Not Mackerel; ' ' ' J 1 ' 3 kcn« No I ftlej* do; ° f. kiti« No u I<>bbl*No3 do:' 5 hi'.bbii No 1 Trimmed No I Salmon. ’Atdwivc'a and Baltimore Herrin*: for tale by . JI) WILLIAMS It Co ttpS , Noth) wood*urei C’UNDUIF.S-’J «»ric«Coni: O j :t. on •4 do Applrp; 4 do I'eacuf*; I do Fraihcr* 3 barrel* Fsjr«; 1 - fla !>..•.•*• n«iI.K!I--Vtt'Ux* Si a Candle*. j r. I>i« Sj-enu do; « 4c» In- s-eonne Candle*; ’.ll In. U pped do:* for Mir bV ap.*» J l> WU.l.lAMSACo.lhiwuodM I •KI’IT Ar Jim bJ*M Kai*m»: VvM l.i !•** M Rn'iim*. 1 r»*e Prune* in Jan; 3tJU dnim*i\ t V; S trail* Dale*;' lUi>x« tto'-h I’.atul-.: 6Wi»u». Teun. «•» Nut*. Jti Aiiimnd*. I* filbert*; nPLKStfIU CIIKIuVv TUKES-W J.rg V A KK t * 141 ÜbertT »‘f*< , . . «,K. \ ( lIUS- :** lot *■•* by )K' ' cT\\IM.!MM 4 ItON NKR J U 4 t.iM My *treri D«. «• ippLKM-Vii': oiibrU for *alr by u\ \ \ | soiVAM k IIONNKR 144 Liberty «iret! Ssm" x\ an-i lor ; j No 37 woed llfect ipOD.UCi'i . dlftJ-utl li)* pound L«»P; v," 1 ' VyMßtM&sr 4 a.ld -Pf t r I wood »lrrrt /j EAB '‘^ l ‘ |j. m,J VU. Tea. R * VB.i.,d. 'I Ay a(...VhU4 ttKNNirrr 1 . 1 No 77 woodurect ri'ASSKH 1 * OIL.-IUM [ to* b> ‘.M. 1* rantin'* Oil for **le I.i.SH A i»K.«NJ-rrT No 37 wood »uecl_ *i to : »iTivc. i«»r *«IV low ,M#H A. . No 37 wood; street jOBAt Cll ■■ l tre fi/r* V|OLASSKS-.1-i-.. ; oj : N- L \\, a i;v.i.i'HAi M; lor saie low by KNNhTJT, 37 wood it^ *.njT and for *ale >* >/N N RTT, 37 wood ■» r o. SI • A ~,orod No»; double Rectified; U Fowder-d; d»i i • Biru-ww x» 1 ••‘•“■'i M " -1 ' "" IV “ 1 l\ 1 on 4.1.J1 *W*I O’*’ -H‘d l b ** ,e by X a L t f? .»! aU.I -N A- Co, 4J water «t 'f kl . r*r>*-rived j>rr *imr I’acifir and \ \ ;,.V 'I AI.LKN4.Oo N 0 Id wtier metl_ * " p.,» tvv>fanO «nulb field »1« . i ■ . ~|,in! .ti »'om- mid tor »slt fiy \ I*l*l.K* I - 1 T W (SKKKK ]' f,.l «*}e l*y W-(sKKfin ~l lr i v ' tt | r f and itmithficltl »u Sr«ri(-il L\ l' Kt' - ]u»J rcc’d 111 Ul 5 i j KIDD aCo *, '' 1 SoMwuuJmtm *,»» itciue ju*t »ei.ei*ed »»»d U U'k * .M« CAN OI.ESS •ot waitr and wood §»» I) 1 " v ,r " “ a ,;p '; K r, r.zJpt*Gtßßltssr l'' 11 ’' *i" i r-' ** 11 '* * —i ' V-* I'” * r,, » I No 111) *.vt»yd «tfrel . -‘l'j « .v-T.’^'w" ysaassaSriwr 1 npj * No *N woodmitrot yKSICTIAN « K »i l ' U r* ,^;Sn: * ' IJ SCH«'I)NM.AKKiUt'o •J'tfi I So V 4 wu»J »Uc<» film aisu KKATHEHSai lu. l u* I , Lunin* from *aamei 1 nntic Zfi fur «“■ 5- ' ‘' AtAU WCK,:Y , &Co aail [or * • > warn and front»»«_ * p^KiiSw^ to v -* i 3i Froi»»»i««t ■ • T OITISViI*L.K-M3IK— SM.I* , tl ? r * a,e Lv I OUIS> . ii(>N.VHOH>Ti Co ' 35 From Mrrei gHASis.i I oowb'bu U c SrJ 37 irmJ »trrrt_ IVXjuw b> ! *-*J 37 wrooU tlrrel „np"_ 1 -wtthitE ClIMiK—3 I>M* for «*lc low by W”t KXULISII 4 BENNETT. 3T_wog_.t 7ToLl> FENS-JuH fr»civ*edan I (K 0. Ui- «-e,* IVti.ami warr-mrJ. " " U lU^£_ .xoiL-n PJ’I.K* 4 AND I’KAClf^ d““4* k sr nrwmVvr VT and for »*!e .*> ‘ Bm ur Nog7 p„th mwi /” HOUND rKlTKlirmtekcS* “****•• "** No tfT Fifth »ueet api> - - rpOMATO CATSUPS—A few dozen Bottle* on hand 1 „,d fe , .»k,P.W "gfojgrei ai.corn HarnJ. Side* and Shoulder* reefliv ■»“« fjSx‘lf LiUrly .1 -w rEELEKS-5 doiea Kcelen for _ )U * V VON BONNIIORST* Co '■ mehfl ... 5035 Fr 0,,.«, r p<> CAKPESTB w^d l:*'*' “■•'.ssar^'"sss? : siS£f i TEEsKV PEACiI TKKIfiS —WKJju* nacKol J fim Nr.r,Jr...y sooJ 5 ooJ .*«. .»4 «■’ **'' " ««■ $ ‘s’.xiTsK.M apr> . ' - . -i • - yf JCTAl.—Krn* Vo 1 Foandry. Item »t»r »u.! r ; i r l '“ I ' i‘^ N a. Co. <•.» water »»rect «. •" •. L.mi..>iiiu»iOtner*»tUjeMu*- S K “ : ~' i r > ‘'' 7 K l li l ALCORN ttSbsk rViw^'SKS audSpic.* 1 * ' KM ',jpps &ALCORN: nKPPKR «AUCB-lU> fcoic* [pmi Uonle*.] 'V«« P I.rii* 0.. bud I! s^r A , ; COUN Vi v 'lovKitsKKu—fy "j "™ * n,cl -- fal V v file by • 1 . «?3 : l- P” APKIt- ;» irr«.u. HUli t>i/lld'r«S pint; Paper, IV**, ■ aie by j 1 ' n»'i ; : i PPbKKrI lW buel Uftf’i A'jpplt ' K°°- h m,knioht. s.iih .> SciieJi*' Window ■kni'* •vr Cciievj*'' Window Gla»», "fLASSr-to-'> ia* “N .3 •ll«ize«,icrraU‘ V* »rv3 CARS <*, ii«. So 1 ?*o*p; for »alc by ap3 * A_RS<>N A McKMC»T.gnUitl - T'VIASIONIBs AND CIiAY— •D ■“Si*'^„<“S.»c i .r. e« Dried appi*^ i»y c BJ»1 . - op 3 - L A " u_:, n.r.f.’No 1 ily u*«, now lan u ‘ l 't l, r , '',. ll . r Cbr ' »BY PKACUEIUsS U-l" r ”' d . Rg„’“'• Airii*> for »*!«• I>JT • k. \V .••ARBAX'O B p< No 33 wood «UfCi-_ B" CLK MKAT-I,ll»lt»®»i „ . ' » 1/H3 Sfcou tier* landme aui"_ F“ TlisA . PK **■ --- cor liberty ami fit Clan >u C~I*T*PON— aon bate* Mi«.«»ippi Cotton on hand JEKS» q«tou «&St& t k^lter eorU ben T« d » ,c, * ,rm . n>«fe» “‘ co, l-SSSB^ y . ■ far --1- f-» Hmnfce tlonactiT.. [-*• ''• • ;|al record:' BOASID OF TRADE. TKK FOR M'RIL. Jh. hes*t, o.ocDrf COMMEKC piiltsbl'iigu i 1 COMMirri W. J. T|)TTF.I* t w Movements of ttie Steamship*. Steamen, Cipttio. » L«*« ijrrrpoot L-i't Awna **sr»b »an«W.'J'bo«»P»°ni •?{•>/, Cambria. Jndkm. I Apr.i 4 -• x) J C.i.Joo, l-m. . I **{.'? ■?“■> 1 ' fl'U'nui. n,r.,. M>jr I Hcw.ti. • —p - NIm J 1 Orncr. or P^TT^nr bljh CsV-STt*. I Tuesday Morning,April 13. > The weather continues beautiful. •tye recepls of flour were pretty ptetty full yesterday,trull a *cry limited business was done ow ing to the shyness of buyers. Prices were tiotm nally fc* bbl—smaJl sales at both. There iO'feel water An the channel last' evening anil 'falling I There is an anatuai number ollSt Louis Packets in port fit present. No less th*« «e*ea Urge and splendid boats are now loading. Of course there is severe competition lor freights. »nd prices, which were low enough before, rule still lower, lor Lumber only JS.W) per Mlt ■ • offered. Rut one boat up forjNcw Orleans. The fire of yesterday lesson* the stock of Bacon here by some 40,000 lb*. is-arriving more lirccly frorfi above and bilow. * Water h-» been let into the canal, and tbo for warding business is brisk as before. “•ales 1000 kegs pure White Lead at £1,6-4* cash. I A sale 41 Unis c b H R I’ig Iron, AtAandi lur. nace. at $35. 1 mos. The amount of i b Iron to come up is vcr» small. Of bulk fork a sale l»000 lbs wet out| of Sait at *Jc, - qual to rash. This yv the highest point yet lone! ed in this market. Lti seed Oil is in better request. A sale 20 bbls at foe, on lime; 4 bbls at the same, credit; Tic nr specie was yesterday refused on the wharf for country pressed. Scorchings arc coming tn Ircelrand going into ■lore. Brisk sales Bacon at previous prices; market very firm; Lards scarce and wanted. The Northern Canals, to far as opened, arc begin ning to poor in the surplus Produce of eastern and northern Ohio, I Letters bate been received io this 4. 12.157 Bacon, in bulk. :bs 132.71 H) Uagiing, piece* '2i*.itb3 is. Pit Bale Roue, toils |<7:-2' 31.261 Beer lr. and t.bU 10.1. M Butler. kegs and firkin* 31.8 32.486 r l.nuk'a & Miss, bales 3-Vi.iBl t—. 738 Lake I I[*« ma - i ,N Alabama and Tennessee IT! ofilj J 17.293 f • Arkansas, r 52 *JI’J ili'oo “ I ! 3 3j.‘» ~ I florids, ll.dfCj ’ 5 .£• * I Texas 2 * ,2 • 2 <2l Corn sacks and bt*ls l.«>iy.l*oo td.’i.i'.'j Hour, l»t»U yyj.4o2 .Mr.,797 Hcmii bundles 17451*3 18,3'ir- L a fd bbls By.«X) 714-.-2 Lard! - kegs 206.U16 —*l o7{ Lead, piigM 22fit>4y- 3U9.441 t,bls and seks 233.942 li3 l:>« Port, hbds and bbls 2iii*.7Jo 27-4,2'*1 Purs, in bulk. lbs 3.7!>2.fiU 7,124.153 Sue=f hbds Coyui 70 W 4 Tobacco, * hbds I! 2. 71..-C7 'Die lollowing table- exhibits the comp?rjtive m ports of a few of the leading articles, and also the amount to New kork ' FLOUR, PORK, B*SO!» *SD Flout. FotL, fiaton, lo'tl Drilmst on, bb ». bbli hhd» bb:. ' krj* Nr* York :K193 4d;fi3 17rfM- Bnstoa «5,1« «.««> r' 1 * 1 Phii»drlph:a L*® ~lJ Ealtimorc W-SW lti ' Chiitlnton 4«JO 310 I<<* Oth US port. St *» SWI *• 1 Gint Britain Sbltsd IT5'» 1 «*9 4,7tl Cobs USSSo 6jU 410 7.i.'U o.*.rio Othforporu 2D30J5 9(05 ?l« »<»?9 IC.M9 TuUi KJV4U t«7<3 16019 70 503 trttaw Last tcaim avj»ro Ifflliw ,CW «7tH> AM potfrige* nf L*rrt for Utt yMMiijSrc reduced to kegs. No oitiuiotc mudc ol exports ol bulk pork. - i j, VTHIMttT. w |iHl AjMMjorK. ■ tr.r, B«*r. Lead,'NVhukcr. Wheal, Lorn Destination, bbta pic» bbl* lie k« *ckp Newark, w ins W' 5.,,04 S&» S&W *g J. 715 7.W1 IMiiUdsl’a, 52.4U0 £>*< !, V7t S«U S 9 •! ('l'a'teltna. C7U ••»»« -i ; 1"" oth c Kp'i.u mi iW ' lirlßriu.u.UJi') I.MI "‘0 3f' r ‘ , - 0 . l " Cuba I.lok M 9 Oth for port" 7** 17 Tout ‘2J>Z \ *iW,499'is, Uatl »ca«on 3t,7C6 31, 1 rcloding *t.ipracnU to Mol»i to Ul in*tsni ' > IMPORTS DY : CINCINNATI—Per Monougabela—'Jpeg*, (« VY bx* candles, Lyon, Slmrb At Co—2o bbl* linseed oil, Hannen St. Co—4i do'j‘H Nevin At< o —sdo, B A Fahnestock Jc bdl* tree*. L^ ' Waterman—l bx, 23 ack* featheri.:# bi« «kin*. D Leech At Co—6 peg*. (1 Gosling—2o hhds bac«»n. 10G bbla lard, McFaden & Co—l bx, Jordan At bon —2sbbla haws, Thaw —HU baleaicottun, Forayih Sc. Co—l chat. Batler At Bro—2o bbl* bn »ced oil. Wallingford At Co—ol bbla haw*.26J.t« do,63'hhd* bacon, 1350 can ham*. H Graft—3 bbla bnstlea, McFaden At Co—3bxs. J B Guthrie WAFFLING—Per Hibernia—l 'bx, .V) dozen brood*. 57 aide* 24 ahuulderaido, Wi bbla apple*. 2UI diTfloor, ownef* —sbb!aflnbr, 1| liaxletoi,—26 peg*, iJ A Stockton—lso read* wrapping paper, Reynold* At Shee. STEL' BFNV’ILLF—Per Wilmington—2o bbl* molusee, H Mitehill—72 do flour. McFaden At Co —lO do coppera*,! J At R Floyd—? do Baxwe.l, Church At Carothera—23 do flnnr, I>**ey At Beat —2 bxa, Dickey At Co—l«>t brick towed two data, owner. PERU, lilinoia Riser—Per Columbia—4l peg* lard Spang At t/o 90 dry hide*. :M Milchell—6 bale* d akin*. 9 bxa augar 8 b>jl*,kibl:i**e*. Kobiaon At<-*o. ID do, 2 iihda augar, 7 bbl* Ido, 2 bx*. S George At Co—lo balca ‘or*, 11 do.d kkin*. VVm 11 Holme* At Co—Bo pc* bamn, 21 Ml* bag*. 12 bag* , aang, 2 ack* feather*, 2 bale* d tkinsj, H Grad"—2o bbla lime, Cruinptyn At Co—3 bkr Atwood. Jo»e* At C«At4O bale* d *kina. A Beeleo—s6 lihda bacon, 23 bbla lard oil, Clarke-* Thaw—s »rk» tang, 4do featbeja, 1 bbl wax, [Poindexter At Coj ' NF.W ORLEANS—Per Brook!jc4l3 Mid* sugar Scott At Co—26 di. 50 lilt and i’> wliMe bxa ni-ini, Baealey * Smith—2s do. 50 till 4*. Butbridgc. Wilton At Co—lo bbda sugar, 8 bbl* mola****, Hutchlaoo At C 0—350 do, F Harletoi—72 do. Win Teeae—Ss do L augar, Atwood, JonealAt Co—3 peg* O Blackburn—3s Dale* hair, McFaden!* Co—36 Midi tobacco/ D Leech At Co—sl bill* Krsp iron, i 14 pen. Church At-Carulhert—s hhdir bacon, 1 bbl apple*. Forsyth At Co—2oo bbla whiskey, H Mitch ell—J6 bag* pea nuta, Jordan At Son—s peg*. Toafr At O'Connor —25 treaham*. H Graff—2 case*. Wal lingford'* Co—l bx.'J M Hibberd. SIGHT,3i»U»»« “LOUISVILLE —Per Lady Byron—l 7 hhda to- j bacco.Bltfp bacmi, 7 keg* lard, Atwood, Jone* A ; C 0—129 *i*fe* feather*, Candm At i\lcK' i;hl—2l 1 hhda tobacco, Fonylti Ar CT**—y do, II Grail—3Jf do bacon. Clarke * Thaw—3l bale* ha|r. McFaden * Co—2o bx* pnd bale* lurßkm«,7 ack* feather*. 2 bbla wax, 2do *ang.‘ Hutchison/* t.'W—G2 hhd* ba con, D Leech *Ci>—l332 mt keg*,(Sgden & Snow- i ( ton* pig iron; T Hanna. SUNUSH—Per Rhode lilan/1 —4 hhda tobacco, 2b bbla flour, D Ixtech * Co— N» do, *2 hhd# and 1 hi bacon,3obbla cprn, » keg ijwd, 10 nckabarley, C, \ Benny—2o bdla and Ibx leather,4 hhda tobac co. Bingham—2ltfn, J A Ro£—£o4 bbla Hour, BA Sainpaon * Co—27 do, Tauey At Beat— JOdo, J McCully—i6 hhda bacon,-Jordan A Soa—2l bbla f corn. 6do flaxaeed,Gco Morgan * L»—2700 lbs ba. j cop. 2 peg*, owner*. I ’ I NEW ORLEANS—PcrTaghoni—l2 bbla Lafi oar Painter At Cn—ll do. J Park jK * Co—W ton* oic'iton, Butler *Bjo—lll do. It Tanner * co—l bx Atwood. Jonea Ar. iCo—l7 bxa acythe atone*, McFaden Ifc Co, BEAVER—Pet Michigan—23 bbla d apple*, 9 ken lard H do wax. 2 bbla butter, 32 bdla aheep* n«S J C Bidwell—B ack* flax, 3do wool, 215 bbla 5 ’i Bf 103 bag* peaehra,2 bbla lard, sdo buiter, i l^.do’3 kce* do. 10 do lard. I bbl wax, J A Caughoy—2oB bbl* clwrcraccd, McClurkcn At Co -3 keea buiter,s bbl. dapple., 3 U«» l.mothy teud, Church Ad Carothera—'3 *ck* rag# nga, Bcvnoldi * ci tcorehinga, 5 ack* wool, - bx* bacon, McCjortlei—B) t>,« ebcc.«, I b “ llc '. Ulck ' J At Co. , . BUGWNSVILLF—Per Swalara-32kega 4-1 bar* iron, E K*n>a-3 peg* 4mr Colorado-*! •ckaoata, Mr.Clurkcn At Co— 9|hop*, owner. per Lout# McLine—3 ton* pig iron, Pcnnock A: MurhellA'ij ken* nail* T 1! Oliphant—ld J«3» md«e. Atwood. Jone* At C 0—364 *ck* oat#, Me- At C«.>—lsi> wagon bit, 10 bbl* flour owner*. pei'Coh*ul~2s bbl* flour. T A Koon*—7 peg*, H , O Vickery—3 bbl* apples, 1 bx egg*, lot furntjure, I bx owners. BOOK'S LKAVI3U THIS DAY PACKEPS aICa.M. and 3 F.K. •BEAVER PACKETS at? a. a. and 3 f.k. •D. LEECH & Co’a. PACKET, Philadelphia and PAPER. IiOOKS k HARDWARE. 1 N. tIORK' ADVERTISEMENTS . fIXCIIANCiK BROR'ERS. WX ~ ~ j-r rraE-T e r e ‘' i ' llt'ST PltuOt' lilOX HUSSEY. HAXKA A CO., IU mr iem in rex STATIONERY HP PAPER BLANK BOUKS ', p t *iElSfti££ RICH &r LOUTREL, i .merc.tmi m r.wfuK m iIumMiALVAAIZKU TIN JiXCII WIJR CKRTI OF DK -61 WILLIAM STREET,‘NEW YORK, j r :;.- V ' n*-irE. bank Ncyn>, and spk&ik. , IV r. Ij'.w in bawl. of their »'0 ";* , ’ u I < j' e,tl ''' - . * ,1:1 ! ’ ncj»»r.. aMiicv .hi. i'ir.»irrnH». I'lnj-u. *i. neariv oppo»t:e m*- H»nk o IMt'biirijb ,Ui. 4«..rur..,,t ~1 Juari-1., I>m B-A.. lu- , ! A i:mhii ;>f (111i> ,. 1 . > 1} lu >,. 1.U.1t , ri ,,. r v r \. ONKV r «!r;c**» on Depo.t.e-Sisbt Lh*A», f.aD..')rJrr4ad Bill Buclti, kc, of tar mu. urti . , .-.i i-ui. .iitu.i tomtit V ar.d * , * .. ■t)k, ..tUinjliuj. from which »**» of .account B<"h‘ c»u l 0 Kjro-f. Y'hei'ar- •<’*• »uo>*«M Io c*pail.*.u» -iteckri- f.f .«»!«, a n.l eoilcnt.oM .made o.i m-anj hi tr.r.r ( i! -i »'fj low prien; aUomadr u. order, rule. •«;•- | l . Jl j‘ ) ., >l l,j.' Ul . liU)l smiaeoniiuntce ul'U.e Sinw*ju.*re i!ir pr.ncipa! ,».nt-*.n she United Stale* ,*,ur..,.t,h..r«n0.H- : . - ■ ; Stm T,„ Pi-tr.-fiSu. Zuie Aa:. or *«.) oilier TJ.e paid for Kaftan ami Amt! .•*» r uretgn and JJoviwitCj ctiutvmtey. ( .^ r ru ,[,i, e mul wrm *■ . Jill*. Wafejt, Sral.ui; Wat. Bern. BUck ai.J AVil UA. ; lnu ,.|, i,_ tcf mot. l-i|UirillX l»«t >'** licjudlt U,, “ l Imj fluid, jl.ead I’encil*. Shtrij ink, hinds. S*nd *>•'*•• iriis. f, ".in,*; tin- fn -i i o*t .» l*ut a:i .lie llioic. loll", l*r*ckh*. Ool.t and Siliee l , ennl Cow*. I’* a , .ih-uthe.- Won U tii»u call Ht alien Vatu of all r*. pen KwU*. I’ro lloldm, tir.ra Ti< Lrt«, deal mi :.!!*; »ui Itri * hi metal*, u* the nißi)> ulticr jiaf !«, Boekgimiiojn Boardi, Cliet«inen, Uier. I vi.rJ ► I'ldrr*. J mo---‘ lo Ali.eli Iro,. t;.u» j-rc.ieelrd. cau i.« applied lei*. Hii-.f J’ink T»|». T*m' Reel*, f win'. >••• ! | r _ (~..4 rr j; .j iippl.i-jl.le io l»li artic.e* m >r»»li tik, I'arrhicwM, India Rnbl>»r Erawr*. Sri«:r«. Siirars. j w j,., [j ( . d,.,.ra!iic in pioteci irum the uelion ol the LMarkmc 1011. Kil**»ll»rk«, l)iirir» fur ItM”..ddeaoer IVkA*. I And the) wotnd eftietiajiv cull llie at latrr»*t Biriit*, Tariff*, Ki'haaje Ti«hl r, ‘ and lir m. j!i n; iho»e iii;<:rr*teir-Ji TKL|.(»R A I’lllC LINKS. » ill "tl.« r aciielr, vdd hjr ,i»ti»tir r*. ■inU, - ,i ■, /ml W .re, wine it |» now nlino*t emir e* Cheat) Account Hook*- • >iy «*■■«' *W Kiuop.-, and winch uufwcr* rverj purpose A hire u*Uatl} t.u hand, .uiUVU lor t« I *o ’rad* i ai a e./i|d.ietoi ol ctei'lfii >’ v ‘* r ’ and country BitTrhantj at »rn rh.aj, .ale. _ j , ‘ , “ I •»» ustirl, a* r.ipper. a. 't, A Large Assortment of Writing 'Paptra. ; 15 :i , a , F-iulieap,' plain and rul'd Ijturr plain and ruled j n'jji* Note paper; Wrapj^i.s'pap.r, Bonnet Board*. Lo?. * M*>. j W| ,, ~ . Lt , % , V u r„^ff n! ,' Hmiert, rdittlojie'aijd illoltitij; ra|«r, C.ilurrd 1 ajer*. imn t j sinnlv of J*lfi|r' ■ Kmich l'arkrt Pu.l. eatr» »iie.l Bank Bo*!, 7i*»ur ; ’ (|l 'fnim •ad n! ol! I' !■>*eeat manuCvturrr'* priert ! ken in pru.itl iiny ii:u - ißrin. i Letter Copying presses. \ tiw *r ' Tw«nl) *ia difTereiit prire, and *i\le,—lhe lim f .ipjin; 1 1 Cft ft* J Preu, with le*er hixl »e«ett, ll.t limit fliimlttieu*, ee-'ii»nn j t-OLN f UOtIKS A N cal, aud umple mmle uf uking a r ’-p) t( an)' I't'er .n MS, j |?K A ,\t IS A JAM nthl., •• . withottt writiuj; it m« .•ram A rrr* ol e-.i>, j ilr*cription ol Improved Manifold ■ Letter-Writers, Uas- Jhmkf.Cr B. whirli Uie lellrr and enp* u wrilten at the wne lime fj f - . *** 1 , . The Urjte.l umriinriil e*er -lierr.l. and ej. ihr l. .1,1 1.M,.-nI.J e PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ' ARKIVKD. Michigan, Hemphill. Beaver. , Lak.c Krip. Ball. Beaver, r.inaot. Bowman. Bniwasytlle. '*wiilara. ClatLe. Brottnmllc. New England, Kbbtri, Wheeling. Ilarletn, Baird, Mon. City. Taglaont, Perry, New Orleans. Columbia, O’Neal. Peru. , Arena. Flecaon. Wheeling. ' Bro< klyn, Boies, N. Orleans. DEPARTED. Michigan, Hemphill. Beaver J etc tine. Bal|. Beaver. . - Consul. Bowtjian. BrotvntnMe. Swam-a, Clarke. Brownsville. Despatch Nelson. Monopgahela city lUriecn, toiler. Mon Cny.. Comet. Boyd. Zanesville. Hibernia. Smith. Wheeling. Wilmington, Stevens, Steubenville . Khixlp island. Dawson. Sunfiab. lioilson, Kbbsrt, Suntith. Ilngara. St Louis. STEAMBOATS. FOR;ST LOUIS—RKUU LAID PACKET .**«-—•- a*. Thr new and splendid Packet PENNSYLVANIA. Gray. master, will leave a* above on ■BOBt£3Sptt>Tue»J»s morning. Aptil Dili, at 10 o'clock. ptximely. For freight or [>a««agc apply on bna-d. n pl3 FOR ST. LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER rwi The Maunch and •iilrtidid Packet SORTII CAROLINA. muter, will leave a» altove BSESEEBBIVon Wednesday, Appl 14ih, at A o'clock, r m. For height or partage apply on board. ai;i for sr. Lou is— rtKt. u la r packet. JUQW. 1 a* c new a ►tcaiucr jgHßWtty Bole?, muter, will leave n> above on eß9BlUHfiß' Tbur " Ja >'' April liih.nt 10 o'rloek a. « m. For freight or pa««agp apply on LoarJ: _ apUl Fon sr. louis—Dinner. . Tbe new and magntfiretrf Packet TACLAOKI, Perry, in.tner. will leave ,ove QjgjjfjjjAglggrin Wednesday moning. April Hth. it Ioo'r-ln(‘k. For Ircglii or puscagv up ply on board. a Pl° Iteeular Pltlsbnrgh and Zaueavllle Packet. a The new and light draught *ieann*i fL—l-.. ' _t] rl COMET. K'KiiUf puck-1 between I'.iMurgh and /.unesvillr Having had her citbins Cited up and furm?bed in superior «iyle, the Comet otTcrs the lmr*i accommodation* lo paseejigera For freight or pa«*age apply on l-oaril. or to mniio II WILKINS. A»i WKLLSVILI.K DMLV P M'KKT. - The new. rlrgsnt and fu»t Racket WKLI.SVILLK LMb 1 >' U Catlett ina-trt, wi* i.u.ii rs ptoslt lor till* trade, and Will inuke dnily ttiyf* during the m-ixiii, leaving PiTt?l»ufgb eicrv. morning at t»«*oa«k, and Wrli'Vulc efefV evemti- at t| o’chu k The W i« Itil It »ticd with •• Faber'? l'Jtcm magnet,* - Water Luagc" For 're-uhl Ol pu«v:tge Spplt ull l WTOMISfI, . Capt John K Ha>*. w>ll cAmnicni'f rfßilar trip* t" abovr p'iu on Monday, ilifi V'tli at 10 n riot t. » .j r.»r frrfehf or l*a»*at:e on loan! Of m-li iT J W IU. W.KK. A. lIHO Act* HKi.t I.AB UILISVILI K I’ACKirr ». 'flu: nc>v, hsht dtauehl and h*-' run . nine *t*imrf KL-RKKA. between Piit-burgli a:t>l Ixiuti- Ti’le. duuilß the »«?*»on. 1 For ifiit'tior piinsagc appl> on i.o*r»l. iiitbAiti » MrKFESP»'RT- Kli ZAllimi AM) .'IOMEGA i li> I. \ C' i V p.vt i.KJ . “y ue«ilay and Friday, mKI <> fVick A M aiid .'lnm^kn ht In Cnv eyrry Tue«dmy. lliurwtay amt J».nurduy »' e o't lock. A-M- For Irctgbt of appiy on W id ir* aecul&r, PUtibnrgh and Z*ne*» Hie. / Packet ■ ■ ■ _ THE belli draught JlrafiK' . SEW ARK. LaßgakMMS' I Surd, Matter, '**dt nink« -AreVl, trpr ill** ahorr port dating th* th- on for freigut or jia** i**' apply on to* nl to ap7 UjWU.KINS. Acen FUH I.OL'JSVIt f.E AND NASIIVIU.K. „ ilir .rttw amlna**ens#i •leamboal , ' Jk AMERICAK, feSA Capl. Wilfclp Will leuve for the above and all n.K.nnedi'itr port*.reft- u'arly For frc-ytiior putage apply tin board. J*o3 ' I’ITTSUUKOM ANDWMKKUMi PACKET . _____,The apleralid and faat running »tmj* s SEW ENOLANDyT J*ji in above. on l)j<*V i.ouisvilu: packet The new and tplendid Heiiuer ■ gosoolieh, jr t.yoil*, uisMyr'wa* built egpre««ly VSSZirSZSiSi for ih'« trade, and will l.iv regu Urty during the.»<-a»oi> tier day* will l>e adveruked li» reaOer. fet.ipn FOR NAHUV'I.I.K- VAbKKr > . The new ibml elegant Paeßfi r. T \ WVOMIHU, r tSS| H"yO» |i *f , ». buiU t*pf r,,| y ior lbi ' Puubuigti i»i>d Nn.bvillr irade i«-?ve jeguturijy a< alioue auditor intermediate port* - f-" 8 ' ‘ rl "i BlVi-LKni llltn, feliJC I Seruitd Mreel Ht-ULLAIThuiMY' PACKET toTLOUIsVIU.K _ I The new and »taunrh Packet Ik . MT. VKRSOS, LtfMMflS' • Parklnvjrt. will h ave n.r tbr JSSaatEUm above port, at |0 o'etovk. i r-day raor nihglber rrgulmidny For freight <> pa/iagr, Uavijig hue arminmodanon*, apply on board , InorS ' ' RP/JI.'J.AR * Steubeiivilldr. - Kec ll * r ClMelunml * I.onlavlll* I**ckV Tli«* new ati'l tl.-gmU l' * M> Ulrtßfly * tfJl>ief COU MBIA, wUMWCTr I’urkVl lieiwnni I'.ii.bun’li.un.l lh alw»e jH*n« if.irihß mockr! al>oui iht I |sit, u)fi . Iraving I'Hiiliurgh evrrj Monday, Wednesday oi.d . t,t 1 0 oV.lock, A M. r Wrl.ns..vriy Tii-.1./.l »»■' >•*'»' I J.V .If o’clock, A M- ?<•' ''■"*!>' ”> '“••“I'V.W I on Iroanl. • N ' •ACKKIr FOR 'iVI-XUSVII.I.n AND jfntI'HKNVIU.K The tu.w nml I'Kbl 'tint j WIt.NIKUTOX| O Al. £t>*vrjW. master, l»-avt» bujfli rveiy Monday, Wrdnr»ilsy 1 Tui'ii J-jiiUy niiio'clock, •’ M.. leave* ,-pry tup»Aiy, Thursday and Saturday M For lingbl or pa*ur£l) and 1 tJKO 11 MH.rKNT.KKOKK. S.c.amboat Agent. '^ lrt M _ time a Boat tur Sir Jiiravill>*| JAMBS W. WOODWKt.I., riTTSßu»nn rt'QslTi-*BB wan* boom*, SO H 3 TIHKO yTKKET, anil privateiJwel jinti. eon*tanily on hand and made 10 order. (lie present tloek on hand raunoi he excelled by any manufactory mtltc.weMern country. J’er»on* wi«|nin lo purcbaie would,«ln well by Riving me a rail, M 1 *m determined ruy’price* »hall pleo»e. I‘ari of me "lock 1:0 .Vi with I'litrh and llair-clolh covers. *»doz Mahogany Nurse quit-; 11 pair Divan*. Id do/ Don 1 mahogany Cnj^r*. Id mahogany Work 3 dbz nu|iognrty Rocking Cl,a.i»-, lAruarbla top DrcMing Bureau*. » pair Ottoman*; a marble lop Work Stand*; Is cherry Work Stand*. • \f.|,ogaoy. Maple. Cherry and Coplar Bedhead* ol all de,criplio»*i * ‘• r s r ««»nmeni oi Common l-’umitore and Cbair»,uw numerous in mention. marPif ___ . ~ - - CAMAI7BOAT POttHCftlßß lIIAVK in rtorcand for *«le low— < Uuulc Frame*, Maur»Mt*i, • CoiUi Bed** x IMIow*; - Quili«i ) , Sheet*; and Trimming* of »H kind*; And all ©iher article* m my ime, w h'l' I I low aad on aeeoramodalingtdrm*. " ■" I m!3tf Suite, oppo*ne Ihe Bank ol IMt?burg|»i 3U Solaria! I • F«r the u.» of Bti.k* »ml (!oq>orjli'.'ii-, l l * itlfn the ■.«. E.mlt <.r I'ori-.ralh'it lo lhnc,-'te:i ,1 Prit trid first I‘remntuts .IvnriTrd to in by llie Auicrimn Imtitutr, kt Inc l* l ' I ‘* ir t October, ISU> Ft the he,t Uulr.l Itlauk T-oh* - .1 Mltrr M*d*J For the be»l MaiiifolJ'l.cUrr Writer* —A Diploma For beautiful fnii»hed Cetpyrng I'rt »tr»— .1 DipWai.t Pita** Call ait-l S*t /or Vnu-ir/i 'i Trade and Cuuntri/ Merchants Supplied. , in«M- MH TUK/., ' Impartcn of Freed, and Kngli‘l, Suiit,i,rr;, and maul'Jacturcr* nf Account Uonk*. Maiiifdd Writer*, Kscvlsmr. Blank andUarmine Ink*, Willuni, ot,t door below liedar *lr*et. N »• J»StH V KtClt, ) \Vm M \ i rrl-.M-T’irCJii PAPER WAREHOUSE. NO. U BURL I XG SLIP, NEW YOUR. k-IVRUS W HELD odd* i..r sa c at the lowed 1 • Mnnufaciutir*' price*, u ter/ ei|eu*.*C *»•-*«■ t nt- .mi FAPF.R cKiiipr.'iiif rv-ry j.of.d le tufoiy, •adi.pled to the vvunte ol i:m.»tiiu--.t * n nil'»<,- >•: •!**' con-niy PnpFr of ail Void* u.aJt to *l.«*n '''"l w.mckof PRINTING. PAI’F.R .Jumi*na:i> latgr a pi not' which. - <>: very »upt r.ot quill.ty PAPER MAKERS MATERIALS of every drsciiplmn :n!|vji led und krj.f con»l.»nd> on hail ,V / : Fehing*. '' ire U.oili, Fii.ndf.n.- r .r-». ITeiit-hiiig Powdei, 15! ue l ai.unai .ac, T» :nr \* KA4.S, Ci n va«*. Ralr Rope, tlra** Ac. A e , puf lia-ed. lor wlneli lli- h eb. -t pr ee n t>-‘. In pm.l IV'ilV Netv ' ork. J I Mfi VK W BOOKS' e •.»». ; 'r> < ennl .* -'C- "t.m i. V -cr nt valuable lJ.«il*, ju«l pul.iiyhctl. ■.niong them •ie llm lo.lutv tiS - j i \ McClicyne'j. J..v u nd I.euti*. 'J vnis. Ilalduii on Ko.iiun*. 1 Sketchi » of .North Fnrol.iia, ILstury ol Prchy lerian I'i.urch iti' Keniuek i, The (jeinu« Cliulmer. , _ • Mary Jane L’aliam i ' \ Wni«low oi^D* -elt n».oli add ReV.v.V. The l‘ri—Adant.'c Ivirii. 1 .Maigure’. or ttic I'earl !•, Ret l' I! rat-..* I.ady Mary. . » *The tlreai 0 itaniamlmi nty-by C Fry The Lord*' Fray •. r -i.y lloiin- . Thankfuln-** and on.-r The above li.crih.* r• w • 11j u ggueiti. ;.•••' I In: eul 1 *la**;t.i: ; M. -ecc ■■ nr.iii* lor .»!.• a! Ku.lern* K1.1.1* I f I' A lAtllllMl a,.|o :*• .'/trk-i -It. ft. 1.-i'v. rii 1.1 I h HILL Ol HKOW.NK Succraaura lo Jloltlaltlp .t liruvine. MANI FaUTU ItKR> and l>n| »nel* nt I'.U’liH II A Nt. I SbS. Nti ■’ Wood «:re. i F.n*t.uruii 'llic mcrra-.iii! ilematid lor An-criei’ii I’vpcr na» n.lui et! them io cnlaige ami impntve l ieir Faemrt. amt itf ir ta- •u*t-rti e.i.c tl. price*, tbe t lake f, T rau-t-ar-i.. French. A me. - ■! itinialnti: Dtr.lcrHi Landscape* Muiui-* and Firc-i‘ Tbe Iviiig'* H.ahw’f. hy l» I'iU.inf I - Canlc nl Khreiiete.ii. - tin, iVimbcy A S.n—Nod The V.01.n tvnlvr.u: •* rna»lcr-.i.--;i ■.ui.|n» French. Span *U and Lritflnu tv a team.' Fte*h »**ortmen! o: Dr'iuiahred l‘i:iy». among which are "Mbant T«*U. Koni.-o ;,n-I J-h-t. fti.-.rle* :p- \l|. A •«prt.i>f iifl • ... T For '-lit- al a mi LiVMP«. CIIUNnoLK'i. HA LI. I. A NTKK.N * A M> *•’ < \l>Kf.AHK.<.''. Spring Tr-dr iiIKT'S.. Hl'.VTJihii £■ C \\ ilinxn »iirri, Nr* \ -rk. •<> il.r W a .1. iof Jgji HI. mati'alia-turing «n!)<•« m:j |: Dial kfl H-dai •. SmL»i t hand l h'l-. I‘al‘n> Uni Hunt 1. BriUni* H-n 1 I amp. l.inl <> K'l'N'J !\V!i«!» ‘ /-i Burning f tiid, ,'ail.;Wu Harrtwnrr Stort -Ueinoveil. til r vtOKK A IM.FF I. V» ruriiffoi and < inr »t»eii*. n» Wood •ireci.iliire -ioor» -ii.ov. -• <‘n tr!n lt»v t ,«(.<•< Huh V Ti»Ji lh<- nfi » ! I>'i) •• r* >0 U • oi haiidwakk *-i n ..; saudu’.k prr »Up» Suraiak Monui'Caii’ ■:* Iluaai. Irc.rl Uic l«4n»faclurri« -jt hut am: at.l A l»o. »u;« of Am' nnu Hard a lif l;tnu cipiil manularuirrra <>l 111' Knriejn S>ai«* Tneir »U»ri h'.ma nnnrnly iii-w, anil juim'h l th*!' tpnn* thry inn jrrrm ccnfiilnn.-r 1- icuoaafaltv lo tnrrl mmpc'r.nii mm Tnr. Hardware bu*me»»w. * l< con;. JUST lIECKI VISG-I."UKIN». »-i.A' JIOUSK-KL’IUMSHINIi II A IIIJW aKF •rr.l.rr rr«penlfuHy inform' li* l i' cd- ainl li that lie i» now receiving li.. «|n."ii i> •elected Ly Lini»clf, ot' mpnt'oi >|n.i. v-u pin c» IVimiih utm-ii fur" *li.u: iliru in>.!•••• '• well lo rail a« tie n aep-rin..<>d •:*-• - * ,,,a lorujiiick return*. |: y'Mrrciia ill* mjiplird a- uuu * ‘ t' k ■ >i-t sof la/ 4* in «#«. *, an.l jin’l.iisc '‘ u * iilntlii. Lil>ff*l il.«« oujit n.i T A lAwk-n* Maii-iur ~,;i lilt \\ i»ciij *'.l ’■•’l- ” Edward Todd \rr)L'l.D f*»fu clfuily nnifounrr in »ti«* in' - ' t’nul-ufuli. Itml h** Im« iH'rii'il li n«i>w '*• oi »«lnn munui'ariufiNl nnod». »ui . lunl iMiara, 1 r . Snr’li'. Hfaikft nrnt Ar • tor «.ii far lu»<»•' Ai»t>, n aN^iiji/fifn ■ lid l’lUW4l.«, lOf *:i|i- U 1 l U>Lt fn i • air. r.IiVVAKD i< .Nu'JA wixhl 4Uri-l. U|> I.M-il** M l,|i|i..i!lulr«i Address Oarii. 'lA- in t<,. Ilnnrm inn \ i*»f tl.e »«Ir i.t Norn.’* Ho.nii-1 l.x •••. p-zul'-nol ibe Ku.-H Miitiuio luf.t'i! ~‘l , .‘ l • Pr >r mtuiufariorv Ar «*' '-»t| <•« mkiiu'KCli.i- i't |'i• Nil Vi vn».il up WIIIT.IIOHK A WOl.l-'K. , I.MPOK IT.Ki? o» in <'«; StuMirr' , Ni» s*' " lliirp iUmji - * Jlt.lti I'.l■ il--i• i; 1 * I 1 JOHN WAI.KKK, |].ntf Wutkef A Ww.ihv- 1 1 I'lfOtM.U announce in li » a |,J U,, ‘ *" VY'le »t'H l»’ f-» 1 ’ ’n* * "a. 1111 inrb'jO ' : ' | : AMPH- \ lurre mill :i**unim l.j rnl Holm 1-nrd l.inip*. *unr*l>■<* llutrl*. Chur-lit* mill l)w I V tin: lowe.t prior* r .pi,'uni \1 enOVKI.H AND SI'AIH'iH- vv,,^ O Cu, A. Umonl, l-uvr «;» Bn , rit<*nt ol) .ohioiu’h *uj-r;n<>' coal, rrina , 1 • . . t , cotlicr sMmvrla, .in-1 .Nop I •i"il - - I"*’ l ' , i OOKINO O Ia A, B N 1C K—lilil No ■-/. ,0-0,-r ..m-. Nl . ijoimckh for s.M.i: ti rpHIIKF. fcfniHl !ia:n» t-j- <» t ,y ' '' !,.* if il ni i'i.-Vi;-, MluO ,01.0 AOKSCV Full Ut.ltHl'-.K tV, I'r.iiu. iwvn-l,cli>’« M«|>* ,lU,! Lli “f‘' . . r .... n.»l »*r«l'ar- _ ' | t -|iti mo «-i-hI *.» ' A CARD. , ‘A lUS TII « <>«* K M OUT MN i» t.. f.rrm'mrt h;« f\ frcr»d« Ili4l In- i* "f ' ,l, ‘ ’ • *|| IMirSK. Ij*ui*vill> ,K> .wh-rr ‘ ‘"'’7. '* U.l.Vm. rt •l.all '••• io in ikr n|. mmi.-r... •' •“ ' ih-t i-'*- . . , Molise. A Co.'t A'ltioinntinc S;nr C•»«'«* j will t>c found ai the moic of Duvp A. L•■ ss.'ifrj"" 1 ■ ••ortmcnt of fine Jewelry. W W W N.^IN an .j v/cnr Market aiid^ouitlraU^ A BOY WANTKD-Wafilnl a *ootl indaitnco* Boy to Biiei»i:m a Grocery Store. The beat Of refer ence tniuueJ Apply to \ apPtf F SEITZ, l-l Liberty street IiNS I.i.Ml'liMfr 1.-fei* U Letter anti'’ap I'aperr, rub lures'? price?, no:- p«per*; bonnet hoard, rnloied paper.' Lotifd. l>ri*tol Im.itii wiuj'pin? p.»[«r*r»!. &r Ket-iml. [bo »ei. mix! oilier liook;* lor Cuuuiy Clerk-, Cnutu, Hank*, In-urnn. e ,I'omi'an;.;! 1 , Mcr l. .tin* i"nl oiU-r» r«»n«ianr.y on liaml.-or furnished lo p.r.imi «i M»«it tioiico WairantOiiio be superior in n no.I vrry low in pnee Country .Merrliiintv ile:«|rr» and others will be flip* p! nil ui Ike vrrv loxvoit priec* W’c "hull cmMUiill V li*vr or haii'.l -sock of Ulnnk Hook*. I’-iper anil Siat.onTy; and i'’«|iio*t ihr favor of a call irom ttiose wiio fm.u.ri- uintv • .n mu i up f rnANCi? 4 & i.orrßt:!. Mii:iuiiieiur:ni’ 77 Maidrn uanc r"i,i:iin W«w York Gmilrweua Furnlatiln|( B»tnbll»hinenl iMIaUI.KSU HATCH,IC Ulilliam .ireet, _N*w V»rk I t-ilirii.< attention l-■ In. imoflilirul nf m the Lieu itcrum'. Furmihiutj Liue, imported and manufactured ei prei dv mr the Spring am! Sunnier waMini. particular at* lenln.ii l» railed In ihr fullowini; article*. STOCKS- Silk, Satin and U. iuLuii.r, ail iltlo and i|ual OTUI.I TIES -Plain and Fancy, light nud dark colora. HVJ.SJf TIES— Foil.-) Lima and Jaconet, a new article for funnier wear. »r .'tinnier wear.\lT6,iXD SC'WRF.V—Lai«t »i)tei a fbll aiaort- iSrs/’il.YflWi.'v-Sdk and C|.U..n. u-rj tla.tic, While ami Fancy Linen «!<■, !u W.IIII, all (Lure |n» article. y-HNl'T*, ttOSOMS, JAM COU-UiS -In every 1 Jn rl« 'LI .tile and .lUalllt . ' t XIJUt 'IUKTS .1 XU lUUin F.ES-S,\V, C.iH«.n, [..-!* Thread, Menu.1, Wool lea, Lc (J/.ylTiS- Ilia- k, while, !Ui4 colored Kid, 01* the hell liiunnlaclure. Silk, I'olluii, Linrn,4rr>i tlieir KXTFNSIVF. STIK KOFM’KINO liOniiS, «.jivi«tiire»» Silltt.if en l,ill, di-aign* and u—»l ilevifihle ilylr.; bhwk and blue ola.-i. hji.nd. watered M,d Stripe Silk.; together with a full a—ai iuimi ..I t>Ui a and blue l.liek plaid dn A »ery Vvtra lie and diTMt-alde a..nrlmiui«( Silk, ThiU.l, Hare,;., Her uam an.!' timir Shawl. a;id Srarl.. Their ai.onuienl of lII*,, (i.yj.ln. hern wlerlr l w ith the greale.l cure, c..nm .leaf 1;.,a. c» »a!rta pKiJ and »>f i|» alia, ( I'.. „ Krinrli Vriiii«-d Muitiii* tml limgham* aai tfa at kri. .J l.a |ntl. rtl». tljltl N 'tc-’i i,4 nui :«n-n -.,<1 ai.J t 4J. Hitt’ I ««rv tin Kawy H.'luJ a ia.,l .a 4:, ‘ I.aii< at l muurir H.H.K *•••• *ud Tltf-I Ur...' ►'•.((••list tl.(k auJ n tut* fi-iif'l 1.4 i »• a f rr« rr dr*. npli-'ti. t.v*>i'rr « itla a full »U*-k '•! ***rr e-*'** 1,1 tlirir lrrar. STK.UV'OOOPS A »n lar*« <•( Umgii 'u.i l D”tn<-.uc A I*'. » 'try • l.Vk -.1 I at.r. &..,!,(■!• 4» ! Kl a>\. 1 ’4t«—l«. Va:Si.o Slanln, a* .fa ir , M. a.'* ■ vilaiic tin* marVrl arr r**prrl fully in»n«-d t . a-all a:xt iviinina’ mir »t.4'L; 4* a-i.-fy (■kml.)' 1 iia-lui rm»nt Mill In- adr r-«! 1-* Tuakt it la*f tlai* at ailcritt ta '.ri;lr witti '•* .tnr York. M*t< - i^tr-du. I’KINT^ONIA, SPRING STYLES. hi 7. LE E V I! It E W STUB, No. 4 1 Cedar Street, New VorU. RF.«i k»»* mf'.rCT Dealers .n I>M <«•*«!», that they *.»»* rrrti«..l m.,1 are thr WUtKIiOI’SK f.\< !.l '! V i:s. •. I '■ ■‘•-■’l t'cutr.f , .’>oo C ASKS, j coin; >:-jg>c ill \« *v S])rl«l« S»tyle». «'»*BriUih. Ith ;■ jii.l Aiarn. .«i Mai.uUti'ir., wtii.-h, In „M)HITI<» S' 1 ti> il.»ir L i»u !> »• l'i»ir »»» rUnrt:l ont ni Uie in<*t ni l m. tUr ■•itv; 4i.J ju*t |>ur (if rlu.f.l lir I A“il VMl'l!'>Utl.UKmT.«rr l,"t» ■ ' (mkn”- «1.1 tl.r »»m< trrm«,-t s.-nl l-rloT* nun/ ilij-.r.-l pni-r* ,nr--He}- ■! til) ,1 »re pUml «* M h»rv!« ••! l>u)» l». ■ will it,firm ihrnwim of tier »li ,r Ba; 1 r, ' U U.K-Ji mtKWSTKiI. 11-; i x 14 (Wat Strrcl NEAPOLITAN BONNETS I’ATTISON. Noi: , PA T KNTKKS ASP .'I A X I’PACTI' tK US. ' «a fhlmin/ Stnrt. S'"' Ymk. A H K.> <’ V KCHI PAT KSTS. • i>. ('■ Z, |- Kill.lll S'* Mr. Ins nr,- r and .A ;< nt '«i ;t« .i’ *ii; I i'« :>i», ** ■! |'tOi*»tr im- no f , ||r ~«• , r< . ]•., ri.‘ii»r A|';dn-'1I:* 'or I’at* ;'i.V Prttr'.MUlKc !' H.: cat !-r .un*uVd .... :.'I I,u--. (.11- fiitvnp win*' l*:i:ri!! I.:iw» :i* i.f lilt'. .lii-foon mr a [mintt, 111*. |l*t tf f*l 11' 1 ’ I‘ l* J'd. rll - ).)>.!'*; U ‘ r*l* Ol ft *'«• ljlljlllt',l t»c »» ii-n niiiinl ilr mini ,i.,| :hc- iiiMU'i-ii.nii ll.iil ol ll.r up|.’ic.iiil .ii pciwn) ,ra* nun! ‘if fOM ('.i d mid roilUm | »„ u i,ri- a wrmqii i; 'A. 1 »•! '> do. Him. J H l’.uw * 'i. M M 'M’uri, Him. '\ .1 . H.i:’ SV»v Vnrl. Him Koi.'-TI **«t 'I * Ill'll" ‘. Itl.r: M Hr-.*-.- t < linn J H r- '• M <• M • rai'i. II M Mi'KO'iri. | HukiW. 1.-'| . rm»l/Uf?!i. »!*•, (iAI.T II|KMK,. Contfr Mnl ii mid Sixth ■«•,- Ctn*lnn*t». ' I ' 111 i """i '* i li w m lli' iifdrr lin ll»r* 1 rri-.'i'.i.i.M "I HoTruv.-li"’* Fui'ln- Hiiving undcf- II Ilwn.of I i.-|i:nr, duriiK Ibr wml.-r.mid i, , v -..*» !!,.• ii,...l ill. " "I llir .11 lilt v.n oo- il,-|..iniup..i». I lljii' < Hii* l " Il wll . l I,p . t ..vim . ,i!'. ’|’li«‘ Wn 1 "" ■ » I'cntml ""i,MVaf. ru’-’iV -11 ' W MAKH N il - \Kli'.'ivli lint 9 m >* UriK.ui i> “ Ui r .... . i.. ~v U h-lmi 11-ridd hnnd!*-. / Ta Printer*. I i i ji;>T ISrciuyni anJ )«r »«Ie j . New Yolk, ilw fuJlmviups . .j (7i il>« Milium T.tlf, i..j ' r """ JIUI,N\S lUN A. sKnjK'roN Cf>pus< Jfriblp< Jl ; I-:, i|,f iin.l-Tot-nrd. I.ntfi: ellinol nHn V* >|oj> to*<* *•!' :• Produte. lN 1 11 I'll.! i'ufwiiKluiC liltilri Hie >iy.r „i mini, skoiiKW co., tiiu) h.ive Ukrii th<* '.v«c ti(>a«C, No *J CuiMlißM'inl Row. llil.viy »trrr t, loctiir ii \ ! fuiM’o pnliunn^c Nmri'it init. 1 .t r i !ii» , tnis in orilrr. ftortuiwny Iliiß -ir-i (.trii !I|”I m;> !'ii( , "' , -«. rv*’fJ‘ dc«r , t’H>lilil» of •i.rr , » niiiii.' o’ or.!. * 'nm. M’roniy five dotlnf* to .."i.."h“n««.5 i: John sorm . (irnvcrlf(> [ JONATHAN I.OfIOK'rAKK, • - -r ... J... 1.11.1 KH'mJ'-* .V lii .] iCUHJTM WI>T rntu.r nl Sm.l>lfirl*l al»1 i’rotit V*> M pn.i>iir lli : Vfitifwu>iltclli llnu*o—Kccp» »hv»y» lin'iis-l it :'ull vu . v ill I'i.iml) l.roi'fticn, winch lie w ,i »pil vtr> low l - ».vfTcc» (V»; , »«• , f ji'ir-- Rionm! l-Urc*-. I iifpipii ai-i ix> L,. , UK . I'li. i-.. au.l I'mMmjie.i Mmiu'OCiurtJ Anuriev J Kirtli llniirf ujiJ always uo bW j| m Ir.'UAwluiT . - RAGS WANTED. mf\ IWU\ LH5* COUNTRY MIXBD RAtiS wanted, IOn.IHHI for wlnrh the highest price in lAS'Mwit) tx l ' a skiway* on hrriS, «?vrry iln&nption of Writing and " , -PPU.E l-.r.r ...d * SIIEE JOS li DAVIS i mclit Corner IVjtn amt Irwin «1 ! PBKIS TKA-BTOBB, Rartfl jYa TL Fourth Hurt, near ITood fiajL \rj~ xtl otmliiiM of Ureen and Black Tea ■ done up m quarter. half, and one pound F" t ‘* 8 8 8 J na 1 - It7 \v7urWKfoflT, DUN TIST Olfire and residence 10 8u niai between Penn and Liberty. * Atlvanrr* itiaileunronugnment* of I'ro.lucr »:i ['prit Ebm. on liberal t«*rnu WM. LARIMER, Jit.. Fill.' RTH Street. neXl door to Bunk oM’;tt.«burj»li. Uunkenand Broker, and Dealer m Exchange, Bank 'Noir* and Coin of all description*, £c. .Svllnifißuie*. Buying. Rut;* Ncwkork. 1 **r. NcwNorV: S Philaldplid*. i «lo Philadelphia. do Baltimore, Ido Baltimore, Jdo Wruiem Currency. ido VVcMern Cur. ldo •Oily it Comity Scrip. ido Cwy * Co. scrip, jdo AilcoodCnm-ncy, ido All good Cur cy, .do Pennsylvania do, • ido Fennuylvaniado. Jdo ■JViice»‘e«: do. i*! do Tennc»>cc in. .1 i.o Briwn»v:i:r_ 1 do Hrowtisv.l e, i-u kVasliiiisioii. ido \\ it*hinefbn, .do j Foreign b ill* oi Exchange procured. fp9d&-wim* ’ r NEW YORK. •tici‘ - lta» been secured (ir.'hi Hnuiti. ntnloiher •a! it,.',', Jiir'-s -.vOl l.e in • t,) unportano i oroih . I* > STATIONKRV. N. HOLMES & SOS, t Hikers and Dealer* In Exchange, Coin U 111 >ll ■ ■ lIU • —— w ' and Bank Not**. SO. ajl MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH. S*'l:«n Rate*. Buying Haiv.«. New Vo»k ! ' ipr Cloapaii, ■ *, i «>“' Philadelphia. i do Lomrfviit-. f B-iliinioie. : *do St Ix/uia, • „* * lO Rut me nni.|» BANKNOTES. Buying Bute* Oliln, | dm. Co. k Scrip Order* j d>»- I'hi.hiu. ido Belief Note*. i“° Kfu:ui'k\, ( J .In Pennsylvania Cy. Ido Vir-mia. * do, New Vor|K do. Ido no Wheel.up. Ido Near Orleir.*, I l J« Trnnen’M.'c, Udo Maryland, , • ** o vp-n linden I.Bnc. munmarlu dank Kooks, Mtinoiait* non Ink. Manifold La-uer eu». A.' •. &«• , and iiti- Suiinnn.r> 4111! Taper •iy on liuini ol the moM A iijt, Wider*. Slaics, no ivory tablets, . pen rack'. card racks, riinne ink. rulers, fioltl M>iiioi,o». ct'p),ilS pres- Copartnership. - TOSKPH 11. IItLL. [laic o l tlir fimi or Wm. A .J Hill 4 Co,) and \VM C. t'XRRY,«Wo(Kr:<*. liavn cmcfcJ itito Copartnership, undt’r the name oi ■ MI.L A CURRY, Tor tl;c purpose of currjmgojvlhc Untikinc runl Kiehauce liu"low Fourth, west «»!.•- where tl.ev «o!.r.t i!.c custom of thnr/fm mt» and the puhlic peii'-rall). JOSKI'HI H HlL.t. menu • ,WM- C *XK»V irdx. Nine.,, ftr .it and plam, m Munufnc i*«ur paper, perforated JosM'H 11. 1111.1. lUNKKRS * KXCrVi .1 AM A. HILL & CO., RS, EXCHANGE BROKERS AND DSAt.K«I> IN (JN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, IKS OF DKPOSITK, BANK NOTES, •AND Sl'KO^K. it Sttirt onr door aUire Fowth. Kuu iiJt. Pittsburgh, i'o. (dAwK UEUI'CKU UATESi No ai Market »l oil.on nan. l.ou:.viilr. St lam.* and r iccroild' |u)im* m the United State*, comiiloduiinK lerm». 1111.1. A CU R U\ Wood »t nr si limn to l -.ic'e Saloon NVwYorl< I |-|..1:..]. l|.l]iii. 3...1 jii'toiiilv im «ali* Ia HIM. .V CL'Rlt\ \V,o4 »i n« it ilooi <» Saloon_ tey a* Ui** Oliin ImJiHiiH, uiitmVll. ••niin lor ■* dwelling or public Iioum:; utwchcd to it > a vaf'l. w/.hlwiCrt. stabling. ind a!| nthei ronvoim arc* 01 I’h.. ■* .mpnn mg very rapidly. i* mi- KoSV.nTMi: 1 & ra.upij-W. v.Mi hr 111- 1110*1 tjntl'.-hilig (iUor -n lilt* *erl.Oll of Ohio It -.vii: t,4 sold low lor cn-h or on i.m«. or-ext hanged io» |>r»peri|. m H.tsi.u.'gii Km parm-ulm* imju.rc ol |, i J D Will’K control \\ 0,.j mid \\ atcr *l*, l ii.»- " U Q. R ItdA.w»Y — K ; sale. mTItK i.JE :or -aV on iitcommoJa irriu*' a ira«‘t o’ c.»:»J viuncd .n Korrvc imraeilian-:)- *ll Her r. ar o: An«'CS’«-»> E-'"'-""'” r "cnm’j"*„l;, »V. ■ “ pra-'«-» mu-’ .liifl * vurn'-ern-'crai-T ii:- , <•; .1 li’i- «•••» O' t.' I mi ' Real i>*r.\n; in T.u: cui • rn x ■*-!-« I i rnui\ . Tti«* 1:' 1 i,r .«.\r i'toi'i ttv w:!i ‘oiH t MsVrm- hAI.VM t>M i:> AV i LANPS TON i . ! acre m.--..cb ui which ,s .1 -• -iivjV jion--. w;ili c«"l i* - ni*r« vtunKd '» " •''ml ; fV, '!ir fno ... I r. , la.i + miu.iU.iiv A ■ ' p».-l. '-rr. . CMlsfWl"' 3l R, ‘ '* Vr •!' 1 All., film "m..i lii nil. *l.e w.vf 1 ,-,„ c : ,rri w.lhcverv k.T,d„. Oak. H.t k<.n.r.-yliu Ac \ Thric t«nil»|>c*.Uurr S'n— |«jM».|tiinrmi*iy unite tfral c*t ithui.ilancr. which is well adapted to 'ln-.-ji and 1 cmue'ztnrine v . , | i fir oak mu.i,» >lu aUundi'ii well r uneil to the ru:- . O! Hoc* :»u l la -l* Horn S-j»Ur.n'.« r lit. to June fnlinwiiic. For furilwr pari.culurs rn.juirr of I SX'l' riIUKRT. tiencru) Agrnt I „ ... .Mi rSm-il.&rtti nrrrt RKAI. I>TATF in AMepn.-nv Oiy—Thr .m.-crber. in, -ale . 1..1 of crn...»l -n A.tesh-nv p.y. St* (rrl ■) V-'i 1f, Ott I'mini-tu-rl and e»ir..d'Hß hock 111 iii’irriy utrct V m glu he subdivided-mio four good ' U Tt.e''propeMy~w:!l be «nld cheap anil on arcommodo-- jneirrV ISAItH DICKEY A fa opr.' ; : . For item. A WELL Fi'flicd •econ.l siory Hoorn, with jjaLnCXMIrM.-attc on Mnrkn «nrr«. at present «• punied as a Dugutfreun establishment • A.lro. a Lons Uoom.tfd *tory,enhance at Philo Hail, umlltwo'well liniiliedolticeiOTCT l|lnlo Hall. Al«o. the Haaemrnt Room under the CuretteOffice— » »iher r«nvriirri,i luiurm. waking u very I'ciflii.iriuhlr place, whirb will hr w.hl for rmhorei [riC-""'"" nr "''v«"u wi!V"r'" Hi. VI .'ll. r Front, between Wood rnd Mttrki;! st« MCOI’STRV KRKIDKMGR. H m il.r city. for coi.vrn.nur 10 Uiulr» order.»! the Uoard, J. CIHSLKTT,. declMAwif. Supenuiendant. mllouue in Lei. A. N F.AT. two »lnrv Hr.nk tfunse. wish C ioom«, i» tins upper end ol Allrgheuy. Wo o’l.r.clt Inline wiili lout roomr. Po«-e«»tr:i Biveu i'll a few d:i>*. hn.u.ic at Mellii'.l.«l UooW Smfe. turret. nj.r.Joi pt)U,SALF.—A vulualdo prepeny »itunied r.n *M n, L 1 hriwceu Wood and Mnrkel .i.i.mmi.iik ten in.t.l, well aitunied forilnrgc p.ibuc build.;n{. or -ifC'-piible of iiiipiovrinrii: for three .private rc*idencr*. It will he sold low and Mil verv aceonunodatlllg Ictms. it op . t ...1 h.r.oon i S in: ntIIFRT, tiencral Accm ~, V ’ i i(1 Hnnlhfir.ld .irerl RKAL KSTATR nurcl'ti»ms tlmperty. willifftid n m their itucreni io ral mid eXnliiinc mV Krgislcr for Real Ivmitic before Muirlni.iiiv Ad iictiMc io show zoodf in to give nubr inl.i.n J* CUTHHKirr ni , l No *iieet_ FOR tALK-A coftrt two ftory Frick Hp|i rail and examine the above'for theta«dver, a* a|l will be aold Iwboleralr nr retail, and * liberal aetlnclion made to i wUolerale'purchasers. A WKSTKRVF.I.T OENSBYLVASIA RAILROAD COMPA -1 NV’—Notice is hereby given that the *dd iaaialmcn l of Five Dollars per share oo the Capital Stock of ihr i Company will be required tobapaid on or before Ihr fOunh'dayof May, at the office. By order of the Board of Manaeerr, . apCdtmayt S V MERRICK, Fterideni ! \vj»i. c:. luki-v lIILL \ CI'RXIV tripe on Baltimore,' Philadelphia. NeV fa. Kentucky. Vhk.uiu and Peii'i*} Ivnnia muitlit m.d -oli! on.ineoraMit li nn< n Ktirlaud, Ireland; (iriiniin) ami hruuce ina. Krntuok), anil iVunu. fumK-. al«*. id i \tj Ordt r» pu relinked al reduced r«u:c > N lIOI.MItS* SON Kiclmmir lPokrr. .V. Mu.ket «t ms oil I'tm-innuli. l>mi‘vTiTt\ St l«oni» 1 upon tin* lowest terra* ny lUH.MKSA SON, Ei.-hatiiff llrnkcm . »cou«.i\ liCiiii: itiVfii. Kiiuuirr of mu. * cuHitv Wood *t. i:p*l door in Kajjle Saloon FOR SALK Sccoud utr«eL-Pro|»«rly DR Y GOODS. Look to tovr HOi>KSi“-p«n‘!'#ntb Carpet Kioponum. No 97 Wuo*l*iieet. next door to Diamond Aliev The subscriLri respectfully, rniono* the eihret'.*. and •linneers vj«'tius ihe Ctty, that he Ba» declined the Auction business, and removed to No 9. Wodi! »::rvt. for the opening of ft IargrCAKPHT F.M INiKll M. Havlr j; he.-n 10 ihf Ea*t tor the !«*> three niaiiih».,»elcr nne Carpeting. f.r.. for this purpose; my s-ux k will he the .nigest ami bc»t assorted. and sold[at p»iee* iwlow .my »im.larcMi»li!)»hmem |>t»t or "e»t of the Mountain'. new «tuck.iny Car ptl*,Ac.. veil) ad be tint freshest rom'.i and luteM'paiteni*- The colot* of all eoodr ibid by me will be warranted to stand. m a deduni.on made Rich ami Kleguoi Carpet* ibc Spring Trade. Airangeiccni** lecn tiiade'iVftU o»ie gf the lar ge*! Manufacturer*. 10 be krpt constantly supplied m ibe alurve articles my stock will always l»*t tail uud corripie'e N°"‘oii hand: Super I'hrcr I'lv Imperial Carpet*; Superfine DouM* Ingram do.* I'me nil wool .on . , Common do do do, Splendid Tapestry Hal! and Su:i Carpet*; ut Cotion Ingram 1 do; F.xtrn li*«vf twilled Venetian do; 4-4, J 4. andfS-S striped do d*v Colton striped Carnet* for Stair.*; • Listing, and Hemp Carpel*; fuper. Sehemeile and fui'ty Rugs; lirus*;!* Common do do; KmeSrheirrellc and Sheepskin Door Matts; Large and small'Abcnnt and Into Hetnp Matt*; Ilia** Stair RrxN. of all sue*; All shade* 01 Wcir«-d Carpetand Binding; Worsted add limb'd Table and Cover*; Highland Plaid Table Cover* j Transparent Lnndrcnpe WindoAr Shade*; 4 t Oil Cloth*, ol rich patterns.; Sfieri Oil Cloth*, cut to any fit; (fym Fmi-h Oil Cloth Table Covers •l A, 5 4. wild . THOMPSON, RESI*KUTFL ; IJ.Y infurins In* fuend* and the public ijciieriiiiv, that he 1* now receiving A Urge and splendid niwmiMcnt ot New Style Carpnmg, Or* C;oth*i Ac . din*n from the Importer* and Manufactu rer*. composed in pat t of Superfine Itru»se!s Carpets Kitmor Tapestry Dm»#el».Carpeting; Super liupcrial 3 ply and F.xtra do; Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Common Carpeting: .V l -.:) 4 and M Ham Vcnitmn Curpctinc; i ■,a.4ur»d t-l Dnma*W do 1 do; 5 S TTnnd 4-1 Tapestry do do; S.vnniient IVimrrrtirgJ. __ Brown Drillings 4 4 5 4 and (?-4"Shr«!lmgK i-l 7-4 “•4 Tunic l.inrn-; Linen Nnplfin*; Crm*h and Diaper.. Hockahuck Towell.ngt Carpel Stripe*; New style ra ti;-- Covet*; Oil Ciuth* from ‘.'7 niche* to ‘JI feet wide, .coin, nny‘ Rich Kmbroidrrr J an t Hinted Tabic ami I’tano cover* Figured Floor ClotU*; rhriueilc'. Hru**eU.Tufted, and Wilton KUg*;. Tnfied.Chcnielie. and Shcepukin Door .M«U«; Mundlu and liras* do do; lira-* Mijir Rods Flat and Ova!: Damusk ond Striped Stutr l.inrn; Cnrp> iit vile aileMion l*> In* r.urnmve Muck o!' NF.VV Sl’in.V; I)KV t.OCinS. Irml.tarmg every llimi> 111 Itmt luir ) lIUW Ol'rjmi!* at t’.ie si'-ove Mtiuil. _i It arlli-liw!mF U /*>«• U» MarkeiMu-H -KKW YOIIK HTOllK—7t> ST. w n. <;a»- w" n ({arrahd, TV Market •! STAR CI.OTIIINU KTOIIK, n«» ?o \vi»l.- mid reia.l dealer*. A m lUitiMH Urud> made rioil.iii!;, would lake ltn.- m.-lVad ~i riiibniwuMlH! |iul>lir iliitl tlie»r 'luck of »prti.ji nod -on. ini'i cl.uii me ih now rmnpirt..'m every variety cl »i> le-, adapted lo lUc pie I mid rtnaini; •'■aiou. AV.iii lit.- ««■ »( iiLiiirmc a eunliuunuce of IlivliimT. al pa iron m:** we h.ivt- li-reioiore rrci ivni. ami lo üßt r gt-nrial mail our mWowerJ. we have mil* led our aiteiinnn lo tin. l jninh.i-e and iiiautifairiunu;; cl l|! Ji- Wr are-CeleffllincJ I’ll" imiueeincntr proenicd in.llie Ui u* n <■ our i'T r.-« »lml to l*i <»!« li-oil * F.upi'll ol rin,lt * ' . arr I - w pj> rarcit to offer u> incr of V GOOi'j?. • f /uk- ur.ii ,\«w • . |l||o olncr , nixlUfrfl a tor’ Wild,Cherry Syrup. r£*f£i! rh*!* oirtlcuiarh’ a£i.; HaUaitw, «Vc., are all spurious and wonlik#*, and '■ "J" • ! „Var-of' ' ; contain none ol ihc virtue* of the original prenzra* - I j. turn,' Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup ol Wild • . . uri;-tii*‘y l.iiwns—la-rnonahle brown*; with Cherry. ' ' .... ,r« .-ciy iiMulsorm*. From the Springfield kxpress. , r. .1 I.iuvii*. <•! iiidrrrni patterns; , nfthc tbousancsof purported curatire Rostrums H-i- »»' .i: •'niii:j I*i.i iU— l »>yi«’'vry handsome; —j before the public, lut vety few nro Joundto " c “:i «.,.*• y hr-n-r thrrinins. (warrunted] at ts) xomincndcd. Among the latter we are p.cased to learn none stand a belter test thao s Compound Syrup ul Wild Cherry. 'Hie afflicted in this vicinity are bcgicning to use it, and to their joy they find in its use their hope* bast J upon its recommendations more than realized. The afflicted need not despair. While there is lile, there is hope f y v -.1 * it pa«ii!i ilitousli our •.vi:) fjnd ,i [•’rujiv 10 ii. \t uilvuniuQß to e’vr u» h . ..5 wr tirUTTn’iicd to wii m mi'h ornall profit-. a mtko itßrcatlj to tucit mtrrr-t to utakr a bill • lock l* f:uw full n :itl complete. rpnipf'iin't-Ji.' iu-or!iiii::i'oi goodti.s are usually k«;u !f good* houses No 10 waiket urceud doors above 3d ” Sew Wurelinnie for I‘rinU Only* oJ’IUNti STYLES, ISI7. LEEtJUpSOb'JrLER, fr a i Uk tpactout fi*e »lnr y \Varcli4uia, No. !Ai Cedar »t-, S'tw York, (the whole of which ii devoted to the exhibition ind talc ofthi. tingle xrlielr,) oiler C-r ute by the niece or iMtkage, 1000 CASE3of ;KI.\TED C.IUCOES, com prmne ail the doinllc uew styles, a Urge proportion of whu:h,ha»i:>(Af*ii cuulrueuo for beliirt tl.e’ate rite iu the market, will be sold it lets than mauuneturert’ prewut pri printed lute of nj.eesarc pul into the UauJi of buyer*. . N D—lJ K LEE, late waiur partner io the original firm of Brrw*ter, (fn-m which he retired ia IS-L 5) hu joined the liren of Lee and Juilton, ami tulicste the patronage of hit old friend* The butineu u condurted uiider tlie firm of February 23, HM7-;im2p 1 LEfi. JUD3ON d~ VIU.HLIS' ok VaiNKS.I'LAIN iVI W H Murphy liu» n >w open ut» <«»«oniiirii! of the au-vr gmtif*. nli wooi. including Mime very lino. Almi, Moh.ur ilc Lame*. very -i.p-nu\ plain mode color*. AKo, plain Drnh Utireacs. pink, blue, flud liiuck do— A Im. BnUurine*. brown and fancy roiot*. same as tow ni |r| i co'«i mid a larre assortment of i cwesi style* drv*c good* generally. ircluiling black walrrrd, and laney r*ll,Ks». ol lairs* intonation*, nud at low price* for qwit.iy Buyer* wpll plrtisc call and examine at N K corner dih anti Market ID" Wholesale Rooms m second *Tory. whrre'a very clii>u-«*«to'-V.iiin he seen by denlcnn., at low cash pri ced H l’ld FIILNtSKS, TtU.MMINONdfcc. PA BOOTH," IUI Wdliaui ttreel. New Y ork, Importer . and Mam.iarturvr *f Entico, c Simps, Bullous, Cord* and Ta'wli, Zephyr Wortied/famaM, Ac All kind* of tliii.lii.u* and Vuucy Trimuiilig*f a large assortment of White Colton Fringes,ft,- .Ve Mr imitr* sUtnli.Mi to In* i>»..>rli.ieiil, which.nil! tie kept full during Ih- .rjv*. a> ! " U ill W rrCvninj* ihe newel and m .„t fnh.cnit.le «tib« ..flrre.l I t the -parkagr or otherwise. Term* anil pprr* shall !•* • •irh s« to give *atufs«• U/- .MI kilsK .>f Triumwig* iujil. t.. order. ffteOSm Sl>N UKIKS - Bonnet Fi - Tab - atm Ruches; Tortoise «h. II and m *•. Md. and deris.iig cniibs: inlaid tnt.,l tfml i.r...«M.d ht. r brushes; tooth. iij,|, coiuli. rtoih mi.l h ■' .'.t. cm|..*r h.iid.iig. bed lace; 1 >n>*cti. Mack and tvlnie imllundi colored ram brie; silk and union italltMn*; ih>ini«l hind.iiy, •utety envelopes; iusic paper. ;ii.ur win. ni.-tio wafrr*; lUmhill’s In deiil.’e 'ink:'.pencils hud p. h> il poi.lrl'; l-niion*; pin*: nerdlea: inpC* ; «|iciol cniion. *kr I ‘or pair wbnle*aie J ”op9 F II KATf»N,KI Market «im*t MERCHANT TAII.OIIK- Now nKimif; 1 a '].lcn«liil arrortmoil of tlut«r Tooy luauu/aclurrd t-oili 6i»r ami jnrdmm c^uivlilioi. A lar- Tort Irom ilii* Importer Adjusting Snick*, nil qualm.* and color* Satin Bow*, do do dr; Boiiibiwiflc do tin .iiP • l ‘\. ... ... j’or «Hlr l»y the mnmifaeuiier j Agent. NoAJ t\oo lmTi ~r * . who 1 V«»le. J*l)W AUU 1 ODD ajd>__ _ Ap i»i for l*n*n-ru M.viuß>tl'irrr». O llVic, MSLK THREAD AND t»ARJS O KID GI.OVKS —*?» il.-Tni »upcr Dam Kid Glove*, from the manufactory of Jouvm *■ Alexandre; Open work ami crahtcidcred Jill* Glove*; KuiUroidorril, plajn nnU iam.y'c do; Child « thlfc l.i»le mid V.iou do; tienl’e mihwo mid dre** do; • - For *alc hy __ •»!•!' F II f.ATON piSK SIfIRTS. COI.l.Alls, BOSOMS, ftp l* _Ne«- »t>ie« of K:n.: m great variety; Sinmltn* and Byron Cni'ao: Spring tie CrnvaH and Nairn Stork*; Do«oui* and t'raciii >:ilh ncr*; Should.-r Kr.-fr«. Nichi Caps,Silk Guards.Ac: On hand and for ‘i> *• •' y». HI F.ATON_ Painted shades, vbnkuan bunds. fto—Transparent *V;;ido* Shade*, of boiiiGtur and Oil nrepiuotion, in great variety «f nylc and assorted Venetian Blind*. e : ux*OM*d sizes and ctlare, lor »ak- on Con.tni** on; Shade Fixture*, including Boilers; nad Bnml, itsvortcii color*, at ri[>',l r •" - F II BATON’S EMBROIDERING WORSTEDS. PAT TKHNS; &o—Zephyr uiitl TnpeMry "Worsted*, PUnerns. CauvitkK. Chenriile. Silk Klo»*. iaticy IJrnid* IVnunrtcJ Doird,TjUj-4, Lamp Mai* am! otirFuncy Work for »alc at u. ll FI! EATON’S Upper Sale* Room* , AND SATIN TRIM- , r MINGS—Fnw-.y and plain brad colored ore*» MW; eV*i rich mimilta Wnck do; rann'ilia, polka anil chain .gimps, black and colored LorprJ«n tiniimi”s*» and colored satin ribbon di>: ju*i rec'd at .r«*w g.pU P H rjosiiinv and «a -in* men, women, in., c - mainline and tidy cotton and Worsted*, nswrtpil.eo or*, ineii u'h * manufacturer*'Worsteds, an l p‘jj kaTON’9 -‘ I, ';r.'i7'™nk few u.d. Apply . - - J* n>sT Received and for sale alike Tnanofictorert d 'k,r^s%^^«&§»S mcb'6; ./. •••• - • ■; Manafsctnrei's Afeat ti TOIIS Rt> COI* I/ARB, Laces, BlpnftUaea W lldVi*. MbrcenuniCraf»l.tnenfor «kms, U»lc I Ribbons, Paper Muslin*, Ac, at . 1 It EATON’S HATS, GAPS AND HOMETS A -HATS*' HATS:I Bi THIS being ibe Ay :he Sprit* Hat*win be Introduced,by .*« lonahle o»iabluhmerits in New > ork lb? unJereierW taUe-Kn-nt p'ensurc M« betoc enawe‘- :u announce to dt|ir numerous tneniU MiIUKjP general!)-, that we are prepared to “apply a.l who rottj tavoroa with a cal 1 wuh tlie fj*hte*Hblc Hat lot »»"• rekron. coroprißmgjl.eavrrn, Nruirin*. umlesira *‘ ,,c Moleskin Silk Hatsienlter wlmlemle or retvl. v ,' _ V , 1 • McCORI> & KINO cor wr•jJ'a u _ Kali Faihiotii IH4O>/ ' 4 BEEBE k COSTAUS Styie<;<*r.tVm.-n , « Hm* will l>e introduced ru KV.UVlL'”ojtvn Hium-sy AhruM STlit. »>f ulle-nscu iouafcle Hfttot l‘.U*lmTcli u-asiufai-tura nWnJ ei fa.hioijaMe lUJs.imjorirJ «J n.lwi *fJ l> war ~ gurlDff tniiilou for !«?. ' /» ‘wUJiIAU DOrGLAS* WOULD n h« bn* now on baud a law? stock oMhe. Spnn K FaMtionofJlai* and Eap?.» fetch wiU Juced on Saturday next. Thn« m want a ; u P* r ! _ article wll ctilMit nich'd No Wood street, I'-afl *id£_ 1 PaarFiabtonTror lints.': J THK subscriber ha* Just received BBnti new Full fw»bu'ii for Hals' Tliok- >H ne« l r>l] : «S an extra fine UutwiH j>!ra*reall amt examuMl this splendid uniclf. 6 .VOOKL / 1 j No. SXJ wood / ffl* SPRING FASHION. WILL be thU day tlie now Spring , Farhion for Hats. Gentlrnien can be supplied wnh fine light Hut*, nt reasonable price*, by crtllitip IH ■ hi. n|H stand. No 1»T Wood si. corner of Uiaiotrn Alley matfi „ ■£r WILLIAM DOUGLAS, " tfßg* HB CONTINUES 10 manufacture, and & ® constantly on band, every varrty of llaU' ■ , . and Cai>-» of the latest style, und price* very low at No rs Wood urci‘t.Ka*t*idu- ’ .- J ” STRAW I)OSNET ASI) HAT WARtIIUUSE,' NO.W MARKET STREET. I'IITSDURGII. : A_ tt. 11. PALMER’otTeis for sa eon a* tavdr-- terms a» anv hour's in Philadelphia, >t • a.foriment of Straw, Florence. Itttt land, and a great variety of fancy braid and, irinip lA».unei*.oflhe*P-'ing*tyle. ‘ / " XI.SO— Palm LeafJ?lraw ami Leghorn Hat*, Ajti- ( ficial Flourcnu &c- Ac. _ _ mcho ■ T7RENCII 310Lr>KIN HATS-Ju»i rtced r * superior article o ftenrh Molcdtm Hutt.JFa!. fa«hiim. and for sale low ly S.MOORE. • ■. ■'•[-I vNotri wood Mr 1 t j. ME DI l-'A.L TO TUE'hicK AND AFFLICTED DH. SWAYKE’S great discovery, 'r SLNCETHE DISCOVERY OKDU.SWAYNE’rt Valuable Medicine, thousand* have been realo* red to perfect hcalUi who but by. its u*t> would now be in tne silent grave. Asothkk i.itikg! witsksi;.—Read with aston ishment';thc wonderful cum pertbrmed by Doctor Swayne's Compound Syrup of WILD CHKJSHY: Fhiladki-phia, January ih>, 1817. Dr. Swaync—Dear Sir: In justice to yourself und a doty l owe to suffering humanity, I cheerfully give iny testimony, and declare to Ihe world the mos. astonishing adlcets. and the great nitre'your Compound Syrup of Wild Cliertv performed on me. under tne most uufavnuble circumstances. iwns' ttken with a violent Cough. Spilting-of Blood, se vere Fa ns in the Side and Breast, which seemed to break down q|d enfeeble my constitution,Su.that ruv physician tfihught mv case lioynnd l|m poster of medicine, and my friends all gave me up to did; but ' thanks 10 you and the ellccts ol your gtcal'diapovc- . rv. I now feel mysell a well titan, nndraised from a' mine skeleton to mi fleshy and linalthy a:mar[ as I liave l«:cn for years, and shall be pleased togivp any inrqrm.ition lespeciing my catr, by calling at my rc*fdcnre,M eChanlc street.third door below George street. Northern Liberties. Jacok I'aibtxti.l _ •7r’«i«»HMV M »"»’ received from all t/tuiritys OJ the Globe. f The lolloping IcttcrH arc presented with f a view ; of more fullv showing llm opimrns ofFiivricutiH in relation* to the Medical value df.Dr. SW A \ NK’S COiMroi'ND SYRDI’ ob WILD CIIERRV. j Dr Swaynt*~Drar Sir: Having ured-yonr Com | poii: ii Syrup of Wild Cherry; extensively, in my -pnicucc/l was requested .by yotir Agent, Doctor .Cnitrhcr to express inv.-opiiuon in writing of tin properties sr a rnnwdifd -'igenl. I nifet rhberlully comply, as I feel by hi doing. iTTill ilimhargc a debt l oivi!. ihe community at large, aiid. IMijHcimis in particular. A* much :w .1 detest titv signature is on each bottle. ; ° ILC.V Prepared only by Dr..H. Swuys»;..?vt i--i - • pal Otficc, corner of KrutlT add J'acv '< " Philadelphia. All Wild Chnrry pretjarah-- ■•?.:&?>%. \ lictiliou* and counterfeit without his aig.',' - Por sale in liituborgl: wholesale and rf?M WM. strrrt * l * ' OGDEN dc SNOWDEN, comer a’&dtw.-.,■ . S. JONES, ICO Liberty street.' _ Sold also by .J hlitclicU, Allcgheay'^. ' (‘aros A- Co., Butler; Weaver &. HeDdeKh>-'-.-Yrrr : . •' cer; Norman Calciiilar.iAlcadville; J;I1,/'y 1 /.-;:, '’ Co.. Erie; M'Kcns(e A-Knnkeil, < level uJ, ikir- A. Sou, Cx.lumhun; Millrr, Brow nsvilh; MJifh, ’ Wheeling. Va ; E B Hinunw, Cinciniiati. Ohio; Dr - •• K f'asieriy A Co., SC Louis; J S .Morris Cc Co., Louisville. Ky i Andrew Olfifrr Si t. o , .\«: y Or leans. a RUHK OINTMENT, fur Teller. Rin*uv>nr«, ’ I’miplcion ih« Knee nod olht i Ciii.ineoua Kruin'on*. Tx-i'i-r*, Itiogworm*. and hcrpMiC erinuiuju.grnerally, are Among lb** Ji:o-l tedious and disagreeable ailcr.ior.v-. i„ wlucli the hiinan irume is' Siiuaicd7*» it. - were, on the verge of vitality it i* aliuoi! nnpo*>it>lrt id npi li lliein tiy inward remedies. I knee lli« mtthr.aey of undergoing h course <»£ medicine, or ruhieeln.g oin> / telvr« lo ihe unnuufuTtable sjMcmof Mricidi-i; s«i<-h means hy reducing ihe/syntm nieicly palliate. lha *>iu|*li>m» while they ari: iu practice, tn recur us via* irotiy, or more so; when rt generous din is rcliunrd 10. And the generality of exteroui applications have no . oiber effect tlma lo heal ihc di*ca«e_>n one place, soon lo *bow iiscll in ihe same or snoiher ptii. When- nil . ike«r means have .failed, and in many sevrfe-ca'cs, u • p.-t»everance lor n short time in the u*-e of Hi* lln*** Umvnent has proved effectual. Theieisno trouble iu using ti, applying it cveiV night. For sale by . . - . IJ;A FAUNJISTOCK A Co . : ' apt. cot Cih and wood m«, nudUi ojid wood Mr. * BURNS AND SCALDS* - i?FFKCTUAI.LY.a»Jv«p<«*c».iy l.yslir u*e o'- ’ : : lit ihc Ureal Kcurily of Nanirn.;AiVllißtOAN Oil*. Ii o!ij»o*i miraculously rsduee* Inflammation, and con* . srrjaently is wnrranijul-iu all core* ift l<»vc no f*:nm or . war m the llmk. - - S.dd tyholesaie and rrtait by VVM..J Ai’KWtV at h'* ' >. Uocn tuid Shoe Shore and PntcauNFoJscini* Warehouse, tY; tO l.ibrtiy atrsrl, head of Wood, l'xli^’-uirsli. Price XO - retd* nml SI per boulc.r * '. • " ' ■ * ' \V Jaclaol being the. KxcWivc Agent ior,\\ estern y, . PeniiKylvauia, none i‘ genuine but what i**pld by IIIM or MIS appointed Agenu.' - ■ - N. 11. -A I’otnpbleicoiitaitting oinplii diirctioiifc: Ac., . witluhc itnntcs ui.d adjrraof (lie Prui'in'fr-r add l.frf e-pal A Rent, is enveloped" with wrappnr ol inch botlh'. . - * Al’oiitlanyv of ccitificutes run be «ren <»l the tote. . . .|VUl“<»w /iiyliifuily ii'iuriotw it U lo the skiirt howconrsr. lowu‘ti?b, h«w * > C-We-ss. an-l unhealthy ilie *kin aj*|Kan aur pfj.pisd a r’lalk* 'UtfiiuMi it »*injoriiio-t, conta.nnii; Marge ijhan* I,’iv „r Ic-id We have pn pared a bcaani'ui vegmubNj'.i a ict Which we c.U JOS&'tWfiXimLlUK ; WlilTF’ It is perfectly nnmceiuilcijiijpurifiei! l* il^lneriouiQuaLilies and it impart* lo ihotkin mub&w ral healthy, alabasicr,, living while, nnhetstao tmie acnng-ti* a CosmrtiCOu the »kui.-milking it kilt••*•*; 'Attuersoo, Practical Chemist of MrU-a- ' ebusetts say*: "Atier analysing’a Spatrik]i Lili*' 3 White, I flad it pottcswi the im-M Iji-autifnl and'niw- •, ral, at o\e same time' irtreeeM'wniie I ever saw;* XJi certainly can conscientiously reeoiEtncnd>tx, J ßV.M. JACIibON, nt his Boot anJ .Shoe Store*, £0 L’bertj a;n.-ci, bead of Wood, niihovicn of Ihe Hu Beet , ; •- • - l -.- < AVboltiale lirug Warthauie. W TUB CITY OP SEW TOBK. BA .■ FA H N £STO I’tv &. Co., No. 49, JOIID at.. , • New Vork,o3cr lor «#le a Urge and general •- aisortmenl of Drog* and Medicines, Djc>Sti iff,' s Painu and Oil* ufettty description, Which thryj, •ire prepared anddetenriined to sell. 10w,.:. i*. : Couninr Merchaalai&d DrtiggUta are rrijorsted to with raiihlolnesa and deepatetr -ti. Arfahnertock’a. Vcrmilnza constantly on ttaad. ; \ » C.A.Kahaeilock, Y ‘ ■ 1 v . BiV. v-yPitti^lirglj.'i,?; ‘ .GwW.fKabneatoek,.. a tj?*. ..A, B.Hull L apts YB,LLOW'UCIIK>£— al»bishe»PAßierwadr''' - •. ,•,1.3 . Idd^tprenehtr^r J ACo. - Nod4wdodstycet • For uti by m ■Jli|