PHILADA. AisVEin'IriEMENTS. HTKAM IttON KAIUINCi PACTOUX, RIDGE RO.\l>.al K »»f Kuttnnwoml Street, tfjjt* siirtfhii At thw. <-tibl.~liu»cot iojj be f««and the prenyl v'imM* •(' ji.j it»icn|. cij.ctf iul 1 > lur Cernrmiin, .r. j»iHicuUrt; incited. ; The i.nnnpl part ot .ill On* iiaiul»nme Killing' it Kin el Hi! l ., Monument.-im! mtif-e r r.lebralnl in ♦ J.<- <-ity init nwiiit m Ktiila.ieliitiia whlfll hl*e bnei, r.i> litgMj f-tlollrtl K* Ttlc publir piesfl, were rtcniUii al ttiik iirinuliioli.ry. A large W.-resK-iOi.! i- c*»ui.erl» »1 with ll.e IlPhtncnl, Mlitri! u kept cunauutly im bund a On;* stock ot re.i.l) -iiijclr, Irmi I Killing'*, t lrcriii.T .> jlro • tji'- that ill tm. tern iiiul DfW4gi.u.»r ireioitiin nt o- b.i ■OEic ~f .J,c t.- H filriit m Hi'" ••'•utitrj . »t.ose wtn.U attc. nlmr. i.‘ .:*■ v.iti-.i to MlO l«n»in* «■.!*— fnpint'Si alu~ ' gftlicr or.c of -lie 1:1*—It r*'-u* ft'*«• Hill *tflrlintn P'* of ll.ekimt in Hu- I *'i‘»**- HOlit .lt I WOOl*. l fO|.n« l'T Hold, *!»■.*♦• Kurt.ifiv.uiHl Mrret Phllluli-lptilli. M ur*. It. |S4‘. .tfuu* VVATtUIKS. u: fur. af*i>r'.owi \m> -n v» k u a r« »i !•'« IN IM*II. a l»h I.l'HlA (ifiM I full J.-.v • Silver >lf> it" 4ioM l.'-j'iTi':' Jc«rl|. Si'Vrr tjinn er«. fine fjul ; I'.oUr \V h i l.ev (*ln n, S.lri-r ?*[>ec sark*. (ioicl IVnr Gold Hrnceirts. , , ,• Aleo on nand u Unr u.snmoem .»» trol.l rind Br» cclef-, linger rm 6 *. <-.« t»«i ;*“>* »«"*P rW p«>.e, Oliver ?,„*,,*%*« Ra J,- rur > »nrt ibb n,mart ltry »*■<> 9‘ drtcni>l.oit. at equally 1«« * Alll w “"‘ * to conruir■*• cimoinerv „ ah kiM- of ranted to keep «:«>•! '•‘ nr ar ‘ v Yrrlwiuclx or takeni m cx< hawre 7jSsu»Su>“ Wntrh, C'tK-k, and Jewelry Store. N«4W| Marke atrcpt, a hove Kierrtiih. North -ide, Pluludrtphw. , try i tav'e w >nirl>«.>l and Stiver Lever# mil übenj.rt Ilian the above price*. _ jagtCn* | KABM VTII S PATKXT UIRKCTACTIOJI STKAM HAMM Ell. fpIHS llvtmnrr po»*e**c* many advantage* iv* r all I. other*—among winch may t.r mentioned, ll« Ma^oK**at'leni:«>k— Tbcriip «ml forccof Mow i may hr controlled With She gteatol eu*e, White" tin I liflmmei ti ui operay-wi, and the bummer may l>« ••• Ktanily arrested,,iunl »*j*p« - rxded at any bright. It» litnverr.tliiy. or capacity to execute work of all kind*, ftuiu thelaiyert to the smallest. utder the »amr hammer s In fj.mpliriiv, (Torapiu'tnrw nnd Chenpues*. U» Acce**ili'.ln>- u|m>ii all I», ihe workmen- Allt'he hummer* arc made Self-A. brig. ’The aabtc fiber* continue to eirru'* orders (0 r tliw hummer*, of all»./r., upon term*. ■ For furiliet n.iftieiii;ir«, inquire *>l *■ MKUKICK iTHU Nk, • A*»..f the Patent forUje United Siair*, Southwark Foundry, PnllAU STEAM MAUOIaF. WORKS. KtJre oho re Spring (iarJrn Strut. PkUadtlpkta. 1 1 'Hill e«tuMi*tinrciiu*cxeCied on an impfOTrd plan, X anil by the a.*i of Steam Power manufacture* all kmiUof MaiMe Work in a superior *t)le, nnd »l thf lowest price* (or Cash. ..... v. , The larße't «n.l!>• at n»*orirtu-.ii 01 Marble Alania.> ever before ol'rfrd ti?the pubhc may l»e aeeu at the Wure Hoorn, to which the attention of pntchaicM i» rcapecthllly mviie.l linpoh'.d Garden Staiuary ana 'arc* ot the uto»i tasteful design* mid pmierni. made *>l «hc fine*' hand«finu.»i description o( Italian .Marble, 1 ties tor Flooring, -rnporleil. ami always on hand, and for sale at the most reasonable prices irj*.Mari.)e Cutter* ran t.e supplied «! alt titnea wjih anv mmit.ei <>i fuu*hed Mantel* or Table Tops, ut re-’ Muced whnlfute*; mid the Trade Will befutmsi.ed lui the shortest uotire atl kind* of Marble m the """"“jSf.N „MRD Hulgr Itoad.alove Spring Garden *1 Plilltui'H i February 3. IH? 3uw3ni _ DEUKV &. NIUKEKSON. , Maiiufa<*iurrri» M ' AHWIJiIiS, SACKING BOTIOSS, \y \OON I’OVKR.** A\o fJRAIN HAtiS 111 AI.L «>» -t II»f*TU»N» k .\o. :i*<4 .siiuili Frimt Stretli llarkff- V. A. H ('ui-iurt Wart Stanufy i»ii»i.auki.phia A lA.u-t r. >„ -.V ,l,> < W.«.U f\ .Mr.rli-,V - l* It • I-H •*l l * l '' 1 ! ‘‘f. A’’‘ ’ „ I- THt»s «. l>l-lUn -.,.111.11, \ «' NH'kKKSOS ' TO WA’ITHXI MiKIIS m»«1 DRAI.KHS. J, LADOMUS, liMl'OiriT.ll u. W W mu k.i-1 lm\ • i-n tiHiiil a ,if»;tr .1 yd I?, u< M.tIU.K. I li.huiii »| . 'MJ ‘ \l,!-..•. rr a|h i Uutlx .lit .rra« hi* ii.etid* 1 ,u.) i!„ [.tjil.i-. Ui»i l.r Id. and *»T? TStfSUr! 579 ’>7 •» H.GARRAffi) 79] law n*. : -V-trabroird R®eo; | French A. Scotch , u • Wt.lAflr!iJ®a«i plain nnd primed j ■' 1 Salm Striped j£|SayjSS| “DAMATAII." .-'■’ ?. ■ ?yMZ2 f-3? VjUSsSf <|Uilr new, AI»o. ,«.-.. r n lull a«Hiruu--i.l h.vv't” ir.S»H9asaa «* »«****■.• t: - : 1 GOODS. t; I ' > - , Vj. . fvq? . < R n "v ,,r,, r. NV SI!uT» k a" 13^ ISr.iiiiyt Ilonnet Silk * a nil Flower*, cheap* r •hati « vri M ilr.ier * supplied as usual at wholesale pf.rrr .. uplS WIIGARRARD RKMOVAIe—A CARD. J T \ k K il.i ‘ i(n ;i.n.l ui' i. liiriniin thank* Id the puhhe g'lK iii.M. f nr the very liberal patronage betiowe.d d:oir* \r.trehr»n*r l . nmt'-rof Wood and tlth itreeti, now, .it part. nc upn-J t>y 1J A I'nlinettock A Co— where my k nt Garden Field and Flower Seed* and • Agfirudurul lmp> incut*. \v:li In- found large and of the l>f*t rjunlity. *■ I would cordially invite ailio full and tee rat, atm) He - *’ ttand. tncblTdiwF S'N WICKKRSIIAM.Serdtmaa ■\TOTICK— Appkont.on h«» been made liir-ihe re M J_\ news? ot No ITfi, dated January IT .IMS; for ili'tr. «.i -hare ol tlte capital »tt>ek ot the •roropnny for erect-mr'i Br>itgv over the Kiver Monon gahcla. nppo* ie l* n-iiurch—which raid tlrruhrate lm« hern di-»iri»ve> *>l \NI>KA<*TIiHERS, ilT,\ IlKIIOL’Si: Noe. VI Water and HU Ftrti ttrrct. VV pittthurgh. The fnai» rnatmtactured by u* it warranted erjual 10 any iu ilie country All older* wilt receive prompt nilciiturn mid filled oil reasonable r*n«. Merchant* mid other* viijluig the city ars in •«d loculi hrfote purrnu-mq <-t»ewhcr* M.H A. LKUOfi: A co n NO 77 i;\NAI. STHKKT, NKVV OKI.FANS. A f»KNTS fur J' II Armani’' Kxn-rtai*e Steam Sura' K-ilnt-rv . Ahvav* on hand, a largr «U»rk Powdered. Crn.hcd. CUr.licd ttinl HuMnrd Sugar*. m TiPtec> and JUrr*!* AI«o. Sugar llou«e Molium. I’riC"*- 1 '-ns »n-l -i is-' iiUovvmre made on all tale* of, nr -Uv-. ill _ MirhH \ III.ACKSWITII WANTED—A young man i\. ai-rjoa-tilrd w-it. H-ini**:. work, ran buve per- .. n I.T- hi part of . <. I l» IDI'IIHAN V> •.« wn..,i M A (.Alii). \R|*i TM Itm K-VtiVR | ,iN i,---. iu a.. 4 ,i!.:iit 1... |,H.N' i.r - .■»*•« I. ir- w- „< t.T r {lni! -Jini! M' .1.11..M51.!.. v»l>«. 1.1 VIM ii.lll •Mi* 1 (.11 .'i n jail! 1.1 l v sa;,:', • ■a,. .r ... w %, WIi'KKHSItAM AI. »*>\T Ai IT I'll K. T i'uVC II * 1 H1.i.1. I u",' R.OnA-. Mm-. I. . .n,.1 I .M sli k.I.Jv au-1 mu n«*rofiiHtM.M*'llk • 4 M Nlilli.l*. mini -.1.;.-!.,.- u.r u\«k rmti,u»Ki,. ”i*i *i Noltff | •i -Mlj« t rK.IV t\t I lil* Ml *r 'Jr * IM ll.r hi- v ;r,f.l .imiiinl* NVillunil ,lri«v lwsi» nf-d*ill aiillitii • ,i., ; i, iin* Ijit- firm A KROWNK rnrl.’Jj.JHri V* ”°" J * ,r ' /'HH.mVATniK' A urge am!'»ujirrt«»r a- I.J * ruin,-i,i n>.\v ..u li-ii.l, xml mi Mir xt llir KJ«irfii pnrr* Ai-o W-l '''ii.. m un.l Kh>, " .« , V? r, • ,l iHmiiifl.inl bV J'ivf ! r) ‘ 'V " WIIJMI.N m p'j «-oi»f'taml l-ouiUi "i» C’t R' Al.f>l‘l'T. I’.imotnoir Hint (Tlorr* in T b‘,l«. Ik>li*i amt 'mu'l r.>a«!Bnll) on finn>l ami 'll Hith* Mu"i»pti .■•mt >pid’r HnctCilV, t/7 Fltlli -I''' V IHIODKS A AI.CORN CABINKT lIPIIOLHTKKISO. r A M prrparril u> do alt Inn*!* fd Cainnsii Stall,ni Solus. lßvaii*.. HMi.rv t’ria.r Sr# •-at shon notitfr Orders Irlt at Mr Nol*l»*j *!»<- •<■ _ . _ . Vxr aiUCEBi \V|vu>':it.. tiror. r. Forwsrdin* ami W. Mrrot'*"’ ryHJ-l>.-aW ,n IVuluer 'and I‘hn>t.ur*h Mtoiuitiotnrr.. «*’ Wairr and ISmUhOld-Mv l*«__ apt-, tcruHV i>K ICHITIIKKS— CHOju« rrcei*r.l JTrSn Sir* Jervr i» <«">'! order. and tor «le low a, Jt0,...,,. -.H - UUI.IVAU KIIIK LIIItKN • «s&**. .M LA REN TRANSPORTATION LINES 3fcSWglga 1847- PKMSSVLVAKJA C.kXAI* A IIAII.UO.AD E\i*»siv / -- •• *.-r f o let .* ,it m» b'rr'.ujnriii '••• f'j' >VnE ptit.’-r *>' t-M X **.!■ . ~**.tt»e*,c - fjllll p.-vlm- ti.r.iOiTl'i! •• ■HKM'M.i MM. iMl.LAli >•„. ,■■. ,1..- P.ckrlt - I.' i. ••'• : i;,.- I |. K-l M;. r- lime ' I ..<■•. r i - • • . VVKXTfeIK.N I MTIO.' < 0. l' iT' n. i,kk( >i a t o>. <>! f» J M Am.IMIKD l II AN-i-oH l.\ I l«»N I.IM jifr\v»:i n r i rr~m k«.h rim \r»n I’MtA ti ai. umohi a\i> m \\ \ < >iik 'l’Hi: -m'-k ll "“ l!,; f " •* 'I"'' 1 "- i , ~i |tiiHi» *n.t ‘.at'. |.i«'ie.l I. . wl.i.'li .irr .n K'’”- 1 ,I,r ' u| -‘ ,rd l.i»r.l a !«r«r numiMr ot Mcrrli*i..l./. .u,.| I’riKlut't: wiili iTiiatl.ty "ml >l'*pKH » . i'loduCi- nr Mrrcha'.diM: . «n».f;nc.l :<> nnv i.l tt..- un ilef.-furd, lorwardcd Iter i.r any rliKt);.' Im - nmm.- • •mi or tuiraAr llill» Ij.luh tmtiKmiUed tui*l ill m-irur;.oif jin.inj tty attended lo ' The huHme*» of tb'* .■> enli.lurte.l <"ti «'t.‘ 11, Ski,(.nth-keeping pr.nciple* Addrrx. m npp.y n. 1) I.KKCH A (N* I'ni|.t.e>».r«. I 'jtnai iMvd ii<«li HAKKJSA I.EFOI, I'r.ipt.< laf» \i. 11l South Thud -Ueri I JOS. 1A VLOK A SONS. At; l id*. No 114 Nonh-Hoi*aid »tferi, Itiilt.nioi.• \V i( NN'JIXtN. Acr.m, 1,1, 1,15 No 7 We«( W(ler(, NrW 'l Oik M*> (Hi dll Dll is 00 1(1 till IS u> PITTSOUROII PORTABLE B. LINK. i&aefil iS47. - laoil the trai!i‘|H>nn: , on'^!FFreight lirtwren urch < aniline Atlnniic (.'.tiei. avmdimr Han»lt.|immit- on lUr way, und ll.e ct>n«e()ueiii n*S. oi d. .<• Ujn.j»;e’< mid oi O"*!* /Vt.JS'.rtorj lIOKKKIISrIT A CASH No'J7s Market Mfeet. I'niladeipllia » TAAFFKA O’CONNOR Cor I’mn and W'a; nc '*(«. i r . U-lmry;ti OTONNOR ACo. N'ortli *tretU ’ I Vc . U 'A J South m.N J-' h I'ufjineceO >•>' lul’rouN-d bu*nir»» the I roprniore have added to (Jieir *iock and extiTmled ihc.r arrwiso tuent* durniß the winter, and *re non prepared to tor-- watd irriß.il with rrcutarilT and ilirpatch un«nrp:>.** d by ait) other luir. Their long tipenenoe u» eart.ei*. the palpable superiority of the Portable Hoat st*iem. and lie great rapoeily and convenience of the ware liou*e* nl each end of the one. are pe.-uharly ealcuta ted to enable the proprietors to fulfil their encasement* ami accommodate their cuMotnor«—confidently offer’ll-, the past a* a guatunty for the future, they tespceu'ully •olicit a cojinnuonce of lhai paitottage diej turn graiefuMv acknowledge. • AH consißnmcnt* (o TaalTe A O't.uunor w.ll be ree d nnd forwarded Steomlxrai charges pa d atd Dill* oi lading transmitied free of any charge tor 4'V>miiu*»tnn, advancing or «ora|* Having no utice.t directly or mdtrectly m stcatanoat*.the interest oi the eott.-.gnors inu*l necessarily hit their primary object in sh pp.m: west, and they pledge themselveMo forward nil goo.l. consigned to tbcin promptly and ou the uu»»l advatita genu* term* u> the owner*. .March I. Is 4" _ _ ‘"l . ifiOKPENDENTPORTABLE BOAT LINE. IS47. daagh^- tymnfflfrKANftrOßTATlON OK PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM IMTTS DLRIiII, PHILADELPHIA AND ILM.TI.MOUK. (jj“\Vithoot Tfan*hipmeni..ol Good* cousigned lor.urcare will be forwar.k-J with out delay, at the lowest current rates. Dill* of Lad.tig iran.mitird. and all niMrucbon* promptly atienJidio net imin any extra charge tor storage or fmnin.«*:«ti Address, ui apply to i. A McAM-LfN A.t« t anul Da*.n. 1 iii*i-urgh Having a vrjry Urge" and* wurrlniu'<. we are prepared to receive |m addition to tieigtn h>r snipmeni) a iargi-amount of Pniduee. Ac . on Storage at |, m . rntrs [tiittH*] •' McANI .VL<* ‘ PICKWOKTII & CO’S LINK.; i s 47 . IV \li.fsl V IJ.\ (or lW 11 :*!.».•. O' W.\\ I' l ti.-twr. n P : 1-I.orgn. lII.* i-vi'.e, lbiil-Ut'l'J'ch. " Pel' i-'-> - ! i •*’'"• ~ \\ I Li.l AM ITI.TV J.MIN Ml! I »:ic *la\ I i( 11 i AN AN ;-l.n J '• i A \!r \S l 1.l k i l » » pi U ».IKM (N< t » J J M»• 1 •»-viti. John I’ntkrr. llol'W; 'lix-c- H A> l' r.*i-urcli l . 1 i,.\kK KRiK am) sinm;n uit L|£=c r ; a,.- l.ak->. »».1! !•» i'»< i’ •• •: 'a-' ••; of ■<> ram Kirijin :c:*l l*.i■ .ill [•.■mu la' il> r K-«•*». I' and l.iikr* •ridels " .111 41)4 lie f»n-J ■im! aeria* ic»|»rriiui>> *o!'<'4 r'rcui llimi Ir.i i.. hr imM-r (*»»”>naer. 0 M KKKD. Krir. j’fopr **ii»r KKKU?*. I'AKK** Ac« JttilN A liltlA thn.f gb d« tan Siii.UiQrht and W tier tu oppooi*- ih- M-i'iong gnneiu liuii*r R»:rpti To VV heeler, A t'o. New VurV lieu Davit, Uuda'o K N I'ifki A Co, ClevcianJ Jav A Arm'troiigA Ct>. Ileim.i .\lc<’ture A William*. VLKvrtni .» |S-i»:ol St Porter, Ciurago Win Power*. Powerstuwti. IVntia Gr© Machetmyre, Kvantt-urgn, Penn John Me Arthur, Muuittow n, do W irk A Acker, fiteeiivilie. do Craig A pratnpton. Clarksville. do Hay- A Plumb, Sbarpvt-uign. I’* W C, Sharon. dr R \V Camiiu(ban). New ljuitie. do maiS UKLIANCK PDHTABLK BOAT LINK. l&aßa' 1847. isa^Ra FOK IKjV.'SI’ORTIMi Mr.KLrtAAUlsh in TW'EKN prri’SBUKGH ANO THH FASTKKN CtTI ts, WITHOUT TRA !• fill PM AS T. THE improved method of carrying used hy tin* long Keiahlitlird Line, is uow to well known that be ecripiiofi 1* unnecvMary. Good* urc not louched on ihducc, tee re*pecil-iHy “aolicit con».gmnciii.« 01 western Flour. Uacon, Lard Uotier, Cbre«e, Wool, Fruitier*. and '*ttirr article* for *alc. on winch litierat advance* wnl made and other usual facilrt.r* aiTor.ded, pied* np mir- Kive/* that any lu*mess entnuted to us than or p* omtnptlv executed ami opoit as fair term* a* I ) any otherfcou*c JNO UrFALDKN A Co * Canal Darin. 1": tt»l-urRli JAS_§J UAVIS&Co m**lillf SJ9 unu liSl Market tl. i’tniada ' J. H. DICKEY, hhuvarmsg & cosjissioS mebcua.vt, East Beaver Point and Bridgewater, BEAVEB CQfWTI, PA., Proprietor und Agent of iteamer* t g^-J LAKK £RIK AND MICXIIUAN, BAItT B ETWEES riTTUBfBOK AXH BtITEU, WILL W prepared on earlieM openuri; r.t n;»v. igation 10 receive property at lij» whan'Pout or tfl warebou»e, lor all points on r.rir Ou«* Cut, «nd On>o Canal*, tor all [rorunn Lake Her and upper I-ale*.a* al»o to forward produce, IVnnn. Improvement* Apply uj or adders* (eWII-dtr JA* L._U»K^_._Uj«trer PITTSBURGH 6l GLEVW.ANJ) LINE. ' iB4«. II Clarke. II Hoop« T K rhmritnl t Co, CLARKE & CO., Forwarding 4 Commission Ntreliants. I'A. ' 1 1 IIK Art-lit* soil J'fopnrtOM ni '.li « |>»•► <;tvor -1 slili’ known to (hr JMihlin. W:ll l>r Jrrrpitfi-'l i*(l It!"' ••tVrt.rM open i.ff u < AWtl navißaiiiii lo n-< <-, •«• pniji r ity .it I'lll»l>ur(lf *< 11*1 )*••:» vt-f mill ill- 1 ■ ■!<■ I I tit -mnr i ~ii il,.’ i 'lnnj-mml*. ni„l »i-« «m l.aL- • T ■ lc Mml *V.iu|iaiiv i.r -.jj • l ■,.> v■ i(m' t-'uininiu > ,'Kii- MI ’ j’ 1 ' ji Lirr,t»i', 111 limit, il.i* |’"rj«i—■ of lain "if af li< in-iki* tlliifi «Jliili*iVr ■rmil|’‘-il"lll' Im llir . Ii 'Nr would thr.m lorr jr»p«.rtlully •ohrn u rnntciiii • 1:1 r nl mil iimiirf patron*.ami refer <M I'm i.»i.u.rnu, Hai.timokk, Nkw Voas. a.m, lion ion' . SA.MUI-X WIOIIT.MANA Co. Ci.rnri!) atrrrl and Canal liamii. I’lllxhiiirli A L UKKIIAIIT ft Co, No JG-'» Mnrkrl *ltri t I'lliU.l. Ipll. I FLDFit, (IKI-STON k Co. Agent-. ■ H.*!lnnor.-. Aid RKFF.RKNCKS. I*|TrMni!Ki;il-J»t McCully. (iro MnrpriTi k I'n VV MeCnlty k Co, H A Sauipcon 4 C« M A l!rn .V I ’<■. PHILADELPHIA Mnrri« ['ailerM.n k t Hrynnid. McFarland k Co. Fleming k Ruihy. IVtrr Wrtgr.t Son. J llupharo. Joaaph Urau SKNV YORK —Cloodbue k Co, Thro IVm A Cn BOSTON—Reed. Hurd k Co. CINCINNATI—Adam* k Crcogb, W W Scaihor PLEASANT, VA-I* A Machier. NASHVILLE —F Fleming Not*—All m«cfc*ndi»c from New iork and Horton, eon«,»ned to A L Gerhart k. Co. Philadelphia, will In promptly forwarded/** of , frhli LBKCII A CO’S Puk*|< Kxpret* to Phll*d*l|.bl». WM » n THE Canal being «oa open, ihr 4JHIHHHIIkabovc KipreM which ha* been es (aotiabed lor the conveyance of valuable package* of raercbandi»r ( i ipectc. hank 4c, corn me need running on Tbortday. March 19. An laosCß**T will he di»p*tehrd Jaiiy until the clov ol thecanalingteavm. Apply to U I.HEdI k IV» tnchik cor Penn m ar\c.\.. SHI ! V I I !-:si>.\Y w Kl>\ Ksl) \\ »* |\ < KT 1-,,r M.U- I > ‘ , -y‘ Nl ' u S " '• i: „ !,1 Wl , .-V. . . W • M u. •«• i'ii'o ri'.'li"'A .M Tilt ll*IJ.\Y PACKKT. Tlk WISM'N'SIS f‘ •' i-ui i‘ ! i - v-i • I .... ».':i M'.- i-'.ork •• M j'l <*'»'• '** A' .M Kit 11> A V I»AC Ti„ i*l,l iM’t- H, .Ml *j. Opi « bill*-!. . tt I*l.ll-01...1.“ V. . c, IV.u . • \-mnr -i’ I" 1’ u M.iii-: . * nM- -> i-io»*'>. A 'I satViiuay va Ti,.- 1 ’” evi-r. S.itunl.iv « v i.-• .n l" ( * v . v I inc.-i.t. k. A l U Mil urn w" Ul -l Hi 1- M . ami r, •nri.. A M T-„- MAVTuN, « |,JV. 1' U-IH.-Kl. . v.*ii ''vTuli *1 > * VV*-,! “.--..lii. HI H fcy- r 1,0.- ruvk.o, « , c aUNI r !•«•'«!.* t’ot.l.m nilC.iirmw.:. «. ru-uti.. IS.- ka-. .-•hi;-.».i1l ill. K<*«! *' rr N„ |t. Vluor M:,t- ll.M.mLri!-.*..!rTP.! .•,<«-.<« .lurili! I* for. » lrl ‘ ( SIM.MKII AIUUNUKSIKXTS. 1 17 • ; J lmvi . u , cJ \vt„-, :r!'- r.-;il.. rn Tooili \Va»ti. Olid OBMmBDS ■ llf u|*m HIV Tr.-U. and Uum* havr *;vrn to me NOMO.NUAUKLA IlOt TE, S. trf, o|n: on or •.* m-rf l c l.vrrfuHv rrfomntrn.l V.«'. l!o l|:r «. :n in. u-r HKhM-.AS»». AMI < l Mllt-MU. AND T‘« UAi.- ' —, _ . I * riMtiUK AMI I'HJI-.MJ.U.I HIA j Mr .> imur-. Wx-li. land l-m.trn mid hav round H* etlr.-i* to be ltl i.„. u()l .lpbia • •<[)". I rl.-nii»m|!ttrt.!t>ukifu-ai«.n*» - turn*, mu! a wrHrn iOnkv 71 M :.•* Suc-.r.c ! ■ nn (>| the mnuih. I have no h.-mumm ■;« reeommeiid f o!en.i.l :a*t ruimlns .lemurf* i\>n*u‘. ! H |j; na* ilir mi*»! lienrflou: |-n*|mri«tion n»r tne teeth * 1 Mi-'l ai:- ui..l ?«\ nave : nmiArored mV«kiit(s 'lm v r pv.-l <-en. CJ JACK. .loulf.inn* «•„- !«.il leave jiie Mo«or«a- “ , .. , 1.r1.i \v!i:iri rvm morning jier.e.v tit * urlix k.- * if LodlC* Olid fieillUmCTl (f 111-moim.ip l-.'ir W II u, t tr .i ICiliMiinrr . P hiUld* IphitU ? ni-il cv.-.i n.: lor llir I. . will crnlitud.- llinl I rend the lollflWlßJ rrriifi ivli.iri mill iaiJ >' < lock. <•!> err) Tooui \\ u»li, ; >'V urn 1 -»“« w'■ w «" <•!' l,l *'l wii’.'ii I u —‘il. unci II link nflcriually cured tooth I room*. IWi.u-n-i. uri. k y, l ’ •* ; • , , ii,r CI">“ removed -«-urr from my no** u" niomiiu'it* .iiit*> :.irli ."I •*t"f ' ... 1 . ,i , |„ iicvr U-*» entirely arreMed nil do- I I -'I laiul. Tim* li xu\ iiii'.p' » t«l^* lr ' , I mi.i ilui u'l win"* »ul!rr. hamiß citln r P , **r j V I ■ l!v i, - u • o i T- . .r. c«m,.la-..L will a. v*.. a. po*n c.*ni|> in-. ■*> *t< i‘i •' *nvi“ o ‘“'' 11 ;'' 11 * 1 * ,a > i* * T*-ul'crr> Tooili Wnah. dial tlicy i ~,...,.1,,™,- .h,,, ; jj-uw* ] or Si CharVk HoM * , Vh< . rl ,. t -, T-ul-cr/y Tooili \V«*h w*> ami ha» l'cM's i rnllt ,.h ruir.l lhrm-wh . li. .n < rrnfi.-air lurm. I rcml, : T o CLBVELAM) via. AVAIUtES. ; wlio w,.li u prri.ll rnn-.h loi pa.niul knii. i • . __ - . , -„.i K i,„ :i n!fw»mil Tooth AA a*ti. may wilhi-on- US47-. I I TMlU'l'iM IN J-* HUL'U>. ' , P' Al'Kiri'llo-i:» Siv i'low .ir 1 IVlcurvpli leave lira- ( • \Vl[fer>r , « Traberrv Tooth 'Va«ir avine removed *i tdii\ ii 'I n'l'iri'S n uin » tlie arrival of the j , rur | am i cured *orrne»« or the punja. which had irou- I from fn* Intel- and arrive .tWaf.eain , ~,r J to. two > ear. It ■« my beliefthatlu. a h.fihly n i liir M i l nr ul **iace‘ wtiich leave inimedi; u »ctul ann le. and that d »d' i»BMe lo tiM>»e wlw »ul | U. 1.1 .niv.. j, r .-..1.",.! «».Vl«l.r > .v-lh llw Irrlh »nJ J-.... '» JJ>;gj^, VAS . " i'i'i rV' - * a i. 1.1 nv.wn i. u rr<>i'i K|;U>. I'AHh' A r„ .U-r'ji- JUll\ \ I'.' t 1.11 l • >»t. IMTaMII ItCJII ,\X»>.(iHKKNVILLK 1 ' • l' \ l kI- “ 0 M' l I .1 \ 1 . ' !. -i; <■' ’ ■ ■ 1-1 I' f P.irL. Kl ; ii i vKk\- a -tr-1 |>ll •<* , iln 11 I .It ul r \t \\ \ot U Mitt iikJim' roi.stj’nr.i U> tin* ,i !«• I«»rwjf.lnl Vr.i.l. Ol sin|itH‘«l witlmul ilrl m u tin - I'.rtpsi rile • »»l . VV r« n't! .il! v sti.irrn' mliilie pi t r*> u m.i im;m>ui» a. < . • uni Isi*iri. i K AM.. -iir.i.LAS A: » ■. . Hnud MrrH. {’lul.TLicljilm J t MII.I.KK I'.uwlrr a.W liarl. Kaitmiorc. I'illitjiif"li, I- !■!». {s, l;;47 ' 1841) AXU KS47 T(J TUB-EAST B 1 3IU.M)SG.\HELA 110 L lE. VIA BROWNSVILLE .V ci'MUKKI.AMJ r p|! K pr-pur*-d lu tor wan! pro -1 to .in- K.-.—T-; U n.k.-i* du.'-ns It.- 1 ■ W.I-.TI on to- my. inn,. p> ; xpe- A.; jitop-rn ian..l -ou. wdi'.c v ihr .• *«r11 i.v •(, . prorr.p :y ti.r J C Ft !>\Y F 1.1., A<'i P.m-.iireh novVT K I't.FKTON ft Co Cuiri'-rriand TV THE EAST BY BALTIJIORK AND OH |(J . It A I LRU A D.. '1 1 1| J’ .nh*--r !.*T« r pi lor the dr!. vrr vn! !‘ro- I ituci lo llait.Uiorr oy :m Unn.iiigahr-a Mm muirt ' ,, A , ." l .‘”"lU.'m l ! r jh?*-r, Lead.,! pork. \V*..»k. , Cli-r.r <• .a»- rl-.j.r' ttHJ !).« T.*‘ ir.-o Hemp, I- ax and Wln ul -i*l rt.« per |im i'-. A «!)«•« ! I'o:, Apple • t Ti-i-*»■, 1' .i iS«<• 1 i i'.i- • . rfinl ix-ntl.ef-tf'! per H«i l>» tI.N, Si n- Seim* U nw«-i [•: i*>' i d *fv.« il 0 -I, ,11, 'n.v i.,,'1! AllM.i: Hi “ ” 1 ‘ "'rn.i'‘ l n U.MIU) VENETIAN lII.INDK. C| 'HI. UN-air.r .Hid i.« -r v»nri. e•. .-r i.tfi-n d .n ■li - • ", 1 P.-li.ri uculr no til-- ~„>•! :i|.piov,-d l'a«lrni plan* THF ''Ml Af IN'M. or |tll>r«»S KI.INH on M. 1. haip- au-l nllir, an- .iivOr.l in r-ai: and "1;,7, a »>yri:iivKi.T To I*rtl»trra ny ...rofirt imnil I', l r," ■•a. Flower*. Ornament* etc . which will he «old low fm ra-l, JOIINsmN A STOCKTON COACH MAKING FRO.V thr vriy lihrrn-t mcoursße rf inrril tnr «tihe now oerupie,., in It.-nvrr .tr.-rl. iinniedintety he*ide the l’rr.|,virtian Chtireli I'rnn, ihr limit cJprne nee in the nliove hUAiiiei* ajid Q d* -nr n» p|r^i«r. hr hripe< to lirer it und (cectvr a *h»rr of pul.l.r patiemtge. Now no hand find fiui« lo crVr r, Rorkuway Bug* rir«. nprn and (op Ituftftiei. and rvrry dr«rripli« it to core th«-Tooib ache in onriamutK. by using " heeler 1 * (Tff «Kßn% TralH-r.) Tooth Wi/h, tb*» to '*Srr B , u ;.<) to c'urr oi th<* irunt* »

f lo I ttav.e- I. »..r 1«* I hi* j> u r.! i r A* ~,. • :t- H?.| fK yi •!■ on or T. jJ.«*rrv |1 It I t.1.1' |.U'. +11.*.l __ W _\ . ... iual U hrtHi n 111 • Ortii'r ‘ip- I lU ul n )Uwik, liir TAKKItHV Tour 11 A ASM Tin- riphi wjiVr-o:' tir . 'a m- .••• I’iopn-ior. :n con forin n «vil. .in Aft n/ Cun*'*!*. »*tnulcij • An Aci b • i!..- - n. Vi* f-'l--' '"‘K '“•‘■py " * KRA'S HOI'KIN>ON. f!r,k n ( r S !>,»t (’nun |-J-< l ,-i, V.l 'Vitn -1 I'UAS P lIKAZI.KTT ' Tim- ("ijpv K.uhi 'or Un- wrapper <*< ll" 1 *b(>'A iu« tin- I'.ili- til tin- A r! «-lr .11 1.-cal lu.i- tin* lo tlir oriß mat T--H riu T... 111 \\ a-li uml all uUn-i* arc but iiin tll oti- wli i li I:avr-rtjoiir out iiiui«*ml ,1. „*.• 1.. -II t.-m-iul u« .1 |ilra*aiil ami rtlu-a . a 1. , i,,r nr.--. 11 .uy lit' Tec Hi uud tiuiu- UnUKKT K. JOIINSTuN. Pm a n.iriil '-r 01 y» at* m> Tet-ib und Gum* were i tnui li <».' hi cf.'.-i .i* in ]>frvt ill iiit- Imin camns w.ili m! i .iiu'cil nif murli pain lUv.i.i,'Wariloi T, ! \V!n-rl.','- Ti iii-rm Tooth 'Va»h I ilo refill)' ihul 1 1 tne.l no.- oi .1 anil m lo«« than two wrrki ! my 'l'c.'iii ati.l tiotn-\\err «>miil ami I bcliev» I urn ihr am i m'cmilil ix un mlvanin■ ' ; r '. J UKAZKR. ’ a ‘ | Certificate» of Member* of the Philadelphia Bi 1 i UiW-'H! u-fii Wli.-rl-r * Tcalwfry Tooth Wu»(i »i *5 i i.o\»«lc» l itjvr i.uin.l ihnn 10 po««**»* r!-*uu«mc uml |’ ' 1 r 11 <111; |i'u|..'i|.r•. ami while iliry whiten anil h-nuli ! .j (l . |V 11, have 11 twrirlioial -flVci u|>o]) the pun ! 1.1 itiir. ill ut in lln-in tree 11 h.UirnUlllul action. ‘ l ) 1 F A RAYNOLI) "VourTcali.-ny Tooth 'V.i«h cured tbc tooili ache ind'n'M *urr m-** nt (hr Rum» m mv family, and 1 *«-nd I»U ill • • ertifiratr itiat tbo**- who *udrr wlih lootl. jctic ur «or-in «* or ibe (film* ran) know lh»« '«•*» 10l Uir-IN .mil • vrrv |>lc*«anl T««Olb »*h f ’ FKAS PUKVttSI. W \V|ir*-.-f |f- «*«ilianfi» »irrrl Ji*4l-**rrv Tn**ih K»vJ rfjr. lmijlv 1-ii DR. ROSE’S UKM'KVriU.\ I: V. I.BHKATEIfCH Rn.N TIIKK.'IEI* JIEIMt’INEii. (iOV*l-*ri.S«i bi" I’rojibylactic r-wup. :i •. i,.in. i!i ail l ..I -i MfTl V-K :m.: ' lit I V fi f: J>til 1.. U, .t'li-.-1.0i.v. «•. U ;h **yrip < rnui, . PiMilr.lnl rimrl »r ' •' J. decmedly «u'icr;,.r iii .ill other ntr.icia. having given rebel wt'n-n ill olners h»*e fail*"*!. l***iojf through a new prores- inure concentrated than any r cter Olhrr.i t.. die public. A>THMATfi' ELIXIR-, diving etlrcted permanent cures ot Hist ttubborn jueaM-. when »t more Ilian li year* landing. heti rr il stand* wiihnul a rival in that much dreaded ,iisca:.r. l)r I.IMMUM', for all catet of weak dc«s ..r pain, and a « ompletr tubttitulr for bUtlnr*. hr Rose t TONKMIXTLKK, an mlallibia cure 1»f clul * and levcrt, and indeed it more of a ipenhc lor fevers of all limit than bark or Qui min. Ucc't IN' 'OMI'AK ABI.K VUHMim.K, , it used m preference to anyAolher i Vermifuge preparation. 1 hr. K«*e ■ IXIMi- ANTM>ISPEI*TI<\ lor all fdiseases ot the Momach and bowels. flndera in ' ierti"itf dec Too high an encomium cannot be patted on the menu ol thit medicine, iu cure d hispcpsia. and ill ditcatet that remit from weak nett of ttotnteh or Ud digestion. hr. Rote t FKMALK I M l S, a mott valuable rented v lor thoae general coinpUiuU t«> which fe male* are subject. Ur. Ibun'i'lHNH' AI.TKRATIVK PILLS -4%0 pill ever before olicrod the publican happily 1 combine* the qualities ol a vaiuauk medicine .at an ! anii-d.tpepur, I.IVLK or M-maclnc pill, cnrtfct- I ,ng Uintc diseases, and thereby preventing eon • umption. A votf certain a specific ,3il lor this formidable disoate that the nb ttinali cases, and ll.osc l"« of long standing, have \ at llllf«. .... '. |>r Hu«r\ Itlll'.lMATH' MIX rLlU—Alief munv year* nf .l.kyen' ren-ar* h th.* i-.mipouinl wua.WoT- i « fril .mil !- ii'-'.rt lii :.,i>l i-tln-ac) |Uui;i * ‘l* ellirn-rin) mlhi>* .til cihcl- <"t 'I of Klirumn>i»in. 9 ■ A>TIU S** K.NT I'llMl‘til'N O. * i.r riant ; remedy fi>r *ji*t!inif M<*nl, i(nlrcil for ol ] 1,t0n,1 wt l .:ihiTin.ifiLuiiK..'«>wcl‘f>foihrr pans c*l ihc j Hc.M-'-SVKl'lVor fl.ole-i. ..n.lltowel rompUmU j -Tli -mijiiir- w :! rflc.-i.ia!!y < .nr tiowel, ; l)\ .I'lioi'-ra Morin.*, and rimlei* At the nme UiV A*ii»M' t'hnWa •**» rnilinr J'h'lailrl|iliia It *U| loijM'l 10 l»r ill* - m«*»t nifinc i j 11■ 1r- 't•-ntti• ol 1* 11 iliii*r wlu uwil it. What may lie -an' •*' «'*'• <‘ f remedies may |»v '* "■ wa. .•..mplri.iy * ui. .l .11 a I. w u.nntl.* The ■•-m-er htnl he* a *Ol null.) tlinl m.A r*-!.'w |I .t-eti with lin-re«»r«l ' n,.1.111.1 nc ihe .l«-*.,l'ly nf Crni«iiiu 'life cl ih* pu l •' r I 1" '*j" 'N'"aki-'V a n*« ■> s,f r't I- 1 •wctuilV NO ri:|tK NO I' W nl<. I'l 1.1.1. N ■* 11 NUIA.N \ KOKTAIJI.K KKMKUV fur**, or the iimn. « v ri'tiiriifnl Till' t:i* iji* I"' - I- pf<*|isrej In.nun In Krimjil >»l»! Ir-T*i lli.-m in tho Kar West, jt ■•H’-i-*' I'li ««**?' »lm lij»p l* «•« Umiliui witli 11/*‘, know llul lln-j ran ami ill. lino V willjnut tlir kiiowli'.ljjc i,| M,-r -ciim , Hjlijiii, nr aiijtlittiß •*! till- Kind. Tlir i*. Illrtril liavr imw an «ij*|*«»r!iiin» v "I I ling i;uiml witlinu uhr U«r id Hil*4in Till* mcdtrillC 111 (•Irusaiit l'> UA- l-ivtc, and Icavri no (iiirll on Uic lifralh. - ; I'fojiartftl lj\j l!()W ANl* A- WAI.ION, and sold whi»k**jlr amt retail, bj J.T. KuwamJ, .fili Market •trri-i, I’lulail'.a >„r sale 11l Pittsburgh I street. and hr.Wm * I h«yr KTIli-N»*[brrii -him* |ilfn*PUl wriulli'r under U ) sl.itht mid* m I me, and I. from *kiiful pln*'ri»n-, ll » ip l .u'«,Ur. i ..:l.'k* Hr Jti l,on lomr *.•!»••• i«f ' f.rt rough* and fnl<»* li'» v « ■ Mr eiperirnce of tlu>u«nri I l ur mile in PnlWhufKli; > 7J Fourth street, nr if *' * n 1’ Scliwariz, Federal < i H:se‘4l*lAw I) r . BlrLn4»e » 1 r|l||lS n in reriity that. 1 M.-Lanr’- W„rm Spec I |.«>«nl npwnnU nl w 1 mnl. l'.iir n chilli iuy " v 1 li uuly the’ most surp « c ,.„ 1 rnu :» Market «t Jorsa'eby J KIDD 4. 1 hnrrii , .OPAI.TAHUIsfI \;/ Vlirk <4Uirlr ilrynifC Vn t .1. Coach do for **lc t *pi MEDICAL, DR. SIIERHAS'S —r MEDICATED LOZENGES, AND POOH Ma.VS DJI SHERMAN Jus dueucctril » w»y ?.) m«kr toeJ.fiu' I|1»1 tkildrrU will Ukr il rril.l) fr) t~r oi,.r«. ji«. iUaI ht.yisc ttn.tif ■ • iruuuil but ■ L>’ttn ctt. * Pul Tuulh P;uU oa Ibr tT4fk o»' rarli '* t«rl. Uill i.I Dirt-ilium 1-HKIUIA.Vs COCCI! LOZENGES ]•),,„ *r» thr ninl, nv«l turt .u.u>ucipl*-n*, wlnNijniij; fz-ig'n. »•»! ~ ligMl.r.* ••! lb* lut.j'»ur < ■«:, »lr. I 11. piupn.i. ■ l»-l »■ jf, n-ili fiu; in l.raltt, p*r» m ilm.-'i .*• r > «l.i iiuipliiin. *i» J Gt>uriii£ uiiJil tin in-'* l Ji'l''**' l lilc! i»-al H'll. tin l.>-kll!< nil, iimJ rtnx'tc U.. |iri'»iin-»l» .r -jiilin,; jrr Midi Crum 3 iMintiitinliuu j ui'-t riliui-lt .»pr ■ n rv>j|li iunlK'itt*-., urn) uu>l .i.i'UOU * Mtty 111 n*r f-'T Jli iv«R|il.Mlil* IlimJli Jl m|.,. Mi .tnr.'j (-rt.l! 1..'i1:1. I t ..m S 11.1-W. . ' trr Ibrrr tnnrli in ll.r in rnlur n.h ~.|w nf Shi lUill'l t\«.r I'l IUrM I J.ri- ' "l.l\ .I'*! niil-,( ' Mrr lII' |wr<, ini >v, mi 1.11 ll oilli cialitrbrtt, 3 I'* > .'Mli' " r '•*' • ll >' !• '•'•i. 1 milil i »lli»rlit iii-il x'ltir, iiMiiU u ii-i J .. ■ i-■ •ci >HLK.MA.\> WHIM Tfivw »ortn luii-iigt. li4ir j.i.iii.l 000 ta»e» l» t* lufjililrU’, 'll' "ill} rtjin mciiiniif n'rtliM'uirrril. '.Mail) ill*'. ,lnj -craouli Uni,; ai.J oitMiw Mill'TiMgj unii even death, with iul their rur Oemg gruwii pertoiit vrj very ultrn jßiclrJ with them, and arc ductortd lor um.ui • lUi.-ul an; benefit, whet, unr dote <4 thrve Loirngt* would f-erdily curt llirm. t'J l Wort* -Ptir* in the yumti <>r htribv, ~ee bmth, pu king *1 iKe luxr, grinding of the teeth during >)rr|i, 1 Uuir't \ pnlentu abuiil the lipt.wilh flatbed rlteeki, hired iug at th« n“*r, a gntwiug wnulion ~1 tlir ttnrn:ich, tK*h of Inal uicr ihr turtaer ulthc lnjdj, vlight chill* >-r thii rriug*, headache, dniwtiur*>>, vet-tig.i, turpir, disturbed ilrraun, •udiim turtmg inilrrp,*nh inghl end urejuuug, toinetiuiet « Iroubletoaie rough, Irt erivlinea, thirst, puIUJ hur, hit, tact tulle 111 ihr mouth, llltßeull brr-jlliltig, palu IU (hr dvilurh or buwrh, fatigue, nauteu, airunictiliiu, von riout .ipprlitr, IciuineM, bloated iliinarh ur limll. griping*, .booting Jiaiui 01 taimut part* uf 11/r b-nly, a vent* "it some llutig ruuig Ihr thrust, Itching ol ll.r anut toward* night, a Irnpieut deiirr lo Jiaot cuotrlhtng Irom Ihr bowel*, and tiui** diwharget ol tilin' and raueut. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES. They give immediate ttlKl iu DrrTvui ur tick headache, ynlpilatiun ofthe lirirl, lowneu r a trtitr uf Miiklug uf ihr cheit, rlmlk, ipswmt, cramp uf the tlomach or bowel*, hyvtcrical •flection.*, and all urnuut dirratrt, drowiiur** through Ihr. d>j. and wakcfulne** through ihr night; cholera or cliol gia morbiit, dialrhwl, Luitudr or a *eD*e of fatigue per »ou* travelling or attending large Jurlic*, will Rod the Lozen ge, trail j renting, and nojvtrluig lh« buoyancy of youth; u»ed alter dmitntiou, they will rrvlnrc ihMoue of the ijiitau noj j rrally, anil remote all Ihe unpleasant »ymp'oin, anting from j too fire living- Tenon* who hat. beru hvo high liven, and ' abandoned their Jiuit-ulrd habits, will find (hew Lotrngri ad mirahlr enmtaiwn •'* the timet. iSHEIIMAiVB POOR MAN’S PLASTER. 1 The beat ilretiglhfoiog plailrr lu the world, anda tovrreign i remedy (or point, or wrakurta in lilt back, loint, tide, tirclt, I luubt, yomlt, rheumatitm, lumbago, 4tr. fine. Une million a | year wilt not lujijdy ihr demand. They recjUin a little Warm- | lug before application. Warranted lujiertor to allolhrit,aud | f>.r one cjuar'cr Ihe utual prire, making not only the heat, but { iherhraprit jdailer m the World. ItalTurdt rrlirf in a lew I lioun, Hid makrt ailooiihing rum. I In livrr mraplamt and dyt]w|wia, it tliould be worn oeer l the region of the lirer or itomai'li, aiid it will afford great and | attumdiing relief. In cnuglu, coldt, uthma, ditucully of breathing, opprrttion of the ehett or ituuiarh, thev will its mediately tooth and greatly benefit (he talirnl. I'ertoni of tedenUry habitt, nr liiote obliged to itand much, will reec ier decided »up|*irt from Otl' of Ihrw truly itrength'UlOg Plat irr. Phytinant generally reconimeud them, hi prefrrrnce lo a'lulhert,bceauw thry itick or adhere beltrr.and afford great tr relief, lu llTrir o|ieratmn, they are itimulrnl, lonic, and anodinr. Tin) are comi»*ed of entirely diffl'erenl ingredi eutt until any other, and known from the 'Jj»rirnrt of mil lion* wlm hate uted llirm. at well at Ihe united (etfiaiciliy of all the celebrated ami dittmcuiihed clergy and |diytieun«, t" be Ike Biiiet uwfiil and highly medicated platter. Several jiertont have called al llie warrhoute u> e.tprrtv -their auryirite.and tliiukl, at the almotl miraculout rum Ihrw plaster* fiatr effrrled. , ' Uirrrtinui for uw air on Uie lock ofrarh platter, with a (tf uoTllr of Dr. Sherman I tuine. It it important you ihould alwayt atk for Shrrmati't Tnor Man’* riatter, and tee that ~hi get 'llir genuine, at there are manv worthlet* imitationi hawked alanit and told for the true Shrnnaii’t flatter*. b» annrmciplrd dealrrt. Mold whotemle and retail hy W, JAt 'K SON at hit Patent Mriiw-ine W»reli-»u»», No. fe', Liberty tlreet, Sign of the DIG HOOT. jin 14—dly. IT NEVER FAILS! Dr.CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA PKUSOiNS atflictcil with Scmlula, Kinfj’k Kvil Cancer, Krysipclu, Old Sure*, 1' Ircr*. Tetter, Mercurial l)i*eaaei, or any other complaint* anting from ijwaunnet of the liluchl, arc rotjunetnl in rcaA ll,c trctimonial*. in prrtot <>f the wouder ful nroperttc* ol the above mmc(l ntfdicjur, HK.AJ)’ KKAI>" HF.AI>•: , \\, the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaac Brook*. Jr at thh otlicc of Mcurs Kowand and Walton ifio Msrkol *treet Philadelphia, i unstder hit r vie the r.H St remark il.le one we hate pvi r « it nr heai I 01. 11,4 I'O tj- '*■ |!I If I I \ iltd terrible Mill-1 uve ‘re ii h i twelve vein r oulL. i jv ,t If ll.e ,te H iti’ ilote. - ' e entile Joo! ol hi.» tiii-tilti, N i—r I p perl.ip jiidlowei l.xl ol tl.r Hnflit Ii ne tie* n Je.l roved. hie 1 Ji'C >rl v c.ilen u:i ind jniri .•< Ihr j UO\IAS j' Mrl'l. I91)V. ;’u n * ci l iny wit. nnj mti' description ol hts O.iee Mr It mlornii U« if January I 1-t ttie whole On the I IUI of J iroiurv J U>l ho c -•mm. im'iil Lukinv (»r t I IM'IAN \ t:i;Kr\Hl.E »'\N\ rotnfut time the ruff hi.- pt-;:n without tn, h JOSI M«** •It V> «-.r %]..!*• .New tlesh I>J* tlipplien Ho- plireol ((<«• oorphill and though litcllv j,.. and Ink general health i» \\e ire ats-lli-.i « i;\ m.o.m. in* >. Oivui ''tinih, IVieae c t litfl'j 1, ivolt JU,I. ,\l I- i.l Vli .o, 1 f IM,||>l|| rid' I EVV l jrr. fill f uurUi above Ih-plvr si, N l. r< M't wliough, I jnravter. f'.i K M M.uldock. dtf North l.ievei'.'h •! I'mll Ttutiptl.A 1 '.tldwell. Mjiioii oh MikmillU I>:ini(*i \ rakel. I hrniut Hill, l‘n. udoijitM.i fu I 'i John street I'tnl.i. Willi tin SieeluiK.M I•. I 'jiiuli-ii N J • WiUum Hill'. .17H Itlgli *tf ret, I‘luU. J II Potter, Manul ailurer ot Mini' IVMIi li'J .Ninth alre<-t. I'lula. 1. A WolleiiwelxT. llil. Phila. Detnoerat 777 street, do (Ir'iuvc W Menu, Hruih Maker. 417 Market M. Hxn * larr. t 'heinul utrcct. I’lula. \ lltuilcUr, Pastor ol hlercnth Uapti'l * Imrrl Plula. John Hell. Ktip Street, Philadelphia, (North Ami can oflice.) - Aanrn Sand*, llil < 'atliarini' street, I’lula. Darnel Mctlmley, kessler ■ Aliev. Andre" Swoaton, < aimleii, i\ J. (t H Evans, Weal Phila, Richard H.,Young, Uilder. -4 Wagner. Lilh**gfaphor,'l ll» f.'hesnut street, 3o B J Kensil. lid Eleventh street, do Peter Skcn Smith. Editor Native Eagte. - do Joel Bodinc, Ulna* unnulaeturcr, Wdliatnstown N.J. William steel*.Farmington. Van Huron <•*». lowa. 1. B f.'oles, M l>. Boston, Mass. Ruisrl I' anlicld. Phismlngist. Philadelphia. Thomas l* S Kohy M D, Hnrnsburgh. Pa. I HMUM, * . B ' Peter Wright. iW Market street. Phils. James W s»r«lin. lu3 Filhert *t. do John (ifHHj, 171 Spruce *l. do Wlllnml rie, Pastor st. PaulsM. E Ch. < 'alharme M. Plnla. John Chamhrr*. Pastor Ist Indrp. I hurch, Broad ■t. do ■|‘ |, Sandcra. I'uhlmhcr of Wedge and •'tandanl, K P Sellers. Editor Olive B >nch. Doylestown; Bucks co. Pa. Wholesale and by Kowand V Walton. I ro prirtnrs. i!7C Market St. Philadelphia- R E Seller*. .>7'Wood »t. Piltaburgli, I*a.; U rn. Tb> *,62 Mur. ketet do; E B Perkins, Marietta, Ohm; raton A‘ sharp, Maysville, K Y;.Jnhn W Danenhoncr,(‘in., Ohio- side'll & Reerrs, Madison 1a; <' Noble. Louis ville,'K V; Pcrornur.k ..St Pelloui. St. Louis. Mo. P Il'Mctiraw, Miss; Hard.iv.av A John ston Vickaburgh, do; Charles Jenktn*, New Or lean 1 a, oc6 HOTEL for invalids, AT PITTSBURGH. is I* KK R A KUHN ril]|K n hjert of ibi» eMahli«hmeiUt» lo wan 1 greatly feJtLy rcrpeciahle iravnleranii' highway r— ley reatdersia, -without family, taken nek— nin! l-y patient* Irons the »urn>und:n< Uiwm and country wlio ici-urt u> thi» pUrc for relief from nurgicnl und other diM-u»c» t*oob have oflett «utfered fium the want of thr »arit>u»rointoit*a«d attention* to necc«*ary and «nr anle to the (irk. and from careless and uniuilhlul nor»c«; nml lirru »gl.jeeled to heavy and iinreomnahle charge* Invalid* will lore he provided with lh physician* wdt l.e extended .vi-r> vm.-ty of di»etur. it i* mleiideJ l.y l»r i* ,n» r voeeinl ntlenliOM In nil 11 r si.KfiioAi. hiskasks, .r»nTUIILaRH T<> DISEASES OF TIIE EYE . ... illr 111 oil tin Ui«- i.t-l lwnn> livr .11- iiiUnlil' I" ilruHr 1“ iIm’IU ill*' i‘l J>< - l .r 111 r J l,- l I'l||. U« «■>•:|.ly mi lll.triiy HI Ili»* . -Hilr .H.*. lirr ..I III!) (»,|,-„u j iiw mi •"i.'r I l '' in ,M.n,i:ior|Wi'.- • |il--S -.1 nil)' n Ull, (1 1,11 |l„. nnrlli I'lUlk nl ll<»* Al!rml.ii;i*Ti* nrr«*«n»f\ I-" in - *.-'k Aji|il>. .-lam- fm i*J»ii.*»«'ii »*> l |.fl» af tin II tilin '* mi I'- ii" •tn'ft. I'll!-ImiikIi hi it ih i irj“ No runiaf iou* w-H l-r n.liinin -1.. J K Sl'l.Kh. M l> S KIMIN DM. ms v’l-.IA wtIT •'you RMU.AM'mI S SCOU.% I»lt K 1.! • 11 ' ni*'.«nn«*‘* ran npml jnui- ’ l.i«»k fit >nui VV lau joiiiif wile, wiih lirr Ur>t{lti *uimy rwp< ! lasA 01 vnur o» 11. pitted Wilt] rrupimii* Uiml Jilotrbi-* 1 \• ! IHU nil- UK* mean to RIVc hlly i • lII* bo u i-ukr ol 11..- jtrrHt linliart Soup, wbirb would ••nlifrle lt«*r roll f(oin iliem, litnkr your \rlli.w -kill at mid benlthy. fin nl •nire.rlo J.ii'k'on'- Store, I.ibeily »i rnflHireli nncl Rei 9 rakr N IS Jaofcoon'* 1* ike only plure 111 l , iil*.bin uh wbeir tin- (, inr ilir cure of (!„. SOKE wnmlrii during ihr lute un* >i ll i« heller tn attend to proeute (he remedy npphrrt an whii unknown un Xl'r<-* - ion nl mi old moil who tiled tin’ S>rup l*m»ln;Riili, Keluuury I. Mr. Morgan:—Tins may cVnuy that being aiUicied wnli a'lniiiblesonie cough some lime, I l.oonlil u laiiil' of MorguifstloueU Syrup. and am happy to say, alter u'tiu; il, my cough i« entirely rured. I pronoumr your Cough 3y run Die best uirdir me I have ever used. No family should In- wiilMiul Dn« valuable medicine. DAVID MoUOHKRTS, Allegheny C.iy the PEKIN TEA CToRK i anil ol the Dtug Store el, Allegheny Cilv. Worm Kpectflc. v taking one rial of Dorn, hr. a rlnld of Janie* Shaw irm*. and by the n*e of sai n passed 14 lurgr worms.- isitif wonu medicine I rvc Hr vinl*. ivm uujiio^k “ Wilkin* Township 'o, No Co WorfU street, Pul nich'Al |r>»Tln« ineilw me 1* prepared wholesale nml ret.*. «•! Die Drug Store of JOHN D MIJROAN v ' Wood *'utl. one door hVlciw Diamond Alley I'riee'ilS cents per boiile. _ risflK MAOIC KUAMYR NUAP-Kor remo 1 ving C»icu*c *pot«, Slams,or Murks from l.loihe*, Woolkn*. Carpets, Ac., Ac., and rendering ihe *|>oti where it i« applied Hear, bright, new, and *potlr*«. Sold with lull direction* rnct cents a rnke. |r7-S,.ld by WM JACKlMJN,«>LibeHy:*ir r '-« heuir ol'Wood 'll hi*Himl’unJ Slide ‘loir *ieli 01 Dir Big Bout. '■? , j* l -4 l»bla Smith’s No I, Ne\ lush if do Brown Japan *n> «' ty ] lIK propiifl»>»» c»l ’h*- .“Mr I'jriory frsjitril- h'.r! wn'oM ,!i:nrln V*- 0 v , mule than I,lt* lie,llo)cl rite, liutn wurir PITTSIURCII. \l.\M » \t' UK i ii|'|n\ N WIN Candic-Wirk, Twine, OiivfrUl \ .WIN. I Altl’ll ill \l\ \\ A. A. . MM. l‘i:VMn'KM,. A i hm-.itt •* A Av«-rj.) \t.d vet we r hi give •* M 1> IVinbeiloii N J •n. M 0 hi Semin at COTTON MILLS- «SAMDS SARSAPARILLA: : TO TIIE BICK~AND AFFLICTED.. h’o, YTmov.l wd irnonucni c«r« of mil d.actses i DR» SU iYSE'Ii - j great discovery. '• | Wl , ; „ ' ' Tri ■> I'uUuUs «»•» iA« Far*. Maufia, V sluible Medicine.Uhhim...fa have hecn >1 liill. ( 'v*-*ff «rwv £-*;.£rng 0T Taur.SeaiJi red In perfect health wh*> but by Us use vvi.uld i,»w lira - a-'Vj «ri •/ *>“» bo in Hie silent grave. I7rerj. SypkKiue Symptomi, Sciatica or Akothkk MYIMG v\ it !• EM.—Head, w uh •-a*’ .tn i !u t .tttr a-tung/reman iwnufirwas »*»« of „hme«l the wonderful cure performed hv tv-cter 'i-r<,ry A**itt*vr O'ony : Swayne’s fumpountl St rop of WII.IH'HHtKY , x «*u (•.,n..Ditr , H,,. -j: ml I ;, r ,Vioa-v 3iir. Swayoe—Hear Si» In lovourseii *r«l • ..• !/!!-. .oirT.dr.l loi.iuite'o'.i\vhiiiten-»ivtM“rwrcn i a ,!utv l owe to ruffering humanity, l chet'riuih ,3, . and aprr'nn ii.W.r-n.-*. I.rii.-e tl* waodurej" . g iv „ testimony, anc declare to lhe world the * <>i Peruvian Uark.ur ! * er * Rains lt» the >W«* »°d Utravt. which »r,.p„4?V * -or op uni ii .« an r «iai.:.*tire d.l.n-il wnm mini ajfre* at>le \ mere skeleton l«> a* »» *"5 a^ a hcaltt.y a man as I Mir ~.I,ins, and mad.- m suo :hc 01 in.- (.»• j haTl . been for ycar«,a»d shall bc'preaeed t0g,,,. snv ie,'i _ i information lespecting my care by calling ,u m 'y ft..- ioM.nv n* ren.timir iid.trr«.rd to tbr Afcnis at l ' , .-jr Mrclunic •trcel.thml door below t;e..i ce i-„,,Mco. tut;. st.< .r.itMMu.. tv prool oi .ingreai value a|reett pj„' f thcrn'Liberties Jacob PaiNtt.i;. J O' et ri. > r C|!lcawi Jt| Ja Testimony is no iv received from alt quarter’ of Mplili'in* A Krrd—ll.-nir: lii May, IMS. i; ob- /Af (rliibt. ui \<-u. store •. lioi'le Kami's SarsaphrilUJand i o || rtn ;i„g' letters V presented Wilh a view r-fL.n.u, Jm*m ..pini.™ ;■< i _ #lil „i,i, c i.,i , ny right ire My phy‘icuui« advired relation to the Medical v ?*“* • ,l ' - m.tuJiavr Il,r iitni, nnipuluietl. aayni* >1 wur the only COMPOUND SVHIP Oh ... means i.kely w preserve myliie. Atier u*.ng half tl,«- | )r > W ;,vnc—Dear Sir Havicg used )t>ur < i-m -t. the !>:iin li.-tfsn 10 subside, and hy the nine I bad p „ u(lt j Syrup uf Wild■■ llherry filcn«ively in my u. nearly three i.uttles, I truusaci ii»y«rg- r _ ctl< .,./| W as‘ risl'tesled btr your Agent. ho, i,. f ,«;»», I T^Jl b fcilbearn“ r l iSiW Ur ta express uy opinion in writing oi >u l '"‘l ""'t ".n'urUvm/uiatStind'sSarsiipurttlawastliej pro|HMlies as a remedul igeut, I most cher-rlully m!-!,,'. under Pmv.drme. oi «avm* my lunb urnl l ; comply, is I led by *o I Will dtschaigr- a d»uM i*n», m> i.n*. rberriully rr.t-oinmen•«'• the community Jt large, and I lijmcijii* ii.'.' i.r-'t nitu*lr rXtam lor the pmliicstiwt of the blood If. i n particular. A* much as - I deiesl-. «i,c<-milly, d ,jj tW and Patent Nostrums. I was induced Inun jA.Mbt .MIUd.K I (a ,j urt . of the iftyst potent expectorants, r. tmit- I't.r! imk tu the, i(J ou , uirdUa ‘ in s ,„ lic *■ "' KI CalinjTl'V-'t, April 1?, 15dC.‘ j Diseased Lungs, to try your preparation ol Prunn-.. • Meets Sands-llrntlcnicii; Kxjiosed us we are to: Virginia or SVild (.herry. It is suini iciit to sav that ii,.’- auncki oi d.*ea*v. ami so frequently disappointed ; j was so much pleased with the result of that and , , |. f remedies, wv cannot but look on tUeeffori*: jubjrqucnt trials. Hurt > now t.rescnbc tl in preler ,.i Tiierr* 1 «ml praiuit'imer* w-tth inteTcst acd grutiiude encc to all other Remedies where an expectorant is furs , „ uc rstspreung jour valuable prepurunon ot . j Bled _ hl lhe m^cit d re ,u c d Pneumouu .or SOTSi ‘sT.l":"h*h'si^‘ ! .ml t)i.o«. .r lh. Lung., in d...., 10n,,,» »l.irl, tic r nrs-.cnn'iotis were still more diverse. 1 tried vs- it appears in Kentucky, I regard it a* ait invalu.ibte mm* rriiir-ii'es |,ui found no relief uutil l commenced Reinedx.i n the l«ain:ent ol that dfreat-e. *1 o-all u.mi; tour rsi-eiicm medic tie. at which tune I was wf)o (mow me 1 have said enough, hut as ihi»- tidty wholly c.uif.neil to my bed ’Alter utmg tl h lew mouths j, e BoC ' n by persons otit of the vicinity ol f'ratikiorLu= i a „, i.o'vjiliic to w.ns about nde out.jand enjoy a com- j (, rie tly add, that I have been er gaged in an «• •-• A POSITIVE * PERMANENT OUltB FOR ! .»•“*' *.”> norms Si*K£ r .{’»w“«i . UIIKI'MATIHM I ncim; |ier*on,t!iy :uii m.ntcd w,th‘ lhe above stute- ex nreKJ an opinion in writihg. AND ALL NKItVObS tHIMPLAI.N'Tsi : men' • I i.Vrri,) that lhe same i# true. v . J H. Kl.t.lsox, M. D. •Wlm nnouKli tne caoifi may not u cxpl nne-l. ! ' RKV. T M MKRRLMAN J an uarv7lh 1&I7 Franklin Countv. KV v Since th'i'ir rjfttu uredmd' usc. r:u;iicd, FxMiix* Ttsti.wnaT.-The witowj i* im cxtract_ ' Vkaskbout Ky., Jan’rv 7th’ 15117. I .einni delusion, prejudice, or pride. , If(Jlu -t<- r r« ceived 1 rout Rev. NN illiam Oaluilis; . r . Induce inankiti'll» ft ihe iiimiii umJc . 1 UuuMtiKc. Vt.Oci sfcS.ISIS. . T!.c above certificate is f-om one ol our I hysi- Mei.n« which mu's irii'ie. lire i,y Hcuvct, driignd .Mc-r*. Sund-i I have been Billeted with a severe ctans living a few mtlps from here, lie is doing o very Til utlrVlHtr I!|C lII* of mi Ilia 11 It 'lilt •' .1 j,,' „.„ ~,'y , H t e (m mummed by a di'cu-cd livetj for the good prscttce, and is considered a goad Physician. DR I’IHIISTIK'S OAI.VAMi: KINUS AND MAC}- j C 77 t '. vi . niy yc af < teiß-ring 1 mps whnt lenguage s t)( j gUn( i s I'mr, he i»> a* he says, a regutargrailiiaU-. NKTIf n.L !I) * : i-umiot . 011 v. v but «‘ii'-c wkiitg >our Sarsuiikrilin, I' « Dit. \V. L. Citi TC 11 >. it, vf'IIIS inv, .11.011. wi... h lik? rct-e.vnl the , 13VC M M .' 3 tJ v rehc ved, »o much «othat I huvehren !)„,»«, 8t an ,j Apothccarv. L umvrr».»l u|iprnhm.«m ..1 un- mcd.cul |uon-s*ion of a -ifnd 10 my husirn-.*. ami pte»rehocess|pn«lly ~.,7? „,rrr r,,nr ( Itriiai.i.comnr.-o in miiucif nc« apphcanonof -jo, ,| lc )„*, fj, lC cit months I wholly.discarded tillothcr . Jes*rmomcw Ulllnettr ced. f. Oalvatiißin. u* H rcmc.luil :ir.-u;. I,...means ol winch the „ ICl t lt . u , e , U nd thoroughly tried the Sarsaparilla. w.n»ch t rOin the I etnpcrauCc t ledge-, ordinary Galvanic ihittrr rs, Wcctricnnd MajiicncM*- J .-art ircommtiid in truiliand snrrerity to all those who ow (hat Winter IB upon us with tU attendant chums. Ac . nrc entirely u* I'owr 01 t.aivun:*m uppl.rif wiihout r.nv of the ...uupiami* 'riicrc have heen some remarkahte cure* .. . . wc ,yould advise thnvn alfixlcd in .11 (mllit 11 sin :» Hppi''*:d bv ih-r Marl. has . hp badbc'iorr enjoyed for im years, and Mr*. W.Nc- Lompound Syrup ol till Cherry. It will heen pnmminecd. alter um r and nupartiui 11’ :•» he w j,„ [ m d been i.-vcrcly ulflicteil with the Krysip- j al | trs-pt-rfi rm a permanent cure, i lte reputation .UcuUdiy ?f,;»nni«« and t was i» remedy tin* mt ••:«. de- rn , wu . , tin rely cured h\, lhe lisp of a few bottles. . o t* I lii* mcdictl.c has caused many spurious articles feet that th--new .ipp!.cu:.nii was i-roicctcd. w. .h. nl- ’ y (>ufl , iru |y, \V,M. (iAr.llt'llA i 0 be pul forth under it* name; but the preparation t-r iiik rn-iin id I an.l per sever line.-, hue l.een ! ■•'iii'lti p- ot f ur ther particulars and conclusive cvidenrc of ns ~ j 1 wa ..„ c besides being the first ever 0 tiered .on* present .Uli. of p« fleet, on The Galvanic tlin c» ~„„.r i or valor and efficacy, set pwtphlct*, which tmi/ t hn public m thooolj one that can be rclud on. r>» '<*«.'.01.1,.,. »•.« <.w, » r ». trrjnir, nt *ecompb*n:iti; the desired etfect i |.- u | IO)l sti eorne.rof W.llminf New. ork. Balsams, itc., arc all spurious and wortfilc a*, and The tiatmuie King* u*ed .n cutih-eoon with the Jlo<- i 5 ,.,, n ),j j, NVM.I'OX. Jr. I’ittshurgh; II lUi- Cl)n uttn none ol the virtues ol the original preparas Ffot.l, are eonlideinii m atl dt»r> ■ wool j jjaaver. Wm. tVatnon. New Ca*tlc; I). N Rob- pj r _ .Swayuc's ' Compound Svrup ol Wild ,Ur* icAicA onar Jnpn an enfietttit or. nn/uaitky slate of . |V)Il . Ilrnwitsvillc; A. tircißh. Washington; snd by ’ ' {A< iirM-eii> o» ntal ijitimi. ait'i these erurtpl.iints arc • y) r ,iep.»i. cpnendly throughout lit. tinned f*tntc*. /’ uionng the mo-1 paninii anil nii.vcrsai 10 wli.eli we are j» r , cr *| p c r bottle—six l.ottlf* for « • ulijeci They »ri»r vMthou! eicr-p-mn. iVom one aim- ; 3*j |t . p U la«ic or: rc*i>crifully rctjucMerl in remember pic cuitNc—a dernnie.m— j ~ Sund'* jOr*aparilla that nis constantly aclncv nnd it was m these,case* 1 hat other -remedies' liuvmg • ,„ t , u( .|, rrll iurliahle curei of the mod difficult class of *0 often fuib-d. n new agent wa« greatly npeded. Which . ,| IPPft N PV to which lhe liuman frame is *ubjcci; tbere -1 1* confidently hebeved. has hern loutid in llte propr r | 10IP n fr, r s aru V* Satsapartlla, and lake no olbvrJ mid judicious until Vat mu of (>alv anisni. •: ~ _ .. ' L . _ T . . , .t, The (iulvunic R‘t‘gs liuvc been used with Plillte sue- 1 SHERMAN S OLOSAONIANj n•« n ali ca-e. nf Rhbcmstiim. acute 01 chronic, np- ( ASK TIIE SUFFERER , piling In lhe head, (me or (null*, troul, Txe-ltolvrrvx. ■ >aoM 1 7belAacAr. /JmsirSilw.-• t'errijj*. Nerrous or Suk Hmdaeht, ASTHMA i b*l'<<'Uon. faro-'n', J’uby. F.pitrpiy. Fit%. ('rump. l.i. fclwrcd iutn m inch a diort time foam hi* dit fatjilnlimn or A)- DlSOHftKUt* In i-smS ot , lhe P»in iu hu Side and Chest, . mificon-d Ih -pep- ... wli fit .--.mpl> a ti< r v.,u« dr- cheeked His night sweats, and itnifejriet.i I.' me d (;>•*!:t e unis:'* the 1 have her 11 ir>u*d pUrrd the rose of health • elfi ri, upon i ' u j„ o j„, e h«k» u.d :e l V *t" Ol ..111-t I w Ito '.e '.•/•I LJ»• I ; |, p w ,|| | c |l j uU ! SIIEItnAN’S OLOSAONIAN, . A1.1.-HEAf.IMi lIAI.K.AM, . t,l) tii-s Vt,o«v of ant thing Ihafwlll »0 spee . |..n- old l.'otighj liaising of Blood, Brvn 1 ••u.iiiuptinii, H.arMtirss, IndtmiQ, sud I'braal. »• Hie Ul ■sa.mijii. and O.e) will tell rr n. i. 1 let hai brei. s remedy iiitrudttCtll to M 1... Ii !>a« lirrn peiNluetlie of s..‘mutli goad m ...I t a iwr .if lime. lU*d the t/llossuig AstontaUlnC Cures. . Wu u.mi. t),.- lU.rt.mcracker hakir,;* 1 Nas >t itr* 11.-.1 111. islfr ha. Ueti WftiCl'd -.ii. v. ''i..« t-.i -*l tear*, .md ■•.-.jtJ not (uid Jteruutwut rv '•> I , ~ „ lli( ~.r incil 11 «i adt ir* which New Yurie aud ' 111, .U Jt’u r..utd l.r-loc-, wat induced to try this great rrntr. ■ l, f ; ,1, >!., ,„:wi) well Hi. Aufltumliu wusufftr l, ,f ' .lr ihr uni' disraw. tried st, aud was also cured bj it. NT. i,.,10. W Well that .he »« able tu sissßiua her „ii!„ imTiiiii' ru.d sllrn.l her ur-oid dclies through ; 1 • , .in '..lthaui any ann.'Vanre from her dislrrssiug malady. " ; ‘ ,nu H, sr t J \i K>t.N, nil,' ttr-rl, Irt-ar ti.e Catholic ' ■’ , t t.' im »'.>rr (or the purpuw of obtaining a buttle otf >fif j hating l>e*u slSwled witli lb* A.uima £jr more : 11,ai, .!> .ear*.and t» a * w.esUau.lrd oil his arrival tliat he , "(! ar-.i'ti'i , ...I,i I,.'| He purchoM-.t a bottle aud rt>de home , - 1 - ft*' : y dat t afterward he nalktd from hi* roidenct tu the of -11.1. ~1 lie it.O'! 1 fatrgtie, a di.tauce "f .ner two tmlcs, to trll of .. *• •-11.-,- ll,*l-‘ ; tl,, M..i,.lertul rrliel' which .he had rsjtenrncrd frt.m using iuf, 1 ,)• rmJt’ine lk : y, a |f .if cue bottle. • , .in* in.-Jus i-ati* nc CMissuniptlon of the Lunffl. .u- -a: O, .Wf-R'c. ; !f , ;tr> White .trert, was so low to Us* month ~ . : v. otliet , 1 li.eeml.ft lost, (hat he wa» riten up by hvs physiCiaD. Hli ■ put..lll e the *ame inruds e titer lamed no hojte of hi. recovery He was i>rr»na "• in- nffvuit' ,i„Jj,i lrT the Olusaiißiau, and Jo hi. surpitse ilhasso far ' ' l, “‘ .eiLired'him t.. l.'ilih he 1. now able to walk about the COTTON MILL, PITT COTTON MILL. BLACK STUCK. Bill. \ CO. t:\ .. ~'.i iVm ii.vA-m.T EAGLE COTTON WORKS. jail’.' r»o;u.. , i»i' PENN COTT ON: MILL I’it r-iu in.ii. I’.i^ riAJIi: iiUkv t,.->ujf rfuw n l ii[*. r.Umu. " <’■ ~ii! >- n «• i k-io.ti'!y • :iu w li- .ivj oljj'li-.l tn it..- r.-t i'l Kail.- rtli,.-tit.rr l \ .iti'l .jn:-!-• it |,y HU', 0i1..-I Ituki- m ll.«- roi.HU) Tin- atl.-illit.n •>! iilllrloi-'.'O >• -.11.i'.1"-.! to 'll. .:tllllMl;.l Oil iVl.t 1.1 liiiAwlt kKN.MIii i 'MI I -US fc I’o ___| 'lk- (•iitvutiM' Hi'llo. llhuO*, 4• ;ill ct »Vc. * l 'liij»tk-'« .Muenetic Fluid Mr, ArTKH. ihr wife of Woi H. Attrce, J«rn*» Harinau, •I|< .1 u I- ’•-'•‘‘l*. K- ( i-iiiv. W. Hijstxi can »D k.«r‘lr»timony frou. in '.ii.(.Hi); .1 The it.rir t. experience of ihr healing yieopertie* uf thU Oreat iy wu> pein-.ily I,arm tt*ui-dy iu (..u.umpttuu of the Lung» .. IK ->* • 1 1»»■ I. ml. u: ail ;„ K | ' H|>lttllXg UloCXl. ,;v i -iju- - « :a.r tfiai a* au»i „i .Mr,. Tii<>t:aotß*c, ICel Monroe atrtcl, who had been i Mii|m>i"4 . ili. ai v Hl'.! I” ' uviiietn he,,.-l,; ■ t„.uti|-,l fur a great length of lime bjf a revere Cough, abd Chrintiea OrtllillliC MriMlgtheDillg Plu>- i raned .pmnlitie* of bhx.3, was rrlieteJ by on* bottle ©r »h« tib.cwiiwii, anJ Jrehm it the gr-atr>l remedy tn the world. Tl„ w an,. 1... !..THi hi,(>ill<.t I ui*. It lr application ol . I’sx.Nt* KKLt.T.iH >Vnier .iroel, wm aUo relieteJ Iron l ..... .niiu,.,., , .'i -i.i 'I i..M ..r tt>e oui.e romidaml, although he w*» eery much reduced ' ' . . . ....... .i. i ;... h.i.... nn.i when Ur commenced Ukiug it, h»*itig been under llie car* of ■ 'Urui.i..! U.ulun* .1.1 ti« o rr Il.r j.i a.nj.'r, hut hi. j.hj .ieun,durin ß .the put winter Although he coughed • i.Mt.iie' n- i.lvsiituif Ol u.i...-1.0 u; appi.ruMm Thct~' r»u»Unllj and pea* rery much troubled with night »weal», 2 li.r - .i ... . ...ualJr ndj.l.oi. m . rrmrJr .u.U.J him to rcluth lo hi. J.llj ; xSS“srS'ss : iSftwas: j ' I 1". 1 ' '* : tthfhrtmUU pr.a.,«J orJLtmi iinja- »«J U,i, ™, 11l til.' llTea-l. anil «r- .HI • • '• * ‘•‘ tJ to many ol ; wluw of Hoboken; Mr» Dell ofMorriitowu, >S#.; lluiec eotl-plantl* U* wli..'tilcm:i.e. a r especially liable. ; . y '• 101 Rrade »l.; Mr*. MNJ»ffr*e,3Q Attorney A. an .flecua. .n : «» : s»l£. W TO* AmwJ.M.. W» 11. Attreeoflbi* pf.-ul and permanent uUVunia-c In a few Word*; :t ■‘7 * ,r ' c ’ • “* dccl^lj I'ml.rui'-i ui! the v.rtue» or the ne*t tome (irepHration. i u * j f ‘ wi'h ill- important uiid.t.mi of tb- gaivatnc inUu.-ncc. , rr»l!B~MOST DISCOV wn eh ,• i.eitneMinpa.T-.l imr rxlm.iMed, wb.te ilieac- ; ± El g \i. llle.mng 1 A Miracle V* A Wonder!! :i mi I'wiiniu.-.. I l.e.e nr.;* 1 'e. wit lie fniind cimtcl) j _-p, ~u rr Krantion- nniti|.l I'm w.Di Hie olil.nar, j.'a*ici‘ m roinmon Um:. |jj ’j Af . —~ I CAUTION. | Four yean uqo U*i Aug’iM, the capitni ot France j r-y-The great eelel.r j t if there article. ; wa» u'iom‘heii m oon«ei|urnce of a tnseovery made hy i 1 h,.r rau~-.1 Hirm to he ri.un'ei .-.i..) I.y unprmeiplrd : llali.ltl l*hriniM. Man) doul*tt:d—it vctnrll nllDOit 1 I icooni To ag:«ui»t .iut»o»:tioii. Dr (Tiaiarra | an nni»« , »..!».lity' that anything made by the hand* of ! ha» hut one nutlioi./eii ag.-ui ii* nt die I'nion. 1 mail, could have nurb singular powritur ihm claimed J 1 The rhlv it 1* tfburgll. W\v WILSON. i.v' Atiloni.t Vr*pnui for lit* invention. Many clawcil i ; CKHTIFICATES & TR'.TIMONI.Vts, aim t*mf hi* .nvennon a* a hutnhug. land, ala*: innny It n Die hißbe.t and mo»i re'|*.->-tai.i-eiinmeirr, are con- fooh»li pcrMn* without iryinc do the *attU' ,l0W ;J * l , • .mm! > reee.v.d. recurd I,c Il.e extra ordinary vulue lei.g'h. nfierteMiiiß it in the ho-.pitala, the Medical So i un.l ‘.uree*. or the gl.ivr aitu'k-v In. helievejl that eiety rl I’uru phe heat chcinnm m thr-worldjdelivcred ;u the city ol New Vni'k alone, upward* of KlfillT ihe following trpoil to Signor Voprini: ’ i THOI'SA ND I‘KKSONS d unite a period of Io»* than 1 e have now minutely and rurelully examined the I a tear, have hern enMelv relieved of-the mo.i paiHiu! ; amgiiliu mveniinii of Vcptini. We have analyst dtt> rhrnn.C •li.order*. NMneoi win, h have en,n|.!eiely hai- romp-a-nt part---we l.nvc u*ed tun »rver:.l ca*c*,nnd fled all former eifort* m m.-.1.eal a.t Inderdmanv ol jwe h. -.ute not to pronounce it (Ihe Dalian Chemical ' the lift pk>*i mu. of till. r:U. who .|„.«pprove ~| ',Ur | Soap] a* .1 great tile .mid H truly Wonderful ICine t.aivame and Magt.rne Miw line. erm.tamly r« eom id> mr any rumneou. , nipt,on or of the mend tin* aSphrunon m th-, r praeiire. nll .j with the rx j •km' Da inventor we comnder the true philanlliropiU eephuu of tiio»c vvho are too prcyudieed to give n * tn* | «»• *«denng 'mankind al, die nivcntiati ha« reeeived uiiiii>ii|<>n* lav,,, w-iih .. (Sign. d>— 1 the inoM iiitrlligeni mnong the Amem nn Faeuliv I>i t*hn»l e i* at all tune* r-xdv und 1 mo*i.happv in mg ttie uulh ol hi* a**en..inland the elli. u. iol lr* di»ooverv : Only hi l'itl*)iurgli fornct Ith and Market »i I *rp£>dly ; MEDICAL. AND NI'IfUICAI. OFFICE Nj> IiIAMONj) Al. I.|\Y tt irw door*/below \Ynml ttrrrk, toward* ilia market. | DR. DROWIT, Having hern ii-j;ulOTly pd -111-111011 to the’mcihciil.pio m-imi, am) Iwi n (nr oniiii liim- u g*-ii«-ial piuctn-i-. nniv t-imhm-. ln> I.ll<_-1 it inn in ili** in.iiim-nl ni ihox- Inr wliirti h'» <>|i[n>r jv.'!\ i,n.ii,iy hun » it,.- • milv :>».l . i.'mii.i- wt.-.-h i.m<- 1 ' 'I lli'.ri- ill.ll , ~, L,i ~.. ~ 1.~ 1,1~ ,1~.. I,~i ~~. !ii>' . ~111111*1“ iiurimiii. . ~ie f vt ii li • ertmul attention to i. ii< an.l -.iri'i .-.A'il in hundred -1 ..ndiril iliM-arr- wli\c lniihn rvauli i h.-tf- odni • Imvr ll» ;ii to || r [>uii.eidm ty* -iu-li n« have I. ee.-lully Healed l*>* lu ron- M ,: M inri. out -I'V l.itn; *-I|"'i“-"' - e. "t>nl\ MUJ ill, r.iitjulioii. w Im li .1 •* iinjM>»*il>tr lor llnw i im i-riwiul jti .in.' r <•! nn-di.m l» |>:ve any urn-ina>* (» .1.-i-tj«r |l/* Mprin* Jtnpiiife I'f lirnwn n!*o invite* jlUiiMiml Wiiii Hrnii-1 m mil, u* hu hai pan! if aih iiiKMi III". ilium'r Sim J),-r n-i-», u'-o IMe<, l'ul«y. i-lr spre.hl)- cured flump-- vi-ry low. N. ]i r.0.•-ni« i*i >-iil:i r f hvmi: 111 n ilt-lnurc |,\ -tui.m: tin .r i|i -I-.1 -»• hi wi •i ni-. jTiviiir all ilic *ymp{ Inin*, mil i.liiiiiii iiii'iln hip* "'.ill difprlu>ii* fiirXiM-. jiy giUm«iiii( T Jilt**" N.-AI U jin-t pu 1 ami Vin'iii mu< ti fi v c Oilier Ni> CS IliHinoiul alley., nppo«ne the Wbikii Unu— IPJ* No rill*. l> |i*V' llf-Ht lIVKIC (OSII’LAI.N l - A unt In r cure per Im m j nl I.y ii-nttf ih*- original. only irtic ami j-.cmum l.ivt-f I‘l ll . A rtKAUt'k*. Urown i-onmy, Ohio.) March a«i, IM7. i Mi. II K Seller* la April lunt my wife \va« »iis»i-h«-d ivitli Liver Complaint, ami had tin- mlvire of iwu phi - ' I'liim who tried vnnou* rrincdi*-* with prodtn-me any ijihml rllrcl Having heard i)l you? t-rli-Lraird l.ivi-f I'.il-, I concluded in jjivp ihi’iu n imr i puri-hu-'d o.r liOlilfMi Si'l.ll Al.*'ri!* - i-ii, iiml til’' thn:» iiccnrd ill)' 1o the din ctioiu, hi wlnrii -he win rtemly rl ' l,|,vtl I pim'uri'il ;i hitoijil hox. wi.mli entirely cure- 1 her. am •he now enjoy - .-i.-rllem hciilin ! have u , tny»elf, and 'pronounr*- tin m ilic'l>'-*i lamdy 1,,p have ever tried- Your*. reapreiiuljy.^,,, |l(;ajlliV ID”thp«e pill- -land uiir-ieallrd M »»> iuc*»irli»r known for llip mrr (if I. in < •.inij'' MEDICAL l' • I.jfeilil !,.• m. J- mu.' vb’u' I !»,r TUr **i. V-. T'.-r.- RF.AI) THIS! Front tin- inventor himvli to tin; ptc*em Dropneiar Vahh. 4, ]ii i hiiuii ot iti< rum of M-SOQ* i huve i ifir ingredient* ef>iti|«b‘inir niv Ilul util I'lirtu.t itl >c>.i|< Mr i* to mniiuiaeuirc' it for sale. in Die I'll.(a-,| Slide* only, iciul In have the ph Vllrgc-Of na il,.ng it "Jicurr’ luilmn riirm cal Soap. n c Willie**. 'Unity J HilUDwoiill (Signed! ANTCJSIA VKSI'RINI (67-Niicl try W J ACKSoN. fit lim I'.itfiit Medicine U nrrhourr, «» l.ihrrty *trecf,‘hcad of \\ ood, »l the .ign of tin Hig Hoot J*'» l*lllv place 111 i’itt*liurgli where the (jKNUINK run hr nhltmrd Aif oilier* arc Counterfeit.' UtU.VS AND SCALDS ami Mic-ed.l) cured Uy the men l j iln lirrat Remedy u( Suture. AMKItICAN Oil, It iilnio*! miiJou'iiu-lY t. and con sri-jiienlly I > \v >n .tilled :n all rj>r> to leave lid room (if *.!.! wt and mail hy \VM JACKSON. at In* Immil .Ilul Slew Sn>r»- ami .Patent Medic ine Wnrehouer, *4* I.thrriy »ir?rt. hejil (»• Wood, l‘ttl*l/urßh Price 2<> 1 eiil* mid tf l per li.mir W Jiielrti'i heme 'tie Ki«»lii*ive Agent for WcMern l , c , nii*ylvnur.». none t* genome Iml what i* »old Icy HIM el MIS appointed Agent*. N K A Pamphlet i-iin'.umtnt; ample direction*. Ate., with the turner nml nd(7 itijiiriciu*, containing nlatgr i,tiiiin HIV nl lead We have prepared u heuiltiful article, which vv,- rail JONES'S SPANISH W HITE 1 It i* perfectly muoceiU, heunr purified of deleirrinus cjUdlnieM and jt impart* to the »kjn a »a ,u" tal. healthy. ntahuder, c'rfar. living white, althe*ame turn* aelntg a* a cnrirn'.tTc on tfte ckiii. muking it »oil and White, i ftiicl it porie**r» the in»»i heuuitfu ... I, n ibc .... . I.m' “Hl' 1 r, „ 1 whc,*e >V 111 r«nuirrr heiiutifj“'ll XV M JACKSON."' ,foo ' “" J «"* S.!£f» |! llrny "t.prl, fp a «l of « «K-». « *'*« »' th- lt.«; '' No. Cure, No **»»'* Dr W-otl.'" iWrFua* 'mHKHF are few diseases more common or trmi- I than the IM«t. and yet. notwilhttand uv> erval rtlorts have been made M cure by the use! 1,, electuaries, liniments, dtc., all were futile amt nl little benefit. Now tho Embrocation It the only int’.ln me used. A persurf who iiaa been suffer i Willi the riles uf Hie worst kind came from Sa : h’in, New-Jnrsey, almost on purpoac'to express hi» i granted*’ forlho speedy cure that this medicine had f effected in his ci'K.r- Phlla. Sat. Post. fj. f For sale in rattabiirgh ai the PEKEN TEA i S'IX)KK. 7S Fourth at. and also at the Drug More ! H. P Scliwarla. Federal st. Allegheny City. VALLOW orililF. Ainericafe^. 1 - 1 ilo Freiu-h; Fur ly ap-i ME in CAL From the Springfield Express. Or die thousands of,purported curative nostrum* now before the public, but very few arc InuiuJ to noise#* the healing virtae* lor which they are h commended. Among the latter wu are pleased to > learn none itand a better test than Dr. Swjijne's ('ompound Syrup of Wild Chctry. The alllirted in tin* vicinity arc beginning to use if, ami tu their joy they find to it* use their hope* Ua*t*l upon it# recommendation* more than realized. The ;) \VM. THOKN, S 3 Market street. OGDEN A: SNOWDEN. comer „'nd A Woo.ltti. S. JONES, IfiO Liberty blrccl. Sold also by J Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd, Cams &- Co., Butler; Weaver »Y flcndenmn, ftlpr ccn Norman Calendar, Mendville; J Jt Barton Co.. Erie; M’Kensie «V Haskell, Cleveland; Derm Ai Son, Columbus; Milltr,; Matth, Wheeling, \ a ; K B lltnuian, Ciuriunati. Ohm; Dr K Easterly »V Co., Si. Louis; J S Morris Cl Co., Louisville, Ky ; Andrew Oliver it Co., New Or leans. _ s»Qr5 STA.VTO.\’S UXTERNAb REMEDY, HUNT’S LINIMENT, IS now universally arknowlcdcr-d to be the IN* FALLIBLE REMEDY for Khnuinatinn. Spi nal Affection*. Contractions of ll.c iMusclea, Soic 'l'broal and Quinsy, Issues, Old l 1 Irora, Lame in the Back and (’best, Ague in the Breast and Fare. Tooth Aclie, Sprain*. Bruises, Salt Bheum. Burns, Croup Frosted Feet and all -Nervous Diseases. The THICMI'HA.NT MCCLsV wliicli liar at tended the application of tins most W UADKHf-1 L MEDICINE in curing the most severe easts of the different Diseases, abnyc named, —and Ihe-lIIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been bedtuwed upon it. wherever it has been introduced, gives me the right to call on the-AFFLICTED to resort it nnee to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAMIK BELIED ON. [JT’The faculty upitc in recommending the cole ated External Remedy. Hunt's LmimeuU The following letter from the highly rimnei t I’hvsicians who have been !>• the Mount Pleasant State Fmoufor many year*, is the-heat evidence of the value orthis celebrated Liniment. Sing Sing. December tii. 1816. My Dear Sir—l received vour note of yistcrdny. asking my opinion in relation to Hunt’s Lunrncni, as prepared by Mr George E Stanton. Knowing its composition, and having frequently used it. I can rccomtncnd it to you as a Bile External Keinr dy.and in my opinion, the best Liniment now m use. A'trv trulyand respectfully vour*. ’ . < A K fltiF.KMAft. C’ol Pierre VanCortlandt. Croton Manor. I fully concur in the above opinion. \V N BELCH KB. ' Yuiiktows, Jan. Li, LSIS. s,r—ln reply to your letter, 1 would vat that I hate used tour External Remedy, called Hunt's Liniment, in my practice since you made me ac quamted with its composition, and unhesitatingly say that I believe it to be llio best External Uetne dy now in use lor thq complaints for which ycu rc coinmcrul il. Vours rcspectlully, Oco E Stanton,Esq. From the N V Sun. [□’Among the ma%a of worthless articles and humbugs that arc poured forth at the present day upon the country, it is really refreshing to tittd something of rwl practical otility. something smt ptc, speedy and eticctoal in its operation, and cl the same tune free from tiiote injurious effects which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt's Liniment, prepared by Geo. E Stanton, ol Sing bitjg, though tt has been hut n short time before the public, nss already johlaincrl the conlidencc, not only ol our most wealthy and influential citizens, but our most eininei>( physicians. All acknowl-, edge il to hr a sovcrcign balni for m3ny ol' the ills tint flesh is heir to, soothing the aching limb, and 1 by its genuine stimulating inilucuce,banishing dis case from the system. “ Mr. bUnton—Sr—Si cing your advertisement of Hunt'* Liniment, I was induced to try its ettecia on my son, who bad i>cen crippled with'a lame back Irum an, infant-, and it is with gratitude I bear testimony to its wonderful healing properties. My chilli, who is novr five years ol age, is now in a fair way of recovery. Yours, fljc.y j DEMMD.N QTiiCKKRSON. 1 Pot Qrm t.TowNi h«; |'utiiamj.-y>. 1 certify that fam pcn.on.ilH acqimpU d with the above named child, and thinkth**- lather would jße sale in saving that Ins son u almost well. i r W JA.- IV ItVEMA-N, Nov :>, 1816., w Deputy'ilost M-i*ler. I*. S. I wnul\l also stale that I hate been lor a number ol years subject to Dcquent ijttickc ol the Rheumatism, which in many instmirr* prevented my attending in my busmen ' TwiVor three suppli cation* of the Liniment invariably remove all af fections ol the kind. Incases ol b’iunu «. Spruins and sores, too numerous to mention, it h-m m thin virinity proved a certain remedv. Its value ran only b- cstimateiThy lh ,l?p who have given U a fur U This Liniment is sold at “Jfl and flu rent* per l.f.t lie, by all the Principal Druggist* and .Mc tunt* throughout the country. Wholesale Agents tn Arm lor/.. . HOADLKV, PHELPS A; t o, I Id W.itn KDSH'IXINAi Co, HU i.roadway. \ li Si D SANDS corner I'nljon -ml tYrlli.oi. - ~ aSIMN'VALL, Ui Will -„u. ,1 OcJrrs addressed to u.c at Smg tn.ig, N Y ’, wm boatteoded to. GEORGE K STANTON, Proprietor. For sale in Pittsburgh by-1. Wild (L\. Jr \:.ind J KIDD St Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT Birmingham,JOHN SMI TH. leblU LKnrtlLH DHI'RKY . Lfcvidcur DR. CULLEN’S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPK. CIFIC FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. ritHIS medicine is last taking the pint 1: ot every X prepara :iou hererofore ur.ed for ituioarcs arising Irom Weak iea» or other muses. All that is nrcen saryto secure Una medicine a place 111 the Domes' tic Practice of every taimly, when such * medicine is needed, is a trial. It speaks ‘Or ilsell—ia innocent in its operation, and no injuiy'can arise lioqi its use at .ui> (him*: Wholcsal j and Retail by ROWANU A. WAL. TON, Prop ietors “G Market Stjeet, Thilada. For sale n Pittsburgh by R E Sellers, .VJ Wood strr*t; aad >Vm. Thorn, W Market *l. nciidw . 'l* ri'UK AIOOIUNrt IIAIII D\E_l,ir porma i uwuly dyeing J.ijlu, Red or (imy t|mr .1 Dark, Urown orWack color, whhout ihcmj; or injuring ihr Kkm. 5ol<) With full ilitrci.orto Pruc ill ceui<, nr SI a f I tty WM. JACKSON, Bt bii FjUenl Medicine ft* tU Libelry utreet, of ol tbe Biff Bom. .31—-Id doz \1 peivetl amlfoi V" KNKTIAM HKD -7 Lt.l* 5 Jo American; * Tor tale l.y } SCIIOONMaRER A Co «p 5 \ No ‘H wood tircei J SCHOONMAKKR&Cd NoUtwomTstreet BKNJ.D MILLER.M. D. fTnax’» Balsam of WiM Chciij, jtaleby J Kll)DfCo I No fto wood atrwet f- r.y"y-'*.