The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 09, 1847, Image 4

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    i '
1 i
Express fashi packet lineup
Extlulhtiy fir Ptwnftrt. "•
THF, pvSlie are reapeijirsllf informed that tbia Line
will ronmiKop or about ibe 16tt* mnasi
7 * add eoniilmr throughout pei »ea*on. The pppttetbr*
1 bare now p aced a auprtlor blai* of Paebeia and Kail*
, road C*n> on the roo'.rjwiih extra aceomoodatonv
, wftich ; W!tl gi** greainroonSm to traveler*.
A.Packo ]toai will altwaj«*d»e>ifl port, and ibe trav
eling public are ftqaeatrd t<AeaU and examine them,
prcVeusiloengaffmir n*4»a*c rtsevrhere ,
. Oneofjthe i’-cke'* t»B| leave ihe landing, {opposite
the .United Sit’es Hotel,} corn/r Perm street and If*
Canal. every n ghi-pu eo’clock /
Por information spplv at /the office. Mocongatseia
Hou»e. vS'tier »ire«l, or io D LKECH’ACoJ.
mebl3' ' cor Penn street Cartel
l! 47-
TT'HB nock of ih\l I: f. consuls of a doable iliilj I
JL Line ot Rosts and itar*. Jcmied hy •ibemnjv«s,.)!
** which fere In good -order I The auhsenbara ar*-pr*M>
red to fegward a largo quantity of Merchandize aid
ProdacewiUs certainly tnd dispatch; _J \j
Pipdiicepr Merchant! se consigned to arty of the uilj
demined.U forwarded rec or any ebargefor comm*
stoa or storage. ' , ]
» Ibtfs Lading transmin d and oil instructions promptly
‘ ttieadedio. A ‘ - /
Tpe bnaineis of ttistLineis eotidneted on smelly
Sabbath-keeping prinfiplps.', Address, or apply to/ l
' D LtiECll’A Ca Proprietors. / \
\ \ ' Crust Bafin, Pituto^ru
HARRIS A LEECH,Proprietor*,
No 13 Sooth Third street. Philadelphia
No lit North Howard street. Baltimore •
I WILSON, Agent. I
achls | \No 7 Wen strceQjNew York
BSfiffiai 1&47. : gr r Jff*' i a 3
t’OR ihr jransporlatloA of F te7ghi between PuisUorah
and thcAilmrUJcC'ilei. avoiding transhipaiems on
the way, and the conthtjctent risk of delay, damage,
breakage and separation of goods. »’ [ f
''Proprietors. .]
No X7C Market street. Philadelphia!
CorPerjn and Wayne tl«, PittUmrgn
O'CONNOR A Co, North street, Baltimore . i
WAIT TAPSCOTT, 73 Souih ft. N- Y. >r^
‘ i Pnfpnet
>ir ayrwi
- ,f'T
*d buiineaa the Prqpnei >r >
. and extended their ayrar ?«■
, and arc note prepared to « •
larity and diipaich uatorpe* * I
,eir lonp experience a* cans .
iy of the Portable, Boat fcyat rtn,
y and conremence of thp warei
tbe line, are'pesnliarly caldulaV
rietor* to fulfil their encasement*
ii ranomer*—ronfideaiiyjoffcnaa
r for the future, they reipecifulljl
>f that patronage which they uow
FTaafle A. O’Counor will'be ree’
imbont rharpea r-'
be-of any ehr
' Having no
aia.the tmerei
their pmnar
>mpily and ot
Encouraged by .
have added to their *■
menu daring the w'ttii
ward fre>* reel
by any outdr line. Th
the palpable aaperlor i
and the great capariij
boo»ea at each bnd t>
ted lu enable tbcproj r
and accnn/uiooatetbi ;
the paat a* a guarani r
•elicit a ttintinuauca >1
gratefully ae*nowled 5
>kllcop»>gnmrmat< '
and forwarded t&egn
leading iran?«aitW frfct
[advancing 6t «}orags'
Indirectly m ateunboat
. mu at ncceitarily be t
weal ajul they pledge t
consigned to them proi
geoua emi to the own
| Marph.l- If 4?
|KOKni!?rRA N 8 P 6 It T A n o *
' |ET'V.ih*i Trarithipn
j G<w4»conn*of<l lohur>-4re will
eor3lki»y. at the loweri current ra:
thutsbiiited, and all InMfuetirm* p
fttc-from any extra charge for Mor
Addreia, or apply io( L A Me A
\ Can*
Having « tpry la fie and commt
lire crV prepared to 1 ?eeive tu'ditJ*.
•hipmeiM) a lajfie*uno«:jiof Produce. Ac. bn Storage at
low r*t;i., C A McAXt/I.TY ACo
i JJjv If irctri I J iu»t>ur|[Q.Hlair«viil'
t»wn/Uoliid*tf?ifaiKU, Water Sweet. l'eiembu
all m emeui-ie , |
• Ou: Bust will leo *e '.lie warrh'»u«e *fC A. M
A Od . t’ltobuijtb* :very <i»j. {except Sandal
abjp >e»»can ttlwajy.tjfiroa mi. oaTin* lbe<re
• .war led Wi'bout drfiy at f»u r»ie4-
Tt Line Wat famed lor the special aceoral
' of U e way liukmrM. and (he proprietor* tfc*
*har* of patronage.
' ' I Proprietor*. '
v JOHIN MILLER, HolMayabargh
R H CANANi Johnstown
*\ CaIMcANULT.Y4.Co. Fituburg
i ftr>EHK!tcr:i.
J j McDev-iu, John Parker, Robert Moor
A Smith. Pittrfountb j
1847. &
rpil|a Line being composed of Steamboat)
X ud nuunng daily between
and Bearer, and Ireigat 'and paaeenrer Cp
running between Beavermd trie andcontr
0 &!; Reed 1 # Line of Steamboat Propellers*
on tlie Lake*, wilt be prepared upon the ek
Inf of Navigation to carry Freight and Pn
all peinlson the River, l Cm»l and Lake*.
Haring evert facility for conveying freik
senjeta with promptoeM and dUpaieb, thf
and agents respectfully solicit, from theirti
he poblte generally their patronage. < I
1 -■ I C M REED, Ene/Propnetor
\ REEDS, PARKS JtCa. Ceavej-, Arts
*\. I JtJllN A CAL'GiiEV, Titt»b*gh do
Cor. Southfield and Wateraw.opposite the Mononga*
- gibela Hpose. ' ... I
reteA to 1 /
Wheel t, Crocker 4. Co, Ke«.York
Geo Dt vie, iiudajo
iEN P irka A Oof Cleveland
IJai A hrmtuong A Co, Detroit
McClui e A William*. Mliwankje
Btutol t Puner,'Chicago
Wm PowerMown, Henna
Geo Machelmyie. K»an»tintEb. Penn*
John Me4rihur, Houuiovm, id
•rAViek A Acker, Greenville, do l
Craig A Frampion. Clark»vil!e. ' do \
Hay* A Plumb, rtbarpiburgh, Pal \ •>
•W C Malan, Aharon. \do I :
B W Ccnninehag. NcarCaHle, do marS
THE improved method of carrying li*ed by thl* long
Eaiabli*bejd Line, ia now to well known that de- ;
•cripiion i« unh^ee*»«o - -l Good* are hoi touched on lie ;
ronie, thui ailluamhipinem or'?xtr* Bundling it aaced. j
Tae BoaU are of licbt-draught and perform their tripe
in frocaaix 10 qeven data. ' i \
The capacity of our enable* n» to atore
any consignment* made loot. Receiving, tosLuU, and
advance* free 4>f charge*. '
Being folly prepared 10 make aaleaof ftodoce, we
respectfully aolieii consignment* of we* era Floor, ;
Bacon. Lard. Boner. Oteeae, >Voot, F**;bcr*, gad other ;
articles for Bale, on which Jiherat advance* be
made and oibcruSßal faciliti?* afforded, pledging oor
jwltc* that any Latinet* eninti'-r d to ti* ahatl oe u
promptly executed and upon at fair term* a* by an'/
toerbonte. ’NO .McFADDEN A Co,
f Can* 1 jnrab
mehttf £49 and £S|
Eat Beaver .Point ant
. Proprietor and Agent ■
IX7ILL be prepared on earliest opening o|
W iration to receive property al hie «rf.
a warehouse,(broilpoint* Exioi
jot, and Oau> Canals for all port* on Lak
taper Lake*.aa alao to forward produce, &4
Haprawneati. Apply to oraddraw
3 ''
Lm. ;i
he l,
fewST' -- iCgjjr.Bww
1846. ■ ; aa
II ,Hoop«. T. K chmo»4 & Co.
.i CLARKE & CO.,
j«erw«xdlnc fc Commluion Merchant*,
THE'Arent* and I’ruorietor* of this Lijjj; (»o favor
ably Knows to tbe pnblie), will be prepared on th»
learliest opening of canal oavigntion to reteiveprop
'cftytt Piiut'urrn end Ueaver, anil deliver the tame *1
any point on the Otuo canals, and tls>on Lakes Erie
a£d Mtcbigau, wnh the greatest detpaicUl and at rea*.
onaole rates. ' ’ 1
pThe proprietor* of.thia line solicit th> lotfne** of
their former customer* with confidence,tknowing that
tketf-fkemtie* are*eeoad to none.!
i Apply to or addreis I ,
. vFF « M. HARTONJXc. P*’ übarfh.
i CLARKE A Co.lßeaver.
lan»' II RICHMOND A|Cr <" ~«land. ,
■“ " 'TO TiTk - PUBLIC* ! r '
THE Boa-men’* Portable Hoatlttoioppinr bein* di*-.
aolved, tho Company again went into ajtiele* of Co
nannerabip under tfrensroe of thd •‘Boaaneß ,^Llnej,,
land likewise agreed to refit » a* to bm*
" U«caber of Boat* for the purpoae.of carrying food*
throecb in from *lx to eightdayp, with certainty—and
&«1 eneooraged bflhe liberality o( last year’* P»lm*~
aje, to make more extensive artet?jceraem« for the en
' |W«;wTJujd therefore respectfully *olieit a eommo
anceof oor former patron*, end refer all new enwomer*
to those we hare done business _ _
BOiMAJI' 11**1
- ii ■ .. For the transportation of
Call ukxm or - kuntsuixpis*, to awo. *R«j*
,; P«iri«nwn. R«rmeflEa?!.NKW Voax; **D Bosrox-
Libsity atzeot asd Canal Basin. Pittsburgh.
- , , . IfoOM Market street, Philadelphia.-
I ’\ . KT.PyR. GELSTON it Co. Agent*,
’■ j .. - !'•. . Baltimore,Md.
* • -A'i'.t- • ■ epfpticiccpq *
. 1 D A BampwoiCo, jrAftenACo,
• !. ptCLLADELPIUA—Morris Patterson ACo, Reynold*
T j McFarland A Co, Fleming A Rorby, Peter Wrtghl A
tea. J DUphara. Joseph tTraix IT
. i*- NEW- YORK—Cpodbao ACo,*lße«.perry A Co.,
Im ! BOSTON—Reedlllard A Co. i:
l l ; .CINCINNATI—Adam* A W W Heerbor
■ '"ft PLEASANT* VA-P A Mhthter.
' NoifcjAll merchandise from New berk and Boston,
i;: 1 goaaifaed to A L Gelbart A 00,-PhSladelphla, will be
,1; i promptly forwarded/rwofeotamisaioa. frbia
J- " tBROIifcCIM -
Pukifs Express to PLUodelpola.
-THE Cana) being-eew-ope*, the
• ' Eicre** whichfeai oeea-es*
. utibahM -urr ue conveyance of vahtabls package* of
«• merchandise, specie, bank. notes f iiewetry, Ac,, com
. \ AntpasCsDrwUibedtspatehedMlyxntHiteeJoar
? ••• of UmennaJingwaaoo.,.
f AOply io- ::; : DLEKCHACfc - _
fioehJf ' «o» Pass at amt Canal
; \
; |
)rtati6x mis
.1 „ _
npjus w l! known and popular Linc bf Steamer* baa
1 \>ren greatly improved toe pa»i Wlnirr. by ihe ad*
dilfon of Several new.and mvgniErAm boata. bail!
eiprertly for the Pat kn J.i-ie. and ike enure line •» |
r <y\t (~ni|ioi>ril •>( eight of Hie largest, btat fin shed und
farc:»iie<l, and mt»«i powerful t oat* on Ihe Waicn. of
j|,« \Vc»«. “reomrondaiinn ibai money wiy pro
rare h«» been provided for l’a»*enfer«, and no ;>aln«
W\il »r«rert 10 trader ihrm romiortaliir apd ihe irlpa
ngteealiie Th' M yiVehve P;:i»t.urg b nn«J Cine ./mat: dajiy
ft ni po*iiiv*!y at jit o'clock, A M ...
The MONONokfiKLA,Cap! S.'onr, wililravt
bgrgb every Mcnllsy (pooling at l<» o’clock, Wheeling
*vrrT Monday evl-ping at 10 I*. M ; BtuLTinciaiia;' c,v
ery Tbur*day a! Id o clock A M .
The IiIUKKNIA. N«> ». Capt. J. KUtvftlm. will I
leave Puuhorgh river* Toe rdity morning at Wo’clo-k; J
Wheeling evcryfTtierdav evening at 10 P M\; and I
Cincinnati every Friday at 10 o'clock; AL AJ ' 1
» . wedlrrsday packet. J \
ThrfWW I>N«r;A?CI>7KO fton, ;will
leave I’itUburrb Ivory Wediwwday oriorn.-ng Bf |Ol
o’clock: Wbeefia<*vei'’ Wednesday efoouif at 10 P.
M.; oadCiiX'moau'every lUjo'clock, A.'.M. 1
The WISCONSIN, Capt. R. ) «we,wilt leave Pill»-
burgb every TndrWJar morning at llio’cjnek; Wheeling
every Tkutaday levelling m in P. M(;l and Cineinnatt
evrrySaaday U lUoVtoek. A M || a
The CIJI'PMB.NO. H, Caju.Cro«b JwiU leave Pina- I
burgli every Friday morning al lOo’efoek: Wheeling I
every Friday evening ad ID P M.; and Oncianati every
Monday at 10o’clock, A. M /
The MF*SKNCF.R, Capt. Linfei\L will Tcave'Ptit»J
burgh rvery'Saturday morning at lUp dock: Wheeling
every Saturday evening At 10 P. M r i ana Cincinnati
eceryTvraday atlo6*clock,.A. M. I
The tPAAC’NFAVTON, Capt A. O Maun, will
leave pittaboigh md;«in* tu 10 o’clock;
Wheeling rvrrv Sunday cvemng « IOiP
-eirpian ei--ry Wedncadayal lOo’cl AM.
Packet* will Ural ibeitjbertb» at rnubutgb
and Cincinnati. regntarly, the day prrinoua to Icavlufi
each port, for the reception of freight. «ttd omry of 1 a*-
»errer*on the HegiMcr. . , , .. ..
No Berth or fUaie Room conaidcrt'cl erigagri. unti l paid
a,. ; v f«“
scnnsii ARRANGE
1 8 41. §
Time»«»llaliimorf• • • hour*.
.Time to Philadelphia
tOnly n Mile Staging.]. „
TMIE splendid and la«t running s'eskiirr* Consul. w
it Me|,*nr and Swatara. have commenced inaki .
dooti'c daily trip*. One l>oat will leave ihe Mononga
brln wharf everr morning precisely ai •< o'clock.
Passenger* by ib' morning line will artive-in Raltioum
next evening in lime for ihe Philadelphia Mall Hast, o|
(tail Road vara • The evening Boat will leave ihj
wharf daily ai 4 n’rloc*. rxrept Sunday* Pes«rngci[
tv tan (mat will lodge on bovd. in comfortable *UU
room?; leave lirowumlle next morning at
ero>* tne mountains iuday li«h>; and lodge m Corn
beiland. Thus avowing night Thi
preparations on this/route air amp c. and me
that di|*appoimmenu jf delay* wiil be uo
ftewn upon it- J . • . .
. Patacngerncan «lop on the tone and resume thei.
vest* again atplearjure. and-have choice ni Rail Road
or Stearmoai between .Baltimore i nJ Philadelphia
Coaches chatiered to panics to ravel,a» they demo
Secure voar tickets at the office. Mbnongahcta House.
Or 8t Charle* Hotel.\ '• J■ AIKS£IMKN
fetid \ _ | -
1847. gMgg
i . j
rots the TR*n*roßT*Tio» or I
'Philadelphia, llaltlmoW. Hew York
and Bostoa, i
TtHE encouragement thm lilie hasreceivWVinee
its rinmmenceitient, has induced the proprid
tors to increase the stock by adding o numbcnol first
class bunts; and in*iei<J ofgiTing.reccipu aa hereto
fore as nfceul*. we will giso .pyr own receipts tcjr
freight shipped by Ibis line. ' j
The bunts are all portable, consequently freigpt
is Liken th 4 wholrjdistance without transhipment,
thereby preventing damage from Irequent bandit tg
on the mute, and ns each boat is owned by t >c
Captain wH<> runs them, which is a sufficient gti r-
Enter that there will be no delay on the route.
All Produce otj, Mcrcbamiire consigned to me will'jbe forwarded FREE OK CO *l*.
MISSION jfor advancing and forwarding, and rill
be shipped' without delay at the lowest rates of
We respectfully solicit a share of public pat •li
('anal Basin. I'itubufg).
Broad Street. I’hiladplpjii i..
J Agent
Bowley's Wharf, Balpmnr *.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18,18T7, |__
»f\ v\ AV
tr, Jobns
urgh am]
>.] aud
Is lor-
i Lakefcrie
i oil Boat*,
cling with
od Vewli
lieai cjpen.
rpHK dndcrugnrd are now prepared 10 forward pi
X dueel,4e. t :o tbc Kauera IJiffceU dcring the efti
iug Winter. on ihe mni favorable terrn*; by lh»* ex;
dmon* mate.
n«nottJ ton* willbf forwarded'*! ihr
nth deipaieb.
cnvedby tint route promptly for
J C nrDWKLL. a/i Pituburch.
(» Tl r CAS*S. Brotra«rille-
K KGKRTON k CojCutnl-erland
All property con<
lowed rite* nod wi
Merchandise ree
. -^PsMPfPI
TIIK »üb*eri .er* wf!l for o>e\ dell »rry of Pro
dßce-to Uai imorc ( l>y ibe .Monoiiga&e)* Slackwater
aulir fallow. n| pn«:r*.~ , \
- A-he*. Baplii. Hull-r, Lead. Lard,\rork, T*J ow,
(Vhxkey-Cbct »r, ard Glass—el* peril® lb*.
Tollaeco.lletnp, Flix tniTWhea!—W-\eu per 10b lb*.
A*thM.<Pot) Apple*. Chrere, PiAX-Sedd, Ulus, and
Leather—lo 6 lw per 100 Ibf :
Oil*, Slrin».'!Seed«. Wool—l Met* per lOC* lb*. ,
/ ‘B*e*w»x.Pf«iher«, FBr*,Gin*eng; *nd Snake- loot
—l*o «» per ' a '~~
All property etmnrned to either-of the umlcr»i mei TJREI’ARED
Will bH formfded wnhoat delay, free o Cojcbu* .ion, 'jf rv:ie<l to cor
U'nhoye rate*, i U* R CLARK. Urown irille.' <*rr orOpiuro. i
]_ J HANNA A WATKKl!A*.Pill*h> r*b. *oi* t ha* s|
n-rtfa.fl .4--- i— IB THE Cl 7
! i FOa SALE.
L THE Steamboat MA»,
. iTT/ ft and refilled in bandwi
r Monon»-‘
in bandaona
now at the Mouongahe ia wbarl Aa iTO TUB FA'
*be ia improved ahe ia v ell adapted for The Ginseng
carrying freight and pasaenge ta;or for lowing; ah Ihas of the trat reap.
grcat-fapMUy and power. Anr peradn diapo*.ld ip ita claim to he .
porch'aae willofeourae tnapect her i ■ eted capable
I alto propose to leant, forone or mam year* mj\eaof bronchial irrita
Work*, and •o'atnanof energy and busnjeas habit* jhey' aathnw, Irene
offer groatadvantages. I rian famish tile tewce, either but expresses i
on «ale\ or charter, my towboat “MI.fIKR.” lie can Europe and A
alto haJf on fair term* six banrei, thrtje flats, and two usually regard
coal bottoms, siiieen'ears with ropeaL fixtore*. -1 be couaideied
-*ade full, operation* L> — ~ r ‘' •
' : «hment ial*~-
made ftiT ful'j. operation* -An examination of Ibt
lahliihroent lai invited. Perwu* nejrot
with me'tu reference to anyjofthe above partico
may oddrraa ?ie at my OSes in tftaan** Bui Id in
sUcrU Pituourfh; or ai Harlem, near Mdnoc^abe’
•ion, Cron
is Erie nnd
■by Penn's.
....... .L ,
above bu*inrks and a <k>ire ta pleat
it and receivi a «harc pf public pan
2 NWonbahd arid finiahlttjf ifl'ordi
open ai|d lop nujfice. and ei
l!tma{rt made u> aider, from *ev«
*lf hi hltM*feli facjo-difl
, [Near ijie Upper
TMIK the Star Cotton iVeiSry reepert
fuli> icforw the public thattbeyarejnow in*ueceiw
ful opcfiDou. i Musing employed the sirsieeacf Cf. W.
Jlarne* a* Manager, who has bud an ixpenence of It
year* ftr rte'~prlpclpnT , f aciorret'oT Allegheny City,
they would inform J£e»cllam» and Dealers m general
that they will always on hand superior Cotton
Yams of all Nos, Uautnr*ftVurp«,an<i Brown Jfoslln*
bf rop£i«vr ruake. i[ S VOKOTLI kCp
..... N. R.— Orders left at thol will, or at: the note of -My.
ens llontar k. C 0,153 LtScitr sired, will be promptly
latiezrled to. . tnchSSi|3iu , N.V.&Co
j I Cop«tttler*faip. :
'TTfE. lbe andmiffued, 1 h*Te entered into Coen.
W »hin 'for ibe-Ftypoeejof tranurUer • rrodu*.
Gonusiaion ni)d Forwarder buwne**,. under lie «tyi
Ud have taken the whirbohne, No C CommercreJ Roe
Liberty »trr«J fomiertr' { > <, CQpi«Shy Nr.W B l*u«er
•where all boline** ihunitaj! » our charge will I
proiaptir and faithfully minded to. > ,
F p MORRIS ORuN.lbriaeily of Philadelphia
THOS-B t»>nBKW. ; “ SmUh&cld, Ohi
‘ Pmabargh. March lfcfo • !
Family Groeerlea.
(Soeeeeaof to Joihraa Rhode* * Co J
SOUTH ' WEST comer of Southfield jud Proatata,
Oppotite the Wonongaheta liouecJpfeep* *lwajr»
on hand a full variety of Ftnuly Groceric*, w bieh he
will kII which are ihe fol
lowing artieV*:— •'•!'-
I|- . Oil*; •
| ; - Bo«p»j
I • Nutr.; • v •
t. ;Cbee*e, “Foreign aefiflo-'
th Maoeftetomf
-raJwa/riiD'hafit .<
' -
■ Ftevbpsrt (roaui Spiei
j&estie JraU»,4uMPirt*b«ri
, .» ' Weak DBUir «atfFj
•BuhSWiwieaT'' -
Hear what the celcbrrted Dr. Richard*
iseianaf more than 30 yeanaundmf. . . :
* He eertifie* that in the eaaeofMr. CharTesWade,
limt after haring retorted 10 every
knowledge, for tne.\ireairaent of ConinmpVOfl, without
(be sllgbwrft benefit, be pern med him to o»e Dr Roger*
Liverwort and Tar, by which ho wan reftored to per-
\ get a pamphlet and aee thia certificate in
- rn-Thia medicine atill perform* CURES tbai »e«n
almoM incredible: but a* they are here and oar own
neighbor* whore testimony c«n be had from then own
mouth*. :i rauilcoarince the moat sceptical of ike worth
of tin* medicine. . ,
Another remarkable core df COS>UAlPriOh.*-Mr
Gabriel Whitehead, of thia city, wa* ndneed so low
that all h<* friend*, and even h» phyrieiaua bad given
bnn up io DIE! '! ’
*t|r A I. Hcovill— Aa I owr my life to the n*e of Dr.
Rfeer*' l.ivcrwort and Tar. I feel n a doty, and *bail
wiinoul fear or delicacy,give my testimony. a* evidence
theto'bera who may be afflicted wub Consumption or
di«eu*ed Lung* may know that this medtcms i» uoia
HUMBUG, but t* wonhteriobouitandphyaici^na’pro-
»criptioo»for the dtaeaae for which >t ,t* recommended. 1
1 wa» takenwithamoflDUsJßEsMNO I
COUGH, aud about the 6m of Julv my Lung* were to i
diseased that i bled in a abort tune] several <joart» of :
ptootLwbicb reduced me *o low that All my friend* and
•even Spy phvaician* thought I must soon DIE wilhCoo
•ompuou. My brother, however, brard of some of the
womtenul cuie* made by this med.euie and proearrd a
bcrJa.had before I bad taken one h*ilf bottle it seemed
to cj to the very aval of the disease, land raised a large
quantity of Matter and Phlegm, anp my Cough was
a-opped a* by a charm 1 have since n»ed »«• two or
three bottle*, now able to attend to wy busineu;
a* wetl a* ever .
1 f, cl very thankful to the icvetibw oi such a medi
cine, for if sit had not been lor •ontoall powerfal medi-.
cine to have raised the matter and phlegm, and healed
my lung*, t should withoqt doubt have now been in my
* r **»a)’ one w.U call on me oa Catbanoe meet, half a
•qaare-oeiow, I wil‘gi'c them Uie particular* and
them to muneroo* friend* who viaited me during
Statement of Ur. Hiram Cox.
Late Professor m .»e Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Col
lece, and a phs «ician well known, wbo baa an eXten*
: practice;; m relation to the care of Mtta Deli,
| afier having been gtvrn ap to DIE with the la*l stage
I of CONSUMPTION, by a nu.iber of Able Phyai-,
C *Mt A L Scotill—Sit: However reluctant I have
been t» permit my name to appear, attached to aeenifij
.-.ite recommending latent Medicine*. Noatrnma or
Caihiilicuiss 1 neveethcieaa think :t mt daty.not only to
my patron*, bat to the community, and all afflicted with
disease* reoamne Cough roedj' »tale that in three
particular caaea of incipient CONSUMPTION, fit*.
Mi*» lieit, »*p daughter of Mr John Carr of ihiscitT?
a Slu* Banter. simc.t in law of Mr V. Wonder. Beteh
i er. and Mr R K Cox. one of cm CnV Council, that
I WORT and TAR operaied more LIKE a SPECIFIC,
| man an? remedy©! a similar eharaeter in it* operation,
I that I have ever used in my practice. One of the case*
above, viz. Mi»» Belt, appeared to be laboring under
I.AST *»TauK of Scromlou* Consumption, a» pro-
Inomicrd by several Pbyiicians who were m attendance
prevouiio my being ca'led to treat her case. She is at
I 0u» time in ihe enjoyment of ** apparently good health,
and from appearance, av-likety 10 die with any other
I d>sea* anv oilier young lady of tnii city. A* it to*
.peel" the health of tbecijchr two catca.all the premon-
I iwry symptom* *e-m to have subsided, from the nse of
| a few bottL** of the Syrup above
I Very respecuotly. Ac.
1 Cine.mnati, Jan HIRAM COX, M 1 D
I OnU it tlie Areni* and obtain a pamphlet, containing
I ceitifietirs of wonderful cure*, from a great numberof
I respectable and well known eiiurn*. For sale by
I A L Seovill ACo , corner of Sth and Race jireel*,
I Cincinnati. Ohio, Wholesale Agent* tor the Wert.
I DC Kneeland. (irantsi. Pittabargh, Penna.
I J Kidd 4 Col, contcMib and wood «u», Pittsburgh.
I John'H Casseil. sth ward, Pittsburgh.
I Hl’ Schwartz. Allegheny.
I John Snuih; Birminthiun meh9
| •
- Cojjb, >
. rHJB P*Vv-
Arr Crufks, C<4i*> Aitkma, Bt*nekitit,
anJ atf etAr» ( 0/ A* BniukUi tuba.
•aiireJj- fnwn.Uw Oimrnf, and'war*
' tain no preparation of Antunony^Mcr*
ar rocs vosts*, asd tv xtsst
ras HotT rcsricT ■AnirAcrios
(111 WITH
Piaicee U now ordered by phjatetana
> stability, m their rtfnlar practice* and
i ontidrred the only arycle ever diacov
if apcedily and permanently allaying
ion, which ia the aole . of conßh,
jus* and according to Dr. Eberie, who
icopinion of all tha -£rat aatbontiea in
menca, of two-third,• of all the react
•d a* mir tnhcrculoat cotunmption mu»l
is forever ccUJ?d- •
Se following niaei from* lin of htzn
: full ii« healing influence on ibetoaelvra,
ieir faniljea, bceuse many of them are
the buuqeu ce(nman'tr of Pi?i*bor*b
ling and j influence in Cincinnati, who
• We »cieel U
drrd*. whohai
sad »ren it in i
wt.ll known to
a* men of nan
would not, moment} tend either their nine* or in
fluence to the distribution of an article, except from the
conviction of its vest utility to the afflicted,
j (i W Phillips, Broadway, bet. Oth and Harrison rt*i
W Parvin, Broadway, near Yeatman;
G W Coffin, Buckeye Bell Foundry, ad it;
j Vsndu/en, si Hope’s warehouse, Sycamore st;
J A Trminor, Surgeon Denust, Congress ti;
—— Stems, firm of J F Dait A Co, Bye. A L Market
N Noble, Canal Collector's Uflice;
J Joues, Assistant ClerklKain. Co. Superior Court;
K M WTiearton, firm WhAadon A Blino. Auctioneeis;
Dr Kosier, I4ih si, between Vine and Race;
- Kerman, firm Fiakpine A Kerman,Main;
O F Benjamin, Importer. 4d su bet. Main and Syc;
A Newell. Tinner. Symmes si;
it Lyon, Finipber, Frontsq
• W Johnson, Carpenter. 3d at;
tlapt. AdamsJColumbos House;
U V Jones, corner l«oogworth and Raee;
H Sterling, eorner Tins and Centre;
N M Florer, Sycamore sc. ■-£
For sale by B A Fahnestock A Co, J Kidd A Co, 100
D Morgan. B E Sellers, Wm Thorn, U Wileex.jiliaon
A Reiter, Hays A Urockway, Edgar A Thorn. D C
Kneelaod. and F L Snowden, in the city; J II Cassel
In the Sth Ward, and by H P Schwaru,-Federal street,
Allegheny City. *
Sold alao at Bawyer’s Health Depot, Smith
jMd at. between 3d End 4th, Pittsburgh.
Fifth sireet. oipjtlte tbi* Iron City Hotel, distributing
Agent for Pittsburgh and Tirimty.
T. SALTER, Proprietor,Cincinnati, O.
ICyi'iicr oitlyfrj cents per bottle. apltMly _
Causes. Prevention and < ‘o re of Consumption,
‘Asthma, and Diseases dFthe Heart .On the Laws
of Longevity, and mode ol preserving male and Fp-
L male health, aymtoctry and beanty; exposing ranees
and cure ofjthose diseases that produce Consump
tion, nr shouco Afleclioneof the Skin, £pioe,
Stomach. Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, Scrofula, Piles,
Gravel, and Female Complaints. Ita rules, easy,
practical nnd pure, term a guide to perfect health 1
and long lire. 28 Engravings, 324 pages. 50 cts.
postage 9A cts By SAMUEL SHELDON
FITCH, A. M .M. 1)., at7o7 BROAD-WAY, NEW
Any person remitting fifty cents, free, will receive
1 one copy, by mail, to any part. Tl»e trade supplied.
Feb 10,1847-dGra
bfc hope* to mrr
Irr, lloekawajr Bor
ivery description oi
dollar* tc
jOhn south.
Tiik vegetable pplsohaby
Ual^SAM—Thif UaJsam it probably almost with*
oOt a parallel in having, daring a trial of nearly twenty
yeara, fully maintained tbe high reputation which it has
acquired for Comumpuve Complaints and all doeassr
of the Lunya. Throat and Cheat It ha* been used with
probably greater sueeeat than any other art.ele known,
and tnaity physicians who have had on opportunity of
witnessing its highly «ataiarTTffecl», do norhelfttfe to
rccoramend it a* a aafo ' j*ofiv«iient, and eery effica
eious medicine, equal if not Superior to any other pro*
•cnpiion for the above eomtttamu within their whole
knowledge, and one which ua* seldom disappoiftied (he
reasonable expectation* of iho*e who bavo used it It
ii a timrvaluabie ren edy for Conaumpuoot, Asthma,
Pleurisy. Phthisic, tuny of Ulood, \\ hooping Cough,
Coughs, Bronchitis, at d Pulmonary Affections of evtry
klni . - '
\ For sale wholesale md retail by
woodend corjit and wood i»
r WarahouM BsaoTed.
nearire warehouse on the comer
lUst streets,to which iheyhave
talo Leanest, where they ■ will
1 as eztentive'utontnm of all ;
to which they invite tbe aUea* j
nps cor Blh andj
jnPheUult Drm
HAVE erected end
of Woo» and t
removed their Wholf
alweye have on b«M
tbeartiele* in their til
tion of-lb* public. I
- The Dtb* bo*ine*»l
comer of ethendWf
by •
' BefaM/ ’ ‘ ’
to make r
• k rcmdilj •
Dft. SHERMAJ? ha dacoemd aAj to tt * k * «rd<ai*
jlfMtßt, m that children will take k remdilj and cry for
dm. Sea that hu/ocreanfr i* *r«o»dW*eb bd* of L<wa
je*. a Pot ofTooth n*t» an the tack of each rb*tw, and »
each BiD of Direction*.
These temp* wviba Mfcst, mart rartaad «f*etu»lrcs>-
edt for cough*, cold*,consumptions, «*»b
-ata, tightness of lb* lung* o# AatytU, «ft. Tb* ptoprel at
|)n Micr >M«» an isitiact wktn lk»7 4m 14 {it* pwiMt
fietcnl thousand bos** bat* bees told wiflua
i lb« last tear, restoring to bealtb persons in slant every (tap
.ofejß*ucopOao,aad (shewing under tia mostdistreming
colds ami coughs. Tbeydo not dwelt aad dry np the cough,
but render it easy, prerauto etpertornliaa, allay tbw tiekliag ***
irritation, aad . remote tb« praime or eiehiag time.—
They arc made from a combination of k most rateable expee
urKl.ercougb zncdicum, apdsre undoubtedly superiorto
etery thing is aw for titcae complaints. I Hundreds open bos-'
drcCi ofcrrUVslnJaTt beat ofieTedJ>f theft wonderful rfr
ivcs, from those who hart beeumred fnsn as untimely gt*»e.
sad restored to perfretbeahh by using them.
What tbere»muchpnHrijith*te**ituraidujooecfsb*r
Bu’i Poor Mtn’i Plaster* (price only cents,) ihitM b*
applied otcr Uie fart, aad worn till rdirred.: If attend>d
Smh cmlitctie**, a lev cathartic or lasatha tomngea, oriig}
-mildcatbart* medicine be toed aa occatkei requirri
The** sonsioctMcthatebeen proved tumor*than 1,100
000 easel lobe infallible; the only certain worm destroying
ntedtenwi etrr discovered. Many dbease*' arises from worms
aad occasion long and intense ■offering, and etc* death, with
outlheir *t«r berag auspecteil; grown persons are my often
:*flict*d with them, and are dertortd for tarioua romp tain Is
.without any benefit; when one (lose of these Lozenge* wotlld
speedily curt them. J _ ... - ....
Sftnf-iotni ~*f (Conns.ami in ihejoinls or limb*, offen
■ire breath, picking at the note, grinding of tba teeth daring
-sleep, and’at limn a palcnrss about the lips,with foisted ebcck*.
'bleedingat ibt noK,agßasin{ sensational the stomach,(hash
es of heat of cr the surface ojlhc body, slight cbiUs or ihir- :
«rings, headache, drowtiocse, vertigo, torpor, disturbed
dreams, sudden ttarfiiig msleep, with fright and screaming;
■emetines aVvuMesome. cough, forcruhnea*, thirsty pa Hid
bar, fits, bad taste in tb* mouth, difficult breathing, puisin
the stomach or bouel*,.&ligue, naaiwa, nyamiihtwm, torn
eioos appetiu, leanness, bloated slnmarh or limbs, griping*,
shooting paiu* u tariuus ports oflhe body, a sense of some*
thing the throat, itching of the anus toward* night, a
frequent desire to pan something from the bowels, and some
times discharges oi >lime aad mucus.
SHERMaX’S camphor lozexqes. . {
They (if* immediate relief is nerrou* or ilek headache, ,
palpitation uflhe heart, lowness of the spirits, despondency,
üßaaßeturr or putrid eon ihrcwtj bowel or summer com*
plaint, {aiming, oppression or a tense of linking or the ebeti.
cholic, spmuu, cramp of the stomach or bowel*, hysterical
l afrctiom, and all ocrmui diseases,! drowsiness through th«
dey, and wakefuloett through the bight; cholera or cbol.
era morbus, diarrhwa, lassitude or a teas*of tsligoe. Per
mo* trafelbng or aUendieg largo parties, will find the Loans.
gm really ntitmg.and imparting thi buoyancy of youlhjused
aflar dissipation,they witfreitore tb* loot of th* *y*tcaa rtnj
orally, and rmi all the nnplcasani symptom* anting man
-too Ueo lirmg. Persons wbd have been 100 high lifer*, and
atweduned their ditsi ruled hafatta, wiD find thcaoLosenge* ad
mirable composers ol the Derte*.
The bestslrengthening plaster in the world.andatoftrtin
rrowdy for {wins, or weakness in the back, S>in*,eide,n*ek,
limbs, Joint*, rheumatism, lumbago, Re. Ac.' On biSmi i
year will not tupply the demand. They require a little wann
ing beforespphcatKm. Warranted superior to allother*, and
lor aoe quarter the total price, making not only the beat, bat
the cheapen pbatcr in the world. I t afford* relief in a few
hour*, and make* astonishing core*.
la lifer complaint and dyspepsia, it should be worn oftr
I the region of lh« liter or itoiach, and it will affordrrtat and
1 astonishing relief. In. cough*, raids, asthma, difficulty of
I breathing, oppression of the ebc*l or (tomach, they will im
mediately tooth and greatly benefit the patient, Penan* of
sedentary habit*, or those obliged to stand much, will receive
decided support from one of these truly rtreoglheiung Pl**-
ler. Phytwiane generally monunend them, ia preference to
aTI other*. because they (tick or adhere better, ana affordgreat
er rrliel. In their operation, they are stimnlcnt, tome, and
anodyne. They are eompoaed of entirely different Ingredi
euts-lrcui any other, and known from the experience of jaU
lioa* who hare used them, a* well a* (be nailed testimony of i
all the celebrated and distinguished clergy and pbyskll&i, to
be tb* most useful mid highly medicated plaster.
Svrernl prrsool bar* called at the warehouse to express
their surprise and thank*, at the almost miraculous cure* then
plaster* nar* efletted.
Direction* for on arc on lha bnck of each plaster, with a
facsimile of Dr. Sherman * name, ll is important you should
always ask (or Sherman's Poor Man’s FHsUr. and sea that
you get the genuine, a* there arc msae worthless imitations
hawked about and sold lor the true Sherman’* finders, by
unprincipled deafen.
field whoWe'and retail by W. JACKSOXnI btc Patent
Medina* Wan boose, No. 89,' Liberty street, Sign of the
BIG BOOT, j J__ jra l*-dly.
PERSONSlaJflicted with Scrofula/King'* Evil
Cancer, Erjiipelaa, Old Sore*, Uleera, Tetter)
Mercorial Disease*, or aoj other complaint* arinog
from ijnpuntifea of the blood, are requested to read
Uie lollowiagltmlimoDut*, m proof oTthe woude*
fat propertieaiol the abore named medlcioo.
\Vfc the undersigned, bavins railed Mr, U*»c
-Brooks. Jr. *1 ihh office of Messrs. Rewind tad,
Wilton, 37G Market street, Philadelphia, consider'
his case the tarsi remarkable one we have ever wit-!
nested or heal 1 oT.
His disease was SCROFULA, and terrible most
have oeen bjr twelve years’ conflict with the de
HuPalateJ • e entire roof ofbis month, Noee, Up
per Lip, anti lower Lid ol the Right Lye have been
destroyed, hie Fare nearly eaten up, and part of the
Jaw Bone carried stray. And yet we cangfve no
description of his case.
Mr. B. informs as that in January last, the wbola
interior of his mouth, ns well ti ooet of his face
was a mass of deep and painful ulcers'. .
On the i-ilb ofJanuary rommeffced taking
CEA, which checked the disease in a lew days, ind
i rom that time the core has progressed wilhoat in]
, terminien. j
j New flesh his supplied the place of the deep^nl*
! cers, and though badly disfigured, bis lace is sound,
i sod hij general health u restored.
We are assured that in the treatment of Mr.
; Brooks’ Mercurials,Ointments, orCaartic
applications bite been nsed,—in fact, the PANA
j CEA ALONE, has wrought this wonderful change,
j Dand Smith] Bocks'county. Pa.
Vbarice L. Rewind, MesdvUle, Crawford coPs..
I J W Jones. M D South Second street, Phila
l Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J.
!£ VV Carr, 4U) N Fourth, above Poplar si, N. L.
I S M’Culiougft; Lancaster, Pa.
I R M Maddock, 58 North Eleventh st. Phils.
| C VV Appleton, M D 46 South sL do
> Timothy Caldwell. Marion co. Missouri.
Daniel yeakel,ChesnetHi!l,Phii«delphia co. Pa.
\ John Hirocd, 390 High street, Phils,
j William Steeling. MD, Camden, N. J.
j William Halit, 378 High street, Phila.
l J H Poller,Mxnelaclurer ol Mineral Teeth, 109 S.
. Ninth street, Phila.;
: L A Wollenweber, Ed. Phi'a. Democrat 577 N 3d
street. do
George W Meets, Brush Maker, 317 Market SL
Exra Carr, 159 Cheseot street, Phila. '
i A D Gillette, Pastor el EleventVßaptUt Church,
Phtli. ; •
John Bell, Ene Street, Philadelphia, (North Amerj
i can ofice.l
Aaron Sands', ifrt Catharine Street, Phifa.
1 Daniel McGfnley, Kessler’s Alley, do
, Andrew Swexton, Camden, N J'.
R H Evans, West Phila.
| Richard K. Young, Gilder, 409 Market sL Phila
I John W Asumead, SO South Siitb street, do
1 T S Wagner, Lithographer, 116 Chcsnul street, do
I BJ Kensil, 153 Eleventh street, ‘ do
j Peter Sken Smith. Editor Native, Eagle, . do
I-Joel Bodine. Gla*a manufacturer, WiilUmatown
n.j. | : ■
- William Steely,Farmington, Van Bares co, lowa.
L B Coles, MD, Boston,Mass.
Russel CanfieldsPhisiologist, Philadelphia.
Thomas P $ Roby MD, Hamabenrh, Pa. -
Peter WngfcLZw Market street, Phila.
James W Newlin, 103 Filbert at.' do
John G00d,1174 Spruce sL 'do
William Urie, FistorSt.Faul'aM.E.Cb.Cathsrine
SL Phila. ' . . !
John Chambers, Pastor Ist Indqp. Church, Broad
st, -do |
T L Sanders, Publisher of Pledge and Standard,
Phila 1 . j'
F P Sellers. Editor Olive B-tneb, Doylestown;
Bucks eo 1 , Pa.
Wholesale and Retail by Rowand V Walton, Pn»-
' orieton.376 MarketSt-Tbiltdclphix- K E Sellers,
57 Wood sL Pittsburgh, Fa.} JVm. Th* *i,55 Mar.
ket sti do.Jt B Perkins, Marieiu, Ohio} enton &
Sharp, Msyaville, K Y;John W Danenbower.Cin.,
Ohio: Sidelldn Reeves, Madison lajC Noble, Loon
ville, K Y; iDeverouck &. PcUoux, SL Louis, Mo.
P H McGraw, Natchei, Miss: Hardaway & John
sloa Charles Jenkins, New Orletn
La ■ | ; ocs
: DJMS. BPEBR *. KUHJf: .;
THB obJeet of tbiseiial>n»hm«itia to supply a wan
greatly rdt by respectable Ira Tellers on our western
highway*—by residents, without/family, taken stek—
and by patients from, the aanounding towns and country
who resort to this place for relief from surgical aod other
diseases. Bueh hare often suffered from the want of lbs
various comforts and attentions ao necessary and agree
abloio the sick, and from careless and nnfaiihsolaarKSi
and beta subjected to heavy and anreaoonable ebargea
Invalids will Here be provided witheca*unt,faiuiftd
and comfortable attendance, and *1 a ta e much below
the uiua! charges. ' t
While the careefboth pbywetans will beegtmded
every variety of disease, lit* Intended by Dr. Speer
givetpecial aitcnttoa to all : - . - •
i rsmcntjuu.v to
To theie branches,of bia profession he has given a
taiga share of bis attention for the last iweniy-fivr years,
and he wUlcontinne to devote to them the experience
acquired by a constant practice during that time;
Tli* Hotel for Invalids Is not an experiment. Itaeatab*
tiihtnent is suggested not only as tieeeasary to supply aa
'evident want in this city, in the enure absence of any
special provision for the siek, hut is warranted alao by
Ibesuceess of similar institution* at Cincinnati and New
Ortean*—tbe former undet the care of Drs. Taliaferro
Martha!) and Suader—ovt latter under that of Dr. Stone
The building saiected for the purpose is pleasantly si -
asud on the north bonk wf the Allegheny nver. nearth
Aqueduct! u is commodious aod roomy, and furuishe
onth alt aeecmmodaiioaa necessary for the siek.
< Applications for wbnioini to be made to the mbser
Mia. at their office on Perm street, Pittsburgh,or at th
establishment. .. .
E7*.No:eoniigioa* diseases anil be admitted,*
•j J. B. SPEER, M. 0.
marWAwtrr - H jTUHN.DM.
WHOSE meanness can equal yovri?. Look at vour
fair jounrwife, with her bright sunny free! Look
at yoor own, pined with enaniona and blotches! Yet
yon ate too mean to give fifty centsfotaoakeofthe
great Italian Chcmleal Sdap, which would entirely free
yon from them, and make voor yellow skin clear aod
healthy. Go at once to Jaciaotra Store, £0 Liberty »l.‘
N 0 JaekaonVis tbe only place InPlilsburgh where
the QENUlNEittobo obtained .-Beware of Uooairr-
reft*. . • •'
. IC7*OBSERVE ike Bigßoot stands ttrths doorway.
JKL published and made known to the public.” This
was the expression of an old man who tried the Byrup.
. - pyrnmaun, February l,Jb<7.
Mr. Morgan:—TU> say reertUy.thet beior afflicted
with a troublesome eoagh some lua& Ibought a bottle
Ttnaorgan** Coari Syrup, and am happy toeay,alter
u«ingit, mycoogaisentlreljiured.. 1 prondatthnyoor
Cough Syrtp the best medicine ! have ever aaadL. Kg
family should be without lb'* valuable medteamr.' <. ■ ,
Cy*Thl* medicine is prepared
at tin Drugstore <tf JOHN-D MORGANv
Wood i*reet, one dOOf below DUafondlllaT
PriceTffl cents per bottle.. few .
ving Giea*e spots, Buina,or Mark* from Clothes,
Woollens, Carpets* Att* Re- and rendering the spots
where it it appliedelear; bright, aad JT < £“«-:___.
, Add wfthloll direction*. Trlce a age. _
/frrSoM by YU. JACSSON, BO Übklty Street: ke ad
orWobd, athla
Boot, -j- ~
will be continued at tho old rud
QdHi.. - . - jprf
IWbOjxOil Vitr'ol for vale
**Wh« tthough the eaurwmay-not be explained,
rf*mea their Qffctraxednly ascertained, '
Lei not delusion, prejudice,otptide,.. . > ...
Induce mankind to set lb< means aside; .. ‘
MntU which- iho 1 simple, arc by Heaven deugn a
To alleviate the iilsof human-kind.”
Tills remarkable-invention. which fa as received the .
universal tpprtbationef the medical profession of
Oreat Britain, comprise*an entirely new appliesiionof
Galvanism- a-* a remedial ascot, fay meant of which the.
ordinary Galvanic Batteries, Hecttie and Magnetic Ma
chine*. Ac., are entirety dispensed with, and the uty*»'
rioor power of Galvanism applied without aoy of the
objection which are inseparable from the reoeraT mode
Doviaeaa- The«rMigdoae*.ai>dirT**yla*uit*fv*l*. i
ta which Galvanism U applied by the Machine*, haa
been pronounced, after a fair and impartial trial, to be
lt-wm* to remedy this radical do
feet that this new, application iraa projected, which,-af
ter unceasing toll and perseverance, has been brought
to tts present mate of perfection. The Qaleanlo RUtfi
answer nil the purposes of the most expensive. Mn
chines, and‘in cany other reaped* are moreiqfs and
cwt**« in accomplishing the deaited edeci.
The Goicoaif «i*»g* u*®d w connection with the Jdbg-.,
nttie Fluid, are confidently recommended in auditor- I
itrt ickick ons* yVam aw on/rAlod or imheahAp state 9 I
Ue jurtwiu or riiolsialm, and Uiese-cauiplaintS'are|
among the most painful and universal to which we are ■
sibjecb They ante, without exception, from bnesim- 1
pie cause—a derangement of the Nervous System—.,
and it wa« in these case* that other 'remedies' having j
to often failed, anew aged was-greatly needed, wMc»
it is confidently believed, has been found In the proper 1
and judicious application of Galvanism. 1
The Galvanic Kings have been used with entire suc
cess in all cases of KHUsmsTtix, acute 01 chronjo, ap- |
plying to (he bead, face oc-limbs; Gout, Re-Dofomix,,
ZholAaaiu, BrmdutU, Ttrtigo, ftmeui or Sick Hokdoekt,
Indication, Fart/jr*'*, fairy, EpiLrpty, Fit *, Ciamtp,
Paipiiahsa 9” tf « Heart, JpcpUxy, Soffnta V Joints,
Spinal Complaints, Lumbago, Neuralgia, flTeww 7V#
nn, Disxintstof tk* Htad, pc in in Us Oust *rod Side,'
OtnonlDdrUitf, DtficHncfOf IVrTVW und Physical Kn
m. and aU NERVOUS DISORDERS, la eases of
confirmed Dyspepsia, which l* simply a nervous da- <
ranrement ofihe digestive organa, they hayohecn found .
equally successful. Their extiaordinsry effepts upon
the system mutt be witnessed to be believed, and as a
certain-preventive for the preceding complaints they
srecqualiy recommended. The Rings are of different
price*, being Slade of all sizes, ana of vanqu ora#
mental pattern*, and can be worn by the most delicate
female without the slightest inconvenience. Ip fact,
the sensation it rather agreeable than otherwise,
Tbe Galraolo Belle, Bracelets, Bands,,
barters, Necklaces, &c.
In some casesofa vere severe cbaracteJ.and of long .
standing, the power as applied by the Galvome Rings
is not sufficient to arrest the progress of disease and .
ultimately restore health. The improved modification
In:the Galvanic Belts, Bracelet*, Ac., entirely terne
dies this objection; any degree of power that is requi
red can readily be obtained, and bo complaint which
Ihe mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect will fail
to be permanently relieved, These article* am adap
ted to the waist, arms, wrists, limbs, ancles, or any part
of the body, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic
Necklaces are used withgieater benefit in case* «f
Bronchitis or affectioos of the throat generally; also in 1
eases of Nervous Deafness; and with almost uniform
success a* a preventive for Apoplexy, Epileptic Fit*, !
and similar complaints.
Christie's Magnetic Fluid "
Uuscd in connection with tbe Galvanic Kingv and.all j
their modifications. This cempositiou bt> been pro
nounced by Iho French Chemists to be one of tbe most
extraordinary discoveries of modem science, Ulsbu-,
tiered lopes seas the remarkabtep owerof rtndsrinf U .
nerves Wfiritfov to galeanic action by tht* means causing ,
a eoncentrmilon of the influenc, M the* seat of diteh*e,
thus giving rapid .and permanentiUief. No other
composition in cberaistr is knowntoproducelhe same
efieCt,or to impart* similar property to ihe nervoas
-*ystem,bymeansofan outward local application. The
agnetie Fluid eoniaias nothing capable of ibe »ligh_-
eit injury; iu application is agreable. and it is 1 ■*
hamlets iu iu action a* it is beneficial in .u resa'u.
Fall explanation* and directionaaeeompany it The
combined inventions are tn every way perfectly harm-1
less; they are sold at prices witqin the reaeh of all and
the'discoverer only requests a fair trial asltestof
their surprising efficacy and permanent benefit.
Christie’s Galraale Stresßtheiiiaff Plan#
These article* fora another valuable application of
the mysterions influence o( Galvanism They ire in
important -adjunct toThe genome Galvanic Ring* and
tbair modifications acting upon tbe tame piinciple. but
bavin* the adrantafrof more local application. They
art confidently recommended at a valuable addition in
the speedy care of Rheumatism, acute or chronic; m all
nervons eomplaims, and u a positive reraeuy in eases
o( Pain *nd tC**huo in tJu Cktst 0r Est±, nbi ’in tkt
fiUr.ia «btbßMc 4f(Oi«w.«nd In Wmkntu sr Ofym
rien Uu Puimmarf Organs In Bpinai. Complaint*
tbeir effect* arc of the mo*uieeided character, and they
have often been uaed with complete success. They are
aim of tbe greater! advantage in Pain* and Weakness
of tbe Bit ail. and are highly recommended tor many of
those complaint* to wbten female* are especially liable.
A* an effectual mean* for strengthening tbe ayitep
when debilitated with dueasc or other causes; aa a cer
tain aid in Constitutional Weakneia. as a Preventive
far Colds, and all iu affection* of tbe Chen, generally,
the Galvanic Strengthening Plaster will be found of
great and permanent advantage. In a few words} it
embrace! all tbe virtue* of tbe best tonic preparation,
with tbe important addition of tbe galvanic influence,
which la neither impaired nor exhausted, while tbe ac
tion continues. The*e articles wilt be found entirety
free from tbo«e abjection* which are a eOnStant aotn'ce
of complaint with theordmary plasters in common use.
[O-The great celebrity and scoots of tbire article*
his caused them to be counterfeited by unprincipled
Krsens. To provide agnitw imposition, Dr. Cnaan*
s bat one authorized agent in eacb city of tbe Union.
The onhr agent m Pittsburgh, W. w. WILSON.
Of the highest and most ropectabte character, at* con
stantly received, regarding the extraordinary value
and success of, tbe boots article*. It is believed that
> in the city of New York alone, upwards of EIGHT
THOUSAND PKRSQgiS. during a period of leu than
a year, have been entirely relieved,of the most painful
chrome disorders, acme of which have completely baf
fled all forater efforts of medical an. Indeed many-of
tbe first physician* of ibis city, who disapprove of tbe
Galvanic and Magnetic Machine*. constantly recom
mend ibis application in their pracuce, and with Uto ex
ception of loose •b / > are too prejudiced to give tt a tri
al, the invention has received on am moos favor with
the most intelligent among rite American Pacahy. Dr.
Christie ti at all tune* ready and most happy to give
every facility to physicians, and allJatereited, lor leaf
ing the truth of hi* assertions and tbe efficacy of hia
Only agency in Pittsburgh, cornerdlb and Market si
LEY, a few door* below
Wood uiui, toward! ibt
Having beca regularly ed
aesiedlotbe medical pie
fersiaa.and been Cjr state
bate tit general practice,
now coniines hi* attention
U> the treatment of Utote
private and delicate core*
I plaints for'whicb hij oppor
runitiee and. experience
„ peenlrerly Duality him.— I
Seven yeare assiduous v. devoted to tno study and
treataeniof those corepl • at*, (during which lime he
baa had more practice and t as cared more patients than
can ever fall to the lot or a y private practitioner) am*
niv nullifies hire to offer as t,nutees©r speedy, perms
butt and aatiafactory rare wall afflicted with rfrfirsn
and all diaeasea arising therefrom.
Dr Browa would inform iboae afflicted with prtoala
diseases which have become chronic by umeoraggrivi
ted by the vse of any of the common noauam* of the
day, Lhal their complaint* can be radically and tbor
ouxbiyeared.behivtnggiven his careful attention to
the treatment of inch rates, and soeoeeded in hundreds
of instances in cunai persona of inflsnreuoc nfbuoeek
of the bladder, and kindred diaeasea which often TesoU
from those eases where others have eontifoed them to’
boneless despair. He particularly invites such aa have
been Inn* ana omhiceessfully treated by other* to eon*.
■uli his. when every satisfaction will be given them and'
their case* treated in aieareful.thoroafbnnd intelligent
manner, pointed oat by long experience, study and in,
vrstigallon, which it ia impossible for those engaged ip
general practice bf medicine to giro any one class o
disease. _
rrr* Hernia or Rupture—Dr. Brown also invites
persons afflicted with llernu to call, as bt-hai paid
nartieoUr auenuon this disease.
Skin Diseases;also Piles; Palsy, eie. speedily eared
“TS ii2ents of either sat living at a distance
by stating their disease m writing, giving all the symp]
jo ml ' ean obtain reedieines with direction* for use. by
addressing T. BROWN, M. D. post pall and euelo
“<S£ jNo-U Diamondialley, opposite theWsrem
** cure, " f* 1
Pit ES.
Dr, INOOLDSBY'S P>l«f specific, an internal remedy
a Certain and rndieel can, whether talmal, eitrraal,
bt*e4iar or blind, *l*>) Gw irritation of the kidney * and blid
dcr.patn* in the wh aad »«de, babitoai calmaw, crop
tijtm* jt*~ .
Fcmalti.-bcfor* and after confinement are often troubled
with eanitimtion of th* bowel* or'eodmaw, a* well a* the
pile*. Inall eueh ease* the Specific mb.
fret nfrM n 4 a a autua rtoMdr. The Specific b not a
pvrraUrt, and k an entirely vegetable remedy, withoet a par.
Sri* ofi*mhoc*j.*ofoc7»ctor»io** ■ plrannt lo take and per
fectiy banal*** in (be aoetdclkste caste.
Tbt* & W certify that I know Dr. Ingeldthy** file Specific*
to be a certain cur* and aft remedy. Hertej *e«a ill effect,
batter*) cam*, amangdmy taify cwmexian*,ineeeenJcow-,
firmed amt ectere catr* of the tale*, where it made an entire
“.TtSS**, nil 3M Sixth itmt
I cbeerfidfy fft* my testimony *«lo the certain and a*to»-
bhisr effect* of Dr. (pfral<Uby , ( Pikl Specific, m I know tt
• Way own **p*ri.« and oWmiira, to be infallible}
faaTRK KM it need with neeae in *e*end cm* of pile*, nab
New York, Mir, IMS- 3M 6ath*tre*t
New York, May, IMS.
Air. Beal*—Dear Sir:—l Jure U» pietiuret-to aey, that
Cr medicine. Dr. Itxnldiby’ePilea Specific, ha* made a per.
cure in the ewe of my *ubr, and laowgiv* yon a; ward
that 1 hare been turprbrd at it, a* it wat tn air offaiow im
n«Mlbk to core her. Howeier, I ran now testify to thetned-
Sd# ** being foSllibb, and do advise all other* who are af
fiieted in ibelika manner, t« procure the artidb, ft* they any
depend on a certain core.
_ . .. .~..-Yoon‘)|ilh-raapecW::>— -w
' Dr. Inrtld*bj^-Dear.SfrJ—That yoa may benefit other*
■who may be w&riag, a* well a* li espret* my gratitode hr
the benefit Ihftee derived from throw of jonrotabie Bpe-.
eific, 1 comid]’with yonr reqoeet, and now do fire my teib
aoayia fovor of it,' laving teen wed ora eevrr* Attack of
thd rik* »ftrfh*TicyTt*ed-PtheTTTgiedre*wnhoot rurtr*».
Yonr* with reipect.
Sold whokaale and retail by WU. JACKSON, at bf* PaU
ent Medicine Wnrthouae. and Beet and Shoe Store, No. 89
Liberty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price, 60 cent*,
per bo*. /W l*-djj.
Livkh COMPLAINT—Another eore perform
ed bynung the original, only true and gefialne
Liver Pill. „ •
AneKotza, Drown county, Ohio; I
Starch 50,1817. (
Mi. R K Seller*: In April lait ray wifti wu attacked
with Livor ComsUinl, and had the adnee of two phy
sician* who tried various remedies'with nrodaeint any
nod e£cct. Hsvinf heard Of foot celebrated Liver
Pills, I eoeclnded to give then a fair trial. i parch ased
ode box of Mr. Scott Aberdeen, antiwar* them accord
ing to iho direction*. b> which she was greatly relieved. •
1 ptocored a second box. wtiich entirely cored her, end
■he now enjoy* excellent health.- I have nsod them
thyself, and pro no oner them the bent family medicine I -
t ""'" V “"' '"''"f&BlE BEASLY
{jyTheae Pills stand nseonatled by any medicina
known for the cure of Liter Omplaint, ■
Prepared and roid by R E agLLEKg
• ■ apfi ’' No St wood ttreet
BALSAM— IS dor Witiaf**Balsam of'JildCh«TT»
m*t received and for »*leby _^-RIDDACo_ -' L
a jJg No w wood nrett
EHESBKTE tab teeth.
FAB better i*„it la cam ihaToOtb
«ete in one minute, by otiag Wfasakiy
((TMIBIK Teaberry Tomb Wuh, s
i.T.T ~ the aching; also to care aorenesvonS*
gumg-tofthess of the {Bin*, stop bleeding of the gums, |
and alwaya keep ihe teeth, fßnnnd mwli pttuici,
'and in the best siateof health. •
, Whilst introducing VVHHELBBS TGAfiERgY
'TOOTH 'WASH, to UQ public, ii is the pafcful ffßtc.iJfv
proprietor to stole that this article. whleXtCthe
:ongytaf*a<doaly genuine Teaberry TcotiqflVsH&AtA namcroasTeahcrtv to" L Yl&i:.e*
Tesbenr Tooth Patoes, and a var.eiv rind eies with
thei.sll_ Tului) sntirT-f* — 1
article is the first thaUvsrbst* the Panto ofTeaberry.
sod IS tb« oaly.uao-whidipossesses thcrs*l.vmuc of
.the plant, and «trtlis&fid.*ll the celebrity fcrUWMek
iadueed other* tomaioareof
er did. preseac!» antnnsio otrtaes tßOhapgUiß:-A>,
-evidence this this is the first preparation
•for the Teeth, the copy pf tha eertiSed-records or tfaft,
United js pobllshed.’^^.
—Eaatere-Dtttriercrf reun*m*rn».
to-wit: Be it remembered, ‘ Thai on
the of-February, Atu»
Hjil-. ■|E®Ds«ial,onf thousand, eight ntmdrvd
.rut I'nniMM.. .
IUV of the said District, hath deported id
• ' ——- Utie Office the Title rof a Booh, the
lie efwteeb-i*4t» the wuidrtoHosrimrtmritr IV^
The right whereof he elaitoi'ae Proprietor, in.coi
formity wtlh' lif Art ef Cvnfrttt, entitled ’"An Aci
attend llie „W A,» l
Clerk of U. B.'Dn£Otoart>
The ebore Cony Right (or-tbewrappef of the botfle,.
showing the Title ©Ctae AnrdeJn’tegallaiiguege, and ;
granted in the (erst form,w j 11provejtiittohcOfi tOriy*.
niol Teaberry Tooth.-Wash. and all others are but <m>-
unoiis. which hare gone out di use'wherever the Gen
nine TeabenyToothVVaahiasold. Then.rcmember,
nonets ceitnlneburWlffiFXEirs. \
Certificates of Magistrates of the city ofPailaaa,
Having made use of yourmnehcelebiatedTekberry
Tooth Wash, 1 fed convinced that it ia the best snide
1 have eve} known, and hereby warmly recommend,
its use to thd public in general as a pleasant and effica
cious article for preservingthe Teeth and Guns.
For a. panther of yean pty Teeth and Gums were so
ranob out 01 order as -to present me from eating with--
pleasuie, and eassed me ranch pain. Haring heard of
Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth Wash, 1 do. certify that I
tried one email bo|Ur of\tt, and In less than two weeks
ray Teeth and Gams we*e sound and good 1- 1 believe
that the n»e of it would-be an advantage to man^cth-
Certificates of Members of the Philadelphia Bar
Uaving need Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth' Wash ami
powder. I have found them to poetess cleanwngaud pu
rifying properties, and while they whiten and Uauvfy
the Teeth, Step have a beneficial sffedt npqn the glims,
by imparting to them healthful £J^? No[jl) -
I have used Wheeler'* Traberry W«ih»'and;
Its effect* upon ray Teeth and Gums have given to me
a high opinion of iw merits. I cheerfully recommeud
kto the general nte. U R-kNLASS.
My daughter has used Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth
Wash, (and powder) and has found its-effects to be
oWnaing ana purification ef the gnins, Slid a sweeten
ing of the month. I have no hesitation iu recommend
ing uas the most bcne&Qal preparation -for Ihe teeth I
have ever seen. ' C 4 JACK.
* Certificates of Ladies and~Gentlemn of
‘ Philadelphia.
It is with gratitude that luend the foil* wthr eertiß
cate, hoping that many suffer will bejeffbra«-,
rural of it, to obtain Wheeler’s Teaberry
which article 1 used, and it has effectually ?urea tooth
acbe, soreness of the gums, removed scu<f£roomy.
teeth, and 1 fally believe has entirely arrest, d all de
cay of them. I trust that all wbo suffer, haring either
of the same species of complaint, will as soon as possi
ble use Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, that they
may be relieved. JULIANA CUTkRAL...
Owing to having taken cold, hot mostlyln-coctsa-•
queoce of the acid of a paint used in coloring prints, my
teeth became very raoeh injured, givingpicmciating
pain at intervals, for between twtr ami three yeata
Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth Wash was used, and has
entirely cniedtbera.which, In certificate form. 1 send,
thas those who wish n perfect remedy for pamful teeth,
and also desire a pleasant Tooth Wath. ma? with eon*,
fideneetry Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth Wasfc^-
“Wheeiert* Teaberry Tooth Wash" avtnr removed
senrf and cared soreness of the gams, which bad trou
bled me for two years. It is my belief that it is a-bighiy
use fa! snide, and that it is advisable to those who sat-.
fer with the teeth and gams to make use of it.
“YoarTeahony Too* Wuh cored the tootS-seM' .
and alao aoreneaaof the cams in my family,and laud.,
yon thi* certificate that tboae who auffer with tooth
arhc or •orenrn of the gums may know that it t* a__
remedy for them, and a very.plea*ant Tooth Wash. ‘
W Wheeler. US Catharine atreet. .
“Wheeclr's Teaberry Tooth Wuh” haring cored
■orencM of the gum*. and effeetaally flopped bleeding
of the gum*.* I deem it a debt of gradijude lor the Trim
which it a Horded me, and a duty owed to my fellow Ixv
ion, to aay. that it i* my firm conviction, that tboae who
willtt« Wheeler’* Teaberry Tooth Waah, for the.teoth
and rum», wilt find that it i* an important article.
No. 238 Callowbilllt. -
“From mprb aevere anffering of rayaetf. and other*
•f my family, with deeayed Teeth ana tore Gnm». and
the many reaped* >lete*timonitl» highly in faror of
Wheeler** Teaberry Tooth Wash. 1 wo« induced to
give n a trial, after which toy family used it, and ! re*
joicr to aay that a did perform a thorough and effectual
cure for all. and i» the beat arurle that I ever knew of. |
1 would recommend iw n*e to tho«e who mar be auffer*
\V..Wheeler. No- Market at.
- Many more teatiraouiala are existing approving of
‘Wheeler’* Teaberry Tooth Wash ”
Sold ai'WM- JACKSON’S atore, No. H» Liberty ft-,
Punburgh.head of Woodil-
I Principal—Office No. S 9 Chesnol at, Philadelphia )
Obaerve thi* uritrle 1 rhauld be dilated; the largest
bottle* make a quart of .the snub, and lhesmallcat *
p. 3, por the toothache it ahpnld be used in the ttndi*
t'ONSISTUSG of hUCropltxlacilc.^jrup,»-e«e>
> tain remedy lorall CnjtsuwrTivx and Scrofu
lous affoctitm«s Cough Synip, Croup >ynjp,Cou
centraled extract of Sarsaparilla, decidedly
superior to ail other extracts, nayinggircnroliel
when all others hare failed, being through' a new
process* more concentrated than any other eter
ottered to the public. ASTHMATIC ELIXIR,
haring eflected permanent cores ol that stubborn
disease, when of- more than It •yean standing,
hence it stands without a rival in that much dteaded
disease. ' . - .
Dr. Rose’s LINIMENT, for oil cases of weak:
ness or pain, and a complete substitute for blialors.
Dr Rose's TONIC MIXTURE, an inlallibio
core for chiles and fevers, and-indeed is more of a
specific for ferers of all kinds than btrk or Qui-
where known, is used in preference to any other
V DTSISCTo?BcXOTi-Disi'Kma'fe»tt.
diseases o( the Stomach and bowels. Cholera in
fections, die Too high an encomium cannot bo
EmeiTorrthe merits ot this medicine, iu cure ol
•ispepsia, ami all disease* that* result from weak
ness of stomich ei bad digestion.
Dr. Rose’s FEMALEIiUS, a most Taluible
remedy for those general complaints to whicfrjc-
Tiles are subject. - .j-V/i. , .
No pill eTer before offered the publiceo happily
combines the qualities ol a raluaole an
snti-dispeptic, LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct
ing those diseases, and thereby prerebting con
sumption. A young Lady 25 yean of age, haring
• diseased Urer. lor tome time, her strength pros
trated and appetite gone, wis completely restored
is six weeks by the use ol the Aati-dispejsUe, Jal&
loreandthesepiils alone.
ENING PLASTER, lor weak nits ot the back,side,
breast, &c.
Dr.'kote'rSPEClKlC EPILEPSV,tbe moeteer
tain remedy for eases of fits or conrulsipna,
whetherioinfkhu or adults. So certain * specific !
isit disease that tbn most ob
stinate tpp.of long standing, bare :
rieldra it once. „
rears of diligent research this com pound was discov
ered, and iu never failing efficacy places iu efficiency
above all others tor Ihe core of Rheumatism.
Dr. Row's ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain
remedy for spiuinc blood, indeed for discharges of
blood whether from Langs, bowels or other parts or U»e
b °D?.‘ Rom's SYRUP for Cholera and Bowel complaints
—Thisfaixiure wiUeffeeiually cam bowel complaints,
Dysentery,CboleraM©rtoas,jind Cholera. Alike urne
the Asiatic Cholera was raging »« Philadelphia u was
fonnd to be themott aaeecssful in arresting it, cunng.
nine tenths of all those whs osed it.,
What mar be said of ©no of these remedies may by
s«id of all; theif.value will only be appreciaied be
these who try them. Letters from those who bar e been
eared of the rarious maladies that sfliict the human
body might beriren. bui we are w.llingtorest the
matter otr the merits of the compound*. We bare- a
panhceafbr Berofula4» Ua various form#, so condensed
and efficacious that tts-healipgjiowetha* immshcd
many; * A ease of Cancer, occ urn ng- In uie wife of the
lateuorcnwr of Delaware,was completely cured ina
few months. The cancer had been twice cut out by
prominent Porgeons. and renewed itself wi th- increased
maUrnlty.yeinotwithstanding the debility of Conttim
‘ tidn and removal of the toft parts, the uu of the Pnv
phylaetie completely removed every vestige of the
Cases Innumerable of the various care* that have
followed tie use of these remedies are m'onr posses
sion, but It is hot deemed necessary toe numerate them
aathe use of them will recommend them to all.
J.*CI!OONMAKER, k, Co. No « WooASireet
-m« far pinshargb __ j
REMEDY—Warranted to core, orjlie dob*
a* retam«L-Tbi« medicine ia prepared fireman In
diae Receipt, obtained from one ol them in the Ear
WcM. at great expense. -Those who hare been
familiar wiU) the Indiana, know-that they can and
do cure Venereal without the knowletljre ot Mer
curt, Balaam,or anything ortho kina. The
'flitted hare'' Bow an opportunity of being cured
Tmhou ithe nae of'Balaam-. Thia medicine ia
Afcxaarit to the taste, and icit'es do amell on the
sr*alh. ‘ •
i Prepared by ROW AND 4. told
wholesale end retail,bj J, T. Rowand, J 75 Market
■lreeuPhiUd'a. "v"
Ppr-taleia Pittabnrgb bj R E Seller*, 6?-wood
street. and bt Wra Thorp. Market at. ocCdwT
ahASUit—We. Item dm:
[S Dx. Jayne’s inedieta*, for ike-cure, of tka ttQltE
THROAT, baa been doing wonder* daring Iko lata an
pleasant weather nndar wou It ia better to-aqend 10
«ti«hie*ld» inline, and to proeor* ike remedy applied
from ekitfol pkvaietana, than tosa-unknown-and hr*,
sponsible quacks. Ur. Jayne baa established a reputa
non lone since Ibr professional skill, and. bis remedies
Cot cough* and cold* hare been proved efficacious bv
the experience of thousaada—fiei. Ev.Peu
For tale in Plitulmrrb, at the PEKIN TEA STORE
Ti Keurih aired, sear.Wood;mtd«t-the Drug Store
P Schwaiu, Federal street, Allegheny City.' -
HschlMAw . -■? ■ ■ , ■■
or> HeLaM'i Wohn Ipeclfle,
THIS iiioeertilp that, brtaklagone riel of Doctor -
McLanC* Worst Speetne, a child of James Shaw 1 *
passed upward* of 9u-worm, and by the nseof said
, medicine a child of nry own passed 14 lane' worm*.—
It is traly"tJ«*>®o*t''surpri*fng wonnyaeoieine I ever
seen. loan hare two mare vials.
- - • - - -W-ftf-OILMORE . .
• - Wilkins Township
For sate by J KIDD A Cb, Wo «0 Wood atre«,lTna
burgh.' • ' • ■- ' ”**7°-
-L» Yori^tka^lhf-f^fc^Bp-VStftf*i
MEDICAL. c ' ; ' "1
' SAND S SARSAPARILLA; *»TAMToai*xra**iV ramtr,
. ;HUNT*a Ljl NIM E NT,
.. CTsijiwiiCwaniwtJ . f S’fcotr antTeruJlv Jckno*le<icre4 to-be.tie IN*
• STSiS?. ‘I KALUBLK KfcMEDY roTkh«.iiii^,
\ Biin. CknHit'Sm'EioiJtiai Ttc*,St*ld nal Affection*, Contraction*of the Jdtucie*, Sore
[HteJj E*larttßU*lAtvt fai* At Bents end Jetna, Throat and Qoinajr, Iwae*, 014 Ulem, Faina iirtbe
, Stnifion tock and cheat, A&t h* 4h« £reaat «ad Face
iofo. aad'JKbeitiVTi!Z Bnttaea.SaU fthna, Bore.'!
d irappfrai Ttaatta ui uiani inumalburaffcctleM;Tmt; -lendedlhe wpjteattonof thwmoat WOftDiiKFl'L -
iii» rhielTy iutehded tofimW’rt>W%ifeJ»Mr*W«’-wWi£3UEDK.'fNEin curing lh*mo*t«e»cr* Cats* hftlft j
caiiante'*i*dapert*n*i4e<Sfeft>e*?bei»ee-ii*. joniwcf* jji|| ereD t Ditea-ea above‘BJjinfd,—nad the Hltill"
TStiJi :«U>ujki«o«lie»uM <vcetlr?!e* i se l ft««*' fIEiSCOAHLMS ItotHwi been Watowed aponJi,
’’"S." tail!.d «£•“•“• «*»• _
.Morphao*ofsOpiahu*:lbi«an«iab<Htßd /aeV that-d' nniW itrreeumnrtßdltiglhe cclbr"
I'rragmiMef etibofi»im»*aa-»»Tphine »m»iwiii ; - alwJ titeroalHemedyifldai’i Uaimfenf ‘ '
the medteinan.TiauooCalaise jjnalttltirwftfceatroJe- ; STilL..—- t h , »»■£, --
•ibwanee*; hakre the *upenontf oi ibo»e preparation!' • Tno rPlH'«‘ta* . ,Jr»v,^V
:-:«pdwlnTatitrnoiH<rgeaTTeio.arttftaKaltooßUAißre .Pbjaisiai**bo*ave been attached \e- to*- Moser 1
when a half pint conuTpedthe üßVnMlclilU value. .Flea&aat Slat® roaoß.ior manj year*. 11 the beat "
Sartapantldcan WiHlnUd when taken ajmtable crideace of the ftlie'of tbia-ceUbnt«d Liniment.'
ioihe.dueciinß«rand niadr.~iQ.aau.ihc latin n?thopa»- . -.. Siso ;SißQi December SffJStt ~
?&Xssssstrsßii£ss •ASSBtSOKSSis±f,
mca«»of-Fe»erttor*i. »"a • , "• »■ prepared bj, Mr.Georjer-b^ittMod..-Ka«ari6fc-' ;
-! May-jl^-lotr*
lained at torn aiorc a bottle aS Sand's >*rrTsapari}Usnn4
•vu j tfc *11«». »ot_»jwec^
occasioned uy vioCniiwaJnua aregul ir feveteoroai
lour iiaftduig. on my ngftlleg. My
me to bate ■&» lu»b ampatated, wy»ng it was tfie only
meaasdlktfy ui|iia*eso*-m*4tfisrr-Aft«r ?•“* k^l f i h 5
battle tb** juun began ® *Hd by thw trmdilfirad
uicd neartvflhree bottlea,! waaAMgPJlw*? l W**--
lie. Iwas aa'well audiOUfld * bate
nd hesitation m suylug OtWStuft SamjattUawas the
.mean*, tiod«r-l'ro«iC*»p*i ofsatingmy Umb and!
The following eenlficatc is 6oly ’»aoo»cr hnk in thai
Messrs, Sands—GeMlcmefti'Exposed a» we wio
-die attacks of dnii*«V Mid *0 JfrequeMlr
in proposed rtmedic»jJ¥c cannot hutlookea
of iu«e*sh»J practitioners with interest a*d gralilnde.
Tbi» is. troe reapecting topr valuable preparation of
Sarsaparilla. I bat#been severely nffiklad-SonKkyear#
with a disease about which **doctort disagree ,ih*hA
.their prescription! were stillmore diverse. I tried va
rious remedies but toond twralief tinnll-coreinecced'
BiiQK your excellent- tsedirute, at which time I wsa
wholly cohOned to my bed. Alter using it a few mouths
1 are now'able to
Portable degree of. health, which 1 an ri bale entirely 10
the use of Sami's Sarsaparilla. Please accept my aa*
suranee of gratnode and regard- , ■
lOflN-N NORfilB 1 '
Beuie personally aeq tainted with tbe'above 4tate*
menu f hereby certify tbnt'ihe same is true,
mem,, nr r j REV. T M MEJUUMAN
Fsrntxa TtmaonT.—The following is anexuow
trom a letter received from Bet. 1> illiam Galosba;
UkRIiUUtR, Vl.Oci.«, l&U.
‘Messrs. Sands: 1 have been iaffl et«d with: a ttvete .
pain tn my.aide, occasioned by a diseased liver,.for the
1 si tnemy.years*. Mffermg at time* what Ifwmaga
cannot convey, bm since taking yourisamparuia, 1
have been greatly relieved, *9 muchipthpiJ hpyebyen
able to attend to mg bti!inenr,*an ptehcnoeeMnonaUy
for the last fifteen months! I wholly discarded all other 1
medicine, and thoroughly tried the Sarsaparilla, which
1 can recommend in uutnand sincerity to all those woo
are in any Way afflicted with any specie* oTscrofulqa* J
complaints. There-havt been some remarkable cores '
effected by Us wap-in lh'» vicinity. Mrs. L Shaw, by 1
the u*e of six bottles, was restored to better health man j
'the had before enjoyed for ten years; and Mrs-'W»»to-
T-ns, who had been severely afflicted with the Erysip
elas, was entirely eured by the use of a £w boitles-
Youn truly, W,M. GAL,LS{IA..
Forfnrtherpartieulafsaridtoncltnive evidenceoftft
superior value and efficacy; sec pamphlets, which may
be obtained of" ' . ■
t repared and so d by A ; ;BrfcDa*Adi, Druggists, 1M
Fulton at, comerof Williau», New. York. • , . - - t
. Sold slao by L. WII.COX,Jr., Pittsburgh;!!. Har
wood Beaver; Wm. Watson, New CusUej D. N. Bob
isoit, Brownsville; A. Crtijh, Washington; <AniT by.
Druggist* generally throughout th< UnitcrSWCs:
Price At bottles for ®5.
; Tho-Pubiie 'are respectfully requested to remember
that it is Sand's SarfapanUa thattus.con»ijutU»«*>ciypV
ling such remarkable cams of the, most difficult elaa* 01
disease*. 10 which the human frame is subject; there*
fare ask for Sand's Sarsaparilla, and take no other!
• * fEO*
«k«! bat teliered hi» in toch a thorl line I hm bit diw
fealty of b»eathins>" Cough and niffoeafina.* He
win tell too it w«t “t£» OtotMoiaßj et AH*
V. Htalior Baliam.” Aik the' eoojnmptiw -
wb&t hat tlhjrt hit' twgb, ttnawi
tb*Paio in hit . Sid* tad Chat, . :1 .
cheeked hi* alfht tweati, »»a
placed the rote of health
Optra hi* cheek? a*d * ,
• he will tell joo - - - .
Aik your friend* if they know of an* thing that will sonw
dil; curt a long and tedious Cough, Hawing of Blood, Brow
thiu», Dyipeetk-Onaumptloor-iloaraen***; laOnenbu ana
di*euc> of the Throat, u the OloesAatan* mad (bey-win- UU
tow—No.' There t*T«r yet ha* been a remedy Introduced to
public oolite which hal'beea prodoetha of to much good'n
to short a spare of tine. Baadjha following • t
• Aitonlihlug Cure*. . -
\y*. Bmp. iha celebrated Boston cracker baker, w aw
mu'street, Brooklyn, atataa Ikathiawifa bai-tees-afflicmd
with Asthma for® year*, and-*ould not find;
1 lief from the beat medical advice which New York and
, Brotkl yncould produce, «u Induced to try this great rtwm-
I d». She tfhow nearly well. Hl* daughter who.wassuj&w-,
1 tor from the wPe disease, tried it, and was alio cured b| i »L •
I Mr* Bsmd is now so wcl) that she ii able to .list from her
I bed early ialba toberoauaJdßtmthrourh
! the day wiiUowtmarmnaojaaee.ftnea bear dtatreAtt mladjft
| llmsar Jacuon, 13th Hreet,jwar theCaihoheCematofr
I eaae to theater* (bribe purpoaaof obtaining a bottle of Ute
1 Oloooohtas, baring been aflKted with the Asthma for tana
I' iii«r 30 T*»r», and wai *o ekhiusled on ■ him'arrival That M
I could not sneak. He purchased a KiUle ahd rod*'home.—
j Four data afterward' he walked from hfa residence to thr ov-
I fie* without (aline, a disfeuee of ortr twtunO«»UJtU.of
l the wonderful relief which Ee bad eaperkse*d£w 9PV
about one half of one book. •
Consumption of too L'ttsgi<
Mr. Coxrotr.S WhiU street, wa* so low is the mania,
of PcoeaiW lm«-.baUm an gwao-wpby bkj*y*iama.-ttia .
friend* entertained
.diad to uy the Olomtmsn, and to hi# surprise it has to Jar
raatored nim to bcalih that he i* now able to walk about Iha
Arrar*. the wife of Wen. H.
Em. and Ueo..W> K»js,E*q. can aft bear totlawy from
''their pwn experience of the boding properties of thl* Orew
Bcmetlj in Consumption of the Lung*.
Mr*. THoraoiS^Kßsl^w2?ia"t,aibO.Ud*t*a
troubled for a great length Uf tinm hr a lerara cough, and i
railed quantities of blood, WS» relieted by one bottle of.tha
Olomonian, and declare* U tha greatest remedy in tha world.
Dual) ifei.i e, SB Water street, was al*o rtEered (ram
the name 'eoordxret, although he was very noch ;
when he commenced taking it, hating been tthdSMha aara of
,Uu physician during'the past winter. Although ha epoghtd
constantly mad wasrery much-troubled jwit!) night sweat**!!
I bottles o' Use remedy caabhd him to ; return to. tut 'dauj.
I work. He was entirely nlscrad. _
. Darto Huncuox.GO Laight'street, Oeo W. Burnett,
!'formerly of Newark, N. J., Henry Lisbon, 1» RiewgtM
\ streets and camera Us other persons nave bean speedily and
' permanently cured of tfaeaame complaint by tuaramedy.
I Tlae Array of Samti
| which could be prftduetl «rperson* who hare used this gwat
' remedy would more than fill a column. • Anxmg the number
<w« arc’permitted to refer to A. M. Bintwer,AM Barclayrt.,
Mr Wfliln of Hobcieai Mr». Bell of Momstown, N. Ji :
JauUafi. Detoe, 101 JUadasC} Mr*. M*Cafirua,so Attorney,
it.; F. Bmith, 83 Third Arenas, Mr*. Wm. H. AUrtepflku
Aity, and Mrs. Archibald,34 White st
Bold wholesale and »et*il by Wm . Jackson, at bis Patent
Medicine Warehouse and Boot and ShoeBtote, WoS Über-
head of Wood street, Pittsbogh. Pnea
Seller.* 1 LlveFTPlUa.
THE original.only true and genuine Lire* ■»*
offered to those) suffering Jhun LtvrrcbmpUmt upoU
ike terms of no rtrri. no"fay. Read the following let*
Mr R E Seller*—Dear Sir: l feel that it ia a duly I
owe tothe puhlie.n* well ns to the creditor yonr Liver
Pills, to state the good effect prodoced by them in my
own cote During tht month of Jane, ISM, Itooh very,
unwell, roy appetile failed »itd ray-sttthgin was en
tirety prostrated,with a revere pain .in my »wc -and
shoulders I wu told by medical menlbat rnr anew
wa* a severe attack of liver complaint. 1 took several
boxe* of UcLatu's Tills and aom« ayrap* which 1 was
told were good for that disease, hoc after all InaffCK
tina worae. 1 concluded to place myself nnder thecare
of K physician for better or .worae. Bui fortunately
iO|t at this lime, 1 waa toldby.theJßcm I. Nibloek, of
thia placa r thal a friend of hi* had tent him a box erf I
Seller** Liver Pilli from Pitubnrgh,VTbttlt;b *4.benefit;l
ted him very much. I forthwith aent frr%*b6*-«f yfror!
Liver l’illv,andby thollmoit waadooe, ; l waa aatiified
that it was jolt the medicine that lulled my cate. -I
•ent for more, took five or atx boxes, and found »y«lf<
entirely cared~. la MarphJast, Icuuubt a severe cold,
wbicb biougbtWk the disease; and in a short tinw.l
was at bad as ever 1 again had recourse to your Liv
er Pills and took them every other night for *tx wdeltt
and occasionally ewr'slflcej-niiCLI now can say that 1
feel little if any symptoms « the Liver complaint, and
my general health if at good’as It hat.bfiea for.the.-lyt
ten years. • Jlymcighbcrs aak roe who wifrof Doctor. 1
1 tell them that Wires’ Liver Pills was my Doctor, and
by ibe blessings of providence, the means of curing
me. 1 am confidant,a* the public bepoae* pcqnauped,
with the value yoarpilU* the-demand far them will,
increase., Many, of ray neighbor*, to tvbom I have te*
commended the pills, can testify to their value and to
the fact* abovciMated. Yours,’fee. 'hj72f:.
.As there are other pill* raftrf Liver Pdlsj persons
wbo want the GENUINE article should ask for, _-%nd
take t» other, than IhoVe prepared " ' K ....
57 wood sirecl_,
BUT-—A Ulcssiug! AMiraelel! A Wonder! !
—To'cure Krupiiom and Disßgmemenla of the Skin,
Purplri. Freckles, Sanborn, Balt HJjeura^^cojp^Sof|
poor yean ago lui Aaguu, ihe espial, of PnutW
«ii atiormhed in consequence of a dlseovafy toad* Vf
an Italian Chemists Many .doobted—il icenjed almost
as impo**n>iljty that anything made byr Urn. Jiaiidaaf
nun. Could have inch singular pow'cta'B* (bni'Clhlatfi
by. Antonia VcsprmrfOrbis invefitbn. Many clouted'
him and his invention'»« a humbug, [sod.eliuLßiehy
foolish persons wiilioni trying do the tame- nqw,l-ai
length, after lOsiingTt in tho hozpiisls, the* MVdieafso-'
eleiy ofjparii [the Leal chemists Inttie worldjdelivered
the following r«poU4oBianoi V*«spra>i^ : —. -
{“We have onr mraaieiy and earefally examined ih£'
singular isremionof Ve»priui-> We hove analyzed!!*
ebenponentpons—'Wehavoosed it in several coses,and
•wo hes Hate jjot to' proiiC4>ii£dlClUfo'T>atliin!CS«nlrir
BoOpj as a great blcsttdg'.'and djtrhly wonderful re'rtie"
dy tor any eumueous eruption ur dlifigutrmentoT the
sKin> . : lta inventor we consider the true philanthropist
uf toßVrinc mankind. ', * J " .'
: (Signed) ‘ J 'LEOf OLDDPPWfi* -
• iT- -;?piv*h«m , «^
from the inyentor Ute^presem^rro^t^^_
- Jn consrderetion'jjf 'ot tt&k> J h» w
sedloMriTi Jones, residing inibe city of New York.
li. A., thc-iwhole processorninnaraetimng, together
Jimh ajlakmcal oLthe .
iittChemkalaosn. Jle jswmaatliww^if»rpM*i#i.
tbo United States dnly. andio b**e «a*
irfiSg it‘Uones* Italian Chemical so*P- -.
•^'J£Siff W, ’ ,toMM 2iSroNi* VESPRISI i .
nr>-Ssby TV JACKSON,at bis Pateat Medicine .
\vSrebon*e/» Libertr s»e*l.\*«4«
PttubJrgb tW«. the GENUINE
eart beol.»in«*: Aftlwthcra aTe^ttttWWT^gV
' " ‘~' r " ' “ sVcWro, , jro*i»« i Vt ' *
' Dr.Jaekic*' rUa Smbrocatiaii Amr/afli/
THERE wo few diaeaaeambeecomtpog ofLttOtK
blesomoiban the Piter, ind yeL™twifflrtral*~
inff t Wiag t n , Bwt l,.ih»^ t
or sills, electuaries, a&h»*r#fiKile
ana ol littlebepebi. •’Novr the Embrocation is the
only mcdkine tuvd. suffer'
itg with thoEHeaof the wotGktaActiaifhJHS s€-
lem,.Nen»Jetsey/ftiiaoet-on purpose lo express hit
grit Unde-far tfce apeody fctire that this medielee hod
effected id hh Pot.*
UTEoeMlAtfa ftt&bonUt
STORE,?) Foaith at .:anrilalao at the-Drug Store l
JB. P.Seb'wtit*,'F*deralw<.Allegbii*f-City.
' fttUT
reammendUloyrouas a sa it Kxiirntlßenje
dy, aud_in beat. Linimutntjmsuip*..
okj. -Very uplyand wpectftUly .,r
; . ---• i, A K HUFFMAN. •
Col PierreVtoCortlaftdt, Croton Manor. _
’ i futty-eoocurtn.lbe above opinion.'
r c'. . W A BKLCHKR.*—-
i. . U• - Yobktows, 1816 .; ; -
x Sir-—ln replj ( tfrjourJeiter, 1 would say that 1'
■ one used jrpur'Eaiifttial..'Remedy, calico Hunt'*
Liniment, in my practice since you made me ac *J.
.quainted-with iu composition. and unhesitatingly
t&ai.l.bdieieiito ue ihe beat External Keme. -
-dy now In nan lor the complamia fi.r which yon m
cornmendit. - Yodrurctpcctlullr,
tieo E SUntqq,Eiq. c,
i. ! .sj • .'From the NY Son. .
ttyAmonj'the'masaof worthier* artlctea and
botabagi that ,»re‘ poured forth at the present dav
’hpcn- the t« really refreshing to find .
something unreal Piratical utility, something nint*">-:
alj, spew *Bd tffectoal in its operation, and tt ''*
Ihi same Umo.dree -from those injurious efieets -
which general ly attend powerful nidediea. Honfr
Lipimeot,-prepared, by tieo. K Stanton, ot Sing
Sipg, though it bxa beea bat a short time before'
.the public,haaqlready obtained the confidence, hut -
onjy’oi pur-meek wealthy; red influential cilizcns,
but oar most “emibenL physicians. All acknowl
i etite it (obe aipiereigh.balm for muy of the Ills
I that flesh U heir tOfOootiung the aching limb, and
j'by its genuine stimulating influence, bsniahipg'dls ■
eaie from itjctystem.
i Stanton—Sir—S'dlng.your advertisement
ofHuel’s Liniment, I Was induced to try its efleelS'
on’my sop, who had been crippled ,with a lame
back from an infant; ud it is wilb gratitude I bear
testimony, in Sts'wonderful healing properties. .My
childfi who is now five yeareol sge, is now in a fair.
way-of recovery, Yours, dec..
PosTOrsicE.Townins, Putnam Co,-
I certify that 1 am personally acquaint! d with
the above named child, and think the father would
be sate in saying that hia son is/almost well..
1 . JAj' W DVKMAN,
,-N0v5,1815. Deputy Post Master,
i p. S.. I wouldalso slate that \ nave* been fur a
oupber of years i»bject to (requeftt attacks of the
Rheumatism,’ whictrin many instances prevented
toy attetodlnctomy. baiious. Two or three ippll-'
l*cations of toe Liniment inririably remove all al>,
feCliobsof the kind. ’ in cases ol bruises, sprains
,u>dsorcs.tponumerous to mention, iibts fa this >
i Vicimty proved a certain remedv. Us value catu
; only be estimated by those who havejgiven it a far
| < This Liniment ta Bold atS5 and 50 cents perbol*
Qe> be all- the. Principal Druggists and Merchants
• | Whol&ale Agentt in New - York. ■ •
j HOADLEY, PHELPS ic Co, lit Water at.
i RUSHTOI9 Co,-110 tTroadway. 7 .- -
i '■ A,B dt'D-SANDS, corner Fulton and William.
* i ASPINWALL, Bff William street;
. Orders addressed to- me at Sing Sing, N Y, will -
s bebitendedto. v ;: CEORGK E STANTON,
‘ *: : * Proprietor.
For hale in Pittaborghby L WILCOX, Jr, and 3
KlDDdcCo. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT.
-Sirmingham',JOHN SMITH. - - fcbl9
ITJI PILLS, tor the ear* of Liter Complainjiand
all jdiedasei anting from the Liicr. la tick Mid' -
and m a purgative and Anti>Biliotis Pill,surs
posted by Done. -
Stmptums or a'Di**as*i> . Linn.—Chronic
Inffaroation'ot Lh* Liier, when not the eoweqocnes
hi an acute stuck of, tha disease, begins generally
with symptoms-ef a lanetiontl disorder of the dip*?
tire ‘tad biliary organs, and djrpepsia frequently y
seems to bo the only affection'present. The patient
complains of Irregvtar appetite and impaired power*,
of digestion.acumy, flatulence, slight cholic pains/
'occasional nausea: and- vomiting, and a alight dell
pam and weigbtare (ell in tho rigbtside, aecorapa.
. nlefl tnwomecaserwith *
[shoulder.. Most commonly, nowe»er, no distinct
piip- is experienced in the-region ol the Liter,
except when firm' pressure u made on thisparC—
The Bowel* are alwaji.; very, inwgpfaf ..opsurwocst j
being ccmmon-tn some instaneesiriU) diarrhoes, the \
discharges .scanty, d*rk.colomLofl«Bsit«, *Hmy,
.greeßtsiT’ortntidoy/'-'Uewoi-the most contafit'kaa ' J
" ebaractcHstlcjiympttßM-'oCChropic Liver Com- ..'
: -plalntis ndty,;bvsh,coiial(tctedjUt«;Of Uttikia^’
. a tbottdry cangfa/with slight difficulty ia breathing, .
js h'lretpieni- attendant on this lot bs
. clironle nin tbi scote.fonn of this disease' the p»/ .
I ridt «« n*yan a« on the
• right tide, iAt tho disease *dvaoeSS,ellgbt Carets..
* i/beroing :
i heal nr the palm* of the bands and eolcs el the feet).
» t£eoights ,»re rortljsss. and-when the inflammation
: terminates in anppdrauoa. hectic and rapid emncu
r ‘tioo eonstnaelbe vital
r - Manufactured uhfsoid wholesale and re tail by -
; ‘ _UL.'. JOHNJ).-MOBQAN, Disggisl.. _/.
a mchSl.- -• . Wood itrcetrPimaprgfc, -j
— -
IrrniE best article knows tore leaning arbl whiUaing- •
4 the Teeth, atrengtheabif the gams, sweetening ih*
breath, Ac. -Jt abotud bossed every night wiih'as&f
b rntbraod the teeth mad womb yiilonly^reqaireasligb- -
wathisf in the morning. .Wet the bresh with warm
water, or cold will answer, add mb it a tewumeann
the pastri -wben efcobibwlU-udborefor cleaning tho
teeth- !t!e«ve*edelieioo*.ta*lein the nwath,anotm
parti o’ mostdcGghiful (ragtance-to uy-breath. It stand*,,
aurivalled at * pleasant,-dScactoui, convenient, and /
safe decuifice. it if warranted' not to injure the teeth,
bin (o preserve them. ■ .
By -using it regularly,- it wilt-remove thctsrtarua ■
: prevent nr the toothoebe, • .-
and prevent all disetsca _
Chmitta. physicians, and the clergy recommend; it aa
decidedly, saperibr ro hvCry thing of ihakindjn usa-r-
A*b ypi.Mioman's Compoand Orris Tooth Paste; and.. <
observe bis signatßre is atjacbedjoeacb pot. • '
Recommended by-Sr. Castle, 381 Broadway, one or
4>*t Statist*, and by most of the old established
'oaes in tho United Buttes, and ever .xiensively used
l>y the Nobility of England and Ptevr*-'
- Ailargo proportion of the disease, t hatafflictmaahiad
.arise from some derangement ofthi a tomaehor bowels,
'■which a'tbnelr nse of the Cathir.te Lounges weald
entirely obviate. Persons of btlievis habits sboold pi
ways ncve'hporat hand, and take a dose whenever
they feel the least derasgementmthelr health. Ajodl* '*
cions nse of these Lozenges would prevent thou sand*
°Torsaicat WM.- JACKSON’S, comer of Wood and
Libertys» 1’ dccO
LNGS.—Scrolnli in all IU mnlUplied forma. '
whaibcrin'thatofKiort'Evil. enlarcemenU o ithe
fftanda or bones, Goitre, While Swellings. Chronic -
Rheumatism, CabaerydiseoMS of the Shin or Spine,’
or of Palrooßary Coosumplion, enunato from one
aodthe aamn'eatue, wbicn U a poisonous principle
'mom or leas inherent in the hamannjitcm..-Therms:
/ore. uni eta this principle ck* be destroyed, no redi
hat Cure eube eftecled, bat if the prioetple upon
which the diseaae depend*,-in .rmBovcd, a:cem
must of aecmiUy follow, anmgUer uode> what torn
the disease shoald msniiest itseU. This, tbeiefore,
’ withe reason »bv is eojxai
vftTmlly aoceestful in removtog so many malignant
disease*. It deot/oy* -lb*' virus or principlo Horn
'whtc i those dinesnea have their origin, by entering
‘ihio the circulation, and with the blood la coareyoo,
to ths micqtegt fibre, remQTtng eveiy particle of
disease fromtbenrttein. Prepared ted sold at No.
l*hird Street.Philadeiphia.'''
• Sold at the P«ki*T*n Stwe,Np. Fourth street
Pittabuggh.. 1... , . • mchSl.
is notbiog-fcoual to it- 1 ■
] • ill^PirrsßOnna;Marchff7,lB47. .
'MrHE.Seliers—toinsticetp ypu and joar ,in- -
comparable Cough Symp,l beg leave toauta forth*
benefit of tbk community,tlisl toy wile hat been
hOvenltimestlSlcled with a moat distressing cough.
-1 purchased ia jaouary lust a bottle of your Syrup, •
krjneh eured ncodglrMt*rbiD<;nihsstaDding. About
ode month mode I bo cough returned, and was so se
vere that sbd cobid hardly move, from weakness in -
'he breast: -f seal for tw*o bottles of vonr Cough
and » part of oaohoulo cored the eaogh. I
gave the otherboule to’.'n journeyman who w«s se
verely afflicted- who had, to a sc his. own words,
cnoogVCdagh.Csndj to cure all the people—
toTiUsburgh, if the cabdj h»d been aa good aa rep
veaented.'r''.' Bespectiully jours,
AtrncD B, hexvif..
K-ttriiliMlMinctoei ofMnrf. i*" ®*? :
lUs Cough Syrupy aty'-thii it is the best Lough
Medicine in «*. Prepared and aold at sfi cents per..
.battle, by R£ SELLhRS,h7-Wood at. rocMI *t
Ti«S wveiy-'^?
prVparatlbu heretdfure'pscd forditetses arising
tVpa vYcaknesaor olhercinses. All lhatis aecea*-. ' '
tor tolseenre this medicine a place, in the Dome** r -'
’tic'rrawieeof UvekJ laaily, when such a medicine '
isneededni ttdll.l :.l— -.. 1
- -It speia* for itqell—teiwiKgnt in ita opetsUoa, . : *
-andnoiiuuryctaariMfroaitnusejtL'aeytiate. -- v -’
I ‘'Wboiemla'aadTUteil-hy ’ ROWAND A WAL. '
TON, prt»pfieferkJfl6AlAikUhticeU*Mad’a. . .
’' >'»r.u4ejjnPxUshiirih by R E Sellers,-57_ Wood - -
aad-WBL'lTlteCh.biJdarket su oefidw 1 T ’ >
Dt.'kctsas'slilvtr Pills, -- -
iVX e bold of.DfiiielAßb I *-Liver i’.ills. My. wife
:haa ased iwohoncaoTthe Dociorv* Pills. I assart you ••
(bay bd?qddMhe7hicre'tohd than myloimlyfAyMtaß - . f
hssbrtwwyeatl.atleßdaace; .Twe.addittfnaTbdzca, l * ; />
tblak, willktecricur/. T '’- -JAMES JONES '
s: .—Wilkins-Township .*
. Theta vnlaeUe pills lhr sale by .J KIDD fc ftTjfd.'. - :r_
■jlrlsl t ' -
04-tb« b**t article, wimeat say lb*.
-mtoraties sad .txi kio# \
-'of-vnasrea iastaaecs'wbm hawbas bem rtstond ta bred*
€Sj|ltadvl«lvvlbmak»brailarfHiTftelHw®a«Mtlffi 'Cj
• BcAlcsi'Mißih'-l i s *t . , 1 • * 1 ' - a
for al* bLHUdMUth'tt tba iWia T*a StortTNcTC.'. . .
’ msrtdhwT . ' .
rTtHABpQIWSHijrrUirOTBiFW '#s2
X neotly bayßmrlMcnßedr dr Gray Hair a Dark Ueii.ia.
-’Werebouaarw' l HWuy street, bead of Wood, at the ■* -
•igaer the Kg Boot. —j»