The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 24, 1847, Image 1

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    f=i Jo.
\I.K V,V \ii kit, UOUUUN) Cummiuxni mJ
Forv. 01 Water and lUi FroOtlt*,
ATWOMIr, JON MS XJ?Q n Couini'iMn and
I'urwArdiiii* Vu»< hi»r.u, returned to their old
\' * mi-2 I'-t.m *,trei«. I’ltulidrjth.
A KIKU LKWIS, Attorney At Law. Fourth
J\ * »•- !-o<’.v i n..t .fii-M, aujU-dlv
J> Y\ INI llKSTJCH|drftierm*i: kiftd*«flni
>. j..M ..ati-1 t.u>e»uc >csar». S|i*ui»li Leal. »<!“
if • inB To»*o o. wtioir*a.e and
*m '. M; I'hi id Sir--. IMdrunth . j™
IrlMn.l. (■# isVkVX. OSIT.IiK KEtTIh-
IjUAI N bl-IITEIIi Wlnilr.ale ami
ii !>• utre-*i». «.». rvr r.t lyl-rn? M Linn
1' 1-4 ; . »”> u
B Alt HOW* * TUU Elt, 'WtoleMl.jM.J «*-
~, „..1 staple Dry Oood». Nr
-111 , *! % :i,ll < ..:.|lllt!.''l' , lHtl ; . _ R *' l
1 > A.>A 11 KKSTOCKi W-* 'VW«*»lr o
-U. u-n. I jw.f ■;.**«-eonjer U wd_ainl r.ili m __/)! j .
•» » ft cut IKON iL Co., Cotubi*»io«
U SA I 1 • I ilr ai , r. m l»:h*l.ur;l. Miumfai
ivd an l« Lib. tty wr»-«t._l»«nM.ttTgb ortf?
BAOALIiY A. SM IT IL VlloWwlt Urocffs If
4,h! -.'l \Vo*«J -M.-rs,
“ ; y.‘,V/“ v * SaSttMJ
SS/SiSK North - *. l’l.-i.tlrlplt.ii
. , . .Hi ANI’LTY V. CO*, Fnrw.inlini; and
C.<v.«.or-t«n .1-. 1 •
OKI* AN DO LOOMIS, Au-.rm-y at lay. of-
Ay, ficp on •ltl^*ir rr ' •tirti’ Uni'llifir'-ld- _ lt|’l*ly
\\*in ro'i tnn i Joint F Ji-umi.jiv Ja*. W. Hsd'wiui.
i tOI.KMAN, lIAII.MAN A CO,Matiurai-mir»«
( i „f Carnap-S|.r ; t:j'*Mt.'Aalc' 1 . A V>. and >1 ,r,,| 8
• left, ai-d di tiim-S ■riitnniiiij* of every tie**
/‘‘tiVcUCll’A CAKOTIIKII9, Wliotwale «rc»
I , f ,„ u , lt t di-n**i« i'i Produce, and hi all article* of
PrtfUirsh .VamititiMut"*, Nr UC Water had lIS Front
i tt'XMNAHAM *i UONN’KIC. Wiio!c«aU lira
(, tnf »wi Forwaid-ns Mercliunu,
* . , ~• and tuanufaciurr*. No
-ut'• - ians
" ’ ». *. fcra.NietiT.
/ i Vicstiv X. M. HNtaUT, (stitxe»M*r* to H.
vVLdr-.i.- CotntmsetOn
& .\d !\r.'Atmltf'P. IVnJVr* U 1 Produce■ und
• t „>i . . t*m » -'ll in hrlwent » nod
.. : z**.
/ X v KACiKIi, 111...-. u f 3«d v*iu»i‘»itlr and n-hni
l / J'- 1 i ..i Fi. e, :.,i.t Mni-ti V ariety Ooodn, »!•<» ot
.»• Wf -rn..,. 1.. a. l-l..n^fttt*
Dll. t-It VI.H i«. li.-jt. i ill Pnnlure and Family
„ p‘ , f* I.ilk itv *‘. »••*. d.*)r to ror
n- r *i” 1 .1.
l.'ii-.f. i ll,mum Setv.-ll
PCNLOJ’ a •>K\V F1.1. t ..tunfin-v* “• l-aw,
uanr. • n *itni*Mt'» t'i, l.l am! 4IL -.tft.
li.i'Uj IV I. . . .
' ‘n KHIJ i.EUHABt.
lAWALT. &■ t.I'*KIIAIVi , , \Vbolp«»le <iio-
L,rt« deal* i r n i-...1r-i- and »*»n>i.unttt iujmtl.»r-
. 1 ... r«! I■■ tl-iml «... ruplmrsl*. l' a
- ■ . I l ll •* iIMCr I BKX’I'CTT
*f ANOLIBH >. UKNXKTT, ilsi* Fn.:l.<h,
•L i ..i »,* ,U|,„ .f ».i,i ointHiftMOti and
V) . . v.,,1 |).4terc in I'loduci and
i..../ *<• VV(-..1 vtn -M, U'i<v..f a
y. -t ■*;• ~,M 1
artctid <i«.i i 1 _• ....
\< \<;KAW ' IJ»w,
*' ' U 'u'l*: Old'i . a l K '“ ,l, M.
pflllW Alt l» A SVV ,\ lITZW ItILOKK, A lim
r .. .... -,.v l. II X r i-ii v* rr d ttli-’l U* ihe ,OUtn
* ’ < •!.. <i \ ti:,v a»d ..rant
l-'lt S i e».l ...... »t.-\ Jai.v •
I MtIKND. UIIKV Ji <•«., Wlo.b'he .‘if trv.
P l ,rtC ~I,ll* .10.1 M "••!> ml' nail A»t«:Ut,lor Lnsllton
r v ,f'<.\ MU* A- « --I h-id lur En*«‘ —.. r :
■ , ill V- Ml-'.! I ..if Mantiia.-niicr.aiid «Ual
il .rr-r Aiii-.ral If! t-. I It! W^OoJ
... x j.uiN * Fi'K-vrit.
.;oK.s\'i'ii a
Mrt.ciiaif N- 3'" ~■•! *i. I u..t)H
1/U.ANCJs biiLI.KUS. Ccimr.ij-ro.l
h \f „.| ~,I u-1: .hmil r .11 l'ro.tjr«-> « onlapr. On*,
A /\ 1-l'h r . 1 i.r-.i Cattal lU,.:n, Piltihurgli.
N li Ml. 1- ..-L,» K-lts. An, aiway* ms
* myAt
Land. _ . ... ....
IS • «|’ RATON. I* in Ilonery. :,n 'l
?. • t1l : s mrlfTtiirnmnav '-I *V.rkct htevt.
*l,l B>t>
.• _ rAi «««*». *««,.> ****- »•
c;^^o^“^ v s^&n^v^3r.
MtiUm »> ...
v'lTv.-'ivn.Ui M H. Brown
/'■KO *W SMITH A Co n Brrwrf, AUiMers
Cl -In’ -iSv.- .« Hr-i-. ViVAbuts'i r«»l »«.-
, . .. .; n.,.1 1-ltt -lre4!.t. ' ..
i iisssssK 1 i^si-M
-•’ A5 |‘i' Hi" ■ ‘""'uii<v”U iirownc. i
niLL i imowsK, u> ho'^'P
li lUiinviK,; ..MI WaU
anJCrnnal Pap-r \\ arenowc. **«*•
itrc-U Ptlistn.'-ra.
1 A H.- BOSWOIITU A. CO., No Id -Mar-
H.tx d-c to Viiird ►''-V r U° 8 !,^ r «a'
, eaifd‘.v.. »-*K>r’nrrttt<if Bof»k*..nt-i . ta
S!Ar-^^>" x*— l ' ■ ,,J "%“•
TtAA’5 A ItIIuCKAVAY, 111-1-; N' -'t'Ti.-
I UlU’SOT.’willTß A KBD LB*»
, :V ” ;.n« >lt«l.' ‘ iMUITIUIWT,".
| TtiAiA.t
| i, nn.i'lhr Frmil Atrueti. _nov-~
l IOhKIMI KNOX, Attorney •*' Lnw. Pitt,bur^,
V, ~LU*.m«cJ the praetxe of If*
e O ~v . . IN ..rant ,trti»Loe
i b ‘“T'. . ,V. B««lw» J.
G • Yofliri). MOUOAN7 Whokvaie Uru f sßt«, / mtd
rf I ttftter tn 11v>■ Mhtl*. Pa.nw.Oil*. Varnuho, Ac ,
1 Noii, w™, rhwth of Diamuhr^AljCJi
I j
'tans WAI.iCKIC, .Ajrisiit for J«fop & **"•»
it»lia v*. . . ’ c ._ Uj , t{ .„«aaUy oc J.UJ
° •• IB i \»il, C»fl Double and S*tii
, ... U.ii*wr Sled; wlucUUe
v, “ 1 a ' ' . '...-.,ii...i..t-»im>! irnn*.
«J «-r •!• V ■ I'tmlfr-’ t:ard-o“' ,J
■ t-i''• •' '
II '‘t
;!,„-U,-V..V, Wl.l hr;,, pro»|.ll>'i.jb~'|'«-
n nir u«iy»rtii* * < _ ..
,J ~,,,1 \\ fMVI -If'l*. • <P ..i-y.,
(J.u;, Ihov.- I tv Y.r - Vi)-7-^* T .V *-. 1 Vullc 1 u’r|*itrc».
«l I'm.!' i -<•' • I M r jc*i
*i, IV’t.'imi'ii- • - •
T I, ItKAU’S liooL Suit.-, 4ih. ifif A ‘ a ‘ k / 1 *‘f*
i .i a sxsnsz
■ <\ilV Hitt Kit, i i«i I/®*
.1 T.u *u. «.
N„ >?< l.*Wii; •*' fin- *-ur«!■
' , Kicbiud Flirt'd- |
J..U, t^>^,_ ovDi )tow 1 puy.l *•I tVlu...;!.
,J . ■■»'<• ‘i' " l' ...
p.^’a.tuic' 1 N.. •-‘-I Wntrr ti.JMK'urtf* jar»K»
. .. ..'ATKKMANi Wholesale <ll<vrr. I’of*
I IW. 1-A *1 •*• t• 1 <Viinnii**i"i' Merchi»l. *?J'2jr x ln
WiixruAiiV! * »!■' . —*—
John Mtipion.
_“• *<i**pti , p f t SHIPTOS, Wtole-loliroeerm
L A r ‘“S 1 .,. i M«rd»»ou, DgWn
manufacture.. V^g” 1
I WlW.jtv! -1. P’tt-'itirch. . -••;-•
Jo'tia M'**il| S. 1 ! - ttu‘hf>eiJ.
TUIOILLS k UVHHVlßliD,i»ioeft»Bml Cun
M. «tui‘;uu M< rchant*, So 11*4- Liberty
l.UMjli _ • jyJ-lX-
M All". AW. N.'mw.' Win. K Nimick
M ALLEN »t Co., Ooniiii.*»ion and Forwarumf
. M'-n-lmii'V. Wat.* and From»u,bctw«ca '» ood
,„tIM nrliv*. ) n »°
Mr Kits. nUSTKllico, Wkoletale Gnwe«
No_l»Ltl.i-rty«: }c2o
o-w viM-rii. e. w. ncitTWK.
MILLKIt A RICKCTKOKi Wiir>'.e*alo (ini
r,r. «ikl ConuMi.srtm MetrlmnU, No 170 Liberty
u ,„, i'.v.i»wrrli. >’■ janU
MrCOItD k KINO. wholcutr am) mail Hal
ami l’u|i manufacture!*, and dealer* In Fine?
Fur*, corner of Worn) bud Fifth v.». »■< t
- w s j. gLO.iN, Wholesale Grocer*, I>af*i» tn
i ‘VI produce *«nl Salt- and Forwarder and Commi*- j
mm Merchant*, No* SI Liberty and Itt Wood .treew,
I’iltrburgh. / T..
N HOLMES at SON, No i ?^ a I rke ‘ I '“ r, ::i- i r <: -
. out'. iKkx firnn corner ofloanh. Dealer* In For* l
«, Rr , and Ooracauc'lWl* of Exchange, Ceri.ficawa of
lien»>«it,'Uaidi'Nou.* and Specie. ) .... •
MUUPHV, WILKOB kOO M Wholesale Dry
Good* Dealer*, Na. a Wood ttreet, Fitubargb
*entS ___
(• d \v~Ftnniiexter. •. A CulLeiiwm. CII Grant
POISDKXTEH 4, Co , Wholesale Grocer*
and ComwtMiwifn*l Forwardinjt Merchant*. Noll
Wa.ermeel. ' ’ '
Ul!.‘ IUWKINH, AitomeT at Law, Grant it,
• UakewrJF* Baildingf; nearly oppo»ite the New
Coun Home. *_ • . tylUflm* ,
R“OBKUTSGN k ttKPPKUT, Produce Deal
nt ami Connni***on tnrrchanu, No IU9 Second «,
FilUhaiSl*. rrptO
• *«“«• toil i*TKSTs. I-'" hTOBMGB FRUM IMHWTE. -i
RBnUCI<.t\CO. \Vh«!e*»ie Grocer*. Cntnum i \v ,* i.Mvnpmtl) A CO., . Hn.wmi!,'/un, u. l . j ''piMS Imiuuuon. under the tare of Rev. 3. M \
»*>n Merchant*, sunt dealer* m Htodure and 1 COMMISSION i. FUR W AKDLNG MKRCIIA NTs. r f ENA** KOIUHNs. .Medham,nl hngmt-rr and 1 GoanoLVASD Lady.-in winch all the «o!id and or j
Manufacture*, Liberty »t‘ opposite Smith- i J/Sau;** I* /a A vent (»r proriiriig 1 f.teuiv wprepare t.f ne-, ■ Hn memal l.iahrhc* of U tinubrd education are laugh* ,
1.H.1 *i.. TitUtiuttfh. I'a. -. nr. 5 | lIF.AVV II AKI)WAR F. A N f> Draw me* a. id I‘jperJ lor Applicant* lor I at- ; „ uow o p ct , (hr the recepiinn ot' pupil* at I
R./..i.unnxm . . s .'V'.i'.. ! PITTSBURGH MAKUb'ACTtttEU. .« mv mi other >u» ne»« in 'he line ot l*J» . . No.&VlrxTlus Roxr, Liberty Street,
ICIIAIID QAIU>, wholeaaU. arid reta.l dealer | it*, irv.,, / n<KS •s.-eond -tr-.i mar Wood, und •••on .n '»•• I'nirn. oifn e Hr cm abe confuted I between .'id and 4th nrects. The Second Se**imi wnl i
lit Lctuher, Morotfcc. r «hoem:ikcr« TWxaud 1-iitd- , YA' •'* * ' *7 ‘ |, :iv ,. f „. : . ri ai! j <nt .«.! -;u-- <-• .n.ns m ti.e T-tmi Late* and rlcri- COBIBir „ M on'Monday the »il» ol Ftcuary, and it u
and Tumuix* Oil. N«. ; ' Ioo.OOOIb- rotted .Steel w " i: - “• l‘e «ott* at a j „ njlonjlW shut any who may dc-ign e.j-tcrmg. atmutd
101 W ood rl. f l tlt*l»uq||j. _ .v Cu<t, Slim i |5!i«.A: amt t >erma» •• d.*i;,-i» r dr-mu- ni i-sancttair«,rii* made at die |, c a* fxr n* pinetlrahlc either before or at that
ROBEUT DALZELiL A Co., Wholesale <»ro- . Juuc* A t(u;gr'* Ant Uti« rr FpT*i:2 lind .ln. n. Odin .nr iin .o in ik nt< Ajipl.i atutli I * , titon. mm 1
em.Cwwni4M.oc. ami Forwarding Merchant-, dca- | »ai dtu S. ~vw. >|-ml. . ami Fori. , «»«* "I '['T- . ‘"‘in Vrih,. ", .tlo I “ vc », V rof V <^ r f ?' i
'l™ Manuii'ieiure*, M-ty ,paten, and n d *C,
•trrei. I Itt.l.ureu. 1 a u Wed«* sb-dee,, . . i.e.t t.t a v .it•i.r nppUa,,. to ,|,6Mrrteeaof.M«J-.CASIMIR I.ADKBYT. authof 01,
ROUT. RURisiiX. Si* l. u. Rontanx. ■ t- ufliac , iim S rr». iJun uu Iron.i i I'ldini’tiy i i.miinimi-.i iil , • Chreitoiun:li.': dc la l.ittraiurc Francai.s” and olhor I
RItOQISON <k. Co., Whole*ale <irocer». I’ro- i Manori, ►. Clay hu.l Com l'itk *. * 1 A : t• on liiimiwm* tni.ji Jt Jioml and cotiw n vaiaable nclinol book* In hi* native language. .Moil*. I
. duce amt ComiuY.xun .Meteliamn. and IValer* mi ■ X J.„ ( s< } ilum. Sell--*, l.t / rUiun-. \r A • ” ‘n'lUlm- <>r whet, a wrlti.n oyntiinti i» required. L. ti. u graduate nf the Uni.rcr«iiy and Normal' School I
l , itt«l.ufr*li Maii'iui riire*. No. Irti !.*»>*■riy -ifret. Tut*- | [n-j-utuiiiAiiJei l‘”e. I‘r.n.i lion. Nailv , 1 '*l<’t <•:) F •ireet oppoanv Uir I ateni Otlice. 0 f u mi timid* high a* a tcoclwr, • Thine who de- -.
Imnrh. Ta. janMt 1 JJi.i iiiJirr Tiu-lnirelj Maiinfjc iiirr* M.:.! ai :!•«• ll«-li •» di.'r. nri nr. I>y |»Tm;»«mn, to tire looliumi a;i accurate and- thorough knowledge ol
_ • ■'A-’-i' * , ~ * " ntlre- i’ mi l Him lUJinond tAnrnn **.«*iirr nr » atentk; ,j jFrrnfh Lnngnage woutj do Well to place ilieintclvc*
nOBKRT SIOORK, WUnlcrmi. l.iorrr, Krcii!) , I’M* >■ . . . . ..i , , H„r, ,11 1. 1 rh. nur do d»; under Uta mamirlion
n. ingDiHUlrr. dealer Troducn. l*,.t-mrgh .Mom- , JJttl Joncnm.wer.. V . ; ;•« ■■'** , II Ki Uvlr«. |-at« nt o*cr; ! Ff.r teuc, tec C.reolat or apply to the Prmetpal.
fartutca.and al! kiml, ot and JVniirrtic W iur* . CilAltLluS It* DASk.MIOAt h.l dt Cl». I’ritnqli. V\ u>lnngir.n. U t-i . j i27n
anl Liquor*, No II Lilk nv at reel. I’m*l»un:h. TOBACCO Mmi.'K Cnn:|i«. Mi*-ociiu.cii», U S S,n4lr: t— ’ * • m ~ ~ „,
ID'N.R’ On hand a Very Urge *t«ek ol .uper*f . T()lHfl| S S I 0 \ M«Rf.II A X V S, li ’ ,u u ' do; >OUNO LADIES ?UKCT BCUOOL,
Old Monongahela WJn-kcv, which w.lf low lor ,b UHIJIIft a 1 U A J 1 DKlIItl il I *5. Uo :l . JII t{„W Im. .M l\ .lUmmit., 1 ._„„ u , . C.VY\ .
Citfc l, ntayiEMy Nn 1:1 U Inm-. and Null, >„ui!i U .u.'i >; jj 011 ilti* ll.iK. New VorV: \| ’HIS Institution haw hat recently been opened under
, ~ t • - - I t Xhrr I’lll I.A HKl.rill A' ' i, Robert "♦III ill" Ml llbiioii J. the tuition of Mr. N. W. Mctcatf, attlio
;hi.vteAVntl «„ V V .• n ™,r,i, l ', w t'v,n- !>»•:« •<> tn«.w, UM.I" and deal..* cenm.";. ... ' “ »: r r-- V s SeiMU- Comer of Sanduaky mid Strawberry IU.
ASI IKE, Ir» w ... . r l5 T.ii-I.ui ;U. a..<t ili.-y ha-,*- .:n-h .«n mcl-ni’-M* 1 m j.. _\i t * m iw .„... The *urcc»*'**lin-li !m* tliu* tar ullende.l lhi» School,
1\ MeteaattK “* e l.w » Mdm w - m v ., hmVn m ! ‘mt l \ ShTeS M.-S ,n eauM.driue.n ptogrra*. ha. tally equalled the
,u ' *•»!• ; ihr IV.-.1, \Vc,i*, and Diher ll* *v,|l Ul-I.U' ; 1 , i'-M | > iu«l>ureh. ni»t ci)>ec’al;on* dl H* Im-iruclor and I’iopriclor, and war
aud Oilondc oi Lime. . : n |arg>'.mil imt-wnt 'tipplj .u ihr ioiluwhil' d»-*< "p- • *' rmitt Hie hope iliat lie w.ll be *u*t.nined in hi* elTort* lo
Hie h.gUeat jm.-ce. m rash, paid at .n nun - mr ~ (I>i t(( will Ik- h* nr,JAMKS \V. WOODWKLL, render it •# draintble ln«liiut>nn for the e.lucatiouof
I'nun't v Rag* loru.-tol I run and fM'tiri. J 'm0.jj,.,,,. , r n„- « an* other house ,ii Hi.* > \ urw ' riTrsul’BOtt FL'BXITUQB WARE UOOXf, Voung l.ud,q*in All.-gheny and vicinity.
HI 1 Sharklni * ‘I h"*- K " ude- wii -tc. and nil u.m-kls older.-.I ironi Un-ni be **(; \o h.-, THIRD fTKKIIT, The Kir.l Sewmiof llte ueit Academic year, will
OIIACKLKTT A WHITE, Wholesale Dca- ] rwitwl equ il u. n-pre-eninilon;- A t.AHIi Hnnd «,ileml .1 eoniniem-e ou Monday, Feb «tii.
O Inun Fnrngn and nome.-tir Dry I.'.hml-. No i't* Jluvaun, m. Umniiso; Con-i.. ) ft j,»„nni-in •« Fufintuf. . anSSSaBBU There are yel a fc*r vucnncieMfl be fillrd.liul a< the
Wood nn-ei, r.n-lmrgh (eblTif 1 im; Putin Ri.-g IVun'a . Sir.lUil Tu i J,,;.- mi Sir.mUml*, liwnlier oi pupi 1 * i» hunted an catly apphcot«m is dc
ri A W IIAItBACGN. W.Mil .M.-i. ham*, deal I/,in;, umiru.i.da.) Ue.o. E2£sD |t„i. ;u,!t pr-vuie Hwel-* Mmblc. For purt.culuM. relative tiMcmir, Ac., conruli
S \r.. Km. nri, •' Al--*. -I .»! I 1.. U ,uu, IT„.ub,. o, -I-ptV »
a„J N- * »•«* jVJ.w.II. •b* ~ m 1... ;■ ,„ e k.wlHWu, OBaW
Till-Inifelt l* ll l ! mid ijn.ii,i-.-.n m |k,.u.u.!- «S* *1 - - It.* and .I—* l.nmp, „iainif«rtnr> ,n th*- we-tern rruinii, l i r»oii* •.vi*hm?
.Vl>* -4 and |n« I'.uk'i Led e*’ Iw.M, Virgmia Tivut, | ( , . )u „ |, a « c «am,| d.i well hy g'Vine me a call.a* I mi)
OASII'KL PALMER. Aiu.;n-v a- Law oflire , A r. nwretiind jdai... m umi In'll hole*. w.«k! • L?.,.,. ,iock
O '■« llrei-d’a bmlJme. No r'.’ F.mi li *iri-rt. tieivvcen | ,ujd tin, togviher with v-v.-ry ~iru ty r> uriieir Wloug- '
Wodd and Smiihl'u li! 1 tee ii> ihr trndr. ji-IHdlv ' On ykita* -,v-ih I’hi*h nnd Hair i-lntH cover*;
TKPHEN BARRETT, MaiiOaetureroll-iin 1 " r j D LtnxKK. C IV Axi/kumin, -.Mi.r. M:,ln.,;an) Nui.c X. 'lwt*, \
cy.Miaviug and Toilet i«ap». \\ nter ami Sunmier . Lcteof I’tiUhurgh. l*u. tutir ot Na*t>vide. Trim. ; H put I), van*; 1
pressed lrnid Oil, Ac. No l? Filth *l. t.ctwcin Wood : I KHMER db ANDEIIhUN. tteairr* in Onion, j l-dortiir mahogany Chair*;
aitd Market »!b I'uttbuigh. I’a. oeXI ,1 J Forwarding und l'omnii»rion Mrienant*. Nn h ; t V uuli.iemn W ..i V S'anJ,
S w , .. ~ , Fltmt ‘trevt, :ilri»vtrfJn'.tdv%ay.C.iii-,imaii Otno. ' U dot mahoKanv Kin-Ling i*liair«;
P. VON BONNIIORSr A Co., Wholesale . Rtfcu To— •y . ! I j marble mp l»re‘Miig lluteaiu,
. lirocer* '■'orxvarding and Comtn:*-;on Merchant*. M Alien A >'o. ) ' . “ |.,,r tit miun.,
D»*ali’ia in t\lf*')Utjh .Manufactures and Weuem Fio- Ragalry A Sm.ilt, J l'ti-buntli , marble top Win*>!-,
due*, huvr retnovni in Uwir new warehouse, (old aland) j wiu Ihngliaio. J ■ l-.-lirrii \\ ork Siamli.,
N 4 35, corner of Frutit *l and Chaueer) Lunev m>v? A Sj.epherd. 1 -1 Mahogony-. M a|di>-.Cl.ei ry and I’nplar Bedrieiwl* of
IJASUIF.L M. KlKllf Forward,ne .amAfomm:- = Man:,. A M.- Ab-t. r. Na-I, .. IVm, Sid d. w,a uif.- ..*s,.it. U ri,t ol Common
O non .Merchant. Dealer in Salt. l*yiKlui-i- and I* \. a.mau A At«.t.-i.--.1. ) , , I nml t b:. i« .no u. me-itiiM
Imrgh uiaitubaeturrd ati.cle*. Canal lla-m. neurTih *t- ,* '“'J' fV J" 4 * ' ' mar
. % >l»ltuger Awh>■ n» ■ (l t ,N I. W 1 Mll'U ,\UI. 11(11 ?h.
SI —aeVtu ff A~ar~~Tf Vi,. „^ P d. i-,. CT Jnim* \ in I \V«)OI»\V KI.L,
6.hd-—-y x. . ;::;r , , vr^r-Vli'^rr'^tSiri^SlSS:
Ud Wood Mien I’iU‘buruli. f'-l'- Jtuvall Keighl.-I A « ... but, H M‘!» r !o.-n |.| J January. 1-47, I take
tOIIN M TOWNSKNI), Orujeki-l and A|,mh,- Smnh liar. .!- .A C„ I'mla.l. ,|.l„a ,c ll|P \ „ , u ii.,,i.(4 in ll.eeity ami
•I i aty, -No T* Market-.-l, line* Juuu aUive Th.rd *i . • _ lAirnel ltr»li..n. Ui mn, janJ (lUlllf j- | | , lv . (llu „ P ,| , MV n« w non- al the ulutvr
l'lll*burgh.\vil[ hn*e rotl‘tanllV mi hand a Well »elei I J ti. . I.r.iwcli M «' " .Ur>n u:ni,.-.l j.t.i. .- Iji -.i/ piueli.i-i-.l nay g.iod* tor fo*h, .
ej .a»-‘»,lmriil of the 1,r«! an«l lfe-he«t Mi ,b* ide*. M Imh ' Q . LE FTWt C H & CO., -md tnade an. np.-m.i.l-.wilh nuriuin-lui'-r-* m lhi»
4e vxitl sell mi ihr RieM iea*oiiat,;e letm* FliyuJ-iaii- • * * Rl't'FlVlNll I‘l II! WA It lit Nl>. - . .lunlij •>«•! in .u»i. be supid,ed,i l #Mi
-i-tid.i.'« mder-w.U be |.ic»mpliv atiended *ub ;, An( , 4r« mm |«i,|„ u . Merrlti*ttta, j.i. p.n. dt • miri. h 11.udw..,. in Ml on a*
plii-d xvnh in tide- lltey m.«y rely UJ*on a. ermnue j- I*L A til KM llk K, l,u. ; r„.l |r .i • une .i mn t-jt-t or »» i-'l -
ID’ l*hy 'leiant' Fre-etqii.on* will be ar.-mai, t\ and , ItT’H*l ‘I. Alt ,m i. ..m j.a, l m r.*n- r“'m »> • nr Mrr. i, «.o- i >nl Lin. i ■* r- n- i imtl * in >t*d 1.» vul
ilrinly prepared limn tin- be*t tnxtei ml*, a! mil Imur nl ■ J >i, Mil!. Fneim- • i.. iII , I , .n.l •-•'n •, -lit LI . i,»h pul, !i ■- mg <-•••■ » line
the du\ 01 IKdllt ; and Amik'ai.:. 1 |,e . I.irq.i.pufto' in) Murk
A lao lur ‘ale. a largr rterk i»f ltr«b and pißul l r|tu 'lt I Mr- • r-. si,>•!».• M A l.."l.itmv M i 1t..l Mi .ni,bu;it j„1 *- ••U'n , Hat.lwaii-, t.uu i rmilinugx,
' litcry. • 1 rna- Id in k . Nl-.v «*lb i. . f'*- N iv U.i - el. I nil. ty Fab”' 11 Anvil*. Vi
rpHOS. KKNNKD.V, Jr , Id* ' Mnnuiu. tu, -Mn-iV Lmt.-m.V Ib-u. Mr Z M «!,• rb \ l**u N- •••<• '• 11 [- ■ *r i 1 wy i Mt«U.»*aitv NwnU
- Le..8..W ■* «wiu- ««.** **4 v»w, A v .. . M , :.t
(•ood>. roim-r «.l Woml and | «iur,li -iieet l - l' J • r lHu I \ r M l.r r). it . ~ , n.rhllil’
■ If t I'm lit, ! ,“tnuian. Aiill'tl.*’,.; A N e 1,., .n. I -.1.-1.1.1- '. mi '*• _
,n‘,!^d t sv.»n*ro,,-..,„ ! ..a-tkxt bkwitkau.
t itt bin v h PRAIII IIKLLAB A t!*.(*! v a 1 the I'jh.nel uiakei* ol Hitt
'l’ A. lIILLIRR, JeMikme 4 »1 - .m,t I .elare | . ... \\‘ 11 I* I'l 11 il I’F(‘t t \1 Si , :i*-d A **•• ~ls- nj e .1. . .n,d ih- 'l nuitirr
L. Ci util,' Manumrioiei-saml Irm-.nrr m le-km- H.l'l H 1 M H»KJ> AND » M‘UI ‘L» **M- JEiT.V—? , 011 .. U , MI . | ia ve-tu.wn lheiM«*lVC*
1.1. x- I'lxie'. dealer ,11 lloure lull,llal.t w n«-. ; MJSSItIN MU U« 'll A N F^. VM . [ . i,, i 1 rnlxAl. Xlld
.4,1 Fam I«»l Wm.J -irei-i. ,ie., I .lit,. ;| l KFI, \I.I I I, X.H.UI.r- ride -U »• . > Ipt ra Kin- r It. ~ ■-I biel. i. nee. dimply
aj.-ia 'Jj -leinu-m • T 1,...- .ti, l .(‘Mie add WilU.r . f- A* - ! .-HtiMh- :"I v|,.».gr»l Uu-I '«!>««
I,mx li. xii it Hi* IO W*• ».*nt r." P»l|> tl>..'..n,ih V.m«e ..I a.K .111 • « >MI. i.y -X|.|.tv |b.-d ill 3-J .n u- 'Hu- t.>'ln*v»ift l*-.lmmn,<.
tI'ICK & MTASULICSS, i.«,..i-.,f* '-.1.A ne mm.i 'i . ml-. ,• y- -I
J li\\;i-L> U'lxuesaie tirm-l*. For-Vaidi.g and *F. . .' V , ll '
.'mn:n.‘-.on Meiehuoi-:. drain* i.i |io|.. Nu.U, til..**. ‘ A .
*•■.11011 Yatim tiu.l 1 Tnl-hurch Mniiulaetuie-cr nnally, ' '‘'''l, ‘•, ' J *
ei.merof Wood and Wui.-r *ir, Fm-hurgh. mrl.lo ‘ v .,,
I«r W. WILSON, Wnlehmaker „i„l Jevvrlter,
V\ * eonter i>l|'-t'li anil Mnrkei *ireei» n;-t'.’
tl’ 1L MFU'i’liv* the .ml
V» . eiautiineilin rtoek ol Frrurh W.nked
...iae'a l U.w_a* : 4 i
»1/'ALLINoV*»RD * T»*. Ac>« "j» a 1.1
V» iiMin, have ii.i Isaitd a.-, a*<orui;e::: oi h.--«j—i.m
-olid IJoi V,et». Muivi-l* und Spade*. j-tn ,, _
WriTITMORK A WOLFF, linjyjrter* and
Vr* \Yhoie*3lii tkraler* m llnr.hvnre. i‘u:l'ry. Sad
Uerv, Ac. corner l.ibt-rtv n,id S’. I'inir «ir-et-. t’:it<-
i urgii. j
t\;M. GLENN. Duukl,nidei. na.4 removed m the
VV corner of Wuod «ud Th.rd »|4, n'«ive J.'. 11. Kay,
where he :* prcp.ired '.o do every on ot Ruling
•:id li.nd.iig. a ’ l -*
*X : ve. \VALLAC?"; f Mn: -tone s-n-t m':' 'arn:.-h-
V\ , .ng tMHUl.rtnneiil. No. tfU Ijbeity «ir*t. near'he
va. -UTrilLO*.
\\J- & R.JI’CUTCIIEON,.'Vb),Iv»aIr Orocrr-,
>t . tU.d l)ea!'-f» :il P-ltninirs;!! Maan'^ir-turi I *, .uul
'•V'c.-'irru i’roJm'c Rcncrai!)', So !5 - J 'J. Wrty ►urd,
i\llal>ur;;ti, I’a
W<fe. filV PI ji'CIIELTHEE, \VHolc*afe (Jro
• cer*. Rectitym*s Driller*. sunl W me *mt
Hirchajiu, No. t«4 r*ueet. Sr»H *j .)
I\:t 4 l*crsh * in;*? IV-iil;
UO. 11. ROIIIKSOX, Auoriicy’ai i-aw. in-*
• rera.wrd lv* i.ifn-r to dir Kxr'ua.utr. IJu.U.m;*.
*i C.u.r ei.ctt. m il door >o Aidetm.iii Jolmr.
\\? 11. UAitltAlU), Dciier m Fan'-, mul
VV . Ory Good., -No 7J .Marker •tretr. P itsbarr'u.
nnvjtl-dly _
v i ■ ILLIAWS .v Ult Vi UKTtf| irwn the imrni
VV DtMrirt) Wholesale Grocer*. nrr\uow Inetm-d at
U“ Woo* l wucre limy off-i mr-a- atatpr .i.-jm'Gnu-erc* .unt I'. j-oii'Ci JUnalarnif*. a
* mid on icfii.* inavl i
v »7‘ VV. AViLsON, |>-».er hi U Jnvi'iy
VV . Silver •Van-. Military l.ont*. At, No if M*r
»rl street ln*v7
11’ Rj MURPHY, wholesale and *-r.|;. il-aki .n
V V • Foreign mid Dome Mic Dry Good*. m- r.h e»*i * or*
nerof Alarketnnd Fourth «i* - auartt
U“M F. ItIWIJS, Jr, ntv d-cli*" it.
Drug Store of K" , 'c :,r 'Hiom, Vomer •> JVm ..n
(land Miceb, vv,!! seep a <-«.nvtan: mp|' : .* •*: die he'Cines. perfmii.’iy, Ac.
I’hysieiiui'.* i>rc*rr |.i.on' c-’r;T conpouiidct.-
'fevlicine* can he im'l :n a;', hour* oi ihc n■ :ht
•MOdly* . .j
\ m U alhncmid. J»h i F >.njfei,
UTAULIN-tiFORD A Conira-v .Hiandlm
.wardins .Metchajjls, Fecnnd, near \ ix«l nii-iM,
I’iit‘bureti. Pa.
W’jjl. SU DARIrINGTON, Aim-ney »l 1-*W
l'anburcli, Pi, v.ommis*.onefl ■» take the a*'-
knowledgtneni and proo of Deed*, Oomrai i«.
UrpoMUon*. or any othe* writing-loitJer .cal or i»oi 1 so
ns u»ed or recorded in She ftntc oi Ohio ”ii
Third street. .held. I' l ' ll
Ur c. AUuiirsßAuoti, *“ l - JV
. F;ftb near ! iy»Keet.iii(, ■ ■’rn
o ,e« and other bu»:iu c < attended to writli puvrtuahiy
HKycat-vcEH- . ,
Itnwlls i Semple, "Win. Crbgli™. .
It A Fabtienux.-R k Cn, Joba ll«*ln‘n, h>'j.
fiiaf. Jt <!o, John \\r:|;tit,
Jjiiim Met'uiiy. K«j, May \\ I.nruu-t
J. UKVA it ,i'.
imi» wttitLKKAi.r nr*i.V'ir it 4
HIIIKIUS k BiMESTIu. wista it LiiiliUliS.:
So. I 1 1 l.ihrrt 1/ si., uwl Ti'.t IhiunottJ itli' 1/
nrrsitrmm, i'A
...U A. <•«». alitilrMlr
, .
Si'i oml St l ret , ilcur
ADAM hoeh t . , • iy\i'.iZtr:7'c::y.
Vt f»aiv Sniftk.n- 111..1 iVw.ii- aii.l . 1... U |r> .. r«u .-.1. v-.- ifi .. t
I'ui/.ii •'t-nf il.*- l>.antond. I‘ii , .|.»»**•< m\vi \ r iml.-’I
WAliillCK. illAUTlri a M I * I-n -M -
f.'.ntl/r', Ihitltt* i/» f.'rr'iu iii/ v L’ani “«J I *">»• ' M A 1,001,,M I.KM'II A SO.V
t'vfurr hi Tliirtl :,ml *» <<>‘l nirO*, • , , . , ... »v . ~i - .1, 1.....
ni.vlV illv ' |»U«i.I»...Kl*, I’— 11/ ' . iK-'i. - ...
H \V William-• "«•' ' I'mmln I'./.lu.i-, Ii T-m, I'm I*l *'.«■' I '
|>'n«rmo» Jo Lnm'r 4' HV/xiwi* l Iron amOSa.!* /mi. U 1..1. 1,.:..1 l(y ■Moll-.
WII.I.IAMS .V MIISN, I 1(ll i... -it. •• ■
S .vs | i ••Ol'Nsr.l.l \ll.w\. I I, •»! 11. ‘>l
J /-Ortii «* Nurli -u!«* •'< Kiurlti »t, ril«j\ • *»inillif«i'U -fV , fl , .I.x.r - 11..- li.- i.l ..I \\ i«.l 'irrft
wl >•*’ ... i »Mi ’- url. C i
WAI.LINUFOKU » Cii., | 1 •*• 1 *' "'i n .-a*li Of
.iKCHNII, .N CA II VV«MH» srilKl.T, t -in. ..i . .m _ _
Anm* nut Nation A >»•■-» .1, ,f. AI.I.KN
i >r -....i commission merchant,
in.jr- lit.i«rk.a «u.' (.«.!>.*»■*• H | -m m WVII'II AV I*llll. Mm
K. J. lIKNR.V. : I f ,V' ■II 1. iu.l -I'lil nil' f I!. 1.-1.-. I 'V
AITOItNRI :n.J l , .iuii- , !i'.' 'il f-»v. i'l\l?lNN,\ H \ IJ Sj«-(iii • >l. IH<”H )»->l "
Ollld i.i.ii' m SiiiiJi«.ii» ,f»liwi ni’.l m'a | Sj.rcr i ‘’’l. W** f “' * u 1 a 1 " 1 '
an-l .il KrTSli*. * » j'lf>ltlf*ll> 'it.-l ■•4MUill, allfinlrd '»•- Wj,.,:. I i.-icl <.l W l,.i|. (Irl. •.Hi . *li>! ii
mil'll TO Mon llnliHf.l llil.lii-. 111 It'll •' fioti l ( 'MI Al-ii.
i.' 11 fl.-, Wm M t\’i|.«ti! .Cfti'i. Il A i'jfiillii.i", Mil Him * . :.n.l t .i|i<,*
K.., . JaiMC* f Willm-k A. HaKi* . ,v *„ I MKUCKIt, uiui'l’llKllS A Cu.,
i iii V* t , ! l “ ) i yJ‘ , AC | tlIl ;| tx frV < i, ’ ‘" IcOMMiSSION MERCHANTS,
t \ ' HOl.l-y AI.K c»rt»ri*r« 4II«I IX-Ul'-t* .11 Oil«, final |- (1 ,-I.I- -a’,-• ul I'IHH.iH U |.rf|i-r:il.V,
rjsrs =ss® # , ■
WABEJUOLSIi 01> TIIK JlffilAt.l WOIIKS, »• «• *
E - i,
J!:tvm* i.ikcn Itu* Warehou.e formerly ('Crup.i-d l-J 1 r<>- (m-odcc Monr-m A ' .. . i* ■. '>*i urqh, I'n.
‘'\V*ter Street, near Evnn/s Ntenin Mill/ ■ "‘ tU
\V,(t keen on hand a full mtiply of nil *(*/>•« of Itoilei Jn'm M'Om'mtch- JM Kn tnic. (. IM-uilwri-ori
lic-n a'xl Il'Ml'. Flue nn>» Fire-fled Iron, made from | JOHN MCL'LLOLOII A. CO
k,s>>,KtJU'tialn>‘l6CTTvr, whuh A*nll In: *o!J nl iheluwf. l | C,i&tni’iavm nilli I'oril Merchant*,
ir.arkiil fair. I'.osme Huild-r. ami olh-f. are u.xiV.l ; N()S y.| & y 5 SOUTH ST.
.ah >ndc>an...ic k- ort '" "",S f, ’ I „ r .^, v .‘ liniVl.lXfi-x. Wll.MlF
- ------ TIIOH. J. CAUSOA'i di. Cu*
Nos. S »nd V Light St ,
vv-;j iif jnadi: on fi»»*i){iiiii«-ni '■
j'7'b. sweitzek,
attorney at law,
0n... sd St, »«• „
W?SStf^ESSSSSEW"' I W '“ w '™^'.N* miKvkinr. «,*«,
ItelKo? r i «)EO. B. Mll.THriltKniiEH.
{l*JU»’jur?h. STKA.M ROAT A *»T7 N 1 .
“ NTmuMu'tsDPomßßEWElillis. : *> 3ow *“'’ ’
i *’">• *° 3 p saa*jgi££
r . ; —* " ’ \V.* Ikmlinflin.
J. M Uonbyht. bOHOBWBT, „ • .
of hV low i’nre* and on k<khl feniM*
jpc*llyr * ?
MAN'L’FACTUHKH of Tin, Copper. and sheet Iron
Wgrr, and dealer in llmaiinia urul J»p*T>n e
Ware, No 1“ Market micci. The aubfcribet re»fetl*
fully call* the alieniion of the We»l«r» Mercu*ul»,
Country dialers,anil other*, to hit large »toek of man
(factored Tin and Copper ware, with « large AMOit
mentof iionoricd l 100 to Purlnsklng Hardware.
Wholesale buyer* and ihe public generally, "re in*i
id MC«A. ;
M.-p.’ntLao*. «-jttt*o!«. '•"•tt-at.
. 11. H- hI.RKLKON *. CO
\X ANUFACTURERI* of Hammered *•*«!* and,
iVL jipade*. Hoes, Hoy and Mauyt.- I°*k* r Ae.&e.
Warekotti", Noll Wood «ne«t, P!«*uurpli. mar|3
»l \\ .1 1111\c;u>i. 1 full!
. • m»k>n ni:*or.Tvi'i'>N> hi n ,\i;j..
lUrnUTt: -nr ,\Nl> win Of M.i U:
.\o..U* Wood Slrrel
I* .*
•>!' I>OU. .(• Ill'- l-ft'J
TOM I .-MU N i\ i OUW.UU ! Mi MI.U'-M \T
N.. W.MHa STi.jkr. !‘l I imruu.l.
(IU.M IM l> U. •» ' • -k..M ''H. l»sj>rO||iir ll! fir purrlliM . »i *.'!•
1 ot Aii’crtcaa iManuiafttHon acd i'hhUsi-c •*:• { u
receiving uni lorwmlifjj r»n«. r 'f!i'J to )i,s
•care. A* lor Uic f>lani;;.n'turej» Or Hilltn*
' constantly supplied »»h! tin; jirinci|*i! i.Micle* ni
I Manufariure jal tin* u hoWrtic
| jirirt* Onicr* an i Mir.ingtiincLi* ..n; rr.-.p.-xUo-lr
( solicited. 1-^
n. If. CONWAY * CO.
POKTSU"' c.r, *».-... r - .. .
Men li'-tni-. int-l rit..?-,,*-.; l*< . .**
I’croha**: S.ile .»rc< **ti ;»>:«• m oi I i»m».
IM.I-. ••'•Ill *
I' l A
i*.,!..- -v r..- *
A .A c.»
tm!?. 1. r A *•..
I .you Short- A Co
AND (’(MISSION MKill'll.\NTS:. ?££r.s7-S
,\i,exa.\ui:i; i.kvv a-'Uwis. : i
OKI (-0 »«■ •'••I *«’ .W.r ; w cl
fj Mrp. InMlt! •"< 1
JUII N 31 . KM'IIAK l) S .
'so ao uaikr sr. < hi
i| IsriNLloW <;!{«»». \V«irv. Ot" <1 I'ni- >W'-
W wai,;iiiilO>umrt rr»*>liir«-
il AJv«nc**« (ii'Hlron coii«;(;iiiii«-ri:.- »' tia«iwv T'l
ptruce io Bjilrfc*>nK l-v ms.l 1 t - *
)**»-• Tiroypfcijx. w. >• r*>»r6Ki.i.
Au<l Mftiiufartnrcri of Llunrcil Oil, !
So. i!0 Cullililhill Strtel,
r*tp ton ruxsr.fcn^rj)
I y *
! VVM *\V A'l'TK KSOS>
! pouw MUn.V. *> Ml 1:1 MKK<'H.\NT
, Krillinilk, I'n.
' .'l'liKuU-.r •••< ..-i-. u«.ir> •
j 1 :iijl ill.' |i'i!.i i>-; li.n
r.rt'/• " P.ul 1-ui
MONO Nc; a II El. A 11 o 1' f* E,
PltUbui-Kti' **»•
' •' l * ' l
• LKAO WOIIKK.—TIiB umW-ignrd have !
Cotnj.lclCtl Himr nti* work*. luc.itctl wt Uir luuk u< ,
llie livfcr nb«*Tc. 'he Aqueduct, Hi Allegheny c.iiy,
opposite l : ituburs»li, f"r the nianul.irtiitr <>l a aii[><:>
nor quality of white lead. I.ulh *lry an.! gio.iji.i in
„jj- aJ»o, red lead »ml Itihcrni’n Having b.Cntcd
lhe*n«^ c * o 1 8,1 lhc ~e,f:r,* l improvements in Mb
uunuTactare/and erected l».c buiiding* a very
MteMivc scale, and willi capacity i<» main- luad m
larcc quantities. Uio? «iU be able to supply orders
in alrooßt any cstcat.
' split mind-.
I HAVK Received from niila.lrlj.lnv a large
i irtMltof AUltPlChwnO*:* DlimUof lup-riOMnatr
an>3 fin*b and for Vplmin-r.-r
(Ifpoiite Bank
h. ‘ f‘l I'M <’■ • r>< T ir. llrt*
m ! A i i<-r In'" ' Va WM V if
vt- i,.»m liOin-M 111- Iti-.M 111 *l**nul»«.-liitc licd
ii, i; . [• iii i.i J‘. I-*. auU C.»II« 'lei
•!„ v-itu
t\ u a »•
'llp'-rlot 'f ”’V >•' '
’ * ’.t f’fl'ii'H'T*-
U iivl,»• .V
t| \Vn;,4i r
U:im«-rV .V Vi *'i>:' ■
>’ ,v:»
I 15 N
J J{
Juo . i. ..
tmn. Juvrmlo Uonka. l.'lirip etJuuMi» of vari<-u<
worlui in ppmpMct I'unn •_ _ roHr*j
I*- 1 > , / iuUU'S SCHOOL. BOOKS-Oot>'.>« New Se
Vi'v«A> ‘ * V »>«-■» »l lia-rnovv MtauirU a {*oj-u'»r ry »o
1.t.1.M./KW I- c»A//A.i. '|, jr ntM>il :a ;.>r ti *u»ry e.i Am«T>pm> Snliooi Uooi.» -
l ;,-.eutM 1; it. ure ■-iprtiKon o. many Kacbrn who liivr '.hoi
I'ATKST ?IIK» UUICK .'1 AtlllJi fci • OUB Ui> u*e!t inem. ih;u they e»n lentil tlirif ru|"l* *
}* ' i r i Urt- i,.i» !:<./•> a j*;i.i*i»t. May 10 much u;io quartet :n the u»cof thene b» 'hry
1 „•<; | , . Ur "k Mu- !i •; ami . nr'*- then r4 nJn -iouMe the lime i-y u«;rt|t any oUitl wntt, am
.**.-> -• titv. v*c »«»* f>re[>nt-.l :t *<ll thetr •*nO«louhi Umi (he orhojtra|«hv ot out !unqua<»
• i n'fj. ■ ‘,i •!. ’ <:)•»•:» i!« a!■ j ol . may he ;e.irnetl in '•«»» than on»- holt' “I 'he tme fnitt
' u:'_- • .). . .. .ijeiteJ IO ni*h«‘ N' -w man itom uu> othet ri'.Jlil
• »• nrv' ••« '! lii-il- ’W.litm »l«m! , Tut: «uprf-or elerileiicc alfl popuiuM) fc. lht»<
mill l» hurl to *t»ck op ! i.aok* in a* he interred t'rrmiibe melt lint they have hen
,u<.» .ivtv.:.i.x >»•! ai.d*o? orpre- | (Httici v adopted far the u.c <M Itli ibc"TuMi«. School*
fnr „ . ir.!» .-in.|r-, iwfil iiii.i.'t.'iic <*'«* alter |m vhc lid'ow *ig, among other nnportHM fine* and
1 c’li* noai.lril 11 4 'trmig. not l-ail-lr to pel <>ni tosem, v.r N. Y ork. HpkjWlj it. Philadelphia and U«lu
cm..- rcim.i ami «roii-<u<i<-tr.l taut t ran he taken to t «#rc. Wilmington. Del- l*»nraMer and Reading, I'a . I
••* amt pl.t iDtrillfT * .11* {real i»rt!iiT.ihu» rrrnlri- | L’uca and JluSalo, and hy »on»e thior W County Cnn
p* ' orta’hie We *»rr now l.u.nhi.g machine*. anil ; t veflUOti* in far J*iate of Acw Yoik. oleo, by the >rw (
-'.tn i,»ini«hiarin on d. *l nni'.r. K..r n Mill itrynpi.on I J c ,» r ; Statu Sr-ti-tt of teacher* aril friend* of r.'ura-
•ii- w ii »l * micMiic i»ow m «urec»«lul operu- {non—ami they arr r»prUy taking :hr pmec ni nil mtii
• t>.. , ,M ' • • i '«.t'tn:>, near tin W .-at end .»( l-.'gbfa M at yeurka ill ihc \Y «—i airnii g tho tie*t learlri» and
<.rr\ •!'\*d.c*e we -ha" hr hnppc 'e r *rvi rj.iJi.nS n»,t Imporfeiit !«»••• nl» •' education Tun (’"Tt ' ufar
■ ■•■ lumen u -it .1 :o n.i ww* itsav^a* 1 W-'hjvc at i »tfe nlnui .inti r>meat . * nrinfintiot. «sr fai* *ir «--«n i»Mih*
->f. i .j >uj.!iof .j.\i At: m it*in.# ud-ire** nm» ini ot all irmlier* and t-oart- “( nine anon. who
•• i«hv!i*i!> Wi-mird ui t 1 coim'nip. die i l.ange* m tin* C la»* OMegl hook*,
' l Mil'll.l.l'-N KOn . • a „j who uiakc up fae.r itnud* l’i#ti they arc the {
t tw*!. and wudi to introduce them.' ran Plcrunit*.' w.ift j
HDI.IVAK KllUi UUICIC*.' t lbf.f old U*ok». now m u*r,loi tnear.‘*y
I1\T»”*-1VI I.V -n ,p.i. M 'l-w.dd..f.iißil.*Ta*l i p«) ms (iaK tl.t tcW.I .u ca-U. ■
H k . . ~r ~,• i ..j i la - nit J- t«mi llir N>:» of k lilo’-r. ol l r>• l-l, I!•
1 * A ‘ • • * 1 >) ._ <| . rjat , !ir '.iirr:n< ol I -U'c afir glad tofmJ Mr «’«:*»* •t.'lrnsagml •<* p.rpa
V, viry on Ihcopomne rug c w lamk». lor tnc u*r n* uttoola and lor (h« l.rnrhi
'i. <i. Uir . .tui .o! tJif r •h*k cenrration Mr <''» to o i«><»k
- , n . n ii. - .-in .1 n • T-f>U4*.h- *r r ••• » id 'ini i.i; 4i-.l oiltrt 1-imV*.
tvln'tr n.*<•'»•. n \ .»a« iiawj*<«:<v S«inr*l loitniiir. r*pa<a(.nu itiai »'ll !>r
.i.n'U r 'i. o ii” ti t>» tillm*i|* motr .mduring than niouu*utMii« of Biamlr* or «taion» oi
ri-*' w i !.f ijKjiwualilj hra»l Wo iinuk nr tin* done iriiiie :u i-mitrl Hit do
!-v mi'*: i,civ. and ni' | orcpanr.c* or the languagr. ,|„J Unvar.l* riuonlainig
Uajiov * I ■: ilir jir*»- ' iml «y.*tpina»i*ing tl r eleuivni* ni mir vomacolat lan*
. .. ...... lukuowlL.tu'-J t cua-c than any ottjer author extant m Un* rountry
‘ ‘ ' j Kor iSl** orholr»alc ar.d reiitil I'S JII MKLUIR
lII* ; •i-r i-*w- •- W'h hr- I'TinnplU rioi’tt- ’ X««l wood *trrrt
JMiiIV MACUMtKN 1 VtAiiAXIrtISMFOII 31AV- Riv i' vrln; M A
Koii».ngtoti I’Oil Work* ‘ i,\ IMI NKR’S—tinman* » AJugn/in.'
vmv 00l IITII STIIKKT Slvn-KifT, I fiTri'ijjr-'iti* •
.N .•..Ml-JTII.VAKV AM. rill IT sr..|tl.»H : I.) U ll'l.iacli, M. *t*..
M«,»l„. AA.IS'I, ...... (n-r,
■***d wn '•’■’r mAJi > m • •kiii • a • * . ol Njuattrr l.uc. nmJ I'ar Uni Soenr*— a
A -I' .i'A.*rtmciii .»■ 1 -or) 1 "« r ‘ inii.rrhiitiarv- f . rt( .krlol'n •. (U-f n|.H»>! Ot ilu-iUen<s
hr -ii nr, ill.• rognt. 1... i •• .1u i ., , r||irill! , rr tlll . Wild \VrM, I.) - Solitaire.' will,
■irn ihe •■• original draign* hv l>»rlcv.
\I.M no-ill' l i.iind hint, i.'-iirort iM«eu... li,u WondcraotySiaturr and An, or tnilli ktiauger
J\.*U)-, Ppuncv' dt., » n*|»i r Aul*. fic ; 01l -diu.trited with nniy-one «itßraving». hjr
Jelly t ik«-; Almond .to. Moi»*» » I uk». t ,|, r aathorot’ ••’rhe r**inrat Life and .Manufactures bl
N, “-' " a ': f r * H' -S’' V 7 far Ancients- 3
kc.Vrai Cuke, A»*. *i»e»r fa». Father Mdrfonwi.m die I‘nnl*of St Oincr». hy 3H.
""I- I" ' .. <■.*'.*»"« ■ K.,
it'-ri ifiu.iry. A' At .-xortoett n •» <u m.ier urn. Oiaiuber'e Cycloji.i-dra or Kn*h*li I.rteraturr; E «e
--*1 m |U.|l, y liml hr ruiT 'Vkih nth.ri’tuf *i . (w llo|) o( - (lie rtWICC ,i p ru dui|iiou* k-r Kuglisb AuUiora.
• ... from the earln*«|' lo jbe prelritt time—connected t*y a
ormral anil thojiTiphiciil tirsfaty Rltpanlty il|q«tratrd—
now bring re puhlhdicr hy «ouldt krtnlaUA Lincoln.
I lotion VYe have on lruiu No Ito •> inclusive,
which cothiiiciet the (ifkt volume We cau.farn'sh the
whole wort a fa*' a* re puhlishrd.
t»ur a<*orimeiii of rhejp IdtetaJure i» now the lie* 1
ami of far mo*l vulualilr *clr|-tiou< for !<-nrril ut •
lion. Kurislr til M A MtNi-.R'**
apgl Vioilhtirld McreL-U door lion* tfd
NK W iIOOKH -We hare rnrn r .l a Urge num
k*-t ill ILh.L*. iu»l ji111.1.-hi d. ■»m.*lilt llirtn
|{f, ».]. Tw *l, K i-k.At ■ inuiiuirtcluicd ►olcly
IV h ie Wli. sl Klnur. MnJ ftcc from nil ilroj;* rvr»y
' "l-i ANOHKtt*
|x-J ulltbft*** now Slm*r wlin n«*v.'r Sh«v* , d
lA'iii wiiu Niu-.r now Stiavr Hu-mure.
I'.\ ..J.-i .ir lli.* •ujw-i.ur ,i« iVnnjwmiul ui ll*e i*ii
,,rr 111' Ilir .1 ••an 'Wtlti I'Ur'li.lrtv •• *«> lli3> Hi*
..i.itiroll n( ,i!l All.. liuvi' ln*-<I 11 piimiiimir it lli*» raiKl
.1.1 . «.u.1....|11«i1i 11111. 111- * HUM' tV.'l ll'.'d, -Hd in
....••••rt.M'lurr a: w-lli.ii llif r--i' ■ 0 ! ir.lmc.l
I ;ir \\ JC. UiUV, j
,n, I, iviuw riiyi-. iUhi i t" ifcil' •! Wihi'l I'lKl
,1. If u. hit llicm, au.l it V«IU ;»f«• not mi!-1.. .1. iWiiioii
, u.iii- i,ibi....i >n‘.nii,N iiAHKirrr
1,..,, . -,n 1 ..!(■( 0.1 r«« u.r, ni.l lam > W.iri*,
■J■ .i. uppo lie trim «V.v 11.-li l
llarilivnrr, Ciillrr) , Saddler)', Ac.
IMlMllll II AND IHIAI.Mt 111 Hud lb.llir*«*
l Hril'U u■ * wmil.l .Hull) • ii[«,tin hi' n ii'iut*
~•,1 Hi.- jiuMii' (li.ii M- - imw n-r.-viiii; I"*
-.j., -ai'i'iy >ii II »M'vi*r*\ n: th«' "id .ml Wu llrf
V’. . *lr Ml Mrli'lMiil-* • ii«V.|**il Wi C»'l U:
U' aatki» soon Fi-.i-T. .ii «jioT
-TTTI.I 'A Uil.-* • 'till I 11.1 Mi lllli-.* .!• 1
■ I Vi-.-p- >■
t-'i-. n.
ui .'oliirnl ith h an«l w.iinrii'
kuii!- i>l A*' -H'mii'l.-.l '■> |.i. in[iil
r-i it- ■ I’ll nl ISAAC HA
ll.' >1 lm ) Inlclluyriiri'
U’K Ui.- -mi i.-d !mu I’lijiuMm r
v|,,ji i,m lli«" (,uiyK>«c ol •raii«arlirifi u l*n«ln.'«'
iJ, tniii viioil anil I'orivui'lmr l.unni'f*. nml-*« !!■«
Oltl’M, 3lc<iUE\V «fc CO.,
iak«Mi lit r> wiiri'tiii.iT'' N',i '1 I'minnf" K*iw,
' 1.. ■• ly rirt'«-i. iiirm-ii> UTi(|nr.t t*> Mr II l'u**-v
-.ii; rnlrn*tr<J l*> our i-lnirfr I
|i t .,in.i|!v !I1»I UHhidl V Utlflliliil ‘n
, Mounts OJU;m.
TIIOJ* IS Mi-lillK'V.
’ March ’ti )M*. __ __
Ten, Grocery, Fruit ProvUlnn **<«»
i . wiioi.ksai.k am> nr. r a ii. _
B I:\JAMIN HOWS wimlil ri-«prcifu!lv 'itlonn In
o]d frrn.U an.) iW |.hlm <• -n'ly, lln*i he !>■
:jfn m cetnmr nml km«'«»•-» *.n Tin; lif«dMir», riel
ili.or Id In- dill M-Hiil, wlirr.l lie iuyrrs l>)T kcfll'll#
-apply af Rdfxl iirtir Ic-, ■‘••lmii! l"Vr IoT •'•ii»lv. «nit l'»V '
iti.i »>riri ntieniinn n- H » io m«-rit « *h*rr i>l
j ” jidifrnmir''
M.AZIKK AND I’AI’KK MANfrl'H, u now pie»
10 un.lrl in Vc tlii* hlioin- in nil 'l» vurioti*
luaih-I'p*. unil wuumii* i" e<*«* •nii*iiiri«»n .in every
> M’l ,l:l r > Siimlnril llnmtrfa. KUir» Ac . pn'lll
c.t 10 order , IW'I »>l «<* anil Mnaome Ajwmi* alwa>*
on Miyl . *lmitniu»n* «■ ( wood* uml innilrle* done In *
• nj>- -ibr maimer.
1* j *}*isii* of ■ II V; nil* done at tin
'.‘Jim No ft Si Klim «u I'iU.l.urch I 1"
nu\ /mu l.lfc* «‘iiI’NTRY MIXKD KA<iS wanted,
llllMMlll for wlnrh ilit- lurlicm price m CAS*U tvill he
* AUvnyaon ii: ml. evcry*ilr«cspunn of Wruihß and
\Vi .limine I'.ipct .u.i! Chloride Lime
nil 111 . riifn-r IViin nml Irwin «*• IMulmrph
11 ST Received. a >plrod»l n..iiriinem of Eii*li»h and
•I FtPiirlt Kmrmvnißv rotuird mid plain. u( a great
vnl.rlTof •*nt»in , t«, .tntalile forTranmig.l’orifolio*. or
s",ap Rook. T A MII.UKII
'uicbM . t'H wood «i, near sth
No *i Fourti ilrtrl, nttlr Wood
j£j— All C|unlili»*» of tireetl anil Black Ten*
ilonr in* m (liiait-f. half- a»d one pound ran
"pr ”" <£ iv*i,f ife
i 1 of ,Ma»«cha«pU*nnd Halifax tmpcclion for mile
>. lot* a» wanted at Uicir warrboa*e, NoJ 4o North
. Wliarvc. I‘hihilrlplim. • ..r. vv.-r.-nv * rv,
1 mrh*M-.»m JM» M *to
VALUABLE BOOKB-*Publi*hed bv J A
A; U P James, Walnut aired, bctweeu Fourth
"oud Fifth, Cinclntmll*
Gimot’s Gibbon—*J'hc history ol die decline and
fall of the Koman Kuiptro lly Fdwird Gibbon,
t»q. A net* K.dition, revised and corrected through
out, preceded by a preface, and accompanied by
notea critical and historical, relating principally to
, the propagation of Christianity: by M. F. Gnitot,
Mitiulerof Public Instruction for the kingdom of
France, ‘i'he preface, notes and corrections, trans
lated lrum the French expressly lor this edition.
With a notice nl the [.ihi anJ character of Gibbon,
and W atson s Kcply to Giblton. lit • vole. imp
Uvo. page*.
Napier s Peninsula War—rompletr. I sol. imp.
:tvo. tUKi pages.
liallam s Middle Ages, Chamber's HA** l *™ l "
Scotland, Uobertton I *Virginia nml Now "England,
Husoell' i French and Kngli*b War in America, nml
Kanma) 'a American Hcvrdolion. 1 vol 110.
I.i'.riry ol Amcrii-m lln.lnry —< 'uutaiiung >r lrr
toms from the brM authors on American History,
t!nn>ri|>U«, Travel*. i 'onupcree ; Indians,
Kiivi.liitii.nary H-illlci. .Vc. Ac. Ac. Also. Anec
dotes, Poetry and Mi<ccllaneou» artirlr*. Illuttia
ted with more than Soil engravings. 1 vol, imp Uvo
tltmersal Pictorial (.ibrary—Containing valuable
paper* on various >ub)ectt, comprising Natural
IlKtory Natural Sc. coco*. Agriculture. Kura! Koon
oui)', Uiogupby. Fine Art-*, the UnciiuU, Travels.
Geography, liotany, Miscellaneous reading. Arc.
Ac. Ivolimp.'tvo Gtn pp, fail vhccn.
The Family Medical Library —A 'I realise on the
IVmciiii.iii and « uie n| Dmia-m*. by regimenand
Htmplp miiliFme*. New eJitmii.fevimd and enlar
ged with the addition id a Vegetable Materia Med*
lira. pointing out the virtues, preparations ami d.ees
ol out most ralua'di native medical pi tuts, nnJ an
outline «l Anatomy and Pby*mlogi. lllu**ated
! with <»nc hundred Kngravtug*. si\ of which am
: colored, tty J G Norwood. At l{— Wt pfges B*o.
American -Flower Garden Cwnpanmu—Adapted
, to the Puited Suit-**; by Kdward Sayers. Landscape
i-ind Omamciital Gardener. 1- mo, third ediltuh.
enlarged and illustrated.
Palmer's Orrgonf K« cty Mountains. Ac. Ac..
Family TcsUmci.t, octavo, with and without
Polyglot note*,and Psiim* tn metre.
Hire and pmgree’s Debate Hum's Work* l-J.dy
of the Uakn. Lada P->«kh. More's Private Devo-
I'm- Lord- t-r ll> Itonned
Tliariktuluc** mid oilier ~
Tl..- a 1,...- 1..«.-ilirr i*.lli » peoprnl a
MKUICAI. IVtlllliS -ATu:iii-'M'»
i,l i)i«* :.H |>i ritt«|>(|.|iiK an .».|u A >nm
ill - ||i'ii>iy'l , uH..ilor:).<"4U-t *.uii*lTi.»in».-iiioi ih.i:r
uil.-. iu.ii- m Hi** Tbroai rnlli d ltr«>m-li ti*. l.n
i>if , .n-, t'ivijtymait’a Skin i'lnoat. ru . t-' Mot
a.I .‘li t, Mi, M D.
IS'iic's tii'Ti’iitr* oi Mi-An-iiM-,
I Tfcniuiunt nl Jit'anlly—l*v <■.»11;
|l. •oi t'liil.ln-ii l->
.Mujcii-li. « I’l.j-uiioilVi
• Snp;n : al l)u t *inar\ .
llo.uu-r'. Mcilirsl •!<>.
rnpUii.r* D.i I'y ol Mnl.cia.'.
llt-WCI ** Oil t'llllllwit,
I'i.Oflc* PiAetipp;
WH.ilPi'* D.rlinuory.ti eol*., ivo.
F..r .nl>-t*v I'plfi J f. ItI!AU. 4ih nnr Mnrkct M
vKW ivOKK—In Prc»*—lliatory *.f Men*
1 1 i:», her Civil Wars and t.'olonial and Ki-vnlu
liniurr Annal*. Iriun llie jicnod ol thu M («iuah
t on.|UC«t, l/i-ill! I" tin: |»rcsp«»nifnf i . incla.liny
tin account ol the Kiialinit the Untied
M il. *, it* C:i»*c» and MiTitdiry By
Philip Vnu- {f, Wll. V : ,! J J J
N’ t iOlTfliC liOO’kl-l'aniiiltlrt Corni.
—The Melndoon: 3 choice •electionut'Snnßi,
\ Duetta, Roum!*. Wnltte*. and Marcher,
! will, a flutory ol Mnaic. Illualralwl wtlii numrr-
I nt»a »*ni;ra*injji». litijM-rial octavo. Price 2.’) cent*,
i I'ublutnH and fur tale hy .1 A *V () I’ JAM KS.
Smulitirlit. < *it o
W -iliiut »lrcel. Imt, Fourth and KillY
Cinciunnti. March 2‘J, ICI7. _ _
■view WOUiiXni si'lKEP—iv Am-riran
IN Shepherd. !>cni* 8 cornpirir liulor) ot Shorp; with
I»rpeil< t uii>nB);cm“iil. ami di*cn*e*; l-v I. A Mor
rell—lllustrated with drawing* nt tfi* different orecd*.
Ac. With an append)t. emlirai-inc upward* ot'twctll)'
irii*‘r* from eihuicm word grower* ami aheej* fnilcirer*
ot different detailing lirnr rr»peaive nu*dc< ; 'pl
management Fm *olc t>) *
Ronlr«elfci*, cor market nml Id »>__
HKSIIV KI.KUKK, Dealer m -aitrni Piano Porte*,
ni i \V \Vo4Mlwi>ll , «,Nn. «5 Third Slum. The
pUnnt may examined at mil bourn, amt ibe »«ih»cn*
hri n ill he there from U to 12, A. M . anil from 4 to 4.
|*. M , each tiny. - i Pftt'li’g, Ocjolirr ttt, 'lO
Me»*li«-}in-'* l.i'c and l.rit»r> v«D,
llnl.lau uii iUimait*.
SV. iHn-.0l Norili I'urotuiu^
lli.toi V OI l’rr«l.\ OniU'-h n K.-inii'Vv
Tin* fo-n.u. oi S-mlmid:
fh.lmri'. M..r:.1 ,
Alary Janr liialiam,
V\ iimluw on lW'l< n»um :in-l Hrv.vnt.
Tli' - .|*ir AdjiniO- K-ntli.
\lari’.iiri, .h it.rlVarl t.y Rev «' II I
l.mly Mm y. “
Tl (»resit l\.iutirn».|m< lit - !•> C Ii >
.-.ANjI- t ♦n.i-i t..-iw,en
t\'a,thc undersigned, would inform the ntuena o:
piu«hut£h juul vicinijy that we have appointed Mr. H
Klcbrf mlr Agent for, Western l’enitivlvamm. for tb<
urnlr of ohr Piano Porte*, from whom they may be ot>
lamed at our own INvtr York! nror*
New York. l*rn. I. ttMd-oelfchltl
New Piapo*.
JUsTp R/rriv.d and opened by the subscriber, thfr
following new Piano*:—
One rlrcsnt Koscwoo.l,ftoclavc Piano Pune.(French
Ctue elegant Rosewood.CJ octave Piano rone, wjtb
. carved (iotluc Tablets—a splendid inctiumcnl-
I Al«f. one very good itrond hand Piano, made by
I fc Co, Philadm. lIKNRY KI-KHKJt
j m r|.-il ,m J W WoodwolPa.l-aThitd »t
1 _m ' • Planoii
A LAIKiK anti aplendid assortment
mahogany and rosewood grand **'*
11“ 1 f » non Plano*, with metallic fiaiurs and
with all the latest improvement*, which for duranmtr,
njne ami touch are warranted lo lie e<jn«tl t° * n J* ,(U “ e
in the country. Forrale low far UMK
m«hi•» No 119 wood -t, 2«1 dw>r “to ve w *
- , .■■ ■ """ y'r‘ .-y » - Cin.-j-tt'Ai-.rJ Hu
. /IOLEM ANi UAILMAN, JTCo,, hevigj cooplctW
v/ their ,New'work*, u« now prepared to ntanafac*
tore' every description of Ccseh and Ktiptlc springs
Iron axle*, American Blister, spring and plough Steel,
one all sixes of email square aud round Iron, which
they offer fertile on liberal term*, at their IranW*
No. 43 Wood wreel: where thry also keep ou hand a
complete and handsome of Coach trim
ming*, .Carriage hardware, malleable tastings, Nail*
and Iron, .
0.-11. A Co , bavo made arrangement* with Moor*
Day A Crottz, manufacturer* ot Shovel*, Spader
Pork*,Ac., And will keep constantly on hand ever*
article made bv theta. Dealer* are respectfully *o!
cited to cuilJt* price* and term* will he made liberal*''
THE Partnership heretofore existing aoder the firm'
of Marshall. Bradley, A Co, was dissolved on the.
Sih instant by mutual consent. The business of the
Intclimi >vi|lhc settled by Marshall, Wallace A Me*
TIIK business ol the above Foundry will be contin
ed by the subscribers under the brm of Marshall
Wnlisee A Co:, tn all its various branches, viz:
Hollow Ware Mill Gearing
Stoves and Stove Plate* Light A Heavy Maeh’ry
Wagon Boxes Engines
Grate* A Sad Irons Engine Castings
Ploughs Plough Castings, Ae. A«.
Made of the best materials, ami at the lowest prices.—
Purehusers are invited to call and examine our Stock
at the H alehouse in liberty street No. bl,near the
head of Wood street. JAMES MARSHALL
Prrrnckcti' Pa.
ARE prepared to build Couon nod Woollen Miehio*
err or every description, tuch a»— Cardin* Ml*
chine*.Spinning Frame*' Speeder*, Drawn* Frame*,
Railway Head*, Warper*. Twilier*.Spool’ •,Drraain*
Pranief, Looui'r Card Criuder-s 4e.."Wrought lion
Shafting tuned all tize* of Cum Iron. Pullie* and
Hangers; of the latest patiern*. »lide and hand Lathe*,
1 *nol« of all kind*
jiu] tool* of all kinds
Catlings of every description furnished on.&hort no
nce. Patterns niude U> urd-r for MiirCiearing, Iron
railing,&r. Strain Pipe lor beating Fsrurries. Cast'
Iron window Snrli, nu.l fancy Curings generally.—
Orders left at the \V j|r|iOu*e of J P*liui-r 4. Co.,*-
Vnv eirm. will have prompt atn-m'ion.
Krraa to
Ulark'-irx'k. Dell &. Co, J K Monthi-ad Ac Co., U K
Warni-r, John .Irwm 1 Son#;
i; i; 4. J II Warner. Steul.enviii.. janlU
Furnodim:’ Warehoan*. No 1M WnoJ Micel, near
Fnili. J’liHl.ittgli, l‘a ; Wholesale ■ml lteu.l
- »ihl I’rcin'li CngraVing*-;
Jap.nine.' Winter* ami I'lmy,
<ila-« Plate*. I.y il.i Uit nr -ingle l,»ht;
Table ;
ill iiuiiinj Tea W arr. in or piere*;
i'nii.ait mid I** -tiiir Fra ite«;
r,,r Iron*. ami Pen.lei*;
Mahogany To.lei <ila«se%, with am! "» draw*;
(j.-tuion Silver and llmnniriaTru A Tahir Spoon*;
11 in.l Maguifving Miinx#;'
t’andlfiirlnSmiil.-i* nn.l Tear-,
*-»«• ilt, l*«-r, and Mnnlrl t»la«»r<;
I M-nllrinrii’* Shaving Cx*r*;
l_'t»nh*. tlaif UnHie*, A*.
Hotel#, and« supplied on
lil.rm! irrnis and packing carefully u,tended to Utu
a! .li.n.iiiu lor ra»li. M>l7
■HaiTAKKS iln« method to jntQrtti Ins
• and the pwUir at large that M< roctoiT
'»*ntiw m the Fjui aide
. ot lhi- JJitunonJ. Allrghiuy. wlirre a «*®|
1F253 sutnt supply of Wind*, ot varum* color*
. andqunliiie*.ore cun'initily krpion hand)
also ui No. S Wood >t. t' J.A
• li: Phillip*’uUclothwatenmm.
IllmJa repaired at the shonot notic-e
N. H- will l>e [.ulup, without any addi*
lionai exepiiM- n» that they call l*e rrmoved ill ti !**<►
meni in «-a*- ni fiVe or for washing, and wiiLoul the aid
of n crew dr r octddlyAwUmly •
A. FULTON, ltell and Uroaa Found
er r .r. ha* rebuilt a oil commented business al
wß| hi#old stand, "‘here he vrill l»e pleased to
pitta see hi* old tiuMomer* and friend*.
Church, Steamboat, and liell* of every
of the mo«! approved model", and
warranted to lie of ihe l«e*t material*.
Mineral Water Pump*. Coun'cn. Railing. Ac. Ac.-
ocetlur with every varictv of Ura»» Casting*, tfrequ.r*
cd, turned ami finished in the ne.ite«t manner.
F i» the so'.c proprietor of ti*Bßrr's Asti
ArrßJTto:* Mt3#j.. roju-tiv cclrbtated for the reduc
i-onVrHtclio:i dt uiai h.nert .* Tit- Loir* and Comtw
4.tinn i an he haJ of him nl til! lituc*. jar.l-Iy
\Varchmnc canter of VVocx/ and Front strait
rpilK »-ii'*erilxrr« hav.ngparehated the Franltlin Iron
X Wort*, louncrly owned by Me»vr#. J. A. Stockton
A Co, and made extensive addition* toiheui. ardtnow
prrpsred tu fuiui*h to cider Iron A Nalls of *i!jpre* ;
equal to any m the 'market- '
Wt- iti.o i...rp unhand Sftinf an-i Aatcnea n £ffrtr»
gleet .>i \uf. .p:alil.e». ‘
( tin If;eiyjoorvittnc !h'«marl.-: will Cull u« prepared
o Mippi) with a jif*t r»ir aiticle. ntid <*it n* su'd
''mvll' 1411 “' l,r \I°COU! T-F» Ate
Ha VIM; recently ttiiiili' vert nnjmiiunl impni.r.
mem* in tlm nu iiuinriurr 01 ill* n!-ove attic,e. and
ta latest improved eastern " in-el lor tjat
irniiu orate now j*r,-pt»rd to i\i rtifU an true 'e,»f \\ t*.
rfnw (;!»*.. fqnai. •! not «a[>nrHii to nil-.
made in the tailed Slate*. aurtl-ul little ni!<-r:nr 10 lh«
Knslndi I'nmii.
Wf are al»o very extrruuvel) ciinas.-d ■>; thr nan
Tartar* oft Vnnnuiti Window mid I)n - V.,
and Peufonlr.very description. Denier* ijetierTitly a
invited to call mid examine for Uietimlvr*. at oar tw:
tK>u*r. No I J 3 Wood street, Pnjiburjcli, l*r.
Sot ‘ill 't'li/ Sid Librrtf Hretl. near thi Can*L
' \ tWAYSnu band mid made to order. 0 large vane-
A. iy of Marble Mantel*. Pier. Centre TsoleJ, and
Buumu Top*. Tomb Stone*. Monument*. 4c; all which,
hem* made oi the rlioicc»t marble, uud manufactured
pnitripilly hv machinery, will l)« void low for ca*h.
N. B. PefM>ii« wuhittg to purchase Mantel*. are
informed that it it beucciorifc uuucce»*ary-for them to
go Kail, a* I can fnrm*h them with nu article in all
re* peei» a* good, and (freight, in«ur«ltce, 4c. conyider
ed ) a* cheap a* they can {.urehaw them for in the
Rant. Call and nee _ 1^
No fl Market strert, Pimtmrgh, renna:
rTMIK *a , -*<‘riber» having made treat Improvement*
I ui the eoiutniftiou of ilieir COOKING STOVE#,
respectfully i ivue ptr*on* building Steamboats to call
an.! eiaiimie l.efoie ptircliartng, n» wa can supply t»»«n
with Derk Stoves, Forges. and every oibrr kind ft!
Copper,'Tin and Shcei lion work mcesiary in furnish*
a :i Steamboat.
We aim make to order on thr >horieM notire Sol
ul.r* and Chant' >er. Copper woe l tor Steam Kngines
n.l r vei v variety el wuik in nut lute.
Olrwiitgltam (near IMtlaburfftia] P«.
»l ar/hottsf, AW IH7. slrtft, I'itltl/urgk.
MMft VV ||,l< r<in-i;unl\ k«r|> mi h*nd o pond afnil-
oi Wan, nl nui own inamila.-lutr, and
>u<m-i i«ri|iiiiln). WlmlrAiilK and rnuniry Wei
cliunly ntr mvilf.t U> fall UllJ el
annnf liitr- lJ|f-in««'l'r-. a» wr «[r ili lrrmnird to *rll
ilian lift.* «•¥••» l-. lorc- In n in ihc pul»-
117* Order* •-nt t<y'mnil, aerninpanird l.y the ra*h
r.iv Tefrrrivr • will I.- ro.iHlptlV r«l'rii,|.-il In trt.ttf
»ml K«irl» iMkiiulu
\ YlNU—thuui-no .1 ll.e iiuiiiMl Jt'liif •’ nl Hpudcs,
M.ovr-K 11. l u..,l M»mu.-I»tk' A.'.a.i»l. f Jirl|.
n uli*. »»«• u> Ml .»!l * f'.'f *ui'h
r), tli.y him- :ipponi:r«l Ci-org,.- tWhruii,
iikUis-hjii Mrii-li'inl, \f» Si Wood •trrrt, 1
llir «u|i: ol lh»-lt Ml .AllOl«l«T**»* c ,|
1,, | um Wl || innvr iif»inl>l mir miuil.ou |lh' iim«l aO' i
.... tfiiiw i.'inmrns a t>ix.«»n.
iMl«!.utßh.Juh * —*i»r- s '
‘ N„ 10 Wood Street A .l
M.\ N !■ I'ACn. KKHSoi Uili an«l , Mahogany linking«»rf, Inipoflrr* and IWW* m
I'laio*. AcennVeon*, lVnu**ion I'm*", Olwh«, Coinh*,
Jewelry nml Ka.i. V <i«od* ven-rally.
Tin" are making *OlllO improv men!* *n
llicil liu*-a« »<>, wall nn:rea«cd hunjines m the p.irehaie
of |V»me«lfe. un.l tlir importation of |iu»y Foreign
(JooiU, they will iir able ui *ell at Kiuwn prim Tliev
rct-p- filully rolioii tin- attention of I'uidiwrn. .
JHlrlWlf _ . _
T*|lK »ul»M*ril>fT. 4 nre imw enlarging their eJiabltalt*
1 mrnt.aud uie prepared 10 make ntt kimhof Cotton
ami Woollen .Machinery, on the. moat reasonable terms.
M.ilpt* u« will meel with pionipt luicnuon
l.ocock aireci, Allegheny City
N n.— H- WisUunau, who bus a patent for a very
important improrrioe i.i on the Card, and who ha* been
rngiiged for the U«l fifteen year* in »oni.-_of the mo*l
ex ini'ive and aueceaafut Cotton Pacionen of ihc treat,
trill give liia personal attention to pulling up, to (he (at
itfattl'on nl lno*o eoirrernrd. all machine* made at this
Co,, No*. 93 and 94 Front at*,
}lka«* FotJsi»tß»«nd OasFix*
TKi>; Bells of all liter cast-
from the laicil impioved titu*
tern* ami warranted equal to
any. Al-o, lira** Casting
fiuirhed U oiderml. Gas Fit*
tjuge put up promptly and on
I nnvHMty
Pittsburgh stkkl works and spring
tiAAc jose*. t> aoiis r. quise.
MANUFACTURERS o< s-pring and BlUfet Steel.
rio-irU Steel, Steel Plough Wings, Coach and
KlinlicSprings. Hammeredlion Axle*. and dealer* in
UnJleobte Casting*, and Co.irh Tiinrramg* generally
'corner of Ron* and Front -struct*, I’iitdHirgb, Pa
felntf „
IRON and Nail*, Shovel-, hr. for *U« aVtwr ne«
Warehou»e,'No;M Water street, near '>ood,run
,Ualw,*an''n-sortinent/lit The old stand, MeMaatcr’s
Row. Übeiiv street. * , ■ _ „ ..
Having toade greatadtlilion* to tlic Rolling Mill, all
■•tSf bc nl1 " 1 '"“"‘"IftAFF. WMIVta.
XAircrACTcam* or
Iron and Copper Tatki,
Pattern Maker*' Puinli, ofnery-description.
Office No. 9 St. Chahli * Hotel. Third-street,
frh| I Pittsburgh.
Cvrntr of Third and' Saulkjiud sirtdt K
pmsßUßon.'PA;'’' ;
B- W«*w, Pxjprlnkor..
rxnU9 bew'and spacious HOTEL, erected trace ibd
GREAT FIRE* and tawing *m tu»of tbejaost
public nrrrw, is un*nrpaMcd m the ctxmuy.whctber
as recant* its architectural arrangt*i*eai*,ar tbe ele
gance. taste and eon fort rf [u famuhaws- fidaued-tq
ute immediate sietmty of tie STEAMBOAT LAND
ING, BANKfIiiaCHANGE OmCi» MdpratttojU
MEjiCANTILk HOUSES, it offer* to
and BUSINESS MEN -desirable conveniences; whilst
tcrrtal arrangement* nffwd'eVerr accommodation the
no*t fastidious cart doeire. The ymX*ora, and
Chamberaare al! furnished in modern style,, with
entirely new and elegant Fvmaarejan efferent eons
of attentive aed oblif in* servant* is maintained, and lie
Table will always aboana with the choicest delict
ciesthe markets afford. . . 1.. . -,-i . - .
The Proprietor, who hat had long experience in this
line of beiUMM, uwti the public ihAßoedbrtonkir
pan will he spared to aalisfaetorUy accommodate those :
who.BtsyfeTor-hiawithtfctii-eastern.' - > *\
An Omnibus and Bagnga Car will always be ur
readme*! for <he guests of the house.
fcbl». ■■ at B. WBAVEE, Pioptictor. . ;
pRARLJfRBBT HOtTBK. Claeiomatl,
. OUIQ—The subscribers haring psrehaaed the'eo»l
tire interest of CpLQ-P Wilbamtoo, latsof thta well
known establishment, beg lease to state totheirfrienda
and the public generally, that they hare taken tUs
commodious Hotel for a tens of years and will exert
their best energies to make it a desirable home forTrav
ellers and City Boarders.
The Hotel is spacious and admirably planned for eod*
senieoce, light and air, basing a number or parlor*
adjoining chamber*, presenting unuuaEauxaetna* to
The pretent proprietor* boring had the etpeherteesf
yen* to thi* city and elaewhere.bope ihejrwil) be able
to rive general talUlaetinn, being determined , to give
undivided attention to the home ewne.
The locatlonof the Petri Street Room it uncommonly
eligible, having .famu on Pearl, Walant.tnd.TWnl tu,
m that it la equally deairablejn view of.rhe conveni
ence of butioeia oeaorretiremeatfordflvatebdardep.
It 1* near by the Bank*, the Pom o®et,tbd Matdme
Hall,Odd Fellow* liall.and Iruttmetquandiitaßtfraa
Mein street end twoMuaree from the City Whatf,lhn»
offering (be greaieal
Mchauis and generally to all pemna^Timtu^Clnem*
mm OP WATB&iHD SflimißLO STS,
Piltiburgh.Pa. .
THIE nruler*igncd, Proprietors of the Monongabsla
House, announce to the public that the Home is now
••pea for ike reception of Visits!*.
They ere conscious of having epared-no expense in
LiittnjC outiheeiOlilitiitndit. in such a *iyleas 10 rrnd«r
every comfort lo lbei£Gtie*ti.’.
They hope by comma* e*te and attention 10 business
io merit the nmonsgr.aa liberally heitouredon the lair
Monongaheta Home. " JAB. CKOSHAN A SON
apitillm •' ' '•
No. 05 North Second Strict, Philadelphia.
THK tutiKTiUrn mpcdfulljr inform the cilitMj* of Hits*
burgh end Wrvlrrn Fcnatytrs&i*,' tlul-they k««e taken
ltw above taxor, where tber arc mw4 to accOoaodate
jarvxn Titilitig the Cttvof rbibMMtihta in tbe Wit UrV, sad
uo tl>« must rtMooabM tma*. Tbr bouse is within om
xjuar* of Market street,and bat a thorough rauo
valiou sod repairs, and it well raieumrd to srcomnualale
penoof who msy Uvor at wilb acalL- ’•• '
(live u* acstl. and wr frel confidentTOU wiObenliihrd.
February S 3,
• 88. Peart Street, New York.
REDUCTION IN PBICR-fTbe subscriber respect
fully calls the aiientian.of the travelling eouaaanl
ty, and cspsc'iall}'businessman, in the.fact that ibis
bouse la nowopeu an.l i« offered for their. patronage at
th«U»wprireof«tNK DOLLAR■ PKB'4IA Yi'- ""
lit location hit buuoeu is nof*atpa-aed;m MrVorlr,
and every comfort, with good living, clean beds, aiff
loom*. A*-, can here Iw htid as Well is ntlbe most e»-
iravagam bouse* -One call willbutely,aatlsfy anyoar
of i brae tacia and insure an extensive patronage for tbe.
-bouse SAMI,. C. UISHOt*,-Proprietor
New York, April 1,1647 - dim
n. t. jAcnaow. ' a. ciuarrox.
of the A*tor House or Pavilion, Ruckaway
; E U-T A W HuU SE.
xiOFßirroas. •
Coaches will be in readiaeO at the Dxnn£and Lsxp
isos to convey passengers, fiu of charge, to
jyFsbdtft r- • the House:
Indemnity agslut Lou'er Duasgs by
Fir*. •- •»•••■'
With the additional security of a Slock Capital.'-
The Pe&anee Mutual Intunmee Ccb, of Philo.
George W. Toland, John M^Atwood,
Tbotaas C. Rnckhtll; Lewis R. Ashhuist,.
Wo, R. Theanpsou, George N. Baker,
George M- Stroud, John J. Vandertenp, .
George W. Carpenter.
WILL make insurance Lon or Dautga
by Eire, io Pntw." «»Vi and vicinity, on
Houses, Stores sad olhei buildings, and oa rami*
ture, Goods, Wares and Mervbaadiae, oa ibe moot
favorable terms'.
ITte Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock
Capital, and the other provisions ol the Charter of
tins Company, bold oat unuaual Inducements, both
orprofitaod safety, telboaodesirous Of effecting
I insurance, tuwhicn tbe Company ask the attoatioa
and examination of those interested.
Those effecting tniurance .with this Company
have, besides tbe usual protection against lota, by
the online y..method of insurance, the additional
adsantageof a direct participation in the pioftt* of.
the Cotnptny, imtiund oi aability.
GEORGE W. TOLAND, Fttiident.
B.M. HuictiMAir, Secretary.
The subscriber, who is the daly aathorited Agent
or the above named Company, la prepared to make
insurance, at the Office of the Agency, in the
Si. Chailea HoleJ, Third at., third door from Wood
street, and will gt*e all further information desired
my&diy. THUS. J. CAMPBELL.
- aoerr at mrsacaoß rot thk '•
Sa(My Ininrance Company afPhlhuli’la,
FIRE RISKScpon buildings and merchandize
of every description, art MAtUNE' RISKS
[upon bullaorcargoea-of vessels, taken upon the
I moatlavorable terms.. *.
HT Office in the - Warehouse ol \V. B. Holmes
Sc 8r0.,' No. 37 Water, nexrMatket street, Pitts
li| |N. 8.-TSa successor this Company since'theesttb
rlinlinK-nto' Ihn Agency in'this city; vrith the framptHtst
j auD liberality with' whichevery claim upon theta for
I low* has been adjusted., folly warrant thj agent in m-
I vitingihe confidence and puronan of his friends and
I ihrf cuiuuiuimy hi large to the Delaware M. d.' Iruo-
I mitre Company, while it ha* the additional advantages
I |s an inttitutinn among tiie ruosi .flourishing in
I I'lnLuTta—as havinganainple paid in capital,,wiiicb
I by the uprraUooofitacbarlei iscodataotlvincreasing
I as yielding totach person insured his doe share ol
I the profits of the company without involving .him'
im any responsibility whatever; and lht*relure aa
I posseting the Mutual, priuetpie divested ol every
[obnoxious feature, an i iu its most attractive form.
I ivwt r
New York.
IHlia wrll known and reriweiahle company is ore
p.irpil, Ihroiigh Ibcit I'l'l’l‘Slll 1 IHill AUFNCV, to
ak<- in«ura>ii c- i.l rvciy kind
un-|Mirtatiim and inldiwl itrviguikiiT*, to insure again«t<
• « «<t Jains*** by fiac, Dwrlhug itou-rs, Warrhuo***,
lidding- in griirol, (hkhl-, \Vair.%4aid Metehaml'Sr,
id sveiy tic-cnpiiun ol- prr*»nal piopcfiy dit tlir uw»-*l.
vbiaMi* ii'rnis. ''
AppliFstiim* lor liituraiuc sltritdcd in wilheut riclur
Pilir odirc, No «CI Wood titrci.
•".’AT i»n Flection held at lur oflicem N. Y.« Mb)* 15hh,
ite toHitwihg named f.**inlrim*M wert«flto*eu Uiit-cion
if this Company* (Ur ibr rn»ulni; >eaf, Vi*:
Jawpb \\’.ssnSr*K«S Stephen llolt,
John iUauwrr. John McCtunu,
Wiiliuu W.Camnhfll,
Jacob Millci,
Williainji. Winl,
John Nrwhc*u»<-,
ll'illiara S. SUxura,
Jntm T. fciackic*, . Jo«»kr,-
, , John J. Ilerrirk.“
' Am) ala futaeqarnt tnreunjf omho Baan), JOSEPH
W. SAVAUK, Em., wuuuanungatly rr*«tßclm) Pres*
■idriti for the mining year. WarffJ AiuES HOGGS, -
' iyH Po«t 4 Joaraat copy Secretary.
lnsurance Company ofpNortb America,
‘J. through its dtily authorised Agent, Uio subscri
ber, oiler* to make permanent and limited loaur-,
aore on property, ! in this city and-iu vicinity, and
on thipmeoU by the Canal and Rivera.
, r ' DIRECTORS./rl:'"-.
I John C. Smith’Pres’t., Samuel Brooks', .
I Ale*. Henry.' 'CfiarleJ Taylor,
Samt W. Jonet. Saml.'>. Smith,
Edward Smith, Ambrose While,
Joho A. Brown,- * Jacob M. Thomas, ,
John White, , . John It NeflK,-^-
1 Thoa. P‘. Cope, Richard Wood, • '
WraJ Welsh, AHburG. Coffin,See.
This II the oldest Inaarance Company in the
I United Sutes, having been chartered fn Iw. Its
charter it.perpetual,' and from its hlgh'ftandltrr,
tong experience, ample means, and avoiding all
risk* of * n eztn hasardou* character, it may be
considered ai offering ample,*ec«my to the patdie.
At Counting Room or Atvrood/Jones Co.,
Waiernnd FrontstreeU.PlUaborgb. . apS*lf
As instLorahy rirw—The FRANKLIN Fire tem
rance Company of. Philadelphia, -
sa/ILL make lnsunnce.permanealandJimiied,
f f on every description of PITTS*
dnfsvorabie terms. This company has * perpetnal
[charter. . ' a-':- " •'
CAPITAL ...... *400,000 paid is.
! o£cecorncrotThlrd l indMar]ietsts„fimb'gtw
ipSB—tf l ' WARWICK MARTIN, A»««-
Am«rt«M» Vln iMirtaei CrapMy
Ccum PnmnL' Cmtu. tscnfoO *
OrnccinPkUaitMia, fb. Ti Mmt'-Slmt
• . ■ 7wM:DAVlbSoi»,fr«rt.
Fitsmc* FtiLlT.Sec’T. ' \J
TIUS old *nd wcll-e*»bli sited Co«pMyxw»liMe»y
rto » Wood w.
; YOL. XIV:*—NO. .221
Look to Toca iiom*Kiu.--r j ,
CarpetßmpOniun.Nap? WoodMrer.i.s’utiloorio '
DiamoM Alley-’’ The' sobserilier re*p>*cuWljr inform*,
tite citizens, andstrangen wUiuoc i!m C ( iy, UiaOietias*
declined the Auction basinets, and removed to No 97 .
Wood street* for the opening of a large CAJU’ET Fil
l*Oßlt73J.' Hsvinr been w the East for the Ini three
raomh*;f«tetnngC»rpetiiig, Ac.,fw tfrwpurpoee,'»y
etock will he the largest and best n*«jted;.and told at '
price* below any simitar establishment Ka*tor West
of the Moomaim. Beiuga new Mock, my Catpet*,kc n
will all be the freshest rod* and latert patterns. TJre
colon of ail goods by me wit) Ik l wartanteflu
(land, or a deduction made. ' • '
flieh and Elegant Cbrpvlt for Spring Trade. .
Arrangements having been Bade with one of the lar
gest Manufacturers, to be kept constantly supplied t»
the above anteles,'ray stock will always lit <ul) and
complete. Now on hand: •
Super. Three Tlylmpeml Carpet*; . '
Superfine Doable Ingrain do;
Fine all wool ' do' do; .
Common do do ' do;
Splendid Tapestry, Hall and Stair
Yarictieaof Cotton Ingram. ‘do;
Extra heavy twilled Venetian do;
4-1,34, and S4t striped 'da do;
Cotton atriped Carpena for Stairs;
Listing, Bag and Hemp Carpets;. ' "
Sapor. SeheloeUe ana Tally Bugip .
Brusasls and CotomoO do do; ■
FineSebelndle'andßheepskin Door Matt*:'
Ijugeasd nail Attedsrcnd Into Hemp.Malt*;
DraM'SuirKgdaief alloicea; : ‘ '
All shade* ofWoiwd Carpetand Binding;
. Worsted and Enb*d Table and Piano Covers;
■ IT-Mand PlaidTabie Covers;
'matparentLaodaeape Window Sbadef;
. .4-4 Oil Cloths, ol rich patterns;
Sheet Oil Cloth*, eotto any. fit;
Coin Finish Oil Cloth Table Cover*;
, d 4, Si and » 4 White Maltha -
‘ ‘Tandßqoaher Damask Table linen;
Daaask and Bud'Kye Diaper;'
-„Cra*h and Suit liaen. . '■
I apSdlm
Carper Ud Drf Ooodi W«rehoni(. \
DBSPECTFULL\ jntinufc hit friend* and the public
l* generally, that be is bow receiving a Urge am)
fpleiMld ssjsiibkqf o( Nsw Situk Carjirtmg, ' »>i-
Cloths, 4c , direct from the Impottti* uiul Msuulartii
rets, composed input of '
Superfine Bruteels Corpetr;
Extra or Tapestry Btu*«el* Carpeting;.'
Super imperial 3ply and Extra do';
Superfine Ingrain, Pine and Coanuon Carpeting -
< and 44 Plain Vemlian.Oarpctiiif;
5 ft, 3-4 and 44 Uunaik do (to;.
5 8 3-4 and 4-4 Tapestry do . do;
■Steavibfiat JViwtwimcJ-
Drown Drillings;'4 4,5 4-*«d t‘. : 4 Sheriing: l ; 647-4
b4Tal)lel,inrtw-'lJurn Napkin*; Oni*h' and Diaper;
Itoefcahack Towelling; Carpet Stripes; New-Style Ta
ble Covers; Oil Cloths from 'd7mehc« in .'l feet wide,
ear to uny rl/e;
•r ' Tocmnc* tvnin
Rich Embroidered and Printed 'fable and Piano rnveift
Figured Kloof CfoiUi; : :
Chefifelle. Unxvli, Tufted, and Wtlion Ruf,*.^
„ Tailed, Cbenielle.aod SUepp'kin Door Mans
Manilla and tints* da .do,
Hr*f* Stair Rod* Flat i>al Ovair .
Danaskaod StripedPtair I.inert;
. Carpet Bindings;
4 4.5-4 aml'&i-Plain and figured Indian Mailing;
Colored Spanish Mailing, A.e.,Ac.
Person.) Siting op Steam!*iml»,llotd»,or Private llou-
Res, are requested to cull, as be feels confident they w;lt ; —“
find it in.titeir advantage lt»do so before purrlins'iig
eißewbrre. ; '
Ur would al*o invite aitemidn tn'Jila’extcnsive "luck
of NEW SPRING DRY GtX»DS,.[embracing evert
lliiugtri thaUine.Jaow opening ai tUcal-ore «iaml.
marUMAw.'liaF |]p*No ll» Market i-trrrt - .
IqHACKLETTA WHITE, No 99 Wood 'tied, above ;
)0 Diamond Aliev, are now piepated io odcr 1 10 utri- i
chains a large and desirable snick of'
All of thin season's ptuctiaic—nf lute nnd donuMc
Styles and qualities./- '
Country Merchant* visiting or passing iliinu&b fun ,
'city, will find it clearly to ailvaniaßc lo r.ivr ti" a :
ralLas Wc uie determined la sell at ►lu.-li small pmlii*,| .
jut will make it greaily_to Iheir interest u>mute a Mil
Wllbtt*.: -"'iZ — ■■
. Our aiock is now full and cutupiele, eumptif gg a
general assortment of such goods oh lire uuallv kepi
py dry good* bouse*.
A' good supply ol heavy and light brown Sheeting*,
always on hand. toelr/7 -j
BARROWS A TIIRSEB) No <>i Market street,
are now rrceivmg theic stock ol New Spring
Goods, and invite the attentionof.purcba*cis to ilmr
tsortmentof Dress Goods, which i* particularly dmtY
table, consisting in part of
•> Rich Embroidered Lawns—verychoice paiienta; -
■ Rich Organdy Lawns—fashionable brown*; with
ilhorcolors, very handsome. |
• Printed Lawns, of different pattern*; • | .
■ Rich Cali Ibmiß Plaids—styles very handsome; [
. Sopenor-Frcneb Gingbante—entirely new and bean-'
tiful patterns: one lot very handsome at If#} cm. _
i Supeiior Manchester Ginghams, [warranted}-at 'JO
cents. - ■ "
. mchgfl " 'No 46 market street. 3 doors above 3d
Morphy has open ibis notni&s a few pieces' PrriV
and*Wbus Barred Ginghams very low, and beautiful-
Style. -Also, Bear style spring Muslin de Lainrs. Al
so. seat style Braizes, a fashionable article;—besides a
fall assortment of first quality French aiid-ttancbesier
Ginghams,- British Pnni% -*a>aU figured Cliinu for In
-fanu,ftn, .'AUo, Irish Linerjs—a full supply, front low - •
esi to finest qualities, of most approved tnuke nniura
warranted pure flax—and very superior shirting nsue--
Hns at l*i cents per yard.'
Wholesale stock very full In the rooms up stairs,
and goods offered at exceedingly low prices to Cash'
bo yets. . . -. . . j.. ■ apW-JAw"
W R-Murphy ha* now open art asioninemof ihc
above(toads,all wool, inelading woe eery fine. Also,
Mohair do Laine*, very tuprrio', plain mode color*.
AUo, plain Drab Bareges; pink, blue, and black do
Also* tiaizarlnes, brown and fancy tolors, Mine a* low
a* lf| ceni", and a lane a.uonmeuiof aevetl styles
, drear good* generally. It eluding biack watered, and
fancy BlLlto. o( . latest importations, and at low pricer
-for qaslity. Buyer* will please call and examine at N
B cotnardtb and Market sta. *
Wholesale Boom* in second story," where a very
choiceTtock can be seen by deatrars, low cash pri
ce a. , " . ... . • • - • upiu -
SCHDRIKB— Bonnei Frntm-.r, T»l>* ono lUlcbes •
Tortoise shell ami horn, tuck, aide ani] dressing
combo; inlaid satin and rosewobd bair bro»ht»; tooth,
ngil, comb, cloth and carpet bindmg; bed Mce; ;
brown. Mack and white botlaad; colored cnnilific; *rtk
and union galloons; flannel binding; »a£iy envelopes; ■
not'd paper, sealing wax; motto water*; Barnhill'* in*
dehbte.-ink; ; .peneiU nnd pencil points button*; pmi:
needles; tapes; spool cotton, &c • For bale wholesale
I aad retail,by
[ *P».
X splendid avtortmeol of ilurte Tooy, mnuufaoiiiTcd
Stint,both 6ne uid medium qualities.
A targe invoice Crarau, both litack' a»il ftutc'u-v. di*-
reef from the Importer.
Adjusting Brock*, all (inahiiea mid color*.
Palm Übwt, do do do; .
Bombasine do do- "do Jo;
For sale by ike. manufacturer'* Agent; NoS&Who
itrrel,upstair*, wholesale. F.DW AUL) TODD
tpa : . -Agent tor Eautrrn Manufacturer*.
die Worked t;ac« *’ai*r«—newrn styles-n hit ‘
received this morning. ■ \
. Al*o,<-liintcJe«ti fcilkt; a few p»-» Chameleon l*«mlt
de Soi Drr'« thlli'—il bejmyiul article, and 'eturce— • . w
open tbit morning' - • ' -•••
Also, French llulrtrinrs; a few pier.-*. choir** Myles
—atibe Fry flood. Home of W • II MCKPH Y I'
a pin ■ N K iror 4th und Market «u |
RRt-KIVF.DiIHS morning at Btmmv*' A TummVpA. .
•Giie (election of t'laids new tlml l.rautt*
fulilOee, French (litigimma, very rich patterns, ui vs.
erbtij •Mnnchislrr liittebaut*, tbe low ;
price of '*Al cent*; Kngimb Frim*; Umwu planL« and
stfipea, aewaod handnoine;nt No I*l Market Mtce*.
Between ltd abd 4ib *ue*t*
S't l< H , Dl S LKt7|ii. k ada nop alt I S
lUD Ul.OVFS—an•turnaap**- FarcrKid liii-n
ti.ira’the inaiiufwwry ot Jouvin’• Aleundir, , :
Open work and I'lul'ioidetedSilk Cloves, . i
Kurbroidcred, plain awl nrncy LiMcdo;
, . t'bitd’* Silk. Ij»Ic and I'oimu * dip !
.; lieoi'a military and drw« do; ' ’
Fur 'ale hy apt* _ I’ ll K.Vltt.N..
-1 WAkWANTKI* *m \VAMI-A beautiful li-'snit
njeiit o,f French, Aiueiicun and Italian Landscapes*,
Scriptural View*. Uoraan Arche*, Ootl'ie Iluih», Ac ;
at a small odta.icc on wholesale [iru-c— from SI *» 3l r >
prrpair. For »ale at the ljhrary llrx»n, I’hilo ilall,
il - A WATKINS Manufacturer. N. V
N. B,—lkalera lupplirJ..
mpk auuiYS, fUIiIrAUN, bosojis,
*-New ftyleaof Fine Shut-mun ai vHneiy; e,
Standing and Byron Collars; •
Spring tin Cravats and Sami Smck*i .
lfciforas and Cravat Stiffeners;
9bpulderßracrt, Night Caps.Stlk fiuardr,Ac;
On bund, and for tale hy ap« F II KATIIN :
. . Ac—Tran<parenlWindowSkuile.i,ofbotbOlueatid
Oil preparation, in great variety of Mylc und a*<-«mcil _
tizev; Venetian Blmdayof atnorted tues and color*, tor
rale on Gomrniatioit; Shade Fixture', including Hot!er>; _ .
and Blind Trimming*, nuorted color', at ' ‘
, aji« .. F H F.ATO.VS_
wiiISTKDS.’ FA’i>
. la TKRNS,'Ac—Zephyr'‘and TnprMry Worsteds.,
I'aucrnt, Cmlvara,Clieneitlc, Silk inney Uruid«,
Perlbraicdßoard,Tidyit, Lamp Mats*, I 'and otm-r Fancy
.Work fiur sale at ~
F 11 KATON~S. Fppcr ltooin*
‘ All NliH—Fane.y and plain brad colored dec's F*ln
ca; rsca mantilla black doy njaniiila.,polka"iiMl ehuiti
gimpt, black and colored uolerian-tnmniiiix>; Mark "■
and colored aatin ribbon do; jus* •rec’d at
■ »P 9 ■ ■
ITOSIKRY AHD, i.lJc a-r.l
XI; meriob !lo« tnd halflicKs, in j»rrw variety. ii»r
mttb won<n, n»««* aad'children: KniiUn' Yarns ati.'J
SVomed*, mending i‘*'y command
nunu/acrartn. 1 Wof*ted»,»nd 'I rsm*, at '
>p£> , - - . ; K H KAI'O.VS
JUST Received and for tale al the manu&cturrr’s
liet pthre#, a Urge invoice of patent Gum Elattk
and Shirre-d SoabciMcra,- of the Ro»«ell .ManaUciDring
Co.Ct For talc by tie A£ent, No *JG wood <ur»vt, up
,UUT,«Mti»lc. KinVAllD TODD
■ehtfi Agrtu
: *1 • F. Kl. EATON, '
DEALER In Trimming* anil Variety Goo.’t.Toinoi'-c
Thetl, Ivoty and Horn can>>t,\Vootl<-uY&Vn» and
Wonted «, Hatton** Needier Fmf, 4c.,
No 63 Market St between Oiumoiw ami 4th ttrects
piotwwrt* ••• • jySSdly 1
oxuikd ci»iiSii I W*i4m tm™
HdkOr, UoUea and Uiatt Linen for J*k:ru, Lmle-
Ribbon*. Paper Maalina. Ac., M . F H KATUN’S
WRAPPING PAPER-ntf) BramiTrow!,;'
i , 51W) do .Medium; 'I
Received nod for tale by JOHN II MEI-1,011
•P>6. ' NoM\j>i»U;re.i '' '
eCBTAIS ol a rre.iV«nny' of . "
•tylea, including Buff French Chintz, funW.mlow -
CortKise* to be found at dry good* hoot* of . '
- W It MUKI'MY . *
ap9th>Aw ■ .N-B cor tih and Market »t* p~-~ —
IFBRXBO CARIIHKRKH-1 ra** of fcenutt—• ' *
I jyL : falcooda r fof Summer Coat*. >utt ircciTed.atHl-fiJt
eptt ' SHACKf.KTT K W'lllTK j
tf ItEBIUIUP WANTED-Kori lad from Nj* > ' --
\> dgei mituat niiii) teme i«wct- - •*
v abUCwnm«rclalE*ttl>li*hmtnt in the c'ny. A;» it.ia r ' '
Um devirc of hie parent* that be. sbouldieqelrea'lßOMC
iedgd of LatJneM, a small remuneration vrhuld o'ttly l>e '
te^oirrdfcirthe fiutyear. Kefriencc may htf bad to
Eduorof Gazette. , aytftf t
; ;i-r
i■ • ■
I ; ' .?.
j • y
vi :
F lI Jfarkrfvlf^ri