The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 13, 1847, Image 2

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( v * u pnUiWd;
t, .DiS&iTWi-Wcekly^fnd^WecilTJ—
‘:;.- JMtaaper »anma;jjUTri-Wte*3yTjfyjrc r J»ii4rtP«»'
E _■. .«!***? tbeWtoekQa* Two zzU^S
l *.tao6r<nh,bJ:,tfe4-'ciock io ifce.j*A«.
{ ibe pin of
fc,vjHY« of.nuliAd benefit/ **?
z 7-t Vj
\#Vi t t«k K^jg’-•
1* >1 , rOE.CIRAI^COAIMIBaiOS|inSR.-
i .
'-• ■:.r.j.«,',.-t^.’^i ; *- *_,-'•' '"
mßmssi&V^*?’ 4 :- •;? .•
3%t'Wlt «tA** *l 'VATT& Combert »c A .
Ad*®*. ‘-V-rU,.: _ ,
b. l-altadelpbii Ciir^
BiR,-. j* L :' - - ; r - \
’fftlUdelphla Coffniy.
«k*~ - ' j
naklin.* -■• , .•'.
(NAN, \V**b«Rftcn.'
• .•*■•' .. J ‘
t«iui.|' ■
_ ;.. • •• - .^ a - ( r. J :vt^‘%' :^{i --'' ,< ’-! / - .
■i: r »«». * uii*
Allegheny moupj&in
_ - >#rvn'Jn^Xs»4li^-i**ep»r»iethe Ahe Mlkmi
f Again, L nt W
'-’/•^|^lSJ/i»»Ay*ihe>i4geofUi*Alksj{hcny“« , p9ni -
vk’-dhe skaters ofaheiAUinticTromthose of the Ohio/*
‘ bo eaj«;ibo Allegheny ridge!
• Jhosuw/ers oftbt. Ohio from ihoee ol
; ■ •'•: ~\ . i
y^V-.w-'.jan* *the ‘word "icotcrf' in lhe nmi j
: ~ UM*,-*t'’pigs' 'jetiT, io •peaking of (his Tcrj
_C,c f Ji-'stlV«i , >^ l Ihemoc.
” t«j.'erJOflh«”Potomac
' Washington.
’» ’Richard Balier, which
; .’(. VoU'9,page 303,of8parks*edi
wire uoderitand
. I^';relation to I-*fce Erin'tnd the
•: FliotSlL
’’Hif.- corjr'pet&hi* argument aVont the:
.'b» W>»u rd m. «v that the
vtj V-r. r .* v :-f -
.fve <
'H • . ' /;•'■"•'■■
! . ' y* *.f UM :
I 1 ii»
i - bn4< on. the
:1 r js < -\> temv -Oo the
' f4i v<riflq^^ ; ’^ , j^‘^iae»tngq t>^Big r ßgft^eTV,
. - .~. v '
|^r^v'Wuen^*^t^iopecaJ,' : In his •
fVeo eitpranoD: **Tba AUc- f
which dro*>s the j
The’i(oprei<. Court of'PennsjWmaia,,
:'J">Vi*; :fe ttf|
v ' ; 'Cttzn(Mi<ri«e^^cah^eWf7f‘etreein ibat empticj j
' TRAB ° ! : !
j. pf Mr-.McLsne’e f
pflhe Beitlaore ami
; : ;fMiir,'4t'icoDeetTcd . in *n <r»
MeLarte that the Pitu
.haTp^'iaeiatgd, their
;;. Belti'*'
% ratUelyifrttwcen this city
We haye' : desired"to expeoiT
n ... __ igrsaterpaHolflar capiulia buildingsrood Trent
.x, thU point h}lse.wes(,aßd Baltimore would have a»
of her own rcw<J,
rf-'.pf Pittsburgh W((uld in the ; road between ‘this ci-
Baltimore,.. And inreferenca to the Eas
road/swe bitwln only ashedthat.the routei
fihajfrttf ntareti, and Tor
*<- I "Mr. hfel.ancscemstofearthe improvement*
v 'oftbo Central. iUllroad we ate
*. not Ktfpriiied’at-it ijrhen we remember, the'delay
Jit* own ebunsaf* hare occasioned in the prosecu •
; public work! If, now, the. President
'fr'Of the-''Baltimore Company; should succeed,in
IfibUiologiiu wishes to the tall from the State of
' i*t f io regard to a’ Southern , terminus, for
► -••.vhiaowh; city and. fjompanyv'.ii would probably
- Since It is a* certsin.|as
day shall. succeed another that a Hoad
ftW. IhU 1 city ,to; the Went,—and
PhiJadelphia and:New- Yt/rk>,
• a connection! In
* I '* f ftad jti sure to be anticipated,
< the .Baltimore Cotnpauy
' iToad: cannot, compete with
, cotmnanjeation be tween the far
\: be via Pittsburgh.
lhe mere JSartbferh trade. .Cincinnati,
.ii'l St.'ljOqn Irwill 1 r will be bound to us
jjfougly .by land, thao the principal of
djiea have bpen by water commanlcation.—
the 'great half,way house
and:Ea*t, ..and in time,‘we
<pr : jupenoradtanUges for trade, the
for much’plj the; country west ofuv, a«
1-, ]^^' i Swiraf''all around or.'- Mr. McLane speaks r.f
- - <'£ with Pitlaburgli w’one of “a aceon-
V-. , / t.- - &irf . . Tbs gentleman; we are rare,
1 won Id change bt* opinion if hw would butvisit
-* -Jt«U a- ling time sineo Lewaabere,
:.-- - i h , grown relatively •• fast,
... . •: pcreasing relatively in trade and wealth
; : ,;v m fiflaburgh How is. .The great" rnisfor*
- ’‘C'.ovii-a jlr ia'thiroar negotiations and eotret
>^|^v^^^^w^been'- a proper
Understanding with, ach other,
v.-^.-.'s•■’*?(x focorrect' a misapprehension tinder
McLaot labors aa to thcSupplemental
| -last session .of tho Pennsylvania L%j
!/t ta *not \t%Q that the Conoeilsrille
} : r-' u .,v: connect thetbi&lyes’balh'with the
} • '.w.-.-'i«-r.'Ml Road-and the Balthbore. Company.
: v. builds the Hoad,or subscribe* the ms*
{ :•■■■ iv»ck. for the . Road .between this and
). . uaderthe liberal, chart er of the Coo*
j: .-' ' ‘ jompeoj, «hB controls the subject. She
1 . ? ' fati and acts unde r t charter, we repeat,
«, r.:--Vfr" v-i.thin laoy ever received, from this
/frofcabeipg powefless :.«T-ih«ub.
y<-. road shell becom ;
I&.&ftfti-X'- Wtmpg:wQ commend-to Mr; McLane,
• v;crtfu.flofly tn thA in Baltimore.
• i extetd your road' tn Enkerdiurg,
i~.:v :
J ■;,./
. of* 5w.0.1 to, ibis
rt&V''nflfßj aliii«ii&a|u iiLnceelioa
ire with si Hsr.
ior the p&jLse offetroib j * raond-aboat
i with-this city, show* lhat he is not
i iascmimcto the Vmportaiir** of milting
atiOa.’; ' ;
{eLsue ba* been iw well ar 1
btointelUgent editor* of the
the infill
-*■ Mr*]
I borne by
VuHrivem ttaldVi
.that toe feel w$ hate oo t
raobject farther.'. We quote
uve * dear conviction,that il
inanity of Baltimore u bent
connection’ with Pittsburgh, i
r at any point del
let demonstrate its purpose Lj
iont than words or .wicboa, o
a of town meeting*. Ih' Otb'r words
t ruse money and devise octiprjiiulepcn.
thn Rail Road Company they
their- shoolder to the wheel and
bcclcs to clay in tho s clood. J . -
rt oor purpose, at ibis time, to review the
•pained in Mr. Mcbinc'a We
fook at conclusions, be being morn to the
mJ quite a» comprehensible, tri say the
iny eeriee of readiliings or speculations,
, ingeniu*. Nurwuuld wo wish to die.
dently o
matt put
leave Hf i
Itjis n
ptitrifa co
prefer to
hTit, as
teir convictions those who are fiiti-fied
jMcLaneV views, and who arc willing,
'ttnm as the bi«is of action on thisTsnb-
jecl. It ia Urlb:*e who think differently that we
have particular reference—to tbo»o who thihk that
the greet point j>f a connection with the Ohio
should h'oi be sacrificed to the remote mid doubt*
ful contingencies of Virginia legttl&tiori, end who
are of the opinion that the route now offered to
Pittsburgh, on practicable term;*, would be a pro
ductive route, profitable in itself and immensely
■beneGfipl't? the city, and that the expenditures
.necessary to make it pvailaWe would neither im
pair our means nor diminish’otir chances for iv
•Southern route hereafter, but rather enhance
ellanconi Hi
iamni»t)ou'u> WbL
jrd* of the-Connellf
lotue the 'making 6f'
iteft "TThe word i are
.potft oa ?ba, lot lei
\ ibi*. State.” - i 1
ioorgiw* tb&tbec
■rmediirtif &rgbli o
aflboothcr, I iL
■irtincValdbo cal.
ow fl?ery «rea d is
by itk'b&nka an I the
ter tfcaCWahkt coti-‘
r irouble- to oza nip*
,To g» trf* Pittsburgh or to slay oi Cumberland
“ —4hesc uej the alternatives. Let tbo business of ikcra. Wo arc loldto r*')e«:»
, . the former because nf the competition of Phitaiiel
** pbti. : F.ut wr shall have competition at Cumber
land.: The Cbf-sapeakc and Ohio Canal is about
to l*o completed, under arrangements which, it
r * appear*, the parlies concerned have made. W n
G i ahall then have competition at CumbirUnd. Tbo
• .Virginia |a«T Rral»tiQg,the righl.of way|to Wheel
jag -obligates tKe* Rail* Road .Company to roak«*
conrioptions with the Caoat tra**u at Cumbcihuid
nululiia.for, traiubipmcutf(iim the mail to the ca
’bal. Will hot this stipulation'll embodied In
ht of way fiooi that State toiony point
•« Ftipulation tvl.ich mustl'P rrcard
t treprtano* to the pTotyini' inter
/mia fawn of Alexandria !
itinn on tWPuNhurch rj<'
''rntif.iwe bcTTcrtt, a*
accorniutxuie tuc u »-> .• .....
. M would pour Ihmugh ttic opened av.
llc j riW Look «t ; your mad fn .Uamt>< Hand oi.c
* c I hundred und forty.four miles distant fro nihe Obi.*,
* j yet alresdy quickened by tin* electrical ercitcm-Mit
' of an approach noriejferthin that to h- gigaurie
body of the great At U;‘n tinmcnt the
road is crowded vriib trade, *o much so that cam.
plaints are daily undo f>f the went of accommo
dation. Its groc* receipt* last year irrre nearly
one million of dollars; hud although r does not
d£> much in the tray of dividends, it i t groaning
under tbe premuro of arj bus mesa: ■
To all suggestion*, then, of nppreht nded en>
petition) fi»r of tbo West we s oujd say—
%tt to the Ohio! To all question* abo it -Northern
rotates or Southern mutes, legitimate te rrmnati»n«,
rights way, or monopoly, we wool! answer—
gttfo tfte Ohio' Committees and co-responder:,
era, rflAdationa and negotiations—Ut them all
give to the earnest d» termination of striking
-• time anj at the first
Tljp UutLtiifdvKf*«;«•* -• • —.l .1
and a trap philosnf.Drr. Up. In Hit* rao-t pulnmn
' manner advised ln« tun Jo i>e sfffi'njH oufl a tnt
when he had nothing r/jf to dir — for u wlmld lv
growing while he woatd be «!.-rptn2!
Remember tfc«, you who ljte 4, u grevn i*pot in
memory’# wa«:e.” Thi.ce who nd»r 1 a' city or
country, dignify therorclTCfi, nr.d ♦mr’to're not only
Ibrir Ott-fr dwr’tnics but U<* »• JtT;:-
sj:; :>a»J that that 11. m hernia ::*r
who nude two blades of gr««» (•< prow vtji le but
One grew before," end eo.of him who relicvri the
eye front the sombre wall* of a crowded Urit r by
a elude tree. We fear Pittsburgh is far iltr iin<ly
almoat all other cities m that pubfic spirit which
delights in public io'.i'roTemFnt.-'. At hasi jbiir
if room fur improvement, and r.ctv in tin- j\cry
monies OJ spring-time. let us hegVp
Hospital Fajk las| evening anil
was vi«it«d by a large concourse of|people. [The
object a a charitable one, anil the de
mand up in the chanties of the people we (hope
l no diminution of intercsl or of zdsl in !
groat wc tk« J>f bcncvoWiiav—A-fopgjg*.* ban
ner may bo seen every evening during ibe Fair,
and it w U be disposed of by tickets, it Qfyr renis wing understood that tiip recipient will
. present it to his favorite company, i/hanre. may
be bod o f Thomas Kennedy, corn* r If Woo I iu»d
Fourth streets, and at thn different newsiapcr
offices. The fireman's banner is painted by Mr
Hall, a j oung and promising The ladies
Jji»e fit iibid it with beauty. It «il In
disposed of when sixty tipkel* arc sold.
Thk Pbcx m Mexico. —Then* are four Amor
lean already published in Mexico—
one_*t Mitamorav, on at Monterey, on thr Pacific,
.one at Monterey, (New Leon.) and one at Tam.
ploj. A l * we Imlieve “the pen n. mightier .than
tile swoA]," eo we expect the Press will do'imore
id end a|id improve the war than alt thr r alnmu
?njtmn which has been <>r exhausted in its
prosecution. j
Ur wiliT *I*TMORiTfl—The Pr.e.«iili'itt b \s not
only raidli laws for the (iovernrncnt ol Meitcn,
without too advice and cim-vut of t-oncri?-*, bo 1
gojngu ftjp beyond all bis predrersr'/ri, and ail
precedent, he l« al<out to send .Mr. liogardu*. of
tb{ New Vork,custorn-limne, under cover of
military commission, as the i/r farfo crdlrrtnr a]
Vera Unix, of the “con nhution*” to be taken
from imports into that pot, for the “«i.J nail com
fort” of tlje arjiy.
The aXoii Holsl, ,Ncw York, hss bn*n illu
ynin&ted in honor of the battle at Hurm V ista.
Tl.e C ty CoritKib. of Philadelphia have rr
trdved »n in illucmiia'ion'in honor of the virtnry,
and the F th i* prop'.-ej, bring thn anniversary
of the tic ol I.ciuigtiin,
Tut UTm O VltTOlll is Cusuiticct, oil
Monday lout is one of lhn’mo*t complete and gint
ifying we hart- over be p»i called upon to record.—
The triumphant mete** of the whjolc of the VVh:tr
Stall* txrkvl, and the rvcltclion of 1 tho la*t tide,
gatinr. in Cmigrers which wo* cnmjMJwd ofjour
Whig#. a» utile and true njt any in the land—are
“fixed farm.” which will <rhe< r the hearts cihnU of
atir political brethern tbrrtaglmut the Union. And
another exceedingly gratifying fact is the knowl
eJqe that the victory nra> won. on pun ly national
and Whig is-ue*, and without any admixture of
new and obnoxious imu, So we soy wdh all
our heart, '‘Nobly done Whirs of (‘ormecijcut!'*
.And to thuaentiinpiil. a* we said brforr. we doubt
flbt Uuj. Whiga of th» Union will a*i cordially re*
•pood.— N. y. vryj. 1
The I«oco Focoa it mutt be reowmlwred la»
year elected their State ticket, Governor, Legists
tufe. Joint Ballot and all. The victory therefore.
|« topophtlc c and one that old Connecticut and the
Union ought lo‘to be proud of.
|A»J» Slave**: resuvn it NaW York>-
TfieHon. Geo..Rathbun » Icadilng Deonocutic
(torn New York. ip the late Congress,
conejutlea a letter itldreaacd to the| i 'Albany\ At
■ tas^^oa'-
1] “Om «Mjn cnneloiioo: ay feeliDgiana jadg.
ikoAt ato.w rthMul? culUteJioft™ offrep'terri
■(tirft and iigam«t of alavery, that-I
< tHII 'Tote for m man aenator orj
frttftfeht*of ro*tfcttfd But*s>*he baa »otod or j
Trill n>to fctfCthi tixteimon of;»b*c*iv.ftc againu I
for any *actr office wiQij.Uot
' *«{y ao<L«OMrelT io fiTor of
j, W;e»tspifc»'of Warier*. ‘•Jnaiif" territwyrb**
.i fl i , b
ikr iIAGNEITC TELEGRAPH. t. j ' yo, 1
lorto-UKjaon of Henry Clay has called forth the ——l - ,-.=-r —-=ss.-- : fU J - ..... r . 1 '
from,(he Lexington Obierver : ~ i Uepor, * d „ for FU, ‘ l^K^ t ’* Xe,le ' I ihL raarketwereorniUed. Our Dekpatchg.’d. on to
of Aihland, ,ud-l*ucretta ( Ur.—ifo, and wsn boro Uilißkll A m M_IUU an . . Tfcc tcccl|>u J,, lr tl . t , n.,vo goo. r sllr
Jhtf' lOib dayiOf April, 1811. ”At the age of six* ‘ J REPORTED TO BE \T '-Hen 'i»cdi.itHfroniraetr- ma.ii: for totim «ieiiw*n ; .
teen, he graduated at Transylvania University, aod * '] **‘ . np i, PV ,..n , Sullen nr#- muouj .1 . m<i£psc<>r their stock* at
shortly afterwards entered, as a cadet, in the public THE CIT\ OF-'wEAICU IAJ.M. rr,K-, q ao t a t lOn „'but buyer? are.a.ot fre<> in tlierr purcha.
academv at West Point, where he remained the RY .(pRDEiRED TO .ATTACK AIAARA-;
the nwol period of fod. yeoie. Bach-m.hi.ldil- . UO-LeN- TA YLOR AT MONTEREY- j „-j r |’K.” fiS”3d a‘.‘l'.'Jhl £«
igencc in his studiee that, to a class of about sixty, . TU’JGGS ORDERED TO ATT\CK * hit-siMiu tx-cu »!>uinr.l, and swim parcel* are :<•»»-
he obtained the seem*] honor. He declined, ac- a . a «L.. rfn C. l Hmnr « T »r prrp 1 pWiiMvwuhdrjwn from the market,
ccpting the commission inihe army, which is Jen- ■ THE ftACIUA Al. mUlKifc. lUhrl r.K- ( p,, :(i o Vei'ow Coni u vHlug-at'.'!!« IKhr pi r bu.
craliy tendered to the graduates of that institat on, ; TIC XACIOy.iL. j hudf-riiic o.iluenci! nl the horeign ncwaprnei
and applied himself to the study of the common j ■ ? ,ve, ‘ " .
• n.t trim 1.l to k.elth nMunla.l KlJtf tjdrre«pCLJ» tK - * Ol ‘lie t'lU.burßtl UOJrl 1-. • |' .lilt' 1 Ul.lAl't IS lafljjtl !.l SHli IrUPtlVf*. COlDtiarri]
and cml law. HU delicate health prevented h I aHRI PHI\ Anril 1° 10 V\t I "' ll ‘*>•'things prenousio the receipt of
practice of bls profesMun, for which he was well MIA, April U, 10 A. M lJ|f [- orr)L , u nf>w , t*y tlic Washington Irving, and the
qualified. Ho hurried;in 1832jJalia,lbedaugb* 1 By *’ t bu»inr*N ooing is limited
ler of Thomaa'Prather. Esq., of Louisville, and 1
in company with her went to Europe, in 1835, :
•where they remained eighteen months, and where
they lost their eldest child. On his return to ’
K»ntccky, bc twice represented his native' eoun- I Cruz,
ty of Fayette in the General Assembly. In Feb- . All
ruary, 1840, he Ut ht* lovely, beautiful, ahd ac- j lh# aU ,
corapli-ibed wife, and was so much affected by the ’
melancholy cveiiUhat-he never entirely^recovered i BnJ “
tram its effects, and resolved never U marry again, j nia regi
Ho removed to Louisvillo a few years ago. and j (ienn
occupied himself with the care and supermten- i n, c t - api
dencoofthe education of his three children, to J llon iUI
nbnm he was passionately attoch'rd. When lust j .|. (|e j
spring, a call was made upon Kentucky lor vol- ]
untrors under the uct liftyonßieaa, authorizing the ; n
acceptance of the services of fifty thousand, ho was j e c *' I
among the fir»t to tender himself to the Governor, bj
of tho State. Appointed second in command of or put remains to he seen.
toe second Regiment of Infantry, upon the rcn» It wt s believed that Santa Anna was ready for
dezvous of tho regiment at Louisville he devoted, Peace. »ml that the Mexican Congress would also
hiin.cti, with untiling Ibe discipliie of the „ ~„U e „ 1V I.
regitmni, und upon Us arrival in Mexico, whilst , , , ... * „
ho < T .nl arm was hroto mccidenlmlly. he c.mlin- >■»" m, « bl 1 ' -“''mitwd try oar Oa.nniaeaL
ued with his leli arm to wear hw aword and daily j Commodore Perry was ahout starting, fi.r an
to mii.-ti r his jegiment. Such was the succefs \ attack upon Alvarado by rea and it would no
with kvhich it was drilled and disciplined, that J j oU j,i tc ruccersful as the equipments were com
Gen.| T'aylor is believed to'bave reputed morc.con- j .
fiJorjce in it than in any other volunteer regiment “
unJ«jr his command, and hence assigned to it the r General la \ ego, was not among the Prisoners
inostj |>eritous and important! duty during ,lho bat* j He had gone to the Nucional Bridge, a strong natu
'!?* i \ • ral ami artificial f.iriiikation.
The Commander-in-chief,^nd all other accounts | had
cnndur, os to the coolness i
whidli he born himself in (be t
existence. The grief at Ash .
ori’timi children, the heartfelt
cire'e of devoted Tnctids, site
virtue* i f t|:e Jt-partcd eiin, f
and [that a great trrepara
been sustained.
A member of the I*u>:i
Pittsburgh, write* a ktler to
crij.tire of some of the lAiitu
mg near Tern Cruz.
Uie I' tter, nnd we infer.from
♦•HVe tc>k the tnlljii half an hour, Without the
| : >«..f a single tuna. The/Mexicans bad 400
trV]>i on the hill who gave is lots of balls as we
went 4iji. The bill i* an almost perpendicular
a'Cfliit. We cut our way through the chsppenl
wiib our bowie knives. A night our company
waul placed by themselves. At C o'clock about
60 horsemen attacked up. ' Ve gave thorn two or
three :;rcs in platoon, whe i they took French
u<., At daylight itcy attacked us again
.with 300 idfantry and ii(?0 cavalry. They came
wjthm thirty yards of u>. \V e lay still to Uy and
cel iu« - m rime to u«. hit tiey womd not come,
k-i we c »t up and gave t 1 ien i ’‘hark.” We killed
s;i ImUntry and live (I got one of the
horU's ami saddles and al l t ie rigging ) The tight
tbeli became general. "t*)u 1 regiment, with the
Sodth Carolina and Tennessee, came up. W’e,
with our regiment were
.serve, as our company h:
Tuesday m•»bl. Our dr
S’'W .* “"««}*
i■, | h
1:1 the We
IU ami bullet* trum tile
lu>)£» call the bomln *‘Jum
Vie flct p mi the sand
cts.’ Ii basi rim
(jijil. May it
Air;! till
Mr. !S r|.fien 11.
**ial the frijrM «]i
talo holr.’i pljCi'i
it to jcvarm Uie a
•■•ration it dinner. . ty». with t ian
t> rii. ii. the -hole," two or throe rode di«unt from
•in- ri o-i-, to j.r.Kuro them. Upcoming-alarmed at
i n.f.. father hastened in aearch of them
and loui»1 the m both in the cavity in the earth
where th.- potatoes were kept, in a *tate of insea*
The younger lad. James, aged seven years, lay
upm bis face at the farther end of the hole, while
the elder, Aloruo. aged nine yeua, nia lying on
Lis hark near the entrance.'" The lantern was ex
| with the basket at the out
-.Sl4f-;>T the entrance, It appeared that the light
had gone nut immediately on entering the place,
T ami that tho older boy bad proceeded to the mouth
of the cavity with his lantern and basket, and then
attempted to run for his brother, hut was unable
t j reach him. They were immediately taken
from-the place, hot all effbrte to restore tho young
•t c»nc was unavailing. The elder boy partially
recovered on the application of proper restoratives,
hut f .r several days was in a state of great physi
cal debility and mental tlUrration,— AWtrtiy Me
Aiicertifrr. I
Ai-Li i.ulsi (“itt. —The L'oumiln't Alleghe
ny city have appointed tt committee tu procure
miisctiption* 1o stock Or ferreting .1 Water \V«rk*
The prirr ul a *haro la lWcnty-fj»o dollar*. In the
Effect Council (be cum uitlen 011 Finance have
b<M-ji instructed tu report tbe matt expedient plan
nf 1 Jibing $. r >(M)0O to U- expended in pernuncnl
impfiivcmenla in the atreetai
TU I Mayor hat* been
wa'jaiit on the Treaatm
t'••■nji tiutj who are su g.
at ;j:ii — liitpak
“i'Vdi £».w* " —()n Sunday CormlaUle Hague,
in ijnmjuuy willi Capf. Guthrie. arrertej a ile-wit
er i<iro:n (Ini Company enrolling liy Capt. U ) im
mH iosrpli Prim, rip-maker, on Nivill.-Yl.ilanif,
afttfr nn animal- ii cha.-'c, during which he ran
IhfwUgh ahoow, an.l jumped from'a «econd atory
window., 'Price, ii naH enlisted when intoxica
ted i— ltUpalch.
ih'.iVRTLrAWIA it AI Director* flt
a yesterday, aeljcU-d John Edgar Thom
*». n Chief Engineer, qnd Edward-Miller, ami
William iJ. Foster, as Ariociale*. The work will
Im»v hi* purhcJ ahead wit|» all the vigor, ol which
the l>u*:rie*« h*i«t4 and promptitude ill the Prcvi- -
dent sunl Directors give abundant warrant.- Aar/A
A„„r. ' j
h’uiTrar.—Jlif laid down o« a mifim
in Jrapc culture, that nniine ahnuld he permitted
to ripen its fruit until iU Item measure* .1 inche*
in gut jurt above the ground ami tb it it u U«t
not to let I ■earing vine* jirodoro a *uperohat}d«
mee ol fiui*. aw 1 he conirqtienec « injuriously felt
fi.r many jeara.— Arn.Faryi^r.
1 o nnvot tiia Cutoa o* a Husk.—Place •
freih gathered rose in water t*far aa the stem will
allow, itv-n powder it nvetj wjth fine rappee anulf,
being carelut not to load'it i'tjo much—iri about
three hojrs. on •baking off the enuff, it will have
become i tore. *
We hope no rmc will', be green enough to try
the experiment. ,
Emioii **xs.—l r «f ’JUI) crfltnigranU
I had onmd at Nrw Vurk['laHt wrrk. Tho rush
] upon (lie Alms House, it Sit said, it appalling.—
j One .individual a ; bong rlan who hail auflered
J wrlh' ihe'ship fevt- v was a Imfero skeleton, and so
J very-ffp\>!o lUat Ili could! hardly walk. It wa»
i actually sickening io approach within 20 feet ol
I the poor offemivo was the smell.
! fioou ToiSTs.—lOurTajlorjo M
i at least in <mo branch of ‘
breeches for Mexitana.
By Keel H. Kdth.—(ie t. Taylor: like an ac
coraplit>hi‘i] workxneo, he cm cut, and hem, and
\fell, and tew, but baa never yet learned tbciocA-r
ttitch. T
.. Tbt following pt|mgo froi
Uttc, degree, the Ma
, -Canil Mod fightnij
go, aiid.Mj U»folhce,jbcrt j
e UttfeiitanrißaUroad bate
” »** ««J«a t*.
W'-higi/of,Jfow Vorl
k&kfMptkfrr Major* '
l I
-r -m
and p.ll.ntrj »ilh. - S'noin ,:urnmt wi.h
last moments of hi# i choice body el troops, find a battle would ran doubt
md. tho learn of hi# jhe the cnn»ci{uence. There were also alioilyofl
sorrows of a latß® : Motion troops at Jnlapa, a part of the forco of!
>t the lo»* and the I , »• ,• ~ > _ -«, ,
ther. brother, trlcnd U ' *«*• """ '"* m,> ■“» uf ,h ™ «»
)le bereavement has ! cavalry.
! It wjf believed that the advance of Gen. Scolt
• j into tin- interior would be resisted at every step.
[ E7TDI.ST Bliss, of j \\* e have Brazos dates to tho 28th of. March
ais family here. dv.i. Qeueral Taylor had arrived at Muoirrcy and had
tifbes alter the land- p f lroo p H jj, pmsuit ( ,f General
Chronicle publWtw I ufaa. other news not important,
t, that all our l*cnn-j .
uflicrrs and men—-to tbc gallant officer* and men
of our na<ry, this great ■chic'erncnthas U*n af.
lected jwith little I urns of life on 'our part, Wo
hayo taken the Gibraltar of the we*t*rn comment.
We have adJod new laurels tj,our wreith. The
«"H' and * dmin,6,m " f -A« P«|4c (ire due ; Slw y„„. _|, e.,,i, ,i,„ „,y „| UnU,*.
t.. M.j. Soon. We ™. R , alo ld,e „u, , sIEIKM ., s c |,; n w , to l'o.
country •(•». upon the prone,ol their non, end , Ato> ,„J *232.9111)
I ! for e'cti.ed,. r nre other city,
(,01. Totten erried llte new, to Wo.hi,, J 0„ tet
fro,, the Arm, «nd MUJapm™ llu B h, f,o„. the c,, „„„ ,„r eleunlm; the -tre.u, much the
Army. Colonel T. ,;i,e, the lollnwtn* i, the „ VJ
terms pf capitulation : _ .
• Thst the garrisons should lay down their arm.« The lire mi MuncUy. at immi, m tins smoke
u planners of mr-officers retaining their |, au ,,. u f \lr John <in.-r.on Fayette Snort near
Uu .ho, Bhfluld march out with the bmidr* ufwa, w if . Jt tllh while horn.
—saluting the flags nf city and castle from their .
<iwn batteries, on striking them, at the moment 1 ,nc tlsal 1 1,;,T0 1,1 it —*»oruc -U»if.
ih» tfo.»ns wen-surrendering then arms; that the OOIJ lb-* was destroyed nr Iwlly :mi;n d It ap
. - rever, that a pnitilmn wall iomilo tt.e
-• ed rn«»>t 11 it. an<l liff.ire ti c.iulJ exti-i d
i ha.l it under. The cwtumted damage
en iliirq oil as a re*
Kern under arms *iaco
jn I (Ml three men.—
«rr»Un» Te?ito«nl, nu
MU' plt-uivi.i wOiL
Iciljr ami easlic. Our
ten!.-; or blank*
vo Jaya.
iJ ha< not
(he rotn>
A. K.
CUttie the it m 4;, ,
tucb portion* of the armament an miy n>t
have teen destroyed daring the continuance >if
the war, mat/ be liablu to l*e sTipuij
lions in the treat; of peace; that privjie pyooerty
is to bo inviolate and not liable to to taken «m,-
out arrangement with the owner; that the religion
uf the inhabitants, its institutions. an ! <vnm<.rii.<
are solemnly guaranteed; that'ulfuers and iutu
under parole may remain in the city to setile pn
*ato affair*, not to exceed five Jam.
■ iiCih ul(.,
Ho hi* "{k>-
ng coal* in
it hi* poU
having oc
thc prep-
A Iriendly communication had lioeii Opened
wjih the town of Medellin, twelve milre ; south
ward of Vera Cruz, after a sharp skirmish, con.
ducted by Col. Hearney, against some Uoops that
attempted to obstruct the way. An expedition
by land and watrr. was about to proceed t.j Aka
rado, where, howevtr, c<» npp.j.umn was 1 bolted
for. Indeed. it w*a confidently stated in tamp,
when the Princeton sailed, that Mexican commit
toners had already arrised for the purpose of treat;
mg for the •übmicamn of tha. place. Tftejmnci.
pal object of Gen. .Scott at Alvarado is to open a
•oarce A supply of borsee, mule*, and beef cat
lie. j
SfK . The flag of ihe United State* «>f America
tl«t* triumphantly over the walls ut tin* ctt? and
the cu'tle of San Juan d'Clloa.
Our t.oop* have garrnuncd both since !() o'clock
h H now noon. Bn g. Gen. Worth i* m command
of the two place*.
Articles of capitulation wt-ro signed ;irt«l fV
changed. at a late hour, night before lan. '
I bate heretofore reported the 1 principal Inci
dent of the siege up t., #n- 25th insiant. .>othing
ol striking internal occurred (ill early in the morn
mg oiflhc nextday, when I received overture* from
General Laadero, on whom General Morales had
dcTolved the principal command. A tcrnhlij
of wind and sand made it dilßcuft to cntpmuirate
with the city, aodjimp.wsihlo to refoi tr. <’. llni(l
dore Perry.
after Iho unrther had the
eomrnunoijcr* appointed by mo early thri nmrt..
mg t*toro. had aeain met those splinted jhy (loj
Landfero, Commodore Perry Kent ..»hoi« hi* wr
ond in coinmaud. Captain Auiick, a* a commis
sioner on the part of tho Nary. |*{, o
American cotumUHinnvm were. Urcvet lirijadirr
General Worth, Brigadier, General Pill >w.. a ,d
Colonel Totten.
n imthonwd t.i Jru» hi>
r*r in fa*nr rf ibe Engim
• ih! condition, tor Uir nuir
ya, eh.
remaining detail* <d t|,t» siege; ih.: a h|e
co-o|M ration ot tho United Sutlej r>>]t(oclr.>n Mir
cauatvely under the command of Cnmmodom’Oon
ner' ibid Perry; the iidintinhle cuijiJuct of thb whole
army—tcgulira and volunteer*—! ,i,uuld be him
py .lo dwell upon a. they deserve; but tho|*trarn.
jn prince tun. with Commodore Connor on b.»*rd
U tinder woy, aud I bnvu comm, need orcaniiine
an'oiNanco into the interior. Thi« may! I>.* d,*
laycd a few day*, wailmg (hr arrival ofJ
mcansot lranfpiutal.oh. In the iiieaniiu,,, a joint
.pdralion, by land nmTWatfr. will I*. ,„ Ull p Uf)( „
No lateral erpmlibon. however. shall
int<\rfr»e with the grand movement towards || )P
capital. WINFIKM) st;t j |*T,
| Witliiu lljf (.Vile ..f Sau .I i|.»n lie Uilou.
I wnto this within Uiocmtle. '|‘ho t>at(vriex in
thefily an* now salutin'!. 'ijho Amnican flag*
nre already howU ; £i*n two firt«oj the cilyi. The
American colors will !*• next displayed f»n t| ir .
cwllr. , M. U.PBriKV.
A U'rriMn «li>rro at ami m
the (iulf, while the negotiation* were Ro‘m-j> „„
Twelve American nchooneru, one hatquo air | it, r , v
brigs *rre totally lost', ami other teasels r*n„u,| v
damaged. Coin. Peiry, his despatch; of ttm
Hay*: .•[
lam wiitiug in the mldit of one of ii )C | hrnvi.
mt norther* I ever e tprrienred. Twenty. three
merchant vcmp!* have already gone ashore nimv
morning, many of them with army slurps aiid
munition*. ’ j‘
Tho vcucls of tho iijuaJrim have to far held
on. Tho lom of life' I fear will be great. [Thl* i*
the third norther wr haVe had since I took com.
raand. live day* snipe, and wo Lave hadi thirty
wreck*. 1 . j
Unofficial lint of hilled and wounded before
Cruz, from the Ittndini' to the taking j,
aion of the city and the eas(lc---twriich},
thr'Mth to the‘2oth March. 1
Ilor jo Mexico: an adept
jhia bntineu—making
Najrj—l oflicer end G rnm in ilia shore
ry,(r|o.G.) ’• ;
Arrpy—>2 officers and 6 men. I
Total, 3 officer* and 12 pen.
1 ffousnin. *
Nayy—l officer and G men in tho shore
ry, (£io. 5.)
Army—3 officenand 40'raen.
Total, 4 officers and 40 men.
n iob ia uic] loillua.
gnetic Telegraph ••
if, (bat they may
re are?”
killed, and pounded, 7 officers ai
men—making, in all, 65 persons.
Officers killed—CipL John R. Vinton !
tiilery; Captain Albartif, 2d Infantry; Ml
T, B, Bbubrickt navy. r
Officers wounded—Llent Col. Diekiasc
rC»rolit|B volunteer*, aoverely; Lieut'A. 8.
•win, navy, alightly; Lieut Delozier David*
infantry, very slightly; Lieut Lcwir "
goon*, severely. All the wounded ar
bare nominated
e auival of the Southern Mail, tbit* morn-
Usitrmore Telegraph being out of older.)
New Orleans dates to the 4th nf April,
-»e full particulars of the attack on Vira
lie prct'ious .advices arc cOr.firnird on to
i k upon the iif j and nl .Vera ttruz,
ii believed that not cne of the l’entisrlvu
in»nt were injured in the aesaull.
r; I Santa Anna, it wti reported,had »e.tch*'«l
iii>! *rt Mfiiru. uid put down tl,<* maurrcc
it'-d tiv tlie l ‘tcrjrv, on tl.e IHlh of M.irrli
(evolution it wii believed. »us at an end*
ice had been rcilored under the inllu-
Sanl.i Anna. The clergy bad been put
tile- <internment, but whether rurccsifully
' rtf \ L-tv;
!■ 1
Hsii>nL'»Rri*j or -rut Ah»<;t,
) Vr.Ri Cor*, March 2tf, |f;47'. S
I i*. v. March 2*».
Thc Exc tPTinxs*—The official despalch of
AdjuUnl,GcneraM}|iiix, written under the direc
tion i>f General Taylor, contain* the following
paragiaph, we should be sorry to be the
subject of. Having bestowed a high compliment
opnn the brave, the order adds a kindness
that must make the rebuke the more slinging:
. “Whilst I to-lowing this ju»t tribute to the good
conduct of the troops, ibe general deeply regrets
lossy that there were not n fe.v exceptions. He
trusts that those who fled ingloriously to Buena
\ rsta, and even to Saltillo, will seek tin opportu
nity to retrieve their leputation and to emulate
the bravery of their comrade*. who bore the brunt
of the battle, and sustained ogaiust fearful odd*
the holier of the flig.”
The following paragraph also em odiea the
sentiment of the General in command:
“The' exultation of success is checked by the
heavy sacrifice of life which it has cost, embracing
many, officers of high rank and rare merit. While
the sympathies of agratetul country will be given
to thc bereaved families and friends of those who
nolily fell, their illustri jus example will remain for
the In'ijctit and admiration of the army.'*
military Iteuls.
Salutes Lave been fired at Cincinnati &. Newport,
iu honor of the glorious victory of Buena Vn-
Thc Bostonians arc raising a subscription to
purchase the highly trained hoise, Bucephalus,
belonging to Sands, Lent 6c Co., Circus, as a pie.
sent to Gen. Taylor.
Lieut. l.iiiK*\rii».j:, ii| die Philadelphia Light
Guard, died of brain fi vei on Inrard the ship Bus
sell Glover.on th:- ?lit ult. below \‘era Ciuz.
Lieut. Fat has received orders to take
command of four companies of the 10th regiment
oud repair immediately to Mexico, and will em
bark at Governor's Island, New Vork.
j lung war. “Who are they!” **iJ one ! ".Umrral
torr;i/o and Atlmiml ,V. rthfr," was the response,
; and we know them t* be enemie* more omriipo-
i>( lotmcd. s *mr tu.oonitn.meal -les*
Du l<r.i4Nr Editor nl the Mvs.erv has beer,
fined >! oi I >r a I.M up.o, Tti.,.mi* Jdinsou
The P.rst -ays tbit a pe!:li m is .mi a-kii.g the
Governor to rrmii the penal y, and ii hopes tie
Governor may {rant the privet a r the
I«i i «.«in \ C»[H 'i'lioniptsri, I'arm.ltj-y ,\[>r J'3i|i
.la kvn:u.-*>.« »j.i. Trut>y, W f iln«-iU4>-, Apr *Hiii
, 1.. On Cra g r|iu'*<2uv. A|.r>J ISlh. -
j 1... t a |«. I ,»I>' llrr»ev fc'mlaj-.iAja.l HI.II 1
... j..w,,«>»i | • z
('iTT <l. f’l J r*Hl !!'•!»
Hi.»cki.>n have r-veiv.-.? 3 Im-juulul vw .<1 Ihiu
•burgh. « liy \V. ( >;( I'bi 1 ).!«•!.
ptu4 >[>lrn4id jiamtii’g by ;W, f* Wall,
and j'lmird »u litter tiire!*
Two tlri tint* were vw>rlv**' on Monday ill rbc
Ml; cl.eny rur. i<«n» unljlm >c! •. ..irr,-l.- under
tho old bridge , the '..tin r t».e li’.t pier
mi the Allegheny thd< . >-f them was loaded
aitt. P.< Iron.
Smop tho departure i*l thu troops our city ha*
be< lino comparatively ♦qtne. Wr no longer nee
them grouped at evriy -miner. ’
M e understand toa' M illinni M. K. Morgan,
M. D. ' I J‘it«l>r.rgii. ha* tven elector Resident
Phj sicnn ot Hi • Pennsylvania Iliqutil. in this
city. To* Kc .id.M.t Pby-ir'iacf <>i tbi* Hospital
ha*the menu ot acquiring itifninmlicin'Tol the
higli« »! importance to him in hu profeKiional ya
irrr; and in \l:i! pieHcnt ca*«\ tho gentleman select.
••‘I will pro! shly, at tho termination of hi* official
relations (a : the dose <>l two year*.) with the ir.*
•wuliorr. f-rofiM\l to Allegheny county, ami there
g:*i- in ttir community the bciuffiis of hi* valuable
acq’usjtiloi. it it thu* (and in many yther brays)
that tho Pennsylvania Hospital Ivcoraea pure
mvi-Iv uaolttl to society alitoad. Thoio who fed
llul ' . ‘t
■TJ.. ]■ -i-l -tori) . < 1a.0.l t.J i | M ,|*' I
pursue that -study with special U-ni’At tu tho suf*
frrrr-i under, m the wards’of thatjgn*at
«haritv, and then carry with them for general good
tln< ltn<>ivli*dcn and experience they have thfre jc V. Caztfte.
Hr. Murgan w;i* mia'iimously elected t.> this
m.|*.r lint office, an.l the lu xt* of our. com
munity all finihmi in his now scenes of lalvi.
(.'riu r3n «|"»r. —The_ I’liuhing Journal
uy< a lady ni lhal town cured herself of a
dr.ipsv hi ihe hy luing the i.kil of the gar.
«i<*n ji.iriwdy. A lew cleaned ro its tyern boiled in
a ij'iart of water, until it wj•< diminished to a pint.
U> jH-atndly during (tie dnv'n small quantity was la
km, mtsrd with a portion of riii,and every symp
tom disappeared. After n'frW dove* the Rin wa*
oimtlerl -.rid.tin* deor.oiion yrily unil. The Jour,
nul vtMiclip* for the truth. •>( thin case.
Afl.ri coal houl* left on Momlay for cities
h. low.
MOOTS 0,1)0
\<f. «rt KOrrtTII STUKKT,
I )! (i h’ o J | U K a t.L K V
. ;> Hot.l . 1.1 mi.V
l>rl. r IKU.I.AKS
J .-iI ** Wl; KILLIN'-'
i '[TfiW'H .*ti i* i Dr fv;;-., j
In.l'li: r J'.in. u>u. ,v,.. i-rn.,|.
~| t -.1... J.=.|-'r They »<:
"‘n-- lit *1 .1
IM .ttt.. ..r..-,-i»
Mri.fcM -
1 llal.'.aM- Tr... ]tiiD;nii « vv.ih
out :i parallel .•! having. •Inline a Irmi of nearly l«Tim
year*, um'ijiriiiiril j| t f high rrpunttion wlurlt M hu»
i.c,Ui|. ct mi l'<.it*‘iinjilivi« . an.l nil die- V*
..1 il.uiii:*'hiand ri, P « t . h i, a » t, r<; „ „, «h
probably sf.<:iler*ueep«* ll.un any ivji'rr arrrli: known,
amt rhnny | lr> • irmn. win* linve hail an iiuimriuu iv n,
wiUi*i»*nrß M filil* •o’uinry.rtre.-i.. ,},) i, 4>l i„ M j[;,ip
cum* mrikme, e.jinl .I' 1 no! i«iij.e,,,»r >o :.nv rnhfi |Vrc
r .pli..n 'f*r ll.i- ill.o-.r et.ri,j.l:, ui ;, w .ili.ri If,.- r whole
kr,o"l-li;r undone di-jj,;,,,.,,|, L .
rerwn.hlri.- •’i ol thu.e who Irive ... ||
“ j ni.'l viDua-dr rrin-d.V for l'oiniiiii|Hi„h». AMiuim.
l*lrmr*V. I lilt. «H-. >f*ilHop ol IJiot.rl, Uhnopmc <\mgh.
I -ouch* llrom.iitl»s hud I'liliunijiiry AffciMmn* of rwry
For *ule ht>lc«nlc uj.d rela.l l,v
a;is cur till) anil wood and for )•) pud W(WU | m.«
Wlioleaule Drag War<htfu» Removcif
HA Vl* erected an cxiciuive warehouse on tli« cornr r
of Woou and Firm >trcet»,io winch they have
removed llitir Whole.ale bu«inpmi, where ihey will
always hate on hand nu extensive auumiticiii of all
i ihe articles in ihcir line. io which they invit.- the uttcu
tion of ilia public.
The Drug husirtera tvill Ur runmiacdni tin* oL'simod
corner ol Hit and. Wood m« ' aprs
—lOO (cam« Cap Writing Paper; .
CO \do (.••tier do do;
MO ido P. C.dirnw Wrapping do;
«!W 'do Medium do do do. j *
I'** ** do do do; *
K do do,
tc« I’rnii mid Irwin »M
**, •• s '
:. £7*lnii]M>rt*JU to Ad vert I sar*. —Tic ajvcr
which app<A< In thej Ds.fy Morning GaacUt.
ftbo apMarni the Trt'flVeekly. ihu« receiving the ben
tSi oi. the circnlaiio'i of till, without any additional
cbars<\ Tbit is an advantage to our advertisers; without
ajT}’ extra ripen*e. Adveiusemrtut nr* also m«ened
in rociiiry paper upon teavmuMp irrw,
Tht» Proprietor of the Pittsburgh (iazette has
purchased the interest of Meiers. White »V. Ilarns.
in the Onette Job Printing cslablt‘bnvM’' \l
Puikus will, a* hitherto, superintend the nlbnc.
imi if) orders for books or Job Printing of any
kinJ. will be executed with promptness, and upon
salii-r.iciory terms.
Commendation—From ever)
i n town iiiiii v hage. where Dr. Vegemblr
1' i< Klectuary has been iiitroduced.lthe most gratifying
■ meliigencr of It* excellent cdcris hare been reee.vril
!•> tile Proprietor. In hundred* of instance* it ha* tri
umphed over rn»e» wh.rh were deemed incurable.
_!!.>*.xml. \\ Uolesale and Reiail; by WYATr 4’
KKTCII a M. lt>l Kuitonstteri. New Vorb: Wm. Tnoa.N,
MarV>*i »irr*et. and P. K. rStwycti. Stlilhfiield street,
I'mmi'll, Pa Pfiee Si per box ap^lw
jn7* c ousMU»pllon i* a disease that i* hurrying iw
v,ciiiii* try thousand* lo ihe tomb, without having :is_
|>rogrr»« at all retarded by the medicines in common
ui 1 *', but a.brighter day ,« coming;*. ulread)
entile, wlieti lb,, dreadful d «ea»r Van be 'successfully
combatted. Ur. llogei*' preparation ul l.iverworTand
Tar. not only give* relief in oil en»cieo( Culd.
Cough, Ac , munedratcly, but from ihe testimony of gen
tlemen tb- highest standing, i» making smite veiy
remarkable cure* of Consumption, Improvement m the
irraiinent of disease i* onward, and noiliing cun at rest
in tin* progiesmve age; m uvidence of which.
*?invite the utlcmion *f our ciluenvto the certificate
oi Dr. Cox, lulu Professor m tbe Cincinnati Kcleciic
College, winch we publish in another column.
used Walter'' Ginseng Panacea and I abo know several
of my ac’iuauiiancc who have u<ed it. ami they speak
ven h.ghly of it. I certainly have no licsiluno itn icc
omnieudiiig a* a vamaliic medicine.for coughs, colds
Iron City llolei, Sih ►tree), Pittsburgh
Ilea l the following from K*q. Gray. Allrglimjr City:
••sinlicr'* (iiiiseng Panacea i* tiir best medicine that
ever I u«ed for n Cough or Cold. »
Hast llomiuou, Allegheny City."
Fur *:• ;j ai s*. Harrell's. 9th si. oppositt Iron City Ho
el. distributing Agent lir PitiKburgh and vicinity, and
by DruggiM* generally. See advertisement. dlfJ
On toe eih m«!a;ii. of Cotntuvplioli, ul the residcueeof
hi* imher < i Kii'i llerim. Adams county, IVi , Mr
3A\I U KI. HKSJroil. Luc of ihi« City. ’ apld
r I" 1 lIK iitub-f. gtied oiler u portion oi 70 acres of ground
,A ill. above, nod below iliriniughoni. extruding to
near ilie l!i dgr. laid out .nto ahont UtKt loirs of -’I by
(UO leet to one ai’tr. The situation* comprise «otnc of
the bund'umrst aimiod die city for Rksiukacls. and
h-iv ng un extensive lioiiton the river so convenient
to Uie city Meatuboat lauding, th« tm>*l udv,intHgeou»
fur->L*M;r*rroKit». . t
Those cuuteuipiating rngagtngiin raaiiofn.’iurthg wilt-
a-iiy oi iucran»en-s. Although its yotjipii und re
•miices render it miriosicatir and incomparably ir»ji*
valuable man n'iiin*> any njhei properly u'..uud the
citv >ei imm iue tact of rircum a taiiee.< having uiitii
!ne.’> prevent d .u Ueingupeneduut.fursaleandim
l>rovririrm. |be pr, srli’price |» io to tl*l per Cl. lower,
r'o’tr ~ tlo-rcion: large’scope, tor fmvie advance in
ijuiue which i* rapidly jind permanently secured, not
mill I.; ihe improvement and eltcn».on of the city, but
me irnmrd aie neigtiteirbood wbete notnc hundted bou
se* have been the past )ear, and we have such
miririntlion a* to warrant u« 'n Meting that the number ne preailv increased tins year The great increase
al-.or :.u>;ni’»i <>i <be country generally »uu«i re<|utre
* pio|.niiinnate increase in the number of nunufactb
r.- soi '-lei . dr-i'ti|i,,i'll Tli*»e, together '.Vtill the
'!;!•• n-ii' public unproven,cm. now'being urgrd for-
Wir.l mu-1 neufi- tn this prnperl) a large mill rapid
li esiir.ii made prev,mi-'to breaking bf the
plan. i,y iiile ul -nigtc lot*, we-tvoind prefer abseiling,
th ii-up tnl-M-* -.rn-jid takr an interest of one-iooHh-oi
one ti«li in one ■>( the tract* au ,| P ,,.0i m mu,'actons*
snd .liiproi' Uiciii*. toi wti'ch purpose any tequiied
iju-sntnv oi Hick ran l-e nude on the ground; or we
w’t «e ; <, ..ia i - r (-in, r i diet oi a hotly or single lorn on
ir jmi.i .m,’ irtiin < O OU.MHUY GRlXit;
IbtAAf (tllFGl.
H rill.Ogham. A|<||l I’Jlii i-47
li r 'A i- ran ntjer great mduceineiits to those pu'ctia
•m< hr i.riprovetneni n‘ »ii cnii .’nr r,.»b ‘urli [wn-nii*,
Hrcs und .hr prncipa! tnuieria!* tor budding much
dvr .linn mu n.hrr pi-ire around the e.iy .
u;-t el lii’.vtl]-' Paper* copy)
To Traveller*.
| A’.-ei airriy /or t'ou/rtffri ]
'l'tl l ' ‘'nun: null Kaiiiouil tinugc now tn excellent
J r i;,e P.«,-ltet« oi I J(lir will leave \v»fh : pa»-
*• ni.e’s «» billow*, every.uight'.’ai V n'c-crli
-lien . '■ ; , l'.u» . Jf -.H !a\ . .MinJ lirtti
•I-. 1...1 naa «'«,*! Hifriry. iuiv.lay, Apt,! *t;li p
", -Ijtji.n,)). I yy ( AjlTil ‘-'I 'l l
.1i kmturk \i t'api r-fUui;. fhm»d«y. April ££ru!
.1. t ■*;, Apr.l K)r.l.
I'ajii Qetkry *fi;n-.!av. Apr i ilth r
v .u lryvrl'i'ip a !'d noiuHiria | .> areem*
UK-: u nav -("i-urB. ymir l r»*i. iltc i'acket OiEp*.
\| . .c> - >i*a:ir (u Hqum. 'V' »irvr!, or at
PR|CJi s KJ’DI CL,D - Ttioitii.' I'aliner, No 47 Mar*
k-i slrrpi. |.i-|ttrrri 3d Awl 4tiMrerl<. Iripeeifu;!*
a in.ur<T» i.» ;li«- pui:..- i'!it: h « presort' sunk of ’.Vail
l‘ip-r and lKiti!rt» i'l tun "iru iiiunufaesoic j« Very t'l
'• p* ' r anil i!j !.• a.lit/onn. ar- luring made to't. n«
Hi*. j:r Siiniii'l «i urwr nji*! «;.Ir nd id paiir rn ■ A'»o.
:i «pli A»»nrlei! »toc-k 1)1 t'rrnrh Payer anil ftor-Ji-i
ll;.v.ny! frrnil'i r-.i.ned ilie pr'cr* of ihr alujre
*iru •!• * ' .mil ii n«i*. in ti f I i.-. noi rouiOPt ated.) hr u
ptppjfpil »i' I 'in C"»li K* r- « mail „;v r-lahl,ili-
DRAWIMi P.VPKII AXB PKXCILS-i A*U-ij:i.trinn llr.w nt I'apel. 31 xK inf(ie»i
Jo IViui-.r ilii !i'i4n ilo
.In I >|’tiant ah. ,do SIT 37 do
C.iiuuitiian Jo Jo •.’TU.'U Jo
•i.i )mp-nai J« Jo VllV9 do
Tog'-jurr »• it a a large atiirk of ■mailer «ire*.
I)RA'VI NO .J’KNCILS*. oi Coml-erinud and prrpa*
red .pa.i oi 'nur tnrrp nvo. and one 11, o large supply
jt‘«i f. . rivpill y ELLIOTT k KNGUstH .
-• I*l I No tfi Market »trret
F.itrcra Mukrr, Allegheny City Oil M 1,,!,
h»» ii**- newest rmicrm lor Sum *mi httiul cutu-rj in
wo'M i*f i ron M.;I Orai mg jijd till other pattern* made
>.• *.r«*-r . apiatjf
*. ,r \ r |' l ~n i»t the person «vhn Ufokr open flie
oi i|i** S Jr*l auarlini .u the »ia/rtle Uiiud.-ng
I AllO Oil*—7 M.:. :irn| i'.j, Jd' Mil» -j\ 0 1 Wuurr
J I.iiml l».l,/ver>.Mti>*-i or rc.THe.t per Hi
!***tjv.i No 4ii|! lor *al<- wholesale or retail t>• 1
ttpll "■ F Sf.I.I.KRS 17 »|
Ci f.i iVKK A'i.U n.AXSKKD—MjbU Fi.jwcJ,
' 4 bl.!» CloTtr*ccJ.
DKIKM FHI'FTS- -jjlUi.. l)i> I’eaehef
•,| K M'k« - Apfl. *. f.if «;.ir bv
..|>n *» F VON -HC»NNrIOR.-*!'.V f„. :K» Froi i.l
Hai'iin- |ti< tii-miv auh j„ 6nr or
li-r.h.r *:>!r Hv - .M V KK>, II FNTKH 4CO
*H 1 No Is* l.ii-rni »i
F'uiw roi- ' -r i
lire.. ,u.1,r1-o
JjFTTKU, lev
t-lri. VVh,..-», Hdlotitorr llliir*, and
><d unit lor soli* jiy
* ft.W HAHHALi.iI
--S bids itoli Huit.-r;
fl' Mil* No l J.aM; fur sale by
k A. tV I! A ItUAi.'till. 3 I wo*d st
IXB tv tVlnie Hrans;
a bl»!» iln;
i No I I ,l*nf, ins) rr<-'«i and lb' sale
njiH Kiif *alr
J AII 1> -I|!i r g
Vpim.uh i-j
il|»l s
Mi tr|ii« ' o ;l, inryr sue, for sale by
MY UK*. lIUX I'KR ft Cn
lit - ii i.iiir I'resli, tor »ule in
i- '. r«*i n A pplrs far «»li* l.y
pttvc a Consolation.
i vrs uS u(ron yimr hr-ai ■ *
«tr [>' 3 ,.iv a
r.» /■• /*■«.
'■fi'p /r<»ji'>i£ .(■<
V i »!■ 1 011 r«-*t. *
Itir "uul,
:f.' ttirnugii ill? gloomy sliri'inl
i’hli Miay y?l lie \* hull' ”
,\ ii'l wlii»]kj
•'Viiut lirul
I)i» 111'- .!r»v
>ulr> n^yuy
'ill i.i
>( Ifc-Alli vva» 111 llie Mrm.
A .ill •ifriip.llinu'il u- il I'ri'W—
Mr JlMKik',
V.'it...! \> ± ,M.
>\ So iTtl
Aml i> Sj• (i ,i t. loomed. (ii lovrl V rrm |
li ii'i'i-i-ii itinnntli unit llnouyti
’Hint Worn ot IK-aili in.|>til lit- ili-fn'.l,
II 11■ in ivrrr Innl ; F
*An.l inmiy lavcy dnin«ols *ave«l
I lie lai'- i.i mi uiuinu'ly ifraye.
Syi.-uTiiir*- »irrri. C.nrjimati. Oliio; \vhrrr In* vnluabii*
, n !» *4)1(1
>J <n i.y «M JACKSON, corn-r of
\Vih>.i ' oll l*>b«ny *tf
t 1.1. |H-. **in. *"?"*** Uiem«elv«s* Indebted to the
iV Un-firm *»' JMUihiy * Broieiu. art jcipeclfully
nottlir.l to cull wm* »Mi!« llieir account! without deluj.
w tiiitic - undersigns’*! "ncresaors, who ureduly natlum
ar.l to serif up Hit bttsincsa of the Lam firm.
_ No h? wood street
ft«L VININC; HL'SKS, .ftlonilily Hoses and Ewt
*2»Bteenv 4r , dui'ahlr for planting in Crtuetry'*
can t>e furnished on appi'cauon at the seed *tare,
from Niiornesof J*«. V/nrdrop, Manchester.
. mehSStf j No 13‘i. cor wood andflihjt"
B X". Fahnestock & co’»- ,v,i I , ' ik
. LEADWORKS.—TI " underlined lure
complcled their nfew work*, ,'ocated on Ibe bank ol
the river above the Aqneducv * n Allegheny City,
opposite Pitubora'h. for the man tiftcturo 01 & ■opfl*
rior quality ul white lead, both Md giound in
oil; also, red lead and litherage- Hiving availed
themselves of hIS the red'ent improrvemonta in ita
manufacture, andjerected the buildup °n ■ *Cf7
ettenaive vcale. »hd with capacity to txake lead in
large quantities, they will be able to tu,iply order*
tu almost any extent. *P f 5
By. John D. Dovla, Auctioneer
4 lf'» Tliur«JaT-morr“n)r tH** *Sth tn«tnnt*«tSoViorlr,
at Unr- C xhhj.; cm >ci r' rbin-T of Wocil anil
K. l ,' *ircri«. iv uhe *jld for -iccuum of :i ,ruay
co rn—an rcirnaive a*«or<in<'isi of ‘valuable Dry
<•! ' t 4 arront; •. rbirti aie superfine cloth*. CB*»ftHCTe«,
*» jean* coitoiiadca; a great variety of’pnnl*j
ca iruea. chi nil. ttinßUanu. bit ached and unbleached
■«•*« flanml*. i c»:tuc« .-heel-.' alpaca*. mon* da
Ui icf. m-t ih) Vcarf*, »ha«l*. <Jrc»* bdkf , fancy cra-
Tn « lio-.-ry p ires, »u.«pendrT», ribbon*. lace* fancy
veitirgvic. \
Uiir leather triir\k.£(iiiia»nin* one rplcndid Mil bid I'jfia.nF. hn:id-«mir|y iim»|.c«l wilh rich'
di«o t mocking bird nnd^ajrc.
A lurKea»Mjrundn! of new and »<.4oi:d hood liou«ff
faolil furiHtnrr.embracing n«rci I) VilTne vsiiriy wantrd
liyjlioiirckcrpen. Lalvi iVj:b-r iuat;ia««e». t>ed
diiiß. s diiy'nnd .11) hour
clock*, clruuwsrr, ilureui.ware, grocrtioi. Miovel»,b«d
COfcU, lopofodo|-|ie!» Ac., Ac’
A quantity of hanlaal?, out cry. jewelry, watches,
reudy-fljade clothing, twu-imJ u;*:tuij:ent.«, ttaplfc atui
flinty ilr> good*, AP. apl3.
I American copy!
. IN the Ivif.h Ward o{ the City at Auction—On Sat
lUiiay afternoon the 17th instant at 4 o’clock, on the
[ircim-e*, will he »uid. eight very hand'orm ly situated
ot* ot' ground at-omorf mpiare from Fourth street road,
opposite "volt's Field. and near the centre pf the Ki jhth
Ward, "benijj Not -U,TS, -JC, IT, front 11 jf on Forl»e*s st.
Nos 53. 51. nitd 55 fronting on Margaret street, in
Greer’* plan of In;., a copy of which inay he seen at
the Auction Rooms. *•
The above embrace very deiirnblc situations for pri
vate dwelling# mid pubic purpose*. ;
Term*. one-tlusd-ca-iU, balance, payable in 0 a,ml la
month* writ mtrre-t. nplU
ON Friday Ttinruaig. the llith mKtant. at 10 o'clock, ni
DuVik'* Commercial Auction Room*, cotner of Wood
unci Fifth kited*, will lie sold without reset vc,by order
of John Forsyth, I >u . IJ sh Sheriff n! Allegheny coun
’lylrfn large n*!»ortineru of Pry (ioods, (irr,eerie*. 4c .
cotopri-ins the enure "too* of n country store, consist*
iug m part of. the following. v;7 •
5J pn*ee» n«*nrted Ores* and fnritittirc print*, a'paca*,
bulznrne*. el;in|7#*.'tigliam*. mouse tie lames,
jaconet, eiuntit c a id ero'sharred tnu'lins, fri*h litieu*
tdea.-hi'd n >d unt.lfach>-d muslin*,wonllenptaid*. super
brosj I cloths, p to? cloth*. *v>nn:*, twred*. Kv ’can*,
mar—-die* anti vaUbic-s v«-*ti»g*. prjiidtn;.'.' canvas*,
brow n Holland,*. colored etynbrte, cheek, tick*
mg*. tlann-l*. riblioii*. Inert, edging*, cord, tin-a# lidafa.
»hawl». silk ern\n'*.'(nc t -y stock*, silk.and muon hdlcfs.
comfort*. ho«« ry. »i gb-vr*, mitt!., tutpeuslrrs, uccdlca,
pm#, button*, wha'el one, tbunMe*. comb*, 4c.
Table ami tea tpoo i*. strewn. steel, auger*.*
buck!--. pen kmrr*. shutter fastener;., fnTiuaibim enpr,'
queen*w»rc. liiiwa*- 1 . coffee cn'Uj. lied cord.*, nail*,
ginger, glue, 3 plough i. ixio window glass, 31) gross lo
cofneo muiche*. i|e wick. I ke£ gunpowder-
Also, boots »hoe* eit|>|ier*. fur and chip hat*; plu*b,
glazed and eloilt t ap*, bonnet*. 4c. Term* at sale,
apto J D DAVIS, Auct’r.
Drugg-at*. at low price#, n large hfjd complete ua-
Miinni'ii ot Drug* I’tunu. Oils. Variiislic*. Window
(Jin** Dye Stiff, and Spicer, which we offer* very low
for ea-h. We warrant our Drug* to be pure and of
prime quality: among wlncb tire—
50t)ot liuinme; I sb() lb* pure <><l Peppermint;
5» nz Morphia: I W llm Opium:
|t«i oz Kit. Hark: I tJU bid* <ui.*ii>r Oil:
Including every article u»ed by Druggist* and Pbyri
f)»' n-f './.'f'lK I't:*;* Oil-. Vornislte* and
"..nV*-. t:oi -- ..J »•!; i ,-u iruie* *ui ll a* CUUtlOt
Dye Stuff* tre offer at particularly low prices, having
a large «tocif of every article used by the trade.
grUlibl* Dye wood'. ! sfKz) jp< (around Pepper;
100 enrlwy* Oil Vitrio’: • I tttHX) do Cinnaii'Otr,
StMI Iti* Indigo. I SIHI lit*\iitniegfi,
l .icbimra'. .Wsjder, .Miter, Saler»t>i*,4c„ Ac
Also 50 ton* Grindstone* ut low pricer'. (jive us a
rail, no viinrge tin making iuutiiry.
U hoV'ale Druggist*, N W eiurter Hhli and Mmk'cl
upithlttw ?*:ri:et«, PbtladHjjhia
•>"' m;w aniTahwrT.m:eTiVk•kWk]»V7"
DR. WOOD'S Snr»api\rlil«’aml Wild
Clierry Uluera, t»r tiv; cure «>| the foliowinq
diseu«i*: Jaundice, Iswr t’oijipikiiit. nil
plaints, sick I tc iidarbc. titiiri Hur'i. lu<iigi-Mion, halm
ual (Vuitiveiiria. Pile*. Palpnatluns of the Menrt, 1.05.«
of AppUite, D> sprp>ia. Nnrvoas trrdai .on*, Debilitated
Stomsch-IjiiigiM.r Drpre-.uiii of .•‘pjrit*, Fbromcljhcu*
tuati*m, Cmuiii'uu* >vtdnioid I)i«eu--
•#■ Scrofula linpuptir* of the Dloo'd. Puople* and
Pu-tub » outlie Finjc. Ilcreditjit Humor-, Gold Sores,
and ait di«ca»e* iir.-hnj; from :ui mjiolioous use of.Mcr-
Tbe auemion of tl
afflicted by any (if I
eall-il to the mem*
, iiun iiiiui an original
cniir'iinng to il-vl: ll
of two of the very S
The Sars.tnarill i i
trndiii i;d LO I lie pll! I
during.'i.nt I;
ittiiiiee ilie propt ,e: i
•iein'e. n the lull I r
ten*. Vi - u*e. they \
•n-ffer.r t; from »li-» . i
AM.-gi-itrwal ngeti
Titoax. Market s
«trcei. Pittsburgh,
me lr. :Hiho
A ior HOVS. ot
Rev. Joseph
Ttir t'Uimirr
Mjy t'J7
llont<li;i(. To.t.-n:’). \V,-i»lin<. Fuel. J.iphU.
[>e.-•»**’oa oi fire tis'>nt'»»,•*?'». Oti" tiulF puyaldc
; l>n the Uiiifiiije :«( :be rl<»si- ol the
] anil * { :a:iiiti-ry furti:s<' l :t , d when a:
,4. f < t UtLimg t* i* Jaliirtll/|r !.
Vue > lurniili Hi. if o*n towel*. very dc«;rabie
ihm ui; Oiottl.l ’ic i(Ti.'*c:n rji air tirai day 01 itjc session
j£j“l'ur iurilier i>aruculafi» emjuifr otnhc I’nneipal
at ibt Academy. o or M<s*r* Jobs Ncyth A Sods, Nc
II Wii'-fHrw, !’ti»l>it.*pji apHni^tv
n I.KKCtI * CO, Cana: FU«:n
Hoi SK SNiN AM) !
U AZtHK A .1) FA
pared io umloruki- tb«* nl«
[>ranrli,-i. and war sun<
respect Mil.lmtv : liamlai
rd i.i older Odd i clldto
►up- M'f imr.nrr
![•/*> ««• • ** i t.».U
t|TT‘.‘.|liti i No
A »
31R(j. .MO xy A T
Tutulny, Ap
Mrs m'jwari\uas iLj
of<-«».on, tlu* t»-jir»-
-$, „ -
admin J anti r'a»« r I rnircjH. m .>,aci« -entitled
lON, THE dkvotkd:
Ucinc tiiM la«i n.c’it hut two of her engagement and
appearance tn thi* City. prior lo her departure for Eu
l'lir Bo* I'lali ii row open at iheThmtre. where
piftrr* inav hi* ••rurrtl RptSiVJl*
NO 17 Market ‘lrect. i* now receiving hi* spring
iii-cfc ot lioj»*jKani:Mine Hardware, Britannia,
conM»i ng mi pan it4i'i>:tmv« .
••hi* Ja|iamiedAVjii-, Litgii-di and American;
4 t>i» Britannia do do do,
•J ca*k* Kngin>li Titinrd Sau>’cpunii;
I ilu Oval I'm*. I cai*r Ttuj»and Waiter*;
I do Knitneilr-1 Wait,
l do vV’orii I cMtllUiiclitWarfi
I -hi |ii« o**orird Copper; 30 pinid* Tinned Coppct;
t.'HHi |)i« Juniata \V.rr;_ _WHix.«Tia Hate;
ap!» _ JIHIN Dl'Nt.AiP. I? Muiket si
»' lenti/ic I.t-ciun** tvili l>r delivered Iiy'PKOF
SIT.I I iIK.V-‘]m the Hal I of the Umv«raity,oaTonulay
and Tlmrtcitiyi rvcimn-*, oomm.'ncimj Tun -day Even—
i»C. April rid), nt Im'f pat: m*vi»ii oViiocfc.
The rourm* trill eoil<,»t or Tell l.rctiirrs on (lie moft-
«u!';ect.« of Oheimrul Philosophy; rmliracmg
of Meat. Kit cir Jetty. .Magnetism,
nn.l oilier iopie*«r Klrdro dynaimcs Die element* or
.Mailer iiml i|lir-?t-iw»«i',ii!tcrr«un[: compound*.
TifL-i-i for ilie eouMe, ndinuimg ii ge.mlcrnaSl \v.|ii
lad i e«. mi) Ur ol'tuuifcJ at tlic nool»lore*i>t l.' ii Kay
•>n Wo ,j »irc*L auil ul‘ Klla>u A Kniriiao on Muriel w.
J’ri'r •?:» iv j ■ (
TrcLpl* totaiitifif Lrelnre*,‘-‘Acrrilt,
JM''- [ (MX) UV.FULD. n. n.. President-
WASTED SOdN— Places in wafeliou-r* retail
and whirl* «.i]e «torev on *tronbon«'. oi *cjcip uv •
tui eiii;>;oi tiirni in ojrleitie*.,*, nr couutrV'aruanrf,
Ijrwfu! i(nn.l iniciLikeppors, agent 2, wn;te
haß»eiuei». t> h,n>.ina<ter*. nici l.aiucul. filitiil.j; iilnd
lulmr ng men,
f'iM for .» rof l.ov* of d.llurriil age*. AHp.
for a mmil'cr oi rnlpn J men and ivninm. liov* .uid
g-il» ifT* Would. kevrml (pj'.tl crviUi. bMlekeejwt?
an,l C'l'i* lor :i,l xvuik;
AH l ii.!» cl Avcitclr* aln-inlcd!« promptly for mod
eran- • narjre* Please npplv m K.\Al! II;\IUUS>
_ Oenernl Agency ami InicllieenceOtiire
n l~ v F.Utiri near K*rhan;e Dank
I Fa 1.1-. iln Miieiln>.| oi n iiirunig diaak jtn tlm public
gen-rally, lor il;e v« r> iji.crai I'dionaije In Mowed
on me. l.eren.mre andli-Wl I.) *tr.fl iltlr nl'nn (II
ne»e, rner.lll.e «nme j..t..r.„. - ,( lc , a r-r
in-utio-- war. iini|.«« ( iirner (,(■ VV(N) I md Idh »tri-i;i*,
II | nrl. I.eenplei! Invli A k A Co—!
where m\ »|,j. Woi li.inl' ii I*--1-. and t-‘lowrrSced*kiid
Agticiiliiiral linp;eiiteni«. will lr Inoi ii luige and m tht
lie«l iju.d ny
1 wouM Coril.nic) .n’. He. »?] to < ull jnJ kc pic, at lUJ
new •mnil.
iiirl.lT.H-.vr >'N ivICKKi(^I)AM, .'Vi'umbm.
tJ'JVI-. DOM.AKS will |»> pm.l for the nx-oveiy of n
IJa.r Hrar-let, wnfc t. rU*|‘ aiiiil |»-.mlu!um
lo<l)> tu«l On Tlitif«dti) I'Vrn.Rg I,J- a J.mty 01 llii. pity.
The hrat'Ht'i iv of ]>-i-uliir value to the owner, an.l il'e
hnder .« lo return it to thi. oiCre.
' «i'MM It
p lkhkship WA?iiTKii'-Vot V WTuZ^Ts.
v ' >.‘>rk. It. yrnra of age; a kito-il-on m acme re*;v.ri
nMr Cuirnni real KMohiial.mrni m the city. A» it i*
iho ile-irc of 111. I' lrri.l. that lit- fhuirUl acquire o know
.•i-ilti- ol rt'ti'inr** a Mnnll remuneration would only l>r
r.-ijiiirr.i fur the fitn year. Kefrrenec may he hail to
b.'.litoi ol Un/etlr. opiM"
hjilU Ulinda.
11l A VK Urreivc 1 inmi a l.«rjfe a«ioi i
mi nt of Siii.t or t.'ham.'rr (Inn.H of nukv
ami nn.rW *;»1- toy,-.
\VM NttUl.K, rpl.oi'irrcr .
(VpO'irc ll.mkt'J
T AM prepared w do «!i *.«.!* of t-’atunci Stuffing
I Sow*; I>i*an*. Chmr*. Wmir Smw. «-*J.on ««•«•*
Order*.lei\ at Mr Noble 1 * on TU> rJ hi. j>iom r !!y'»tlemJ- J ,
C *\l7“Repairing of al! kino* J T STUART.
»■*<•! r
I NKOU3IATIOJW \Voi»ie‘koi' it load of Uu.k
1 M>-ai wkrn tiv tuiim, from ihc Wbarf,
ni.oui ilie loth of .Marrli la-i. Suitl lo«d'eonta<ned b»
mecru ninl it a* brought licit* by »!ean»cr I'acifio-
Auv iiifonnunon renpeeiniK it will be ibankfully re>
~c irr, l a ,itl u icwaid given v
n;>r No IA water *treci
Ria KIVKIJ ihi* morning at Barrow* A, Tutaei’*—a
fioo Krl-etionOf CaliforniaPlaidr newandhtamj
fuJ M;le*. French tlinjtliami.very rich pattern*. at 8S
crni», Mnn:he«ter tiinchim*, wartunled, at the low
price of t!U cent*; Prints; Brown ulud* and
»tr'|i«;ii. new and handsome,at No 4» Market etreet,
m, ‘ htD _ Between 3d ami 4th street*.
I keep an of Viekled.Frsh
-L of Maigachu*,;tu and Halifax Inspection. for sale
In lot* as wanted at ihcii wu rehouse, No 40 North
Wharecs, Philadelphia.
N tJTICE— Application hii* been made , lor tl»e re
liewal of Certificate No 176, dated January 13.
IMS; for thirty-nx- fthare* wf Hie capital .trick o' tbc
company for erecting a Undue over the RiverMonon
gahela.oppo*ite l*itt*liurßli- wUirh »aij'Certificate ha.
been derroyed by Gteor lari.
S O'clock, P. .M.
O'Clock. P. M
ii’ '.rils-Conch V«rui#h;
■i’ • L!s Copal do;
!:•>. Puirit Bru*hc*:
• i. I* Sot.*. Tnrpenttne;
-ee<l Oil,
ritMh at S'J per gul'nn.
«• u*fnl by Coach mi
the invalid public, mid of all tho*e
Ibe above <!:-ca*e*. i. te'pcetfuily
iul a new and ii.vclunble |irepar»-
recipe pfu d.ntiic*n«hed physician,
;ic intni ail'Vi- mondial protieruc*
rrt art'clea ttt the Materia Medtea.
aiirtW-ld Ctienc Ilirter* were in
die abo'i: Twelve ntorih* ugo, and
hr if •I're#*' ba- been »o grtiut ft* 10
or l» offet them with ‘till mote coufi
nljof tbut by •. nteruig in:o more ei-
Witl prove a bte»#ibg to alt those
i*e:l<r- niiovc i luniirfaied.
audl- K... :-v VV\ A TT A icnrc-H-
I. Itil Fulton «'.reet. .New York; W«
reet.i and P. IV Sj.\vi ek, Smithtel*'
’a. Price &J— large bottle*.
utd Coirsmerdial Boarding School
the Denver Koad. |1 mile, from
Trftvelii, A.M., Principal
.j>ii \n’..i* on Monday
>Kro:?ATivK i*aint!-:k
•KU PAMiKIt. I« now pic
vi'. busiuci» in nil iu various
Cixc niift'ocimn in' aver}
1 (tanners. Flags, ic . paint
kuil Masonic ApranA always
j-oods ond rartrMe* done In a
!u- ni :*<r «liortr»t nniicr.
Ht Hair m. I'lii-hurrhl'n
II I3tii, 1847.
■ buuoy in announce Jor.Jlii
union lit Saigrut Ti^iour'
QPICEB— 5 bags .Pimento; . 10. ba£s Pepper
O •• >o kegs Gre. Cinger, . .4 kegi Utd: rimem*
; ; 10bx« (!• Pepper. Bbxs . do'Cloves;
; obx« do Cinnamon; sbxj «lo .'Ginger
•■ 10 cans do Mustard: t’bbl Nutmegs; -
1 bbl Cloves,'- - 200 mats Cassis;
_.*P 7 • j_ ~ wood Mreet
\X7ISDOW GLASS-l’/bx* fix*”'
»V 25 bxs Txi; 240 bxs ’ 3x10:
SObxslUxt*; ' 30 bx*loxi<;
, With 10x15,10x10, 12il« and lixiSGlass; in mow and
foraale-by apl* • TASBRY & HK-<T
BROOMS— acodot Corn Drooras assorted sites. ,n
store and for sale low by:
apl-i TASSEV A BEST,34 wood st
BUTTER AND LARD-Sibls RollBo'ler;
9 bbl« Lar*' • 2 keg« Lard; lor sale br
apl‘2 _ J LAI.ZELL, 24 water n
T v>OB ACCO—22 keg* Gedye** No 1,6 Twßi, land*
J. laeftom sttar Robert Moms and for-sale by;
_ jxpi— J DAI.ZKLU 24 water *i
SOAP— 50 bx* extra Palm. Soap; "
50 bk* No 1 do; lor sale by- '
• *p!2 J HaLZF.LL,OI wsicr »t
BROWN ROLLS-2 bales suitable (at Ham
Bags, for sale by ■
apl-J CARSON AjMcKNICHT, fiib m
BACON— 10,1-00 lbs bog tourd, well trimmed. i n
: More and for sale by
npl-j CA MeKNICUT,Ctbsi
AIIANGES-tD bxs- prime Ju*l received and for
U sale ty - WICK A MeCA.NDLKSS
cor wood and water tt«
PIG IRON—3O ion* Allegbenr, for sale fnm tkc"
Wharf by JAR FLOYD
iapl2_ . 192 Liberty street
13 RI TANNIA TKA SPITS and Commuufou Wire.
xJ A Imj, Fine Table Cutlery. Castor*. Ac., for sale by
. ‘ri-L.. ... f w wwnsox
IV* LI 1? W BASKETS-* nc*u Madeira Will
* » low Uukei». lauding from Canal and (or mie by
, n P>- !» watent
("IOFFEE— Routed xnd'Ground, for rirajnloat*,
J hold* aud grocers, at ifce'Maitard and Spue Fac
tary,i»lifih»t. ap& RHODES A A I.CURN
BACUN —4 cask* assoned-Uacou, received per itinr
Clipper Nodi, and for ule by
ap9 • ....
.Not <5 water and U 2 from su
C' Of-FEE—IWMtags prime Green Rio. landing tbi*
/ Juy per Uingbam’s.Linc and for «ale hv *
ap9 JA. R FLOYU. liri Liberty s«
SPICJSS— 12 boxes Ground Pepper:
5 bxi Ground Cassia; S bxs Ground Clover;
CO tnatts Cassia: For sale by
aplo J 1) WILLIAMSACo.KOxroodM
TEA- fOhfehests fine and extra fine Hyson; M
1 Aucaiiybxs do do do, and
Imperial Tea; for sale by J D WILLIAMS ACo .
; I lO^wo-jd-street
1/1811 —tl' bbls No 3 South Mackerel;
P ‘ <D Id bbls do do do:
' —- "10 Mila Noll do do;
*l> 111 bbls do do do; lust ree'd for sale.
.jtinl>v4 _ 41 water street
ALPACAS— dost oper.ed. a lot of low priced Black
Alpaca*, an excellent article for the price, at dry '
?oci]» h.uife of apW \V H MUHPIiV
WVWILHOX, Watchmaker t»nd Jrwel’ci,
*2 * corner of lili ami Market »trcet<, epta
GIRKKN APPLES— >iCO libti tor*'i!r by
__ 2 ?I'J» W IiKKb.K, co'r water anil milihfield pt»
ITKAS —MUhf . H. ami (junpowder'Teas:
6<l catty boxes do J u • do;
Jtp*- _ _ _ J;ot _' v ORfcKK_
T) AJSINS—6O bxs Raifim in store ami for »a!e bv
tXavfl W (iKKUR
TJICE— l‘U ticrer* Hicr., a prime article, fur «ulc by
22 . W <»I(KKR '
VTACKKRKL— 20 I>t>l.« South So a, lor -a|n by
iXf rtpttf- _ w (.itfcir.h
RIKD APPLES—HXJ bur. recM and.£-ir rale by
U »pl 3 TASSKV A BEST, M wood it
S'CORCIL SALTS—I 6 bull prime, iu store and
' mr-ia!eljy opt'd TASSfc’V A BKST ■
POTASH— 1{ casks for »u!« by
_ apl« TASSF.V A BKST, wood 11
NAILS— ou hand and for sale by
»|»ia. ~ TASSKV &• BEST
BAHLK Y 'Jd sacks received ond for rale by
LARD— VO bbls pure Kurd for sale by
npltj • CAHSON A McKMOHT.Cth M
SALT— uiO Mils Kier'r No-I, for inlc liy
jiplO _ _ CAHSON A McKNIUIIT, Ctli'st
LESIONS— 60 bxs prime jurt recM and for «ale Ly
apl'd t WICK A McCaNPLE»S_
ROLL BUTTER-5 bbl» jast rce’d and for sale
by ap>3 WICKfc.McCA ftDL ESS
-tJCYTIIE S2BKATIIS—3O doz.. Pateiu. for sale
O by apBJ Ull KIAfVI)
LOAK SUGAR—3U bill* in nor* - amt for'*al* l*v
nplS _ J i K FLOVD
STARCH— 10 bxs Unnbright'i Kxira. foria'cl.v
BACOX— S.IRJQ Hi* bog round, on consignment nnd'
for *alc by uplU _J |J WILLIAMS ACo _
|>OL.I* BCTTRR—7 |>b!i received ihisday and
■*l'orjajeby ; s'plO __ J A R FLOYD
'OBACCO—iO lu.« Me A Me. 5* Plug;
X sJU bx* Si. Lump: m mere
3pl° ' _J 4 R FLOYD
»iui for sale by
FEATHERS— SO tack* prime, instore and for sale
BIIOOMS— -50 dozTlarfieand »raa!l size*, in More
and for saleTiy nnfO . J& R FI.OYD
BATTISG— 40 bale* Nos !, *J and 3, in sio'ro and
for sale by • apltl J fc R FLOYD
S SALTS—*-’ ton* for sale by \V GREER"
, _*pjo __ 'cor waier and smithfieM sis
Gi LASS—tiro bx» eijO; • «j bis tOxltfc
r »;»!0 For sale by XV GRKF.R
LAUD OlL—sbbl* Conk ling's eitra, for sale Wy
aj*s> F SELLERS, IT Liberty »l
MACKEREL —50 bbls in store and for sale by
"P« , J UALZELL, 21 water M
BACON ANDLARO—Receiving and for sale bv
apO J JJALZELL, 24 water'd
TANNER’S OlL—2obbla for *alt- Ijy_
op 3 J DALZELL.2I wfller It
■\| AII.S—SOOkegt Nail* for tal* low by .
ij «P 3 ___ _J DALZKLL, 34 water it
Cv LOVEKSKED—IOO bui. Penn*,, in itore and for
' laieby ap9 Jtlt FLQ7P
LARD— 2 bbla No I. landing and for tale by
ap9 J-&JI FLOYD, 132-Liberty it
\T UT.MEGS on hand t;id forwie l>y
i\ apO ■*-. RHODES & ALCORN
IXTHITE IJEANS— 50 but. small. ju«t received and
>V for rale by' .WICK & McCANDLSSS
ap6 _ _ ' : cor water and wood »u
DRY APPLES—3OO but. >asi rec'd and,for tale by
j_ cor wood and water at»
lIDER.VIXEG AR—iS lit»U reo'd thja day. lor
sale by.' apt ATWOOD. JONES i Co
BtfCKETS-21 tloz Bearer Bucket*, landing from
keel Boat Chippewa and for w»l« by.
Jlps; - V> J water t;
TIRIED PEACHES— IOO bacrln More and for
XJ »a!eby •. _J DALZELL.2I walcr at
CIGARS- ISO bit Half Spanitli Cigarr;
iOO.tK-'O Common Cigar* in bit; on hand and
for tale by JaS PAI.ZELL
_aps _ No it water at
nnootas—7s doz llroora* in atore anil lor Mile hv
apS J DALZF.LL, 24 water »t
BATTING— 60 balci N 0711,2, amt 3, in <>iore and
for iale bj DALZELL
_ ups I No 81 water «t
RIO COFFEE—IUO bagil landing from Meatier
American Star, and for tale by
_o|.s . HAGAt.KV & SMITH, 18 amlgP wood n__
DRIED AFPLKS-180 MekT for safe by
npi A SMITH, IB and 20 wood ft
NEATS»FOOT OIL—IS bhln joM recM and for
tni:h3Q _ _ . IS; Liberty »irrel-
L' bAXSKKD OIL— SO Libit juitrec’d and for iale
luch.’S ' 170 Liberty street
RIO COFFEE—toII bags prime rrren Rio Coffer,
for -ale b> OaGaLKY A SMITH
•■ld No* IB and 2ft wood at
IjlJfcL UOTYKH-'J bull Fresh, turn ree’dand
LX for sale by I* C MARTIN. -
. ■ cor amithSold and Cronf'ifi
PKA NUTS—Koatlrd for customer*, at Milliard
amt Spice' Factory,*? Fifth it reel. «.
tIUI- KfiK—:ii nagi prune itio lor aaJe by
DRY' PEACHES—iixi bu*. tor inielowby .•
_ op» ISAIAH mCKKY A Cp/ ;
(iOliN-TftObu*. in store and foi sale by -
J npb «t
OllORTS"IW bblt on consignment and for rate by'
Q apy F SELLERS, I? Liberty ft
BLOOMS— riO pipcei Juniata U!oom«,cn ei»n»itn
tticni pjii.l.for ‘■‘Ale by • •
apb Vc A McANL’RTY A ('o, canal baim
SAL. SODA—I cask iuit ror'd ami foMuleby
JOHN D.MORGAN, Druff*itt
up? M l-2 wood fireet
TIRVOKICK BAbb-l cue in small'nick«,
Xu received and for inle low by ..
GLUE— dW lbs No r. warranted jtood. for sale by
apj; / J l) MOKGAN_
\ fAUNESIAs-fciaie* Calcined for sale by -
M apS, > J D MOMiAN
lO C A RIIO Y-S Sulphuric, Muriatic'and Niuout
1 -4, Acid*, received »nd for «a!e
up? J 1> MORGAN
R°EFIKKR LUIIJORICR-A fupetior article
rccct.ved and lot latelowby ’
( i CM,.OPIUM New Crop and pureTrcceived and
LT for aps J D MORGAN 1 -
YV O. H. ROBtHSOX, Attorney at Low, ban
V I . removed bit office to i|, c Exchange UuiWinrs
M < Imr street, nrxtdoor io Aldetmon-iobiis ' -
ap'Aßirni : .. ' , _
on l-ourtbrtp Bakoweir«~Ol(kitr>u«c. iapMlm
9011 (Hlfi Tor iale low to
-WUjUUU signment. ENGLISH A RF.NNyrrT
-' a £i— i_ '3? wood nreet
TJ 11. lIAWKINS, Attorney at Grant *t ■
Cwt Houi^ 11 *^. 0 *' 1^ I^'l ,lcariy
•ide of Fourth nree:, between Cherry Alley and Grant
‘L"? 1 * .1 ~ npftf
R^ 1 *- 100 b«Cm. No l,ln (tore and for sale bv •
n)chas <Of»mterataßdfherr> alley
FLAXSEED— Jett received and/or aale by ''
; cor water and wood iu .
metua,... -••- cor water and wood its. ’
. . . ' wateiaodiVonmg