The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 27, 1847, Image 1

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    V.' - .y" ' K :^M f .
i‘«rwai.)-nt; MrfPham, M Waiei sod IUJ FroniM*,
•j- ii .-I i ' • • T * ■ ncfall |
ATVVOfJU, JOSUK A,Co., Coaailtion add
I ui«<LuiUti)K Atm haute, have relumed UdheifOfJ
»iuiiJ t Wiurr oji.i ifiwiti <ntccu, Pturtwnh* • «*•«*> ■
AKIKk LkWIS, Attorney u U*. Fooili
• M. txtlow “iri'tJiljpM.
BW.XXCllKSTJßSltdrslrrinali kmdsof l«i;
• ion. .VRjn. »nti
l.< «I.oii-r'-i eliewiuijTot.sfeo, whoJe»*lr»tld
n«.i No 50 Th!nl Street, IMubuTfh. irtt |
tiUukt Cl t hAI X, . SEOlfi* »BT*E.
BHATSI *. BKITRR* WholpMilf auJ Retail
-i, UU-nr »'“! *1 U»'t *«•«■»,
»\,j r t.u, 1 .•
BAUUUWi A TlTtlVKll, Wkoleiila m 3 R(<
u i drui-t- jirF>o»-)t«H>*riMpteU»yCood» fc >*.
4r. M jit-'i 3 .1.-jf*nuiuTli»r>!.j !>>'<
A, PA UN' KSTOCtt * CO„ Wioltult k
*c* r «*»*« \V>wJ ami<lh m. ~ jyl
Bjl, maMPKUX A Vi*., Grocers, Commission
. Mi'i<'i>AMi' mu.i ireuLis in Pittsburgh Matmfac
wtra onx-w, Nt» I*> l.:l»-n> -treel, Pittsburgh. octS7
B“ AOALF'.V A S9IITH, Wholesale Grocers IS
ju-dtMU -IWH. IMi-Uirgh.'
"SMITH. U.U<ALh\ '4 CO H Wholcule Gro
vrl t.n«i I*l.-la.*- I'rulni. Nfl. ItfiMaxket Street. b«-
wrrn tshiuiit tuii .North » >tr. Pluludeiphtt. _Jtovt^
(t A. MV AN I't.T V Ji COt Forwarding and
/ .f.i»uiu.»«u.u M.r.-Ju i., t'atmr’lJvntiPlttsbiugk,
i\ OHLANDU LOOUISi Attorney at Law, of
">• fire cm lili »ti«-e i.atr vc Sre.ihheld *pHly_
*,Vm tV-mi.-. F Jeumux*. Jas. W. Hatlmaa.
/ (ULEMAS'. IIAILMAN A. CO, Wiaufirturer*
V/ ,111 hrti i A' Ik. bod t*pnng
rjf< i at»lde .;-•«« «a Conch Tr.mtuing* of every d«s
• <f U) > al .uiji-mij on Si. Clair *t. Warehouse 43
V. .U.,4 U . n.iinMi' Si Lharl*« Hotel J*®?*
fttnjuail'Nui. h 1. CUOlhert.
-1 j , «t- j»i v.» .j,ci« .u Produce, and Ifl all article* Of
rTi -i.u.*-’:. M i.ii*-'. ,N*» bt .Water and 115 Front
CiliV MAC.IX.I3I <A BONNER, Wholesale Gro
i*ud Forwarding Merchants,
.1 J *it>l-l‘itulmrgta man«toftii«*i No
Ml I.■!i. i:. rm-J uriJh. )*»
j..,i\ i ’ (. 1. HCKXIOBT.
(UKKU.V & MfKXIQIIT, (successor* to 11.
. A iu] Wlmlesal? Grocers, Commisiton
ku.l Mrirham*, Dealer* iu Produce and
Nu.i«uui-u»irv.rtiAU» .street, berwtea »'®od
»n,l ~r u: . TiuM.ursli. IV «H 4
V EAUER, Importer and wholesale and retail
, ..Iraicr i.i Ksuty mid Siajilf Variety Good*, sigbcf
Ui. 1.,;. In.' M.ukct *treet..%ear Liberty. **«**•
fcl.rsll.Tu _ ’
DO. VUA Licit. Uculrr in Produce and Family
. it-.:,,; i.t... NV.lfi Liberty si, ncxidoor to cor
lll t ot Mjik. i.. jisiy
J. llarntoa.deweU.
I\I : M.«P it SKW/ELL, Attorneys at L«w,
iu. >»u.;l»£Ld. between 3*l. aud 4th at*.
u KU r * lt / • iohs an nxti.
IV WALT, A CBBIURTt Wholesale Gio
lt ,•< ta .h a; hi pi.iduic and Pittsburgh maaafae:
turef.cofuerot Ltway Ia ad Hand •;«, Pittsburgh, Pa
frb’lt I
"WV.hsdL-n. i"' mwiwsnn.,
English a tjksnktt, (tiu £u(ii*k. o«i-
I .Kb.f .V IV; W tiuiouie Urocerc. Coßßilwn ftd
"VfuwuiJ.i-s Mirclutuui and Dealer* m Proditeelaßd
Alß»urel*, No. 37 WoodKreet, betw«ea
Jjeiom! *tid Tl.tW n*. ■' * • *CU
MAGIIAW A 'IcUSIQUTi AltomeyaaiLaw,
Oifa.i iß.iiovrti tew door* aearerGrastltrert,
on Fot'iu* m lial*-wcit|* OU Hwnr. apMIl
L un»-Lav«. liw renwred llwir o*ce to the *OBth
vi I'.iuiih •tree:, between Cherry Alley and Grant
►treeu : \ !c*f T
J.■ H t'lieiut. ‘Geo. Kbey.. , f lane* Wood.
'IMUKSD, BHKV £ Cth. WholesaleGroecr*,
P , ni l Mcicbont*, and Atcnufor Bnrtton
<'■<» ion Van-. No'iT Water and ttflFrOBl»Ue?UTiU»-
benth. Ia- ___ ! v * - '”i
i'S” B~LCAIE, Pinup Foil*- Manufactory aad deal
< .* r .„ Sl,i-ip»l tn«irumenis,lt» Wood »yreet,near
I'llth. I ' •*”- -
jnniß r.»a«.Trii. ' . . Joss a. roniTS.
I’OUSYTII 6i Co, CoinmiHion and Forward my
I M.-fclHH.iB. A.i.Ji; Water fcUPjtUhnntk. «o«yl4
irttAKCIS SKhLBBS, CrotetjCoouitiMioß
r Merchant and dealer in Prodoee, Qwdaje, Oita,
tc-il c. No. ITUbcnyutj near Canal Bnut.PitUbttrfh,
N. U Oakum, P.tcli, Manilla Rope, A«, alwmy* on
band.. ■_ ■■ -
Fll. RATON. Dealer in GloVea. Hosiery, mad
• Fancy »ud Ttiiniaiu*s»-C3 Market street.
lifcO. moeuah. WAT4»Ma» .»AMT *.
/ t KOILOK MOIIUAIf A to , 'VTiolerate Gro-
U ( rr. and Ciunmi-sion Merchant*, IOu.W ood sued
Pmd.urtn IV. . ®“t U -
/ t ICO. A. UKUUVVti, 1 c**ie Grocer andCott-
Cj h,i*.hoii Ncrctianj, a«<F Dealer to Produee and
turcm.. No lh Wood suPittabttrgh.
Ueo W- Smith. M. B. Brewnl
GiKO W. SMITH A Co., Urewrre. Malsiers,
r ami dß,ier-.u Hops, Pil»burxh j and v Potnt llrew
f7ir«, Peon and Fi't street*. '' ' ~ ~ .I*°*-
nEOlUili COCUHAN, Commission and For
\T:i|.tmg M< r. tim|, No. 91 W odsuent,PuttUt^.
;• itiitr - —1 Geo- G. Browne.
i MfcL i BftOwNK, l«ueee*»re to Hold,hJP
il A Hrowitr.l tin poker* and txnnufttet*re« of WMI
p-,.eranJtlray.l PaWr Warehouse, No. 87 Wood
l"f S Tlios WOU.TU" dt CO-., No. 43 Mar
-11 . ket street. I.exttWor wThird ‘ lrr ' l ’*fT joT ‘
• a ~rw anJerteU'ite a.surtmeiil of Books and pta
-tlJimry, vchi.-h ibe/ Jill *ca,iishoU»ale and
Ifce*.. _ I . 1
HATS At BROCIkwAY, Druggets, No.l Com
mereitl Kmv.neajr the canal, basin, Pittsburgh
uiebdl-dty — :
li Mamiisemter. l*a[nt kUil Merchant, corner rfluh
,it, and O'Hara Potsburith. ■ ; ‘
-,-,Tu« Hl‘ K IT. B0»KBT DietlTi J*.
ThAIAU GICKJSY t Co, Wholesale Grows,
1 t'-oitun>rvt»n Mnclnmis andde*lc« la PlOdar*, No*
& W.k- nod 107 Flo it Rtroct*. Piwbutgh. noTfl_
JOiliPn KNOX, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh,
p« Lae r.-unicdjbe practice of JwsprpCeMWO m
In. .Acc No J. Bakowdl* Buildings, Grant sueeLhe
b-' -'h 1 ” b> T - ju‘%“a^j
foils b. MORUAH, Whbfeili
N*» Ml Wco.l rl, «lh- d“©r South of Diamond Alley,
i'.n-iiursb- ‘ j, •' • 1 A: ‘~ " *** .
l A MES ukiULWi A to Jow>h
JC. iu»i»; r»h,,. Busldf^rs. M \V ster n. ocM
ToUN WALKEII, Agent tor iestop A Son's
J Siecl. Nu r 5 SVoadtueru ha* cnuiuntl, on band
u*... ibrtrufaM.iUn Double and B*n
.lr Shear. <ti. r .n;tii>bn»l*b im«er»deli to
-.-,1! i, ,i,, u„. .ii..*i ajcduuuodstingterms. nten l *
IOIT.VIt. MVIi.LOU, Wholesale andßctsddr^
r T^'
| srnoDXAIAKEII * CO.»h.l.»te Dry
J . gi»i«, Nu lM Wood «. Pittihutgh.
Forwarding Mcrch-m*, No 18 Liberty •Moppow**
ruiiflifiEldni>auu.'*on'* ;
luilN lT GALLATIN, AttoiaeV at Lp*©*£
J Ith si. yiwrea Grant and SunthhsW. south side.
P,U«burch. Pa. Will sl»o auetul promptly. M hustuess
u ilic ailjoipmg’caantie*
t OUN l>. DAVIB, AIICXIONEKB, amtetTifth
*1 and Wdoal -trect*. Pmsburgh.
JOHN C. BIDWSLL, Agenu WholoatoW
«J errand Cuuiaiission hleicbnnt, '' lle ; r . aB “
dn«ir above the Monongahela Bridge, ..
Uylronj Nails, Glass, Ac. at manufacturers* pneem
lifr*-?T ’ ' *
J punter* Sifll paper matiufactuiers, No. <1 NWt
st,Pdt»bui|h._ , -Li
JIT. READ** 800k 1 Store, 4ib, he*r Market st.
. CluoiraLnipolosical, lliKoncU, ScSool, Mot.:,
atneous ■.rut Methodist Books and Stationery, sp*
1 U'. rtODKßfiibs k GO. DukenudEl-
J .rhkiiK*! ItruLeii. corner of WafdMMiThM•«*«■»
iM.ifcl.JV* HWrJ |l«.ildui«,>PiibUfri, P>-
l?2*CuiiT>nc> pmcb**cs »t b»»1 oelll
1 ollN GXLIBK, Wholesale Orwer, dealers Pro*
«J dare, I'iiKburßli manufacture*, Tin Plate, *<-**>
♦- :i
' Klnvd Klehnnl Ftoy4-
t J £ EWvßj {!«• Ji Boyd A Co.} WtoU*jl* :
J , CiK«r*. No.»« liberty Wect , •
iAMKS UAMELb, “"t'fJ'S:
ISS.S: No «WM.r «. JWrtWlt. i-JX" .
L H \VATBIIWA.S* Wholesale Giowr, For
. «*S.M Atd Merrbaat. Degr la
Alia-fociare.and Frod»M. No*. * W« e r
an<) at Front »h. -
. Kwis IItJTCIIWOS * ?•* Wholtmle;
i i Uracrruo Forward •BiC*"'* Commlwioti Merchant*,
„>,t dealer* -« }V.i»bur*li Miaufreuuea, 44
Water and 91 » - *adi_
1 ZiBr“SJK
• ntProduceaiid FjlUbOlgh. m*i}ufaf -tth’O/
m\TOed ef .
JobnVt'O.U.* . S.
M olten tt BVgllFlKtAOxoeer* and w
mts.«ion Merchant*, No 194 Übeny aUMt,
l.airti. ' i - ' |M» If _
M Allen Ale*, Nttniek. Wm. * N^iek
MAUt.KS k, CMtm»4aa and ftocw ???i*s'
. JUreebsm*, WawrandFrantata,between Yfcoi
and Market \ ->* oß ,•
MlTKIta. hVnTKK krCo, Wholesale Groecn
No. I*?"? I.d-erty »t _ , •. /■ ■ :
v/»- MItLkX C. Wl UCIKWO*.
MILLER A UICKRTftOM, .Wholesaler Gift;
orr« and (*«imni*«iun Merchant*, No 170 lAbtnf
• i.ret. PilMxifjrh. Pa ... -i*nl4.
McCORD ft KING, wholesale trtf'retell Uae
*,Ht Cq» uuiurtartaief*, and dealer* in Fancy
fur*, comer of Wood and Fifth kOt.' • ■ . law
SLOAN, Wbolraale Grocer*, Dealer* it
. ProJure and t#att, and Forwarding and Onwni*
urn McrrLatit*, No* *1 Liberty aud *53 Wood, aUeei*
Piii'bfnth ?
\I lIOL9IICM A HoHi rio 'ii Market rt’rrrt,' *eo»
£N • or>4‘t<-'r limn rornrt of Fourth, Urate r* la Far*
r fit «md ix*m-*tjr: U,u» •{Frrbeng'e, Certificate* of
Uepaijt. Bauk Notc*«nd Specie.
il'P* Coibri/ewi mod* «U tM* prinmal Meows*
ctoise (foitwf H*um • deel* *.
MVHFH*. WILSON fc CO., Wbot'iwlc Dnr
(mxml* Ue*kr*. No. I W«d iireet, 1 YifUtorffc
A. Cill»eiu®tw • • V CTfi Gnat.
nbIIiDKSTKn i' Co t - WW«|l« Groecrw
1. »nd CcinmiMiu') torwaidiiif Uerchmau, NflJI
Uli. Atwrner *t Law. (Jowl M,
. lUkrwdi'a fcppo»ftr
t’.juii Hoaty.r- - '" r : «plM3a»
A BiiFMiHT,-t'roduf*beak
lv fl ,7u No lu9 Btraak <4,'
F;tabun(k . \
a. taccc, ir. r. o. aosusos.
RBBUCE A CO, Wholesale Grocers. Cummii
Sion Mereh*at» v and dealers in Product' and
Pittsburgh ‘Minttfac totes, Liberty si. opposite timiib
held st., Pinsbargh, Pa. mys
picHAaDBAKDT wholesale and retail dealer
XV in Leather, Morocco, sboemakar*’ TooUaud Fuul
ings. Tanners aud Cartiers Tools, and Tanner* Oil, No.
Hll Wood st. Pittsburgh. sepH__
Robert daukll a c« n wholesale uro
crn.Cotnmiuion and Forwarding Meteham*. dea
ler* tn • PrOduce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty
street, Pittsburgh, Pa. fehSJ
kobt. Boauox. ain’t..n. aoaieo*.
D BOBIIOM A- Wholesale Grocer*,.Pro-
XV* dueo and Ooramission Merchants, and Dealer* in
Piusbargh ManufacturM, No. 180 Liberty sireel, l*m»-
burgh. Pm. jsnlO
mBRRT StOORK, Wholesale Grocer. Kerlify
Ag Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pmdiurgh Mann
factares, and all kinds of Foreign and thwncsiic \> m<**
uni Liquors, N» U labenr street, Piu>hurgh.
rrr N. B. Ou hand a very Urge stock of sapenor
OJoMonongaheU Whiskey, which will be «U low for
ca«h. tnayB3-Iy
L. O. Reynold*. , i- L. Shoe.
REYNOLD? a BBEE, FonrarJuw and Cm
mission Meientlts, tor the Allegheny River Trsde,
dealers iu Groceries. Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures
and Chloride of Lime- ' „
The hirhen prices, iu cash, paid at all times tor
Coanny Rags. of Penn and Irwin *»- JaniCi
0 C Shaeklett. Tboa U White.
lers in Foreign and Domestic Dry. Goods No UW
Wood street, Pittsburgh leblTtf
SA W. ILARBACGIL Wool Merchants', deal
. era in Floor and Produce generally and Forward
mg and Commission Merchants'No 33 Wood street,
SAMVEL PALMER, Auorn-y ai Law. Other
>n Breed's building. No street, between
Wood and Smilhfield. novOdAwlv
STEPHEN BARRETT, Manufacturer of Fan
cy,Bktvijir antlToUei Boaps. Winter aitd Summer
presell Laid Oil, Ac. No 17 Fifth *t, bemecn Wood
and Market sis Pittsburgh. Pa. L ocJt
• Grocer, v orwardihg and Commiuiou Mercnam*.
Dealers in«twrgh Manufactures amt W’estem Pio
duee, have removed to tbeir new warehouse, (old stand)
No 34, corner of From «t and Chancery Lane nov?
SAMVEL M. ICIER, Forwarding and Comiais
sTon Merchant, Dealer m Salt, Produce and.Pm«
burgh asanutactured aiuctes, Canal Ba*>a, neat 7ib si
O N. WICKEUBHAW, Dealer m Sceds Flow
<ra.Fratt Trees and Agricultural Implements, No
l«Weodjsiroet Pittsburgh.
TDItN H TOWNSCHD, Diuggnl and ApoOir
«J eary. No 41 Market st, Uucc doors above Tkir'd si..
PilUburghtWiil have coosuntly on hand a well mlc* i
cd aisoruueat of the best aad freshest Medtcides which
he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians
»eudmg Older* will be promptly at tended to, and sup
plied with artirlcs they' may rely upon asgtaume.
Prtsctipboiti will he accurately om}
neatly prepared fiom tbc best material,, at any hour ot
ihc day or night.
Alto for sale, a large itcck of fresh and goojl Peru
mcry. - J» at _
TllOd. KENNEDY,Jr., Looking Gt*«» Msnofsciu;
rer, aad Dealer in Clocks Combs, and Variety
Good*, corner of Wood and Fourth streets
CTfPFmiyth ; : ' R J Forsyth.
TP. PORSYTH A Co, Commisfioit Merchants
• dealers iu rialt, Lutober, Groceries Produce and
PUifborrh Mauutoctores, Canal Basin, Liberty street,
Pintbureh. ‘ febla _
TA. HILLUCRf Looking Glass and Picture
• Frame Manufaewrer. and Imponer of tomking
Glass Pistrs dealct'in llouse-furuisbinK Hardware,
aad Fancy Goods, lUt Wood street, near Fifth.
WICK *. M*CAMDLES9, (successors to LA
I D Wlek,) Wholesale Grocers Forwardutj and
Commission Merchants dealers In Iron,.NaiL,Glass,
Cotton Yarns mnd Pittsburgh ManafacUires generally,
eornerof Wood and Wstn »ts, Pittsburgh. mcblS
WW. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweller,
? corner of 4ih and Market streets. spill
WRi HVRPHY inntes the ladies to call and
• examime his stock of Freseb Worked Collars
soint 1 as low'd* ttt cents. mchl3
WALLINGFORD 4k Agents tor A. La
mom, have oo hand an assortment of his superior
•olid Box Vices. Shovel* and Spades. land
WHITMORE** WOLFF, Importer* and
Wholesale Dealer* in Hardware, Cutlery. Ssd
dlcry, Ac, eoroer Liberty aud St. Clair streei*, Pius-
Awgb. »?*-
WH. .GLENN, itookbinder, has removed to the
eornerof Wood and Third su, above C. 11. Kay,
where he is prepared to do every descripuoo of Rnbug
and Binding. ap»
\JT 'W. WALEACK, Milt stone suxTy^tit furn.»h
-v V ■ ing eatablistuaeni, No. 944 Liberty str'i,ncur the
canal. marts
Wt R. H*C VTC IIEOSf , WMuilr Grocer*,
• slid Dealer* In PiuabargU Manniaciurea, and
WeMers Produce generally, No, 15i Liberry atreet,
Puubnrgh, Pft L • ®3l
W 4 Jt. WbolesaJeGro
• eer*. Rectifying Distiller*; nod Wme and.Uquor
Merchants, No. ICU Liberty *ttrdt, (opposite Sixth *i,)
Pittsburgh.. mayttt-dljr
11 O* 11. ROBIVSOZft Attorney ui.Law. Im*
\\ * removed bit odico 10 the Exchange Building*,
Si Clair afreet, nextdoor to Akteiouui John*.
apSd3m ; .
WU. QAREAKD, Denier in Fanny and Staple
• Dry Good*, No 79 Market nreet, I*ituburgh.
U/UILUNd * DILWO&TB, lima Uie buna
VV Dirtriet,) "WbajeraKOrDcerv, are now located at
No. 118 Wood *t, wberetheyoffrr for«aie alarpe a**ou
mentofOrocene*: and f'iunburgb 'Mahufrciure*, at low
price* and on favorable term* mayltl
W«, WILSOX, Dealer it Wnchni, Jpwdry,
• Stiver Ware, Military Good*, 4e, No 57 Mar
fcet meet oo»7
'- T »*ale*'
\XT &« retail dealer in
VV •Foreign and Dome.tic Dry Good*, norihxa»tcor
nerof Markeiaad Fourth ate. I au£Jl
.. blir-- - •
XXTMTTP* lAWTSi Jr., blv ng*p«irchß«ed «be
VV Drag Sw»re oflCdgar Thorn, jcotner oi Pent and
Hand aureti, willaeep a cooslabi »upplyr>f the be<»i
medicine*, perfumery, «e. J • •
PbyiicUnh pretcriplion* carefully compoanded.—
Medicine* can be bid at all hooripf ibe uighi.
feUOdly* • . I
A M WaiWfoid. John F Singer.
Iir&LLIHGVOIID A Co., Cosu»i»«;oo and For-
W warding Merchant*, Snecnd, n«s*r Wood *trret,
Pimiargb j ra. > ' ■ 'frbife
TUM. & DARIISGTOS, AUotney at Uw
TT Pittsburgh, Pa, to take the ar
knowledgoent and ptoo of Deed*, Lea«e», Contract*,
Depoailiooa, or auT Other writing (under *eal or mi,) to
be #**d or recorded m the State of Ohio. Offire ou
Third street, abore Sam. t eld.
WC, AUOaiSBAOaH. Attorney »< Law
♦ Fifth nreet, near Scnithfield. Collecting, agen
eiea and other burner attended to with punctuality.
Wm. Crojbao, F>q.,
John Herron, £*q,
John Wrij?bi t K»<},
M»j. William Larjner.
BiMells k. Semple,
B*A F*W*lock k. Co,
Gril| Lindiif & Co,
Junes McCullr, Esq,
J. BftVAB,
Ao. 114 Liberty «/•, and bZ\Diamund alley,
jyw-diy. _/■
WHOLEPALKand Retail Dealer ut all kind* of Se
gar*, Smoking and C&eurwtg ami Snuff;
Union street. aaar ibe Diamond, riifbargh _ roytfl
" WABRlck MABTIN ft Co.,
Bankm t :DtaUrt in Ertkanft, Sink Hota and Coin,
y- Corner of Third and Wood street*,
noalfrdlT Plttabmrgh t Pa.
II W William*. Wm. M Shinn.
. (Succmar la latmsA VTiUiam*,)
wuiuas A lIIINN,
fr>-Ofitce Norb tide of.Faarth at,above SiuittifielcUCO
•* Aoejtm roa-NaTboajß Co.’* sham.
Have oo hand a 101 l assortment of Can, Stscat,
feblS Busiaa and (iaaxaa Bratt___
K. J. HSffRTf
ATTORNEY and Coun*eliof a| Law, CINCINNATI,
OHIO. Colleciion* in Southern Ohio and in Indiana
and in Kentucky, promptly and earefatly attended to.
REPER TO—lion. Richard Diddle, Wm Dell A Son,
C urn*, Wm St'Knight, Cburch ACarolhert, ITm Hay*,
K4q- Jama* P. Smart, Willock A Din*. Jr-®
■pUye» **•
JOtu DUciharo* Oeenre B. Jones
(XrUOI'CSALK Uroeers and Dealer, m Oil., Dost
W store., and ihtt.bsrgh Manufactured artic)ei,liave
oa band at all tune* a full and general-nssorubeutoi
nods in tbeir line, Walnr street, Bear Cherry Alley,
Vitubarah- _____ )an!3_
Wl¥2flD[sKtlF tMOCNUTi WfiKK,
. «ALt or
•boose form* fly occupied l>y
Hevmf Ukcn Ue War
M. & Co. i
Water Streets »«l
Will keen on bind a fit
Iron tad fiend*, Fine ai
bieteil/v’Rata Mooea; ni
market me*. KuKtneH
o call aadaiysme
ended to.
■r lUam Jill!,
(1 ripply of all uzea of Uoiler
M pire-Ued Iron, jasde from
ikich will be sold at the lowcki
iaildera and others, are invited
i stock. Orders promptly at*
T lyaid'r
ome. 3d «, *PP«i«. »«* SSSfu-ififf
WII.I, al»o attend pnMnptlyu»Collectio«ia,m Wo ah
inpon } P*yrtw Pa.
T flEa! w.
“T" \V. jlonbrigM.
[EMM sij bc n,
1 1, if not w]* n y. ma ‘ ,c '
, ~ and which they w«H
n rood Term*, *■ _
K P*
rorKLAP, . .. • .
. of Tin, Copper, and ttbeo* * ri ®
ir in Britannia and Japanned
ie«t. The-aabaeiilxr re«pert*
n of the Wnietu
; ten, to hi«‘targe »u»ek of taao*;
i >pet ware, with a n»'nit*
i KorSirhlng Hardware.
1 1 the public generally, are mvi
f."B. Uoubnrtb w
in the United Slaw
of at low Price* and an
Wire, sod d*«U
Ware, fid 17 Alarkal m
fall? call* the auentii i
Coantry detlrM, and et
(factored Tin md Co
meat of imported llou*
Wtokreie bvyeta an
ted ib eall.
■tUBN. *L«a. KlolLtf.
t of Hammered S'iMfl# and
- and Manure Fork*, Ar ,
, d ureet, Pnwbutfh. mar|3
n. p. a *.
WttdwiH, No ll We
A. Al W.lnn.i.irU. Jn.T »„V. I ACF.NCV FOU PATKSTS.
S WALLIXGFOKD V CO., nastim%ton, U. C.
COMMISSION A. MIKWARIHNf; MKHdIAN »’* | y KNAS C RUisniNS. Merhameu! Engineer an I
reiUirc* i.l • •* Ari-hi lor piorurwc Patent*, Will prepare the ar
il K A V V II A "HI) W A IF AND jo— a.) |)mwhi<» ana P.i|»rr* U»r Applicant* 'or IV •
PITTSBURGH MAIU'I 'ACTI UKS, I <*»«• -md n!l other bus-lie** ,n ihe lulr o! In i |
\I r AHKHI'USK* Serrinit orr.-i iu ai :m.l • pion**Hin »' «<i" Pnie.nt Oilitm. Me raa tie con*nhe I j
VV Canal lliiain. l.ibem .trrei, hive i M ml -....1 mi ;«u ui. gu<-n .»i,. to the rnteiu Ij»w»*ii-I *!»-«• • ■
,alc tea, 1)00 lbs a-mrirdSirel; v.r. ,u ll>-- l'a.n.l Muir* »r Europe. Pc son* .11 i |
Naflor A Co - -* Ca*t.Shr-ir Hln-lrt mk.l C.-mumii l.—l I e .1.-omuo t.Miavi.irf «'lHiu-ilul|.ill* uudr null* ,
Jone* & 'in Hliatci rpiiiiv, an.l t ml j Pstent Other, prior to making uj*|diennan ri»r ft paten , i
StM dos-Slmvrl*. Spade* mid Park- , . nu> r.nwai J lp«»i p«i.Lenr;n*inß a Ire.ot lire dollar . j
Carriage Hpim*. ami At!.-.,’ • ' a > l«-.u *Micnn-m <>» ihcu ,-uhi* when utimedmrc uiicij-
Anvil*,(iHOUi-r h«W:j -Vier«, (pateni nn.l .•nurin.m i im i. Will hr oven in il an.l all tlir ilili.rutJlnni lln 1 !
Slrrfßtt*. Slcdjf- Mould*. Crmvluirl. • rmil.l I tiy a tfdj nf the ;.|.|»l.oaut in prt*.n ]
Furnace Kiitßcrt.iJuniiita Iron.'! 1 rnmimime.iiril. |
MiuwV*. Olay and Coal Pirk'». ; .CL n uer* on Pumu,— »«n»f !«r |*o»i paid, and eniiiu. i j
Aar«.S»c»lhr*.Mrktr*, la, K . Ohiuli -, A• ' i • nn'ilit.- i're. wl.rt.- u written opinion i* requited.
CJ-Salainanapr Fne Pomi sate* li.m V ..I-, Hi 1 I'dieronK .irr.:. .>pp..«;ie the Pat«*m Om.c I
and other I'm*l»tin;li Mliium.-tnir* *..1.1 a: ii..-, llr U:.» U.e h.timt m referring, l»v penin**l.Mi. to
prife*. .. i. ll«n K.lnniiul uuikr. Cumin.* miin nl Pjleni*; 1
7 . . I II I. FU-w-utlll. Isl«r ia) \l.» tin.
CllAttlaES O "R.' DANKA'III Wk lTi'U ! II Kium-I.VMurb.nitl, Olfirr;
CIIARLKS IU DAN A. I»■ , j.,J K c Cancl.. U «-1..n,.i..n. DC; ,
T O B A C C O 11.. M U I'hnaUi. M«j*aua'Uu.plu. I. > Srnaii ; r
,CUJlmission MEKCUi su i l
N.. .ilteu.l, «h. rv..., JNo U.-u,,|„„ w,11i.H.i1.N.„v«,l I 1
i»kg ».no.™.".- ;"!! .1.,.... 1 1
OlMl.lw.tlh lU.I to*, .j.l. - : j
vrlin the viiirinia maiiniu. iuoirA and il.c«-c»> m ■■ >■ a< ~ ...... 1
a b |aw C<l, i" '*** a,,<J ■ - a-.'vili.n-o.T Krivu. jlrooi*, F.*«’| .Vm«bur«h. a ( »|
a large and rou> -ui’i'ly «W tin - unlmviiig d> 1 . ■
lion* of whiidi .vill n.: -.i1.l upon a- «cc.hh- j JAAIKS AV. WOOllW’Klil.,
modating term* ht&ny ntln-i lu>u«e:ui »i •-I-.- nmai'Rna ri'R*HTCHX irin’k uoowh,
where, anil all fyod* otdcrtd lioiu ib. m **.H Uo w«r , < j'ill |tO
ranted eqirrf 10 rrarc« /*???& A l.MlMamd .plm.nd
Havana, Mltom.iigo; U-ui.. ) t"*** t ,i Furnuur., fKiU
: W»; lVnn a, 5 Un I a wIM Wf -o. Steamiatai*.
n rs VV“’ n * ,J ,* ?.. '••‘f,-*** FyCinmm au4|.r.vau-U»H^ W .
AI.SO Drancl) in l- l.iaii'd Anjiuu.n? .-ia< i i». i.* (■nn*ianil> >»n lian.l anJ nuji’ io or»lrr. ’ i
dub.with aUrgV k*,onnjc«i n| oib.-t l w l“?ar | |hr pir*, ni on lund paihioi l e rTci llr.l l.v any i
and qualiii.-* uf p«uu.U u- *■ I.*; 1‘- «uU Lump. . mj „ U |,, L . lor) n, r «r*lrrn riHinir)'. i'cfwii* vri*hm« |
lo* Plug, 1.-d.c, •|*v..., l«..t . m pmc|ia«e would ij,.* *ell l>y g. me it call, aa I uin
ftr, Fyerri and •» wlu.U-, u.d ».*.* U>a4. w.-J jrirnn.i.ed uiy pnfr* ‘hall j.|?a*e. Pan oi .Ur *i«.-L ’
and un, w ih every *n.,'ir Uclojir- , A,
.ng IQ itio trml.V ' ‘ ill S.<a- vv.H t :Plu.h and lla.f .-Inlh .-over-; ,
J D LtUMKK, I W AHiu.n«o*. • lidas M ilnwin Nur-.' Cliulr*, . •
iAleof rilUlniigh, Pa. I.ji:-*:n! Natlnuir. IVnn. 14 |, a .i D.vuiu. I
LEIIMEU A ANDKIUiON. U HVr* I. tUnn..>, ' li* .1.11 hue 111) Oi>un», .
Forward..ij; st.J I'uinii) ••|.m Mrij.!.iii.. .'\.i a cj in.ihociny|* I
Fif>iU*lfrei,al«vc llr.-aii-v,,-, .« . in... j adu» untio<*iiy iiiM'knir f’hair*; j
■ K(FU to— •' ImalLlc u>|> Bureau*. i
M AJlpu A «*o, 1 - |> ii r * nionm.-
I Bagairy i Sru.lli, I iMi-lmi ’’. . lui- l\ i.i k Stand-,
j Win. Uinetraui ) I ir \Vork> * i
Seay A SHeptiard. i 1 Alupir ,»'li.-u and I’opnu Urd*U'ad«.u»l I
AjdcA li*)rP, j Na*iUv >ir IV':n I 811 .|r>. Ti(tl.irn«; Jld'a larrr a>r<ilimi'l.l 01 I'oiuiuou I
Veauoan A** Ariii.«icad ) I'.irnu.ifr jn.l ■n. i • i.m iiinut-ruu* io inrm.nn -
i. .WiF LancA t\. 1*1.1,;. d- Kv. , _ : ■
A Wh.iernan. < Cn.inm.:.l u i NU. W II AKI» U AK K lIOL > t..
sir* 1 —
»«i0.,11. K sl«r A r., nu.u. 11 »««I»MI. 0,. il., I-, ~f J.nUMy, W., I >«kj
J li. IV. W: «’ U .non I H.unr.l llav hr (..ii. m> Rood* IIM ra*h. i
J. G„ W. LEFTWICH & Co., i and niadr aira'ißctseni* with mnnu(a<*'urrr« m >lii— .
‘ ‘ HFCRIVINU, H)KW AttDINl.. | .onmi y *n.l . F.iriij.e io !.<• .-..mioiiily tupnlied, I am:
■ * And CommUilon .Irrthauia, , >.iilv prcpun-.i wmm «ii lUnlwarc or all tmd* ou u»
*1 La. I ijoud imo- and a« inw a» any Pm«l or \Vr»i
PARTICn.AK aiuiuion |i|nd to i o.ineun.ri.t* oi Mrirlium* .imi oihrr* are 'erpecifuljy invilrd UJ cal
Sugar Mill*. Kngine*. or oiiki au.o>. n.r O|>r:ou*a« ami riam.ur mv *io>k, j>urcha».uß cl‘rwbrtc.
and Atiakspa*. . Ihr loliow.n* rontpn*e« a pari of iwy *tock
KKFF.RTO—Meui* Sheffnjid AI, >;MUv.v, Mi I l.rr . Siraculwat and Si.ldmry Hardware, fiuit Tnmm.iic*
mn Limenck; N'rteOrlear* F.le* N'n\U>r'« Si« el, Cntierv. lUlge Tool*. AnviU.W
M»mh. l.urtonA DeUi r*on. Mr 7. M S»K-r’rv. Ij>u- 1 c*. taa-k* Larrhe*. Su kfr*. Seyilies Hinge*,
ifville. , Screw*, llo.iut faetoi v Ptane«.Smir« Mabogattv l«*ard*
jjAlektn Nall A Speer. Mr Wm (* HoiuM , and veneer*, und all oihei antc'e.* coon'tcled wah rue
WightUian. Armcrong A NicliC>:«<iii. Pm»i.urK- * Hardware l.u*.nc** _ oidiUll
s£~±i> '&338E88 u..SWBjZS ««.i.~.e..««I
CUAIG, BELLAS A Co., tC ;orny «l ihc Caßniei nmkert cfnlm
FLOUR FACTORS AM) PRODUCE COM* iSSsggrtf a,..J A!!r g l.e..j. ciy. *nd Ihe.t uuncr
kficwtri V m'lfl’MiVTu CSSS«nimerahave.hovcn ibem«r!vei
MISSION MbnCHAN 10. , , 4U I SUI } aßam*l Aoin*«*r*rtli#*l, and
LIBKRAI. ea«h adeunre* made un reeeipt nf con. | -, vft {iar/ain'» Ued»’end die jirelermce. "imply
jißTliuent* ’n»o*e «bippiiiß loour sddie** w.i: he . { lrr ig.' F itilr.mri'( l.cins the hoi. itionftH.
FAIB three-(durih* value tn adeahcif .it Sr apply j UeiUtrad m u*e- The following tcMiinaniaJ
. Me»*r». Wallin<ford A Taylor, PttMhurßli , »ub *cril-er». praeiu-al caUinei maker* of U>e
Measra. Tbo«. Hell A Co . Bridgeport, Ohio : 0 f and Allegheny. Pa , do hereby eel-
I Philadelphia, May 5, !Sts. rnayVT if i (l (y thai we have boußlH the nebl to manufacture I,ed-
I N. It. All produce eon-signed to e* it wnrn KiraiU mil. t,a/«am * i'uieitl Fattening*, and conildrr
iin the warelioutc of Wallinftbrd A Tn\ lor.ruttbanßi, ! ij, r .ainr •u|»r<.or j.iv ia*ieiung* w.ih wbitk*wc are
lor in out *tore io Philadelphia t' 11. A Co. 1 in.uicd.
i man iMKHOwno*!.ok luntm-.ui... t . i£-nSlliZm
, IDGAI-i & KE\ AE 111, 1 1! n.“'A j.«.ub...
I I Ml'* l RTF iOF AND WiIOI.KSAUI DKAI.IiKS . John l.egvii. Jr. J**'. l*«»t»T> A t^n
: 15 II HDWAUK, CCTLEIIY, Ac., U.wr..- N a-’ r ll.ddie A Itieiu.nn
! No. lit Wood Street. ' 1 Tb~na. Carle* llt.Rh II W uHare
I p TTSBCRCJII. D*vnl l.u.»rr Kamtc) A A 1 C.edand
I A RLnow in the rourn- orrefeiemg Urge “ Id.iron* ! Hugh Walmi e Hulluek
l\ to tireir oiteiisiYe siot'.h of !llardware. Cuiien. t Dav d I.ukry
t«a.« lerr, Ac* winch buvmjc fcftu purebaL-.lthe : For K.gftt* t«
I mo-1 advamagenu* u tin. m Kngllnid. and d red n.>m ■ '*!’t><> 1 OAZ/.A.1.
ibe Manufanurer* in ihi» rnuitityg’enni-fr* ihri.i io dcein '.* ttrtllcJ
j fer ood* on term*snrpntM-.l by ii.tur und c-.,«ub> - IJATENT PRKSN IAtICtC BIACIllAabi
| few Purchaser* arc re*pcrtluliy ,nvitr,j to eit.i. - | j sr r »ul.»cr-l.erf ba*mg obtained :l patent. May Ifi
*e- '.H : t r-t Pie** Uriel. Martmie. and luiving *.nce then
'GkdlCtiK COCIIUAX,’. " 1 tlmrii ghry tc«i*«l i'» ahduy. arc now prepared to udi
OOMTSSION & KOKWAUI I|S<;* H \ \T, ' B'i 1 * and r.mirjn ... .ir .vr.r* i.. U»ty part of
vi ea si's*.
pOM IM.hS* t«> ”. n. r:.l C oui.iinun'm (|nn p ,. ri(a) .mhn.-nilv hard It. .uvt u|>
UUiihCM. r»t>cculi) 111 lilt;, purrlovt* am! »jl<- „ Mir L , ( „ i„ u , the rip.'.i..' tabor nfpiv.
or American MatiularUn-i't and I'rmlnr.' a... 1 n* , . ijy and hiutd'iin; the I, nek niier
receiving and forwarding l.nnl*, rmwjnnl t«i Ins j i-nut imunie.l It *,nn«ir. »tr«ng.noi liuMe i«» getmn
care. A* Aj;ent lor Ihr Maiml Ji tim-n. bj will be i»mrepair, and it ri»it>i'rurird thui il ran J*e lakrji n>
constantly supplied with' Ute [imupijml article-.; ol : •>»*’ !'«•
PilUburgh Manufacture at the l.iwrvd wt.olm.alr : ;."Vn.ra!Vhilre. u mi'.lutt ix.ur r“ Foe :'i full .l,»rn|.|m<,
prices. Orders and <'iin«i«um-<as art- rruj.i-ctlnll) > vVi> w ji,j ~.t rr ... » m.Kt,nie now in *iucc‘*i'ul opera
solicited. , if*. „„n, ~ sil ..ear lie; W.-*1 emt«»/E."tith
U F Cuutviiy - " ‘ I-- 1.m.b., ‘ in .•t i .l«.nr..r > H. ! n.T
tt. F. COSIVAV A CU., I . onn. .«r.| i 1... «!l ..IHV i-all
PORTSMOUTH, Olnn Comn, ,*».„» hoi IWwii.l nr , pre*«-ni u« ntiihcnird Agvnl All Idler* to our addn •*
Merchant*, and l'lnduce De-l-h. tb>- wil m- pr..mpily *itrnde«t j«
Itn. vu, fia'ilcy-.l Cu IKH.IVAIt Kiitk UItICKH.
Henry Grail . I A\TKNMVI I.\ irdedand,ajil>iovr.l .!nrion'l‘ei>(i*t
1) L.r.j. JtCo I\i iw< fe \e : ,ii»«* priiie-phl iron inuuuf«.-(onc*|ii
Clark.: A Thnw . n,.- iv,xw:n country nml iblougbouc ilio lutri.or ol
Ji:,,, , dt.iii... jv„n., ivan.a. wilt be ready far detivr n on the opening
• • • • „i Viv.nai The iiiiiiefiufvuii t»birhibcir.tur»bi I 'iy
ALEXANDER LEW A BROS. JT > pieced by machinery. *ad
CINCINNATI &. ST. LOUIS m all jr*peoi* io auiUmm their acknowlf Jged
OFFF.K U>-ell at either . -MhUl.mni! nil k urf m .m»*
.Mrrrhandjre at the L>wv*i i»ir* «.i ■ '...inn ..:..h - ami i» r ,|.-. i,,
arv alway* prepared io imkru.ivn-.c. I'm- <.«-»i n. l( . lt
reference* given, it required Low* « tdif-i.r.! i.» tuart
JOH?i 31. RICUAKUS. ii* coxFKrrmNAjiv ani> fruit j«tokk. wu
NO, ao WATER Kr.. 01*l*0-ITi: (MICAFMIM ' a .plewl.*t!..*orune,iinfFar.evr4ke.Coi,ie.i.ftn-»ry.
BALTIMORE, Fru.*r*«- . Nci.imU»e cwnirr every dsy; a«uo.. e *h.rh
'ITTINDOW Cl#.*, Oiat. Ware, Fiu.i. llec. »>r .he k
Vt ] ■ M»ni.«,n., I\.uiiJ »n-e. l.enion lliscun,
Advance* made on eori*if!niii*n«‘ Sniufariory rei : P»*iry, r|n"iK' i rpp*'r Nm*;
I efcnce lb those |.y man teplMj* 1, Alinoml do. Molu-e* I take
1 -■■■: \ - i.u.gei Nui«, \N awr JuinU'r- .tpongc u.tcmi,
L JJLXt* TIIOXPvoS. \ W 11. CAVrSUX I IVurfat Cake. A l”-. S*«B"r .lc,
THOMPSON CAMPBELL, \ ti f j,,. le* Oeani*. Jelly, Rnde*' «', Fancy
COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; Cm..ef.M,ua.y. Ae. k*. n*r u.e.l m a 1-imer »«*■
/ And Mnnttfmclarers of Ltusecil Oil, • ..ut.ial .>■ ijuali y and t.caut) l.y an. other e-ul.l.Mi
An. 20 (h>hnnbui Strrst. ; mem n tln« i-.iv , , .
i‘ riVCIVM'rr ntTin ! Kre-h Hreid T« .*>. H»«k, 4e , manufariHred vi.ely
I'll JrIINA I I, IJIlIl). • \Vj,ii 0 Wi.vai Fhnir. sod Her irnina!ldf«f«.evpry
(Jj*CA«H Pitt) F 0» 1 nu.ra.ue apd AMHtKIVS
■ *ep2sii Ikiiavino cream-Imuck uKiircini
! ‘ Wffl W ATTF.KSON, ainhot.: win. iieeer Shaved t^-ln.-e,
i FORWaRDINO AND COMMISSION MF.Ri llAN'r. ! And llmte Wlro aiw«v* Mruve now Miuve (hr more.
I Redtrank, P«. I T N utfer-m lh.* Mipeiuir Shnv.iie i tmipo.nnl in the no-
Tl|F.»dv-rll*er wnrldretpeclfdiiy I 1 ..I'n.i ll.e pnbi.r, I c tilt» ,l|. i-. .nude nee r*> lliai tin'
an.l the nubile that he tw» takcni ihn IVar-beute. I opinion <»f nil who -bavedried il primnuiier il ibf uttiet
i former!)' occupied by J V. Cnr.iJ wr..,.- hew.Uua.i ! . Hint tl.. ytmvr ever t:>cd. aud n.
‘ *cr< a general A*e„.-y. For ward,.,* nod ('..,1.01........ , order u.pla.-e rt within the rm.-li hi. all. I have reduced
l.u*.iie«'. t’ari-eular atirtiiiun mm 10 ... .o.neo ! the low . noiigli it. aUoM ait .lpporiuniiy 10 every
1 meal*. Charee* reavoimloe. lourll.r ' perton 10 C ,vr .1 a trial and yi.tire 101 lhytii-elve‘ So.
1 Krdl.atjk, March I. |MJ I lientlerotut. it' you winh ft*r ;i rich Itixunnut *h#Ve. on
1 - - -• t— ——— - ** in yodr thnvine cup*, don’i be »c, r-d*. ti won't r-oti
WALLINGFORD t»CO., , lllU rl. u. Ml tli-ni. and. if you are tfoi aati.f.ed. the n.irn
ii Heeond Street, ne»r Wood. , iron t'.iy Lard U;l Faclory and Fancy Soap Work*,
'TAEAI.KKS ill Manu/atlure* and Heny. j 5Ui *l, opjwinlf Iron C. IV Hotel
1J Hardware—will kero ron-tanil) an band a .hwk , H.rdwore, Cutlery, Saddlery, Ac.
of carriage axle*, l.nine-.-yii.e. am) *:• k . JOHN WALRER,
let. fire proof .area. hiiv.,*. v.t-ct ..etow., : A .s[y DEALER 11. Foreran nml Doioe.r:
I *led*c». Ac .hr _ inch-1 . J t,e Jlaidwaie. would t«*|.eetlally inmrm bi» frteml*
, H.LCOM 1.1.C11.,.
It tTKS*iSSSS?.Si"SSL*.^..i
-r^:. “■
,u Hr -»
' Fisitliureh I»« • i. ■ Mock l.efnrr putvWmseltewlifrc mara
Liberal advance*, in r»*h or goo-H, tr.a.le on emt U/A.NTKD e»dON-l'Uce. in, retail
, «i*nnie«l»of protluce.Ac . Ac. , nwitlC V V and whole.a'.< note., on r|r»u.!<o‘ii*. «r *ori.e uw-
i • iui nurritiet. town*, o: rr.uinry around,
J, J. ALLEN loraevt-raigwHl book-herper., toleenieit, ncent*, ware*
I COMMISSION MERCHANT, ■ l^. r .nru. Kt, w l„u«ur.. nuelmnichl, ranp.n* and
rf l NO O SOUTH WATER ST. FIIILADA. i.almrncmen
AS on hand and offer, for Salt—Uliuchial Winter , Aiw. lor n numhcf of hoy* of tl-fferrm iirim. AI«o,
and Spring Spcnu Oil, IHcached. Winter and 1 ior a numher «t colored men ami women. Irova and
[ Spring Sea Kepbunl Oil, Rlca.-liml Wither and Spl;ng gut». jn'Wanicrl. frvcralgood cook*. I.ou.ekeepet.
1 Whale Oil. racked Wbalc 0.1. Irjjhi ruior and fret lrorn nndgirl* for nil work
i foctmgi aadTanner«•(>.! Alto, .pure African Ouano All hind* of Ag-ncie* attended 10 priniiptly for mod
;in Pag. nml barrel. i inarGlifm* erale rlturge.. Plea.e apply a I ISA AC HARRIS S
COMMISSION MERCHANTS, c0,..n..,r.i.ii,.
Forilreaaleof Pamri'i-Kgrncrallv. U’K the midert, K i,ed, have entered ,riir.<op<uti.rr-
DIHI tiiVPMit V V ihip for Hu: purpose of tran*iicm>K :> * rreluee,
rHIL A U E r 111 A . ; nl „, nn Ml „| ['[irwardMir t. i...t.-«•. u»der the Hj'.e
" ! JUU'II, McUUKW fb CO.,
Phlfoda, Deeeinbe. «. dbrn Utvefiken n,c warHiu.i.e. .So tl ComitUHi iM Row,
. D. M. NkTMIWK. • 'W. f. r*T«-n. Lt..ny -Iren, forinirtv CK« upied l.y Mr- WII l'u*ty
MATHEWH 4b RATCII, i where all I,nonet, -ninnied to our diorge will be
COMMISSION MMlClli S T S, ' n.i«M*-
No. tsWaler Street, r THOS II Mt-OUKW. '• SmtthOeUl. Oh>«
Will give particular attuilion in the V' !‘rti I'.iitburgli, March ‘Si. DH?.
dure,aad to order* fur pirreha*.«e I ! Tea Grocery, Frult and ProvUlon ;•
Ku-ca To— George Murgan A lo . 1 <l>eWrgb, I n. WHGLESaLE AND ItETAII.
Jubii ?4 Cuilough. 'J M-Keehan. r,*on UENJAMIN DOWN would rc,|Mtci-ully inform hi*
lifc CO , JJ oh! fn. ml* nml il.e T ubhc Runerally, tliul be ha*
Comm Man and ; | ZTSTTm S:"purr's *
‘.»3 Jt'9s.«OU 1 il, SI . | .apply ..I root! nrtmle*. .eli.i.g low for eatfi. and pay
lansriv* HOWI.INfi'S WIIA HF. Ilaltlmora ! j„. .tr.t-l ullrnw.n lo it.* pulinri., IO merit II .hnre of
THOR. J. CARSON, dfcjCo" | publo- patrm.atfe tr M ' r ‘*—
No*. H and 0 LtciU K. , llG|sk_ SIGN AND DKtNHtATIVF PAINTER,
[P*<'o»b advance* tvilll.r made,on i'r>n*ipnniriit to | j’7/,I,*p 1 ,*p'*, r Vt►* * C tv” *'» a'• ITOI /'."r I V^V«* ry
IiKO. 11. MILTKiNHEHOER. ! ...r I tvimilt uiul nitiilile* •l , mo 1,1 ®
PRlirn'cE A MERCHANDISE 1 u ,.. ITCn
auel'J Odi.'e.N« sti Water Strcef, FriGliiinth f*u . HAUo WAN 1 tU. ,
augu_ t.Di.e..*« r.u atrr . *.«>. GGI'NTHY MIXED HA«S wanted,
J. NKWTON .lONES HHMIIIU for wtuebibe biKl<e*i pnrr in CASHwUI br
HKUCII.ANT, Aiw'.y * «n h. ml,-v.-ry deter.piion of Writing «rul
MllNl) Nil All l:l, A HOUSE. ! V\ litiipme C-.p.i
IMilalnirgtt, f'n ' REVNoLIrs * SHEE
•1. . V j n.i'lil 1 ~f„er IVIIII i.n.l Lw.n '
BA. FAHNESTOCK A C«’n. ; akw kmuiuvimim
• LKA» WORKS.—The ....d.-rm- nej4 have ■ j,' p RreriVrd. a .pie ml id n«*oriiiirni of Knell *h and
compleled their new wnrhv on Urn bank id J Fren<-h Fncrsvinj' rolored and plain, of a girat
the rivet above Hie Aqueilnrl, in Alb'Chcny rtty. tanetyoF ..uhyeett, .nital.le for Traming; Porlfotlo*. or
«Dt»o*llc PtlUbiirgh, for thf in.mnlirtiire nl :i mrpo- rap Rook. TA HI LULU
rSTJj.iiir «r .‘.l. 1... i,..i|,.i„ a„j [.,,.1,. : *A» L , - im w,»,i m,_
oili .1.0. rtj 1~,1 ~,d I,n,e.»c I».,„8 „,ii,j i fc.«yj
Ibemveltrca of oil Hie rreertl Wriprtr* 1 »mw,o ,a tia , RyfiL Ir7-.AH tynnln.e* af Green and Hlnrk Tea*
intfluficturo, and crMlmi the hinldingt r»n a vr ry 1 jFTTmi ,i U anrr. ball, and nnr |x>mid package*, ran
wtili cap inly u.’ make letnf in U( *., u j, rr pound tn t 1.40 A JAYp*>US
l arge qoanlitiM, U»cy will bn able lo uupply ordrre I jva , r __ AsT for jvkmj'ra 'h'
loalrnrwt »») « lcnl ' ! 1 . , mACKKUKL, UKIUtINO, SALMON. BC.
Split mind**; rpilF «ob*enbera k"p ano«-nri»aniof Pickled Fi»B,
IIIAVE Received inrtn. Hhilad-'id..» « Uig« «~nn- 1 1 o) M rt ..acbu*eti*»md Halttui In-peeimn, for «alr
raent of Spirt nfChawrier Rlimi- of -up. r.wr muk.- wanted m ibe.r tranboutc, 4U, North
iJ.N« » KEHNEDY*»"
OppuGtc ligjik Ol p.u»fcurgb j • ‘ r r! I
Aiwood, Jon'-i A 0»»
1,/WnZ. Sidling i I’n
Oraff, t.iiidw,- A ('a
I.yon Sbnrli & Co
.ruil.rrui.-r, will l>e prmnpllv nr. u
Kensington Iron Work*
rjilllJ* Institution, under ttus rero of Rev. J. M
J (io«ii«KN *M) Last, in winch alt the »obit uiid oi
nniitemuMiru'n'lu * of □ litiinbi J eduea'ion nrr (aught-
■ * now lor the rcceruion ot puuiU at
No, 54, IrtThu Itotr, Liberty Street,
twtxvern :tl mnt tih *troelf. The Se«iii.h sv.ll
cuiuineuci- on Uoiular thortb oi I tL-unry. ntnl it i«
important ihut any t* l ( o mat .-i i.-rmp • 1.0n1.l
hi* pm*iil a* fiu «• [iieiMlcnlile cither before i,r si ifam
They hitvc «rcti?cil tlir service* t’rnr-4-iir HJtO
IJOL'K ba tencfact of Mu,icuii Uir Piano and Uuiln r,
who n ton wi ll known to need rirniHiiioidniuiii A’l»o
the »cfVictnt Dt Moiia t'ASIMIIt I.AimKVf, author hi
i)t* la* iuiiih mutjil.lnu
I. t» u Kiailttai** or Till* Unfvnmtv'ainl N )nnd
ul I'jih.bikl mind* blgU ttn a iPiuilrt-r, Tlim* wlio
»>(<t lo ul.lam a a iHTU Mir unit kinn*|ril|’i | >
the I'lriKU l.anKUOfi* \cuui.l do well lo |»liico iWium-Iv,
uiidri In* iiikliui liuii
Uliiiiiuitan, ' '
fill 11- I'aitnri Wnt> li**|ftnl«ic «•» iilitirr tin- krai
I O' Mji *]•-*!]. |ti ,nllf » A On ,wu diwiliri-.} on llir
„„ Irtli •ii 'tani l<v liiolunl fnri-<-M Tin* Utixin-*'. rtf ttnr
For a-rit«, *re ('lrotilm or nj*|ily in tlip I*riiu i|ial. Uir imn will iir «*ulr J t*y Mar*hull. VValtui-e A. Me
j«lf. . ...; ... '|
'l'lllS Institution has but recently beeu npriTil under
t X.lUi tuition of Mr N, VV Meicalf, mibc
[Cothi r of Kiaiidiuky *llll MtraMberry sta.
| Thefuccess which hub itiu* fur uitemb-.t ihi» School,
| :n n> rstahli.bait'iii ikiJ.piOßrrs». lia- Inlly equalled thi
ll riper'iillnus of M« Jii*tfurtr>r unit Piopm-tnr, amt wm
jl ram. Hie hope Uni be will »*r -usumrd jtr ho- Hfmis m
J M*m|rk It a «1.-» fur flic iduiulmu ul
1 Young l.oUit * m Allegheny and vicinity
t Tim Fir.t ScMlimof the next Academic.)nil. will
I'omnirnri- on Momltt), Teh. Mb.
Them are yei a few varnmies to be Cited. but »• 1 lie*
number til pupi'v »» limned au early application ude
*iralite. For particular'. retailve In teiiii., Ac. ennvult
t/'icntais or apply to the ln»mirb>r. mt.-al
! BOOKS, JIITSK’. id',
VA.LiiAIU*g BOOKS-Published by .1 A
A I' P James, Walnut sired, between i'uuilb
I and fifth, Ciocinnnli*
I tiupuL'a Oibbnu—Tire history ot ihe decline knd
■ fail of the Roman F.mpire By Kdujrd Gibbon,
I Kkj A new Kditina, revised and corrected ihrmtgh
i out, preceded by a prelim*, and accompanied b)
notes critical and bi’tofical, relating prmcipall.y to
i the propagation of-Christianity, by M. F. Umzot,
I Mlnirter of Public .Instruction for the kingdom of
| France.. The prrlace, notes and cnireeliniis, trans
. i.iled trinn the Ficnoty etprc'slv tor this i-diiion
Witlr. i notice ol the l.ilc andvlnrarter of Gibbon,
, iiol Replt to GibLndi. . In 1 tola. imp.
)j«o, |U7d pages.
i\jpi«r 1 Petiirtbula War—Complete. I «o|, imp.
Bvt>. BOOpages.
Hallim's Middle Agrw, Chamber's Rebellion in
Scotland, R©bertJoof*virgtm* and New-England,
'Russell'* French and Ksgltsft War in America, and
Rsinsay's American Revolution. 1 vul 4to.
Library ol American’History—Containing selec
lion* trout the beat ’aaihnra on American History,
1 Biography. Travels, 1 lomirercc. MaltMic* Induns,
I Revolutionary Bailies, Art. Ae. Ac. Also, Anec-
J dotes.Toetry and MterulMocous articles, llluatra
■ ted with more than .Vs) engravings. I vol, uup Svn
| b-W pages. •
i CiuversHl Pictorial Library—Containing valuable
rapers on Tamms subjects, comprising Natural
listory, I'niUTnJictences: Agriculture. Rural l-'.con
uriv, the Orientals, Travel*.
: Geography, Jlittlany, Mj».cc!lsneou» rcadiug, Ac.
I ’ Ac. .1 vol rtppftyo •frlolpp. lull sheep.
1 Tbc Family MedicdUl.ibrary—A Treatise on the
’ Pretention .uni'Cu|et£l Dise-ics, by regimen am)
f simple medieiurfi* N»» edition, revised and enUr
{ ged with the addition ol s Vegetable Materia Med
, ii-a, poinliug out tbe 1 irtuev. prcparaUuns and doses
! nf nor most valuable native tnediral plants, and an
| outline of Anatomy and Physiology- lllosfrated.
1 with one hundred Hogramgs, >ll of wbicb arc'
* colored. By. Jtl Norwood, At I) —Bfrl pages Bvo.
American Flower Garden Companion —Adapted,:
to the l-nstcd Stater; by I'.dward riaycry, Landscape'
and Ornamental Gardener. I'J mo, third edition;
revised, eolarged and iltustrateil.
Palmer's Oregon, Rocky Mountaisi l , Ac. Ac.
Family Tcstamert. octavo, with and without
Polyglot notes,and Psalms tn metre.
Rice amt I'ini* roc's Debate. Burn's Works Lady
of the Lake Lalla Iv-okh.. More s Private Devo
tion. Juvenile Bonks. Cheap editions of various
works in pamphlet form, melii*
/ rie» of (look* have now Hiianjrd a populamy nut
nsruilrlled in Ihe hismryof Amrneaii S.;tmot Ltooli*
1c i» the cipreMi«it 01 ius:iy lujobci* who have ibur
-1 oußlili n*ed llteiiv, ibaltbcy rail learn llif«f pupil* a*
■■oit'b .11 one quarter in the a»cof ibefc lax>k». &* ihey
. cun :n Juul'ic die umf by ukd* am uihci ver,e*, and
| there ■» 110 doubt that ihe’onhoyrspfiv in'our taueiiiiee
; may i.<- le.irueil ,11 te.» out liali of il>r tune ;to m
I 1*1.1.1/» .N.-w Spciler itnt'.i iron* any < diet eium
I Ti.e »upef.or excellence »uU t>opulamy o; ihevr
may t.e infer r.-.l from ihe fuel Ilia: lliv> have been
-1 odioai y adopted Cor ibr u*c of allil.c Pnlil.r School*
hi iht fol-owimr. uim'hg oihrr miiwnuni cities ami
Itowimvi/: N Vorlr. Brooklyn. Ptoladelpbrn shiMlnli..
I mere. W.limueum- l>c, l.ascarin and Readmit. Pa ,
t L'orn un.l llulta.o, mid i.v some f.«>r IVII
I vcr.uou* ut ibc Siam id Netr York: uu<>. I.ytfcr Nnv
[ Jsrrry Sinie Srnciy <>i icuolo ii uml innoU «■< rduca
| tion—.mil they are r-.jiiitty lukit'i: rlu-piare 1.1 at! >.rm
| Ist work- ill ihe VV<-«l ‘minor lb. I.<r> 1 . amt
. 010-t unpi.lMlil of rdio-ul>c 11 Tlie nlt.i
aiirniion and LMiio ai r. isutissiiou o U..< scriooi imdk*
is 1111 licit of all ieß,;hrr> amt ixisrit. «u lUlui-aixin. who
cnn'.eißptate makintf elnuicr-* miti v •!*•« n( irxt Uvok*.
u#J t)io«c wtiu insle up iSeir nnml < dial they me ihe
lie«L, ami wish to oiiroduce Uiem, ran cxcoaufie win.
die ailTCrtirrr ibeir old books. no'V . 11 iiic, for tlie.e, by
ibe retail price 111 ra«h
( tom the New York (ilui.f, of IVli. H.lotJ
•W* are glad to bud Mr Cobh Mil ritR aged in jue|.a
nnf> nriv looks, far me ore of «rlinol- on I f.»r ilie l.ruebi
of the rising |t--iu-r:iii.->ii .Mr O'. new spellin- hook
.iii.l ir* valuable »ci.*-»«i rm.l.ii:- and ..i!«-i .
no.-- justly HJiiuil lot lino h rriimal.uii mat *.vn; l.r
more enduring than iiiumt or »laio.-« i*'
Uraaa We llnlik be ha* dour tnoie in i-orreel the ill*-
crr|>aiu-n-. ol trie language, »«d toward*£
uid »y»iemaiuiii|f lie cltniniKui i-ui v er.iacuUt im
guage iltan any oiber author cium in llu* country •"
Fuf * ali- wbuic«a!r and rrtui I I. t JII MKJ.l.l’kl
»p*K y -VtJ UTM.d-ti.rt
MAUAZI.UKH Foil MAY - K.rr.v. .1 u. M a
MlNHK'S—Uruhain'" Mapojnr
Vutßmal .Magas,nr
t.odey** t-iJj'r Hook
ont.e new i fu-a.I. , 1.) I* lU.,a« ;, M I*.
t'lrcakt 01 Npiallrr Far Wt-i rs-ene.—a
aerie* at humviremr'kricln.., Jr-rnpnvc .u .ii.-.Jruls
and character m ih<* WiM W. »t: l.y • Vuhuir*-.'' u-nli
“ original derigut lit iMrley.
Ihe Wonders of NaiurejuiJ Arv,'or Hutu •Hanger
Ilian hr ian-itlu*lrair.l \vith »iity-niic- r-ngrjenigs: l.y
ib<-authorol "The I’a.ioni l.iic and Muiiofacturc. of
the Ancient*.
Falhri l!deUm«(>,t>f the l’cirH*of £1 Outer*. l.y J. li.
Roi<i*on, Kvj
CtimnberS Cycir»p»*dia of Kuzli’h l.neraiure, a <r
lei non of the clime r.t production* *>f Kjlxluh Author>,
flout the rarliesi 10 ihe present time—connected in a
rriliralund Diorraphi.-al hiiioty eicfTtittly i!!o*irat.
now being re-pub!i»he | l.y l»uo|d, KrnditlVA l.iiicnhi.
Cotton. We hare on Uand froin No 4 10?nteiu«ivr.
which roitiplrui ilje 6t‘l volume We can iuuii*ii Uir
tvit.ilc work « f.i«t :t* re |nit-lr»lied
Our totorluient ol cheap l.itciaiure l« now il.e In->|
«iIJ of the iito-I valuable Ml'-cl.nii- fut gem-ml iiimkic
lion For -ale m M A MlNi.ll's
up-il Simllificld *Urrl, .hi lio.ll '.M
NiiW BIMJKH-Wr have rere.vrd a large num
10-cal 11-k)L jm»i [.uLniti. d •mi.ii* ihetn
air lire lodowtiig .-
Mcriteyne'. 1.1 fe and l.eilcr*. * Vo:*;
Hitlduli on Roman*:
I r-Kru'-|,c*.>! Not ill Cjiol.iim,
ll.*iory 01 IW.yleuan t'l.ulcl. .11 Kmwi'li,
' The tielii'u* of Scotland,
j Chalturr'a Mont Plnlo*af>H?;
| Mary Jane (ituliaiu,
Wiiijlowoii Dcrh 11*1011 :ii).| Revival,
Tile i’ Kflflh;
Mutgaiei, 01 ilic by Rev C RTailnr;
Lady Mary,
Thef!rcai Commandment—bv C Fiy,
The Lards’ Prayer—l.y Comtei;
Thaiikiulnns asnfutbrr K*«uy«.
Tlie ul-nv.- t«>f".-iher w.lh a general u-sntimejil o-
Thfiilnfiui uni M:'rcl!un.'</i.- Itookr. i‘.n
-aktitji>irr.>[<iu- l -< KM.ftMT A lA<.|.ISII
jij.lli’ .Vi il/urkrt <ir'n l.envem :i<l atxMib
MKDIOAI. WUItlw.S-A lirau..-
or d.e air njj'Sgrv ' oiuim-.KU un urjuiry im»
■ lif 111-lor y, I'dtlin'oß) , Cnutr*. Hint Tieujiii'Mil o'l ilmnr
kUpoI ou' of the TJimni cn'M Uroiirhni*. C*lin>" r |,u
ryntMi*. Son Thtoal, rlc , r c . liv Nor
ur-Urfli.M 1).
I’’. liictiuip* 0 r Mrd.ciu.", i
Tlfcdunemot Insanity—l»v Halt;
Di'eaVc* o t Ctnlilrru —by Slew mi.
Mnjcu<lii*'i I‘iiy«i<j|oay;
Cooper’* Surgical Divt.onnn,
lloopei’* Medical do;
V-o|»lLbcl'y ol Mcil.cmo,
IVwpi 'i on Chililiaß, -
I'lirrle’* l*rnciicrt
Wcluier* Dictionary. !»' vol*., £vo.
For *»1- liv n,»|H JI. KKAI). till, non Market «i :
NEW WORK— In Press— lhaUrry t.f Mexi
co, ber t;ivil Warn and 1 Colonial aud Kcvol u
tmmrr AnnaU. from tlio period ol Urn Sp.mub
('inii|ur«t, |.Y.‘0,.t0 tlm present tune, IHITj including
uti nrcounl of tlic (-'listing War with the United
Ntatea. its t.'aurAs and Military Achievement*. By
I'ljilip You. g, M U. JAAill I'JAMKS,
-'clnli _ I’uMiabitrti. Ciocitiunti.
r\i M lisjc BOOK—rumpbirt Form.
—Ttif Mclodoirn: a choice selection of song*,
Hnctls, tiuarinU*. Kouiu?*, Waltzes, and Marches;
wilbib History ol Music. Illustrated wit}, nuttier
nti< nngravings. Imperial octavo. Price Si centi.
Published and for sale tiy J A tV U PJAMfS,
Walnut alicct. l-ct. Kourlh and FiftY
Ciocinimli) Match SH, UH7.
N‘ T6w WOiIHOS S l l k K P-^l'linAmrm ; aii
Shepherd. being u I'Oinpleir. hnimy of Shorn; wnh
ilinr lirerin,iniiiiaßenirnt. and; by I. A Mur
rfll- iltuurnted wnti drawings Of the diHriMit bieritu,
Ac 'Vnii <*ii appendix, embrumi* upwiird? «i iwnny
li'lli-r- frmil ciumcili wool qinvvvr* nuil sheep liUnnr*
ol dilterPiH state*. dnaililh' ilinr rc«pe.iue wortr* of
ouiHji'inent. For sole by
■ Hookst-Hers. car market and 3d *t*
HI'NIIV KI.KHP.R, IfraWni plan,. Fon. »,
»t J W WoihlwcO.No. Mft Tbir.l Sirrvl. Tlif
rimiin lunv It nuiumi .l ai nil lnmr». mnl lltc
|..<r mil b«* m.-re from it in It. A.\M„ and ftoin 1 ios.
r M , uucli IMi.l.'it, 0.-u,lTr tJ. Mil
Wr,il»r wduld mti.nn ilic cnu*-)ii of
|*m»l.iirj;li and vicirfiiy wi- tmve upfioiiiird Mi. II
Kiefer Mir A’Rriii lor WeMern'l'miiiylrouia. f»ir ife
• nlr »( out I'luuo P«iln<,fr>M)i wliunt lliry mny LcoU
imiurd atnui anil |Nrw Vwkl pn«*»'
Vnrlt.Scp ». tuUi-of«ilir
New PUuMt
li:*T H«reiv«d and upcuodby the ml-M-nUf, ihe
il lollowtnj new I’tauo*
Onr e!rf’aiußofcwoo<] t <Suciava Piano French
Onp rfrgsnc JtDiruood.Ci oanvr Piaut» Kmte, wnh
carved ooihlcTaMcK—a •j.lrmlul m-mimriu
A!*a, one V* »y fiooJ »tcom) hand Piano, mode l.y
1-ooilA. ro, Pbdadn. lIKNIIV KUMIKK
tnehM o| J W W<M*hrcll’»,?d>;fVid,*t
Planoa. '
A I.AItGF. »ud -plemlid «m.r|iiirni
TT¥nlnr laahPßOnyaud logwood r r . a Oii ne-
I * non I‘ioitfH, wiih mrullic Maine* and
: with' all the laieM unpinvriarnu, which I'm durulnliiv,
I mne and loach are' warrun'nwP be cnn-il to any made
I m-lbe euuniry* for «al« lovflor e«*nli>‘ .
1 r bmimk
No 1)J wood ii 2d 4oor above 4lh
COLKMAN. 11 AII.MA N, A IoL bivm< wimpleied
llicir New work*, jir liow'pipj io ruuiurßt
lull' evrrv Je»rrijitioii of Coaeli »iul I‘Jijnic »prme»
Iron arlrs Amrriran U!:«ier, «pr.nj :mJ p*oti*li StrM,
anJ nlUtuw oi »«null -quart- and room! Iron, wbieh
Ihcj oiTer I»r *ale «*n liberal lerm-. m uieir D'ar*A#uii
No. 41 '%'«>«! *irept; wlu-f* i!ic> n!>-.i keel* on hand a
rumplrir uinl‘liaitd-oiirt* n-mim-ent of i’-oaeh trim
ming*. (-nrriuße hardware. malleable ci-nnx?, Nail
and lion.
0 H A (•« . have made urrnngeniemr with MeVirr
Day k tlKittj. inSnultirtutrr* *»t WlinVela, Spade.
I niL*. A.-,, and will keep cimMiuiily t>o hum! even
nrtmlc nnnle l.t 11.. 111. IVuli ia ale ir-preimll)
rile.l in rnM.lf* prii'i-K 1111.1 t<- -to' >1 iN l>e made litwriat.
Urn \V WAI-l-AIK
t l'llF l.u*mr»ii el it.. 1 nl.nvr I’oundiy will l.e rnhiut
1. r J i.y ihe ••iI.M umlri itn-linu i.i Mui-liall
Walb. .• h <\» . .1. nil .1. yin mil* I.i niii.'lii*. v,/.
Muvri mul Niofr I’lnlr* l.iglilA HcavV Marlh'fy
\\ aK u,xll -,*r. l-jljjl.iw
(iruli * A S:itJ Imli* t'.i.jim <'uMiiurx
l*ii»Ußh« • Ac Ac
iMaJruS lII*- iijau-nair un.t ;|| Un- JowrM |rtn'i‘«
I'uii'lu-'-ik «n-ihvil--.| u. i >i.i iinil i-jtaiomr.l• ur ?Murk
attlit* H ai- luxi**- .11 1..1.. r>y »lr**-i No ‘■l ioai llir
Ik-hJo/ IV OOIJ «lre.i JAMK* AIaH^HAI.I/
1 ■ Win W. WAU.AI'.y.
lll'MtV .McOK-AKY,
l*iTr < Brii..n, Pa. r
JOIISI W 111 011 T * CO.,
A RK prepared lo tn/Jftl.l-iu'on und Woollru Machm
l\. riy ol inch ua—Carding Ma
chine*, Spimnng Frame* Spi-rder*. Drav'tig Frame*,
Head*. \Vai|>cr». Twdlrr*.Spnoi • *, Drearm*
Frame-, J*M>ui',rCard (Hinder.. Ac., Wiolight Iron
S|,.nnni» tuned aljl. in Cbm Iron, I’ujlir* and
HnitKcr* tii the laf«*i,ji3!iftni*, ‘■lute and haiid lAthcc,
■rut uml* ol oil kind* ‘
i.'j«uiin' ui c^iv iUvifii.imii iufi.i*lu-.l fin *Kotl no
iri- Paii.Tii- uiiidi-;4lf-|*r.l»T tm Mai (Haring lion
rrtiiine, Ac Spain Pipfr lor hriibng I'al'lOrie*. CriM
I tun Window So-1., ttiuhdopvY CaMmi;* *ni.rtuJl> ~
OrJer* iril nMbe WorofoiSrrroi J. Palmer X C«>., Lit,.
f ri>, •lint, wiii‘Tiay'j«.wfigijir-aiaii!.oii
titers* to
.BlickMitek, Bell & Co , J K MiauhTad Jt Co . «i K
Wormr. John lrwm A. Son.*; PiU'buii'h.
dm II Warner, S.eubfnvin.. jjuN
Furiiirhm* WarchOo**. Ni» 104 Wood *ireei, near
F.nli, I’.ii-Liu1SH. Pa ; Wholesale and Reia.l;
J'ngli‘ll and French Engraving*,
Japunncd Waiter* ami Tray
ula*» Plaid, by dir box or *.ngle light;
Table Cut'ery,
Uriianma Tea Ware, in trni or *;ngle pierr‘
Potl,u,t uod I*i :luie j'rane>
Fire Iron* and FVndet,
Mahogany Toilrt (»h»««e*. wiili I, J. and T Jriw';
Ib-mian Silver mid Briiamnu Tea A Table Spoon*;
Hand Magnifying Mirror*.
OeniwPlieu’a Slfaviqg GS»e*:
Hair Uru*hv*, i£:
lloieliygGd Steamboat* Mippbed on
!e nil retort fearlfttg corefotly nTicmltd to I'm
« 1 iltwnuril for earn. ’ feLI7
lint m«&od to inform hi* friend*
"rSsSt ihe pul JiiSßl large that iu* Factor?
HSssßr ’ajnow in full operation, on the Kail «idr.
of the Diamond, AHe*htnv,where *eo«4
staill nipple o( Blmda, of viu>ou« colors
andcjaafuie*.are continuity kept on btnd,
• at*o at No. 5 'Wood «t, l*itt«har£h.atJ. fc
Eegsp II- I'inllipr’oil cloitt waterooot.
Vertmau Shuiicr* made to order ui the Uc.*t*tylc
111 ind* repaired at die *horte?( notiec.
a N. B. H>4 Blind* will be |>ul up. wilhoot any add -
lioital exepuie that they can be removed tn a mo
mem tn cw. of bre or for wn'liitig, ami wiihom the aid
of « dr <• ncildlTiwJamly
A. KCIrTON. Bell and Uria* Found
jjg, rr. lia* reliunt runt commenced
hi* «lil Maud, where he wtll be pleaned to
*«*e hie olil cu.-iouirr* und fricud».
Bud Church. Steamboat, and BctMofcvery
from jU to Hi,OUi pound*, can (ruin.
oi'Cn- iuom apl’rovtd model*, uud
warmnn-d i<> of the l-eti iuutftial«
.Mineral U uirr Pump*. Counter*, Baiting, Ac. Ae
oeeiht r with every varu-tj ofHrue* Ca*bnjr>, uregu r
Cil. turnnl and fnn*ln-«l ui tin- in uicM manfffr. . ,
RLi'A F i« the 'ole prnpiviur of Babbit’s Ayr!-
Arrtntios Mitai. eelelirun-il forthcmlue
l «i!l of’t i iii.ii hbi.-ti The |tozi:» and ComiJ*o
- ,l,o:i i an I'm- lia.l ot u'.l S'lir*. jsnl-ty
Warefiuute e-jrncr uf Wootl and t'rvnt streets
pirrsiiUKOu. pa.
fJ'IIK ml.-r‘.l./-i- 1 ■ .1 v ■it ft j.uiTtia»ed lUc Fcanllui lion
i. Work*, foitiieflj owned ht .Me**r'> J A Stie-kloo
& Co. und iiinb- riii-DHvr ndduuiil* tollieui..are m.i*
l'u-|>ni. .1 i,. lum r n a, ,n .1-1 Iron X Not la oi ad
»■( Sfitnc *i'id Irn/Ti ,_ n.i l-ll'l'
.'■! litc i„-,i yi
Ou» |rir*nrtv vi«>lixt; tlx r inn r W* : wit tiinl ll»* {* » ft
O »u|>j>ly lln-ul wnJi :t fi««i f iti- :iit«v .ii»? •
u Vul'i IT Ha*'
wn.iiictiiiiiiV a i o.
HAVINti rcvenlly made v. |y in uupio.,.
nieiit. iti lh" iii.niUU, luli’ .il lie , am'
ud<4*e liadxn-M Improrrd e;i«iertl M heel ,ivni !.•! slt
Ituuiii, *v aie hum iiri pnicd loiuun-li u • mur .• nl W i<
Jii'vhli-' < ,1 nul 'tipi iuir, lo ..u> t i 1-i.,r»
tnai'e 111 Un- Failed *<l4lr». ail I bin mf. rn ’l
fki'lure k.| ( Window tila.v- :.lwl 1!■ hjji; ..1 • 1 *, .
and i;«riM«.if everydrM-ripuon Hriin-tr..'y
: uiviird to rill □ndcxainine for thrui* l\.- .u mir Me
I,ou*e. No, (:a» AA'ooti Mfi.ei, PiU'btirßli, I'a.
PlTTsßl'Klill STFAM M A RftMi WMBhS,
.Vui VJI iHiJ •Jl<s laierr* irml, nmr t 4«
AI.AV A Y> on hand und ii.udr i.miJei, a large vane
\r of Maibte Maiiieh tbei.r.-niie Table und
Butr-iu Top*, 't omb S:onr*. Wonuii.eim At , nil wLieb.
being made id the »• marble, and ra.iliuim luicd
}hitit'iittlJV t>v niAi li.uri i, will be sold low lur cash .
N. B rir»on* wishing to pureha-a- Mantels, are
inlnruied that n i.* heneemilh (or them m
(o Ij-i, n* i van Itinurh iheio with an article in all
rr«,ieci-a*good.aud (frcii'hl, .ilsinanrr, Ac, coQ'idcr
nl.) a* cheap n.< they cuti purchase them for In itw
K-i«t. Call ami *ee. jcJW
N« H .Markci Moci, Piu*i,nigu, Penna:
'I MIF ‘uhtenb* r« baviiii; made pri-tu iinptovcinettti
L in tbe c(in*lrurliun of l heir i.TiOKINft STOVES,
trupr. nidi) ~. ,ie pi inmt bu,lJiii|' Steamboat* u> cal)
and r i l.eioir, a-' iv; ■•an supply them
n.ih S.liive*. Fori<e», and even Olhfr limfl r.f
Copj-er. Ti»j and Sheet Iron work tn cfi*ary in ftimUh-'
in* .i .~;.-auiUul.
UT i _r, IMn .r >o oi.Ur „ii ilir sifor.ieii nonce Sal
r.ibr- am! OiAin. i-r work mi Sjeiim Fngijir*
m I , v.-.y vnr;eiy oi M-otk ie. our lute.
Dlrmlnghnnr [itcar PUtkbUrgli,] Pa., So. 137, IVuoJ street, Pilliburgh.
SWILLi-oii'ian'lv keep oif’hond n goo.l asurt
merit or Wine, ol our oUdLnuny laeturr, and
»u|» iioi ijunbii Whol««dile and country Met*
t'hanbi an- i.-pe. tfull)y» v drd to clii und el
amine for Ahem«elve*. ti« we are determined 10 *ell
cUeaprr man liuievoi heiorr hern offered Ui the pule
<»rdc‘l» «* tii by mail, ncrtsnpamrd by the rath ot
city rrfetenee. will la- pimnptly at'emied to. feb'JS
New Shovel, Spaile aiiii Fork'Mahttfiie*
HAVINti c-oimu, med the ilianufuciuro of Spade*,
Shovel*. Huy m.d^Mftn urn FuiW«.Ac,on uiieitrn.
- ve «ral". nre prepm.-d in Kir all r-rder* for *uch arti
cle* ui Kiltiem prn'ca. i
For the ronvi'u.cni'cid their cu*mnter» and dcalcr»ia
• urh .irtide*. >lie\ l.ave ap,M>:iiied (irorge tMcbrail,
(*>imm**iou Meo-huui. No U<i Wood Mrrrt. their Agent
foi me «alc ol then' iitiinuuelure*. All order* aitdreM
ed lo him will rn'civv prompt niientuiu.oii the uioi>t ad
vani’ierou* i< mi* (iIIIFFITHSA DIXON
Pitt«lmri;h. July S—*ll y ' -
No 70 Wtod Stre- t
MANbFAtrrr KHRSoitiiliaml Mahogany Loo km g
(ilu**6i>, luijiorier* and Dealer* m liookiag 1.10.**
Pl&ic*t Accordeon*. l'rri'U*“ion Cap*, ClmTk*, C«inb(,
Jewelry ami Faoey tioodrrenerally
The udvrrti-er* isv making Home imptovemeni* in
their bumm. **, woh increlifted lat-iiitie* in the putc>|a*e
of iVimeniic. and the im|Mrtalioii of many Foitt'gu
flood*, they will be able to »e|! m Eailrrn priori Thel
ronpecifully Miliv.t die utiniiton of pu(chu*ora.
ftpllK •ul-enb.-i * nre now enlarging their i'*tab!mh
-1 meitt.a'id me prepared lo make alt ti iv/i of I'ottoa
and Woollen .AJncbUH r>. on the llkut rcauuiabie toiui*.
Order* nJdrefi-d in u* will tnuel wiili piouipt ntuntioit
I.ncock alrert, AUrßheny 0il»
N B.— M. Wiglmnau, who ha* a jmiem lor a very
important imtiioveilie i.l on die Card, and who ha* turn
i-ngusei! for dm laftifmeen year* m *<iine of the «io»t
ex eiiMVe and ftu*-eeft»fui Colton urthft wc*t,
a ill give In* pcj»onal ttiiemuin potting up, to llm rut
i*fai't’on ol tho*c coiiecrne.d, a!! tiiachine** made at Itn*
r*Ml,|i»hincnL ißnTJdlv >
Co., "No* (k|nitil!>l Front *U,
Vi ,H Bra** Foraukrift and liak Fli*'
tkb4, Dkt-Lft of all ore* ca«t
, ■ ironi the latent irupiovnl nap
II tern* und warranted ritual to
. anv Al*o, Biaft* CaMiue*,
biii'hed if old' red, tia* Fit.
ling* pm up pipmpily ~od on
rcu*oiiatde tern *
rirrrfnunrsjt stkkl wokkh andsi-iun*;
AND A M.K l\\Cl'«)liy
!»**«• junk- J> us r. wt'U.O.
MANU'AfJIUKHS rtf an. )lh*ir. Si.-cl,
Mrt l. M.'cl VVmfft. l\>iuU uuJ
Klij»t■ HtifUlii.-Ti-.l linn BiiJ tli-uli-[» ; Mini roach p.'n.-rull
j uf Ro-< ami l-'nuit nir. t-i l l , msl4ir)rli 1 I'm
. KuN an
i WbicLh,
inn* io Prni
Al*o. Oi
Bow, Ulk-i
Carncr of Third ond.StnUhfield htrteta,
pirrsnunoji, pa.
tt. Weaver, Proprietor.
ffMIJS I uew and t-paciow-vnorKJ., rrcea-d «inee til-
I (JRFaT FIRK, and tiomin* on [wu ill tin-wo t
puhlir tireru, is unaurpuupd in lire country, whetln r
fi* rcg.mU a* urchilrcvjrai irrangcnwot*, or Uu-cl.
Kiurr. w*te and coiiilou * ii« l'iinil‘hiii£«. SiluaU-d >)i
■Mutturduli! vicinit) of ibr iSTKAMIMIAT I.ANiV
and IIUSINKSS &IKX dc»iniMc coiivriii.-miN whil i
n<» FAMILIES und <{KNTt:RMH.N of a< i. •
tnnal anuugemctuA aiTord evrry accuntmo-laiiun ihr
mi»*t ,'fin Tin* Par loro and
CUumltcr* are all turno>lirJ■in inotlotn «ltle, with
miiifly ijrw and Hi-K-iul Furniture; on cllirirut rot|i>
nfan*Mi>ivr ut-d idili.Mm Kmulimin J und fair
Table mil alwuvr tU-mutd With the cboico t defied
Ihr Uuirkrl,. atfoY.l I
'l* l * r Pr«|>r>et<n, wj„.ha> had long rl|M’rirnr* in link
l-n-' .>n<u»iti<*»-, .KKim-i rite ptilitfc Unit no rdurt on Inf
l'"ft Wl| l F«- •j>nn*d i» mii-'iitcionly arrointnodatr ilu.“i
who mity uvur hiui wiin iWir custom.' ]
An Oniitii-u« and Haggle Car will «hv»v« he ul
readmev*. tot 'be gurf l>ot ibt* liouar. - • 1
ft'hlk __ U- 'Yi'FAVLK, l'cy|ii|rUif» 1
OHIO—Tim *nt>icritier« having purr(u*<-<l therii.;
titr -nirtf.f of -*VI. U l’ W.lliuuihiut Ik'iTol this well'
known rM«litl*limnst Leg lr*»r til Male to ihrir mend*
ami (hr paliUi: ycucmlly.diai they hav.- tbit
■-oinino>liuu» 1 lolrrl fui a l-mi .it \ rat« and Will rinl
ikrir i<rmiriiergtci to make li ade«'ratlr tinuir forTruv-
Hlrr. mol City ihiitdrtv
The Hold i- and 'idmiiahly planned tot run-
Vriitenor. hfjhl mid uir,' having a Umiil.n/ot patlora
'adjoinim* rh’Jinhre., |nr.ruuuf; mi-iviial niiarimu' m
ftuntllrt. ■ , .
The proprietors havin'* had the rjptnitiiceol
yn.r'Mn i!ir« ot> nud cl«fwher:‘.hn|w''i),rv w.tll.c tilde
in arncrai »al)»otctio|i. UeiuH dcl-MRii.Kil to *nc
'undivided nKrntioil !>• ihr iinutrbl.nn’
TbcJ.»r«iion or ihr FeurlSUnet lloo«r t« nnrnmnionly
/•(.yii.l-, hav.niK from* on iVarl, Walnut ami Thud »h,
«o ikat it I. ego»lty ilr«itablr in view'of ttn’ir.nvvn..
fiftfc of lni'inc*t iiirnui rri:r<-nutnt (or privu{el«.ardor*.
Il it nr at !>>’ lli*- Hank*, ihr !'n«i Oin.-v, the .Mimlh.c
Mall. Odd Fellow* lia>l. and Uaone.^qaated.»iani flom
Main 'ircr.i -and two «ijiJnr'-» ttoiu (hr I'itv U Imif. tlm*
<jiTrrin«t (he great*«t itirturrmrnH. mprcialty to rouittty
meiehani* and aenrioilr to kJI jir.r*oii» rmltnc P.nt-iti•
tnrlrtfT A DUfU.K -
Pltt»bur^fi % Ptu
TIIF. anJrtri|(ned, Pfo|.riru»r» oi tlie Monongahela
I lou«r. announce lot hr publip thuilhe Hnu<r u now
ujrt-u/ot.the reeepupaof Vmiert.
Thev arr (.outcioua of having epatrd no rxpenv. in
filling out ihe (Matdiibinenl. in <uch b =iylr nv u> rrmi. t
evrry comiort (o ihcir Huf*i*.
They hope hy ron*iant cate and etivnnan iol>u»ine*4
to iner.t (he patronage, *o lituttally heaiowr Joh die lain
Monongahela Hou*r >AS PROSCAN A SON
Ao. • H 5. North Steand ■ Sttttt. PhiUtdrlphia.
ItllU ,-uhirribrrj reqwctfully iafonn (he cititrai of Pitt**
turgh and IVrtirru Pruii-ytruiu, that they bare taken
the abote houw, where they are prepared to wromAodatr
ndting tbr (.'itr of rhiladetphia In the be*( itjlt, aud
.m the u-«t renonahU Itruu. The boiua a within one
uj.iare of Markrt xrerl, and ha* uudrrrooe aU-urougb reno
nboa a&drepair*, and i« well ratrtintrd tn acruounodatr
jM-rum- whu may beer u* with a call.
<ii>< <*» a cill, j&J «t frelcuufidrnt you wiUbe»ati*sed
February ya, IIM7-3m OI.IYF.R H ptarkrr^
•, 88 Fearl StrettfKew -York.
REDUCTION IN PRICKt-Tlr* tubtctfbrr Tr.rm
full) cullt (be aueiittOQ coimnum
ty. and c«j>?cial!y bu«me*« fart tharihi*
boon* i» now wen nmfi# offered for their naironaee. ai
,ibe low prtcc of ONE DULLAIt i’EH DAV.
Ite location Tor bu>ioc*» u» rtoi *nrpn*ed in N- York,
and every comfort, woh'gboiT livm*, clean beds airy,
roonx, Aegean here be had jV well as anbe tnori «l
ih*va(!«ii( bnutes One cilt wiUsurely rsiisfy any anr
of ihesc 13C16 nniUifi-urcacexiftuivcniuronftge (bribe
house __ MU’C, BIHHOI*, Proprietor
New York. April I. 1M?
u. r. jacksob. —a.' craubtos.
Late »< the A'tor House # Of I'av.l.uu, Rocfcaway
Jackson & ora n-st on,
I'oachrt will !"• m r« , nJijtr>» tiiu Deropt umt Lako
ivu* to convey Po-settcrra, ft" of <7.<t rgt, u»-
))“M-dty the House.
I N S U It A N C E!
lndeiunMy Rgaltut Loti or Uimigt by
Fire. 1
. Tin: mutual riUNcii'i.H cmii;iNi:i>
Willi tin.- uilJiuoHiil •'rt-unty ■>( u Sioek c’upiinl
The Reliance Mutual Inmrtmce Co., of Vkifa.
liihit. i uns.
(iron'e W-Tolund, John M Atwood,
Ttioma' O Itorkh.n, |,nvo it. A*hbur>l,
W'm. « Thump
N linker,
tiioiro M. Stroud, . John J. Yaudevkrinp,
I.Vorgr W .
Wll.l. make tiiMtni.
liy rn«, iu I'.-
liftiuu.-b. More: jiui
•t l.n** <ir Damage
•t mid wctiiiiv, on
re, liootU. Ware;* aim Ml. !i*udi;»e on tlie moat
I'nr-iblc term*. 0
'i'lif Mutual combined with a Stock
upital.and thc.nlhor provisions nl the Charter of
ita Company. bold mil unusual Inducement/, both
podit and safety, to those,desirous of effecting
itunnce, tow l.ifli the Company nsk the attention
xd examination of those interested.
'l'huue inxtiijurc with Ibti Company
h .«rc.b<**iih i jlo- a-i. il ptoiecluiu-ga.mi lor*, by
the tidiiiu y tin tbixi of-iiitiurntirt*. the additional
id t inlaj' u duuct participation m the piofifj of
tin* l 'nmpmiy. irilkout any .lability.
(IhEOIUiE W. POLAND, President.
tS.M, UificttMiK, Secretary.
I’, who is the July authorized
or the above named Company,is predated totnake
insurance, at the Office of the Agency,/tit the
St. Cha.les time*, Third at., third doorfropx Wood
street, and will give all further'iitlWmatiaifdesircd
m>--dly. . THUS. J. CAMPBELL. '
A.tent A'E"Pirmcuaii run tuk
Safety Insurance Company of PhtlaJc'la.
RISKS upon'LuilJiiig* and merchandize
. . ol every description,,and MARINE RISKS
upon hullsorcargixs of vessels, ukcu .upon the
ntobi lavorable term*.
ID’ Otfice in the Warehouse of \V. U. Holmes
6t Bro., No. 37 Water, near Market street. Pitts
i j.N. li The success pf this Company since iheesish
lishincmo' [lie Agency in Un*city; with the yrrmptne**
Hid tiirniliijf With which ever) c>aiiu upon thriu tor
lu». has I wen ad]u«i>'d, full) warrant lli: ftg.nun m
vimus >hr .•onfulrncc an.l puromifio of his li.cnd* ami
the i nimmituty ui large in the ' IMaware M S, ln«u
iaurv Company, while it hasitc nddiTiaual advantage*
aw jn institution among toe most tlnuruduug in
Phdad'ta—as hating an in capital, which
by the operation(.fiiHclurli ciscoijaLanttyincreiising
as > leldiuj; io i uch person io3urcd bis due share ot
the profits of the company without iuvolving him
in resnonsibihty whatever; nutl tberclore as
possesing the Mutual principle, divested of every
obnoxious feature, an 1 m its inoit attractive form.
, •
S«tv Y'ork. *
Tills well known .did ropi'ciablc company ic nic
pared, through the.i A<iLNCY. to
make titciiiani r of kind connected wilh-rlsinr of
irauiporthtioii and miund navigation; to insure «gain*t
|<»s or damage i.y tire. Dw.-Uutf 1iou»c», Worchoow:*, -
Huildiugs in gcnrr*!. (iiKi'd*. " aic«. and Merchandise,
unit eveiy deseripiiuu of ptopeuy on thoonosl
lavornhlc term*.
ApplicuU,>o»(»r uiirmb-.t in w.ihoutdrlar
at dip nffice/No Tl Wood sir.-et. . ,
AT an Kteetfon held office ui N. X . May iWi,
ihs foilowijig named eenilrim-n .were chosen Dtructor*
of ihisCotupany. tor toeen.uiiiK year, vm
Joseph \V . Savage, Stephen Holt,
John Brouwer, John Me Chain,
William «. ward, William W.Cwophell,
John Ncwhouso, Jacob Miller,
irdliam S. Slocum, Marcus a
/John I*. Alackin. Joseph S. liake, •
j " ■ Jolin J. j
And at ft sohsri;urm mt eting of the Hoard. JOSEPH
W SaVAOK. K«*j., was unainuiously re-elected Pres*
■deni lot the rnsiuug )rar. Win. HOCUS,
))-.”j Po»i A Journal ro|»y • Secretory.
’ ruti: ani>7iarinkTn^hjiajsck."
fJAHK Insurance Company'of’Nofth America,.
JL through iu duly auiiiurizcsl Agent, the subvert,
ber, oilers to make permanent aiitl liiuflod. Insur
ance on property, in this city and iu vicinity,.and
on ■bipuinnUi by the (-anal and lltvcra.
J■>tin C\Smith I'rcs’l , Stmucl llrooks.
Ales. Henry. _ Charles I’ay lor,.
Satol. W. Junes, - Sand. K. Smith,'
Edward bsiulh,. Auitroae White,
John A. Broivn,' Jacob M.Tltomaa,
■John White, JMin H. Nell,
Thoe. I*; Cope, Kivluril Wood
Wm. Welsh, Arthur H. CofTm ,Si c.
Tltisjs.lbe ol.lnst Insurance Company in the
Itoited State*, having Wen chartered tit i iIM, - Its
Charter is perpetual, jiid lruut iU high standing,
liwtg etpencnrv, ampin and avoiding all
risks ol'an extra hatardoua cliarartrr, it may bt
consttieml ft* ofi.Mihg ftrnplt* Bcrdfity to the public
. At ('udnliUß llbtltu of Atwood, Joot's & Co.,
(Vator and Ki«mt streela, Pittsburgh., r. upiJMf
Atf ift«U-nr« by Fire—Tint FHAUKU.N Fire Inatr
ranft'‘Company ol'Kiladrlptii:*,'
WILI. make Imitinmre.jrermancnt auJlimitmJ.
~<m crcry Urtcnutuin ofiiruMrly, iu PITPS
BUUiai and (ho SUUKOUNm\C COUN'I'HV.
on TatoniW# leritot ' TLtji company InM perpetual
CAPITA!....;. .... SIOWM p«ud»n.
iltlflo coraer «it Third and Market n*..l ntsb sjf>»
~ -»_tf WAHHMUwMAH I hN, -
AmrlruJ **l?^
C,um« PwrinJ*j~
HTice in VhihMthfa A°* ** nairwt iitreri
• taxi»wr wMj-DA-VlVW?^Pre.'i.
mHH ftia Company tuMnuw» Ur
I . , aie (| U ;iJiiiK«,'Mrr()(tHn>t!«4‘,l , HrniinM Mil prop,
ly fiuioi an.:xlr3 har*rilout>h*n»-‘lrf,njjfcii«tJoJi* yt~
A?i^c b i»t.o!>i’ for-insurMcc* »m lVubur*k ,wut jm 4
.irhiiOfliooil, will -bo m'nTed, atul H»kt ukeufiihtr
.’.Tmi«»Jlv or mr.l<m>i£>l BeriaUiim favorable uni bit
10*1» r.-i'.-it*
L. XIV:~--NO;
DR V'lillU DS,
l IMJK •TO YOlMt UOV.VBhIKA l uui. l «j|i l
l_j CarjiciV.injH>mmi, No hr .WiunJi-hi r l next din.r u>
Diamond Alley Til* »uliM‘.rlt>c( rc-|>.i:tuiJly iniomi*
ii>e t'liitrui, mid *;ranKen vlutniijin- Pm\ itui he hsi«
ii< rimed, (be Auction Ijutilfi"*, aj_J teroovein io No fc?
Wood sirri’t, Uh On.' i>|icuidi;W it Jaij'r t'AKI’KT FM
PUKIIiAI. Having been in ihL.Hiei ior ihe l:irt three
Huj:uh».. t clefUl4{ .’ll ~ h>t . JUV
iwk will l>e ihr lartfi-M mnlOr-t •.i-'iorirJ, tmJ toUlii
l*'ice« l-elov l‘n'[.->r We*;.
<*i the .Mom-.iiin*. Ur tog a neve •mcSf.'mv
\\ .u >tU Lit ilir fr>-«(ir«j iniod' and i:i(r*t The
n.loi' 1.1 jl! 131.1 t.) In.-iTilll.-.* e. jfiahK*i-ki
-■ n*T-OSJ tHßilf. ....
K.i-Ii tmd LJr'-aiit Ccnprt- i..t Trade.- ‘ ,
niriils havineLivi! lini.l.’ ivillt [><rQ ..)< ilielar*
Kt-M ManaiUriufer-t. i« ),*■ irj.t rniifci*nity mpuliedrut
u.r UtWVe -fl.i lr,, my rlt M -V >e.l| -jlw>\s M- Tr.H'tO.ll
i iimjileir Ninvini intuit
hnpri .Tlurr l;ij- hnprnil r.irji-i-- ' ’
Su|iriiine Ihii.M- Ir.FiA.ii • dti. • _
Fine a!! wool A. Mo. ' •
t'onimoit do tiu it,-,:
Siilrailul Ti.K-orv.lull »Tr Paipe:*:
vatictietof Couon liieiaiii 1 . .
Fulfil heavj milled Vi-minn do. *•
4 4, "Jl. auJ S-ft uiripx.t J<*. rt >,
t'onou *inp4r.l Cmpcn lot iiiiit i; -
l.ntiiitf, Kn< amt Hemp CN7ji*t-
Seheiarllo and I'tiliyflng•; _ • :
KrutlHs hnJ tkjromoa -0t» ’ -clu; . ~
Fmefr-heinelle and Sheeplfiii Poor Mat!*;'
l.aiKcaiui inialj Alleoiit and I me llfiurt »
Utui* Sia.i t Rod*, of all »ite»; e • -
All iLudeioi' \V«o«M<’»«r»et«tnl B.ndm*;. f
U’or«irJ fiitUl-'iiiliM Tat.;* #aJ I’UB'-.ruYiT 1 ]
l> tikmi t*iaiJT«titi: lUi’t;,
i'tkiKiriirm Window Sj.aJit*;
4 4 Oil Cloiti*,ol mrli piiifMi-,
HLcct OilCioUM.rnihi any h>: • 1
► (i.iw Fumb O.ICIoil, Tnl.k- 1V.,;,v
4 4. 5 4. anJ O l White
* an'fSijuarter Damixjk
Uimufk and Uud-Kvo
t’ratl. and «u.i J.
F. W f.YND
CtipM anil D*jr (iootta ’
i jo mvhkut strflt..
tiiioiQii Un-jj.l* un;i tbo public :
It <earrutly, that lie i» no - .v ; ivcrjvirta a largo and
splendid ol Nrai Stvt.E C'arpttir.g,' Or-
Cloths,Ac .dirert irmn ihc Impoiict- Mbi.iiibcui
retspmmpose’d in pan of ' •
Sublime Hru4s«-!« Oaipsis •.
. Fur* or Tapistry Itfu>w*l < i (’aipnln^,
Super imperial 3 ply and |‘juiu Jo,
Superfine Ingram, Fine and Commun Carpet.iirr
4-t,3-4 altd4*4 Pluiq VeinK'oii iVnu-iinr: '
3 S, 3-4*nd4>4 DutufinJcdo •!<>: --
5 8 -1-4 and 4-4 Tapestry dr> .fo, .
StiaiH&vat Ttvntmng j/. •' ;•> -1
Drown Dulling*; 4 4; S 4 and fi-4 Sh.-eting-; C 4 7-4 7
f 4 Table Linens; l.meti and Ihaper; .1
tiovkaburkTowi-ihng; CnrpelHiripes, New-Style' ih- ' :/ v \
bio Rover*; Oil Cloths from S7n-.ct».-* i.. vrl'fe'rt,'
cutio any *iiy, . •■' . .
‘ ToumiKa wan
Rich Embroidered and Pruned TuWr end Piano
Figured Floor Cloth*: ■ •
Chrmelle, Brus'eW. Tufted, and Wilton Rorat*.
Tufted,CbrDieilcJond Sl»erp«k.n Dofcr Mans; ’ rV»e
.Manilla anj (jru» i ,1u • J» -.4yv
BrnM Stair Rods Flat aniMWS; ■’
Oanu«kand Striped Stair I.innf, • - . *•
Carpel Bindings; .j .•
4 4.3-4 and C-4 Plain and figured lii.luu Ma.uug;
Colored Spanish Matting, lie., Ac . >• u .
I'erson* fipiag up Steamboat*.H«rlt,oi Ptivatellou* J ;
*e», are requested Hi pall, as lie h-elsconfidcui they Will ; j
fmd it to tne.r advantage ■todo.'o l etutr j’liiehislcj- i ■
elsewhere. I '* .].'
Dk,v r -G( [ )ot)S. • - . / •
tie would ul«oiuvlie attentionudiis cxtencveitoclt . •
of NEW SPRING t)U,V GOODS, innl.rtfruig every i |
thing id that line.] now-opening ni tlie alx>ve stand. - * '
niarlOdJuv'lniF _ . Hit Martel street ; _
DHV -OUOD.S, - ’ . Xl
SHACk'LKTTft WHJTK. \n »\V.-VKlMreet 1 above '. ‘s
Diamond Alley, aiu now prepared io offer, to mci- :'.;4
chtuil* a large and desirable stock i>f ' . ~;
All of ibis season's purvl.Hfe— of itfe artd dfiUfcble - i
styles and qualities. -
■Country Merchants or pui *,ui] through our . .-■ 1
city, will find .1 clearlv to ifi. ir advanta*,- m gtv* as u ".!*•
call, as areaie determined to sell at > uch mkifptOfiU. . . :.-t
as will make it greatly to their mictnj in tnnks abtll
with us. j,
Our it now Ini! and i(tmj'lc!r, ram£iisl/lf d
l*riieral af«<orimetii of tuHi £<■>••)-u» ni«* tnmnllY krp»
hy dry good; house*. ' - •
A good «u|ij>ly u> heavy urn! L;j-ljr )>roVn&>ectiJi£*.
Biway ton hand. | J ■ .. nich'd?
BAItKOWS & TIJHXKK,?Nt) -5 : j'uv.-'t,
.lie now T**crivitii' their Mtlcfc of ;s'cw SptiCH
(Jboji, ami invnr the ni(<-niii4i <•! puroha-vii lo ibcir
a*ornurai of l)rt*« UmmJk, which is ptitictiloily tie*j.
raldr, CdiiMkiinL'in jiarl iif ,1 '
Rich Kwbroiili’retl jih-«haii:i* j.biutO^
Organdy Uwn«—ln*lilJnaiiic -liifi'rm; yvitft
#\*.t cJolon. y. ry liam!*o:uc. |
I‘tilltcii I.a Will, of ililfiifein p.lilrlur,; . .....
Iln !i California HlaiJ«--»iyh“* v<r> iiriiuKoKK-;
Superior Prt*iu*li 4»iugbnni»—rnhrriv lutr (inilbrniK
iuul puiitriin; oncloi i**ortio m |B| rsa..,.'
Sti|icnoi Mniiilit«f»-r linWiani’-. liviuumeJ] it SO
No Fl nntket'siteit.
Minphy hu« open tint i.nnmig •, ji-.v |.ieee4 pink •
-«iiil'Whita Hatred Oinghamj\rrt*li»*\ r.nd heaunfdl J
**>•!«*’. AUo. new etyle splint; MuOin ite liah]**. *vtl- i
k>. nrui style Uruiici, u t.i>- article,—bntidci*
t'uil assortment of first quality ':iitit M inejjcstfT »f
(■iughams, lln(i*h Print*, *-ma)i t-gurfd Child;'tor lu- . V
faitu, A>>, A(»u,J/4*b Linrnr—a lU!! copplv. front Sow
rti tn finest •lusluir*, ot ta*m approved make ruid-am
warranted pure liar—and very viperor »bitting mtf|- t
t£?* Wholesale stock ve/y full ituhr, room* upstair*,:. •
nin! goods otfertd ui etircdinely In tv |ifii»-R tu C.avli "• 3
■ ' _j_ •
Mum-111 »* I.AIKF.S, W.AI.S- CULORS-J- ~
W. R Murphy an •ii'pmuruf of tl,o
altave good*. all-wool, includin'* «r»iur vnv hue. Alfo,
Mnhuir .le I.nmc*, very stiperai", pl«n mode erdot*.'
At«o, jdam Bmreger; HnJ l.'aclc do—’
Al*o, Ualsarmr*. brown and fancy colors, romp, as low
it in*, mid j !«ri;i- :--mi*nv(if tniwti rtylca
Jn-a# j-ruriallyr (iirJu.tinic black watered, aha >
*i*iu-y'Stl.K>, «>i laii si -n j- irmiion-'. and at Jaw price*
f<>ri)uahiy. Buyers will pirate esll and cxnmmt*'nt N - .7
-1. l uiurf <ih arrJ .Markt)! riv. ' . •., # .. V-
U 7" Wholesale Room* in second nory, nl'ere a very '1
choicer lock can be »ceu by dmlcrir*. nt luw-canh pn» ■>
'•' ■ • j
SUNDIUKS-Ilon.ict Pram.--Jal..* ant Kucha*; S’
Tortoise and horn.' tuple, ndr and dressing ~ -3
. inlaid sntin ami rosewood hair brussen'i iqtyh, '
itail, comb, cloth and hut do; carpet ClnJnij;, bed Ihcp; j'- -
Ijtywn, black and white liu!lni;<l; coloird cufnbric;'Silk J
anti union rolluoiis; Hamid hmdtug; ninety envrionei; <J
note paper, sealing wax; motto whisk*; Barnhill** in-’ ' J
' drlililn ink; pencils and prnCil point*; button*; pink; u
needle*; tapes; spool comm. An. l«r :sn!c wfao)c«hla '4
andiHtill.hy ; •' ' Jk
#!« . F H;MATUN,fI,I Market street '
X a -plendid B«iortmetn of ihi>*e Tnoy_.mßttmaetuti£l
finm#, both fine atid medium qualities. . '
A large invoke Cravats,lxith black and fancies, dt* ■ *4
reel from th eluipoTtcr ■ i
nil qiislu.r* n:nl colors i ' S
Sanu Uows, : do' .lo do,'- ■ ! i
lloiubariup d-7 do ’do do; ... .
I'orsalet.y the manuftirtnrer'i Aacnt. Ntv'.'d W\i> . ’ '
*Ueet,up«tair*| wlmlesale KOVVAUp TOPf> : ; V
a|d» • Agent h»r Ka«trn» Maiiufacthrcrc- •* * -
dle Worked J.acc t’app.t tieimi eit Ist-a. Jot'
m*«*iced ihir-uhrti'.iie
Alto, Chameleon wik*; n IVt* ju-t Ch.irr.cledn Poult
dr Soi Uierr tfilks—»l.eßumul *riict.\ i.nd ieartr*-r
open iti« inonuiic
Al*o. French-lljlrsrine*; r. i'.-iv pti r.-s. ••{i«;ce-sr»let
-at the Dry flood* lloti*r..f VV R MURPm
aplti - N ll cor 4th ami Market ns i
REcF.IVKD this miuutiif'iit Rarrows i.Tutner'a—A
line selsctidn of l'UiUj, ne.veiand beauu
lulsiylra. Frcnrh Gin^namJ t ymy uch paiicrna, at t£
eenti, Maflcnctter (lini»htiin*, wanßiitrd,.at ihelow’
price of .Aj cenu; Eafltrb Frmu; plaitU and
•tripea, new and No 4(1 Miucet street,
tm-hl9 i '! : Between Ud and -I:Vstreets -
Silk, Lisle'tube ad asd Paris
KID ULOV-Ktf—lib duren *uprt- Paris Ktd GibvcS.
trom the manufactory of Jouthn *• AlfTnntfrr;
.Open wotk,'and ctnbroideredSilk’Glover; :
Kjnbroiderrd, plain am! fnucy Lisle do,
Child'* Hilk,Li*le and do; .
Cient’* military and dreV* - dn;
For«alehy : np9 x -f' H EATON
JL waRkaSTF.u [iu wash—a aum-i
ment of French, American and Italian
Scriptural Virvv*, Roman Archer, tioU-.c.Hciu*, Ac.V
at a -mail advauce oii \vho!e*aleprices—frcmlil tot?ls
per pair. For sale *t tno Library Koom, FJrlo-Hajl,
3*l street, by A AVATKlNA,JMauixiactorer, S.-Y.
N. B.—iSetler* rupplird. * 1 *pl7-3<y •
Fine siiirts, collahs, bosoms, iV
-Neflratyleaof Fmr Sbitu.'irvieat variety; • ‘ -C
Siamlmjand Bjtoti Collar*; ’ ...
Spnog-oo’CrayaM and Satitt St«ki, __ Jl -
and Crkrat Stiffeners; '. •' ; '■ i ;
' Ahoglder Brace*, N”if»ht Cops, Guards,&c;
Ookamf and for aale by ap9 F.IT EATON - - ** •
Painted shades* Venetian miiNmir
Ac—Transparent Window Hade*, of botfi Glue and
Oil preparation, m great variety hf style andtiioited
sisrr; Venctutu Blinds, of a«rotted tuea and eokira./ct
rate <Sn Commission; fibade Falurcs, inclujiiig Roller;;
and Uliti4'Tnlnniittg!i,aiiorccd color*, fit i- • • : 5
. **P?_ •>-*. _ J'. 1 ' EATON 1 *?
TERNS, iic—Zephyr aud Tapestry •wotned*,’’
I’aueni*, Canv'n**. ( henellie, t*i!k-Flo«tv(agcy
Perforated Hoard,Tidy*. Ijimp Msts and Otr-cr Fan>W"‘
Work for sale lit
• l-V " F II KATON'S Fjiper Sale* Roomt
' l Mi NfiS—Fancy and plain lirtid colored dren trip • •
i;r*: ricn mantilla bbek do; umiiMhi. pr-lku and ebafa
giaip*, black and eulored lH)leri f .h'-ltinii>iiii>^,'
. and cul<.red »aiin t-litmn <!n; ju--i tid'd at ‘ <- ,
*pu F_m'EATON7A ~**
HOSIERY AND YAnNK-C.nmn, '>,A titl'd
mqnuo llo'c aud haUrilo*c. m y.teat variefr li-r.t
men, women.mi>*e* and ihii4r>-u, Knimni; « *rn>
tV*ir«ird*, Rj.*6ued l eidot.-.. ini '.utiny and t-lj eolionaiid ;.
ttianuuium'ti.’WVoi-o-'.l''.;»**•! ’I rant H i!hK at '•
_ . .. ’
lUKT Rrcvivrd and i»r-afe «t the- imnufai-fnrer'j '
list |.|,.-e*,a taige-unoirv of pati-ul Uum FJhttlr'f
and Shined Nnipe.nitn*. of the Riii’.ell Mannfsriuring -
<\i, Ct For «ale by the Ar;.:liT, N-i ISS Wiem nl|iu<f
• uni', EDW'AKn.tKJDII -;.' •= *
■iiu:h-.‘t; _,Mau;daiUorer * Jkfrx.t
F. 11. KATOV, - r •..\
UKAI.FR .n Triiiiiunigs aud VnHeiyniad*,Tonniw,»
Thru, Ivory and Horn .•rant.*, W>nrji Y-aihrirm
W o«Hiedj.Jjutuine, Needle#, Pint, T»pf*, ; Rnttil*; Ao- i
Nu nd Mnikry j-etwem.Lhaukmdand- 4tii itrect*
- nadl-rf
V.V 1.L.k1. ,-W-rr- -1. 1 i, »
Ribbon.*, I spcrMuilms, Ac . at. ,P‘ )| KaTQVS- .
IXTBAFPINO .RramaCrowtffi r ,
*/’ *i . * ‘ ' vK> do Medimn;
Received inj (or fale by . JOHN l! AlEU.rilf ;-i
.XP!i_ No bfrrood -
CUIiTAIK n gnat.variety oT
-tneJudmr Buff Fretirb'Chinu. for W'litJow -'
t-uitaio*, tii be fuundat OtyrUHle faoure C-f -
: r r 4 w itjiinipiiv
.: ap'JMAw N t! cor-lih and JUtwker +
MKKINO .'"■s '! i
ful «oo<t* fnr Pommel jiisi tcVeivrd ur.ri for‘ ~ '
intgur..-;.. ■ r . 7 -";. !
-1 :
?■' X utk - ;
Comme in- ih«*. city. .-Ai 3i.{» .
dirticfir*of >
e o.^T.a*ine>w < <,m*lu*muQ«x»li<m»-ouM*fc!».b*, - V ;
StSto*^f f c Jtfcelnr>rtr ” R<!i4rm,r mi> ’ l w jw ' r ft