tfUtfiSttfetfolMackerel; >\ | j?*»riolMe*d«i '• i: 3kiu*MetlltekUE{;V iitlfbUnoS dK ' Large; :I I ShfbMjNotTMmi—rtffkafrT; i. : ;lM jfo 1 SUmoa, Alevivc’a aad Baltimore Herrin; - for .lie by ~ .. , J D WILLIAM* tw ] _ n P*_ - • No HQ eroodwroei S~uirTJßlß»—t Metre Con; 1 3 do Our, ;- * do Applet I 4 do Feaebca; 1 do. Peahen; - 3 barrel* Etf< '•> .. 110 piece* Bacon Urdlfl* figpi,«« Conet end ?ot*a!e "wt \ JAMES DAUELL a>t - . S_ Na« .eater* CU.-DLfci-*Jbxt3ui C bxi do; 1 49bx«9teana»C«ndUi; • ; so by* Dipped do; for «d« by up* i J DWItXtAMS t Co, lift wood « Arjrt«4,f«cMjwcottwfn ,pi No HPwoßd«t>CTl [?ia»—U»drumsSw]rrn»F7**Jbr»akbT . • r»ps i 0 W IU wood fl HEAB CIDVR-ibbU «o ef®?? *** V foi ult by; J D WHXIAW*Cb 4543 *! __No_llP foot *u*et Alcouoi.-ioi>w. '-'trkii* pm*i. *nJ 'fl?** P TTrCICBTI(a.M REJ)>Tbtl'b**t nmi— Aorricaa; \Tor.l'>. S > I 3- do nentl i For *«'e tik J W*HOOSMAKERaCo .pi ' ’ . : *.«■*«*■;„» TV .< ICKKKIiI-a .pi- N. ? M,o. Uod "^s*“ d " y i 'I B-UV'I Backet*, lindia* from | ICp ! DALZKIX, e» wmiet «r CIGAR* • »•*" •»* l'- 11 ' C‘K*r*i ' u'nmour. C r«r4 in bx*; oqbbabuw for xxlc bv l M® DAJL2ELL . •5$ N»«ww« pA Hi PAt ZKU>a4w»ter «t ATTI-YG —fu HC*‘ N««V, *. *b4 0, LU'W" “ d JIO'COFFKK— V Am-T'Cia *-*r. ajH tor »•**• bjf .' > . 6pJlV\^Al.n , ‘ “•■»TH,^»ndBow«>4»i i«tk» fcr •*»* !»r 11, in trd go wood « .RIKD APPt.I 'apS HAi.AIA R foe mle by Qfr,n«MvonH n \liKEfiK- IpKACHK-'-^' Ao; on coa'ifo vvn.i.UMst Co yr • «i» 'o ?»■ j's'o I|o troori ->Acoo«i{wetil *od » UU.UAIIS *C« ||t> »;rcgt \1 ACJRJVW * MelUllOHT,Atwii-.iii>vfd s JhU—.i' jS'i J folilh M»cke;rl, * 441 ir t o do din ». iti i it'. Xo t dt> »*p; . ■*>*• •»! *.*■»• «t<> «ln dn; >b«4 rtf d for POINDEXTER* Co 41 w>trt street i.' hi •»,.« Njo . in *ttfe &nd for koh 1 J & R FLOYD l ttet ÜbCTtr weti tU to . * ?i rKovd"' ‘ rneh- IW Lit*.rtr .irrcl poTTON V A UN-OWO fb« “ 4 io/mi" 11 ' l > 1W Libtni nw SKKD —CfU.u* i:u»vr««ecd| iu w,. 1 uralir SVrfyj ■jf*g£g4 -D 1 IW Liberty «treei O UNUIII BS-7 bM* qotemed; O •’ | . , , ~.„r J&i ’ ■ crl-cnn.-dlt-USI. „“h" :; ■ -- No«w.l««. 1 > CPEMMMm. *«»*«, IMBH—^ OTbbl* NoS M«*er*li | 1 inhfhMidr* do;. , *4 i>uU-N«»3Sf>uu>4Uckerel, ;l md>H i- \4I Utxny mcj 7 I\l'Al T. l'l Brownirillc ’Oiipb*m’« Ui»ml, lluCinf from > U w* r rt F OK»U TBits V;«-T.J.. K —ITCtf port rf— Hunt. i . " • , " lOOOSKnlfcrewMlr nmmtll .aJ ,a p r |iof q»»iar, lot ■«!« y iOAIjEY t. SMITH P“““”|2Sl3lkKrfS —l*by i ** 3^,,tad»rty an4ftCU»r*». JCO COBSM bile mchtf **o F w>aiDA «hum-i anfejf&re.. mcKS cofLit>*ny*togtCU:i tu /*LAY-00 ioo.fionoon Cln l» euli *od bow '* ‘" s* E^Co -*■ -- No&7 wiier« tocb3o ■ _ FIOS-au Inoii VietlTip In .m>lldnimi, wxxxl f g4“Jt“ s, '° -s 'sloe's ts;- 4 7 ABD-tbnla No Turf now ImiilH fre* Knan L, ■"" C ’”* , 5 B b l lJk ,i DICKEV»r O i 31 wim mcfl Cl (wat»“ rochgS , pEP*PKn-.vo i.p r »Si» _ r .1 «■>!!» «ei“_ vv i, In •«••< ’] MYEB&WINTriRtCo , I 168 tibeny « ry OPPKK- ;(l Wp Mu'blT’ 0 Reamer lw*e Newioa #ad to j rVIoYD V ' ' , l«Ubeny*l plOK—lfli*ersScwUm R,cr j fjj'ftSyo®' IV (iladuicr. ter •*!* bf lSb«fty •* mcktf —i- • «hlp* A PPLKS-CO bbl. -*PC}**f JUKSf fc * A «*„, fe. ri* BOLfc BCTTIEtt-4 bbli «r tad front ro £00»^» mcbB4 tor «a \ - MlcbT i E.IOUaHkBENV" ' «il_ i- rvvn AAA 6HINQLBS for q>l« tow m «|cw « coo -200,001) ENGLISH ft BCiNETT BP , i ' « V wood iit»h LOO WOOD—1& CW' Cbippv4,iaMf»«adi«twla hr ENGLISH ft BENNETT an 7 -1- I —Mbbli No 3 Moeltml ter Ml« M>“ ESOUSH.J^tJ S'" 'r*J£j2£^3£ B Gk «»> 1 1- : I t'7T IkaoMonedipocsn; j » lAOOlto VeuwajlUmt, JbbliUid; L IbbtaßeAui!' : 3 sack* Femur*; * I ' _f ‘"ftSSafiSttS; UOUI9II Ahd'bice £rl SOQ bbl» Plutkitoa , 90bbU Sofir Heosa do; I Wo ill ,w»ier M U br BAOHEY ABMITII >B g igeadkpwood «r SOAP— (0 tiX* No.l 8o«P far ttleby tps J O WILLIAMS fc Co, 110 wood *t _ Loaf iroia asd ' »bb!*«*oodal**»a Uo'UMt; lsbbl* Ko ? Sdfti; lending from «uar Bttbttn indfiit id* by i JA9 DftLZEtL «p 3 Mo« m\tt M /*H)FFEE| *««—l6 fax* BUteed’* 6*. ‘Tobeceo; doing* RieCoflee: jo*trece«t*d p«r Canal and («r tale b 7 JaO DaLZELL «p 3 No »« wa»*r •» CLOVEBKEEIMO but.. e print ameie, for *alebj- ’ REYNOLD*A3HEE •• *p3 cor Perm and Ir*m m jAPKB-XUrcio. Rol«d C*p Htprn £ euj tuuxUenti C. *at «•!* br »p 3 CARSON* McKXIOHT. pLASI-ambzi “Sew Wladow CUw, Ij .U KMam^tlh „ lObbl* *rn*il White ?? cabhon fc Mcknight. sau>*t rvIUOIDI »»0 »«r .6 " ~ rtnign tppLg^-nobaf.luwmM»ndfor«»le D'r" ; |ORLM, McGREW kCo »pl 1 No 9 Cotpmf rc;»l Bow 4 > o 9 Cotnmf rc;»< b- - _ ■ ' —■—irrd i ad Bar *tle Hy KcGSeW ft Co Cog Row >1 CKr _*t« f andUu • - v ~* rttt >re*J ’' " tr s*’ w ! No so LAUD— 3? kn« No LLc*f a bt>U No \ d*; Tfj it-, c*r> tfoov* 34 | B” ROWS JMJ»MB-Sol>*l«»b< La. on con«»rnnw!n» %nd for »a.e ig tp3 OKO iMORCAN A f l>ir Rio.pan prime, iiiMieVd ar.d Ca!t«£br POIND %XTF.R * Co 5 ' - >l J rnter * u ** l nITiATIOS WASTED-A yonmrinaii «i«h- JS torn a airuatton to liarn iha P y <»ond» hr ran rpeak the German and Eatf >4 L»*»*“»t**- . . AA.I2MiC.J-_j, J. *P* B * ii' o. H. EOBIKIOS) Auotnei- at Liw. ha' V* , remirred hi* ©fire * ' t ’ , «‘l»ansf 8« C.air oitett. util Aoor ’ ] apdcKtu I «Vhy PBACUEB— > | Arana, fi»r «ale by Bulk mbat-i.u ly by’ «p» T~ TOBACCO—3D kcp 1 &*Jc tow toxtott etmiu ,api ISAIAH DICKEi . : Biif »/* TONS prim* Jommt t)v «Je by - wSt&ba»! J 9 * ; wkier auJ faniim 1“ 0 LET—A 3 »tory Brick House n=mr n „ retl , w* Fcm- E "'« cinr .p i 50 Wind ?* «»_ L“|NAHE»T— 10 *ro*» Nerre “ ‘of .ate by JkIDDAOu mete; l NoW wood ft P r iCTTY—SOOIU Pmiy ii Q! ,,M J r J-/d d*a y No 60 wood *t bx» 10 *wrc and tot *olc £j )ALZEU>. 34 water »i <« Plant in t'.i'te AN liberty and SSI wooJ »t ‘ k Jatt rec'd an** r*r n *tor« and for »aie by MAJSUOaN nchW •* Libenrand wood m W QUKET-ti bbU Rectified Wtu.key in .tore ■ad i or n*f by MA d sLOA^* Librity and woodn« W6BLB Otd Mononfai eta Rye Wbiikey, In «tot# nod tottaW* by . , H 4 J m cb3n . FbOltfL— lUUbbla F»ou'' «>T mcb3o y c ALT-50 bbli No 1 &•!' lutt rcc’d **»U by Mb) SLOAN Liberty mil wreod »>* IJtAK— l* bbU N. C. T*t tjbeny »nd wood m < ir ib it ill Jft— .*oo Shovels —6 doren for mI« bf “m t J SLOAN Liberty wood »n la praar, rac'd per late ar NO. SOOAB-4M bl • riTal* aad far Mtc bj BURBi lIDGEt WILSON A Co 1 VViwiirwi j tfbl* per late arrival*, for IDOB, WILSON *Co Water «u ret NO. XOLMIBS . vale by BCRM tneMu OlL—iObbta No 1 Conklin*’* Ctncinn»:« ■ fint rtic MtieJe, Jb« r*c’4 ** f«jj g^jJ ERa | No 17 lubeny «r»ft LIVIBEO Oil#— iQbbl* fcr«»kby FfIIE.ND.anET 4 Co ,5037 w*i»r H FRI EN O'. B HEY li Lo»C Su*»r; MM« do do; a»-orteJ !<....)»« ■<«'"<>• ,v,USON * Co _m*h» - 1 , ORABGE9 ASD liMO®B - bo*e* B*e«jy Otm**-*; 10 do Lemons ju« "'lf* V* T DURBRIDGE, WILSON* O * SCGAR-l PKCAJI aUTS-0 bbU itktt ree'd and for «aie by ‘ ciX UUEBR.ix iK ,'VU t ON^ | „eh3o L 165 Liberty »iryj. , ABD-tOObbl.No led Liberty tr*ct_ OIL—IS blA*ja»t ree'd and for V MV BBS. H uNTEB A Co I IS3 Liberty mwi VBATS-FOOT i\ ule by mehSO ' rg—-to.oa, Ibi Star Factory, for MYERS, HUNTER A <*> 168 Liberty atreet _ (IOTTOa TAB! j sale by ib«&3U_ T.ATTISO-1W ft VTI!?* Co ~ Itw Liberty nrerf EZT&A Fwß" kid GLOVK»—«» 1 Ladie*' and Genlleroen*’ rxin fine kid Glow «i“i' *»«•- v ”'‘ » *$ 1 ;; oahrard SPRiao *BiW Store,7* Herketetr (inch* CBBAP PBWTI ■oument of Sprint York Store, 7» Merkel' roehStf F'* tnCED Oil*—SVbbh junrec'd *nd ibr»*!« LAXSSKU RJcKETsOS »70Libciiy »»ett PR ULB"IB tear Pi* Metal. A*ply w ***** fICLTHIIEKT, General A|tM , SO Sauh6*Ul nrw *o\ 1 > . Woa 18 and BO wood «t A«P LBMQg»- ■SirKSKi : i P.™ u»ata, ■ ffpnl in ,-OCU* A»D >«■»•*£„ MuSI W fwotjt» •pl “ r rjss»lFßs«Sf Mgr" 1 * Ur » bhu otto, far lObbla P*pU« 1» l 0 C MiKTIN atrof»» - b “* T _«gl y , • «or Mlaai**tppi Cgm «*J“ end fete*W by ATWOOD, JONES «to ■pi I water *nd front «t» : SPAHUB BOtft-MtmJcefer'tlilowbr y>l ■■■ ■ ATWOOD. JONES ACo CMTOA OH*—lbbl« ferae]* by • -1 ■ BBAUN A REITER rnr* ctuo sacov-übo pc« Hunt; 1 I • \ * i • f _£qd BhAolAem Ji, mmor «uUr, WVU (rUtoS. ItaS. W l‘ - BAUALEY A SMITH fWBWW ROASTED *!*» GROUND COFTEE (bull «nry fnnmiflgt *!■■■* m k|od tod tEfZ Mk tl No 17 aSa ABODES *AtCOW« STEAMBOATS. ( OK ST. LOUIS AND IIXISOtS KIVCR . The new uuttalendid *«aiaer. ' \ Ifcvrfj biaoaba, ; 4^^^^^^Kj a cob*, metier, will leart t« tbore Friday, April IHh, at 10 o'clock.«. it »r apply on board. tpi m For ft FOR NASHVILLE—DIRECT. lbs *l*aacb and eleirtat nearer rffdH .VSIOtf, UftnMHr Gieenlae, asi»ur, wit! letre k« above Friday, April Wi, at ID o'clock, a. tt. Tor rrrijtbt or puuf* apply os »PI FOB NASHVILLE. ' The rtatsneb and fine Packed b fIWjL pacific, - m*Mer, will leave far the above port, on Friday evaning, April Ha, ai 4 o'clock, t. X. £ 1 REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKET, g . - Tbe »«w and fine Packet ] : C tif°* 'Jb scasKA, is | UfcylMMK' Croticf,master. wtUleavaaabwbyeoa Friday evening. at 4 o'clock, f. K For freight orpasaage apply snt}OMd.i Hvsuiar Puuknrib watt Stawyltit Paokat. i The new aaj^Hgb^dracgh^ •*tamer jl lanef F. Boyd, matter, will- rijt a* a JVKB'ar packet between PJtlri-urgh and Zanesville. Having had her cabin* fitted ufe and farniriied in vcperibr etyle. the Comet offer* ih»;«i accommodation* to pu*engera * ‘ y WELLSVILLE DAILY C. C. Catlett, matter; w*« ibdtfi ex* diiajL prevsly tor Usl* trade, and wsinjaake daily tnp* daring the *e*»n. leaving Pittsburghevery morning at fioVlofk, and every evening at 3 o’clock The W. 1* wttn -Faber’* Paiem magnetic Water Gaage.” For &*ttri« or pa»*«ge apply on beard ' «• Jr™ t Keel Boat U constantly at the PireJjureh wharf to rereice frright.and the agent always go the ,ja,t: A McBAXE. Agant- ■ REGULAR PITTSBURGH aND.BROWSS^LLF. B PACKET. £s • .8 • —•_ - ~ THE new and n*t rnnatng etcamer . Kbben. rnnr.rr, h*« resumed ner feg jJWWBM u,ar «rip« aad will leave p.u-burgh ■■■■■■ as above every Th'ir»day and Mon day at 3 o'clock, P M. For fn-lght or r*«*age apply i on . fif'-L. I* * Allegheny Hirer Trad*. i ! T’.ie fine and f««t Pteaml>oat | I*Capt Jam** Atkinson,Vntl coniiß | it* io ran a* a Regular Packet die *wti rinl . ti, e *ea«oti between Pitt«bargh ! and rranltlm For fmphi or p.wagr apply on '-oard. • * oc«tl , me*, for t'wn usd for t>s CKKY 4. Co r usdifront irpil hi* Gen«r»l np3 jvt Brown Mo »w iocJo« by 7b, 10-'i wood *1 REGULAR PACKET FOR NAMIVILLE ■ Xhc iv-vy eteamrr .ilO— V ■ WYORISa, Capi John P. Hay*, will eonmi-nce regular trip* tv t'r.r above port on Monday, the S*tU in*taol. at 10 o'clock, a hi Eor freight or na»»agc apply on l-oard or io mib* • l W HOTI.KR A PRO. If RECULAK LOUISVILLE PACKET , . . The new, light diaojhi and font ran • ' P‘°« «»catncr KpREKA. Croxier. master., will ran »» a regular between Pimbotgl, and Lome eille. doling thr season. ■ For ire:ghior paaastgo apply on board McKEEsVoBT, KX 2ABCTH AND MONUNUA- Iib LA CITY J*ACKCT. The uew steamer , fK"L> DESPATCH, ysms fiel*on. ma»ter, will ran a*above, lea aSSSHaßaßviax Piraborgh every Monday." > 0 nctday anil Friday, al»i iJ'clock, A. M.,and Mom-nja beta Crty every Tuetday.Thnraday ami Saturday. \t t ©’clock, A- M. For freight 01 pa»»age apply on bon d J>s3 _ ... - _ - - nekttUr plttibnrfli and Sanaa* til*. Packet. . _ _ . THE ligbtdraughl ateam£r SEWAKK, UkaMMp Hurd, Maater.wiU make weekly inpt to the above poll during (be aea-on. freight or artply on bw rd L r to apr p WILKINS- Aten rOR LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE _ 'tLe now a«d pa**engefateaißboat . Americas, Caj.t. Wilkin wtll leave tor the ■naESEBEn above and all „.iinnrdi*iepon»,reß- olarly. For freighter paiaage apply on board. . janS ' Pittsburgh andwhf.eling PACKtrr ' The •ptrinlld'aiid f«ai running aimr ft KEW, EIOLASD, Jjgf u \V Kitrt, will commence mining a* above, on the fd day of rysui »«*■ .\jarcU. le«\mg Pit!«liargh every Toe,day, Thuraday and to o’clock. A. M.» and leaving "'heciing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 9 o'clock. A M. ... The New England ha* neea bought cipreaMr tor thv trade, and will leave regularly aiabore Fotfn ghtor peerage upplr oti board or Jo . ~ febio D WILKINS, Agent PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET The new and aplendtd eieamer ;■* OOBDOLIEA, / Lyoo*. ma\ler, wm built axpreealy for thit trade, and wiil ‘leave regu larly daring ib- «ea*on. Her day* will be advertised hcreafer lebtthf rOR NAslfVli.LU--RKOCL.AR PACKET . Tte aew tittl tirtcam fticket A , WTOttiso, F AWLiySBJ iU>-t. mm.ier built ferine piusbaijrn »r.l Nathrtltp trude will I««t« rctuiuriy i» nnd lot in»«f«n*dji*te porw For fnif&l or P ....,0 W Jr on „„„ feblO SfH>nd ■ire*! REGI'LAII FRIDAY PACKET for LOUISVILLE. lcene»r and »’>»anca Packet , iMH X SIT. YERSOX, yknlMn' Parkio«on. tna*tet will Jravr f«r the above non. at to o'clock mor ning.b-r rcgularday. paMage, having Cue accommodation*, apply «*n "cart REGULAR PACKET FORWF.LLSYILt.F. AND STFXBENVUXE • • The n'w and light draught »tmr .ivam* IW wilmsotos, M O M. Ptevena. me»ier. 1- ave* Pm*- batch every Slondas. Wrdonitay and Friday hi Uo’cloek. p M- Icavea ‘Wieavli- every Tortday. Thur«d*y anJSaianJay j« 8 o'clock. A. SI For freight or I hoard •! _________ l Rc«;a ar Ctnctaaatl A LohUtUi* P«h»l The new ar.4 elegant 1 14 UlrtWg '***" COLIMB^A, mmSSmmc onpal (ulu Pu»npT p«rt« h '" r 7" ? above porta during the «eax»i of * *y_. Li— "REGULAR ,Tn? gVcKFTT AND Thr Siratner _J HIBERNIA* LifcalMlW i*«a>iiel Smith m»»ter, will commence „ n * r»f;niar p icket aboaube 15ih inu , tmm Pi uv«.ii BSBSSrfcS^.S on board. ,1.. . - -' NOTICE. FREIGHTER* and other* wuhing |r> hnr' Fire Bf‘ek. Produce. Ac* htouehtioth'» plaeefrom »*ieul»eo*d.e intermediate landings, can make airang’-mem-. by calling on me. M I Sieaioboat Agent. M Water rt To Tr*»tU*n." _ . ‘'EXPRESS PAST PACKET LISEi . ■ for _ ftaak PH'iL&OBLPHU ARD r [Errtujii'ij Jot /’amnffen]- So India-.n/c-pt. Bwlcty. aonl«., «». do Loui»>.uia,- Trol.», Pnijrf.y. April £ fflfcE^?as?aX 1 K!i« & p«*p «** ”,"»^’SBart&r" • Cans] Uatin 'TO tIi.IfiVKI.ASD Tli. WARttBS. & sslr' 1847. SS3E3I THROUGH IN MJIOURA PACKET Ho»i* ind Telegfiph I*** B ®®.** «*r 3oVlock r *, iftir tt» am«l-fU* “nii.n»»i*'l» ■»« M|.rf»Km» »'“ 1 C"»fcn* b l« ont W.iren. rrepi'i RKKO PAKKss A Co. A|en» tnu J fl r’ cACiiUB”. cotur? Wamrand Smithfield ■7«ir Opposite the Mouonjihs'a Hoo*B Pittsburgh - ' PITTSBURGH ASO GREEN VILL* 1847. ®™*TOkET AND FREIGHT LINK. THIS l.ine eonrirt'ngof frerght and paaienger Peek •ti Wilt no rrrultrlr during thg m«ioi between tenge** between the two point*. will bo carried pnwnptl • ut " vTiclc'» l *‘ROHEß.Onrii.m., »<>■ CR AlO AFR *MP.TON, Clarkavil’e, do; McFarland a kino, uigßend, d*; HAY** A PLUMB, Sharpkburgb. do, W C MALA.N. Sharon, “®i Fa'tut. «*» RRfIS. HARKS A Co, Beaver «W JOHN A CaUGHEY,ebrntrW*tni I tndStattb6*Jd»« «p6t7 Opposite the Monongubc'a House. Piusberg I " GALT HOUSE, C«nur Main tttd llllb ata, OlBsMfM” THIS establishment It now In the but order for IB* reception of the Traveling Public. Having *n« f : goo* a thorough rvptir, during the pa»t winter, ana Saving the non eiperieored men in ib|iwe*L vaneue department*. I Setter myself that all W” 1 0* pleated who call. "pm location i* central, comfoodtoe* aud pleasant. Far# ft per day. » . C'actnnati,Maren 13,1*47. VE MaRH ! N. U.— Although not exactly a n#w Broom, it I* Ih« new Whitt on ibeold handle. apStf FOB S ALB—On the Cettnier deitr. the dally and weekly Gaieties, all the Pnuburgh Newiptper*, Sibhhtt't Counterfeit Detector, Tom Hanien. a uue of Aa-w te gereod*i a fall account of the Greet Fire. Aieencio pioneer. 8 volt; 7 large volameeof the Journals of lh« Senate aod House of Representatives IrpenActlvaoia, from 17».u lew* wnkevuneiy of rJJj’ ' Fifth etreet, twmr wood F n a m at-B—Atmallaftortnieni ofshovels,hoes, nku. window auh and float, woodaa jESEptfiS yellow carpet chain, buckets and sbvysfL»«.MtcbM, b, avic'^sss”^ apl COMMERCIAL RECORD PITTSBURGH HOARD OPTBADE roAiMirTEßiroa mu. 1 - '* w /.*"roTTr>, ■ «, nlotaM ;he Snamiblpi. KoTtmeuU of Camtsi L** .fearth Saadi, Tfcoapaoa, V JadfoMi Caltdoein, I »oiU i JJtwtwoL- 1/ni Ataencv JtUr*J 51 «T C April 4 ■ Way I Apt 16 M*T »* M j £ \ Hibcrala, Eyne, Wubinftss, Hawlit, Orricc or Pi rTiicroa G*2tTT*, J . . Fridu Mormcgi April 9. S Tht weather clouded sp yesterday afternoon,gt* log promise of * betrj ms. The Riesrs hsTebeeojstetdUy rising. There «• 10 feet 3 inches water tt doak last erenicg. Flow—The Foreign tod Eastern newt ha* bt*l • ftsorable effect on Floor, tad price* ire up •*»!* higher, b? 25e3l$c Tbt rccelpu are larger. Salt on Wednesday erenlng of ISO bbl*‘*Bufltlo Mill*' from store, U $6. Yesterday X bolt tt $4,624; ® gift 7*; *4 it s4,©; 6Q tt 54,114} 300 In setertl tots tt 55} £OO bWs delieertblf in ell this raontb tt *oo bbls «t $457464,31, 105 bbl*,'t Biker's brand tt ssoo—this jlot wts boogbt for nse—by wagon about 400 bbl* tt $4,75 to $5 ? bbl. A sale 3QO bu d Apples at and i£e for bbls; IX bbls con. Wb'mkey from store tt 20c;No 1 Laid Oil bte gone op to 75c p gal and sales; 380 gale Unseed Oil at 7*4?, is the taking price; IX bxe | Oranges and Lemons at $3,25423,10 $► bx. Of Bacon. 16,000 Ills at yesterday'* qaotztl - I a>4/«8 1067000 1,155.65* Oct Ist 1957 557 1 516,004 1.233616 .. \\ 1 037 5’9 <1707,185 1315/273 ?Vj • -2.113.241 ry93/C6 I 392,415 4th 4,108,775 1,406,431 Nos lit 2.421.3 M 20C6.551' 1,447,071 •• -d 2.617 *Ho 2,597,056 - 1,481590 3d 2,858000 28U1,6U3 1014,113 price* or tiCKrsr.c rr.nCR at *e« Tore. June 5 $1 50 Sept 1 $* £4 1- 4 t2A 11 *•>£ 15 I Iflu 18 4 75- 26 4 IS* a* * g Juts 3 4 IU Ocl. 2 o M 10 400 ? • >’ ® 17 t 00 5 50 "4 4 13 t ‘23 6 2o* 31 4 12 30 5 67 Aug. 7 4 124 *"-* ig. 14 4 03. »3 “ 2{ nj 4 00 *> 5 i 5 •*8 4 00 28 5 37 The stars in the tabic or prices at New York, indicate the arrisal ol a .iteamer, si or nest that 184 i. 18*3. 1844. 1845. 184 b. The follow in* u.b water in New V*»rfcj Oirnr. from June ( n | AtctifT* or rt. CINCINNATI—ApnI 5. Flour—Market decided!* dull. Sutuniaj, lew Mice af a decline; MO bbl« at 5450-.500 hbl« in two loti, on pmalc terms—un.ier«t.>od to lu»e be«o a further decline. I'rovisiona—No sale* on Suurday. 10 ciki Bacon Sides **ere sold at Bc,bbds S*•^ ll A purchase » •ep'irted. made at f.*r this inarVet of 422 bhli Meet I'ork-at lB9 dd FricoAaod 28 do Ratrpe at $11,57. 4‘anon; there ,i« now no douht of the Get that the stocks of Frori lioni here ire light, of Uni aed Bulk Pork e*p* »• all* Freight—To New Orlesn*. pound Ireighti 35c tr 100 lh»; Corn t» bu 18c; Floor t» bbl f>2c; Pork 75e; Whiskey 87r Whukey—Si.lw at 181, •ißkrrlUte. Cot'ors—4 bale* good mid Mi«»,at I2J Corn—3so seks (mnttly Gunnies} at G4v, del; 6WJ ■nd'24o do(Hemp) at COc. Oils—2Uoo bu Iromato e at 45c.*ekJ extra; fr«>m wagon at «37c; WO Jo (in Bdrtap acka) at 50c. Cloterseed—ls bblt ttom wagon at $3.50; 30 bu at 53.40. FUt»eed-47 bo Iroa neer at 51,14. peg* included; 300 do, price not reported Sugar—4o hhda Itir NO at Sic- Mo!a«- et V_S) bbla good N O at 3ic.—[Gitette IIASHVIULE— April? • The RWer t» tailing aiowly wiUl 7 fret water on the ihoaia C otton—There it no imoMioo in the market—no aalea—extreme pnece ottered Horn 9to 10c Tobieeth—iaiea at Johnson 4; Smith*,l-bjid* from $1.25 to 55.—[Banner. BOAT* LEAVING THIS DAT. •BROWNSVILLE PACKETS atBA.fl. and 3 P.JI. •BEAVER PACKETS at 9 a. *. and 3p * •NEW ENGLAND. WJwtLog, * •D. LEECH.t «-'i PACKET, PhiUdcjffc.nnd BiHimor*, 9 f *• •WKLLSVJI.LE, Well«ri!lc, 9. i. « •CLIPPER -No •» Ciscionaii, 10 *. u UNION, Nasbsille. 2 P. * PACIHU, f 4 f n •These are regular Picket' UIPOItTS BY KIVKU. WHEELING—Per Arena—3oo bbla flour. Heed. Partdc Co. (Beavery—NO dr. Wallingford A l‘°~ YBI do, owner— do, McGill* At Boshfictd— H Mitchell—24 srks Wool. Atwnod, June* dt Co— -1 bbl lard, M'CJarkan St Co—4 bdl* akeep* p*l»v. J Dtltell—33 veks peaches and applet, Jordan Si Sr.o—lo2 bbl* flour, Rohiton A Co. Per New England—l 6 bbl* t*il«v*t 57 doipples, SO aeka d do. 49'bble flour, owners—sQ do, Bingham _3g do, to matter—27B do, 11 **hi«»*y. Clarke L Thaw—ll do flour, A Yankirk. WELLSVILLK—Per Welltrille—J Bbl- tppl**, ; 57 do flour, J MeFadrn Si Co—J bbl« anitdrie*. Ba ealeyflfcSmith—6 do flanced. Von Bn. : nhnni ,U‘" | _£l hhdabacon, 1 bbl chcete, ShatUelt St V\ bite 1-235 bbl* floor, 3 do bolter ly;kegt do. 1 do Urd.4 bbl* acorebing*. McGill* JL- ttuthneld—.W bhitflour. Robiton St Co—2A do butter. AJ'er.. Hunter 4 U —Ldo lard. B'do floor, 5 hhl« sod 1 uag fltsteed.l' bbl* applet. 13 pc« bacon. « & W Harbatigh-lfl bbla flour, 3'kew lard, 1 ititimmont St bon—l bbja oil i bx, BX Kahuettock A Co—s peg*. korayUi A. ■ baffabarley.G W butiUt—fir do brao.Mc- Luog A Wilton—36 bbl* liour, l bbl bolter, I bi, OWQ R Daltell & Co— r do, Chdrchl St Carothen—2l bids teorebingt, 77 baft barley, pbbla buller, 10 ack* d apple*, 3 U«fg» la f d, 1 bbl t«i, 9 bblt oil. lo matter CINCINNATI—Per Clipper No S—II bbd* h *. con. 6 bblt do. 53 bitet and I.bVI h «ir, H Hnn— bblt lard oil, J Kerr, jr A: Co—R do potnwr*. J HochetJ—l6 hlidtbacon.'JkegiJard.Tutfe&O t.on* 0 0r—94 Sain hemp, Irwin St Son—l Idul* bacott, Hutchiaon St Co. . Per Wttcootin—l bx.J H Mellor— l do, Bingham J-S7 hhdt bacon. Jordan St Son—l 6 ickawoot. »> Barker—Chalet heuip. H. Gralf—4o bblr lard oil, 8 d‘»Grd,62 kega do, Clarke A Thaw—l do, Wm Hart. BROWNSVILLfk-Per Swnlara—3 ««*■«» T G Odinme—l do, H P Schwarti— I do. J f- Did* well—4s ba<*. 39 bdlii iron. 26 kega natU, r. I.*ant —4O bblt floor. HiMttCliell—lB do applet, -5 bo ooti, owner—974 bxt glast.S Kjlc. ' 1 Per Conttil—l bx, Hampton A ’fcuiilb—2 do.: Foreytb A C 0—231 acka oaU. M’Clurkao A C° —* 4 peg*. H G Vickoey—2 bbla cigart. Von Bone hortt A C 0—363 bare iron, 31 bHUdo.iC* keg* E F.eano—23 bbla floor, T A Koon»—4 bxt,lst Bt Niagara—lot raoeirig, 12 bbla floor, 17 bx d applt«i owner. Per Swatara—l bx. Funyth A Co—6 do, Atwood, Jonet A Co—4 do. Jonet it Qowg—l4 k«* K H Oliph»ot—2l* ackt oata. 36 bagt n applet. Co-i7l bar* Iron. K K v *« , 7’[. P o *’ BuVbridge, Wilaon A Co—22 bbla floor,T A Koont 115 bbla flour. 23 do whiikey, ownera. STEI'BF.NVILLE—Per Wtlmlngton-270 pea bacon, J O William. A Co-43 bbla flour, **«*'"•" dc. Ce—46 do, 560 bu oat«, \V Foraujoo—4s bo and 12 hbi* polatoea, matter—2 craten ware.J Fark. jr ■At (Jo—33 icka oata, Boyd A Nelaco—7s bo rye. to mailer, M bbl. B„.r, ivd ‘-I I*— 1 *— owner—6B acka barley, sdo rrc. GV\ Smith. SliNFlSH—l’cr Rhorfo (aland—l9 hhda tntacco, 10 do bacon. D Leech A Co-8 do tobacco, 148 pee b.con, I bbl b‘Jll«r. 10 k.™ tanl. J A 8~-8 —. bMa and 2 hlf do >to flour, I Uag ryo.R 31ooro-M leather, owner. VOIIOHIOGHF.NY—Per barge Fame—los bbla Hour, 350 i»a o-»t». t» ma«t«r. *OR! OF PITTSBURGH 104 FEfI WATER 15 TO* CH4SSKL. ARRIVED. Michigan,‘Hemphill, Bearer. Like Erie, Ball, Beaver. Memenger, Ltnlord. Cm. Louia C«naal, Bowman. BrowtnviUt, Harlem. Baird, ftlnn. City. New England. Ebbert, Wheeling. WellavilTe. Catlett. Welltvllle. Neltoo. Mohongaheti city. Artni, Fleeaoo, Wheeling. Niagara, (new) Jacob*, Shipranl DEPARTED. Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver Lake Ena, Ball.Beavw. Hibernia, Smith. Wheeling. . Swatara, Clarke, Brownsville. Harlem, Baird. Men. City. Conant, Bowman, Browaavillr. tvieconam. Grace, Cin. Weßmrllle. Catlett. \VelUrllle. Wilmington, SwreM, Steobeaville. Moanmceer, Well*. N Orleans Circuaian, Cox, Etneka. Cw*Ur,l.«M«Be* Lyon*, N s YORK ADVERTISEMENTS HOST PROOF IRON .‘it FOR fifIOFUMS, \naJHro.RUBTTEW,:ir.'I T* UK criU rs *.t e>o i-allihe HitrimiNvof n;i tbo-c :nterr.vrdfn ronfwp.-to t* eirOALVANIZhP HN PLATE*. an 4 t> »t. • in ary nivitiitenri- wim .* »«ey po*ma or*r ell metalte and other *nt..;a ir;» hitherto oaetJ for tli t* ptir,:o« , .po*»r--in3a* they •t.ijtlic *m-n,cui EOd lighinr** of in>u without in Lisb.uty la ru-t. t».t' '.ifi now been tested tcrend jeati, I’O’h m Uit*c«*mU) ami In Europe. They arc af-n le«i to cxpi.iision - and coniracuon frero *nt! den* oftlir »nno*pliere ihaacomann Tin Plate, Jron, Zioc, At > or any othir metal now u/*d for roofir.g. and cer«rqurntiy inrnia math better imd tighter toof. requirm#far I krn tolprevent any infringcme/U hy tmportauo i orotb erwi*T QHff-lT CHEAP ACCOUNT BOOK*'AND STATIONERY. FRANCIS' it LOCTREL, 77 Uaiden Lane,oanofocitt rer»ofe*ery deieription of Blink Boot*, >lemotoa> dum. Copy and Pa** Book*. Croton Ink, Manifold Letter Writer. Diamond Point Gold Pen*, Ac., Ae; and lm* porter*of Engtisb and French Stationery and Paper. A Urge »»*ortmeni constantfy on band of the mo»t improved style*—lnt *tsrjJa. Wax, Wafer*, Slate*. Peaeil*. Steel Pena.‘twine*, mol® sefil*. Ivory tablets, ivory folder*, cards, rum labels, pen rack*, curd racks, ink powder. bUct. blur and carmine ink, ruler*, gold am silver pencil case*, quill*, portfolio*, eorTmg P«»* *e*. Ae^kc. EN VEI .OPES for Later* Card*, Note*. Ac., In great ' Leber and Cap Paper*.ruled and plain, at Mtaufae* tnrer'* price*; note paper*; ti»lue paper, perfai%ted board-t>r>«toi board*, bonnet board, colored papers, wieppine pAper*, Ac. Deed, Recotd, Docket, end other boob* for County Clerk*, Chun*, Bank*, ln*unoro Companie*. Mer> eoam*. and other*, constantly on bard, or fnittiahedto patient *i short notice. W arranted to be superior m qoai.ty ami very low in pnee- Counuy Merchant*, Ccaler* and other* wiii be »op plied Mike reky lowest price*. We •hail eon*»ant;T nave or hand a large stock of Blank Books, Paper and Stationery; and request the favor of a call from tno*e who require article* in one line. _ FRANCIS 4/LOUTRF.L .Mamifactunug StaiioneT*. 77 Malden Lane Sew Tor A “bILKsT SHAWLS. DRESS GOODS, Ac. Alfred edwards 4- co, >'o. ik Pcu-i strvei, New Tork, would mpretfu))} call.ihtsitcnUon of bey m tetheir EXTENSIVE STOi;KOF sriUNGGOODa;, comi>Uu j of rich figured tlript ard plaid Dre« Silks of ea lireiy n*w dniges and mmt doinblr styles; black and Hue blaea figured, natirvii. and Strip* Silks; together with a full kuortmint nfi>laek and blue black plaid do. A eery estcu it* and dednbl* kHorttnenl of Silk, Thibet, Baiege, Her* ttsta and Game Shawls and Scarfs, Their SMorumat of Dre*. Goods I,a* b*«n srleclrd with the {fulfil cart.eonM** tiagofKrtneh Priptrd Barrges.satio idid and slrtpe do, Co baliintr, Crillisult*, French printed.Muilius anii Gicclitsns in great sarirty and of mmi dr«ir*ble }«tlera», Lugluu »nd Scutch Uni' and (Jjntluuas. a 'try large siocki Also, Bun- Ott and Cap Ribbomof trrvchoice selection*, GUnes. Fancy llrikf*. Liurn i smbric Uid Linen Cambric lldkf*, and Muslin Edginrr, Thread. Lace*, Li»le Edgiors. black and whit* figured Lacet of Mery description; tee*tlier *itl< a full sleek cfeevry description of gv*d* m their liar. STK.4H" GOODS-A «trj LrgtjajsotUnnil of Forctga and Dsuestie Si raw Bonnets, &c. A ho, a ' cry etlunie stuck of Fancy Bonnet* and Flowers of their own mauu&c ture, well adapted to the Southern and Weilern Jobbing Trade- Alys Vmbnllai, l'aruob,rarasohu, Sun S'Mrrrhanf' tisiting Uii. market arc respectfully intiltd land examine our .lock; u **ery possible iuducemenl will be oficred to ask* it tir their inure** to trade with us. New York, afarrh 5, 1847-Sm Gentlemen* Farnlotalngr Ertnbllihmetit JMURLESB HATCH,97 WilTum *trert, New York V *ol>(tt* attention to hit aisortment of Goods in rite Gin lletnen'i Forniihin; Line, imparted and manufiseturtd *t prtulj Cir the Spring and Summer season*. _ rartieulax au untiun i< called to the tdlowinairticlo. ' STOCATS—SiIk, Satin sod Bombazine, all ill ks acdijaal lues OPER-4 77ES—Plain wd Finer, light and dark colon. IF.ISH TlES—Fancy Linen and Jeconst, s ndw’ article for summer wear. CRJV.iTS .J.VD SC.lRFS—Latest *t»U» a full- a»K*ri- Ccit Linen Cambrir, ft P. r.r.f-eS .ISD p.ik.isqls- a full *»-jrtu>ent. Cft»l f'»I7"STTFE-VEftS—Various kindv He wwld »tat*- that hr it now iittng, la bis SF.Lt -11) JVSTTXG STOCKS, an enUrv differrtl Spring froM the one formerly u*ed, nhuh cruder* them much niorv eomfor laWr v.d rii\ to tie a*rk than formerly. febfUla PRINTS ONLY. SPRING STYLES. , 1347. LEE V BKEWSTEn, ‘ No. *4 Cedar Street, New York. BEO Icsre to inform Dealers in Dry Good*, that they base rreri'ed.'and are now exhibiting, at the WAR EH OISE EXCLUSIVELY ter Prmitd rolieoes 800 CASRB, comprising alt the XeW Spring Stria*, of British, French and American Maauncturv; which, in ADDITION to their os cal stock, renders their assortment one of the most beautiful and altrsetiy* in the e'lr, and hariM jnst beta pur* chased for CASH A.VD SHORT CREDIT, an offered by tbe piece-or jaeJeagt eo the same terms, at and below mssu fodurrr* pneei. .... Catakwues of priets (eertwetrd deny,' are placed in the band* olbuver*. , Purchasers will inform tliemvl'M of tht stair of l-e mar? ket, mud b« wclP repaid for u. esaaiinatkm, mien if they do not purchase. L. A B; hart peculiar ade-ustac'* &r ettc iiing orders fot LEeT BREWSTER, Ofhfl ' 44 Cedar Street LA Jll'S, I* IK A ft UUU*.*, hall Lanterns’a.vd w ih, H Spria* Trad. DtETZ, BROTHER $ CO., 159 VY illiun (tr*tt. New York, ta the Wa*hicftoa Block, *r* »td h*T* elwaTt OU baud k COfflpltl* MW'ft m«Bt of krticlr* in ti.tix liot, of the followir#; dncriptka», -hieb they will •rUat wholrud* *nd retnil. at Lew for ciub: . Improved .CbtraicaJ Oil end Caapheua Laffi[w. soUr Laap>, ud Bronzed, in freat variety Gtrudoln, \inoti p»!um,. xill, •tlvered or bronzrd j Suipeodioc Solan, Doric Camoheo* Lamp*) Bracket Solan, 4id« ao Sol»r Chandelwn, Biwckel do l*a:c£l Lard Hand Lamp*, Stand do Britaaa Hand l amp. Caspheoe Chaadtlfon, SuprnoT ChetUH'kl OiL 4 Pur* Sperm Oil, do CampUtit,, *olar and Lard Oil, do Bunting Fla.J, Rriinrd Wbalr Oil, t feblSMet ‘ rorwvoi “ PAPEI WAREHOUSE, NO. O BURLING SLIP* SEW YORK. § «YRt’J* W FIELD offer* for talc at ike lowest V ■ M«iiiii‘"c'turf(«' a very «*xten*tve ftwort ne 11 of PAPKR. e«tnpn*'mf every po««iMc vanety, ad- nted J't thr want* of mn««uvr« Uvnll wtion* of the cotnrr, I‘ap'T «>i all kind* made *lion ,K ’l !>-ktnrV if very *opcn6rrjuaiiiv. 1 PAPKR'MAKERS MATERIALS of every dr*cft|>i 00, iiitpoited uud k-pl pou-inutly ou ban . viz: Fpluii#*. Wire Cloth. Fountnnier NVire*. OU a. hine Povvder. Ul.i" I'llfdnianjie. Kr .**•' ILAtiS. C. •r«.*.HnV Rnp-. Gra-.« Ropr. lUegine. Ae .Ae., ntirchancU, fur wh en the hißl.cM pr-ce .u 0.-h wtllbe | j, 3 !d jvStv New >'»rk. , ~ 1 ■ HARDWARE. ! I HALSTEDS & DASH; Oi i No. 3* Bread Street* Sew York, FKR fot »ale.. “Tux k»rV celebrated ea*i .teel.A ■j. und 4 prong Hay Uml Manure fork*; -Biood:*’’ oihr.r maker* Gram and Gr*r» Scythe*, ocyiht n*; S.iijinon'* nud pollin’* AXu*. Slmvel* and Enk' and AmcV.can M>U dn.l cn>»« cut di*» i|«. Vice*. Trace and Lo'c Chams.Sad lrou*,Hoo»>, Hinge*. Hope nnd Cord*, rut attd wrough Na>l*. :»er’ wi*h a luii B*v>r;tnent t»f Slirtf good* of Fur «nd Domr.i'c matiufacturc. 10 whiili they reapea ntvne ibe lntuLonof Western Merchant* cvr York. P*b 10,1617. > i fldkotlwF I FRINGES, TRIMMINGS. Ac. 1 A BOOTH, 100 WilUamstreet, New York. Importer peed Menuucinrer olT'luj**, Gimp*, Button,, Cord, atd Tav»«l», ZephyrWoritrd, Canta,,. Ac. All kind, of Dndtng* and Fancy Trimming*; a Lrje UKirtuunt of V hit* Cotton Fringe*, 4*e Hr ieeitc* atlcnttoti U. In, a.**orttneot, which Mill be kept t U dunnglbc mini, a, he will b« rtrrivii.g the nrvrtU and B o*l fiuhionaMe ityle* offered by lha package or otherwise. Term* and enre»»hall'be etieli at to gi»e aaii.fitetwn. /W-All kind* of Trintminge made to order. fetr33-2» NEAPOLITAN BONNETS-' PATTISOS. NOE & CO. PATENTEES \SD !H AWUPACTUItERS, 23 Delaney Strtet, iVr w York. rtb"3.3m ’ SCPERIba MUHAIR LUSTRES—-Nuw ,>prn. a fear piece* of vnperor Black .Moho’r Lit** ua«. very xfo«*y Al*o. lilnck Alpneaa of every vjun'ity, from common te Great, and very low fur finality • Al*o. Black Botnhirin-a. Kogl-eh and Fter.cb. »(nth Part* Black ! A)*o, Black Moalm dr l.n'ti**. all wool , Aim, a larsr a»*«rm-ni of plim atnprd. figured and watered Black >*iiK» n« the dry S'* n ‘ ~ hocae nf \v RIMI lIIMIY i ep', N K cot 4th end Ma-kf «t, , Merchant* Inijring farCn*h. will ple**e ifake a look at the lanre and freib *tock. )ir>t received ■ nthn loom*, up atait*—entrance frain from *th »t Hardware Store Removed. j WIItT.MORK A WOLFF having removed from the rorner of libertj and t?t Clair ttreeu. to No 50 Wood vrer.tli'de door* above St Charle* Hotel.would teapc'ifully a»k the anennen of buyer* to their troek U lIAKDWARK. CUTLERY atut SADDLERY,rer*d Eer *btpa Saranak. Monnrgihrla aod Hunia, direct mm the Ktiglana and Genuanv. Al*o, tuppliea rf American Hardware.'from thepnn inti manufacturers nf the Eastern Stair*. ’ Their stock being entirely netv. and purchased upon the best term* they feel great confidence in being able ucecssfelly to meet cuaipelitian from any (leaner, wheth«r ea«t or we»t I Tae Hardware butincts will be continued at the old 4; and. 1 apO rUF. F.xecutive Committee will here state, for iht infonnauoo. of all, that Taafle A O’l'cnnOr hsvi consented 10 provide gratuitou* storage, in their spa c-ou* wareboa**, comer of Penn and Wayne «treei* where alldmiauon* offeiod for Cm relief of the poor c Ireland. sctU be received. meLJTtf __ WM. EBBS, Chaiiman WHITHOEIE ft. WOLFF, i m, M IUPORTEBB *nd Dealare Hardware, Coilenr, and Saddlery, No SO Wood sueti, three door* above St. Charlet Hotel, Pimbaigh. Pa. 5919 *P rt PEIHItLTiSIA EAILBOAD COHPA “-NSSuhJSbTSSwtbttiU WbMlwji of Fi*« Dollar* per *bar« on lb* C«pU*l Sioek or *r Company will be repaired to be paid on or before Ute foorti day of May. at tba office. Bjr order of tbe Board or M*n»««n, .pMim.Tl a V MERRICK. P> M “ ! S i o^raSSS 7 ' AT THE LOn’Est POSSIBLE PRICES. , JTATtOmii ASD TAPEK BUSS BOOKS ; RICH 4. LOUTREL, r,l, WILLIAM STREET, SEW YORK. H,|Vtl uii bxud, of Uitir .uaii'caaCKtvrTt'Zcnas pl«ie twrUflrul fl l/*drtn. Joomilf, Dot B*«ki. In mire I*smL» t Onlrf and Bill Books kr, ofwinr* >b r ' 4jindioi». iron uiiicli bit of jfrcotint cuu br ■ Cheap Account Books. A. brgeatocfceosatairfiyan hand, *nit*U» lor retail trade tad conatry tnerchaatiar my cheap rate* A Large Assortment of Writing Papers. Foobctp, P**ia *sd nled'leucr Paper, nUa nd nktf JTote paper, WrtppiogPtper, Bonnet mbs*. Log, Cloth, Hosiery, Rjjrtb#* andJbloOiag Paper,Colored Tapm/Fhin French Paper*, Packet Put, extra cued Bask Poet, TSmu* and Copying Purr, Mttie Paper, Odd, Treeing, EoboMed, and erery otb?rd«*rfjtico of paper at eery tow price*. Gold Peru, Diamond PoirJ- Rich fc Loewi’*, fitftlej's, Brcwah, and til c*W «U» brmud oaken, ia qaaeuiW* (a suit porchasen, at lb* »*ry lo«e*t Baatt&efbm , « pike*. Letter Copying Pram. T wtntj-rit di&nat price* tea style*—4ho tree Ojpyisj Press, with imr and *ctfw, tb« tto* wpedttkw, aecocßu ' «»«1, utd inwpti ttit oftlkaj I COpf ot 9BJ IttHt W hl9, without writlsf it wr «ftlfi Improved Manifold Letter- Writ O’s. By which the Utter sad «pt ii written at tb« sat time. Th« largest assortment trer ootnd, cad at the lowest price*. Public offices, Banks, Insurance Cdapcaks, Merchant* aad other*, ftiraished with Kti of Aeeorat Books, ruled tad bound to cay pattern, at short notice. Also with sanoaery of the betrquality. Malarial Pressu, Tar tb> oie cfßtaki aad Corporation*, to i£* tb« K*l c t 1 mch B*ak or! Corpomioa to ihcr doenswna Thi* opcrv lioa i» pttfottatil by uy true, «*n al £nt trial Firft Premium* Awarded to a* by the American dettitnw, at lb* lata Fair, Oetober, 184& For (be beat Ruled Blank B©ok>— A Silver Medal For tb« beat Manifold Letter Writer*—A Diplacta For beautiful 6ni*bed Copying Promt— A Diptem Pltatt CaO end Sit fat Yvuitkti rryTht Trade and Country Merchant* Supplied. RICH i-tOUTREt., Importer* or French and Engliih Staticorry, and mwoJacturer* of Account Book*. Manifold Writer*. £cctliior, Blank gad Carmine Inks, Cl William, oar door below Cedar t treat, 5 Y. J«X£*VRicn, ) tv m M I.oaraxL \ feb34-?agp LOOK TO TOUR llOCSRSl —Piit«burfh Carpet Emporium, No S" Wood *uset. next door to Diamond Alley The •ob»orH*»r teeprctfaHy Inform* the etttrrna, and *irangerf*i«itin* tH— City, that he tiaa declined the Auction be* ; Be«», and remorrd to No*? Wood «tr*et. for the opening of a large CARPET EM PORIUM. Har;n»T hern in ili«: En«t < prtl»“ la*t three month*, aelrrtire L‘arre; i ny. ftc-. tor th:» pnrpove. m>' tiock wiU be me igree*! and l>e*t stor'd and 'old at pisrea tie low nny •im-lare«taMi*htnent Ea-t or W»«i of the Moimtu.ji*. Ileitg n new *lOOl. my Carpet*. Ar„ wi.l all he tl*e fr»»tie»t aorvl* and lati*«t pattern*. The cnlnt* of ait «(•<• k**p! cmi'Hii! 1 )' Mippjirrj in hip al*o\e ariii-lr*. i.iv mo. k will n>w«\» U- i\i>l sm] Miprj Three |* v luiyi-r ni Carpet-. Superfine Douid~ Incrain !*•. Snlrndiii Tu]~-*lry, Hn'i ami S’.i i Curjiet*. \ *r:'. i c* o! tinttott luvrn.-n do. Extra heavy iwMvil Venetian er: [ Cra*U and Stair Linen, j apSdlm AGBBCY FOR' PATKKT*. Wunhhtgtun, D. C. ZKNAS C. KOBUIXS. "Mechanical Ki.t.ucrr am! Agt'iii li*t pucarim; Piieai-*. "-a: i-irp'wr *ltc -m -ec**«r» P>;.wiiu- .»»«» I’aper* lor App.*anu i.u r-i -tnt'. anJ '.raus-ict a«i other ‘••a»mcn m ihc 1-ue of bt» pioic»«ion ai jit.* pjient Oifuc. lie ran he cou*oW o.t n . <|uc*iiOn* h-ni xk HMhc Pa;*-:.t l.jw. niM «■«•>• *,e Patent Oilice, ;>rio: to muinn appAtruuon iof • pf.em, ***i payl. enelo-ini; :t lee of bvc pouwTVnh'axncilVv u v oi tue tppi.eJut »n iirnnipt ) i-omruume-Uril '■ A*, .ei'erfou in.* :t. 1 jiriM jiiiit! a .uitut.:* f**e. n •vj.itn'ii o|>.ii:cn •» T--4ja.r« J Olfiri* m F * >••'•1 • .(ipo-.ic 'll* - «.t Off]' r Mon Kdm-n.l i j/ l’»-'-i • llnu M i- I ..-.votili Ini- ».» d*» H Know I *-«. Mach-nm. I'jiein OsEcr, Judg*- Mranrh, \V««hmßt!’ , i D<\ • • * Hon. RCnoite. U a '«ntle', Hon v v Ailen. Ob.o -o. lion .S B I tow! n. M C. Mi»jqar , Hon ‘Willi* Ho;i New YwL. lion. Rftlien 3?ni iJi'E”'* Hon 8 Br-e«e. L' > ' lion Jll Rri'«. MC. , t'*pl II >1 3li**4> , .r \ MKCKIVED ibiMnorn'M*! ATniner’a—A i lx &ue Klrcno.i of r«li' r n\h new end btnnti ' .• ••>-!-«.• Fren-h-tfii nch patient*, mso . .«.t ( j.r - artumciJ, ai »he low of" So'cVn'S K. -n l Ltrown plaid* uw u - n'ODDU '-’u ?•;»«. 01* w oni h»r.,l*oiur, v .No 40 ilftfkrl MfarV. JAMES H ■ hOODU •I'*' „ , a ■ B i e«n 3d naiUth aweet* „TT*BC»ca rCM.Ti «u^JJ an* AC UEBEbrB®BBIHOT SALMUS, *t. , ___ ARrP?J??Vc‘■- ' P.: t. »ui‘*cnHcr» keep *u of ttckled Fi»b r*-SsrJ Al.Aß .s *■ 1 - ! -- 1 r : Mr.naehuteu* and Halifax In*pec: on, forJ**!» , 'Jf “ W h“ ?, i>.r y i!n - ■ 3 - j * :*»« t» wanted a: their wtuehouic. No 40 North 1 Ur. a ?r.n--r ;.ft", '•_ JNO M KENNEDYA Co ‘ :-V ’• '•• YOTICE-Arpiirmxn'h'a* N-en aade forrhere . * c . , . - V . A ewi ot OMilicate So 1.6. .‘ini. Janc«r> in, W*lri« ’ > ' . •i w -of r' eca ov-r ILvo-Moann ccu«i •« is- i . tr • erpo»'»c )* n-irtrßb-'.Th!eh ?«»;«-b» nifMT.'L Flush and i. »♦ d-*iro?ed‘by fiieorlon. NureC.: •» »••»*» .. GEORGE COCHRAN H pair Divan*. hHAWLS-W H Mprpby b«' now 14 iloi 6n« icmaocasi*' ' '' c •* 7N jpm aa axaaruacDiof new and neb ny!eCatnflUTC I*2 tathocanv W ork S'snds: , . j .-;>,rr fpi'mg saawir. . 3 dor mahogany Rocking Cl*:** Ft-neh needle work Collar*. Jaconet ar.d »*•;« In- I: marble lop Dre*>ing Burepu*j • n; c» and Edging •pa rO-ir.mir.*;' » and Scotch Mull*, Jaconet*, Nauiooki, and -m .rbJr ...n.WoraStandt, *■ u.sfcn'p Lawn*. , , , • 1-chwr Work Standi, j , • , ~ New siyle Barred Motltn* ant Jaconet*, Ac -Ac-^ all M»ti'*t Tailor*. ‘ Porniture and Chs-r-. itu r.umerou* to inmi on Tf«T Received from the manufacturer*, a large in marOtt . J , 01{ . c 0 f Block and Fancy Satin and Bombaxiae B ARROWS 4 TURNER, No ttMirhet ai root, Stock*—all qualine* and price*. .are now r-eeirmg their tiatk of* New Spring , ui*ck and Fancy Cravat*. Bowmi and imUra, or Goods, and .nv,.c the attention of purcba*er»'to their . the Troy njinofacmrc. Gum Suspender*. Ac .Ac. ••*»nmcM of Drc-a Good*, which .* particular,? dc«u For rale by the Agent No t& rah>. tontnuni in ran <>f . wholesale. * V aRD . . . R;ch ErabroidTfrt i.a-» n»—vcrychoice patterns; , mch3o JUanufactarer* R.vh Organdy I-awnj—fasLlonan.e brown*, with BOILERS RALE jiher color* very handsome. 1 rpHREE second hand double flue'd boiler*. 2? fe-t l.awn». o f d.lfcreut patterns; . lnne.3B< ebr* diameter. ,n good order, wm be»nld R e|i California PlsM—*tylf very handsome; ifappltwKor tnott. Fj.quiie.of ‘ Superior French’Gitiehaw*— entirety new aud bean- DAVID HOLMES. Market Street t.fttl pattern*: onaimv-tybandaotne «t i nov . Wu nr BORINBnN A MINN Snpetiot Manchester Gingham*, , warranted, nt At* |{n*T _ Hecriredai'il tm «air at tbe manufacturer’* rent*- , , _ . ..o.i .] i«t r.iii-e* a larr- Invoice of patent Gum Eliflic meli-ffi No l<. mark'd surer .i dnn«_abo-.e j* j 1 * rf , d n f D,e Ru«*el! Manufcctorin* J — t*T RECKI ViWG—l.ooKlN<* GLASSES A ( c , ,* or «,]<- t T ,h- A-.snt.No2o wood *Urr;, up UOUSE-FUR.NISHING HARDW AUK. ThcautH if , vtlolrM , ir EDU ARD TODD re*pectfo:ly inform* h;« friend* and th-nuMie, Manufacturer < Aceni w he .* determined torell a: *mnli prof.’.* canonsoi the Amrncnn f gpiid«> Schoo! taion. whin, -Uck retuet" _ . ! have .^t, * ESS - Vo. , m ,2. «J C-gch; t-nScd T A HILLIIHMe«t.ncGIH*» Manufacturer Otild*Scn|HurrQ«ejn«m Hook. o du._ •, -HM Wood urcet, near f»ih Ilu. Ln.on ll\urn Book. l, L„ « ,l,in«r I -n.- 4iiem.oit.-i ‘uperntUT-uii'-. and other* wilinng ■ ■V EXV FOIRTIt RTHEBT HAKKRY,' n, rr;»l.-u.*i. O.e.r l.imar.e*. ,* called to the One I nml il CONFEGNONARk AND FRUIT STORK, wilt Volume l.fuims *«I J "l «b« low pmeof I and .|..|f™j n o r “;v;ir w “*’" 1 ►. A • •** r *it**” ,, *o*a" »m*o ! *'-"** ' "'VLUOTr'jT KN.iLISM . ,'’ , “ Macaroni*: Found Caw Lemon IL.cujL ToPlliMrra. - = . P»atrv: etuuip’ du: I’rpper N«1«; a jL>T Kccetvcd an*, for rale Jelly Cake. viriondilo, Mola**-* 1’ <‘ake: r "‘ T ’ 11 ’• rnitsdryoi t>co. Driice Giiiiec Wafer Jumh-c-: f'pan-e A Co. N*-"} \o, <. the tn.lowptg Fedenti Cake. A P’M , „ . do i. fuSt. «i I;i f: Orders for. lev Cream*. Jelly, Brides*. Cake, r ancs Ccniecouary. Ac. Ac., executed m a manner une qualled in quail y and beamy bv any oilier e»tabli*!p m Fre*h Bread'Tw*»t. Ri«k. Ac . maitufuctured *o’ely Si™ ~Jo»l.l*l! H. HIM-. _ w *l. c - it’BUY. - lIFLL A CI’RHT, BANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME k SIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATES Ol DETOSITE, BANK NOTES AND COIN. No tt Wood »;r< ri. third door bclpv Fouith. wc»t atde. PA R Fund* a*.d Currency rt ceived on DepoMir «nd cottrctioi.s 'made on all the pri*.c.juU Ctina ;it iltc Uniitd state*. , . „ Srril Exchaitpe o'l lln.t.innrc. I ii.iaueipbtu. At tv York. 110*11111 nun C'nr’nnat' eonvnntiy for sale. (t,no, Iml ..>>■■•. K'-Miicxy. Vi-R.itia tmd I'fti'iaylyunta Uank Notes,iHiuynt nr.d *o!d on Invoiab.c l'x« tiantr*' on Kn* Ireland, Gcnunin and I ranee ocorcil h «c, Ac. *-• «'’ cnla EAGLE COTTON WORKS. p it T S U V 110 11. MAN'I-rA'-'lVin: l OTfo'. V.MiV * C«w*ll*-AVlc»i, Tu uir, Co\eilrt VAHN, CAitl'CT ru.M.v w - , V K!\r. poswk fttuecr-»-or.« fit Ailiut ►U* H Averyl inn* |'rt»pf>i u.ii* —*—' Coi>artaer«b«p. JOSEPH II• HIL.L.. lUte «>i the firm of Win. A. Hill A C 0.,: «“d W M C CURRY.ilauofl-lne, l*a.) ha*u»e ot.carrymgon ihc Bans m? and Kjtrhnngr m «U tt» tranche*, at No 65 Wool »tr*-el three iiucir,* below f ourth, we»f »uir—where they wliett the roMom of their ft enf arc tor laU at tnonufaeinrcr'a price®, wfenlenl'. ,Nn3B wood *treei,iip itetra. - Qr.ter« frr >w»»rtn Hardware , meh2o _ JUlin tVAhtilltit, [Late Walker A VVoodweM} WOULD aonooaco to hi* friend* and the pobLc ihM l.e mil continue* the Hardware bu*ine»*atthe old aand, No *-3 Wood nrret. He would respectfully S heit ia coDonaance of the pauoan*e heretofore ot mile heetnwed * }a»l> IKW KSGRA 1 JUST Received, a *pJej»dida*»orevon*Mre and •oilier Stovel*, and If ot l end 8 Spades. , mehO HOUSES, LOTS. FARM'V&C. M- • ilonit to !>«•. AN EAT,, two ‘tori' Brick House. mill • town* ui ihe trppcrrr.d of Allegheny Abu, «t brick hot>*c with tt»uf ronuir. Posse*}-.on stem -i fe-.s .In' »'• li'«iuir«- »i Metbodi-t Rook Jborr, IWr.l, -me». ' ' »Kl*L. i'KtffEKT) - IN YU'CS'UsTtJiVIiI, OHIO, FOR BALE. " . 0 .. mTUE advertiser osvr» for sale a ipicndul Bnch ihrei! : nj Mou*c aimaic oaths North East corner of the Public Square m Yoangviowu, Maboiung ccuui}. Ohio. It I* large, commodious, finished in e.x rrlleri »iyt«*. and in the be*r location in Yoongsiowu "libei for * i-.reihug or public house; attached to it •* a yard, w;:b watei stabling;and mil other convenience* at band- This town is improving very rapidly, is attuned tm mediately on '.hr CambaEdwbenthe v*riou* Furnaces, Rolling Mill, tc . now betngbuill ere will be (be room flourishing place in this section of Ohio. li-wiu be told low on tune, or exchanged forpropenrin Pittsburgh. For particular*'inquire 01 L A J D WICK, comer of Wood end Wtier «%, Pitts burgh, who will give all Ittfbrmatoa. ot-WAwrt . • . —“ ALLJCUttAA k VltaiE'A'VtU . PERSONS detireu* of puresuing Loti in this Cctnt tery tre referred for information to ihCvSnperinteno tot, on the grounda, or to E- Thom, Druggist. comer » prnnund Hand street*. Piusbargb. . » By the Board, J. CHISLETT, declt-dtwtf Baperimemfrtft , For »•!«• THE subaerber* offer for Mle on aceomfiwJa ting irntn. t tract of land tttntied fo Reserve immediately m the rear of Allegheny eity, adjoining the ilndl of Cbnflet Rowan, Audrew Bane, and other*,containing aoout 14acre*: oacresarr under cultivation, orj which tbera t* a tmtll orchard 01 grafted fruit tnd* bomber of grape vine*- fieri itoo thia property t beautiful tituauou for t private rcti deuce cGnmandiag a Coe view of the two cities and vicinity. There ate tiro aevertl good locations for 9tnne Quarries offering tn indteerneut to those engaged la that basinets, or to pmon* wishing >0 engage in the -cultivation of the grape. It sriU be sold in iota to soil purchaser*- J JORDAN A SON fy?d& wgmT No IB Übeny atreet mFor Rent. A WELL Finished aeeoad story Room,-With a good entrance on Market street, at preaent oe* copied as a Daguerrean ettablrihment- Also, a Long 800m,2d story,entrance at Philo Hall, and two well finished office? over Philo Hall. Also, the Basement Room under the Gaiette Office— a good stand for a Barber. ED GAZZAM CTtrlO Office,Market st,bet. 3d and4lh_ FORfIALE OB EXCHANGE Arirfcdwel- Lne house, svita well aadcUternfi the yard. Fruit Tr-e*. wuh other convenient fixtures, making a very corn finable place, which will be told for c**b or ex« far , .mall Ftm. ocaitocll,. Fwparaon.. iars “nature of " M. B. SCAIFK t:—Bounded bv. I'cnn, Lilieny and Hay •iree'.i.each lot having W feet from, nnd-exteading hsrk no fret Twonf tticm are corner lots, and the ui«.i on of ihc whole piopenj is one of tb*reo»f aaynn« mi'ous iu the c.i>. f'ot funder infArmstionapply to * M. SWARTZVVF.Lnyjt. Fourth «. between Wood mid Siahjifield _ " IUVKR LOTH. FOR vnlurble ofGround, iitnatcd on the bniik oi tuc A'lecbeny River, c-onticuon* to tl ec 'y The*e lo’* nro '«>»■ advantageously mumied for Iron Work. «ud oiher large 1 li‘hmi-ni». i»«iv7*Atwt: 1 HARMAR • Is OR RENT—X VffveoiniorTahlc dwelling how, * well »*«ranr«-'l for n l«fg" family, •.luon-.t on Fouitlf *lovq Pin.Tbfield •I'e'-t. Kt_ntB/7.*- A!>Ot , A good Jlwelline house. wi;h plenty.of >atd room and oihrr convenience-.. 'uatiU o, ‘ > U |-rjfl*FßT Rm.lBlOV 8 LL ntbfcnr 7|,t No SttSmithfieid Mrtct . T IDIES \\l«> Use Common Piepured Chalk, are I 1 often not aware bow frightfully injurious n is to ibu skin’, how coarseTTibw rough, how millow, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appears utter*using prepared chalk: Beside*. ‘l is injurious, eoniamingafargettuan liiy of lead. " c liavs prepared * bea.iuful vegeiaole article, which we call JQNbftS *PAMssH LILh WHITE It la perfectly innocent, bcuigpanucu of *ll delciertoosqainiiefj and it impart »l to the *km * nata* ral. healthy, alabaster, clear, living white. t»* the *ainc time acting as u cosmetic on the j*k;n, lusting it sou and uncotii. _ . i, Dr James Anderson, Practical: Chemist 01. W««* chus-t'is. say*: “Alter analysing Jbncs'sSpanish Lull Vnni-’, 1 find it pot****'* the m«*M «nd nata » ntl «l the same liinc .nuoceni while I ever saw. I j .-germinlv van consciem'oup'y n-commend it* urc mull I whose skin"requires beautify u ms. '•V'l' 1 .‘i;? 1 '“ Jl lot* and on :iccciurnedi*ii»i’i* , ttns. "'I NOHl.r. il.i;.ti Siore.pppmue ihv Bank 01 Piit*t'nrgh. viNlNt; Rffsvis. Umitilv Ho*-* nnJ liver- Hg»rrs-n*. A. . *u t»l : * n»r plannij t» l>inetry> Ue fui in-hs-.t o.t .-tpp.cniiofi at ihv *eed store ■ od amH>n *H . \l l knowing lh»“«t*eivc« itufaioieil to lb« Utr hrnt lUJiktp $ Snwnt. ore rVfpectfuilr noufed to col! ona tttilr tl.-rt sccounJi wilhoui delays w-tti the ondcroifccd • ».ci-e**w. who nreduly «uthon «d ,o «.i!= »> « 6 ,Sg o (vsE No t” wood itrtet irJrß t>; . KfibS 17, {•>, -'IU.» l.radi; MIH| ■■■ " r;- iiu'Mifunm ■swkcnTrP itj.Two Line Minion Cop*; SfisEfisSKaSittei space rales, etc. y -IggyßßWaß AI.MJ-Furwle, a Rrc*t van*' ttv of Second han't Type. fioiu Nonpareil to W,lin« I*t ... Piowl-h O-iiuiihp’s m-. svbieh will bo sold low !"' T ' „ JUHNSION A STOCKTON * * me bW Tj 3» Market^ RKrricr-y |;i*iromifee lu-;ow.U on auc, bere.o.ore and I Mnci alientioTi to - nin merit ihe ►sme pairotav M the .Brcc andxwi mo.lion« wardTOU»c. coimrof Wood and Bib -m-rts, now. m pari. occro.d t*y 15 A rolnic'trt* A t aciu*m'|i">i Iwii'diKiit.,..-;: »«•“ ■*■« I ... n>i,w», I ”£tS*»r ' 1S» ICKCBf*IIAM, 1 rsniliGT t’PMOt} ‘ T AM prniirvd w» do ~;i k.n.U of Cabinet Hlwltnft' i 1 stof»s. 1) '-*!--VT >, -»t«- at aboil ni*uce i Orders ;.livlh Nrs«.:-*> • •• - “ M«w«pt» td l3-n.Vw.i-..Su; -Ilk . STRAWiiu.YM.T AaD -lIAT WARiMIUUHj NO 93 -dAHivtvr sniwj. \ *. |{ h. rALMP.K olTer' forsileon e.siavnr* ' tfeah>-i/r.ry liauw m I'hilndclpha,-b complete owri)i-:M of Straw, Florence. Hut* Sue* land, and a j?rra: wrety of fancy l«id Anil •imp Bonnci»,pfilie *P-usk style. ' • " Halm l.«*f. Sinsw and Leghorn Hats; Art* RpißlVlowcnr.Ac.Af f mchj >• . Wholesale Dratf Warsbause. IS. THE-CITY OP SEW TOOK; BA. hAHM>TOCK & Co., No. 49,-Joftn at , • New York, offer tor sa e a Urge and general •Bsortment of and Medicines, Die' Stffs, Funu and Oita Of every de'aetiptiov; which th y are prepared and determined to sell,low. ‘ Country Merchants aod at* requested to rail and examine the>r article*. Ofdera executed with faabtulncM and despatch.' BTA.Fahnestock's Vercdlnge constantly ou hand. ! U. A. Fabceatock, S' B. U. Fahnestock. " iPittaburgb. • ie 'ia* ble Covert; Oil Cmth* from 57 ipchea to 41 feel Wide, emtoanytixe; ' . > • ' I ToaznU iptn ' i - Rich Embroidered and Primed Tableand Piano eovart Figured Floor Cloths . , L Cbenielle. BreaaeU. Tofted, and Wilton Bug*,. Tufted. ChcweUe, tad Sheepskin Door fi rauaj Manilla and Grata , do i duj Bras* J?ia.r Rod* Flat and Oval; Damatkud StripedStairLiaettj Carpel Binding*; . . .» 4-4.4-4 and 8 4 Plain and figured Indian Ma tins; CoJoredSpaDiahMauing.Ac.Ac. Person* fining up Suaniix at* Hotrl*,or Privtie Hod* >e», are req nested ay call, a* hefcel*coi,Edtni the} w‘H find it to tneir advantage to do Sj be Ter* purchasing tlaswhoa. DRY GOODS. ' He would also invite attention to hi* exten*»vt tToes of NEW SPRING URt GOGHS [eo.l.tacTtg every 'thing in that liuej cow opening at (he a' ove "t»ud. rnarlOJftwftmF try-No ||u Maiketnrcel _ HILL %BRfl|WKE**' ' lacctiior* lo Holdibip i Brownf. MANUFACTURERS and Imtunei* ot IAPKR HA NU J N OS, No ►? Wood street Pitt-burgh. Tben:cret»iD(rdem*nJ for Ameren Prper |.e*i>.u* Crd then to enlarge aad improve Uitii Factory, and tbelr ta* cihtie* for manufacturing are n»w equal to any unite eastern cities. Having adopted the F •PENN COTTON MILL. Pittsscuou, Pa. THE above. e*iablj»hmeni being now in *uceesJUal openiion,we are manufacturing. very extensively, an aniele of heavy Sbeeiinni, well aua.’ted to the retail iriul**, winch for beauty ana tjaality cannot be excelled L»v any other make-in the country. The attention of potcba«crs i« *olicited to an ciaraWiaj’oti. irblKltmfcwtiF KKXNFD* tHiH.nSACo Ctollecttona on Cincinnati. Louisville, Ft Loui / ami all accessible i*Oi ’t* in the United Siu’cs mad prcmntrrrand upon the lowest t«*rm», by • \ N HOLMFS A SON, EFchange Brokers . inched No S 3 Market «t OONNETH, BONNETS I—Barrows A Turnc i J arc opening to day, a very large and beaultiul •» snrriifiitof N<» Bouncts-r.hetnoin approved stylesm 1547. , Their ftoek coneisi* in pan of— Superior Rico Patent; Frereb Lure; China and Rico rear!; Florence Braid*; ' English Dunstable; Fine (soil) Straw; Ruilamls, Ae M Ar., Ae. MiueP Bonnet*, of all style* and qualities. . Also. Bonnet Ribbon* in great. variei>r-vcry de»»ra* ble styles. / Bonnet Ribixma—beautiful a**omnrni. French Artificial Flovytr*. of diffeient »tjte», very, beauti/ul—all of which arc offered at unusually low Pr >itmneri'«upplied iviib ihe above good*, [in any quan liivi mi the mo*l favorable lentil, t*t . iuch37 • No <6 market street BURNS AND SCALDS EFFECTUALLY and .|'-eilil== ieucc no seam or _ #e g,-,|d wholesale and retml by W.M. JACKSGN, at hi* Hoot and Shoe Ftore nno Patent \\ arehoutp, rll Liberty street, bead o*’Wood, Pittsuurgb. J rtce 50 cetns and SI pet boule. W Jackron being the Exclusive Area* tor «e*Mjrn Penn*yivaui-», none i*jfii»ine bo; lm;;« »ola by mil or HIP appointed Agents. * . .' ' N. B. A Pamphletcontnimnc ample d recuon*. Ac., with tHcname* null addres* of the Ptopneti r and 1 rt i* dua ! Agent. ,* enveloped with wrapper of each t'OlllO. Abundance of eeitificsie* van be seeti ai the tSore. febl.dCtir _ f" ’ KHACKLKTT *. WHITE, NO WOOD STIiKKI*. nbuve Diaiumd Alley, would call ihe ntieii'iod 01 Cut ami » • ouimy M- i'• chant* to the;r new »tockof AMLRIOAN sud tOR" fXiN LRV GOODS, , . _ it coinpritr* a vrry iaree assortment of nooum, ffloon l.rnr* Gaud*, wuu a nl F»nc Dua GxxkU. *nu a full utsorunvn: o: Tatbr t arrm».t«gj, * C Kecc°iVing regular rupptir* of Fre»h Good* from manuiae'urer*. and devoting « largeU'*ie ol their attention to Ri--iern Auction **k*—hi wh.vh ot* n T good* of the b*«t qualiiy can fe bougM _tr*ueiu*iy low pnceji—they conb«ien«f> a»*are pu.chaser* ihatutey will find it to Uteir tnttroi to examine tbtir ooeK. tnchU ; 1 . DUN OOODS. SHACKLETTA WltlTE, N 6 W Wood s'reet.alovo Diamond Allty.are now prepared to oßct to met* chant* a lane and de*i*al»ie neck of 'TKEaH SPRING DRY GOO.I-S, All of thi* »ea*on , a puicha*c—of late »nd desttib.# •tyir* "«d cualitie* , ' . Codniry klercham* vkltiog or p**‘i‘ , « ihtom hour city, wilf find .1 cearly to ihor advsmnce to e-ve w- ft call- as w* are determined to *e»i at »u« b small prtmi*. as will Qtftko it greatly to ihetr tn.eict to n.ut.e a btli W Ovr**tock i* now full aed eirrpMe, rctnptifinc ft tener*! a»-or men; of *LCa tycu* a* are .utuallv kept 1> A' heavy and light brown Pheeiing* Slws-.01. I.H-I.' 1 Hdward Todd ix T OL’I.D rr#pt-ci'uiiy «iiDom«Ao ifce mefpHfln»pr W' Pmei.uttfli.Jhsi te lu» opened a ror m :onbe of E»»irrn ra«»oiactore»i g*<: aMonm-ai ui i»lack " “v'ißj’lunD 1 “ Ne W wood mreet, Bp*i«jr*. mehV* Manufwciurrrs 1 Atent matsi kAxaii hatsu j» THIS being il*e «l»y U.e I a«h.cii H»t»"will be ieirod«c«J, »>Y nj<>« i fci KKiable e«tftbk*hrcem» io New \otk »iml riffled the uodertigordtake great pe«**« io unoeoee to ibeirnameroikjnem.* and >br i-uol'o fvcenOy> ibaiwMtf-pjepftied weopplr»« ®g favor a» with ft caF tvnh die H*tfoT Hrn*on. comprising Beaver*. Neoinp*. ui r*»% fine Moleikiu MJ* H«»,enhrr KINU ■ nmiCif * -■■. COTWOOl ‘" nd ' ,ltlit *- A card. , 1 RIS THROCKMORTON beg* 10 A friend, that he .« nemm le.*r e of the OH l IIOl'Sj:, LonivdUe. Ky-W.ere ho hope* wmeoi on h»i old irirnrtv •«*ar:nn 'iirai «nd thepoMic.rhnlno effor; »lmll be ipnred jo tnnketU comfortable**hnf* or hin -Atth jhr:r peironwgr : - - L. “KT* a VVlflTinO ASD WRAPPISU l-iPEIt W —loutf*m»Cap Writ nij I’nper; ,'io io J.enrr do *'<>; . :nwf. io S. C s»tntwtt rapping do, «00 do Medium do do IHO« do DC. do; do d»; lew do Teaß»j ' bv RE> a • HEJ. mrtA _ _e«fJV«)j.».l , rwu L i ; . Fall F*al»lon» IW4O. UKF.PE Jc COSTA ITS Style/ * Hoi* trill t>c unreduced M KEEVU/ri on rbmadnjr 97th Onllem«iu w:«hi:ic aeleap, ia«a» • ioniblu Httiof l’iu«burflh mauulocJuM s.Ueau of Wshionablc Mala impure d nd advrn.M-d «>_ fpmr t-f . Kail.Fashion for Hats. Till'. *uliKT'l>er has juM rccftr«>' hy > «5 an Mira line Ha; mil .plrnM- '“'U "lOOli “ ‘ a pOfULAS, th.ThobMWW on hand a law «°ck of ' ltc Rnnns Halt L«rt «'»P* '*> <■l' bc in’! 0 * d««doo Stu.dsy prxt. : ri.-A-i- :u W V ; ot a .opener uriide vail Mil •“ \v U od ■tireuKaii »i. WHITK H. LE \.D WORKS.—The undersized hive completed their sew wortirlocaicd oo the bank of tho lim- ul»o\e iho Aqueduct, m Allegheny ciU, opposite Fmiburch, for the u aculactore cl a iuec riorquaKlT of v*hite «»rr and pound m oil- aler*. red Iceland litiierjnte. H-mag s.nilcd thenuelees of all the recent improvement! in H» manufacture, and erected tnejtuildings •>« » tJteiwivo.Bcale, snd.with capmty ta make Ic.d in large.quantilic*, they will beoMe tu suiply to alnynutiyextent. '■ = -? • J )' Ki-I^AP-T. VEXETIA't Dl-Jsbs. . rpHF.*renie>i»nd t*v 1 bttfjre—miva-’o • vbi* m-»*> opj» , o**o ™ »nd m'Mi'«rb t/n»l>le L«»>','lf,.... i,..- Tllfc CVIKAt* KOI.L. or U V* f‘ J ; N • ;fcafi*3 purrb»»ert. ■ wg3f V.RVF^T: Farhtonformal*. Oemtrmen CM *M' Sviibfioe ! fbtH«i». •» reßioonblc - .'J Si o ? «j“uiTd s s« w wow .t, • m>«o ' - iiowuWa*, dggft CONTINUE » manufacture, opd k«p®» -conraoijy on h»nd. every **»ety c. - M d Cepeofihe Ui«t«yU,endpnee* very 1 1-. w *t>o 7S Wood eirvcF.VeHe'OQ 3 - S v pbeHTtea stoue, \ I Ho. Ti. Foutu trrta.. W*<* • itjr All qae’nirt of t-reen a»J *•;•*« l«M in Soenrr, *»f-■«* f« ***** jit* from W q t” ’ft, <,C di»®«n‘.Dy •• . B.oker.Sl M*»ke« *f ' n eafl y MOlibsEliT UATS—Jutt rrce stok '* frnhfoß,***® 7 NoWww**r-.t —« . i- /irCMFI OS *> Co?i P'.er CeodtM sS»d«*« Wfirf »™ * Ueitysm*. fitli tHrtwoea 3d end joa. 0. DAYO-, xfftß .. ' .«