The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 23, 1847, Image 1

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    mm^SßEMErMira: gazette.
t\»KU UUKUO.V. o*mim»HoO »«“>
l a ..,- Mrn-toji ..«\V»».-riimi tus Frowst*,
- *• u t c i, • rncbU
’tWOUii. JII.VKS A Comwwion a “4'
I IH» ~ . M. hii\t rewnwd loUreir 01. l
..■ ’A at-r m,l I'km,i h.. fi«- Pm»t»unth.
KFIJU I.KWIH, AlutfWV H L* w .. F ?“ f:h
. -■ > . .. J
\V i NCtl WSTfclil, dealer ti« oil » d »«f J™
>, J „. r . l i ~i^w . !»cT-i>acco, wholesaleimd
a. %„ i-i,.,.[ iMuWsb- l r - 1
, lu, “ c ' L > m»>i4
itnixtikivu V Tl’ItWKH# Wholesale und Kc-
Vwa. j !?.« .
~ ,1 KtiisKStTOCK-A CO, WbolofcA
B' .-ivnxin di <:»*., Grocer*, Commission
\; rn IMl>U.V*UkUi,u(uc S; cii-s No- t** l*mpburnh. ocUff
WAI KV A SMITH. Wholesale Grocer*, Je
* ■***'#
-M . T i| UAOAI.KV 4'CU., Wholesale Gro
**' au J I ,t«lu<r .Ic.ti.'fNo i£t Market itrrel. br
wr*.. :ti< J'i‘l ,;il ‘ I'Y.'.adrlpl.ia "OV?
. , A. DIcAM I.TTi Ai e CO., I'.'cwurim* and
I . Ai-fL-ha-o'- - Uawit, i l ’ttwbtirxU,
vy . utclia
. OIILA SDO LOOJIIfI. Auon.ry at Law, of
j, lie' ~n l.i. «>!»<• ' a> • nj>l.ty
t,r, Col, too,. John K jrutmir- JM-W. »i*‘l««art-
Oi.KJUX, UAII.MAN A CO, Mamif-u-wrer*
i.n a.:«i "1 Co., el. T.muutii** of every tics
i»i-toiy uo Si. Clan M. \\ ar«Uou*e 4J
V.k/i1 si . >« 1 baric* Hotel _
i J.CanrtUtr*.
•AIHWKCIV'A: •CAttOTIIIMUI, Wtol«*ilc Cro.-
» •« l‘r»dufe, and tn a'* article* of
• , , a , um- No M Water awl 113 From
trert*. .. ’ J ...
11 K.\ I Xi■ II AJIJfc YIOK.KKIL Wtotal. «™
, • f« lVnia'-<"on ami Forwarding Merchant*,
Vo W.rl.i-c awl rutsliurgli laaiinfactare*. Nt>
Ut.lber.s <1 -
.j , u . e , a c.t Wlwlcaalc Grocer*, ComaiMioa
~.1 !Wht,sl.rt< More haul*. Dealers ai ProdueeMd
-••It Still. «rrci, bctwect. \\oorf
„.l l I'tti-buoslt.j* 3 __ ~ 2£Ht
. t VKAIIKUi lu>|«trter *wl wboleaalc and reljil
U .i-. ... j tu.i staple Variety Goods,
bet...i »-wl' 10.- M'arlivt nrrci, near ÜbeTtyJrut*-
.ufpit. Pr.
.. frwnjec and Family
l) i* I. ...... -r No W i.ilteny tt.nexidoor »cor*
feV.Ysi...... -i* g, .y_
J. „r-r i» ... J llarruon Sewell.'
\ J t'XGt»l» * SKVVKI.I., Alioriieytt at _ Uvr,
l) Jii ..!- .... >.«.iUUrta, bc.wtcj. 3d and 4ih *u
T John CuiiaCT.
rMVAI.T. tiKUIIAUT, WMewlf Oio
k. rr ' -.1 and l*.il«l»orgU mansfac
VJ - I'Mi’iit r«»i UK-lllanJ eu., PiU»t>o*S»>i
• ~ " | Ml I. fcIiJ»J»KTT>
I VNUI fstl \ l'»» p lia!-
IV , , \ vVii.i'fulc <;*4Mvr?,Oomjnu»*ron n «d
i«.-v Nu 37 Wgud nre^,
*i'* ' . —— -
• jTciaw ic nciuiiaiiT, aommy* «> | »*
VrrKiT.a n «• «r Jaor* ««ltl UU«lMreel
i,, * Old l««*u»r. apSJlui
.MltiwVltn N\V AUTZWKLOKII.Aiwr.
nl 1 iw. li*»e «r«>n*r«l llirrfotfrt M»
idTir Rln.. ..rc w.w,.«. All.Tr .«*««•“
i! r T. rt i. v i 1,, „ Kiivy. JttU*r» VVuOd.
-I-IUKX», mi ic v *.
I< Mrirtonta. and Ap-mwor LT, j, t j|“ n
ftiwV'h!ivV-- ; " »irr uiml llrt I'IWU
n'iILUJIK, l -o- Manuu.-iurvr an.U«
Ml* W.*4 * w £g*f
Co, I'-unii'-nun and Korwatding
IMUNCW Hiei t I,KIW, <sfwrr, OBmm'*“on
f!" -
Piiio.ureli. „
tio MOUfiiS. * WiTWiA.i rxut »•
i \ KoiuiK
\S nwl Cot.-niiwnm Mciehajii'*, 10* aus u
/ i’ko/a. IiKRKV Gror«
VJ tm/fioo Alrfiiiawt, and • „ pjiubun*:
|>nuiUurs!i Matiufarturca. bo * J % » ao 'Lf?li
-- .- ••• Vi ' M. B. Brown
, l’rnit :i:,-.M'iU rtrerl*. ___ . _ _
£eo { . UroWne /
i nLL i UUOWSIi, [•ucee»«r‘ » HoWA.p I
H7m, »««, “■> 'W
ri'tW •«» **. ■«*“,
Ini* U>wrM f , n ,, « *• •- "• ,
*rty «nrt trn»'» * w -. , .! u ii , “Lf-'
rujii-J “>•*«“''■ '*> r - J ; K ttjda.wrfK
I'lUfc.aiffli. . —■ ■ "7
J iJa .-uJ OkwH* l *’ x ,icr <L -
TOIIS WALIIBIt, 4s«i. fot i«"|P *
» ‘•'.f *• •“••*•" Hueli
Ton* u. «wg; {jjssss^sr^
<J j«r in '*“• 1 ■* ’ _ ;*„i|(». I'liulcr*’ C»f«Js
■t* a .l"* f » fc >’*i* ,? r r 1 v;, -j Wow* •«, Piti-liofgb,
;!,XA'.;. iS.' r wu »—»*» **»&"■
u m* i»«liwni»i£ m>‘M> ,lr *. ...;
;'nmi«iTOV ft STOCKTON, BoninttW
Paper No. «
h, J* t iu»>wicl}- - • L —~
~ r ~~ 11 \T. K CJ*S Book Store, 4ib. near Market «•
»«, t r ; '."-T*"- - Kirl .„.,
*<*£■ im 3. noTd * **•! Wfcjhgfc*:
NO. * P *-.
--.Vi oAI.ZKI.L,
T *»!<•>» Hr—lo-- =—< IW.«Tk
•> ’“f V"„ U„ ?“v»i-t .1. IMUtaTIS..* i
Jj. mrai.tifl-r a>iJ town* . • Nrt , rtfWmej
)*iii ’liuit l *
jin-Hli Frrmt-t
-f KIVU lltJ'lOll
I J J*i
*«ildrn!n> mI'lU.-J'ttf*
tl.-nrv l.»i fcn..
-V'wiwki4n>f «<m! Cow
r, rifKlueea iul fiiuliurj
ISi\Vfx»l *l.
joUvMOOi. .. *U It.
Mcnui.s k UIW
' M AH*-'* AUx.
i l AI'MtS *
ijyi, UnrvluMMS WV
V oricHH. iiusT’
J\| No. ir: l-il-crty '
MIL.L.UIL t Ul« .
-,r* »"'* O'*""" - Lilmtf
VjecoiiPfcK.n*c» wW**a»* m*i*fcun;ibt
IV/I --J Cup roanafuLlßnTfc and dealer* in. Fancy
of \V«4«n4 Fifi* ■
~ r tr 1. SLOAS, Whoieaalo Cioecra, Dealer* in
Vood itmii^
<t ooin***'*dariE , Wißiß«ss*!S'|
f\ ' a«or u<mm of Fo«nJ», Djal«w m Vot* 1
.4to«e»i« IhlU- kf K»cka*«6/C<rt:6caie* of-J
~&£ n».x *w_ J
(V H ! “,'£WJUSS, Altwooy *' «.
PituUrnh- . v ••..• •; ” r:• i •
‘ *. sarcft. jr. r. «• ftOßix»os.
t) OBVOIfi A CO, Wholesale <*fwen<,'Com»ni»
JV *ion Merchant*, and dealers in Produce and
PiiKiurffh Sisiiufaciort*»,-I.ihcrty *l. opposite Sraiib-
IfUi «!.. Pittsburgh. Pa. my 5
UICIIAIiD BARD, wholesale and mail dealer
in leather, Mo me co. shoemakers' Toots au.l T-*ind
di;i. Tanners sndCaniet* Tools,, and Tanners Oil, No.
|W Woodu, Pittsburgh. ■ ' • _
UOttKHT UALZULL fc Cffc., Wboleaa J|jro
rcr*. Conunitkioit and Forwarding Meichumi.dea*
Irrf in Producr nml Fiiuburgb Maaufuciurt», LiW-ny
tfireih, l*in«burxh',i*a.' _
ftUBT. BOBIftOX. SA**t. B. ttOBWOW.
U ROBISON * Co* Wholesale Grocer*. Pro*
• (luce and Communion Merchants, ®ud l>cßli*f«|in
Pittsburgh Manufpctnte*, No. led Liberty street. Pi<is
targh. I l *. . J-Jllll 1
ROBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rcciny
fug Distiller, dealer in Produce. Pittsburgh Manu
facture*, arul oil Vm»l» of Foreign and Domestic \> met
knll.iuuois, Null Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
irr-N U. Ou ban.} u.very large stock 01 superior
OhlMouoitnbela Whiskey, which will bc»oMlowfor
-I,', ft. RevnoUU.; J L Shrc
RKTSOLUI* 4 BIIEBt Forwarding on.l «<»m
m.stiou Meicm-tts, tor the Allegheny lover TraJe,
(Jeolei» iu Uroccitc*. Produce, Pittsburgh Manufacture*
bud Ciiloridy of L.uic
•n.e ttiglKbi price*, tu Su»b. paifi at ail a>ac* (nr
Fouii'iy Uags. Cornel of Penn ami Ijwm *t»- 1
It C Sbacklelt Thus. K While.
SUACKLEXT fc WHITE, Wholesale Dcu
lei* in Foreign and Domestic Pry Goods, No S»S*
Wood street, PtH-burgli _ tebl7u
Si W. KIARBAUGH, Wool MerrUnntr, deal
. err in Flour and Produce generally and Forward
ing and Oomrni*«ton .Merehaui*, No 3J Wood Mfrei,
Pittsburgh'' i"" 1
SAMUEL PALMER. Attorney at Law.. Other
ui llrce-d'* building, No ed Fourth'street, between
Wood and Southfield. nov3d&wly_
b l ITEPIIKS BARRETT, Mairofaclurerof Fan
N cy,Shaving and Toilet Foan*. Winter and Summer
(•reared luiidOil, Ac. No 17 Fifth at, between Wood
turd Market sis. Pittsburgh. Pa. _ _
• Grocers ‘■'orwapling and Commts*iOu Merchant*.
I dealers in P.iDburgh Manufacture* and Western Pro
duce. have resawed to their new warehouae. (ohl stand)
No 35t corner of Front at and Chancery lu»ne. no»7
S' AMUKL M. KIRR, Forwarding uud Coiuums
sioii Merchajtt, Dealer m Salt* Produce and
(,urgh manufactured articles, Canal Dasiu, near <tuvt.
Lt a, WlCKfilUllAa, Kslet m Swli.ilow 1
o. era. Fruit Trees, and Agricultural Implements, Na i
i a Wood Mfeet T'ltwhurgb. • ,eba
JOHN 8* TOWNSEND, Diucgist and Apoibe
cary. No *i Market at, three dooia above Third *t~
Pittsburgh, will ha«« constantly on hand a well select
ed assoitmeiil of the best aadfreahcsl Medienle*, which
Le felLonthe most reasonable term*. Physician*
tending oidcn will be prompt!? attended », and *up
i.ltcd With article* they may rely upon us genuuie.
Hy Physicians’ Prescription* will be accurately and
neatly prepared from the br*t materials, at nay hour of
the day 'or night. , ... ,
Also for sale, a large *tcck of fre»b anJ good Perfu
mery. _ _
fltllOcl. KKNNBUV, Jr.. Looking fiu«» Manufactu.
Irrr, and Dealer«in Clock*, Combs, and Viinriy.
luiud*. eortier of Wood and Fourth -trert* , _ l ,u
TPFor*yth W )F«>r*yih
irp p, FORSYTH A Co, (>iuun«» Ah-n-hJin*
L illeater* In Salt, i-uuthei. Grocefirs Produce and
Pittsburgh Manufacture*, Canal Ua»in, Liberty *uvei.
P.ttrbureb _ „ f, ' M ”
tt A. lIILLIER, Looking Lli-e »»J »'‘vturr
.Frame and Import, r of IjaAin*
| H ,, Plater, dealer .ill Houi-e nn.nMiiug lliirdw nre,
lid Kan.' > Lood.. tol W.««l 'Ueel. li--ar I l.»
ii'ICU A M’CANDLESS, Cur. u. 1. A
VV J 1> Wtek.l Wholcjsale liiocerv l'm'v.-«rdin< and
ConuniSMon Merchants. denjer> m Iron. Nail*,
thnioa Yam* and Pittsburgh Manutaeture* gene rally,
i oruerof Wood aud Pnuburrh. jucb*-*
W' ‘ W. WILSON, Walebutaki-r and Jeweller,
. comer of 4‘h and Market rtrrri- .. jppd
;,'ir K. MURFHV Iltvtlct the. I,***!»•• ..I I»ii ntt-l
V» • rxamime b.S nork 01 r«enrh Worked < oltar .
• nine tu IoW a* 'di ceniv • • rti' bl ..-
•ITALLINGKOnD * Co., A' t.*r A 1.0
Vl uHiiil. hare oil hand an a**oil'»em h.* ‘ujmi:ih
-olid Itoj Vio s. Slkirel* ami Spade*. __
lITIUTNOIIK A WOLFF, ln.l-.rtei* and
VV Wholesale Dealers tit Hardware, Cutlery, aad
tlctT, 4c.ewn.-r l.dicrt> and Si Clair I >tb»-
ii;M. GLENN, Dookbiuder, ba» removed to trfc
1 W comer ol'Wood and Third c*. abore C ti. Kay,
where he i« prepared to do every description ol Uubiig i
nna litudiug. • '
\\T w. W ALLACK»*MdI stone ami 'in.ll lurmjh-’
VV , ittg cnublutimciii. No. SH Liberty rir't, near Sic
,-anol. _ /wrtji.
WJS. M'etiTCUkUS.' BOIT. ■ CtltCßllij.
Wtc U. BJrCUTCIIJfION, Wholesale Uroc4r«,
. and DeateprMh Pittsburgh Manufacture*, ijnd
‘.V«i*ra Produce generally, No. 15S I.ilwny strjeii
Pituhurgh, n ;^_
tXT A*fl. hITCXU&LTUEE, Wholesale (Jro-
VY . err*. Bcclifprtg Diniller*. and Wine anJLitjuor
Merchant*. No. liki Liufny -tied, tuj.|)o*tie SikthK-d
Pittsburgh. '* _ . mayldx^y
Uo. U. ROBINSON, Aiuirnc) «t Law, il.#»
, reuovcii i.t» office 10 tbc Kieimint Building*,
rft Ciasr (iteet, ucXldoot to AUleirami John*.
ap:M3rn__ 6
\XT B- OAKUAttB’i Dealer m Fan
VV Dry Good*, No-79 MarkcCttfeet
nov(3-dly _
imLLlAnii iUfCLWoIiTfI,
VV District-) Wholesale Urorcr*. nfc
So. tl“ Wood M. whemJtejr offer for**!
uienioffiroeence aiui I'liuliurgU Mximi
pric«» and on favoraMc term*
Ww. WILSON, Dealer in Waielw*. Jcv*e:ry,
• .Silrcr Ware, Military Good*, Ac. No. o.j'ui
keiairict. '“tV.'
«T>"Jt~HtJRPiIV, wholesalc anii retail deafr-t In
' W .Foreign arid Dowenic Pry Goods north ea'tjtor
nerofMarteiand Fourth »t». . aum .
WM. F. liIWIN, Jr-J Uav
Prog Store of Jldgar Thorn, corner or I cm A‘“*
■ lanJ •ticeu, will «e«:p a constant in the ben
medicines perfumery. Ac. .
rii)(Jcian't prcacnpiiou* cnrffallr cornpouni-cd.
Me«hcin<:» can he hml at all Uooraot lac uight
feMOdly* ,
A il Waltinafcwd. JoUo h Min Mt.
« irii.l.nmKOttD tc. Co., Co»UB»«»»-on *ml !•«*•
W waid.a* Merchant*, Second, ium WoodHrcei,
Pituhorgb, P*. _ .L
tITJf. JI. DAIU4IISOTON, Attorney »i l-**
VV Pitwbureb, Pa, wojaiaiMioner to uikc the w
knWleilgitsem and proo of iMscda, Lea***, toimacu,
()e position*, or any othe- writing Jointer real ®rnoM
be tKd or recorded ut .be &»te of Oluo. Office on
Hurd street,aboveSwn held- . I* l . .
W C. AUGHISBAtJOn, Atnxnry at U*
# tilth street, near Southfield CollectmjCt Men
-1 ciei ijnd other b»mcn attended to with ponetnatitf.
tbMelli &. fletnHe, W» Croskan, h*»..
B A Kitinewock A Co, Jolm Heriun, wq,
Guff; LiixUay k Co, J<*« P q, _^
Jajoc* MeCoily, frq, , , Mu;- Willi*® Um«sr*
j. anrAE,
No. 114 Liberty «(, and 53 Diamond alky,
m-rsßUitcu, fa.
Irn-iir ■
Ke«aillValcr in all kind« off*t“
W ran, Smoking and Chewing TdWco and &»■:
Unton .tract. Rear tbe DiatntmtU t*»in>>orrl» w>y<l_
Pawkm, UtMUn in E«*«**,, iionk .Y**m aud Com,
Corner of Third and Wood *wr*U,
nnv I «mMt Pitta b«r* h L p *‘ .
iT\V William-. "'Yim. SI
(.Surrnvrrla lAteni 4" William*.)
W 1 A Mft &. AIM N N,
attornfvs and corns fn.U'Hs At
0«7-Offid! Norli «i.te of Fourth *t,*(*>«*■ Smlthfit.-M.-fiC
Yel.lTdAwlyF _J 1
Autwr* pu* Nati<mß A iii.’a Start,
nu hand a lull *»»in man, of Caft. Suaaa.
M,js IILi'TSR and «»«*«*»!* Sr**i- __ _
aTTOKNFY kiiJ Counwlloi at I CINCINNATI.
OHIO C-oll*-* i—o* m* SoiuLt'in Ohio and, m Indiana
an-l >n KciiiuPk T. j ioiiiril, and ralcfo'W »Ate.«kJ u*.
IlKHilt T*> - Mon llirhaid IM.ile. Win IS--1I A Son,
IT urtu, Win .M K'ltir.Li.CaunlA Curoibef, »’w Ha\*i
. JaniP- l* Siuaii. WiU.*H£ Jk'Vi*. jV'-’ 1 ;
onwriTTucki* 'n. II Jin ir* •
I*7lloi,rSAl.ll Croteii and Uo»trn m u,l*. It«»t
N V «KirrJ. and I’iu.tiarnh AUnufartur -dnron.- ,h.r\
on band 91 r.ll l.iuer * Inli and generaf oi
■ uoJK in U»r«r linn, Water *lie«l. ne-»i t'hriiy
, RhUlllON.
"* %8flS!&BSIjK? ER !
MaTinr takw Warehowe iinaeil)' occojnc.l t>)
wtuSiunlii »*.r Kiuk Ht.AB. lHll,
IvTukc/pin htnd »-f«U of -
Irou »ad ll**d*« Flue and Firr-Bod Iron, made iron
hidteii Juniata Uocmui which will l*> wild id ibolowr*
market rale*. Fngine Huihler. and otliew, are mallei
o eifl MdaxaimLs tala mock. Older. rrotnpUrji?
e ailed to. '• - - • ,y
•0- V>,
i Ittamt
— 7—— j.u. sweitzek., -
attorney at law,
ontc.M **. <■«»•>*• S¥.Kl“ueW’
-4 ,
i-R-iu Wk^'m — •:7 :rT *^'-\V7ikMbnghu
Bi!H) tf i t Tli B KBS. M»«M 7
of «tlow I’lreM BfldCn *OCd
OCSllrt .. r .-
—~TT-.r——<r •» DifSLAP.
MAWU»ACrt' WEB otfini cipjwt, Sh#r»< IfPtt
-Ware* «nd dealer iq DtiOqni*.eii<i Japanncu •
Ware. No I? Mirkm uneu. ‘Ac Hbicribct refpecl-1
foil* e«U* Uveaueatfaa of die Wnutn Merchant*.-
CwuUrr'dealer*, mod others lo bi* larre »iockof »»"■.,
afaciawd Tin and CopMr'ware,. wilk a Ur*« ***”?*
toeaiof.ionomd tlocse FanUfcinn llwdWMr*. i
WboUole torer* ana Unipablic *en* rally* •«.!«*'
ted <o ea». ■ .
u. f jiKuair,- I raiin- '' ‘J-* 1 fo ' TUc *
•. f| 4 "pi fc 8. SKLIOV k c °i
M. gptdea, Hoot, Hay and Manure Fork*, ,«■» *fr
| UWoo*atrckl;f’if«to'p*- ta . rtS ’£
Tiio j jasiks w. wouowKLi., ; I’JTTSBIi Mill I'EtIHK INSTITUTE.
. iMcpnitn * ri» - piTr<*rttiJll rinsirtnr. wars boom#. rpniS lunr.unmt. uuJrr the i-nre or Hcv. J
p 'SISJy VaUSXwVMS i T.rrrsSS: I®=® I *’ S: KyStr-«. lt
Srron.l .trect. m-af VYood, and j ••"*> pr-vai*- Dwel- oeiwren -V! antl4lli •«**«.«.- 'mid
W' filial tfe.ui I.a.eny Mrr«l. have «... I.nmt and (or , 1it.,.. on Iroml «ml oud- >o ( rummetir.- un Mu. u»> oM c- »«>-
talc 'lflOiOOO lbs Jsiorled Steel, Yii The present ‘lock on li.tod c-*miot I.? rXi-vUd •■•J J | in t K>rt:nl. .lil.l an> m ," ,J , ,£ W or‘lt that
Naylor & IV* Co.*t,Shear. WiMer am] Herman te •! manufactory in the we«n-rn country K i..m* w.-b n., . i..- |.r.-. a* ma* |.<:to..ea..|r v..n . i • ■
A tlui« »Am Ul.ater Soring ami Fork m |’uicli»‘o would -In well l.y <cvn.c nj« *. “.) , l '!!; . of Pro*-i>«r>r RHO-
W doi Shovel*. Spade* and Fork! , ; my price-»lit»w ptcu-e. lart.-imr- a.,. Hm* ’.‘.r o' Mu> eon ;he J'.a,. . uml-Uuiur.
SESw v‘'"i lp.rfmn.ul -.1. He* ...J H... clo.l, «.«•.- ;«»
Sl«l«*.,SWjte Mould*. Crowbar*. Jo* Mahogani N urn- l-ha.r*. the -erv.i n Mo ‘-'V, 1,," 1 , ‘ ‘ „ v• 0lt( | t „i„r
• Furimrc Krojer*. Utm.uh, 1.0n.j |' I - fn U l.m r. ««- »■»»" MIIJI .
Mmu*lr*.C:£> ami Coal Pul* * ' ny »»«a r*. ; vatuai.l* »rt.uu. S h-.:
A*r«, Scythe*. Sickle*. l.o« Chain*.Ac.. Ac.; l'-* inJhoyi.ii> W i.rk > auJ«. J*••* •’ * . • ' ‘J. Thonc wlin
irrVaUmahdrr F.rc Pro... Su.r*.' ium. N-.p. “>=■*« . J dor niahogany Rockm* ! Par... ami rnsh
am! other I'iUnbutc It Mlliuia.-iure* ‘otil-ai ihr lovrfl I 1 > I*|J> Hii-np.iix Mini JU.*. '■ . • ...... I ilirl'l-r ivi”
pncii* «-«•»• j -1 ,, “ •.f.iiJ. V ! '
Clt Uiuicxbitwrr, * iK* «aMo ; 1 - V-li^'riv <uiiclv!'* ' j' Fm m.• .'.h-mTui or npl>l'- !•> il.o Frini j’» l -
CHAIILES It. WAMiMIOWHH* CO. Mu! l< .us <- OUu> ami Fm-iar U-drira.!* n:
TOBACCO | all i!.'*c ri(.l'i>N'. nn.i n lunfr .i«-oilni' , ni “• l onmu.ii |
COMMISSION BKKCUANTS, ! l*u»»u«ro a,.d rn a =r.n.u-> m.,m-ro,.y v> mr-mon.
Na.SWSoalh Wbarvc*. anil No IKnoulli Water «i . . m V l ' ■• rioi’^T
PIIILAUKLI’IIIA; . ( .N »• ' v H/'ki>U A I. I. II O' > ■
BK#l io inCorm tt«‘ irailr ami <lrsl»r« nj JOSKI*II \VUUI)Y\ KLi<. |
I‘auliurcU, iUui lUey tiuv.- uiwlc r:iru arraiuseinoiilr ' Corner of Wood Mini ad »(*, lMtUum'p**. ,
vv.'.b til.- V.n.N.n n.anibniw«. .ml .lm 11n.»... o. I IJAVIMI ....... .... UUnMI |
ll»c Well. We*tiudie». aiOloibcr j.ln.-r* •» will itmure ' H \\„mhv.-i »i. m.- 1«t oi Jnnaurv. l~»«i ' l “*' \
• larßi- nnJ Ai.n-l'Uil supply 1,1 l ioliowti*U du-erip- j |>..-.i»ure .n aimoun-- i< It. my Ira ml> u. il.r ami (
loi.n nl Tol. aero »tin), will l.r »nli! u|mui it* ;*< ruin- j i-imrurv. t!in: I I.Jn ■•ja:ii« '1 in; m *v nt«>i- «l >'iy •*!•.> •'
lu.Hlauilg term* aeany olliei lamae ui tUi» guy or rl»e- ; uaund plaee j.mrtirfn .1 my cm* I ** frr !
wlirre, and a!! roihlii t»nli-r.-il irom lln-iu will l-e war- ■ amt mu.l,- a r:i:.-.-m.m- ivnn m.niuia-iuier* m I'l*- j
raiileU equal lo tcprcaeutation.— 1 e-nnt') ami ■" l-'i'»>)“• •" i\n*iaiiH) > .
Havana, M. Uiu.iuro, Coun.. ) fully pn-pnir«l to luntmli llnrdw if «l j>U " n 11
Y arn, l'mr.» |[,iu IVnn r a ;} ScoAtaraf To ci»«l icnp* am! a* ;oi* an umv Lou'*-* !•..»►! or * v |
Culm' Igami. uml nmida,) barco. . Mri« liaui* uml uttn r* .m . uuii> .iivilni n> ml j
AlX)—BniurlPr retehruied Aromatic Stas Cuvni ' an.i .< x..u.:ur ui) -lorV. i.r.«.i.' i.uku.imiic ul-ijniK iv ■
dull, with alarm, nanuituiriit ol other (.o|>ular hnuwU, I The follow, i«c u imn,.i n 5 >io< \
and qualitim of jHiuiulr. r» ltf» Hi- »“‘ll.oniji, ( tSieuuiixtai ami J*ailrln-ry llantwntr. t»un I riiniimie*
Ci ami l»s Plug; I*ad»ra' Twin; Virgm.a 1 Wi.t. • File- Nn .im • Si. r! t\u,«-,i I Ms.- r—t«' *•'
in.-, pwrrt ami |ilam. nl wliolr and liall ih.ipp. w,a«l j e.-. U-Ap l.n. »••• >•' ko rs v '**«'“• !,uU 1 '
ami tin toei-110 ( WHk rveit vam-tj e ( article l»rlong. • S-r»w*. I'liiun y«rUo*> l , lHiio».>iiw* Mi.lioqnil,' - ■*
kir-Al> . ~,.1 i.n.l .:i ,-„J ..ul. m.
''X'i> LtiiwKß. ' i ; \V Awai.x, j llanlwr,., m.nitii
{.ateof PilUliuntli.Pa. Ure of \a«liv-lle Trim. I THUS. A. lIIIaJ.IKII.
1 KilUfcUl A. ANOER««N.Uralrr*iiiCi»uoii, | 1 otiKlMi FAHI «Hl.»iuli.wi
Xj Forwarding ami t'oiumi*«ion Mcfctitni*. No ** jj FUnn*iniis Warrhoit*.- \'d HH V\ i-ml Mirrt, nr*'
Flout H/.CCI, atKive Broad way.CtiHiiinan. * thio. ! I .:tii, I'uiptuiißh j‘a ;.'X Imii-'J .na/i.l l(<-t:nl:
RurKETO— ! lan' l l I" | I ,I ‘ I ... ".i, *••
M Alleti A fo. ) ' Japanned Wjn<*r» .uni Pr-tv*
llagali') A South. J P.Utl.urgh. l/a.kuis» Plßtee
Wui Hiiiehaiu. . J i Tai'li t‘«t . ~.
tJe«y'At Sthepherdj ) ’ ~ ’ p , iu>* u ...
Martin A McAliatcr. I Na.»hvil!r, I'enu. I Hi -lannui 'I • a Wer. >•.
Vtfauuait A AnmdeaJ i i poi;. olun<t Pi ,in-l:'ra
\V F Lanr A Co., laiuie.xilir, Kl \ lr-i • .in! I'.-mii >•.
Spfinger A Whiteman, j f, 11C1U1 ,„.,.» 1 Milmeo-.T
Juiuc* Juhttsion A < •>. i iteimiiii . ».'.i.iiii..i;
llewetl. Hernn A Co.. New I trl.-am Un.i.l Magmu n< 'Prior.
NnggTrrgOf A Morri*, Ne« York • i |, aii.l..-*‘. Smnlrip :«.i
a Duvall KeigUlcr A Co~ Daltuuore. a , t.,n. P er. and M.t
Sotrih:UogaleV A Cai.. Plfladelpiiia. ” tpenii.-men’. SI. i-s Cue.
Dati.el Di-ahon. 110-;on }»td< 1 0«uh» lluu Uui-;>-' •*
~ W. iar.twicb. w - l ' Wa.on Ci/'Mer. li:.m>. 11.-’-‘
• J. G. W. LEFTWICH &■ Co., i ITZiSJJVSt'
, 81-XtuVINO. FIIKWAHtMNt*, 1
urfAnd Coiuuiliilou MtrctianU,
f” PLA4t:K3II!KK, !.»•
■Qa)<TICH.AK aiuttnou pa-d to uwi-ieninequ i*
JT SdearMilH. Paiglno*. r.ll.ei anu-!i-» lof l»|.eu»y-a*
and Aiuaknpu*. . '
liraT.KTO Me»n» r“lo Itirt.l A !.,gliti*>w, .Mt. l!m (
nan f.nn?rieti; New t trlrae*
Aleji»rr. LuiumjA U.tur«m, Mi A M.Sherlr). la>«- ( »|,
■ frill? „ ; ,>"
r'Me’T*. Hall A S|«. r. Mr Wru tiV.iiy. R.-i en
Wiglinnaii, Ariu-lfm.j: A No-lud'o.i. 1 , .1i-l.uig!*. ( t
!ti.-**r«. Reran. Twill A l\l . Cilir.fitiai. '
,%je..r- llync* A Cta.gli.'-ad. Mr- .. lulwaid* A , r-lioli l.ul.auv«- Mm• John
l‘!><|Oelume, l.a __ _ ••el" I \ ,'|.H |l.
l'l.oril FAIITl.lix A N II I'll.llll-lli <•< >M- : .
Ilill'.llAt. . ."I. *.'i I" »' 1
_J -.glll.lrlil 'lloi-e .tl.|.|>il<<t lOOUI i>‘dl. ■•« Will l»e - (|) j
r*rn tlir.-e lotirtli-- lain.- mi :».<% in, r .i.C'.ajl I-. ‘rr-'V i i 1..,, ~\ dot Iriend-.. * ’ 1-
“ W .Hiiifiol.l A I'a, !.,i P-11-I.u«Rl. ,
Jtfeflw TU.« IVIIACo.IU.d-epoil iR.m p * \\.
PJn/adelidiia, Ma) h, Ir-fa , ina\'/l i<
AUpro-lut"- .-..migji'd to u .« noti'r I when M,.ii,. m ~
in Ihe waieUuia*' ol Wall.ngtuid A I'atlm.
nr ...our -.ore m PlohdrlphTa < C H A
Mum a k kit skin, ' i 1 •••; *
IMP.MITi: *OF AMI tVHO|.K"AI.F UFAII lt*i ’j . ... .1 ...
IN II JtDVVAHK. COT! Klt\, At.. "7"'Vo'' £
No. 15 Wimhl SU*»I, • ... i- •» i..i>. “•
V I’TSBI Ullll. ' ;; MIM
Alt I * liotv ir. tl..- co-jr-r O. rrr. I a Tgr uld ■ • .*#ii- , . . .
Up tlx-ir e stork of Itardwarr. t'oth-n .
Sad 1.-ry. A*' . 1.a,,..,; iK-j-n puH-hj.-rJ o.iit..-. , _ ,
ido- t uilvantngeou* l> rm. :u rJtglan.l am' 1 'i* m,rfi,l>-, ! *!' m ,u
the \laimwr.iur«:r* in .Ins rmimry, enable* tin in to or -
let o.«l*unt>-m»»«uii*.i"M-.l l.y I..MU- »"d 11.-d 1.% r ..... j, u : ..h'.-.v 1
lew Purchaser* are re\p."-iully :i*‘- 1(K „ on al.l. AN «•
lt.llji!. -'.Mi.lJli- \f*. 1 ‘lutnU'r i” j
u"V "-‘I l-.MvU'lf'Vjr in Nhh*”'- 1
V--.. „ • hr m |;*-v.-li.inn; l ...» H» |
M '» . • * J \(„,M I. m I 1.-h.rv—l 1.1.1 1,11111/ :.*-lr*r j
j:i,. H1.,1 .Jl.I- I 1.1-l;. 'Mat.rh.' IIuI.JIM.
IMIN-V. A*-. A. "■'■’.■'"'J
• 1 .i.-h -i r.n-hj nil .Mi'ih’.l >nrnii» .iK.rh .i Mlii' n.i
Jl'* , 1.-.1 wuh mini* Hi*n am i-n/ranur 1 V " 1 ’"’l'
' u I ,11 w-ol I’n h-nnl—l 'iinlsrnioi' valiuMo
•* r joj- fs «>n »a.H<us .ut»ji*ft«. ri»in|*u>**i':; iN iX**f al
' ||, lull ,N4htnl>. .••••■ •. V, 1 in;ult u" . Uur». I.‘ "*>•
i?«*v r ii* l, > 1 l'",u
-s i, i»,i i|il,i I »•**:««» * .M ’ I tinn-n- n i.ll'i’ A
.■ 1 "... I In', - 'l 1
Tt,,' Pun. ill v M«-ilii 11 l ilir.iry \ I ""
v,(I .m.l 1 I I»» tcutiiii n :i"d
• h,i'i I>l •- tfim' ~ ,\ •« , ,;nP, t«- v A fil an.) i-nU
.*»i . -id J,. It |. til,. 1 ,;.Mi.-:i .1 v «-**»-» -vljif M.iti'M I Med-
IJP r .ml 111-\i/hiri preparation* 311-: it .nr*
• - l::X vt*r« hi •"!' If..*; wjliW irifil.Clt pi lilt *. -Ml *ll
-i .u himpw
..r, tui..?n Ip with I'lio tininiri-ii Kn'/ravinss. wi <•* which a^*'
. i, k i. .’.mi*»F f Hi Jll, M l>—o*»l pajp-i •'*<».
.. ilt .1 10 rail. „ ~.v tl „.* unu limr*, Sind iiionn U * H.-i M-r 1. ir.'cil 1 iiiiipaoiun— \i!3]iU - i
. «,n .Ir.tnjMiOi,, l#u * p , iul r, ( >t .„, |„ hdwar.l -vivor». !-ind»ra|..
'■ CldCllilAX, W l* *■ ; * """[ •*' V" ! u, r T m !X and !: nm. lUlh.
n).\n>'l‘l\ A;. KOKWMU I.m: MKKI HAM , = ■ .... in-cl. I„l.. ..•d-iiiMnlni
.Nai *i W.. 1 ,U jJKUl,rilhliiß>.ii. *'■ *"- fr |', r 'U "wc ‘ I‘al.n. r -tl.,•.:•**. K- « !*' V.-ai.f.iP' A- Ac.
CIONTI.M'KS to tjan<act a « ..tiimih.unn < t. ''i'“ Vj ; A i.': t " -Katnitv Tt*n. •1. «nr. m.t «>•.!*'
/ Kusikes*. rsponalli in the purctia.r -411.1 B3lr I'T*,''... - ' vck.t -ml _
of Acncricjn Manulacjiriw ami. I’rwluce. a»«i i«| ' * h'l.Ul.U J'~* jN. Mt-'MI-I.KN /- •'■ Hn-r ..m! « [ic-.'i.iU- Hun. s \\ l
receiving anil rnrwarJiiig (limUi I . CINCINNATI. ~f [.jKi l.nU , k l f.v.itr l*»
care.' A* Accnt for the Manuhrtorers. hi* will liOl.l VAll UIUCitS. J,ivn .|.* Hc.«h* < iio.ip rilifmiw <•! rar
constantly Supplied with Uie principal art.cli-* of pxxE.NS I 'turx'Vp*' . Kmtl in i.ampi.l.-t I inti ' ,
PitUktrgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale ( J vrar.j., il.r i.f.i.'-* .ra*i "V." 0 '
pric<j(t. Order* and eon»tjnmenU are rctpcctrullr ,i,. n ron*.u. •> , **i ’\. a .. k ’|'
solicited. _ _ I*'... 1 r 'i' ', , \ • • •
11 I" I'oi.wa). 1. h 1 win..ll*o.l ui.| > ' ‘•' r
D. P. COX WA I & CO..
I ■fVJRTr-MOI.'TH, Ohio. C«iiß«in*"wh mill Fur in* , ‘, n-t | e L ,b.- ru* t*h- luail. r, « wP
! X Merchanl*. and I'ioUjc* DcaJri*—n.*i> aiirn.l lo llic • ~a r. .; g; ;4 ..■p.m'xii 'i'lr j w
; Purch»*o. Sale and Shipment of Plß,ln»n. Foal. Ac , all j r ..i;, P -iri:t •.■r-wl ">
! ‘ lltltlt TO. r(U ii alien'..on «»•-•*> F
Aiwoo.l. Jone» K Co Brown. Usury h- * 1 |irn*int». n '* v
1 Jarrenz. Mt-rHhc ACo ITenn Oratf ,nr.i%
’ OrklT, L<nif*ev ACo l> Ij.HA u
, Lyon. Short* A Co C!»rk« A Thnw
i 'tn|rlfi*M > i_
... (MISSION -
| AI.EXA.NUKI! I.EVY it imo*. jl- ■
(iI'KKK in ><iii iii «••liter c*ut!>ii»b(ttviii. all k<nii« o' , s,j .
McijcUibltK *i U>«i b*we.-t rale. oi i uimlH-*u<u« »i>J
*rc IsKray* I'nT-ir-il *s5 n ' 1,, ‘• ,‘ c ' r ' • Jr, , r^»
reJCTCIW* r» vrM t 0 frf)Ultril. l.i-0-r» n.mi.-" .ft ■ I ruf. I N“l'
C.Uit* l(ou»ii will tw (troiupilv aiu-ndcl u>. j>J»WIV [ l-'.^tor*.* >
JOHN 31 . i; ICIIA K D S • ' i <iuif r!K>U4i .. ■
Commission merchant, ; : »«“-
N«l iio WATER ST. OITOSITK OUI..U'SM>I-.-l Fre . b u,-.,., Tw u K'-* •' - '"’’i
;• OALTI3IOIIK, ifmn Wl,-ie Fl'tur. ami i.i , in.iii •■! •" •
•IXnNU<» w “'»*“• ,Ji »“ Wi '*- W,,r ' l K,u ' Ut '* ' .VwHKI-.W"
V» w«i. aiulCooairy I'roduce !, ..
AilvaiiKcl miidc on coii».Kninriu« lory rrl- i
to l/io*e mail 1)
i-i" ailr' i..'- 4 *-' 'U-:» «»•*( U«*i, - ;•
r<» V;.'.'!.'r..
~• •• v\ e »ir 6uJ ,'ii >'»
.. ili«• i .Ki lie j.-iir-ral.n,. M r «' • iirw »(>«-.' i j«
i, l‘‘ . n .„i 1, 4 vjlua'cc ca.l.«ig 4i’d oil.-I
SUAVINU dlls? A5l I’ltK.'K IIKUIfKII i,.,>•,• (..firm:, tl.s.t
> u.... 'i.-=- « »• •••• rr ™ ,rv.t”
' > TIIOMPSOBT fc OAMPBELIo I L l.rr «»» Ibcpul.lir-.l eau will. c....1..>rn. «- -*•. Ilml 1!*« -'i'cr;ui./-■«« ll '' .•.vn.-Ml* «>J «'' r , ..
Commission mfrohants
Amd MamorMtarvn orLluMcd Oil, , •'•'“l; o ''* 11 "*''* - N..-1 «•<*».! ir.-n
, *Yu. 20 Culundtia tyrret, k»w • • u J«t u. ainr-l ..« iy ». f
: Cincinnati, ow<>. , A**. ~ r;^*swK.
rr*mm rxid ?o» rumipJj) i n-mirmrn iT i"' l w,,h ,u , r a 11 111 ~
• I. w-llr your ‘bvn,.; cu,.-. .lon i I- r.-.l »■ «-• .11 < V . s . , i v „;.
; WM: WATTBR»O.<I, i,,*. r-'H-iriU-N HA KHI .T J lluM-n ms Kj.m-.i-.
p)RWAKDINU AND COMMISSION MKR‘-HAN T, j r<l) LhtA ,l-'a.-iory »mI > *;?{• vv u .on'm 1 ’!-;- »•'“IA 1*........ V..
i lUdbtuk, Pa. ; nt-i.ia r,iH tro-i (..lA Ill f ' 1
7f>|JE*idr*Hi#«T woulilreapeMfnlly intbnnhi* fr.rnd* , - |(||r(|wßr(| Cutlery, K»<!<tlrry, *»•. »'i. om-iu.u
lUi U» public ih»U.« tnx l«kea ifc« U .r-hou.c. . » joilH WAUiMI. ! x, r
fdnucrl)- «K-«u|*irJ l.y J K «-oulJ. whem- Ijc i |MJ'OKTKK A SI) UKM.ItK .n »>»\ l*"***'**' ; \v lu4 i„ W o.. IVt-:. ..*.ou ai..l H* v.»al,
■&ci■ RTiicr*) Afirnry, horwaijin* «i»l *k*i> j | , ir ||ii<'«rnr w4nl.l : ri-»pCT;f„!i) ml’u.m *.< J lf“,, •rt... \.|.mi luinli, •
bbtinCK. Pammliu •»««»«« *««" » | u„d Ihr |iul.l.e pon*fi»}lyi tl.n) ’ »» w 'Vn7\v‘like. •' sai*«wi‘.MU»e Pearl-by IU-» C W Tttvtor.
nemt. CUarnca icasonal.ia. i.milUi . • , llf || af .u fcf r,«the -1.1 "f »* l * e r . u ' • . ' •• •
i Rfdbank, March I. IM? ! W.Vodwell. No-S Micii. who h l»c diM«»<“ i ri.f t. , rr«i >«lm<-iit- I ».v «’ C.v
1 WAIaLIHOKOKD k CO., ; „f.... ihniK>«i r'a-.MN'.i.' I T:.c Uri.' Putyct -by l*6}n*«i.
k FOIIW ARIHNIS MKHCM AS TH, , Hr will I." ou.inuaily rr.., I nuv ; ''iir«« r *•
« r « s | f •" ! rSzp: .«r: -
--' i ii’*”" 1 rfir': -».r rr;
I ! atf m i.kkani a ci» , «■*••«; | ÜBWI „,r,. .. t,. j i..-. .»■• 1* • ■"•
j ini.'niii mid Flour Mrrcb:*n’». ; iabu..n< «»••.«. ' "
iVIBIIIfV- l , «*Jw‘ f '. T.n, Till » •»> ■ A -„ 1.,l r ... 1..--
Took Iron »•«! N»il», /»h-. Wl.i.e Jhe «»•»<• •
Km--a M-rrt lion, I‘ .«•*•» ) »•“*-» .•
t'.u-I.MKI. M-41...1N. rally N.«- rl. • n - ■ 1
l,liuTiy‘Mie.‘l.O«..<diMirMl-.*rlh»- W.rM»*»rr
'T-Sl or m-010 ""
..fli.wrm* <>l ptfMlnrr.Ar ,A<-
! J, .1, AI.I.KN
so u xm ! in 'V.'i'Hi sr. t l ' nll * A i ,, \ V ;
jii>l ntfrr* f»t jM*<* W,n«*r .
- <.'■> Ml.-. ,Ur-i W.1.1rl U1..1 » ;
: \V hat* 0.1 rJf i- J \Vl.4lr «hr ti*-Ul •*'»•• Irr. irmii
\ ■ rnrilwsl*'*' ►’••■.••rntly,
i*im. a uKVtn a .
ir/'i ' l -' 1 •' ' ii
IWrniK.-«;r'. .W«u
1 1.. W. M4TIIKW*. w * T - rAn ' ll,
I tUTIIUWK db I»ATi:ll,
i cuaaissiuN akkviiants,
N„.,,W.«r «*"'J £>is _ M€> .
W.II Rive particular 4»um>«a »• the ‘rllmß m »*«►
nata t«*-<lwriff.'«orran* (V, IMitburcb.»«
I CDRM f >. _■
‘t. •rr..‘b>u»h I 41 •Ke« , .l»*n. C? 1) Cull..TJum.
! J ” im.s'M'cuUoLun * co
; Common md ,
! nos. aa Si as south Sl *
f . ijnwi.lNrJ’H \VIIAHF.B«U»*nor«
So,. 8 ..d » ‘■'ftitt'lMOlue.
fT7-C*-l, Will lie made on conilßnmeni w
xflsaissios V fohwaboinu BEicnAST,
Plttibnrgh, Pm.
. ORIIS- nio undersigned bate
their new works, located on the bank ot
abotc the Aqueduct, in Allegheny citjr;
Pitubarch, for the manufacture ol a
wW'lcad, both dry ■nd gtowml in
n** red t«ad and lilberagc. Having availed
"“i D r all the recent improvement* in it*
' u "^ b,c *
(o ilwort '“? 'i- gp 0j- BUs( u~ |
Hr fcr
mi,l Se:tmi<oat.' MUH’i" & ~Ji
■ . :w. i‘ulh a'.!«-!iJr«J i<i V»“*
1 .Nii'l V. » ni;: r A .\ |l IN<*
l r l ; :l 1- 't-l.ui/L MII • . a «•>**
.1... UH rnilri. or (hu
s. j.' • -w-..' c
.r.u,"-™ '
11 ' ' W rii l ‘v?a"
All kithU Ai>-n' .•
jllo CIUI<- r ' l' l ’
....... i-iV I - j| hahki>.~
*' An vv..-: J .'. M ‘:rC:j
M. .In 4l
♦ Vi.o.r-. K. fyol Mnl.C'iif
if-■ on I'liil.liaii;
CftpflKtlieratilp- I n'. |.*n f'! {»., vi.i .
tyi .11,. UII.I-I " I ‘I i'» K -I '• Itl'.M*-
4- „ i ''"‘"‘s"'*■ ' v ' r%; K'V avoicH -In rir-*- tno.-n ..i
‘ (lltni, MfnllKU .St C. 0., .ill . ... lirr ' aval \\ m- nu,l t '••t-.iuil »l
HI,I li.Vf Mkrn >li4- war. lion-*- N‘">'| l( , \ii.i*il. In.ill llie 4.1 Ur - '•|..ini«li
I.ilw 11) flirrt, l.,iu*i-|lv 4»-r_ti|i.»-il l>v A' r " |( | ~. , „ |l„ l 1„. f.rr Itt U4l.»\ I;Ui, uiclu.lillP
-* ll II ~l- , | "'l i! In*' * " ■ m !n<l u.i- I.ii-lum' War vmUi lln- l mu-d
, ‘ l ' OltllM. -n.-r«V -i . U * -n l MiWanr By
I! MiUIIKW. • «ll|'«* |-|„||«l \ .hi I*. iM l'. J\A. I l
i:i\iii.iv, liM.i.iiiu,;, " . i'iii.i l ..i.rfK, Cincinnati.
* iAI.K lIKr.UI. |1 1 |„. M 1...1 itu.l - t.'.ii « H 111 I. '
NO. lii MIIKUTV vritfK'i. linrti •. I{'l Ml. II- Rimin'- \\ ilUr*. aii.l*,
IJIAU'IIN r.nWN n.... U.. i-. ; m l "‘ *,U, ~ ..I Milan*. I It.iMrulwl *« »tU mninii
1 O 01. l and il”' P'*" 1 ’'- -**‘*»-r- 1 •<>.. Ur '• I, ‘' ‘ Un|»i-Mil .n taio . ‘ J'nff '!•> fi'nl-
.-in l..i«im-*a n. il *- jU»vi- ~r' ”,' L ; I’.rMi-hod and !>if sale l»V - 1 \»V B J.\Mr ?».
L ii.H.l 1.. In? «U ►uii.:. wii.rv ‘ ' WUnul strrrt. l.ri. ► i.urlli a nil Kilt'i.
, . «'i»rtß«nil. Mirras., ItO; ..
|.:!i..:i. ; .cr • V *K\V WORK O.N sllKfcP- Tin- Am.-i.r-in
•I' s Kl.K.Ml.Nti. i il cl.I i-mnlii.-l. liiMinynl Mnlftl. VJ*«"
H'-'SMiiffillffi ’VSi!-; ‘Jzisrxs^SSrJeJm
rl AM! ■A' f-B • • ■ I Al . w-ihni. ..i.mmlix.n.tiunrmi: <>i tw. niy
tr» tttiilt-rlat'* ll,»* nl>' »• . rv«-rr ' In'ur. .-in n'-li' wwoi cruvvrrl on.t »lisrn lniti , nr»»
r‘ , r l r •'
|.„u...!r.r. ~r =,.J ......l.'r- . rlVr... r., mr.lrt »«,. W ...
' M, Pr-iK r .“n?.r i ’i-*n- a« U.r iw> -• • i»IA*NOSI PIANOHtI :
i {r-U-Mlin N\. US,n. r -i. Pji-l.ursH l*» , M ItNItA .KU'.imil. H-h I.-.. v I'n.i.o I
1 f am iMiTlllS u'aiiiril n m Unli I H»i J W W.-hlu-.-U’.. N.. HS 11..-
f,\ |. OHM A I 1 »» w o I* Wl.nrf |- Vr ri.iin.kl ..It l.iHira, ui.J ilir. ittUc.l'
1 M«l.n *',T V";” - : .M.r. ...« «« .» r-T Krr'-.vit! hi- llrrrr I’l.nn II lh !-• AM , «ll«l fp.ii 4 ««5 .
a u.m ll.e lOlli ol i r, |* M . ca.-h ilai r.-.1-n'K,»rr-4
. Uin-ra nli’l «a.» i*m’Ul.ii> » » > ' m- . J
( Anv mi'crmaiion c -[.*<-'.nir ..>•%.! Mi h* W f n,r uii.!n-.,|.v.1. ««u!.l iilmm Oif «i
; ee.ved.and n u MII.TKNUKiUiBK p,icl>u.|eh ami v,r..i..i> ihat'wi* l.ave u,.|x...i|r.l Mr H.
| w Nn ,V. wai.-r Bin-f I K -*■r AR' ui, fur t-n-rn 1 run*) ivuinn, loi IUC,
1 _ i nf onr l*>iiin> imm whom iliry nmy lx. olr-
RAGS WAN TED. • u,.,,,.,! ni ..ill uwn [Now Vtifkj nricrrs
«iv« ,um U»» COUNTRY MIXKI) lU<c- waninl, | _ n'i'NNS .V OI.ARk
l()0,(u)0 for wl.irli ll.r J.rr.-r .11 f'AJ'll . w Vnrli. S.-|. I. IxIC nr?3illf
t? “Ass,Mr •** i Vi-,-. Mrs*. ,»
mrl*t rnrnrt |Vnn am'. lov.n •!•. IMwl.unil* ! n,.r .K#..jwood.C oe twe IM'n.) ion* .Fn-nrl,
HpldKl.N TKA KT{)UK. • I* Vi ,!• .•Virtrt fin** w.**d ft I wmwc Piano Foitr. wHi
7i ymuni »«'*«, n«if «*••* i ■ <>lllUif . l 4 ., 1r1 , _ „ m «u«iß
inr Ail 1.l iMt-rn urn! 111 | ~ ,„ K . v ,-,v G‘«ml a-coml I.iihl tnadi- M
,; U , A n-.Phdu.U HKNRV Kt.KUKU
eufn ftwo«'«**'‘“ ,unJ w £ ,vLi,.T‘iTb. ! m.rh-it K t j w WfMwtwuii«,giw.•»_
: o and hui.u.iounlv Ibcniiclve* w..«id ! imno-nuy and row-wood Krund ap-
Mtlilkiur T u,,p * . . \v‘ | und 11*1 1 * t.nn J*iu*o». wnh tiwtailu iianirs and
do wrrllu* rail * oai 'f l '* ,c J l 2r n WI<!KKR*«II AM 1 vrnli all Tin* iin|no»eiiu-m«. wliicli tut duratnltlV. I
ClbfW. ' - - A 1..! :,. i„hc uml tum'ii afi' warcnlrd u> lir id any M, "“ l
I“ h mx>.K
TSMaiUelrtwu**** Kalita* lnap««;aa, 7 f “ r “‘! . , w uit ' No m w.whJ m. »' A»»*»«.vefliU
.ti lou u wanted al th«* wafchoim, . n. TUhV ItJfiClfii VBO--A View of lUo'> .iy ol
Wlurjj*. I’kilade.ipuia- . Kp.fvNK.DY AC* J P.tHbufßh, prini«l rtn l.ei'icf and ‘ a|>
nicb9M-Jni - - - Enicrav"tr by W W I‘bdadntpb a. f™® * v
Sum**. rw-rr.K “'SJioßia * AU.IMN • •»>« • Uook.ollrW .-or «nJ M■»
ai.i.hi;ih;nv nrv.
'Pill' hi>',;idi.cni Im-'l.u! i.ccn np. i’uJ uwlci
1 ll„- m.!!...! <.l ,\U NV\ Mfltl.i: ulll..
Coriirr «t Snit«ln*ky mill Mrawlterry at*.
' J'lw ‘ui «•>•*» li:i- lliu« :.if uit«Miili*«l U»i** ~clji*>..
m a* c»i il.itflmirai anJ piojjit »•, In-- irt!.) ilu
v t' ,t- lu*;rii' nu :ui‘l ri>i|.a-:n' ;l: " 1 " ! “
ll- •.,•!, -w . iu-.I i. h tll’Ut* li»
ri.uU. .1 n J.lum.ui.oii ...rUic oluo!.«i.ui
\ r,a.|:,.» n Alli-u’irlij ai..l v cilnl>.
•Mi.: | ,r.l Sp»m,ikm Ok* ii'-ll Ar.ulrUi.C >cui,W.ii‘
. IV:. -in. gU,
rt . , m . v ,._ „ (r # v;| , v « 1... lurtui tlie
Hum 1 " 1 ii. iui["'* ■? an '-ill ) .ippi < -it "‘I n ''«•
• ruMi* I’ur iiniMfiiiar... • Vi* i» li'itii-. Ar . c-iiiirull
.• r.'n .w. or api-.i, u. U..t ln>U.i'-t..r , k-I.mi
Vf l..\>>l'Al. -in-1 ltd ir-l-u::
•hr'HIM S. on tin-. Heaver Koa-I, U niile- iruui
i ltev. l .I««ej»h S. Trairlll, A. M., IVlnctii-1
t J li. 'Sum will oouimchi-o o>i Mo’,
1 May J.I, I*4: ' , .
i Ickv- I><•-.tll . t’uit'i-Ji. U'a-ii.iu. hurl. t.ißln*.
• A. I -I live ll,'.nil,(>«-• hull ]'*) »l-lr
1 -1 v.»in•»•. tin- t.-iUiic-' M 111- - «-lu‘e rr ill-' irt-mi
• Hw** .iii.l >-.i-i.u.-i) Ijrii-rhr-l when [1 i|ii-*t-‘l, •»'
• ’li- i'll.••n-c lire
, .H.i W '-*• J-a,',*.ri;i/ ma/Ar.f.
' ....-u.-iIU-lu-tiM *.i- i>rc-ciii <>n the hfil -lay 01
r »*l ..1 i.itth-t i-uuc-ulmi* o 11 <|ti• r<- iln- l'r.u<; I^*l.
. u {l.c Aci.hmr- or 01 N-i-n A X-n-. N
'll U;u i-ir.ii l 1 ir-t'-tn!. :.,i|ij«.-iv
!. uni l .Ir-iW
hooks. Mi sii’. sr.
V 1 r\|,| vIILK HOOKS—J’ 1.» J A
’ ’a i; I- Jam,:*. Walnut Htroi-t. between fourth
I ami J il'h. Cinciuilitli.
‘ (iuff..< < i-iilw-n—The Injury wi ‘b«* •I'-rlinf anJ
: u i| ~1 Hit- Uniii.lll Ktit|>uc lly I'.lwjr.l (
; lx) An. v- i:.1i1..-n, roviioit ,jii I ••orr.-cli-il ilir-.0-ili
-out l.r.Ti ,!itl i.r .V j.-01.-co,Vhi aei-i<i.i|.amrd I>>
I - - ,-rst.- •.>! atnl lu t■ • 1 -«‘.il, r.lit.n-.' |.mi, -i-.ilH In
• ’ |hf. i-ii-atii-n --I 1 toi M Cwznt,
! ' M umli-r -•! I’lii-l-r lu-trocliori l'-r the k ii-i-.i-'iu "l
,! y 1 ~nr«- 'i'li.- - ;-«-i cur. rii-tia. Inns
| ' 1 I'i'.l li-m the hr.-nrli i»|.ret-,.1) l--r tin* clilimi.
' \V,ll-> U--I -c<‘ »1 th.' I .i‘c •uni c lj trtK-l. r t»l Cii.l-n.
1 . 11,. 1 Id i-ihU.ii. I" - mi]'.
ri-;',nn-.!> Wir
ilj.M -, A .M ••1.-l/Mi.l
" f tOUirS SCIIOOI, lIOOKS-Ul' • *■>
; ■;;; v ■ »■- -yy ■*'-* • '
wi-Ut.--/ ■ ail !c-i:i 'lei r i' u t >
ne r;« \u lie
iiodnul't lliut ini' onliiißt»rnv i*i our Inn
.•mi.-.l l».»n ore i.J • '•< ‘
Urii-ki f n 1" ; r
. D U Q U E S N E
CAODKMAN, ItAII.MAN, A Co., huviug completed
J ilirif New veyrk*. are now |irc|arrd lomamifaf
lurr every dr.erlfUioii of Coach ami Klipilc .prut** 1
Iron »rlc* \iii''rrcaii Ulmer. Fprin* ft, » l pi«“»h w«t*
nndail*iicr «>( «iOull «iuan: and round Iron, which
ilm> oiFer on lerni*. ni their Wirtlnut
X„ 1.1 Woo.! «ir.-cii whr'c they a!»o kcrr ou hand »
cc-tinleie ami huiiit»ome a.-oymeiu of Coach trim
mni;i. Carnage hardware, mjlieahle . NmW
an C H-It Co’, hare made arnin|jrtnem* with Mo»«*
Dav A Crotiz. maiiutaeiurer. of Shovel.,. j?P*'lc'
Folk*. Ac , nml will keep con.ianily on hand «*cr»
art.. ;, I v lliciu. - Dealers arc rr»|»eeUully «•'!
curd to ml!.a- and term* w ill he
mill: Puimci-hip heretofore eX.M.t.g under the firm
1 <n .MuMhail. UradtcV.A Co , wa» dicolred on the
Sih in«ianl l.y inusual ron*rni. Tl*c bu.incM of the will i.o 'etiled hy M3r^bnl‘. \\ a IS ace l.Uc-
' ai.kxandkr ukadlk\
rilin' limnne** ol lUe al.ovr I oiuiilry will lie eonttn
X oil,, »>• viUt r:!*»-r» mulct liic linn ui Marshall
WalUrc i <*n . ii all is viiiuiiis limnetic*. v>«
Hollow Waff Mill Uenriug
mid Slave rules LigbtA. Heavy Mach’ry
Wiieuii JU-ir. Ijiginc*
firntr»\Snl hois Kn;ine fasting*
l-laugl,, I’lougli Castings, ir .iie
1 • pne/a
7h«* t><-M au«l at the lowc»t pne/* -
l'uii ii.i»ei» are lu cull «ml cxaniun- our S-lock
at the tt uiehou«e m l.'hcny firrrt No *l. neai the
lirailol Wood nirci. ACF
nrr maciiink works and foundry,
jo ii a win out (
AKK. perjured 10 I'uiUl I'oium Miid Woollen Machto
oi tvcry Ue»enpiion, ruch ■»— Carding Na
ehnic‘, Spinning Frame* Spredr i«,Drawng rnmei,
Railway Head*. Warper*. TwillervSpnot • *, Dre Ming
I'raiue*. laxMii*, Card Grimier-, Ac.. Wiought non
gnaiting tuned all *.xrfc of Ca»t 1-ull.e* and
Hangers, of ill* l»t**‘t jiuueru-, slide ami hand l-alue*,
amt u«l> ui ull kind*.
On-line* i*i every description lunn-Wd cm »norl no
icr I'hnein* to nr,l-i for Mill Ccaf-mg. Iron
fu 'mg.Ar Sirhiti Pipe lor Wilting I’acioric*. Ca«t
Iron \\ lil.low Su*li and lunry C:»*liilß» gr iteially.—
lifili-ti tell at die W nreWU'C u/ J- I'aimur A-Co- l-H*
riu -.reel, w.ll have prompt atieiiliun.
Rv.rrit to
. Itlnek-iiM k. Hell A oi;. J K Month* id A Co . *» K
Wurinr. John Irwin‘lt .Shk, IMt-lmiyh
<■* I* A J II Warnri: SleuWi.vill, . jatllJ
fTAKK' ih.« method lo nildrtn l„»
and ill lhnt 111* I’aeio^T
""ilul Nirj V\ ood »l. r,ll-hufi;li.ul J. A
t:i r..l- i.-pairr.-J ai ihe »lio1r«l notice.
4 S. I!. llltinid-ttill m- put up. without any add -
J ~, in, iv-t'leiii - .. and wohnut ill*' n*«l
i.l uerr'.v dr •• nri'tdl vA wl.iiul y
r 111; A " ;Nl I-I-S AND I'lU.Mist.
\T lii> Ml.I <..i.ii-i '« S.l..till.Hit rli *-<*( an.l
n -..'....mJ An-.. r.ii-i.nirfii. I'n
I. r:.M |S<- i'..-nl i..| Ai t'lnililTY M.-1.-I|:>II1. . Hi'" 1 '‘"•I
S|i"iiiii«ni U:»i 1..-<-|«-i- In li l:n«i. .uiJ »«}>«• m<t !*•*•»**'
in- ..I .<|' .I >• -uiaiiM*. Wlin-. wiJ’
Hi. nr; 1.U1..1- \w IS• I»’a»lrllo‘,
I’rKi.- ii. fa N.irmi* Siu.Hr.Huf M.m-r'n ami iMlar
Kmi.m ul ..I wta-rh wit! I.f»•' Imv a* •• «.n l.e
[■<;<,! .il any« r lmu-«- ii*«- «•<*>'
\ |-n. • .in. nniti mi 1.ni1.l -•ml K‘f --*>••, :l la*g*- ii"‘«
Vrfirrn.a. . amt l-*n« ‘ u>
t’ln «iln Tnl.-u-r.
>'|iuir!i, Si. aiut.ojlt. *l>.l IJcll-. ol .’Vi'iy
i.t.ui lu iu lli.lMi jn>uTi.l», ca-t li«uii
-.1 ll>" iim‘i iikfctri-. runl
„ w arrani.-l !«• t-f <*> il" ••«-»» iimliTul
\V4icr I'un.j'-. itj.lm*. Ac Ac.
r”f nr'rued !. n«|p'-\l .11 iHc ncatr-l maurier.
II f." , .1,,. M n,« pi o|uTtof 01 lUrbit i* Avn-
Atmr.i.N Mu... *n-t .... H.c rcduc
! i*u nf mi, Ip.iln; Ti. JlnS-"- and U.m|k^
WtiT'htni'f C«r„>r IV, K»I mid I'cont streets
rjuti’ li.rv-nr purr il*»* I’taiikt.n Iron
I Wort,-. I.' M<*—r» J A.Miwkum
i ul .,i .-Uii!-.v< a.u.t.on* tdiir'ii. ate now
prf|>ar»-<: o. :nr.i..t. to t-t-W Iron A X«ll« ‘.jy-
IMnitnlr,/ rrjulti M J'>' ’> tl” - liistfkrl
\\ .• ii.-tj kr. p on iiati.! •!•*./ Atr.trifitA hhiUi
WJt. JUCCt.l**
HaVIM. ff<ci\Uy n""l<-• v-iy i>
tiifiil* ii >!ir iwamifnrliii* 4 of Hu
itiloi''** •i«ilal«**l .mjirovi-il t-iMi’fii -.1
u-uiiix «*c :uc turn- i»rC|»«roJ u» Jurn.-o
.1 not Mi|>.r.or u- .1
mad? .11 ill.-‘'U« 1
W ‘
i in.v •I‘irr v \tarn
ml }'o;'uU - .t) <*•
f«rV.l'<v'«Vt *•••*•* «»"! I"
jiul /:iiCil...»|.-*r<-*y<lc * -
HiVilrJ c«u .mJ «.l±u»iU«- U-T !»*»<•. v.--
Wl . r \o tVj Wuod lMi*!iurpii, l‘ *
OfVJi / _<£.V»’
■ tukmtf ui«- |>l-
Mfihui.ii-iiiK-i -*nil Junior >n nil K-m-1- of
I’ut.n amt **«uniui‘ii l.< •' fol-necii,
~„i .;>■
KI'I.TON. It. II m-1 IWj.-
-ivl.u.u a.»l cull .-.I l.u-H.r*- at
1,;. ,J.' win fr- he will ph-'-.-.l m
i„-.,;.ir 1l I Mi.-iHi-
1. fi'ia 11* prepared
,„„i on a-good
k»• ii j-tkam maihm.i. uhisk",
Y„, VMI n.»l tMi* /.i»«Tfy nut!, «••*» 4*. t ':Ut
ilmrau T>.|M. Tomb Siciimi. McmuiiielH*. if : a" wlterh.
1 e Ik-’ ol Stir choice.l lliJttdc, and lUKliunutoied
nr I.r t,\ ) , %' ■ll in- .old luw'for fa*|».
N j; |‘rr.«»i.. w’-hmi; .o purobaM- M*ntclj< are
tummrd lUui i> .» Urn. north um>ccr..*ary >*»» '*>••» *°
i.- | ,-a,, miui-li them with an article m all
K. ««-*.!. amidre.pM. .H*».a»cr. Ac. colder
r.l «» . licit. u* ill.) can |Ufcliu*e ihnn lof jn the
Vul OII*ml»c _
\n S Market *»c*t, I’.mburgh, l , .nna-.
1 in tin- nmtiiiirunn «>i their COOKIM* STOVfciA
I, ;n.-. iiullv I ivilc i.cium* building MeauiboaJ* lo fall
am! r t nin; rir* I,more nu rcl.BMUg, n» we can »oppl>-lbcta
With IVck Stove. lorgr’. ami CTrry Olhtr kltui Af
Tm and shift Iron work nt ccMary m funurb
‘"Vr to order 00 (l>«* -h«ne-l oolite Sal
Fnlir* tii..l Chamber; Copper work for Simni Kiigtne*
’"i,""’ "' ’° ,k "' “'iki'iVf « -IHHK
Ulroulnghaut, i»»r»r FUlfttrarslk,) P*.
\\urr/%ju*r. A-». 137, IVutn/ strut, rdttburgh.
keep ou U.inU pi«>J a«M>n-
Xfc/wn.t or Ware, of our own roamiiacfore. and
fc»3.ut>ei.or.|Unhiy Wlwlcaale andcountry M«y*
\M Kliatif arc r.tapc.Tfolly mvilcl u> call aud el
amine i>r llietnaeUi"., a< w- arc deicrinnved U> mjII
~heaj*r' than lt». ever l.cmrc been offered to the
- i>r.l.-r« -t-ui l>\ mail, atoonipnined l»V the
p *^„.„will I- t'lonl (ally Ut-cmlcd to. IrbSS. '
New SUovel, N|.»«U >u»l Pork MaMwfau
\ 1 Vu.vt- Hay unit \;:Hturel ..rk. Ar on aiiritcq
..V, t. jte .arc [H.-lMt. d to till oil rur rn.-L mb
•",t,'Z,Z n.. --
. article- tlmt hove apiaimnd Ceilin' Cochran,
l. . „„ Men'll lilt Mots; Wood -tr.vl. lin'.r AitHlt
li» the ill Ihe.i in.iiiul.ieiure* All order, tuldl. ss
’ 1 ... 1.. m % v ■ll tire, v 11 r ■ >■<> 111 atii'Miou.nlt tin' im>*l dd
F,mn r ...«.t.rii.. - l rru> i I»IX“N
I'lii-ii.itfili. July dly __
JNO. (i. 1111,I«ICS1*I K & CO.,
No 10 W i.hl Street.
M\M I'AtTI KKKSoiij.iiaiid Mahogany Uaiknift
,-,..| l .i i ..ii.fUml IVuler- ... L.-.k.anUla
flair* • Acinfl IVieii*-i-'»‘ap*. ‘ h-k-, « ontl.«,
J, .veil »' sod l am > vencrally.
•1,,., ji.lveit. *r- tie i.utk.ijr Mitu*' unpioVr menu n*
th.-.r l.u>■>.. - will, I’
or IhuD—ln*. D.r •.ni|a»nain.»ti uimy
l ohml- they \t i^l^ nlile. to .ell :«!h.<i*rr»K fnrt\ ll.i-t
.iii.M-cii rr ii<- miiv *>nlsii»*>n* Hi-'irpiiatili'K
-1 ,.nl ui.* pr-*p .f->lm muktr’uii AmJs i»l timon
l''\ I » M i. i.ui' rj, mi il.v mn.-'l r.-atonaliU* uruu«.
. t \‘ .»«.1 i.. u- will iiji'i*! w-ll> pimtipi -.HU iilioti
i.urm-k MM-t-l, Ail- !■.'»-'»>' t: 'IV I
N II NVifi'iiman, «],o ha*. ;i pauut l«: a vrry
rai.1,«i..l wl» to. 1.. T»
i,pm<i*<l for ill-* tu-: tifnvn >eai< m rmim of tbr moM
. Ill*||«|V'* UII.I <'►<***' * ottiMl lml.r.'-s of the wrM,
«.1I *.>.cUo> por-oiiul nutrition lo |»itjmg up, to the *at.
,mtni*i'Oii ni tmi&r toiimiu'tl, all mai'inic** made at thu
rMxiili'hnxriiL ' . » at »*- Mr V
Co., No« M ami V 4 Fowl Ms
! |lka*« V'orsoEß* and Uai Fix-
Tr*«; Btaui of all m*r« ea«
■ from tin* latcM mipiovrd pm-
I icrm and wnrrnmed njuul to
J nnv AUo, t«a*< CaMlnp*,
finished if qidrrrd, <•«• rit
ling« pul u|'< promptly and on
iraHinnllc term*.
((ill STKI-X WOKKS AND Sl'ltlNti
and axi.i« rAfrronv.
, ,n- t j jmirt r-
JONKS ,v 411100.
X HKKf* ol a»*l »‘‘ el j
I‘lo.BUrtr.-!, *-«! A i
I‘hplii- Uamnirt. d Irnn A*lr«. au-l " mJ CuarU *r , * raUy
comer of Uob» and Front l imlmrsh, i a
IRON nu.l NaiU, I*. &«• <® T ,ttle ■**““[
WBfrlwliae.'No. 5» Wmcr «»**■». near Wood, run
'“sfl ” ‘ »t tbo oM >.»nJ. McMn.urt
*>■>■>*»*«• ■»"”>* “‘l'-* 11
ot.lcr» ca« I**' fi*'®' l » ,roa,| ,';ttAFf\ I.INU&A.Y A Co.
<. **»C»*CTOK*«-O»_
' Iron and Copper Teekt,
Pattern Maker*' Pc&nis, of every daeription.
Oficeffo. 9 St. Ourie> Howl, TWtdMn*t,
(rH " -
Center of Third and Smitkjidd strttts,
B* Weaver, Proprietor.,
riVIUS new and. apncioo* HOTEL, erretfd »mce the
GREAT FIRE, ami fronting on two of tie most
public street*. i» unsurpassed in tie century, whether
U« regard* it* architectural arrangement*, or theele
satire! lane aiul comforwf its furnishing*. SjtuaW in
uir immediate vicinity of llw.jfThAMftOAT
LNO\ OmCE&wtdprjneipal
and BUSINESS MEN desirableconveniences whilst
’.LTiinl arrangement* afford every nerornmndanon the
'aioat fastidious • can denire. The Porlore and
Chambers am all fun}i»iw<l in modem style, with
entirely. new and elegant Furniture; tm-effieient cow
of attentive acd obtigiug (errant* is maintained,and lie
Table will always abound with the choicest delica
cies the market* adord.
1 The Proprietor, who has bad loug ggperiencc in tin*
line of Uumniw*, a«*ure« thn publte that no elTort on hi*
. pun will be (pared to (uiitfactorily accommodate thou
wbo may favor hint will their custom.
' An Omnibus and llamn Car win always be in
readme** for*be guesuoftbc house.
fell# H. WEAVER, Proprietor.
OHIO—The (Übicribcr* laving purchased the en
tire interest of Col. G 1* Williamson, late of: thi* well
known e*ulli»hment.beg leave to *tate to their friend*
and ilic polite generally. that they have vakerf»Um
commodious Hotel for a unn of year* and will exert
' their bc*i cnergie* to make it a desirable Itome torTrav
eller* and City Boarder*. . ~ i •
The I Intel i» (paciout and admiralty planned for coni,
veinence, light and air, laving a number of pallor*
adjoining cliuruber*, presenting unusual ailractioustO
r *Tle'’nr.-wm proprietor* laving had tie expencaceof
year* in this cur ami elsewhere, hope they. will be able
to give generaf•attraction, being determined to give
undivided attention to tie hou*e alone. -
The location of the Peail Street House u uncommonly
elieibl**. laving fron l * on Pearl, Walnnl ,and Third «*,
M that it 1* equally desirable in view of the eon vem*
cnee of business menor retirement for private boarder*.
It i* near ly tic Bank*, the Post Office, the Majomc
Halt,Odd Fellows Hall, and but onc«quare distant from
Main mr.rt and two vquart* from the City wist f,U»us
offends tin greateat ind ucetnent*, especially to country
merchant* and genet ally to all I*'™,?* v '*#®s£ ,ttCin '
JOHN iiviulih
mclS7 _ _ , „ JOHN; A. DUBI.R l
Pittsburgh, Pa.-
rpHE undesigned, Propnetot* of the Monongahela
1 House, annotate lolhe pubic tlalthe House is now
•itien lor the reception of Vtatlera.
Tln ? v are conscious of having (pared no expense in
fating out the establishment. in such a style a* io rrnd» t
every comfort to llcir Guests.
They bone by constant care and aitruium lo l4i*iiirs*
m mem the patronage, s> liberally Ue«ioW‘ dot. the foie
Monongahrla House. JAS. CRUfrSAN A H N
ap3dlm ■
,\V M North Steond
rnilK »uWril»n rniiecUolty iutrfinlKr nlaru*ol ri”*'
J. buTrb aiiJ WrOrru Bern*) Irani*, that they hate taken
Ihr abme lunnc, »brrr Ihrjr arc prepared to accoaunodale
,i,«ibg (Ik CUj «f I'lubdelnhia iu Ihe
•n ihc ino*l rcitmiabfr Irrtni The hoove 11 tvilhlii one
o.uVrr of Market »lrrrl, ami h*« imderrunr a thorough refto
t alion and rrjeirs and i* wrll oalruUilril to artiiuiuoKLUr
itreii* who may faioruv with a call.
< u« anJI. aud «r G-elfwuGdml tou WiM*
► rtniifj £l, IMT-ktiA
Hrt frurt Street, New \vt! r.
Ui:i»4:«rric»N in ruior.—tiw nuUruUT
i'nlly , «!l« ilir uiientMiß ui ll»«- unveilingconimuiu-
IV. .mil tn»*.iir*« iifii. n»»lw »"*•« itns
h iii.cii ami i< iiilurail Wf tl»nr paironifi’ nt
ilm'.luw oi *>NK I*OI.I.AK I'KIC lIAV.
Jl' loom.on lor Illume* • u iml »in|»a>(r.l ill .V
imJ ev.ry t-oiniiiri, with roml I'Viny, clean l-ciK, «WtV
looms, Ac .can U«-ic l.r l.a.ta* wdl as al lUe uw«ui-
Uava-am liouw-' tine call will suiely «t»iiiiy any on*
1.1 tUe'vr lac is alwl m-iiir »n ■ xUimve |iailiiuagc fi»rllo
| IOUM . SAMI. «• HWHM', l*toprii n»r
\t- ml 1.1H7
• w Vtwk, Api
ii. r . jirKtox. ii. rOAHsro*.
1.-IK- 111 ()■<• A •'lor lloo'.' of Havilum, RmitiiwsV
EUTAW house.
J A r K so M ft riIA.N STU N ,
prop hi r.Tons.
lVmcliC > wiil !«■ -n r.*ail.nvs» ji tin- Iteror. uml I.aho
in.s in pnnvry fnt of rhni t *, 10
jyftMly il..- ilt.W, ..
1 N SU It A IN CE!
liMlrunlty or l)aiuage by
•rut: Mi'TL'Ai. rHiNciH.i: nj.MiUNKi)
Will* itir aJJitional ttruriiy f»l‘ a Slook l.apiinj. .
Thr. Htlumcr. MuUuii btiuraiicc Co~, of I‘hiTa.
'V. Tolnml. Joun M- Atwood,
-Tliomn<= e Rnckhdl, i.ewiK K. Askbsrst,
Win. R-Thompson, lieorjte N. Bakrf;
timrei: M Stroud, John J. Vaudetkomp,
(Jcotfit* \V Carp*l.■••r. .
WiLl. make insurinf.. i • • t Lon nr Damage
by Lins, in Pn - -i -h and vicinity, on
Houses, Mures and ot; It. \ng*. and oh fruroi*
lure. Goods, Wares anu {ilcrcauudiso,on the most
l.ivnr able terms.
The Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock
Capital, and the other provisions o| the Charter of
Dus Company, hold out unurual Inducement*,both
jf profit and safcly. lo.thoeo desirous of effecting
insurance, lowhich the Company aak the attention
and examination of those interested.
Those effecting insurance with this Company
hive, bolides the usual protection against loss, by
ibti or.fmay method of insurance, the additional
J.lvantageol a direct participation in the profUj of
tlie Compuny, iritAouf ant.iabililv. •
GEORGE W. ’I'DLAND, President.
U,M. ItiNUiMAn, Secreury.
tYL W II Mnrphy ha* nowopeu an auortntrntdf the
above good;, all wool, including somp very Jibe;
mj . Mohair d'e Laine«, very vuperiovplain niorte colors.,
lutiscribcr.who »a ,k. duly = U .hon*d Ap»« ££%2
above named Company. U prepared toniaae a« |fr| cents; and 3 large auoinnciii of newest styles
insurance, at the OlBce of too Agency, In the drei* good* generally, including Ll&cE watered, ami
( hi' lea Hole*, Third at., third door from Wood fcney bILK*. of lawn importation*; and at Imv prtte*
ami will Eive all further inH-nnatiou deiited for quality. Buyer* will please call and vxumnte at, N
L.,.. b TllLm J' CAMPBELL. Ecomer 4th ant) Market *l*. . • i
* - . i |T*7" Wholesale Room* tn second story-, where a very
fhoice (lock can be teen by clea'tcnrp, Ht low ca>dt pri
ce*. _; ; j -• ~ , Ql»tO|
Safety Insurance Company of Fhilade’la.
FIKK KISK.S upon building* and merchandize
of every description, and MARINE RISKS
upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the
most favorable terms.
Qj* Office iu the Warehouse ot W. B. Holme*
ti. Bro., No. 37 Water, near Market street,
burgh. • . • .
i N- U. The success of tin* Company vinee iheesuo*
liihmcnto' the Agend? in this city: wiih the prwipot*«
«mf liberality with which every cUtrn upon them tor
to«, ha» been adjusted, fully warrant tha agent xa in
viting the eonfideore and pLtronage of hi* Vends and
die t-oumiuniiy at large to the l>el»wan»«. rt. lu*u
ram i: Company, while u has the additional
as .in institution among tue most tiounaiungip
I'hilad'u—as having an ample paid in capital, which
by the operatioi.ofiiseharteriiconstiiitlvinereasiug
as yielding to «-*ch person insured tiis due share ol
tli" profit*'of tho company without involving .him
in .any' responsibility whatever, and therejore u
posse»ing tne Illutual principle, divested of every
obnoxious' feature, an 1 in its tuoat attractive form.
no/4 '. __
New York.
I Hite vvrtl known amt ir»i**«*t»lil** company i« f"*
pared, through Ilicii mTSHUKi.H AliKN«’\ r«
iak«- lusuraiirc of 'every kind roiiii«-rlnl with risks c
iifiHnialioil ami inland uuv.yuiKHi; la uisuie aguiar
~->;r >laiua»c l.y D.v.-llu.t' lluUm », Warrlutuv
tuiMin«« inijrnefnl.t••*od*, \Vai.'* l l Jinl Merrhamlr«
■>d rvei V d«-*cii|.l|.‘n of O' 4 ,b ** ‘ uo<
notable ir.rui 4 -
Appliraitoti' liir lit«urjiw siifinM i«» without JolaV
, ill.- odrce.Noin W.tod sued. *
, ini* outre. .>• •* » »* w«i -i,«■ *•
AT an I*tectum l.cld % the office* in NY, May 12tl|>
io loliowing oaturd gcriilcnieti werccUnwH Ihieeiof*
I tin* i tuiiunuy, loi ihr « , n‘nn'.: , ‘yrar, vis:
Jo ’roll W .Savage. rtirphci |l.inr
joint t.roower. Jntiu Mciln.n.
Willtjuiti Ward,
Joint Ni vv!iou>r,
TTilliain? 1 SkHUitt,
Joint 1“ Marten*, Jixejth^.-I.nke,
John J lltrnvk.
And ma nwrlinfi of the>!, J.OSRP
\V- SAVACJK, V>4-. «t> r<- <-i«-cird IV
,d.-iti lor ilir ensuing year. Wm. JAMES IMtGtiS,
jy."J I’.t.ii Journal copy i Set’frwry.
fIOIE Insurance Company ttf North America,
X through its duly authorized Agent, the snbscri*
ber, otters to. make permanent and Imuled Insur
ance un projicrty, tn this city ultd iU vicinity, and
uu shipment* by the Canal and Kivcrs.
John C. Smith I‘rcs't., Samuel Brooks,
Alex. Henry. Charles Taylor.
Sami. W. Junes. _ Sauil. \ ■ Smith,
Edward Smith, Ambrose White,
John A. Brown, Jsooh M. I honii*,
John Whiln, • K .-
Thoi. I’. Copt, ttichani »noJ,
\Vm. Wel.h, Arlhy i rl..(-oan,Scc.
This is the oldest Insurance Company »n the
United States. having been chartered in 1794. Its
charter ts perpetual, and trpra its high standing,
tong experience, ample means, and avoiding all
mU or an extra hazardous character, it
eoueiilcrotl.. =«tH„ £
At Counting Boom or Atwood, Jones U Co.,
Water and Front street*, Pittsburgh. apSMf
An iiistLosa by Fire—The FRANKLIN Fire Usu
* mice. Company of Philadelphia,
WILL make Insurance,permaneutandlimiled,
on every description of property, in PITTS
on favorable tcruu.. Thia'compfOiy has a perpetual
charter. * -. •
CAPITAL, *400,000 purlin.
Office cornet ol 'Hiird and Market sis., f iltsb gn«
wtiicu nr< e«F«»
SvS? F«I?
lff“l J Compel ei*U»me» I.
Jikhiski£«n>«V»a,'i4> utoiolttor
j Car|>ci Emporium, XnW Wifod street. u<»t door iu
Diamond Alley The soWrfoet re*p*-rtiully inform*
the citizens, and •tranxer* vuotuip *l*i Cny, d* al be h«»
declined the Auction busine**, nud removed in No S 7
Wood meet, for the openiitt; of a larpe OAKI'KT EM
PORIUM. Having been in the Ea.i lordie lutlthrc*'
months, iclcctmg Carpeting, Ac., idr itii* purpnec, wy.
stock wUt he the lancesi and hr*t anwmrd, and »M at
pi ice* below any similareMnhlutinKni Eau'or West
of the Mountain*. Utuiga now finch, my Cut per*, Ar.,
will all lie the frf*hc»t.goods ami Jain»t pattern*. Hie
color* of all good* *o!d by me will he warraniefl l«»
•land, oi-a deduction made.
Rich and Elegant Carpels foi Spring Trade.
Arrangements kavue been mode with two of the lat
ee*l Manufacturer*. to be kept constantly supplied in
lie above article*, my »t« k will nlwa) •- b- lull amt
complem. Nowou hand:
Super. Tliree I'iy liiipcrmi Carper*, j
Superfuio Double Ingrain •!«>.
Fiue all wool do dot
-Common do do do;
SplendidTipeflOVllail and SI.HI Carpet-*
Varieties of Cotton Ingram do;,
Extra heavy iwilled Veueiian do;
1-4.-3-4, and 6-9 striped do . do, -
Couoa striped Carpet* for Stairs;
Lii-ling, Rap and Hemp Carpet*; '
Soper. Sobeiuelie amt Tutty Rus 4 j "
Brussels and Common do' do; . -
FnieSt lieiiicllo mid Sheepskm Door Mans:
l.*tge and small Alicnnt and Into Hemp Matu;
JJias*Stair Hod*.of «lf*izes
All shade* of Worsted Cafpetnnd Binding;
Worsted mid Etnb'd Table and Piano Covens
It.liulhnd Plaid Table Covet*;
Tranrpatem Lmuiycape Window Shade*;
4-4 Oil Cloth*,or rich pattern*;
Sheet Oil Cloth*, ruttnany fit;
Gum Finish Oil Cloth Table Cover-*;
<4, 6-4, andfi-4 White Mat'iuK;
Know-Drop Napkins;
7 and S quarter Damask Table Linen;
Damask and Diaper;
Crash and Stair Linen
Carpet and Dry Goods Warehouse.
RESPECTFULLY infonas Ui«Jrie»d.» and ihepubltp
eeaerally, that lie i* now receiving k Urge and
splendid assortment of NkW Stti.* Carpeting, Ot-
Clolht, &o , diroci from the Ihiporteis iUnl Mii'iiifacuk*
furs, composed inpau of
Superfine IlrasseU Carpet*;
Kitts or Tapestry Brussels Carpeting
Super Imperial 3 ply and Extra dp; ,
Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Carpeunfp ,r
S-S, 3-4 and 4-1 Plain Vemtlaii Carpelinc
Sa,3-4and<-4 Dama»Jt da ao;
66 3 4nnd 4-4 Ta|»esiry •’? . , *l‘>»
Suaviboat Tiimnunt;t.
Hrnwn Drillings; 4 4, S-4 and 6-4 Shretmc*; 0 4 .-4
t- 4Table i.iacnt; l.inrn Napkin*; Ctavlt and Diaper;..
llockal.nckTowellniK; CarpetSttun i*; New Myl>: Ta
tie Cuvei*; Oil Cloths iioiu *.'7 niches in t< s et wide,
cut to any »ire;
lti<'li FjnliruukirJ anil i’linlril-Talilf sunl I‘iann fiivcrH
ri«urr«l Hour Cloths.
tlbrlliHl*, Uiui>rl*,TuiVil, aiiJ W »Unn Hups.
TullrJ.Clienielle. anil SbrrV-k“»;
Manilla ami fim*" ‘‘“i
rira-H Sinir Hod* Hal ani! Ovnl; *•
Daoiai'k anil Sirifiril Sl»>r I.■
t'jipi t lluiilinr.s
4 4. •* 4 anil U 4 l*lu.n an.l fiputi il lml.aupunting; r
- (!uli»T<ai Spanish Mullins, A«*.
IVi»v>ii‘ fitiinh' op • rirateilou
►r« air rrau. -lcil lu call, a. 4 b« meli cbiituW’M Ibey will r
bn,l ,i ( m ilr ir uilvantapr u» «li» •» ».«*t*i*«* lumping
DRV «ii>OliH.. ■ ■
Hi* nlmviii*. aiiriiOou U» ln» « iirii«iv«* *un*i
of NKW SriMN'i: DRY (HKHIS. 1. inl.n.ri.iß r-vrrj
thin* 10 itml lrn«*.l nn\V ni i!*r ui-orn Man.*.;.
_i.nrM>.tJtwUtiiK IL,*,No lHt Maikt-l i
m». io \V4hui stkukt. I'rrrsintwai.pA. •
AANCKKK& MAVKII-wbolcnle-nd retail dealr-m
in r.a«icru Krudy madr rb.tiling, would take tbi
mrinoJ erf informing tbr public that tbeir • UMkrifApruif'
mi,l tritrmet clothing i» now complete n> every v.irn*»y
«,i *t> fc -.adapted'to the present and S'nsou.
i.f i' l -;'-
til psirunm-e we lirtVe lieremioie received, and 10 off. t
•rueial «a"t>»iact-o.i w all our we bate uni
ted our attention to the purchase mid nianui.i*funiig ct
••v* r y artieie cuiniuUiMi* our rxten*ive Mock < •triril*' •
.n.* ..I-tr'.n ".-UIU-.1 out, will till.! ti )«» then
advantage in give uk a cull-as we are deictjiiuicd that
liu’r puree Khali add i«> the tndueriiientc pi»M-nied mtlir
|.«aiiiy •ambfaMnon of our rlmiiin-.,
We always keep on hand n'-vpie'ndid mpply: «i ai i
umlrr »lnrt«, linen and supeilinr ecithnt plntt-, senna,
tiau.lLi-rcliiri- cravats, bosom*, collars unit
Sign “<•‘•Men Star.”
N. R Gentlemen who wish to have any article rtf
.clothing made to order, run be turn:* bed in the shortest
notice. “ I 1 **
BUY UUUDS. ■ ...
SvllAfKUTrric WIIITK, No W WooJ micm. above
) llmnitmd Alley, arc* now prep tired, to “Vet 10 ntcr- ,
chint* a laigu ami dv“usl.le sttiK- ol
fkksii spuing i»uwgo(»i».
All of 1 lift vcatoit'* pittchnre -of I:m- and de'iisble
• lylcMind .jnalitirit-
Country Mm'kanu vi«iiim; nr |'A<*. tbtou-hnlir.
city, will lind ,1 e'lturly n> tbc.r advantage to give «r> ft- 1
rail, a« we are determined to sell at such HnaJ! profits.
will make -it greatly to tbeir mletcM to make a lull
with u*. , • :
Our stock TTnoWfull and compute. cmnptlMiig-u
general aiuoitment of such gtonds ar nrc* neuiilly kept
by dry rood* bouse*. . -
A good supply ol bravy and light brown Sterlings
always on hand. inchS?
1% AHflO\g« A TUitimett, No 4t> Market street,
jy *ro now receiving their stock of New. Spring
Goods, and invite the attention of purchasers to thnr
njorimrntof Dress Goods, which is parncuhttly detu
rable, consisting in part of
Rich Kmbroioereu Lawn*—veryebnire pattern*;;
ilieb Organdy Laws*—fashionable browil-'V-.wilh
»iher colors; very baodtswnc.
Printed Lawns, of different pattern’;
llicii California Plaids—styles very
Superior French Gmgbatftr—entirely new and benu.-
tifui pattern*: ou* lot very han>lMViue ul ISJ cig.
Superior* Manthe-ier oingbam-, {warraiucdj at' 20
eents. ' ' ‘;
uicba? * No. 16 market strcei.fl doors above Ud ;
SUNDRIKS-Uonnei Frame*, Tab* ana Kiirhenr
Tortoise ibell and boruf-tuck, side tuid dressing
cotnb«Unlaid tailn anil rosewood. hair brushes t«Hh,
nail, comb, cloth ami hat do; carpet binding; bfd lace; and white bolland; colored cambric; silk
and onion galloons; flannel, binding; safety envelope,*;
note paper; scaling wax; jnono wafer*; Barnhill';* in
delible ink; pencil* tu?d pencil |>oiiit*; buttons pin's;
needles; tapes i spool cotiou, Ac. I‘or sale wholesale
JM retail, by
. ap9 F 11 EATON, 53 -Market Htr.-ct.
a splendid assortment of those. To«y manufactured
Skirts, both Sue am! medium qualities.
A large invoice Ctarats, both hUck and fancies, di
rect from the Importer.
Adjusting Stocks, all qualities and color*. ' ■
Satin Bows, ,U> do do;
Bombasine do do do' do;
Forsaleby the tuunulariuirr'* Aeeut, No "G Woo
street,upstairr, wholesale EUVVaKU Toni)
apS urr Eastern Manufut lurrr*.
die Worked l.ace (h»i«-s— netvt.M siyles—a lot
received this 100101*15. 6
Also, Chameleon Silks n few pc* Oiumelcon Foult
de Boi Drcs* Silks—a beautiful article, and sr.ircev
open ih'ta morning- •' r 1
Also, French BaUartner; a few me-'.-v choice style*
—at the Dry (hods House of \V II MIIRI’IFY
apje N Ecnr 4th unit Market «tc_
RFA- KIVKU tht» morning at Hurnm* .V 'Lutnei'i-—A
tine tel-clion of California Viaida, new amt lieaiiti
ful sijlev; French longhair,.;, vny neb paricrtt-. id a»
cent*; Munehi *ter (tingbam', wanantid. at the b»w
pure id yu cent*; Kn*li»U Print"; Brown plm.l* and
sr.pev, new. and handsome,at No <■« Market Mteet,
tuchlU Ueuvrrti :U and jlll Mrce U
Sii«k; lislk tiirkao ji'ND’PA'Rir*
KID til.OVFB—'dO«b»/rti super I‘drt* Kid (ilnv.-.
ll,nil thr tuanwfiefory of Juuviir •’.Alrda'riilri',
Opeu work ami nubro* Jerrd Nile (Ilove*;—
K-mhiOjdcn*d, plain *u*t huity l.i'lo.du,
CliitiT* Silt. le«Sc and solinti do;
tteni’s military and dir.-i do;
For sale by • «!*'■* v H EATON
A WARRANTED TO WAf*l»—A beuuuiul a;»r>tl
tneiil <if French, American anil luliau l.nn«l*ra|ie*,
Scriptural Views Komwn Arch'-. Online Hums Ac ;
at a small advance on wholesale prirrs—froniSl to SIT.
net iniir For *uic s»l*lhe Library Koom, I’lalo Mull.
fcl«!r«*e(,by A WATKlNS.Manumr.tuier.N. V.
N. B.—ltealern supplied. uplT-Siv
William W t'
Mrttru* Spriiii*,
f -New M)k* of Fine Shuts in f.ieat variety, .
Sianding'and Bynm-WoHnr*; -
Spring no Cravat* and Satin 'mcl-;
8010013 uud Cravat Siitlriui ;
Shoulder llnters Night; .
On hand and for «ale by . ar*'J_ *!!.!!-.
l A r—Transparent Window Shade*, oflioth (Hue and
' ilrt Deputation, in great variety of -tj kv and assorted
•d/e’.; Venetian Blinds, of a war fed sizes bud color*, lor
mtron CofliroifiiGmi;f*h»de Funure*, including Holler*;
nnd l»ind rniantine*,n»«»Mi-d color*. :u ' •
njej K II .KATUN'S_
Ii.TKKNS, Ae—Xrptiyr and Tupotry AVorMe.k,
Pattern",Cnnva**.Chcneille, Silk l-'in s f«fiey\l.ruitU,
IVrtorated Board, Tidy*, latmp'Mnt* and mi:, r I'aney
Work far talc at i'
aili F H EATON’S . Fpper Saic* Room -
rMINOtJ-?Fancy and plain head n.k.rrd dr.-*a Fun- ,
get; rich uiint.lla black do; ittantnlu, (tolkn and chain •;
gimpt, black and colored l.olemu ttminmif;*; Lint k m
and colored *atin rtl*Um do; juil recM at
bps V II K"\Ti.».\’S *
OttlBRV ANl> TAUNS-C.ii,.,,, ~;fc a „a “ f® ;\
merino Il<J*c*nnd half n« fc e. in'jtjeiu variety fur V. r
men,.women, mi**c* and ehddirn; Knitting \ nrn» anil j',, •
Worsted*, assortciljcoiorr; nniidinitandiidyroitonruMl i\ ,
manufaclurei»’AVo»»tedr,and.Tram 5i11,., at - w*** <
upfl F II M.ATONS ■:
J UST Received a:nl tot *ak: uT tlin inanufuriofei’n - A. •
li*t ptiee*, a large invoice bf patent (iuut Elaanc . \
and Shirred SuipenUer*. of thh Ku**ell Manufacturing
Co., Ct. For sale by the Agent, No wood, street, uj>
*iaire, wholesale. MOWAHD TOUl) • ' •
• Manufucturer'ii. Agent . '. r
/ V. lI KATON. • ■ “
DKALEH in Tritutamg* and Variety flood*, Torroi'e
Thrll, Ivory and Horn ct*jdi«,'V,u>llen Vami and •
Worried*; Button*, Needier fFdie. Tut>e c , Braid*, Ac . , v
No (L 3 Market Si between’'lkamoun end 4th street*' ’
Pi'tuhurgh. • . l . ■ tytSidly
(I7ORKKDCOLL ARM, Bare*, Kdgmgs, Linen
W Ildkf* , Moreen and Utais Bmen lor Skirl*. I.iab*
Ribbons. FapcrMoslin*, Ac.. *■ F'll KATQN'S
lIXUAPIUNU Kram? Crown;. •
*¥';• ‘ U'fJ do Medrutn;"”
fteceived and for lain by JQIIN II MKhIXIR *
•apIC . , NoStiwcodmcK
. ftLKURHBIP WANTKP-Fofa'hulfrom-V
| vv Votk, 15yeariof oge; amuJtkjnin *cit>crr*pect-
I able Cobmercial Fstahlubinent in. the city . I*. .
l ike desir* of hi* rarvoli (bat be *hould aeijuife a I now- ’.
I ledge of bntiaea*. a *maltrrmnueraixm woUlrlonty Ikr . •
I reiitbred Lr the fiirt may JnV'had 10 i .
| tdiArbf qatftie, .
r. \V I.YNP