v ' ■ i V 7 Tftf PITTSBI Hdll lIAfLY GAZETTE. 15 PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS IU'SISKSS ('.HIUS, ■ AL.t-.XA Mhll MlltllON -m.I 1 . i, i: M..-,. !i , it WV, ; , an.l |fj Froni-I*. rninl.iirKti ' im-lil l ATWOOI*. JOJiKS X. C« itoiiMii4diini .i.iil I ..f’-Vi.i li ..{ *• . i,vr n lurii'-.l lollieir old ■ ;aml 'A;.: ? . 1' A Kilt It I.CU IH, Atmi i* Vat U* l .-.rin . M. i- „..v - ,i.:> !rt.l. -• an-tl «11T ¥ > \VINr;!r , k.ml' •>< lm- IJo Tiorif l nr. • ) :ri. Spanish Leal. and hr rim,ret.’ «. t rhr-A.n- ToM‘«». whol.*ale and clml .No '1 i,. i.l--u-r,. je« rntniu i « m.o-% *■ soci.a tntrs* Bk'at:v a KtITKU, \Vh- r f*»tr and Retail l',.T-V rtwfo. L;;,,'!') -vulLlau nn-n*. , [«j mt) M BAUIBOW-i A Tl’K VKlt, \Vi.-,le«alc *»d Kc mi ~... ~v, , lt p..j„ j a*.*: *-iaf !c Dry No W Ma-hi , .1 «i.»jrw iriiin I’iiird ( | «n>A AUXKSTOrif A- C(>., X rljH Vt , Mill I'lh «t’ , jyl Bx. SASJPSON A. < «>.. Oo'-*, V •;•• rs. rjurt.urst* twit * 11 AGAI.KY * SJU ni, Ul,. t.i.ver*. J* 1 •• 1 Mrill'll. ItAltU.tU .a t t»., Wh.v. vn>.. C,r,v rrf' •in.l I'm. ..i. - - i.. N»v VH-* 'lnrWr- »:r»>*t. tr- IV*Ar-lie? nod > rn. VN-.ii. V.-i*;.urßL rretr-J A. 31c AM I > /' OIII.ANI'D l.iHlMls. ,«jw.nirv ai X » . tTi- ...it! »:f • • • IV , Maiw:Vi«rvrf» V., . v w,. I 1 C *n*l .‘-r-' •. . '1 . .v rirrj <’rS* #1 |i hi • r i, M. -. o*. ‘•t d*l.,.r «; X\ tj Vlir. ...o, 1 .!. j. Cjrulhrr*. / IU».IiA.-ll ' t UCOTUV.ns. U S-rr.lMi«s I , >;i urt.rlr* of .i. - \., \* ii.r *:>.! lb Fiont iMAMN.itUN -N iMo'l^alc-Gro 1 , _ . , , , . . m.i JVric-.fdMii' Mrrrnar.t*. , ' | •'.j.nrtu m innuftui* *. No .... , ,i. » J. MikMwHT. 1 »l- .'1 .il» .NUJUT, I«#crc»>ur» U It. V- •• > v.i »\ iK..<•«•!' (VttiuniMiou V •*rh:k.ii«, m I'toluc** and S nti h-f.vi-fii H'ooJ 1 nrlll an l I. *' i « \ toi-VCif-U, r airl rrtai! l_/ <«i Kin. nr».l VnriHy tiond/, «UH Ol ' i, urur4.iWny. I’ l ”** K.f Will I and Faun})' ti) iipii I.»v« XJ i-.ii 3J auU 4;h *u. inrli."»lv i\ ir. kiialiH n. d< JJ. U,»J..C...n ■ N«» • ner«>: -■ ii kw*lt >' ions cuntn. IVVVALT* »t UK ifliAllT, W hoie>»le Uio- Li r-m .irulrr- ,ivi>x'inc awl Pittsburgh indimuc lurr*. corner nl l.'ti* - .'!) sud Hand »l«-, Pittsburgh, l u Ir l»l 7 "S a' x>ci. *ij' jaisio t. Baxstrrr. T;»KUI.SSH A IiKSXETT, ilate hnßli»b, Gul- I’j ii-ii, i \ i'u v»'i.oiful<; Grocer*, Comtn.*»:o» and Fniwartlmj iU'rcti.in;*- -ml m Produce and Pitt.«l,uh;ii 'fnnvl'.ti !.;:<•<. No aT Wood meet, twiwcen Sccnad and Third . . . . _ S' I * Tl * AGU.V\V X McItNIOIiT, Attorney* at l aw, orticr iciiio >■• «i a u w.toon nearer Gram •ueci. on I'niircn in liukrwrll « Gid l.»un. •I>S?A®L pcmWAUD O. r 11. y»at «a»e run-wets Uieiroiee 10 ibo wwia ...!e of Fuutih Sire--., b-uvon Cherry Alley ami Grant . 1" It I’Vir.ii- Kfc-J. j Joo*. Wood. FIUKN'U, XtllKV dt CO., Wholesale Grocefc, ami iVimm.Mio.l Mcuimutu, and Afr.ol*for Ungluon Colton .N«*»iT W wteriiinl il» Front »tre*u l 'tu* . liumh. tu. fcb " i' XILL'MK, r.ann Four. Manufacturer and deal* 1 .lt in Mu'-cal »n»;r-unyu«, 11— Wood airerl. near Fill!.. nwwti^ ' JAI-DM tuimii. >°* 4S f-J o** 0 *** 1 ?' IT'ORS VTII A Co, Couiniimion .and rtirwaiding < Vlurrliy.,’.- N... Pi U'ur'-i. IM!»l>Lrj;:> ’ "nyM XHtANCIS BKLI.KIW, tiuxvr. Oonua.*-*inn 4 M-. f Lain and di-ali f ;a Produce, Cordagu, U.K Ac A< No itUiffiin .i-ur Canal Pui*lmr;'H, N. li. Oakum, l'.icu, Manilbi Rfipe. *f, ulwav* on hand. •. «n ? JO 11 i|. EATOX, Uviicr.jo lilo.n. Hosiery. and H . fHwcv ai.il S.-.i-lss I'liiininms*, '*3 •Market mn 1,- ; -tf— . “iT-tf. MOHIiA.N. •.VATEU 4A.X. PALH' R. / i KOUUK SIOaCAS A CO , \Vholewir f-r®- Vjf errs nn-J I>:lUUl»‘wi .'lf Itui'ii', KliWoo'. *»t«l IMPdmi,,. Pa _ . . . _... uu - 511 . / i EO. A. ISIiURV V. ho:«-*Al«3 Uroccr ami Cow- VJT Hi!*.,CM Mc-iciduU, and Dealer mi Produce arid lMt-iiiircu Nlrmufu N‘« ‘ n uc.d For \ \J Warding .*4« n-uani, No ‘-*i 'V oJ succuPtUstiUTsb. I * r I*l ;|i ' {ic'o. O Browne TjrtX* i. IinOWHB, [mccmw* u» Hold»_Up i Xi i lirowiir.l 1 inpurlers *nd nuunifaelarer* of J\ »t. I> a >„. r aTu Ueivral I’apcr W #nhou‘e, .No. ! iel»_ ! f T g; BOS WORTH CO. f No. 4J Mar : nesi.Wui Third lurft, arejivJoi*a ,nc >» txcw un.l u»Kiru»eiuoi ! f.cn *•> wiM «>•. «*»** and lh* .owrs} H'vVSi' It BIUICiaVAY, Drvgp-i*, Np.aCom mfrelorKiiw,ncar Uc eanaJ ba«in,. »*i«*lmr«h Hilary urunot, wihtk a rf.d llaj) Manufacturer, thnnt A 0,1 Merchant, comer of Lib* 1 en> and’t CjUar-v-j<- Pm»ymrV No;, Is.*!tewrll « PmlU.nt;*. Grant street: <>c o-H <*•»*«< b.» . 'O' T- J- »*■«««-/■ __ {£?lrj^r r - TUliitf o . niOUUA.V, Wholesale Druggist, and J tiraltf m DyrrtialK t’ , Oil*. Narnul* ».«* Noi'i'i v\ i*/dv<«7.-i, '>:••■•• *>iiili Of Dmninnd Alley,? i . . VaMKsK tCttVt Ji* A-ICn in Jatnk J ti Ua ■ ..1 'W' JOHN VVAI.iCKti, Ai’i-iit lor Jc««oi> A “l;* «4iK*.-...u.tahu, «.«* **»* j',, i i-Uii. i'i‘l Doulilr and tout* ,*J; , , ... .!■ i tt r:<-f*rct; wbiflit** 'i'.M "“M* J' nilN 11. 'lt'.!. iOH, Wholesale and Retail Ueat ' ~M vV , ..I V4.ir .. SoiKOl Hook*. I • i,i iiv t'i Caul*, amt > • • '• I 'V.hh» rt, I'uutiurgh ■ •'•••' r - i 1 ■ ‘ ,l * f,pl3 - V SCiIGONM bci-.R CO. wholesale DryC i ,J „ ctji-.Nn Vl A i«-*l •IMM.mipi. , "^P*- ifWFPH JOUUIVN A SON, CoiumWilon and JISnJ »** lW*. lilirUl *t ' J- iJt.l-4'/ 1 * ... 1 ibflN U. Attorney at.lJMr.9mco ' J lit. m l»r-\vi‘i*niti»am 4 and Suhlljlklil. -omiU ;*'de, P.i<*i.utei’i.P« Will uK) attend promptly tol.u*iiie»* n.!;...n.iiK c»m|'C« ... . 0 ?»%'. 1 ). . lOIIN I). WAVIS, AOCTIONKKR, rornrr Fifth J uuJ Worn! Pittsburgh ocln ■ Ollts C. UIDWRIiL, Agent. Wholesale Gro ilrmr ah >ve tli- MotwwgtihHa 1 itisburgli. (j j- | aits, filab. Ae. auiuajiufaciurtra’ pnecn. iSTON it STOCKTON, _ Book'dlm irr * :in’l nianufiirtarcr*, N«*. 44 Marite ltKAU'tl Book Su»r«, Ith, a«»* v.ich’ H-'-blogical.'Hirtoncal, School, Ml*eel aj MctiukiiM Itoos* and Stationery. ap*J6 UOUKItTSON 4: CO., UankeMaiut Kx -IU£C Hr.ilvns turner of Wood and Thinl street*, »ni> liutet Buildins*,) lMUbcnth. ' jJurrei.cy jarcha*-.! at the u»ual rale* ocMl__ fxGIUKIt, Wholesale Grocer, dealer ml’ro- ' -c. manufacture*, 'T in 1 late. Ae. Ac, »ji.tcny «t‘ PawlMirpti .. )**“ . Flj Vll Richard Floyd. It. FLO YD. (laie J. Floyd ft Co.J Wholeiale roer n- No M Liberty *tr«y W P? _ . ifKS UAL ZELL. Whole'aieGrocrf.Conuna ii x{.-rchau>. and dealer m Produce and Fitabarsh IVIJ/e».No-.M U’atef M, IMul-orßh. J«»IG i WATEIINIAX, Wholesale tiioccr, For* Merchant. Dealer in urch Mnirracjmes and l*r«* n JVodurc* rd IMi Wkli tnumiinclorc*. So* VJ *nA .:. «*?_ JoinV M'Ciill. S. 11. Bushfield. ja.. 1»- M'Gill MIGILLB ft BUSHFIELOkCroeer* and Com rarvion Meroh ml*, No 191 Li!*ny aircci, I .»«- | l.utgl. 7- iwnl ly * M \7lrn. I Air c. \ym. K ftmtick M ALLEN ft Co,*, Coomii»**on!and Forwnrams . .MerelianH.-Watir and Front *t»,between »> dod and 5 arkei.' - ja,|C MVKUB, HUNT ill ft Co, Wholesale Grocer* No 1* 1.-.ler* *: ,_r Je» wrx. MII.LK& __ cl w. uca»i*os. • MILLER ft RICKKTRON, Wholesale Gro cer* and Commit- on MerciuuiU, No 170 liberty • iicct. Fiiikiihntli. l*« 1 janlt McCORD ft KlllO, vhokMle and teiail ltat c'ltii Cep manuf: cttiret*.- and dealer* In'Fmcy Fura. cornet of Wood tml Fifth »l*. _Jan 2 \r ft J, 8 LOAN, Wholesale Grocer*. Dealer* in IProduce and Salt, amt PorwantinrandOomreis *.i*’| Merchant*, No* «C 1 l.ibcoy and “JVJ Wood street*, )*ii j.burth- fB HOLMES &f KON* Nrt S 3 MarkeUtrvet,' urU*. Dealer* in For eign and Domcttic Hill* of Exchange.,Certificate* of Bank Noteeatjd tpeeie. s ih- CtUtttinr.% inAjt on all tk, piirtfipal'ci'l? jV»*rh eaTtke St/tU* _ .dee 1 7 i ■ijrtTRPIlV, WILB»>JI ft CO., Wholerule Dry iVo. Good* Dealer*, Na. i 8 Wood atreeu Fmiburtb pnfS . __ b|\v | , o:iidextcr. _ A Calheittoit. c fi~Gr*#t TjOINUEXTER A Co» WhoUfale Gfocer* Jj andCorntn>**inn end ronwdlajf Merchant*, No4l \%!a:ec*trret. , : ■ r U.'uaWKINHJ Aaotnei at l^ w .t,rani'»i. IV. ItakeweU'* Uuilditur*i nearly opposite the New Court Hoo»e. T , OUEUThUN ft lilirrKßT. findut* Deal, er* and Commit, No iw ScconJ,,, Fittabmrt. ' | • *v. 1 IU’iSJMiSS (WIMIX Rtlltl’CK ACO VVi,..lr*nlr l.nv-r*. i ~m m* iuin .Mrrrhnu*. »itil in I'rodin-e ~nt I’iltsburth Mnnulufutic., I..iK-ny «l «)j*|ni«nc* SimUi field >l.. I‘ill • 1 >iiiu; i niCilAltl> lIAHI>. \vl • and ff«*• -all iloi.i:/ -A*. ui L-ailii-r, Moiih co. AiiiM-m.lki >*'Tik-I-ami Find ings, Tanners and l'u!in*i«Ti>>d*, am! Timur i» Oil. No. Itll U l»»l M. Pittsburgh . ’ »r|»PJ UOUKRT UALZKI.t, H'»„ ttw.i.n-Urth ter*. (Vmnnit«!im :m,t p.nis nr>ii«c Mr n.lun.t-. ■!,,i -!*•»* Ptmlurc ali'i' Piri‘Jitirj.*i Mm-ila. turf*. 1. f***»ty lIOMT. nonIMIN. >c«'l. H. UMHIVIIX. R UOlllSO* & Vo., W an- Him r,. Pro. • (toco anil I'mtltii.-xtoii Mrrijpmi*. uml Denii*,* m ■PtllM.urgh MniWliK liiim, Nn •tfpcC. PittA l'ti»tli. Pa. laiill* I>OUKHT MOOIIK, U uoN -al- *in*-<-r. Km-tify V .ng lh»t;t!. i. lira . • n Pimlil.-r, P.:id>ui >■ -'T f>KTNO'LI»? A SIIKK. roiwiudms -m' <•"*• V mM' !• I'» M*. :«*t lln' A Hi’S '.nn K.v.T Ira.lr. ,* .li m. Prod.iot . J’lllPuirgii M.itiuiacluu-* *r-( Oi.Vn.tf m t. tiif | , I'ouu'it |\*c» CotiiPi nl Pm.i ami Ifw.n *t'. Jim?. P tl Sf.jri nti 11"’* 11 " c’HACKtiBTT * WlllTtf, 'Vln.iniii- I'm O n i’oir.ga and iß>ror«!if Dry N” * * \\ ix-sl » rnl. P l'.!‘urgli i.-' .Ti; O A W lIAUOACUII, W.i.l Mrfl.im*. d.-a;. . fr« ir. I’l.* at nnd Produce gf n.-raHv Oml J.Kiwirfil ;"t nn.l i'.iinma*:i>n Merchan:*. No ; 15 \X i«..1 . . I'"' 1 \\*Mm-lIMAO. SA.’HI KL. PALMER. Auorn- > a l.uw. Olli •il Hired> liuiullllj. ,\i' SJ Poorcft »U« - Cl. Jn-Hve W .10. J 111 OTEPIIEN UARItETT, Man;naeiu*-i Pan rj'.Slmvmp and Toilri J'naj'* \V mirr nnrt T*nn.'nri pir*-ed I.aid Oil. Ae. No 17 Pinii .1. t-r-w -- u M nml mid Xiaikei '•». i'in-hiireh. J‘n. i>c:;i O *•’ VOA UONAIIOUBT & Co., W Hole-.. iJ»Ohh-jt» L 'onvi»r»l.inc and t'iumni’-.0.t M>m. uav: llt’Bli t* ill P.M-Lunill MilimlaeUireHaiitl \Vr«l. i:i i'll dor. . have rrmovril in m. :i iiewwarchoijie. |.i!d Miami) N.' ■•unier nl Front »l nml Oianrr i) . i n. '-T OAM I'EL M. KIKR, Forward,.! O .<-<>n .Meirliapil. 1 Iru!■ r-n P... S.>. VVICH.Ki:sIIA7», Id a.-r -n . . I*. Ijii'l 'J'rer-Mid tn;i i'lliiul 111i|< It” tN'orn] Mreel PillK.nreli. lOiiN 31 TOW.NSIIXD, i .\|n>-i,i • • J Nodi \I.H kel •!. la icc don I -> 'dm' r Tli.rd -I . nl a-«*ii tide-tit nl die 1-i-mI and In-/ ‘ -il M-'il * . it- • w n.' L • riulmi; imlri* mil in: [minij'.ii a..iil*-d 10, .in' *»|' |)hnl w:;!i ari.cle* ihn nm i. !v ujnm n» liCinicm- PreVci+m.'.. »-! U cmu..'.) am’ ii*-ail> jircpaial noiii Hu m-si i .a!• liauin: lie day or inglit AliO Tor rule, n larcn srli i « oi‘ irr-U ami good Pnlu- .a.. i“". Thus kknm-.dv,Jr. t, rcr, *u«l Dcntfr in riorfc*, I‘nm! (iooii*. co(nrr of Wood ntill Koorih *:ir. \ T 1* ForivUi' rn p.FditsvTiiiCo.' .iuu, J. . il.'uifru m Sal;, I.uiub-i, lirin-c-r- », I’ro,: IMutiurvJiMauufaciuic*. Cunul lia*,u. L.t^r '!» A. HILLIKII, Looiint; ttln-i *:i r •••-r>- 1 ,Frumc Maiiuiaciurcr. and Itnjiorti-r 1 .<«<•.115 (ita** l*uU'i>. |li*'j«r-fufin»l.iiil' lladluai.. nail Fancy Good*. |Ui Wood sgrci, it- ar I .i.n “I'tL 1,-.. - JOIIS U. WICIt I'AVXJI J* t i.MH.tr* WICK &. fII’CA.YDLKHS, («uccr««or* iu l.i J D Wick.) Wiiolftaic Irfoccja. Forwarding aud Coramiition Merelmiiu. dealers ;n Iron. Nmi*.Ol*«v Colton Vaiai and IMtMiorgh AlaiiuUeiures gem-tally, cnrurrof Wood and \Vnt.T*»*. Fm»bur*h. n-ehli W’ W. WILSOX, Wan-Jiinakci and lewlicr. • romrr of 4'h and Markri »irti 1-. | oj'lV W n.'j«i : hi»ilY mviif tm- • « rail nn.l • eXnnniße Ins Mo.-k ol Kjtnsc!i V. some »■> k>w u*'Jj c*:m« inrMd_ »t7ALL.ISc;FOUD 4b Co., Agent- t..r A. I.i V* mom, liavc »«n iiunJ an a-.oimiriu ni ti.< Mtfiir.o/ •oiid ilox Viet n. Sho>-i»\nd jnnfi U'HITMORK & WOLFF, l.n; u.i-f «:hi t * VVbt.lcAttlc Liealer - 1 ■ ||:trdw ar- . 1 J • '*•*»!• dicrv, Ac, corner Linem and r * X*■ u-- . . ; U* M. ULE.SN, iiooU!<:niti-i, im« rriiwve-l io ihe foru«*roi Wood mill Hurd »i«. »!>ovt 'J. H Kny, wi.i-rc tir is prepared lod»cvef> dc'MTpli.in pi Rultntt m»l IJ'ii'linj. Wr W. WALLA.CI> f Al.". a:: • ißg e«(»l'i:jiini':sit. Nc.'.'U -vriy W 2. M’CI'TUIMiJS. ttOBT. M ClTl'lli.O.%. Wit U. M’CCTCHEON’, Whol^im - Croccie * and Dculi-ie in .'Uniiiurmr.-v «u. \Ve*!cnt Produce Ki-ncraliy, No. lv-’ L..".-ny Pm'buryh. Pa * mil W’ ±, 9I.3IITCtiEL.TUKE, \Vl...lf«ai-.Gre « cefß. Ritcwyini? Dl-nilier*. and Wuit 4:11! J.-tji' l ' 3K-rvbuill», No. |t'«d Ijilirr- , .nr.L ,n|p:..:U! .•».•:[) • m.r. Iv U O. U. UODINSOK, AtoM-y.; » 1 • MinAVcd lII* 'O lilt - t.XillUllSl Si C!nr ‘Heel, next door to AidciiiMn Jolim ap?d3m • \\7 H. UAitKAUU, Denier .» i-'nm-;. n-.ui~>:np »V . Dry Ciowl*, No 7a Murket *met. l'.tuiiurtli - novlMl y WiLLIAMS a OIL VVoilTll, iiiaiu fa* - burn ) Wfcoleol -- 4»f«vcr«. arc nov.- lwrt:.•-) off. - ? for - a -if:--1 iiicttiofCfoCc'ii. - :iad piu»l>i.rt;ii .M;ji..i..u- .ir- - • '■ !ov pn?. * and on favitnti.ic ii rn;« tunyiri U. f W. IVILIiON, Oralrr .it U uiri,..., ji'w- rj • Silver Ware, .Military An:. No iT .Mar kenrreet . r»>v? WhTHurpuy, wholt'aaJc. mul rtuil rieulri «*-! V\fH F. HtWi.N, Jr, l> iv n" ,}>ufiia*,ir ihi V Drue S»»e ol I ilenf I h.irn. intiirr m IVni an' HanJ will arrp a ruiinani »u| , |*l> >»i il t «* I,*-- metl cmrv {wnuro^i y hr. I'liif; j„ ! » ijiimn* <* irrfully Mrii.nijri can !><’ liuil a: :ili l.oun nt tlo tnpM A M \Vn!imi*for«l. JMin I-' > ni'ri UrALLIKOFOItD h j,Cn., Primm;* • rjn nti.i ! ;>r warding Mrrrh.intf, Srrninl, n -nr Wc*ml I'liMmr-b. I*a _ 1 ' 'u;H. n. DAULLMUTONi Aimm. V? I’timhui'ti. i*r». *ntnmi««:r.nrr i> knowrlpJfirrni amt |>nvj ot Iv--iN. i IVrjwisiliom, nr nny ~ wnnnrf n»i Jr l'*' upc«l or r cnnlril in lie M:i f ' “i l : Tinf.l *ircrLa:iovi'!*-n-ii I .fir C-. AI'OHINBAI’UH, A I TV . I'ulh • r».« , u 'f UErr.Kr.Nct*— AfVmiilr. Vi'iii < 'fi.vlirm. I’—'f} Fjlmr»U>vi A, 0., John U. >H-. K .| <,ia£f, t.nuiMy A r.At.l.H II FUREIUJI k UIUIKSTIE WISIS 4 UqCOKS. So. I 14 liberty */., uiitl fid Diamond oiUtj. rr'lTSEil’lU.ll, I’A ADAM HOEH |W. t .11 s"id- <•' VV, gars, Sinok;n“ mid Cm- .vm- Tolmi c.i and Supil Union afreet. r.mt die* Diamond. rn'*l.orgi*_ wv'.’l tVAKIUCK MAKTIN A Co., Banktrt, iJ« ilrtt in £/eAiii.((, Hank Ailn ami Corm-r of Third and Wood nnvl£-dlv Pu ll W WlTliilw- - .' Wm- M sh-nr [Suretimr in fjrim.t HVhVwM ! WILLIAMS A SHINN, attorneys am> «:oi;.N*i:u.n,:? ,\r J.aw c Ncirh *;dc. Fourth »t. .ntiov'- Smiinii'-M.-f:., rrhl7*lA.wly!^ ' WALLINOKOKO A. C 0.,, second, nkau wood »tiii;i:t, Aet>*Ti fob & Co's STr.n. - Have on band a (u’l ii«irtin-ii'. nf Ca*t, Siissß, Ht.rrreß Stekl E. J. HENRY, ATTORNEY and Counsellor ui L#ty, CINCINNATI. OHIO. Collcfirvo* m Southern On.o and in Ind itim and 'n K-ntucsv. j-rotru’^i> n,,J '■Jmiui.y aitnukd n». REFER TO-Hon. Richard Riddle. Win IhdiTc Sqi.. C urtin. Will M'Kinxiii.Ciiim-ii A Crtroili-T-, R’m I ln>>. K«*.liuv>- on hand ai all a I'.i'l ami Kk" rr:, ‘ .ui<«.»niuc>ii«»: food* in Ilnur lute, Wutrr ore< i, m-.«- Cherry Alb-}. I’iiuliursh, „UIKEIIUt.SB (IF TEE JUMAT.t WOIIKSf FOB TUB tULt OF UOILEK IRON, UOIHEH. HEADS, 11.11 A i IKI 11KD IRON E. F. SHOENBERGER . FITTSBt’IUHi. i'A. Ilaviux taken the Warehouse formerly occupied '>J Sireel, near Kvan’a Steam Mill, Will keep on hand a full supply of «H -i/i »of Itotirr In-0 and Heads, Floe and Fiff-Unl lion., in»de fruiu UmUtlJuHiala Uacuta, whu li will In: sold ai tin- lowresi inurKfS rates. l'.iißirte Kuildcri. aodolli. r*. are mvitrd o call and examine hi« flock Order* promptly «t r tided to. j k il ill v J. D. SWKITSSEII; attorney at law, Office 3it SI, oppoelle SI. Cetasrlc^llote 1 , WILL «l»nt:cnd promptlFioCo]lre!ion*.in Wash injnon.FayrUe ninl Green Counties, l*n. Rkteb to Bell * Co > • Church & Curothri* J Pjiwbnrsh. I). T. Morgan • J ocl'Wl' UEO. W\ SMITH i BREWER?. MAILER? AND JIOP OKAI.I'H" PITTSBURGH A.\'D PGIST.MEWEUIES. Corner liurker* Alley ami IVnn ?i r Hid fam of !':»« . | PiuAaricli. P*«_ J.iiWbnVuu ' | 7' : ' A J. ». A. W. BOff BRIGHT. , » IN U P A C T U R ERS UK ST.I RC 11, , AHIIA.NTIiLI equal, il no! .ujirnor. JO a»V I tn inr United Muir», ainl w|m h w-y will tli-po** I q{ allow Puce* mnl on good 'lWin*. j oetfMyi _ Braver. P» „ .JOHN DUNLAP, w■t ■! •• V 3-4 4% C | T.n, ami Sb«-( U«» Wart, and Otalrr iu l»Maim a uml Jupn*’"--' Wart, N» I? Matirn mirri, Thr «ui'>rnt*' - r fatly call* Die ounumn iihA i>{ man (factored Tin and Copper war*, iv.'it n i->t»;>• TOCnl of Htlporud llouiie Furin*lnni? Hnnlwnr*?. Wlwinaie buyer* anil the pu!.i:<- pnntraiij ~nir mv. irt! to tall mir*J h; r. xnj«'< » *i«*x. tomm;* 11. P. * H. NKIiMIK * «•<>•■ » A ANt!FACTUTtKII!» nt •‘•nrel* r.o-1 IVI. tlpade*. line*, Ray a*'*! Manure I'orfcv S •• . *«•. WaTchon*"*, Ni» U Wood »usc«, Pimi-inrh. marU roiIWAHIIINC \ COMMISSION. MISi'KLLAXKOI'S. A \i Wj| .i.g’o/ l. A CAUU. u .i wu:i.-iil[l) \ id Ul< lIAKU T. I.EKCII, Jr., III)! Ml —|".N lIIKU AItHI NO .Ml/liCil A.Vl'h I Ti'' Mi- \ V \ iiTii'iiUA It 1: AM> - M'l I iiW.WMM-n i'lii.iiu rgn. lw*» leave \v w .l. ami an,l General.* th» !>• •■expert. i,. I’n-iMJ’i" II I*’ «-ff\ • ir.'i-i I,,iv.- I'll i.im.l a< <1 -..1 ■T , ‘H '«.f *•*!' at Hie .iimvi i-tnnd. anoutlJif l-m< f J'ul ol '*■’ ‘ ‘'‘sAUmScUKSwAUn'AAU. VAHIUA..H it.lwic - tkimmin..*, ..u, ... . ._i . T. ..„.i J< iiaitmcnn. -uch a«. ‘ ‘ u ' v l:i. r uml e.»il-it liu r, Cntpt'i, tor liavrlutj Logs An" V.rev Ipn.cht nod u.. n mo l U i »";?. Taff ( \\ T V..t«..1k-» ; 0.1 HmK, NM! S , v.vrds C .Mc,.,W..t.W.vh.n.; ; uml <*ir Trees, h-iiSdier’a Tikilb. ! f‘ iu ' whirl. w.li I- Wholctalt and Rxn.l, nl the .I . «i», s.f ll». I ■ Inin. A r K.• |nwr»l haMrm |if ,cr*, Hll'l tlm*c Who IIBVC l»rrn 111 lilt r'.--u'rimin.“.T"Fiic Nai'i*. t ila«< ' ie Imy thrir tfootlOinve only to cell k.l l-.U.1m.K1. M-ntiUi lurr. -010 u, ihr l.'W'i—l ! ■”•1 “V "“■< *"‘| |mctMo ..li.l|- t * i'rM“ i tliiti titdr uml (uon**y nta> uctatrd t.y ►pcnoiiii; both al * r * . \ ..... j home. I' It lJntil - .nln>wrr.- JHi n:ilili> >ank- ; liuvmc liml nx > ear. experience m llie l>u».nci‘s, C'HAFIIjES I*. DA.Hn\IIOWKR A CO. | and deirrmiiird lo devoir l)i« whole tnnr and ntlennon ’.TOBACCO i io u. be ln*pe* lo mrrn a -lure ol jwMic piuromigc CO Jill Iks HIS J 1 Kite II a STS, Nn .Vj Simili' Whn rvr*. tui3 No 117 souih Wm-'i si ritll.ADKl.l’ll] A: JJKii 'o inform i;n- irmle amt dealers generally ol IJ I'.ti-oiiruli.'tinl they bnv,* mnde v-icli .rraiigenivnis vc. n im- Vi * .1 n inantiiririyrors ami liu* liinwrr* Ol liu- \\ «•«[. VV«-fi linin'*, and oilier place. a* w.l: in.arc e i, hit mid . .in'.:.ini *itp|ily of ihe i»l lowing i|.- • i-r>»►- im«l.ii.ih: letim n« any mher iKitier hi ihi< rn\ or else- j ivii'-i r, rial nij gixxlv oril- r hlriim ihriii will lie war- j llni.H.hv hi. rhinrneo; Conn. J | \aii; I'orio Fenn'a . J S'e.il.eai To *l'. a. Iv'ii M . act I'loiala. ) !>iir*-o. I A RSo--Hiai.eii - i i iieil Akhii.i.’i j >. .-u imUi a Inrr.r as-ofiHieiii of oilier jw'iiular hrniid- . uiiil ijiiui .ii'. oi pom,■!< .-. I_N lit. anil I!'.’. I .uinp, 1 ..< il- •* -.i'll I-* l*.ar. ITiv V.ijiii a Tv; n. j :i" 1.. illy ir .!;? '" ' ' ' ... ,* J \) •>. '• W .AMikn-ON, l’stt*l-'M* U. I’:i Vi.lii T. i»n. i i<:irwt<:ft & axhkuso.v m.n ij sVrw.ir.ilf: nr I iVtiun.? MnVlniH'-. V* »* |< -I, ;, t- •< * I .\ ltrt> A ■ ‘rt ) ..,,,1,1 i,mu, < "V. ll.i.klM.u ) l S.-n A 4-pl.. f ) Vu'isi .*• |*«ic.‘. i.-f-r. } Vi-li." r-nn ! !. t:::::: " 'lnjiiii'llA'i Mini.* iS. '« \.m» Uavall Ki-iclili’f A l\>. H ill.iTK'.ri- A . l*Uiiri«lr-*;»h*:i ivin ci iv7;».t, CARD: SITKII, JAJIKS CO., I'Ki'hi >-i. aM> i;km*i:ai. ivmmismun m i: Krir.\ \t>, I'li* tr. • Jfi l ii. fs .-.1. Ai . ruv,, K iwo \V.if..|.OU>l «. IHT -.Ul'.lll'lt ..II tilt* IM.I- .var.' ,\V 11,\,.v., llro.nl -tn ri. at'DV*- Ai; ' Mnmjlut'iu :in<: Var.-n ' ' IIKFUIM K J-iln! M K. •.■iftly A I'u . A i* Mou.-I'..i- JriMin A Co . <■ M. JV4 . Cu*U.rr ul ilir Hilary A S.mlti. JaA.MK.Viy. A lU-U-ifi.si —l* . •Mirsii. Mi-l-oituf*!! A SujC'i-Nr'V Ur.KMim. I Wrti H.Wallace— l‘ort H.miut. « ' i. U. IV."|..mw.c; ; J. G. W. LEFTWICH & CO., j KKi'KIVIM., I'lMl'S'Alt,Ul\(i. i Ami Comuiluion 'Merchants, I PLA4(j>eiou»ai ( and AUakspm a ; nr:m: to— siiciiicid a i..»iuiow, Mr Tnn i ina< I.imrricii, Now M*-«sr'. LoiionA Ucitimon. Mr Z M Slir-rlov. l«rf 1 W-xhtUiail, Af .T Nirlioi»n:i: l'iu*t>urph. i iw-vu»j. To.lil \ O. Cincinnati • j Hync* A CrH-c’.t-ail. l-«!wanli ik : Wti.ua:;, |j C n: non l.tCimvc. Ilmt Jotin I’ur.on. ) r-- I.a .rl» n i CUAJO, UELLAS &. Co., FLOCK FACTuKS AND PKODI’CE COM j MISSION* MERCHANTS. J T [BF.RAI. cash tuivnm-r* in:uic 011 rcrr-ju or ■ ,>n ( 1j TtuiHc 1 to our ail'lrr** uvii |jr j va::. i!irvi:-t>mrt(-« vaiuc :r> mlv.u-.fc m tVsii • .jic to our trir:u!», 1 Mr-?r- j T: r.- l iirfiU i : i>n im: qktatkj\> ok hvkowakk. ! M) GA « & KhN Mi ill, l.\;i >i:TK i»»f \SD \VIIOI.I. i n.. r\ l*iii'!a:.d. a -, 'l dif'Cl from If;- (iicu: • o r>-r- in-ii- o>h,;.-. . » Uiem !•> of fur -ctls on irrin* *nrft:i-»*iJ try :;oin' a:ni njuailcii l>y l>-v l'utcba«r.*4 »ft ff'iiui-llujiy .uvitcd to tail. iIKOHOK VocuTianV COMiSSM* N A: KUIUVAK! I Mi MKK<’H.\NT l\o ‘Jli Winili >rn t KT ,'J’l T t »t:r II (i it. (tdNTIM I.S t n. * . .. !'•:> :.. t, llv tn*: r. . *i t*.* :• rut i.»|. ol Arrw.-n- m Mmul.ir t'l -in ::r.l r'filurf. .i,il n ffCnivmL' r'.ijil I'lirtvarilmu f.rii'i[».il jtlirlt-a ol |*ltl,l>urpil Miitl-'-K-l'irn :.t till* *v|iolr».llc tmi-r-i.. <,ln|.-rj and atv rt'aifcrllufly BrrliCltl-.J. . j- - ! ' It. F. CO.WVAV di CO. POltTSM'rt T.t. I.- I'liiimi.-.mi '.VI .Vii-p-hatr*. mnl |)r i !• r« -- nl-i' i’i*iclit*«»* sl .i r .uni Sii.|.ni>-iil of IV-.; li-m.i (.ri.lf, 1., ink. v A < I. y.-ii Six.r .X AUCTIONEERS ANIH'OM'ISSION MIiriiANTS: AI.FAWMiKH r.KVV A Hid w. CINCINNATI & ST. LOU | S jifii \ ii .. i; 1 1:11 ai;u s . IU'.IMiSSIDN MERCHANT. so ‘Ao w'.'it.ii m'. orio-ni: cii) acmiii UAI.TIMOKK, U’IMIOU I. |l> rtii.i 1!..-- ivl -if.l 1 '• «*ini*. I'rmtiite /, - I, l\\ I»t. Itn*-k. \r . tnt.-d *-ol.dy 1,,,,, While VV Hour mid nr.* Iron, all .l.uv*. rvr'y | ANDREW* SUitVIMi (KKAM-I'KU'IC RKOlffcO t Ist ;i l l.l hn-r im-.V Miiiv.' tvbo nrvrr SliWU'd briOIC, thi.-e win- ulivav- Slmvr now Mliuvf tin- litorr. IN uQri>it< 111 * 'ij|i>-nor Sliuv.iiy; Compound in I In* no t rr iti ilir pnliiir. 1 rih w >th 'r-u«*«* «a) llial tin ii|iin.oil of all w In* have Irinl n |uOimiim'i' it lb? r»o*l p... u ...111 I 1 >oi IPO* 11 11 in Unit I li* - ) I*ll vr rv>T H*fil, Hull HI nrl-Mii |oiii-r it -.v.iliin llie .Tivk-Ihii all. I li.u r finlm-pd w.u wATTKusoN, : h’\ n»lt\V.\lll)lN«* AMm:u.\l\llV*U»N Mrili’KANT, fT " .;, uwt , t jV. U luxori.nl* *liaon Hxilbnnk, !•«. , , , w , ul '.| jß «t,i' rti|... don't I- - >.-.r .1 w....’i .ov i| Mir.i.dvri..*rr w.*uMrp«)if«»ul'V iliionii li.. inrii-N v, • 51,.-i|„-n, nn.) i you -.rr m.| ..nuli.-d, ilo-iinni- I ui.il 1,.--.1.1..- :t*ai 1.1.1 li.u,. V. oi-li.-nv. . STKWII ~N lIAIUHHT (oiiti-rl) occupied 1>) J l« f'out.l whri.i I t . W ,|| t>i| j a ,,| ~ t j* 3( . lorv Kam y Simp Wi>rt«. n.. l i. Uit.-n.' Ar-0.-y- r«.*.vui.lii.« dii.l ) rol . v lloirl : ’, L *' ' a V.iu'nu" ■ Hardware, Cutlery,.Sadille.ry, d*c. ' . %» 1 ‘ JOHN* WALIIEU, 1ii.1.-Bii, liirt-1 I. I *; . - IMI-OHII'.n AM) UKAIiKK 111 Kbw|!l> »"il U.iiiwn s WALMMiUIIIi) .V CO., j ji r ll.inli.,tii. would rmiin ifol:) iiifoiin lit* lnend»_ CUMMIsSh iN A F.MtWAHDIVJ VMM .»AN 1• . lni | pU i,; lt . ,p.ner.nl»\ that he .» now r.-reivme b>* Second Street., n«-«r \V ooxl. ;j. , , ui ,.,k „i Hardware, at the old atariil of Walker DK.M.Kit.-* . r ;i.ttrxjli Munuia.-urr* ivml ilf.ivx :4 * w «jf No Wood *ii**«l,wlndi hr will di.*|>o»e II.H-i-.vuff -iv.ll Ic'i’i' coninmily nn hapd .i-tin'll j of M) 1(lP ri ..i.', m iilile term*, of r im-.iio- *,.f ns?' i.’ il :ia If* lianif * *cj u»H andk- . |),. W |l] i.p . nnniliiall) rrni iv-.iiß I>f»li ••'.* "iv •. v r-* "i«r k-mii!iX I.*- J ( r „ tll Il|( , Mauii'iH'lurcri. iu Kumpc and lln/ coon try. <■ i!--f A' - . Ar iMfii-i : W |,.. Ii w.!l fiiwlilf.him tox'otnprtr with any r*:itl*l »h* M M-C.il *1 .1 I.M 11. J<>*».l'll » I.KH'll I rnri|i. I'Hhfr Ku-lof AVrtl. MALCOLM I.RKCII A SOSI U r.tcin Meichi.m* arc invited Ip call and Miiminr I 'A IF ,\I |.i;i;cti H CO. V\ |i«*lf»nlp f»Uiry'«..(*oin- ; In. «,!iick l.ciorf pur. lioonjt rl.fwhe rn._ _ .i iiKomn find I’iri.ir ilcatfr« inW: km.!* - PIANOS J PiA'NOSlt 14i, No. H 3 Third Sited. The H i««oi .-lifi 1 Iron, lif.i-1. * ■•iii.in V nrn*. >uf|. A r-.. am) |»|., no«ini»y ne r j jimiinl hi nil hour*, and ihn ►ulijcii' i“ ••l.orcli hlunumrair.-- r.-neral.v No* W'.'jurn! 'JI „ ,) ( |,.. f. o u, 11 to I'.'. AM , mnl irom A tos. I. r',- *llX^l.o-ie door iii...vr Ho' **• .ni.ii <**«! Mirfi. j. .) ,| — y ~ J'.‘it.lip, Ortober •J’d, ’4« I' i'»''iiru'i.: I’a I. .tdrnncp*. m i*n*li or .iti'idr Otr roa nfi-inrlin of producr .V<*.Ae. indilO' ~ : J. .1. AIiLKK. COMMISSION MERCHANT, no o mjii'th waTkk >r. nm.Aiw ; TASon mud uiid<*(T.-r* lot Sale—Die Ji'ln'd. AVml>*r .1 nn.l Siriiiß Sp,-rm (M, Itir.irb'.i Winter and i'C So.« >*!•’j»hni*i O-l, |ti. :i"li.-l Wmier and.Sprniß !,{ |,:,s c Oil.rnrkfd "'Jinlf Oil. 'u-hi ro'or unil frr« lioin ! Inn*, nil. TiiiiioT-’tl’:i A!••>, pm.' Ain-.-.m Oohiio • | i.111.!■ am l.arn-t* ‘ inaHul'.'iii* .IIIuKCKU, lIIIOTIIKHS A Vn„ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1-oriltc *a!c of IV.i/;itnt Rdioraliy, I 1’ II 11. A Dli I’ll 1A . 1 |r7**Lihrral nilmncrH made on cpii«itnmrnt*—/ II | Plillvda. UiTrmhrr tW. rliiin g I 11. W. JItTIUWH. . w. T. PATCH. ( MATIIKWB A PATCH, COPHIiSSION MERCIUNTB, No* it Water Street* ST I.OCIS.MO. W,I! riv* particular audition to the milinnof l’ro duce and l»*rdrr» for purcliamiiß I " dti-vva xi—-(Morgv Moreau 4 K«t-i I ni»iuren. 1 a. I TI(o.UPSOJi .V rAIIPUKI.I., C O MM.IS SION MFRCHANTS 1 Ami .n.ii>iira«.liircr>of Mnart-tl Oil, iVi. i'll Culuribiii Sfrrrt, 4*[NriN.NAXL fa lll mu ri.Ai«rui^r,o AV»:. the uifrlej'ißnril. would inform llio ciliXcut of J piii.hingh tind vie■«>■«> that we Imre appointed Mr 11. 1 K'cVr *.<>!•• Agent Air We.tern Peun«>lvuma. fot the ■ »«'*• ufour I'iniio tVrlcn, from wliom they may be oh i lu-.rd ni.'.ur own [Nrw'Yorkl rneej* . w NI’NNS A. CI.ARk I N, w York. S«-p I. IHC-ror'-iMtl. Coperluerihtpi U'i; il.c lilivc cnlelird into CopaitmT; • h i* lor the | nipn*c of travoelinjT a Produce, OiiiiiniMionand Korwardnir humic**. mulct the atyie i <,i OIIMM, McUItKW «t CO., j nml have taken the wtyrhniiv?. No 6 (tummcrenil RovV. t l.ih-rty direct, formerly occupied l.y Mr. 'V H l'o«;y— -j where all bu*inr*» rntraitrd to our charge "'ill he ; promptly and faithfully aitendid In. I .MORRIS ORI’M. formerly oi nt'hrtclphia THOS If McOflKW. Sttulhbcld, Ohio KIND! KY II McORKW,- C }’:lf*|.ufgh. Match !h!. IM7. _ _ ineh‘rccd.OTOII . CO 11,111,111 .LIWomNTRV ™XKulrAllS-»n.rf, I'fini’finlin" Wrrhtmh, | |),(|(l ) f„, „,„ r h ihr lnsb„l rticc in HASH will I* '.NOS. !i:l 4t 05 HOIJTILST. ■. J,,,! ’ eii* itnwi.iMiy UilAltK iyi»|ll*ne»r«- Alwny. on hr nd, evrry iWrription of Wruirg ana .......j , „ .*.. \V i nppiiii; I'.iiirr Jt.d Chloride Lime 1 IIOS. .1. CAIIsON, <£. Co- ’ lIKYNIILDS-A SJIEE MERCHANTS, mcl.t I'nrnrr Penn and Irwin m*. Pnnditifgh - -V, MOKE .; V WOOL, WOOL, WOOL. • CjiMi ml vaii- n* wiif i.e »i»mtr on mu. igptueni to ; /~i ASH paid for nil grade* of well wnthed Heere ib*»ve luldn ... : . '■ V> and clean Tub Wu.hed and Pulled W ooi, by the •My CAIWiN fi M« K\u; jjt, Alg-.h it. «üb*cnL<-r, at bi*warrhoiyie oh Smitbfieid .treet, l»c* OM* ?m"u jwa' robissiM k WMUMMiuinusT, ’•'“‘''S.'sSK!:™ |,u«)li|tCK. At MEK , *H HR. ball, nod one pound packacet, ran aut-U .. . *•„* trnia •» e,« r imon.l a. «t.W) A J.tY:,fe . J. RBW TON JONKN ' iv-.1l Ag’t h»» IVln.TrnCV* Al.l'Vr AM) ‘ OM.MJHMnN - WUHtlif, DKN Tl-M- Ojßee and re.idenee instt. CltT i # I * PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL ] JAMES W. WOODWELL,' PITTSBL'Rtftt FUtIStTfUR WiUF. ROOMS, NO B'i THIRD >TKKKT, Hotel* and private Dwet romumly mi liuiul and mode in older Mir pre-rnl «iorl mi lurid e-mnoi l,r rtecllril !• y any iiuiiiuiartor) in the we-ierii I'liumry. Person* wiMimn in purchase would iln well by givir.£ tnr a mill. a* I urn determined my prire» tihl■ _ Purl ct me Mock sv7 film iniliopany <’liftir«; 12 m.ilioi:aiiy W ork S’nnds; 'A dnr nulingnuv Rocking C'linif}; Illtnil'ic lop l*re«silli{ IJurciill*. *• i*.nr Oiiomnn-, •'iiijjUli* !<•[* N oik Si imp, 1“ rhrnv W nrk Stands M:ii*>can»-. Mnpie ('lii'iry Mul PopUr U*-dMcad» of nil den rj piinr*, mid n laige a-rmiiineni 01 tViumon Furniture and I'luir-' umi iiumerou* i« iiirniam. .n c w ii av. i> \v \u i: hou^k. JOSEPH WOODU KUi, i ( iirii»r of Wood ami :i«l id . Pittsburgh* HA VINH withdrawn from ihi* bldfinn of Walker & \\ ,hk! .v•-1 i , on ilir Im.of January, IS4?, I take • !•!**;• uuin ari’miiin l m» in 'my irirn.li nilhe nty and • . tiuuir., mat I tijvc- opened my new finer h! ilir abnt c named place. llavnti* [inn 1,.i-t-il my good* for en»li, i and inadr siraiij.-inrnl’ win* iiunumrluref* in tlii« ‘ niiiiiii) Jii-I i i Kumpe n> l.r ruiMimiilv supplied, I aiu !lu :l> pte|,;i:rd lit turnii|i Murdtynre of all kind*, tut a" ! Rood icon- mul n- low a« any liciu-e Ea« oi Writ.— '■ Mrn lllllll* mill I.ill.•(■ Ufr trr|>rctllllly Ultilrd Inca! ' and i X inn ii<*lll y *Uh k. before |mr. li.t Mint clx’iv lirlr, ' Tlir follow iif rnrnpr, »e< a pa it of my MOck. Strand-oat and Sudd in v Hardware, fault Tnwininxs J-.le« Naylor’* Si, rl, Pulfery. Edge Tool*. Anvil*. Vi ces I^x-ka. Lan !ir‘. Sickle*, Scythe*. Hull Hinge*, Sc-rru - l/iuon 1 in ior> I’]anr*,SawiMalioganv lnurd* mid veneer-, Mid nil olher arlirlr.* conn. ctrd with the Hardware l.u'inr-- nielillll' THOS. A. Illl.LlKlt T HOEING M,A*S MAN U FaOTFUFR, nml latiry Ij Furii;*iti»£ Wntelmu»e. Nn ItH Wood -iirri, in-ar l .liti. Pittsburgh. Pa Wholesale and Itr.lml. Kne!.»li and Fn-iiclt Kncravi'ug*; Jap'ulinrd Winter* and Tra\>; I'axjking lilui* l‘laic-i, Uy lUe box or *mglc lifht; Talde Cul'ny: I'ieiurr i»ln»« ol oil »//r»: llruaniiia Tea War*, in arm or «tngjr piere*; I'iin.-nil uad I*l 'lutr Fra ur*, F.re I rout and l'i-ndej»; Mahogany To.id (ilattcx. w.ili 1.2. and 1 draw*. ' (ierinmi Siivrr and UnianuiaTe* .V Taldc S|>o»ii*{ Hand Magnifying Mirrors l'and.r»iick*, SnntTd* nod Tray«, <1111. Pier, mid Mantel fila»»r*; l.entlemen't SliaCing Cate*, I'ornli* llaif Bni*lie«, Ac, U/-'lrrchaDit. Holds and Sirainbci.i* tupplini on id.rial irrm*. end parking carefully intended io l'»u ai diM-ount for caih. feblT jliM-iin \ W. C AV.l.mi •'* UAZZAiI-8 PATENT BEDSTEAD. ' 7 '\K notwithstanding / “n tmrTMfoJ opposition to thu invcf} 'mu of a I'::;«buri>li Mechanic, a ma jnciy .if the Caliiiiel maker* of lliii rin.t Aldigbeny city, and then nuiner fiSSSIiSEF oj - i'i:‘tonier«nnve »hown ihrmtrlve* tiliove-ilic vii.giir pi r-ijd.rr iig;un»i Anirrrmernticru. anil Kiev «..••! fii-leli.iii;.' tv lit tv Indlivc ur' Jam. * l.rmn:. • JW.u M’Cicw T U \ o. i'e |!»»lm-ii lairni.n X n 15 liaf' , ‘ J...... i....'t J »»• t.-wry * **’•" i -(lv , ,v i; ILolle .V In. m.ai; Th'.ii'i- I'nl. . >rll \V;i!!ii<*r Imi .1 1.. Lit l!arn'?y ft. .M'Ctcl.and 1 Iluth Wallace Aln«» Fuliuck ■ pjvnl Luke) t | For il •• l» •« unhe and fell Ihratmvff ! apply to ' KHF..NKZFK F (lA//A.M, ; I ilcflO __ l*.i!cntPO I P ATKNT PltKSa' BRICK MACillNlfl - . I r *u!i-c - li . ••• .is imM.llr.l n lim-'iil. Mj v 18 I !■»!»; ! r j 1-1.-* i'.f k >"i-! !i... n-s * m f 'ieij . ikom *ltiY Wl-.i ~1 ..'i.h-.y, U»r m»tv prcparml I.) Mill r-cln# nin! .-outrun deliver ni.rlune* n. anv purl tH \n.- I .inn! A ate* The tun.:., nr .. .1.-»: R ;irrl \o make i Lr.c» from c*rn*l«* .•’4V.,ami «'.ll mak.* .’O.tDO CoOti I rm.W fmn Uriah per dn\. .nlEnmi: V hard U» »lftcV 1 in tiie kiln; ihu» nwoni.uj{ ihr expe :i v_anil .ftiftjfc, 1 parm • i1..-r.av . thr luck aileF t, r!! i- nouldrd It .< nronic. mil Imlne to B«-t oul odtoi rvpair. nnrt .• nm.tnirird ui*«: .1 ran U«* lukrn la • p.ci-.-- ami mil u.ii.-ilir-i .vilit >lVl M -««■! .n>;>.m.r. >tii - I-) " p f ... p fi >•! . tnunut* •tPfn-«:il iimatry. ami Hifmii’li.iul the iMi-rnu m fi n.l) fur •!. : vr ry on the ojwirnp .p'-i- ..it m h.rh ll.nr ilur il.il.iy i-rii.llt - T|iPMPitr ■ il in.- . -.v.ier.- il,.- « ... .. .. r. |, ..th„-|, .t .11.1 p,I- J Ihr', -v.’l In- tfinr.nij-l.ly Cv iii'iPti.i^t. - .’Uit in l * I* TTSKIfUJIJ, i> 'Hi. 'id lo llir an'! ••■prM.T'iv ,l«-p>-n.1 1 i , I'lur/l!, id I\J KW Pol It'l lT vrltK'MT llAUr.ui, ll <'• i> PH» 'Mi IN AR V AND I’RMl' *T«>KK « «l oix-fi mi . Aix-l ‘'ill- lour ir<.m W : H... 1 ..Ml w A J»>nri. IVk.n T. a *M/sr- Mammon* l':i [.Hue " r.ikrji «*:ik LITEfTAIiV INSTITUTIONS. : rinsßißGii 'institute. fpilis laMi'uimii, unii laugh ;* now open for lirt* reception ol pupil* nt No. H'4, Irvvlua Uaw, Libert y Sli-ftl, In* I With .!•) anil till “I ret l» I’he J*-'-*.! l ooks m hi« native language. Men*. 1,. i» n graduate ol the University and Normal School of P:ir:». amt *t:md» high u» a teacher. Tho*e wlio tie »irr lool.imn 4u necurjir nnd thorough knowledge of tile Frein n t_n,guai;c would do well t<> plarc lhem*clve» undcHLs instruction For icncs. *ce Cireiilai or apply to the Principal. i«7lf YOUNG LADIES'SELECT SCHOOL, ALLKUIIKNY CITY. Institution' ha» but rreently hern opened under X the tuition of Mr N. W Metcalf, attbn Corner of Snuclusky anti Strawberry ata. 'Hie surer*!.'winch has Ihu, far nitended tin* School, in ua e*latili»hnirut and progress, hits lull) equalled the CXIM CiaiKint of‘it* Instructor anil Pinpriewr. ami war runt* die l.opn that-h* will bn su-tameil iii hi* effort* in fender it.a di-*ira|.|e Institution for the e.lneaiion ol Young t.ajir. in Allegheny and ejrnniy. The Fir.t Session of the next Aeadennc vein, will commoner on Monday. Erh Mil. Tlieie are yet a few vnrancie* to lie filled, hut a* die number of pupi'v i« limned an rally application i* dr *ir«hle. For particular*, relative in ierm.',.Vr . rniisnl: Circular* or npply to die |ii*iriiru>r _f.-l.*il' | SKAVICU.LY ACADEMY I A CLASSICAL and Commercial Hoard.ns School fur HOYS, ou the Denver Hoad, 14 mde> from Piusburph. Ilev. Joseph K. Travelll, A. SI., Principal The Sniuraer S M*v Ulvr Tceu* lloiuding. Tuition, Washing. Fuel, lei'll!*. Ac |i.-r -<■• «mi of nve month-, *7One nail aivahlr in acivjin-r di>- l.aUncn ui tiir rim*'* or the »e*«ion IWI* and !uriii*l.eil when f«ijus'!'d, ;>l the eip-n*.- of the pupil Ail t'l'lSln? Ul it Jnhit'lll/ i/iorOd. J'upil* font;-h their ow n iowpJ- It invert ib-ii.il.* lint nil •lioold ‘ic pre‘eill (>n die lirsi day ious eubjcctx, comprising Natural History. Natural Sciences. Agnculturr. Kora! Econ omy, biography. Fine Arts, the OncnUls, Ttavcl*,_ Geography. Botany. Mtvceiancims reading. \r. .t r I vol imp tlvo trio pp. fail she* p- Thc Family Medical Library—A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure (liscjsc*. by regimen and simple medicines. New million.resired and euUr .ged with the audition Ol a \ rgeUblc Materia Med* ici. poinliuz out the t irlue*. preparations ami d' se# of our must valuable native medical plant', and an outline ot Anatomy and Physiufogv. illustrated with'one huriTlrod E.bgravings, mi <>f winch arc colored. By J .(» Norwood, M l>—t>»l pages f.vn. American Flower Garden Fompamon—Vdapliil to the United State.*: iiy Edward >-»ycr*. l.andn ape and Ornamental (iardem-r I’J nn. thud c-lrm:i reused. « nlirged and nmstraUil Palmer’s Oicpmi. Ilm ky .Mount ■me. t‘. i Ac. Family Tcstamcr l. octavo, with ..ml without Polyglot notes,and Ps-ihim in metre. . Klee and Pingiec's Debate Burn’s Works l-adj of the l.akn. Lalla Rodkli. Mom:’* Private Devo tion. Juvenile Uooks. i-ilieap cdiinms ol various work* in pamphlet h>rtn. mch'jy CIOUU’S hCHOUL BOORS -« oh’.-*-N. WS. I t.-r* of Book' J.J'.r n>w ..-.ii n-c! :i [• ; . r ■ paraileilnd m tin' a »nn ■ of A iii-i rvi r>. :u>-o lb-..-.- - it ;« lit? t-A <:<> or titan v tiM« - ti< - i * In v.- .ho' ought* axed Uirm. lltu) ;I)>'T con Iv4in ilic.r pH,-1* n much hi otic Ijuartr.t m the n-e ol b.>ck», a« 'if y can m douide the lime liy uring any enhti •*T.t-.-. trod there t* no doubt i)ui the orthograph - . 01 our lauguaite may '.«• team'd iti le-.« than one halt ot the t-me trim Cobb"* New Sj*eller than mini any other exxanl Tne superior excellence .tud popularity ut these hooks may he inferred fror.rthe furl tholtheyliuvr '-een 'otliciaiiy adopted tor the u«- <>t al.ih.’ Puidw Schucl* , in 'lie jol'/iwirt:' Itmi'ttg t'th* r .iii|i >i t Mit ('.tie* amf li.w-'n*, »>/ •i" kft tit. i.riajk I. u. Pit ta.lel. In a afl Ihi lit ni.-fe.-tt ,;in]itj;u.ii »»-!.. 1..0' a-n r; and Krad.ue. Pa . I tiro nnd Hotfalo: uml t'V -orartUnr Hi County ''~n vem.nu* :n Jin- m.iil-ol >'cw \uik. a-‘o, i-> the IWw Jer«.« y >tati- Scrlrty of tenelnr* and fr.em!* «f educa tion—ami they are rup.diy taking the purr id ati •inn lar work* in the tt r*l ntnoi'g the l-e-t learh-i* ai..t Initial important l-oard» of education Tli'- p ifl e» ''if i a in-Mtm it amt e t itiral r inin.iiulion i»i ill - oi * - 1 ,* ,nv:tr>l of all lenrlirr- mid no#r.l« nr e.li.i-auoii, who I 1 cunviit test hook*, ar»] dm.*- who m-iai- up ii.«-.f in-nd- llitit llf'. •m- 'hr (■•’>l. mid wish in inlnalU'r ihetn. rad >•*. Nan?.- with i ilir'.iil-. rlii’a-f tl.eil "pht Umk now inn n , :..r < i J nmnit-hall llf triad nr.<-«ni ra*li I to- V*\,,tl tiu.l.r. I- -U'c- .nr glad 10 Mill Ml f.d.!. •! '. . n.-i'i'.-.l n prop i r i,.mv hook• tor turn-' iii -iK.i to. the nrucht oi itf i .-.ng tii-m-r.luui .Mr - if-v •p , ‘ l hook itii.i In*- valuable *er.e« id rfadnnt and oUroi book* h-«tr |-i*il> ea.ncd torli.iuti rcpomi nti tliui v. ll !•< in.irr ••1111111 in p ill an mo tin inr ni* nt ni n '-I" or «':iinr< <>t Ur ItuliA hr tin* iloin* mcl'- 1<» cinin-1 Itlf <1.,- 1)1 ilir l.liit;u,ii(> . i«nd ln-vui.!- • mu ihcl.n •Iciiuii/'ii-' U •• flrniriiwni our v. rii:n-ul4i im -al*." A 'r.*J *. .1 i'V** .1 H 'mI'M.'IH r .Vi-4 W.K.U -tr.-.-l \ r >v !| t.. I'rfiirij.ilv ■•ii-i U IMIiW .M A «l.\ KIN ■ 11^1...i l-.MI W.,ik- NKW IIUOKK -Ju*i rn-.-.vr.l m.J U> J I. Hl'All tIV Mini.-; -10.-l > . .. _ »<-•; < ir.o.oo*, u popuUi i i>ni|irii.l.oiii..i f i |ir r■ i in-mui < 'li. ».• '.tr.. I.y inoJ <; i-n.n. \ I-.I \ak- •«!... i '1 i««* I took ill TiilVf.. ii .Mr!) u 'rum Hu-» .»rI • ■ I :rr**l I.v r.i'.-i! i'.i.. ji° ’ l N ' «.( »>..• > * .V.' « .No in. Pietnnul of lUii'l-uot Muitfiir.l )’>M)vnl, l.v tnu ami.nr oi l.i iiiii.tr.” .Ami tlrihrn." &r 1.1 t. .1 !. r It. % W S.-w.-illt, V,.-!|U • «.' I'hr ur l|jrii*.-if I’.il and Jvlum.U; l>y tln'j. Hill-iimn. Jr . M A i>< \ -i' Ictfr. Muir Htuii SSWi irmlfUlit.il' HISTnitV of llu- ili»cnvrv :lii>l •'•ulrmriit r.l thr Vullry Ol thr Mi**i*«il'P , 1)V lllr llifrr ifiral I'.iitopratt I’nwrr., Spam, Fram-i*. an.l 1.r.-m Unuon, uml tin- «u!- *equ<*ni rx-cupaiion. ►eiilrmriu nu.l r*!rii»uln of r*rVil "nvrrnmcnl hV llir I'mlrd Sian-. uni.l sH* )'.sr 1 - Hr Jim W Mmirilr. M t) :i|’- IIfRT RKIJKIVKD jm M A MINKHS— J ir ii-.r.nr.l M.ru-iNo :i. Aiiiiuair.l N.iniie- Noll. I.rorcr, or iti-- I'lunl. r of ilir l-lr ni I'rmi of Ilm lain) ami *r». I.v Al-im,.l.:r ihiluu*. The IK-vVVrildm; Hii'-, or tin* Advi-uiiifc* ni a tViin'hri.ukrr; !■> A.Huina* The Kmc’* llirhway: •’V *• 1’ it Jiiinr*. Dumhey A Sm— No C. The Violin without u master ftc»li *upplv. - French. Spun «li anil fieiuiun wnhoui a muMcr I'rr.h u«»»rimmt ol Ur muur.nl Plu> *. union* winch arc William Ti 11. Itouivu uml J uhel. C!imk» ilir Ml, nti't'Da-}' nfier Ihe Wedding A •nprrior srncle of Ti»«u<* Paper. a*«nrird rotor*. For sale ai M A MINKII’S np7 SrnitlificUi *i. 3d sccninl PKOKKSSOU It. IlOllllOCK, r 1 ’aKFS iln* opportunity uifornnns lit* frimd- ami l Hie ji„t,lic in I'eiicial, itiul Ur liu* rcmnvrtl In* ri'“- ilnipr Ciow Ai'epliPtiy City in Prtin *trert. ncarlj o)»po«uc l>r Hrrrnn'.. where he will !>r plentnl lo'erc hi* friSfids nnd pupils'. t»n4 impnrl uuirurnon on ilir Piano. Arrnnip'fnrnl* have hri-n made in *,vt ilio*«. pupi’.* who take ]r**on*'ai In* limi'i; mi ripponii niiy of prnrii«inif a suflieictil Irnsth of liim. • eforr lenVHir'. in fit the instruction Mnparird ftrnily in ihr mmil An a*'*ttt■ *»n 11 and rirrUnil Piano, mailr ,-j pres»ly lor Ihe purpose hy Mr Ulmne hiuhcei, provitlr-.l and placed in u room where ihe pop.l can piuciice en tirely nndi»turtied. New lie*mufr* will ui*o have the aid of In* daochter during ihetr hour of practice. ; A very few pupil* inure i-un Im uccuiumoUatetl. Ap phrntinn* innrtc at hi* rr«iilctiee np.Ml-Jw NI-:vy WOltK—ln Pre^!*—Hiilory ol Men* rn ,' her (Jivil Ware and ('nlom.il and llnvoln tionarv AiinaU. frnui the period ol the Spanish CoD'|UCst, JiCU, In the prc»tnt lime, 11117; including an account of the Kxiating War with tin- United Stales, it* Causes and Military Achievements. Uy Philip You. g, M U. J A iV. UP J AMI'S, Puhtiahera, Cincinnati. wryW MUSIC HOOK—l’amphlet Form. The Mclodeon: a choice selection «*f Songs, Duells, Quartolt*. Hounds. Wallie#, and Marches; with a History o( Music. Illustrated with nunict ous engravings. Imperial octavo. Price Lucent*, published and for sale try J A i U P JAM/ S, r Wnlnufstrert, bet. Fourth and Fifl’i. CiocinnaU. jM7. _ \tfiW WORK OIT SIIERP—The American IN Shepherd, being a complete bitiory of Sheep, with their h»eed»,management. an.] with drawing* of the ditTi-irai lur--j!n, Jtc. With an appendix, embracing upward" tnawemy leitiTP'ftotn eminent wool grower* and sherp fatjnirrr of different male*, detailing their rrnpectlve iiK»4ri of management. For aale by . JOHNSTON A STOCKTON |look»eUer», ear market and Near Planoa* JUST Received and opened (»• the '*uli«fnl>r'r t (tie following new I’iauo*:—• Oiir eleßanlßosewood,G oclare l'iann l‘ori',(Fi--iirli Panerct.l ‘ „ _ • \ One elegant Hniwwood, C] octave Piano Foiie, wilb curved (ioibic Tabldt?—a splrrdid instrument. Alm one veiv 'rood second liaml Piano, made l l.y J*r 4b, Phflada. HKJVKV Kt.BRKR mclaH n| J W U'nodweU'a, t.S Tliii.l r t__ __ Pianos. A I.ARIJKond aplendnl u*«irtuicni of »i»hni>imy nmt rosewood uraml «< • II b | f 1 lion Pinnoi, %vuh ftnin-- 4n>l all llir lHlr»l inlprovrmenl*. wtnfb lor dnrntolilv lone anil Inorh nrr ivnrrnntrd 10 l><* e.|uil l" ■")' iiiii.tl*’ in llie country, For utile ic»-v lor «-u«hl>v_ n %jp ■ mchlr .So ||'JirwHlH,'-M door fcb*rcslU ~`. MAM FACTORIES. _ D U Q UESNE spring. \xi k.steel a iron works. Cttll.KM \N. ilAll.MAN.ik 0«., having completed / ilfir N»-w work*, art: mow prc| nrnt to manulac ini'- every di-t.-npium of Conch and Ktiplie springs iron a vie*. American Birotet, spring :md plough Steel, and all Mir- oi *inall *quare ami -nyind Iron, Which they offer for enle on hlroral unu-, at thetr IFarrAenut No (--1 Wood «lr*rl, where they also keep on hand a ctmtphic uml Intnd-ottie aaMirttociii of Coach trim mnig» I'arruigf hnnlwarc, mitllenhle Cd*ting», Nail* uml Iron. C. H. 4. I'o , havr made arrangrmfiiu wiUt M«»>n Puy fc Crotu. manufacturer* «■( Sltoveia, t*p*'Jc. lork*. A c., tut'! will keep rottufatuly on hand ever, ariirir mad' hy them. Uealcra are respectfully sol cited to etill.as prit-es aiid lenns »ill l*e wade lilxral ‘ ivtU-rlTwi lilaaolntton. THK Purtnei«htp heretofore existing under the firm, of .Mairhnll, Uradley, A Co., wm diwolvrd on tlie -sth nt*tnni by mutual consent. The buainea* of the InteCrnt will be «etlled bf Marshall. Wallace X Me- Geary MAR^UAIX AI.KXANDER BRADEKV tt'm. tt* WALLACE lIENRV MrUKARY. FRANKLIN FOUNDRY. riAIU-" 'business ol the above Foundry will br eontln A etl by the ■’ib*eril>er»umlrr.tbe firm of Marshall Wallut r A I'o . in all il« vnitous l.ianibps. viz: Hollow Ware Mill Grurnif' Stovi-s unJ Stove I’ltite* Light A llejivy Marh'ry Wafoii Uozee i'.nginet l.iutr-. A Sait Iron* Ltiginc Cnsnnß* I'lough* Plough Ca«itn(t», Ac- Ar. Mnileof the te*t trial.-r.:tl*. and at ihe low.-«l pneev Puii-hu'er* are iiiviti-il to .-all ami rrmiuiie our Stock at Die tt ufehouie iii l.iberly street No “I. neat .the ii.-iiii<•!’ Wim.i Mfeet ' jamks Marshall tt'm tt*. WAM.ACK hf:nrv mpguauy . PITP MAt’IIINF'. WORKS ANI» KOPNDRV, PiTr*Bt-ntsii. P*. JOHN WKIUIIT 4 CO., Alt!' prepar.-d to liuil.l I'ottoil and Woollen Mu.thin* pry ot every deteriptnui, *uch n*~Ct«rdini* Mn «lone—. Spuitiuir; F'ranth* JWrdcrv Draw tig Prutnes, Rmlwuy Ui-h.l*. \Vntpef«.'l'willer*.S|ifK>k' *, F'r.iuies, Ixu.tii l . fiiril t.rmdcr*. Ac. Winufhl Iron SBafnng tuned all «lre* of Cs-t Iron, I‘ullie* und llauger*. ol the lnte*l paitern*. '•li.le ninl hand l.ulht*', end tie.l* ol all kind* ll.i'liittf* ol even Je -erij lion furn.»lie.l on "hurt tin t ee. I'uiteiii' madS to ord-( lor Mill tirunng. iron tailing. At- Steam Pt|>r lor hrut.iig I'jcione*. Lust Iron tt ni.lo-.v Mi-li un.l fancy k!u*titiga getieinUy - llrd. i* Ini m the Warehouse of J Palim-r A <‘o . 1..1. .-ny -tn-r!, will liuw prompt aiieniion. lllarketoi k, Ib.II A i’o., J K Mooihvad A Co., 'i I' Warner. John Irwin ft Son*; Pitt*l>urj!h. lICAJ II Wariiri; S|pubenv:ll. ALLP.HHHNY VKNITIAN HI.I.ND F'.MTOKV . JOHN A. UHOWN I tbi* method to inform lii* friend* • tu)d the puldn- tit lhal hi* Factory 'fi*nOw in full operation, rm the lva*t *ule Of the Diamond. Allealirtn. where a eont itanl supply of Riinds, of various color* andquabnc*.arc cimsiuuily Lepton hnm', nlsp at N*n 5 Wood st. I'ntsburgh. at J It tSSV H. Phillip«'oil cloth waieromn. VemUaii Shuttetf inude to order in tjie best ttyk. 111.uds repaired at tlie shoncM notice. N. B. Ifi» UlinJ* will he pul up., without any ndd.- lioaal excpbsp »o that they can be removed in a mo 'meat m cu«..- of hre or for waih.ng. and without the mu ol :i crew dr e octldlyftwlnmly QSOROE WKY3IAN, Manufuulurer-uid Dealer in all Kind* of THU acco, sniffs, and cigars. AT hi* Old Stand, corner of Smilbfield rireet and Diamond Alley. Pitta.utgh. Pa., would respectful ly call ihe l attention of Country Merchuuts, Hotel and Sirumhoat Barkeepers to a large and aupertoi assort ment of Imported Scgars. among which will be found the following Irrands. viz: F-agie, Regal.a. Castelloa. Principe, I.a Norma*, Star Uraud, Minerva knd Dollar Reguliaa. all of which will he sold as low a* ; cnn he bad nt any other bouse >n the city. A!*o. constantly on hand and for sale, a large and wvii "elected stock of Virginia, Missouri and, Pine Cut Chewing Tobacco AI»o. Huvann, Cuba and Common Lent" Tobacco, ■ unter*. Rnilmg, Ar. Ae. .rgether wih evel >' van. tv of Dr ass Ciiatings, if terjtiir cd. lurti'-d and finished in the tn-aiesununiivr. j £7*A F i« the sole proprietor of Babbit's Asti- Atthitiox Mktai.. «i> m- tfy ceh-liratcd lor the reduc l,nii of n letiori in maehttier;. • Tne BoxC* nml tVnnpo - i.on i tin U- had h.in ai till nine.-. |attl-ly I'itANKUN I HON ROiIKS, WarfAou.'f enter vj VFimr/ mtd Front atrtzls ITrrwUUKUH, PA. fl'llK •iiii-.-f:'... I- hov iig purchased the F'ranklm Iron I Work-, iiintieily owned hy Mrssrr J A. Stockton A Co, and made extee‘ive addition* lotlietn. are now pi epared 10 iiitni.-li Id 01 Jer Imp ft Blaliaofalt s;ze«- \et ill.- l"••'' cjsi.if • ••* (tin 1. rn • - v.»:n• ’- in « mark.-’ w.d h-nl u* pr«-juired .1 -.||‘> ..'III W.-.. 1 .1 In*. r..t.’ alt,fie-• .I.l*l Dll US unod crit - .1* . -ui l-r ohci’iif-l rn tin mytl H LIU !. Frtß A <’r. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAVINti reeenth made very ntn-oraM .inpiovc. meiiti «n the mannfaetuf.- ut tin- n.ri.v- .trt.< r und uili.pi'- ' helale*: improved eastern wl.«-'n-v-n .or ti.it tnnm,. we are now prepared u> iiirni*h - inrtirlr ol VVm (l.iw Gias*. enuat. if not superior to any I'Mindt-r C»ln*r inade in the I'micJ Stale*, am! but i-it • nf.-:;..' it, tin Kn«h*li frown. * We are .ibu v« r\ i-tli-llstvety 1 ngri<*.*.l m 1 11. *1111- I'uriur*- ofCuiiiiUiin Window Gins* uu.i Id *’<>».• and HfUl'i of every d«--eri|iiimt. Deal. 1* ».-m *■«..» invited to ea.l and rzanune for thriti'-dv--- .u ~u< •>. u.- liou*r. No. KM \Vood «lf« et. Pittshurph, P:i \V. \V. WALLACK PITTSHFRI.H STKA.M MAlUll.li Hutth-v. .Vo* till no./ ‘Jll» l.itrrtif Hr»*/. !■*< l I ,\V A S Smi hand and made loriidcr, a I ji;;> i:*n-- /V ty *>l Marble MuiiltlH, I’icr. L'etut.: and IJm.-ui Top*. Ti.iut. S-i.m-*, Monuinr nl*. \c i till « Inch, t..-i.ii- rn 01.- lit 11,,' r|,o:rr*t tiurl.le. uml m:ni>il.ictui!.l pnm ipallj l-v m n-lioi.-ry, ivilt |.e -«.|it low tor ■ i*h \ It PeiFon* ivi-h.ng i» purchii-u- Matilrls, ’are .iilnrmrd il.al 11 ,* li.-in el.irlh uiun'ri-«*:itv for lli.-iu to p. Kvi. :i- I i m iin.ii-h ilieni w.ih.nn-iM-i-le in all I. -p.-i i* a, e,i«ut. and lireiglit. ..i-nruin‘r, Ac. roimd.’i r,l ) a* i)i-’jp a* ili-’V can | Ui. li»-<- lln-ia lor in the F.n (' .11 am! *ee iei&t COI’PKR, SIIKKT IRON. AND TIN w a in - . nr a n t: fa rn >r y, No H Mutkri .ifHi, IMi‘Dun;li. I’. nn:. '•lMir 111! vi ill? nmdr fK-al >lupri*V*-no-J|ts | <.i tl.r.r COOKING XTOVKS. «!•.} »'".*!• purrhaMin'.u* wsVait -upply them w.i|, Dr.. Mi.vr-. I ,a-lJ rv.-Oi.lU. f kind 01 I '..Jij.i-1. T.'l mill Slir'-l I lull -A .ill IX 1 , r..0l \ .11 lurili«ll \\ . »;.o iii.il .* 10 iiulcr oil liir -luirir-l unl.rr Srti TiiS.i-i mul I'li.iin'Vr. «\.|.|n-r w.uk tor Smih Kngtiit". '' ' , rM ' '* sm-'.IHFF * SHIRK ' BENNETT & BROTHER, nn:i:N*\v ahk .mani'i’aiti’RKHs. Birmiugtiatii. I near IMtubiivxh,] P». Ilw/nwr, i\n. 1:17, Wood ftrcet, Pittsburgh. wMN W11.1.t I.n-li.iilly krrp on knlld U good o'«Oll gOLJmrnl War.-, m our own .t.:...iil:ulurr, ami .ii|«.|..ir.|ii:il>U Wliolfrulr ntul rouniry .Mri rliaiu* air ir-pei-nully mv.lnl lo call and fl mil.nr (or iheoiM a* ivr nrr. ,trlrriliilird in ••ell rlirapcr than hu»< v.-i l.n.in- l.rrn inTrrrd m ilie pub- Order* »rni hy mpil. nrrnmpamril by ilir ra«h or r.n rri'i rrijvr. will !*• pioinptly ai'rjulrd to. ‘ irlrii shovelf Spade and Pork Matinfar* GRIFFITHS &. DIXON, HAYING coimii.ii.--J ilir manufacture 01 Spade*, Sl.ovclv Huy amOlauore Fori*. Ar,un anrxlril «ivr «i life, nrr pr.-parrd to f*!l order* lor »uch nrti clr* al KaMrrn |>rir-r». I'or tin- convenience ufthc-ir ciwiAmcr* ami dealers in Mirli .article*. lliry Imvr appomlrd George Cochran, O.mnnMion Mrrrhaui. No *6 Wood ‘lrrct their Agent lot the role of the.- manufacture*. I All orders address-' ed ft> him will rernvi prompt attention, on the most ad vunuigcou* irims GRIFFITHS h. DIXON. IMuhnrgh, July *—dly ’ ) * ' JSiO. U. UILIiEHPIKACU., No 70 Wood Sueri MANtFACTDIiIiRSot Gilt and Mahogany Looking <;in»*e*. Importers and Dealers hi lawkiug (.lass Flute*. Acenrdron*, Prrcu«»ion C-np», Clocks, Comb*, Jewelry and Fancy Goods ceii<*ru|Jy. 'I In- ndvrruser* im mnkinf ■otnr nnprov. mrnis m llieir l.usiiu »*, wall increased fncibue* m ihc-purrlniM: o( Doinruc, anil Hu? tinpormuoo cl many F*nrign lirxnU, lliry vvl! i.r nlile to sell al £rr» arc rum-enlarging Dior establish- J mrui. n'ul aic prepared to (nakf all ktnih of Cation no,I Woollen M:>i Inner) .on the mbst reasonable terms Order*uddreued to us wilt men with prompt mnmion WIGHTMAN A DAI./F.t.l, I.acock street, Albgltcny City N II —II Wigliiitian, who liasln juiieni in; n very niil«.rum unproven,e i lon Hie Card, and who tiu* l.ccn rnengrrt for ilir ln«i ftiircn year.* ni «oiur of the tno»t' fuei.Mvr uml *ueeo>slol CoUoO Fi\i iorir»us Fit tings put upjpromptly atidon reasonable terms. novlOdly PirfSDURGH STWX WORKS [AND SPRING AND AXI.K FAC.PORV. ISAAC JO.VU. JOlt.V T. lICICO. JONES A 4VIGO, MANUFACri’KKKS of Spnng and Ulistet Steel. I’lo-igh Meel. Steel Plough Wings, Coach and Klij.ne Springs. Harnmered lion Axlrs, and dealers in Malleable Casting’*, and Coach Tiimmings generally corner of Hot* and Front streets, Pittsburgh,l’a feb’ji . LIPPINCOTT UION WOOKM. IRON and Nails, Shovel*, &c. for fate at our new Warrhouor, No. Old Water sirtri, near Wood, ran umg to Front. Al*o, an tt'sonmcnf «i the old •tand t _McMasU.-Fi Row. Lilwriy ‘trn i. Having made great o.ldiimn* in ih> Rolling Mill, at order* ran l-c tilled promptly. nov’Jft GRAFF. I.INDSAV A Co miUIINUII.UI TACK rtCTUKt. CAMPBELL * CHESS* MsMFstTCiu.a* or riMSUINU NAU>. HOOK hkad DRADS, Iron 'and Copper Tarks, IRON AND DOPPER'NHOE NAIJ.H, AND , Pullrm MaJur.i' Patti!*, of rtrry dtscftptio tlthee No. "*1 Charlts Hniel, Thud «trret, I'M Plttsbarghi HOTELS MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, Corner of Third und SntUhfitlt} streets, PA. D. Weaver, Proprietor* THIS new and rpacioaa HOTEL, elected since the GRFaT and froiiiing on two of the most public sttert*. i« un>nrpa«sed in the country, whether a* regard* it* mchiUrcturml arraugemems, or thccle guttce.. taste and comfort rf its funti"hing*. Sitaaled tn the ittimediaw vieintty of the. STFAMuOAT LANIV ING. BaNKS,!KXCIIANGF OFFICE and principal MF.RC.VNTILK HOUSES, it offer* to TRAVKLF.IfS ami BUSINKSS BIKN desirable eonvctucncc*; whilst to FA.MILtKS ami GKNTLKMKN of Ictsuic, it* in ternal arrangements afford every accommodation the mo*t fastidious can dc-nrc The Parlors and Chamber* are all famished in modern style, with entirely new and elegant Futniturei an efficient corps of attentive acd obliging servants is maintained, and the Table will always abound with the choicest delica cies the markets afford. Tie Proprietor, who ha* had long experience in tbi* biteofbusmeks, assure* the public that no effort on his part will he spared to satisfactorily accommodate those who may favor him with their custom. An Omnibus and Baggage Car will .always he in readiness for‘he guesU of (be liouse. D. WEAVER. Proprietor. PEARL STREET HOUSE, Clnelunatl, OHIO—The subscribers Raving putehaied the en tire interest of Col.G P Wilbamsou, late of this well known establishment.beg leave to state to theirfriends and tiro public gcneraUjr, that, they have taken tbit commodious Hotel for a' term of years and-will exert their hcM energies to make it u Jesirnhlehoine for Trav eller* and City Boarder*. The Hotel is spnciou* and admirably planned for con venience; light and air, having a number of putlors iiiijoinmg ehamlrors, presenting unu*iiM attraetious to families. - The prereiit proprietors having had the experience of year* m this city aud elsewhere, hope they will he able to give general satisfaction, being determined to give undivided nlletitKin lo the bouse nlone. Tl.r locution of the pearl jjirret llouie is uncommonly ellgibl-:. having ftou's on Peoil, tt’alnul and Third VIST •o thin it is equally .lesirablo lit view of the eonvenil eniv of hu*ine'*< meror retirement for pri vale It ,* neur'bV iho Bank*, the Post Office, the Masonic Hull,Odd Fellow* Hall and bulonr ‘nuare diMant from Main «irr et ami two r«iuan*» fttmt the City Whatf, thu* off. ring the greatc-i inrfureuienls, especially, to country itir'choni* mikl er-neially to all person* visiting Cincin nati. JOHN NOBLE meliW •_ _ JOHN A DUIH.F* • MONONGAIIELA HOUSE, CHIINKIt OP WATER AND SJUTIIkIEtI) STS, Pittsburgh, Pa. , riMIR undcr»igned, Proiinetor* nf tiro Monongalrola X Hiiu*e. ounounre to the puhlie that tiro House tsnow np.hi tor tbo recepnnuof Vitiiei*. They ure conscious of having sparcirno rxpense in lilting out tiro eKtshlishmen.t. in such a style u* to ten.l. r every cmtifon to their Gur*t*. Tlroy hope i.y . otniam cuic-and aitenunn to l.iutne-* to merit the palrona-je, «»i liberally he viiiling the City of Philadelphia ill the bell style, and .3i the mw*t reaxinabfe term*. The house is withiu one wjitarr of Market street', and hx« utidergone a thorough mio latii.b and repair,, and i» well calcubtrd hi arcommoilate ulm may £m>r u« with a call, tine u< a call, and se feel niufidPnt you will br satisfied. SAMUFIL A BRADY, February 123,19f?-3tn UI.IVF.R II P PaKKF.R. PEARL STREET HOUSE 88 Pearl *S/rcef, New York. Reduction in price—tuc subscriber icspect* fully call* the attention of the travelling communi ty, and eftlxcially businessmen, to the fact that this house 1* now open and is offered for their patronage at tbe low price of ONE DOLLAR I’KK DAY. It* location for huMnea* is not surpassed nrN. York,. and every comfon, with good living, clean beds, airy loom*, Ac , cap here be had as well as at the most ex travagant bouses Ontcall will sorely satisfy any one of these facts and insure an ex tensive patronage for the house 3A.ML. C. BISHOP, Proprietor New York, Aprfj 1.1547 dim n.r.jxceson. a. crakstov. Late of tbe A.Mor House Of Pavilion, Roekaway EUTAW HOUSE. BiVLTIMORE. JACKSON A CRANSTON, raopuirroßs. Coarlicf will he tn readiness at the Dktots and Laxd tsus to convey Passengers, fttt vf rAargr, to ' jytM-dly tiro House. I IN SUIHAN CE! Indemulty against Lon or Damage by Fire. THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the additional security of a Slock Capua!. _ The Reliance Mutual Insurance of Phi Pa. CHARTER PKRPJ-TrUAL. DIRECTORS. George AV. Toland. Joha M. Atwood, Tliomas C. KOckhill, K. Ashburst, tt'm. II- Thompson, George N. Baker, George Al- Stroud, John J. Vaudcrkemp, - GcorgeAV.-Caqi.'ir.f. WILL insuranc. .1 Lon or Damage hy Fire, in Pvt --7 • it and vicinity, on Houses, Stores and 01... > U. 1 nji. and on r tirnir tore, (loods.AVarcs and on-the most favorable terms. Tho Mutual Principlo, combined with a Stock Capita], and the other provisions ol the Charter of litis Company, hold out unusual Inducements, both oil profit and safely, lo those desirous ol effecting insurance, towhich tbe Company ask the attention and examination of those interested. Tb<>*c effecting, insurance with this (.Vunpany It .ve, besides the usual protection agauiil ]orby ili<- oriiinay method of inaurance, the ndditinnul •«iv itiu.'fol' a dircctparticipation in the ptoftls of tin- ('iiuipcoy, without anu ttabililu. GEORGE VV. "POLAND; President. H .Vi Hisciiuan, Secretary. Tiro subscriber. H'ho is the duly autlmrurd Agent nr the above.named ('otnpany. ta prepared to make niiuraiice, at the Office of the Agency, in the St. I'ha'l<:» Mote*. Third st., third door from Wood, street, uml will give till further inf-rin ilinn desired myi-.iiy. r;ms. j. Campbell. JOHN FINNEY, JR., DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Insurance Company of Phlladc'la. lAIRF. RISKS upon buildinei and merchandize. 1 of every description, joJ MAKINK RISKS upon bulls omrgocN ni ves'clu. taken upon the most laenrable terms', • {1 T* Otfice in Htc Warehouse nl W. K, Holmek. & Itrn , No, :rj Wal*r. ryearMmkct .■trert I'iAXw burgh , N It. The *ucre*« «lT lhi« Company »iner ihr rMltle ‘lnn,-111 o' ill,. Agency m lie* eily. w.lli ll.c fidin/.OiMi ■i. Iliem lor i-s hm been adjufted. Tullv rfarriuii ihur»in m in .tmg lire coiifxli'ii.-r mid |>..l ri.iiae.e ul In* li’len.l- and ie eominumty at Imge in ilir lU l.iwure M S, In-u -iiue C..u.puny, while n b:i* the ndd.l.oiiai udvniiLigr* ia an institution among tnc most nuurislmi!' in Pbtlad’t^—as ample paid m capjjal, winch by the operation nttt‘cliartens constantly i ncreasing as yielding to • arb 'person insured his due sliaro <>l th» pmlits of the company without involving him it any responsibility whatever-, aud ihcrcloro as 10-jsesing the Mutual principU: itivesled of every ibnozinuk feature, ah I in its moat attractive form. n 0.4 t . . NATIONAL FIRE AND INSURANCF COMPANY, . Nftv York. Ttlll."* well k'nnwnYnd re*nV,-i:il>le company is pie pared. Urn,ugh ilit.i ITITSUDKGII AtJKNCY, lo limhr Hi.uram e of rvriy kind e,innei-ird with rt.kv of trAn*|>oriatii>u and inland navigati'm ; lo uisure ngrrm rohainh'e. and rvei j ilcsi-rijitioii of per-onal.property on the mo«l favuruhlc terms, •- Application* fbr.lnsurjm-r uii<-n,led to without dnlo t the oflicr, No XI Worn! »iiect. \ 3FRINGKU HAUIIAL’GH Ak'\ AT'art Klccium held at tncndini: in N. Y-, May i'Jihj ihe following named ecnllrtn.'ii tyere chosen Diieciors of tbi* Company, for the ensunig year, viz: Joseph W. Savage, Stephen Holt, John Drsxiwer. John McChuin, .William G. Ward, William W.Cnmpbell, "John Newhoa*e, Jacob Miller, -- iniiiaut S. Slocum, • Morcii* John F- Mockic, Joseph S. Lake, ~ John J. Herrick. , | And at a subsequent meeting of the Board. JOSKPI W. SAVAGK. Ksq., was uiianiinuusty re-elected Prei idftit for flic eusniiig year. Wm. JAMKS BOGGS,'-' jy*J9 Post fc Journal copy * • Secretary. FIRE ANI) MARINE INSURANCE. fllllK Insurance t'ompany of North America, J. through its duly authorized Agent, tho subscri ber-offers to make permanent and limited Insur ance on property, in this city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the Canal and Riven. DIRECTORS. Samuel Brooks, Charles Taylor, Sam!. K. Smith, Ambrose While, Jacob M.Thomas, John U. Nell, Richard iVotul, . Jolih C. Smith Frcs't. Alci-Hctiry. Sainl. W. Jonea, Edward Smith, John A. Brown, Juhn Whitn, 'J’hos. R. Cope, Wm. Welsh, ArlhurU.Coffin,See. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United Stale*, having been chartered 1 in I7*H. Its charter js perpetual, and from iU high standing, tong experience, ample means, and avoiding all .risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering-ample security to the public. MOSES ATWOOD, . Al-Coantnig Room.of Atwood,! Jojtcs It Co., Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh.. ap^S-tf indemnity 1 Ac inilLoax by Fue—Tho FRANKLIN Fire (nsii neer Company of .Philadelphia, WILL nuke permanent and limited! on every deterintion of property, in PITTS BURGH and tbf SURROUNDING COUNTKV on farorabla term*. This company lux aperpetur charter. * paid r ('UNTtN ISKNT FuNu, ’gsuftw Office corner »l Third and Market at*,. k'iUab gl ap 28-tf WAKKICK- 1 AfAKTJN. Agent. INSURANCE.. . American Vlri Insurance Company oy i’iiii.adklpiiia. ' ' CIURTU PCTPCTCaL. ClfflAL gSfflMO ™IP H? -. ; Office in Philadelphia,' No. 72 i M WM. ; F«ki>iucb Faaurr, Bec’y. . ' - ■ . mills old and wril-rmbliMird Company Cuatnuiei to- X u.'urr iiiiililoifrß. Merchandise, Furniture indprop. piiv»Kit«>r »i> extra Lnrardno* character, tjgaiait tors or •taxings by lire. * l, ; 1 Ap|>liraia>n» for Insurances in Pituburgh anJ its neighborhood. will be rrcciTcrf, and risk* taken either npiTWtuaHyor (at limited nested*, on favorable term* by OKU. OUCIJKAiV, Apu. norl'i No 96 Worn) xh. ; VOL. XIV: —NO! 215 : PIULADA ADVEPiTISEMIiNTS- TO SOUTHERN AND WESTKRX MER .-CHANTS AND DRUGGISTS. Ltt*. GLENN |k.SON, Imporun unit Doilrryin F*rt ■ fjt Uootlt, .Tfibt Uruthrt. Cornbt. Prrfuttirrw. Drvf~ *»'«!* 4;r ftf . No. 580 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, hitrlrrt and Cht+ttul. marly opf+tiit t lt lwlvin Qutett HottK hatrou hand a Urge, a«*ottme« nf article* io their liii'.of their own importation aad ouauLc tarv, which IhryjwillmlI at ihe*very beat prices, and on liberal term*, "they .rejjireifully *olieit an rsamination of their aMorUarat,'iruafi(!rnt tint thr quality and priCei' will givr entire sai*CwtioD. Among the artirlr* are thr follow- F reach and American Hair Brutlro>, t.'ih pattern*; T.s.th Brjidira, W pattern*; SKstihb Briuhrt, 30 ‘pattern*; Nail,C«mb sad [Cloth Briol.r*. Shell, UulTahi, Itory and Horn Comb*, in jreal rariely. rmuniou Can; Tweraero, Fm« and Common Raior*; Srear Caro* and Suuff ftovei; rocket Book* and 1 Wallet*; CardCa»r*and Sautebin; Fancy - Bo*e», (Paper, Wood and UUuV, Ladit, aad Geof* Ur***- tag Case*; Dommoviand Chess-Men:. Gilt Good* lu variety;' Smelling and Tin let Bold**; Dr-** and Common Fan*; La dies* Companion*; Bead Bog* and purses Accordion* and Masie-Boses, Elastic Drinking Cup*, German and French Taper* Razor Strops, Pink and .Blue Saucers; Per* fame Buie* and Sachets; Powder Bote* aud Pull*; Ecucr. - till Oil*, Gilt LabeU.ftc./f-c. At*o, arumnlele ami elegant assurtineat of PERFUMER Y acd FANCY SQAPS, of vuriou* qualities a*cheap a* they con be purchased inlhe United Stale*. j Elegant ihow hill* furnished without charge, aiui paeklug -1- warranted. ' . PhtUJclpblw, March S, l&<7._ STKAH IRON HAILING FACTORY, J RIDGE ROAD, above Buttonwood Street, Phil adr !phia. At this establishment may be ftlund tlie grratekt variety ofPranß and beautiful Patterns for y IRON BAILINGS in the Dnitetl States, to which the attention of (hose in want of any {inscrip tion.ami especially for Cemeteries, is particularly —. invited. The principal part of all the handsome Bailings at Land Hill, Monument, nml other celebrated Cemeteries Irj the city and county n| Philadelphia, which have been so highly oxinlied by the public press, were executed at this manufactory. A large VVare\Koom is connected Willi the estab lishment, where is kepi constantly tin hand a large stock of ready-made Iron Bailings l , Ornamental iron Selteea, Iron Chairs, new style plain and ornnmen-' lal Irtfn Gatcjc, with an extensive assortment oflron Post?. I’cdeglals, Iron Arbors, fcc: AV"o. in great variety, IVrojight and’Cajt lrooOrn-tncnta.Vnitßhlo for Baiiinys.|aml othor purposcH. '. . The’ Kubacrihcr' v'ould alto'r-tUe that in his f’al tern and Designing Departiuenl lie hit employed smno of the beat talent iu tlic®juntry, whonc whole, attention is devoted to Ihe businjckS’Tforining.alto* getlroronn ofjUie m«»l complete "aud eystematteVs ial>li\lin>enu [of the kind in the Onion. V V I HOBI-'.HT WOOD, Proprietor. ' Burge Bouil, above Buttonwood Btrret.- Philndel|!ibin, -March 12. 1817 CUKAP WATUIVICS. r PHE UfIEAPEST gold AND SILVER AYATCfU 1 Fit IN PHILADELPHIA. “ Cold Irovr.nt, full Jewt-ll'il, StHs) ■ ‘ Bilv,'r do do -.- - Gold la piuei, Jcwriii-d, , till Wl i Silver ihl do 15 (Hi I Silv« r Quarticrs, tine quality, - to ut 1 Gold tt alcjir*. piiini, if, 00 - . Silvrr Sj.fciactc*. t 75 1 Gold IVni'll*,. , .5} (Jit Gold IJracejrt*, * j l«l Alwj.onhand.a Ifirgc a.*-ormroui ofGdTd'ahd Hair Jr Uracvirl", finger rings hrea.-t pin*, lump cm riu'C'S gohl pen*, silver ►poou«, sngar tnnt{s. iliiinhlri, ttulifnerk, , curb and fob rhum«, guard key* anil jewulry «it‘ cvrty description, at equally- low price*. All I want 2* a call to convince, customer*. AH kinds of Watches nnJ (?incks repaired urM war* ranted Urkerp good lime fur one. year; old gohl sitid silr vcr.houghl or taken in exchange.' For rule, eight day* and thirty-hour brass Clock**, nt LEWIS LADOMUS’ Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store. No 41-H MnrVe; strict, above Eleventh, North side, Philmleiplufi. fr>~ 1 have some Gold aad Silver Irorers stillclicsprir than the above prices. ' jsiJfini, NASMYTH'S PATENT DIRKCT-ACTU>N STEAM-HAMMER. V. ' I'IIIS Hammer possesses many advantage’* over tin’- X others— among which may be mcmioord, lu-Manage ableness—Therapiditity and force of blow reay he eontroljed with the greatest ense,- whde the bauiracr it in operation, ami tiro hammer tnay- Lu in stantly arrestedf and suspended nt any height. - It* Umvcrsafjty, or capacity to execute work, of all kind*, from the largest loilid smallest, utder Hie satr.u hammer. i ' , Its Simplicity,jCompactnee* and ChrapnokH. • It* Accessibility upon all side*, hr the workmen. . A ii tbe hammers arc mnde Self-Acting. The subscribers continue to execute orders fur tlicvc alisizes, upou reasonable trhns. For further particulars, inquire of MERRICK ATOWNi; Arsignccsof the Patent fortheUniird Stairs, ffeefSly . Southwark Foundry, i STEAM MARBLE WORKS, Kulgt Road, abort Spring Garden Strut, PbitaJt!phia. 'l'lHSeslahlishtccm iserected on an Improved plait, X and hr the did of Steam Power manufactures all kindsof Marble Work in a superior *tjle, and at the lowest prices for Cash. Tbe largest and best wortmetit of Marble Matxvls. ever before offered to the public inay be seen at Ihe Ware Room, to, which the .attention of purchasers tv respectfully invited. Imr-otted Garden Statuary and Va.-o* of-the most taitefol designs and patterns, made ofnhc finest ami handsomest description of Italian Tiles fur Flooring, imported, and always on hand,and/or sale at the most reasonable prices. n~7~Marble Casera cut be supplied at all times with any numbei of finished Mantel* or*Table Tops, st re duced wholesale prices; auil the Trade wilt be liirni'licd at tbe shortest notice with alt kinds of Marble ip the block, or cutto sites for Monuments. Stc JOHN BAIRD Ridge Road, tliove Sptiug*Gardeh .«| PhJlad’m., February 3, IH7. 3taw?m - DERRY &, NICKERSON, Manufacturers of 'i AWNINGS, SACKING BOTTOMS, --- wagon covers and grain bags nv AM. iiFsriupTinss No, Routt* Front Street, / Back tf T. A. Wilson's Cabinet Win: Mtinufy PIIILADKLPIIIA. A Ll.orders Irft \ritli S S.Moon; nt the otUne of the Merchant* Hotel, I’lii'-luirftb, will b« promptly aitenrfed to. TIH«S. «{. DS'.RRY acplWJly .A, O. MCKKIItON TO WATCUBIAKKUS and DKAI.KIIB7 J, LADOMUS, IM I’ORTI-.R of Watches. Watchmaker's Tool-,and Wnielt Material*, whole«a!c and reia:l,nn-.lenu •ismly on Land a large assortmrmnl' Ironrrir, Patent, Bud Plain Glass, Mainsprings, Verges, Dial*, Wairii Hand*, and * complete »<-orfinriit of Goldand Mtlvrr Lever, l.epine, and I’l.tm Wntrbet; all of-which he win guaranty to *ell at the lowest No tv •York puces.. All orders from the country punetuaMy ererdted. * 3 N. U—Country Merchants and other'* nte ihvitrd u> call and eiorn.nc at the 01.1 Stand, No/:?) South Knurrti str-el, Philadelphia- • ' jauM lim’ CAIIKIAGKS ~~ ' .ii7M.M'i-tit;/.f, rn.icii ax a ii.inxt.ss maker, tso chr<«ui .1, the ptil.heTthat'hi- lu.* and uiUkrrtt r..n»ljntU ••» hand and f-r »j|r,» bauiU.mr a.«i-.rl meld i f t mliiotmMr Carriage:: V-i hurt,- of all »lv!e« and drscripli>in ni,.k 1.. lal tin- .holiest j—-. 11. i.r-t.te, i.,n,Uvaitl SMITH, DACALKY £ CO., wlm!.-«ah~lr-,|. «ts m *•:«>.n.. s,Te:i«,Jndieo.,\r*. No Ml MnjLct «ir-ei. below Sixth North «ido. fit In>*.l n f,. n t ?.\ BOLIVAR KlllK UR.t.jvS WARRaNJKD aupctior m the be»t K “Suntr bridge,"mi hand and hir vie .11 tire We irlou'c ‘•Sloan s Wharf,"Canal |la*in. _ J SHAW M.MH.AJU’.N SION AM) • OJINAMRNTAI. 'iWINTRft? No.4U Market xt, helu'tm il d a>nl \th its, tVINTINUKS |o rjrei-me Signs. Mitilmv Pi ljr«. IJ.itt- • J tier*, Tiiiii.ji.iinn ir', and all kinds nt cr.iumcitiat work .it ilm .linriesi nurg)i. *M»** (iias* innuui'itcu/riM 1-y u* i* vartamcjl equal W any in tin’ country. .AH-N,Tonoirc -nell, Ivory and Horn comh», Woollen-Vnme stn OKO COCIIKA.V _lBChl2tf . Mo aC MTOOti flt. A CARD. ' i V A RIS THROCKMORTON beg* t(hirr)ii«tnl-l,ip« /V. friend* that he j& asaii k*»' c of the (SAI.T H.O.USK, l-ouiiville, Kv.. where he hope* l»> inert all bi* diil friend*, aiMiruig thliUy -j I —Soilec. CROMPTON A Co.'t Adamantine. Sur Cmtd!teriy jilrert i fiH()oNli .Ciniumoii nrvU Olircr. iu vT and rtnall packages, ennrTanllyan band an-l tor l iul« atilie Mu'.iord andepice 'Fiicroiy, V 7 JJjnfi «trrrtT »pi» KHOHKS A AMIORN •CABCNKT. M-Iioi.STK.HisU. ~ ,‘ r ' I AM prepared to do all Vhi.li of Cabinet Stnifl/rn Sofoa, Divans, Chair*.Chair Seat*,- nf «hoit notice. Order* left at Mr. Noble'* nn Third m. promptly aitcnd* ed to lC7”Rcp»irin| of nil kino*. CANAi BOAT FIiIAITVitK, IHAVF. in rtorr aud for *ale low- • ' Hunk Framer, Mn‘.irA*rr<-: •- ; * 'Colt*; Bed«=; Pillow*; tlodii; Sbertt; and Trimmmc* oiSßil Itiiida: • An l allo'her article* in my brio,' which I rhall *e)l low an.l oo accommodating inrort. Wii iNOBLt' mittf Siora, oppose the Hank of ft ZS,^. J T STUART.