] YouaoQ Ham*; hltean: i»F«iertr ' bto RuttW far nk kr [ FUINPEXTEK k. Co TiOLMIIIBfSiaf M UXJltl* Plant gubblffWWl • ~4$ licjee* pr ijfHoaie da; J.om Fie*; tor >»'« l>T‘ KJINDRXTEB fc Co Rotlvucrfl [l—int» but., a pr>B( lot- fot tala BAfiXLEYtSUrTH Iband*#s«?*iL- Ohio pkacuks by 1 / hp 6 • K . Ki *1 SOAP-&Ubi*N«l » ■pi - JPWI fIOUUBIp l 14. Moimet; t fogarj tandm* £s?**“ JA* DaLZFXL NoMwtter«_ I FUirou'i S*. Tobacco; #. '•■“^ssasssr -So«4w«»cr»i I ('«•»>- (£ i "rtr p«usii";siSL- aS pWVira r,77,v. <*p a,, w„p- „I * „,H “ 'rfc rctSou®**"!* —r r-" I *- r !> ’| Jp, P»na tndlfwtn «* t *pp'«. ">«•“>■ ■ t * iff A £ing urdc.i» rm}* ft McKNlOtn*. »iHb «» r,v t:tIU!V *“ wtndow tJ1 *'*' I board '* *u J (O w «r l ‘o&l .* y .KX » *• t t k 4‘ nN A MrKNIGHT.Saih .it Wbiie fclraß* for «ale by -OX k. MeKNICHT.Aiib* ftOAP- BKAaiS'-IUH-l*’' Bf* . V* ASC fiubz* No I Monbi Candle*: id; for tale by IN * MrKMGHT. »iltb (d CI*IY tJermanCtay; for *»le by t«<»S V McrKNlUHT.Sutiitt fMAJIOSiO* A» II so Diamond i -—'rr.,- . nai.iw- mu>. ;im*ee’dand for**le DIIIBD ,“ kIM ;MoURF.W fcCo by , f»»6Comi»erci»l_Row *.*» 'isjsri“tt" 7 X) ♦ . " No 0 Cocmcffill Row ■P? -i- - i f »■»-* *P ?? ! '■'*« W «i«, tor f.tn- J_j "* i'» frr.m «unr Pionrrf gaii tor «le by ity ore,«<■" torolmg , '" n, gJ IAII D | C gHV »Co | water and from »t» JJun.o,, ro.. tCo, IB w~dj«_ *— „„«1> "’.mo L., Rio. par^prime, tun »e«M and COFFKfc*-*’ 0 ‘»5 » V‘O»NDEXTKRACo for *»le l, >' l No4l waieratreel ,P 3 - ow WASTED rA you»'"-' OWOATMW ipft&tu \ .._ 1 "T ~~Z '\BV PBACI B MfB*?SH O Aient, fur ■■•liby 'So Xl wood wreet ■ |*4 _i B”* in TONS l«« V"*'* "'Fs’IVriKNoStCER I '”' soialr»T j tifXfc-Pftr Kt»w m>ll KtiS W*ii >"**»&s WZri°“hTs “' i water from K|, | 1 Ui street -Vetow Fet*r 3‘eirrHßEßT - «’-.«i...fcBe»d »■. between Mttnd^lh^iL. Z, vwi«U-.iw. »*) SgA - ' V/ by* V . No6owood«irfei rSiuST-w 1 i ior *ale I'T • So W wood *1 •ricTTV-a* iu. i-Miy. ' n “ 1 * j ' l Kki“d“ I co T Jr WoWwoo^jii p£ J OOß^iw‘t*'-l*^‘ n1 ’' rw Xi , jVfiLO*N r,ai ' J?br .'., Mg »nd*S'iwooJ»» . ri Atsrso bbi» No i > ' l '"' JU " -j-agS* 1 O 1 Liberty * *’ T »r 111 ,U ‘'y*4 J j‘°sU)AN T X L'txnT Md wQod «?_ tbh J.y^AN 10 " VV and tor rale by ijbrti^aß^woodtw^ 1A Billi Old MonongttbflaßrjO WWke>^in N *«« 1U »ud for «!*• b r Litany and wood «t» mcbTO Xl by Liberty end wood » u . 6 aovssa=i-355-E=ir®' ™u “ga- 4 O tor »«le by LibeitT *«* * l * • drsr»ooAß-«» kM« P"”«. p" u ” “ N. „™i.«J%V'£iR,DoF, mujosi^ mrllSU ‘ 1 * "* . No 1 Coaklu«’« Cincmn*ti.« L 4wt*te article, jß«tree*d oodfw SE IIBRB Not: Übeninttrx meti3o i m.KKD OIL-.O i C J-l No S 7 wmter H C tom »»e • ho 'te, l .'’cSatoSU md T«nm, tor lUltiog. Carp*» RHEV * Co Ml* by j ' NbJJ«i«»>| *bbUfkan« J-- I'tfsle Dcerttkia*; , , t PWEND.RHEYRCo Fortaleby | r Jiofl?wm*er«‘ mcMo_ ... - - pods ndooH^toT”^ L/ No 57 water «_ tceb*W " K ' nl “^g T t SS"imKY ti W NoB?vs»r*t fncbTO . MOLASi 1 aatf for >• tnchOO »»le by front tU _ b. »*leby r LK " . fISUi - ■ TST? xl by , '• n«..«.idwtreni^ mch?o i TkFV AITLIW AND PKACIIES I J 300 l»o*. Dty 2 pp rrr’d tnd for »3ft l»y c * md»» _ .... . rr:; TJLOUR--" »**• tco r R LibertT tfreet - «n®Vafi»c3e, Ju** S. .«««■> •‘“'‘S'ußßmbGK, *£«, Su sr '" et " rf mSnaS. w ' u^f„%, —— _ ARasuica asd 1 O «'*>»'* .ni fo' ■*■; ‘■y ,0 * pic*- »-*^SSBTSi^S7_ IN Mte by ; f inajii>ertyj^rre)_ 7\ovtoh V A»*F ( j| o^£ i "hur?rerTS>' for t 1 ia>L»be^lL««*i b » 1« 5S iuir?fi2 aco 15 "j ' BBS trftevty «re«i_ I mcjgft oXoVBS^ O JoirD * FIHK _ trm fine IMGJote*— • wMkiKT.t"**. _ w 0 *tAbe New orb 9«>«i * vv t | gaRRA&X> - 1 ,_ — TiwSi; Ecrsir ••• roclcS jit iii-» l »l'SsfllS£^|g ? Tj}io'cot»*'i£B-e» ‘'WSjfEfiTamra*" .HAnUKS ABO u '“ 4 ‘ r " | F?“* BB,CK mo^l'S."' •*• J 66 _wmiet»R< l« front«». JXU S ip* - *—; — •> Romuiue RICE* *PPX-E»-I®"._ u» *PP’' cor rmithtcld *ad front m IJOI.I. IICTT«SB-9 bbl. “ 4 |jl tor *a«r ly < cor waithfiaM aadfoy»t». posss r&^ L/ and lb* toy *a*era»d ttP«t»» -piiio'ii ou.-« »u k beite* cor Liberty aw*» air r raebtf .. BACOM-li® tjprr or ~.!« ■=' '■'^'SltSVi'ffir.', :;•' ■: ■ r steamboats: regular LOUISVILLE PACKET. • - • > ' Tfke > new and fine Paekei :Mißk BOUBA, rAjMA Crozier, uaster, wilt leer* u above on for freight ot pnuige eptfy on board ~ FOB na^uvjllii ‘ Tbe mwb end fine Perkr i ° . «MHJL; PACIFIC* autef. will leave fat ibe JfrrßEAQfl* above port, on Tfaonday evening, aii. at 4 o clock, r. x. -PP7 % 'BBftSrW BRO FOR LOUIS—DIRECT. ‘ The inlendid and naunch Packet P »CHC¥LKILL. [JUMW Andrew*. ma»ter. will leave aa above Tbanday evenii'f, April 0U»- at o'clock. For Ireiekt or pa***ce apply ao«_ FOR NFAV ORLEANS—DIRECT. - : TLr iwiA aud «a»aeb ateamer R*L • CIRCASSIAN, MW Cox. maun, will ieare a* aboteoa BSbThnr«dar. April ftth, at 1® °' cl f >ek -. For fre'gbt or paaaage apply on boars- FOR NA3HVIU.E-IMRF.cr. Tbr ttanaeb' and elegant ateamer WA OKlOfli M Oirenlee, mailer, will aaaboae April fcth. at 10 o*eloelt. *.V For freight ot p*««P * “ ~' for louisville asd ST. LOi'is _ : Xbe new end element tteeme? oosDOLwa. r wm nuitr, wilt leere w ebo*e *» lbis ereninß. For freißbvor pm»*ege epply ®° b** ol -,. •• .. _ »P°_ AND LOUISVILLE- ' . The new end elegeM »lo»«er AMERICAN STAR, o'clock, ibi* eftemoon, April SM£- ! pj7heitb7orpe»»e*e epply - ““ - ~ for OT. LOUIS—DIRECT. The rieeneb end fine itcemer PIONKEBa UChMMV Moere. neiter. will leete e> ebore on April »b, et 10 o’clock. frei*blor pe»itße epply on boeiiL Regular Pliubnrjhtad Ztnmllle . Ip"*|l The new and -Jane* F- Boyd, maater, willmn a* a regular packet between Pm-borgh HaVmg had her cabin* filled op_ and fJroibSdinropenoratjle.ilie Cornel offera the fineat aeeoinmodauoria to pM*engera • I For orp««r: *PP'r pwjLKtNS, A.. | mat 10. WKLLSVILLE DAILY I'ACKirr Tha new, elegant »" <3 /yLf ackel WKLMVII.LB, LlbhMlH* C C. Caiteit. muter, wa» bout *J* nm.ly forthi* trade, and wiU make daily tnpa donna the •* t . , °wCti«*i3s rTer J o r "‘|^J' mi»hed w.lh * w«« Co **f Fof fiSf * .Fthe rimborah SuUb fitwbumj A no BROWNSVILLF. earner Vtw'KaW *°Frn7wi|[i«rM puwir VP 1 ? on board. dec* PllUbarib ud Bn«UU& Pncket. The new and tw HUDSON, I Paten, mntfr. b»* resumed her rrj liwWtfft uUr inp* and will l ***« 1 '“f***!! AMfeHßk B 3 oboee eeery Thur*dmy mud Mon d»v tl3 o’rlork, P. M. For or oo bo^rd Alhtbeoy B«*«f Trad*. Tbefinr and fiat Steamboat Via ,M . ARROW, S Cant. Jatn<** Atkinson, will coniin uJj&wrftqr „ e 10 run a* * Regular Farkri do " r i n e lUe aeaion between I iitabargb JdVranklm. For freight or pa.iage apply on board. £canf : * -1 regular packet for Nashville I Thr n'W «e»nwr ! WYOMISO, John *F. M.y*, w.ll <-o.nn.rnc* regwlmr tnp* w «m »t*°V; P?? *>» a . ja. fFor freight or A «'» met*? • - ’ — Ik ninf ItfUOer MJKP.KA. lilwMK Croxief. master. will run a* a regul* Uiwreen Pimbutjh and Louia ' «lH«PP******flL ann i v on i^a,J mclitttt Forfriigntorpa***gp*PP'> on l-oa ’ I cPFSPOnr, F.L' ZABETH AND MONONfiA,- iJrKF.Epin>irr, t r u crry pACKKT . I I xhe nrrr rt^aWPT ” despatch. ti’l'V.lfltf Nfl»on ma*wr, will mn a» a l *®* *.!' * Jffi|HL Tl n( Pif.burgU fTrrj MonJ«>,• J 1 M»KTHtS6»fij e “>■* *•»«•> “ 1 * \ TllEl^Urj^J-r LShIMV HurJ, Ma*ier,wiii make wrfkly tnpi jjje a boT? poll during or to i *P« -- •] POR LOUISVtLI.E AND NASUVILLF- i , 1 n> For VrtighiQT pas tage apply on board. AND WHERLINO PICKET. PITTSB Thesplendidandla.tninntnf.tm . rfEW ENGLAND* I* O W Kb«t,wlll'« ”»*mi W PrtSta«g «« l j passage apply on board, or to W ILKINB, Agent PirrsiußOll AND LOUISVILLE PACKET. PITTSBUBUU , cndjd OOBOOLIEB, o Lvcm»> matter, was boilt eapre** Y for Uns trade, and w, *L, e *nL t *l2 a wi!li>e advertised hereafter. .— — Vor NASlivil.Lß-rFJJL-I.AR r*™^ i «vn®sr“ Wl-A.-IKM Hart, master, both expressly ‘ PUubnigfc and Nashvjlte trade, W. g®?SSyL &»" -nd for intermediate poria- Foj freiit or passage on I «»^| r ß lo J[ BB p, ' Heeond street sbl« * p ruKri, will le**e * >r ytriM. m M O’clock. Fnd*T “} 0T iHHBi ffi iS F° rfte * h ( I pi.rtje.WTinjjfiae ie«miD«i*now, *PP ! T on bo*f I Im»r4 ; tsss;rs ward. ■ -— — | , %^^" r ' vMt:Fx,Nc MmL to, «• Fo.f<«w oa board. - - I I / and Other* l jhaveeßoMioanincrveol g’mii.tRNBKIMIw, SmoWnr.lle. Ag.nl, » W»** “ rjiT»g '" R mm Hi r r u .^ , “““ 1 ;: do **”*“„ i’. f*r«ir Saturday* April 3rd. £ nS?i n * L XJ*mSi‘ ( S3L d uoJisy!lpri> s“*- t Jo Ok?» Ct fl-{£ jtrkpy, Tfcur»dny. April Mb. do Indian*. Capi. u« (.',iday. April Vih. uo A f A do Sf?“r?‘l; C Cral« Sunday, April Ulh. t do Ohm. Capt. j 5 Monday, April l*ih do Indiana, Cap <)£<•*,Monon* ab^lallouM Forpa«aage»ppl) •* we * n [.KKCII ACO or us Canal Uaain W HCABRAEP r- kL? gnai.3ESl *“"toROIK.H T»aCKKT Bo* l * B , w „ of tb« Pfe. daily.wd «n« »»W.rren i» icrr.*--—--r oni » !>■" kpciNGWEU.. ">•""• Prop* ■ S^EtfPARES * Co, * EJS„i,h»I4 n Wtoeesgu*-- \^T a, m7 i&t SS&wSr&ss andalil»e Af» - ' rV*IG t FBAWPTON, Ct»rt*viire, OK MCFARLAND fc KINO, Big Bend, do. ?!aY»A PLUMB, Wurptbnrgb, do, W C »lAUN. sUron, do, WM MATHEWS, I’pluii, do, ocvn faRKS k Co, Beaerr. , do, ' r*»rniiEY, corner Water »ftdSmitbfir'd •••» JOHN * IM MoD*n,*hcl» Ho*". P'"‘ b *H h '■ /*' " •!*' ' •' i THE~TITTSBIR«‘ and RATE* Et'fctrv Pun Brjtna* "-'■'l"" 40 050 Omftcc.n %*■ c ** k _ Crea* Tara. • • j ■ Ten*** '... -J1 01) W** 7 «> **i Oali*-"’ «« g/g «£S£! :: ~-£ : Jas?±;:::s S?‘ SES... i: SST^ ;: \S‘S ! li“Dye*. ...\ - • Jg* Ma*neaiaCarb • * g,- ! Madder, Ombre }■» gj* ; Madder, Common-• g*" : Vlyrrh, Turkey *f. g 6? .•ivfaw-i : 4‘S4 &--"vgg3 “ ::::;:: - :: sIs Tana-ic Acid f® J 5? I *>y w®°d-r u>. j : clipped 3 F*** l lb. OhU»*'kim*yivamß*.M ® ffl aM.'.Uim : ;::5“ ®» S"*Y.\. 130 U Canuu. Z«itc “IJ l^ iui“n>- Mu*c«- • ■ Bunch- - ••* v ,a— Bloom; did _““ M Crmnberiie*,,'' •> aoo4 60 Uoon...Nc 'V->' I 'KJS;S oranee* d •••',•:? m, CT : dS “® M Apple* dry • i 1202,00 Apple*, 10W pol*** r .ago 0 15.00 ‘WEnjuST^ sssf^-.r^ £‘ ne ili : nf BOOe Ry '.° V w>i.--- r5~, •"•■sTirbif ‘ y*id—Tbu»bal. _ og SS£::.'-'-'-'--'-'- ® IS 'FU*»—Fbbl _ MidW Na }• ■ 'tTSo M hE^n”' ;: V tia. 9 ■■■•■• 0i(oo I Salmon, No- l- m No- ; Zo 7JO gsV',u -y® ♦ i e5f«.N.l. - -"-J £| «.*». ag ; Raccoon _0 35 1 I* ! GUkii— ! Black Houle*. _m^oo Uuan.rjTOM .'_o 7,00 ;Cl»re«,o ‘ ’ 1 , | Windowula* 1 , F l* o4 ! ' Citybrand*. i pauui do-, I0»t« w* L i |BUM ;• • —" : Country »>n \9 N 0.6 »ol4®l* a 20 “ 11 »13*--* ■■! ___„ 0 lM«MUtV»®» ctnt * lb “ N tiw< leeMT d ° l • 7» ■ 60 7 O S. a sa .. .9 S 3 ts •• -too •* HUU,'tW»> 1.000- Coverlet Yarn 10- - C*n*lCUun- Cotton Twine Cnudle tck Coßc« —»“ (l io n J.ts, oW white ••• s»t nomitip> ; 0_ t,a*'>» VTA 61® W Rio . 0 — Havana *' .V COPP**—* u>- 9 Jg, Brazier* * 0 js Sheading- |so SO °C®rtf»r®-^ v col 'Jt» is Mantlir* 0 io ffi-f «*** . 0 0 Tarred 0 g p“ k j‘ T 7 BxtraU>&C ... n— oi,7# -£p*^- n y;;/V. —«i.» Fl"*-'-- !.»•«" I * bo»eatlca-Hry* nl i cotton*— |T>aile, Na»hw. 0 g Appleton- fce-* ••• g jo I Ponnlsbt’t* ANo I & gj I Allegheny U■•••■■.. q jl l Oregon U Union »>»_ » * Nbnatook-** • 0 _ Allegheny !>•* '.7M> 8 ?to“’ p sr‘ ,, »cg- M *>-• TJekias*— 317-r; Mletbßcni 1 1 Sj*» . fllr I llndjoD •_*»— < a.c- a. : Wen Br»ucb f „ ?L'i : Brown dnU» to 1 S t 3 BlewbeJ Common ■ T^.j* Drag*— ¥ lb 'Aloe* I A 1 Ataftetidm Airow 800 l AquafimU ••• Uofil, refined COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TBADK. F “oMMITTKK FOH APKU, J.TOTTE*. W.H. f~ Oftuu* oa*»i . |, l lt,ruu. ./ li. Morfaljw it. l rfa» EriMM Apnl -• ' SrWc or Ta*Oß.-Thi« hu >*en * »«rj P™*' ' perou. week I. ill branch*. of Trade. W« 00l H W.rtem Km" « In .bort.Trede u do.elopmg lUell ■« *U >“ r, “ gcati.n. —itfj great rapidity. ,Ki the Road* iropro-e, I it wiU continue to grow. ASHES—’The market h« Seen Sire of bco^ ini* FoU«b, and Pearluh through the week,»t lent Ihete ha. noi been enough. done to nuke . pnee. The Norther, cdnrt. -ill I* ope» ,0 "" ] ■jiM will come in. , *0- A .tie reported •ince ol fi «k. PoU. «> sc, We ere adraed that order. «re in the fcwt, for.et lent 100 ton. of Sod. A*, come, directly .n competition with A.he« of .11 wFt.IJtVILLB ! BEANS—No moT.menl. S»lc» 140 _bu «m Whit. ntJMnd WP^ 1 "' , BUCKETS —Further ..le. to 3 O,S ° I ’’TtXSWAX not .n ieti.o demind. Not much COTTON —The only ..In worth nutted *“ bnlc. mill. Teno. »t lie . cub. »»«“ “1. “ Ut, unknown. 114- » “ k ‘“« Colton, end nlnce* For.nn new. lb. I *“ k lißKk.bat rwcotpt. A .are reported alnce of 100 bale. “' d - Ten ” «( ilk 4 moa. CIH-roN VAKNS—The market '• “kohl " te r" „ [ell iitlael week. 6ra and inif. ■*"* 'h'cANDUES-A good demand preratl. for dipped Te,.„«, bel BO change. POUhorgh Star, are qoick aalee al ibe ad ranee noted laat week. DEf.K SKIN.o-'Ve hare no aalee lo ha a pneo eel. There in inqnitj: ■■ I DOMESTIC’ OOODS-We ha.e lo notice rerj .cure demand for PilUho.gh SheeUnga. hoi no alte ration In price.. Market rer, Cm. „ d °Tn„T - “n Allegheny;!* ’ I Oregon D; _ Sal abundant annply ,l 1 mllhli al Vi bbl, u inqu«l with f»lek WO bu ha « * l 7' si **s to the trade, and $1,374 sVi WObn Dncd A P P>» -* «*»• lncluded. fiwcttßlL'K.—We nole aalea al preaioua price ♦ ILOHiR—SiW* of J”' I J“cli r T8 W a«Ml » market for Floor ba. b*n day to once* which hare ateadily imp , - w«ffoo| day. Thia morning S*t*l ororToc loa'da, which la an °J:' , J?22m. gon.ml, day. But alter the foreign new. Decam g. | the matket beam. 0 week*reach I boweaer. wenl up. The aaiea °* 80C0 bbla lolly. iv , . . , Tbo aalea of Floor to day were IMO bbU** * ding tome loarma.al ® l U FRE 6 IOHTS-The market he. been rmady for freight. In erery direction, and we oraUoa to nouco to quotation*.. The *■*““ Freight ia alao ioereeaing, and at P*®*? 0 * I Umlsae roah eaat and weat throujh the Canal - 'pbo Northern Ctnala will be open m » lew dajra. GROCERIES— Sogar—The uurket nae beeoj MII throogb the week. Salea equal lo IW| Js3a to tho city and country trade, at Ti‘* B i c . •“* 1 market baa been doll, anti aalea ,o“ iiSSr«k«" lMl >- Pncea are feeble, The i trszETnii * - , j MARINE INSURANCE) FREIGH ',>t. joomoo 11 •» . .. It,u> OW» t*oa«x .... 6j#gji ‘ i . * _ B _. Foooirr eit —a Illdia—•*»- • . a p f olg f .do * - ® 1 5- jpiT-J^rir" 1 -^’®?*.!* L?o7hl!£°"*- -;*vi» : {j] Horunrv4-c.IT _U?-4 '!, !£?r«r!':...-.i«i* •• :! bttUfO -by package .. ~ mbbK- 7|® * 10 .iySOI.2U flutier •• H ."keg*- .iLfal* l, •• •• I in toll- - H®l*l r I™i V*. 3,,, , fr*- n n Boiler 1' •« -C 1 bu'l'el- « Nail -- f'' ' -4L® 5 Icommon Red* • ••• *_ - 5 PV-ttb wiftf* ■■ 4i 1 Neebannock ®* ,5 L ” 0 I* I Ha**—* lb. Pr* j?*sih I Country ™Jed j Lb d—^ P 111 , 410 «' Do- good while- • • Hum Riee-f N*. fr-T""”’-88 ov. ££££#?s Damaged--- Spieea—P lh - Slaughief-- ;; £g -a Clove.--- •;• ™ “ S,«’ v:‘»® *• gs“j. lnJto “::::::518 »«£,*•&»*» ; , -5,5 , n „»>*••• ...::jo,OO0«.« ) I Pepper-•• 'V ,-i‘S u »•£ ;:.SSO- Sheep .kin* »• 5 S“,Lf. -8» Lnmbcr — PmcTtl'*'.V. {SSpL • Comm°», ~ :ZSs;S „ I Clemr, 1»- _ 0)5.00 German ««> I tom’n li»- % ln Kndiil. Ui.ier ” [SR ""y-zSiS u '‘“- ::;;; «® s * nrxsi.—«» I Oak do do •••-£L~r n •'* SU»®*s2 Bessr®»«F R; sr*--- '•* «®£" ■ ’la isr**fci#B N -» f .r.^ o ° Mo Ro.m,» VW.-- No, I. .tat- - Pucb , * w S??i “ l. in .tore-•• -V r NfSS!2 , '-"®s|is h ° J " tSHSSS!ff-.---aBJ: ; .•;;;.-'‘"Sl'ii 1 ■afSiTfflSsS s .^!r , ”^^-.0®.» petlb:) cAfltn-5 TobßC*®^ ® IHIOF ! „“s„ca.b(orm*nuf.cio -5? ,d «.. . -4,5004.7* | ttegar l^a l -^! *•' 5 •fi ...... SJJOO3.SS Huiufacmßd do »«g |0 1H - Uw'*« " ,_0 C j s* Plug.nkr-gv •-m 0„* Boiler Rivci. ® Cavendi.U . • .7» H ORkan-HP , 1 |g« lairop'» l « x 14 PauburgU 7 l 5* 0 i 4 B* l - jj, 116* ' . _0 |4 Liruecd.- ■■ \'\;_ 0 j Scotch snuff - •; _ _ a l 4 • ; '*_%)% iSTPon-.lifp-P- -•« Spein.blebebed ‘ T«»—P !•' onblearhed , imperial <• Fall- - '®®£ l i s lUonpovedcr - Whale- - • •- • . ,'ij | Young Hy*®" Tannrr*. ¥ - I l *.®®**. : povckong -• •• Palnta —PH' „ r Ml m I Tlnpl«l c ~P ~ox A Pn«.. Hloe lio °7 | Banea Block • J> Hartue Inaar»»c** VdtowSolSS | - ' \ : {S' 1 •: No *gS S jK{«re.fe -• • *io «• ;; ::j?*'^“X n KV i®v IBrun*wlei|»reen - 1 eet i.p it. _ I .. •• «j t Mo •> ®> \>U.tel.p»* .do_- _*o| & | SoliJ ,'. a i ,• Boonv.lle, do 0.1, Wine.-P ,l , i n< jenendenee--I|®4 •• i.pS‘n. :: .. .. Red bead* 3 |, p Truentfe • [.. .. - Mempb*». Ten- I®l Yellow Ochre •-. j® J ; ... •• 7S .. M N. Orleaua- •••* ®® vS.5r» ;:: ■■■'■'■■» 3 39 1 Dry U.'oi!. ‘;|.£ % ' a N.Ori^u.M ::SSSSS r£a:J 8 ■o'ucd >n,' 300 U.I. .1 31533 C. S| H ■ l former price*. l . , *rbe stock no hand i» rather Itgk. E'»p’p“» - £!, »....»« o-"" sttnct Do attentlon. ■ Tea. are in good demand, with .ale. «<£» I Hut little Wheat haa been offered tma TwlOOoib. p.VSyto arri.H, nl a6ssBc. *> “• w£bf..«!«».. «‘o *•■« - ■ r? 1 ££ fit ASS—The market ha. been quiet 'k'< *"IV ||?lfl“eS !**£ ]°'hKMP—Price, are .ti 9, and oile. to a moderate iSsssajSSssSSS! ;gs sr r ssr, 'SS! ; iJSSSSI? n °^Vef* , 'H?de. *«*. Calf; The market i. full of Timothy, baled and j W .tilling ..SBdSlOlr.et.l"'- J LUMBtK —Since ''L""ont l WO.OOoj Sl5 I.' “lave no. come ll'Zt, eAP r^;-t.-S --.i Toe. Hoop I °l” b i; 5 aJ 10 hO *> »1. The .look Sf «-7 IoW, and price. eery hro„ I LIVE STOCK-Sce Cattle Martel. I ■ full of orden.aod l ar ß° “***{!_*7d'of'Tf«l»- Tn ® 1 ; full pneev Tb« nme may be •««! ( ihipmeßlawebeaey. \ Pi. Iron The recemt. Horn tho ~ a! : "tb i.*t , ha coneeqatace. ha.e'ta.. lolly matnta.^ed. The .ale. tht. week are STK.iißtJV.ssh'} j;. gx: - "w-nm-Tb. «rtt .ale ol B '°°“.“™*i eai opened, -a. 30ton. “ SenlV,. » e. ~p ig market ha. .d.aueed late Bar “ Trt Plate. —The .took I. belter Market .lead, ’"NAVAI.S-rORtS-Sale. 15 bhl. S f ,rL, |l line at 65c P gal- Olherwiae the market ik before. „ x i OlLS—Linaeed Oil w dearer by Ic—fro 1 "®* * POTVTOKS-S.le. HM> bn fleph.nnolk. at TO I G7sc, and 800 bo Bed. at 40345 c. , p. Bale. SOOO keg. pure Whin Bead in oil at t 1.634. cull, »1.« "*>"•. A ' , “™ J " Sand. Some .ale. Whiling at pre.lou. ince.. M p.o»ieion.,—There inn eery actt.e a id grow ing demand Tor ptomion. of til kind, mid at on baneed price*. . Bacon .—Since our 1..1 male., including country* core, oTtIJ6,OO J Ihe »■ con in lota. Since lh. & 3krt-.“oTte‘ciljcu"e a. Jo, .hould ;^^to”o^ 9 \"l C TV.P££ iss-^.XrMii^*'- 1 eted eery fa.orable, , , I Bulk Polk—Thete ha«e been no fu Ihcr i to out knowledge. The receipt, .re 'e'J I' but nearly ell to the packet.. . Bulter— The inaiket ha. heen .e y bar Roll A good fre.lt article haa j4l l"e^ ,“"k. Sale. 60 bbl. at 10.134c-*»»' l« ‘ lie with aalea 160 pega. ’ ! LARB-Tho market ha. been an y « applied with prime .hipping lot. of eg hit. only to notice ..!.. UOO bbb and INo 1 at 84c. The email lot. of irrtgula looming in, raeliie B.Bic. Sale. 50 pjg* N 7C Cbee»—The tntrket hu ■rel week* of prime lot* Chewe. Ip® indifferent loUhere*ell»t 65»7«- JJ^'P oected *o *oon u northern Cin»U open- JIAG8 —8»U« 10 ton* it quoUHon*. RICE—W-e notice tile* 25 trc* ppm® R ‘ 51c, pert oo t»m« «qo»l to 6 mo*. o SEEDS—We hi*# nothing pewfto report .. *' wl ruVaMd h *■ totoe, « u ™ If' IJ'oT.. * 1.00*1.0? to 00 lb.. Nothing doo«1 in Ma*t"d* nor InHemp *eed. s uuk: TB, 40..' I' w««i ‘rjfb.;:. Prime -...*4.. K..Uaa4>—] | blood •i Wood .♦ I••• • • • ■ Cotamoa 4 T4b-*r»»b«* • | WhUh*Pr^* lllftft - CoffiXßOQ * Rectified Rlne-Tlb KrtlfhUHP IWJ •b*' To Cmci'i«axi. Dry Good*. • Heavy ** ----- To leuitvtlli Dry Good*. - • -i Ue*vy v Prom Lautrrilt* to u Diy Good* • Heavy •• -• • v. Fa S: Lown ; Dry Good*- •• •• Heavy •* i •••/ • " Ta Clrrriatid and Erp, Dry Good L * Heavy “ J '7b andfiom Brotoiaytllt- Dry Goooi(do'fi>) Produce, 4c (up) • 7h AaiArfllr. Dry Good* • -A Heaw \ To Wktding. Dry Good*- Heavy To Zanrreilir. Dry l*ood»-.A Heavy “ • ; To i Dry Go jr J *"i;.!!!..!-. Orltan'- M 0 6i v Heavy Good* • •• q n Ul«»*, *%;''&£ih* Pfnntykuni* Co- Ram oj Frogton Rai/roadl . TO WlUDtt«>* YSm (ll Apple*gni S'*" 2?, h P** l £ CO Ariie*. Po ‘* nd PBt ’ do 70 Buuer ajidß*cou, -j, Beer.uhed . - do e?l Bale rope an4Ba«g>a« do BeetvraX) do 67 j Bri»ile», do i 7fli Broom*. do 75 Cheese, do 56| -’-I*o S 3 .— m » Coro, ■ j do TO Cotton, jo 87| i Chilled RoHer*. do 1 Druff* »nd Medicine#, do \ oo Dry**** l * do @74 Dncu fruit, „ rb U.llM>l « s.“^ap=um., P p*->®!-! !S Far* anc. da 1 *5 Feather*, do 1 S 5 Fumitare, do 87* . Glawware, per bz «» Gla*», Window „ r [goib* 73 Ginseng, 1 do 75 Grocerie*, do 87* Hardware, do 87* Hops, do 60 Uemp, A.«*lV do 1*» Hide*, {raw "sc; dry » l l w Leather, do SO Lead, d070®75 Lard and Lard Oil, d o n Oil, Cat tor ,r>-.tnrl do 85 Oil*,{ex.LardandCMton co „ Pork, P ". ,,100 lb. 67, Reg*, „ . P do 100 Rope* add Cordage, Seed*, .r, do 97 i Skin*, Deer and Buffalo, 3 w Specie, 40 70 Tallow, do 75 Tobacco, i«eai, . ... j q 73 do Manufactured, -» „ Wheat, do- 01,121 »«y. , To (At Sul ”" Mm°”S a,u, ‘ 2 Slatktcaler. Clou No B ' H Ibl i - - - . Cla**No*-.H*®P- F, “ ', w _ _ I CtaJ'lfe’b-Djlrf j™* leather, Oil, Raj*> _ ak.n1.300J.. Wool. I. 1" 1 Clan No 4—Bee«wa** [ Feather,Fure,W*n«"«: ljs _ - j Hop*,Md»«, toote Flai. lr» SOAP— l'he market ii serf Brut. e,tett 150 bis ol 4J and 5c for No l Mi Eifr.. “TaTt-80. . smelt business has been Jons J „ Jk. A h* bunded bbU «.li ..»ooof No I net bbl, bal.mosl of tbo receipt. h.so b«n tloreJ, , SHOT—The market is bare of Shot, sod pnees • -crj acbse d.macd ol „« tweet, hhda. Ko, maaulact..-ed Tobacco ol tsadeted. st Sc sod it would fetch that if bet.- Botcher 1 * Rough i* ■till Sc. WOOL—The receipt* are larje, both trom country and below. Price* •« lhe ia *l«»y* catb. Mo*Uy Common *nd Polled *m ISO bbl* Common at IBalSjc, and bbl* Rectified at 1»4*20e- Ttiß MONEY MARKET. The .tele of the tpuketeince our lut report he. not retted to eny pereepUble extent eere gerde the eupply end detrend ty. money. H “ ■ttlle&trce end not eeetly teteed eren on fret clere „,pJC The Beni, ere -dotn,' -U the pope. they Seen,hut their meere ere unequ.l to the cell lor | money. In the etreet. w. ree no Improrement. re j pretty Urge .mount of pepet i. Hooting eboul i out d »r«. ■ . •Currency, re Uncurrent Benk Notre ere gen ereUy denomin.led in the frore, te plenuer end tether more thin e<|rel to the detrend. Tb.tr price hee not chenged. The Btokree quote tint generei liet et J per eenl.d»couoL Trerenry note, of both kind, ere .cere. end rerely oßered (or «el«- I Bxcheng. on eny ,ureter hre ytol reried to i price, eupply or demretd. W. retnex the Üble o( ; rate*_ Uo,™ 4 N York ■«"' ’’l' SI P «d. v . intow.* Phd.*U.lL ■«“ <™gj P T ,i«hi 1 f ctJi» Cmemniti 30 d«y. 1 0 tat off Louu.jtSi 1.0u.i / S mloß N OrIMM «»«* Z 2| Pr -“ CATTLE MARKET. - IMTTanoiiun, Wrinniday Eronrag. The oAetingi ol Reef Caul. .R« n 1 .mall Themarkel Ihl. week .how. an all.ahM". ,r"«k pro.iou.. 15U.S0b.rf U. 3 |2I v-100 lb. grot., egad '» tW* lo 4“ ""l •n„ ~lr. otct 5550, w.r. too fc* u> b« Jay onto „„0. All dri.cn .. .old. a"d >°“" c “• Th . market .. now abondantlj tappl .d w«h Sheep, and'dull. Sal.. «0 b«rf at Oh e 100 lb. net- Snb.« 1 0.nt1,,.«..r.l lou 0... r.ra.in.d untold, .ora. -king , Only 30 hold Hog. drir.n into lh. yarf.-tlraj ini r.lhet pl.ouer. and bring *kso«|s I* head. 1 H.WII Prl.f >“ “*• CUT ™* r r‘- 1 . \V«dno*ay Moromf, April .. -® * K >l k.£u»u ••••] va-l —\:" D ? ‘ .. 0 3»o —hoc. •• j <»£ l —— Or ip*! • a Si h Pgisßipi, If bunch • ■ 4 0- 5 *4“» r *"* . u O 0 Potato*., W«. 4» ho TO 375 Kur.fr-*Swib*> g2S ft Bpaui . a n pukia- n dog. • - •• £O9 CaMnr, ** hi* *% * SJ2«V|fc. .J. 0 010 * bunch • J g 3 1-»«M for V.p *W»Sr| SrW- - glSo? un * ,r ■* g» 523i5? dfsaar* s fe !=ss,-:#§B. arc. Swi... P -•- Yo Sl» rfiti - Wjto-MPP. “ iJ - Vgrrpr. ■ -Vo ®“‘s32if 0„-. .1..., ~b- - »- 11|»» saar*ir£§s w»>-r# ol S::'s,os S«h.b»t • ■ ■ —•- ' 1 Mutton h 0 6 . . up toj At the request oT many of oui couOry trwoil, .. u... .«r«! «bi. off dtr ™<»>l ,nUI » iv. «to .01.... i> *■ • *“ ' * nJ , hil ime. but will !.t" ‘I »*“» Uo “ ke *l hereafter. Preah Butler mu quite acuee. “ d ,oI J ■rs “r .srs 1L“ , p,:"L I'ool.t, £ - “■ t4.iw , A few dead Hog* in- - 1. ice alj WFoaTi b* Bivaa* tlam, \V M M k,.| d 0 's/ balM hemp. • id*., 35 tal. b»«».“„ bh Sbbla him*, A 0* fabli Urd, if) ,S°‘ H ivEwSi-l b* «d*«, Beeteo-M kki l®**®"’.7: Jr’ Bsswrtx-S do I JS^™'“*' i 5 i E ” u ' that, fotfonuto*. • **J* »**■ < \ Pe. Kct, i lk >‘'^‘'}? l^lS AOoidoi—n«* Co—il pcs*. Whitmore k WollTe. Memoraodi of Sehuylkill-Left Ne« Oriel™, Mir “3lh—pined Bobt Mom* 6 mile* aboae ertji passed' North Camilla at Johoatoo’e. Poiel.pwaed Brookljo at Horse Shoe cot oil, met Tsghons St Dooaldasrlle. Northern Ligblbajgy below Randolph, St flood abose Randolph, Glsdr .to, at LoniarUle. G. M. BLOaa. Clerk. PEORIA, 111 Riser—Per Colorado—Rbbla lard Bkeot do, *5 tilt greaae. 5443 pet hoik P» tl . 1 Lsuablrn—lB7l : for A Laojl.ltn—lC bbla tang, 4 acka leathers. 1 ibl gaaaeed, 2do beans, 4ackaraga, Poindeatar kCo-t-10 dofaeana, 1 do peaches, 3,hbda sane Bagaler do Smith —4 bbla eggs, J 1 Black— A do. wick fchPcaodlean —11 hales Km, Ido d ak.na, W B Holmea Jc Bro-9 bbla lard, Robiton St t o -1 000 d hides. S Wighttuan dt Co—l pig iron, Forsyth A CoJdMO hides,' bales d akma.G bat bacon, 'CltrklrikThsw—r3U pcka lorn,A Beelen—l baa • irit, McFaden dt Co. BRIGHTON—Per Beater Fall*—2JW b “ bran ' .v, t., fifrdooats,lomuter— 3b bag* yarn’ P*P® r ' Wallingford fit * C °YOUGHlOGHF.NY—l’erflitboat— lo4t*l« float U toiui pilfer, to matter.' BROWNSVILLE— Per Louis _j,_ Atwood. Jone* dt Lo—2 do, Butler Si. Bro— •do L’larkn da Thaw—s do, Forayth Sc. £ unc . u “T' 11 d«; A Gordon—* do, Hutchison fit &>— l **J' H Child* Sc C 0—258 bbli flhur, 21 do corn, II Mil chelL , . g*, 1 . LOUISVILLE—Per Burakt-3 hhde bale* hemp. 14 sek* feather*. D Leeeb C°—43 do. Wallingford 6l Co-14 do •umac.23hhd.lo. baceo, Foriylh Sc. Co—B3 bale* cotton, I cak, Kific, Pennock fcCo—l4 bile* hemp, ld,^ co B n ! Gralf—lS do, 40 tre* do, Bingham— 4 peg*. ®*V* well, Peat* & Co—l 3 bbl* beef,.77 do pork, Cla.ke Thaw—4o ton* pig iron, Allen dt Lo. ;PQRT OF 1 PITTSBURGH 9| ri*T WATKII l« THE CHAEWKL—HI»IhO. ARRIVED. Michigan, llemphill. Beater. Lake Erie, Ball. Beater. Hibernia No 2. Klinefelter Cm. • Louis McLane. Bennctl. Brownstille. Contois Bowman. Brownstille. Harlem, Baird, Mon. City. New England, Ebbert, Wheeling. WelltviUe, Catlett. Wellttille. Clipper No 2. Crooks. Cin. Schuylkill, Andrew*. N. Orleans. Colorado Gonnl*. Peoria. DEPARTED. Michigan, Hemphill. Beater. Lake Erie, Ball, Beater. Hibernia, Smith. Wheeling.. Despatch! Nelson. Monongahels city Uni* MeLane, Bennett. Brownstille. Swater*, Clarke, Brownstille. Harlem, Baird. Mon. City. Rhode liland. D*w»on. bonfish. Zaneitillfi Packet Smith, Zanettille. , New England No 2, Dean. Cincinnati. Wilmington, Sletcn*. Steubentille. Roecoe Jateos. St Loui*. Financier, Kounlx, LouistiWe. boats lkavisq this day. •BROWNSVILLE PACKETS 518.,«. .»d 3 •BEAVER PACKETS .19 a. «. »»d »■« • nCW ENGLAND. Wheeling, 10 m. •D LEECH & CO .. PACKET. Philadelphia and 9r «• 'WISCONSIN. Cincinnati. 10 a. •WELLSVILLE, Welletille. a. m. PIONEER. St leouis, 10 a. w. CIRCASSION, New Orleans,2 r ■ MOUNTAINEER. “ p *" * UNION, Nashnlle, - r. w. GONDOLIER.StLouui. 10a.m. •AMERICAN STAR^tuustilU*. . r m. •Thcae are regulariPackeU. ____ ' nnu TO^YOUH HOUSES I — Pittsburgh . iJlow a»T •imiUreMnblulnnc.nl K*«l p ?\ r£m,T..ni. T Bong a new stock,my Caipci»,Ao4 •£■*s if sar-rs'» i ffjrSSSKW^*“ J complcie. Now oo baud: . V SSupei. Three Ply imperial Cnrpen. Superfine Double Ingram Jo. 1 Fine oil wool _ Common do do do, . Splendid Tapestry. H»> l * nd *•*'' ‘ *‘' Varieties of Cotion Ingram Farm heavy twilled Vmtuin 4-4,3 4.ands-3«trlprd. ,5 -\ . *“*• Rouon airiped Canet* w» ruling, R« and Hemp < V aoperf ScbeineUe and Tufty Rur*, BruiesU and Common do do. FineScheinelle and Sheepskin IVk ‘[ M s , Urge and amal! Alicnnt and hue Mail Ilian Stair Bod*- of all •!««; . All shade* of Worked Carpel*rnl !»••«; Worsted and Emb'd Tal».e anJ.I '*"o Highland Plaid Table Cover*; Transparent Landscape'' mdn.\ . tu -e 4 4Oilßlotbf.of neb pan-»«»; pibeel Oil Cloth*, cut'® ,U V , Gum Finish pjl Cloth Table < over-, 4 4 5-4, and « 4 White Mat mg, Snow-Drop Napkin*; . T andSquaner Dun at k.Table u.n.i*. Duo ask and Bmi-Eye.Diaper; Craih and Stair Lmen. ip2dl aokkcy fob PAWSTJ. WltuAmffiort* D* C. ' ton* io the United a»w o. £•"«£« *■,£&, o.e di»tpoee de»irou« of hivinr ei P«Sm Office, prior u> p c P t A e “f fiv^Jollar., ffl.T forw.rd tpou Mien ‘ i u «a tUi S7li.bu.lirf by • .mil of uS ’SJ‘l ,li ':' u " ,n b. .Sff.il!. «ul conum OOceO" F.*Ue«.opMW«Be lie b.i ihe honor of ri*inuß. u - .. Itaßaniona Boiko, I .um., d “' ii«L h iM«-5r0„“.%...ni Hon-'V Allen, Ohio. ... * ‘J*°» , lion. J B Bowlin, M C, Miwoun, . lion. Willi* Hmll. New - Hon. Robert South, M t, tllmoi*, lion. 8 Bree*c, U S Senile, Hm.J It Relfe, M C. C»t. liUShrtTe,Mu****., \ \. n t Efom* Brook*. E*q-. r-£— BAitttAWS k. TDBHKRttio 40 Market .treel. UIBOWB« *«»« • k f New Spring , color*. «ry bandjornp •>] »■» "££■ NMlln«k«iHS.''- :,J S?=i b 0” ‘ ,onl>or mpocl/olly inform! “* £SS« oliiood., uul rodocrd ■olontdd by hunrrlf. ° hoatei would do £r» rre ».i. for quick return*. _j .ended 10. Monufncloier T A IHLUt-K, Wood .Dd. . ap 3 “ - °£F-j!g£VS:i €.«.»»..>• l.*wpMO#of lhe Tf»t * Ae pM ( winu-r, and 2233T3"¥i. “■«.» . idpH.- f*"'! , p i r - y ' w r MARSH . nr 7 «» " „So-. WU~ *eold b.od!«._ . ...»£( ■nil nelldoot u» Jay ni* * » { . )V ConiVcitonary. fiiffia&o. d. i; -»»-«** . Hri&sr «*#.»« - p*sirv; **P jn K‘. w n i»»»e» P. Oak*; hr •“>' nenvta e*Jf • . k . manafucioff J •* ,rl y .. 'jmbrmhtf ***' ~~ c COTTON works. E A G LE„ co i II. MANWA - '• r'_’ • .- v 9 '-‘jC JTEaT, two storr Briefctfoaae, .with * ‘ «n> lnqiiie «l ■“HjS,"’ ■Ess^^fFT^rjn^wNrßmor'- aTOE«*»niMF«Oi»te<»ij*>y?g“!”j dwdVht Itaw *>»»“ on >»« Nonk 'oju cortiti of ito J'oU.o Soonto tn Vtwoplono, W.hooiof roonty,ttliKi lli*UrSf,«*nun«l*oo*,fiJu«&rd inxt eSSM ny)e-«hd Inlbo ln«. tornlow In '•JSSSIft ,iiK_ f jWi i»«Uhi or public-bowe; * o *'®*® , w ,l . * yard, with 'graiet, Hailing, »nd »U otbet convenience* M T?UlawnU tjnprovinrvenr n»pWr.»? *“£?£* borgb, who trill give nil information.' oc9d4wH , mtiSt .irouiw purcha.mg l.m» in iUi» Coot rrrJ for mforinatioti to the yupcr.nt.-iid iJm or to K. Thorn, Druggi-t. corner o etreeti. WusUrgh. lie Hoard, J Ui»>Lhrr, •jti pc > i rue oJ an r_ PERSONS*? wy aw refc an, on Urn eiou Penn and Hand By otdftrof dccll-dlrwif For rb'&criben* offer for *;Ur on luoomuioda • a tract of land ntuaird in R*«erw ,‘ immediately *n the rear of AUegben) lie land* of Charte* Rowat, Andrew », tmnuinlng about 14 arie.j -acre* an n. on wlTch there *• a .mail orchard of *• number of grape rme*. . Hiere »j>" ■ beautiful rituauon tor a pneato re*i lm* a fine v.ew of the two c.tie. and » ah: al«o wsveral good kyation* for offering an inducement to thoae engagee or to n* r«m* trulung *o engage in the I c xfiiic It will be »o)d in lot* » *“'» *• 1 J JORDAN fc I No 1-1 Liberty *tr»et *A the » w line term **^“Ti»wto»hi ciiy. adjoining l Bane.and otbet under euluvatit grafted fruit am thU properly a deuce eoraiaan vicinity Thet Stone Quarries, in that butinea* cultivation of l> parchaeers , ,fSTdawiuiT • r 1 For EU>m. SB K WkI.L Fim»heJ second story Room, wan , Gin rood enlrancr o» Market *uret; At present oc cupied eta Daguenean e»tnbb«limriit. , ’ .. Vi«n alif»nfi noom.tld story, entrance M l bila Hall, JiS^lSii itbeiloißeeaiier,Philo Hall. *• Al*o. the Bat meot Koom under ijf’?*f y-ya M C< a rood aland for a.Barter. r. U ... nar |d -Oilier, Market si, bet. .>d and 4lh__ ' FOR »AbK OR EXCUASQE * AIX)T 3d by lib feet on tie Mmer-vitie Road, .lb Ward IT ere i* on the lot ntw-fiory hnr toS2; tri h well and cMern I, tbe S.n ß Sc». ..**llI'*"". ifij?™"’ “S'" «ooJ »•*> •?_i FOll SALK. . j nOUR I.OT> —lJomtded by Penn. I.io*ny ■»*» «UV •Faireeta.earuTol having 21 feel bae.k 11« feci- r h Xp;epc“r r .tone ofd.c.i»««»J'>» ; po»U>on of the jJ? ,e^5JS e r information apply to tageous m Ihe r.^waRTZWEI.HKR, Foot*' «i ! . nov3if 1 between Wowl rind Poinhfteld -- riuVKll LOTS. . IPiillli rSOR. K.KHT A very comfortable dwelling louse, F2S arrSiked for a laige family, aituaied on bou.th Ttbove SmitWifld aucet.^|UntB,27A. Rent SKU. I No 50 Smitlifidd street - rTfifliSrWbo Use Common Prepared c ‘j ß ' k '. S~psgSiil2 drleunousiiualdirs; and it imparts aiihesamc , ««l. healthy, alabaster, cl '* f -) , ' , he g «kin makimt ! time acting as a cosmet.con ihe skin, maams i “dt^c;-Anderson, Practical Chemist of M„»- ml at the same lime itmocejil white l ever saw. certainly can conscientiously recommend .u use loall ts'hoM ssin require* brautit) inR -1 IviiJiSkwis, «>, n». «»d Stme, eu Liberty sued,, head *>( " o®* 1 ; a ‘ Uu -*.'* aa . ihe Ilieltrmt. _ -I - - v rT i .a n vf.uKTABLK PULMON AR » I BAI-SAM-Tni. IW.am n 1 wiiiKMi» f .»bwW, «»i« „j ,cty e,r,c«- reromincmt it a* * rale rmivrn ■ cious medicine, erjual n noi sup** l lh ~ , ht ., f w liole Coue tin, Bronchitis, nndPulmonary AUri non 01 k, ;4 -«i : A»j ■"•; i 1 jj» EaToa! -* c. aps rot (lih ami wood and_cot_l»t and “'f CANAL BIIAT PIJHWITVHK. T lIAV Kin .tore and lot “ait J"''' ~ i Si. 1 ’ , *" , - i IiST ’ '’’'siwaiti Olid Til«*iW of *" k iV* 1 I ‘i*ai| .cl And alloili.t arlitlc* in iny .Hi y j NOBI-I' 'Tmw Pdßiiirck- jh «. *«. VININtI IB'SE*. Monthly Itose* and K*ei »p Auitaiilc-tor plntiinif ,n CemctO »PJ>"<: lUSr ' Nnt.ct.tt in Ja. « ..din ii>J and iiih_*t« • i. , .... ~■« »h. indebted to the . lr j I„«iu««r ■»•!««»«“ “'“'^‘bßuwnk ! N 0 «»:<»d JSEL ! i\ H KIVEU ihi* morning at llano™. * r«'»“*T£ I French Ouisham* > r, > r ‘ ;‘ 1 . . ,| l4 i„w I i|SSߣSfii2S»?t V BWCVSB.! JM> MKENJiIUIYiCo VOTICE- Appl'cniion !>«• ,i>een ,Cl^‘I '' lor ' ll * V; ; IMS, lot thttiy-.itMotion-1 Vich tool Cot„Cc.it h.. 1 HgW - 1,1 6 " ” ■ ’* nKORKE ] riitßlSa BUAWI.B—W R M'irpbV hu*, ! now ' S ofcVs? a new and neb etyUaMnnere ""”K ™Ys?S' Moll., NoutooWt, 0.. J "t« mid Ji~l«w.**j2gs-I> the Troy nianufarmte, cwf, Foreale by lire A*eiil, No-J* j.p^' AR p TODD whole»»!«• , ‘Manufacturer*’ Asenl mC * BOILKRS FOR 'PKI *'mch-i« — CWCr ’ Mmnfaciorcr'* ARem^ s»3rHEte^--s i witl? reduced : ■ .., fiteucacb; ' «<«»£ .» t Tli« Union «'o»»een«*vfl Vulnow. . * ChiU’*Bc*'P“‘ rei { t uf *“ m ‘ ,J< L ' lu do; The Unic* «“««• , • nt) t wi»l»>»K The atun\iOM *,•“£?£, u?J»W «« the One lliuid j» Ffpletiifh ibeir Lm»«Fi - , #ll j red Volume l*i.r«JN mW **t ‘ ,,,ce w * * • lioilie Fifty v :',;: ;; i Vc„uViry Will le pmciptly Order. (t> m «h°rtl» m ibrxvai M ., rC(^||S . a’lmded injand K ftal ra ~;( j & ENOt^tf „ H Market I'cjwr.. :M *»«1 d* TaPrlnttri. , ~ . jOST Reeciaed ami for »» from Hie Foundry «« !■«» ,V Co„ New \oik, the inMiiw funn«fTyp«:: I7j 11-‘Minimi [uVrVvoTjtnj Minion' ’npc; j rlf of t^v'S' mehj.’j — PENiN COTTON MILL. 1 TlU*. »l 4" e,wbl, *«S,. l ur,..R v«*ry .•ii.-rS'Vcly. ap«-raiiii>. w«r 111 . uf .|| n> tIW/rtatJ an r'junhiy rannot !«c£r*' continued utiheotib «and pon.cfdi tub » , v | _y , _y t !y*:,.. _ - ‘rtYholrialft UruK Warehouse. ,« TflE CITY OP SBW YORK. B A KAHNF.STOCK it Uo., No. 49, J« •!**» , • New York, offer-lor tale a largo and £ snortmest of Drug* and Medicine., PalnU an»l Oil*.of every description. whini* ‘ n .7 ire ntepared and determined to *etl low. ‘"SSSt Merchant. »»d Dro Bs U» 1 to call and examine their article*. **j toe £y with failblolnew and despatch. B.A.Mmel V'ermitueo constantly oa hand. I H. A. Fahueitock, } : . ; c B. t. Fohncatock. Slittibarjh. G.W. Fabneatock. ) 5 A. B. Hull, New kork, JL._ , I"is#?,.'S “cSSSTbS* >«* raM l "' a “ -s* "'r Satinfiowa, . do Jo; Bomba*!"* do „.n,?f*dnrer‘« Aeent; N'o a V'Wwi For .ate “ Tq DO /, *t««t. «P na ' l , ' W ».* m for Kailrrn Manufacß «*or» «p 3 :—6 — — ‘ ■put S?U.ot SpSloiCktunbet Bliail of »**l*n<'>' an J fin l * l * »**“ f ‘ ir *” : \vM NOBLE, UpboUu ntt roth'i • Opi*9*i« B“ k » f l’*'V M Vv. - 1 ran, cDomotrd Input of ■ IS^?S?3SSSSSg^^ r ,.... l ! SsS!?S^S^^cm»«*' 2 4,3-1 and 4-4Duu»k-» . S H 3-4 ami 4-4 TsßefttrrdO Oe. * -Stmui'iKmiici,, • Brown Drilling*} 4 4,84 vodft-4 :*hcctm«;.*£*£ 5-4 Table l.lnon; Uncn rn«h »*“ ‘W 1 J llockabcek Towelling; Carpet sknpr*; N tH reel cal to utynira; Toocrnta with —- Ririi Embroider*J and. Printed Tafclt and Piano eov?**, j ssswirsswKU?r«iftpa, •««» wg* *•££ •« - 1 •ruft«J,ChrnteUe.»naSliwp«l;mUcorM*«»«i ; * R M.nUfa.Bdnn.s* * . *>• *>»! ; ' j ' Br*-ui«w*r.Rod* - | Ikunaaknml Puiped Stair I-we**! • WnaT»«a» /' \ Slri^^spS^:nSW.,ojrr^>^ i I 1 tnJ is .so U>e:r advantage to I'Ctori* p ~ . | eJtewhi DRV GOODS. . I k NEW I SphTnQ g ~‘HffßteBßaai- IIILL <6. BUOWStB. — J Snccetion to llotdihlp iiiio ~i Manufacturers ««d imponctt i } H A NUTNGS, No fe? " «nt MWct.'lAUbufgn. r The increasing demand foe American Pape the* indacrtt , them loculars* ,«<>'* unpto.c tbetr eilitie* (br BMBlirtunng «e now »qml » MP" »• { -i i, -’c—** ; \ per Hanging*; _ , ... V Gold, Veiv. l and Itmtauon Border.. / ; . i .~Lr»ne*. Statute* and r»re-WM»t u *.* ,u '*j..,. - ! V»rd wide.Pt«ngreen,and figd, -.J. Wminf. Fritting, nnd W rapping i np*.. * f' keiprice*- 1 ]_ _. •_ .'.urv! ; —~* 4 • PITT; COTTON MILL; I BLiOKSTOCK. bell & 00,- J i m*rsuuKt;iL fa. , . _ • .y ri Mils Manufactory Being in full nnd <- 0 Ma ? f 1 non, lUnvme received and ri 'P lß f c l f T L. -X chinrrv By liic Valet! improvement I *,! urc now * . ..IT hJ.Vr~l.cto- Of <-» B»*n .S' i twisted, bamtpome'Rood*. {Handed Allegheny sor.m.sed By in.ne.of the Mine sivfe. *« *«S2S« 5 intended exclusively.lor the Vl KaTCttX *>*' . . tociU . ; u*de. Meretmnu visiting our city are ■ inviicd «oc . j . and examine p>eviou*-to wak , m ß‘J' ur^ 1 ,3 ' j t ■ . I r TA KB thank* to ihe pußße iwssf :v: i **l Vcouw'corjiatly invite .ttto colt unit e«c m«,..W - | S N 'VtCKHI3HAW.gccd»» •Ariiuenuof NeW Itonneu-tbe moil approved nyiei j lS Thciriu>ck coinin'* in part of- , - \ Superior Rice Patent: tfrJi.U .Cbm* and Rice l’cntl; : \ Enßliih DbwmWbj Fine (mI») w *. . Rutland*. &c.,Ac-i A«* j. ,» •: Mme*’ Bonoeu. of all J | .-AIMJ-UonneißibUoniiu great vancty. yi.r> «« -j jsssusif- .. p J -i* *« *1.0.. p»i*.P» *«r*“- ,iiyl Mitho "O'l fuvoiol.lc lerßis,£ )|^tnM pi ' -burns U'd scHna i. T?FFKC7rUALLY and *P«;ed.ly , lenuently ln.wananlwJ "» all ‘“" es ltt le ; | * r s.|'d 'vliolcal’r ond n-loill-V %S M* ■ Kxrl«*i*o ***•>"« Poloinote !■ xi-ni.mr ''I.*'" “ w kl ' "^'^‘TpX^S^io'o-II 1 frt.IT.IGm-, IT isisl ' i Ilirlf lUi- AMf:R|C.VN and -FOR* / KION t*RV JiWM*. , AMoiuneni of wU«, .{* attention to Ei'irrn Au« • e xtr melf i SEi. -«-“;sSr,T«J’ I w.U P fina.ttftiheirtn!/tfjttor*mnmfiih<-*r»'o_«- -s | U>Cbt‘J ' ) DRY. GOODS. r»tI\CKLKTT& WHITK.No w \\ ooJ street S tood A11ey,... mow prep«"' l " olr ' , rb “ u * ’*JSSS“sI'iINGTrVUoDS, All of Ihi* eeason’s purcloasc—of 'ale ■ nd d d vl.ilin|t cloy, will Hod itcieotly to '"J'S",mofl sis ss?i«s •d “oortlook o. now foil and complete, coonml; heaeo-andl.elo. lerown Sh, oiihatut. L* >1 ar -I C tV’OULU r^r^ ,,oll s unooal,c tl”e n *ale 1 W rnulitt’Rh.thaUia |»« ®^ne^ b “ ait g lock , o rcTcry { of E*» t eni«jnufaclßTeJSß d, Snrpcr* •> descnpnon; tfhiit*, oo«uu» ?a | C roano* - \ Nonh « ' W001..»d. 1-Y c^* Black 1 lacuucr* j>nce» ai o, fc*»t,rn pncra whole- i aml !*o«ey Cravnu, for 'fOISD } sa:c - t NaSfi wood «ree'tittpMwr«. ‘ ' - . • [ M«nufBClurer*2!Ayent_ . , i sr^:“ruS,euw,^i^- [t .m| [NG ~ ‘ ™r_wnorijtpdSib «t» . ; : w !;•. - *« :!o J. C. Straw Wrapping^. ■ ■•£}';!" .D.o. ißm 3o f wsS-*v??SgSt& * met = r_ “ *&%%&&£*& fahi.~l.to H.S impoprf .H c,-. - the uade. pleMccalt «. . IW , head of Wdod at ■mrtftf ; .Jj tbi« »{>tetidM aiucl.*. No . {« wood j A JPS>! WOOTJJ '"'""“fEi 1 ""w^k>(■ ««i jC*T thßlte °' .j t*ap,; w hicii will l/eittifO-l. ssnn»B FaMi.ouof I at<£ j wall of « tapef** dupedon Saturday «« l M " . ] \ article will tall al . p \v r od M. ! -SVTa"PAHNE'STOC K~Ar C&». 15 f £*« 4 n WORKS.—TIie 15. i uClle d on ibe bank ol completed AnucJoci, in Allegheny ciU, m-anafaefans of a sapn oppo*i e , ponnd ,n ; ssSßm -1 to almoat any "7^^| i MM-mtA*«g »»"WWJJS3“SS.. j cxainiiK- Hir alwve : fi»T in . deduction ibid< wholcMle .or r*«* a»*» * '•****' ' wt»olc«a!e j.urrhwn:. , A WESrf.nVFT, I aplilly ““ i_ yi’RING KASniON. ■ fc Hi WJI I* he. jjjitoJueol »he rtrw-- « rihio" for lUl*. “«■-"* \T e L£? It t c„. ii«htMat* mtreatonuUe pnr*»i «T w ! h*htJii»i . poincroflfca'i'er”! U,c<»!d»ta«ul, Uooa "' j A M!.s m; -s; wTIUAM DOIIGIiASt - 4 B t'ONTI NU KS to-mnmifaciure, and keep* connanUy on hand, overv vaftiy aaJ cS« ttei»W wle, »»■* ?«“•’«! tew * TB W&w* mc«l. *■'•**> alde - _ J —t • jS3aTEKIji'TEABTORB, • £=£2| jVe. Fe*rl.l«m*, *w*J |rr» All Qualitie* of Orccn and I feSfm pound {“‘■l jlurJrSu.«o «f. P°™> *> •VjX&fSßt - iV -- raCDCdED iiATico-v . I " f A l *** oB VtftMnf HioVer.^Ma SfifflWfiU* nJSS •• ■ Notice* 1 /MttCSIPtON * Co.’* AUamanuce Sj: he foend