iCte*—d ba<a Piarato; i IS lSkeg*Uro.GJaf«i;r «sktf«CnL Flatten; •’ U»l>X« da Clew; obu do Cldownot; BbP do ItXOMrio, BUMlldtrttMtl-fISBMV;,! T " I l»bi Ctyret; - ' SOOaaU Canto', I ' «»d fcjjiu* b£, ENCU6U . _ Qti *BH bt.J»Noi Itrd O pfderj - »(.LI Tallow; TT rT*. >. ■ lß»uk(Urr Apfdoc : \ _ . ••• 1 1 bbu. X*f Pmcfcc*; • «-■ »- - ■•—n -irimr Bit ''nmti dir fit >r < ISAUII DlCKKVCT&wolwondfrafarti T\7 ia»owci*AßB-aob*« Sxio; , Tl iOUtrttOil?; ; 3ibulorM| iOb** 9x»i , -lObnlSZlh - liln 11x17; ' For tale br *\ \i :* r VOX KOXSHPEgTBCo. gFfanlat SpiißK bib CRKRttT. TABKI>I» J*rn and cliuicr Ckrrrv Trrr*, Ja»l reeeirednod wifi M ■•old tow. IVmmi towippjy tbeaatlrea wooid do wt*llu> call *OO9 tithe iced store, earner Wood and .•,_«p 9 -> 'ft N WICKRKSHAM LOAk-' HUOAB-tfiUbUoMorUd Not: I 1 cate doable Reeded; . 9 caret powdered; 2 do Ccßtbed; in wore:and t'NGl.lSilfc BBNNETT N 037 wood eirect for «a!i* lo\r |;j -_ *l* TX 'ISDOW GLA**-I«hl. Sift VV srt».i#i ?i»; “ *an»*» flxio;' • H)l.x«lN*ifr • 30bx»-*oil4; . With IOHS. uiiUs'lixiOMi KorjjjnJ ,for*„:el,y i • n.U - TAffiKY k. BKaT T)lU>l>J4S-»Sdo* b#«t Gilt Handled,’ Jy ino do Mrdiutn Cora Broom: far tale Ly apU I* F VO* BONN HORST it Co / UIEKSG ASO bn Oenr; 1 ! 4 ken Baiter; Now landing r:*n> Mrrwr Mii-blna and far note by aj-il 1.-.vlAii otCKKV * 3>,«a'«r*ad froaim NO. KrCJAIl~%t* fc>«U ptiiaa, iui rec'd and Coi . nlcuj AIVKh-S lIUNTEK fcoT apt I | No 188 Liberty artel MOi/A SSES— TuQ t.M» PuDUtioa tan fi?«eivt«l >«W l.yl 7 *pi? h mfesa, hpntf^ *lo> RI O COPFEB- s ;i)!i*|» l part print Greco, on liftnd oiul lor «.,!« Um liV I QpU . | At VF.B3. HUNTER It Co rpfciAß—lirfjht mull V. H., Imperial, Gnnpowder J. tii-l I'oucLunjc Tau>’ on band and (or tale by l »PH i MVKHri, HUNTER *Co pAXSIKM-suO boxe« M a Raima*,‘tD*in*V -iV brand,'ju«: received and for >ala br i . _ . i MYERS. HUNTER ACo DUV I'KACnC«>3U HU a pnme artiele, in More and (or a*te by SIW HARBAUGH n)i;4 , j We 33 wood ttreei LAUD OIL—I 3 l>M< '•Cbeerer'*’’ inferior Lard Oil,on *foorifi.ui*nl anil for tale by f apll : 1 J aCHOONSJAKERCo IIWIMKXT— id icion “Alien’* Genuine Nerve j and Ibine l. : r» went,” for *al< br a P U • J >OHOoNMAKERA Co Furs ii hull dvttbo—in b*« jaw m 'd • itd'tor *a'r l»y B ROBISON £TCo a|ii 4 • __ 4 ) No ISO Liberty it CAE«D lIAUKE9I4->t cutt,llim] nit rec'd and for» «by I H E SKuLEBa .epM J . a No &? woodmen W 111TB BKAHS.iSlMMltaairßemaSfiirMle i*r, «pu ;a y v<>.N iiQWNHORSTfcQt PBA. NUTS—* .«ck» Pra Nat* (fertile by! * _ *pT4 ■ » P VQN BONNHORBTA Co BACON- 170 Harou 2*boti!<!cr> for ale bjr ' • ttpH- i g fc- VV lIARBAUOH LARD— 10 kef* Lairitor *a!e low by I upll _ ;j 8i W IURBAUOH ROtilfif— l3M4«Roiin for *aleby 1 ap!4 J nC.IOO.NMAKER A Co, 94 wood n BIIOOMS— Addon Cora Broom* auorted use*, in »;ore and tor i-ale iow bw . np:'4. TASSEY ABEST.aSwoodn BCTTKU AND LARD—9 bbla Kon Boner bbbWLaid: 9 keg* Lard: lor aataj by npli. : J PALS ELL, 94 water n fr'OOACCO—O9 krf* Redye** No I, fl TwirL'land- X i>u from »‘tar Robert Morn* and for tale by \ spl'l J DAI.7 ELI,, M water «i SOAP— fo bxr extra Palm Soap; 60 baa No t ’ do,* tor *ale br npia - . J PAL2KLL, 31 water at BROWS ROLLS—B balsa tollable tor llam tljM,for uebt." npl-j CARSON A McKNIGHT,6th »t ACOSf—IO,tCU lb* bof maid, well trimmed, is 1J store and for tale br ' ; CaRSON A McKNIOHT,Bih «t ORANGES— C>J Lx* prime jolt received and for rainy WICKAMeCANDLLSS nplj • ■ • jor wood and water *t» PIG IRON—3O»n» Allegheny'", tor sale from tl.a Wharf by JAR FLOYD . IB Liberty effect BRITANNIA TEA SKITS and Communion War*. Alto, Fiue Table Cutlery, Camera, Ae, tor vale by i aptd__ • W W WHSON Ti IbLOW BASKETS—9 neau Madeira tVib V V iow Barker*, landing front Canal and tor aalci by apt* • \ J DALZELU« water u COFFEE— Roused and Or on ad, tor .ateimboota, hetcltSiid eroecr*, at the Mosiard and Spice Flc* tory.a? Fifth »tT -arO RHODES A ALCORN Bacon —t ci’ti mseonrd Baeon, received per/ctmr Clipper No tt. and Ah sale by LEWIS HUTCHISON A Co nj.q • , • frnntjm -’n OFFKK— l« bag* prime Green Rio, lindini tbi» A/ day per Bingham** Lino and tor rale by [ ap9, JAB FLOVD. 103 Liberty at SPXCES-14 bozea Gtoond Pepper; SbxeUreundCawim i SbxaOromsdClotck MitnhitaCaaaia; Feraaleby j opto J P W»LUAMSACo,HOwoodO H'EA-fO kf cbeala fine and extra fine Y. Hyaon; : JL' : <i' 40 eatty bxa do do do, j and Imperial Tea; toraale by .J D WILLIAMBAC* anil) ~ ... i lIP wood wet IMMU —Mo3tSoaih*Uckctfll; * ' ,40Mblil«do do do; | ' 101 btf No S do do; .. . i . OUliMibUdo do . do; {«M reeM fer;aala. POINDCXTE& k. Co me iH ( 41 water «««ct »i> ; ••' - yit APPL*?" >r PKACHKR—SO b»«bt!*fof«*le tr ! CUNNINGUAM k. BONNER 144 Litxrtyw*- If APPLHS-glOlitHuliferaßtobv '' CUNNINGHAM A BONNER HI liberty «w<t ilO eOPiVK—IM bm.pnae Grtea, in turn jaad £t isle bf ENOliSHfc BEWWETT ri'OBACCO—4KMixi6*. 3tt|uwl It* pooad trap. 1 End A »dlB« Rail,of Pn«e tiß«lity, jMt Treirgd *odlfiw •a'.c low by ENGLISH A BENNu i a >Jj r ’ - No37woodm*«l /I 'iKAft—SObf ebeiu Y. H. Tea; * L ; - 30 call? bz» O. P., tap- rod y il.T*V m Rwjei?ed *u4 lar-ttlo by ENOUBH4 BENNtIT mASITER'I OH.—lO bblaTmavrH Oil Cqr T23"r ENGLISH fc REHNCTT IBACCO—IO krvi I Twin to tnw, far —la lew | T KNULUH* BENNETT G 1 REKS APPLKI-4 bill* Applet fer low rhy . ri F VO.N BO!fICUOEST kCo SSFmilitfMl 1 ' i - ‘oufsVJLiLK tillsß—4 bb!» Lima far Mle br L s K VON BONNHOR3TAC© f n|>7 »Front ttreel Tk / fbIiA.SBKB-lVbMiPf O; , , • x Ml' • f<ihM«rt 11; fee ealelowby fc BENNETT. 37 wood n Nn. .4CU.Ut-<u Uua* innort eadfeetale 'ij . «p*J n\i:i-lHll k. HEX NETT, 37 wood « \\hiicC!«y Pip«* _ , , . Jr I| - -r.l.'j* !*!<»■»« . <£»; far **le low by i I *' HF.NNETT, 37 wood tt IcipAlL —!>►'ii-ii* >o l Foundry W**al| roceiTod Mmf Stt<l.iiW *nd for »*le bjr M ALIENJtCo.tt«m»t :eive4 per nar Pseifte aa4! M ALLEN *■ Co WoMwmur wmt ISOMS—piece* 1 for role br jxL • fcH SSt’Ff-W Ibt Oanru'*. jut ree’d ioriilr bT J KIDD A Co lor y NotOwood mrol » te c ‘ w "'j rasasssss**' r-t y ,No lIP wood otrecl OHOL-IO bbl* m W?&W.*£sn *£”* ISTIAN HKO-7 bbl» bc*lK#r«»»r S do A merieu; J SCfiOONtf AKER * C* UJ aSu fßiimtluwnu mi 17 »««*» Fc«her*s ■ralabr ISAIAH DICKE Y A Co 1 wiicr «H fant M i jJjpACX's— J mt cperaS* * lot of low prieed Black A A!|.ac... anMctlleai article fertb*price, ■* .*T ot «?»>„., tMIIKD XPPL«»—ltJObi».rfeMaoJfcriHeb} TAWEY k BEST, 35 wood «t pOT*SB- S best rICT "Sjfeno.uiu »j^ r ,»i : ‘S5 l Sg B T,. J .- oaipW __ 1 IS”mcC4nm%m" , RW! *» ygjkffvS* Loaf sugar—ao M ; moli ■’ _L gT ABCll—lobx* BonbritfU* Bxy*. j BAidM-iJwui'hof fdt.Hetr »nlO ■ JUWIUJI Kofciu' BOTTKB-7 bbU fared*hr ■pio JA* T* ' o SACCO—iobx* Me A Me. St BW I ... V «* k®»PL“ ,vn tf >ndfcrtU« by- >p>o JAM FLOYP I^EATHKUA-Mrtf ’I 1 .ty ' _ ~ «pio mil tor rate try : *pt B AT.TIHG —Übilu S'^ALTS— 2'u»» for , .r*^ 0 ■•• - •:' r apio ■ ForMlei ABD OIL-«bbl«< TACKRBtX-» bbU la More ■odfarwleby A *VJa - JDAL2ELL.3I water t 'Ag" 1 * 8 A aS-a»i«* —rrr’rv'- .U.nle by S- COMMERCIAL RFXORD. ,atVIBCRfIB BOAB6 OV TBADK. • - COHAfIITKE FOR APRIL, v g. Torre*, \r.a.vz%9t, c.,ooots Mtrmial* the Steamship*. Qli iMin rtr*"*** Lrvt U'njioai. L*a»* Amm. fltnii hwlt, Tlmmoti, Mart# May »5 Jndhini. April 4 May I ?*lntoo‘*, Lmt, Apr 16 May 16 HAaraia, Byne, May l ’• June I Waakicgtoa, Hewitt, May 1 Orricß Pittsioruu Gazrttc, I - ' Friday Morning, Apnl 16. V The weather has tuddeolv become qui this, eoapled with high aindi and dust, a jaoctioe of disagreeable* very onpleaaaal The Rivers continue to recede tlowlyi inches water at dusk last evening. Floor ia coming in freely. The aalei were about fOOObblaat 45Gj l being about the average. The flocks of AsheaLaving been an *tg! i time, there-is a deanoJ, principally for P' 4J on a credit, and tome small transartioi i at leaa lor money. Of Oat* 800 bu in several Jots at SBc }> bu. . 25 bbla Molasses at 38c on a credit. '1 1000 lbs Common Wool at about 34c I*, lb. We notice quite a number of hear) Chains t.‘a blet, Anchors, &c., going to the Lakes. I Oar port ia crowded with Steamers. I Jrge qua lities of Freight arriving and being shipped Basinets on the AUegheuy is hnsk. | Oats have been in very active-demand tfbr some weeks, ami msunly forrxport. The run ol ebsaea lor ate and export, u we hare ke for thirty days, reach 50,000 bu—a largei than was ev«r before porebased here in time* New Orleans is the principal dei tboagh part of the amount has been for mentose. A small portion or the aggrega is for delivery at points below. The betioessdooe in Feathers lor thre past, has been of the most limited charm demand worth mention, has obtained f< and the sales have been, restricted to mor cels. This week about 4000 lbs were t lor export. Prices range; at fo simple*. Slock full. 1 Shipments of Lanl to the east vn the 1 belt haute at yOc'fc* 100 Ibs. A sale ol 10,000 bbl Hoop Poles at «! V M- . : *rhe Jewess and bt Cloud arrived at N c on the 4th iust. | On the sth, 45 Steamen werejloading t ging freight at one lime—this is equal t< r sights on our'Monongnbela Whirl. Freights to Engiiib and Irish Ports hav the Fast. Tbit i* a *ery favorable feattr caused greater firmness and even an la. Flour. THK *• BEAVE|I. ,! I We have several times referred to a i about coming out .for the Beaver uadi made three trips and been lound to and 1 bly In compliment to our flounshtr below,she is called the • Beaver.’ It| asy that she has been built with the experience derived Irom a thorough -knowledge of ibe trade. Her dimensions arc—l Jo feet length; ‘J'Jj H l-eam, aod 4(l bold. She is a boat ol great power.having three 40 inch boilers 31 ft ia length; two Engines, Cylinders 18 inch and &it stroke. She a Mern Wheel of coarse, to adapt her tor lowing. A aUuncher and better boat we have not seen ibis year gone by, so prolific of new Steamers. Her upper works arc handsomely finisbod and well tilted with lurniture, dec. Capt. Chaklj* Hours, lately ol the “ Lake Krie,” takes command, and be is well known for his urbanity and attention tojall who tra vel with him. Moreover, be bu ampleyexpencnce in tie trade. Hull built by Messrs. Porter ofbbuus lown, Engines by Lea, Preston 6c McGinnis; Cabin by W. Mason. The boat belongs to t Ixrl.u A Co V Line. The Cincinnati Gazette says: On the way down an accident occurred to the Circamian, doirg serious injury 'About fiVe milts above the city, while under full headway, she look a'ahcer on thn Pilot, an I before •bfl could be stopped, ran so close in shore, as t<> break off her.chimneys, and bicak her *p»r: but doing oo further damage. The accident occnnotu-d very great alarm, we eodersUad. but io one *u hurt. There were G feet 3 inches water on the Kails at Louisville no Sunday ;t II o’clock A. M., and rising very slowly. On Uie 3th, at Nashville, the Cumberland had nan 4 leeL On the Wabishat Lafoyelle, April 7 ih, there were fi| ft water in the channel-, and r istng slow y, The Illinois and Mississippi were at a good stage on the 6th. On the Missouri there were 4£ tojoft wlalenn the channel below Glasgow. Exports oP Flaxsefd—'The season for ship ments of Flaxseed having passed anay withoutanv exports (except 15.tcs) we amirs iho Jr.linwm,- table of exports lor the previous lurnty.tvw .tea*-. Thus lei 14,38? In IM.'i lc«*i»,?:i .... y 184 1034 17^.* 2477 1333 -...ISfW 1843 4259 1832... 8.12 a J 842 2934 - 1831 .16.033 }ts4l 4,644 , 1830 J... 13.604 1840 10,884 I 1829 9.439 1839 9,850 i ....14.42S 1833...'. 3,137 1317 l6Mu 1837 S.OBB IB2G 15.272 1836 18.034 1825 33,713, —(N.,Y. Shippjpj Li«t, March 31. [ At New Obleavs, io th« week ending on the 3J iMt IS 500 tale# of Cotton chinged binds at 9J to 1 l4c;’ftock on hand 2092 K bale*. Salri ul 1300 hhd« Sugar at 3 to ?sc; lSWllbbJ* MoUssjet at 23$G ' 'Tb* Flour market closed firm—sale* reached to about 102,000 bbl* at 55 /A) to;>t>—a l>fge portion w«i for Freaeb account Core was in aetijre demand njcf of about 90,000 scksat 35 to 90<i; conside rate sales Wheat,part (or export to France at 120 to 155: Oats at 75 to' C7J; Whiskey 19J:i20. J.im ited‘salesof Fork at $14.40tt!5 f 25 for mrss. and *l2«£- 163,000 Iba bulk Pork a(ssffsJc; Bacon 5* to8c: LardBieSe; Beti Jllilo 5*7, Freights,a good many vessels were euga2ed at 5s lid to Liver- Kiel lor cotton, 7s OdiiHs (or floor, 23d (or core; to am l|c (or cotton, 51,70 for flour,-lie (or wheat: Ito Brest-52 for flour,soc for wheat; to Ireland 20 I e27£d for core}-to Boston |c for cottoui NEW ORLEANS—ApriI 5. i Cotton—Quiet to-day, buyers disinclined to ope* rate, duleas at some concession winch holders determinedly resist. Sales 3200 bales. A fair busi ness dooe in Sugar. In Mdtasre*, the light stock his prevented sales to any extent for some t*o or three days past. Flour has settled down to i* bbl for .Ohio sod Illinois brand*. Sale* 12,000 bbls ttHdsy. Prorisiops—ln Pork no large sales . Small lota tell at from 5 \525it 15,30 Inr Mesa, In Bacon ; a sale of 46 tres Middlings,(3M lb each) put up for : the English market at $2l t* ire, the first meat t-r I this duality, to our knowledge,ever made here.— Lard—loo bbls sold at CJc lb. Bulk P0rk,90,000 lbs «l s]e (Mb the bog round.—(Com. Times. CINCINNATI—ApriI I Fldur—Ss'et early were at 55,12; subsequent 1 / from store at 53,20; do al-55,13 and .5 23; miking an aggregate of 3900 bbls. Provision—lJ this clear pork.pkd io finesalt, at 514, on litue; 240 pcs balk Ham at6|e; 6105 pea rough cut Shoulders st 4Jc Whiskey—Sales at I9tc. Cloverseed—JO bbls from store at 53,' 75. Lard Oil—3o bbls Winter made, at 70c. bbl* extra D. Peach**—3o bbls from store at *|,3o P bo, bbls extra; Bricks pealed at 53.30 t* bu. Guuny Bag*— loUo,«ire 2£ l»t», at 20. Sugar— A small lot good fair N- O. sold at 7Jc. Salt—l9o bbls No. I from latidicg atiOO^c.—[(Jatette- . BOATS LKAVISG THIS DAY. •BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at C i. h. and 3 F,*. •BEAVER PACKETS H 9 a. m aodJr.M. •D. fc Co’s. Pa I*k FT, Philadelphia and Baltimore,!) r.N. •HIBERNIA, Wheeling, )u, a, v. • WILMINGTON; Stcu rcnvlllc, 2. r. a •MT VERNON, Louinjilfe, 10 a. xr. TAGLAONI.St Lout., 10 a. h. •CLIPPER No 2, CinciWati, 10 a. m. •These ire regular'Packers. fHPOUTS Ifi ILIVKII. CINCINNATI—Per fjlipper No 2—l safe, F. dt J Hall—s bbls aleobnl, It Libeller*—ls hhds bacon, 24 bales hemp, 1 bdl skanf, H (trail—ll Mis old Irou.Lorunx, Sterling dtjCo—l2 bbls lan), 16 bales hemp,Clarke 6c Thaw -to bbls ginseng. 49 r*kado£ 3sells do, 18 bsleed *kiis,-l bbls was,J sek rags, I 2bales bear skins,7 bbls peaches, 2 bis furs,lot I nudnes, H lSlk'rgs Bird, I sek leather*, 1 crate rags. Banley <t Smith—7 bags do, Reynolds I 4, She*—tlbdli'skin* and furs. I c«k wax, 27 csks eiuMfiC.49 seksdo; J Alikin* —M bbls.sang, 1 bx, 1 do wax bdolur*,9 bsls skins. Mourns At Adkins [ L. 15 bbls lard, 25 ilo pork, Williams At Dilworth. SCNFISH—Per Hudson—lCO bbls Hour, G A n lirrr yv'- de.A M Wallingford—Go do apples, fto&son dt Co—46 do floqr, Atwood, Jones &. Co _6! de, owner*. r FRANKLIN FURNACE—Per Mottre—“Binn. pig iro», AUeadtCo. . WHEELING—Per N«w England—4 Lbds bacon 1 JS?d rppl”.7jord,» ll Soo-OT “j; M*'. '-'l .lwffi lhee-1 1». J » D “‘—, lal P" t 0 ‘ I k Co-90 bbl. «ppl«. >= P«> "5.1 bbd bacon, I taj •».»>?■ LAFAYETTE Wabash' Hirer—Per Rfirmount, bbi tei. D Ccrch k Co-i. d 0.60 k. E . Urd, At.nod, Jtae. k Co-33 bhtl. taco". J 5 ta. 00. McKad.n k!Co—a) hbtl. .!o, It , 1 l&S can. hams, Tsafc 6c. O’Connor—l3ol bu»* pork,ll bbls doj 5 kegs-and 1 bbl lard. Jordan & Se^-23kegs pcs bulk pork, 41seksd applet, I t| do barley, Dickey A Co. BROWNSVILLE— McUne—2sl Iwrs I sod bdls ifon^lF.vans—seks core, RolertsO.A 6c I Repper 4 .—75 seks oats, U'Clurkan 61 C 0—846 (tbit f Soot, 48 do apples, I pe iron, owners. | PefJoesal—o!p<gs, Forsyth A: Duncan—l6do,G I F Dihm—2 do.’Atwood, Jones fc Co—l do. Brown .| 4 Bro—l do, Wn.Holmes A- Co—2l inns pi* i,bn, I I ~ . .. —l.l. or, lu. , () lIBL, * J A II FLOt Oj ! PORT OF PITTSBURGH, 7 rCXT 3 IKCUES WATER IS THE CHiMIL Michigan. Hemphill, Beawr: • Beaver. Hoops, Beaver. I*ake Krie, Ball. Beaver. bwaUn, Clarke, Brofcuville. Consul, Bowman, Brownsville. Kairmount. Poe. La Fayette. Hibernia. Smith. Wheeliog. • Wilmington. Stevens. Steubenville. tVellsrille, Catlett, WeUivUle. Despatch, Nelson. Monongahela city Harlem, Butler, Men. City. Rhode Island. Dawson. Sunfisb. Louis MeLane. Bennett. Brownsville. Messenger, Linlord, Cm. DEPARTED. Michigan,.Hemphill, Beaver, lake Erie. Bail. Beaver. New England, Ebbcrt, Wheeling. L<>uis MeLane, Bennett. Brownsville Harlem BainJ, Mon. City. Wisconsin,'Grace. Cin. Hudson, Kbbert. Sunfish.' I’rtniul. Bowman. Brownsville. North Carolina, Devinney, Illinois R. STEAMBOATS. FOR NASHVILLE—REGULAR PACKET. ’* (. The amunch and elegant aieanier iffTlft 810 GRASOB, haWKftftrtK Connolly, muter, will leave as show ■BBSESuBKon Monday, April tShti. at 1U o'clock. a. m. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ■?1« J NEW TON JONES, Agent FOR st. IX)UI^— DIRECT. - r , . The new nnd msgniGrent Pseket , TAGLAONI, tdHnBBBa l'crry. master, will leave above on EBOKoMBB Friday morning. Apnl 16th. St 111 o'clock. Por freight or passage apply on hoard. ipiu FOR ST. LOU IS—REG ULAiT PACKFr. . The new and splendid steamer lierrA BHOdItLYN. Doies, misirr, will leave os above on Friday, April 16th, at |0 o’clock, a. ». For -treiaht or passage apply on hoird. . apiu REGULAR FRIDAY VACKET for LOUISVILI.E. _ The new and staunch Packet UT. VERNON, Parkinson, maun, will leave for ibe above port, at 3 o'clock, this even ing, her regular day. Forfreighl or passage, having tine,'accommodations, apply on board. aprlC : REGULAR MORNING PACKET FOXI BEAVKB iSUMa* The new and splendid steamer - |JV~|7i f J BBAVKB, Charles Hoops, commences her tnp« this day. leaving Put* burgh at B o’clock, a. w ,an«l Beaver at S o’clock, r m.,- csniterinigwr.il Piiuburgh and Cleveland Line of fad na) ltoai« daily to Cleveland. O ; Beaver, Warren an Cleveland Lmc of Cjnal Packets and J*tage Coaches daily in' XVarrco and t'levelami; Canal Packet Lines io New Cisilc and Gteenville. Pa . Erie Extension Line to Mcadville and Erie. Neil, Moore k Oo> Line«W Coaches for Cleveland ahd Woosur. leave Bea ver daily ou the arrival of steamboat Bearer fiom Pitrsburek Apply io t; M IIARTON k Co, Pm»burgb aptt CLARKE A Co,,Beaver FOR PT LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER. The staunch regular Illinois River Packet COLUMBIA, 1 O'Neal, masier. will leave asalwvaon Samolay. April I7ih. at 10 o’clock, a. ai. For freight or passage apply on board. >PI3 ;w Packet She has Jwer admira ng neighbor [ is proper to WELLSVILLE DAILY PACKET! The new. elegant and fast Packet , (p**!. WELLSVILLE. ÜbhAMBK' C. C. Catlett. iua.<icr,'W4* buili ex pre».i> for ibis lrade,‘and will make doily 11 :ps during Ibe season, leaving Pittsburgh every cuorningat Dn'tlotk, and Weltsville every evening at 3 o'clock The W. is furnished with “Faber's Patent magnetic Water Guagg." For freight or passage apply on board. f'J7u jry* a Keel boat is constantly at the Pittsburgh wdarf to receive fre.ght, and the ageui always on the •put. A MeBANE, Agent. & REGULAR I'JTraiU’ROH AND BROWNSVILLIv. THE new and fain running steamer , UAULEH, • Js3*?>SrHl» will tun us a regular Packet between ibe above places, leaving Pitubareh everv Tuesday, rkursdny and tfaiunlay. at 10 o’clock, A- 4M4 and Brownsville every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at a o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board. dec? Pittsburgh wait Hnnflsh PtcksL The new and fine sieamer , /eras HUDSON, Ebben, masier, has resumed her reg ular trips and .will leave I'itubargo as nbove every Thursday and Mon day at 3 o'clock. I’. M. For freight or passage apply 011 board - octS? REGULAR I'ACKFTT K*OR NASHVILLE . _ _ Tne n-w steamer ,jP*»K WYOMING, yMMut 1 Capt John K Hays, wilt commence regular trip* t-> the above port on Monday, ihe 59th instaui ai 10 o'clock. * * T-'f ffighior pa»*ace apply on l-oaid or 10 * ,-u-rr J W UUTI.KR A HRO. Ar«_ KWiL’LAK LOUISVILLE P ACKET k The new, light draught aod fusi rim . lA nmg steamer K.URKKA. between I’msburgh and lorns- Viile, tlun-g the season. Far frrigiit or passage apply on board. mrhdSif MtKEESI'ORT. HI. ZABCTH AND sMONONGA ||t LA CITY PACKK7T _ . Tlie new steamer '& <■ TJ? DESPATCH, ■■SS&BufiM-'ing I'n sburgh every .MouJav. t\«d ueMlay and Fn.lay, at 9| o’clock. A >r.,and Moiu-n, a hrla Citv every Tuesday, ThursiUy anil Saturday «t o'clock, A -M. Forfrerghi or paxage apply 011U1J iy& _ (teralar Pittabnrgls and Zwnea* Hl* Packet. THE light draneht siejmer NEWARK, I’r-r in ,gut o'l T-a-. i-r «pp!y un !h>. rd ~r u. opr \ D WILKINS. Agen rtjß I.Oi’lrtVlLl.K AND NASHVILLE I — . - • 'lnew and p&«*cncer steamboat A , (ITT -ft AHBHIOAXi l*apt. IViikio will leare f«r the ” w tr*.ear*l ll shove auJ all ,i.trmedi«iepou*, reg- oiarly. For freighter piuip apply on board RFGI’I.AR PACKET FOR WELLSVILI.K AND STEUBENVILLE - The new and tichr draurht *unr f WILIUSGTOSi UmmUßßr o. M. Stevens. mA»ter. li-ave* P.tu- i-urrh every Monday. UVdnerday and Fiiday stOoVloek, P. M . Iravr* PtenWneilJe every Tuesday, Tbnr<day anJSaiurday ail?o’clock. A. 61. For freight ar |.a<ta*e spply on board. declS Reft* or Clnrtntantl A Packet Tl.e new and elegant U. 8 M*i‘ A “teamef s> COLUMBIA, d. O’NEAL. Marie, will run a« a re- fa golar Packet between Puuburgli and the &• above ports during the season of l?M. .L.V.’* E KEtiUI.AR PITTSBURGH AND WHKFJ.ING el I The Steamer - i HIDERNIA, t, LsBHMrfBIPJ Bsmuel Smith.matter, will eomtn-nee k. runnmgav a resalsr packet about the co Isih ln*A, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday. Wednesday sul(Friday, at lOo’clock, A M , bi leaving Wheeling every Tbe«Uy,Thur»day and 8«lur- or M. For freight or passage apply w on l«srd. , jen!4. d« FREIGHTERS and other* wuhmg , /PO*—lb 10 have Fire Brisk. Produee, L|MkM3H' btbhglil to th** place from Steubenville H intermediate landing*, can make J by callmg on me, as I 81 Lave a Boat tunning regularly between Piib>burgh und SiejDenvitie. GEO. B. MILTKNIIEROKK, re ,aft 4 Steamboat Agent. 30 Water si . —FTrrsuUKuii and wheeling pACKFrr. . The snlriidid and fa«i running tunr s ( AllMk NEW ENGLAND, j~ fc*jf -jjw. wrapi*;,, G W Kliert, will commence a* above, on the 2d day of - ri -Murclii h.ai mg Pitisburgli every Toe«dav.Thnr»nlsy and Saturday, at JOoVlock. A. M-; and leaving Wheeling every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at# o’clock. AM. - . , , ' The New Engl md bus been taught expressly for Uie trade. anJ will leave rvgulirly, »• above. For freightor mpftr OO bo.nL omo joi|n , ' 'piTTSCURUII' ANU LOUISVILLE PACRkT. k The new and rnlendnl steamer 1* GONDOLIER, Lyon*, master, was built expre«*ly t for this trade, and will leave rrga Urly during the teasou. Herdsys will be advetlited h'.r.uf'er. __ _ feblOtf FOR NASHVILLK—REOULAR PACKET. . «i a-MWi The new and elegant Packet A• . Awomino, Hays, master built expressly for Gie •Yrir**^ 1 " Pittsbutgb and Nashville trade, will b-ai-e regularly as at>ove and for intermediate poru Fo, ftdA. o. ~ nSo , fcLIA Second *treet Retrular PUtabarsls and ZaneaTtlla Packet. . The new and light draught steamer P j Jj-q COURT, r*~C!/7~y y James F. Boyd, master, will run a* a A 1 regular packet between Pittsburgh and Zanesville. Having had h«r eabina fitted up and furnished in superior style, the Comet olTers the finest accommodations to passenger* Fo. (..islo -> P““.' *PP>, m tfVJiftß,. ... matin , » WILKINS, A»i AUsKhsny Blver Trade. The fine and fast Bi*amboai /wMPh. ARROW, p LgJ_ /,■ Capi.Jame* Atkinson, will contln ue to run a« a Regular Packet du ring the season beiween Pilisburgb and Franklin- For freight or passage apply on board. OCtMlf . _ ; —— To Travellers. “EXPRESS FART PACKET LIMB” BSf.Hy.iiM FOR QOHI mUjIADELIPIIIA AND BALTIMORE. . [Fxriusic.ly for Pnutnitn ) rpilF. Canal and Railroad being now 111 excellent 1 order. ifaeTaekci* of this Line will leave with pa»- wnger* ns follow*, cvcrv night at Ooclw-k: Packet Louisinna.Cmpt. Tftoinp*on,Tue*.Uy, Apr 1 Jt«. «to Kentucky. Capt-Truby, Wednesday, Apr Hth •to Ohio,(.’uni. Craig,Thursday, April Islh. .in Ind aun, Caul, llrrkcy, Friuay, April Jt**h do Louisiana, Capi. Thompson, Saturday, Apr.l*. do Kentucky, Capl.Truby. Sunday. April l&ib di Obin.Capi. Craig. Monday, AiirinOlh. •lo liul sns, Capi. Ifeikey. Tuesday, April tWh d > lavii.iaun, Tlioinpu-ii, Wednesday, April' ■tit. Kentucky. Capt. frruby.ThoiKlay, April sJml da Ohio. Capt. Craig, Friday, April tOni. do fndiano, Capt. Ugrkey, Baiuiday, Apr 144ih. ,|f you desire cheap iraycliing and eoaionahle modatioos, recure your tickets at the Packet Omee AloiiongahcU (loose, W ater street, ar of ap(3 _ D 1 .EEC 11 A CO. Canal Basin T. Si FLEMING, TTOUBE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER, H. OLaSiER AND PAPER HANGER, .a now prtr (6 onderutke the above buoiaest in all 11* various k 7. nr bet. ood warrant* to give satttfaetion in every SUSStL MllittfT S “ nd * rJ Ba«MW. Flan- Ac., mint- S a orfer o*l F.lloo .oj MnmJ Aprmi. m bsod- Imimtioua of mods and marhUt done u, a •opener manner-.. |, . DRY HOODS. Look to youb house* i—TituUigu: Carpet Emporlotn, No ?7 Wood street, n«xt door to j DiaraondsMley. The subteribci retpecifuliy informs! the cititenOsi4»raagers visiting the Cjiy, mat he baa declined the AutriutKlnisiaei*, mid renmeed to No 67 Wood sircet, for ilie a large CABI’ET KM* FOtUUM Ifaring been iiTilic Eaai for Hie last three months, selecting Carpeting. Ac-, for tUispuipose. my stock will be the largest and best assorted, and told at price* below any similar cnabluhrofni En>l or West of tho Mountain*. Being a new Mock, ray Caiprt",Ae will allbe the freshest goods aud li.r-i psutin-- the colors of ! alt good* sold by mo wiiTbi- warranted to stand. 01 a deduction made. Rich anti Elegant Carpet* Tor Spring Trade. Arrangement* bavins bent made with one of the lar gest Maiintaciarers. to be kepi constantly •applied in the above anielrs, my stock trill always I>«s lull anil complete Now on band: - impel Three Ply Imperial Carpet*; Superfine Double ingrain do; Fiue all wool do do; Common do do do; Spleudid tapestry. Hall and Suit Carpets \ ariciies of Cotton Ingram do; Extra heavy twilled Venetian do. 4-4.34. and£-Sstriped do do. Cotton striped Curpets.ior Stairs. Listing, Rag and Hemp Carpet*; **oper. Seb'nnrllr and Tuny Rug*; Brussel* and Common do do;.. FilieSkheiuellc and Sbrep*hni Door Mali*. Large and small Aiicant uml lute I letup Brass Stair Roth, of all li/ea, ■ All (bade* of Worsted Carprtand Ilriidmg. Worsted amt EiotiM Table and Piano Covers Highland Plaid Table Corrri; Transparent Landicapr Window Shade*; 4 4_Otl Cloths.ol fidi puiitito; Slipei Oil Cloths, cut to any fiuln Fmt»h Oil Cioih Table Coven, 4 -fe 5-4, and C 4 White Mat'ing; hoiW-Drop Napkin*; 7 itinii i(;uurter Damask TaLlt i-.neii Diintnsk am] Jlirtl-Kye Diaper; Crash and Stair I.men. apMlut H W I.YN'D Carpet aud Dry Uooda \Var«Uom v."V NO HO MARKET STREET. ROBERT O. THOMPSON D ESPKCTFUI.LY mforms lus firend* and the pjaMie 11 generally, ibat lie i« dost receiving a large and splendid avorunent cl New Style i'arpcnug, Or- Cloth*, 4c , direct from ibe Importers and Manuiarlu reri, cooapoted inpauof Superfine Ilru*ae4a Carpets; Extra or Tapeury Brn**el« Carpeting; Paper Imperial 3 ply and Extra do; Superfine Ingram, Fi'ne aod Common Carpeting: 4 and 4-t Plain Venitiau Carpeting; ,*■ , & 6,3-4 and 4-4 Damaik do tk>; ' 3 6 3-4 end 4*4 Tapestry do do; s<mruoo( 2Vim»u/ie«. , V * Brown Drilling*; 1 4.64 and 64 Sbrrtmg'; C 4 T t 6.4 Table Linen*: Linen Ora*U and Diaper; liockatmrk Towelling; Carpet Flnpea: New Stylo Ta ble Cover*; Oil Ciotii* from SI7 inelie* to til feet wide, cut :o any »i/e; Rich Embmidrred and Prink-d'TaUle and Piano covet* Figured Floor Cloths; Cheniellr. Bnntsi-ls.Tußed, and Wiltou Rug-,* Tufled, Clienielle, and Sbrrp*km Door Matt*; Manilla and Gran- d» •!.*; lira** Stair Rod* Flat and Oval; Damask and Striped Stair l.inen; _ Carpet Dmdinr*; • ~ 4 4. 3-4 and G-4 Plain and figured Indian .Ma Inti;; Colored Spanvfi Matting.Ac.,Ac. up Siramboatc RotcKor Private llou *e*, are requested toicall. a* tie feeUconfidrnt they will find it to Uior advantage todo *o liefoie purcba*iitp elsewhere. DRY GOODS. lie would al*o invite attention to hi* extensive »tock of (NEW SPRING DRV GOODS. Icmbraemg every thing in that line.) now opening at liie aU>ve Hand. marlOJAw3raF j |Q*No 110 Market «treet_ u ANOTHER ARRIVAL ’ AT THE tkiCT ST. JW OPKN— ollser 1m iich irons rr cioodi, TUf?, iraer Si m, id primed t K KG KSi led und cub LAWNS; roi’rd Ron**; ich it Scotch .1 »nd printed :? de I.Ai.Me, ■w rich Drill uin Striped /AMATAII,” - new Alto. II nnoiiismi Doxxmi c GOODS; rmleißcit*’ ,i A V A T B; •w Vork made *utir», Ac rrre,cheaper «■ nsml A* wbi»le»*le aplo __ W.H GARRARD STAR CLOTHING STORK, S»C*. 70 WOOD sTKKVrr. PITrSODRGM.PA ANCKKRA MAYER whole, air. uud retail dealer* in Kotiera Read) -mule Clothing, would take tht» hod of informii-gthc public ihanlxir Hockof ipnng ■ oir nier cimli itg-j* now complete mevery vjnety t) lc». adapted to the prerent aud cuiUIRK *eu««n fnb (be new of insuring a continuance of.the Itbej : atruaage we have her«*intore received, and to offer genera! satisfaction mail <mr customer*. we have wji ted our aitrotion ip tbe purchase and niaunfactiinng or eviry arurie loniprl-tng our extensive *mck Gentle mjn dc%:roo< ot ti< mg tailed cu. will find tt to ihipr Biyrantcgr to give u* u j-all as we are determined thai t,e}iit:\ and fa>a:oii of our cloihmg AVr always keep on hs.-id a -plendid snptily of as'l airier skirt*. linen and scpnline.rnttnn shin*. u-affs handkerchief*. cravat*. ‘-.•o*om«£ ro'lar* and suspend er* ANCKKIt A MAYER ‘ Sign “Golden Star." N R—Gentlemen who wish m have uny article of clothing made to order, rim hr turii’-iied itt the ihortest -c_— — ‘ “PJL DIIYCiOODM (ACM.ITT V WHITE. No VO Wood > i- * '"fKKSH M’ ; IGVi DRV I.OODS, f thi* i«i<oii> ptuehaee- of lots and dcsnable imd <|ua!il<e* utry Mrfrfitini* v-sii-ng "r tliintttb our wall 1.1,,! .1 rleuri) l« Ibcar *4 r.muCc limttuia it we arc determined m •«•:! at -veil »n>al! profit-. II make tt «rr»Uf to ttir.r '..rrr»l u make n t.-jl iio.-fc i» na»v lull Ji'J O'Hij' *i<* « ; d | l»ou-.i ' A fiuoJ *uppl) Cit hrsV; bud i'<b! Liiovvn Iwr •on hand , metier ip UHO\VN A Trit!kV:if, No -m Market ttr-ri. j [j iir cow rscrivmg thru *u« » of New Bprmg [ ino. soil .avite the a.tlemi-.n uf purrha*eis to then , *♦o tmrntof [»rr«» GcLj* nhx'b partieulariv deu.i ibl» . roor.riiiig .n pan ui Ri )i KinbroiJereJ Lavu* - ry. h <.o •• pattern" Ri a Orgomly Lawns—iu*i*un*t-u- li.-.aj.\ o tL thei itohir* very hanU^in<-. Pr Lied 1.4wu«,0f dilTercnt |.u:trrn«. Ri hCaliforusu Pla.d*—‘ty»e« v.-iy hi*t.J>«ui»c. 8u lerior Firn. I, Gingham ciit.roV nr w mid beau ful raitern*: one lot very handsome si IH ns. So enor .Manchester Giiigliatn-. ]arrsM- d; »i 'S' iW N«> M >u3lUl ‘ljcM. •: Joori al<o'i r. ‘~l VI.AIN i‘4U.«»M«- Wi W K Murphy ha* now open mi aifoniu-td oidir iLo e gO<*dr, all wtJbl, including *OOlO veltv Un*‘ -o. Hnl ur de Laine*. ver>' -i.perio". pMm iiMr r«d<»i-. Ala , plain Drat* Bareges; j. nk. blue, nnd l.'ui k dr. - Als . lUlxarme*.brown and fancy fiitori, •o i.t •• «>w ■ ■ l -I ceni»; and a large n*»nriinpiit r.f 1 * w-m *t; ie» Irn • good* generally, including I-Im-V wnierrd anil rant ?BII.K>, of Intest imj.inaunm. and nt loxv p-ic** 5.r c; tality Ruyets will please rail and eiutu ik- 01 N Kcr mer 4ih and Market st*. (j: -Wholesale Room* in *eenml .tor;, wiirtfs very rhoi e stock can tie seen hy dei.le.n. in.v c»»ti pr> IJ SUliiES—lloiiiici Frame*. Tm** «»•< i ’orioi*e rhell nml horn, iu£l. »;*>< "<id 'lri , »»iii* m inlaid, •aiin aml fn*e\v<vul- loir bin*b.*«: 1001)1. ill comb, ciolli aiul hat do: carpet i-tinl-ii;. l*ce, o' n. black und while holta.nl, <nl»nsit cambm: »i!k id mion galloon*; dannel li-mlm;;■ eai’eiv envelope*: nr paper, testing war; motto water*; llurnbilr* m* •li Je utlr; pencil* and pennl pennu; ballon*: pin*, ■c IcK tape* ; rpoot cotion. Kc For »ulc wholesale id reiafl,bj- F H K vrny 63 jUkflrei «»r>-t p ) nvnCIIAXT TAItOHB-Nnw opening it rplend.d aMontnrnfof Tooy innnul'uciufcd Hhi both fine and medium qualitie*. A large inv« ce Cjavatt, both Mark mid fannr*, di rec from ibe Importer. ♦ / JjDJlUig Stoekt, all qualilit* and color*. 6mo Uowi, db do do: ombaiinedo do do do; oraalcby the rtfanafarturer'* Agent. No W V* oo <■l, op?lair>, wholesale. , EDWAKPTODD ,5 Agent lor F.a»trm Manuiat inrrr»._ •« & Tui lici ’»—A i new and lirauti’ rli paitenj*, at S 3 ionic d, al die low liruuru {>lßid»,aml i-Malkrt «ifecU |d mid -tilt •treet* l; ASD PAUIS ll’am Kid t»io»e«, \|riandi<-,- IK OIOTeS .|>lc do; RECEIVED thi* m-irnuig at Burro* fine »el*ctionT>f California I'laidi fill »iv| c »; French (iiitcbami. very rit cenl*’; Mt>nebc*.ier Uitigham*, wan price of sW ccm*; l*.n£li#h Print*; t urine*, new ana nr No 4*l air-hIS _ b. tWrr-11^ SILKt tISLK THREAD, KID '*l<OVFS—und.'zen »uprr I from the manufactory dl Jouvm A) Open work and emj/roidercd Silk Embroidered. plain nml fuiiLy 1.l Child * Siik L*»le and f'ottnu (Jeiit’* military and dre<t« Fqfialob)* _ »l»U_r -• ITISE SHlllTfl. COLI.ARB, 1 —New at> let of Pine Whirls in rm Standing ami Byron Collar*; Spring tie CravuUand Satin Sic Dotom* and Cravat SuflV.net*; Shoulder Brace*, Night Ca|>*,Si> On hand and for *ale hv op'd I PAINTED SItADEJS VK.VK!*IAN BLINDS, Ac—Tr*it*p»rr ni Window Shades, i>fl>oili Mue and Oil preparation, >n great variety of f*iylc and anaorted air.es Venetian Ulimil of ur-o.ned hire* and color*, for aale on Cotnroi-»»on. Shade Fijtur-s including Holler*: and Blind l'nmuiiiis«,a*aoitrd EATON .j, X!i TERNS, fce—Zephyr ami Tupvtry Ui«r*ledS Pattern*. Cauva**. Chrnr.ile, SiU Flo**, fancy Braid* I'rriorafrd Board.Ti.l)*, laiutpMaj* and ot’er tain ) Work for *»le hi I , . _ tt ptl p II EATON'S Upper Sale* Room* I’RINOES, 4JIMPB AND SATIS YHlJf r MlNUS—Fancy and plum head colored drr*A Frin ge*; rich mantilla titaek do; ninn*tL l 'a. polka and ehain gimpa, black and colored Uilenah inintnliig*i Idark and colored «atin ribbon dn; iu*i rev’d at ,pfl ' F II I'.AfON’S HOSIKUY AM) YAUNS- C..U011. i-.!k aiul merino H 6«« and Unll llo.se, i'n nirai variety lot | men, women, un**e« amt clii-dnn. K'unun! **rn* and ] Womeili, >.k. ■u.i.il.ii* and I i!y roitun and < manufacturer*' \Yur*ieilf, and I rain ?*ilk», Bl 1 • pit ' *F II EATON’S ii'/jkNfKU TO ItuuUOAV—*U>oo 10 VV on nmongaKe cm Ce.y Property wonh four lime* , (be amount— uanofer of le.i*c fur Sl.iao per year, fot :he bu.ldmg*, will arcoinji'iiiy iliv n*oHB4fte. . Apply ul Uu» Office apPlI ] JUST Received and lor Mile ut’ltie mauufaeturer's 1 lit! price*, a large invoice of patent tiiim Elastic ami Shirred Sorpemler*. of the Ru,*ell Manufacturing Co., Cl For sale In ibo Agent. No SB wood street,- up siairf, wholesale. KUWaKU TODD mehvß Ma im fie Hirer'* 4 A gent WOIMEKO COI.LAItS, l.u, , iMtfinx*. Linen Hdkfs . Mnreen on I <;«•}•* l.men for ei.uK. I.»l' Ribbon*, Paper Mn«lin«, Ac , a' I* tl KaTON’S \VM. aTwARU, DKIffTIST, llAt* Rentovnl icvlhr (ir.u«r oil I’enn KjßbMg ilreet. ibrrn door' [fcUovr tlnnd »;ieel, UrrjOeA wl.rie he «ii«t t»« found from •> oVlocl, a- X . until Ir. M. ' A* be <* dr«.reo«uf tern* *n>| tbote who will make immediate payment without IL.. npcf**iiy on l>" PolleciioK Lr. would invite par* licalar auenn»« to tbe’fallowing term* AHUIIt left anpai'l at the expiiaiion ol thirty <!*>*«, *will he eharf »d alike following rajer- , For Kllf«ct'MlTpe»l», M For Fillingilioin 9i to S>l per cuvny. All pthrr opeiaLonv in the »auie no |xiri<«ii. , . u «—-Ttiote *r* tbo«e indebted to him wboee »r -1 „lul .» .naul-immedioUlr, wilt l>« placed in the llUct.oo. oplWtJmwlfF j PAPER. BOOKS k HARDWARE. 1 I * \ITTH£. LOtvrST POSSJDLfIVRICFJi. • | KTiTlOm! AND PAPER BUNA BOOKS I 1 RICH & LOUTREIi) 61 WILLIAM STREET, NEW |VORK. HAV K wnr «. 1 •and, of thrir owu-ujanolitliirr. » fun -%*" _£ pteU aMortuent of Ledger*. Jooraili, 'Dajf B-<uk*, In. voice Books C'aib, Order end Bill Book*, fcc, »l ivanon* >br* mod »tjle»of binding, from wbteh art* of Account Bonk* ein be Klectrd tlrerjkiw pcicrs al»omade tnofJtr, ruled and buaad-to any j«Ucrn, at iburtsaire-r I Foreign and Donatio Stationery. QuiD*. IVtier*, Selling Wax, Pena, Black and A'ed Ink, Writing Fluid,'Lead Feocilh, Slate*, hik»t»nd», Sand Boiet, Portfolio, Pocket-book*, Gold and Silver Pencil Ca»ei. Pen knives Pen Rack*, Pn Holden, Gnm Tiekeb, Pbjia S Card*, Backgammon Baaid*.'Che»«nea,'Diee f l«orv Folctrs TatiCcU, Kaxor Btrupe, Puk Tape, Twine ReeliJ 1 wine, In dia Ink, Parchment, India Bobber Enter*, Seiimn, Shear*, Marking Ink, File*, Rack*JDiar ie* for J W?, advance Book*. Iniemt Table*, tTi»H Book*, Tariff's Exchange Table*, ana all olhfrarlirleitold bjr *Utioncn. [ " Cheap Account Books. I A large *tock con*l*ull£t>a hand, iuitable foi retail (rode and country merchant* ml eery cheap rale* I A Large Assortment of Writing iPaprrn. Kuobcap, plain and ruled Letirr Taper, plain and ruled Note paper, Wrapping Taper, 800 act board*, Log, Cloth, Hmtery, Envelope and Blotting Paper, Colored Paper*, Tbiu French f'ajier*, Packet Po*t, ettra mixed Bank Pmt, TWuc and Paper, Muiid Taper, Gold, Tiaciug, E«bo»*ed, and e*eiy other description of japer at i»i y low price*. Gold Fens, Diamond I‘uinl. ■ Kick t Loutrrl'*, Bagblry’i, Bnini'i, and all othrr relc- Uratrd maken, in quaalilles to mil purcltascrs, «t the iff? lowest tbandfaclurer’s price*. Letter Copying Presses. ■. Twcni)-->it difrrrst prices ana *iyle»—the frt.-n Copjing Pmi, with lever-and stiew, the most etpedilinus, reononii cal, and simple mode of taking a cope or any letter or MS, without writing ft ortr again Imprortd- Manifold Letter- Writerx. By which the litter and copy ii wiiilen at tiic' urn* time. The largest amrtment ever ouCrtd, am) at the lowt -.t price* Public offices, Bask*, Iniur>u,e Compabie*, Merchant* and other*, formil.td with *et» of Account Book*, ruled and bound lo any pattern, at ilu.rt notice. .4l*o wifh »taticurry of thirl* <t ipijity. ® Notarial Presses, For U>e uee of Banks and Corporation*, to atfls the seal I . if «uch Bank Ar Corporation to their documents. Thi* opera tion ii performed by any one, ereu at first liul First 'Premiums ! Auard/d to u> by the American Institute, -.1 tl.r Llr Fair, October, ISC— For the hrst Ruled Blank Books—A filter For tlx bnt Manifold Lrtlrr \Vfiler) A Diplonu Fur beautiful (inuhrd Copying frtiHi-.l Diploau Fleau Call and 6'tr/<fr Yountlrrt (jj'l'hc Trade and Country Merchants Supplied. RICH ir £OdTRR/., [mp»rlm nf Fr*nrl< and Knglith Staliontry, | aitdmianta<turrr«of Arrouot Booki, \ Manifold Writer*. Eirrltior, Blank acd Connlnt Ickj, 4'<'i >V«i Cl Williatn, one dour txtnw Cedar >lrrrt, N V J»«»VRjrn, ) r W» )l ixtITTKKL { PAPER WAREHOUSE* ISO. O BVRUHG SLI P, NEW TVRK. | tV'RL'S \V. FIELD offer i for sale at the lowr *t \ • Manufacturer*' prices, i very extensive at«o>t tm-mof PAPER, eomnriiioc every -possible variety, adapted to ti,e seams of consc ?vrs ut alt section* of (lie country. Paper of ull kind.' made u> order .at rliort not .'e T .irvinck «.f PRINTING P tPF.R i« unuiually large an.trtof ivturhiaof very nun r>or quality. PAPEB MAKEk'j DATEIUALS ofr*eryde^rlption, importer and kepi conttnntly on lian , viz: Felting*. Wire Colb, Fourdrinier Wire*, tiJeaehms Powder, Blue (Jitr tmarmeVTwine. Ac., Ae. HAG: Ci.uva.**. Oale Rope. Grat* purchased, for which the htgl pniil _ jygty vUW'BOOks-Wd i X* her of valuable Book*. ] are the follotv-pj : Mcllie yne'fc Life autl Li llalduu on Roman*; Sketches of North Caro 1 11 i-tory of Preabyiertan The Geniu«of Hcotlaod Cbalmer* Moral Plnlort Mary Jane Graham; Wnmlow ou Dech it*ion The Pre-Adamite Earth Margaret,erthe Pearl— .l.ady Mary, The Ureal Commanding! The Lord*’ Prayer—by Thankfulue** and other The above together withl Theological. CUitical sud »ale atEaiicrn price*. E apIO id Market a' HILL *- Hricceuor* to Mo. Manufacturers ■< II A NGI NGS. No \ The inert aaiug demanJ for Alt them to elilargo and imjinjvc|i ciiiuea for rnaitafaciorm; are rarteru citir*. Having a dor prirca. titty take pleu*ure in | dealer* to emumte tbeir *lO than at any former pcrod. inn Trao»pnrent Window Sh French. American, smut, per Hanging*; Cold, Vetv i and lui.uiio Landscape*. Statute, ami Curtain Paper, y »id wide Writing. Printing.and W Bonnet Boards Ac tlagk andTonnrr*’ Scrap* t kei price* IHardwarc Mtor. W'IIITMORFA WOLFF < corner of l.ibrrt) and Sd Wood . reel, line- dear* al.oif of liAiuiw.uo- ci: n.i:tt| per Saranafc, Mouongi from Ute inau'ilarturer* of Kii| Alva, •Upnliei of Amer.cunl cipa! manu‘jcilirer* of tbr Krl Tb»ir «;oek l>nni; cnUrojy*iJ 'the licit term* they foel'fjrrat i »urrea»fully to iucpi compel whether raw or writ ' The Hardware • taiiJ. ' * WALL FAPKIt AND UOUDKRH. PKH'RH Item r»:i) -Tiro to- latii.-r. N.» 4' ,\l-ir kei »tr.-rt. l--iwern A 1 an-: 111 Mrr<-«*. to-fwi-ii'iillv annom-cr* m thr j-u M-c ib»t fci« jire't-ct «iock «( Wall l’»p»TinJ Bonier* nOn* ou { n inanul-tr'urr u vc ry «• tewive, aa>i daily addition* arc lieini; nod* 10 -i. in ih«y arr finished -of new and splendid i-aiterm A "jo, n well astoned «tcirk of fr-it* Pa-, tr an l ii’ordi-i. Hai'ing r-rri*ilv i>i the above j|ii k! ..-n revHX r>r.Ni.\r N.i ft .UirL'l »irert. j ir»v rerr.v.itg Li- -Jif OR MU'I.OI H».j» Hardware. Ilrtlauiim, cot»-*»i.ug ill Jiftti.n* follow* : « bxx Japanned Ware. Eogli*h and Ainer.i •*ti 4 t.x* llr.mnn.a Jo Jo ' J,., Hnf.bsb TmatJ ••Jin epju-., 1 .to Oral Pot*. 1 «-a»c T> at • jnJ U j.ii r- I .Id KutftirUed U me. |M«» l><* a’sorted I'opper. 30 filole- Tinned Poppet; ii.*l lb- Jumdiu Wire, 'M bxsT.n Plate. api JOHN DUNLAP. 1: Market *1 tN HA\VTSft» PAPER ASM PRNCU.X \J Finr AniKjnanaii Drawfuir Rupee. illxiSinehr*; .10 Double Klephunt Jo Jo •-Cx-Hi do J.» Firpbaitt Jo ' do -'lx37 Jo Jo Ooliujtlnuii . «'•» Jo Jo «U» litijtrnal J" Jo ‘JIxSW Jo Together wilD a large cwk ol MintUtr aire* DRAWING PENCILS, m ru;»ntrJn.id and pref.-j iMI lead.of lour, three, nvn. and chip H, a ‘urge ••tp|dy ia-t rrrr.vr.t l.y ELLIOTT A ENGLISH ,<* No .'B Market street IDHT KftCKI VIMO-CIHIKINU A J lIOL’SF.-'FIMCXISUINO HARDWARE. Tl.rkui.- rcapt'orulls. infuTtita lii« friend* and thepuldii, ■ hat he i» now rceriving hi* *prinr ti*«or»ment of good*, •tin ted by ImiMplf, ol »*peno« .|uilnv, and reduced pnre*. Person* about tur , *i*hnig ibeir l>o<r*ei would Jo writ to rail a* M i* determined to rrll at »ma>l profit* jr7*\|rrcbaiil* supplied a* u»ual. with all tbr vanou* kunl* of txMtimg Cl;a*»r«. and packing cnrefullv at tended to. f.ihrral discount tor rash. T A lULLIER, Look.rtf Ula**.Manufacturer „„3 IIM Wood iih m t|iK _ BUOR OP CUMNEUUk, uV ShA X A'ND I.\ND, •exlii'iiiing it* connexion with Agn culture, iliu Art*, and Manufacture* lo which are added a Hutory ol Commerce, and a Chronologies) Table. liluftratedby a Man and uuiuerou* tngr.tr mg*; for xale by JOHNSTON A SnX.'KTON X pH Bookseller. cor Market and Id »t« "iIIST RECEIVED —A View ot Die C.ty of •I Pittsburgh, nrincedon Irftterand lUp sheet*. Tl.e Engraving by »V W Graham, of I'hilhdclpli *, irom \V C Witll * beautiful painting; for sale by ' JOHNSTON A STOCKTON B pl( Rookeeljere, cor Market and 3d »t* " "Kilward Todtl'- TijOlfl.O n*.«prcifjlly announce to Ibc ineicluHt* of V\ I'nMliutßli.Ui U Jjp Imp opened n room fot tint sale of k>*irrn ium»u;nclu«rd ro-h1«, »ucl» a. Slock*of every dcu'iipiiou; Sliiil*. IJotoin* and Collar*; Gum Su*peii* j rr »; NonljV Hooks anti : for *nte at manu facturer*’ price*. Al-o, o large a«*oitnieii! ot IJltn-k ami r.iiirv Cfava!?, for »alc at Karltrii pnct*. whole ■ ’ EDWARD TODD u-md street, upstair* Manufacturer*' Agent Addrtii Card. 1 EDWARD TOD!). Agent fot Eastern mamifarinrri for ill" sale of North’* Hook* end Kyc*; Gutn Sun n<mlrr> of the Russell Manufacturing Co . Ct; Stocki of every description; Shut*, ilosom* u«d Collars, of tin Troy marufariory Ac ; all of wb'ch arc for *alc a manu'iiciuret’s.pricc*. wholesale.' No lifl srood street, up stair*. Order* i-e-ived Inr American Hardware. melcJfl VVlTlTiliuttl! fc \VOIiI'K, IMPORTERS -and Deale' Saddlery. NoS<* Wood sued, V HKATON bohohs, *c a- variriy: k Guilds.lc; Pll KATO.N '! joiis WAI.KKM, [Late Walker & Wunuwel J WOULD announce to hi* friend* and the public ih* It Mill continue* .he ILt«»w.r«-Uu»me*. aUht olj No Wood meet. He would regretfully •olirrt a cniitinuanre of the patronage ". k>»dlv l>e«tnwed . . _ ’ • IHkIV' B»OliAViffUß ' • ( JUST Received,* *plcndid a«»entnem of Knßl*»li an<l Frenrb Kn?rmvin*«. colored and pl»'ii. * #fr "’ variety of Uhjreu, nuiiable for fr'"'™** * " r ‘ f ?'!£ ’ Scrap Book , 1 A mebOT ten wood M, near o . ■f'AapW-A iaur *i.d t*"'' l *' o 'L?.' Ll ent Solar Lard lump*. *uu:.ble for SieamN.au. Hotel*. Cbi/rehe* and Dw'll'n'., conM.nflfonh-.H 1 .. * C *** corner 4th and Market «i» nnOVKLS AND KPADKB- -Walhrglbrd * O Co-,areni» Nr A. I.amunt. have onl.audan a*«>ri ...enu.ftsLoni'«»opcr.nrc}tal,e«naU)evotub.re»ud eoll.ee yt»jvel».and No* I *pd fl Spade* inrhiTl T OOKINO Oft AHSRB—tiili m.I Matawy COI.K AfIENrV FOB CUimmil'* O SMI |.i*r rereiVcd AJeoun bond hrlNpf A Huy ei r I‘tinlt-, and I’tJrhi - Mnp-and * h^f’* , n. Ail* and wood *t* ttiTOV hi PATTRUS? 4 - ’ 011 Mill * l^' ! < Vi < ii' O l-NUcir, I’athlrn Maker. Allergen), « "> O,l A,,| l ha* the iiewrM I’attenn for Stove* on bund ether ■« wood or iron. M ilOeannfi and ullotbcr ptuern* mude WnitlKO iiSO~\VRAPPWYi "PAPSIIi -100 rcamf. Cap Wrim-c ranef. st( do Letter do >'••• :u« do S. (’.Straw \\ mi.|‘.r.e • ... '.HjO du Medium do •'» IUO do f> 4T do do ‘“‘k* JRASsSF biiv^t^i.™ meh'4 enr Penn and trwmi >f _ t" ■» iVLR'f»K^S-JuM rr*c.+*d ■ « additional aMot«; % ment of ihe lwn qu<Uw Pen» and warranted. «p9' U W W!IJ*ON ri/f KTAI. MkiobNo'i Foundryi laodiu*lrom «tmi £vX Ea'.dka and for (otebr tpS j M Al*US>»fcCe,U*fcieMir»:i HATS. BONNETS. Annsi KtATsi! nmn n TliL'i 1-rni; ihc «J*y ilie Opting Faaliiou OfJgL Hail will l»e introduced) by ibc BKMI fs;h- , , Kj.ial)lc>»tabli*hm-:ni» in New York and Philadelphia ibe undemgoed take kthi p eanirc in enabled u» omtouit-r to then i>otnrt«»n» friend* and ibf. pulilic grnciaiU. »t arc prepaicd lo t-upply all who «i*J favor »•» with a cal' with ibe fe»biuiia!>!c Hat.tor »br »ca*oti. compiling Ktavrr«, Nensria<, and extra fine Molerkm Silk Hair, ciiLrr \» liulr»ale or retail. McCOBDi KINt/ eor wood and sih *t*^ ASI'RINU fashion. . • , _WII>L'Uc introduced ihi'daylhc new Spring Fa tncn 10r Hat*. Geaiienicn mo I»e roppHeil •rilii lutr light lloit, ii icatouablc price*. Lv caliinit at ibeoid <tATul, .No V 7 \Voo<l *l. corner of Ihamcril-Alley math JAMES WILSON B WILLIAM DOUGLAS, A'. CONTINUES u> manufacture, and <• coimauilj on hand. every vartlj; of aod Cap* of the latrM Myie, ani price* vrrv loir ai No 7S Wood nr«-ei. Kan «hJ« j«9T IJKKBE 4. COSTAU’S Style (.euileinen’sHaia Bm w>lt l>r introduced at KEKVIl.’s* on Thursday Auguti S7ih. licmlcfurn wishing a cheat*. fa*h io..«blc-H«tof Pittsburgh suanufarturn attend of fashionable Hat* imported nJ advertis'd by soinrof tbs trade. please call at KEKVIL & Co‘* anirJiiir tSt?. head of Wood «t jw Sprlni’Pftahlon'far A WILLIAM DOUGLAS, jgggL WOUl<l) in'ortn his friends and patron* ibMhe I'tiji now on hand a Urg« stock of the Spring Fa«lnon of Hats and »!ap». wbuh will liero>n>- dueed on Satuitlay next. Those in want of a superior article will call at inch' ' Fall Fashion for .Hats. 4TIIK «nb»cnbef lias Jim received l>£ EipreM hi* new Foil fashion for Hut*. Tho*o mnrelol an extra Cue llaiwill plca*rca!l ond-eiancn-p ihi* splendid artirl' 1 . 9 AJOOKE _ Nn. 02 wocii BTBAW BUSNKT Mfl) HAT WABISHUUSi!, NO 93 MARKET STREET, PITTSHURGH. k. (i. PALMER (ilftf» for raler.li n« favor |B*S»hU.» urum b« any hou.'r in PLilttidphm, ■ rotnylfti' of Srvaw, Fiorejire, It*»!• •58k* hind, mi'! n grrot»ai-ciy <n (.tix y luai.l and pimp Ho*nei«,of llic i*i* ~mjc nyl«*. lxaf. Straw and llst«;oAni* ficml Floyv/‘r«.Ar- FIiJBNCH MOLh'lil.M HATH-ju«i'rfar«*i 4 roprriot orut'lr n himrSi MolrxLin Hair, F*l furhiou, anil forralo low l-y S MOORE •ep3 ’.No 9r, N. YORK ADVERTISEMENTS FOR ROOFING, WINDOW SIIOTTEBS, 4c. 'I ' lIK «ih*cribrr« brg m rail ili'." attention ofail tlio«e. X interested in roofing, to their IIALVANIZKD TIN PLATKS, and u> tire man) udvuntagi'* wh.dt they po—csaovri ull metal.«• unit other •‘ubsinnee* hitherto Bled fol lilt* pur,.n»e.po»ae**inß n* lliry ilo.thr atTriifrih and lightness of iron without it* lialuhiy-to run, having qow bent Ic-ird t vcr.il ) rai in line < otimry nnd 10 Kuropc. They are also lr»# subject lo V*apciiivioll and rnnirad.on irons -uddru rbang.i nf the atmosphere than common Tin Plate, Iron, Zmr, A c , or itny oilirr metal now used for roofing. and tonseqnenll/ inrtn a much beuer'und miner toof. requiring lar less fYcqiiriii repair, whilst ihe first com i.* but a trifle more. The subscribers would olVo call the nitenlion of all dealers and workers tu metals, to the many other pur poses to which Iron time protected, can bo applied.— In general terms it is applicable to oil articles of iron which it t* desirable to protect frora,lbe action of the atmosphere. And they would especially call the at tr.niioriof ihosoimeresicd fnTKLKGRArIUC IJNEJ, to then Galvanized Wire, which is now almost entire ly used in Knropc, and which onswets every 'purpose as a conductor of electricity. coetttig only hboutouc bnlf a» tnur.lt as copper, and pot'e*sins equal tfurabili ty with thru metal. Having lately elected worksmtbts city for the par pose of gulvaniziug nails, spikes, bolts, wire. Ac., they will be able lo Turfiullauv article Vvhieh may be dot red. A supply of I’Wc* [manufactured in Europe,) const tally on hand, from 16 to 32 wire guaßc. GKO. U. MORKWOOD ACo lope, Uagging. 4c., 4c., e*t price in Ca«h will be Ucwr York. Js'v.tlKW. re received a Jargr niitn l put)!i‘li* il- tiiTioac mrcli in Kcniui k y, / '' Not. 14 and 16 Beaver st, NKW YORK The Patent Rich! lor this arltele has been secured for the United States n» well as Great Britain, and other European countrie*, and all legal measures will be i«- keu to prevent any mfringcineut by miporiatio i or oth erwise. _ _ . __ ,p«it7-ly ul Revival, * iy Rev V. n Tnv.'nr, Croilsmcni Kurnlsblds £»tabl(atttnctsO nIIARLESD UATCU, 97 William stnxl, New York? 1; solicits attention ■•> tii» assortment of Goods iu tlic tUmru't kurnishiog Line, imported and mauuCseturrd ft prasly lor the Spring anil Summer kiuji. particular at IruUmt is called to the Cillowine article*. STOCKS— SiIk, Satin and Uomluzine,all st)les and qual a general a>M)Hmcni o' Mi»ceiiruiroL> Ikxik*. for ..UOri i KMiUSII ri. between :M and 4)h BOWA'K OPKIUI TIES—YUin and Fancy, light and dark colon. - irjisil TIES— Fancy Linen and Jaconet, a new article for lafflmrr wear. I CMt’.iTSJSD SUmES—Latest styles a full assort- idfthlp & Broxrne. d Iroponci* of I'A i’Klt •7 Wood street- mericun Papet huamduecd :|t!ieit Factors, and ilielr fa ir now equal to any in the fird .the eastern scale ol |iQviiinp their tiiciu'* and ?k, which i'. now l.irjrr SL'SJ’fi.VUEKS—SiIk and Colton, very elastic. While and kaocy Linen du, U> wash, an eolita new article. ‘ SHIRTS, bOSOHS, .ISp COLL.IRS- In vtery tari of style and quality Uh'DER-sHJHTS jIKI> DR.M'EKS —SiIk, Cotton, Li>le Thread, Merino, Woollen, Ac GLOf'ES—Black, while, And colored Kid, of the best Manufacture, Silk, Cotton, Lineu, Lisle Thrrarl, HOSIERY-# ilk, Colton, I-iutu, Merino, Ac OILED SILKS.— Plain white, of the trry best quality, black glared do, Japanned Muslins, />K£SSJ.YG C’OIK-VS—l’riiited Calico, Mou<*cli»e dc H.iSDKEHCJIIKFS—I'idiu uud twilled Spilalfield, In dia Sinchrw, Pongee, .fr; pldiu and fancy Linen Cambric, r r&BRKLL.fS.f.V/> JV7R.ISOLS-A full assortment. CR.i *\ITSTIFFSERSI- Various kinds He W....M Stale tluit hr is i..>» U*blg, iu hi» SELF .IR JCSTISG STOCKS, an c itire diderrnt hnriug, from the .me form'll) used, which irider* them much more comfor table and easy to the iirck than feUP-ltm BILKMT SII Ams, ulifciss uotjLrS, &e. ALFRk.D KIHVARBS Sf CO, sNo. Itil Pearl Street, New York, would rTSpef-lfully call the attentiSo of buy ert to their KSTEN MV ft STOt. K Ok SPIU NO GOODS, masistiog of rich figured stripe and plaid Dre*« Silk»e.| tu tirrh - new designs and turn' desirable styles; black and Htn Uack Cguerd, watered, and Stripe -Sills; k.w*ib » lull assuiroent of Mark and Hue black plaid d.. A r; e«uu and J.-sirahle astorlmrolof Silk. Thibet, lks««- # », 11-1 natn an.l* tiauir Shawl* uhJ Scarfs. Tb.-»r u sorlmtni '.l |)nu Is.unJ* bssbern srUctrsl « tils ilu p' •" 1 ••t'.j' - • may lie found as follow. Glazed mil Common I‘fi- i Bordffi: Kite-U'tml l’nm»: pl*’ii green. ami lig'd; •oppiiiif l’aj-cr iken m exchange ul tuir ■nrlil 'il.lini u> OniK ilrmovcd. living irmovril from (hr C!:. r -trori*. :o No 50 - M O.Tlr. M.vrl i ot t.'.yrr* 10 ii.ru -Hie* ' and SAM>!.KHY, r-r'J bri > anil direct ;Uml and tivmunr- laidware. from die |.nn w. .uid purchased upon jtjGdcnre in tiring ante iqn from aiiy ij.iqnrr, imjuf French Priulrd Uat»-§»«, ‘■'dm : ““ 1 ''l' bJuor*, UrilUaaUt, Fpucli f’ruitr.i Mu-in -■'■-*• in »»rirt) aml.uf n»o»t >lrur>b!< • .Vulth L»wn> »ud Oinclumt. a n r) l*r{< •• Bel lad Cap Ribbon* Ol vtrj ctuirr ■■ !c - Jidkfv Lit>«n Cambric arid Lir.rn «' <mtr>' Udl i KJgirio. TUrn.l L» .», ' Jwlali firuird ot ctrrv tie** 1 * • LuKkolrrrn drHripU-ui ol poud> urll.- i- sTK-iU‘ GOODS~-A *. i>J Puinf.tio Straw B->untti ( ter. At j,L .il’Kancy boun«t« olid Mov»ir«>-J i»», w»ll adaptril t,i tlir Soitl.tru ki.J v 'r»Jr. AU., l!ml>f»Ua». Parv. 1.. <• 4-c |p“M»rv)uu><» noting ihi* market are >•1--. 't»ll» .-all and i xaminv .-ur .tuck; •« ever) >u. - ..< .11 k>r oflerrd tu tu*kc it for thc.f ml. New Y ork, Match o. IklT-'foi account books and stationers »RA NCtS 4 J.OUTREL, TT Maiden Une.n.anuU<tu 1 . ~.l \Vai< I „ r , ot' evet y il«-»<<ripi'o'i\ i»l Clunk Book«, Meiimtan luiti Cony ana Pa*< llouk>,('iuiuti Ink. Momioiil letter kVnifr. Uitinimid RuiiitCAM Prn<. Ar.. 4c, *nj im porter. ,»f Engl.-iti am) Frr.lHi SiaUMH-rv and Paper A luge a tJ orim«’iu conrtaMi) on band m >)»• »uo*t improved mlr—lnk sut d*. " Water*. Sale*, IViic'i'* Sr*l |Vn*"uvitie*, niuiio -rill*, ivory tablet*; ivory folder*, card*, gum label., pen ruck*, card farkv ■nk nosedri, Uji k. tilu«< and .-atinme ink, ruler*. gold and silver pe.n-.i m-es <ju.ll- poriml.r... copying pre«- UPci* Curd-, Note., Ae., m great ,V *Le»Vr«mlCap Paper*, mini an.l plain, s' Manufne luret** price*, ttnie paper*: li*«ue P-*P« r i peiiotated UarTTbr'ftol l«>»r«!«, bourn i board. colored paper*, •iviappiiiff paper*. Ao- / , , „ Deed, Recoid. Docket, bind other hook* for County Cleik-, Court*. Bank*. 1 romance Companies Mer c<i4i)t*. and'other*.con»tanily on hand, or furnished to pattern hi »hoil notice- Warranted to be*upemrin quality and very low hi price- Counti y Xlerchant*.*dealer« and qjbera will l>e.*up nhe«l atthe very lowest price* "e »hall con»ianOV have or band a large Mock of Blank Book*. I aper and Stationery; and irqoe»t the favor of a call troin tho»e »Uo i LOUTHEI. Manufacturing Stationer*, 77 Maiden Lane ftlW3m Sew Yorl< ' I»KiNT» O.YL Y—SPRING STYLES. : 1817. LEE i. HUE WSTBR. _ N 0.44 Cedar Street, New York. BE(J leiir til inform Heater* in Iky ItodMbat »»** received, and arc now eilubiUug.altbe WAREHOLSk. EXCLUSIVELY for Printnl Co/ieoe*, SOO CARBB, .11 11.. ».w Spring **»■*•■■ French and American Manufacture! which, In ADDII iUi> tu their urnal .lock, render* their assortment on* of tjie m>*l bcautifc! and,»ltrarlite in the city; and having iu»t been pur rUwd dir CASH AND SHORT CREDIT, are offered b, the piece oh package oti the ho* term, at anil below manu facturer!'price*. .... , ,t CatvWue* of price* (e.irreetril daily,) are placed tu tbe band* ofbujer*. I’urrbawr* will inform thonvelirsof the »Uie of the mar ket, and be well rrpaid for an examination, ocn if they do not purchase. . L. 4. !). bare prruliar advantage* for executing order* lor triiil* wliirhatc reaia-ctfiillr toliriled. |m ’ ’ 1 ’ LEE k BREWSTER, mct.a « Cedar Street. lamps, girandolkm, n ALL LANTERNS and CANDEI.ABIUS, for the sprit,C Trade DIETZ, BKO77JER * CO-, 139 William .treel, New York, iu the Wadiingtou Block, are manufacturing and bare alwaj* on hand a complete awrt mint of article* in their liue, of the followup deaeputtrew, uliich they will atII at vtboUrale and retail, at Low Price*, for eiub: , , Improved Cheiniral Oil and Canqdieuc Lamp*. Silar Lamp*, lidt and Drouted.in great variety t iirandole*, eariou* pal trill', gilt, vilvereil or brouted Suatarnding Solar-, TkTrir Cainnhcne Lamp*, Itrucket Solar*, . Side do Solar Cbaudrlier-. Bracket d»i Patent Lanl Hand Eimj-, - s '«u J J" Briunia Hand l am}-, Campheoe Cbandi her., Sujerior Chemical Oil, I’ure Sperm Oil, do Cain phene, fiolir and Lard Oil. do Burning fluid, Uelii.cd v\ bale Oil, C, USMm •" ‘ Wboliiale Druß WarthoMe.^ *IN TIIE* CITY Ol*’ NEW YORK. T 4 A. EAHNKSTCH’K <k Co , \o. dH, John »t. o. New York. ofTcr tor aa!« a and-generu auoriment D»“li" an 4 Medictnef, U5O -S* »* Paint* and Oil* «>f every dcecription. which tlry •re nrepfcd and determined lo »cll, low. Country Merdtanu and Proggiit* are mjtiMtMl to call and eiatnitin tl.Ht arltcl.-*. Orders ewuicd with failhlulnci* and dcvpatch. B. A. r □hnevlm k * Vcrmiluao domlantiy on haml/ H. A. r»hi «**l«»ck. 1 H. 1.. Eahneetork, [- IMUhurgh. (S. W. K-bncrtock, ) a! B. Hull. New York, «Pf s New Warehouir for wtPUIKO STYLES. 1543. I.Lh, JUDbOS k-S.BK, S >1 Itic «Li.-iri.ni. fur ttoiy (Varehurte, No. 06 Cedar *t-, Nrt ».holec,l wh.rh ii d. voted lo the elkibitioO , 7.i ,ftl u Ucle or.irle,) off-r f,r .«l* by thejdeve or ? Ai,IOOO t\sES.-jf PRINTED f.ILICOES, rum- Lib* all the drvirable uuv -t,lr*. a *« '<• which lining been r.mliacKJ t.i Lef-r* the »te * l * r * l - r rnKe w!!i be-lid It he* thin mauufi*,lun.V l'»* 'Vm.ird lot. Kfprieevure J... 1 mt.. the hind. ofUyir.. 1 tibwh 17 letired in 1B1?> ha*joined. H limi.l I" »i..l Jud-n, and -,IW«U the ..| hi* *. t. Tbe Lu.nou 11 1 ..iidndeit under the firm of i:>-.r,JUDBo.veufE. pitlNUUll, fui>IMINQB,4c. HA BOOTH. H» W.lluui.tn.l. Ntw-V7rk, Importer I), .ml M.nuf-tui.r o.' I *.*««•. VI /*r 3 *>» Wo.it-d, ( ..u-vi.. A.- Alt kind* of| IWy Trimming*, o Kipe aM-rtaeot ot VVI.iU 4 I '- I i, ( lu.ile* •tlrtition to h»« »sv>etmrnt, wlmli will be kept ! f u ii during the f »»lie will le rcceimgthe Mwe.l imd 1 LuUkihionable *trl»*.- offered by the p*eka*e or Okeneue. Term, and Mlretthall b« »uch a* to git* Ml aloft too. • faV»AU h' tui * of Trimming* in-Je fa* order. £*k2l'dm NEAPOLITAN BONNETS FATTISON, NOE & CO, PATBHTKBKANDMAHCPACTpIIERS, 23 Delaney Strut, 2V*u> W*. i Fall Paablon, 18 40, No“r, Wood virrrt, East‘ide -t^Copartncrahlp. JOSKPH !!• IIILIi, (lam of the firm of 'NVm. A. Hill A C 0.,) anrtWM C. CUfinV,»lateof line. IV) liars e'l.crtd into Copartnership, ttadtr the noise ol • <lliL A CURRY, /or u* purpose of carrying uu the Minkin* and Exchnngo battues* in oil its braivhe!*, nt No CV Wowt street three door* below Fourth, west Bide—wljere they solicit i!,r custom of tbelr friends anil , the public generally. • JOSEFIHI )MLL ■ ractiJi AVM. CDI'RRV RUST PROOF IRON .1 i i ..ir. tl( .j (..Tmcrr. n* l.cawniol eiiitMuiu fr.r i r.-».- i, ....u •'> .•.itnmandinjr a Hue nf ihr* tiru cibr* ai.*l Til* - !*- ate a I/O M'vrrttl good looatic.ni for I i (n'trnt'.uderiDf an induerrm-ut lotliois engaged ,i.m ..junesj.or topertoo* wishing >o eng*;* m the . ~i,.v HKimif iho KropA. h will 1.0 »old io lou to *ad J JORDAN -A, SON «i.o i i ' No Liberty street Ul’.tl. IfSTATkIjT THE COUNTRY—The »ul.' • .•i.t.ei? oJeh fox rale a bou'e and lot in West Mid .twn Mercer count). The houre ii well caleuloteii i 0( a more aud .Uvtlhnx. immediately on ihe Erie Kx i«n»*on Canal. In ft d'jut'nhhvy villM-t nwi by. iue «rvet«i lull a-rr-aud -u the iCh fanning dis* U Al*o. u house and lot in the fltfuritlunc village of Or-* angeville, Metrrrrouniy- The houseU wellenliuluted for it tavern or .More. The above jiraptnv will l»* *old rhrapond on ac commodating :«mi* HAlAll PICKBYtOj tt plg t water ana-liont m i c it k a p j EXCHANGE BROKERS feC. pUUSKpY,UAHJIA4 CO., bankers/ exchange brokers, A*fD DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC KXCIUNGH.CERTIFICATESOK DK-‘ rostTE. bank notes, and specie; Fourth «, ucnrly pj>po»ite ih<- Bank of PiiuVursb CURRENT MOSKV received oo DciMi«iir-uighi Check* for sale, aiufTollection* .made on ncntly all the principal pauiutn the United Slates. . The highest premium paid for Eorcigu ;unl American Gold ; . Advance* mude on f ou»;gcmcnH ofFroduce, sbipjaed Ealuon liiw'tal term*. . _nicM3_ WM. L&RinEE. JR., FOURTU Street, next door to Bank of lhtMiurgh, Danker arid Broker, and Dealer in Exchange, Bank Note* and Coin or ail dtf»c(ipuous Ac. Selling Rate* Haying Hater. .New lork. | pr. Now Cork, 1 di*. Philadelphia, *do Philadelphia, Ido Baltimore, Jdo Baltimore, i >to Western Currency, tdo W-eitern Cur. ido City A County Ser-p, ido City;&Co Sc»ip, id® All good Carreney,! fdo All good CurVy. ido Pennsylvania d«, Jd> Pennsylvania do. | *'o Tenreweo do, St do ’Tengewe do, ado Brownsville, *do IJratrnkvil c, Ido Wanfaington, J d*» Washington, •-■fdo a For«*n I ilUni Exchange procured. • up&rt&wlm* _____ N. UOLSBB A SON, . Bankart and Deal era In Exchange, Coin at»d Bank Notea, _ «0 £6, UIRXCT ITRETT, PITT9EURCH. | Seiliug Rttpj. Kirbangc. Haying Rale*. NewYoik, •} pr Cincinnati, t di*. Pniladelphit. * do Louisville. I Baliimoin, -* do St Louis, Ido Buying Rate?. BANK NOTES. Buying ttates- Ohio, }di*. Co-& Scnp Order*; I dl*. huiiant, Jdo Belief Note*. - ' fdo Knntae.lv, |Jo Penuiylrania Cy. |do •\ irgmla, ido New York do,, ldo Oo Wheeling, jdn New Orleans. <do Trnne**ee, * "j do Maryland, ‘-.do ap-if HILL & CI'RRV, . HANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS. DEALERS IN FOKEIUN v AX*D DOMESTIC TIME * SIGHT BILLS OF-KXCHaNUK, CERTIFICATE* or DKPOSITF, MASK NOTES AND COIN. . No &*• Wood hired, lliuU tlonr I'dpv Eonnti, kc'l utile. PA R Fund* and Currency received on Pcposni*. nud collection* triad** on ail the prtnripnl Cru* a. itt ihr United Sight Exchange on Rahimur*-, Phitnd.-lphiu, Xrw Yora. Boston and Cineumnii constantly for ta!f. Oino, Indiana. Kentucky, Virginiaand lVn»»>lvania Hank .Note* ltnui;>it and »otd on favorable term* - Exehan>coiiEngland, Irelnndrt.diuany and France procured. kc , mcM3 WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS ~ ANTI JIEALRS* l!« «• FOREIGN, AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATES OF DKPOSITK, DANK NOTES, AND SPECIE. iYo Oft Hood Strut- olir door abort FoutLh, Jtmr tidt. iheUiaj Plttaburgb, P«. . [dAwF ’ RbujltuncVno iht ’-ora Country.'’ MONEY rent to ali pant of England, Ireland, Scop-. land Bud Wales, in.sum* ot £t mu) upward', to •uii purchaser*. I ALLEN KRAMER mars Exchange) Broker, cor %d and wood st* BEOVCED HATES' OHIO, Indiana. Kentucky, and J’eiitta. fund*; alia County and City Order* porebated at reduced t*ate oi discount, by N HOLMES ie. SON doit .Erchance Broker. S 3 Matkei si Collections oit/Cincinnati. Louisville, Si Louis and all accessiblepoint* in the United Siu'c* made urbinpllv, and upon the lowest terms, by ' N HOLMES A SON, Exchange Broker* mcli - .’5 • i t No S 3 Market st Collect lons on Cincinnati. !<oui»viile. St Louts and all oiher accessible poiiiH in Uie United -State*, made on accommodating tenns. HILL AXIURRY ap*l Wood it. ntxi dbot to K.*gle Saloon Exchange on New York, Philadelphia, and Bnlii mote coiuiatiily for sale by HILL A. CURRY 1 apfl Wood st. nf xi dc«or to Engle Saloon Currency of the Ohio Indiana, and Kentucky Bmikswamed at ten- 'aw rates of discount. HILLfcCURRY spG Wood st, next door to Eagle Saloon TO LOAN— S3,IXXi for one or more years, on lhe required secuiitr being given Enquire of I HILL A CURRY apC • Wood st next door to Ksgle Saloon OHIO, Indiana, and Kentucky Bank Notes purchased at tow ra:c> by N HOLMES A SON uebiG No &3 Market tt , HOUSES. LOTS, FARMS. &C. ■FROPKBTY IN VOtTNOKT-OWN, OHIO, POUBALE, THE advertircr offer* !or »hte a splendid Brick ik>M dwell ns Hou*e situate on the North East corner JBtAui iii>* i'ui lic s.'juttfr m Youngstown, .Mniioiini|? county. Ohio. It ts.lvrgr, commodious, linUhed lu ci i-elieiit si) nn Jni the brst location in Youngstown, cither fori dwelling nr public house; attached to ilu a yard, with wotci, utahling, .irid all other convenience* at band. „ This town i« itnpforin;* very rapidly, t* snouted im ini ihc (.\tnal ) :uiilr,hcn'liia various Furnaces. Holing Mill, &c.,notr being built are coraplrlrd, will !„• ii :C ; most flourishing place in this section of Ohio. U will |>e sold Jnw fur ca*i- ore., :,.ue, or exchanged •'oMinm-ny in Pi’t'biift'- r 'ivola** itwjuirr of. 1. A J i< WICK corner. -..i Wat.-i I'ty*; 'iilfjjli'wha will giVP hi. ' nil-' OC‘l-«Aw|l_ ' For aalr. THE nibscnbers offer tor sate on nreoramoda t*fS t ,inj irruifa, a tract of Uud situated in ftescMC *' l ownrhip. tmtuediatetk' in.tbe rrarof Allegheny i i;'. jit.cuoins the land* of Charles Korean, Andicw tti others, containing shout l4*cie. , ;.Socri'»aie ..•..iec'pMliiva'.ioa, on which there t*,a small orchard of „ ircJ fruit and * nnmt.er of grape vine*. Hitrc i* on TEXNEXRKK LANDS Fi'R SALE—I 2 Farm* or CO bcim.oii rock of winch h erected n cnnubrt alilc home, wiili good fence--, situated m Wunen or.-l Cauiiou'crmiil>«*i,l.'i utiles from Ike foot or lire* Cumber* land mountains. Tlic »oil m-good, producing Font, Oats, Wheat, Rye,'.Ac., m {treat abundance. Al*o. acretfot' goou Thud, adjoining the above, covered with every kind of Oak, Hickor) , P.iplar, Ac. These land* pradncc gras* in the great est abundance, which is well adapted to ‘beep and The oak ro*»i if.»'**• nhundatu well soiled to the mi nine of Hogs, aiuLlads from September l«l, toJmje (uilowintf. For further particulars enquire of t> CUTIIBKRT. General Agent a plj 50 Rm thGe.ld street REAL ESTATE in Allegheny City—The tubtenbers offer for sale. a lot of ground in Allegheny City, 5« feet by tiSJ, froniing oil Conil street and extending hark to Utterly street It inigbybe subdivided titiofour good Imilding lots. • The property will he sold cheap and on aceominoda ung terms. ,ISAI til DICKEY A Co_“ apM : water and front «M EForjßenr, A WELL Finished second story Room, with a good entrance on Market sirreti at present oc cupied as a Daguerrenn establishment. Also, a Long Boom, tfd «tory,eutranci! at Philo Hall, audtwo well finished offices over Philo Hall. • Al*o, the Busetrirnt Room under the Caieito Office— a rood stand for a Rather. 1 L D GAZA AM murid' •’ Office. Murkri aitddth^ FOR. SALK On EXCRAKQE. A LOT 3-d by U? fret on the Mmer»villr Hoad, 7th Wanl. There isonßiebn artnry brick dwel liiij house, with well mtd cisiein n»‘the yard, rruit Trees, with other convmi. i.i fixtures. uMkmg n very eomfortahle place, which will he sold fur rash or ex ch»„p»l foe , if! fir!" 0 - lar* enquired tv ni. u. scAift. uovlthlif Trout.between \\ ood mid Market u_»__ FOIL SALK. FOUR LOTS—Bounded hv P-ena, I.ihervy and May sirects.eaeh lot having til feet front, and extending back 110 fret Two of tlicm are cointr lot«, and the position of the whole property i* one of the nto»i advan ißxeoa* in the city.' For Amber information apply to. tueoas mut ir / SWAIu^u . FJ ,nKK t Fourth *t. nov3lf ; between Wood and Smithficld COUSTnY lIKSIDKSCK. HAVING removed to the city t forcpnvenienee to professional business, l will rent'he Mansion House."and iitinnncJ ntetnclosure,situateorilbeWuff. o^ il^n C l^SwT Udl, ' ° U J ,Ie lilVfeßMkTs:/ J tv OR SALE—Some vutotihlo Ix>ts oftiround, situated ' ALLEeiIEISV CKWRTBUY. UERSU.VS dc.*iroi>« ot puichusi'K l-»t« »n this Urate tery are referred rur.iiifpimaton Jo me frupcnmriid ’•Pt.on the groundsvor to L. rhotu, Druggist, cotnr.ro Fepn and Hand *tr-et». I i'i*kuigh. • Uvoiderol lire Hoard. J. *.iIJ.-Lrrrr, decll-dAwif , Pupenideii.lani _ Pennsjlvnnla'AVfttur. Isnn ** AI.K—I c.K-d Kuiidirs i.cl». SI hy V*i feet, ri'.u-. ( ».e.'Vu PenU«j lvsni * Avcnur, near theToltGato. ,ie.. on gYuTHBERT. Krai K*MieOrßce, , n j 5 NoSQ fmithfieldstre^t rpo LET—A two *'ory Brick House, smutted at 1 Oakland, PiuTfcwr ship. For to aptl AftVOOD kfo patents, it J}. v. AGENCY F<Uw . WoaAii^’funj ZEN AS 0. RUKDIN'S; Mr Ap,rr.l i.itptocuriUß I'r.tet c. .f»ry fhawim* ana P4pci tnt»,aful irantucl all Cihfr ‘I pmte'JKin at tie I‘ntent niff. l mi allquvtooiis relating 10 the »if.in in Oie United Stile* c J.-tianre. lipinousof luti'ing e. Office, prior touukiujt uur forvrtni [poit paid. rrioq l a clear Miuemrnt in' thilrcfy lion will he ehen in H. (M‘< le obtained by n vijitoi' titninpily comcluoiwjed. . • All letter* oiibuMrtrb rcM P a . I,>nn ! cv \' llB ‘ n d tollable fee, where a writtenopmmn O&.-e on F.mreet.njjpaMMh* 1 He ha* the honor nf refer-iMr- by Pirratuiait. tn Hon. blnmnd Rnrbe, Comuvutoner of 1 aienu, lloni II UKliiwortlUaiol u>. ■ «» H Knowk«,Wacbißi»t, Paienl Office, Judge Cranrh, Wa«blß*WD*» HiwtTll"Cl»«alt',Wa*««rW»< , »»i u s#W»*tr, lion. W All.ni.Ohio. : J ; V' lion. J B Bowlin, MC, Mi*soat>; Hon. \Villlt Halt. New York;. Hon. Robert Hnnth, M C,[»lti«oi-i Hon. 8 Oree*e, T »t*enaie; • • > lion S II IteHe, M C, Ni»*oor., t'api. II Al Sbrere. Mi*w»ri; ErMiarHrookr, Em,PiO»borgfc- *P‘ cll«»:ra) liiigiureT and l#, will prcjioie »he nr* * lur Applicant* f or Pal* .eities* in the lire of hi# e. It« eaa be coniUlleJ rn’.rnl I.bw*ab<l «Jen* • Kuropc. i’e ion* ‘ii « amloattons made otth<* application, for a poimii. iiiija n-enf «lr»lln», i; when uniMJ'"!* mt«‘»* ull ii.o mwiani.on luni ' l!»« npplirfl'it inj^irou) MEDICAL. TO THE SICK AND AFFLICTEO-4J • GREAT DISCOVERY. ; SINCKTHE DISCOVERY OF bR.SWATNCS^^ - Valuable Medicine,thousands twebeumt*?’: red to perfect health who bat be iu me would B9tj, < , bo in the lilent grave. ' ’ .:•< ASMHtK LlTino W|Tst»i,—Retd with MIOD4 - • iatimcol the wonderful cure performed bj Doctofi y * Swayne'a Compound Syrup of -WILD CfiERRT: f ” PBiLiDtLrar*, 184?- ; * Dr. Swayne—Dear S»: la joiticdo vourselfandj b duty 1 owe to tuffettoir humanity, 1 cheerfully * ' give my teitimnoy, ane declare to the world thu; •• moat aatyniabing cflecu, and the great care your ] '-•* Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed oome, i ttrder tfie roast unfavorable cirrumatancea. twasj tikea with a »io!mt Cough, Spitting of Blood, tore Pam* in tho Side,and Brcaat, which aecmedj to break down and enfeeble my constitution,*» that'j my physician thought car cam boynnd thq-poner of ! medicine, and my iricncfs nil Rare me up (o die; but \ thanks to you and the effects of your great discore«i. ry, I now feel myself a well mail, and raised from • \ •> mere skeleton to w fleahr antf-healthy a man as JKT have been for yean, and aliall be pleased to giro any J information respecting my .case, by-calling at my t Mechanic street,third door below(icorge-S' streetyNortbern Liberties. Jaco* pjjKTtR. % Tcttimony it rww received from all quarters of t the Globe. . \ —. ' The following Jettera.are prescnledMsafh a nay < of more fully allowing the opinion* of Physicians in f relation to tho Medical ralne of Dr. SWAYNK'S V COMPOUND SYRUP OK WILD CHEHRY. * Dr. Swnyne—Dear bir: Hating uredynur Com» - '* pourd SjrhpofWild Cherry extensively. in my ! fracticc, 1 was requested by your Agent, Doctor .1 folrhcr to express my opinion in writing of its * properties ns a remedial agent. I most cheerfully; ; comply, aa 1 feel byro doing, 1 will discharge at*, debt l owe the eomniur-ilv at lame; and Physician*.! Z in particular. As much ni I det' - t Huack dies and Patent Nortrmna, I induced from -t a failure of the moat potent expectorants., rpcom- t minded in mir malms 'tnedka in sumc: caaca ot z Dieess-. J.unss.to try your preparation of Prunua ? Vjrginin or Wild Cherry. It i» sufficient toa.ay that A 1 was so much pleased with the result of that and Mi’Kequent-triala. that I now prescribe it in ,prefer. \ •encelo all other Remedies w itcre an expectorant ia i indicated. In the mneir dre-qcd Pneumonia or ; Disease of the Lungs, in the alarming lortn io which • it appear* in Kentucky, l rcgattl it as an inv&luublc j "Remedy iu tho treatment ni that dueise.: To all • who know me I hare raid but ns this may 1 he men by forsook out <>f the vkinity ■»! Frankfort, I I will briefly add, that 1 have been ergiged in an - active practice ot my profetkion «>l l*’ ycarsJsod am a Kepler Graduate of Trincylrania, and this is tho . Grit Patpnt Medicine 1 ever thought enough of to express an opiuiou in writing. J. H. £Luao.\, M. I). Franklin County, Ky. , Kj., Jan'ry 7lb, 1847. f'om one of.our Khysi im here, he is doing g Terr. ■ ’ r ”-v,ieian. i Jjnuiry Till. 1G47. .Frankfof.i Tlic aliovc certificate it cians living a few miles froi good practice, and is considered a good PbysleiaiCi . and stands fair; foe io. as he saYfi.arcgulargradotle. ' * I)B. \V. 1,. CIieTCUKH, * Druggist on<i'Apotbccarv. \ Testimonials will never cease. • ■ i From the Temperance Pledge. J\nw that Winter is upon iu with its attendant \ train of Pulmonic and Bronchi?! aflecUons.Coogbs, ; Colds, &c fitc ,we wotildadviso those afflicted in 7 litis way to make immediate trial of Or. Swayne's j (.'propound Sjrup ol Wild Cherry. It will n#er (ail to perfi rm a permanent core. The reputation j ofthis medicine has caused many spurious articles ; to bc put loith tinder its name), hut the preparation ‘j of *Dr. Swa/nc, betides being the tint ever oflered j to the public, is the only one that can be relied on. -* i The other mixtures sold Iqc .Wild Chcrrv Syrup, . j Balsams, fee., are all spurious and worthies-, and j . contain none ol the virtues of the original preparas' j tion, l)r. Stvayne’s 'Compound Syrup ol Wild .i Cherry. 1 From the Springfield Express. • j Of the thousands or purported curative nostrums how before the public, but: very few are lound to . « possess the healing virtucs.lor which they are je- > commended. Among the latter we are pleased to ■ learn none stand .a belter test than Dr. bwayne’s. ■ Compound Syrup ol Wild .Chary. The afflicted . in this vicinity are beginning to nte it, nhd to their 5 joy they find in its use their hopes based open it* i recommendations more than realized. The afflicted i need not despair.. While there is lilc, there now ta j ' hope. • / -A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. < ltj”Since the introduction of my article to the public, there-have-a number of unprincipled indt*- v vulualsgot up nostrums which they assert contain Wild Cherry, some are called '‘Balsams,” •‘Bisters/ ; and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but-mine is the \ origioal aod'only genuiue preparation ever introou . i; red to the public.-which can be proven by t£e pub* <: lie. Records of the CommonwpuUh of Pennsylvania'. - ; The only safeguard against imposition it to.see that my signature is on-each bottle. t *. ■ DR. .H. SWAYNE. Prepared only by Dr. 11. Swathe, at his Princt* Pal Office, comer of Eight and Race Streots, ’hilndelpbia. AH Wild Cherry preparations being fictitious and counterfeit without his signature, For sale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by \VM. THORN, 53 Market street, OUUF.N Sc SNOWDK.N, corner Jnd Sc Wood its. \ S. JO.NF.S, ICO Libcity street. y Hold also hr. J Mitchell, Allegheny City} Boyd, i Cams Sc Co./Butlny; Wearer & Henderson, Mer- / cei; Norman Calendar, Mcadville; J U Burton & A. Co.; Erie; M’Kcnaic A* Ka«kcll, Cleveland; Denis 5 Sc Son, Columbus; MilUr, Brownsvillr; Manb, i Wheeling. Va.; F. B Hinman, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr : E Easterly Sc Co.. St. Louis; J S Atoms Sc C 0.,. •; Louisville/Ky ; Andrew- Oliver A Co., Now Or* : uhcoh, PAINTS AND DYK-STUPPB, i 1->OR SAl.Kty FBKNCH A RICHARDS, Whoieinln * l)nie*i*i», m low prrer; n'li'rpff'anri cvGir.lrta-iu. - sortamnL of Drugs Biinu, Oil*. V*roi.<hea, Window < Djf Sniff*. oitd Spice*, which wc offer very low « (nr cash. We nmm our Drags lo be pars Bod of "■ priinn «|unliiy; among which are— -50001 Quinine; I ft-Olln pure Oil Peppcnnia;; in oi hlorphia; SCO IbnOj.ium; lOtior Kit. Hart; - \ 20r«Mor Oil; liirlurt'iif cvci)< nri f<c u««<* and Phyii* cimi«- «J.ir n*r.muif i.: oM'uir.is'.itiil*. Vamithea and Window UU-* ivlano . mnl cur pr.r.c* such as cannot Hi mil* Pure 1-eaii 10 Ooni?h Vnmithi UOnObxs Window UU*~; jO hbl* Copal t*n; StiO krpn Ven Bed. ami l(rfi ihu Pipit nru»lie=; Cclite; CObnl* sp-i. Turpeniinr; 1,000 Gallons l.m.ircd Oil. W t>;iSfir a superior Coach Varnish »i 53 per gallon Our nork includes rvrry oniric u*ed by Conch anil House Painter.*. _ ' five StnffV we offer at purtlrjelarlvlow prices, having a law siock ot every arm le'nn-d l>y the trnrtc. j ihrti.lbr (.roiuid Feppei'i _ yiv.w tin Omiaiiton; j iMib.N.iinirps Mace. S'tierntm, 4e.. Ar. nen hi low pricr*. o;ve. via u : inquiry. Cli &. RICHARDS/ i. W. router lO,h nnd -M&ike. Sirerlt, I'hilaJeJphi* 2CU l.bls Dyewoodi; j ion carlmys o*l Vitriol: Co<) lbs lidign; • I Cjcblueal. Miililcr, M Alio. Cn uini Urindfiui rati, lao i lmrec for making ~FRENO “ Wholesale Droggi»t»,N. k|il(hi«W- Conaumptlve'a Consolation, Ikies tiekr.evi weigh npnn your heart t Or pain* oiHirt yonr brtnst • , r7y Hi. 2*M»ean'i i/ra/tng A Ami it will gire von n’M. ~ h clear- away the inUiy elmid ' !)ueate*pn*ad«oYr the «nul. Ami whispers through the gloomy f.hrnml, ‘•Your health may yet h»: whole " jc-r ) nnJer rose oi";lovc!y hue ' ■Tis withering with decay, It •earrrly *ips the morning dr,aft. Before it fadpsjwny. /-. 7 The Worm of Death was in tlicMtm. ’ I ' Ami atrengihened a* it grew— .. . - And when it bloomed, (a lovely'rein,) It nipped through and through. That Worm of Death might he defied, . ***'- If Dr. Dancan** art were tried: i .. And many lovely damsels saved The fate of an’untimely gravt. ‘ _ 07-DR. DUNCAN’S WKSTKItN OFFICE,No 150 * Sycamore streetj Cincinnati. Ohio; where lit* Talnahlc tiiediciue is sold. ’ Sold In i’ilUhurgh, by W.NI. JACKSON, corner of Wood and Liberty iu. - opl^dawF IXVALCABLE FANILV COUPASION.4-- CJIX LECTURES on the IteKSol fHE LUAOjSi^ J 3 Caa*e«, Prevention and Core of Onaumpt da*/ Asthma, and Diseasej of the Heart. ; Oft the Laws 'of I.ongovitj, and mode ol preferring male and fej male hoaltn. ■vmtnetnr and hcauty; expoung canned and core of those diseases that prodace Cnnsurop tino, or shorten life,at Aflectionsof the_Skin, Spine,, Stomach, Bowels,Hiidhey*. Liver, Scrofula;.Piles, Gnrcl, and Female .Lhmplaints. Its rules, *a»y, practical and pure, term a gu de-to perfect health , and long life. 28 Enghiringt. 521 pages. 50 cts. Postage SI cla BtISAMUEL SHELDON FITCH,A.Mi,M»D. > B,t70 7 I.ROAD-WAY,NEW" YORK. . . -ntting fifty ccnls, free will receive Any person remiUing|fi(lj«- ... one copy, by mail, to soy pari. Tlie trade supplied, Feb 10,1817-d6m f • ' ROSE OINTMENT, lor I'envr; U..-|(*«n«.|, Pimples on the Face ami ulbei Cutaneous Tepcra, Ringworm*, aud herpetic rroptivn* generally, ate among the most ttdit u« and oisngruriib'.e to whirl) the human frame i* liable [Situated aa it were, on the trcrge - of vitality it i* almost impossible to . reach them by inward lemrilie* Hence the inrfficacy of undergoing n courts of medicine, f-t sub,reiir.g our* ••clvcbto \he onromfortable cyatcin of rlriet dictr luen mean* by reducing the! *y»'em merely palliate th« symptom* while they afe in practice, u> reear t»» vio- Irntly. cr more so. when a gencroua dul i* re lowed to. Amt the generality of eiyi hi a I nppliefitionf hare no other effect than to heal the tl.-cate In one place, M»n "loHotv itself in the •■nine or another part. • When all tbf»r. m«n* have faUcIT, and jn many ae»err case*, a • p-Treveratule for a «hort time In iheo.se-cf the h4i»u_ Omimcui ha* proved effectual' l, ; n ® trouble «n apjo rot tlilinod wood «»■ nnd'lat a ret wood Wa URIFT THE BI.OQD AKD ChEANSE THE IIOOV—It i.l an ctUMilUd fae: that aj-very large., lats of diseases ran-only be cured by such rwi: /d ?* as will enter jmo the Hood. aad *>hioncU every portion of the body, for only bvtbia means can the remedy be liroin.li! imo tmra. there eta* ißfi wnh ihr disease; nr.,i t» Attain tl.i' l fle»ir*Me'e'ni|. m 2 reparation ln« ever Vrn *o ixito/mty soccm»^ ~ |)H I\ V SK* a A I.THRATIVK S-:refills-,•• KmgV Oaaccr and Can>emiis Turar.ws, White S«ei* liiiciL Enlatgemen’ of tllr Br.nrr. Chronic IthCtiraanam ano flout. Eruptive dresses o: the Sk<n. old ifrtJ intlc li-ut Ulceia, ti'o.trouiSacliir.gsof the TiroslcAc., *ra cured with « certainly that, hus a*lsui*hed every he* Jn.tdrr. Il u beside* one of the most pleaiant article* tliat can be taken Imo tuc system- operotine. a.*-n ionic . I and removing Dyspeptic and Nervous affectum*,and impaninff a slow nf irriiianuon and hex ill unequalled by Hnvlhlne'in the whole Mr.nca lorsateat t il.'. 1* Eli IN TEA SI ORE, No Ti Fourth rtreet. 'near WiAxt * - ;; , apfOngw _ TrEOKTAIIIiB PCI.MONAUV UAh»AW.. \—-Abotii four )cat« nn(/ I w*« attaefcrd with A violent cnoeh I tried varmu* scur-nc*. and eon toiled •eve.nl r hyV--ian« without ts-Ufc _f»a ih«; rreopmen* 6.tt.in «Vf a friend J -ro.nrnemv.d u.« r.;r theA tV«*w«T Balsam, and der' ed mimed,*« relit 1 from ■ ' nud hr continuing '>•<* n»<nl it a ‘lmutimelflyleongh wiienurtlf removed. I have eitee.ahvayt l«en U civaeif.nnd rcrotsrncnd.jd it to v.litni.aUlt a: ached with a cmigh, and never knew it t»/ailsl stving irntne idmic reiieu nlthoagb 1 have ret orrunerulyd tttomany, j can therefore, wnS» tmnOdencr reccramcnd ill to thfc. rouble v J: B FSInCE r hustov. November 20, JF-IT. • L > For fair by B A FAHNESTOCK kCo i a «: Itt ind wood st* and wsotl-aodfloiKl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers