The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 24, 1847, Image 4

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,’STSAJi oioiajauiieViCTW,;
»LDD£ ROAD, skoTcAattmwDQd QtreefePhif*
•dcipfaU.. At this esUblif btnest nap be foBs)
tt»g»tett vsnetv of Plan* and beaniifsi Pattern*
fbr' iRON.RAILINGS in the Voted Suit*, to
wfclebtbe itteation trf (hose t& want of **j de*erip
iMLtadcvpedtllj for Ceoetene*, IrparticoJtrtj
Th* jHiacipal part ot *n tha baadmnM.Raiiwg)
it/Lat-el Hill, Mousoeat,aad other.celebrated
Cemeteries ia the eity tad eonnty ol Philadelphia,
which hate bees to highly extolled By the peblie
preee, were executed at ttue manobctovy. - '
.. Alarge Wxmßoom reconnected with the «K*b.
Usfcaeat, wbert to kepx constantly on band * large
stock Railings, Ornamental Jrc«
Setteea, Iroa eaw etjrlepUia aod onaae»
. Jal Iron Gates, with aa extensive asaortmeni of Jrot
Poet*, Pedestals, JLroa Arbor*, die: 'AM, In tf**i
variety, W roofcbt sad CxnlroaOrnmeptJ,»aitablf
for Raman, and other nsrpone*. ." 'j
' The eueeriber weald also eta te that in hu Pat
tare and Denning Department he tea* employed
•crate of the beet talent in the cosstry, whose whole
attention Uoevqled la the buiineas—forming alto*
•ether one of the moot complete sod systematic e»4
ttblisbments of the kind in the Union.
. -ROBERT WOOD/Proprietor. !
Ridge-Rosd.'above Buttonwood street. .
March 13,1847d5m0». , i
The cheapest gold and silver watch
Gold Levers, fall Jewelled.’ •4100 *
Xilver do » do - aa.oe.
Gold Lepinea, Jewelled, . .90 00.-.
Silver do • do 15 00 '
SliverQnartiers,ftnequality; loop 1
Gold Wetebei, plain, 15 00
Silver Spectacles,.. ..U® ... f
■ Gold Pencils, <TW..
Gold Bracelets, ' ' '• <
• - Alas,on bead,;* large aanottmenr of Gold and Ilajf
Bracelet*, fing atriof*. btcett pumhoap ear rtnx*i S®** l
pens, silver spoon*, tongs,
' eutb and fob chains, guard key" *dd Jeyefo'sf e, *rX
description, ai equally tow pr-re*. All Iwraal u* cait
to convince customers. . „ a
All kind) of Watches ai)J Clock*
raattd to keep good llare for OoeyranoU gold andail
verboofhrbr taken In exchange. - - .r *• *•-• -
FOl.....««w <m ™*f-TuSuis* ;
Watch, Clock, and iewclrr Store. No'4l*l Marke;
street, above KJevirotb. North «d*, Philadelphia.
IT7 I hare some GobUm! Sdveri.cvers)tiUc£e*per
»b«ii the above price*. jaagsni
fTTUlSlflauorr poMeise* many advautigeiovrr all
X ©lher*—a»ongwhielitn*y be mentioned,
Itt force oi Mow
BUT bo controlled with the greatest ewe, while th<*
■ hammer it la ope mi on, and tbit hammer bit be ie
ataatly arm*led, mad suspended at any height-.
lu Cnhrenalily,' or capacity >o execute work of all
'kind*,fromthe largest»the «ninllCst, uad*r the same
hammer. ' r ' • •
ita Simplicity, Compaetneea aad Cheapness.
In Aecetaibjuy upon all aide*, by the workmen.
All the hammer* are made 9elf*Acting.
The Mhtariber* cosiispe k> axMCuie orders for ihr*e
aUaixea,«ponr«aaonable iem».; . .
A**t»ee*ofthePaientibrlhel r n«Jrd.“vatra. ,
' deelMT .. SWahwark FoandiTiPhllßd^«
Ridr* T**d, *lot* Spring OardtnStrtrt, PittarfrlfWa.
’ rffula establishment fserectrd on on Improved plia.
X atul by the aid of Steam Power maonfaemre* all
tmdiol Marble Work In a aoperlor vtjle, sud at ibr
. loweatpricts IbrCath. ... '
The largest and beat axtortment of Marble Mantsl*
‘ ever before offered to the {mblic may be
Wire. Room, to which the attention ©fputehaaer* it
respectfully invited.
Imported Garden Statuary and Vase* of ibe rao«!
uW-ii detigna. and patterns, made of the finest and
handsomest description of Italian Marble; Tile* for
Flooring,imported,andalwayi orihafld,ancUbrssteai
lira moct.reaaonable pfieea ‘
fO"Martle Cullers eon be supplied at all times with
anyaufflbe of finished Mantel* or Table Top*, at re*
daced wholesale prices; and the Trade will be furnished
at the shortest notice with all kinds of Marble in the
. block.or eat to sixealbr Monuments. Ac.
john Baird
I * Ridge Road.aSove Spring Garden si
February 3.3taw3tn
• Of ALL DtSCKimoli
heattt:Pvbnt Street,
Back of T. A. Wilton'rCabind Wart Mamtfy
ALL order) left with 8. S. Moon, aubeod»eef
‘Merchant’) Hotel, Pittsburgh, will betorimtpuy
attended to. - THOR. G. DERBY
aeplO-dly - A. C. NICKKRBON
r (PORTER of Watches. Wktchmaker > a-Teol»,aad
Walsh Materials, wholesale and retail,and cos
■tantly on hand a large. assortmrntof Lunette, Patent,
and Plain Glass, Maiaspringa, Verges, Dials,' Waich
Hands, and a complete assortment ol all Tools and Ma
terials belonging to the trade; with a large assortment
of Gold aad silver Lever, Lepioe, aad Plain Watches;
all of which be will guaranty to (ell at the lowest New
York prices. AU orders from the oooniry'punctually
executed. ■ .
N. B.—-Ooantry Merchants aad otbeis are Innted
call and examine at the Old Stand, No. IQ Sooih Fourth
street, Philadelphia- jmXX&n
lURNESS MAK&R, 230 Chenxt st,
PhilAidfUm,ttU of lhs firm oC Ogfa A
-VJty “ w - Wsuav ia&m* his fne&di
the public, (hat he has sad win keep
ccastoUy oe .hand and for alt, a handsome suortmeat of
-ashiomws Gtrragea. Vehicle* ofan style) aad description*
made to order at the shortest paimUe amice; mad encstsd ia
the my .bat manner, of selected maleral fcbSMy ■
I R Smith. W Bagalqy.. W H Woodward
SMITH, BAGAIeEY A CO-, wholesale deal*
miaGroeenefjTeaa,lndigo t NoS3I Market
atreet, below Sixth, North si dp, Philadelphia^' (Si
' ;r tot tich
ter Good*,
'VTOTICR— Application has been made (bribe re>
A* newal of Certificate No IW, dated 1 January n,
'ISIS; for thirty-six shares of the .capital !«tech ot the
company for erecting a Bridge over the River Motion
rnbala. opposite Pittsburgh—which said Certificate has'
been destroyed by fire or lost
Wb P Yieafr C-Uunsen- P Plibken. -
touho, ifmßfcar * pltokett,
'■ "IXTAREUOUSE No*. S 3 Water and 104 P.rst sired,
'Y Ft .Pituborgh. The Glass nsoQlaMartd by a* u
" warranted eqaal to uy is the country. Ait orders
will receive prompt attention tod died on mMnAblr
tens*. Mercaanu and other* visiting the city are in-
Tiled toeall before porchixiogclsawheit. frht4
A ANCKEB ft MAYEH, wholesale nnd retail dealer*
. in Eastern Ready-made Clothing, woaki take tin*
methodofinfonnSagtne pablif that iheirstockofspring
and sonnet clothing js now complete merer)' rarirt)
of styles* adapted to the present and eurum* season.
Wtlhlheriewof insoKflg a of the liber
. alpamnAge wehave heretoforereceded, laduoffn
general aautihctton loalloorcastomers, we have imi
. tedoar attention to the porehase and maau/aeuirineof
-•Terysjdele comprising our eaientire stock. Gentle
■ • men desirous of being tailed oat, will find it to their
. advantage to tire us a call, as we are d«iena<ae<{ that
. oarpriceaßkalladdtoifceindaceineaUprvfteMedinihr
beany and fashtpn of our clothing.
. Wo always keep on hand a splendid supply of «i*k
, . aader-akiits, lioen and wpetfine cotton shim, scarfs
khnd kerchiefs, crarau, and wgenij/ ;
\ , Sign “Golden Htar.* ■'
If. B.—Gentlemen who wish 10 nave any article of
- dothlng node to order, can l>o furnished in the shortest
. . Tiodce. >*|vo
& cauD.
w ' A begs to acquaint hit
A friends that he is again lessee of the G A LT
: ■. HOUSs>LMinriUe,lCy..«rfccre be hopes to meet all
his oM friends, awmagshcß and the paWlicr. them*
. edert shall be Spared to make ail comfortable who faror
tan with their patronage. , iantldlr .
vmwo BOSKS, Monthly Rose* STSviF.
Hffaiecos, ge., •nitible.for planting i n Canary's <
furnished on application at the seed store.
ft#Q M«n»ne* of Jaa. Wardrcft MaiKhestd.
aseUfluNol32.coi wnodandßthau
: : ' OUAIi BOAT FUllMft'ttH.K. "
, 1 ' / T BA.VB fn-eoreand fnrsale low—
. J. Bank Frames; •*'
•*••• ,-CMk-- Beds;-
- flhocti; and Trieualrtrs o{all kinds; - - '
And all other ankles in ay line, which-1 shall sell
/ tawaadoiaeooaaodatlnf terms. WM NOBLE'' '
opposite the Psakof Fittslmnrh. Met
/“iKOtfpfD Al&SPlCfi, Cinnamon and ulores. in
' ATbhto,temaadaßaHpaeka(es,eQnstaady.oabaad
. and tor salt atiM Masurd and »Jee P*eiory»ir7 Flnh
t vfteeei.- »fe9 . . RriGpESft AjCOSw
*7- .-iwumi* VPBOMTKBZVO.
T AMjngjwM »*> all kta&rof'Ctbmet Stafiog,
;i- •■* • u ikon notice
■//-.• {MtttleftStMf, Nob!f*a tta Tkinl ft.pmißplljrUiead*
, JP^K>t« i, i 1 < o r» || Hi | i". JTBTVAH*.
Dl> aaamc tiul,
wJ'i CoqwniWiou Metckwit, and Dealer itL Produce
*wTKtafadTflj JUoimCa'uirr*, corner of. Wstrr and
V\ BmiMelditsPaubargh*P*. • . • Jpis
; ' TXUKV PBACn TRKEfI-C<Ojw«rr<ei»ed
.1 •:' «| from New Jet**f in good order, sale, lotr at
* ■- thefHtstmrrh<wniei Uoddaodjkhsis.'
- . . : » N WICKKESMAM,
•//--' '< :v ikSLiVAK~FiiuA'Bauiiu . ■ ■ - v
. - VXTAMANTHO njterwt u> lh<> W«l Enernk H 9toer
k>ld«,''wMndandifcrssdeii (HaWsiebatM
• toiC
___ EzrUuht2y fit Pmutnem. .
TliE puitlie are respectfully informed tlai Ibis Lcne
wiU eammeoee rnnninjjouor about the ICih instant,
audco&tikae ibronghoci the reason. *n»e proprietor*
have now placed a •opniorrUt* of Packet* and Rail
road Can oa the route, with extra accommodation*,
which wiU give greater toenibti to traveler*.
-• A Packet Boat will at way* be 'in port, end thefar
cling politic -am reqarMedto rail and t lamtnetbrtn,
orcvioaaio>ODCln|tpawaccel»ewKeir. - . .
• . ‘-FAltB ONLY MNK DOM-ARS.” ,
Odeoflltc Packet* wilt leave the landing,(oppdttte
the (Jailed State* Hotel, j corner Penn atrcct and the
Canat/cverynighlaiSo’clork* | -
* TIM V. 31'1) AV !* I ' ,
For information apply ut. the olHre, Monongalte'a
lloo**. Water*trett,«rio. . . D LEECII fc Co
- mch)3 cor Penn street and Caual
.18.17. gjtjSjfe
TfJK atock of- ihi*.litre coaciau of a double daily
Uas-.0l Ifoata aadCara. (owned by ihenu*|vc*.[
which are ut good order. The «üb*enber* arrprepn-.
.red to forward a large quantity of Merchandize and
P/odacc with certainty atiddi«p*tcti;
Prodnee or Merchandise consigned to any of the un
-4lar*tgßcd,t* forwarded free of any charge lor ctuntaii
•ioa oraiorage.
. .Bill*lading tranemitted and all mttruciioti* promptly
wended to.
.. The luuineM of this Um i« conducted on arr.etly
Sabbaxh-kceptng prtneiplr*. Addreas, or apply tu
D LF.KCII & Cu. Proprietor*.
Canal Ua*in. Pittsburgh
HARRIS A LKKCII. Froprirtan,
No J3«>'uifi Third ctfrnt. Philadelphia
408. TAYLOR* SONS. Ajpma..
No 114 North Howard aural, Ualunore
W n WILSON, Agent,
- No 7 \Ve»i Hrrct, N_rw York
FQKlb* usD>{uit!AiiAfl of Frc<xtiLtpiwcci> Pituburcb
aadltie Atlantic Cine*, avoiding ttagthipajcm* on
{be way. an<i the eoatequent n«K ol <lda\ , Uauiafe,
fctrakaxe and »<po ration of cqp«l».
Not£7i* Market street. Philadelphia
Cor • rm and Wat ue mi, Pittsburgh
O'i'ONNOR A Co, North street, IJaliimoie > .
\V 4 J TTAPSCnTT. “SSoutb »t. N V J AR'a**
Encouraged by inrreasod bo»iue«« the Proprietors
bate addt-0 u> their «:*>ck ai»l rucmtrd their arrange
meats daring the wmirr. *i«J ;«rv now prepared to tor
watd ibeigat wub regularity and dispatch uiiMirpnMrd
br any wher line Their long »xp»j :r»re •« canier*.
ilif pulpuUlc superiority of the Portable. Boat s>Y*trin.
nod (he great raparhy nrrd ronvnnroce of the ware
tiM<r< aieacktndof il* line. arc pc-.-ultaily rateula
\ led )<• enable ibr prikpueiwr* to fulfil tbrir ciißuprtm'ii'i
:’and aecostimodairMheir co-inracr*—ootifirtrfriynlTVr
, the pau «a a guaranty. for iho fut air.. ih<-yre»tfull\
| solicit a continuance>>■ that patronage wmcb they now
i gratefyUy acknowledge. 1
I Atl«Jord!|rn«nint»lo Taaie 4 O’ wtUbe rceM
and forwarded Steamboat charge* paid ai d Bill* ot
I loading transmitted free of any charge tor Comm:«*ror>,
j advancing or Murage. .(laving no iiitrre*! directly or
| indirectly insieaniboal*. ilieiuierert jot the ci»u*iguor»
must necessarily. I« their pmnaiy object in •b<pi>:ifp
weaLand they pledge themselves to .forward ail goods
I consigocdtto them promptly and tut the»u>*i
| geouaienas to the owners.
March l. IW7 mar?
18 41.
irrWnhout Trantr.iymrtrt-—f[T
Good* resigned to our cure will be forwarded with
out delay, at she lowrn rurrent t'aie*. Billn oi Lading
iranxniued. and all Instruction, promptf) attended to.
ft <W from any extra eimrge for storage or conuu.ssiou
AJdrr.r*, or apply to C A Mc.aNUI.TY 4Co
Canal Butin, Pittsburgh
Having a very largo arid comnuKlions warehouse,
we are prepared to receive (m addition lo freight for
ftapment) a large amount of Prod nee, Ac! oh Storage at
lownrteg. (man)) -C A MeANUITTY^Co
lB4 7'. BbUjZA
Exclusively tor the tignspormuon of w ay
FREIGHT between Pituhatgli, DUiisville, John*-
tOWDrlloUidayrliatgh, Water Sit eet;,Petrr»butgb and
allinteimedute place*. ,
One Boat will leave the warehouse ofC-A Me Acuity
A Col, Pittsburgh,every day, [except,Monday#.} and
hand* their good* for
wardMwithoordelay and at fiir rate*.
This Line waa formed for the special accommodation
oftbejraybualaeM, and,the proprietor* respectfully
aolicita liberal ahare of patronage.
JOHN MII.LKR, UollidayKburgh 1 ,
R it CANAN, JohitMowu } Again*.
C AMcANULTV A Co, Pittsburgh)
J i MeDovitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Bagaley
A Smith, Pittfbnrgh. _ marf
tUiESmJ 1847.
THIS Une being composed of Steamboat* Lake Krie
and Michigan, running C»-‘y l-etween Pir.fhurch
and Boavcr, and freight a...i t "<ger Canal Boat*,
runnin* between Ueavcr»n<* ’ > - amlcrmncctiogwiib
C M fveetPa Line of Sicaw .‘rcpdlers and Vessel*
on the Lakes, will be preparnl upon the earliest open*
inf of Navigation to carry Freight and Passengers to
ali poinuon iho River, Canal and Lakes,
Having every facility fiarceareyteg freight anS paa
•engere with promptneaa and dispatch, the propnetor
and ageau respeetiuily aolieu from then frtemla and
he pnblte' generally their patronage.
C M REED, Erie. Propnetor
i REED?*, PARKS 4 Bearer. A el*
■ JOHN A CAL'CiHKV, i’iuw.’nhito
Cor. SaithhelJ and Water *u. oppoiiie the Mon.mga
gaheJa llos*e.
irrrii rn
Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New,York
Gwr Dart*, Buffalo "
K N Park* A Co, Cleveland
Jos A Armstrong A Co, Detroit
MeClore A Williams, Milwaukie
Bn*tol A Porter, Chicago
Wtn Pdwcr*. Power* town, Penn*
Geo Moebelmyrt, Evanshorgh, Pcnna
John Me Arthur, llanutowrt, do .
Wick A Acker, Greenville, do
sewr- pima
‘ primed
ni*rd fioui;
£b & Scotch
*nd printed
da Uifttti
r neb Drab
tin Striped
new. AJ*o,
emirate n»’
ew Vers made
Shut*, kt
/Tower*, cheaper
at wholesale
w uga&rard
Cnrtg A Fratnpino. Clarksville. do
Hay* A Plumb, Sbarpibmgb, Pa.
JV C Miilan, Sharon, do
ft W Cunningham- New Cattle, do - msij
CTMIE unproved method df carrying sued hy tin* long
X Kilabtuhed Lise, i» now m well known that dm
scripliont* onntce*»ary. Good* are not touched on the
route, ihjis ail (ranthipiaent or extra handling unvrrl
|The Coat* ore of lieht draught amf perform their trip*
in front oil lo »c ven day*.
The capacity of our Warehouse* enaldr* us to itorn
any eomngnoieou toado ton* Receiving, norm*. mid
advance* free of ebarge*.
Being fully prepared to make talc* of Produce, we
respectfully solicit consignment* oi western Piour,
Huron, Lard, Hotter, Cheecc, Wool, Feather*. uud other
article* for talc, au which 1..Vnl advance* will t«e
mode and miter uwalldciii'ie* *.l«rd—t, pledging onr
eelvc* that any hu»inei* i->ilru«inl in u* !„• a.
promptly executed and opon a* lair term* a* l>y any
other U>n«<*. JNO McFADUI'N A Co
Canal llarin, I’ uM.urch
2W and 231 .Market it. I’lutndn
j. dickey:
fOBWIKUINE & IMMISSIOK BKKCUANT, Beaver Point and Hndgetcaler, ,
■eater coubtt, fa.,
Proprietor and Agent of Mecmeri
dallt brrwEEß riTTspunoH itu khveji,
Wild, he prepared mi earlir»t opening of cam. l mv.
igation to reertve property at lu« wharf l».nt <ir
in warctKiu*e, for all iioitit* on Erie lixtcii'inn, Cio«m
Cut, and Onto Canal*; for all port* nit Like fc'.rir and
upper Lake*.Ja*al*oio forward produce, Penn'a.
Improvement?- A pplf to or addre**
.frb*4-dif J AS RJCKFY. Heaver
1846. HHBi9
EarWtrdlng a Commiaalou DUrehtnU,
r T'HE Agent* and Proprietor* of ihi* Line (w favor
X ably known to the public), will he prepared on the
earliest opening of. canal navigation to receireprup
trtj at Pittsburgh and Heaver, n&d deliver the frame oi
tor point on the Ohio canal*, and «I*>on Lake.* Erie
and Michigan, with th#g«Ble*t despatch und utrea*-
unable rate*. ’
17io proprietor* of thr* lute ooticit the baitneM of
their foraoer customer* with confidence, knowing that
their foellitica are second to none.
Apply to or addreo*
G M lIARTON, Act. Pittsburgh.
CLARKE A Co, Bearer.
Janas T RICHMOND kCt r r*«]ajid.
THE Boatmen's Portable Bom Donspany being di»
solved, (be Company again went into articles of ti»-
jpaniwrtkip under (he name of (he “Bowmen** Lisef’
and likewise agreed to refit the k toe It *o as tofcaae a
noniber of- Uoaiilor tba parpoe of carrying good*
tbtougb in from vip lo eight days. wuh eertriwy—and
feel eufxmragrd l*y ike liberality of la*« yew’kpalron
pge. «> make more cxten»ire Arrangement* for the tin
ium< year.
. Wa woald therefore respectfully rcdlait n conu'nu*
anceof our ibhacf paatmsjand refer all new castomen
business for. >1
.... . Pprlhetr«i*portaiion-of
Afct KiMti* ot HKcctrifMax, to am> Kaon'
• rmtaotLMu*, iUiyusosst, Nxw Voax, an> Uoaros
. r £AMUBL
Cofner.LOmttt wrest and Canal Basin. Ihcubureb.
w „^«V'< iKßl,AßT *coi
W P SESSS» < oL 7 B*a »? Cp " T - G ™ »«WVHC.
PifH* nVf PHI* Ja^^.^S 00 k M Allen A Co,
BmwJ Bispkam, Joseph Ciraa. * ’ * tar W/ ’S tllk
NE^V.TORK—OoodbaeACo.Tbaavl'etrv h. iv, *
BOSTON-Reed. Hard a Co. try *
HXNCIKNATI-Adiaa k Creaks, w w Scarbor
<H\ PLEASANT, Va—P A tackier,
NASimU-K-F Fiemiag.
Norf-AHmcrfchaadlse torn New-YorV and Boston
consigned to A U Gerhart A Co, Philadelphia, will he
promptly forwarded /rt« ofcoatnlssjop.
■'! . __ . . LBEfin A CO’S
Paekags Kxorau Co Phlladil).hli,
TIIE Canal being now open,- the
Express which haa been es
tablished tor,Um c»ar«yaaecof.Talu«blo packages of
aerekaiMliM. specie, batik notes, jewelry. Ac , com
tosneedraaajßjonThnnday, March IS.
An laoxCnttrenll bodtquitehed Jaiiy aniil ike eloto
oftha eaaaJfngsaimo. ■
. Applying - ' ' DLEECUACo ‘
tatuS eot Pena at and pant]
THIS well known and j«polar of Steamer* has
been greatly rntproTcd tl»r j.a.i Winter, by the ad
dttmn of acveral new and inagmficem boatS-boilt
axpre»«!y for the Packer Tine: ami the enti/r jlun is
how composed ih r(gl.i of the largest, bhftt fid'.sherf and
fanmbed, uml most powertuUtoau on the AVateiaof
the West. Every oerauunodaiiou that money will pro
cure- has been jKovidcd for l’a«*vnger», and no poin*
will be spated to reade.r ilirio cothionabbe prul the tnpt
ogteeablc. ‘l’hry learn P.tttliureli and Cincinnuti daily
and positively at. 10o'eloek, A. M.
The MD.\ONGAIIKLA,Capt. Stonr, will leave Pius,
burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
every Moii.tayevminaai 10 P. M ; and Cincinnati ev
ery Thursday at 10 o'clock A M.
7 ,The ». I'api J
leave Pittsburgh ever) Tucday monuiig at IU oVIo-V,
Wbcelttiv every Tue.dav .evei.iug at id P- M ; and
CinciHiiati every Fnday at Id.o'clock; A. r M
The NEW ENGLAND, NO. ‘4* Cap!. $• w,| l
leave PutsburgU every W.tlnesdrfy im>tnmg nt 1»
o'eloeln Wheeling evety W.-dne*day evening it 10 P
M.j and Ciocmiiau'eveiy Saturday at |U o’cliß-k. A M.
The WHtCONSIN.Capt R J Grarr. will leave Pin*,
'burgh every Tlmmlny rooming ai lOo’clack; Whecbug
every Thursday editing >liD P. .V 4 aud (..ncmit.tti
evevySuttday at lOo'clock, A. M r
The CUPPER, NO. 3, Capt C»{<,t*. will leave Piu*-
burgh every Friiiay tnonnnc at to o'clock, Wheeling
every Friday evening at 10 P..M.; ami Cincinnati e*ery
MomliiV ut 10 o'clock. A. M
The MESSENGER, Capi. Lmjutd. will leave Pm*}
burgh every Saturday tuormtigai 100 eiock; VVli«eli»g
even' Saturday rd>-naig in 10 P. M., mid (Tmeinunti
every Tuesday ut 1 6 o'clock. A. M.
The" ISA AO NEWTON, C«pl A. <f. Afamn, will
leave Pittsburgh even- Sunday tnonung at 10 o‘i'lt«L;
Wheeliag cverv Sunday evening at IU P. M 4 mid Cm
eimnti every WVdnesday at lOo'clock, A M.
Packet* Iriittic a: their berth* at Piiubnrgh
and Oineinnatl. regularly, the day previous to leaving
melt p<>n, t'»r the rcvl-ption of freight, and entry rtf Pao
setigvr* on the Regi'lt r »
p»o Berth or State considereJ engaged paid
far. . febe
■iQ : -I^7;
‘ TIMOR!'. AM) piiii.auklpmia
Time to RaP:m*»r • • • dK hour*
Ttrve tn Pbi‘uclel|,liia • • --10
Itbdvrt M ir* Staemg J
f JVIIK •pletnlni itu-'l fn»r nrittnng 0.-atnri. t\tjt*ul.*
1 •« Mel-a»tr and Swatnri. have ronuneuord tuakinp
double daily trip* One ‘.tia: wdl leave the Moitongn
heln whar’ evurv inarning i>irc«e!y -m ■* o’elnt'k.—
Pa*‘engrt. by ih- morning line w!l arrive 01 Baitiumre
nest evening -n time for-the Pbitadeiplun Mail Boat, or
Rail Road *i,r< The evening Boat will lenvr the
wharf daily nt 4 n’elock. exe.*pt Sundnt .' Pi>«*< itgcr*
by thi' Ni:«t will lodge on Imtird. in eoititortalile Mute
ruoiti*; .ettvr Brown-viHe next nioniinv at 0 o'clock;
Iwilaml. Thu* ttv<vtling night travel nltngetrie.-. The
|*renaPatinu* on tin* tnuie are ample 011 J the eotnedion
conijilete: «o that a.«n|>yM>.nttnem* (•' >!elay * will l«* un
known'upon .1. ,
Pu**ciigvr* can rtop on the rouie ami resume thcit
seal* agitin ut pleTOute, and have choice of Ua4 Rond
6r SieumbOM t.etweer Ualt'tnnre and Philadelphia
Coaches char'.cted 10 panic* to travel a* they de<irty
fb-onie your Ticket* at the office. Moimngahelo llon«e,
or Sr Charles Jlo'cl. . J M KSKIMKN
CJSLJ 1847. gSsaggj*
PACKET Botu* Swallow and Triegropu leave Bea
ver daily, nt 3 o'clock e at-after tiic arrival of the
mouuop Boat from P.ttsburgii. ami orriiv at Warren in
une lot the Mrul Line ol triage*, which leave immedi
ately thereafter, and ur.rivaat Cleveland at 3o jtinek, e.
This route most cxped.tmu* and comfortable
one 10 the l^tkcs.
CfJTKS i I.KPFINGWELI.. Warren. I ropr'*
UKEU, PA KK> 4 C.i, Heaver. Ageni*
JOHN A CAI’.G'Hr.Y. corner Wm.-raud Kinuh&eid sis,
apf-ly Oppo«itr the Monougahela linn**- piU-borgh
fgggggg 1817.
and fukujiit lixu
THIS Line consisunirof freight and |iai»ni«T Pack
et*, wi'i run regularly during tae scajuit t.riuern
Beaver ami Greenville. Pa . by winch freight and pas
sengers between tin* two point*, will be carried prompt!*'
ami at Ike lnw«l rale*.
, WICK A AP.aiKß.GrvenvtHr, Aft#
CHAU; 4 FHAMPTtiN, <nark»v:Jie,-ifo;
MrFAKLANU 4 KlMi. H,g Lend, ‘do,
|IAVS4PLI’MU Sharpubureh i!<j;
W <: tIAI.AN. Mturnii, Ua,-
W,M. I lIKWS, put.nn. * ,io,
RKlil). PAIIKS4 Co, Ik'Jivrr.- do;
JOHN A CA UlillKY. comer Water and SuilbfieM st»,
apCly ! Ippas.le the Mononguhe'n llou»e. PitUtTnrgh
Philadelphia, Ualtldiore, Near York
and Boston. -
THE encmingrment ih ; s line baa received since
its commencement, his induced the proprie
tors to increase the stock b» adding a number ot tirst
classboaU; and instead of giving receipts as hereto
fore as agents, we will give oar own receipts lor
freight shipped by this line.
'l'he boats are all portable; consequently freight
is taken the whole distance without transhipment,
thereby preventing damage from t refloat handling
on the route, and a. each boat is owned by the
Captain wh>» pint them, which is a sufficient guar
antee that will be no delay on the rbu.le.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to (he
undersigned will be forwarded FRKlji OK.COM
MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and will
be shipped without delay-al the lowest rates of
Wc retpectfullv solicit a share <>f puhtie.patm
nsge. < WALLINGtORU A: (V,
184(i '■»»» - 1547
via rmow.Nsvii.i.F. & cu'inniLAXO.
- r pHi: :ir«: no-v jir-pnrrrf lo foty. ji.l pro-
J. iluer, fto .ill tli«- Krwir f'l .Murfcri* iJurgi* TW- ru<u
mtf \\ itiirr. on tW itio«t*- ictm-, %■, ii.*- cipr-
All projw-riy ;■> B- w:ll ce 1..1 AardrJ jI ibe
U»-JPr»t ttttr. mnl WITH .Ir-.j.iuh
tinii.l.-, fcr,vr«t I.) il,r* inilli! plnnijin j I f t ,f
wunfal. ; t! i:iIWKI,!. t A;‘i Fi:t«l>uriib
«; U l?\>8 Itr.twn.vil!.-
i: rj.-Krtro.N a f».{; K |i.!)criw,<t
r piM*'"u!rtrr.-ber* will rrrcip! far i!ieil<?<.vpn of I’rty
I -luct la UaHiUwif l.yiiiic Moiionellirla ?*larUwairr
ai tl.r. follow,!,* pnr.f.. ' '
A‘fo-i, Hulrr, iv«arl. f.nrj' l'ork. Tsliuw,
»\Viu«k<-v,rh-r-/ > «••’! v -?; ri> i.<-r iik) 11.
Tol-f .•*> n.'.ir,., r*..j ;i 0.l -JJ.-h ,»•, 1(10 !-.
a*i*-> ii'oc) .■> .-a, 4 .„j
Lcutar r- - |i*» * i« |.**r t<M lh,
Oil*, Slt-n. Wool— I lUcl* p-r Uk* 11/» •
, »r»«wiu.l>sllirr«, Knr«. Oni-oii-, j«na»e Kool
lUltupo |<X)ilk«.
All pr(iprMy,pou«ifni»il to miJut <*C n,u 'uii<J<i’i«rnr.]
will be forwarder without delay. free tiM‘oinmi«<ioti
at Shove ruff/ W » Cl.AflK.lJrown»v;i}r
/IJANNa & WATKKMAN, l'iu.*bur«L
nor&tlif /
THK I'AKLH.M rr, R i,cd
'winl refilled in liim|«>ni<i m><c ant*
now m tin 1 Moiioii£i.iiHn trtmrf A«
:« lintlin»r.l *|jr 1 1 wr I) m}m|V fit fill
c»ro'‘»i?^r.. S lu u„rt 1 M.w 1 .-t'r,..n r in/* tovnne, »t> lia*
?rnaj r*v»nty ami jh.«vi Any j.r-i,.,-. l*>
pareliaxt will ofcnupM- itißpert lirr
I nIRO propose », forpoe or mnre vrsr« my rail
Werki; dm! «n a man of energy n-i.l i iU -iu< -* l.ut. > n.ry
offer ffrnkj inltmimjifi 1 i urfl l,i, |i„. ci|Li'«
on ».ile or rimru-r., my low J-oal • MtNKK. u H. i-m.
al>o have i>n (air irrm# xix buries iirr-c Itaia, am! two
coal ImjlUiui*. • ■Jiren car*-w.ili rope*. lixiuri .. A.-. ..
made fur luli operaiioo-v Am e'xainmuMtn of*.
laMiMiinnit t» niTiinl. t’rraun* diiponcil lu nejcot.aic
witb me in reference to an> of die above particular »,
may adilreits enc at iny Office iu timin’* fluildin. a 4.
T. h rhiiKind A Co.
Tilt,* , __
bcfgfe—mode on the mow approved Buium plant—
and most luiluonal.;c* ami rotor*. AI«o
TUB CMKM» KOI.L. or noSfON ULtND, o» hand
or made to order of all «ize«. nn<l m all pticr*.
Country .Merchant* and mlicr* arc mvisitl 10 call and
examine tlie above for thero«elvc». at all will l>e «old
-wholesale or remit, audit 1 1 txrra t ileduclion mads' to
wholeaaJe purchaser*.
JUST Received and for tale
from the Foundry of Ofo Urucc
• k Co., New Y , oik, Itie following
I7| Iti* Minton Ttile;
: a IliiTwoiJn* Minion Ctj>«;
I ■ (treat vari
ety of Second band Type, from Nonpareil to 35 line Pi
ea. Flowere, Ornament*. eic.< wbieb will lx< »oW low
mc>»Ti i :J0 Market |U
. FROM iho *«>• 1 encourage
mem the *uh»eril»<ir ho* receiTed Ainee
h- bulocaird liiro««II'm. Allegheny,
ißii'jrrd him to lake a lca«c,fora
'• , irrmiof year*. onlhc property be,now
•*" s* aw •M«eh immediately tbs
i pn * ntburc , h ' lln-lonf experience in the
plrane; ho hope* lo Birr-
•haiborpubi,enau»ntt«. . i . .
tfowonhamj aad finithing m orJrr, RockowavUuF
pei*, open and top Baggie*. and every. ileaeripnon of
wnaßca maileio ardet, from •rvenivifivt- dollar* to
Cigi»lbttit%Tei [*?p.T-«ttO JOHN SOUTH.
'Canal Basin, I’uuburzh.
Broad Street; Philadelphia.
J F MII.LHK. Agent
Kowley’* Wharf, Baltimore.
Pittsburgh, »h. 18. 1847.
Tw Printer*.
; It (oTciure ibWoodt-i
- ihe attas »V heeler's )
(ZTraßnpt Teiherv? Tooik Waslr, that* to suffer I
Ti* tt,e ni-Ling; alwfo tufe MfciH-ShafU>r ]
gums, softness of the gums, stop bleeding <*fihcguoi*. 1
and always keep tbe teeth,esnu and mouth pleasant,
andlnihebe*l.»tateofhenltn. J
WbilsL imrodnria* \VHBRLEIr*9 TEABERRY 1
TOOTII=AVa»H tp lie public, it Is the painful duty of
the proprietor to state that this antele,’wbieb i» the
’ on/aol and only genuine Tea her ry Tbwbv.Ws'b, t.n*
been imitated by oomeroa* Teaberry-To# It WfttyeJ
Tea hern Tooth Varies, and a tumST rtpiTc'esWiib
tbe name Taittrry annexed » the nr when, m facT,ihi#
article t* the.first tbaiurer hots the nameofTeabrtry.
and l« tbe only one which possesses the rest virtue of
the plant, and criabtbbed all the celebrity for it, which ;
Indured others tomake useofit*name,though they oer
er 4lnl present iu Intrinsic vmaeslo the putties A«
evidence that this is She first preparation of Teaberry
(ot the Teeth, the copy of the certified records CM the
United States District Court t* published,
©Eastern District of Pcwitvlyauia,
to wit: Be it rcratanbcrcd, .That on
ihe second da; of February, Asno
Domiui. one thousand, eight hundred
und fony-twp, •‘ t -
of the said District. hhth
this Office tbe Title of* Book, tbe ti
de of which I* in the words lonowirar, to wit’ 1
- The right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in con
formity with sn do of Congress, entitled*‘'ATTXfrra'
amend the several AcU respecting Copy Rights.*
Clerk of U. S. Disk Court.
IsdL Fch Sd, Copy deposited.
The above Copy Right for the wrapper of the bottle,
showing the Title of the Article in legal language, and |
gt anted ia llie legal form, will prove this Jobe the ong-:
inai Teahetrr Tooth Wash, and ail others are bat imi
tations, which have gone out oi use wherever the Ou
nine Tcabcrry Tooth Wash is sold. Then, remember,
none is rename hoi WHEELER'S.
Certificates of Magistrate* of Ike city ofPMlad’a
Having made use of your much celebrated Tesberry
Tooili Wash. I feel.convinced dial it is ihe best article
I have ever known, ami bereby'wsrmty recommend
its u>e to the public in general as a pleasant and eflicn
ciou* article tor preserving the Teeth tad (Jams.
For s namher of years ray Teeth and Gums were so !
maeb out oi order at id prevent me from eating with 1
ptra’uie. and caused me ranch pain. Having beard of
Wheeler's Traberry Tooth Wash, I do certify that I
tried otic small bottle of at, and in less than two weeks
ray Teeth and Gum* were sound and good. I believe
-ihtl the use of. l would be tut advantage toman; oth
ers. J BRAZER.
Certificates of Members of the Philadelphia Bar
Having used Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth Wash and
powder. I have found them to possess cleansing sad pu
rifying properties, and while they whhen mid beautify
the Teeth, they have a beneficial effect npoU the gums,
by imparting to-thera free and healthful action.
I have u*rd Whoeler’sTealxrry Tbotb Wash, ami
us effects upon tny Teeth and Uutas have gives to rpe
a (ugh opinion of it# menu. I cheerfully recommend
it to the genrrul o*e. 11 K KNKA&i.
My daughter ha* tired Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth
Wash, (and powder) and I,a* found it* rfferisiO'be
clcunMng ana purification sf the gout*, and a sweeten
ing of the mouth. 1 have no hesitation in recommend
mg Has ihe rooet beneficial {•reparation fur the. trrih 1
buve ever seen. C J JACK.
Certificates of todies and. Gentlemen of
ft i> with gratitude that I rend the following certifi
cate. hnp.iig ilul many who suffer w’liMie led .by a pc
ru*:il n. i.> oMadi \\ heeler'#Teaberry Tooth Wash,
wti ' N »n<.->r t a*ed. and if has effectually cured tootii
si;nr, •Hniria ot the gums, removed tirarf from my
teeth, and l fullv believe' has entirely nrre«(r,|. all de-.
cay of them. I trust that all who suffer, having either
of the same species of eomplbint. will as soon a* possi
ble u>e Wheeler’s Tealiertv Tooih Wash. Ural they
may be relieved. JULIANA CUTIIRAL.
Owing to having taken cold, hut mostly in conse- j
■tueiice of tbe m-id of a paint u«e«l in coloring prints, my' !
lectli.became vrryimuch injured, giving excruciating
Pam at intervals, for between two ami three yrais
Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooih Wash, was used, and has I j rated them, which, in certificate form, I send,
that those whowish a perfect remedy for pmnftil teeth,
and also desire a pleasant Tooth Wash, may with con
fidence try Wheeler's Tealterry Tooth'Wash. '
• “Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash" nvtng removed
scurf and cared sbrencss of the guma, which had trou
bled me fot two yean.. It is my holier thatu is a highly
useful article, aud that it j" advisable u> those who suf
fer with the teeth and gams tomake use of it.
“Y«ur Teabeny Tooth W»<h rarrd the tooib’scbe
sad a.'-o forcortt of ibc gum* in my family, ami i toul
vox ilua crni&rii>* Uial (lawe who fuller vriito tootki
acbr oi «oreii<-»<> of ifae gum* may know (fast 'id* a.
rrincdy foe them. and a »crr'nlra«anl Tootfa Wash.
\ KRA’S. I'RKYOarr;
lib Calharmo Mrc«L
W Wheeler.
'\Vhe«-t:lt‘» Tr-aU-rry Tooth Wa*ti" havtaß eurrd
<Arcnt«* of ih'- euw*. and etfee mally atoppedtrice*]mg
of il>c *uni». I derra u a debt of graditode for the relief
which <l »3>>nlcl inr. iihl a duly owed loray fellow be*
ini;*, in «ov, that it t» tnj firm ihat,lho*c who
will u*e Wbeeler’*iT Tboih NVa*b, (nr the teeth
atal «um>, will find that it it an icnttortant anirle
“Fram much aeecte wffrriiig of myself, and other*
of my family, truh decayed Teeth end soro Gum*, and
clki macy rc*j»»t:ia >le tr»nmonfil« highly in favor of
Wheeler’• Teal-Try Tooth Wash. I \v»« induced it*
give n a u>al, alter which ray family u>*-J ii. and I re
joice 10 *ay that It did p« norm a thorough and rife dual
cure ibr all. ami is the best article that I evcrkaewof.
I woul J recommend it««ke jo thore Who may he suffer
Na 487 Market st.
\V Uherirr
Many mow ir*tiraomaU arr exirring approving
‘Wheeler’* Teab’erry Tooth Wash."’
Sold at \VM. JACKSON'S store. No. W L,ibcrtr
! > itt*biars;u, bent) of Wood at.
(Pr-nelpa! other No SU <*hr«not ft, IMlJlatirlphim.)
(l'i*rrvi- ih:• article ihonlii be dilated; the largest
bottle* make n quart «f the wash, «ud the *mu!le*t u
E*. S. For the toothache tl should be o*“d id the uadi
laird rtate.
ap37-dly j
('tQNSISTIJ'itJ of hi* Prophylactic Sjrup. a oer*
lam remedy lorall (.pyirufTlvt am! Scrifu
lou« affections; Hough Syrup, (.'roup Syrup, (pit.
centralcd extract of Sarsaparilla, decidedly
aupertorlo all other extracti. iuriug giTCD feliel
wheo all others hare failed, being through a j ew
process more coocehtrated than any other < ver
olTcrcU to Urn public. ASTHMATIC KLIXIK,
having cfteeted*>ennauent cures ol lhat.atubt oru
disease, when ol more than 12 year* stand ng.
hence it alands without afivaj in that touch dreaded
Dr. Host's' LINIMENT, Tor all ease* of weak
ness or paih. and a complete substitute forblistert.
Dr- Roses TONIC MIXTURE, an inlallibia
cure for ctfilis and levers, and indeed is more of a
specific for fevers of all kinds than buk or Qui
nine. 1
Vermifuge preparation.
disease* of the Stomach and bowel*, Chjlera in*
Tectum?, &e. Too high an encomium cannot be
pined on the merits of this medicine, iu cure oi
bitpepsia, and all disease* that result from weak*
ness of xlomteh m bad digestion.
Dr. Rose's FEMALE i ILLS, a most valuable
remedy tor those general complaints to winch fe
male**™ ■abject.
No pill ever before offered the public *o happily
comDinc*,thc qualities'of a valusole medicineman
anii-dirpcptm, LIVER or .Stomachic pill, correct*
in|* thorn discuses, and thereby preventing con
sumption. A young Lady ‘Zb years of age, having
s diseased liver tor some time, her strength pros*
trslcdand appetite gone, was completely restored
in an weeks by the use of the Aoti-dispeptic' mix*
lure and these pills alone
ENING PLASTER, lor weakness of the back,'side,
breast, Ate.
Dr. Hose’s SPECIFIC EPILEPSY,the roost cer
tain remedy for all eases of fits or convulsions,
whether in tofunts or adults; bo fertain a specific lor this formidable disease that the most ob
stinate eases, and those toouf long standing, have
yielded at ooce.
Di. Rose's RHEUMATIC .MIXTURE—After many
yrarsof «!ilrj»f*m'rt-«ettr» l» th.s compound was dixcov
errd, and iii*'ncvci tailing edjeaer places tl» efficiency
aIKiVL all udirr* for thc'curejif JUieuniaiiwn.
remedy for spitting blood, indeed for .diwhatfie* or
blood vrbcthci from l,uii£<, bowel* or oilier *paju of (he
•iKxty. ' . .i .•. .
Dr. RoieVSYRUPfor Cholera and Dowel complaints
—Thi*nt*iure will effectually tute bowel complaint*.
Dysentery,Cholera Morbus, and Cbolera. At tbe Ume
the A*>ane-Cholent was ragiug in I'lnUdtfiphta ii was
found 10 bo the most tureerifui ib arresting it, eating
nine tenths of ail more wh> u*ed u.
What may be •ai.lof one of .these remedies may bv
said of all; their mine will only lm appreciated be
those who try them. Letter* from those who have been
cured of ibr various maladies that offtii't the. human
liody oughi be given, hot wo ure Willing to rest the
matter 01V the merits of the compounds. Wo have a
panurea for Scrofula, id it* various form*, to condensed
and rtr.eurioui that its healing power has astonished
many A rav of Cancer,occurring in the wife of the
late Coventor of Delaware', was completely. cured in u
few month* The cancer had been twice rat out by
prominent jturgvoits.'and renewed itselfwilhlDcreatcd'
oaligimy x yet notwithstanding the itebility'Of Oanstlto
lioii niiifrt-inovril of the soft part*, lb® of the Pro
phylum c completely removed every ve»ngc of the
Case* innumerable of (he various cures that,have
followed the use of these remedies are »n onr posse**
sioit, but it is not decniod necessary to ettiunetato them
as Uir use of them will recommend them to all,
J. SCIIOONMAKKR, A Co., No t>l Wood Street
Agents for sttoSdly
REMEDY—Warranted it» carp,or the moo.
ry returned. This medieino is prepared from an la
titan Receipt, obtained from one ol them in the Far
West, at great expense. Those who have been
familiar with the Indiana; know tint the/ can and
do cure Venereal without the. knowledge q| Mqr*
cury, Balsam, or anything of the kind, ~Tt>g aj.
Dieted have now an opportunity of being cured
witbon -the use of £afsam. This medicine 'is
pienaaut to the taste, and leaves no smell 6n the
breath. ~
Prepared by ROWAND A-AVALTON, and told
wholesale and retail, by J. T. Rowand, 376 Market
For’sale In Pittsburgh by R K Sellers, 67 wood
street:and by Wm_Thorn.6t Market at. nolilwT
i fT"» EAswa- tvTTTcJrn"iLi'
O Dr. Jayne’s medicine, for the cure of the SORE
THROAT, has been doing wonders during the late un.
pleasant weather under foot. It is better to attend to'
slight ealds in time, and to proeiue the remedy applied
from skih'ifl physicians, than (rout unknown and irre>
sponsible quack*. Dr. Jayne has established a reputa
lion lone since for profcstionaJ skill, and his remedies
for cough* and colds have keen proved efficacious bv
the cipenrnce of thousands—Sat. Sr. Pott
For tale in Fiituborgb, at the TKKIN TEA tTTORE
73 Fourth street, new Wood; and at the Drug Btorn
P Schwartz, Federal street. Allegheny Citv.
Dr* KcLahis'i Worm SpMlAo. " "
TlllB is to certify that, by. taking one vial of Doctor
McLaue’s Worm Fpceine, a child of James Shsw’s
parsed upwards of 7t> Worms, and by the use of said
medicine a child ol iny own passed M large Worm*.—
It j« truly tbe mott surprising worm tsedieine I ever
*ecn I mutt have two note- vials.
. WUkhia Township
For sale by J KIDDACo, No CO Wood street. Wit*
Jmrih- ■ . s. : .meb»:
V«URITVaRSI*M-< Uhls ftaiU’a.
V yJrh quieb drying Vwawk? t iw Bwwn Japan do;
l ■)<> Coach do; for sale by J SCBOONMAKER A Co
apS No m wood street
tra. snKßMjts*s . ,
planter. 1
DR. SHEBSIaX I >»> dnrdremJ a way to make mcdUine I
k> Q<at chiUrtfrSKill take it rraJtly and cry few 1
mmt. Sew that •* Uooul cash Wi* of Locrn
{**> a Put of Tooth PaeOEui tbs Lack of each flubr, sad ofl .
each Bill of Drr«t»n*.J
’ TteeCEgemg** arr/thr nStst, nod eur* and effectual rm
edj fbrcßSgh*, culdi,' eouglti7*ith—
ma, tights*** oft he I urge or cbr»t, etc, etc. Tl« proprietor
hasnerer known »B instance where they did nut {ire (effect
jMwfactfcjß. • Keren! thousand boxti hare hteu •uUaitl.ia
the Ust to health persons in almost errry «agr
ofcuuamptaui,aod those hluruig uuder the «mM di«lrt»img
eoUisadcoUffev They do bultbeck and drj op thecuugb,
bolmdct/il ea*jr, promote etpccloratiun, aHaj the tickling or
jrhtatioo, and rtaute lbs proumal* or esotinr cau**<—
, They arenade frutt a pan Uaa lion of a must nimble npcc
toracf, ofisejh medicine*, uid are undoubtedly superior to
emytbihgiatDcfarthoeettkinpiatuU. Hundred! upon hun
dred* of certificate* hare been oflepd of their Wonderful eir
tuca, Irt4n those who hart been laredjruai an untimely gran-,
aud restored to perfect health by ujiugtfceuv.
Where thane u much pain in the breast or tide, one of Sher
. man’* Fter Man’a Plasters (pries only Jif-ecM*,) should be
.applied oeer thejwrt, nod worn till rcMtrd..- If attended
wiQ|jeß*tiTeoe*»,'a.few edlhartic or laxilire lartugo, or any
Aukl cathartic medicine, ihould be tusd ac occasion require*
The** worm kacnge* bate beta proved lamoictbsii J,40Q~
i iOlULcmm to hr intklhblt; th« only certain worm tfalroring
I uitlicm^ —Many-di—wssyi—_fm« 1
I unlocmioa languid intr«c.«ttficriag t *»d>Ten death, with
onl their ever being intpccfrit; irertcyoOeo
afflicted with them, and are doctored tor Tariorurcuinjitaipli
without cay benefit; when one doae of tbeic Lecture* 5«jU.-
I apeedilycnrelheta. r -_ Jj...
I Sftn/tpmttj RV»»u.—Paint in lb* joiaUor liafbf,'uffe£.
Lmic broth, picking at the now, grinding of (ha
I aJ*ep,*adaitia*t»*iwitoe*aabouUh«lipa,wilhfl«*hetlch^tkj.
I bleeding at tbs near, t gnawing wanUunsl the itomaeb'ifiaih '
I tt of heat over Uw surfsee otthe bode, alight ehQliltw-iSdr
I eriag», headache, ilroeiuoi, vertigo, torpor, dtßfrEciT
| dreams, sudden tuning in Ucef, with frighlaim »c reaming;
I tometime* a troublesome cough, (everithnna, thirst, jallid
| hw, fils, bad tasir : in Ibe mouth, difficult breathing, pain in
I the stomach or bowels, fatigue,, nausea, tqeamithMMrrora
I esous appetite, lessors*, bloated stomach or limbs, griplngt,
l shooting pains in vinous parts of the body, a feme of some-
I thing rising in the throat, itching of the anas towards night, a
I frequent desire to pass something from the boweli, and some-
I times discharges of slime am] mnens.
BHERMA.VB camphor lozenges.
They give immediate relief in nervous or tick headache,
palpiUtion of the heart, lowhessof ih« spirits, despondency,
inflammatory or putrid sore throat, bowel or summer
phuol, laiaUog, oppression or a tense of sinking of the chest,
cholic, spasms, cramp of the stomach or bonds, hysterics!
aSectioai, and all oerrous diseases, drowsiness tiro ugh the
day, and wakefulness through the night; cholera or chol
era morbus, diairhaa, lassitude or a sense of fatigue, per
sons Uarclimg or attending Urge parties, will find the Lozen
ge* really miring, tad imiwrung lbs buoyancy of youth; used
after dmination, they willrestore the-fim* of the system gen]
erally, and remote all ibd unpleasant symptoms arising irotn
toofm tiring. Persons who hare been too high lirm, and
I abandoned their dissipated habits, will fiud these Loaners ad
I mirable composers of the nerrrs.
The best itrengtluniug plaster in the world, atula sovereign
remedy for pains, or weakness in the hack, loins, side,'neck,
limbs, joints, rheumatism, lumbago, Ac.' Ac. On* million s
yearwilloOtiapptytbednuaud. They requirealiUk Warm
tag before appbcmtuw. Wanantcd superior tu allothen.anJ
for one quarter the usual price, making not only the beM, but
thecheapesl plaster in the world. It aAx-di relief in n few
bouts, and makeeastouishuig cures.
In liter complaint and dyiprpiia, it should be wore orer
the region of ihr liter or sumach, and it will afford great and
astonHning relief. In cough*, cold*, asthma, 'difficulty of
breathing, oppression of Ihr chrst or stomach, they will im
; mediately sooth and greatly brnrfit the patient, Frrsuns of
j sedentary habits, or lliow ohlirrd to stand much, will recritr
I decided support fnsui one of tnrse truly strengthening Fla*-
I ter. Physicians generally recommend them, in preference to
I they stick or adlirrr better, aod afford great
er relief. In their operation, they are iliimilent, tome, stiJ
anodyne. Tiny are consrned of entirely difffrerut iogredi
ents Irotn any ollwr, and arwwnfivm the e spericnce 01 mil
lion* who lute used them, as null‘it tlie united testimony of
all the celebrated aud dittinruithed clergy and physicians, in
be the most useful and highly medicated plaster.
Scerrel persons hare called at the warehouse toespmi
their surprise aud thanks, at the utmost miraculous cures ihrse
I piasters base effected.
I Dirrctions tor use are on the back of each plaster, with a
I facsimile of Dr. Shtnuau s name. It u important you should
I always ask for Fltrrman’i Toor Man's Plaster, and see that
I you eel the genuine, at there are manv worthies* imitations
} hawked about and sold lor the true Shcitnan's f tasirrt, by.
| unprincipled dealers.
I **rJsi wholesale and retail by W, at his Patent
I Medicine Warehouse, No. ri’, Liberty iireet, din of the
l 810 BOOT. jw IL-dly._
IIERSONS atfliclcd :with Scrofula. King's F.vil
tT. L’ancej, Eryripclai, Old Sore*, Ulcere, Tetter,
Mercurial Diseases, or any-other complaints aristae
from impurities of Ihc blood, arc requested to read
the Inilowtng tcstimunuls, in prool of the wonder,
ful properties ol the above named medicine.
Wt the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaar
Brooks, Jr. at thh ofl>r> of Messrs. Jtowabd and
Walton, ifit* Market sjfeet. Philadelphia, consider
his ease the m< ?l remarkable one we have ever wit.
pencil or beat >1 of. f
His disease was SCROFULA, and terrible must
have t«eeo li t twelve yean? conflict with the de
' HilPilatc.Ve entire roof of hismnulli, No*#, lip
perlJp. and toner Lid ol the Right Eye havqbcen
destroyed, his Fare nearly eaten up, and parrot the
Jaw Rone carried away. And yet we can give no
description of his ck*c.
Mri B. tnloiuu us that inJanuary last, the whole '
interior of hia mouth, as well a* most of his lace
| wasa mass of deep and painlul ulcere’.
I On the 14th uf January last,ho coniiiicncetl taking
[ CEA, which cheeked the disease in a) lew days, and
t row tliat time the care hu progressed prithout inj
terraission'. T
New flesh baa place <|i' tho dcep'ul
cere, and though badly d is ligated, hia lace is tounil’
and lit* gcneraThcallh is restored, j
We are assured that in the UoaUrn'nt of Mr..
Urooks 1 case,no Mercunals.Ointment*. orU.austic
applrcslions have bebn usedc— tu fart, the I’ANA
(itIA ALONK, has wrought this wonderful change
• David Stnitbi Beeka coantv. Pa.
(,‘harlcs L. Ilowand, Meaifvitic, Crawford col’a..
J \\ r Jone*. M D .South Second street. Phila
j Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J.
E W Carr,44oN Foartli, above Poplar-at, N. L
S M’Cullough, Lancaster, Pa.
II M Maddock,SB North Klevnnth tt. Phila.
V VV Appleton, M D Mi Sonth st. do
Timothy < ‘aidwell. Marion co. Missouri.
Daniel Vcakcl, Chcsnut Mtll.l’btiadclpbta co. Pa.'
John Harned.iM) High street, (’htla.
William Steeling. M D, Carndep, N. J.'
WilliamXiale, 3id. High street. Phil*.
J H Potter,Manufacturer ol Mineral Teeth, 109 tj.
Ninth street, Phil*.
I, A- Wollcnwcber, kid. Phila: Democrat ?77 N 3d
street, do
George >V Menu. Brush Maker, 317 Market St.
Firs Carr, I.YJ Chesnut street, Phila.
A D Gillette, Pastor ol Eleventh Baptist Chorch,
Pbtla. r
John Bell, Erie Street, Philadelphia, (North Amet£
'can office.)
Aaron Sandy, 1W Catharine Street, Phila.
Daniel McGinley, Keaaler a Alley, ' do
Andrew Sweaton, Camden, N J."
R H KTans, West Phila.
Richard K. Young, gilder, 409 Market el. Phila
John W Ashniead, GO Sooth Sixth street, do
T S Wagner, Lithographer, 116 Cbeanot street, do
B J Kensil, 123 Eleventh street, do
Peter £kcn Smith. Editor Native Eagle, do
Joel Bikdino, Glass manufacturer, Willianutowp
■ William Steely,Farmington, Van Huron en. lowa.
L B Coles, M I*. Boston, Mass. • • • •
KnnetCanticld, I'hisiulogfst, Philadelphia.
Thomas P S Ruby M D, llarri&borgh, Pa.
Peter Wright, 269 Market street, Pint*.
James W Niewlin. 103 Filbert »L do
John Good, I*l Spruce at. ' do
William line, Pastor Si. Paul's M. PL Ch. Catharine
St. PJitla.
John Chambers, Pastor let li-jicp. Church, Broad
at, do
T L Sanders. Publisher of Pledge and Standard,
P* P Sellers. Editor Olive B; inch, Doylcstown;
Bucks co, Pa. I
Wholesale and Retail by Howand V Walton, Pro*
Market St. Philadelphia? It E Sellers,
67 Wood at. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. Th I i,52 Mar
ket st. do.;'K B Perkins, Marietta, Ohio; caton Jr
Sharp, MayaviHc, K Y; John W Danenhtmer, Ctp.,
Ohio; Sideii At Reeves, Madishn la;C Noble, (.ouis
ville, K V; Deveroock Ji Pelloux, Stv Loui*. Mn,’
P i| Mcliraw, Natchez, Mias; llarda«av 4r. John
iton Vtckaburgb, do; Charles Jchkins, New Orlean
l-a. i oe6
rpilF, object of this establishment is to supply a wan
X greatly felt ly respectable traveilrrson our western
highways—by residents, without family, taken ttdk—
and by pnuents from the surrounding towns and country
who reran to this place for relief from surgical and oilier
diseases. Such baye often sulferrd from the wool of the
vartcuscotufari* and aitrmions ra necessary »nd agree '
able to the *ick, ami from carries* and unfaithful nurrar,
and been subß-cted to.heavy aud unrearanahle charges
Invalid* will here be provided with constant,!* inttd
and roratbrublts attendance, and *t a ra e much Ik-low
the asual charges.
While the rare of liolU physicians will he extended
every variety of disease, it i* intruded by Dr. Speer
rivespecinl attention to all
To these branches of hi-* profession be bus given a
large share of his attention for the last twenty.five years,
and be will continue to devote to thru the experience
acquired by a comtonl practice during thin unie:
The Hotel for Invalids is not an experiment. Its estab
lishment is suggested not only aa necessary, to supply an
evident Want in this city, in the entire absence of any
cpoetal provision lor the sick, but U warranted also by
the soccer* of similar institutions W Cincinnati and New
Orleans—the former under the care of Drs. Taliaferro
Marshall and Strader—tbe latter under that of Di. Htune
Tbeliulldmg selecird for tjic purpose is pleasantly*! •
uaudon the north bank Of the Allegheny river, ncarth
Aqueduct it is uauuMdtou* and roomy,utul faxnuhe
with all acecmmodation* necessary for the sick.
Applications for admissioii to Im inode to the rubier
bets, at their office on Penn street, Pittsburgh,or at th
Cr No eontaguuidiseases will be admitted.*
marWAwtrT K KUIIN. PM.
VmriaJBIIXAN lammscouN DRKL I
WHOSE meanness can equal ycurs • Look nt your
fair young wife, with herbrigbi sunny/act! Look
at your own, pitted with eruption* and blotches! Yel
you am too mean to give fifty cent* for a cake of the
great Italian Chemical Boap, which would entirely free
you front them, and mnkeyour yellow skin clear and
healthy. Go ut once u> Jackson’s Hiore, Liberty st
Pittshantb.snd getarakc.
N B Jackson's istbe only place iu Pittsburgh where
the GENUINE is to bo obtained. Beware of Couiitrr
, Q7*OBSERVEtI>e Big Bout standi id the doorway.
yonlaK'd ctitfGii svuup "It should be
published and made known to the public.” Tins
was the cxpresstouof anold man who tried the Syrup.
Ptm>BD«nu, February 1,1
Mr. Morgan:—This may certify .that being afflicted
with a troublesome cough some time, I bought a bottle
of Morgan'sCongbSyrup, and am hanpy to say,alter
using it, my cough is entirety cored. I pronounce your
Oougb Syrup the best medicine 1 have ever used. No
family should be without Ibis valuable medicine.
. DAVID McROBERTS, Allegheny City
'fD'Ttds medicine is prepared wholesale and retail
aj the Drugstore of • . JOIIV D MORGAN
Wood stteet, one door below Diamond Alley
i' PrieeTtf cents per bottle. ! • : feM
ving Grease spots, Stains,pr Ma/ks.froa Clothe*,
WoollCßi, Carpftfo At, *e„ and rendering tbe rpou
■Wbemt is applied clear, bright, new, and spotless. .
fi «-i-t withftill direction*. I’rlcc 2Sceot* acake.
Said by WMI JACKSON, a> t,ibeny street, bead
od. at ni* Boot and Shoe 'lore, sign of the Big
a/ j* l
' (star cotton mill,
' r? [ IXrat-ik*-L'pp<r Bridge, Al)#jbcny City £ r
HK Optica F-clory rcapett
l iul: > puUbeHailbe) ate now turocre 4 *
ful operation. llavui*>)si|>lo>cdlhc »frvjce«of (». \V
Rarne* i) Afcnager. who ha* experience os' l<
year* iu the principal Paeiatje* of Allegheny Cay.
they would iniortn .VeirUaiua and Dealer* in jpriVera!
that. they nil alwaya-haTe on hand superior Co *cn
Yam* of qli Mo». ( Uaiun£% Warp*, and Iboyra AJdti'it..
u£_*upersor make. N VtUIIiTI.Y A.r»
M. il.—Order* left at the .Mill, or os tsc ctoir 01 My
er». Hunter Si. Co ,18? lahetty meet, will t»o promptly
oartt'lrdu. melnUJ3m NY A Co
mrsßUKtin, pa.
r I'MIS Manufactory being in full and complete opera
-1 llou, faring received. and replaced all tbeir Ma
chinery b> the Isini improvement*.) are nuw uiah’na
a very heavy aiucle w'4»# Brown Sheeting*,.hard
iwistcd,baniiioine good*,(branded Alleghany D ,J and
t>y none, ol Ibe patnemvle; hi the eountrr,
iiiteaded*rxclu«ivcly forth? Wrnur and Soctiiekn
trade. Merchant* vitning our city are inritrd tu eall
and examine prrvioui u> making purckix*. Order*
frorn.3 di<iaiib^* / |>ri>mptly tn. and good* care-
when ordrfi-d-. \ \ fr|.t;?dAw3<iiT
cotton works.
. matn.l'facturk-cotton yarn".
Candlr.Wtck, JQattfnSi Twine. Coverlet 1
YARN, OAK PET \YA»il*S, is". At ,
(Sacret*ur>.of At buckles A Avery.)
i*«rt Proprietor* _
p e c <Sr, ton mVll
l‘tTTBiil/ltdii, Fa.
THE *t>ovc e«i«hli»b*iuet*l being nowin »trcfer*tnl
operation, we are tnauuj&cturtiig, very extensively,
.an article m heavy SbnCSOTt*, well odapinl to ttbet p-ia'iE
trade, wlnclt for beauty Anti utniiVtv eniinoi be ei'c>-lie.l
by nuy other make »n the country. The atti-takm of
putebasera i* aobetted to tut examination.'
fpMlJln.Awli KKNNRD* -OHII.ns A.On
“Whs (though the entity* may not l>e explained,
Since ibeit fffeets are duly ascertained, \
lari not drlu'it'ii. prejudice, or pride, \
Induce mankind Ik the mean* aspic;
Mrnn-i wlncb tiro’umplc, nrc by Mcavrii tle’ignM
T«f alleviate the iIR of huiunn kmJ ; "
'IMIIS remarkable invention. winch has received the
X uuivrrsul approbation of' the medical profession uf
Great Dmum.x'»iup(iw« un eiui'ei) new applirutionot
Galvanism, ax a remedial ugi-iii, bymeao* of which the
ordinary Gatvunii: lUlii-ne*, Electric ami Ma/isetic Ma
climea, Ac . aie cmitclj dispensed wiih. aml'ilie myste
rious |x>wrr o. Galvanism applied without any ol ihe
objection which are in**-pnrabir from Ihe general mode
mow m axe. The strung doee*. and irregular interval*
in which Galvanism i* apphrd l.y :he Mudimc*, hai
been pronounced, alter attiiram] impartial trial, W be
itradiJly it wim to remedy (lira fodipaldo
'feet {Ant tin* nrtvapplication wit«■ projected, ia, aP
ter unceasing io,l amt perseverance, ha« been brought
■on* promt slide of perfection. The Ga/ran<e Kingt
an«wcr all the purpose* of the moxt cXpeuilec Mu
climr*, «tid in ii any other respect* are more tefs und
' certain >n areoinnlisbint’ the desired etfeci.
’Die Ga(«x?tfri»t»tg* used m eouncClion with the JJfuf
n/ifr Fluid, nrc confidently recommended in oildirer
dm tcAieJi arise from on mfeeUed or unStalUig ttau of
Ur nsrtous omtal iqtum, amt these complaint! are
uinong the most puinlul and universal 10 which we are
• object They arise. without exception, from one «-ni
pie cause—a derangement oftli*- Nervous System—
und it wi< m these raxes that oilier ‘remedies’ having
so ortm failed, a new agent was greatly needed, which
it m confidently believed, ha* been found in thc proper
and judicious applicant n of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Rings have been used with entire sue*
cr<» in all cases nf KmsratvttUl, acuteot diroflic,"»p
plying to ihe bead, face or limbs; Gout. Tx-Dolomtr,
Teothaxkt. Brvntkitis, Vertigo, Strtous or Siik Headache,
Indication, raraiyiirp-Tafiy, KpiUpty f t'io. Cramp,
Palpitatim of ike Heart, 4poplay, Stiffness tf Jains*,
Spinal Complaints. l.unihac o, A'rumigia. Nervous Trt
imm, jii:iii«i of the Head, pain in Iks Chat and Side,
(iencrql IbUhty, Iti/ieirnev of iVimiui *nd Physical fin
rtfy. and all ' NKRVOU* DISORDERS In ease* ul
< oufiruic,! I)y>pcp*ia, whirh i« simply a itcrvuuk de
rai)ceijieni ul ilie digrxtirc urgans, they have been found
equally successful. Tbcir extiaurdiuaiy.cllects upon
the system uiu*t be wiincowd to be believed, and as a
certain preventive lor tbc preceding complaints they
arcrijually rct-oruinrmJrd. The Kings arc of different
pi ire*. I-Ml* uindr ol utl size*, and of various orna
mental patterns, and run tie worn by (he most delicate
female wiihom Die slightest inconvenience. Jn fact,
ihe sensation it rathePiacrecabfr.than otherwise.
The 4>nlTunic Bella, iimeeteix. Hands,
tiartent, Necklaces, Arc.
In *b;nr C3.M.-X of a vere n-vcre c.-harul:i«.-j,and of lung
standing, the power a* applied by (he Galvumc Rings
u not «iilLeiei)t to urtr*i the progress of disrate and
ultimately n**b«re fivalih. The iinprnvcd inodiSealloii
mi •!.«: Galvanic Ilettx. Hrucclct., Ac., ennrcly i,eme
dir.* this objcciirui; any degree yl power that is requi
red rail reaili.y |>e t>btamcd,iand uo complaint which
ihe mysteriuu* sernt nf Galvani<ro can ctfect will fail
u> be jKtrmaitently relieved. Thor aruclcs arc ads|*-
ted to .the Wa: si. anus, tviisti, itlnbs. ancle*, or uny pan
of the lioily. w ith p< rfert convenience. The Galvanic
.Nefklucr* are used wilhcicuicr benefit in case* of or udccuoii* of Uic throat generally; alio iu
ea»e» of Nervous Dcafnc**;' anil *tith almost uniform
*ucce*» a* s preventive for Apoplexy. Epileptic Kits,
and siiiiiEur oQrnpluintv,
Cltriitic’s.Magnetic Fluid
is u*ril in countcnmi with' me Gairaine Ringr andjall
ihnr luodificrumiu. 1 h<* cenipei-iivon has been pro- 1
uouitced by (he French Chetn ns to be one:of the most :
extraordinary discoveries ol modern science. lti*be
iieved to p»*sc** l Uie rciuarkablep ower of rendering th
rurva o galconit artini try thl« means caUimc
a rone'entrauon of the influenc. Ul ihn' seat of disease,
thus giving i&pid.and peiinuitem islicf No othrr
composition in rbcqiisir i* .f noivnto jiroduee the same
ctfret. or to impart* similar property 10 ibe nervous
»y means of an nuiwunl lycal application. The
ngnetic Fluid eomstnis noih'ii- ■ ajiah:i; of ihe sligh *
cm .njuryit* appbc«t:On is -agreHl-fr, and it is u
harmless t t iu action us it ;» IwneCcial in it* ie»u*u*
Full explaiatiotM and dm-vimii* accompany it Tlic
combined inventions arc in evety way perfectly harm
less, they are sold at prices witipu the rcuch of all and
the ‘discoverer only request* u fair trinl asatestof
their suntruing ctficacy und prnnanent benefiL ■ -
Cbrirtue'a (siilranic strcnsthcoing Plus*
' These ancle* form anotb-r valuable application of
the mysterious influence cl Galvanism They ate an
.mpdrtoni adjunrt to t lie genuine Galvanic Ring# ami
thru inodificHliou*, act ug upou the same piiuctple, hut
harm* of more local application. They
arc a> u valuable addition in
the speedy .pure of Rheumatism, acute or chronic; m all
nvtvocacoojplaim*, and as a positive remedy in rase*
of Painand dYtaknus in tit Vktii rr Back, Pain in di Attkmaiic Afrefittru, and in IFiroA'iOT wrOwrft
tinn of tht Pvbnonarp Organ* In Spinal Compfaiau
their cSlci* are of the most decided chan»etcr.andiiiey
have often been used with complete success. They are
>l*o of the greatest advantage luPaiu* and Weakness
of the Urc*«L and are highly recommended for raanyof
ibok complaint* u> wfaicli female* are especially liable.
A* an effectual means tor strengthening the system
when debilitated wtib disease oroihrr causes;ai n cer
tain aid in Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive
for Cold*, ami all in affection* of the Chest, generally,
the Galvanic Tinner will be found of
great ami perjmiueiii advantage, .In a few words; it
nut.rare* all the value* of the best tonic nreparaitoil,
with the .ui|Kirtiiot addition of the galvanic iiiflurnee.
which i- neither impaired nor eihau-letl, while the at*
non rtmiiiiui•*. These article* will be fotutd entirely
free flora tho«c objection* which ar&a constant source
of rornplumi wnb the ordinary plasters iri common tree.
ITJ'Tbe great ■Cclehrity uud -cress of there articles
h»« cauwd them to hr counterfeited by unprincipled
Kr-ous To provide BfuiuM imj>o*Uioii, Dr. Churix
» hut one authorized ugrm < D each city of the Union.
The only sgeui in Tntdmrgb. i VV. \V WILSON •
Of th" highest and most re'periaMe charnctcr, are con*
Stamly received, ternrduig the extraordinary value
and successor the aitove article*. hi* believed that
in the city of New York atone, upwards of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS.during.u periodof less Utltn
a year, have been entire!}’ relieved of the most psiaful
chrome disorder*, pome oi which have completely baf*
fled all former effort* of tnrdicul art. Indeed raanriof
die fir*t physician* of tin* city, who disipprovc of the
(ialvainv und Magnetic Mai'hine*, comtaolly reeotu
mend tin* application in tln-ir practice, and with the cx
cepuoii of those wlcgare too prejudiced to give it a tri
al, .the invention received unaiiiinntia’luvor with
the 1110*1 intelligent n}uoag the Aiocrcnn Faculty. Dt
Chn«ue i* at ull nnjesrc.idy and most happy to give
evetv facility to'pbymcmn*, and all interested, for tesf
mg the truth of his a««rru»ni and the efficacy of hi*
discovery •
OnlY agency in Pijtaburgh, corner 4ib and Market *•
I.KV, a fey; door* below
Uowl «-iFeci,— tervardfl the
Dll. BUOWIt,
Having f<een regularly cd*
nrnnd io the medical pio
l«»»uni, and been tor name
time m general piarliec,
now cynfiues hitatn-nUm
to the treatment of tho«e
private und delicate font,*
jplaiuts for wtm-Ii li.k oppui
lunilie* Biul pijirricnre
__ Peeuliaily qualify him.—
Eleven yean assiduous 1 devoted U* the study and
treatment of those i-oinpl < tp, (during which time he
has had mure practice and S« cured more pahent* than
can ever fall u> the lot uf a y private practitioner) am
ply qualified hiui u> offer as umi'ce* of speedy, perma
nent .and satisfactory cure 'eall-aflltepd with -ldicaii
disease*, and airdisease# ;ji*inj;Thefeiroui.
Dr. UroWn would inform those slUicMnl with pnear*
diseases which have become chronic by time or aggro va
ted by the u«e of any of the common nostrums of the
day, that' ibor complaints can be radically and thor
oughly toured, he having given his careful attention to
the treatment of such rases, and succeeded in hundred*
of instances in curing person* of inllumai.on n| be neck
of the bladder, and kindled diseases which often resnh
‘ mm those cases where others have consigned them to
hopeless despair. He patucularly invites «ncb sj h*re
been long aito unsuccessfully treated by others, to. con
sult him, whep every slnslurtion will be given them anil
their cases treated in a careful, thorough and intelligent
manner, (minted obi’ by long experience, study and in,
vestigaUon, which it is impossible lor those engaged it>
general practice of medicine to give auy one class o
l£7“ Hernia or Buptarc—Dr. Drown also invita
persons afflicted with llcmu to call, as ha has paid
particular attenuou this disca-c!
£kin Disease*; al»o Piles, Palsy, ete~ speedily cored
N. li —l’uiieim of caber sex living at a disunee
by staling their, diseuse in writing, giving alt thesymn!
tornm can obiain medicine* with direction* tor’ll*®,
addressing T. URCIWN, M. D. post pa'.j cjicUk
•in* a fee.
Office No. Diamond aJlqy, opposite the Woven?
in- S’* n r*«r‘ ,telO
r IVKH CO JIPLAIX"T—Somberr(Tre'perfnrm-
XJ. ed by using the original, only true and Kcnttine
Liver Pill.
Ajaora. Brown coanty, Ohio; >
March so. IS7. (
Mi. R F. Sellers: In April last my. wife was si lacked
with Liver Complaint, and bod Urn advice of tworby
• map* who tried ■various remedies with oroducine any
rood effect. Having beard of your cefcl.raiedT.iver
t til*, 1 eooeiudei! a> give them is fair trial. I purchased
©««• box of Mr. Scott Aberdeen, and gave them accord*
ing to tbe directions, hy-which she vrasgteotiy relieved.
I piocured a second bo*. wi.ieh entirely cored lier.sßd
sue now enjoys excellent health. I have osed them
myself, and pronotrttee tbem the best family medicine I
hare ever irted* Yours, respectfully,
■ IL/-The*o Pills stand unequalled by medicine
known ferihe cure of l.jvci Complaint- *
* , repared*an*l ‘old by K K SELLERS
apS ■ Mo 5" wood street
For the removal &i*l * enuaoent <«"■« *“****»»*•
arising from acJUDrrt state of ihe Wood
of toM*. n'tl-e *v«eirM?«:
fiWMb. Eh*'* TZih 4 *
hruFUcaulNmfia or ******
ruUlcZUieSan 7>v.R>«t nVm *r Ocff.SeaU
ffotrf, Snlargmntt o*>i yamgf »i* E*»m» .•*<* JWntt,
Stubborn £3«m,sb«Wtu'ft-S yw^ow» ? Smu««*r.ia»'
tajre, and Dir<iur* «a t»y»<4pr»cus wi ej
Afrrevry, .tsertw or Drop**, Ervaruri <rr TetyVuifmma -
la/It. A/**, Ckmtie C&utimttoaai lWwsfenj. • • *|
17> timely adaiaiflnuiou has been aitruded.with the
happiest results «n many anoaalauv affectum*; but
it is chiefly iuended »41l the void vrhiebtttsahetwcea
euttur-i£ and aperient medicine*; hence iu asanPp~
raudi i* that of an alterative directly—lndirectly, pro*
ring a inning lonic to the system...-•• • -s •'• • • .' 1
hit highly concentrated*tor coovemeneestud porta
bility, containing nothing but the expressed essence,
and i» the representative af the Sarsaparilla Roovm
the tame manner as Quinine is of Peruvian Bart,or'
Morphine of Op : Bßt. It is an established faeVlhat a
fewgrawturf e:tkerQoinm«or Morphine eentainsalt.
the medicinal value of a lain quantity of Ihecrud?
csbftanecs; hcuce-.lhe lunenortty or* those preparation*:
.■—and no invalid would desire to drink a gallon mixture
when a half pint coutaim-d the same medicinal value/
The &irtapanll»«an !■** dilated when taken agreeable;
10 the direction*, and made to suit the usie oi'lhe pu-‘
1 The foltowiiigecnifieaie nddre**ed to the Agents at
Chicago, funinheiftiachjstve proof of its great value
in cate* of FcvcrSore*. t-
Ciircaco, ID.Sepi. 12,1515.
Messrs. Stehbin* & Bred—<> cau: In May, IS4S, I oh- •
lamed at yout store a houlc of Sand's and
was then confined lo ray l>ed> without sleep ror tt week,
occasioned by violent pain iron a rcruitr fever soreot
loiif standing, outuy right leg. My physicians advised
me to have the limb amputated, saying it was tbe only
means likely to preserve ray life. After using half the
ttoitie thn pain began to subside, anil by tbo time I had
o«cd nearly three bottle*, 1 wusable u» u«n?act my reg
ular business, and before T had finished the foartti bol
lie, | wo* o* well ofid sound as ever! badieen. I have
no hesitation in saying that tiandV Sursoparillawtisllie 1
mean*, under Providence, of saving tny Hmh and 11
-jlnabi not ray life. I-most cheerfully recommend il a* j
the bei-l article eXlniil forthe purificationuf.lhe Mood
Tlic following certificate is only ajioihcr link iu the ;
great cliam'of testimony lo Its inerts: .j
Stmt Uoltok. Canada Ka.'O, April IS, -•
Messrs.'Sand*—Geniluiaeo: Kxpoted as wc are to ,
the attacks of disease, and so frequently disappqmteo
in proposed remedies, we cannot bat loßson IM effort*
of suei-cstlul practitioners with interest ard gratitude
Tin* is tree respecting your valuable prrparaiiou of
Sarsaparilla. I havr.lxcnseveretyalQieled lorMyeats
with a disease about which- "doctor’* disagree,” and
their prescriptions were <tilltnore diverse. I tried va
rious remodies but found no relief until ! .commenced
u*mg your excellent medicine, at which time I was
wholly confiueii to iny hod. After using jt ft fewjnouth*
t aiu now able lo* alout-rido out, and enjoy aeour
fortnblc degree of health, which 1 attribute entirely to
ll e use or Sand's Sarsaparilla.' Please accept my as*
sunnirc of gratitude and regard. .
ncinepersonally acq.iuVuied with the above state
ment, fju-reby ccrtitv that the ssine is true. —
Faßtiim TmucoK ■—The following t* an.extract
Horn n letter rrecived fiom Rev. William Caluiha:
Haaxsma*. VuOct.sM, HsflSr -
M.-.4is Sarflri: I have been alfl cteii. with a severe
■•’sirs in my side. oera«hined by a diseased liver, far Un?
I Ct tu-enty >rats' sutTeriiig at t ines what Uuguisg*
cannot convey, but since uking iour Sanapanlln, l'l
have been greatly relieved, so much no that 1 have been I
able loaneii.t U» my bueiners. and prettch oceaiionally j
for the last fiilecn iqonth*. } wholly discarded all other.;
medicine, and thoroughly triuf the Sarwpanlta,- which
I can recommend in truth «ml sincerity to all those who :
are In atfv wayatfiicted with auy species of scrofulous i
edinplaints. Tlierc have been some remarkable cures |
eiTecied by ns p»« in tin* vicinity. Mr*. ;
the use of six bouics, \rs» restore d to better health than
she had before enjnycc ibr ten years, rutd Mr*. W. Pte
vnns. who had been severely affl-cteil l with tbe Krysip
e!tu, wa« entirely cured by tbcjrfS dfih/ew bottles. 1
Your* truly. A W&L OALUSHA. '
Forfurthctpnnieularsand :
superior val.ud and efficacy, wet pamphlets, whichraay
be obtained of Agcms grstisl : "
V repared nod so d by A II * 0 Sarjdj. Druggist*; 100
Fulton si, cofnerof U illiain, New York. .
Sold also by 1.. WILCOX, ll. Har
wood. Braver: Wm. Watson, New Ctslle; U- N. Rob
ison, Rrowntviile: A. Crtigii,' Washiiiglon; and by
Druggist* generally throughout th. United State*..
-Price 91 nor bottle—six bottles for 9S. q
The public ate-rcspectfully requested to remember
that it is KanirsSanupanllnihatit is constantly rehiev
ing such remark side curssof the most difficult class of
disenses to which the human frame is subject; there
fore a>k for band's Sarsaparilla, and take no other.
f what h»v relieved him in meh • abort time from bit difc
• ticullj of breathing, ami luQbcstiou? Ue
will lell. jluu il «ai “the Okwaouiau, ur All
(JesliTfr Ilab&m." Aik the eotumnptlv*
wii«l hMiUUjtd hi* Cough, removed,
Ikr Fliu U !>•< Side 3DJ (ibrtl, „
checked lu* night •wcaLt, and »
placed the ruao of health •’'•• •
utwa lu» eheeki ami l- - . / 1
he will tell you -v .
A»k your friend* if they kuow of anything that will »o *p**
■til* cure a long anil trdioui Cough, luiiilig of Blood, Bruo
rhitu, Dj'pectic Ctiaiumption, Hoarsen***, InAneas. tod
<liv«M • of lh« Thrall, u the Olo*a nhhn* and they wifi till
you >’u. There otter yet hat bets a remedy introduced to
public notice which ha* been productive of *o much good in
«> Stnace of time. Read the following < , .
AitonUhlng Cures. i .
W». D«SD, the cclrbretcd l>u,lou>f Jlfcer laker, 1W Na*-,
uu street, Brooklyn, states that hi* wife hi*be«l tfli?Ud I
wiili A.ihme for JO year*, and could not Cod permanent re
lief from the be*t medical advice which Aew Y»jrk and
Brooklyn could produce, was induced to try lh£» great reme- ;
dy. tsJic il now urarf; well fli> daughter who *** differ- :
. tog from llic nne diicaie. trird it, aud wai also eurrd by it.-
Mr* Uood i» now to well that she ii aide to juifrom her
bed early intbr morning red attend to her uißaldctiwlhrductr 1
(be day without any aniriyaucc from her diitrening malady.
Hkxkt Jacuox, 13th street, near the Catholic Ccmetir,
cum to the vt.irc Air the purpose of obumtes a bottle of the
Ohacauiaa, having been afHtcfcd with the Asthma for more
than 20 yean, and was to e aha cited on hi* arrival that he
could tml ijwak. lie purrhsved a bottle and rode home.—
Four dap Afterward he walked from hi* residence to the of
fice without fatigue,* distanceof over two mile*, to tell of
the wonderful relief which be had experienced - from tiling
about one half of ooe bottle. /
Coniomptlon of the Laafi.
Mr. Coxtokt, 35 White street, was *qlow in the jrmtlv
of December' U»l. ilbat he wa* given up by hi* physician. lti*.
friend* cnt«rt»io«il no hope of hi* recovery, lie wa* perwa
drd to try the Ohxoonian, and to hi* surprise it bee *o far
rrj}Ar*d him to hrallh that he i* now able to walk about the
afreets. *
- Mr* Amux, the aiie of Wa JI. Atircc,JatsesUaroian,
Em), snd tiro. w. Itsyi, E*>{tfao oil Star bjslirqony from
ihrir uwn ttnerirnre of the baling jcuptrtiM cif this Great
lUacdy io CooaumptMD of the Lnugs. • - 1
spitting lllood. .
Mrs. Tuotrsoi'uxi, 335 Mooroc street, who bad been
troubled fur a great length of time hr a ter ere cough, and
raised •|uantilirr of Mood, «u relieved by aoe bbttle .of Ike' i
OtoWionun, and JrrUrr* it tbr greatest remedy in the world. ;
Deists Ktltv, 38 Water slrrvt,was also relieved (coat’
tbe same cnmplaiaU aUhvugh he Wk* very moch iideced ;
when hr roramenced, haring been voder tbe core of
tiuphyiidaa durtag the past wintrr.' Although *he soughed
constantly aud was very much troubled with night sweats, S
lollies or lltc remedy enabled him In' return to his daily
work.' He was entirely relieeed. ' •
Davip HskdUkoK, GO Lairtit str«t, Gto W. Burnett,
formerly of »wark, N. J., [ienry LiiJyiti, 199 Itirington'
street, and nnmeroas othrr persons hate been speedily and
permanently cured of the same eomptiint by thareswuy.
Tba Amy of Same* .
which eoold be produced of persons who bare usedthis great
remedy would nwrc than fill a column. Amcngthe number
we an pemiUcd tncefcr to A. U. Bmingtr, }tu Barclay
Mr. kViiscn of Hoboken; Mrs Dell of Uosristowu, N. 4.,
James B Deroe, 101 Read* iL; Mrs. M’Csffrt*,so Attorney
st.; V. Smith, SiThirdAventM.Mra Wn. tLAttrev of this
city, and Whit* it *
Sold wbotmle and retail by Wm. Jacksoe, at bis Patent
Medicine Wnreh'oiurlnd Boot.tad Shoe Store. Ifo® Liber
ty street, head of Wood slreet, PitUbugb. ■^XStir:
J. KBY —A Ulcwing-! A Miracle I! A.Woiuler!
—To cure Eruptions and DiiCguremenls of.thcSkm,'
Purples. Freckles, Sanborn,Soli Rheum, SciiTvfr Sore
Heads, Ac., Ac. ' ■> ~~~
Four years agn last August, tbo enpuaJof France
vu asiouirhedm consequence of a discovery made by
an Italian Chemist. Many doubled—it seemed almost
an impossibility ihat anything made by tbe bands of
man, could have such singular powcisas rtjai claimed
by Antonia Vcsprini forms invention. Many classed
him and his' invention as a humbug, (xnd. alas! malty
foolish petsoos urilhout trying do the same now,Vat
length, after toiling it In the hospitals, the Medical So
ciety of Pans [the best chemists iuthe world] delivered
the following repoilto Signor Vesprini; .•
“We have now minutely and carefully examined the
singular invention of Vesprini. We have analyzeitit*
component parts—we have used tf in seven! cases, and,
we hcMtute not to pronounce it {the Italian Chemical
S'oapl as'a great blessing* and a uuly wonderful-reme •
dv tur any cutaneous eruption or disfigurement of the
skin. ll» mvruior we consider the true philanthropist
of »utteriug mankind. '
.. I’rcsiilcm**
rFkAD tiiisi
From ihc inventor hidi-clf lo the preseut IVopnctor.—
J Pams, ,\ov. 4, IHO
In considrrttion of ih* sum of t3.ot*J, I have divuJ*
ted to Mr. T. Jones, residing in the city of New Yoik.'
N. A., the whole proedss of manufacturing, together
with a statement of the ingredients composing toy Ital
•ian Chemical poap Me is to manufacture it for tale in
the United States only, and to have the privilege of na*
tnma it''Jones'llsliaii Chemical 1 '
Witness: Hrmy J. iloldsworth. <
(Signed) ANTONI AVI-iSPHl.'tl
(KT-Soldt.y W JACKSON, nt his Pntent Mi-ilicihe
Warehouse, H* 'Liberty street, bead of WjHhL al tl»e
signpfihc Itxj* Door, f ... .
The only l*LVc* in {•ill*imr**lk urln*re ike OENUINK
ran Ik-tiTiUined. All oilier* .<r<*~Chuinerfeil. >
EFFECTUAf.I.y and speedily cured by tl>e okeo
the. Great Reined? of OIL
It almost iniraru!ou«ly r>duee« loAmmatioa, aud con
•cituenUy is warranted *u all t*<o* to lrpvc no seam or
sear in the tfiyhi ' — r-
SoM whok-vafie ouJ.rrtiil by’WM. JACKSfiX, at hit
Boot and (‘hoe !*U*r and L’utetn Me.t<rine Warehouse.
SifLiUnyairecu Ireail a* Wood.'J'itwbufglt Pried SO
rents,and SI per bSllle..
W Jackson being the Exclusive Agent for WtsiMO
Pennsylvania, neno i* geouiHe but what is sold by HIM
| or HIS appointed Agent*.
X. B. • A' I'amphkl containing ample dirrcuoni, Xie n
with the names and address of the Proprietor and Prip
cinal Agent, is enveloped with wrapper of each bottle.
Abuodaneeof eciuficaies ran b« seen at the Store. ~-t
_fcbl?d(Jm ...
XAOIBB XV ho Use Common Preparred Chalk, are
often not aware bow frightfully injurious tt i* to
Ut« skin! bow coarse, bow rough, how tallow, yellow,-
and unhealthy the skin appear* after (King prepared
ctialk. Resides, it it injurious, coutai|iUicalateu«i«iin
ttty of lead. Wc have prepared a beautiful vegetable
amcle, which wc cat! JONES’S SPANISH LILY
'MIITH ' It is perfectly innocent, beiogpurified of all
celcienousqaaliiref; nod it tmpXrU io the skin a nata
.rat,healthy, alabaster, clear, living white, atibesame
time acting as a eosmetmon tho skin, making ll«*ft
and wocoth.
Dr. James Anaerwo, Practical ■ CUcnnsl of Ma«a*
chasetts sars: After analysing Jones'* Spanish Lnlv
White, I find it poorsscs thn imwt beautiful and Bata*
ral, at the untie time inuocrat whil* I owrsaw. I
eertainlr can couseienl>oovly reeowmuao Its ■** n>»U
whose skin retjuires bcaullfylllg■' , -
Io*Priee aiccuts a box .. _ . ', _ •
{O-SoJd by WM. JACKIN,at his 8001-and Shoe
Store. W Liberty surer, head of Wood, at the Sign of
the Rig Bent «. _ S. . J®..
RoCur*. SoPajrl . . ,
lh Jufl-xn' Piki EwikrotatUyi Neeir ytiltf.
IIHF.RE arc few disease* more common or iron
blcaome than the Piles, and yet; notwitliiUltd
ins great efforts have been mado to core by the : ote
of pills, elcctuariea, iininienta, &c..a1l were futile
audoi little beoebL Now (be Embrocation. i» Uit
oaly medicine used. A penfea who hu bcen'sußcr
, mg witti the Piles of the wont klod entd front'Si
- loot. New. Jersey, almost on purpose toexpren his
gratitude for tbe speedy cor* tbflt thif mbdieioc had
effected in bis ca-e.—Phila. Sal. Post, - 1 • •
tun' VEKEft TEift
Fottrlh ' rt * nrf »Uo at the Dntjr Stbre
l! j.P AJleghenjr City* :j •
VRLLOW OCIIIIR—I bbls beat American,• •
, n H do French;
Por saie bjr J SytIOONMAKFIR A Oa
■t* s i No M wood street
Dfteisnftr Air JIB'S >
of im swav.m-:^
VaitublcMetiiciAc.Utußsaiula hate Lorn
red to perfect-health who but bv ita use tv»u:j „Jj w '
be in the tilcnl prate. .
AnOTHKK tlTinC WlTSes*~Kc3j Him
ishmeot] the wonderful cure performed hj Doctor ?
Swavne’t Compound S>rop oi' WILD cilf Kill- ■ ■
PniLAOr.LPmA. January 2A.
Dr. Sway Sir: In justice to»oin«rir jfU
xdulj l «Wo to suffering b«winUy;t chi-eri'ulh
git* tny testimony, and declare t a the w„rid the
umm: astonishing- «Becu, and ttrh great cun? ji,* r
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed unwr,
utiderihe moat cnfiTnrahlo circumstances. I tvai
will* « ciotent Cough, Spitting of Bio'od. » r . '
vere i«* U»» Side and. Breast; which termed •
to break down and enfeeble my ei>nstitoik>n.».i that
jny pbrociattlhought n»r case borond the po*rr of
medicine, tod toy friend* all giro me up to diet bet
thanks to yoo and the eflecU ol your gicatdru-Ove.' -
rr. l nofW rcel’injactl a well man, and railed rmm a
mere' skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man Ml j
'hare been for year*, and ahaU be pleated togueinv
informaiioo respecting my cate,, by calling at mV
rcaideocc, Mechanic street,third door I* too ilcui~.
street. Northern Liberties. Jacob
Testimony as now reetttedfrvut all quarters »f
tke Globe*:, : . ,
The .jollowiitg letters arepresented with a tioW
of moroTnUy showing the opiniens i f Hnsidan* in
relation to the Medical value of Dr.* ;
Dr. Swayne—Doar Sir: Havirg used your Con;-
pouu) Syrup of Wild Cherry extensively in my
practice, l was requested by your .Agent. Doctor
Cmlchcr, tq express my i-pinnwi in writing.of iis
properties as a. remedial ngent, i innit cheerfully
cmupty, a* 1-fecl by «o doing, 1 will dirthnrge a
debt I ow« the community at large, and Physicians
|n particular. ' As much ts 1 detest Quack Reme*
dies and Patent Nostrums, J u-as induced fhnp
a Itilare or the most potent expectorant*, rcUooK
mcodedin onr malcna medita in tome casesot
Diseased Longs, to try your preparation ol t’ruptis
Virginia or Wild Cherry, it ts sofficieutlosny that
i was so much pleased with the result of that and
njVcqijcnt trial*, that 1 nun prescribe it in prefer* «
once to allAther Kcmedie* where an expectorant u
indicated, thamuch drc.ded i‘.neumonia‘“nr'
Diaoase of the Lungs, in the in which
it appears in Kentucky, t regard it. a* an invaluable
Remedy hr tho treatment ol that disease. To all
■ who know me I bate.said enough, but as this out
be sten by persona out of the vicinit y t.i t'ui.kfuri,
I will briefly add, that I have beeo cigsgeiiiu aa
active practice of my prpfessjpnol I2year.-<.acd am
a Resour Graduate of Transylvania, and tM* is ifip '
first Valent Medicine' 1 ever thought enough ofto
czpress an opinion in writing.
J. H. Kllisos, M:D, '
January 7lh, 1847. . Franklin Count) , Ky.
FKARJtroKT, Ky.,J*n'r> Tib, IWTr _
The above certificate i* I'oui one of our t’hvah'
cians living a few miles from here, he ri doings iery
good practice,'and ia conrijUred a-good J‘hju|rian,
and nunda fairj he is. a* lie cays, a regular^atc.
Dn. VV. 1.. ChLiciil R,
’ . - . Druggist ami Apothecary,
Testimonials tbiH itcrer uait. ■
j - • From the Temperanc e Wedge.
. Now that Wider is upon us with its Mtcndanl
of I'plpionic and Bronehialatleclioiis.Coughs,
.Colds, Ac Ac . we would adyisc ilawn a'fjhctrdiii
ilhia way to make immediate trial nf Dr.'S«_aipe*e
! Compound .Syrup ot Wild Cherry, ft witTfieu-r .
Ifail lo.pcrft rui a permaoent cure. The li-ptitatibn
i of this jhodicir.e caused many spariov* articles
to be put lorlh tmdcr its name; .but.the preparation
of Dr,' Swayne, betides being the first ever oj)cred '
to the public, is Itc only ntie that enn he relied op. .
The other mixtcifs sold for Wild C'herrr Sjrgji,
Balitains, all spUribus ar.d woriltesi, and
iconlain none ol the virtnesiof. the oriumsl prcparsN
Dion,-Dr. Swaynp’s Compound Syruts ol . Wild
Cherry. ‘ i
from the Springfield Ksprer*-.
Of-the thousands of puiportedxuraiitc r,o*lromi -
nowbefore tbe public, but verylVw are ir und to
pmsesstho healing TirUn sJnr which they are >• -
corotnpndcd. \ho latter we ait. plcaii 4
llcani .cone *tepd a Ucftpr l(*st tfia’n pr.
;C'ompquhd Syrup ol Wild Cherry, 'j he :.illictrd •
•in lliiW vicinity are beginning to use it. and in. tt>cu.-
‘jojr/tli'ey find m ifa. u*e ihcir hopes bated its
■ recommendations more than realized. Tin- Mllictcd
‘need notdespair. While there is Jtle, thrro'unwt*
ihope. • •
] (CTSmee the introduction of my artirli- to the
ipublic, there have a number of unpiineipfe.l indi
viduals sol np nostrums which they nwu rotiLam
jWild Cherry, topic ore called •‘ll.ijsa|mr," •T.iUcrs,' 1
and even Syrup of Wild Cherry/hut ‘is tp<s
and only genuine preparation cyi r intrmftr-
Ireu to the public, which can ha proven by tire pui*-
.lie Record* of the Commonwealth oCJieor.'jylvania.
-The pnly safeguard against imposition is to tcc that
liny signature is on each bottle.
- ; DR. 11. SWAYNK.'
i. Prepared only by Dr. H.Swayke. at his I’rincii. .
?pal Office, corner or Eioht and Uaci: SlreeisL.
Philadelphia.. All Wild.Cherr)TprcparaU«t’rrbeing, ’
•fictitious and counterfeit without bis signature, p
\ For sale io Pittsburgh wholesale and retail h> {■
IWM. THORN, 53 Market street, - 4
OGDEN &. SNOWDEN, popter ‘.’fid {c Woodsli. 1 -.
S. JONE&, 180 Liberty etrpet.
i Sold alio by.J.Miichelt, Allegheny (’itr; Boydi
jCarmi it l’o., Butler; Wcaycr fc Uendorinn, Mef*
leer. Norman Calendar. MeadvilJe; J H Uurtoo it
Co... Erie; M'Kensie i- Kaskcll, Cleveland; Deni*
IA. Sck,..Columbus; Sillier, BrownavilU-i Marsh,
jWheelmg, YY: E:li Hioiban, Dr
K Fartcrly A Co., St. Louis; J S Morris £ Co.,' •
iouirrillc, Andrew. Oliver &l Co,, ftey Or,'
leans. - " -. * 'aprj
1 CALItEIT , _
ITS now unircrsaUr acknowledged to l» tlie IN*
’X FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism, Spi
ral Atfeetion*, .Contractions of the Muscles,-Sore
Throat and Quinsy, Junes| Old Ulcers, i’sinsyu the
back and Chest, Ague in the Breast and Face,
3'oolh Ache, SDrains, BriJites. Salt Khebni, Barer, ’
L'roup, Frosted Feet, and all nervous Diseases.,
i The TRIUMPHANT BUpCEiTS which hasauT
, tended Lbc application of this most WONDERFUp
{tIEDICINEin curing the most severe cases nftfcp ..
different Jhsearcs above named,—and the HIGH'
ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon it,
phcrcverit lm been Introduced, gives me the right >
to call hn the AFFLICTED to resort -ut once to
ON. •. V
} HTTbelacultf uoilo io recointacodingif\o cele- •
i ated Estcmsl Itctnedy, Uont’s Liniment.
I The following letter /roic the higldy cmineit
{'hysiciiDS Wholuye beenallachcd to the Mount]
’lexsaat State. Prison for many years, is • Uro best.
evidence of the vslue of this celebrated Ltdimctitj •
■ . 'Stiic* Siac, December ffi,
j My Dear Sir—iTteeived yonr note of
fsking my opimon itj relation to Hunt's.Linimeat;'
ha prepared by Air George B Sianlon. Knowing t
its composition, and fiaring frequently used jt, l<
ban recommend U lu you as a safe Ektctnal
•fiy, and i» my opinion, tho best Liniment now In:
hte. . Very trnly and respectfully voure, ' ’
vo! Pierre VaoCorUandt, Croton Manor,
i 1 fully concur in the above opinion.
\ • . * . \V N. BKLLHHU.
| York Town, Jau. U, KMj. .
] Str—la reply to your'letter, I would hay that I ,
have wed )«ir .Extemat Hcdtedy, called Haul's
(diriment, itf iny' practice since you, made mcac '
huaiiitrd with'its eomprisition. and’ unhesitatingly;';
fay tbat i believe it to be the best hlxleroaf Herne
dy now in’ use loir lhe'complatnls for which you rc '
commend it.’ 1 Yourf rerpeellolly, ’ :
• . , BENJ D MILLEK.ALD, ' *
Geo E SUntod.Ksq. .
_l ' . ; From U»eNYSnn. V ;
i Bj’Afnqog the ma-j of uortblvss article* and
humbugs that are poured forth at the present day
apbh the rnyniry, it is really -tcfrcahitig tn fiiid :
(qroethmg.fef reilpractical ntmty, something guu T
•plo, speedy and effectual in its operation, sndxt
ffie tatae-time free from ihote injunon* eflcets - r
Vhieh generally attend powerful remcilirh. UontV'
Liniment, prepated by Geo. ( F Stanton, oi Sicg-
Sing,- though tt has hee(L Jiut s short time before '
the public, baa already rditsined ihCMimiliilence, not
hnty oi our most wealthy and influential
but our most eminent'physieisos. All ‘aekto*J- ’t
it lobe asove'reign balm for many of U,c ills ''
that flesh i«‘heir to, toothing, the tirhiug limti, and'.
its genuine stimulation tatlueuce,bantsliin» dis ■
tuse from the tTht*m.
J Mr. Stanton—Sir—Sreing your advi-tti-rment
of Hunt’s Liniment, I wasinduped it** t fleets. ■
bn njy urn, who bad hhen cripplcil w)Ui .a ladm *
hack troui an infant; aud it is with gratitude I bear . ,
(ettiruooy to its wonderful hralihg [iropr-uiex. My
child; who la now five ytar? oi ia nuw in a/»ir
way of recovery. Yours, dir.
li*, I'uHismVo.;
: I certify lbat.l>n/'pen>onUllt acquaiuUd with •
the above named child, sod think the falhor would
be talc id saying tiiat his son is almost dell. :
■ Nov A, ASIA.— — • • • Deputy l’«*«t Master. ;
. t I'. S. 1 would also state that I have been fur a
number of years sutdect to f a tucks id the
Rheumatism, which in many instances prevented
my attending to my buiiners. Two of three rppli
cations of too Liniment invariably removu all af
fections of the kind, incases of bruise*, sprains
and sore*. too numerous to mention, it has in ibis
vicinity -proved a certain remedv. Its value can
only bn estimated by thosq who have given it u fair
trial. •• /*•'.•••
'l_*his Lmimeot is soldat 55 and AO fonts per hot*
tie, by all tho I'riacipsl Druggists and Merrhintl
throughout country. -
Wholaak Agents in yao York. -
HOADLEY. Co, 142 Water *
"■ RCJSHTON & Co,-JiC!* roadway.
' A H&-D SANDS. aod VViltiarer; *
'ASPiNU'AI.L. L 6 William street
Order* addrdsaed to me at Sing Sijg, : N Y. nint
be attended to. GEORGE K &TAN r l'ON J
_ OssA!* ?r i- Wi i '
KIDD 6c. Co,. AUegheay City, JOHNS ARGENT *
Birmingham,JOHN SMITH; ] ffbl9 *
L.gglC roR KEfiIALE COMI'LAINTs. i 3
TpHIS ypedicieex* last Ukmg tho place of, every .
preparetion heretofore used for diseases arisiM’
ftom WeiKMaa or other Closes.' Ajithaiis &eces*
■ary lo secaro tins medicine a place in the Domes*
Uc Practice <orevery taniily ( *ltea neb a medicine •
is needtd.u a trial. . 'i .
ilt speiks foritsell—islnnocent in its operation, ’
and no iniury can ariso from its use at any time. .
sod Retail by KOWAND.&. WAL*..
TON, Propriet*r* 576 Market Street, Phib'd'a:' '■ ■
J i For aate in Pittsburgh by ft E Sellers, 57 Wood
atreeti ibJ Wm. Thoru.W MsrketsL ocSdw T
ueudy .dyeing Ltghl, Redor Gray Hair a Dark,
ttfown-or uiack color, wiiboui dyeioz or i'niurmgibe .
skin. Sold with fall directions Price £tr eejiw, or *t i
a t>oute. : r •
10-doid by WH. JACKSON, at his Paienf Medicine’• -
\Varebonsc, 80 Llbetryaireet, bead of U'oed, «i ibe vi
•kmof the B>« Boot. / .
T^^LTlAJl—Ja'2ox.tViiiiarVuai»ara"or WTkfuieiiv.' •
JX Juytroeuived-and for safe Ly J KIDDACo .
_.l** r 'L' " NodO wood ireet
ttliO- *7tbl« best English;
f „ fl • do Aarricaa; i bchoohhakgr * („
*P» No M trad met