The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 23, 1847, Image 2

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uv kramts hrook.<
jIDAY MORNING, (APRIL '.'3, im;, j
rnr PrrtucmH "tuxtr Gwrff* j.ui.i.Uh i
Da.;y r Th-'Wemy,. nr.rt W<!rkiy —Th* !>»,., „vv„, j
IfelUi* j>cr i;..- ,» f,% e
«bnu<.». : Uf;, ,< fi,f, D..,:*,. "rt a m,.im. I
in lUJvan-.r , J ’ .-vi
Koilce to •.
•Cjr" AiSvrtl.nfrueni' >ji-»«t <t,i -1... u .!
handed in by tivr u «; ;,)ok i., ij.. 1 ..11.muu,, A
I.'j till*. ,011 iL' l 'pTll it: !»-.> .;u ' i(J. ■* •(!•! i" (..»•!;
J A tt K S Iltv|\
r-tii <’.v V.vl I . A.M.-
JOSKI'II V\ . I‘ A TTo ,\
U»tr »>,. ...i,ssi ,
■M.SliliAl TttLUK'S M HL'IA!, i.lil'l'UKT
of i hi: 'I
uvrrLt: of bffn.v visir.v
Wr .it.’ (<1 ng.*i:i |,i erniribniir n»!iinm*
•l<> make- towni t..r ;h.* 1..11.,wn, rt U-tti r ol i
Tiiyl( tuiui'i. „i j auam-r in in.
amnsiift* Idler t>l l.'cnci-il >nti«t \nna.unh j-rr
aenu 111 U-jnlilul iMtllraM ihi* power fit tl«lnrl
iruih am! leal merit, over inflated pretriiah/tis
With these loiij; (li-.-.j-dlrlic- notv published, wo
shall bof*o l.» give nur friends reading n| lunte
profit, if not ni‘«re agreeable. We hope also that
the day ,<• not Ur disi mt when thyro mil .he. n >
occasion for occupying nur' column*, either with
wjri-ni fiimuin of war». li tr.eru-w wisdom in
thie Government a liberal j*cace will speedily’ Ik>
proposed to Mexico,and if that sid»and distracted,
and doomed and-.demented Government t< t.o‘
over to dolurion.thc wiil accept whsi
ever terms are proposed, if eurh, as even a weak
and helpless people can consent to without wrong
tog themselves or their children.
Hiiiku'iuti:**, AftMT or Ocrcr'inoN,
Agua Nueva, March 3, 1847.
Bin: 1 have thn honor to submit a detailed re
•> port of (ha oporati ins id thn force* undei iu>
. command which reunited in the engagement ol
Buena Vista, the repatso nf the Meriran army
and the reoccupation of thi* position.
The information which reached me of the ad
vance and concentration of a heavy Merican lor.c
in toy front, had asmtoed «uch a probable
to induce a special examination far bevutid the
reach of our pickets to ascertain itr correctness.
A smalhparty of Texan ppies, under Mayor Mc-
Culloch, despatched to ihtoHacienda] of Eticarna
cion. 30 miles from this, on the mute to San I.uik
Potosi, had reported a cavalry foicv of. unkuown
strength at that place. On the 20th of February
’ a.strong reconnoissanco unJer I.ieut. CoJ. May
was despatched to the Hacienda of Jlecliuuda,
while Major McCulloch made another examina
tion of Eucainarinn. The results of those expo
ditioos left no doubt -that the enemy teas in large
force at Encamacion under the orders of General
Santa.Anna,and that he meditated a forward move
ment and attack upon out position.
As the Camp at Agua Nacra 'could be turned
on cither flank, and as the ctu-my’* force was great
ly superior to our owh. particularly in the arm a<
cavalry, I dclerroined after much consideration, a.
lake up position about eleven miles in rear; and
there await the attack- The army broke up.its
camp end marched at noon on the 2lst, encamp
ing attbe now. position a little in front of the Ha
cienda of Buena Vista. With a Small force I pro- >
ccvded to bolfillo to make some ticcessary arrange-- j
meats lor the defence of the town, || |l L. ;
Gen. Wool in the immediate command of the.
• ' troop*.' * j
■ UcliirA those arrangements were completed on
the morning of the 22d, I was advise,! that the
enemy was in sight, advancing, l.’poti reaching
the ground it wo-* l,.tjiid that by* cavalry advanr,
• wv tu' i'ur Iront Jinxing tmrcllrd Irotn Enrtroj.
cinn.Ss wo-i.axo -in.v h m I t n' c j
J- lbi- Jay previous, and .liyviei; in :i mounted l.or, |
left at A gun N'urn to cover the n-tnovil of- '
. -.'.ofr*.- Uur iioup* were m a position ormpvio* '
a Itno'-d' ic;im:Ajbh- r-l*.:-gMi. The road ; ,i :i. ; .
poind become < a u.n run deli!*-. tin- vjhe.v on
•» right being remit red ijutm imptarriciMc s.-r no |.
tery by 1 -.yr.trm.r.f deep iiiijiuv.jbh' go!'.. ». dl,.|.
jjn tho left * •niL-ec.--.i ni ol mi ;ei.| Tidgcu and pn
dpttoiH ri» :oi r cvt.M.ii !>•.; -back towards it..-
• roounta.n oincli tfund.. ike valloy. The lotUm*
.of the ground wer.-Bisch a« nearly to'pvrslv / • t‘„.
Httilhssy ,a*alrj tin- enemy. vvjiric his in-
Untry c.dd a j| the adtautage* ol u
numeiic.d superiority. In lim j>-»-riton w« pn-.
par»»d I j receive him. «*.ipl M'a-!;itigloo’s bv.iv- •
. ; ty I,‘ith aiidlerv I wu» pn-u-J-to ejaucani tn.-‘ '" ie ' ‘ die urn,.
rot’ll while tfio l«l and 2d liliuou regiment-* under; t.mgiv returned w*-.
'Cols. Hardin and lti«iel|, each eight cnmp.t.-iie*. * The extreme right *-t >•.-.• r :: - : v f,>M:nt:rd
to the hitter of which Was attached C.vpt Conro-i*- l r--!rc.i-- a! mg t.V :•-»-;« .1} i,V m-mrlUt , amJ t;
cotnpiny of‘Texas vonmiccrs,) and Iho 2j Ken-, ly.'tn span ..i ail ou; wlnli. ifl-cit-d aj.rn..
tucky undn t' d. McKee, occupied, fin* errets vn ; '*ilh the (emaindi r ol riu.'.aruiT-
Ihe ri.lgi.-’ .m tin- 1.-tt ami in rear. The Arkarm... j l>tinng-thf d»y, ibe cavalry n| if n. M«.
and Kentucky icguittule ot cavjlry., coiomainlril ’ nsyenJctl ihe.. idcvsityd pl^m' n l *** >• S- ;
t’oi-i. Yell and H. M v:-!i:v|l, occupied tlse extreme ! •‘• : - up.—l llm from the c:Sv n s!..- •'•
hdt-noar tho lur-vol the monril tin, while the J,,- *-f h’'«tl-s win i1,.-y i,,;..,., f ,«. j . ;41 ,j ,
diana brigade.. uu-U: IJiiijvilier Genera! l.ane.j AppioacUing the town i,.e> to., d.
(cnmpiucd ofih«2d and JJ rcginimL-under t.-oR ' i-v Gjpt. WebUcr from iiso nxisum -«-i
ltonle* and Emu-,; tha Mt«U*l[ipl iiliem.iii nn T*"d by lim euiujuny. vnd liu«n in .v«[ nr
der tod. Davis, the e<|iiadnms «*i ifco Iss a..d 2d '“'urds lb*, 1 ca.:iem Khb* of ’be viUey, .md .
under t-apt. Steen, aud UuUtGoI. May. ’wu* !' irov-irds Btwua V->: a . Arih-’lim.- f.,
r.tid thn light billorics • Shenosn and -'■hove; moved r.tpsJiy f.roatd with l.u pi-,-.
3ragg,dd artillery, wcm* held in n-serve. \t 11 ••uppiuted by a mietu-iiaiUous rmuiMjid ot luom
( o’clocl; f received :i.uu Gen. Sjuta Antyi a sum- ♦‘•l- volunteers, and tired never j! shots at tho ca
muos to surrender at Jnc.retiou, which -with any- a * f y Wll l i Rcont effect., They wi-re.dr,ven m
pr of ray reply, 1 have already transmitted. The ,t,, ‘ r.*vinw which lead to the tower r-jll-y.
enemy etili furbnre h»J attack,,evidently waning, pursued by Gspt Shnver.’who ns< I ith* r r rti|
for ihc arrival ol his rear columns which cvnld l«v }'»rlod by r\ (were of Gapt. Wot-tor’s bats.'M
distinctly jeen by our look ouU as ih*y ajipr.*airU l>Jnald*»u, which had advanced' fror
cd liio flolth A dcraonstrauon maiWi on hi-i left *ho reiionbit, supp>mcd by Ca;»t. Whet-lcr'a cmn
caused mo to detach tho 2d Kentucky regiment I ,a 'fjr'lsiii>lC volunteer* ,Tlic c.uvn\y m.iJu ou
section of artillery t&our.right,iii whichp.>. nr; lwi» L> charge jthc the arnilery,
. aition they bivouacked fat the night In‘the '•»■« finalljr drivsto back m a corifuscj am.
mean time the Mexican light troop.* had engage! ,u>l upon the plain
ours on thn exttoasf left, (compoaej of parte ol *'• incautnoi 1 , the firi»« had partially ceased
the Kentucky and Arkansas cavalry dismount*) u P an ,} >o rtchl. .The enemy aeetm-d lu
«), and a rifle hattaliuu from the Indiana hkTfi'm* tn the nmtertion of hi-* artillery
iimlar .Major Gorman, th« whole commanded- by n, l i»*d Jett the plateau tor a ihoment, when'!
Col. Marrhal!,) and kept up a sharp lire.ffiaibmt; Wn,t recalled thither by « very heavy musk-try lire,
the mountain side, and apparently cnd«vurtng to J ,n regaining lh;«f f»->silion, 1 discovered that nur
gain our flank. Three pieces of OapL Washing- '''frotry (Hlinois and 2J ICrntu -ky) had engagtd
Um’a battery had been deUchod to Ihe.lcA, anil 11 K real ly force nf the enemv—evrdrnitv
were copportcd by the 2d Indiana.-regiment Eh reserve—and that they hail hrr-n overwhelmed
An occasional shell wo* thrown oy ?fte enemy in- *'•? ntltnlicra. The moment was mo*it~crisical.
to this part of otir fine, but without felTccL The Capt. O’lirii-n, with two pieces, liadlsuftaincj tluk
skirmishing of the light li.iopo was kept up null tvy diargc U> the last, aiul tinally übliecd
trifling loss on our part until dark, when I bcMam l>* leave hisgurm on thefi-ld—‘ris infantiy support
convinced that no serious attack, would lie made entirely ruutmi. Capt. Bragg, who had jiHt
before morning, p.nd returned with the Mississippi ,rr ' T, -d the left, was ordered at once into bat.
regiment and a aquadrou of 24 dragoon* to Bab M'ithout any infantry (b h ; m. aud
tiller. 'Tho troop* livouark'd without fires, and * l lbir imminent risk of losing hi* guh<, lim ..flicor
-laid upon their urnw. A body of cavalry, sorao eatnn rapidly intu acliou; thr Mexican fin* bring
l,f>oo strong, hid been visible all day in the rear but a few yards from'the mozzlo of his pieces,
of tho town, having entered tlia valley through *Ee first discharge of canin'cr cau«d the euemv.
[ a narrow pare east.of tho eity. This cavalry, *■> hesitate, and the secoud A lliird drove him hu'ki
} commanded by Gen. Minon had evidently lajJh in *fisordr-r, and savwl the day. gj’he 2d Kentucky
thrown in our rear to break up and harass our rc- * e girn«nt t which had advanced beyond supporting
treat, and perhap* rnak«* norne.attemptagainst thii 4 E Jlar >co in this affair, was drivc u lack and closely
town if practicable. Tho city was occupied' lv |’t B ***d by the enemy'J cavalry. Taking a ravine
four excellent companies of llfiuoi* volunteers uii- ' f hich led in tho direction < f Captain Washing
der Major'-Warrcn of the Ist regiment.' A fiaki- lottery, their pursuers became exposed m
Work, which commanded most of the En? fire, .which soon checked and drove them oil
w»» gimioned I 7 Capt. Webiter’s company. Gt ''dhloss. In the rocan ttaiu tlio rc-t oi our arid.
artillery, and armed - with two 24-pound bowiizcM l**J taken ]>oi>jiioh ODjtho plateau, covered by
while the train and headquarter camp wa* guarded und 3d Indiana rcgimnnls the for
by twocorapanicii.Mi*M**(ppi riflnmataunder tJapi, eo *' r vriiich had reuclied tin.’ gruuud in time to
Hogcra, and a field-piecu cnoimarided by Captain I HKir ® fi?o into the right flmk of the enemy, and
Shover, 3J artillery. Having made these diapysU’ lf,Us contribute to hn repulse. In this last con •
tions for the protection of tho rear. I proceeded on lcl w> * &d the misfortutH.’ to sustain a very hea
tbe m irning of ihe 23»l to BuPna Viiia, ordering Ty Hardin. Ist Illinois, and (Juloncl
v forward oJI the available Jrj.)p.i. Tljc action hail McKee nnd I.ieuL <!ol. Clay,' 2J Kentucky regi
cotamencotl lief ire toy arrival on the field. ment-i, fell at this time while gallantly heading
During the eveuiugand ntght of the 22d the commands,
enemy had thrown a !>ody light troops 00 -i|„. further attempt was made by the enemy to
-mountain «i<ui. with the purpose of outflanking force our position, and the approach of night garo
our lefl; and it wan here that tho action of the 2:t«] •nopjxirtunity to pay .propey attention to tho woun.
commcneed ;it‘in early h.iiir. Our rifleman un- lk d> oud also to refiesb the soldjiirs, who bad br«m
dor Colonel M-.i -h-fin »v!"> liad l»e»;u ri inforcsil by exhausted by inconant wntchfulncs * and combat,
thrixi c-.impauii'j undi-r Maj«»r Trail. 2d Itfm.Mi I’tonigh the night was severely cold, the troops
.volunteers, uumtuh-d thrnr ground handsomely , * cr< ’ r, >mp--llrd for to bivouack with«*ut
against a greatly, superior fonc; holJmg i| ie nj. fi'*-". expecting that morning would renew ila<
Mrlnm umler an.l u-iog ilmir weapons with During the Jitght the wounded were re
deadly eff-rt. AU>ul 8 o'rlyck a strong d.-tunn- Ci.we.l to Saltillo, and cverr preparation nude to
slration wav mado against the ceritio of our pnai. the enemy should tn- a g«u attack ourpo
tion, a heavy column m-ivmj; ahmg the mad *ainn. “ Seven frwh curnpatiics.wrrir drawn from
This fore* was eonn di>pcr#»-d by a fow rapid and l *‘ *. 1,1 “•'tu and Hrlgadiur Gen. .Manhall, wh • had
well-directed shots from * -ipt. M a-hingbui's a forced march from tho liincoiuiuo. L-tUiu
toiy. In the nieantime the enemy wa* concentra- ~- »'fiircemeiit ot Kentucky cavalry arid four h(ra
ring a Urge force iff infantry and cavalry under v y «uii* r tin,ler Gaptnin Pretitiss, t«t nrfillsry.was
'■ co»« of the ridgr-s-with the intention of forcing n "’* r al h«bd, when it wa.-» discoved that th« ri,..
oanlcfl, which «■»•- (noted ...-l aiM’xreiisii-ApUtfaijf n '* had rt!»:indoned !il< jioailtori during tho night.
TbS 2d Indisnv ur,.t 2d Illinois lejimrhn f.»rrue.| *-* nr Kr, »nts io<iii a-sct-rtainod.thnt ho had fallen b-f-L
thidpsri id our ln,r-. il„- lorm-r covering Ifire.r j ‘‘le'U Agmv Nueya. Th« great disparity ot ronn
pteesaof tight fcrtitl.-r , y ~ uiidi r deni of Cajit. j lMr *’ «*tid Hie tru-ipi, rendorH it
O’Bnen—ltrigacier Gei.rml Line lieing ih ihnj , r | ** , | , »-<firi:t nnd hazardiin tn attempt pur-uit. A
imioediatnfOiionjiud 4o .o.lrr to bring ‘hi* rjcr, ’'.a 1 * despatched t«» <jAn. H:mia \nrm
within effective Cinye. G.-n-r.-,! 1..,in- ->i*l.‘red (ho 1,1 an eichatige which wit* !
artillery end 2-1 Itidiatm rogim.-nt l-owjid. Th.’ **‘ , l»lactonaly ecijoph-tcil on the fill.,wing «Uy
artillery *Jvi,n. t d within musket range ol n lira---^ u ?. 4, " wcro'colbctnl and huned.and tb.>'
t vy U»dy of Mexican udaniry. and wan served with Mexirau Wounded, of which a Urge number had
grest effect, but without fieing able to ch* r4i the u l’ on lh * *W»k were femnVod to Saltillo
Advance. The infantry mderrd t-» its 4,,d *c«Jered a*, comfortable n- c.rcumsJanceH 1
fallen back in disorder, I'ciug cxpiiml, a» well 34 "/‘Uld |iermit.
tlia battery, trot only Ui a mverw fire of small anm- ° u ,t,u lll ° '*Ctb, a close rcconuots
from thp front, but also Li 1 murderous crosV fire ’* 3IICU WM bude of the enemy which’
of grape and eaunisU-r from a Mexican battery W4# f°und to lw occupied wily by ■ smalt body <>f
• Captain O’lirwn found it impossible Ca, fl f y. the infiotry and artillery hating retreat,
retain his (msilion without aupport but wuuii- * ll •*> tho dircetiori of .San Euis'"Phtosi. On'the
ly. able to withdraw two .>f lii-r pieccf.all tbehora- *7th our truopj yeaumfd their former camp at
e* and cannoneers ‘ifihb iliird-picce being killed enemy's rear guard evacuating
or diaablcd. The 2*l Indiana regiment, whichhad. »* w* approached, leaving a consider#,
fallen back a* stated could not bo rallied, and took - number of wounded. l( was my purpose to.
no further part' in the rjh - r: hfaqnartera at Encat nation irarjjr the next'
meo, who, onderit* galirni t.-«;ek-u/«*?/ : <':'-»ri « but apon-excrainsrion, tbs weak cOndi
cd the Miiaissippl rcgimeU '■} e cavalfj. horses rendered it nnadvjtible
and those fugittrea who»t- * ihoj * L ' 40 kxig a march without water. Acom
dajr, (stood in defending tue /4«n.ij; - 1 v U- ■ l! } ~finally despatched to Encamotion, on
Buena Vists* Thi* portloi <■?] 6-^r-^Tarch, under Col. Belknap. Soifaetwo
given way, and tl>e enemy «p; . J > .unded, and about lixiy Mexican 'sol. j
folfff force again*! ottr left r - there, the army having fiaarod on 1
"• v v ‘ ' ' '" r -y r - • •
• hichbad rendered
:b g#pd acHtiee
moattaio, were inmprllt-d J» tfithdrarv which tlu y
did,for ibe martpart ofder. M*nj how>
not raHied unlthbisy, readied tfta J. pot
at V,.iti!t.i ilif deli|nec'ul which i&*y ,:f«
tcrwardii ojililiutei'.
regiment, (lid.llium**,) jvbiU*
had been j •u.e.l ty a mtcliou ot (*up!»iii Sher
man's battery.liail I>-<ciiiu- c mipleu lv uo<t9u;kr.l.
and was Compelled t*> Ull back, t-tng entirely yr.
suppoiled... Tlicenemy wa*.now pouring mu«t^
•>l liilanuy an. l ca>alty along the nf tit**
m .unlaid .in <nir Iff., inj.l n-.-s gaining mir r«-tr m
4r**al At llu*\ I arrived upm lh**
tjrl.l. Mi- Mitiistppi rcgin**-»it had Ivep due.t
'••i !" ill • 1, n l. t f,i • teaching tin- po-.n..,-. an!
nniiif.liat.-i)' i-arnciuUi acli-jo almost iln? Mcvr.n:
InUnirt wiurh lia.l turned our fliitk. The ‘ Uml
K* ntunky and a -ivli.iii • f nrUitery under'
lain Bisgg. had previously U-i-n older, d from
the right i.i renifea-*.* our If f'.utd -ur-ved at a m.i.t
upp.Mtunc moment That u-giiiK'il and i
u-ii> i>J the lit**! iiiliii.w, u'.d* i Col. Martini, gat'l* iliiifp’ it.«*■ * n:my, ir«) rrfc.v. rr.i n [*.>t)
ul lit- vunml xvc U.t.l f lu’ Itailoin r ..f i ip
t:mi» unit H/au,: wc-rn in p«.siii,m on
the pl.i'en', atnl Jtd much execution, not ntily -in
front, but , .sctilfl(]y upon iLc which had
mi! r* nr. IWcivcrire; that tin* trwnrv
w r» Ifiv'tly the Mir kip;:* regiment, fh.-
tuiit InoijiM n'i::rnuiil, under Hoi. Luuc, \v.»s
“trrnu'li-ii tlj*at |*«rt c»i our nor tvlh.-h
f.ninrJ n rin'r’iwt iM-rivdilicolaf to Hi ft.-i |:;ir
Ot l.alllr. \l tlirHami* tilili* I.lent. Killtll'li. with
; B I't t'.npt. Bragg’* batten. ua- ,tir;cleil t,.
, support the infantry then* engaged. The nriiou
wa*« lor a long time* warmly sustained at thm
point —Hie enemy making scveul «tT.»iU l*oil*
wiih jiiluniry and cavalry agaiti*l »ur Jim-, ami
l-rid* always r«*puls -*| with h*:ivy In-*. Iliad
pUiP.I all ilir regular cavalry and ('apt Hikes
squadron of Arkansas horse under llic orders ol ,
Brevet Lii-ut. t’nl. May. with directions to hpld |
in rhevk the enemy’- column, Mill advancing U<;
Urn rear along the base nt the mountain,
which wm done in c.itijunclion with tin* Kin.
lucky atnl Arkaura* Cavalry iliidri (on*. Marshall
and Vi !’. In the meantime our l»H, which wa<
ftill atroriglylhriatcnpi! by a »uj«* iiur fore*’, wna
turth.r l.y a ilctachtuiMil ol Cypt
lJragg’a, and a {kiiMoii of (’apt. ShermanV bit
tetic*, to Mint t|imiiiT. ThccoiiceuUali.Ki of |hc
artiKciy tire upon the raawea ot thc taiciriy along
the bis** of the mount tin. an»l the determined re
sistance offered by the two r.*f*umn!i opp.i-ctl to
ihem, had cruokd coufu»nm m ami
• itucnftho corps allcnipted li> iffect a -retreat tip*-
on their main, lino ot battle. . The iqiiadr .ii oi
the lint dragoons under l f icul. Jlticker, wa* now
ordered up Ihe deep raviqe which these, retreat
ingcorp* were emlfayoriiig m iti order f> I
chargti.anJ disper.o them. The squadron pro j
reeded to the point uidicnlrd.hnt c.'u'd n’t acc -tup i
li-h the s;-J l » heavy fi>« frfmi’
a batteny established to cover the nlroai oi thin**’
corps. While the >i|uadr»u wa£ ilctjehnil on tbi* j
servic*;. a large body ot the enemy vraa ob*. rw.l |
to concentrate on our extreme left, s;t]>areniW with j
a view of making a descent upon IhtAhsciviiJa of!
Buena \ wu. where our train and baggage were j
deposited l.ieut. Col. May was ordered to the |
support of that point, with two jutcen ohCol.
man'* battery under l.iiuit. ln the
: meau’imt* the forces near, rye lucicnda. [
: compised in part of Major* Mauhall anti fJ.nmat.’- !
had been to some extent orgamic*! i
under the udvtcoof Major Monmo'chii l ol artilcrv. |
with the of Major .Mongin, v 4ui,t. e'r :
"tatf and wen- {rMcl to defend the He j
tore our civahy ha.l reached the l-.actenda that . f j
the enemy hid commenced its attack, having turn
1 hands.only met by the Kentucky and- Ark.nm*
ejvaiiy under Cok MaishalUn-j Yell. The M. i
lean column immediately .iivided, one porinn
sweeping by the depot, where it receic, d n do*-
. t.ructivcilro from the forc« which bail cdlrcicu
there, t.u.l then g lining the moutiinin op.>*ui* i
"huder alireffum Lieut. U.yiiolu'* »e<-tinn. tb«* r«- ■
mamnig jmrtion regaining th.vha<*> . i tlwm-un. j
tain on our h it. In the charge at Hucna \ i*u.
<"*»'. \ elllVH gallantly atthe hea J •>! ins r< g:;;** n>. !
we nt»> L**l Adj'l \'aiiuham. of the Krntu.-kv i
csialrv a y.vjng otllcer *il mueh pr.irni-**. • 1.0 i". i
'Nt.whtihjJ l-orri i>* t! t .- .
t '!i ih- I 4 Jr ic k«h* m.J l>v ,
Ark i:i«j> ai*d uiMt l.i'-ut
it<»3lH‘. mill Mij. »>OW !»ppr.>ir«r
n-.- 11} IH clink ! ;ie
H !i.u tlir r 1 V, 'irt"- 5 -. r-
•n W3:l it- lug '.'.Vlill'l
’•*' Wu!i !i 1) til *;ain; i <»ili ».• 4. V
ujiJ U mvituvi doutytu! v»fir!tl*v it
tin- main U*lv. - At u>h m»;:n •
know wiial f waijivii 'j 1 i,f, iseJja.dy
Hr<. Wool to Li.- .\l,uron c ,. J( »-r.
.«hhl. 3 »d rent urdo- c-ase il 1
f.hici»;.ig :ii»* Mi'll, a-. Li-.-, '. •!]„ W.v.. .
rID the din chon 4jf .\lalcltualj, mill grejrtiy reJuc
'<if number#, aDa auffeung rauch (rom hunger.
Vfce dead ahd dying wen* strewed upon the road
iiii.lfi i.i Jed fhe byitdtngi of il.c haeiemU.
Tl»i. Aau*u ah t .ut-mu*g.d i:» the !>mleol.
1 llui-iii \ irta n The .scconipai.Yihg field
| report, Lu ti4V«» been £n olTiccm, and 4,btio men, i
: exclusive ..f tin- .uistl mininam! left m and near i
i Saltillo. I), this number. two sijuadruns ofcaval I
■ nr. and tim e. lu’b m- of light Artillery, mak ng |
j.UoL uiuio LIiAU 433 meu, com posed ihc only force i
; r **a**i»» i» ."i«. i ln‘ -.trriigth of ih - Mexican ;
i< slated by (Jem Santa Anna, in his sum- j
I iiuii.r. to I*.* UO.oOtf. and that estimate i« confirm j
: r.i bv si! t*u- inlotin.iUou nine** (damned. Our In— |
i. 287 kill 'd, tlifi wnnnded, and 23 rtiieinc. Uf
tne numerous wobnded. runny did not rnjnrie ?e
-. iiioVjl !o tin' 1,0-pin!, siij it i- Imped that i c.>m
i J ,; »r»iiee|y <n, ill number. v» 'e jK-mnun nilv di»-
I aMed. The Meeisan I.W i n kill.-1 and wound,-d
j may Wfai.riy eKiuni'rd ’.v and mil
] t.‘v ri 'i 'U U.l’i'U. At |en«* .*nn «i their killed.were
iH< npjo the li* Id ot'liotn.* W." no nmns
j M ly-iftl.ii.Miij th.i minder ..I d-.-v.u-i- urn! .h*.i t
l jMT«ed in-n from then rank*. Imt it i - kn.jwn to ho
| vi,y ~,f.
Our J.m- » ja * e*|>*'uc!iv -ev, re m ..tfc-M,
I .v. rtty.cij.lii t-.-i,. h.-.-i, Ud: .1 u |P .n Hie
V‘. *.o inn., nl *hc deilfi ol I’spi. tiem-,-
! h.i -In, .i * i-l mi adiut.uit [•mend. .m'm*
fc’ .ll ul l». ii. Wool- .. yoni:i: .'tl'n-ri o| ti ; eh U'4f
iu-.’ and approved r,.dl.inlij. who f.-l! eailv m rim
(••••mil. .\n lm« l-.f.iiiU iijun t!,,- at.
mv oi (he ih-1.l lliiui thatl\>U Hnrdtu rni.l Me
kee...!,.! I.vut. r.d. ri-iy. r.oe- i.onar,.
lnofk.i ,; l"' tbi* col.fid.'lifo of tlicir l oiilllHlu.
and the UM two having ei jov.hl ih.> advunUßrs of
II military, 1 had lookr,! partu-nlarly (•>
them I'.i itipp. u in case we met the" enemy. 'I
need mil cay that their zc«l m engaging thu eue
my, and thii m ,l and slejilU-t-cotirnite with whirh
tiny iitaiutaiued their pomiona during tho dav
hilly icalizrd my hoju-s, and eatiaed u.e lo’tecl vet
more their uniimely lo^«.
1- l*itor.n a grjUlul July in hringing fu the
rmti.-e of I lie government the general good ,con
duel ..J tin; troop- kx)>u*ed lor n(oh'«
wiihuul tire- to the -evenly of ihv wcathu. lhv>.
tverc, evi r prompt and cheerful in the djurliafge i-l
exeiv duly, and finally displayed cun*pirum:“
> ea*lmt-‘“ slid gallantry in repulsing at great odJs
j dhpiiucd toe. • hile the brilliant ruceai* ac
hieved by Ilnur anna nio froinlho painful
necer-iiy nl «pieifvmg many case-„l bad r .rjducl
h.-tore the enemy. 1 fed art inert-j&ed obligation to
mention psiliculiti corp“ and . whore skill.
c.Klue-<, rind gilbmry tn ttyinu »i*u«iir.n.“ and
iii.Jer a continued and heavy lire, -cm to merit
particular notice.
I o Briutidn r (knrral W,.,l tny ohlicaiions at«‘
t -pividlv d it*, flic high sta'f .f di-rdpline and
instruction of si?vti sl id l!ic volunlrer icg nteiits
wa- a t .iini'd uiulcr In- command, ami to hia vigi
lam. ami aiduout Ufjre tin., action, ami
hi.-- gallantry and activity on the field, a large
share #1 our suce-.s miy )u*t!v he attribated.—
liuring most of the engagement he waa'in im*
mediate c niimaiui of the tri»ops thrown back on
our left flink. I N-g leave to reou'mtnend him to
the favuiabl i nolle# ol the governrneot. Brigadier
I,'emr.M kamj irlightly wounded) was acfiTo And
/•al >u* througlimn the day, and di-qiluvcJ great and galuntry before the enemv.
- The services of the light artillery, aUavs con-
wire ut- r.i than usually d.-unguishcJ.
M.ivmg r.ipi lly.'ovcr the mughcjl ground, it trn
oiw:.\ i in action at file ngnl place anJ the ripht
".ui. , and U» well-iiuech-'J file dealt d« >iruciMrT
m fin) n .i»ses ul the enemy. Wmlo 1 recom
mend to j livulhr. gallant conduct am!
vai j il>!e serviies ef M ijor Munroc. chnf . f artil
l"iv. and l.’aptain. U asbington, Uh artillery, and
•"Herman and Br.tgc. 3d artillery, commanding
batleih.-, 1 deem Li no more than just to mention
all ihc sululu-rn. officers. They were ncarlr all
dc'auhed at tlitl ;ent time' ai.d in rv rv situa
ii-.ii uihihited' eou.picuou- skill and gallantry
< .ip'.nn llu.'o. I.o'uieinni- llrcut. Whining
and L'dUch. 4'h irtillcrv. am! Hryan, topegfjphi-
nigmi-i rn. (»ligM’lv wouuJed’.i were atta-fi.
ed to f -jpt-im U a-pington/. hatmry. l.icuteti-i
ir.t- Thorn»«. keynolds and Frer.e'.. 3J artillery !
, «ov.r>,x wou'i Ic-J. /toih ii ■•! lip'aui Shcrmin: i
a,, d 1 ‘ ipt.un M."trr and Kilhmu. 3J ami- j
l-.ry. m that.t fnj.tau. »t I'sp-a,,, -Slmru,'.
f •• I*.,’ •• ivahy .1 liu-.-ra! M1.,0n The.reaub,
i »• ai •. in.di r i.i-> ol M.v aoi. cvh:<-bw;i»
fat. -J r.,t.> n l-.k. - -pad:..., .f Arttauka-
I\ 'i d lUr .in, \
!, t vo lai l : :.!r g.ii mirv nnd
••tdlu. V-, a 1.1 .•’U’.l.fMHl th. Uighoul the mur*,.;
• • -'i'.m ,-t “ •; '' * '• -a Brecht
1 l ..Li lot) ~1 • V.'O',,- dy “ Iluili'l l -ItUl.
1 m.iii,.j,t! in.-M.iv.. i u a i .ul-.iiatc nj;-
bJ|j|-r.e.l aufwita hen.V -1,1 fda.i
p.'lani j.. *. f hr fi*!J until r. ir.mrc il. ( o!.
1».v.“. f; -’.i.i‘l !.■•> «%;:,!r.!, r.iiuir,h! m
i:.- uDhitli. .'.-0 u l the a...
I.i;i'd e.ioines. J'ld qiltantiv at th.. load oi
hi -•'•m. m on dry cntiik J !mn |../t» 4 p j; »
.liLui.r u . i..- -i ih ■ ,;.,v,.rm,i,. 1 ,t. Th. .! Ili ..h,,,*.
•s- i 1
c.r n?.!.;. 1., .. pu! tlieoltimj.t. ,•,} t!t.., n <-i.n
i.'M.'d. it,at p->ui-.ii i-t.our ium. Tfc,- U
t Miliv. under t M/ionel Marshall, r.-nd. itd roih!
». rvtc.i di»m;iunte»f. acung a* light ir Gipson our
b f:. :njil oturward*. with a portion ..f* tv \rksn
fas reuimeni, hi ux-eling anJ di*j,firing iherol
li-nn H 'r»i*ry ',l Bm-m \ i«ts. T|,.- l-tand
-d lllin.or. and the ”.J Kentucky n>, serv
ed niiniidiali.ty under my eye. [ a wiltini>
t.-ntimonv lalln'ir excellent conduct ibroughout
tho day. . ,
The spirit an 1 gallantly with which the first
Illinois and «d-‘Kcnturky engaged the ctnmiy in
the morning, restored confidence to that part of
the field, while the list ufcasualitics will **,<»«.• how
much thrsi' throe rcginicnts hutl-n-d m *u*tsirnng
thu heavy charge of tin* enemy in the afteni.on.
Uapt. (’oijWer’s company of Texas volunteers, at
tached to tl c g.f (llnit)ia regiment,ft,ught bravely,
its Captain being w..'ii:,b-d and two eoljlw,,*
kdlrj. Co . Ui!».-!,Uki only aiirviviug ndenef of
(<f ifnr*e n-c nicftts. incnti notice for his cn»luec H
and t r ivt-iy un this ocea-i.m. Alter Ha- i„|l ~|
the iielil officer* of lhe*l*l. Illinois ind l£d Ken.
t'trky ri gnnculK, itie coinrnand d ttm the former
dcv -le.-d upon Lieutenant t\i|oin:l WeatherforJ ;
tint tifrhe falter upon .Major Frav.
Ivv-giuiei.tal c .mmjriJers unJ other* who have
rendered roports, speak in general terms of the
•goo.J cm.luct of the officers and men. and hm>
•,;d finny names, hul the limits nf this ic|*ort
forbid a ii'ripititi’-lion o| them here. I may, how
ever mention Lieutenants Kucker and Campbell,
of the dragoon*, and Captain Piko. Arkansas c*v
nlry, fimmanding sijusdtom; Lieijtcnanf (*.d-nel
Fn Id. Kuiiue'iy c'avhlryj, Lieutenant Colonel
Roane. rivalry, upon whom t'ac com
mand dov.dv. J alter’ the fail of Colonel. Veil;
•Mayor Bradford, Captain Hi.arpe, (severely woun
Jed.J and Adj'Jtanl triilfidi, Mississippi rcginien<;
Lieutenant Col. Ha IJen. !M Indiana Kegio- ut!
■nd Lteotenant Robinson, A, l). (J. t-iCen. Lum •
Lfaulonxnl t-übiitd Weatherfidd, Irl Illinmsng
! merit; J.idutcn.ant Morrison. Mbj>i Trad,
and A.iiulant WhiiJside. (»cvprcly wounded.) "d
lihiwia regiment; uad Major Fry. 2i Kentucky
regiitnuil, as being noticed fir his gallantly on I
good .tmduct. ’Maj .r McCulloch, quartermaitar
in the volunteer sorvice. reudered important ser
vice before the cfißagcm-nil, in tho commaml of a
•py company, and during the a/tiir, was ass.cia
ted with Iho regular cavalry. To Major Warren
1-t Illinois volunteers, I feel murh indebted fa
bis firm and judicious course,’ while ix. ic.*iiig
command tn tf>« city t f Saltillo.
Thu medical stslf umlcrtlie able din-ciroii of
Assistant Surgeon liiicfneck, were aisiduuus in
attention to the w iundid opm dm fi-1,1; ami in
lh«-ir cn-reful removal to the rear. Both in
r,i,|**ei* snd in tho *ut>s?i|uent crgum/.ilii,n jmj
service-of the hospital*, the adminislMlum ~f [|,i,
department was everything that could be vv ■
lingular (Jeimml Wo-d K fCo ki in high terms I
of ih-- fiicvrs of llie utafi. and I take ii. {
menu >r,i:ii* them here, having wiiriesied thr'ir uc |
ttvHv .tt.J 7<-:,l ujmn th- fi-I.t. I.icutcusfit and '
,A. H Melbiwnd. CnKncl Churchill,-in»j>er 1
far gi m ml, Captain Clijprnan, ardsiant quart -r |
-ilimer, l.ii i;i« nnr>l ,Siigreßvex. 'opographical ru. I
g;neer«, snd Capisin H-.wa»,| and Bavin, volun- !
trer si'tvicj', are l. iccdhy tho gen- j
oral (nr their gallantry and goo I conduct. Mean*. !
•March, AiMieJcs, Pott*, H-rrrison, Burg.***, and)
D-j.- iiherg, *i;a,iud in vjfmu* rapacities toQon. |
W.«-jf* henthpurt-r*, are likr\vi»e riicritioucd tm I
th. ir intelligent alacrity in conveying onb-i*.ti, all
|mrts id the field.
In iMiirlui.fou I b-g leave t i-apeak of rnv own
stall', tnwvhoai* exertion*, rallying troop* an il com
munlr.itir;' orders I tori greatly ir.ib hr. ,1. Major
Bliss, asMataiil udjulml general, t lapt. J. H. Ea
ton, ami Lieut. K. H. (Jarurtl. n J-i de-camp, retv
oil near in/ prr*iu, and with .prompt and zejlou*
in the discharge nf every duly; Sfsjue Munto,*
besiifas ren Jr ring-valuable servico as chief of ar
till, iy, was active am} iri-troincntaf, as were also'
Cot*. Chtirrhhill and Belktnip, inspector* general
in raflymj; troop* and disposing them for the d«.
fence n! th». train und baggage. Col. Whiting.
'|uartcunajrtcr general, and Captain Eaton, chief
* lflß *|>b»Ut«ice department, wern eitgiged with
tlm duties of,their department* and also arrved in
rny imimHhum staff «U the field. Cap!. Bihley, as
•natant ipuiteimait.-r, was necessarily |«ft will,
tne.hf*4]9oaricr camp near town, wbt'n hiaae/vi
were highly usrfol. Major Mansfield and Lt.
oennato, engineom, and C*pt. Unnin!,- and Ll*.
Fopa and Franklin, lopographtra! engineer*. -Were
employed before and dining U»e engagement in
making reconnoiasance, and on the the field wer«
very jctive in bringing information and m con.
: «;m K jtny tK.ini. Litutetunt - UTkR TOM TilK iKST AT VERA CBOfc
King, bury, in addition tohiiptoper-Juiica as nrd- . , _
n»nco (jlioiuf), a»fUUnt tjuartfrmii- Uen. Scott was not to march with th» miin
ter. anj M»j »r Dix ami GnSae. *rved also n ex. Pueite Naciooal fir-'eom* days to
tie .nJt-de camp, and vv. ic actively employed in ) cuiup. nut Ui>ioig>uJTi.'i«m transport umn u> wer*
li e usiiimisjntd ot urJer*. Mr. Pbcmui 1,. Cnt i , l,| t an im.nrdiate tnoveroeut; but he will, or re
leaden, of Kentucky, though not iu terviqe. sol- » ihct ho.-, taken possession of the roads both light
until, rod an my aiJ de-tarap on this occssiou.and • tun! left, in order Ito obtain supplies of all kiuda
m»UI with credit in that capacity., Major Craig. , from the country 6f the enemy,
chief of ordnance, and Surgeon Oraig, medical ; On the 28tli o( Marc!., Gen. Bcott bad the rea-
had been detached on duty from loadquat- olutionof Congress, presenting (he thanks of Con.
ten. and- did not reach the 'giourui until the in-ir• stcf** to Gcn-r Paylor and bis army, promulgated
mrne of tlie 2 lib—too late to participate in the ur- *" general the following words: “At
tion, t>ut in tnr.e to render useful services in (heir ' many of those gallant ofliceta and men who deptrimcnu of the atoll - . * achieved the 'brilliant victories alludtd to, art* Dow
I incluro returns ot the troops’cn. Bith this particular army, at a great J»»Uocolrnm
gag.d. and nl cu-<uaiiiio* ioriJtut to the liiftJe. ! the distiiigni-thed Maj. General Taylor, the pleat,
I art. sir, very r.-sprrlfully. v.nir uld'i. xervant.frjglß duty upon the grneral-in chief, to
7.. TAVJ.OK. . f'announce*that rcetjliilion in printed orders to the
M.ij..r t i.-nei il I'. S. Army (‘i>|imuiidiiig. , * hoi.- .iimy now with him'"'
Hn-Am. rivrllmim 01-the Army. Wadi- A- '•tntig, nt orJ*r wa« tout'd by General No.itl
•>" 'h-- Ut nl ee.tdu outrage-,
which had ;h.i'n commill.vl hv*a few w.nlhl<*»
sot.lie'- hi tin- urniv,- und calling ii|xin tin 1 main
ot till- li«»nps, otiicii'M aud privates, to a**i*t in
lintißine, t-i |ii,ltc*».thorn' who should disgrace i>ur* hv buy vio|»in>n of law whatever.
Soldo n-aie not all,•.«,•,! | 0 stray from camp with
out n \Mitlon j vtmi-c ion, .and tlx* „lfieers j„ )K
bidd.l.-n t.f.ivr |*-Miii-„|.irM -ive tu the or,lei ly
till: lull, It I
It' llri lull luillHl. am. S. ..TIIM,
tuAiisihij, i>i MiiUi.l, it mi<l, will sen,l £*,»ihi | y r
the Hungry in Kuropc. A niceling was heh! oil
the \M-t..»( wilt;*!) SJ.--.r-*. (‘omiiunh-ini. N’i-v-lnnd
Urt- pre-ided. b.-hnc whd* : i ad-1.e.*.-* w^tc
ina.k* l>» Mewl*. f .• i y 1! * ♦ !*Ailc.-.*ii lu.i I ’ uniting -
I In- 1 -J|.»w uii' .'-•lul-'m-'ii ivrr.- th-m unanimous'
ly -fl-( led. to 0-ilicil dointiisitv Iron) the humane
Jam.-Wl»«; D Calhoun, John Will,ck.
U m, Fatter-on, J. H Net-1. R-.1.i. WliiKlia.n. J.
M. K. H. !.»rgr and William Wig*,
«i*v. ral gentlemen were the-i appoint,-J tjtakc
chari'p nf ail d nta'i-.ii-, and forward the **ainji to
M. A Urn, I’mj. j I*.
Jl.nCllso.S TOW.N-ililf lu« ■‘rlrcted thn f-.lluw'i
ing i»**uU. im u l,»r. arh school district, to makoml-
I**', i'y .Sitkmaii. i>. Torrence.., J. U.
.M'Klhruny, J. \b“r«. ltd. J«ia*- Blair. Saii Ut -|
WiMon. lilt Samuel Large. ||. Kennedy:, Sili K.
I Vicn ul. SV..IS Furkinson. Cth 11. il.WFlticlJ.
t.y. W. HulLiisii. 711. William LuvvrcyV Jolyi
Ha'lii*. Kill Amu. I‘ielce, F. Sln*t‘. \c*
I l.e people ~f n*unv i \ Tun .tsiue (m l t!ie
el.un li ->n il„- «t)ih itist., nnJ was organized with
John SV,|-.., iae-rha,r. and Jo-rpb Kaß.in
N*cr.- ay. Ti a m.-iling wa»jdf.|-irntly address,
e.l !iy : \l.fsr., IV (*. Shannon, K. B. Uih.rr*, auJ
K. H. K«»rr, and thu were ap
p nuic I lor carh school distt.oi. to rulfcvt dona-
James Raliton, John Wilr.iu, licrtlm,
Thus. Varner, 11. M'Djnough, Jacob lloming,
Robert CUas*. Matthew West.
A llumrailt.-o to receive donations and lorward
the *«nr to the city, consists of Me-srs. Wil- in,
Wallace, C'si-key and ItaUlun.
Srtiy Wooi.k*» Favtohik- —Four cornpa
ni- s have recently been fermej in Luca, N’. Y.,
lur the manufacture uf Woolen and (Vion fabric*.
I'hc Journal u! Commerce', in noting tho tact.
The capitals vary from ?li>U.OO*t In J-LIOO.OOO.
Ui.e .-f them is already in operation. It ha.. \ven
fouijd that steam is not only mi cconomic-il mo
tire |»ower, but a Uii»o rontubutor to the vtlur- ot
the manufactured article. In ad.||t,o n to its
heating the buildings and driving the machinery,
it is used to dry, full, dye, and iftcn the tahrics,
with the most perfect auccc—. The a fier
prHnrmmg the».- various fanctr m». h couJen*«d
and transformed rnt.r the purest water, wmch i
used in washing an,! clc-arising the wool, to which
it impart* great softness and l.j-.rre*. The giMxl*
thus far pioJurid arc in great demand, and are
sought fur here and in Boston. at which latter
place they hare brought a handsome advance up
on the usual prices.
ItCittyn anJ \\ oo!.-n*go.nij caji he manufac-
t at.-u.-h ajvsntagcs in I'nes.n thnedoid nd-
vjn;ig. is i-tl-n-d t-» capitalists in thi* city, and
*»- wonder* very day thsj »., mo:.- lias Ihoo done
in lliis di—e blan-ries ..i imnu
N.-lliiin*. w.- a*.- mti !l | a»-i)rrii, i-n «-(,•«
('•«, n.v mi 7ii-
oij >! i ?<i > .ij' iJif U.ivciumt.i.t i.kiii will
J.t.iuMv ri-.ij
.1 • mi .1' rrvt'ii hundred
«.il ki rc|iii. ( ,J. * M.iniu-ja.,. airia T h
w* v r.*ut pt.-imum. ] ••1114 ~.!vau.v<(
-Mft •! |«'f cent uj.vj the M ,-t these yentb*mcn.
n.uici* that very wm.mi. rhi'-ji < continue to*
f'u-.u,.,' b. inv.-it thi so j’.-iitlt in ‘(i 4i,.| i; 4O S tV r,*.
l irv -I 111.* Trea<„rv. Me-r»W.,,,,, * Ki.-gs
I>V - I* - HI sill* JM-I, ;,riwil Ail|iV.i|i.Uiii,ui
l-i.rti Ifn* -UH. on,! are irn.iu» thn riches! biokeis
II! Un< i-oni.tiy. They have fecl.l th,. contingent
fuuJ ol the ihniM- ot Ur|rrerei;Nliv t —, ||,o hinJ*
.1 the Tgv&sury Department. anJ have grown
nch. amt have mad-* others rich nut of the pr- tiu
i>t the CoTmmient.
1 In* Ucv. S. K. H*oo s , | ai (y on j twj r | u ] t |f PJIf
Willi liiroff Climmc young men, have ariiv.d at
New Vnrk. in the mliij. Jlunlu-H* from Chit a , r»f
tii 4 very pleasant Voyage ol ninety-eight .lain
The IW Chinee who hate accompanied Mr.
Brown nre from the mo«t advanced class of thn
Morrison Education .Sorely 1 * school;,, have
hf-rn sent tor imfdcle their rduc ili.ui in this conn-
Irv ainUJrrat Britain, by the r. .jurat anJ at the
rx l** r '’*’ of some of the l-ading immh.iri ot the
foreign community iti China. * ,
Wrac.aHia —Thr |*.'o|,|r **f from
thi returns receive.!, bare rejected the now Con- by a large vote. The rejection of [hi*
Constitution will make Another ncreasory, and to
obu.n thu a new Convention Will bo requisite.
The reject*.! Constitution was one ol a moat ul
tra a nil •Unijerouj cliraclcr.aiul the pcojilo of the
t.-mtory apj**4f tu have administered a proper re
buke to thoso who formed it.
kLr»n N *Ttof or *Aui:nitrv T .-About one
hundred citizens «f Allegheny, on Thursday, mo.
ntorialiasj thu Mayor m ajik and outhonzo an
illumination of the city on evening, in
honor of the glorious victories achieved by tho
Americans at Buena Vista and Vera Cruz. Jn
answer, the Mayor has published the following
In compliance with the above request, the riti
z-n* of Allegheny nr,* hereby invited to illuminate'
Ihrir houses on .Saturday evening next, i u honor
of the viclo'ifH <>t Uuena Vista and Vera Cru/.
oso u HEN.KV CAMPBELL, Mayor. '
Allegheny, April 22d, 1847.
Ixi-oliTaTioa. into Nit—Thr im
portntioni inJNow York am very heavy Jininj
Uie jimacnt month. .From tho Klh lo Ihn MUh
in»t. llic result wan a* follow*!
,B * C - 17- Waso.
?81C.78y ai. r »,i»6l S*l2S,G2ii
,71.90 a 72y.422
1.2H7.C5f» 2.652,82 N 2,21i5,m
•15<>.8im G80.46U 42y,Gr>2
Thu irn locust- ex porta lion* of Ur« B d»tufli n>
. have given U.e liti|*otut* ta Uichj Urge in •
! «.,o|J ,|„i
#:i,oiw,iimi „f g.K.j, jn ir,, anJ ,I, fnr , to
M.-i.rjil M.rk.-r, Will h. ,i„.|,, r „
'nil!. TIIO i, tho iMj .
Val a a ‘' r ‘ f,“m Ki,ro|,ii Hit mointiil
,m Mujcun puritan! ‘ipin. In 11,,. t,| (Hl | „f
‘br- milicii.ati.ii,, ||„. ri , wi|| i.'i, .r,,,,,};,,!,,,,
In, Kl.ll tl.**. will i„,i o pc n
1tr..,,. Ihc :|J ot M„ y , Our n,,|,.,, w,ll |i,„r.„
ir.liri.,ti„ s article itmlt-r l|,„ I.’i, hm,l w
• clerinre i„ tbm Irajcuf Iho Uric
'..rrtr,,,,,,,. 0,;..i.11. W.n . m .|„„,|.
Ijr llfirleelnl t.» ri.rlir,, tli«,a|rpiar ,iicp ..I llij.. aliltf
•hill, cinauii,,! I.y Men,KIJ-r ,n,l Allcr. and
under «h »; riiar.. e crui, J | t |,„ I]o |,|„ u „
pounes )H ably advanced.
rho (iovaatoa of lie Mu.c lit pardmlSiTif. Iron, the paj tt onl of ||,„ fll ,o „f j| 6 o,
recently impoeod upjn l,i„ bj u,„ ,|„|,|„ n of lh o
Court, under a charge of libt ,|.
/er«:j( Whig* bate don* nobly in their towoahip,
I’ittbho«ou WiMicat Ann,;*, -Wp un- tni^^ <,rot, P l 1 •Jwtioitf, having carried a largo
d*»-und that this aociaty, will g j To ibeir necond J Ol of . lown * b y oajoriliw. t
oratorio, on Tursday .mu, g n„|, (lt< , »dh oH The mod.7 7.7.. a by it.
l-n ,) n the Cumberland Church, Siitb atmi. of tbo Imb Belief Fund, at Ohirtftrtdn,
1. irUioUrtUUtW «<**.*»««».
tie rlcui ut Ice li.foi.lh, M „hirbi.
i month than la*t ftv,
Wi>rih’a nplert IVo. 3 Jirm th* afauJe hi
h»»i> nil uim-ns ol.Vera Crux Rive tip their arm*,
tavern* rinsed. s»v«. 11..-v ••(•Inin n special heanrr,
etc. The Mriiem law- -us between Mexican*.
»r.- (.> bo (Vnlinui‘<l in r.>ic«*. line! justice to W ad
ministered by .Mexican tribunals.
Diflereiwv* Americans of the anr.y
inJ authorized followers of the same* In he invi-s
-tigate.l by a military cumrohsion. *The Mexicans
are allowed to leave the city freely between re*
veillo irml rc’iirat.
Thcjforinrr tirade,. K. p. Vela, hating declined
to in Other, Lieut. f'ol. Hnizinger is ■>>.
pointed in hi< place.
f "orl xiti foiidii' and cuji\ aro licensed, and the
»:.|e of li.|noi* in an unauthorized maimer guarded
’l*hc country [Msopt.v begin to come into Vera
Croi. bringing vegetable* and other market sup.
phea. Uien. Worth had cuarted a tariff ii|ku> all
aiti.-lealwought into the city to be sold.
A great many laborers are employed in clean
mg lh<j« , t(i*i*ts nf \ era Cruz, which are in a hor
ribly filthy condition. A stench jmivuJl* the
whole city, particularly that part of it which suf
hr rtf most fnini our caution. It is supposed that
there inu-l U- many perrons buried beneath the
ruins <>( Ihr bouses Jerlmyed by oor «h»IL. E«-
erv thing gels along smoothly under (iem-rat
Worth’s g 'vcnijoetu. -
Scott ho* taken active and extensive mra
•urea to complete tho train for (ho main body ..l
the army a* soon as possible. A liygu purober
of mules arc now on their way to Vera Obi, at d
large orders came.ovoi here foi oilier supplies.
When the army is cncnmj>eJ at Jalapa the sup
plies wilt be landed at Antigua, which it forty
mites nearer to Jalapa than Vera Cruz. The ar
my was in excellent health, except tome aickueai
of an unimportantcharscter jmong the Pcnnayt.
vania voiouleers.
f ttt.MH Rosavcc.—lt has been the custom
say* a leading Parit Journal, “for Sue, the great
novdist, notwithstanding his reputation os a man
of fashion, to *j>end much of hts lime in visiting
the ;arreu of the |city, relieving the poor, and at
■he nine moment'gathonijg-a deep knowledge of
huu an niiure. On a dark aud alecty night last
ihoi ember, he was standing m oue of the mo*i
wre chrd hole* in Paris, where a poor widow and
•her diildrco were jlying ih a state of shocking des
titut on. They rtcrc without bread or covering,
’• r - »nd Ibe beauty o! one of the children, a
girl >f tome fifteen, addcJ interest to the scene.
Sue gave them money and left, rr*o|*d to call
ths iiCXt-dny. He Jut call.and to hi* utter a»tou
i*hn.«nt. found the widow snd her children »ar«
rom deJ by all the cooforu of lifc<=—fire on the
hearjth. B dogna sausages in profusion, and in fact
. every thing to make one happy. In the mid.t of
ibis scene of profusion atood a slender young man
very handsomely dressed. He was tho cau>e of
this sudden relief, the widow and her daughter’
bfcssc.l him with tears in their eyes, F.ugenc !S*e
was much atruck by this token of feeling in one
«o yepng. brilliant and gay. When the young
fashi inanle he followed, delermißcJ to aseei
tain hi* residence, and niter much lioable, saw
him enu-r a carnage nor the Place Veodoue,
and dm m the Chi,,*. d’Anb.., Sue followed
su>J *»W. Ib.i stranger enter i*,c |l..irf ,»f the Hoc
.| v . R. , He wait.-.! mijmtu for bis reappear.
•nc*. .r-d at fact .-4W a branulid voutig lady of
his;!* isri'a come nut .d»he in Ud and mt.-r Ue ext
nagc 1 In that l.tdy recognised. n„i only the
Ilail.s4.lnr dandy, b-.t the I rincd.- d’Orleaus, one
* f the; daughter* ol Louii Philippe ! '
D ‘"'' k ll
ibUtwiuff •’o?T •'ripuraU'O wo Jo not \y p
Jinil it i.i tlic weekly .’'cAne///W and tramdite it
for Ibo U'jichi of careful, loving parent* .
“Poor thing, it i* goue S.. Kai t * n tender fath
et to a fuend. a- Ik- wai -leaking ,f a t |,iiJ ol
two months. which Death had jum rol-UJ him t»i
-Hut it was the wilt of l!.a>.-,». We dij a lUh«t
Wa* po<,lMe; I bate . R to ii|„„ 4( .| l
With. It ttai only sick .1 week an.! in that time
tve h.tjl l-ur physician*. They earn? It calomel
richt t.iuu#—put a Winer ji!aUrr,.n it* bream, an.J
-i* Intiilarj jiouUtce; they also gave it antimony,
ami ait other medicine* u* much as nu neeei*a>
ty. and yet it had to die- poor thing?"
li«r (.but Chtrai. Koi-tf. —There have
breo *.m« senoua complaints during iha pa»t
wmlpf, m conx'i|uencn of occasional failures io
“maki* hroo , ‘ by the mail and faj*rii B er rnai h.a
letwifu Cumberland and Wheeling. The open
nftM of the wimvr. with' the hcasy Ua*el, an j
Uin«r-«rlatinn l and coo«'.joeiU, breaking up of the
road, rendered failures una«oiJ»ble. Hot
we are gratified to •*,* enten,rising pro
prietors of both the toad wnJ , n
lent Line*. »r« now nir USU 4, ?ooJ time
«.th mad and pars.- hcs. and doubt „oi
Uul they will be al.l , Ut} u> Ju *o. Set
ther pan,, m.r erp, .arrd hy , hem j,
ihi-.r « tr.nts to accor UarelJing publir
( ni>i. Cir.
I in. J itbu) I*n. iho recent mane*
an*} suliscquent engagement* in New Mexico
acted a conspicuous jail. We learn
!r«mi (lie ImUptudenc' Expositor that when the
' fortified church of Tau« »u fired bj (he Amen
can foro-M. a Puebla wjuaw appeared on (he ram
part*. Warms a flag of truce. Phis was shot
from her hand. “In these engagements,” *ay B
the Expositor, “the Indians fought better, and did
more execution than the Mexicans. They would
kill our men with their arrows at a distance of one
hundred And fifty yards." While on horse back
they were perfect Paithtans.
ofihu Journal of Commerce confirms the rumor
that l(),U0u volunteers are to bo called out, and
"?}* I(, 'lu»iUon that has Iwen made Soon sot
cm! Mah-*—chiefly, | behove, Irom Maryland nod
t .'mnylruntu, aud from the South and We*t.-
» .tl. 1 ?y!or and 8 C oU arc to bo .e-i,,forced. so
if am] be, b> ibo c,», cl
The <vh„ t »e, „„ lh „ Nollh ,V vc , -, iJc „ f [hc d _
ty ere ctuwdcl »„b briugbj „(
xmty kmd and ttmnensequantitica. Potatoes are
vmv i.lci.nrul, and arc generally in fine condition.
Wo nouco tho arrival of cattle on the hoof ui
large number., and f, om J'iermont. considerable
slutT lor ship build,ng.-N. V, Jour, of Com.
Thu Ptfrts MoniUur of February St), pubiiahes
the reruns of flie recent centos of Franco. It U
dS.IOO.JsO'wouIH, an increase of 1,170,308. Tbo
increase of population m France in, therefore wry
k|i>w, and has not doubled in a ccniury and a half.
In 1700 it was nearly twenty million-.
rhoKnil Koad Committee of the Massachusetts
Legt-l-iure have spotted against granting a char
ier to*tbe company which proposes to construct-a
diroct air .me rail toad from New York to Bos
ton via New Haven and Middletown.
j During a waw.n of great religion* declensims
j an ugej deacon win asked whether the church 1o
: which he l-chmgod were united. -Ah ye*,” rr-
I |*(icd the H i>oJ uian with emotion, “for . we are ell
. frn-znt toi’rthrr."
I.ater new- Irmii tho now Stale of lowa leaves
hut little; doubt that the Htalo has gone Whig
bgtiuupoii the question of electing District Judg
cs and local officers. The « L I.aaio papers also
amlinii tho drluat „f the now Constitution in
WlsfdllMll. .
1 __ Y
I In' MtuTaur American newspaper, publish*
ed at Monterey, (California) sayalhat two-thirds
of tho di-atlia among tho Volunteers have arisen
Trura.expiate, and the wa:it of proper camp eijui
page and', protection.
itotAt. Dlcctioms is New Jkhbtt —The
Thomas .Sully, jr., the eminent artist, died at
f bili.Ulphia Urt week.
Correspondence PlltdiarKfa Qtwitt.
Kiolu*.veU>„r.p<wde„ee „f ,& "Viiuv.rgb
The Haropean B»wt.
- PmtADiLrau. April 22« l?
We btve been placed in poacesriun of, private
»d»iee* from Earope.bywhlch we learn (bat the
Englieh Money Market vu lea depressed th«n It
b«d teen. DiscoanU were more easily mM" titan
Under previous advice*. >
The fall of breadstuff* is considered favorable
to the money market,—fce large imports of grain
bating drained England W miilioo* of the pre
cioui'inelala. '
Ireland was literally inundated witb Breajstufla
1,1 ,h ‘’ pMtiripal porta, tboogh there seemed to be
iu> great dimunitlim of suffering in tbe interior.—
S.» great were the imports of Bitudstuflj, Teasels
in the |-iiiici r :tl ports were under Demurrage, for
want ol warehouses in which to store their car*
LircarooL, April 4d..
1 he Amertcan Provision market wo* firm.—
Bucooaod Hums were much' sought after.
Prime Pork was selling at fifty fire to siity
shillings, Mess at seTenty to seventy two ahilliop.
Bacon Hams fifty fire tosiity shillings per cm*
Cboeac was in much better demand both thera
and the interior.
Latd and Butter bat ha da slight advance.
Rice had declined and Carolina sold under the
depressed influence at 2f>s.
, Corn has declined in 'lreland from eighty ■hit-
P«r*‘on. the extreme price it bad reached, to
offers to sell as low as fifty four, which were re
fused by buyer*.
The demand Tor Cotton in Havre was steady
but the sales were moderate. And there had been
an increase in talcs
in, Havre on the Ist Breadstuff* were heavy
and ICico firm.
nu;nt total defeat and dispersion.
$ PtauDrimiA, April 22—16 r. w.
We have some late and interesting news from
our Squadron on the coast of, and our Army in
Lieut. Gray, the hearer of despatches from Com
Biocliloo and Gen. Kearney, arrived in Baltimore
oq mule to the Capital.
He left California oo the'Sih of January, and j
give* the following account of the recent opera-j;
tions there. The Mcneto forces had been
cantrated under the command of Gen. Flores,*!
San Gal riel, which they had fortified and
strengthened, and where they bad determined in
make a fluid- Flores’ force consisted of 700
men, a mixed array oChrtiUery and dragoons.
The Amertcan forces were composed of the
troops under Gen-Kearney, and Marines and Sai
lors under Corn, Stockton, 600 in all. On am- \
ving at San Gabriel, first operation of conse- j
g'jence was to attack A Mexican battery, which I
w« gallantly stormed in the face of a heavy fire. ;
Tbi* terminated the first day's operations.
On the next day a general battle was fought on
the plains of Mesa, near the town. The Mexican
Drigoont charged upon the aailora in this contest,
but the tars stood their groand, and kept the ene I
my a* bay with boarding pikes, while the mount
ed Riflemen eooly picked them eff by scores.
The result was the total defeat and rout of
tbe Mexicans. They bad ninety killed and a large
number wobnded. Our loas was sixteen killed
and wounded—«U told. The only officer injured
ih-the battle was Lieut\ Rowan, who wav but
►ligliily wounded.
I In* dccwve-battle crushed the ioaorrection in
California. Subsequently Flocrs sent a flag of
truce to negotiate withThe'American commander,
but Siorktoti refuted to listen to any thing of the
kind, anJ trinrned for answer that he would cap.
lure and couldjustiy shoot him as a rebel. Tor vio*
iating hi. o*ib of altrgisuc* to the IT; X. Flores,-
finding it all up with him, aoun afterwards but.
rendered to f.icui. Col. Fremont, and promised to
Iwcoino an Amciirao citizen.
7 April 22. 8 P. M;
The market fur Flour, so liras transactions arc
concerned, is mirlivc* There arc buyers io the
market f. r Ivgo parcels, hut their ot&re do not
romc up lo llie views of bolder*, who demand
*7,<K> for standard Western brands. No «vtr* at
that worth reporting.
The new* bat bad no effect on Provision*, ex.
cept to render them tinner.
As for Grain, price* have been aomanhat in
faror pf buyers.- There has lieen no decline aof
fi ‘iently marked to authorise a change lo quota*
Hons. '
The Circular of Burn* and Brothers, by this
Steamer, say* the decline un Com in the principal
English markets is equal U> fifty cenh per hu.
•- Apia *2, 9 P. M.
I hfe Letters by rbe Steamer base arrived, and
have Riven a good deal of aatiafactiun after the un
favorable news by Telegraph. They generally
agree io stating that the heavy decline of price*
of Breadstufls in Englaod was mainly caused
by the almultaoeoua and anprecedented arrivals of
immense soppDes. Tbe allowance of Demurrags
is evidence of ccttiaordinaiy amounts.
The letter also says that there is every prospect
of prices improving materially within a month
from the sailing <if the steamer. The receipts pro*
viously were estimated at the large amount of
ono thousand tons doily!
Gcnesse Floor waa active to-day at $7,97} on
the spot, but the stock »• small. Bales continue
to b« made freely for future delivery. To arrive
io May at $0,37}, and in Juno at $0,12} pgr
Cornmeal is calling at $4,75 per bbl to a nod.
Hat* extent
Of Corn sale* to-day 20,000 bu at 95a100c for
Yellow, and 93c for Whhe.
Lard has advanced }e per !b.
Bacon is in demand, and considerable aaUa
basic been made on private terms.
The- advance on Cotton since the Cambria’s
arrival t*ja}cper lb. The market is active, and the
rate* to-day 2300 bales.
It will require a dyy or two to affxd time for
digestion of the news, and to aetiie the market.
No local nows worth telegraphing.
[An error occurred in the quotation for Pork,
yesterday, which the intelligent reader understood.
Instead of old Prime it should have been.old Mesa
Poik at sl3.]
PuiLSDi—-10 o’c r. x.
1 bo Southern Line of Telegraph is not in or.
dor. -
A writer in tbeNeval and Military Gaaellecon*
tenda that the moustache, acting as a respirator, is
a preservative fiom consumption.
We are glad to leant that mouiUc‘.c*.oven in
the estimation of the credulods may be put to
any good purpose.
Biiavk KtiTocxuni:—The Louinitla
Courant learns that immediate afops will be taken
to have the bodies of M’Kee, Clay, Vaughan.anJ
ttc’olher Kentuekiaus who fell at Buena Vista,
removed to that State for intorment.
ID'-Important to Advertisers.—Tbe ,j nr
-ineni* which appear in the Pnily.Monifnff Guetie
*° appear in Uie Tn-\Veekty, thus reeciving-the ben*
oi" jhe circulation of aft, .without any additional
• tiurer Tins it Sit advantage toour advertisers,without
any cxira expense. Advrrtneiht-iiU are alio inserted
hi Miecoomry paper upon reasonable term*.
TIIIBI. sTBKtT, coart* bp rorr.orncE ati.ET.
- arr now prepared to exeduw in asuperior
»>ml expeditious manner, all kinds of Joa Paftma*/
a* Urge 1 S»*ter»,Steamboat Bills, Dilli of Lading
Sheet Circulars, Handbills, Cards, Ae Ac
BOOK A*t> k*WMrtJtt‘p*t«TXKO
m any *xi*« oxaeiued irt. U*.t* M manner, and all
k...d. ..I I'nmmgdone with aciurecy««l auhe lowest
J22 \ o the ‘steamer ofW Ist of May
oat on 00 hist Passengers brought
££?* *** *» extra eturg* at Liver
p‘?hc.,JOSHUA RpßlNS°N f Eurepe.n Agent
aj 10d|w ... Fifth tlrect,oae dooebefow Wood •
• HJr \Va invite Ihoouentioßof our reader* in Uwje.x-.
“rtiiabir PoHoaa, which they will find record
ed in another, columu. ot la-day’s paper. They are
without doabi the mostweaderfalati record, and have
m> beea prauoanred by many at oar tamtrenegubi*
phyairmna. The afflicted and other* interested, are re,
<(ue*ied to vint them at theirseveral place* « abode,
opd team bom their owaUps the weaderfal effects of
ihemcdlcut*. ;Tbe fircone named is Mr Istacßiaok*,
-who tnsy |>r m-cii daily, brtweeu thr ha nr* of • A. M.
end 4 I*. M atthr udirrof RnwaouJfc IValloa. No 336
. &JT Advte*.—L«t individaaltMliti-
Sf.tlw Wes, have immediate* resOOrce touDr-
Upham » Vegetable Rlectuarr From tfctiniUbrnitac
attending tkfr.medietoe, eves is ito-nost obCLi
esm caves, ii toay be regarded Tsia'cenalarfmeify;;
? v T»l«*le and WVaTT.A
»» lil Fulton street. New York: Wm.Thosa,
S?*?* aal.P..k«3aw«as,.. > toiih6irU street,
Ptusbargh, Pa. Price ft per boj. aps3!w.
So, oo BOOTS 5,00 f
C mE N £ £ *“ p ™™™"“*TLUE'v.
h _V lt * ,üb *«nber respectfully inform' the-public ibsi
s\£fL. C ?i m, s? nc ® d l * e manufacture of OtmtUmtH
material and workmanship
in Pii.itT.mi I T* rr “ l ,0 P«“r to any Boot ever made
will hi » tt .7 l, . £oMh *P f,C€ - These handsome Boot
tented u,.* 0 m€ *^ ir *r'H d warrant tfiem as repre
CaSi V**?, 17 *° w rlce PIVK DOLLAR#
neSL* t-emlemeo are requeued to eall and exam
ne them. jv*l w g ERSiUNE .
ft?-Salter’s Giaung Paiiacs^—Mxdicil
Tcsmxoirr—VYft beg leave w csli public atieotsn to
thr following, from : Dr. Wro. D oLn, of Witbam.Tillr,
Clermont Co, and qge of the very first practitioners io
the eoumy m which he resides, and late Senator in'the
Stale Legislature. It is cheering thus to see the lead
in* men of the profer*!mi,l.imting'rtie bondsof profes
sional prejudice, I ‘and giving merit us due:.
“Sir: 1 have in mypractice been using some of your
(•mseng Panacea, and; stf far. am welt pleased in ii«
etfeeu in 'Catarrhal amf Bronchial Complaints. Plesse
seud me half a dozen bottle*—pat them a* low as' roo
ran; as f continues to reader tageaeral sat
isfactioii as it has heretofore, to keep it eonttimly ot>
band Serpeetfully, ; ap!7 \Vj*. ObaK, K. n.
Unction Satis
By Joh» D. Davit, Auctioneer
Iloaaehold Fnrnttnre at Awctlon*
ON Tuesday morning; tbe 97tb inu, at 10 o’clock, a 1
the dwePing boase lately occupied by Mr. James Coop*
er, in Magoei Bow. IVvle meet, willba sold faisentire
stock of household and kitchen nimltarc, among which
are,'parlor and chamber carpets, | dot and hit mahog
any halr seat chair*; l pair mahogany picrtaLlrs, with
marble lop«; 1 do fiench plate pier fookiitg glafses; g
do do toekmg chairs; t common do do; dmicg and
breakfast tables, work and wash stands, hi«h uad liiw
post bed* leads. *
Together with a general aAmmoenl of household and
kiieltcn furniture. Bale pqsitivefHs ke is declining
housekeeping.' Term* cash cunrney. tpQ
Drjr Goods.
ON Monday rooming, (Tie BCih in»t,at lOo’efock.wil
be told mu exietixive astortuent of seasonable, atapli
and tanejr dry goods, Urabrellsi,parasol-, boots, shoei
hats, raps, whips, hr.' ’
At sf-O'Cloek, P. M.
Household famiurcigmesnea, Ac, among which are
! 2fine dressing barraa*qc«nmoa do; Freneb. fancy and
; eoramon cbairr.higb and low post beadsieads; high and
j low baek rocking chairs; work anil Wash stands; wash
! tabs;transpsrent window blind*; (either tranks; look*
ingglasses; I superior Sdarclock and ease, tnadile
! lamps; leather beds; ramttrasaes; Glassware; Qoeeaa*
; ware; tinware; eoal and Devoaabire shovels, and wire
i seivea Also, a qnamiiy. of V ti Tea; tobacco; nee;
: chocolate, Ac.
, At U O’clock, P. hf.
, a large collection of Talssble new books,embracing
works in varans depanmem* of LitenUnre.
; ap'J] {American eopy] -* v- ■' •
BryGosdi kg Auction.
On Friday morning. 'ZW instant, at 9 o’clock, ot the
store of A II Hose, whoj* declining the busihesa, 1
will sell a general and choice asaonment of fancy apd
staple dry goods, iu quantities to suit purchasers. Such
as; JUreges, Lawns and Balzonnes, in dress hatleius;
fine muslins, ginghams and.ealicoea,in*do do; Cashmere
and silk shawls and caps; Thibet and Barege do da
gloves, Hosiery and laces; French worked cbemisent,
Ac. FOR MILLINERS—Bonnet silks, lawn and ging
hams; florence ailki, braid bonnets, Ac, Ac- apS2
ExUbslt* Bala oT Books by Auction. .
ON Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and 'Saturday
Evenings. IW>, fist, ad. and ftihof April,at ft»e Cow
mcrcial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth su,
will be sold—a large assortment of Books hr the varied
department, of Literature, comprising standard works
on History; • PoctryyTheology, Birgraphy’, the Drama.
•Novels. Ac.
Family and Pork'*t Bibles. Prayer Books; Ac , in va
r oa* sod elegant binding*: Ac; letirr and eap paper,
steel pens, Ac. Sale to commence at 7| o'clock! , t
Third Street, next door to the Bank of Pittabargfa.
"Tß* siness,ha.established htauelf stthoAbove
-jau stand, where be will kept constantly on
hand and for sale, at reasonable price*,'all
deacrip iona of Furniture of the best qoallty—such as
Bnrerua. Bedneads, Chairs Ottomans, Bofas, Ac Ac.'
All his funtiiarc is warranted ofthofiaesi quality,
and will be told as low as any of the same kind in tbe
A few good band?, and none others need apply, wili
find employment on application. - -
MOaB NEW GOODS—At W R Murpbj-s
Dry Goods House, north east corner of 4th and
Matket streets. Received yesterday, an assortment of
Liueit table wrappeis, from 6-4 to d 4, ineludiog soma
very superior Damask. Also, Bleached and
ed Linen table cloths, very tow for qaaLty. Also, Al
pacas and Alpaca Lustre*, a fall a*«orimenl t ftOQeom'
moo to very superior, including some of very b'gh
Lames. *023 ,
v v 'Murphy ravites the Hitentiou of the Ladies to his
very full oatorimcnt of while roods for dresses, consis
lingrf Sv.i. aud. Scotch Mulls, Mausook and Jaeko
net rooilm*. barred JackoneLjuper Satin barred and
•iripied, soli finish do, Ac Ac.
As theft? goods are patcha.ed.immediately f.oro the
ma^n^factorer* , agwttvor importers, they can be sold
at the lowest price*. • n figJ'
p AN A&T lbs Italian Canary Heed,
just received and for sale at the Piitiburgh Heed
Store- This is probably the best article ever onred in
this market. 3 .N WICKER9IIAM
*P epr sixth A wood
English Tbrerb, a £ne singing bird;'
U will be told low. Enquire at the Pittsburgh .Seed
*ore. *p33 S N WICKERSIIAM
f ATEH 8TU»l»f—110 yd* extra auperlative
* J French Cloths, of that fcery sane remarkably
cheap for. Abo, those exnuisiiely rieh style Vestlngr.
11 ROBINSON’S Cloih rlmpariiun,
*pS3 dtw Sth «t near wood.
Rj WOOD’S Saraaparlll* and Wild
Chcrrjr Bitter*, for the cure of the following
diseases: Jaundice, Liver Complaint, all B'llicnt* Com
pletnu,Sick Headaeke, Ileartßura, Indigestion,b'ahu
ual rosuyenest, IMes, Palpdationtof the Heart, Lou
or Appcute.Dyspepsia. Nervwrv I rritaiions. Debilitated
Stomach. Languor, Depression of Spirits, Chrome nheu
taatism. Cataueoas Diseases, Canker. Syphiloid Disea
•e» Serorula Impurities of the • Blood. Pimple* and
PuMule* on tbe Face, Hereditary Humor*, ChldSoieb,
and all disease* arising from *q tojudieioes ase of Mer-
T he aitentww.of the invalid public, and of all those
afflicted by any of the above diseases, is t*sMcUallr
called to tbe menu of a new and invaluable prepara
tion from an original recipe of a distinguished physician,
combining m Itself the most active remedial properties
of two of die very first articles in dm Materia Medica."
The Hamparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters were lb
trod need to the public about twelve months ago: and
during that period their ssecess ha« been to great u fo
induee tbe proprietor t* offer them with still mote confi
dence, in tbe lull belief that by entering Into more ex
tensive use, they will prove a iileuing to olt< those
suffenag from th* diseases above enunerated.
fold, wholesale and retail, by WY’ATT 4 KETCH
AM, genera t agents, 181 Fulton street, New York; Wm.
Thou. Market street, and P. R. &iwxK*.Baiih£eh'
street; Pittsburgh, Pa. • Price f l—large bower,
mcM3dgai ■ . yjp '
NO 133 Wood street; P>usbargh,*even doors below
Fifth, now opeoingand fortale by BICHaRDT
LEECH, Jr. Ttnponer sad Dealer in "Foreign’had Do
mesne Saddlery Hardware and Carriage Trimmings,
of all desenptwas. . . ' -
A very cheap and well selected stock. of goods in
bis line, 411 freih. of,the nuwtstsyles, and purchtsed
for ca*h from headquarters, will be disposed of..whole
sale *ftd retail, at the *-smallett possible advanee” on
thk.cost. Determined io got rid of hirgwO ls in double
qoiek. tune, to save them from the ritinoac effeet of
smoke and soot, purchasers are requested to call with*
out delay,-—•’’seeing is believing.** No charge for the
first, ana the last will follow.
Also, constantly on hand;'and as cheap as can h»
found '’Mwhere, Auddlere tools, of every descrimirm;
wanauted KpodsMors, Deer and Curled Hair: Row
Cards red Brrehes; Carry Cbobs; Wagon whips and
others, Cow Hides; Bnusels and other carpets tor tra
velling bars; Ulue; Glass Paper. Ac. Ac “ ,r * T ’
N U Markl that No 133 is the only bouse in the
eity where allenuon js devo'ed exclusively to ibcae
tho hardware business. InfereJce-ibere.
r.L- ilL‘° ruu,,d complete assortment, if
noibiag store. ai>B9 '
Marsh.ll Poicon, Meondriile: Steobenvine Herald;
Cadis Rspabliean; Rrewasvltle Herald; Kittanlng Free
Press; Ureensburgli Intelligeneer, and WetUviße ra
trioi, copy six momh and charge advertiser.
TyiStKS—atjr cik* treble grape Tort Wine; -
f * 2 do of the celebrated Roncoa brand:
-® *! # l/onitou Port, very old:
io do different brands and vintages;
3 Qr casks Id.bon wine:
JJ®, <l® dry Msluga;
- bad* sup Claret wine;
14 bsku sup crown brand Cham wine
1 L M Madeira wine;
i T* ttberry;
- k a do Madeira vintage, IMS;
U do diilurert hr* mi* ami viutages:
* do esks sweet Malays;
* *l® .do Red witte;
CumL »r«!. a^ ,TC k Wme, i* , '‘ , i ,, * t •"»*««! from under
,B New.Vorii; persons wishing
“sy rely on geulng.a pure articte; In
qaamitles to tun. torsaleby- ;PC MARTIN
' corranbfidJ and front »t*
A.. - -BOTICK. . t
fwTr f !fr r f? a f ar ®J*.^ eb >' e,aliaae:,,n ® l topbrehase ei-
SSuuS? ‘••WbWig'rWreyftwl botes, as fre j B «
oorei!2?^ , ,!^® , *!s* mahera of said
“JS” (
vSwLTIj u!ia, ? b 1. law. payable two
Jf?** **’['• Mains sfisr datd to Zarahlt; Ctosioo,
!« r^p^rTwt^S Mml ’ 11 ,ho nUi 9t twenty gve doh
. nna 6( *w°thousand fire headred
Ihni« r !' r* ,^ b 9 r ffb» January Ist, |Md, payable
three year* and thieembatka. tiler datd, to Zsreh It.
Yostoit, or order, ut fig th. rate of twenty five
dollar* per T 00..• • IIKNRVJttGBr.
, . , ENOCH |. ItIOBY, ..
_apgd3l • GEORGE 111067. '
■ . Worm*? Worm*! Worsts! • ! *v..' : -
Loetinu-K, Aran, it, 1947. '
Messrs. J. Kidd A Co, G«uisN~Tbts i* to eertifv that
a child of mine was afflicted with Wo***. 1 procartd
various kinds of Vennl/sge. : aud adatisittered ihem,
b«t with no effect. I (hen purchased a vial of Dr Me*'
Lane’s celrbmei.VennJrtue. and *Aar giving * few
dose*, the child discharged-about a quart of large
Worms! Th* health of ib«
■tely.' I would recommend Ot. Me Lane’*VeTaufurcio
the psbtie, mm one of the most safe and effeetnl reme*
dy torwdn»*,-o6wi* w-„ t .-..i** CUTTER
Sold wholesale **l-ma.l by 3 KIDD 4 CO, eonwr
wood 4 fourth ots-" • t . v ?. ap<g '
Author’s Mind, tha Book of g baokfrL
of Uroks. *r Uuny bookain one. Edited. by M K'raw
per.EsQjM. A. PaouMUngs.gnaid lo Faph-by Urn
author of the abore wotk. Foiulety 1
seiocmd frem ihs Eaglisb jw wuh a!»TiJi£itw?
tiveeasayand enUeal eotmnemt. by teirt Hunt For
sataby. «ptt . JOHNSON 4
. a * Jj. A. .r .tit..
... .$ «sk*mpoidThiines*cs Peach Brandy;
For sate .PC MARTI N
. Mdfraot*t«
for vain by JOHNSTON 4 STOCKTON™*
cormaikstand 3d sis
41. 4
r A,ooOPylva / Clgir*:i
V ;• 'rSdJOOEmalalspn Giger.:
; v SfiOO Eaculapio do;
SinOfl Nonas do;
y : tCUDO Regalia Co; . -
• .• * S.OliODos Amijos do;
. .. . I‘MM» Justo >a«* PitDcipCF-aiiii Steam.
warranted Imported UavaU Srara
,Pk. r me b, pc Martin*
—■P ai > : cor smnhfield and front Mn»eu
17 baa ’HadtlerV Ptue; and ft*:
' 17 bta “HactV fa ;
MbxsM !ve*t»6sr •
10 has “Russell'A Robi*on , » r s* :
7 hf bxa ** Webater’*”#*;
.10 do 14 A.'Cabanets" Congress ss
& *j° ISraaeh’* Buckeye Stage" pound*;
7 do i *BroccV t Ss jon eomignmem and d»r
sale by apgl A CORDON, v,n f -
Rated and Plain Cap Paper, White and Biue-
Do do- Letter do do d o .'
D) - do? do do asvoned eo'or*;’
Taney Note Paper, Plain and Emhosted-
Note, llciter and Legal Envelopes; '
Letter Clips,Sealing Wax. HedTape*. Ac
Fornlelewby -ELLIOTTA K.Vt,|.(.>f|
, Market street, bet!bi|.
SVJVDIISEB— 400 bag* Kiol'-otfer, " ~ ~~
60 bf chett* Y** 11. Tea:
10 do linprrial Tea
30 do Voucliong Ten;
9UO bUa N. O. Molauet.,
SUbblt S. H. do; _
3 rerooaa S. F. Indieo; for sale bv
JOHN ORIFR. *.*4 Libtnv at '
too bhd« prime N. O. Sugar;
3Sbbt*Uaf do;
Sool‘bls Tlamsiion Molmics, Pittab'gh
wbblstiugar Hou«e do,’ b'eaiqualnv;
9 ti.reea Frtih Mice; received treat New Or
leans andfor sale by -W X W MITCHKLTItEK
apIS . No ICO Libeity «irrct
W>DAfiHUS»»-4Ubbl. Older
kJ ttlbblaOld Herring;
dtiblsMaple Moiorrcx,
- • 4(lbbli S. 11. do:
f-Übbls Plantation Molas ci*;
SOtlereea Rice.onconijenotem;
-Foe gale by . apIS . VV GRF.FiI
I) AIEINB, Ae-Jobn Raixm*;" *" :
lV W bxa rule Muitknt.
, . oOkega i do ; jtf,
S bags Pepper, for ialc l*y
OB*DlUje»_«) -JU, iMUIIS, AP, J.,; -
O c bags Krai reed; 2 bag« Tnuoitiy See^’
3bbls Pork; • .lesska Polish; ‘
30 bus Dry Teaches; 3-bWs prime Roll Kuiter;
Ju«t received and for tale low by- '
apilP ~ . ENGLISH A BENNETT. 37. nood at
APPLE'S, Ac,—Ul lihls Green Apple* vui;rtr of.
best kinds; 600 lbs supeuor Checte; '
. . bbblaCider;
3 hf bbl* Apple Buiter, ma le of viali-.
ed frnit, a superior article, to arrive; tor gale br ’
aplo ISAIAH-PICEKV ACo, wateran.l frimt »!«>
A seed Sweet Potatoe#; jn»t received iu good rorfdi
l.on,and for sale at tbe F.iuburgt. *eed stoic, . oriier of
wood and oth tts. apt» a N WICgKRSHAM
Ift f)rtn **° B Hogtautul, in prime wj rf .
-JP ** - . *7 wood *i
5 t?ABIEE Salemd*. For.mlcbv
apCT - GKO MOROaN A_€fo. Ittiwood at
TSDJGO-I0 Ccroon* SF. For rale by
1 ****. ’ GEO MORt&N A CO
*S*T-'Vhotettli e L'nleei* A
rT oTw a,, V ,oa^ and dealer* In ProJore
No a Woo-I street, Pittsburgh. / a .,«j
t’LODtt-lM bbia Family Floor, received and or
T sale by. apt! , , ; . ■ TaSSKY A BKBT
POTASH— 18c*»ka pore, m alore «a 4 foraniV !«r
- *pa.. I'ASSKY. Jt BKST m
*7lib{#|»r«ae{j StoLis, mi hand and/or
yalaby apgj TaSsEV A BEST - j
IR®P®®® — com Brooma, large size, ben
X# gm handles,received per steamboat Newark, and
tor sate by m 3 TASSEV X BEST
ei » tson of| .lLuarrir* EuginecrV • Pocket
il Book. Just received and for sale bv -
tl IB—3 pipe* of mpjwan brand Holland Gin;
rj-orraicj.y - np2! __ AUBTIN
OLD ays WHISKICir-A few Ll.r. of ..p‘u
MR U hiikey, diniliatf 1«7. For'aale br
® : ®**e »oper. AM French Di»p.
. P ®“ Bl*c* earner Cloth*-'juit opened
and for«yle by a|g> ■ WHITE ,
SOAP— 100 bcuc* r»lm.Bc«j> Itndiaj from steamer
Ringgold tod for nJe by ‘
t »P*l ISAIAH DICKt-lT*& Co, water and from »tr
PLAYIN(M'ARW —130 dot. for sale l»yv.„
* pgl -if r c martin -
riRANOTO AND LKMOSd-100 bn prime Street
y~f Onager; 40 bit prime Sicily Lemons for-mle
b ? ap*l.- 1 P C MARTIN
—A' foil assortment of- Sugar, Tea.
VU Coffee, Brooma, Boekets, Haiiiut. Bacon, Ac 'for
sale wholesale and retail by l*. C MARTIN
. cor smithfield and from •
C'JpAXSEBD OIL—IB bM* jostrec'd an«l feriale
. *P** No 33 wrobd street ••
/'''ORK—3oo bn*, prime Yellow, to arrive itt-a few'
V days—for tale by .*
_¥!?i 8 * W woruWt-
PIO SIKTAL— 6ft toirf cold blast Caroline Metal,
jan landing and lor rale by •••••• -
ÜBWSO CABSUIICReVh ease ofbeaal./
ITA falaood* for Sommer ctais.}ufi received oat! for
SPTB» ’X'lJlkt'EN YU4C—I7 bills mn rcceivad
aod for sale by IIR.MJN A RKITEK
‘P BO ' cor Liberty tmlSi Clturtts .
SPANisn winxiso-an,!., »' ,u|. c ,i o , jk-'
artjcie, on land and T«r »aK.n><r
. •. 1 . . • jtKAHN fc RI.rTKU
RO« 'FJNIt-9 ÜbUoObo very be*t qdniity, for 1
~ eor Liberty and St Clair etseeui
'nKPPlcß—g eases PpscdCfcd African Cayenca
A repper, ju*t received andibf sate’T
BLUE DRIIiLIffGS-3 c&xe* just.opened and
for sate by ‘ — SHACKLKTf A IvtilTE -t
apao NoOPwotnlsiren *
RAOB WANTED—Couuuy Mixed Rsg* want
ed, for which tbe highest price iq Cash wm l»epaid..
. AplTtf •. ~ Pirtt street, below Market; i
TBAB-ia chest, and hf cheiu Y. H.
A and uaapowderTeas, for sale by .
■ pis . GEO MORGAN A Cnj ligi trend *f
YjfRTAU—SO tons No t Foundry, received per simr
lvA Motive and for ude by
_apl9 • '-M ALLEN A water »f
T INBEBD Olb-50 bbh landing from »:mr Sara->
Li oak and for sato low by .
■PIO M aI.LEN »t t!o. It water si
R ACOn— hog txtoitd, ia store and for sale.
■ apin, • ... ; . . l-M Liberty sireet
FUUIT-tribuv; ' '
T"' , , S®o do' Applet; jji store naJ
for sale by apia CUNNINGHAM A Bo.NNEK!
fTREBM APPLES— sCbx* Choice Apnlt-s, iu«
VT eeived and for sale by '* ’
- I 1 a F VO.I BO.NNIIQHsT* Ql ,as„
■P IB . FRIEND, RUEY A C.., t; whirl ti ;
No 7, recrived-per tlmr
AJ Robert.Falten and for sale by .
apto- FRIEND, RHEV t Civ r,7 wawr „
DALBAE r M*re; \y»*t*ri« Balsam of WildOtriri
U ry. juvt received and for sale by <•
apH> ■/ • . J KlDDACo.wiwoodrt ~
Co^o'SS "—■ '‘'Si™, i" .kipper .
■ /' » * W HARBAUOH.33wooJs,
T'pßACCO—loft bx*,3s.t*,l“j,iud iCr-.-superior •
• - SO kegs 8 Twisi'Tobaeco; Lr sale by
ft dt3 .... .. GKO MORGAN ACo
yOIU£-MIXTi/&]CBM ewewc-d »dd ferule'
ap« . Bil ACKI.KTT fc }
H DIS t SMi-’M oz.'jn«i rrreiYetl aiul ior
-13 tie by ep!9 . J KIDD.WHyoodt
T .«•!! (~4
*ri rctHi-mdfor i«le by ; • : j KJppfcCo > .
A jntf received iiu) Ur «U* tar*
gLgjt-.:. ' J KIDD A C 0.21 wtlerm •
$I CO .? Cn *®®®"^ o * lr ' ce l' rw **< , ‘l fertile by ’
rjCTTKII-iLbU Kierli 801 l Duller for #do by .
"P lB WICK k. MrCAtJDLtgfl*, !
pOTASU-Pnme ioti weem4 iarUb' mIo
**l *P»g : WiCKfcMcCANiJLESS ,
*l' ,s , _,J__. LKIVIJJHfTCHISONtCo .
— » »aei.LKßB.jg •
"U'LAXSEICO Olli t 3 bill! for Mile Lr
r.*rra H K HFJ.I.HIW. <7 w<y*l»| ■
OCBRK-i^oD|bi.„ rt French, »e>‘
_J Mle fay apl9 R K gELl.Kfr*, 57 wrodjj
pHIPPM IOttWOOD-aWfcfttliby i
Tj' L Op ß IDIiPHUIi-Stvibi ibrilkbr - >■
X «plO - v a.KBKLLKRB,47wood« '
fli,LTS>{ dtiki Biiiwuie,l«t ctkbv .
> K K BgLLKKB>s7wood «t
bbli Glue ioi i*l« bf . '
>y«p»a . _____ R E titXLKRS, 57wociLir_
1} ACOfll—7 QUO liii, bo» roxad, U» rare and femlo
■U by • . apto.- . ■ • 8 A WHAttliAfQtt ~
WDOl*—Fleece, Teb IVaihed |*u|l«d Woo
itemed by >piP 8 A *V UARUaDOU
BROOKS— 900 doz. in »iora*nd foriata hr '
«plg ■ CPNNINGHAM & ROMtti
NO. MOLAf«*i*olAl» [„ «««
iby «P» OEtrMOßOAgtLty*
■w • ..•■•••nronoSgw^aaa..,
Eomtatte Apple* fcu.V !.>- *
— ■ W CBEKtt .
-T£ts?SJ f •‘••uowMw, <***.
rV.Ti? , W CiHEKK •
S < iM7 CaiNo8 ~ C I ,* f«*‘V«i»*»l .for mV. by 7
S°nS~" 9bx '
•Jill-:— _ \y CBBRK.V
_«p» - J I)^^
P!^ ff_l x Bar Puck Ibr itlc hr 7 T
o- r-
L 5-- ■.
V'^?""- 1 /.'.^ 1 “*«» Lr.iL,, t