r 1
.A good supply ol heavy and light brown Sbeetirgi 1
. sjways onhand. ccfcgT ■ . - *
BAItHbWS (L TIIRNKR, No 43 Mark* stmt.
•re now receiving their stock of New Spring.
uood\ and invite the attention of purchasers to ihsfr
a-tonm, m of Drers Good*, which is particularly den.
rabte. con»min* in nartoi • -•••*•
Rk-U fjoil.rf.idered Uint.-re,j choice parr-raj; Organdy Lawm- faMiinnable'-trownyj-wilh
sitiei <«lor* very handsome. * .
I’iimrd f.sivn«,of different paue»n‘;i
H.rh California cry handtenie; ••
| >npetior I fuel. Oingriam-- entirely new and beao
l !.!»! I‘s’tcni*' one lot very hand-cir.r at 16| ci*'.
j Mamhei-ier liinghanis, (warranted] at fO
N'n 4C imitn 3 dooil ihovc 3J
P!,' 14 . A , l<u witiTK oinounas-.v. r.
A Murphy ha* cj«n this mirnittg a few piece* Pink
and »» bite HairnTGinghama very low, attd betnUlul
style. Also, new ityie spring Mutliiide-l.ainea. Al
*o. neat style Uranen ■ fashionable anjclc;—besides a
foy •»*onin«m of first quality French and Msnchester
Liughanu, Drm.b Piiut«, small figuied annuibrJu-.'
rants, kA. Alx>. In.h linens—a lull supply 1 , from low
e.t m finest qualmr-a. m u>h appigvtif aisse anJlty
warranted pure flax—and vety niperinr hkiiiin# ruai--
lm» at |g| cents per vaiib
stock very full in tlie toomt up ttaire,
and gotel, oflerul at exceedingly low prices to Cash.-
,lU >'«2- •pgfl.htw
»V R Murphy has now open au ssjotUaemof the
niiove goods, all «uol, including soiuo very fine. Also,
Mohair de-Lames, Very rupenti*, plain-mode colors.
I AJ«o, plain Drab floret*-, p-nk, h ur, and black do
A'pu. bmw u jut! u.n-y colon, some as low
»• Iciienu. .uni U larpc of newest stTle*
Ore.-. pth.d< -vnerslly, including black watered, and
taiiry MLK>, ul latest ni jwftuliuu*, and at low prices
lor quality Buyer* will pieai-c call and examine at N
L comer 4th and Market its.
ID* Wholesale Rooms m ■‘tury, where a vety
rluHca stock can be seen by deal, ar», m low cash pn*
*i£±r apio '
SUWI>RHC»-.BonnfJ Frainr*, Tabu ana Roche#; <
Tortoise ibeli mud horn, tuck, side .and dressing
ci»m*i»; mlßid uiin mud rosewood birr brasher: tooth,
uair, comb. cloth mnd hut doTOrpet bjndior bed ieces
bruwn.ldscli end white holtend: colored ctubrlci #ilk
Bad uawm gBlIoon*; flannel binding; stlirtY envelope*:
l i lo !x? ,^ f : »*•»!*«* wax; motto water*; Barnhill's in* •
denote ink; pencil* and pencil.puinii; buttons! pin*;,
ueedle*' tain-*; spool cotton. ATT For Ulo wholesale'
and retail,by -•
F II KATON, (QJUatkct street
....•4CUANT TAILORS—Now opoiu
'pleadid assortmentof tVo*eTooy mtmractsrtd
both one and medium (jaulttirt, . -
A targe HiToice Cravats, lxiili black and (aacici. di
rect from the Importer. -
Adjusting Stocks, all cjualiue* and eolow. '
Satin Bow*, *Jt» doi.
ltombazioe do do do . do:
Kor sate by the manufacturer's A rent, No « Woo' * *
»ueei,o|L£}air»>JvboleuJe. F.DVVAIu) TODD
_ *p 5 __ Agent.for Eastern Matrefacturera. :
dip Worked Lace Cape*— newest tiylca—a lot ■ V'3
received this morning. «. "Sj
AI«o. Chameleon bilks, a few pcs ChameleonPocif ;’J
de Soi Dress Bilk*— a |>eaiiuful article, and SCMC 0-» -
open this mornine . .
Also, Ftenrh Ualzarinrs; * few pieces, choice styles- -
—at the Dry Good* tloiue of \V R MURPHY
_«pW N E car 4th and Market iu • ?,
RECEIVED this morning at Banowi
fine selection of California Plaids, new and beaeii
fot stjlear’Freneb Uln|hamt, very rich pattern*, iIK
ceoi*j Msnchener Cimahanw, warranted, at a*low'
price of 20 cenu; EnglisU Print*; Brawn plod! sod
stripe*. sew and handsome. at. No 46 Market street; '■
mch!9 • Between 3J and 4th H rests
KID ULOVKS--SOAoien avper.'Paria Kid Olovtt,
(rum the manofseioryof Jeavia* Alexandre; v
Open work and ctaluoidaredSUk Uforn; ,
Embroidered, plain and fancy Llllt dK
Child'* Bilk L4s!o*bd Cgqon do;
military anddres* - •• dot" •
r..r«aiebT apg FH BATON
rpltkimPAßESr IVIVDOW «OAOi;i-'
1 tVARKANTFn TO WASiI—A oeaotiftjl Anon-,
meat of French, American and Italian .Landacapi^r >
Srnpinrsl Views, Roman Arches, OoO'te Bums,
at a small advance <m wholesaleprices—from*! to*l4
perpiir. For ?ale at the Library Room,-Philo Ball, 'i A v
3J street, by A WaTKIN*, Msnsftcßim, N. Y. -.v-it
N. B.—Dealers supplied. • • aplTOv
Fine shirts; collars. Bosons, it', \
—NewstylesofFin* Shtrt* us great variety; ... . * V
| Stsndlitfand Byron Collar*; ?-£
Spnag tie Cravau and Satin Blocks; -.v - , 'J
Bosoms and Cravat Btlffenera; .. •
Shoulderßraces,NirtuCapr,BiUtUaap3s,*e; . ■ . v -V
Oahaml and for sale br ap9 - P H pA TON '■<? •>
he—'Trant'pare&i Window Shades, ofbotb (Jlge anfl r
Oilpreparation,in_greai variety of nyM cadaeaened*'
sires; Venetian Blinds, ofsssortcd sues and colon, for
sale on Commission; Shade Fixtures, Including Raima;*
■no ul,n<l Trimming*, assorted colors, at ,
_»p2_ _ >II EATO.VP . ,i‘
Hi TKRN3, fire— Zephyt and Tapestry . Wor*tadi t > -
Patterns, Canvass. Cbeneille, SilkFwtairane? Braids, ■ L
prrfonuedEoard.Tidys.LsjopMets aid ct»erFace? r
1 Work for tiileai • -• • .-C
j»r«_ F II EATON’S Upper Bake Boons. T
iII NOS— Fancy and plain head colored dreu Frm*
ye*; neb mantilla black do: mantUla, polka aad Shalfl '
(imp*, black and colored T&lerisa Uimjßisp; blteh'
■ml colored satin ribbon do: lust recM at
*p9 . F H EATONO
Horiery and VABirs-Oiiioa, aOkiaiT "*v
mrnno'Hnre and half Hese, in (test variety foe —..£■>
men, women, misses and children; Ralitinx Ysrasku; ■ v
Worsteds, ttvine'l.eo'ort; mending and twycOtWHM t
nianufsciuiers’ WorMeds,and 'l»>nf ,
Received and for sale at The rnanalheurei's •
list puce*, a laree invorce of Eltotie'
and SiupeudeM,. *f «bc Ru.»f« Manuftetarmß;
1,1 "" »%$&&&&*• v
™ tbs« MinuficlaTßi', Dm.
J.’, U. BATON, ..'?••
DKALtK in Tr.itM.iinr and VaristyGooOv.Torttuec
'Mirll Hum.crenba,oollnt V arus and;
Worurds.’ Binw"*. Needles, P.ns, Tepee, Braids, Am.
So «3 Market between Diamond and 4th streeU
p.tisiioeth- *■<- • ' <iyBSdly >■.».
WORKED COLLARh, Lacc*,Ed(int*> Linen
lldkfh: Moreen and fiiru* Linen for SkmiCUsV*',
mbtara. Popet Vo.sluis. he-., at F-|l EATON’S
IKO do . Alediaint
Received smFfor laic by JOHN II MELIXJtt •
apl6 ’ ' . ■ ’ No £1 wood street
CURTAIN MUSLINS, ot a great vanaty of
tn.'ludtng Huff Frcottf Ckiuu, for W!o4ow
Curtain*, to Lf found at dry food* Lourecf «
~~ \V R MURPHY : 1
K K cot Hih nod Marital Mg V
"fnl tood» (or *unmrr Ccitv jutt received udJbc-/..'
„; e by ' etttl tmACKLETT & WIHTK !,.
\y York, 16 year* of «(re; a citiuroa ta k» nfMn*,
•ule Cutoorrelat ErtaWntunentln tke eiiY * A» u t*- v. •'
iU« dcMteef hi* finotaihaibe thoaldscq^iraaliw*'' - *
ledge of butioeM.a mull rrmuueraiioQvvooteeafybar •
wuiredfortkainiyeat. Reference Aay lie bad v*'
KrfhjjtfLtiuetie/'. /