r~ : PITTSBURGH: ? MONDAY MOII.NfNO. AJ im. 10, IS4? j rrj-Tiir rrrr«*cfi«it *»***-» j* po-i!. pa‘->'t Tri-V'/'-'-l !>. " fWi;. Hiv ihul) i»>rv. r. Pollai»t*«‘«’ annum. » ll, sL r ’ " '• Si? - I n«- J»o}:af« p< r annum. ti»* 'Vrp»n - svo I'u'.'ji. i«t ruuAm, ’tni-iiy It a tritrSr ' *s 1 o A*-llr!u nm x;u\ ku.suu jX si * iuv i s j LUES run ('i ui V! M iNKi: JOSK I* II W . I* A TT O X STATIC CK.NTKA I. COM SI ITTK !•' K litAMll,!\ 1.:..-, if. rf JOHN O Kt.NKU. Immcii.-i • THOMAS OINVaa. Ja.MJ.n M AIU IN. TIIUMAM t: HAHJjI.i \«xk wii.l.l a*i st svArr- ••un.i..^ Hasii.i, m >\r. m:« (*.it..m- JOII \ |* vs KTIIKUM.t. •• • -l r'- •• JOSKrtl It CIIANU!.' !■ itoiiKin r «(isit.v i' TIIOMA- Mi Illt.S'l •! l'l. ! . nft.fXH I.C rilitK !:• ri . itnuKirr M ti si:i> i nni!.;; TiiiritiW-M i m ki-.nnan v. , i ANIiRHW J <‘f.l.l r • ■ MAltMAtl IM*\ 'V \iir-vn-. IUCHAUI) lUWIN. V. iii.rVn Kt'llNr-, . n j HAi.kiN • J< I) MAX'S ILt.l. Nnn;,4iij|.:..- ; J II S.M.jSiU ItS r.LiiAN.s.N s'lim, s»n... saMih.i. a i>« i:s't ssi 1 k it..- - HKSUS * l-.V A N-S.« - Koisi:tt i’ r oht:*. Mu i r. n«... a triMii; uriiNA vista 'Sjvr't'.i arj: the i-mf). u r ’>‘’ I l '' ■!j:irminji -’I -.v.iik-. i>l fflrtn th r u.-i.< v- X-, t\ Jajyir (vt.« >•;/!*.<, ju C'lropiuy v.iih a 'rrv«||,-.l ..wi roir.c ‘.'•l tin* l-taulltui l.vn I ill.- rit-igM-.r5 •>( iru 1 ( ;iv. Kmfrciru ■ d.iuii* >ii ttjn' like Hie rflr ni;’t.i ar.mtul t? generally. I •»}.'• the (Sor/nitnent will tint he,.l«-. Ali.l l-Hit :srT‘J w.ifr, :i-rhaii’' ;!imn !-*!• igi us'llu* jtiiuco of punters wo ir.looii. :ih. ruhernj rary rro-»n!s of w.i- .1:1.! Mci*l. our rv iif :my ll.ti.u ;>l hoiao "S upon which r.o> reger etc.* hail i v,r f t*'*'*" Vj*tn” i° llit* r!a-*:<‘ 'grouixl of war an battle in Mt-iko. ut eii.-ccrate it a* hon— m. heroin our c»n nershborho'-J, ?y pointin' if. trrtißgn .who rna> v>ii u-. t*> vt-omr* (ir more t!i lirhiful than thr* mwtv Rm.V cm'c turJs i n - Mexietj. Titer;? to a country within a f- w moment.. ri< yf par jf'i’iut HuU'-. of i:ir beauty <•! which fc hate the inoft iU-la:it conception. Jar an tin: eye cm reach it ih a Itinf t't dcltgh' {rforjK c’.*» lur t • '.hr v<. .uui vam-J by all th Waiincj-’ et liniilit! t-nl'i\!.ti>ij ainl bold r><'ri 4 natur*' m ail ix«*x Vanr.l ntif*.— 11* al-jn,; tviuia \*« , kiu-wn i'V the |'ilMi (id Mrrbajiic’i' Tutm-ikc c brought •« n Fur flrnu ,: ’ i;*i n thue «. t.iin-, i:.c el mi i" one .•! 1 hi* r.i’arCft aa anJ npj-n tin orlur w uh inn-s-t tr< the lii't|’ht a pm.-p. ft that a pat; .rcvellci! in With delight. Oaki; they called the laud tv-l.iM-.u*, wi ami liefer, wo boj*-.. tale cot .V. were .|n>intp*f j'tioj k of the tn'ii. combining pfrgancc ..t 11 f w, country life, Jo worthy f in' u:i wcvjM cjij >y t b-v-sij i.: i.i>.>r. ri s>th* the cluster ci- e-iU.ii;.^ areumh add a real charm to tti* happy to e. onJ f-ren for more boautilut habit liefott? IK. Till- t’-rtih: Klitef of t seen train iho pnm-'ut .rn y which nr— onuM hardly , ii ro ni about .ml t"!>w f>r gD*. which ought t-r he I'i-V neighVirboc'.l •*( » ri'y'hku The river iirit j tr . rje f bathed in ligt!, •if--'- *-• I |>.v .<• (if hiiVtn it- ini’li' - . lull-c-tli' h!c*iiliiipL'"i!.h"i!:r Mu.-. *-| > inq rivalry. Ail tin* h ; .-In and liv in<»r«* ct<*' iti*.! 1 pi north and ra.-t, our ui-h !* ...Ifynod." '*«ci. a 1-l.uij- .1 of -Nature :u.«l lh<- ! livlm iu ono qr.7.i\ This ftranqer who p Hill, Irvund railing Kun/ within feet of drr.rjis oftho’nch return l! a furUim onward vi.-i?. Of jnr.dun'.arilv inquired: —U miluW of a pMjvcitii h- nil ed this •sit'*, :ii o:»«t ?-.» c{> ninntj that if fairly l nmi;' tancel (>):! firn'-d Ktehai! ns*!ns|icr.fd vridi Iss* s-hnif a? ti ic. though '*l*o c! tii hiHork-v t.i nohh atr.irlurn, which E; rcarc ! there hy j-hn.'in'hr.' 'instiiuti'ia det-iened to ail dweare, and to smooth tL*>* tote T.icrc tire many t>cauii ■in.'lhc ntighhurhood id tl no#t attractive* <*nc v;.* !;; not ll.avo ii in Die haunt m not l»i* aqrecuMe to itic-imt that it hhouid l**' in thr ,, n yet f r fat in Ibe fooatiy aril recjolpnt a' t^'-< to th r* n-'Me on’>r| fi r. ihi* Wisdom nl othr-.: to li —tbost of a dicci TT«Hi lj'.« pr.tri h; prfjuJtct'* enamel i Hospital. Thor*' in i ;s, bard as, it nny bp • pi tala on Mtat«*n I d jn very roiJet *«1 tin' unify and city. V uJJing, but 'an uwi •irhilanUof the mat. <.* u '• 't-rroen-bavo voted u» j. J, Wool and w, .1' Buena Vi-tn am •*1 r-.d, the puHi*' bu r cu otic I the fjaUaut *M | tV'r** sl ' 1 bilUc,. tl* c j f an«j iho bdi I M•• >| I : . t VK -C*»|rT>» *AT a - vc iKc aj'poir ’| iclVr ’• | • . J. ildhn | i;.'rw //• CvU> nnl fell in vill Ik- lii-pl.ij r.l at throughout thr t-»iy. PoiST. TIIO f'»l' <>l the r,\.-rultvc of li»t* -•! t t fit- l:Jv ih*' I :iih.. in | 711). ;’jo Mil). • ih»- „ , : tljr tUlh. Sry G. Letch, y... - " Jrr MeCv } George. H'. fcnzrr { George T. Hatch, • Adolphus l'. i* Riston, wr «’«' it noriynona cKi!ilnrn^/<>' , /»/ viit lie daughter <>t •-.[nrlady endowed with m n t ir«f nlttacti'Hi. nml -‘nr, D«T ibetcil. Tin. lATi'Cirru baa left a tamily of l> * orphan*. His wife ’ crcry pfcr«»ual and \ who will luoii-l'O >« i Tinned, was also a broth k 'hijt member of ri.iign-p< imuH K. Vinton. \ ' Cayt. VlntiM*. wr j . ' er of llio dirtinfiiii^w "•« frato Ohio, the Hon ▼ . — > - i Til* Km?»*rri!*j | 1 aigpcd by Courwl 1‘ AViW*. : l»sh ih« prosecution, and : Judge Loweir will i tTuh case was ably .rfh side® ‘»n Haturilay. _nd ’Knox, speaking for IJuikc for the defence. ; his decuion on Monda , • learn that order "once more reigns in this *cc. on o< country. There arc miny runs it.- given ju> u> the origin (if’ifcr.* ret>;u!''io*u but the lu'.t r-pim .n ii. the: it com.'utneoi ( Jen. tKeartiry left fi.r GaUforui®. Fr.*niitbc very foil torrr sjvinJenrc of thr K:. Lou:*- which ;Wc }-y front #v, learn 1:0: on !.':«• I4:h ih-.ii -i 1«■ j .Itinuvv. Gov, tell S-itita 1 c !<• all.'’ ••! !••] ii- niie Im-inct* a' Tan*. On la*. ~liib, luldruniuuu »>4 I;*» l'..i l'lin- I'V .ill lmli.il. V-ir..; su Alm-fiO-ltl--. i: l ! ;>«•«■II H.llfJrH.l a! ’I (»•« ilia! -HI **'» -.n.1 tb*‘ IViRi mmi. "• c”trnin; ■ n £»r. mp-li«i'C ili oti tii>> t.i.jil to j 'll- ■■'} if i’.' v 1 iti .V-i.ij i*<-, ati.l -li '•’•ty «»■ Aui.-n.- an*. “Ini lin.l \\ idi .'ln r nujsViy ul ll.'l V 1 ->’. R.r . l.iiM.llU'l V.,1u;..i '• rim • a.j^ r , !i imp ifci’i l «' l •' w '* I""' 1 11 M ->-j. Tin- l • r.pitk'c -I 111}’ march, n 1-U. it , i, .--.'•■t-il Wiib -m-w l-orn .mo jin 1 .!••* ]■. •>!-..! -.11 w i11..ml V" r-l "f c Itt !.,/• n, tn -Ti l hi- .hjiy. 111..- .1.-. K 11ri.j.i.,1 Hi' !•- C.i,.' it.. if kili.'ii ;«ji! •.<- r,,l till' . t •(!! ilill.V • I a Ij. , :i*.| ti - «ltll wlirfi 1 «UH.V •.viil'-.l t'l.-'ii- felt. .1 •t' ih«- . ii.’uiy. iVi'tn mi.* t.. i’ll.- iimul-.'i' I In- li.-Jiifi' rxrkiiii'l ;,f t ,iV,tlu 1 r-i » Ai.uii-li.l -..•ii. Htif’-.-m died ~e »t (J.iv. IP m, and Mr. I. >al. Ih'iri' l Attorney, nvr*' hum ;hl In thin place ai i| interred with appropriate hnticr-*, ou- hilled, and ninrteni n-rrlv vrouinlcd, in'n n! of whom so ill died. V-— M — ■ 1'Bfll! Tilt: .IKSII ,ITS,I.\T.I TL. c‘ M«r■< T-um. '.Hi m-h* fri'in Sinin />. |.*i Hr rotd tr V/-,.0 , - thulh >•/ (V/)/. Hiifb,. r7o il.‘o r.> mu! th, .uitrdtr nj .Utnr.i. f'i lit ir, Wttid'\ lUI'I t’U'er eilizt ns of .If j.viu'i, “f fhnr imu : *.mr , 1 nth other inri d’-n'it oin,, of (»uv.,Bent. M I Mr. Leal ai».l "thcis. ai.d >1 ihe dtsatjoetjon t rji. Miguel. he sent tin order to t’apt llenly, wli 11.i.l lx «n station, d in taut ucinulHArhuod. as wed l l.k>- 1 barge .if the gmy.mg -parlies as to prole, (’apt. Murphy, who a' expeouM ».oii In L*c thci money ;ir.i.n St. 1. un—u c dlcct all hi • •ee-. -nd to t-ut down any ut'empt :U a revolt mi, and gne c-ni'n) to I’apla.u Muiphy. ic narni! »•' U.iail, sudilnily if a rval Hu. iu I'dliraring oj- the Murders at Moro town, he k p.nrtid immediately in that place —a battle ini.-un in which he lilted #wei a! of the rueiny und 100 tilUM.it prjM.i:iS« rs. wh 1 are noiv ‘mthe calaboose,: ihi' pi ice. anil wa him... if -burning a f.i J'bc t’apt. I ad the femeral utti’M divided Inf mu-ket ball, md s i<>n died Irutn I -as ot hi »«*J.— If a Uid } resent, Ins valuable h •night \\/w Men su'etl Th- troop, mired. In l.ij.k wi/i.them the body ii.iii!:- tr« • • .•«. In ffrtnl «. v eril, hav l-bowii lhatlUviiinri.il ro«hmg t.j h 1 1 1 born liied. by the relebrated Moutay.i.j 1.1 K and hi- i.f.T 1.. Ibr [C. pb- . f Si. e it.l • die U...!r*f < ' ! I’rit •' wlide he wt Murphy and securing the rt» -.«■-> 1 d, would be “viry useful in r.irrvuli tl'o,” ai.d, at th" saint* time. Lev to fvperw fin bun >d l| .ui*o. g:l V?lllehlllU I IneSi. h.- sii . fh- rev It II rcJ idem • j ■! i.ll tit'. *W. tViTi . (V-'thoiwliAroi.itn tudrd 1 y). l‘il c'.'sM'l'l—.'aid id ' i '. Ms !.. !:• re' l’ 11 t. .V-0.i.. • -A !•: >oofi ? r e.nt'l l'|. < r.M.'l 1.. r tifvi* vtr-.n.-i ih.ui 1C 1 ! r • v>.:y umcii . Ho r.nb ndod.ru.nl' feel i\‘V war. b.ut hi.!-f.. lat.-K v.e n.cirl . !;-ir- (.: >l.‘n the d> -'.l uel'.jn .d iibe iry *.f, iti.l l! • villi-.’u| c, •rnc in for 1 lint and r afi-'t in Iho;,r.- u. >1 mlb till* Ore: 1 .r:. i. : t 'ni. I’m e »r>i! the <»f ,\n ku» 1. :te. Stm . .tin-.: on lie- H-dunl tmd t-j;v -1 hm< ,t.< r. 1.-!i»t! N-r i* >n. ami waft »u : m..ia >V' J . told him In l was her l >• r -on had tl il. tt.ii -he was in the vi-'ld. Ti e C i| 1,. | ; ,1 i li.-r it was-piuToi to him li* h.i Tin c:m<. ni ai y sorrow to h' l hut hisMofy to hi*. d.U’tuy would not allow him to liberate h'-r iwa. siie rfpltej that she'wcut l pledge nil she was w.yih. if he .Ton!-! n lr.ase hi:.-., th.it In would never « ng-ic*’ in. aii.i'dii.r M-volulion. Ihe H i|.ii:i hc.fT.lil it.>t ii>ten U» her |>r.ip.r;al. *ho thru nlTered to hi.l him in any ommhiJ; t<> whi.-h the r ■!. rrphed. that thf Civil autli.fjty alone e.iuld il. rule en th V..-rmtler. M. D. iiKitulion i!!w..uid hr. mounted by th - : «.j fi-nspiiU'-uj-ls ’ • . ' . M-iTti>-r ,‘f fi.nrrn ir Unit — Mr. d sfflcctic l , m ■ J ■ - . L , r . Jaw* U \ L-:ul, Hi.-truf .l/.'.-.r s-v — 1 At'ch-i/* the suin-mrs : I'sv > I'u.hlo 1 Italian -' bad Teen ronfmed in the. al l'a')'. t't ernoo. S' >r Indians, fr -i:i It., .r village, v-vo im'H dif'Vnt. r.irnr tt-e pm-'l. mu' I'l-inn’id.-il their f!< v«e I. .I.cc. t :.e a!i‘ I :‘l. ]*ifi-• i‘ hi• 11 '»• WnU Id ■ m Jnij.-I he r. ;uic.l, hr wi* »'-.*uMn Ojint.lv wilt., ihe ih-in *h"n :be f’roftTto (.'..rn>*lir- Vi^il. n lktcair.in, eanie in at-d torl*»-h it. Ip- Innrun* killed litm and Mr. Ln: imin.-i.ahdy. and r«li-J#ed die Ji'.e mrrs. Tiirv thn. pwcMd.-i t-iward,. the 1.-ld, nc- :'l fj.-.v. Iterr; hut i-Mrf .in H 1.1 he rv;.. ml. Tired hy i fn«-n I of d.nr .i;.;n.ir.ch. He h-.-l lirni- to dr.->s hnu- U (tor it wa* e-.-lv) and pat »o'i.i-i v jvinJ-; -ml <■•> •«: I’i-.'y'dli ..i di • Indi. ~n- w* h- dntirn-Cy heard. A w<-man m the house ,idvis.,l him to tijht a-, h*- hi ! n-veral h .ts 1-n h--a.d that w.-ulj he ufelt-.* iMth o:d; a crowd 1/f .-..1 i-es. Hi:, uhj. rl-* was to C< t min tile sln el and -’l l •» i-i-t niee tr-un such tmn ls ts he rould meet, "f U) Inde tiimsi ll ud Im e mid make hi.. »-r tpe. Hi- own h-i U-e ha 1a ! »'»•; vanl m {n-ni with a hir.lt wall nrihMr-m:,' jz'*u; fu-.wti no th&t >ueei.->i that way win ditheii't. I i-’Hi fine .d tii-s r.ioius there tsiii* a window whnl. ••j-nid into the bouse of nnoihcr li.’m n, -.vh’ch.tv.t. »ui niedijii !y on tbe street. Thromtli ti.is iu> w:m px«>mi;.’wbeH he leceiwil two arrow-«Mm the Lull i?.r wh » hail cow red the ii >u-v'iopH. ,;ol this is HTI. \V r tv< rv mm, for a or sujiertniini •>f iuimhi-ss. 0 lltflppt til rr l.n New Ymk, orfl A 1 IVI wi- St lo aJiuui-Mi f tn ir.d dotitute hi pin n.-New Y»»tx lJoatd itiU to Gci>. Tay* t-» tin- il.wir aiu! n.*k<'-t *i*j* {»•■• i|„ ~ Was ibry ii» ii.»lhtt:;; h<- u,'a*i die. About ibis lime they fum'd m*n!i i., c - liou*.-, wijrr. th-y -h-u bim through i; « UHt/anJ kii!'*'l him Tlnam-s^h- 1 * l -‘- klrr |«wiih fiavan" I ip I'.ieof for. Leal, the District Atminey. wa* -nil T» an I ryrv. ami as thru’ bndnri in-» tint satisfy Ifiein.ihry scalped him -line. An eye “ays. that Ins l‘crcnim- wi it* einniph i * :m*vf tin 1 heart of iho 'a'ar r J y< t tl.lndian* protruded n* he ami tmv at tin' »)ijr of (•<«<*. in a chitrrh nf their own. rrhji'h wnhl a- a smirUiro. do rfr-diMoinnrr r<‘- tinoil -cmrtv. After tnriimtic MV. heal fur a l«mc tinjc they. finally despatched him. ami threw li«> Ixijy mio tin- rttfia-l, where the hefts I'eastcil im it fulsome time, when .Mrs. Uruubic.n.wifn of Judgr Ilepni’ieD, wta (fortunately fur him) Was at San •a Ke. (jail him interred. Thi-y murdered also tfjr son of Judge llcaubicn, an<|r scalped hirn. This young man had just re turned from the States, where he had helm at ed 001. some fifteen miles from Fernando, tcrcral Am eri'-ans forlifiedthemselveF, with thrj hope orbciiig ah e m beat off the llu| their effoita w. re ‘boy were all murdered. Xhctr names' are as followst Simeon, I Utley, AU>crt (y( Oper, Wm. ilatfuhl, Lewis Footle, Peter Hob ert, Joseph Marshal, Win. Austin, Mark Head m'-n recover. s?c will again raaicti u. our former «ta(i.rfi at Albuquerque, h tumoffd hriv that •trie luiier I’cr!*! * In.'iwith tliu X iv ij >*, will r*s" ajjair.st tbe'M. u .u. . ..n.! u’Rf ar»- bound t> protect tile laitor. we -ba l have [ijetity to do—*o l.Hik OUI fut more ‘iet.,ri.,. It tcsaid to day Lbit 'dr 1 Vt j-gJSI. Vratn will l»e r ’conicnfu.h d «.jcer" t of-Gw. Bent, Mr. Si \’rirn j->-'! •'• ■> mu'.y ib-.-u jbie ijual l*ea lion 1 .r the s-3t;on—c.'d and ufiJaiiiiled courage, knowledge of tire civ.!';, and pl<* and langu •ige, and p .jiulardv avi b !. th Mexican- and Am.neai;,. Shell::.I t.e *• d it W-uld iri'-i't wuh ni'iv.-N.! r.. ; .au-i.. Th<- iflx'Hi 'll sf'fii- r *-a- l .'.nj-ii '-l. The (»find thv m (i.wurulir, hive tn'.-ri siiight a I”«'-m. *iniv *' fin- ui>on \TilrJi*i —. f ili!'. r-. iifi'i Ifailufr. ar«' In —•-hit i'.e J--.'p.|e id tiled. a:..i U »‘ili !••• -i ! >i." Jtn<* !x t to c.'trst'pieiit tijMt! t!. -1 1'«‘ rr!i* "-'it refl-e i nri«<-ai W-tT. th. pti'i.r . y.. '*,.[% ih.- u- r hmi ; R-■■■!,>,{. Thai the alh-rapt by lb" Whies l«» np district of ih< t*'rrit- r\ ha- Sn-ti rti-.l in 'ho i M iheinselte* for political purposes the miurrectioii. and -nro l\ n mm • 1 wealth nr eon- j el..n.»is netm v.-mei.t* «.f the Amotion army and •r jtionce ha> all ww.i himx.-lt he r..inpN>mi-e.l. ! naiv ul I*.l > Al'u. R.vera do la I'ilcia, Mmiter- Ttif trial I,a -jr.-v.-' t\ it he Mi it. no have hut :» v, !'. >■ i.j \ i-'a aii.l \ ofi (’hi7..evinces a degree f. -hi in-i.; T t- >• 1 * ii>-- j- «- " ti< f mil j"l rerkl— « 3-Mir.uirr. scarcely equaled hy their .wiim* make rupitil hy decrying ; urn: >r IV,m. and lh-tncl ! the nur. iitd it* Cncnd* f»r prnM-culing it. l*.i-:« •! ,*i tin I t -.ti I lie hi H, ' That a- the W bigs have ’p. if,session of uni aUr ri’v « virnmitils ■>( Piltdnjrgh and Allegheny, 1 'apt * \ ’lnrtirv !,>••»!. vvi'M' 1 J -lint. r,r u , tr » .i r ui:i"'i j I'l.r hni*i.«l hii.l hi'.- iliiH fir rifisimcil from allotting iho v n't *' .• S|.a;iii*i! • •! ti< >t<* | uf in .IKy .iUu>r nli.M uT lint llmtrii Stotu.-f t'-; 1 it't*• rut, . S ii'tn F'\ : «r r.itnr>ilv nv-iaiiin inl In all gi>o»l rttiirii!i nflh*' . x „ x«h- li tin* |inm*r ami glory of the s A \t A A \ > a *».\ ill** \v A A TO ?» K x j«'». y nt lir'.iri w iilMMit'rpganl to |>arly, to illuini r: i Vi •it«i h. j*ii rl , i,j, !'• -oim iv ,ir. I, "I A ['til, m h'-iMir i»l the victories i*f (irn. Taylor. 1 T • l . Sr.-n .uni ('"in. ninl the brave min under i.tlii ( imi. li’-ln it i» ii. i uiit, ih,. lf command* at Monterey, Buena Vi*ta and .S 1 A*,’ :. 1; • - I' b-!•- I' • -.’i' I‘inl 1 V.-m t'uz ill \iivtn "i in lit 1' i at-- ("in , ,/. That wr view with piiJe and solis- \,, M ,1. <-\ !,| !; • bi-if.i >:j State lumi-lied niiirc fiian her quota of Volun . r .. t.-ei*. and especially do we L>ok with feelings of tti >"\ti iiimu ny I’t'in.i. hi t 1 ii> " . IUo- giaiificaiion, upon the long array of II.: wi.il • tin-nce on tin - Id Marrh. avofting lais 4 ; of our immediate friends and tioighbors, oj.p .M-M'ii 1 1 the attempt, mi l 1 !i; n pushed on to j who, h aving their wive* and children, mothers lln tht’ t.ih nil . t.. .hr Srr,r,«r .’I j -> nJ **•» rolum.-cml lo mrrt dMrnei»K> , , . , .. ■ of thrir country, and sustain its honor and glory \\ ar, ho t»iition:ired that lie would nui.n "ti the'. ,11 J . : in foreign lands. , capital with a l irg'- dnisn not in- loree. and put j Kc.'ohal, That the recent glorious victoriesoh~ down tlie icaololioti. An >lher Idler ol the same { lairird hy our patriotic armies, have taugty the Jatn " Ilu-lirj F.nin- i-full nf kimlno- t-.i linn 'I |.rr»uin|.ll m- Mriican, Iho danger ot riolaling • ~ ' i treaties and invading American soil, and that has and vengeanci Upon .ic mi tu>. no passage | H , en donr in deipitc of the Whig denunciation of says: —“W ith rojeon I !>t rcmaikfd at *ahd!o : t fj e Wor as “impious and unholy,” and without three weok< sitin'. •/>/ • u>! fair Santa Anna; ' any regard as to whether the ‘aid and comfort’ ol u-J! '<• ar- r ■!',!. m n Mrrir- r'-’/ »., numerous. .J Oiijki-ts or Ex eexniTt'RK with Tut last On the t»,h he md in another despatch tbit the Covwurs*.—The official statement of the Clerk two brigades ot m-adry a-mp-*-,! ef ItHW mine. lhl . Houso of Representative*. C. S , published with th- t rorri-'i' ind ng b i.ieriiwere "ir their , r ,, f ,f,„ m }iy with the Act of Congress: containe •nueh t 1 >llll l.ouis. and they wen- io tu-i dlowed ■ t j u . f„||„ winK iccapilulation of the appropmlions ‘bv two othe.sof :dt arm*./»MV aid »f the j raa de at the late session : prom p’livrr l j i 11: ni:h"i> trailurounlg o//oc/»* j KkcAetTrLiTIOH. ul. March litth.* In write tivoi i ther IctU-rs to ! For the civil anJ diplomatic expenses Mexico—one t.» lien. Barracan, the head of the '. rt f (be government, 1,142,79(1 .“*• l; '™“ "" ‘ nJ 32 .,78.i 6 , 88 In t.. s.' hi. ion. is ilm.r.i. He J'nounns el'll ; For .bo.upportoflh' N„.y. 0,307,958 HI ilrs'cii'tous. bufin r.m-idi taU* in serking terms of : p\ M the support of the Post Office courtesy inwanli Barjgan and Farias. He c«»n* Department, I,Mb',loo 00 j'KL-. ih.'ni l.i 'l.-sis; fn.M limh. r hn.tilnns, j I'nr Iho .uirjM.H of tho Indian Dc :J ]>artment, 1,3t>4,2u* U.> l«, i; i,» it i' Auw, kStc. »Sic.. Miirch Id ! Hl l . j For the -upport of (he Mdit ? ry Ac I iiHU.M .'‘lit—l nable ti tiuum mdilTer- : caderay, , , ” * ™. I. | * nJ ” :>ooo . oou „„ mg—the vidurt . «« 1 ~. i ,i , . , ,A! F nr erection ot light houses, 519,830 00 xnr.ui: v tnl ! . »--u:ne r. ii.-. t‘» n. tiuiient. w th which r -r , , p57.982.fw5 93 l have been entrusted \ iftv t. n...v rii.i.us. • I 1 i .'inmmii: y, >l., 1• • ,>o m'eihgence, pray. ( A bill passed for the relief of the heirs ol Paul in* v.«u tb-.! tiritd I |.fiNt't m rim rap.tal. ' J,i n(> which failed, by the carelessness of the En ivm.-l. n ;*! be '• v ' ri. •'•••»• i 1 '•'< d i hub- ; c Committee* to be presented seasonably to to ']• 'v-i ! rvi-rv ku din "'•••dienee ’ l b u President, and vfliich the I r re*id«tt icfuscd to to rii. vrict- "I rea* n -Tid 1.-jm.iiisty. which i* when offered on tho following day. im[ ipur'v .mtM.rd iv the .t.Mexican -- • • t.j,- ~{ t winch "ii-.rirt >r.!v i* ti >.v on fl. I.i« of byt- j Smtnfs CbMuh*—The \\ ashington cones* t V m !m. k su-l m% :»»!• r« iih! • jMMi.i.-ni ,d the iN.nth American makes the fellow* •' ;n-' si-rim: < chargi * a;:iin»l the S,crdarr of tin* \ \ I'd Ah 11M. - \ M'A '* N N ' . f . u k v . \. , „ *. . ,1 r« isury. Ihe riew j <*rk Express says that ru* \W ot Anna m the cisv. am! | - , , ~ - nuir* in the street give pungency tj» tins report. out ih v .y Id !i i . | ~J V j„, W- tint .t is mpable iif/pr.Hif. that the i.e.v Ir rn the* apit‘i. -• ti >\ i-mmcii'. dcj>-»ii ß have been changed from. 1 stage Ac. iti. in, lb.nk to H.uik.and from banks to individuals, for W" -,;i! ij l'.ii-iit< -I i • i-n •t • ..r 1 1 ' v- .icrw! .■ the r;and brnrfil of at icasfone ('abinoi officer, ,i ,J Hi,. . , ; . j,. ..;: , , •. ‘ • r.d p. :>« i-tln t». l*iy pi* termers h«v,* .n*• l a lu i 1 . . ■ . a h n 1... mto n:di» j.lu.ils to the is-mr of If* a— ...re,! >,. ip,vi, 1 j’.; 2 ..’cl-k 'ii nii.r~l.iv ur. i. I*B. w:n-:iby itiwif-tw profit* have Im.-n iti"imr,g bf oi, rio jin',i". r .id. *i< !• * lr"tii mud. —and f -ay litiiUy, .that Hie public treasury :bi* pi ice J . ; !a-! •. i'll u.*ri/lo s« rve{>en*onal ambjiojMtcal view* 'l'll, -i-id- I it n. 1' wav h. in l ■ •"imb'.i -to 'w 110- ig ‘titemenf. hut they nro as an * , *-•!..> Il’l-nJ. U .Ik" .nt.-nO ,1,.- J'l'a.l -.-,(■l fil A ti : , • ’ *•... A[•.|", .j 1 . u!,,, Win riwi'vi, ' meut a luoken down *[*eriil«tor to the amiiunt of , * ... , i, ,|r»,- .It ! th'- ha" .» iniHiou of J dlar*. ind that j’ldg ,|x ir 1 .".’ih, 1.. C ,1 .•..■lili*t ItlNI hove hcvtl a *i. lo 'I i*.|-»ippi >;<»*•- he ha* i*crtlpied hl» . i a ~i *■-. |, .. ' pn-xr r,t p r-itioti, arid to the lasting Jisgracr of s bom Moro town -j-f-, , ' ■i. ar- ii» | .-.v-. w rti4fa.-!*’ T . i'.|,i r . nii.n -hi i 1. .-i• iv iml l iv: M «-i * '|'t,r |ir>M( of nil tin*, the wnlrr promnc*. »hall \-I i-\ M.•i: ■ •• ' • r • '*'• •" ‘ ~I“ ' l„. 1,,.1 | M -|.irr lh.- nr it ConcfPM. :.ii- .Mi I. V- i: > 1 n:;.l !-..h, Mr ' i.% ii.-nrv. Mrv -I- llril. :i'<m|>inv, l*. H* I"I l'l-r . y a ~f ihr HoarJ Oil \VoilneiJiT, autho. ni “• ' ' ?l f 1 " H ‘ '■’ ''' *i-. - I the iriipwal. with a hra*y rail, of ihtriy •’ '' ' r ’ '■* '“ ' • ’"' l ' lv in>!i -ol thr «»M ro»il on which thr flit bir b* now -i.i:-•. ! i .ioi f.tMn-v*ti ih'!-- tr-h < i 4li j ( •.,jntnitt«c wm a(i|M»mtetl to rotilrr »ilh r«*i; Hnh":*. tin* >»l U'lir.lmj; on the »uhj.*rl of thr U«* ]>r-. ad! Ilitnh--- "I tin* ("irf ct* rr 5 , t!,«* I ite m of thr Virginia Lcgi* .it;,| |, ; ,i tt.r-r jift.- •? ml I- r ■" rt •“ f [jturr. authunmin; the rilrnalon of the rtml to nf t-vr Mi'lrf',. who V .w - :iC. 1-r.fi V | ... „,Ui i 11... i over :•> Iff < Mil 111 lli” M h'v i- i .ir-'j.|rt|i t«. a itr 1! tth 'll;, '.o .lor-.* it..- •* < i» >•». i w!ii-j< t > Ini’* I'rrii :i- ; , cji. nr. I n 1- - Uc*r.l jl*o t i .£.V' brill -.lli-lrr the Mill’).'M • o! Ij.jU.i:. Krc?) will] mcjpc.i urihttr- n. 'li {W’TiUt'j* rcrrit’’H! ivj. i •l.i'.iliiri,; c! iri< . Kit lo the i;*ti'i; viffrtir. it tv .1:1 i tcarl.il filam'tv —'o’ Mr* t.‘ourln«'V m-i-tM a».*l l * <■ *■ - at» ifK'pifilr'r !•■*••■ IJ. W** fnm M lUr • -12< >1 I > nr* n --'l'ii L.-r -.n-l m-iy *i« >ci.i- r th-' « itrl'-f 1 .1, i «n- 1.1. n ;ni Tiib.-r : an.l uli.u «i> apj-r ’|.Mate ttml im -»• vr.-n >0 I'v th iiv '-. \| r J’rrvn. win- in -ii* r ]fj it hii'l. ''' |s ■■ ,u rii-Hiti’ tuV wht'ff nijj li n in! aini 'ylilivi'- limnl l-r.-hw *-ri.( is* ut Pj.aci -Wt ha-.<- !»«•« n j>-f s-'vi ml jirh.iir irtter.s o( :i v.-r;, ■ fi .1:: CI’V w! Ml a ICO, Wfl'Uri l-y !•( f 1 U»' I:u'h-S‘ P T;l|.|llt_V. *lll 1 wil.Ti • : III! , ■ .-It • hi:j; !•: Tt.i v .-Uti ,a: i t of |io Itiw .•.•Miiiolv, who Wish'Ufly i'tpi.-r'wmlM l«: tin i t tli'T • I >-•< ilijr--. The.. rr xiniiLf i • i. «> e- i'J m th«- Neilo In- 1 : v. *al . I ill.- |'urnili in Itnt j.uU'/Tv. ’l b*- ' ill;-' "I IN* •11j'T...-! ii till :ll’-J Cl WVfi\ h -WOV-’f. Ilt'l v .\»M i item- Grmnu i*:i t. . iniiiy !.i. .!».•; ■ .1 .Hill 111-' I'lilll-I >1 .suu-i (•< nirn! <>l HaifVi-r Im«.- nulieil .ty nl <'-.m-r.-r--v arid Ni:v,j.ili' n. roticlu >H.,i,.,v< r 'Hi' 1 t'-v I.nind •“'tnie • v (L• v. ■ l (lie H tj.ci-iivr nation* a: it**• -i; ifi .('i..; t,| * r tortpn.nty. ’• i:u- OiMiu.' - A r m Tliil.nJ« , !,-lua i,i f. ( -ii: nr’iic!' whn !i in- 1 - 3 lit “Tujlor Can- I \ tin- tllsiiiiir UMit, which .in- warranted Tati.on «'i!i f'Vtirr mectm.: wa* held a* !>«-tLt..\%n. N. .1., .Hi M. iiiiny evening. a! i -i.in-i.l ro-.li.iii.i.r were I. General tM»“ for vein. :i t. -i.:. i-t . f lb t plea-ant -s Si in l Yki •!» s. i: ill iin fJ Wi thr son , I'f. .'-li* rtil -n MtirjrraU. tho rmi i!iir,r-'. 'I S. it..n!i I till. ■•••.« l.iverpmi!, int:ii.| ami «•-mj. in. ... .1 - • ll*-'ut r*jihli. . ~U~. Th*' ihbm i.ipo .-*■> i" '<*<■ plw l " : \ I • lias r.nnph■ li-«1 a »•«ii*l |■ T'*|. •~i .i.jl ■ nrntf tvj'h hri *:?♦••o' 1 ' [ n. U’m.iik IJiiki.v. >1 Kentucky, a w*ll ro ll u'jril a»■ livr Win;*,, m thr Ufth Ihmcri-s-. **.* ; Lail I{r illy brought before a military commission ti’! general orders .No. «H. pni ry j do i proi tirnl victories in Mexico, w«a neither numerJiusly at tended nor chiraetrrizeil by oShch public spirit.j Dr. Am k u f■ prmjdcd, asseted by twelve \ ico. Proideuts and several SecicUrirs. , Several >peechea were nude and resolution* I adopted. | It would, have given us sincere pleasure to have ! joined in'.iity general public demonstration in ' honor of tlie brilliant victories obtained by our i brave \rmy ui Mexico, but the attempt made jby ' a few paiiixitis 1 1 the dominant patty to monojf i ohte ell tht* glory to themselves, savors so much | ot Mlli-bncss and patty spirit, |that we aro at a : 10-? to chiracti'iize thi* *ort of exclusiveness as it ; jp,.rii x*. We publi-h tho resolutions this morning a* a "pU'd, t:ol without further comment for tox Ijfti *;i. the alacrity with which the Keystone lot: Ki\. I► r IRsunr, alter his tlivoursc y< .it i,lst morning, »|*ok* with great earnestness -igiu.-t the p--mp and |iara>!i* on Ibe Sabbath 11«• [.iotr-*irJ ihi-m fn thu namcofGotf ai;.| man, as a dei-ecrjtrnn of (he H»hbath, and call<- i iijKin the city lathers to prohibit *och exhi bition* hrrrafn-r. A private interment, a funeral Irnm 'he t’huidi without military parade, or civil di»|>!ay, wax not obj-a.ted In Tbc seleclisn of the SiMti'.li lur tiic buml)u-rvie*J of 1,. (J. Robinson, a Nog.-aul in the Duquesne Grays, we are tt> mi’i-i'. originated in no intentional violation of the S.ahi-atb, but in u de,iie to select a time when hi* fu.ndx could nioat conveniently* pay a parting tritiu’e to a dmyisi-d brother. Such pageants, however, are calculated to disturb the Churches in l!)-ir and tho custom, thurr fnxr, though riimSjiiin to all the cities of ibe Union* vrrre belter avoided. Pi jirrafLTanj* Kaiuioai-. —George W. To land, E«q.. who iras chosen Prcsidonlof the Penn rt Nihia Ritl llpad-Company, has declined the ofljrc. The Pl|l-4.i*-lphu papers inform us that Edward Miller. E*q . Civil Engineer, who has tiei.n ippoitited i■» survey the Pennsylvania K iil r..ai|, intend* lx Ami* the rily of Philadelphia for Pittsburgh, and Aiil immediately commence from thiit p -iut to ruilja lino eaxlwanl. The Philadel pint nil Kjictk in the highest praise nf his ability and'ehar cter, and we hope that speedy uctli>n and uhtiti ant success will be llm fruits of hi.-, tr;i.'iinn. t J x Tati-oA is Flihiim.— On the evening aim Hi** ti-rnhlo' ronllct on the Lake Oki-cbobqc, in I*l uidu, with tho Seminole*, obi Rough and Ready, m his dc 4 - patches detailing the battle, cun cluth d h:s lettefi bus : ••I ,i:n now w without a candle, with pine, knots :,x .iVulix i ute, m a cahhage-tree hammock, in the ci litre ■ a largu. prairie on a very dirty -in*, i ot p.i|>cr, Hluch is the only one in camp." •Mr > j;j ir.i-ni* li i-i- Ity a late letl. i from Mexico, we are glad to learn that f'apta n ha go int, dKk and pair. Gen.' Twiggs, with b»* division, was lo roar tor Puenta Nacional *>n the 31st March. Gi Wurth, who is ro'tm;: t r.ivcm.ir ~f Vera t.’r* wuol.l follow w;lh anclbe.- dni-ion in lour <-r li days. A city of Mexico paper. "I the 2 Ith March, re tuns mi account of Sin'a \nn.i’- mdurti-in ' to the Presidential Chin, with hi* -pcn taking the onlh office, Anm mid: I »m all for my e.iuntry. and - ver -hat! eei it, wrih.-i.l tl.iukii.i! Win 3 It m*v c >-l me to that which Ike. ii.tini de-jre-* I nil 'll!.! ,)-» have enured up*ll the Supreme Ma*isli:i>-V l cause 1 have sx-en tint it was the s«*te legal me a . f teTrfrftiatinq the disturbance# <>f this eaj.itol, » I l'<>!|rv.- 1 .bail ti><* • :>e able t* far,lit; the pr>»*ei ii’ion of tLi. wa*. and to *a»e lb" in. per,deuce and Imnor ofMexiro. »Inch 1 »vix*i present unsuHied vnl bnUunl l i the world, win is ‘.ehiddmg u*. Miiti Ann« nil -ft■ be e.ipitt 1 . arid nw. ih, I'btncii p»rlv ha l)'in-*t bnn-—V>ehru«li .aitmeing t-i advant" ■' ot'U Hoil .•( doliof. to ,-i He him to dn»e the “Iraib iniris" nt the roi Gen. Quitman lakes d.*wri to t Houth tlarollns. (ienrgia. and Alabama regiinen He also has an artilleiy force with him, (>apl:i Slept.h:‘k battrry, lam informed, (hie obj*cl the expedition i* open a road from wher muh-s. h.iise*, and supplies lor the sriny m»v secured. PHILAIiIH.PHIA M \RKKT. April 17, 7 ./clock. P. M. The market for Flour is without variation from tin* prices «l yesterday. The sale* of the day have lien IfiOO Jibl*. The rah* nf sland.ifd brmdx are mostly at j*. per bbl. The market-clo ses fi*m. ; Cornmo.\l is selling at f'■le»(>a4,62 J per hbl, and to the extent of 1700 bhli of White Cornmcai. The demand continues active. Provisions are the same—sales new Western M,-*S a t -U/.IHI. arul some old at #lf> nt). I quote sab** HUOO ha Wheat at f I.iOal.fiT for White, and f1.10a1.17 for Rod. The mxikel, so tur as huxinrsi i< r-ihcerncd, is to some extent Btagnatii. on- acrounl of the vicinity of the Nteamcra. Our local news is of no importance. NEW YORK MVHKKT April 17. s o’c P M. The cxpec‘e-1 arrival of one or the other of tbe sU-jim-r* alhcls Imuiiuss very much. The ragh Jtand.'* in now in h*r seventeenth duy and with steam, sails, and the fine winds which hav«- brought so many packets in, .bould soon be here. Tho ‘*C.irabii»" Uin her. .fburtccpih day. The rej»irt brought by the Captain of tho Osbeola has ha-l the effect of roikihg dealers anxious for the steamer’s nows, and unwilling to operate largely. To-day Genessee Flour sold to a moderate rx lent at £7.81} per bbl—an improvement. The elevated views of holders shortens sales con siderably. i As for Provisions there is, if anything, increas ed lirmnp!.** m the market. Holders are like the Flour t-Vlois. high in their views. Price* have not raised and tho business done i* moderate. BALTIMORE MARKET Halt. April 17, V P. M The Teleciuph 11 Philadelphia bring in ordyr once m >ri*. I send you a Despatch direst. Friday, though sales of Flour were at £(>.7, r .ft (I,Bl} for liowaid *t. many holders were claiming better pnc.-s. This morning £7 was named, sub sequently a roneex-ion, but finally holders submit lo.i Xo the necessity of llte case, and lf>oo bbla ’were sold at £G,75 per bbl. £7,00 i* named for City Mill*, but buyers will not Much it at lhaL The market for Cotli-n j*j2 bags Ri-i, at T-fa*,! c, and some Laguoyraal «jr, all usual terms. fiOOD lbs Western Feathers sold to .lay at ditc. The market is still illy supplied with Wheats of both descriptions. duoo hu s-d.l t.wlay at 1 12j Hide for.Uwland lAfial7oc for While. (Jf M iry land Com JHItKI hu at Ho and !M els for best -amph s of White and Yellow. C|overxccd: : is in ruo.lerato demand—a small sale to-day at £d,2fi, cash. In Provision* ! notice nn change from yeater day’s litres. The sale* nuti.-ed to-day were at £lfi,B7|a£D‘/*0 for Mess Poilt; % Primn at £l3.2fia £13,37} Uiough £13,.'»0 is generally a*kol; Mess Uecf .at £12,50: No lat £ll,fill in u small way and prime £0 pi r bbl—all we*tcrn packed. \ Tho Oacou Market, is brisk, and rather largV, x;ih-* —to-day sorao -10.000 Ik* at 7}n7Jc frir Shoulders, 'Sj.h-* at H, 1 and oc, Hams at 'doOj'r ami 10c in a small wuy —nil Western cure. No change in Lard —too kegs No lat Ior and some hbls at 0 Je. fit) kegs .Western lltiller to day at 11 cents per Marketgcnrially unchanged. BOSTON MARKET. April Hi, 7 P. M. For Fluor our market is still buoyant, and tho demand-has improved. Prices are buoyant.— Gencfcsee, fincy Ohio, and best Michigan brand*, arc selling at £B,OO per bbl, while some are de manding £B,l-} for Genesree, with out custom Piircs of Corn arc more than maintained tR yesterday’s quotations—sales White at 00c, and Yellow at 103 a 101 c—an advance. Tho Provision market is steady and prices firm —Bales fisCOO bids Western packed Pork at £l4 f new Prime, and £l7 for new mess. the other Kcntuduan* whofellat Buena Viatal, removed to that Stale* for Interment. \ 4t Co'i Remittance Office* —Tlie fuli-ctilicr trtn>t> monic*to lroiaud, S.-oi.’aixJ us'ij Walt:* rrjularly aitbc rairoi Fir# IlnlU. to H«e £l without an) ailil;tiona! cti.ircr herror wlirrt*. Rrmittanrra tiv tiir- siratrrr ot i|« 1m of;Maj nu'l ha uiatlf■] lur Kif' 1 -nr \Vmyj tia» hrni li«»nr«iiy «rfju:rnl from iU own merit*, a«ihoij •ninH would djd not a ■ nii-cof Jrlu-acy, from tbr na'u'f ot /hr diwctre Toil'id. r 1 rrj'SflW. WhnlcAalr ail.l KkUil. by WYATT k KlririUMllil Fubon New York. Wm. Thors. Mnrkri Mt.- c V, an.t I*. It i< l'K»iniOMr“VVi- J.ft; lr.ivv.io rul! public attfnt-on lb** iViiluwiijf. iVom Oi Win Doan, of Wiikamsvi t'Wmmu t'«» , mil one of ibr very fust praciituiiuri tlm •u 111 y hi whicli tu- ir*n|-*c. mu! Uic Senator in V.I.- 1,.- »i.»inr>' (i is HifPimi; ihu.-nu >re th« li «?• "i il>'' |'r.i''-"’on l uf'lmi* l-oint' Pi |»T*> • pf.JU.Ii.-f, IHl.l ri'-'Ulfi lurri! 11* *lar. nm well (11.-a-eil m ij uiVniinlril anil Itrnurtiint l'oiii|>lainls. Pleaj **-nd mr hull n iln/m l.onln-|>iii ilir-m hr.T a« Vf> ran, n* t i*\p«vi ii ii ciiin.mn' Lrejiil ron«i«itly o linin' rllully. npl? AVst On*a * i< |[~r*ltn|>ortani to AdvrrdiVri.-Thc adv-i l--• in. Hi-wlnrli Uj'jn'iU •!! llj*- Jl'.ily MnrnrriK (ia/r nU. 1 'll- Tf- Weekly. ihu* m-mviug the In char?i'. I’li.t .* an aJ -'mita>;»: loonr n-lvi-i nari j. vviilu onv i-xtri ••i|»i-n*r A.lv.-ni*eii»i-iiu nrV ai«n in««-ri in ih*- r'linri-, |*.<>.«-/ ujhiii reasonablr- n-rm-; t oclnnr:it, Af.ul.ler. Mace, Salrratus.Ae , Ac ' Abu, -'U Ir.ll. (.nudstones ut.low price*. (Jive n* # all, no riiurre Cor making inquiry. FRENCH & RICHARDS, Whole* altr'D/ugßisis, N. W. corner 10ih and Market apKUVw ' SucctK, Philadelphia NKW AM) MoST KFFKtfriVF. HKMKDV. DU. WOOD'S SaruparllU and Wild Cherry Ulttera, i'or the cure of thefollowing rfucusec Jaundice, l.ivir Compltint, all IFllioa* Com plaint*. .irk Mruiludic. Ifcan llurn, indigestion, hal.it ujl l\>.livelier*, IM.-s, Palpitations of the Heart, Lo»* of Ap|>riiir,))y«pci»ia, Nervnu* Irritation*, Debilitated Stomach. I.anguor. Wpression of Spirit*, Chronic Itheu mati'iu. Cu'imroii* l)iwa-e*. Canker, Syphiloid Disca •e* Scrofula Impurities of the Wood, Pimples and Pustules on the Face, Hereditary Humor-, Cold Sores, and al' «li«cu-c« .insmg from an injudicious use of Met- Ttic aucntion'of the mvulid public, and of alt tlio*e utfiietcd by any of the above disrate*, is respectfully called to the ineTit* of n new and invaluable prrpara- 1 tlon from an original recipe of a distinguished physician, , combining in n*cif the mo*t naive remedial properties I i.i two ol tlic very first articles in'thc Materia Mcdiea. Tin- SarsaparilU ami Wild Cherry Hitlers were in troduced to the public about twelve months ago. umf dunng that period ibeir success has. been so great as to induce the pioprietor ta offer them with still moic confi dence. ,n the full belief that by entering into more-ex tensive use. they will prove a blessing to all those suffering from tha diseases abotA enumerated. !*old, wholcmle and WYATT AKETCH AM. general •IRCHU, tSI Fulton street. New Yotlr. W*. Thors. Market street, and P- R. Sawtkr, Southfield , , street, Pittsburgh, Pn.. Price fcl—large bottles. .r in the Cinriim i* l c.rct.f mP htHthn ' niviii- ilir iitii'iii:nn of nur rrii.i.n n> Hit ii;i,,,i| ( ii 11 •, ,-un-ui S.-1..1.11-1 iiriiniim-.11.y t)r* full. Vfg'Ml' wl.n I. 11,.-) w,ll ir.-i -.1 .11 number .oiu.rm ~1 ul -ti.y'< |.:»,.r r , They u uiiilnmi ilonM lln* most wmi.lrrml on frm.lj ami lid «ul i>rnrti>niiiT«! !•> mui) (il nil. uui-t i.-ipi-nat jiliy-irMii* Tin- .rilin'lril .ml .nlrtrM.'d. nr.- . ijue-n'it n* vi *ll al Hh*h ■“-v.-rul jilnn-* in aUx niitl Irani i.m»i iln-n own !.|>* ilu- womlmlul t-tfi-n* llir nii'iln'iii*' The lif-lnm- iinm.-dx .Mr l«m.t 111... - who m:l) 1.. I. -11 liN'ly. l.rnv.-r.r 111- lu.ui * til 1/ A. mill 41’ M r ' 1 Kinvaml A '-V No : Mi.ik.-i *l. 1V.ai1... oci l£j'Conauuip(lon i< a .Imrapr ilut if hurry.n virli-n- l>y tlnm-amls loinh, wriihout havui [iini;tr*« ai ull n-iiiuln! I y ihe uic>l:cine« In com ii-.-. l.ui ). i.r.iiM-r .1..) :* cinuiirpt, nay.l.a* alrt com.-, «||»U !!>:• .irriuiful o.m J»r 1! Dr Uort-i-’ |n.- t .Hr:lii«in of l.ivrnvon am I'.u. nul oiii> i;:vr* ! .llttii r&; ili<- li’i'tiv't ri.ini'niß. i* Minktiir •omf vci) ri-mui kal.lc i-urc* of t\in*umpiwu ImjTi.-. < iiiriil mtli« unwind, and iiui!ii'l£ • an arm <, A-lnrl, mv puWnliiil another column On Sumji!ny im>riuii(f. at iitlf pan fl u't in- V, Mr* KI'.UKCCA. POil.nrl ol Jamr* Cooper. H.t rfunrr.il will lake |i;«cr ihi« rnnrmnn, u! 'J oY.ncl frum liiL* rrMdeacool her liu»l and, on Wylie »tue'. ('CONSUMPTION AHKESTKD- To thoie ■ tnictcd with Ulirntei of the LnDge. —Tins ;• lotviiity 10 ilin*v afflicted with the fir*tprc iriornmr) *ymi>ioin» of Consumption, that 1 have been laboring for several year* w.th n bronchi, *orcne«*of ue tiirout anJ ImuiM-nc**. 1 med man) medicine*, hu 1 f.iund no relief m any preparation of meditiuc. until 1 in.ide line ul Hit. DL’NCAN'? kxpbctorant 'itr.MKUV. I l.ar< l.evu ii.mg ll.u valuable medicine (or tcr. rul year*. unJ nlwav* find it to rel ovi: when ever I rinki 1 u*e of it My occupation at a t Auction* tvh i n keep* me almott cowhtantl) eiigiijjcd, cauac* m, tli-rj-e. m iiwr*. in become very nlaru.;jip, wiien at liner ;-ti.-ur<- tli » incviir.n>• 1 tiicfc'ua- take |>lea m;.' in ia.il.ns 11. ' pullin' »l-V.rim nl. that oilier* nllcrl ••'I \vni«. ut ibr lui'C* an.l cj;>(?cti>iain or^an iiihv kivnv in.' *ir:iiv* ot lh;« “[lit lu-alinj; T.'liiniy, .mil iiia-. i.r c ii' .1. I imvc rrcomiuv'inifil Dr. Duncan' ICjIV. i.-ia,.' li.'iii.'ily u. m«i> oi my mondt.voiuec ras | wbom Mi'v tl.e.r .»vr» u 0..‘ nu-ilunne or .j S,.Mrr'cl.l>.'un,OcL in. H 3. JAMKS HEW IT Tli.- [irn|U of lli'- aitovc njc-.tic iii* rvnuM, alffl re:. i lu 1 lt>* miOr»»-s«ruii and t> i'Oii > i n.-t-.l lii.«: ih'-fts atr '■•Hue* found ;|i ||ir alaiv .. ron i. l)i It Frai •r. J. i «*on ij*, Mr i.ar n|rr. i’utbei . J i-n ml n*>|x. J v*r!l 11. . \i' vN WFSTKKN 130 S) i -I rV . I.i: lH \rv I* 'i-l.jijn I V H M JACKSON. iO U -ire. i n|>HM4wT I KCTMIK OX PALKSTIXIC, AN'CJKNT ! j JUiC- M.t.M r •*ii■» *<■< i|,r M..U- Laml. .i: I|ii >\ Ull iijvmr ih r.i.mi'Ml -r.-.ui the I.MII* i.. • : r;il. l«- w 4 .i .Irl.vrr a U^ I.ir v ".r- «u »:i. |\|l>M*A\| KvMiinif.on il M.lNM'll' .X.N|> ri'STim.M o( llif fiKut .nictvtii I .If I :I*TI.) 1 gll'Sl VII il I>• it mu*. I< t lurr wi T.oln*,-J5 <-.'tiu—U. . r. un,l .11 111!' door Pro-pei hit* Arid Pro - wIMt \-IdllitUt rat>>■ , .\ntice V i!m i—fit *ranir*l to - ir-’.-.l .... (1., r-n.1r.,.1 Siur SI.UI.T. Ulr A 1: I'l'lnu* r-luiui t---.il- 41- u> piT-i-fil |li-m vvnh- ik..< WM.AiTKK •V! I'll* nr*» n-ntiv.' iMh>- K*tat<*-'ri'l J*i» ullctlilcil Ir • \ HAVII> Ki; I*. I > Aiimn't ;H l.jw. Ollier nn :ld M. •i*!**'*'*.'*- •-! I'UJI r' It- ri ATTK.VTIO.N, MAIIIOX (aiKENBI \'<*l .m' m iiir 1... u «0 of Henry Knirr. in 1 • «>'ii2.iv. U.I 4 „ JIHIN KAI..STON, « S V H K.i.jJi iiif’inl.ri Will inm.' prepared wan a Ul.irl Imard ><• u.f< n* ■« in :>c a Mc.UI frr-x-MU-U lo iii- i•<•■»! in«ik»nMii m iln* Company. (.y ihf Officer*. U-AN'TKD-A person wfih a Oapitnl of a ie-.v .l.>lliw*. w.-li— tn eintmrk in some ij'i iniriuMdunnp o< mrrrnjuik' l>u»mc«*, ill which li- roold nUn he nriivr ly rmpMyril Ally prfion wisb >nf a partner will pie i*r adilre** II S, (2 are lie l.rllrr lt<>b. ai.D iik !m« ne*«. jianuni of carnal desired, and ▼ line H n nuetvirw mar he ti-1 J ; apl!>3l F'OU SAl*IO--A liouMrand loi on 31 oI.TCt, bfciwecn h\-rn noiH.it'Cfty sited Tt.c Lot ■.* -JO lay IM teeC The Mc.iiir * a cfH"l Uni-k of i«'o dour*. containing civiti room*, wah lirushril cum" ar.il wash house. A|'|'l> in S OUTIIBKKT No 5 -*> (e?t. on me of which k creeled a good House. rninrinimn six room*; on'lhc other ioi i« creeled ,i Uircr CnrpenH-r sVinp For icmi», Ac. apply w S CI'TiIHKRT, Heneral Agent u[i!y No 3(> Sui.iliGeld tired i t*Pl*t£K, &c.~(it M.l* Urmi Apples variety of .'V Pc*! klink, mtni Il»« «operior Cheese; •I hr Mil* Apple Hulirr, male of ruiV e.l irmt. a -uprtint altli ir. o Miner; lor «alr I*JT ISAIAH IMCKKY A 00. wnicr and from *l* MKTAL-S' imi* No l Fuumlry, received per »uar Murvr .i.t! for «alr'l>y "P‘ _ M AI.I.KN .V Cl< l.imlmc Horn «unr Pant* mik and u.r •air J„wt.y M Ai.I.KN .V Co. 4J water «t HACON —.WO 11,. Iror imiti>l. m more am! for «»I«r |.y° ' CCNNJNC.HA.M A HONNKR «i»io • Hi Liberty imi'i DHIKI> FItUIT —l7j bu« Trnchc; '.H i do Ap|il« , i, m, »wirt* and lor «aii.- liv nplii Ur,NNlN -!i.rv lin k Hjiu»c. i-itinainiiiß .11 room*. *Mu.ur.l ;u the ‘lh Wur.l •! , ncc #!>«!. S Cl TMHKRT. General Agent No 50 Southfield street 'PI'RPKNTINIC- i: Id.U ju.t received ami for l.ticl ) WIAUN A RKITKH u|>)’> 1 nr Liberty myl Si Cln>r ill /'KEEN APPLES-&V l»x» Choice Apple*, re l T t-ff. t-tl nu.l i.>r -n'e l.y S r Vi»N III) \ NIIORST A On, 15 Finiu 8t 'f’OllArco U L.-,:* No 1, W Tvci.i, received per i l«n ic Ncivion mill tor .ale I.v •i;>IS I Ull-.NI). KUMY A On, 17 water tl I OAF SUG All • 17 Lb!,. No 7, ictuved imr Kinr I J 1t..1,.:rl I'll non :n.,l l»- .i.St l.y n;il!i ItIIKY A C-o. J 7 water*! SULP. aUININE-.-ilnr. >,1,1 reemv. •d and for • ale l.y _ nplU J Kll*D t W> wood »t T IUUOIUCK hoOT-iiO IJj. ►muffmTckYfjuVt 1 j ree'd and l.y' KIDD AC# BALSAM- -l-i.lt,r \V .lur'i Ital.am ol Wild Ha-f -ry. j«-i itreivo 1 111..! for «al- l,y iipl'-U J KIDD A Co. 1:0 wood >1 ,\ LCOIIOL 111 I,M« ju*l rreeircdnlld lor »ale by i V I,pill J KIDD A To til water *1 OCOIICIIINUS -ju.t reen vrd and for «lt.- by Oaplll WICK A Mr'JANDI-Kl^ nUTTKIU I 1,1.1. K.c.h Roll Uuitrr f.ir‘ale bi ll opMi WICK A MrOAtdDLE^S POTASH - l*ran<* I'uU.h im«i rre.-ived and for «alc by u|. 1•« IViCK A MrCANDLK-SS JKAI>- jrni uml rur rule l.y -iMi LKWIs JUfTCIIISON k fa / lliumtuu LIMK-3 cn«k* lot •»!<- I.y \j n|.l*t R_K SKM.KKS,i7 vroo.l « FLAXSKKII 011.-15M.1. for »nlr t»y K K SICI.I.KHS..7T wood •! (’ OP PKll A M -:KI bbU »'«*|*|»**rn» for sole by j K K SELLERS, 5? wood «t YELLOW OCIIKK-l.a">lbs.pnn French, for kuli: by n P I9 K K SELLERS, 57 wood si / t lIIPPICII LOC! WOOD—W lil>l« (or talc bv 1/ r i; l si-:i.l.kr»,s?wo«,i »t SI’LPHUK-MKilbi forsaleby r apH* B K SELLERS, 57 wood si 1-v PSOfll SA LTB-S casks Uulhmore, for rale by Wapiti H K. SELLERS, 57 wood n (1 I,l’ K--JO bbiy Glue "» ’ale by X „ n i-t K K SELLERS, &7 wood «t BAGON— 7 i«» lb<. hop lound, jiiniore and for »ale by oplO __ SA \V UAHHAmjII (tOKN- I,U>o bu«, prime Yellow, in g,x>d slnpp ng > order, b>r naif bv SAW HAHHAUGII. :a»ood st_ IV'OOD-Flrere. Tul ' Washed end Pulbd Woo VV «antril by “P ,u __ S A. *V lIA RHA UGH BUOOMS--.HJO.Ior. in .(ore and ii»< **l* ••*.._ oplll CUNNINGHAM A JUJNNKR lijr John D, DarU, AvcUniter KSM>&IADK CLOTHING. DRY G6ODS!/ - ON Monday morning the (Dili miUUU. at9©'ck>efc, will te sold— a targe as«©mncntof new rcady-msda cViihlng, among .which ure tsjt) pair pantaloon* of v*» mm*' description*. *1 dor. fine linen bcoin near *tjrJo lb■ rt-. Itt <]oatay fancy ,imi rnmmoo'rt't*. camlet coat*, gombroon anJcouM 'in, ml cloth coat*, cloak*, Ac. Also a..quantity ©f i»c*h *esH*nnble *tiy good*. Ac. At S O’Olock. I*. M. A quautiiy of door*, window*, window frame*, win dow »a*h «huurr* and other building materials, cooking «(ove». writing desk, shovel*, plough.*, Ac; a large »** •uruiiem oi new and hand household lurmture, c >iin«t.ng of mahogany dressing burraoa. common do, dioing arid breakfait table* fancy and common chain work and ivikh wardrobe, book ease. high and low po«t bedhead*, feather bed*, matira»ct. bedding, manicl clock*, locking glaxrt*. carpeting, linvrate, g,*«*\varr. qric.en*warr groceries, Ac. At 7 U'ClocL. I*. M. A large collection of valuable new hooks a* h*» »dj •rti-ctnrnt in another pan of this paper. ap|6 imXJUS. PAINTS AND DYE-STUFFS, I'OR SALK by FRENCH A RICHARDS, Wholesale ' DriiggtM*. at low price*; a large and complete a*' Kortmeiit m Drug* I'atnt*. Oil*. Va'rnubr*. window (ila.s. I)> *• Stuff* and Spice*; which we offer scry low ibr cash We warrant our Drug* to beporeaadof prime iiunlny, among winch arc— 5Ki or Qnimne; • j SK) lb* pure Oil Peppermint; ..(I <>r Morphia; I •AlMt'* Opiuiii, , MKii.rKn.llnrk. t Mil* Castor Oil; Including every nrtn-lc u«< d by Druggist* and Phyn cans Our nbbl* Copal doi fag) keg* Vrn Ki-d. and 100 dor rami Brushes Oohrc; 50 bbl* Spis. Tuipeuline; l.titto (iallott* Lin*ced till. We offer a tiip'-riorCDurb Varnish at S - J jwr gallon Our ve Stuff* we offer ut particularly low price*, having. , large Mock of every article u«rd*by the trade. 1 0 bid* Dycwiui.l*; I 5000 ll>* I.round Pepp-T no ch(L>\ » t tit Vnriot unco do Cinnamon; ihi lb* li-digo;, I 500 Hi* Nutmeg*; DUUIFY THE BLOOD AND CLEANSE 1 TUK BODY—It i* an established foal that u very large du« of Ji*ea*c* can only be cured by mch rem edies as will enter into the Blood, and circulate wiUi it thiough every portion of the body, for only bv thi* incnn* ran the remedy be brought into immediate con tact with the dtaca«e; and to attain thi* desirable cud. tin preparation hasevcrtiecn *o uniformly successful it* -DR. JAYNE’S ALTERATIVE Seroful*, King* 1 Kril. Cancer and Cancerou* Tumour*, Whit* Swel ling, Rnlnrgruientof the Bone*. Chron c Rheuraabsm and <• iui. Eruptive di»ea*r»of the Bkm. old and indo lent l' leer*, lioitroui Swelling* of the Throat, Ac., are cured with a certainty that bus astonished every* be holder. It i* beside* one of die most pleasant article* that enn be taken into ihe system, operating as a tonic and rrrnoving Dyspeptic and Ntarvous affections, and imparting a glow of animation and health unequalled by anvihing in the whole Materia Mediea. For sate s' the PEKIN TEA STORE, No 72 Fourth street,. near \vood. ' aplsdAw F I>EOETABLE PPLMUSAUY BALSAM V —--About four years since 1 was attacked w ith a violent cough. I tried various remenies, and eousulicd »cvcrul physicians without relief. On the recommen dation of a friend I commenced using the Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, nud derived immediate relict from n. and by continuing the u»col it a slum time ray cough wa* entirely removed. 1 have since alwaya taken it m.-nelf, ajid:« commended it to others, when attacked with u cough, and never knew it to'failot giving immo d.atc relief, although I have recommended it.oo ninny. [ mil therefore, with confidence recommend it to the public. J U PRINCE ' 80-To.v. November lit). 1547 For *ale by B *A FAHNESTOCK A Co aplt cor Ist mill and wrood and 6th sta so,IK). BOOTS 5,00. 7 NO. 00 FOURTH STREET, CHUN KR OF i'UUT AI-LF,r. Tlllv ru'pccifully inform* the public lhat ), a « Uie inniiin'ai-tiine.oi Gentitmm. Roc:*, nf -iio,l material anil woriiumulnp wliii-h lie »ill warrant «upt*nor tniiny Moot ever made m I’liH'liurch for the price- Tlie*e handsome 800 l .mil !>•• mad- to measure. anil warrant ihcm a* repre at'the ‘viry low ptioejof FIVK DOLLARS i'\S>l i.’.-nil'MiKMi are rciiui'sicd to call and dam 0,, m * jv Ji \VRKRSKLNfc. ■Vj.’O UIIIDOIS BCILDEUS-I'roporal* will be 1 received uttlie Commissioner’* Oice, nntil Satur day, ulih • ustunt, noon, lor ercctmij one or four hridrr* _ll,ire ovrr Mii.Vr’n Ron. Soinh Fa)rtle Township, ami o4c at ibc immili 01 Cork’s Ruu, in IfowerSi Clatr Towi>*mp l)t»cr p'lim: Stone ■tiutrocnoaml woodrtt «u|'cr*irarliire; rnaeourv to be bid for by the perch, wooten >upcrvirurtui<* l*y the fuot linral, embankment !>y th>* yixrtl J’lan* and specifications can be seen at ibe Conirai'Mi.nT * Office until llie' day nf letting- THOMAS PKRKINR. ) JOHN M'DOWKLL.- J JOSKPH T. MARKS, J * tlrtll I >*>}>-«-tJuIIV Quadhillk part y—a uonakfon-s -’ |a«t J*art. wilt take plat e on Tuc«day next, ‘JUih n..mil. On ihat r»mm? dniicm; will continue until |” o'clock t.ciillt'inrn'* Picket* to he bad of A. 41 h n< arr.-imji-meiiu will lx* mail*- nm to admit an) ivillionl TlM*'r x hnluri wlio*e uini,at thr room; [no oiler children will hr admitted. The UobemianTolfca mtd t.(uadri!lc will be danced on ibot evening' The I'olkn Dancer* will ple«»e lo attend a t’raciiainton llto nixwe afternoon, at 3 o'clock » »• 1’ s —A. U <-mbiace« th.s opportunity of telurgirig In'* grateful arkuowlrdgnieiita, to those whohaVeJo tiiwrally paironize.l him this >ca«on. o;lCdit Urahmn'i Hacatlne Cor Hay. mVKIVF.D AT M A MINER'S— Graham’* Mara- It r.nr far May. 'Die IJ..wrrl<->«, or iho f»«i Will; by Mndamn Charles Heybun.t. Flirtation, n sinry of ibr Heart; by l,ady Oh at 101 l r llury, auibor »i "I br Divorced, '* Ar. Tlx- King of iln* Sea, a ule of ibr Fearless ant) Free, Ly Ned Runtime. Am n-nt Egypt - her Monument’, Hieroglyphic*. His n>ry ami Arehwalogy. and subject* conflicted with Hieroglyphic al Literature; by George R. Gliddou. Chamber 1 * Information, No 15. FOraale at Family Groceries. JONATHAN LONOSTAFF, (Successor to Joshua Rbodea A Co-,1 SOUTH WEST renter of Smithfield antf Front su, opposite the Monoiigahcla House —Keep* always on hand a full ytririr of Family Groceries, which fte will sell very low for cash; amongst which are the fob low.i.g article*: — Coffees; Oils; To**, Soaps; Sugar.; Nuu; Frc’b pure ground Spices, Cheese, Foreign ard Do mestic Fruits, and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles. Fresh flutter and Egg* always on band. hi; H-.MiAwtmT ' OAIaT HOUSE, Corner Main and SUib its, Cincinnati. f pIIIS establishment Is now iit the besi order tor the A iccepuon of the Traveling Public. leaving under gone a thorough repair, during ibe past winter, and having the mart experienced men in the west, ip .the various department*. I flatter myself ihnt all, will be plcn»<-,l.w|incall. The location tsceninl, eommodioo't and pleasant. Fare FI per day. r , Cincinnati, March !3,1H7. WF. MARK T N U —Althnocb-nni exactly a new Broom, it is tht •atne—n new Whist on the old handle. apdtf T'IIANSPAIIKNT WINDOW SHADKB - TO WASH-A Dcauliful assort ment of French, .American and luhan Landscapes, Sxiptural Views, Raman Arches, Gothic Ruin’, Ac.l at a small advance on wholesale prices—from9l to 915 pernuir ' For sale hi the Library Room, Philo Hall, 'hl stiect, by A WaTKIN-*, Manufactnre/, N. V. I N. lI.—IV-al-T* supplied. _ j ap!7-3w | qiIIEOLOUIQAL WOllKB— Uishop Uerkley'i X Work*, Dwight's Theology; Meilville’s Sermon* Ma*» lion's Sermon.; Runic* and Alexander on Isaiah; l.andi. cn ibe Jti-'urrccnon. Rndgc« on the Cbritliah Minniri; I’nlpit Cyrlopedm. Robert l|.alP« Works, Harker’’ Works; Uloomfield's Greek Testament; The Book «f Jo.brr; tor rule try II S BOSWUKTII A Co j op 17 . No 43 Market strc.jl MACKEREL, rnUIUIIfO, KALHMN, «P< riMIK subscrilier* keep an :u.«orimcii! of Pickled Fi*b Xof Ma»sacliu»ctt' mid ltisprciion, far tale in lots as wonted at their urarcbouec. No 40 North tVharvcSv Philadelphia. - • ! meUJM-.bn JNO Vf KKXNF.nY A Co | |)BHNBYLVANU HAILROAD COMPAQ 1 NY—Notice i» hereby ifiyen that the 2d in*m!meqt of Five Dollar* per»harerc Foaijhj CANOLKb/tOUACCO AND CIOAIwJ- I iun.Cincinn.nl Mould Candles; ■ Hull Spanndi CUan*: ... PJ.Ofti Common Cignr«; 4 ke«{* 6 Twi«i Tobacco On hand and for *nle low for ml* or l.artrr. I*y tiKO B MIMKNDKROER oj.tO No/* wuij*r *lrcHi_ TO POTTKttS-Vaiiifil iw»r'li»"' lv . ,wo D?p Turner*, two Own Men to •« and elo«*ed. and a Handler. T«> stead} weekly payment* will l*r gircn Apply « * 1 ’ K uTIKKOiI, KenMiieum l ottery. t PlilUittlphla, (t OLD PENS - Jujd rrmvedan additional ntsoi |- J—fnrnl of ibe twft of ever-pointed Gold r/„"£S wir».nt«l. V W W WILSON . i #KTAL—3* ion* No I.Foundry, landing Horn limi M Eureka amt fnr«alel>y , ■ "l* M A LLF.N A Co, 43 wwtr *troci - P‘ iTTHDUHOH ARD RAILROAD C«>MFANY-An adjourned meeting of the Siockholder* in the above Company will be VJd ai rjnlo Halli on Tuesday,lbe'VTth of April, at 3 o'clock, r m. aplTtd R I) OA37.AM. Secretary MnOORB, Fa*bioinabte Drei* Maker, Fuarfbft, • ufew door* above Smith&eld «ucet, has iu-i *e. reived from New York Ihe spring »tyle» for l.adieV Dre*»ev; alio, a new uyle of Vueite. apl«dii ; . ' ' v -‘ 3® do, i’otttbongTra; 7 **HbbN.O.MoI«*«K . SO bid* ». 11. do; 3 eenxms S. K. Indigo; j®f j»!V by . . JOHN <*RIK!I, aw !.il«m si SVOAXi, IiOLASSKN AND niCK HOlibdr pi use N.O.Sugar; 33bbl*Loal' .» rw,. f o* «nl? t 3M) t>u«. Prirtl Apple* b|>l? , f. S WATKRMAN BULK PORK—ILUUPIM a«»oncil: ni varied Darrin, jli*t ri cc.ved and lor •ale l.y A l>i>LKS-.M bn Boaianiirs, Ihppiu*, Ay, jusl A received anil Tor »410 »•>* !■ H WaI'KKMAN ' '_u;-l7 No* 31 water ami d* front M* BI^TTKII— to hl>l* Frc>b, ju«r rre’d per «ic:tmrr Wellsville and for *«le by ap!7 H ROKIid formic by It RrtUISON ACo ■PL7. _ _No IMU.ilvrty «t . WANTED— 2, ' II A I-*AUNKSTnal and forsaleby ap!s GKO MORGANA Co SCORCH SALTS—2 tons for safe by _apls \V GltKKH.cor water and smill.ftrld sii Apples —lO-Jbbia Itomamtc Apple* for ia‘e |.y . _ hpiS W GRKKK_ btfTASU-lScaae. t'oiasb lor sale bv 1 apIS \V GREEK_ / W.ASS—Suu bxa assorted sizes, from i'x? u> ili-lu, vJ extra.quality, country mauafaciured in store and for_»a!e by _ apis J C UIIAVKI.L, ari' GROUND I'EPPEH, in hb!». kegs and boxes, fro* groami and constantly on Imnd for sale, by' . RHODES A ALCORN __apo_'_ No g 7 Fifth street. Diamonds and ciJ&y -50 Diamond Sparks; 70 bx* soncr GermoTrClnr; for sale by ap3 CARSON A McKNIGUT. Smll HISSt-VJhr bbla No-J Mackerel; « '/ V IfflbbUSliad; 15 l.f bt*l» Shn.i; r a F*r»alcl*jr npIS _ POINpKXTKRTA^ro^ niO METAL— UJ loa* l3wi:jie I'rutn .TTiir Uk» 1 Hrie nadjor HSbI.I* No 1 I*anfcr*eM ami for ule by - J «P l 7 I WILLIAMS fcOILWORTH,v7 woodn OCOaCKIIHOS-C tibl* jum let'll for rale l>v O apl7 _ WILLIAMS 4. DH.WORTII (IOFFEE— £30 bag* pariOrceii Rio, for mile by j »p!7 >_ 'V t.-RKKU SMALTS— 19 cask* on eonrignmnnl. f«t »:ilo bv . ap!7 • W OKJIKU^ SOAP— I2u bxs arriving fromCinciuiiiii. for rale by ■ pi? \\ I.UKKk l) EAYKR. BUCKETS—IO ilu/en mr naleby ' P \V OKKKK* S' PTM. TUHPKBITINE— I bbl. jum ri-e’ii'nud for.rqle by apl7 J D MORGAN TJITCII—I box Burgundy Pnth for salt by X apJ7_ _ JD MORGAN MATCHES —l5 gro** Locofoco. for inle by npl7 J I) MORGAN. ftl 1 J ivo.-ut n BACOpf— •JO.tMXJ llx, hr g round, to more anil for- rule by apl? ROBISON A Co^ rpOUACC o_-ju bx* (uperior l.uuip Virginia ’l,'obacco. X oncou«i«nmcui and fur *ale low by * *P ,4 _._ _ J C mDWKLL.AgUwaicr n OIL— i bbl* IJn'ccd Oil m (lore and lor *ale by afrti J O BIDWKI,!, \\7 UITING-db i>bln Uoftoii Whiting for (ale by V» ap|« J SCHOONM aKF.K BATII QUICK—sou ben Bristol Scouring Brick, for *alc by api t J SCHOONMAKKK ACo LI SfSKBD OIL-1 bM» nurr, for fair by upH ' J 1) MORGAN, il:i| wood M V'ARNIBHr-l hi tibl Black Leather Vamifb, for sale by • np 14 JOIIN-D MORGAN ('tOPAL VARNISH—2 bbl* Kaslem. for fair by j apl4 JOHN I) MORGAN GINGER— While Jamaica Ginger, pure ground _foi_amle_by , _ ap!« JOHN J) .MORGAN WIIITK ROOT JAMAICA GINGER toy -talc by apH ' JOHN U MORGAN (CHROME— Yellow and Green. different brand*, j for *aleby apU JOHN l> MORGAN BERMUDA ARROW ROOT, ui mi. ran* for rule by ap!4 . JOHN 0 MORG AN S" WHITING-S bbt* for vale bv ap!4 , „ JOHN 1) MORGAN rpAMARINDS—War rauinrhnl* for»»lcl.v 1 apU JOHN D MOltfiAN WCXITK LEAD—£O ker* purr. Gir sale by ■pl4 JOHN 1) MORGAN BLACK INK —I bbl, tutnuiacicred and for tale by ■ : apH JOHN t> MORGAN POW’D IPICAC-t ease juit rec'd und for rale by - apH K E SKIjaHHS ’ • M A MINER'S Siniib Reid ft, 3d door from 2d [J'LUID MAGNESIA—fI dozen Hu*l>aiid’«, just C rec’d and for sale by 1 ap!4 RE SELLERS. 57 wood H 2PTS. TURPENTINE—S blil* just rec'd and J for Mile by apJ4 H K SELLERS 'NG. BLACK LEAD, Lobelia Seed Croion Oil, j Latin Label*. &c-, ju*l reeeived'nnd fut «ate by. ipl4 R K SELLERS^ iRIEO PEACHES—VUt bu*.'Tor tale low to V close a ctmtienracni by ap!3 FRIEND, RIIKV A Co,STwnicr *l_ LARD OlL—TbbUaod 0 hf bbls No I Winter Lard Oil, a very superior article, received per Hi* l>cihia No 2, and for sale wholesale or retail l.'y CLOVER AND FLAXSELD—fcbbIi FUxyeed, 4 bbl* Cioveneed; ipl3_ For tale by S F VON BONNHURST ACo kftlßD FRUITS—2S bids Dry Fetiche*; u . 6 *ek* “ Apnks; for sale by *p!3 V S F VON BONNHORST A C 0,35 Froria_ BACON— VQU.UUU lb* neatly trimmed atm nt Gne or -der, for sale by MyERS, HUNTER ACo ap!3 _ r No IbJ- Lttierty s: POTATOES—CU bbl* White*, Baltimore Ulues, and . Red*, Juit received and for sale by ■p!3 —S A W HARBAUGJI [>UTTKII, Ac—s bbl« Roll Unitor; ; 9 111 l.bl* No 1 Lard; for sale by *pl3 SAW lIARBA UOH, 31 wo*d *1 VI7HITE BEANB-12 bagi While Ifcnm; VV . sbbl. do; r aplJ For sale by WICK A MeUAXDLESS . LARD— 14 kegs No ILu »f, ju * l rrr’d und for sale by aptd W|CK A MeCANULESS_ MACKEREL— 15u blit, n 3. farue sire, In ole by apl-1' M VKRS, lII!NTKK A Co_ ROLL BUTTEU-U bill' Fmli. lor .ale by apl3 M V KRS. UC.M'KR ACo APPLES— 42 bblilfreen Apple* fur sale by ap!3 SA W HARIIAL'GH LARD— 2 bbl»No i, laudine aud lor sale by ■pP . J A R FLOYD, 104 l.iberiy »t_ NUTMEGS on band »ud foraale by a r 9 RHODES A .M.CORN BUCKETS— 24 doz Beaver Buckets, Imding from Keel Boat Chippewa and tor sale by upi, J DALXKI.L, H water »t DRIED PEACHES—inobass in (Hire und for sale by *[>s J DALZKI.I..2I waier« CIGARS- 150bX» Half Span.sb Cigars, IOOJitO Commoa C,gar* in i.»N <*n band and for late by I>AI./KU. ap3 ~ No 21 wmer >i. y. B ROOMS—75 doz Hrooms m More and fur »ule by a ps J OAI./CK1.1..24 wsi. i -j TtATTING—MI bale* No* 1.2, unfl J. m .lore Otnl iifoTrile b, JA» UAI.2U.L . ap4 _ Novi vruier M RIO COFFEE —iOU bags landing from *ir:,mer American Star, and for oalc by \ , a ps '• UAGALKY A SMITH, I? and 20 wood st nRIBD APPLKS-I Ji siuiks fui rale by UAGALKY A SSIITH, IB.and VII wood m 5 \] KATB-FOOT OIL-1 5 I.Lls jurl ree'd and for-' ll sale by MYERS, HUNTER A Co , ,* mch3» ■ IS* l.il.rrty »lrcej FsLAXSKED OlL—‘At td)t« iu*t ree’,l and for site by MILLER-A RICKiriXJ.N ' .“>'-b59 UTuLibcfiysued • RIO COFFEE-059 bar* prime green Rio ColfJ-e, for vale by OAUAIiKY A SMITH 'r. "Pi .. Nos It- andjffi wood »t- Ol*L BUTTER—I> bbl* Frefb, ju«rr,e'