er_ ; r . : '_| . , | . I / 1 Tnr iMTKIiI lil.H IHII.n.UMIK _Tf ' ‘ " ' 1847, l ■ BUSINESS CARDS. . uKXxaue.u. «»Kpox, ; '"“"fSL.'.Si • A F.'i AiiJinj SJervltanuM W*»#l,m«d»B»«•»«•» P..,^, c * r h. ' ' ] \ TWOUO* JOSK« dt- Co* Co«wiM»oP;*wa , A k * v ; ’S“3? PSu u Kind. " ixcf-«»id i*o«t «u»»ei*i "i Kin Iti.i£\ViS, Auotatr A . It. brtow ?wtb6cUL J— yrwisciiasTKft* 15. poned aed lww tad hetliOtfcliU.’.Wl cbttWtbe T 0 b;I4 4C —— ■ , "~T~~T 15 • retail hrcfft'in*- . - ■„ . '.. ..." &iS3s^S.i?wt;aai«^S ‘ g|M.rk« itrteube- SMBSE*- J a. w-sw*. vj-et. °” 1 '*** n ?Ef* ?*j_J n c Vvm.C / tOL V/ of wecl,i irplio Wuoj Tsais' si^SSaSL-rtsH Lr.aisSw«», ,-•“>• $ sv *“ i v* ii>f "”' kik ?SK ““ c,,el “'Si? o MiaKF-ft Ml?* — CITSSmm*,: " juux ca>.**j»- ii.iciilollTi t*ueee**or* to .H.' TTSS*' ii'iuun-. ViMfaj!fej*: i'A YEAtIKTI* 1 C .£*&»« BSS*ftt»- C«uW t«3i M*A« M «« t » **r ■ oclU hmA l'»- 1 -j _ U; Bft»n-<*«<^^ 046 r ,bc, 7 - i*B»y_! * B*ofMj»i>*t*!: r*~ };iUrrl*eB«welL ; sKW BLIi. AiwnwT* «* f'**' £_.. -i r-j —Joim «nutf< " KritwAt-T? firimAHl* Wholesale Oro* ; E^^aressttK; Mt\7_ I . , t.E**»TT. .. ' jjWeo&iUttiilxtV** »*ill»L«lTt;h ilamO*' w “** I ©ell ; Second auJ TmrJ «>. I__ ~ . ,J~l FtHmli «■*«.>*"”"? CM ' TI wS[ , Mretfi i i — . ,77 , it*"— Wood. ffl^™g*j&'3SZSSS£ rink. • . '; _• 1~ rr »OMTTH. «•»«'* *»«.**. h«jd. l>uubor. _ wiTtiiu* fiW v g|O.«OMMr. • ”** wri «fl»- /-iEOROB ' 103 Wood (jTeert md Cmo» i, *- oli Moreen i 'mjli \ -* *^ssr „ e .*r.»ir«a ; - -—' “*T I7 . “ Geo. U. BrowaeT ' B>«l^C-J) ,| SL , nnnttu __ U—- nc&IJIr : _:- -j--~-r^SS~r~.MI LEAP • . ; koiut * i . llilil ® ic -'i?2wv 'k f«, UffcolmWi «,w *"•«■«• • b * t "'* br ‘SSli** : Chn»»l«** :Mr ** - ~ L ■ ' - f&’sS&SsSiSSSp No W* W«d ttttel, vne&cnr MM o*xn——^ TWIN !VALIUM drat , feu /WV a , !Met J *set, No :Weld amp. y ea a Ism ug Itt. sa AO, put WOW 844 a ea &ear,° l will mil GO I •••••••'........""*"". 10C1" Tt)B» 1 “’ ritt>l *St» . *±—-r-r£t. Juua *■» 4* * SSSag. > TOBSj 1 )- ** J MIuHCoraW-jßJgg;,PimbEi»t_j »ErtiL___i_ .gAßgsavyg • fcctt *n4 «£*♦ V tv- UOP»^ TtO tßd Third N°«L I SiIS&SS^ i-MffiKt-S-Ssa' u-'*",r°r fc!Ss2feiiMSttS^: • a»d C‘l Ljp*’ .*»*S3S!3&'2SS£i l'£t** »«“■”*'SSSSS, I ’£2s M Fttub«r*k BU«JK» re *>* fabO iniTdesll ' itoiyrj Vori : 5 's^SSSSs B*kew«U'* ♦ Cwm KSdaee , n. v*™#?' ! . jj . ; • «*> - - ' \ * f *iP 1,1 ) : P JJf Comm'****}' ■ W 3 \V wrurwf; fl : .€*' ;}j - business cards. - : i T. »• kOESJOS. Tl’ Hbl'cK * CO, WtoUMle Ofoeew, Comma R boo tfercfciau. md d«*lwr* ia Ptotanrli H»a«f»ciare*, Übtnf a. »**- told n~ Pimborefc. >»»• : BAUD* wbolekk oad r**il dealer Rla 1/e.aihar, Morocco, «b#emii*rVTooU S: uyl c«m«i. £»• to! AVood «, Ptrahargfa. ;« ” pl ROiBBT »mEU 'Vkutaak^ , eera,ComminioD aim) Forerardinr Merebanu.Jea tert is Prodac* tad |*>urt>vxbMaflW»et«r«, VibsT 1 ■treet, Pm«buijb7Pa... -X?-- * MSI'. BO»IW>*. fcAX’L. ■. »0»U°?. n &OBISOH db Co, 'Vtote«teUn)eef*t X. d»w»iid9MmU«kwM«reb*Kj^*J«j e^J F-.mbarpb Mmaficiorr*, No. lt» IJfc%y j^nio Robert hoobk» \vw«4i* orot«t® lag Di.iiUrr, derief mPiodiie*. rm*ag all kind* of Fbre»|o »“*«5“* ue sad liquor*, No II Liberty ureel, F«»W: . in-N.B. On hand a«ry OldNottongaheU Wb>«kej\ which mil be«M | caah. 1 1 SHfjßfflttaiMsr OHACk£®TT *: WHITE. Skn m Porcini and Domestic Dry Oood t b r {„f * tVffffd Pitlllltnia _ _ „i—--- Cl t W IIARDAVGHi Wool M* rch • Piiulicruh- | - i -ft —~~— OAMCKL PALBE&, Attorney v S >• imrfofciU™*. "• “ *S£wl. WooJ ■»! ttaWdJ. . i • 12L“i5‘i riTKPHKjBABUETT, Minuftctorerof Fau S *»■?■- Wtamr «»4 S»™»« and Market »»*{ i*iiul>argb.ra. 2£2i- ! S~~wf VOS BOIRHOBST ft Com Wbolenlc .SJm'lSSdtafSd CommiMlou Merchant DemSTtn RljbSß ; : soffit, . Uartk ntatiufacVarcd article*, Canal Daiio, wear 7ib ft. I aat |_j : 17^ ffgttHKIUM. Dealer m bccd>i Fig* FmiSreo, tud Aciicullartl In,p.eoenu,h« ■ Mwet Pin»barftfc« __ TOIIS II TOWSBKKD, tf™'!" 1 ,;!..., (o, «.p -oeailyprrpwed from Ihe b* M maieual*. J n.ckcf ifcSffUtciwßf Woodaud FawihMwy ._• *** m P F .°pSr*YTII Jticot l\cT«lSr. inS«U,Lmok-r/Grocrrie* Producr nnd liuibwH U«wfftctßre»,‘C*nal B»«n» PitubßTftl rp A.r 1 .Ft IIf.T.TKIt. fitting Gl* S * * ni * l' ir *’ jro « Manaiaetarer. »n? In>P° n r r Yurdwu"* lf , ; dealer in HoowfnrmJn"* iUrdwure, GoodlM Wood rtreel, nenr !• ifA. Iwici ~ * CAKDtSM t*. BL*CJUSpl»S*Si‘(iacc«*o«. lo L * ru*.!** «““ f ““'!r E '°JSia' W...-TW fg»rfr- -"f M 1 ,'IWODUo t. WIfcBOS»j Watchmaker *u«l 4ihandM«rfcct •Ji* _ jn \ ibey i,,.uc il.c t«f. »n# V'cnubie JSsSh paurtn* of ihe iao*i *pP^> ve ** —. . ; te lS iy_ I «4. Th* . B*l "» h * he jS-WitioM «t*l Jmm Warranted »£<* ‘he *, 1 i tiuvtnmt J.eo i ! *r*. poiBtiB!» out the nirttM*. P r *P* •} , . j i L’.i.r Pump*. Counter*. Ruling. «*• ** ciIAIG. ISKLt&S « Co.. , I ti » a k» tor l!t . ml rnbi-Jl u»kfnoi U»e l/IAV mo , t valnable naltTC medic®! P'^-, Miaernl |.J ¥e , r variety oflJrsMCaMJng*. g?sr Assart: 7sksEßas®sg ? :E : ! A «K u 4; , j£-“A"ri^s3S.^ , .| XJSZXZ' - hsr&r.gs3-as \ ■ l s«®f^ES!?StßCHA.vr.!isa--'^ J 'cssff?sW ft ss 53SMS-•• s:.vr-*'.r-- «.“ar&cffita c Joint lor the aren. ha W»« be icnnecu-d «•■:;'" a;i letter* toouraddre** , , loa _wn.tlhoy»ie^P^‘r l^ ,% , e , e i»n and • -tessagag&ss,. es>- ■?••”'+ "»’ ~Zmimtas&e&a ;=SSSS£3:?=«S a . 11 r C “ n "JJI I , COXWAV A CO., : ; b/imytu. ’•> ,l,a ‘"'lll mirniir ) icil.milwirfi 1h ..«,1, r |£ IE£2SSS*eSS‘ *3ESaS?sS£S. ’ * V r * ff * hn, Clarke A Tb»« > burned and c«'tnj»» r, JJ I f £ ' |(_ r :^ ¥( >. ta. tl.<- in'*- -*‘ l»»*e j'wtly »** UUUWJ)III atm* btc or *tata<» of - - i s^^^r-4sr^' !£Sr M - AUCTIONEERS iSKg^^^TJßHßr' AND COtfISSION MERCHANTSj '“ _ JI "rSTiSSK—»-r ™L, "“USMh LEW * BMg; o|B : N-^rS®ffi®SH nr 3'Kji ; Cl NCI N N ATI A; ®. hm ' |, „ kinrt , of I open oo ’rekill Te* tf'n*r •i N L BKAD,4tI», near Market «Te« make*dY" t C »JJrr.»ed u,, Ac ~ fit*honihc n.n».i. . 1 Tlicikwk ol Travel, .n Africa.(ro. ! ,*"fcsSss*' Ksste! r^T : ‘ JOBS !!• RICHi RDR. | !'* 1 " t 'J' l , k .. Aimin' M " l *"'i'ii’;.!i? 1 ' WLift.•“'i COMMISSION MERCHANT, - : SfiSk Sr»P‘-W4?l NO 30 WATER ST.. 01’P0*iTK CHEAI’SIOE ! Onlni. lot lc* *Jcoiiitf Vu'o m.iuiM n n ®- ° ll No HinoiF.l El»«li*» oSi%2?%S2to« Fnn,.b- s.fv.«w-ri.- «*,■■“■";• • ar*^ ‘j^&gsskxriiza W&ss&on »oA H ?i.Ksr“- iipiis^ L...„..'5““»^ K ' iiEi=#HSSSS gSM;^ I ,ffi»aßaa»m-»ilS£s?sseiSJSSsS:! —^' - iTS*s^s^arßiS;SißS.^s^S 3=s *" %AU*K» tn n rtork on , hr nio«trcaaot«nl>U W'‘" 4 - , 1 .,i 1 ~i„pl.r*di'«r t' 1 For tale »l . 6< ,,. „ M .t.vir mim Bil ■- I”'" I mnn. ""'‘M Kn*'" l *’" „,j r »n and !I- Hie publie 1« eroctil. O'a'beC*' , ’it!»bur*b l •^r*aaa»*“ f^p«iass^ 4#SPa-»- &^.is£=-a.-S ’ 4s — ..! »P£SS SHION BEBCHASTS, I jjBsfAMIN UO,VN would b « 'l 11 ,,*"** i£X2ur™A«* r««k r dw n «?S cenn. W>f,USfIgQRP * Car, hare on hand an aMortme Mlid l&rVictJ.ShoteU an/ aUginioKr to uke the mc ■ tJ‘fSruwdTuMei, Cornraett, *»dpn» wri£mr(ttftder>«il w not,) to §SgSS:4 e,J ‘-'‘ 0 “‘ riJ p« | >'" , *>"r gwiulZ fleam!- W«.Cf««b*«. STuSmukUOii' Jekn H«rtoo, tt«, SS£Ai33T*&‘ K waiL. Uri»«. H>M- RECTIFYINa T DIBTILLER, j MUOk MKWICWStSfcUIIjOaS, “s&ag?. tr*** MM! illiSif4 s ■tepSiiilgr —— ; Wtu. - - “ w SsaHiSsV KSi.. AW i>ht7dAwlyr _l. 1 ' "" ~ wuuwniti SECOND, «*•*? '*? AdSR* W* N*TU>* f Itave on band a ,oU fetfta Buna OCT g T J. B. BVVEITZKIt, : 3d *tf •pi* wU * pmrsuunuHj ! l Hfyts to -w-ssssysrf -.»i. ■ - V EA , Ka3 TW*S!“I. , SSSS.>i ' Cot act Bilker* Alley fl ' ai>4 ' M,ier *>'*U* )«nte ttoek ef vienr Tin tod Cop pet wore, withe large ***° l1 * I mi of uoported Uoeee Hardware. 1 iTOWruJ* beyera end the pebltc generally, »r* tn*| 1 IL mll9{ «■ r- «■£',,* i.'nub" * coi wiSoTsW'"««*>, p "“ k " , « k «» j KOItWARDING & COMMISSION, A. if. Wilitngfoi& !J«;o F’ Smgcr.: JUCIIAHD Jrj utaLLIROFORO * ®°*‘ ' ; iMPORTKR and'Dealer UrFcreign and uom COMMISSION A * J OKVVARi)INO (MERCHANTS,! J*dJerj*, Hardware. »r.d °* rt *^* COMMISSION s „ _• • i * w n;»U,.»r:jNol«Wo«.l>»^»^.bot^.> ii vA V V IiAK I) WA R K ANO ' lo nnnoucce to the Coach maker.*, - acme* PITTSBOBOB HANVFAPTCRKB, ; M< . rr |„, m ,, and buyer* ,b *i^ WAREHOUSES Second *trrrt, u«!*r V*oo d, «£■* ; ofl ,„for wileai the atuvre wandr about th. t. ii _.i | inert Y aired, have on baud tor . . c itoiuve of • ICO ,ooolb* S HARDWARE, AND CA Savior Cart,Shear, Hli»l*t*t*il R^ B “ n *' '• i TRIMMINGS, includes cvety ancle or \*vgaua& 1 > SMrI sK..Mo«U<.Cio*M>*! 1 ■ I ntoud LuUit'. . i I Allorwbitkw.ll.l*™!Ji S'w‘o ta,! AUitockl.Clay *>ntl Coal P-ch». \ \ lowert haatfrrn «uid{i.o»* Wf® Axe*. Sickle*. Log Chain*. AtS •• Ar~ ombit of gomg to buy »hetrgao«.*ba fn-Salamaudet Fite Proof Safe*, lioA. NaiH.Gla** aj ,,l my tJock am price*, in jaii*. £“l otbec|l’it:[t>ttn;hMuiu.aciure»*o.«i»t I ,„ ntt # £d money may bcw\rU t tf> *M ; Sss coaaissios aEU’ gill 4 Kt s, j “—juaßr®.WotinwiM-*'. N» 3>Soiuh'WbarTe*.andNoU7«mth 'Votei »t i r[r ,«BCBOu rcnsrrcat WABf. noo.M*, * PHILADELPHIA: i vn HA THIRD STKF.KT, BEG to' inform tb«. unde run! drtl«.w gensraU) o’ /taUrn A I.AR(»Knnd*plendid’ A?C?jssJ|3r§«? PitWbirreh-thaUheyhac.tniadeiacbarranßeiCiini* U~gr* adortment of Kuruiiuro, with the Vitemia raaiiufaclonr* and Hie Grower* o f)_ miiahle for Sie-unltoai*, Bw.m .'IRA the-Wot, West Indie#, aud other idaccati* Hotel*, and private pwet- • i a large and douetam kun>bf. pi 'l.e foUowmsde-cr-iw ron . t amlj* on hand.amt made ;o o'dcr. lien* of Tobnjcco which will be »o.d mjIo!» a* "ceoTB n,enn?»ent stock on hand cannot be eierilcd hy h»0 modatin* term* »tany other hotue m tin" uity or . f £ , or y m t i,r Nvettcrn country. Per*on* wt n'o? SEE, and™ I W* ordered iron, then. «,U bo war do «ll bV «Mhf ««» %«'?},£ ranted equal to representation:— . I dcicrramrd my price* »hall plca*l. lariofiu. ISST SSi,Hw» Cuba; Igutnt; wtd FTonda, J bacm ados M-thogiiny Nu«*e Cliai.r*; - ALSO—Branch'* celebrated Aromat|cStig Gaveo m pmr Oivan*: • di»h, with alargo a**onment of otlier br-“»J|* i-do* fine malingany Chairs; ' . and qualitte* of pounds 5s t- IS* Jf“ Jr , li maboguny ork S-and*. £« 6»M and 10* Ping; Ladtc.*’Twot; ' , .fdor nulmpny noek.nqU.air^, Ac, aweet and plain, in whole and ha f boief, . lna rUc top Drr-Mttg Hurcaa*. and tin. together with every vuncty o' hcjong- „ , nif ing to Ute trade. _ ' *iujarble ?op «rk Stand*. | 1 i*lT.T«iT‘ ~ C W AXOKa«>5. ! |irberi> \\ urk Stand*} _ . ij. ./ i Lat/oWSSiP.. lutteof Na»bvaie,Teno. Alahognny. Maple. Che.ry and PopUr Dp^ Q^w ° r [ : ASDEBSON. Ik.!rr.;n(>.iic.n, to.'.p.U.: ,n.l > *rer ! Li For Warding and Commission Mrjcbanl*, N*J- " j Furniture and Chair., numrrou< to mention. Float»trfet|frt>o vcUroadway,Cincinnati,Olu »• ! marOtf - »-» ».• “HtlliSF Rw*alTo4 i i NK W HAIUHVAtth HUUM MAdIenACo, ) „ , ’ , ! JOBRPB.WOODWBLL. Itoffey:*Smith, \ PiUtlnirgh. . cor«»er of Wood and pI Vw?iS«S Wnu Ikngbmm. J ■ fjaVING wuhdiawu fioui the oldfinn of Walfcet A SeaU A Sbepberf. J < - ] H Wooilwell, on «hc -Im of Jatinary, IB‘. , Martin A McAltwer, j Naah\.» ~Tcnn. 1 usi;te ,n Htinounring to-my fneadi tdW‘e diy and| Yealman t AntnMead.) - , t coomry. thafl have opened my 11 c . w J'°‘ rc V. b , W-F Imne A Go.. I.oimvil.e, K>. ■ named place. Having purebred toy godd* torC*»“> Sp4* c ;? IVk'tt”* o " ! CitfcinuLti,O. >nJ „fj„ unnpiwttu wuh "'•""“S'feEj ,^n, Jam** joba*toa A Co. > . j ««,nirv and in Europe to»>o coiulanitT »urtpbed, * lle*.u, IlcM * Go-. N«" “V 1 "• Ml, preporeillofuroi.h ll.nlw.reof MMltrelWOr * Morn., New , oik., 10, I k R(( al any Eaijlor we»j^r DaKulMillUer ACo..BoUilnoie- .'niolli.r. ate re.poclfoll, iilT-'tJ l ” UrnfA- A Co. Ph'lailfllpliik. Slia ck.oiin. », .lock. l**m V"= h, ?^{ OaltelDefhoß.Ummc « —-- Tli. follo.i.iir compn«.« mV «Slio. •ronthe Rail- j • FOR. the raleof Flour,CJruiu, Seed,* exlen.iVc War»bou«*. o»» ware No4l Non* What.**, road, Broad ilrte».al*ove Areh. FlulaUelpl All conMjcnmenW c« mined ' punctually attended toand ms •old. , ._M ReaaouaUe. ad«nitce« n>»ae on all c» I required. ItUtKSi'S. John M Kdinnly 3c ro , A C. «*»*. „ lwn fc Co,« M. Irantnun, ».'h Encliah and French Hngravin**; Japanned Waiicrrand Tray*; Ixirtinß ti»a«* Haler ~v 1,,r l' rtX fl ‘ 11 Table Oul'eryt* . l'icinri* *>***• , Hritannt* Trn Ware, in »l 4, CO., \ Orli. Ma«ilfKiUMe«r ' •»(i, *nt«r ‘ 1 Com!>«- Ha'.rHnuhe*. •'•-✓ • . \ • 1 ft?-MtKhaul»..ilotel-'. «'-> n«ici}inriit* of J libelal leriu*. and .-'O'-liii.f V* l 1 . dir Opctomia* j a) iJi»r»ahuor ea*H _ -OAZZMiV ■;*«»«« D T j ggsffi A»«rh**n\ e.jy.^a care will be ntlc B» o* n*i finiibtd edoenlKMl _*f» 6 ”7i!Si« r yl p«fcKi£!B?r ffi™« « "■*' of Pat*,andtiuidi bigbu“ ,C “ C >1 T * JKnwSge of «. PP i,»ci P .i. fchft! Uji»lrave Jt, Cotuir) [erprcti* fc> iiieipart of JRMGK rd iti Jho«? ap*r. &c. * anil, at the been »n tbe only ttcflll ihfHKNV t«ITk • , . I i'V. b^r \ c , e ? u J.r b !TfKf ePe un 1 tie tuiliou of Mr. .Me Ica If, aI inTiieimlliilmciiiainl pnwtM».ta^»jl>«l"jl«JJ l t . erpcf ration* of ii» Instructor *u>l Prop c • ff {B t0 ‘ IS!«U * number of pupi'» ■« limited *n eoil) epplicaiio Ste FSr particu!.r«,rel.ti« to terra*,*c., wnroli cfrVßl.reot apply to M>*L. I ■KWICSLT ACADBMI[.! _ A Cl APICAL and'Commercial Uoardtrt* -®? 0 ®! B.Tr.r.HI, A.H.. Tic sX5!< Scsim will cmmw" ’rtnilfeuilio'. Tliilion, Wishing, Foci, Li S M»- in lOvincc, Ho bill*, u lie cl°“ "I .1 Hooka and Kauonerv furnished when refluent , the rxpeltfe of the pupil; , , All Chtki»e-*> ** fhtuneilf tnmrM. desirable M'SSiSS^SsS llAValer atrect, PuuberjU BOOKS, MUSIC, &t books—i’bw** b? j a y&t! FJamet. \V»lout .Ucet, btlrnn fourth »ndFirih,ClncißiinU* , »nd Gibbon—The bUlorjr ol .he,decliiie ina the pr-WlioiTof ChfUUaVity:Vs- Minuter of,Public In.lwetion fw ljf| H‘ n * d “^ nl c„ M Th„, nrelace. note* and correction*, trana SS”;. JS.’riSS. ,'K, With c notice ol the Lila »nd chmeteror j.ioow, ■ml WhUog'a Hepl, to tlihhon. l ”l’- 8 I t.if- i* C, H.U>i5 ; . ! MliHln A|ic..T-'hanihci , f.'“l"J Scotland Hobertion'aVtrpnu and New n ß ,a J“r IwKll'mrnmoti »ml Eojltah;«•» “,*“s^*’ ttamm’j American Kewlotion. I y°* n\a if “ u S led with unite thin Ml enpnt.m**. .1'P Il'S Picinriil Lih'«r- < ' o, ii' , " S ’iS mmm ss msmm 4 tupirlirjoit ,|r». with meUlitc ,*? d with all tfen laical itnptoremenu, which for durability, loueewl loach are warranted t».b««ga*J io*oy «■« inihe eoaniry. Fortale i«w • auUB No m woodrl, «d door abcTaSth MANUFACTORIES.^ SS'talSnl™. c,.Uto, t>aJ> “c.VTi “«w;“gs,3i" , SjSi , s died to call.a* pnee« and tettna *•»' irA v.lTwt T iie ‘s 1 of Mai»b*ll, wm!«y* ’ jho Uosiaeaa bf ibe sth uvMani by maioal ”“w"L,!L Wallace 4- Me* late firm will t* -cukd ALL ««'*• ALKXANDBR BBADLKY WmTW WALLACE HENRY MeOEARV FRANKLIN”FOUNDRY. „ Wallace 4 Co, m all iu v*r»u« branched. viz. V iiif«w wire Mill Ucariog gSw.irf&ve rUte* Light* Heavy Mach ry astfwssxr HENRY McOBARY prrr~M achine works and foundry, Prmacßan, P*. * BE P'«P*™ “ 52JJSS; rtch u—C*rding M«- Frame*, lz>°m», '-a™. , j B> pnlliea and !sSrw.o?lM latMlpanerna, alide and hand Lafoe*. pmiot. ■»£«“vK; ,n p£Sric‘,cm 2S‘SS«uta«p g »p “«“»»•, .«l«k, Bell k'C., J K Co. ° ® FACTORY. in Aill©per*D©n,oi» ihc E»*t where ■ Conj fuSt •opplT of Blinds, of »»riooi colot* Sdan»fiue*.»™ eonnsntlykeptoii h«jd, • «i, Piti»burj{U,ai J-*- No. # Woodw,Pmw- . ’ H. Phillipr’oitclodtwaieroom /emuau Shnii/r* made to order mibe lm« nyl Blind* repaired at Uie *bone»l nonce. N. B- lII* Blind* will be pot op. £> _ U '“I)) tonal exepn»e »rj ibai they a i.l .fbb o' »' -"“"‘•SSJTy'KI.'Sy if arrew or e _ • - * ~GBOSIOK WBVMASi «ID»l.r in .11 KinJ- of .pjtu'i Pf’tv SNUFF!*, AND CM«AKS. Ks ly rail the attention 01 t ounny MetfUan. Aeaioboal lUrkf rpri» 10 a large and *UP*! «l Sent of luiportrjj Segar*. a»wt»g wh:eU w *l» *. m "T lire foJfowuif braiid.,*!?: lWta? Prinetne. La Nonna*.!*l»r Itraud. lUiuer'* . Kn&.“lo(U. t U.llb.~M‘.-l“* - n * bad at any otfceiibou»e m «•* f ‘‘f , ft large uod CI .»»* «• - ZTvvLrOX'W arid Uru<* Found , r. ka< rebuilt a«J commenced biomaj at b 1.01.1 iiud. wh't' bn b> pi*'"''' “ "cfireb? S» .Slbola, "iid "irtU of • «£J •X*.*->»“ «*!“!&SB. , S I WM.McCVU/V A. v-a. ITATION CROWN GUASi AVISO recemly made wy •*"• • » mrnl* in the wanufaciurc ul Hie *" “’ l ' 'j. |,ir ' |ve lMie»l improved « '■“irtii Vl*» u»t ■»' ««i>cm.r, to any ** l J£ Vc ’(cry rXlentivrly rusascjl.*" lurr Common Wimlovr Ula*« *>"' *' J Bt*tfoofc*cryde*criptipiu IWrU f‘ AU V - Ul vited ii> call amlcxiMi nc for «Ut‘ v £ ■" VO Wo«lamcuV«U*Uursu.» » , ill «ml 8M '".'",. SrrssS-T“ s ;B< xg. too. Ci II mnd >ec. . : jopter. ®k»*t mow. asd tis ware manufactory, No 8 M»tket »t«ct, Pai-tiurfb,f cn "*- t , ' pilE.Swnkxr. bmriDlf «oPBTOVeXo P 8TOVeX 1 i „ih,™n.«n.ction o( .ko,r cOraUNOOTOVI^ S'pA CfnYc'o.U >. romUb. TWO. £?cf£.U Corr' ■”»»f •nd c»*iy >«| of woil in ““'kriFF ». -ifHHK BENNETT & BHOTHER,»'vabe MA 3,Vf, A £ESSb'ip». j®S«wr:'irVo?.^i»ss^ WsgsassSp x l .” " w “ ‘‘r' 4 x ° “f '* b nd for m!« i'V J Chemical Ree :timenw!Chttn» mdon itheearlriitgc U-fl aiUhuritie* r Colotnl'U*. '-l sine,] includiaa nirais* map and of "lierifudei" \V. Sewell, B- “l —i j 0 ;” d^| k “‘"r GRIFFITHS & DIXON, rotuiiK lit" n»i»nof< <*»»*« »• i“« m*””" r '' ,k ’’ 4c - n " *"ter P.tuborgh, J»iy ._.—u JNO. u. OIH-KHPIK *- 5 u - No?eWoo4ftr*«- •' # J m'Hii* ,,| l J®. P .' I* .L. nyMi icifouald” tertni ond Woollen Mnr| l l “''wiii piompt * m '' lion Order, lO « DAI.ZKLL , Lacock otreei, All-RUeuy Cils ' important‘* n I V" , ,s^cn itt •owfl of «br mo.l _ Ooilon F-anori'i of tins we«V I* *W« h“SerSSn.lenllon in putting to the .o ,h I eauWiihmonl-.. ..— I—■■■ 1 ,"■ - rFrrsDUKdH^K^woRj.AS • jurh r. U« •« “cMwrfi .iilctl watfWrf P ,D ”?',J'aFP.I.IND3AV k Ch novjo NJULB, 4» ’ • ... ... r PeUtm Staten' Point*, of aery ietmphon. So. * ft. Chart** Howl, Third - , u , PliUburi*. ifb< OTELS “'ll MEKCHAStV HOTKt, Third and SmtlhfitU rhxlr, 1 •» Pittsburgh,, .PA..;. ; ■ ’ ■ Tt. WelTtr. ProprKtor, ■n is „.*•»? ip*doi» »“*«•*< I i *ri'aT FIBE, and fronunjt on wo of *L2S sss^tf^as sfe® s®ferSSsS Sfff jernW «in»aftc® ettl * The “Parlor* and mol-l f»rti»tiou» can iWi«- * ae , lvto Wll fe lliipsfeSiS' 3ag£sM>i "fe<> <« •*=*"*" “.i*IvKAVKB. Wimf. nEAIU. BTBKET HOCSK, 3333 " ■glsii^gs jßAsssvajisffiaf6Sfe#!a?Si v •/' JOHN A DUPLE ' j juti. ■ w • raels7_ _ = i MBNBi T«?» A S mTSJSLD | Pittfburgh, f’tu. t *' ■p3dlm mntTH'f vywwog HQPIB> ; I bunh »tj.n i'.»miTm«, .““’.“r-rr.r. Ihc tbcre lioii**, **yj. -, a-fcjjfrtn Ih" H ll pm*. tUM-* «*" Citr ba X ,< l i2“Ki2«* «* r.» ihc noit revoa»m»'4* nft *' • , pIfIITT ,. ~.i, —■ - + -,bn,.„in,ißK-=» \ ■««.'»»» tSMSTO: PRABI. RTHKKT HOUSE. ! I 88 Prtal Strcrli ticw \tirk. tipi»ocmi«'in riu'CE-Ttw .oi..tia»r:irT«i- Ii tall, tall* i'« “l"" 11 !’ 1 ' *!?,!? IKmEu l!U Ig rsSMs&i&Sf | Np\t Yoti. AjiiJ'l. • —-. ro - U. r./ACKItOK. Jitc \.f ilir A«nr 11*1*1'* E U T AW BALT JACKSON «.j CoacLr* will I* in rpadinf 15 us to convey' l’*'*) 1 f frsuiy 'H , I NSUIi Indemnity "S«ld'> Lou or| Dtmofi by JflSCt i UINCtI'LK COMBINED - »Vcorhy of a Siock '.lnwrahtt nf rrufa. i pkbpktual. - lectorj. John M. Atwood, \ Lewii.'R. JUhSumt, . CleorgfeN.. Baker, 1 John J, Voodetkcmp,; W. Carrentcr. . \ ' ,r« er. - n»t Lo» oc DamijV , ir 1 «iH jaml Ticioity,-oo ;«io, ciood».->Varc»..v 4..M-.:ciiafid»»e,a«* theowt i’riTici] le. wmbincft iij'sntal.ond tl.cutherlproTisjoni or *6B »oe tu* I DELAWARE MUTUAL^ Safety 2nrarui'ceCompany •XPhlUto’U, FIRM RISKS ijppa bnildinCß »* d “ttjggS or csery description, and MARINE RISKS apnn Pp®® tl,e mostlarorable term*. . • w'dl CTOffice in the Warchinw oMV. BJ Hojne* k Rro., No. 37 Water, near Market atreet, ThUa- The •necesf of this Company ainee 01-jn iniiitutimr lamong toe roo*t »lQuruh!ngin Fhilad'ta —aiHiatirjgan ample paid to kpial, wn»«» t>, to oprmtiocOfißctoutmca^lfaocritom'W ulieldinetn ,ach[perroeiemred hi*decebald.ol , to profiti*or tbc company ttitonl iMoWejJto id any reepoceiWrty .betorerj; e»d toteiOT *1 rn.Vie.leg the Mental principle. touted or eeety Ktow,feau.fel no fie iu too^Uactore : .jTorto. ~' NATIONAL FIRE ANP INSintANCF., KtUPAN*. make i««nrancr of rvny kind conuvcapl j _t nt l I “•Ap'JltoS.'S tor ili.arl..rr .lirmliM U w.them Mp». oltre, Sn u J^gg^MAllfcAiiOH ■%3SXFSii*.--' Johnl^MAAio^-- jiK^o«pl>.^**««» • And "i * «uhwqu*rtt'mtrt»ng;of ihettWd, Jos££*l \\\ SAV AUK, Bsg.% wni n*_ iknt for the «WNi«x)'ar. " ui.J «yS I*o*l & Jouninlcopr__,_ | Sccirsyy- ! THE MUTTAt. P|! Willi ilit* udililtonol *f Tfit Reliance Mutual\. CllAltTEnj Georjte 'V.Toland,. Thoma* C. RockhiU, Ui'urcft M' George 4 sf ILL irnWeinwr ■\ V l>* Kirc, in ’* tti rd t »« dfd v fyb *o k *' 31 f. < ' PlilE A7«> IIIAIUNB Inaurance Company »*r I^Orth (America, Til,rang!. .u July nmhoriaed Agent, th» .otari John C. Smith I'rc'l., Samuel Brooll, , hiS w7oW~ - SSard hmilb"' : . hio A Brawn JacooM.Thomah/ J °t" Athiir " Jolinjß. Sdl, : John Whuc, H-,ch|td Wood, Artburtl. Colfin,Bcc. Thi« is the ol.lctt Inaoraaco Comjunr>n » a United State#, having l«en chartered m 179*. It# charter « perpetual, awl Troro >tt Wfch etwidiog, fon? c«pcr”tK, am P le gj r-aU# of an citra haxardou* chdracle*, »t maybe. u At Counting Room of Alwpod, Jonef &J Co;, Water and Kront«ttccU, l , jtt#bugh.;r;--.: ap , i»-tr : jonn SHERIFF * 1 Oft*, Ko«.Wmi|M Front m*, Bjji»» I Fot)KßW> l j»na tU» Fix- TE*«; PU.t«i of Ul lilM CHI, from tbe linen mpioTeu i>«- lerui and trarrm lied equal mplly **"' pn krca*onaUle tent *. * novlWly | ' INDEMNITY ... . Ac inat Lost bt Fire—’i'ire FJIAPtKLIN Fire Inn* Ag inai nc /company or PkiUdefphia, ! WILL make Insurance, percfripem andlimited, ob «»ery dweriptioh orjnfoperty.iß VISITS BURGH and the on farorablo * pdtpctHai Sr'jl JWO.OOO ptidli. CONTiM-KNT KU.NU,. SSCQfSQ ' , Offia MnVbortrtOd; «*■* bj s COCJIRAN; AfMrt-V N.-'ra.*- PHILADA. ADVERTISEMENTS-- TfISOCTBKAS ASO WESTRItBIJIIBK - TO 'CrtAWMAKO druggists.. t . LW. GLENS k and A*eri«»a W To*& BnubM, Bf»l«,3 oi ra»frW Nail,Comb and C£h BnuKaat Shall, Buffalo, Horn Caaba, » great tamo. P twmtm, Cm*. Fine aad Ca*c»and Pocket Book* aad WaDcti; FMCjr- Boica, (Panar. Wood and GUm); L»dt*iaaU (katb "**»»- iagCtfi Dcoiaoreaad Chcm-Men: QUtOood* taTanttj, . sSeHina and Toikt Bottle*} Drua am} ComoamT* o *! l*j- M;fcp.«O.l«iai A«*d»on» aad xjuiic ft™—, E3aabc Drudua* Capa, 0«M aad k ” Dcl * ; T*t*wß*«* Strops Pink aad Bla< SanctrajPcr fnwTßoxe»»d Sa3*t»|jPoaidw Bose* aad. Puffie , and *«*«“ “ e ***P a* they •eaa be r*irtha*edinlb« Uoiud State*. :• . • • u EJejSitOww bill* fonu»b*d*»lko«lcWje,aad jaekiat *Mdladilplil« t MatcVs> IM7. , —, ■TRAM 1&09 BAILIBG PACTOBT, RIDGE ROAD, aber®’Bnttimwood Street, Plul * •*3*tpWa.- At thi* establish nteinaay be foa nd the grtkicst varietjMif FtaU and J** , *2ir it 10 for ißOfiaiAlipGS ifl 4be Ualted^taiM^to which the AUenUSrol tbosein want of any deecnp ' for Cemeteries, Upartiqotarlj . \Th» Bijy.iiui |>«rinl all the handsomo RaiUngfl •- Monooent, and cemeterlei io ; lb« city and county oi which.hue been no highly ololled by . the pebltc press, were eiecoted at tbia 'mannfactonr. ? Aiahre WarikHoom la connected with the eatab- IWitoe»t» whew la.kept oomwbUt on hand a Urge , etockofresdj-made Iron Railing*, Ornamental Iron SettceOronChslnsnew style plain and ontamen* , 1 UHronflateei»ithaD«jteßtiToa«ortmcatonroo. I PoeffT Pedestals,lron Arbor*, &c: Al«o, wjjrcat Variety, 1 Wrought and Cut .Iron Ornsmenta, amtable I for Railiete, and other pwpoeea.., I The-ftwecriber wonld alio state that in hi* Pal. tint a*t Deigning Department ho haa employed aomeoFtheteit , - I attention u derotod to lho tmtness— forming alto-. I mUterone ortho moat complete aod systematic c*- mbliahmenu of the kind In the Umcm. ! ... , ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor.. i- 5 --" !*• ftfdae Road/abbve Buttonwood street— Phiingrijfcliu March li; 18*7 dGmos 7 oHSAP .WATCHES* . , rTtltß CHEAPEST GOLD AND SILVER ,'- ATCH; IXB IE PHILADELPHIA; * * „ i - * field.Levcrs»f*llJewelled,. .. i* 1 -''Bilver do; 5™ - 1 Jew*lled t • *j |5 I -'Silver do do . .j? f* J tMverQuanlen»,fine quality, I™’ ! Gold Wucbea-plain/.;.... t-, . : l ' ' SilrerSpeefaclea, ' * . ... GilUPewiia, - .5 - ' Gold Bracelet*, cn*M««d Hair ' ' Alan oh UaruLa large assortment of Cold and llß jr , BraceletsK«V rings, hreert rohfiieel. 'pens, silver 'spoons, sugar longs, ihimblr«. goM 'iert ; 1 KrU »o 4 fob ckuiiu. nud toy. *■<»?"«"{, "i" , ! description, at equally low price*. AH twaink aca ranted to keep rood lime for one yean old gold and m rcrl*oughlorukeit)nexrhatigr* - ■ a “ JU ''^ife h | , .ilSfus. , . fraieii. Clock, and Jewelry No 4UI M»tU •irrei, above.Kleventh, North side.- PhlUdelpl • try 1 have *ome Gold aod J»dver Lc ve M than the above price*. ; —L * SASHYTmiPATKNTDinEOTACTION .STEAM UAUMUL. . :' rirtUSllammer possesses many advantage* ovri; ati .•J.otber**-amooiwhich«nayhemeiiiippea, • - lit Manacesbleness— Therapidiuty and force of Wow mar he-emtcwUed wilh the gro»*«t'ea»e, while the Uamtnei. it jn operation, amt the hammer may I* »•*- /. subtly arretted; and suspended at an> h' l #* l -. • . Mu Univertaliir. Of eapaciiy lo execute work of all kinds lo the *umlWt,_urder the same • • and Cheapnc**. - - Jtt Aceessibliuyuppn all aides. bf the wor.irota. All the hammers are made Self-Acting. - - r The subscriber* eoaUnae to etcecn e orders for ihe r . hammers,of all sixes, upon reasonable, terms. ' . . Auipuei ot tkc. P»u.»llftlb. >WSiSS!iSfL; decl3-ly ' Southwark Foundry, Pntlag.*;^ ~ ‘ "*RTEAn waßble woeks, ; ' . • -I Rijrt Roaii.'+btrt Sprint Can/m SUft, nj »?tiSM«ablishoem Ueieetrdmt a o,‘®P^!' d re s ‘ to The asMjnmeniof M ? rb! ‘ s l ,*, i * te !ntpcncir GaSen' Siamary and Vase*-of the most-. ■' taswfof designs and psllcrns_iaaila of ihe finesi anil handiomest description of Italian Marble, 1 wes ini •nTnunUf of fuu.lied Homo!, or Toblo 1 iJM o : ■. block, or cut to sizes for MouoraenUj TJAIR jj }l ' ' Ridge Road, abovo Spring Card«? st *» U tntUnA’*.. Pebraary3,lH7.' Jtnwsm_ ig V IUCIUJtSTOS.: .• 1 Of | , »viJiD«. R'tfkaway H 6 U S E. liIOUE. .[OK A.SST.ON> rßOPßtkro»ii. in j.tke Dciwn and T.axd- Jngcm, fm of rAarf*, u> w. ' ', ] It A N C E! DERRY * NICKERSON. i . - .dtUanhelarera of ' \ i !.... AWiISCS, SACEISG -BOXTOMS, , | WAGONr COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS , !•”, ; Itr ALL DESCMPTIOM. • .. m.Soatb Front , flock of 2t i. W UeotC* Cabinet WartMtmuf y • - ' PHILADK^PmA. ALLorden left wi&M Mow. n*j* °%“S} H„d, s.‘‘t J EߣY mplty : -^ t ° T , A. c. nickkrson • WATCUSUREBS andWCAIiKUU. ■■'-i, LADOMUS, , TMPORTERof Watehee. Watchmaker* Toolsand 1 Watch Material#, whalera!* and reuul, end eon rtantlronbindalarxe »Monmtm of Luaeiie, Patent, and l’iaio Claw, Mainspring* yci»e». I)ia «s Welch llaadt'anda complete aitonmem of *ll Tool* and N_e* irilalabdondag to the trade; with a large awmmcni of Gold and Silver Lover, Lepine, and 1 lajn .Waiebei, *ll if whlehhewtU guarantyto «ell atilm loweel New yerh-pricee. All orders fronibo cooniry panctnally CmuttiT Merchant* and-other* are invited'to eall and examine at ibe 014 Stand, No. S 3 South Foarth Seat. Philadelphia- " jenSlCrn^ OAHUIAOKS. • ' .* JVJLUAiI OGLE* COACH AitD HARNESS JUKES,29O Cbesaut »t , MQ4M*r Pkiladtlpkia, late of the firw of -Op* w HrtSSflj* Watson. mpeeifully infonn* bu uwao* \lr i —m) Hu I Mlfj i flm lm lin end .will keep egßAtutly on hand and fcr sale, e 'handsome eiwrlmcnt of (XiooaßeCeirieeee. Vehicles of *ll styles and dewnpbon. oil. lo orf« ro-ibI.MW, >»d (Urtrj beit Denser, ofieleeted material. fcbZMy ■fK Smiih. “ W BegaJey. ’ W.II Woodward rvSIi'TTirBAOALKY A CO., wholesale deal* surer, hw tow Sixth Nnnh sMc. . !J£j BOLXVAH. PIRB liU>t.uh . IX7ABRANTKD eoperior tatho best E ijiisb W bridite, v ott^ai»andfcr.«ala at the \% nietoas* — c. DODOS, • ■ l SIGN AND ORNAMENTAI. PAINTER, JVo; 49 Market it, between 3 d and 4IA afJ,-| _ i. ■ 'V worlratlhe sboneatoouec.-aud at one« trat ,c * - » •fMkiblf Ml J*T.. j ~WmP Yoniir. - C lhm*eh. F Plunkru.. •. . >v.KO»SO, IHMBRS b PLUSKKTT, I j K 1 I>TCLGI.ASS MANUFACTU ItKKIj, 1 j , . i.v ttuai-arftumurty no«MndKw ;^^r! c ,fi! g^r!r ‘‘ saga ”v & * U«if No I*l COl wood Biwlgiji Mi .; : . fesfet'issiis oWJerrt}* Apply % p sgTZ, UlUbtnr^lwgf ' X I »2ftKK2>. a.ii™.ch»>fcw « 1 oi*mitlutiir;NtMAwnM«i(prei»rii| •>»»'>• i’ ;: BOAT VUUSIT,uM~^' f H.“ • •••< n pdee*Hliefal and a fair allowance made on *U iaje* W. nr above, SO UrrrU. - mn»ft»,. T“ pr.n. BATOb, ' - i -TaltALiaiinTrißunlßreand VarleiyGbova.Toftsinj D.T3telUl*oty and Homcombe,Wool|eakam»iUKl. \ W^r*tWe,lloiia»»,Needier,V»tt»^T*r»«a. HnwU*. . t No « Market St beiweea -pianrtnd awl 4tb»u«u , Pitubanth. . _ • ” ‘ 3 >' It ' ;•• —r" - ~'A . . • \ A RWTHRQCKMPIUON btg*to*«in«ot“« A Wend/that bo it lessee of. the; GAL . 4 HOUBB. LSaUvin«.Ky.VLert •• hi. old friends, * . Jfoitoe* nntltFTOH CoS» AdannntinePiar C« Cs"wiU be fcaod «Uie«oreof paet**. P*« b > - ield«««», brtweea od ftnfl ««• t! uy ..bovS7: • 'I 1 '