PffILADA. ADV STBAM IBOff BAIIIIKU FACTORY, , ; *OIDG£ .Buttonwood Street. Pinl-J ■.- ■ JCVadeipnia- At Uuae'iutJiabme'Dtinav teiound I variety of Plan* ijod beautiful Patterns ! for 18QN JlAlLlNGS,m,tbe failed Matei, to j which tb« Attention of jbowj m wmofanjdraenp t.;tio»,*iid eapsciallj for Cemeteries, in particular!* I t Jntited. . r 3 \ , . Tke PV I 01 3,1 <* hiwliOiDe Railing, it Life! fllM, Monntnenl. and other celebrated -Oeoetendßio the citr and county of Philadelphia, * ' which fa*to beeo *o highly extolled bj ibe pablir “ pfC**, were executed atthia manufactory. . T- Altrge WarevKooraia connected with the ealab (ufainent, where in kepteonHanllj on band a Urge •tock ofready-made lr«>n Railing*, Ornamental Iran Settee*, Iron Chairs, new etylrj plain and ornaiaen* tliftot) Oates, with an extent! re imurt merit of lyoo Parts, Pedeatalo, Iron Arbors. 4sc: Al*o. in great ▼tfiety, rought and Cast lronOrocmt-oU,»»il»ble ..'foe Railing*, and other purpose* .• . Tbe.iuiac nlrcr would also Male that in tin Pat . tern iod Dciigoing JJepafltn<-nt lie has employed i tone of .the b.*t tal6 n t in'Mu* country,'whose whole attention It devoted to lb* butinfcs*—forming alto* . gather one of the mo*t complete aud tyrtematic e*« Übliah'mcnU of ibektnd 10 the Union. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor.. Ridge Road, above Buttonwood street. Philadelphia, March 12. Igltdfmio* - " . "cheap WATCIIKB, * THR CHEAPEST GOLD AM) fU.VF.R WaTCII es )*r pihladki.pmia Gold levers,•fullJetrelie.!, Silver ilo do Oold lupines. Jewellrd, Silver »c*si *•;i«- hoop car nne*. goi.i ' pent, lilver rpocmv, *ur*r -one* ihimtilr*. (old ru ck, enib fend lob ehfti«c. xuard kc) ■> arid pvvolry of ev.-jv detejtption, *1 squall* lon s't-> • • I wont i» a rail 'to . ontruer. rcMomci- All kind* of Wmefcf au-i ''*!ovk * r*-|ia>r«J and war ,.. . (anted to kiM>p fuoilmnc tui i»o/*i ••mi. 01. l cult) nu.l *.l- T .> Tertoaghi vx taken Mas* Clot k*, si . LEWIS LADOMLJ** - . . traieb.Glnclf, BDd.ln-AV.IV Ww.-. No 4IJI Witrke - atreet, alcove Devi-nth, «\mtii jhlc, Piulu>Mpbiii. Tn* I have ufijir Gold in.l s.!\, r ).*-*'•-r* «t;ll cheaper thau the above pm*r.-i. - wfgßtn *• NAAMTTn SPATKSTUiRKCT ACTION • STEAM HA.MMtR. • rrUJIS-ttamntei pnwrwies 'urahy.advaiiiaxesovrr ■*** . other < —among which «»»>■ i*e mrnboned, ” ’ "tl* Manageablcne**—Tin r.*pilJ:iity .»nd forrcof blow may he controlled with (he grr »t«-s' j-nre. white il„- Kimroo itapily ttreaieJ.-anJ «u*pendcd n mij Ikiplji IIV-Ujbvcriiitity, o> rapncnv to execiue work of uli ~ JuadtAtom lhrj«'efi lit Uic -umlleni, u(»der ihr taint fc-.’ hammer. N .In Simplicity,OiVfnpacturr'* ami Chcapnc** It* Acceasibiltty U|»oii all ; 1.. ilir work mm t . , AH tbe hammer* ure made Self-Aitiug. • -... I tl« subacidtej* continue io.c*«euro orders lot ihe-. hammer«.of all *.rr*, ujmu rraw.mUii* icm» .. For furtlur r»n ■ nl-r-. infinite m . | AJKHIUCK .VXaW.NC. , A«sijnie< • of the i’ai-oiitor the I nnrd Mui, - • > -daclsly ,_Srtuttt\s .irk Foundry. p*UU*d'«. , *»TEAJa JIAKBLE WOHES, - RiJgl Hoad. lirtTt Sy*tng Harden HirtU, Pktladtl/hi'J 'lfftHlSesiasli*hinenrnMTorjed o»4in improved plan. J. and by l tie naiawdrn DERRY dc UiICKERBOX; ' AWMSCS, SAC&ttG BOTTOMS, WAGON COVKitff AND GRAIN BAG 3 OF ALL PkSCKlPTiaa* t No* 38* Sooth .Front strcrti Back of T. A? YiUsori* Cabinet Ware Mamtfy • ‘ • * PinLADKIiPmA.. k LL orders left wiih JS. S. m ijiedffii-c of the JSI .Merchant’* Hotel, l’illrirurch, will i.e prompily atbnaed to. _ TIIOrL G. DEHRY .aoplO-dlr* A. C. NICKRRSON TO WATCIIBIAKREIS and DKALKUS.J J* L’ADOMUSi IMPORTER of Watcher. Uaitluniltrr'i Tool*, and Woich Mttlenais, wrlulrimJ rrcul. unit oon on haiid a larye osurum nioi Luortir, I’airnt. and Plain Glaaa, Vcrpen. D.aU, IVaicl. Uanda,and u complete aswnmnit m all Tool* and Ma .Uriala belonging io the trade; with a larcr auorUAcm of Gold antrSilvcr Lever. Lcpinr, aiul Plain Warclio*. all of 'which he will guaranty io rcll at ibe lowe#t New York pricea. All orders from the country puaetoally executed. N. U.—-Country Merchants and oihet* are invited i ecoftaatly on hand and ior.'.aalr, a handKonr aiMrtiaml of £hionabu Carriaro. Vehicles of all styleyaad dcscripim.* it to order at the shortest pouibletodiee, and eifcuUd ii. the Very best mantier, of selected mderia] fr 12V t) I R Bmiib. W llagaley. W II Woodward OnfTII, BAOALKY A CO.) wholesale O era in Groceries. Tea*. Ind.eo, Ac .. So ‘AM Market ttreet, be low Sixth. North ride, Philadelphia. 1 ai MISCELLANEOUS. ANOTHER ARRIVAL** AT THE MEW YORK 8T0UK..70 MARKET NT. NOW OI'KN •*iher tot iich tamer Good*, iticli sprinr )i A-W U f . jmmti Sim, te net*,, p ain I id printed B Kli F S, jed and rmli LAWNS, toi'rd Ruea*. icb A Scolrh .1 and pruned deL*Ltiv rw rtiiiri. Ac i'er», che.tprt - .. ml wbolrtul* ~*pis; w ii «arrard' JVjOTIC E—Application ha« -been made for lb*' re li nfiriil nt Certificate No lifi, dmr<| January I'l, IMS-, for itnny-«ii thmrc* o( iU>- capita] Hock or the company ftr erecting * Urulße «»v«f foe River Motion gftbela,r>pp]o‘iie i’ctwnireh—wlnclt tnj Ortifirau: b»« been denioherl by fire nr Io»t mehTO - Gi:OK(i|; rOTIIKAN - . Wtn l* Young (r)fim are >u vlted toeallftrforc piirrhaKtiigcircwljerr. frUM STAR CLOTHING HTOHK, < ; W . = I § x no. ?tl WOOD STREET, PITTSBIJ RCill, l'A AANCKF.R k MAVEtt. wholesale and retail dealer* in Eastern Readyriiiade Otoibiog, Would take »*■» method of inioralni'ihr puKlir that ibeir Hock of spr>»R and simmer ctoitoop is ifl>w complete tnevery v.inriy of styles,adapted to tbe. prirjciM nml cu*mng »ca*nu ’ With the view of intonin' a continuance «*f ti»<* iilmi' al patronage we have hemMiira TrcetTeJp&uif 10 otU i general satisfaction toall pur oiiiouirM, wc hate - til led oar attention to th,r purchase and manuf.ictnrms u every article comprising our eitcnstve stuck mcn desirous of being suited out, \*dj And « i«> Hint advantage to give n« a call. v tvr n;e dcieiiuiiied il.m car prices shall add in Du- innueemenis pie tented m the beauty and fastum of our rknuiiig. \V« always keep on I,ami >• *p!md;'i supply ..f W usder-shim, linen and «ifpcifme rnium shirts, *rnrf» handkerchief-, cravat: m'brtand *a«prnd era. ANirKEK ft .MAVF.It Slgn-tloUlen Star.” N. B —Gentlemen who w.ih to have an? artlele. c elntbiag made to order rnn t,trnjmi*bed in the •bArici notice,' _ a P^ A BIS THROCKMORTON hegs to arqgnjnt h.« friends that be i.s ugatn lessee of the GAI.T llO.t) S K, Looiavillc, Ky., where he hopes to meet an liia old-fricn make aU comfortable who favor hrtn with their patronage ' janlljly VININO K< >3b>, 'Monthly* Itows and bTwr green*, 4c. suitable for planting m Crmctry'a Cta be forn>hed on appticnt.iin at thr «ced rUi/e, from Nurseries of* da*. Watitrop. Manchester. S N WICKHRSHAM mcbiiSlf Nn llfck < 01 wodd andfoh »t« cVNAJa BOAT FTItNITIIUK IHAVE in-suueami for «aJe low- , T Uunk Framer-, Mauraem, Cotts; • lied*, Villowr, Quilts; Sheets; and Trimm-ngs of all kinJ*; 4iadall n'ln i itTirtn ; Tl m) 'T'||7 _ which i shall sell low and on accommodating termt W.'t NOIJLB mtSif Htorr, opposite the Hank of I'lnti-orgh, iM st /Ground ALLSPICE, Ctnniuuon and Clove* in Ur bhls.bose.sanri small packages,constantly on band and fot aale’atthe Mu'turu am! >piee Factory. £7 Filth ft reel ’ ' . up 9 RHODES* AI.COBN CABINET CPHOiITRKINOi' IAM profited to do ad kind* of Cabinet Stuffing Sofia, Difinr,Cham, Chair Seats, al short utilise Ordan left it Mr Noiile’a on Thai! m, promptly aUc-ud* cd to 10" Repairing of ail kino*. V.M.W’ (jr&jbrT \Vh*» , **'.'il'r Forwarding und • Cotntni«*uni Mtrrlium. and Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Mannim'iurr*. comer of Water and Pniithfieid au, Pituluifglj, Pa- - apIS TKHBBY PEACH TURKS—SOujum received fit • O' from New Jerwy in£««*l <*»«!'•'. for sale low at •>'•3 ihi»-Hni»bnrpTf *Af J licTrc, jfiTJl , AV:K^‘ i /; y, H ji PirrsIUTRGH TO riIJLADA. «B 0 OALTI.MCiRK. Exthuhdf fot Ponenftn. - THE public arc rerpeeifully Informed that u»i* Line >•alt i-oujuiewe rnnam* on or aliout the Itfth and contiuur ihrausboui ihe *ea>on. Tbe propnciors have now placed a rupenorrlu* of Parkets and Rail n-ad fan on dm route, with extra accoimnodanon*, a hich will giro greater voukm to tfavrlct*. A Packri tioai w ill always be in port, and the fav rlmn public arc requeaord to call and examine ihc«i pievmu* loenracmir pa?«iare rl.ewheie • FAKE ONLY NINE DOLLARS" One of the Packet* will leave Ibt landing. (upj>4silc the IJll.led Stales Hotel,) corner Penn street and the i’anai. every night at 9 o'clock. *• -v rihlK 31 DA YS .For intbrmation .apply at the office. hlonounSela lloj-r Wairr Mrcci.oi to • D LEECH ACo . met.):) cor Penn street and Canal TRANSPORT ATI P N~C 6 1847 D. LEKCII 1 CO’S. 7 OLD IiSTAIiLJSIIKD TRANSPORTA’IION UNF, -RErUKKN PITTSIIUROII. (7 PHII.AD>U.PHiA. UALTi-MOUK AND NEW YORK. 'I'HE atoek of shi» Irjie con*i*t* rtf a douh|qfdaily i t.ine ot Itoati and Car*, (owned by ihemuivea,] which are ill good afder. The aubrenhen are lirepa rnl to lorwarJa Urge'quantity of Merchandize and Produce’ wnh' renaltity ainldikpatrh; Produce or Merchandise ronaigned to any of the un- Jerrigned. ir forwarded free ot urry-rharge lot coruaia • .on or ■torage. f iiilli i.adihg irantraitted and all msiniciion* prom,■Ml) ■Mlcndrd to- ' :io bn 45 00 in ut li bo / The tuMiiee* of ibi' Line 1* conducted on atrictly .nr prihriple*. Andrea*, or apply 10 li LEECH A Co. PrnprieiOfi. , Canal Ua*m. Pittaburgh A LEECH, Proprietor*. No IftSoOlh Thud 'ircei. Philadelphia JOS. TA V I.OR ft SONS. Aceiu». No lli North Howard street. Baltimore W it WIIXIN, Agem, no h!S - No 7 West street, New York PITTSBCKUH PORTABLE B.LIIIK. teTiirfflHft 1847 tUJK Uw> trautportmtiou . and ILn Atlantic Cttie the wQy. ainJ tir con* and aepaiaii' Cor V OttlNNOKfcCo, r w a j r TAPsHun Hin-vur»Ke*l l»y «th ti*rr milled i<> tiinroi meoH Junnp the wml waiil’linj' a wall r*- b> «u\ oikuT lua-.. ill.- *u t w*n huU ibc Kirn! «|u l.nnac* u| vud led lum.ablr ibjjfM. > and ai-couuiutdUK* l llic pu>i k» u gumiiii auiii-it ■ r-jiiiinumir aclnowli AH Conw'U'-ut bik) lorwinlrtl bi or *tor ttco mu*i Wfft, ami they |il CdUURIW'd t (■oo-U coiutigt puwlrlay.ul ibn IraiiMiiiuri), unJ in , I’itlsbOl «lii}tf>cr*can ml wunled «mb-' " Tli’.* Line of Me way b< kOltciU^liber C A M J i MeLVviit A Smiih. Pittabi 'IMiIM Uc I ami M.chißi and Beaver, aud runuuig i'Htvrcn C M Kc'-d'i lauc on ilie Lake*, wil mr of Navißalio all poult* on tb Ilavmccvet frngeif Witb [i and t(fnn w he pabU&gent Car SmuLCsU gmhrl* lie K N fc Cb, Cleveland Jat A .tfirmtojig A. Co, Dei roil McClurejA VVjJliaroa, Milwaokie - Bn'not importer, Chicago Wm Power*, Powerttowu, Fenna Oro Macbfcltnyfe, Fvantliorgh, Pcnba’ John MfcArthuii lljdUujwh, taarh ilKtujiCjii POIiTABLB BOAT LINK. &&3SB 1847. 'SUBEH • run iKAiVdrORTlJiti WhKUuAri TWEEN PIITaBURXiH'AND THE EASTKKIN CITIIIAWjiUOUT TBtIaHIPMCKT. THC-impfoycdmettind of "Carrying need byrhulong FUtatilubed Line, is noirvoweil known that dc< **npuonia unnecfcwary. Good* arc not touched on ihe ioutc,iUut aUjrajttk}jxarr|tcrcnratMßdliBg it«**ed. The Boil* aie »r light draught and perform iheu irij>» in from i*ii id seven day*; The rapacity of bar Warehouse* enables ui 10 • tore any t*iMi»gi]fficiiUspaJe4ous. Brce.tiug,*ieiiii<, and advance* free of charge*. Being fully prepared to make tale* gf Produce, wr rrtpreuuUy solicit Icauatgiuueillt of western Flour, Itai-on, Lard. UuUcf.Cbeesc, \Vool,Fratherf,*ndiithei ' artu-ic* tor rale, on which. liberal advance* i»UI HF made and other usual facilities aiTordcd, pledging oui telvc* tuai i*uy.l.u«me«* entrusted io us ahull’ be promptly ciecuir.l *ud upon as lair terms a* by any Ulher hoove," /NO McFaDDHN i Uo - \ ' Canal Batin, Piittburgh • JAS M UAVJSACo 2<» and SSI Market at, PhjlaO* “ " J. B. DICKET, 1 FOHWIKDINC t Eoasutioit HBECJMHT, Ea»l Beaver Point " and. Bridgaouler, skits* cocarr, rx.. Proprietor and Agent of aicaroer* - _ - LAKK KRIK AMO MICHIGAN, oiiir bitwier rim»tißOß Attn biavkb, Wll.l. bepirparM on e*rlie*to|>cn>ngof canal itav t gallon 10 pfofwriy ai bit, wharf boat or ■ n wareliou***, for all point* da .Hrie Kzir.mion, Crox Cut, anil Oi»o CaitaUj for all port* on Lake Kim and upper Laic*. an niiaj to forward produce, i’cnn'a, Irojirovrnirmn Apply to or arldreu i «eb*4-0U JAB OJCKF.V, Bearer mTHBURfiII & CLEVFLAp) LINE. 1846. ijfeaui T. A rkmond & Co. CLAJIKE & CO., Vorittrdlß| 4. ConralMloa Hcrcbaau, r |MIK Arams audl’ropnelois of this Liar (w favor -1 ably Known (g ihr public), will be prepared on the cnrlioM opening of canal navigation re receive prop efty ji I’ltuburrlt am) Beaver,fend deliver thosanu- at an/ ptHJU oil the Ohio canals, and alaoon Lakes Kne and Michigan, wuh {he greatest despatch and at reas onable rate*. Tb? proprietor* of Una line solicit the basinet*-of their former eunomera with confidence, knowing that • heir facilities are second to none. Apply to or address TO THK PUBLIC. * r l 1 HH Itoa'mea'a Poitaltleßoai Company lieing di*- A Wived, i lie Company again went into articles of do. pami'-rrliip under ihe name of (be ‘ 4 lk>auj»nN lanc^ 1 and likewise agreed la relit the titoeit touu have a number of lloai* for the purpose of carrying goods Ihtoiigli m from six to eight day*, with e«-rtnnty—aud ttW i neourngrd by ibe liberality -of la»i year’* patron age. n> make more extensive arrang'iusou lor the eu ■lung year. We would thersfore reipeetfajyy solicit a continu*' auceof out .farmer patron*, and aeferalt new customer* to those we have done business for. ’ ssaeiiB47.a^jca BOAIHAHB'. LJBK> • " - Forthe transportation of. ai.L Kiaita or ■EHCBiiiDjsr; to aj»I) r.noir PuiLaunrau, HaLTMcou,' Nrw You, amp RoaroH. ’ . . SAMUEL WIOHTMAN A Cb f tower liberty attrei and Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. M .Ah GERHART ACo. NosMMarkci«treet, Philadelphia. ELDER, URLttTON ft Co. Agents, Baltimore. Md . REFERENCES. PITTSBURGH—Jm*. MeCally, Geo. Morgan ft Co W MeCally A Co. B A Sampan ft c O , AJ Allen A Co.' PIIILA Df&PlllA'—MomaPaiurfwu A Co Reynolds McFarland ft Co, Fleming A Bub# Pater Wnftbi A Son. J Uispham, Joseph. (»tau. . NEW YORK—Goodhue 4 Co, Th r o. Perry A Co. BOSTON—Reed, Hard A Co. ■ CINCINNATI—Adana A. Crcagfc, W W Srarbor °"Pf. PLEASANT; VA*-P A 'Machier. NASHVILLE—F Fleming. Nor*—All metekandite Aon New York and Borton,- : consigned to a L Gerhart ft Co, Philadelphia, will be promptly forwarded fm of cowmianon.- foblft. J T STUaRT. Paekafa Etmn to PhUt4ll>lUa. ■ H !■»— 1 Ttf ECaad being now op>n, Hu- JWWMRabort Erpeeat witch ha* beeaes tarnished- tor tne conveyance of taluabJe package* rtf tnerehandiM, specie, bank note*, jewelry, Ac , 'coap raenerd tunning on Thanday, Martins. . '.. A n Iks* Croat will b# dispatched Jiity until'lhe cb*e of the eanaJiagaeaeon. ' Apply nr .—: . :- . DLEECIJftCo ■ rnehlP ■ eorPeanxland Canal" if_4O6.VORTITION LINES jggl, 1547- jfeft PITTSBURGH »SD CINCINNATI j!| ' DAILY LINK OF IAGMFiCBJiT PASSENGER PACKETS. THIS welt known and popular Line of Steamer* baa been greatly improved tbe pa*'i Winter, by the ad* dition rif several new and magnificent boats, built eXpreiafy for tbc l*ackrl Line, and the enure tine i* now eormioscd of eight of ihe !argf«i. U?«i 6m*licd mut farrt!*Jica k and mo*i powerlul l-oat-, on tue Watet* of the Weit Every accommodation that money will pro* cure'lia* been provided tor k’a«\en;ers l and no’ptno* will btf ipated 10 reader them comfortable and tlir tt:p» -Agreeable They leave Pittsburgh ar.d Ciucmnuti dn l> and positively o'clock, A .M. The MOXONGAIIKLA. Capt. Su.nt, will leave Pitta* iurpb every Monday tuorii.ngut lu u'riock; Wheeling svery Mouday evrnint> tit Id 1* M . ami CiticmiiJii ev •ry Thursday at 10 o'clock. M TUESDAY PACKET. The lIIUKKMa. NO A, Capt. J Klttitftlur. will leave Pittsburgh every Tur*.luy morning at tdoVioA. Wheeliug every Turrduv evemng at lb P M , and Cincinnati every Friday at JO o'clock; A M WEDNESDAY PAUKbT. The NEW ENGLAND. NO A, Capt * D*un, leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday iniitumg at |ti o’clock; Wheeling even Wedne*dny evenmß at til P M ; und Ciaeiunau evei y Saturday at in u cu-S: .V M The WISCONSIN, Capt R 3. limn, will leave Ptii*. burgh every Thursday morning AVednr»d«i ut ill nVu.d A M rcighibrswreit i'iii«hur«h voiding lr»n*Jufwi»*nt» on m ol driuy, riainngi*. gl7*rii«se Vacketi wilt be at iheii l/etih- mi J'.iHl.uigh and Cmeinnati, tetnilarly. the day* ptewoii* to leaving each port, for Ihe reception of iie.»l,[. und enify til Pu* aencer* Oil Hie KrglMri No llenbof Stale Room er.n«idere.l rngriged until paid fox '*. SUM9IKR ARRANUKMENTM. isi7. •JK & CASH i<-l , ~ »mU»uN. V. J- K u l.uiuin* .the Pro|i/irror» inJ rliriuled tbeir in.l Atr now prepared lo u>r ay »thl dirpalcb ua»orpa««i <1 lung < jtp<*r>eDce an earlier*,- 1 ibe Portable Dual id convenience of ibe ware • line, are peeuli&rly calruU-. 4ir»luialtil ibeir enaugemetiin lu'loiurr* —confidently ulfr ri.ii? fur the future, they rnpo-nuiiy tlmi jt*u»iisi(r Ntlm-b they mw NONONUAIIELA UOb’TK, via'. BROWNSVILLE AND CUMBERLAND to UAI. [Only “I Mile- Suuting-J rpilK f[,l,-nd„| umHaMrunmu* yieamer. i I.'l u,u -1 t* Mel.ane and Swum* have commenced dnai'le daily trip*. One t-out w ill leave ihe Mminugn l.ula whirl rverv morning pten.rly at “ o'clock.— Pa*»engrr« by llie morning line will arrive in Pulutrmrr next evening in time tor the Philadelphia Mull Boat, or Had Road ear* The evening Boat will leave the wharf daily at 1 o’clock, except Sunday* l Pti*sr tiger* by lhi» boat will lodge.fin Unird. ut comfortable Mate room*; leave Brownsville next morning at tl-n'clork, cm** me mountain* in day light: rup and lotlgc m Cuiu betlnnd. Thu* avoidini: tnght iratH altogether The preparatHin* tin tbi* toute ate nniptc. and the i-oinection complete; *o 'Upi disappointment or defttj * will be un known upon it:' , Ptt»*pttger* can *wp on the route and rerume their •eat? again at plea«ure. «nd have cho.ce of Kud Road or Steamboat between tUlnmore and I’lulad-lplna Coaches chanered'to panic* to iravel a* they de»m» Secnie at throffiee.Mtiuongahelalloaur, or St CharlesJ MESKIMEN _feb!B ' TO CLEVELAND .via. WARKKJi. gjg-J 1847. .ffc UVui paid hl*l jIUJIx ol f tuy dharge for Conuumidii, tavlug iu* intcrexl direoilyor ~ the iutrfeM ol ibe ronuguora Heir imtnaiy object in -hipping ihemvlve? lo tdnrard ,all goodi trupily auflpn the most udvtuin*- ~ fif T POniAflLU ,T LINE. . 18 4 7. 41’ORTATION t)|5E TO A.NO FROM VITT&- kDKi.i'HiA and Baltimore iihout Tran»tiipmenL_/il I toourearc will l>e jonvardal witU writ cutreiit rue*. Bill* ot lading til muracuoru proiQjHly- aitrstleii lo • charge tor aiorage or comimtaion n. t: A MeAN uI.TV Ato Canal Batin, i*itl»tiufgb STOttAUR. large and£rommodtou« warefaooa a rwcrive'7'ii addition 10 freight ft itoaut on Storage i rip '-’C A MeXNULTV ACo IUTiI * CO’S LISEr 1 8 4 7 . for the Uaimpnpation of WAY ttwecn Pmabargu, UlmrsTiite, Jobns jtgli, Water Street, Fetenburgb Ami Mace*. _ i •ave the warehouse of AMe Aiiulty i, every »lay, [except Sunday*,] anil ayncepend on barn* their.goou»[for lelay and at fair rate*, formed fox ihe special acroramodaiinn ear, and the proprietors respectfully tare of patronage. rnanilrrif ’ORTI! JOHN MII.I.EU * \NE9 . BOBERT WOODS ILL!AM Flfi.TY I.LKR, llolUdayaburgh 1 AN, John now n } Aeem»- V ULTY fc Co, rituLuxcb) AErCRKRCI-B. )tui Parker, Robert Moore, Bsgftlrjr ■ ASU SIUIII GAS LlfiK. KB-17. , rouipoudof SicawtioauLikeKhe tuiinm* >l> 1/ between i’msbarj’h 'cgjUi ami ~..• i «i*rf Canal Uoats, Icuyrfaii'i ' * .. ->itiief Slcvu.i and Ve*»el« •><• prejmti d upuu the earliest open •> carry Fxeip-lit and Paswmßrrt to er, Canal and Lakes. <-ilny (ut ronveyin* freight an 4 pa*- ipiitei* and dftpaieh, ihe prupnator .ciiuliy •olieit from ihbiiTnervd* and ly their patronage., •O M REED, Erie, Proprietor HEEDS. PARKS A Co, Berrrr. A! Wain »:«. opposite the Mouuuga krrtß to ’rork'ei A Co, New York , Buffalo BP.AYKR. PA. U M JIARTON, Agt, Pittsburgh. CLARXF. A Co, Heaver. T RICHMOND fc-Cf f iVelmd To Printers. ”T" JI'ST Kecpived/’anJ lor «alr ÜBw from I lie Pomidry (><-o Urure . Jt Co., New Yoik£ ilio lollowuii; 1 Hp»ce Al.W>—For >ije, it rreal Tan dy of Second bond Type, franr Nonpareil to 32 line Pi ca. Flowers,Orn«ioeni». etc , which will be »oM low for cnah. JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON wWJ • nsMorkeid coach Making. fflOM ib* very.ltberai meouragii m * nl lh** rulf«rnl>rr ha» tereived »iiir c b* ha* locaied hint**!! in Allegheny, VAV*“ HO has induced him to take 4 Iras* Cnr » *“®"™“*“"irna of yean. on ihe property hr now oeeaptes, in Beaver street, immediately hesijc ibo .Presbyterian Charrh. From Ihr long erperienrr m tl, r ’•hove basinet* and a desire i# please, be hopes to turr ii arul receive « thare of public patronage. Nowonbaxid aud. finishing loorder, RocJtawsy fW :fJe«, <*en abd inp Bbggies, and every description of Caxniffes nwdfl to order, from doHais u> ■ (aepWt/J JOHN SOUTH. ÜBBCfI * co*» MONDAY PACKET. THURSDAY PACKET, FRIDAY PACKKT TIMOBH AM) Pllll.A UKLPH lA 'l'nne to I’alimiorc -tf In Tune to Pbdndelphia THROUGH IN »4 HOURS. PACKITT Boat* Swallow and Telegraph leave Bea ver daily, at U o’clock r IV, alter the arrival of the utorntng Boat from Pittsburgh, and arr.vgiat Warren in time for the Mail Line ot Stage*, which leave nninedi* alely thereafter, und arrive ai Cleveland at 3o'clock, r. x. This route i* the most expeditious and comfortable one to the Lakes. v COTKB A LEFFING WELL. Warren. Propr'* REED, PARKS A Co. Beaver, Agenu JOHN ACAUGIIEY.cot-uci Wan-ruudSimthficldsu, apftly Oppositn the Mononguhe'a Hna»e, I'liuKurgh _ PITTSBURGH AND GREENVILLE 1847. and FRKH.IIT LINK nillW comutingof Invent un4 pamriiger Pack- regularly during tin- rcuvon between Beaver and <«re*civi!le, Pa . by wtneli freight nai-1 p«> reaper* l«t ween the two |>o.m- will l.e earned promptly ami at the JotreM rater. WICK ft AItCIIKR, Wmivnle, Apt' ORAUJ fcFKAMl*Ti»N|aart.villc, >U>. McFARLAND A KINU; Hip iMid'. do; HAYS A I'U'MII. Slia|nU. W f! MAI.AN. M.nrot. ,y d. vJ.A, Ileav- w,m Mathews, i' lIKKU, i*A KKS A W..7lcavri, .*o. JOHN A CA L'CiHHV. corner Waik,*r and Smitlifif lil m#, ■ptily Opposite tlie MnnongnliVPji Moutr, Pmsburp-li CITJZKNB POHTAULE BOAT LINK. 1547. ALL KIND* ok MEKUJANDISF.TO AND ntOM Phlltdtlphla, Baltimore, Ktw York ■nd Boston. THE encouragement th*i line has received since ila commencement, liaa induced the prupric tore to increase the stock by adding s number of first class boat*} end, instead of giving receipts as hereto fore as ageota. wc will give our own receipts lor freight shipped by this line. The boats are all portable, consequently freight it taken the whole distance without transhipment, thereby preventing damage from l*cquent liandhng on the route, and as each boat is owned by the Captain who runs them, which is ■ suitinent guar antee that there will be no delay on the route. All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the undersigned will be forwarded FREE OF,COM MISSION,for advancing and forwarding, and mil be shipped withool delay at the lowest rales o| freight. We respectfully sotreit a share of public patfo nage- WALLINGFORD Ai Co . , ('anal Baain, Pituburgh CRAIG, BELLAS am A ( m ’ Broad Streel, Philadelphia. J H MILLER, Agent Bowley’a Wharf. Baltimore. Pittaburgb, Eeb. IK; 1847. f* CT ,,, 'A Hrariiwwi-Tin <*&9S=2Em -W F win TO THE EAST BY MOSIIMAHKLA ROUTE, VIA HROWNSVILLK 4 (-OMUKKLANU.' r |'MK unJer*u;nt-d are now i«r*t«srrd to lot ward pro .l-dure.Ac., l» the Kn*icm MarcrH duruo: H,e .-ii-u -•ne Wuitrr, on tlir mnst tacmaljlr ti-rm. I,* tin du.oo« ruotr. ’ All property ron«i«nrri lour will he fnnvufcl.-d .ifilir lowed fair» and with drrpttr h Mricbsi.diu- fnvivfj py ihi* mute iifimitulv L.r warded J C mfnVFJ.L. Ajj’i . c/u^uret, «. TV IIASS. Iliowunv.llr R niKRTON A t'n Cu.ntwrl.uul 18411 *»" ]847 j&SL' TO TIIK HAST UV OALTinUBB ATIU OHIO JLA lI.ROAD. TIIK subscribers will receipt forihe delivery of Pro dnec to Baltimore by the Menongahcia Slack wuter at tbe following price* - A.*be«, Bacon, Butt-r, Lead. Lard, Pork. Tallow Win,key,Cheers, and Class—h?J et» per |iu 11,, Tobacco,ileuip, Flax and Wheat—Vl rt* per luo Me, Aihra, (P(jt).Apple*. Cbee«r, Klar->-pd I,l*.- a „, t Lwather—lOC el* per 100 Hi* . Oils, SI ina. Seed*, Wool—l J0rl« per lid lira llce«wsx.Feather*; Furs, (Jiuvug, end Snake Hoot —HO eta per luuit,* AM property consigned neither of the und< n, Km -<) Will be forwaidcd Without ilrUy. free ol Omiuui*mo-i at above riucs. W 11 CLARK, llrnw.i.»ille HANNA A WATKKAIAN,A*nt»bunIi novlftdtf ’> f FOR SALIC. ” i*|»» tw THBSteaiuhoai HAKI.IvM iri m ( rd and rrhiicd m b.-iudwmiu ny| c and now ul Ibr Motiongahrla whan a» ahcia unproved «br i* wrJludjtMrd for carrying freight and [u»*rii(’i alwi have on fair terra* •>< burge*. ihrer and mu coal IxhUhix. aixiecn car* with n>i*-. htiu(>->. A. mude for fall operation* Am elainuiniinri <,i ihr .• tabUiUioral U iiivned. I'erßim dxpo«ed to ti<-goiiutv wilh me iu referencelo rtnyofUir atrovi; partnulnr », may sddreaa imh my Office in r*tn.m'a Build- X before—made oil Uir mi»«i approved Ka*ieru |iUm - ■lid most farMottable Kaj|ciil|>nllrri)« arid color*. Al«.r TJIKCIIKaP ROLUor UUND.Im land or made in order of alt si/ca, and si all pi-ice*. Country Merchant*' ainl other* err invited io call and examine the above for ihem*clvc«. n* all wilt be *ofd wholesale or reiail, and a liberal deduction «*id- to wholesale pairjiaaer*. _ apldly «_ < _ A WkH^KRVKI.T .MEDICAL. PRESERVE TIiBTEETH. • PAKbeber is it to curt the Tooth ache inoneminate. by Bring Wheeler's Tea berry Tooth Wash, than to suffer T.iT ” aching; site to eore soreness of ibr gums, sofinc** pf the gums, stop bleeding wf ibe gums, and alwsy s keep the teeth, gue» and tßoulh pleasant, and to the best *;»ie of health _ Whilst introducing WHEELER'S TEABF.RBY TOOTH WASH to the public, ‘i is the painful duly of the proprietor to stair that this article, which')* ihe original end only genuine Teaberry Tooth W j«h, ui !wen imttaiej b'y numerous Teabcrry To»L Wau.e* Trabrrry T.ioth Pane*, and a vanety ct art me* with the name TV-iterry annexed to theoc when, in fact, tin. article is the first that ever bore the name ofTeaberry. and i» the only one which possesses the real virtue of the plant, aud e« tabiished alt die celehrilv tor li. which induced other* to make nteof tU name, though they nev ei did prewut us intrinsic virtue* to tie public A* evidence thaj tins i* die first preparation of Teaberry lor tlie Teeth, the copy of the certified record* of the United Suites District Court is published. ©Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to wii: Be n remembered. That on the second day of February, Anno Dumtiu. one thousujid, right hundred of die said District, hath'deposited m this Office Ibe Title of a Book, the ti tle of which is in the words following, to wit: * TKABKRKY TOOTH WASH. The right whereof he claim* as Propnvtor, in ron forreiiv with an Act of Coufnsc, entitled •'An Acuo amend the several Aru respecting Copy Rights.'’ FRA’S ii«)pkinson; Clerk of U. S. Dim I'ouit Ist-*, IVI>. -d. tVipy Jeiior.ted. CIIAS. F. HEAZI.ETT. The nbovrCopy Right for the wrapper of the bottle, showing the Title of the Article in legal language, and guiiied id ihe legal form, will prove tin* m be tiie ms I Teuherry Tooth Wash, and all others are but inn iahi>n<. which have gone nut 01 use wbeievcr ibe Gen-' uwn Trubeiry Tonlli Wnrli i» sold. Then, remember, none i- genuine Imt WHEELER'S f Certificates of Magistrates of the city of Phihufa llaviUK made use nf yuurmurli celebrated Tcabeiry Tooth Wn«h I feel convinced litnt it i« the lien article 1 have i-vrr known, and hereby wsmilysecotuuieud ilsiiM 1.. i).r in general ux a pleasant aud rfhrn e.oii- ni'ii (• for iiri -erv-iiif ibe Teeth aud'Guinv \ ROBERT K. JOHNSTON. Kc, u nafiiliri of yrarH my Teeth and Gum* wrre mj much mu or .-uler »« to prcv« m rue from eating with pl<-a«iiie, nn.t caused me much pam. Having heard oi \Vhi-pier’» Ti iibcrry 'lVwth Waih. I do rrrtify that I |ljrd -mall buttle of •!, and in less ihuii two week.' Ul> Ti-rib and faum< vvetr '-ound and good. 1 believe ill 41 liar at -a' Hi I VVuuhl ba- UII aUVaillllge ll> IIISII) Gill- P ,v J BkAZKK. Crrtijindrz if Members of the Philadelphia liar Having u-a-d Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth vVa-hund powdrr I n.tve liimid them i*j poto*** eleau*iru; and pu r.tying |iiai|aaii!ir-. and while dtey whilenaiui beautify tl,r Trail, ihi y Juvc a beneficial sfieel u)Kiu ihe gums hi imii.iiiiinr iu lUeui frro and healthful' u.-tion F A RAY^OI.D. I have u*ed Whri-W* JVulieny Tooth Wash, and ll* lUri'l- UJKIII in>' i ea'iii and Guta* lltlVi glVeu lo uir u Inch tan.u.ani of 'I- inrrtiH I cheerfully rerorunieiiil .i u> the gciicrj! ojc. II KKNEASS. My daughter ha» V\ feeler's Tenberry Tooil Wash, laud (xiwdcr) and Uh« found ns eflcclsfobc eteaii-mg aud punficalton of Ihe gnia*. and a swrneii ilig uf Ibr tnoulh. 1 have tin hcsitaiinri m leenmraend mg naHfhenmM liriirtii-ial fm ihe teeili : huie ever -can. C J JACK. Certificates uf Ladies and Gentlemen of i Philadelphia. I It is with gratitude lhai I rend the luTtowiag ecruQ eaie. hoping that many who suffer will be fed by a j>e of it. to obtain Wheeler's Tenberry Tooth Wa«h, wliicli nci.a-le I iired, and if has effectually cured looth ai*tie, sorrnes* of the gum*, removed scurf from toy teem, and I fully believe has entirely arrested all de cay of them. I iru*l that mII who suffer, having eith«'r of die same «pecie* of complaint, wit Ins soon os po-si bl* use Wheeler’s Tealicrry Tooth Wash, lhai they may he relieved. JULIANA CCTHRAL. Owing to having taken cold, but mostly in conse quence of the acnl of a paint uned in coloring prims, my teeth became very much injured, giving excrurtaiiag pam at interval*, for between two ana three yeais Wheeler’s Teatierry Tooih Wash was used, and has entirely ruled them, which, in certificate form, I send, that ihD*e who wish A perfect remedy for painful teeth, and also dr si re a pleasant Tooth Wash, may with eon fideucc try Wheeler'sTeaberry Tooth Wash. MARY A. TAYLOR. “Wheeler’s Tooth Wash” avmg removed scurf and cured soreness of the gum*, wffich bad trou bled me for two years, it is my Imliefthar it is a.highly useful nmole, and that il :s advisable to those \\ U<> suf fer wi th the teeth and gums to «hke use or it. MAKY SULUVAN. “Your Teaberry Tooth Wub cored the tooth ache ami also soreness of the puna in m>* family, and ltcnd you this certificate that thoae who suffer with tootii uclic or soreness of the'ptm* nay know that it is a remedy for them. and a eery pleasant Tooth Wash. FRA*B. PKKVUBT, Ub Catharine street \V. Whcdrr. ‘ Wlici-cir’s Teuberry Tooth Wash* 1 *oreu<-». of the gum*. aiulelTectoaliy stopped bleeding of itit gums. I deem it a debt of grodiluile far the relief winch u‘afforded me, and * duty owed to my fellow be nign. >t> *av, that it i* my firm conviction, that thowr who will ii»e Wiirelrr'* Teaberry Tooth Wash, for the teeth aal rurni, will find tliai it ■« au important article THOMAS J. McCl/KDV, No.£lsC*Uowhill*i. “Fretn much severe suffering of my»e|f, and other* of my family, with decayed Teeth anu lore Oum«- and the mary rr*pecta tic testimonials highly in favor of Tcalierry Tooth Wash. I was induced in Give it a lrial. alter whi.b fuy family u*rd it. aiid I rr joice u> nay that it did jk rform a thorough and rUcciuat cure (or ail. and is the (••*>! article that I ever knew of I would rrcomnu-nJ its u»r to Uio-e who'may lx* suffer iflr JKSSK MOORK, \V Wheeler No 4 ‘IT .Market »t. Many more testimonial* are rxKiing approving nf ■W heeler's Tcaherrv Tnutli Wa«b " Sold at \V M JAGKSONU store, No “J Liberty l’iii*t.ur"li, hcn.l of Wood si, I l*riiiei|*al tllfiee No r. RoVa TONIC ANTI-DISPEPTU*, lor all diseases ol the Stomach and bowels, Cinders in fcclioas, 6tc Tocaiiigli an encomium rannnt be Eused on ibc meriu ol Ihia mct|icine, fu cure ol >i»pcpsia, and ill diseases that result from weak ness of atomaeb ot bad digestion.' Ur.* Rose’s FEMALE Til.IS, a mn*t valuable remedy tor those general complaints to winch fe males are subject. 1 Ur. Rose's TONIC ALTERATIVE PILLS— No pill ever .before ollered the public to happily combines the qualities ol a valuable (nedicine.oj an auti-dmpcpUc, LIVER or Stoioncloc pill, correct ing' tboae disease*, and thereby preventing con sumption. rA young Lady 'l5 years of ago, having a discs vd fiver lor some time, ber strength pros trated and appetite gone, was completely restored i g six weeks by the use ol the Anii-dispeplic mii lurc and these pills alone. . 1 Dr.Kose’fCtißONO-THEKMKL STRENGTH ENING PLANTER, lor weak ness ol the back, side, breast, Ate. Ur. Rose's SPECIFIC EPILEPSY,the most cer tain remedy for all eases nf fits ot convulsions, whctlicnn infants or adults. So certain a specific is it lor this formidable disease that tbo most ob stinate cases, and those 100 of long standing, have yieldedial once. Dr.Rose* RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—After many years of diligent research this compound wasd'kcov fird. aud Us never failing efflracy places it* efficient-)’ above all others far thecure of Rheumatism. Dr Ko*r’» ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain rrmcdyjfor spilling blood, indeed for discharges of blood whether from Lungs, bowels or other ports of die body. | % Dr. Rose's BYKIIP for Cholera and Dowel complaints —This rdixuirr will effectually cure bowel complaint*, Dyrenteky,Cholera Morbus, nnd Cholera.- Ai tic lime ihc Asiatic Cholera was raging in Philadelphia it was found lobe the most successful in arresting il, curing nmc irnlhi of all those whbused il Whaiiuay be said of one of these rrnicdies may bv ■aid of all; their value wilt only U- appreciated be those who iry them. Letters from those who have been cured ofjthr vinous maladies ihat afflict the human body might be given, but we are w.lling to rest the mailer on the merits of the compounds. \Vt have a panacea!for Scrofula,in ns roodnired and t-ffitjarious that its healing power has ostniiisbcd inanV. A ease of Canrer,occurring in ibe wife of ihc Ime Governor of lMsware, was completely euu-d in u few momli*. The cancer had been twice cui out by proinmciu Surgeons. aud renewed itself with increased malignity, yc! notwithstanding ihe debility of Cbnstitu limt nnd[removiil of the soft pari", the use of the Pro phylactic completely removed every vestige Of the disease J e Case* 1 innumerable of the various cares that have followed ibe use of these rcmcdick?rr In onr posses sion, but; u is not deemed necessary tocnumeiaic tbeni as ibe use of ibem will reeominend ihem lo all. J. t*GHOON MAKER, A Co.. No el Wood Street Agents for Pitisburah sagfldiv NO CUKE NO FAY. D 1 N U 1 A N VEGETABLE REM M>\ Warranted to cure, or Uie mun, ey returned. This‘medicioe is prepared from an In# dian Receipt, obtained frtim one ul U.ein in the Par West, at great expense. Those who have been famdiai; with the Indians, know that they can and do cure. Venereal without the knowledge of-Mer* cury Balsam, or anything of the kind. The at Dieted have now. an opportunity of being cured witbou nhe use of Balsam, ’l’his modicme is C .e,Jjot to,he taate. and smell on the Prepared by ROWAN!) A. WAI/TON, and sold wholesale nnd retail, by J. T. Rowand, 'Slf, Market street, Plnlad a. * For sale in Pittsburgh by R E Sellers, 67 wood si>~t imlhrWm Thorn, bt Market at ocGdwT uu.mi.iiiiau ui »KASUN-IV> ieanfills’ tJ Dr. Jayne a medicine, fori i],e cure of th*. sime THROAT, lias l.erji doing womirn during ihr |S le *plra«anl weather under loot, h is . belierso aitend in sbght e®lds in umc, and u. procure 'the remedy applied irom skilful phyiirians, than from unknown aifd irre »pon-ible quack*. Ur. Jayne has established a rcpuia non Jons since for professional skill, and his remedies for coagu* and colds have |«>en proved efficscioa. hr dm experience of ibouMivds— S«. Ev. p*t ■ For sale in P.uuhurrii. at the PEJUN TEA STORK Ti fourth street, near Wood; and at the Dm* Store P Schwarts, Federal street, Allegheny Cut HraebPUAw ‘ 1 •• Ur. Urbsns'i Worm Specific. THIS is io certify that, bv taking one of Doctor MeLane’s Worn Specific, a child of Jnrne* ShTw‘« passed upward* ol 7b wurens, and hv ibe use of mid medicine a child of uiy own passed |< large worms It I'aly ibe most surprising worm medicine I ever *er». 1 musi have two more vials. WM GILMORE Wilkins Townhln Fur sale by J KIDp A Co, No C(J Wood street, Puu burgh. • mchao / vci p Tarvxti ka bbi* SnTiprwr rr^k: " s V.irk quick drying Varmshi tdo Brown Japan j 0 l do Coach Jo; for sale by J SCHOONMAKER £ Co No 24 wood street ME l> I CAL. 08. SBSBXAB'S MEDICATED' LOZENGES, AND POOR MAN'S DR. lui dMurrml a way to nuke orJinie plrMinl. m that children will Lake it readily <■-! cry U more. See that hie/’«r>iinilr is around each bit ol L-ucu ges, a Put ufTooth Paste on the bach of each Pla.ur, and u cacti iliU of Direction*. SHERMAN’S COUCH LOZENGES. Thrsr LoCEogei are ihr safeit, tnott sure and rffrctual rent rdj Jor coughs, colds, ci*OMimplto*u, tcboO|g cough., asth ma, lightness of the lurqpor chest, ctr. The prwpnetor has acTrr known an instaucc where the; dul not gut jerltei sslutactidu. Several llsousand butts base been told within the last year, restoring to health.person* in almost etrr; tUgc ol eontumplioii,and those laboring unde* Lite most distressing cold, and rough*. The) do >k>l cheek and dr; up the cough, but render it ewsy, promote npcctoratioa, all.; ihr lickliug or irritation, and -remote Ur cough medicines, and are undoubtedly superior to every thing in uae for thoM complaint. Hundred, upon bun dreifs of certificates hate been oSeri d of their Woudcrful *ir lues, from those who Lave been nred from an qiilmwly grate, and restored In perfect health by using them. Where there i. much pain in the breast or side,out of Shn man’s Poor Man's I'Lslers (price otdj ld| cents,' should be applied user llie jwrt, and wol* tbe stomach or b.ltvel», fatigue, nausea, wpamUhness, rura emut appetite, honors*, Wonted stomach ~r limbs, griping, shooting piini in various parti of tin- body, a ten* of some .thing ruing 11* dm ihruat, itching ul tbe anus toward, night a frnjueot desire to past lomeUiing from th, bowel,, and times discharge. <-l dime and mucus .HHEKAJAIVB CAMPHOR I.OZE.N'GES Tlwy gire immediate relief lu nrrvou, or sick headache, jwJjwUtKm Of the heart lowness of the spints, detnemdrurv , indainoalory or putrid sure thmat, bowel or summer rum. ptsint, faiutiup, oppression ur a senseof .inking of the chest rho lie, spMtus, cramp of the rtotnach or bowel., hysterics! •flection., ami all nerrou. diw-wt, drowniw.. through tic day, and - waheliflucs. through die night; cholera or ,-hol era morbus, diarxhma, law,.ode or a tr.w «r Utigur p, r son. travelling or attending Urge jwrUe,, will find the Lo*, u . gr. really reviving and imwiing the buoyancy of youih; afUr d.-.j«stJ,m, they mlfrv.lor, the t.m. of the ,y rt em gTnl erally, and remote all the uupleanui .ymptums rising Irsm! too tree lirlng. Person* who las r hern too high livers and •banJuned their disai rated habits, will find (hrwl.ornit:r’. ad inlle roenjM-Mrt-f die nrrv. i. ’' * SIIRItMAN'S POOH MA.V’S PLASTER. The be.l *1 rrngtheuing pU'tei in thr world. »ud a ~•> remedy.** [an.., or wcakom t|„ Lark, |ji:„ „j t urr t limb., UiuU, rhrumatttm, lumbago, &r. he. Dnr cnillwu u yearw.lJuol.upply Ibcdrtrcu.d. They require alllU. Warm •“K Lrt ' r * Warranted .u|»-iw u, »Hother.,k«.d for one quarter thr umlil price, making bnl only the but, but thcrU*pr.t plaster in thr world. It afford. ~lu( » tew bout., and wakn utooiihing cum. lu liter m.d lt |„ Wl>rl , „, rt il.r ircnat U the liter ..r .hunm-h, «„4 ji ,fford great auJ u(oi.iOut.|> relief. In rough., cold., a.ihm'a, difficult. ol breathing, opprti..,.,u of the did or .torn*-)., they will tut mediately .outbaud pr-olly benefit the patient. iVnom ..1 ictroury habits) ..r ll.ow obliged a,. ,imd much, will w „„ decided mppurt I root our of tl./L'truly itm.gthrt.iu* Pia» ter. Phj.inai.i generally rm/mmend U.nU, iu to *’l they .tick or adhere better,and aflord greal er rrlief. In their operation, they arr .limulrnt, tunic, and kHod)ue. They are rumpoecd of rntirtly diflJVrrut ii.rrrd. mu Irwnauy ..the*, mud known from lit. riprrtcnct of tn.l ItoUi whd bate UKd them, as well a. the muted teitiujony of aU the celebrated and clergy and pl.y.tctan. to be the most useful and nighty medicated j-luUr. Several permo. hate ssdled al the wartlioiur u.ei'tim. their surprise aad thauki, at tlx atuwA'l miracub.u. cure, the* platter, hate effected. UlrtCli.«t for tue ,r» H„ back ofrach phiiler, with a Oc.tcmleof DrjShenaan., name. It i.'important you should alwaya aut forSbermao'. IW Man*, Plaster, and we that tvu «t the cenutoe, a» there are many worthies. imitation, hawked about and toU lor the true M.rrtnat.’. oDprioct|deddeaicri. ' Sold wholesale aud retail by W. JACKSON at hi. Palet.l Medicine Warehouse, No. W, Liberty Utret, £j n of the tIOBOOT. ■ jilUl,,. IT NEVER FAILS' Or. CULLEN'S 1.11)11,1 VEGETABLE PANACEA PERSONS with Scrofula, King'* Evil Cancer. Erysipelas, Old Sorea, lilccr* Tetter Mercurial D.aeaaca.or any othei* complaint's aiiunj froin ipipuntie* of the Wood, are requested to rod tbe lollowtog testimonial*, ln proof of the woudet fnl properties ol the above named tuctlicinr ’ READ!-READ!! REApI" IVt the undersigned, having via.Ul Mr. Uaac Bntok*. Jr. thh office or Alcura. Kowand and Walton, 37i> Market'street. Bhiladelph.a. consider bta rue tlic nu at remarkable one we have ever Wit nessed or beard of. ■ His disease was SCROFULA, and terrible must have liccq it ; twelve years' conflict with Hie de striker! HisPalatr^ 1 e entire nmfj.fhis moulii Nose Up per Lip, and-lower Lid ol Right Eye have m-co destroyed, hi* Face nearly esten up, and part of the Jaw .Hone earned away. And yet we ran give «»» description dr bis case. > 1 I b Mr. B. mtorms us tint inUmuary last the whole interior o| his mouth, well as niott of lace was a mass of di-.rp-aud (mmilu! ulcer..! « U^.V.TM I !! “fJanuary last,tic ciHuiuencmi taking Dr. ( ELLEN'S INDIAN VKUKTAULK DANA * LA. whicb ! bhef ked the di tease in a tew da vs and roui that tune the cure iia» {irogrrest-ud without ml tcnuission. i * New fash has supplied the place of tlio Jeep'ott enrs, and though badly disfigured, his luce is hound and his general health h restored. We are assured Umt m the treat.ur n? of Mr. Brooks' els 2, no .Mercurials, Ointments, orfauviir appliciliomchave been used,—m | 4C t, theI'ANA UKA ALONK, has wrought this wonderful chance David btmth: Bocks county. !’■». Charles L. Hnwaiid. Afcadvillc. Unwlnrd coPa J XV Jones. M D South .'•croud street, I’ Jacob Lee. Pemberton. N J. E W (.‘arr.-PM) N Fourth, above Poplar st 1.. b M't-ullough, Lapraster. Pa K M Maddock, 28 North Eleventh st Ptuh U W Appleton, M D 4n Soutli 01. do Timothy t'aldwell. Marion ro. Mi*,.iuu Daniel Vvalid, Ulicsnut Hill, Ph.lsdeli.hin c. Pa John Warned, street.Phila. William Steeling M D. Uaiuiflm, N. J. William Hale. 3iU Higtj street, Phils. J II Potter,Manufacturer ol Mineral Teeth Itrj S Ninth street, Phila. L A Wollcuweber. Ed. Ph,|n Democrat *7} N :td street, do (icorge W Mentr, Brush Alaker. 317 Maiket St.' Ezra Carr, IW t'hcsnut street, Phils. A D Gillette, Pastor of Eleventh Baptist ( hurrh Phila. • V Bell, Erie Street Philadelphia (Norm Am*) ran office.) Aan)n Sands, 1(74 f’aUiannr Street, Ptuh Daniel flirtdnley, Kessler's Allrv. do Andrew Swtialon, Camden, N J. R H Evan*. West Phila. Richard K. Voung. (iilder. 4tH> Market st Phils John-W Ashimcad.CU South Jiiilh utrr-et; • do 'r S Wigner. Lithographer, H(i fhesuut stri-ft d» H J Kcnsil. I-S Eleventh street, do Peter Skeo Smith, Editor Native Eagle. do Joel Undine, (ilisa uiaiiula< tnrer, WilLamstown ' N.J. Widiaui Strelv, Fafruingtoii, Van Kureu cn 1. B Colt-i, ftl U, Bostiiu, Alom. Russelt-'anbfUl. l'luvinU>i>irt, Philadirliiiui I'l.ODiJs P S l'.oby M If, Mnrrb-biirgh, Pj. Peter Wright. iS/W Market street. Philj James W Nowlin, RU Filbert »t. do ’ John (»ood. 171 Bpruci- ut. do Williim I 'ne. Pastor M. Paul ■ ,M. L t.'h.i ‘athanne >i. PhiU. John Chambers, Pastor Ist ludep. I 'hurt'll, Broad •1,. do T i. Sanders, Publisher of Pleilije rnd standard, Plnla. F P Sellers. Editor Ulive B-inch' Uoyleutuwn; Bucks cn, Pai' Wholesale and .Retail by Rowand V Walton, Pro prietors. 37C Market St. Philadelphia- R K Sellers 67. Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa.j Win. Th » *, 51 Mar ket st. do.; B B Perkins, Marietta, Oliioj eaton & tihlrp, hlayiville, K Y; John W Danun] charges. While the rare of both physician* will hr extruded evtry vuiiriy of dis-are, i( D intended by Dr. M ( .,-*r givr kprcial nttcntion u> nil SURGICAL DIBKASKP, ’ raXTICULAItLI TO DISEASES OF THE EY'E. To there branches of Inn profession be !m» giv>-n s large »hxreof {»• attention for ihe. In«i iwrmy-Gv.- v< ars. and he will voiiliniie to di-vote lo them the rxprrifin-r acquired by a;con»inm prut-lire during Ihui turn* Tbc llotej lor Invalid* i* not an experiment. |u c«lab lishoiem is suggested mil only a- neerreury lo supply an evident want lit this city, in ihc entire abrence of any special provision for the ■•ik.liut >* warranted al*,. b> the sueccot of smiilar inMiiumm> »i Ciiieinnun ami New Orleans—thefuruier under the care of Dr*. Taliaferro Marshall and Bunder—the latter under ttiatofDr. Stune The buiUlmg sclocinl fur the purpose i* ples.amly n . uaud on the north bank ol ibe Alirgheny river, nenr tb Aqucdui L It! I* i ummodiou* and roomy, nnd furnisfae wilh all nci!( linnisUiioin nrerksary fui tin tick. Applicunoii) fi>i adini«i«ii lo t.r made in the «uli*i-r . lien, at lln ir oirii i- on Peim sirrrt, i‘iil>!>uig!i, or m lb : csublndiuicih. IT7 -No contagious disraiic* will be admitted.' J. R. PPKKR, (U D mav-lilfcwtfT 8 KUHN. DM "votTpiWf.XXKTuI6Oh scounukkl i WHOBK mcJim.'ir ran e.jual jour- ’ ui >oui fan young wile, withbcrbrigbisumiy face! |*-ik at your own, pilled unh t rup in.ns anil blotchr*' Yet you an- 100 mean lo give hfty cent* Ini a euki- of d.r grral Italian Chrmical Soap, winch would eniircly in-e you from them, turd make your yellow skin elrut and liPßlthy. Go at mire to J.irkroii's Run.-, K) L.l- riy *i I’itl-hursh aiul get a rake N II jsrkson'* nthy’t.nlyplacr m Pmshureh when ~ i-l'UlME'i* 1... ..I. I IV ... Ihe GENUINE il to Ihi ohlJincd. Ilcwnrc 111 r,>un|ci- U7-OHBKRVR the lb* Ihatt tinud* in (he iVorway mchit • ! VIOKUAS n COUGH HVKUF It dmuld i«- IVi published and msde-knowii lo Uir public " • Tl>i« wo* ibe expression of an old man who Died ihc rup PiTTiXcaoii, February I, Is,; .Mi. Morgan;—Tins rosy certify that being alllu ird wilh a troublesome cough sons time, 1 boughi a (mile of Morgan’sCongh Bycup, and* am happy lo»ay.oMrr u.ingu, ray cough i* enurely ?ured. I pranounc-e ymir Cough 8) rup the be.«, medicine I have ever ured.- No furaily should be without Ul* valuable nrefbrinc DAVID McROUEKTB, Allegheny C>ty (U*Tl»*« inedieme i« prepared wholesale and reisd *i ihe DruijMore o| JOHN D MORGAN Wood sutet, one dooplrrlow ffcsuionJ Alley Pn'ecyS i-eiit* per Wile leM THE BIAGIC EUASIVU kOAR-l'ur rem.r vnigGiesire spots, Slain.,or Marks Irons Cloibci, Woollen*, Carpals, Ar, Ae., und rendering ihe tpoi* where it i« applied clear, bright, new, and •pollen Sold wilh lull direeiiom Price Y 3 cent* a rake, fry* Bold ky WJI JACKSON, mi Liberty «»eei. head ot Wood, at nil Coot and Bho* »icre, sign ci iLe 800 l i 3» COTTON MILLS STAR COTTON MILL, {Near the Bridge, Allegheny City ] THF proprietors ot the Star Conon Factory respect* fully miurui me public (hauhcy nre now in kuccr** lul operation Hurn-jr employ ed the *cfTiit4oi N U— <>rJer« left at ’.'he Will, or ai iln- 01 .Vy er*. Hmt'er A i'-o . l!*“ Iphrrtv street. w,l( l. c promptly ' -itiendt .1 to tnclrJM'fm , N V AOn ~ PITT COTTON MILL. BLACKSTOCK, BELL k. iXI rrrrsuußuH,* pal T ’HIS Manufat tory beingun full and complete opc-ro- I non, (Imv.iiß received and replaced a.i ihoir Mi elm.ery by the latest improvement*.) me now inat’ng a very heavy mticle ol *-* Urowrt Sheeting*. limit twisted, hand*ouir goods, (branded Allegheny f) .] and jurpTHM-d by none.of the same *nlc, in tin- country, exclusively lot th- U't.rKllS ulnl SotTllfß* and examine previous to mating purchases Order* truin a distance promptly attended u> anJ goods care fully shipped when ordemt febllhlAwtlniT EAGLE COTTON WORKS. F ITTN B VII'GII. mtNUFAt-rviiKotrrroN yarn. C*adlr«\Vlck, Batting,' Ttrlur, Coverlet yarn, i’arpkt Vhain, warps, Ar a, * ‘ Kl.\(t. PF.N.VOt’K A i'o (Successors of At buckle*'A, Avery.) J“"- Prnpneiot* PENN CO TT ON MILL. I’l, -|*,\ . aliove establishment bring .iiuw in successful J. opr ration. we are manuiar luring. veiy >• J t.-nnvoly. an arifele ol heavy Sheetings, well adapted to the rrlu.l trade, which lor beaut) and cjLimKt y cannot be ri.ebe.l by any other ruakei.i the country. I*Ue allennun purchmer* i* soln'itr?to an einmniaii.iti. feb) ItNmAwll KFNNFDi t'HH.OSA f„ M fill (CAL A POSITIVE ic PERMANENT UIiKK KuR KHKUMATIH.II AND ALL. NKKVOIIS COMPLAINTS ‘‘NYliu tihough the roiiwi may not be explained. Since their ijfntt, urr duly uscnnuiu-d. le-t no! delusion, prejudice, or pride. - iitduee mankind to set the mean* urulc; Means which. tho‘ simple, nrr b) Heaven drsign’J ']■<- nlleviuie the ill* ot human kind.'' DR t’HHISTIH'S UAI.VAMi: 111 .Mis AND MAO- NFrio fluid ' 'IMIIS remarkable ii.vein on. which bus received the ‘ L mnvrr*ut apprubai oti ol the llirdtcu* jirofesfioil ol j Hfent Itriumi cniupn-rs an entirely new application dH (i si vaiinm. a- a icini-diuiyigeni. t.) mean, ol which the | ordinary Halva me Uaitcrir:*, Ktecitnc and Magnetic Ma i iicnes. Ac., utr entiiVtlj dikjwu'iM with, and the myste r:on« power cm t.:ilvuui*m applied any of Hie | uiijevi-on winch an; m*ep:irublc trout the general mode j now in tuo The sitting dose*, aind irregular intervale, m Which (•alvxnn'iu i» applied l*v ib-s Machines, Las j been pronounced, alter n fair «nd impartial mil. m be ! drrulfdlf iryunctii. and it wi> to remedy this tadical de- f feci tlMi th" new application was projectrd, wl. 11*, af- ; ter unceasing mil und perseverance, ha. been biougl.t | ;>0 it* present stair of |h ifretion. The (Jairrrn'e A'i.ifi ! | an»wer all the pnrj>o«es of the most expcti-iv. Mu- | I chines, and m ir.uny oilier respects are more >n/f mid i . etriaiu m aeconiplislmig the desired eject. The fiait-onir lUrtps used mconnrciian with the Afag- ' nmt Fluid, arc contideinly recommended in adcfuor> i .Jrrt which aril* from «n tnfnbUd or unktallbf lltU c/J £Ar nrfTont or ritoi fyiron. these complaint* arc i among the mo*t pamlul and universal to which we arc I I *uh>cri. Ihey arise, withoure'xccpnon, from one sun- ■ l pie cause—a derangrrncul ofVtic Nervous System— l i and it was in tliesr case* that other ‘remedied’ having ] so often failed, a new ugeid w.-vj greatly needed, which : j d <* cciuGili-nil) believed, has been found in the proper ! ; andljudieiou* application of UMvunism. I | TbcHulvhtnc RinrM have been ttsed with entire sue- I n »» ,n all ruse* of kutajMSTlsH. aeutc .( Nervous Dculhcs*. and with-altno»i nuiforiii *«cces*-T«» a preventive'lor Apoplexy, F.pilc j.lic Fn*. Christie’s .MasniHic Fluid is used n couiiect.iiii witli .tie (ialvnmc Kmgc anJhl) their nindificniions. Thu has Urn pro ruiuiu rd by tiA- Frcneli illicniikis m be one of the most extraordinary discoveries ol modern science. It la be lieved to posses* ihe reinarkablep otverof rtmdtrinf A n»rv«» uwririerl o falranie nelion by the* oteaui CaUhtnx > eoncriiiraiion oi the ntiluene. nt the' seat of thus g.vmg ia|ml,and p. iiiU'iu in islief . No other ri>inpf,«iiioir in i-hs-tnistr i» k.iiownluproducetlie same erfc cl.or in imparls s.niilar pri.p,;rty to die nervous i) -tern.b) iin-ansof an cuilu aril local application. The ' ueileiie Fluid eoiiimn* liolbing cajmbte ul die sligl. - c-1 injury. It* application i* ugrcable. jund cl i* harmless 1-1 1U action ,| .* tc-uebnal in !If result*. Full expla ial-on, and dir, cuntil ueeonijiaiiy it The eninbirird iiivetiiiona are m every way perfectly harui le«». they are *utd at* Wilkin ibe rcac-b oi all and the'doH-nvcrer only reguests a (air tnul ax a lest of ihnr siirnrising efficac y und permanent beuefiL CbriHtic’t 4>nlyauic Strengthening Plan* , There arn.-le* form uuitiirr valuaMe application' of ] ihr iny.Mprit.iiv mtlurm-c oi f>alv*iii*m They air an important ud;un.;i to H.e priiuittr (ialviinie King* and i their modifiradon*, aci ni; upon tl.r -aior pimciplr. t>ui ' having the advantage ol iimic local application. They i are .-uiihtlriiiiy rrroiiuijf-udrJ u- a valuable addition m : the ■[•rrity run- *»i Hheuinuii.iu. scute or chronic; .a all t iinvuu* eolupla.m-. anil n* a iioiitive rcoicuy m case* ' ol Pain and H'rain-u m ja« (Aey or Both, Pain in Vit Suit, in Aukmaitr AffttUon\. au.l in (VeoAocu or Oppra »*•”* ot nr Pulmonaif i»r>..i In Spm.W Complaint* i rtjrrt* air oi the cno»t decided i-hurarler, and they j have olim l.rcn used with «uccc»». They arc I al.-n ol Ihr arrutcl advaniufc in l*u.n« uinl VYrakue** r oi ihr Urra«l, and arc highly r.-cnhimcnded riir many of iboM-1 ouiplmiiU lo which female* urr especially liahlr. A« all 4 dmual mean* lor Mrengtheumg the nyslun ' win n dcluiiiuied with or ot her cuu*r*;a«a eei ’ Inf Cold* ainl ail ut adrction* nf llu: Ch<-»|. griirtulli, : Ibr I.alvuini- Hn.irf will l.<- t., um l oi ’ piriti Hurt permanent advantage In a lew word*; it rinl.rn.—« all itic virtue* i.l ihr LfM Ic.niC preparation, | with ih*- im|K>rtain HiliJilmii dt the gulvann: iuflueticr, ‘who li i- neither unpaired nor rxhuun.-d, while the «<•• ! 1...11 continu. «. arlirl.'# wilMm- found entirely I .lire i.nm ' Objection* who'll arc a coinnanl •out' .' i i.l . iHiif.lanil will, the nrdtnar) pluilcr* in common Ui>e CAUTION. ITT* The (frriiYcelrhnly and «y ■*>•«« of there article*,; Ini* r.u-r.l Ihriti ul lx- i oujilrdeilnl I.)' unprincipled j j.rrv>..» To agam-t ini)«iinon, Dr.Cmusrlfc ! lm- bin one author, red Mgr,it | n e.ich city ofilie Union. ' -The only mrriit >n t’.iul.urcb. W VV \V|j>o\ i CERTIFICATES & TESTIMONIALS, Oi -thr lu(*l'riit nud mo*t revjin-tnldi- character, arc con- w «iamiy received. regarding the .-nruordinary value und «uece»* oi the auuve article*. It jg believed ii;n hi the city oi New Yorl alone, upward* of KIO*tT THOUSAND I‘KRSONS. durum a period of leas than a year, liavcVeen entirely relieved of the lookl painful chrome duorder*. eonie ol which have completely baf fled nil former effort* of lordirul art. Indeed many of the hr«t physician* ol tin. city. who diaapprovc of the UaJvamc and Magnetic ,*. cotwiamly recoin mend tin* application hi their practice-, and with the ex ception of- tjio»c wle. are too prrjudired to (five it a tri al. Ibr invention ha*-received unaitimoii* favor with the tuoM intelligent among Hie American Faculty. Dr t'l.ti‘lir n at all tune* ready ami nio*l happy to nvci v faihluy in physician*. and all interested, forib.i- truth of hi* u«** and the efficacy of li * divcovery Only agency iu rituburghcornrriih and Market st lep'Allr MKOICAL AND Sl li<;|CAL OFFICE. No. M DIAMOND AL LEY, a few door* ticLw Wood «urot, kiwardi t)« uturkcL DU. BROWN, Having been regularly id neated to the mcdic-tl pi<*> fe-r»idu, and l>-m for muiic time m general practice, now cutitiiie*tii*niiriii:on to the treatment of timer privuto uud delicate com |l>l3inu for wbieli bif oppor UiniUri mu! experience _ peculiarly qualify bun Eleven year* asaiduou* r devoted to the *tudy and treatment of tho*e eoiupl • nl*. (during which time he ha* had more practice ami i_n* cured nunc pulirnl. ibun can ever full tu tlir lot of a y private priicuitoner) am ply qualifier bull to nflor a* ufance*- oi speedy, pcrm.i iicm.uuil *ati«fm-Uiry euro V all utllicted with dtluau di-cn-'*. nud all dnu-a-ci aiiKing therefrom. Dr. Drown would uiiurm thonc with priratt diseases which have become chrome by lime or aggrava ted by tbc one of any of the common nostrum* of the day, that thejr complaint* can l>** radically and thor oughly cured, be Imving given In* curelul ulteiuion |il the treatment of stteh rujri, and. in bundrrd? oi niMuiu e* ni curing pureon* of m lie nc«4 ill ibe l.ladib i. nml kilnlird diicilie* which ottcu reauil nnn those caw-* where ntbei« liuvc consigned Ilium to hopeless despair Hr pnturulurly invite* aurbas have twtrnhmg and um*ucc-c**fully treated liy otltcrt'to cOa-. •ult him, when every *ali«far|ion will l»- given Ibeju and their ca-en ueatrd m * curelul. thorough and intelligent inuiineT. pomicd out by long ex|»eririice, study and tn. sestigatiou. wbu bit m iiuj»i*»ible lor thoiiii< allla'ieiJ with llrmi* in call,- us hu lm« |kiml |iarnru!»r aurntioii ilii* fkm IL-« »»•-*; rtl u iMrn, l*»l>.)', cli* speedily riired Vharer-wry low. U li !■ . I ■ I. - .. N. II - l*4in-iii» of * iilirr i living at a distance by timing thrrr ili»ra«e in writing, giving all tliesyrup* u»ui«. ran uhia.ii n»rdiciri*» with dnn-iiitiM for u»e i.* ■itdrr-s-mg T RIltiWN, M. D |h»m’ jm i and ejich*- Vcfftve No 06 Diamond alley. opjioMic the Wavenv House. _ |fj- No rusa. n_ nuv' __ ~r hl I IVtelt COMPitArNT—Aimiiier rare m’rform* *■< “’''‘O'hn. ongma!, only true and genuine Abluuex.v. Brown county, Ohio;) Aitrrhfli ItM? i Mi H I. sfellrr* In April last niy wife'ws. imn. kcd w.iU Liver t omplauiUand haj tbc udvirr of iwopli.)- • r.ani who inert vur.oui rewertie* wuh producing any n‘ . , erl *l«heard of your • ekbrsicd later I •!!*, I concluded to give them a iwr irinl. I pureh4*ed one Ixik of Mr. J*cOlt. Aberdeen, uiilgatr them oceord* mg Ur the directions, by wbieb the wn*greetly relieved I piocumi h second hor.ivi.irlt *jiiur(> cured her and •he now enjoy* cirellent health. I bave.mrd Ihein uiyseli, and prunnunce them the he»i fsiu.ijr'ilf'rdirujp I have ever ined' Your*, nrepmliiily. . ~ '* massif DRABLY tD“Their Pi»« »tanJ unerjuallvd hy any iur*licin« known for the ri»rr of I .rei rctnplan*' . ' ' , Vrepared and «old r>y H t. apS No 57 street SAN6S SARSAPARILLA: fot :a« removal uJ i craunent cure of jail diaease* ~ amine , Arkohuef the.syrtem *vti: l ' Scrofula. Kiaj'J Hcii, P&nmtatum, ObUnak Cufawewsu Urupucm.Pimfitt or i'nstuia an Mr b'oes, BUtcMa, BiUi. Cmw fen £«a, Jtimg- ll ’mm-or fftUer, S mid Htifi, Enlargement and pain of Ur osd Joins, Stubborn Eletrs, Syphilitic S|r*»pte*n*, Sciahea w Imoi b-as r«. and Duen'iariiinf/nmian injuiitienu «u< of Dropsy. Erpontre or.Uiyrudtnctin Li/t. Chrome Consniutmnal DisottUru * iuJmmi*irjt:on hu been attended with the i happiest results m many anomaiouf klfrctiwts; but ii i* ctueßy intended tofitlthe void which exists between cathartic and aperient mcd.Tines; betice ith morfsueft ’■inJi is ihai of an aheralive directly—indirectly, pro ving o ia»uuc some to the system. |- h is highly concentrated lor convenience arid porta bility, containing nothing but the expressed essence, and ■* tne rep.creiu.ttive •( the Sarsaparilla Boot, in lb* 'ame manner as Quinine i« of Peruvian.Uark,or Morpinti- of Op inn It i« an established jfict,. that a few gram* 01 either Quinine or Morphine eoniamsall thv medicinal value oi n laigc quantity of the crude •ab-ianee*; hence the superiority of those preparations —and no invalid vvoulil desire to drink a gaUoumiKturc when a halt pun ofiuiatneJ the same medicinal : The Sur«aparilla run he diluh-0 when taken agretablc n> the direcuous, and made to suit the laath ot the na tidu. , t 3 I * 4 TltpVo!lowiirg.cenificaie ad dimed to tile Agents at Chicago. iuim»hc* concfiistve proof of it* great value ;n e:t.-e« of Fever Sires. Chicago, II!. Sepc lit, I9M. Messrs. Siehbm* A. Reed—Ciena: In Ma^ - ,13&.1 üb tunied si >uu*i ‘lore » Iwule of Sands Sarsaparilla,and wn* then confined mmy WiJ, without sleep for a week, decmioned hy violent pom trout a'rcjrulrr fever sore of 1 lone • landing, nu roy right leg. My physician* advised tue 10 have uie limb amputated, saying u reas die only • means hkely u> preserve my,lifa. - AfmrAtsi&f half the Inaitle th- paui U gan toeuhiide, and hy the tuue ( had used nearly ihtce'botiles, I was able fa trarisaCimy rag* ulur business, and l*efore ( had finished the lourUabol tie. 1 «•<«» a* well and sound aa ever l l have no lieiuaiioii >n ntvstnr that Sand’s Sarsaparilla was the means, muter providence, of saving rajrilimb and I doubtuoi my life. 1 imul choeffully recatnmeud it iV It-i nruclr extant tor the purification of the Mood i Your?, uio.i r* speciluUy.“ 1 ' , A . ■ JAMBA MILLER I n... r.n..'.vlnj> reriificaie isoolv another! link in the ' rreat rkainof irsincway to iissnrriia: |' - I ’ Holton. Canada Hast, Apfti IS, l£4fl. ! Mr»r< fcapJe-Onflemen: Exposed-ox‘we are to j ihe aiunrkeof disAusc, and-ao frequently disappointed ; ,nipniti ( )«cd reiucd-es. we oanuot bat Ipok dn the etfotts •ii ‘ii. re-*ml pr'iMithniers with inlrirrsi Slid gratitude 1 ! Tin* i» true re»|'eeiinß jpur valuable pienaratiou ot Saii..i|,:inll:t- linve been ’severely uUiicu*4' for Iff ycJrs 1 with it di yunr rXf-Flleiii medicine, nt whirl) lime f was -ntudl) e'ui.lmcdu, iu> bed Allei urins tlailew months I Imw nble in wale ularut ridiMHil,and eiipy #com : f.iiiable degree oi liruiih. I attrilrtity entirely to | ll e U*e nfSaud's >lisapantlu. i'lrase. UCCbpt my t* • tU r.n... or NORRIS Itemg pern,i.ntiy ui-f|uainted with the above itUtr m.-iit, I heief.y eejui'. ihul the same is iruti; ' A HBV. T M MRKRIMAPT > IVmiti.H Ti.i-njunNT.—The following is! anloxtraci I Iroin u leiiri rtcei-.ed Irmn Rev. William(iulukhm | BsniMiitx,-Vt..Oc*t -ii, UMS. s 'ft Mi.fcvr*. Sum!*: I have been oxh cted a Severe pi.;n ,n in) «:d-, ueeasinned by a diseased fivrT, for the i •! twenty year** sntTering'at times'wliat 1 language oimf'i j-vut'i'j, but since taking tour Sarsaparilla, 1 liuve i.eeu gi cully relieved, so much rotb&l, I have been übb- maueiid io rny business, mid preoeb occasionallj' ini the ia>t futceii mouths. 1 wholly discarded allaihei lucdieiiie. and thoroughly tried the Sarsanarllla, which* I ran crpommend in t'rmfimul sincerity to alltho*r who are in any vi-ay ifiLctrd witli any species of scrofulous coinplaiuis There huve been some remarkable cures etTeeird h> its tree in tln« viCinhy. Mrs. J. ‘Shaw, by ihe use ui six bottles, waa restored to betleehralihthan •be had beforrLnjoycd for ten years, and Mrs. W, £te« v-n«, who had been severely alfiietcd With lhe"Efry«ip elus, was tnnrely cured by the u?e of a few boUta. Your, truly. WM. OAI.USIIA. For further particulars and conclusive evidence of its superior value and efficacy, set pamphlets, 1 which may t>e obtained of Agents gratis. j 1 reparedand so dby A.II. A DSands,Druggists, 100 Fulton si.cornerof \Y illUin,New York. I j?old aleo by L. WILCOX, Jr., I'ii&burgh; 11. Har wood. Beaver;' Wm. Watson.- New Castle; D.lf. Rob ison, Brownsville: A. Crcigh, Washittgion; and by Diuggists generally throughout ih- United States. Price St per bdttle—six bot|les for S 5. Tlie public aio respectfully requested to remember ihut a is Sand’? Sarsaparilla Uiat itidcunstaall/ achiev ing nifhTemarkable cures of the most difficult class of diseases to which tbfc homan tnune n sobjeet; there fore mh for Sand’s and take nb other. * SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, ASIA TUG StfFFERRR raos ASTHMA ’I uhst has rtlietsd him is meh a short time from hit dif* turullr of breathiag, Cough and ihlTueatioa.' He „iU trlb ‘you it wm» “the OlotWSuaa, sir AU llraliug llalom.” Ask the cotoumptivc what has allayed his Cough, removed the Pais it* bis Side and Cheat, 1 cheeked hi* night sweats.and ; t , pberd the row of health uriuu hi* cheekf and i he will tell you SIIKILMAN’S OLOSAOKIAN, oa ALL-HEAUNG BALSAM. Aek ).Air fnrud* if they luiow of inyihiog that will so*pe« dily cure a long urn! tedkio* Cough. itaUeag ofi Blood, Brod rhiii«, Dyspccuc CobsumpUun, Haarseoess, Influrna, and. diMTiM-, uf the Timed, a* the Olotaoaian? will tell you—Nn. Tli* re aeecr jet ha* been a remedy introduced to l>ut.l>c bolicc which ha* been productive of so modi good ih »• short a «poee of time. Read.the billowing i 1 Astmtlahlnff darts. ! YVjt. Bono, the celebretrd Ba*taacracker baher r BB lt*». ' *au »trr.l, tiioiklju, ilale, his wife has been a/Sicted : with Adhma f.,r "jd years, omFcould not find jaermauent re lt*f fruia the best medical .-advice which Ntvr York and broiklyu e„uld produer, waj iudoced U> try this great reme dy sL- it now nearly welt. Ills daughter who was suffer* n.< fruil the eitite disriw, tried it, and was abh edrvd by it.' Mr, tLud ii i.uir su well that die is able to isiitirom her brd rarly ut lb* tuomiugacd allriul to her usual duties through the day without any aonoyoMe from her distresiar mahsify. Hsiar Jscexiv, lllih street, near the Cathulicuuactry, eatne lo the store lor the pur|ute of obUiuiug a bottle of the ULxuanuii, haviug been alOwted wilh the Asthma foe raortj Ihai, 1U )rsr», and was so exhau,tr<| ou his afrieol thal .hr could uot He purchased a bottle and rude home.-^ Four days afterward be walked fnjm his residence to the ofi See without falirue, s distance oflover two mik»j lo tell g i-f the wonderful repel which he bad etpcrieocvd from using sbuut voc half uf vne bqttle. g Coitaamntlon of itha Lbb|i< Mr. CoMrotrr, 35 White elrret, wu to low in U» moult] of UrcTtnbcr lut. that be iu given up by bie phpfeiu. ~Hti Crjrudi ratnumed no hope of bit rtcotery. Heofm pentad ded lo try the Olomoaiaa, and to hi» larprite 'it Hu to r»*torrd him lo health that he ii uow able lo walk about the »tr*rl» • Mn Arran, the wife of Wm H. Attree, June* Human, £*•( koti (i«o. W. Hayi, Esq. ran all bear Ustimcny trout their oMoeinericDcc of the hraliog proper Lie* of Uti* Ores) Remedy in Oooiuraptioa of tlie Luugs! Spitting Blood. j Mr*. THOcaouax*, 332 Slouroe elreet, who bad been troubled tor a great length of tutu by a Kirn cough, and ruirej quantities of blood’, vu relicteu by oo« bottle cf-ths Oloaouian, and decbrerit the greatest remedy in the world* Drxxia KaT.LT, tSJ Water »irett, w*» also relieved trout the sums ■ rom plain l, although lie was very moth radaecd when he cotostrpcrd Uking it, Latiag been under iha care of bis pliyvrciaa during the putt winter. Although he ootigbei nnuUiitiy and was very uucb troubled with night finally 9 U.lilrr of the Tcmrdt enabled hint U rtluru'lo his dadr »>.rk. He ttaieiilirrly relieved. > Davm Hkjidsrjor, Ctl Laiebi stmt, Geo W, Bumelt, fjrmrrlysf Newark, N. J., llcnrv Lisbon, 110 JUvingUm itmt, and numrniur other pmunsnatr been speedily and |ermabeutl) cured of the same complaint by this retneuy. - • I The Array of flames ' • which could be produced of persons who hare used this great, remedy would mere than fiUa ctdnmn, AMr thn number we are pencilled to refer U A. M. Biiiinger, IU2 Barclay »t.J Mr. Wilwm of Hobokeu; Mrt. Bell of Morristown, N. J.; Jamrt B. Defoe, 101 ReadeaL; Mrs. M*CalTr*e,so Attorney' •i.; V. Smith, !fJ Third Atruur.Mrs Wm, 11. AUm of thu; ritv, and Mn Archibald,X j ft.dd wholesale and rtlaihby WmTJactsoo, at' his Palrat Meilicjue Warehouse aud Boot and Shoe Store..No SB lubtx-' hrad of Wood itrrtt, PiUshugh. Price bot , rpllK MOST ASTOUNDING DKHCOV -1 Kill— Alllcasmg: A Miracle!! AWondcrll —Tn rote Krupnotw nud Dishguromcnm of the Skiu, lhirple*. Freckle*,Sunburn,Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore! Ilctvls, Ac., Ac. 1 >i __ Four years ugo last August, the capital of Frnucp'. was astonished in eonwvjuence of a discovery made l.y :gi' Italian CTi«ui*t. Many doiibtrd—it seemed 1 dtomai an niipoiiiliilit)- tbut anytbmg tuadc by tl\e_ bauds oi' ■nan. could hare «uch flntulnr powniai that claimed l.y Amotua Vcspriui tor hi* invention. AJnny classed, h.m uod- hi* >nveniK>n nv a bumhug, {Nnd.nlas! many ‘ foolish persons witliout trying do tlie 'same ndw,] at leng'Ji, after tesiing n iu tbe bospiuUn, th# Medical So ciety of Paris (the he« chemists in the tvorld]dcUyered the lollowirtg rtipoti to Signor Vesprini: “We have now minutely and carefully examined the singular invention of Vesprini. We have analyxtd its component parts—we have used uin several coses, and vvr hesitate not to prohounce'ti (the Italian Chemical Jfoup] as a great htes-ing, umla uuly woudertul xwne Jy tor uny citnneons eruptibn or disCguremeni of the skiu. Us inventor we ean*idcf (lie tide philanthropist oi suffering mankind. . (Sigurdy ' LEOPOLD DC PREY - . Prcaident 5 ’ READ THIS! From the inventor him'cll* to the present Proprietor. , Pattis, N0v.4,1510 In consideration of the ram of S3.GUO; I have divul ged to Mr. T. Jones, residing in the city of New York. V A., the whole processor manufacturing, together wnh a statement of the ihgredivhta rompoifnx my Ital mn Chemical Soup, lie i» to manufacture tt for sale ia the l n.ied State* only, and to have the privilege of-na iom< ir'lDTie*’ Italian Chemtesl Soap." Wittiest: lleniy J. llold.swotUi. iSgucdl ANTONIA VKSPRINI Cl7-?ohn.y W JACKSON, at hi* Patent Medicine " n rehouse, «> Liberty street, heud of Wood, at the • ign of the Dig Root j i^j The only place in PitUhurgh yvhcrc the GENUINE can t.e oliiunird. AII others are Counterfeit. No Cure, No Pay] "]' ~ Dr*. Jinluii 1 P lift £iidro<(tfon ,Ytvcr Fa us.' f are few diseases more common or trod -1 hleimmc. tluii liic J’llrs. and yet. DulwTthitand mg great ctlorta li.ifn becti made to cure l»y the use of pills, electuaries, iinimcnu, &c , all V c re futile and ol littlo bcnelit. Now the Embrocation is the only mediiißc Used.. A person wlio has been aufier* mg with the Piles of the worst lund canic frofa JSal lem. Now Jersey, almost on purpose to 'espreaa his gratitude for (he speedy cure that this medicine had effected iu hts caic.—Phils. Sat. Poit'. . . >i l p’F<’ r sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKEN TEA . lOKK, i. 1 ourth *1 ,and also at tbe Drug-Store H f blffp' Wartt ' Fc ‘ ,crill “ l - Allegheny City. EL-aM.-.-^.. B V ,Il ? f 8 A * D RCAIsDg '’I'* I I‘ALI.V sod speedily cured by theuse.n tin Great Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN OIL it almost miraculously reduces luDammalioh, and con scrjucittiy .H wsrrantnl m all cnees to leave in> »«arn nr *c:«r in the Ue»h. ' ‘ . N.ld wholesale und rrtailby WM. JACKSON.«« his IhKit urn! Slioe Store anil Patettl MedlctricAVaieliouse. i« Liberty virsct. head of Wood, Piltshiirgh. 50 cent* and SI per liottle. ' . • ~W being thn Exclusive Agcui for Wertern i enn»>Tvani»,none t* genmnebutwliat i» "bid by HIM or ‘ ll » appointed Agents, t i • . ' N- H. A Poniphlelcoiiiatitihrampfod-reetloas. Ac.. with the u.niic* und ndrtrrxs of jnc Proprietor uad Prm cipal Agent, i* enveloped with wrap per boiilo. Abundance ol ceitihcutus car»lH»*er« altbe store. NUl7di>m i lADIBK Who INe Gintmou Prepared u*«jual.iw«. aud u imparts io urn skin u natu-' ral, he»Jihy. aiohasier, clear, living White, at tbe same i time acting a* a eit'iaei.r on the skin, makiofilsort lfe.-Jamca AlHiereorf, Practical Chemist !of Marts chwietia sav*: “Alter analysing Jones‘sSpanuh Lilly' Wlnjej I find >t imise*w« the tmwt beautiful ;and 'nsitt r«l, »l the « ■P - , r w >’a3|W9o4i^j ; TO TBE’rBICK. AND AFFLICTED. GREAT'rDISCOVERY. CjINCE THE DISCOVERY OK DR.SHA \ \ E s - O Valuable Medicine, thnmauds have been roste red-to perfect health who bat by in u»e wiiuht 00tv be in thev'ilent grave. ASOTRKK nonownf. r ss.—Read with »«ton ishmenl the wonderful cure performed by. Doctor Swayne’s Compound Syrup of WILD CHKLKV;* , rHlL*ur.t.Tßia, January tj. Dr. Dear Sir: In justice to voorsett'an.t a doty 1 owe to aufferiog bulfuoity,! chrcrlum give ray testimony, and deeiarc to tb* world tii'c most asionisbpg.efleeU, had U»e great cure >„ur ■Compound Synip of Wild Cherry performed on'mo under the most unfavorable circumstance*. t wa ,’ teken-witbu violent Coegto,'Spitting of Blood m -tete-Paint in the Side and Breast, wbirh*renieti 1 to break down end enfeeble arycohatiiuiwn.a-. tr>ai ray physician thought mv eaae beyond the power of medicine, and taj friend*all gave me up to dre; but *’ thanks IdVooand'lhe effect* ol yu«rgf*aidi*rove ry. i’now feel tfrjself swell nun. »ud raised i,., m a mdre skeleton to i» fleshy sad. healthy a.niaa J aj 1 have been for years, aodoballbeplesied to gut. Jtt , leforattioa respecting my cate, by calling A t mV residence, MecJ»nic»treet.thirddo«r below ii«ur K <- street, Northern Liberties. Jains J'aimbk. Ttsliauieiy is Mow received from all quarter* J //id Globe. r . The lolloning letter* are pteaenled with a view of more fblhrahowing the opinions of Phyiicims m ; relation tolhe Medical yalapof Dr. SWA) Nil's ! COMPOUND SYRUP OK WILD CIIKKKV . Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir: Haviig used your Cnm pout d-Syrup of Wild Cherry m my practice, I waa requested by your Agent,. lioelor Crutcher, iq eipreu ray opinion in writing of iu properties a* a remedial agent. f most cheerfully comply,** 1 feel by so diiihg.l will darlargf.a debt I owe the community at large, and Physician* in particular. As much u I detest Quack. Kerr..- die* and Patent Nostrum*,'f -was induerd Irum z failure of the moat potent expectorants,'rrcom mended in cur.materia.medio in some i-ares ui Diseased Lunga, to try your preparation ol piumt* Virginia or Wild Cherry.- It ta sufficient to«iv Ural V. I was *o much pleased with .the result of that and ' rraWqteht trials,that 1 now prescribe it in preltr ene'e to all other Kernediet where an expecu-raiii 1* indicated! lu„lbe .much dre.ded Pneumonia or Disease orthe Lungs', in the alarming lorunti winch it sppears in Kenlucky, I regard it as an invjfuuble Remedy in the■ commended. latter wo are pleased to learn none stand a be tier test than Dr. Dwayne's Compbund Syrup of WildsX'heify. 'J he afflicted in Ibis vicinity aroiaeginniiiftlo use it, ami to their joy they .find mils use their hopes based upon iIE recommendations more than realized. The afflicted - need not despair. While there iVhle, thcio how is ho,< ’' A CAtnioN TO THE KUUUI'. tnrSincetbe Introduction of jny article lo the ' public, there have a number of unprincipled’indi viduals got up nostrums whieh-tliey assert contain Wild Cherry, some srecilJed “Ba/sarus.'* •• Bittern.’ , and even by rup of Wild Cberr/ hot mine is thi* | original and only genuine preparation evtr introdu ced lotbe public,'which can be proven t nal Affection*, Contraeiioonof the Muscles, Sore Throat and Quinsy, Issue*,Old Ulcers,l'aius in the Bads and:)Cheat, Ague , in* the Breast and Face. Tooth Ache, Sprains, Bruises, Sait Rheum, Burns, Croup. Frosted Feet, and all Nervous Diseases. The TRIUMPHANT SUL'CESfe which ha* at tended the application ofthi* most WONDERFUL MEDICINE in taring the most severe cases of the diderest Disease* above named,—'and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been bcitowcd upon it, wherever it ha* been introduced, give* me Ute right to call oa the AFFLICTED to resort ut onchto the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN U&RELIKD ON. ' . ■ QTTbeftcnltv unite in recoctmending the cele ated External Remedy, Hunt’s'LiniraenL 'fhe.following letter, from the highly emioert Physicians who hire been attached to the Mount Pleasant Stale Pn«W for many years, is .the best evidence of the value oflhia celebrated Liotujcnt. ■ Si no Siflo,'December 52C, 1545. My Dear Sir—l received yoiir note of yesterday, askmg.tnj opinion in relation to Hunt's Lfnlmeut, as prepared by Mr (tcorge E Stanton. Knotviug iu compoailion, and having Ireauently io*i*d it. .1 can recommendiC to yop as a safe Eaiernnl Reme dy, anil in my opinion, tbe best Liniment uow iu u*e.‘ Very truly and respectfully your> * A K HOFFMAN t'oi Fierro Van Cortlapdt. L'rolon Manor. - » 1 fully concur in the above opinion.. W J\ UKi.riiKK, VoRKTOWfI,'Jan. 14, ia4i. • - Sir—ln reply in your Idler, I would »ii that 1 have used your.Exterail Remedy, callwl" Hum'- LiuinTcnt, in my practice since joy made me »«: quaiuted with iu composition, arul ualicmlalingly iiy that I believeil'toDe-tho beat External Keuir dy now in uso for the complaints for which uai ic 'commend it. ‘ Vdararespedlully. | UENJ D MILLKH M. 1). Geo E Stanton,Esq.'l . "From the N Y Son. ; : O’ Among the mass of wonhleti articled and humbugs that are poured forth at the present day upQn the coanlrr, it u really refreshing to find something of real practical utility, something aim plo, speedy and eueclual in its operation, and ;l the. same'time free from thou injurinuj efiecu which'gCnerally attend powerful remedies, tfiita'* Liniment, prepared by Geo 7 K buntnn, of'Sfitg Sing, though it baa been but a tbortjiue before the public, baa already obtained ‘the couftdcrfce, not only oi our most wealthy and inlluentul citizens, but our most eminent phjaicun* All acknowl edge it to be S sovereign balm for many o'f the, ills that flesh is beir to, aoothing tbe aching limb; laiul by tta genuine stimulatiaginlluence.banishing'dia eaae from tbesyktem. . t ' Mr, Stanton—Strr-S*eing your advertuemenf of Hoot's Liniment, P was induced to* ejects on my eon, .who-had bees crippled with a lame baekfrom an infant; and it is with gratitude Lbcar testimony to iu wonderful healing profielfics.! M/ child, who la now five yean ot age, is now in a fair way of recovery, Yours, dec: .. . V - DEMMON (’NICKERSON. : . PosrO»TicE,-Totvir»'Rs, I'utiuiuCq. I certify that’l an personnllt acquainltd;wilb the above named child, and think the fathrr w.ouU be sale in saying that his son is almost deli. * _ JA$ WDVJtaJAN, -Hot 5, IB4J. Depot* ptujt Master. I*. S. ! would also slate tbpt I* hare tn-ea fur 3 number of years soMect to heqoent atiacksnj tbe Rheumatism, which in many jnspmc*s prevented my attending to my business. 'iVo or ihrre'tppii caliona of toe Liniment invariably reuo»e all af fections of the kind, la cues of. bru *ca. spratim and sorei, too numerous to mention, it has in this vicinity proved a certain rimed*. It value cm only ba estimated by those who bavc_gi ven it a fai* trial.. , This Liniment 11 sold at 25 and JO ci n tie, by all the Principal Druggist* ahdl UirougboaUhe eoontry. Wholesale Agent* in Mew ]’ For cile in Pittsburgh by L Wll.fO* KIDD & Co!T• • AHegtieav City, JOHN S. *NDJAN~vT:r uje ifljPittelrargh by ft it Seller* >tfta. ThorD.6t Market at, THK MOOttIMII lI\IH Dvsi^ neutljt, dyeing Light, arOf.yH , mown or *daek eolnr, -without drein* )irl «km. Sold with falldiretiibnv /rfrS*4. it bonle. t . - • y. etW Pol ty.rebtw'te. ra übeiry > U r* t, bead of \\ •‘enoftbe BießMt. " • . B 4* 4 *** —Ui doz Wiatn ’« Bkliu (brattle by - •• : -4 do - Am*ruin:• i ■GBOONMAKEft-'k lS_ > NtfStwoodiow . For Nile by »P* •• o *_•; U ntfl |i, Jr, and J . iKOEPiT . frbPl air ftJUrk iujtiring'll*!*, -ruU, or Ctj Vtl4Cht(o\l Dl> ACo " rood Vlpjel . .