The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 16, 1847, Image 2

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FMDAY Monsmo. APRILI6, lffr.
irv'TH rmnnea D*u.r OA**rrni* peWl*he<l
Dulr Tn-W«kly, and Wecklyi—Tho Daily ÜBerta
it FirtJDolltw wr.
assaoi; «e Weakly i» Two Dollar* per annum, tmtib.
m eirtur " . '■
Stile* to IdnrUun. . ~
(n* AqTeruwmem*, to *eeor» nuerooa, tkoald be
handed id by ftej afocneen. • Aueouea
loUutjodihepartof o&reuiMner*, wuoldbe prodne
tietof mylaal toeneit ■ ) : , , •
I: fob. oovernorT
*»■ JA»*» IBYIS,
(ov emu cocwt ) 1
|; toe ce*»**Lis»cecxTT) . ..
JOHN C KUNKEL.DaaphmCoonty.
T.iOdAd OUNCAN, . > “
JA«E» MARtIN, ' “
rnoklAS c HAMBL>,%ork.
WH.UaM M WATTB.CemberitaiJ.
Ua.MKL MfAMVShR, Adam*. .
JOH (p Wl-.TrtBRILL, Philadelphia C.iy.
Loiiarr conrad, “
r THOMAS McOBaTH, Philadelphia Ooaaty
iiluiKH uUTHER, ilerk*. ..
ROiIERT U HARD, Frnnklio. ;
lIAK«aR DEN>«Y. Allegheny.
jOStEfit || KUIJNB, Weraaorelaad
ft J O ALL, Erie.
M! D M aX WELL, Northampton.
J 15 SALISBURY; 88*q*ehann*.
‘ HENRY 8 EVANS, Cberter."..
ROBERT T POTTS, Moatgottery-
Bee fourth Pagafo ,MUc « U * n " oltJ Sewl '
ppenoßST MAKIHO.
<>rbo teal of thy house hath eaten me up,"!* (
the ardent exclamation of one In holy writ, wjio
•feeoed to belong rather to the (jrogreedve age of 1
oar day and feneration than to the calmer and
gentler age of the early dispensation. We sought
in oar poor tray, the other day,io define what
were the.true prindplea of a Government like
ihjy—« Republic eatabliihed in the new world
to perpetuate, If poauble, thoea prindplea of reb
oot and civil liberty which were'.denled oor fathew
in the old world, and which they aaerifleed every
thing of worldly condderation io obtain In the new.
The burden of. oor jeomplainti againit the mother
• country wae the attempt made by her to overawe
her colonies under the dark and, dangeroaa power
!of an overshadowing military despotism. All then
weri jealous of military power,and military men,
and for the good reUm then that the eword wa*
not congenial to the Sute, We woe not for e*-
a Rome with her Cmsars, nor a Car.
thige with her Hannibal*. The good and wiae
men'efotir land read enough of hisUry toknow
that the affection* and corruption* of men were
JaUke' every where.l They.felt that it wae ai no
' eatery tocheckambitiopaaitweslieentioasne**,
.and hence the check* end.guard* which every
1 where eurround the Government “Pure and
• peaceable,*' was the very spirit and principle ot
. their action, and they sought to establish both with
i w. nodi fa? rot and sincerity at If they had been
founding a umretaal church InsteaJ of a form of
j Government for a_Btota.
We think, whh aUrmpect and deference to the
judgment ofothervtbat it becoffleacatopayacwne
hiw4 to all these teaching* and, warnings of the
iUostmus fathers of the Republic. Wo think,
too, that history may teach us something, since in
the’jemphatic appeal of Patrick Henry, “there is
oo way of-judging of the Future but from, the
Paat,” and judging from the Past, are we not
- warned'that ware and starring armies, and the
lore of congest and powfer, are the rocks upon
which ell Republics before us hate fallen! We
h»»H' too much Tespept fid our “Anglo
Saxon race of men" to flatlet. them Into, the be*
lief that‘they are of thamsilrea puWr ; or better,
even though redoed in. the furnace df our Rapub
bean form of Goverameut, ibau other men. Moo
. ha*i the tame beads and hearts every where—the
1 cirtwmsUnws of pubfie institutions and domestic
1 education only changing, licit character*. Men
utufor the influence of God's benediction, are every
“of one form, one faith, and one baptism,’*
to j ,f Holy Writ speaks the truth, they are mor*
•tly of ope blood through 111 the nations of the
earth. We choose, therefore, morally to esteem
’ odr«d«e« as e people jost as good aa other: men,
nod no uetier. Our superijr political ad*antagee
ha*e been secured to u> paly from that higher
political elevation which his marked the existence
of our Government, thgugfcet rimes, we confess
jo ab|row, wiih sad deeleorion* or poblie virtue.
-Our hope is that; we shall Igo on prospering and
to prosper, but it can new be In pursuing the
• phantoms of military gloi y, nor in the deration
of .military men 'to our highest political
arid in beseech men top use at least long enough
to thi ik of ibe moral i; ifloenee of worshipping,,
arith the devotion we *>e all: around us, at the:
• Sbrinaof Mars. l I ' ,
We have referred to ti ro nations of olden time;
lourselves, nooi mod for commerce and
navig for arts and arms, for shiprights shd '
merchants, for armies' and shipt of war, and for i
Ml this refinement# of a high ei* iHzatlon. There
were 'ComsuU and Magistrates, Senators, Coon- j
aellocs, and aU-the elements of i well governed
-| politics! State. The origin of this classic land
~ ' was an humble emigration from Tyre, the great
•mporidm of tha ancient world. Froaaeoloriy
like that of Plymouth, or James town;-they grew
. to the finest city of the olden w irld, and in tha
. of power—proud as somof our “Anglo .
-Snout" are, now of a. name they would esteem
If— if they knew more of its hi< tory—they begun
to enlarge their “area of freedo n” by the subju
gation of a portion of Africa, rnd overwhelmed
the of Sardinia. The fci file plains of Sic-,
ily also| wings to-their lost of dominion,
and like oarselvcs in oar war* i nth a border Re
• public, they planted.citie*., and armies throughout
this rich and.fair country* Bi t Sicily was nev
er subjugated, and Carthage, In her- thirst of
dominion, was. Bhe struggled for the mastery of
the, world, and though thV greal rival of Roma, the
-learned cannot eten tell the spot where Carthage
was. AU are known io the wd words of the
poet:—^“CanTuae* U destroyed.”
One esample is as good as! a thousand, but
than are many strong resemblances between this
country and our own- It was the military poyrer
of tha former which destroyed the Civil Power,
' and brought her in subjection to the greater power
- of Rome, soon herself to afford! shelter for bats
tod birds of prey, rather than for those splen
dors for which she was known as the “Mistress
of the World." - \
'Wo have been lsd to this straiji of remark from
. the teal manifested by soma of our own political
and personal friends to turn to poUtical account
the brilliant victories of which General Taylor is
the hero.. There is, it would seem, a ledalu*
tide setting In bia favor for tha highest official of
fice in the gift of the American People. One
might te well dam up the waters of the Missis*
>jppi, or turn the current of the Ohio, when the
fountains of Spring have burst forth from every
hHI ridmlnd mountain;aa tostaylthiatorrent.
- ahsU certiioly engage in no bailie against edeh .S
’ ■ taro. Bat standing opoo the - river's bank, a
k olmohseiver of the aia broughtto
a rememb snee of other men and other timet—of
other man, to whom the nstioo owes a deep debt
of gratitu<e,aod of other times,‘when ihe public
ftmt |ai Men shook by ihoee
■ ucbMow atataa thi tow 1
' li* jvltM* »*»U ndstedrr life
Are we V r bigs, and can ire in the moment ot a
t miiifty iriantpb. howevef splendid, forget alto
gether a Dime like that of Harar Ctajr,endeared ,
r touajbya housandfaithful-eervfoeatoniseountiy;
fciomlf tio dvU champion ofa war with teams*,
tar powar of Europe whsp wewere struggling for
the freedt in of the .Sets, and against the odious
Impresstr ent of our Bailors—the great. Minister'
• of Peace, too, when England released her bold
Upon ooi ships and our people—one wboaa char*
Ishedsoanow lies buried in that great sepulchral
tomb, irtiere fell, hundreds .of our couolryment
To us tlje name trf Heiiry Clsy is boino upon ev-:
mj of *ood me*.
dapmfeice .pintTutoh ittpetim. A*»i» B
I Uboriojg Witb impaseiersed eloqtlt 0 :«to hush'j
storm atijjL tampeat[ofthieaieneil; disunion/
! ottf gMtt family of Sitite* have b ten !-e*id
| Offering ibeirdiscorilent nofee,
' * ' “Lik* •wfrtbelUjMjW'J-i of tv* *oi
the Nice «tUaarj.Uiay has a tilled Ue,'«torai and
uuited jo hood* of brotherly lore (hi tiling sod
disaffected. Tell us, if storming tb* Castle at
Vera Crox, or the eleven suceeeditigjioonibs of
victory, from Palo Alto to Buena Vi U, U moro
of a triumph than this. The name of Henry Clay
ja interwoven with every fibre of wr civil po
litical history, and when we forget him. may oar
right band forget its cunning and our tongue cleave
to the the roof of oar mouth. j
There isDaXlst Waaeran, too. e giant among
meo, the eipoander and defender of what we all
should; esteem as the Aik of our Political Safety
—a man whose effort has been, through quarter
of a century of eminent public service, to make
j “the Uoioa, one and inaeperable. now and forever,"
i —whose uniform counsels beve been, whether id
' the Senate Chamber, tho Court or the
'Cradle of Liberty, in the Capital of bis own noble
Massachusetts, that we were of “one country, one
constitution and one de#tinj /and certain to triumph
over all our enemies', if we would but honorably
stand by our glorious |Con»tiluUnn. ,
There are other “bright particular stars'’ iu our
political borixon. There is CaiTTcsjOk!',every,
inch a Btale#mau;—.SfcLsair, a profound jurist,
»n honest man, a consistent Republican;—Coa
wisr, a noble Ulurtration of our /reejiustiluifous,
arid one who— !
“WoaM sot fiaitcr Nvptuav for hi* tridcat,
It or Jot* <br bis ] »mr to Uniader.’’
There is Clst-io*, Dans, Mtxeix, Bsdoku,
•nd a score and more naraeji among us,
I men who have growr old in fighting honestly and
Ipeneveringly for* Whig men add meaaures,
good report a id evil report, and more zeal*
oosly in adversity tban in success. They hajre
achieved triumphs at home over the enemies of
the Constitution anti of good Government, which
makes their names worthy opour love and admira
tion. There is Scott, too, if military men,
are to be pot OTer [be bead* of civilians, who has
troops of friends.
As for General' 'met, we have bailed him as
the &an whom th< country delight to honor, and
if “the sober,- ascot d thought” ol the Whig party
thali nominate him to the Presidency, we shall
defend hit name and fame as the cashed leader
of-our party and its principles. But we bide our
time, grieved in spirit, that now, for milUiry,»uc
cess alone, —splendid and unparalleled through it
be,—all other names are to fill- before him. who
himself has warned us that military men were
not the most suitable for the Presidential office.—
We prefer that a National Convention, composed
of the Whigs of the Union, should, upon due rc
flection, and when choseo by the great body of
thq Whig People, make the Domination. Gone*
ral Taylor will have no lack of friend* there, as
behasnonein tho country. We bvve. Id day,
u we have done every day since we have occu
pied a post here, chrooicled his victories, every
incident of hiswbots public service, and the good
opinions ol the mass of mankind everywhere, in
commemoration of his daring bravery in war, and
brs modesty and generosity in Peace. We have
had occasion to defend him when assailed both
by the Administration at Washington, oodtbe
enemy in Meiicoi end therefore feet at liberty
not to run wild with enthusiasm, when nearly .all
the world are at hla heels. /
' We add, in conclusion, as embodying our own
sentiments, the following from prominent Whig
pveoe»: 1
From ihc Nev \ oik Impress.
Geo. Winfield &colt deserves as much credit
for the little lon of life with which be has cap-
Jared Vera Crus, aa for the capture itself. Ha has
shown us what (he, science of jwer can do, and
how Uean present- our men, as well i* destroy
an enemy. |
The military chiraeter of our two illustrious
Major Generals isj ae differentia* their education
has been, but both achieve greaV and brilliant re
sults by very different means, j Geu. Scott could
hardly have been persuaded jto run the terrible
risk run at Buitia Visu, or aj V-mterry, but in
the end, he would ioblaiu ab-mi • .>\ >ame result#,
with a saviog of lifJ, if with i j ■ v' Rough
and Ready is fall if fight, anywhere and every
where, and so is cfeott, but tie fovea to do bu
work scientifically. j
From lb* Philsdstptti {forth American.
Por the present, we hoist the name of no can
didate for the Presidency-in the North American-
Nwe are content with being Whigs, working bon
fwtljend earnestly for the'. cause. We have
! learned that tbsee-who are eager for uJw aitacb-
I fwnts, are the first to abandon oil friendships;
and when bard knocks are to bo given and taken,
are but feeble and weak used adherent*.
From tb* X«w York Trib«o«. '}
A paragraph got into our la»l paper Which
looks very much like an Editorial nomination of
General Taylor for nest President. Of course,
Its appearance was adverse to our wishes, apd is
regretted. We proffer foir pley to the friends of
all Whig candidates, bat do not intend to meddle
with the election—eertaioly not for a while yet
Tux Hoaoaxo Dk*o.—The recent'battles in
Mexico add largely to the number of the dead who
hive fallen victims to the wir xnd the thirst for
dominion. It is painful to lead how many have
fallen by the sword, bow many by disease, and
boV many in the various vicissitudes incident to
the soldiers life. We base found worse foe* in
Mexico than Mexican men alnd Mexican bayo
nets, xnd it is in the great ciarocl house'lof dis
ease that our coun’rymen hive fallen. The
haofca of the Bio Brmvo, from its mouth to Cirnar.
go, are strewed with tbe bodies of our brace to!,
diets. A hand more heavily than death by blood
and battle, has been laid upon ihote who have,
fromla sense of public duly, or • love of edveic
•ture, gone from amoog at. It it no( eloae upon
the fields of Palo Alto and Resaeado li Palms,
nor alooe at Monterey and Buena Vi,to, that the
dead have fallen. Wherever our arms have been
earriek it is all consecrated gronnd. If there were
stones to point out where brave men have
1 they would than whiten the gtouoJ
kovered with so msny sad memorials of
|ain. The couot/y sincerely mourns the
k these her sons, —and such of us at believe
a unholy end unnecessary war, have occa
jf i double shan> of sorrow, iin our. strong
etions, from the first, that we might have
laved all this sacrifice of life. Oocc hope
involved in the war,—for which the Whig
eras in no way responsible, and which they
now i
the el
lon o
this a
rht to avoid, by removing the causes of-the
war!—they have stood by lh» country’* honor and
iotarart with a courage tbatbosnever wavered. Uu l
when we eee wive* mode widows l ehildrcn orphans,
and eopa and to an untimely
grave,—and deaolale homea, and taore desolate
bearta, we are weary and heart sick of lbi.| war.
Bome, who have been the brightest ornament* of
the! country, aleep beneath the green turf of an
e&Jmy'a aoiL If, m Ibis Christian age, theri must
be (war, see commend the example of tho*f who
die the soidier'e death to their successor*. iDu/ee
at tnori propairin, is the favorite motto, though
in oor poor judgment, it were far better to live
for rlne’f country. We grieve deepfy that «o ma
ny af oar brave men have fallen, whether by bat*
tie at by diaeaae. Be it the eonaolation of sorvi
vinc friend* to know, that- now and fpr all lime to
come, it ehaU by a'lntefiil peoplebe slid and
“How sWrptlw brave. wbo siok loml
W\th «JJ tasir country’» wishes blestt
VTfica Sp.iag, with dewy gagers cold.
dcckOwir Mllow’d would,
►be tber* shall dm* ■sweeter sod, I
Thao Fancy'r fat bat* mr trod
By Fairy hands—lbcir knell is rosg.
By btw wmii rtif ir dirgs is song;,
‘ntrTf—Hmoreoews.a pilgrim gray.
TobiesstheUtf that wrap* their else j
And Ftcrdorn shall awhiU repair
| TodwtlL, a *svp.agh<faui U»n«.
extend not we fear "the area of freedom”
by oor war of cooqoea*. in Mexico, but it will be
do fault of thoea who obeyed the summons of
and who died in its amice, if we
depot do oor duty. A fearful contest ia to come of
wae of eooqoeel long after Peace thill have
been! and Mexico, end U u thii
we dread more even than the moat deadly bailie*
sod tha acoorge of disease, . •
& Whig Convention in lowa baa nominated
Orm-Teylerforthe Presidency.
'EftgHnaratjo CL ' JUU ’S? ,rT3 ? S0 *
Agriculture. Necessity has rnaoe/W® *O, ttod:
in the West, where stone and wooiiic too scarce,
to l«e of common use. the .same cxi»t*,j
There i*.tto'.hi»g more l«o.t*ru!ul loan a b*OC* of
hedges, whether of thorn, bush orimaf, buTln
enclosure of thctwafic .orange. of locust, of buck
ihunl, hawthorn, <*i hornbeam i» both easily pre*
paird and more enduring, wbcu mule, thau nil
the fancy work ul our tnoet tasteful and skillful
workmen. For prairie Unde and borders of ca*
m|« they arc invaluable. They ate.alidthe moat
economical as’well as the most beautiful that can
be made. The Osage O/aUge which grows, we
afd told, from Texas to Massachusetts, and which
ia found in its native Slate, upnu tbo Red River,
in Texas, ha* bepn tried with great success. -W e
have seen it growing luxuriantly io the neighbor
hood of Cincinnati. The Cincinnati Gatetto
x iru the following iutereaung record ot th? quail
ties'! and 'beauties ol the Or age al
Cincinnati, if not Uere, ihe seed may be procured.
We hope Borne of jour gentlemen, with country
seal* and cottages, ’will urlko the ei p n rirnenl :
Irpostorsi-ji all tho requisites of a brJge, being
covered with thorns, and growing bUdhy nest the
ground; it alio has a film neb glovsy foliage, and
bcara dipping well, anil it* thorns sonn iK-cpme *•'
bard aud thick, as to render a fence almost imper
ious to a rabbit,*nd cattle will uot‘brow.4.* mi them.
In it* native habitat, it attains to the siie ot a tree
of the second ortbiuj class; hut in Ohio, anil fitib
er north, its altitude it very modciato, seldom ri
King to the height of fifteen feeL he great merit
consist* «n the spreading mautur of Us growth,
the denseness of its branch.*, and the armature
with which they are furnished. Planled m hedge*
tow*, it would never become unmanageable on
- account of iu siio—-at lb.* same time. Ua growth
| isWHcieully vigorous fa make a fence in three,
four, or at trust livj year* from the seed. It may
be asserted with safely, that on lind of tolerable
fertility, the labor and expense of perfecting a sys
tem of hedges, would not ‘tic greater than to keep
oidinary enclosures in good order, tor the time re
quired to construct them. When completed, thi*
heavy item in every farmer’-* account would
j thenceforth be expunged.
Toe Osage Orange is readily raised- from the
seed. Uclike the various kinds of Thom, the
•eed vegclato with cetuinly in two or three weeks
alter planting. I'ndcr tolerable care, tho seedlings
will grow two feet tu more tn height the first sea
son; after which, they are fit to be removed from
the nursery rows to the place designed for the
The be»t way to atari a hedge of plant, is to
! procure 1 some of the seeds, nt which about 7000
are comprised in a quart ScaU them in wafer •
near the boiling point, and plant them in nursery
beds, in gndd toil, aud keep down tho weeds the
Gralyear. iu transplanting, the plant* should be
set about 13 inches apirl. The fact will enable j
any person to form a correct the i
number neecssaryto plant iu any.given.-length of
bedgr. The seed should be sown early: in' the
spring, and it not preferred to row ns above in a
nursery bed, to be afterward* transplanted, it may
be sown wbeic the fence is wanted, by preparing i
the ground, and usitig a garden lino to get the 1
fence straight,covering tho seed lightly with fine
earth. When the plants arc up, they must be
kept clean and well hoed; and in the fall they
1 eh-.'iild be beaded-down to within two or three
inches of iho ground.
' Mr. Wm- N*ff. of Vcllow springs, in an arti
fite in the Ohio Cultivator, prunouncts tho **o*sge
Grange decidedly preferable to any other plant for
hedges” The cdilorexprcsscj tho same opinion.
Vert beautiful specimens of live fences ot this
plant can be seen nt Mr. I/Horonredteu *, a few
ruilcs below the city;. at Wta. tt-w's, in Mill
Creel-; at the farm Utify owned by W m. NrlT. at
Cheviot; and at several oth»r places about Cinein*
pati. Thes* hedges ate yet young, fcul give prom
ise of perfectly answering the parjw.
Cits. Tati.ou,—o6c of (be highest comph* i
cicnts yet hcstoycJ upon U»ti. Taylor, «a# jutJ j
htmby Cap?. Hooper of the Umir.l Slate* Army, j
ot New Uil=*u» who *ty!cd Urn "ilio Great Cap-!
tiio of the age.” and who further ti iJ that “there';
n*t.')Hirr mtn lt)in him. H* lo.»krd after
the comf.tU rt the nun; wa« kind and aturn'ite j
Ulhtaicb; at:.! fc;* rjui iv*»o to t.-ar in-
grievance* ol all. llj» cs.< ;»:ca &l»> rmpiei h.u.;
#od the Mexican people had learned to liko him,
for hfjhai teen just to tIM-m.” I‘ratsc like this
from a fellow soldier i» worth qu»«? thnu all the
honoi* of the I’risideocy.^
John Sergeant at the greit Philadelphia meet,
j,,., jjjJ cf ihi' l-.'.ve <r'•neia.l tint ill clcrei.
; aioalha, be bad lucj'oe iiMoucal cnaim-v.i;
■nd with *n roulfsty, belied, vsnb
■ bii> cword utul lim pan wnito*! bt* own l>i?‘nu»
s j that it forms oo* of ‘he brightest cpir-eb-s in
»ho aunai* of lit* United IsuLs finer the days of
Washington. . t "
Caleb Cushing at si meeting of
monjinNi* o.!i‘an«‘r»' , c «'•'* -rr l timM>t“*whirh
will hnd a warm ierpc>u»c with ail w!i<» ,1* in
the lliumphtf of a patriotic and brave •>IJu-t.
TstLoa—Wlnun none ran rival m ?! >•
"ryoriinthe hesiU «l bis countryman. Moy bo
lire viroughout the perils that surround turn to
I wear the laurels that be has won.’\
,\(ff York To** Et-trna*.—The tVcnse-
cocuplJely overshadowed the u?oai
jHjlitieal divisions at u. my ot the town elections in
tbit State. The Expfe** »ay»:
Many Whig countlea ha*o cbo*cn Loco Foco
boards of Supervisor*. and on the other lunJ, tloae
counties have gone Whig by overwhelming major,
itiea. These clectipfts, therefore, bate very little
political importance, this spring.
The opposition to the National AJmini»tra.ijn
in New Hampshire are uniting to secure the two
I members of Congress, not chosen at the first elec
tion. With union they will succeed. Whigs
should remember fcvery where what Gen. '1 sylor
aaid to Gen. Wool, at Buena Vtsta s —•* Wr ran't
l/fbuit, i r/ien ini.all pull together."
Rcr. J.N. celebrated Minister i* j
sUU preaching in South Common. M-E. Church. ;
Allegheny city, to crowded bouse.*, and with very \
considerable apparent effect. of,
persons present themarives for the ’plraycrsoftbo i
church, under his impassioned appeals, and a deep |
religion* excitement pervades the congregation. •
On Tuesday evening the Rev. Gentleman da- j
lisercda lecture in the church on the "Glory of;
Mechanism,” In a largo *nd respectable audience. |
(t saw a beautiful and highly joetical effort, am) !
appeared to affud great delight to the assembly, j
This evening he lectures again—the subject. “Go. i
Irlali Relief.
I '<We*M'idtu£« of tlic
*1 (Pa 0 April IS.
Enclosed is 200 dollars for tho IMief Commit
let 1[ baveV'ctivcJ upwaids of 1,000 dollar* mid
it in. Most of it l:a» l*c-rn paid over ti*
Iho Philadelphia Committee, and 150 dotlaisrent
to the Tariib of Uiyn, hut **• wnJ ibis to you
prtfiirriiig tliut it go in tho shape of provision*, deem I**l. ami most profitable. I
knoiy from tho interrst you manifest, that you will
bo willing to lake the trouble tbejy will gi»o you.
aiul Wi riiiect hi - rend more vijry soon. Very
truly yours, C< M. IIEhD.
W.x. Eub?, E?q.
tbw life, tho end of human odious. The mllu
rnc« never die* lu every wjjlnoi.igi citric it
reaches beyond the grave. Gfath rci j f, vcv u*
from thiv lo an eternal worlJ—lime determine*
what shall In: our crindtti.m in that tvurlll. Every
morning tvheo.w« g<» lorib. wn.lay the. moulder
ing band .on orjr destiny, and’ cvrryj evening
when wc have dune, we Imve !t/i a dcalbW* iio
. pres) upon.out character. Wt- loQch not a wire
bat vibrate* in-eternity;—nut a*bfobbut report*,
at tbo throne of God. Let youth'wpacially, think
! of these things, and let every that
| in Ibis world where character l* iahfo- formation
state, it i* a serious thing to ipealf»to act.
— Phil. Obttrvtr. - 1 '"’■'r-
ONWftttO A.ND'UPtVABU.j • .
Onward aod up*a-<l Urt blue wauk# 1* cuflinj— f >
Oaward tad ujmari U»«'bgM»e*d 11 srhnlinp, !
Bouo it w.n rrit bj the limpid «t»cwdpui|u.g,
Ttoi* .1. Urep »«!eiK* li(j
s u thro nib >■ .lit ’ '
Whtstl.r ip it-ert/Bitt, M>J met! tii,d-bUra aj* tin;
ItilcDdercisip bunt*. aji<i »jutcklj up
Pirfumt t< tha sir m *wtcl>) i> b.iuzihs , !
So. Id uuc life be
sprM >“ »u«»tthl I.;
, u d gpn i the lte*« a*r aweadi**— i
: lark with lor wiug tht pure *kyui rm.tu.* -
' £oirr;» in llir «iiutighl upward »f» Imdiiii;,
( *olel u> upna-il »u»r
Till our tio«b]e»s(«r>’cr.
rd Uw »pint from iu «(/rrow
riiand ounmrdTruiQthe omek fljinf arruw
10 die reanatha! koowttii no mo.mow,
Ayt.w let cur thought! riui
' , 'T\j tbe beaatifal *l|tv». I
;Jk »>. | -1 -
ukewiviw**—-The clergy and lait
*nt. deoominalitnJa .of colored citric
red th«t Ibo /utl Tuttdoy in Hoy
mt fts a daj of Thanksgiving to A
for the glprioos results brought, if
ialibe Pennsylvania Legislator*. ... r
. lirr^r L. r _ I, iihii'”.ii nr* 1 ''ifui ■■■Mn | 'y» ! T t >«-^'fonyniTgv : lwr>TTv^rK-g?ALlicr.
f- £-*»;* ¥ i
tin th# : «odr« it which j&kt geniicmcn had «a»J: pajlieawas m the-** . s<h a , to^,e PowerS. Sira*,ltd* dCJ-HW
i I biyr bet- 4jfr m>:lhtlo interest. the ieoniHißUDictpalitfj a»d relulled in a brilliant Jri* titw st>e*i Circular*. nandi„!tf,Cjr.u.
'debatpln ouWir m rria- ' ut .“|,i,j or thelAVhigs, who elected all tho ratm- Book sm- npiiuT.Tyixrivr.i
tion ill yyhich'ScitJtfbr Stratton ' thc U.hcrll Council, and thirreut not" 01 •“ «*7 rxrrui .• a•• nut-,1 ii, r ~.{
: Kb«! C M {.n.dp.UjJ.M J .., Ihe Municipal .Onmcil. . . ■ , ‘"'"•"'f':”"" 5 ■f-««.«J a...U>^ it ,ap;,
j.i i*a* aomcwb-U couluiinycd a* eyac-ot. lat iu--:■. .. ... I <f ' :il < - / __
lian# advanced by vou Ihr Kcv. l>. l>- l*ore -has been appointed by («>-llarnden A Co - *' ItemUtaiin inner. i
Ibe that, tfil reading j»ur idmart*, l misapprrUn- * V • ; / ; _ Ti . c M , Mfnbe r ,r m ., .o • • i : ..- ;l .Vs.
' ded tbHr purpoTt, of am *i> dull bT apprehension the MelhoJut Cln/tch p missionary to s° u, n : s-otlaml uml tVu!<- r«*gm.triv at'tbc iai.- tr. <;.,|;v. I
i that lMn.wt.Mre their mup.dily. The . America, t „ belted at. Montevideo, in place of j 1
■ ter paj>e»i wale you say, pnal-yflU .would prrnr ll} t . sir. Norrif, who is abbot to return home. 1 mu>i be msile-i ou iuc Csitui,«i. r i.ipuij&t
i a despotic government. <ff an aristocracy, to * , , r , outoa thon«aal tonus. amt m» extra eiwixc ui hirer
gorernm-ot where the numerical msjonty «“*• \t ( . Aleiamicr Rodgers, a_ deguerreotypiat. felf- ?nn Vfih j
erne, aud ihen you say 'hie »* Dorusm, ami that ; j n ,^ e ,( r ,. v t rt 0 f 'New Vurk on Monday. It —» 1
I the Senator from tyhitde island was the U»t per- j *oop«'**ed that bis death waa auperiaduccd hy o_y* Itcv. J. X. MaffHt will deliver a I.enure,
non in 'he world from whom you expected such j uJl aU:i„n from thb mercury bath which be ia '« #Joth Comimwi M. K. Church. c,tv, on
1 doctrine, because Rhode Ulaud had ta.ted of its compo | ip ,| to u*, [„ the practice of bu ait.—
bitter fruits. Now I had(K>nrd to one oMS.-vc Amrricivi. , aat Gun of l.wertjT ' ' |
who went opjwsed to the NVilmot, and - . ftujle Ticket*. Jsn»-ii>nil* nia » an.l I^niy.
»„ wailing with «nw aiixi.'i)' in n you. .i,n. flw Tckgrapli Line to Fred«ickrtiurg| will be
ajron the subject. U wa« with gieat surprise anu coro pi e t t ‘d the present week, and operations with "<.re of Johir Pinker. Aihßlmij Cu>. ni.r. ji ttt<*
asloni-.hrntiit that! r?ad melt sentiments, from . ~ , Meihodui Book r-'iore, fourih *trrei, J’niet.urgn. and fit
* . , „ , , , . Newcommenced about Monday ncxL tav do.>i*lli*
ooe enjoy intt .»'> ntuch teapccl ami cotittJencc. 3 '“ l • *
Thu following i» Mr. C’alhoun'a rcplj:
Fort Hi li,'wist March, 1847.
Dear Su:—l .ee by y«>ur letter, that you bare
lornird your .*jmd >n ot« j vety int.n'ileet rtpoit
of i>tiut 1 ;a>J : and «u .oiler that you may see'
what I did iay, 1 mcln- tha, which I
contains « c.oi .led opt of my reply to Mr. |
Snnmoii", with my reply to Mr. Turney., and ray !
»ji«ech on ray resolution! 1 . !
V..u will blt tbit if 1 am vipp-.ioj to a'govern : j
mrnt ha*<d on the piincipb- that « mere tinmeri* j
cal rnsjority lias a right f.» govern, I am equally
‘opposed to the government of a rntnurity. They ■
arc both the govemnjenl rf s part ott-r u part. 1 1
arc ill favor ol tliu government of the whole, the
«mty\tcally and truly poputur republican govern
merit 1 —a gim-mment bared on the concurrent ma- 1
j a>! | ent of all the parts, through
their rcspPtfuve inaj.inties, and not the mere gov
eiuuiL'iit of tho majoiity of the whole. Such is
ihe ciusutotion and government of tho Untied
State 1, and such ate all really and truly constitu
tions i governments. The government of a mere
majority or minority is not popular enough for 1
me, ihey arc both in their nature despotic, and
notconstitmirmal governments. Ido not object
toeitended sutfrage. 1 hxve ever advdeated it.
By tdurrism, 1 mean the right claimed for the nu
merical majority, and that 11 has the inherent and
absolute right to govern, a sort of right to govern,
a sort of right divine, like that claimed by Sir
Robert Kilmer for Kings'. 1 Such ,a right has no
| foundation, and \s iocoUsiatimt with the very idea
| of a constitutional government.
With respect, I am, <stc.
• 1 jftHfr c; CAi.nouv.
Robert L. Dojr, Esq.
- The Baltimore American, of (be 14tb» urgrs
upon the Director! of the Baltimore anti Ohio
K»il Hoad Company a subscription of $BOO,OOO
for the Pittsburgh Connection. Wc copy all we
i have room for of this illicit:
The Company have resolved three thine*: —
First, that it deemed a connection tctxvccrr'Bilii
more and Pittsburgh desirable, if it can bo obtain
ed'on reasonable terms; secondly, th&t.lhc Cora
| pant cannot consent to look at Pittsburgh as tho
| only Western terminus of its roul; thirdly, that it
will not consent to the making of its road to Pitts
-1 burgh by the Northern or Casselman’s river route.,
i neither of these propositions f,.rni*hr>
anjj condition pjcccdcul to stand in tho way of a
| suUscrip'.iun baua fide and at once, upon fair
' ' loins, to tbs road between Pittsburgh aid Tor
! ! key Such a subscription would cid to *>c
r curio the prop j-cJ Connection M oc reasonable
‘ | terp*;” it would not imply that tho Company
' j was locking to Pittsburgh aw tho only Western
’ > terminus of iu roaJ; il would m*olre no ijut**-
! tioh route by Cavai'linari’* river or otherwise.—
Wo may say, upon information which warrants
the belief, that no difficulties} about questions ot
route* or-of connections arc likely to be interposed
by, Pita-burgh in the event of a cordial proffer by
oujr Company of a union of egotts and means on
the bvi* which we have referred to. There
is j indeed oqery probability that Pittsburgh eul*
pcriptiona vv: 1 1 go promptly to the Bin mnt of coven
hilndrtt! and fifty tbonvaiitl dollar*. Putting awsy,
therefore, at once and frexer all recrimination*
and iliH’rus'aanJ jealnuih's between the two ci
| ties ouJ Cotnpauic-', let ui hope that all pula’*
. may fin J th'it the ••cca.-mn ha* no-* ccruc tor uni
: lim; ir- sri ly m lia- *»! ft L'»*al work,
jwhir'i »h*!l feta .id as a memorial ot wt-e polity
and a source of mutual and perpetual lionefit*.
PaoroßTto.\ oy Menus** to visr. Ministry.
' —\V> stated l_»«: week tltaf the proportion of
member* iu the M M Gtiufch in this country to
the number <>f preathcri was much smaller than
tn the Meth.dM tonm-aioii i.i by/glund Me
had not then the nature* by iv >ji>‘li "ti» ve£fj£
our statement. We find iu ope of our cxrlmo*
gr. the foil-wring j>ir«uia* the number of m*m
ber-t iiri.l-.travelling ;*fe«rher* ii( the British Con
uixion |ii. i,i , i -., if.-;tl.f; rfavelling preach-.,
erv, l.Gs?. Wc «lo not know whether this num
ber of member*.include-, the loeal prr-uelitrM*
nor whether the number far travelling pfem
■ uclnile-. the superuMnuat'-iL But takiug th*-in
just as it Stands, they g*r»- il-/ about ‘dTli
travelling preacher. The miiubem in the
Al. V- Church proper, m this*; couutry, ar*.
member*. unrludiug while, colored and Iwfi
; cos.; ti 14,299 ; preachers, {inclittitug *up*ran
j uunteii,/ l'tn« ' Will ’ giro us a fraction
! less th'ufi lr*t» members to each preacher, <«r
i about tiV.e-lhird lees tlinu tbtyhave'm England.
| Ought i\ut tins to be taken into the .account m
; vstimaiiQ” our abilities for supporting foreign
1 especially wlieu comparisons ure in
•‘stiluted |ietween us and our British brethren?
matter there i» u wide be
tween os and the M- E. Church, South. In
clndiug (heir colored member*, Indian*, Ac.,
they have about 31T member* to each preach
er : and leaving onl their colored membership,'
iliry »tlll hare about 227 mrmber* to ••acli
Hut if the Southern Clmrch ha* u larger pro
portion of membership to the ministry than we,
our Canada brethren North of u* are aa far in
ihe other direction. They have ouly übout 135
member** to each preacher ; and ye!, we believe,
they su®tamUheir financinl b inaUct.t better than
either of tbmolhrr American bodies. Goes this
thing of ihe\ proportion of membership to the
ministry depend on the latitude, «r the tempera*
lure, that Ute 'farther North wo go it is found the.
'.ta.-, and the '.farther South the greater? Let.
the curium* inquire.— Adrtcot*.
Elci-tioxh in ISl7,—Election* aro to bu beld
during the remSpidcr of this year aa follows:
Virginii, I Apl. 22 Maryland, •• f>
Ki ntueby, (.Aug 2rt Carolina, *• 11
Illinois, i " Pcnnsylva’, “ 12
: \li?*nun, l - “ «>bio,
I hjd:an.», \*• Michigan* Nov l
Alnban.a. 1•* •* Musiwippi, ‘ -
i .'i Caroliria, •• ■Si Louisiana, . ••
I Ter>ae*-i*ec *• “I’ljeia*, •• *•
j.iTermor.t, Mopt "iNew York “ 2
[Maine, * KJ New Jcrioy *•
] Georgia Oct 4jMa«3thu’Li •• 6
j Arkanr** ‘ “ 0
i Klorida, 0:1 ll' *
Inc ptopLK »:onb from ?— I The
t ingpfr, an>l "most of the UotcU of
aro hero anong ihc *cry t*«t
r • crowded. Hide u a rueb to
at, and a larg« ogree* by day.'liql
> not teem to <lirairiit>h.' Wiih a
r nd went, lht» btininru would soon
1 that wilhoot tho W-d debipent
rigntiou. l*jeop|o utety where
lun contryaitectf for their cbnve* i><» •
city is full of *ti
t'ic city, and il
Oie cnuiilry, or
town every nigh
ih ■ iiuuibrr* do
Kail R .Jil rant r
l>o iloul'ied, am
to -the river ru
multiply faster
Oolliim [Ncl.t Vufk] licences h»ckfl, cabs, ala
scr, juuk ibopf, scrvanu’-placo offices, butcher*’
meat shops, pawnbrokers, noil second band vdeal
prs, «nd sque :*m $l5>79Q o\it of. them yfatlj,
while Cornelia* W, Lawrence (collector ol tho
poit) pays $2l ,000 to MTentean men as “oei»Q.
rt-ra” to l»ucl i Sara, whoiw joint icrtiees, other
than poli/ieal an* not wortU a cent — r Jt.
Ml OtMoLRiT!
list «ix nonlh
weio upon r«l» n
iix month* of la
in lh<* eulirn capi
i'mt to M.WJ.OOf
m a Matan oria i
, inform*, that
an adsante on i
ill coalmen oon !
Tbs Utter alto states Ibai Gent i
able to toko pilh with bijto etg i
—quitn enough, in (bo opinion
the oIJ bero'^ putpoWii,-4*/fofr.
receipts for tti
'first of April*
njjp {M-r cent,
hut year won
, proliiMy nmo
i of the
i is ha«s
.nest be
\ Imighty
ioot by.
The books' Tor sub&fjUtatT
ed in thu cinr, on Saturday, lk*
■mount of $JO6,OOO t 'an'd opw
ieribed.— \YKtthng lArgut-
Correspoiuleucc of I'lttsbarch Gnxelte.
(Corrri|wt.d<ac« of lb* Pittsburgh G,telle. j
Wo have four day a later from Mexico iti on
Extra fff>:n tho New Voik Sun office, giving us
fourdayu later nwr* fromjlicrity of Vera Ciuz. A
paity were orgjnixiQg ip tho cily*nf Mexicrr, made
up; mainly cd'lhn Merchant* and Church, who
wihr determined on Peace. The 'Fame party
w*>e organizing ogaipsl Santa Anna, and will
oppose him should he mil be in favor of Peace.—
Santa Anna will study his interest and safety, and
propose peace when he find* the People in favor
of it.
The Mexican news via New Orleans, i« to the
l?th March. The piper* aro occupied with the
miserable detail* of the two factions in the city
of Mexico, one under Cemex Farias, tiie Other
under Gen. Penny Bartogan. Much blood ha*
been abed, but without any decisive effect.
FA Rfpuhlicmvj of the Islh March announ
ecs (hat the , American arms have triumphed in
Chihuahua, that the city of Chihuahua, ihe capi
tal of the State, has fallen. The small force*
wbiclt defended it, say's the R'pubUcano, were
routed. The N". O. Picayuue *aye:
We cannot but infer, from the manner in
which the Republicano introduces the subject, that
Chihuahua did not fall till after a battle glorious
to the American arms.
The Republicano of the 17th March reported
that cetUin Indian* of New Mexico, ! Loa Chi
mayo*.} to the number of 3000, have'iiseoagainst
the Americans, oad joirjed the pueblos previously
in iniurTection-
The entrance nf ejanta Anna into San I.ui* Po
(ofi on the Bth ult yeas a triumphal one. All
classrs went out to meet him two or tiuao miles
on the r->ad. At night he was serenaded, and,
the town illuminated. • ' ,
<.orre«pom’.''nce of the I’iiifhurgii riuicito.
PniUiDELriitA, April 15.
Mr- Poland ha* rceigoud tho office of Treasu
rer o! lio- Pennsylvania Hail Uqad.
Raymond & Co. have met with a severe toy*
by the drowning of (lie too splendid elapbam*
to their menagerie. They were drown'-
tjJ in tire Delaware river while their owners were
attempting to place them on hoard a ferry boat.
They tried to twirn. but becamr chilled or exhaus*
twl ai d M.'ik- The loss :* $3O 000 t-i tho own-
J’Lc Flmr Market b favorable influenced by
tw,. lau.rc*. viz: a failing off iu liie receijils and
derliiu* 111 Frrl'.'hts to Futi |k*. The has
1 fl:>< M-U W i fifin'at <G S7A »7,1*0 jvr UV.—
The 13:t sale W:it :it ihc lop figure which I n.nv
qm-le. ...
_ Fur Wheat there is ji, active Jea.snii and to.
day Gale* 12.000 bu Whival Ifioals3r par bu
Flour wa* engaged fur Liverpool t.i-d»y at 4
shillings 8 pence per bM—quite a deefine.
OjU are scarce and ibe market fit* advanced
to4«p« rl ' u -
Tb.‘ Riv- •- !.n:v n -w iu tint; orJrr to Altaiiy. i
ttirre biv«- :.-♦>) i-4«»y arrival* ol Fbnir and!
Gpm. In i.iinequeuce operaiioij-i lisvr beep |
crii-ckrd t<> a ciinsiderablo i‘Hcnt. Puci-s haw \
f.-|t the influence, and it tho close weft* unsettled.
iT.c’r-li at present a Urge *!odi in I*l h«ud*
Plio »vtct>-il were at $7.73 1,' J<1 j |*ur
and of Wrrlrm &l $7.2fi —a dccliui*
In the nurket -Wheat nothing new ha*
ttanvpued. (
Corn—The market bis been active; Whiter*
01 md Velt-iW 9t» fir"ptime of b'dli dcscriptions.
Ol Veliow, sales (iJ.IHIII bu. *
Cnrmncal—The mlc* fo diy were ut
Sa!#r uOO pegs Wedtrn No*l ut
No local new* woith Telegrophing.
Kl 'Ur li3« advanced aril! further. liujera gave
into the at. hoiJers, aqd Ho«atd at reali*
ted ibii o«l*»ns price at the date of yratcrdaj’a re*
port—fC,7s per bbl. Subdeqacriiljr lioldrj* put
the prices up to $7,00, but buyers would not
meet t!u-m. and no tale* at that price. Ciiy
Mi:U told to Jay at $7,00; the advance on both
description* is -5c pei hb!. At the close of thia
r>*|»>M. holder# of city mill* are demanding $7,124
•7,tBj. The market it firm at the close.
in Wheat tome busincM bu been White
ti-ild at 158 c, and Red at HOalMe per bu.
Tbo maiket hat been ijQtto cleared of Corn by
the recent transaction*, and prices have an op
ward trndeniny. Tho aalea to day tverc at 87aS8
ceuta for Whitt', and. Yellow at_J)2aolc per bu—
an advance on both description*.
Our.tneal is fair, aalo at £4.75 per bbl.
*<l IIAVK FOUND ITV'-Eueelw.
OnsiaiMti, O , Mart!. dd; 18-17.
pear Sir:-Thii n luftrlifj to lb* public, ptrilnlul; lu
those atllictert with a disease of the Lungs, or Coiuumpthm,
dial iu lb« Spring of l&tf 1 whs at lacks'! with a ictere cold
which soon became sealed upuo joy lungs, thowiug all• U.<-
symptoms of >» (,'ousumptiou. M J cough was
tight and troublesome, attrnded with copious instil i«e»li; 1
ijii! Up daily a (.liasplemlle'rjuaulity nf raised with
thick dark matter My situation U.came serious and alarm
tug During 'hit .lime I w»i attended by l«u of our most
Pailful riiytioau.; the) alp! the best they cuuliTlbr me, when
a t 1.-ngth they gate up all hope* .if my rrentrry, informing
me ih ii nulling more could be done—dial my lung* were f»-
laJI) diseased, and beytyad remedy t was tlirn i-nnvled by
a friend of mine to make a trial ot lb 1 . />.<nran'i Erp riii
rnr;{ wlti/h my I'hytieiaat persisted againtl, saying
that ll.ii umii' iuf would' do i»i good, atid would dill add
mere In mi soUVring. I Inld them if war my bit and only.
ho[W, and 11111 if ! mint die of die disc-aut, (which war e.i
j t ,.l | u me,) th»rr would be nothing 1011. Ho I Hut lu the
iCineboiali Oliirr and obtained bottles of ihi. truly Yalus
'blr Medicine and roiamuutd tiling according to the direr
Tiv.ii, which, instead of adding bunt- suffering,'immediately
eaiu.y the )<ii.i and lightness in toy Ctir«t: gising me a u< w
,|iT<- and whirl, •itm enabled me (a be about agwin
-Thu uirdl-iue ■ •■ntiuurd il» good work, which it so nobly
cminetn ed. i.nlil IhM made a wind man > lure since bein'
fetteudiiig ■ - my boriutM, lupuarda of II yean) and fed as
h.iJth) a- I ni-li 1 lute reroinmaiiM Dr. Duncan's Ka
prdurain Remedy in uauy install. r» to llio>c similarly alilkted
and it has always provrtl syerritful an far tar I hate Sritnetsrd
itieffcrtr. My d'trr ii tulug thti medicine at prrieut for a
Luir and an Ajftelian tj Iht Lnn^ l , which the
gad suffered with for some time; >|.e has nearly retosered
by the use of .this cuetlitiue, and 1 am confident the G.bollln
(hat t Ukc .\ith me to-d ay will entirely curt her. lam aorry
to know that ilierr are thousand* of nimble person* wasting
, .way witli this dreadful drstrojtr-CONSUMrTIO.V
Were it otily jiotiible for those to procure thii medicine in*
llnir, before il be too Ulr, mtuy 1 itcamight be prolonged and
their families and relation* again rendered happy. Thu
atdirinr will gire imtjnl relief, and at the same time ami,
hard usd painful Cough, retaoee the ligblnet* in the Chest
gfte strength to the enfeebled hnj rmaciatrd frame, and iu
tb*t r«*es, I jm rrtlain, will perform a perfect < uie. ’
i.noAti.—Tfap grot a
i»—-ending on the
’ $74,01)0 overthn
• t year, being over
>i al. The receipt!
I, and ibis year will
; N o.—Tliose who (hay nul U. aeijfaioied with uk I. refer
14 the underiignrd ritiiens of Moutgaaery, llamillim coun
ty, 0., llier will at .my lime fulntaiiliile theabote slu'emenD
* Bbowbcl;.,
CaPT-d. Hbider.
; 4)R. DUNf'AN’B WESTERN OFFICE, 150 Sycamore
where (hit valuable Medicine can always be obtained.
>A3ld In Pittsburgh, Uy WM. JACKSOi?,.corner of
Wood and l.ibcily ai». ]
Icorrcipondent, da
l (Jen.. Taylor nn
fan Lois Poti)»i,
be IStb i infant
i ra! Taylor will be
it thcmnad'troop*
of the. Writer, for
'*, Welded Wrought Iron Fine*.
SL’rrABLK for Lotonkmuo, Mafihe.and other elenm
Engirt* Itoilen, from 2 loJSlnches (liamcter.. Aloo
ipjnpa fnr Oa*. Stcttn, ondoiher purpose*; «xtra etronjt
Tolxfor Hydronlic frcaaca, Hollow Platon* for Pomps
oftStenm Engine*, &e.
MonnfacWrril am) for aalebr
Worchoo.e S. K. ennier Thltd nud Walunt atrget
p-ibe bridge, pla**
fc, and-clock to the
iri* hail' been tuf*
[iySwf»l la Pleasure after-Patn* —**->
r,m« me I‘or!, uml, mi rxcluiw « ihe ‘Uiferor 'tnui I**!*'',
uit-r lr!«’in ? Dr I'phnm's l'.hcru.uv. an ip
icfnai iriutdy'lbr ibat compilin'. ft» c-.i-hmy bvs
b-en honestly acquired from it* own mtriK. a* ilpj
• and* would proclaim, d.d not a - en-eof d.Vca •>' born
il:r untilrc of ilicil'irufC lor'.-1
lii*So!.l, Whoie-.iV mu kV'igil, by V.'VA'IT A
lari'CUAM. lil Fulton»u«'u New York. Ws Tuo*::.
M’lflrt *tri*Pl. im-t I*. R S\VWt:C. s*n.itl.f..e;d -fee',
. I'iit-liurifil. I*.|. Pr.oe *1 pet irui *f,16 t»v
New York. April IS
(ry Important to AUverlturru.—Tl.- tdwi
n»"inrn!« Qjijienf in llir Un"I,' 1 ,' Moriiiiu: fiarctic
al»o m tin* Tr; -Weekly ,'iiiu • t vm|* tlic Leu*
elit of the c>i<'ulaun,i of n‘l, jvii'nui .my n.!.tj:i£ni«l
■:h3ri>r, Tin* .s an ad Vanias' - ;cour ml «•r:.-'ii. wiiliotrt
»aj'climit)ii‘ii‘c. AJvemvnicn. ibu .milled
in ihr country payer upon rc4«msl>rr ie M n* -
JQ-AVk nvde tt«e attention of nur fru.l- r* 1,, me n
traordmat y cure* of beioiiit't p-rfc-mied I. «• Hr. CuUtn •
/nr/iun Fanarta, wlneh iheyu.l ircord
without doubt the moM wcfttrlet iul ..n r. mu!, and in vs
*o ticcn pronounced by aunty of c.u. nio-i respectable
physician* The art! iCied and oilier* in:ei«-<;'.il. me re
queued to visit theai a! the.r-eceral |iJn*. oi ain-lc,
ami learn fioni their own lip* lu.: wondert'.l . Jrct- ul
the medicine. Tire fit*'one named » Mi liu:ic Flunk*,
who may be *re;l daily, bei'.vee . the J|.,ur» »•; HA. iV.
and d l’. M ul'.lie nitieeot KowaiuiA VVoltoti. 'N»> '<*o
Market «t. I‘ltrfftda. ocl
iso, oo. BOOTS'- b,UO;
7 no. oo KoirnTii stukrt,
TUK r re/[.eciiu I’y inform* tin. pubiir :hrt
fiefto.of Rood und w-rktunn-h-p
lu'l’iU'-burs It Tomlw pt* «• Tl,- han.isoinc lloM
wdl he made to ..-mre. m.d -.mmi-ji.i u.mi a* r.pre
Muted, amr V* low } fn, v iTV'K ROU.AKS
nr'm-'.n ' /.. j'i '' " UL
JTy-Consumption u* R rtitentr Out.- ,--yu x its
victim* by thousand* to the ninth, wiilm.i. i.*iii
prt>sre«»at ml minded by the mcu.i.iie. ,i • muio:
u*e; hut il bubbler day -- Cumin*. nay, lie n f-'d)
rente, v.-li' n tin-dr-mltul diseaae can be •-•■*3
cofobattAil. Dr. Ifoi;'’?*'prepnratioti oi L ver.f'' T Jlel
Tur| nol only r. I ef m all ra ti of Cold. -..0d
IL'oufii, Ac . t.nmrdiSieiy, but fn-»n the lentunoiiy Z - n*
llrinetl of lltf lt«S?i*-*il ►tanf'ms. ■* makmjt mi., v- <y
remcrkaldi; cures i-t Ci»:>«*. t im- 1 ; e. .be
irpQlu.etH o’ - iliac.ixi i*, Hml.nmlt.ns can utrei't
it* spirit in tin* progir-*iVc n?e, m u-idrner m ‘.vli.e'n
wa iiiv.ic the ju-ciHirtii wf .n:r CM./cti* to lit•• ••• i. ac-ne
ty-Uev. J. N. fllalTitt vvi.l .n SoatJi
Oomipou. M. K Ciuirch on Sabbsth next at li'o'.-iock,
A ami at T o’cloeV. I'. M. "eMsfire. .ip'.'-l *.•;
' 1 DIED.
(iu illc :n*t 'lll. c.l It - F.i;.-, o;. wirp'i .
I7r*, 1:. l-’..v-'te 'fu»v,.<;. •>, Ailrglseiir C-i
BKNJaMJS Ml \ r:v. «ged ~-(tr»; v.-tof -1 e 1
mul iiit.ah'nf t..« f.ivraEa
a.N jiKNT.- AND Ml MC— lob., il. Md!..., No c!
w.m.i xi.-i i.■•■.uti, l)i:iu...iid a;>, and imniji
IS now open i'tr. ar.d or »ai« at very low prirr*. -n
eic'rwlii u**or.iu.-!it of Mm cm liimiunit —. x i.clf't
•'rr,.a , n-c ;-nr-oi'abtms. ceux- ,
Kn’ic'i Accurn*-. •• ! . ,
V.o'.ntcllos. W.tii pl i 'I •'d ,iil'e'it Vcr-.r -.
One ve.-v Dm.b.e Jl.,*eV.e.nerrl
II I • «iic{t*. 1 ,- .|. tvs, l it't ► -L.'it J’-.iHelde; •
T .nn-.a-i-lii'-. .in-, in u p. •.
I'l-nr'.t Hx :i*. To. 1 'i-U-t-i.u. s,
Drums. Taj.!).’ nr •. ,* *.i A<.
\ WtiHli' -A r
• ill -II i.Hi . Pa-.. • IK-’. t.'..u .ie,.l ;irlt:ilj;..; Ol lh >iC
| fcd.r. t nil* Ol me r..r..itu-m‘e.l Hfm.chi.s. f.iromc 1..-.-
|r\.if.i!». til**..'* iSori I' 1 , rn*. t ••».«. r'e . tie I'oi
! iietJ.rrn. \\
. Punir.l.ilii.ul'ni. Mrd eme,;
! Tre.mne.,i..t In-min -1,.
I D.f rnest.! Vm.dreti—•>
I Mii rrili' - * I’liy •.
43ocpn'-> burden, ilitt-onarv:
Miviier’* Mcii.t 4i ....
1 tVplß.nl » I* i l v oi ••
i lh s{e • ..
i .Wit 1 . '. *
April 15, 7 o’clock, P- M.
Kcr Ij»- J l. It I'.A l>. 4liy neural «_
w-i Tri-f w.J! I,o' " •.:.T|-*U a , am
0,7.!n: rtfrn.nt .1" un l
It- i «.C»: .-<•>. u ♦ 1:. S-->- tf A. 11
lim-v:!. it • ■ »ranc>:laclit« miiif ■ii'i*}* not •*» .i-IiTW 3n>
vv ibml T|m*r •x lulHti wluw rv*r» ]!>«•• »*p •
ip.l, urr n a:i«sil o>- »ml A H.
ki'.i i.-* 10 m u 'hes» A•> *rr. 'um-i <•-
*jk-c ij!l> .•(¥.!>•(!. Cii 1 lull ra'ii-ij a- - ;?:
,iIKpV rb.Ulffn'vT n Ij.- .t.tln Hr.!- T'n K-l
anil >v.!: I.«*'.lane-J 'MI -A omur Tl.p
I’olka l»*np«r» wll nl-n-••'■‘"■'i Pf«. ti*:..p c-n t*-c ? o .•! .ck
l*. »*.— A. (1 iniuucMT >i.-
o>* inkno»:p*U'ii
LliefßllV li.rii r
April 15.7 o’c P M.
(irnbam i f«»r -May.
I»JV’KIVKI>- A r M A MINI'« • M:is*
I t,»e tor Matr. '
.riiG-IVwi-ltrn or till- t.o«! 1 ■> : \ .*iai»tiij«Oln»lfiea
Ilury, author o! ’llr Di».«ref,t ’
Til- Kmc oi H-e :•*». > '-‘1- o' I'rruir*. tint!
by N*.l Uamlilic. - •
Aor.rm brt Mmtiumicm •, Hirr«nb'l’!»ic*,l!•«-
i.ifk »;i«I and n:brr -jijrfi* cumitcli-il
a- iii Ui-fbjriiiO'r*: l-.i-rj'.'if; by riuorgi- n.fii.iMon
*'hsiiii>cr’» Inform mou. No 15 For»aS- ai
« A’ UIM.K j<
Sw ihtislu it. 3-1 <?oor irrifl iO
OauT. April 15, U P. M.
j ni'l<j
1 O tNI>HIK»-mca*.k- Potaih’.
■ O |S»Sck«.Ni>l Urilf
•i !>M« r'''"h Kft’i' Ratter:
*■ m|jM« S*a;»:rh<i.r !-‘loJrt
‘Liiidiii* t'niitt Canal Boat I’rr'Hleul »ind tor '»lc !•>
ajjto JIR Kun>, W Übeny m
IN <li-r Worked Ijuc ('a{>r«-iie«*c*l ►)!«—a. Jol
rrcrUrd ihi* raDfiM>C , •
Al*o, Chameleon *ilk*, a <V.<
do S*o« l>rr*« S.lkc-a *Micic, Uftijca^o 1 —
open tin* , .
A!*o, rrcucSi lUli-ii.-tc. n r. .v piece.*. cUtum kty.r*
—at die Dr. Oood* lloii'hoi* -V !l MURPtIY
aplC N K «•.<! itn ajul Market »l»
ra KKMOV.W.. Tr V , n
£& 3 MOORR Urn ajd C-.p
li:i« removeiio .Vo 73 Wood *;re-l ibrer door- itumrr
fourth «U«el. Ill* s’nrk rr.n«i*:»of rwty vjnuy oi
llat* and Cup*, made in the Istimt *t> !r al»o Panama
Lo-chorn ami IV.ial 3:r«iv »n»l?ni!sawJ,
ar ill- lowr*t'pt'jrr • ** 'l n OUi:
■ plb Jj Woutl .1 ttiiid «I.*orttlovr roui;!i_
l li* t>J* Cmctima.i Mould Candle*;
G«bi» Uulf “painta I uars.
I2.VWCoinoto:! Cigars 4 tr<iC Twi*i lebarco
On hand and for « i!o lo.v tor t -■a or li»r:cr. by
, OHO !i Ml l, I
anjil \n.'flw.tirr«i»r!*
rrio POTTERS-'VamcJ immcJUtcTy, two Dip
A Turuurf, two Owi n M«n H* « tii'CUiS am'
and a Handler. To *!■•*•!>' hnml» ffnnd i'»wn.l
i»nj w.K («*■ s v ,i .4p|>!v to
K U IJKKCM. SCen»i»slnn lVii-:ry.
VI MOOIIE, Hrej. Maier. Fount* -1
l*l. ai> »v .(•»>.-* uiT-jve 'Sn.tufidd *uc«l. im re
ceived fnm N-*w York K.e apring »iy!v* tor tjul. V
[)ri-**r«. n!w a iifw *ivteV irrur., _
LO.VK Sl'(i.\n—li t. 14 N‘n i t-fult-caat.
V V«*r>- low li*
'I'OIUCi‘O I.x* K:i»vni 5« fi.; !•/« Tf.j a»1 l If.
1 l.umi' To‘>u< «.*», arrivius iVmn f.«» jI, tor I*y . W 'JRKKR •
Vt/KAPPING P.\PKII-:» 0 lleaim Ctm* n.
VV i.u;t dr* Mrilmtn;
(ut -ale t.) . «:»,< N II MliU.OIl
a|>!(> No v| wood firorl
T>ApGßi—l ra<kt ajmrvd, in i«iot" for «tilu t-y
aplG . 4i waier nail !)i f o»i *l*
AHUAN t) GAS lnmNF.lO—A in I,'
. in at rceei»e(lnii'l k>. «.al>. Jiy •
nnltf W W WILSON
F’lOS— W) druirl* Srnvu.n I’m* tor »alr t.v
a |.IB J I) WILLIAMS k Co, HO trnod *t
C' .ll*AtfB-ibUi>x> for • »!«■!.>• •
JTaplfi _i l» III) vvrol ,i
/AUINTkK -SO nz jrtM rr C M nfl-i for -ale l.y
apl.i ' H F. Si:LI.Fn.S,r,7
PHILICOME- fldni fur *a e l.v
nplil j R H w KLLKItS. S’ wood m
T>KBF* MARROW -»i dot IRoriMel'f.l far rale
I _«J.IU R.B SKI.LLKS.S7 wood at
SOAP— Taj lor’a CryM.ilhtm Soap !or vile Uy
iM.tfl R R SKU.KKS, S7Mra?J «
POTATOES— W hi'UprmiJ!, ium icc’if und for rale
_J.y Vnpln ‘ _J‘OI ACo __
S 11, MOL ASSES—7<>ld.!* lut .jteby
COFFEE— llXi|.ji£< Rio. jmt ri'o’U ii»r »ai" l.y .
County', Ol>{<>
DIUED PEACHES—*)!) I>u«. in Jinn-. for -ale
by aplft - I. S WaTLR7|AN_
WHITB UKANB-50 bhUm More nmt fo r ,*;*»/* <•>
B(iic i. s \vati:»ma\-
Family FLOim-mwr,
- far-. •• »«rtc l tfW£iKRA^,
R" oli. u'iJttbh-4 tb7. (oi «'«>>; t fl
ttpW _ ___ _n_DAL/KLL 1 M
Jpjfcn P. D>rl«i Aw^liaMr^i
% • l,i>|reiil« of Book* bjrsS«lom^~""
t * CtiiiiSwteinf Auction Roorfl*. cf?og nod
ip.’ !*• '-i .trecill on Faiurd- * c verities in».t?tU 'Wtaut
il ; 1 -/.Vtdekiwill be .r»;j 1:1 ti t.'i.rfer « /IcdMJ <•>
'.Uu.»h- • u*i i.?«lv.rd irom the ci'letn-ciUeUrCiulaaeiUß.
In. va: . u«<3epartmcnt* of Literature: ■"
... ...... „ • -
II V MuiiJay worn.n? the iOit> nitraal, ai : 9o:<doefc.
wiii t.e large m*or>tnrutnf new ready-made
cioihutg uwon* which arc i’JO pair pantaloon* ot ra*
-««<"•» l=ncn baton! aew..«ll|e
•hlrii. 10 doi'lnc'ory fancy do. fturit'o
-otit. and rhirt roll ir*. oceicoat*, roundabout*, fancy
lutd c.iruman »c-li. f.\mlet cnat»/s»ta!*roon attu cotton
do, ol cloth coau. cloaka. Afi-. Al*o a. quantity ot
freih KcarauaMe dry good*. Ac. j ......
At d O’Ctock. T.;M. . ;i V <|
A (juati iiy of iloorc, wiudosr*. window- (rtaieA. wid?
i‘o\e *a-h «huiii>fando-.licrhuiiJingmateria Is, cookina
>K»vpa, vvrmnft drill. *bowN. plough*; Act a Iftcgeos
tni.iixMitof new aul hand t.ou*chold furniture,
ror.ii*.tjnj; of mahogany div.Mnit'bnriaas. common do,
and lir--akfjit tablet fancy and i:onun.v> chatra
>vctW and wa«h Hand*, wsnljohe.'bock ca*c,h'gh and
low po«t be-Un-a i«, tr.aLher beds, raattnuies, bedding.
nm ur-l clocks, 10-dung gluties,. e’arpcnnjM tinware,
gu»«wari-,tjiii;<*iu\vuTe.groceries, Ac. i :
At 7 O’Clock, P. M. i“ *
A large collect.on uf valuable new hooka,' as per ad]
vcii;*etneni in another pan of thitpaper.- ' apIC
IN' tho E gJ» Ward of the Cny at. Auction—On Fat
urtlay tttlrriioon the I7ih inMnn; at 4 o'clock, on Um
i r-m;«er. will he arid; t-ißln ?«ry b*nd«omtly vitiated of gic-und about ofe tq-iare from Fourth atreelrnad.
ofi[»o«ile r»ooit’« Field n-d n*'ar the centre of the Kigh’h
Wan! ►•■•ino No* 44. 4J. 46' 17. front rti< on rorhV» *tl
.‘-ns 'u* •>I. 33, nut 46 front me on Mergum ‘licet; m.
ot a copy of which may ha>-cen at
ihr AHieiion Hoorn*, t ......
-|«>ett!>PV- r very °" f fo, P ri *
tail-J«t-:i'iir.» and p«Mc pnrpaae*. .•• '
I’-uij. one .balance payable m>l U
lu '„lh. ■-.. I. mu 10-1. *H»j
"'hhkiuffs» sale . I
OK \ rotiN fKV STOKE. DRY GOODS, <fcc.
n\ Fr. iiii morning. ’he Idh tntlant. at IQo clock,***]
Di/..’- PoniiarrcjAl Auction Rocroa, corner nt'» ood 1
r- .1 Will hitccu, -vi;i l.c *ehl wjihool rrseivc, by otter :
a John l-oiayih, liq .High Shr.nfC of AllefJieoy eooii
tv—a !jr<o ■•fotimcntoi DryGooda, Groceries,
c oiopri*in» ilir enure «ioc k of a eouatry sura, coiuir
.a- m rart of the CUowtuß. Ti»:- . u ■. ■[.
.'iiiic c* s aborted’drs»* and furniture print*, *•!»=**•
bAl*nr - nv».cUm«*.lo'wn* 1 giitsbvn», rooms de ; uiier,
»'<iact rsMlpfc nnil ero»sborre!i JDu»lin« v lri»li linen*,
‘wi arbrJ u-ul unbleached utuvlli*, woollen super
i.rrM-l r.oih*. niliu cloth*, twrod*, ky. J«M,
•»>*r«-tUc» act Valencia vesting*, padding, cutvat*.
brown Holland. drillm**. colored cambric, cbeck.uelC*
,ms*. tl ii.ii. l». rit.l>onr. l»ce»i edging*} cord,area*Mail,
•huwU, mlk cravau.faicy ncckf, silk and cotton nakti
rorafwM*. hot!, rr. lid ghive>,mitt»,rn*pender».needleis
whole hone, thimble*, combe, At.
Table ar,J tea. >pooiit. ateui, *»7er«. 1 •roes*
I.m-klc‘ p-u kiuvcH, shutter futiener*. percuwion cap*,
nupcntwitre. tinware, coffee mill*, bed cords. nail*,
*,iiser Kloc. 3jiloo*h*.exJO window ffl***. UftgroMiO
co'oco riMtche*. candle wiek.l keg gunpowder
Al'o, b »yi». *boe* clippers, far and cbip-natS plu*u f
i» : nzcd nr.d cloth cap*.bonnets,ftc; Term* al sale.'
K 8 ‘ J D DAVIS, Ancl’r.
N'i-rw a'ni. Mtwr
Dn. W OOD'S' Baraaparllia iucliWlld
Cherry nitter*, for the cure of me ft
d.<en*c»: Jaundice. Liver Complaint. all U lima* Cow
plamis.sick Headacie, Hean-Ccrfl. Indigejition,LaUic
uai Costivencts, Pile*, Palpitation* of the Heart XOM
of A pp**tle .'Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritattou*, Debilitated
Languor. JVprcsstonofSpiriir,Chronic
mutism, Cutaneous Diseases, Canker. feyplilloiJ Uisea
is ffcn-fuia Impurities of the Wood, 1 nnples *od
I‘U'iulr* on the Face, Herrditar) Humor-, ColdSote*,
ami a|| tl.seascs arising from ao icjodicioujaaeof.Mcr
' Ta<-af.ciHiOii of liie invalid public, and of ail those,
'ofiheted by any of the above diseases, is tespecifully
cal'e-lin itie inv:*t<ofa new and mvahmble prcpnrn
•iofi frmn an ordinal recipe of n'diruttguislied physician,
ct inbinirs m it-clf the ram aetive remedial prolienies
o'" iwo of the very first ah'cle* in the Materia Mcdiea.
Trie srurwpanlU and Wild Cherry Bitler* .were in*
uodneed to the public about twelve month* ngd, onu
.iurimr H'at period their »n« ei>» to Rieai ai to
~„{u r e tile propiietor l* offer.theni wilh «ill inure eaßfi
dcnec. in the lull belief that by darting to o more ri
ien<ivr uw they will prove a b!e>»mp to-oil those
s\<!f*r:n£ from rite disease* above enumerated.
*;„M •vhob *nle and retail, by WYATT lb KETCH
AM.BonctjUsent*, HI Fution street, New Vorip W x.
TnoBV. Clarke- street. and P. R. Sawtbp, boitlhfiel'
- reet. t* ttsbur-lu Pa. Price 31—laTge bottles.
mrhflXfro _- ?—_
cln m. ptnevn-a tki .eg taph _*_s'ivallow,
I LAY I; Weaver da.iy. ns ? o’clock, r M.. niler lha
Lj arrival'jt ibc stcareLout BKA.VKR from Pittsburgh,
ni l arnre nt VVurr-n itt-jft morning in for the
tench Cleveland before night. - • .
l*«ut!i- , ‘r* tv;li be rvieiptidlhriugh.secunnrbbrths
on th- Paek'.'Tj-atiil *e ns m th* Ftnge. ett application
0-. board ntcaihbeat S»<a\i r .(leaving 9
i. iloek. m.]orto th j,® Co, Pittsburgh
Ci.AUKKA Co, Beaver
- JESSE BALDWIN/Yoturgwawn
M Watren
."fo UtclOCtO BIULDMKS-I’rop-.saU wilt be
l ie.-e.ved at the Commissioner’* 02ice,. Satur
day, ilii. insmru, noon, ur erecting <me orltbar buds-*
—■i're 'tvrr M i;cr’« Run. Sotnh Fajetie Tmviisup,-
and o>.e It tni« Uidn::. of Cork's lUu. in Ujvr.r r-t Ufcir
l'i v»' i > fl . .f [i 'n ' >*.•' i- ul , u!n , ri.!aa!tii-WiJlJ''«"lr
.upmiruiiirr;., in be bid tor .tiy.lhe p-,r v ;,,
tro>'en erstr-jetute by the fratllneii', embankment
!.% thr \ int Plan* ninl specifications cai be Seen at
ih.' Oin-us-ii ttrr'aOdire titnii the day of Jelling.
jUiI.N APW>WHI.b. • 1 Cjuuniwloaers.
~1.1 ia! JOSEPH V. MARKS, ) .
ITaV! !i«:j met!.oil of titaruingvbatitsrtMhe public
crn-rallv, f>r the very liberal patronage bestowed
mi iw-, U-rc'tr-frr,* u;;tl 1 t<v»t. t>y strict alWnbon 4b l»tisi«
..'t,, •i.mtibe Mm.' i.:itrnue<v “• the iatgo and coni*
„ U i wa rv!i'Mi*e. loiiari.i Wi.oJ and dth street*,
now, in part, oernpieil by 1! A .FabacsiocSr A Co—
where icy arock of Oarden Hole unJ Flower Seeds and
Asrienltural Icnplcmena, will t-c mui.d large and of.Uie
i woo’d cordlallr innte allta call and see ute, af tr.J
new stand.
racht'dAwF S N WlCKERSHAM.geedsraaai
‘ . UAXjT lIOLJiK, v .
Corner Moln nnd Sixth ■«/ Cincinnati*
rp|4|*j emMubisent U now in thebeat■»r*lrr forihe;
X rreeption Public. Haciitg pjiJrr*-
jfCne a tbrmiurh repair,iJunuty thc.p.n: winter, *mi
n»»’rr rhr r»o>i experienced men in the vaeat. in the
riumu) department*. I (lain*# Di£>elftfiat *ll wrii tx
pleiuril who call. The incal.on i#rehtraljCommodiou*
m-d pleasant. Pure £ I per day-. ■ ‘
tW;rtu9t>. March • • - .W.BMABH; J
N. tl —Alihnuah iiMexactif a new Urooro, U i»hhe
en i.r--a n. w Wl.irton the old handle. __aivf*U :
Faailir tirecarlH. ' «•
i;Mly «»f le-.uti.nip
u| 10.1 h
iSirece«Mr 10 iibode* fc Co.,V
SOUTH WF..ST corner.of t'lmtbfield audjPront ata,
opposite (he Monongahrla lloufc —Kecpi alaij*
o-i h.iml a >■■ M vaneiv of F.innlj Orocerwra, which t e
Wii. *ci; %< >V low fi-r amniigtl which nre the fol
l&A’ii.p article* •
Oil*; ;
.. . •
<u»ar*: - .
Fje*h pur*- •’round i<pic( ». t'!tee«e, Foreign an! I
oi-.uc Froun, mid PifubutrS Manulhbiured Article*
„ Frenta HinieraiW K*r* alway* on hand. "
ntclrtJiUiurloi'l ■• '
• LEAD WORKS.—Tbrttnderaigtjed bate,
completed their new. works,located on llus baoW oi
the fiver abbvo tho. Aqueduct, in'Alfcgheoy.cily,
oiipoiilo Pittsburgh, for the nraoulacture of a tope*
nor quality of white lead, both dry and gioaori-in
oil; also, red lead and lilhcrago. Having availed
•themselves or all the recent improvement* la it«
minuficturc, and erected the building*, on a very
ettenme scale, and with capacity to mike lead in
quantities. they will be able to supply order*
to almost sny_c»tent, * * ~ . , .. , aprs •
*J •aek« F«-oth ,, r ¥ '.
HI1 1'?* Brtfon. li«*S rouriJ;
IS »td7 Broom*;
Uf* Uii« Dried Apple*;
WA'TtTEID SOO.\-Pl«e*ia warehouses'. retail
and wholesale stores, oa rtclmbotit#,.or.KUleu^« ,
fcieroplovmeotin our citic»,ta\vu*,;or eotinltyanßirid,
ior several good t>ook-kecpi-r», salesmen,
h-iu»rm Mi. mechanical, (aiming and
l.i!«*nnj men. 1 .•••■ ~~'
A'w- lor a number of hoys of different ages. -Also,
lor iv number ofieoloryd tpenaOtJ Women, hovsand
g:iU. several good cooks, hoasektrepeis
-aud Kiris for all work. - , . . J f '
Ah kind* of Agencies attended to promptly for rooo
erile chi fifes. • I'leare apply at IS.tAOIIA RHlti’S ,
* Genera! Agenev'and lutetligehce Office
»j,7 Fifth st. near-Excliangn Uaok_
HAVE erected an cxi-ruivc warehouse ovfthe corner
«,i Wood ami Fitur .•ireot*> ,3 .d'hiqh they have
removed their 'VfcuJrsaJobusmesv; \ihefe they will
niwayjt Stive nrt hand a.t cjterbive amomritttt of nil
j|:«v article* in their line, to which they invite the alien*
non of :!»e public.
The camiuucd at the olp Maud
cj»rnero< *<aand tVooJ.sts. . , • ~»pr3:
<.Unhvi;t(Vr.- UAt.tAA
SOA t\ for-tof.cmiqftbeSkm,. unuticauiig Pimplys
amttfflKiupt:oß<; fatboaliufff happedhab'l*-t,v cracked
it *vi, f>r i!i‘|ic'.i;in( J foetJJ««. tau,*iUitiiifd nJnrhto.cUeil
► ktn, and k fine; hd&ViL*y°d l jM tt l clearness
I’rice iTJ cents per cake. The eenoiitn Article is for
sale ».y D A FAIfNESTOCIy* LV .
np!4 cor Ist and,wood Us andtrgpd artd fith, tts: '
Split Ullniltr. -■ ■' ■■
]H.WK Received from I’hilnvl-dnhtH a largo issmt
. <na.i »f r*pm <>i Chum ,cr Hlnids of superor snake
■i.ut tin.ill and tor sale low.- . <«
W .M UphoMarer. ,
mcbv!.> { Opposite WntiV nf I’itlsl'BrfiJ^
I"NFttUJIA > t , lOX Wnnted orirVomTol “Hul
Mriti. take i !■ v inHtat.c. of stolen, from the What
about the tin>] oi Mauli. last.- tini-l load contained !
pieces ami was hy pienmpy.tfaciCcr/
Anv 'iiii.Vmntion r ‘spirting it will'fe ibahftfolTy m
cured .mil n icwaid'ffiven
• "Vv;
- 1 '
J !> U ll.l.lAM:* A. <v. iJii'vtWMl .t"
f JA||F.»uliserlKcrs keep fln'aswirtm'atil.of I'lcklril Fi»h
X of Mnssacliuseii* and Ifnlifar lnsf>ccii6rt>./or s.vlr
in Ims m* wanted at.Jbeir;'warehouse,'Nu4tl North
Wharvcn.'Fhiladetphia. •’•}.' ' 7 ” ' ' T " :H ; v '
tneh'Sd'ira - KENNEDY - A Co
NOTICE— Application has been made tor there.
urwai of ileti.&cme No Aid, tinted January Iff,
Isl 5; for ihirty su share' of the capital stnek ot the
company for erecting a linCgo over the River Mouoo*
gnliet*. opjHjs'tc FitubtirgU— which said Certificate hit*
been destroyed by firoOr lost.
PkA : a«Y.bVABiA~UAU.adAD cojica-
NVi—Nmice is hrrebv giveri that the.tM instalment
of Fisc Dollars per share bn the Capital »J«k Pi Jh«.
Corifpnny.wiU ho reiiuircd -»o htt paid on or before twe
nunii.iliiv of Alny. at the office.
Ity order of the U%»n! of-W*i»e?e»*. ■
e|>c>!tiua>l st.V M.EURtCb.L’rcstdutt .
V 1.1. Jtcnwlp* 111 wmev?tc* *Lv,‘ictTuVf-r-'
A.UnW of «**>«#•<• S' 9 ***- «wJ£!Kdrii?
notifitvl to call and seulo ‘imir ■ l ”f -f - .. . nutliori.’
witb.hc ol.dcrfßncd
ved msettle.l.l-tirt! .Uftnc » of n h j,j <4 _ UHOWNK i
' Lojvllfii Nn s 7 wood Stuel '
■ i»ii>i«»K
1 y7,,tt n; vrsn»e> a nttufomn acme tcaperc fv,mnVn-i:i*l>ml'H*hmcm in the eti? i*'
fhe de«tf«- «f hi* rar»‘" , “ that be khoWactjdUe^lnuur !
irPsc of a «iuall rentcceraiicltviooldedlybd
• Jeamrcifihr the 6r»t year. ■ Kcfereneo jnny' he. bad to
| Krflmrnf.««>»»"*• _ / ; * apaf'
if f O HEJK R’,’ Who !e 'filb|Clf«r;r,l'9rwAfding and
VV . Oomminibii Merchant, ShtFDealertij'Ptpdtie< :
and Tittshurgh Mauafaeunea. tornfr «T\W bWp and*
FmltlifieM sta. P.tftsl>nrgh;Ti.t ,i > c.r! .
At a O'clock, P
Wholesale Drai; Warcbonie Remove c
No tti water Hrect
FIVE DOLbAftd;aEWJLßlKintt
(Jatoef tb« Yanl;.cnai3b6d «crilK Gaxatte.BuUduiti '■
ij-c r art
IKttWf mca-TKVSBpOoi»'tst!«ir<d
*J ftoen pfa w Jauar ißufod*oroer. nfld ftrsale low-at.
■ m —r rrTT~"*’— —
' (lit hi' cticfT* Y ll.Tra
! *
\ JO i!i» . Imperial Tea:
•» B>t 1 TO tio Poorboriß Tra:
?* Is i)Ut>M»N.o..Vola**f*,
£ fS .*>o bbi* S il. do;
a - *5l 3erroon»Sv F.|nd»*o; Tor|.v
'£ oplj _|jl_ .. jJ«»UN ORIFIt.
K Okbd* prme N. O. S.ijm?,
’ 3SbbUl.oaf do: , ,
* H TuiaW-Bb-Bi-K - -
S , ibM«Suj*arllou»c do! b««qas)iiv
I - ®J>crce«FrefhHirr;rrcfiTed from .Nrrr Of.
kawan.HorAaUbr W’A W MITCiim.TKDe. »
f r NolCol4l>etiT«M- ri
It* V'SiDlllliS—-ttlibl* Ci-ier Vineeif
ID—loiw«t»W Hemifa?- - j
Bbhls Maple All.•
7 ,’IOIAI. S.IIJ do: , l j
• ' POlib!* riantaiicn Mobst-C; •
Suuercet K;ci*,on«cftH<m»»er> ;
: ■Pls_ i __W
7 by . _
Raisins, 4c-:« i»x»
5J bx« I’ure Kj.r, Mum»d,
I-.. . 60ke*» da -•*,? \
3b»p» Pepper; for«aJr J.y
;ap^___ J • 'v nHn:j?
DBIKO PEACIIBi*-:.a **<*., „
jtu« itc’J on eontigmarw lu.d fir «a! P t-v
apljS GKO CO--HKAN', *.fi>««.! , i
CmifiESK ASD BACOtf—ItO \bi cwv
t , llamr; for'
F'RESJI TKAB—ISi c-hr*i» and bf crif<-t*‘ V. It.
an«i <»uapow:. r ef "IVna. for fnlr-by'. T_ ' '
' UEP MOP.HAN & fo. u-s „ .. 1-
'I'OBACCO—|W IrJtt nd IC«; tuii. r.or
l iirAiii!*. . ,£Uict:« 0 Twin Tol-Ht eo; id
ajts . GKO AIQKu.w ;, i'n
Loaf si'gaii-w.n'oj •». c, a-i<f?; ’' r ~ ""
si.Zf l.'o >!.!«■. RtCntd. kr 'Me
bv £pls . OKU MOi;CiA\' i t'd
NO. MOI*ASSt:»-i-obl»U'inJ'<'fr r c «*
by a p|3 CU:O &OKOAN Co '
OPANISH WlllTlXO—:uT»*iUflit »al* ij
Q«)>l3 . «EO.MORGANA Co, 103 «..* n
RIO COPPEE-5W t-'affs lanrim# from Oii'.i anJ
fortHwby. • n plS GEO MOKfIAN & Cn_
fa!* 1»j"' .
_®P!* __ XV.GKKF.R. ror wateraud ailinSiijL? «:■
APPI4KS— 10J LibU flwuuiile Applet i'«r *aV !•%"
opts ■ ______ _'vj;hki:ii~
ijOTAHU—iS.cutc* i’otiih u>c toie f:v i
t qns \V fjRrKK ■
/ ' &A> trx* utunetl «i2e», Jruw i’if* to vljUf.
AJ ex|ra qnalnj, coumrf'friqnnlactuTei} iiMtnre itiU
for sale l*y _- j tfa _.J C^mVEwL,"
BROOMS— 3D doz 'largeWifljfor Hioarn* for
Ml_e by_v v >p|S - J C DIDWKLI.. A*i : ‘
PKACIIE>— OIV lius. prime-blivet. In More am! fur
sale by. ' apIS ‘ J C UIDWKI.U
FISH-20 WHjbli While Ki*h;
10 lio Trout;
' S bill* do; ter Mile by
splS J C HfDIVF.U., A-;.
S SALTS—iO bbU prihieJ just rec'd and lor *u!r by
L-fP 15 —.-!. -I.J- J C UIDW]:U..Agi.
CIIEESK— 4D-bi*W.R.Cbpere ju»P rcc’il aml
forsalcby ap!3 J C HIPUI>,L. Agr~
POTASHES! cask* I’orc/landing.lhi* .'ay from Ca
nal, and for sale by ! J i It. FLOYD ,
nplS jt- *. ~ 102 l.’bcrfrVreut;
COPPERAS— ID bbt* landing/roHr *tnir U'ilßnrgfoti
and for sale by ’ . . J FI.QY D
r l/’LOCR—SOhbIa Familv Flour fcrviaml for rail by
opIS WILLIAMS 3c. Co, IH) SM*>d *1
SOAP— 60 bars Extra Not, rec'd and for rale bv
wpls ' - ' J I) WILLIAMS fc Co, HO wixU it
SLG * It—lo hhd* prime in siore. for saft ty
_ °Pt3 ' I P W ILHAMS & Co,' 11wooil <t
ljf CLASSES—OO bbl* Pi. O, In prime order, for *nle
Vity: aplS - J O^YjjLLJAMSACo
SCOItCiIIKGS— 21 l*bl* jtist ree’d mid for - vale S>\-
t'tZJfi&SE— 40bxs Cheese; '
J> : Ioc*k* do; --jutt reeM and for sale
DRY APPLES—2O bbl* jur't recM u»J P-r*»u!' r
by 4 apl3 - <- XVIC-K ft. MeCANDLEAA
1) OLiTbCTTER—3 bbla J-ie‘l77u*i itcrl m-d
A. tor .ale by • aptJ— WICK ft MtCAiVL’LKs*-
'EAD —( IWO lb* Lead in store and for late by.
. jjap 13 r j . FOINDj^XTKRjk_Co, 41 water ?I
CIDER VINEGAR—O bblt>. n very prime article,
jail rcc.M aiuf for sale OItU.M. MeLIHiW &Co
ajd). r, ■’No 6 Control reml-Raw
3 ROP.MS—If-Odoicu PomerOJ** Extra; t
J 50 ilo common and tordiuin; for sa'e
>y ' iij.9 J D WIILI AMSA Co
• too bui; Apples; 60 bus- Peaches on eauVin
meat.fon«"loby; opt) - JAR FLOVD
7.Tk(jli r. b CliT*, lirgs’and boir#, firs’j
\J uroun-i amicousuiutlyon band
nn9 N 027 Fifth Mfcit '
- Sn DUtnoud Sparks; . •. ;. .f.'
7U bxi super. German Clay; for s-fleby
a,VI OAKSON ft McKNIGHT. Stub st
FISU-sS>hf bbl*No».Mackerel; , v /
2Ui>bls Shad; IS hf bbls.Shau;
F-r sale by : -_aplS . .POINPKX.THt fefo
Plis METAL—Si Ipas fnioi/T«n:r '|.*k«
Erie, and for sale byl JAMES. D.VLZKI.L ,
nplS No iiM-atcr riiyet
F’LAXSEIiI)— 10 bbli tertivlng 4tul/or «:t!e by> i A xtKi il.^l.'/.LLI.
BAGS— HO bags now rtccivi-ij* fro'ii'Caiial nnd for
_saleby J aplS •• JAMES IIAL'/Hl.L'
IW3ACCO— 20 bxs«tipcrior I.ump Virginia Tobacco,
onconlignfneotaod'w s.iln low by - - •
_upU A - J CIUDWELL, Agt.j ttqar
OIL —4 bbl* IJnsecd Oil in tlorc and fetsale by
aplS ~ 'J C IHDWEt.L
IX/HITING—3O bbli Boston ‘Wbiuog for sale b*/
TJ ATII BU.3CK-3WJU-rißii.loi SeouriiH; Rni-k,
jDforsileby npl* J SCIIOONMAKI-.K ACo
LINSEED IHL-4IIMI purr, for lale by
aptl ... J D MORGAN.Q.»I : wood-M
VARNISH— 1 bf bbl'B'.jek (or
sale by ‘ \ apl-l f , JUIIN D MOUGaN
COPAL VARNISH-2 bbls Kutern for «ale by
apl4, , y, v JOUy .P MORGAN
V.T forralctif ' »pH Jl’j 1 !! 1 ?? 5.
apll , : , l) MORGAN
GAkOHIE— Veliow and Green, different hrind«,
for sale by apt 4 - JOHN D .MORGAN
BERKDDA ABIIOW'ROOTf in .H 11-.cnn*,
-forsale by. - opt 4 JOHN D MORGAN
Spanish obis for site hr '
apU .v 1 ~ .t JOHN D MQgtTAN
TAHTAR1 JTDS— lij ur I'imatind* Vor ?
apU_ ~ • J ' JOHN D MOBi/AN
UriIITE I.EAO-4U) kegs pure, for.iole by-.
-W-apl4 / r - JOHN D MOROAN
BLACK ISH—I bbl, tuanafaetated aiul for sale
by i. ff qpN JOHN D MORGAN
/fjOW D ilPlCAC—|_casa just rec'd and for stile
i by *pt* .Jf:HSf-XhSRS
FLDli> RAQRBSIAHI Ifozeft r Hushamrs, !bm
ree*d and for sale by ' !•" ‘ U"'
_ apU R ,Ei SELLERS. T? t%vd »_i
for sale by' -t—-apM K SHELERS
Eng * ULACK* LEAD, iibelU Seed? Qrawaipii,
Latin Labcla. &e n iasi received anil foi sale bit •
_jpl4 • V U. K .SF.U.KIIsi
CvRIXfiO FJSACHES—9OO Vai/fJr. sale iotv'to
F_close a eontlffnini-Di by . -
ap!3_ _ Fit! END, RUKVA Co, 67 watcj »t
I 'ABD an4 O tf’bbU 'No rivlater
LJ. L^ril.O.l,a very supenor anicle, tecelvnl perfli
btiniaiNoiJ, und for sale wbolesale or retail hy '■
' aptff' ' - FfBELLKRg, 17 Libeny tt
_v> ■ ' ' ‘ 4bbtsClovenekd;‘
:_ap»a . Fof salabyj' VON DUNNHORSTACo
DRUID Dfy iVacUe*; . f
Cscks.*' Apple*; for sale bv '
aplff - S F VON BI>NNHORypfcCo,3S-Frtai st_
BACO»N—\iv~OW> ilji neatly trimmed un.iMu
der,Tor vale by MYERS, H ENTER ACa '
• -■. ;No I*ny ht __
POTATOES— 60 bWv WhiJf*rsil»ttor« Dines, Uad
Red», just received and for «ate by • ’ •'
-.*pia f -• . M;B.AJ,VH.VR»AEUJM
B" OTTKICA«!-5 bblslittlJ DuiWr; /..I'-' ‘*‘
-‘I • lObbU No t Lar»*; for vale l»y“ ‘
-_*pK» ! • » fc|\v st
\\^IIITKBFjAXS—I'iI.Btfj VVhiir Beaus,
VV ;st.uta L d©;-. -‘■' s >r
wick aPaiouANDhr^s
jpl3 Per rale by
LARD —l-l ke#* No 1 l«enf, ju>( rrt'J’and for talc,,
'by • aplU , WICK AMcCANDEKS4 ?
MACKEREL— -Iddbblai'oXlaree titty for aate^iy
np’j;' - *■*: v mvkrsvhun
ROLL BUTTEII—HM»I4 Krrrb. toWule by:
• A PI*LK9>-ta tillsUroen Applro/or »»Seby ■
A. apl3 -- -_> A W HaRDADRH
L' ARU~'iiiW» N.VCraniir.ic r
Br o * Jlt U FLOYD, IS.’ Liberty Vi
NUTMEGS on li.ii»«J»:uti : i>r'«Bi c » y
\\ Ti l ITE! lEAbus. mill, ju-T rrcetvtd anU
YVfor»aleby . WICK A.MtCANiH.SAS
' npO •••••■• '’• •• .and Woods*
DRY. Al‘PLKs—«nuiiß».iux rec‘d ami for rale by
•apO . ' - eoi-wOMbrnTyvaict at*
t-UDKU. VISBG.UI-S3 lf"‘ »*<*» »>>!t7ay,;4or
J *a<« by ' "rt __ ATiVOOI', JOSKafcCo
BUCKETS— 41 dos.Beover Bucket*, .laruliuc from
Keel Boai Chippewa and &r **k by : ...
,p 3 . si .wntci j\ %
Dried puiciit:s-iooi«s> i;> «»>* »dft»
•»leby- a|»S -J »t
ClOAHS^lCOtoxitlilirSpiiilJbOfiraf*; >'
- -iiMUX 0 Comoro Cigars itibxt; rn handanJ
forwkby - JAB ,
• BJVS IjJ. No «£ wat.-r.Jt
BROOMS— *5 do* Urooio* in *tore and t*»r taie Uv
B” A,TTlli**— ?»o* 1.9, and b-T»ini
lbr*«Jet»j _ JA* DU&hLf.
• ■*P i •' . *• Noaj wmer»l‘
810 COFFKK—<OO b*s* .!an|frrg ‘/rcm uka-nr*.
Amtncia'Siar, and<br'*»la hy - •• » «
_»pS U AC ALBVJkS.>UTH» IS and IS* woodfcl
«|W UAU A LBV & aillTH, Wundatf wood.«
. \TKATS*POOT OlL—ls bbW jim rce'd wid for
i> .y ir ., : j-- I MVi4R9,iii» , rrn;aAi>-
.. mr.b.Tit .> . .. -, " • :;•■ \£Um\y wkj,,
A isLui) Olli-vil tiliia jmi
rby . - • • : < A. KICKETspI*
-inth-i3 .-s_ . Li!^iy
RIO COI-’FEE-ISD bar»piimrci«irßi«Ci>B«i
forsaJc by • , , , lUCaMfl' kSMIJO .
• ■ K Pt~'- - ~' - , '.NoilSanaSg'wfcdtt
1/UIiU;UUTTKIi-1> liOl» Ficrh,lu»t R*’<l jum)
:Iv for into l>y . PC.MaRTIX
;V >pl~ | cor atklfrc^titi
I I) KA-.NUTH—KaatlC'l lor c oMoraefi, at ihf
?i- andS6»f.eFactory.s7 Pifib iireci, ■ ■.<■,
ora c. : : Rhodes* alcobn'
'/^OPPKB— : ?4h»«*i>rißW!''HTo‘tof‘*ife'6f"> - '''.:~
-Onr» J l>MV»XLlA^»fcr«>
jw biir : tß : rtore and ArraicPT . .-'^M
■V/ r afi^:' ; '' • ‘ : ' »t .
C A_ M c.\ NUT.T% A Ca. -ca »*!£»» n