The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 21, 1847, Image 2

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• uv i ivrr-i l-4'.,-■■■■ _ i 2 i
' Z TpiTTSBU fijG H ; ''■ 111 1
WEDNESDAY MORM>< J, A I’llil. z i i„i. ■
lliuTl" ’ZiTtVI c I '* ' “ Ul "
t f~lvw fimurii'iH
D£:y, Tr. 'VcpV'i mi
•anuir.: l!:r \V f .•. 1 ? r> t>’
%n t!> uri-t.
.\uiin i< ( A<l v<.»:>ihitk
XZT A' - f; ’» <. ru' • i r >.l
'n fevr S/Ciffc’* \.l 1 ;>■ jl ■•rr>*Jl,
lo •a:».cn >i.e p«n w: "uita< -i i.
CT?!nf rau'.u'.i in
JAMKS tlt V 1 !\
FOK f ’a Na’ ■ - !•; u••
JO BEPII AS' . *' s T l’ <• >
,or c tau.uu.».'u m>
The recent kidnapping'miar, decided ill U»m -d
the defence, and renultiog in me ercapc rd h
claimed by Mr- L -s»n of Wir.cto-aur, Virgin*
{•■ I he j'/ 'prr ,»cc«p. -n lor reference to lorm
Of lbo»<rietftliatury lutt* which h»ve OiKing eight
Of ten years past dn>tnigui»hc<! six Ucg>»Uliun o
levers! of '.he B*ate« of tin Union.
Thn of the United Matm in these
•CTtral tf laiiutory i nactimni*. has -received *tir*
ay kevure *hmi» that many an- Jorinii rt ‘l' l;Cl
for Ha cuaclimmtv Inn-wMion bo* “M-uved in
novation, and jilii- till innovations in morale or j-ol
Itiea, they have all beer. cJimnittf^mi tiie ,lirn< 1-1
We need C o: 8 -hf in ‘arne-t tin
guage of B*lmunit;B'Jr«e, i- h...- o*i. comnrvmei..
‘•lt'dhnot too often he aJd.'d. li:n- uj on line and
precept opou precept until it p.lsai.M inU> the cui
renev of a proverb, that to iiyiovjfjs U not to re
Wo forget, too, that mu liovcnum-iit !iv ,t- v.-- j
ry existence in a spirit of compromise.— that it j
pasted from Province a to Confi dtri>d Shnief ■
ind from a Confederacy to a Uni■ ajtet the uw*'
aoxioua deliberation, and alter rmiUiaiXincin'fioiis
between the several Sun-i •>( the 1. men. Ihe
debates In the ’Chirnenlion which frnined the ('• »•
ititulion, ifljrd U»aan« of wt-*J.->ru, of patriourm.
sod in the end of good unilctktandmg, which wr
may all study with profit and p!c:uuri v . W e have
grown from ihutecn li> tiveniy-ninr Stat.-e, in !<••>
than the life limwo! many inon among u*. and y«tjn |
ill this growth our institution*, 'climate and Jit
fertnt pursuit*, arc even .more varied nop' than
they were at ih« commencement of the l.'oii»'.Uu*
tjonal Government. l:i ihi> growth the <tuh l.a fc
become atmnger than it is in*, and the free SiaU*
ire made more p.iwv-ruil Uian.thev were, not ln«i
*ny political action »! the !-ut froi
the inherent hler.»tngH incident to ft**' labor and
free people.
We blaao not the .*-<oUth t->r uu (►• jd'-i
tages. She hn* them, imt alone, through then
dotnitable eourri;*e ami pcr:o vermu e o' her pe«
pie, but by i».rou.(di t«. ncutict; of duly and ptu
Ciplf -m the | ~rt .-I* t'.io-r c.ill'Uff- itu iKicivt * ’.!
Rapt.'s-nlntisei. of a free j ocpie. haa t!ir,
by having'lvcr, uuit'-m of wh.n* no i .it. v-rll .
•ofbhct. 11l airiic.n nl! i>» ’.hr l;.s- Sij’r-- lh.
have tif.ili." or'."lntcrv - ''
oJoril, far t'ii l .v
era i;f art's'll 3t;>l I'rjiyt-T* . •
Wo iu«' tii-
tli-.a :<i< 5 >:u.i,rin: (< Ji-
-Ur Sj,.-IV M- I’r. I-Iri,
■r ; f, (Mr. *['s I*» -• VVtu>« ! rt
neCer fci.vjw!
I‘u-e Jsiai.-, W.n :mh>.
hi* 'n- *>*'!>
•ocVsn aili»ii<r*' B.r. iw
Rjen v>i - u • in
baro r-r>n tliem •in'tv*'• l ' i'
Rjjbt oi Fotij'ii'rn m.'. mi- ‘ii ' ". ..limi '
gnaranteo to r ( i
v.. Mi. \ ati H.irefc *1 t"i
head i-t' tiiii I'viv,-*
Prerdcnrr,.end I*l
nanv'*c.d l|n •■iTj**’ t■< .■ -ind
B.)Ulljorn Si»**Tv. W.-t.i-. • > <*cn it.. :i i}n» *j;m‘
jiarlj from Maine u llim thi*l.ttr.lci>n.
j'jjicli j:i,— Mr.? »rr) C. i «! liTf ut ih**; Saul!' .
and tpvtufr i* and pet primty, J
the ai'.rida- of imm*'. !»«.«.and ibe pubii.'
good. It.Wi* thf*f «ne» k ['••> passed the famous
Atherton R:*»..luu-n?'i ten je.iT'sujio in the Hop-*
. of Rfpf*»cnum'i"*.nSmiti?ir..' !i<i* freedom
,i and tJicngm i-f petition. It wa:« Ui* *i* min vrh.i
annexed IVim a* a SUei* c.iunir*, vulmiianly
i and uonoceßtfanl? tuiuig into our borders n larßt
tract <•.{ country. fn>tn all < f wtneb, or from a larg.r
portion cf which Slavery might have been exclu-
ded. It waa the*© men, —and Pennsylvanian*
] among them, too, —who rejected the \\ tlrnot Pr.>
yjeo, deluding Slavery from thr now lr> e territ vy
I of .Mexico Thrv have made* their Deinocnry
| ~ the handmaid ol Slavery, and have pr«-*cut<-J t.>
I the world the rnonaltou* utiorruily ol a \ art). bja*t
’ iogtHrlf cxclu.ivrlv Itic Jiiendjol the and
thu humble, end yelcouj'"iu:ug with a poweflul ar.
iitocracy uf Siave.bidders.
With tuch on alliance the S.’Uth naturally fell
strong enough to tn»k<* what innovation* it pleas
ed. Accordingly we h-urni, many years ago. the
State of Georgia, in otter notation of th«* Cutuli*
tulion, enacting pains and penalties'again.**! thr
coasting vessels of Main*- The reason nf the
tho enactment »a-, that a Slave*bad fccrHed \
biraeelf on board of a Maine ve*«of. Neither
tho owner, nor the Sta'p—nor the Captain''
until long after ho bad left tfc.* port —had any more
to do with the mutter than the fnar. in the moon,
but for tliia offence, and a rcfuiul on the part ot
tho State to punish Ui** Captain ot tbr vei*«i, a
l\ve was passed ot a w-mt*ly j»*i<a| character—
Virginia dtd the aarno thing in nJrrrnco to New
Yotk. or rather »Lc went one utiipfo- thi r. ami no*
poaod ft tax upon towcls ••ntcrinij thi* ports of
Virginia'from too Stoic of Now i-nL. The
Virginia Legislature cflccmed it t- nothing that
thft Conituutiin gave C-mgre™ the exeltn-iv.?
power to lav and colleci t ixc.*. dnticr-, imposts amt
•xciaee, aod to regulsto commerce among the »«:«•
•tai SlatM. (No mire. :ni.r<d, than Air. Polk doc*
of hi* own high p'Wn to itnpo'v. collect and r,-g-
Iftte taxes srni unj- the Government nt
Mexico.) It forgot, i..n, ti.-ii nmk ■ *V* itu
tion, ••rm .01 or dut> > ••»■!.! i < !.*ti* *«n .**tif I<*« ex
ported from arty " and ’tut n . pi efen nee
could’he giveu hv a.wp’V .m-.v-rc ■<
rcyonue to the pvi* * •*» '*>••• ."’.r.c • .*•••■ tn-ii.;
•r/' and m' , *t cl aiitn*pr.i.-l>. ..... !•> !> r-\ ~
jVjt= shall ;■«:.*.* /».n*Y •/<'■ -i Stair
bt obliged L ru ‘l
tr." T V-’V. .Wi.a»«... I.«t
iheie, rnd-all'viier*. '
ea if lki-j
Yuris tctir -t* nr*." \ .f*U!!i. f.U
Upon *oJ>rr second lh 'U.'bi »!«•’ -Hii- i t.> iio -v>
Tber* S,iHti riiMm: •■»>•! • »•
forcing a la'* o^a. r.-e.-•* ■■ l <». »i*
nuk XulliflMU-m By th. :.I Mj-a.-ir'a-uH.
• colored n.irt ui* nunti . »<•.- mi-n «••' <««•
Wflite ro»n or tf.n mclh** l rain ( i'
Bl*te.” An Albino -«• -n Ki'.r..- . ,
the tame, jn the cuiiciti: <» ‘ i th-- U«. li <
a fnacolorcd rnafi <
.pi iV«»i •?* t .K.k . t -t Mk art)
00 board • i.u': i' : "■
» freft Stale. b.:ur.«t
lake in freight hit a i-'reign ,•• f *? *■•■< any pur.
po** wha'.evci, til' - cook steward >* .-in?
to prison, and if thr. rujn/um should fit! to pap
the expense* of this foul .-eisu.-s and
mtnt, he is told for his ftt The Captain:
or owner also muat give bnfids for the observance;
of tbi* monstroua act! W« ate amawd Hist kJ
nfontfroa* « law as t£n is imfTcred to remain upon
tbs SUtUle book of *o intelligent « Slate an tbit
of Soalh Carolina—'bat much more amixed were
wa. When moor three vr-ari guno by, we w»
Manitehustlt* aemliUß out one of h*r most reu
sable and reapeetab-e Hoar, of
Concord, to bring tbu onc«nali|otiun»i law opoir
a writ of error before the - Supreme Court of the
United Statea. To the everlasting shame of Sooth
Carolina— and of her _ princely commercial city,
thii old.and learned citizen of the Old Common
wealth, wai obliged to dee from the very pent/o
of the land of boaated chivalry. to save himaclfj
from the banda of violent mien Td his daughter.
ii xluj". ..t <n!, t'.ie *wr ! l h»t
lu.m-ltn 1 to.ii
i* r|tc .v.-lv
ieh ins ban
'tifßan t •■•lj t!
. ran - .. 1
I ! 1 t , S . •
li "1 i.u'Jl il.- •*
ifUl .iii-t culm:
|.l—•<in IMI-Hl-.1 j.
anJ »Vi.r.-vix >l.
ihi- Ijw- tiifi e'
.e Sifie, uuJi
■ n.o anotbeT. shall, in
itfy j-'fiy t > whom mrli
Cjiifi'.ioi; uur Si
unpitit']'. ruth
. in on |*.>ot judgonMi, m
•lie I-!1 ot the >1
we ctiej’iy rogrrl it* «•
a- - nr.;.] that thne ran b
md I'uulrai'U, 1 tie I
■ impart mid the jieai n
■ i <n. -\- «
hi^hilitu 1 .1 m rliall*'! j-r.-iHTH. ih«'ii all
th* a-ijianni hauNhtp >’! t lit* (>•>«« iM i. ion
».iins-!n-' ' *
l.) -i-tuff i;.r ; Her.-. .* th-- -'uiitiiii i>i tin’ a.-yuiLfijt.
>u-> I .;lvr iv— , Mnr airs'. vvf an- nW bout.J at.d cant*, a esteem any
; ili-l- iSr' }\o- ■ |»«<r*.'•?* t***sin. t: th** it hi- ('reator. chaff!
*ii 'u m:j nira- | jir-'[-erly, nut (l:«‘ law *•> cmiciii-. him, mid we are
nuv be hr:i;lit 1 tin.lfi ihe Uw am! l-muid !-y-il. lithe
| 11c11 i» wr.'i u./Unr<' is a way l,i amm.l n. !l the
l ll\ the m:s' • ]«w i- n had nr.e. there n U.-v [••'in'e.! <>ut in **-
omon" u.- who | jural K.
-«—iv,. leinrmbrr its gn
.'I Civil A'lil r-^i.
h nur Hoi"r« in.-1 l,i gi;
I'her til (Munsfl. i"»!
winch .1 vhir’eit i-it.i Iji'
11- stnk-o down at the Hall-
Um- -a 1 viiig pohlii-jl hacks
awav tbo gold at
• h>r the tawJrv o
iof jiyblir ufiire. Si-t.J :i
‘ n> Coiuress. but xarti who
.{ ilr.- hi'iK'r ot I’ rnafuu;r ut l!n Ju.lgtf
Ihr fL'HV aml i wvh
wrung wrong. Hit.
imyle ol stt*-rtj ju>lic*' and UiA..nir.|>f'-aii*»«g
ji v lint .mil mak« thorn nshoim-ii to «U i-' il
i rrlaliat’rv laws. I’oMic opinion i» j
in vfiigratuv. even though ill*' l'nno •
-kt)iN.« .rt'lgiii.'kl at’i'inft Vt’U i, ;
:<)!it."k avu»y mliuil'f ».n>d lirot—3t:J iu :
«!>•'. .it h<? i!nfs.r.'*l mar tljwork of (»>d— j
■ud» of Jaiknc>s inilmi* ibr light of day— ■
i v* i il ini'i.-* now it i-. Ki.itnjo’d with’ p?i\atr 1
ui-lic nuflortunf. Ka>v l*luw< may i!f*truy
<[ .uni v.-nprarit;* 1 an l ilicp-ii vi-vidui"' |
(j:i . 1:1 fiiw ; tn- la:n. !i-
SVcboki. t,
\i.!i .>!.i > it>• .1
i ; ■
-r -l. • i.yitt-u lav." •. i.
-7 . ~ , U' • t‘< ■ -'lk- iiiix JI •! o\. r«
:t •' •' j:1 . „,. t i:c . t.r ji.v
• 1 intiing?. in - qUMH-r ut on attempt 1 ,;i..n . • I ihc i.«••'< >• .*cr i-ione! by tbo-e who
idj.|iy sitfur <)|*is>.: ful-T-ij ia*-n uf the nty to 'hoi n;o ti"*-' *h‘ulJ ha*c
*;i« i •! M\. ■!> ay out: t * ; j ::» irn-ler a• t ilule *im-
Te*ru>‘ t* I^ol or moo -lives fciio .iniMil in !l,r ; * *
kut Nm Wtieeln B, ami who left, with - V * l nfl f;^t ~t a , i'„||y guar
crjm.x'. m ihs t«.at fur Brmv:, s-rilie. Tin* -Uv. » ! anli.-d ..» I'ln- pi.nlmi; prr*« »t
-w«”f it 3; mgent & Mfu-tf ihe.r live, loin than the j dwlat* d 1 > m <■•••. n)»I ' 1 1 1 ',. s •* l 1 kU
free roirtvil men* ur.iuud them. Ail lu l 1 chance ; f ulll .
t) t-wa,ie, and the otter. l ».. w«- a-e mid. h*i! only I <»,,.* r ,,.^i r.-iwi-.u ;hr l»n ca,.»t \.-up
one i'nj*ro'r.\l <he opportunity. Tin- owner, with .p. .«.• ~,!i’. >,• i<nrr.«-*ii). 1 jenlli - .. limu'v -amt
the ill' *nj „n',cer. i .'l.\ ~i it- ' i..l> m 1... l» I'lm tifft
! ...irr, -''fit mill ifiiporiai.t [Jiltn-liili •*, Ml ably -as to
rouii.tu oa. , u .j it| j 4||il a i M!lt j iU opponent*, anil to give rise -
An rlTift wa« made • »»e*i:u<* 4 leunie-lave, who , tf)rii , t \«.-rjit-ri h* it ,le-tr*vel. ..1 his
' > iier mother Ki'.fi nw>t Jrterm;n»-J tri .1-, 1- h .u-..- • nrrit, woo 1.1 he, oi;d-r a amiibr alot»’.
IV. •''mill' blows w« n given. »e |. ireie. u. ! I l *' '*-• mil'll) l'a'l y or the ijivleis 111 >b be
, ' . . ' the real .li*tu;!>** r i t th*- peace 1
f. iir„i;tr.'--, and i-orne Uijury reviiveil ;.y »w .<r ' 1
... , . . Further tin the Court-jv
two -.1 tto* it-euuaiiU. 1 tic Were iwu women ’
, ; «. w . t . 11-1 , We car.lji'l t-.r a iiminenl beiic-ve. llm! the hit
arid n mtu in the party-. I hey left VI heel- • , , .* ,
r ■ i.*lju.)ei'in'* ruled'...-l»a:i;<* upon these reUtore. the
inj >t>snd«r .a..'Tn Virtuin. ; c .,„
"* • of a Lulu! n Ajl.
Uu.Tivronr S*tt mi * r Vimthil.-'This paper fuiL ,, UJ , ,< lhc !irjv „;,„ „| -h- >;atr law
ha- U'C 'ijh 1 united with the National lira, and U|lill . f wl „ r;i irr ,- >!;j wr - r tU3 ,j,. \y,. rr^r.' that
Mr. Sn.yJ*ra<i', Editor A the Yjain-i. has In'cmne w „ h ' ave r ,„- ta , „ j.. }W . lr - s opinion in
conner-rd With the l-wa. We J?r,- Jjhxd tin- j-re- ; -pi,,. aMrict wr gl „. f however. rmbnet-s
ii i,oiM 10-e In twin*. Hflaafuugbiminful- lhl , j(1I ; „( aigvn.-iii.
ly und auiy tiir Freedom m the mid-t ol Naver-v ; J hat it any permii m drum-
Spt-ikinß un thia.subject lie nriy» . in*; anv negro nt in’ulalf". .i» fugitive from
••it wax a perilous conception for nno living in ; ".’rvi*-. (<• ut Ij!j shill under any pre
lL«- midst of Slave luatuuu >n*. knowing nothing tvn.v ••! authority whatever, m-.l'-v o< turnui
dill.rcnt frets Inlancy. To raise my voice wjy, . tu«U'iv mJ niry away ro any pi,see.
seemingly, tike shouting in ■» wjldrrnrsx. arid hear- 1 ><» attempt to ►ci/j--' an 1 carry away in a riotous,
lug .iijly ths rover'-•rating ccb-><!H of one's own x„l,- « 1..1 nt, luuiuiiu-’U - ami inreis muble mirDier, and
tarv and unanswered uttir-ince! liut. !}•>*•—'ver • -=• '• ’ 'h-lorh *r end tnji - the pdhhe pea<v. tit.y
solitary tir»t utterance, 1 e\>»n fmnd tlmt i w.i- • m-gr <ei mubitiowit.iiu 'lns«> mwe.dltb. either
n.'t et.Uroiy aione, oiler all. There were mher-, w»H -r mtm.ut the nl-u'i m-1 ukinir-ruch negr„
imi a le.v toeinim wo w.-rc o;i'v waning ‘°r mulatto t-t ir»» any rlixtric* or circuit Judg-. tne
lor*' on* 1 voice to break the gIoOXUV Mknre." y‘ or |).-rx..n», x.* oil ml mg agamxl Hie peace
~r . . _ . .1 ~i v» ' It* • ’ ilu- '•oiurnonwealth. -hall lwduenu rl guilt* «■! a
We learn hom nun that U:c Nation il h.ra, on, . , „ - ,
l ■ \ , . nu-drihttaiior. and on r juvicuon tnercul, hulore
the isVue of it. h*t number, h.ij ten ihou-aml ~,j V ( MJ ., 1 .. 1;ut1 . r „i thu common-
Bub-tnovrs. werthh. i;.:»ll I-; .-enleii'id t<v *ucb couit. to pay
a fine nt nit )• s- limn one hundred ilolbra. r>ur
Hl.l 111. rorSi 11 t-.». — When John Jacob Astor more ti.ou.--in I dillar*, with costs ui
emigrated to the I'nitcd State-, which wji m 57^1.* . pr.-r-rotior, bud turtln-r, to or >• indued in the
, . r . , , 1 , i iiuntv ; lil l-tr any peiiml, at the dt«'frtiun of the
he resolved unoii three tbinE*. which iirorrd lb<; ■ 1 . r .
' •. , , • court,.not exceeding three mouths,
louiid.ilion ofhix irnmen-e»uccex«;a. They were.
first •1 1 Is- h rneyf.*’«rc..n.l. “t-J b->." , ,- |ti <• rnu ' Kni. Ilo.u. —IV I'hilad. Ipl.u
Si.d third, • never t.. grumble fn Hijfl Mr. A'- „ ni r, g. rn 7, ear d more arou.ed t«. the
lor bad aina.-d 4 tjns.ier of a hm.imi. vud n i( Jl{ |(„ Pl i connerlion with I’.r
hr r- vv.rrth ?26 Oilu ODO Mr ‘.-ior w...'.h'poii r , i: llolletm, : ihe r». tv evening
..I 1 bsxti tT in 'he ' dbige .-I V\ ar M' .die rl h.i-- li.v mg in reierene. !•> I lie nn
,o 'lo- L’ Hi' '-yod 'be | I M,, 0 t - v ~jt
4 :-i-:
grft-* I'b i.ifjij.ln.l With I b
• i'i.4l - \ 1.1,. br-.k- o.U 4h >n! :o'.io. n >r— <• M. •i- ;-|o .1. ..I. -Oinr -0n,,.
■t-.y 1,,n.> »o ."i.of ,l»l*-* ni Mifi-n..- wv .1 1' -u,.. ithr.-f.- -ai- r- Vulmi- ran pre-
Ail- v ni,J tbii.i- frau'i- loueuu.nts wero e-an-uuir'd. vent biy ' oii-u mu iti •t.• pi lln bdly »tr neglect
It ;• 1. li-ved to havrt Umri «<•> on tin- It wax ul ; -* 1 "!n-?»u ■ *’i-fn Ha l a railroad h-'-en *• m
.O.- in..- very ah> ruing, but the hrenien atmo.g >‘trm-tr i ' • lb •••Ninth twenty w-ars ago in piacuol
ii •n;ptiy,>nd udniirnbly, the tire «j» • I'.e variftl. i*?:-..ii!»-dpli- • vr.iuli have heun 11 rw the
-uri-.iiiltle.t vx ,(f) -.Viter, -nd e.rly u-ljed.-- ! t,r-i ei'v ~t tin I r mod m population, Wealth ami
Airuririft. ■ iin|sjrtai)ee.
The lllußiiiisiloik. The North \m<Tir 1 n ,»fp-j piying 11 deaervid
'To the Editor of thr i’lttihurfrh (inirttf \ cuniplnuent la. I'» ritmn', remarks uv lol
■| u ’ b r I—* "V'-'—.t- -t Ml- 101. '«>■■ i n,,. I^„,i ra „.4 n,u,i, undri
tfijoicf and lie eireedtng glad’' Uit ber auie vorn • ..
two r.r three thnueatiij Arnericrui e;n/.-n» b-tve fall- i 1 1 the balllea ol Slat.-iv, Dr 1- 11 !.e<au-e : -While renderm* <>ur tribute to the merit* ol
rnm.r luindrsdv of Mencan w.imm and r h,|,l. t n : the tren. rji. it givt-e u-pleasure to hear testimony
ti .ee fallen Ticluna lo Arnomnii ralor * Wilhhr >« the .:»>uile.,t eiunbi. l ihc-n!lier*fs nn.) men
Kiitiitei] explain 7 'Sk • Wm. Met;. ernerabv. m.m ilu- Siate. Tile IVi.n.ylvatuu
t _ H< guii< r,l. liuve iMined u irpulation, of which
r:,M Joa- r t .»T W..Ve«il«l "I'll I. n.,0. , Me, m» y .. h. ,«slr P'-V'l- I' «lld«r loil. and
1 , , 1 . ... f,, ; kteadla-i 111 the hour ul danger, Jney have acquit.
Ufol awonl, in Cleveland la.l week, by hw fellow- . thrin „, kr « aii lhf , OI(]tJuUM c l,cum>Uaiice*
cilii-ena—Col. fi. B. Taylor preaenUhif it in tbeir j n w ji,rj| iji--y havi’ Ircrm placr-d.Miko Irue sons of
ht-balh 'f ; our roivl old Commutiwcalth. ahd wbcthn lanur-
A eonifltn, ul at ,ffici*nl wn fca-r jo- Wl i. inir in ill*- Ih-'clir. I. nralli tb. .corehim ray. ~f
, i , , ''a Mexican wn, of advancing in the ahock of cuti
.Clcveland lor ihe seat of war. j flj c i rifsised to the firing of Mexican artillery,
♦♦ j they have nbowji themselves worthy of the ebar-
Thti. British Minister, Mr. tsahbut j aettr bequeathed to them by their ancestors.”
to return to England. -+—■
|* An* was liorn at San Jusn tlyl / |fin,
Comtnodr-re Connor hsr imivcd 111 tin* I’rmco- ; about the year fHtJ4 and i» the «<m of an /nled
too at Philadelphia, j Wjianirh nobleman- ' j
• Tut ttci'i is , ai itun.u ii»i- * Irrclami *n«l Pm»i>itr(;h n»»i U»«d. . The HiMfital Mcstisw.— ei.<-
—» M>« ! »im ...-.'li IV d.-cm.*.. '“>*• gIMI mu-rfl, U» t«|~rt'j J„d .-..u1riW.1L.,. w.w |MMI U ihe m.
of |.i’, u»,„A !«- j It, r 'iinnon. ••fth. Clrolin.l ud IHtbtutgh ItaS R*m4 Cwu»* ! htW „*. Odecn U>i rad «u>,
.... iv ■’•’l*--' •■•'.••Un.loii Om* tC.o . \\t ( , ts . , Vl , mill , j„ b« the
l, ) •.*- *•'' ' l ’’ 1 ■'' v " n ‘ * 1 ’ I ' ll r ’ , I j.iui- * t,>r iti*- (j-'Vruimr-i-t \ the 1«
\ •'iil'flilafl al KnvrlHiS, ll.fhK'iicf. fH
.I, I. r . ~ t;:i| j.iu-utii»!v «*'ihiv, nr<* r.junl the ,
>•*'' i iJ.ii"'! ' 1,1 •*»v11:l* jiluJir'i l Inm.-i'll in writing lo *«-i'uie
.. ,ri.”.c ) t'ti’ I tvs «'i. ti-l-.l lII*- • : 'ru. t 01l • 1 >i >3 1 tmill Salem I.> wj'h
i,. -i’- , ~!*»- 4«> in.!>•'''.! I '!.•*. Ilfi.i. Hi i-oiii .U forty mile*
» - t D i ! *'" m 1 111 l ***' tlutfftimi ol Kasom.u m
nll i *. ,1, ..mi ..i i'.- I i ■-
r- ..... 1..,::.. U, I | VV j f MUn _
■ .in '* Ilf' J(- . a (Ml It i" rr-:iuy J tatlr.i.iJ l».*m I.lf vf land j j .
1.1,.- »-» i- '""""-'" ««• t* tad , \vm km*'
h'.~li.Oi« ..h, > *-.1 IroulilMllv Mid * l ‘ , I 7' U, u‘: , si l ... . »J W*IIUS 1-ulUf
• i r.ifii 1 iti-htii gfi In >ab*in is 65 milvs, t.» i .y Jmk*u:i
! judi. !' f fills v 1 »'• m-.I ii u iid'-d as I'lii.liiitr \\' t lf,v.|i Mi ml- -. mid L> tin- Intfvr point awa \ j* j j sjtidi'libefg i r
\ ujfii tt,< .• .iiscf "I ilf .lu dtp* i* r.. Ul),iiff- p ?ei CD-nUiuiii-J’l.'ll n almnal always ofrtfi.. In rv* ; jj f ■
i, ,3 « in.mK-r of I «*'•' ‘ • j j K
I ... ... , f tliat Ilf 1M.iU.1.-lj.t.m and Pdlsbu'gh i nitre btartll u
! '• »«>• ’ 1 l~“ l ! m , k , s « |,.H '.I . wlnr.h ,h,, conlomfilalo | .“ *
•>« an l\i»! i'll l *!:’.. O: tbc ivr ol «*uure’ j
[his »ome {n-ut.if r* ••• ml\ l * liu> e 4i - \
. . '.ivcH'ii'th.V itiu ; gJi? > l un'i-a
‘ » >na!u.*« nn i oUjj' 4 t to Ik? i "Hi: Vi 4 ill c'urv .
. 1.-. rr..» .. «i !- th...-. 1,-iv-rtf. twixW* :
Ism i-*.- or u I'ti* -mi'j- in tl, - f.t-.Hi .Tr- r nr
' .\.,i i’ an. .t a;-/ t •»* nc'it vi 'i-r ij'i'Ttv.
j n.«. Have .* aiii r li-n jii.’i, m !i 'luvi- ’>v i'ic
j |rw« 4 Vi« "W.i Sti.U-. Jt.ti Wi« hn\«' tliHU'l.t it
( urr-g. i< v i i j*.- ir-\ or 4. r .i:. 4 inn u. I i r wt'iuM
I Ifmt tin- t ii(i:»; in'" uui
I «;i.| i.‘ tin' j .\y* i •. i t In-- ini-vtri. A
11. Ml. i* > IMlt.-l pt"}x ll\ lii'lf. III!.! •Ilt'jrc’ *
t.i all :ht’ iMinni >n law .4 clmttt I pr> [>• tty• ;
h xvw b:it tx'ni in iiuikl tlnii u-i* nanlcil that t
•It i- i.jit .mi- i*( the j!i-!.inrra m which ttic
1 w ;t.i- I'jrty to tci!f»•»!• hm'-cll. Nuimr
•'.-j i I the same hir.d lire l.nmhar t * in
.ill. The !iw ot fni , i*ilu, of ahite-
I mertt ot nuisance*. nf dMrei* for rent! ot entry
' ,>!! re*! ji' >|'cr!v. as the rccjjti.m of tt unls funda
! oicti'aMv or wnwgtullv t h'ained. a» to ili> ;trro>l
j o'j to* jinircipal i \ ho* hail. a» to the recaption ot
1 a wif.. LilJ or jppirntre, i- all i! the same
• eh.ira<t*r, <iiul !.- not at all luiind laull wit^. —
! The la it oivcs i*- m all 'hfi-c fjH’i which \v*
I rusiv eXi forillv or hr without
I jom h*. hy tejhl or hy Jay. with ttii.s limit.i’i m
only, that we shall n-e i:> sweater ‘torce than i«
■ neee-s.ary. and do no wanton d.unsee.
’ »s Lew!-. I W an* o!ui J*. '.o>, I Baldwin 577; Mi
l > i'ti '-. i>'-t .( •• ■.l J*!!i • > ! ov; In l’i r G(iS. 670.
i per Jn,.r.,-e Mel..-:,.,; 'J I TdK; :» Mim, Ulf*.)
u{' a' i .1 o.imriy. The law «»
cju rul il a'wav- »ls<’n rjim- h<-re without
i-.Hia.-n! 'H !h<- Thr >hv»* law .if HU6 j
,iv u,iv ink- £ ; */‘ t'
it,.- V.ct.-. :
lilt JliliMl-'t ul Sill « . It-»'» llllil WiU l*lUal'Uli;ll tji.Ji.
*''' . ll > * , . .. , I . arl»ilr< w«rt*, anJ [lie f,
In.l Jij. I lu'l- n mj‘*m-TiJ)Ii.HI i>i nl-'lil •
jlMlI.iiHO, »•! <a r *».• ml nn*.l. -*n ■ 1 ft»i*V li t v»> .lr than -•iivl.-j 14 I'lll.CM
:i 111 lff mic-i.l 1 • vl<- t!i<* t .ml In a*l!i-m. Uiilm, Hu:
I':- J •{* ’
inAtiiK-** l >tu' oi IMuiv to under. ' " ■
I o t'ni.ii our matli i tn n Jirett and livuisUle :
lit 1 lull i'-t.ici* (•! in i-> •Oersted. anJ ini'- Onrrfiiioudflirc of f’ltt»h)«rirh «a*etl*.
lull'':;* >••[- <n<-«l i> c-irilmi'iv.. i -
, j j i-ater. from ewe
p'li .rri .1 -nl “rri('t'.iti ol stork under | BELFAST TO V 677/ MAHC'H.
ttn- !:■" u! F. Uuiryts, tM3b<
\* -•> n ttii •j'li'-uun i- liclerminril mi la- '
Imal'i'i. UrJi r< nmi'tlre* i»t! throe or m »re from 1
«a< ti ml. 1-* l*i* ij<ptuiit< ii ii«»w to caovan the city
iir ri|iU.i( t <. t.i be inlien in the form irf
torm nt a loan [to be advanced upon j
mV “ Pim.’*, Apiil 20lb, 4 o'c. P. M.,
m««. w,nd,n 1 rl ‘' **p Wi " i » m “** fl*
iii. J Dr. au uu ti.r Iho tniriageroeiit of the affair* I noon from Belfast, in land, bringing date* to the
of iho Company at tin* end of Ihe route, and ] Ctith of Murcii, bciug four days later thun any pa
*>•” 1,, ‘ l lhj! - 11 ""’I* !>"• »WI l« ;™» riiccivcd. 1
expended I*•**«-. Mi-ndd the-tine i ~«s through \ . i
HudMio. s:to.nmi ■* by the citizen* of | Ihc commercial "*»* «< of importance. Ifut
rhut vdijgu. and if through Chagrin Kails we I there is no political tiowa olruuch i -
.•re in fot i i jiol that f4O oou Uill be rinsed there.— I There have been large arrivals of Indian Corn,
It „ , x,., r i. ,l .bat by atiVacrtp. I InJ th „ h< .„, „™t., p ,j«, uiotiev. iH-iiiCilv. itiutemls or labor, may i , , , , , „ ,
| ; ,l .UI.. ~t I„||„ Ml i„ 101).- i V«J declined twenty .hdlirtj, P e, tun (2210 lb.)
oi >il , It e» .ugl. cannot lip raued in all ! i/ornrnral had shared in the decline proportion*
. ttuv. wii't, a l >in mnv ,he rcsorted 1 to based iVt-ly.
I l.- Ve- ... .hr |.ri. p pr'ly end OTd.t t>. the ; quoUU „, u h, C.„„ „„d Wheal'l, .i::d cun douhth ** h- . It. . led. . H *
-+-»~ ■' were as follows, per cwl, vm
Mi-, K|>*. i. well m. *Mi Ine.i. im. We h.ieo ]' nH t,. lied Wheat la w Dint, at eceenlceli eltil„ reijur-ted ... y»W. iVr >«'« t><m ■ ija| , „„„ w rl| ,| 1 , rr ,J Ai|Unw foQ ,
Mat,, Edeew.„lh. win. I. hti. jut Vn tccrl.tid l.y > Wkg , elghu . un ,j,ji,i lls . eighteen
an intonate acquaintance and correspondent.— ' ppjift. '
Ihr [n iniiaNsh.p ir as l.ur .t» that nf a gill ol Hi , White Corn fourteen shillings leiLpence to
but Mts. Edgeworth. «e t-hrve, is now upwind* . Vd ,„ w fnw^n
ol ,Jll viir« o| agi pence to iificcu shillings.
voiirit March 1 Ufa. HIT. j 1 ~, , b ... v ... ....
, . , ! t i.rnmrat tilieeu shilling» to Jiftecn shillings
loth, l.njn-i. of Aineuca. t * • * -
h'.tr. hmi, /in./'VwolnWc l.adir • —You are. 1 *i TC I,f »Vliite, and for Velios* fiUcen shil
a- I am iln-fMsi'd to contribute to j lings five pence to sixteen slidling-i per cwt.
the relief »t the diltfcs.-rd Irish; hut before you- Vniled States Flour wls Looted at U'Ja. fi.kto pity ami j«mr forth your ..
tuuuiv. you wish tii have creditable a*«uidnco that | **• ’ • P er
tin- ttccounis which you have s-rn m the public j market Jut Corn and Meal subsequently
pajM-rs o! these dntreoscs are true representation*, 1 acquired more firmness, and closed with a belter
and r,..t exaggerated pieluirs. .feeling. . f
I am encouraged by ejmc .>1 my many excel* . ... - »», -
lent Ineri'Din y.'Ur country, Irvhope that vuu will ( i oi ih» PtiuburgU Oairiu
not consider my addressing you at tins raomeiil a> : AUHIVAI. OF THE STEAMER
obtru»ivr- I aiu encouraged to hojH- that you will j (' .\ \t li R I \
l>clieve in the truth of the assurance I give you ' I) Il 1 it’
that the accounts you see in the public papers, one ! NI.M. IH\. , s LA I hit FROM KL’UOph
•d which I send with ibis letter, are not ! Bovrov, April 20 —nigh'. .
aled , The Cambria arrived at Boston this eveniuit at
i>l ■»<i vi’ir« •*! ac«’
Ft.’in mv I.*u2 M'KiJ>*uco m Ireland, during uml
-.•nee. t:u* J;1«-• >! mv lather. C. 1.. HJgewoitk.
an i it >rn itiv c.miioiinn* m Inland y mi may infer
mil 1 ha*.- 'un*iri> ol Hit irtmimii, ami from my
i-i:ljiic ctnrai't-’rr tuf an v.nj can 't In mv
Wi.tins'. •i ' g.itnvr it In in inv ptiwate biend* vrlm
I ;c« \ ;vViI fl> rout tr\ . I Ui.-t •• .«u will L •
111’TI 1 1 am Itif f.| cxncs-'ta’inc; to: any
|ju tj.. i.— ,* — f-.ijM'rt iltv t .r the <*f working’up
.-!> V .IT tr-el'i,/- ' " •
'■>ii t!ui-<!uMi;.! ,nv mi iv*iU year* * **.*-
iomo hi Itilani.i n« M-r kin’w ol r< ** r»|iial
t-.» il.i }«rnrul. I wi.l imt you any pu»stc in
ntnn<‘i*<—iX'itij- 1 might much v.>u ilc'ep'r. hut mice
ifr lir ■ r - I[ \ nr '’ ‘ -l r ik- ><ni. nrnl'influi'iiCP your
( : *■••• 1 1 uc- :a..l ii- .Tii-i.i -•mm h as- thr giTnr.ii
• —jp, »>! masmiuile i
ji.-i =w;ul i i'ti'fijui'iii.*- —Famini\|Ui*>a*<’, Houtha
imaim'-rablr. i:«> u< all j>srt« of this kingdom—
l-iilfi’iirnla'a ai,<l j;cnfiM.r** in ►nm' —and rf the
f-rujn.'nr- ii.'t hni’icdiii'fi'i,' fetirvnl by *U|'|>llOt\>f
£>.V. .u.J enaM.-;! i-v • i;}'t U- i.f smrii in row t!.e
lnii.l. tin* finim*. .Iraiii. in.l j*rsti!enrc
iim-t >■ ■•nil uvim .Iresilful ncTt v«w
, \‘* ni i vj-' v •■! ill*- land Mi ;
The mm who have been era pi >yc.l m public i
w.uks. now w|.rti too lair thrv ate turned
hark l.> till the ground an tenants nr aa laborer*.
Inr • .«hrr-. have merely ami hardly
Ihtii -Ljij'ortc-il h/ their wage* at the public work*
-—ami raimot (low without wage*, nr with lowered
biji f, t J thfm«ein -or work to prepare a crop .
f i: m.-,|
F'u.J—artti»l food h wanted. Uut ic'd is.
more wanted— uunt irunted— * fata and Barley.— I
Supplm* imgh* mom from America of Bailey in j
time lor eowme Indian corn Inr I.kkl may he i
had for money—money will ielieve all oitr want* I
for thr prry'-nt —hut without urd .«</■ future m
I will not add more to thi* plain statement of ;
lieu—hut triM entirely, my drat I.adiea, to your ;
good hearts and good understanding*. i
I “icn a name which ha« been transmitted to I
me unsullied bv fibebnod.
E ght eotnpunio- oftln- M.iesa-hiwtt* reg-ment j
were *i;ii!oh-«l at famargo on the UO'hinjt'. The
i • th.-r two were .nl\ '••iprete.'l. Col. Cu-diing j
I arrive,l at the Bran* on the dlh in»(. I
Tb-- Flag sirilia’ Gets. Lamar and hi- com- 1
m*nd ot Tetanx 1.4 g-mtg "ii lo Sabina and ibcnec !
u Mmirlci' r. thl’* t: un _s!on-;!i>va th-v wdl pre
r•••-!! !• v wav ol IVt-r.r- t ) Sabilln —lo lowiug (ieu 1 : : me.
Tb Fb g tel’-, ns 1 hajr Iticc (iarlui lN pomjiauy
>! m.-tii -'l rtHcmi-n r«| in ,iri_v (-impleleil. The
men li-m uH '• *«-n aced-t >m-d lo a froutirr life.
.111 1 a' •* h*rd \. -u'li' e Mid enterprising
Tin -.unapajer r-Ire - hevcral ce-L til >lO
- loil v.-rv i r.''le lo Aiin-ru an prowrxh.
On*’ o- -II -red »t M Till JeJ . v\ h ' [|- .• Mel lean mil.
child •'•I- Alhf 1
\ tram ol 19i waeiui- -tarts to-morrow h'»r the extent of U 5.0110 bbls. I'hcre werc •ellois of
Monterey, \is Vh-r.i Cri:- It is to be cfcortod tiy f)hio to arrive via New Orleans at $?,62i, and
trii e-imp lines of the \ i'gmia regnneid, six pi?. na i‘a Canal «t #7,56 J per bid.
ce.4 ol jrtillcry, 35H Tei..n <rang<-rs, the wluilc Is* The sales of Corn have been targe. Of prime
curt being under e-iimnaml nt Col. ilomtrammuck. I White at D9c and Yellow at 106 c to the extent
Gen. Lamar, witii hi« rnmman-l of the Texan of I 10.000 bu.
reginii-u'. is g n -'g t» Sabmra, and Ihenco to Men- i -Salet pntne White Wheat fur delivery in M.y
clova. Lioin Mondova they will probably go In 1 at 155 c per t»u-
Puira- and Saltillo. Tbs supply of Corn falls ahorl of the demand
I’h i...w. iu-t prnrnotrii by Mr. I’olk, ttj
c.unw I. fn t* Ml.!/. 1-r till' l'»f•iilcni’a|l»rothi:f, . BOSTON MARKET.
-m an important c<v, winch he won; anil, more- j April ly. 5 IV M.
rv.T. was Uu* law partuor of Mr. Pulke pfrarul | The aaWofUenraaee Flour areal $8,0048.12$
|«»*ate toil roiilidenlial Secretary. Of course, j JH , f aIH J tl , » fair extent,
milium; cmil.i I* Itrrr ill. him to he a Major (Jisneral. | s»]m Idem kega VVa.lern No. I Lard at Hlse.
than .|ualil'ir.i!i->iM like Um-w' MrOu-hiin has j J\>rToik a fair drmaml ciiate, anJ sale* tt\*a
ju-l Ix’i-ri rn ule llrii? • her (i.nrral user t •»»!. Camp- j |,. fn |&,' r kni Mcm nl
,j« 11. i.l IVnnr***. e. I I. h«« hren in the f»*|i|
.mt •imv volunteer* Wen- rill il tor. Hi* has
.h-lini;o.*h.*d him**'l hi hi*ut»ihly ami hi« c»un
.is.* Hr il iti ii it >l'>iid-"7. ’nought up ;ue
|'|.|ll J ri*wt* rryitm Til With tli.* rr\ nl ‘ Jiillnin r M *
l,i, if," alilthi* <!nl i<*ll * * w li •m. I i.d.' l 'umpired
•.va- a l':i:.i«ii*. i »>■-in ur ih** T<’mir*Mv militia,
nrj.l w.i l ! .ill ili•• *<• • Iji’ii ■in rni.M.U-raiKm, he *re»
< in i. ( lii "<1 *i*< r linn w I." kli’nv*. onthiin; nl wr-
Vi: . 1 , wl r, an*! hit n . rr.ili'.ry rrpi timer. Uul
I i' i nj.Vi'tl i» .livin',;, ami f.'i -limit ('uibii g
• 1 )•.■]!. rnuri. 1
:r.l. tbs- W..S
\\ it.. l!,i, j. if!
•MU.- i.t.f !I* lili'i
Ktii. IC ’ihv - I'M- communication of th«- Pres
j,t sjj,t l »ifrrt-.r» •>( <he < !levrl.uid and (Jdloid-
• .1. |{ ~| U.iui! l ..Hn|niiv anti.inncos that lh<- pm
w-irk has ben abandoned fur the present,
I>r r,t-». t 1- - f l l. I In- mil' ■<! I fit*
ui.iijci,* in Hie w:iV "I illort umi »al<trn(>lmnH to
ll>' Cli'ti Ui.i! 3i..l f’liulitircfi Rond, anil wo trust
r.c fn,iii|- ■ I ilii' mid wi ; l now Ik- hj,
•-» il tlmni* in I'afnexi Uuilil mad, and tvc
Live the strone* < ( anuiaiid that a mid - will
■pi-r.My h.' n»n*imeted Cleveland with
r 1,. ('ll,l-1111)1(1 i>n<l riandu*Wy Kail ltoad.—
ltH<i !!• rahi
<;>n. ft inn , wi- we it Hiulnl, has writtmtoa
fnuut at Washington, '» the nw«l enthusiastic
i, 'rin-. ..I (irii. I'.ylor - conduct on the «l.»y jjf
iiui-n-i Win. ll<- ►ayn lliat he duels not twlieve
any other general' 1,1 'lie “ ,u,it, y could hare
achieved a vjelorf, that <lsy.agnin>«l such tremen
dous odds.
dost vonoui. M')uui» is' confined to his bed
with sickness,oi Washington. dome doubts at#
entertained of his recovery. He holds the otlice
of Chtol of ihti Construction and Repairing, bu
reau in the Navy Department.
Jons (^clist i Adams holds his estate in the
town of CJuincy, under the original Indian deed;
■rid Mr. Poore, of the famous “Indian Hill Farm,'*,
in Kssex (Jo , Man., holds that property in the
same way;, the"old parchment deed, with its arrow
head mark, being the only visible title.
Tm e expenses incurred by tbo New Yoik police
department during tbo last fiscal year, fur carting
drunkards. .Amounted to f 1,3*16 3G.
Urrrt..v nr * C 4 t.—Mi*« Bnily. of Alexan
tlria, \ n . lias died from ■ luir in (In* I'M hy a
t> uTbck, having been tel* graphed at four p mi
She Mailed tfmu Liverj>ool on thn afu MiiXiti ul the
>tli u;«:. t ami ma.l-r the pjv'ige iinusi liUecu Jay
trout "Liverpool.
We anticipate there has bc-’n iu great aelivi'v
in iln* Com .tiid Flour market, ji.d { n-e» li.»»<
have not varied much the pn«t week. The du
ties.' continue** m Jreland and Ncotlaicl. hut it it
thought the Idicral rimlnhutiiMis have, in «o?n<
measure mitigated it« »ev«-ntv. I’can.-e and tier
many, however, an
Urea.!»!ulV ivtnrh will p'filt.iidv k'-ep the marfci
still. and Teo.l t • !a-.»e ad.lm m,l M-- ~| I,i m
fp'intt.e I nited Stales.
The Southern mail llu.> evening I>m in - u- m-w
ol the death i t UtT.J. U. Haines ami t-urAitlie
IVninty lmr 11 Volunteer*. Thn/ iverr murJrrrt
u-ht/r on thi ururtiun, urai rniir* from l rri
Th|' I’rraiden*. ha» app. inti-d Mr. Don md.Con
«u! nil S era Ciut, C.d error »t Cu-.lonia lor tha
Poit.inJ Fill* Peter, linipeiLn
The news hy >tramtr troui Button rea. heJ In
at It) r. *.
Baltimore lir.e nyl .<f ,o«ler
j - 1 1 M KUrterd;
The New \ <»iL Line Hlonppti .iinsraltni' Ini'.irr V.w .ami i>* ir .m .Icama N .-!i\ .!> nn ' lor »nlp l»j
iV, , .. ' , „ »»« isai.vm mcKKY a Co;
our »-conu D«nii>atch came Inrtmgh—we! • r
IJU'K CHAMBIIAVN- I nir very .lark fine
~r 1 ) e >od» ini r*iuB‘, ,»»i n-r-etvrd and for *»>
siiai Ki.inTA wiiirt:
probably receive it early thi* morning, when ou
friends wilt bo supplied With the latest arid mo*
reliable new* at the counter.
The new* by the \V o. Kennedy tt ,\rw York
fom llelfasl. h not generally known yet The
Cambria having horn Telegraphed, ail business is
eyspended until her new* is receired.
The Male* of Flour to day were at 57.12. J for
• andard western brand*, but to an inconsiderable
extent, U> (he general dullness enured bv a
rainy day.
Prime White Wheat sold to extent 3000 bu dt
IGOe. and Red'same «|Uality at Isftr.
Ot t'onj, sale* 5000 bu at 05c tor j»nir\e ran
pics of White, and UOalOOc for Yellow.
A foil 20, ft o’c P M.
I report you the huainos done down to tl e
hour of ftl«. Cambria being Telegraphed, whe i
dra!cr»<£ea*cd operating till the now* should I a
made public.
Tho principal feature in the Flour market to
day iva* transaction* lor future delivery, (jenessee
on the spot sold to a moderate ealent at SH,OO«
M.t'GJ per bid, and at those figures there were
more buyer* than seller*. For June delivery
sales at $G,25aG,374; and t»r B ,\lay at $0.37 s—to5 — to
M.rchU'J, iMli
ami mxrkot firm at ijuolaliooa.
lluv.-m are m the innrltrt lor largo lot* at llaiv
sal street Floor »l sli.7ft, lull at that then- are !»■»
«eilrr*. Ihrtla.t role was at fG.7ft. City Mills
I* xclling to a moderate exleiil nt $7.0(1 per btii.
|; rSivrri ‘la Pleasure after Pain. So
M»in| Hid !•.»•! ami -«• cir l-.nm lli* -iiilr-f.-c Himi IMr*,
a Her Ic-liuk 111. I 'pliuill « Vein lulu.- i .!• «- liurv. UH 111
u-dHi l fi-irx'-iy foi (lint eoiiii'lxnil li- rclc|iri|y !ii.'H > io <n;>r••• I laiiii .is own mrrii«, j- ili.m
..itiiU vhuuiil pioeimm. <tnl nai-n •en.r ni .tchi-ai-y, iium
ho ii-jiiiri of Hu- ili-iii'c imlail.
I[ / • >01(1. Wholesale and Itdlml. l>y WYATI’ A
Kr.Ti"*l IA M , IVI I'll mill •lrn-1. New \ nrk .IV M. Tllon.N
Marli>-i »rii-(*i, uii'l P R. Sawvfcif, Mnillir»iehl sirrei,
I'm-lairek I'a. IVit N pfr Imi .uplftltv
$:'>,()(). ‘TOOTS 0,00.
Ml. 00 KOI/riTil STIIKKT,
|» I* i’US T t) rFI i: F. AI.I.KY
Tllll *iilr• ' r(-<|.c'ilii]ly miufin- the lliul
li* lij. • nmiii'-iH'dil ilid niu|iiil:irture <ii Xirntl'tnrn
y,nA,anti/,i, /h,nil, nf rooil mill wnrkiiiau*li.p
which lie will wnrrnnt Mipermr in miy thiol ever made
u> I'liiMlmreli lor llic price. Tltr«e lntml'i-mc (tool
»-.j| i, r mail-*d nirnnire. mu!-y. nrrum iliem a* repir
k<*iih*.l. anil- vry low pr..c ol FIVF JIOU.AHS
(• VMM C. iiilrmrii arc rr«jur*ihl lo mil am) rtam
lie ilicin. jvtfl VV II KIISKINF-.
,%'rwi Hems.
! Ulniing I*«
Tk»T«m«»lY Wr Imfc li.asrlo-Oa
the lollowintf. fruru l)i Wm.i Ito*
Clnnmmi Co , ami imp ol ihc v*r
llip rouiil|’ iii wliirli li»- rt»nle«, a
Siam ln* nlieemi
mg iikii of Ihc profusion, liurMir
«:oual jirfjuiluic. and riviiir men
“Sir I have ill tny pMeucc In*
ISin.«piig Vniiacpu, and, ao far, a
cffrpi. m Cmartii&l ami Hronrhia
u■! ■■■•- half a iloren lioiltp*— pn
.vfui'ix)■> •11 j liS' l,rrpiiiliiip, U
(■and Kp'JirCUaHj- '«pl'
■ • hurj- U7*ll»iadtn A Co's Remittance Office.
—TUe rem.t. tumor* 'o Kngiand. Ireland,
Me *' g S-«oi and and Wale* r-?>it..m'a! ihe rair ot Fn-t doll*.
ie Drd- Iu *“*•*•* without am .i.uMjoi.»i iharjj- &*•».• or e!**--
■V , where H«anunf*- t", ;.V' -i.-an eroi the l«t of >ljv
* Bd«<|h mu c i he. mjjled on * Ji.* 'Vt. ru* l J iv*«ri',r*.f. tironifh!
>1 th«? j i; °'' ' hr .* i;i * :
| Mi«. M A til'll A D unt) daughter <»i i'u' rtu'.ih
■ 'i- 1 •• K..i iu. i uniiij. .Noun Cjii'. iu
emsi orM,
(icorge Breed.
John l«rahsm.
Mirhael Allei',
Wm Wilktaa, f
Jacob Painlar
Ciuorge Hogg,
Wm Jlolmcs,
JvAsa Carothc :
Robert Beer,
Samuel K Joht
W ra W Wall
Prlrm of dour lualutaltted.
tr‘,«sj;>’..*iie«* ei' I*o'et -f<
I’mi kiOLrin a. April dn.
April lit). 7 P. M
hai/hmoim: market
Ha VI- .'April Ml. A M. M
i•.r.-‘rHuml'-ili*. A
II jiuliliC utlriil.oo tn
n. ol WitUutn-ville,
litM practitioner* in
d laic Hrimior irt'thf
111 tjiufi to *«••• lit*-
injt Iliei'l'Oitd* of I'folc*-
rriiii* <fuc
mi n«itiK »oiu«-i»( >«»ur
1 well |ilea»ed HI it*
Jr»ra]>b>»ti. IMrarc
thriu »• 'o'* “« vuu
ruder n« grlirr a] »»|.
rr|i it I'llll'taillH Oil
W *, Po, u ».
.'•‘"Ill .v > Koki;..'m>.V burupmfi Ar-ii:
.V \ T H ( »»U'’ *-»•!,('a
MA(i.\ZI\KS FOR MAV K-rr viaUl M A
MIM-K''—lira;, tin • ,Ma/u,.i.-
<• - I H.^,l
Hi'h-n-KOu.lJr,!.! II JUMirli M P
S ( ,H Vf I. if and Fur \\ . Scene.-a
.•'iir .il vkfirh'j dr-criplve i>! .nnOriix
aml man. i.-r itie \\ ,:d U . »i. *.j Solitaire," will.
? ot.emai I.; Jiartey
The Wonder* \mur **nJ Art. or irulli ■‘ttani'rr
d.un ?>c .on -ilmi'ra.-.l •*• in -.Xty-one engraving*. lo
'.III aullnii ol "Tlie Pa-Ion.! l.iiV mid .M unu lactuiv* ol
h'ailicr I .m»u, or lire Pr.ptl* n( M Umer* b) Jii
Kobi.»>n, F.sq
Cbauii.rr'i Cjciopa-ilui of lo.<i.»h Literature, a se
lf* non 01 ihr rftoiecM production* of F.nginh Authors,
trom ihr mrLe«i to Itie present time—connected bv a
cniK-at and Uojrapbiral hi«ioiy rirganif) .ilu'tratr.l—
not* bring re-piitili«!ir'i by l.ould Kendall A Lincoln.
Boston. tV'e have on hand troin N*i Ito ? iitrhi.ivr.
which complete* the hr*t volume U'r ran luriu.Mi ihr
whole work a . lasi n* jr pu(il*lie.l .
Our aMoriuient of Vneup Literature ,« now ihr best
and of Ho- most i uluabir »eleeiio!i« fur gcneml itxiruc-
Uon Pui-airat • M A M(NKR‘«;
uptfl S(tinlii'.mi strrri. :id door from t.'il
I'll. TH K fCAXSVI.VA.S'I * i.lll OHIO L.‘ ,
KN PARK’SA i u. Cleveland. O i
It li PARKS. B**avrr. l‘u j Proprietor*
\V T MATHKK, Piixhurgli. Pa >
rTMIK aUive Line i* iiowr lull)-prrparrsl in tran>porl
1 Ffr.ghi Hinl Pii'-ens''r« irom Plttrliurgh and Clerr
laud, to t»uy paint on the Priuxyl vama A tln.o and Onto
The-j'ae.litie* of <aid are not equalled by but on
»aid ; C»na!«, m number* :>nd capacity of Host*. expe
rieticr ot Captain*. and Agents, Ac.
One Boat leaver Pittsburgh and I'leveland d-uiy, run
u.ttg in conueeiion with the Siram^r*
Michigan and Lake Krie. bvtwrrii P.txiiurgh and
Beaver, and a ni lir*i cla*s. Stramlioax, Pr«>pel
leHillhgr and J*cl|Oon.T*. on Late* I'r e. Jiuron. Vi
ciiigan and Oitturio
Proper!) lorw arded io any part ol the I'mon
de«p»trli V. S PARKS A Co. Cleveland, Agt*
RKKD. PARKS A Co. Braver. Aiti*
apVi Cor Wn cT nntl Sin.lbln-ld »treet«
Tlir il'-.v low prr.Mir" • K-ttnbOPl
LlßflMflC' i'miii K. U Wnid. will leave Itulfalo
Kvounfi .May <ih, .iwlCleve
iaii'l 'V t ilne<ilay. Mav s;li, ft! 1 C v
aml Drtm.i Tliiu-Uy Ma> >i . f ( >» ll>e at.nv
Tli" WAIUi
!:?M nil.! hn. jm.vrrfili h iigiiii .>. urr i<> l«0 <>t
Kralic.v' I. rc: llonU. '■!•! .» uol -Ufpii*--.1 101 *|’cri! of
ari-oiimio.laloiin !•> u*d ImuUCI J»*t «./e' »u Hie Lakr*.
lot ir.irt.lo' p»«>»;;< apP 1 V OH boa I'd . of
K % PARK?, fir/rlao-l
} .MYI'.R. 4 A- t:..
J kKU.UtiO. I I
W T M\THKK. i Ili_> »I •* * R ll
,»jiO|.! i'll. \\ .ilet unit J-noil.lo ’' l 't' fi»
ir>" The *1.11111.-h I’o i ,<»vv UK Me.'. mhoM ' diMauee dcauou* ot having r jaimriotiim* made al ilic
CiiAMl'|i)\.»•«(*! II iVrr.; wdi leave Or •. .-i-n.t on : fuleiil Uflicc. pnoi m making application lor a imiitu.
Moillav Ai’r.l 3»;m uml Drirn.i on Tue*.lsy. Ar" ; in*}' lurward (po*i paid. rnelomi'g a ire of five do1l:ir«,
lor the Sttu-i 1 i. Matement oi Ihorruae, when iriimediutemipii*
r»r •'r'-iirHt or pa,***.- „pp'.i on l.nunl oi in , nmi will he Riven in u mid all the mionuaiion that
„p-.. 1t , ' ). >' PARKS. i'lrv. : .,nd : could be obtained l>y a vi»il of llie. applicant in pervou)
_- 'promptly enituiiunic.ued.
ORPHAN'S COCRT BALK. i Ad lutere on business nu*« tr postpaid, and eontmn
; a -unable fee. where a written opinion i» recurred.
N puiruunoe of an order of the Orpl.un • < ; ourl of | (||r>ce on K slrcc( O , ppo ,j, e ,hr I’aifiU Ollier.
A .leßhmy l-.mnli. I wl: expose in <. •>' P u j ; j| c j,:,, ,(,<• honor of referring, l»y pertmwomi, to
veiiuue or ornery, at me ouri | |nu*e ui ll.e Lit) o ; ||on Kdntund Burke, Comm neionei of Patent*;
IVit.nureU m, > .he l.ih «l«) nt nci ,«1 | ,|cm. HI. KlUworih. late do. do do;
the bout ot 10 n Clock * a eer.a, uU, and IWO hair , Knowles. Machinist, Patent Office;
Loud firnund. being pact of 'be -oaUMI l-o *. -nitian j , Crunch, Washington, Vl5
nLnwrr>. < :.:r IWn-hin. and conveyoi! *>, , J :. 1 ; Hon K Choate. Ma«*achu.*eUi, U S Senate;
Pme and U .ie to Jumr* Mi.U-.lUiKhaud U K Milhol- , ||on. W Allen. Ohio. do; .
Uud. nnd-now ll'.e properly ot I f M.lbollami, a minor ; non. J U Bowlm, MC, Missouri;
mild of James M.lhoniiiiiJ, dec J , bounded anil uescri- ; jj 01l Willi* Hall New York'
l.e.i a* 'hlloiv* v; nn :h- North by u forty f*oi«r«ei , . Hon. Robert Smith, MC. illiiifiu,
,nd ini' nr - Irw on tne harm by low oi K Jones : , |cm s Rrecre. f S Senate;
au.l l) it M lliolland on the Snuthbv the I ill.burgh I . Hoii.J-H BrUVrM C. Missouri;
ami <Ol.l 11.1 l I'urn [i-ke Hoad and on the eat hy ioi» { . „ N f Shteve, Missouri,' V
»l Surait M fa-lip. *a.d U.f twenty two feet Kr.iMun Brook*. F.«i . Pnuburgh. *nl
..I imm an i .Tie i.iiu in u.e Pnrm-ikr »<o-ul alt-re- 1 * • ‘>‘-
I l| „ r .i« r.. .v L....ns rvl.K.I Kn-riiK NKW AND MOST KFFECTIVK RKMF.Di
i„ o ;i' F>l h.urut > nil. WOOD'S Sarsaparilla aud Wild
; U Cherry OUlera. for the currof the foilowihs.
ill'll' , d-*e;i*e«- Jaundice. Liver Cotnphim. all B ; iliou% Cotn
mi fhnu a .i'n ' -;ii' plniiiw. *iek Htudaelir. Heart Burn, Indißeation.hahil
,:,ui 1... n:.,i. o •:nl t'o*irvene»# file*. I'nlpilaimn* of Ihe Heart. I^»se
.ivi'l.i. .Ne’in-i in »i Appei.te. liyapetina. Nervou* irritations, Debilitated
■mi |{. m' ~ •!(. Mi.marh. LancuOr. Depression of spirn*.Chrome ilheu;
,n rj... \.|, .nmti'iri Oiiianeoue Di*ea*e*. Taoker. Syphilmd I)i«en-
S< roi'ula liiipur.iics oi ihe Jiiood. J’iniple* and
.iI.C-c.ii tl.e J'hi e, llerediur) Humor*, Cold Sote*,
di*eu*e* ur *.iir innti uu injudicious use of Mer-
j) I-: \l. ATK H.»K A ntuir
> TT T i!;* I! I' *“• t..- «: Ai'-n:
.mi ftiirtbari 1 -tr*—t
\ | AM KAtn iIKII T<mA< H)
I- Ur' «t- ! f 5.
• \ I' it'nil--**" i .»ngcr.-
!’ r J.i, *l'. • r Snij ' |-"U.1.1
,liOUlfl'N. w-u
STATIONERY- Jum r--- v<-d a '«ir»e *upt*ly of
ru! S.l v.-l **.t*f*»il. Kill(»<><• i-dgcd I .arc. till! *nd
P S i'h:w. si.!- «!.,! i: .1.1 Knvt- *.;>c* Wreath,
t\r n . »l>'l Whi'-i- A.- . A- . *>id Ji»r *;«le
! r J. 11l S> I'l >S A Sill. I'd
»p"l i'..i Wi r k-l ami Th.rd si*
. i* ar.irlr i.i»l rrc'il
( e FLO I*ll- ii i-'i.
MK.HI.VO CiVSSIMKKKS I rw oj J.rauii
'ul :.n '•mnni'-r 1 n>»: rror ved nml for
SOAP- li»' l«u- I * in "s v .uiiJ.ui; Horn .teamer
K.u*eoM-nd for *.ir M
»j)VI l s Al.\M UH.'KKV A i ». water and trout vl«
FI.AAIMJ i'AKII JSriit.M list -aie l< v
,|.;M i* c M.utriN,
OKA.N'.KS AM) U'.MO.V**- .prime Hwcet
l irai y •. 4»* l'l* pf me S.r. Iy I.emonn, for «»!«•
l.) aptfl J’ f MARTIN
COHX--lin l*u« l.’oni lor .a . I,y
/ < ROCBRIF.B-A lull a»*o(t<nem ol Sucar. Tea,
V I Coifr'-. ISrooin* Uu"kfW. Kb.mim, Raton. Ac . for
«*<r wnoieoic and icU . I:> I’ C MARTIN
apVI cor hii«J from *;«
PLAXiiBKI) Oin-l'i t-i • j.Mi rccM and fi.r-ale
r hv > A \S lIAKUA (.'<•!<
No.'U wn.ul *tre?l
>OllX - s<«> l.ii» I'rmir Yrlli»w inmnvr m*icw
* a \v IMHHAt.'IiM. II vrotx!
pIO MKTAI. -ai iom» v...t Carol.iic Mru'l.
itp'il " ,R **" ' DU,WORTH
A* lie i« dcsirou* or l.rmj r.u,.io)ril h> none I.ut
nrcr*«ity <>n li.» panol loilrrliafi lie would itfv.ip par
ticular attention to ilir follow u* trim* All lull* Jett
uupu.d at the rjp.ia’son o! if, ,it ila v - w.ll >. e ,
«• the follow.ll* rate* ritiai'lftlfi Teeth, *1
I'oj f-'.iimj;. troin SV to '>ll pet r>v;ij
All other nprul oru-ft Hie »nme proportion
All ni»r« II winch r iiijii erim-ni» are not rnnlinurd.
kiU» will t.r i on» arf-oiiliug tp the above rf*-
N It —There are tho*e itulcl'trl u> l> in wbo«e ar
count*, if not paid immediately. tvill placed hi tin
.hand* of J proper nflicer for ■•niiect.on ipti-Un vr>fK
POIITBIIS 1> AG l* 1C Kill AN POKTHAIT . Hnf.l -'rr-t, B.i-f.iirns t'o.tdffier I’ltl
lmr*li. I’a. —M a I’tmiKK rtom UttltmWl re
• pectfully UIV:IC« tlir» am! rcitilem'u ol •f’uwb'jth,
and the pulii.c jrneral. .to cull and examine the |ar*e
collection of Dnstn rreoi p.; Porumi* at ht» Gallery
The ipct-mim* produced iiy Mr I’- lor hcauty. hrilltan
ry, d;.t.nrinr»i>, mul Intte o( f oloritiff are not •.urpa««rd
I.) nit) in tin* i-ountry A unmlorof the i'ortr*it«ol
Mr youi-rlvr* ' I. kmc*, v taken .n e>nr 01 .-lotldy
PINK AM) \\ II IT K G I N Gil AMK- - 'V K
M..i|.|.v I - nr, ~ lew pier.-* Ptnl liri- It .rr. .1 <■. >i >; lit. in* G-rv tut.ll .-a ot-l'u!
A'.., n- w i ■,* Mu-Immlc I.tuu-. Ai
-o ncii.ntr Ilf,lire, n T...i, ,oi:.|.'r art I-V.- Pc dr* a
( o' fir.i n-..* •• , IV. n.h an.l M «.iel.r«irr
I I.null mi. IV ■ f • •rn-i.i li<\iir.i .Hup:/ lor In
•! AI-.1.-I, l.m-n- » V W
• r- V 1.. v oim,. . tVi u,r,-r.\ r.ruk,- m.,1 urr
'u/-« ■
/ tOI,I.K<TI.V<I AUKKT J.\.\l I> t r UI'-HF Y
V u n' IMM>»i R h
' mi.l v ,m,.i. 1,111 t,- U"I n.-llf -| lour llm>
;.il mil,-- .It W iiturluml. Indiana, fi. na. It,in
-1 innnli.ii. I‘l ti .m i.n.l A i in'tunic ilr .nli-nd* lit In.r
on M..X1.4U Hi.- VS tti-» r m all "••• f.hinr.
»•- r-....’ .Ir-ir.i,.- ..f rniru-im* .. I.i I,.in, ijkl
fm.i lint Jurm* tin* we. a ai n.» mhoe-m Hi- -■«iu/•• ti. V
'uni '• I’ll•! • UJiWIUI
I H'AS'I'KI) A pn*«n Will! a tl.ith of a
«»:'r nn.milni'Hil!** of llirlf alilllr biumra*. m.Winch
*llr ronI.J o!mi lir ui-t.vely eltipmt ed Any prrton W i*h
ini « partner will ple*»e addri-** H. S , <>a/rllp
Iloi, •.luniß lumne'*. »moAnt nl rapml dr«.{eil. mut
vhrtr UHV Il*.l nplll :ii
« Amuvri - ul i e»lnl alive in all flirt where llir
tl.iiiMi'l.. Innvri« liver, nr any .if the oigar ■ concerned
ibe ii.nfi-vr luiiri.on* n|r duorderr.l AUo, for
l. vrr ami uitur, linrlinillriu fc ver. b.liou* levrr. JBIIII
die, ..lyarnien . *■• hoi **ll by
itif l *1 Jlllil mind •('
YV’ANTKO to Boimo\v~#4,wo ,0 §AJUW
T > oil 4 moiiKßcr mi City property worth four time*
tin- .Hiimiiii- l.flU'W Ilf Irme&jf *M»ai j.rr yrar. ti.l
tin- Jniil<li«tr«. .vill.iirc<iiniiaiir Itic imuicncr.
||A|i[>ly oi ihi'Offi.'i* U |,vt(
yAt’miNJl’ MIXTIiVtk-Vn, ,*!„„• Vrß
? 17ri>niuihri|itic Mixture, lor llir cure or Drop*),
(Iruvi I, tie~" hit yn»t ireotVrd nn.l for »l r l.y
*Vhiilrttlr im.l Rrin.l Arjelil* lor Alirßlirii) County:
■p'-'l* No tf iVirttiiiemal How. I.ibenyat
RAH.ROAI) OU.MI'AN V—An adjourned meeting
of tin- StocKholdert in thr above Cnnipiuy wilt be brill
at I'hdo Hull, onTuc«i»ay.ihrSi?iliof April.hi :i o’clock,
r m. AplTt.l V. 1| (■ AZ/.A.M. SrcretEry
Bk ' Kor Hnl« l.*W.
A SIM.KN Dili. M'AV MIKKIV and liar-
JfcKlD-m-'*. an*.n fine Fniiulv HOKSK.7 year* old.
lii;|oifr .n Ml J MATHFW# Kxoluhrc
C..vcry'niabk I’ciin Mi*ct. apWMl*.
Jlndion Salta
by John D. Darla, Auctioneer
<TY Thj>»il.v ihe 2Sd i-islunl atOoVlock.
■ii iii' « Omni-<<•,»! A u.'i.ou Ho6«n*, will i’c »ojd.—a> ex
I-n-.. r s-Mirtin-nt of *tapb* uml, fancy Dry Good*. Ac ,
aiiH.ii'/ xvti.oii nr.* luprf rich -lyfe prints, turmtute
•nl.\ gingham* yio.lrnap pfHti*'. bleached and on*
1 .'.rariini mu*!.:.•, iiiwn*. inou* de lamp*. silkandcot
•* h.Ut* -tia-A:» • I'ouomtJct. -cbevk ticking, fancy
»*. gloves, iiu«.cr>. sewng Bilk. *u«pender-. pat
ent :l>ren,t.' superfine c'oshs. cammere*. ‘atinel's. By
;i*hik. tUimci*. umbrella*. parasols. Ac
to At 2 O’clock. P. »l.
A large quamn) of n-ir am! second hxnJ household
turn.lure. •'inbra.-tnj;« great varir’y ot mabocauy dre»-'
-nc bureau*. rujnmon do. labTrs, funcy anu common
h*■ i<-. Kiii-e*, work ami wj»«h Mind*, wardrobe! high
and low po*l bedsirad*.
A I*o. cooking Move*. grate*. furnnure. glut
wair. queensware. t.nware. *hGvcU, wire never, V.
11. Tea. übacco. Ac . Ac
Ai 7 O’Clock, P. M
A targe quantity of valuable l/ook*, a* pei advertise
ni-m ;n anodic! par.of this column, erabraelrg ttand
urd work* in various department* of literature.
Hlackertl, Tea and nice.
ON Thurtday afternoon, the ‘AM .nstani. at 2 o'clock,
at itie Commercial Auction Room*, corner of. Woou
uml Fifth sreets, ifier'the *ale of furniture, Ac . will
he sold—U bbta No 3 Marlceiel;
. f. (if ebeo* Young Hy*cn Tea;
fit ccra Rice; ap2l
Extenilat Sale of Hooka by Auction*
ON Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
Evenings. ISltbl <l«t, 22d, and 24tb of April, at the Com
mercial Auction Room*, comer of Wood sad Fifth *ti,
will be «oid—a large assortment of Book* in the varied
departments of Literature. comprising •taudard works
on lli*tory, Poeiry, Theology, Bicgrnphy, the Drama.
Novels, Ac.
Fairi'lv and Pocket Bibles Prayer Books, Ac , in va
nou* ami deguM binding*. Ac; letter and cap paper,
steel pen*. Ac. to commence at 7J o’clock.
Druggists. at low pricer, a large and complete a*-,
wmrr.e.ii of Drugs i’nniu. Oils, Varnishes, Window
Dye Stuff*, and Spices, which we offer very low
ftii ca-ti We warrant our Drugs: to be pure and of
prime-quality; among which are— \
jiMio.’ (.{umiiie; I 500 lbs pure Oil Peppermint;
Jn or Morphia; 2U) lbs Ophun;
|nO or Kit. Bark; | 20 bbis Castor Oil;
Including every article used by Druggists and Phyri
cion*. Our assortment nf Paintn. Oil*. Varnishes and
Window (>!a«« is large, and our prices such a* cannot
AtMoii* Pure Leud. 10 bbls Coach Varnish;
; ’ASki In-Window (jlo*-; _.jO hbU Copal do;
' idti kee* Ven Red and lOOtloi Paint Brii*|ie«;
“chr- s<t hhls Turpentine;
' l.l*<Mi|illon« I,'i .roil Oil.
'A - offer a sup-nor t.'iuch Varnith at 92 |>er gallon.
Our -toeL iiicmde* every attirle u*ed by Coach and
tlfili‘e l’:».liter*.
- Dvc rftutl- wi: offer at partioilari) low prices,
a laree nock of iv-ry anu le n»-d by the trade
2t J l nliln D/r Wooil- I 6UOO ll» Grouud Pepper;
I 0» railiov* o*l Viti.ol AKKI i!o t.'iuiinuon;
jtsi 111- Indigo; I iWt lbs Nutmeg*;
Cochineal, .Vadder. Mnce. Kaietatus, Ac . Ac.
Also. s*> unis (>.rmd*'oncs at low prices, Give. OS n
-all no-Uiire- fin making inquiry.
W |,<,!<•• nic Unicc.ii*. N W cornet lO,h and Msikct
MpHM'.’w Streets, Plnlidelphia
IS’at/tinj'li/n, D. C.
ZKNA.*?C. IUHIBIN'S. .Mechanical Engineer and
, Agent (or procuring Patent-, will prepare the ne
i:c*i*ary Diawtoit' ami I’jper* lorApplicantsfor Pat*
• ms. and imiisMet oilier business in the line of hit
! pioit.ision Bt the Puletil Office He cai be coitrultcd
. on all quen.on.- t-l.itnig u> the ruteiit ami deci
sion* m the United of Europe. Pe sons nt n
r-ly «ew.n J
T;t- utteiHion oi irie nvahd nuhlic. and of n!l.tho*e
tiift by ti.|> of the above disease*, is respectfully
<-* .a iii.- merits of a new and invaluable'prepara
i .on initn uu recipe of a distinguished physician,
[•r.iiitiin.jiß in ,1-cif ihe uio*t ucnvc remedial properties
nt -wo ot the wry first article* in the Materia Medicu.
Sur-untir tit nii.l Wild Cherty Bitters wetc in
tru'dured to lit- punl.r umnii twelve months ago|. -and
'i*urni< tbui perscKl thei' suree-» ha* been »o great a* to
indu-r ihe proprietor ta offer them with still mole confi
dence, .n ihe mil belief that by enttringinto more ci
i-ii. vr u»e. they will prove a blessing to all those
• iittVring from ihe iltteasrs above enumerated. 1
Soi.l wbulesnle and retail, by WYATT A KFTCH-
A.M. g-neral agents, 121 Fulton street, New York;; Wj*.
TIIOK.V. Maik-t street, and L'
*ir-rt. i’m'hurgh, Pa. ' Price 91—large bottle*.
mih’Hitm • 2S P
THK BODY —lt i« an established tact that a very
iargr run of di*caie*T«nonly be cured by such rep
edie* a* will enter into the Blood, and circulate with
.t thiough every p*ntion of the body, for only Jjv this
means ran the r-medy lie brought into immedtatij con
ran w.m the disease; ar.rfto attain tht* dcsirablrt end.
no preparation ha* ever br.en *n antformiy succes.ful
u* HR JAYNE 1 !* ALTERATIVE Scrofula, KingV
Kv.l. t'uneer and Cancerous Turnouts, White Bnel
limr* Kulargetiient OJ the Bone*. Chron c Rheumsyira
aii‘l i.i.ut, Ktuptive di*easr*of the Skin, old and n|do
jei.t I'irrr*. (•oitroui Swellings the Throat, Ac., kre
cured with a eeriainiy that nnonished
boid-r. (1 is betide* one of the mo*t pleasant angles
tnaieunl.e taken mto the system, operating os anbnte
and removing Dyspeptic ami Nervous affections, and
nnpan.ur a glow of animation 'and health unequalled
by urn iltmg in the whole Materia Mcdiea. For sale ai
tht PF.KIN TEA !*TORE, No 72 Fourth street, near
Wood aplSdAw F
r years since I "was attackrd with a
tried-various remenio, and consulted
v,o'r,„ I I
irvrtal plt\»ictan«
doiion o! a fneni
Pulmonary oil*ar
ii.Hiid l>y cjmmuii
wa« entirely remn
rat 'Hr', and rtcoi i
«i:b a coußh, an
diate relief. uilh >.
I ran therefore.
i» without ,ci,rf. On the recotnmen
id ( commenced using the Vegetabl
m. anddrr'ved immediate relief from
iifg '.be use o< it a »hou mre'roy cough
ived. 1 have ‘nice always taken it
intended it to others, when attacked
never knew it tofailol giving ironic
:>ugh I have recommended it to many
with confidence recommend u to tbr
iber 70, lidi.
and wood n» and wood and 6th sts
iD MUSIC —lohr. 11. MeKor, No SI
ween Diamond Alley and Fourth st.
and for sale at very Jow prices,
ini lnstruments, selected
linns consisting of—
in and Gorman Violin--,
r Guitars, itt ea*e*;
Italian Violin Strings
with plain and patent Screws,
•erior Double Ha's* Violiorelln.
'lutes, Fifes and Flageolet*.
. Ttomhonus. and Trumpet*.
.. r’orneH". Ophiclide*:
•ormes, Banjos, Ac-, Ac..
>n the Music business. aplfi
Ho*TO?«, Nov«
For .ale by
npH cor I
New sto<
.MtNTS a:
Wood »trecl, bet
I. now Open.Mß
tmni inir import
French. Ital
Vrrv »uper:i
Kn-l„l. and
French Acc
One very
French Horn
Drum*. Thiii
rpnr. nihsetibeT tcancctfuHv informs hi' fncnd» anil
L the public (frncrslly, that lie hits commenced the
i*xik 'innUm? on ihc south eust corner of lib'
nui! Market *iircL»—ctttranco from Fourth *l—whete
hr I" prepared lu do Itindins in nil il» varieties, with
iicainr** and dripatch
lla.uis a ihorouch knowledge oi ihc blank Hook
I'Umifß. hr >• prnpsred to manufacture -Merchant**
Account Hooks, lountf aJtd Aldermen's Docket*, Ac..
Ac Old Ducket' re bound with durability and ill"
Old-Hook*. Periodicals. Ac ~ n. bound on an yfUgnna
blc term* a* tlirv can be dmtem the city.
Hills Lading, Circulars, Ac , ruled to any pattern.
I took binder - * I’ln.irh Knives of a superior quality,
always on hand. aplT-6i JOHN WILLIAMS;
BUILDEtU-r'ioportl. will be
1 received at the i oinuit'Stoner'a Office, until Satur
day, 'Jith imtant. noon, fur erecting one or fuur bridges
—Hirer over Miller's Run. South' Fayette Township,
and ouc at the tnootli of Cork's Run, in LowrrjSt. Clair
Township Descr pnoii; None abutinrntsan.l vrooden
supefuractiirr, roasonrv to be bid for by the perch,
wooden superstructuic by the toot lineal, cmbankm
uy the yard, I'lans and specifications can be seen
the Commissioner a Otbcc until the day of letting.
JOHN M’DONVKI.L. [ Commission
Family Groceries.
|! i iifi‘i:-iir In Jii-hiiil HlimlcS A Co.I
Utir i ll \V KsT rurnrr in Sin.iliii. |,| j:,:| |‘ ll ,„t
O op|*o»-ir ihe Moiiimpnliela alw
w.ii -* ■: vrry low tor ra*l». nm.itijst which urr the
t off.
1- r->lt purr jjrouml Spirt*. Qicc*i\ Korrifn arti Dih
mftic KruiL«,*n«l l’iii«tuir;h Mauufeciurcif AtiJclp*.
Kmli Huiirr am! K*e« <Uway« on hand.
qaLt HOUSE,' i**
Corner Mein end Sixth iti, Cincinnati.
'IUS establishment it now In tin* best order lof tin*
1 reception of the Travrl'ing Public. Moving under
gone a thorough rrpaijr, during the pas: winter; end
liavnig the ino*t experienced inen in the west. in the
vanuu* d*panmrtin. t flatter myself that all will he
ple.-ise,] who call. The location i.teniral,commodious
aii(!.j>lr.t*»)il, Fare SI per day.
Citir.nnuli. March 13. IN7. W K tURII
-N- H—Although not eXartly a new Itroorn. it it Ibe
•atne—a new Whitt on iturold bundle apfof
Til K subscriber* keep an assortment of Pickled Fitb
of Massachusetts and Halifax Inspection, foasste
in lot* as wanted at their worphonte, No 40 North
Wharves, Philadelphia.
mch!i»d2ni ' 4 JNO M KM-'NNF.DY A Co
NY— Nnliro is hereby given that the *Jd i:i«ialnient
of Five Dollart per share oil the Capital Stock of the
F.minaiiy trill, he required to he paid tin or before the
fourth day of May. ni iln* nitre.
It v nrdei of the Hoard of .Managers, .
nptl.ltmayll S V. MERRICK. Pro«ulettt_
A" *" IUiMOVAt. n
s Mil' Ml I'- Hut and Cap Manufacture!.
ha* rnnovcl to No 7 3 Wood struct, three doors abate
Foutih street, ll** stork consists of every variety ol
Halt unit raps, made m the latest style ; also. Panama,
Leghorn and Pedal Birpw llats, wholesale and retail,
at the lowe«i prire _ S MO(JRR .
e apin *•» Wood »t. third door above Fourth
iv ~r .-r- in I'mli
\j is hxs.Cmnnnau Mould Candles;
i'fi bis Half SpanishjCigara;
lv.oui Commo:* Cigantj -Ckegsfl TwistTobacet
On baud and tor sale l<yv for cash or barter, by
nplfl No fid water street
pr. MeLaae'i Llrsr Plll»r
j kIDD A-CG.—Gents: pleaselet me hav
-d l>oxe» of Dr. McLane’s Liver Pills. My wii
has o»ed two boxes of the Doctors’ Pills* | assure yo
they have done her more rood than my firmly physios
has by two yeais attendance Two addiLonnt boles,
tlunk, Will rffe'ct a rurr. JAMFJt JONES
W iikius Tow u.bip
Thevalualilr Pdls tor sale by J KIDD A Co. Ni
co Woud street, I’ltuhurgb ruchtA)
OUKDRIES—4GO bag* Rio Coffee;
O ' BObfcheitsV H. Tea;
■ » -10 do Imperial Tea,
0 30 do Poue'hotg Tea;
, - 3W bM« N O Molasses,
60 bids SH Jo;
1 3 r-roons s. F ludiro; ’or sale by
tp!s JOHN GRIER, jfcfti Liberty •(
IW) hhds prune N O. Sogar,
TJ bids (.oat do
500 hbl* Plantation Mo!***es. Pitisbyh
Stlbbls !*uear House do, boiqual-iv. --
9 tierces rush Rice, received from New ti,
leans and tor sale by W A M MITCHKI.rULi;
apl. r > _ _ _No ICn l.ibenv-tiret
Oph'DKTjfcff- «l bblstKler Vtnegar.
k? i ' U> p.lsOU Heinng. '
| 2 .Maple MnU*<c
HI bill* B H do;
Htbbls Plantation Molas-e., •
OOnerees ,
For sale by “P> s _ W GREEK
Raisins, dkc-so in* Raisms,
5d (>x« Pure Knr. Mustard,
5 bigs I’erperi lOf-Mle by
V \ Ruled and Plain <-ap I’nper, Wh!> and l!i U r;
Do do Letter do j do n, Ji
Do do do do a*soned color-.
Fancy Note Paper. Plain and Kmttn'o!
Note, Letter and Legal Envelopes.
I«ettci Clip*, dealing Wax. Red Tape. Ac .
For sale low by KLLIOIT A KNGI.ISII l
' Marketftreet.lei 3daud4ih sts
SUNDiIIEB— 40 this and 10 hag* l)ty App.'.*'
0 bag* Flaxseed, 2 bag* Timothy S?rn!
Tbbl* Pork; 3 casks Potash;
-(» has Dry Peaches; 3 obis prime Roll Rum i.
Jtui received and for sale low by
opA> J ENGLISH A HENXKJT, .7 iv.joVl -i
AI'PLICS, Ac.—Gl Uht« (irren A|'pl*-» vai.«*i> or
f»csi kind*; 000 Itjii superior '
; 6bt»i«Cl,lrr,
. I 3 Ufltbi* Apple Huiter, n.i.|, „i *U'’:
etl lrud.a tunerior arrive; n>r »»|e.|.v
| !5>A 4 Co, water aiot iront <!•
Vf tfOORE, Fashionable I>re«* Maker, l o.inb sr
IfA. n few door* abovp SmiihErK! Aren i». ~I*l fr .
eerveJ from N*w York the sprmt; kly iA la( i. a ;i, r c
Drf««csj also, a new nyle of Vuctie. nj.lCiUi
IURTAIX MUSLINS, or' v , r :.-.y
•«>•!«, including iiuff French, r.. r \V n.!..»
Cunma*, 10 be found at dry good* hou*« of
X K cor jib *37)d -Marln'ft.
X feed Swecl Polaloc*, ja*( received in ?oo.t cnnd •
lion, and for «a!eat the Piiuburnh »ce<l »toi«. mrn. i ot
wood ajidCih »if< apW » N WICKKKmi \\l
| kBAP D'ETE-I case super. G-4 FreuHi Dia;»
* ' D’Fte—or fine Bluet Summer Clotli*- iu«i I'lu-nr.i
“nd for sjrle ly _aj aj _ SHACKU-7rr i WHITK
O and lor sale by UR.\ UN A, RKlTrilf
-*P . _ rorLiljertj-mi4Si Uiairi* l * • •
R“f. m«K-»M.r.ofik.
cll > ■ UKAL'NIIIHIKit
. "t.!;.. cor Litibiiy and Si»
U larwalejiy HfIATN ft UKITEjt
DOWD. A lt>KNIC—sPo lu . u ., rec . d < nd for
x _ « a>c [ »y Mp-.'Q HR.Vt X.V RKI |j-:r
PKPPKtt-j c«*c» I'owdereil African Caytmic
I cjipcr, jum rr« rxvril arnl for «»!c »y
C'ARB. AMMONIA— i ;*r* ju« rpc'd mu! fir mte
' '7 _ „ . !*?-•<' URAUN * KKUHR
lorjsole hy SIIACKhKIy A
•■'pva No HI)
\rOHJt iIIITUREU-l c »*e iec’«i
1 i.r! ■p-t»
RAGS WANTED— Country .Miici
cd, lor which ihe lugkcAi price in Cm
_ -OlTlf _ First urcel, be
TEAS—I3J chests, end hi
HBd Gunpowder Teus, lurr.ulc by i
_ a l'ls UEO MORGAN A Co
METAL —JO loos No 1 Foundry, rec
Motive and for sale by
«!>»* . . _M ALLKNAC,
f INSEED OIL—St) bbl* landing f
Li nak aud for sale-low by
«pR> ‘ MaLI.KNA Co
BACOA— b.UUO lbs. ho* round m sit
Duied p eac i,.
aWI do Applr
CU N M i; 11 a,\
I reived and rnr ►ak ly
»P<3 3 F VON UO.vMtORSTi.
'I'OBACCO— W kcc* No 1, (IT
1 l»aac Newton unJ tor sale In* .
a;.l!j __ FBIENh. KllfcV i Co,
LOAF SUGAR— U? bbl« No 7, rree
Robert Fultcn ttml for talc In'
_?f>»P FRIEND, lIHKV 4 Co. 4? u - 4 u-r st
CULP.dDISWE-sVo l . l u #l ;M ,d t«r
b? ?-*?'? !l>Lj »i*«2 i kidd. ft* wo'ki «
I WO&ICK ROOT-350 lb, email «■:,-U
lec’tUinl forMleby j KIDD A(V ‘ I
BALSAM— IV do* VV'Mot’*Ualjum ©i' \V7>j CJi.t
r> • ju*t received anil for aalr by
J KIDU&Co.&O >ooJ g[.
A L S? I10I ' —10 bM * and fur sale by
■_ KIDIJ ft Co. 91 traier «
*S~Ju»t received and tor by
BUTTER—( bbls Fresh Roll Uuiier for sale {A
_ ££l® >VICK4.M»CArtDLia?S
DPTASH-Prune Puu*h just received and for sale
Xby _ _ apl9 W»l-K A MeCANDLESS
L?.*wT.™i'S St“j ‘"■‘■"“■"■i»«•««;«
J l ?™. ._LK'VI? niITCIJISOV ACo
(IHLORIDE LI3IE—3 caslti for sale by
' tt P» g RESKLLLKS.i; wood
PLaXSKKD OIL—IS I»LU female by
£.!E«L. _.. n_EaEL_LKiwJ?««*„
pOPPERAS-30bb!< Copperas fer »a!r by ’
*P*®_ . ... R_K SELLERS, 57 wood «
~Y ELLOW OCHRE—!,SWJ lbs. pan French, f..r
_X «aie by apHr R E SELLERS. 57 wood «
CHIPPED LOGWOOD— 3O bbls for sole by
. a P»» : K_E SELLERS. 57 wood «t
Tj'LOUIL SULPHUR— SOoib» forsalehy
£ !? 19 . __ H SELLERS. 57 wood >r
EPSOM SALTS— S casks Baltimore, for vale by
K E SELLERS, 37 wood st '
GLTJS— 10 bbls Glue for sals by
_ . a P Jt> ' R_E SELLERS, 5; wood st
BACON— 7000 lbs, hog round, in store and for sale :
C”te7i',Tr> |~,ra'
; “l' iu . .® A W UAHBAL'GII, 33w00d.i |
YI/OOL—Fleece, Tub Washed and Pulled Wix, •
-* .!L*" lcd *»>' *»pm s& w haruaugji
BROOMS— ‘JUO dox, in store and for sale by
f \ p®ACCO—loo tx* ss. t* Pis, and 10»; supenor ;
X brands; 50 k Pg , o Twist Tobacco- tor .ale by ,
! Bdl e _ GKO .MORGAN 4Co .
• f OAP SUGAR-40 bbls Nos 4, ft. and 7;
~ $ bxs Ifoubie Itefineu; for sale 1
l 'V . . ■PIS Gt» MORGAN 4Co [
j\J ®* MOL ASSES— vSO bbls in siota and for .ale ;
iv, by aplS CEO MORGAN 4 Co ’ ‘
SPANISH WRITING— I0bbls fonjaie by
V »P«3 ._GEO MORGAN 4 Co. (05 wood »t_
RIO COFFEE—3U) bags landing from Canal and
for sale by aplS GEO MORGAN 4 Co
SCORCH SALTS—2 tom for eltie by r
apls W GKEKR.cor water aud smithfield sts
A PPbKS—II)O bbls Romanite Applcs-for >a‘e by '
POTASH— 15rases Potash tor saiobv " **
#|,,A - .. .1 . ; W_CfREKR_
t U.ANl—soo i,is inserted sixes, trorh dia to tMiati, ■
vJ extra iiuality, counur manufactured'! m store anil
for sale by upla 1 C BIpWELL, An ;
GROUND TEDEeR, ia bbls, kegi Uml boxes, fiesh.
ground and coiutanily*on hand tut sale, by
No ‘J7 Ftrtlr street.
t'ISII— 33 bf I'lds No 2 Mackerel;' • '<
'JO bbls Shad; 15 hf bbl- Shad; ' '
Fvr sale by ap!3 _ FOKNpKX.I j
I'EA— 3'Jhf chcsuUlackTcaJaniviuc from Cana. >
for sale by , af!7 i W GUKKR_ j
OCORCIIINGS—O bids jiMt rec'd for sale bv ~i
CIOFFKE— -JJO bags pan Green Rio, for /ale by
M P I? '• • . w GREER
Si BALTS—ID casks on conrignrueut. for sale bv
» »P>‘ . ' , \V GREEK
law bx» arrivmg'from Cincinnati. A-r »a)r by
r ;fPi 7 '•'* • WORKER
H' EAVER BUCKETS—4O du/en for safe h,
iiP! 7 W-GREEK
TURPENTINE-:) bblv pVrjerUßnd
VJHor sale by api7 . J D MORGAN
PITCH—I box Burgundy Pitch for salr by
E_y>ir ; j n Morgan
Ml ATCHES—IS cross Ixtcofoco. for sale by
...UlPi 7 . J_D MORGAN. l-Cl J worn! St_
BACON—^ 70,1X0 lbs. hog runrid. jin siote and fur sale
bP apl7 K ROBISON 4 Co
I'OUACCO— an bxs superior Lump Virginia Tobacco,
on consignment and lor sale low by
upU J C BID WELL. Agt, w»;er >t
OIL— I bbls LinseclfUil in store ami fur l>y
aplS J C Bli)Wi:i.l.
14/ IIITING—3O bbls Boston IVlnung for *«le by
...V> apu _ , J fCHOO.NMjiKEK kC„
BATH BttlCK—3oo be'.t Rri*iol Snmrin» Un t V,'
for sale by spi4 _ J HCIUK>NMAKKK 4Co
Linseed oil-4i.i.lsput.,for»airi.v
B[il< JJ)_AU)R«.\N.!r}I ,',00,1
bi.i Umck Leafo-’r V*t,»«»lr tor,
> sole by ap|4 JOHN P .MOiIGA.N
VARNISH—3bbI* t-Ucirrn. for •»]<* bv
Y/.I NO Ell—White Jamaica Ginger, pure ground'
\X mi sate by apH Jllll.N D MORGAN
ryaAMARINDS—i j» r Taiuar.nds for nb* bv
LEAD—CI) keg* pure, mt’sale by -
BLACK INK—i tui, rntnulaetured and for aale
OPTS. TURPENTINE—S bi.H just and
Ofor»Ble_by _apt4 SLU.KRS
ENG. iILACK LEAD, Lobelia Seed' 'OTh
Latin Labels. Ac., just received and foi sale by •
BIIIKD PKACHKB—2OO |, u >. (0 r ia!t low io
ciote a ronticnmem by
ap!3 FRIEND, RIIEY A Tu, 57 wawr «
Laud oil-; Cuu and o hr obi* so i w>m«>r
Lint Oil, n very «upf rior articjc, tpceivrd per If*-;
beinia No 4,-ami for «a!c wholonl* oruiail by
ai'l-1 F SKU.ERR, I? Lil«?ity»t
' 1 4 bbl» Oosrr'oed: '
ipU For male by S F VON BONNHOHST kCo
■\RIED KRUITS--23bhci» Dry Praebe*;
Lf • «»rk* “ App*«; for a»le by
«p!3 8 F VON DONNHOnSl f Frogi \_n ;
PEA NUTS—Routed foTcuMoaieri, »t die Manor
•nil Spice Facioi>\ *7 Fifth
Jpi*!***' “* * ' llu»tscivi'«. ;u»l
t'iu StAUMKIUA-tf'itoM-ii
rcr'il iu<l foi v*le bj
«|>i4 a E SELLERS, £7 wood H
» npeti-d an.l
k VVitlfE
uni] for, sate
Jlflßi want
•h will lie paid
tlow Market
chests Y. It.
:tved perviniT
re and for tut.-
. nt «ioi«* nuJ
'«.SK Front .1 x
!. recti veil per