The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 16, 1847, Image 4

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' For the Pit tsbargh phristlaa Advocate.- ,
7. ; VOLUNTEER. *?■ i
”1 forgot o say thy while 1 was at
SalullQ I winfcssed a cock-fight, ,one iff
the favorite amusements of the -
After was ready, we were 1
kept waiting some lime for the arrival of ,
the Priest, Whole presence ,is indispen- |
sable on such occasions. He came and •
took hi9'Scat; after which tho perform- ~
ance comm^ncfd— the Priest acting as i
judge upon the menu of the feathered
competitors.] 1 !
. The Churches here are furnished in ja
very elegant ityle, hut quite unlike ourp, i
each contain! ty several <ihara, occupying
the principal [tart oi the Church. Tije
walls are filled with niches containing
images, or covered with pictures ; rife ;
Church in this place "(Monterey) has not -
leas than two thousand, images, from 1
Christ down to the latest head-counting
saint inclusive. There is no\ a seat in
the Church, except one for the Priest
while hearing confession ; the congrega
tion always slund or kneel. ,
I have seen ice once cr twice this win
ter ” i ] | . '
Of the bat do of Monterey, he tblp9
speaks: '
“As we were marching lo town, jo
take possession o( some ol the fort 9 thpt
bad- been taklen, the’first object I saw
'filled me with horror—a dragoon lay hy
the side of his burke with the, top of his,
head shot off. Just then a cannon ball
* Riruck the gun of h Dutchman itr the
next company, breaking off tho bayonet,
knocking off the lock, and bending (he
bond in tho shape of a sickle ; he held
on to it, but commenced crying, snd ask
ed 'vat lie would do nut him.* This ire
ated a general laugh, but another
striking near us, arid rolling up to lour
lines, as if to challenge us, stopped ! the
merriment. From this tilt we reached
the fort wo were constantly lying down
and jumping up, to avoid ihe enenjty’s
balls, so that 1 had'not time to Ipok
round When I jumped over the wall
intp the fort, 1 lit upon a dead Mexic|m;
there were .several in ihe fort*—l lay
close hy one that night. The next day 1
saw so* many that 1 did not care, and
could turn them over and examine their
wbunds. I saw one woman that had
heeti shot. Such sights as I saw when
we were burying the dead ! nearly all of
whom had been stripped by the Mexi
cans, and' had tain three days. We dug
holes and rolled ihcmjn with our spades,
or dragged theut in with our mattocks,
puning «I 1 that lay npar each other, friend
and foe, into tho saiito pit. The stench
from them was aWful. Monterey is 26
deg. 10 min. Mondial., and 121 deg. 51
min. West lons*.’’.! .
Camp ct Ihe Citadel at Monterey, }
January 28th, 1647. \
Gnus of Thought.— Men,dike books,
have at' eaqli end leaf—childhood
;.and ol\l •• 1 ~ •
Peaco is ihe eVgtiiDg star of the soul,
ss virtue is its sun, and the two are nev-
er apart.
O Tho gifts'that circumstances make in
our character, wo are apt to regard as its
Dative fruit
He who dreads giving light lo the
people, is like a man who builds a
jiouso without -windows for tearofjigbt .
Our sorrows are like thnnder clouds,
which seem black in the distance, but
grow lighter, as they approach.
We arc ‘ acquainted with teo sisters
now living, whose united age's amount to
six hundred and forty-four years, all of
whom have belonged to the' E.
Chi rcb for more than thirty years. They
bav j sjjpy-eix children and’ grand-chil
dren bqlonfeiog to the same church.—
Ziui's Herald, >
H Df all professions,” says Goldsmith,
“1 do not know of a more useful or a
mono honorable one lhan that of a school
matjtrr; at the same lime I do not see
anyj morn generally despised, or one
whose talents are less rewarded.”
The population of France, in 1846, ac
cording to the: official, census, published
by the Moniteur, 35,500,486
tIONSIs*TJ.N<i or bit FrophylaclieSyrnp, > cei
/ tai l rent'dr Uir all Conjowctivc and Scrofu
ious allections; Cough Syrup, CroVp Syrup. Con
centrated extract of Sarsaparilla, decidedly
superior to all olhfir extracts, haring giten relid
wheo all other* bare ftuled, being ihroogh a new
prtccsr more concentrated than any other erer
olfercd t/» the public. ASTHMATiC ELIXIR,
baring eftycled permanent cares of tbat stubborn
diseaseV'wßaij o( 1 nrore than IS years standing,
bencL,w standi without a rival in that moth dreaded
Dr. Rose's LINIMENT, for all cases of weak-
cr pain, anti a complete substitnte for blisters.
p r Rose's TONIC MIXTURE, an infallibia
care for chil s'u'cd fevers,' and indeed is njore or a
specific For fevers of all kinds thin birk or Qui
where known, is'used in preference to any other
Vermifuge preparation.
diie isc* of the Stomach and bowels. Cholera tn
fcciioiw, dee Too high an eneomium cannot be
Eaaicd on the merits ot this medicine, iu core ol
>ispep>ia. and all diseases that result from weak*
ness of stosv>cfi oi had digestion.
Dr. Kose’c FEMALE t il I S, a most valuable
remedy for those genora! complaints to which fe*
tnaibs are subject.
Nolpiil eyer before offered the public so happily
combines the qualities cl a valuable medicineman
aoU*di*peptir, LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct*
ingltJutfC disease*. and . thereby preventing ©on
sumption. A young Lady i 5 years of age, having
adi?va*cd liver (or some time, her strength prbs*
trated and appetite gone, was c unpletelj restored
In sixjiveeka by the use oi the A olt*d»«p©ptie mix
tore and thccepilis alone.
EMNU PLASTER,lorweakmstfoUhobackside.
brcasti.&c. I
, I>r.Ruse'sSPECIFIC K F LEl’SY,themoatcer(
tain rt-medv for all cases of Hi or convulsions,
whether>n infauis or adults. So certain a specfiS:
is it fur thin formidable disease thal.tbg most ob
stinate cases, and those too of Jung standing, ha* 5
yielded at once.
Dr. Hose's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—After man
ytaranf ddtsenl tc«»*arch ill.* compound waadiaeot*
ered, and it« nwnr (ad.iig efficacy place* ii*r. Su;i<ne ’
sbova ad Olhrr* lor ih.-ctirr uf Übebmalism.'
Dr Rom-V ASTRINGENT OOMPOV ND,' a eertai 1
remrity Tor *pi«nig bit«J, indeed tor discharges tf
■blood whether from L.un<*. bowel* another parts of di
iloacV SVtfL'P far niiob-.raaniiposrT.t complaint
—This mixture willeffcoUaßy cute bowel eompfaitus ’
Dysentery. Cholera .Morlm-. and Cbqlera. At me time
the Asiatic i-W.n was .1 Pfcdadelplua it wad
found 10 be ifa; uu>M -uc« e-*iul in arresting It, earing
lllne tenth* of all ;:io*c whs uwd lb '
What <nM) be Mid of on*-oiyjicve remedies may bv
said of nil, tor.r valor will only be appreciated be
those who iryitbi m. Leiirn from those who have been
cored of ihr various maladies that afflict the human
body might .he Riven, but we are w.lbng to rc« the
matter on the uur.i* of the compound*. \>e have a
panacea for :t« various forms, *0 condensed
and efficacious tU; it* healing power has astonished
many A case of Cancrr.oreurnng in the wife of the
late Governor of Delaware, was completely eared m a
few month* The cancer had been iwice cut oothy
prominent Surgeon*. and renewed itself with Increased
malignity, yet notwithstanding two debility of CouMitn*
lion Ltd removal of the soft parts the n« ff the I^o
phytnruc completely removed every vesuge of the
d, Sres' .nnnntcrabie of the 'warns cures that have
followed tlir o*-t Of there trmedies are t:» onrporee*-
iio'T, hat .1 is t.rce«ary 10 enomerate them
as the use of them will recommend jdiem to ad.
J. t*C»nH»NMAKER. A Co., Sit fcl Wood Street
Agents for lMt«hurgli SSgßdly
KKMKDV—Warranted to eurtr, or Ihq mob.
er returned. This medicine s it prepared froman In
dian Receipt, obtained front'one of them in the Ear
Wot, at great expense., 'fhewe- who bate been
familiar with tlie lndiau*Vknnw that lie/ can and
do cure Venereal without the knowledge at Mere
cun, Balaam; or anything of the kind. The a£
dieted have now *an opportunity of being cored
Tvithoo -the b*e or Balsam. This medicine la]
pi»»««r.t t/i Lhc taalc. and leaves no smell on the;
'prnwred by ROWAND t.WALTON, and told
whole*,i!e nndxetatl, by J. T. Rowaod, 376 Market
itxeot.i'hilad'a,'' _ _ • „ .
For sale in Pittsburgh bj B £ Sellers, 57 wood
street, wd bv tt'm Ti.i.rn.«.Marj£l > tl ; ._?® 6J *T
—' 'iii, 31cL.Vne’u Worm #p*e}Wc.
THISi* mccM.iy that. I<V
Met#anr’« Worm Specific. a ebild of Jaune* *»■» *
onrsed upward* of ?" worms, and bp the oteof said
medicine e child of my own passed 14 l »fTO Worm^—
It I* tmly the wo.t surprising worm medicine l ever
I mutt have two mote vial*.
seen. 1 mutt nave i \VM GILMORE
. WUkins Township
For it e by i KIDD A Co, So 60 Wood street, Plus
bMfh. V . mch *
l‘.\qKpr J
A O.
r Pauengen.
' Estlusirtlg Jit
rj'Mf? public are lerpcciful
X vrtfl commence nt&mnxjor
ahdeoßuaoe ibrongboui life
have bow placed a •ojwrinr r
road Can on tbe route, 4u
which will £ire greater cckft
A Packet Boat will aiwityi
d.nx politic are rctjoeMeii fc
One of the Pvckcte willjlei
tbe United J*tatc» Motel.) cor
Cankl. every nirht at#oMlo>
riMK at
For infantatien epptr !at t.
II jc*c. Water street, or to'
mcM3 ' cor Pi
'wlciTOfttf TB.Aas>t
lly informed tiiauhia Lice
n or about the lCih io*tu>u
*ea*on The proprietor*
rial* of Picket* an<i
lb’extra accommodation*,
tori to traveler*.
r«M in porii tsdthet'BV'
k> ekll'and examine them,
e elMwbcte.
•avd the .landing, (r-ppo*ite
rner i'enn meet and tbe
ck-e 1
Da Vs*.
.office. Mooocxahela
an ilreel and Canal
'■pUK »:bfkV ibis linn eoati
1 l.lnroi jloais and Cars, {on
wmcb Are in jpiod order. ITfae •
red to forward a large qb&ntiijj
«viib certainty and dispaj
Produce or Mrrchaoditeiconsil
vdcrsiftiicd-is forwarded fred fit a
von or storage. I
' Bills Ladiqg transmitted ahd al
attended to- ,
The Uatineu of. ibis Line i»
Sabbath'keeptnr principles A<
; D LEECH & (
Ultfl double daily
\ ‘lied byt'lbemarlvc* }
i ib*crib«*r» ;&re prrpa
y of Merchandize and
a icn. , l
fned to any of the un
ty charge tor cwnnu*-
iintfuctien* promptly
i conducted on ••.rieily
i dreia. or apply to
C o. Proprietor*.
ii al Ua*in.i\u*bQ!{li
! lEOH, Proprteier*.
i meet. Philadelphia
) V&BONS, Arcnti,
s Ihi meet, Baltimore
N, Agent, >.
ten »ireet, New York
4 . 04
JO*. tavlo
(So 114 North How
No 7 W
r&BLE B.
Ebaai 1847.
IT* OK ihr iiaotpcnanonofFn
C and the Adamic Cities* av<
the way. amltilc conseqceni
breukafo anti lepaiaiiou of go
1 Nn ‘IT a .\Jarke
]Gy Trnn and
jghi between Piuibnrgh
idjug irnnrhipisenia an
ruk of delay, damage,
(licet. I'Ai
•Vnvne Mi,
et. Umlncno
nbfi. N- Y.
»u*iuc** ib
I extended t
are non pr
mil dUyalcU
$ exjvnene
: Portable 1
w & j ttai
have added ko .
mem# di.rmg ll i
ward frrifi *tj w i
by any other 1* 1
the ti
ami the great <
hotitr * >it enc!
, Co/North »tr*j
SCOTT, 75 So
l>j- iacreared I
heir Ktock a i»i|
I e winter, and |
i nb rernlam r
i tc. Their In
Lperiomyof 1
i spariiy an<
t| end nt the
leil lu enable t icproprieinn i
sliil urcoiuncK Uc their ccrlh
itlo j»aM iiaK jßianty for
fjilicil a canm oaiicc of lhai (
?rairiiiJl) fck lowledfr. 1
AH 10 Tui
and font
A O'Cuunor
charge* pailJ
>• charge lot
i$ no
inirieM ol I
nuiaiy olijt
I ret to for'
iunl free ofi i
tor»*e. llatii
Lading tranwi
indircetly in nejidboal*, ill
mu«l W thnt
wot. and they pfedße them
conrignrd io lhrm / pioropll
reoni irrrak to lhn Ptrnrft.
M»trht.|lH7 !
i '
| boat]
S Pt > KT
I 7 . dtfeu&ss&t
i AND "FROM i'l nv-
' will lip ihrwari'ed will
it rate*.. Dill* of Lading
ins promptly aiimJrUio
rlMorags qr commu.ion
Clu»l Ba*in. Pittsburgh
tE7l\Vuhout Trai
Gwl> toooroar
oui delay,at ihe lowr*«i cuße
irmuujiitnl, and
' Tire from arty eitira r barge tl
Aditn **, orapply.t.i 0 A
| . gTORj ol
Haring a ren* large and ci
we are prepared lo receive in|
thiptnent) a nmottnt of 1 To
*4ov*pite»._ Imato] . . ifi <*
hmiuodiotis wnrehou*.,
1 addltion'to ticicbt for
Aloee. Ac ;onStotMen
C Me AN fLTY^.C?’;
FREIGHT between i’ii
town, HotlidaynLargli, Wan
iall intermediate place*
One Uoaurill leave Ike w
& Co . I'iuiburgh. every di
rbippeMcan alway* depeni!
warded wiiboot delay and a.
. Tin* Lice wma ibimed lor I
V»f the way buameW, and ti
iolicit * liberal »hi >re of pal:
p udasponaiion of 'V.\V
ii tsburgu. Blairsville, Johns
tr Sjreei, Pcttriborgh and
r tre bouse off? A MeAnuliy
i y. (except f*undu}» ] and
I on having their goods fur
the special TctonmunUtion
>e proprietors respectfully
’ tton-
JOrtN AIJLLER, 10l iday»b|irgi )
HII OANAN', Jol uri jwu I } Agent*
C A McANL'LTY fc Co, J
I axrsKEßixt.
J J MeDevitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Bageley
k. Smith, Pittsburgh. _ • ’ J •/ m»i€
LiEB EBIE XID rnlCfliGTj; tilSB. "
-Cjgj-Pi 1847.
rpms, Line being compiled c f SeamboauLake Erie
1 and Michigan, ninning 4a ly Item-een I’linburpli
and Reaver. aitd IreigUl dm!] -»«enj:cr Canal Bo*:*,
tunning between Beaver-nnt I. ■ • p.ndcnnntciingwult
C M Herd** Lineof Sich.-LeL. J' njicller* and Ve:*ol*
on the Lake*, will be ujaio the earlietl open
ing of Navigation to carry Ft sight and Pataeoget* to
all poinuoo the River, Canal i ad Lake*.
Having every farility for coi veying fraigbl and par*
lencen with pronptneta ind litpatcn, the proprietor
and agents re*peetfnlly soilicii from ibcii friend* and
be public generally their patro nge.
- *CM REED Erie, Proprietor
REEDS, PA RKS & Co, Beaver. Agu
JOHN A C.tUGHEYjPitub’ghdo
Coi.SraiihfielJand Waur si*, oppoaile the Mnntfnga
gahelalioate. I.
lew Yor
VVliefler, Crocker k Cc } t
(in Dinit Bnfftla
K N Park* A Co, Clevi fond
Ju A Anatuottg&Ce Detroit
McClure k William*. h 'i|waultie
llrj«tol k Porter, Chieaj o
IVn Power*, Power*u wn, Pcnna;
Ceo Maebelmyre, Evanannrgh, I‘eunn
John McMihat, Honufown, do!
- Wick k Acker, Greenville, do
Craig k Frampton. Cinrkivllle. do
•• , U*) » k l’iofub, Sbarpsbargh, Pa. :
W C Malan, Sharon, do|
•R W Cunninabara. New Cattle. do; marS
mm 1847.
KUK l kaivSPORTJKG Mt7nt7ifA?«u;Tb nh-
• il cities, wnaotiT trahihi^mkkt.
THE improved method bf carrying cied by ihu long
E*iabh«bed Ltae,-is how *o well knnwn that do
reiipiion it nnneceraary. \ Hood* are nil tooched oti the
toot e, (ho* all transhipment or extra handling i* caved.
Tbe Boat* are of lint draught and perform thrir trip*
in from aixtoateven aarc. I 1
The capacity of oor Wareboo*e* enable*?* to ••.ore
any cotuiipmetui made torn. Iteeelvtnt,*toring, and
advance* free of eharge*.
Being fully prepared to make Mica of Produce, we'
respectfully solicit consignment* of| western Floor,
Bacon,Lard, Butler, Cheesd, }Vool. Feathers, and other
'article* for tale, job wbiet} liberal advance* will be
made and other tnjoal facilities afforded, pledging oor
tcifc* that any liucne** entrusted tb 'u* ahali be a*
□ rocnnilr executed and updn a* fair] term* ashy any
other house. i k Co
! Canal Bti«in, Pittsburgh
meliitS ! S4P unfl 351 Market si, Philada
J. B.DIdSBT, '
Ea*i Beaver Poim void Bridgewater,
BEAYEB CO 3j*T*t fa., j
Proprietor and A*»jni of
WILL be ptepared on ea: llest op
iraiion to receive pro tiny a
mwareboose, for nil point* m Kri
Cal, and Onto Canal*; for i tlpont
upper Lake*,aanlso to torwamprodi
improvement*. Apply to orlaidrea
ieb2j-dtf -k _ _| JAS
“pirrBßUHdii At cij.fivv
i&mJt . 184 G.
II Clarke. 11. lioops. IT.
FenrartUnc A Commlssloi
TDK A rents and Proprietor* of i
ably Ituowit to the public), will
enrlirtt njienmr of rnnal navigat
ertyat PiUsl-uim and Beaver, and ■
any point on tlie Ohio canals, and
and Michigan, with the greatest de*j
onaMe rate*. .
The proprietori of tbia line tolicit tbn bu*ine*» of
tbor former customer* with confidence, knowing that
'heir facilities are *econd to none.
Apply to or * "
JN, Agt, Pittsburgh.
Co, Beaver.
„..»oriD AC: ' '’aland.
THE Uoararn’s Poitable Itoat f’-orapan * being di*>
•nlvrA, the Company ugaih went into articles ol' Co
partnership under the name pf tbe ‘ i UAaimen’» Line;!’
and likewise agreed to refitlthe Stock Vo d« to have a
number of Boats for tbe pujrpoe of carrying goods
through io icj-.a six to e.e'it tint*, with irrminty—and
fcel cocooragt-d by tbe liberality of la*t gear's patron
age, to nuke more extensive krnfngemeai* for the en
suing year . . ' T
■ Wn would therefore respectfully aoliait it routine
ancaof our former patrons,ano refer all new,customer*
to those we have done business for. I
< For the trantportation of -
I’jnutotunu, BALTntoaK, New Yobe, aan Boero*.
Corner Liberty sueetaod Canal Basmi Piosbureh.
KLDF N a";S:Si k oN'ra. , i “‘,t iph ‘''
refkrknces. “‘"‘T”’''' *“
‘ PITTStIUROH-J... McCall,, Cm. Mohtan 4 Co.
W MeCullrA Co. B A Sampson 4 Co, MAIJeoACo,
PlHLADEl.FlllA“*AforrisPauer*onkC^ , Beynold»
MeFnrland A Co, Fleming k Buaby, Peter w/.hi k
Ifon.J Bi»pbata, Joseph (trait. j *
kddrc** I'
TO ?»
NEW YORK—Goodboe A Co,Theo. Perry A Co
BOSTON—Reed.Hntd ACo. I
CINCINNATI—Adame A.Creagh, W W Scarbor-
ft. PLEASANT, VA—F A Nachler.
Nora—All merehaodiee from New > ork and UoUcn,
coneigard to A L Gerhart A 00, Philadelphia, will be
promptly forwarded fit* of eootaiiaaioa. frbld
UKBCH * com - -
I Ptclnft Bxprea* to Pblladil|.^U<
wafgg n rHK Caaaibdog now open, ike
JMMMPtbwe Express winch kn bee* ei
taniisoeo (or ue conveysnes of valuable package* of
merchandise, specie, beak aotea, jewelry, Ac, com
menced rnaaiog oa Tharvlay, Mareb 15.
-Aa IkoxCrst will be dispatchediiily eolii the close.
of the eaoaliagteaaoß.'
Apply to""” •" D LEECH ACo
tßcUi *or Pens ft sad Csaal
.'fefr is 47. '
THIS well known end popular Line of Steamer* bat
beengieatly unproved thr pa*t Winter., bjr ibe iitf.
dilion of cetera) new and magnificent boat*, built
expressly for the I’aekn Line; and the enure line >«
now composed uf right of the large*?. beat finished and
fußtt«hed,'and most powerml 1-oat* on the Water* of
the W'mi, Kerry pecotnmodalicm that money will pro
cure baa been provided for Pactrngei'c, and no pain* '
will be spared to render them comtonnbfe and ibe trip*
agreeable i They leaveTnuburcbant) Gnrinnatidaoly
and positively at id o'clock, a. it.
The MON°NGA lIELA S . Cnpt. Sum*, will learn Phts
jnrgh every Monday morning at 10 o'eloek; Wheeling
•very .Monday evening qt 10 l*. M ; anil Cincinnati cv
;ry Thursday at 10o'clock A.M.
The, NO. a, Capt /. Klineftlut, will
lease Pittsburgh every Tuecday morning at IlloYlork;
Wberting every Toe.dn*. evening at jo I’. M : and
Cincinnati evrry Friday at in o'clorh; A. M.
The NEW ENGLAND. NO. 3, Capl. S. Drurt, will
leave Piu*hnr*b every Wedudwlay morning nt 10
o'clock; Wheeling evoy Wednesday evening at 10 I*.
M.; and Cincinnati every Sniarday at 10 o’clock, A. M.
The WISCONSIN. Capt. K. Ji Grace, will leave Pitts
burgh every Thursday morning at lOo’c'nek;'Wheeling
every Thursday evening nt 111 I*. M.; and Cincinnati
every Suiiday at 10 o’clock,- A. 31
The CLIPPER. NO. «»Capt. CYdoL,will leave Pint
burgh every Frmay morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
even 1 Fridaycvening atlO.l’Jll.; ami Cincinnati every
Monday a| 10 o’clock, A.M
The MESSENGKR, <?apl. Linford, will leave Fill**
burgh every Saturday morning at lOo'ciock; Wheeling
every Saturday evening at 10 P. M., and Cincinnau
every Tuesday at !oo'clock 1 A. M.
* .Tite Isaac newton. c*pt‘a a. M-tw.i. w<n
leave I’iU-bttrgli every Sunday morning nutp uVluck;
Wheeling every Sutiouy evrnwg at l<) |* M.j and Cin-
Cinuati every Wednesday at 10 o'clock, A M
{fij-rhetc Packet* u'ii!!,eiatih’-*r hen!.* nt Pitt.hutgb
and Cincinnati, tcgu'arly. the day previous to leaving
each port, for the icecpuon of freight, and entry of Pa»-
aentretr on ibe Regl«ter.
NoUerthoxriate Room considered engaged until paid
for. : . ” f' -I * 3
L(» 184 7.
9 | Agents
eir arrauge
parrel to tor
1 4* corner*,
oat >)*ieni.
>f the vnr«-
u!y eulcuto
cb ilu-T now
Tune to Baltimore Si bourr.
Time lo I'luludclphia
[Only n Mile* Staging.]
THE splendid oud tart runtime steautris Consul, Lou* ■
i* Mclvatic and Swotiira, have commenced making
doub'v daily trip*. Oise boat will leave ibe Monnnga
licla wharf every morning precisely at S o'clock.—
Passengers by the morning line will arrive in Baltimore
next evening in time for tiie rhtladcipbia Mail Boat, or
U«.l Road ears. The evening Boat will leave the
wharf daily at \ o'clock, except Suuduy*. Pntscngm
by |hi* boat will lodge oil board, in ronilfartabje slate
mom*; leave llrown«ville next looming at 0 o'clock,
cro** me tnountaiii* in day lie In; *up aud lodge in Cum
lieiland. Thu* avoiding mglit trove! uliogcther. The
preparations on tin* mute urc ample.and the ro.mrcbon
I complete; *o.tuai d;*api>ointrnenu or delays wwi be uu
I known upon >t.
| 'Passenger* can stop ott die route and resume their
I seat* ugnin at pletumre. and have choice of Rati Road
or Sleamuoat between Baltimore and Philadelphia
Couches chartered to p»ri*c* to travel as thi \ |
Secure your tickets at the o£er,Moiumcalieiallob*e.
or St Charles Hotel. . J .MKSKIMEN
febtd t
! 1^47.
t » TllHOrt.ll IN *4 HOURS.
I DACKEI'BoHt* Swallow and Telegriph le*veßea
i JT ver daily, at SoVloek p si . after the arrival uf the
| RMtrnine,Uoat from Pittsburgh, and arrive ut Warren in
time toruhd Mn;l l.ttir o! Stage*, winch leave iramedi-
J hrely thereafter, and arrive at Cleveland at 3or lock, r
l Thi* route i« il.e uu>*i exprd tiou* and cotnionablc
one to ilrcrLakes. '
COTKS A i.LFFINfi WKI.i. WnDen l ropr'«>. ■*
, RKISI>. PARKS A Co. Heaver. Agent*
JOHN A CAUGHKY. curlier Waier aud SmithGeid »U/,
ap«ly Opposite the Moteonyihela House. Pittsburgh >
<Siggtei?s 1847.
will lx fcc’d
laid lliltmrt
.. Commiimoii,
dirrdly or
ihc eoiu'gnor*
jclfri 'hipping
tsrd ail good*
In.Mi ndvafita*
'■pillS;Liii? cnn*i*tiogof frrtght audpas.enrer l’tck-
JL e:*. will run ;rgular{y during the seaeou"between
Bt-avrr and Orsetiville. Pa . by wlurh Ireight aud p«*
senger* bCtVreen the two points, will be catried pruoiptiv
amt at the lowest rair*.
WICK A 'ARCHER.Greenville, Ago
CRAIG A FRAMPTON, aarksvilie. dot
McFAKLANI> A KING, lltg Ueud, do?
lIAVSA PLUMB. Shsrpshurrh, do;
IV C MALAN. Sharon, 1 do;
•W.M. MAIIIEWS, Pulps Ki. • 00,
REED. PARKS A C>, IJravn. do;
JOHN A CAUGHF.Y, rorner Water and Smithfield »t*,
ayCly Opposite the Monougabe'a House, Pittsburgh
for the trshspartat-iov or
ALf. KIND* of MERCHANDISE to and fro.m
Pblladelplila, Baltimore. Sew York
mid BoitODi
f J7HE encouragement th'i line has received sinee
JL it* commencement, has induced the proprie
tor* to increase the stock by adding a number ol first
claw boats} and instead of giving receipts as hereto
fore as vve will give our owa receipts lor
freigts shipped by this line.
The boats arc aii portable, consequently freight
is taken the whole distance without transhipment,
thereby preventing damage from frequent handling
on the route, and as each boat is owned by the
Captain w|m runs.them, which is a sufficient guar
antee thatlhere will ba no delay cn the route.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the
undersigned will be forwarded FRKKOF COM
MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and will
be shipped without dclsy at the lowest rates of
We respectfully solicit a share of public palrnt
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
Broad ,Street, Philadelphia.
BywJcy’s Wharf, Bolltmorc.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18.1347.
P Lfj™ 'S riras-i *7*l
THE unde rvigoed are now iir-nsrtd io iotward pro
duce.ftc.. to the Eastern Mantel* during the ensu
ing H inter, oa the most favorable term*, by this expe
ditious route. „ ,
All property consigned to us willbe forwarded st the
lower! rates and with despatch.
Merchandise reeejved by this route promnily for
warded. i C -UIDWKLL. Agt. Piii*uur*b.
fji W CASS. Brownsville.
nf>v V? h EGKRTON A Co, Cumberland
184(77 1847
THKsaUnnberswill receipt forthe delivery of Pro
ilucc.b\Baiiiß)oie by the Monougtiheia stlackwaicr
at the following prices
A»he«, Bacon, ItJtter, Lead. Lard, Pork. Tallow
Whiskey,Cheese,«iid (i)nss— rt« per IIPJ lbs'.
Tobnreo.ilenip, Flbx amt WhcaiMl els per IMI lbs.
Ashe*. (Pot) Applet, Cheese, Flax-.Hcetl, Glo«s. sad
Ijeathrr—loo ei« per ton'lhs
Oila. Skill*. Sr<*tU, Woo!—HO cl* per lOC* 10*.
Ure»wax. Fcaihci»,lFur». <iici*cnf, »nii Snake-Root
—lfOcii prf IOOIbs. I
All property consigned lo either of ihe undrrtigiwil
wilM.r wiillout ilHay, free of Cotnmi*no:i,
■ tabove raiei. W If Hrowiutrillr.
IfANNp A WATERMAN. I“m.luu<h.
Tl»K»jeftmlioo!HAULKMro| : ;Biipd
and rrfincdyn hand*om«- Jo! unit
»heji« improved «he >■ well adapted for
carrying freight and pa*«?rier?": o 7 for towute; ah'- lia*
trroal capacity ami j>r»wef Anv j>er»on dupofc’d to
purchase will of cottrfc inspect her J
l «Uo propo-c to lca*e, for one or more year* idj toil
Workr, anri. to a energy and t>n«mrs» habit* they
offer great o.leamage* J efu> fumirh the letter, eiiher
on «aie or charter, cly ttt* boat ’'.MINKIt " He can
*l»o have on fair term* iix three flat*; and two
examine lUe above for lbera«etve*. ■« all will be sold
wholesale nr retail, and a liberal deduction made to
wholesale burrbaier*.
apldly | _ A XVRyTRnVKI.T
[ 1 Ta Printers.'
1 JUST Received anJ for *ul«
- from the Foundry of Geo. Oruce
it Co., New York, the following
-fontaof Type i
S6<>| lh» Bourgeoi*;
17r Iba Minion Title;
5 IbaTwol.incMin'onCapr;
Space roiea, etc.
'''®S*BBW. AJySO-For Mk, a (treat vnri
ety of Second band Type, from Nonpareil to 35 line l’i
ea. Flower*, Ornament*, etc-, which will be fold low !
.pc hT? 33Markcin j
__ PROM the very liberal encourage
mKMS/meat the cabscriber ha* received since
K£K29b ha* located himself in Allegheny,
induced him to take * tease, for a
orr „ n - . _ of year*, oa the property he bow
street, ImnrodiatHy beside the
a >V? “ **»•■».«p*rlen«« tn the
above business and a-deure te please, hahooes to mer-.
« and reeeive a, ahare of pablio^irtiucc”
1 j Nowon hand and flmahlny tomier -jifrehaWaf Bmr 11
'&*&*£** ,
Carnages made to erder, from u>
eichtjnnuret. [*ep3-dtf] JOHN gouTII.
I NR. SHERMAN ins diteoservd a way to eakc’ewdtrme
XJ ' J'lcutfit, HI that children Kill Ukr it rc*di!y sud err ivf
iDJ.r*. S<< that hu/acrtoikr i* sruuud neb bw( of L"Vb
yrr, a Pol ofToodi Paste oa the hack of each Plaster, aud uu
neb StU of DirreUccs.
These Lawngc* are the safeet, mart tare‘and elicetua! rrm
edjr (brcwagtu, cuidr, cxtouaptjotu, ahaopiog cooghr, attu
ma, tightaru of the Ituysor chest, Hc r rtc. . The ptuprtriur
fan never koowa aa ituumee where did out gne yartset
aatitfsrtiaa. Seiml tbousaad boxes lire beta sold aitliiu
thf last jur, restaring to health persons in almost ertry ttage.
of cons umptron, and those Üboriog under the
cold*aadcoughs. They do not cbeck aod dry up tUecough,
but render itrasy,promote egpcettfratioa,alt*y tl,clickUngor
irritaliuu, arul rciaore the pvoxuoate or exciting came.—
They are made from a eumbnsattoa ofamotlxaliohlecxyce
toraat, or cough atdiciues, aud arc undoubtedly tuperior lo
every thieg iu use lor those motplaints. Hundreds ujkhi hun
dreds ofrertiCcatet bare hren offered of their w.Miderful ijr
turi, from those who bare beta saved from au untimely grate,
aud rrsiured to perfect health by using thru.
Where there u much pain in the breast or side, one ofShcr
man’s Poof Man’s Plasters (price only ernuj should be
applied oter Ibe part, mud wo.a till relieved. If atteadrd
wrth eoatireacri, a few calhartis or bsxaiiie knages, <rrsny
mdd cathartic mtdicinr, should he used is occasion rsijuim
These worm loxcnges hare been proted In mote than 1,400
000 to be inCtUible; the only certain worm destroying
medicine ever ducoeered. 3lany diseases arises bout worms
and oceasiuu lung and inietue simering, and even death, wttli
out their errr being sii,|>rvled; grown persons areKnollrii
afflicted with them,aud are doctored for various eoruplajnl.
witl.out auy benefit; 1 when one dote of these Lozenge* wotrfd.
speedily cure, them. '
Stimf’lotntrJ Il'oMns.—Pains in the joints or limbs, lofien
sive breath, picking at the nose,grinding of the teeth during
sleep,and at times a paltsess about the lips, with flushed cheek.,
bleeding ut the uo>c, a gnawing sensation at the stomach, flash
es of heal oter the surface olthe body, sliglit chills or shit
eriugs, Imdactie, drowsiness, senigo, torpor, dUturbeJ
dreams, sudden starling in sleep, with fright,and screaming;
sometimes a troublesome cough, feterishuess, thirst, pal|id
hue, fils, lad taste in the mouth, dilßcult breathing, pain in
flie stomicli nr Umels, (atigue, bausta, sqcamislioess, tora
cioui appcUle, Icauuess, bbated stoiaacli or limbs, gripiugs,
shooting, paius iu sarruus parts of the body, a tense of some
tiling risleg iu'lbe throat, itching of the anus towards night, a
frequent dtsiie 1-j sometliuig from the bowels, sud' xiuie
times duidtarges of slime and mucus
The)- gi»e immrdiate relirf iu uen o.u ,or lick headache. I
palpu.ilion of ihe heart, lowness of the spirits, despoudeuet, I
tudauinaiory or putrid «»r* throat, bowel or summer I
plaint, bulling, <{]>j>rTuion or a sense of sinking of ihe chest, '
cholir, >[i»nu«, irunp of Die stomach or bond., I.jilrrird
•lWrtj'JO", and all oertou* diseases, druminnt the
day, and Wakefuliifis ihruugh tlir night; cholrra nr <li>il
era m-.rhos, diarrliuia, liuailudt or a acute of Caique. ftr
«*** Iran lluij or attending large jssrlim, will find the Loren
g?» rrally rtntiug.and imjiortiug the buyjancyof j nuth; im.l
after dmij*alioD, w ilfreslorc li.e {cue of the .ystrm cent
crall), and rrmiwr all (he unpleasant symptoms anting Iroul e luing. I'moos who hair bent too high Itewi, and
sbauJomdthurdiMiintedliabits, will find thescLnvngraad
mirable composers 01 the uertrs. "
The best strengthening plastic-in Dir wntM,*nd a sovereign
remedy iorpuina, or weakness in the hack, loins, tide, neck,
limbs, y-:in(>,rheuraelhin, lumbago, Ac. Ac. One million a
will nut supply the demand. They require a little warm
ing hrliireapp!icuiton. Warranted iu]*-rlor to allothris,and
for our quarter Hie usual price, making not only D.e besti but
the cheajwit plaitrr in the world. It affords relief in { few
hour*, and makes astonishing cures.
Itrsliier complaint and dyspepsia, it should be worn over
tUerfcunofthc brer or stomach, and it will a fiord errst and
-•ouukinr " ' " 'itlieuli
attouuLag relief. la cought, eoldt, itiluaa, diStmUy of («rrji Krn.un.eonipn-re* an entirety new application of
Lrealbicj, opprvukra of tht eheit nr »uwinch, diet will im (lilvanism. a* a reihediftl ngcnl, by mean* of which the
Btduirlj tooth and preally benefit the patient. rereou df ordinary Galvanic Datrerr?*, Electric unJ Magnetic Met
sedentary htbiu, or ihote wblirrd 19 itarul much, will reeeite Irhinna. Ac., ate entirely di*pen»cd with, and the my«te»
decided •upport from ooe of there truly •trengthming Pfcu r.ou* tw>iver of Golvaufoni unphrd wilhoot any of llie
Ur. Phyiicraa* graenlly reraamead Orem, ia preforeoer to on winch are iireeparar.le io»m the ecncrul mode
a'loUwre became they (tick or adhere better, and afford great- now di u*c. Tnc strong dote-*, nnd irregular iaterva’a.
er relief lu their uperatioo. they are tumukat, tunic,and m which Galvan mm ie applied hv the, bo*
anodyne. Th«j are comrureii of entirely diftfereui m—» prurioimccO, ntirr <1 ;\or and impartial trio!, tn be
ci.t. iromany other, aod known from the experience rail .ho 'ietibj in* imoui. find it vnuto remedy tilt*radicaldo
lun> who hare ured them, a* well ai ihr united lolimouy ol feel thin urtv lijiplieai-o-i w*« projected,wittc li, af
all tl.r celebrated and dutiuruuhrd clergy aud pli)»iei4U». to ter luirensone toil and pct'cvcrancc. ha* been brought
be the nine I useful and highly medicated planer. ;o it. ptewut -rate of perfection. The GahanU fifngi
[wnan» hate called at the warehduM i.» r«prt*» obsw-.r hli the purpose* of the rzotl expensin' Mn
tlifirmrpriwand thankr, »t thealinontmiracubuicurr. there ■•hire! l , ami in trmty other fc«pecU am momuft
yib.trri lux effected. 1 certain hi arcmnnlit-llini; the diltrr.d C fleet.
UiretUwi* for ure art on die hack, of each plkjter, will, a The Galranir fii'ngt u*ed in connection with
ueeiuuic of £>r. Shertnan » name. If i> iuijiorUM yun du-uld Fluid, arc Cdtllitlently recommended ia <tilditor
alway • tuk for Sherman’, Pour .Man'i flatter, nut re» that Jt' j \chick en’n /torn an tnJttUtd or unkvoitA j ftrUf *>/
vou get the eenuint, ai Uiere are many W'irtlileM imitati.m* : (At i«»rrotrj or viialtytlnn, and there complaint* .arc
hawked about and »old for tl.e true MieimauV I’latlrrt, be j among llie'lno-t puinlul and universal » Which WO urr
unprinciplrd dealen. »üb;cct. They attic, without exception, Inna One •■TO*
,* ni ? b J *>'*. JACKSON’ at 111, r«;* 111 pie ft derangement of the; Nervous System—
r>i - r No. o°» Liberty ttrect, Sign <'f the and .< Mas in Mew! g4*e* that other.‘remedies’ having
i B,< ' LOOT. , jan <lly. «o ofteu failed, u new agent war greatly needed,which
t-w airewren- re, .. it i» iroDfidumiv believed, baa been found In the proper
.. fJL*M§.Y. E .” PAILS! und ju'!.c r ouj upplicaiich of Galvatiixtc.
Dr, CljtLfilS S ISDIAi\ l EOIiTADIiE i'ASAL’EA Thr-.ualvtu.c ttinekhave beennued wiihemire ruc-
PFR*JO.\S with ken.f.,l, k.w..v f.;i f <rares ot .KUEfHanuc. acme ot chronic, np
, JiVic ’ Kul plying v. the head: face or limb*; Cent Tte-Dolmxu,
UticcrJ Krjritpelas, Old bore.. L lcere, I oiler, DrlatMtb. AVriwor SickUtadarhi,
tvicrcuna! Otscaxes. or any other roaip!;titit.i arir-ag Furofysfi. Fa«»y. ZplUpu,, Fin. Cia,i+,
from jmmmtlct of the are requested to rt :d «/ (.Ie Heart, Xw-Uzy, SUffeuu Join*.
the ItilloVving (eetioifyiialc. in proof of tim tvoiidor* Fpmal Cwipfaintt, N_tural(ia, Nmovi T<t-
Tul pfltperlies ol the above ntned laedicn.i ' Zlr‘=si<w* rfiht Ihad. rain in tie CA«O o».d Si'/r,
Rt’AL)' R F Mi" 11 l* Itv ■ ’ limtral Ihhilily. Officiary of iVercou. Pkytien&En-
Brook*. Jr cl thh olficc of Measta. Ho wand etui they Imve t>ren futmU
Walton, 37(7Market .trect, Philadclphn, consider e«ju.«ily »urtcc»u'ui. llieir extiaortltnery effect* upon
his ca«o the tar *t remnskeblconc we have cv.-r wit- tie »,trni be «iu.rix.-d to be believed, and m* u'
nesseti or.heart of. 1 certtun fur the preceding corophiint* they
His disease waa bCHOKULA. ar.d lerriuie must at " ‘ ,< l ol » | l.k rcromtucn.lfd The lim s . yc i.f diffetni:
h • i """ »*»'*.’ “"*« - u ' <*» K
, , , ' ~ ictnolr without the al.gUteM .ncopvcj.ciiec. Infiuu
llial tuatc, c entire roof oT hia muuili Noae. l. .the ,cnmboti it r.nher ucrvcuhtc tlmu otherwire,
per Ltp.atui Ltd of the Right Lyc hav u b.en The (matvuoic Bells, l)raceieUf t Baod*,
destroved, his hare nearly eaten up.artff part ul Ibe Itailers, heclilncch, ic.
Jaw Hone earned awai. And yet we cangivcno ' IjH *ouic ctuesofa-vrre .«evcre ch*cucteJ,and o/inn*
detenplioa of his care. mmiliih. the power n» upplied by theyalvantc Ring* l
Mr. B. inform* ua that in yanuary jut the wiioie 'V«'>i.»'>‘ll«eiriu to arrest tm* progrrs* 01 disease and
interior of Lis mouth, a» well as itmtl of lu. lice rc,t»r= h. altb. Pha improved to-,dihcut.on
wa. a mac «r deep and parnful ulevrr! oKio .• «nv d««ew 'fT-V'** reem
_ .* * Aa ’: ho co.nnicnccd t-Xiug red ran readily be rbm-m-d. ami ho comp.aini which
Dr. LULLKN Sr IM»IAiN VKGKTAULK HAMA- the m\«atrMnu n<rui of (inlvatiiMn can elfeci will fail
CEA, which checked the disease in a lew days, and to he permpncmly relieved, Tlicr article* are adap
row that time llie cure has progressed without tn} ,rJ tu the w«i*». arm, wnu, l.mii*. anel.*«. or :<uy pnn
tcrroianon 4 Of the iiodv, wnlj t«.rfeci convenience, ’t he Oalvanic
Sew fl c ,h h*. ..pplita ibe of u„ .loop'uß ,h
cera, and thoueli badly distigureil, his face i* emiun, PH ,-» m Nervum Ocaf- c*«, and with almo,! uniform
and bit general health ts restored. 1 nicer** *» a prevamive for Apoplexy, Kpilc| tic Fit*,
VVrj are anurrd that tn Ibe treatment-nT Mr, J| and situlnt complaint*
Brook*’case, no .'Mcrciin.ilr.OtiilmvJ-.ts, urT iu-.uc'i‘ 1 Chfi*tk* , s Mnpnetlc Plaid
applicnlioas have been used,—m fact, lhe‘l'A.N .• i*u»< du. cunnecnon w.ih .nv tialvamc Ringeand’xdl
CEA ALONE, tuffwrouehl tfiis wnndurlui rhib"c ' ;ll "' r ' o ;' di fif»ti«n». ’1 In* certi|. u *n>Mt ha* !:,.•« p'ro-
Dartd boith, Bucks countv I’-i nnoanccrl t,\ the French Client *is to be one of ti e mmi
ctofe, l. Wfoi,: r «,.
J VV Jones, M D ..oulh Mtcond Btrrct. 1 lula >mn/urt ofa ronir aerienby thi* mean* cansm.
Jacob Leo, I’etnbcrtnn, NJ. la emte .-.pi..on ... tb.- .(.n.ieor. Uic’ vent of diseßse,
E W Carr, IR> M Fourth, above Hoplar st, .V L. t thux'pvu-b iap d and p< iinstu-iu kl.ef. No other
S ftl'Cuilongfa, Lancartcr, Pa. ‘ com|»o»iiiop .11 cbemislr 1* knownto produce the fame
R M, 23 North Eleventh «t. Phiii. 1 effect, or w Impart s *imilar propeny to .he nervous
C W Appleton, MD Id South at. ,Jo ! nteattfofa Q outward local application. ’I he
Timothy t'aidwrli. .Marion c<>. Ah**imri. . Tnr.hca'ioN V
Daniel VcakeJ, Chesnut Hill, Phi-aileipliia cu. !’v ■ imnnU i-> ti- Jlu.ou h. ,t si Umefinaj in .t* ref-i'i,
John street,Phila. • Fulf rjplu.iation* nu*| dueciion,aeroiapauj n The
William Stealing. M D, Can.dcn. N. J. , coniumed inventions arc urevery way perfodilj Jiano-
Willium Hal?, 3i3 High alxecl, Phiia. ! Iv’y '-icy arc void *1 p/icc* witipn the reneb of all «nd
J H Potter, Manufacturer of Mineral Teeth lIFt i l {’ ,: d.scuverer ’ only rcqtr*!* 11 lair trial u j a ic»t of
! Ninth stredl Phila - tbe:r »urnft-niig emehcy und permanent benefit.
L Kd. Phila. Democrat 277 N M Cbrisl ‘ c 5 Plan
dj.ulan.a, Maker, ..17 Mi,.,..
• * ira L a rr, Irj Lhcsnut street, Phiia. iin)Hi;tant nilj-jurt to ihe ga-uumr Cislramc Rinr* ond
A D (iillctlo. Potior ol Eleventh baptist ( '-uroit. i 'liorWm.ficnt.ou.*. upon the *<une pHneiplr, Hui
Phila. iiani/e ihc ndvatuag - m more local application. Tin’)
Bell, Ene Street. Philadchdit.i |\nr li \r.irr! »rr cr.irti.lrntly, rr<i omw-ntlcd a* a valuable oddition in
can office.) : < u.--i • .-.iy,.’nr«-of ucuic ..r cl.rn„i,. ; , n all
Mr°n Sand., 161 (tatharinc Street, l*inSa’
Daniel Met,mtey. Kessler « Alley, do S„t, M Jfftctio,,*. ami ,n WtiJnru £ Op ]m 3.
Andrew bwealon, Camden, NJ. , ] 'for. r-f ihi l'ulmonaiy O-z-mr lu Spinal Unopiaim*
1 R H Evans, Weal Phila. , d..;: cffi-Lir are of die character, and th..y
Richard K, Voung. Utldor, -Rjy Market *• l l.ih I I,av ' <‘'" lc, 'Lccn used with ci>inj.fon; i*iiccc>a. They are
John W Athmcad, 60 South Sixth streM. do I “ * f « C ‘ , ! - U ‘ : i rC “!V, h aI ! I K RC m * * ,u * ."’enkntss
B J Kentti, 1-3 Eleventh street, • do ' ;1 itln.uial ibcjii* tut strengthening thn^syficm
Peter bkeo smith. Editor Native Laglc, do w Indi debilnan-d wnh di»es*r. ot o.Urr auvmui cri .
Joel Bodine, Ula** uianulatturL-r, WilJiainstowTi ; ’a-n.Wid in CanMnui.piMl.Wenkuei*. h« a Prcvcum-c
N. J. *'»r t find all m uii. ction* of ih» Client, generally.
'Wi liam Stcelv,Farmington, Van Burcn co. lowa. :!,c siri'ntti.ieiiing Plaster will be found of
IL B Colei, MD, Boalon, Mara. <• !’u ,h P vinnev mi'hX'.ui/? W9tll ‘* U
1 Ruasel Canfield, Phitmloeiat, Philadelphia. w; .|, die unpoirant nddn-on of the gat?M^'nflSn“e'
1 Thomas P S Robv M D, Harrisburgh, Pa. . wWii .* neither impaired nnr cxhau»ted, while the nc-
Peter Wnsht, tirj Market atreef, Phila. t.on commue*. Thr«e articles will hr found entirely
James \V Newlm, 103 Filbert >t. do free fiom those objeetton* whic'i are a conMotit source
John Good, 174 Spruce it. do ; ’ ■ ol ro mptanit with tlieordmury commonn»c.
William Une, Pastor St. Paul's M. i - !. ChJf ‘aliiartne CAUTION.
St. Phtla. j DJ-'The great celebrity and •cccMof'there articles
John Chamber*. Pastor Jsl Imlep. Church. Urnad I L«* e-<»*cdthetn to be touuterie.ted by unprincipled
, t do ’ * , rc'-o-s- {-..provide scmiM imposition. Dr. Camsns
T L Sanders, Publisher or Pledge and SLintl.ini, T “* r j,'n|”"«,““| l * \v‘ 0 / v l | h | C vV)\° n '
V 1;!”! 3 -., ~, ~ . ... , CEIITII-ICATKS&TEimMONIAII's.
F P Sellers. Editor Olive U, DMctiov.’n; 1 r»f t;.e incl-c't and nmn re-prctafolr cluruct-.-r aroco’t
• Bucks cn. Pa. ; umit y recnvi.i!, feeurding the extntordinary value
Wholesale and Rclai! by Kimn.i.i Wsilnn, I'rr*- 1 “'id nirto* of tire a.xive art-cle* ft I( l.clidved timt
prietors. 37G Market St. Philadelphia- I'.iE Sdlcre J m thit ciy id New* \ ork almre, upward* of EIGHT
57 Wood at. PitUbupgli, Pa.; Vfot. Tin ~AJ Mar.' ' pntM AND a perlodof lew than
kot; E:U Perkins, Mnrieitn,Obi-; ,-mon ii 1 i* ur,! " s m ? M p, * i ' ,fu , l
w ,' te fr?Tr,^fo k ir
Ohio; Sidell it Reeve*; Madison la;l Noble, Lt-in*- ,b (! fir.i nkyin-mn* oi tin* city, wim di*approve of'ih
vilte, KY; Devrruuck & Pclloux. St. l.ouis. Mo. (iatvanic. and Magnetic Machine*, coiutamly r< com-
P H MeGraw, Natchcx, Miss; Mardawav Ai John mend tin* application in their practice, ondwnhllieex
iton; CJ.arlcs JeiikiusTNew Orica a crpuon of tlm*e who me too prejudiced to give it a tri
j R| 1 b ai. the invention ha* received unanimous favor with
1 the moit intelligent among the Amcncna Faculty. Di
t hri»tre is at all tune* ready and rno*t happy to give
evciy fo.-iuty to phy-iem:.*, and nil imeroamd, tor irt-r
-. mg the truth of 1.. J Rsrrr.Hi. und the efficacy of h:«
di*n.vrry “A
On:y iiseltcy n rat*!.urgh,comer4th and Market si
1 U'RS, SPE Eft ft KUHN. -
r t't|lK. object pf ihi*c»i'Uili»bmi-:ii .• •.<. 'iippiy n iva;;.
i A greatly ft It by re«pecubb.< raved. rsou our \v.-Jt.-rn
. highway*—tiy iresulrnl*. without f.imilj. taken—
amt by: patients from die surrounding town. and country
, who resort to this place for relief trom surg-cul uml otiie'
disease.. ■ Such bavcoiten suffered fmin the -.vnut of ih
variouscom&rl’suti-l niur.lioni so necessary um> Hirer ■
aide tb.lhe'sick/ and from careless ami itafc.ilin;! .i 'itr*,
inti been subjected to heavy and urirra*uiuiUe ob.irg<.»
Invalid* will here be provided with i,(* i,,iul
and comfortable attendant c.uinl At a ru •• n, u . t , •„ ; ow
the u*ual churgee.
While the cure ofboth physicians wiii h«- <-*:<v.|-d
evefy vuriefy £f dieensc. It ■» intended l,y Dr 7;’: rr
gtvcspecMtl attention to nil
buhuiuai. diseases,
i To these brmjehr* of bit profession' he ho* glv'-n *
llaue »b.ireof liis attention for thetn»ltwenty.five»
|onii lie will continue to devote to them the ••xperu-.nee
acquired by a constant practice during that tanc.
I The Hotel for Invalids!* fiotancxpcriraem. li»c*iab.
psbmcnt is suggested not only as necessary to supply an
Evident want in this rity, in lliu entire absence of nay
fpccial provision fofthe »*ck, but is warranted also by
the success of .;nnlsr institution* ai Cinrinnaii and New
Orleans—the former under Uie cure of l>r* .*-rrn
Marshall and Sirader—tlic inner under that of Dr. Mutlr
The building erlecird for the purpose is plca-antlysl
anudon the north bank oi ihe Allegheny river, near th
Aqueduct li is cnirmiodiou* and roomy,and funiisfae
with all ncerminodannns necessary foi the sick.
Application* for admission to be made ui,;bc ȟbicr
bets, at their office ou I’enn street, Pittsburgh, or at tk
establishment. >.
ITT" No coniagiou* d.seases will be adtnftltd.*
„J. R..SPKKR? M. D
mavWAwtrT S KUHN. I) M.
meanness can equal ycur* > tmok at you'
fair young wife, with her bright sunny fner*
at your own, pitted with ermuiotts and blotches' Vet
you me too mean to give fifty eent*for aeabr of ihe
great Italian Chemical 2*oap, which would entirely free
Jou from them, make your yellow skin clear n»d
eaitby. Go atooce to Jackson’s Siorc. HI Liberty »i
i'itishurgb.and get a cake.
N U Jackana's istbeonlyplaecju l*i>tsburg)i where
the GENUINE is to be obtained. Uewaro of Connier
|rj*OBSERVK the Dig Boot stand* in the doorwav
Morgan s cough sviitp— a „bouw't.r
published and made known to tho public " Tim
was the expression of an old id nil who tiled
rtTTsaoasit, February l, |.k|?
Mr. Morgan;—This may certify that ‘being aflbctrd
with a troublesome cough some lime, 1 bought a bottle
of Morgan’s ConfhSyropi and am happy lo say, alter
u«ingit,,tny cough is entirely cured. I pronounce your
Cough flynip the best medicine I have ever awd. No
family should be without this valuable medicine.
DAVID.MdHOBKRT*. Allegheny City
rn-This medicine i* prepared wholesale and retail
at ihe Drug Store of JOHN D MORGAN
4 Wood door below Diamond Alley
Priea’dd rents per hnlile __ • i'rM
vingdieasc *pot*r tfiaios.or Marks from Cfotbo,
, Woollens Carpets, Ac.. Ac., and rendering the spot*
where it fa applied clear, hnrht, new, and spoilew.
Sold with full directions Price SSctniS • cake.!
I fTTSoldby WM. JACKSON*» Liberty street, head
of Wood; ai bis Boot and Shoe store, sign ofilie Sip
Uoot • «. }ft»
,j. rirr l'nX Aill.L.<
l»srihe Upper llrtdge. Allegheny City ]
’HP proprietor* of t!i« Suf Coiion Factory fe*pe< i
I mil. ;'i<* p-ibbo ibattl'cr Trtu iwa l in
fa: Opm; <ip t'oviu? ( tnjilo'jrd ibe <». W
Harm?* id .'tliOßg'T, ylm h** bad un experience of 1?
year* in ih»Nptinclp*l lactone# of Allegheny Ciij.
they would inform Merchants an<l Dealers su general
that they trill always tram orf hand superior Cotton
VnnitM nil No*., Dauing*, Warp*,and Drown Afosfin*
of mperjor tn-ike . N VOEGTLYAITo
NT 0 —Order* left at ih* ATitl» or at the Eloic of .'fr
et*, llunior A Cn , tnh Liberty street, will be promptly
a'lrtrled to, ' tnelTjSdSm N. V ACo
pitt cotton mill.
ri 'HIS Manufactory being in foil and complete opera
i non (having received and replaced all ibeir Ma
Ginnery by the latest improv»mrm\.) are now making
a very henvy aitTcle of 4-4 tirown Sheetinir*. hurd
tori«ie«l, handtoine good*. [iTunded Allegheny D.] ni’d
*urnn**et1 1 by none, of the *nrr;e sivle, in iltt counti y.
intended rselu*ivety ibr the 'Vc»tkhj« nttd Sorrncß*
unde. Meirham* visiting oor city are invited iu rail
and examine previous to muting purchases. Urdcrs
: :rom u ili*t:inee promptly aitendeO'to, amt goods care
iurlv »li'PP«*d when ordered frhMd.tw3mF
Camtle-IYlrki Bating, Twine, Coverlet
, (Successor* of At buckles A Avery,)
jan!* ' Proprietor*
ITitkduiioii, P*,
ritiiK above c*nU>li*limciit licit.g sdeecstful
1 operation, we ore manufacturing- very extensively,
tin article of hravy Sheeiinqs, well adapted to the retail
inidc. which for lieauty and quality cuuitoi be excelled
l>y any oilier make in the country. The attention ol
imtebnucr* is solicited to an examination..
ff C HKI ST iE ’ S
••Whn übough the caioe* tnay not be explained.
S.nre their rjftOi arc duly ascertained,
l.ei not delu'ion, prejudice, or pride.
Induce mankind to *ri the laeau* aside;
Mean* which, ibo’ simple, are by Heaven design'd
ia alleviate the ill* of human kind.* 1
r f'HIS remarknbltf invention. which Las received the
1 uiuvcrsitl approbation of tbn mctiieal profession 01
/ J, «. (;t*J •. a Ow door* below
"*w*lrcei, towards- the
#■/ market.
»rmlTt ,^h n rvf^ h ‘ rl ] y cd ‘
forston, and for mmc
<i\ tln!,k .'pm,-nee,
1(1 ,t,c treatmem of ibose
lutiiUss and experience
pecubaily uualw him.—
Eleven years nssiduou* < devoted to the stiffy und
trrominii of those coitjil • t.t*. (during which i time lie
ba* had more practice and n« cured nioir paiicuts titan
cun ever full to the lot oi » y pr.vule practitinner) am
ply iptmliO-s him to offer n* nnthees of speedy/ perma
nent and satisfactory cure • all nlßicied with Jsliea*
disease*.• and nil disease* ari«i'ig.lh*Trfioat.
Ur. Brown wouliltiUornitliosea.'flictedwiibpnKilr
disc H.-c which have !•••< ome chronic by time or aggro vs
ted by .the use of any «if ihe common nostruinsW tho
day. that their eotuplauus can !<u r.ulienlljr and thor
oughly cured, he having given-hi* careful auentmn to
the treatment of su<-hcn*e«. and Hucceciied in hundrede
of insinni-es in perron* of -ntlaiaat.on <>l he heck
of the f.taddtj; and Ifndird diseases wlnchoftea rcauil
from iho.r case* where othei* have consigned Ihrjrito
hopele** despair. He pititieularly utvitei such tu have
been long and unsurcesvfolly treatrd by other* in eon
*ult him. When every sniisfartion will be given ihrm and
their cases ireaird in a r.irefal. thorough and intelltgrni
mannei. pointed cut by Irqgexperienee, study ana\n
vcstisation. wliir.h it i» impossible for those
general practice of medicine to give any onoeiais o
ai*e«"o. ' •'
117“ 1 1*mm or Rupture—Dr. Dream also 'invite*
pereon* a/Hieied wiib llrrnm to call, as ha has paid
panirtiUr attention thi* di*ea*e- T
Skin Discaaef; alro I‘ilei, Palay, etc.. «peetlily cured
N. D—Patient* of either »ex living at a difbmce
by iUtmg their diieoae m writing/giving all the *yn p‘.
tom*. eau obtain medicine* with direction* for u*e. iy
addres*mg-'P. DROWN, >l. D. post pa'.i and euc t*
■me a fee.
Office No Cl Diamond alley, oppomie the Wavrii*
| lloutn.
I IT7“ N'fl cum. n pay*
LIVKR COMPLAINT—Another cure perforr t
ed by u.smg the original, only true and genuiiir
Liver Pill. I
1 Aemdsct. Drown county,Ohio;)
hiarchsJo;lBt7. ' J
Mt. K K Seller*: In Aprtl la*t ray :wifvwa« attacked
with Liver Complaint, and had the advice of two phy.
•iciaof who tried variou* remedies with producing auy
nod effect. Having heard of your celebrated Otter
ritlr.J concluded to give them a fair trial. I purchtued
one tiox of Ur. Scott. Aberdeen, and gate them accord*
ing to the dirtetinni. b) which *hewa«greatly relieved.
.1 procured a teeond l*>x. wUeh entirely cared her. and
*lie now enjoya excellent health. 1 have toted them'
myself, and pronoance therathp beM family roedictirel
have ever tried' Voqn, mpectfolly.
" \j_ -V. i MAMIE BEABI'
If /-Thcae Pill* ftand unequalled bf any v
known-tor tho ettfeof Liter Complaint •
Prepared and <o|j hy RE SFXLL
aps No 57 WOO'
A and eerta*n cure for Coi'*uropijon or ’.ae Jsz£;?v
*Y itn-g <>t w
Pam m the Wide. llirnchi';*. • ’
Wboop.itgCocgb, •
• *nd*l )"
Hear whal the ceiebmcd Dr- Richard# ray a Phy
sician of morethan 3U yean »tundinß.
lie certifies that in the care of Mr. Charles Wade,
that niier having resorted t«» every nicjns within In#
kuowledge, foi the treatment ol Consumption, without
the slightest, benefit, he pern Ht.-d him to u*e Dr. Rogt r%’
Liverwort am) Tar, hy which he wu# restored to per
fect health- •, r
(Signed,) IVM.J IUrHARCS.M.D
Up“lMraic get a pamphlet uurt thi« ccilificate ifl
iuii. _ _.
tbvdirinr still perform' CLRRSthat rccin
almost -incredible: but ns they arc here and our own
neielibore whole testimony cun be hud from their ow n
mouth*. it mu«t convince the bum *ccpiitalaf thewonh
of ibisracdictue, „ -■ ,
Ul 4Ui* iw>mi«ic . I i
Another remarks Ic cure ot CONSUMPTION.—Mr«
Gabriel Whitehead, of 'tlx* < >ty. w«» reduced so low '■
that ail his friend#, and ev-u In* physician*. had given
luui up to DIE! ! V
Mr. Al> Scovitl—A* I owe my luc to Ilia use of Dr.
Roger.» , Liverwort and Tar. 1 tPelji u dutvVpud aha it
without fear dr dehney,(;> vo m> trsinnnn;. .avevidence
that other* who may be nlllieied wi h i'im»iunpt on *.i
diseased Lung* may know that tin' ir.eCtcun? i« nut n
iiUMULG. but,is worth ten thousand phy.sittoiut’ ju--
script iotisfot the disease for which u '* Ptonmit n-vd.
latsi summer tWa.s takcli wi til’s ui'»>t J>lbi'Kl»LM»
COUGH, nud nbout tlie fietof Jolv my t.img* were >o
diseased Unit Tblol fti u short lime several qnim* <o
blow!, which reduced no- *n low tn.uaUroy friend# and
even my |ih,Mci:uu thoußiit I mv*< soon I«IK Con
sumption. My brother, however InarJol *ome of ihc
wuudCrmi cuicb made by this med.cim! mid procurrd u
bottle, and before I bad tnlrn one Jim* l oitle it teemed
to go to the very seat of ilie disease, and ruLed a large
quantity of Matter oud Phlejttn. aid my Cough w. *
•lopped as by a charm 1 have Nincru-ed some nvo or
three boldcv and uni now able to attend 10 tn> inn ne-s
us well as over.
I feel ver v ihanVfot to the inventor of «ueh a ntedi
cnie, for it ii had uvl been lot some ait powcrtul inedi
cine to have ruis-.d the mailer and pi.b gut mul healed
oiy lungs, I should without doubt have i.tnv,:.ecn tn my
It any oue will call on me on Gallium e - r. et half a
square briotv. Lion, t wi!' give them tiicji in Calais and
refer them to numerou.* friend# who visitcu me 'during
inv sickness
W-10, 1*37.. G VHRIEL whmwrad
Slafetitenl of Dr. Hiram Cur
Lute I‘rofctvir m the Cinema IP Kclee’tc V- ■' > id Col
1 lege, and a physician wvtWßjwn. who ha* m. etf it
aivr practice; m relation »S the cure ot Well,
uri-r hiving been gieeirop to DIE with th’- lfi‘t singe
of Cp.NSUMiTION. by n nu.i bef of AUc-lh; *i*
Mr. A I< Scovili—Sir: However reluetnm l have
been to permit my name tn appear, attached to a rrnifi
cate recnmtneiiimjr I’uieot Atediriues. Nusirum* or
Caiboiiroin*. 1 nevertheless thrall U m> duty, r ot only to
my pHtront l>ut to the eouimqiuiy. umi all olihcl-td with
diseases rrqamng Cough medicines, to Male ’hat in Hirer
parbculnr case* of tnciptcnl CONf-U.'l l’ DON. vu
Miss I’rlt. step daughter of M r. John t’.i'r ui tins eiiy;
a Mut UuTger. sister tn law ot Mr V V* o.nier Butch*
er, and Air R K C«x. one of cur Ciiy tTouueil. that
WORT und TAR op-rated more LIKE u SPECIFIC,
than any remedy of eiiuruciei m itoopeMtioF,
tbv 1 have ev*T n«ed >n my prac’ ce. One tw* ihera»i *
abovr,v t: Mit* Rot. appeared to be laboring tu*de»
the I,.\S I* nTA(TB ot Scru’ulou' Cftusnnipin-n, a* pro
flomteed bv s-Ccrnl Phy«icuMis who were it imembinci
jirev mu* io ray being culled u> treat he/cas.* She i« ii;
this 'ii ihe cn.mymenl of n« apparently good heaiih,
and fiota appearance, nt likely tn die wnl, arty oth-r
dircarp. as rtnv otheryduifg lady of this ri'e. A*,;! i—
»p. et* the health of the o'hertwo c».e«. nil the premon
itory symptom# seem to h»ve subsided,fteot tho use oi
a few tio’tle# nf ihe Syrap al,ove
Ver} respectfully. Ac.
Cm*;nn»f:. J.ert tU.ieiT MIRIM COX-' M D
. Ctillat the Ageut* and obtain a pamphlet, eout imiiie
eciLlituie* of woi.dcrtul euri*, from a'great tinmaerut
fespeciablo .md well known citizen*. }'nr sale by
A I. Scovill tCo , coitier of ilh.aud Race »ireri«,
Cnn iniinu. Qh:o, Wholesale. Ay*r:‘tiVr t’iC,Vtit.
D. C Knce'aiid. Grant sL. i’ftlsburch, I'enni.
J Kidd 4 Co., comer 4il> and wood *l#, Piltsfiurgh.
John llCus*.eil,slh ward. I’iilsUuffTh. ~ '
II l'Schwartz, Allegheny, v
John Smiih: Uirnimgbnm.
■ rncliii
THE OUEAT B£3l£j»,
For ('olls,‘ij, CbUi, AftMu in, Cronehdi*, Corttumplicn-,
a«o/ «W srAre Bjfrctions vf Me RieueAfsi
PREPARED entirely from the (jiu'eng. nod war
rnuirii to contain .on 0f Antimony , filer
cuky or Opium.
The Ginseng Panacea is now ordered by phya’icKMii',
of the first respectability, id their regular practice, nml
it* claim taJßOroiiaidercd tbe only article ever discov
ered capable of speedily and permanently allaying
bronchial irritation, winch is ibe sole cause of cough,
asthma, bronchitis, and according 10 Dr. Kbcrle, wbh
but expresses the opinion of all the first authorities in'
Europe and America, or two third* of nil the ruses
usually rrgurdrd a* true tuberetilou-consumption must
be considered aj forever *om~d.
:We select the foftowirn; nuuim from a list of hun
dred*. who have felt;t« henlmi? influenceon tlrttnaelvce.
and fccen it in their families, i.e«-au«e many of them arc
wrllkranvn to the business nmm.imtv of l’iti<!.uich
a* men.of standing pod influence m Cincinnati, vvliu
would not. for a moment, lend either their ntuncs or in
fluence tothc distribution ol an article, except Imm the
conviction of its vast utility to the aiUictrd.
li Vi* Phillips, Broadway,bet. 3th and Hamlin m;
W I'arvin, Broadway, near Ycattnnn; -
G WCcflln, iinckcyc Boil Foundry',tid ft;,
J Vuiuluzcti, at J lops’* warehouse, Syeamort: St;
J A Truuior, Surgeon Dentist.; C.-»ngre*-< rt;
Shims, firm ol J F Datr&Co, csyc. A L.Market
N Noble. Canal Collectoi’s.Ollice; '
J Jones, Assistant Clerk Haiti: Co. Superior Court;
Mil Whcndon.firnt Wbrodon A Ditnit. Anct.nnectr.
Dr Konser, 14th st.betwreu ViueamJ Knee;
—■ Herman, flint Finkbine A Herman, '.lain;
O K benjamin, Importer. 0.1 *t. bn. Main tuid £><•;
A Newell, Tunnel. Syrctpe* st,
II Lyon, Finisher, Frotiist;
W Johnson, Carpenter, .(d st;
Capt.-Adomn. Csilumb'is House.
0 V Jones, coruer l-ongworth and Race;
S Sterling. comer Vine nnd Centre;
N M Klorer, Sycamore «t.
For sale by H A Fahnestock A Co, J Kidd A Co, J»o
D Morgan It E Seller*, \Vm Thorn, 1. Wilcox. Braun
A Heller. Days A Brocket-.iy, l-idgar A Thorn. D C
Kneelnnd. and F' I. S'.niwd-n, m the rtty; J JI Ciu*el
in the fl:h Ward; und by H J* Sthwarl?, - Federal street,
Allegheny City.. '
SoM alito at Sawyer’s Health Depot, Sjnitb
riejd st. Between BJ ami 4th, Pituburgh.
Fifth sirtet, opp > k ite thv Iron City Hotel, distributing
. Agent for Pittsburgh audvieinuy.
T. SALTER, Proprietoi .Cincinnati, O.
_ |Jy*Price only 3 bottle npisdly
p ; l e s. >
DR. INGOLDSDY’9 Tiles Specific, an iateraal remedy
acrrtaiii and radical cure, whether internal, ertrnaf,
bleeding or blind, alto, for irritatii.n of (he kldnryi and blad
der, pants ia Uie bark and side, liabilusl cotlireitess, trup-
Females before and sftrr eonflacmenl »re often troubled
with constipation gf the bowels or custireners, as well as die
piles. In nil. snch caws the Specific can be taken with per
fect safety, and is a certain remedy. The. f-preifir i» not t
pt'rgalirc, audit an entirely eerelabtc remedy, without a |»r.
title of gamboge, culgeyneeodtduev—plcnsaat to lake and |<rr
feedy harmless in Uk most delicate rases. -
This is lo certify that I know Dr. Inguidshy’t Pile Specifics
lobe a certain bare and safe remedy. JUtitig seen its eflert,
. in setenl cases, amongst tny family coaneaions, in several rou
firmed and sercre cases of tbe inks, where it made an entire
comiomryesw, HENRY. WUiTEIILAD.
. New, York, May, 1643. ~ X 4 Siith street
• lcbccrfUßy gire mr lesHtnony as to tbecertsio and Eslon
-tihlog eflbcts of Dr. logoldsby's Piks Specific, as I know it
from tny own 'nnrrience ana observation, to be infallible;
luring seen it osru with success in several eases nf piles, node
and female. GEO. MILLER.
New York. May, IMA X 4 Sixth street'
New York, Mar, 1843,
Mr. Beals—Dear Sir; —l hare tW plranrw to say, dial
pur medicine,Dr. fogoldiby’tPiles Specific, has made a prr
ket eore in the case of my sister, and I nowrivc you my word
that 1 hate been surprised at it, a* it was ia my opintmt im
poeiible toxnre her. However, I can now teitjiy to the med
icine as being in fallible, and doadtiseall olherii who are mf
flwtrd In (he like manner, to procure (he article, as Ihev maf
depend o» a errtaincuru. i ’
■ Yours wilh respect.
rw r sj-lJ WeUChrtter.N. Y., MsytS, IBdi.
Pr. iDroldibr—Dear Sir.—That joa may benefit udirrs
srbo m»jr be sufltring, u wefl as to express mr gratitude for
the benefit I have n«e of jourrmlttable Spe
cific, 1 comply with .VOW.reddest,'and how do give my
mooy in &ror_ofjL havijjg beta curtd of > «»(+• aback of
ibe files aJlerpmsjtaed.othet rr.m«dies witlvratlucersi.
'' faW
J«t Kcdiertie’Wiraitowfc,’ and Boot^-naal Hboe Store, Nia to‘
Wbrtty Itmf head of Wood. FidsWrgh. Trice, 30;mii
prTwti-- .C. •V• y '■ ■■ • }tn 14—dij..
of Wild Cherry,
•O ianTrceifedandfar ealeby i KIDD ACo;
ep3 - NofiU wood tree t.J
QAB. BODA—t cask Itutrre'd and fbti*l«by;
Xch - ‘ -ynilN D MOROAN/Prttmisti
•pS Wl-1 Wood »tr«t
SANOS SARSAPAftrLLA: )Ti«Tan r UTUunu huedt.
K. J ttK 6-mo*aJ'aad » cnnaitent core of ali di*e*»e* PALLID *
• rl ‘" ,|! - HU NT’S LI NIM E rj-T,
.Vr,y*in. Ki’Vf* ,r '*j- jrMumtiimObmnntt Cutanmrt TS now ajureraaJly acknowledged*© be;the L\V
Jmjiwiu, 'A* ; lii faaWhielß.' X KALLIBLK KfcMEDYfur rtbeomatiiuj, Sw-
H,l« C fivi O+r Ki'ajf Wfaw nr n&*VjSssU uol Affections. CostnctiOMof lhe A|uncle* Sore
boro, and tf Md » F,C ‘'
Nenutf, Ateiuter Dttrpsi, Exjmurt tr*mprudtmni* T°ot^ s ßon»,
Lift. A!io, Chronic Corutitutieii&l Dttor&ru i I :
TTSumely •draiaititationhu beta attended witithd TheTRIUMPHANT SUCCESS trhkb hssii.
x bappieti re*olu to many maoaaloo* aflectioos} bat, tended the application of tbi* moat WONDKRh'LL
uii* chiefly intended to fill the void which exist* betweeq MEBICINEU wing Uteptet aerate Cut* of the
cathartic and apenent mcdicioe»i beat* its ewrfttt *p-, jigerent HHtMt'ibw named,—and the HIGH
it.. highly concentrated tor eonTeaienee sad portsJ .*hertjtf t» !«• P Te “- mc thciight
tidily, conla-ning nothugMit the exorcised etteneei- to Call OO IhOAtr LIUIt.LI. 10 resort at ÜBCO to
and n (lie tep.cremativc »f the SurMparilla Rooi/m 'ilto'.QNlaV REMEDY THATI.AN BE, RKL)pl>
the *»toe inxmu-ra* famine is©/Peruvian itarfc,ot ON ‘-
Morphine ~f Opum. it nan .tstabhibed. tact, th-ts . fryThO ttealtr naito In recommending the ecie
few Rramo of either t|ui!nne or Morphine contain* all KainedT flnat’a Liniment ‘ 1
»* mrdieiiial valoe of s Jarcc quantity of the crude . »«* .
rubMancci; htHce the «upcnofitj of those (Vrepuratioo* • Ihfi frtUoflL.Bi Jotter JR) in the highly emitter t
—ami no hi valid would Jew* io Uric t a niton mixture |‘hy»ictn#»..*bpWtte, been sltscbed to the Mount
when o hair pitneontaitiedAhe esmw medicinal value, RJrasuft State ..Prison for many years, is the beat
The Sarsaparilla cun l*c diluted when taken sgretablfl ertdence of the vaJueoftbU celebrated Liniment,
rh ilie ditcei’ona, and made to ion the taste of tbeps* ' jSJ*G StKa,UeceßJper £6,1846
“tv.Mto.i.if cniSc.'l, ,„ U» Apiu.i »l| DwrlSi^l WWiTKI,r°W. jttMiijl,
Chicago, furnishes conclusive proof of in great value **Uhg'®y opittiCoißTeltlioejtO.Hofil a Liclmett,
itl canes of Fever Sores.. < a* prepared by Mr Georg® fc» staatoo. Knowibg
IU compoaiUon, and haring frequently eiedji; I
can recoomexiU to. you a* s tale External Kerne
, dy, and its mycpiniaii, the best Liniment now ip
| Col.EfienvYanCortUadt, Groton Manor.
5 Ifullyconcur io Urn above opinion.
; ....... -... BELCHER.
!■" ; - • • YoxxTotrii, Jaa. 14, iQ4S.
. Sir—lit jeply tftjour, letter, 1 would *ay that I
; have' need tour Extenwl Remedy, called Hant'a
: Ltnlmeht/fn ay practice lieeo yon made roe ac
quainted wilh its .coopoiition, aßd uohcaitatingly
■ay.that'r believe (l td be the best Externa) Reme
dytwriooscior the eostplauris Ibr.whieb ycu re
commend it..,, YotirsrespeeUnlty, - ' '
.OeoE2tantoo,Eaq. •: •• -? ,
'From theN YSon..- •
.Chicago,ill.Sept. 19,tSM.
Mrwi SieliMtisA. Rr&d—Gent*:’ln May', 1643,1 ob
tained at yoai more a lio'.tle of Ifoml'* Sax»opa tilts, and
was tticu confined tniny Let}, wn!iou\ sleep for a week! .
occasioned l>y violent pain irom a rrtulir fever *otcoi
long Maniluiß, on roy njeht leg. My pltjaiciansadviac-d
me to have tfie limb amputated, saying it was theonly
mean* likely to ptvserve my life. After using half the
bottle tb* pain began to subtitle, and by ihe.ttme l had
used nearly three bonlet, I watoblcto trmnraet tnyreg
ular l<tt<jnes«, nml before I bad finiihed the fourth bot
tie. I wa« at well and roand as ever! bad been, i have
no hcM'.ati.m in paying that Sand's Sarsapatilla was the
mean*, uuder Providence, cfAqving my limh and I
doubt not my tile, 1 roost cheerfully recommend, if at
jlic i”-«t article eziant for the purification of the blood'
Your«. mor-t respectfully. !
Tin* following certificate is ou!y another link IQ the
great chain of i<-*limotiy to its merit*: “ ’ '' •
.Sorrn Homos. Canada East, April 19,1648. ‘
Messrs Stud*—Gentlemen: Exposed os we. an to
the attacks 6f disease, am! *o frequently disappointed
in proposal r'cme.ltcs. we cannot hut look on the eiforu
, of puccrsstul prnent oner! with interest ard graiuodc.
'Tins is true rrspceiing your valoalileprrpsraiion of
| J*ur-»|iaril!n. 1 Uacc liecnfcrctel);aiflicted tor.C'j years
i wnh .i about ulbch ■‘dncto,r’» di«aßfc. - ,” and
i their |irrspript!nn"wcrpsti!l tiiore diverser J tried va-
I n-tnciiit s l>u« .Diumi i>o lelief out. 11 ertunjcuced
: utu:p .cxc-itr,.! lu-d'cmr, at who'll tune 1 was
| whoi'y ronfinn!'« tiry bed. A Per It U few months
j lam umv uiilrm vrs'k niatul tide nui. nud ciyuy'a emu:
i*t<*arci' i’t health, wh >-l> 1 arril-iitc entirely to.
the u-e of t-urol'h ttilix. I’l,-ft** fccrrpt ury as-
I «uf.ti'«'c cl iird regard.
i Ur or ; , ' , '«oiii»;‘. ,ebitrd with tl.e above stfitr
| rro-ti:, 1 her- 1.) iliM ibe kutne is true.
{•Vitrei: 'Tire.follovrii.* is an rxiraef
i nmu s kart uc-ivi il from Kcv. William bitdusba:
t Bf.rrmure, Vi.,Oct. W,
Mtssrs, Sind*: 1 hvr bn-n a<E cted with"* severs
naas'iu my ride, ocrasimtcd by a diseased liver, for the
I n’lKdiiy yrjf** mdentij; ra times what language
eam»--u convey, but since taking ,jour Hnisaponlla, i
have hern i;tru(ly relieved,so tnucusQlhat Ihave been
able to n'leml lb my l>u*inrr«, nnd j.rcnch oeeaaibiiafly
for the la*t fitirrti months, I wholly dtsrarded alt other
■nediciuc, and thorui-Rti'lv tried lha Sarsaparilla, Witch
I con recommend in iruinand sincerity to all those who
arc nt any way nlDirtfJ with any species of screfutoiaa
compiainis. There have been some retnurkable carcs
edreed by ns use in thi« vicinity. .. Mrs. I. Shaw, by
the usrof pii bottles, was rcstorod to better health lluui
she had before enjoyed for ten years, and Mrs. VV, Ste*
v-.-iis.who hnd been severely ntlilcted with the Eryijp
e!n*. was rttnrely cured by the use of a few bottles.: ,
. Yours truly, WAI. GAL.UBHA:
Forfurthcrpuriiculnraand conclusive evidence oftts
nipetior vnlue and rffieucy. tee pamphlets, which may
be obminedof Agtnu gratia. • <1
1 repuredan-J todbyA.O.kDSandi,Dtuggists,3oo
Fultnti st. corucrof William, New York. ]
Ifoid also by J.. WILCOX, Jr, Pittsburgh; I!.'{far*
wood,Beaver; IVm. Watson, New Castle; I). N-Rob*
ison. Brownsville: A. Crcigh, Washington; aridsby
DruggisiAgenerally throughout Ui- United States..i •> •
Price SI per bottle—iix bottles for S 5. !
i The public are respectfully requested to remmber
{ that it is t'and’* Sarsaparilla that itt» constantly ochjev
• ing such remarkable cure* of the mo»t difficult claw of
•1 diseases io which the human tramo't*'subjeet; there
j fore unk. fur Sam) r sSaisHpartlla.aml take no othrr^-.
what ha* relieved htm mjuch a sltort time Ima hb dtf>
Iculty of brralliing, Couch ami suffbcaiion.’ ( i!e
wifi tell you it wa« “the Oloiaonian, or' Alt-' •'
Healing lialsam.” Ask t)»e cflusuaptive -
what has ull-iyrdiiii. Cough, removed
the Pain in hu Side and Chest, \
cheeked hircightsweats.and ... . •-- l
• placed the ron of health . ' \* cheek? and " ,
tie will tell you "1
OR ' i
Ask your friends if they know of unthingthatwill so ipv*
dily rurr a long and tedious Cough, liaising of Blood, Brdn
cbni», Dyiprciie Cflnsumalim, lioarscsm, .Infiumza,a&d
of the Threat, as the OkMaaeiau? and tbvy.wiu tell
you—No. There utverycl has been*
public notice which has bees productive of m much good is
*■> shurt a *foce of time. Read the following .• .
- Aitonishlng iCttrt). , <
W*. Dosn, the celebrated Boston cracker baker, 66 Nas
sau •irert, l!ri»>kl)ii,-stales that his wife has been aiHfeted
with Aitlima for JO year*, and could not find permanent; re
lief fn.ra the best medical advice which New York'And
Brooklyn could produce, wu induced to Uy this greatrtee*
dy. She i* now uearly well. Hi* daughter who was tafler>-
itu; f.-om the same disease, tried it, and was also cured bjr it
Mr* Boud it now so well that the is able to jiisfreasjher
! bed early in the morningand attend to her usual dirties through
! the day without any annoyance from her distressing
Hi.skt Jaf'xson, 13th street, near the CatboUeTaCMtry,
I ramr to the store lor the purpose of obtaining a bottle off the
Olo*.<anian, having been afUacted with tlie Asthma fbr mure
Uuu> iD.yeart, and was so eshassted on his arrival that he
could tut *peak. lie purchased, a bottle and rode home.—
Four days afterward he walked from his retldence to the! of
fice without Catirue.a distance of over two miles, to teD-'of
the wobderfol relief which he had experienced irons taitf
about one half of one bottle. . • ,
ConiiunpUon of the -ttunjgt* ■
M f. Comfort, iIS white itrett, ni to low la the month
| of Doceiober ta»t. that he wa» riven up by hit phyticlaa. Ilia
1 friend* enlrrtaintd no hope ofhu rreortrf. He wit |enut
ded to try the Olotaoman, atul to hb tuiprW it bat tit &r
rraiorrd him lo health that he b now abb to walk about the
Mrs Attrxe. the wile ofWo 11. Attree,JmaHarman,
E>q and Gen. W. Hays, Eaq. can alt bear trsiisaony tram
their nwu exnrrieoce of tbe healing propertiea of Utis Great
Remedy in Consumption of the Lungs. '
Spitting Blood.
Mrs. ThddbocesE, 332 Moo roe alrcst, who had been
troubled for a great length of time by a aerera cocgh, and
• raised quantises ef blood, waa relieved by one bottle or Ibe
mud declares it (be greatest remedy in the woild.
Dr..xsts Kti.LT, 2fi Water street, was also relieved iron
the/amc complaint, although he was very much t< duced
when hr rummer,«d tskiug it, hatingheyn under the care of
his physician during Hit [ait winter. Although he coughed
cotiMmntJy mid was very much troubled srilft night sweats, 2
bottles ut the rrmrdy enabled him to rclsrn to Ilia daily
work. He wairutireiy relieved. 1
David Htsnxßros.OO flight streef, Geo W. Burnett,
foruiertyof Newark, N. J,, Henrr'Liibon, 190. Ri«ingtot>
.street, and numerous other persons base been'ipeedilr and
permanently rured of the same Complaint by this remcity. '
The Array of Sonsei
which' could b". ptoJoctd of persona wbo hats used this great
remedy would more than fill a column. Among th? number
we are ptrmiUrd to refer to A. M. niniurer, Kx2 BasrSay st. r
Mr Wibnn of Hoboken; Mrs. Hell of Morriafown,'lf. J.;
Jamrs B 'Dcsoe, 101 ReadctC; Mrs. 1 M’Ca(Tree,3o AUoroey
st.; V. Smith, 92 Third Avenue, Mra. ffa. H. AUtttof Uiu
city, and Mrs Archibald,33 White at ■
Sold wholesale and retail by Wa Jackson, at his Talent'
Medicine Vjnmhouie aud BooLanJ Shoe Store, NoB9Liber-
bead of Wood street, PiUsbugh. Pnec
Jl KIIY-A Bit wing! AAlirnelo!! A Wonder!!
—To cure. Eruption! aud Disfigurements of the £kin,
I’iit plea. Freckles, Sanburn, Salt Rheum, Searvy, gore
Heads, Ac., Ac. ~~
.. Four years ago lasi August, the capital of Fiance
wit! astonished in consequence of a discovery made by
an Hulun Chemist. Many doubled—it aceiqed almost
an impossibility that anything made by llic hanosof
man. could have eucb singular powers as that claimed
by Antonia Yesprini for Hk invention. Many classed
hnn nod hi* invention a* a humbug, [and. alas! njaoy
foo<ulL r petsnn* withont trying do the same-nos*,'}wr
icn?:hf after •etling it in the hospitals, the Medical t>d
ciety ol Fans (the beat chemist* in the worldjdelirerei
tlic io!lov.Ui« rcjxjit to Sitfnoi Vca|<rmi; • •
“We have now minutely and carefully examined.tki
singulurinremlon of Vesprini. We have analyzed in
componrnt have usnl it in aeveral ease*,and
wc he*"ate not to pronounce tt [ihe lialiod Chemical
troi-pj a* a great biLStiiig, and a tinly wonderful reme
dy tur any cumnenus eruption or disfigurement of ihel
skin. Us invntor we consider llie true philanthropist'
of anflerm? mankind;'
- President’': •
From the mcentur hitn'clf to the present Proprietor; ‘
l l * Bis. Nov. 4, If |0 I
In ronddentton of of *3,000,1 have dtval
red to Mr. T Jones, residing in the city of New York,
N. A., the whole pr’oees* of manufaelaring; together
with n stMl'nient of the ingredients coinpwing my lial
•i«'i Chemical Coup. He i* toinanuCucture U foesalc ia.
tlf I‘nilrd but.-* only, nml to have the privx!ege,of on
itt'i-e a “Jones’ Italian Oiietincal Soap.” . ~
WitnrM: Henry J. lloMavrorth;
CQ^^ohiby W JACKSON, at 111* Patent 3ledicine
" 11 fi’ltnu.-r, fH I.ibcny uteri, head of W ond, at the
i.oi.oflW Dig u.,01 , ,• . . . ja»
I lie only p.acc in Pittshurph .where the GENUINE
Iran bcnhislut-d Ail mlitrs .ire Coontcrfeui
EFI-T.tTrL’Al.t.Y ui.u »i cured by theu*eo
tbt Hri-ut Rrmedy of AAiKRCCAN OIL
[1 uiinost tmrsru'oif.sly reduce* Inflammation, and cttji
■> t|ucntly i» wttrruuied iu all casea 10 Jcttvc noteamor
S Id wt-.nt.-M,!** ahd retail JACKMJN, at bu
I’-MU ntul cho.-»ore aud Putrid Medicine Warehouse,
rt> Liberty »ir?c;. head o* Wood, Pin«hurgli Price 550
ce>.r» ami ff per bottle. - - > ; -
W Juck-on iN-inj' ihw-Excla<ive Agent for Western
Pennsylvania, none la genuine tmlwhatis fold by HIM
or HIS appointed Agent-.
ft- B. A Pamphlet containing uremiad>reetiont. itc~
with the names and address of the I'roprlttcfaßd Pria
ut|>al Agent, ia onveloped with arrupper-of.eaeh Boula.
Al'otulmiccof «.ci tifieutos can be seen at the ijtorei :
IcblTdlini _ •- -•••
LABIKh Who Use Cbmman Prepared Cbftlk* are
often not aware how (rightfully, lujarioax it M;io
the skin! how coarse, how how sallow, jelloW.
and unhealthy the skin appears after using .prepared
chalk! Besides, it it injurious, coittainingafarge qaan
tiiy of lend. \Ve have prepared a heaotiftil veireuble
article.'whieh we call JONKA’d HI'ANIHH LILY
« hTTIi! It ia perfectly iunocent, being purified of pH
deleieriou*qualities; and it imparts to ihe skin anaia
ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, living while, at the same
time acting as a counrtic otj tie tkin, naking il «»A
and emcoth. 4
Dr. James Auuerron, I'raetktal Chemist of Mxssa
rliusetts «ayi: “After analyamj Joupa’aSpamsh.LHnr.
While, I 6ml tt possesses the m<> t beautiful .aud .natu
ral, at the same lime innocent white I I
certainly can conseiPiit'ouaty rerornmendjUTMOtoali
whose akin requires beautifying.' . .' j
{o“l'rice23cent*alm»x .. .. _ - .
[ft*Sold by \VM.AACK“ON,ath!* Boot and Sljoe
Ptoie. f9l.'berty sneet, bead of Uoodj artLe tfgOiOf
lli- Dig tie-ot _
Xo Cure. No Fojrl"' . i
Or Jnetoo*' PiUt 'KrrMvtajiin . F*tb.’ , !
THKHK are-few dneues mere common or. troth i
blcaoron than the notwiUutftAd* J
in? treatetforubaretw*&audi<.iocar*tiy i tWw
of piil*,jjelec»nariei, liniacßt* &e r«U wertJntilej
and el fiitleboncliL Now tbc Emaroctlio# ia the*
enlj medicine o*«tL; a pervta who ht* teevcaßer
mg with the i'ilea <»f tbewetat Wild c*ne fttm 3a*
letn. •‘'ow JenejralKwaVojr'purpO*® to erpten bio
gnmoda fedfe «ps*djrfor&Om this undESc had
effected m “
alsfoa olio aVtbe Drug Stdro'
* fcbjw ’ F^trll ’ ,: (V'W'ir *
Y&uoW'OcmuE-i|ui i
,No»4 wo©4ttrt«
- For a*le bv J SCI
; ID*Amopr ibe ;iMd>f wonhlm adiclet ud
iumbtaa liut arc .potord forth tt.tba- pretest day
upon' Ute cosotnr, it :**.really nfreahing tb find
aomething of real practical utility, eometbing eim
plo/ ppcaij aod efleclual is iU.opentiDs; tad ?t
ibe unciUine freou from * that* ipjurioue eSeela
which generally attrud powerful reoediea. Hoot’c
LiniuicDl, prcpaitd, bjr Geo. E tH«nlop,o| Sirg
Slog, ‘t!iobabilbaj'becn'bul t ahbrt time Uofurc '
the pub!icfit rk already obtaioed (he confidence,sol
•only oi our roost wealthy 1 *nd ioiluetitial ciUxcd*,
bql ouf raost emioeDt phyiiciasi. ' All acknowi-/
edgo it tobeuwrerotgnbain for (hany of the.ills
tbatfleaVt* heir tp E «oo(hing Ihoaching
byilagemttnezthbiitatibg lBfloeoce # baftishingdi«
‘care’ from ibe sjrtero. '■
*.‘>.hlr. Slontoo—S"tr—Sieing jonr sdveriiteroent
ofHo&t’s Linimeat, \ wia indticed to try its eSccls
on my. i*ro, r ;wh6 had been crippled with i lama
boekirecraa infantj anditiamitb gratitude t bear
icitunonytoiicAroaderlhlbCtUngpropettres. My
child, who is Bow five yean oi age, is row in a r«ir
way of recovery, , - m Yoarv.dcc.
. PosTOmcg/rowsißs, I'unumCo.
I certlfy ihat l ain personaUt acqaaiaUd with
Bte above named child, and thiok the father would
be sale in saying tbathifttwis almoat w'ell.
-- ' JAS W DYKMAR, ‘
N0v5,1545. - Deputy Poatftfuler. ‘
!?» S. 1- .would slain state that I nave been for' a
number or jears subject to frequent stlackebf tbs
Rheumatism, which is many Instances pretested
roy attending to ny basinets. Two or three tppli
cations of the Liniment.icvirlably remove ell al
feclions of tbo kind. ot brooea, ■prnfiia
aedtojes; Wo'ntriricronsto mentiDn, it lias in this
vieioity.proved«ceruin-jcmedr.. lis value au those who have given it a fair
This Liniment is sold at 15 and fiO cents per bot
tle, by all the Principal DroggisU aiid-Merchants
jhe country:. • ,
Wholaale Agtntt'in tfeto Yotk.T ‘
HOADLBY, PHELPS * Co,l« Wstei. ..
■ ; RUSHTON de. Co, :IHI x road way.
A B dc 0 SANDS, comer Fuliou and Willuai. '
ASPINfVALL, 56 WiMiatn street,'
.. Ordeiq.addreased to meat Sing Slog, N Y.wjtt
be attended to. GEORGE E STANTON,
.> /, j.,; Proprietor^
for sale-in Pittabdrgh by L WILCOX, Jr; and J"
ISIOD 2d Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT
Birmingham, JOHN SMITH.- » - ' vfeb!9
PILLS, (or the. core of Liter Complaint, and
la kick head*
ache, and as a purgative and Antioßilioos Pill, sur>
passed bj, pone. - -
' aDiixasuT Livin.—■Ctnvi.h, the Linr, when nottbe consequence
o( atraeote attack of ths disease, begins generail;
.with symptoms oft InnetibßiJ disorder oribedigev
life,and biliary; organs,and.dyspepsia frequently
‘seems to bo affection present. 7 be palieot
complains ofiriegoJtT appetite kodiu pa'red powers
ofdigestion; acfaity, flatulence, slight cholic pains,
occasional-naoeea-end vomiting, and a alight doll
pain and weigbli are felt in tbo right side, accompa
nied in some cases with a dragging pain in the right
ahoalder. - Mcsi'eominonly, however, no distioct
pain ls~espenepccd in.-lhe ‘region ol the. Laver,
except when fink pressure is made os this ptrL—
The bowels are vivrays vegr irregular. caatifeneu
bei ngctmmbn i n so me iaitances with diarrhoea, trie
discharges - dark colored, offensive,-sHpj
greenish or maddy. One oi the most eootanl. and
characteristic lyipptoms.Df Cbronie Liver Com*
ptaini is a dry, harsh, constricted state of u>e skin,
a abort dr; cooghi with alight difficult; Sd breathing,
ia a (reqoent attendant on tbta disease. Intbe
chronic as in Ibe'fcnte form of this disease, the pa.
ue nt can seldom, aseasy on the left as os the
'Astbedtseise advances, slight fevers
come on towards evening, attended will) a boning
heat in thd palms of the baud* and tolfes ollhefeel}
the hlgbts';are;rest!eak r 'a'nd when the inflaminalioii
teriniuiesin'tupptrration, hectic pod rapidemicu
lionepaanmethevital powers. „
Manufactured and sold wholesale and.retail by
f — Diogniat/
T_':’ Wood Itreet;Pittsocrgb. f
__; *A'r**imnaaiwwnafc; ;; ?.•;.
'I’IIE best article known. farcleaningand whitening
X , the Teeth, rtrengthnimt the from* sweetening the
breath, Ac.'-It fbonTd be,seed every'mgbi'with e riitt
brushy and the teeth and ooaih vriilonly reqoiranatigb
walking in the Homing. Wet the trtiaH with wtrm.
water.: nr edld wilj answer,' and rub il a le e'uoes on
adhere far efttmng the
-teethu-ltissveaadeiicioai taste in the aMuib t and ua
; part* A nmtdelijhlOiUrigrmoecfaihe breath. U stand*
uumalied'a*. a plenum*-eflieaclooi.'eonvelilent,: and
<afe dentrifiire.".Jt is warranted not to injure the teeth,
butto prelertethea. ..
■- Bt» uring-irregularlyi itvrilireinerothetartar'lnH
preeent. ua accaamlatioc—p re rent the tootbnelie
sj?. # t , * ,wl dj'egnm*, and prevent all dirente* el teen.
Cbcmuti;j>J,yrici*ns,andtbe el«sjteeeßßß<»tiJ.U a* ,
dc&aedljr .ruperior to every thfng of tM kind id a**.— •
Ark lor Sherman's Compound Orria Tooth Parte, «;d
.observe his signature is attached to each pot
: Reeanmemird bypr: Car Uh. SSI .Bwadwsy, orre of
osr. bect-Oentihs; and by amt of the. eld established
ohm miU United Staler, and even aieoijnlr tueil
by the Nobility of England.and Prr;rw, . .
A Urge proportion of tha’ditemar. t Vat afflict Mankind
ariH! from cone derangement oftb* a totnacbor bOvrel#,
which a Itimelv ore of the Caihritic Lezenrca would
eeurdr obviate.-’ Pareon* of bilicea habits ahoald al
waya hate abor-ni band, and lake adorn whenever .
they feel the least derangemealwtheir hfcaltb.. Ajndi*-
•emus use of these Losenges would prevent thohasnda
ofeaaea. -j- . .■ ;. .
JiiCQOiT'S, center of Wood and
Liberty rtr •• n, ;.<*toeK3
. INGS.-r*Sat>lola fa-all its multiplied forma,
whetherin that orEing'e Evil, enlargements a rthe
elude orbenes.Goitre, White Swellings,Ctroae
Rheumatism, Canter; diseases of the Skin or Spine,
or of Polraooary Consnmption; emanate ‘ from. One
and the same cause, whicii li t poisioaoa* principle
more or Jen inherent in the homan system. There*
fore. principle can be destroyel, no. rhdi*
cal care can be ejected, betir tbo principle.opon
which the disease depends, it removed, a~ture
'mttvt of necessity follow; no mitterdader it tnttora
the discs*® should manifest itself; TfaisHberefore,
»a the reakbd why Jaysk’s AiTißJTiri: it so uni
veraelly aocceatfal in retadtlng 'td many malignant
diseases. ,-Jt. destroys the virus or principle from
\wbico those diseases have their origin, by entering
into tho cireotatioß, with the blood,is convoyed
to .the. tninnteaV£bre, removing every tMilicleor
disease from Ibe system. Prepared aad’aoldatl'io..
-fl boatb-Tbird Street. Philadelphia.
> l Sold at the Pekin Tea Store: No, ttFonrth street
~ . .. m ch3l.
hSunothingequalto.jc" "
» L- t PiTTSsyan.H, March 27,1847.
r flr R E Sellers— In justice to ytiu and jnor in
comparable Cough Syrap,Fbeg.taive'to state for the
beaedt of .the community, that my wile baa.been
times affllcted.wiUi'a moat distressing cough.
.1 purchased ItrJiDD&ry lasts bottle of-your Syrup,
i-Wntcb ciirctf p dpugh.ol'tvio months standing; About
ionth since, returned, sndrr*v>° if
hat sheCOnid hardly more, from weakness in
cast: I-sent lor'leo botllcs.oT yoiir Coogh
tandhpanofdae.bbUlo esred the codgb, i
he other bottle to a'jotfraryaan vrbo w»s ac
sQietediiwhO'.bvd; to nse hk-~o«U words,
j enough'Coagh Crfidy to cere all the people .
iburgb, if the candy bad been as good as rep
ed.'";"- ' ReapectiuUy years,
■ 1: B.; Kkstii..
Nmety-ninn .oni of eTery hundred that use~
ough Syrup, tne. best. Cough ■
Mediclho fa ote. Prepartid'sna sold «i< J 5 cents per
bottle, Sy K E SELtdMiS,&7 Woodst, achSl
THIS ttedfeind fa laM taking the : plsero« evevj
preparation heretofore ,uaeo (bfsiftMi arisinr
ftom Weakcws oroiher ! Ali thatis necert
aary to ae? nre this medicine a place fa the Domes*
toßoed-d.u'atrial, >■-
U l ** itpeiH^tgaocdnt its mention,
<»f ««*• homtU nseaf uyUme.
JWhotemleindßeUilby ROWAMD A. WAL*
376-M*it*i SUett.l'hilad’s,
Wia.TWn.MMaritetat. oeSdw T
** U«e*«dSA Wfyw.te
t xei of the One lorr’ Pilla.l uaart yon
dfoe her mure good than my family nhyiKian
•’E s Pf,4ini>aM a nttesdanee.''Two addittoosftexes, I
ttonk, will eghot n'eard. JAMES •
• -WilkinsTbwmahip
Pill* far sals by J K! DO A Col No.
' TAFStE’SHAIIITOSItGe-Aficr-fiYieg'tiiirartfctoWlhir
JWIn onhwttatiiiriyprnwHua.a it
w-tba tovrarttok, wridMat«M rawpiien, la tar-Yto tb. -
tyrtomfc tprtrrrwtlanof tha hamaa bala, Wakaotr
.of biajerow wrtwetr »Vrr W hi* faefratoftd to h**f•
dhiekbarabm* baldfaryeanf asdwatUahWcmotdoa
—‘..e.—■—■ - rani liull uui mfirr r art
HAW OTH-Fot pema
.X ocnjly UghL *«l, or Uray llalr a Dark
Brdton or Dtoek-cotorTwithuei dyctog or Injuring the '
dinebma. ■ fMtfa ff«
hl'bfa rittottt MMieiM
WiitW'bi, 9 LI be try atraef, haad pt Woddrst the '
, aign o' Jo Big Boot. , y# .