~ pmsuuMi gazette. by ebastus linooKK i PITTS BURGH:'/ »'?*>■•• • IIOZfDAT WORKING, APRIL 26, 1847. - r 7 "- - ■ ; ; • Ttmicnna Dailt Omni ,* nuKisUd :Psßir, Tn-WrekJr, Weekly. Tie Dm dr tsStrea fiollasspvr theTf^WeeSiy.« Five Dollars p«i aaatuUt the Wwtly is Two Dollars ocr annum, ttnctly in mJvancc . . _ , *QW »u AdTertl««r», •.?* •' . uT*' to aecute insertion, should lie : bOMMi&Oy BTfaetock in the afternoon. Attention x-tetai*.eaUiep»nof oareosiMoer., would 1* pn».)uc •- ■' : dTeorinmaafbtnefit. I FOE GOVERNOR, | JA.usg uvis, (of cccrt* conm ) FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. JOSEPH W. PATTON, (OV CCKSrai.AVI> COCSTT ) STATE CENTRAL. COMMITTEE. THOMAS E FRANKLIN, Lancaster Cii> JOHN CSUNKEL. Dauphin County. . THOMAS DUNCAN, V JAMES MARTIN. THOMAS C HAMBLY, York. WILLIAM M WATTS, Cumberland: Daniel m smvser. Adam*. JOHN P Wt.THERII.L. Huladelphia C.ty. <• - JOSEPH R CHANDLER. •• KOHERT T CONRAD, . ■ THOMAS McGRaTH, Philadelphia County , UILLKR LUTHER, «erk*. ' \ ROBERT M UaRD- Franklin. • \ THOMAS ,M T M’KENNAN, Washington. * ANURKWJ OIfLK. X>picf*et • t HARM -»K DKN »Y. Aiicgrtcny. RtUHARD Itt" l?f, i • i H Kl il sS, WePtrnoxrltnd ! O J Hal.UKmc. H l> M .Xtt KI.L. Northampton. j it •'Al.lMi,' RV. i<u»qu«Dnnok. El.”A>tN9 I I 11, V\ \ommg. A PCRVIaWCK,Bader. '<fc.NRV S EVaKSChetier. ROtIKK T T i'O'n^.MonumrejT. For Ut# Foreign marketa see commercial bead. WE HAVE KEJUICEO FOR OUR VICTORIES, Let bi be bumbled for our Lout*! And for our ofiencee too, many will add. There is occasion for both, and wherein we propose in ,1' • few words lo state to our reader*. Wc hare jub 1 "7 testified our joy for victories, obtained by our ar ' mies in-Mexico, and with a proper sense of whit • U due lrom us as. publieJoumilisia, cannot con v went to withhold what is undoubtedly the public sentiment of a large portion of the moral and re ligious community among us. We psrticipaied ■ in the illumination of the citv as requested by the ~ . Mayor, in accordance with what seemed to be pub* • j lie sentiment, and fur the reasons given by us in / tho Gazette of Saturday. We find real occasion ' for thanksgiving,—iiot that so much Mood bin been i' j " abed, or that our Government has waged a war, &c. both of conquest and upon the Constitution, . God forbid we should eTer rejoice over butchery ' or usurpation.—but in the fact that when the bat tie raged,ourooußtiy'sarmsweretriumpbanL We V.- love tho land of our birth,' —«vcn its vices and its follies too well, we confrs»—not to feel a thrill * 'hf joy, when' told, that in fighting against fearful ?. odds, it has proved victorious. Much as we de f- test war,—and in our very heart we believe it not only unchristian but devilish.—we boil amt em brace the sentiment:—“Oun cocstht mat *hr BE AIWAI9 tttflHT, BCT IV Will At-WAtS OVH Perhaps, tested by the *C«rc*t >)hleai'of clbiei OT«a a eenliment like this Will be deemed blame .able. Wo cannot help it, and the only answe tee make to it U this: We tied our country in Tolted in a foreign war, —and invoked in it !•; Executite Usurpation. We find the Congress o the United States ifeogniziugthe existence .f ilu war, and appropriating millions of mmey, and thousands of men, fur itj prosecution- It, (h<r<*- fore, has the sanction of the Gnver ument, though .wo believe it has never rtceived the constitutional approval of the proper Departments of the Govt emment,—-and we cannot, deny its existence, or withhold tho earnest desire we feel, that if war must come, and battles mutt ho fougM, our flag may never he lowered to who are fighting against it. Bat we doubt very much if euch a war, or Tic tone* ever such an enemy aa Mexico, affords the proper oecstioo for rejoicing. It is not England wa are coping with, nor France, nor any uf the great power* of the world, but a nation weak - prostrate, tom bv .-intestine division*, andi otto of those doomed people who raiae their hands'againal every man, and in rctam find every man’s band .raised against them. For a nation like oars to whip such a toe, aa a mete point of honor, is about as honorable a* it would bo for a fail grown noy to whip bis grandmother. The war, indeed, seems all the more monstrous to tu Wtt*-n me r»memb«-r bnw we have slunk away b fofe a f«eol *qual strength with ourselves. It 'tiok a tong life time—fifty-nine weary years,and half of them spent io diplomacy—to settle the q-.«S!6' <>' Boundary upon the North East with Eiihifioi. It took nearly as long to find out who owimo! mo«i of Oregon, England or ourselves, and ■Her daimiog. M tbe whole or none,” we ate our ■mills and yielded up that to which the Execu tive and his Secretary of State, who negotiated the treaty, declared our claim waa “dear and un» questionable!" We yielded the payment of five millions of dollars to France, by treaty, for wanton Spolia tions\committcd upon American Commerce by or der of the French Government, and yet, wbrn it is Mexico, and not France, who owes our citizens a debt for Spoliations, then, like King Ricbjtd, oar “soul ’■ in arms and eager for the fray.” With bomb shells, we can storm Vera Cruz, “upon a L polnt of power,” and ptu by all tbo frowning battlemcnu'of JobnJJull and Johnny Cr'apeau, from Hallifsi to Algiers, with salutes of brother hood and of hearty good wilL These are some of “our good old Anglo Saxon customs,” as they are called, that .make us; ashamed, not of our country, but of those miserable myrmidons of power that fear tbo strong man armed, while they would lay the hand of the heaviest oppression upon the weak. Events like these, which the people have i&buked mote than once, and will again, afford irf'no occasion for joy. Nor docs war in any of it* forms. We loathe it carriod on by oar Government, as webavo loath ed it carried on by France and England in Algiers andlndia. We have hsanl our orators in Congress “split the ears of the groundlings” with their * abundance of superfluous breathes they have n»r. «d against“old lEnglanJ” and “Young Franc*.” ' making widows and orphans in a war of con; qu«t. Wo are doing tin* *e!f-aamc thing this very day of our Christian era, 1847, Tbirfield 11 which the God of Peace has made fair and beau iul with the fruits am) flowers of Spriug, we have crimsontd with blood. The homes he baa mad£| hippy with the smiles of womanhood and child,' hood wo have nado desolate by death. The con notation we speak to the young andtinnoesnt who ' have lost the protecting wings of husband* and fathers, is from the brazen throats of our death dealing canuon. ; The houses and workshops of our citiee-have seemed as dancing in the light of more than the that illumine the heaven*, and yet,at such's lime, tho very windows of the •oulhave been htmg in the drapery or sorrow for the loss of those slain in battle. J« this the only consolation wo have for widowhood and childhood and orphanage! We mean to utter no homi lies, for we despise them, out of practice, almost «• much •• war itself. Onrcohvictinn i», that nil war* are disgraceful. This is no new dogma. Oor own Franklin said,—'-All wars are follies, audit would be better for nations lo'setrle their difficulties even by the cast of a Jic, than by fight 1 ibg and destroying each other." And Jefferson, the boasted oracle qf our war-loving democracy, is an instrument entirely inefficient towardairedreasing wrong, and multiplies,instead of £od««n‘o l,D l loesee.” Dr. Johnson wrote for ua, aa well os his own countrymen, when he aaked at the conclusion of a long war how men ware to be recompensed for the death ol multitude*, and the expepse of mil lioh*, but by contemplating the sudden glories ef ""paymasters sbd agents, contractors and coromit siooer*, whose equipage* rise like meteors, and „boae palace* rise like exhalations! Hera we have another of the fruit* of war, but' we will not eolorg* upon of which we recently ' badoccaatoo lf, however, this nation »• ever; to bowsed from the eurseol ■ race of military'Chieftain*, flcttfcd to places of high civil position and ieMmioJntmtut be by cul tivating the bteenng* of than the arU of war. , ■ / -tC ■C I' We hirpudht reader will bear with ua 0011 mo- j B«W BOQKS. , Tbt City lUu»m.il.o. meet longer. In the Goxernmeot Orgen .1 . We ere gI.J to leero Hut the llook bu.inefs U , The cil; tn. in .Uw of light on Saturday VVeihington, w. tend .King „f 0» ttne da- | tereuing In Pittsburgh. end thel uotwithataud- c-euing from eight to ten or eleren o'clock. There eigMof the nt upon Heiie»;‘ Iliaamd there on ing the Veit amount of busineu done, there l» no were men; exception*i among the cmiene, hot not | thie 13th of April tbit General Scott-ie now ad-l lack of reading here, in the county or in the conn- enough to mar the general brant; of the aeene. saucing hi, ttlumphaot rule, upon thecpit'd. to «» •'“•W | From b,lt “P» “ i“” ** »'7 - ...... t ~i I which Cincinnati or auv other \V eslern ciiy can , river, the ciiy seemed like a blaze of fire. Ihe conquer a reluctant peac* from that infatuated, | wu . w . fc , - ■ . i‘ . . , .- . ,j. , „ * hare for lbs Bovk business, and baa a right to aery atmosphere was illuminated, and even the untst-ridden and armv-tvtatn people. . 1 . . . And elwwhere we a",e told that -the credit of >“ k f “ * ■ h »'« ° f “>« "» J '' fh ' -'eWtahmenu ; moon and the el.t. rented pale before the bnl haring accompliehcd pdf fhia belong. ..cluur.lv , me large and well applied with ever; d« | liant coloring of light. W e bar. not room no, to the prerent administration.' And Me. Polk bai ° f b °» l “' IVo hs ” , ‘ c ' iv, ' J ,h ' '‘’"-“■S time tbi, mornmg to do jcuce to the d„pla;, and . .. , , . , , .-.L node® j least of all to the crowds of people who thronged to this instance, again redeemed the pledge ol the ... _ . . ' „ “Education, its elementary principles as foun-.i the city. It seemed to os like the masses one a t more o0n»eouon. . | Jed on the Nature of Man,” By J. G. Spurzhcitai. i meets m New York ol a gala day or night, when So. then, the U.lttmor. Contention pledged u. ( 71b Uo a. Fowler de Wplla. pi. V. Fo, .ale . InuUilul!r ,, Meht 10 j,, h „. The New to tttia f-reign war, as it di'J to*** domestic war i by H. 8. Boaworlh Sc Co., Market street, with . , upon the tariff, the currency, common two pampblelU, one entitled Temperance. and ur sr l,r a rr * WoU * r y ,Te ma e ownership of the Public Funds. We are warring • on Phrenology «»d Physiology, and ;il»* ; room for the throngs of people who were parading * * other upon the evils of light-lacing, ot wmcliwo ihecity. The house* were deserted and the streets too. upon . IWe.tWn.y.enpfr, .re we. It .. . lb ,„ u but |UUo in pentice; -S-uud : IVr . f,„ m Al ,„. the religion of-Mexieo that we are to conquer,— waists or no wives, is the motto of the book, and • ~ it. churches and it, altars, .1. priest, end thou, j a good one fo, men in uwrch of a wife. 1 «■•"» '» «*“ *' lwm '' “ uJ »'•“ •«»» whonill die to defend their bith> W.sirfo, thi. | o |Jn WB; .Neville U. Cm,. pel- . .be neiglibrnhood around. , j. , • i lished by WriguX & Charlton. To those who AmongtlioeilulntioiiswcromaiiylranFpaien the Executive made Uua war' Is »t lor this, our | j kemernber the eailv history of tbo couu-'l . . , f * . . , *v... arm; i, -ul-ancing iu triumphant to .be | ~,%„d “eTd of 1 c, “' “ nJ m “‘ “ f ,ht " ,h ' hc ™ ot Bucn.-V„- Capital"' Was it lor this, that two Peieala, ofthe j fathers, a work like this ,nu.l Iw of real interest..l « wnenilwred with ihe admiration becoming order of Je.uit., were appointed from the George- 1W« have nor had lime to read Ihe March num- ! hi, piildie service. General Scott was temember. j town College a. Chaplain, in the Arm;,-in dir j ,7' '“**””*• *" J vide one order of the Priesthood against another, i'acqaaintarice with the olden tin;*'. . ’ c ear ' ln ~,um{ d*s wef * doi and to pull down the Churches of Mexico oaer ! Tbe f jUu „ in|( , Kwt , be (oU! ,j. „ rtw .! ,l *"' “7* -Mel. J “' the.head, ol tbe de.o.ed wor.hippers within!— of Lutb Loomis, Agent of the liarpera, Apple- i ' ln B u " l,,!j ' ,l " “> ■>“ interior. If it lw ro, An Army-ridden-people; too! And thia, when. , olub and olheru . hcieafte , w, mav evpret llinl the nnlj remembran jea. now heard the Pm.id.nF, propoaition H i.ud; of U.e Valle, of the Mi... j ',,oo< l. ' ha ' ,h "' through Senor Atocha, to keep np a Standing Ar- ufjppi; 1 \ a .« vok. and giving a history ofthe) ‘ *' ® IMUW human misery that may be ray of ten thousand men upon the borders ofMex- discovery and settlement ol the Valley ol ilto ( inliictt-ii. Uur boniiret* and lights should then be ico, to.ensure peace end independence within her borders! - Shame upon such. i man, and upon sacb motives and objects, for such a war. To what end does'lhe Constitution prohibit an Amer ican Congress from passing laws ‘‘respecting an establishment of religion, nr prohibiting the fall exerciscTlheteof,” when the President appoints armies himself, to conquer M a Priest-ridden and Army-ridden people!” At such a time and for such s<snduct it becomes the nation rather to mourn thin rejoice,—to xnourn, lor tho slain in battle,—-for lbs grieved to spirit, | who have l*etn afflicted by the dcsolatioos of War, —fur the just principles which have been trampled under foot, and for the unjust detnls which stand out in almost every prominent act of the Admin, i-traiiou since the annexation of Texas. Christian turn may well think that for all this there is equal jccasioo tor adsy of fasting,humiliation and prayer, - for a day of illumination and public rejoicing. oathy with the afflicted are equal to out sympathy with the afflicted are equsi >vc of pomp and parade for success in battle, or if jur regret* at the misdeed* of the Government are cijuil to oSir real to serve a party, we shall*cer tainly find ns much occasion for the one as the other. We cannot belter dose the subject before os than with the following extract, from a recent let** tor of Mr. Clay in reference to the war, which our readers have nut seen. Speaking of the war he says : “The brilliant achievement;, and the glorious laurels acquired, during its prosecution, gratifying as they are to our national pride and character, can never compcn.«ate for the exceptionable man ncr in which it was begun, the braveand patriot ic livrs which have been (sacrificed, and the fear ful issues which. 1 tremble in contemplating, may grow out of its termination.—But I have not now a heart to dwell on this painful theme. I turn from it with hope and dutiful submission to Him. whore no doubt wise but inscrutable dispensation has permitted this awful calamity to visit our be loved country.'’ SoMtTBIVO TO MAKE AX AMERICA* B LCIU. j —We know the tacts related below from the Ports J land Advertiser to be (rue, for at the time we > were an bumble looker-on in the conflict then ■ waged betweeu the Slate of Maine and the (Sene- j ral Government upon tho one handcand Great 1 Britain upon the other- Mr. Van Buren was j then President of the United State*, the bland, | Autily-i’pokvii Mr. Van Buren, with a tongue more oily than the content* of an oil flask, and with a smirk upon his face, borrowed from Old Momua. Like all'other pretender*, he was one of your, men who “talked much and said nothing.*' Eve ry thing was promised for Maine,: but nothing eras done, as every thing war ihreatenad against England, and nothing p«*'f The Oregon hurrah was another “mud, jJo ub >ut nothing,” in which Mr. Polk played Mr. Van Buren over : again, or rather went t step beyond him in empty profeeeionV Alt this, however, was to be expected from the nun. He was very polite to John Bull on both occasions, while we have blustered and bullied Mexico into a war which haacoslus tkwsanii of fires and ru of dol lars. The Portland' Advertiser make* tho follow ing remarks on the difference of conduct whieb hu characterised men of the aitao party when tho principle was the same- In 1839, when the territory of Maine was inva ded, and its dismemberment threatened. General Scott appeared in Augusta, before the Executive and legislature of this State, sent by a “Demo cratie” administration as a “paaficatur," to quiet the hostility against British aggrestion, to per made Gov. Fairfield to withdraw bis troops, and ip give a written stipulation, that be would keep the peace. He came also to give to the British' Provincial Governor,thestipulatioh of the afore said “Democratic'’ administration (hat the peace akvuld be kept In all this besoceeeded. to 1837, Genexal Bcott, under tbeordeTs of a kindred “democratic” administration, speaking at the other end of the Union, despatched with twelve thousand troops, and a large naval force, on bb mission as a “conqueror," Ay the tlaugktrr of men hundred women and children, compels tbo surrender of Vera Crux and its Castle! - Was the difference in the original aggressions of the two offending parties— Brxti.fh and Alexi can—so great as this difference in the results! The Qrogon question was settled ebout a year ago. If it bad not been settled, does the “demo* cracy" think that Gen. Scott would by ibis time have compelled the surrender of Halifax? Would he even hava been ordered by Mr. Polk to invest and bombard that-firi/i-vA fortified post’ 'When will any American general hive tbe op portunity to kill seven hundred women and chil* 1 dfyn, in a fortified town belonging to a nation equal in strength to uunwlVet? * i Tbe supporters of tbo Wiimol proviso at ihe last session of Congiess gradually cooled off as (hey perceived that their U*k was hopeless, and. many of Ihq most slrenuoup .defenders of the mil-slavery clause, nay Mr. Wiimot himself, par ked 1 believe in perfect good humor with the and thomemhersof the Cabinet; though tbe Utter were kno"n unanimously :to oppose iL The Wiimot proviso will he no serious obstacle to the conclusion cf peace on a 'liberal basis; fur while the government U probably notdisposed to go down further than the thirty-second or thirty.tbird degree f'-ir a frontier, and the degree is recognized by tbe Missouri (Compromise ss the proper limita for slavery, it can ha{Jly be suppo sed. by the warmest friend of “that .any Southern slaveholder will settle, with his “pecu liar species of property,” on the] little strip ot land between the 33d aodiJCth parcllels; nor can any slaveholder rationally insist on that portion of territory, being, in express terms, reserved for the slaves by treaty.— Waihingtoncor rtajiond'nce pf the Philadelphia ■ J.edger. We hope no body is to be caught by such po litical clap -trap as this, which.eminales from one in close communication with the Stale De partment, where negotiations in reference to Mexico will be conducted. It U with us, and we believe, with avast majority of the American j*eo plp u tine or i/iui *u>n, that file re shall bo nomore Slave territory added lo l bo Union, nor will we consent to trust anything to chancel in the matter. The Texas humbug,—the broken promise of e di vision between free end slave territory,—stares oa too conspicuously in the face, to trust to any delu’- lusive enlicipalisn hereafters In regard to Mr, Wiimot end his Proviso, we have fconfidenee enough in the man ml know[« edge enough of the facta, to know tin he did not part upon good terms with the Prwkent. We warn him, however, and Ml freemen, Lelong to what party they may, to beware, they arc not he. trayeil into another Texaa juggle by Use political huckster! at the aeat of Government « Bxiito?*, dedioea being a candidate fri tbo Presidency. Hefbould have remembered the liule song: Will ywi marry w* my pretty, amid? Ye# if yoapbase, sir .ihs nni, >ir th' 'Oil, . . l.Wh*l»» roar fertane, my P«**T nuidr Mr fan ii wy tartans, »ir *b« «d, iir »*« w»d, • 1 TKrn I*ll «wt marry you my pretty mid, at kid yev. »V ils #efcf, nr iV ia»J’ Mr. Benton might hate walled for no invitation before sobimUiDg hie unwiUingneas to serve the country*! the White Howe. Mississippi by the three great European powers,; : Spain France and Great Britain, and lhe f ‘subse- i , quenl occupation, settlement aud extension o(l Civil Government by the United Staten, to the | year 1840. A work like this is one of real value to cveiy reader, and in a small compass it demon strates the growth of the Valley of the Mississippi, i We regard it also as a valuable book inasmuch 1 as it supplies an important omission in a work of this kind. For the general reader it is adequate to every requisite purpose, though not, perhaps, for a critical scholar. The author, however, has had accejs to the best works, and tin* given all interesting and necessary information for a complete understanding of tbo suj<i:t. The Cotlstitulional History ol England, by Henry Hallaro, embracing reigns from Henry , dfII to George II- l volume octavo. In tins vol- j jjtne all matters arc excluded which do not hear i upon the Constitutional history of the country. The work is, therefore, one of great value to the Civtb i ian; The work Las passedthrough marry.cJiitoti* ; in London, and the volume before us is from the : fifth liondou cdilioo, aud has been got upin!lar> pert'best style. itlsjorj of the Roman Republic, by O. Michelet, translated by iiazlelt. ami republishfd by Apple-1 toll 1 &jC«., X. V. We have not boJ time to read 1 this wprk, but the author of thp History of France, one of tho beat books we have seen, needs no eu-, logy from our pen. The;HUuiry of Homo em braces a large share of the history of the world, am) thje work before us is coudemeJ into one »ol* ume. 1 'J’ravels io Africa, with plates, is »lt-o another interesting work from the ,prv»i of the Appldons Tbji following works may also be had of Mr, Loomis’ Book Store: The last number ol the Illuminated Shaks|«eare a worlt of brilliancy. . No| 20 of the Fictoml Hisiprv of England. I | Zujnpts Latin lirammar. tl I ! Rujes in Declamation. !.• Kujuel’s Juvenile Speaker,&*’. &c. Kick it Homs.—Theattempt# made the just scasoji to cnltjve rice at Uomchavc fully s-u:c«d -«d, apt] a company has l»ocn termed tor growing rice op the extensive flats if that country* An attempt is also about to he made c,i introduce it* culture on the Delta of the Rhine where there aro sboutj 50,000 acre* capable of In-mg flooded and luitiiid into nee fields. We see tlvewbere that that the new Pope ol Rome has also ordered the draining of the Pon tine JMarshes for the purpose of cultivating Rice,' and what is therefore, now a vart and barren waste u likely to bo improved for the piomotton of a do- : hie and humane public cnli-rpri-e. Mines of wealth havejl*tforc been expended upon ihu great enter prise' hut •xpebditure and effort of every s.-.rihai generally faded, Something only ha* been done to redeem this vast tract of country which is aomq24 miles long by 12 wide. We remember to have'become weary in a journey over the monot. onous and Iratrcn waste. The only interest it lias given tha atrangit .was the knowledge that it was classic ground. It.' wb* here Hortcu made hia journey to Brundusiura and heic, too. from almnet the first dawning of the Roman Republic the freasury of tile nation has been encod ed iri an attempt to gige cultivation to the land.— | Wejbelieve that the whole waste may b« reclaim ed, kad become even frnitful, in that land which many regard as the garden of the world. Instead '•of brandy and cigars,'* which travellers are told to rJsort to, to drive off the malaria, we hope tn lee porn and nil. and the "tig tree and the tire plant yielding the sweet perfume of summer and bar Jest. \\je presume the Edildr of the Gazette will •quit us of participation, hitherto,in the hide brush between our reporter and bis, when we itdl him it occurred wbil? we were prevented veiling our office by indiapoeilioii<—Our Reporter seem* to havrj the best of it this lime, but tbe controversy stops here, on our side. Vi’e have a siqgle cause:- nf complaint dgsmsl tbat paper.defered for arbitration, which w\- shall ast forth, wheu well enough to write without suf fering; meanwhile, we l*g to have it distinctly un derstood, that we are behind none ol tbe Gan-tlr's beat friends in a just appreciation of it* merits, and this acknowledgement it is no more our dui> , than our pleasure to make public.— Juurwti. the above iu the spirit in which il was written, and assure the Journal :t will always give us siocere pleasure to meet im n.nrtr.shvt and kindness with a moat cheerful reciprocal yo»>d wilf We hope too, tin- Editor in bis M-crn ing occasion of complaint against us. that ibe Gatette was not in fault.As it isc-ur desire loamid thatjiublic slander, of a quarrel bctweoiijiresi.es of kindred political faith, so we hope there may bo a jh*t occasion of any disagreement be tween us. il is thnef.ire with drop regret we find its reporter again tolerated in a rude b4*jiuH agalnst.u*, which is both wanting in truth, aird doblgned fur our injury. Tbe In looking otcr nur mbscriplion b>K)k, tve i,rr fauttiy thal hevo Iwn upon (ho h»t of ml>4f nU-rs or pearly bilf a ccntu-r, aiul w nr, lor a much longer lime. The venerable William Wood*, of :We*lmjrul«Dil county, bai taken the l-i*- zetto from il4 atari, more than til year*. We tru»t he may live for. many year* to come to adorn oar list. We ere proutl to raconl the name* of auch ■ubtcribere, but e-teem it u* on anawcr to all thft -n the old (fszette hu* received from llltue whb'jnr.t wivi.*o« of n* tuft?- -V- X •A Irlter from Commodore IVirv TiU Nivt.—; lo the Navy Department say« in-. rclererjcc to th< capture of Alvarado: ‘(The enemy, beforeevaeutlir.g the place,burnt •lithe public vend#, and vpiked or buried «n.»*t of the guns, but those that weie concealed have been diocuvorcd, and I have directed the who!., number—about liny either t> be destroyed nr «hlpf**d, with the ahut, on board the guti-boMU. n» thejr may l<e found of Ruflincnt value to lx- re. moved." General Quitman finding Lieu'. Hunlet in iju>* et possession of. the town, returned to ilm main body of (be array at Vera Cruz. N«w PoTATora.—Wc hove keen new toes of a fino quality and grown in the neighborhood of Pih*burgb, upon the firm of Mr. Hpence. This is not early, bin show* a rommrn. dalile real 1 to bring |ho earliest productions to rrufkat. Distils. Drum and McClelland arrrived in our city ynterday frosi Vera Cruz. They are, we wife glad to see, in oxccllrrjl health and fine spir it*., The Piiuhurgli volunteer* were all well when Gigut Drum left Mexico, and the friends of Capt. Poster will lie gratified to learn that he ia entirely recpvoreil from hla late He also in formed ua that Capl. Herron, Lienta Tiovillo, Ankrim and Hague, were weiL— Q/inm. April 24, Governor Dodge nf lVDcunrin, haa called an other aesaion of the LegUlalure, that authority majf ho immediately given for the organization of a aecood State Convention to'recnodel the Con ftit|2tiooi that adopted hy the 'previous Convention hating been rejected hy the people. as rrinis.ru m the blood of the slain, and a fitting memento of the horrors ‘of war. The finest sight iif the rily was (ho Mouongs* hela Moum>, and next to it the Mb Charles Ho tel. Mr. D iris's Bakery was also brilliantly illuminated, and aim the* AcaJt-my of tbo Catho lic Church. 'Tlie_cily of Allegheny and the Iwroogh of Birmingham were also illuminated, but not to the same ixU-nt as in the- city. « Among other tran*paicncies and beautiful ■dgns. we noticed ihc^diowing:— Mpmt< Jotimun Jc Stockton, u large tianspa*? j retity. with the inscription— l ‘-Alight for the. mar| ! who never .-urrenders." ' | t aloh l.<e. E>i|. —two transparencies, with | I "Wohtu make-, the man,” and "It takes nine' ; men to make a Tsviun. Mr. !„>,* i„ a Tailor ! himiolf. ' The winjows of Mr. Geo. R. White anJ other* j were snr.nged with pyramids of tajiers, making a beautiful' appearance. Mr. Philip Romi—a transparency with the i<v | scri| linns —Buena Vista, Mnntetey, Resaca de-la ; Palma, Palo Alto, Vera Cruz, and otherwise of* ’ ■ nimenteJ. 1 The Engine House of tha DuquCsno Fire Com pany was illuminated. Colored light* were hung around the lower, and a large transparency with these inscriptions—“ When duly calls it is ours to oliev," “Union for the sake of Union.*' Three large transparencies decorated the Thea tre. One representing the U. K. men of war off Vera Cruz. “The V. $. Squadron saluting the bur spangled Banner, a* it triumphantly waved over the walls of San Juin do Ulloa at noon, on the 29th ot March, 1c47." Another of the “storming of lire heights of Monterey In several large windows the lights wen- arran ged At the Bank Exchange, a transparency, with 'Rough and Ready." A prominent Democrat had emblazoned upon his window—-Glory to Piesideut Polk, fits nffi <vrs and men." Did he mean Santa Anna and hi* Army .whom Mr Polk pul in command against (iein rsl Tayloi ' The firemen formed a torchlight procession U-twren 9 and . In, and marched through the principal street.-*-of th>- city. It i- among the plea-iug remembrances of the occasiou that not withstanding twenty or thirty thousand people were in the streets ol the city, good order .pre vailed through all. Many feared a fit* from the great numi>er of lights and bonfires, ljut the lynx eyed vigilance of the multitude preserved the dty in safety.\ KuKKKiN M list K1.1.A.S V HV PUB < ' \ MBKIA. _ The Cambria had boaiPwind* during the whole panagc. She brought to .Halifax 125 pasrengera and to Brstnn 79, with £500,000 ot specie. Tbe fall <r. Corn is *aid u» have been caused, by the large arrivals from other countries, and partly by the general belief that unlimi ed supplies might l>e drawn from the United Slates. The protjiccU i f districts arc less gloomy than hitherto. , laruiMi ha* been inundated with provisions, and there t* now more fear of pestilence than of Ismine. la Dublin, typhus fever is very preva lent. and in Uclfut. Cork and pliers in the inte rior, disease is also raging fearfully. The symptom of the country 1 i* tbe apathy, and indii fercnce which have seized upon the people, wh» rely entirely upon other* and will do nothing to help themselvis. The prospect of spring work are improving. lii.H iii i , it 1- naid, the /ollvcrein has resum ed tK-go'Mlioii' for a commercial treaty with lbs I’niU-d rotate*. The King of Prussia has recom mended a law according a degree of libcrty lo th# pirss, and Havana and Wurieraburgh h-ive de clared in its favor. The nf Cracow, M. Tysotltki, hs* left for ths I ruled Slates. fn various part* of have l«*en ri ot* growing out of a the government i* doing oil in its pmjcr to relieve ihe distress. Tronjs to ib« nurntwr of 12,000 or 15,001) have l*ecn sent by Russia to watch the movements in Gsllieia. The sutlenug trom famine in Ireland. Scotland and on the Continent dot's not appear to receive any abatement. Tbo distress in Poland 1* as great as ever. It is said that the nobility, with but lew exceptions, are not favorable to Russia, but they do not enjoy the confidence oflhe peasantry. The- amount of rash remittance* f.u America received by the Ccnt>al itrhrt Committee of the Socirtvof Friend* in Dublin,for three days amount ed to £9,000, eirluv\i»Vsl the large rousignmoiit* of pr>.visions 011 ibt'ir wav as free offering*. The Hriti-h Americnu had nude up £240,000 for the relief ol Ireland nud MnlUnd, 50.000 of which was Iruin the Uovcmment. The l-’id I.iriit. of lidand ha* ordered Relict t "oimnittec* to bo constituted jn eitchof the districts «1 Irrlund. Many aui now loading with mau« a Vig), tm Knglaml and France; am) then port ation of potatoes, whirh aro excellent in Galicia lia* ;>lso been c ui-.iiirrablo from thurpart of the Hpani-h roa-.t. f )n« fifth ol the multitudes emidoyed upon road work* in Ireland, are struck t'lV bv order of the Treasury. Tn*h work 1-1* lie continued, and all fH'twin* holding ten aero of land will tu discharg ed. Daily wages will l*e »üb*t tuted. and under the rate paid bv lormti*. It I* rrjsirte,! that the first *ie»ins|ijp conveying Ihe mail will leave Havre about the fust of next month for New York. KviiHiuTiuff to ms U. S.—All the inhabi. tints of tbo ivwn td Kglesb.«c!i, in the Grand Dutrliy of liesm Darmstadt, MOO in numlicr,. have requested jicrmission to be allowed to emi grate to llie I 'rulod MUtes. Frityi H remen the number fcf emigrants haa brcn'ftlraordiuaiy, and in April and May will bn yet greater. Throughout all Germany eilen mve preparations are making for emigration to the Mtati* Indeed »nmc districts are threatened with complete.depopulation. The liistrers that exUt* in all parts of Prance is very great. and in wma departments cart* and Ikiu’s laden with corn luvo to be accompanied bv detschmimU of soTdiets to save them from being pillaged by thp j-'ople. Mr, O'Connell has goneto Italy. Ho is not so ill as the l.ondon papers have represented. Mrs. Uaucrolt, the lady nf the American minis ter at the court'of St. James, was present at the Queen’s drawing room. Mr. Hanrroft left Ron on a -hurt visit (0 Paris. An inquest was held yesterday by Cotoner Richardson on the tiody of a man named George Hullenback. in Hcservo Township. The vnrdict of the jury was (hat he ramo to his death by fall ing off tho steamer Mary Anu and drowning, in inutiey was found on his person. Tho niagnilicent Hibernia No. 2 Was caught by a “Polk aiolk" on her upward trip at Ilig Mindy, which ripped up her starboard guord,stairs, rook house, Ac., but injured no one. It will not interrupt her reg ular trip*, and she will leave to morrow a- usual. Tut Jlarriibnrgh Telegraph hoists tho Bag cf Crucial Scott fur tho next Presidency. 0 MM: TltEGfiAPffi Correspondence of PlUibavKh OsstlU. CaiTrspontSetice of (he Piltst/u'rgh Gizeiie VIRGINIA ERECTION. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Wc have received from despatches from Wash ington and Philadelphia, giving all the news in Washington last evening. The result is highly sitUfactory, though from 'cveralclose districts wc ate act able to state tbe result with the precision we yvould wish. There are fifteed Congresflonsl District* in Uie itatc.and all of them hut one (the 9th.) returned Loco Foco tucfihbers to the last Congress. | Tho returns as received aro as follows: First District J whi K . : L.tcn Foco. 2?l> Isle of W ight, Nansemond, .Norfolk, Princess Ann, Sussex, Surry and Southampton, to hear from results doubtful. Results to far very favorable to luc Whig*. Second District. Petersburg, 191 Vi big majority. Bolling, ’(Whig.) reported elected by our Washington correspondent, by a majority of 69 over Dromgoole Third Hi dr id. Mr. Tii-Jwuy, (L. F.) elected. Fourth DLstiiet. Irving, W, 5 ro’n. 550 maj. Bocock, L. F. 50. Fifth District. Favorable for Whigs. So far, linth partita claim the member, however. Sixth District. Bolt’s majority, tttst. Sft-euih District. Uayly. (1,. F.) rc-electeJ. Eighth liidrirt. J'm'blp, (1.. F.,) probably el«*rl-<!. ■\itilh Di.slrirt. J’eJiJb'lon, (Whig,) r,'-ulectp,|. 'lt nth • / H.itncfi "* K«*nnnly, W. Uoilinger, 1.. F 7G2 Frederick, 725 Bf-rki-lw, find JrflVraon, - fiUl Kfimcjy p maj., s<> far. Thu other in this Dial, not yet heard from, are Clarke, Hampshire, Warren, Page and Morgan—which gavie a majority for Polk in I*l4, of H-lti llth, 12th. Kith, I4lh, and 1.'.1h DhtricU, Mesiif.-t. McDowsll,Chapman, Goodson, Thornp son and Brown, ( Loco Furor, re-elected. The Whigs have- elected Mw, »nd probably Jin w.<u' member* uf Cvngre*-*, There hate been some -Whig gains tor the I»e -gialaluro, but the majority will be largely I.oco Foco, os belort'.j ' From Vm* Cinuz.—The oHici.lt despatches are from Vera Cruz to the sth inst. At this time th» city sn>l camp was tree tram coses uf tualiguanl fever, ami as tfje Americans ore to occupy the water front of the city, ami great care will be taken to preserve deanlinoa, it is hoped the health ol the Army may b«l preserved. .On the water front looking to tho castle, there are,'at the crtremilies ol the city, forts bun Jago aud Conception, and tous and well ventilated jmlh i troops, h«i>prUh and depot*, had also a part ol the sub 'ration, and ought change the roops —taking the ca.-th: into it is said perhaps it might be throw down, for hotter vcnli wall* uf the city. Dear the mole, epic lie buddings fui the A medical board j«*'t under cociid distribution of the consideration—and fouuJ nr'cceeary Gen. Mcolt urdi try Iron) Tauijdci o Hln'iiglhen ilk? nains,»ui. I' V.*u I'ruz. mulcr tin* <T<*d The inhnbil.tnl leu! (j »re(a;n« iit ol tJcii. Wurth, are beginning to U* assured of |>rul?cl)o(i, and to ror.vver their chwriuliiesi rfj>|nrit«. Fhok UtMnu TiUua.—(ien. T-uylur wjn enc«u)j**d at Walnut Spring*, about four iuilm from Monterey, on the Nth in«L |li<sf.>rev car aisled of a of dragoon*. under (-o’. Faantleroj.aod the Mississippi regiment of Tolan teers, under f’ol. Jefferson Davis, the latter num bering only -49 men. i\i|. May expected soon to visit the t oiled State*. General Wool, with about five thousand tfOJp*. w«> encamped at Uaena Vm&* Im*u that (Jenna! Uirca wu at Liuare*. at tho head of two thnu-iind cavalry, and o corps uf siul!eu*ts. Thare wu 10 ne pn»{iect of “an affair" coming off l«twren the rrapeclive force* of these two Genera!'. »pojuJrnc>'ol Uie (iazctte. • York market. April 24th.■)< I*. M. To-Jay (ienivM' Floor sold el per bbl to a limited extent. ' 'his is a concession to bovent. Some Western sole'at £7,12} per bbl. < H W heat a par 'el of While sold at I *>'<c j*rr bushel. Corn is in mode ate Jcmand only. Of tr.r sales to-day some 15.0011 bu were nt SIV tor W hile and D.»s9'»'c I 't Vellow —U.th prime. lixriun IT »'«rrc»{ NEW t'otion i* rather active- tilrM Louisiana at It Jc l*-t lb. In thi* (fro« sry market mi change am] moderate Mira. , Provi-ion* arc firmer ami price* rule about a* bflore —dabs, bowc-vcr, not large. vc l'orir*|ui|ul«-'u-p o! tlir. IVtM.urch Ci.in »! PHILADELPHIA MARKET. AprH 21, 71 !‘. M The market for Flour it rather uinf Illed-to-Jay' Holdeo claim toi standard brand*, which buyers retosc to pay—they oiler fti.7s, Which hoi derj refuse.lo accept. i>o (lie murket closes for the week. _ The maikct for Grain is quiet. Few sale* and at ptnvious price*. I*r o v rmuiis arc in moderate JcmauJ—prices an“ «lcm!ily maintained. Nj local new- worlti leloKfaphinjj. Ki' cl ihe l’iil*Uuifti lijmi- JIALTI.MOHK MARKET. April 2-Uh, y P. M. The demand lor Flouri* uofverjr active; How ard sL sold to-day at the extent of 100(1 bhls at £<>,7s. I’ity mills i* selling at the name price. Groin Market ufeaJy; sale* prime While Wheat at I6oalo. r ic, l«> extent 2UI)0 bu. Some Hed Wheat <>l prime quality at ISfir. Sales Yellow Gem at 90a‘Jf,c and White at SO bß2c. lUoSOafitc. Sale* to-day sno bags Kio Coffee at 7‘aHc. (niidly 7jo"'c. Some Lsguayia at 7t»Bc. . Hide* Ltvo Hogs ot $7a7,25 per 10(1 lbs. The average price of Ueof Cattle grwii wl, is $4.12} per 100 Iba. A belter demand prevails f>r Provisions, and prices-have adtanred slightly. Sales Western parked Mess Fork at slfi; Prime at $13.75 — quoted extreme* $13,5(1al 1.00. Mens Ueef $1 I; Prime s9,so*lo,(lo—vales 10-Jay at $9,75*10,00. For Westerii Uacou an active demand prevails— Rales today 40,000 lbs at 7ja7sc tor HlimilJen*, 9jlUc for and for Huground.— Lard h llnMume—loe lor No I keg, and 9}a yjr—mostly \o.Jc—for bbls'with very moderate sales, »<»nie l:T(> peg* 10-Jay. BOSTON MARKET. Aj.nl a nil. i; oV. p. M. The demand for Flour m this market is rather limited partly owing lo prices of freight, hut quo* tatlnns are jirrtty -teady. Sales at per bbl. Yellow Coin of prime quality is selling at II Be per bu; Prime While 99a 100 c. The stick of both kinds of corn is now quite light and holders urn *tirro at these figures. a Live Hogs arc higher —now realising $9.37} j»tr UlO lb*. The English advices bus had the effect of stif fening price* here. Provisions—Pork has advanced. New Me** is jmw held at $lB, and Prime at $l5 per barrel. Tiro market is firm, the last sales having been at these iigutOH. Lard has gone to lie lor Western No. 1 Keg and sales. "n Bacon Hams aru selling to a moderate extent at I lc per lb. Letters from Washington, stale that Mr. N. P Trial has gone lo Mexico, ns o.bearer ofdespalal* es of an important character. I> is aaid that ho will remain with Genoa! Scott’s division until he witnesses iltnmrmrnt. Mr. Tr»*t, it it: said, takes with him proposals of^Peaee. Tpciiunr Note* Sid United Slates luwcs solJ at Unllimnro, on,Saturday, at 10-1. No late in on‘Mexico, at Wishing ton, last evening. T'fom ihe Liuug Aj». The F.iotgranVi L&ntttl UIVriLLAR' Ob! why leftl rar hotpe l Why did I crcH-rf the deep 1 Oh! why left l the laud. Where my forefathers sleep ! I'sinh tor Scotia’a shore, AnJ I gazed across the sea, But 1 cannot got a Mink Of my ain rountree. The palm-tree waveth high. And fair the myrtle spriugs, And to (be Indian ,’maid The bulbul sweetly sings; Bot I dinna seethe broom, Wi* its tassols on the lea. Nor hear the lintie’s soug, O' my aincoontree. Oh ! here no Sabbath bell Awakes the Sabbath mom, Nor song of reapers heard * Among the yellow corai For the.tyrants voice is here, And the wail of slaverie. But the sun of freedom shines In my sin countree. There’s a hope for every woe, And a balm for every pain, Hut the first joys o’ our heart Come never back again ; There!b a track upon the deep, And a path across the sea, But the weary ne’er return To their ain coontree. GAZKTTK JOB PRINTING OFFICE, THIRD STUKFT. CORISSn OF POST OITtCC ALLST. .ire now prepared io execute u» a superior :u»d ripfilitif.u* iDX'tnrr, nil ,fc.itd< of Jun I’ai.vrtsu, -urli a>’ janjc Poster*. Sira-nloai liilln, Ri 11 e of Lading, twiner Sheet Circular«, Handtuttx,. Cards, Ac , Ac. I II lOK AND PASIrHLST PRTKTINC, 4 00 prqr 500 - . tmSAMF*r*L MIEHLE WORK. French and-*illr cntF-roiilcfy, 3 OU l * Embroidery on periorated Card, x worsted work, fringe. raided work ami was tlnwcrs, 3 UJ li to Aitvertlaer*.- The .nlver* atsic. t.eluent* winch tipprur in rhr J)i>ly Morning Ga/fyi; • Instrumental munc, and use of piano. KCO pt fjf ‘■'--l- li. Tri- Wr.t 1,, r*.**. ’ is ; •Ul ■>( til-; escalation of all. without any aJdittoujil 0(l «• 10 UJ '* ■•bar*. Th.rT*™ Advantage to our vK-.-rt.irn. Witimui Hoarding: Tuition and Light, SAO per tr*.ioi», payuble ' . , . _ ,„ „ , \ . half trnn m advance. Wmhing 37} cent. per dozen. -H.miiK*-. ,V.,.J No , ch „|. r lm ,f „.,V 1 • .nil pajn-i i.jkoi reasonable Term-. . |), c will commence on lb«i I*l Monday of ‘ _ .. . j day nt Xt 'l'ue iul.scribcr would inform the public that r 7* A woril of AtlTlce.-IA.! individual. sufleS- : nwime Unbv-mcrea**d patronage *h« lia* rrreived, she r.a iron. it,.. l*,u-* have uunn-dmm rrsmirrc to l>r ba.* nude extruMVc preparations tor the kccomm*»da t> Vegetable Klt-cwarv. From the uniform . non of hauler* l») tU crernor, oflar K e reetunon and « -ii . \,i iite'nr 'vrn in itic ino*t oli«ii study room*. Arrangement* have also been made, try ’ * ‘,J ' . _ t4 certain fcrurdf wtncli »].•; expect* an additional te»cher from lire teat, .-V.i.f 1 wl.it... ,il i.a.i Ifein.i in- tvYa FT A •" die omamenla! brandies. Parent* and guardian* Kl-rt'liwi l'l Fulinii-ircfi N-w York; « Tiinn.i, may rest a**ur*d that '•he will exert .icr‘elf to promote MurVc; :,;.et OM P U -tree. the Wvl arc.comfort ami advancement ;n t be Mod**®. i'iii.i.../.-ii I*, fm,-*! nrri«i amfllw '. Iho-e placed uttder.bar care -Scholar* entenug a iduiii|i ufier the commencement *• ” _ , x ,>f Hie Ae»*.on. will only be charged* from that lime $5,00. BOOIS 5,00. : NO. GG FOURTH BTRKET, - FORMER <>F I'fiST OFFICE A 1.U.) | .wv were pn-sr-nt at the «cm> annual examination of j Ttu: •uixeril.er rr»i.c.>iiuily mtorm* the r/bbi- Hmt , lllf , 0 , ! Cniimsburß FemtieSeminary, uuder ihe ! lie 1,4. eon,ineneed the manufacture m UniUunnt ( . o ,,r r ,n«enilance of Jlrs. O. j. French, and are convin ><t«Aw.an/.f« Hoou, of ({nod nraierntl aid wnrusiuii.hip r „ IS th A wc j, UI s ' sVl . nncrnnce to the veltt mcuUof the wh et, i,r will tvarraut .upenor loony Hoot iter nmi..; ai)dirnt . c p, c ,r m , i n .ayiug that the examination«u -,n t .ut.imraS tor ilu- price. Tlie-e bantTronicdumt fl|o - t| thottJUgh , „„j t | K yoinl( , lndie*“acquilcd them- • wsl i-e n,.„[. muicu.or.., and warrant ihem as rrprv , >(i|vei . w „ h p(U cleJl(i a ,„i reHcered the btfh .-nie.l, ar -he vi ry low price oi Hvh, IK>LLAH. estpruiseon their ifochcit We would take thi* op v-\>U t eci■ I rmen arc fc ‘tuc*ird to enll ami cs.im | K ,f( Ull jty of-recommending to llto favorable consideia* nr them. |vd< . _ 1 ' (.on of ih* pubi.c, tin. school. Convinced a* wears, ** _ ' r ' ’ ~ J . ' that Mr» French ami the able aiiisiant teachers *he (Xf* Salter's Oinacufp Panacea..—SlKde*!. ( a y o d ß ? e rving of u'l pnuae. for-the manner in —Wi- beg icuve to call puiibc auentiott to , which they have coudoctcd the Seminary since itv e»- (..llowinp, .Vom #, W« >,f Wi,1,.,n.v.11.. '«UM .urp.-.U for f.lfo .nd Cler.imut t .1, and one of the very lii»t piu'CiK"’!ief» to j jalnbnty, and ihe high tone of rrtofals and religious •j,.. count) -n wli.cli he reside, and Iwte Senator irt-thc . of the population. T.,, ..tieennr ih u . 10 -cc the lead- All the om uneniu! branches 6f n female education Male it . . hecruic uu. to cc .im t ((re , augh , befri , (> . llie lnotl fk ;if u i teachers, and the mg men ot ihe proie«»-on. Imrsim* the bond- oi proic*- , nimc# i department appeared in be under the most »nc* - nmil jif. .iid.ee, and giv.tig merit ,t« due ' ersiful teacher, judging.lfont ihe exeeotion oftlie young ■s„ I ..!,«» ““iS"- J„ M.r.H>. S h, <; n«Mt-Prn.v rn and. M» far, am well plr»»rd m It* _ TM K Wilsntu ; Wm McDaniel, effect, .u CaUrthai and Hruuchial Complaivi.. Plea.e John 17 Ulack. Win B UiOWlt, me MU .1 J 0,.., :.,>m.. ~01 Urn .. i..,v „ ,oo : . W»w . . . .-an a* I riper.,: .; com. mi'i in render as general *3l- SEIU.ND (IRATOBIO OF TOB BEASU.V! I.iin .Ml' .r has liereioloie. to keep it etir.ctatuly on u y Tj t y; pnTSUL-E«*H MUSICAL ACADEMY, ~.,1 Itc-i.ceuulh unit Wm Du*\. M. n. At M- Cumhirhiitd PittLi/terian Chunk, {Err Slt. hEri,u»F»)S«A*rr<«, _ ; Tuesday ermine. sRit» initant. at 8 o’clocV. uit- To U iler the direction ot Profe**or BINCHAM. Prof. >*E3IPRM9 t AST PACKET LINK , koIIBOCK .will pre*ide jafthr. Piano Form. The Or* • FOR ehestra wilfbe l>-d by .Mr } WHITE. I _ : part first. :u. an> <*xirui eierut-d in die I>rM ina.tnx-> . and all kinds of I’niimiß sU»m* wiiU accuracy :u>d mihr luwen I‘IIII.ADKLPIII A AND BALTIMOItK. •: i-Overturc. | fctclum-ii/ fur Pautngtn } . , n—ciir.rua—Awake. O Aju» of the Lord —N«wkototn r pHK Ca.inl and Railroad tunny now m exrrllent —Consider llie fjtliei, ToplilT l jmlrr, tt.e r.n kci* oi t'u» Line will ir-.i.ve w:ib j*as : 4—Oitoru«—L«t u» with p joyful Mind, Mozart *_« t.»N«w». evert unlit at tf o'clock I s-Durit—Wlio’* thitT tfctft on the Tempest ride*. I'nrWrt Kentm-ky, Capl. Tiuuv. .Monday, April ’4(5. .■ Shaw .in ojj.o, Cra.y, Tuesday. Apt: / 'J7. ’ fi—Clioru*—Holy I«ord God of Ho-»0, Mozart ,t„ Inj.Aiin. Berkey, Wrduetdui. Aptil i ; . 7 I> jctt. Solo and Tno—On Thee each liviny *oul ,ln Capl. Tnooi[i«>n. rt»or*<lay, Apr. a£l * Aw»ii». Hayden .in Kiiitunky. C*p> Ttu'.v. Friday, April Ifli i—CKorus —Halleluiah to the Father, Beethoven Jo «»a:o,t'r».p,‘Sktiinlay; .May 1. PART *KCORU ' •in lii-'.Mia. !trt'if Sunday. M:i V "i. la>i..vJi.i* O-ipl Ttioutfiuin. Monday. May 1 Ur-nui- . > Cut" Trnhi;, 1 ..i-aday May 4 0ii.0.-C.ipl Crm*. Wednesday. Mat 5. I,ul.'ana. Capt. Uerfcry. - Thuttduy, May C. .1..' |<nm> aim. Capl rtioiup*on, Friday, May 7 jo K«*muf Wy, Capl Trntiy. sSa’.atiUy. -May S On.n. I'apL Crai«. trunda;. Muy U |. ,„0 .leCfi- ir.tVfl'inf and cotufona'.le arrant iiknUtioi:«. -rr<ire your ticket* ni the I‘uckei Oflire, Mnunorjlmlu itou*'*. Water «treet.or of 4,,0fl .33 _ » LKKTH .V CO. Canal Attain \! K\V ASM VALUABLE BOOKS-Tnr; i.l tiis'urv of England. fi.ioi th- nee.r*- * »,un of Henry -VII tu the death ui (iconic 11. By.ileu-j ry liahum Pypin tin: fil'm Juridnn ■•rtiiion. 1 ti'rem Kvrr.sp. drwrtbeU by distinguished hjewriam*.! eiirnti.rler*. afiJ other writer* Collected, ami in part l Iraiisiuted. UViPrnnCi# l.ltber | The Joveuue Speaker’ c»mpri«ing pigmentary rule* ' art-l cietv.iri ..i Declamation, with a sWecfion of jnr- , e-t fui [>faet.ce Ity Pranet* T Ko**fl. instructor in J KJoeutwm at Princeton ami Ruliccrs' Colleges, Ac. [ Tb.ng* by their ttighl Names, uud other stones, fa- ! Dip'- an.l iiinriil piece* in pro»e an 1 ver«r; srlreted and ! ur'jur'il iwmtup >vrnin«nf Mi* HurMijlU. With a ! .im.-tiot t.-r in- • '*v Mk.S. J Male. 7he Juvrmir Beiyos Opened- beirß selections from 1 iUc «riitni(< <>i Dr. Jtm AiV n lly Mrs Mule. ' ! Directions for Invocoraimc niul I‘roloneiqv Life, or t lUr tnVAl{it«oracle. By Wiii. Kitekiiier. M D, Ac- I \o yfi I‘irtnrial England. y.mui-L"’Lmiu tiruiimisr, ai>nd|>ril. For sale by HiW J l» HEAD, <ib near market «t POETICAL \VOfUtf»-i'o>-i« and Poetry or Am* its, «• Ilr edge Hr>ris *I*J J'neiry Of. Enfr.|. • •!•> do ,|d <!o «• Kngiund. do do ilu do oT Ai>r>’-m>. do do Book «>i Itri;«li Hod': do do ill, Miluianand Kent* Cole rule'. v '**el!•*>' toil Kca:* do do Mdiuui Vonnif. Oniv.dleuti.t, Collmi; do do (VU’li l|-l.r-r and bollock; do d.l towprr and Thntnpvon. do do ('umi-bct! • J’ue(i. al Work' Ti.-lilv bound .11 wli.lv ' l-aJ«. ‘ Dili , | l'o. Ural Work*. do ll.inuoi d.. do «k> l.undi-n; Moore; lUiion. iiut%a, Hog*, Hood, Ac The atkive, with a Urge ji-cHirtinent of ln**k» tn nil ! dei>mr'inem» ol'liierutute, ju»t rv.-eived and for ante : VP , y l„w Kt.Uf»TT AKNUUSiI s p-jti inarkc: M bet. il * <th «t» SAUOI.KRV, lIAHDWAIIF. AND CAU -IUACK FURSITVRK. N'n. 133 Wood •Ireol, Plttn'Mirßh, SF.VKN Door* almfc iih, nud l door above ]| 1 Co'- Shoe Watrbou**:. Now opentu* oaJ ibr -ale t.v RICHARD TiI.KKCU Jr. Importer and de*lt i 'U Foreign und Douicmic Sttddlrty Hardware A rtarnsv' Tnmmmgv of all descriptions, a veryrbcap and well »eteei«>d *!ix Vof Hood* in hif hne, all freah. 0/ ihe new/*! >£!«•«. puielia>rd wr,em*li, float (he be»t •ource». atnl W|fi be dupoke.' u| wholesale uild retail, at 'a small advance on 'he ••.«»!. I'uiehasera ate tespect full) invited 10 cu-l and 'iun ilirmrelvei. —Saddler*’ uviU. warraoird, Deer and Curled Han, U'lnpV, lila»«. I'nper «Ve . nlumfmn hand, nud a* cheap b» eUewhrte ■{•‘JO 4 LLKtiIIESV CITY IMIOPBUTY-l-Fnr i\ *vlr, a vajniridc unimproved property. handwmrlt Ull (eel on Chnsnui. by feet nil North Canal .irm. e.m be divided and unproved on either rtreeU • Al-o. t hon<e and lot onSo'itii Coomion. 150 leri irom Federal .:rrel the lot nY3 lee| I.) W teel. IIIC home 1* a i«ie»d lim-l dneliunr. well nri-nged Thr«o prnpft t.e» wil: 1..- sold low. and t-nin aeconimodaiim*. Alfto. vr.ertl budding Unv situated on. and near Finnkim sired.‘JS feet by lifleel; prir. from VlO $ »*>, i P rmi A't.iiin hand, balance in yean. -JiCOCIIHKRT np->t; Real F.*taie AgenC ‘tnulifirld *t_ A TTRNTION --The First Hrgiihrut. firteemh A I>i\ i«ion. Pa. Milma v.-; I meet for n nallion tnun lU ,I >it 111.- luuae of John Stephrn«on. on the Steuben viile* F'ke on Monduv the l(nh day of May. at It) o'elock \ M undlhe Second Elaltdltou oil Tuesday, Itlh. at the tinier |>| Mr I'rvrvv on the llrOWn«1ille IMII. at 111 ..viork, A M Armed *nd equipped aeeonlmx to law sp-.n V-JiT* . J.\'U> IrttiM-AN. l.ieiit. Col 1 OINDUIKH-'Jkeg.l.-trd; • k> *■ d.v Ruben 4 IdiU rtdl Muller . •1 do pnr.d IVnehc-; • | o do Cranberry' ll* do dr.ed Al'plM, received on | C 1) ITiilTalo, and lot -ale. by TASSKV A HVyl* )t X*i wood'trv.et . wool. UAGOINC. Al\ INCH U.irlup*. roduble for Wm iUvhv Also. -Jl I bit<s"'C plum and twilled, n Rrmi varie ty. l oifl.-iuity on hand and for i-ale by tli. bale. UORJiRTS A CfJNRAD, npVbddw . 1. Market «t. ‘hiladclphm RICIIAUD T. LRKCII, Jr., mixiner and Draler 11 Foreign and IVHtiettie Skddleiy Hard* ware, and tl irn.ice Tr■ nun 111 »£», id all deicnpnuu*. No i n Wood -ireel.l'illOmtgli, I I 'INK WIIITK I.lBlK— Jir*l received, a few tibl'ot very fine White Lnae from Si l.oui«, for rrlmliuß m unv qunnlUV iosuii en«ionieta ISA Ai’.llA KRIS, AffentA Com. .Me, Hp'JtS d ll Nn|jl>iill .trret BOARD I NO —A few doaider'ean be ac eoratnodaied fty «ppl) mar loon at Nq- d. Kolnnsoti'* new Row- Federal »ltcetjilie|li«uv Cay. LINHkGD Olla—ltfOdO ((all* lnn»eedQd. m «larr and lor .ate by • J JORDAN A SON up "JO ’ ,9 liberty »trvet ■ 1.1. t t.*cou, ju«tf reiving t'roia *moke IUU.UI JU lio*i»c- For«alpl‘f . • :J JORDAN A BON_ HOHRK FOR JJAMC—S'oung.MunU uti.i e*?n “ Al .,, )ylo RHYNOI.ps H. HHKK ff*t Pe*j" anrwm*ts_ 7. x» I> t>l• Mp»» I'urk; ; tO It ilrt prime do. For «alr l>v i a,,* J JORDAN A SON Pi<j m tCT AL—IOO inn* Hoi Ilian.l Tor fa!; by B |CM FRIf.NU. UHKV A Cp,ft waters! D“ APPI.EH—W) bu for sale by , a ' r .-\ J JORDAN A: HON rpK.AS - < I'xiia Fiac hnprral, -j dii >to do (Juirpowdf t; i (!•• •!•> do Yonng Hyson; r, do Chulmi Powriinu*; K....a1-l‘V ap‘J-1 i pWM.UAMSArO IHH--Hi bhl« No 3 Maoktieli 4 a do do - di> M-'J do do* 4 do £ do do Illt-fring. m <ale by ap'J-1 J D WILLIAMS ArOt> DniKnTrtiuiT— :.'il.n«»icl Prachf*; T’> do Apple*, m *iore and Un «olf liy J I) WIU.IAMS V i.'O r . __ _ MUwo.»dW*_ MOI.ANAKK- I0bld« S?uß»t Uoojcj «» do NO: l-orwlrl.y . nr*l _ J D WIU.IAMSA rO^ POTASH- ~d cartel Pure Instore and for isle by A p94 . [ JAR FLOYD, US liberty it _ _ 3uttion Salta s By JoMn D. AnrUOMtr Honsctiold Furniture •! Auction* - “ ON Tuetdsy moraine. Oic'JSih insi. at 10 o’clocr, at the clwiH'mp boose Istelv occupied by Mr. Junes Coop er. m Aln*;ct-> Rom.-. VV»'le «irr<i,wrli 1.-e sold.hisealire «ioci_nf hou-chold add kitchen lurnilur.',atuoin which i are. purlnr and chamber caniet»,:l do*, and Jilf ntahoc | any umr M-ai i huir«; l pair mahogany pier rabies, with [ marble l dofreneh plate tfier looking glasses; i 1 -I > do rockier clianic 1 common do do; dmttg aotl • table*, work and wa*h -.land*, high *wd low r«>*t beds k3d* . Together with a general a*sorttßent ! ofhou*ehold and t:a hen turn.turn.. Sale positive, at he is declining /housekeeping. Terms cash Currency. apIO Dry Good*. ON Monday morning, the SCth Inst. at 10 o'elock, will te -*>>d an exten»iv.f assoruoeni of seasonable, tuple ami fancy dry goods. Umbrellas, parasol boots, shoe*, bats, caps,-whip*. Ac. At « O’Clock, P. M. - Household furniture. groceries.-Ac, among which are i fine dressing bureaus; French.faacy and ftmiiun ehatrs. hjgh and low post Ueaditeads; high and low back rockmgcliaus; work and wash stands; wash tub*; transparent window blinds: leuher trunks; look ing glasses; l superior S day eloefc and cats, mantle lamps; feather bed*; maiirajuom Glauwtfe; Queens . ware. tinware, coal and DeronsUre shovels. andwwiver v e seires. Also, a quantity of V i< Tea; tobacco; rice; chocolate. Ac. I - At ?i O'Clock, P. M. A large collection of valuable new hooks, embracing jhmce works in vanou« departments of Literature, ap-e; {American copy] A CARD, Canoniimrg Female Seminary* IN addition to the elementary Branches, the following ore taught , _ . _ ’ Kng!i*b Grammar, Geography, Defining, Rudiments of Botany- Philosophy and History. Biblical Autiqui tic* and Wane on the .Vlitid, Natural Philosophy, Polit ical Economy; lloianypChemisiry; Anciei t and Modern llmory; Aneirut tieogruphy, construction of maps. Self Knowledge, evidences of Christianity and phyloao nUy of Natural Hi«*ory. Algebra; PbysioloeyjGeometry; Astrar-oint; Rhetoric; Mental and Mojal Philosophy; l.eeic. and element* of Criticism: Bible and Composi tion bv all ihccla«Ks. There will be ncourse of l.ee lurci tree to uli the das**:'*, on Physiology,comparativo a-iaiomwcherniMry,natural philosophy. Ac, by gentle men well acquainted with the subject*. •J-Ueetiaiive and Chorus—The Arm ni the laird wan upon them; Hayden , 3 Trio—Star of the East, Anou i 4 Choru*—Night’s shade ao longer. Kosini ft—Daett—When thy )>o<oiuhesvestbe sigh, Bra ham O—Ctiorus—He gave the H.aiHtonVs, Handel 7—Song—The wings of a Dove. Eevereaox .-—Chorus—Hallelujah, ' Handel Finals —By the Orchestra* JkrTickets #5 cent*. To be had at pilncipll Hotels, Music and Book store*. and at the door. •p*J4- " N' rVv' AND MOST BFFKCriVK , BKAU , j£>\"! DR, WOOD'S Sarsaparilla and WUd Cherry Bitters, for the eure of the following d.seate*: Jaundice, Liver Complaint, all B'-llioosCbm plamta.sick'Ucadilebe, Heart Burn, Indigestion, habit* uni Costivenr**, Piles, Palpitations of the Heart. Loss of Appetite. Dyspepsia. Nervous Irritations,Debilitated Stomach. Languor, Depression of Spirits, Chronic Kheu maij-m, Cutaneous Diseases, Canker. Syphilhld Disea *e* Scrofula liripufme* of the Blood. Pimples and ruMuln oa the Face, Heredr.ar) Hansors, Cold Botes, and all disease* arising from an injudicious use of Mer cuiy. The attention of the invalid publlq. and of all those atflieted' by any of the above diseases, is respectfully called to the tncnt«ofa new and invaluable prepara-, non from an original recipe ofi distinguished physician, combining m it»«lf ihe most active remedial properties o/ two ol tbe very first articles in the Materia Medica. The Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bikers were in [ trodured to the public about twelve naptha ago, and during that period their surce** has beetvao great as to t induce-die proprietor iscgcr them with suit more coufi | denre. m-the rail belief that by cntenrigimo more ex ( tensive u*e, they wjll prove a blessiug to alt those i .utTrnnx from the disenses above enumerated. Sold, wholesale and retail, by WYATT A KETCH* AM. (teneni!jgenis, ltd] Fultotistrcet, New York; Wii. I Tiu>e\. Market street, hnd P. R. S*wtxa, Smilhfield street. Pittsburgh,'Pa. Priee Sl—large bolllef. melr.’-.hlVni , 2dp. 1* ’I NKS--d<jr i->k* treble grape'Port . '! do ol‘ tbe eclclirnted Koncoa brand; do l/mdon Pori, very old;■*. )u do different brands and vintage*; :| ijr oii-ks l.isbou wine; V • a do , do dry Malaga; , •J libd* *up ('larel wine; .-j »1« litku tup down brand 'Chain-wine a gr c*kVmp L M'Madiir* wine;; '£ do do Para «BJifcrry; 5 do Madeira vintage,' 1F46; 13 do different brand* and milages; a do o»ks sweet Malaya; 6 do do Red. wine; Pari i.i ilie above winci.hiivt ju»t arrived from under CtiJioin llou*« l<ock*, mlNen York; person! wishing to pnrcbane, may rely on ceiling a pure article., in ipiannue* m mil. For sate by- r C .MAIITiN tpaa cor umithSeld and front sts City Property Xortale, In Columbus, 0. MTIIK (ti'ifcriber ofTeijs Tor rale several lot»i in a desirable pari of ibe ciiy, on whiebare taro romioilable brick dwelling houses, and bis let "teusivp Taualac Katobllahment, all m pood re- jia.r. lljviiij dcirrmuieit. in consequence of infirm age, in itireonimue thr tannine bu»ines», a fins opening now pre-mu nsrii to any onu wuhipg lo carry lion. Coltnnl-Li* i» probably the best point inihe Slate jot proeutmga unu'nnß supply of hidrr. - i (hie m lath of thr Jwelling bouse Wiliboaold arpa ime fr.ini the ,re-t of the property if drnred. The oi>- •IrMigii'-tJ will give any further Jiiformnnon relative lo .m<] i>rni>ertv,'ienn«, Ac. on upnlieatiou to him. - ' i,Ju ' _ ' ISAAC TAYLOR 4jS NOTIOJR \Ll.per*eti«-are hereby cautioned not to purchase ei ther of the ixo I'olbvvmx dcicnbed note*,a* for junJ mid -udictent rea-toim. the undermgocd, mailer* of note*. are determined to.r-einthe|«yntenlofthe same: One note loathe ttim of two thousand' five hundred dollar*. datt-dTiti*hurgh January I/1.M6, payable two; >cai»*nd three mouth* alter dutd to Zmaii M. Cotton, or lonter. m l‘i" Metal, at the rate of tweuty five dol lar- per Tori , ' One rioie f.ir ihr muii of twolhoutand Gve hundred dollar* dated IMi-hursti. January .Ist, * 11*46, payable three year* ami three month* after dale, to Ranh 11. CoMon,«.r order, m I'i* Meial.al the rate of twenty five dollar-per Tot. • *HKNRY UIGBY, - KNOCH I. JUG BY, GIXIRGE HIGBV- CAUINiIT WAREUOVNK. Third !*uen,ncxt door to the Hank of Pittsburgh. THKu'tuttr*ieiiP‘l.l»uvmgiP«'om«ni*nced hu» snic**. tin- established In.iusrlt at the above _»mnd. vvi.cie Up will, kept constantly on iiHiu! an-! fur 'air. ai reasonable price*, aU dc»ciij' ron* «i? E-mnfurn of the best quality—tuch a*- Burer uh. Bedstead*. Chairs, Otmruiins, 8of&4, Ac Ac. A'l in* furuiiiue -• eratmntrd ul ihfl fuir*l i|UJli|y. nnil iv.l! t>c mid u> luwl, anjol the same kind in the c;ty • ./ A few good hands, and none othcra nved apply, will hint employment on application. / np-il'dlw ALEXANDER M'CURDY.. MORK NKW GOODS-At”vv R Murphy*. Dry Good* .Hou*e, north tail corner of 4lb land Moikri <trp.-t,-». Received yesterday, au utorttaeniof L-neii Table Diaper* ‘from IM to tj 4, including some very «u|»*ri*>r Damask. Aim, Bleached attdunble chj •ed Linen table cloth*. very low for quality. Aim. Ah parti* and Alpaca Lust ret. a full asaqnment. ft out com mon to vety superior, including toot of very 1 high Lustres. ' ap73 White goods kor drrsses-iv r Murphy invifr* the ailentiou of the Ladiei to hit very mil a<*orimcni of while good* for dresses, consis ting i.f Swisr and Scotch Mulls, Nantook and Jacko net imi*hn* burred Jadkoncl, vuperSatm. barred and striped, *oft finithdn, Ac Ae. . A* thew goods are puwbascd immediately f.om the manufacturer*’ agents or importers, they can be told at the lowest pri.ccs . ' . apBl A. LKDOUX CU„ * NO T 7 CANAL STTREITT,-NKW ORLEANS. AGENTS fnrj II Anuant** Extensive Steam Pugar Refinery. Always on band,a tarueatock of Powdered. Crushed, Clarified and Bastard Sagars, tn Tierce* and Barret*. Al*<>, Sugar House Mo!at*ca. Prices liberal and a fair allowance made on all sales of,or above. 50 barrels. ?■» ' ; mchll . ABLACRH3IITII WANTED—a young Ran acquainted with Pliintattoit work; can have per* mmeni employment at good wager, in a healthy part of Northern Mississippi. Foi further information apply to GEO COCHRAN mchl'Af , ' _ . NoSSwoodtt Ct AN ARY SERD-tlbUO lb* Italian Canary Seed, ' ju«i teccivcd and for sale at the Pillibarvh Seed Slnre Thl* I* probably the bc*l Article ever ottered id tin* market. -• > S N WICKF.RSHAM •M*S3 . ' _l for tilth A wood Bin.ua- One Engiith 'UtraMt. a 'fine •inainr will l»* mlcf low. EiK)utrn at tb* PiUstmrfb fWJ **»*■ • «|WSI S W WICKKfMHAMr LATKR STILIj I—lso yd* extra tuperlitiTe • French Cloth*, of that, veer **a« remarkably Cheap lor. Aleo, lho*e *jfmu*iu:!)i rick «lyle \>«tinir*. . • ROUINdON’s doth Emporium? °r &h«l near wood. TJORM-. RADISH, grated mid pul op in vinegar for M inline ante utr, on band atihe Aluttatd and factory, t? 7 FttltTnrert. ' • «P» . RHODES A ALCORji I /'WGARS—SiOOOSTI*tCJ*ir«; f?" to; Sjooo EiouUifOfl C«p»T*i ■ ■ r ' 5,000 Erculapio do. SCHOOL* bom dm .9 000 Regalii do; "... iOOODqs Amijo* ' do; -• 10,0011 Jotta Sana Principe* And Steam boat Croud*; pan warranted Imported Havant Cigar* : For sale by PC MARTI \ _ l ap‘- > l ___ _cor junith6eM and from tin-eu MA S L'PACTi'RKDTOBACCO -17 bx» “Lower V* Plug; ss. and 0#; 17 bra “HartV 6*;' MbX»“J Ire’s”ss; (0 bxs “Rnssell A Kobtton't* S* \ 7 bfZtiXS ■‘Webster’*" As; . HO do “A. Cabinet*''Congress 00 do *-Braßeh’j Bucktre pound s ? do i ‘Bnjce’»" , ss; on eon.*irnment and for i apil A CORDON, wat. r *i lirarrißG paper, *«.- , • • VV Ruled and PUla Cap Paper* White and Blue;- rV- Do-. da Letter oo do a;*- Do- do- do do aworted color*, Paney Note Paper, Plain and_Emboa*cd; Note, Letter and Legal Envelope*; Letter Clip*, Sealing Wax. RedTape.&c. • For aale low by KLLJOTT A KNCiI.ISII tpQQ • Market *uvet,betJVl i ' IjCNDßlKS—4l>obig*RtoC©Sre; " COhfcheat* Y 11. Tea. 10 do Inpetial Tea; 30 do' • PouehongTea: . 9)0 bbl* N. O. Molaaaea; SObbtlSUl. do; ‘ 3 rerootu 3. F. Indigo; for aale hv apli- JOHN GRIER, Liberiv at l SUGAR, MOLASSES AND IUCE~ ICO bbda prime N. O. Sugar; ' 35 bbl* IxJaf .do; SOObbla Plantation Molaaaea, Pittab.’gh SO bbla Sugar House do,- heat quality; b liereea Freib Hire; received from Nei* Or lean* and for aale by W &->l-MITCHEI.TRKE *P 13 •' ‘ No ICO Liberty- atrerl BUAJVDT —3 bf pijyr* A S Brandy, Jail and pair; do do Chard, buprr *3l), Jo viniagra "i Jo do Plnet Canilioo Jo da 4 do do ofoihar brand*; * 5 c'kt cupojd TcuneueePeaeb Brandy; For vale iu qnaamie* p C Al AHTIN apW '• __ __ \i*>r amiihfield and Iront S USDRIRfr~4ObhK Cider ViiWxarf 10 hblaOld Hernnr M«lJe 40bbUH.il. Jw; ' CO bbU Plantation Mota»»r*; 30iieree» Rieejoneonuxnmnc; ._Fo,r tile by »P>3 xy qtU.KR RAISINSi Ac—SO bx* Ramn*; iu bjt* Pure Rag. MurtatJ: at keg! do do; 5 bagn Prpper; for uje b -f" W OKERR ap!s . Sl)j>DlliKa-<V Jblt and 10 baftTlirTAprilV dbapiKUuaced; 9 l-agi Timothy Seed . 3bbi» Pork; Scaika Potaiii; 30 bu»Drjr Peadiea; 3 bl>U prime Buh.t - Ju»t received and ibraalc low by ' apatl ENCM JSHA UKN NKTT, 37 wn o4 »i APPLES, 4fce«—Cl hhta Green Applet \«u en <\l Lett kinds, fIOO Iba aopenor Cfcee»e: 6 LbU (.‘filer; .. . 3hfbLla Apple Duller,ir-adem'suii eu Him. a »nnerior article.:o arrive: lor aale l.< u PI9 ISAIAH DICKKV A Co, water anil tiont *t« VKLLOW BWKKT POTATOES - |,|,u ± Seed Sweei Potatoes just terrhflj in Kuo j lion,and for saleai ihc Piitvburtb wd»u>ir ,ni.,ri i., woo*Uad Cih »t*. np'jo £ NMyiCKKR*!! a \li Wf )HO n»i*on ll(4jiouu'.!, iu j.iiiuc* in,|pr ,UUU v-j WILLIAMS a! flll.VvfilCTli ; -iEJ2 CASKS Sateratu*. For Vale bv' O ap9g QEO MORGAN A Co. i;ji Wu6 ,| ; t TNDIGO—IOCeiMUiNbF. For sale by 1 a ; GKO, MORGAN it t.O a’ASSKY * BEST—Wholesale "cStnceiiT* i > MercbJUti, jmd dealer* in Produce - no3i Wood slice i, Pittsburgh. PI.OCR—IOO bbt* Family Floor, received an<t~i<>r' i. rale by. aptf* TAMSKV \ URjef pOTASn— lficask* pure, th ilorc and lor *s|a hr X ■psa TASSKV A UKST S SALTS—27 bbls p’rime S Snli*. bn Land and far aale by ap^U — TASSKV 4: BEST B BOOMS—laydot corn llroonts, air--, be-1 gilt handle*,received per tleacuhoat Newark, and tortaieby apa; TASSKV AnKST edition of Hasweir* Engineer’* PoiLel -LI Uook. dost received and for sale by ap« JOHNSTON A STOCKTON o.ls—3pipe* of mpiwan brand Holland _VT For *ale by ap« I* O MARTIN . 01*BRYE WHISKEY—A few bid* of *up l> MR W hukey, di»tilled IsflT. For tale by . a P C MARTIN^ U,^T^jr1 c * i,e ,a P er - **■* French.!>rap *■“ O cie—or fine Black Snmmcr Ciotht-iu.i opened and for sylc by atflO SHACKLFTTr A WHITE SB£l* — 1W boxes P»Ln Soap landing from framer Ringgold and for tale by ap'Jl ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, water and fiom u* PLAYING CAROS—I4O doz. for (ale by «P*l P C MARTIN ORANGES AND LEMON'S— KjOUx* prims Birt*i Orange*; 'lO bu prime Sicily Lemons for aala b X a pan rc martin : /"^.BOCERIEB —A full assortment of Sugnr, Te* VJ Coffee,Brooms,Bucket*,Rat tins, Bgconi Ac, fo r tale-wholesale and mail by I* C MARTIN coramithfieldand lnint«:< C'y*A3CBKE|> OIL—I 6 bM* jmt ree'il atui for sal .•vVr, s at w iiaruauch a F*l No 33 wood r ireel_ C^ORK- SOo hut, prune Yellow; to arrive in & few > days—for tale by *P3> 9 A WrllAßßAUGU.ttwoGdft FPTS. TI'nIPCXTIKK-i: flnramSSrTd O and forsale by BRAUN A REITER _?P®_ cor Libeny and gt Clair ats C®*AHISH \VuiTXBfO~3O bbls, a superior diy kj article, on band and for sale by > - »P*> BRAUN k. REITER DOBS* Pi SlS—Shblsof the very best quality, for *A sale by BRaUN A REITER T *P*Q cor Libeity and St Clair rtftcti pEPPKR-t cases Powdered African Cayenne <5 A Pepper, ju*l received and for sale Hr , .■e*i BRAUN AREITF.R BIjUK ORILLIJfQB-3 case* just opened and for sale by SHACKLKTf & Will TK , ■PS O . No 99 wood street RAGS WASTED—Country Mixed Bays want ed, lor which the highest price in Cash will be paid. PIERS A COLLINr* First street, Ixilow Market FRESH TEAS—-ISO chests and hf chests Y. 11. aoiTGiinpowderTcas, for'sala by aplS StEO MORGAN & Co, 105 wood »t XfETAL —60tons No I Foundry, receired per ttmr IVA Motive and for sale by aplfl M ALLEN A Co, « water si LISBEKD Oils—so bUIv landing uak arid for sale low by - aplO M ALLEN A Cd. Ad water at D ACOsr—B,ooo Iba, hoy round, in siore and for sale -Dbr CUNNINGHAM A BONNER 144 Liberty street DRIED FRUlT— lTSbut.Peicbet; ” SOO do Apples; in tuire and fortale by npIP CUNNINGHAM & BONDER' /"ARKEBI APPLES—SJ Lit Choice Appb.V, re- VJ eeived and ror taJe by _ »pH> a F VO.N BONNIIORST A Co.ru From m T'jmACCO —itt kegs No 1, b TwifMrecivcd per • X Itaac Newton nnd for tale by »PU> FRjEND, RHKV A On, 57 water.«» , LOAF SUGAR— 3?bbl».N’o?,jceeiveil per ctrur ißobertPulien and fortale bv _apj» FRIEND, RHKV A Co, 57 woierji BALSAS— 13 do*. \V<ttar’*Bal*tm 01 Wild Cher ry, ju« received and fortale by __apl9 -'l KIDD A-Cu, CU wood »l CORO— 1,100 but. prime Yellow, in' good sbippug order, for tale by . ap_l» S k W lIARBAUGU, 33 wood «i '"POBACCO—100 bxt.Sn, 8t 18*, and 16-; ; iu|>erior A brand*; 50 ken 0 Twitt Tobacco; ioi rale b y adls GEO MORGa N X Co V°RR SUXTURES-I rate rec'd and ii.r talc lbr apM SIIACKI.KTTA WHITE SCIFTKTIHIHe —So ox. ju*i received and tor *»leby aplB i KIDD, CP wood »l T ICfcUORICB ROOT-350 lb* MnaH sticks, ju-1 JU-ree'd and for tale by J KIDD AC* , A bCOIIOL4I O bhlt Ju.*t received and for tale by *R}? _ d KIDD A Co.tij waier ti QCORCIIINGS—Joti received and for tale bv WICK A .McCANDUSS IYUTTEIt—4 bblt Fretb Roll Batter for -:*le by • X>apl9 WICK A MeCA t-SUF.F*S POTASH—Prime Poush Ju» received tor «*la , ■T |>y npltt U’iCK A McCANDt.K-SH j T KAD—SOO pljtGalena Letid,recriveap.>r Mcimct l XJ Cambria and torwle by \ ,apl« LEWIS HUTCHISON' Ac Co | CHLORIDE LI3IK-3 caikr for **], { . «P» R K~BF.LLEnS,AT wri,J M _ N I7LAXSJBKD OIL—ISbbU ferule by - r apW R E SELLKRS.S? YELLOW OCHRK-I.soalb*. turn VwJfil J saJe by »plO R E SELLKfc?, a? viooßT pUIPFEO btlWoMile|,y " y apl» R K SKI.LKrT/J; troadM Flour sulphur—souibi'iori&ieby _ «plf _ R B SKM.KKS.37 wood vl - ' f>PSOM SALTS—S C8«k« B&lumore, for role by iap»B • RESELLERS, 57 wood« /■'LUE— lu bbli Glue for' tala hr yy apiu v R K SELLERS? wocd « BACON— 7,UD Ibt, hog round, in More and for rale _ hy «Pl» 8 A W, HABHaLUH WOOL— Fleece, Tub Waabed and Fulled Woo" . • apl> 8A W HaRBaUGM BROOMS— 200 dor. in aure and ibraaie by apft* CUNNINGHAM A BONNF.R NO* MOLASSES— 29O bbla in More,and for »ale • by apls _ OEO MORGAN ACo QPAKUH WHITING— 4O bblt for aa!e by O oplS OF/) MORGAN A Co. 109 wood ,n RIO COFFKK— frun Canal «nj formic by »pIS OKO MORtUNfr Co SCOKCH BAl«TB—2'tnn* for talo hr «pl* 'X_o_ RR *«» r wraw_aml .<« A PPLKR—IQJ bbl) Romania AppW forVaV |.y 1» w nm-vA POTASH— 15 eue» I'oiatb bf *.*???.' ; \V GREER TSt2uh* r ****** BllckTea » am'tiof from CwmT *TIS . \9 kkkkr gCORCHINQS-ObM '* .-V ,e «'U to »*lc iiV ■ WIM.IAMS&DH; :nißTti riOFPBS=S9O Us* pan O reeit R«o, ibr«»l«V“ V »^ t7 W GRKEtt <J c “** 0,1 coocijnmeni, for ul« by iJ * W ■ W CJHKKR- bit writing fag Cinclontti, far ..In by : ~ W ORKKR OPT*. bblrlu.TTirtSS i P fat ..In by ; J J JJORC. AN ' piTCII— x pptgnndy Pnch for la ; e R y > ■ l a moroa si DACOS-au,** lbj.fcogn»n,}, I„and far«la -ij®. : :IP»7 R RODION 4Co Oy£? bbUUtt, « ei ' u *» ‘anwe^todi^Mjgby^* W?.f7 ,!fQ ‘ Mbbl * Botion Whiting fot tale by TT apM J gCHOOWMAKKB 4Co ® MCK -W»ben Driwot Veorin* Hnek, AJ foraalo by aplt J SCHOONMAKHB kCo T o|t-.4 t>)ii» pore, t'of»ale by ~ ’' »P»4 -• J D Wl>ROAiy;Wlvroodrt Wbbi Diack Leather Vamiafe. fcr y Mi* by apl4 \ JOHN D MORGAN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers