JfiiiiS&’S. 1847. - v Ski TS: e*e ii)^lT|ill ■ iiiiiinii lheTri*We «naoro; the Weekly it Two Dot •it odeana- lOsarm is published |y. —Tbe Daily It Seven illy is Fits DoLors per lars per anaora, orient ’ sottce to &dv fl~7~ Adveniacaaeiiu, to sect fcaiiised iu by five o'clock la th jto this.on the pen of our eo«u* S tirsbf-ataiurbenefiu re insertion, should be i aftemoos. Atlenuon ier*j would be prodne i ianit, JCJTTT.) iIISSIONER. * attobi, COCSTT > FOB X3ANAL.CO.W JOIEPU W. (or CT*asai.*jn)| ITATB CK.HTAAL COMHITTKE, THOMAS K FRANKLIN, Lancaster Cu>. JOHN C KUNKKL Otupkla Count). Thomas difcan, •* JAMES MARiIN. THOMAS C H.AMBLV, York- WIUMA.M M WATTS, Cumberltod. Daniel m smyser, acsm. JOifn P WKTHEJULL.P&iUuUinkiaCiU JOSEPH R CHaNOLKR. »* kOtSKRT T CONRAD, « THOMAS McGRATH, Philadelphia Cowur DILLER LUTHER, Berk*. ' ROBERT U SARD, Franklin THOMAS M T M’KENNAN, WaUunttan. ANDREW J OGLE, Somerset. HARMAR DENNY. Allegheny RICHARD IRWIN, Venango.' JOSEPH II KLHNa, Westmoreland. Q J BALL, Erie'. HDM AX WELL.- Northampton.. J B SALISBI.RY. Surquefaenns. ELHANaN SMITH, WMmiiir 'SAMUEL A PURVIANCE, Butler. HENRY S EVaNS, Chenier ROBERT T parrs, Momgetrery THE WAR ITKWS F ROM lAITA F£. The Be, Louis Republican of the 30th March, •ays of the recent ba'ale at Bants F*, that: * . H CtpL Mobiv, of Platte, who wu in command, pursued them through the Moro ▼alley, and' horned to aahrs every t ooae, town and ranch era, in hie path* The inha Htants fled to the coouof tains, where they 'are b >nod to starve, as Motin leaves them nothing w islever to sobeut on—a jait retribatio'j for their assassination of innocent people. As Mr. Caldwell was passing oot, ai R distance, ibe:soand of artillery, and learned, £om rumor in -the ed« of (be settlements, that the American army had whipped them worse than' ever. Capt, Hendtey. of Ray county Volunteers, was the only one Idled on our side, and some ■even slightly woundoj. • The insorreciicnists consisted of about 2,000 men, and suited for Santa Fe. Cot Price sent out about 300 men to quell them; they met about twenty-Avo miles frop SiuU Fe, whan an en« gagement took Mexicans drew up 2,000 strong, but at the first fire from our brave Missouri boys, thirty-sixot them fell dead, and the balance fled." We confess wo real with no pleasure such paragraphs as the fir tof the above. Are we men or brotea, or tom thing worse than brutes ( that thus* it is. necetsi ry to bum and slaughter •very thing that comes iaoss"oqr path." Mother*, and their little ones, b dpless age and feeble in. fancy, are driven amid t the peril* of a stormy winter from the plains to the mountains, there to meet even a worse deith than fire and sword. Are such as these offc idsrs, and upon whom should be visited “a just etribution!” Are they not rather those wbomt ie Hon of God bleesed, and whose very weakness should be the strong shield of their protection? Starvation, too, is before the ’innocent as well as the guilty, for all are served alike—afid this, too, jwhilo our bearU are apen-to relieve'lbe distresses of those perishing of hunger in foreign lands. ‘'Revenge,” we are told, *•« sweet!" Never, to a: ehrutian man. But' what •ort of revenge is that which adds hunger aod cold to the cruelties of war —which.lay* 1q ashes defenceless habiutions, and drives tbe inhabitants to the mouniains! ’ If the law can be made to reach those who have committed murder upon oor troops or our people, let it overtake them in all its most terrible severity. :Wc defend wrong io no 'one. But in common :barity, we tnu«; j>«d JD ' •oyjethiog to'.the spirit of liberty, and much to i the ignorance and prejudices of those who believe : ' that we are engaged in a war for national robbery, j If our people were in Mexico, and the case | Was reversed : bet ween us, t chat tcould ice do, j with foreign troops and foreign arms, and a fori. | eign Government eaubtyhedin our very >Mb oi power and religion! Castilian blood, or even In* ( dian blood, courses as warmly through the veins ;of.lhe descendants of the Spanish or lodian raoe ih Mexieo, as through! oor own, proud, strong Anglo Boxonbeut*. A Mexican may love his ! country as dearly as so American loves his. Pa* > triotiscdls confined tn no one Mil. nor to any one ! poopie. Our hearts bleed for poor Poland atrug. j fling to free heiaclf from the oppressor’s yoke, j and a thousand times we have wished for her de> I Uvnance. So of the even more oppressed Cao. ] caatna, They, too, are sighing and fighting for | - -a f ee soil and a country of their own. • They, toc,by.fire and sword have been drives to tbe mnmums, and there, amidst perils and-priva* Uo is, aod reverses that amsxo us as we read them* they have, with an unfaltering courage and an •undying faith, been, seeking to secure that/for j which our own fathers fought and died. This is true Patriotism; but there is another kind of Pal . 1 some one has rather harshly chir* I •itterised u as tbe last resort of scoundrels." A j ijeaee man, we take it, can be as good a Patriot | as a war man, and'in the very midst of the bloody j war in which we are engaged, we shall venturi to stake our Patriotism upon a renewed aod ear, 1 nest hope for a speedy Peace. If jibe fr uit* of! 'war are to bo as We read them abovo, let l‘ 4l ere be '-an end of war. Tbe spirit of religi<' yQt 0 f bo* inanity, and even of a moral heathenism, is < •gainst it Li The time will cpme lhep : will be the reckoning with those who' b roug bt on this war with /Mexico. If of o*; j (he blood of one uoof* l fending man cried ' r L, ground, what shall appease the ster.V ;es 0 f joatice, when whole hecatomb*. ha> e beenli icrifieed.to the grim mes- of iJeath by a merciless and unnecessary ’w*. •'MI $ ■m T«* Rail RoJn Mitnaa i» Baltixoik. —lt will-probibly to expected of u« to mike *ome remark* concerning thcVe*o!otion* idoptcd it the meeting of the,Stockholder* o( the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Compatij, - held on Monday, the ftli report of which only reached « yeete day lo the American.- 1 | - Perhipa the trieet plan would be to cay c oihing i and leave the [whole •object where it legit mately belong*, calm reflection of the Stock lolJen and IHrecton-here. wl|o will doobtlea* give th® existing poaition of thi* Company<pj*ture ccn*id* erition. ; ' ~ We were inclined to believe, from recent deinonstrationlof the g eat bod; of infioeotiat and •cure business men of Baltimore,, in favor of the 1 Railroad connection w ttf this city, that tbs obaU> clea bad hither o interposed, would give s#*y, pud that the Stockholders at the meeting r* /Yerred <o above, would respond to the wishes of I their fellow dtnena. - lo thia expectation we bean eomewbat disappointed, as little disposition [ | beiogvmanifestid in | their proceedings to yield 1 the eoggesfiona of their awn enlightened, merchants, as Uretofpre governed in their inter coorae with ou’ Company. We are certain (hat if'an intelligent committee ot Director^ot business men, would visit Pitta* ! borgh from 'Baltimore,* Philadelphia, or. New j . York', they wotjld hasten to complete not merely. I one, bat ail this contemplated tail road cothnuni-j I cations between Pittsburgh and the Atlantic d-j i ties. We tell tbo people of the East, wherewe 1 ' have always lived, that they know nothing of the | trade, resources, industry and vast bu«ioess cap** j city ofPitUlmrghandtbecountry.arOand.it. We ; havi, •been but. a few days here, and every day ■ btve been more and more xmaied at the means | not caly of enriching ourselves, hot imparting \ prosperity to all who may have a basiaMs eon* ( \ seetioa with Gf. The ’tithe of the trraswt* i peath the surfaced the earth is not yet revealed 1 ’ labile iu surface teems!with that richabundanc* : which one, from the sterile soil of New hardly comprehend. -We only woodef that 1 We ars at ihb day bergawdjo by our moonmnk, | self interest and a-proptf pubUcsfdritefaodil them uif tb,~f *mn bat to Hr-" rara Waa.—We ark sorry ; 'tojrtad below that the! prospect of a peace is as far; removed , fram us aa. ever, but we coofesa that it is with’ pleasure we learn that Mexico i* natto hive thns millions of pur money for the purpose of making a more war agaipst the United Hlates. If the administration haveial last opened thfeif eye* to the perfidious character of Santa Anna, this, of itself, will hex real American victory over Mexico, and the prominent ev«U which-viU lead The adpueetoo of ianta Anna to Mexico from Havaoa, where he iai] been exiled, was not only a treasonable act. which , would have cost any man but the Prt lident his life—bul it has been the great ele me it in the of tbe war itself. Bants Au is was tho 7ery focus of the war—its master •pi it, and the great man of bis country. He wo i hi* early repotatioo in luccessfal battles with th< best Spanish troops, when Mexieo was seek-1 inf to establish a free .government, and since then he has been the cynoiiore of all eyas. Under the pr stige of hie name armies have t been crested, ■an I a spirit of determined resistance infused into tbi whole Mexican nation. The recent reveracs ; he bav met with will deract something from hia glory, bnfbia i* the great and directing mind ia Mexico, after all. - AVe hope that peace may be □ear at hand, but fetf a permanent peace is very far ofli 1 ' ' “It is plain that the Government ban of late tod since Mr. Atocha’a return, almost abandoned their iTdent peace. Tbe-lhree million bUI that waa railed upon, and which might bare been productive of peace, lait Aogait, bat been ioahd, throagh untoward circumatancea, to be pf no avail now. The peculiar and uncertain por tion of Santa Anna bare tendered it impossible | for him to take any part in tbe open ; toward peace. Hla power will be prostrated enA 1 ttryly, aa it it (relieved, by bia late disastrous though not dishonorable defeat, and by tbe sac-1 ctia of tbe new factions that are likely to at least a temporary supremacy. There t« nothing felt for this Government to do in this post are of-affslrs. bat do what it is pro* pa ed to do—lo hold military possession of all the po: Is of Mexico and of ibe channels of her inte rior trade, and treat Iter a* a conquered country.— Washington Correspondence of the Journal of ■Commerce. fat To.tTatatTioss ron Irclasd.—The neigh boring counties, we arc glad to team from oar city exchanges, are rending in provisions, with great liberality—•‘Beaver has done- nThe Post announces the receipt of Corflr’srtd Floor as fol lows: | a - : H, -j • From Smith’* warehouse, SoutH's ’FerrV'i 66 tacks of corn and 77 barrels of door; from Uhrist* let’s warehouse, 77 sacks of corn and 90 barrel* of dour. The town bt Indaslry vends 3G2,eacks,or corn and 153 barrel* of,riour. This is wrh dene. Well be* to wed cb aril tes like those for the relief of Ireland and Scotland, never made any man the Poorer. Steibkhtille a Waio Cittl—“W« con gratulate the friend* of tho Whig cause at home and abraad/upon the revolt of the city election, which came off yesterday. The whole Whig ticket, (a *Uango result here,) save one conned man in the ’'bloody fourth,” was elected.— Htrald. ’The majorities range from' 15 to 61. for the different candidates. This is well done, and a good example for u< and all around u*. I.us* of Tins* Stkavboat .V tcTorfcf-A.— This steamer, lately engaged in the Pearl tr*de, wa* blown ashore in the gale of Friday morning last, about halfa mile distant /torn Port-Pontchar train. - The gentleman who inform* tis of this fact, states that no lire* were lost, but the boat went im* mediately to pieces. • \< ■ Acnnxxrs to Tow ißoats.-tS\ learn by the low boat Do Solo, Diaa arrived Saturday evening fromtt\e P< tow b-oal* Hercules and Mary Kin< driven adiote ma gsle t>! wind on to the eastward of £a»t Chsnuel, Pass. , The Hercules wa* in six fee the Jtingalarid in eight feci water, Sofc> ({ft. T*J O^sil. —The will he »0t Canaf »hi» »tav, f.>r i • i* xnrt of Trua'cs being j-m. . >. .t ted Acqneduct. It is a liulo week, andi at “Prevention u batter thi ry prepsiat&m* to strengther lait of tbo Troops left yes an and Mcunt«i:{rer. In in have left the .city within iro reques ej to celt tbe alien ie vale of Para-iol*. duoshadel case, which is to take place t| dock, at Dtvia’ Commercial £ of Wood and Filth Btrcets. FROM ,THE BRAZOS. A letier m the Picayune, wriiter on lbs 19th of 'riaArh at Camargo, saja— ’ j A letter was received in Monterey from a com* m erciall house in San Laic 'I hitTe'converse* rrnh'i gentleman who aw and read the letted and it uatee that Gen. Santa Anna wit in Bar, Lull; thWt Arista and Parede* friends had drelaten against fienta’Anoa and procUimedHemrs Freed Went, if thia be true, u the poef beautifully exp presses it, Mexico ic confusion wptae confuunilk ed. I ' - I' - 1 see** I ... A Mi.tsmors* letter. in lbe.Xew Orleans Com* merdal Picies. dated March 14 has the following paragraph*: , | The battery commanded by CapL Braxton* Bragg did terrible execution. The Mexican csv airy made a charge on him.He waited until they were within two hundred yarda, when be poured a'terrible fire updo tbeS. hia piece* charg ed with musket Bali*, j leading squadron* were mowed down, akid they (stopped .for a mo meuC’ / Bragg’* gum were instantly beaded end a second dischsrge.as tjeadly a* the first threw the enemy into ennfoaton. and a third put them to. flight, leaving the ground covered with men and i horses. Only imagine for •> moment,'a battery of carmen, charged almost to tne muzzle with uuik* et balls and slugs, tired ihrie tunes into a dense mass' of men and borne*, Li a distance of two hundred yards/ aod can form some idea of the slaughter! One of the fodiapafregi Tjeota, it U said, water- Oil, ol the Pay De- ed for • lime, when Majoi partment,' rushed among il em, aeii :d their colon, filled t) the men to end example bad tie «ut rallied, and were adtaneed to the and stand by them. Hia yoice desired effect. The. regie diiUnguiabed in After the batile Wu wot Geoer .1 Wool, who lltniry ind ■kill, met hi* arri* around bia son the brilliant tic old ber< replied, *'we >n we alt pall togeth* atieet (he jitdice of wasjdiatingotthedjfot bia | General Taylor sod tbrei □ecli. aod congratulated hi j Cory ]in w»ra» term* , Th« | eani be beaten General w, | er. H J Tbe whole country wl ) tbe (simple reply. f . Colonel Belknap had foildwed ike track of the Mexicans, with five hundred torn. tarty-fife mile* further, and aawnotbiqg of (hem.| Numbers of (hem arc said to the IAI onulrja about fialtil* la, and anxious/to surrender iheraJtjlres. hot Gen. Taylor will not let them, as be bai no (roapa to epare to guard them, oi pros liona to feed them. Two thousand feirialci, w 10 followed tbe Mex* • lean army, remained, like ministering angels, to j take eire ,’f tbe woqnded. General Taylor treat ed them with the kindness doe their wy.and the . humanity expected of an American. .‘fbo American (Maumotaa) Flag, describing | the battle, Mye— ' \ I Every man belonging to \o‘Bryan’« battery were either killed or wounded. Capt, Bragg see ing ibis, and fearing that bia own guns might be captured, prepared to 'lake another position.— At thia critical juncture, when a tingle false more might bare pro red fajal to the - whole array. Major Mansfield, of thi Engineer depart* menu spurred to Gen. ’ ayloritcd informed him V»f tbe contemplated tin «ge of position. *-Go btek instantly” replied Cen. TeylJr.-and tell him no to more an fneb, but g re theb gtape and cioUt'. t«r.j ' ; , Tbe order was obeyr 1 by ‘ promptly as lit was girt n, am vomited Linn tbe moat awfol being charged with mm kei 1 etralofdetttddealiDg mtaeilr >tfd that Gen. Wool baa the IfHexicana iw ie mad* • fthit' luddenly 't*~ I So gallant Bragg as i bis battery Instantly lestmetioa, tb« guns ills and every ape . We abonld btTB *n manoraeriog to i reach of oorertili©. dring them in -force, coyed them wlthif , lie mid* • fchit of i joA *addmlr / i«tr«tth}f, «jcia within ntip of oar light bsttnin. iHie fore* opened lo the right epd left end the tremendtta*. , Six thjaetDdeenJiJ cbtfgM BriggY better?; «beo within two htmdred j*ra%*eeiy gab open* ed oprathfmj catting a kbe through their aoth* : colottß thbiyjbet braid.' A seeood tctrnd halted bcatara moamWbat tha third pfovied ao de*l trad fled ip gnetcoafittion. j ~v,r —t fn*rHKa«r bp ibete battista. "r < We areiodetted to Profeasor Lock*, of Lin. I •.• _r . ; . - . -y ..■••. ... a skscch -cr:«i» un. rinnaii, for the following notice of Uw beaaUn:] .- = =..• .. . i■•••' , y~ , • - L j < - Great .emergeoetes, « u said, prodace greet phenomena, whkfi appeared o*er «nf beads on ma Jfiheydocot produce them, tney et least Wednesday; nigblsi t Song pillar ar/xolana of bring them t> light. So it hi* been in the unhap* heaattfulU£ht suspended from the dark'clouds be% W war.fcetweeoea andasifterrepoblir. A man nf hiDil 11. The .ppcrouce «M th. moit .*»* -mnro.l.rit.u. h.bitt-»bo dou s h | r ~ : paCesstng great wealth, chose to fallow the pro ; pecaliu and mtetMUß* we|utc .e«K»e«n. . , ftnnon of erhe, tod wee EEtirfied with ibe com- Tv the Editor ojthe PiUtburgh Gazette, i noon routine ofmilitaiy life, never thrusting him* Übconoi AI'UORA. j “Ifinto notice, but EitnplJ data, bl* dutj in • I _ ' 1 quiet war—is by the force of circumstances Jtrought i L STaanaoAT 2, '} nrommeuliyiefare the public, end is foaod to pos- A few miles below Beater, Pa. April 7 47. I\. >BeSa Q, e highest military talents, and «aery other | 7h. 52m. P. M., (Lineiasati Ume.) J j quality which men are aeciistomed to admire. A bvnk of Aurora] light occSpiea the northern j How many of our most gifted pablic servant*, horizon, am) rises in the middle Bor 10 degrees, impatient of delay, hare endeavored to control dei vrith streamers of white light shooting upward 30 tiny itself, and create the events upon which their or 40 degtees. Two streamers hads uecessively advancement depended How many bright spir ahot ap near the Polar atar, one on each aide, and iti have thus been ehrouded in dsrtoeas, before had ascended some degrees above it.< At the pro- | they have reached even a mid day career! sent moment the streamers are mostly confined to ! - Gen. Taylor, fortunate ia bis philosophy, per* the N. VV., where in the region of mined ovenuto take their course—tranquil in re* chaur-the Auroral cloud ia very bright* Soon the tiremeut, and calm even when forgotten. But's!! •tifarorrs died away, but the extended barjk of at once he developes the qualities' a great Gen* of Auioihl light remained Jar 90 degrees along the eral.' In fthe most critical ritoationa hisjadg* north erq hortson. c II menl force* what his valor wins. No matter what 8h- 31m. A ]bright portion of a streamer ap- ffi gy the difficulties around him, he meets and peered from a point about 14° N. of tb4 Plljades overcomes them all. In strategy, as well aa hand which were now low in tho horison, end pointed tn hand, he evinces superior skill, end ytben the :to the constellation Lao. I I nation almost gives him up for lost 'again and Bb. 35m. ThW bright streamer remains in the again he sends back to it the intelligence that be west. biit it baa neared the Pliadsa. I ha* conquered. y Bb. 43m. All the streamers had disapjWomJ.— Iq no page of our hivtbry do w* find recorded The directions in which they ahot up wquld have four such hard fotfgbt battle*, fought at such fear* j met in {he constellation Leo, or, as uses!, in the fut odds a* which have placed such laurel* I Megnetical xenitfa, about 17 degrees south of the on the brow of Gen. Teylor, and the brave troop* - point directly overhead. All these phenomenal under bis command. The country is astonished | were such as often occur in similar exhibitions, to fiod it po*sesacs such a man!— Jour, of Com. | botanqaual appearances toon - followed. In the course of conversation, this morning, with The -Aurora having comparatively died away, an esteemed friend who has enjoyed rare oppar- I retired into the cabin, but woepreaenily called tunities for extensive intercourse with pablic men upon deck to see something remarkable. ’ abroad a* well a* at home, it was said that General 9h. 54m. There is a-complete arch of an euro* Taylor 1 * conduct of the campaign in Mexico had ral luminous band, extending from a point near attracted the bighrst admiration tn Europe. His the east, ajlittle south of xeniib, to the west, al r gallantry and address, and the discipline, order most as parallel and uniformly defined aa a rain and courage of hit army, aa manifested on the bow, and aa lumioous'es the brightest pert of a Rio Grande, and the taking.of Monterey, it was cloud fully illuminated by the moon. Its width further said, were the frequent theme of eulogy about 4° or 8 timet aa broad as the full moon. Its in France and England daring the last fow weeks more course may be noted as: follows: of his lair visit to Paris and London. The Bri commencing 19° south of east, it panes upward ! tith'mind especially, appears to have derived pew and a little to the-, southward, traverses the two imprer <ion« of American character from these stare forming th* point- of the sickle (Lion’s .manifestation*, which our fnend regards as among) bead,) the twins, (Castor and Pollux,) and retch* the few promising effect* of this most unpromising es tho western borixon at about 19 N. of west, or., war. An eminent American, who now occupies diametrically opposite to the point of begining.— a con>picuou< [kwition among our public agents The verier or highest portion of the arch seemed abroad, untl who is not pledged to any political to bo in waves and cutis like a cirrus cloud, or lu* patty si hum*, mentioned to him that the name minoae'fag, driven by the wind moving tl the rate yf no contemporary wa* now more respectrjL i>f 3 degrees in one second of lime from Eto the among public men within tho circle of bis presenr weii. ;Th»s was, in my ogjoioo, occasioned by intercourse, thau that of the Hero of the Rio thiu clouds, invisible on thedark skv, but formiog Grande. He remarked, moreover, that be was evident shaded hues as they interposed themselves gratified in being able to add from a long and in between the eye of the observer and the band of tiouta | acquaintance with Gen. Taylor in yeare light, like similar clouds traversing the disk of the past, that the personal and privatc qualities of the moon* __ . . man who had thus attracted to himself all alien* lOir. 00m. Tbe whole arch haa inclined orer a little to the southward, parti ha** expanded to 6° in width, and from being straight, viu from be* ing put of a great circle of the sphere it bad car ved s little in tbe eastern portion. In its couse it now commences, as before, at a point in the bor txon nearly perpendicular under Arctoros, cron as two stars of the Balance, the‘middle star of the a point 5° south of Pomp* anti terminates in the W borroon as before. The appearance of i monng waves continues. ]Oh o3ra. The nuip bund broken in the east and moved some to the sooth, but a small well defined portion of the eastern, end remains in the place first occupied—eastern half carved eonvexlj to the south and fading—western half still bright, and opposite the twins, is expanded and baa a daik spot in the middle, looking like an island in a broad river. Ioho9m. Its com south of Arelutu*, thi a star !7° below Hoi The detached portion mains. 10b 16m- Eastern mainder towards the Regolua, and li 9 Mata bdrizoa, showing a tlilli Moth. A aalall “ehootit ; 10b 21m. 1 Rapidly I western poriiAn faintly r • 14 b. 00m. I Arch of l ntaily in the tlr»t paei i milky way. but wrildc 1 from a point 15° north < Arctorua. tbrragb Re; 1 tbe’wotern li'irizni, ai : areaorry to mad. master jin, that the start J, were> huraJay Uit, Jtr the star Pollux. U« foggy. We ba*< and are fist approach: ! Ki'd'targh. April Si id sninteiview vrilblProf. Stephen* he infauna one that the phenomena were in general the aama at I‘ittaburgh. a* I bad witnessed lb<?ra at every jKuhinn—lo to ~0 iml<*** westward, or below. In -u.al.iDg the jwvt observation I au assisted by Mr. ftra. ■-■- >'j- --I-J down the observations as I annoaneed them. I do not think the appearances above noted differ jrt their nature from an ordinary Aaron, and they were remarkable only for the (manner in which they were exhibited. I have thus particu larly noted them, that if other observeraat a dis tance shall have done the erne, • consistent par allel row bo obtained, liom which to determine the exact place of this canon* meteor. It i« not ‘ probable that the band was really eorved. as it ap/peated to be. into an arch conforming to the iaimagioary *aull'of the sky. hot it i* mo«t-likely that the luminai matter farmed a long lice from t to.went, in the regions ot the atmosphere *• apd appeared to descend to the ground In each direction by perspective illusion. a South west water, and vheo the D<s '.fawn out Of t 4 -—* tj a&. d Pioe Creek jon the prin i Cure," all eidsy oo the all, thirteen a ,few wetks. ntion of deal* i, and Piolett, tpis morning Sal es Rooms* To TUt*£otToa OF IRK PITTBSVftGH GaZITTX; I nm phased to sc e. by * notice in yoar columns, that Protessor H. Rc usoex, well known to oar citi zens es S teacher o * music on lbs Pisao. ot rare qualities, bat-takes i house on Fean street, io a fine location, and bos muesome arrangements to pro motethe progress of bis pupil*, never before oiler ed in lip* vicinity. I took occasion to call upon Mr. Itohbock at bis new place, to inquire person*]. ; ll into their arrangements, and ! most confess that they gave‘me taaeh pleasure, is I am satisfied the culture of ynwtc will be much promoted thereby.— The pupil coming to take a lesson, is shown into a | pirlot to wait her turn. i> tbe Professor is occupied. | \Vhed her turn comes she is ushered into the room where fie lessons are taken, and it t lie close of the uroe allotted.she i» shown op stairs to another mu. sj« room, and lelt to practice until,the nest pupil is through with her Jct*on r and ready to take her place Tire a.goal ot this is given by ibe ol a t» il when she returns. By this means tbe lesson is so completely impressed upon the-mind of the that the instruction is fitted therein delih y. whereas much valuable instruction is lost whet a considerable interval passes between the time ol .taking the lesson and the boor of practice, Mr I ohboek ius apared-no reasonable expense in fitting up his rooms tn s genteel style—having pro tidrJlo tie* Piano for bis pupils to practice os auriclexprcssly fun tbe purpose by Mr. Kobbock. I rfjngntuUte, Mr Editor the people «f Pitta barghlopon securing the service* and distinguished abilities of I'r if. Rob bock, a* a Pianist and Compo *er. He cam** t.a our city highly recommended, by good judges <>f iDuircat uJenl* and acquirements. andbyjdutingaiahM citiress of Baltimore and he baa foilv justified. by the exhibition of hia acquire- •♦••moat', er.it*',- 1 — 1 injoog o», iII that the etlhuaiaatic ad led to eipc :t. After hearing De Merer and elebr-tco li )nf of Ibe daj, I give a decided nee lo Frol Hohbock.and oftaia abilitiei u tar it a onl; necessary to refer to the parent* lirga numb if of popil* undei liiajinstruction ed iromamoig the moit respectable families two ditiea. •c me Mr. :id.tor for Irtaspaasing *o much Mir valuable (pace, but too will do jaitice to sril by putil suing this, u well u confer a fa- Col. UcnroN, it Menu by t letter from .Washington, Ui the Tribune, ban not gone to Kcittaliky, a* rrpirted. The writer describe* the wouldjbave been Major General very graphically. M l,ajsJ.hira,"-(he say*) “this day on the Avenuo. It U tua custom at the close of the day, when the hamlet i 4 still, to walk'the atreeta of tbe Metrop olis catch tbe unappropriated gaze of.piftni 'ring timings. Tbe Col. adopts Henry tbe VVih’s advice 16 hi* sou, Prince of Walca” and wi*|i4a to l*e ‘dike robe* pontificial, ue?er to be tci-nibul pondered aL*’ He therefore selects for h|s [appearance tbe lime when men’s moat unoceapUd thoughts may be edhcentrateil upon bim.j HU gait, a* be traverse* the A venae, it elaborate; he 6ret describes a quadrant to the light, and then on equal degreo to left; *nd bow he njake* progression it tbe wonder. If its meet an ouret pec ling acquaintance, he quench ea his fa miliar amile with an aoatere regard of control; and the deference be is willing to render. Tbe tame authority informs us that the Colonel utterly diw approves of the course of Gen. Taytor a Buena Viola!! Tax Ktr. J. N. Maxxitt, wboes mint (rdtn'ibe sacred deck hare been qnite ct ; tbroaghont the United Buies, u now pi i ptmj ereningjit the Soatb Common Ml Epi«opal Cburcb, in Allegheny city, toe boo* *. Thi* gentlemen bee a manner eui £ end ibe opinions of bie bearm very wit) peeu ter tastes end habits of thought; still, •uffii ienl attraction, both in hie matter ant ner, o caoae large crowds of all dimes fa on b a ministry. His language u generally < tboc ;b eomowhat florid, and bis manner dl ction, usually in harmony with his si gice is modulated from a whisper up 1 impel, am] the transitions are freqj §> Hie saccate in winning men totheogk. on raUghma subjeeta it well knownjand it is (n be expected that like, molts will attend Us tabors In these dries, which be fcssjtMtvhitddfer thi first Has. ' 1 lino, Were quit* u admirable as bin prowess in ib< field—that be is not less a civilian than a soldiet An<l such, we may add, is the uniform testimony of all who knew Hire. If any other proof of Ibis were needed, wo might refer ti? bis remarkaLlo voluminouscorrespondence with the Government as being conclusive. It would be difficult to.find in the.whole mnnsts of military bietoiy any similar correspondence at all comparable to Itjin, the various attributes that go to declare a iound and cultivated mind— practical wisdom, dear fureiiigbt, and manly vi gor The public mind is apt to infer, when a man greatly, distinguishes himself in a given course of actioo. that ho is rooie especially fit ted for that, than any thing else. This is doubt* leaa (ometimea the case. Out it is not si with Geo. Taylor, as ha has himaelf demonstrated to his friends, tho Army, bis country and the woild. Though the greater part of his life has been spent in the public service, he has not neglect ed, as tome sappose, to cultivslo those milder virtues which give a charm to personal inter* coarse, and lend attraction and grace to private ie in now from a point 20° jugb Regulua and throogh ill to the western horizon, at ibe eastern end still re- lhalf nearly faded, the re peat, poaaea 4° Mutb of lof Pcvllox, to the western nfnrlher inclination to the ing atar” seen in the band, fading; a boat 90® of the /risible. life* He comei 'from an ancient Virginia family which emigTaledfrom England, with otherTriend* of liberty, and. settled in (he eastern part of. Vir. ; gioia, near Iwd centuries ago—a family which boa since been greatly distinguished in its va rious branches, ami which include* within it* con nections such names as Jamea Madison, John Taylor of Caroline, Judge Pendleton, Gen. Hunt, dec. die* Gen. Taylor's father was one of the most dating of those enterprising pioneers who ■ruled **tbe dark and Moody ground” which de fines the Indian tgord'Keuturky, and mauy anre- light faintly renewed and ion. not brighter than the bed and straight. Course of a vertical fulling from ;alus, and terminatinf in a |>oint perpendieulir an** .tmoaphere becoming a lit. ow passed White’s Ripple g Pittsburgh. doles iro told of bis prowess in desperate encoun- ter* with the savage* He,became also* mao of vminenc* in civil lit*, tod was a member of the Ek*ctoral Colleges which ’ voted for Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and Clay ; He died on bis emu near Lexington in 1820,1 leaving foot sons, of whom-old Zack’*istbelhtid, and, we bejjeva, one or t*o dvighter*. Tne el- . deal son.. Geo. Jam*-a Taylor, who was aQa liter ■ 1812,. now reside* at Newport,' Ky., tithe advauc ed age of eighty yean 1 Hi* more distinguished br&ther was bom in Kentucky, ts»:> jv-a;* boi" ve its idmia-ion into tbe Unioo, and is now, therefore, about 56 years of, age. ' Having a stout, vigorous frame, ba wia early distinguished for feats of manly character, and many amusing anecdotes are told of hi* achievement* in the spoil* of boyhood. Tbe same foresight, and decision which have since so a!**” traded public admiration, are said to have char* actcrisrd his whole course through alt the shifting circumstances of life. Boon after the affair of the Chesapeake and Leopold, previous to the War of 1812, be being then 18 years of age, received ’from Mr. Jefferson (ISdSj tbe appointment of Lieutenant in tbe 7th Infantry, and commenced } that military career which has now been crowned with imperishable fame. j His strict observance of duty 1 and'dtttinguiabed merit as. a disciplinarian soon commenced him for promotion, and at the opening of the war of 1812 ■we fidd him a captain in hit regiment. Having j been entrusted with thd command of Ft. Harrison on tbe W abash with a garrison of 50 men, he great ly distinguished himself'in that year by hi* sup* ecaful defence of it against a formidable attack by a large body of Indians and was rewarded b* tbe President with tbe brevet rank of Major. Hi* well known *kiQ in Indian|Warefare, accoutred in Lit brilliant career in theN. W. Territory, secured for him the command of the Ist Urigade of the Army of tbe South, and it was at tbe head of that Division that he won tbe Bloody Battle of Lake Okee-Cbobce during., the Florida campaign af 1838; and for which'achievement ho was brevet, ted Brigedier'Generai. After 4 or‘s years arduous service in the Swamps and Hammock* of Florida, bn assigned to the eoaimanJof the Grst de* partoent of the Army at Fort Jesup—where the order to Texas and tbe Kto Grande found him. \ By hi* marriage with a lady of Maryland, Genj Taylor baa one son and two daughters—one ot whom is married to Col. Davis, of the Mississippi regiment,wbo was severely wounded at Buena Vial ta. Bat to pursue hi* military career further in ' tbe midst of the glowing enlburiam of the country over bit brilliant achievements in Mexico, would be idle, and the receipt of the southern mail as we write compels ua to defer a notire of the high er qualities which commend him to the confidence. and respect of his country men.— Seirark Adr. Thu Richmond Whig, the Newark Daily Ad vertiser, Trenton State GaxeUe, Philadelphia In quirer, and a large number of others hate joined the list of papers that nominate Gen. Taylor for the Presidency.,The Wyattsfille (Va.) Republi can, Loeofoco, also recommends the General, and finally. for the present, we find in the Mayaville fKy.) Eagle, a meeting called, “without distinc tion of party,** in Mason coooty, on April Couti day, “to lake into consideration the claims of Geri. Zachary Taylor to _th« admiration and gratitude i f people of the-jUoiled States." PaasiDtnr Polk a.tCb*psl Hill.— The Presi dent of the United States has signified to the facul ty of the University of North. Carolina bis in tention to attend the annual commencement in June uert, unlebS prevented by business of tho most urgent necessity; Judge Mason, Secretary of the Navy, will accompany hijn. Tao Sraataca of i lat April took oat a larger amount of excbangelhan overwent before in ono vessel since the line was established. The return* <>f sperie for this, and for freights, in due time, mu*t be immense, and cannot fail to produce a favorable effect upon the money matters this side of the water. SUBSCRIBER. The ‘‘Schnellpost” says:—“A Pans eorrespon dint writes that a criminal condemns! to death in the South of Prance has petltonedioe King to be Allowed to be executed under the influence of ether." The Washington; News (cams from authentic sources, that the loan of one millioue of dollar*, requsii for the completion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, baa effected. ebrated itching ■tbodist rcwded Sherman Brownell is, tbs Tammany candidate of thei b'hoys of New York for Mayor the very fittest candidate they! could select. ArroriTTMxsTe a{r t«x Patamasr.—Edwin C. Marion, of Pennsylvania, to be 2d lieutenant in tba Ivoltigeora, eic* Wells, reelgned. Edifard A. Ling, if Ohio, captain in the 15lb Infantry, vice McDonald, declined. Daniel Chaae, of Ohio, captain in the 15th infan try.Jame* W. WDey, of Ohbjiad lieutenant in Um 15th Infan try. Thomas B. Tilten, of Ohio, 3d lieutenant In the 16th infantry^ i merit, fa their iheirie id mu* ti wait cfatete, HfpUye Baxax i!VTB*Pk. Obio Catsat.—Wa tie sorry to bear that a'break ha* occurred in this Canal,< near Mahoning town. It will requin, parity,two i.j.totyrir ft. Ttt.Eu.Eitflwa la ta fin*order. i ' ! l.' ' * Tht Last S*Vi from Vera Crux. 1' OFFICIAL DESPATCH. ■ [ / v ; We have three official tjeept tehee from Geo. eiace c hie'Uodiof before Verm.Craz. po the I Cth of March he communicates u fol lows; "The eolore of the United Sutrswere trranpb •oily planted ashore, io full view of this city and its castle, and under the distant fire of both, in the ''afternoon of the 7th instant. Brevet Brigs* dier, General Wool'a brigade of regulars ledtbe descent, quickly followed by the division of Uni ted States volunteers apder Major General Pat tersoo, and Brigadier General Twiggs's reserve brigade of regolara. The three Boer successfully landed in C 7 sotf boats, each boat conducted by naval officers, and rowed by sailors from Comoro* dore Conner’s squadron—-whose lighter veaels flanked the hosts so es to he ready to protect the operation by tbeir crow fire. The whole army reached the shore in fine style, and without direct opposition, (on the beach) accident, or low, drjving the enemy from the grouod to be occupied. In extending the line of Investment around the city, the troops for three days, have performed the heaviest labors in getting over the hills and cut* , ting through the intervening forests all under the distant fire of the city and castle—and in the midst of many sharp skirmishes with the enemy. In. then operations we have lost In killed and wounded several valuable officers and and men. Among the killed, I have to report Brevet Capt Albania, of the United Btate* 2d ' infantry, much distinguished in the Florida war, and a most excellent officer. He felt on the lltb tosh; end Lieotenunt Col. Dickinson, of the South Carolina regiment, was badly wounded, iq a skir mish the day before. Two privates have been killed in these operations, and four or five wound* ed. -The city being invested, would, no doubt, esi’y surrender, but for the let! that. If occupied by oa, it woo Id immediately be fired upon by the castle. I am not altogether without hope of fiodlng the means of coming to some compromise with die city on this subject 80 far, the principal skirmishing bu fallen to the lot of Brigadier Generals Pillow’s and Quit* man’s brigades. Both old and new volonteer reg iments have conducted themselves admirably. Indeed, the whole army is full of zeal and confi dence, aod ; cann6t fail to acqoire distinction in the impending operation*. On the 14th General Scott writer: ' “The enemy continues the fire of bis heaw guns upon our line of investment, but only from .tube in time, and without effect, so far as have : jet been reported. At this moment bur stteeklog parties, by brigades, are engaged in driving in tbs enemy* posts and skirmishers, so as to clear the space between us and the city, and to enable our reconnoitring officers to note'well the intervening ground. This operation may.not be completed before to-morrow morning, or at least I may not learn tbe result at an early bour. 1 sent in this morning, by flsg of truce, my eu* ewer both to the consulsof France and Spain, residing within Vera Crux, accompanied, with printed safe-guard, for both, as well as for the con sols of Great Britain and Prussia. WINFIELD BUOTT. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Reported for toe Pittsburgh Goxstts. FOREIGN NEWS. ; ARRIVAL OF THE PACKKT SHIP MB BUTT. New Yoax, April Bth, 3 o’c, P. M. The Liverpool liner, Liberty, arrived at New York last night, and brings'dates to tbo-Bthof March. Cottou continued fitm? and prices aamo gs on the sailing of tbe Columbia. The market for Corn was on the decline at Liverpool, having taken a downward tendency af ter the C’s departure. Prices hardly supported. Wheat was selling to a fair extent at 111 to 11s 9d per 70 lbs. Provisions were without change, and fair-sales. United Slates. Flour, in Bom], waa selling at jtrty~4kree thiUingt per bbl —a further advance In two daya from tbe aailing of the Colombia. Otherwise there U no news received by this Pa krt worth Telegraphing ta y-'U. New Yoax, April B—fi PM. The Packet ship London is in from London, bnngiug dates to the 10th of March. Tbe papers received byiber quote UoileJ States Floor at forty threie ahiliing--<ix pence per bbl. A very active- and large demand existed for Bread* ufis. . No other nawPof importance. Nxw York, April 8. 8 oY P. M. The London Parks! ship Wyoming is in end ; brings London dates to March ,T4ih. I have a copy of Brown di Shipley's Circular for the States, which qootea American Flour at forty one to forty two abUling* per bbl —the latter is noted as an . extreme quotation This ie # a de cline of 2s to 3s 6J. • The best Corn is a shade low£r in price.— Prime Yellow is quoted at sixty seven to sixty eight shilliof* par qr of 480 lbs, with taler The political new* is not of sufficient impor tance to trlegtaph. ' Other arriva's, with la tar dates are expected.'and the Sarah Sands will toon be in. Phil*. April 8, 10 P M. An active sod Urge demand'has prevailed fur Flour. The news by the I/ondon gave the mar ket an impetus upward. The sales of Western to day reach TOO bbla at $6,75. There were al so sum* sales of Extra brands at $7,00 per bbl. This evening the market ia more quiet, and tho demand ia falling off. Rye Flour ia selling today at $5,00 per bar el. Cornroeat is at $4,76 with free sales. Of Wheat, tales 10,000 bu at 140a148c per bn for Red and White. Western Prime Prime Pork is $13,50 per bbl, with salra. The Baltimore line of Telegraph broke down to night, and consequently we have no'Southern news. NEW YORK MARKET. New York, April o—. 8 »'c. P. M. The receipts of Flour are quite light and prices am maintime-J at $7,75i58/[KI p bbl for Genesee, though the newt by the Wyoming may depress it. The shipment* of Corn are very large. Tim market for gnjn'has not varied and prices sic the same. News Items. BOSTON MARKET. Boston, April, Bth—l o'c, 1\ M. } v l»ur Uis goae op since the new* by the •Colom bia. The tales of Geop»ee and best Michigan brands hem are at $7,75<r $7,87A P bbl. Some fancy at SC,UO. The supply pt Floor lasoall. Prime yellow Corn it telling at 103 c per bu and White at 88c. Some asking i>oe, bat no tales at that. The Cntlnn market is firm Kith moderate sates,. The slock of Molisses in first hands is large and the market dull. An active demand prevails for codec. For provisions them is more demand. Sales prime western Pork at $13,50 sod Mess at 516 k* bbl. •>alc3 Western Bacon Hams at 10c k* lb/ BR| . Baltimore, Ann! oth,—6 o’c. P M. rlour ts held at advanced price*. For Howard st., $6.5<1 i* demanded, but no sale*. City Mills is selling to i fair extent at that price. Sales .'OOO bu prime Red Wheat at 141 c per ba. Corn i* in demand and sates prime White et 830 81c and prime Yellow at BSc per Bu. Rye is nellmg at CosBSc per bu. Sales Clovcrserd ft $4,374 .t*hu. Whiskey in bb!e is selling. at 27c per gall. The m‘rVe! for provisions is without change ip prices or demand. Nb change in Coffee, Sugar, Molasses,dee. There have been some site* Porto Rico Sugar at 7|c sod for same quality holders am now asking 74c—no sales at that figure. The Fire on Thursday was iu Ist street. All*? gbeny city, near Middle street.. The house wee a two story frame, which, with another one story frame was destroyed, more by the firemen than fire. The first belonged,.we understand, R> a steamboat cook named Hagan, a colored.dUn.- He had bought it a few moolha ago. ( Correspondence of /Ac Pittsburgh Gazette* Ci.vcissiti, April 6th, 10 P. M. The election for city officer* which took place on the 5 th, passed off quietly, and resulted in fav or of the Wiios,—the Mayor being elected by a majority of 800 to 1000 vote*. The l Fhlg nomi nee for Marshall was also elected, Ind there is alto an increased Whig majority in tl e city cooo- A very destructive fire occurred at mood in this state, last night-fay wbi lery of David Gibeon togathax 0 or 1 hooaea were Your*, do SECOND ARRIVAL. PACKET BHIP LONDON THIRD ARRIVAL. PACKET SHIP WYOMINU. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. BALTIMORE MARKET. Mew Bieb- Hi the distil -10 dwelling . - ..... kww,»« fioTi Ft.—The 6u I.«* R«. pubfiean ofthajathu more particular* of tbs baUks andiuawcAm at Santa F«. Governor Bent ttardotd oo the 18th. ThU followed bjr_e marder of five nje n »t enemy mart*red at Li Caniada, Sfi mile* from 8«it« Fe.-were SOOO etroDr they were “met'by Col. Price, with 350 men. end 36 of them killed Then w«i toother battle at Lan f bv!a <uul toe Mexietu farther defeated . Alter thia.;Cipttio Henley commanding 90 Tolonteera wu Hiu.j, Then wu a good deal of ncknwa at Santa Fe *nd from three to foar deathe a day, principally aoong the teamsters. • # • Colonelßoniplito tad hit co r nrr»nd were safe and ready to march on Chihuahua. Mr. C. Town, wall known at St. Louis, wu the only American who the mam ere. Hie fslher-in-law (a Mexkan) gate him a good muK and he brought the newa of the disaster to Seota Fe. It his been rumored that Frank. Blair wu kQI» eo. This i« a mistake, lie wu at the time in the mooaUina with Geo. Bent. IsasYSiaiUTT to rat* rada a rot ibox.— An ezbibitioo of extraordinary interest to human ity occurred at the MaMachoeette General Hospi tal on Saturday last, aaya the — A patieqt wu present—a man in advanced Lifts— who, we understand, wu laboring under paraple gia. having its origin in a caries of the'lower dor sal vertebra—for which Dr. Warren proposed the actual cautcrey. After the pitienfbad inhaled the letheon, Dr. Warrea run an iron! red, heated to a white heal, to the length of aboot two feet, up and down the back, eaeh aide of the spine—bum lag two lines on one side, and one on the other, and then carried it zigzag acro% between the spineoua processes, the eame distance. The pa treat, during this proem, wu wholly 'unconscious of pain, under the severe** test to which be could he subjected—that of a hot iron applied to the na ked skin.- IWPORTS BY RIVER. BEAVER—Per Michigan—l 3 bags barley, I bh| butter, 3do eggs. Lambert it Shiptnh—S3 bids Soar, 10 kegs lard.fi bblsd apples, Clarke dc'Thaw—3 kgs iard,S bbl* batter, M’Clurkin 6£ (%•—I bbl eggs, Bingham—H csk pearls. A Wilson—2B bpgttl apples, fi do wool, owner Per Lake Erie—3 kegs lard, 20 bags barter, 1 bbl butter. 1 do eggs, Lambert & Shipton— S bblstiroo thvseed, J MVulty— l crate rags, J U Mellor—3s bbl* dour, 100 ba oats, owner. v lICSSKT. HANNA k CO., BANKERS, EIcnAJSGE BROKERS, AND DEALERS INFORFJON AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATE*,OF DE- POSITS BANK NOTES, AND SPECIE; Fourth m. nearly oppo*tielb« Bank of J’.; .-burgh. CURRENT MONEY received on Dej-- ;e->i B bt Cheek* fur sale, and collections ;made u •■•vrly til] the principal points In the United Siaie*. The bigbcstprrminm paid for Foreign aod At j-rican Gold Advances madeon consignment* of Pro luce jped East, on liberal terms. ‘ :‘i I,'ia 55,00. BOOTS 5,00. NO. OG FOURTH STREET, CORNER OF POST OFFICE A,L I. E V THE subscriber respectfully inform* the pobiic that he bo» commenced the manufacture $f titnilrmttt FatkionalU Boon, of good material and .‘workmanship' which he will warrant superior to any Boot ever made in Pmisburah for the price. These handsome Boot will be made to measure, and warrant them «« rep re ■ented, at the very low price of FIVE DOLLARS CASH. Cetulemen are requested to call and clam ne them. jyiM WBERSKINK. Cry-IMPORTAJtT TO TUB SICK—“t have used Salter’sCmseng Parueea and I also know several 6f my acquaintance wboihave used h, urn] jjicy. speak very highly of it. I certainly, have nobeaitnuoj lu rec ommending it a* a valuable metlicine for coughs, colds Ac M PATRICK Iron City Hotel.sthstreet, Pittsburgh - Read the following from Esq. Gray, Allegheny City; ‘-Salter's Gtuseng Panacea is the best mcdiciuc that ever 1 u*cd tor a Coogb or Cold. RICHARD GRAY ' East Common, Allegheny City." For **!* a| 8. Barrett's, sth si, opposite Iron City Ho el, distnlxninc Agentfsr Pittaburgb sod viebiity. and br l«ugg»«u*cnerally. See advertisement. A‘li HARRIED. On Thursday tnomiog, Sth .aslant, by Rev W Reeves MR VVILLIA. - * 'JAMES TROTH to Mrs. MARY IMP-QN «n t .i~ this eny. a no M H. EATON, Dealer in Gloves. i(o-iery, end ” . Fancy ar d Staple Trimmings, GJ Afsrket : tweet. PitHburgh j apP (J7ORKED COLLARS, Luces, Lm»n V» itdsN Moreen anJGtaf* Liu ext-for skirt*. Lisle Ribbons, PsperMasnns. Ac., a* FH EaTON'j* FRISQES, QIHPS AND SATIS TRIM MINGS—Fancy utd plain Lend colored Jr«-M Fri« K««. nca roanL.ia Mack do. pntka and chain rimp*. black «..a colored (a.b-t’aa :nramiaga; blark and colored turn nooon do; ju«i icc'd ai SILK, LlrtLK THBKAO A.fD PAaiS KIO dotes »upcT Kid G2ore«, fion tbc mihuftcTorr of Joar>n *■ Al*»»ndt^; Open work end emnroidcrrd s.it Glorei; Embroidered, plna tod fancy LMe do; Child* El Ik Li*le end ‘'uturo do; Grtit’e muitary sod dm* do; For ■ate hr ■£< F h' EATON . Fixb shirt*, collars, Bosons, New »l)lc* of Fine Shirt* in grr*: ; Standing and Byron Collar*; Spring tie Cravau and Sana Siock»; Batoro* and Cravat stiffened ' Shoulder Brace*, Ca;-*, Silk Guar Ji, Ac, Oahand and for «a!e t>r jp9 POISTED SHADES, VENETIAN BUNDS. Ac—Transparent Window pf hotk Glue sad O'i preparation, m great var.fij ( oi uj io and aasoited Venetian Blind*. nfa»*«rtcd n/e* vid coior», for •air on CommiMion; Shad.- F.Hdfci,,i'icliiJiug Roller* and Blind rriraminF*. n» orirri « nior*. at tpfc _ FJI EATON'S WORSTEDS. PAT 1j TKRNS. 4c—Zephyr and Tape*lry Worried*, Pattern*, Canvaia. Chencule. S. .a Flo«v •fancy Braid* Perforated Board,Tidyr. Lamp Mat* and Fancy Work for «aJe at _■£» _ EATON’S L'pprr Sale* Room Hosiery •iit’ond merino f|os« and baif lio«», iu vaneij (or men, women, nhd «biWn-n; Koitline Yam* and Worsted*, tnrndin* aod tidy rotioa and manufacturer*' NVorwiln, and Tram Silk*, at apn ________ F 11-EATON* GROUND ALLSPICE, Cinnamon nod Clove*, in b‘>U.holet and stnatl packages constantly on hand and ioi sale attb* Mustard and >piee Fucioiv. 27 Filth *treet, «p 9 RHODES k ALCORN CIOFFEE— Roasted end Oround, ior *ieaml>oai« j hotel* and free era. ai the Mustard add Spice Fac wiry, 37 Fi fih ai. ap9 RHODES A ALCORN A BOV WANTED— Wanted a good indtmriouaßo; to anend in a Orocery Store. The heat of refer rnce required. Apply lo tpOtf F SEITZ, tfl Liberty street BACON— 4 casks assorted Bacon, received per strm Clipper No 2, and fnr sale by ' LEWIS HUTCHISON ACo ap« No* 45 water and 0J /rout *l* COFFEE— MW bags prime .OrreaKlo.lahding thu day per Bingham's Line and lor sale by ap9 J AR FLOVD. ISd Liberty *t Dried apples and pkachbs fou bu*. Apples; 50 bus reaches on con»i*n nent, for»*le+y ap9 JAR F[LOYD PEA NUTS—Roasted .for customer*, si the Mustard and Spice Factory, *7 Fifth Hroei. ,ap® RHODE* A.ALCORN SPICES of si I kinds, ground for customer* atthr Mus tard and Spice Factory, 27 Fifth street _ap9 RHODES * ALCORN HORSE RADISH, grated and pul up tn vinegar fur immediate use, constantly on band at lhe Mustard and Spice Factory, 27 Fifth street, ap a RHODES) AALCORN RICE PLOCR, fresh around and eoittum'r on' hand ai the Maward and Spire 'Factory, 27 Fifth street. apl» _ RHODES* ALCORN Pepper sauce— too boxes [pun Uuties.i wcat India Penpeis, on band and for sale by ....? RHODES A ALCORN-; apo No 27 Fifth street .. ■Anmiaird Nauu«—No X I or «hr Planter of lhr Mp of Frmice—a! u flfihe lumimm! *ca; by Alexacdcr Dunn*. i | Thf Devi''* Wc<Mm£ Bine, or.thc Adi-rnturMo VFatchii.afcfrT liy . i ■ .\Tfce Kint’a HijKw^y.'tiy (J P H Jnm-«, K^|. GROtTNH OINGtIB-CObbH amt HO krn an band ii* ll ,''- o '7'^ rrn ‘ v- m i, *'*’ and for •«!« by RHODES i ALCORN ' ** apu No 'if Fifth meet Cl ROUND PEPPER, .0 bblt,'keg* and luxes, }ic»h. r around and constantly on hand for talc, by RHODES 4. ALCORN No 97 Fifth ttrect TOMATO CATSUPS— a few dozen Bottle* on band and for tain, a: 9? Fifth tttMt. by apO _ RHODES k ALCORN SPANISH WHlTlNG—tfbbl* -n ttore and for ISAIAH PICKET A Ho • p 9 water andjVontajt GOOD Id 11 PESAS-AOO but. Goober Peator Gra Nutt,in store and fertile by pp» ISAIAH DICKEY A Co ARGANDOAS BCRNKRS-A firth .ppjdy t\ |n«l rccejred and fo> tale by aj.3 W \V WILSON. GOLD PBNS-JhM rewired an addilianafatMii* mem of the-beet qualities of ever-pointed Gold Pent and warranted. _ ap9 W'V WILSON CIDER VJNEpAR—P bblt. a very P'iuie article,, jutl rer'd and tor tale ORUM, McIiREW * Co B|9 No 8 Commercial Row BROOMS— ISO doien Pomeroy's Eauc M do common and tn ilium; for aale by apO J P WIbLIAMSA Co COFFEE— 7» ban prime Rio Tor tale by apt) JO NVILLIAMSACo DHri»TIACI<KS-5w but- tor tala low i>y , p 9 JBAIAH DICKEY A Co SOFT WHF,U- HICKORY NUTS for sate by *p9 ISAUH UICKEV A Co CORN— TUObuA in store and fo7«ale by ' : O po P SELLERS. 17 Liberty at SHORTS— too t»M« on cnnilgnsnem and ferial" by ap9 F SELLERS, 17 Liberty it LADD QlL—stfeNConkUiffeeAtra. fertile by ip9 F SELLERS, iy Liberty it ~ MACKEREL— 60 bblt In tiota and for tala by ■p» J DAL2ELL, 31 water BACON AND LARO—Receiving and for tale by tp9 ) DALtELMlw^ierii TaNNER’9 OlL—WfeWaforialeby ••• ap9 J DALZELUtH waier tt V] AlLS—dUOkeya NaUt fer aalelowby ll a>» JDALZELL.BA watery , baa. Pcnna- la tioi* * R FLOYD LARD— sbbltNol,landing aadferaalefcf • H>» J * R Floyd, I9t Liberty it N o™Eos«h« i «a a , ] j^ fat AICORN iii WML LABIKXrI Jr4^ SifMi, next door ta Baok+f PuuborfliH X* Banker mad Stoker, aad DealeriaExekliixe.BKik Not** and CoiaA*alideicjiptiaas Ac. . Selim* * , Buyiaf Half*.. New lark, ipr. Sne . fdla. Philadelphia, ;•;? {Jo Phifageli’ui;. Vjfc» Baltimore, jdo Haliiiiiorr, JJo W«i*m Cerrener. {do Western Car. >do CovACwjßty ifertpj- ida-CforA Co. Scrip, S do: All road Correaej-, }do All «ood Cur’cr.* }do P«or.*ylTaoia d«, jd> PenniylYaaiaddl.ido Tenrew# do, s} do Tenne«*ee da, *9 do ; drowtuYilio. - jdo BrowiiiTll’e, - Ido 'lavhingtoa, *do Wa*hin*ton, »do .... Ktahaar»uio<BTt i d.-- '*"' J - ' apfrU-i a » • ar» holmes i soar, BANKERS, and Deaiert ia Ktrh»nr *,C.iiaand No:e*i No SI Mojtei »ifeet, PUtJMr«b. .. Selliuc Eaie*. , £xciian*e. Burial R*le»- iff Cineianm, | dit. Pm.tdelpuja, ( do Louiiviiic. |da Baliimarf!, i <-o ..Sr-Looia, »<J© Haymcßaie* BANK,Tx*)TIiS. Buyia*R»le* Jfl'i' Co id Scrip Order*, i di». •miani, -1 do • Kr'i«r itote*. |<>c Kcutacky, *Jo P«na«yiT»maCy. sdo Vtrgmtßi ♦ «lo Nf*w Vortt do, (do on Wkmliaf, |do New Oiltim, Ido TeitMtKe. 'J do Mmrylscd, Ido •p>tf - JOHN DtfNL]\P, ~ \TO 17 Afarkt: street, is now 'teceixiag his spring Ik stock of Ho<i«*>Furuith<&4 Hardware, Britannia, coti*:>Ung in pan as follows: — | Sbas Jsponced Ware,English and American; 4 bx* Britannia do do, 8 cask* English Tinned Saucepans; 1 do o*al Foti; l caseT>sj*ond Waiter*; I do Knimelied War#; - l l do Pressed Wore: 1 cask BtighiWare, ai.so. r ISOOlbi s'scrred (Topper; 30pl»:uTinned Copper; 16001b* Jomatn Wire: Po oinTia PUie; up 9 JOHN DUNLjAP.'IT Matkei rt SUNDRIES -Bonaej Frames,/Tabs and Buehet. Tortoise fi,cil and born, (uric, side and dressing .eoabs; inia<d snj rosewood hair brushes; tooth, aaii, eorab. e/oih and bat do; carpet bindrDg;,«dl<ce; brawn. Mack and while tialland. colored cambric; silk and union galloons: flann-l hincirc; safe;* envelopes; note paper. Praline wax; nttyt© wafers; Barnhill’* in delible ink| pencils and-peneii points; buttons: pinr, needle#; tape*: «pool* cotton, he. For sale wholesale and rcts‘i. IT au9 F H EATON. £1 Market street TO BORROW— 3I,SOO lo *S,WO 1 jaortpaj** on Ci:y worth four tiroes irfr—tiarnferof lease for tI.OW jwt year, fa* inks, wi'l aceompmy me mortgage. afthsaOlfiec' _____ . WATCHED— A larg* and liiperiur u •ut now uii iinu.l, »»!« at the Ka»iera !*o, <ioM Cntltil nc<l Key*. and a general i off no ,o«-fy' W \V WJLSON 0° CD * pkrillrllr I it »• ihe r :: oujlilv a*- murh in o i can :n <U» there is no O.ui'* S'cl S SCHOOL BOOK.ft-Cobb’s NcwSe- i’j'.'ct.nT janim-d u popularly uol l .11 tin- fi -mry uf Ameneun School Book* «n many irachcr* who hav.e thor o them. *h«: they •■nil learn their pttptl* n« in ijuarier in the n»i* of ibe«e hook*, h< they hie ilir t.w* hy u«mg any other aerie*, amt idouLiiiisi the orihogrupliT of oar language Jrccil i» lr*» ibanmic half of ihr time frous •pr Speller limn from any other oxurit' • ; or excellence ami popularity of these •ferre.l from the fact that they have been for ihr u>c of all Hie Pot.be School* , among other important citie* and ork. Brooklyn. Philadelphia and Haiti* >n, Del.. Lancaster and Reading, Pa, tki; and l»v wne yS or 3tl County Can* bate of New Yoik, also, by the Now rty of teacher* and friend* #f ediica* e ramsHy/tokbg the place of all snni* ? wed among the best leuehere and joard* of education. The particular leal examination of this eerier ofbooka ;nnhen and board* of education, who iig change* ir) this class of tert book*; ike up'their, piads that they are the j nitroiitfcfe them, can exctmnge with .heir old books,now m tue,for these, by if remit price in cash, m the New York Globe, of Feb. 13,1517 i | lad to find Mr. Cobb still engaged io piepa . ik«, for the are of schools and for die benefit (generation. Mr. C.‘* new spelling Look fnable series of reading and other book*, gained for him a reputation that will be □Z than monuments of msruteor statue* of think he has dene mote in correct the dts* of the language, nnd towards elucidaiing Sizing tl e elements of our Ternaculai fan* my other author extant in this country.' l ’ho ! e*a!e and retail by J H MtILLOR No SI wood street offirialt. in itie i lotrn*,’ more, \> L'lir* ' nintt in nutisuoi >« invite eon:rtßf and ihr be«i. itnu the paying half tj Prof ‘•\V*arc gl ring r.rw hoe ol ilie rj»ing| ami hi* va i have j'ltdr i mere eoduri > hrarv We erriiuneie* 3 and •yiiemi i sungnthaa i P»r*ale\f NEW Dei. 1 , dJ*ensc»: J plaints, picL uaJ CottiTes of Appetilel Stomach. L« oouxn. Cud -c» Serofuli Pustule* on olid all dines ewy. Tne attention of the invalid public..and of all tboi. afflicted by any ut the above disease*, i> reipecifully called 10 the menu cf a new and invaluable prepare* ijon from an oriental reepeof adininfiuiihed phynciacj cctniunuyt in uielf therauM active retardial propei-tie* of two of the very 6r»t articles in the Materia Metfteu; The 'T3r»jpur:iln anil Wild Cherry Bniern wpre in* trodueed to th* public about twelve month* a#o,. and Uor ne that period ihetr »"re»<* bs» been to prent o* to induce the* propiirwr ia offer them with Mill moie C'infl* denre. in the >u '■ brlisf that by ent •rr.i' Urn mare' ex* 'eu*iVi- me. ih«*y wji! prove a t.ic*»mß in ah tlione suffering from Uni dirennea above cnumeta’ed. >»old, who!e«nle and ici.nil, b>' W\ATT 4. KJ2TCJI* AM, generalagents. I*2t Fulton street. New York; Wx raoas. Market street, and P. R. Satryta. SmithSel* 1 ■ Puultareji, Pa. Price Sl large bettln l merrnn*>m' : (*di* \ND MOST EFFECTIVE REMEDY.. [ ’OOD'B SirwpArUl* and Wild; ry DiUcrit foe the cuieof Ute folbori&f lund'ce. Livrr Ccmplun!, ail IPlliou* Com* . Headache, Heart Horn, Indigestion, habit* >c*», Pile*, Palpitation* of the Heart, Lou l Dyspepsia. Irritation*. Debilitated pgoor, Depression of {spirits, Chronic 4 neooa Diseasei, Canker. Syphiloid Disea* a Imporine* of the Blood. Pimples and ilit-Face. Hcrediurj Humor*, Coldgciei, net arising from ust injudicious we of Mer* J5-TAR CLOTUIB& SIOBE, S NO. WOOD STREET, riTTSDU ROH.Pa. \ ANCKER A MAYEB. wholesale and retail dealer* i\ m Ejir-rn ReiiCy-made Clothing. would take this c tneiho<f of info'r;ir»r: ihe- publ.c ihat thrir >tock of spring and ion rarr eto’itrng i» no-v complete in every variet) of style#, adapted to the present and ensaiog season. Wuh.thf'Tie.v of unarini n continuance of the liber* ■1 patronage we hare hemofore received, mud to offer general satisfaction to all our customers. we have vni ted cm attention to the purchase and manufacturing of iTery : .riiclc comprising oar extensive stock. Gentle* oen d< sirous of t>i.ing suited out. will find u to their idvan »ge to gjre u* a call a* we arc determined that lur pr eea ihail add 10 Uie Indnccraemspresented in the >eaiu> and fa*nton of our clothing. We alirayakrep on hand «tp,end;d,supply of si'k tnder jfhjrtr, linen and siipcifLie cothfr *bm*. .scarfs landktrehiei’s. cravats. ! o«r>:n*, collars and »n*nead* in. I ANCKRR* MAYER Sign “Golden Star." Geutlemeu who with to have any article of tade to order, can t><: furnnhcd in the ibortMt aj.9 • f h Eaton BOOKS —Ju?i received and for tale by J |RAD <ia, near Marker »;reet: Chemical Rec popuUr rampenrtiumof experireenuiCkm* ino. J Griffin. NmOiEd: London. „av byu to th 4 prek by Jdhn F Tht L’ll 'v«4 in «w the ?k of Travels in Africa, from the earliest age krm time compiled trom the best autboritie [ro*t, LL I) ■ and Voyage* ,jf Cbmiopher Columbus, bv Jrvjng, (abridged l>v the romp.) inclodl** r» vi»it 10 Fttloa- w»)i a portrait. map and Ictorm! H;*ttr> of England. 1 I’rrciva!; Sythe author 01 “Gertrude, n (ben." Jh-. Edited hi Rev \V Sewell.B. tieiplc* of (Themlstry for the use ri Collect Is; t*y Bern. Sillnnati. Jr, M. A..of Yale co lege. iMore than illxi lUustrancnii; rtlijTORV-'of the diwoc-ry anti vettlemenl of the Vstlej? of kbc Mm»i«*ipp . bv to* three great European Powr-rs.Simin. France, and firrut Britain, and the »ab seqaeat occupation. *euletnmi and extension of civil government by the Knited State* until the year ISIG Uy Jnp \V. Moneite, M. 0. L apS UNIVERSITY LECTURES—A usim of ■«}>*ntlfie Lecture* will he delivered by PBOF.- STEP IKNS. in the Hall of the University,on Tuesday and Tharway evening*. rnmmetU'ing fue-day Kveu . ins. A(uil Iftib, at half-put seven o'clock. • _ The (course will consist of Ten Leetorrs on the most limponhnt subjects of Chemical Philosophy; embracing she and effects of Heat, Electricity. Magnetism, and obiter topics of Electrodynamics; the elements of /Maiicf, and their tnovt interesting compounds, k Ticlfeu tot the course, ailuiiuing a gentleman whb ladies tnay he obtained at tile Bookstorcsof C H Kay on "qoa atreet. andof KiltutrA Kngliih on Market it.’ RtfOO. ''•Tickets forsingle.'l«eeturea. Si<v*nw. ap*< GKO ITI'KfILD. D. D„ President llcsv Warehoiiu /or Prints Onlvit STYLES, 18*7. LEE, JVDSOX+ LEK, 0 st i ie ijiacious fife, story Wsrcbonse, No. 50 Co4se St., sliott of shirh isdrfoted to thcnhibilieo and sale of this sin*ls orttelt,) offrr for sale by the piece or lockage,[looo CASES of PRINTED CALICOES, cp#- prisjag allth* dtsinbie Mw_«tjrle*, aLktgs ; prbpbrbtt -a f wnirh hsjring been be five the lata rise jin the market, will be sold at U»* than, man uiacturtxs’ present pri Prinled list* of jtriccssec put ialotba haads of boyers. N B— 8 F LEL,ht( senior partner ia Ota eriraal unn of Lead- Brewiter, (from which he retired in 1B45) has joined tire arm of Ler and JuiLon, and solicits the patronage |nf his old friend) The business is coadtrud oredsr.the .firm of February S 3, lftt7-3nd»p - JEE. JCDSpy j- LEE. JUST RECEIVED af M A MINER’S- f Illustrated I lora—No ft. Jhe Violin withnufi master—fresh supply. ~ I Trench. Span sh and (icinmn witliout a master. I Fre*lt rtss.H’rnsnt of Dr .manrr.l Play*, among Which are William T>-'l, Konii-o nod Julici, Charles tire XII. and Da) ntt-rdie 'Wilding. A superior nrtek of Tm-uc Paper, assorted colors. For sale .in . M A MINER'S I ap7 Smithfielil st. 3d door from Sccdn’d TTfASTED SOON—Ptacesio warehouses malt V f and wholesale stores, on steamboat*, or snmnnse fulempfoyinentinoorcities, towns, or country aroonrt, fortnveral good book-lceje'rs. sale*men, agents, Iwemen. schoolmaster*, mecltanicol. furminr land laboring men. 1 Also, for rv number of boy* of.diflVretiv nges. Xlso. for a number of colored.rnori And woinea. bo' aaod girls. scTtralgoud cooks,housekeepers and girls for all work. All kinds of Agencies attended to promptly for ipoi crate charges. Please npply at IS AAC HARRIS’S , General Agencyand IntelligenceOffic'd *P» Fifth »l near F.xcbapgg Dank CLBRRBDIP 'WASTED— Fora Ud/romN York. 19 year* of age; a siiuai-on'm acme reaped* able Commercial Establishment in the city As ii is the desire of bi* rprrnts that be should acquire a soow ledge of bu»inr*». a small would only be requited for the Erst year. Reference may be bad to Rditof of Gaietle. • apgf , Second street PropertT* FOR sALK—A.valuai-le property aitnated on W between Wood and Alarkei containing 49 feet front, welliltnaied for a large public building, or *u*crptible of improvement .fpy tfiree pnTate ‘residence*. M '•>•1 ha sold low and on very term*. If ap plied for won. S CUTHBERT, General Agent ipg SO ?miiliCeld atreet Olaaolntion. . ‘ THE Parin*rahlp hercto-ore eiriturgbetween.Tho qiiW. Moore and Z. H.Costen, nnder tbeflrtnof T W. MOORE A Co. Bra-idocks 1 Field*, expired by limitation on fat 'Apr*!» 1817. AJ! person* Indebted to said firnr will please make immediate payment to T. \V Moore.who alone is authorized to receive lEe same. 1 ' T W MOOKK ap6d3t* -__ ■ _7i ,H COSTON.. I“KFOBMAfiOS of si -load «f Bulk ,Me»t. taken bv mi«t«Ko,or stolen;fVom tbo Whwt about, the (Otb of llkreh Inst Said load contained 5? pieces and wo brought here by steamer PaclEe. Any information respecting it wtU he thankfuily ie eeivod, and a towatd given. GEORGE D MILTENBB&GES - ; jNoBBwater street FOR BALE—a vain able Piupcrty e* Rota, uar 5* wtwkilag of. a *wo story Bnek House, with finished gamt and whoia is-wali arranged forcofafoitHndttonT*nleßCf: Price mods* rate and lanwuaaTi -' ' 1 QPTHBEftT,General Agent, hp 7 No 80 meat nr W« *>• flttto, A«cii«M*r '•'£* ukit goods. Monday iroraiof tie ISih lniunu.il 20 o'clock .a. x., will be sold—soextensive awortwetit of fteafa -ttl arris nni* firry dry totals. >« ... At 3 O'clock, Pi M. ■ -AUtxeaaK>nmat«f.new«adMevad Vrl k«uo held filra lore.-Mam*/wh«*'<Hjß «a>erfor*irht dsr dock tad cim, aebOfsay dr*s»iny‘boreeui, common do; I dozes .mahofsoj' chairs,’ t well-tfe«d mtbartnv' 'easrPlino-FWw; 1 “ nua biirh sad low post bedstead*. work «"<t ’wuh •tends, fener taS common chair*. mckioc eksin. era. dies, diain* card fcadbreskfut tables. Aieo.vCsrpetiflf, asurusee, beddlrc. ,loolrin*gl*»ees, ettovinr*, *la»sws«,-sw*tonrti*. » eaojpof stoves,-kheben Btensiuveosl ssd etcrelSjShf ebeitt V. H res. 5 bit Va-cssaalteUred" tobacco, wire •<.. I ■ • Al 7 o*Ctoek, p. u. ■ A handsome MSOitmeatof &net*blesa4 try, new sod secopd.hsod wsuhe*. a»ieit'a<r<f teats; ready-made noth in*, boots. tboea,ea»*, retsilMocfc of drygoods. &e n £«. wsipr, AdtfbCSQeopy. . ; . ON* Pr’dsv btomiof. the Bib tsstsat, si to o'clock sV’ ' ihe Commercial Sole* Boons, coiaer ot. Wood sod r FifUx streets, wUi be sold, witbom reserve. for seeeotip ' of whoa it may cooeenu iSessssPsrmsols, 9ea*hsdce '' and Piolettes, viz: . No US'ioaecuc 50 Foa'ard Silk Piokxtcs, is. do 50IndieSUfc, : do) 50 do 1(0 assorted. ” do; ' l 81 do 50 do, BJk Frißged: " 61 do 50 do do SuD»bsde«; 63 do ODFoolsrd SiikPsrrwKPtaksd;' 64 -do *cfiO assorted do do Fnayvd: UM do 60 rich .do do do; Si® do 21 fancy do Paraselenes; 217 .dof./xf 'do i" do -do •' Fringed; 218 sunen'or do do ~ptak edrvdi'- do • 40 -do do do : - do; WiU be ready fcrexsailnstloaod the7th inti. Terms • i **»»><>. . . - > ap7 '■* willjam a. hill & co., ■ B.ASKEB9, SZCRAStOK BHOKXIIfI ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATES A OF D D|pwrr|^JUNKNO*ES, *>’*«*■ *«** Sflwt, enrdaer ft*er< Son «*-», mchlg} PHtibarih, Ps. [dfcw? SOLE AGKZCCT FOR CCRRJER’3 PRINTsi -s,oooJmireceived. AleooakandKelJoftrfcTfcar* er’« Prints, and PbeJp’n Maps' and Chan*. . Merchants and Pedlars supplied at New York nnces ■ T KENNhDY,*., «P 9 ' corfiffand wood us LOOKING OliAltlM and MabocauT Looking Glasses, L. Q. Plates, Clocks. Combs, and a general assortment of Variety Godda—all -at lowest rates—at No <W,cornrr of 4th and srood streets. ■-■P9 “ cor .Market and Fomth >» THOMAS KEN'iNEDV, Jf . , RBAI* ESTATE MABKST- Petfou* •bent - pon-hating property, will find It lo their JmerMt to call anJ examine my KegUter for Beal Route before pure having. No trouble 10 abow.gooda or wrier iofijr i nation. - ' S CtmiBERT • } _ "P 3 No SOSmithßeld Brers TMIDIT.&c.-SOO bxi Mv*UJwnr, * JO hf In* M Rmiains Hnsn*« in Jars An drum* . afrajliDaw* . -lObjufioekCandy; 550b08. Tran.Gro. N'ul*; , 10 1>r!« Almond*; ( .»>l5 bales FilLr tu; j do K. WaluuUj 15 ..do Brazil NuU: jail . J recM and for »ale by ENGLISH 4 BENNETT* *f B v. No 37 wood meet AJSTKD—A few hundred to ft few ihoapatul tV dollai s to loan, for which the non aaiufactoiy •ecurily will lie Riven. Addrea* P. B, Ciaretle Ollier. ■|-SJ3iAwttF _ [Ctirgftp S-’PLEJDID CHERRY TREES—IK> large and choice Cherry-Trees, just received and will be ■old low. Persons wijshtog to supply themselveswould do noon at the teed store. corner Wood and ftbm • g' -apa,- 3 N WICKKRfiHAM N'AlltS— awkeganiwried Naii* for rale br j&tINNINGIUM ftBONNEItt ap6 • . 141 Liberty street DRY PEACHES—SO bushels for sale by CUNNINGHAM ft BONNER aptf _• 144 Liberty meet DRV APPIjKS—£OO bushels.forsale by CUNNINGHAM* BONNER a’pd . 144 Liberty street .. LOAN— fti,U«lbr one,ormore years, ou the ttqiured aecaiity being gives Enquire of ;iULL ft CURRY _agfl Wood »t. nen door to Eaglegaloort TCxebange on New York, khiladelphiarand Haiti - 1-4 more constantly for sale by HILL ft CURRY »p 6 wood st. nerl door to Kngle Saleon Currency of the Ohio Indiana, and .Kentucky Banks wanted at very lew rates of discount. HILL ft CURRY apfl Wood at, wen door to Engle Saloon ‘ Collections on Cincinnati. Louisville. St Louis end alt other accessible points in the .United State*, made on accommodating terms. HILL ft.CURRY ,apß Wood st. next doot to Eagle Saloon RIO COFFEE—IOO b*gs prime Green, in store bnd for sale by ENGLISH ft BENNETT . apO No 37 wood nrert. TOBACCO— dObr» fie, 3S*,and 12s pound Lamp, and 3and 10s Roll, of prime quality, just reeeired and for sale lew by ENGLISH ft BENNETT.- , ' c «pO • N 037 wood street i EAS—3ohf chests Y 11. Tea: 1 no cauy bj.G.P., Imp. and Y H.Tea; Reeeired and for sale by ENftlJStlft BENNETT j_ . : ‘ No 37 wood siree, TANNER’S OIL-It)bhlsTanner*s Oil for stle low by: - . ENGLISH ft HE> NEIT •pg ‘ ■ . No ST wood street TOBACCO— 40 kegs 8 Twisrto smn, for rale low br ENGLISH ft BE .NETT ai-g Nn 37 wood street MOXsASBBA-lSObblaN Oj. 50bb!»S Hi foraaJe low-by apC ENGLISH ft BENNETT,37-wood tt NO. SUGAR—4ohhds ineiore and fat sale jy • ap6 ENGLISH ft BENNETT, *7 wood st LOA«? SCOAJIr-SO btiU assorted Not; 1 ease double Rectified; 1 cues PowdemL 9 do Crashed: jin non had .ENGLISH 4 BENNETT JioPyoodstmt for aale low by »P« __ PIPB^— flQbxa White QajrPipea ■ | 1 43 bxa Sioao | <£>; • for jtaJe low by •P« ENGLISH k. BEXNET IV 37 wood a MKTAI.-lU>toa*No|* Foundry Metal, received per »tmr Swallow and for aalaby-: *l>B M ALLEGE.Co,4awatern T> LOOMS—StSpiecea received per r.mr Pacific and .Dforaele br 1 M ALLEN ACo ■ -• No4S water nmi SWEET CIDER— id bbts swret and prime, ic store and loraaJeby . . W.GItEER apfl . . cor water and sanhfield sts _ G LASH-80 bxs 8*10; 00 bxs 10x19; for saleby W GREER _ spO cor water and smithftcJdaia SCOTCH SNUFF—4i<O Ibf Ganeit’s, inn tec’d 5 aod for sale by J KIDD A Co •P 6 No W wood street DRY PEACHES—Ioo bos. prime jn«t received aad for sale r»y WICK A VcCANDLEPS •P® ' cor watef'and wood K* WHITE BEAN'S ■ fiO boa. small. ju*t received and for sale by WICK A MeCANDL^SS, _ _eor water and woodst* - ” DRk APPLES—S(O hut. jnst rec'd and for Vale by UTCK&MeCANDLESS cor wood, and water sit CIDER VINEGAR—SB bbls rec'd thfa day, for saleby apt ATWPOD.jJQNES A Co SOAP-100 b*» Cm. No i, in n»r« aud foroale'br —O BLXCKB.URN ACo cor water »i ml chcm tiler I?I«AIBKKD—Ju*t rrtelTed and tax ulebr r WICK A McCASDIXSa raehSS -; - w water and, wood «a /"'ILO bbU in ilore and tot tale by \S WICK A MeCANDLESS - corwiter ond wood at* : T AKD>II fere* landtag£roaatarM&U(iaVfor»aie JLlby . t p7 J DALrELL,B4-«l*r»t 3 ACOfll—jm>W* H&m*, Biota *iia ai»uuiaor» rcceii ■J tag fanaSmokehoM* anJforiiJe by _V‘ J JORDAN k Boy, fa Litany M 17E&LKRI— 4 for tile br •• IV 8 F.VOJI BONNUORSTtCo NoSSFreom TO CAIIPEIfTB rtctiiri! for ul a tosh lot or Union Facto*} Phaosr'ii No £8 Weed. ittatt- >• (mehSJ] JOHN WALKER JKRBISV PK&OU Teecited O from New Jency ingood Orter, and fer iolo kwrai' tbe Pm*l>nrjb teed sun, comet wood and «ib «*.-• FORWARD * QWARTZWKLDKMV Atu>r> L * w ib*'** removedUeir«Re*(dike moUi n«e or rotmh Cherry AMey and Otw ; i i apbif T 5 1* OO H ft—CO) pie om S tw it la- Bldoo*, an'owuico-. AJ tntnl »ad<bf by *- . ,-j . • ; j i C A McaWULTV & Co. etail btiinj SAL. BODA— I cask Juirec'd aodfer ut« by i JOHN D MORGAN, Dranm : JfPJj ; • •- • . U3| T f wood t wet T mCOaiOK BALL—L ci«e Ismail nicks, J-T received andibrsalclow.bT «pg JDMQROAN GLGI£_3OU lbs No L warranted good, fcr'saU far apH • , - JDMOKOAN GUV CAfItPHIRB-aKnbs Refined, for sale by J D MORGAN ~ ■ \<f AONKSIA.—3 caics Calcined for rale by IVA.sp9 J;P SIQeOAN \i) CARBO YS Sulphuric, Muriatic sad Nitrons . 14* Acids, rrctlved and for »a]e low by ■ - ■pb _ ~ JID-MORO AN, DEFINED LlQUORlCE—A.»uperierani4r, Ia received end for sale low by , »p 9 3 D MORGAN CYUM OPIUM—New Crop sod pare;ra*ei*ed sad t fox sale br • apS J;D MORGAN - : 4 ,f No t Font-dry, turfing (iota <aat IVI EorefcOand for isle br j ■pfl ' M aLLEN fc Co.4iw*ltr drert SPICK*— 5 bags Pimento; lO.btgs IVprfrr, Ifikefs Oro.OieterV-- Sktft pro Pimento; lObxi do Pepper; Sbxs do 1 Clove*; 6Li is do Ciansnos; Sbxs do Oiascr 10 cam do Miming 1 Urd Nsiam - . ... I bbl Cloves; *. 200 mils Catsi*: ' la flora and foraalo by- ( KNGU3U A BENNETT . »P ? . ' . 37 wood street GVNDttl**-39ctiei P?pper **■<*,! O Hi cases Tomato Catsups; ft casts Salad Oil; ' 40 cant Sardines* ' ” desses Gorkins In gallon and half gallon Jar* la store mad for sals. ENGLISH A BeNNUTT *P 7 •'' '' ' - ■rP woodsttsei. rINUIEVT—SQ ft on Allen's Nerve and Boas j Unlmept, Jan rac'd and lor sale si the Drag win* fcooseof b~a Fahnestock aCo ■ ,•1" , cor Ist and wood at* ~ QO£P—i boxes Hall ASoo’s Variegated Sospl Jan O recM and for sale. by , R E SELLERS ntehai . ; Noy?sroodw_ .: bbl»Fl«x«r<Hbr faVbT__ R RJSBLtIM Sarsaparilla-1 b»ieV«rmCr*»je*»«^ Arniebr RESELLERS L mrh3l ' ' NoSyaadt**^ FOR SALE—A good two ‘S*^* _ Mt Ward, -««u «mmd for •wall teatfr- Ptiaw woo. ' 9 CUTHSERT,G«a*i*IAf*BS ap7 1 So soSaiiUUld wan ?| Salts ?r»eopf ad charge ihi« Office. \Y GREER . cor yajcr and amiih&eJd «u SNWICKEKSHAM SSttrrcea Rie*j •. 83 bbl* Loaf Sugar; 9 ReMwatern '’Csssssacsssfi^^L r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers