The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 20, 1847, Image 1

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    p.-“ ' • ; .■ ll , : '—fc
It I i • -•• ..... ~ .:, ' ■ ■ ,i ''§ . ;
Al,Kk l\i)KU <;01ti>0&, n»d
/H.' .11; M. 1. i 11111 ;,l iiul iuS Front »i».
j> il( ,i, ur ,., mrbll
\TWOOi>. JL ('o.| Cormaiiiiiui »“ d
. 1, V 1 1, . . 'irl'ufljwl U> lilf If oW
• tiin.l, V« • ' l •in »
\ KICK I.K\V»S, AIU-n.i'V-tl F.HUlli
A. -i nusU-*ny
IV km.j* of »«*-
j, 1,1.; i-,ii« Spanish son
I " ~w . ' w TwuHCCO.
i, |*. 1« iiufflllJ J**-!
4 -Tivr , r s. . -i r.sncnK JtuTIB
'N ‘ .'i KKITIiIt, Whotoalrauil U«*U»'
nAiiiiowK> *£*“«fc4i?gsts!!&
•iTvVik , \ iioiu rl.l <■ 1 BJV<_-
li A. FAII-Vr-STOCK CO., WUlf-rOr 4
|) 1... ■■!.■>'«. 1 «.!»• 1 »«/l aiiil fath *!«■ )yl
J-l \‘HA'Xl*sO\ » »'•*.. I'lW'rn. Cmimi.*-..0n
\ :• * , Ml |„ riu*l»inrl> Manufui"
nTl’.'.ri .Nil ibl.'linn t.FitlM.uivhjVrt?
UACALKV <u S.'ll l 11, Wholranlfl Ciiorrr’, l?
U r -' .
..,,,.,11 it a (; \ l.'K \ »< CO., Rfo
a.i t I*7
I V'.iii • .lr rv, JIOVS
CO., t* M r-.vui,ltiiK and
. -0.-ii l'-a- m, IMKinirgL.
A. .Mr A A * 1-t \
* \
i\ IIJU.A.WDO LUO3IIK, Atuirurj- al l.uw, of
,\ j # Jjl, Klfr r I ..T I U'
\% 11, J.-I.n'l J."H!UH3- la*. W. IJaitUiaa.
! WtMOIAN. lIAU.TIAN A <?t>, Maiiufj.-lurit'
I , i arr.., •. 'pi A U QnJ
r:.-. .!■ .MM* -I T-imimiitf* vl'every
. ~mI, a i-ii., i 1.1 *»i t *>ttx *i. Wotalwii**-43
,i >■ >nun- i« ,n,w
M „ ~ J. Caruldrrt.
/ UiL'UtMl ••• CAUOTHKHS, \Vbol<r»aJf Uio
\ , l I fut.irr. nml Ih all article# of
jVt i■ 1 \Vairr«u»d 113 Front
/ u Vi* . \nllAsl *• UO\Nl«R,VVhsw*leCro
( ) l ■' ... •• Forwarding McrcLanU,
, ' * j ...1 ru'-tlurult mnuufacture*, No
C; .-■..j™ 5 .
. . * J - J4C*.II«HT.
k- .M. KNJliliT, t»ucce**or* Id «.
(/, . , \\ t*nx cr», CwnmUtjon
i , J., IIC I>VB , 'T» m Produce ®nd
, , jjixili »ireeibetween Wood
* ociM
r.n-i.uißi.. I 1
V IOAtIKI*, lim*<>rter and vvwiifiulc and retail
.rr or I’.ii;' ) mi-! Variety Uooda, °*
, n,- street, near Liberty. I iU»-
' odU
ii. l.'-a'rr .n I’ro.tucc and Family
N.. *.ti «n> m, next door lo cor
I * „n. » UA.Lu
Jnmt* I*j.' }■ Hitman Sewi'il.
I\ C A'l-lii* A- SKWEIiI.. Attorney* at Law,
i) ’UC... between *1 ami 4th «t».
. . - , ~ JoU* «KEUa*T.
, a iyV| 'f, a. uKIUIAU-T, Wholesale Ciio
|« ct. !'• >• > t'-n!.-.- mill Pittsburgh nuumfac
ture- i'ijf i-r) *»-*d Majid st*., Pitwborgb. 1 a
- , - ja»e» '
T-tNCiCtSiI .V IJKN.VKTT, {late F-nghAi, <ial
is , . v i"o \\ l im -Tiie ti(.K.-rrf. Cotnin'fi.oti aud
r,m. .iml IValer* m Prodtire and
l utiuf*. So b 7 Wood street, between
\ i .Uilt.UV A. Attorney* at Law,
’>i‘ »)!’..• infiv. .i o •• *• door* neater G««t*,t *Uctl,
on J o'.n’i :i.u« V-.-H - Q!-l House. : ajdallm
ri)i{\V.\UO A sW AKTZWKLDfiKt Auoi*
It , **“. , ..rmvtdujctt o»ce i«* the south
. ,V i'-uurti fir'll- :.r:.vien Cherry Alley and Grant
».iK o! I f.> apMf
p f |, <..i. Rltrv. ' Janie. Wood.
i 4l iNU, linin' A. Ct>., Wholesale Grocer*,
Co;;.ui Vi.iti* Nu<l7 -icrainl I°= Prouistte-taJCU**
JOll* n. WICK.. DAVID X asnUH I‘A'Oh‘f -u •
\i;ICIC &, M'CANDLKSS, I. A me ‘"' r / •
W j‘p \V ■<•».) \V|iolc»alc li»0«-l-r«-rorwiin'-.ns \t. !. i t ,/n '■'vn' v - .
Oommitvon Merchant?. dealer* in Iron Nad.*. • ■ U*'. '* ‘ 1 ..
Colton Vania anil PmMiurpb Manufacuifc-pm-m ■!>, ; * " ~ ,
comer of Wood mid Wai-r»i«, l’iin«l>urgh. n"’hi.i ; VVl .‘ lt "
WAV'. WILSONi Wiueuuiaker unit J»-*«.-rr. 0 :
• cornerof 4*h bjhl Market »ireet-. (
VC ULtIMK, Piano Fn:,e Manufacturer an<s deal- I ... ii.'suapHY mnie« Die ta.'i:-:>
J. 1 «cr n Mu-ieni m :ruiT,uM‘, 11J " ooJ B,r *^ c ’j i; Q jW . eiaioime In* »iock of Ficwh V*Vi i.-
ITOISSYTII it Co, C*>ir.miwioft and rorwurumg
TMIASCIS SULLBUS, l»,peer. Cpmm.Mion
1’ Merrhani and- dealer tn I’roduce, Cord«*e. Oil*,
ir Nii t “ l.ii-eny «i. iiiiar Canal Ila»iii, J lUsburgli,
N U. O.kmn. Mmil!# Rnpc, kc., alw “>£,J m
hand- „ -
: I~< I*. KATOS, Dealer m «»lovr». Hoiirry. and
i* . fancy a. ii »**.•>{■»* ■» «s«nu.uiß*, Jllfkcl witoi,
I’.n-Mjyh. .
"m.o. mo«(u.v water*** r*ur*•
(jT ~..i . .„,drCimmi.*-oii Mri.-aar.L-. Itu W omU.reet
/ iKO. A. UKItltV WUi-ialr l.rocer mid Com-
Gf i;n-’-oil and Dealer la * fJJ duc * B, ‘ d
IM..Mh,.ui,. .No 10 Wood ■M'.U.borrh
*• \\ M IL Brown.
i^'i»*• \v "'is'sf ITII A Co>< Brewer*, Maisters
fj,e«,lV:in anil pm »trcpi-. ,i_ J . .
. , |,*mtuL COCHRAN, C.,.nmi wm and For
wHicma Mi r.-iium. No is*"’ o«t»trrei.l nuibureb.
ijIGL i“u'ROWNK. l««eee.w«
11 & llrowmM liuismcr* and manufm ” “4
F.„,xr uoJtienrrsl "srrbouse. No. c.
r, s.' DOSAVOKTII dt CO M No 43 Mai
»cit door mTlmd stree.i. -reinri ojjn
* / u . Ili, 1 piiri«n r U .-.> or ihsiksaodMß
iSmt. W* > *'"• *"•- ■ , “ J •'“i"
1t,.. ;.>vve,i {.r .-r-.
Hays a HROCK%VAV.Drutf»iw,No.tfCoi».
imrri ial How, near the canal hu*in, 1 nt*i>urKh
inclltfl -dl)' ... -
V 111«A11Y IIKUNOT, WtllTß A RKD L*--AD
ll .Mi.mila, idn-r. Ibiml A U.l Mcrrhani. of Inb
rrif itu.i o'llutu m*.. Put«liur;h. vL“:—
TSAIAU BICKET A Co, «bolrule
Icoinni—Mvo-liooi* J
iij Wai-r Old IMT I runt »irrtU, I m«bureh. _ ,w,rß
KJSOJL Attorney »i Law,
*1 I*l h-1* rr»*oncd liic pinciiee of bf* proCe*sio«i ««
h .otiirV No 7. Ilawwirs Buildings. Grant »««/«rOe-
H- .!•••■"" '■> T. 1. “•^“S,- 1 *
Otiri.tic, _ _ . - J ~:
lOIIN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggi*!, a»J
J dealrf .0. Paint*, Oil*, V«» Ac ~
No-Jjj Wooit Alltel, Oiw duor Souibol Diamond^Al^e)-,
lAMKS KKftlLJ* ACV (iucce*»rs to Joseph
•J <i. D.lVl*] thiamller*, JO-SS »ier »L or3l
TOII.V WALICKU; Agefli for A S® B ’*'
J oirr' No Si Wood nrret; har cunrtanil* on I*mU
I ' * 7n, „f Kx:i*»’4M, Can Double and 3* ft
w d «*nr.M •»- ««*••’ .yr-.riMiioJjino«ierTn». mch««_
. jp-JUn.;t t iur ukm ill trad*- , . .*®PV _
I sCIIOIIX.’IAICKa *i CO.«l,olc«.le Din*-
«l . No. -•! Wood H. l\tubi»rnb._;f*P w ..
TOSKPIi aOIIDAS i ,8011, -rf
J Forwarding }lcrcli.»ni*,'N<> 1= Liberty *l, <©PP»>“
.Sin-tlifiri.l«t i SanK-wu’* Kow\__ .s.™
■SSSSSftfflSfi -jffi
pjiwbunjb. I'a. Will alsa attend prooipUy »•»»*“»«”
,ilheail>oiii>riS coujitie* _ _ ' w=p V y
* J uni Wood ‘ireeim I'jtuUtflth octf ’
TOWN c. UIDWELL, AjrnV Whole**!® b>
J cer aiul Comi«»i»»iun Merchant, y i 4lr 1 r ~* e et ' 484
door above the MoitoofcaheU Undge, I i»ul>or({U.
IP“ Iron, NaiU, Ulus, Ac. ut inauttfaclurer* pneca.
fuUSSTON * BTOCK.TOS, Dort.'4'n
J I’nrurM and J’ap.ef »n«nuf«itirer», So. 41 ««fke
»t,rtusliuißl'. _ -i
JL, REAU'B Cook Store, «th? near Market M.
. Classical. Tl.eoiopral, HiMorieal. Scl»o«, Mueel
: Me-t.od»t Ho«k« an<l Btaiwnenr ap*
vV. lioilß CO., Canker* and Ei
/J chance IthAeia. comer of Wood and n,.rd street.,
(Merchant - * »M«1 HuiSdniß*,) I’UUbyreh, Pa. • .
u*»*l rate*. ocU£_
i *«OUN GiirKHi''VhotewleOr«er. dealer m IVo
j J dorr. Pm.i.u.chmanuueturcr, Tm 1
No l-.**erty,*L P'tUbOrgli. ;,,w
l - , - Ricbitrd Floyd.
J" > n?KIiOYD. (lata J- Floyd ft. Co.) Whole.ale
X *ro- 'T-.N'» lW Liberty *trr»L "P* .
-• . |1 \LZELL, Wholesale Grocer. Con toj**
T s u VTKHMANi WLoleaale utoerr. J-or
and tl» I n*t»t • - ■ -*. * .... , ,
. Wttlrr a-inltft A '
John Stupton.
.’*» MilpilT i UlirTOS,
VrlicMTi n.| t'in-lmryU manofne'-rea, N°*
BIS Wood »i. .'■n>linrvb-
John M «i.U S. B. BuShfieW. „ Jat
i imiXSi BUBIIPIKLP,Grocer* and Lom»
ryi mnoou No 194 Liberty street, rui*-
».ur r t. . ksu*
M .viim AW.'6j<m;rk. Wm K Nimirk
t I.L.K-V A. Co., (*4M»<u>*»:on and Forararum*
iVI . Men nun"- Waw and Front »t«.between Wood
and .Market., , .
■a n Vllti. HUJSTKR fc Co, Wholesale Oroeer
M no i-> »-*'- r, v M . i w
. c. w. uc/rr«o».
Mtl.l.fcU A HICKKTBOS, Who-rkatc .On>.
Mini I'lMiinu'-non Merchant*, Litany
*‘t'.M.i.mi'ii I'" *> |!»mH
•“•/VnilU * KING, wholesale ami mul Hat
TV.1 rl . ... .iMiii.fa.'iun'rv and tinders ia Fancy
„ l I WLOAN* Wbol«al«Oiocef». lWler* in ]
I>*ini‘ Hills til I'.XcUangr,<«tr» of
oJltie V.»f"t *'*"* i -
• , ...ipiiv. WIIaMIS k Dry
I ~,.1 - A CulLea«tn- " C H tlrani
II " I L°,'i l i.vTKß'i CO* Wholesale Groerr«
PO^ OfcXThU a- » . Merchant*, No<l
and itniniHiv»ton rml ro>«* tf , d ‘ ecW
U'i'er »ir* t*l. 1 • •*~"7, - r
-11 iiAWkiilN. Atlanta? at Law,Grant »t,
(4tull lloU*^.
Produce IV»I.
— ; ~ < ■" j•„ ■ > A (-A.HU.
B. rmtcK, >r. t. t kokivu. A .I UIUIAUI) T. LKKCH, Jr.,
RBBl'Ch A: CO. tiulrsalr C>fT>r«-r«, t..>ern;" '\\ A 1. 1. J A!• Oil l> A * <*•• , I MI'ORTI'K nin 1 I'niVr i.t I'mexn uu-1 Itoinf .!,<• H.»J{
kiOii Mrnlianl*. uuil ileal.'.f* .11 :>tul • »S| M | «<{< >.\ \ 1 « >U AI!KIM»AIIK* H A N I S 1 ,i| f . r - n n* ~,i I’artuiß*’ Tiinniiiris ll *“ 'ill
I’ltul'tirj’h M»i»uUeiur«-«, I.iltrtiy u MjnHi* I *' -i- ■ - v>’. 1 W mt-tI l">u-l*iJiKh; 1..-/* ii*:« vr*
In-id »l , I’iU-l.urch: l*» tu\ S Ifl'.WV UAi: .» w A•' I 'M' i-’v .-l.'i'ii, mn'-.-H Sa-Wtri». fuuim \
isic,.Aituuaki>, ■,
1V .it bK&tbrr. .Munx-co. -boemufet-rn t-uJ *' n ‘ : *\V , •| j.. , ...., '•*' ■* • 1 "'' ‘ *'" l '- 1 ' i
inift.Tanner* anJCunn-iiX ool *- ar “' l itio • • • !.''•>• 1 * i
lul VVorvi fi, r.i(Al«ureli. ’ 1 r.,r
TIOUKKT UALZKLI. A Co., \\ hoi- . (•»>■ ' J . •;: !
XV «-rr*. Ct>iiuu.;?JO'k :tnt! ItjfwuiJiiii: 3J«-fchAr.t». t <l.i' -
I'T’ 111 I’roihlrr unit l\tt»l.uijrh JlJni'UWflUf'* 1 ". 1 -•►"•Tiy j *" '' 1 — l** ' '
Mrrn. J'nul.urflll, I’n . A:iv . '
• ' ■, • ■ | f* . <l, .*. • • ><-. • *!<•
HlltlT. RI>BI*II.\. L. 11. KOHImiN. | i. r ■
REIOBISOX <fc Co„ Wlu»|p»<.lr i.iniH-. i'r..- | >: il: . , s - <'■
• liuccr anti l.V>minie«<ou Mm hum-. and !)• a ’’H* >n », ,
I’iiictiuri'h Mbiiuunure"., Nrf I'J* l.iitt ny “>»'*■ l • -v. .
I.arvh. ra. . -».i:i
iJitnllur. it, a!.'t .n - «' *1 l> >'•' ; 1 .
tot«A.,M,iik m.'-Hi.K- 11. i)TO.v»«
antl.iAuof. Nt> ll 1 -n\ r.n-t.uiyli , TOBACCO
id; \ U. j»a iu».rt« '-vo '»•«- r o )i }i i s x i«> a i{ i; r ham s.
til Monwuji.l..-.-. A\ lit«krr V . ivim ii vvll 1- % . ~ VuiU « u :
" ' n:K AIH'U'HI \
L»» Iti*yunM* i - *• >! "T i I'll'j, ...
RKVNOLU.* K SIIKK, r.M wat.l. ••«»"«! ' r
inoenri Tib It'. t'»r 111- AU.x.luiu K.S'I * ' ••(•* V;»
Ur:ilr*lh iw lifui i Cie«. I'roJub*'. I'lll-t»uij’ti Maim win iV“- \\ , . | ]
:Ul«t (>l l.mif
The ,ci < all ' "■
I’oun'iv llb(5» lVvrn»*i <»l IVnu iin<i lrvv»n *i"
It i' Siucklru I lir *‘ i l,t *.
LjfIACKLKTT A WIIITK, \M.<dr<H !<• D-ii ■ run:-a
O lui» mi Foreign smV Huiuei.c Drv <“<'«'*• •» ,, v Lainri.
Wood Kirn, P.U.bUfuh (C-1.1.1f , \;wu. ,
A.W. IIA11BACOIJ« - Wool .Mi-niliui». ;i. „ St(
O. err <ll Flm.r and Produce generally ami I nrwaril- • - •• ' 1 • t>.cuiia'c3»*.: l ii.
m» aiul to Merchant*. No dd "«“**■ ’"'’’i 1 „r U- V.">. ]•’« |t;." i ..imp,
P. -1. |iu I’iiij-. l,t. l.e-' Tx» '*!, \ T» .1,
SAMITCL PALMRII. Atlorn-y :u l.ncv IKliii- ' .xy... ; .n vxl.m,* ;►».! !.:>H xi,«,.1
•n Urenl « t.uildiii’. No ~l I'uiiflli Mi eel. between , nwt w ;o*»• !n i v. iln,- v. a . H • :
Wood and !*iniil«ficld iiov-WAwl pit: :o .ii- 1 . ..d- /*■ t<» <H \
S~TKPIiK.\ UARUKTT, liurroi I-BJI Jtl ;lU . \ > i-l-.i-ov
cT Sbavinc and Toilet Stoop*. \V mier and Sui'iiner ’i i.anww I’itt*' ui gli. In. I,.ai-"i '‘Mix- '•
U.'“A.*e: .No I! hIU.«. XV«rf | BIIMKU * A NOKIISO.X Ix-u'-i
Ui m«>m .... rin*iMU(b. _ i X'..
SP. VON UONNHORST i: Co., \\ "u, „,7 io’
• UroC"rr t ‘or\v a riling and Cotntnur.on Mrfflmif' \| v \;. rM A <'o,' 1
Dcalet* .n l\n-*>urgh Manufacture* and 'Vi-Mrrn I*n»- llmji.lrv .V Sm i‘>. j 1*...•d-muti
dure, hare removed lo their new wnrehou*r. lold »tnndi \\ ll.iigbiun )
No tD, corner of Front *1 and Chancery J u**. n«»v. ‘ -Seay \ Shepherd. j
SAMOKL M. KIKB, Forwarding and Cointnia . I Na * ' '
• Kin Merc haul. Dealer m Hull. Product* und I' .11* j* | ' ai ” )P I .on -v i !:<• K v
hurgbinaiiuluciured aiticles. Canal mrai all *t. ", v vv , , ~,>
.l-»l - . pi. net I a. *» n Minna. ( i - ....., IUI I)
** _ _ J. . - - Janie* Jntim-K’ii A \
a. WlCl£lClttJllAfll» JV-alrr n: Sc<-d,». Mow ' |l 4 -„ru, llcmn A i ... N. «- llf . in-
O • «'r*. FiuilTtdea.aml ARiicoliural lii.pit meni*. No .MuKiM' Mdf AMm n«. N* » \ ..r«
Ids Wood urerl ,rl '- Duvall Kr.filler A l'o. iMiuimir*-
TOIIN M TOWNSKND, n.uesiM and A,.«.:1.r- ' Siml. liai-u.i-v .V C,,
O rary. No 4 » Maitci >l, lMr« door* al.ovr Tli.rd I)an.«i li- *«.*■<• 11 . •' *
t*nt«t>ureli. will lio«e counumly I>n band :i will J. 4, U. rb " 1 “ '°-
, til a*»oiliifc<il ol ihc an>Hrr»!irst Mi d.i.df, wli cli . .j Q . Si. OO.i
lie will oil on iUp mo'l n. v n*oiiiib*e u'nu* riiy».c-au» *({ j .i'KI VI \'; | i lit \V \ Kl>lN<>.
<emllnC oulrt* will be pfoinjnlv (Hicudol U>. mi l »up- A-ml romml»»l*>u !>lercli«i»tn.
,>l)«d with ametp* they may rd> u|>oii a. PI. A«IC K3IINK, La.
lE7-I*li>»iciaih' l’re«en;uiuii- lie uci umte!) and T} A |m« IM. Alt a!.. |-a :t •• x:s» -mii.-ir- ..r
nr Mil) jftei»an:.l liciu ilu- oe*l tiintci .a.l*. a; un> ln»or ol • j; : . t ~:n.i ~i ic.n. mi t >j:,-
ihe rtny or mchb _ • and Ar,:iks|.ii-
Alto for ».vle, a large rtevk of ire»h am. goo«. I run- m-;j ] |{ n sin
uirry. - l uul . . m.i« I. iiii-'.ek. N. 'v t'r-n •.
IMIOS. KKNNKDV,Jr»Looktm: Manoiaetu. M-.-i- L u . ion A li«-i > M?'/ M r ,y. I
rer, and Dealer in Cloi-kr, Comt>«. and Vnrei) .
Unod*.coiner and Fourth »ireri« jib \.*y
T I’ Forxvib I! j l ontlii. lx. .
Ty P. F&USYTII k Co, Comin M,...,
• ilealrrr in fxalt. l.iitn’*rr tJ'iw.-r.- - I’timlik.- nnd . Ilmi
Ibtlfburrh M.iunlai luivr. Ciuril J»a*.rl. LiK'-iV) *irrrt. | a
l '“‘""' rlU , CHAU., BKLI.AS i Co..
Fi.ori! f.xctiikm anii I‘itnnri:t: i.'hm
IVatr*. dealer n llm.Mf-luni:*b’i.g HanUvnt., .MISSION Ml» K( "HAN 1 S.
nud Fiui. ) Lood.'lliJ \V.<n»d »trcci. n-ar K I-'. ‘ J Uti l: AI. ■-.•>, ndva.i ••• in •
ajiBs __ i i.j • jiiin.-i':- '• -
•l/ALLIKtiFORtI *. Co., A«mil« wr A I.'
VV (UOIIU have u.i hand an u*«oi intent »I li.« »upri .or
»*>LJ llox Vw«, Shovel* and Spade*. _ r'li'*-
WUITMORE A WOLFF, lio;*or».-r- u
Wholesale Dealet* l:i Hardware.
illciy, Ac. corn?/ Liberty and Si. C. i.r •’■ •
’jurga. n l'-'
1 il’M. OLKN.\., lias rmio .-r>! to Ho
W romrr «,i Wood and TtitrJ »t». a(«>ve f. It Km
orLertt lie i> prepared to do every J-'vr pl.oil f'M’u. i.i
;iild Mindiftg.
W" W.WACtACri, Mil! * ; ..ur
• inp t*»iimc;u, No.'Jll 1-iio rf, it > ;v
rnnul » tini'i*
wsr. H’cr.Tmao*. noii r. ;i u ti-iihi'i. nt \u
WA. U. M’CCTCIIEON, \Vh»;r-.iii*
• Ul.d Dealrr* ill l*ill*l<ufj!li Man" .. rur- :i"
\Vr»irrn Produce >»rneriJi);, No KV* r „ ( ,
PilUl.urj-h, I’a •_ j " ,;1 >i’.-
• e«:rv Kccldy’ing Uifliller*. and Wnc !• , | 4| i..
Merchant*, No. lutt Li!>cm) men. n>rp"" ,,p -> '
ii O. 11. ROBISSOS, .mm o
V» ■ removed h > ii’Jif • Vo llir I-i >
«*t Clmr *n p ei. n p ri drwir 10 A'.ilr- m *n J*.»«.
ap'dd&u "P
IiAUUAIUJV jA alrr .n Ai-.e\
• Dry liood". No •"} Market »tr lMt*"'i I *• • ■
j 1 ’ .
W' *' uiii\VultTil',' ii~ni tif ioifin I J.--M. , A < .
District.) Wholesale (>«* rr* nre mw
nn-nuil'Cr.. er.f- • * auctiowf.eks
•z'*?* and iuutsmon mmounts:
»V . Silver Ware, MdiUi > ft AI K \'A \ Ilf* I! 1.1! \ I A 1515' •-
\\f HrMCBPIiV whoir*ni' and rr-i.n' .1. .n CINCINNATI &. ST. LOUIS
VV . Fotriqn anil Dottiest r Ilrv <•<*■»!* imp I. '-ill I>lt J •• >• 1 ' ' . , j' k '
nerof Marketand Fourth m* :,uc ~ i M-c
l*7M. f. mwisJ, Jr, u»v , B *.|..!N'ha-.M • f ‘;; ' r ;y ;;
YY Drag Stine of F.d*ar ‘I horn, ro'nrr m Pen l -‘ini • • n.'i
Hand streets, will n-.p a contiain i-ui j.:<<l ti*- !-••••. *' ' ‘
medicine*. perfumery. Ac. JOHN . It ll’ U A KD S .
Physician's i>re»«. , ni>iion« carefuiVpjroinimund*-... * u *' •’ -
.Medicine* can Me had at all Imor* of tin- «« pin COMM I S.S lON MERCHANT,
feMMTy- . ... \i > an u \I KK i»n'<i.»lT *’ H' \ 1*“-11 >i
A M"Winfnrfoirt. J«"tf * B,U.TIM«IIK.
WALLIXUFOnD &Co . Comro.s-.on and Jo< - 11 p fMi<>}v «• ••«. W «:••
wvdiap Mercbxnl*, second, noar 'v.inxl 'ir-n. -.r., i. ;.n.l i "uj;:r. |'fn<Uri.
l’a. .. ... . a.i>'.n-.•< i.« «>n r'M-r; .<■•• • •
nrn. w. feARLiNOTON, Allotncy l.uw . •'ivni r |.r_ n...
W Pillutiurtli. I’tt.' . oJlun.*i:uiier lo mkf 111!' "I- JOIK- H.i'HlMn "• ’> •■V'-M.
knovrledgmem and pri« ’’of UccJ*. TIKIMI’SO.V A CAM I’IJKI.I.,
Deposition*, or any tjih.- wr.un*i«nd p « .cal «f n»u COMMISSION MERCHANTS
be used or recorded -u .he . u«« Ob.o. l »“" r *" Munur.l.l liter, of s,ln.<rd Mil.
Thlrd«treei,«tH.veS,nu le.d. _ » . v ; ••(( ('..,hun>nn .Vre»J.
IIT C. AtGHIXBAfOII, Ano'r:-> a: • <IN Cl \ \ \TI. ' >ll !"•
VV .Fifth rtrert iiear\Snullifiei.! Ul rci'm,
cies and otber'bu*im m auemft-d u> with punciual i) (Tj' ris, J Fi l * l ri,,t ri.*t - 1.
RerzxE*cE»- .i. „ . .• W# ’ ? \
IlmtUi A Semple, " m Crojrhan. h*i|.. ... 1 \v iTTl'KsllA,
; nww’"'" AS ’•
k**-iy r .. . lAT ii.-./i
i J. pRYAII,
Ao. 114 Liberty If, and f>3 Vmm.nul alky,
PU'lkm HOH, PA.
Jr»w»y A .
WIIOU-2»AM:«mI i»r«aillVliirf:.M .. 1 * - • ■■■
K M«, Ant»k,nr ar.'l CUew-MB “»*■
Union aireei. rear thr Diamond. 1
Bank *ri, lUa'.m ,n Ban
• • Corurr of Tltitd ami Woo
noYHMlly !*«'
H W William*. "1 V. •
[St'tmta’io Lo\eru If »ri
SZ-Ollii-e N«rh tide of FohUisi,b
sKcoMt, nf:ah woo
AttM< foii Nnwn k 1
H*tc oh ii«nd a uII
lelil- »Lt«TEn and «•;«**»»
K. jJ HKStt-.
ATTORjSF.V and < ounarllor H( !«• w, Cl M'lN N ATI,
OHIO. Coll'M itnii* n (linn and m limlhum
anil in Kentin'* >. («rotn|if 1 yeaniuliv mii-mlrd m.
KKKKK TO— I lon ll.ctiaM lluldlc. Win Ih.hA Sou
C unit. Will! M'Kinfilii.O'iui'.b A. Cjiniibrr,. U’mlU;.-
Jninc* I’ Sman. Wil:«k L Jlnvi* i_
““Oliver liiat. kl.iifn. (.r-i-.u- II Jim---
O. ULACUIiniN A to,
\T7’HOLEJviI.K <«roir»» amt ■» <l. •
II »ioret,Binl l’m«t'urc!i MHnu;ar!ur^J,nf , .:<;.' , »
on hand *t ail t ine* a Cut) and rurtsi n*«<iMni»:ui m
giiudt in Ilirir line, W»t«r ntierl, near t-herr f A - '-}.
(••imtinrili- inuU
jom t'he iii.e or
Having taken llic NVarchoufc ftrtnrrty oteupx--l i y
\| o Hbe? A Co.
Water fftreeti near Kvin'i ttteam Mill,
Willkccpon band null »‘iPptyof nil ..i Jtoirr
Iron and Flue anil Hrr Ifc-d lum. ip* umn
)i,dtdi« Junioia biooms ; wh c-li wili In' »o!tt hi li.w.-.i
ma/kd x»tc». raisin'- llu'W- r* and ntli-r*. inviir.l
o call aud exiimine In* ni>--k Oidci» piompily at
m.ted»». .. . , nil .11 v
’ j . B . SWEIT/ER,
attorney at law,
OHIO. *«.«. •**•*“•
nni.l. ii»>»u.»*
Wingmn, F„>'<u« ol, jU','" ll I ,V’ a " 1 " "
11 r .y,"o'\v. sjiri’ii « < "■
Cun,,, u.rt,„ Ali,J »„■' I-'" ' “" J f “' “ 1 •
I Pltiibiirffn. V»-
j. ». & w. Bosnmoii'i ,
iusiiks cti! u hRs in' sTJt sell
WAHHANTri) r.i.n.l I m.i Mii..r;..r 1“ UUV 111.1.1
111 ttir Unltr.l Millr., JII.I w til. !| ill-;• Will <XI - !•*»>-
of Bl low Vt‘Pr* mill till com) iVntt'.
ocJtllyr Beaver, I*n
■ ■ ; (JOHN mi.M.AI*,
MA.NI."FA**niRKK i»( Tm n ...l sin.-i I'"
Wifr. uii<l 0.-Alrr >u Hrnaniina n.l
Wmc, N'« I.'Motlii The «ui>>rnlM-r
fully ll “-' “ttruntll* «» ihe IVnirm M.-ifln.ut
Country HIoJ olbrr.*, In l»n l:u«.r ..I nln
iißilureJ Tiu i»u4 Copper ware. w-.iii u i a i rP
mrnt of import' 4 *! Hou»* >*urm«hin*
Whole«alf buyer* ami lb* public p<u.-r:ili>. nip
led toctll. _
, ■ six»os. ‘in i-n-rr.i
ii. r. asuw g NKLSOX A c 0.,
MANUFACTURER* ol Hammered .Hjovci* a>
*StpWeivH«P». H»y *wi Manure Fork-, ; a
\Var«nou«i‘, No » Wood sued, I’.Ucbureb. marl.
<• I'.-.. •; - •'
•it M ii.-. ~i
•r* Hal. \ Win oi.nn 11--!.- t
i:,4 ;■ i..; .1,: M.-.-r, *il« K
l.!i. hum-. 11.. n Join.
<i„r<>. V
H»K>H I'M :'OK i'A'l U ».N' "(■ H\i: l»\A'\U • .
MUiAN i K K ' .U IM ,
•nii nij.iifn- -nr 'v;i< m.i - u.r nr.M.nts
No. 1 V. «»«'.! Slrrrl
U KOltl> K < 'WI 11 fl \ \
.V i or. 'V I m . .
j:. r. n* vww> ,<• t
I’OMfWl ] >N .V F'lffW \l:l>IV. Ml !(’’
SrCnll'l Str*-*-!, l»fnr < VVnoil.
K,!CI ' I MAI!ctn,.II I.KKCII KO.\
I A'l i: M I.IX'M i
L —I >»• '
Ownin' J’rnJn' r . Ovi’"' * *■>. I •'! 1 ; '";
■|W •. If.ll ...*•! N- «: •’ »•<;«"• I>
lU-. a ~l»**r ‘ l-mi. 1,. :| V IMimn \ ..f-- . •*..
and f'uin.
ibm jctai P*»
Wm. M M.'mi
J. .1.'i
s<> n >- >i in V.'a ri ii >; *ll' •
of Oa«t, r'ni AB.
i: u .11 ii issi ii n .'i i: ii i: in st s.
No. tf \V «» t • r SirrM,
W.I! r. -" !"• •" '' : ■'
in’l . lirt<l 1»I >.pl- > - <•' !> •' • 11 ' • '•
il*,rs.s tn t.rnn.f >•• 1
; joiin' h cvi.iah-hii * t o
l '<«("/ /-‘'"-I'' V'.
I. Nns. '«.| a !•:» wil l‘H M.
| K.UVnSi. “• W "
1 cum Mis*!' *N Mi:i:ci| \,N I\
T,„ r i V , l-'rull I'l OVUiul* stoi c.
u .n.i.».sai.i: .\m> nr.rMi.
. - . ii ' <)ii |'i \(tl'l!(i)llt Ml. 111 T.IKK 11'I* S'l'll KKI •
-Tl VM- i-i'.Vr V'i I•’ 1 Ml-. ! \ Ml\ N }•*
nij]Missm\ V miiuvaiiuim; iiKKriinT,
l'i;<llllJl T. A: M I l!. iIIN'IH-l' l'H< »l« 111 ~M *! In ii.'i'.v ly 1“"'^
ll,< 1 •' ,I. ~*( .1, ••• li'. li.lmil-. lu liir-m :l
' iiuliVl
I' Mt'itN h'Mli II I'
> ri''\ \ll*< I AI.KM \ VJ* I / *N| Nll —— I<
'I K 111 II A V t;
'l C.\•l [S < . II 1 I a H“ l I .
I'll l»lMi(LCll, I'n
,‘ r ! B* r*i U N I'M i'd. A( <•
W 1 !>. M VtVUOItKs.- I„.
1 ct.ntf.lct*'<i Hi' l ' 1,1 v ' l ’
1 tin* livn '!"• A'l' l '
j «.,.i «'1",
•mi 1 tii'f -luilily **i
,r<t • ..ili aU>*. rv*J l(U ‘ l
j l*'‘* 01 l(; I .wv ’ A' «■ >' : rV <»f 'Vi.urf. ami
•*»: ! -■> A - <■ '-I i« U ' ’’‘ »UV* 4-HIIKIC
«•» U *- n-.IH. lnWi , «-..r,.r r lV,li, a mllrw, 1 ,. I . IMH.urth
lti ! i,, -itiv «*vl«*nl . c--~j| |»l«. KI V-’l’K A hTOUK.
uni ' , : I '„«• f.nt ,1. f 1„ I uimihl Ut .T
“ rt M- Miui.i: I I ,N. * t Y».F.k..r«i.
. Uunk I>l »Mul.ur<rU j A
*r. i am! ,i "
* | inch*
Al ' A !<i' • l', I*. I; \ HAl.'im a 111-'! AND <Altm \.il'
J'T 11-Mi I IU.II II ]l S ITI II I- WAKk tti'O'lf,
\i I 1-1 ty i
a. .t Ar. ut
\i.i[ I'lirin If Udj*lea.t» Of
I; .1. ~ a. 1 1 J -Hi*.- Common
■ifii i in f<- :n 1. 1 1 i. ai- t«m lullin' rim* m« mvniwu.
,N K \V II A K I' W A U K il'Ol S K
Curnrr of Wood kiul Mil id 1 , Pltliburgli,
UA VIM; w m»m ilir old If; nn of Walker A.
u i.n a>- l«i oi January. lt?4*. I <*ke
ii ;*mir»tM.ntijt in myincmlr in the city and
i in. nil i . ll.jt i n.i vi- opcnril my new ciore ul the above
iu.M ii |.l I In v ne |>n ti-lu-nl m> cood« for ca*h.
:j*il iii.i-Ii- in ranfeinr:n« uu nuiuriurer* in xl»i»
.■n..utry ami ... Kmotn- »■* n.imtalilly l'trd. I * lll j.n pnriii u> lurnoli Hardware of all
irnn« anil Uiw a# anv Ku*l or VVe*t.—■
M. i, ii.uii* an.l r.tli.-f. nr.- n»v Ird lo cal
I .1 .• vuni,nc :m »imA. li-lore )>ufeh.»*tn£ rIK-w'licre.
'>i ■'ainln.m 'i.’i.l >:o!.l .-r> I In r.l ware, (iun I'rmmunl*.
N:i. *»r» >i. • ,’frv. IU1e« .Tool*. Anvil*, Vi
-1.1.. m S , k :• .. S-yilir*. 11 ill Hlnpe«,
mir!ani.»>MW« ,M.«ho -anv I-on id*
mu cird with liie
ii \I. .•>!,••.< nv.Mi T i;n- t onKIM. ,\f AN I - I'A'Tri'H Kit. and fancy
1 j l orii -Ii ns W itrrliuUT. N.. 1M VViwirt MM-ei. near
.li. I'.a-i.t.-Cti »’•> • tm.l IMaiJ:
I’.iiEii'li .it'd Krcn-'ti Ki'Rrnvinp‘.
ii T W l T l! STANDING
.. vy’-JS-.C. v, iMimifh/ nppOs.ion in thmnvcrj
vVTh&fc-Jg?) .... ... a l-.uUutib ..Mi*rhan c. m m»-
... .. , |lr . ni.-ikri* Of ilfH
J-J \ c jv. anil ilif-f numrf
fitrrit r. i,.1 -j.• iluiwil Klrlll*<.‘tVCt
... ~ ; , > ■•• I.H-: iiorrti" »>irr »*nsn.«. and
. .. ui'j |. rncMf. v;. •imp l )
. „ i ~•• :i..- ti’i/Hg'.'i. aii<J mou
r,'.. .... c ’ -■ -* r Tin- tii:.o»:n-; '.ciimnMia l
/ I‘VrVllri*
Itttl.l V Wt FI it i‘
\i k w HiiiiilT * m
4 > . «i\JTi tluNAin AMI
siiVYirtu niK.ui pittcK iibuvcku
'•riiv- Wlm nrvri ■'llT'i'il li’to.'r,
•a a t • >l,*'. »■ n>»\» Sliavr Hip m.irr.
ijipmoi l.Vini|>o»iii<l in Hip no
, | n.n, ,oul».lrn<e »«V lllttl UK*
,i . Hint ilipv Imvr «-vrr n*nl: 3u<l m
I, fi- trlj .1 uK I haw- rfil'irril
uilorl an •ipjK.i’uinlV 10
•h Inruriim« on
lJ«.r«»\rnrr_4Liitlery, H*»l<llery t Ac.
.k»i ixov a i. u Kn,
f Ml'Oin ri! A Ml UKAj.KK n roir.Kii and l)omr»e
i i ,* I l.i/ii 11* wmilih trsiiMfifuliy minim hi* iru'int*
|.,i. •• j. ri.-t.t.i} . that he .<lmw »<•«•«'rin# In*
I Ini*ii* w! Hi** nl«l stninl «l Wn kirl
.it.-i-I. w:in h In* will ili'poir
... w !., ;,uu,l> fi-r-vuiK • rxlilfPl
M•• uiul Un'’ «-<>umr>.
•a j. m li> t«\w.Ui .*n> **
!, \|! ■, i, . jj v .!-■<! f> .-nil uipl rli'iimr
yy \vi-ki* s«o.\ i-
1 ‘ 'i ' *' r WV 'tk
«* N iml y mk'ii .
I vVIIIIJI A TltlN Wmilnl ■> ' ”
imii ri:
<*oi . "i
rags wanted.
I , , c>t NlllV MIM-UJ IIAtJS nmijTil,
IlHMHIl) i.-.-t. ill- t'ASII will l«-
I'ruppi, lor tfivcilmif Lbi
, , i.hii . Hu|.. r,.Vr
tr. <I..J I'.Hnil. ;H 111'
have I'i-rii m ll»c
,>-l- i,.He Hilly i<> cull
111 vtli-l'N lliflll-i'lvi-'.
,1 t>, t|.»ii.iiiiirJ»i* »i
r V (•» I•• U •’ lit ill*' l-U':*!. **.
.|«fl , I* O i [HIt.I.L
inrL U'l li >ml r.ilillul ••Xrrllril l.y :IM)
ill. n.-.i.-r.i <mi:nn IVf.M.-
l.:i!l |.lru-: S I'urt iU- *turl
vv.Hi P-n-ii ami Mail rnvcr
...can. V.l-i- fi,,..-
1«>2.».v H.M L.nef),
{.•11 |>l I •- II: 1 llllfC '
•oi oi -.jtcic lichi;
. I. a U an .» *.iU or j.iccp*
.ml I' -.u-v franc,
i* .mil F-'iul'-i*.
* :ih 1. 2. uni! 1 .Itjw*;
•r uni! r.r mmiia I'ca .V TaHe Spoon*
:• .. i; \1 rri'f.
iloi.i* ami s i ii , :iii«i’n»->i« mpplutlon
■ •a’ ii'llit rafelullY alli’iidid !o l.»U*
r. !•! !• : 1-.|! cijt' H'-l ll;akn« ol tbf
, . \ .'•tin ") j I'a . do lirtch) cri
J ri .V S.n
>1 A !>■• m.Mi
• 1 " v \‘
f ‘ 11 |.
li. ,i.r HI Uni i. .ti.uHc ll.e lime !•» *(M •>'!'* '•«•>>. -
. u I t uj- lL*T' ’ n«. iluii’-l :!i’l I>i- ■ :1.-.?l *|'U» “i .>u. >4 “->. r
. 11.■ I '<l Of i.i (>:•• . IKJ , l.r iIP.I Ifl V: * 11.411 (•lie.ii «i' • t'l" 1 ••*<" H-lil
i ■ I,r Ii . 1 i n.'f i ,T. /\r ;* “ Ji'’; I' I il.'i H Mini ui» V r 1 l-ur*
ii.. i.j ,r !«. ‘ t.»il l.i .-I- 'V* u. “ 41..1 i-1K»l«..IS o’ >lr‘
i.I.N A
Kit M U.J*.
mill). aiin>ii(t.«li Hi
Wlkr. I’a.K-v
ii n miiinff uiip
lii.Hliil'.irlnli i) -A
• rroiiiAllilrus* ''very
.( -.„U ...I- II .1 *rlt,.lll'll. 11l- own
.*■ll.l in v HAiUiirrr
..ri'l I'JI.. y >"-ip
'mi »i i.j> Iron «'i|t llrrtrl
',L.*M-iri/! il.t’,, IJMU lIJ “"<1
i J( i , , t t { |,(,v» uf it:!i r iMMlt agi-«. Al*o_.
,j ii.,•!] ami itmtiru HH‘« jful
• c l l4 1 i,f*. I.<iu»*-kr«-i>ri*
, mi. nil'll to prompt!) lor mod
ii. , jmil IjilrlliKriu-i'
I'lllll 'I li*'l" Kli iMmIC Hun*
n i i-r '-'l Imvc rntfir-il irill.
11,. I'mmlui-'-
OUt V«'! VrIiHKVV A CO., .
• I tin- war <Hl...*n \.i I. i oitlinrr.- ..■! Ki.W
r , , >s. I'Mri 1 n, I I I,Mf H I *■ " r '
'i.hmm.i it Mii.rr.Mtr.iti.i'K \
. No ;ji nMli'l *|ier|
iiimßUMiii rains imstitutk.
riMljs ItiMitiii.on under the rure oi' Rev. J M
1 (iii«n»uA »nd I.ADt. hi whii-ti all the *ulnl and or
nanu'il':il In Hlii'lo-M 0.l it liiiijluil riluealion ore taught
i» now iiivn Tor (lie reception oi pnpile at
No. Q'Z, Irwiitv l(oW| (liberty Street,
I.eHl ceil Till .mil 4th *tree‘» 'llic Sreo'l‘l Will
i'oimu.-n.f on Moriltiy ol I'l-l'.iiify. up.l n i»
nii|«.itHiii iliul tiny uU mat tt*-» ij»»i el.'ri'HK tlioi.l.l
t.c |ur'i M ut tarn' pi •cticiii.le rilli'T of a I I hat
ili»-y IuUT VfUlfil llir ‘t*l*’itf of l'n)lr-«Of IlH**
r.IM'K Hi lva. tiri t.l %, l!.«r t*iunr» tin.l r.
.vhu.« uhi wrll known loiiicii rrcrm.nii. ..liii.on Ai-w>
srrv..’t* n/ Mon* OASIMII! I.aUHKYT. author m
■•l'liir •Uiiuaili.' *l<* l.i I.itriaiiu* - Kriii* un*." #rnl oll.ti hrnik* 111 lo* njtiVn UugU(l|:<-.
i< t>i:<iluiili* ll.i* I'uivnriily utul t'thool
11,.1 -mini* lultli r>*. alr*- I, J III'"*' wliti *<■
,i,' mut.aiiiiiu K.'i uM"- Uiul il.oroufch InmvkJpf
ll,r. I I. I- I, l.Ul.l'u'lWulll.S *l„ '.Vr II l„ JIUIV 0., 11.-' lv,
'IMPS t.on has ImiiHxiillv l.rm np.*i«*d sndei
i iii<- uiiiaiiii of Mi *N. W Mncnli. atifi**
Cornrr of .Saujusky oml s«r«wbtrry • <•*
Tin -ucvr*» w liu* Ii lias lllu.* lur attended Uu» >*'iu»d.
ill .t' r,iaMi.|iiurot .ami pi'ilff -. lu«‘ Itilß r.;*iaij. d ilir
r oiiitam* til ii* lii'irui'lni and Pioprieior, and war
i mi- ili.* 1,..pc lie* will »u k i.iimil m li.» •U*»it» to
irni]i-r a a liMMuliOti tor lli<* rdii. aliciii of
Y 011115 1.aJ..-. .11 A 11.-j*hr liy and v oinl,
Till- r.f.l ul'lli-. mil A.adeime jrui.Will
coiuoii-iirr oil Monday, 1-Vb *-lli,
-Tlirii- a<r jet a ir# viii mine* lo be filled. l.ul :i« the
number of puj'i's i« litniiM an rai ly upplx-niion i< d.*
».table. For parlK-ulur*% relative to teiin;,Ac.. «’on»
l'.n-ol:n* or apply 10 llir Jn/t rumor. iel»**tf_
AiOKASSICAL ami Commerriul Boarding Soliool
I'jr BOVS, on tin* (leaver Hoad, 14 niilrs from
Kev. JrtaepH S. TravcHlt A. M.» Principal
Tlir Xmiiimr Session will riiamtucr on Mond.ty,
May 3d. 1r47. , '
Tv«ms: Uoaidmg. Tuition, Washing, Fuel. Li»:hi*.
Ac . per »c»*ioii iif five month*,B73. tine half p«>*ldr
in advance. the balance at the close *1 the session
ISouLa and Siaiioncry furnished when rtque*t.-J. sit
die rjp-n»c of ihe pupil.
All I'l'itktng loin dtitinnly nta'ktJ.
Pupil* furni'h their own towel* Ii 1* very. denitftldc
tliial all ihouM *>e |>re*«nt on the first ilav 01 the session
HT'For funiier particulars enquire yf the Principal,
at die Academy; or of Messrs. John Nevm A Son*, No
11 Water Mreci. PiU»l.ur|th nplftlstw
VALUABLE BOOKS— Published by J -A
A ll P James. Walnut street. between Fourth
and Pifih.-CincinniitL ,
Guizot's Gibbon—The tiulory «*l Jio decline and
fall uf the Homan Ktmnre By Kdward Gibbon,
Km] A,new Kdition, revised and corrected*
out. preceded by a preface, and accompanied by
note* critical and hi.Dncalrrciating principally to
the propagation of Christianity, by M. F. Gnuot,
Minister of Public Initruction fur the kingdom of
France. The prelace,notea and correction*, tnns*
la'e.l from the French czprcasly lor this edition.
With a notice of the Lde and character of Gibbon,
40.1'WalMin's Heply In Gibbon. In J vola. imp.
Oto. 107il pages.
.Napier’s Peninsula War—Complete.. I vol. imp.
ovo. WHI pages.
ilallam'n Middle Agra, Chamber's Kebellion in
bcotlaod. Hnbertson’s Virginia and New Knglami,
Burnell's French and Knglisb War in America, and
H.imsay's American Revolution. I vnt Ho..
Library ut American History —Containing selec
tion* from the best authors on American History,
Bmgruphv, Travels, Commerce, Statistics,lndians,
Revolutionary Battles, Ac. &c. &c. Also, Anec*
doles. Poetry and Misrcll mcoui articles. Illuitra
ted with more than AtH) engravings. 1 vul,impBvo
<>lo pages.
Universal Pictorial; Library—Containing valuable
papers on various iithjects, comprising Natural
i Hutory. Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Rural Kcou*
j ooiy, Biography, fc'inc Arts, the Orientals, Travels,
Geography. Botany,! Misce’laneous rcadiug, A.c.
! &.r. 1 vc*l imp Kvn l>W) pn. full sheep.
The Family Medical Library—A Treatise on the
J’rrveuUon aad Cure nl Disease*, by rrgimen and
«iinplc medicines. N#w edition, revised sod enlar*
ged «ith the addition oi a Vegetable Matem Med*
ica. pointing out the urtoe*. preparations an,l d"Se»
ofour most valuable native meoicil plan)*, and an
outline of Anatomy and Physiology. IHu»*aleJ
with ooe hundred Kngravioqs. an of which are
colored. By J G N«irwood,S! P—Bt»4 page* !lvo.
] Americsn Flower Garden l 'ompanion—Adapted
! lo the I'niU-d State*; by Falward Sayer*. landscape
“ and Ornann ntal Cirdem r. 11 m<>. third
’ 't-vi.rtl, etdirgnJ and illustiatetl.
Paluti r'» Oregon. Rocky Muurtauii A i* Ac
| Family T<'»tjio>.-j t, octavo, witti and v.ith.*ul
. I'olvglot 0ulr«, mid |‘s-i!ina iu metre.
Rico and l‘io;;ri.*c'* llcbatc Runt a W erl» . Ijdy
!of the l-akc. i.alla Rookli. More'» Fnutt* Deio
j lion. Juvenile ll*w»t» « heap r-litn-na «*r varioun
iVork* in puiij.lil.-l hiMo *' lorli "'
/ IOUU'S ftt llildl. IlflOlt*. I.•!." i *
‘l..* <.*•• •*< lU.k 1..1, „..l -I
in k if I t It* "'■-W
umi- 3i»J ilipy m.- i \ nkijii’ iti)‘ p
»r >n il.p p*i amom* iM
’ "nl«1 I4l:l IkIUIiN tli 1-llUI'Ml" I.
j * ti iii] lm • i :t'd ; r I am. i1«l uili n in
cuii:.'iiij>!aii' mat >»>* • 111 «!«:< ■•:»»««•( lr ( •
■ mi.l ilkiz<* »ho iiiaur ii|> tbrir intoo » ilial »!•*•' •»?.• ifi
■ (»-♦!. amt wkli jo -nlnnloi «• liicin, i jii i-ichumir "•hi
iti* A.lw-n.I.T olil now 'll u*>\ ii'i "■«•'••• t.)
: it* t - ii< iixif 'hi- ri*i»il j»r'*'<“• h ••■•h
i I'nn.i tu.- N<mv V..»k (iinU*. or »V|. |:l 1-1'
*-\V r arr Ria-1 lo (»ml'if •till -ih;ii'.‘-'I "
I ,ii! nr W l-»L« Inf ih-r ii” »l ••-!iixH» Mini Inf ll«r l-rll'-iil
d' me rising generation Mr t?.'« new *|iet:nn» I>*t>k
•ml h■» valuable •run \»i reading and »lln I Ixmks
4iuvi' jiinli gamed tor Ji win r*rj>ui»t.on that will be
limn'. •• injuring than monuments o( mande of «tatuc« o'
l.ra*- UV lln'iik lie ba* done" moic to correct t#r dis
crepancies of llif'luit<uin}C. and lowatd* runmlaniii;
mill • v .tcnisi'r-ng tl e element* of mtr an
eij.vgr Ilian Uli) other uulboi extant in tin* country ■
Tor -ale wholesale> J II MKU.'Mt
NK W ISOOKN-Wr huvrVrreivr.l a large nunc
Urf <l/ valuable l»uvk«. jurl published, '.lnnne' lieiu
»je the following '
Mc('Ue> n' * ami*. l! vnl*:
H.tlil.■■■ un Koimiii*.
I Skeiehr* »! Noun Camim-.
! History o< trrian Clmrrli .11 Kennrk
• I'l.r OcTlm* ol Scollnnil. •
Mots' I'lnlosoph/,
Mary Janr (
’Winslow dii Derli ii«ion and Rev.-.a..
’ The Fie-Adamne Knnb.
' Mugjfri, or u*« I‘carl—by Kev. Cli
I ljuly Mar).
. tlir lirrti ComninniliiKiii—l«y l- Fr;•
1 Tin- lord*’ I'myrr—by Ifonm-i.
t Tliankfuliteii ami other K**«yr;
j Tb« «bf>*' together with n neutral OMu.rlrn'ni o'
TUe.iloeiral. md Mi»ee.lUneou« Hook*. lor
1 »nle uiKu'ierti priari Kl.i.lllTl &
; .j.lll art Markrl alrrl.rlwrrn tfcl anil tlh.
! \ «KI>ICAL WOKKS-A Treatise <m ili-ra«e«
! iVI nr |hr uir n:i«.-ax r ». cuinpns.iif an mqaii) inu>
tli'- llniory, i'alhnlnjt) Cau«ra,amiTremiU'iii (»1 those
1 aifn t.ori* ol the Th'roat rntlril Urotirlnl'S, Chrome I.h
-j ryneiti*. Clrjeyinan’* Son. Throat; 'te.etr. bv llor
Fdine* In*.mile* o f Mriln-inr;
Tic.tlmeni ol Insanity—hv Ualu *~
J).*ea..« ..r Childri II !•> f*i'',
Majrudi- * I'liy-ioloey.
Cooper’* Smxn'nl iJipi.onarj.
Jt.Kii.i-r. Moilm .I , 110.
Copland'* ll.i l’> ol’ Med.chip;
Ik wiT '■ on CU.ldirn,
Ki.'tlii'* I'tm-tice,
Wfbaitr'i vol*.. -vo
For sale ].y rplfi J I. RVaH.IUi nmi M mk rt »l
[VK'V WOItK-In PtCM—History «t Mtxn
i 1 co, her (1*1! War* nod t’ntunul and Ucvolu
tinnsiryl AnnaU. from the period ol th' >pant»lt
('iiniftic**! If'iO, to the present tunc, IHl*; including
un account nf the Kittling War wilh.lhe United
vtat.** It* t'atiac* .nid Military Achievement*. By
I'liilm Y»n< g, M I). JA4.-U I'JAMKS.
~.H,2y I’uMwherit. Ctnciauiiti.'
Ni:w MUSIC HOOK—Pamphlet Form.
—'l'lm Metodenif. a rliniee selection nf tvinga.
1 inctt*, lUiuiii't, Waltzes, and Marche*;
«ilh a History ol Mumc. Illuktralcd wilii nunicr
nu* engravings. ' Imperial nctavo. Price i!5 cent*.
Published and l'«rsale by J A Aid I' JAMH.S,
Walnut street. bet. Kuurth and Kil’l't.
C’incinntiii. March S’.i, IPI7.
; VKW WORK OX MIIKF.P-Tl.r Ann m an
! }\ Slirl'liriil. liritic n rnni|tlrle !ii*lor> nl ji. Willi
! ilw.l l.rpi-il'VimniiS'-m-nt. aiul iti'i-u*'*. I v I. A Mm
i r.’H - illa*|ratril wnli dmiv Mtt* ><l ibe- ihlli-lml l.n-ril*.
I A,. tV nil .in appendix rmium-unf upward* nl twenty
Ini'r* from nti'iieni wool qrnw'rs and shn-p I'mieiirr*
| ~i -u.t. ' ikiailuti; liieir respr.-nvr mode* ol
| irianageiiirni. for \ STOCRTfIN
1 |look«i-U'rs, coi ittnrkel ami ’I.J *l*
HPNRV KI.UBKIi. IWalrr 111 "a»trnt Piaiirt I nrl'«.
-.1 J W Woodivrlt**. So H 5 Tl. 1.l *Urrl Ho
’ 10 is tn- •• t .11111 lied ■ I *M hour*, mid ill*- -111.-t li
■l . r 11.. ■■ lii.m II in I*J A'. M . and Itoiti t ini.
J* M ,0.0 li it-.v •‘■•ift'K. «»■ toU-i tfd, 'M
tVc.iln- iuid«-r*iKiiril. would intorni n
r.n-liitn-li and V..111.I) liMt we l.n'f uppomo ,1 Mr It
kii i.i r Aenii ibr Wr-tetn I Vim 'll v <lll.ll. lor Uu
1 ! -ale „{ ml! I'..lie*, (mill wlioJII ll.r> ll.j-, Im 01.
1 ' lam.' 1 si ..or ow n l Nr w A ill L I
, ! " NI'NN'- A CI.AUK
1 1 New \nik.>V|i l.tMt* 0.-.’-.’dn
Nr'w I'latwu,
I j. N j- I nml opeiinl l»y ilo- il*et, (l»
J'i'VUii; new •
i *n' 1 1, 'hiii H*.-*e wood, 6 in-invr riiiiin I or 1* 1 Fn-tu
-1 ’iit,"eie«an( Rnu-wood. «l neiave Pialin Foil'. t\ .1
.'iv.-lt 1.n11... T it'll t- a ipl. inli.l iniriuiil. nl
'' M-n one V.-i \ eikkl terninl linnd I'l.ltrO, made I.
i , ‘X ( p, Ph.luda lIKNUA KI.KHF-R
! mi'l»*t ai J \V Woodwcll'*. ?-6 Tliiid *t
j I'lsuos. -
A t.ARCF. and «|i!en,lnl usMi'rliiieitl
af tujiinpany and ru»'WO<vl fraud ar-
II S I I ■ TTOII PianiM, wilii ineulbi franv-* and
, with all the lub'M uitpiovriminis, wlurlt fur durability,
'■ , on< . ul |,j iparb are warranted to bn to any iiiadr
lin Ihe roumry For *ale tow for rnehb^
1 lt ,elil“ No tt*J wood &SJ dior *U>ve.l|li
I ¥ VST HKCKIVKU- A Vilw 01 the C.ty_of
1 J |MU«bur|*li, printed on Lelirr atyx Cap •heel*- The
Kncravine by W W CraUsin. Of I'hdtdrlph ». trom V\
I C Wall'*Vautiiul painting; for w»te l*y
apU Bnok«el!rt». ror Market and Jd an;
(iOLKMAN, HAYKMAN.SiCn , liuvmg-completed
J tbnf Nr tv works, arr'd lo inainsfae
in 1 r rvrry description oi ami spring*
Iron all.--. A Hli-ter, »phH<ititil plough Steel,
and all Lie- or -mall -ijuarc aid loiiud* Iron, which
llti-j .uTrr for - kb- •“> hberaf li-roc .u thrii-JV’anAouu
No Cl Wood -nr «-i, >vbc*o ibry oi-o keepiiW hjsnd •
crmidnc nid liHitd-ninc .i-’-orl'*» m 01 Coach iron
l*aiJ-.\«ir in ilb-ablr i.a-ihngs, Nmlr
ailil lm:i, 1 • .
C II A tYi , l.uvc nt .dr-ariaiiKeii.riii* wilb nlcajrr
Dav A Cmkij. luuiiut.ivturrr- of rtpadc.
l .nk*. Ac.. md ki c|t •.-Oi.-im.llV on hand ever,
lift.. I.- ijiti.b- I.v I||C|;| Orders 4fC It •prclf'lll) ’<•!
■ in I n. cult ,1- [O,l ■ - in I It-1111- V* lit !-•' .Hide liberal
>l'lir l’ irin. i-l.i|. Im-i.’liiioh' . r.-ui.j' under d.f Sirin
I ..I Mil >liu I 111 .die V \ <*<».«•»» d.J-fllVed fin Hu
r.ili ..i-imii i.> muiu'.i . r.ii-i ni I'lK- l.u«.ne«'- of the
licel.itii-.v oi 1-i'UI-'.i ny Mm.baJl Wallace A M.--
(i,»,V •J A M Its MAUS 11 ALf.
- MttNUV McGKAK\ .
W .V <0
»ii.- above Kmudry will tit* 1-0111.11
.il.-M nu.lrf ili'-lirm i.i Mu r''l. ull
ail li- t .11 .III)' blllui-lirh. Vi*
liol! Wan M il Leuiing
Siovr- iiinl m.ix-i 'l'i .I. * / l.ipbiA H.’i.vy Madi’ry
Fluugh* Plough 4 ’.i-tiug-. Ac Ac
Mud.-nl the- best lu.ilei ill)*, flld «l the luUcM price*.—
Purr-hu-cr* mr invited 10 call aid examine oar Stock
null.- \\ arrltouse 111 Idiciiy street No Si. nmr ibe
bendol' Wood street JAMES MARSHALL
I’lrr-Bt Run. I‘».
4 n Ki'fciuiid 10 1.u.1d f'oiiim aid Wodlrn Macbm*
lx. erj' 1.1 ivrry desi npi.oi’, -uefi u*— tinrtlitig ftla*
rbnie*. S|.i»tiMi« Frames Speeders, DrawfUß
lUlhrriy Heads, Win per- T»villci*.S|h»hi'• Dressing
Ff.imc*. I'nr.l Ornider-—Ac.. Wiinuchl lion
Simiinig luri.ed all <i/r, of Ca-l Iron.
llmigers. or ibe l:ire*t pulri-ril*, -llde and,
and n«ils or at! kinds
Casiings 01 evert drr. r.pi’on Uirinslicd on diort no
l,Ce I’anein* made in onl-.-i lor Mill Gearing. Iron
nolinc, Ac Sleani Pipe for tiraimg Facun'ics. i.'ail
Iron WniJow Su-di. amt lancy Castings generally
Order- left at ibe Warehouse of J. I‘aliuer A Cs». Lite
rru fireel, will have prompt attention. ?
Rt.rse to '
Ltlack-io. k. Dell A Co . J K Monrbtad k Co.. G K
Warner, Johu Irwin A tioni; Pituburgb.
G C-A J H Warner; Stcubcnvillr. janl!)
MTaKKB ihni meibod tn inform bis friend*
and the puldie at Inrge tbnl hi* FactorT
'fjnow in full opcnition, on tbe East side
at the Diamond. Allegheny, where a con*
riant supply of litmus, of .viinou* colors
-«n<l4ualitic-.«rr consianilj kepi on hand,
jvlso at No. & Wood si. I' J. A
11. I'bitlips’oil cloih watg'room.
'butters mode to ortler in tbe best style.
lilmtis repatred at lh“ fhorte*! nptiee
N. U. His Blinds will bo put un, withont wiy sdd.-
tionnl rJepn-e they ertn t<e removed m a mo*
ineni 111 ra*e of hre or for washing, and without the aid
01 nerew dr e oclldlyAwlamly
Mnnufaeturer and Dealer in all Kinds hf
ATI bi* Old Stand, corner of Smnltfield street and
Eiamoitd Alley, Pnisburgb, I’a . would respeciful
lr cab the attention of Country Merchants, Hotel and
2-tcaa boat Barkeepers in .1 large and superiot assort
ment >f Imported Scgars. amonc which will lie found
the fn lowing brands, vir KagTc, Regalia, Caslellos,
Princ pe, Norma*. Star Brand. .Minerva and Dollar
Rrgalias. all of whicli will be sold a'low as can be
had any other bouse m the city
antlyon batid and tor sale, a large and
siockot Virginia. Mis-oun and Fine Cal
I ana. Cuba ami Common Leaf Tobacco,
k liititd and for sale oetWdfim
A. FULTGS, Belt und Bross Foukkd
er. hn« rebu.ll and commenced bufmtss at
hisoid stand, where be will be plia»ed to
see In, old cu'tomers and mroii*. l .
Church. JsrumboaL and Doll-of every,
me. trout 1U lo Iu.HUO pounds, cist from
patient- of tbe ino-t approved tuodeL. Ui.d
warrnnt.-d 10 l>e of tbe tic«t matenaU.
Mitcral-Water funtp*. tlount.-rs. Railing. Ac Ac
Ogplllrr vv.til cvci) var «i> <•. lb .is- Cnstiitg*. if rc.juir
etL Iti/flled u:ut fni.-b- ! .11 in.- ii.-nlcH maililrf. ,
F7TA V -« me -«»!e'or of H*bniT'* Avn-
Mctai.. «>:u»ti) c-i-brut.-d tor the rrdur
lion 01 ftiet... 1 m m.ii li-iirM T..<- IJoj.-s und (ompo
••Inin r t.e ha.i >.i bun .i- i i i-> -c» J"'tt ly
Wtirch i/ts-r forttrr of ll»F.«f oatf b rotil strtet*
»P *l* -iib-eri' ' i- in" <nc piii. ba-rd the FtunLbti iron
X Work- H.un.-I l> o'.vi.rj I t Me- -T- J A S;.» bum
A Co biml in ~i,- c4 if ii4'.i:on> ii.ihcni. are riots
~,, in 1,1 J.l 11 All A Nltilk 01 all ■
,r>i - 111. ~11111 1,. - ■
el ..I ill- 1-. •' <).
' VYKI. S|.t I 1.t.1 X I ...
: ■
irnrlt*-! • »itU
- \\ . AY. W.M.I.At i
n it-im -n: \m u \ hhi
Vyi- ■
.iifurmr.l itm: .1 *n. m'< mrili uuu. «•« »*J(> •*»r ilirin li«
Ci. :i < | 1 in i.hii'-Ii ilirin w.ili mi urn. !>• in all
,ra. ec,.l. rin.l (He e l *'. .n*>ir >"<•••• A* 1 . < im-ntr*-
ri| 1 n« 1 :i» lli-'V I HI t-un iIJ-f 11l- 11l l.»r ill tlir
hi-: MiM't'ivi ruKY,
No h Mr-.ik-i •iif.i, p.itsiiorgh. IVimu:
V r»HF .u* M-ni - r* h-n !•» made rt'-iM ;iii|>rovi*«iirni»
L ..1 ill- ooii-.iii. ;,im «r mcir COIIKINU .STOVES,
■>ll ,-i, u lly . .v.y pi t-o-i* bull-line Mcisilil>oal» li> rail
«m 1 . i.un l.riorr |.iir- ii:i».ne. a* iv.-csn « them
Wi'll lirvk >t<,\rv r..if •- ,anrt .wry othir kind ol
I'oppvr. r.u an-! Ml'*-' I wi iivermsary .11 lunn-h
-■is a Sl.-.»ij|l*o4t. - 1
<U n i».> '»• -rJ'-r -m ih«- • iic>ne*t notin'Sal
Tun* - u nil t;ii.iin‘--r. Copper work lor Siroin Engine*
“"iliu" ' 11 "” fk 1,1 siIKKIFK-A MURK
Birmingham !ne*r Plttaburgh,) P*.
Uu/rAntwr-, jVr i. t:i7, Wood strest, t'ittiburgh.
mba WI 1.1. rDiMuiii!y keep on band u pood u«m
ul Wan, ul' ..ur own manulariuf, anil
.or ijual.l . W hole sale and Country Met
chains are rr»|>.'r|iully .rtvitri) to call ami et
nin.ue for .i< w- urc determined to *cll
cheaper than lin< rv.-t Krfnre been otleml to me pul>-
()i(Jrr« *rin ti\ mail. accompanied l*y the cash or
;tv reference. **. H l><- i.r.>my• t!y annuled to. fcbVs
Neav Shovel, Spade Mtil Fork Blftuafac-
HAVINtr conttniiTeiJ th<* tnanufsciute nf Spiule*.
Shovel*. Hay and Manure Fork* anrxtrn
«.vc oi nlr.ure prcp.t’«-»l it, All jII order* mr »ucb am-
Mr* at |»i-.rf
For tin: roii%«-ineiipnni' ih.-ir emuontcni and dealer* in
«;iHi article*. lin y have appointed Ueorßc Cochran,
o»inmi»*ion Merchant. No VC WoocTatrebl |hcir Agent
lm tlir rule <>■ tltc' inamiiacturo. AJI onl«ir» uddre*#-
rd to Inm will e.»r prompt attention. on ihe most ad
vnttuffruu* u-itn, UKIKFI HIS 4.!1>1X0.N.
I’-Ilslnitch. Jui\ ' —dly
'"jso. a- uitirKSPiK &. cb.,
No TO Wood Street
MANV FACrrKK.llSn't.iltand Malioija/T) Imnlniiß
(ila**t•, lit (xirtpf* and IJculer* in I .unking Uln*s
Plate*, Accordron*. |Vrru«*ioti r«J», Cluck*. Coltll.*,
Jrw. tr)- and I n.i.-, li«nl< rt lirmlly. I
•j ],.• ndvrru»rr* trr miiiic impttiv. nirnt* m
their hu-in* »•. with .m-ren*ed faciltnr* pnrehare
of 1 >Ollll-"in-, mill Inn importation cf ninny Foie-gti
(lood*. they w.ll tide to at Kailern |]mn .Thcl
r. »pccitnHy *ol.c 1 the attrnnon at purcliasfr*
ji.nlVdit i
»pi|K -u>■-<-r 11*«-r- nto now enlarging then o»tubli*h-
J ,n, iit.a'ld rnr (ii-pirfpil loinak-r all -iilu/j of
anil Woollen Marti.lll l> . oil the tl*>*t returnable term*
Oidrisaddr.-*Md to o- will infer with piojnpl all. main
\\ IIiHT.MAN A l>Al./F.U,
l.arm-k «lrcfT, A !!• K'leiiJ CdV
N |l —H in. who ha* .« pair 11 for a vet’)'
niipnriunt nnjuo • ••me • ' tlir t ard, and * lio h.i« been
engaged for the la-1 fil'ecn \eni« m •mo 1 ot tin- mo*l
rX'eu«ivc and *ii«-<-e«-:ut foilon Factor r(.ol llir wc«l,
Mill Rive h.• an.'iilion In p.iit.iig Up, to tin' Mil
i*ian .on ul i|n>*e enno 1 ii'-d. all inn dune* made at ihf
~xt.ildi*h«nejjj. lantWdl <
JiHiM \\»*riiiMi
j am> a m i. r.MTfMU
f .lON KS A
urn ni:u-i ..i uu.i m.'i-1
I. r* irt ! Su rl rhiH).lt \Y nip.". I .mill .ui.t
i.'.l Ir..n A x Ifv. u.ul .l.'rt I* i « ill
nn.t i,.1,1, Ti iimuiiii l ,'
ft'4 \V .Ilrjj \V.«kJ tun-
n-Hiiiiiii iil ni >V nl*l Mnnjl. MrMn«trr**
mn.t.- *f.ii n:t *»»!■ 1.1 tin Mill, all
i l.r lillol ]>ii'in;iil»
x*\CPAcrrß»:tti* uf
Iron nnil Costner Tacks,
Pattern Maker*' Points, uf erefy description
Office No. St. Clurb.j Muir I, Third «irret,
feb4 Plliabnrcb*
Csntrr of Third and j Smithjield *trtrt»,
piTTBnuß«ii, isa.
D. Weaver, Proprietor.
mtUS new and spacious HOTEL, erected '•nice the
X GREAT FIRE, aed fronting on jwoor the,mojt
public sirrru, it iuhdtp&*»ed in the country, whether
n« regard* iu> Brrhitectßrql arrangements,or threle.
(ante luni coiAl'orUf tit furmshmp*- Siluau-d tn
lUr immediate vicinity of tin* STKAMnOAT. I.AAD
INll. UA N KS,*F.X CM ANO E OFFICES, and principal’
ainTBUSINESS MKN desirable conveniences; whilst
10 FA.MU.IES ami GENTLEMEN of iei*ui.\ it* in
ternal tirianxrramn afford every ai-rommodatlon ike
«a>M fittiidiou* i'sn .Wire. Tim Parlors and
Chambers ait- all liicm lmd iu modem *iyle, wab
entirely uew and elegant' Furniture; an etficieni rorp«
,if aiirmiv.- acd nbligiup-*etvajil« it muuHained. and the ;
Table will aU-ay* abound with ike ehm-e-t iji-li. a- '
rm-ethi' lukikVli&dliid. |
The Fropririeir, who hat hoJ long-experience in thm
line of tu'inrt*, atimre* ike public that no effort on hit
purr will he tpuml to eanuitci&rtly a.-coinraodute tho*e
\vl.i> muy favor him wuk their runtotu
• An ©nimbus and Haggiuc Car will always he in
ii-aditie'i r..i rbryii«-*tt of *ur kouae.'
lel.iv / 1 i! WEAVER, I‘ropricmr.
HOUSE, Clsrlnnati,
Ollh) Th< cubtcriker* having puiclmrd ihc cn
lire lulercl of Col Cf I' Williarninn, lair of tins well
known establishment- beg leave to »Ule to iheif frieml*
■ml the public generally. ihsi ilivT have taken Ihit
rommodioot Hotel lor; a term 01 year* und tvilteXeri
tlieir lies! energies to make it ude»irat-le home for Trav
eller* and Cny Hoarder*.
Tke Hofei 1* rparniu* and admirably planned for eon
veinenre, baht and air, having 11 number of parlor*
adjoining ekaaikera, pretenting nnutuol jtirartinu* to
fomiliet. ■*,*
The preterit proprietor* Usvmgbad theexpenenceof
yeax* in rtuicity and cliewhere,liope they will l>o able
to give general satisfaction, being determined to give
undivided attention in ike bouse stone.
The b>c .111011 of ike v Pearl Slrrei House launcoin rrvouly
eligible, having fron/»on PeaW, Waluursnd Third it*.
*0 tiiui it it equally desirable in view of the
eure of busines* metior retirerhenl for private boarder*.
It i» near by lire Banks, the Font Office, the Matontc
Hall, Odd Fellows Hall, add bmoiie square distant from
Main «trr el and two square* from ike'City Wharf, thus
offering the grraieM mducemeni*. especially lo rountry
inerehont* and generally to alt Cinertr
nS,meh«7 , - JOttN A pUBi.E •
PiiUburgfi, Pa.
THE undesigned. Proprietor* of llie Mouonguhela
House, flimouDcd to llie pablic tbaithe House 1* now
open for the reception of Visiter*.
They are- tonscioos of having spared no expense in
Cuing out the establishment, in sueb a sty le as to render
every comfort to their Uuest*.
Thjy hope by constant care and attention to bnsines*
10 merit the patronage, so liberally bestowed on the late
Monongaheia House. JAB. CROSBAN A SON
AO. 03 Korih SttonU Strut, Pfulcdilpkia. *
m|IE subscribers rerpeetfully inCrm the citizens of Pitts
-1 burgh aud Westera Pransjlvanis, that tliey have taken
the above hoiisr, where they are prepared to accommodate
period! visiting the City of Philadelphia id the best style, aud
on the most reasonable terms. The bouse is within one
square of Market street, and has undergone a thorough reno
vation and repairs, and ir well calciiutrd to accommodate
perwins who may (avor us with acajl.
Giie us a call, and we feel confident you willbeatished.
February 23, IM7-3m OLIVER H P FARRER
88 Pearl Street, New Yqrk. ,
REDUCTION IN PRICE—The auUcnber tespect
fully calls the aitentionof ibe travelling communi
ty, and e*ptcu!l)”bu»ine*s men, to the fact that thla
hooae it now open and i» offered for lheir patronage at
the low price of ONE DOLLAR PER DAY.
its location/or business is not surpassed in Tff. York,
and every comfort, with good living, clean beds, airy
ioom«, Ac , cin here be had as well as at tbe most ex
travagant houses : One call will surely satisfy any one
of these facts aud insure anextensive patronage for the
house SAML. C."BISHOP, Proprietor
New York, April 1,1&I7 dim
b. r. Jxcgaos. H. qßaarrotr.
Late of the Axior House Of Favilion, Rotacaway
t'ouche' will he tu readiness ji ihe Dtron and
i.iG* to convey Passenger*,..//** qf rAnrg*, to
jytSAdty. • the House.
J N suit AN CE!
Indemnity or- l>atu«ge by
\\ .(btjii-- ,ulJiiioii:il ■>n > uitiy i»r u Siui k Capital.
The Hniauet Mutual Insurance ( Vi., of Plata*
llroijjr W.Toland.. John M. Atwood,
Thn«ua« C Kooihili, Lewis ft. A»hlmr*i,
W in II Thompson, _ i.eor.’r N Itaker,
1.. ... »<: Jtf John J. VnoJrikrlnp,
'irporpi* W Carp. M.-t
Ur ILL. make insurin'
by Ftr«* ,n L’i •
Houses, t« ll Ji«.t «v
litir I YViWcv
I'ln' .Mutual Prim ipt«. cm.hintd with a Stock
~i,ul, ainl the uliitr provisions ol the Charleroi'
u.,1 <"»mpjny. hold onl unusual Inducement*. both
>l profit und valclv. to ItiOM* desirous oi crfcvUtig
m-uMiiri*, inwhu-ti the l ‘ompany tsk
<ii.l e% munition of iln.-m inlcrrsh d. j -4 •
T»,o,c iH.> itifiirunec with Dni foiupanv
•, , Ip. ii.if . lII.' UM li (~-011-riMII) J( p mint fit
'•i, in. mi > mi tliiiil i.l lum.-iiti l . the udahMouul
,i. .hi ~r..i .I.r. i l |ufl.. ipilioo in tli<‘ /...ifi/i nl
ii.. i uv, *ri/A«-u/
i.EORGK NV. TOI.AMi, President.
|l M Him iinsn, >t-cretary. *
Hi** •.ut* , :cr:b»»r. who is the iluly authorized Agent
• r it.r *(.(»<* named I 'niup’.uiy. is prepared to make
i u,iaiire. at |lic Olficc •>!' ihc Agency, inlthe
t. ( h i les I iMc*. Third si., third door from ty nod
ut-et. in.l iviil’givc all further mlvriiulion
uni-.«y ; i'llUS. J. t’AMPBKLL.
J 011 .V FLUNKY, J It
A.iKVT *f MTr«DVKOII roit tuk
Safely IliiDrance Company of Phllaile'la.
FIRE RISKS upon buildings ami merchandize
of every description, a (id MARINE RISKS
upon hull* or cargoes of ves-ielsi, taken- upon lliV,
most lavorablc Irma.
U7’ Office in the Warehouse of W. U. Holme*
A Hro , No. .Ti Water, near Market street, Fitts-,
i N' It The successor this Company since ttmestab
l ,<tiin>-til o' the Agency in tin* city, with the prompt/iru
am! Jiimtiiry with which every claim upon them for
lr>*» ha« been adjusted, fully warrant ills agent in m 'hr confidence and pi tronage cl" lit* fr>eud* and
the coitiinumty' at Urge lo the Delaware M. S. liisu
ranee Company, while a ha* the additional advantages
as an institution among tne most ffotiriuhmg in
Philad’ia—as having an ample paid in capital, which
by the operaiionofiis charter i* constantly increasing
a* yielding lo » ach person insured his uue share oi
ttia profits uf the company without involving him
in any responsibility whatever; and tbcrelore as
posresing tne Mutual principle divested of every
obnoiious leatqre, an I ui its most attractive.form.
no.-4 ,
New York.
Tills well known and respectable company >s pre
pared, through limit PITTSBURGH AGENCY. lo
make Insurance of every kind eonneclcU With risks of
irini»punation and inland navigation ; to Insure against
ln«« o»daiuagc by fire. Dwelling House*, Warehouses,
Buddings in general. Good*. Wares, And Merchandise,
und evei y description of personal property on the most
favoiohlc term*.
Application* Uir Insurance aitendcd to without delaT
at the office, No 30 Wood strrel.
AT an Election held at linfoflice m N..Y-, .May I2tb,
iho lollowiog named scutlcuicitiwere chosen Diteciora
o| ilu* Company, lor the cii«uih£ year, vir
Joseph W-. Savage, Stephen Holt,
John Brouwer, John McChuin,
WillminG. Ward, William W.Campbcll,
. John Newhouse, Jacob Milter,
ICiliiiunS. Slocum, Marcus Spring,
Jolin F Mackie. Joseph 9. Lake,
John J. ilcrrick.
And sta subsequent mertingof the Board, JOSEPH
W SAVAGE, Ewj., was anaimunusly rr-eteeted Pres*
idcnl for the cnsnyig year. Wm.J A.MKH UOGf.S,
jy-JU Post A. Journal copy _ • —Secretary.
fHMIK Insurance Company of North America,
X through its duly authorized Agent, tlio Subscri
ber, ntlcrs to make permanent and limited Insur
ance on properly, in this city and its vicinity, and
on shipments by the Canal and Rivera.
John C. Smith Pres'l.
Alei. Henry. •
Sautl. \V. Jones.
Edward Smith,
John A. Brow n,
John White,
Tho«. I*, (-'ope,
Wm. Welsh.
Co., N*i« inland 1)4 Trout *i»,
|!m» <« I-Vi-mikii* Dint t;»* Fix
j,k« ni ulr.-u*-* ca«l
ll„in lh> luli-vl ill!|ilu, rd |<Bl
trri" unit wttiiitnird •->|ual m
km Almi, lira*- Cu-tini’*,
f»lu-h*-d >l mJilt-d «1 i,. I n
t• ii,>- - ]>ni u|> iirniii|iilv iiii.l mi
'Phis i* l|ie nhlcst Insurance I nmpany in the
| Initcd States, having been chartered lit 17D4. Its
charter >s perpetual. auJ fmiii its high standing,
Inin' eiprrience. ample mean*, and avoiding ail
r„k« id an eiira hazaidmo, character, it luay be
considerrd an oltenng ample senirity lo Hie public.
At <‘minting Room of Attvdnd~JnUr« A* .Co.,
U'jii-r and Front titfocls, Pittsburgh. aptll-tf
Ag nisi l.o*e by Fire—The FRANKI.IN Ineu
ranee Cnmpioy of Philadelphia,
WU.L_inaio Insurance, permanent amlliuntcd,
on every dew’.nuUon of nropeitv. in FITFS-
Itt'KtiH aud the SI'KROUNDINti COtINTKY.
on f.itorable terms. Tin', company ha.-i a petpelnal
CAPITAL, 5J00,1K« pud in..
Ulhce corner ol 'Hurd and Market »l«.. t iltsb'gh
Anerlcau Fire luiuraucc Company
Off,, u
1 naure*- Mereh«nd>»«*, Furmiure undptop
erty not lit an ha**'*!"* 1 * ebaracter, »g«t«*t low or
'“jSJhr’.wiw'for msorrfneoLin Pittsburgh and it*
A it«.h*nj wdl be received, and risk* taken either
mr limited jieriod*, on favorable tenoi by
prrK' uaJ D gEO COCHRAN. Agehl
novl'j No 86 Wood *l.
! VOL. XIV:-—NO. 217
RIDGK ROAD. .abmo Buttotityuod Street. Phil
adrtphia At thu establishment may he found
variety ol'PLami anti beiuliful Patterns "
for IKON RAILINGS in the Loilrd>
which the attention oi tho.’C lit want ol'uny dcacriri
lion.and especially for CniUflnriK. in lumiculariv
\f The pnucipai'part iii ali tlic iinidiouia Railings ;
’ at Lao el Hill. Monument, and other celebrated
iVjpetenes in the Pity ami county tri Phil’irfrlplii.v,
which hue been en highly cvtoiled hy'tfie-piiblic
press, were eiceuttJ at thu m umfirtnry; ‘
A Large YVar.-sßoom is connected willi Ihr eatab- •
Itshmeni, w here is kept constantly on h.iit.l n Large
Block of ready.maile.ilno Railing] fliit.nri':n!jl Inin
Suttees. Iron Chairs, now -tyle ;it|i'm -.n.i <.r;,nnc«) •
ml Iron Galea, with an eitrr..-m /-yJ ■otlmeoi <-f Lou
Posts, Pedestals, iron Arbms. ,\:r- Ai»i*. ii'.giiMt
variety, \Yroughl and Ca.l lronOrn.:i.n:ntv, srr.tahie '
for Kailinn, and other purposes, j 1
The cußscriber would also that in h;s L'at
tern and lYcsigning Department iU has employed -
some of the bift talent in the countrc, whote whole | “
allcnlion is ucvolcd to the tuj6incss—-iVtrinir j; nltn*
getherone of the most cmnplctu aurt syUuraalre im.
tjblislimenls of the kind m tli» 1 'niea.
KOBP.KT WOOty, Proprietor.
- Ridge Koad, dbmc B-rU''itniiiid ktrcct. <
PbtlAdelpbiOf March P 2.« 1817 dfimor . * ,
Tnr ani»**m.yer yvatcii; ,
Hold Levers, full - SAifiO . -
Silver do ih* \ -27<i£>i . a
(•uld Lepdirs jewulkd. rHIOU'-- ' '
Silver ,do do. ! 15 >V
Silver Ljunniers, fine ijual.iv,. «It> t-0 - :
Gold YVatchp*. plum, * ‘ V 5 tk>
Silver Speciarles, j l 75
• Gold iVueilv t* «> ■-» ;“L
(.old Ilrarelrt*, j 4 Ml
~ Al*o,oi|hsiid. a large Mitnrimriil|of Gold mid Iliatr ;
Uraceleis, linger ring*, treao pitt*. ho,. |i »m n»cr,, 50!. I
puns, silver »t>oons, *u/p»r urn*., lUmil.h-H, f>((ld',neek ?;
vcurh mid fob rbains,guurd key« and
jb**cripuon, at equally low pfli i-•». 'All l is u call. ' — ;
to convince cutiomer*. j
All kinds of Watches and OlikjVs repmird .iml war keep good tiine tor one year; eld gold aud sit- '
vcrlKUightor taken tn exctianKc. •[
I'or sale, eiehtday ond noTtv-hmir hrasa , fUo<:k* > , ai •
YVatch, Clock, and Jewelry Stury. No 4l i}...Matkc , . ,
street, above Eleventh, North ■»!»•, t'liibdrlphia. ' V
ff~y I have some Gold and Silver Lever* still cheaper '
Ihau the above pneer. i jatSltlin :
•• • L«ks or-Uamage
and'vi.'irulv, on
:■ igs, aiul on Eurni-
u.rliap. un the most
Annuel RrfHiks,
. Charles Taylor,
Sami. K. Smith/
Ambrose White,
Jacob M. Thomas,
John K. Nell,
Hirhani Wood,
ArthurC. Colliu.Sre.
__ STEAM UAMMtK. .. ’ . ,
rplllS Hammer po4»esjeB taanyndvajitagfi over all. '■
-X others—among which may he■uieimoite,l,
Its Manugeablenesa—The rnpidilily uhiTTjrceof blow ■
may he controlled with the greatest en«e, whiiclihc
haumet_is in operation, and the hammer niay in- -
•tamly arrested, and suspended at uny height.' 1
lu Uuivefsahly, or capacity to execute work of all
kinds, from thelarge«l to the sntnllcxl,' ua.ler the snmc
lu Simplicity, CerupnetncK* and Cheapness. '
Its Accessibilnyupon all sidei>j h.* lliu vvorkmi-n.
Ali the-hammers are made Self*A cling.
The subscribers'continue to exectin; oidcrs for tliesi*.
haramcrc, of allsizen. upon rcoMiitable terms.
For further particulars, mnuire of
Assignees of the Patent lor the United States,
JcelMy Southwark Foundry, Ptitlad’a* __
Ri'lg* Read, abate Sj-ttng G‘ariim|s'f/«cf, Philadtljihie. ■
T 'HIS establishment is creeled on an improved plan,
JL and by the aid of Steam Power manufactures nil*
kiudsof Marble Work In a superior style, und at the
lowest prices for Cash. ' - -
The largest and best ossortment'of Marble Mantsis
ever be fere offered to tha public may he sceuauhe
Ware' Room, to which the attention of purchasers is
respectfully invited. >.
Imported Garden Statuary and Vases of the most
tasteful designs and patterns. madr~i?Llhc finest'nnd
handsomest description of Itaimn Marble; Tiles.lor _
Flooring, Imported, and always mi iinutl, and fi»r sale at
.the most reasonable price*. i
fryAltable Cutters can be supplied at all times with ’
any namUc* of finished Munteix or Table Tops, ut re
duced wholesale prices; und the Trade wTI! he futuished
at the shsrtcst notice with- all kinds of Marble tn the
block, or cut to sizes for Monument*. Ac
Ridge Road.above Garden i-t
Phllad'a.t Fehiuary 3. le*47. tnawttin
i Manufacturers’of
No. 384 South KrouL Strict,
Bark of T. A. Wilson’* Cabitid JY’ure MannJ'tj „•
Al.t. «tnl'*rc. IpA wiib S. S. Moon, n: tl>«* ndkor»i .il,u
Hotel, I’lii-ttiif--;!., will Lo promptly
utiftiilo.l to thus <; j>::qk\'
'rj-n*-.tiy _ a. C NICKERSON
"TO U'ATCintAKKUti auit i>KA7iiiT?r
TMI’ORTJ-.R of Wmch.":. \V’a:t:(m,^!; t: , •- Tr-ok., i>mt
1 Wauli.Materials, wholesale *n.l r,M:ni,» Jß .i roc <
y on ban*! a lat<e a»s.nnKttw>f'itr*, 4‘sn-m,
HJJ'I rinin Sla:n»pmurj. V.-m-/"., tYmr'i i and o enihplcie H-sorum-nr or'aliTeotj, m.<l Ala
!er.»i* bfl.anr.iir. ■»» ilte 11 v!.-; with a inr.'c-a=«<miiu M
of Gold and Silver Lenr. l.rjiim-- mid J’lam
fill of v. hu-h he will juaraiuj- lo u-li u t|,p laivr-i w\v
S’ork price'. All orders tTom thi country r-muMnnily
N.'ll —Onmury Merchant* and other! nr* itv.-tfl i.y
rail and examine at ilil OIJ 5*1:11,d, ,N.i :f; iv.itr-ti
•li.i'et. Hnledelpliia-
"T/./.M.U Oivi I u.Ull .IXO
KgftJJKT A.t, I . : !>.. Ur [• :.i C't’if \-
Witj.m. rf*!-.riiii!)v it.i->rni»
■ ““ “ir, i thr f-i Mi.-, tli-'l l.i I;., ; J r.,1l kc*-p
■•.4»lli<llv • U l.'.rvl m.,1 <• r -.1 . ! . ..Uw 4<v>i , {
ili> irt) l-rit i.Uiinrr.i)i wl,, i- j mir rnl.
- W Hap
V.’ it Wood'.V.lld
DAUAJ.KV & CO., wi«,Wiir
O rr* in 'JVn., Imiißfi. Ac . S n 'r
;rfH. lir'ntt* Sillh North Mdi*. i'lrtrtfwlfS .o
HKfIIOVAI. V f.Ult),
I TAKl*thi'method .m n iiirihit;; innnL* in the public
jeiirrull j ; f.*r the ven |>:itiuita|;e I'tUmvvd
on nir, herv|<,tore, and I tm»i,l>y unci attention to lm>i
or.«s to merit the mute pulnmujje :>i jho large uttJeoni
tnodiou* uarehoine, coiner uf \Vwil ntnl Cth sdrret.s,
iq pain occupied l') . I’. A Ki>lnie»UvW A (Aj—
where itty <«tiob of ftnideii IVin,t. n,] Tkiwer Seed* uit.l
Agneutinral Implritient-i. uiU-'li..'!i.iii il itue- ittnl>ui the.
lirrt quality^
I would cordially invite alilo en!l ntnl *r>- me. at my
new «t*nd. i / :
ttiehl“ilAi\»l-' S S \VH'k’t'.HSllA.M,S'fil«na)i
— hue l.i-eii ijiaili: loi'ttmic
..L> iicwni of Certificate No IKS, dated Januaitl:.
KjlS, tor lbi»ty»\. rharet 01 the capital stock ot the
cninpany IbSercetmi: n lindge over the Uaer.Moiui:!.
guild*.opposite J l On.fictile
•been destroyed by fire or hn>L
UOI.rVAU PIRK bricks ' "
V\rARRaNTKD ouperiur U> the li'e>t K iriinii ••Stmrr
» V Undue,* on hand mid lof »nt.- at llie XV:•.a 100 ,t;
“Siokii'a W hsrf,"Canal HaMn.
Win V Young. *C-Ihm-rii* ,F Piunkrit,
WAREHOUSE Nos. W Water and 104 Firatsireet,
Pittsburgh. The Ola** mauufaeiured by ti* i*
warranted equal lo an/ ui ilie country.' All orders
will receive prompt atiention mid tilled on reoaonablu
ira*. .Merchants and others visiting ili4 city'ora ih
ed locall befpre purchasing elsewhere. tcbU
i A. LKDOUX Jfc COT, : “T
AGENTS (brJ U Armaul’s Extrnsivi; Steam Sugar
Refinery. Always on hand, a large *tqck.of Lsiuf,
Powdered,-Crushed, Clurified mid UaMatdiSugan, in
Tierce* and llarrels. Also, Sugnr House Mousse*.
Prices libcrkl nnd a fair allowance made mi nil -ules
of. or above. Sil barrels. mehll
DEALER ia Trimmings SnU Variety Good*, Tortoise
Tbcll. Ivory und Horn cutnbs, Woollen S nrns nnd
Worsteds, Butloni. Needles. Pius, Tapes, llimd*.
No 63 Market tit between Diamond and 4ih street*
Pittsburgh. jyjodly
A BLACKSMITH \VA.\TKb-A yny'njjnun'
acquainted with IMantntion work, ran.have per
manent employment at food wspe4~in ahi-olthy part nf
Northern Mutii‘ip|n, For further iufornintinn snplu
No vC «<w»> n
A CARD. - - - -
A RIS TH ItOCKMOUTONheg* lo nequnint h:R
/i — friends ihflt he is again l#**ce of jllL- <• A I.T '/
HOUSK, I-ouiiviUe, Ky ~ where Ik* hopes n> men »l! t
hi* old assuring ifirm uml ibe pnhtic.ihoino
elon •limit b« Spared 10 make ali comfurtnlde who favor
Irrnovith ihrirlpairmiagc .‘janlldly
(A . ViNl|ifi ROHE». .KoTrrinirKvrT--
green*, Ac , suiuihlc for planting in Ccinetr> , »
can he famished on application at the seed Vinrc,
frr>m Nur*cnesof Jas. Wardrop, Mmiclmier
mchlßtf' No l.hL v.m wcf-l KmlCih M* :
/ iOLU WATCIIKS—A laive am) «up»:t;or a*-
V J Ktrimem now on hnnd, and lor rale ill the P.UMeio
pneea. A4io, (iold I‘haiii* and Key*, and a general
assortment of fine Jnvr+ry. .XV W WJI.SON
up 9 cor Market and Fuurth »'«s
A W .v^TKp— Wani’-d n pood uuluMrious Rov.
»*. lo attend iB & Kiocerv Slin* The hc*t of iel"i
rnre required. Apply m
apdtl F SKITZ. 1 •*-« I.rh/ijV ’ire.-!
/iROt-’Nt) At.i.SPinr. r.j.nnmmi i.nd i.-!ovr*. 1.1
V T li'il*, l»us»-A and * mail par Inm* eo-'inn/i on hmt-i
and liir *ile ai die Mu-inid and ypiec Fiioini’v .i’f F.-tu
M*rrn , |rpV * Al.l’idf‘<
IA M prepared. in do all kir.J* or Cat-rnei
PrilV, iVivnm C , ha.r*.n;.i.r', a r.mi.-«~
OrdeV'Tvil .a Ml NoMr .in ri. 1,1 «>•pifw.rtly allci'd
ed mi i
41 J'llf p»ii.i,|.<f ad I-’ J r >TI A R«.
" CA>aX MOA'i* hi KM It ill',
IIIAVK <«• ‘lore arr.l dr -
Dunk FrUinr*
rfaroer, ii**l r.'-n-in.i-i. * <>■ '■'< L-iid-:
And all‘"her mu*'l."i • o.'- i;-*. "'..i1l i • «ip
v mid u‘ "«iri'r-<'d.rt'o>i"-iiiH U'.M N01.1.1'
UII 'ln Store r.pjurnt* ■)■.■• I)?n n< I'.lt«i.ur n h. '] l n
VI.I pei *«.Ji I il.i<ir»«,.;ve* |(uM.;:-d tn l; ~
Uir linn of d ii’Dni.r. are r *j>ei t*t,Uv
n.niliej m < uil and ‘-m,. [he,,- n-t uui.m wah-'iu .‘rlav,
wnli li.e under-i“llid llie.who are dnty •nitlmr. •
red lu'ellh op |l.e hu\ It,.- Ulr tilin' ’
> 1'.K.1.A KKiiW'M*
mi'll!t*/11l m I ,1,, v .«
I ihKIIIiSOIP WAS rt I> - I*nf >» >i>' If-an .'a.
l.f Yolk, !'• ) erjM'Ol are; |J * :!0 ‘f li.e |. ip.-e|.
ulde Gnromernpi KkUidirhirim: >n lit* rnj. A* ai» "
far deelie «iI Ini |>nr< MO II.:i; I-., > ne.nM ‘IC .liilr a 1 r:n\v •
■ rdpe l.niiiie** a *hiu!l rrun : eftit’>.ii w.iul.l ii.i'v lei
reijuire‘l for Ihejii h K'..'in,i -r im had li>
4‘ililor«l" Ha/ette. • np^it
WttVtßliUt, U’hi»ler»le (:.,„--r,Koixv irdmc uri.l
• lA>minj*inon Meri'h.uil, and. UralrrTO’
and PiiMi'UTßli .Manuiiiriuur, comer ni Water and
j HmuMield «i«. tiHjlauifU, I’b "
JKRRKY PKACII-TH.KKS-iiiiijiH Trcetvrd
from New Jeney in good order, nod mr iate st
Ihe PilittUi rh »4eilru,ie ruMlcf jitld tifa •i>
ap . .. S N'WICKKKMI.VM,
r :^y--
tu.l .iewtipiiont*
iftJ M«i->ited in'