The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 17, 1847, Image 4

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ASAI< a railroad
Kretiuinly />
THE politic are rcipcct
will coaimeiicc'runnitjf
and contiou- U
ht?r now placed a tupcno
road Cara on Hie rooii. >
whieh will pve Rrtaier to
A I’ackei Boat will n ] w
eling pabtic are reqnrMei
prevtoui to pjim:
• Park on;.y :
. One of ibe Pnekeu »iil
A. the United Mate* Hoiel.j .
Canal.-aery nigtit at »a’c
For information «pplv'i
• Hon««. 'Voter mreei. orn*
i da «s» Baltimore. 1
i r Paxurifm
Lilly informed thatthi* Line
»»pr about the 10th m«tant.
e rcarott. The proprietor*
1 rla*» of Packet* and Rmit
'ith extra accommodation*,
«tun to traveler*,
y* l»c in port, aad the trav
in call and damme them,
te r.Dewhere
ini: dollars”
cave the landing, (opposite
orner Penn meet and the
{ Days.
a: ifir office, Mononffahela
ror Penn itrrrt and Canal
inrrwKKN prrr>ni'R(iH. •
phh.adiii.phja. uai.timokj: anonkwvork.
, f'HK Mock of ron»i»;» of a double dail)
A. (.me ot and Car*, [owned l.y tbemtclvr* ]
which arc in rcxh! orii'T. The ml'Mjriiier* are prvpn*
red :r» forward a lurijt ijiiantiy of .Merchandize and
Produce with certainty and dupuirn.
Produce or M« ri-Tmn<!i«e ioii*:pnpd to anv of the un
derpinned ii forwarded iree ol auj charge ior'eoramia*
.i;on or •loragc.
Oilla trarurntW add all . nMruri:on« promptly
wended io‘.
The Lumjicm jj,i» Lme i* conducted o*l •tnetly
SabtiaUi-krcpnii; jit;nc.|d'-« Ad<lrr»», or appiy to
r IJ I.KKCii A I m. I’fhpneior*.
Canal ila*ni. Pituhurgh
iMKIU«-"A IiKKCH, Proprietor* A
.\o Id Souih Th r-i ' (reel, I'luladclplu*
No 114 North Howard Mreci, Haiti more
IV Ji UTI.SO.V A'gcnt.
No 7 Wfi| «trtct,Ncw York
1847. BBWi
L’OK tii«* iratj*ji>nsi:"ti of I'refglu In-tween I'ltintiurgti
1/ and tlir Atlantic i.'itir*. nvusilinj; traiuliipment* on
ihp'way and the con»rt|o<>nt risk m drbv, ■lnuinci'.
breakage and irpuiat.oti of pood*.
P*m,t ttUrt j
Market «irect. I’liilad'-lpti'ii
CorJ'rnn and Wayne mv I'iiuSureli
" O'CONNOIJ A l*o. Nnnh «tt*rt. Hjlinnotr )
' U'UTTAIWi'|T.:SSv j; |..i.N Y. \ A K rnlt
i:uruun>R-.-.i l) .n. i;.u«.new ihp ProprirS.r'
ltnv<* (iibb-il to iticir *:t»« k and ,• iterated il»e:t arranpr
, Jtieii'k durnu tli«* wir.irf. and -ire now prepared in lur-
WBtd fri-'tf il w;iji rrirubirtj :nul diipiUth un*Ufpn*>« il
by any oli.r-r'tr,,- Th.-.r ifni.'i - Xperenre n< carue**.
ll;e pnji’.dilr t-np<T.oriiy of ihe |\.liable lloal Syatcfn.
aud the pe-»’ ripar.!) .i.-,.l i unveii. nice of the ware
lioum*» :ti ‘ 'ii h rt.d or iii»- ; in- ur*- pceuliarlj eoleulu
led tnbir mi- >• n>[>- r-iorh ii> in 'til ilir.r eneng'-mrr.i*.
and :ii f(irt:iiiuii;i!.- bn-., t'UFMntrr.—cotiSilcnll)
the puM a* a fjtiaiuiity lor Hit-, they rr«J»eri:iitly
-olieu U.ut pumntage ;vhi(j!i they mnv
ttraterii'ly iic»nowledi;r jj.
All emu emnm:* :n Taafli'A * t'CVnnor vr.ll be re«*M
and forwarded nmi.oai i.-hanfe* paid ar.d Hill* ol
l.ndm; iriiioiaiitn! Her u( an} i barn*:-<or Commn<«inii,
adVuii.-iiv; or •; i.i. intrreM directly or
imlirrciiy ut «!c.u:i|.n.ii*.'i!n- mu re« oi the eotififjimr*
mu»t nr*«it i> be tlij-ir jinn,ary object m •h'.ppiug
wc/i H.i'i th< ■, jt.eiluc i!,rtn>eiye» tu forward a!! good*
cniuii’iicd u> I'l. in jiminjiiry uml <>a tin- istn.«t rtdvrunn*
RfoiHit'Miii ini:i t -;i-.viirr<
March I. I--U '
i s-i 7.
for riii i it:\ vsi’chit atmin or p-rodTfk
AVI) M Kl"i 'il \ ,\ 111 ‘■l ‘ TO AVII TIMM ITr-TS
j:t Roll. !*( 11!. A I) J ’ [. i ’ IU A AM) BALTIMORE.
' Ils*'-V ::vui Tran.'„ r m«.Tii.«CJ
fiooil-* ru curt *rc \v.,: he forwarded wnh r
ou: drill-/, ii! iiiv low. .. tuircm rate*. Mills of Lading
tr;ui*(ii.ti«.l. :iml nji in-trur:..iii- promptly attrndMl nv.
**»*•■ from mr. <-itf.i ruitree mr *ioraci- nt oonmi:»-iou
Aihlf.-*v nr !v t.i f M. A N Ui.TV 4 L’o ii L!u*in, Pmsburpii
:n! rnuimod.ouy wnrp|iou*e.
•• ' •> n.fjjt.on !o fieight Tor
-iM[iiii J nri'r.inio.uii v: Prml.n-r, Ac .on Stonier at
low rate * |ui . V a Mr \M !.TV & io
i' i"
O XCLI’SI V If!. V tor the ;tu!!»LK>rni:on of AVaV
111 tMlEtOHTi'.ri-.v,-. :i IW.urpli. Hi:i.r*trtl!r. John*- Ho! ti.,:h W.i.r Stn ••:. IV.rf.l-urph and
i>u'- li t j'. wiijJru?-,- .<• wan imuir of H Mr A null)
\ Fs> . l‘iii«!nn ti.. cv* ry «f ji> [eiccpt Sundays.) am*
shlj.-pi r*r.nn mi liaTtng tlir.r pood* ,ur
watded wnlioiit .!<lu;, nnd at tSir rule* *
Th;» Line w foiin-J for inr »prr:ai actonntiodot.o .
of the wo) iiu*iiu->». amt the proprietor" respecting) ;i’i* .burr oi patronage
Da n'j. ii n a it \ es 1 roijkkt woods
wii.i.iam m;rv
JOHN MILI.EIL Mid:..ia>>b<ir|;!» )
1 It li i.’A.VAN. Joltfi'Uiwn . } Agent*
C A McANI'I.TV A Vo. IMM.urgli J
J J Mr IV v : ii. I'm ui. Hubert Moure, Bagaley
A Suiit-i J*ii'»Uui-rJi i * tnsrG
LA lit; I: i: IB AM) .Hlflll(iA.V LiAE.
* 'Ko.
* f' I Hr* I .hi r* ••-mjj ruiupos'.l of r-eainboat* Lake Kric
1 and running daily between FitJ'burgb
and ll'ivrr.and freight and fa?»cnpcr Caaal Boat*.
Tun;.i:nf bi't'vcrn IJ-u.eratid .Erie and connecting with
C M Reed's Liiib nl Propellers and Vc*m*!»
on tiic w-l. In pf'-por'd ujion the earliest upen
lup of Nj' iim-i.iii !«> ran, Fmsii' and I’dj.cng'-r. to
hi! point i on iiir H-ver, t>n-i! and Lakes
Huv ii. 1 I'VvT. .1 fur i-uavryuiß freight and pn*-
with prmt'puin** ami «li»paich. the. propnelor
and u;ctit« rr-pn-uuil> *o!ir:t from Uieit friend* and
Be puhJ.c thnf pationage
. *- -M ItKKD, Erie. Proprietor
RK»:i*> PARKS Si Co, Beaver. Agis
JOi IN A t'AITJIIKV. l’itt«b , gli do
Cot. .'■tiiilhfie'il ninl VS iit< : •.!» nppmute the .Mininngft
• gnlmin House
r r fti: to
Wn-tlrr. Crtt«'lwr A Co New York
(.•-o Car it>, IJutfmo
I. N I’ark* A Co. Clrvrjaml
J. A A/iii-iiong A Co. IMro.t
Me'lure A W.ii,um«. .M.lw.iokic
A I’ofler. Chirngo
Win I'liwcr* I'o.wemown I’riina
<»ro M ilchelm) re. KraiM'iirgli. I'rmtß
% John Me Anbui. .iluiiuiown, iJn
’ \\ iCK A Ackrr, (irrrlivitlc, tin
Cfaig A I'rarnpion. <(Urisv.Hr. <li»
llav* A I'lmnli. Sharpsiiurijb. I*3.
W O Mui:in, Sharon. ilo
H New f*a»ile. ilo mari
1847. ..@B^l
CO it llt . xsl'OJiriMi MKK i7i 1» ”h. u™
TWT.LN mT**m Ki;u ami THK KAsTKKN
M'MK <iniintv- <1 rji'-ilui'l
J .1 1. f.
♦CI • 111111-1
:irr) ill* u -rd I y lln»
I* «o 'Vrll known Iliui (fr
it) Im»hJ« afr- not tout* lie) oil ihr
'ii Mlfj twmllmjf ik nvnl
'!r uii*lit am) jn.-rfomi ihinruip*
. i.l mu Wm i'lii)u>f« cnaMu rj« lo «|Ofe
m-mii lr iini- Krccivinf . niyfiuif. anil
H-vlll.' l’-i.! V I'f'l'af”.: 11l m:iLr r.l!>'« of Piuduer. we
niiic.t ron * siiiin'fii* oi western Flour.
Il:u-ou. l,u t! Iluvii*. fli'fi-. Wool, Frniticr*. and oilier
:ir:.ilr* for "ti vvh.rh iilieml advance*' t*
m; ai..l «►:r,f r u-iml ijr- ; i|i,. A aSordril, pledging our-
-:v< ? ili:ii i»n>» l.ii-iiu-*' cniru*!-*.] 10 u« aiiwll be an
prompt!) c jtTiit'-il ami upon :i* fair trrm* as by any
nUier,bnu*e. . JN<> McKaDDKiN A: Co
Cana! tla«ni, i'tttsburgh
■jVj am) iSI .Matiel pi, I’hilada
- titisi Hearer Paint and Bridgewater,’
l’ni|‘r:eiof n'.<l of *iram«*r«
PAii.t ntrwiiN riTrspcnoH a.hv beateji,
1'" pirpared on railitu open nig 01' canal uav.
'gannii Wj i>Ti*.vt' property ■! h<» wharflmat or
m warclmu*- - . iot •<-' piK'ii* on Kne Kxirn'iun. Cro»«
1 (;ut, mill Onm I'j.i.H*. (or nil port* on Lake Knc anil
upper J.akci. u* ul-*i>:>»lorward produce. I‘etln‘a.
Improvements App!y ">.o< addres*
frhajHlt; JAr* OJCKFY. Ile«*-r
iTirsßunwH i line.
jJlgggt lS4(i. jjfgggjjfr
11. I'l.'trLi'. II llo>p' T. K chmond A Co.
KonTardlng \ Commission merchants,
, rpnlS-A rent# and Proprietor* of this Lifir (*o favor*
A ab’ly known 10 the puMic'-Will hr prrparrd on the
rarhrxt tn>rniug of vain! tmviffahon lo receive prop
rrty at l'iit«liurßii ami Heaver. nnrl deliver ihr tame at
eny |i)int cm tli«; iilvo < aniil«. und .tlroon Lake* J-nc
ami Miebiftsu, tviili tnr icri*aie*i <lr»(iascta and at rea»-
The jprupnclnr* of lh.» «©hcii the bn*ines# of
their former customer* ronfiilciiic, knowing that
their faeiluie# nrc reeoml to tmisr.
Apply, to or u.Wrr«»
Ii .M HAItTON. Aci. Pittxburib.
CLARK!" A Co. Heaver
Jandfi. _THIC!IMnM)ftu r
' TO Til K PCBLIC. -
r|TJIII Hoa mi’ll'* I’mUifle Hunt I'niupauy l.r'nj; Ois-
A »nl vert. thv Company nraii went i:t;o article* of Co
pailiier‘htp uli.ln the ti.utir <if tin* “HoaiiQPu'k Ijne;*’
ami likewise nprerd to refit th* Stock *<> u» 10 have a.
iMUaber of limit* for the purpo-e of carrying Rood*
in rrmii *u »<> ofbi ditv*. wnn reiinnty—am)
feel rneountßrd hy Hie 01 Ja*t year’* patron
ajp, 10 mak«r»norr extensive urranfenieni# for the e»- !
Buut< year
VV> would therefore rerpeeiiully #olicii a eonlma
snee of our Unttirr pairnn*. uml refer nil new cuctomer*
to tbo#e we have dor.e l»ti«inr»# lor.
For the transportation of
i’inL*uELriiiA, lltiTivacc, Nrw Yori. Kotro*.
Corner t.iLeuy street ami Canal Baum. Pitifbarfth.'
No X 3 Market »rfpf I, Philadelphia.
Baltimore, Md.
I'lTrSQVßlill —Jit MrCully, Geo. Morirsn A Co
W MeCuliy A Co. II A Surnpton A Co, M Allen A Co.
Pllll.A DELPHI A—-Mar r;» l’uuer«on A Co, Reynold*
McFarland A Co; Fleming A llmt-y. Peter Wright A
Son. > liiipltim, Joseph (irate.
NEW VOHK~Uo«dtitle A Co, Tlie.o. Perry A Co.
BOSTON —Rred. Hot.! A Co
CINCINNATI—Adam* A Crengh, \V W Searhor-
’“pT. PLEASANT VA—P A MarJ.ier.
NA'SHS'ILI.H—F Flrirrn*
N<rtt--AH r.rrcti»nrJi« - from New Vntk mid Itation,
conujcni-d In i\ 1. Orihnri k. C«, Fliilndrlplua. will Ih;
|irnr:»pl!y fmivrirdpd fttrni minim*-rfin. .M»IS
. FROM the vety liberal encourage
me m ih* wibAcribcr ha* received «me*
I.KKCII a CO'S kMK S’ •W. 1 "-* 1 "!
PackaKa K.prc.a to Phlladelpkla. VJ UU !■»» iaJo«d hiia (a uko a to.
rilE C.,t0t0.„, now to _ „"™ ° f r««"! aa to prapafiy to
BBT BBT FS?J*?L.i FicreAk which ha* b-cn c». ® rr MP« r *, in Reaver «rrcl, immediately beaide the
~W tv n ,'„J t vsluahl« nifkim of l*re»bTtpr*nuCbnirh. From the Ion;( experience in ths*
ta:.i.*beit lor the rffltvvjMer of paekigteof #b|We , bll||i , d „ irpWp l e »4, bebope* tb mer
'inerclia'idi*c, rj-ec.;. U.i.k noiei Jewelo. ** , C*»m- <( , nd-TBeej „ . if public jrnireW I
nienecd running on rijunday.Mnrrh Nowon band awl firikhmg to Bag.
An raos‘ «cttwiin*«dlatched bnljrtint.l ibeelwe open Baggie*? and every dettripioa of
it , Carnage* made to order, from deliara to i
APP’y eigbthomret ' l«p3-dtf] JOHN SOUTH. |
cocFenn it tad C*n*l
lfl» 1.1347.1 jgjji
daily i.lnk of
rihillS writ known and of Sir.urnrr* ha»
A been greatly improved.the pan Winter. by the ad
d.non of •event! new,and munificent l-oait, built
ezpreaftly for the Packet lane; and the entire line i*
nu<v rumj>ow;d »l eight ol die large*;. be»t finished anil
funn*bed, ami mo*t powetutl boat* on the Watrn. of
the Wen F.vrry aeromipmlation that money will pro
rure baa been provided tor f’astcngcr*. and uo pain*
will lie rp&jed >o reader them comfortable ami the trip*
agreeable They leave Pittsburgh ami Cine.nnan daily
and positively ai ID o'clock; A. jit
The SIONDNIiAIIKLA.Capt. Slone, wilHeave.Pilta
burgh every Monday morning at lo o'clock; Wheeling
every Monday evening at 10 1* M, and C.ncunati ev
ery THurtday at 10 o'clock A M
The HIBKKNIa, M> Capt J. Khne/jdut. will
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday rooming at H>o'clO‘-k.
Wheeling every Tur-duv rvcmnr at 10 1’ M . and
Cmcinnaii every Friday at Mi o'clock; A. M ,
The NKW KMiLAND. NO 4iK'apl. S. Dean, will
leave lM’vbur<-li every Wedne*4uy morning at lu
o'clock; Wheeling *veiy Wednesday rveintlg at 10 P
M , and (’inriiiuati every Saturday at 10 o'clock. A M
The WISCONSIN.Capt, R J, ffraee|witl leave Pin*.
Imrgb every Tliurrdny morning at 111 o'clock; Wheeling
every Thufday evening at 10 P M ; and C.ncmnati
every Sunday ol Ml o'clock. A. M
The CIJPPKR, NO. ‘4, Ctpt f.'rooij.will leave Piu*-
burgh every Friday morning m 10 o’clock. Wheeling
every Friday evening at 10 l‘. M.; and Cincinnati every
Monday ut 10o'clock, A. M
The M‘ SSFNt.F.P., t'npi Linfo+4, will leave Pitt**
burgh every Saturday morning atiWo’elock; " beefing
every Saturday -evening at 10 P M., nnd Cincinnati
every Tut ‘dt£V nt 10 o'clock, A M.
Ttic ISA AO NKWTON, Oapt A O Maton will
leave I’itiabuigh every' '.Sunday morning at 10 o'clock;
Wheeling every Sunday at 10 i' M: and <’tn-
C’li iali every Wednesday at in o’clock. A M
Packet* will bh' ai the.r berth* at Putsburgli
uml Cuiniunati, regularly', ibr day prrvtou* in Jcnv.tig
<-nch port. for-the reception i*ffre>glit. and entry of Pa*-
»eriger*i>ti the HcfiiMer,
. No llerthor Stiuc Itoom considered engaged until pvd
for. ' * p .
1 S 4 7. '
Time to Baltimore ? • ■••'Whoar*.
Tiiac to Philadelphia 40 “
[Only T I Mile* Staging.)
M'HK iplendid and la*t runmng aieainri* l’oti«ul. I.mi- |
1 » Mcl.nne atiJ Swatara. bare cominencrd oinfctiic i
double daily trip*. One l-oat wili leave the Monongti- i
hr lu vrlmrt every rooming precisely at J; o'clock.— I
Paatengcr* by th- looming line will arrive in Ralmtuirr ;
next evemng m lime for the Philadelphia .Mad float, or
ita.l Hoad ear*. The evening float will leave the
wharf doily at A o'clock, except Sunday* Ps*« tiger*
hv thi' bom will lodge on lioard. m comfortable Mate
Mom*; leave lirown*v;lle next morning at 0 o'clock.
rii,.« me innuniam* mday ligln. »up and lodge in I'uin
beilaud. Thu* avoiding night travel altogether The
preparation* on thi* route are ample, uud the routed.orr
Complete; «o that di«appointmeiiL* or delay* will l-e un
li iniwii upon it.
l'a“*engrr* fan flo|> oil the route and re«niiir their
i-a:.- agn.n ut |>iea*ure. and have ol Itjil Road
or SteQin'.-oat between Baltimore niid Philadelphia >
Couciicr chartered to panic* to travel a* they deiira
Serutc tour tirkct* at the oftn c. .Mnuongahela Hoa*c.
or St Churlc* Hotel. J .MKSKIMKN .
TMR'OI t.ll IN 44 HOURS.
PACKf-7r Boat* Swallow nn.l Telegraph leave Bea
ver daily, nt :i n'Hock r x . alter the arrival of the
morning Boa: from ritikbargli. and arrive at Warren in
t me lot ibe Mail Line ot Stage*, winch leave imniedi
n:el\ thereafter, and arrive at Cleveland at 3o'clock, r.
Tin* route i* the mon expeditioul and coinfonaljle
one in the Lake*.
COThs A LKFFiNH WFI.L. Warrru I‘rbpr'*
RKF.D. PARKS A Co. Beaver Agent*
JOHN A t'AI’UHKY. corner Water ami Smith Geld tts,
npfile <>ppo*ito the Mouongahc'a Hou*e Put.burgh
dßßfaag 1847.
r Ml! IS 1.. ne. runout mg of freight and pa**enger Pack
1. ei*. will run regularly dur ng the ►rui-uu iietwecn
Reaver and (•reeiivillr. Pa . tit wn rli ireight and pn*
•enger* liciwrcii the two (>oiiil». will lie carried prunipilv
nnd ol the iowen rate*.
WICK A ARCHER.Greenville, Agl*
CRAIG A PRAMPTON, Clnrk»vil!e. do:
McFarland a king. r ic itmd. do:
HA Vs* A I'LIi.MIJ Sharprburrh. do.
W C MAI.AN. Sharon, do.
WM. M ATIIFVVS, Puiao*i, - , ;o ,
RKKD. PARKS A Co, Bcavet. dor
JOHN A ('AI'CHKY, corner Vifeater and Sro.thaeld rl*,
apGly Oppouue the Monoogahhla flousc. Puuburgb
Philadelphia, Bntit.n. r .tew York
j and 4t«' i.jj*.
THE encouragement Ui • nnc baa received since
i la commencement! has induced tho proprie
tors in increase the stock by adding a number «d first
etas* boats; and instead orgivieg receipt* as hereto
fore asageota, we will give our ownr receipta lor
freight shipped by this line.
'1 he boats are all portable, consequently freight
is taken the whole distance without transhipment,
thereby preventing damage from frequent handling
on the mute, and as each boat is owned tiv the
Captain who runs them, which is a sutficicnt'ginr*
antce that there will be no delay on the mule.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the
undersigned will be forwarded FREE OK COM-
All SS lON, for advancing and forwarding, and As ill
he shipped without delay at the lowest rales of
height. /
We respectfully solicit a share ol' pubhq patro
nage. WALI^IMitUKD&Cn.
• ’anal Basin, INltsburgh.
CKAIC, HELLAS ii Co.. A<?l
({road Street, I'hilaiiclnhu.
• • J K MILLKII, Agent
UowleyVWbarf. Baltimore.
IMuburgb, Feb. 111. 1847.
r T‘ , IIK utid<T*ignrd are now prepared to forward pro
i. dure. Ac., lo the liwtern Marcel* dorinc the eit»u*
ms 'Vinter, on the most favorable term*, by ttu« expe
ditious route. |
AH property rorivjned to us will hr forwarded auhe
lowrri r*(r« and with despitrh.
Meutianditc rrrnved hy ihi* rnuir promptly for
J -C HIU\VELL. A(t’t , l’itl!«hur*h.
(j TV CASJ?.'Bn>wn*ville.
K EGERTON & Co.Cgntheflsuxl
THE *ut»scnbcr* will receipt (orlie delivery of pro
duce to llaftimoteby the Mennngalirlu glockwalrr
*t the following price*.— .
A*lie». ii-teon, Butter, [.cad. Lard, Pork, \ Tallow,'
Whiskey. Cheese, anl (Jla**—?“| ct* per 100 IL». ’
Tobacco. Hemp, Flu* and Wheat—9t ci» per lUJ lh«,
A»h-», (Pot) Apple*. Cheese. Flax-Seed. (JiJm, and
Lentbrr—KW rt* per lUj lbs . j.
Oil*. Skin*. Seed*. Wool—1)0 ct* per lUP lb*j
Ifce-wax. Feathers, Furs, tiiuseng, »ud Snake-Root
I‘flJ ct* per 100 lb*. |
All property consigned to either of the undersigned
will I>e forwarded without delay, free of Comini**ion,
■t above rate*. W H CLARK, Brownsville!
* IME Jiteainliooi lIARI.EM re) nurd
* in'handaume *tyte and
now at the Mohongahrl* wharf A*
*he 1* improvedsheigwelladapiedfor
carrying freight and passenger*; or fortowmg; «h ha*
great capacity and power. Any person dnpo*. d to
purchase will of course inspect her. -
I also propose to iea*e, forone or more year* my tool
-Works, and to a man of energy and business hab U they
offer great advantage*. I can furnish the !«*•«.•,either
on *aie or charter, my tow boat "MINER." lie corf
also have on fair terra* six barge*, ifarre Hat*, i nd two
coal bottoms, sixteen car* with ropes, fixtun *. A. _
made for full operations An examination of the es
tablishment i» invited. Person* disposed to ndgouate
with me in reference to an) of the above part culnr t,
may tnJ|fre*s me at ray Office in Stuuri's ilutld n. • 4*
street, Pnuoorgh; or a! Harlem, near Monougahels city,
vksktian annul. !
I ’l**-. greatest and heat variety everoffered in tin* city
x before—made on the mow approved Eastern plans—
and most faifaionabte Eat tern pattern* and color*. Al*o
rilK CHEAP ROI.U or BOSTON BUND, on hand
or made to order of all sizes. and al all price*. ,
t-ountry Merchant* and other* are invited u> call and
examine the above for themselves. as all will be sold
wholesale nr reimi.anda liberal deduction made to
wholesale pureblsen. ;
T* Printers. i
JEST Received and for tale
from the Foundry of Umk Bruce
B V J A Co., New. Yoik, tbo following
■*w«a font* of Tyge : I
lb* Minion Tale;
space rwle«, eic.
A WO—For sale, a great vari
ety of Second hand Type, from Nooparetl to 3S line Pi
r*. Flower*. Ornament*- etc., whieh will be told low
mchtf? IK Market «t
, FAR Vetter j* 11 id care tbcTooth
ache inoncminme, by urttiff Wbteirr'*
Tea berry Tooth W»sb, than id *uiler
" ■ T.J.T ■ the nrh>iig: :tl*o lo cure of 'lie
guitia, *o/Uie*S of ilo- Rum.'. stop bleeding «f the gum*..
au<L«lwAy,!i keep lb*-UM tb. guni* and inmiili pica.*Qiil,
and.intlieGe*! state nfheaiili
Whilst introducing WHEELER"* TKaRKRRY
TOOTH W’ASill lo the public. sit» tin- pa-nfuJ duly of
tlir proprietor to *tnt«- that this arti-lr. which i* the
original and only genuine TValn-rry Tooth Wn-h, i si-
Iw-rn imitated t>) numerous T>«'.-et ry 1 o I. Waf,.o*
Trabrrry Tooth Pit-le*. ami a Var.r.V t J 11! C «•* Willi
the twine TW-rerv -uinrxcd lo tlii-ni- -when. tit is*, i. iln.
article t» the bret tlntt ever I wire the nninr uf Trahrtry.
and I* the only one which po«ftCft*ue Hu- real virtue of
the plant and eMat-linhc.l all the celebrity for it. winch
induced Other* tornnke uveol iiitiniur, though they nev
er did prerent it* intrinsic virtue*, in the-public A*
evidence that tin* it* the firrl preparation ot T.-aberry
for the Teeth, tin; copy ofitbe certified record-. ot the
United Hi ato District Court u* published.
@lhe rei'niid duy of February, Anno
Domini, one thousand, eight iiumlred
and tony-two, -
of the saiil Di-tficl, bath deposited in
. thie (llfire tin- Title ut'u Hook, tin- t.
tie of whirli i* in tin- word* \o wii:
The Tight vt hereof be claim* n* I'ropn-.inr. n con
formity with on: Are of I'ougmi, riihtlcd "AuAcito
ament! tlttj tevrrnl Acts rs-vrt-ung Copy Right* "
* 1 . Clerk of C > Dot Court
ISia, Ptib.Vd, Copy deposited.
Tbe above Cony Right for the wrapper of the bottle,
Fltowiiiif the Title of tne Article m legal Uin;uai;e. and
granteii in the Irgal form \v ill prove ihi* to nr the nng •
mat Teaterry Tooth Wa«h. and ail other* are but tun.
tntiiui»,wh'«-h have Rime out oi u*e vyhrtevrr the Gen
uine Traberry Tooth »Va»!i i« *o!d. oThr-p. it-nirinbei,
nonet* Remmielrut WHEELER'S Vr -•
Certificates of Magistrates of the fit t/ of PhilacTl
Having made use oi your mueh celrbiuigtTrruhci ry
Tooth W a*h. I feel convmerd that it is tfie besmniolr
I have ever known, and Lercby warmly j-coiniueni
it*-u*e to the pul.i.e in general at a ple.o.nyi and etfiva
t-iou* nrticle for prev-rv mg th< Teetii and Gums
Foi a i.iiini-.-r ni vean. my Tcellaniidl.min were *<•
intii-li out oi Older u« to prevent tur iron! ealms’ w-itlt
plricuii-. nti.l i-nn-r.l me in-.n li pun Having heard tt 1
tVhecler'* Teiiberry Tooth W.-t«h. 1 do --ctt.iy ihnt I
tried one -stmt 11 born..- of t. :iml m hr - than two wi-.-ks
my Teeth Jlid Ginn* were -.mud and good. I lirbeve
that the u-e of i would he :m advsitttage to many . til
er*. , J,
'Certificate.' tf MrmLrrs of the Philadrtphiu Ha
lluvillg u<rd Wbeclet's Tealn-li y Tooth 'Vinli am
powller. I hate louud tln-Ut li> po»*c»* i-leuti-iin; mid pu
rify mg properties, mid -.vliiie ihcv and l.- aul.t
the Teeth, they have h beneficial -itri-i upon the gmiti
tiv impaiimg to them lice and healthful iir-li.m.
- I hove used Wheeler's Teal .TIV Tooth Wu*tl. Wild
it* rffei is upon mi Teelti and Gum* lint,, g.ven in ill -
a higliop.mmi <»t >u m.-ri* I ehe.-rlu it rerouim. nl
it to the general n*e H It K.\l-'.AS>
My dnughter ha- u**d Wheei.-i'- Teal-errv Tno.
Wncli, land jai'-vilt-rI und ha* lound .1* tlbn-uiir
rlennstiig und purification «t i.-ie gum*, and a -wreiei
.tic of lie momh I nave an lieaiiation ui re.-iimmem:
mg .1 ai the mom henel(<--:i! preparnt.oti Kir Ihe i-i-th
lliivr *WI *eei:. t' J JACK.
Certificates of toadies ami Crntlemen of
1 Philadelphia.
It :< iW-ith "ini.tilde that I send tli*- foKowtsg oertil
rate, hoping that many who mitre will l.e led bv a p«
rtl*al of.t. toot.tam w bre.i-t'* I'ealieri) Tooth Wo*
wii.rii ars rlr I u-ed. und a lia- etli-rtua'ly cured 100
at-lie, iurriii-o of tl.e gums, rrinnird -.-urlfromm
teeth, ajid 1 fully brl.eve ha* .-til-fely u.-revt.-d all dr
CJ. <>l tin-iti I tru-t all who -ull'-r, having e.tlir
of 'lie sjune -p. i .e- oi emnplu.ns. w <1! a. «<K.n a* pos«
bin u*e \\ hreier'- Teai.errv To.)th a-ji. tJiai the
may b-f rei.ev-d. J I'Ll AN A t'ITIIRAL.'
Owut" *.o hav ng taken cold, bu- mostly m conse
the ue,«l ut a pnitu n*,. d -u i-aloruig pr ms. iftt
tr-e.ili lieenjit" very ittueh g.v ug ejn r'i.-:;«i.ij
paui a| .niervjl*. for l.eivvi-ru tutd three year
\Vii.-e>t'» Teai.erry Tooiti W a-lt vrtts-urd. and h:
eut.rell eoiedtliem.wii.i 1.. n i ertifn- ile furia I -en
that lb£*e who a p.-tiei t rnu-d) lor p.t ii-u: -er-
ami ulfo de*ir.- a p r i-:uu T.eiih Wu-h. pi.iy •
fulruec -ry 'Vhet->t‘s Ti -jl.eny Tnoth \V«»h
“WSeeler’sTraberry Tooth W.t«h” aving rrmoved
• ruifand cured •.item-** of tit. gum*. *.vhoh had trou
bled me foi two vents li :» usy belief ibat it i* a bighty
usefu 1 nriu ie. nu-l ibat it .* adv:*a!-ie to tbo*e who »sir
Il f w -Jt ill" teeth vtd gu«t»« to mal-u*e oi :t
Mary slli.ivan
‘•VuurTeal erty Toiuh Wasp dnr-.-d ihe looili a.
you tlr » i--r.Si.jii' ihu! ihr.-- w-’i'i -nlfer w-'h tne
-1.-lie pr -oren.-*- r.l n.e gum* muy know.unit .1 i«
reiiinf-. lor ihem and a n plea.uM T.-olli Wash
' I'ltA'S. rivMVoST,
\V AVIi.-el.-r * M-Catharine street
• Wtn ei if'.* T--.ib.rrv Tooth Wash" cui
Mjfen. *s of :ti>- g .:n» -an.l eflt ctuaiiy stopped Meed,
of -.t-. gum*. I deeui .t n J'!-: ni g-a.t inde iln i.-f
w ii .in 'Vji-- . f's Teuberiy To. HI: W.i-j.. i.if the Ire
a»l gum.-, wil: fimFihat it i> an important «rurk
"Frnrn much *ever>- suiT.-i ng ot my and otlu
of my family. W-'h decayed T.-rUi and sore tititn*. a
Wti. e,. r.* I . at- rry l .sun |' w ...
;u.< e to say that .1 d-.l p. l;-m:i a tlturnagh and etfe. ’u
cur* for all and i« the l.'si art.rie :ha; I ever knewi
I would fccomiiH-nd its u-c io tho*e who nun- fie *u3r
:ng Jf>Si: MfiORK.
W Wheeler. • No 4-JT .Market *’.
Many niore testimonial* are er,*; rig appmv n;
‘Whee’rr's Teaberry Too-h Wj.ft’’
Sd.l at tV'.'l JACKSON'S .tor-, No -9 Liberty
Fitislinrgb. head ot W.i0.1
(IV in-:;*al No .V* Ch—-:H I’m ; n
l)ir*c-rve :hr* article * non r d In -t r.n <l. Me i.ire
l«!l!e» make"" a rjuart 01 the Wdsdt. ami l*iv- *-m. 1 ; r >
p-nt. >
1* S. For the tootii.iehc :I should l.e u--d u the end.
laird svate.
of hi* Prophylactic Sy nip. a cer
-• lain rcmt dy lor all (‘on-t.'MrTi t r. in: M-r.dit
lon*-.llcrtuiiik; ('•■UL’U .-trip. Croup .*wup Cou
ccntratc,! cxtwjcl of S:ir*jpariUa, dr-cnli-rlly
superior to all other ••*lr.irts. huvtng given reltel
when all others h.ivt- failed, being through a new
p.ticcss tnoro concentrated than anv other ever
offered - to tin- public. ASTHMATIC ELIXIR,
paving eflcclcd permanent cure* ol that stubborn
disease-, when of more than Iff year* standing,
hence it stands without a rival in that raurn dreaded
hr. Hose’s LINIMENT, for all rasr-s of weak
ne-s nr pain, and a complete aobstitute-for blister,;
Ur Rose’s TOMf MIXTLRK. an .i.hlliht
cure fur clul c add fevers, and indeed ■« more of
specific for fever*, of all kinds linn btrk or (^ui
Dr. Rrptc's I M OM l*A K A RLE VKR MIFI-'HK,
where known, i* used in prelerrure to any other
Vermifuge preparation.
Dr. Rose s TONIC ANTI-DI-TKFTH', lor all
diseases ol the Motnarh and bowel*.’Ch dera in
fections, dec -Too high an encomium cannot be
passed on the merit* ol tint medicine, iii cure of
Dupepsia. and all disease* that result Inun weak
ness of stomteh or bad digestion.
\Ji. Rose’s FEMALE I it I In. a most valuable
remedy for {hose general complaints to which fe
males are subject.
No pill ever before offered the public *o happily
combine* the qualittet of a valpaole medicine ,a*an
anti-dirpcptir, LIVER or Motnaohic pill, correct
ing those disuses, and thereby preventing qon
sumption. .A young Lady \lh years of age, having
adiseased liver lor some time, her strength pros,
trated and appetite gotrc. was completely restored
in sis week* by Hie use <d the Anti-dtvpeptic mix
ture and these ptlls alone
EN INI* PLASTER: lor weakness n| the back. side,
breast. A c. 3
Dr. Rote’s S PEL IFl(.' KPU.EI'SY.the moat cer
tain remedy for all . cases of Gta or convulsions,
whetberin infants or adults. So certain a specific ,
is it' Jor thi* formidable disease that the Duel oh
itinatc cases; and those looul long standing, have
yielded at nnce.
Dr.RoM--. RHEUMATIC MIXTI'KF.— Afirr many
yr*r« of ditigem tin* compound wn» «i i-cov
ered, Bbd 11" nrver failing efficacy pi arc« it" rffir .nicy
*l«ovt ail oilicf* for the cure of Khrumiiti-m
Dr Ro"<-'« ASTRINt.KN''ITHMIHJI’MI) a rmnoi
remedy for sjniiriig l.lood. .mired 'or ili*cbarge- »|
blood whether from Lung*, liowel* or other pan* ot li.r
Dr. Ko*c'« SYRI-Pfor Cliolr-a and Uowrl rompbnnl*
—Tin* mixture will effrrtjatly ciur bowel comp aint-.
D) tenter} - .Cholera Motbu-. amt Cborci a At the unw
the A*>atie Cholera »-»• Hiring i-i I'lnhutelj.lrii u w.i«
found to be the most «u«-c«—"fill in arresting it. cuong
nine truth* of n!t Hio«r win u»ed .t
What may hr said ot our ot th«:«: remedir* may bv
•aid of all; their value will only be* upprrciitrd be
thohc who try them. from thine who liavr been
cured of the variou* tnaiudic" that alhirl the iiuinau
body might be given, but we are w.iimg to rest ilir
mailer o:i the nierii* of the compound* *Vc fjavc a
punucea for Scrofula, in it* various form". <o condensed
and efficacious that it; heal.tig pow.-r bn* usumi-lied
mutiv. A c-iu'of Canc-r.'ieeurriiig m the wile of the
late (ioventor of Delnwarr. was completely cured m a
few month* The cAJiCrr hud l*ceti I'vhl- cut out by
prominent Surgeon*, and renewed it»cl: with iiicreu-rd
malignity, yet ibc •irtoM) of <«m«iitu
tton and removal of the *«ift par;.*, the u*c of the Pm
phylart'C complrlul) removed ever/ vrsiigr of the
Casev innomeralde of the various care* (hut liav
followed Ihr u»c of these rcno'dier it re i • our ptu -c • ti .not ileemr-l iie»-,-«.;ny to pnuitu't ale tlictt
a* the a«eof them wilt r-.eoinnivtid ibein U> al 1
J. SCHOUN.MAKKR, A tv... No -t Wood s, rn ..
Agent* lor Pittsburgh • sogßHlv
REMEDY—Warranted to cum.-nr llic num.
ry returned. This medicine t* pmpimd from an In
dnm Rccetpi, obtained fnint one ol them in the h nr
West, at .great expense. Those who have been
familiar with the Indians, know Dial they can and
.do cure Venereal without the knowledge of Mem
cury, Baltam, nr anylbtug of the kina. Tho
dieted have now an opportunity of being cured
wilkou ithe use ol Halsam. Tbis medicine is
pleasant to the taste, and leaves no smell on the
Prepared by ROWAN.D A. WALTON, 'and sold
wholesale and retail, by J. 'J'. Rowaud, .fid Market
street, Philad’a.
For sale iu Pittsburgh by R E Seller*, 51 wood
•treet. and by Wm 'Thorn, !ti Market *t oefalw’l'
Dr Ja’ytic’* medicine, .for the cure of the SOUK
THREAT, ha!* been doing wonders during the late uu
plea«ant weather under fool. It i« belter w attend to
*hght raid* in time, and to procure tbo remedy applied
from skilful pbyocmi*, Ihun from unknown urn) irre
sponsible quack*. Dr. Jayne ha* established a teputa
l,on long since for piofrs'ion&l skill, rind Ins rnin-d'e*
for cough* and cold* have brrn proved efficacious bv
the cxpcneitcc of tliousndd* — Sat. Ev. Po*t
For sale in Piut-burgh. at the I’KKIN TEA ffTORK
7*J Fourth street, near Wood; and at the Drug Bu>rc
P Schwartz. Federal street. Alleghenv City.
Dr- Nel.ane's Worm Mpeelfle.
TIIIH i« io certify dial, by taking one vial of Porlnr
Me)jine% VVorm Hpecthc. a child of James Nhaw'*
passed upward* n( 711 wtirm*. and by the n«e of *aul,
medirinr a child of my own jmsArd M targe wortr»,-
ll is Holy the most surprising worm tuedieinr I ever
seen I must have two tonic vial*.
Fn, .. . !.rJ SIUU *. <*., No I°™',%.
bßTgh- _ 7 Rir j |Uo
pwa VAIINMH-4bbirSm.ti,-.’No I. New
.V X°. fk . <l“‘ck‘lrying v arni.h-,«do U.owtt Japan do.
1 do Coach do; for *sle by J 9CIIOONM AKP.R A Co
No a< wood street
ME 111 UAL.
s DR. SUEaHAS»S ' '
DR. SHERMAN has a was In nuke Uirdwisi.
}deawi.l T Mlh*t rliildr.ij will uLe it naJilf olid try I.h
m-jr*. See U.jt hii_/«,-JI/.J1.. u oinuliJ etfb but uf L-'t’
grs, a Put I'.iitr .ni I hr !-.e'L .it" rorti I'U.lrr, and
eorh Bill of Directions.
These learDge* »i» the safest, m>«Csurr aud eflr«.lual rera
rd) £>r cough*, e.ihls, r-uisninpl.ulL*, » hooping eoliths, »>lli
ma, lighlio*. ..f ill. huegsor chest, rte, «lr. The [iM.pnslor
lus ie*. r Lii-.M u a:, iu*l jure sshrr.- tliry dot nut gili |»-il.rt
satisfarii..,,. So mil thou und le-M-slure l"en s. jd wiihu.
llir tut y.-.r, restoriag to tinllii [ersotu lit almost eyrry sijgr
i*l consumption,aud llinw tatairiug uudrr the musldnlirmur
colds arid cough*. T’hry- du Dot etirek arid drs up (hr roup li,
lull rejul*r 11 >jiy, prs-uioW-f tpreloraticiQ, allj* the lirktiii- or
irriUts-oi, and rni»n. llir |>ruiiinalr or rtriliog ejusc. .
Tbry are madr Inau r.imbuutUiHi ul a nunt vaJuablm|ae
b-raut, or rough mrd»rin»», amt are undoubtedly iuju-i.u to
cirry llimg in u« for thosr rompljinls. Hundreds upon huu
drrds olrertilicalri hate Urn offered uf their wuudrrful t tr
turs, Irom those -st.o lute hern «»*d truui an Out Intel) graie.
and d t.. jurfeet health by using thru.
Where tb. r« is much |uiu in the breast or side,ou« uf Sber
man's I’is.r .Man's Platers (piier «mlj I'Jj cent*,) shoulJ be
applied over ihe part, arid sn.n till trlo-Tcd. If aUru.lrd
with r,oti*en* m, a f|*e ralharlie or lasatisr or any
onhieatliartir uu.lh pie, should lo- u» d a. oerasioa requires
Tina* w -rni hu> nge. hate been pruted lu us>efe than 1,400
OOU cases to be mlajliide, the «*dy crrlalu wurui deslfuying
inedirilir rst r diwusrred Many diseases arise* frucu norms
aud ureasn<n lung and intent XiUrrttig, and tsea death, with
out their r*tr being .io|avie,t; gronii |iersu(is are very nllto
alßicted wilit them, and are dortored fir various complaints
vttthoul any l-erjelit; when one d..*e of these Lozenges would
Speedily cure ll.rtn.
Sj-Miy l.u/u . / IiVi.MM —Pains in the yointi nr limbs, offrn
site breath, picking at the uu,», gnudiug uf the Uelh during
sleep, and at Un.r. a ]>altnrw about the bps,wtlli Unshed cheeks,
bleeding at (tie now, a gnawing seusalum at tire stomach, (lash
es uf he«, our ihe sneliue ot llie Ualy, slight ehllil or shiv
vrtiip, li. adach., drowsiness, vertigo, l.irjs.r, rlulnrbsd
dreauis, sudden iu sleep, with fright aud Kreamuigi
somcUuses a truuldewiaio cough, feverishness, thirst, pallid
hue, fits, bad taste iu Ihe muiith, difficult breathing, pain in
the slouiaeh or buwtls, fatigue, uausca, sqcaiaishueas, sura
• huu »{i|w Ute, Iranues*, blualed itumicb of limbs, gripiligs,
•ii.a'ting pain*.m vauou, juris of the In*!), s sense of some
thing rising in thr i hr* ut, itching of the anus tuwards Slight, a
Irequent desire to jus* «.-Birthing from the bowels, aud some
times discharge s <t| slime and mucus
They tire i ruined late relief in ncriuus or sirk lieadarlir,
juipiUt nm ul I t.f heart, loss ness of the spirits, despundeuey ,
iiillaminslorj .jr j..ilri.l sure llinut, Uiwrl or rummer rom.
plain’, fainting! uppressun «*r a sense uf sinking of thr chest,
iholir. sjium- rr-jnip of the (pbiaeli or bowels, hysterirvl
Aflerli -n*. andjall ueu.nn diseases, (Inmsiness through the
day, and w»j[rlnlne«. tbn.ugli the tiigbt; or rbnl
era morbus, Jiarrhira, lassitude ur a **ii*e uf fatigue fir
son. travelling -r allending large Jiartir*, will find tlw Lorn.-
ges really r.» p mg, aud imjssrUng llie buoyiusey ~f youlb; udyl
alter diwij.jif .a, they will restore the time of the system gst!j
'Call} . and re) all the uupb-uant symptoms arising Innn
to>. tree > Person* wtiu hale been l,«j high liver*, and
a il tl«{ir distijuted Imbils, will hud these" Lozenges ad
mir.iMi- reuupr.ser, uf the urnes.
The br*l strength* mug pU-1. 1 in the world, and a sovereign
remedy |..r piou*. or virakurss «u "th« bark, luiuv srde, neck,
limb*, jiu ut*,jrbniuialum, lumbago, kc. Stc. One tntllion a
• rif "a* M,,t ~lc J* maud. -They require a tittle warm
ing liertire .ijijibeation. Warranted superior lo allolliers,and
lor -Hie quarts r the usual price, makitig not only the bell, but
the I bvp-esl jpU«trr m the world. It affords relief in a frw j
hours, Lnd nlakrs atlouislung rurri. I
, lu dliijiUtnl ‘aud dyvpejm-i, it shimhl be worn over :
tin- rsglou ol d.. lnTr or slutnach, und tl will afford great and j
a*'f'liig relief, tn roughs, colds, a*lhm» r dilLeulty of
brtathsng, uppressiuu of the chest ur stomach, they will fin I
mediately s.»th Bid greatly benefit the mtirnt. Proms ul 1
srdriiUfy habits, or ll.use obliged l« stand mu<h, will rreeirr j
dreid. u vup|url from one of these truly strengthening Pla* i
ter. I,hysteians generally reeutnturnil tbria, iu preference to :
il others, because they stick ur adhere better, and afford great
er relirl. In their tbry are slimnlenl, tome,and
aiK"l;:f. Th.y are euowose.t.of entirely diWereitJ ingredi- I
rnti .my other, and kuowts from lb* etiierience ~i mil
In,u* *v|,o liave used them, as wejl u tl.e ututril tcstiia.-nv uf
all the celebrated and distincHislwJ clergy aud pbv*iruni', t„
l» 110 rn-wt useful acd highly medicated plaster.
Several jw-rsoiit hlvve called at tb* warehouse lo e*pre*s
their sdrprisei Slid thanks, at tl.e almost miraculous cures Ihrse
J.Lslrrl !,«*. etfielrd.* for u*e are on the baebufracb jda.ter, with a
fse simjl- ul Dr. Sherman , name. Il is important you should
alwuv• |a.-k fir Sherman's p.air Man's PUster, and see that
Ihe genuine, as there are many wurthlrss imitatv.ais
hawked .bou| and wild for the true Sherman's PUetrrs, !,*
unprint-ipled Uralrre.
.toldjwhuMsnlr and retail by W. J At'KSON at his Pal. nt
MeJieiir Wprehouse, ,\j. “I 1 , LibertV *tre«t, Sign of tl."
BIG UOOT. ' jan 14-Jly. ,
■ _jKKSONS -vtdieted with Scrofula, hinj * Evil
E < ‘ toe :r. Erysipelas, Uid Sores, l leer*. Tetter,
Mcr. urial Diseases, or any other complaint* jn*mg |t|npi rates of the blood, are rcquc-ilcil to r« id
the lo.lotsinj* tmtiinoniais, in pruol of the vviuiJcr
lul prviper ie* ol the above numed tucdicine
read: read:: head:::
Wvj thr unrlervigiie.l, having visited Mr. Isaac
Bnxii.s. J . at thh ‘ritfice of Mc9*rs Knwaml and
Walton. 37G Murlua atreot. I‘hiiadelphia, cui.sidcr
his fisc U:c ttn at remarkable one we liave ever wR
-nesstvl »r heat : 01.
Hi t iltu.-a*- **:.* >( UOEI'I.A. and t. rritiie tnusi
have i'et.-n tl twelve jc-tra’ contlict twill Uie Hi:
H. »i .sittU-,' t entire ri-ofiif In* m.-uth, Nn>e. I
i'<-r I j*. aim o-v,cr Lid ol i lie Kighi Eye in < n
.li-'tr's.i-i.'. Ins ) .n-o nearly eaten up, ar.J part oi
Jaw earned iw.,v. And yet v>l- can give n.,
iletcrjptinn of his case.
inlnrm# us ihit in January U.*l, Hu: wjmlr
hit mouth, as »»cll as utuxi o( i ;s T.rc
ol' drrp .itui ji uiilui ulrcrx!
I tli ol l.i»t, lie < miutiriirrd liking
:'h checked the ilisruc in a trw ;!:n s. anti
tune llic cure l;is jiroyrrasc.l willmi-U mj
•*ti has ftippltoii Hit? |>|j<ro <>J (tip iti fj. iil.
though b.iillt .lisltgurpi!, his I.icc i* •ounrt. j
nml health is/cslnrei*. :
i- ti-ed.—hi lid. Hip J’W «-
t K\ j\l (i M!. lu i tvrmigiii tins v i>u<:<>. i
D-u.ljMn Hi. Itaelx cnuntv, l‘i.
< tir.rlfs 1 . Kowand. Meat! vil Ip. Crawtont c*i
J \V .b'iu»i< M [> >outh Serum] street. I'hiia
JaCol’il.CC. I’emfe-rloti, \ J
K IV <;'.:rr, HO .% Fourth. above J'njilar *t, N. L.
S M'llulhiugh, Lancaster, I'd.
K M Maddock. .North Klrvcnlli si. I’hila.
r t VV Itpp'etnn. II l»4n »t «jo
Tmiojhv 1 aldwell. Marion ro. Missouri.
Daniel Veakcl, t tiesnut Hill, I'lmadiOpliut rn. I'a.
Jotiii Harnnii.&ftHiti'h street. I‘hil.i.
• Willi tip Steeling. M D. Camden. N J
WMliiin Hale. J7B High street. J'hiln
J H Igniter, Manufacturer ol Mineral Teeth, ICJ S.
North titrcct, J'tula.
ir A WoUcnweber, Kd. I’lnU. Democrat 277 N W
street, do
(Icorgc W Menu. Brush MakcrjiHT Market St.
Ezra Ljrr. lay ( street. Phila.
A I) Lillette, Pastor of Eleventh Katiti-t ( Imrcii
Phtla; ■ -
./nlm Bell. Erie '-treel, Pliiladeltilua. (North AmerJ
can!office.) i
Aaron Sands, Oil (.‘atharine Street, Phtla.
Daniel Mctunley, Kessler • Aliev, do
Andrew hwcalon, (.'aniden, N J'
R H Evans, West PhiU.
Jt'ichird R- Young, Odder. 40“ J Martel »t. Phils
John W Ashmcad.tiO South .Sixth street. do
T-** Wagner. Lithographer, I lb.f.*he*nut street, do
It J Klensil, 12J ! F.lfivenlb street, * do
PelerlSkeo Smith. Etlitor N.ilivc Eagle. do
Joel Rodino. (Slxss manufacturer, Wtlltamstown
Widtfun steelv. Farmington, VaoUuren ro. lowa.
I. H f ’oles. M I>. Boston, Alan.
Russet (‘anheld, Phisiologist. Philadelphia. P S Roby MD; Hurnsburgh, Ha. • "
Peter : Wrtghl. iXI Market street, Phils.
James W Ncwho, 10J Filbert *t. do
John 171 Spruce st. do
Willnm l rie, Pastor St.. Paul's M. K C?h. (’alliannc
Mt. I’htla.
John Chambers, Pastor Ist Indep. t'horch, Broad
st, : do
T L Sanders, Publisher of Pledge tnd Standard,
Phtla. ,
F P Sellers, hidilor Olive B tr.r.h, Doylestown;
Burk* co. Pa.
Wholesale and Retail by Rowand \ Walton, Pro
prietor*. 576 Market St. Philadelphia- H hrSetlcrv,
hi Wood st. Wm.. Tli t Mar
ket st do.; E B Perkins, Marietta, Ohio; r aton -V
Sharp, AlaykVille, K Y; John W Danetihuoer, ( ‘tn.,
Ohio; Sidell A: Reeves, Madison la;C Noble, Louis,
villc, K Y; Devcrouck ft Pellonx, St. Louts. Mo.
P H MctJnnd. Natchez. Miss; Hardaway A John
ston V’ickshurgli, do; (diaries JcnVmrf, New Urlean
La ocA
• rpilft object of tin* c«iaiili»linicntt* io supply a wan
J. fto-utly felt L-y re«pecubir trav.-iler*on our western
highwuy*—by resident*, without fjtnil>| taken «,ek—
Bint by putienl* from the *urruuml<ti{ town* mtd country
who re«m to thi* place for relief iroiti surgical and oih.-r
ih*ra-c* . !*ueh hove ollni •utf.-red from the want ol the
viinoii* eomfutts an*J atu noon* no nm-isary and agree
abir to tlir •irk, am) from carclc*. amt iinfanlitul nurse-;
and b-.-en:sub)ected to heavy and unreasonable cluirgi*
Invalid." will here be provided with c>?g*i«r!, fa
and roinfonablc attendance, and at n ru e Aui li l>cio<*
lac n-uil eburgr*. ■'
Wli tr the i «rc nf phy-tcians will lie extended
ever; variety of diseiwe, it is intended by Dr Sj.i -r
gtvespecial atleutiou to all
To the*e branches of In.* ptofess.on be box giv-n s
laise -bare of In- ntieniioh lor th>- lu-t twenty-6 vr )mr»
mid will continue to devoir to them the experience
a"j>i r- d b> a constiini procure daringthot time.
Tn- Hotel (or Invalid" i* tint an experiment It* estab.
h*linient it- suggrstrd nnt only as tteeersary to ruppl - , no
evident want in the enure absence «f any
•peciiii provision for the *>rk. Hut is warrajdcd also h)
llie-uere.* oi -innlar institution" al Cinemnati and New .
(»rir:tn»—tire former under the rurr or Hr- Taliaicmi
\|ar-li:ill mill St rude r—thr latter under l im, of |» t-u>oe
The builrlniß "elected fur 1 1t-- |iurjK»*c is plea-autl) -i -
nan d on ilia norlli hank til tbc Allegheny river, ne.irtb
A<;u<duct- It >* i oinnto-Juiu" unit nanny, and furttishc
with all nm miintd-Uioti* ix cc-sary hit the »u - k.
Application, tot ii-Jini"sum to be made to the. «üb*cr
I>ets. at ihcirnffic on Penn street, Pittsburgh,or at tk
in- No coutagiou* diseases will he admitted."
‘ J- R- HFKEK, M >D.
mav3-<lAvrtfT S KUHN. I) M
VI T HOSE mcantie** can rtjunl your* ’ Look at ) ou r
VV fair young wile, with her bright Mtiuty faeif J.0.,k.
at j our own, pitted with < riniiion* and hlotrhi * 1 »t
you rue 100 mean U> give nrty cent* for a rnke uf the
grrift Italian Chemical Soup, wnieh would entirely free
soi/iioiii ilirm, n.ul make your yeftow skin elenr and
healthy. (>o at once to Jackaon’s Store, tS Jnltcrty *u
IMMiurgh.and get a rake.
N..-D - Jsck*nn'* i"tlie only place in Piitsbuigh where
the f.ENI-INEi» to lie obtained. Ucwaie of Counter
|I7“OBHERVK the Big Iksit ttaml* in the doorway'
MORUAN-8 COI'OH BVRUP— 'lt should be
published ami made known to the public.” Tin*
-wm Hie expression of anold man who tried the Syrup, i
| , PiXT*ncanit, February 1, |>l7. I
' Mr. Morgan:—Tht* may certify that being affiicled
with u troublesome cough some lime, I bought a bottle
of Morgan’*CoaghByrup t and am happy to lay, after
u»mgii, my cough i* entirely aured. I pronounce your
Cough Syrup the belt medicine I havq ever used. No
Toraify should be without Una valuable medicine.
DAVID MdROBERTS, Allegheny City
fT/*Thi* medicine is prepared wholesale and mall
st the Drugstore of • D MOR(«aN
Wood strecL one door hplow (honunnl Alley
l*nce''J3 rent* per liotth*. . ifet-t
J vinf)(>ten«e spots, Mtoin*,orMarka from Clothe*,
. Woollen*. Carpets, Ac., Ac., and rendering the spot*
whrrc it ia applied clear, bright, new, and ipotlest.
Sold with nil! direction*.. Price 23ccnia a cake.
By-Mold by WM. J ACKSON,SB Liberty street, bead
ol Wood, at hi* Boot and Shoe store, alga 0 r the Big
Rom. J*»
(Ncuribc t.'cjxrr Urulfie. Ailej-lirnyOu)- |
* ItK jiropjirinrs nf tlif Siar *.«)»on F.<cior>-11-.-l
1 j'tllK iTtk'fni !!>«• ('tjl.V' ’liai ili.-v art' -u. t«—•
!»' i»prt.i!:f>'i I!.i v ■ -.1 iln: I. \\
I'.irm!* .. V uni-, r ftrln> I.^-ti-i.i art t >i . ~t |.
> < ar-j m lltr lari. Al.. s |,m,i .V|
a'Vv.nVj.-!‘.V’i'l n'-Vu^l'
.up. t.,. r in ik.- N VoU.ri.V A I
N !5 t»r.i: r* at hk V ' «•> ~t i
••r«. Iluuv A r„ , I—
ti'is tt I. -I <• tHit.;’’..' ; m
i I l« ~r«
ri rr>iit'Rt,ii. i'.\.
splits M.muMi :<« y Ix-mp hi lull unit < nti'pliic oj'rm
l non iii.ivn.c t>-< r'.vnl am! Mi'incnl 11 :i tluur Mu
riiitirr) |i\ lli«' ;nii'-: nnpfifvi u-n:i* [ nrr now- niaVit'i;
tt l-r-ry In ;* \ 'nil-!«• nl‘4-1 lirmvii S|icrfi»s«. Im.l
|Wi*li-tl. liiMid-iuin- i Will*. [iTumlril A l!rj;|u lly l>.,j mill
»iirp:i*»« - il i»v iif l!ir » iim- «-vif, mijn country,
min. ;«ii i' x **l'i •. i* i''infill- H' t.'rm mill Horritmo
IfHilf Mciriimu* i i-itnii; oorrrlj art- ilivil. d tin all
tun! ••jaiiniic | iu» 10 laaLui'j jn.rrliaM-* Cfilri
iii>iu a i‘i*iiiiii • j-roiiiptly nitciiitnJ id anil gnoils ran
(1.1!) Pi. irn! m!.m .nl.-f"il Ii lil'WA »lin|*
i» i rr s ii i! it'd ii.
reitiltfWli'U, UniUnCi Twlnc.Tovertft
"V AIIN. f MU’l.r ru AIM. U’AK)*!*. Ac . A, .
fSuci r«MT» iH AiKitrklrr A Avery.)
jlii'i! I'ropncioi a
I'lfthucnull. I*a.
mm: nlaivf c*!'il'li»!iiui , nt lu : ii.){ v.nw m *urrr»»ful
J. inn-rnmm. \> c arc inai'iua. i jruitf very i-xim*! vriy.
:■ II nri i l ll* 11: Imivy Shm-;mn., Mi'll adapted m llic rclUii
l rad' - , w i.ii'li i'il la mi iv aml ipiain v can uni In- rxrr I led
am |jr*r iiiiiki- .a tin- i-oimiry. Tin- 1.-ii Imu til
]iui«-ha*iTi c" in an I'luinimil'iiii
lel.l l.llinAu'liK' ■ IHII4ISA Co
inr |>[. -noil 01
'»mi|it!*e* un ■•'ilirrl-, new upplit-ulioii of
MIC i-un.l M l*« llrl !<• ,M»-
<• rntirrl) w.tti, l.hd llir lliyme*
■i i.-ilvni'-iii applmi wi'iioui nny or the
eft an*' limn l lie ip'iiei.iS inode
Tin* -in. hi,* mill irri*i;iilur inirrva!*.
ivan:>iii ia uppl'.-.l t.i Mi- .Miictiuic*. hat
urium. Hint 11 wn« in i ■•tiled) thu lodir.n! ilc
new appin-uiuni w.i* pnijcpied, wli.i'h, :*f
i{ loil :ui.l j .-r' i-.'. •• 'Uni ■-,* K.i* in*r» tirough!
I Man of |i> rfeciiini Tlit liaira.tle fiinfi
lilt purpOMT- Of' till- linn! ripilllive Mil
,xi icnny other nr-pcd- arc mmi i«/ruml
i inMii'.-liim,* the desired eiTeixt
inir £h»ijff'u*eil in i-niiiii-rliuit with the Afo<-
•iii'roiitiilriii!)'ri-roi!imrnilcil in allditor
•ur /ni'ti an tnftibUd or unhtailhy tlatt oj
or niai sytUm, urt-r llierc coinpljllU-' are
'in-1 pu.uiul uni) universal to winch vrc me
n-\ ante. w illmin eicpi mi, Truro oi.c a on-,
u ilrntnuein.'n: oi tin- Nervou* System—
i, ili-«i-oa.itfs Uni! oilnrr Tciueilicn' having
•4. 4 ac\r agent wa.« greatly deeded, whicn
illy In-iirveil, has been lound in the proper
is application oi (»alvan:«in.
rli.rii-j. A. . 1
lii-i ii )in»iinu
Jrn.ltiUy in}
li-i-t ilm
Til- (.nit
ihn irhirh
lAr nert-ou’
uuiulu; Ilir
-*u ■ ijrrt. I
a 'Th- <
; i-« «> :U all 1
|'i> Ji.’ In li
r«jL‘uicAf, /;
Urnt’al Dtbi
1 rrgy and fll
' . J
ri.'- It-nrc have been u«ol wiih entire *uo
.-<■* of Khkcm4TKM- ocun: o) chronic np
i.ire or I(tout. Ttc-Oolormr,
“I'fu, Vrrtiga. AVrrouj or Sirk Htadaeht,
'Oji/Mi, Pithy, Efilfyui, Fia. Ctltmp,
thr Heart. ApoylKrn>fStijfnt7J of JomV,
unit, l.utn'jeiyo, .tiuratgia. AVrroul 7>«-
:>j oy the lifn.l. :-nin m [A< (‘hut and Side,
tty. /v/scif>,ry of .Ymuu. und phyucal fc'n
.\KHVOi;s-J>tSOKI>KK* In cimi ol
'.Mi.c l ! ,i s.mi'ly ll••rT>*u* >lp
llit . f crtiau*. ;i,i: j; buvr i>pc:i found
-••In. J')ii r * xi’iioHi'inrv rlf-rl* upon
tinic Iti'lta, UriicelrtH, Ilandf,
inter.'', .’StcLhice*, iLc.
i ' .rtr 1 in ’ v ,■ icr
11 FfnUl
ir.'- rrm:ir»;il>L"|' <«»<•»
inipiir'2 ptu|*--fr- i>> in- <
"!•-!<> -• 'lt.
IlllOtt* .11- in Wj\ peril- -lU JlnTril
•o«' .\i pr .r- vi 11| ilir t-erli <■, |J SI)( |
r.-Tjilr.r. a J)i r trial lluicMo)
.lit .-llicai • «t:<l I- Htiim .1: ncurfil.
liuhunic Stntnpthcuhis p|as.
■<l" ! lillur in i- Nil (i J| v.iiii«in rlf> .ir. n iiM
J) -I 111 111.- •mu n- c.j.v-umr Jt,n C . u ,„l
II on-. 1.-I 11“ upon ll.r »um- jii mei|ile. hut
•U'tllliaf 111 Hum- Men; •i|t| , '“'a:.i >ll
l‘\ fri mil Hi* ml.-. 1 ... .1 V. ml,|i| ( u, ,j,
ip">.n.- ami u» :> |*Kii.vr rrnnoy m ruM'ii
HVjtn'K tu'Uhr I'hni n» Bark. Pain in ih,
Hill.. II liVitiriirvi o* Opytti
'ulmnuu-v Hr K .,nt In !*|i.ii.«l <mi.
.111 nt tin 1111141 «!• .1 ■lialncttr, ami ||„.
‘“-<1 xv.<li rrmijdrtr • ll«;ir- «.
r. ..Ir-l .11J vurtliit• U Pa l!» .111.1 Wr .li'ir'*
rill' In whnh ]•-m i:1 r i*>|nv,nlty i, lt i,lr
liui i-.iuii- ini -ticiiKlli-aiiiß the
tilt'd vvnli 1 01 nti-r riiuirmi m . I* Till, t ITT OF C I KVI X.f AT! ALOMK, WITH*
riil:*l.iiiliOi>'il Wi aklif-*. ru U Preventive I * Till* LAST FOL’R MOSTtH, ASH IM FTF.IIT
ntO.'.-'j,' iir^i'i-V-w-V'w!|'lf A * K with thi? most rtuvriT satisfactioh
.'Till.lll. 11l 111 | rw *J TO THK FATIF.JITS.
; t lk- v.fiiir* m ihr. ti.-*t tome preparation. Tin- lim*i-ntr Pnnar-a i« now nr-leml liy phy«lemn*
;nTflai'l :n.l!,lam in ihr gu'raiuc lullm-nri-. : ol It*- hr* l ri »|im .lability. hi then rrt ll ' nr prat-nee. mid
111- f .111 [lll frli nor >• l 1i.m.1.-.|, w|,, i|, r U( .. , ;!« rl.ifln 111 l.r rim «.»!■* rial llir Old) urlirlr ever itivcov
*• f li**vr an 1* It 1..-loiinj i-ni.irli |rl ml « ujiaLlc «.l ■pentd) .uni p-rmanenlly ulla> in*
i-i* riiijpri.tmv uir.-1 an- n emigrant noun-. I hrom tniii iri.i.«i.<m which i» thr «olr rauve of con-ii.
will thr pia*trr* m rommim M «r. ; l.nmrlnl -. mid arrordm* l» Ur Ktierl-, who
CAUTION. , ‘ in i*i|irr»-r. Hu* o|.mu>ir<il all the fail nnthonlie* in
in-TU tn-olrrlrl.r !) mid » c rr,« of llirm -.nirlo. ’ V,Ur %!! r a '“ S Airi.imil, of two llnrd- of all Uic AW
I, lauol.l tIM 11l 111 U- 1 i.unleflr.lril |,v uimf im -'nlmt 1 . Ulli-I.IU-fCalOU* l-Oh«Ult.|.HOn'inu«l
ha. tint ..lIP uii'liiiii/.'c) api-fl! .uniihiH, m ii„. ir; , u • llir .'oiiownnr a:.ii,r« from a h«t ofhun
•Tlirlml>,.iPl...mrtli. \V. U' \V||>o\ ' xvl.o Imy.- r. h hralmt mllm-Ti.-Pon llu-n..r!vr«.
11. lil 1-t.rvi .in 1 ITUI.I , .....1 , 1 w t! known to Ihr l.u*inr*.» iniaiiiuiuiy of I’amliurtb
“' , * ' , ' xtraofil.tiarj valur , ivnuiil lull, toi a moment. Irlul i-Hin-f their iiaini*. or in-
TL :„vVn,v York laloiir, *up vvur«l«' ilf 'pi! IHT ' ,n ' W ' i, * Ull,u “ o, ! ’ of*.r»n,Ho. e»ep» from the
i, iii'iinnw .1... 1 r 1 , rail'll roiivii-ioii oiiij va*Mitil.ty umlip afllicu-il. .
Imr 1 ~1 r" Hri l r : i >'•“ Ilian i (i \V I'h,Hip*. Itroiidway. I.ct Olli nn<l Marn'on *f;
V ; ' ;i , ‘"i 1,1 I,r m ? 4l :• W P'lfvm. llromlway. m-ar Y.-atuun;
i\ ' 1 .. v '' tmr- i i; W fnllm. Murkr.yr IMI Koundry. t**l <tt
’| f ’ '. , ' ' .‘ rI - ni-liit t‘l J al •.var. , hnu«r. >\ i anion
."’"ij !, f ’ \1..rrt.,.. ! \i : 'i " ' !l *' , l , i lr,iv '' "I ’lr - I J A Tramor. Surtt'oii Drutm. lViutrcs« »i;
v‘n i h*A ml *'« O, "a .hr T'vr.*’ ' I - Wtnm«. firm of J P Da.. & Co. s»yc. A. I.Mafkn
ml?s:' ? 5 :' rn«l Will! (hr I N NllM r t'nnal I’nllrrtii,’« I fthcr;
'! I\, ’ ' . ’ . . u, *n <<t to givp ii u ir. : J June. Clrrk Mam. Po Superior Coutt;
;*' ' ll " *" 1 ' , * 1 ‘'“ani.'io..* uvor will, Kll VV liradnn. firm Wt.pmlon 4 Au.ii.mrtii..
•?V : . ;.n 2 ;Iv ™, t,i r r l c: “ l . l r,< uU > »»< Ur H,l. M.1.nwr,.,, Vnwand lUrrJ
Uir.Mm 1. ill .11. r ~h n,:.l happy to p.v- ! K.-rnia.i, Anu A K.-rmaii. Mam;
nn |J II in,).,, 'lii'.'iiil ,1 ..1i..„m, 1 | i | l , flt ..|. i* F llr:i;a„i:ii, Im|mriff ‘hi *l. In( .Mam and *yr;
in: tin- Ifu. >i o. .... a* •« ill .;i» „,,J u,.. vdirn.) |... . A Nn\ i'll. Tanner. S, mmr. »t,
, II I.ytm. I'm-lirr. Front .u
W Joini'on. t*nfpt*tit—r, :W »t;
i‘n|it Ail.mi*. Foininl'UA Minin'-;
|! V Jour., I'l.nirr l.mitavorlli and Itucc;
| S Stc-rlnit- i uriii-r and lYntrc;
■ N.M Florrr, J.ycumofc* «i
» Fnt -air l.y It A Fahnr.tnrk A Co. J Kidd A Co. Jno
; D Morgan ll K Sellrr*. Win Tliorn. I. 'Vilrox. Uruun
A Rr.trf Huy* A Urorkwuv, Fal-nr A Thorn. U <1
. KMr»*...n.f. mid F I. Sunn dm, in thr city; J li Ca>.»rl
. ii tlr- A;h Ward, and hv M P S hiv.ini, federal street.
•V.cjth* n> •'.!>-.
SolJ also «i Sawyer’s Hcolili Depot, Smith
-1 lield si. lictwcrn 3d and •Itb, I’ittshurgh.
' F fill *lrn-t. opp thr Iron C.iy Hotel. di»trihulinß
I A|ti'lll for Pitt.lmrth mid Viriinty.
| T SAI.TKIt, Pro|'i.etui .Cincintiati, ft •
| r >'Prci onl\ ju fini-per l>oitle ajd^dly
; 1 Tfi FI 1.1.5, Idr Uic cmc of Liver Cnrnplaint, and
j all -liscaseA arising from the Liver. In nek head,
ache, and js a purgative and AntisKilious I’ill, aur-
of til*- l»f<.
will'll llflu
ill* - I ml JH
if 'ic, in IMi-l.ursli ■•o(<icr4ili a:nl .Markt-l j-i
”A f »i AN l> NfItUHMI, OFFICK.
I N'» _«•"» IJIa Mono aI
-IJt&Tr'*. 4 ’r\v ilfwr* l.cfow
rfaSSf' U " °<»l *tn -•!, toward* ih«
4sSiJi Du. imow.v?
llv. 1C ••'■''ft n-iiUlurl) *:«}.
8&P f«-»ion. and !•*•- n for Ji tuc
T* v I'lm - '> prjii'iir.•, [
flow roliliiif. Jim :i|t.-n'..<in
y~* «|.*:vare and delimit- i mu
v'«piniiii* lor whipji li,« ojipor •'
J- I'lll-mJ) Ijnn'.iy J, in-. I
iluoa- -i-vo-fil 10 t!i<r -Imjj and j
aad .a* i'uo->i iimn- potieui. ihnr
- • J" I"--''Miinrfi an.-
il alllii'ir-l with ilrlUnit
Eleven i' 71
treatment ot
b»i> briil mor<
can cvrf in!
ply fjiinlifi- 4
unit, am) -,i
fir Kr-.wi
pn.. l.
11) ll.r lot
Ill'll !u oflW 4'
il willi jirirau i
n !•> l'irii-«r Ji;qniva I
.in !"• i;nl;i*.,ly l. A *Zr. I
, r ~ n !.'• •-ur-liil :illrii!ji(ii |o 1
»'(•*. und mic* >1 ti liitmliriU j
In <■ ur?nt; jwrvin* r>l nilSiiinai.oii or lie ik-cJi |
Jr. iimi k.inJit-il ili-i:n»o» wli clioilcu rmuli 1
Ifi’i wiii. fi- ntlii’i - litivr.«‘Oii»ii’iu-i| lin in lo 'j
l:nr. He p.uin-ulurly mvni-» iucli n» iiuvr |
i uii«urer«.fuU> ifr-sili-il [>> nliirik in ion- .
n rvi ry *nii«.im t-on will Ur ffivi-n iln-m und I
tft-nlcd ill 4 i :in-lul. tliornngli umi ililril.trnt ;
n!-il s‘ll ’>)• toxic rxprrnirr. «l«dy iiinTm .
. win'll -l I* Kllpnc* Mr Inr tlin*«- i.licup>-it
mire of mri|.--,nt- in (fivi: utiy onr dan o !
of innnti.T
of llir Mail'
Itnin llii'if
hoprU-*- cl*'
lirrll li>ll< i
■uli Imii, wI
diVrasc |, U Tile bmvela .»re ajwata very irregular, cnalivenen
'IL/Ml' rnia or HufKir*- —l»r Jtrmrn al-o -i.v.i.-p. i "miimn in some instances with diarrhoea, the
person* nillicicd il.-ni ... iu c all. n» li.j |,»« ! db.chnrgns scanty dark colored, otfeuaive, slimy,
particular niierition.iliiK diwn-c. j greenish or muddy Otic «»l the moil contant and
Bkm Jhsrases;nl*o IMc*. I*:tl*.y. rir sprc.Hy cured ! characteristic »viiipLiiina nl Chronic Inver ('»in>
Charecivcrylow. jiiaml is a drv. lur»lt, constricted state ol tnc skin
N. U —l'aiient* of cither m i living ai n ilim .lire a ViuM drv cough, « ilh tiighl dilliculty in breathing’
by ataung their .harijM- in il.cay,rj,i, a frequent attendant on Una disease Inthe
lorn*.can obtain mriliciur« wilt iluretmn* no n»r. l-i . , * . r .... , . *• IIU " e
addrcaiinjr T. UHOWN..M. l), p„ M ~u l und ■ ~,nmic a « *« thß acule fl,rm ol tint diaeaac, the pa,
am* afre. j dent can seldom real as easy on the left aa on the
Office No. 65 Diamond *!lcy. the VVaven« j right aide As the disease advances, slight fevers
Hotiae. i j enme on toward* evening, attended with a burning
fT7* No cure, n r*v j lx\it in tt«<palms ol''the hands and soles ol the feet-
LXVKII CUJIPLAI.\T-A«nrtt7T"i , u»i' |» rioiMi | Mir night* arc* icillph, and when the inflammation
cd hy ihv original, only true mid genuine ! t.nmnmers *ii|*|.oratn»n. hectic and rapid cmacia
Liver till. i : hon consume the vital power*.
, i and Ji .Kotoal. „d nlaObr
Mi, II K sVllrr* In April la*t my wifr wa» iiitnnkcd j JOHN D. MOKCIAN, Uiuggist,
with t.ivrr Complaint nnd Imd lit.* miner of iwo pin Wood street, Pittsburgh,
•’‘•■an* who tried vanmn rrmrdie* with producing ji.iiv Or. Mchanr’i Llv#i. Pill. .
rv 1 T""' . IT"* »**» Yf »**«*. j Kilt., me have
I'iil*, I concluded 10 rivr ili.-ni atmr 1 putc-lino'il t\ [ Ihiim of l>r MeJ.artr’. I,.vrr IMU Mr w<c
one hoi of Mr . ••n't Aberdeen. nnd gave tberii accord. u .rd |*,jei. 0( „ |c injure you
mjr »n the dire rlinm, •>} Which *he urn* g.nnly rH.rvcd ,1,-y i,„vr dm,.- h-r m,.r* food ihm. mv fn.mlv P hy
I procured n.ecomJUi wr.irti rnnr ) cured her. »-,d hn. I.y iw,, niiendancr Two m10.1.0n.J boles, I
•hr noareiijO} - heullh. I haiemed ih-ni ihink. cvill i/Tcel n cuie JA MK 1 * JONKS
myself, ond pronounce ih« in tlir (>r»i family mrdirmr I Wilkin* Tow nship
'"•P'.'Ml- V Th '"' »X~M- rilh I.j J KIDBiCo. No.
%'zr' ,•
known for the rurr of 1.1 vrrComplnim ' OAL. BOl> A—t cask juwi rer'cl *ndl forsale by
Prepared nnd anld by K K SEM.KRS O JOHN D M«)H'.AN, Prunitt
. nps ;No S 7 nwt street -j »»* n.11*2 wood street
MEM ('A fa
dr: rug eii’s -
A • •*' .•111'* '■•'lißill CQfT !nr l’<>H"i'ni}.liOll Ot ihc l.m^*
'!■ » ..1
\Vlio»i(i,:i* t’otich.
Palmnnnr}- Aftcrlluu*.
'..IV I ’4
Hear wlia" tin rflcl.ri ted Dr. Itichar.Wany*—a I'hy*
»,r uu ot more than it) year* alamltiig.
iln t-Mi.lie* that m ilie i'u>r of Mx, Chftrle* Wad-*,
Ittni mirr having leMirtril in every* within b-.t
knowledge. ;>n tin- iroaimenl 01 t oruuinpl'un, without
in-' »hum< *i lien-In. he pent itlrd him to u*e-Dr. Hogi-r- 1
l.ivcrwim uml Tar, l.y which he »•»* rcitored to per
fect health
(SicurtU W.M.J mi’HAKDS.M. D
Ip*cl'-n*e it-'t n t amptilei uml «er thii certificate m
(jy-Tln. medicine *iill pciforrm' Cl* RES that ecem
almo-i iiMT.I-»r .«« they are here, uml our own
i.ri*hlM.r* who*-- i»rn*u> enii he httd from Ihnramn
mouth*, it mu-! tout ii. r ilie mo«l «crpii<:alnf the wonli
5 ■v <f $ V
A limber n minkd I-- cure ol t’ONM: M t* lit >N —Mr
fiul.itel V\ tiiichi-ud. ol llfl* tuy. wa* reduced «> low
tjiat «• ti.* ii.einl*. and even hi* |>li> ••emu* laud given
initi up i.i 111 K" ‘ '
Mr A I. Ail owe itiy l.te to tLc u‘r of Dr.
Ki.i-ef.’ 1.. V-I wain land Tur I led il n duty, athl .hail
Hi n oilii r* .vim inn y Uv u'tllici.-d t.'ou-iiinpl.oii or
lit MHLIi inn .« w-mh ten thoimnd phyMCuiiiV pre
lII.II* fm Ih- -It-en.e tor Which d ■* reo.mimMidrd.
1.H.1 ■urnoier 1 au- mk-d wiflihim.-d DUfKIWSiM.
Cut till uml tiluiul 110- hft ol July uiy l,uii};‘ were «n
Wi..mi.eil ilmi | Lied .n a «hort time •ocri'ul quart* of
liiraad wli ch rcrlurad me .o low that all my Irrrild# and
even mi phi »iei uu thought 1 IOU*l »uon,UJ E with Cou
•iiinpiion My Urother, howevf r. In urd or come of ihe
woiuieriu cum made i.yjln* mrd,cine und procured a
Uoillc mid I.drn- t had l»k*-ii one liaJf Uo.ttlr it «ecmed
u. BJ4n 'll- very *eal a.f ilie diwan . uml r'aa.ed a large oi .Mmicr ami Plilrcin. uud my Cough wut
mopped ft* U', 11 charm I have > nice u«cd *Olll6 two or
Hirer tii.iile* und um nougat,!•' In attend lb my Uu«n:.‘rl
I vrr> rnnnklui lo ilif inventor or' «urh n meili
f n,., i,, r ,| .| ( |,,j n„i i,rrii 101 «on»u nil (Kiwerful mc-tli
e iif lu linvr m.«- J ih<t matirr nn<l phlegm an.l hrnlcd
nj) luiie-, I *lii.ulcl without ilout.t have noiv 1.r.-n in *ny
l! uuy our u ill caii on mo ■»> Cailmrine «ir. i-t. t.slf a
• iuat<- i.rU.w |..mi. I wi!< give liirfti Ihr |)nrtr:..i;ii» ami
rri i liirin in mimrniLM ir.riiiU wliu vmicil mo during
"'ja'ii.n!.', <• allftiki. wmmn-.AD
Statement of Dr. Hiram Cox.
,i ir (.'mciiinalt Kolcel.i* M*•«*>■ «'
■ S r- . ainl a pni '"'inn urrl! known, who lia* an ■ xt> u
*,vi urarin-r; in to itic cure oi M<»* l»c!i.
uiier Miv.n- | lC en Kiven up to DIK with «hc*Ja«i «;aj;e
m Oo.NSI Wri’lON, I,) a nu.i l.ejt of Al.le Pli>m-
Mr A I. S<-ov.;i—Su: NowrVrr leludant 1 have
.-.ii- r» lie I'alunl Mrilioiuc*. Nostrum* or
i'n ■ 11. ii ( mu., |MI v-tUu-ir-o tin Ilk It in\ iluiv. not .. t: : >to
mi outrun' liuiln lur I'ummnnty ;i ml nil milii-lo! Willi
it ,-a.v tx>ui(!i roedu-.n<-», to Male tiiul in three
|niri i-ulur taw i-r -i;i.;|ti.-m CONSUMPTION, viz:
Mi». 11.-. t. uri. djusntci of Mr Jolm Oarr »f this oily;
u Mi*. |lar*-r *.-»•> .ri :mv of Mr V Wonder Hulcli
rr. uii I Mr H K Cox. on- „oi' our Cuy Council, tlmi
»k. hohkii’s compound syrup or liver
t\ <>KT urn) TAK I.IKT a. SPKCIFI*\
a ll \ i.-medy oi u •ntnUi churarin >n it-op'ralion,
lilil I i.ii v’o i-v.-i u-ed m ri).' l>r:u-'n r. One of the CAM i
aiinr.i / M.--11. appeared to l.e labor, n* order
• ii- l-.\S T r-TAOK >.( r-c-ro ufo'J- L'onsuuipl.oii ns pro
J9«-. no- no > oti'ic cJ' '•< !o Ifitt bor case. Mir i» at
i.i]» i in- . n - nr .-in- u: of u« nppiiremiy Rood henhh.
ami r I out a mi- a* likely to die w nil any other
d.-i-if- I. .M> Ollier young iad> of tin* -n> As,lie
•a. ct* ii.. :.t-' 'hr otlir r lwo cn»r* all lire prtraon
.l.try ~ iripti.iucOpjni m huv' »d>--.ded. Hum tbo use of
i. w Mi l-. » Syrup al-ovo
V.-r> respectfully. Ac. Jim 25,1*47. HIRAM COX M 0
Cm l ut the Ar.-tus and obtain a painpliln.
eei i.lirate* of wonderful cure*, from a great imnil-cf oi
respectable and u-ell known citizen*. For sale t.y
A I. Scovili ACo , corner of stb and Race vurct-,"
C.iicmunt-. Ohio, Wholesale Agents for the Wen.
I) C Knrelarul. (Irani st, Pittsburgh, Penna
J Kidd A Co . comer 4th and wood au, Pittsbnrgh.
Jmiii II Ca*<cll.siliWard. Pittsburgh
M P Schwartz. Allegheny.
Jnliu Smith; Birmingham. m<lri
11. <•
v anon
fur f’litiK'it. CaltU. Att/tmn. li’anrhitit, ConutßTfrion,
awl •lit olKtt a/fteaons at tfir llranrkial'Uilci.
FKi.IMHKII .-nitr-ly Own ti.r linK.-iift nn.l «var
ram-«l t., ,'ontn.ii no jin jiai ttnn ol AmnuonyTAirr
«om: tii :tOOI» luvr. nu:i tun.n it retail-
Simit'ijis nr I>i-k\sm» l.ivrn
mthniutiun it} ihc I.ivor. when mil ltHtc<"i*c']tirnct
nl an ticnlc attack >■} III? [’eneraM}
with «f a lunctionat .li’imlrr nl the
livi* aml_ htliary nr^atif. i>rul ilj*prpmi Irtqurntl)
MTins |.i !..• itu* only .illerimii present. ‘I lie patient
« "!ii|il;nns irrcgoh' appctyc and in pa-red powers
•>l digestion. ;i< iill 1 >. Il.iinlcticc. slight clmlic puns,
or c.iaionn! nausea ami vonuting. and n slight dull
pain .ind weight are ‘fit in the right side, accompa
nied in some cases wib a dragging pain hi the right
,'liul commonly. however, no
pun is tMpcrirncntJ tu tin 1 region *>>• the Liver,
wept wJmmi firm prcftuirr is mode «n this part.—
Forth, removal and (cnnanciil care of all disease* j
ari-in* from an impart -tate of lire Mood
or halm of ibe system vie \
Sertifv'.i Jki-vFs L'zil, obstiiatr Cutannnti
F-r»»ie« «*' fmrubvioH Mr Fact. Bbtrkrt, ‘
> W«w**e Son Bum. KmgWftm ot Tout, Scald
tUn.i. Kulargruitut auJ fain of thf Bono m 4 Joints j
MuM-r.i IWi, SryhiliticSymptmniySciatm or Lon- j
kegr*. and /)Mcajr. ariiing/rom nn iryudmoiM ut* of
Mrrrury. Atfiluor Drcryty. Kxji»>i't or Jrrij fudenei tn
l.tjt. A'to. ekfonit Centtuutionai Dvotdat.
JTS ninety admuti-iraiion has been, attended with the .
irappit-si mulls hi m.i'ty anmnalour affection*; lutt
H.» t-h.eily intended to (ill the- void which exists between ;
rathnnu- and aprrirut iiir.licifte-s hence it* modus op* \
"U i*/i thaiot nit alterative dtrreilj—indirectly, pro- ;
* mg u mine to the system. . ,
It i-Inghly ethtirutraied tor convenience ainj.portn-
Inlity. coutsiiiuiß notlitng hut the expressed essence,
and i- the rrp.eserilative *f the Sar>ap*rtlla Rpot. in
tin- c.nm- m-imn-r a* i» of Peruvian Uark.or
Mtirpinii- «>M'p um. h_i» nn qstaldishcd tact, Uwl a
lew f.ra:r* of either (.{umiiie or .Motpbtne conuttns all
the- medicinal value at a large ijuiintay of llietcrudo
sul.Mßnccs; hence the superiority of those preparations
—nnd no iu valid would desire to drink a gallon mixture
when n half pint contnined the same medicinal Value.
The Sarsaparilla can he dilut'd when taken Agreeable
u> the directions, and made to suit the taste ot the pa
Tim following certificate addressed to the Agents at
Chicago, lurmshe* conclusive’ proof of its great taluo
m cases of Fever Sores.
Chicago, 111. Sept. 19,1&48. ■
Messfs. Stehbin* A Heed —(rents: In May. 1545,l ob
lauii-d at youi store a liotile of Sand's Sarsaparillf.ond
was thru confined to rof (red- without sleep for a week,
occasioned l.y violent paru I root a regul ir fever roreof
long standing, on my right leg. My physicians advised
me to bnvc the lunb amputated, sayiug it wa* (be only
means likely to piescrve my life. After using half the
tmtlle the pain tn-gun to subside, jmd by tbe lirac l bad
used nearly three bottles,l waeabletoirnniaet my reg* 1
ular huAuiefs, anil before 1 bad finished the fourth hot
tie, I was a* well and sound as ever I hail been.- I have i
no hesitation in saving (hat Sami's Sarsapurilla was the
mean*, under Providence, of saviug Biy limb and I
doubt not my life. 1 most cheerfully rerotmnend it n»
the best article extant fur the nurtficanon of the blood
Your*, most respectfully,
The fo'lowmg eenifieate rsonly another li.nk in the
great chnm of icsuoiony to iu mrniK
SocTtt IloMoN. Canada Ea-t, April IS, 1f42.
•Mrs«rs Kxpo»ed n* we are to
ihc-attneksof disease, ond so fretyucrtlY disappouUcd
in propo*rd remedies, w-e cannot but look an ibe efforts
ofVu< rei.stul prscut.ouers with inleTcst ard gratitude
Tins is true respecting >nuy valuable preparation of
Sur-iipanlla. 1 b<rve_been spTeiely nifiu-k-d fur IT] years
with a disease nlmui which '‘doctor 3 * disagree,' l and
tlinr prescriptions were sttll morr diverse.. I tried va
r.oit* ri iiieib. s hut found no relief until 1 commenced
u-itig ynur excellent medicine, at which time i was
wholly c.iulmr.t iu my bed. Alter tUmg it a few months
l am now able to w.ill about rideout, and enjoy a com-'
forcible degree of benhh. winch I attribute entirely to
ilieu*cot fund's Sarsaparilla. Pleas' my as
•‘uni.ii■«• »i gcilituib- and regard.
Being |.<-r.«mnlly ar.<| lainled with the above state*
1 TU'lll. f l.crrt.y • rltily thul Ibe »ltii- if true.
I FaKtiirr Tisjimonv —The following is an extrnet
! iioiii u li-ttrr rtccivcd from Rev. WitliamUnlUsha:
j . Hraksutaa, Vt ; Oct 22,1M3
I Messrs. Sands-. I have been oil! cted yvtth a severe
I pam in uty side, oc.-asioned by a diseased livrr, for the
I *t nvcniy year*- -ufFcritig at t me* what language
cannot convey, hut »utre taking tour Sarsaparilla, I
have gteutly relieved,»o miicli*o:liQi I havelwen
able lo n-icud io my business, and preach occasionally
for the la*t filfeen nnmih«. 1 wholly discarded all other, and tborunghly tried the Sarsaparilla, which
lean recommend in trutnand tinegrity to all tbo*r who
are in any wny otilicted with any specie* of scrofulous
eoiuplnmts. There havr InrcU some rcraarkatile cares
effecied by its u*e m thi* vicinity. Mr*. I. Shaw, by
the u«c of six hotflr*. was rcstoted to better hcalththan
she had before eiijo)cd for ten j ears, and Mrs. W. Ele
ven*. who bar! been severely afflicted with the Erysip
elas. was entirely cured by tbe use nfa few boitJet.
Yours truly, - \YM. (JALUSHA.
Forfurtherparticularaand conclusive evidence of its
superior value and efficacy, see pamphlet*, which may
1 be obtained of Agents gratis. .
1 reparedand so d by A D 4DSandhlhuggisU, 100
Fulton si.cornerof William, New York.
Solti also by L. WILCOX, Jr. Pittsburgh; 11. liar
wood. Beaver; Win. Watson. New. Castle; Rob*
■son. Brownsville; A.’Crtigb, Washington; and by
Drugg|«t* generally throughout th. United Stairs.
Price SI per bottle—six bottles far S 5.
The public are-respectfully retjaested to remeuiher
that it is SstutVyiarsaparilln that it is constantly achiev
ing such remarkable cures of the most difficult class of
df*ea*es to which the human frame is subject; there
fore auk far band’s Sarsaparilla, and take no othe^.
raoa \
«hat has rclirnd him in tueh a short Lime from his dif>
licullj of breathing, Coajb asd suffueatioa? He
will tell you it was *‘the Olosaoaiaa, or All-
Ilesliug Balsam." Ask the coosuaptiie
nhit has alleycd his Cough, rrAuitil
the Pain iu bis Side and Chest,
checked his night sveats, and
placed the rose of health
upon hi* cheek? and
i _ ..... «
he will Ull vuu
A«h jour frirsds if thev jciiovr of anvlhing that will so spec
diljr eurr a loug and tedious Cough, lvainug of Blood,*Bron
d.itis, Dysprciie Comamption, Hoarteriess, Influesxa, and
disrasri .1 the Throat,’a. the Ulounuion? and they will tell.
«i,„—N,-. There utter jet has been a remedy introduced to
public notice Mliich ha* been produclite of to much good in
v. .burl a space of lime. Read the follottiug '7
Astonishing Cares. 1
Wa., the celebreted Bruton cracker baker, W Na*-
uu .irtti, Bi.okljn, stairs (lathis wife has been afflicted
ttiih Asthma fur JO years, ami could not’Aud permanent re
lief from Uie best medical adtice which New York
Brookljii could produce, ni indoccd Au fsy this great reme
dy btr ii now nearly well. was suffer
ti g from the unt disease, tried it, asd teas also cured by it.
Mrs Bond it now to welt that shr it able to Milrctn her
hrd esrly in the morning aud attend to her oiual duties tbroush
ll.r day wiliiuul any asooyance from her distressing malady.
'Ha.iav Jacksiih, lJth street, near the CalhuUc Cemctry,
; raise u> ihe »U>rv for tbe purpose of oblaiuicg a .bo tile of the
: Ol.isnanian, baling bent afflicted with' the Asthma for more
ibail JO j ran, and wa* so exhausted on bis arrival that he
r-.nld out tpnsk. Repurchased a bottle and rode home.—
Knur days afterward he walked from hi* residence to the of
fice without folieue, a disUnce of over two miles, to tell of
the wonderful relief which he had esperteaced from using
about one half of one bollle.
Consumption of the Lunga.
Mr. CnaroKT, 35 tVliile street, was to low in the month
«f December last. Uial he was grien up byhisphysietaa. His
fneuds ratertaioed no hope of his recovery. He was iwrtua-
Jed to try the Oloiaonian, and to his surprise it bants for
restored him to health that he is now able lo walk about the
streets, *.
Mrs ATTACK, the wife of Wm 11. Attrec, James Harman,
and Geo. W. Hays, Esq. can all bear testimony Crum
their turn eipcraener of the healing properties of this Great
lUmeily in Consumption of the Luof*.
Spitting Blood.
’Mrs. Tbocboobae, 353 Monroe street, who had been
troubled, for a praf length of time bra scree* cough, and
ruted quantities of bloody was relisted bj one~botilc of the
Ol.nanaian, aod declares remedy in the world.
Urania Kelly, 96 Water street, was also rcliartd lrocn
ihe same complaint, although he was Very much ruJuctd
sshen he rmnmeneed taking it, hating been under the care of
!••• physician during (he past winter. Although lie coughed
lonitantlr and was eery much troubled with night sweats, 9
Lotties of the remedy enabled him lo return hr his daily
wurk. He was entirely relirsed.
David HraDtcßnoa, CO Lajeht street, dec W. Bumelt,
formerly »l Newark, N. J., Henry Lubou, 1W lUrington
street, and numerous other persuos hue been speedily and
prriuiiueijll) rurrd uf the same complaint by tin's rrmeJy.
The Array of names,
which could be pridoccd of persons who hare used this great
remedy wnulJ more than fill a column Among the number
we are iwrtmttrd to refer lo A.*M. Binmesr, 103 Barela* ft ,
Mr Wilwai of Hbbokra; Mrs Bell of Morristown, N. J.;
Juurr u Detoe, IUI Rcade iL; Mrs. M’CaSree, 60 Attorney
it.; F. Suuih, 'A! Third Avenue, Mrs Win. 11. AUree of lias
nty, and Mrs Archibald, 1C While st‘
. Sold wluilrale and rrtail by Wm Jock son, «t hik, Patent
Med trine Warehouse and Boot and Shoe Store. NofcU LibeT
street, head of Wood strrel, Bill si ugh. Price bot
KllY-A llle«! A Miracle!! A Wonder!!
—To cure Frupumi* and Disfigurements of iheSkin,'
Purple*. Freckles, Sunburn, £alt Khcum, Scur*y,,Sort
Head*. Ac., Ac. Z^Z■
Four year* ago la«t—August, the capital of France
was a*u>ni»lird in copsequeuce of a discovery wide hy .
iii llttlutl t'nem:*i. Many doubted—it seemed almost
an impo-'itnhiy that anything .made by the hands of
mnu. i oui4 li» v e * uc h singular powcis a* that claimed t
by Antonia Vreprmi for Hu invention'. Many clashed
"Him and hi* invention ns a humbug, [and. ala< many '
foojisli prison* without trying do tho same now,] at
length, alter testing it m the hospitals, (lie Medical &*
eiety'of Pans lihe best chemists in the worldjdelivcrcd
the following rrpott to Signor Vesprini:
“ttV minutely and carefully examined the
smgu'ur mvcinion of Vesprini. tVr have utalyztd n«
coin|wjni'iii parts—we have used it in several oases. mid
we hreiiutr not tn pronounce it [the llolinh Chemical
Soap] :i» a great blessing, nnd a tiuly wonderful feme '
dy lor any rniunknns eruption or di*Ggureftieni of the
skill. Its inventor we consider the true philanthropist
of suffering mankind.
.(Signed) LWPOLD DUPRKY " •
• President’'
Fnnu die mvvnior •iiitiHclt to the present Proprietor
Paßis. Nov. I, |?I0 e
In cons.d-ftiioH of tlie yum of 83JKJ0. | have divul
*ed to Mr. T. Jones, residing in the city of New York.
N. A., the whole process of manufacturing, together,
with a Mutemeiii of ih** ingredient* composing my liul-'
tun Chemical S>up, He is lo manufacture it for cate in
the l'nitedtj*tah*» only, and to have the privilege of na*
in mg •! ••Jones' Italian Chemical Soup.* 1
Wmics,: Henry J. Ilaldsworth
of7-S)ld by W JACKSON, at 'lns Patent Medicine
" archousc, rP Liberty street, head of \\ ood, ut the I
sign <>f the Dig Pont. j.j| |
Thr onlv place in Pittsburgh where the fiENL'INK
ran he obtained Ail others are Ceiumerfen.
EFH.CTIjAI.LY and speedily cured by tlm n»e n
il.i Great Knaedy of Nature. A.MF.RICaN OIL --
It almost initJi’uoiMi’y |. dun-. ]|itl:im<iiia.uu, and con
sequently I« wnriaiUt d in all cit'C' to h ttvc no seam 11
»-i«r in the
Sold wholesale and mail fiy WM. JACK?H)N, at hif
Ibv.t nnd Shoe Smire iin.l Patent Medicine Wairhousc,
Til Liberty sirrrL head o*' Wood, rittsbutgli Price 60
cent* and SI per l>ollle
W Jackson being the Fxclustve Agent for W«»icrn
Pennsylvania, none i« genuine but what is so id by HIM
or HIS appointed Agent*.
r N. 11. A Pamphlet containing ample directions. Ac.,
with the names and of the Proprietor and I’ria
cipal Agent. i« enveloped with wrup|>crof each bolt!*.
Ahundaiiccof cciuficate* can bo seen’at the Store.
LA DIBS Who Use Comlnnu Prepared Chalk, are
often not aware how fnghiiully injurious it i* to
the skitil how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yellow,
and unhealthy the skin appears after using prepared
chalk! Uesides, ni« injurious, containing aTaige quail
tity oi lead. We have prepared a beautiful vegeiab’c
anlele. which we call. JONk»’at SPANISH LILY
WHITK it is perfectly innocent.beingpurificdof.ull ,
deleterious qualities; and it impans to the skin a natu- j
tal. healthy. alat>asier, clear, living while, at the same !
lime acting as a cosmcucon the skin, making it soft I
and sincoth. .
Dr. James Amirrwn, Praeiical Chrmni of Masts*
ohur-tl» «ty»: “Alter analysing Jon** 1 ! Spanish Lillf
While, I find it possesses the moil beautiful and natu
ral, at the same time innocent white P-e*e.r »aw. I
certainly coil conscientious!) recommend it* u»c loall
whoM* skin requires beaunf) mg "
as cent* a bo*
ID-Sold by tVM. JACKSON, at bis 800 l tuid Shoe
Stoic WJ l. l.rny *irrri, head of l> ood, at the sign of
the lliglkioi . . . . ji?
% Bio Cure, So p«rl
pr Jackson' Pvlet Jfmiwflfton XntT Foil J.'
riIHKRK are rewdiicaiea more conmno or iron-
J blesomo than the Pilot, and jet, nbtwitbitatuL
mg treat effort* hate been made to cure by the ute
of pill*, electuanei, lioimenja, &e., a|| were fdtile
and «»l little benefit. Now tho Kmbroeatlon it the
only medic me nted. A person who hat been ettffer
mg with the Pile* of the worn kind came from Sa
lem , New Jersey, aimoat on purpose to ezpreta hit
graniudc for tho apeedy curejhatth.a medicine bail
effected m bi* ca-e.—Pblla.Sat. Poat.
• at the PfiKRN TKA
«» «7'o\'** ourth 11 • * n ® al, ° 81 lb* Dreg Store
feblffr^^*’ Federal ,t -. Al legticnj City.
Y®*kl«OW OCHRE—Sbbti be.n American;
-* 3 do French;
' For tale by J SOIIOONMAKER ACo
»P 5 j Noat wooditreai
Valuablt? A 1 ciiicini:,thimsai.d* Imvr Imm ri-st"*
ictl to pcrlect health wflto b«Tby iia use would now
be in tne ulcol grave.
An»>T«r.»i nvihs niTfikss.—Read witii
ishment the wonderltil cure performed bv (hsclor
SwAVitr's (.‘ompouuil Syrup of WILD CHKHKY;
| I'hi(.AliF-LFlii a, January ‘ij. 111)7.
Dr. >wa}«c —Dear Sir In juiUoe to Toursell and
a duty 1 owe lo suffenag- humanity, l ehecrluliy
give my Icsumony, and declare u» the world the
iitna'. actouixhtug eßucts, and the great core vonr
(lou»pt*uml..2j»nip of Wild Cftcrry <>n me,
under tne most unfavorable circumstance*. I was
tckmt.wilh a violent Cough, SpUtißfc of Bloctl. se
vere i’atns tn the Side and Breast, which scented
to brefik down and cnreebic my constitution,a that
my phyaician thought my cute boyond the powe r of
UMidicinc, and my friends all gave me.up to die; lui
thanks to you and the effects o! yuor great
ry.i tjow feel myscll a well man. and raised irons *
rircrcjbkeJctna lo as fleshv and healthy a man as I
have teen for years, and snail be pleased to give any
information respecting roy case, by calling at mv
residence, Mechanic atrect,third door below ticurge
atrect, Northern Liberties— Jacob I’aibter.
Tntimony u now received from,all quttrUrtof
<i ~the Globe.'
The jolJowing letter* are presented-with a view
of more'fully showing the opinicn* of I’h vaieim* in
relation to the Metlical value of Dr. SW-U NK'S
Dr. Swavne—Dear >ir: Having used your Cunt,
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry extensively m my
practice,/! was requested by-joufNgent. Doctor
(.rntcher. to ciprets my optuitm in writing'of iu
properties as a remedial agent,! most tltcoilully
comply, as I feet by so doing, I wtH ditckatgi* a
debt I nwd'ttie community at large, and Physii nn&
tq particular. At much as 1 detest Quack'Heme
dies and Patent Nostrum*, 1 was Iniluiwd trom
a lailjire of the moat potent cxpcctornt.ta. i.cmi:-
mended in our materia mcdlta jn some cumol
ihreased Lungs, to. try your preparation ol {’ unus
Virginia or Wild Cherry. gH u sufficient lossy (li..t
I was so much pleased with (be result of that nnd
••j'nrquent trials, that l now prescribe it in pieU-r
-ettee to all other Remedies where an exprettu ..nt is
indicated, in the much Piirutnoi.i.i or
Disease of the Lungs, in the alarming lurm tn « hfrh
it appears in Kentucky, i regard it a* nn invaluable
Remedy iu Iho treauce&tol that disease, "loall
who know mo I have said enough, but as tin- may
he seen by persona out of the vicinity ul Frai.l,lun’.
l.will briefly add, that I have been m uu
active practfco ol my profession id I - yean-,and act
<a ; Keeular Groiiuate of 'l'raosylvania, and this is U.o
tirat Patent Medicine I ever thought cnongl, «.| to
express an opinion in writing.
: . J. 11. Elmsok, M. D.
! January fth, 1&I7. Franklrn (.‘ounly. Ky.
PKABKronr, Kv , Jan'ry "ih, 1Hl».
. The above certificate is Nom one of our I’hyxp
clan# living a few miles from here, he is doing;; very
good practice,and la considered a I'hj-ickin
*nd stands fair, he is, as he .says, a regulirgi:»,iuiic.
I 1 Dn. W. L. CiiuYciirn.
;• Drugcist and Apsitl.ccaiv.
j’ Testimonials icitl nerer erau.
[ From the Temperanrt Pleilge.
\ Now that Wilder is upon us with its aurudant
train of Palmonie and Bronchial affections.Cough*,
Cjofds, dtc &c .wc would advike those alllictedm
this way to make immediate trial of Dr. Swaynca
Compound Syrup o! Wild Cherry. It-will never
tail tb rm a permanent cure. The reputation
uf this mediciLc baa caused many tpurioua article*
to beputtorth under ita name; but tbe preparation
of .Drt Swayhe, besides being the lint ever ottered
to tlid public, la the only one (hat can he rein d on.
The other uixtuns cold lor VYild_(Jnerry Syrup.
fcc.. are all spurious anil woniih s/, ami
contain none ol the'viriucs nf the original pfepara.
don, ;Dr. Jjwayne'a Compound Syrup ul Wild
From the Springfield Express.
. Or llie thousands of purported curative nn?lrutii»
rjow before tbe public, but very few are louml lu
posses* tbe healing virtues lor which they i< ■
dommeaded. Among the latter we are. pleased lit
learn none eUDd a belter lot than Dr. Su.-iyne's
Compound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. "'I In* LlllieH-d
(n this vicinity are beginning to use it. and their
joy they find in Its e«e their hopes bated u|«>n its
recommendations more than realized. The Mlhcted
deed pot despair. - While there is Idc, (here now is
a caution to the public
(□“Since tho introduction of my article to the.
public, there have a number or unprincipled indi
viduals g it' up uoitrumi which they assert contain
Wild Cherry, some are called “Balsams,” •‘Bitters,’
and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine is the
original and only genuine picpatation evrr introdu
ecu to the public, which can be proven by iho pub
lic Uccorda ol ihu Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The only safeguard against imposition is to see that
my signature is on each bottle.
. . ' ' l)R. 11. SWAYNE.
! Prepared only by Dr. H. Swivttt, at his I’ricci*
fal Office, corner of Eight l and Kick Streets,
hiladclphia. All Wild Cherry preparations being
fictitious and counterfeit without his cignaiutc,
Cor sale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by
,W.M, THOHN, 63 Market street.
OGDEN At SNOWDEN, corner dnd Sc Wood »ts.
S. JONES, ICO Liberty street.
Sold also by J Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd,
Caros At Co., Butler; Weaver & Henderson, Mer
cer; Norman Calendar, Mertdville; J H Burton Ac
Co., Erie} M'Kcnsie Sc Kaskcll, Clevelard; Denis
,(c Son, Columbus; Miller, Brownsvilh; Marsh,
(Wheeling, Va ; E B HmmanT Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr
'E Easterly Sc Co.,' St. Louis; J S Morns At. Co.,
[Louisville, Ky..; Andrew Oliver At Co., New Or
{leans. ' ap r s
IS dow universally acknowlcdgrd lo \to the INV
FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism, Spi’-__
nal Affections, Contractions of the Muscles, Sure
;Throat and Quinsy, lssucs';old Ulcers, t'nina in the
‘Hack and Chest, Ague in the Breast and Face,
.Tooth Ache, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Klieum, Burns,
(.‘roup, Frosted Feet and all Nervous Diseases.
!; The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at
j tended the application of this most WONDERFUL
[MKDICINKin curing the most severe caacii of the
diflereift Pisea-es above named,—and the HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that haTe been bestowed upon it,
wherever it has been introduced, gives me the right
I to calf on the AFFLICTED to resort at once to
Q~7*The (acuity unite in recommending the ccle
ated External Remedy, ilunlta Liniment.
Tbo letter from the highly cminer t -
Physicians who have bicn attached to the Mount
Pleasant State Prison for many yean, is the best
evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniment.
’ _ Sixo Sixo, December Stt, IS4A,.
My Dear Sir—l received your note of yrsleiday,
asking my opin on in relation to Hunt’s Liniment,
as prepared by MMieor ? e E Stanton. Knowing
its composition, and having frequently used it, 1
can recommend it to you as a safe Kiicrnul Reme
dy, and in my opinion, the best Liniment now in
use.. Very truly and respectfully yours
Col Pierre Van Cortlnndt, Croton Manor.
I fully concur in the above opinion.
YuitKToivN, Jan. W, UW;i.
Sir—ln reply to your letter, i would say-that I
have used.your External Remedy, called Hunt’*
Liniment, in my practice since you made me ac
quainted with its composition, and unhesitatingly
-say that l believe it the best External Kcmc
’ily now in use lor tbo complaints for winch you re
commend it. Yours respectfully;
Coo E Stanton, Esq.
J . . From the N Y Sum
the mast of worthless articles, and
j humbugs that, are poured forth at the present -day
upon the country, it ja really refreshing to find
something of real practical utility, something siiu
pie, speedy and effectual in its operation, and ct
the same time free from those injurinut-ectiecls
which generally attend powerful remedim. Hunt's
Liniment, prepared by Geo. K Mantun. o| Sing
Sing, though it has been hut a short time before
the public, his already obtained the confidence, not
•only of our most wealthy and itillueiiiml citizens,
but our most emiuent physicians. All acknowl
edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of the ills
that flesh it heir to, soothing the aching limb, and
by its genuine stimulating innueuco,bani>hin" dis
case from the system.
Mr. Stanton—Sir—S cing your advertisement
of Hunt’s Liniment, I \vai induced to try it* effects
on my son. who' had been crippled with 3 lame
: back from ao infant; and it is with gratitude I bear
! testimony to its wonderful-healing properties. Mv
child, who is now live yrart ol age. is nuwin a faff
way of recovery. Yours, Ax
Post Orncn,Tows, ns, Putnam Co.
I certify that I am persomlh acquaint) d with
the above named child, and think ih« lather would'
"be sale in saying that his son is almost well.
, _ J As s W DYK.MAN,
Nov's, IBtu. Deputy Post Matter.
I'. S. 1 would also stale that I have been fur a .
number oi'ycars subject to frequent attacks ol the
Rheumatism, which in many insLsarcs prevented
my attending to my business. Two or three tppli
cations of ihcLmiinent invariably remove-rail a!-
factions of the kind. Incases of bruises., sprains
and lores, too numerous to mention, it has in this
vicinity proved a Certain remedy. Its value can
only be estimated by those who have given it u fair
This Liniment »a sold at 25 and 50 cents per bot
tle, by ail- the Principal Druggists amt Merchants -
I throughout the couetry.
I WltolcaaU Agent* in Hew York.
HOAULEV, PHELPS & Co. ll* Wain
i - RUSHTQN Ac Co, MO » roadway.
A HA D SANDS, corner Fultmiand William
ASPINWALL. fi(i William street.
I Order* addressed to me at Sine Sia? v an.
Ibe aitcnded to. GEORGE E STANTON,
I Jl -,S , ?!' n P ?* b “ r B h by L WILCOxT/cind J
I * ,D ?\ t -°-.. ARcgHenvCity.JOHN
Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. - jcblil
Mlb medicine n lui uking ihc iilnto ol ereij
PJ*P # r* tlo n heretofore uied for Jineaaea arising
irom Wcakneaa or other .cauaca. Alllhatia necca*;
* ar 7 to *eenre tbia medicine a place in the Dome** I
tic Practice of etery family, when medlelni =
i* needed, it atrial.
It apeaka for itaell—ia innocent-in it* operation,
and Bojnjury can ariae lioto ita uae at any time.
•Wholesale and Retail by ROIVAND iV WAL*
TON, Proprietor* 376-Market Stieet, Philad’a.
• For sale tn Pittsburgh by R K Seller*. 67 Wood
»Vm. Thorn.s2 Market at. ocfclw T
nentljr< dteiug Light, Red or Gray lliir a Dark,
Un>wm or C-lack color, without dyeingor injuring the
•knt. Sold with full direction* Price 60 cent*, or 91
a bottle.
O-Sotd by WM. JACKSON, at bit Psient Medicino
Wnrebousr. s> Libetry street, head of Wood, at the
«i*n of ibtf-Ui* Boot. • . W 9
li A 8 A M—IK doz Wiitar't Balsam of W jftl Cbetry,
.1* just received and for *a’e by J KIDDACo—
•P* No CO wood street
VEHKTIABi ItKD-7 t.b!« bettKngiisfi;
S do American;
For **le by J SCHOONMaKKR A Co
•P 4 No M wood nrse;