rri iiiSDtitun i X ' L '^ Kfi:n AND RATTES OF MARINE INSURANCE, FREIGHTS, AC. . Sa'Mß Pen>----r lb " 11013 ! ■ 34H00T3 00 I Prime 4 •SS£3«rSi^jswi•» i'S r 'ae*- -rt' W4-W> ▼ _fl—• Fnumifx I’.e - 4 23.U1 i Common 1: Tul.-*»*b«l Cre-VT.-!.! ..,- *•* "*!&<*'£* l-o*. •• * W-bUlrr-f,.;.. r l©nper.** 1 .I*2,*. it , TJXlfiflO.OO i AJaAo.nii# Co. t> £oajnvin • 2%3 T 4 » Fo” V - -2lnc-r.v [OamAraLt 14 ®l6 Plaster ton »bjn ... *• Cop.i •••[ £ 2*. :rE. ... • 4 Pliuier Pan* —UUOfiBU*'. Slab ••• I rejacmi* ••• •** ®"* ! iV / «hiD—l«u 4FI-C2 Prorlslons— Krelgbts—F U>o lt>* •r ,»!>. 'Berm Hem.- • • 310 k| t '■ j Meene >•* e : *.» I j.me- P itj “ : ® d tj j!Csi!powde.el" •-*i J*“ Stt , Hopmlid?..)- tore • JlO e “T. L....r.1i, IUIkW-i- " ™,.mr V .lo TiO 51 , Drj'GooJ- | Liquoricr Root ’ a .~ r *»; *«i 121® IB : Lard. N» 1 iO;kop«. ■& -i Hc-o\y - l4iJuor.ce Bull »»g* r An llaco —by piekuc. • i>n kce* -®> - ' *>•»« /-«••*•«<•« »* Lei Dye *22 BeS* * • .. . ..*l*#UW. “ 1 7 J® | £ r > : * Macneiia C.rb , I.MOId!U Duller- I ink'll* lle i'l , ! Madder, Umur. *5 g ; A WOI.UO. - " I 1,1 roll H/®W» 'nstUu* | ladder, ConmU --“ »>* b . Cbee.e, W. H "«l« ,• Drv l.ocl. ' AW <£«* : R LTa‘ , y it. Co“«f>- n .Se.,-.:-- Si* RI.M-.rb.rooi ••!••••*' * j»* ‘ 4*4 4. U» nood wh-tc ; •* : »« v ' T rtfeLt -S® 0,00 " le ‘ ~|p* ”l-5 fi! R . iTri-x Tana n-Acid .. 50 ®®*l eel---- • : C>»rcr 3fiO®3..: .v >S£ |,r ® U ‘... ... «.,« .-JC.U1442.W ivpper. \\ Hat" »J Almond* * icll >1 ••• A) ®-5 Ro««l uo. ~nmof.W AUpiec--* ,J *4 So(, «•’ Sn.-lierdQl-P 11. -■« -* : J, E yr.' ,s '“-&®- ■ • • ~.z5 2 *&'■ ■ : i ' -'XSViu. V.; i y t ‘.,f .. Bloom, old ••• * ® 1 j* ukxi feel I lleti t.rrman ••• ?t i Ei‘S^TS?'=;-'.vr.M S »j»! "s*v. ‘ !i~7X '■ • -Ml." •• - -J •*; Orange* d : cTrar 15'- l*m»l»urj:h Manu u< ‘‘ . K 1) 1 1.-V - “ I I’earhe* ry bu -l-J®* i-om’n 1|” 0 li.oo - (Seniisn »itcl &-X -® -'• “'Wle.Jrl ~SSS ; bS, ' • —Olu.inl Knjll.k l.ir.ier- • ■ - . . .—Of 23 I Apple.*rr.-n bU-t-**®., • , ’ M _4*jU.i-0 , American l)li«ier • f'V ", . .-os. ! oir.M.i*a-eJJCrt4TI »*> -• — -T-™- z» .“-■•• -TMWr • r .rt«-eo , i r ’Vrtfr li Common ••• ‘- w ' Oak do do —® 1 Bn.il>- B-rlm i . u „. • • «u<* • Plo« r -f b»*'- , 6 . . p ltl eSh.n|{»eFF 1«*» 1.75®.5U-0 ' 23» , ' ri T:,‘ f ,t • , Bxtis jrr. nd. f ■ Uthr, »avred. IW»-Ul3®r3U KJ '. -?»«f'-g • >«P e ' 6 " 1 " ' _^r«3 : lolvelHoch.-FtlWlban'i " •< I -:^ p ! Fun- * 4 -“ J ueevee-f. • •• • 4 .IWOK.BS - ' > •• • ‘ [ • ~*f— nun * ‘llo-. . 45.10 - Bill Holland •• I * hl bbl*^■•■ - --J ;J25? 4 ACelvc* • -6.0041-. - Hugar-F . .--S:-- v* • l-<* - 1 ’ Feed—♦'butbal. ‘ Suearboute 7.44 445 Havanua. wt..:v. lu eo,i »ii™, , ••••.7,*j i >S?BSsr -•» '! ... ■■a i. non Kara! Btorea— Fulverued. Univ| -S-S - - iiftr-.f.-.-SSES i • ■ • "'"SrS f i : l^--; s •e*K’ ■■■■.. ■' uit'.atn-d *4al«non,No l- \.. ; lotf §Sd Ihiirats- • • dftoSxw Tobaecp-Fd biiu.ad Nt> a _4 73P : «4»d “ •—J.TS44.WI od foi ruHi n-r S3V, ■■.■■■■’l’*' i§ » :-.T-gSS ’ --sli-' 1 * - ; ••* S i a 7.:- x..h«.. wgM ? JSVi iSe. . eee Su'. e- AN»'_ g B { U>-■•'la* 16 Oek«n»-P U> . |.J.’"i J>B .p m hii I lec’.rr>- I — pi iniait- . —« * .. 5 rrpon H L'>" ■ _0 D* Black Houles ' I OU *5 4 s« lonuKK'k —4 9.00 Llnaerd, *- • .5 O_su , P L , nu J l»* >•• • -1 W 4 « . ,V, ~4 :,00 ,'i.uni. Cay -4.5 .. { v..irkrt I- A " 3,1 h ,Q . . Vi* 4 • l»o* 1 *• uahleacbed -rW1.15 | mlM . r ,., . H ; «Wf; nM - ■ - V J„e H.-m nek.»r— oi: Jg; -a- »•; T in P i..e-p .-i~. wS '-' • £ i n r^r: U“c“a. ' s C ?S n " T 1, "‘” Oi-13 |cCm.''!7r"e n n- » ».»•«»-» ■- '■ .SB-:-::::fc. i;; g-» ikj-. • Smmo, •■•■ • SilSy •• iimi■■'■••’• M'S ? .Vk" !J "v.rW'..Hi|aH. lk.ele .to •««'— *«“ ■'• sl® 5 UPTemf*. fc*-'" !?ar.::•• 4 »-• vrrow Kooi .•—?**" y* l * 45 4fO : No. I Foundry . .31.00434,110 Poiuy Aqueforu., j££7 - 333« . - tane- • .AmAb.m Uorat. reftncil ••• v 4ft 4 41 c sr.;*?' .• TUJ».O.»A* leg’— 9 11UK-* u«—4* •Vbit 1 * v • r., ‘ *‘®-* im» —P u-' 1 . _.. ,•.,... vCiitiit • 'iM urk«--P «■••»«» . iu ;o..k k UaW . 5 mi ■••■»« itiun -P |,J i'i-i* tiul Ala l ''* 1.0cn1.t.-V >" p ‘ l ■ ;■ mulc»- VHi _ ji a.VV*' 2 ’.«3 £i* 11113.• *>'* •• .•*,* i -ft ~:i - . ! • • r-aw >".’ r - tf-l ..*»» /'Jii {. 5 ler 5* Wr»»— ; OJ tjRIL ri.ork*t.bulit offers no aei feature w remark sv< , q .,.; 1r i >?!l ,r. j"i iHii.Jj prr bu Ot Hu- Tft tTFH vv.HUti.nT. f- <*”L : TbeCroeers have ail bee® [*o7 busy bil.nggeneral t>IJ st l 0 sl ., r „ ;\orung doing ■>« :.i .•»: .rd >-f Movement* of the Uotii in any one article. Sajv-Thc tale, are y >ct . d , n*»te l erro«.»nil remai® A P—Brisk vales, iu all rep wieJ ddO hi" «l gg i!:U:*, STl „sis*- *-£zsss£ •• nMro.ln" ibroagbibe we«k,**Uo *V latherde£r n pt.oor. ' SALERATIIjJ—Market bare. The little hrro P -icnve than any preaiou* penod of Uie aeaao, i i; R\fN—Market steady. Sale*'lWo bu Whe-t u selling at f>it7c. kt-s^***^Zjxs'Z*•• wwW *“ ; ,t to Piltabargh and a mart V- - fTTS.nce wnUng the atwve we pole a sale oftO , Wo o!e—None arriving but low K r a ,U».- lines are overrun with ‘urodoce OOObn.lhe contractor agreeing to deliver tor 27c at SaleB r, ot)U bb | a (; 0318 , 0n and Pulled nl -lep»r (’anils iuslopen, are pouring m a flood ol ”*°® tt * : **! Beaver sod 28c here, aU wl. . lb-, decline. .. , -* "zir or ™' ,pp ' T - : t 'lOO s?s “ThecrtV ir ade ».»' I j!£? '' l ’“ 2l '’ ”" J C "' i ' l ' "“■* • SKSvS* Eft?** A ‘ L . ,„ the 6 „„,d mock'.,nee oorlaat] Bops _, o bale. |.t an,. .old it 15c lor ctfort. ■I he .re.lwdj.in ■ pl „,eol.r branched 1..... 11KMP _p n «. are ...8, and .ale. to .moderate even s rt weekly report. , c J ccoo „ted Tor rally by the „,„t. L.rie receipt, to S" forward. rccc.pt. doing than other. from ,be dear I HIDES AND EELTS-A. jet, no Wc.terndil d Mo „ey hi-ber prides of fabrics, proceed] g We l have been oflered in quantity, and for want oraafes. • ‘ela of material used i. tht.r manufscture Wc h.«abe.- J Slorc rate, ..«4«ly. » *< 1 I r , .rv active business for if o months lo worlh 7 j }il < jjc ., green (Buicbers) are coo ,„„k for a r) «=<»« , ar.aellin,.. Jl.ffla ; lM «ch. or. h. »d e.c ’•jtUol Ihrougb principally. (»recn Ueel Hide* *>!<' 1 luatur “ , naarke... full of Timothy haled and £«- ?” bl.i i»«- 11 ! ‘'“ ui "s« s’ B -* 10 p net ' ic ..... ible lot taw-. HjMßEK—Further arri.ala from; above u.c.; "•« crowdedwllh loorU>looUce snd nore bn,inea. I 'iee.a-e .tead, pelle.l »r,lhisevening i M 7&7,50f0r cotnmob ‘me and Jlva la rV 11 The »M r , \ . clear. A few Suve. , llled The fc ; ... _ . opcn.ns or Le Konbern j of ||mSHoJw « J 7 f' fl | lO I^Lte “ iw ! an-e is ateady >t prev.ou. prices, and there ! '..lUc’acltve demand for Eas.«n. append . J^ARP-. -a. arrivin’, a- I l ' l < .a.-cjuriice. the m rkel J Cat ,l e Market. i t hc Bn-kers hat »f buying and veiling i HU w ,ii T ia«_i» io. Unsettled the moment. Boyer. »« h « i METALS _ M arket active for mos-descriptions. I t N York *<»< pa J.%\ p, l m S S «ie n.w bv i , the nreient. Holders, to effect tales. " , Urge sbipmenU 01 - mnnufaetured Iron ardyNaUs. .. ”i‘day« jmrrr.t e fl i 1 0 I lin n I'arly in the we tksale* wesks i w rio j e Ter y (nil for both, and t • ... .. . ic t.i par -'a\ |n<-'" | / i>«»- l, | ceded a reduction. Karty entl fale>4o „ry firmly. Otherw.se there .. new lealure Phd.A«-« 31el V. --. *i " 1 <( X N0u.... u,.-- ami »r « \ |-ot\ at *e. ea.h and credit, #flthi , w B<)ttce ( vtJa9 Cltj market. ; , oo.u>. !< ctks to several l‘ ,u at ■^ c ’ .k.hulkefl Pie Iron—There hive been further and larger, Cincinnati } Jy id IRI'OHICK UAI.L-I ri-ji , T, , ri7r y - ». ■ 7“ru^n.*. orJJ - Att „„ v > ~y.r a comtiam.i.nl, ■=>*“ *«“* « ’ »>tk«. The.; ka.c tan. ‘",7,^"" ■ watW.aamkl.mß. „« am highc. n all ahma. |li t- ... tm- - •“, ~ aod „yb. “» -Smajwntcd *■ ““ “ l BE\S>tB« liu " to *« P i|H R aU'*' Etna,mad. tiains st*J to.;, at S:»-«. to JJiJ !■• H»l »•« »""■ "T", J ’ ;L Z * " ;I"; • ante. oiled and aaleatatlG tnjadelt.eredhere;4o ton. t.aroline (not Aman ai nc , v , rv few let.d. i‘io,c tin" . , .i.ni-iiN \ M-K Mi.llr - REUKEI'S —Market well aoppllcd and aa |L „ w jji, 4„w Ibe I en„. t,f ~ h.'d . , d |„ 8b „, , ,„ee. r a,d tn th.t ..... ■ rEAV-" . i lat ?30. C mov. ! , i |\ I A.vlt»3 s/!» j»*» ; l vi h 7^cn7»e'.h, , '»ee t k‘.nipo,tin 8 A .ale i ST'J. -1 "* j ,7.«1 L* V ate steady and brut a. quotation*. | „0 8 . “j B j ‘ -■ .4™ COTTON YAR.NS-NO ‘o.LS-We ha.e . lotthee a,1..„c« on L.id Od . M; ‘‘ fc : ’ “ 1-Al.A.^l ßlfKk , A,'” „ w.. The sales are even moderala for Ho note. No. lis 75e and sales Ibe market A w - !«-*'. «*»“. ¥b» , • fa ; w ! "’ rM ' ia « are vrrv firmly uiamUineJ. ~ I.mieed is steadier with sales SUOO gals at 7jc. all * —a <* »» 6 J-'- \iv KMOVA!.-* I'uiui.m ha- minovc-t "■* ,M J"; If> * . fk. in brisk demand, find sales jObbxv , Q 0 a cred ,t. Of Tanner* ÜbbUat Slotnd S-U . _M.drtlms m. > K Ae-n.-y om.. w. No jnj'mi.ui.-- -U "t"'- CANO*- •• iD tioni at pneeS’ ; POTATOES—’The market bas advanced a —-Tj:-r* *“*i %tSav3 I Ika in hair ol lfi i'l r,c - ,l nriiritv ! PAINTS-e.No allentinn. '. D4.u*-r. frrd‘ i.fiui . it I >,,q c aKPKXTK KS-Jn'"« p.-civrd an.nor { OOMESTP.' fiOOD-' '' c ‘ , ° tC ™ a 350 balta.; POWDER—SaIe* e K*. ,n **"* K? i u " A W ir ~! f IU . V't " ,l H ' i,,r ' 1 VmVn'w M-Kl *" ,i, sheeting*, and vale* 3® ; Blasting to the trarie.st the Bill or I nets . J ''! « iie-ir,, h .im -n s 1 * l in FUtour I. •'' " #fe BOtfr used to acontidera- 1 ” j>j o tUiofls—The market bas beenUive lh» ■ t ,bU s ’ J’ J, a ib = \ aROAXDUAH BVKSiKK* A ..cl. *«! I-liee. ate "t'-i. j particdlarl, an «««!» ! „„ k , M d p ric «. „e .er, laitl, m.tnu oed. Ibe , -J »i »••> ' : J; A J-, " '> t\ tv JVII.H, eaten, f.r „ M.II. i i „lea, hn.«..r. ha.e nil. h~n «»« >» .'■kik.’.U..; 4- (n B S« ! ““ r«r r$Ls r j v -rirS.T7: : r s i «*’■ -« ; r k '#^n bi '~"' ;: ''f ■‘“ au Nonatnok . '* , ft the 'We renew quotations ollast week, roraaikmg , riranrd • - jT i, FKmT-tV. have nn.hlns new ton VenMici __ full—E*r tit, Cote 6 Jailjc lor Shook | Jjp 4* to 4,,5.1„.„, ; market, t.'een trait .a toady aM - o liß ,„j BlB J c y„ Hama. *-■'? 1 n, s*f ‘ •»*»•?• ' 4U0b,.0..nue..0d Lemon, at _J4eW, o U 1( >op '''"l . 6 C a c f or abouldeta, 7jaBc for aide., *nd e »1» Almnod. a. ICC. ste 4 t"“ .''7'Sl ""’. d „7‘- 7j for Side.,' and 7}- ~.r J. „„M.S, .w .0 B.iek.h.- , raUmr poorly „*«**«* demand, and p3il , f orßeße rally. Kataina are I■* *^ e,r P n .j* be Foreign n«»« ba» h»d ; j Untie very plenty. M . in dfromsl'»«;«- Pj«J i P MR . a4l bx. aathey wescirce. et , tarly Vc C ctal.lr. are Wcom.ag plcntier. M«p^ r,'"7-=.ket I. ahondantly «ppl«d withifreah to,- 'no effect, wb.leeer, on Mt of , hc Hoe ! atdlasrc- aery pie,,.,-.old a. 'AI.iT-Sc V ,t. I r®. Jji M—S3 I«tsU.«laa» l«y. m the cellurof the boyer. at^4 e « * ' h , lbsn Wieat. Potalues are scarce and deartf . bie price m ?' ta | e * both of tb*h> >3 d coenmoa. 4 lb» at 7|e, equal to-ea»h; a lotol • ; (; ene raljv the market was quite ordinary. ”“LOL.n. -be Core ("TSCSIUS bat. of prtm, BOATS LK A VINO T...H OAV. 'Eel .o no the naein "’“'’“noo nnt.l Ji *rr in lot. nr 500 pe B a, bbl. and kega No. 1 j,. d j -BROWNSVILLE I'At Kt. Ts .at Oa.m. and news- The advance fiOOO bbls."rhe 1 Butter—The market iv vomewhst bet e I*P | f.as. fnTiTltblished on large «ales-**y”^T r “ Dg wl ih —demand active. Sales 48. bbl* Rol|?sl W'to l'l“ 1.b0.e.k, Tuu.,i.beU>kJ» i mack Docrfc.l Tl.« R.ror. tow „ n „,, ~i~. i.j -»«*■ t.sbiy.'”-" nc „ ~,,1.1.0...! oi-0,.- Oor oft.. o i,nM S c. «ol,,...TloolBi»'to.*«tJ and v WT.LI.SVU.I.K-Fer W sll.v.ilo—- Apn bbl* flour. & \V llarllaugl -!>' do. 3d» bat, ' r - r blids bacon. U.dmon A Ci»-*lHbbli flour. A Buck A: Co—ill pr» bacon. d apple*. - «*» “"•‘J bag* peaches, U kegs lard. U igalcy & r ' , . n ’. t 1 timoUiv reed, I keg Ift/d. ;»ti ic* b 'con. J" ■ " oj rv—: bbl« apple., Mc(.«lU A HutlificlJ— 1 d‘« . Milligan—£2 bag* oil wca . J Uoiiad»oii- « »JI. leather. H C«!l; \2 bbl* ap.lra, M 11 Leg* wheal.’l’ K.-ed; 'J bbl« oltifcwecd. 11 W #!, t **- bbU flour, 12 bag. do.ownerf-Apnl lj|—> »"•* lot <1 apple*. < huirh A;-l>rother*i - P^ 1 in.lds A Mice; .">• bags d apple*. 7do peaches. My* _. .r» Hunter A t<> I-bbl* l’" ir. A Black At-'.‘‘i •<- | Pittsburgh *mt Htinfluk Packet. .1.. Mr Kadi »i to; « do. S A. W Harhaugh; .7-J“, n,c uexr un ai,,,r .lestne* Q a---: I sek* cjnaiocd. 2 bbl» do, ?7 do app)e«, l«i fcun,lr * u . above ever) Tbur-d«y-and M °"’ j owner*. • j a , „i3oYtocl:. 1* .M. For freight or pui-n«e npjil> I ClM'lAVVn— I’cr Wwcoi.ein—i bid* vartmh. 0M , (OPUro»*er—l do. I'ntndeithr St Co-1 ch*t. « KElil’l.All I‘A»'KKT FOR NAMtVII.I.h. , Outline —21 Mill* bacon. H tlraff— M d* • w CJ " 'J i.c new •ironi.-i . i,. 1111 f |> teocli A Co—lo hbd. baron. In bbU boot. , jp3fl»Bk WIOMWOt fess;.;;; rt;;«as jfiaAgvt;;s;:Hi“=Hx >ell«‘*. n '» m F.>r t’i« isht or poe-uge ai»i>ly on l»oaid o» w \VIIEKLINi;-IVrHib!ru»a-30p«U« j * “. u j. • j W HLTI.KR A UK". Ac-* \ It Wig him an—- bxi. l.J°l. A. < •> . IIFAiI'I.AK I.OFl>Vll.l.K I* ,\i!KKT ' t|.,ur l a .te Ai. O l/otuy.r- '-’I peg*, candle* ick and HW.LI amlfasi run . Churrli A CariHlur*—.'•* bbla flour, o'kegs ... ft -iram.-r I.I'KhKA. ! brirsii uiittfcssftjsx asantfs -fciKSSrSSt-*- "iu.il.pplt. .!«»">»[■ Mi-kki>i’uhr. w. /..uictm am; >ww'Pi | r m. a ...r, I! Its. l.t ..rr. _ »< FI'.AVI'K I‘tt Mii-Sikau 5 bbla l»n«c«l ‘"W & DKSPATCII, ! Wick A M't audio**; 5 bbl* pota.b, H Lid-Uii}; -* Nriton 'n*»‘irr. wU.ruu a* b ' Kr e: .lit bl.l* flour, t. S Wateriuui.; <'•' i or-d^J. aL'^u.mlaT I do. ,\1 'l'iurkait A. C-'i dido. K I). b-»pe» | For If.gb: ~n l "‘ 1,1 oo.k, l-i .CM u apple, l.auiberl A Sh ploo. d hbU : ptitiMh. Sdo lioiir. t im-'i A A.cKu.u'lu u • r - | n e( r U i >r iMitsburgn end Z««e*» Mle l-'l . Uaieltot,. 7.) Jo -.4 do.owrer*; y.ck.ras. l i « Paclbet. !do leather*. I keg Urd. 7 bid* wh.iker. Kl »• iran - j 'lir. i.gi.id««sUi.»ie«ner j ! Fer Ikaver. A> bM» pola*b. •* do ll»x*ceJ. I key t M a . 4 ,', ■*■•■, to«kr w’eekty tnp. : pd££w„i*. BiUaw ■ Jgftl;-,?!:.". ™ V leuiiale* IM-li*. 4'» b»* rheete J < Bi'.weli. » bblf ( . i irorrhii'g*. H (>r |fl I , i> - - |) Wll.k’lN**. Av^r iKdd.A «V :• So ' '»"»« UOl-IeVU I.K am. NAMIVM.I.K ! 1 ' d J 1 d‘i »C> , H'lii!lg* B l>allt‘U A I <’. •! d‘ • I,u«»-iuei *le.unb«>^l - *alcra':ui> 13 hxi rbee*e. < 'anon A McKingl'l. 1> I»I ?> '' A N KttlC AN, i .ci.ri'liitti*, Church A l arolber*, II >'»k* scrap iron. . \v,lk.- «dw%r lor the ‘ H«. bbl.V-'*«- r “‘- y*'W'** ■ d-riiul a;: .. i paper Jill MHi-r. Krs.o.lt.* A • hoe « ’ UKl«ilirON—b r,-e « loppowj A» - tUdi-a . Mirket*., U do luu*. I 0“ »« |.n-r», i-U'ior* ‘ ’ ’ ’ i T'-O",- 1 if;,f "ff.it... uwn.-..» lVh„!.„< V., ..0 b.t{- tt». !*> «*•.' "“•» ,4L4fom l .nc.lioal • W ~j or | ( |>t wli ,*Vey o:.L «o'?a.a * \l-.» l «J* -UUUU ll 1.l —l’vr d '* •*" I ... . • 1| n-i , N J , |;..!.ru»..n A K !;i.*.!. ti.iur. 1 • >V ba'pn .V j U*ll ", . L- i.-u.rr-i I' '■ ,'2'. ; r V k..■!.•. io ! b«. .. a .-.tut, •.■r„“: » ,="i--r: JjM, so a | - a 75 Ta ,j*|i Oli't /{ill/ TO PAILAUKU-IISA AMI Apt.lc* i.mlutei-n fru.i i-rr 1“’ ‘ A»l'p*. Poiuml.l «-*»>■• ~a , Uultcr umUUcou, J " Ufcte rupr r l* Jlpphwux, - 5 .‘i . J !?«-• -« » l c,. ■ c ‘“" lUJVr«. _2 ,1. iD-UK-aii-l MrO ~ ji ; Dr) sofKl* '£ Di.cJ nun. '* Klour. pci 1.t.l Ui3l Vi per 1W Ui» t iln l Vi • U. _I Ml KUI* “ IIJ I’''' l ' ['(ila.i-war*-- Ii Vt sl> , „ cirocr^v Ilaiilwu.r, .-i •»*«!»*. ■ 11 . «li> “0 ' .iu so . , , i ... ,ioTO-3:j Ini Lurd »m! l.:»ru I lai O aml ii»r>. * i ,rt ll ’i Rupn Biid iVtilmi;''. Sk.ii*. IVrr -ind KuiU' !*jK-rr. Tolisr.-o 1.-4 f. . M-mui.i. *ut< d. tfi. pr|l>i>' I 1»> \Vt..»k«-\ 7\, thf blast via .\Uttwnguhtlt Slaekiriitrrj * c;-... \« i ; »»*■' l ' h N ! * .... r-i ..« 'v Cili.lNo'J- llrdll'. !»' ( No -I—l>rW I'nut O. Ra<. .... N.-. 4 lu-.u.l JVssti-T 4 Fur« M.t.r ' J. " K , marine Ju-urame. Kjso rt I’twanft on • s ' l a i Frmii l* it it I'rivn N Oru-Bii.’o I’.u-t-ur-, Si I.k, . MONKV MARKET :mand lor Money continue* lar«c,an-l in atrr than for *e*cfal>rcTiou*wc*-k» * fic ; ol Troducc arc *crj Urge, lire oil lor , | ■' . lo facilitate iti Wauafer Irotn hanJ l» haml _ __, J ' rich the greater. I ncurrehl llreile. "Inch e t IM.-UPI t .at -.% r.n.re aje.na .0 tin. e.change, arc plenuer. U 10, -,ie In eed lire |Tre.ei.l demand. The ten,leery r. r jjjjjj n,'.'! 7V.U-M4 i'i’hN NI: iV her dopreer rlieo. The general l.r.t t< .till ,v,.,„l - „ at 4r‘ ct. til. , btrying rite, helling rale 1 i y Ap _ ,, n-n ilanki arc orcrrun v*«Ui paper, and arc coin [to throw oul a good deal *»f c*en **“ Lnary rate on the "irecl i* 11*ct 1* u,0Dl!l mchttf “* [ink*, we umlentand, rcluie to ‘do any ; nLOVEIUBEU-^ 1 STEUBENVILLE -Pif Wiliuingion-r 4 •cks rig*. Jaril in A Son; -1 i bLU floor. To*«y A Bw«, 24 do, I bbl butter, McGills A Bwhfielt.; 113 JibU flour, Atwood, Joue* A Co; til d 045 do corn. (Irish Relief) Luke T*al*-; 29 do city, 120 bhls flour. 200 bu oil*, 100 do.coro, 1-50 bu p *la i toes, 11 bbl* do. 25 bb!* apples, o(gmr*. ' ! ST. LOUS per Robert Fulton—6o slibs steel, ! 1200 pigs lead, Wood, KJwards A McKnigbt— ; 37 bbl* loaf sugar,&> apples, 2*bx» vent* n. j l sack feathers, l do rags. 2 bile* skm*, 1 mud. : Rbty. A Co—l 9 bbU L »ug»r. Hutchinson A I Co—l 4 d ludra. Win l.ebtnet—l3 bbl*law i Lippencotl A Son—2 rsks lead i»»j\ Butler & ! Bro-399 d hide*. Clark lA Thaw-3 bfs mdi i go. 59 bbd* bacon, H Gra'ff-5 bbl* -yrup. G * ! Maasey—-40 ton* pig ironJT Hanna »00 pig* lead. E D Collier—M bi Jo steam ‘ Talisman. ! ' Per Talisman—2l pekaskio*. Bingham—»J I do, Clark A Thaw—l bhi* ham*. R > balr* skin*. 12 bbl* oil. A Beeler— n bhlii« | Phillips—l 493 pigs lead. Woods, Igdwjfttthi A ; McKnigbU—lo kgs shot, 27 U.l* scrap iron.- 1 pegs groceries, Lyon, Shorb 4: t o —SO bh» ; bu barley, 96 do oats, 29* Ult* gl«*. 29 bu peach : es and apples, 217 bids fi >u , owners aboad. 0 3t —03 d —0 a? O *jti -0 at it vi PoKi' OK PlTTSiillHiil. ; I,J |UUKRXIA. |nr I' TIM! ..l»*s'Yt M,i ing m. Hcr.iiihfl. r.’w. Hul, Um»! ''•ratars.«‘‘ifYc. Bru»'«>'i I '' l .. u; < 'I I••• r. Hi- •" U-ij.-V-.. V.-i \\ 11U111!>' «l-t i.'tl " r 1.-'i't'' Ktjt. -f* VN.ir-H. 1. rift»»er So i i 'rnoU■* < 'hi 'Mu.Son Hubert I'uit.' ..r-juin. !•»' Tal.MliJlt. < '”103, >l Af«*na.Mreso*».\VU. H**.i*cr. H-t* Heaver 1.. K ' I'.''.'-' ! I mil* Mcl .m>‘ iiri-:iisi . n»v,i.*. < oiiboV. !>-»'•!*»* Hiliprni) v :!i!li '' h VVilm r.-'."',. *•*!•»• (‘j’.U It. \V < r.Uv;llc . Kuilrr. M».» <'it» Nrft ? .Vi -• ' r 1 ’* ' r.JiuvUil. Wi"-*'*. > (irifJi" Mifijn 1 :«icl M<* to - , /..in' I ' vilir !*<••“- M A i.IJ.;N 4j ..o, J'i wol«T Mi aj>'* | (J *,.• l ml- «I«w> » ImJ am* *l-' rr 1 Al*rt IJORSK KAUIWI. «■ *'"> l'J> x 1 imneiliii'' uv. mi «•»*»« ■nd S,.icr ••••» ‘"KiicDKS i ALCORN i ijick fi-oiiit s.-ii !H M) '.«*— Kooi>*- M«.RN i pKI-PRI. SAUCK-W us r^liV .. | »•"* n«'l" ~pM 'p ' #- 0H ,uml hiic.l.KS Alcorn No - J7 I'.nli «it rr L V_/ *alf l»T ol i',. (l n mill Irwian* op 3 . u pimr* >a P cr ’ ft>f * 1 ,-or Venn ami Irwin *j*_ ■f'pptKß-T^i'ui«:;i>^"aw*.: '".* ooJ * b,p - A £>»* o,Jcr f 'oAKSON & MoKNIOUT. Sikih VT .11 ■■«•. "Jfi&s * .McKNIOIIT,Sixth .1 mpl • SI'KAJIMIATS ' IlEOll.An'!lMlsr»C PACKET POK • | B E A V K II • k The new amt n.lendid *iraTr.e/ V ", * R. BEAVER, JgSgßggi'Cap'. Charles lift k ..It, -!..eL lr * U K l !* f i‘l I'envoi Kt'-J oVloca. T ■ , ne wr.h 1* t>Ua>sh '‘irV.'^Vvjf,“* *, *.l n il Hoal- d»iH lo 1 and >taßr t'narLe" LwrSris.E-sircr skstex l',!t‘i,u f Ki»- |URTI(N4 r n .iMM-.u ! JLUNi*IS RIVFR 'lh- ifjur.r'i ’-cninf Jli ~r" ‘ KlVe: WKI.I.'VILI.K DMI.V I'AcKKT. 'J 1,,- n-w rl-eni.l .md i»*' ' noael (ffKfr r : . ...viortm«tf««lo.a»il «-.1l make ; ® , vi- I" duf.riK :l«e »ea«ou. lea v ‘J’R „ , , „n-i.i iic'r'nrk. and WelUvulc , l’.tsl.UMfn r*cr> 111-';' ". " 1 with j rvrrv rvr->,llß *' •* u k i b ** ' .. .. | - n . ie k| -Fal-er'* rHiriu-iiMcii-M W aier Onagr. r I rrrnte m-.-M.aod tl.o nsrt.. alvvajsun 'lie .put . A MrBANK. Agent. ' REtM I.AH BBUiyNSVILLK TllFiew and fa*t running Heainci (T**** lIAHLKM, ; Jazto*** n-.’i tun u< a regular I'aekc! l.nwrrn ' JggSafe£. u.. um.vo ~larr*. We,.* I*iu«liur
  • j l±l 'i-V. t r T ( , re.c!.lui’;>n-‘i*e'‘apply onboard. dcr3 Hhl.l I. Alt l-HlljW I'Al'KI-l- ioi t.j>l tffgsfr mn ..la <>n«. on «r<.u.u< »• M - M:r rmt '.vi:;.i.svn.u and *:i HKWIU.K in. II ’ll :*l> iriif-'"-' r |,a ''' lS '''.U-.-H (fit- ;• , n..|, P u.lHirxh « , vrrj Mom!»)•': VVnlnP**lJ. »:-J * r> viin 1 .-I . r>- >" '- mr . f Slew EX(J!.AXU, ; V M ' l , '‘ l J, K IMI-I.ursti • ''() ~ .».!•,V tm.i.a.iy Mill S*! inlay. :»l 111 o'clock • A M * !:£,every M««V>- U “ n|"« •• • »- ,V,II \ \ VDIIwO : a=m>;»s i'ANDI.K'S I J' li *" Aiiciit‘''»y f K * v ' 1 r ti ' 1 | r “' r .''| llloa , the* (ili'ioi/li- Frank 1 i. lof ,k Pt } OP«»f _ . -ST2 v|.vN*fc’*n.'«*r»*!e .1. VI *»'f ill'KK V * <'f> DIi'KK.V A. To PACKET LISE” ““ n Munll J u MORONS BAI.T.nOBK: J I'B.-V-'ti.''. - ' 1w .1,1 :. *•«!■« Xl^rv.:V .^r ..C-..t i> Al’^*J [J ( t ] '!'! KV.',hi*« v". t*S" . I h«r-.1 •»• ,U, Uhi... Cltt A| '!" ■ J \, , | 'fl, iTyou (!.-vh* in J t)X” '“ cul ‘ rU “»" e «ol. Tor :-jI- l>V i [) MOKIiAN j |) .mci. CJAN "ol’Kll.l rrKS-Pl*'» K^Vj' s '^” J l I "V»r. , l !ir "r'luirlrrs'.iso sMM-'s-U** •*>><» * tM •*«*- ‘ "^»ri*ri* e " l,llr * , v,> vni.Uiiii'-in T *“ c ’ ? ; .iso J ! ?rr !^S^ ;r,,ri “T 1 /.A-fef.v-; -a <>>-, J ' ‘ljoWimiksj-a i No Ki«” I r-ii'-i r ™2'' I ff; I SKI.r-.i& j&nse stocks. ~£^jZZ£X2f!Z£! iJlhv. fan»rflj „ - 1(s JhaWI.S, DItESaU'XJIiS. *c. ;* i;;„VfCTEXSIvisTOI!KOFSi;iIIXIi;K»«DI s-k?£ V,“, a ~Wr atv'tlmrcl of sA.IJjUj, 0«**O ' , ,„ M . « Zr md W*. TliMf W w.r«»*. . t u»< i««» wwi«a **ih «»• K r r ,lr :‘. r - ,r Urr.. w » u ulin pU,J *“J do > Co ui.C »ftr»i.r » I riutfo w' R mi) Gingiiuci '£e*vi. Lawn....J Gmclum*. * "V»wy n u *a c„ iiiu T prH dkfr. >Vu. »n 3 Jiaiif.. L.nrnL»iiil-t.c»i.J Linen L«n , bI«V ind M mini Edgin**! TlirraJ Ur«, ‘' l w iO.*full ;h,.«fis«A U.,.or,.rrj .lcwnpU-m, w.U itoek of tTPr, Jtwrint.un of ««■*>•'« „f Kor«*» COO.OS-A *fr7Jars* "" - ~i,c » i.e »nd D»m»»lic Straw A' t ' h( . nunutw .lork of rniwry UoiuicH uid Vlowmo . J..bbior *- *-■* win lt for W W ‘' h Hew York, M»rd» 5. FAi'Etubuuks AT THE LOB'EST POSSJBLK IWC'ES. STATIONERY AND PAPER BLASE BOOBS RICH & LOUTREL, 61 WILLIAM STREET. NEW YORK. Hive i,«vr ■( their own. manufacture, *cum oU-u a.M.rtWnt oi Ledcr**, JuunuL, B»J B" uk »> , la Uwli. Order and Bill Book,. Ac, «* >»"->«• «“> .Mr, ufb.ud.ni;, In‘ni »Ricb wi.of Account B»»kt hr carted al very low price*: alw made to order, ru.ed and bouad li' auj [Wtsrrti, at abort notice. Foreign and Domestic Stationery. t*mU», Wafer*, Sealing Wax. I’ei... Black and K«J *“ k - Writing Fluid, Lead retail*, Slate*, ItihtUiid*, .Sand »«•*»«. Purttulm, I'ocLcl-book», ln>M and Silver Pencil l a«», reu kbi.e*, Pm Rack., Pen Holder*, Gum Ticket., {laving Card>e&aekgan>iai.n Board.. Chcainrn, Dice, Ivonr » older*. Tablrtf. Rjiof Strop, Pink Tap. Twine Reel*, Twine, in ! Jia Inti. Parchment, India Rubber Kra*er», Sei»wr», Shear*, ! Matkiuc Ink, Fite., Rack., Diane, for ltd:, Advance Book.. 1 inicrr.l Table., irwh Book., Tariff.. F.vrhattgr Table*, and | all other all!■ le»«old by .uln-ucr. Cheap Account Book*. A large .lock ron.tuntly uu hand. Mutable for retail trade and rouutr) merchant, at very rh.-.p tale. A Large Assortment of Writing Papers. Fuul«r*r>,' plain and ruled i-eiter Paper, plain wild ruled Note pater, Wrappuirl’apcr, Bonnet Board.. 1..*. I loth. Meier*. J&iveluiie and llloitiog Paper, Colored Paper., Thiu French t'a)>er» Tackrt Po»t, eitrw'med Bank Po.t, 7\>.ue and Uipying Paper, Mu.,c l*at*r, Gold, Tiding, Utb-med, and eterj other dewripltun of jup*r at »«) pi we.. (>\,ld Pens. Diamond Point. Hi, I, A Loutrel’*, Bagaley'., Brown'., and all other rrle hrated maker*, in quaatllie* to .ml pnrrtavr*. at the «er lowv.Unanufecturer-. jTice. Letter Copying Preset. Twriitv-.il difleirnt price* and .tjle*—tlir Iron <-op) mg Prr.., with lever and «ciew, the in-wt ripediUou*, rr-momi cal. and .linjile im-dr of taking a copy of any letter or .M*y without writing it nver again • Improved Manifold Letter: Writers. By winch thr letter and copy i* written at the *atne time Tbr la reel avw.rlm.fit etrr otfered.and at Ihc l«wr«l price* . Public ..dice, Bunk*, Ju.uranc* Coinpanie., .Merchant* and other, funii.lied with »eU of Account Book*, ruled -nd l.mnd’lo any paOerti, at .l.ort notice. Alw will, .tationer, of the U.t ijuallly. ' SotariaJ Presses, For the ij.e of Bank, and Corporation,, to a£t the .eal of •iurh Bank or C.Ti.ii-alion to their document*. Tin* opera tioii I. performed by auy one. even at 6r*t trial First Premiums Awarded ton. by the Amrncau ln»titute, at the Ule Fair, October. Ic-Ot7 _. . . F,„ the be.t Ruled Bla«.k-Book»-A Silver Medal For the be,l Mantfold Letter Wrilrr»-A Diploma For beautiful fmitbed Copying Pre»»e»—A Diploma Pita.-' Call ami Sir far Voii'Jfit rj Trade and Country Merchants Supplied. RICH Jr LOUTRKJ., Importer* of French and Kngliih Stationery , and ui*nnfaclur»r*of Account Book., Manifold Writer., LiceUior* Blank and Carmine Ink*, Ac, G 1 William, one door below Cedar .treel, N l . Ji»« VRu n, ) Wa M < SO. 0 BURL. NO SlalP, SEW VORK. t IYIU’“ W FIKI.D offer* i.»r «nlc nl tb« lowest l • M-iiuihoturcM' prices. a very extensive a~«rl I( .i FAPKU. cnmpn.in* every po««it-li variety, ml. pled in the waul* ol roii'limvr* ut nil arcli.m* of ll.r eoi.’.iry Paper of all kind* made to order m *bon icatockuf PRINTING PAPKR i* unu.jially large a i. in of which ~ of very aupermr her of vnluniileUook.. juti publi.hed. uitiong ihcm are the followng McClteyne-. l..fr and Letter... 3 tol«, Uui.lan on R.iman-i Skelctu * of North Carol.nu, Ilxtory of Presbyterian Chtirdt in Keniurkt , The ticnlo« ot Scotland aJl.nl,ner r Mornl Philo.ophy. Mury June Graham. ' \Vin.low on lied. ... on ami llcv.vi.l. The Ptc-Adaimte Fairih , „ . Margarc, or the Pearl-'V Rev t H Tutlor | The Great 'ev . The Lord*.' Prayer- t.y Donuei. Thttitkiulnea*-ind other h»«ny. I The ahoje together with o general a--.irtmeni n !*l dfnt*ei »(reel liei«v C ,i :hl and d.h Kuectibori to Uold»hlp h. Urownr MANI KAi'Ti:RKKS and of I A P E R UAMMNIiS. N« **• Wood -Wf.i I »>*tM.r C b Tl.e :ti. fß.,na dr.jmnd for An.n.rjin '/v i^'u vr r iisare uw lO U,, V ,hrv .U .nv.l.ii« !nri.,.miJ ru.m-M-Ih-.I .to. k. wli.r'll •• now Ur^r .i«J '‘*‘""l •*' -' l;u ' v ' \V,.nlow >M«. I'rrnr.li >Jl. n. t. ::!/■• J t.n.l ' li.l'.a! Velv* i' :u.d lin.im.or. iVir.lrrs; L»:nl»r»i>«*«. Statute* und Ktrc-l«onrU 1 r.m»; < fu.ia.n i V«rd w ~!e. ['!a.n fttern. biu3 ti* .lj tt •,ini» Pr.oi.re.unJ Wiappii.e Pitprr liouM-M H.>aril* A<> , . , K,„. au.iTnrim--’ S'tap. lak. u 11 r *<-hxjisr .11 li:if krt"f o *. mctilTiKimiwiiliiF 1 LA3II**. OHUSbOLK*. n,i I I AM' i i S DK< f-« il>» ' • “ I>h.T7.. MtOTHKH 4- -'-o -w %.* .w Buk, l|,of Jfwriiit* tl.rj ill .til 41 auJ rtlnl, at lj-* 1 r>. Uif ra*K: r Icni.ruirJ U.tmica! CM »i>J <• L?m|*. Solar I.amp.. il.lt and fir.-u/rd, m rrrai .ar.rty i i.r.n.U.*. ran.ri. Jiitirrf, S'". ""rrrJ ‘ ,r Su.pendli.J S>.lari, ‘ r *■ •‘"T'" i-a BrarkM Solan, *'•' * Solar I'lianJrltrr., j i U' ! fria£)-J COLtMIiIA, l«, o NKNI M “ ‘ NOTH' kC. i j;j:■*i• i < t tui.J.u.r.. *!"["* ' ' ll ’i 11 |lnr wkh: •Tr-pt. '.lor- , ‘ T.,rT-nw-k: C l-"'C «••>' rH > 'V'", ihe i/r*t friii* ihrv fpi toiii- • •’ 1 U> m-Pt Com|>c!il;i*n .u.ui .• . \ *The ll»nJw»re bu*me*»wi!l be " \vALI. PAPER AMD BOKUKRS. PKICK* KKDI CKl‘-rin»o“* I'a m. .•• . > lr ‘ » barrel-. amir.ur'tT* to ilir ,mbli * thal !».* •>:*■ k of Hall .uni llortlT* oi hi» <>«•« ii.Rituiacnirr ?* ver> ci irc>. mill .Inly aiMni-i- un- l"'in* miOe w t.a* ..... lui.thc l -o' nrvv anil splrml.j jiaiiorn* AI»o. ' well ».-or'eJ M<« k ytrntk r*l " a " ‘ pt>rJrrl. Il “ r "^m^oUci nrrilau-d'-.0-.i’brci.l.. cuka>>.u than any e-iaM-.h -in o! Hip k ml. l*.a»l or _\Vc»t of ihe mountain*. uplTWltn JOHN DfNh\l»; »tn 11 V.rlri i» now receiving hi* «prms ,iock o! Hou»'-FaM.*b>nsUUiU»-a»e. Unuum*. coixOMing in pan a* follow*:- -l,x» Japanned \' *ie» Kngn>h anil American, 4 lix« Driwnmn do "O uo, * ca«k* Knslifh Turned s*aurepan»; . . ? ,|o Ovil **o<»; .1 ca«T.«>*wid Waller*; ! fo IWrfWiue , '^H"k> I ''« l “' v »"i ...otir.l ''pppcr'. Coppit; U,* «w N jrastfs;*.- ta’rAWISO PAPEH AND PENCILS- I) Fine Ptjwnu; I‘apn 3U^- incKek, Jo Doul'lr KlephaiitJo ‘ ‘ ° Jo KJrph»Ht • Jo 10 *, Jo (V.lumb.au «o Jo Jo J,. llnpcriul Jo Jo - i , Torcihrr wun n large »-€>ckot Mnallcf *.«•« t DRAWINIi I‘KNCIW,oi C ?’ n , b ' r | mi f I ‘^ i: , * , Zlr reJ ioa.t of four, Met, m ° F jZioTT * KNHLISH No Mi Market nr«._ Vt?«T ItKCfcl VIS*®—I.OOKIM7iif;A«KS 'i J HOIJSK IIAKDWaKK Tl.e.ob »cril>er reapeeifullv inform* hi* fr.rnJ-. and l, f jnw irrnvmg hi* m«onmeniofroCHl*. by .'Sr £ ri'll’"" ■' '"'“i l P rnr ‘" 11.1 .|oirk leiurn*. n« u>» k,Eof »i»d rsri-fullv ai i- nd. J'x. 1 udtrard Todd I X T (>UI«D rifn'l) announce 10 ih- mrtcbmu o' V\ rm.l.uiKti.'lcii tir h.i» opened* a. room ibr Jlir *h(c m 1 >*terii mu.iufji’iatrtl gtvai.Midi u* !*loc*i« n« every de-cunuou. R"*uni‘ -ml dollar., Hum Surp* is .let«, North’* Hook* and l'.>e*. A.c . (of “:itf Hl ,u “' ,u !•' .«•••» AH... n t-i li'i. k i i- i*.f.n »:*!e ai KaMrtn unJ I mi *«!<•• KD'VAKU HH'D No-.v. w.*«! »ir* d. wp*:*.■•* . ~,5 Mntiulnclurer** Aqcis! Addreaat Curd. Pro* niaiiUTUCiui V &>’ • »•* « !i'-U air Ini *alr a .»mi 4 'iciiiivi'‘ wholesale. No -JO wood *iree», up mu* \viil r.UIiUK a WObKK, J- j.MPOKTF.BS and Dealt- Hardware. Cujfiv, an Sadtllrrv. N«*sl> dot’ll «irer ihirr .'VO'* n'ove S*l V'li-i-t Hotel PitiM-n utt l‘a apH’. i “ idUM WAI.KBIi. r t, M.« Cllrnl. I__ woo .« r ~"“f^”5“S Receded.* *plc ," , tl | ~iß ln . of a H'« "' tl.i l -V'< A,l< 7“' ,- lrf .'. lo j vll ain«»--i ‘he element* »' Wl-«*WiMI«-* «» Market wu L ent Solar 1.nr.l t.a'upa. tianJ at ! U't»tn,'i''Cr , in. Hotel*. Cburchc* and Uwel.-Mt,*, u.sON OV.<> Ul*FO!.l>. 1>; gU Present loweat pme* >mnrr 4th and Mnrfc«t»‘» i IT '«.wmvi) SOON— Place* in warrh'ou»ef retail i z&GJslS&ssSSZtz^ ' uoKUta Ul.* SB “i M-U r l | , «S , . ,l asi“. e »'»> nrnnb.rol l.nf. of d.lct.m n t c.. *•“!. , s ,or,. ■“ f ',“ 4 Vu -„.l -ood •>"■•1- . , B'.l* nr'V*“‘ J . in, c «-»i N>it>'-> c,,,llt[ tiiOMaS KF.>*Nhl>\ .Jr ! and K'rU for all work. . nrof ,im|y for mod Merchmix. an l ' TJgwpWj;,, , T. ,Alarm. | r ;;’ E pjtTTBBw >ou I HSiS^feSS;' VY J 0 do; - lrT-»i«o.°f |U k .1 a. i'l.;rF.Vl.lilir.b. i. -IS is On band and for anlc by NOLDSA BUEE l 3 . 'mett4 cor Peou «uid Irwin »i* * { y—4k i>- EXCHANGE’ BBOKEES, HVSaET, HANNA 4 i^ klcr q . i f , BISKKBS, EXCHANGE \|. . AND DEALERS IN T*)RKIGN AN^- p _ | d DOMESTIC KXCHANGR CF.RTIFICATESO ( «| POSITE, BANK NOTES, AND SPECtb, :J Fourth at. Dearly opposite ihe Bank of Fttutm**' .£ « CURRENT MONEY receded *m •* Check* for >ale,ciuJ folieciloß*.made on nea«> ■■ £ » the principal pomUin the United State*- • ' .= The bigbe*tprentium paid far Kore an and Amet Goid i • 'j - Advance* made on eea*-*nffi<*m*i bf Traduce, »»*rP Ea*l. on liberal term*. .._l __— ~ WM. LARUV kr ' u *'. n „l’ u FOURTH Street, next door »!B»uk »fTu«jW* Banker and Broker, and Dcaterrn kxeharae, Ban* Notea and Coin of allde«ript:on* Ac Selling Rate*. N% U &V? l&a New kork. {*j o v»t,iu j ,> TOf an:J. ■pOdA-’wttn* 9 hats; iyl'S' AN ~iiATsu: g prink Fashion v_!be mo»i fwk indPbiladelph* i»»ie,mbewr«* b J?* mend* and 'be pub.«e) i»Wauab»c Hat tot euiri««, and En i.l c»3le or retail. McCOBD* WMS . [ cor wood and-Sib * ,s ._n Bl : HATS I- BATS 11 JJLTHIS being ibe.day the S Hat* wilUx introduced,! loaable e*tal>li*hioei»l» »u New the ustdersignrd lake great P « u> announce to their nurucrou general!*’. t!iat we arc prepare*! uvor u« a cal* with the «ca>on. o kfldS.bc «c W sp»j»j cinen can be •1« price., by c*Umf: » omeroi JAMES wh^on, >VGI*A9, tactutr, and tcep^^H y varcty of ll«»* i price* verV low * if/r n . fa; WII.J. br jmrwfucptl iVb>«>" mr lU<». iicni mill li»<* J*|{ht IlnK hi rca*om fl.if oid Si>>« Wood *U ff> WlLLUlil D 1 Hfl CONTINUF-S larnaml poii*:a»iiy'ou hand, eve an.) Cap* of I Men «> !<*• an 7? Wood -'reel. Fn«l_».de ; i, 1840, \ StrlM.Vßilemca’.lUw KRVH.'s* on Thurmlay i wi»bi»S u cheap. fa*h i luanuiactßre HJiead ot J Ailven;*ei!»>‘ »ineo( KI.KVIL & Co'* 13tf. head of Wood »t * Fall Fa.hloi JB- RKKBK 4 COSTA JBO « •!! t-e introduc ed at h August t{7th. I.flltlrmr ionobte Hasoi Ptmhurg faWi.oiiMdc ll.»m .mpon-d ‘ the trade. plc**e e«U aug*JOif _ . . 1841, tfga LAS, : fjlflL inJ paucn* ~ iarße »lcxrk of the fw Kptin(f Fmhion M W ILLIAM IK WOULD itdorui hi»fnr ilui In? list. now an ha' Spring FnMi.onoi' Han* and C; ■lucrU on Satunlav nm Tliol article w.ll cr.ll at X. lIOLMKS A SON, . . Banker, and Dealer. In Kxefaan«*. COia and Bank Sole., no: 53. harkki *tkeut, pitubcaoß- Selling Rate*. Kxclianee. Uu> :nK R *il j fl,. New York, iP* Cincinnati. • ; l’niladelpfaia, . I do Uui*»iile, -{ do Baltimore, r> 'n uV ine Rate* Ohio"* V‘P* < ’L*' fe, Bscr-ft r» for *a"lecm a* favor- _“ ,_ T o9KpH - n -?^BE B °;woM?p» A^ \masa P • S M(K)RR ihe public generally. \VM. C «URR' No OT wood _*?”*» mar. VWWH D. Bin. HILL4CCIUIY, BANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS. DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME A SIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE, BANK NOTES AND COIN. No 65 Wood street, third door belo«_Fouith. wtn *’“ o ‘ PAR Fonda and Currency received oij Depoliic and collection* made on ail-ihe prmcipnl Utica in Uio U Si gift on Baltimore, I'Jnladelnhia. Now Vork. Boaton and C.ncmnat. eonaiantly for *««•. , . Olufl.ltuliaaa. Kentucky. Vjißima and l en.M>W*n^ Bank N'otea,bought and told.on favorable len "\. Exchange on England, Ireland, Getmany a nd^*" co ptoenred, Ac i Ac. *, which wilt hr utiro • inlwuiu ol » superior 'oo«j *uee:» KaM aide . dr lUU, mrliS ' NoTSVj Vail Faabron j THE »ut.xr.brr ha* ju In, new I'all tu-duotl for I cii extra hue Hal will pi T iln* »pier:d.d artirlr. *cpn - , i received’ t>y Eijire** ai». Tho*e mcce 10l ate call and examine S MOOItE No. 83 vroefi AT' WiRBHOUSK, PITTSBURGH. STRAW BILOTT AND NO Vi MARKET STREW r. a. palmer jure term* a* any h<» complete a.aortment of land, and a great vane (imp Bonnet*, of lUe M>- ing ■dT l ' ALSO—Palm Leaf, Straw an final Flower*;-*c• _ FnBRCIX BIOLfc. * HIS a aupenor article o l :ene fashion, anil for aoje low l*> MISCELL ‘ AGEMCV FOB PATBSTB. Washington D. C. ZENKSC ROBBINS. Me tbanical Engineer and Agent for procuring Paten*, w.ll prepare the ne oes-ary Drawing. and Papei* fog Applicant* for Pal .niul iruii».ici all other 'fo»me»» m the line of hi. nin'r «»!on at li.r Patent Off.Jc. Hr CM be conwhcd on nil uu.-Mion* relating w thejratmt I.a w* and deci ®"7n ..... itimed State* oV Europe; Pa »n« am r*!nnre dc*irou« of havinc examination* made at the Patent OtficFTprior to making application tor »|i «t. mav forward [po«i paid, enclosing a fee of fire dollars, a dear mtement oV thr.f cane, .whetHriirned.ate mit en will lie riven to it and all the information that could be obtained by a vi.it otohe applicant in peiaonl tnutf be po»t paid, and contain a .uitable fee. where a wrtlieii opinion i* required. Office on F »treel. opposite the Patent Office. He ha* the honor of referring, by permiwinn. to Hon- Edmund Burke. Comm »»ionerof Patent*, Hon. M L ElUwonh. law do d® do; H Kuowle*. Mnehint*!, Patent Office; Judge Craneb, Waahmgwn. D C. Hon H Choate, .Ma*«aebuitiis, U h Sennt , Hon.-W Allen. Ohm do; Hon. JB Bowlin. MC. Mistoun; Hon’ Wills* Hall. NewVort; Hors. Ho'-ers Smuh, M CTHlmoi* Hon M Rr.-e*.. F SSenasei Hou J II Relfe, M C. M«*Boun; Oapt. It M Sbieve. M.**our.; Fra.l.l* Brook*. Kmj . Piltibutgls. Conauniptlve'a Consolation. Dneisickurs* weigh upon your heart* * Or pain* Blhict your bicaM * Tty l>' Uunron't Hrafing-i’l, And .1 will give you ic*t. !• clear* awuy the nn*tv rltui.l Di»ea-e eprvad* o’er the *ou!, And wbi'pet*through the gloomy abroad. *• Vdur health may yet by whole ” vtmdcr to— .u lovely:hue’ T,* withering withdeeay It •raiceiy »ip» the morning dew. - houses, lots; fabms^&c, A-ud strengthened a* n grew And when it bloomed, l« lovely vein,l It nipped through and through riuit Worn: of Death might he defied, If Dt. Duncan’* an were tried : Ami many lovely damsel, saved rtic fate.of an untimely grave. Ctf-DK. DUNCAN’S WESTERN OFFICE, No ISO Sycamore «’ueei, Cincinnati, Ohm; where hi* valuable medicine «oid. Soi.l >R IVt-borgh. t.v \VM JACKSON. rofii"r of w««i .....i i .»• »,iai*«r miuc.s PJUNTH. AND DYE-STCFFB, SaLKI* FRE.NCU & RICHARDS, ttholeaala r Dru«“t* at low pricer; it large and comnkte a*- ~r- !)rn»i I‘amu. Oil*. Varnubc*. Window rta l Uv- ‘*t-iV*’’3inl Sp I '-*, which we otfer very low V, , We wariaii. out Drugs to be pure and of . . .-iiniiiv; unuH( which nte— , Qjinm*; I *•© ih« pure Oil Peppennuit; 'J-Tfu;. ' *' .ii'.Vriv • • —b -I Druf<.»••* and Pby»i -' ~onra-nun. . •••. ~i. 0,1.. Vmmi.br. and ‘a lulow (*'«•' ;* :ai o n!r*»uVe l,ead ;i) tibia Coach Varnifh; [,,, Window oO bbU Copal v_do; ;• *. 1 Ven Red. nod lU> do* Paint Bruthe*; Ochre 5« »•!>!* >p'r. Turpentine; t .UX) fin Non* Linseed Oil. *AV offer a superior Coach Varm.h at Si per gallon. ,» t nor* .nc.’idc* every aiucle u*cd by Coach and M |iari!.-'ilurly l»« K« !•••»« i ' it.-e •voc* of every sri'i lc u«ed »v the >r*de. .. n , '.l«'live wood*'. I •'<“>‘l >b» Oround Tepper ' *L>tx>\«o>l Vnnol; '-!<'*** ‘ lo - Cinnamon; ',»• -flndico. I SWMUNutmeR*; . I Cochineal. Madder. Mace, S*lci»UM,*e«.«• \ 00 tu-t» lirmduonc* at low pricea. Uivcu.a • •anilaWw—. . Biniiinrhara, April 13thi. I^4?- - . . HOSE OINTMENT,, for Tetter. Ringworm*. ciaoSer great inducement* to lho » c i P u^“l ; R r TaSe* (>» the Face tm generality ol external■ application! b.v eno inthe beat location in Vourtgaiow t, other effect than to heal the di«ensejn one plje.6, soon I r or or public house; attached to «i» a Xowi,seUttv.be r^Vn^^i "S jSS, other conren.enc * *.'£« m“" VA “fftown is improving very rapidly.» ll Ointment ha. proved effectual. Thefet.notrouble in di|Uel on the £aitat,nndwhenlhe vanootFutnac^ >^«*flr«a^jrtSJ&&r k £. apl2 cot Cth and wood «U. and jjt_nad_wtg>dst* be *oM low for cash, or, on time, or eich^nfer Wholesale Drt*B Werehonae. for property in Pittsburgh. For P*r| ie^££ jtfrft IS THE CITY OK NEW YORK. L fcJ D WICK, comet of 'Vood and water «»»*» B\ F\HNt>TO(-K 4: Co., No. 4‘J, John-at. b ar)t h, who will ft« » n information. [ . Nev ; York. ofTer lor sale a large and gen era OC odtwtt assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Dye Stoffi. Patnu and Oils-of every description. which th J ire prepa'cd a«d determined to sell low. Country Merchant, and Druggist, are to call and eiamtne their article., with laitlilultiCM and despatch. B. A.Falme*lock a Vermilujc con.lantly.on hand. B. A. Fahnestock, } B.L. Kahncato-k. (J.W. Fahnestock, ) « A. B. Hull»New_York. «P r 3 tiAt ir iiousK, • , „ Corner M«l»» hurt Slulh at*. c,nc , ,n S^Z . ■ iiiw ».fi!iTi«!inii”it is now tit the best order for the I ~W « . ,r ir T. . i ~c I'ul lic Having buder -1 ""I Z,.., r.S, ,L n-.Vb“ P-- wiM«. !;T,'r‘ I ll.lin my.rlf tk.i *H w» V .lru»e■ Will ■rll vrn low '•*" , ci , ni „.. r ft,*. ard lio* ~^' I Fn!7/Bn‘| , Mmufacuirrif.Uticlr.. |V‘U lluiirr mnl Kj:** alway on band- _ • nrl.-.’WftwlmT .. ID A. FAHNESTOCK&Co’». Will rfc l-% IK VD WOllliS*,' Ti-oumkrtignedhi re ttZ&rP&ZS&S WILLIAM A. H.ILL &> CO.» bankers, exchange brokers ' FOREIGN ANi> DOMESTIC CERTIFICATES Of I,A -* NK NOTE? ’ and SPhCII». r ji. So. 64 Hood Strtel. ont do# «&»r< - Fflu,tA ' mchlßl Pltfbargh, P«. l d *»* REDUCED RATES. OHIO, Indian*, Kentucky, and Tenn*. funiv County and C.ty Order* £'-SoN ” r atr “• b; /Collect lon» on UneinnMi. C .11 olher nncn.iblo |»mu in ita ■|r mNewYorlf.'PKnadelpbU. nod BaW mily for *ule by HILLfc'CUBRY Wood m. next door »> b«gl!l_ Exchange or i nor? eontu »P fi of the Ohio Indiana, and Kentucky apfl Wood at, next door to Eagle • T*~ 6”£6aH— 5S.WO fot one «r more years, on the „ qUirrU •"!»•* b-i 1.5 aj , fi • Wood si,‘ next door 10 Engle Saloon Currency e Bank* want VALUABLE R.BAI* ESTATE. \ THE aportion of /itaeretofrrouna lu above, and below B.rmingfinm, extending to near the Bridge, laid oul into aboot 600 Lots of by ?0U fee to one acre. The situations comprise sotae o f [he around the city tot RxiroxhCEs, and havma an extensive front on the river so cent cutest s»Ke“«ean.boaiJ«nd.ng. the most advantageous in manufectnnng wiU find it to their permanent laierest to locate theirwork* here Beside the other advantages oC-its positron, « h«e and ever will have. Coal o? the best quality ala much lower price than any other place .ha can now Le Obtained 10 near the cny. aud it Railroad i* now t.eihrr erected near us, connecting with exieusive mines. There are aim several strata under this property, raa* kinVaJ a« ”*«e of 35 feet,of coal ao.fai as explored, whfch ha?bwa proven valuable by the womugef anlv of AlthoSgh n« r o«tt«n and re- Soiree, render it intrinsically and incomparably morn valuable than almost any other property around th« citv vet from the fact of circumstances having until lnteiv orevented its being opened out for sale and tin piovemenMhepresen'price issoto 100 petet. tower there is therefore large scope for furore advance it value, which is rapidly and permanently secured, no the improvement and extension of the city, bu. the immediate neighborhood where some hundred bouJ «, ‘ESf bU. dill It, PHI r«'. *" d ” e h h,^S information as to warrant us in stating ib«t 'be narabdr will be neatly increased this year. Toe great increase •l«oof basmessof the country generally roust r*iutdn a proportionate increase in Abe number of rics of every description. These, together with the different public improvements now being ward muit insure to )U.., property a large and rap‘d “ J |'f*anultcaT!oh e is made previous to Plans By sale of single lou, we would prefer'to KUiik, that capitalist* would take an interest of one-founbbt onehaf/in one of the tracU, and erect.msnu.aciotiei ond in.pro,omoi.u, <°’ "b'Cli pmpoje “J quantity of Biiolc cu. 1.0 Ih ''f"’?i t! Motcm!!™' "o*OH&SBY SIrEGGI reasonable terms. ISAAC GREGG MOSES F EATON \ For S&Je. i fiSSISSi sSSfSas “re it*' l i “* ,io ”‘ r n cuUiymnonor the K!ap>- U j joruA.N *. J- ... . i :. —--• 1 f*7diw3mH vjJTATF. >S THE'COUNTRY-Thc »uti- R“riW.. ole. ?4»Ul'li iisslasssss 3g !e S^.«SSr.a>Sa for a tßTfrnor More. cheap and on al The above property will picKRY £ Co^ rommodaiing term*. water udfioittitt F ; \ «kbbK|C^LANlr> FOK BAI.F-—Fan r |' l^^n 2, .«»i S one«fh of vrlxidi t* erected » comfo A of W-awe*. on ear faner*. Quisled in Warren » i « i, On*. H«kw, P.nl.r. « J. was® s f* foUow ngTFor farther particalar*.trqiure of following. cUT»BRRT:*«ener;l Age« I a(^grn:thfield«trr'tj in k in AJicßli.iy ' i K offT for min • lolof (round in Allnu,■ “>'{ k • r ■ wuiu ung term*. ,3At « n ,j front •« »l'Vi —— - voa '«» K, \ UIT 3* by *« feet *tory brie A Word- ilie > vafJ |m< hou«s w ‘ lh r 7,fnvenirr.i fistUTc*. nwii»'K Tree*. w ,", ho n t.-/ wufch will be »W for cu* comfortable pl* c *:. nr tr the cut. For changedfor a •**” *'* rro ’ nr \\M B. SCA 1 l?jT Front,bcw?«» WoodandSUrl £i- I cyr^-jwSk d **J l^"n ’ U^jr 1 nd !.- ,y r?OUB l»OT|. havlnc 24 feel front; and «; tending corner lou, _ b«>. l i® l ?sL whole property t» one of tbe n»*' *d»en* portion ?<'**•■._ For further information **l\ply W ««“• ,B4he M SWARTZWELnKR, Fwrtt. «. between Wood mid Southfield HIVBII LOTt. . T^ORSAliE—SomeT»lu*ble Lou ofGround,«!W“i«d ng^j3j^«ss®^ Pe nn wd »?I«d gregULP* l^ Bt * to * ;. ciHBLETT, i .» ,wo ,totr Briek ■»«*>•* « T^syv o *®Sp» To W*r« OakLwritft* •pl - ■* t I J ■ j i \ p ad. 7th cdvrel* Fiuit H xtry i or rx »nicc*'