The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 08, 1847, Image 4

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. Christian Advocatg^igß
firom Arkans*s.V
JEfcoxctcx—-A H*ro-~The CktroJte&rr
Inveniort/fith* Cherokee Alphabet,
There are some fine looking mep
among the Chickasawa—tall, and
well proportioned, With a mild, open, acid
intelligent countenance. The beat form
ad Indiana I hare yet .seen [were Oaages,
and they fully realized ail my conceptions
of Indian dignity of proportion and de
meanor. | ' ’
As I have said before, the Chickasaws
have no written history. Bnt tradition
tells that many years ago, when they en
joyed the fnli possession of their beauti
ful country, they defeated the Creeps in
a pitched battle, and thm one squaw, for
her heroic bearing, was elevated to the
rank of warrior. |
One of the most celebrated men of
their nation was a chief.commonly call-;
ed Emubbe. His name Was Pasb-e
-wash-e-tnbby-mirigo. He was a genius
and a hero. Taking a dumber of his
warriors, he would striko fipr the Rocky
Mountains, make war upon the terrible
Black-feet, invest their villages, plunder
their property, and defeat them by his
sagacity and valor in almost every battle.
Tho Crows, the most predatory of allelic
Indian tribes/ also felt his prowess ; and
in one of his sallies upon the warlike
Pawnees he captured a beautiful girl,
herself- a captive, whom be afterwards
made his wif<|. His wonderful know
ledge of the country, of the course of ev
ery river, of tho mountain passes, amd of
all the natural localities of (rave
him a decidedi superiority in every rna-
I Hunting one! day,"he bv
a largo party of Pawnees, who obliged
Mb* to take refuge in a defile -W the
mountains. He was cooped up here for
•paren days, and suffered tho utmost rig*
brs of famine. It took all an Indian’s
jioul to stand the trial, but he was firm.
?At last 4on the seventh day he saw a
large rujtore rise precipitately and lly
' away. He told his warriors his ene
mies were going. It was so, and be es
This noble minded and brave warrior
was basely shot through the heart with
a rifle ball? by a white man, while advo
cating the rights of his nation.
The Cherokees are an industrious qnd'
intelligent people. • in riding through
thefr. nation, one is surprised to see the
bouses, the saw-mi Is, the salt-works,,
and othprimproveme us, indicating a-civ
ilized, and rapidly improving race. A
question is asked, the reply is in readv
English. They appeared to be content
ed, and happy, and industrious—the men
intelligent, the women handsome and vir
tuous.- There is a mission school at.
Dwight, a very beautiful place bn tbel
Arkansas* river. There the young of
both sexes are well educated, and vou
will find few Cherokees who cannot read
and write. j
They have a written language, and a
beau iful one-—hard to pronounce by for
eign! rs, but full of sweetness and mean
ing ;o themselves. The invention of
their alphabet—the formation of a lan
guage out of chaos and confusion—was
■effected hy the self-taught energies of a
native Cherokee. A man without' any'
education whatsoever, and unable to
apeak a word of any tongue save his
own, by the dint of perserering genius/
invents letters whereby to write bis na
tive language.’" Without a plan, without
any assistance, in the midst of difficulties,
through the contumely of tribe,
‘>and worse than all, that of his own fam
ily, be perseveres until his labors are
crowned with proud success. now
lives to see the blessed effects of his in
genuity—a people revolutionized, and so
cialized, and enlightened by. his meaos,
and enjoying the unrivalled advantages
of letters. Cadmur was immortalized by
bringing sixteen letters into Greece, but
George Guess, or Suf-quejah, -invented
cighly-fivp for thr Cherokees. <
It is said of him, while engaged in the
formation of his alphabet, and before he
had completed half of it, that he bad ex
hausled all tbo designs, and shapes, and
combinations of which he was 1 / master.
In meditating on some . figures,
whilst walking in the woods one day, he
casually found an tiid newspaper. The
new variety of characters struck him ns
exacily adapted to his purpose, and he
immediate!vjtdopted many of thi Roman
capttil*, inverting iome and reversing
others, and thus he jnished.his alphabet.
Hts work completed, Susquejah found
considerable difficulty in prevailing with
any one to learn it But na*one in {be
w;fy>le round of his acquaintance would
attempt it, and he had to commence with
his youngest daughter. Even here the
whole force of parental affection'and au
thority were called Unto requisition be
fore be succeeded.! When he thought
she had learned it sufficiently well,
called a council of the chiefs and neigh
bors, in order that they might judge for
themselves. -Ho and his daughter were
accordingly placed jin different apart
ments', and then writing a few lines to
her, the Indians were surprised to hear
the very same things which were told
them by the fatheir instantly interpreted
by the daughtor. The 1 thing gained,
ground; the Indians 1 found that the se
cret of tho mysterious “speaking leif”
was no longer bidden from them, md
•their national pride was gratified by hav
ing a language of own.
• The inventor receives $4OO
las aoUnnuity from the Government/a
I sum no way proportioned -to his merits.
[Susquejah is yot living, and is much re
spected by both his whitO'Snd red neigh
i The Cherokee men - of the more }n
jtelligent sort dress similar :o the white
people ; but the women, always rocire
in that important particular.'
»sUll retain a few of their national peep
lUritit s, such as the wearing of beads,
the uso of the bright .silk handkerchief
lied round tho head, a beautiful arid
even Usteful manner. ’Some of tho fe
males of mixed blood will, vie in eoler
jdnd in countenance With'the fairest Ci -
icassiaji. . Tho deep black eyes; and ha r
of & sii!l deeper jet give them an enga -
ging aspect, while th i soft tinge upon the
cheek ipparu a blocra unacquired in the
more voluptuous reg ons of the South.
Little Hock, Marc
| Deaths in Co t
■ There were 174 < <
lishment from Sumlf;
aive. Sunday 27t)i ir
deaths; Monday, 18;
neaday, 25; Thursday
Saturday, Sunday
y 1
bitted German pbyaieian, t|
epethy, baa recently been yi
before a court of ju*ti» if
practiced, sUennlly r me<Jicin<
mi fined 100 franca, and i. r .
char* inganjthing for berj.aer
conentring with a licenved yjbyci
O ope*. * few.pisce* ■opirior'
tree, eery gloaayl . ' I
Atao. Clerk Alpaca* of eTen| qat
to fioe«i, und verj'dow’ for quality.
Alto- Iliac*’. Boiohazinra. Entlich.
J*arib Klack. ‘ |
AiKJ P Rlack Ma»<jn tie Wool
. Aleo, a largo a«*orto»eot of pfam wiped. fig&xeU .
araaired Clack t*iLkr, at tbe dry. good! boss* of
aps '1 XK cor ttaand Wa’kel at.
• C7**Conatry‘Mereham» buying fbrCaab, anil plei
take p look at tko large and atoek. Joat recciv
a uh room*, up—entrance frani Gom <tk at.
t- • *
jnPttK' ihisLin*
Ardll twaWrt ruaartwon or about the tW» fount,
aodeoatfaae ihrMgbocn the kiul Tie proprietor*
bare now placed a aspchor eJass of Packets tod RatJ
road Can oa the mate, with extra accommodations,'
which will gir* grtater comfort 10 travelers.
A Packet Boat will always be in port, and tho imr*
eliog pbMie are requeued to. call and examine theta,'
prcnouio eonginr passage eltewbete.
of the Packets will leave the ludt&g, (opposite
oijed StateslloUlJ comer Pena strt«l and;the
jal.etfery nightatqo’ctock..
'• ’ ' 3i days.
For information apply at the o&ee. Mononrahela
House, ttaiertimt.orio ■> D LEECH ACo
eor Penn street and Canal
Philadelphia, Baltimore and new yoke
THE *;ock of tilt* line consists of a double daily
Line ol RoWta jaod Cars, {owned t.y ihrtnst-lrei)
which are in good order Tbe subscriber* are prepa
id to forward a Urge quannty of Merchandise
Produce w ib certainty and dispettb:
J Produce or Merchandise consigned 10 any of lie un
dersigned. is forwarded free ol 'any ehatge for eomtais
•. kion omtorage.
inm*mnW and all msinirtioßt promptly
The business of this Ihae is conducted on atrietly
abliaih-kceping principles Addreaa, or apply to
I> LEECH A Cii. Proprietors.'
f Canal Batin. Pittsburgh'
11 ARRI 3.& LEECH, Proprietor*.
No V) South Thud Street. Pbilauelphia
No 114 North Howard siren. Baltimore
■ I W H WILSON, Agent.
inubtS. No ? W.cltt streeuN'cw York
1847. jgjgfgsffl
't’OK ihc transportation of Freight between Pittsburgh*
r xndtthe Adamic Cittct. avoiding transhipments on
l|e way, and the consequent rink of delay, damage,
bjraaksge and sepataiionof goods
II Proprietor*
I .NoMarket street. Philadelphia
Cor I**an and. Wayne m», Pittsburgh
JO'CON.NoR A Co, North,street, Baltimore I
WA J TTAPSCUTT, 75South »i. N. Y. J A * ea *fr
| Encouraged by mcrea«ed business the Proprietor*
bare added to tJteirstock-aod extended their arrange,
ilbents cjurtog the winter, and are not* prepared to tor*
waid ire g .1 wuh rrtulariiy aiul dispatch unsurpassed
by any otner line Their long experience as carrier*,
tic pslpaMe superiority of tbe Portable Boat patera,
am! the great capacity and convenience of the ware
houses at each end of the line, are peculiarly calcula
ted i>« enable the proprietors to fulfil their engagements
and aeeotnmooitetbeii rustomcn—confidentlvoffenn*
;tne past a* a guaranty for the future, they respectfully
>oiieu a continuance of that patronage%hteh they now
jgrs’efull) acknowledge.
' All eon«’gnm*nt* to TaalTe A O'Connor will be rre'd
land forwarded Steamboat charges paid ar.d Bills'oi
Lading tran«iutt>rd free of any charge for Commission,
advancing or storage Having no interest directly or
udirectly in steamboats, tbe (merest of the consignors
Eu« necessarily be their primaty object in shipping
esi and they pledge themselves to forward all goods
consigned to them promptly and on the mosuadvanta-*
geous terms to tbe owners.
; March 1. 1547 rairt j
184 7.
f Tran*nirtneni.-/~TI
Go«!»lcOn«ignetl tnnurrsre will be| forwarded with
out ibe lowest current rates. Bill* of Lading
and all instruction* promptly attended to.
tree from any extra charge for storage, or commission
Addrri«-,orapply to C A McAMJLTYACo
Having a very largo' and commodious warehouse,
v« are prepared to receive (in addition to freight! for
shipment) a large amount of Produce, lie., on Storodeat
tow rates. l«nart>l C A McANULTV AC4
I S 4 7,
EXCLUSIVELY for the transportation ot \S;Ay
FREIGHT, between Pittsburgh, BtainviMe, Johns
town, HoUidaysburgb. Water Street, 'Petersburgh iaud
alt in'riraedtate place* •’
One Doit wi{t leave the warebovae of C A iUcAnatty
4 Co . Pmilintfrb, every day. [except Sunday*.) and
tlxppertcan always urpend on baTin* their goodtjor
warded wnhoat delay mod at fair rate*. u
Th:» wm formed tor thr '-eial occomtnodo’
- >ui me fp»cial accommodation
ol tbe-way bu*itit-»t, and ihr proprietor* respectfully
•obeit a liberal share of patronage.
JOHN ’MILLER. HolJidaysburgh 1
.X H CANAN John«Uiwn ( Agents
C A MeANULTV A Co. Pittsburgh)
J J McDevitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Carol ry
A Smith. Pittsburgh rn»>6
USK BKTE - isi) BlCUllilK LI.MS.
. 1647.
'l’lllS Line being composed of Steamboats Lake Erie
J and Michigan, running daily l'.iuborch
a-.d Beaver, au.f, bright ami . . Canal ifoaV..]in(.briweefl Ucavrr 4>.. * ..d With
O M Heed'* Line of Sica,.- ..... t ~r ! ler» and v£»*eU
on Uie Lake*, will be prepar .1 opoji the earliest open
«ng of Navigation lo carry Freight and Pu K ii|rr. to
all pomuoa ibe River. Catul and Lakes.
Having every facility for conveying freight and pas
with promptness and dispatch, the proprietor
and; agents respectfully solicit from their friends and
he public generally their patronage.
CM REED, Erie. Proprietor
, REEW, PA(t K 8 h 6j, Stsrer, Arw
JOHN A CAUGHEY, Pitiab'gb do
Coi. Sixuth&rid and Water u. opposite the Mononga
gabeia House
irrin to
Wheeler,Crocker4 Co, New York
Geo Dan*, Buffalo
K N Parka 4 Co, Cleveland
; Ja* A Armstrong A Co, Detroit
, McClure 4 Wiliiam*. Miiw&ukic
H'jsiol 4 Porter, Chicago
Win' Power*, Powemown. Penna
i Geo Macbeiimyre, Kvan«i<argh. Penna
John Me Arthut, Hunutown, do
'Vick 4 Acker, Greenville, do
Craig 4 Frarapton. Clarksville, do
Maya 4 Plumb. Mharpabatgb, Pi_
| 'V C .Muiijii, J*haron. do
j H W Cunningham New Castle, do rnar£
rtfeiffara iS47. jisumma
POK . Kn >*POHTING M bKUnAA iriSt, l*“
tween Pittsburgh and the eastern
HE improved methodof carrying uaed by* ibia lohg
Established Line, la now ao well known that de
ion ia unnecessary. Good* are not touched on the
that alt transhipment orextra handling ia saved
Boats are of light draught and perform their trip*
n »ii to aeven days.
capacity of oor Warehouse* enable* o* to atom
mairnmemk made too*. Receiving,storing, and
eea free of [charge*
ig fully prepared to make aalea of Produce, we
[trolly aoliCit consignment* of 'western Flour,
L Lard Batter, Cheese, WoolFeather*, and bther
1* tor tale, [on which hberatiadrancei will he
and other shoal facilities afforded, pledging our-
Uhai any tosinea* entrusted to o< ahall lie aa
ily cxecaicd and upon a* fair Una* a* by any
iuae. 1 • JNO McFADDEN ACo
. Canal Baaio, Piitaborgh
tf: ; 349 and 231 BJarket at, Pkilada
"i J. S.
'ibdisg k coanisuoii bebcbakt,
>aat Bauer Point and Bridgewater,
bejiteb eotnrrr, pa,,
!_ Proprietor and Agtm of gleamen
lETILL bepiepared on earlieitopeniogofcanal hav
»f igation to receive property at hla wharf boat or
In waretoa»e,.for all point* on Brie Kattn«lon, Crow
Cut, and Onto Cahafa; lor at) portion Lake Krie and
ipper Lake*. aaaUo to forward produce, Pean’a.
Improvement*. Apply to or addreaa
IchSl-dtf 3AH HICKFY, Beaver
1846.- fiaißil
T. It eJuoond k. Co.
Forwarding fc Comnxltxloa Hcrehun.
TIIE/Arqu and Pronrietors of this Line (ho favor*
aid? knows to the public),wUFbe prepared on the
earlier opening of canal navigation to'receivoprop
eny at [‘ituboreu and Heaver, and deliver the same at
any piston the Ohio canals, and alaoon Lakes Erie
and Mi :higan, with the greatest despatch and at reas
onable rales.
The proprietors of this line solicit the holiness, of
their funner customer* with cohfidencej'ilDOwfng that
liieir fit Millie* are second to none. C ■
ApplV to eraddres* ,r ; . ,i
O M HARTON. Agti Pillsbnrgb.
CLARKK i Co, BtitTtr, : ; .
T RICHMOND ft Cr C Wland.
TIIR lioa men’s Poitable Dost Company being dia
rolrrd/ thb Company again went into articles of Co
partnership under the name of the “Boatmen's Line,-*
and likewise agreed to refit the.tftock so as to base a
number of Boats for the purpose of carrying goods
■hfnuKh in from six to eigbtdtys,' with ceyteinijr—arid
■i be libcratijy' of last year’, pairoo
xtensive arrangements for the ea
lore respectfully solicit a eonunu
latrons.and refer all new enstoroer*
ne busines* for.
C. I.
, 1847.
is in this estal ■
i Sunday inch
there were 2
»sday, 8; Wed
5;; Friday, 20 j
■ . Portbe trantpotiation of
*tl KIRDt or kcKcbarduk, to ap*d krou
PaiLiDitrnt*, B»LrotoEK, N*wr You. a*d Botres.
Z Corner Libeitr aueet and Canal Bann. Pittsburgh
■ ELDER, GKLSTON 4 Co, Agent*.
a«rTn??i U 5 < n , ~i»“' Ca,l >* G «»- Morgan A Co.
? A SamwonA Co. M Allen ACo.
PHILaDELI HI A—Morn* Patirr« o a Cj, Rrruold*
McFarland A Co, Fleming A Iluil.y. p clcr WrirH'i *
Son. jjßi«pham, Joaepb uraii. * *’ '
.' NF.VV YORK—Goodhue 4 CojTbeo, Perry 4 Co
BOjm>N~Rood.lion) ACo w
CINCINNATI—Adam* 4 Create W W Scarbor
oorb. I I
NotjS-AU merchondine (rota New York and Bojion,
con*jgiifed |to A L Gerhart 4 Co, Philadelphia, will be
promptly forwarded frm of commitston. feb|3
‘ -i 1 XEECH * CO*
. Padkage Eipreii to Pblladil).hla >
■ ' 1 gar tow Tll&Conal being now open, the
Expre** l which baa beenca
*o» (M conveyance of valuable package*of
ipa, apecie, bank notea, jewelry, 4e , corn*
inning on Tfcmday, Mareh IS.
'paw will be dlrpttched daily until the eloae
Widow of tbe eele
icTeolor of Homcri
*cGted tod broajbl
fjriDce for htTinJ
id pbtrm»cy. Bh|
ep»e*, lboash ney<
rxicei tod
ttcitn. I
ittSTIUCB No w
plack Mohair I.i».
jslify,' from eonun ia
iand Ftench. of m
’■{ .psr
Wsg^^ 7.;
Abo rartSutr .
,»ailv ptstijr/- ~
fpHIS areß knows and popattr Line of Steamer* bat
L been greatlrnoplDTCd UK. pArt Winter, Ity tbd ad •
diUOA several ,new and magnifireru boats, buDt
'expressly' fn The PatkeiXtne; and-threnirre line is
wow cuoq>oaed of rugtu of the largest, beat finished ami
furnished, and most powerful boau on the Waietsef
' the West, Hrery*aeeommodaiioß that money-will pro
'> one hah bigeapsoTidedfor Paiycncera. aodnopaint
wilt bp Spated lo reader them comfortable anil the trips
- agreeable. -They leavePituburghand Cincinnati daily
.aadpdwuTclriUoo’clock, A.hj. , .
.The MONONGAHELA, Capu will leave J’itts-
every Monday morning at |Q o'clock; Wheeling
every Monday evening at 10 P. M ; and Cincinnau'e*-
ery Thursday at 10 o'eloek. A, M. •
The IHBERNIa, NO. 3, CapcV. Klintftlttr. will
leave Pittsburgh every Tact day morning at lOo'clyrk;
Wheeling every Tue*dav evening, at 10 P. M; and
Cincinnati every Priday at 10 o'clock; A. M.
Tie NEW ENGLAND, N 0.3, Cap!. 3, Daw/wilt
leave PiiuUurch every Wednesday morning i at 111
o'cloek;'-Whee(mg evety Wednesday evening at 10 p.
M ; and Cincinnati every Saturday at 10o'clock; A. M.
The WISCONSIN. Cupt. R J Grow, will leave Ptiu
burgh every Thursday morning at lOo'chsckt Whrehojf
every Thursday evmin* at 10 P. M ; and Cincinnati
every Sunday at 10 o'eloek, A W I
Thi CIJP f I’ER, NO. 3, C« r L CrooJj,will IrnVePiiL*-
lurgn every' Friday morning at to o'clock: Whexhug
rverjf Friday evening at 10 p. M.; and Cincinnati c*enr
Monday a“t lOoVlock, A. M . 1 \
Tht .MESSENGER, Cant- IJnfitJ, will U-ave Puts'
burgh every Saturday muffling at lOo'eloek: Wheeling
eyerV* Saturday evening at Id P. M.; and Cincinnati
eyerj- Tuesday ai lOo'dlock. A M.
Thjt ISAAC NEWtro.N, Capt A G. lfapn, wilt
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at ID o'clock;
Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 I* and Cm
cuifliii every Wednesday at tOo’cloek.jA SI.
Packets will be aubeir bertha at Pittsburgh
and Gticinoati. regolarlv, the‘day pretioa* t« ifabmg
enclijport, for the reception of freight, attd entry of Pas
**ng;r»on the Regitter. I
Nc Berth or State Room considered engaged until paid
for, j _ _fe|is
Time lo Katnnutre r -V • *ll2 hutur. Philadelphia t - . --<0 “
{Only 71 Miles Stsging.)
THE ‘plrndid and fait running steatnet*Consul, («,!•
it Mcl.ane and Swatara, have commenced making
double daily trips. One boatNvili leave the Mnnougn
bela every morning precisely, at 9 o'clock; —
Passenger* by ih • morning line wiilairive irtßulnmore
n»xt *vcDing m time for the Philadelphia Mail Boai.or
Rad-Road ears. The evening Boat will leave the
wharf daily at 4 o'clock, except Sundays. Passengers
by this boat will lodge on board, in comfortable state
rooms! icavr Urowiunile next morping at 6 o'clock;
cross ine mountains Jnday light; sup and lodge in Cum
beilaild. Thus avoiding mglil iravetoltogether. The
prepaiatinni on ibistoaie are ample, anil the nnnsetion
complete; sorhardisappotntinenis or delays wul be un
know, upon it.
Passenger* can s'lop on the route and resume their
•eat* again at pleasure, and have choice of Rail Rood
or Siehmboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia
Coihiie* chartered lo parties to travel as tbtt dcsirry
Secbte Sour tickets at the office. Monongahela House,
or St Ifburles Hotel, J MEBKiMEN
. feb|h
Canal Busin, Pittsburgh
Tlf ondcraijened arc now prepared lo forward pro*
dtire.&c.u tbe Eastern Market* daring tbe rn*a
,nS 'y inter, on tbe reoai favorable term*, by [hit exp**
dii’out route, j. ,
All property eatuigned ton* will to forwarded a; the
lowest rate* and with despatch.
Mrirhandiw received by thi* iboto promptly ifor
warded J C BIDWELL. A^.Pm.bnlrxb.
ti W CAJjS. BrowntvilJe.
j F- A Co, CumbertaAd
A!,D 1847
THE sabecnbera will receipt tor the delivery of Pro
duce to Baltimore by the Menongahela Slackwater
: at the following price*.—
A*he*. Bacon. Hmt-r, Lead. Lard. Pork. Tallow,
Whitkcj'.Cbeeae. ard Glass—K7J eU perltxilhs.
Tobacco. and Wheat—W ct» per lOU |h*.
Ashes. (Pot) Apple*. Chee«e, Flax-Seed. Ulan, and
Leaiber—lo6 eu perIQD tbs |
Oil*, Sfctns.jSerds. Wool—llo et« per 100 lb*.
Beeswax. Feather*. Fur*. Umaenr. and Snake-Root
—IW ci* per I (JO lb*.
All property conaigned to either of the tmderaigned
will be forwarded without delay, free pf Coaunmion,
at above rate*. W II CLARK. lirownsT.llr.
lIANNA ft WATERMAN. Pittsburgh.
t n rira~ la THE Steamboat HARLEM re) sued
; and refitted to handsome style and
now at the Monongahela whart A»
«he it improvedtbe lewelladaived for
carrying freight and passengers; or for lowing; ha*
grekt capacity and power. Any person dupot d to
purchase will ofcourac inspect her
I a!*o propose to tense, foroae or more year* mj tool
mrrfa; and io a raanof energy end htuiness habit* they
offeT great advantages. I enn famish (he lessee, either
on aale or charter, my tow boat ■‘MINER.’'.He can
alao have on fair tern* aix barge*, three flat*, and ■wo
coal bottoms, six toe n ear* wnii ropes, fixture*. ft<
made for full operation*. An examination oft he e v
Übliahment ta meited. Persona disposed to negotiate
with me in reference to any of the above particular >
may address tec at nry Offiee in Sioarfa Batldut. a 4s
street. Piusuurgbjorat Harlem, nearMonouxahel. rut
<u»r» THQS. jll. kZIRD
'■enlt-rto eome hit
S UW well'
tied tmck of
lie and fancy foie
Chaffin* else
ire,;,!* he lit*
i p> offer lo
net* at very
j>rf&a. »
,>«;£ (Jemle,
► Toil marie
i*‘v-.«U nilrr
i»jt) rawer*,
idJ*ei every
iftacw and
taj'Js ctn, at
< yi£.irourage
recrtjieil once
- . -T- on the pro£erW be now
occupies) in Beaver street, ! imoiediatelft fi*sit« , r the
I’resbyteriaii Church. From ihe lon* tn the'
above business and n desire to please. he MojUvs to mer*
it and receive a share of public patronage!' :')A
Now on hand and finishing to order, Roejskivyay Bag.
ric*. open o.ttl top Doggie*, nnd every ci»4eSipiioh of
Carriage* made to order, from scvemy-five.tfollarii to 1
eiirtithuntret. t«p3-difl JOHN WWTH
[Near the Upper Bridge, Allegheny fcjtgj 1
THE proprietors of the Star Cotton
full) Jntonn the public thatlhey are ttowip'sucirk*.
fill operation. Having employed the rervieci of (». W.
Barnes us Manager, who has had an erpdrtieilee of-1-2
years In the principal lactone* of Allegheny City. 1
they would inform Merchants and Oealcm.-iti general
that thiy will. always have on hand *upjpf)br Coliob
Yarn* of mI7 Noe., Bailings, Warps, and Itrowit, Muslim
of superior make. ?f fc.Oo
N. C.—Order* teA at the' ATII, or at the«|Brt of Jtfy-,
er*. Ilahter k. Co., IS? Liberty street, -yri!l bfr hrOniptiy!
atteftdcdlo. . mchUidOm N. Co '
Copartnership. ,
WK, the undersigned. l , have e.nteted ini# jGfpanner
ship, for the ipurpoae of transacting,
Commission and Forwardingbustnes*, underitbe style*
of oacn, BUOKEW 4 COH'3
and have taken the warehouse, No B CoiMnkrhHl Row,
Liberty! street, formerly oecnpied try My. tV JUi’uity
where all bosinesa entrusted to oar be
promptly and faithfully attended to. . -'J; .
MORRIS ORUM, formerly of Phj'tattfifpbm
THOS IJMiGRBW. '< finutMU d, Ohio
Pittsburgh. Marelt 55, H 47. •'i^mchvJ
l Panstty Oroeartea. vV r
OUT U WEST Corner hf Bntithfield arid Pront ra,
opjvmite the Monongakela House—Keep| always
* rn l . ***i e, T of Family Groceries, which be
lowing i rtic^e* o, — < ° r C **^ : amonsM w * atethefol
-Coffcesi Ofls;/-
X efc *> Boap*; v
Bogan: Nsu: •
cot Peon at ud C«ul
l£s&m 1847.
| !
Philadelphia, BaliUort, Rew York
tad Boston.
TH K (encouragement lh : s line has received since
its commencement, hu induced the proprie
tors tu increase the slock by adding a number ol first
das* boats; and instead ofgiring receipts as hereto
fore ‘aa agenu. we will give our own receipts for
freight shipped by this hue. ... ...
The poaU are ail portable, consequently freight
is taken itbe whole distance without transhipment,
thereby preventing damage froju frequent handling
on the route, and as each boat is owned by the
Ceptsfh jwho runs them, which is ■ sufficient guar
antee thj«t there will be no delay on the route?
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the
undersigned will be forwarded FREK OF COM
MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and mf
be shipped without delay at the lowest rates ol
IreighlJ |
VVe respectfully solicit ■ share of public patro
nage. • WALLINGFORD & Co 4
1 ('anal Basin, Pittsburgh.
; CRAIG, BELLAS & Co.. Agt.
I I - Broad Street, Philadelphia.
Bowley’s Wharf, Baltimore.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18. t 847.
IS4IJ 1847"
• -iFLASTCB. ! •
T\fUBHERJ!AN ha. dncoTcnid • vrayfo make mrdicin*
X/-- , yfeai»at, to that children will take ft readily and cry for
'nfn, S«that bt»/cejimiit n aroond each bos of Loau-
P*» a tot ofTooOvrwte oa (Lc’lack of tub' Platter, and no
cadi Bill of Direetwuli .. i.
Tbtte Lwzngea art the iaJoi t s»ikl*urY and tfleeiuid rest
lor cough., rufdi, cou.atnptians'wEuopiriE rough*, B.lh”
«sj tighttirtv of the lung, or chr*t,ete, elc. 'fhe proprietor
bit otter known u ioifopct tenure iL*j did not give jieiffct
mlufoction. Herval Urutuand' beat*l,a>r told wifhiu
tho.laat year, re.turing to health pernio. io ilwUr«r} »uge
of£uQiumption,aiid thoie laboring under lh« njutCdulrt nu,,;
cold, and rough*. They do act cheek and dryjup 'Ujcchujli,
but render iteaiy, ecjieetoriti.Ki, nib.) .the'tick ling cr
irrituico, and remote the provtmate or tiCiiiui cause.—
They » rc Bud* from a rwinbiuaium «f a oioti taloS,|» time
forint, or rough medicine, and are litiduubledly .ujwrnr to
every thing io u*e for thow rnraplalaU. Hundred. own hun
drtdt DfrertifiraU. have been offered of their Woujtrfal rjr
lure, from tliote who hate been ured from an untimely grai e.
Ud rtttorrd to perfect health by wing them.
* Where there u much pain in ll.r brrait or«ide',nne ofSi.rr
naz>;« Poor Man'. Platter, (price only I'Jl ceuU,) ihould be
applied «»tr the fart,land w.f.u till reliered. If aitraued
‘with rcKttirnen, a frwWtliartie ur lasaHie lurrere., or anj
mild cathartic medieiorj .houlJ be u»rd a. occaan o repair*-,
Them worm turner, bare been proved in more than I -UX)
OMeauatobeii, fallible; the only certain worm dectruyine
medicineevrrductnrrtd Man) diwaMaaroc* liomwormc
and aecathQi long ami interne.offering, and rem death, witf,
OtU, their etrr being .u.pcrted; grown perwiiia are very oftm
affllelrd with theta, and are ducwrud for vanco. cmnlaiot.
wtiholit any lei,.til; when one Own of thee Lnzenct. w..uiJ
•yerdily curt them.
slwp:omt-J ircm in the juiali cr limbs offrn
uec breath, p.rkitig at the owe,grinding of the teeth Junta;
.Wp.and «t tin,. . a jwi. about the lip,,will. Qu.lrtd cheek,
Utedmgat the now, a gnaw mg wnhtiuo at Die .tuaaeh, tluh
e * “* heat orrr i,.e .urtVroiih, body, .light chill. or .hi,
•EM'S*, headache, Jrowunrw, tertt- u , torpor. di»turbej
dreams auddea ilariiu- in ileep, with fright and
Mcacumr, a iroubltwnae rough, fcreri.hntM, thirtt, nalhiJ
hue, fit., bad taste in the mouth, difßcull breathing, loin in
the atouivh or bowel., Ltigoe, nauwa, wtam,»hti»w ,ora
ciocu appetite, leauaew, bloated .tomaeh or hmbi.
.booting jvam. iu unoui pdrie ofthe body, a .mac of wme
■ Ling ruing in the throat, itching; niche allui toward, inght a
f«c|uent dime ip m*i Mmcthing from lh. bowels and time
ustr. diwharge. of tlnne »n<t mticui
They gicr immediate relief In nertom or lick htadaeue,
falpdaaot ofthe heart, lonucuof the .pint., drifxcdei.ev,
inUammaior) , r , ore throat, bovrel or .ummer emrw
paint, tamtiug, op|irr»»on or a wtueof ainlut* of the f he.t,
chnltc, tpa.tni, cramp ol the cinnocl, or bowels hyUeriLil
affections anj ad mr...u» di»ea*e», drowiinrvt llirvurh ilie
day, and v wakefulntu through the night; cholera clu.l
era mortiu., diarrhuta, lauilmie or a kdw of tatirue Per
tmu travelling or attending Urge jurtica, will hndihe U„ tn .
«. really renting.and imparting the huoraacr ufrtMith: u«u
•i|ar diMtnatiuu, Uiev willre.lore the tuce of the .».;em ceir*
and remore all the uuplmmnt ariunc irwii
tW Iree l,tta e . Peewm. who have been too high liv£», aad
fc^andotictlUieirdii»itialeUlhabiU p will find iKeote...-,,.!.
atirable cuiuowera ul the nerves "
i The beat ilrrngtl.eniftc pb.trrm the -world, and a c.ern-n 1
rarnedy Lr jum,. .. r weakne,. in the back, Iwini, vide, nri
liioU, pduiv, rhtutnaii.iii. lumbago, &r. k.c. One mij| wn «
jw will uol ihedemand. They requireatjule vvanu
mg be lure appln.uon. Warranted mpertor in all other* and
for one .juarler the n.ual nrore, malting not only the beat, but 1
U»f rheape.t pUctir in tt.e world. It affiird. relief in a'lew
boot., and make. aiUumtnng rare.
Id liver complaint and drvprpiii, it >|,„uld betti.m „ier
the rertan of the liver or and it v.ill aSbrd great and"
axtußubiog rr.irf. In roughs cold., avthiua, diihculiv of
breathing, oppreuirm of Ihr rhe.l or »U)mach,.tl.rv will'im- ‘
oiediattl) KKrth and greatly benefit the paUeul. p'ertoa. of !
acdeulary habiu, ..r Ihow obliged to »Und couch. Will recetre '
decided .up]a.rt from one uf thew truly .Irrngthenii.g Phu- ,
tar. rky.ieianj generally recommend thein.u. to '
a'l others beoatue the) »tirk or adhere better, anJatTorri great- '
er relief In ll.rir .operation, shty art alimulent, tonic, cud l
ancrlu.e.. Thcv,are niiniKrted of entirely diflT.rrnt ing-edi- 1
ent* liomanv nflier, and known from the ftpcrmw> ~f „,il
lion, who have uwd them, a. well a. the untied tr.tim of '
all the celebrated and di.tmcui.hen clergy and phoirun.%. h, :
ba llir »o.t uteful auJ highl) med.catrd j"la«ter. ‘ ■ ‘ i
Several pcrmiu hare railed at tha warehuuM In, '
their lurnr.w and thank*, at tlw ithncJ mica. ulnu. r u -,, !', !
pla,ten have effected.
Direction, for uk arc ou ll.* l ack of earn pU»lc>, w i:h a
for .tovilr of Dr.Sbermaa.gnamr. It i»inif.<Ualv..i .huuld
alwayv uk for Sbcnuan’. Poor Man’. rja..ler. and we that
TOU ret the getiai&e,ai there are many worthleu itn.laik.m.
hawked about and void for the true Sheimau - . ria*lrr, tn
unprincipled dcakra. ‘ ••
»old whole**!* and retail by W. J ).\ »t I,i. Patent
Medtcmr 'W’acehovw, ."fu. t\> Liberty .ircel <im <.i the
BIG BOOT. * ',
IVERSONS aiflictfd wfth Scrofula, King's Evil
A Ctncttr. Kryaipelu, Old Sore. I jeera. J'.-u. r.
Merconal Dtaeosca. or any other complaint. arnu.J
from lynpunltea of the Ijl4»ihl. are n-ijuo-trd to rc ;«i
Uic lollowing trrlttnonialß, tn „t th r wninlrr
ful properlie* ol the abnv,- n. l mcil med.rinr
• w *. the uaderatgned, having visiw-.l Mr. Uaac
Bmoks. Jr. ol thh olKce of Afe„rs. Howamt and
Walton', SIG Market street. I'hiladclplna, conei-*cr
hi* ease the on at.remarkable one .wr luve vv< r w t
nesaed or heir : of.
'Hi* disease was SfROKIEA. stu! Wr.bir
have t-ecn h . P*c!ve ica.-s' coalin.t wiih the ,u
HiaPablr,• c entire nuTofiin ro i,ut:, W.
per Lip. amt lower Litl of the I vr I.a>- r Lr, „ *
destroTed, his Kac« nearly eaten up, and pan «.i tee
Jaw Bone carried away. And ,> c i we can mu' ...
description of-h is c.ue.
Mr. B informs us that in January Im *,ir »!•« '«■
interior oT hi* mouth. nwr,; tof >:• re
was j man of dvep and painful tiicr*-
On the >lth of January i-cmini'anv ic
CEA. which checked tlie disease , a a lev da«s. .nd
rom that time the euro ha* nro"rr:s''d iviihv'ji • ••»'
termission. ▼ “ *
New flesh has supplied the nbee of thr .J (
eera. sod though badly disfigured, hts face it
and bit generalhealth is restored.
Wo are assured that tn the treatment
Brooks’ esse,no Mercurial*,OmUm ntr, nr'
application* have heen in fact, il.e 1
t.KA ALONE, has wro-rghtv this wonderful <
.Darid Smith, Bocks county. !»*.
t’hsrles L. Rowand, Meadville, t rawlnrd m
J W Jones. M D Snath Second struct. Phil:
Jacob Lee. Pemberton, N J
E VV 4lO f* Fourth, a bore Pordar »t, .N
S M’i'ulirtogh. Lancaster, Pa.
R A! Maddock, W North Eleventh at'. Phils.
CAV Appleton. M D<l f> South at di> •
Titnuthy Caldwell. Marion rn. Mis-tmir: .
Daniel Ycakel, CbcenuUlill,pnudeJ|.f.i:i co p
Jonu Marnrd.39o Huh street. I'luln.
William Steeling M D, Camden. N. J
VV illiam Hale, 37d High atreet, I'hila. •
i H Potter, Manufacturer ol Mineral Teeth H* s>
.Ninth Phjla. '
L A WoJienweber, Ed. Pmla. Democrat ‘-TT N 3d
street, do
George W.Mrntt. Brush Maker. 317 Market *t
Kxra Carr, 1M Cheanut atreet, Phils.
A DG'Heito, Pastor of Eleventh Bautt*; t hurth
Pbila. y r ’
John Bell. Ene street. Philadelphia, (Nonh Aiii. r'
can office.) *
Aaron Sands, IGt Catharine Street. I’hila
Daniel McUmley, Kenler’a Allot, do
Andrew Sweaton, Camden, is J. ,
K H Evans, West Phila.
.Richard K. Young, Odder, Market st. I'Jn a
John W Aihmead.W South Suth street. do
T S Wagncr.Lilhograplirr, MG C’lirsnut do
B J Kentii, 123 Eleventh street, ,< u
Peter Sken Smith. Editor .Native Kjgie, _ do
Joel Bodmc, Glass manufacturer, William.«inn u
N.J. ' '
William Steely, Farmington, Van Boren co. low a
L B Coin, M D, Bouton, Mar*.
Kuaacl Canfield, f Philadelphia.
Thomas F S Roby M 1), llarnsburgh, l'a.
Peter Wright. iVj Market street, Phda.
James W Newlm. lu3 Filbert,-t. do
John Good, 1“J Spruce st. _ do
William Crie, Pastor St, PaofsM. K. Ch.Cmir.riac
St. Phila.
John Chambers, Pastor Ist Indcp Church, llroad
it, do
1’ L Sandere. Publisher oP Pledge and Maod.vd.
P Seller*. Editor Olm R -reh. Dovlt»to«-n;
Bucks co. Pa.
Wholesale and Retail by Rowand . Walton. Pro
prietor*,976 Market St. Philadelphia K K Seller*
57 Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa.; W ni. ’i'b i ,5- Mar.’
ket st. do.j E B Pcrlons, Marietta, Ohio; eaton h.
Sharp, Maysvillc, K Y; John W f>an. nho • cr t. , n ..
Ohloj Sidel! 4c Reeves, Madtsop la;C .Noble. I.omj
ville, K Y; Deveronck 4c. Pelloux. St. Louis, Mo.
P li McGraw, Mm*.; Hardawav 4c John
ston Vicksburgh, dnp Charles Jenkins, New (h bun
t.S' or, 1 )
hotel for (Invalids, -
at PIITSm iICII. '
objector tfai« iHinl'lmhim in i* ii, >u)>pi-y * w a -
J. greatly fell l;y rmjiecMble ini .r<l« r»on uur wceten.
.highway*— by rr*ident*, wilhou fam,ly taken «:ck—
and by patient’ from the rurmuml ng low’u- tuid cowry
who retort to tint place ior relict« i.nt eai oilci
4i*ea*e*. Puck have often d from dm i,( jv ?
vanouerrnnforu :in-1 attention* «ii nu ,| a , n .’ c ‘
able to the ".ck, uml from carries* uml itnfirii.ini n.i"i -r.
ami-been subjected to hrtavy and , „,. k
. invalid* will hero be f>iov;di'i] U- ih •-' > • T.-ill
kJid conifortolile atichdiuicc. aii.l.«!t a me it.ui'u m n*
the u«ual charges. : 1
While the care ofboth;p'hy.»>r:iii
ever, variety of di«ca*t( h is mb-
« wil) !ir eif rf
:d«-«l by Hr r r.
•»•»»># VI U>'V»-\|. Ik '» -Ml'
give special attention to all
f A RTB-'CI. A B I.J
To these branches of &t. pigfc*.-- on hr hn * giv»-n a
lais« *han- of his aileitudn for Un-1; »l t-.vrnt-. -fivi'-t r,m
wiU he will continue to devoir in ili«-nt the ,
acquired by a coustuw practice tit. r.mctlmt unit
Th- Holrl for j* not rtn. j pciimml lur.tju
lUhrnrm is suggested not only astir -rs,., lf y to tm-i-lv iyi-
QvidenV want iu tin* city, in the et tin: absence t.f in
Semi provision for the pick, hut I warranted
success ol similar institution* at Ciurirmuti ati.i \ cw
Orleans—lliu former under die can of Dr-
Marshall and Strader—ih* latter.m d>-r thru r .f !)r Stnji*
The building selected ftir the pur, wr lS pk &*auUy«i -
aatrdon Urn north bank ol.tbe Allegheny river, riearth
Aqueduct. It i» commodious ajjd r winy, and furm>ht
with ail oce ruicoJAiioii* for ihtr-itk. '
Applications fur admission l» )>c t i.nlc to th* tu |, M J r
ben. at their office on Pehn street. iMubnieli'ur at t'k
establishment. |
ID* No conlagiotui diseases rvi;i U admitted "
_ i J. R.'iSITXR.AI n
marlMAwnT nv
meannereoah equarjciits ' Look at you'
» f fair young wife, with her bright kiirtny incr' Look
at yourown, pined with eruption* amt lilotelies' .Vvt
you ale too mean to give fifty ccirt' lor u etikc of tie
great Italian Chemical Soap, wliieh U'ould cntircl* frit
tou from them, nad make your yellow skin eieur aod
healthy. Go aionr.e to Jackson’s Slorc, m Liberty m
Pittsburgh, and get a cake. J ‘
N Ifc Jaeksnn's i* the only place iju Pittsburgh where
the GIiNUINK is lobe obtained. Bhwarv of Counter*
feiu. .
i (he Rig Boot statfdt m the (* o<rt - wnv ‘
mclj3 ; . '
Morgan s cough suiup-i, fh ; ui(l 0c
published and innde known td the public •»
jwu tne expression of an old man who turd ihßMyrttp
I’lTTsacaoiivl'cbniary 1, J>-17
Mr. Morgan:— I This may certify'Uiat bam*'aißirtni
with a troublesome cough some time. I booghta Ironic
of Morgan's CougfHJyrup, and am happy to »uy. niter
u’ingiCmy cough7*Entirely ruredi I pronounce yntu
Cough Syrof) the best medicine I hove ever uvii. No
family should l>e without lira valuable
DAVID WcIIOBKRTS, Allegheny C.ty
. tocdleine i* prepared wltolesale and retail
at the Drag Store of JOHN'ID-MutIGAN '
, . Wood afreet, one door below Demand Aliev {
Pncc'gS cents per bottle. . j
A .ving Grew spots, Staras.or Mark# from- Clothes
WooUcbs, Carpets,Ac , Ac., and rtndenug the >i>ots I
where it j* applied dleax, bp'ght, new, and spotless.
Sold wlthraifdlrgction*. Price 25cenu a cake. * |
rnrSold bv WM.'.JACKSON.W Liberty ,I*.*,,
of wood, si his Boot and Shoe store, sign of ihc Hie
Boot. * I
,30 ui i fmttuM-vawfb
•' ■ /iC~H RI ST IE-* 5
,r \V!i:. nhobcb i!if ratura may not be explained,
S'lirn UiL’ir <jf«cii-ait .ta.’y oscepatned,
lad not i!clu»iou. prejudice, or pride.
Induce mankind lo rci the mmn» onjde;
Mran* winch. iho* . arr l.y ||t»T-n dengn'd
Tu alli viMW llie HU of human kmd ”
DR- Miaisrirs (lAI.VaMi:
Nj-rni; fmjid
TMlS.rcruiiia'>%) invention. which has received lie
Ull.versul tippiol/Ut.on «t the medical profession of
Great <Soiu|rfi*c»i an mtirelv ne>» npplicotionof
Galvanism, remedial agent. by mt-din or' which the
:orJiua'r)*Galvnn c Huttem-s, Kiceincnnd Magneiit Ma
chines. Ac , Sit- rely twin,, ami the myute
nou* power of Galvanism applied without auy of the
objection winch arc In-cpt ruble from ijie general mode
'now in use. fl'hv strong di>s.-». and trrisgutaf interval*,
m which Galrsiustn, i* ajip'i.-d Ur ([»• Mro-huies, has
t ecu pron.ri-nceii, .t:rtr ni.tirand impanmMrta!. to'bc
J(ct>ttU!‘j i>\ptrunis. and it was 10 remedy this radical dc
fc-: thill tsii-> ni-tv •<(':'! wn« pryedtad. wh-ch. af
ter uncrating «<•■( mu {.er-everaiiec; -bar been brought
io .u [i»r*r,a c-ai/-. of pcrf-cinm The frafnnic Kingi
a slower lII' the purpose- of uie met eif-rnsivc Ma
linnet,and m respect* are more to/r ant}
‘tmniri m arcomtitiitiing the desired effect
The Vtilvanif Rings its-. 1 in .-oum-etion with the fffag
ftrtic Fluid, sire confident!} recommended In altdisor
dm iehirk nriu Jrum an t<if%tbUd er ttnhtaMf tlalt vj
rt«.nrtroi>.f or fitsttoiSm, nn : these, complaint* tire
Btnonj; the most poinml nnd universal to which wc ate
«ml.;ivt They arm:, wtiiout ereeptinn. front onit aini
p!c cause—-a derangement of the Nervous System—
iiiid .t »»< hi ilu-»i- cases thin other ‘remedies’ having
gotten -aiU-ri, n ti"vr tgi ttt was grently needed, which
it is confidruily tn-bcvril. hn» hem found in the proper
and jiid'cinavippl caiton ot «<nle.u»um.
'l'itc Gulvan {i-rtps have Uet-n o»eJ with eunre sac*
<-•'*< m at! rai'n ol HilKtiMSTitM. acute ot chronic, ap
plying to the neat! face or limbs; Gout Tie*Voiorntr,
Toalhneht. firo-irAn-it, IVrrigo. h'rrnrtii or si>A H«viaeht,
Indiystion. FatrUjfu*. FiiUy, A'filiyuy, Fin, Claim,
ralptbuitn ot rte tttan. Apcplrrv. Hilfnat Joints,
Spmnf t.'umpMnn. Li/mkigu. Xruralfia, AVrWUJ 7V*-
pio-s, Ihzzutci o/rtf Htnd. r-ain-oi Uu Chat and Sidt,
<>cncra! DAility. Urjiarnrv o/ .Verrotu *»nd FhutintlEn
trgy. end all NKKVOI's Dlr-OUDKKS. In ca«ea ot
confirmed L»}«rep*l». "wlncn i< simply a nervous dc
nntif.-ineni m iljedigevtivo organs, they have been funnd
equally »tei,e*«ful. Ttn-ir rxtiaonltmtry etTeeis upon
■ tie system most !>e w itne.tod to be believed, unit us'i
eertatn pn-.enttve thd preceding eomplomts they
ore njiiu 'j Tcccnimettdcd. The Rings are of dtfle/mi
, lire*, i-v- it't made oMtil * fe.< and of various ornn
inc-ninl piit : <-riis, anJ fan i-r worn by the most delicate
ferrule wiilmtif the «l incnnvenience. In fn< i.
tb'' it rntlior nrn rahV than otherwise,
Tho (laivunie licils, Urucclctnj DandSf
liartt-rs, Nrcklnccgj Jrc. ’
I • some case* of a vere *«•■.••• re ehsraneijmd of long
•tasuiii.g. ibr power i<* applied by the Galvanic Rings
is-r.ol sutCi-len- Uiarii". (ti- pro2 f, 'S ll *of dtM-nsi' uud
i.ljimatr'y n-C'iir health. Thv unproved modification
nyll.'- (»aivnti,c 1 b:lt<. Ifra,•••>!», io , entirely teme
• i'r. m : - m-j'-c non; any di-pi-m 0 f power that :> rvf}ii
r.-d nin rcniiny Ur fuia imd. and no eompiamt which
i!'*- ’ny«:i f on- ugmiof Ciu.vamsm can efTret will (nil
u> in- permanently reliev.-d, The«e anicles arc adap
te l to Ut«- svn »i, anus, wn*ts, lttnb«. oro’lea. or aity port
i-f 'hr !,ody, wnb prrfmt eniiventenre, *rhe G.tlvante
.Sri Viitfi-s are iim'J v. .i(i ti mirr benefit incases ot
HmnehtiM m oi fij» throat generally; also In
ens—• or N- rvon* IVafnrs*, unit with utmost tjnnonn
«f< ri-.s ;i9 a [ircventive uir Apoptr-gy, Kpilepttr Kits,
and runilur i ii.nplnints -
Chi Magnetic Fluid
!* u«'-<! >n '•i-unecimn tr.iii i|’«- (inlvrunt; ariJVtl
th'ir iiiodififßi'i u«. '! |n« rmijji. i:i.n |,a* pn>-
iiounrril by ibr French « 'nmi -i« in be one of ihc mo/J
r-tirmml tmr) <t »rovrj r .-. o: modern »cienee lv<fbc-
IrrVpif In »« ini rri:i;irfc»btrp oirtrgl rmJtrinf t*
n/nv<.i/,ni(cv to action l.y lint meant t-autin?
“ ••win" . iru.toii <■: Uic' (Sai of ilitcu'r.
• ? v.n* mp.d and |» muui-ni No other
ri>fnt>o« !*rji chert.»ir • knmvntopbodurethe t*mc
i-il. ft. «ir i in impuriß MHti'tu to the nervou*
*s' •i-if.t.v in> na'»of' an i,i.i«*ard local duplication The
r~tinl rontn.u. ..oiliing ca|mlj]'-ui ib»- '
, m.'iiry: n- at;. .■ i.' aercablr. and .t .
njinnle*i» >" i:* action »• .1 :» b-nr.ficiuf in .i» rc»>i*u.
Full r*pl « nlionr and «Um tion» Oci'Ofijtan)' il The
• iv.-iu.on* i.r.- -never) Way j*«|.-eil r harm-
I le»», mrj- me *ol.t ai pro r* vvutpu the each 01 all and
ftiio Y.MioveK-r only rr-gtioM, It |a lf iU«| naairinof
Hi-- r t.irpt.*,.- ~ .-ilieuct un.l ticriiianrn lienrtl
CtiriMte'd liulttmic streagtUcoia; Plas.
T;.r**<* art-c i-* iwn m-oiti'-r valu ir!
ihr llff »Hrroli« mi!urii<-r ol Ciol\ aitlKfT
nj'plicat.un of
< Thry n»t pti
»fajur Kity* aj,d
' - Pi.nciplp, t<ui
jiipui.oii. Tbry
Ule ucltfiiron :r>
|rciironir: .ji a:!
• c ijctnruv ,ii cb.v«
■« <" Bark. Pain in Vu
.Uihnmif AJJiru-m. .Hid ,n
iiKHlifiriil'Oi;.. art hr i:|»>h >|>c tali
■r- r U ' lid~nt:y r-rMamrnil' Jh* n traiu
KbMiinniiMii. acute
!1..| vv.i« ■•umj. 4. mm 4- II TXiiiiivc
of /-noi fin./ ir.T*rt/A. tn i.y (W w B,
ii - •' • .ii «f« ihi* •Verted rhn
u.«oi wtgr,ia:«.<; Ju - ..tsn.»gi. .11 i’a.ji*
<n ii.e Jtr-. .1. n>r! lire ItlirlHv rKjflimiifri
~1 I. ~r„il,rr
•' - ! I'l tin*. U'fnkrii***.
.iff' cUiin« of ilm C
I i« n—il.«r ifi:[»».rrfi norriMu»:«
I'O'i .:OKi ..u- v.. V T :ui xM U
1,.' ro:rv!!\:r.l wiS :iie nr«l r.'y pI»W<T
rrc«iccS-!.r:.} vrrr.. o( these »r: c ln
hD. r-ii.-d lh<*tn !(. U- Miuiiwrfr lot j4y uripr-nriplrJ
I";'"-' I '-' »ri 1..1 'inp.rt.imri l» r t'uK:<TTft:
h i* «.tl ••'ic itntxvr.?«•«) ipii! <i t rath tf'ii o. th* U .
rjn-.-T.ik «rn! .n I* W.W] -
CIvItTIFIt’ATES & TEs-TnioKlALs, ' P*«
O: lur (..y,-,. |„J i-u.jr .tin urucon ( 1 • *°t tiiu iooiiucfcu .1 Le u>cl m the undi
—l >'"■ rxir»,.rJ„..V r
„ 1i h.-l'pr-rf 11,1! «p»«r
ill 111- c--t> \uik uUxi-. u|.-A-»,a» of KtUvlT
1 '^;V'.‘rn -n-'i' 3 - re* 1 -'- ** <»*•♦'>
‘ m '"' ; ti.ui
* ->t di. *ii.-:ii an. I. .If P j oi
-rf .«• i "•» ih i.;ifo*r ol ill
n-pi ..r 't.f tv).., tire lost r«»-Jii>1:rvil
nr"l.;<‘ mV'Mitirtn nirnyrt 1 uniniffl.
ih«- mail ntrihs-iit arnmu i)i e .Muerirnn
Cfcn»t~ ,< ui lilt'Vt n-.nly rta.l n !OA|
rv-ry lo |;iiy- •• .I;.*- itl.l ttlj ,|., r
Out- ng»Wj i<: cotnrMth
HIKlIlf At. .4.11) 4IIU.ICAI
N» M 1114
ixv. , r»«.
-•*!£*♦* ■•• 4
••'Sf Q luo(k«t
i Uav.iig been r
jyf WtrA t.\ •> *~iHCL> ',o ibe i
' \<f ,r ‘r‘ ,c **«J n
pl.t:nt» for wbi
' _or* perolfail) qu
K'lovrn vr •f» n-.n'i:...!* / devoted u> Oil
W.-u'.iiii.m «»; ui'*t euioji! r.i*. tdotmc wti
ha. iiiiilmore f.furi:ri' and • a« Mjrfd more]
ran r-.vr *"«!! in the lot of n y private prae
ply him to offer a* trunce* bt‘ api
n-al and anuaiaelory core. v bIV aiQicicd
Dr Ilrifvn would inform ttnx'* »(Bicted triih friecm
di«r:»«*<* wntoii fiave briemechronic l-y limeoraggrsva
ir«J t>y mo u>c ot -in;, of the cnnimuo |!o*tiuia« of me
a iy. (licit mo.i cumpla’iiis caa lie radically and thot
ou«iuy cured,h« tiav.iifisivai hi* careful Mierttion lo
It.r if viirt.ra».'«. and «i)ror4!ccl|iii hundred*
oi i.“ •'>li rtfhi* •-
i./p ferric (’• r.«n. el' pliDjiiuHt ti i rtHn* neck
antic tuiuliier. and kindird dn-caeca wiuc i often resyli
irvm c««-4 »»ipfe other* Inure ronrinned Uirnilo
.Ic-spaif lit pim.cularly umt<» urh n« Uavr
l>c-n u:i»ucri\'ifully irelitrd by o lien in run
-iiV )wi;l. 'Vlr.-n rvi'tr «nit*'Hrttr>nwi!lbe gr rn them and
:tn r >•-»*-•» i rpnid ,n a e-arnn!. thorough aid intrliipent
tnanne<. pouited cut by long experience, liludy and in.
v-i.v.:, .i t «•:• i*b .t r» pmpn»»pip|e fur Uioet cngsufrsl ip
j-p'iit rui jn.ii’i pc of ras-il r.n:- to give any]one eTa.**o
(' >' lifni.ft nr Ktijr.ii-—Dr. Brown
aillo-ict] w.jj; lli'rui* to cjUi. a *
niVnltort tlu« Ui*<;a p c
>' l> Pilr*. l’a!«j*. pic.. *p
li -r.iwmi of r,ihcr »«x hvinj at
uy niu:,s. li iti' ii writing, jivmgo
loni-. cun tii«-uictnr« with dirrction.
g T DROWN, M V ,poM pit 1
O.hrr -'.'o ill Dienjnnd Hllcv. oppo*u« Ui
P * L E S.
DU, i .MiUMISUY'a File. Specific, a,, mtctL
a i- rijiiii ami nulled mrr, wlitllier iulerha
lilrnliu; "P blind, *!»*, for irriiainm of (be kidney
dcr, |om« in lb’ bark ami tidr, liabiluai co»ti»ci <
Ftijulc* l<rfirr wl nfWr f*i:ii'i:n-tDtnl ar r rPti
«itli r- , n« , rpali-'fl -if t!iP bowet» iit poaltrrneci,
|.i!r». 11: .ill .-.cii lt>r S|»fil'w: ran be Ukkc
t.n Wlr'j. and i. *_e*Tt#iii rrmrd, Tl.r H|w.
jirr^miTt, »i.i! ii ail f nfirely rrprlalite rtmedT, w
ticl» ufjjauilKigT, color] nee of tinea—-pleimai tv 1
fully hurnlcj m tbi m'"i lUlimtc ca»r»
Thr* ij in certify that I know Dr. Inpoldnby’* Pile gprriiii, 1
lo t*- a nruin cure mul wif«- remedy.. Hating mcq ji* rtTect,
inwwnid ■ amni.g»lui) fwndj rourii*i.m».ii KT.rJcm- i
Crnit-f aw! -f'f- riw* uf the rif- », where r» trr de ao entire
NeU J&I Sm i men !
I cherriuily gi« c mt lr»tim"ti> ns In the crrlal i and a»l..n
1.1. mp fffVrt* i,i Dr. Ikq.'M'l’J** Pitr* Specific,:, I know ,1
frr-m mr nwu n|i and aberration, lo U infdlitiir,
lut mt; >ten it Ux'l nidi >uc • >! u eve, of male
an t futta!-. _ GKO MILI.EIt,
Nor V..rk, Mar. IW. / 3* Slilhttmt.
' New Vnrk May T l&*3.
Mr. F!'a!>--lliir Sir:—] hue t],r plmwirl-' lo my,-lhal
your mr Hot nr. Dr. li^nldiM'« Tiln S|>«eif>t» r tJir a par
fed o.f 1.1 lie r;,~ ..lint mlrr, Olid i. )VU UIJ Word
liitil . 1.-o. tut u .nrj.riM.l at i'.aait wa. h, lir opinion im
poitihlr in mre lirr. HnwCrrr, I nui now t'rtllf U> the med
icine :t> being infallible, and do adntcall uiiirf* who arc af
lllitnl in the !ilr manner, lo procure thr article, at ihry stay
drjr i;d a rrrtaln rurr. I
Voura with reined. I
We.l Chunter. K, V., Maj 15,
•Dr. I nt"hlilii Dear Sir;—That'Tnu mail benefit pljjSci
who be suffrrtng, ai'wrll *» lo npr»M ml gratßurJefhr
llir hr ii*-in 1 hair drritnl from lb* Ur* ofyuof valuable Sje.
wfir, 1 comply will) vrmr n.juct, and now dgljire my tei(L
uioiir 1U l iinr of it, Itariii- Wt cured of a *4vere attack t.f
thr rilrr »ft»r hiWnp uwrd other rtmedirt withoutaoctrti.
Your* with raped, ...
Sold uh 'lcarlr and retail I.) W.M JACKSO!?, al hit Pat
nit Mr.lirmr Whrrhmi*', and Br-jt and Shoe! Store, ; .\o. HI i
Lil-rrtc ifrerl, hind uf Wood, nttatmrgb. -Price, fit cent* .
P" l -'«- jan 14-dly. I
pIVKU COMPLAINT— Another cure pertom- I
lj c.i l.r uainij tin- oriemat. only true nud genuine I
lavcrl’ - :.
; : AnEuntcx. Uroivii rOiin:j\ Ohio, i
J ' March Wti, ISO. {
Mi. R liSrllera;. la April laaitny wifij uimckcd
j wiiaLiitf Complaint, and.had tho adoicn-oTiwo phv*
[ “-cfin* who Irici vnriom remedira with-produemfl »iiv
: . ll.vvmf heard of your.Cßli*Liraie<l i.tvcr
I’ni'.J coiicluded to fiirc them a lair trial. 1 purchased.
Di e hm of Mr, Mcbjt Ah'cl-iteen, uml jpicc them nccofd.
. tn|» to.tlio dlrtcimti*. I»y wliinliVhn tra»fffe>tly relieved
l ptoeured « ■i-Pdndlmx, vci.icli entirely lurid her. nml’
, 'he now 4'iyo) a health. I have used thern
inyar-f. and prortonnC; them the Wat (amity metin-me I
liaveevcr tried*, Yodr«. respectfully.
i, „ _ • - - MAsSIE
ir7‘Tln-‘e rtih stand untrijualletl liy any ntedicltte
i.*n.»wn for the rure of Liver Complnini
aml-roid by K E SELLERS
np3 .No 57 woolMreci •
BA 1,8 A3t—lS dint Winter'• Bullaiaaf Wild Cherry.
ju«t received add for nolo by J IflDDiCo
■ pti No GO wood itreet
FAR better.i* it to rtmbeTooth
arte in one outrate. by u«utg Wheeler's
Tcoth W&jh. than tosaffer
1 « ~ the artufj; a!*6'io rtrre the
{uni«, *oHmr*»of thr gum&,*;op hlcedir.g*ribe gutus,
and siwuy* keep the teeth, gatas amt tuooth pteacam,
and in thr best Mate of health " e.
Whilst introducing WHEELER'S TFIa BERRY
TOOTH WASH io tBP public, ii ii tbe pam/ul doty of
the proprietor to state tliai thi* article. whirt-i*:hr
origin*! aodcaly genuine Tcaberry Tom*- \v»-h, tn
been imitated by numerous Teaiicrry Io i: tta*;>e<
IValir rry Tooth Pane*, and a vnre’.V rJmt eie»with :
the name Ttabfrry annered to'lheiir Then, m fact, tbi*
“'article i» the Sr« that rvw bore the name ofTeaberry.
and i» the only one which po**es*c«thereal virtue oi
ilip plant, and eftftb!i*b*d a!> the celebrity lor it, winch
induced otberMotnakn u*eof it* name, though tfacytAev
rr d.d prerent it* intrinsic trinur* to the public. A*
evidence that thf* is the firm preparation of-'Teabcrry
for the Teeth, the copy of the cfertifiej record* of the
Tnited Slate* District Court i* puh!i*lted. ,
©Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
to wit: Be-it remembered, That on
the second day of Kebruaiyi..Anno
Rimini, one thousand, eight hnuilred
and forty-two^
of tbi said Dir-trict hath deposited in
tbi* Office the Title of a Book, the ti
tle of which i* in ilip words following.lio wit:
Th-right whereof he claim* a* Proprhitor,in ton
fnnnny with on Art tf Conger**, rntitled-An Aci'o
»incti.! the several Arc* respecting Copy Right*.”
• _ Clerk of U. K. iiit Court
ISW. Feb. t!d, Copy deposited.
The tthowTony Right for the wrapper of the bottle,
•diowiti2 the Title of the Article in legal language, and
granted in the legal form, wilt prove this to be the orig
inal Teatcrry Tooth Wash. mid all oihera are buiioil
tmion*. which have gone oat 01 u*e wherever the Gen»-
u.n-Tesbcrry Tooth Wn*h tumid. Then, remember,
none i-genuine but WHEELER’S.
Cirti/ieates of Magistrates of the city of Philad'a
Having .node lise of your much celebrated Teabciry
Tooth Wmh. I foci convinced that It i« tha beat anicte~
I have ewr knowu. and hereby warmly recommend
ii* u«e to the public in gem-rul a* aiiteasam and effica
emu* urtrie tor preserving tin Teeili and Gum*.
For a number of year* my Teeth and (Jtini* were no
mnehniit ot order a» to prrv« nt me fronreuting with
plen'u-e. and rauiird me mui'ti pain Having heard of
Wln-eler’* Tenberry Tooil» Wu*h. Ido certify ilmt I
tried our .‘mail bottle of it,'and m lt-»r ihan two weeks
my Teeth and Onmi were sound and good. I believe
tint the u*c of .1 would be an advantage to many tth
rr». J BRAZKK.
Certificates of MemUr.*,uf the Philadelphia Par
Having u-cd Wiweler-* Trabcrry Tooth Wash a»d
powder. I have found them to po»v»‘ clctyi-dng and pu
rifying properties, and while they whuen and b-autu'y
the TcctJi, they have * l>cnefieniJ- -(Tret upon the gum*,
tiv to them free acd healthful arlion.
. !\.\ RAVXOLU.
1 have uvd Wheeler'* TeaberrV Tooth Wash, and
i:« i ifeeu upon my Teeth and (turn* have given to me
:i high sipiulon of it* merit*. 1 iheerfuliy recomnreud
it tu the general u-r Ii K KNKABS.
My dnughter ha* used Wheeler'* Tcaberry Toodt
(and powder’ and ha* fnuiid it* effects to be
cleansing and Purification af the gum*. and a'sweeten
ing of the mouth. I have noh'-'iiHiioiiiiirrrnmflit.'fid
mg it a* the mo»l hriirftciai preparation foe the teeth I
have ever *cen." C J JACK-
Ccrlifitales if Ladies and Gcr.tlemm of
ii i* wnh gratitude tbst I send the fork wins cenifl
eate. hoping that many' who *offer will be ted l»y a pe
ru*al of il io obtain Wheelff’* Tcaberry T« Oth Wa*h,
whirl, urtiele I u»cd. uud it ba* f Jeetually . ured tooth
aeli-. •orcnet* of tbr guni*. removed *cu ffiromray
teeth, mol I fully bebevr na« euKrety aneaitd ail d<-
env or" them. I trait that nil who *uiTrr, hat inge thgr
o' 'lie came «per<r* of complaint. Will a* *OOi. aapitli
t>te u«e U Beeler’* TealHsrr) Tooth Wash, hat they
may lerel.eved, JL'IJaNA QUTI.RAI*.
Owing to having taken cold, but mostly in con**-
■turner of the acid of a pain I used in coloring pmn*, my
trrtii t.ecaiuc very much injured, giving eicrucialimf
iuiii at iiilcrvuln, foe between Iwo and three year*
Wlirelet'i T-aherry Tooih Wault wu u*cd, and has
euurcl) cured tbeui. which, jii rertificßte fpnn. I send,
that lbo»< who w.ih a perfect remedy for painful teeth,
and ai*o desire a nlrn*aul Tooth Wadi, may with con
fidence try Wheeler’* Tcaberry Tooth Wash.
“Wheeler'* Tcaberry Tooth Wash -1 a vine removed
scurf and cured soretirtaof the gums, which hod trou
bled m>- i'oi hvo year*. It i* my belief that it is a. highly
u»eliß Hri.eic, and ilmi it :» advisable to tlio*c who suf
fer w. th lire teeth and gum* to make u»e of ,t.
"Your Toabcriy Tooth Wuh cutnl the toothache
and ■> I*o Mitt iicmof lhr Rum» m toy family, nml I tend
you ilj.‘ certificate that thane who nutfrr with tooth
••'■he or torment of the guui« may know that itj*a
remedy tor them. and a very pleaiam Tooth Wa»h.
fra-s. piujvosrr,,
I4 a Catha'rttl- atreet.
W Wheel, r
'•Wlnwlr’* Teaberrv Tooth Wart" Imvnjj cured
ik.rrii._-. ol' ibr ifum* Uild elli'rtuully'itijijicd bleeding
<x ’tn 50*11* I deem ii a debt 01' gruditudc lor the relief
jviorii .1 ttrfonlrt! me. iutd a duly ouvd torn}* fellow he
• iiu*. :o . ihat it i* my firm 'coin-imon', that tho«c win
wilt !;•«• V\ Tooili \Va«h. kir the tecih
amd (unia, wui Anti tiuu Hi* au iwportaui amcie.
*«ru o* Opj-tn- '
■ 11:11
■:-cvr.»n<f »btj
•c. Thrv err
aurj W eak:it»a I
■ *rd G>r rcunr of
j'ceiali) iiaolc
auiwn, q, 4 crt- .
!*«!. crncrall)
an/r .
J.nvbiir llir nr. ■
lound cm.rrly .
ii romnvjn o»~ ’ '
“From moeb aevcrr-anfftiring of myaelf.nndoiher*
•f my family, ivuh decayed (Yeih and *oi« and
Uic many. rrMwoa *l© ienumoinaia lijgbly in faeor of
Whn-Vr * leal.erry Tooth Waab. I w induced io
< : a iria: -iVr winch my family r-rd | re .
1 • •• m - <• it d d jwi!:»»in i, amt effectual
I r« c-iomnentl it* n*# to iho«*»'wlit> nuty lie •uflcr*
No ->27 Murkci »t.
"C I
w Whvler.
Ma«y mprr tcstimnninU arc approving of
hrr ;-r'« Tooth H'rrnh *’
ai U M. JACKSUN’ii »'oro, No. SI Liberty it.
I’nuburgh-hofi.t oi Wooilkt.
fJVnr.jv*! OflW No DO Hifcnul »t. I’hiU.irlphia )
I U|nnrvn ttii* i'p il»- lar^cM
•':.c*inat' n w 4 *|, sue* the »ni«iie'?l a
(IOJNsIs I I.NG ol bis l'rnj,liy lactic Syrup, a cer
•' m.i riMnodjlf>?all f'osirirrrivr. and Scrofu
lous affectum*; i'oupli SJyrvp. (‘roup Svrup Con
centrate: ciirari <>(' .-.irtapriril b, decidedly
••uporior lu all other extract.*. having g»cn rebel
wiit-n ail oibf-n b:ivr failed, bring through a new
p.-ecesr mnre concentrated than nnr Other- ever
ottered in the pubhr. Ai-THMATIC ELIXIR,
V RlY*>l nMf
»• !»*or TC.ltl
'“Wr t» K-r
• 'McJ, ;ur ir.C
-1 of lu»
I bavin” vftecU'd permanent cures «>i that stubborn
... (Jist-asc, when o| ui'-rn than 12 years raudintr,
mu .Ma.-kft «t h«-ncc it ktnr.da without a rival m that much dreaded
■ disease.
I OPFICK. ♦ Dr. Hose's LINIMENT, f>*r ali ease* of weak
|Mo\p Ab- I Dc, ‘* ur a c "*upJeic rulirtitute fur blister;,
door* below ' K ,, "«-*a rO.NJt* MIXTURE, in infallible
|w»»wxla ilie ! core for cliil « ami losers, and indeed is more id a
! specific fw fevers ol all hn da linn b:rk or Qui
nine. '•
' where known, la tised in preference to any other
' Vermifuge preparation.
. disease* ul the Stomach and bowels, Cli lcra in
fcctimyi. &e Too high an encomium cannot be
Kssod on the merita oi this medicine, io core ol
spcpsia, and alt disease* that result from weak
i ness of stomich nr bad digestion.
Dr. Rose's FEMALE I 1 1 I S, a most valuable
; remedy lor Jhose genera! complaints to which fe
{ males are subject.
i No pill ever before olfercd the public so happily
combines the qualities of a vgluaoie medicine,as an
> anti-diepcplic, LIVKKcr btnmachicpill. correct
, mg those diseases, and thereby preventing coo*-
j sumption. A young Lady years of age, having
. adiseaseitlivcr tor some time, her strength pros
trated nnd appetite gone, was completely restored
| :o six weeks by the use ol the Aoti-dispcptic mix
} turosmj these pills alone , !
ENIMti PLASTER,lorucalcntssol the bfaqk,sjde, i
' breast, Ace.
; Dr. Ruse’s SPECIFIC Ei’l LEI bY,lhe most cur
i tain remedy for all -cases of fits or convulsions,
: whether in infants'or adults. So certain a specific
I is it lor this formidable disease that the most ob
,Leo luviirr ! stinntc cases, and those too <if-long standing, have
an hs« paid j welded ut once. « (
• ' Hr. Rose** RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—After mnny
jeddy eared j years of diligent re-enrch ih.& compound wTudiseov-"
ered, add us never failing clhcacy places it* efficiency
stove mVyihcr,* for ibreuir of Rnruinalistn.
Dr Ro*e» At*TRIN(JKNTCOMPOUND, a certain
remedy for spuuus .blood, indeed. ior discharges of
blood whether (roml.uii**, bowel* or other part* of the
body. • ‘
Or. Hose's J'Y 11 UP for Cbol,e:a andllowel complaints
—Thi* huxiurc will vffrrt.iaDy unc bowel
Ry-emery. Cholera Morbus and Cholera. At the limb
Hie A*'«tie Cholera wn« ru-mg 1 ' Philadelphia ll WAS
found i<> !>•• die most Mirre-»ful m nrtvMitig it, curing
nine truth* of all those who used it.
WUnt may lie *anl of on- of thr*e rererdtes, lo&T bv
•ml of nil, their value wtii ouly be appreciated be
ilio«e who try them. Letters from tbo»e who have been
cured of the various oialsdirs that aJtnct the huluau
owtty in icla I he givru, but we are w.llinc to re«d Ilie
ni.iii'-r on die inrrii* of the compounds. Wj have a
punnera itti ak-niful-i. in us various forms, so co.ul-disc'l
mid etTu-ar ou* th'fl i;*'benbni; power ha* astonished
many. A «••.»*) of Ci*:»eer,oceornni» in the wife of thy
laie (toveruor ot Unaware, wiu completely euied in a
frw mouth* The eanerr had been twite-cut out by
prominent burgeon*, nnd retn-wed itseirwilh increased,
malign-tv. >einm w .ilnauding the debility of Consuls
noil and fenniviil uf .lie soft parts, ihc use of ihe Pro
phylactic completely removed every 'vestige of the'
Cnee* nimuneralde of ihc various cure* that have
liillowrd ibe n-.e of these remedies aie i • ortr posses
sion. i-Ul .1 is m i deemed nrce-ssiy loeuuineinlc them
n- ihe n-:of i)ieiu w.i: m-oinm-mi ihcm to all.
J SSCItDONM A I’.it. Jt IV , No °.l Wood direct
A: -lit- for I'illd-ltjfh augßdlv
(IKAJEDY —Warranted lo cure, or the nmn.
oy returned. This medicine is prepared from an In
dun Receipt, nbfiined from one ol them in the Far
West, at gioat expense.' Those who have .been
familiar mih lndians, know that they can and
do cure Venereal wilhoul-thc knowledge‘ol Mer
cury, Balsam, or anything of the kind'. 'Flic a£
tiiclrd Juve now on opportunity of being cured
withou the use of Balsam 'lhis medicine is
I licnsanl lo Uic taste, and leaves no smell on the
Prepared by ROWAND &. WALTON, and sold.
. wholesale .••nil relml, by J.T. Kowabd, '375 Market
[ street, Philatl'ai
j Fnrsato in Pittsburgh byR E Seller*, 57 ,wood
| «tr*»et. snd hv Wq» iTliorn.ii Mnrkrt'St. ocfii!v»T
{ OwfisTHIHW IN RKANUN—\V> le«rn vFia
l O Ur Jayne's medicioc. lor ibe care of the SO It F
i THROAT, has Ureu daifij! wonders during thrlaia un
j pleA‘Sin weather umlnr fuoU it i» anen.l io
I *<’Khl colds iu lime, and lo procuro lie remedy applied
. fr-.m skilful phv'icisA*, than from unknown and
! rpon«ibli* tjunrk*. Dr Jayne ha« r»nMi,he-t a rrouta
im-» lone »,f.rr .or prof.«„n»l*kHl. nnrt his rrn-H.Ps
or rough- noil cob*- Have b-en proved efficsciou* bt
llic evpen-jicc of thoiunuds—s«. p e «,
■M I ? Irmifir r EfCIN TLA STORK
.. F«.unh ‘treet, imarAkood, and at the Dmr Store ...
i:»«bi3*w * l ’ < ’ defal sitteu AJle « h « T ' c » , »-
TA w P r * Mobanel Woirni Specific”
tm i* i<» certify thst, by takingoim vim of Doctor
iuchane oAVormßpeciie. a child of Jmnr* Shaw’s "pwartv of-'Jo.wonn*, and l.y tbeuxoi *ald
■ucdicinc a child of jay own pa*«ed H large worn-. :
ii j* truly ihe most surprHing worm medicine T ever i
■cvn. i mo*i hive two more vta!>. i
c Wilkins Township
ror sa’e by J KIDD A Co. NoW Wood street, Pais I
burgh., roebao , 1
pOPAf I, New
Vy vork quick drying Varnikli: vdo Brown Japan doj .•
I do Coach do; lbr-nl-t.y J .StrUODN'klA KKR k Co
No 'A wood'itreet
rcßniiirly i-tj
-tn for some
: »» pnirurr,
» bts attention
itnt oi thoae
1 -lienir .om
> -b hi* oppor
' cx|terii;acc
J Uify bitn
atudy aijd
aue<n« rban
ilionrr) am
with ddieaU
For ittc remo*al>BBd?(«nnai>eni euie<‘of alldtsoasea
- xrriingfroni »a impure »iaie of IkoMOWI-'Tf;,
or habito/ U» iw?a '*»££.&£££22a
Scrofula. Jtbigs Etii< Birumon-uii, Ohritnau Vvtaruous
Eruption!, Pimj'ln or fuiiults on the t'no. Blotches..
Bilts.-Chtonie bon £|o, Hint. ITcrm' cr Tkoer, Seda
Hta l, EnUjTgrmml and pain qf At Bents and Joints,
1 Stubborn Chin. SfphUutt Sfutpioms, StioUea or Litwt
logo, and tXtoAsooarinngfrom atu-9\fbtklßUs‘ttse tf
SStrturf, Asau-i or Dropiy, fcp>»fi «rj«yhriiiirrw,
. Lift. A'so, Chrome .
ITS nraelj- admimetratmu has be eri" at tt ndedwllh lh«
Uappie-st result* m m*u»' , anocutloaj affections; but
iiisebieflyiaiesded to void which exists between
cathartic and hpcricut medicine*; becee ft* moduscp
ran li i* ihat of so alterative fltreeily— Indirectly, pro*
vmtf A'Uiiine tome to lieirtltm.. \
B -tor convenience aiuflto'ia*
biliiy.j containing nothing but the cXpTtUcd.’CdKQce,
and is the rep.esesttaiive •! the
the wane manner as Qaiiune i»cf PcrjfM liirf,or
Morphm-iif Opum. h nan established faet,<<b*Ja
few(fTttlwof euherquimneor Morphine ttmtairry-al]
ihc. medicinal value of a large quantity or the crude
substance*; he neetbo *Qperiom> of those preparations
—and noiDtfalid svonld Jew re .o drink s'rallon mifiure
-when a half pm: contained the same medicinal value.
The Farsapnnllacan be diluted when taken agreeable
j»the direction*,.and made, to suit theiaatcof the pa--
tient. . .
Tlie following certificate addreueri to'the A rents at
Chicago, fisrni*be*-coneln»ive proof of its great vain
in eases of FeverSorea. . • >■
' ’> Ciucsoo.lll.BepL'l*,TiiC.
Messrs- Stebbin* A Reed—Uenis: In May, IW3,'i ob
tatsed at yutn store a-bottle of Sandß
-was then confined tony lied, without sleep Tor b week,
occasioned by violent pain from a regul «r fever voroof
long sujnJiDC, 041 my right leg. My physicians advised
me to hare the limb amputated,Baying it was the only
means likely to preservemy life. : After using half the
bottle thepaia began to subside, and by the tittle Lhad'
used nearly three bottles,l was able to transact oy reg.
ular business, end beibre 1 bad finished thefbtmft boi
tie. 1 was as well and sound os everl find been. 1 hare
no hesitation in saying that Miami’s.fsarsopariUa was ibe
means, under Providence! of saviug my. limb and I
doubt not my life. I most cheerfully recommend it u
the best article extant for tfio purificauou of tha.blood
Your*', most rejpeetfally, : - - T-.i
The following certificate is only toother link in the
great chain of it* merits:
S 3 cm Bot.tox. Canada Kurt, April 18, lftB.
Messrs.'Sands—Gentlemen: Exposed as wp.are to
the Bitacksof disease! ’and »o frequently dfiappomted
in proposed reriedie*. we cannot but look od tne eflorts
of successful practitioner* with 'gratitude
Tin* is true rrspeeifug jour valuable preparation of
Saraapuriila. 1 luvc been severely afflicted (orSJyear*
with it disease about .which “doctor’s, disacrer/' sod
ilieir prescription* Were still more diverse. * Ifled va
rious icincdu:* but found'no relief uuul 1 commenced
u«nig your excellent medicine, at wliifbtime liras
wholly confiued to iny.U-d. Auer using tt ftfewotoolhs
I am now able to w*jg about, ride out, and etyoyaeom
fortable degrre of h'-ullh, which l attribute entirely 10
-the use of hand’s Sarsaparilla. Please accept my as
surance of gratitude and regard. .
Berne personally acquainted with the above state*
m*tU, 1 hereby ceriuv that the. same is true.
Faktuxa TxsTiuo.Ht.—The following its nn-exiraet
from a letter received from Rev. 'NVilUim Galiuhu:
Oxustnux, Vl-Oet.tfcl, 1845.'
Messrs, Sands: I have been offl ciea.wUli- a severe
rain in my aide, occasioned by a disea sea liver,'for the
st twenty, years* suQeriug at times.what language
esnuot iouvey," but syicu taking \oiir Sarsaparilla, 1
have been greatly relieved, so much *othat 1 have been
able to attend to ray business, and preach occasionally
for the last fifteen mouths. I wholly discarded all other
medicine, and thoroughly tmdlhe Sarsaparilla, which
lean recommcud in tiulnand sincerity to all those who
are In any wnr afUictrd with any species of scrofulous
complaints. There have been some remarkable cum
efTcctrd by us u«c tn tht* Vicinity. Mrs. 1. Shaw, by
the use of six bottles, was restored to belter health than
■he Had beibre enjoyed"for ten years, and Mrs. W, Ste
ven*, who bad been severely atilieicd-witb the Ery*’P*
els*, was entirely cared by ibe use of A few ttoUietr
Yours truly, • WM. GAJ.IJbfIA.
Forfunberparticuiara and conclusive evidence of its
superior value and efficacy, see pamphlets, wbieh may
be obtained of Agents gratis.
Prepared and sod by A-D.&D Sandt, Druggists, 100
Fultoo-st7cornerof Wllliua,New.York., <
bold alttoby 1.. WI|XX)X, Jr , PituVurgb; H. Har
wood, Beaver} Wm. Watson, New Caalle; IX N. Rob
ison, Brownsville; A. Ortigh, Wa*fiinglon; end by
Dntggins generally throughout thi Uulted State*:
Pnee 81 per bottle —six Pottles for 85.
'The public are respectfully requested to remember
that it is Sind’s SarSaparilla that it is constantly achiev
ing such remarkable cures of the most difficult elass of
diseases to which the human frame is subject; there
fore a«k for gnndTSarsjpsrilla. ami take no oiinw.
whaUw* rclisscd him in such a short lima from hil dif-'
Cculiy of bmtbing, Cough and tuffoesiianf - He
will tell you it was “the Olosaonian, or All-
Healing Ralmm *' Ask the coosoaptiv*
what has allayed his Cough, removed • ,
the Pain in his bide and Cbeel, ' sight tweaU.tnd
placed (be ruse lof health
upon bit cheek? and
he will tell you
Aik your friccdiif they know of anything that will to ipee
dfly cure a long and tedious Cough, Hamng'of Blood, Brtai
ebitu, Dy.pee tic Cotucuopiiou, lioarsenesa, Inflaens, and
diseaset vf-the Throat, as the Olosaonian? and they will tell
you— No. There neier yet has been a remedy introduced to
notice which hat been productive of so maeh good in
>» ihort a ipaiie of time. Read the IbUowing
Astonishing Cages.
Wji. Bond, the celebreted Uoiton cracker baker, 98 Nas
sau street, Brooklyn, slates that his wife has been afflicted
with Asthma for Ju yean, and could not find pehunrat re
lief from the belt medical advice Which New York and
Brooklyn could produce, «u induced to try thil great reme
dy .She li now nearly well His daughter who was suffer
ing from the some disease, tried it, and was alto cared by it.
Mr* Bond linow sowell that iheis able to Mtufretn her
bed early ia the mantmgaod attend toher usual duties through
the day without any annoyance from her -distressing malady*.
Hmu JiCieo*,l3lh street, dear the Catholic tjeroetir,
came to the story lor the purpose of obuiaingabotw'orihe'
Olosoastan, having been afflicted with thaXrthßA&C more
ihan-90 years, and was so vshausted on bis arrival that he
coaid not speak. He purchased a bottle and rode-home.—
‘Four days afterward he walked from hi* rcu'dence'lo the of
fice without filieue, s dbtaoce of over tiro mile*, to tell of
the wonderful relief wbi<h he had experienced from, using
-about one half of one bottle.' -
Consumption of th« Luaf!• '
Mr.Coxrorr,S White street, waJ'tolovr tn the mooth
of December las L-that he was given up by hi* phpicion. Hi*
fririidf enicrtaliwd no hope of hi* recovery. He was persua
ded to try the Olusaoubn, and to hi* surprise it has *0 £sr
reatored him to health that be is now able to walk about the
street*. * .• 1 ■ •
Mrs. imu, the wife of Wa H; XUree,JamesHaman t
E»q. and Cko. W. Hays, Eaq. can all War trethmey frost
|hcir own experimer of.the healing properties'of this Oral
- Remedy in Consumption of the Lung*. ,
Spitting Blood* 1
Mr*. Tnocaocast, 3£tf Monroe street, wh* had been'
troubled tar a gnat length of lima by a soar* cough, and
. raised quantities of bkxxl, was relieved by oo* bold* or the
Oloaaoaian, and declares it liic greatest remedy in the world.
Dunn* Kbllv,-S6 Water street, was also relieved iron
the lame coraptaioL although he was Tery much reduced
when he commenced taking rt, having been under the care of
his physician during the past winter. Although he coughed
rontmmlrend was verymueh troubled, yoith night sweats, 3
bottles or the remedy enabled him to return to hit daily
work. . He wasentirelyrrliered.
David Hewnsasun, CO Lairht street, Oeo W. Burnett,
formerly of Newark, N. J., Henry Lisbon, 139 Rjvington'
street, and numerous other persons have been speedily and 1
permanently cured of the same complaint by this remedy.
The Array of Names
which could be produced of Persona who have used (hi* great
remedy would more Ibaa fill a column. Amour the number,
we are permitted to refer In A. M. Diniujerj lfe Barehv *t-
Mr.,Wilson, (if Hoboken; Mrs. Belt ofMorristows, N. Jj
James B Devoe, 101 Reade *L; Mr*. M'Caffree,® Attorney
*L; F. Smith, 92 Third Aveaur, Mr*. Wa. H. A line of thtd
city, and Mr* Archibald, X While st .
Bold who]reals and retail by Wo. Jackson, at Ais Patent
Medicine Warehouse and Boot and Shoe Store. N’o 88 Liber*
street, head of Wood street, Pittsbngh.' Pnce bot
Sellcrt' Liver Pill*. - -- •
TMIE original, only tras and genuine Liver I’ill* are
offered to those suffering from I.ivrr complaint upon
the terms of no cure, no pay. Head the following let*
ButL»,Pa.. Sept 23.19401
Mr. R KScllers—Dear Sirs I feci that it is a doty T
owe to the puhhe. av well a«io thc eredi f ofyour Liver
Pills, tostatr the good effect produced byumnt in my'
own ease During the month of Jane, IMS,! look very
tinwell. my appetite (ailed and my strenglh was en
tirely prostrated, with a severe pain in ay aide and
ahantdeta. I was told by paetlical men that my disease
w%* a severe attack of liver complaint. I took several
boxes of AfcL4t<'* Pid* and some syrups which 1 was
told were good Ibr that disease, hot after all 1 was get
ting worse. 1 concluded to place myself under tbceare
of n physician <or better or worse. 4Jat fortunately
inst at this lime. I was told by the Rev. L Niblock, of
this place, that n friend of bis bad'JfehLtimAbox of
Sellers’ Inver Pills from hsd benefit
ed hnn very much. I forthwith still for a. box of your
Liver I'ilL.and by the lime ll was done, I was satisfied
that it was just the medicine that-ssited ny -ca«e. I
scut for marc, took five or six boxes, and found thyself
entirely cured. In March la»i, I ciuight aacvere cold,
which tuOught buck Ibe di-ease; pad in a sSorl lime I bod as ever ! again hod reconrse to your Liv.
er Pills and took them every other night tor SIX week*,
and occasionally eversincct and I now can *ar that I
feel little if any symptom* of the Liver complaint, and
my general health is as pood n» it has been for the last,
ten year*. My neighbor* ask me who wa* ruy. Doctor.
I tell them that filers’ Liver Tills w.**-tny Doctor, and
by the blr»»;njj of. Providence. the means of coring
me. 1 ant confident, a* the public becomes acquainted
with tho value of your pills, the demand for them will
increase. Many of my neighbor*, to whotn'l have re
commended the pills, can testify to their value nnd to
tho facts above tinted.’ ' Your*, ftp 1 •
Aa there ore other pdi* ta11.,1 Liver Pills, persons
*houM ask for, and
take nootbef, tliun those prepaitd by
__rach3a * _ . 57 wood street .
MlrtoCft* ? J A Wonder !
—To care .Kntpuonf uni Disfiguremenu uf the Mm,
Purples. Freckle*, Sunburn, bait ttlicum. Scurvv, Sore
Head*, Ac., &c. v .
•Font year* ago last August, ifeo d.pjtaJ of
was astonished in consequence of n discovery made by
an Italian Chemist. Many doubled—it seemed almost
an impossibility that anything mode by the liaad* of
V e • uch ; in P liaf puwci* as Otai claimed
by Antonia Vesprmi for h.s mvem-on. .Many clatscd
tom and his invention nr a humbug, [and. alis! m***
tooltsh persoos without trying do the same nnw l at
lengih, after testing it in the Inwpitols, tlu; Medical &»-
. C h C, 7 n f 1 ,e l4M ‘.ehe«in*» in the worldjdehvcred
to® tol[lowing repoit to Signor Vespfvii; J .
We faav« no w minutely nnd Varsfully examined the
singular inveuttonof Veaprini. We have snaivjrd it*
component pan*—we have used it in *evera| ea*-s nnd
wo netitate oat to pronounce ujihc Italian Chemirai
Soap] n» a great blessing, and n truly wonderful reme
ay tor nny enianeons eruption or- di-figuremeni of ibe
• j-?' *. Presidsnt”
- v • ReaDTHIjM
rrpm thomvehtor himrclf to the present I’ropnetof.
Fsfti#. Nor, 4, letri
jin consideration of the sum of &J.GUO,I bare divul-
Jone*. residing in the city of New Ytsrk,
Nv A;, the wtihle process of luanoi'netitring, together,
with a statement of the ingredient* comppMUg my Ital
ian Chemical ronp lie. i. tomanufaetuib it for sale in
the L’nited Htate* only, snd in have ihr privilege Of na
ming il ‘iJone*' Italian Chemical Soap.”
Witneisr Henry J. Holdsworth.
(Signed) ANTONIA VESi’RIXf .
by w JACKSON, at hi* Tuicnt Medicine
Mjarehouse, fV l.ibeny atrect, head of \\ood, : at the
uguof ibe Dig Rod. Wfl -
eaii be ot,mined otoers are Counterfeit, .
'i... T* No’Care, Nb"X*ajri“"‘. , •
Jk.Jatkton' PiUt.Embrocation- h'eTfr Faih.'
THERE are few diaeasea more common or trou
blesome thin the File*, and yet; Botwlthmnd--
ing great effort* have been made toeare by 4be use
ofptn*. electotnea, linfmenU, &e ,all wero (utile
and ol little benefit. Now the Embrocation the
only mctTicino o«ed, ■ A person who has bee a suffer
ing wiUi the .1 Ik* of the Worst kind came from S«-
Icm.JSew on porpose to expreu hi*
‘.iJ*! r *f.‘b* e « r « thatthi* mtdicLoe ha‘d.
eflecied 1b bit ca*e.—Fhila. Sat, Vo*. »
fitWwrgbatlbe PCKEN TEA
-M D eV* * **& 91 - 9ad al *°' w Drag Store
”f bifff* 1 ' F * der#l * l ' Alle i hen y City;
i; Mfejii'At.
mNTOM fiiiiii&l. BXMBDT,
IS now untremllr ackiowledgedto be iheiiw
oal Atfectkae,CoiLtncli»oaor lh«,Alusde* ’
Throat and Qdinay; lmes,Old UJceA.Paiaainthe
Back and Cheat, Ague h the Braaat and Fac*.
ToolhAcbr, Spraisa, Bnifaes; Salt Rheum, BitnV
- Croup, Fro*ted Feet audall Nenroea Dibci*m ’
tended the application ofihit moat WONDERFUL
MEDICINE in coring the moat severe enti of the
diSererrt i tiaea* 4m • tbovefaamcd,—end iho .RICH
KNCO.MIUSIS lb*thav«j been beatowed upon ft
wherever it haa been Introduced, give* ne tberieht
to calion the AFFLICREQ to retort at once to
ON. V \s> v
[ Uj*Thefacsltj uniteArfrtcommendiDgilie eelei
ated External Remedy, Hunt's Liniment -1» -
,--The follow,ng letter f&m lire highly emimut
, Physicians who faave-.beed attached to the 'Mount
Pleatant State Pnaon.'foryniny year*, ia the beat
evidence of the value oTUVia celebrated Liniment
Sij»o Sin#, December 56; ISO * ’
MjDear Sihr-I reeeivciSyoor note of yesterday
asking my opfn.on in relatfeo to Hunt’# Liniment’
at prepared by Mr Qeorgi E Stanton. Knowing
ill composition, and having frequently cart : it, I
can recommend it to you pa a life Esternal R*me
dy,aod ,-iri my opinion, the beat Liniment now in
1 uae. - Verv truly and rfetpectTniiy tour*.
• ' . . > A K HOFFMAN/
Col Pierre VanCortlaadt. Croton Manor.
. I ruUy coneorio the aboee opinion. '
Yokktowb, Jin. J4,.JU4£.
sir—ln reply to your letter, i would ety that’l
2 : l T ?_ ,i * cd .>^ or internal Remedy, called Hunt**
Liniment,in my-practice since you_made-a>e ac
qyainted with iu,competition, and yaheeiutioclr
»ay that I bejicve itto be the beat External Reme
dy now. m ore ior the eooipluau f. r which ycu rr
commend it. •' Yourt reapectlully.
(ieo E SUnton,E*q.
- • Froa lie N Y Sun’
D*Among the niMof »ortbles« articles'and
humbugs that are poured forth' it the pretest dav
upon the country, it it-really, refining to tied
•umeihjpg of reaipraetjeal utility, something iim>
pie, ipeedjr and eflectual in lu opention'. acd.f l
tin not time free from tho,e. injurious effect*
which generally attend powerful remedies. Hum l *
Liniment, prepared by Ueo. E Manton, ot bine
.Sing; though tt has been but a abort .time before
the public, nas already obtained the confidence; But
only of our most wealthy and cititena,
bat our most eminent phyaiciana. All aebnowl*
edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of U>o ilia
.that flesh {■ heir to, toothing lift aching limb,.aud
by iu genuine stimulating ißllueace,baniebib£ di«.
ease from lift system. « . . ■
_£* r * , St f? l ?°“ s ' r “Sfeing your advertisement
or Hant a Liniment, I was induced to try iu eflecta
oo my ton, who bad been crippled with a lame
back Iron an infant} andiliswitb gratitude I bear
testimony to its wonderfal healing properties My *
child, »bo is now fire year* olage, it. now In a fair
way of recovery, Yours, ic... " ./
PosTOrnct/rmfifi as, I'utnamCo
I certify Out l am pcrapnalh acquaints with "
the above named child, and think the father Would
be sale in saying that hia son is almoat well.
M « to . e ' JAS W DYXMAN,'
Wot 5,1815. . —Deputy Post Mutei 1 .
I*, b. I would also slate that | Wo been foV a
number of years subject to frequent attacks ef the
Rheumatism, whiob in .many instances prevented’
my attending to my business. Two or.three sppli
'tiona of the Liniment invariably remove all al«
ieciioiw of the kind:; *lh VucPoi' braUet. »pnin«
andanre*, 100 name roof to mention, it hi* ia ibis
vicinity proved a certain rented?.] it* value'can
be eatimated by thbee who have given it a fair-'
Thu linuoeffl is told *t_2s nod 50 cent* per hot
tie, hr all the Principal! Droggial* and Merchant*
throoghooithe country.' l , : «
, yVhoksalt Agcrilt in New York.
HOAOLEY, PHKLPS <fc Co, Hi Water at.
RUSHTON Jc Co, IJO l.roadway.
ARi'D SANDS, corner Tarton and WilJUm.
ASPINWALL, 86 William street.
Order* addressed to me at Sing Sire, N Y.will
be attended to. GEORGE E STANTON,'
• .. , ; Proprietor.
hot sale in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr, and J
KIDD & Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT.
Birmingham, JOHN SMITH. fcbiy
TILLS, for the core-of Liver Complaint, and
all distant arising from the Liver. . In tick head*
ache, and a# a purgative and AnUsßilioot Till, tar-,
pasted by none. 1
SrwrTdus of a Diseased
ioflamation o| the Liver, when not the cooacqar'nce
ot an acate attack of tha diieare, begin* generally
with symptoms of a functional ditorder of the digea*
tivn and- biliary orgam, and dyvpcpaia frequently
aeema to he the only affection present. 'The patient
complaint or-irregufir appetite and impaired powers
of digestion, acidity, flatulence, alight cholic pains,
occasional nausea and. vomiting, and a alighTdall
pain and weight are !clt in the nghtaide, accompa
nied in acme caret with a dragging pain in the right
shoulder. Moat commonly, however, no distinct
pain is experienced,.io tho- region ol the Liver,
exccpt.when firm pressore ts made on this part—
The bowels are, always very irregular, costitouess
being cemmon in •omeinitaoccs with diarrhoea, the
discharges acantv, dark colored, offensive; slimy, ;
greenish or muddy. One ol tlie most contact kna
chjrtCUfiiittcaympthtd*'of-ChrooiC“'Liver'Com* a dry; harab. constricted state of tee skin,
a thorldry cough, with alight difficulty in breathing,
is a frequent attendant on this disease. . lu.the
chronic as in the acute form oftbit disease, the pa«
tient can seldom rest aseaay ton the left «a os the
rightside. As the disease advances, alight fevers
come oh'towanls evening* attended with a horning
heat in the palms of tbe hand* and aoietet the feet)
the sights art restless, and when the-inflammatioa
terminates in suppuration, hectic and rapid emacia
tion conaume the vital powers.
Manufactured ud told wholesale and retail by
I JOHN D. MORGAN, Diuggial*
*treet, Pittsburgh.
tochSl • ‘ . j
. a raxsuca Bxjnrjurtcx ; •
'T’UH beat article knows for cleaning and whitening
4 the Teeth, strengthening the gams, sweetening the
breath, Ae. It abonld be used every rught with a stiff
brush, and the teeth and month willoaly req*ir*a#ligh
washing in the-morning. tVet tbe-bmah ariih owns
water, or cold-will nnawer. and rhb it a few umea on
the paste, when eitongh wiU'adbera tot efeaning the
teeth. It leaves a delieioni taste in the rooath,ana lm
pans a most delightfulfragranee to the breath. Itstanda
uurivalleda* a pleaaant, efficaeions, and
safe dentefice.' It ft warranted not to injore the teeth,
_butlo preserve them.
Uy using it regularly, it will remove the tartar and
prevent ns accumulation—4>revent| the toothache,,
strengthen (he giun*. and prevent all diseases cl inetn.
. pl*y* iei *ni. and the clergy recommend' it at
deeldedly superior io every thing of the kind in a*e.~
A*k for Sherman’s Compoond Orris Tooth Paste, and
observe bis signature it attached to each pot
Recesmnendcd by Dr. Cssde, 381 of
osr beat Demise, and by mort of the old enapßshed
ones in the United States, and even Aigssively iucd
by the Nobility of England and Frr.» r* .
A large proportion of the disease, i >atafflict mankind
arise from some derangement of the stomach or bowels,
which a timclv u*e of the. Cmhtr.ic Loxenge* woold
entirely obviate, Persons nf bilieus habits should al
ways have a box at hand, and take a doM-whtficver
they feel the least derangeoentintbelr health vAjodi
-cioos nia. of there Loxenges would prevent thousands
_of earei. -
Forsalea: WM. JACKSON’S, comer of Wood and
Liberty <ta , ,
in all its multiplied forma,,
whether in that of KiogVEvU;enliye*9Mftito*>;iihe
elanda.or bonca,Goitre, White Swellings. Chronic
Rheumatism,Cahser, dUeasea ortho Skm or Spine,.
or of Pulropnary Consumption^“emanate from one
and the same cause, which rs a- poisonou r prilciple
more or less inherent In tho human system. 'Qiere*
fore, unless this can be destroyed, no radi
cal cure can be eSected, bot if the principle upon ■
which the disease removed, a care
must of necessity rolfciw/fio matter übderwbat term
the disease thou Id, manifest itoeV. This, therefore,
tathe reason why. Jatbc’s Alterative ia so uni
. vcr*ally successlul ia removing ao many malignant
diseases,; it destroys the airtia or principle from
wbico those diseases have their origin,by entering
into the circulation, and With the blood ia conveyea
to the mihntest fibre, removing every psrtielo of
diaene from the system. Prepared and sold it No.'
8 South Third Street. Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7J Fourth atreet
PitUburgb.i : • < "mcbsi.
<a nothing equal to iL . - • • ,
, Pittsboboh, March 27,1847.
Mr R E Sellers—ln justice to you atuLynur in
comparable Cough Syrup, 1 beg leave tosutc for ths
benefit of . the community, that my wile has been
several time* afflicted with a moat distressing enugb.
I purchased in January last a bottle of' your Syrup,
which cured a cough of two mcnihustindfag.;' About
one month since the cough returned, and wai so se
vere that aliq could .hardly move, from weakness in
the breast;; l sent for' two botUci of your Lough
Syrup. and a part or one botlie cpred the cougE 1
gave the other bottle to a journeyman who w„a se
verely.afflicted, who had, to use hjs own words,
"eaten enough Cough C*ddy fo'cure all tho people
in Pittsburgh, lftbe candy bad been aagood aa rep
resented. . Respectfully yours,
• • 'Alfred B.’ Keetii..
o*Nlnety-nine out of every hundred that use
this Cough Syrup, say that it is the beat Cough
Medicine In use. Prepared and sold at S 3 centsper
bottle, byjl E SELLERS; 57 Wood at. mch3l
THIS medicine U laat taking the placp di; every
preparation heretofore used fordiseaaeiikrisinT
fh>m Weaknea* or other cause*. • AH that la necea*
a ary to tecore tbu medicinr* f n tho Dome*-
lie Practica of every Saintly, when such a medicine
ianecd. d.ts a trial.
It *p«ak» for itacH^-irfaaocenHtrit*- operation'
and no injury can antei from ita use at .raytime.
Wholesale and Kolia by ROVVAND Ll WAS .
TON, Proprietor*376 Market Street,
ior sale in Pittsburgh by K E Spllera, 57 Wood
ai.-v-tr a.>d >V ta. Thorn. Market »L ' oe6dw T
Dr.'MeLane'a Liver Pilla. "
J KIDU A ca-cents: me have
evA e boxes of Dr. McLane’s I.ivrr Pills Br
hat used two boxes Of tho Itoeien*. Pills
they have done her more good than my family phy .ictau
‘woTwvwendanee. Two edditioii |
thinki wttt effect» cere. - -i' ‘ 'xJa MBS JONRS ’
Tbe*e vaJoable-Fills tor sale by jr
60 Wood stirct,*Pittsburgh. mchSO
IAYNE’SBAIRTONIC-— After gn lag pd* article « hit
J ,U«l,ws uahesitatlagly preboonre irtobewhalit nrdfr**.
**—the best article, without say rvetptidu, to oW. ibe
mtoraliap and praemikm of ihe-btxmau hair. W« know
mhtt * Wf watered,to heads
whlA tow beaa bald toy yean; sad w* Uriah we eaaaot do t»
Afotrr taror than to reewnoiead to all our readen who are
a IriU ofthi* Tonic tounediately.—
_ For *ak ia Pittsburgh at the Peakin T*» Store; No. 73
Fourth street, aaar \\ QQd.. ..t-ji/- J-■> ■®rS’kwT
hair DTR—For perma
llr dyeing L,ght. Red, or Oriy Hair a Dark
in j^ rin l to®
• ttoitl*|*j? *ito fail direcuona. Pnee 50 cauta, or Bt.
brWhL at hia Pwu
VVarehouse. fO Libetry street, bead of Wood, at the
atffu of the Big Boot *