PffiUMA abyertisements. .;*?» RAILINGS in Uu United Stole*, to which the attention ot tbo*e in .want oT any ’ especially for C«»eieriea, » partienlariy '^^rtft’pMncinalpano! all the handaome Ra»li»P HUt, Monument, anil other eelebrijed ; .Cemeteries in ‘ibe city tad eoooty ol Philtdelpbi*, .j.whkbhaiebeeQeo nighly extolled by the public . arMSi.vere executed at this manufactory. ' . AlaiEo WarevKoom U coimeciedwitta the «tab "'iiahroeat, where U kept.cocstanUyon hand* Urge '"atock of ready-nude Iron RaiHDgt.OnunenUllw l V- Settee*',iron Chain,ww *«jfln plan aod oraimea -- tat Iron Cate*, with an exUwne assorts*««« '■*B2*3&?SSEZ** ‘lernand Doling Deju.ln.Mtto ■“ “jjjjjj mi oWie beat talent in thneoMUr.wwjn ««“ attention la oearned to lb. ■ nether one or the moat complete and ajatematie ea tahliabmena ° f |f'J^^^etor. Ridge Hoad, abore Buttonwood atreet. - Philadelphia. MattHla. iaV>dCm°a_ __ CUKAP WATCHKB. Tilt CHEAPEST GOLD ANDSU.VhR HATCH E 3 IN PHILADELPHIA. - •. Cold Urm, full Jewelled. . Stiver do do •' Gold Lepine*, Jewelled, £ - Silver do do * w SU«erQuaniera, fine quality, !* M ■, Gold Watehea.plaio, \ 75 ‘ ' Silver Spectacle*, *OO - < Gold Pencil*. 4 (JQ 1 Bracelet*, flnff, tanri thimSlrt, gold neck, fcdver »poon», •t** r of every • p>“- A “ 1 ” *"" •“••SfJSSJfwSS* •»* c "*‘* “erWira' ■■ »»« ooia .«d siu«t —above once* ~ 1 S A»»TTi™PATO ? T S « g KOT-ACT.« 1 . lUliatUmmer po*»eiae» u.»ny advantage*over ell kta« mi? Kwuiotal.wiili U» 1> m opOTUcn, »iuf id' “*T lc » ttantlv arrested,and suspended a( any height • - hKnnner*,ofan«ii«*,upoan:MoA»ble term*. '.-Tteltate. ATOWNE. A^-gtosasisissa^; lmproved P ,El 'j aTi!!d brabe«Mlorsteam Power kuuttof Marble Work in ft superior style, and ot the ever brinfe offered to toe public inay be reen at the • Ware' Room, ta which the atteniioij of purchaser TC J^3ned y Garden SiMaary *n J ™nd -lawful-dMlgn* and pattern*. £, liandaooie«t Wriplion of fcrctle . Flooring,imported, and alwaya on hand, and wrote a the mow reasonable price*. 4 «•-n timea with tCTMarWe Cotter* eao be »a ? phrd ai all lirae* wai wrynambe’ of finished M*nvel«or Table Top’'’ilLJTl SeedrwholMAleprice*; audtbeTrade vw»» At Uio'ftbortett notice with all kind* of Marine m the ,-Block,-or cut to site* for MumuonUs. *c RaJKD Ridge Road, atove Spring FeUnitrT 3. iW . . , DERRV & NtUKERSON, Manufacturer* of ' ' AWNINUS, SACKING BOTTOBB, •WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS OF ALL U^CKlfTloM Ho. 3M Sontl> Front Street, Hack of r. A. ViUon'j Cabinet iMfHTSf " - J tomLABVXLVmAi A LUorJm left with S. S. Moon, ■» whHHliv a. & NICKERSON TO WATCantKBItS and DBAAKOS.: 4, LADOMUS, ••• J TAIPORTER oL Watches, Watchmaker** TooD, and JL Material*. wholesale and retail,and eon* •lantlr on nnnd a larje a*wrtm*ni of Lunette, Pateni, and Plain Glum M*ia»prlng», Verge*. Dial*, \\atch Hand*, and a complete atcortment of atlTool* and Ma terial* belonging to the trade; wah a Jarre aiwrUnent of Gold and Silver Lever, Leplne>and Plata WaicUc*. all of whkb he will guaranty to aeU at the loweit Titvt York price*. All order* from the connin’ punctaally Country Merchant* and otheii are inn ted to call f lll * examine at the OUStand, N 0.33 South Fourth meet. Philadelphia’ jaqS3Bm OARRIA6KB. u-jr.irjtu OGLE, COACH AND JMie. HARNESS ALfJkElt, 980 Cbonut »t, OG&’mmr Phiiadtipkia, late of the firm of Ogle f Wataoo. rmpeeUally infcrm* Uu &iead. the pablk, that be ha* end will keep coruttatir oa band tad for sale, a hiadwme wwrtnwnt of bihiaoaWe Carriarw. Ythietocfall *ryU**»d dtacnjXwci, bkU to order at thf powiWeaotic®, and eveentrd tu the r«ry btrt manner, of **l*cl*d material, feBP-ly I B Smith W B«ca!ey- W H Woodward SKITD, BAOALET 4 CO., wbole*ale deal >nin Grocenca.Ten,,lndico.*«„ N?»»«!{*•' MjeoUbetowSixth.Northitde,Philadelphia. f 23 miscellaneous. . “ANOTHER AIUUYAI." AT THE NSW YORK STORE—79 MARKET ST. __ NOW OPEN— Another lot rieb '■'tner Good*, i Spring I.\V,L»,, iew, plain ’printed lEGES, I ud tub »WNSi li'rd Roil», ih A Scorch And printed de uun; r neh Drab tin Striped iMATAII,'’ new Alto, wnonment lonttTic REMOVAL—A CARD, I- TAKF.tfnimethod of returning tbaaka to tie public generally, for the vtty libcrii patronage brttowed on me, heretofore, and 1 trait, by atrict attention to tatwi nes*. to raeritthe name patronage at the largeand con* iwmLoui warehou«e. coinerof wood via Gth atreeit, now, to part, occupied by B * Fabneatock A Co here my ■lockofOanten. Fielo and Flower Seedaand Agricultural Implements, will be found large and «»f lb* invite alhoeaU and aee me,at my new stand. S N WICKERSHAM, Seedwamt NOTICE— Application bis been nude for tie re sewai of Certificate No 178, dated January 1% for thirty-nx shares of the capita) ttoek ol tlie company for erect in* a Bndge oeei tbo River Monon« gahela, opposite PiuMurgb— which-said Certificate tuts been destroyed by Gntor loit n,eh3o GEORGE COCHRAN Wm I* Young- - c lUtnaon. F PlunkrlL I'OVKO, IIIMSKN It PLUNKETT, FLINT CLASS MANUFACTURERS, Warehouse No* 5.1 ■whip* and im Fim*urrt, Piunborgh. Tire CUi* raauufactorrd by m it warranted equal to any m t*» a country. All order* wiU receive prompt attention and filled pn rrawoabte term*. Merchant* ami fiber* rioting the eity wa in vit'd loeallbelore purciiMingeUcwliere. leU4 A. LKDOUX & CO., NO 77 CANAI. STREET, NEW ORLEANS. AGENTS for J U Armani’* Ea tensive Steam Hagar Betnery. Alwayaou band,a large •tack ofjMif. Powdered, Cru.bcd, Clarified and Uauard Bagnra, in Tie ices and Darrels- Also. Sugar liouae Mola**ea. Price* liberal and a fair allowance made on all Mica of.or above. So barrel*. ' mchll a M: I**: A 'BIiACKSHITU WAMTKD —A yoao(mn A. acquainted with Plantation work, cu bare per* utanem employment at eyod wage*, in a healthy part of NditlH’W- Mississippi. * - ’®' further information wppiy Ot-.O COCHRAN BKMfcf-j; • No 86 wood »l ACARD. AIUS TIHtOCKMOHTON leg*to aeqnaiot bit friend* that ho i* again lek««e of the OAI/T HOUSE, Louisville, Ky..where be bop«*toio*el *ll Lil old friends, assuring il*e» and the public, that no \ elort tlitOl te spared to luaVcalwomfottable who favor bim'With their jaalldly v’' - - ■ viNlNri Monthly Hoae* tod Kvrr- PBV rrcen*. Ac, miiablc for planting in Ccmelrj , » •"•e*nl*e<anu»bed mi application at the »ecd store, iVnm Nurnnet of Jan. Wajdiop. Maneheuer. ,rom ‘ 8 N.WICKKRSIIAM . »cb2Stf _ No 132. cor wood aadCtb *t» CAB Al* BOAT FtiiiSiTUßE. IllAVfi in atoreand for *ole low— 'Sank prune*; Maiiruae*; Coiu; Be«; . •" riUow*; (taut*; '• Sheet*; nod Trimtatng* of all kind*; And all other article* in 07 line, which I «i*ll u-U lowandoiiaceoiamodaiingletina. Wji NOULK . • mt3lf Store,oppo*i»e the Bank of Pitt* ■>, — - So| j e<> - At.l. penons knowing UemwlTe* indebted to U;e . tue tna of HoidJup \ Jintene, are re*peeifully nott&id to call and •cttle their account* without delay, with the tuulcnigned merciuir*. who are doty aothf rt* zed totetUeop th«j bawneMof the fi^ oWNK No b 7 wood itree 1 (jViorUnont n®** •» hind, ami to?m!e it ibe K**' l pncet— A too. Oo)d Claim ami Vey» ; •»£•««»»« iiiontvMof Cr< W W Wjti^jN ap* :: r■ - ■ for Mirkrt and Foai t h n Gt BOUND ALLHMCR, Cinnamon and Clo»e« »n I", bSU. bo«» atutnaaU tfaeka*ra. rwß««ntTjr on nano ,*"4£ ~^“ J "H.?QM»“A , &Sa 1 g CADIHSTUPHOLBTEBISO. x aU nretared w do nil Kind* of Cabinet StaSng I S^a/Difan», Chain, Cbair Seat*, at «. rnxnpily attend edfCT*Bo»aiiiß**fl,l k<w*«- ' JL* T BTUAfcTi •■ • • -.-g : - the BBttffljl. wed .«..»■ «ra« y^jggaaHAM. ,ii . “*” w *" Mf--. f^jg, *jy fc, ?r^“ ?l ‘xj«iAw | iSPOKEATION USES. TbVVsTIVASI&CAKAL tfUAILUOAi) EXPRESS FAST PACKET PITTSBDRGII » PHILaDA- **» BALTIMORE. RztUurrtlr f aT romd C«n P oo the roaw. wih «'»»*. ■'WJ&.WSS^ eJlog poblie are requeued lo rati and « lam.nt t 1 . '"“■v“ P i®f^R^ I TNE to DSSSi**'- One of Ibe Peekeu will Icn.e .be tbe United Suue* Hotel,) corner Penn '*«•«' and tu For mfotmnbo” ■W'v ■> “jfVi.-jSSrK. "tSi <,, “ cor Feu“.'.■re^L.n, WWtfilllWf -rTATIOSCO. 18 •^^dTlkbi “ B(1 SW I*UII.AI>KU*HIA,UAI. ir*UK »Wk t* 1 Liar Ol Po«W * , ;‘ l ' whifltiMinp** l rtd lo t»n*«»d « '*'** Pnxlare wiib certainly , Produce or Mrtcha«d.»r eoimr »«Y 01 111 •kr«sn«L .. r.uwaid'-d icce <t| any .-U-up.- tm «•«**»"' iidOOfllOTVf> B'llt Lading iranunillnl tuidall .il If uclioli- prompt’ Vtroded lo- , . . , The bownea* of ibn l.iiw- »' c.»<-ir.l on " SWibatb-fccpinß prmri|.l-».T Adi W-., oi '« t» LKKCUI& Cei. l'ropr.Fii.i« v I'finul lla*m. I*it«xl.u»rh HARRIS A I.KtXH, NoiaSoulb'i'Juld i IMjiUticlpU.u JUS. TAVLURA SUNS. Af*ni«, No IU Noitli Howard R»liun<.r«* \V U WILSON, Arsnu • , No ? IVm hitci. N.-w \ oik PITTBDURUII POItTADtkK B.USB» .. aaui 1847. FOR the ti»n*po«aiiK«iui Ki.-.rl'il.. IMid.urri. jud Ibe Allam.r Cu.rv iiaitn.-pin-nl* .... ibr wat, and the confluent n«k ot .I--'*' breakage -«J «•! ri«*U v , HtmBKUX.K A CASH N<* *7* Market *uw L TAAFFKA OVONNOK. , Cor Prim mud Wnyur *l*. riif O’CONNOR ACo, Nnrib »tre«l. lU»iini..|«* f v ,,. I|l . \V4 IT TAI’StIOTT, “j* *t, N 1 Encouraged l»y uirrea*rd I.umiic-.' 1 have added ifMhni «>.k t mii.l extended tbi.r.nt. . fttcnis dumiK t l,c -^ ,lllrl ' *" ~ov' I***'!**** * 4 IO ■ wmid flog .1 witlrVgulurity and d.rpaldr tm«uipj-« -l by any otlirr Imp- »•>' >“,"2 ‘i Vi s."!'™.' ihe palpable nupenority •'( the • Wen. and t*« great capaeiiy and . ...tvemeruv.«t d..- ware house* at earb end of the imr. mv. |.c:-ulu»r I> • • li ‘ ted to enable ll»epropi.eU»r»-to lolbl the.r ei.r.irernei. - and aecouiiooJaie tb«‘» cuMoUfft— > «.fli > lbepa.«l»*»J’u«*> , lJ' lor th* luture. ib- s io|u.viiuih solicit a eooi.Muaticv.fltun |rsmnr*g.-wln.-h Ui. / non gratefully acknowledge. . ... ... 8 All consignment? to raatfei o» winoj, ».l|«' 1 and forwarded Sieamtiost charge* paid *’ , ‘ l ' " Lading transmitted free of any ‘barge uif 1 o'mu.-. advancingor worag-. Having no ml. iW d.n-.-tiw>r indirectly ip rteambout*, the t»irre*t t' l Un- • ori-ignor* muu'neccManly be tl.e.r |tr.u.aty ot.j.-cj .n west, and they pledge lhein<rNe» to-loiwiird all consigned to them promptly or.d on il.«- *•' • reoua term* to tie cwnn- March I. Its*' IN DKPKBDKNT POUTABLK BOAT LINE. E&gm isi7. 4 0URGU. VniUuKUMUA AM. ll A l TIAJOKI-l Ip-WuJiooi Tru»uUiriu«rut.«ZJJ Upods'consigned u>fturc-ire »'i!( l>c forwarded wi:li the lovur.i currn.i rai.-*. U'll. «•< irantutiUrd, and all inMrucW-n* promptly aucn.lrd .<? free from *»y exui cb««* wr *wrw “w* l ** l !* A STORAGE. Having a wry laifee am* eomiiwluw warrhmt*-. we are prepared U» receive (m addition m Hf-slit tor •hipmeni) a large amoant of Pru«e,. A-« .j>* “ l lowratei. [marl.} _ C a McAN.Li.T) A Ln PICItWOBTiI A CO’S LISK. attii<ea 1 8 4 7. EXCLUSIVELY for tb« tran*j-u»at:cn 01 A't FREIGHT between I’llUl.urgn, Rlu>T*vdl--, John uiwn, Hollidayeburgh, VVaicr Street, Petur-.liurgli and uilinteimedUie place*- ' One Boat will leave the warebou»e oft. A .McAua.A tt Co-, Piu*bi*rgh,evvry day,[except Sunday. , ;i..d ■bippericaa alway*depend on having their R«od* for warded withoal ilcl*y> and at tair rate*. - Thi* Line was loimed for the *pecial accommodation of the way bo»ine»», and the proprietor* rcipcctful'y nheita liberal *bare of patronage. 1 Pnprituri. JOHN PICKWORTH JOHN SHU.KK H BAIINES BOUKKT WotHJs - WILLIAM FULT\. ‘JOHN MILLER, nollida>»l>ursli 1 tt H.-CANAN, Johnitown {Agent*. C A MoANULTY Jc Co, Pnuburgh J Rcrsft .. „ J J MeDevm. John Paiker, Robert Moore, nagajey s Piuiburjtb. - LiSK KRIK JSD mcmtiAS LISE. 1847. , M'INS Une being rouij'owd r * - jmUjinfc Lake 5 j •• J. null Michigan, rw*»mi>»r 1 '• »«»r| Beater, ami »r«-u?Ut , - si r Ciuftil Lh’U'*. naming between Beaverui... roe .imU'iuiiu.ciiiig'vini C M Reed 1 * Line of Steamboat Pn>petlcr* ami Ve#ee.' on the Lakes, Will U. prepared upon kite eurli«!SU‘l>cn ingof Navigation to entry Freigbi and J’ae*«:ngri.. to all point*on the River. Canal nnd Lnkrt Having every facility (or conveying rreight an l tenger< with ptornplne** ami di«puirti. the pr<>|«t.--,yr and agent* retpeelluliy *ohril (join ttie.i frr.-Ml - ami *• <' M ’' Ti BBSS?. UKKDjS PARKS A iV Itenvrr tv JOHN A CAl'rijlKV I'itM V.i, .b. I Cor. SnnthhslJami AVntc;*i« opposite ihr Mao-.iig-•• gabcla Itoote. i RKFtlt TO Wheeler, frocker A Co k .New \ oik Geo Davit, Buffalo E N Park* A Co, Cleveland Jat A Annwong A Co, lVtro.t McClure A Williams. Milwaukee Bristol A t\mer, Chicago Win Power*, I'owertiowu. Penna Geo Machelmytc. Evanshurgh. Penna John Me Anhui, Hunt.iown, Wick A Aekef, Greenville, d.. Craig A Framnum, CtarktsiTc. .Ui liayt A Plarab, Shari<*bucßli, Pa W C Mnian, Pharon, ‘la R W CbaningUam New Caxtle, do maro RKIiXiICK PORTABLE BOAT LINK. TWEEN PITTSBURGH ANDTHE EASTERN ClTir*. WIIBOUT TRAHIHIPMEKT. rp||E improved method of carry mg uted by thi« lona X E*tabll»bcd Line, i» now *> well kuuwn ihat d..- tciiplion i* uoneceiaary. Good* are nm toothed «u tRu. route. Utu* all ir*a*hipmeni orextra handling <« »*' e<t liie lloau ate of light draught anJ|KTlorni their irp& in from siaioaevendav*. The capacity of our Warehouse* enable* us m •u>tr any COMil'liiUiUt made to us. Ker*:i v<»£,:-laiinv . mill advance* free ol charge*. Being tally prepared to makesn.iie* oi Ho-luce. we rrneciliilly *oltoil I'onußiimtiii 1 ot wr-u-in Hour, 'Bacon, Laid,Butter.Cheese, Wuol.JVaih.f aml nu..u article* for tale, on which liberal'y • will be tnad« and other u*o*l lacilnm afforded, pW-’itif »m tclvr* that any Limnes* nuni'ie.t to m *b.«u br.m orornDth” executed aud piion as fa.r trim* a» 1.-, :>>•) otherbovT J SO McFaDDKN A«%, da Canal Batin. t'ltlsbureli ‘ JAS M IJAVISA t.o V4V and i-'d .Market • !, I’luia-ta —i — —*• * — —j "bicßev* RORWiRUIHR L COSajSSIUS miiItCHANT, Barf Heaver Point and Hruigetvatcr, IUUk COL-ATT, PA., Proprietor and Agent of tiyagxr* tjsur; ....Ofrr*. JOOI/S; itlemem* AVATS; r York made iHim, Ac •era, cheaper l wboleull W H GARRARD LAKB 'BILIK ASD MICIIIOA.V OAILT ItTVtM PITTSKCBOa A7ID KKAVCR, WHJ, l»e pi«“pa»c*l on.earW«l opening t>> oanul nav igation to trff iTf prupctiy at ■a wtrchMV, for all poinU on Krte 13x;en«ion, Cot, aaJ Oaio.Canal*; for all poru on l.ak** Hi n; sink upper l.akr«,a* also u> forward procure, 4.e .l>y I’t uu'a Inprovcßtrnu Apply u> or ail<!r« *» <eba4-dif JAS OtCKM . 1!m»^ PITTBDURGU St CLEVELAND LINE. j,ggjj£ 184(3. i | *^PKrSe^s ,r ' T. h cliinutnl A To. CLARKE & CO., Vorwudlnr A Commlulou Herch&ati, BRAVER. PA. TIIC Ann(i ami Proprietor* of ihi» Line (hi ibl? Known to the public),will be prepared on Jim earliest opening of canal navigation to receive prop en/ai Pittsburgh and Beaver, and deliver ibu *,amr m aar point on u»e Ohio canals, and alsoon J-aki.* Knc and Miclugao, with the greatest despatch and ut r-a - orable.ratrs- , , , , •, TUe proprietor* of line line solicit tin* business of tbeir former customer* with confidence, knowing Unit their facilities are second lo none. Apply to or address (i M HARTON, Act, P.tul.urch. . CLARKE A Co, Heaver jas9S T RICHMOND- A Sr f s-uland. TO THE PUBLIC. THF. Boi'taen’s Pottable Boat l/ompuny being dis solved, the Company again went into amrii** or « V partnership under tho name of the “Boatmen** I.iiie,” and likewise' agreed to refit the Stock h.m in have a Dumber of Boat* for the purpose of carrying goods thiourtm from six to eight days, wuh eertemiy-und t?el encouraged by the liberality of year** patron age, lo wake auro extensive arrangement* for the en suing year. ' , Wja would therefore respectfully solicit a routine aace of our former patrons,and refer all newwu.Uoioer* to those we have done business for. SSSIIB47.S^^I BOATMANS’ URK, For the transpostanou of atl. KIRI* or NKRCaaKKIRE, TO AM) RBPH Puilaj,xlsuu. Bsi-TtsatM, New Yubjc. sau Bosnia. SAU’TELWiriHT.MANAOo, Corner Liberty uecl and Canal Basin. Pittsburirti. j Ah HKKIIART A-Co, No 3G4 Market strrrl, l’hi|j.|i;(;dnn. ELDER,GELMTON A Co; Agent*, Baltimore, Md EiXmBURCII-Jas. MeCulty. (iso Moredn A C<> V McCullyACo. U A Kampvnti A tv,. M AlonA to. PHILADELPHIA— Morris Pain >*«n A Co, l(»-y.n,ld - IcParUnd A Co, Fleming A Busby. Peter W*hh,lii a ob, J Blspham, Joseph (iratz. NEW YORK—Goodhue A Co, Thro. Pr.rr y A Co. BOSTON—Reed, Hurd A Co. CINCINNATI—Adams A Creagh, W Vsffvarbor- “ft PLEASANT, VA-r A Mscbi-x. ! : NASHVILLE—F Renting. • • . » Nora—All merchandise from New borkattd Ho non, consigned to A L-Cerhsrt A Co, Philadelphia. .w<ll tw crompUr forwarded fm of comm.-iaa. _ J-hIS LEECn * CO*B Packaft Express to Vblladel|.Lla. w THE Cana) being now open. the Express which has been r»- milp.Ca tor conveyanceof valuable package* of specie.'bank nates,Jewelry. Ac . com- SnSdrilV. 15. An !■*» be dispatched daily until the close W IM.HX.UO, - 1 _vl‘ ' Veer Pena stand Canal- . TRANSPORTATION LINES- tezn '- m- fit PITTSBURGH Ajjl) CIXCISiKATI U.\ILVUNK»»F BIBSMCKST PASSENGER PACKETS. fPHIsAweU k»o««» aml(*«p«l»fLinr »i Meareerslia* 1 Lrrn cfratly iiy; P J *‘ '' M <h ' ai | J duurn «i -i expr«-*«.>-'" r l ‘>' t.c.i Um*l«d »im '“>•°»*••< th« Wc«i I'v ‘S an oniiTvxU! oi» :huWno!ioj vvii. pro cure hu»’w« jtfovnlpfi .or jl'n»cn<6r«, tgd no p»>n* ' will t.e wntwU* *■>*■' l M'f> ' "n.lon.U.jr a..J 'he ;np« Tcc3 l.],. They If a re J’ltHtiUißh ami oncnnatl aftipoMirvelv at mo-clop IT. A M MON DAV-i PACKET. The MO\ONG AIJ l\t.A. (-tps .Slone, Witl lea ve ,uf*lir\ rn .VJoinJa) inornate a i l» o’clock; Wnrclniß ■ very *’• M ; unit Cincinnati cv ■ry Thursday at H‘o clock, A. M. TUESDAY I'ACKBT. - TUc lIHIKHNIrt. Mi. ft. C..|<u J icavc l’iii*lniip*ii rv.-t > Ti+mU> .' nV a »ri \V|,cvt,.,p .-very Tuclnf -twin Mil« I M ■ »» ,ri Cilu-lini.iU every :jt ll> <• H-.. R., A • WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NI.WKNGI.ANU. N“ *, < »P» ' v w, ( • j;,- JMi-t.uii'U >•" f) ‘ > " . - ....L \C ,f, !\Vr,;i..-.lUy ■V. «•«>• -I. HI 1. ,1 , ::u-:o it M l k. A M ITATIUN UNI iUiii ,NU>K\V V»*U,K ) rtf i ilftiiM*- 'H:l\ jr.l l>) Ui* in - Ur • ,«rnl-rr> ulr' *■" TII l' AV , l*A <*** KT. >i>*v V--17 Tlhii ••lay l”" ■ ‘‘V 1 »"\TI-nr-tl..v ■'! 1" jt*M . mu! ».<urtnn m tfrf’ V-uii.l• inJi* f. A KICI L) A V, I'AfKKT. Thrl-MI’IM-.H, V »rS rvV^V-i’VV^M*; M.mmVo .1 |l’ i»’rl*M'U ,A 1 M ■ S\TIHI>AY I’ArKKT. T 1- m-sskv-kii. ,M, fm-. . 1-V r - <11,1'.1 i- 11,.1t I -H' St UK. \\ I|. \ I Vl - .'--riiiaM 111 I' M. i.i.J I'lii'-iuim, Cn A M t n,r JSAAI - NI-:\Vt6.>. ‘:«pl A <» !iUn®«. W,il . . I hi 1“, at- “ ■""" ■' i 311.1 «' n< r. mill I y it..- .!« . |.ic \ «ju* to ) . .r.'i ..I in- till :ii»l • **• 1 | li.r K. I 1 uii«.i rou'.a H.l. n 4 *i:i «i »•>•»■< r; •* l*r. > j ' _S ii 31 31 Kit AftK \ SIUKJIKS MONONUftUKI.A not TK, PKOWN-'VII.M- VN !> IMMI >I. IO II.M. TlMiila AJVI» I'lll I. A l»K1.l*Hl A T in'- lt:i•<inu>i<-'• ur Ti«-- f. t-l. li-1- l*‘ ’ '* • -l, .... j •1 i ‘ 111 i.| f I<> .1 -I > I.* *- »• tl.*- .Mi»n»*n^. iVi.'' 'i:'.!-!!:"'"-.'."-''‘"'rs'VJ''. .U.< ■ Vr-'i'i.l '"• iii'ij' I !•!• T»l> un.t'ltßlijr Ml »\,iu ; I-h.j. ii.-'i.l ' :«R or'’*;' l . .i , i, TO CI.KVKIIANU \ in. WAlUlfclN. ! 1847. %fsnaj , Tniuom.H i\ a» uoi ns. I> \CKi *I Stf-.i.0-* .n.J Trt<~’M}>li leave Jvra- | Pr. f .l-:V v. •• *•-,»«• ' »!*« «"»»! «W the I mourns tt»ui I'jtuUucb. au.i nrr.vr at U orren n ( \J n.: I .HI-- !•■ Siujjt *. li leave i \ Y lllt . rt ,'i t T. auj'ari. ve i»i C.rv< land a: SoVk-cL, r | M T" - m..i .i|>'r.iiJ i °“ c .KFFlV.^'ri.l. W.i!rr'j I JOHN A CAL'MILF- oWi. i U -*iri au l hifi.ilifi. 1.l ► -*, 4,*i> U„.o„; n l[ ufßh iUTTSBL*uq'II AND (iIIEK.WILLt: £raisftrfi^£ '■i l "" l™t-Kf.TfAM‘ FHKII.IIT I.INK rp;HS J. ol :r<- cbl 'tnj |u*..-nj;.-r Fact.- 1 «•:». wilt run <Var-’ite !'<•• ucaton bc'Wtcu □raver .iml <.i I’a . l.v wb cb ai»‘l ?«*■ *cii’»«T* , ibniivHjHvn!.. wiUbr earns J |>r»m|t;. >• an., a> b'. wh*k 4 AlU'llKH.lirrrnvi!!* - , Ai{:» I'llAlli'A Fit A MFTON. <’;-irk»v ■ <•. <!o. \i, y \ ]i|..\ '• !i S KINt«. H< F« -iJ •’» 11 \v » 1 t'|\i It I'Mllf-t’.iUft:!" UKKD.H'aKkV 4 l<>, l<rav«;t. ‘*n- JOHN A*'A * t i 11K V. romcr Wnirr and Sm-lliGrla *t-*, 5" < tpi-t'-Mr'lli' - Muiiosigabc’a P-V.*‘auisb CITIZENS foUTABLK BOAT LISE. \LI KlM)>\>r'mkk* ma>di>bto am* kro.m Pitltudrljthtß, Utllldiorc, New York null UotloQ> riUlfcl ciienurajjraieiit lips Itnc lim recurved since I it? riiintneot'emeu!, !iu induced llie prt**prie- I Urn; li> riiietip the Ft"<?k liy sdJm); n mjmlx-r <•! lirst r-t (xml*; :< :n! |n«lr-iil i>f|:ivm2 mcoiplt* a- lirrrti*- j ur «* y. <* will giye riur uwn reictpUt lor fr'"Tt!''. t tj i» line. •The ii*oU .<r<-[ ill rnrr.rij.u r.ily liriglit ■. i.iL« :i !d» Imre nitliimt irnrehtpnient. lli«-fi*li> o ilW'i'’ In.lil lf«-«jlU;ut handling Irm lln " t«-«i l ••. .nil rVi, Unut U »»} H" I I apl »i'i v-!i" nitl > l hem. v. lor li ii "b .«ulii«' u*f»l g'«r* inlf <- 111 il lII* r«' >1 .; l '»'• ►*’» delay "« (*>• r**«»«*. I \i| | ii. tiir-- Merciumlue V<»:iMi>tiril *'• >l' r I un«l*'r*'|.;i i d will l>e IsrH-irilrd HR Ll'. (>► < OM I AUavMU.N lor ijlvanrm;; :n»i ami will t lx? 4iui>i>r«l willjout dehy nt lire 10-.veii rain of ■ tm-.-tit \V r tp‘in>i liuil. «oli<:it > slurp of pat'” M-r. 1 nV.M.I.IMHORUA f ■ • . I nul l'4«nn. I'itubiir^h (T.AI«I. UKI LA 1 * Au< o . \ii l IStornl Street. Philadelphia JH Mll.l.LK. \y nl Howlev* Whir!', HiUini'ifP. IMisUrsh. Ke 11. I:;. IS 1(1 A * n ISI7 T(i\THU HAST 111 jIUAOMIAIIKI.'A MITE, via iikiiv, n>viu.l a n miikiu.aM) » pill-; u.itl-.l'lr-.O' o air tiiiVV JII-JUM it to (HI * -ltd P ro I . ij»it>*- I a>i»*f»< M.iiipi* .lnoii': i««h i n' ll A II f.i.r ii I-.'.veil l.> in.- uiuir i..r . J i- lhl»U I 1.1.. Au i »M; \ -uirl. I. v, I*-- I»-V.iir. i 1 l i*',» i:uinicjl!*nil 18l(i ... A * , ‘ 1817 TO TIIK KAST.BY UALTIMOIIK ANI> I)]] M> HAILKOAU. | ri Hll. •nb-t-rdrer* will nc-ipt for me d' l.f-r.v, «i Pro -1 dui*, u* BjiJuwot* by ilm .Mmiu»iii>m..< »t ilir. iniiowilii; pin. - *** - A-l.i-*, It.icun. Bnif-t, Lead, f.ard Pork. J allow, Wli.sii .. t.iifm, . u* d <• - i““J it* p.r Ml !•** Tol.J* «<*. 11<■ I*ll *, ri:|T :*tid Wl.-Ml a I I'l* per M' l ,r> A* ~•• - l I'nljiA I'p '-* ' I ~»s-f*e«*'l. t nn,l U-iHliri tr-f.ijl- 1-. r |i*i 11.- T 1)1- W cm,) —I HI rf j..-r It*' In* j 'i:r.»-wax < l , r*:i‘'- (J - !' uf ' ‘•’•'•••’•s. S"'l niiaU-Mnnt '•* 'HI.-r «< m- iii*d. r-.Km-J Wil •..c.VMldf,' Willi .111 d'-l.iv. >!(•'• <>! > oali*i!«*.Oii anl o'i Him vV li lil.AltK, Browtisvillr HANNA A W ATKII'IAN. Piit'i-nntb. I,.iVdf*llf I r _ . TMI'. Sieantt*o:ii tIAIU.KM n ; u.t<«l a,„| i «-ti ti >*il in iiandnnnu *i)'lc unit '.•nfryilii; Crr.ipnl mid pn»*e'nijx j*;or l"f lowing, *h bi‘-« ifrcal capueuy and t>*»wrr AnV f***| »4**i di-|v,<, ■) in t>urclia*r wii! ol ,*»'‘ in«|:*’<*! h«*f f I al«» pr'.,,>«•*•• to n-.i ~ lor or innf* - yfur» iuy too. ,'irjrtj, mid to n man i>! *tnergy :*nc! bn-.lie*-In,lni* tin y olf.-r i/reni U'lviiiitai'i-*. I fJ» furru*h lb*- le*»re. eilli,-. on vin- ~f ms* bum **MINKI( “ H' ' Mj.o tin Jr oil mi f 1,-rill* *.:! 1,.,r:;t-‘. tliri-o flat*, and Iwo coal lo.'niri', - iirrn .Mr* w.m mif* I *. fniur*-*. A,., rtlin'r i'*r II.P ~),r,nnr.„* An - X.i'i* 1 ipl'"l of !b* e.. '.al.lV'imrut i* hi vitt-il. IVrwin* d,*|»o-,'d in in-got' ate sv.'.iil in- ni if.inrene*: lo an> <*( lb** above p.irti-nlur i. ms) Sr Ml, in- mi :Ay f.Hfit*' •> Slnarr* IJniM'.i. •1« street Pniri'VirKh; or at Hurir?t.i nnir Moimur iiiel.: rny THCH. 11. ItAlIII) ■Pgpfi T' *11 IVcrr#!««i ;jnil I.i»m »ari*iy evcmlfrrril >nih'» «*•<}’ !,■ ion —'iii i. 1.! on Kim mini appro»- <l hta-l«rn |*inn» uiu) |]ir.>.l inpli'onil-i' Ka«i<*tn paltr»»n» arnl com**- tiii: imu.. « r uosroN iu.ind, *»i h»n.i or m In <ifili r «*I mi mill ill mi jnirr* O.linin' ;m.l »iln-r.> n«r iiivili'il m rail nml • X3I i:im il« ulrtivc U>t ilieili‘ii|v.'». t»» nil will l*e *old whalityolc /if inail.uml n lilioul • tti.ulr in wlici lr«nln iiiifrlio*'’*' njf, lil I REFERENCES , -AI.SO- F«.f a Ri«*ai vur. re*,nil t.A».I Type, imm .V.n|wn >! U> 3i ltr-I'. e.«.r«M nlK.rir . wturll will 1,,w for ca -l. JOHNSTON A sT«M KH'S ■ru-t.'A :i!»Mn«kpi*i <VoA C H MAKING. I'KI'V i!>r wpiy Jil>rT»l *woura*r ipc-cwlmih * lar h- u, jot-airtl’rll Ml AlJrßhcn). >1“ limi townkr .. lra<-r. tor « of )rar». «>t» lli* properly hr iw* • orrupir* iiilUav-i Htimrdiaidy l»r»>Jr .'hr 'l , rc»livwinuii<'h«n b. ibrton* exjiefiriipr in l)*e nli«vr lia* cme** mid >* *Jr.* r lc« l*ple*M, he hope.' ro frier ii ninl fro r.ive a -barr of publ.r; paitoniige. Now or (hand mid fii|i*hlng louder, Roci?wayit*g-- ‘ *ie».Jnf*eli-'»nd t”J* n °S*' c *’ *»***' ‘•««’VC! , ® n of -•**arr*ai‘ei madeio enh-x. unia weflWT-Cvfc <bila£ 10 ■ JlSito**** |36hN SOUIIU - PRESERVE TIIE TEETH — ■ PAR better t* >l »0 cure the Tooib-, ache uionr m.uutr, by ««:n* u »e«-W * (jTf&Olk Traberr, T«nh Wash. it.:... »• TT.TJ t |, c uchinr. lo core M-teue.*,,' cum*. tofineM of tin* ptitns. “op l>leed;ti? *' { **= *“''**• Ltd alwaj* keep the u-cth. sum* ami mouth ph-uaiK TOOTH WASH » ifc p «l,hc. | i.>lktp»jnl»t>l«> " Ihe proprietor mutate that ,h 1 1 '* l r,u u i ’«™».u. T.-'.l'rrty « ti h .. irmtotrd l-v mmieiou* ln • L Wl«.« TiXm- Tooth l*»*ire. Rn.lßvnre-.Trltutcte* thr name Ttab*rrq annexed to them- when, intart. tli.- i* ttie first that -Y-r bore the «"me or real.erfy .'.I me only onr wbrf-h po*ns**e* Ute reat virtue ot tbe p!»i»i. atol established ull the for «, winch induced otiie f lomakc UMtof it* name. tiiou ß h ficy ««» d<l present it* intrinsic virtues tothe pulilie. A* rvulrnc*" lii“' «i» i-ll« tr-l PHT-mitm «* TotlW) for the Teeth, the copv oi the certified records of th< I'n.lrtr State* District Goon ra published. * r Km tern District I pnti*V.vaH.n, jdi jgyjT.Hrfpwk the second duf of February, Anno thousand, eight handred ofthiMtnid Ui»tr:ct. hath deposited : Oifii'c the Title of n Book, the b Ue or which t* in the word* following, lo wn: Ut ' Vf:ahkru V tooth wash The ri*lit whfi'-c.f be etatm* a* l , ropri-tor. m eoi: form.ty with in Aft W entitled "An Act i i 1 |t„. -.-vt-tiil AM* ti'si-crl.ilf; tsipjr lti?l>l‘. .. I RA'S IHH'KINSON. Clerk of V S. |l.*t Court F llkAXUl ; pr Tli • above lfc|>y H.e1.l ii».- wrapper ni n.r "lIOVV iim ill.' T.11.'0l lli'- AfluV " IjilKUHgr. ""d .0 til. W"l '>•»" t»"* ,uU - ""I •oal T,.,i.r ir > T.miili W ur|i. sunt all .ulirrs an- Uul iru i-iiuiii. wli 'li li:>ve p.'*'"' »"t •" u ‘’‘ " l<^<<* v «'• U'* - * ,r >' T,. ni.rm TooiH W u*li .* -old Then,* r.iut mU-i non*- i« "'•■ii'"' l ' l.ui " ni’.P.l •l’*K J* . rni'i r Certified!" of ► of tht city of / hiltuft jluvu.R >•»'« h \rt .M.r .MJA'U, jm.l Lrrul.v waniil) r-ri.lirinrn, ' • ill-' •>ul>'.«’ i'< i , .-ii»l a* J f'li.l "il" ■> .1 ] . ..r«“i-iv •it'll' T.-.m nud ‘iuuiv " 1 K'HlJ'-KI 1C JOILNSTI'N i\,r -i imml ,-r "I y«-«r< T 1 «*tl» Mul ••mu- xv. !■ i'•') ndl ••'•I-' >* I»f*'' "l Ifi.m ••'Hi"!: w n '| l -'f'iil'' irl.l i l-lin*' mil''ll J'Ji" lirUtl r.„i-r«r\ i it" <u. mf ,l ..f limn run \xr. „,y Ir.-11. .11.•! wrrr ,* li U ll,«l il..- u-r »\W»i.ll" ■" .i.lxaiiU? n» oi r „ «, Hull.more ! M.. 1 . ; W V. li'.'iVi* Il.r | < I* --. i •i .•opo.: :!■••• '<"iv anJ r'jJ'f.r ( I; ill lium- a:nl •< i Pof I'l |':||| I" . I'.ivrl u* lalt % t »,.. t 3 ; ... i Hi. • . Moiiuncit''"'” Uou»c. i •“[ ' J MV.SKt.MKN ! \VM m’aI'IIHWS. IV.Um Tijf. i :;ui pi.i»7 I ii. u~ 'iMi' ll '' n io'' (1 tl il>‘ l.'Oft SAIiK VKSKTIAN HI-INDS. A tVf.STKKVKI.T T# l»rlnl«-r«. Jt:«T an.l lor »nl«* Will ll>- l-«.iiinlr> 01 lon Ilru. - A C«» New oik, itio lollnwiiii? iimi' Tyr IT; |l.« Million Till*-, VH II- :t*'- ■’',l I'i-.Miiiioii-. f.ui- <’ap*, S|.jr*> lulii*', -le. HEDICAL Vertifirulex I'f Mi mhf rf. of thr Philadelphia u--dAVIt.-rt.-l • I'. ..U-fIV T-'ll. ,K,XX.I.-I I li-*xv ••«*"«» !•».. »..J vvlti-* ih**Y xvli.l.-.. .111.1 1.-" 111.’ r. .m 11..\ 1..1V a 'llri-l ll[>l ill til. f 1., •iuc.iii m lf ' " ' , ) I *"a It A \ N"l. I 1., -.- iix< d V.l.r-;«r'*T. a-ern 'l ui-11. U ml. 1 . ' . l , . i.i.l l.'iim- liJVi (■iVi-tt l J , U. . MU i\ kNKA> MV iMtn »• »-■< "I'- I "'., i;‘-‘ i\u-li iiiikl -H“l I'd* •' ” . I -u.. i.' in.l iiunli' iil'.'" ll " «Mi’- i„y ... Il.r 111..U11. 1 l.avr 1... I.i—ia'.ou ,1 J. fc.M ('ffificutrs of iMdirf find Ctnflrmn i of Philadelphia' . . h - W.IU .•lat.'U'lr U.atlM-,,.1 tiir .uli.'tvmr t-rn.l ,- ,i,. ' linii.,,- \!,ai in'"')' »*»“> wilt J h l ? ..-I in "I'la-’i WlKrtlf'' r.-iibrrrv ««• Wl, i-l, an,i if \ 11-r.t. and •> l> a * vffrrl.ia!!) t-ujrd □ r1,.-, It"' -•uil Ito". "■ It-olli in.i 1 lull)- l»«- rnt.rrty nirt-lr.V at. d' ‘ vuultrra l iru.l tint w!l wl«. *.Hln. JIR c.i'i 1*... «.„„<• «f~*i of■ J r»«nti'.a i". «,ll ai, *<«>'■ a. p-* 1 iy U-IJ.INA ,-t-niß»i. Ort-iJis >f» t.av:n« lalfrr; rflK!. U: '-li ■ of ib- i>i‘n i>nin; u-c«ltn color w* j’f “ irrth v.-ry Jtnicl. itijurcl. v-v.iig «■*« r ‘*' pti'n ai •miTva!«. tor S-r\run nv» im.t t-r • - Toc.’h W «--u T'a:.c r > »«.- « , un , *l ihi'tn wVili. ■!) «•«*?! • (linr wti«w:*ti ■> aift »l*o -1.-.,rr a jvraaditt I ooiii '* »*’ “«*" ‘ r > u “ Ur '.(,A l n" TAVi. • WVcl.fVrent-rO Tooth Wo.I. • uv.nji remove icurf iuui cured wrenc* of tbr e-imv had ' r “ iilrd me lot two year*. It >• my ummol « arxl iba: .1 '« “ „, i«u, ..«■ S w». »^r s ?ixiv».N -V„oi Tc»l«:r.> Tooth cured tl»c moth or -or.-nr** or the tf uin. may bm.w that * . ~..,,1. v.r itu'io ami a very plra*iuil looth « u«li „". e U) .."Hum. 41. U n FRA , S |. KUV tJsr \V Wncci«.r 'H-tlntharnr meet • W l n.-etir'» Tf-l'Prrv Tools Wn»!i” l.avup <-nrr-.l »oTrii. «' ut tie sum. end etlrriuai!) singed Ijlrct.'io-' lf> *uv. Itaat .1 * <n> LVtu t-oi»vic!.»mijfc*l ihour who w■'! u*o Vi’’ir<i>'t‘» Trs»!ir riy Tuotij. W uSII- for Ulf tectu ** *» *- S‘"ur^v, I 23? r.jllawh'i! »t. 1 ‘T«.ni uiofli Hi-crc wt.Tigfls'oi tuyecif. »i>d other* ! of m> • ondjacire \V hcflti". Tculirrry Tivilti Wti.ta 1 »'»■ lUdiKcd tO ( i e ve .1 n after wlt.cU my ism.i) u.t-rt .t.and 1 re ,o cr to .a> that it d.n p. norm a taoroueh »mi eflet tual rur for all. ami “ ihe be.t uffrlr that I cwr knew of. : ,wu»—u «? “ j 5v »•)■«>». •■'» «• Matty more tr.t.inon.m* are noting appiovtne o! ‘\V heeler 1 * Truberrv Tooth Wa«h T ' >, * A.'.i a- \V.\l JA.'KSPVS *'>>"•; W, M» iitper'y itVinvi'al Oifcee No. tiJ <•!*' »t’« I , h:l:«*t»'4‘ltta I . Oh.ervpih- article •«lu.i«4 *> lUr bottle. make u quart Of/llte wu.ii. utl.l Itte-mul-.t .« f |*. S. For llw loOlhJfltc :l should he used m die uit'.n laird »t:»’.r. 1 * «p*J7dl} > - —• t'HRONO- THEUfIEI. MEDICINES. (IONMSTIMi In-Vro ( .!.fUrtir Mruji. 3 ft-r Ui-> rcm.-dvlorall < nu.l >. r.>lu luu-i ati'TU.'n*-, * >yni|i. Crpup Ccllli:itl:.l nlnrl :l fimu-t/llj. JtnJr.llj superior to all nllirr-rUracU. having ”»»«-•«■ n'lic-l when all ulhers ha** 1 fatletl. i- .:«« ■ ihmujh a tu-w m-rr cnr.-ntralrd than -r» •Aher rxi:, oih-nnl t.» the pul*hr. AST»IMA-ll» i tVrlf.l |>* rnMr»<*nt run - ot stub—n .lierj-r, wbrn *>l more than l? yran t,*-nr-- il *laud< without a rival irvthat uiuchdreadrt d hr*K«>*«’ ' I.INIMKNT. fur all rasev r*l wt-ak or iiain, ami .vrr>«i|»l«tr sul-tiLM- «'»f " l, r K..wV* TOM<> •“* ■‘itall.l.., purr f tul 9 and lcrr»9. and .mJ.rrtl w m..rc j «j»ri ilic Irvi-r* nT*H huwl* »*'»" l,J,k ~f l *"‘ IWOMfAHMtI.H VKKMimJK. whore known. n used in jirele»em*e U» any “tin r v^».Tw.TvNT.-ms.^n«--- dtsen'e*. ut the Stomach and bowels. I li;.lr.ra m ferUot*. &c Too high an cannot l«* oas.e.l on the wonts ol tins medicine, iu rum «.i Klsm-ima. >nd BlUiseascs that result l mm "«*- ne*» of "tonitcfi or bad digestion. |)r Hose'* KEMA.KK l it I S. a mi«l re'no-dv Inr lhu*e seneral complaint* to v.lurli !<•- “.IrlwWNI.: AI.TKHVI'O K H....S- No mil ever Ulnrc ollereilthe publico. I.ipjniv conrtnnes the .publics ol aValuaole mcdo nicjaan ant< -disneptic, UVEK nr |>stl. rorr.-cl ,n.f those disease?:. and thereby preventing enn» suiuuli-m. A vo-mg l/ulv years of age tmm;? adiM-asmdt.M-r tor »ome tm.f, lo r «lrnii'Hi IraUtJ and ippelitc gone, was rompleUly restored iti ns week* by Uie 11*0 <d the Anli-diSjupUc not- -TIU.N.:T,I-KNIiVj KNIiVj HLAsTEK.lorwcnluies* nl the bark.side. br »7 l iUsc'* SI’ECIKH ‘ El’ll.KHSY.Uie rm*l cer tain remedy for all case* «>t fit* or euuvulsmn*, whether!.. infant. nr adults. So certain a speed e , 31 l lor this formidable disease that Urn m«*d <ib. atm ile cases, and those tow ol lung Ftamlmg. bare y 'nr J m.^*TtM e Kt >lATl.' MIXTEHK- After nwi.y • • 1 - « 1 il liB*-iU fecearr U lli.s compound was ili-cov rrr.l a'nd l\* ro-xer lud-m '•theory places n* rflinewy 1 1, lorni"cure of KhrumnU-m T* K . .I.»TBI.MiKNTi-llMlll|-Sli n r.rm.n Idocel wtiethcrfiom l.ui'X», :>ow.'i« or oilier <>• <"c ‘“’ft ' HY KIT for OhoV-n-umiHow.-! -kJm.i.u..- win cl r.r>M»u>- «•««« , h , M ,i,, fV Cl,o>ra Mofl.uv »n«l Uniters. At Uie nisa ,*£. a““. r Ctal.-r. hm •» ««*Wl** ■’ »" u» 1.0 tIK-uK.-t *ucce*»i’ul in urreflmj .1, cnuui; lriiili* of ail iliu"" Wli j U«;.l ;i Wha'.n.ay'ljfi ”'< l 1,1 °" r of «h«M- r..rnc(l..-«.nia> -U Mid of all, llie.t vutue will wily l>* apimn-iou-J b .1 ir'J tl.r.ii from llu-**' who l«av«. bvcn na, a.-r-a i..r fc-mtal*. in it. vsnoissfor**.*** minim..- IZ Ucurw th-t U* hc-l.ns !*"“<£? *«lit " ‘ A cawol r.i.rmrnnn •> the wiu-of ihv rnor ol Ib-l-war*. wa-r.iinplsldy cured in a „ •} Imd l.iv-n twu-e cui out l<y. pliylart.c r«.t,plcJcl> "Invert rv.r, x. •»*« 01 Jw SKS ft n- frXSXZZ n» hi w*rwi iwi Agent* for NO CDKi: NO PAV. t -vk oijixkn’s i n ni a n vkgktabi.l l) REMEDY— Warranted uieunM.r lire m«n. rv returned This medicine >« prepared from an In dian Receipt obtained from one <>l them in Ihe |- ar \Ve*t at oreiil cfpense. Those «ho bate been limiliar with the Indian., that they can and dociiroV'onerenl without Ufe knowledge o Men* cur* Balsam, »r anything o! the kind. Ihc a* ll.c.u'd have now an opportunity of being cured withou Uhe uac of Balsam Tin* medicine n plcsut to the ustc, and leaves no smell on the l*rei«arcd bv UOWAND A. WALTON.and nold wtioiaali! and retail, by J.T. Kowaiid, 37b Market tlrret, I’liilad’a. ‘i-, r ,ale in Pittsburgh by R h Ellers, 57 wood ■tree! and bv Wm Tlnwn.M Markrl»»t ftcfidwT SiiMKTJUh'b IN BKAhON -Wi' lenrti ilia l»r Jainr'» inribcilin, for Ihr cure ul ibc SOUK '(•imi, «»•!• |,| ( a l»cen iloiliß wtimlci* • l ur n,p He laic im- I ii ch Id * hi lull' - , ami 0* plocMrn Min rclirril) ajijiliri) i T '•kilriil id* V* :, ‘i :,M '• than from unknown uml nri* .. .t. |lf Jayne lia» cK|til,li*lie.l a ir]iuin * * I|n ,. r i„r |»f*»ic>i'infynl 'kill, run) In < ii-ninlic. ,H rll l" ov ' , 'l rlfct aiMm. I,v kl X •... S-l. t-i Vor S 3. C..i t ,l.arr | .. .. Ibr I'KKIN TK.I OTiUIK T..'lCnlr. ';.. h « lb- U.UBSU,.,- ]• S'liwsru. IV.lrnil -ircci. AllcglnriiT » ay. H„ c -t Mr |,«neU Worm Specific. riMIIS U. rrlliiv ih»» 1 **“»« ««* v ‘/* ! »' I " I'MII Upfso/ie. ■ ‘•Ill'll XuilK- Sill# * * o( mtfl.v ikr »r .a..l rl .-mr 'l i h' 1 '! I'i nu|‘ wn H later worst”.-• L k |.ulv «tif «»‘>'» » or > l " , " ,,l ' ri, .rl' v "l . I ».u>i have iwo!tnol>* 'Vial*. " 1 u,u,n " IVM CSII.IIORK , ~ h Wilkin* Township IVif ,aV hy i KIDD * r *. tJi w *°^ * s '« ( , York su.s k .try..* V , a » ‘l"’ MEDICAL UR. MEDICATED LOZENGES. AND POOR MAN’S DK. MIEK.MAN ha» ilucvum! a w«; to make mcdH *ut jdenant, eotlut child rtu Hill tike it readil) aiid it) lor m.«r. Sr« 1 1 bu/iK liniilt i» around each U/t of Lnirb (T., a Pol of Parte on Ihr hi-l of wh Plaster, and •*= ii U.ll "f UirteliiHii. kiikuman’s cujxn lozenges. '* Tlir»» Ltengei arc tlir ufest, mi*i sure and effectual rrm ol)' t>r rough*, rold», euiMumptitia.*, wW-pragroughs, m». tigliiucM of ttir luojftor eJ.crt, tir, elc. 'l'he, proprietor lih« irfvtr known an in*Ui>r» where the) did not 511* ■aiutartrwi. he* era I thousand butts hate been lold within ll.r list tear, restoring to health person* in ahnotl «'cr) >«»£« ofcsumiinptioo.aml thtwe laboring under the most dllUtaamg «iid« and o.ugU. The) d.r not check and <lrj up thecyugh, .but rt nder it easy, promote expectoration, alia) the lick ling or irritation, atnl remote llit juvxiiiute or exciting cause.— Tlir j are made Igota • combination of a most rjl liable exjwe raal nr cough medicines, ami arc undoubtedly superior to er) thing in u»M#r those romplainU Hundred* upon liuts *U* ofee rtifieale* have b*«fl offend of the it wonderful »ir n, from (hole who luire IxcuMeetJ from au untimely grate. | id restored t/i prrlrrt health by Using them. I Where there itujuch join iu the brent »r fide,one ot Slier n’« I'oor .Man’* I'laileri (price only IUI cent*,) should 1* died oierHlie part, ami worn till relieveJ. If attended th co»titeue»», a few cathartic nr laxaut e luiengtt, -r *HJ- Ideaihartic micdicine, thould be u»ed ai occasion reipiircs SHEIIMAN’S’ WORM LXJZENGES . Th«i* no rut lutrugv* hair Inn |in,<rJin mute than 1,40 ti btal ca*c» U) hr; the out) crrtalu n u nu dritiuying rftrtli'Tvirrt >l. Man) Jiw**r> ari**i„riu> ' ,ud ue»'«.*i*»n lung ami iutri.w mlTrriiig, ten ilrall., will. ,ol thrir rtrr h>ui- »ui|»rlrd; grown arr »»r) oll*B .Ifltclrd mill ll*«u, aud »r» d.» , ril lor lan.ui* ininpliiiit* UllutUt any bturlit; wlirli our d-.w Ilf 11.r.r l-oimgr. "t.u1.1 iMtJtlj «:u»« lUrtn. ITuf tnx --- Y'j in* in ll.r nr Itinlr, otfrn brrath, i.H-ktug al Ihr n«*r,grinding ..l th», dur.n, h-tp, aod ollmir. » [iilril< ». »l».itl Ihr li|.,,will, thid.*-d .-berk* .)>idling3l lII' li» l a|;iii»in|; wiiulkai al ll.r <l>«>vli, tlwh ox.r Ihr surlai. oil).-.t-al), -I*^l.l < l.iU. of >l.ii •Miig«, h.j.larhr, Jp-wninr-v, xtrl.j;.., ti.f|»r, dolurUJ lri *u>-, w-Mru'larlm.; til «lrr|i, with trij-.M and —. 1.-*u.i..= i M.iit Inn.-i a trouble*.,>or <,;h, Ir trrid.i.r.i, llnrtl, fralltd I. ltl». had h»»le "> Uir m-tilh, dilDrult bitalhli.g, |am »i. Iltr '>liUlU«.’h or U.w-rl*. I.tlicur, ti'tusO, -p intiduKh, 'ora , Ulr, l. -iiim* bloalrd .Ui.a I. ..r limb*, Knp...*., . - . i >ht..ittuc turn* m laiioiw part* unti>' body, a »i.k ot war | \l I, Jill ,1 I 11. . •” ,J * 1 aX 11'ilt dt«!<r 10 PH'* voturUting ‘irout lltr U.w« I', and —nir I _ i.ut!. dt-cliargr. of .Irntr ami mom, I /C HF • f '"" , -' 1 I SHKUMA.V* I‘AMNKm IJi/XNoES. ~~ ''l'l.rl tnilti'dialr rrtirl tu lunii.n ut trek hrads.-hr, ? r- v I M t ' *yr^t''^' 1 1 T ' oil. ir-jt. Iling or atlrndiUß Uri,. |url|.ujdt 1'.1.d ll.r Lorn- j) l . ■ A'- - A (l tr*m«tK.-*nd in.part.u;; U.« Ln--)*uo ..I f • 'V ilWr du.ij&lh'h, the) w.llfr.h.rr tj.Uingrl.J j I'JXgWfg i*4 permanent hum:«... Ihltr d..«.|Mtrd llalnl-, 11.1 l hI.J lltr re tij I KIIKC'.II AT ISPI r.traltU 04.11-rwr. olii.r urn... ANtl A>LL NKKVUIS COMI I.AIMV* SHRIIMAN-S MAN'S I-LAVJLK. “\Vr,, i.lm.i-l. ...*•, ~m hr .-i,.i.nm-l, Thr hr»l •Imiplliruti.j: jda.lrf ,t. Ihr w..iU, and a w»*.t.-.g.t Si|lv( , lliril , u , rU .lull .mvthminl, n.n.d) for |«un>, -ir huLiumii. Ih. U« k. U. 0., ..Jr nr. k, j | ,«,i |.,..; M d..T ur (.ruin, lnub», K.inl.,, luuitug.),'Jtc. iir. U.,r ut.ll.of. a |,„|urc lURRkmd ion niw «.-aiP atide, , V r»r Milln.>r«u|i|il) Ihi > rr.juirr a ttUh v»..rm | M r.n . wli . h j t . hi I 1.-aVr IT il.-*IBi-'• i., K Ufofr a|.|dmal»o»i. W'ai rallied .u|*rlor lo all olhr*a.,.l . ; | l. 4ih Vial. Ihr tU •ol h.iii.n. k'li.l.” |..f H imritt the u.iial |TUT, n .jkmg i»-l mill Ih. U-. 1, hot j J)l{ ,•} 11{ js J'J |■> t.Ai.V AMI HlNtif' AM* .M Ati Ihr <hr..|a-.l |tU*l<r 111 th. whrlil ll allofl. r. llrl ,1. alrlt \ . .Njri'l'' IM IH hour.. Hbtl uuku i.h.ii.h.nt U-iimrlnhh nv. i.:-<rn, wloi ti bn- Ir.-rivr.l itir It. h.ri ,:nn|.U.l.l anJ H .h.mld Irr Worn or. rl■ . j , |iv . rl , ; , ( ,i| thr Itird..-al *■«•>» ttf* ih. nennollhr hi., of •h.m:uh. and .1 will .rtord f rj:al .ml I , ((( . i;,,,.,,,, . ul.rlt ».« :i|*|*l.f utn.ll ol a.initi.hing rehrl. In gh., r..!d., a.lhtn., .l.difult) -I ],, v alI , a r ,. lm .,h a ; ng.n!. ul which ihr tirralhinc. o|i|irT.»loi. ol Ihi ihr.l or .kainu It, lhr» will lit. j .JJ .{t. ~... |'l. Tlfo- mill .MI.3IICIIC M«- ..di»nl) w-. 11. and Roall) Iwnnit th. V-li-itl. < \ ' Nl .' a ',.. 'Atlh, am! llf ailruun ha 1.11., U. lluor ohlydlo InU-h. Will ( Vi . f 5 ; :iI v a „. a ,.,.| c d IviNhoUt WllV <*« *“*• .Irri.h .1 <u|.|.iil li-u. mi .d it.. .« Irnl) (irrtiglkitiiing I l*« I j,,,.], ail . ,a- r |. |rulf!«• iruiit Itu- i;cnvral iitodo 1.1 I'ktia tan. grnrrml!) rr.-oiiin.rnd ihrm, in |.r» lrrrni-r h. j |1)lW t j 4) . j J(1 . uml .rrr«:iii:ir .m or vatu. a l,.lhrr>,Un a.iw Ihr) «tirk i.radl.'rr affjfd go-a! , wilir j, t,a;vi..-.|ti a|ijil'«*.l hx li.i'Ma. ioi.Pi*, ha» , r f ,hrr. In lit* ir o|»r 1 at.on, ih. ) m .l.u.nh ul, 10... r, and , 1. ntirf Im. .....I ....J.anml inn I. U> hr vnnl).K. Thl, are romt-wd ol .nUr.l, d.lff. rr,.l ~.j.rrj, ( ~v „ ,, a „ wa . ih,* . -ad,.-:.'dr , fnan an), and known li.ati Ih. rij» ~1 mu % w w -.i» {.rojeClCxl, whiiti, al ltoi,. win. haxr ,iw d ll.r In. a. W« II U« ll.r nnil.d 1r.1im0..) -d ‘ f u „ | '.- a , itl a ; uu ,| 1 .t- v«-1 niter. hB» tiPfH hr.HlKhl all ctkbralrJ *ud .lulinjin.lir d rlrrc) and phx.irou., h. 1 , 0 , lnll ' „f 5,1 nri-luui. - Thr If'afruxiC KfnfJ hr Ihr uw.l uwf.iUuit high!) mrd.r-ai»d pU.irr, VV p r t.„i[-.*r. ill th.- mo.l All- S irrxt |*r»ou. hair c-allrd al lit* wan* hi ritjirr.. ; r | llllt .. utJlI „u M y -f rr .peel*' arc IllOfC ta/t lilld tin <r lunwnr and lliank*, til the ahuo.t tn.rn uk.u. rum the rm „,„ ~, arroinitli-li.niT Ihr drurw.l tlfrcl. i.b*lrr* lia>» rDVrI. Ji T 1,,, (ialrOHtr Wiftfl u*rd in PonilrCllOß Wlltl the AlttK* C.r »* .rr „n Lack of rad. |.b»lrr, with » ' nffn y lut .. .-tmliilri.ilv r.-.i>mri.Pudcd in aUdut*• Cw.iinilr of Pr. Shrrman « mm', ll n nnj-.rUnl i-iu fh.-ul.l , f i lUh g„ tnJnUv! or unhtallhy »!01«\p/ alway. atk for Slurmui** Poor Man’. >‘ta.lrr. uiid *rr ll.a* , rf _ rou , u , ,' lW l XHilern. Hit ’ Ihrm- cmnpt-uuU urr ll -» ijrt llw ginmnr, a. the rr ir« Dnii.x wonhk-w imitNtican • a(flp u,r ino*l liii-nlu* and uiuvrrTßi lit wutcli xre lire hawked aU.uhaud nid (•* the trui Shriman .1 Pla-lrr., lix ar ., r wiUioOH-Ii rpl.on. Iruui OllCl*im uXi|irinri;Jrd Ji-alrr*. . »; r ,- au » c n ili ranC'iilrul ol ihr Ncr«uO* Syslcm Jioi.l »l.’,.lr»il' at.-l rend l.» W. J.\C KSON al hi. Palrui : ~ wa% . J( ,l ial o |ftrr -remedirp' harm* W»ir!..-ti.r, .No. r!', Liltr-x »utr,i, Hijfu nt tnr la ,| c a. a nrw ngetn wa* greatly needed, which . Bill HOOT. H—dly- j ~, cuh.irnrty l.rlirrct, ha* te-en fouiiw 111 ibe proj« f I 'IT-NfeVER FAILS! 1 “"..'rfwt.i,.mb.Wr- Dr.lll’LLliN'S INDIAN IKCETABLI! I'ASACKS : r,iu»»?.jir- Pt- HSON> atftirtril Wilt. i*crufula. KingT Uvii j pl..nK to the hr.ail -ja.-c" or hml..; ‘ l* j.- ni.l-,.r. it l lrf-rii T.-ilrr 1 TinViaeJ.t. iJru.ieAuu. Tmuco. Arrt,-ouj o» Suk lUadackt, f ancer, Kry«tprl..*.Uidoor«tT. t Irnr* *« \ p„ ta j v *,«. r*u 9 . F.pdfr'v. -Fia, Crflinj.. MnrcunaJ l.*i*ea«9, or any compttunU arisuv. p, a^ltat „, K ~/ ou }},nrt. AyopUxv, Suffnat of Jotnt>. from inipuntie* of the td.-od. arr- requesleU l« read , rctnylmn u l.uinhogo. yruraltia, Armiw* Trr llie luilowtnc Irstimoniats. inji'fnol id' the wn.iJcf- • lhz2utn.i oj lAr Uaui. pain in Ut Cka I and Sul ful orooertie* <»1 the. atMiti: mrificd medinoe. J <;»nrrai li-t-tlity.: luricitnrj, of A'rrreu. ami rkyWtlEn ' Hk-\n’ lII' UI" RKAIV" i Ktg. ami ail N.KKVOL'M UtSORDKfIS. IW cane* ol \V«- the undersigned, t..ivui‘j'xiaitrd Mr. l»?.ae | --onßrnirdJ^Vr.hoeV'rVr-aa/i'hry^iav^ Bnw.ti*. Jr. al tfih “Ificc -d' .sfesir. Unwin.i and I*J.o'u a 'i!l,'7u,-rr.«f.iI k 'ri.r.f r'ltiaoniuiary eiTerti uimn Walton, .TJii Market *trr:ei. t’hitadelplun. ronslder , ~r in Im believed, nnd M a in» rase t tip U» r »t rrn»a:k:il:lc m;c we have etet wil- '■ rrruilll vc 'hr'tlie | epniptainU they nei>rd Or heal J of. ! ur.-rquakx i.-Ti'.i:im» n l*-'l The Uni?* ure of diui-lrui Hi* di.L-a-: T.O K I 'LA. wu femble must j * ......he rn-dc «. .wHTdeUeiu nave ipca b ; twelve years conflict with Ihe dc | mrntti. pjin-rn.. un.. r-i-i •• “ _ >_ , 81l , • j , tn.ulr, x/tiimiii Hip *L|!hiw-! :nrou.eii.cnti. in mix. s l f,, ' cr -. , f', v . , 1 -nr. *•-„*:.! in .1 rutbrr turrt-oni.!'-:!ii.i! <>tbe.r\ri*«s, ■ r, emore rr.i.f ..f h.c ■..-■Utl.. 1 l‘- ( Tllo |i„|vunie BrlU, Ilracctcli, Band., |.cr Lip, and lower L-d «>1 the .Lye Iu»l J“ n ; tinrtom. ?iecklnce», 4fC. i •,fc»tn*ye»f. his K.are nearlj. cairn up ami par: .<i lue j !<on(( . ‘^ r< ltU vc „. M . ¥ .. rr e harn.::<-i.and of long I J.ixv Lone carried away. Ami jel we can g.'t no . najll i :ll< llir power ajipi.e.l hr the (i»!vimte King* description of liis etur. L - uut *m!.-.c-i-- u- .ur. *i :n’r progn--*. ol**.* *>nc A|r B ti.l-inn* n* in Jaiuia.-v ih. whole : „ . , 1( ,c.-!x rr>-..- ■ n. ..Hu Thr mproved mod.tic.ihon wiuiMHOl deep and painlul ulcers! | '*•' . U-.-.-oa U i,l ».«> cotuplah'.: which Ou the Htii of January lift, he r.hmnenecd taking . ' '■ ' . ,„“,Valvaii.*in cmn e*ct will fad Or. CULLK.VS I.NHIAN \ MiKTAKLK WAN A- , c ; rci.cvrd. Thc-c arurh-i.*re miap CKA, w'luch checked the ih-caae m u tew dam. J rtl wa .,.. anu.. aiiocr. oruHy pan iom that time Uifi cure.baa prngrcssi-d willmui inj uy.y. miiiqw n'.-c:_cr>nv:i.-nce. Tlie t.nlvjnir . - .„_ 1 i,, ur. u*cil wi'-fi fin"ntr-r hem-fit .11 cafe* ol ccm. and,tliuu"fi badly dn:l./urr-il. In* (.tec is aou.m. Vl .. . ... . eiV Uoiri-tu- Fu*. Imi his K , V ,cfa * tioullh id rrslornl. j ' A' A\ e an-' iifaurm. m ibe , tre-.linr nt ■•! Mr. Uninks' case, ho MerLUiruL.liiidmenUi. or' 3[i]dic-ilion* uaie t»e«-i» used.—m Urt, lint FAN.A- | <d.A wnmgl.i l!.:* ...imlcrlul rlinnge ' li.ivid >nui!i. I’.ucUi c.uiitv I’. , 1 l harle* L. Kowaud. Mcaux 1 1..•. 'r-wtnnl ci.f'j.. | J W June. M I* i.iuUt ■'.-••on.lVir.-rt. I'h.i . J .cobLce, retnlM.-rt«m, N J j KW Carr,-MO.N Kourll*. above V ) •* M l ullough-. |jnrn,*ur. |‘.i j; M Mail.ii.rk, f. North L-l. x.-nll. .1 Flu! i (' W, M I* b. v «oi tl. *1 .!•• T.motby 1 al.lxv.-ll Mar .Mi*i4iiin [l-.1U.-l Vcikl l. t hc.'liut lllil. I l.i udi-11A..1 i ". I't .tohp HarmiL.t*** lligfi ».lr»-*-t. riidi... M«:« !iii;: M I*. l oiidiTi. N J William llatc, .i*U ll.;rh sti«** t;I'lola J H I'nUcr, Mjiiiil ict.irt-r ol |Vclli..l" , .> Niulti ptreel, I‘loi i. I. A W«>!l<miw«-Imt. I *i. I'inla I'emoc it N .VI slffcl, d (iri.rj’r W MrnU. Urus>l. Maker, .111 M-.rhri St. | K.ii'-*" urr, I' ‘hrMiut »t«r«-t. I’lnl.i. \ litullrUr. |'.i:.Kir .<1 t.levcnth Kapti-I • hurrli, ; I'lnla. • John Kne Street I'litlatlrljilo.i.\Ni»ril» \ihmJ ! can tsff.r*-.) . | Aato/i SanJi, Hs-I r.ul|..nne MrrH, I'lnla Mct.uiley, K«*r* , <tc'r * \llrr, ilo 1 .\ii<ln-‘»* >*o3t«m. ('nt.nJen, IS J. j K U Kvana, W«**t I'lula. I H.chard !*• Vs.ui.o, (iililer. -Illy Market et I’hila .loin. VV A>hn»rj.l, W >«utU >‘Ml' *U«rcl. ilu T S Wagner. Lithographer. 1 ( hranut street, d" j II j Kcnaii. IM Klevenili street, • *;*' I I'flcr •Welt Sniitll. K.lltor Native l.ijrlc, do J..0l Itodine. oi.oiutai lurer, W iljiainstuu n (Vi Hi sin '•tirlv, Pirioin,'l»n. \ -in ISuren c«i. lowa j I It < '.ilea, M l>. lli'. - t , .n, M.i.-s i KuhscH -anlirld.*.* I* !<«*»»> M »'• Ha.n»l.v.r ? l. I a. j i'eter M.'-'ks l s.trr-s l. I lota j Jjins-a VV Newlm, I*o Ktlbr.l »t it” : joins (»i«*i. nt s i>ruc*- • t ; Wilt. • * 'rse I'Ji-lo* St, t’aul rM k I’h < itli n >nr | I"' ln ‘ l, 'r 1 l " l " h - j *1 i!” 1 f’l. S.imitrra, I'uhlvvlier nl l'le'lfie an.l '•lan.i.trst, ! K V'sellrr*. kJil«>r Olive H u.cli. Is.ylrstnwn; Wholesale ami Uetail liyllowaml v Walton, I’ru „rirtnfa.;m Market St I'lMadyiplua-it kSclleg. ’,■7 W.mhl at. Pittsburgh, l‘a j \S m. I I. • -,u. Mar kel *t ii'* ‘ K U I’erkMia. Marietta. Ohi«*i ratou At Sharp, MaV.v.llr*.K Vi John W ( ■«.. Oho.-, SnlelliSi Ks evcs, MaJi*"ii la; l Noble,l.s.uia ville K V; Dcverouck I'elloux. St. l-ou.s. Mo. V H AleOnU*. N.itchex. Mi»a; Hantawav &• John ■nun \ irk*hiiruhi‘h>; Cliarle* Jenk.iia. Nerr j orS hotel'FOß invalids, AT |»ITTNHUIt«II. i> lIS. >»' 1-K h A. ki-ir n . r*i|tj.-. 0 1, «t* ih«» <- «* Mi|>pl>- n win 1 *r.-i;i\ idil ¥ re-p- ruUlf ~ur wl-wt. ti,«‘iwny' —!>•/ wnlmm iif.l t.y [MUeiU* I rum U>«- *urnuiiu!iu< !«wii< uml i-»»unif y wiio ft-M.rv to Uii* |»lacr lot mlml 'f«»m i.n.l oilief li -u <•* 'lurh hnveoiVtt.mflWril hom Hu l \oni.t ui ih vanouxrrnntmmiuil aittru.n n »M .*ry ami a«rc nlilr to the »iek- uml l rum cute,ok, uml tinlailMu! iiuf«<», uml In-fit -ihjtcicJ ui heavy ,u,«l ch»re* » l,ivatu!* wjl hem h«t ptuvuird with cJtifUld,fa.llilul »ml coiiti'mtaUlc attvmlauce, nad ui a r.» «•_ omu. In-iow thi U*'U.»l clmlße*. \V|,..r the i.'llf' 01 1-oth phA rVCT, U' ety Ot d<een«. :t - . u. llUontam 111 nil . * 1 SL*KIiK'AL I>r>hAM.S rna-rtcci.Aiu.i_Ti> ? DISEASES OF TIIE EYE. T'i |.rmipln J » o( In* profc-mn hr l.»« five,, " inice »I,.ire rtf In* iiOcauim l«*r i!*r l.»»i v«- j. m • Ur will cimmmr ui Urvulc l« diem U,e ,txi»ruucr u ml fiy a rmnum J'rsn tm-c our,hr dial Line 'fh.. Hotel (or Invalid* i» n.ii..n« *|>emurut. luctaln ,1.1,110 'll I* taKse-t' d a,. n«-i-rn..ii> U>»uj*|d* an rvdcii’. w dlt in ll,>* city. *'l d.r i-mite -rliM-nce r>l :ui> j.ioyino* In' the k. l'*d l-y Of'r“n*-th° 'ir.irr ll.e fat. „l Ur. Trilmmrru Mu, *i,nH mirt Strader t'n ia*t«r under limtiil Ui. humr ' Tbr l.u.nlmß *rlfctr,l for tin- purpo.r. is |,!r*»ii,i;ly*t n,r nt,rill t>4,ik oi ihr Alrrjil.eny rivui. near in r ,j„, , n iniintwnlufu. mill roomy, and furn.sln: v*,Ul >iii ai’rt inmiriUltnu* nrfe.i-ary fol llir *lr*k. Appiivaiuin* foi afl,r.i.»«>n i»* 1.,t mndf lo llle '•uk'-ci 1*.,,, ~i ilitir office <m l‘«mi »ire«*i, l*,iv»t.urjclj,or ui th |p-Noconu*iou*tliMWvwiUl,« y ■ .nav.l-UtwUT j ~~ ' SKI!IIN,’I)M. Yoil I'OiiililiANilllOUli HCIH'NORKI. t Wll(JJ i Kn»eanne*'c:ii, ccjual ycura ’ lawk al )out fa,r youiiß wife, wnh her l>jn;ht *u)u»jr race! lank st vnurowu. pmrd will, rruj.Umi. and l.loiclm. • \ r\ >.IU OH- 100 Jinan lo Rive fifty corns for u cake of Ho *r. at Italian n,r»i,ir:al Soap, wl.ieli would eniiicly tree rou non, item, make your yellow and f.-alll.) t'»ii at olire In J.n k • Sum-. -J liberty M I’lU .t,i.i»fi. and Rrl 3 eafcr N |I J m kw»t,’- i* lln' only plncr* t„ |'iit>bui)'l, when tin• fil’.Nl'tNl! is l« I'M ol’l.lined Jtewure r,l t'mml, r “ Rif Rom Hand- m the cWwny MokcjaN's coriiti sviim* un-mw «- n„l,l,hlw*l nnd made known to iln- l-id.l r llo wi» Urn i.lJircr.'Bton of an old man wl*o llied the “•> rnp I'iTT'Rtaaii, I-'cliruary 1. I“I7 M, Mornan.—Tin* may certify that Ik-iiij: allticird with a irnniile.nnir rough >minn llim*, I luiut-lil a l«*ltl* oi Morgan'!* Ouif liMyru|>. and am l»»|*|«y in *ay, alter ir-meit. my rnufl'i •» entirely ?jm - d. I pronoum «• ymi tVniefi S> lap I lie lir *1 IDrill< me I have CVCI o»cd. No iamilt-tumid l«r w.ilunu llf>« vUliint-lr medicine 5 UJfVIU M.-UORKKTS.'Allriihf'lV > '!> itjA’lliiJ im&i me is nri-naifd wl,»dr-nle ami ,t thi'Oram Mmrc .H . JOll % » MUIU. A N \y«Mkl« door lu»|e.w O.amond Allrc ccAl* {>er luilite lr ‘„. rnilK MAGIC KUABIVK HOAI»-rof n-mo 1 v,njt <»ica*e s|w,i*, Siam*.or Marks Irotn Woollen* Cuspers, Ac.,Ac., and fcmtermt: «• J wh. re n applied clear, h.ighi, nwr. «»*» M-o'I*-- 1 *-- ",,'d Wdl. fad dirttelion* I‘m e SScu.W - « okr It W.\r jACKSll.S.aiUlie.ry ‘Ue. i, head of at In* Hum and Mm- '' r>r '* RfrUl v COTTON MILLS ST AR COTTON M l LL. [NVurthc I'ppcr JUidgc. Allegheny City j * • 11| * ol iLI Slat UotiOn F4Rlwr> fc?p<' 1 l lull' .itiofsu ir.e pul.i.e iu«nh».> antitow m fuPCf* lul opfiai.i.u Il.tvim; employed the ret* ;cco ol t* *» lUri t-* *« Manager. who bar bad an e Xpcricncc oi Ilf , <af . .t; the (•ti'n'ripil faettine* of Ateghtrny t'.'j me> wuuiil .uinrm .Merchant* un.l IX-nlrr* -it pen- ini Hi it they will Mw-tiyi* hare i»n baud *ur*ermr S nil Nu»., Ikmitt?., Warp*, and li’>-v.-rtjVu-l.n» in' »uper:or make. N "VOKO 1 N i; Order* ktt a! the Af.ll, or at the it-, ilumrr A Co . IS? Liberty tlrect, will be p'luupty „unl< -I 1 iupniis.l3in_ _ N V &lo PITT COTTON M t LL. BLACKSTOOK. BELL k CO., rrrrsßL’KfJH. r.v rival* MiinnfviLiory ijetiig in t'uli uml complete op.-ra- L ii.»n, (having received and replaced ml their Mi ehinerv l>v tin- latest improvement*.) are now in»k ng u very heavy - nittcle of 4-4 Brown Sheeting*, hard tw;»trd. iicinl*t>nie good*. [branded Allegheny D.. 1 t' n d 5U ,,-j |,v Th** *ame«tv!e, in the country,! cxctuovely tor ih-r Wkstbk* n>id tr.ut. . Mi-i<'Uant> veiling our city are mvrtul h. ca.l an.l ciain iic previous to making purchase*- Order* from a .1.-inure promptly aiicndrd to. am! cund* rare jtilly sii,p|M->l wli. ii or.N-rrd irlilild.VwlJm I EAGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTSUI'RGII. MANI’KACTUKF. rorroN VAIt N. Candle-Wick* Untttng, T.wlnc. Coverlet yarn* cAiu'irr chain, wahos, a.-, a. , KINO I'KNSon; .V «%» I _ (Sure--* 'nr' ot A i flick I r.‘ A- Aveiy ) jj,,.! I'rnpin-to/'i p'e'n~n’ cotton" m i LL.’ '• l’l 11 MMIIIL M . I'A. rival" establishment ng now in rnccr<rt'il J [ are fiiantiitieiurnir .very rxn-nmely. . an url.pve ««< heavy Sheri in(»•, well nil.i pi ml tn the rrlttl trad. . which inrt.ea.ny ami y eiintn.l he r(pelted j |.y uuV i.ibcf make >■< Hie i-i.iiiilfV The aitrnium <" i.iiiel.Twr. e«iln-i'.-.l U> :•*- e*iiiiiiil;l!-(»n i.l. 11 illniAwl I K I NNI-'H > fllll.USA r n l, "'chri>t'i't , > .11 ugnclic Fluid ' |. ~,.-,1 n ri.iuu-olion -.v. 1,1;.* IJ.Wvuii.. King*. auJuli -.1,-. luiHl.Gcanonv bu* bmi pro t.\- rh«- Fruirl: O.ein *>* .o L-r one ol llie mo-l rjirmr.l-ii-u; a.M ii’-' i •».i| iruulriii MNenco. lU»be lirv-il :<> .in r.-iiiariul->i‘ owrr of rmJtf inf » ..n.mrc! o ca.'tnnie !•> lit.- means raunn* mm--him ,mi m| iur nllurn.'. m tt« M-al of il.s<*a*e, :.i,. |.,r..-c ia;. il mu) j.. nn-tn.-ii! i. I;.<l No olh« r n ! bcJiii-ir i* kimwiilo jHiHlme ihc if-.: or lo .nipxrt-. -miil-ii |in>|VlU' lo ilic mrrvoui . ill. IM<W .<!' tut t.v :i 11! ‘oral :*|r,i| icillolt. TllC .' I 1.1.. J . oi.iaii.. Itaiiii in; t til itir "'rp** - '•uVl". »|.H mi u..i ,mi.l .IfV.-. |...|i> nnunipniiy il The’imol .iivriiiimi, w in rvny way pern-ell> harm- il.. ’.I si-.iv. >r r i.iiii'rrt]ur.:. a u.r Inal n«att-Mul H,,,, »u.|m».iif i-llit-at v umi' (irtiiiaiifniTieiiefil. < hri>tn-s tiittiauic Mroiietheuing Pins* ,a.ljuii.-l l«* !!»• • .■iimw Hal*ante Kuirvuh.l j il.. i i "5 u)>o.i il.r 'amt pliuciple. hut I, ll.r U lv.l.iljj,*' ol llioir hl. nl application. The) t J, rl>u li,|« n-ti»iii,rr«-i,»1e.l a* a valuable Utl.hlicin itt [ ,j„ , .1. .in. o> Klieii,iiril>>iri. arulc of rlirnmr; mall V'u)'„ „„ I H'r iin.K 111 Shr CUnt,n liati, Pain in lt< 1 AjftfUon* twl-ni Itf rakntvorOfprtJ- I ft !•>' I‘uhiK'naif tt’gms lit. Spinal Complaint* ill' •> I (1. . i» mi of It,'- Ilk,*; (trr.dr.t rlia(acU't. ailj (lit ) I |»av<- ixim !„*■• i) u*r.l wi|b i-muj-l'-itr »uece>a. They *«■ ai-4> oi me greatr'i jitvmiuc'- jn l’am« and Wc-aktipi* lit tin- ttr- a.I. mi,l at.- I,rjrlil' u.lrd tor inait) of thov- <-■»nf>l3>iii* m will,-It an- r«pccmlt; liable. I A- an .it.rinio ■ *•„•••• ■or *«r.-uvfinrhiiik the *yMen, ! W |,.m-, Willi d*“-:i«- ot other euu«e»; u* a cet in.ii a ',l m l‘«iii‘i.niin*ii:il Wraknrfcx. a* n ftcvrmivr lor I'ol.l* and all in alleelioii* of l lit- I’lo-M, griinaily. • ill.- lialvniiM- !*IM iißtlionnir I'hi'ler wdl I**- hiuml i-l i Imit.ra. all the Vnliie- oMhe In-toi»i^|iiopnralioii ; Tie*.- arM 1.-« v*.ll he found entile])' i n. i- (run, nhjr. ,I,.||. wlurii area tuOSUUiI ratin-c I ol i.nn-O aml w-tli it,.- m.l.ti.iry plaster* i,t t-ominoit u«e ; * caution. v ~ j!,...., il,. iii hi i muitrii. iii'il t.y unprincipled : ,v f...n- Topii.v.,l.- 15:1,0*1 HU|U*it:.m, Hr t*lHli*T|.: riVv HI IMHmW \v >\' *VII>ON. 2k 'yv’.TI.nONIALS, l>, the li.t;t.e*l nod uioMre-jH-i-uMe c intruder, a/e COU .laniiy r,-,n-,v. .1. ireafilmj! ih«*. extraordinary value rnul •ui-i e** ni tin- af>flvv arln-les. hi* believed that m i 1,., iity-ol N.-w York atone, upward* ofKßillT I'KKSONS pcnmluf le»« than .1 year, have been .-iliirrlv relieved n; llm moil pniutul i-lirut,'* disorder... «j>iih-of, wli.r-b have rmnplciely bat il. .1 .li. 101,11.-1 riltift- of HH-ilii-nl art Indeed many of Un- lir-, I’V \ >••<• an . iif |lu« e.i) . who <!.»approve of the li.ov.Hi’- und Mu.-li'iie*. i-onltaully recom ine>i.l ilia-* nppltruiion m their pmciu-i-. nnd with the ex j , rp,im, I.f llm*.* wh- are too prejudiced u> Rive it a in t'lii- I >n,>-t .tiif-11'H’-■>l jiwhi; the Ani.-renn Faculty Hi niffti.- '• :>l !>!• l’«»' r«k [>ti> J ' On Is :iK«nifc m I , iit«)*uri'h,corniT 40. uii.l Maikci -.-piSUlv MEDICAL ANU SURGICAL OFFICE, No. C 5 DIAMOND i.KY. a irw *loor< below Wood -tfrcl, toward! lb# uiurkct DU. DROWN, Iluvine been regularly erf ucitled to lliC lucrf.eui pii*- i mo m general [•rncliv*-. now confine* It.« itteiitioii in tbr treatment of Uio-r private n’u,l tli-l.ivnU'* oin , plaint* for wincli h.» oppor Uimtirs aiul experience <-.l:t' will lie extend,-il .nl'-llded l.y Ur -rf || [tf iy • peculiarly qualify Imii.— Eleven vi-ir' aT«.tftlrms r devoted to the *tudy and m.Jino.c p.m-ucc .ml .•• rural mote pm,cut. that. rv .-r 'all in ihe <>( » v r r:vnU ' tyuctmt.tmr) »»m p'y guulJic? him lo oiler <»» ».i.'iice«‘nl rpemly • P'-rom ii it -it » itiMarum clifts '* > nlUicicil wilh it-itnu iiiii! nil il.-cu*.;- .niMliS thrift'otu- Ur llrown wnuM nitmm line- allUte.l w.lh j/nenu Iti«ra*«. wlm'ti linvc hroW chrome ly unit or upgravu : l-J hy Iho nr oi »my mltbc common nostrum* of Ute i day, thui their cbmplauju fan In- rail.ctijiy n't'! ll'ff* ou<lily cured, he linvinalirivrti l' l * carctm nttr.tHnm to ,hc Of *«H. -•»««. w«l *uccrr-Ml '» Immlrcd. ui mMnnrc* in curing P’trwmi of uiUtimut on neck cl the tilaihkr. and United .hearts winch ollci. result • tllO.c cram wl.rru J.avc -WM Otc., to Iwpelcs* despair. Hr p.-tttirularly m■ m »ucli a* have U*enlnngnnd on*uri f—Jull) ircaim '«y oihrr* to con* anil him. when evr n - «mUnion w.l! l* R.vrn them and their C :i‘f» Wealed m n darctul. thorough and miellißrnt out I>y hmg experience, "‘“dy vcoteuhon. wind, n nnixuUde »'*» engaged ». aenrr .l nrm-urc of invdirimt lo Rive tiny one cln«» n 3i*cnw ir Herma or Rnpinrr—Dr. llrown alro invites pcr-oiK aillirinl'wtili Hernia ui rail, b» hu bus paid puinr..l.«r micmioiiiliir tliwn*e. Skin I)i«raul-<» I’ilf*. I*»!«y,eir speedily cured flrnteei.very low. ft it I‘Aiienn of mher wi ltvmp al a* l.y nuimj'lhrir difa-r in £ivi|ii; aJUf^«yinpJ ItltoWN, M |» ,*>./[ci I and em tee " - '"tptjme llic WavctiT ' No M D'Himmil ullty, o|t| If N<i <-«imi. t> nav* <lrlQ liv.k'k cojiri.-iisr AiKiiti' t «Milr |»rlnim j <-■! t.V umiir iLc oriental, only Inir ami pt-numr t.,vcl IMI. Apkii.tiCi. Drown county,-Ohio, I March sjti, 1a47. > Ml. li K S-llcff: In A|>r>l fa*l my wnV wa« attacked l.iror Complaint, uml liail the ndvic** or Itvo - wlto tried cnnliiii rrmeiltr* with prnJin'iiii* any eixol riled. Having hiMitd pi your rclelirainl l*<. v, ‘r rul«, I concluded Ur tfivc them a lair trial I puri'li3»nl ■>n<- Imik ol Mr. Scott Alrdilecn, nml pav* - it>e«i> arci.rd .tii* 10 Ilir Uin ctfonh. h\ wlui-ll >!.c vva« <io»ilv relived 'I j.itH-urp.l u »eroiul t>ox. wi.ioti i-niucly r ated tier. »»>J ► lie now enjoy* noell.iu health. I ho*« 0 mysrlt'. auO pronounce them the l"”‘« •■"'ily meu'f'tk * liflv.cvr, "■''•"■“ffisli; HEAJjI.Y |T7*TliIMb -unJ'H‘“‘ ,no U..wn larlkp rure.W l-.ver «VnidaiMi . i.y A *> No i? woo-l *(rwi 'SAND S SARSAPARILLA: vJr£ viSva l **?, caaanc'.tcurftOl .Odocw* arum* fro® M» tmp-ir* O' l « cblwl • »rL«ti" of Cir <V*tCUI Vl*- Yniviu-nt Ptmsta *r FvauDson tht Fatt. Blouka, StubUun Vlun, Sfvkitiuc or L***- >.dp>. anJ Diseases oming/row «*» tnju ffif* l .*** fl Mercury,Ainu*or fifthly, Eejv*urrfr Tmfnidputt* lift. A‘>j, Ckro'iic CwntuUunal Duentvt. IT** timely «nl«uiuw*trAi»n Jim b«av attended wtlb U»e l iinpu.nt remits m many anomaloui affections, but ,nvJ"cfl> ;mvndedki>CMthc void which e*t«u between , and aperient medicine*! hence iU i ratvii i* umt oi an alterative directly— | vine a ln*ung tome lb ihc system. •_ . __ ! It i» highly concentrated tor convenience ana porta* i luluy.’continuing noih ng Uui the expected astute, I and i* Hie rep.c-cnnuive af the Sarsaparilla Root, tu | Uio »ame manner as Quinine i* of Peruvian Bark,or l Morphine ot Opurn- It nui established fact, tluit a | frw stain* of cither Quinine or Morphine conttiu* ■*» Hie medicinal value of n lafge-.qo»uiity of the erode - Jtniaiircg; hence the superiority of those preparations —nnd n«» invalid would desire 10 drink a gallon mixture when u balf.p'ot contained the Mine roedieinal value. I’hc Sarsaparilla can Its diluted when taken agreeable to the direction*, nnd made to rail the taste ol the pa- U *”{, e following certificate addressed lt> live Agent* ax tHi'.i-agn furm'shr* conclusive proof of it* great value m ea>«,ofl->vrr*>TO«. CmCA9o>|ll W<IWC . j M.., f-trliUms A. Hred—<irnbt: In May, 1c43,» ob- i I mu- «inre n hoilb'of SaiuT* Sarsaparilla, und i%a!i iht-n eoiilincd lomy M.w.lhou* *krp tor a week, : oi-ci»ioiu'd by violent pain iroot a rceul tr fever aureot hitnr standing, on tny nghllrg My physician* me u> nave the Innb amputated, saying it wu* die only i L.-lv in n«en-rvr ray life. Alter using half the tloitb-'th'* ruin begnu to subside, and by the nine I Lad 1,,-u,ly three tmtile*, I wasaWe to transact ny »*> i , i „ and brforr 1 |i«d finished- the JoillUl_lk>l I',,;' i 'a S ns well and found as ever! find Hen- Have oh -«nmon m wyii* that *md'* .Sarwpart la waaihr ™ ,n,dVr l-rov.dc.u e, of NiVing u.y iunb and 1 t’t my Id. J nui-i cheerfully recommend il a# ihTbe.-l nrtielc extant tor the purification ot the blood y nn.-t MIU.KR Tlic following cen rtf me is only another link iu the -M-al t hamol UsliHiouy IO it* ineril>>. -r.jiMr “ South dtoLTcs. Aptir 1.. 1-40- M-sm* SamA—tienileiuen: KJti>o*ed a« we ore to ,1 tin! A -M-ase. and *« frequently- disappointed !! r.-m.-d’eii wo cannut hui lofik on the elTorU r' • -.-s,iul nraetnuMicrit with inieTcM ai'd gratitude , n‘i.?r . . r .||. remif your valuable preparation ot -v ir.u|>:inll:i. I blu e IK-rn •evenly alllickd lor Sl ycarf ,i. -. ~i .M imtiwi' wcie still more diverw. 1 tried va s . Ml-,!,r« i.ut found no relief umill rotninenecd | line V-.if exerlb-nt luediclllf. at Vbiell titnU I W 0« 1 vi.oiiv. oiilmed iu iuy beit Anei.a»m2 it a few utontli* I Jin now able to W It* liumi nde oui.tind enyoy sicotu „ ml I. ileeice ol liejiiUi, whifll l ultlibule rlillft-ly.tO S Jl ,.|~Sare:i|eirinn. !‘!ea«e m> a* -uiline. 1.1 »;r.*liludi. ,Uid jq^KßiS^ 'ib-Hiv p.-noinllyfacii uilnred above state- I I ~,.,,.[,l . , that ibe mute •» true. in. ni, I nr, it . ) T j, qjpmmM Af» rAtnnru niroxT —'riie following i» an extract Tie"l. eek-rd from Kev. WiHia.u Ualu.ha: • IlgHi'iiiaK, Vt-.lJcl £l, ISIS. ■•a.., si ant t*- l have been aIU cted with a sevete i . s ~n u,v «,,!.■ .h vasuiticd by 3 Ji*ea*e«l liver, for the . twe.m vuilemtg at unci what Unguagr i „_ llUlM convey; but since taking your Sarjapanlla,» r neatl* relieved,*o mncLs»\hai I hayalHren ai.ien, aiieii.t to any bu*ine*?,unrt pTvncb o.:ca«ionall> lor the lii't Qlleeii lunitlli*- ! wholly discarded all other uflicm-i-auJ itommWy UitJ lh- I e in iccommtiid mtiuiliaiid »im-erii> to all those who an in an) I .g., wu , c remarkable cure* she bad before enyoyed for ten >eart. und<Mr*. T -u. who had becii severely atbicted wiUi eti wa. entirely cureiHy the U*r of a f w hgUlo*. ' Yonra truly, *' l - <*ALUaHA- For further particular* and conclusive evidence of it* superior value and efficacy. «e pamphlets, which ruay Fulton »t coruerof William, New York. WILCOX, J t , riy.v-Yi.'i US: wood ttenver; AVm. " atson. New Castle, noU* liro»n»v,ll« A. C,tijii,.W«slii»gloW W Prugt'ii* generally throughout thi United States. Price SI per bottle—six r>ottle» tor M. Tne public are reepecifully reqaested to remember that it .i Sand-s Sarsaparilla thatirucousiamlytchiev. iurh remurliable cur«< of the most duEcull clM»of ilivea.ev to which <he human frame i* subject, theffr lore a-,k for Sand'* Sarsapartlliu aftd take no other. . SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, ASU. Trite SUFFKBKtt r*ou_ ' —- “MTIIMA , .. ... wli*l ha* relioitd him io toeh a ibort lime from ha air ficultt of breathing, Cough and luffoeaUbufHe wi(l if II you it w*i “the Olommian) or All- Hulmg Biluun.” A»k the eotuumpUye what b*» abated ho Cough, removed lltf r*iu in" hb Side and Clint, t rhe eked ho night meat*. and placed ilic rute uf.hcaUh * upon lih cheek? mil he will Ull you SIIEimAX’S OLOSAOKIAA, • OR ALL-HEALING BALSAM. , ,l lour friend* if they know of anything that will »o*P** d.U hmg and «ed. 2 “cough. lUtifig Of Wood, l lron rh.'t.., Dt.iwclic C«m»unkption. Iloinrwii, MiM » due-Je. of the ThwO,a» ihe Olomnman? awl they will U» «£!Tv.. There mw j«l ha* been* remedy introduced to ~u M ic notice which ha. breu product!.* of to much good ui L. .hurt u »iwc« nf lime. Read the following AatonUhlug Cnr*»i M ~ W*. Bunn, lli« rele brtled OoOon cracker bike r ,W.'«; ; »1U itreet, Bn>ol(l>u, Hal*. that hit wife bat been affiirted with Aohrna fork*) jean, and could no! **\ lief tri m the b«»t medical adtu:* which New York and. tMa.kUn could produce, wa* induced to try ihu greatreme id* S*e i» now nearly well Hit daughter who wat tuffier* I ,nc from the out Übeate. tried it, and era* alt© cured by IL I Mr, 11-nd Uik-w to Weil lhal the it able U. <l»«frocn her hr.| early intbr morning and attend to her luualdciic* through ihe <fo\ without UT annoyance from her diltretimg malady. ! iu.’.t i mine to the .lure for the yuriHwe of obumuig a belli* of the I Uh-wwniau. ha,me been aflheted with ll>« A»lhmafor more ilian JO year*, and wat to etlitutUJ im hit arntal that he cold not ti-ak. He rurehawd a bottle and rode home.— t-our dart afterward 4 walked from hi* U.eof lice without fotigve, a i&lane* pf o*er two mflet, l*> tell of the wonderful relief which he had expenewrd from u*mg aUwit . nt half of one botUt. Comumptlon of ttoe htuig*. Mr. CwMruRT, Whit* arret, w«t m Ufw tu the mouth of December b*L that he wat emu up by h» idiyttcan. Hi. fnrud, euleltamed uo hope of fit. rrcotery. I.Hc wai' I**™? .led to try the Ohwaoniau, and to hi. iurj>n»e it Uw to Ur .eaiorrd Into l«. health that he u now able lo walk about the Attrcc, n*f wife of Wm 11. Aline, Jame* Harman, K.„, «i..l U*,». W. llayt, K«i can all bear letJimouy from their own e.iwri'W* of Ihe .healing: propertie* of Ihu Ofiab Remedy iu (Vin*uni|>lion of the l.utig*. f Hplttlng lltootl. >. . Mr» TiiuL-auoanc, :iil Mooroe-areetynho had been 1 iroubl.d for a great length of time hv a'Hnre eough,ai.d ! -.uwd ooauutir* of blood, wat relierei by oue bottle of the I Ot.iM.-uiaii, and declare* it the grralctl remedy in the world. I Kki.i.t, ‘Ji Water itrtrt, wat alto related Irotu ! the sitnr comidaml,-although he wa. .rty much i.doctd • whru hr commenced taking it, haring l*«» under the care **f i h.. l.l.yvwian duriue the luit wintrr. Although he eoagheJ roiotautlyaud wat eery tnufeh trunbled will* uighl eweatt, *- ' v.ltlr.of thr reined; euAlrd him id return lo hu daily ! work.. Hr waieutirely rwlietrJ. Utvu* UkM>aßro>«, WJ ttreel, Uro W. Bururtl, ; fonmrUof Newark,- N. J., Henri Li.bou, ISW lUtiugton ttrrrt,aud nomef'.u. other pertoot iia.e been tperdll? aud icnnauetitl) cured of the taiae eomplaiat by tint remedy. . | I The Arr»y of Name* , - w hirh could be tmdoceJ of tenwil who hate U*ed fhit great rented* wuiitd mare thaa fill a column. Among the •amber; we are permitted to refer to A. M. Dittingrr, 1«. B*rcl«r U., Mr \V U«1 ..f Hoboken; Mr* Bell of MomOown, N. J.; damn U Dot.*, 101 Read* »h; ilra. M'Caffrt*,so Altornej ,t . h Smith, 9i Third A.ei.ue, Mr*. Wm. H. thu nil and Mr, Archibald, 35 White « . I §,,),! nholetalc and retail by Win. J»ek»oo, at-hi* falcnt ; Medirme W»rrli..ow and Bout and Shoe Store, Not® Liber ! head of Wood itrret, fillibugh. Pnca |ljj«r Wl ,!S vln:iLJt‘ apphcal.on ui riMIK MOST ABTOOXDINCJ DISCOV- J K.ll\ -- A ' A Miraciu !! AWonder:'. —T» run- l*ru|Hioii* ami of tbeSSktn, I‘ni Krcrktr *. Sunburn, Sail lUiruni t Scurvy, Sore 11.-a.l-, Xr.ic. . , - c I'our :u>t» la*t Angu*l,lbe capital ol Fiuncc wi«- a«umi*lirt! i'n dHi-eijuence ol a C recovery made l,y ,-ui Jtiiii.nt Matty doubted—it w-cmed almost an >.iti>o*‘i'*iliiy that anytliiiiß made by the hand-of tiißii roulJ liuve turb Mmtjutai 'power* ae tbm claimrtl I, v A.uuma Verpntu for W invention. Many ela«rcd I, m and In* invention tu a luimbug. [and. al**l many (ooli*U pct*on» without iryt»s do Mine now,] at lettrih after tcsutte it in the hospitals the Medical So. cietv of l’ant [t!te bc»t ehetnim in the warld)dclivrr«sd' the following rcpoit to Sirnor Ve*pmi: ‘ -We have now minutely and carefully examined the r.neulu'f mventiojiof Venprim. We have analysed ita fi»«i|*oiK-itl parus-rWc have lined it in never*l case*.and Iwe !i.‘4tat* not at pronounce it (the Italian Chemical I Soat*) a e rral blt»*Lng, atul a truly wonderful rente ] dv tor any emaneou* eruption or di*Ggurementof the 1 Itf inventor we consider the true philanthropist | ol .udrrni? mankind. '(Signed) •n.i.l) ami mn«i liai'jiy in t;.vi a--.Tu.iin unJ ilil- dhcacy o! li.< From the inventor himself to the present Proprietor. P**>*, N0v.4,1M0. In <on«tderation of tire rom of KJ.GUO, 1 have il'trnl* rrj to .Mr. T Jom-V, rending In the city of New York; N A., the whole iiroce»» of immufarturittg, together with a vLtenient of the ingrediants composing my hrd* an Chemical Soap. He i« to manufacture it for kale in Urn liiuietl estate* only, ami to have the privilege of iia* iuiKU ti••Joniifc* Italian Chemical Soap.” SVitne*>i iieiity J. HoUswoilh. (ftgneri)' ANTONIA VESPWNI hy W JACKSON, m hi* Patent Medicine Warehouse, *-0 Liberty street, bead of V\ otxl, at the »ign of the Ul3 Ltool. JW , Tl.c only place .11 PnisburgU where the GENUINE ran l.e obtained Atl miter* are (Joan.lviicit. EFFECTUALLY ami upcrtlily fiircil Iry the ukc o tiit. Great iteinedy of Nature. AMERICAS OH. liulmoM imraru.'ou.l) rnluce* lutluiUnut.cui, and coir tuqurnily >« warranted in all cures (if leave no Irani or M-sr ol the tlc*h. Sold wholesale nud retail liy WM. J ACKStJN, at hi* lloo; and Slioc Store amt Patent Modtcitjc Warehouse, rti Liberty street. head of Wood, I’ittfbqrgh- Price M cent* ami SI per bonle. W Juck*-on being the Exclusive Agent for Western IVnnsytvHui J. n> genuine but what U sold by HIM or HIS appointed A genu. ,N It A Pamphlet containing ample directions. Ac., with the iiumi't ami aildreM of the Proprietor and Prin cipal Agent, is enveloped with Wrapper of eaeli boult. A liundaneeof eciiificntc* can Lc.*een at the Store. iclilTdihn • LADIES Who Use Common Prepared CUnlk, are often not aware how frightfully injurious it i* to the akin! how eonric. how rough, how sallow, j cllow. and unhealthy the »kin appear* after u*iiiff prepared chalk! llemilcs. it i* injurious, containing a large quan tity of lead. We have prepared a Ueuutifol vegetable article, which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILA WHITE! It i« perfectly innocent, belngpurtfieJ of-ali deleienounqUJliiicAi aud it imparts io‘ the *k'i» » nans* rat, healthy, alabaster, cleat, living white, atthe «i»c tunc acting as a coMnr.t.con the »kio, making it*** l ami •anc-oth. _ , Dr. James Anncrmn, Practical *-hem<*t fl f ' chu.ett. say*: "After »ia!y«»g »• White, l find it po.-re-e. Hie rwr-i t.MOUfi'l and natn ml, a llie tame lime miH.-rni while 1 ! certainly cun c«n<cic«ilu»a»ly treoiumeitd ti» who v c aVin require* bntulifynig. b? \V\V JACKSON, at 1..« «*»t ■«vl head of Wood. a. Own* of I lief 1t.,. ItC.Ot No Cura, No Payl . „ t /„ jtiriW fV<> Kmbioeatum Farit' niIIKKI* arc more common or Iron- I blrsnmr than the iMea, aßd_yeL'n«ilwilhtUi»d* ,nc creat eH&cfe* have been made to cure by the «s« „rpi>is. electuaries, |immcnU,.&c.. all were (utile and ol liille be tie lit. Now tbo Embrocation ii the (•nlv inedn me used. A peraon vtfho baa been* lufler mg'wiUi the Plica of the Wood kind came from ta .lent, New Jerney, almost on purpose to eipren bja gratitude forthe.ipcedy cure that this medicine bad effected in hi* ca*c.—Phils. SaL Post. fHi'Foraale in Pittsburgh at tlie PEKEN TEA S'l'UltE,7S Poortb stand also ai the Drag Store H. P Schwartz. Federal'll. Allegheny City. fftblST . ... VEbbOW UCIIIiK-Sbbti best American; I 'J do French;. A lor ««le by - J SCHOONMAIfEK A ('o 'upa No9t wood itreet TO THE SICK AND AFFLICTED. • . DH. SWAYXB’S GREAT DISCOVERY. £2INCETHF. DISCOVERY OK DR.SWAYN E’S Valoable Medicine,tbousaud^baTebeen re»t«- mi to perfect health who bat by ji» use would now be in the silent pure. AsoTHtK tlvmc'wiTktM.—Read with aston ishment tbo wonderful cure m*cuir ; Swayne'* Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY: i ; Philadelphia, 1847.- t Pr Sway no—Dear Sit- In jostice to yourself aod ; a dot « i owe 1o suffering humanity, ! cheerfully I ei?o hit testimony, and declare to the world the moa* astonishing effects, and the great cure youc.. Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed tm me, -under the most unfavorable cirrumstaiicr*. I was taken with a violent Cough, Spitting of Blood, to- . vere Pains in the Side and Breast, which seemed to break down and enfeeble my constitution,*.. ibat mv nHyiician thought my cate boyond thoputu-r of medicine, and roy friends ail gave me up to die; but -thank* to you and the eflect* ot your great diacwve rv I now feel mjrsell a well man. ami ra,wu trenva i;,C skeleton to as ilethv a<Kl health, a ,nan as 1 haso heeafur jean, and ihall he pteaaed to t i,e any i,,romatioo leapecliag n>, ease, h, ca hag as resiiletieie, Mechanic *treet;thit<iOo<,r heluw t.eofjje' street, Northern Liberties. Jscon I slaTs-n. Testimony is noto r tented from nil qtlttrlers of the lilohe. \ . The following letters are presealed with a view ot more fall, showing the opinions or rbynci.n... relation to tho Medical vaim or rrisUAJ M. h eOMPoiINU SYP.IT Oh WILIS MILttKY . Dr. hwayne—Dear Sir. Haring used ypnt l nor. - poainl riyrnp or Wihl (iherry utonnieij in iny •practice, l was requested by your Agent,. Doctor t.'rut* her. to eiprevs my opinion in writibg *“t its turfcrUes a* a remedial ngent,! most cheerfully oninply,ss l feel by io dwiog, 1 will discharge a debt I owe the community at large, and Physician* iu particular. As' much a* I detr»t Quack Koine dies and Patent Nostrums, I was induced Imin a failure of the moslpoleut, übm* mended in our materia medlca in tome raws-Ol Diseased Lungs, to try your preparation ot Piuntw • Virginia or Wild Cherry. It it sutTiciciUJto say that ! was so much pleated with tlie result of. that and lu isequent trials, that I now prescribe it iu prefer once to all other lfey»edies where on eipechirant is indicated. In tluPmuch drooled Pneumonia or I Disease of the Luiigs, in the alarming lorm in which 1 jt appear* in Kentucky, I regard it a« an .invaluable i Retnedv in the treatment ol that din-asc. To all who know me I have said enough, hut as thi* may i>e tacnbypertoDkoul of the vicinity of KianKfun, l adil, that I have been an active 1 practice of my profession of I-yeprs.itd am a Regular Graduate of Transylvania, ami tliiw is the first Patent Mediciire f ever thoilght enough pi to rmress an opinion in writing. . i 1 J H. Ktusnif-M. D. January 7th. 1847. Kranklin fount), Ky. , Fkakkfort, Ky , Jan'ry 7»J», 1847.'. The above cejtificatc is Nni one of our Physi cians living a few miles from here, lie oniping g very good practice, and is considered a goodlPhyvician, ami stand* fair; he is, as he uays. a n-gulargraduate. Dr. w. L. f ut rumi, Druggist and Apothecary.- Testimonial a wilt never erai-e. . From the Temperance Pledge. Now that Winter is upon us with-rls attendant train of PulmnAc and Uroncbial affections, (-'ought, ('old*, &.C Ac , we would advise those £itH>clod in this way to make immediate trial of Compound Syrup ot Wild CherryT, never lail to perfi rm a permanent cure. _Tho reputation of this medicine has caused many spurious aiUdcs Ur be put fortfe.under its name; but the preparation of Dr. Swayne, betide* being the tirsl ever offered to the public, i* tl e only one that can be relit d on. The other mixtures sold for Wild Cherry Syrup, Balsam*, ic M are-oli spurious and wimbles*, and contain none of the virtue* of Ihe.original prebara* lion, iDr. Swayne'* ‘Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. From Ihc Springfield KifiteM. Of the thousands of purported curative nostrums uow before the pobhc, but very few are luurd to possess the healing virtue* tor whictCthcy are it commended* Among the latter wc are pleased to learn none stand a better lest than Dr. Swaync**- Componnd Syrup ul Wild Cherry. '1 he afflicted in this vicinity are beginning to uso it, and to their iov they find in its u«e Uieir hope* bated upon iU recommendation* more than realised. *4'he afflicted need notdetpair. While there, there now i» h ° i “' A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. {Trainee the introduction of inyorlielo to the public, there have a number of-nnpyinciplod ir.di* viduali got'up nostrums which they*ar»cr.t contain Wild Cherry, some are'called “Balaam*,” “Bitter*/ and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine is Uiu ' original and only genuine preparation cur inttodtr ced to the public, which can be proven by the pub. lie Records of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The only safeguard againat imposition i* to tee that iov signature is on each bottle. 7 - b l)R. 11. SWAYNE. Prepared only by Dr. H. Swathe, at lii* Princi pal Onice, comer of Fight and Hack Streets, Philadelphia. All Wild Cherry preparation* being fictiltoua and counterfeit without hi* signature, For sale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by 1 WM. THORN,‘S3 Market alrect, OGDK-N Sc SNOWDKN, corner ilnd Si Wood »ts. S. JONKS, 180 Liberty itreet. Sold al*o-by J Milcboll. Allegheny City; Boyd, Carn* Sc Co., Butler; Weaver A: Henderton, Mer-. ce r. Norman Calendar, Mcadvillc; JII Burton Sc Co.. Brie; Al'Kcnsie & Kaskell, Clevelacd; Deni* ■Sc Son,-Colombat; Miller, Brownsville; Marsh, ■Wheeling,Va.: F. B Hinman,Cincinnati,Ohio; Dr 'K Kastcrly Sc Uo., St. Louis; J S Morris Sc Co., r Louisville, Ky.; Andrew Oliver it Co., New Or ; leant. ■ *P2*L IS now universally acknowledged to be the IN* - FALLIBLE REMEDY tor Rhrnraatism, Spf- y, nnl Affections, Contractions of the Muscles, Suia \ • Throat and Quinsy. Issues, Old Ulcers,l'ains in.tha ‘Back and (’best, Ague in the Breast and Face, — Tooth Ache } bpxains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Bums, .Croup. Frosted Feet and all Nervous Diseases; The TRIUMPHANT.SUCCESS winch has at itmdvd-thc application or this most WONDERFUL— rMEDICiNE injuring the most severe cases of ibe dillercnt Diseases above named,—and tlte IHOH i ENCOMIUMS tint have been bestowed upon *». [ wbercrenU has been introduced, givee mu tburigtil. [to call on the AFFLICTED to renoil nt once In rtlK* ONLY REMEDY THAT (-AN BL RELIED I UN. frpTlic faculty unite in recomuiendrogUid. ecle* ated Kilcrnal KeuieUy, Hum’s LmiiurnL- I • : - 'llic following letter from the highly emmet t Phvsicians who have been attachedm the Mount pleasant Stale Prison for many year*, is the bu t evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniuicni. Sine Sing, Decemtier 12115. My Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday, asking my opinion in relation to* Hunt's UinitnetH, as prepared by Mr (icorijc E Stantmi. Knowir? its composition, and having Irequt-uliy used it, 1 t can recommend it to you a« a safe Eiternal Rente- dy.'ind in my opinion, the best Liniment now iu use. Very truly and respectfully youis,- * A K HOFFMAN;.. Col Pierre VanCoftlandt. Croton Manor. . . I fullr concur in the above opinion. : 3 • jWN BELCHER. YonirTOtvn, Jan. 14, 18152 Sir—ln reply to your letter, I would say that 1 hate used your Eiternal Remedy, failed Hunt’s Liniment, in tny practice since you maJc iue ac quainlcd with iU composition, and uuhi-sitatmgly. say that I believe it to be the best External Ren.e - dy now in use lor the complaints fur Sv hidi ycu re commend it. Yours revpectiully, benjd miller, m,d. LKOI’OLI>'T>I.'PREY . President’ 1 READ THIS! UD-ItXH AND SCALDS STANTON’S EXTERNAL REMEDY, CALS.KD HUNT’S LINIMENT, tleo E Stanton, Earf- From the N Y'Sun. r\ O'Among tho tua-a of worthless articles and humbug* that are poured forth at the present day ujwn the coanlnr, it reaHy refreshing to hid something of reaf utactical utility, somcUiiug aim pie, apeody and eliectuai ini its operation, and,it the same time free from Uiosc injacinuu c-flects • v«hicb generally attend remedies.' MuutV Ijiniment, prepared by Geo. E-Stanton. r»l Sing .Sing, though it ha* been but a ahort time Wore the public, haa already obtained the coulidence, not' only ol our most wealthy nnd inllucntiul citiiena, but onr moat eminent physicians. All acknowl edge it to bo a aovereign balm for many of the ill* ' that flealt it beir to, aoolhing the aching limb, and - by ita genuine stimulating i«il!ueucc,bamnhing.dis ease from the svtlem. • Mr. Stanton—Sir—S<eing your advorlirewent of Hanl’s Liniment, I wu induced to try its eliccls nn m* aoo, who had lieon crippled with a lanie back'from an infant; and it ia with gratitude l bear tcatimonjr to iu wonderful healing properties. 1 My ehiid, who is now fire year* olage, ia now in a fair / wayof recovery, Yours,&c.. I DEMMUN CMCKKKSON. PosTOrncK,Totvt«i ita, I'utaauiCo. I certify that 1 am personally : acquaint* d with the aborenamed child, and thinV thc'firtJier would bo tale tn aayine tint hi* son ia almost «cIL JAS W DVKMA.N, Nora, 1345. Deputy po»tW«ter. I*, s. I would also slate that have been tor a number of years subjoct to frequent attach* ol tho Hheumatism, which in many instance* prevented my attending touiy business. Two or three appli cation* of tho Liniment invariably remove Ml al fections.of the kind. In cases ol bruises, sprains and sores, too numerous to mention,Ml has m thin , vicinity proved a certain remedv. Its value can-, only ha estimated by tb.o*o who have given it a feu.. Liniment « sold at 25 and SO cents ptfr bflt~ • lie, by all the Principal Druggist* ami Merehahta Uiroucboul the country. . . ■ Wholesale Agents m Aero i«r h. HOADLKY, PHELPS & Co, l*i Watr, • KtiMITOMk 110 . roadway. |l A: D SANDS, corner Futn-w arid William. - ASPIftWALL, tXi William slioi t. Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, \ -Y, Win be attended to. OF.ORUK E STANTON, Proprietor. For sale in Pittsburgh by I. WILCOX, Jrrand '* l — &■ Co. Allegheny City,JOHN SAKGENT Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. febl’J DR. <;ULLKN‘S INDIAN VKUKTARLK SPK« : Cin«: FOR KKMAI.K COMPLAINTS. ! . THIS medicine is last taking the place d| cscry > preparation heretofore used for mveares arising from Weakness or other causes. jMlthalit neceai ; sarrto secure Una medicine a place in the Domes* lie Practice or eserjr lamily .when such a medietas 1 it needed, is a trial. • It speaks Tor itaell—4s innocent in its operation t and catnjufr can arise liam ill use at any time. Wholesale and Retail by ROWAND &. WALS TON, Proprietors 376 Market Street, I'lnhd’a. -. 1 . For sale in Pittsburgh by R K Sellers, 57 Wood and A'a. Thsra.ft! Market it ncSilw T Itflß MOORISH HAIR DliU'rtTpifmi: • . nently dyeing Light, Red or Rray Ihiir o Dark, Urown or otaefc color, without tlrcing or itOuiiug the skin. fold with toll directions. rrice tv cam*, or t| ; s' 1-ouie.. - l WN. JACKSON, at kn Pairnt Medicine. Warr house, 89 Libetry street, hrsU of Wood, at the, s«n«f the file Boot. ra . BALSAM— 12 doTWistsTs iUtramot \V ltd Climy, jutt received and for ulehy •• . j KIDI> A Co-: <*P* ‘ NofiOwood-urset'' ; VBNICTiABf Ul£f>— 7 bjrti t>fM Knglith; y ’ ' • ' S do Aiatiuan. - i For.nlobj- J SCIIOONMaKEH ACo »P*'. No»4w©od«roi ‘ j H?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers