IBE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. feY-KRASTUS UROOKS. ' PITTSBURGH: TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1847. • IJT’lf* .fmeecaaa D*itT OitiTTf i* pu t»ub«.J Tn-V\ « kl y, tod V\ eekly.-~UiTH ( vvtonmsf. i SAMUEL A PURVlANCfc.Datlex < .* HENRY S EVaNS, Cbevttr. * ROBERT? t-OITS, Womjorrery. Etxu *vd AatTATioaa ip Ectora.—The in* telhgeocs from Europe by the recent steamer sad ■pecfceUyii Important In other Aspects than for the commercial intelligence received. Providence, We hope tad belirre,indeed, mU orerruleforgliod •ten the severe calamities which htvo prevailed among the nations who have been fed from jour Abundant north ooeos. In England, the effectha* beeo. as we have seen, to draw attention both to. the Poor Laws, and whet is equally .necessary, the health 1 f tbe'poor people. > Lord Morpeth has ‘aken the first of these objects in hand,, tad the ‘ eccnd be* been liken charge of by the Poor Law 3oqunia»loDers of London. It la not- Ireland -lone which has auflsred from bad. political Gov. ;i?n»ent,. but all of Great Britain. Thousands c e annually from inattention to bralih and from iirlog in bouses not habitable,— Fjfty thousand at v.v » > i •'* !-•«»*, according to the report of kh* Ounjmieeion t ' . -r.i'i to which wa itf»r. The following are com. u number of death* over and above the ;V ‘-I L.; akular mortality; .'.v.. Zo Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds & Birmingham* r-v-'- ii.tf annually above 7.350 for SI years, or £17,. If, •. >vifln all. Oal of 1,000.000 inhabitants in (he i • 'li .ntry, it is estimated that 19.000 di« annually: i otit of the eame numb* r of city residents, the if j-; ... Member of deafos.i* £7.073. And for every dy* j-. •'.r>»\ perarn, SB-are supposed to ba suffering with y : -rv.v.oen. The annual deaths by caosutnpibm in | SfgLud it set down at 60.000; of these 16 m: ji. are from amoDg the genuy; 30 from the •}- -■«diking people, and 33 from the lrades f' v ';a,in his mission of chariubld enquiry and re* if, f : rm, gives facts from whieh the estimated expense | ; incurred by London alone, U 2,600,000/, or ‘vtfs.rJj tuxloecndakalf million* of dollarjj and V pecuniary leas to the whole of England and ; if ; ilea, beat doWn at aboat Jifly.five millions of ■ money enough, one would think, to re &'in .the abuae altogether. 1 . Toe sltentbm given to emigration abroad is v.i' thef irrp -rtant subject. A good portion of ■ Germany and Ireland, people entirely unlike,are i' - Sing f»r deliverance from political oppression physical Sufic ring, to our own I s. res. We are glad to see that among these emigii'iog lo the United States, wo are to .... i ?-Kelv* the good as well as the evil among the i<■ >ple. Thus a London paper says: ♦Hundered* if comfortable looking farmers, of [*’ women and men, ail decently dad, coolin • V c to arTi*' 1 daily, with the view of emigrating to, i Au-r.ca. In tueh number* do they, come, that . - f a rapidity with which the-bakers’shops in the ••l.r.uiiy of the quays are cleared of bread is ( - c-trcely credible. A few vessels have sailed f.<> .> aw York and Boston wit&emrgrants; others arc l . i: -Tidy to fellow, and 10 mors aia preparing for the ,”■) a-wae destination'*’ ./* . |j! ; Another subject of interest is tie Administra .t’ca of the tew Pope of Rome. We-may look - v '. ionla over the wideworid to find equal improve in tbtf brief space of timo since the election ■j.f' -T the bead of the Papal Government. We are ;.%ry that this improvement has been the subject ''•f constant hatred and persecution, but ao it is. ..Vi, oarchieal Bigotry upon the one hand and Ro mish corruptions upon tho other, ars making war r;|oa a man who we should aoppoae sfooldbethe • i-irl of men of kindred faith. The London Times ' the following, whieh of itsdf threatens to Papal and Austrian Governments at Ug. i- 1 ■ sss heeds: . ’ “Letter* frrja Boms of the ifiihinst. amjoun* :taVlbsl among «b* paper* Kited on • refugee im \■. .*■ pfidated In the last conipirtcy. diicovtred at An* .. * **•«; .•" seversl documents showing ibst Aut "■ 'ff.fcwss intriguing against the Pope’i Govern. • ‘tseaU Those jwpei* bavin* been forwarded to Catdmsl Gmi, the Secretary ofSlate, im l s»•' .. uSHhately aodreswd a note 10 the Austrian Am. ' brCjedor. apprising biA of lbs feet, tod demand- Jj’ ... ripl«neUon. Tbe.leiter having contented : . hsciwif with merely scfcao-Udgiog the receipt of . lue note, ibe Cardinal wrote bun a eecond, which i ' airobatramairnd wttboat a reply. The Pope, In | - d-.gHtot at bis cocdoet; aent for the Ambassador, j '&zo battened to wait on His Holtflet*. Their: , ktrrview tataid tobete been very animated,and | : >c-*a the Pupa conducted the Ambassador to >br '.ti *>', be told him, in the pretence of tbo attend. -I giva yoo my bleaaiog; but you mar write . ?u>-yoar Sovereign 1 tbn if be expects 10 intimidate .be u greatly mistaken.” One of theta letter* ' mamioaed that the Ambassador wu to quit Rome in the evening of the !Btb." Among the other novelties of the Uta arrivals, ia the-f»c<,.before stated, that France should be a borrower of fifty thousand Dane* from the Soatian Government. The money ia for tbo relief of the Bank of France, a Govarnmept institution, in Ugh credit, and it ia lha second Loan retired from foreign Government, tba English capital, lata baying'recently loaned tba tame institution 1 30,000 frtnka,, The Bank of Franc#, like the Bank of Eogiaod. baa hern drained of much of , precious maiais, in consequence of the import ol '"Grain, and the corresponding export of specie,— . in F»auoe, mainly to the region: bordering on the Black Bee, an d in England moatly to the United , States. - Tbe Itosaiaa Emperor was willing to lend , tba French Government, well knowing that the ■ taesrity was good, and that profit was to be made | by the loan. The immediata effect be knew was to i bring French commerce and French money to his own country, instead of aending both to the Uml •d Btatae. Tba political spree Is lions in the French preaa are varied and amusing. The Cgoral effect, .bo doubt,' will be jo unite the two in bonds of stronger affection. » We have the old atory,- too, ibis time, that fo ndle Cotton U to.{ake' the place in tome measure, .of the Cotton grown in the United States. Wo give tba' following from tba London Standard, of * month since, for wbtt it is worth! •Ilia worthy of notice that that the account* from Bombay represent the cotton crop to be greatly above ao.average.if it be propeily aseurad before tba tropical rain* set in. This ia a matter of considerable importance, as It may leaaen our . Vciiaeco on the United States at a time when tbe large Imports ofgrsin are almost hourly Increasing lha of trade again»V. or, and tbraaiening • aarloua derangamsnt of currency, which will be greatly aggravated under tbe operation of tbe late ■ FraaiaFa banking law. Tbe- mtelligeaco.may «reo proepeetively, have some£mj9uenre on tbe prlca of CjUoq at Liverpool. j j . | , £io**i*c*^—The Rev. J. N. IJirriT, *oc*l»| I ablated, and Ijoftiy too. far hi* u •< | tod Lactam,, ia to deliver a l/octnte JM m £toptau*;ihbe'ttnfDt,\u Allegheny. Her* . > .Jnf»*da aloqaenc* hi* rtaJy, end bavin* long • iba operation* of mind upon mind, in all niton* mood*, and bavin* j a moat exten* ft ‘ ixparianca on (be mbjrcf, era m tj expect 'J a baantifol aad inatroctire Lector#, A* *lo> 1 ' focaeti in ibU ccoctoy, lead* tb fame, honor, £>.■■■■ «ad power, and if tha aource of raet influence, W* sap look for a crowded hotraa- ytfg paper at PtinsriUe, Ohio. the Aon of Thomas Cornta for the PrendoH &'• - M * <7* !-• L*taa rao»t C*Ljroani.—W# have by midi •ome additfosu to the telegraphic dispatch publish, ed by na the other day; from California. Don : Cottem, our rhapjain, Mesfeah Alcade, Government Californian Official, dec, dee., Ac., has r ationed the publication nf his orgap. from ere learn that the U.B. ship which left Boston in August last, had arrived out, and that (’ommander Shubrick had taken the command from Captain Stockton. The U..S. ship Dale had also arrived out. The’ skirmish against Flores and his men was conducted in. a very spirited and gallant manner. , Commodore Stockton had 60h fighting men, all 1 on foot, who were sarrounded. in two’ or three day*' march by the natives with fonr cannons. They never broke their solid square, or 'left the road in the fight. General Kearney bod sometimes' previously had’ an a Hair -at San Paicual, in which he tost 17 men, a gun and some males. After the recap* lure of I*oi Angeles, Col. Fremont made a treaty with Don Andre*, which “put an end to the war.’’ and other officers had gone to Souora, but were expected Ui return when they beard of the treaty. 1 Com. Stockton make no mention of General Kearney,' known to be one of the bravest and beat officer! of the army, it is, and rightly we Uunk, attributable to jealousy. There must have been insubordination, ifenot mutiny in California, or Gen. Kearney tod not ComcnodoreS lock ton, would have usued the order; Commodore Stockton «*y«, speaking of himself* “the Commander-in-chief, dec.,” and signs himself Governor and Commander-in-Chief,” while in the following letter Major Emory assures us that 'General Kearney commanded, and through him, (Emory) issued eveiy order that was given in the battles of the Bth and 9th of January. We are compelled to believe that General Kearney has been refused the command, and that he joins Bid* die and Shubrick to eoforeeirii authority. An American who bad been taken prisoner by the Californians, writing from the city of the An gtls, saye that January 16, CoL Fremont and Don Andres entered into a treaty which put an end to the war there. Flores and the other -offi-' cere had started for Sonora, but it was thought they would return on hearing of the treaty. The American force there was over 1000. Tbo Californians say that every thing is now quiet there, and that another outbreak .is not fear ed. The people desire to ee« California a part of the United State*. A letter from Monterey, (of California.) saya that provisions of all kinds are very dear there, and if the American troops looked for should ar «*e, there most i be euficring among the people, unless there should also be a large supply of food. California cannot now sustain a large population. Flout, was there $4O a barrel; Tea, $3 a pound; Brown Sagar, SO, cents • pound; and common do mestic Cotton, such.ai waa sold here for sixpence, is there charged at 50 cents a yard. When the Catiforniani were called to account for their battle, they said their object was not to, make war uo the Ameriran flag, bat to preserve themselves from tho depredations of those who, under color of that flag, were plundering them of their cattle, horses, saddle*, and means of subsis tence. All they desired was, that the property thus taken, without the authority of the Governor General, should be restored; and they, on their part would release their prisoners, and retire qo et- Iy to their homes. These terms, reasooible enough, were acceded to, and thb parties disp re ed never/we hope, to meet again as belligere its. The general opinion is that there will be no fur- ther attempt among the Californians to viol authority established by the Americans. A CiTt Excaaxo*.—lt baa been a matt some surprise to ns, that in a city of ao n oeb commercial importance and energy as Pittsburgh, public attention is not more urgently called U the Importance of establishing a Publit 'Excha uge, where our merchants and others may daily ran vene to talk over and transact their basineoa. In Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cin cinnati, ood New Orleans, end other cities, c inch more is dpne, and more conveniently done, ii the way of business at the Exchange, than at the Counting House. It is there that the buyers and sellers purchase and sell, compare Dotes, make :or* tracts, agree upon prices, and bear the reports of the state of the markets at bom’ and abroad. The want of something of this (-. ••! ’« Very much felt bnv. At piracui tbcrv 1* me a good sys tem In the manner of doing business, and b nee It ts ahw But we labor under great difficulty add disadvantage in obtaining faithful and tprrtc re portt of the state of (be‘markets. We are veil eatisfied that a properly organized Exchange F nil ding,' with appropriate offices for Reading Kobma, Post Offi:e, dec./would afford a good pecuniary investment, apart from the great benefit tbal our city would derive from it, and we sincerely trust, threforp, that our business men will torn their at tention to the subject. Let us have an Exchange worthy of the wants of this growing and busy' city,—worthy to represent its increasing wealth and commerces Cincinnati has already taken the load of na in this matter, and-the Exchange -has added greatly to her commercial character. St. !*ouis auJ Louisville are about to do the not thing. We eboold not be so negligent of our own interest* as to allow our neighbors all around us to evince more public spirit, or rather more regard to their own convenience, than we do. Murine or tib Cokkklutilli Rail Ro*n Cowrie t.-—The Stockholder* hardly need ber£ uiiudetl, in riew of (be great inlemi felt on this question, that the da; has come when action of eomo sort is to be bad in teference to the Rail Road communication between Pittsburgh and the East. The adjournment was to the evening of the 27th, at Philo Hall, where we hope to we a demonatraiicn that will abow earnest and deter* mined tc'ion. if an; thing is to be done it is time at bast that it should be begun. We be lieve the public expectation here and in the neigh* borbood is, that word* should cease and action commence. We, therefore, respectfully urge npoa the st>ckholdexa the necessity of os far ea may be, enbecriptiona, contracts and earn;* for deliberation, correspondence, and words, mieth* er upon psperor off. Time is too precious further to postpone action upon a aobject in telareace to whiebubere can be but lew wbb have .not made up their minds. We ms; seem to be too urgent viponthis subject. If we are, w« hope it ms; be pardoned to the earnest convictions wa have that it i« one of immense importance to Pittsburgh. We know it Wonld enhance the value of every mao'* property, and add largely to the holiness, wealth and prosper it; of tbo town, and of eve ry diixen here, in the neighborhood, ou Ike route, and beyond it. ‘ vs Kxcccno* os 11ktdkl.—The Governor has declined in answer to several letters, the last two addressed to John Foisytb, Esq., the Sheriff 0 f tho County, and J. Pox Alden, Esq., to pardon Frederick Reidel, in the letter to Mr. Alden.tbe Governor says: . “Wben-e criminal' is found guilty under our laws, and is sentenced.for the crime, of murder In the first degree, the duty of the Executive it plain —it if to tttue a warrant to the proper office^ /or the execution of the sentence of the taw. la the performance cf thts.datyi in the present ease, ! hare yielded, as 1 believe, to. all reasonable de. mands; I have delayed the execution with a view to legutaiive action, and' have aided in an appli* cation for a writ of error. These unfortunately hare all failed. While 1 owe a *nkmn duty to the criminal, nod am bound reepectfally to exam, ine all that his teamed and intelligent counsel can advance in bis favor, I am also under obligations to aid id the faithful execution of the laws, to maintain the dignity, and the respect and confi dence, whieb, in every well regulated community they should always command. Impteued with these considerations,l am constrained to cay, that in my view, the faithful discharge 0 | the trust confided to me,does not warrant afurther exten~ •ion of the time fixed for the execution of Fredo* lick Reidel Voors, very 'eapectfully. ) FRB. lt. BHGNK. Utsteix Tailor baa been nominated for the Presidency in Cincinnati, and a mAtiog a called for the ante purpose in Louisville. The Detroit AdvertleerjnoQU&atee General Taylor for the Free, idency and Ex-Senator Woodbridge Sot Vice Frew ident.. ' L • I CoauxqTiox.—We made a mistake yesterday In stating (that Mr. Loomis was. the Agent of the Harpers, AppUtom and others.' It shonld have -been J; L.’ Rasa, 4th etreet, naar Market irtmcias aiKCELUKv ' BV Tif&CAUDRU A.NU VaCUT fillip. . (tMectcd fcr rh* Gurt>4 STAfisTlci , and the ; , . , „ , 6 Utter preaented her with a magnifictentarm chair, »ho wr.ed unde, General Taylor at the knelt of which bad been embroidered by her | Monterey, and in the two hatllee of May laat. royal highness; and the miniater of Prosda in thtf; Carr. Gdtuhi r lease* with hia Company thia name of .hi* aovereign remitted to her the gold 1 medal awarded for the extension of the aciencea. Tbe European Time* announce* a “great rev-1 luli xi * t n, * hl » ,n hoDor of th « ««« vidoriw The invention it i* said, has been les'ed by exje- i our *rm.». [l made a beautiful appearance rixnenL Hr. Parkhurst wa* to take postage id j from tbe city, and appeared to be very general, the Sarah Sand* for the purpose oflaying bis di*-! cowry before the American government | iMxx.vsß'lao* Castivo*—Mr. Napier of the Vulcan Foundry. Glasgow,'!* fulfilling { an order for eight engine bottom* of very large pass a fortnight at Paris frith bit' titter, the Princeae Mathilda Demizoff. Queen Victoria tia«»igniiieil (n vuung bride* o( | VfKKINIA ELECTION, ooble families who elope, that their presence at The return* received li*t evening indicate the her drawing room. will to di.peored will,. -Sho j ofA | lin „ o (L , F.) orer W.H., ( Whig;) doe* not therefore encourage ruD-away matchrl. . . '. ' a,J The Duke do Rianzares. husband of Queen :mlO f Di*tnrt. Christiana. ha* paid 18,0001*. duty for the title of Dislriccl the chance* roouaue Dukede Montmorot in France. ; in favor uf Rolling, Whig, over* Dromgoole The Emperor m toh ta, ~.ued « «*.. j The BMtimore Praiot of Suurdoj ni«hl ~,r Jew* in the Army *haH be allowed; . . . . .■ 3 to rise to “the rank of Lieutenant. . . ; w ® h " T * on, y ••eertoined enough to arums u* The Caucasians have mmurml* whole tribo \ candidates for Congress rau “neck and who had joined the Russians. They did it treacb- [ neck,” and that the winner will beat by the small* eioaJ, »-Ulop, (liondAip e.l po„ible mojorily. Eton web . defeu, qiM The Municipal of Pan* Uitb voted a, . ~ .... . ram of 750.000 frrara ,o bo employed in blend ! ”“ :l1 “ id '- be to * Wlu « "Oagf&t. tickets for the indigent population of that capital i 90 have good reason to hope that the vfctoiy i* dtjtiog the first fortnight of April. The city bad 1 more than imaginary. We have sanguine hope* •lreodj prated for lUel object, unre lhe 101 b of Welt.' eleclioo. ' November last 3,35 t. 145 franc*. . , ~ . . . , , , Prince Jalea dc Polignac, the Prune Minister of- Ia ,he 4lh lhe CQnle “ lu undeaded, though the Charle* X, and whose unfortunate administration j c k*nce* are for Irving at last dates, produced the revofntion of 1831), died at Su Crer- 1 So also in the 'Slh District for tioggin. The m.in., JcrvPori.. on the night of tl,o Sib. He ' ehrare. u, for Mr. G. o.er Mr. 8. I,„k, but died ol a gouty affection, from which he hn suf. > . , ... fered for the last 3 ytar*. , in -« close a pole, it ts not safe to stale the The run on the Paris Saving* Bank not only i re * u * l until _ the official vote i« given, continues but increases. The deposits on tbeSUt In the 6th am] Vth Districts, the Whigs are and 33d ultimo amounted to 483.199 franca, and , known to hare elected their members, the withdrawals to 859,767 francs—a difference 1 »„ th. o.k ,k- i .• t » . . ot .£15,000 sterling. : Io ,he otb ; efe€t,on of Bm *. 0- F.) •• The Qaeeo of tha French ha* forwarded some j cer ** in OT * r Newton. articles, tobesold at a grand baiaar, which is to i In the 10th, the prospect is not hopeless for tar opeoed at Cheltenham in aid of the distressed • Kennedy, (Whig.) o?er BriJinger. . _ . . r> • , ~, , ' The other districts ora Loco Foco. Advices were received in Pan* that Lord Pal- t . . merstoo had again urged the cabinets of Vienna i count * c * from, the vote stands and St Petersburg, to make a format declaration > 354 majority for Kennedy, which in 1644 gave respecting the marriage of the Duke of Montpen- ! Mr. Polk 600 majority. .ier.wd that it w probobl. th.l tbe (Moot of| • M t00i«,.0.0 C0.„ u ,,0„ l D..t„ct— jT. n ,PC ,'i 1 • ■ The < OrworiUo, Din-Udio, Prince “tL k ',’ n \ h'" ,T • ~ , Cm 'V- NuU “'*T *” j BruoUick, U d lbo r™ fog bj ordinance, he hoe-cpoToked at rj,, n 57 J 6 . 300 If »Mb« DiSric” ■ ( ;°T m 7 tr T'' 'I E , etel f 3 i« oleo m.v Sure Amembliea. rhoy A»ombl,e—foor ,n Orante. which birth 10 MadLn, the F.lhf oomb.r-.ro .om«t do„ng .bred d.;. ,0 order „ of , 6 „ Conoritoriao. ood to Old Roort ud to choou each -.on Oomnwrooem. If rb. del- H oro of Boon. Vim, Mom.,of .Jr, opto, of rbo» Ammbbe, .bouUosrcc on tbe I j. ,„j J«n*ralW from lb. potior of buisot aconstuntion, th#:Kiog I J.oco F&oi*m, it in the form they iccommend. It lrttdded, that 1 * the ftovernmeot will sborrly propose to the Slates to d< elate lb* crown of Deumark hereditary in tbs mail line. By order of the Governor-General of India the cessation of all kinds of official labor on Sunday haa been effected. Even the native durbiirs have been laid aside on that day in various place*. . The miaery which preTaila in iho rural districts Jc o *' v «. iri rr *'^ ,n^ eace ° rii,e I‘uuborgb Gsrtuc of tho Wealern Presidency of the India is unal PHILADELPHIA MARKET, lariated. The rise in the price of Colton may be : . April 26, BP. M. supposed sufficient to encourage the ryots to save '“ e Flour market remains just where it was their crop, but as they see no effort' is made by the night. Buyers are bidding $6,75 freely, •Sidars,’ &j the Government authorities are called, holders 57,00. There is a good they will make none. It will scarcely be believed in< | u * r 7» hut the high pretensions of Factors re her*, that at the time when the cotton is fit busincas to a very limited extent—the tales for plucking and cleansing, the native ryots amuse themselves wiJi long holidays, like the Roman Sa- Cornmeal there were sales ol 1100 bbls lurnalis, in which the vilert obucentiea are uttered, 81 $4i31xa4,15. The market opened at and the populace appear frantic. • the top, but gradually gave way through the day, Dickens -‘Dombey Sc Son,” is having a great I * 4 aaie, in England. The February number $30,-1 The market for Wheat is exceedingly dull and 000,—a thousand more, in March,—and a thou- j mo,w heavily. The trifling bonne as done was •tod advance upon that! for the last number ’ 88,7 c for prime White, and 153 c Red The original manuscript of 9ir W alter Scott’s j Rob Roy was sold in London, on the 22J nit., for The transactions in Corn are also very limited— £B2. ' * few prime ramples;of White were taken at 80c m + —. • and Yellow at 68a90c- Baltimore and Philadelphia. Provision* do not move—some inquiry, but the To the Editor of the VaztUr. raBr . kBl •‘“‘k •M- i Mr. Louis McLanr, in his late address to the N 3 llr Ge Macksiel have advanced 26t50c Stockholders, throw out Iho suggestion that Haiti- I*‘r 1 *‘ r W,, -“ now hold » > »°° P« bW on the spot. more might have advantageous communication! .. , ' ~ . with Pittsburgh, lilrou?h lh. C.ulnil uni tho: " «E\V YORK Militp?”*""' Hanisburgh and York roads. Though I war am- | MARKET, prised at tho lime by this suggestion, I touk no T . „ .. . _,,i A P r, t 2Ctb, > 7£ p. M. notice of it, breau'se I tVli eauafied that no man! ~, .> 4>f ty Uf h»» not been very steady, engaged in businesa in Dslttmoro could be misled < ~ . on vale has been taken, and the by it. A gentleman who has lately been in Bab : , niiW . sboill t bare- The transactions Umore, astonished me yesterday by stating itist 71" ’* 8^ r, *o and for future debreiy. Hales this suggestion had actually produced sumo im- *° mc 8t 7 per presvion there. ■ * . . ; ■ Do the Baltimoreans foigot;that if the f!pntrsl \ ** *5 IV| J * Pm:l °d ! haisprungupt.ir Cornmeal, Railroad should be made, it must -be maJo by i*” to ? k WOO bbls. f market Philadelphia capitalists, end-mu*t be under their : n l*” e 8 closed at M,66f, having exclusive control? Do they expect Pbilsdelphi- ‘ d 7, DC ® d day. ana suddenly to change their characters, and to : .° . < j r .° tn *® w no lneaQaBf iimated. display a degret of liberality never before exhibited y',I*' 1 *' b * W 11 Wc * f ut V* .trifling.— by a commercial people 1 Have they any reasou ' l ' f " are anil ® UB F° realuc at that figure.— to expect any fjvor from that quarter* Is there ’ y ll , 1 ? 8 "* , . H a«f* S 0 ™ * re any ttfilg in the past pr present policy to justify ' j, u * ve * C ' * l w ,u>b figot®* *el{er* hut no any. such eipectsticu * : p . . n , . Do the Baltimoreans know that, near fifty year* i / ° ,^8,0, | 8 continues and im ago. through the influence of Philadelphia, a law J, , b p Ur * r ' 01d W«t e xn was cnactej by tho Pennsylvania Legislature; . .. 0r 4 .^ 1 _ f . follows $13.00* making it a penal otfen .e to remove obstructions \ rn*‘ fu n * W ‘ f,ine *** ,; 1,50, frdmthe Sosquehannabetwpeh Golnmlda and the p , , Maryland lino 1 Do tho BatUmprean- know that I ,‘5" n “ rk# ? b P n « B bouy through the influence of Philadelphiaos, and in 1 »• , *, O k *g*t Western despite of ail the opposition of Pittsburgh, the, * * *, * c , thinal have, for mscral y«ra, „ T f e « Ptckled me.u for charged more for toll* and motivc-power on a bar ‘ Lo . g 4nJ n “S y **« ket of : tl1 **““>•- ret ot floor sent from Pittsburgh and delivered at' * Pr °, f 2? m f®", , * le- of Columbia, than would be charged on the -.m. “ft “I? W °" llU ' tT 7 band, if taken to Philadelphia ! ! «arce and ooeh wanted. «*> «r« Kld w ” i " ntlo ' (,0 ° to outld a road at their own expense, and -then i v u . . , r.,nliWi lh.- toll, .0 ■■ to promototho ~ro.p.rit, i „/'* V° morc f “ r - " nJ *»>»« P-r -of th.it ri,.l dt, IDo lh. B.ltimorc.ri. 111, ! of W “'° n> P« «>■ ripoct th»t .11 .xcla.i.e PhiW.lphi. Dirrclor, ‘S I ' e G »«'nm,nt • oaU bo more lib.r.l to B.lttato>. thu . Ito.id ! “T‘ of C.n,l Oommwiooct. »om ...iotup.ru ol the ; uS.? Mo ° | Rs ’ “witr would tho I‘hiluJelpliian. dodro to moke i N “ loc * l D "'‘ of 0 "* 0 ”' the Central Rail Road? Not exclusively for the aake of ibe. dividend#, We may safely assert; but for the purpose of direeting : o* rfeoeh trade as pos sible to theirown city, and ;BalUa»raans may de pend Open it, that their brethreo of the city of I Brotherly Ixive will not embrace Baltiinoro aa a portion of Philadelphia. V. Army News. • A letter in the N. O. Delta —“The word now passu along (bo liue—“Kan Dai* in six WMki." Aseoon aslhe r.nmy wauon coraroencM, Ho, for Ban Luis. 'The Louisiana volunteers arc to bo left in com mand of the Citr of. Vera Crux. Coi Wilaou' wu made Governor and commander of the Ar my after the departure of (be main body for Ja lapa. ■' Niw Jaaarr baa been railed upon for five companies of voinotedi*, to serve,as infantry du ring the war. Trenton is to be the place of ren» dexvotis. Bum's Company of Voltiguers, from Washington City, more than 100 strong, were in town yesterday, en route to ihe wat of war. ditfißtM left the city last eveniog for ... Clt]rKfW»> Tits Oturoaitk—The eafiotw this ercniof will commence at 0 o'clock- '. ; Tbefe are nxicm choice piece* of none to be piwformed, under the direction of frollemen *i well skilled to gi»e dJ, ttctfon, to fueh s 'performance, u elmofti any per. •one in the country. w r |h » heartily to ihose whose ears and hearts are tuned to eome of the best music of the beat composers. 1 On Saturday night, some of the boys engaged | in hauling »ki& around tho streets filled with fire, j stole the lines used to secure about twenty thou* I sand feet of lumber, at the foot of Liberty street, i and allowed it to float off down the Ohio. tiro by the Neptune Itchesge, on Thim- t'arrr*|)oad«are of Pittsburgh Gazette. of the Pittibcrgh Gurtl*. April 80. Uiliimore Line om of order. No liter news of Virginia Eleclioo thin by mil. Legislature •sac at lait year. Phiil'a. April 28th, 10 p. M. Tbc Ballmore Telegraph is not in working oi» der, and we hare nothing further from the South. The returns from the Virginia Election received here down to 2 o’clock, P. M. left the mailer *UU in doubt— 'mean the disputed Districts. 1 Sshta Pa date* have been received ij ifc* 3d of March- No later newa except the reported surrender of Mr. CaU>rom„&s mike from Missouri Bute Line. Mr. C. was reported to have had a large ram of money. (B7»Rcv J. N- NAFFtTf will deliver a Lecture, m Booth Common Methodist Episcopal Church Alle gheny, this (Tuesday) evening, April *7. Subject; KJ. S nance, bloqoenee of(ftimr*;of Public •Awcmblies the Bar ana the Pulpit; of Longinus; Demosthenes and Cicero; Win Win and Henry Qay. The Ansel of Eloquence, angle Tiektt, 83 cent*. Gentleman and Lady’s ticket, 371*3 cents; GeaUemlm and two La. djes.SU cents. Tickets » he had at the Drue Ban of John Mticbell, and at the Shoe Store of J.Petirer. Fed eral si. Allegheny. Also, at the Methodist Book feta« 4ih si, Pittsburgh, : and at] the dopr. ■ a p^ 7 ’ (By* A meeting of the jAfaatb'Asmciaiion, will be held to Dr. Herron's Chares OhTu*rJiyevenlo#—»ob ject to be be discussed'. 'tTh* , of funeral pro. cessions bn the Sat-i-vS 4> -f ’*•'-TU.? vnubc axe invited I to mend. ap»7 j . Tax b tfrchbtn among lie • I - : A Caßl>. s. Quakers of (be Scat and'tlie parties bctb arc be- ' K«aul« Seminary. -jdj • coming known a*the GiiroeyUes and Wilbdrites. J N a r J d uu^ v,lhe etemen, «*7 BrenehM.tb* following Mr.Wilbar is a Rhode blind Quaker and Mr. KngJHit Grammar. Orography, Defining, Bniliinentt «•*- - —l ; w'>. v.<. Gamr,. .n,E^Uhm m wto oppo«J „r ,*• SJS?\vSXf?g.iSl.fci ft&flisS- „„ «. *-5 -M#***? : daemon of Wilbar when in- ihi. raantr,. The I The Wiibortlea, banng drawn up a paper in Asirocntm; Rbeion-r MentaMuid «:iqation* for prirair reiideoee or bMipew' which certain of Mr.Go,**’, opinion- JrTqdo- L<**..J ele»™.. P -^ t '**&£&*** led a* opposed lolbose of the early Quakers, hare aucceeded >0 haring it entered on the journal.— anatomy, chemistry. ftc°Tf “* u£ j *" u^* a " rn four equal annual payments, Onr informant talb us that this is regarded as a m!U with ihercbject.: • ucin?. ' Vrch “ r * l ? w expense of convey rirtual triumph of the WUburitea. Should this tsTita*. the weather be nnfavoralde.’the shore will be difficulty hereafter unfortunately lead to a oerma- »Wai So*elork,-P. M. atthe Commercial sales roots, sent division, a curious question may arbe a. p, eomerof Wood and Fifth , _.V ?»• Ibe disposition of Arch street meeting bouse. That valuable property was. bequeathed to the yearly meeting here so long s« it remained in cor respondence with the London yearly tOctting. The London meeting, however. is a Gumeyite one, and it might hence prove that a minority, if the Gurneyiles ahculd prove bo, would get the property, and with it retain the name of ortho dox. STew» Items. Ukitid states MIST.— The coinage of the miot and branch mints for the month of April last wa* $2,676,328, being, as the director stales in hia accompanying letter of the 17th in*t, “the lar gest that his yet been reported for any cne month/' Of this amount there is in gold $2,382,697; silver $291,G00, and in copper $2,031. , Eitbaobdixabt mo tic or ratsxßrrso the •odt OF * UouoLAsa, came back in the Cambria. We ahall look a great display from him. during tho present anniversary wcrlc in Now York. The Whigs of Wayne county, la., havo nomi nated Caleb B. Smith for '6-election to Congress. He is a true Whig. Hon. Edward Everett is about to .reiign the presidency of Harvard College, mainly, it is naid, oo aecount of the intractability of the .'udenta. New York C»t».—There will be at least fire thousand building* pm up, this season, in nod. around the city of New York. The Italian Opr re Company wen- m Ujs'i.d last week-, 73 strong. Several American Eating H.miev ha*v ahead? been started in Vera Cruz. Mr. K. H. Kerr informs u« that the worth? chairmonofthe Executive (Committee, Wru. Ebb* E*q.. transmitted ibis day to Wnr. J. Ihine, Esq., of Philadelphia, $2,500 to purchase provisions fir the suffering in Ireland. The Committee is do. serving of all praise fru their perseverance in the cau*e ol suffering humanity.— Post. GAZETTE JOB PRINTI.VU OPPICK, TUian STSEET, COavj.B OF FUST OFFICE ALLSI. are ur>\r prepared jo execute fa a-uprnor and expeditious manner, all fe.ud- of .1 i-n I’amwk •ueL a* iarar Poster*,Steamboat Uills. Bill* of Lading, l«etirr Sheet Circulars. Handbills. Card«aJtc. Ye. noon avn TistPiiLFT FRivTivt; 10 any extern rxeeul-id hi die. Iw -i luanuei. and kind* of Printing done with nei urarv anil si ihe lowed rale* CT'lmporCaut to Advertisers.— The nd*-er nvt-menl* which appear m ilie D-t.ly Morning (»a/>-Weckl>. flm* reerirniß ih.- 1.n,. "til of the circolai.on of all, without any addmona! Tbt» isan advantage moor u-1v«-ni»er». wnhoul sny extra experue. AdvenieetociH* are ul*o Inseru-d in the country paper upon reasonable i-rut*. C 7" A word of Advrlce.Vl.ei, mt,r,duals suffer ing from the Piles, have immediate resource to Dr. I‘pbam’s Vegetable Electuary. From the uniform sur re»» attending this medicine, even in thr nm.it obsti nate case*, tl may be regarded <* a certain remedy. \Vholc«.iie au-1 ilemil. liy U'VATr.tb, KfTICiIAM. t-| FuMori.trrrl, New VorV. IV, Tims*/ Market i-ueei, an.l I’. It, r-uwlifi.rM meet, Pittsburgh, Pa. Price $1 per box. up:K Jw ILr'Vr tnvtte the attention of our reader* to tlirrl traardinary rare* of Setofuln performed hy l»r. CvUm s Indian Yrgttablt they will hr.d record ed in another column of to-day'a paper. They arc wiiln>m doubt the tnoei womternil on rrcord, and haae •o been pronounced by many of out 4co»t rmoectahlr phyridarn The uliHctrd and others interested, ore re queued to Tien theru ai their »evera! plm-e. „( abode, und leant fmiu then own lipo the ivoodetfui rtfret-ti the medicine. The Cr*t one named i» Mr l«*ur Dtnokt, who may he *een daily, between the hour* of V A. M. ami 4 P. M. at the ofbccof Rowand t Walnut. No mu M*rh«l4»U Pintado. „ _ oeC - 86,00,“BOOTS 5,00. SO. 00 FOURTH STREET. COBS KR OF POST OFFICE ALI.EV. TUK roharnber respectfully inform* the'public tltni lie ha* commenced the raauniurlurr of Gcntl*mm t'atiianabit Bata, o( pood material and work>nan*t»p which he will warrant «ufwnur to any Hoot ever ntodi* »n Piiii*borah for the prtre. The«e haiidMiwe Hoot will be made to meaturc, nml wurrant them ■■ retire «rnted, at the very low prim of FIVK DOLLAR!* -CASH. CeaUeinen are reijurfied «o call and exam ne them. ]v« \V II HRSKINK. oO>Salter's Ginseng l>sss«tt,...MtDir l a TssitMogT—\V«i beg leave ia esil public auem.aa lo the following. from Dt- Wm Doan, of Withamsnlle, Clermont Co , slid one of ihe eery fitst practfliancrs in the county u> which he reside*, sod Ule Senator in.Uie Suw Legislature. ii is cheering thus to ter the lead ing men of the profession, bunting the bond* of proto coital prejudice, and giving merit in due: •‘Sir: ( have in m/prarucc beeu usmg norm* of your Gmsrnx Pansqea, and,. «o far, am well pleWd ,n n» eflrcu in Catarrhal and Ilroucbiml Complaint*. Plcs«e scad me half ti doren bottles—pm them *• low a* v„„ rin; as ( expect if ii ktonmntr* lofrndn a* general rot isfaciioit as it has brrt;u>fore t u» keep it i*on»mmlv on hand. IlespeeifollyJ; ? ? npl? W*. Boss, * n DIED, At Culdoff. lrelaini,o:i 10th .March, Mrs CAROLINE M. HENOERRON, wife or Mr. Alexander Henderson of this ojiy. a p-.*7 On the evemug of the jfofo mM. ELEANOR KEI.I.S only daughter of Dsvid HoJjurv aged u aud m months. the funeral will ukr pUca from ]),c re«i.ltnce ofher faibarpn Penn street, above Hind, tin* afternoon at 4 o'clock, io proceed to tan Allegheny Cemetery . No Curel No I'iyt Files! Plies! DR. Jaekcon's Emflrocation is the only medicine that will cure thi* to veiy common an.t troublesome disease. It not only immediately allay* pam and inti* mation, stops all bleeding, subdues UtanmoletaMr iirb mg, titst etfeemaity cure*, itt a very short Line i»rr»on» whom l,ves hive teed rendered miserable for yeurs - Its application produce* no pam. bat rather vn ngrer«. Lie and pleasant sentntioo If per«oit*'afflicted Wl j| call rtnd-cear of ike great number of that hive beon cured, they will be astonished A gtiuirutan of this city, who had been under the knife of itie sntrenn for two or foice times without bring cured, has |>y u - »ng* bottles of the Embrocation, been eradieally cured It sell* beyond precedent!'—{POil Saturday ('oarer (ay- For aaln in Pttubargb at tbe PEKIN TEA snnnK,TV Founh street, near wood, and al«o at the tiro* Store of H P ScSwam, Federal *t Allegheny n. M\. op*?d*w ANTI MASONIC AND WHIG COUNTV CONVENTION. IN pnrtuanceef die eitabli«UM u-ag.-cof tbe party. die Democratic Auiunaton* and Wlugsof Alleghe ny county, will assemble in primary au-eiingt. tn their several Election District*, on Saturday the'.Nth day of May, IM7, to elect two person* trout each d,ftrirt. m« Delegate- to a County Convention, to meet at the Court Hou*e on Wednesday the Ibid day of Jum-, at lUo’rlock A. 31.. to pul tn nominuinn suitable vnrtdidairs tr> t>r ■upponedby tbe party at ike genera! El.-mon ,n Octo ber next. The Antanatons and U'h.»* of me ton-mbiii* (Pitt excupted) will inert at me «t*uai places foi h01d,,,* piimary it retiug*. briwrrn thr hoot«ot'r :iltd 6, M. and l!io*e of tbe wards and boroughs uud Pat townihip. between the Lours of • and U, p NT i tiiomas Varner, Cli’m of the Com of (or PISH-ao bbls No 3 Mackereral. tiblfbbUNo-> do ■*> kits do do ( bbla Salmon, for sale by O ULACKHURN a co. *P37 cor water si A cherry alley OILS— bOO galls winter bleached oil: ijiio “ whole do 3 bbU '• do O RLACKItURN k. CO ORANGES AND LEMONS, in store aud lor sale 'off to close out consi/niuent, by aptf* ( LA JU W|Ck. cor water A wood tt PEACHES— JOO bn dried i'earbes, just received and tin sale bjr ttUTCHIBON A CO ap»7 : No <3 water. A tfi wood sis SHOT— 44 kgs assorted Nos, received per steamer J J.Critteiiden, and far sale by _ap37 _ _. HUTCHISON A CO HOLL BUTTER A LARD, in‘store and for »alc l»r. ; U I D WICK SMOKED IlKRRlNP—Jtsitix* just recM and for sale low by ap‘J7 L A J D WICK PIO IRON—43 tong, loading from steamer Lake Erie, and for sale by JAS DaLZKLL a P v 7 34 wotar st BUTTEH— 15 Wgs Boiler, lor sale by apiff t _ JAS DALZfiU. LARD— A kegs Lard, for sale by ip« . JAB DAI.2KLL "IXTOOL— 4packs Wool.for sale by w ap37 ___ JAB dalzri.l 1/*k BALES Deer Skins, landing from Michigan lute, 1U and for tala by JA« PaL/KLL DRIED FRUlT— tsbushel Teaches; 73 do Apples, tu store and for sale by JO WILLIAMS A CO apj!4 HU wood its SEED—33 bu dean Timothy teed A m stote and for sale by apV* .JAR FI-OVD MOLASSES— 10 hbt« Sugar ilnu*e: 50 do NO; Foraale by aj>3l _J D WILLIMISACO POTASU— 30casks Pare. In autre and for'sale by rtpB4 JAR FI.OVD. IW libcny st tYrniTß DEANS—In itotr and for sale by W ap34 JAR FLOYD DRIED APPLES—»at 10, Ih store and for sale by . apj« JAR FLOYD French, 400 prnr •l.uun v ' SM •- ORHAMEHTAL SKUU.X WORK.' Freoeh and silk embroidery, 3 00 Embroidery on perforated Card, wursicd work, fringe, raised workand wax flowers, a W» *• tfoatc. lusinimemal music, and use ot piano, 600 pf ur Vocal mosic accompanied, 40U - •* Drawing and water colored painting, 5 00 0.1 pluming. , 10 CO “ Uoardmg. Tuition aud Light, S5O per)se**ioo. payable bait terra in advance* Washing 37 J cenu per dozed. A© renolar mken oncter half term. The session will commence on the Ist Monday of *l ay next The subscriber woold inform the psblic that owing to the increased patronage »hr ha* received, she ha. made extensive prepsraiiont for the feeoramoda linn in’ boarders by the rrectiou of large recitation and •ludv room*. Arrongeinenis have also been made, by which she expect* an additional teacher from the Hast, in the ornamental hranrhrs- Parent* and guardians may rest urtured that she will exert herself lo ptornntc tin- welfare, comfort and advancement in" the studies of tho*e placed cere „ ■ ■ ■» Scholars entering a month after the commencement of the ftcss-iin. will only be charged-from that time.— b'hezi-eptionahle references MRS. PRKNCU, I’rmcipaJ. U> were present at the «ctai annual elimination of the puptls of Camnnsburg Female Seminary, under the superintendence of Mrs.O. j. French, and are convin ced that We hot give utteranco to the frent’ments of the audience present, in saying that the examination was most thorough, and the young ladies acuuited them selves wiih great credit, aud Reflected the high est piaise on their toucher* We would take this op ponumtyof recommending ip the favorable consideia lion of the public, tht* school. Convinced as we are, that Mrs French and the able assistant teacher* »|ie has. are deserving of n I praise, for tie manner ’n which iher have conducted the Seminary since it* es tablishment. Tbe neighborhood cannot be surpassed fut health and salubrity, and ihe high tone of morals and religious feeling* of the population. A It the ormincuinj branches of a female education are taught here, by the mo*t skiliui teachers, and the musical dcparimem appeared to be. under the most suc cessful teacher, judging from therxecattonofthe yoang ladies on the Piano Wm Smith. Ja» McCullough. T M K Wilton, Wm McDan.eJ, John I. Black. Wm B Drown,- a|i'’l SuDtw Tltoina* Wstson. To Travellers, . ♦'EXPRESS PAST PACKET HUB" for &SUA PIIII.ADEI.PII IA AND DALTIHORK. I Krclutiifly f»r Pautngrrj J 'IMIE Canal and Railroad i-eiug now in ricellrni 1 order, the Packet* of ibis I.mr will Imre with pas »ei*ger* as follows. evmy night at l> o'clock-- Packet K-niucky,Cupt. Tmuv, Monday, April 2d. •l.i (Mini, Craig. Tuesday, April 47. * . d.» Indiana, Berkey, Wednesday, Apiit 2“. do l-ouisisua.Capt. Tnomprnn, TBur'day, Apr v» do Keniurky. Tru'iV, Friday, April '.n n„ Ohio, Craig, Saturday, Slay I • Jo Indiana, Berkey, Sunday, May 4 do Iranians, Capt.Thomp*on, MoudmAl*, a Jo Kernucky rapt Truhy, Tuesday, Maj l Jo Ohm,Capt Craig. Wednesday. Mai*s. Jo Indiana, Cant. Uerkey, Thursday,Ms) i«. Jo Capt Tbompsou. Friday, Mui 7 Jo Kentucky. Capt Trriby. Saturday, Mat •*' do Ohm Capt Crug. Ttumlnv, May 9 If you desire cheap travelling and comfonublr ireruni-. modsiio.it, secure your ticket* at the Pocket Office, Miinoiigahela Hou*e, Writer •tror.i.or of ap«_ CSS D LEECH A CO, Canal Basin NEW AND,VALUABLE BOOKS-Tbr Gnminunnnal History ot England, from the acres* *.on of Henry VII to the death of George 11. By Hen ry liallam From the fifth London edit.on. Oreal Krcnt*. described by distinguished htrmrinn*, chronicler*. and other writers. Collected, aud in.part U> Francis Licficr.' The Juvenile Speaker. comprising elementary rules and ciercue* in Declamation, with a selection of pie ces tor practice. By Prancis T. Russel.. instructor in Finnution at Prenrcton and Rutgers’ Colleges, he. Thing, by their Rigln Names, .and other »torie», fa hies and mors! piece* in pro*e and verse; selected and arranged trounhc writing* of Mis BarbauUi. With a sketcunf.Uer lift, by Mis.S.J. Hale. The Juvenile Budget Opetlcd: being selccuous from the writings of Dr. Jim Aiitin. By Airs Hale. Directions for Invogorating and Prolonging Life, or ihe inv.-ilidsornelr. By Wm. Kitrkiaer, M. D. Ac. No 40 Ptcinrisl Kngfard. Znmpi*'Latin Uraramar, abridged. For aale by spW J L READ, Ithnear maiketst UNION LINE, gaga is 47. OH Til K PKSVSVbrAHtA SHU OHIO CARAL3. UEHVEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. . F. ,\ PARKS k Co, Cleveland, O. ) R G PARKS. Beavei, Pa. > Proprietors. VI - T MATHER, Pittsburgh, Pa. ) r f'Hß above Line it-now fully prepared to transport X Freight and Passengers from PiUsl.urghandClnvr land, to any point on ihr Pennsylvania k Ohio and Ohio The facilnie* of *»id Lise ure not equalled by any on *anl Cuiials, in numbers.nnd capacity of Boats, expe rience of Captains, and promptness of Agents, Ac. One Boot liifver Pmsliorgh and Cleveland daily, run uiui; in connection with tbe Steamer*. Michigun mid Lake Erie, between Pittsburgh and Braver; and a Line of first class Steamboats, Propcl- Iri*. Brig, and Schooners, on Lakes Erie, Huron, Mi chigan surf Ontario Prnpenv forwarded io any part of the Union-with dc*p i trh KN PARKS*Co. Cleveland. Art* ’ R F.Kt). PARKS A Co. Bi-avt-f, Agist W T MATHEK. Pitubargh, Ajt J ap4l Cor Water and Smitbtield street* POR TILE SAULT BTK KARIE. ■ - . The new low pressure steamboat SAMUEL'WARD* UAhVSV Capt. K. B'WstJ. Will leave Buffalo Tuesday Evening. May 4th, And Cleve land Wednesday.-May Sib, at 4 r. k , and Dettoii Thursday. May Cth, at t r. u., for the above port \ i» 4tS tons bnnbcn. entirely new. of l.ghi drought, and has a poweriul Engine,carries twoof •Kranci*’ Luc Boats, and is not surpassed for ipeed-or accommodation* by any Boat sf her size on the Lakes. For itvivhl or ps«iagi: apply on board, or to K N PARKS, Cleveland J MVERS A Co, Buffalo J KELLOGG, Erie W T MATHER. Piush’igh apSltf Cor Water end Smiihfieldsueets •* . IT*?- The sninncb built, low pressure steatnboit CHAMPION. Cap'. 11. Cotreti will Ireve Cleveland on Mouda). April tH'th, and Dei toil on Tuesday, April 4. ih, for (he Saull. For freight or passage applv on board,or to ap4itf f F. N PARKS. Cleveland . RRAVKIt, WARREN * CLEVELAND LINE OF CaNAL PACKfrrS AND STAGES. CaNAL PACKETS TELEGRAPH 4. swallow, LEAVE Beaver daily at 3 o'clock, v jc. after the arrival of the «teamooat BEAVER fromFrtlthareb, anil arrive at Warren Den morning in season (bribe JJiage* which reach Cleveland before night. t*a M B TAVLQR, Wgtrcn PO ACTUAL WORKS— Poet, and Poetry oi Ainmca; Gill edge Poet* and Poetry of do do l>l«uf very Coe Wune Line from 8t Loois, for retailing in any qaaaiiiv loauil conoraent. ISAAC MARIUS, Agent A ComJMvr _ ep'.Ht <|3i No 30 6th nfeoi BOARDING —A few (tentcel Boarder*can tj* ac commodated by applyingaoon ai N 0.3, RobinVan'i iievr Row, Federal ttreet Alleghany City. apfflti L INBRED Ol £.—ISJiOO gaHtTanaced Oil, in *uhr and for «iileb)- J JORDAN A BON *l'j» !I3 liberty rlrrci 100.000 "1 1- -” J JORDAN A SON HORSK FOR SALE—Young, «uuhJ BoJ r> ” W peim A irtrln ni > fz* lilil* Me** I'otk, ' 11 *» F rimc to. For sale br ‘ J JORDAN & SON PIG METAL—! OOton* Hot Bluu, tor ate by ■P* FRIEND. RHEY & C0.57.ww0r u D^®*®*l*l£S— GObn. for *ale by * V 5 * . J JORDAN A SON rnBAS—'J ehe*u Extra Fiae Impetal; A - do do do Gunpowder 3 do <}o do Young Hr*ou; _ 3 do Clulan Powcboag; Forwte by ap« _ } D WIUJAftWACO F IRIX—lb bbl« No 3 UackcMl; dn do" ilo 51 -y do do *• do a do do IHrR>D|. Forealo by apt* i D WILLIAMS A CO fcj|-y § 'Suction' Sates § if • ->y. >!ft V. v- ’ -S ■■- By gy»h» P. P«vU, is T«l«afel« Books at Autlen, ] ON Wcdnesjlaj- and TTiarttlay evenings, April anil S. included will Us (bond: novelists libraiy; Chos O'Malley; Harry Loveeuon- Dickens* novel* * Ulea, Bulwers’do'do; Scons* Ltfe*fNapoleoc;ge*s from the Operasj musidal melange; arnaiares' muiieat library; Whitehead’* lifo or Wesley; American Naval Biogra phy; Rollm's, ancient hl»Wry. 6 .tola; works of. Fla nuS Josephus;-bUtorint cabinet; life of Christ aad A* poftlest history of persecutjoaa; livesW the ■ igrier* of the Declaration of Independence; pictorial magazine*; ladies garland; doway bibles; dramatic and musical olio: boudoir anngai, 18(7; the fountain, edited by Arthur, lelJ; the token.agiftforaU season; work* of F. M Chandler: thoughts os habit- aad discipline; scientific cla»s book; lex** and the teaass:lives of rob bers. bueanecttandbandUti Family and pocket bibles, Ac. Ac. w.th many others too nhmeroua to mention II The books aro;artangedforexaminauo&during the day. Satetorommenee at t.alfpast7 o’clock. ipj? Dry Qaeda. ON Thursday morning, the 29th UW, at 10 o'clock.' will be sold a large assortment of seasonable drygoods, •mbrac.ng the entire stock of an extensive retaldry •goods store Also; a quantity of near ready made clo thing; umbrellas; paraaots; sanshtdes; boots; kc. At * O’clock, P. M. A quantity ofcarpeiine, looking glasses; splendid mas tic lamps, mantle clocks: l very superior h day eloek' and ease, which co*tS£o; transparent window blinds; engraving*; Leather trunk;; 1 bag coffee; :t hlfcheslf V II Tea; s bbts rice; superior manufactured chewing and smoking tobacco; ff grew patent paste blacking, coal A de vonahirc shovels A genera! assortment of sew and second hand household furniture, areongwhieh are tna< hogouy dressing bureaus, mahogony ensure with velvet-, •cats; oahogony bedsteads; fancy aad common chain; high back"rocking chairs, woik and wash stands; high and low port bcd«ieads, feather beds taaufaaaes; glass ware; queen* ware; tinware, and a variety of kitchen fjtnnue. Ac. I At 71 O’clock, P. M. Large *ale of books, as per Advertisement . ,apS7 -. Dry Goods. »IN the city of Allegheny, on Tursday roornint theSTth in«i, at 9 o’clock,‘at the store of AII Ifoge on Federal : *l. an extensive aswrirc-'ut of eboiee,Taney and staple dry good*, among whicharc barege*; lows; balzarine*. mueuns; ginsbami;supcr lich prints and calicoes,ea*h m-re A *ilk shawls A scarfs, tnlhet and barege do do; gloves: boricrj; laces French worked ebemitetts; black dress sii l foulard silks. Also; roods forgenUemen and boys summer ware. Bonnet vfJts; laws: rhithaina.Ac. for milliner* Fale williierontmued In the afternoon »t 3 o’clock, and from day to day unnj nit are sold, as Mr Hoge is declining the dry goodahosinesa. ap?7 llonarlsolsl Furilturt at Auction. • ON Tuesday marnisg, the 27th insist ID o’clock, at the dwet'ing house lately occupied by Mr. James Coop er. in Magees Row, Wvle street; will he sold his entire stock of household and kitchen furniture, among which are, parJor.and chamber carpets, 1 dor and hlr mahog any half | pair mahogany pier tables, with marble top*! 1 do french plate pier looking'glavse*; 2 do do rocking chain; I common do do;'dmtcg and breakfast table*, work and wash stands, high: and low pa«t bed* ir ad*. 1 Together with a general assortment of household and kiirben furniture. Bale positive, a* he is declining housekeeping. TeriiW cash currcn-y. hp 23 " SELOMn OUAIOBIO OF THE SBASOS! ■ : BV THE' PITTSBURGH MUSICAL ACADEMY,: At tAr ('umlrriarul Prubyteria* ChurzA, (R*t> Afr. Bryan*!) Sixth itrttt, ON Tuesday evening, STih Instant, at 8 o’clock, un der the direction of Professor BINOHAAK Prof.; ROHBOCK will preside at tha Piano Forio. Th» Or-' chestra will be led by Mr. I. WHITE. t —Overture, 2 Otorul—Awake. U Arm of the I«ord.—Newkosnm rt—Song—Consider the Lilie*. Topliff 4 Chorus— Let us with u joyful Miad, . Mozart 5 Duettj—\Vbo’« this! that on the Tempest rides, ; C—Chorus —Holy Lord CJod of Host*. Mozart 7—D-.ieu.Solo and Tpo—On Thee each living soul Awaits. Hayden £—Chorti*—Halleluiah to the Father, 'Beethoven rant UKCOVD. • ■ ■ r . I—Overture, 3 Recitative and Chorus—The Arm of the Lord was nponifcem. Hayden 3 Tno-ratar of the East, Anou 4 Chorus— Night’s shade co longer. Rpsini 6 Duett—When thy boaomhe-svestba sigh,' Braham C—Chorus—He gave ihr Hiilstone*. Handel Song—The wingsof a Dove., Lerereaax <•— Chorus—Haflelojab, . Jlkndel Finale—By the Orchestra. If $3 cents. To be had at principal Hotels, Music and Book stores, and at the door. ap?t "new ANU .MOST KFFKCTIVK~REMKDY\ Dr. WOOD’S SanaparlUa and Wild Ctiarjrjr Ultlgrg, for tho eure of the following diseases: Jaundice, Liver CtuapUiat. all B-ilious Com plaint*. sick Headache, Heart Born, Indigestion, habit* ual Costivenet*, Pile#, Palpitsttonapf the Heart, |«‘ of .Appotite.Dyfi’cpsia. Nervous Irritations. Debilitated Stomach, Languor, Depression of spirits, Chronic Rhea ■uausm, Cutaneous Diseases, Canker. Syphiloid Diseu -e* Scrofula Impurities of the Wdqd, Pimples and Fa«tu!e« on the Face, Hereditary Humor*, Cold Sotes, and all diseases arising iron an injudicious use of Mer coty. . \ The Bttemion of the invalid rablic, and of al| those alHicted bv any of the above disease*, is lespecifhlly called io ibe menu cf a' new and invaluable prepara tion flow an original recipe.of a distinguished phyaieian, eombining in itself the most active remedial properties of two of the very 6r*i article* in the Materia Medico. Tbe Sarsananlla and Wild Cherry Ditterv were jn treduced to the public about twelve montha ago, and daring that period their aeceesa has been SO' great a* to induce the proprietor w offer them wiib still mote confi dence, in the full belief (hat Ay calming <»♦<* more ex* tensive use, they will prove a ble*ting to hit those suffering from the diseases above enumerated. Sold, wholesale and retail, by WYATT-&KETCH AM, general agents, tSTPaltou street, New York; W*. Titow, Market street, uud P- H. SAWvat, Sinilhfieid street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Price tl—large boules. mchgJdwn -?dp VALCABMBakuL BmifiVorlALK, tJJctning iMetoim StrahonTliv. The subscriber offers tor sale the property well known as SLACK’S GARDENS, consisting ol about seven acres of Land, of excellent quality, with Dwelling House, Bath House, Green House, Ac., thereon. The dwelling is a oomom dioua bnck building, with suitable oat houses attached. On the premises is a never failing vpring.yieJdmf «\ plciiufuS supply of moet excellent water, freiß which the Gardens are irrigated by means of pipes. Near the spring is a large and commodious Bathing-House, two ■tones high, wuhporehen, and contain ingee Verm! apan mems m additipo to the bath rooms. The Garden Is ultogeih’T superior to any in this section of the coon try. and abounds with the choicest Fruil-Xrecaof almost all .kt nda, as we 11 a* with beautiful aad rare Shrubbery and Plant*. Tbcelevatedpoaitiaaoftbegardeiu.overlaok mg and aaiiguout to the city and the Ohio river, whilst at the same time, they.are so easily accessible, reader them peealtariy desirable as aiesldence for a private family, or for supplying the city with Balts and vtreta bles. Tbe terms of vale of all the above property, at to price end credit, will b« liberal Apply to J.DJSIsck on the premise*, or JOB C. SPENCER.' (iy Persons in Pittstargh mslifimt to purchase cart have s more full description of this location.and of-the above property, on application. to Mr. Jobs A. Wilsojc of the arose of Murphy, Wilson A Co. Steubenville, April 21,184? d3aww4t. IXTINRII—4qt fc»ks treble grape Port Wine: rV 3 to of the celebrated Rooeoa brand; S do Ixtndo'Q Port, very old: 10 do different.brand* and vintage*; :i qreaaka Lisbon wine; a-to . ,to dry Malaga;. •• ■, ' 3 ' IsbdMop Cfaret wue; I* b*kt«*op nowit brand Cham, wine . -i .2 qr»a«re«- • ■ • - • 'ay*f ■' W niTB GOODS FOR DRESSES-\VR Murphy Invite* the attemion of Use Ladle* trhia verj- full M'cmncnt of while good* for drewa.wwuia tingofSpri*# and. Scotch MaUa, Nanaook-aud Jack* neitaultn* barred Jaekoaet, toper Satin barred and striped, Bolt Gnuh do, Ac Ac. A* these goods are puichawd immediately f.om the manufaemrer*’ agent* or importer*, U»ey can be mid fi ihe lowe»tpricc» . .. A. LKDUUXfcCO. “ “ ,; 5 STRECT. NEW ORLEANS. , A » T 73 B ArmanP* Kxien*ive SteamAtgar * Hennery,, Alway* on hand, a large stock ofLoaf. Powdered, Crushed, CTArihcd andßartiin! SegareTio Hetee* and Barrel*. Al»o, Sugur llon*e MolaMki, «r a U° w » , ‘CC made on affrele* of.or above, SO bantU. mchll J°“®. F / f.™ «' Malcolm if i * Co, VVholeaale Grocer. Commuaion and Floor Merchant, dMilar la all kind, of Conmry Pro duce, Copper Tin, Tin Platci Tinner.’ Too!., Zmc, i? e *‘ r^°» ■«*** NHJOVkimLead. »ye SiutTa, Cotton Yarn Ac, and l‘,tt»>>iugh .Maaufaetareigenerally, corner or f.ileity and Irwin. MreeiiLpm*bßr«h,Pa. . CO'Liberai'aJvancc., inCaih or Good*, made on corn* •igumrnU of Produce, ic._ _ _ _ ap«_ Sl’.'VDltlEß— 75*bu» .mall while Beina; 1900 tb* TV R Cheewj * ' 200 do Roll Duller; : <5 keg a Lear Lra, : - For i*te*>-wr 'COCHRAN mchlStf . _Nesß»Co4at '■ pANABr SKKD-2800 ibii'li*]i«a<^ MrT v V jum rece.veJand for wie &i Uw Piuibarcfa *W yu>re This'll proUhly the U«iarude*TeroLred in tf,.. nuk*.., » N WICKEMHAH 10 J*£.~ _ ..y> • ■■ .cor♦jxthtwood ‘i22:: 8» wicumaftAM - L‘S ehe«plot. AUo,ejqßiiiu-ljricji urUV^i^ •pOdlw : ROBINBON’ICfoUfi-pofUmr *_ 3th ii n nt wood. . . f«W «nd ptu.na in rlneear for fr* jnuaedi»i*a*e, eoimuUy- on bud •( the 1 Mustard Factory,«7 Fifth ■ W N"J*fa r KHODRff fcALCOKff 1 * TTS.w®Td A -i* 0 ,tary Unck situated >1 A Y? •**’ P,n Tow a*t;p For term*, apply to “P U ATWOOD. JPNT23* Co I H i * . : rvains— 3.ooo I t W V/ jc'c &oCoEan2*i*oa C.mr>; £ ■ 6,0(0 Eieilspio do; .■* *'j> SjoOOLohorna do; ,w ' t ,f % . do; '|M|« 6,000 Dot Amijoft do; fW ; 10,000 Ja«to p'anz Principe* and ' boat Brand*; pul «rarrautrd Imrortrd Havana near* lJ— — . t e UAKIM. ' •.•■ _*ptl _ .coramithfieldmnd froM turru. h MASDPAQTviUED TOB&CCO -17 bx»**Lcailer l a n Pluj; &*. aadC»4 ■/' • ITbtllWetV at; ' ! 1 v •' , : 3lbxt u J.lveV’s*.; ■ , —!Ob»r*R«Men£ RahitonVS*.; »hf ldu*‘Webetei’a* , 6a; ' l 30 .do . “A. i »Pl 5 -- JOHN QBIER.*» Liberty ai CCSAR. HOUOOKI ABO RICK- O 100 hhda prime N.O. Sagan SSbbls Loaf do; *0 bid* Plantation Moltue*. PitwL’gh EbJr;. =obb|»9ot»rllouie do, beatqaajiir; aiitrcea Frtih Rice; received from Nrw Or leantandto male by W 4 W MITCHELTREE. -gP ta r ' No ICO Liberty Mrret T)ttASDT-3 hf ptpe# A ft Dranlly, dark and pale; X) do Oiard, Dapry &2Co, do rin:*#*e Mu Sdo do Pinet Caftilion do do ‘4 do'do of ether brand*: 5 e*ks aap old Tcnuetaee Peach Brand)-; For aale w qaaniluea to as it b y P c MaKTIN .cor ■utbfield and front m: M bbU Plantation Wola» AUIBS# *•—«0 baa Baiaina: U abb** Pure Eiij. MniiarL w fiO key# do di; A,. **bage Pepper; for tale i.i* -Jff*- . , W GKEEB «nd 10 bag* Dry Atmie* ' o - Sb«** Timothy Sent; J* bbt* Pork; 3 et*k* Polbsq; 30 baa Dry Peaehe*; 3 bbU prime 801 l Bmirr; Jinx received and lor tale low by jTfg ENGLISH 4 BENNETT. 37 good « v«,m f tbbli Cuter; . 1 .SSSM&2KV “• io s ooo lBB "ssjssffi sik&st ~' » *__—-—i ~~ 7? Wooi si fi StlCTitu*. For fii« by ° *P« _ CEO MORGAN * Y , „ For safety CTO MOKc/aM a CO i r|i j&fr ,pOTASH-i3euk< pore,,ia *iore «aU fo/mie h/ ■± , p 2 * • a. nK3r S«?u&T S “* 7 i£ ~primeS bond tad bar tpg _- tassf.e & rest a - wn. Broom*, lar*e *;*«, b«.t let,n*tejeed per.Meamlmat Newfrt, to.! torweby tng? TASSEL' k BEjfT N®W ediiiaa of llMwell’* Potr»i Book. Jmi recelfed and for ttieiiT Kpg. • . •••••• JQMN3TON A STQfiKTOV ( i 1 ? -3 ?'**• * M P «»»n broad iiotUod cU; u Jj f _ lllc tpiß p C MARTIN O^B^Vk?i, W ?“ A few tibUlof tap l> M R Whisker.ditiilled l°V. Fortale by -!E®3 PC.MARTIN c ye toner. «-4 Frebeh. Urbp ‘ . g’Pte-or fine LUek Samnuit Olotbj-jttM mened ogfifcr,«yleby *\tD SHACKLKTT k, WHiTF Op?l I9AIAH DICKEY A Co. water u J-front »t» P^y ll * o °AM®—Mo*B.Jbr«ilß-by 1 ~-- r * p? L_ < ■ p c martin r GRANGES AND LFAIONB-100bx. prifor S»w> V ° r * Jl S ei ; 40 br» prime Sicily I.emoß*, for «3> ; *2—- ' opat P C MjAfrriN , f’MC£BUCI-A fall muorv V Brooma, Backet*, R*r mIo wboMwle *od retail bp | —SCH_, cor «mii j pj*A?*E|p pilf-iObhl 6 * rtORS.MU bos. prime Yel \-f *Uy*—for Mie by ixi 8 * w ha! OPTS. TtiSfflVTZHfc-l O and ferule by* 'SR/ _ «py> ■' - cor Libel SPANISH WfIITUiG-00 article, oa bud ud for sale by IXO ) -BE DOM PiRKd-Sb&Uof ibe ; “«f«by RR *P*> ' -'I coi-Llbwt PBPPERH cun J’oiirdt JT fepp«,Jortrctcited aodfoi »P*» I R*VJB DAII»MXfIS-3 « •Wforuleby , BHACI WAHTKD-CbnntrT MUed Rat* w*ju'. Xfc M, tor wtucb ibe Ucheatpriee i«rt?*ih wilt be paid. . > eiK«a*COLUNS »pl > • apta 8 F YON BONNHORfiTACxOSy/pat n ritpSACCO— uj be** No 1, 0 Twin, rrrrivedpef-' A Isaac Ntwtoti aad’for tale tor apl» RHKY A Co. £7 water n F BUGAII—i?7 bbk Ifp 7, /revived per sunt MU Bobert Fulton and fcrtaU by J»P» FRIEND, BMEV A CorSTwaief at BAH IW-Hdo a. W'rtart Balsam of Wild Chet- U ry. jut received ud fat ula by ■P»P J DPP.* Co, CO wood g COBH— 1.100 bos. prime Yellow,ln rood rhipD d* order, for **Je by »p!9 _ St \V HARBAUQU, 33 wood >t 'T'OBACCO—IOO bx> da.Se lte.Bad Ifc; aapeiior A.brand** SO Irp t Twiai Tobeecot'ior *eJchy xfld GEO MORGAN ACo YORK Ud fat «if* bT 10*0 SHACK I ATT A. WHITE iJVL’KAOUiH Jfi—iOoz. jmi TeceKrrd nod •' O tele by bdIS • J KIDD, CO wood it f mcORIOK BOOT-3M !bf Vmtll nick*, lari i-i tec'd and for mle by .. 1 J KIDD&& Ak*CoHolr—lQbbUjtM w>**i*ed u WICK A McCJNDLCSrt TKAP—aoo pip Gelena Lead, rwnvnlj>#f «mwv#j J-iCAmbnatad toriAlebr ■••■ LPWIft HUTCHIgON A Co pBLOHIDfi (Uki fo, **i, ty V«p>9 R E 9ELLEBS.S7 WtSTH__ TT'KiAXSEKD OIL—IS bM« feriate by Paptß _ RK SKLLBRa.fr wooj»« YBLLOW OCHaB-i,sooib..Mn rwk.fci 1 «aJeby »p!9 _ RF. SEU.Et5.ji? ■.rood *: pBUPPBOLOaWOODUnobiitforuI/ii; ~~ V6»Pi° JK SKfXEßStfwoedjr ■piiOIJB iulfof i,y ” •' J «P»» E K BEU.ER3, *7 wood Plfl . RE SELLERS, St wood »i BACOS— 7,000Ib&r bof TOttid, in More' and for salt by - aplt M * W HAHBA UOK ’OOL—Rctte, Tab Wat bed asd Pullid Woo wanted by - aplg ab >V HAHKACGH *0 ROOMS—9OO z.in *tor* aad'for uls by Jjaptg . CtLNNINCUAM k BONMKE NO. HOL AM KE-aSObbb in »ior» end for >afo % by «p» • UEO MORGAN k Co OPAMUR bad* • OKOMQKCAN k. Co.lg Rio COFFKK-3CO big* Itndini from b» M i - for iCcby «P'3 , QKO MORCiA \* fo SCORCH ■AI»T*-.*tmu'fer *»l-t lv ' v owawie* ,u WOHEEI ree d for m!b bt Ml Williams * Diuvujrnf ! p«t Green Rio, for tab by' ‘ N** 17 - • •■ ~ • • ■ -;■ W ORKRR; S| eeiktou conciynmeoj, for «a!e bV"' p- 7 * *P t7 • l W GKRER l® bxi emrinj Croai GineJonwi, for cab by |g *P I7 - - -r W CBCPB ' SPTB* TUfLFKWTISfB—3~ l»bU jail ru'j aad for tale by «p»7 J i> jaOKUAN pITCB-1 box Barpuidy p, lC h (or tale by 4_»P*? ■■■_ _. _ J D MORGAN OU»~4 bbto Unwed 6u ta twreamTfor tale by ~ -*P >B ■: J C BinWFix mHItUQ-31) bbU Boom WUuog fat tale by 7 ’ . J SCHOONMAKEBfaOo but Briitol ftebutinr Bnfib. t ■IJ fertafa hy . apu j gCBOONMA KKK fa Co J 1 1 **?*® 1D «>ll*-4 bbla pare, for tale by j*£JSS!I J D bfoflOAW, Kl| wood a V*£«*H-1 hf bbt Stack Leather VantUb, far apU JOHN O . ■ - dfe.