. ana . i ; ':V’ r if, j, '•»' 'i; aoae of the , raerewedwhile in ao< IaSAtT-FAT. •'••" V’j V . * »76j?q ~ 2 *-■ •' ISS 00 ’ ;Y .7^v 508 33 v . 183*00 ■ K ' 100 00 i ; svH-nttpfiramerktoibe »pprop;U -• beM4r'|^*WUfV Il’ 1 l’U 1^e asCtegtle the • *■*’, .lalC ■htwtof. »X>TT riu t* ! - i r% £ r\ r **-*r>' 4L „ J p i'; the . % 1 jtfii'blfrlbre wt£Uac&» witfcootjth*; :t r gf.- j*t;r t*~? .•*•• :J»1 Geoeret GorcnimeaL-^l)ii*jaJy Wtr : £'--U r .',- .> • and. lia ; * -:4 i riw‘e-dev> iegßeerainftVelp^ • ':Vi:;i '■■> < ■:. tS‘r*Wi|i^ •Vv •*■• -irjrwf;lhe^Qvyrmneot'ft^lrqpohuut • f d JaccWfc.lo CTU’ rQrtbi^tke ,\*.-V^i Ujffinioo.enpjlcjM I thtfCbojfitaiia©. ( Joigorem mdr.p«|t;M *i ''• HKr.be' employed fn .tbe: eertfc/lof \ '}■ ItT-i;-. fv%«t^" :^^^Cowl6tttU(ill^W^ j r f nnwr, i g tl|?ii]iii|jii| Ale> »da«ii of deUy/'theßUU* Be th* power to repet iomfato. , ,j gq fifet >ej®i>4'iheConfoier*tiooJa[»d jj’i ,Wb■ : ( *6|lt |oif reep<«tafcopjpUsjl£|.;»puailitke J poj^^wfl^'wi^tbeitybid !j‘* *»V3tfjfc£l*s® iiibI i t t*f , r V ,J ‘ l i , ‘i jfm-tin nmi {} -' tb^iviT Uut Jitf.h&d q&i' - -- EMIRESZ=2I ricn!*, in 'flangftng «Wp* da aid afbata*£}>r the ■ grtenjpiid liixariaot £akW& a. ■ v V « eW»|u*w alluring. twsahi j ’Oaeaerypmde day;toTtftosJet -rycEJi ■«M*n;| children of.eUigergr wtb^’.BOd :.•■'■ • r "-7*-‘••7; ••• ■;“• -: .* j ‘‘PifucJ.witbaraUlejtirklcdwiU aplfaia” .1 Jf itimki air* toce,apdeDdtol bereiwcabooll Ycal'darK Jb j»l:|- '.’nay be'_ trwhSnj 'y p obedinen lo oqi CtfiiitUpes» c ;proper field [rdfOTtnm ioV«lPrttdd*6l^ ; ahdJCabineti r anil for [jaw* wboArpioTfiiß>'Uwa' goeermoent of a' ** lbs fatbrrcflnt ibeorwEpiii'tber Great FjS&nttfc eaid, wfca» our. > OWiouiyjU knowjo^beirae, that be. wajgteat*- shan. all. othernee,brctu«iuawiedoa Wat tap. ’beyond blaT»Jor,—*wben be! warned 'ua’agaiaat tbr'hbetrfple jwaTerof in :ladiTulaal who tnigbi oijatar, • by oar billing eubmiaiipn Z .... -I • ■.■’'■ '.•* r-X' ,, l , e ekrlj settle* <4 It _ i*by civil and wyliuTe grown .lo toe aiatare of eheriahtngaa the _ajip6. of oar *eye,; thij^nfne ; civilliberty, we can.! J bfa!y'hope v give oor; Govern. J r : ■ HEHBY CLAY. , pleaaore InUjr'ragbcfore qflr reader* tbe'.foUoarisg eloquent letter from Giyier aTTaylor. iOpbn the death of toe son of too diatin* gtii&hed Statesman whosebereavement,iptoe low of a cherished soo, too country deeply moupu. There arejwords in toi* timely end jtpat tribute to departed worthwhich ’will etrike (Lebord of synv ’patoy' in every mans | bosom, ocn the words >of afibclion’andreepect wjuch chwKtorite this noble ifetterjendeareGeneralTaylortous even moie than Mhi hifniani victory of which'he Is the hero: |Qcxbtx** or Occupatiox ;l 1 || ' AooV Nvkva, March l, 1547. Hy Dtrar Sir.——X** l will no doabt have rcccir* e<3, caarihch you,the deeply distress* rag intelligence ofthri death of your rod Henry 'Clay, Jr.. in'themUla of Baena Vista. It m with Do wish ■of injfodlng .upon the sanctuary of pa* rental soTTotr&nd with no hope of administering eny ' cotuoWlion to your wounded heart, that I Have taheertbe liberty of addressing yon there few Unci; baft hare feit it a duty which I owe to the .metnoihrof the distinguished dead, to pay a tribute ,td'". excellent ‘ qualities, and while ray atill fresh, to express. the . denolauCa which bis untimeiy'loes, and mat of other kindred flnrits has occasioned. I had bnt a casual ac quaintance with your son; until he became, for a time a member of my military family, and I can truly say, that no one ever wen more rapidly upon my regard, or established more lasting claim to jnyjeapect or esteem. Manly and honorable in every impulse-; with no footing l-nt fortho honor Bice and o! the coudi :y. he gave every , that in the hour u> rj, I could lean Idence upon his ’ support. Nor was I :$£ ' Under the gutdaoce of himself and ted McKee, gallantly dal tbesoasof , in the thickest of the strife, uphold the ■iMßtf ef thtfatafo. and eoantrjf. A grateful peo» L pW wtUjdo’jttrileethibe memory of those who ;fcU«o thaljrwmtfurday. Soil may bepermiued .leeway bo eawnoctl jfoal In the loas.of* NtoMd'oSio&;~To£Ottr spai l Celt bound by th* strongest' tie* of privstatifoStX&httd when I mb*; hb fsmafiai face, and thorn of jlTefiSftß&'ffhnljn, l ean n} with truth that I feel hopc:r:.-:irr c; :S.C l',:;.bur.h Gl^ri'.r 'n. 'll* tobirnclion wi« ommciiccil 1.1. the jni-j, ■», , —•— „ „„ ,„ '■■■ 'SF.VKK DATS LATER. FROM EUROPE. 158! ra»if‘*F»r orlankin frontoflhs umo orl s.KHENDKIt OF THE CASTLE - THF Wrifeth. JiBAOM ot 1065 c r i«.»«,; SAN .J-UAN to'ULIO A, ■ “V v|l i G ras, ftw*, »04 it f w entirely tort .uaW by wa- ~n |} t ..... iy. p ACKE T S H I r ; l RV I N G.. ter. LThc diintiti of the area occupied by.iU* fur- ApiU. Uhl lUi. Ull ur tL.»» M»Eri.INKIN HOTrOtyCOKN dt FLOl.’R— ■Vresa'is a small Island, uj«wi which Juan Jr (In- \Ti| fji-'XKK-U, JSCUXT. . EXTENSION OF.THECHOLERA—BAT » t?’ UIJ - * ! -TI.tB.Vm.TBB CIRCASSIANS—IN teI Uiwtl OUT c-wlmerit. and at nut period il aen- (n» uivk TIIOI'SANO l . dentally roccivwl the name which it retains aiihi-, tr vI o A fSI PRISONERS.' ,KKK<'IIIRUSSIA—UONTINU !.-tt«?emathat there naa yhnneor! MEXICAN K.K I© w t ** . ;vnox * ND EXTENSION OF THE temple erixtfd f upon it,in which lAiraan victim* | AND CMiAI IIIL uI L. , p'\\jiNE. ‘wtro sacrificed to the Indian god.*; and.a* the i —k~\ Spaniards were informed, there oifcrinfp. wm* L‘>ss OF THE AMEUK’ANtS tn«dn in arcmdihee •with the commands of the . S( ). r jiokk.th.W sevkmv mk.\. Jung* of AcoUwa, (one of the province* of jbe cm- ’ * M a j| whi,** arrived at Philadelphia burn atmi bireX they; confounded or abbreviated thi* name . . a • . . >+.^-i ■•talTihe wiml KUm,-Which tbr, .fixed; lo ita. ! AVwhtaft™ ™ fr«D the Sn...h. l.„„ c , fll. -I Tfhtrd- ' j ! us thcimp-‘««»nt intelligence of the Hofflbarilmcut lrrm l '*: Siily*OQe'ycarsafterjtbecOnqur» l’y battery of San Mi- *• cottslruetcd'of .MAUHr.rniia ir*rfefore ifcc caetlb was attacked t*y the r rcnc.h m 13t>S. it was defended by 177 pieci s, ot various cal ttrev—instead ofjo7o, winch wpuld f.»nn .ts lull eqiiiptu«nt-' [ - , lo the jear there were in the castle of >an juan, and U.c city of Vera Crus, the following mu nitions, belonging to the artillery service: In San Juan ifUUiya In l«' r to .in l Mu-s TwcttlV-lbtti poun’cf. -t7 biai* I'J .do 11 l,rt«** do 'do; 23 .’iron JU ,do : * m>n Eighteen poundeif, * iron b ;do - lsLt»-» Sixteen do S l-ra** t- ■ do - 7 :roi. •do do ,f* ttoii 6 do . • IDhrv-* • 0 6 do .fi' iron l> 4 il<. 15 bra-* Sl.ruM :< do Obta-i a iren :i Uj , H iron t Urns* 3 iron ('on.ion, U 0 1 I Moriar-. 7 Ol.rss* W Cannon. 7 mortar- • 'Cannon I4jsch mortar*, 14' do do IS do do ,1d do do II do do b) do do Mortars, 21 Mcannon—*l Jisortat* I,i both place many of the above piece. were , Am „ ican , , Illelr „„ lho 2211Ji not mounttd at tbe period indicated. 1 , , , , . There w.i a contract with Scot Krrcanrloi at , »!■<•' h! " 1 '' fuwd •» hUrre " Jcr ' that (imo, by which he wa* bound to furnish the . Our cnr-eapjondml gives uabut the rumor »>l Mexican government with the following materia!* j ,| lO f aL ., n f the suecr*. JM«. 0“™ “brch *» «°W “ la,lo “'' : sword*. 5,800 iiifauffy do., do 2.000 musicians do., ‘ On tbd 22-J the city Was summoned to surren- 10 Paiiban guns, 15 right and tvMvf launders, ' f U-i. Oi» the n:fW.ii oi this pruj-mntiuu »cvrn 8 obutooa. . i ; itnuiUr* opened o tire id shell* upon lh»* city, anti or there. all haJ been deliveredexcept 48.W0 jjop ifm’tilth a ,ia,, . v * v '»’ t *rv of three lon* thirty hiiilow i-rojiitd.rf and 13,r.:>*0 M,li t. "two poiir.dcrs. ind three Mity-rii'lit pounders -*♦- j 1 at Uw distance of 7J>O varjs. Tilt Uattlf. or i Visiri.—The .V D. . On the -sth ju *Uut hit'ory »t lour Uvouiy.tour Tropic, we regrit to perceive, Confirm:. the J -i- pounders arid three morLarr, opened :i tin's. 1 tit »n vious report*. 0« regards tin' conduct i f the in.!., the city wai.- ana and Arkansas volunteers. The- latter, it up- At this tune the t.re.4 Iron ••nrlims p'owd very pears, actually left the Iniith gr,-.init. in the very d.'idru.-fivc !'• t! c t >wn. hrat of the action, and rode into tfalti!i<>, with n,- On tl|e nmti nut d-t the *<>tli. ih» i nomy pu>t formation that Gen. Tax lot rvas retreating. 1 tie a capitulation**-! were then Jf. 0. Halhtin says that two eompanic.i id tin* app_>;istl d t> cetwlcr the term*. Gen*. A\<-rth mnUDtcd Arkansas volunteers, who acted with trie and I‘iiiow and t id l ollon. were iip|*'inted as dragoonsunder May,did n d partake jri the flight f.maiisMmersori th<* A •crci’t m.!c. of the reginjeut, lut performed lin-ir duly nobly t*n titldi, th • ncg.>:;.i!Mni •tvere completed through the “hole initio. The Mi*s:»-ipp. lien- an. the iny iiiJ cs-de M.*r.rn'.'r. d Ihe Mrxi lucky yid Illinois regiments took the i runt• f ’he cm tn-b u man d> u: :-nd .}■•*>• n thou m.as fight without giving tm inch nf ground. The nb.ie me Auierrc.ir: tro »j>o marched in m.d ••cm- Colonel of the Indiana regiment, we 1.-un. ahan' pied the ( Ttilieali,>n>*.it the town and on-lie. doned hia men aftur their (light, and t ui'.hl th- At i < in- n the -Oih, ih.c Am.ricrti ll.ig was rest of the battle with his title in the nr.ki- hu:#Ud .wor l- th and saluted by the fl-el. the Kentucky regiment. 1 he garrison* c m»i‘tii;o of nloni ItiOf* men, ♦ ♦ r ----- were fUTi ndored pri'Oio rs of war. and sent home thm parole. Among then* tuo. fire goocrals, and ffv. Trade or the —Mr J I. <-t Buffib, in a recent tv-irk oi• ii ti.-- me ’ r; t i-. ... ij of the I,ik»s, set.. down tin? value ol jin- trade ftl t j,;y (•.unpaev olii «*i. nine of the principal port#. *6li.iMK>,itmi—■ j• j- 1 » io*.- i r Amwi'ui \ iutv. imm th* 000,000 of exports, and >21,000,UH0 -A imp >n *. Jr»y* of ilurmoirkatjon, oo too yih. to the romplc- That of Buffalo alanc is >41,000,000. ; u f ihn am mnU’d in Lilli, J and wound* Upon the aboxo a cornT-pondt-nt of the Tribune* ed to «ijtt>-lmo persons. remirk,: I ' Tk : “«= , .. , John lil A ii.ljii. »l Artillery; Cap:. Alburn*, 2d In 1804. when I tn< t.s.wJ Buffalo, there were l nlaQlr i ; 3rflJ MMuhii.ratn Shulrmk. ..f the Navy, only four fu-inlir.t, or parts of them. \ Mr. Crow, \. n , ng the Mexican* he IvugUrr i« to who kept a kinJ rt a iUg UinuMr. Bettle, a. „. ini . m e. Tour comc.andi« K (Jenl *®» U Indian trader. a Mr. Johnu-m. a -mil pie ; „. a t io;irtJ .n the city, the second in command *od cracker baker, a «o«t ol an att.che ..t Mr. ho |j ing i lhc The n«u!»r force in the city Trout, who kept a good tavern at 1 <*rt L.m. un am „ uril{ .j to alluu: ,hieo thousand tae uW ,B h hub ; and Dr. Chapin. .Sow it has .t commcrc-re* W.I'OO.miO !—n pppuhlwn -I 3l ■ ‘“w „ [n . abtlllt 30(l [„ esu |„ , rwipaou , 00a: which i. hDouTtaHlh” number that thi. ~j,, „ f J,,, clt v, with from «gh> h>Un IbohMnd City contained in ' _ ' cavalry. under,tt.e e«HDii«*»id of (£ta. La Vega. Hukßt.L. Mas. acre. Tho I.Ulle Heck Uem- Jlludwc’liundrT.Voi h,’ldrar l «'TThw'rS^l ocrat of. March -Gtb, records a 'horrible ma-*.icn' a«: I !!i>j.cr«-,l mi miinrnir lore** < »h them with tem •, committed by o'party of soldiers bclungirtg'io two .M h^;.rv^^-iritVc^'rriTi b r f .wv l \Vrt'- coapaniea of the Arkansas regiment. Some of r « eh with u.. cojiim uni md scattered them the Mexicans, ouc or more, hud hunr with a !umo ut -ill nms . .1. In ujj. ;iU ~-v nil t:.c to»r. .ind c.istle, only our round bis meek a member of the corps. The body sma [j er ycwU.Mrawin;: tmt ore* 1* ten water »c»q was foond by his comrades, and not far oil IWJ •iv.uiatilo Hot ■*“ »f*"t „d the ,™; lo <* W*#* VHu,.tro. e ;.oeral,; Licul cmp. General Tajlor with lh= human.., whreb v ,, ly . „ ti j y.,*. Kell, has distinguished bins, severely censured the v.»|. ~| oj u ra . lK)liai « Torclv. unleer* foe Ibcir cruelty arid threatened lo >c;d All lh»t-wounded are doing wcU. those engaged in il lo I'aumgo and rmpl.., .hum Nonik the enemy', gun. fired o-i the .hip .... ... 4 . . idnr, Midshipman 3hubnck wav killed .in' a 10, loadiDg and unloading *lcamt>uals. Aguirirt great principles, will bo the prevailing Miidimni ibjthe end. THE WEEKLY GAZE! Til Will lie issued at ten o'clock this .coming, n itii full particulars of the Gycat Hattie at Hucim Vista, of the Bombardment aiul Surrender nftbu Castle and City of. Vera Cruz—with the Election To turns from Connecticut and Khodc Island—vbe new* of the day!—a variety of miscellaneous mat ter—-a Biography of General Taylor—City News —important telegraphic despatches—Mate of tin markets—Uto news front Europe, Jcfc. &c. Tor , silo at tbecoanting room. Among ibo many tiitmtt s which am Jaily made tbo gallantry and geod conduct of the veteran kTayiofi- wfl lcatn that Hon. John M; Clayton, jwfooso eloquently defended the Old Hero against the attacks of the Locofoco Srnatorvhaa named this fine farm neat -Now Castle, Butnp Vista. \ well known from the DCns&re ofbhrdiriafi escape from fbo-Mexlcan« i i Whentakeii prisoner with passion; M, Clay’a Jcv ised.jeaienirr on .tbo llibemia iNa- ; 1 ; . C»f*t»BUaciiini’jj,coiapsiiy bfJjobißUo* volbn* Iw^on laJHbikiv luio. ant lo N»v« oiw'liacdrcd dollars,'for libe * “ fc „ .. <• oTt>xM.w*.R* has deßded'hrJaypi' [of thii counters of ;ia&.vorof it>«Qptinuanco and actri;4ii«o votca -toofa*. i ’‘ Jr s ‘ .*'Thi’Hopfoj» Binu ii now open from New ; York. toAJbeoy, and steamboats are.making their : regular passages.: . "~'t /• - ' Fala AMo, TUtaea and Buena T7rffl r w‘oki ait —r srultsaKnOa ’;-i'U J 'V-n4i-i»-.or':'vrt.•. Our previous aiHif; * wore »> many of otir Prim svlvatiia troop- • ngagcjin the army at Vera Cruz. The lii'Wf cjiui'.'vr Mini* .-stand, In the Phila delphia '.•> rij i'-s.-* fr-m Mobile to Mont gomery, by wbt<-h'a d ••>. rann-nt. The ship lit raid uiui Louisiana arrived at .New Orleans >m tire Isi. oj Aj ol ibc Ihuiil'jtlmi'iit of the Cas tle of Nan Juin ii’l.'lloa, mid of an attack t>y land madefy our trnops. Five Ameiicatis had lmb she'l from the Castle. tieorral Anna was advancing by forced and rapid raatcin* from.Agtia Niueva to tbfl City of Mexico. He had with'him live thousand cavalry, besides several thousand .men left in the reor, with which to put on end to the civil war and protect the city. MEWS CONFIRMED. FKOM oi;n own COKHESPO.NDF/NT. GE.W LA VEGA I‘RISOXEIi. »y TIIHEE . HUSDHEif .1 so fifty officers. IMi MOIlt; TIU\ IMfB TUOVHISII *i|*. I’HIl. \.\ \ o’clock. A. M. The Mexico- ha'c last five (icucrols and UMI" otfici'M. Among the jiyisoiirrs is (tenoral J.x Vega, who commanded the..city and Castle. Tliere was a force ol from six to eight thous and Mexicans outride the city. | Thesj were repuUed by Colonel Harney! with only three humifeJ Drag.nans and some infantry. Titc> ramai*!* among the Mexicans haJ been dreadful, and the tutrendtr of the castle was n matter of absolute necessity. It would otherwise have been destroyed. The above cmbruces all the news in PbiUdel phia at 11 o'clock today. thotr.selye-i agdiiitil a pnmaclt'd nrpe. Tbr Princeton is rommanJcd ihy Copt. Cng'lc. A» the, left Wia Cruz I -urn. Conner’s tlag was MaluiV.l by the guns of the castle. The CotnmoJorc is a passenger on board, hav ing bi-cn relieved by Com. Perry, previous lo tho commencement of opcraiion*. The.Princclon having land'd a bearer of Des pilches for Washington. and Col. Totten sailed immediately tor Philadelphia, via Havana! First Regiment—Peun>jlvnala Vnlun II.U kILLLU —TWO WOU!»HZI). Stncfl making our extracts from Use Now Or leans "Delta,” in another cidamn, wo have seen a letter fiom Mr. Lewis J IJrist a printer in Cnpt Naylor's company. He slates that Jacob Lentz. of f|i>mpany G, Cnpt Moohead’a Jeirerrau Guard**, died during the march over the saud-hdlri near Vera Cruz, from oxhuu-mnn and fatigue. The two wounJed I’ennsylv.mi i Volunteer-', ai*r Uilh from Philadelphia—Mr. Tice of the Phil adelphia Light Guard*. C.ipt Uenncit’s, c.>m|rany l(—and T. Kramer of company E, Capt. Uind eit’s Wa.lungton Light Inlanhy, both rectived severe flti*h wounds, and other* were wounded ‘lightly. The courage ot our regiments is high ly sjHskcn of m all the letter*.-- IHtpalch. I?u\t>u to tii ?. ILtavr- — Tho Coiyi Hou** was splendidly illuminated on Monday’ evening iu horinf of G.-i:. Taylor’s roce-nl d virtmj. A pr.seassiim was also turmed and marched through the principal streets with martial music, sffcd bearing in front a large transparency appropriately inscrilwid. The pincootion relumed to the C'onrt House, gave three cheers* to Tnybr and lii’s Men, three to Gen. Scott, anJ then dis persed in -gooJ ordur.—fc’ae Cum. Kev Mu. late of Washington city ujul now Chapluiu'ot tho Point Academy his hearers, at Washington, three reasons fJx leav iug (hem: firrt, licy.lfad not been buccejpful, ho siiid r in adding to'fiis church’ Mcondly/lbat his duties were too arduous, there 1 , & lasUy tjfe congro* gallon did not pay him enough salar/ Ho ho goes to fill tho post of Professor of Ethics, and Chaplain to the WwrTPoiut Military Apdcmy, at a salary of $2,000.a year. ‘ V A steamboat was.descried.off thin poft yester day.afternoon. She was unable to enteryiur har bor because of She ice which a westerly, wind had driven against It ' \ i A boat left Detroit a few days since fur Clcre l land but was obliged to rotum on accounf of tho ice.-rrErie Chron. Apritr>lh t • ■ ‘ vTlie Gorcrtimtat has drawn on Iherßanks for •theventiro balanee remaining in their 'hands, for fhe usejof.the army.; The:-whole sui is about BCoO,t)O. Hi',!. . 'riydirn * .'■ Kt of i . ','4* DimPAc-f} Boston. April 11 —evening. 'Pit*' l><*aiiliiul Packet ship Washington Irving, ved al Boston on Saturday, from Liverpool, in abort parage of twenty day*. Washington lg, our late Minister to Spain, (succeeded by Saunders, of X. <’.) is among the passen- The health of Daniel O’Connel is- improving, and then* arc great hopes entertained of his com* plete recovery. The Cholera had spread and was raging in the East. It "bad reached Tabriz or Tauri-s a city of Perm, of 25,000 inhabitants, (formerly hall a million.) where three or four hundred were daily dying of this terrible scourge. The Missionaries went into the hospitals and visited and administered to the sick in their suf ferings, and without suffering from a disease which must men regard as contagious. The Circassians had been engaged ip fierce battles with some of the native tribes of the coon* ! try, who were in alliance with the Russians. Ten thousand of those men had been exterminated by the Circassians, and an immense body pul to flight. The Empetor Nicholas had established a Vice Royalty over Poland nnder the Government of his son Duke Michael. Thus rinks to reslfbe last hope ot Independence for Poland. In White Russia, embracing the provinces of Wilepsk, Mohilef and Minsk, and more than two millions and a half of People, the Peasants bad in great power against the nofries and a largo number of them had been massacred. ' The distresses continue in Ireland and-Scotland with little or no abatement. The famine had reached France also, and a portion of Germany, where the distress was very great, particularly in France, many were in despair of pro curing iUlHcieiit food for the relief of the people. Tim Civil war continues in Poland with varying >*pain also is agitated as she ever is, by conflicting parties and opinions. LATE FROM EUROPE, The. packet ship ‘•lrving” arrived al Boston on Saturday, briuging seven’ days laler news, her Liverpool dates being to March 2UL j The‘ Sarah Sands” did not sail-on the 25th ull., ns was generally believed. Her'day of’'Sail ing was April ,1»L and consequently the steamer of the -lib inst, may arrive before her. ' „ ’Phn news of this packet is of much commercial importance. . The Cotton Market had given wajr, and tfre d< clme on most descriptions was about one yuarlt 'penny. The sales for| the week ending 2 Ist ul were lf>,loo bales. 1 ?>ea Island Cotton was'firm al previous quol Tii>’ corn trade was generally brisk at Liverpool, bat «>*mg tn heavy arrivals. Sic.. prices were not nu-tumrd. Flour had participated in the decline.— At L*>ednn the corn nickel wsstirm. owing to very limit- d -upplu'-. not equal to the demand. 'I ftrriiginedfprices. but no advance had been nbta cl Kt'o eitetisiic arrivals of corn and Hour Liverpool produced no ell.-ct on ihc Londbu m Tlie vlet one at Liverpool «m Indian corn wis tAluo -billings per quarter Nutiicom arriv 'roin the '-talcs had brougl.i tn largo m-ppiics Corn .n 1 I ievr \ W.Mr-rn.Minl Flour' wi- sc.ling al tort v shillings n> li!'l -i \!'T'ir:* l t'f tk'»» t*> I ti'n* f ti>!lißg* 1 Iron Cofiitural WJ4 M-lliti* 3! Ihsrii one Ui Ihiru twu ' " i M'KxsKssr.K i.wns ruR sai.c-i-' r B ,i H . s lnUin<» 1. „[ i:u aem on each ui wlnrh i. erectr.l a r.>nih>r.- \\ liv.lt h:..l advanced t"'- .ivllinga per quarter. j at. 1 * h..u»e. with pood infre*, ».t.iaie<| m Warioit H«d Ti.O hu;J.r-»t .(iioUtf'i !•>' While Corn per 4-H lb. ; } ' 'tv ' kwml!" pr'aiuc.u/t’uriK „ Ihu*. Kjt-. Ar . in great ammlunce ; nm.Aiini.TmA M.UIKCT. April 10.7 1* clock, i• M. t <«t a'fUtidanre. *v*. c't .« Wi-;; nJuptrd ty sheep and ■1 ij: I ukel ...; ..o.pl.uly ...Mlled. and no . ''""J., timei , , 0 taieri b mncpitcd. »mc of Ho**. and la«» ijom September l.LloJutie Tficro '■ no change whatever lit the price oi t,.'lowing For furthrr particular* emjairr of '< iraili, i S CUTINir.i: r General Agent ' Otir cnrrffepop lent, write u* Saturday night that itpl‘-‘ 30 Sm thlieid meet in th!eir respective market, mere wa« nn particular, FLEMING, change. Denier, were holding o|! lur the foreign . »j UL - SK jshjk AN£) uecohatl VK PAINTER n*>4 then himrlycipecled j 0 GLAZIER AND PAPER MANGER. L « now pre |i)ieiu various * ; . t.t.mcbes, ami warrant, to give satisfaction in crerr V. tii tt bo hid met with an accident on ..aiiildaj , f ,p fCt - Military Standard Banner*, Flag*. Ac..paint mnrtuntr winch cnnfi ted htui to the home .daring ed to order o.l*l Fellow and Masonic Apron* always I s *' on hand. .Imitation, of wood, and marble* done in a ■'lwimle day.) superior manner. tE/"Siglu oi nil kind* done oi the .honest nolice. » npltMlm No 44 St Clair st. Pittsburgh Pa A CARD. SIRS. JIOWATT’B DESK FIT! Tnesdif, April 13th, 1*47. MRS M/HVaTI' bat lb* honor :<> nmiounce for th.-j ocCa.-on. the rrnrrvniun.in.oi' Stiigeni Tallbnr’t admired and cla.tir Trngedv. m 5 an* nniuled lON, THE DEVOTED! Heme tho last night hut two »f tier engagement and appearance in thi* city, prior :<> her departure for Ka- Llic j v *. I Mbs. Juntos.—Readers will remember the in* torkl which “Fanny Forrester” excited in thi* country as a writer, her marriage with the Res. Drl Judsopi, and her departure with him, to enter upon the Baptist mission in Burmab. Their arri val in that country has been announced in tbir Jobrnal, with thonutimation that* letter had been rujemtl from her, from which probably might maku an extract. The letter it dated “Mauimain, Daccml-er 6, I84t».” Mrs. Jud»on'thm speaks of her new home:— . 1 write you from my very pleasant but Tory odd* hulking house, which I saw for.lhe first, time oo Monday lost. lam delighted with the appearance ot things here. Tho fruits arc mostly rich and healthful, the foliage exuberant and the weather perfectly charming. There is a delicious softness in the air. The people, although very degraded, aro'cxceodingly interesting in appearance, and hare faces full of.iotelligence. 1 should think the Durmatu: far superior to the Hindoos. “Our city is a perfect Uabcl, so far as languages and dress are cooccrued. BcsidesEoglish, Amcr* icana and Hermans, we have people from tnearly all tho nations of the East—Chinese, Hindoos, Maylays, Karens, &c.—Mossulmans, Armenians and Israelites. “Thcio is now passing my wiudow a singular procession;—muu running atul performing various antics, wax -images tricked out gorgeously, a largo unJ raaguificicnt carriage, adorned with some dozen gilded umbrellas, fringed with gold* eo drops, crimson tents, and other gay trappings, dec., 6u. * “Wo had a long voyage—a hundred and forty J iv*—put it seemed scarcely a tenth part of that to me, it passed so pleasantly. I eujoyed every mofaent of the time. • • * . I feel that I am on the right side of the world;, (sod graut that greater good mty come of it than my own happiness, though I am deeply gteatful for that. 1 ••Hr. JuJ*ui! is quite well.’*— Com. Adt: I ‘•’Twimlii be a glorious specucln Li scol the Bulling instruments of death, their decks no long* oc frowning with instruments of destruction, j but wafting MihUmtial evidence of a nation's good will to the alllicted of another nation."—{Extract from Mr. Crittenden's speech on the hill for Jlho relief of Ireland. “Twvu'U be aglorioin | m.en lirarl* wilUjuy m fill *rrp Tu *"• «ur Ra'Uni «Ur*an«l »tn|»-. f'«l /-rf/y-..VrU,e.lrr,v Tu lr-d a &B»me-»trK-km land Kimii'iur atmmUlil »torr. " ‘I And »!k>w Ibr linvr true IriUi l.rnrl ll> (iruc ii *» *>f jr<»r«-. And > icr tiny usr wnitikr u.ik /(roituur! Out tu SIX I. .till (he luihl.-ti altrilmt*- I U'm-iu, tl.i. -oona.ri*tt for. six months to refa ■i’-r.s* turtbe West'.'; Among .were the \ ' ; v^Laftmtaiocand.Wildcal.— Cin.X~az. - _;4; GAZKTTE,JOO OFFICE. - l'te Proprietor of the Pittsburgh Gazelle bas purchased the interest of JUesen. White Sc. Harris, tn the (inette Job Printing establisha»enTT“Mr P*Reis wifi, as tytberto, '.superintend ihe-ofUce, ami all orders for books or Job Printing of any hind, will be executed with promptness, and upon •Mtirfactory lerms. CommcudayJon—From every Cilv. (own and village, where Dr. t'j)!ioir) - -* Wgci.r'.le Pile Kleeiunrv bast.ccn imrndu< ed. the most prat,'\ !ie mlellit;e!ice ol ilsglrrlicitl rd'ccis have Oecn rec-.ve* Lythc Proprietor. lit hucJred* o( ni.i.'ih.-, . ■ , r .. umplirJ over COM** Wlneti weir Jcrm-d ,n, jiaM-. ' UJ-Sold, U hulchdle and Retail, h> -A\ V.VIT A. KETCH*M. 121 Pulton siroet.New York. Wm.Tho,;v Mnik.-i «trrel, ami P. R. £awtsk. ttontbtiirld mrer! PiU\]iure mad* to incanure. and warrant them an repir • rilled, ai tlie very low price of FIVK DOLLARS CASH. Ceiillemcn are requeued it> call and einin nc thrm. jvjj — \V D ERSKINK. [ITU'i invite the attention of our readers to the traordmary cuie* of ffcrot'uia performed by Dr. CuSlrn't Indian Vrgiiai-lt i’anatea, which they will Slid record' vd in’another column of to-day’* paper Tbry ore without doubt the ino*l wondrrlul on record, and huvr «o been pronounced by many of our mo«t respectable physician* The afflicted and others interested, are re quested to visit them at their several places of 1 abode, and learn from their own lip* die wonderful effect- of the medicine. The ffrst one munrd ia .Mr Isirar Hiooks. who may be seen daily, between the hour* of (l 4. ,M. and 4 I’. M. al the office of Rnwand it Walton, No :;7C Market *l. I'hilada. | oct> Consumptive * Consolatlou. I Does iieki.e« weigh u[ioii your hcai t Or pains aiilict your breast ’ Try Dr. HtoJing Art And it Will give you rest. U rlcar« away liie rnisiv cloud i •prtu'l*o>r.th«f aoul. "* A ml wli:*|ht> through ihc ploom> " Vuutt licallli limy yvl lie wlikJc " | Sr.- yonder ro-o of lovely hue Ti* withering w,ih doc-i;. Ii scarcely *tp» the morning clew Hclorr it fade* away. The Wonn of Death wn m the «ietn. And strengthened as it grew— Atul when a bloomed, (n lovely rent It Nipped through and through. That Worn: of Death might l>r defied. If Hr Duncan'* art were tried . Ami many lovely damsel* saved flic fate of an untimely grove. CJ7-DR. DUNCAN’S WESTERN OFFICE, No ISO Sycamore street, Cmcinnatr Ohio; where hu vatjiubJe medicine is sold Sold in Piudiurgh. by WM-JACKSON. corner »( VVood and Liberty »u. aplL’dAwT ROBC OI|STBIKNT, tor Tetter, Ringworms. Pimples on the Pare and oUiuc Cutaneous Krupltous. Tellers. Ringworms, and herpetic eruptions geiicruliy : are among the, roost tedious and disagreeable uflcclion* to which the human frame is liable Situated a* i| .were, on the verge of vitality it it almost impossible to resell them by.inward reraedie*. Hence the inefficary of undergoing a eoiirst nf medicine. or subjecting our selves to the uncomfortable system of-strlct dirt, sm-h >rncan» by reducing the system merely palltule the symptoms while they arc in practicr, to recui n* v.o lentiy. or mure so. when a generous dirt is returned 10 - And the generality of external applications have no oilier eifert than 10 heal the disease in one place,noon to show :tseli‘in the same or another pan When u|i thn«r m-'nns have holed, ami m inuny seVrrr cast*. a per sever i«cr lor u snort i.iiic in tbe use ol the Rum ll.ntmem has prov-.l etreetual There .s no tumble in .!. apply-itg •! cvetv night. For sub- by It A I'AHNHSTOCK A l‘o apl‘J .-o- Ihii nml wood «ts 4 ami Ist m«,I woodsts M Kurin for Sale. I'arm on tvin.-h he reside*, ;n Ilufl.nl.i Tovvnsli.p. Arnistning I'uuniy. Pa . i-iimauiing one hundred and seventy note*, one hundred acres cleared and in good or lor Tin- improvement* cons.st of n large tmo *iory Unveiling Hnu*c mul a largr .flank Kuril There .1 a lure*- meadow, and the whole Farm is well walereil - A ! *o. good Ok hard of chnn'r gmftnd trees, one and a hilt l» le- from ill.- Allegl,eltv RVI r There IS nl-o mi uf'ttudilnee ol IV.I 11. r„>. r-0... J., .. '-'eel. A.lrr ' M1 ‘ > ‘ n rope lfi7’"The Box Plan if now open auhcTlicatre, where places rnav be secured. aplWJi* Real estate in the country—The >ui> •iTitier* offer Tor sale n"house and Ini in West Mid dlesex, Merrcr count). The houie is.well calcalatcd jbj a store nud dwelling, immediately on the Erie Ex tension Canal. lu a tlounsblng village near by, are several tun.aces and in the midst o' a rich farming dis trict. Alto, a house and lot m the flourishing village of Or angeville. Mercer county. The house is well calculated vfor n tavern or store. The above property will be sold cheap and oil ac e6mtm>tlating terms. !£Af AH DICKEY & Co" ' hplff 7-. water and front sts REAE hi Allegheny City—The subscribers offer tor sale s lot of ground ill Allegheny City. 50 feci by £O. fronting on Canal street and extending back to Liberty sireei-ti might lie subdivided into four good building lots t , The property will be sold cheap atid on aeconunoda. i-ng terms. ISA! \ll DICKEY A-Co spiff water and front sts LAMPS— A large and bemuifnl assortment of Pat eni Solar tmrd Lamps, soitsblc for Steamboats Hoirl*. Churelies and Dwellings, constantly on hand a the lowest prices. W W \V[I~SON spiff corner 4ih and Market sis Window glass-h;i.x* ex*. ffSlixs 7xo; ffJObis ixtd, Stn.xsllUlJ; 30l.x*WxU; With lffxlS, Itixlti, IffxlO ami Iffxtb Glass; in store and for sale l.y spiff TA33KY A HKST BROOMS— ffUOdos. Corn Ilrooms assorted sues, in store and for sale low try ■r»* r. Butter ab l>bUU Lari) TAKSKY * BKST.US wood «l ID L&UD-i! bbl* Roil Bmtcr; , 'i kr** [,ard; (or rale l>y J DALZKH.,2I w.irr.l rpOBACCO—is keg* Cedye’t No 1, C Twnt, land* X tng from sinir Hobcrt Morns and for talc by J DALZRI.f. SOAP —So bit cilia Palin !?on|>; SO bis No 1 do, J I>AI.ZEU,,'JI wnlrfft BUOWN ROLLS—bale* tunable for Ham Hag*, for talc by ; apl2 OAItSON Sc MeKNUJHT. Gib ti • m.iru) lb* liog 10ur,,1, Well trimmed, in npl-/ . ' CAUSIN'& McKNICMT.Gth at OIIANOKS -On bi- in in/ - ju*t irenvrd ami Ibr »nle I* > .. WICK .* MfCANDLKSS npl*J cor wnnd and water at* FIO IKON :jn ion- Allegheny, fur *nir from il « Wbatr by J A it FLOYU si|*H . llri t.iM-riv «ireVr BIUTANNIAJ TKA Sims mid rVtm>tiiitiinit‘ Ware. A Ui>. l ine jl'itble. I’lillei y. Fa*t«r*. Ac . (or sale by apld W \V UNISON YY'-ILLOW BAKKKTS-S iie.l* Madeira VViU VV low IlniWli. landing tioin l-annl and Cot *alc by n|»li J UaL/KI.L, ‘JI water »l Ur W. AVILSON, Watchmaker mid Jewellr* • corner remit il to thin office. _ . - anll'dlll' I^KAS— 100 hf eh««lO H. and OutipowUer Traa; 7«»"if b T - M catty l'oir» do do ,l„. N uplJ For Kniejiy _ W f.RKRR V f 1 1CEKN APPt.KS-lirfi M.ln f..r -lie f.y \I np|'.' \V (iItKKR. eor water and ►miiMirM <<• RAISINS'— 50 b*i* Rnisuip m -More kixl for «alc by npIV ‘ ; W (iUKKH RICE—iSJ iter re* llirt. u prime article, for vile by r W ORF.RR .—SO ktik Soiuh No 3, for »ale by W URKKK 28—IW) lia». tccM and for «>ate 1»t TAB3EV A. nEST, 35 wood «t 'ft—lS Lbla prime, in store and TASSET & UEftT POT. . for Rile by '• TAB3KY 4. DESTVK wood M U lie<« on band snd,for isle by TAgBEV A BEST Barley ■i>i» ( —«tacks received and for sul e by . TASBKV A BEST 1 libit pure Lard for isle by CARSON A McKNIOHT,6ih «i LARD— SC spin OALT-«| Q aytt bWt Kier’J No I, fortsle bv Carson a moKniqut. oih m Lbsioiu spit Kg*"' 1 bzs prime iosl ree’d and for «sle by » - \VICK A McCaNULK^ TTER-J bfcl* jati rec’d sndjor spia WICK. AMcCANDLESS ■HSATHS-rSO dbz- P*wot. fctiils i (pH* ’ JAB rLUYD SCVTKS by JOAB-30 bb!» in by LDAP SII spiff lObxaßoobrifhlVExits, for tsle bv ■ ■ JAR FLOYD Dnrcs; PAINTS, ASl> DtK-STWP^: FOK SALK by FHFNCii Jt RJCIIAKO-', Wholesale Bnngisa.ni law price* a largo sod complete as »>'Uflcut oT Drug* P&tin*, Oil*, \Vtnd&>r Gla*s, Hye Stuff*. and Spice*, which wo offerfery tow lire e»*fi. .We warrant our Dhig*:tp be part aoilof I>rniif iju«Jir> ;-3mons-whirb ttre^—"r-; • .» Qmainv ;] SiOlb* pur^Oil Peppermint Hniphin. ' j -.id tba UpHUH. 1n...i Hi! Hark. - \j :.H)bbl*Fa»inr Oil: liu-Ju.tiug every article h-ed b> i).'uggi*u and Piiysi emu* Our a-*mimrni of Pairris. Vnmi»hr* ami W n.low i» tnrc'r. apd our price* «u4h a» cannot j<‘ ion- Purr L-m.l; i>Siw Gf>;tch.YAl!l.*h; •.W or »\V iiiiiow u;a*«; ''SfVbb's Copal do, r Stm kr<» Yen |t,d. ninl l^Mlo/l*a:nt Hrwth**s Ochre. 5b hM* Spts, Turpentine; 1 UU O illoiu 1. luceil Oil. a super o.- CoJch Vttririflt at $•-' Jfr gnllou • .'it i'idr* i-vrry aa.cle u-ed'hy Coach and I>ve ytutN \*r offer n; pasiictilarly low prices. hli';og ’arce «tov< oi every iri.He used t-y lHc trade 0 ii'.-i* IK(W«..[.. : :»I« lirotimi lYppcr, JJ roi'*o> ■; 0.l \ iinol. [ sKW »!,> : f'liiu'ur.ODi uu lt.« li'ilitfo. I -•»ST-KFFkfTtVK itKM KM .• DU. WOUD'B SanaparllU and IVIli) Cher ry Uittersj for the ruieot'tliu following di-ea»e«: Jaundice, Liver Ooinpl unl.mil U'ihuu* Com plaints. sick llc.adach•>. Heart Burn, Indigestion, habit u:ii Fottiivite-*, Piir*, Palpnainm* of Ihc Henri, Los* of A ppcin«. Dyspepsia. Ncrvou* Irritations, Dehiliißicl Vloinscii. lVpre**ion of Kurils, Chronic ttheu matt-m. FutauJous Di-e.w*. Canker. Syphiloid Ih ea- Soroi'nin Impurities ot the Hleod.' Pimple* and I'u-lulr* on the Face, Hefedtury Humor", Fold s*ote*, and all dn.ca.-e.* uria:rtf? from an m.mtiictou* use oi .Mer -1 The attention of the invalid public, and of all those, afflicted by any of the above disease*. isJrtrpectiuHy called 10 the merit* of a new and invalunble prepara tion from an original renpeof a distinguished physician, condoning m itself the rtiojsi Ritive jcmedial properties' of two of ihe very first article* m the Materia Mcdicu. The Sarsapurllla and Wild Chcrr* Bitter*.were in troduced tn the public about twelve months ago, and during that period ilielr sucre-* ha* l,ecu *o great as to uidii' c itie propncioris offer them with still ionic confi dence. in the lull belief that by entering into more ei • ctiMve use., they will prove a blessing to all those suffering from the di*cn*e« above ciiunieraied. «_ Sold, wholesale and rciuil, by W YATF A KtiTCll- AM, gencmlagentw, Iffl Fulton street. New QxXl "*• Tiidrh. Miirkct street; and I*. 1L Sawtkr, Smithfield. street. Pittsburgh, Pn. Price Sl—large bottles. mrh*Hl?m jMn VBW BOOKS—We have received a large mint-. l\ her of yutuatde Books, just published; uinonglli'-m [ are thr follorW'iig McChcTtie* Life and Letter*, 2 vols; illaldanon Romans. fSketebcsof North Carolina: IHistory of'Prenbytenan Church in Kentucky; The Genius of ■* t coi!and; • -t- " ,f Ctialtmr’s Moral Plnlotophy; - I Mary Jane Graham; Winslow on D-'-cb n*:on ami Revival: |The Pre-Adnimte Kanli; ! Margaret, orthe Pearl—by Rev. Fll Tailor i Lady Mary. . TlteGrenv Coinui'indiii' «t— by C Fry. , ! The Lord-’Prayer—by Jlonpeh . ... ‘ Thunkful.nrs* and other Krwijr. ' The above together >v ih n fceruTtil hS+h lineal o' ' Theological. «'!«•,s.cil and Mn-crltHUo.us Cooks, for »aip ii Ka-irrn prices FU.ION’ A w|» 10 d>; Market stre'et. between 3d mid 4th BEWIGKLY ACADEMY! A CLASSICAL an>l Commercial Boardiii* School for BUYS, on the Beaver* Roatl,.M mile* from Pnubureh. - ; Rev. Jmpph 8. Travelli; A. Mi* Vritiflpth .The Summer Se*sion will euraraenco oil MbmUj, May 3U, lrl7. - *• Tkshs; Uouidmg, Tuition, \Vtutting, Fuel, LmjlilS. he., per scmon of fivcßiomli*,S7J. One half payable in advance, the balance «i the close »( tlm *es»joti. Book* and Stationery furnished When requested, a! the expense of the pupil... Atl I'ln'.Mnz to V diulnrt! y mar Lt-l. Pupil fumi«h ilieiro»n towel*. It is very desirable tbnt oil »hould >ie |> A Co. Scrip, {do AM ptxvl Cnrrc:i J do_ ■* All good CurVy, {do renii4) Ivania drt, ido IVnnsylvantado. {do Tcnnessrc dn; I*l do Tennessee do. “do Browns?.He. ‘do llrow.isviie, Wa.iluns'oii. i do Washington, {do • Kor.-sp; l ill* oi Exrhanre procured. pbilA »lm* - ' s. holmes a ron/ Banker* and Dealers In Exclntugc. Coin uud B*uU Note*. no. .Vi. M.uiki.r STKKVr, riTrsiH;iuin. HANKI-.IO.anJ lk-abtr* in Kxcii.-uin-.CmiiundJJaitk Note*. No A 3 Market «ir-M. Pit sburgh vi . i iVfVitr." Ki« , irmt;r. • l!u> mg Untc*. * !>r c.nf.lnit.-d.,’ I di*. * ,!(»• l-mil-wti!.-. i un i i'o Si I«oui*', iJo Scihne flit New York, fnda,!. ph-a. Bait ii’.i)fc. ttiwc nJ:r«. HANK NMTKS. Rtff * | “-Ferni*hing Hardware, Britannia, consisting m pari a* follow*: ebis Japanned Wore, F.nghdt and American; 4 hjr* Bmanm'a do do do, •J cask* English Tinned Fftncepans; 1 do Ovnl l*ot»: l ca«e Tintsarul Waiter*; 1 do Knuneilcd W«rc; t <*d Prrs«ed Ware- l cask BtigbtWare; A -ALSO, laailbs assorted Copper; SOplate*Tinned Copper;, » I30(i lb* Juniata Wire;- 30 nxsTm Plate; \ap9 ] JOHN DUNLAP, 1? Market »t JTSiyKasiTY LKCTUU.ES—a course of scientific'Lecture* will be.delivered by.PROF STEPHENS, in ihe Hall of tlie University,onTuesdny and XbUr*duy evenings, commencing fue -day Even me. April 13th. nt half-past seven o’clock. ' Thcviourse will consul of Ten lectures on ibe rao*t important subject* of Chemical Pk{lo».. President TtrS't3*ECßfyEl> at M X .MINER’*-: J nltuifJied Flofa—No 3, AQUnated N.Uuip—No i 'Georg*'. or the Pldoterof the Nlr of France—a talc of sea; tiy’Alexnnder Duma*. ThftipdvH/S VVeddinir Ridceor tlie Adventures of n tVatcltroAkir; by A.jDuma*. j The KiaEt&Righway, by (i I’ll James, F.«n. Castß:'6 , Flliiif.en*le'!ii; do; ! . Ugmfiey AiSsn—No d Tlie iy master—Merit supply. French. Span'sli and Gutman without a master. 7 Ffe«lrassortment d|‘Dr*rnan/ed Plays, among which Kortteo and Juliet, Charles the XU, and DniSner the-Wedding. A aSpenot article of Tissue Paper, assorted colors. For sale at r A! A MINER’S *p7 , . ' ' SmilbfieM »t. 3d door from Second TTTAN'tBD'BOON—Prrnce* m'warclmu*e.»' retail ■ • VV and wholesale stores, on steamboat*, of snmc uw ful etiiployineutiii our cities, towns, or.eoumry around, for several good book-keeper*. salesmen, ogetus ware housemen, schoolmaster*, uicctmuicnl, fanning and men. j A Iso, for. a number of boys of dilTcrcni age*. Also, for a number of colored men and women, hors and gills. K7*Waft!cd, several good cooks, hbusekccpcia and gins fm all work, p \ / All kinds of Agrncicwtltemled to promptly for mod crate charges. Please apply at ISAAC HARRIS’S General Agency and Intelligence Office ap" .. FilUMUjiear Exchange Bank ttkMOVAJL~A. CARD. I TAKF. lhii method of rclumi'uc thank* jto Ibo public generally, for the .very liberal’patronage bestowed on me, licretofore.anil l trust, by strict attention lo |ui»i ness, to merit the same patronage et-thc idrgc and com modious warehouse., comcrof wood and lilh streets, . now, in part, occupied by B A Fahm*4tm-k' A. Co— where my stock of Garden Fieloand Flower Seeds and 1 Agricultural IraplumtiiU, will t>c found large undof 'die brntiiuality. ( ■ • ’ lwmU cordially invite all to call and stc me, alroy. new mam). j nirhiTdAwF ' S; N WICKKRHUAMi i-'enlsiaon PASCAi IRON WORKS. PHILADELPHIA. Wtldcd Wrought Iro'ii Flues. SUIT A Ul.lv lor locomotive. Mur m.-, und other firm Encinr llntb-r*. from d. io ■'•mrhes dmiurii-i.. AN Pipe* lor Go*. Meitni. mui niher pui|iO'«*s; e.yiiu *lroM Tube for Hydraulic Profr., Ilolh.w PimoH- lor Putin -f s-Vam lirigm.-. Ifcr * Miiiniluruirctl :ind‘fnr salr by TAMKF.R ft. MORRIS, W'nrrhoii*«■ S. It. corner T'h.nl nml H'ntnut stn-el Ph.:.i.biphia. i - ln+ .T. Jllfning Company. N'OriCE is hereby givdrj that on the Istiindnt n ii»*c«siii.-it'of 25 rein* per ■‘lnre W:t« made: by Hi Trustees on the stock;qf said Company, to be paid n or before th** Ist day of May next, to Treasurer.Samut J M’Knight. of Pittsburgh.^ 1 Hy order of the BoariTof Trustee*. - aRKSHIP WASTKD— For a lad from -/• York. IP yjnn of .ncp; a *iluai ; on in ismi* r«‘«pn aide Commercial Kstnlili«hmcnt in the city ’ A» u ilip de«irc of hi« parents that he should acquire n kno 1 ledjto of-iiu*inc*r. a small remuneration would only required for ihe first year. Reference may he had Kdttorof flazelle. nptftl JUST Recciyed and foraali* at l)i<: iuinuf.ictar« , r> hit prices, a later-iitvoim of psiftni (iiim FJa»uc and Slurred Suspciuicr*. of liie Rustcll Mnmjlacmmc Co ? Cl. For Mle by tbe Agon. No W U P' itafn, wholesale. I-.D" ARU TOPD meh-ifi . Mawwjirturrf *„A?r n, _ * —__ oii»a«* ~ : T HAVK Rpcei»nl7n»m I’l.ilAitslrJn* a lar*euM©,i 1 nmi of SMit or ChamDcr Dlmiis of iUfKrrior maki anti finUh unj lor • . •. WJI NOBLK, UphoUtercr Opoo«itp Hank of rmsbureh , A CARD. -• A BIS THROCKMORTON beg* to acquaint hi* friends that ho is again-Jessee of the I»At,T lIOI'HB, Ixuis»ille,Ky.,where he hope* to meet all Ut* old friend*, assuring them and the puMie.ihatno edort •hull be spared to raakd all comfortable who favor him with their patronage, r ■ : r - ,"; YlaWldly • . : . . . vT raHIO, Indiana, Kejntacky, and Penna. fund*: nisi VJ County ami City Orders purchased at redaeedriute *f discount,by . •Jn UOLMESaSO.Y Rjrchanaejltoker.saMaikei st * Co.’a Adamantine Star Candles be found at the store of Davri A Leech. Sralli i-field street,JnrtwcfaM-add. liJu l ' a • ■■iMwtP-. ’’.l,- ■■■•„ t >JQ9. Q;PAVI3 ALLPfictt, iOmaamoitraod Cteier/' VJ bbu, boxes and small packages, couimntlyoaV and fot sale ntihe Jffawtpnl and spice Factory, C/ jireet. ••> “ bji»• •• 1 RHODEiA ALCt| Salts By John D. Auctioneer SHKUIFFB* SALK OF A COrXTRV STOKK. DRV liooDS. &e. ON |’r:«!a> iirfiriunr. UUh tis'lunt. v.Jl> o’rlrei. at Djvi*** Opuuu-t; iu! Auclioq-liooin*, conicr.-. \Vi>cii and Su'lh Mnrit*. will he b.ld Without jr«e»irc hy order oi‘ Jrihn Forsyth, F-"»(. High Sherd of Allegheny coun ty—a large a«*ortuH-nipi' Dry Goods, Grocenc* \c . r(Mr.|>ri»u>s llieeiuire stock oi a country store. consist ing in (i «i »tf the Ibllowmg. viz : 53 piece* n*«meddrc%e and funtilurc pratt*. a baUorme*. chintzes. ißuns.g.nplani*. rnoure do Uuir«. jaconet, rnmbre and rro*»bi\rrcd imi*lin*, Irish irnei-.*. bleached anj unbleached nmlini, woollen JV'a.d*. siper bread ilt'lh*. pikit cloth*. k cravat*- fancy "lock*. silk atiJ notion K.tki-. . comfort*. bo»ii rv. kid glove.*,imtt.».«n*pcitderi>.tt-*ci.-i!.-s • liuiion'f. whalehone, til jn'>h-«, toiuli, Ac. Al -* O'Clovk, 1“. M. '• -Tahir and tea spoons .arrows, Heel, auger*. In.-ne** hurtle* pex’ knives *hut:rr !a«tenere. peror». fur alio chip hal«; plu*U, •g ! iued and cloth cap*. bonnets Ac Term' ai *aiT. • #p!t> * J n Davis, .Ï • DKl' 1.001)5$. ON Monday morning the t’-Mi instant. at jn oViock, *. it.. will he sold—an extrusive n'rortuieiu tresh nml seasonable staple and fancy dry p ods Ac. At •-* O’Clock, l\ M. ' w A l o*l l>nl*ieuUr, work and wa-Ii ♦tandi. fancy oml comnion chair*, rocluij; clia rp. cra dle", dinin* rnrd and hfenktrnil-lahleM. Alto, carpeting, feather beds, mil'.TAffrA. I rdJinf;. looking gla»*ea. engravinj;*, glutnwure. cjtu-rti»ware. cooking Move*, kitchen uiciiml*. coal and l)cvon«liirc *hovel».‘3Uf Chen* Y. II Ton. S Ux*. Va.ma nit mete i c-l tobacco, wire *afe, tieve*. &c. : M r O’clock, I*. Mi : A handtotnc atfoitment of fine tnldc amljtcckri cut lery, new and tecond hand waiche*. tituMcnr nwru' tnentt. readymade clothing. Ikwi*, shoes cap*, whip-, a retail work of dry good*. 4e.. Ac. ' ' TO NCRCHAKT TAILOHS-Now o|ieii»>!; a -plcndid afsonment of those Toby, ninnu/ucturc-il >uirii, both fine and medium Cjnnlihei. A large invoice Crarau, both black and faccic*,--di rect frolu the Importer. Adjusting Stock*, all qu.aluie* and color*. Satin How*. do . do do; Uotnbntine do do ; —do do; For sale by the tnanofacturcr’* Agent. No SB Woo • / ttreet. up ttnirt, wholesale. EDIVARU TttDl) \_/ aps Agent (or Eastern Manufacturer*. CABINET UPHOLSTERING. ;'v I AM prepared to do all kind* of Cabinet Stut&iiß Soi'u*, Divan.*, Chairs. Chair Seal*, ai aliotl i:oii.~o Orders left at Mr. Noble’* oa Third rt.'prumpi!y ut:c:iil cd to 'lo"Repaij irianalla Ulaei do; itmnnihi. polLn.jyiil’clia.ti (jimp*, binek and colored Lolensn Mud nnd colored raiiti ribbon rccM m ■P» ‘ K X KaTO.VS Sllilc, Ll'sLK THREAD- AND PARIS KIO ULOVFS—:Xl*xlli* > • 7. II eosro.v rXFOIIM ATToS”Wanted of n load of Bail. X Meat, taken b\ mi*ta'«r,or stolen, frutu (In: Wharf, about tYa lOili of March la»t. Said load r-onraiitcd—7 piect-s tiud wtrt hero by fli nincr Paci.le Any mximatum re-pocting'ii will he ihinifui ceivo.il, and a tewanl given. ! (itiOlUilv B MH?rKNIiKiU*ER npe r . Xb water v.n'ri Uu\nig’Kaie*. w Vork. > dis. 1*- A.Vf K.tt TO HOltllOW SU«i in SS.iflin » »• on a iiiniigaiy J'ii City I'n-periy worth fnuxuuu** ilii! amount— »on*fcr of k-.t'-v fur £1 ,UW per year,-(oi the buildings. will ai-iroinpiny tho mortgage. Apply ui tin* Oiiicc. * * ap9lf GOLD AVATCUK! I —A lai|i« and superior a»*' •onuirni now on hand, and for «a!« ul the-Kastcrti prices. Also. (io?d Chains and Keys, and a general assortment a( fine Jewelry. \V \V WILSON ap'd cor Market uud Foui lb «n 4jZ& BOSKS, Monthly'Bose* anil liver green*. Ac . suitable inr planting m Cenictry’s ,I '™ can he fotui*hed on application at the seed slop*, iroin Nurronoof Jas. \Vardrop, Manchester. * ' . _ ‘ • 8 N WieiCERSUAM - mch<f ~ NoKPhvni wood audlhhtls liiotlcei A U. person* knowing themselves indebted lo the .ti. late firm of HMshiji f Ureir/K, are reipcctfally notified to cull their accounts without delay, with the undersigned successors, who are duly authori zed to settle np the business of the lale firm. ' MILL& HROWNK No t“ wood sireet RECEIVED this rnormngat Barrows A Turner’s—A' tine selection of California plaids, new and beauii* ■ ful styles; French Ginghams, tety rich pattern.*, ut 25 cents;* Manchester Gingham*, wartanted, at the low price of 20 cents; English Prints; Drown plaids ami stripes, new and handsome,at No 46 Market street, rochlO 'rr Between 8d and 4th streets NAGKEREbi HERRING, SAL9It)N, AC. f pitK *uh’*cribcrs keep an assortment of Pickled Fish _L of Masshchusetts nnd Halifax Inspection, for sale in lots as wanted at tlieir warehouse. No. 40 North Wharves, Philadelphia. •- , mchiWihn > JNO M KEN N K DV" ACo [VJOTICE— Application has_t>een made forihe re ii newal of Certificate-No 176, dated 1 January 13, ISli, for ibirty-*lx shares of the . capital stock oi the company for erecting a Bridge over the River Monon gnhflla, oppo*iic P.ii-iiurgh— which said Certificate bss been destroved by fire or lost. ' mch3o GEORGE COCHRAN : Toilers for sa&b:' THREE aecond band double fluc’d boilers, 22 feet long,36n.chu* diantetcr.injopd order, will be told low if applied fur toon. Enqtme of DAVJD HOLMES, Market Street, nr ROHINSON AMtNfS. Collections on Cincinnati, Louisville, -At Louis and oil necessitate poi-ils in the United Slates made promptly, and upon the lowest terms, by N MOLMKS& .SON, EjcobanßcUroker* Noi3 Market «t SPICES— 5 bags Pimento; 10 bags Pepper; .15 kegs Gro. Ginger; S kegk Gro. Pimento; lOtixs do Pepper; fi bxs do Clove*; tt bxs do Cinnamon; S bx»‘ do Ginger; in cans do Mustard; 1 bbl Nutmeg*; 1 Obi Clove*; 000 mats Cassis; In sioru and for sale by F.NGLISU & BKSNh'IT ap7 - 37 wood street 001*2* AGENCY FOR CURRIER’S PRINTS— O •SJJIKI ju« received. A!k> on band tCdiocg & Thay er’* I‘finu, andPhelp'a Map* and Chart*. ~ ■ Merchant* andPedlar* (applied bi New York pnePs. T KENNEDY, Jr. &P‘ cor 4th and wood *tt LOOKING OLASSEg-Cili'and Mahogany {jOOkni£(>lai>se«. L.G, Plate*, Clock*, Comb*, anil assortment of Variety Goods— aJI at lowest i ate a—at No'.lW,! corner of 4th and wood street* •l>u , - 1 - THOMAS KENNEDY, Jr • WORjffcb cbCLARS, Lace*, Kd^fnjesTl^i nnn ildkfa. Moreen anJ Giat* Linen for Skirw. f.«le Ribbons, Paper Muslins, Ac., nt Fli EATON'S C OFFlCE—Roasted qni] Ground, for steamboat*, hotel* ami giYitfdrs, at the Mustard and Spice Fac tory, g? Fifth fl. apO RHODES A ALCORN * UOY WANTED—Wanted a good industrious Boy a. to attend m a (irarery Store. The beet cf refer* pnee required. Apply to apOtf F SEITZ, lit Liberty street BACON —I casks assorted Uncoil, retctvrd per stair Clipper Not!, and for *ale by s > LEWIS HUTCHISON A Co np9 . " "Nos 45. water and OJ from *ls (COFFER— M« bag* .prime Href n Rio. landing this y day per Umgbani’'i,ii:r nml for »nlr bv np9 ■ JAR FLOV l>.!!« Lilwfty »t SPICKS— hi boxes Ground Pepiwr; 5 l-x* tiromi-t Ca«,*ia; 8 liri (•'niiind Clover; 50 mau*Ctu*iV.' For sale by apIO; _ ,J I) }\MI.I.UMSACo.IiOworNI«-l r |tjFCA—VO lif rbrstf fine un-! extra fine Y. !ly«7m; £1 A 40 catty bx* do. do. do. and Imperial. Tern tbr *ale by J I) \VJLLIA 'IS ACo a;»111 ; HO wo-ni street - A-LPACAS—Jun ojwrcd.a lotof low priced Black /i. Alpaca.*,an cicclluu nnicle for ihe inicc. ai ilry cooU»W.i*.i.oi': apio W R MURI'HV BACON—iiiw H»s hoc round, on corisip’mcnl nrni __ >Vr ,alc .M ~~upm. J DWU.UAMSACo IjOLIi BUTTKII-7 bf.M receive) ibi* day.and -IV for *-ilr byf npl» . UI! FLOYI) TOIIACCO-vOJ.x* Me. A Mc.Sfl I'lo b.r* l.aytrm’i 5», I,amp; in isore oj.lU JAR FLOYD •r\.l for *ale by FKATIIICRS— Co rack* prime, in su>n* and for **Je by— JAR KT.OYP BIIOOMS— SO dox. larße andtmn'l "Sire*. in '«tare and for ante by -anlO J i R FLOYD BATTING— 111 Laics Nos f, 2 and 3. in (lore «n 4 tor sabt.byj- ' npjil J4t It KJ.OYD S HAFTS—2 tons for rale l.y 'w GRKER . • cor water ami G\ LASH— tXXJ.I.xs * aptO For sale by T AHD OlL— abU!iConkliap’*Piifa, for tale fcjr *-» QpO. • F SEILERS. I7j.ibertyj*_ VfACKRREL—SO bbl* in "tore nml for taloby IVI apO J DA LZKLL, 3> vraltt«V BACON AND LARD—Kecemiur und for raic.by _affil JDAKZKI.L,. H water M _ TANNER'S OlL—i*Q bbl* for Mle by aj>9 J _DALZEhU--M wai.T *1 \rA».S —500 kef* Na iU for »a> low by ' t - , L\ apO V J GLOVEItSEKD— UC bo*. Pcnlta!, in «»« *'«i *V f •ttlo_by apO . J A RjFX*OjjTIV^ LARD— 2 bbl* No I, landing and tor «aie by •• S apli' . Jfc R FLOYD, _IW Llb«il>; m NUTMEGS oobaud»ad for**lebrj- - - - . ■, apO »HOPg**> . WHITE brans-m 1 *? fori*aleby_;-—»" , ....' apO . Jo -1» J T STI’ART. 5o l>x* lOii’i W GREER