- , »Y| nnOOKS, 1 PITTSBURGH: ij F IS, 1»7. iw» Pnwckon D*u.f Oaxxtt* i» |.uuJi*hc«i • ’rj.Wcekjy, and Weekly.—Tbo l>*ilj wr annum: ibeT«V Weekly .» F.« OoIUM j-cf |W Weekly is Dolinr*. per annum, ttrfitiy I i Sotlce to, AdvertUem. AdTeftiaemenu, w aecu.re iucrtioo. should t*r iioby JWco'fiock in the afternoon. on ,on the pan oflour * u»t»>iaei», would be ;>n»i!ut matsa’. beneU. rOR.GipVEUNOIt. ■TA. THOMAI JOHN (I K THOMAS I> JAMES \MAft TiiOMAB C H; WILUAM 41 W. Daniel, m buys... JOHN I*l WLTHBKUJ-I- fthiailrlpU.m t .iv Joseph! k chani utR. ROBERT- T -CONR-Mll THOMAS MelißAl I)ll’h'laJcipaia l.ounr, OJLLKRi LUTHER, Ucrk*. ROBERT M UalU> S runkl.il THOMAS AI T M KENNAN. VVs ANDREV? J HARMWR DENM. Allcehcay. RICHARD IRWIN Vcti»a«n JOSEl’tl-ll KUHN I, WeMfr.orrln-1. O J. BALL,Eric. H D MkXWßl.L.NorUmiapion 3 B ELHANAN W'llTil. Wyoming SAMUEL A PCRVlANias.li-i.M HENILY S EVANrf, Chcn«.-f- ROBERT T POTfH, Mohwo <*»yi - pgiiuc, MKtTisft*-!* Htfsou ur Gsjranat •XITtOB AKD Ul* VrcTOBIM —Tho Whig* o} Pbilailphia in itu Convention atHarri*burgh, for nominating Whi? the office of lhi* c< m* monwcalih and of Cana) CoiDioiiwnrr. Thai the namoofGcn.Time* iejin. of Ueu'.:e county, la known throughout the CiunoonwciiSa. that geutleman hating been the faithful, constjni and abia advocate of a syawm.of NaUopl f»h<7 is not only intimately connected with, but i# absolutely necessary t? iheprlwpcnty-df Pcnnsyl yania, and wbilo we rejoice that wj; have present io Qi a candidate worthy of the estcem-of cv err good man of whatever party, we are proud of these principle! of our party that attract tj their supportths good-and the great of oor.Cummon wealth. Th«t while wo approve of tlie course of nnr WrU egiteeand oftbe candidates selected, we consul ‘olkte tho Wiig. party throughout the common wealth upon the harmony which now duitogu:?-'** osita members id the acceptance of the nominations made, and tho manly pauiotistn evinced, which ensorei for the nominations the active, cordial ami ] unanimous support of the entire \t tig party of ■ iha Commoowt-alih. That we cordially approve of tho nomination of Joseph W. Patton, of Cumberland county, as the Whig candidate for the office of Canal Corumi* | siooer, thatbia manly bearing, his great etycn-. t-ce I hi* business habite, and his tried imesnty, c-m -meod him to our approval and support. ;• I . That wo the Whig* of .the city and county .if Philadelphia, heartily rejoice at the good *nd ; warm reception bv our brethren of the interior of i • the nomination of Geo. Irvin and Mr. Patton.enJ that we hereby solemnly pledge ourselves, to unit. 1 • with them in the us*af all honorable exertion# 'sectire the election of Janies li.vin, nf Centre rmm ty, as-Gortmor, and Joseph NV. PatUn, of t urn beriand'COtUity, as Gangl Gomminridncr for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The United States Gazette, with the PUiUlt-N. phia Inquirer, have also formally, run up the “Taylor flag,” subject, of course, t> tbedegwim of the'People through the Press. Of its favorite the Gazette say*:— “General Tay lulls whole course has been mark ed with that cautious calculation, which denote# respect for the character of the natioo which he baa identified —that prudent arrangement which .. spring* from » regard fur the rights'of those un der his command; the feeling* ol a true republi can General, of a-Max worthy to command rnenJ And when battle way given; when it nej cess ary to peVil his life to save honor, then he evinced the qualifications of s mnn, fighting wit!| men. When the perils had passed, and bis rei, eme and coinage shared with bis gallant bokij. had achieved a vietoiy over incomparably gtystf ‘ er numbers, then hu f irgoi the feelings of the waif - rior alone, and gav • the United States. Mnrrtso °^S t;KCUA,T " ,s • N “ vVo,iK — l ‘"‘ ai)w*of the #nwr T-vl-f »«*> Scolt.was the oceaiipii «' an i-> »:« honor to the-bravc men employ rd in the r Armv md Hilj of the United sUte* >Tlie «aeei»«s •tlh* Exchange in \tal! street Mr K'ng.iu hi. opening remarks, s?i«J "The 'merchants of [New V.-rk reo in tiles'* i-'M successes a prospect ol early peart-, and jre p*rw. olarly interested in giving l»ie.r opinion on it I tre*i • ihit while we lire ot «'ir 2r».> I that a peace as honorable as tlie iuu«l ardent pair... i : can desire, may be made/' W« Copy thofollowing TcfdtifVnn* ad -ptrd on the occasion; - Hesol«d,'*riiat we hereby expr«.** ouradimr-ijoii . and eratituUeAb the. soldier* -md stbsocn ft tin- »..i j tioa fur their gall intry** -*i,<-on lnct and hc-.0.r ! achiesmeots.damigthe cir-.t-ag war with , Resolved, /That the victories won a. Palo Alj», ; Reaxca del* Palma: Monterey. Buena >iata ami Vera Crtx are nofmo're u> be admired fur their brilliant resolis than for their-example* of patent itm coaraae, fortitude arid clmajrv I Resolved, That while we fully .ppre\.jie there iUostnoos tniunces of devotion to oar country, we cannot but express our gratification at the enure. coeneeo which mast result t-> the national chars, ter fori the decisive prool offered to trie world that, ; while wo prefer peace, we we ready to tuvet the ;i resoocuihUitics of wai. 'J ' f&olved, That it is due t<> the brase rorn wt.o btve .eluered ttoJi! jlorioo,'triumph,. Itolltoir dnd> .hoold to arkno * W;,J and remumtored. tn,l tfut to tbia. gallant ‘cdiutninden. 11. these bloody fields, to thbif able assistants, anJ their brave su . alUfo soldiers sod seamen. «nd m~«w* "™“‘ l |.«f > ! e,leo b, M«‘ h ' l . hcrr . •,*„«„ p„.iH eD t, „id J.mo. 8. Cr,(t. E.<,. S«-! epodeuae in a» few word* a* po*«M«», from the . ,t, P Sip, and two of the four men wire killed, ij la propa*c it there, «» it wonlJ be letter of ihc cbrrwpotidirrjU oi th*l f*. Th< 011 i tr ;,„ u ~n «n,ln ß l.:i, oil; i ;Wllh .11 l!.e follk,. .imJ mm&> >< j J 1 '"" , * Biddle p.oti-led t« .am**. <- . Tk. lolknuiG k. h ,, ui „4 k. «d«d *.» .. ■ _>- . .Ln. ’-*i M ~*L. -luck w* _f view botwifcn Gtneraf Ti)l-»r aiid+bu officer* of j n ,jj e fj-ht. Afur the battle, ii» e should proba-lv • . . , A ‘““' B) ““ ““ * ■“ 18 ! hV —4- r 1 ""' 1 th,oUeh bre *; , ' b! ' ! I°'n.w'j SuJl'oull'U.. . -a.1.-o Irani nkk drop IhV .of truce” to know -what-(-em-ral I ->for want- ■ I)C , Adjutant General Ia»«.co!n, eon of ex- bw - h * P * - Lr . death of our lau-associate and friend. Charles H. 1 ad.- : Govern.* Lincoln. of I M-arhuertti. was killed ’ Hored a thousand death- before paying U.e PJ ~f aVl. EnJ , beared to u- by bn many excellent I About two o’clock in the Jay, the Kentucky rrM „ nng ot1 i„ afnong the Atkansos cavalry., { * cril H ,4lliy w * “ u,reD ef u eu 601 * * ' and amiable qualities. | and 2J IlUnoi-, who had never .(fired more -.ban ' "*»* rrM * i,„o momenU.v contusion bv ; t.on- lave e vet received, and proved worthy the, | { ,* u |v,d. That we mil. wear the cuMomarj lh.ee hundred yards Irotu where we had received who were o M ' onteilpt of the world, wbo have been ready to badge of mourning, and attend, os a body, the lb* enemv’» tinft fire, were lying in the head of an ov. ruhelcAmnc chygc of Unctr*. Illscond.cl f f aV , ht i r j, .berttaoce for go!d. The last ; funeral of the decease. two ravfhcsuuder cover from the enemy’s omllery if tbe t hdme of praue. ■ \ y , - ,i*e. an account of new baU 1 Result. That a OomratUee be appo.nted to who bad taken post upon tbe ground abandoned ’ T lo# , of klilf J and wo «„ded in lhc I new-f.om Europe g.ves an account of at ba , B*t ; tlmoi-rCcimen was iooo w o I i w „rih our while to pauso here just for one nm- . On motion of Andrew Buikn. Esq. Richard us, when suddenly the filing teased, and four nrti- lh ' c origin „f this war Mwecn , B«Wk, U . McCapdless, and Jaa. S I,raft. E*,s-. .l Ih» ntmo.l aiw>ed cameratfopins towards I - i icm i.) reim-uo-t. 6 • I were app-mt.id that commillee. and charged with us Cols M’Kec (.‘lav, Uisst-U and my*«.lt. ad- 1 -aid.—'The Telegraph remarks m ref. , p„werful Empire and a weak and unfottuna e . duty of p ,anting these proceedings to the vaneed some six'y* yanl- f«o our oner to meet j t . reilc ,. t „ o .u Rail Rtad communication*: Jieojkle. Circasau formerly belonged to Turkey, j general'Court* ol Common Pleas of fie county, thorn. With difficulty our men were restrain* j ~J t - oor Lj l|Ziiru CT ,. r to have tin- nJvanti. a i.d an mnemloud by the Ottoman Porto to and moving their entry on n-coid^ «;d from firing Spun them os they came up, all*g- j Uiey'mu»t go to work and pThe Circsa*ian* deny the right of the ' ,aoltjn n * . ' •*net*iu. un or.er or b ... p„,„ Ciav BCCompannJ one ol lujjm. the aid ..I tier.. e.« : ;d. by ihi.iimo. have and her.:.- the long and Moody w»w which have : j, M rs S. C»*rT. y. Santa Anna. tuGcn. T-yfor. wh-» was sitting with iJ( , ti , , j rU .i n[ ,,j ~f hall w.iy to Phila- been g-niig t-n, fir so many years, anJ with -uch : hiv right leg over h)« h‘>in'‘* m'ck.j-J-l behind u«, as uuciincerncd at tl.e dancer he was in. and a* n>mposrd ar mm posssMy c.iuU he. W hil.-t tl'C a! ,| n< « drlivernig bn lilt-s age in the Central, we took the liberty <>f quizzing the other three a hide. ( a»k*d oneol ih'cm who appeared hiche-t in rank, ••What u the of y>>ur.rnuMoii '■ , He re /plied by pointmgtti our men. who were, the mo* l hot them. I>ti»g on totir facta, at foil b-ngth. abouJ | f.jtiy pares fiion linn, ••liiiwe arc tfiMp* ol thc'hneV I they 1" To which we ie;dii'd t huniSul 01/them arc.” 1 then resumed ruv when |b • answered v» Ctji*T->^.and a* we dil n»t appear tn compri herd t.mi. in French, that - itu. Ssai.ia IA nna w-ikli<-» to k n .iv what (.icnofal laylor wantf'." He *aid it with such an art ot uticoncrrC, thirt we all hr.’Ue ”Ut' into a loud lJugh. 1 . ! ]l understand tiwt wh.n'the aid renih-d thv* 1 ieneial. hr n|pe.it< J the miho thing to hijiii, when lk« old -war hero' tdd thu ininprt it- 1 to (tell him. • he natiteJ tfte Mcxiraii army t i surrrridei; tel!, nui that l wjdt Santa Arina\ariJ hi- army ike gentlemqn.” The Writer aaya that at this time the right wing if the enemy had been nearly cut off. and 4000 :av#lry and iillantry were at the merry ill Bragg* (land his light artillery— j | At the Karneilimc that the m«»sort ol out 10 of the* Derao and county ol iiatc him a* ih« Whig party 1,1 lency of tlici* filiation to spb claims fur thi brclbem of M» ereafter to lnd Vera Ort occasion to te ten* ihcir hca Aitl and h.t* r.»t ftar&inc the rnerny'** canton j [n aJv-iru*in» up iu lu«* »:o m\'s l>sti. rv. the t»r*i i -lr.- r|.ui;ufi.i rjin.’ un.irj ;t tn-'-i 'tidhntr fire' u, fjom the n»*ht '-i'* PtifiDs • rj'-ffv**. it.id waj* f ordered l-> .* »v.»r H-elt bv the' dti-p fa- j rn -. .ir-i::-.! tlx 7 tusii ni'wbtchl it wad Uliini. u \ when the lit* ojwnod upon 11. ■ ! \. rt. had « mJi* by ride so I 0-ur r.'i- j c j j j,-,; •. iA. ih . u«- wdi .ir.d heart ad» ixo» <1 to tn**|r If.-j., i. ii.-s-fJ the deep, and likin*' on '.hi ot the Ul Ulrno(« n»i;irarrt. e-nnui.-ner-d ! I,lli h -l lift- upon l.'o c'r.vmjv's ncht, wb.ch -i.pt» wbchi j have- brought them «<»'a At'uricx ■jchangiiu * inn* routai 4 . a |*«*rtV-'t f 'f'-t *■:- ~,sv ii»U rnaJr their nppt*irance over th< hrijw ot IU- hiti right in mu n'.snd n* a t ■ «.• J . ri. 1 1.'tl -at- r Su. i'll - >■ • jmJ "Ut t rtif.'U- \ l*» ;.in. broltf from their eo'or. and cr ih<* K'jUy l*. - JoIV It*, as #0 had don:’ Jl the I to*'lt pavilion mi mir right, and were so-tn in the Ln>:i *: o! the tight. They, too.had'ai njorh to J « n. the i'rort as one regiment r.uld a'Und t; whil.-l ati nit 1000 inlar.try on ihrtr right; ran aero** th der cover c*f 'AUsh’.r-g - ' .'"t cou.M ntilv j . trad, tL>: indoubt on ohe t.i.h where the Ut Illiij ( r..-.r- \.cre pnetrd in ths efcrly past othcri- ; j \>soon u» w«- engageJ the r*.se:v£. Uie enemy's j t UncefhUbufl to tbi* left, dashed dawn b« take p-t- , si tip. mouth r.f the ravine. to pick up a/! w r.j ( dhould-lw #o fortunate a.- cvi nt> reach J 1 l»un | | discovered tl'.it'UH odd* ajaii.'-t its wm *o cr-.i1., , ti:M wO murt '••• tivorpiiWfi l , and hjv:u_* wUnr»-*-J. I , Juring th** da*. 'in? b-irtonin-K ciwamtii* d upon lur wiiiusdid .itCrtie. resigned ssjs> If 'lie. Pt:e right bii:j nf the* Cfit-rtj)'- !mrrtrlhad '-w.w,! uvtr, ami were mining our Lit fimjk —our imu l ;•» titrJ and hr -ken down in iding them j. ! ■ the bayonet, sn.f our »uly *«lv j‘ ion tv Vs tu '’e' reo: I I turned my 'ye* down ike ravine. and l!\r dj»' larice BieLr-ned" int; and alien 1 thought, Put fiir i oti«* inslar,!, up | «jfc.nldi* order tvuhl lv cbsi rvp>!. Hr banks l*ne pr. cipnale. rocky, and overed wi'lh l,».ne rtdjing {>• bub*— 11*p cnlr ne!> were with their resiirn-*;!* .it the head nf Oheravinr 'vherr the order was Bleep —three <>f them. John J. Hardin, Uot. Mckee, and? Lieot; 00l Henry [’lay. fell" wounded. *nd wer# inhumanly lanced its death, } and stnjiiwd of their clothing. ? r ! ) The lancers who had dashed down the road to cut otT olr retreat, were’driven haik.by, Woshtg*' ti n's artillery, which opened a well directed tin upon thiir.; but bar- which, not one. «,f us would ,h,»e gutien nutr —lh«Thjrjk< on rj,th aide of ihe ravine, were very et»ep, at least Jflfty feet, and it was imp »»ad ie to rally a-lnan under tho d.iudat i Hi; fin- whtrh poured upon u* trjirn several thou mud cv.-r.»l tioies ; during die d:iv I'uptmn Wa-ffuifit.it, dr»vetiaik : il,. |~i,ci*rF, who taailc drm«i,^iut:iiut ? 9({amst lorn, ’■ond.iii; sl»r.’'i Hid »hot tl rough ihi-ir ranks in : r« jitul i.arubi'rs —the tun-dy aid uf hi" suved ! a lives, when we n treated down the fivinc st i.'idtl- i * Tl.e victory »- complete, llioxjph dearly pur <*ur low* in . kilhd and wounded is a!-»ul 7lf), whilst that < l the enemy is over two 11i..u -sjnil, »hundred of whntn nr«* »*»d to In* kill 7UU of their wounded fell into our hand-, mil arc in the hospitals. It in a hurrii Mglil tu witness their mangled ami mutilated form* where ;l «• ri -jiid *h' « have tern them to piece*. Doan,. ihehaUle lien. ‘•lifion. wnh ht» l,.'»dti lut.rrrr, cotr.o down through the l*alnama« Pn-a, | c our rear, when Licni. Jm 1.- Donahs. *:rr’/i howbxtr battery. *iliied from thei It Saltillo, wi’h a V 4 pound howitzer.' Iby I*»j tiiti Wlinli*r\ company hiimu* i • », All-] a US-JI *Ufid> r, i timmimli d try ! 'lover, and pouredinio them sieli a'well ; fire «>r r3‘i< ‘■hot that they re’irt-d in the , nnfu*ion. This timely and gallant diver- I Minou, was no doubt highly icHtrurarntal , t us the day. 1 Wool behind most gajJantly, and has , ill the country can do fur him. t’cei.lr* the ' rtlerzn and admiration of bia brigade. | t can bo said “Old K nigh and KraJy! " ■ retry where, nt the same time animating, ig, and persuading his men'to remember y ond their country, and strike home for ! The breast ef hi* coal was pierced by n temboL ‘These balls arc growing excited,’ is dm I remark. The killed and wounded of he Illinois) regiment i« the higtn-,1. though eulogium that can be passed upon it. * ralor exhibited Gy the Illinois' and Keni troops could not bo surpassed; but even (oald nr»kcopp w • uc * l *»*tly superioi , without this last and best arm of Ihe acre! VapL Washington’* battety at Ihe pas •r the bill, and the' Bragg nr RinggolJ Arti whoso commander* I do not know, th They were flying from point, to point • rerer the enemy seemed most likely to *d t<» a! .rk uf Wv!h ri J'>uht V'.it.lltlf UrUL &: ihrrcttd f uintr.i: ■ i nan f f £t'« lit R.l th-gili Li !i in brofi itrvo a Kill K. d.'ifulJ " ; v \ ucai'TiKCi- si.vt»txT. —The late eminent I si’tre."'. • . , Ju j Rl . g, r Allan I’atk ..me said at a public tncet- 1 , V.V .uppu>- trim what we nee apd know.jhat ; - n L(>n j„ n; liv.t ui the mid.t «.f blew } Mexico in like uru.nn mu u'.j-ct lii thi*. surrenj ; j n g 9 nJlweare utterly t.i their greatm**. f: j,. f 0 |- brr *„J au.l people to tbo I'niu.l State*. and of tin* rourre )r..;n wb. nee they llotw. Wr . . _ v, .1 ; wi,-r>ik o' oiK civilization, our aria, our freedom, ' Tbeif h ecrijmlv -unit* a l * much harmony ol , «p* •**'•* » ... , ! Y‘ , , llir ln\Vi. and forgd enitroly b..u Ur** a »l»«' »- | itpim >o on Uc.uae lb e light lit t.y c.Mr.ih.-iu'mg .fie r.»aJ at mi'’' • wblc i s a . v; lho nivcr been subJucd. ;of I'bristian love is on It. Not a law which doe* , the Ka-.; —.t nuv. bve i:ntti.-.-.cr.4' r .l at nned t. I '“**■ ' j „ot owe in tiuth and gcntlcti. ** in Christianity— u„. W,.., l,u, u. V.-Tho mm- | , ru.l.n, CMmol 1.0 ... .11 ■<. , ; , . ui-er* of .New \ one are engaged in some| con- - h o | v . beahblul parts. ».» the Isoi'pel. ' Lnr start,wc J»batl not pause alter our begumu ?- i I • . L . .. Thirdly—ll.'.-t every man. the mech.ii.ic a.- cell h tr ' , * t: ‘ r '> At *•’ ,ll '' ,nfamn B V* l># • l B n ‘ p t ,he merchant. .„e lab-mn; man ... w.,1 a* the*»f the dange.oua paasage, m-, if Tl( ~n t (imi.d Ducal Tb. u.re .v , ,| ' fijv.v. i'.jui s ion. “ J , ■ , . i . ’ , I aim ibe .ut/cl ol remark. Hellgnte, or 1 , -lb« | March I tie lire wa» tia»t,di*c.wer«Hl in .•(■< ol Dr.auttlul Mtr.il" Judge liemmn uiould m.lLr lb- I the coti.t boxes, unmed.klely alter the gas wa, | fi.at wi.rd to mam I-. \M7, bowser, accord- : bi|n)(||l|;p railB ht l-v tb- fl.i.H-*.' ii - ib. llipte—. it was **id by W'outyr Van • , v | )U .|j w ,, rc driven by u euneiit of nr. A» n Twi I i w’i ’ m that Year pun.'baaed it, for a lew n « iaudience part ol -the b.»u»e wa* hegniMiig , 1.. W 1..J..U did., th.t , Oh- S'.lcJ w,.h .ho ...lun.w;.l 'ho .l«m 1 * . |> i became general and frightful. Miur (vreuis on tho name vra* d. rir,d Irom the IMtrgale, or Hole | th|f|l fl of lht . es ||,. ri ,. t were .titled. The of He’d. Riven 10 it ill IGII7. ' j f j U Jit*er ot dead andm:«-mg utnounl*. acco'duig XccorJlnfi to Sch*K)lcvaft. the Manhattan# roeana. J .. the police return*. l*» 7tr. ‘•the I’c'oplo of the W hulpool." or the plate ol wbiriuic spirits, which give* ai| admirable de- ' 11h* *.h.‘ iuonlli'i’l A(>nl *il Hot hav. (lot.: ;.ll mu nti'icltanu. bunue** mp!|. ami kin! m th»' pu»'f|>eti , y nf I*it*»‘)Ur4ll and fh.Hid, -lull * arLv»tly i««-Ui- three < crtf.iry lor 1 c cst:»bli>hmriit ■>! a Hail (umunicatMu l«j.tb ea:t ami ureal. I l ■> respond 1 vltn* Hjlmn tv (’o^ijiar)| ( \Ytj«r: in* j>roj>-*r time_Voa«i\«, 1.-l u-.mll triun ono chirr lo i»no buoUred or more. a» w.; aro a‘>lo. 11l the (»u*tiuclion of 4 Kill! Koad from U.u- joint cas-t ami wpc>, wo ail hate ai incah'. aniio-i uUlo. il am j/ivo *uce«s» to out bueUi*’'* 1 . j>r"r*jM';Uv to our city, and aid ami cotifoiuoncir lo nil of uk *lluk lln'-miL F»iu.’h well attended. unJ wc aro t|u,i to Kim prwn.<>?* well lor the nob!** |’U> j v.'-w nl thoso who of-j’ihuk'd j ihi» [Hoi: in behalf of tun suffering ami < ~t;owji:M piuw long enough m.ljit* bft-iuess to thutk ol tho bU'vnng* \j cli-multle iKirJ*. ni* an- RUiP ibal no [lhlch, liul liora this* world'* abuj lx- tor lh«* sick ntnl disable, j.itr your fell >w men make ilu> vnw rnailcwhen ho siw his. "Poor Marti' on ibo river's bank. |>Uyii>g her *i-j>i>erc >lpf*. With bet lltt-Jr* Ro.tl bPM.lt* hIT. /ur plenty c'tm ’a tour-nuiM«eiity[ Ur." say* Surne, ••ti ll I nrtiai ih« ay ul the vintage when natural* ,ui Jaii'.o Hilo «>».v dollar nolo > <• ,rr.. a- d re.-.v.,] tv- .1 -In- | N>.w \ on*.. Apr '4 i> 1.-diy all aiiw w.jt ; v. - !. 1 • ju-i r{’ |i>l uiu million *il Hut it ins} arri. »r« a > ttjfjjiuijsi l * whl vj.r. u Jill.!' w<-uf i-fijl 1 h«* f c •!! •-.» 1.-ar :!iat . iEU"t IH WUMIZ Warm hi.-tWi' i'Ur JWfc , t .f Hi' 1 Mj»j '.-'ally, Wm. ' . Brail;# n !.•..!• r!>!. i!_ n:'r;,.r::!3ii li:.un<-il. tin- old <-t ih> Loco I'm' iaitrr having formerly hc-en '.h*- k-v[> er.-J a goiter ha- an awUed i-ynipathjr for it-.- fHii’ c v craltsnv'n nx;d their ri.s ;, . , *fTi<'r.<» m it.:.* j-ilj JT>nc<* Hal's feign f uld tint have a- >-n mow warmly Welcomed by In* i> inn will t»e that of HfowntM by oar c.ty ny»Urrrs, -f mcc<'-*ful. Th«: monster An>i-r« nli»m In* again tfjrciJ if;* bred in tloiuinbia county M. Living?; ton. a laborer, having wilhhn. Attorney nml com panions b»-cn maltreated white engaged in oit-bng an i&trudcr [ro:n i Umii. fco much fir ill-judged to the enemies of r-rder—a 1 kind* ot jl'Ufjfttion grow with that which the • Iced i>a. 1 ' ' * 1 The telcimpb' ha* l«M u? the rr«*uli i J-rlui, anil cat; be ariMui.U-i the of the .lomin: taM party w,i miirntratl-n 5 Ii!*) Uljj‘ lpl lar, but because liic A-in tl)/ii2 with it arc ['.ilk i*'|uripoj<'jlar, hi* war is unpopt, «iur» and ji.irlizms mu unp'jujla li'msnrM had iifitin*r jvronsl.iior p li> the t»J«! which «*•! n£’3Uist ( hl iUsc>rnv, A \»«■ lli;;- fl >it ore r the-' ’tTa-l.’iui and IJujiil. i.it r.Hh» <4* tv On iat b>*eii much cJiWr.itv ol n i*• -11•»,i. f:..j.i.n!*u4 v.-id.-N Hi. 11l fV-hle lodutr sit tow I tn d, is Yi»ta. I'lUtU-rtJ ljV*l|r> VlllPlJ ••Nil Too in ij niln -, act-1 llircc l >\v. c>»utii; haii-l*' by *mt I.ak>' < ill m*j Titic*. Tiie lUlltv. Was « tu-r ih ••I.livn-r;” that, i: ia county, aii»-• -Lire if. i*i rrrat ki.ii imn mi'll* from Vu.i Cn ft. Hi rrun, I'.n it* in (hi- ij.ir«>r“n{ c i and buny.it.t *|>inL<. h j* (i tti vvnii'j led, a t T a i» ’.uireb' bralili tllrllt ! ,tu ptv - Aanra" t;y Lieut L’ol.Mc and lint MaU.iO"fH-t Flag. Bluchet nnulil itevt-r have did Uener;.! Tayl.tr a! Muii n u*riy. Bl uvl.jf is on.‘ mat) ol a thousand. but Tit of Ifn Ihiu- j , mrwlfft i:i u» )n everything. in pcnr*. sand. Hra«c in war, unit! trtctnry, am} ju»l am! «enci »■« I J t tl r ‘I \1 ( .« l<t-i Too OoM!»sßciiL Review, liont, draw «o bea»ily upon uv that w« are to omit inq Vlih h Hol»» Uli atS-rded ■ *«t» UnlliiM spectacle l**t week- 0««(r /nt'/r- Hundred Candlr* were i . lijjld up the « r.tir«- ffL»iit ol that im:nwi*** budding. and font lr»i.Hp«' imcin P«l<» All.*. K<<«>cn d«? la Ptl ma> Monterey and Uu !, tsa \ i»la, were dwpliyrd •;; ;,Tv nn* i’/T «Vr I r n, r»>' Vl)u lin the Window*, while tin* etidenr-d ntiw «l lf«». 1)\ MACINE L K ILLhllllArll. ' Ta\!orhtm«ilf»t th* rl.is*' "f the spectacle, wm 1 exhibited m litin* li«lK v> th.; *urrounduig innl forre»|iou«lrnre of I’lti.bnrcH o»*eUe. ; The band played Yankee Doodle, Had •cri|)Utio of the bu*ntc»« city now. 1a r»ery one will boar wjiUMi who has ten hours m ihia iMilute. Il >usy hum 0* i hirh attend! b,Ay mwiy j dsijcc would , tnoJifn . VICTOUY IPOS VICTOUV j C’..100.1.... .0.1 .■>!>«' niiw—l • u'llUBO Si: II KK*UK It E D . - »*J' • bul “ J ll " ; ■' ■ , L . , „ Lt aUo e nh.-f wa< »rry excilinff. 1,,-Uera received at »* atbuigtori and rbindet* ~ .. i p'uti la*l rntl.t, tnnouure the completes surcea* ociim.it*l«’ yuni’anan named Jas- McMiiinn q_l Alnnb. '4>*k lt« commaitJ i «rh.. h.« i'',.|,1..,>-J ». ... o.r, * m one »t »he ••I.oumrlle Mauutoctunin* ot » dI. Harney. I , (h.mpany,'’died on UVdne»da.r mqbl Intt. tinder The pi ice w.n surrendered Without loss. and a . rirruinstanci'ii. On Saturday evininu body ut troops, under UoloncljHarney, alter sue- : hr Jrank a glass ul' soda water, and tr> a few min- Wall.' i».«un, tlw- town. .oJ ier.i.i,. s !)..■ ’ «’•■* »=■ - «-■ «»» w ,;h aovt-M'v ami with scirc-dv anv int» rmisiunn pace in »u. <* tt( iho.tiiui* oj hi* death J'ho »•*!* tount had “ not been used smc<- ls«' -••3« 'n. and the gU** he drat'k was ihe-liM nin> drawn ln»m ;l this rcas-n It mi Htippo«eil that the p 'iaon timn the »*• r«ti- wn inhaled in th* water he Jr ink. and which produced the tragical result l.oui-cii'e Courier. c.>rmiißu.J|froin the euf-my, wen i Titv. The \moriran tliß iueui j>*tt "I Vfiic.i Jr j.m the I lie • f Vera- f'-roi Ttropini j • Vtf» Cruz, San Juaii d'UlUwj ’ an 1 Matuno'i* are ril in our 1 W ill-.. TKU Mi'll ' .i- have no', only oily of .New York h hi! Ik ww thV Udi.k nl • ruv. hut what atlorJ. irJ foloim the al>i)««-n il \n*:orT.«ii the Cn.um»n UOAUII'oK AI.IH'.II'IK.'O BuARH OF AfoIMWNT:*. ' 'l t« r* k--'T Ovwjh tor ,v.i- d f>'. \i)i k roil .m a:\ ns: V til Juin dr ■ or |>>:acc th The n> ».4.iy ( 1 I.uc.it.to t qliat ov» r Iml fi.r vi!.- Wht< >NKits OK .vl.v.s Htli: I.cjUiM * 1.-K'-*..! t ' 1 SEVENTEEN LIVES 1.0 *'l*. •» Wil'Hsoros,\ Del-* April l regret n ,Hi'->rro y->u ih»i Doi-imt’a !/*•> ill itiUhli*bru<*. ~1 »!..>'<. »crC ,r.u|rrJ in all Jr ly. 0»"; >"* S"<» » "»>*'«> ° f MW ’ “ cl,on-. TU.oj.rrc f..» iW.n'J ~«*»((*. X- • county -uWr.||li..n n! S 10(1.01)0. I.ic!ci„C I--,- J , 3 . ( j fi.. ‘‘uTm-o wif hko.lbal if im rarlti- Us* K>'i-n a'msj 'hly ui about 500 tn k'>-r "f *ul>- '* l ’’ '* i’ 1 Ai £ ttcrij'lion. th>’- ommm: u> fa*-- being f 95 000. '» irrr«'».ti 1- T»K \’otf. upon l!u License question in \ M- UrooWlyn N. Y.i KleclJou. i3 i|j )M t vcn'-l-ip. we ha*e been requested to nay I UftoDKtrs. (N. .) 14. Was unanimously in tho opposition—or 91 ti tin- ! ho Whip* liien i>y 1200 •rity. and iwrUe o( lb« .eighty Aldermen- = Lo,-o PV«h «n* every ttliero ruule.l. bow. i;rW*ni«d-A U«'t. «t.» rm.wr.tc at. and dragoon*. UronkUn' respond* nobly to **•"' ’"* ■ i rJ ltT .UW York, Connecticut olid jßbod* tiD.nd. \ PHILADELPHIA MARKET. April \4. 7 o’clock. P. M. Tpe market for Flour haa bceii quiet for the •past two iD?*. *>'d tne businc** ofa moderate rh tracer, chr* tly for con»um|)ln>nl The stock is. increasing and accuinuUtine. bull holder* main tain ffricrH with’ •teodme**. Prijne brands real ize jf»,G24 iier btil . Th.iwania-.UoiS »« tye Haiir.tn day were at #•*> wjf lib!. „, ( C\,rr.a*cal haa ! • and demand rootler * i i , . .m iiifluinpil . ate. Price* are w. 'll ntj«mnn«. i- luju (it | •; f,„ , vrn hu (*lltti “If >• ana .1 TIU 1 |,r.„H lrt! » Mile 1...-S.lo* pljms •am|.le> of ; 1, , y .•ll„ J»1 lillr ~e. l.u !•'""» Wbll. u llrlJ .1 : • . - 1' i HAc without tiriJinu bit, *° r *- ; frr*\Vi: mnr hi-•attention »f our rrmiT« to rli»-» . U h*»t—Tb« iiHiuiry whral is limited. : tra ‘„ r ,,-,m> ear-. »i K,-r.,ii.:i ~.-r.»r . H . -,l i.v hr C*iu*-* \ ...Ml „l£ «» a mmleraV e. only. S.m, e «m- , mV.* Th^"^ [>!••*- of choice While In Kißht,.lf*-a am! w llhl . ll ,i„. w,.u.|rrt... <>u t-nni awl h.ivr , ! It*! ..t mime iiualiiy IftOr. TUew the cur- r*4M ’Tr'TTT, 1 •It, , lu m.l„,n. throueh the d«f- hu* toward Ibe , i-’, ■.V',*,”?™. m*''-cni, 1!!.,!..'.!. .Li-, ... 11M i cl< holder* demanded an ad.'aiK •*< ,|,„i i*.,™ i,»m !»»••*• i» v„ n,-* it,- <.f I. ! Provn.iona-lbt.lera U«rmtt muru u> Inr . Th ’ l ‘’'l*' 1'; ."'/ITua \i! ' ' to «lai'. but the demand i" Ktill trery limit ■ , 1 ii** tiliii-p r»t Ili.wiiM.l A Ujlvun N.i.Mtf «mhl jiricct steady. * ’ ' M-riri -i I'" ocl < ! Otherwise the market t* about A* bet, !>•’. : —+■+ —; «iiber alterations r»*>T nv r i«' k a!• i. 1-. ■» TJIK I re■ |>«'CmI' > .I'ltitm- die |.ul i,.- ! it I,- !ri . •!,- iwui.i'.irtiire ,H ■ ; ynxhtrt-tbl. Kfivin K—tt wair.. ; ,i „ml w„r* .mm •1,.|, wurrutil -ii|.< >">r m nvv I'kx.i • vri iiiii.l. n'...i’ ";:'::vr.vrw-''.'"""i'lvk'u'o.f.mi j"Vr \V 1! KH-KINK. ‘h.U'TIMORE market. It* i.t. April 11, 3 I*. M. » Tt.e hat packet'* advicf*earned an injjnedm c [ '(('ac'.iori 'in urn Fl iuf marine! ami holder! being I iiifttilliiin In ttiitirint to a decline. but little «•' | j i!on<* until to-dav. Hover* came forward ihi" i ; l non.mg, aujii look a modriaU’ umouht, ami thf ilcwstli'! cv.'i'.mi; it a cnnaidrrahlo *»d -i v uii >\ rtrj.l tirm. Thi* j> le to the UR* inn • if hi the rccnijii* ami decline in frcißh t*- . *nl7 Villa icaliJiM.l For Howard street ihltt >Jati - d tii« l»th of , i« di-mai.-ic. j. t-ut-po ' | l*iim» sampU-" « t K.-c! Wheat »..1d rcadi!* j anxintu j «tay ni IfiOc prr bit- " j 1 TJ;ere wn.r«'adm Pir.-tigh th<* dny of \\ hi '** I f’oiri #t afrtßCc pur l»ut and of prime Yellow Mj 9-c. I I.ive B'jjck Tbo average price of Beef Caillr* ( st ttioitcr ile* i* <4.1*4 por UHf lbs gross. Hogs I cnlinuo to tell freely’at $7 put 100 lbs. j Pru»|'..inn« The amount of business doing in I (he mar ket i» limited. W. stern Mess Pork itliolJ at fig , Prime it selling nt.fJ3,3& per bbl. Wes 1 Urn f .ocketJ Me« Bedfi« $l3, and prime f‘J pci t,M— tbc»e are tho top available quotation*. /•a- * City Cure at lOr Western Shoulders it t7]jc. Wt ttern rendered Np I I*atd la sell.nfe at 10c fur k* g. i I i T| ie tales making of Whiskey in libit are at : S9r, but holders contend for 30c. !i C luvcrsced i* telling to a moderate relent at 1.37* pcr.bu. o than Ihi-. ach. (kids u l)< itn 'lmt if Vfra Crux U ipo»t illujcd. iiOQFf’tf axo NKW YORK MARKET ioi for the/ brilliant l take plaoe iu. Philo- i April 14 7 o’clock, I*. M"- ! The nub's of Flour to-iUy are fair* Wertoru bn iod»* are taken at $7,85 per hbL Howard «tr feet at f7,W P't barrel. Tho ,lo ‘ t of F'lnor u»ery light, but tuppliea will bo coming far ward hi a few day*- , }f Wheat there ba»o been but few aarcato- wi'ih the import!- r columns t« wife, ml'nr.itiß him tt: it ih- h »d !■’<' /‘--r .'i.'i''" ■ic pleaauri-, a< wt If the eiir. we haw r.u <■( .•111 *... in 4 I-J.eee'l .il New Urh'Jll*'»li the tift b, ptill a Intuite to the mimmy <»l tbit ■tic* -- rh'i toll l«t M'l* ill \ i-t> Ho oRli‘.toil to niKUio 1 till- ot <••«! »'iiy. »««1 ‘he create.l g f,rrrr( {■> ti'C’i: a- fo»rr.o:lv. They cini' n * n- Ci>«l*l.l.Mfc*T TO («» 1. WiwL.— I'i.f < UV 11 V\ U' '— -H !"!■!« ('f (* :ii’nl of Troy lnv-« up; r.'pnV'•! to b<* > n F' ' ;.>n !c ? i.i t ! .o f.'j'clia-*’ >f :• f «or 1 ; l« to ra! (MIEK-i: ’• k'.i'A \V>).l Th>i» b u ti.e .lyliorror* •>! »K»—r»iy wf.t-ie nnl'AMi- a<- '-•* i‘uf'• •'• ,, j 1 lit- ha- lonis' .1 IJI U 'Mi« Mifiir.i-iu Inti Kuypt. anl Juior *4i«- wn m lli»* !dt:**r part .->f Jaixuaiy p.illrciins ' a- w». d. f.*r am w Ik-*.,- {' " V » ' ■ . »a ■" ' : v (.'I it 1 ‘ • • • • : o / J l> V.-j; ~i a V ! s\:;,v l 1 * "L ’ Nl-' '-V u .,]i I'OIND'-MTU A- Ui.ii "au (JAXBTTE JOB PRISTISW OFFICK, ky-'Vii: iiff ii l !'* I'fj'aftl Jti.l r»j. .1: ou* itmnilrf. mi mint* «i Jon I" *t*t r o rwtf -19-1 H *'i 'I. il -> u.r It-1 HiaisllM J:nl »! Ikiu.l* -li rruv. ug Omm w.iii net utar> umJ ni iiir !o»rj jr>-Im|>orl»m to A»lvertUer».—TL« udver wh.cK hi lli- I»n!v Morning fia/' t aUo :»:'pr «r Hi Hi- Tr: • Wei kij. linn ie«-r v ri< llio !••• -fn oi U»' - cifcuiai on 01 all, wnliou! any uiliimou rliiirgr Tti iuiy ■*U i cSiH-n.f. Ailvcr»..pmi-i»lii JJ«- «l»i> ul'rTlrJ .n uv roiiuiry i»ai>rr h|h*» rrWnalilf u fin*. P*Coll»UU>J»tlftU a ui u- «'r. ii'li*.. ili ~,’rn .1! I’.‘3'{liuijrr.-.v- -iilr. ',l u v.«lr»i-t: oi * | ( , i( . im r i .ii.i . i.i/cji' t>> i:n: i rii.lici«: L) ,-„ x lair l‘roiu**uf i-' r *‘-iit -iiunii t’-clru* II i>i v wa pul>li»h in amillii r cnluilin H i \V'-ihir*tl:iV mnrnii'C. Hi*- U'l) <"•! . OIIAHW> ""ii • iiiiu-i ■ 1 •' ii :.ikf |ilnr<« ( r rnia;. i .tt»«*t 11 ti ;itV ,iii , k. I’rmn lII* f:» Oiiiipp on L.h.-ri v *lrrr>. „f ||ii> larn.h art* rrijiir*trTA«.IS ; ; IM7. ■H-ia^aaS KKTJ 4 T!JI.K)N 4. Co. p;Uil.ur«h 01./' H'KK is «:«. Braver ii UAi.UWiX. luua*»»»n lit tne"xa»ntt oT Common Plea* of All*»1:«j»y County, No October Term, OW. Sarah MJlei. by her next Y trie.'til. Jtmc-s Lcmo.i. '.( 'LUr-; for Divorce. '?>• f A *incu'o roatriaoiiu. Ji*a Miller. * J To Jona M'llcr,lb* al-ov? namedßcpotnicfll? You will p>i«elnk«* no i<-e. tba: ivtiertn- -vim* afTfu' -p. •• iixaul Alia* Su&puerm. i|*v: l-'-Cn 111 :be 111. >vk an.l returned N K.J urcortnii; t’> itie A’.: ci A'aambJy in »m*!i fa*e in* ir am! prov -lea nnlr*« you r.r am! appear m the toj.t nioie.j.d, io lu-fa hi 'a» iVy oi IV.utnirgh ior. ibotiouniyol Atierheny on »K<» ih’nl Momiay n; June m x’. nml »liow riu^ >. drt-ift of D .C.rur n. •.vili hr Him and tb-re made • pursuant to tlie prayer u: M>« IV! A.io A ,mul> foK3V.lH.bhci.tl. In !l;o Coon oi* Common I'leii* lor Allegheny County No I. Odolirf Term. lr|R Sarah .M.l.n, t,v her next •) trend. Janie* Lemon, ( Lit>el for Dtvori- ’ « £ A v.jit-uio ma’.r;in<-!i .. J»r.« M.Uef J Tbi* Krtpomlcni übore named «•<<• tn,.e notier. that mo i.i w.tne*st*« on ihr par: <>: L.lxrimiit. t • I"* trad on Hie limrinc of the a'>ore ciu»e; w.lllio.a -k*-n Lrfi*re K! 'ah P Drake.j'.*'} ,at hi* office, m lb' 1 To»ii«tiip nf Pn'anii. Mnhnnmc Foumy. and State of Onto.on Wedne»Ja\. ihe IVtn day of ->la' iirit , -MaUKaW A McKMOtIT Attorney* at l.uv [JITIIFY THE DUOOD AND CtEAN’SK j I I'llK lit— Ii j« un e«lnt> rod, i* DK. J.WNK’S aLTKKATIVK Srrohi.,.. Kin** - Kr.l C.tm ,-r a,„| t\,m Tunu.i.r-. Wn.nr S.vrl l-m:» Ku.:iij;rtijriiv 01 :n- lion-* rim.n c Bin unutiji'n null from, rViijnnr d *r.»•>•« o me Skin oul mid .ittlo w r r,‘,', „(> lhaM,4« liMmiuVr.- .-very l«- t-i. M-r. I; hr.id-. one of 11.- mo-l p--n.ami. n.r If. mid rriu iv m; U; mid V-'rvmi. ut. --l.on, J irlow itn.mm mi a.-i l.rj.iii iini-quallml 1..- :.f. it.:.!- in 111- wt,i» - .- MiiU-f a M-Q.ea. For r:«if a: :tr- I’KHN TKA STD.JIi Nil's Fo-.r-ir »ire-i. nrar Wood .->pi.'.OA.w POKTAULK Tlllt£sillN(i MACHINE. M AUK ami roi.lt.>-" M II A**TUN...pp.«n.*Shorn l-r.. Itf-o.iic 'I • . l*-..n I'.u-t.t.rtTli- No Ms.'Uuir n»..-s':*i.t«-r. "»«-Mi— l:i*n-r: , i.t-l work. .Mure tin... I hm> o' •Urn, n- i , u,e " r«l.-fn II -tr.rl -.1 Hi- M.V • <>! Nr A il.di-lliuiii -HI I" Ini \ r a:.\i»-.mi XI)lllK*i- in' i>tliAU MODAHSKS AND ITICK- S •-ti.i. p in- N f fuirv, v.-IF " w a r !i C \urc;iV. r»: va. S'" V S 1)111 KS - All I"..- I iJrf ' ■«.«•> ■> M... Vi.p.r Mm. ill I.M. ? H .1 Lit m.U I'! iiiltaimii I inuirr.r-. Her otll Pcnnaylvnnla .weiii p>i: >\u; ■ i Ua.M.it* i.r-t- vj No.'HI Sr » Writ* do • 1 • ;i k - I’. T«|.CT f\IIIKI> I , KACIIK»- » Ji, “ cu *'„r;: i o;-in< /'mikksk :axu uacon-i \; . -.0 T'Sh-.ii if’ ■ •.■'•"Mam* I'll ICS II TKAS- .|-.V a» % .T-I ( a rOKACCU-l'U • I r* M-r. OAK SI U AII ■}< y’ It. MOLASSKS -.A. . »I* INLSII WlllTIM! -:n > I.KM W nil) COFKKI Ik - ; ■ . rUiLCH SALTS > jti *». u ..id ; h yPPI.F* id rllN 1) K O’O J»3 • > •_> •' * '• Pc: l« r * lr.-c uf il ISII-In' I'i !» No - -jip t>•■!. ?:.«•!_ lJ ~o ' , sm':\i t'M \ * :1 us f/rOi '«'nf I»> ! iMLZiIU. No V l water «U<-r r»f •<» .• 1 ' «)liJ SIETAL-d ip. • r I Kf ir allil lot • ,I.l' I ) II ll.llv IIIi!« OI I t-r 'l'lnAivn-u* i a» •"(' ( U,< f,U,C V'r"itll»WKi.l 111 a«lvumi;r tooor •oiii.i.«. 11-" !>!»‘ litrvrul- cuu lir mrrf"iluily pi.'j.ariil .in of l.ivr’iniiii nn I - • V' 11 • . it... laiTc.. \ il I"-a. S. I' la I to. V .J> '• JO,|N GiUI.U. ■>>•> 1. 11 '»*i IS' «i w (• t;i .Kit . Ihfir'fl -Ir* - rt y tTTiUIKRT »■"> W I.UKKR ''w 1/1,1,,,.; fci iul » \ A l •« 'f- .!• ; i'\\ V- ! . Ar' i‘i. i .nCMUir XVijmivtloi: i \ R FI.O-. i) r|,' - a t (,y 1-1 A IN. t Ml ;v. *t.' „,i r .-M H«'.t !• r «a! w.'i’A N I'l •! •”*' 1 tc-h, j-im and \ Mt' a > ‘j*Tv *' finin' it'd I n.u./n ». imp V t i(;tiua Tul> Apt. »wr«i j r i.invvKi. BATi/imicii-'*" i ««/..• I.y «...S T 4ft'Kl£K(> OIL- 4” « I-mm ,f'.r;u- 1-. J, ~,,, 5 n 'io«o\N_.!.vr-v*^J. yAUNlfili-l " '■v'i“.'"- ; "i;- scmiTiii;: l»f' J M?H<»I>N.MAKk.K A tl , i.t.i U.irk V.ir i -ii. ir |j I: l,i N U .Ml mil A (i 1 *':™:;"" W Hwr JAMAL * j’cTi'in' 1 n vi'-iu: in THkIJJMK BK IIMl'I>A AIIiKHV HODT, hi 1 1;|- 1 I PAMxli Will : IM. h a,..r lOII.S 1» Sim** \\ ! i**!* ’*'i ‘V Jlit IN I' I'AJIAHISHS 1 -ifl 1 J( >it ,N \ A ' IIITK I.KAI) \ \ »j-H MI.AI K I Mi-- i I > t.l. . ; I'M 1 * < » i> Il'ICAt - I U*- . f.C It not l‘T | i , 11( ,i j ii i; .11 AG A KM I A - '> ii lUWiii..!» )ii u t: !*ki.i.»-.ks .it u-.rfMi «i , -PTS. TIRPEMTIN'K- •> • ."i'l *• •'< U,t h «• .•»*•••*! L “' , r ' ‘""■""‘""'sKiljai jjltlKU HICAt’IIKS !'!>• !<•••■ I'"' 1 "" ' KKII.M* K»'hV* Vn 1 AllO Oil.- 7 ■■!•!• .i."l «' '< * V ' ! \j UhH.l, a v,r> IWi-rUl.rr ti , „ ■, N.i i U,«l mi .».« or reuil < . ‘ J- s-1.1.1.MU-17 l.ii-cny »t / ii.oVl.lt AND t I.A\SkLl>—f litit* r V. '’*•'' '' l “ v '‘ r * rr< '' *ali I i > r VON UoNMIOItSI' &Co . I»t) IVnchi-N c> «rv» •' App!' - *. for «ul<* lo ,j,n > r VON IiOWHOK.M J’forl M H.M'on •AHioin' :i>s neatly. unmiir \i,t >..r *at<- !>y MYEU* IU’NTKH A Co ’ No »t»» m IJO l‘.\ jot-'.— M* I M«*VVimr«. Hali.mote’Uiuir :.i X not mu) tor •‘a;* t.y ~|,i :i S 5 A\v 11A KIS Al‘ i> H 1 » LTTUIt. A.c—s LliU Jloil Bimen -1) IU t-i.U No j ljity, for i v U |.u » .v u nAiiHArt.n. ii-.vo-! *' UMIITK DKANS-l-.'liß^Whk: >» fliijis «io: • «**n For *i»lf l.j- WICK A Mi l 1 AIID—Uk«R« No I I..nf, nod J-J t y apl:l WICK A. MrOANU*-*; -' MACKKKKL-'iso •'"’SSii',!"’ hpU) , rhH A i <• Roll~b utter—u LiTh“ t u,»y* »•* a|>ia . MVKRH.JUI NT I.K s » ■> j mchsain. ..iinction Salts,.. y.i" - ■■■■ D. DkTtf, XutltßNr ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF DM COODS^AJ. ON Tli«'rsiUr,'iTK>rii:nc the 15th miuftit So’eJOct, «t ~f Cjcnm-rein! Saie> Rooms.cornrroi Wocdjl« d ttf.i, -Uo-f. will be »otii »t »crol»llt of«wn K «“r eoc ••*rn —an extensive e**or'rnrnt of seamnablc.Piy Ho ,U arromj which are tuperfine cloths ca»*imere*, *ttt..;cus, >eun». ootiortade*; a S rea !, v M 1 /. , y P r, P*Jl otfi.W rhlr.lr.-irnfbami.-MtacbeJ and nnWe«h«« ll* flannel* t ck.nt*.'check*, alpaca*, moot-de 1!lrr nt . tfarl -,, hilkf . fancy cra ven* • * )',.v.ery. alove*. *u»pe:;der*. ribbon*, !ict» laocy v.-.Mie* \ c At -i O'Clock. P- M- . ' On- leather tntnt-.con'ammfc one lptenaioaeu or new . scrnii t, ,i c-jna.ns. Unnepcr» Al«n. trvber brO». matliMWatbed* j carp-nn*. looking flaw*. S day bndj 30 I clock*. (tia»»ware. i)iaeeu*wnr*»grocerie*j «hovel*> bed !|*ri>rU«. loenfoco iaa'xhej|. Ac , Ac. j At T O'Clock. I s . M- A ijuasit-tv of 1 ardwate. cut'cry, jewelry, waicbya. readi-made* clothing. inu*i<*»; in«:t umenw, staple and laiicj dry it. : opl3 KIOHT VAl.f \III.K 11UII.DINU LOTS. IN ihe l*. K>h Ward of the City at Auction— Oa.Sat ui/'u afternoon the t“th tnstant at 4 on the will be sold, eight very handsomely shtiai.ed lot* or ctooml nbom one square from Fourth street road, oppns.te -rot:'* K i*' u. a copy of which mi> he teen at the Auction llooiu*. * ... - , The th..vr cm’ira. «• very desirable situation* fiirpn v-ite .livel.me* and pul.h- purpose* Term*, one-third cash, bnUnee payable tn « anil 12 month* wi h tnirieM. . a P* 3 fiUERIFFS’ SALE , OK A COI'NTKY STOKE. DRY (.OODS. &e. ON FnOHyknormns. the Hill* munot. at 10 o clock, at H v Aui'lkm Room*. comer of " ood '. .• w ,!t pc sold without reserve, by order nf J .ii. K.»r«’,tb!l-:‘i;.llißUSi»cntr oflAUrgheny coon* ? _r’ irce a*«nrt.r..-ntorl)r> G«’>i vahinc.a Tetters. padd.uff. ca»va«V ■ 'i" w colored carabne, check, tick* : ',r. il.tiin I* r.M'O.T, ucr*. e.leinjcs, cord,dreathdkta, * r ** 'k cr-tvat* f.ticy *lool.*. «i>V and cmt'.'ii bdkfa. 1 -inf ri* rv kid c'.>vc-,mi:t‘,*u*penders, needles, ~ Ai -* UVtoek, F. M. , • Tiilii'- md tea mkxhi*. >'icni, steel, angers, lameas h.irk'r* t'--ii kn-vr*. »!n:tirr tasiener*, percussion caps, ii-ei'*ware. tinware, in'll*; bed-cords. nails. ',! nerr -:,ir. 1 pUit.yh*. -xIU window gins*. gross lo* <• .‘oriniiii-hr* e ,«!g2S3 meet, three doors abata Hand street, where bf may be found from U o'clock, i, k, „ (Jritrou* of hnng employed by none but iniiM-wan will make immediate pairaent wiiboul the nece.siiv mi b'»paitof rollertinc he would invite pat i .-wlur auepiinn in.tnc iJiiuwinjt trim* AUbOU left u-. p a.d at Ihlr eip'iation bf Otltt}: flay*, "ill be charged ■s', ihe following rate*— ' - For Extractitut Teqth. FI For Fiibnc trom S*.* to S 1 per cavity. A’.l other .V-nu txMi"'be .ame nropnrtiau. A B—There-are those indebted to him whowt ac* counts, if not puul iinmcd.BtcJy. will be placed in the tianV AN 1* MUST HWTTO Dll. WOOD'S SariaparlM* ,'VRo Cherry lllttera, f.ypbiloid Pisea* r '** •rt.nils Im-'iis.Ms of the Blood. Fiinples and i. u .mlrs ,'ii'thc Furc. Hcred.tarj Humor*, Cold Sores, 1 nr:*.np In.iu in uijUUieioos ose of Mar* ' : “.!u,,, | ,h,- uNn.iti public, and of a'l tho«e .nbMP.I t.v'u'i-. o: >.-• .n..tvqdiTH*es, I. »e«peCtfuHy '.■l. |[ le lafiisci'a newond invaluable prepara* -.on com .in ordinal recippofadi»sinßmshcdphy«tei*o, ‘ nn » • j '*pl- ihc m **t tn.iive remedial properties iw . oi"hevn fir,t nrvetes m tl.a Matena Medica. T'. • Snr».ipari;!s «rtd Wild Cherry Bitters were in iro ‘c-cd o 'he public ohom twelve months ago. and Jur'i. < f.at prrend rheir .jieee.. ha* been to greai as to .ndu-e .lie pio-ir.etor :• offer them w*ib still more conh* d-ucc u -ii- *-j i I’c iei uni by cinertng tn:o more ex .'c U‘C. r,ey wt!l prove n me««mg to all those .Vifc, .Is itiu di«, x»rj* above ciiutneiwietL •. = -o'- w'Xv.Lund icuil. l,v WVATT AKEtCH *\I l-ns-jisM l . !dl Fulton *tre.'t. New York; Ws Ti.o'i s Niiirkr- streci. 'and F. R. Saw-tb*, Smiuificl*' Sireei Fin-bur-'ln Fa Frier Pl—large booka. - “‘‘".H- \ 'I'.UKTABLE PULMOXAttY BALSAM \ - Ab.».H lour year- «mc« l was attacked with * much 1 I ined vanou* retnce'ca, ncd conoalico •evr-,'lpt.>»:ei«-i«wiihoatrrl:ef On the rvcommen i.i n incriil I cotimieneeJ us.mrthe Vegetable •ul.i iiiaiv Pnl-am and Her ved immediate reliel from I n. 1,1 !.* r oi'i.urc w-.ili eniifiJcnee recorameod it jolhe • Uhtc. J U raiNCB ' 80-ton. November 15I>’1HT." For sale by U A FAHNESTOCK & Co *piJ cor l*t am! wood .*'* nnd wood and S(h fU _ ' I'O UIIIUUU BCLLDKKB—Proposals w.ll bo 1 le.-t ivcd altbc Comm.-* ouer'a Office, until SaUir- Jay, jlih nuiam. noon, tot . r. cmvrf ot»j or tour bridge* —til- e owr Miller's Run. Son'll Fayette Township, mid i-iic at ihc mouth oi Cork’* Uua, in Lower Su Clair Tom nil !> Drier iiiiou. Sion- RimiinciiLand woodeu iuoc'»irnVnre- mu•onri :o !..• l-nl lor by ihsjtereh. w-yv e.l xui.er*:rurtuir (■> ih* toubfeal. embankment nr ttr- •. «rd Plans ami-p-ciScanun* t-nn be seen ai •be romim*MHt'r> Office untif the ilayjpf letting. rilOMA’ 5 PKRKINH. ) JO.IN M’DttWKLL. Commissioner*. JOSEPH ) RBMOVAL-A CAUD. r T\KE thu method erf returning thanks to the paubc 1 eei-erally, for the very liberal patronage bestowed on hrrnoforr and l trust, by strict atiention to lrtw same putronne--- hi the latgruud com* ■ l( , ctuuerot Wood and dih ■tree’.*, -io*v in part occupied .by II A Fahnestock At a iiVicmy stock oit.orden F'.riaaud Flower Seed, and Agr ulturnl Implements. tv.II lc leurd.aigc sail of the •*:.,uality. I Mould cord.*ll} invite all :o call and »ec me, at m] tm-hIMAwF a N \VICKERSIIAM, s'erdtom Wholesale Drug Warehouse lltmoved. U A KAi&RSTOCI* A CO, HAVF of cc it a an'-liens ive warehouse on ihe corner nC Woon anit'V'iiwr streets,to which they have ivmi'.'-.l their \Vhntruile burtne**,''where they will hways hove on hand on extrusive a«*oi'raent of all ii.- uiucles in their iim-s to wh cli they invite the utlen i.on i.* - the I'lihl.c. , , , Tii • lime l «' nr-i will I\e cont.naed at iheout stand c on., f <•! f-ih •« .pilß UOOK 111'' COMMKKCE. BY SKA I » 1) i. \\ D. dhu. ii hr ns connect on wtih Agri* ru-uiUi’i An«. .uni SiaiiutaciuM-s. l’o which arc „j,i, i n ll -toi) oi \ oitiinr.'cc, and 4 l uionoloijiosl Till.' l"u-r:it. .i i.y a m»|i -.hml imincrou* rngrivuig’; |UJ JOIJ.VSION ASI'OCKTON ' apU Uo«k*rlW. n-r Mirkrl and •Mfts | t «. T HKCIuIVKU-A V..\v or me I'.tv o •I l vi-i'ur-i. *>r 0 -.1 on Iruer ami i Tin KnifMVjne I'V v\ kV .*ir■ i jl i.r.m-ma: for -ale by " Jim s"TnV v > TOCKTOM cir M Spill Hllmlo. Irr.'m l 1 {. »J-i|*!iir» n lir«p .it < i,-jin <■( Ul:nd« pi ru,K'r or ruziki j n.\VK-U.•<■. «, mil till *li •*/'.*! lot M N'Kll.K, l'i>iif>Uterer <>('po»ite U.mk hi I‘tllni'Uigh j SP-OitM AlHON'Wanted of a hmd of I*ufi 1 a:. .a».-n I'V in.stake. (ir *lolrn. uom lhe Wharf, jii.ofi uif loth of March last, riaiii hiatt wnitimtil s 7 j..rr• ■* ami v\;>» hioueht here by rummer Pan tic. •* A:., tifsnottu'n respecting ii will lir thonlfnily re* ■ c*;\mi>l a rc.vaiJ piyen • -UEOKOE n .MH.TF.NItEUCJER uf-* No 50 water meet RKUiIVED thi« murnmjj at Bartowa A. Turnet**—A fin* Rrl-ct.i>i» of Oo'ifornin I’latda. new and beauti*' ful n 1 l«*i, Krrm fi fliii-rham*. very rich pattern*. at &1 ltiu.: Munch* “H-r (•intliunv*. wurnititrd, at the low pnct nl vti rrttt*; Kn^Jr*h «4*ti Itniwn plaid* ami ■tr |T*. new iind hunt! mine .at No.4f. MmKrt ■lreet. mnilH U iwrrn 'l*l ami 4th utrcrt* - JIACKf.Ur.I., lIICHHI.VG, SAIiMt)S,*C. rii(iK _ NOTICK— Application h*B been made forth.! re ncwul of Otiiftcan; No »Tt>, dated January IMS for Ilnrjy-M'x share* of tb'e capital •wckol the I'tmipaiiV «/.-«»* * Hr.- K- nv.r .M l R fcnli.-ia. oppoftc I'tiubtirgh- which »ai«l Lcrnfirale to* bC md‘,-tu‘ 10 Un!W ‘““‘ORfoBOK COCHRAN ’ CANAL’uoAT FCHSiTURB. T HAVE m More and !■•« . 1 ni.nl Finn.- Hiiw, Miret«. mil Tmamtnei of all kind*; . I nifo-hr. armies ill Uiy line, which' l shall fell lowMdouarcoiiimnlatlngiprma. WM mi-in Smrr oppose llir Hank of Pittsburgh. 3d n DtiSAhILVAhiA RAILROAD l NV-N..» hereby giyen ihaul.e lil instalment of Kit-r Ih.i:ar‘ per ►lini'con the Capital Mock of the Company will he require*! to be paid on or before the loun'i day of May. at the office. Uy order of ibe Hoard of Managers, spfiJimayl SV MERBICK. Pn-aulfcot Al.I. pcrsous ,kaowUig themselves Indebted to the Ule firm of IfMikip ne, are respectful!)' i noUbcJ to call and settle their’ accounts without delay, with the undersigned successors, who are duly author*- rpd to settle up the business of the late Arm. ■ HlLLfc BROWNB No S 7 wood street Spicks— s bag* Pimento; 10 bag* Pepper '1 IS k«0 Gfb. Ginger; 5 keg* Gin, Pimento; 1 ■v. lObzr d* - Pepper; «bxa do doee*; i. .•-v 6 bin do Cinnamon; S'bxm do Ginger; ] 10 cam do Hoatard; 1 bbl Ntumega; I l bbl Gove*; 900mauCant*; ' Jq atore and fcr tale by ENGLISH fc BENNFTTT v *p7 37 wood street SGlfbfft! order; .ES-10 bl*!» No 1 I »rU. n nod tbtptiiitf 1 bW Tallow; • 10 ucki Dry Applet: S.bbU Dry Peachea; Xov l&hJTne from »le»mer RioGrandr for tale bv mpM ISaIAII DICKEY A Co. waier anti froat *t« WISDOWGIASB -*» bxaSxlO; lOObnlOxlt; SSbralOtH, 20 bx* 9x»; 10bx» lSxtf-, • - 19 bxs 11x17; ForaaJe by >pM S F VON BONNBORSTACo. IttFrontat WINDOW GLASS—l9bit 6xB; 93bXt 7X9; 940 bl* 0X10; 60 bx* 10x18; 30 bx* 10x14; • With 10x13,10x16, Uxl« and 18x10 Gtasa: in tiore and for win by aplB TaSSKY & BEST BROOMS— as dot- beat Gilt Handled: 100 do Medium Coro Broom*: for axle l.y . apH 8 F VON BONNUOR3T ACO pHBEfIB AND BUTTRR—9< hxuCneete; O ... . 4 keg* Boner, Now landing from steamer Michigan and fur sale by opH ISAfAU DICKEY A Co, wafor and front at NO. SUGAR—9OO hbds prime, job! rre'd tad for . sale by MYERS.HUNTER* Co -apl4 No 108 Liberty «trcet MOLASSES— 700 bbla Plantation Moiasset, luat received and for aale by apM MYERS, HUNTER* Co RIO COFFEE—sJObaga, part prime Green, on hand and for axle low by . ~ apM MYERS; HUNTER* Co r pfiAß—ISO bf cheat* Y. H., Impend, Gunpowder A and Ponebong Teas, on hand and for aale by apU MYERS. HUNTER * Co nAISIXS-800 boxes &L S Rai*in* r ‘LoringV’ IV brand, joat received and for aale by apl4 I MYERS. HUNTER AfCo Dry peaches—2o UN* a prune article, in •tore and for sale by BA W HAR&AUtiII apH __ Nn 33 wond ureet LARD. OIL—19 bbL ‘Cheerer’*” tdperior Lnni Oil, on consignment and for vale by' ap!4 J SCHOONMAKER ft Co IINIMENT —10 gros« “Allen’* Genuine Nerve j and Hone Liniment,” for aale by ap!4 ; J BCHOON.MAKF.R fc Co Fresh roll butter—to bxaj ß «t recM and tor aale by R ROBISON A Co ap!4 • No I§o Liberty at CAL'D MAONESIA—2 caae*. [large! *tiat rac’d and for ra‘e Ijy K ESEuLKRS WHITE BEARS—I 9 bag* Small Be’ana for aale by_ apU 8 P YON-BOWNHORSrp-A Co PEA NUTS—2 taeka Pea Nuts for »afo by : «,»H_ F VON IIONNHORST* Co BACON— 170 Bacon Shoulder* for tale by _apU SAW HAHBAUGII ARD—IO kegs Lard for aale low by I i ap!4 • S A W HARBAUGH other lot-rich I winter Good*) 1 Rich Si)fii>e .11 A W LS, ' JmmerSt Lit, me now; plain •ml printed lAHKCKB; micd and cub. LAWN!*; □broi’rd Bob**; reach A Srotcft Inin and printed lons de t.auiu; few. rich Drab Satin Striped ‘DAMATAH,” uiie new. Alto, full atfortmenl D o M kj- t s c ROSIN— 1$ bbUßof'in for aale by apt 4 J SCIIOONMAKER A Co, 84 wood »t . BROOMS— do dot Corn Broom* aatorted tixea, in •lore and forltale low by 4 apta _ I TASSEY A BESTjIS wood *t BUTTER AND LARD-abbl#Roll Bauer; 9 bbla Laid; a keg* Lard; for tale by apl'l J DALZELL, 81 water *t rg^OBACCO—B3 kcgaGedye’* No 1, S Twin, laud* X in* front iimr Robert Morn* and for tale by ■ pI9 _____ J DALZELL 94 water at SOAP— 30 bxa elira Palm Soap; • MbxaNol do; for sale by apll J DALZELL, 81 water at *T>ROWN ROLLS—9 bale* anitable for Ham JD Bags, for tale by • np!9 CARSON A McKNIGHT,6th at BACON— 1Q4.00 Iba bog loued, well trimmed, in ■tore and for rale by . ■p!9 .* CaRSON A McKNIGHT,6th at bx< prime jutt received and for aale by WICK A McCANDLESS ap!B • cor wood and water it* PIG IRON—3O ton* Allegheny, for aale from tl.a Wharf by JAR FLOYD ap!3 • 199 Liberty *treet t BRITANNIA TEA SETTS and ComaH.nioa Ware. Atao. Flue Table Collery, Caainra, Ac., for aale by >V W WItSON, VV7ILLOW BASKETS— 8 pen* Madeira WiU r V low Basket*, lauding from Canal and for »ile by jip!9 J DALZELL. 94 water at G OFFER—Roasted Mod Ground, for ateamboata, hotel* and grocer*, at the MostanLand Spice Pac- < tory. tf7 Filth »t ap9 . RHODES A ALCORN BACON— 1 cart* a«*ortcd Bacon, receiv'd peratmr Cbpper Nod, and for *ate by LEWIS HUTCHISON A Co apO No* 43 water and 92 frout »ta COFFEE— Uh bay* prime Green Rio, lam day per Bingham'* Line and for »ale by apfl JAB FLO VP. lua Liberty »i SKIOES-li bozei Gtoasil Pepper; £ luaGroond Cajma; 3 bxa Groond Clove*; ' £0 mauiCaMia; Foraaleby aplO .. J P WILUAMHACo.KOwoodU T’E A-r-tO hf cbe»u fine and extra fine Y. Ilyson; 4o catty bx* do do do, and Imperial Tea; for *ale by J D WILLIAMS* ACo apto 110 wood (treet |'lBll—tl> bu!» Wo3 Sooth Mackeiei; r 40 hi b'il» do do do; JOUiliN'oS do do; • ‘.fthfbbUdo do - • do; jotl ree'dTorlile. POINDEXTER 4 Co 4Lw*tcr«tfeei ALPACAS— Jad qpered. a lot of low priced Slack Alpacas.au excellent article for the price, at dry of apIO W R MURPHY GRJBB3 APFUfcS-lbO bbU tor sale by apia XV CREF.R. cor water anil aaltnficM ate TBAS— HO bf cheats: V. 11. and Gunpowder Teas; 53 cany boxes do do ,f do; npli For talc by W GREER bzi Raisins in store and for rale by eplU WJBRBER_ RICK— 20 tierces Bice, a prime-article. Gar sale by ,pta ' W GREER. bbls South No 3^fatraleb^ DRIED APPLES—ICO bat. jee’d and for rale by .apia ABKST.ttwoodst SCORCH. SALTS—IS bbls prime. In store an d for sale by ap!3 ■ TABaKV A UKZT, POTASH— S casks for sale by gpia TASSKYA BEST, 35 wood si NAILS— aoo kegs on band and for sale br ___ »pia _ tasseyabest ► AXUaEY—24 sack* received and for tale by ► aplS TAS3EV &. BEBT. LARD- , . i O bbls pure Lard for sale by ,pl- CABSON A McKNKiiIT, 6lh at SALT— iW bbls Bier's No I. for sale by ,ph» • parson a hcknioht, 6th t LESIONS- 50 bis prime just rec'd and for «a!e by apt* WICK A >IcCaNOLESS_ ROLL BUTTER—* bbls just tecM and for sale by apt 3 WICK AMcCANDLESS SCYTHE SHEATHS —30 do*, lfoient. for sale by «p» JAB FLOYD LOAF SUGAR—3O bbls in store and for sale by apt» JAR FLOYP STARCH— 10 bxs Bonbriahl’s Ex'ra, forssfoby | nplil _ __ JAR FLOYD BACON— 5.000 )bs bo: round, on’consignment and for sole by aptO J U WILLIAMS ACo U OLL BUTTER—7- bbls received ibis day and IV for gale by aplO J_A R FLOYD _ rp'ODACCO—tt»bx.« Me. 4. Me. 3* Pioßi X ♦ 20 bx> Layton’* 5»- Lamp; tn More ' ,p|Q J ft K FLOYD mrt foresile by T?E ATHBRS—BO raek* prime, in ntore tod for tale r by aplO JAR FLOYD B ROOnB—SO dot. larr* and tma'l sizes, in "store and for site by onlQ J & K FLOYD T>ATTISG-10 balci'Nos 1, t and 3. In store and I) for sale by - apW_J Ji R FLOYD- S ‘SALTS—3 tons for sale by W GRBRR t . apip cor water and smilhnew ata Glass— wjhxsaxio: ap|b For sale by LAiU> OlL—bbillsConkliag l extra, for sale by *p9] F SELLERS, 17 Übeny st iIEREL —SO blit* in store and for sale by i! J I)AL2KLL,2> water H BACONAND LARD— RecelTinr «rd for ule bjr apO J DALZKLL.34 water it BANNER'S OIL—3O bbla for sale by ap9 ’ J DAL*/FILL. 31 writer at -SOU ken Nails for sale low by i water «t BUSKED—IOO ha*. Ptnna., in tiore anil tor by ap» _ JiR FLOYD . LARD-2 bill* No I, lanJnif and for sabi by apO J * R FLOYD, 191 Litwrty ft^ NUTMEGS on hatul »nd lor ««le l.y nptfi ALCORN WHITE BEANS—SO bu*.»rosU.juM rreeiwd »aA for ifcle liy W ICK k. MeCANDIAJS _*p6 1 cor waler am^wondju DRY Apples— 200 bu« iu*l ree'd and Cot Mte by WICK AMcCaNDLESS •pG cot wood mm! water «i» C" IDE RVI2fE Q A R—2Sl > bU~r <• e'*l i!ii» a*y, lot taleby_ ap» _ ATWOOD. JONbS&Co BUCKETS— 24 doi Beaver Bucket*, iandin* from Keel Bout Chippewa and for *•*« *•/ ■ps J DALZBU»»«< waier « _ DRIED PBACUKB— 100 ba» in *t©re and for •aleby apA J DALZKLL.it water at OIGARA- 150 bl* Half Sp*ni*hC.sar»; : toatwo Common Ortta in bx»; on hand and for tale by -<2iyAB DAI-/fcXI» ■ns No 24 water « BROOMS— 75 dor Broom* in siore and for sale by. B pj J OALZEI.I.. 34 water st BATTISO —SO bales Nos l. ‘A and 3. >n «lore and for sale by JAS DAI.ZKLL aps __ No Si water si RIO COFFJBK—4OQ bags landing from striate r American Star, and for sale by apS . PAPA LVIV it SMITH, 16 and 2D wood st DRISI) APPIjICS—I3O sacks for sale br - V* BAtiALEV fc SMITH, 18 and SO wood «t \}BATS*POOT Oil*—ls bbl* jin rec’J and&r ll sale by , ~ ACo mcb3n ■ . ‘' lSj liberty sueei i/l* AXS£)£D OIL—3O bb’t just rec’d and for sale ’ by , HILLER A RICKETSON mch39| 17t> Liberty suerl RIO COFFEE —6S9 bar* prime rrecn Rio Coffee, fertmla try OAQaLeY A SMITH apt f No* 18 and 90 wood at 6l«li BUTT Kit—9 bbU FreiaTjufi recU anH for nta by PC MARTIN apl | ' cor «miU»fiold mod front »tr_ EA N-UTS-RoaUed for cuatomen, at the Muilaxd and Spice FaeiorF.tf Fifth «tre«si. ' ' :,rp v l RHODES-A ALCORN /NoFFLE—SS bar* prime "itio foriale by (J.JJ ' J D WI!,LfAMgACo_ DRT"P6ICfiBI-joo bo* for *al. I No 57 wood ft reel Oobislßxl* W QUEER rs? , 17 Liberty n