The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 24, 1847, Image 2

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■* --
'' —nloui DaILT '
• ••!"• Dftjr, Weekly.-jrt'tag.DaarttSeren
DoUatiptraonom; iheTri-Weekly!* Rn Deßin per
• aoaßiov tbe Wcekiyi* Two Ikoll&rapcrajuuua, itritttt
■ ,»»» arfcawra . ..... .*.
Aeucs 10 Advertiser*.
■ '■v. ' . VZT AdveiUfrinem*, to. secure tnsemoss »bO*M be
hauded'iotiy‘five trtlOck lit ibr afrtnopti. Atieauorf
• to Uuv.oa the put of our r*utiaraer*, would be prdJac
.v nvsof mmmtJbcneSi. . -.,. . .. ; <
tot corn 'ooc'iot )
iot couuujun> cocm )
THOMAS FFRANKUN, Lancaster Ci»>.
JOHN C RUNKKL. Dtnph-a Couuly,
THOMAS C HA.MBLY, Yoifc.....
WILMA.M M WATTS, CamUerland.
-JOHN P WKTuKßlLL.Philadelphia Kit j. ..
JOSEPH u chandler; “
THOMAS. MeCiRATH, Pb.ladelpbiO Coooty. .
THOMAS M T M'KEXNAN, Washington.
ANDREW J OGLE. Somertel.
JOSEPH l! KCILVL WekraortlAnd.
M D MsXiVLi.kNorthampton..
J I) SALISBURY, Sasqttoheana-,
EMtA.N A.N S ITH.JV twain*.
SAML'EI. a Pt'RVfANCK,butler.
HENKE ft KVaNS, Chester.’
ROUERr T pOrr», l Moßi<pgffy. - • •
Tito illaul^ntJen*
To the Editor vf the Pittsburgh Gazette.-
Sow* »ro to illuiilnito, are erel For one l
•bail not d« it eo the presentoecteion. So loot
u t'KoJ i« fLwiog in torrents, not cnly’of eotdiei*.
tod ib-9" who*e triple it is to kill,, but of helpless
•od inuoceat wi jnta end children, I canhot,* will
not illuminate. I think with the valiant sod gsN
font Geo. Taylor, “that the exaltation of the sic.
lory it mitre than counterbalanced by the number
of Valuable live* we ba*o lost." (1 quote from,
totra iry and may not have hie'precise vrordt, "but
think I. b»ee the ides*.) U . .
When peace is restored end'when pur£n*ich
bors end fnenjia return home, tiuowj down the
sward nod resume their peccful bebits end pur*
suits, theo. witu sll my heart, illuminate; but not
now—no, l ctonot, my whole ttoai rerolu et the
idee. Wiih my estimate of war, and especially a
war of conqarat, l feel as if mourning was made
mare appropnsin than rtjoiciog.
Dul not .Km; D-ivid. “tbo roan after God's own
heart,” rtfkimt iu tbe midst of victory, when that
vict >ry was at tbe expense of' bis own life—-ado
that s.xt ux*. who was in open rebellion against hi*
fitber. Bnd seeking his life. David was reproached
and upttrjidcd f<r his course, and siigmaiiwd aa s
.traitor by hl« b'oxl thirsty General, Joab. That
may be inj.lot, tmt I cm hear it. When my con
science tells rro l am right l care nothing torn*
proichea. Trunk you, Mr. Editor, that the fathers
of the Ivmrniml Clay anil Lincoln would illumi*
nawl No; raiber will they **go mourning tolheii
graves." Howard.
The above is bat one of several communication*
wo have received of a similar character, nnd tl
would bridle to deny that it i* in accordance
with the sentiments of many of our most intellL
gtalaad respectable citizens. . Itis upon asubjrct
too. of which wesUould-havoMid something be
foro this, ha I not'.'pi* columns been pta-occupied
with oistirrs of public interest, which we could
not omiu
Wo should have rejoiced had it soiled the taste
and pleasurn of those who originated this demon*
straUoo, if they -had designed some act of public
charity wherewith to test our gratitude for the vie*
tones which have been obtained, ‘phe money ex*
pended in the pomp and show of in illumination
would have done much mote service in lighting
up the hearths and in infunlug' warmth into the
hearts of tho destitute. But this haa not been
deemed the wisest course to pursue, and we ac
quiesce in what seems to b* the wishes of tbe
majority of the people. Sinco there is some oc
casion fur joy, we may rejoice that oar armies have,
not been beaten—that in a struggle, for which
'"Howard" was not responsible, nor a million of
other* concurring with him in sentiment, not only
the lives of many have, been spared, but that vic
tory has f’/ever crowned nor arms in every battle.
We may rejoice, 100, that Peace is in prospect be*
fore us—and that tbe victories now celebrated
have brought us to events which must soon ensure-
Peace between the two nations. Tbe peeasionof
Pra^e.would'certainly have been the meat proper
time for an illumination, but it does not follow
that - we may) hot properly unite in any suitable
public demonstration in honor of victories Which
certainly must contribute immensely to an early
We sincerciy reaped the opinions of oar cor
respondent; though differing from him, and we
feel and know that some of the' moat patriotic,
intelligent and worthy eitnens of tbe country era
among those who at a moment like this, and fore
war such as we aro engaged in, can see no jos*
occasion for public joy.
The Mayor has issued the following proclama
tion, which will of course be observed with alas?
rity by all good downs. We can hardly sop
pose that any man would ho mad and wicked
enough to molest his neighbor in refraining bom
doing that which his conscience told him was
Fclhne Citizens.—U will be borne in mind
this evening, whilst celebrating tbe glorious victo*
tone* which hsvo been lately onr
gallant arms in Mexic-v, that there are some
emoagvt ga, who, from pare conscientious scru
ples, caartot participate io r onr rejoicings; and I
request of, ai.d er-j >tn it upon you, tbit all such
Individual* thall bo treated wiibAeapeet, and not
M auleated’either in their persons or property.
As it ia Saturday night. It ia .desirable thoillu
roinaiioo chill cciM at 11 o’clock, so fa not to
infringe upoo the Sabbath.
It is hoped those who lUatninst* will be psrtic
nlarly careful »f their lights, and have them en
tirety extingunbed, thereby . avoiding accidents
from fiw.
. The day and night Police will bo in actiys ser
vice from iho hour of 8 r. *. to promote good
order. , ' G. ADAMS, Mayor.
Pituburgb, April 23J, J 317-
Gt*vtX4i Tatlou, —The New Orleans Picay
une pubithea a Utter fi'ito General Taylor's
'Heidq-rariers, which indicates that this brave so),
diet will not consent to be a candulato for tbe
Presidency. If it bo so/ Gni, Taylor has won a ro.
putation for exalted pWiotisra ami disinterested
X public eervicc that will kdd tunic glory (n his name,
and mote lovo to hi* person, titan all tbe laoitLt of
past devotion of hia tdmirrta. He
l thatcji querehimssif is^treaterthadhiewbo takes
a city." The Presidency is hi*, if bswill bare it,
bat more than the Presidency is bis If be declines
,J ' it,—.the love, honor, gratitude sod applause of ell
his country men.
Liaaxsx. nowanova.—The citizens of Etna
Furnace bate subscribed the handsome sum of
$174 lor the relief of Ireland. Several- of tbe
contributions are the value of one ton ofPjg
Iron at $32 per ton, and Messrs. J. &i L. Dempsy
Ellpraon & Rodger* c.acft contributed this amount’
and Ifetsrs. H- H. Demp^y.Burgrn,Waller,Hnnt*
Boyd, Dennison, Barnet, Blsck,. button,.Black-.
> burn, Marshall, Price, Fulmer, Rayburn and Tay
lor, ten, fire, two and one dollar each. .
General Washington Birrow, who has for two
years past presided over the ’ editorial coTomna oi
tbe “Nashville Republican Banner,” has retired
from that paper, and ia a candidate (or Congress
from lb* Nashville - District. General 8.. was
appointed under General .Harrison's Admmistra*
s tion, Charge st the Court of Lisbon. He is'also
• brother of the lamented Senator Barrow, of
Louisiana,and i« a getitleman of fine talents. We
hope to eee him among the Whig*of the next
Congress. r
Coxtjjvs*** Naftirr—The body of a man wx*
found floating down the river opposite Mead**
ter, yesterday afternoon. He was about EteXeet
seven inches high, sandy bajr, xfid bad inhis
pocket one- five frank piece. No marks of vio«
lcooe were apon his person, and hi* name is an*
known. The verJici of the jury was that *be
<aoe to hie death by drowning.
Sewal officer* of tho Ar«? were in the dty
yeatenUy who were present et tbe etoidtfflf
Vsiu Crci. Anoog'Urese «'« CepU Dobbins
and B*moel A ostia, both «mog in .Votantem
corpa . Msjor Ssoadere h«' been boos 4sytf In
j /
cost of-th.
%». Bfockfijl|ler* of .the Tursfoy. thi* yotfprjprei b <.ub>kcr.!*- «>v ! /half a fs p t.9,a9 ,a * I #^*' Je s^ r mo j • • tt ,OR^;.
f*~ sEi'J£S^™^" .A .&*dpLy*rt4i3- -g*
•#* the artjfred -lAt. i*»- j 3f a^J^cog^ lt lut „ c *, fr regard to the ' l ~« y« aw. the copyright «a« r. newed. and the
Etq-. of Baltimore. It breathe* throughout a ■ t tW*>«n»— l>. nor «nv other ooe» > deltndant ho* e«er «ta« ooplinued to publish the
‘ 'Mfif?fl«ff3ft#ror* r iiS!wr*nl!*w»*nu|^t % S«n fion which we deoniurapcriant in our profit arul hooUaah« owd. % e -out * a J**"
- **•« -w. •»«*— •»^
her* fefe «tin«u rad fifed mra. Wife * „■«,.£,. n.,otmino, Tbc d.taJ*,. in th.> -jfcjfe h« node («Ud>
debnd. withvtotmt*ramilnr«t>Mt the pollfjr of „ ,£7r I ibet onr u S “ J 10 *' nounl l t* 'l 0 .“. "S*" 1 " 1 ,
tb. Prodden. rad Coral, of hie. in keep- .uxJdtolder. trill b, unraimm. .g.inA .n, .nob . “*£ “n d lho*Coort
in, open th. ri.hV *.£•*-£ Tl permra wife foot regret U... letter, h... . ■>■?«•"> *«<■? ■»»«•»*■ «*•
.« point, *el»pf the min. time the c.rnc*raJ from tbi. oily, ie.din, 7 oo tobeUeve !» f «!»■-«.«. LrJg'r.
lealouiadrocalaolextendio* •t oocjjhrtTaW to that the only object in the way-cfa ratisfactory
tb® completloo of the connection with Pittsburgh, ‘adjustment of tbi* question, oh terms thatwill j
by first cooatnictioc the road forthwith to Turkey meet the view* of Pittsburgh. is the administration
Foot, lentil), the f.rtlte, root, from thot pomelo ° f *? ,:ot ”P*"’ b F Mr - MoUno, rad that if ho !
iuvi,im ui| un» ( H opL were removed our people would adopt your prop.
“take care oHtrelf when the time at ivea. That oaitiona. Thia i» a rao*t miiebjevou* raiitake. I
the policy of Ihe cdnneetlcm witbti a’dty wohlJ believe it to Ik* true, that if the -citizen* of Balti
‘tie fdilj vindicated by fhe ample' remuneration more were called on, in maa*. to «ay whether they
• . . , ■ V," rtJ!.,. „ ~ would abandon the Southern route, witfra view
which the commerce andlrade of Baltimore would . ..
• • . to an exddO'*e connection with Pittaburgh, the
r*c*ive,andibe rich profit that would bo derived ToU i cn m on « it. The city au
|by the Baltimore Companyrlrom the va*t incrcasu thorhie*, l am conddcni, would never agree to it;
| of travel and Iracaportatioo, which the road would and the itociholdcrs haVe already ihowo how
.pprop.i.t. to itwlf, n,o. t ant«....bly* iri, * ,! **»"'- Th«.a .gmrol wife,!
, rr * V - . , , .v • believe, to m»he a connection with rut-tbargh, bat
doubt, end the reealt would be, ia all human pro- a fixed, nut ui duable ouraelre*
bability, that the Company would never reek any from, (ho prosecution of the roaib hereafter to a
other termmui: *' Southern lonpmas, and a* the Course pursuoj hy
Mr. McLann hr■ been co-iucider -villi ibe^
' < BatTlxoas, April 0, 1847.
. My dear, -Sir.-—Your. letter, as. well, as ibat of
the committee, wee delayed one deyr on its jaaroey
by ibe failure of the mail to reach Cumberland
in time fur the .train. I received both in'time
however, £3l a meeting of our Ommittee yester
day; Upon reading the letter of tho Committee
and the reaolaUona it enclosed, we were unani
, mously of opinion that a visit from ns to Phu
burgtt .would be altogether unnecessary. Oar
next resolution was to submit the correspondence
tooor Stockholders, for which purpose we have
called a meeting held next Mooday. i'uur
Committe will therefore receive no reply 'hntil af
ter that meeting.
I regret very much the course which matters
have now taken, as I think, we have very little
ground left to hope for any aathfactorv settlement
of the terms uf a future co-operation briwcen.thc
two Companies. j
Permit me frankly, and in the tiir.d<'«; spirit, t.»
comment on theprocefdinpr of yoorcoiup'ifiy.
1. 1 Ihifak it unreasouab'-! . tiiat your people
phould reqnim nr expect of us, either m ; uireodcr
oaf purpose of eouAirueting our road l > lh> Ohi»
through Virginia, whenever we can get authori
ty to do so, ort« dirablo ourselvev for that enter
prise when it may be within our reach-
Our primary object, as wc have ainavs told
yoa, was to obtain a rtmd'in that direction; and we
have never failed to impress it upouyour Compa
ny, throughout every stage ol our negotiation with
you, that ite would peter abandon that object
In our first interview with yuor Cnin/nittee in No
vembftf, we stated this to ynu In the most eiplic
it terms, and we have never foiled to repeat ibm
tssmall on every oceasiou where the question war
before the public.
Notwithstanding .this, your people seem t.» hwo
takeo up the-impression that there was some du
plicity on onr part, when, in holding a m>-
goliaUon with'Pittsburgh.wu nevertheless p*rii*i
ed in our application to Virginia.
Now. you mu*t observe that from beginning u>
end, in our negotiation with you. wo gave you Use
most distinct assurances (bat oor proposed conoec
tron with Pittsburgh was to be effected by a
branch road from our mam stem, and we
were willing to contribute a reasonable subscrip
• ion towards the construction of that branch. 1
myself.want ahead of many of my eolloaguea in
prosecuting this purpose; because, as I believed
that it would be a long time before Virginia would
give as an acceptable right of way, I thought it
our policy to get a road a« rapidly as c jkwsible 10
which, I was sore mast reuumcrsie
the outlay which we might be required re make in
it. And which, also, I deemed, in uo respect, in
compatible with the further construction of a ios.l
leading to Fishing Creek or Parkersburg. Mr.
view was (bat oar trade woud be promoted uy both;
That the PU-sbqrgU route constructed to the taken
—the Parkewbdrghjroule South -West— (
two' districts ar.d independent circles of trade, j
which Woul4 each rapport its appropriate m»J- |
That at we could ri oid go to Pittsburgh. and unn >
yet forbidden to go to Paraersburg, we ought not 1
to delay entering upon the first enterprise, with)
■a ch: means ws the contributor* from Pittsburgh '
ted khecily of Baltimore, united to oat own sab-j
scriptlod might allow. With a view to lighten
this burden of subscription as much as possible,‘l ,
suggested the idea Ibat the road should first be
eonsttneted as far as Turkey Foot, which would '
not cost mare than Two Mdli . ’awards which ( ’
expected Pittsburgh to coirr • about one half, f
That from that point oar Company shoold con*
struct the road to Cumber laud, by such route as it !
should find couvesienl hereafter. We had many 1
(natives to delay the * question of rente beyond
that point.*l will refer to some consideration* con
nected with this question: j
Ist. If we» ould ev.r j ro eeJ through Virginia,'
our course would take us fif-y five miles along (he 1
valley of Ibe Potomac, to a point not rac-ret'
than thirty miles from Bmilhfield, from wiiich pom
we could construct the road to Turkey Foot for
*BOO,OOO. . .
- 3d. That by this Potomac route we reschrd.
with an outlay oot exceeding >500,000, the bc»t
coal region of the Allegheny at Western port,—-a
point of gieat importance, to Baltimore and -Alle
gheny as connected with the coal trade. And
3d. That the Potomac route referred to was'
much preferable, to the northern route, in the
grade* and convenient facility and art of working
the way:—that iu a topographical point of view,
it. is the beat route; mod, although longer-then the
northern route, it*wa* estimated to cost but #uoo.-
000 more .than that route; and would,:in point of
graduated distance/and length, of, lime employed
in very'nearly equal to the other.
. Thera were considerations to be weighed in the
•election of the route, after the completion of the
road to Turkey Foot They had their full weight
wiih • our company, and. there was, therefore. a
uoantmoa*’adoption, by out Board,of (hesuggee
tion to apply the first subxuplion to the ennitruc
ttoo as far as Turkey Foot, or Hsi'.bficld which
"was but a fcvV miicsoff, and only suggested because
’it tifought us directly to the National Turnpike.)
Acting upoO this view of the case, our Board
agreed, in DecemberU*t, to recommend a eat *tup-
Uon of 3800,009 to the stockholders u 1 proper
contribution to be msde to yoar company from
ours. We expected Pittsburgh to furni*h from
*750,000 to * 1.000,000, and Ibe city of Diliinnre
in supply thq residue. By the Bih of February,
this was all arranged,. *> f*r trout com|*ny was
concerned;' Wc were even willing to make ou*
subscription $BOO,OOO. J believe upon that prop
otltion there woafd have' Wen ho division.
" Here, I Wish to say, that in Ibe whole course nf
thi* moveraeoljMr; McLanr in the
recommendation and adaption of thiv
That he has been, from first to ia*t. the coriiiM'-nt
and ready ps>xnoter and adviser nt this connection
.with Pittsburgh, on tbe term* propOMn]; ami that
fie ha* never, at one moment, that I know rf, hes
itated to recommend that connection. Ho has al
ways spoken ofit'asa desirable branch oftherjad.
which ought made whether tve succctdin
■ Virginia or not:— bolding, as I bold, that it was
not ideornpatable with any other branch of the
road.wbieh struck tbs riverbelow Wheeling. Hr
believed it to be worth the subscription of. eveo
one mUlioo fromour company, end hsa,&s I have
understood him, been willing that our contribu
tion should, if pecs wary, go to that extent. In this
respect, I think I may esy, he has been in advance ■
of s considerable portion of the Board of Director*.
Mr. McLsne'ht* never, on any'occasion, that I
' knew anything of, advocated any greater contri
bution to that road; or (dots' extensive plan of eo-'
operation in tbe ctmitniction of it than thene to
. which I have referred.
- ■ 1 calltbespcircarasUncw to your notice because
I perceive in all tbs communication* from your
city, what appears to roe to be a roost unju«t at~j
aault upon the Priwideat of of Ibis Company, foi
What is called hi* Diplomacy.— l have. no ltMitai
tron in saying (hat there never has l«een one mw
owot; from the dale-of your visit to oar Company
in November, down to this day, when| yon .would
fio( have found Mr. Methane, and ibd board with
him. ready to fulfill that}first engagement on oui
part, la contribute what we thought reasonable tol
the rontribation of the roedto Turkey Foot; tnd\
their never has been a day when your' Company
bad the-slightest uraranee that oura would do
more than that.. ;Nor has there ever been a com
muniettion from.this Company or from.Mr* Ms-
Lane, which Vould anthorne joqis in bslieving
that it was onr purpose to abandon the Virginia
route, or tho eflbn (9 obtain the riglit of 'way frpm
the LetUlstare Btbte. Whsl purjx»eJ
procrastination, then there' bai been our part, what
So far M aflcetcid the <)ov«iioo with,
ntUhurgh, oe wlai amcealmentof our real design
frpre yourdty, in reftrence to tbeconnection with
iti-4 cannot parccive. Whilst upon this poiot
•Dow me to fflrtber.Hbat the remark imputed
Mr. McLaae,'as reported tn the Son, which U
embodied id ooeofyoorresolntiotusbehiefer made.
It U ■ tour toirrepresenULioo. Be did ea y that a
road to Fiih Creek, nr belowU, was not
: }neomp4abl* with aroad to Pittsburgh; but if the
question was between, Pittsburgh and Wheeling,
tbe tuloptioo of oop would be incoopatibUr-wilh
a road to'the'otfasr!;. .He said nothing about a
preference. . V. I ,'
3. I a!» think it rwreaionable that jour com-;
panjr should etpeetos to pay th* whole expense
of the road from Cumberland to Pittsburgh* (all
•seept that toqdkap of £360,000,) tod at the
«|iw time, bareqnhed by yon to make it when
...cLann hag ever been dMiicident will. ... - ;
opinions, l have no doubt that ho would be l4^t;e-d' bl,, ' utde,l:i c, P rcs *'y j.*ulatra for, and pot*
ly aueUiUfd in the city, both in and nut of ihe 1 ,ho CMt of ,hs suU Mween lhe P arUcs on lhc
Board. a j partnruhip a>»eu.
Oor people IKre remark with some sorrow, the A Wringer to the *u«l, asaignee for eilhrr of the
gtadual alieitalion of what wo once of ,he |>«‘noM,may erne in on the hearing for
supposed to be a ‘project divided by both— further direction to hare the amount paid over,
the construction of a branch of-the Uaitimore'and Tho nf the partner m partnembipprop-
Ohio RaU Hoad to Pittsburgh. Wh.n the project «f‘J. *“*3[ 1,0 *»») d “7 the ■ bcr | ff °® execution
of a connection was revived some nine months against him, subject to the equitable lien of the
ago, it was for this Branch, and you then offered " ,bcr P ar,ner to H 3Ve the Mra ® a PP litd ,0 W
us a subscription t»f‘s?so.oUO:—l should rather parUiWshtp debt, or rcimbiuiement forauchdebu.
say offtred this in November ;la»l, which; in fact
tae period nhm our negotiations may bo said
to hate commenced'. You jyinbed, however, at
tb-it time to make a stipulation inter- 1
section horn Virginia, which you must remember,
wo at once refused. Scareoly'Tiv.- months have
now gooe by when you have withdrawn from u«
all hopes cf a subscription to exceed $ 350,t)'00, and
have insisted up m the new ednditious r.-garding
the r.mti; hare charged in with prrutrating the
connection, and iiitcipi'sin;- ttr.dc.-s or w. rsc than
Urelt*** delay*; and you now ‘inform o* that vou
will n it even eptcrinin n dt-rti>*icm on the q:its
lion of lhc S-.uthein route —n routrf which your
l*:C‘iiieui. in in. ream leuer, mtirn:iti-j> might not
be ebji'etnunble to the ju your road.
This iit-.'i’js.ui; demand from your vide, whil.-t
your propped contribution, to thccimmou object
is dionii.slird, and ihu mrcrp-jsi'ion of terms m«»re
, rigorous iciiii't u-». and. ir. tsqt, beyond our m. sn*
j to comply wuh—lbe.->v thing* taken in 'connection
with the fen*ures recently po->ed !■? near
: piper-, and tit some degree KUM-irml by tho lone
j ot lln- adopt'd at thn laic mrelitig of
1 your Ht.r.,kholder'. against £}io administration of
oui f.impany.— I letir. fn-m all these-i-tidi-nct* <d
the -pint which prevail- m your l.'oinphriy, that
wit may warrnk bojw* for 3; roMration of that
►late o! lee'mg or lemjnr which wili allow u» t •
tv bi night '•■-i-ther o’aiti fur- the of ma
king the r.iud.
Still I aa-urc you, as I Uhl- often done before.
lha> with a little more ci'xlcrbiion of opinion, and
With le«» of iUsirti?l, o.i your side, I am convinc
ed that we might yet get tho way. T bsvo no
doubt our Company will adhijie to its purpose (0
contribute £BOO.OOO to the construction to Turkey
Poor —and tint our city may bo inJur»J to sub
scribe f»r the eitme ' My advice is again,
that you bhuuld accept lhc siibscfipuou and go to
work —without rui.urgfinv quernon a-to the fu
ture designation of route. / think thii >fit's
! /ran will Ink' eirr uf i!.\elf-i\<hrn th' Innr reniry.
Now, mv dear sir, I have v,. r y cji>se!y and has
tily thrown together kiy views of tin* question be
tWiscii the two compani-**. and have spoken with
-the freedom rf a Mend to on • who. I am sure,
will not mi-undcr.t-iml roe,-I'do.-if.< 11 s*»v to vou.
with tho utir.’-st rrsjuct and'TfgsrJ; .what I think
noo«iiry ,lo the due consideration of this impor
tant question, 9S well av to the r.-rrcctiun of what
i am I'iersuaJctl arc ro d.* very mjunou« miscon-
Cl' of the |»o!icy and proceeding* of our
Hoard. If l ha««- evpr. s.«-d ai y npimo.i |.«>
•UoLgly, i hope you will >ei i down to the horned
manner in whi:b l write, and will nut infer that
! have any purpose to upbraid or find fault with
thcee whom you have acted In thin matter:—My
design i— W discuss—not- ceniure.
lam very truly yours, Jj I* KENNEDY.
Nlvills B. CRAiQ,E«q.;
Delay-in Tninspoititiou.
7 0 the Editor of t!u Pittsburgh Gazette.
Too old ada*e “taat what is every t-ody's boti- i
new is Dotvnly'fl wc* never more appa- *
, rent than in ltd general siirticr that prevails re* ;
; ganling the arrangement of the Pi-rUje Railroad
, this aeis n, for whil*‘freights bolh ways arc a
j bundam, ike quantity nf produce for shipment m .
, the canal wrehoc.v's t* unprecedented • tod the )
I apZK'ty of shippers 10 get it mte market ia in* !
. tense. Willi it bo bchevrij that noat< base |>oen
detained lit days Ln Johnstown, waiting for,
trbdts to Irans|>oit them uvtii the Kadroad thirty. *
six miles, and that they are it or 3 days travelling '
over' it. whirh t« more time |han an oIJ woman
WoulJ require to walk the distance and carPy a
month# provisions on her bath. Here is a direct ,
lost to the tr jnsportcru of at least £fU) f>r the-bire
of hi* boat, and an indirect ||o#s incalculable for
the unprofitable inertness of hi# boats thus detain- .
ej and consequent suspension of his business, i
While such vast quantities of freight is on hands !
the disappointment he gives' his customers and 1
the attendant depreciation in the character of his
line, from the imbecility to .perform his engage
ments it a great low. The transporter.- employ |
certain' number of Boats ; and they calculate-.
accordingly, but when be supposes the boat is bark 1
,at Hohdayaburg with a return load, he find* she •
is yet at Johnstown hut 103 miles on her way
in 14 days. He is blamedl fin not sending off 1
produce entrusted to him. blit riot a word is «p>-. 1
hen of tbs management that subject* him to that j
censure—he is assured by tho slat-: « dicers mat ,
plenty of fucks will t« provided and l)4*r* hi* '
coDir sets upon thi# a*-«umncn, but finds the-promis
ed facilito * reduced to our hall. He knows the
¥*fi*Utu'e autbyntnl the building nf this < truck* 1
ftTt'.e cxpri-# purpose of carrying boat* and yet j
while sereral of iht—w» b->at* are detained
town and Holidtv*fcurg' watt-ng for truck* to*
transport them aeru<» the mountains ho sec* #cv
cr»l oftht-c Irckka d-vdy engaged tu carrying;
luait<r o;i Jhc Ra hoail fuiil lin i« atvare that a;
resolution? ot tor Cana! CommiuioiKU* direct! j :
th# truckaje and wheel t d! tu b.- immediately ap- f
plied lithe repairs ot truck*, und while they are
daily going to wreck toe want of timely repair*,
he reac's m the eiiperOdcnJeijt'* report that a laige
Mien ha* Intti paid into the ti--n«uiv Irom the (unit
thil should hive be>UL*'X|M!ude.ii m the crnivtui--- ,
lion and repsir* •>! Iruek-. th*’ twnlnl which il
an severely felt, by the e-nfl'mnidv gen>Tslly • ,
He also w* the j»i>r*e powe* machinery, original ,
ly uorwiructcd for (he |>urp. h* of hauling the boats 1
nut of the water to the Rad Uosnl, go out of repair j
and replaced by two stationary steam engines, at j
a cost of J 7.000, (the Combing of which caused |
a «u*penajon of bu'innm at the opening »f the nav
igatiun, for aevrral days) anil an additional cost of j
$6 a day to attend theiu. when this sum would j
build ten sets of new trucks} and which tro so ur. *
gently required to pars the trade, now ofTireJ, *
while the burner home power had rapacity to per* !
f>rm double the *ervieeuipce*mary, if repairej af a J
trifling expense. It is related id Dr Uddsmilh, !
that lie went to Holland to in*tgcMhe phlegmatic j
native in the fiuglifh language, but overlooking |
the necessary acquirement. w«* him-df in nerd of >
a knowledge of the DuL-h tongue. The recent j
TOonwmorlicaulm inamai* uti->lhc-r in>Uisct* where j
hundred! raiwM food wjtliout'ever calculating when |
the silk worms were u» he found to consume it. *
Is thi" official movement mitre wise, when expen- j
siva machinery i* erected til haul mi' true k* tint -
will rot'bo supplied, anil that now exist but hi
imagination. By this palpable mismanagement, ,
the pecuniary inlcrrvu <-l the transporter* sull'-r,
materially. and the public am subjected to a seri- j
The capacity uf our Slate iro- ,
proTPrnents beiuc th.U*li<mtti‘ii it depreciates their |
character abroad, and the <.'cimmcinw< «l(U itaclf i< j
subjected fn fOrnpfiint. If this eornmUQlcStioo j
has the I fleet of turning public an T,t.on tj a sub
ject afTecting the int'irn-tx < f wo large t pottion of
tb« commnnity. may wa not hope refona wilfbo,
the eohsequtmee, and a proper reinDily
redrew a griavanco pressing! upon tnany, tnd on
none mor* than ytmrob’tLwervanVv . .E.E..
.i»eoRTA!iT.—A new Army Order, has been
issued which the follounug ‘nterpmtation is
pal Upon the law of the 1 l|ih of February grant-
lands or money to those serving in the Army.
il>cst this provision of law may.nut be uq.
der*tood by ibo -veteran soldier* nf the regular
add voluaii**# crop*, who |mi/ have received
thu Had bounty, on eipjrulion of their first
term of they are iriiorjued that in case
erf rc-eolistmcnlor rc-eniolment, either by com
{ianiesor as ipdividnal volunteers, far a ttcutid
term, for the period of the war, they will, on r«-
ceiving an bonorohle discharge at the expiration
thereof, be eutilUU to a tccottd land bounty of
amount, oc of the Treasury fur . one
hundred itathirp, as they may prifur. By aider,
jj R/JONX3, Adjutant Cenerai.
ijwe are inlorioed tiaMhiii Smithfietd
fionts i*f tbe Monnngahela Itouce are to be illumi*
ntoo to night with mac hundred and thirty.six Star
Candle*, made expreoalv for the oceotiort. by
CuvurTua & Co. j
It !.a*been recently decided in the L*. 8. Cir
cuit Court in Boston, Judge: Woodbury
ding, taat a bii lge built ovet navigable watera
under tbe authority »f a !>tate, ia not* indictable
•sa nuhance in the com)* of tbe United Slates-
Tbe oulv mode of punishing acts, as crimes, which
obstruct the navigation of rivers and ports with
in .the limits of a State, and are not now crime*
under the law* of a Stite or the United States,
i* by farther legislation by Congress under its qq
! thorny to regulate foieign commerce and that
j belwoeu tbe Btalep, declaring whit obs'ructioos
I shall be penal, if tun removed or inoJifiod, and
| in what Court the offence shall be tried.
It ha# hi!cu Jecidcd in New Yoik, by Assis
tant Vice Chancellor llubotUoh, that a partner
has tut light tu r xtra compensation for extra ia-
Scxoa AToruc’a eaosostTtoiv to Maxico.—
The term* indicated by fJi’njr-Atncbii; in his let
ter tu Rrjop; a* the p'oposilion! of th-« United
State* to Mexico to obtain a peace; ere found in
the Ditto del Cobierno, without a word of dis
sent- They are as follows:
A ounmia-ion shill he named to arrange the
condition*.' Thi* commission shall be
»f Mcvriiri. Bint-in and Buchanan, a»d uqo mem
l< r'of Congress of the and two Mex
ican c omimstionera,. 'i'he commission shall as
semble wherever the government of Mexico may
[ appoint.
1 The l : n*ted States demand the potrllcl ol £C
; «>i 1.-itiiudc Irotn tho **uil of Mcxiro ns the
i dividing hue.
Tne United Btste* Will pay fifteen millions of
dollars in rash for the territory occupied, solemn
ly fi>gv«mg ret to cxvct or claim any expenses- of
tin 1 Those ••xpeiivrs are es'imslfd at about
thjrimi iiiUlionv; rons-qirtilly the United Slates
c)ii>iuir that they would psy twenty millions of
Jolfar.- fir thetrintory deicrioed.
The 1 oited StaiiN guaranties that it will nev.
er c-insen' that any territ iry or State of Mexico'
snail be ounexrd to the American Union, it equai
gaarai.lirs the swereighty ut Mexico, e:|xci»lly
tioi parolh-l of 26 Jeg.
The' United Sta'fs will 'yvUce ti n thomand
men, infvn'rj and cavalry, upon the Imundary
line, o prevent smuggling and incursions of the
Toe United States engage to ndjustaii disputes
l about old damn, we give the remainder in Span
i i*h* tj>ro el ter/itcrio tttdjdo par ttirrai, rfetikijj
i rrtranperai -Vc j • /
TfiP alienee nfleasive, and delenvive, shall bo
ligOrd tictwenn thu UniUxl Slates and Mexico to
repel all hlurupearv-intcrveniioti in tho aflaiis nf
Atncha is atnliorrtetl by the government of the
United' Stati-s u> adjust the terms of the treaty of
A v old Ikiuuitot. —'flic Journal of .com
m,lLC.c *avi« that the -hip (Jen. Jackson, now
ou ihr Srctiuiul Dry D.mL fut r«|«irs, n mure
ttau a huu-irrd yirjr.r old, and is atill ill good
urder. She wn t-ui!l by the Ihirtugers# at the
Island of tiua. of teak wooil . M ho was
the Kngiisb in the old war*, and ia the
war ut 1812 w.i* captured from'her English own
er by 'h' American Privateer Yankee, owned by
Mr. D«- \V„!f nf U-iitoh it I. The teak plank
grooved, logr;her‘aiWi uevtr have been caolked
i but covi red bv »heaih>-g. Her roizx#n mast and
1 a.imc of her other #p,vs aroof teak, and umloubt*
edly the original sticks. Tbe thip.iauf 3*o
tMjv burden, and very well shaped, though ahoit*
,«r io projiorffoQ to her breadth of beam than nyAi
ern built ship*. Her plaoka and timbers may,'
ride the wares aa ut'vr century.
—The Go»eroi
•n aIU-mjtl to
lU icmorat ft
u toon as tl;
lTßtßß* MtX I Cl,
anKaiUi Uivly rotJ*
•iS*er phto from tha
seat gate orjers for
'so of coining it, and
tbom lha bustncßß wit
it, issued a eoanter
entrusted was
order a* a ln<
ih* direction of the
was. sii/ order lo
corn; and uji that
operation deni
lake frilver jital
o«is. Kinru v'
the luck* from
rotten eutoieJ
bo fouod *iUci
iMteccwary to remote
in<i (o force open die
->i the Cathedral, where
le of s29sB, hut no.
tad (be doors sever*
command arc:
leading everything m it *u before.
Xtwi lteraa.
Tbe Corner stone df tho. SatTHsoxiax Ixiri*
tctiox will he laid ini Washington oa tbe l*t of
May, with imposing ceremonies. Tbe President
of tbe United Slates, aV bead of tbe corporation,
of ''establiihmenf” of ike Hcnilbsonian institution,
trill unite in tbe ceremony, and the Vice President
of tbe United State*, ai Chancellor of the loatilu!
tion, is expected also to deliver an addreta oa tbe
Letters from Washington, state that Mr. Ni I*.
Trat has gone to Mexico, a* i bearer of despa'eh
e* of an important chinch r. It is mu] that be
will reinaio with Gen. Seott'a 'division until he
witneasrs ibe denouement. Mr. Trial, it j| said,
Ukrv with him proposals of
The Philadelphia Ledger says that among the
names attached to ihu petition to the Massachu*
»<■!:» legislature against the abolition of eapitsT
purushmrn'. were no less than tu+itti/ rope no.
/.<■«. ,
Civet vvati *.■» nfcS*.\ Dt>.ti Ctrr.—Th* Kail
Hoad from t’locinnsti to the lake is completed,
t*hh the exception lof thirty-two miles belwten
Springfield and Belfmlsin.
The Whigs of Waynr county, la,hare wimiv
nsted I'aleb H. Smith for re rirciioir to (Jangrrsa.
He in a true Whig;
(*en. Aim intc. uVw said, sucere Is-Hanta Anna
in command * t the Mexican forces. .
A rriMn in fii.u hcfn.tpndcm] (0 4'itm
o.oJni.- Connor i.y the citizen.vnf Philadelphia
Fim. a r s«Mot'*KT f*iTT.—> W«*. |e»rn that
•1 fro broke out in Sandusky Hty on Saturday
night, which de-inyed tfieHaddlet's shop of ,Mr.,
Gspe, the Tailor’s shop of .Mr. Kneale, and the
grocery More of C. Hooban. Bbvw*| merchant*
had their goods damaged by placing them in the
iirdct. to present their being destroyed by fire
I'ftrtlanti Herald.
Thi iioak or c-Aiijcox which lisa b«n bend
for • few days pastin the neighborhood of tin*
Allegheny riser, wa* ocrariunml by testing the
r union i. tenily manufactured by Knapp & T«>t.
ton lor the Government. There were Ifitl pieces
l>**ted, all :M pounders, and all we Mieve proving
equal to the severe ordeal requited by the Govern
rniMii. OapL t'hauncey and Lieut. BnntweM of
the Ordnance Uepar tme.nt. officiated upon the
•wfrtsjon, and will give a reputable character ter
the*- noisy irntrument*. About 1,300 pounds
of -but and 3,300 pounds of powder weru was*
i«d upou the occasion.*We hope there may never
bt orennon for Using these big guns for any* worse
purpose. ' ■
Among other items of export, w« notice a large
number of Iron Pipes, cast in tyis city, going
aboard a Packet f»r Hi. Louis. They uo iuleo
ded for the new Gas works in that city. After all
our friends around there hare to call on us to help
them through. They have talked to Isrgely of
late, we thought they would never more need a
pound of pipe from us. It is all right, however.
Miu Wkbstkh.—The hospitalities of Savan
nah have been tendered to Mr. Webster in a pub
lic meeting and an invitation extended t> him to
pattske of a public dinner.
IVe'undrr.tind that Mr. Webster will visit
Pittsburgh on his return homo, and'we are sure
thti our citizens, aiway diitogtiishcd for (heir
bospiia’lty, will give him a warm-welcome.
lit LAoarvL or tov&LioSTS.—Wo hope those
who may be engaged in tho iliaminatlon will not
fprgct -how great a matter a little fire kindlelh.'
There is mUchiof enough in a spark evon of a
tallow candle, to bum up a'city.
PaorEason>'WiJL.ia t will commence a series or
tUsc'Airw* upon particular texts of Scripture, t
niurrow evening in the church ul. Df,]| raitov
Cojfroapondeaeci of ,
letuins from twj coiinim in
Vfrtibu, ibir DirtricU.represented in tlx* 59ib
J'ongrpu bjr Mmsti. and Brdingtr, both
Fax cosoatsa— SLrih District.
. -The returns from Mf. District are at
Kenned;, (W) Bnliogen (L. F.)
>, 40 maj.
Fredirick Co,
or ('osoaas.— Sink Ditmti
1J47 1f43
Bolts, 4V Leake, I. F. Uoua. P«d«ior
Richmond cty, W* all) 64fl :lnrt
Henrico 0.11, W 7 Sro tfl
Taylorsville, 141 41
Loiuaa C. H- 74 H
There is a good'prospert of Mr. Bolt’s election*
Mr. Sedden, who was repudiated by hiR pari; for
being a Calhoun man, received some scattering
votes. The election was contested with great
spirit in Richmond, and all through Mr. Colt’s
it will be remembered that in the 29ih UoDgrea-s
the Whigs elected but one member, Mr._Peml!c*»
tun in the 9th District. The Delegation Flood i
Whig to 14 Loco Focos.
Nlw York, April 23—8 r. m
The Regiment of Troops under command of
Col* Semple, sailed from Governor’)* Island to-Jay
to join the Arm; in Mexico. f
WisaiaoTO.v, April 23d.
No mail South of Petersburg to-nigfht
The two ports reported to have been taken by
our forces are TUcotalpan and Coeamoloapan.—
The; are important point*, situated upon the wa«
ters which have their outlet to the Gulf at Alva
The very latest report st Vera Crux was that
Santa Anna would dispute the passage of our
troop* to Mexico with an anuy of 20.000 men.
A general jmuU otfu'-c has la-eri esiibli-hed h»r
tbe benefit of the Army, and fir the dispatch oi
letters slid papers to tbe United State*.
Another report was that lie boj advance*! to
I’oelds, and would certainly move mi to Jalapa.
Then; is_an a|.prelirti*i.m dial Metiro i* not tc-t
read; to make ftfucr upJii our i, rut*. Senor Ar.
rangoix. the former Mexican consol at .New Or
leans, was at Vera <>ur on (he 4th. He h.iJ
just arrived from Havana, and had received a
permit to proceed towards 'Mexico. He said he
did not think hi* rooQtrymen in the l«?a,t inclined
to mak« peace with the United State*.
The number of killed and wounded at the ta«
king of Vera Crux was, of the Arm;, ten killed
and forty-seven, wounded; of the Navy, one offi
oer and seven sailor* anJ marines killed and
Previous to the arrival of the Steamer,- a fair
and oven active demand prevailed for Flour
The f ’amhria’s advices caused stagnation for a
>boit time, dealers being doimu* to receive their
letters and details. The *ir\v* of hnyers and fi
lers were diiferHit, and the r*>n«eijucnce ai< a
»e*y hmiteJ busiu*-**. This in irniuj the market
was more animated, and sales ofdencsaec Were,
made at f7,87jr7.93i per hid and
an improvement look place, and sales Inward the
cla*e were made at $7,87ja9,00 per bid. For
future delivery;contracts were cl.»*<>d to-day at
ffi.frO in May, $G,37 t in June, aud $0,124 in Ju
ly. to the eitent 12a 15,00(1 btds.
There have been- ri'cs Uornmeal ,f..t future'
delivery at but none of parcels on the
I'bCff'amhna's trews ha« had a very favorable
influence on the market for Provision*. ' Alt arti
cle* ari 'rendered firmer h; it. For Pickled meats
a wy-'activa and. heavy demand has sprung up;
and ibp ouikst has been swept of every thing
of (hat Hind for Export *to England- Salts of
Files at ——; of Hams sale* IAO.ooO lbs at 94
Of Shoulder* lbs at G4a?c.
(We canpot underrtand these quotations for
pickled meats-—they may'feright, may be wrong.}
Pork is held nnro firmly, and prices arc very
foil, if anything, a trifle higher. — c
The Cotton Market continues active. The
sales txJav are 1500 bales at advance.
' ('rices are bow fof a cent higher per lb
than previous to the arrival. '
Nothing in the hreal hue worth-telegraphing.
The oiftcul lo
The market lot Flour ha* heeti suimatod to*
day. This morning it opened at
per' bbl.' and' during (he f>t«.*nbon UiOtl Lbls
changed hand*. Holders then rose ia tbeir de
mands a (ractioo. and dcuandcd $7,00, which
was acceded to before the don. atid sales were
effected at (bit figure,«( which the market closes.
The morning's prices arc freely offered, and per
emptorily rejected.
Fir Cornmeal the dosing rates of yesterday am
not maintained, and prices Into declined. The
sales today were at $4,374 per bbl.
Hales 1000 bo Red Wheat, prime, a( Is'dslssc
"per lm.
The Corn market ts inactive today, and prices
Since the Cambria's arrival Cotton has advanc
ed | cent per lb.
jieefhas aJvancM—sties of Mow at $lO rwr
For Western n*w Mess Pork $l7 is now dp.
manded, and for .old mess $l6 per bbl. Prlggi is
selling at $13,50, and $l4 per bbl.
Lard is in very active demand. Sales today
of $l3OO keg* at lOalOje per lb,
Butter is s'-atcc and wanted. The sale* were
at iril.c.
UsLTixoar, April U3—B r. m.
The market for Flour i* not very ac'ivc. Hairs
of l(KK)al»0U bbta HutvarJ at it sG,7.*i j»er bbl
though more is. asked.
I'rime Uni Wheat ia worth thUe, sti.l several
thousand bu a.4d at that to-day.
Corn is in only fair demand— a few thousand
bu wild to-day at 80r far White and-90c for Yrl
| l«w. ,
In Provisions them lias bean no change. Mar
ket very firm. • Mess Park at f IC. Prime at $l3 -
60a14.0«> rtf flic>u. ■'a!.- Shouldt-t* at 7jc;
Hides at SjaOr. and' Hams at 9)slUc. Soma
•ales.keg Laid at 100 per lb.
; .('apt. I.rrss is building a fine boat to bo out
by August. She will be as large as tbr Canal
locks will admit: a double engine and three boiler
handsomely finished', filled and furnished.
7b tht h'l/itur tj tht Pittsburgh Hazettt
“Speaking of gentlemanly slmmUiat Captains."
we <ima!l fish leel grateful to Capt. Lintord, of iho
Mcwngrr, lor c.-milng into part so slow as not
in injure’ (hr »mal! craft •( the lower end of the
wharf. We wool I be pleased if the Braver
Parkets would do likewise. Msxt Boaisuyv.
invite (h- utl>-M[toM dl out trailer* ti> ilir m
ira/ v ruie* ol Si'fuitila |>eri<>nnr<t t*v lir. (Wtot’i
/a./ma r»*«MU* /•niurru.wlmli itw-jr will Imil irrord
■•. l .ii a.Hjiiirr ri.lii'iin ol Ui-iUyN paper ’l*liey nrr
•f '1i.!'4l iluul.i ii.C iVO»nt«*fr»*t (111 n'conl, unit have
tu been I'M'iii'inirn! Uy tnnny of iwir nuej (eaprciahlr
pjiy»ir.4n» Tin: .01]mini amt i.^ber-luuno-ii il, ar? rr-
in vi*it ihrin m thr<r sc.vt.ral plans ui uwir.
sn<t irsm ihelr own Up« tho wimJeii'ul Vilm-uf
ike umli. .<!*• till.- first nm: naianl >■ Mr Itupa lliouk*
wiio mm t>» «een daily iieuver i ihe hour• of U A M.
amt -1 t*. M in il.e olfimif Hmvuml A U alum. So :17ft
Market -i. Piiluila.’ , nun’*
iff?* A won! of Ail v toe.- i.ri -i.iliv.duaU surtci
ing from the IMi<, Ituvi' imnti’dMle rrsmii.-.' m Hi
llplinni•* Vegei.ililr-FWltiary I' Itie ni.iloMli »ur
ecss UllelntiilC |J,II ju-'il.riiH', even 111 (III! •11,.1i
ntl*' ru*«, ii may t>V ip(anlnf •• n ■•■<ru<n rr„,mh
I Jf77“J*old, '1 |i«le«a|<i •ml Itriail, hy \V VA IT A
KKTCItAM, Ist Full-in street. New Vork; Wm Tiiokn,
AloiVul Siren, amt 11.I 1 . If 'Uwtsn, Kni.ihfWl.l sirrel,
l*iu«!>ui<li. l'». Price ft per i«i* • pVI Iw
So,oo. Horn’s r>,oo.
i: OnN K It OF-FOST O F F I U K A 1.1. U V
TtlKsabsenltei rrsimrifully inform* the pullin' tint
ha lias eoimneiireit tin: ’ inanniarltnv of
Ft-ikhnabU liwn, of ipxxt iiiawml and workmanship
which lit will warrant superior mmij JWt «-,vct wu<te
inT'irtiaimrnh for die price. Tiir..- huiuUxitir llooi
will lie niudr lo inensore, nil,! «ii.rum ihm, u. i..|,re
sctiteil, at the very low pf,. .> of. FJVK
CAHIt: CcmU'fncii uio rr.jucsleil in e.ilL •ml •imti
ncllmn. Jvgl W || KKHKINF.'
ji Ulnicui Pausets.-
TiwtiMOSV—M> byg leave tn mil puM.c nucm an to
thVfollowuig.frpai Pi. Wm. boon, of Wnhanisville,
Clarmont Co , and one ol ihr very fun pfari.tinner* in
thd county ill which hr reside, nn<t laic Heuator ui'ihe
State Legislature li is etteering Urns to see Ihr lead
ing racn of tbe profusiion, hurtling she bonds of pmtos
sioaal prejudice, and Riving merjt us due
‘Sir: I have inmy practice been usins wine of your
Ginseng Panacea, and, so far, am well pleased bi its
effects in Catarrhal and Uronchtet Complaints. Please
wailine half a dozen bonier—put them a* low' as too
ran; aa 1 eiport if ii ronnnae* lo rrmler a« general »ai
irfsciinn a* u has bi-reiofore, lo ierp It ron.-janily on
. , hahrf. HejptcifoHy, apl? Wa Doa», h d
l - • -
i{fcißifr,%Tsi?rr, couriK ar-corr arrick jitistf
C9-W. •re nffw'jpreparedio execute ia aeoperiorj
nd exprdiiio«e.iß turner, aJI kmda of Jdk’J’xmuai
>och«i'UreftPu»icr» t Sifa.-nUMit Bitls, DilMOf Lading
Xetter Sheet C.rruiara, MktidMlt*.Canls ieC, Ac.
'Utst&rsh Qilinitc
, wo raxr&Lre-raixxiße
to *ny client executed in tbe l»e‘i manner, end aft
Arndt of Pouting done with accuracy aniTat the loorci:
EO”lmporxant to Atlvertleere. -The a.iver
i:«emen« which appear m the Daily Mprn.n* tiuinti*
•l*o appear ta the Tri-U'eekljvthaa.rereiving the Hen*
nil; of toe circulation of nil, without anyaddrt*Miai
charge, Thi» advantage tooor advcn.cer#, witbom
aay extra czpenxc. Advertisement* are al*o .nu-rted
i>i me country paper upon reasonable term'.
Dry Goob.
UN Monday morning. the tffitbli
be »oM aa ciien-ivc a*«brunentl».
ai'ilfjHey dry good*, UinbreUaJ,bat_
Im*. cap*, wh:p«. 4e. 1
At -i O’clock, R. M.
Ilou«eno:dfunnmrr. grocencJij-fC. axDOiirwmch are
•J fine Ore rung bureau*; commontip; French, fancy and
, common chair*. high and low jv*Mbeadftend*; high an*]
— ; tow hark lobkiug chair*, work aml\ nra»h *uod«; wash
_ _ . _ ' . „• •. ;nggla**e*; 1 »ujieiior 6 diticloeh and cus. mantle
Canonsborg Female Seminary. • | jnmpsi feather bed*, mauraasc*; ulaiiware; Claeefls-
IN additioii to ihe elementary Branches,rhe following ! ware; fur-varc, coal and l)eyontbire\*bovcl*, and wire
are taught: I «eNre». Ai*o. a ijuannty of V iWa; tobacco; rice;
Kngli*b < iraranur, Geography, "Defining, Rudiment* 1 chocolate, Ac. j- V
of Ibnaiiv. I'hiloaypbyeod.JliMOTy. Bibfirdl Antiqui- ; At 7] OVlork, P. M.'
tie*, and Watt* oft the Mind,~Nuiuml Philosophy, pol;t- | A targe eoUcetian of valuable new book*, emhracii>g
■cal Kcouotn); l£>rany;-Cheim*fT): Aueier land Modem j dioice works - v tt,rnrnu* department* W Literature
iliriop; Ancienf Geography; construction of maps. j ap:W '■ r • [American copy] i j
2*clf Knowledge, evidence* of chriit anity and pbylor»-j „ • , ,-i ‘ . _„ 1 .- .1 l : -. '
phy of Natural Hijiory. Algebra; Physiology; Geometry, I f** t * n “* ve ‘**s °j
Astronomy; Rhetoric; Mental n'n.d MoiuV Philosophy: i Monday, \\ edrtc*da>, TliursdJj'attd . atufnay
Ugic, and elenientao f Criticism; Bible and Compo*i- 1 -»*N *■«- **!. B ‘ !d •■.'lilt of AbtU, at the Com
lion by aU;Jlteelhy*e*. There will be a course of Lee- j tpetnat Anetto-i Rnom*, corner of JfmU and lißh
tjre* free t* all ihi«U»«*, ou Physiology, comparative ! «* «*•-»«■*“ «*M»rtmcnt of Book* J» tbc varied
anatomy, cix-tniiiry,"natural )'lutoaoiihY* Ac, l.v gentle- ! department', of Lilcra.nrr. coin}.n*nr S standard work*
m-n well at.[-minted with the rubjeet*. ' :on Hi«ory, Pocry. rheology. irirgraplje, the Drama,
The funeral of MRS NANCY RALPH, wife of
Samuel Ralph, will nke place oa Sabhaih. ihr
in«i. ai 3 o'clock, P. M, irora her laic rcsidctpr.oo
Pennsylvania Avenue, Oih ward. The mead* ire to*
tiled to attend. ap1123
KXTII.B'. ' fmk-, u,|,| u , I'n.jcrß va
/ ' ' f - ...m. uiulrie ß i..n Injitliuc.. xml telle, xo.t c.ji i>up.r.
. ..oil pen. _*v. S.I, B~.« "j.lX c !™>-
Ffciicli Bml "ilk cinl.Thl.lery, -J on s Vl.l.LnrtY lIA 111. IV ARK AND CAR
wZ',“I T wmk , " , fS 111 AGE FUKNITIJItE.
i\ FHiti. imw opening unit tor e»lr by HIUJARD T
. , i r , Jr, fennortor ami Ucnlrr i 1 Foreign -awl l»-
t “ l». 1' | u...'c A*iu.l lUfiHvurc .Ini Ci ni»ge T.iimninf.
Druwini; uii<l waicr rolftrnt psmunß. 5W - _ “[‘'lJ'-'rb'S.'fVnJ .veil .dcrld mUKk K~d. in
o. painiin?. ' ~ |„, tut*,all frc»h oiil!o.«e«ve<t *y :e< T wjd purchnaed ,
Boarding, Ton on and high . *oO per pa>ul>ir h , quarter!*, will be dinpfwcn of, whom
half term m »> *»nw. "»*!»»•« -"I wm* pci down. , % u n , ,^ O . ndvanec” on 1
...» ... Men.,a. '
»v j '“'-™ *. r•r tL z:-&rj^*Z!lS3S!:j&sdZ
csftssfffss. t z essms ■ *■ • te * ! ■" ‘i
““ uf tovrdfr. b> .... M Ur B v ree,unJ ;* ,■ "" j „ cb „ p jjj, J
nuJ, ™.m.. Arrai.sera.. ~ tin.e beeuinmle 1., fc , d«.cri|.l»«;
»h.el* .lie e.j.ccii an «i,diiioi.a{ loch, r from li.e sto „. n,,., „„J Ca.leJ Ilpin feorf
,n in- oriummul bm*h«. Pnren,. iuid K«»p,i>,;. , c.ry IVa,on «-b!p. .ml
nonnnl m.i .he "'llexeri her..,, in prom-m , , „ „ .j. „,j i, her £,
the wcl'are. romfori and advancement in ih« moJie* 01 , Tp ||, np O ub fiU*; Pt'c* t" fte i
, N y Murk: tH«i No 133T* [be only m ihe
}*.:hi>lar* vii'erine a month afi-r .rrt.mmencc.mni : Ci , „ b „„ Mtem^n „ Ucvo -ed to i.bcrc
of .hr »e«:on, will only If Charged from ibai tune - h|^nf he , 0 f bh«tue»*.' Infcrcncc-4lhere
, „e.e-„„o„.l.l- ni „ cifk , •"«'! ■••“''“"ll'f
• ' , ' r>«c«i'i, Mouuilvillr. SlruUriiville llrrald;
t\ .- wrrr ,-rr-rm .11 .b* 'era. annual praminnimn »t j c ]u,,„h/jcaH» (Irpild; K.nanms Krr*
mr ptifi.* r.( f'w.on-iiiirs F--in»_'*- »i-m nary andrr .he I f ; fr r ,intrliiarciei, unu Wrl!*}-;ii« j*;-
»uj*rfiutriuimi.-v in Mr. J. I irncli. and »f*' , tni.i. ropy nx month-and charge adrertifer, *
uu.*t ilM»rou<h nii.t tb- young ’afire* a.u'uoed ihrm-! V njjoining the toirn c/SUnbmnftc. The fubecriher
• live, w.i', riHit. and ;i,* j,iih- • c r er-. .or imc .lie property well kuown'«» SLACK’S
•»: p iU «c on rjinr .|,r . Wr wn.ii.i !aKr ;iii # t ,p. ?fARDK.'y*. of alioui *cvc« acroa of Lard,
p. .1 Fi'i-o t> in' ro th r .'a«o.Mt> ! <’ i-.i.i-iJria ! , -j«ai;;j’.* s ,*. ' ('; Pwellini; tlou»e, Bath Mouw,
1 i.n o< ini' lu.• Convinced wr rtr.', j Orem Hou*r. Ac . ih'irnW- .Thh » s » CJS*OOU»-
M r « Tf’-nrh and ibr aulr a-.i«uai iciu-.licfv C.r ! riiau* brick huildinc, ••«iUi tunaldc out hmur* aUaciied.
bj« n.r liix ..| n I i rn.*r t lor ilir ih.Viiirr «ti i Oil the U nrVcr failiiiß »pnnß. yielding a
wl. . h ti.-v iiavr cor.duried ibn Sviumarv *mcr n- t-‘ i pirntifiil supply of n'o--.;V.xeeHf.n; water, from which Ihe
1 ■.. 1 1 «i l nn > ri! 1 r Garden* ar« irrrpui’d by of p'pe* Ne«r the
Tur II - -ttborlioo.l cnii'U'l be lt^hru.imml ! »p«n* .« a lanfc mnl romi.u.dnig* ILI.-.liig Upute, two
• a iihr.iy. arid the hn.’h roue of moral', and 1 I'vmir ;«j.rieA l.ich witbporcltr«, mid crmlaininf icvcral apart*
[r. • nrj* nf l!>- lu.ior. ■ ilKIIlr ill nddililHi to the bath lOOfnfc Tilt' Gaidca^i*
A,: 'l.r O'n tnir'itlAl briuehe* ol n Isrnalr et'..c*Uoii . altogether rupernirio nfy in ih»><rciioQ of ihecouutry.
mrr i-uiahi her--. !.\ ire ms<. *liili‘ul Icaebejr*. and the Bnd*abouna» wnt, 4t»% clio.rfc;' Kr*nc trri*< of aimo&l all
app. arrd ml,? under Hie <no*i*3c- 1 kirtd».a* weil n« wnh l.fanuldl antttaret^
c«.fu; I..ii-her, ju.i?:nf irom tbc riet-uinm of the jourig i Plant*. TheHevaied povition'of the garden!', overtook
laihen on the Piano ! inr »tid nntipoous to tho city and the Ohio river, whtlM
- VVmSnnih. 'Jas ,Mc(’ 1 tt'the » a me time, they ore *1 eiwlly arce<Aible. reodei*
T M K Wil.on, Wm'MoDanrcl, desirable a« a te*idenc« fora private
John I.JJla.k. Win R Urown, family or hr •uppovitß Ujc CIT vegeta-
Thorna* Wa'jon. . birr
-- • ■■ ————■ • The term* of «ate of all ibe above prorertv* a? to price
SBMMD ORATORIO OF TUE SEASON! !,,. win i*i.hen. Apply w / i)|Vt.ckootbe
BY TtlK' PI rrSßUßfitl MCf-ICAL APADKAIY, ! premi»«*.oi 1 JOS O SPENCER.
■ . . _ , , , _ . .. in* lVr*(.n< in Pittsburgh ineliiimg 10 pcrrhaia* can
, At »*f -Cumte'ftfoJ Prtslytrui* Chuteh, (Kn Mr • h4VP a n iore fait de«rrip.ion of tb:» lnraii(iil,»n'l nf Ibe
flrvan Soil ttw/r, »r, o vr pioprru ,on aprdirv.oii'lo-Mr Joit.f.A, Wii-nr
ON Tuci-lsv evi nine VTrh ln«lanu at e c.'.'to.’k, uit> nf (fce |,i urr 1.1 Murj.lo . U'.hOn A. Co
dn the dircriion of Pro:e«'or HlMltl\M I'rnl ‘ Sieubenullr. Aprii s>l It4T dtlowuli.
R.MtmiCK me p.a-io, Tl.e H, SU Mtts UKAIKm "
■ht‘UH bf i-J (•> Mr. I tt'lim:
April 23.1,'9 P. M.
•J "I'hotti* Aivstr, 1) Atm of the Nn.vbi.roin
_ror»...)n the re «. T-pl-tf
4 -C|u>nr« o* with b joyful MinJ, Moran
j Duett W'.o’* ih.«’ ihal on the |Vin|ic;t t .«!*•«
r. t tiurn • - Holy t.
r - Dwell So-n .111.1 Tr.o-
a KevUßiivc anil l“iOrnt Tji'*Armo r the Ijird tvii
upon them. . Hayden
i—Tfiu—Star m the Ka»i. Anon
A ro lor:<ej, lln«n»i
5- Dutn—When th> l«J»nrri lir-.*e» <t>.! I>-r-ii.-viti
r.~Ohi«u«—lie gave the HjiWmneSr— HatnM
T Suite—The Wi ih> » of a D.jve Tererenjj
K n:i,'-i;v the Orcheora.
IT/ r *T.ekeitl. , »or«i». To he nail at pr.n't .41a! Ilote;*.
Mn «r and Uook >lO re a. and at tin* door.' ' aptM
ri IUK under..toad cffer for ole o valnttUte farm
J adjoinm; the borough of M* a»«u*x«c::. \V*»bVnßtoi*
•fcnu.uiy.<Tn co.iia.n.n; abnutOiie hundred and •eveiiijr'
acie«.-«Wit one hundred and forty*.* of which are
cleared: tb' remdue :« ivel!-i;niherod. The NwiQtial
Koatl run* throac’uht centre r.f >t The far-n lux beet;
fcej.t B 4 a lUMJiertrm Mir li> WtnnM i-jiWaid*. and
it now :il< ninreat „n! ••> - •> >:eh;*t arid bert
'There it • cooj, .•fi.tiiofl-inir dwelling, barn. ;
*priug U»u-c. \c, and al*o a tint', truant nouae 011 the
('tem.<c». The laud ;» wrl! watered, having tprms* in ■
cv*ry Field The dwell. ng hourc .* not more than a ]
quarter, of a mdc ftotti the Ooi;»ice and Female Sent:*
T«.e above farm will lie offrrn! at public tale on the
preun«r«, on .hr i6ih dav oi Moy next, at one o’clock
til lit- adern .onxif taiil day I*»-t win wr»hinf to por.
••b.iti urr i. fi-trrji inr tu/thcr particular. Ui J.i-rph :>r»on U ««h „ S io;,. IV-oj a. ,M«.y Hu»tnn. f.
April SJ, R I*. M,
Cl*jr Property for tale. In Coluuibaa, O.
Mi THE tu!»eril»ci offei * for »s!c several lot* m
• <le»,rabic p*ri ui the vny, on whteb are inn
' com mi (a Lie brick .Iweimi;! bonnes. and hi* ze*
t< n>i sc Tanning Establishment, ail in (iknl rc<
Maviiij dtterratued, m cotis<i|uctice of ,»firm n-e. 10
discontinue the tunning btisin'M. a hue openiiiff now
present* :lvli to anf otic \ri«(iu>£ «, carry it on.
Va)luuiliu> ir iiroi ably lire bnr.l pemt in the Sta,o Arr
piocurmif a anitbrm «upply of h'dr.
t>ne oi both of t)t< dwelling houve will tic cold sepa
rate frutn Hu re»t of the property if desired. Hie un
dcrfcgncd w<H fft*e uny farther information relative to
»*.<! propeny, term*, Ac. on application to hint.
Wheviuitf Tme*, llam*bprjrh Telegraph, Uoffalo
Journal. Albany Journal, and llsjitruore Patriot trill
'.copy to the amount of Si and charge .Ohio State
[OHNF TKRPYi late of it,.; fitm of Malcolm
•I A Co, Wholesale Oiwi t, Cntniunsnm and
Flour Merrbant, dealer in nil kind* of Country Pro
cure, Copper, Tin, Tiii Plates Turner*' Too'*, Zinc,
t.rnd, Ru«ia inn), Iron afiJ Nail*, While Lead,
Dye Stuff*. Cotton Yarn*. Salt. .%«■. and I', lts■ -ura(ti
Manufacture* centrally. corner ut>r>ty nod Irwin
street* P P«-
advances, in Ca*h or fsooJ* made on pon
• icomrnl* of Procure Ae. aplM
IK partnership eT:«tijtgrUnrtrr tin* title of Hamilton
X A Sterling i« iht* da; diso’ by mutual coii*ciii.
r.m.rut . JHIIN S. HAMILTON,
P.i!*‘jorch. Mav t.-M •
THI i wit’ be ( .iti:.u„,'d Hi th- nrd stand lr.
I iVrr , tVora! i. 11T StO. < h full d, on l -ril, street
»pVI dtf / jnlt.Y H. UAMH.TTVN
yIX CKMTs RKWAttU-lUnnway from the
O »üb»etihrf. hvn? in Ohm tnwt>*U.p. Allegheny
c-nnity. Catjntruf Met'luie, mid indent'd apprentice
A 1 • perron* an* hereby vartted not to trustor harbor
•* i| c'r l on mr •rruont, or they will he proceeded
4ija..i-l srenHtoc to i*w l‘he above letvatd, |bat no
rii.nrx'" >vi ibe pi'id for her re turn
L’AOLK HA I.OON—ji’K CRI’A.M—Kor ihl*
»j only A (cw KBliom !cr Cream, uotixal-'
'•(I will lie prepirr.l -'ipr.itly cn coixp!<lmi,t>n a( ihe
pen era I illumination thuerenins aNDUKWH
St'KDfllKS-Ti’bu* «m»l! white Ur ant.
JSWI I*.. W H Cjirrir;
'jMJdo Rail Hutu-r,
5 krsi Lr»«
nsjhij^jcrii/yplo-; .
For tie l.y a l*_r* Jl • H.MANISIA CO
n’B4S-‘l obritu L'xtcfc Fi*r hnperal.
I V do do till (iulipowil. r,
' :• do .1.- do Young Hy-oii,
* ,v -- “!'■* JI) WILI.I a.MS k. CO
1/ISII li» liM* N«. J
* .)«> .I.J a..
■•< .i« a**- »io
S do 111-n lir.
ap-.'l J I» WILU\M« AiXl
'T^l'l'-V '
I |I«ITI,I roll 111 - t‘'.j •.,; lUi* !■«■<• Ijunhli-—«ir:!h n*
r nutr;-i,.s U«-.l k.L«. i*:iaii.». U|£mi;iii«, S>::n, Ar 4r
I ; All li!« Ijiu.Ulcr lv ivJt»-.‘lll<d of li« C»r?1 niilib'y.
MOLAKHKH- l ii lit.]i >ni!;i. litiiMc; I and »v,JI 4>r low a* :*ny of il:e same kitut in tbe
JO d>» N Hi , . .tv
r»f •,!» |,j- iip-ii - j D WIIJ.IAMSA I*o A i«*w iis» l nan,l«. ruber# nerd apply, will
P„.n . u „ i I, . , liinl nn-i»l «>•< ui-niirntwn.
orASU • *« ;*jJ .X-ny« y ; -
ri'lMllTlll NKICt) -si !■<. clean Tmikvil.v v'ol 1 \ IVf I '*!- QOt W U Miitpliy**
1 i„ i i* ii rt itvit i *** »>iy luv.U Mou«t, norm caM oi 4ihnml
1 -nr «p.M JAKlf.owt Hnr.vf.lyi* irr^y,it. fl ««r.m t nrcf
DIIIKU AI’IM.KH .Mm i.u, ,11 M»ir mi.l mr *a!a t T,M '' f '’J H's-ti UncloUiuip at n>*
h V Hiril J,V II l"l,*iV|» T,,, v “Uprrmi Uama-k. Al*o, Bleachedanilunble «?li
— ■-... . . . —— ■ ■ -—»!•>'* nt-malile ct.iin*, very low for quality. Al»0, At
-IAT lIITK UKANH-ln more and for Mir In . i"r»«, a,„l Alpaca I .utire*,a full .utoMment.umncouv
»* af.'l JA II Kl.liYU ' "'in tA very tupenor, iaciudin#.-«>ine of Very h'Slr
yaa i iun,T,r, l „oii s
, /£•*•"* Jk ttAMtlKf* WAHD. * v Maipliy mvi'esiii- nt'entlon of n.o luidie* lo li-»
UntMW F-api K. II Waul. will leave Ifuflblo ; l '’V*' oi wlrir «no(l« for drewa, fun»i»-
Fvrmnr., U*) 4ih, r»nil Picve- ,in * of s "’i«* *od twbich Mull#, Nsnsook and Jacko
l,»t»d Wrilnmiiay, May s«h. ni -I v., "*'• mu»J*o«, bayed Jaekanei, mpir &um liaircd and
amt l>«(iniiThiir*»l<n , Maj Hib. ni S .• * , fnnbc above : *o«l fimMi do, .*« Ac.
1 A* l.lKie fooda arr p.ii£)ia»cil immeJiaiety fiow-ihc
’ Tiir \v A lII* -* mu* bmllien. eiuirrly new, oft roniiniaciutrr*' brviu* or imporier*, .mey can be *old
ticht .iiauaht. ami t,u» a juiwVlful t’nijiiie, eat tic* iwoof ; a J l !‘ w^?1 - P rict * __ _ __ _ . , P a *—
I-failin’ I.iir |R»at», arid It not ‘ori'*»*cd Cof apecd or > A, i'KD('n!X * CO. (
ui'i'nniiihMlai.imt by any lloa.ef livi ••iraoa ihe Lake*. , N« 17 CANAL NKW OKLKAX9..
Fm 1,0.1(1,11.r pawnee apply on Imurd. or k> I A GKSTS for J U AMU4tu , « IHienWve Hram Suira*
K N PARK;*, Cleveland !/A ltefinrry. Alwayaon band,a larjre vwek ofloar,
J M YLRS & C<>,.Buffalo i Powdered, (iribhril, Olur.freJ umf Supw*, in
J KKI.LOGO, Krio ■ I Treiccv and.B«rrel». Al-oi J*uK«r ll«n«e Molmea.
W T MATHKK, I’mab'tjrfi-j Price* tiWnil and a fair allmvance made on k.U »alc*
Cor NVatnr of.t»r ahoee, WMurrclir. . ,nc,, !.'_.
! A acqUamte.l with. Planiawi work, can have per-
I inanmi nonloyment nr fotsl wafftf m a Jiealihy parlof
j Nonhenj For
' to |i»rlil2u‘ .. _ -
DniKl> Klll'lT ?jb4.-hrl iVuchrx'
7j d.> 'Apple*. 111 «liirr and
li.r »«ir i.j J'IJWII.I.UMxA CO
u|i?i I lu mwwl in
ID" Thr Luitt.-biw piVMiire steamboat
i.'ll.i Ml'MiN, Cap* II Oouell.-will leave Cleveland on
Muiulk) AriH <Bili» And Detroit on Tue*?lay l Aj>tilt!7ib,
hit llir Anuh
I'm flight or pa*«ago njiply on board.Br io
nr•Jiif EN FARXS, Cleveland .
ISI7. flfiggfig
LEAVE Reaver daily nt 2 o'clock, r K-. arterthe,
arrival of che steamboat llEAVfclt from Piurburgb,
and urnve at Warren nail morning in reason foi the
" lfl ßrs which reach Cleveland before
Pa*KOgeri will be ret eipiedihnugh. seeming berth*
o# the Paehet*. and teat* in the Stare, on application
oa' board sieamboat Beaver.{leaving Piiuborgb ** ®
o'clock, a. >s.,J nr to the agent*: _. . .
« MIURTO.NACo, Pittsburgh
* CLARKEACo.'Denver • e
jfJWK BALDWIN. Voang-tnwn
*\‘Vj ~SI JJJgAYLOR, Warren
Sfohn D. Anctlonccr' •!«;-
> 'ON Taetffr morning, ihetEw to O'clock, Cl
the dwet'ia£gooae lately occupied bcMr. JsnseaCoojW;
cr. u MagveffHvw. be wld hit entire
«to« k of household and kitchen furnitor*. among which
are,-parlor and-efc*srtwrMipet*rtdod'and hlf m.'hnf*
any hair fell chair*; J pair mahbganv pier table*. with
n.ari>tc top*; 1 do ftench plate dier looking *la««es <
do do rorkiag chairs; 1 cotnmbn do-dof .diotejf aw®
tables, work and ■•va«l| stand*. nigh and tow
{•on ocd*:cad», ' . .
Tocetoe* wittL»cenhrat***orm!rntorfcoQteho!<] end i.en funnturr. Sale positive, as,he i* declining
r.on*-k. cpiDC- Tens* caia cunjeaef.'' sp^O
(»:. Tl.rr each i.enii »,«•!
IliilU-inj'jb to tlif I’mliff H.'>'tho%<-n
I*Alt TUM li.Vtl
in«. at lyo'cteck.-will
of «caw*iul>M. *taplo
irn*©K boot*, *koc*»
DB, wbon'H'HarMparlHa and Wlbl
Olirrry Ullim, fnribi' rnjeof th<*
giscm**"* Jamiil'Ce. |.'v**r Cmcpfaitil, all rt'lfinu* Com
pf«int«. ‘i, ’* IfcaVJuchc, I 1» ’JiiTiuri!. habit
ual twi.iyr-iic-s, Pile*, I’alpdaiitmsoi* ll|e |A;arl, Loss
«if Ai>p"iilc,D) ♦ pup-i.,, Nervous Irnlaiions,Debilitated
SliHiiacli, Languor. |leji«i-f*i«6iif Hpifiu,Chrome Htico
iiuii-m tVim-om* Ur«*-»M*«. Canker. SypbThiiil l>i*ca
m>» Scrofula Imironnr* of the Hk-oil. Pimples and
Ibl-mlrs on Inc I'af, JJcrc<l-tjfJ Ihumir-, Cold Sue*,
and all -ilsojiM-, awlns! fromUduijnd‘l!»mi* psc uf^er-
Th» aiifijtiini of ilic invalid pubhe. :i»J of all-ll*i»e
atflictcij liy nnv of tin* above disease;. is icjpcclCclly
i-nlinl'io the mriittu'i new and invaluable premia
• ,un mi'ii un origami ri-cijieof a .I.stJiisJi»hcdvby*>eUii,
iy .a :tecit the tu*»»i uitivc remedial, properties
oi m.i oi tli--v.-iv fir? - ii't.clc--a ihn Materia Medic*.
•f..- aud VV'iM Cherry IJitler* >-»re in
iro>lnc*< >1 to the pul'h** about twelve..tconths Jagn, and
.luj-jh ncfonl their «jreni» |,atr}>. * Q great ns to
« !o nGV: ll:**ro+i I’li still UJOte Olih
.w.rc, u" ilic u . ot*iiei *hat ;»> i meting iti*o| more rj
t use. they will prove a hlcislng to I all those
• -*» * —l—’
Mifferinx from ihe (incase* almve cnctncrated.
Sold, wliitlc-ralu and r < tail, by WYATT &i KKTCII
- geiirfal nee.n;-. Idl l'u!tnm*crrei, New York; Wn.
I'; Mrcet, nml l*. H.Savrisa, tjmiihfield
-TcftJ. Pittsburgh, Po. Price 51—iargv hotiidf.
■ rdclttf'dvm : 'fdr- •
V MON* LlSiim,
between-rrrrsui'iiuii and Cleveland.
E N j’.’.HKS A Co. 1 ~
ft (I PAUiCS. Kcavct.Pa J Profuie'or*.
tv T MATHER, lilti-burgli. Pa. J
M'HE .nl.ote Line i' now fudy prepared to transport
1- I'rr.ichi ai»l r««*engcr» from Piusburgh and Cleve
land, to any pbint on fc Ohio and Oh.vo
The facilities of *«utl Line nrcuotfijuat'cil by anton
♦aid r*na!*.' ui .lumber* nm! of Unaw.expc
rof C.ipia;n-. *mi pitiiTiprnew ef <Vj*imh« 1 Ac.
*#.*f 15o*i leave- and Ci<*veiimJ daily, run
imi- in isjuiieeiion \v>ib the Simmer*
Mii li:cii:i .uul L*Le Erin. trot .Torn Pitls'itirsh and
v-;r. mid t> Line of Git; StcnmLoals, Pmpcl-
Irri, Deg* mid Sijn<‘Oi:ci4. o.i i.nki't L.-ir. Huron,.Mi*
cKgau <>nd OiiUiio
I’roiicn', ibrurHuled io any paricf die Union with
V. N PARKS A Co, Cleveland, Ark"
RFi:n. PACK’S H Co, Reaver, Agis
■ W r T .MATHIiU, Pittsburgh, Agl,
ajvJl Cor Wtucfand Smlihhcld street*
To Traveller*.
- iL'fcftji'ri’Jy f<*i P'r,s.'ic,r; J /
'IMIK and ILniroad bruit; ( aow in excellent
J- order, the I'.u'ki'U ul tins Lille will leave with iw»-
•enter.* iu follow.. evi rv nielli m l* oVi-*k t
P.'irzet laiui«>an C.i;u. ', TiiKxUy. Apr 10th.
iiu Kentucky, Capt. Tmby, WcdiiPnUy, Apr. 14ib
ihr «lhK>,Capi. Craig. Thursday, Aj»nl Isib.
•to Indiana, Cant. Iter key. Friday*: April Kith
•k> l.oui-Unu, ihipi.iThninpw ni Saturday, Apr. 17.
-to Kentucky. Cui>t. Tmbv. Sunday, April 19ttr.
-t.r Ohio,:Capt. Cm*?’. Monday.(April 13th.
-io Indiana, Capt. He they, Tue'nlay, April tXhh.
do la>m*iana, Thompson, Wednrxlay, April Slat.'
do Kentucky.Cnj>i: Crutiv, Thursday, April 3dad.
■ln Ohio. Capt. Cialff. FniUv, April ibid. -
do Indiana, Cspi. Lerltiy. Satuiduy. Apr-i illh.
It' yr.a df<m* cheap travelling snd comfortable secom
tnodiim:!-, secure vour ticket- at-t|ie Packet OlEcc,
M..n >i-'«hela Hoa-c. VVaicr -iicrt. of of .
. 1> LKKtfll it CO, Canhl Bajin
WINKS— iftjr r«h* tra:i!r grape Wuiep
’I, do of iheierleiirnlcd Rowaa huunl,
n .% p.i l^md/io'port, v«ryj<jld; • 'i
>0 do ditferent biand* arid vintage.- 1 :
:t «jr .'tt>V»l.n!*>a wine: : >*. .
•J do do dry -Melafni| .
■J liliJuujiCUrct.wiucl
t-i i »ki» sup c»tu»i. Imod' C'haai wine
•d .jr c*k«;*np t. M Madeira wine;;
a do do Pile Sherry;
5 doMiiLnni vintrup-; ib!6;
II do diifvrt-ot brand-,and vintagrl;
'i do csksiweet Malaya;
S do do Hedivine;
Pan of the oliovc winca hive jum arrivrdftotu aodcr
Cu«:om Mon»e *n New Verk; perrant wishing
•o porrha-e. may rely cr, <*elt;iw ij pn’r article. In
«jii:iiitiiic* In ru.t Far -ale t.y P C MARTIN
"l'*- _ cor«amhfirid aadfmr.t m
A I.'. arc hcietiy csaiiour.lno: trputebrra ti
i. a.t’tei hi vne rvo toli.Mvina ileicftbcd notco, mi (or juit
and t iilt..-,eni ii ( r nude'r cted. ntakctsol' raid
an* dytr nn'ne.i in i *vio the pa; mrni nfihe «ame:
On.- >„r the o! nro Uuin-and livr« hundred
dollar-, .luted I'mCmreh J*nur.r\ I, ISrlb, payable two
Vear* snd thf* * mor.ihs after d-*J i.> n. Co-lon,
or ’order, in l“i», at the itt,* of fiv*.dol
lar- pet f«»n
Cm* Hole fn. the rum oi nvtillK.ti-.tnd five liun.lreU
•lotlart duie.l P.ititiurah, Januait l-i. I Mil, payable
inirr year- :tn.l ihiev nmi.tli-. allrr dale, to idatvii
«-n*ion. i.r onler mi •|*.--Mrtal i Jt the rat.* «»i t*vpniv fiva
doilnr* per Ton -• IIKNUV HHJIIV,
ENOCH 1 IlltiUV.
aptfMHi . IIFOUCE mum.
j ,'iASAn\-.*KKD-SX*H» lulian Cnnary Seed,'
[ C/ )u:i received «*»td wr -ale a I the Pdi'lfUrgli Seed
I Store Thi> it probably.the l-r-.t ar”ricev«r otfcrrd m
I this market j * 1 - N WICKRRjJHAM'
ap £! _ cor vixih A wood
BlilDS-One KnpliMi Tliru*h, « fine kinging
Will M sold low: l'4l'iuirc lit lint Pltubaich Seed
otopß. _ BjrtT _^N_WJCK_ER»fIAM^
LATER STILL t—l&o yda_pxira aui-eflitive
French Cloths, of that very -ane rrmurbably
Cheap lot. Al-o. ilio-p ci-inieueiy rich sjylc Vcntnr
at ROBINSON’S Cloth Emporium,
iptddlw _ . , . 'Jill (I Bearwood:.
HORSE RADISH, gored aud.pui Up lu vinegar ibr
immediate use, consuntly on hand at the Muitard
am) Spice-F»etonr,fFFifth itrert
v> sgp Enrolaiton C>*»t«; c •
•jfcS 8,000 EacaUpio ao; .• ~•' •
■ r : \ ■ SjooQ La Noma do; - v,\ '
ftOODßfgaliil .do;* •, ■
' SLOOOOo«Aa(>o*. ito:
; lfi,oou Ju«o rant Priidpr* obi Sieam
)>oat BraiSi; pari warranted Imported ilaVatm i\iart.
Foraakby P C MaK'H.N
_apil _ eat cmthßeld and front «:teei»
, 17 bx» “LotiierY” Plo;r> VanJ 6»‘;
: 17bx***HnciV%p; ,
lceV4*; _J
• 10 bxa k -Ru.**cll A KabisonVS«;
7.M Lxi\ , \VehMeiVfis;; i. .
£0 'do ‘•A. Cahane *»'• ConjrrW ;
31 do ‘ BrutehV Ba?ke>varag”pvarvlC : i
7 da s*;,«» coniirntaeru and for
apsl 1 - A OORIHIN, w\ter n <
Baled and Plaio Cap Paper, White anJ l“ua;
Do do Letter Ur*;’ do *Uv ’
, Do do do do; Bttonrd ffi'pfi;
Fancy Note Paper, Plain aud Enibowd;
Note, Leuet and Legal Kavtlop*«;
~ Letter Clip-, Sealingwaa. Red Tape, Ac*.
For *ale low by KLUOTT&ENGLISH
apdO -MarketauaetWi .Uaud-10,
S" lisUtUES~4COba|*RtoCoffeej "
60 hf chetu Y 11. Tea h
10 do - Imperial Tea;
30 do ' FouebottgTea;
300 bbl» N- OrMeUtiei; ■
50bb14 8.11. ' do; • •
3 eerootta S.T. Indigo; far u> bv
; JOIJNJ3RIRR, awLiberlyai
tuO hbda ptime S. O. Sugar;
. 3S l>bl« Loaf do.
>* 500 bbU Plmntatioo Mola**c», Piu*l/gb ]}•,{«•
tttbbU&fnr Haute do, beiltjualitt; •'
■ 8 licrees Freeh Rice; received from New Or
lean* endforvale by IV Atf AIITCHKUKEP -
•„»pIS ___ No ISO l-iberty atreet
'V>RAIfDY—3 hf |>.pe« A 8 Brandy, dark and pat*:
-L) (to do Oiard, ihj)‘(y 4£Co, <lo viitUrej
'3 do do Pinct Cuiiiiotir do do ’ / ■
1 do do of other brand*; ...
5 e»k» aap.old Tcm>e*Ke Peach Brandy; •
ForaaSe ui(ju«jui!ie< io*ui| l»y {‘
*P“** cor amithhclj ami ikui) *i* ,
Ql/NDRIlta-iobbl* Cider
"iltibblaOld Iterrinc
Hbble Maple Nola»e*
<0 bbl» 8. 11. do:
COUbli •'
Pnre-ii-i f 30 tierer t Rice, o{l eon*:,rnra*tu:
- W yftKKft
RAlBl!fB,*e-»bjalUwrMi T ‘ 7
, PareEiif..MunarO.
Svrtfa do do; '
• - bagaPepper; for rale l.y
*P>* _ w GKEKR
ffP a Uliiitß—itt jbl* airO 10 •
ft)7tJb sff «F»*k»«edt . dbia*Ti«ithyK« ( li e «
' 3 bt»U' Fork; 3 ctde Pou»L }
50 ba»T>ry Peackea; 3 bLU prime Koi) Bourr- "
/art receiTcd and for tale low by '
_«{«» .ENULIBH BBNNCTT. 37 wood ..
CL bbl* Creeo Apple*, ratiei? of
/V'•?*< kmd*i'Wo ib* tunerwr Chee*-: ' ’
• ’ "t' ‘bbl. Cider ’
. 3 (tfbbla Apple Butler, rnaJr ofriiil*
ed frnit, eaupenor article, :o urrive: lor *at» hv- *
!?'K .. A .« ' :
*“ tßt,hc P‘‘Nbur#b Mojr. uirper of
wnort mn.Vba ~,. -<py A N Wlcp^.^ijr
10,000 LBS *° ppi«« Ofdec
I?a* W ' " ‘U.IAMS a DtfcvoKTH
—' ' V Wood 11
K CASKS Saiewu*, For«a»ei, r ' ~ r ,' “
g«M riOBSAft l'o woo 4« '
I JTOltio-ttrcttofu* 8r; ft* «u ' -;-
—v «BO MOUc/aW > m ■ [
TASSKT ; * BKST-Wtolc.«nc tiwn, * 1
A £ < \‘5 I "7 itm **««**»•*. and dealer* id ££t„ee - i
Wo jE.VVtuxlguect, Pmabgrrh. j
F*r?^~' ,3 ° a rtTa f ' T
■ -apM Ta3.*KV & }
DQTASU^-ffi carls per*, in -ior: ted (or i»|*ls
•*—- <_ apis. i—---• TA-strey £uKsr i j
S,fW& rM ~ fa t ' ri “ >e 3 s * u *' on knml- J
»aIo by ap a\ TAttSKy a
WfiW6la ’ l4J # e «r*ivi»«*7
. S‘"J lt <wle« l receiTed per itearabo*: Newark, and
lor rale l.y apvtjj TAB3KV 4 :
N® w . edition of~iU*wfll’* Engineer*' Pocket
liook. ju*l rec'Wdd and tor «»Ie l»v i
( w" *wp nrm ».iand UoiUnd Our
; '-*_* , « r „»» | sby _ ipv*i •1' c riN
( WHISKEy:;WhI.H oi itjp O
\J M R \\ invkey r ttt»nllr<l 1337. Foryalel.y- V
JJiIS ■ : .._.pc MAim.V 5
|)R.'S «•»?< »u»»er. FivmiTbr*,*
• 'Yri-re-o.rCiU! Ulaek Primmer Clarbr- ju-i opener
andjorjvtgby attla SUAfKLKTTA U'HrTK
OOAP—ipoUtMt'tim St up it luting iioir -
l 3 Hinjp;atil »mJ fur i.Je l*y.
ISAIAH mCk'KV A_i*a. u-.-ue, arid .root <u
I)LA\JNO CAHi>S—lflOdor, for t:ite by
4 K f' il POAlAttriX
Oi4iig<-«; Rl bx» prime Sitilv foraa'e
“2 M«
a«-«ort-neni of Su-ar.Tra:
V-t loSre,-Broom*, Bucket*, Rai*in«, Bacon. An. for
Ra.e jrJ retail by I? C. MAiil «S
. .StP?*... eor •muhfieldand
[<'**A.XSfc:Kb OIL,— IO I,H» jum n'e\ l >n«»ie'
_No3l u-o»d ureet
COHN-5W> bo* Yellow, to arrive in * few
'•*V*-r!br sale by
S l XV JJARBAUGH.33 wood rt
WT*. TCHPENTIJfE-ir MarjwiweiVril
O and for sale by QR.Jt UN h REITK&
cor Liberty nodStCiair »ts
3 f r -* t> k RRfTEB
PI2SIL— I BbbUqf jbe \err txui nealur, fw •
uiuufc k HfiTKft „
*P*° car LTfoily and CUir *treew
PEPPEa-S ea*e* Powdered African Caycni*
Pepper, Jurj received and for tale <>jr ' i
!ra>_ v BtiAUy &TIF4TER
BbVE DniLLlKtiS—3 ca»c» jo»t opened and
ror tnleby SIIACKLKT+fc WriiTE
__ J No »J 9 wood en eet v
RAGS WASTED-Country Mixed Bag* vui.
cd, lor which ihe highest price in Cash will be tru'd.
First street, below Mattel
TEAS—iaO cheat* and et chest* Y. if- L
L and Uunpowdcf Teas, for sale lly =: >
_ap!7_ CEO MORGAN A Cp. IQS wood »i .
A/f KTAl«—iiitoos Sol Foundry,received persUor -
i»A Motive *nd for sale by . \
"P»3 • M AI.LEN ACo.-a wmrst
LIShEKD OU»— 5O kbl* landing fraa simr Sara
nsk and for sate low bjr
M AUiEN& Co. 4< water st.:
pACO.t-i.Wio lbs. hog mood, is store and for ante
' •••• 11 ‘HjXlWty »i;k-t
naiED FRUlT—l7ibus. Peaches;
*/ SOO do Apple*; in noa* oad
lor sale by -aplt) CUNNINGHAM A BONNER '
Green apples—jauxi Choic* Ap|di», r«-
reived and lor sale by
aptt) - 8 F VON BONNHORST AC0,35 Ftont st j
'pOBACCO—33 kegs No 1, 6 Twist, received per
i Isaac Newton and lor sale by
J£\£ FRIEND. RIIEV A C... 67 water H '. '.!
LOAF SUGAR—37 bbla No 7, received jwr sirar
Robert Fu lien and for vale by
aM9 FRIEND, BHBY A Co, S 7 water .1
BAMBAM— I'i doz. W'ltar’i Bsliara uf-Wj!d Cher
ry. Jmt received and forsate t.y . •
t>plg J KIDD A Co, CO woe j i;
CtO ItS I,lW> but. prime Yellow, tu good thipp or
> order, for rale by
. p P I<J _S AAV JURBAUGH; 33 wood tt
T'ODACCO— too bx5.54,2b rjt.tuJ JCa; superior
brand*; W kegs 6 Tom Tobacco; for »*r*by
YORK Ml3£TUi^EB—«e'irc'd and ihr ettip
bf mp-d O... BIIACKLKTT A Wl-IIU
lijt'LV. UVUNiaK— rntnivee nau tor
h-J sale by apIP -I KIDD. 60 woo l n
I IQPOniOE ROOT—I3O lbs mall Mirke/jnst
J-i recM and for,sale by ' JKIDPACe
A LCOIIOIj—IO bhls Ju*i'rectturej and for sain l>y
A ap!9 •. J KIDPACo-Olwnier M 1
OCOItCHI2fG9—Jusi received iod for *afa by *
BCTTRR-4 bbls Freib Roil Butter for eaiVliV"
POTASH— Prune Potash (an received sad for sals
»■)' «Pj B _ i »ViCK A
LKAD-500 pigs Galena,Lead, per‘leafoii
t stßbrifi and lor *alr by!
/'IIIT.ORIDB X.lBfKTrfeask« fni ty”" 7 "
v ■PLKj R-K'SKM,KKd,S7 wmJ ji__
i;i.AISKKD wr«ale t.y ’
*• »P» W vrpoA .
YICIjLOW OCIUIIC—I,Wi lb«. nan It/itrii. <b»
«Jtet»r opl9 R K t»KU,lvl{H. 57 vrooJ.ui
rHUPPED LOG WOOD~'if> ).!:!< wrVaVJ.r
V. “Pl» ;.-• RH -i
ij'LOUR SULPiIKK— Lu> ll.* for »bI«*I»V
J»P|V* . H Kfir.l.l.Kß!f.i?v l WM;
r>PSOM SALTS—3 o»*« « Rafiinvur, fcr
K K SKIXKItS, 57 ttfo-.l ‘i ’
GLPE— 10 Lbl* filtw fei «aJ« by
.. - a P ll>; - II E_SELI.KR?t;-W-««cd «t
BACON— 7 OUU Km, hoe «ownJ, in non* Dad for s aie
t»y «}»l9 ; S -X U' HaKHAIU.H 1
\\7qoL—Heerr. Tub W»»bcd and I'alKd Ww
II wanted by apll> 8A vV HAlHiAlitiU
BUOOMS-COO dor. in stornand lot aaln hr
NO. BXOLASf ES—ISO bbls iu auwi* anil m ( i e
.»y aplj ' GKO MOBtiA NA Co
SPAMS!I WHITISO-!fi tibia for-*aJe by
aplS —. 6'ffl MOBfiAN A Co, m woodai
RIO COFFEE—i 3OO bags tuidme from <v r ,j •nd
■_bri ai'lJ CKO AIOIH<A\X C'i*
SCORCH SALTS—< tun* for sale by
_ tpli . W GRKK>R,eor watcr.and smitbKrl.l sis
APPLBS-IMbbTs Romanite Apples fo7*a*e'uv"
..‘A--- «_ w tJRKKit
MOTASH— iJeaiesFotath Mr »al« by "
£_?£** 1— -w. CREEK
Tibrid?bJ f ChMl * aiMC K C*w- •
J- Tl? W GRKKtt ’
CniKOß ”®V ~U ' J “* t ,rc ' d hirtaie bv ~
nOFFEE-sjo bag, p, n Ureci Rlo. by
•jsiitgii ... ; tv anjiKn
S***^**'®— 1° caiki on con-.igmnenw for sale by-**
• "P* 7 ~ _j W OJttKEB ~'
bxs arriving from Cincinnati, foSVa~e by
5 *.H 7 ; ; W GREER .
SPTS* TURPENTINE—. 7 bbla just recM and
"PITCH—I boxDurgundy Pitehforaale br '
BACON— 2t\ono hog round, in siore and for tale
■ hy—-«P I7 R RQBISQM Alvr . ' '
( »« Liuaetd OiTat atore and forMtaby '‘ t
44 M P ia sc BI dwell. ' 1
bWI ?°* ton Whhinsfor taimby. ii i;
• Tl.&*. --- . i.-aCHOONMITMI JTy.-. ,li
V£s hf ,£ bl Le*lher Ymruufc. fo
'“ k ‘> *?“ , JOW B HORQiii