The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 08, 1847, Image 2

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•, BROOICB. ; ••
rrvT»« frmicua D*u.r Oaiith »« puWisled
i nihr, Tn-Wteklr. ami >V*eklv.-Il» Dadr.»SeT«
Dollar* per annus; teeTrl-WeeVlj'isT'iTe lfcUanip«jr
■nnnm; U»e Weekly is Two Dollars per annont, txnctlf
1 in a ■
: Tfifottcc toAdvertlnera. •
O* AdTeTOSemeoU, to swore insertion, *»■«•
huded in Vy fire o’eloek tit the afternoon. AMeniwn
to tius.oa the pan of 081 eo»u>iners, would be. proauc ,
Use of motoal benefit. i -
j 088.. 3AHBI-
(of ccrra* cocsrr l
(or cr*«*n»-**» cocst^)
800 fonrtb Page for BlieilUMoas If«
Licxvai Laws is Nnw Exoij^d—SraiMß'
Pio.dcc,—Our reader* are aware, that the Bu
'frame Coart of the United State*. at the li*4
term, gavo an opinion affirming the judgment of
the Circuit Coart in New Hampihue, Mamcha-I
aetta r and Rhode Island, touching the constitu
tionality of the License Laws enacted by the
Legislature* of the*e several Bute*. The op in
i<n in eobetanee U, th«t the State, h«.e i riiht to
prescribe the unoant of epirilooe litjnor* *old, °t
to prohibit the nte litopithfr. For ■ eenee o*
year! ibwe State lew, hare been opeoly reaialea,
or secretly n'olaieJ* The erarion haa nanally
becnf aUendeJ with great roccaaa, the retailer,
adopting, though aadly misapplying, th'a poel’e
idea, that—
uA ,1,0 by any other name would imell n« tweet.”
The Striped Ptf’has beep one form ofeevasion,
and for one or two yelra it was ike practice “
. Mamchnsetta to ask for a glass of (“Striped Pfg,”
arimra the law waa in the way of buyiog or sell-'
fog aleahotie drink under its own proper na|ne.
Sometimes there haa been a separate came givtm
to every kind of strong drink, and the skilled! in
this new language.we're never at a loaa to obtain,
what they jwiabedJ In buraimplicity wehad sup*
posed,until the other day, that all theae evaaibn*
of hw were pare Yankee inventions, bat not so.
joking over »- ''* onl 01 . «>• da 0 *" ** *.
last Lw* we find • Uw V»»ed “ “» j
**» » le of •P*** oool Uquors, *ud j
then as in New England noW, there i
were eome very curious rite mpl* made to evade
the law. The passage of the act was celebrated
by many upon the principle of treating Resolu
tion. “The death of Madam Gin,” as it was
aOJed, waa the occasion in many towns ofj getting
soundly drunk. There wn* a funfcral procegsion*
bot no eery solemn or sober obsequies performed"
Thelkgality of the law was also] tested then ns
now by the Command the privilege of licensing
vintner* was claimed under a charter received
from (Henry Till, and tlftsconfirmod by an act of
13th Elisabeth. The Commissioners «f Excise hrtd
. their hand* full in detecting frauds, both unde*
f.i— name* end in open violations of law. The
mivi of famous drinks there were as tempting
nnd miachievous then as l now. < These -were
known a* “Sangree,” Tom. Rom/* “Cuckold"*
Cbm^ort,”“Par!iameutGin, M — (WesupposeParlisr
ment violated its law as does our Congress.)—
“Bob,"“Make Shift,” “The Ladies* Delight,”“The
Balk,” “King Theodore of Corsica“Cholic and
Gripe Waters,” &c. &e. Here we see John poll 1
century and more ahead of Brother Jonathan,
Uka paraißlike child, we have shown ourselves a] rt
teachers « pernicious example*, and nok alway a
prompt Imitators of what has really been a worth y
The English Courts made < g aod the law iif
Parliament, for on the 14th of October, 1736, th e
law of the previous 29th of Berit mber, was sui k
tained, and even apothecaries! surgeons sod
ehymlsts were fined cne bandred pounds each fo r
retailing .spin too* liquors contraHf to the intent
meaning' of the act. The Tjemperance mo i
in New England* jee see, are following up the oik
fenders there with eagle eyes, ana- will no doobt
punish the offence to the fall extort allowed by th e
law. Massachusetts has prohibited the tala of a
smaller quantity of drink than “fifteen gallons, ’*
hod the adjoining Bt*to* have pasted similar laws,
except as to the quantity sold, which is ten gal •
100, i Q New Hampshire,'and “the amount agrewl
upon” in Rhode Island. j j
We" have been asked the ground upon which
the Supreme Court , made its derision*. An
, we understood them they werp, that a Bute
had a right to make all, lanatory laws. Licen«°
Uwa were regarded as| munidpar'iegulsUons
for the good government of the peoplf, arid, there
fore, one of those act* of power over' which the
Supreme Court had no control. The decision
'wk* noanitLoua, we; believe, though the Judge#
gate different reasons for coming Jo th* tame
conclusion. . 1 I
. \ Tax Postaot os Nawsssrans. —Tho Recent
Pori Office law in regard to the of
tff n«ifnt newspapers has been miasundexstood by
many. The design of the provision was, and! it
fo; the only fair in terp re la lion.of the law passed
that newspaper* not regularly subscribed for should
ba sent from the office of pablication alone. A
Bssnpaper may be sent from any office ■ as well
pr one day or one week as for one doxep day* or
as many week* or months. The fit. s*pab>
liAtari has'the following correct opinion (alto the
intent, spirit &od fetter of the law, amf .we think
we may asy we know that member* cLCongress,
voting fo* the *ct *u understoedit ' 'j.
“The lar " »y* the Republican, “applies only
to transient , per*, not seat from the-publisher’s
- ■ office, but still it will be unwillingly submitted to,
. papers sent from the printiog of ice to sujwenbers
are charged one cad for any di* ancc within the
State; one cent for any diathnee tot exceeding 100
wiu, out of (he State; and nm cent and o halj,
where it is *ent over one hundred nailer But
any person wishing to *end a paper to a friend,
for any length of time—a week, month or year
—maydoao of thc'old rata of pottage, by.sub.
scribing for the same at the office of thop*per«“-
• Two object* will be gained by thi* course—certain
tylintbetoansmisrion of the paper, and the pay
mbnCof cfcly.the smallest rate of postage and that
oof the dejivery of the paper”
Another of our exchange papers says-upon
m*&ra refection and inquiry;—
“Any person buying or
Newspaper, f** r , .\ .
ri v
<r» uii» persons who
rnmj be deeiroua of tranmuUing paper* 1° their
friend*. I f.
It will be remembered that tc
Id tbe Army in Mexieoall n<
free of postage if marked .“foi
IsJl soldiers serving
wspapers. ara aent
thp ( Army.”
jtleman from New
jliowing ibeedote of
there f»b«a the news
St»o3o^Plith, —A pen
Orleans relates to ua |lbe fal
Geo. Taylor** eon, who was tl
first arrived that bia father ha.
lh* anny rut U>-pieces. Ha*
uneonceiMd a*, tbongb the 1
way him. A fe^lioi
among hit tcqaaßHaot 1
him what be thought at the 1
Its said that he did not tx
,It. was answered, it appears
forceagainst Gen. Taylor is.
podtioo is bad; Santa Anna,
•d him.
uj been batten, end
tppeared u cool end
exciting reports no
I ol surprise wtsex*
(e», end they aiked
idiieve '■ word of In
i very probable; tbe
I I overwhelming; bis
, joe fear, hu defeat*
Nothing could more the ion. He declared it
impoanblc. ft did not .mJtter whether Santa
Anna had twice *■ many men. The father, the
■aoo was lure, conid not be beat; and so he eontio*
I qed calm, wjtfle ali around were In-a.leesr.
{ * We like a faith like this, and thejp would bo a
l fubliinUy in it; if all men wpoid show it in a
trailing confidence in a higher Power. ‘'Areyotf
no< afraid?" was a question once put to' tha aon
I of a worshipper of old Neptune, when |tb« winds
blew j hurricane, and the wares looked like
mountains just re*dy : to lali; upon andj wnk the
rolling ship. *Afraid! was the rtspwtse,
M my father Uat the kelm.'V ‘ A faith llike this
might remove mountains, and i* akin to that com*
mend**! and commanded byjhim whose/sublime
faith was seen in wonders'anil in miracles.
~{Wc p&li&e<f a portion of ibc f}
ceedingsia our daily ediuon of Wv,
gWe the whole compUtisl below.] i }
Fraaa tbe AmrriCM of Moodar-
In pursuance of aeall signed by a large nun*
ber of Merchant# and basmcas raeu (of the city of
Baltimore,! a puplic meeting, very nifiierouily at
tended, wt» held in the [rotunda of ,tfce'Merchant#'
Eifheng* on Saturdayl >fterooon|at-,4 o'clock. -
The met ting wa| caljed lo ordeT by Chauncey (
Brooke. Ei on whoad motion Thomas Wilson,
E#q., waa appointed President.
The following gentleir
President#: Meatn. Rob
Jastea George, and Jam
tariea were Means. Hoi
>q were ihen choscs Vice
utGirrelt, 11. C. Sinder*.
n TheSecrj
xrt A. Djl'b'm P- H-
sting baling been stated
brief and lucid ulanner—
The object of the.
by tbe President in
Charles H- Pi»H.
in relation to tbe subj«
ed. end in s very irapt
idnstigH to be derive
B railroad between C<
Pittibargh. He cone
ing resolutions:
Reeotve 1, That thUjmeeting view with serious
and ineresiing alarm, the difficnltice which sur
round the question of the extension of our rail*
road to thi Ohio river.
Revolved, That wej earnestly desire a connec
tion by railroad with jhe city of Pittaborgb, and
that weiaib willing to sabmil to taxation and to
eontributerindividually' to secure.that object.
Revived, Tbat in view of the great
of Pittsburgh as the bead of Western navigation,
as an opulent and rapidly growing city, with Urge
commercial and manufacturing .resource*, and as
the point of attraction for a great syatem of inter
na] improvement already completed and projected
we are called upon by every consideration of in
terest, as a business community, to. extend our
railroad lo that point; and that tho urgency of
such extension would not belthe loss imperative
if we had at this time « railroad terminus at •‘ty
point farther South on the Ohio river.
|K«ol£i, That in .iet. of a raijr'* d
liLn aaitn PtUaburgb, Ihr Or* of on,
nLn. and aßbrla ahould 1» ■» ,h '
Sto «/ a [bad '» T">k«y
Fbot—leaving ibc»£“”*, ° r ?" r0 “'“ b ?'7“
tbr latih. poinUC >^Smb ' ,l “ d * m,, “' for f “'
turn derision'/' .
•1 iteaolvea, That a committee of five be appoint
ed by the' President of this meetiog. whose duty
itsball be to draw up and present to the City
Council a memorial to -be signed by tbe citueos,
aipresatveof the views set forth in the above res
olutions, and requesting the City Council ! to in-
City Directors in tbe Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road Company to vote for tbe necessary measures
tjo c«ieMi«h a speedy railroad onion between the
cities of Baltimore and Pittibargh.
6. Ktxohtd, That this meeting heartily approve
of the preamble and resolutions oflered by tbe
President of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road
Company and adopted at a meeting of Stockhold
ersbdd qnthe22d Febioarjj last, in which it I*
said wiiWreference to a Bill reported in tho House
hf Delegate* of Virginia **td authorize the Balti
more aqdObio Railroad Cptnpany to construct
tq , addressed the meeting
l on which it was conven*
ssive manner set forth the
i from the construction of
tnberland and the city uf
ldcd by offeting ihetolloW-
nore and , „
the extension of their railroad through the territo
ry of Virginia,” that M lhe &aid Bill, if enacted 1
to a law would compel the Company, at its own I
expense.'without any contribution from that city, I
(Wheeling,) to construct themiin»temto Wheel* j
tug, with or without .the privilege of touching the
Ohio at a point lower down, anil to charge no
more in the aggregate for trade or travel to or from ,
Ballimi le and the city of Wheeling, than to or j
from a | oint some forty miles east of the latter ci* :
ty; then by obliging (he Company to make an ,
pensive road at iU own coil, with its capital,
and to work it afterwards without charge, (union
it .should consent to impose an unreasonable j
charge upon the transportation of passengers and |
produce for shorter distances,) to its great injury i
in the competition it may be called to maintain;, |
and that the obligations of making the road io 1
Wheeling and of working it jejthoiit charge, thus
intended to he imposed upon the Company by tbo
provisions of the said bill, would nnoeceaaarily
elongate their mad some forty miles, and by esti
mates apon the basis of trade prescribed by. said
bill, would augment the actual and equivalent
capital not ie*a than one. and a half millions
of doUajs, thereby rendering it'doubtful whether,
within any reasonable time, it could provide the
requisite means for that purpos*;” "that this Com
pany will not construct their .road through the
Slate of Virginia according' |o the provisions of
said hill;” and “that this Company will not
construct their road to tho’dty of Wheeling, by
any rsule whatever, or fr-rrns l»y whirl)
they are denied the privii. ):•• •• . rminu*«nlhc
Ohio River, by|such a rwu l ’ »■* ib« Company may,
at its option, select, at a point not higher op than
the mouth oif Pishing Croek;!or by any root* un
der an obligation to complete their road to Whett
ing, without the opportunity of realizing a rub
stantial and bona fide subscription apon the pari
of that city; nor will it construct the any
toute, or under any law, denying the Company
the right of charging for travel or trade between j
Baltimore and Wheeling the) same rate per mile, I
in proportion to distance, as. between Baltimore |
and any point on the Ohio River.” '
Resolved, That ir our railroad should be exten- I
ded to a Wheeling terminus, and. a subscription I
from that city realised to the full extent of tbo cost
of the elongated road above refcrleddo, the cost
of working the same **wiihoat|Cbatjget would fall
ou all tne subscribers lo the road ip propoilion to
their respective interests.
Resolved, That the law recentlyj poised by the
l«egielskure of Virginia entitled “an act to author
ize the {Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to
construct the extension of their railroad through
the territory of Virginia,” embodies ail the objec
tionable feature* to which exception was taken at
the fneeting’of stockholders of the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road Company held on 22d February
last, and that it is farther objectionable to this
meeting. ;
I. Because it is, what it purports to be, a BiQ
u lo secured the city of Wheeling the .benefit of
the Western terminus,” to the great detriment of
the interests of the city of Baltimare.
IL Because it requires that all parts of the said
railroad between the Monocgahela river and said
terminal shall be opened (or the transportation of
freight and passengers rimultaneosly, there by
denying to the city of Baltimore all the benefits o!
said rdad until it is completed to Wheeling.
IIL Because the Baltimore andOftio Railroad
Company is requited to establish depots and to si
low switches, riflings and branch tracks to be
constructed at points on thelCheaapea'ko and Ohie
canal, the effect of which wnl be to'cause a large
amoant of trade to be diverged from tbo city of
Baltimore to*rival cities not within the limits of
the fiiate of Maryland.
T*he resolutions having been read, the Hon.
'Wo. P.-Giles rc*e, and in|a speech replete with
(acts and arguments in stippprt of the views set
forth in tbe resolutions, urged their adoption as
the means of accomplishing the great end in view ( |
—the ednnqction of the elti" ®-V
ok; - ’ l
:*• ■■ i f- •..umj reaolatloni
been read a iseeoqd time, were.adopted
with great unanimity. '
Tbe following gentlemen were appointed the
committee’aoder .the fifth resolution: Chian cry
Brooke, James George, Wrn. P. Gilee, Robert
Wylie and Wm. Reynold*, Eaqs. .
Axsaicair Bible Boc»ett.— Tb« receipt*
for April were $35,M4 31, and tbe-distribution
of biblea' and Te«Umenia 47,084 copies: nine
new auxiliaries ward recognised, one in. New
York* two in New Jersey, two in Indiana,
one in Virginia, dne in '.Georgia and two
tn AlaUroi. Many applications were made
for book*, and one from the: new Territory of
Mineaota.and one lor colored children ih Alabama.'
and all granted. |
Tab Mist. —Tbe Coinage of the Mint at Phi
ladelphia fact month exceeded two (billions of
dollars, being the largest Wmonnt ever coined :n
ono month since the. government was foandwL
Under tbe new directions given by Mr. Wal
ker, esia believed, the coinage at the Philadelphia
mint willireacn three miHiona of dollars a morjib
chiefly |in gold; i ; j
Ob*. |Tatlo* toe Jcdo's McLci*.—The
Washington Correepondiwt of the Baltimore fi^an'
Bat General Taylor himself is in favor of Jtadge
McLean for the next Presidency, and be eras re
ported to have said, some time ago, that he woald
give his right hand to have his friend, the Judge,
The Intelligence from General Bcotl is jost
what we bad been led to expect, a masterly and
splendid landing—* prompt and soldierly invest*
' at nt The' next thing that most naturally follow
U the. unconditional tnrmider of the city and caa*
lie, even without each! a straggle as will give
fairr> the glory, as well tbe advantages, of a vie*
lory. r ,
fbe mStot of Iho BtockhoJ*M of the BgU- c >airr WlWtooi> Uo»>rm««»i.
more tUtd Ohio Riil Rotd CoipMJ, tookgjeo nfrij wiirfi Iht Gify of Maimr-Th* loot*
,l BeUimon 00 Moo3»y. wtthßdwert.B. K**P. JTj yMrimi—GmtiMtof Ufe. ' i
the chair, and J. J. Alhinaon JjgL» of Foreign Rrlaliow.
Mn Kenned, ri.po.tad .bo co.~poßd.noo and of baaing ail rained tb«u otfieM
moan thePituborjh Compan,,aad ibeConrnt j Q^ dtyof Mexico, the connti, mat be Bid ]
of the Baltimore aodi Oh.o tU.nßd.ofj.hA. I
be wii chairman. Mi. McLane followed, mla ea t ba “Locomotor," of Vert Cruz from
elaborate statement of what be bad written oat, (e of February, end another of
and which, the Baltimore Ban, of Tueaiey, aaya, f|om l6lh of . February to the
was -a thorough;ample, and moat Ipdd e«po«- llt o fM a rch,haVe been received at the Navy De-
Uou of the whole subject, meting-the attention The only peper of a later date than
o( all preaent, and we doubt not, aatisfymg and t]ie indicator of March 9th, the day oo
convincing every impartial mind with regard to the (^e of o ur troopa was eflecied. The
comprebennveoeee of purpoee and fidelity of mo* W 8 extract from the Washington Union,
tire by whichbe was actuated." Not haring aecn conll jj n , ihc latest intelligence from the city
all this, we are, of coatse, unable toapeek of Mexico, where complete aoirehy was prevail
B*!** 1 * ' . iag:
Mr Kennedy followed in some remarks, whicn
concurred with the sUlementmsde by the Presi
; dent, and then presented these reflations:
; 1 . Thst if the citT or citizens of Pittsburgh
shall subscribe, or procure to be subecnbed to the |
Mock of the Pittsburgh tnd OonnellsviHe rstlrosd
company. • sum which shall increase the present I
subscriptions to the stock of that eompsny to the
amount of sewn hundred and fifty thousand dol
l,ft, then this company will unite with thecitT ol
Baltimore, or the citizens thereof, in the subedhp*
lion of a sufficient eddiUooi! sum necessary to
construct the fold from Pittsburgh to Turkey
Fool; and to that end this company hereby auuro
rizes the Board of Directors to increase their
subscription in this ssid company, to die sum of
eight thousand dollars, on the conditions above
2. That this company will undertake, (with the
eki of the city (of Baltimore.) after the eatJ iosd
shall be completed as fsras Tutkey Foot, to con-
Unue and extend the connection by railroad, as
soon as their means and convenience may allow,
to Cumberland, V such route as they msy deem
most eligiWr; and that this company deems it al-
inexpedient and improper to enter into
#p y stipulation regard to the route bf which
such connection t# hereafter to be made.
3. That this edmpany does nut abandon, but
on the contrary will prosecute their pufpoee to
extend their road to the best terminus on the Ohio
river, below Wheeling, whenever they may find
the opportunity-to do so with advantage,
T. parkin Scott.Eeq., rose and ©flared aa a sub
stitute for thoee submitted by Mr. Kennedy, the
resolutions which fallow:
He solved, by tbeUlockbolders of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company, That this company
Jeems a connection between Baltimore and‘Pitta,
burgh by railroad desirable, if it can bo obtained
on -reasonable tetm& ,
Resolved, That tttii company will not consent I
to the making of its road to Phtsbutgh by ..the I
j Northern or Cassellman'e river vouta.l j
Resolved, that the whol* referred |
back to tho board of Directors of this, company, |
! with power to act according to their discretion.
The resolutions led to some discussion, in the
, course of which, au amendment to the substitute i
i was offered by Mr. R. H. Lemon, stating in brief
i that it was inexpedient to eoosider any further the
propositions from Pittsburgh, and referring I
i whole subject to the board of-directora. j
After some debate in which Messrs. Kennedy* 1
Wesley skrr, T. Parkin Scott, J. Hoflman, R. H.,
Lemmon, M. Gill, T. Swann. Gen. O Don- j
nell. and ihe'liev. Mr- Healey participated , the |
amcndmeiil was wil idrawn, and the vote taken
upon the substitute resolutions of Mr. Scott asi
above. Uy the sou id of voices it waj evidently 1
in the negative, but a division being: called, and
tho vote taken by th : stock represented, and the
city idireclorj vAlinp affirmatively of course, the
esolutions were carri ed.
The meeting tbec adjourned, sine die*
We have.seen a iketch of Mr. McLane's re.
marks, and regard firm as averse to the Pitts
burgh connection.
Ineeday; god
Majob Ckbcbal. Butlkb pa*wd tbroogb
town, yesterday, onlbis way to Kentucky. IHi
left Washington on blondey morning, arrived on
Tuesday evening, and took* passage in the' New
England'fox Cincinnati.
Major Batler u suffering from the wound re
reived at Monterey! The woood it through the
c&lf uf the right leg.Jand is of ao mangled a char*
acter as to refuse anV healing process. ,
* «An exchange pa rer states that this gallant ofi>
ccr was noted, in foi cner diyt, for bis eloquent po
etical rlTusions. ~ lie poetical productions ap»
pea red in the yean 1806-7, under the signature
of the -Ohio Bard, ’ and were copied fro'm one
end of the Union to the other. Most of them
were satirical, and Jevdied at the mania lor spec*
elation and banka that at that time pertaded the
west. He married ;Mies Tibbatta, of Lexington,
Ky~ eldest fitter of Mr. John Tibbatta, of the late
United Stales Hou*o of Representatives, and now
Colonel of one of the new Regiments.”
, Coa&'a New or rHOOL Boost-
There srq seven jof tbeae books, beginning witb
ihe Prime 1 ! or Alpbjabel, and gradually am* skilful,
lv progreasing to s Tailing book/fit either for
lelUgent young pen ons, and in the happy choice
of selections, most if which are from American'
authors,- or for pei sons of mature minds. The
books have each-a design, and the aulho' has been
most happy in com! lining great simplicity in the
manner of tuition w th the mesnsoLmaking great
progress in pertain ; the course of studies marked
out for tbe pupil] rhe advantages are that the
.words are all clalse i by similar terminations, both
as to sound and rot hography—that all tbe dip
thongs are separate y classed as also are all single
and double consonant*. Different consonants ere
also classified separately when liable to be con.
founded with other consonant*. All those, too,
which are silent 'in oond are alphabetically clas
sified in one chapter; as are the verbal distinctions,
and these all explained and clamed.
These are peculiar and important advantage*,
but they are but a few of many which distinguuh
these Works. The eye and eazarequickly taught
from this inductive! method of teaching. These
book* have met with great and increasing favor in
all tedious of the Union. They have been used in
the Public Scbodlsijjf the principal cities of the
Union, and a majority of the School Committee#
have ordered them lo be used in the Public Schools
of this dty. We commend Ibe books Ur all
teachers, and to all interested in simplifying the
old and complex methods of instruction.
The book* of Mr. Cobh - v srtised in our
,i‘ He different
■ ■ „:i_~pf»cUcAj
the course to those t ,; . •/ ■
the great book of prr-t>vo • v
wonders of pbyaieal *•*. :i ■ -
Hon-T. J. tSfenix v
very beaaiifol dane, by ‘ r - j
'this city, at the Wvlie »
noon, at 3 o’clock, on a
daring the reecnt session if
uining the passage of a v
ping in Pennsylvania.
Senator Attaw.'of OMo, i*.. |
ed at Washington, in >*
le«! death of bit amiable am! . <“'• '•■ r ■*
*e4 here last eaeuiug, atcomf.- - -i
daiighfer |
LaU Rit>iiK«*- —rWe mrt y •'*
of radiftbes, jeatenltj,wren iaet*-> • '**■•«--
in circumference, frown by Wll' •> >'
Oenlnej.'in ibe.neigbborboodof li f ;?
Mr. McElrxth, one of the prop , ; '- < c
New York Tntnm«, bu been noralh ! ’-- 1 1 *A ,<
•iitut Atiierraan of the Third Waiii, ?■ .••• \ ••
Captain Job* Butlsb, of tbe, f Pf.UH*
Dragoons, i body of spirited sod i.
i!m arrived in the city, yesterday, I ■•••.*■
with his officers, ere at the Monoogaheli 1
The Hotels ire crowded from attic to cellar
with stranger*. Btlsinesa is brisk,'and tl»e city
Tull of people. I !
Wx understand that Bishop O’Conner banded
in yesterday afternoon, one tbotxtssd dollars to
Wnr. Larimer. Treasurer of the Irish Refief Food.
One hundred and fifty-three dollars the conUibo- 1
tlon oflhe Brotherhood of Si Joseph—the bs lance
contributed in Su Paul’s Church, daring the er*
erdas of the Jobilee Week.— Postl
From iKt'Dufu" of klsrch 5
The filing continued yesf;rday between the
.troops of the Government end the insurgents,
from 1 beir respective positions, Uasviolent between
the Cathedral and La Profesal, and between San
! Francisco and tbe Hospital d« Terceros.
It is staled that yesterday a column of U>e Gov
ernment troops respectively attacked San Diego:
another column La Profess, and another San Do*
mingo, and retired with small lost
The belligerent forces, it teems, have not suffei
ed much. The greater part of tbe killed and
wounded were among the people passing'along
the street*. _
It is Impossible not lo condemn the atrocious
conduct of those who, from some stations, fired,
without any aim, their balls, harmless to any en
emy, sacrificing the unfortunate indjvidvils who
were compelled by urgent business to pass along
the streets. Humanity and civilization should de
ter all from this hoirible abase.
• And this unhappy slate of affairs will be pro
longed, to our distress, for same days; and when
the victory has been decided by force, what good
will our unhappy country derive from the blood
which has been shed !
Congre.n. —Tbe day before yesterday the
gentlemen deputies were ahmmoned to a session,
and hardly more than fifty assembled, who faced
the danger of the balls which were flying in all
direction*. It was resolved to adjourn to the
National Academy of Fine Arts, where the
meeting took place yesterdly; but there was still
not a qurum, as only forty-six gentlemen appeared.
—On the l&th February the people and military
of Oaxaca pronounced against the government of
Benor Atietgt, who bad shown himself very
zaaloue In carrying out the law relating io church
property. Tbe •'pronupdimcnto” wasauecesefal,
and the government of Arteaga overthrown, after
some little bloodshed- The people insist that the
law of the 11th of January against the church
property shall oot be executed.
The Btate’of Poebla has passed the following
decrees, viz: j.
t. The general Congress shall M petitioned to
revoke the decree of tbe 4th instant, (in retaliation
to church property.) '
3. No law or regulation looking to.lho dispo
sition of the church, property shall be executed
3. Tbe Statu protests against raising the'“ex
traordinary contingent,”; imposed upon it, io pro
.portioned to its resource*. 1
The: Indicador of the 37th February ’ eays
“The paper* state that there is a mutiny In Mexi
co; as to tho object of- which there is a variety erf
opinions. None of the reasons assigned could
possibly exist under tbe present circumstances,
oat of the city of Mexico." ,
! ' -
QcsßTsnae crox m Esawx.—The Secre
tary of the Navy stales that, “after consultation
with the Secretary *>f War.' be has addiessed U>
the officers commanding the uaval forces of the
United States, iq the Pacific ocean and in tbe
Golf of Mexico respectively, letters of instruction
conforming to the President* directions, of tyhicb
I herewith .enclose a copy.”
The copy of the instructions alluded to give
general directions to the officers of the' navy as
to the mode and manner of collecting the couiri
buttons, so that they shall fall as an exclusive tax
oo tbe Mexican people/allowing a drawback on
•It articles purchased by sutlers for the use of the
army or navy.
Thb Criiimim isd Ohio Cisu.—Tbe
Cumberland Civilian says:
“We hear very favorable accounts of the pro
gress mtde by tbe contractors towards tbe tamplt*
lion of their arrangements. I We understand they
will be in Cumbeiland in re few days, in com
pany with'the Hon. John Davis, and.Nstbta
Hale, Esq-, of Massachusetts; who are about tc
visit- tho scene of operations on tbe canal as lb#
agents of-the Barings."
Niuae Escapes it Tatzoe.— Tbs
Washington Union of Saturday evening slate*
that a note, addressed by Assistant-Adjutant Bliss,
from General Taylor’s army, mentions tbe fact
that tbe General received two balls doring tbe
batllr; one pissed through-the cuff of the coat,
the other through Up front.| -
Th* Bcim V' mi Vjctoi**—Ofden haw
been, or are about la>be, ivoei in Washioglaa,
tor ealole* at all llxe IN e*al Statione, 1»
honor of the TJCIO7. A grand Ulnminaiion it
*l«j> niggeated
CoL Clay ha* left three mothsrleM «nd father
|e«c children, who were given in charge of their
grandparent* by the an/ortonale father, on leaving
for the aeat of war..
Frvm the Sew York Kzprtu.
A Journey In Texas-
Hucrrti, (.Texas.) March 11, 184*7.
Thu city, I. should think. has • population of
eboat 3000. thqagh you ere told SQOO, end is
handsomely located oo the edge of a high pf&l
rie, at the bead ot Buffalo Bayou, a small river
formed theto by the junction of two email ba
yous, which were not navigable. We came here
from Galveston, by a email atcaaer, with Ike
great mim of the Spartan, and are houaed la the
“Old Capitol,** kept by Colonel Marbray. All
have title* here, ao when you come bring ooe
iftong, or it will be given you- . Wo dine in the
Senate Chamber—drink and amoke in the Repre
sentatives Hall—and sleep in the governor** room
,—others occupy the office of Secret*ry of Btate,
it i* a and moderately well
* The Prerident,’* manrion‘‘i* pointed out aa one
of her antiquities, and liboulJ think Sam Hoot*
ton might have lived there in comfort. It la a
bouse of about 60 feet aqqare, oue «tory high,
with a large piazza coder the*froni roof. There
are room* in the garret lighted try windowa iaki fiat
in tb« reofi well calculated toimake a goeat Shorten
bis visit in hot weather. 1 would like to 'furnish
some gueita I think of, with one of them in Aa
gust I
Just now'there i* a good deal of excitement here,
by reason of a claim just ael up by Mr. Pperpout
(c/ou6le cousin of the Rev. Jno. Pierpoot) to - the
whole city site. He clatmi that hi* wife Was
heir to her husband. Col. Austin, who had tba
original Bpani«b grant, anJ that her second hus
band Parrott, had no right to eeil. On the con
trary, A. C. Allen aaye be bought it, and holdttbo
receipt of Parrott and hi* wife for the purchase
money, #lO,OOO. He has given notice of a pub
lic meeting to exhibit hie rapera and prove title.
This purchase was made to !83C, so you see the
antiquities are rather new.
•Mr». Pirrpomt kts> not ot«r SO j*xn old—it *oo4 bob
ior. tkoegk tna«~dlio»—uxl kat lived 2T yrmrt in < leitt,SM*<
of if* itm* on lb* Rio Brioo*; hat b**» Ike wifc of (oar
kutfeudi aad ike mtkrr of ttmiirj ckildm, unit one of
wboan ut*>w Uto« At* >. UoriJißgkrr* wilkbrr baatead,
kul there are urni iu tke romnuntij dial both will
«.«, hate “eotiee «<• <|o>i " Kio«» peetenl appearance*. *h*
will becomau fuiwuui Mr* Oa inn u herrlmmtfor Ihs riljr
of firm Orlcsut
f •ucjecta
> commend
adorn from
, ten in the
GstvcSro*, Texia, March 12, 1847.
The noble Spartan brought u« here this even
ing, from Houston. We ley ell night st the Bsn
Jacinto after running as fsr as we
could, in the dsikncaa of the night, down the bay*
on, which'is crooked and aery narrow. The
banks are high and; Wuffi eorered with magnolia
tree* and five oak timber, end surely any Mexican,
or any other Indian, would have been frightened
from his property, fo have seen this little steamer
running through the woods, showing her two red
eyes in front, a large flambeau on either aide, and
snorting like a “thing of life." We passed Ed*,
ward’s Point, famous as being the birth place of
the celebrated Monroe Edwards. Hi* mother is
still raiding there, I am told. • Galveston bland
tsabobi 34 miles long, and !“• * mil# In
width, and is dependant on' her commerce for sup
tort, but they contemplate connecting its with the
I :.<uln land by e bridge, when they will enjoy a
ini of the country trade, which other places now
■ ;> mopolize. ! have no doubt the island was not
(at the creation, but baa risen from the eea,
! L-rtog now only a great tend bank, not more than
! feet above the level of the ocean,,at the highest
: •„ You may' remember lhattn 1837 it was
'• . v h), and all the few bouses then there wgtbed-
There ie e legend afloat that Lafitta salted
':sJ n ob*
i i :in bis hoy, so it would not be remarkable
iI: outd disappear at some, future time. ''lt la
i , • town, nevertheless, neat and dean, and
really • very desirable place for a residence. —
Much attention is paid to the gardens, which are
.laid out and ornamented with great taite.
The population is about 6000—five churches
and a Catholic school, (recsotly established by the
Ursufioe Bister# of fit* Orleans, haring Urn mo
rai care thereof:) The school w *bU r tbs *u
pervisioo of the excellent Bishop Odin, M has
•boot fifty sehoUis, though Ifi# not yet a
in existence. „ . \ , t . .
The Texas Nafjf i* tft\otdinitr, ihe
Wharton «nnb; the Archer and Ban {Bemarfltdit*
to; ( |j e emeznahip Zanvalla Ukewia«--«ic transit
gloria rQunditi.
rtrted or; EnsFmabttrgti Gijiaait*.
iwßia in';old
f. Connecticut. ,f
We have elected Governor, lieutenant Gover
nor, all the-member* of Cpngre* and a: Whig
Legislature and all by handsome majorities. Our
frtw Fork correspondent anncances tha Victory
ucomplete, and Philadelphia declare* tile triumph
to be a civic Boeoa Vista Victory.
Correspondence of the Pitlihurgh Gazette.
Ntw Yo tc, April 7, 3 P. M.
The Whigs have elected their Governor by a
majority of more than one i houaand votes. Tbe
WEg majority is very large m each Congrevaieml
ixnaLATOßX— Boot* or HsraiiiwTATivxs.
Ahigs. Loco Foeos. No choice.
'lO3 73 45
salt at* —Reported.
Whig*. Loco Focos.
13 '8 ‘
The Stale has done nobly, and given a glorioin
sample to the Whigs of the Union,
Corretpomdence of the Piltibttrgh Gazette,
Private letters from Montgomery, Alabama
received at Washington and Philadelphia, state
bat General Scott had been killed in an attaek
a Vera Ciox. I
General Worth was also badly wounded
'lbis is also believed in Washington and Phila
We shall have later advices this evening' as
here was later news below New Orleans on tbe
Tbe above new* was received at Montgomery
it Exibess raon Nxw Obleaxs.
This; we add .on the authority of our PbiladeP
)hia Correspondent, this morning. Wo give the
report as we find it, doubting, and yet fearing
l will prove too true.
We have (3 P. M.) a despatch from our Cor
respondent at Philadelphia, discrediting, upon iir
quiry, the previous report of tbe morning. He
believes, upon investigation, the report wiU (wove
Our correspondent also writes us at threie o’clock
lb«» there is nothing Qew from Vera Cruz. This
would seem to be an saibcplk dental to tho
- The report of Gen. Scott’sdeaih came from New
Orleans. When the Schuylkill left Cincinnati,
they bad the same report there received no tbe
To the Sixth of .March,
Tbe packet Columbia arrived at N. York on
7& init., bringing out heavy orders for Amer
ican Wheat; Corn and Provisions. Tbe demand
foe all these articles of consumption eras as great
as at any time preceding, and the Markets very
brisk at Londoo, Liverpool, Havre and Pane.
Coro bad advanced in France and in Belgium.
There was very great duties* in France and
Belgium, in consequence of the scarcity of food.
Tbe disturbances in tbe Province of Normandy
had- been reconciled, and a magnificent Banquet
had,been given In honor of Gnixot, the great and
directing nild in the Cabinet of Louis PhUlippe.
- The Diplomatic Relations between Greece and
Turkey had been suspended. The Turkish' En
voy had been insulted at a Ball given by King
Otho, of. Greece. Tbe Minister had demanded
his Passports, mod sailed for Constantinople.
The Duke de Poligoac is deed.
Tbe miscellaneous.intelligence from Europe la
not important.
Cazerre sbu AovuTiasa Ornca.J
Wedaesdiy Morning April 7. >
The aplendid Liner, Columbia, has arrived at
New York from Liverpool, with later news. '
The new* she brings is not very important, ex
cept in a Commercial point of view.
Wheal of all kind* has advanced in England .
English is two shillings per quarter dearer.
Flour has advanced in England.
Bala Western Canal at forty two shillings sis
pence par bbb *
New Orleans at forty one shillings.
Com and Corn meal were, in very active demand
for Ireland—no quotations given in the papers by
ibis Packet, but prices i cere improving.
The receipts of Corn at Liverpool were amal
The Cotton market was firm but without any
change in prices. The week's sale ending on the
6lh day of March were twenty six thousand bale*.
Louisiana Cotton was quoted at 6sd to 7jd per
The Iron Trade was ins healthy condition-
'prices firm and the masters faQ of order*.
Butter wis selling at 80 to 89 shilling percwl
Bacon —There hod been seta of Bacon at 64
shillings per owt Well cured Hama al 74 shil
ling* per ewt.
Beef wsa in active demand, with considerable
Lard—Safa of American Lard in kegs at 56
shillings per cwL
Phil’s, April 7, —10 P M.
The ship Oregon left Anton lixardo on tbi
30th. Firing was heard on board at the time the
vessel left, and it was supposed the city of Vera
Crux was then being attacked. It wae believed
the dthens would compel e surrender before al
lowing tho city to be injured. The total Mexican
force u heavy. The Volunteers are impatient Ibr
the attack. Com. Peijy had arrived off Vera'
Crux. Thera are many rumors, but no reliable
ne*ra. tf
The Bob Ticasury vaults are Bankrupt, anj
theatre no fandskere to meet the drafts upon the
A Utters from Vera Crux, March t 4, says:—
The Norther which commenced at sundown
yesterday .still continues, completely cutting off
all communication with the vase Is lying off or
under Bacrifiolos. Bbe!le are occasionally sent
towards Gen. Worth's lines from the castle, but
in th»j main they have fallen short Captain Vin
ton continues al hia position near the lime kiln.
At'thia time, half put 3 o’clock, they are throw
ing 18 inch sheila from the castle of Ban Juan de
Ulloa, and one of them ha* just bunted a abort
distance from where I am writing, yet without do
ing any barm.
Another letter written by Mr. Kendall on die
morning of the 15th March, says:
Another night haa paaod off quietly, no alarm
of consequence dlstarbiog the lines. The enemy
is occasionally throwing round shot end shell, yet
with little effect. One of the latter, aod of the
heaviest eixe, struck directly In the midst of the
Blh Infantry last night, but did notinjare a man.
There is a prospect of aome little cloee fighting
to day, as our outpoeta are to be thrown In nearer
the city walls.
The woika around tho city eeem to be complete
and strong, and no doubt is entertained that they
will lie obstinately defended. We must make a
great) sacrifice of blood before these strongholds
can be taken.
The New Orleans Commercial Tunes aaya:—
The report la that General Boott will not listen
to any offer* rathe part of the town, to capitulate
without the Bartender of the castle being Included.
The cilix -na of Vera Crux, generally, ere averse to
defending it; they are desirous of giving in at ones
but the military overawe seem determin
ed on fighting.
New Tom*, April 7—B P M.
The supply of Flour on sale in the city laraalL
Th* market hu advanced- Genesee la selling to
a SMerate extant at Other dee.
crtjtUo&s are higher. Bala Genesee to day 2000
CqiuuMtl U in large.deminji. files’ 7 £sWji
3000bbi*i*t£4,?>>. Holden are demandingjss,oo
.without sales'etihat pries. v>
. Cfin—Aft tidire and large demand nitu fait
CoctL Sales 110,000 bnprime Yellow at
■ cU,.feQtfutm<]aettlly boldmpat up the priL fto
105c,-which «topped buyer* off—no tales etfibat.
The effect of the foreign newt, hea.’beia to.
ctreßftken'Uie'proTmoD market I
Pbil’a akd Bai t Mabelts —Our ctvrrrpci.*
dents advise ns that ibere bad been o<> pi/iicolar
•bang* in those markets yesterday. The Foreign
News imparted great firmness to Flour, bat no pati*
tire advance bed beed established. Prices ol Float*
Grain, Groceries end Provisions were tbe same.—s
Sales moderate of all. |
Comm*<id*tloa—From i and Tillage, where Dr. Upturn's Veg
Pile Elcotuary has.been introduced, themosigrai
intelligence of Us excellent effects bare been re<
by the Proprietor. In hundreds of instances it b
urapbed over case* which were deemed iocurabl
iL/~ Sold, Wholesale and Beiaii, by WVA'
RETCHaM, 121 Fulton street, New Vara; Wis.T
Market at reel, end P. R. Sawtex, SmilhEield i
Pittsburgh. Pa. Price 91 per box. ape
Fourth at, nearly opposite the Bank of Piu»borgh.
CURRENT MONEY received on Deposits—Sight
Checks for‘sole, ami collections on nearly all
the principal point* in (be United State*
t The highest premium pud for Foreign and American
Advance* made on consignments of Produce, "hipped
East, on liberal terms. mchlS
NO. 88
THE subscriber respectfully inform* the public that
he has commenced tue manufacture of GtnfUmtn
FatMion&bU Roots, of good, material and workmanship
which lie will warrant superior to any Boot ever nude
in Pitl|»linreh for the price. Theae handsomii Boot
will be made to measure, and warrant 'them a* repre
seated, tithe very low.price of FIVE DOUI.ARS
CASH. Cenilemen are requested to cull and exam
ne them. jrtll W 0 ERSK.IN E.
Yesterday morning, at S o'clock, of'an affection of
the Heart. Mr J »MES LITTLE, aged M yenrk, of the
Cooatylol Fumaoagb. Ireland.
The friends ol the family ara t eqoeated ;o the
funeral to-day, (Thursday afternoon] at 3 o'clock, from
hit late reaidence, cornerof Fourth and ,Perryj streets
Intenneni in the Allegheny Ceoeiry. ! . ap3 -
On Tuesday night, April 6th. ELLEN, daugnter of C
and Ellen Ihmaen. aged 3 years and 10 months.!
The friends of the family are respectfully ifcrited to
attend the funeral ibis afternoon, at 3 o’clock, f|om their
residence in Birmingham. .
AANCKER A MAYER, wholesale and retail dealers
in Eastern Ready-made Clothing, would take this
method of informing the pablic that their stork of spring
and sairmer elothing is now complete in every variety
of styles. adapted to the present and entuiae Tiwa.
With lie view of insuring a continuance of >Le liber*
nl patronage we hove heretofore received, and 10 otfer
general satisfaction to nil our customers, we b|»ve vm
ted onr attention to the purchase and mannfac unn* of
ereryartlele comprising our extensive stock. tientle*
men desirous of being euited out, will find it >u their
advantage to live os a call, as we are deterou neil thai
oar prices shall add to the inducementspresent cd mibe
beamy and fashiouof oar clothing.
. \Ve always keep on hand a spieudid suppi
undershirts, linen and supetfine rollon shins
handkerchiefs, cravats, bosom*. collars and
. Sign •‘(roldcn!
N. B— Gentlemen who wish to have any. |
clothing made looker, can be furnished in tin
■ notice.
Jilrteil ,
‘P 1,
si\ of »i'k
irul eearf*
n Star.”
. irtiftle of
it sboneii
NEW BOOKS-Jo-l referred and for: ate by J
L BF.AD.4Ib, near Market «treet: them cat Eer
reatiou, apopolar compendium of experimen! il Chcm
■ ftrv; br Jno.J Gritfia. Ninth Kd. London. I
The Book of Travel* in Africa, from the rarlWt age*
to tbe pretent lime, compiled from the b*-*i eulborme*;
by John Frott, U, D «
Tbe Life aud Voyage* bf OhriMopUer Colutjtbu*; bv
Waibington Irving, {abridged by tse »aior.) .iicludm
the author’* visit to Pilvi, wiui ■ iriap and
other illntiratioos. '
No t 9. Pictoriat lli«toryof England. )
Margaret Fercival; hr the aailior oi ‘ - <»e|tni»W
“Amy lUibert” ke. K-t.icd by Rev W Stfwcll, H
D. 1
Firmt principle! of Chem>«uy far the oi>e rf Collciir
and School?; by Benj. Stlliman, Jr, M A., of V\alt col
lege. More than *OO illustration*.
HISTORY of the discovery and settlement of the
Valley of the Mi»*i»»ipp . bv the three gieaj European
Power*,Spain, France, and Great Untain, and the sub
sequent oecopilioa. settlement and exteniion of civil
government by the United States until the ycanSlS
By Jno W. M one tie, M. 1). apd
scientific Lectarea will be delivered by PROF.
STEPHENS, in the ilall of*the University,on Tuesday
and Thursday evenings, commencing roe«lsy Even
ing, April I3Ui, at half-past seven o'clock
The coarse will consul of Ten lecture* o«* the most
important sobK>‘isof Chemical Philosophy; rmbracint
the .Laws and elects of liaat, Electricity. Magnetism,
aad other topics of Elecuo-dynnmie*; the elements of
Matter, and their most interesting compounds.
Tickets tot the course, admitting a gentleman with
1 ladies, may be obtained at the Bookstore* of C II Kav
on Wood street, and of Elliott A English on Market si
Price 9* D«.
Ticket* for single Lectures, 35 cents.
apn GEO, UPFOLD, U U., President
FOR RAI»E— On the Counter daily, the daily auJ
weekly Gazelles all t*»e Pittsburgh Newspapers,
Sibbett's Countetfeii Uetoetur, 'Coin Hanson, a tale of
tha Backwoods; a full account of the Great Fire.
American Pioneer. * vol« ; 7 large volumes of tbt
Journals of the Senate and House of Representative?
of Pennsylvania, from I7VO l» with a variety o
books, stationary and school t>ooks. I HARRIS
and Fifth «treet,near wood
FOII - OALV—A small assortment of shovel*, boew
nwdn, rakes, window ***b and (last, tvooOen
tiowfa pnn>le and yellow carpet chain, mad
toba corn broom*. matches. brushes, rkcen and useful
family medicines, Ac IBaAG HARRIS
Agent and Commission Merchant
apS Fifth ti. near Exchange Bank
Saceßd street Property.
FOR 3AIX—A valuable property attested on 2d at,
between Wood and Market rsmtaioing 4S feel front,
well situated for a larce public building, or susceptible
of improvement for tnree private residences. It will
be told .low and on very accommodating term*, if ap*
plied for soon. S t-"UTll BERT. General Agent
■po • £0 PmiUiGeld street
THE Partnership heretofore existing between The*
Bu W Moore and 7.. H - L'orian, under the firm of
T W. MOORE h Co. Uraddorks’ Fields, expired by
limitation on Ist April, If 17. All person* indebted to
• aid firm wilbpleaae make immediate payment to T.
W. Moore, who alone is authorised to receive (ho same.
tpSdfc* Z H COTTON
IllFoEMATldSf'Wanl ed of a load of Balk
Meat, taken hv mistake, or stolen, from the Wharf,
About the 10th of March last. Said load contained b?
. pieces and waa brought here by aleamer Pacific
Any information respeetinfil will be thankfully re
ceived, and a toward riven.
apB No S 6 water street
WA9TKD—A few hundred to a few thousand
dollar • to loan, for which the matt tatufoetory
woriir will bo given. Addrea* F*. D , Gazette Offir -
t [City Pape ft copy end cha
irgcthts Office .)
ud choice Cherry Trees, jo»l receded and will be
•old tow. Persons wishing to supply themselves would
do well to call moo at the toed store, comer Wood and'
fllh »t». ap* __ 8 N WICKERS HAM
from New Jersey in rood order, and (hr sale low at
the Pittsburgh seed store, cornri Wood aOd olh sts.
apft. i 8 N WICKKRSHAM
Forward * swautzwkldek, acoi
niy* at Law, have removed their office to the south
side of Fourth street, between Cherry Alley and Grant
street. • np^tf
ieces Juniata Blooms, on const
mem and for sale by
C A McANI'I.TV A (*o eanal ban
SAX.. SODA—I cash jnst rec'd and tor sale by •
apB 03 l«'J_wood street
T HfcUORICB BALL—I com in small tticki
JJ received and tor sale low Ur
GLUE— 300 lbs No 1, warranted good, for'sale br|
ap<j ... _ J D MOROAN
GUH OARIPHIRE-W lbs Refined, tor snie by
.pi _ _ MORGAN
Magnesia — 2 cdses Calcined tor sale Ur
JPB jji mo/gan
|Q C AR BO Y 8 Hulphurir, Muriatic and Nitrous
I<£> Acids, received and tor sale low Uy
Repined lkiuokicr-a sownor artiei.-,
receircd and tor sale Inw Uy
■pg J 1) MORGAN
Ct UH OPlllH-Nrw Crop and pure, received and 1
r tor sale by np3 JD MOROAN
{Chronicle copy}
Metal —3? tons No I Foundry, lauding Horn sun:
Eureka and for sale Uy
ap9 ‘ M ALLEN A 43 water s'ucci
SPICES— 6 bag* Pimento; 10 hags Pepper;
IS kegs Gro. Ginger; 6 kegs tiro. Pimento;
m bxs da Pepper; 0 Ins do . Cloves,
fl bn do Cinnamon; S bks 'do Ginger;
It) cans do Mu-tatd; .1 UUI Nutmegs,
I lit.l Cloves; UOO mats Cassis; ‘
In store and tortile by ENGLISHA UENNKTf
ap7 37 wood street
SUNDRIES— IS cate* Pepper Sauce;
10 cases Tomato Catsup*, ‘J cases Ha ltd Oil;
40 eans Sardine*;
SestetGeikint re. gallon and half gallon Jar*;
In store ana tor sale RNULISIIA BLNNKTr
•p 7 37 wood alter!
- Uss Oranges; 5 bis Lemon*; in store and for
ap7 D 7 wood sueei
.Arm ruin SHINGLES tor salo low to close a con-
Ml,1)00 •ignment. ENGLISH A BENNETT
- a pf _j 37 wood street
LOGWOOD— 16 UUI» Shipped, in store aud for sale
B p7 37 wood street
MACKEREL— .13 bbls No 3 MaekereLtor sale
*p7 S 3 wood street
lO—6 bbit Spanish Whiunr for sale by
■WP.j Tl
- CnAUK-3 bbl* for ulelow by
«p 7 KNCJMrtII k BKNNKTT, 37 woo* >i
S cuki Carolina lion, assorted turn;
V do Saneepani, do do: ’
For ante by tp7- JOHN WALKER, H 5 wood >«
LAUD AID FIAIUBBI-3 bbl* Nol Lard;
17 uAi Feather* landing from ■tcataci Pacific
and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY ACo
ap7 , . • water and_fr<»nt sis ‘
CIREBI APPLKB-8 bid. Applet tortile low
r br ' > 8 P VON BONNHOBBT A.C©
*p7 . .33 Front tire:
V OVISVILLK Lime-far tala bv
»n 7 33 Front urett
T lIinKSIMO non Allen’s Nerve and Bone
1 “"
BP 7 cor l»t and wood m'
*r'jS‘ & gt
(ioswn SCHOOL
V/-rieahf.Boak? have now auaioM. a-fioppjartiy gnl
pttkllelleffin the history of
It is'Thec'kprest'on of many teaebeti>who have thor
oughly oaed them, that they cad Ictrp ihelr'psptti;**
much ia ooa quarter in theote of iboie bookt/a* they
can iq doable ihe time by u4ng ant.-'oiher M|te«. urn
therein ntfdocbt that the orthbgtapbvofouriAttgßAg*
may be Iraznrd in lesa Uiaa one half of jbe time from
Cobb'* N c w speUerjhaa tram any,other extant.. -
The afiperior 'excellence *nd popularity ot. there
hooka nay be inferred froaihe fmcuhat they have been
officially adopted for the o«e of alt the Public Schools
in the foUowitte. among other important -'cities and
townt.vir Jf 'i ork. Rrookiyn. Philadelphia and Balli
mrre.iVViiaunaton, Cel., Lancaster and Readmit Pa,
Cura; aml'Bbffalor and l.y sfime'2s or' 3tJ County Can
vrnnon* lO.ibc Suii- of New Yoik; also. by the New
Jersey StaL Society of teacher* and. friend* of educa
uon— and they aiejanidty taltlng the place of all.simi
lar work* in the \\ e«t among the best teacher* and
mo»t important board* frf education. Tbe partienlar
■tiention and eriueal examination of ihi* *erie*o( Look*
i* invited qi atl teach'-r* and board* of education, who
coritemp'ale tnakmg ebanrv* mtbuclasiof text book*;
and iho»e who make up ibeit-aind* that they mr* the
be*t, aad wish to introduce iihexß, can Exchange with
the advertiser the.r old hooka, row m qte.for tbe*e, by
paying half the triad price m cash
“ . From the-Ne» Y ork Globe, of Feb.l3, IS4T) |
» e arc glad to find Mr. Cobb aiillenguged in prepa
ring new boot*, for me use of rcboolaaa.lforihc benefit
of tbe ruing generation Mr. C.’* new spelling book
and h>« valuable ,*enc* of reading and other book*,
bare ju«tly gained for him a reptiatiem that will be
more enduring than monument* of marht*or statue* of
lira** We ihink be ha« done mote to correct the dii
crrtiannr« or the language, and toward* elucidating
and «y«ieinatiziDg tl e element* of oar vernacular lan
guage than any other author exiunt in this country.”
For *ale wholesale and Retail by J lI.UELLUR
sp7 1 NoSI wood *trect
llluitrated Flora—No|3;
Animated Natoie —No X
George, or the Planter qf the Isle of France—a tale
of tbe land end sea: by Alexander Duma*. 7
Th«i Devil's Wedding Ring, or the Adrentnrcs of a
Watchmaker; by A. Dutoas.
The Ktni’a Highway; byG PR James, Esq.
t'o*tle of Khren»tein; do;
Do hi bey 4. Sin—Nod,
The Violin without a master—frc»li supply.
French. Span’aJt and Geitnan without a master.
Frnh qisorunent of Dramatized Play 1, among which
are William Tell. Romeo and Juliet. Charlc* the XU,
and Day after }he Wedding.
A superior article of Ti««ue Paper. as*rfrted color*.
For able at M A MINER’S
■p? Sroithficld *l. 3d door from Second
WASTED SOON—Places m warehouse* retail
and wholesale stores, on eiearaboau, or some use
ful employments ouuuics, towns, or country around,
foraevrral good book-keeper*, salesmen, agentsware
hoasemen. acboolmuterm. mechanical, farming and
laboring men.
A I*o, for a number of boy* of different ages.. Also,
for a number of colored men anJ woutea, bo r a sod
gill*. l£7'V?anted, several good cooks, bouiekeepcit
aru! Bin* for all work. [
All kiml* of Agencies Attended to promptly for mod
erate charge*. Please apply at ISAAC HARRIS'S
General Agency and Intelligence Office
ap7 Filth »L near F.xchange Bank
rtOR SALE—A valuable Property on Ros*, near
. 4th street, consisting of a two story Bnck lioose,
with finished garru nuri good cellar. The whole i* well
arranged for cornfou and convenience. Price mode
rate and terms easy.
. $ CUTUBKrtT, General Agent
ap7 Noso SuiilhCrld street
7011 eALE-A good two story Brick lloase in th<
. rth Ward, well arranged for a small family. Frici
990 U. S CCTILBERr, General Ageiit
ap7 No fiOSfuithfield street
Wholesale Shirt Warehouse.
OJ. NOYES db CO, No 00 Willian; street, op
» stairs. New York, manufacturers nnd dcalera in
every variety of l.iueii, Muslin Fancy and Common
Shirts, Uu*om«. Collars, Ac., which urc offered'for sale
at extremely low prices for eash.
Merchants nnd dealers are requested to call and ex-
mine our stock of Sbtrts, which is the most exlensiv
»the City, embracing every vsirieiy and pattern.
Our goods are manufaeittred of tbe very best tnalet
Is,- in a superior manner, and warranted id every pat
ICyfilalci* who wish a good atlieie, and one they can
recommend 10 their every respect, will do
welMo call and examine ©tar slock of fioods before
purchasing elsewhere. jipOdJt
flardware Store Removed,
WHITMORE A WOLFF having removed, front the
corner of Libert) and St Clair streets, to No SO
Wood-slrccl, iht/r door* above ?** Cburles'ilotrl, would
respectfully u»k the nttcntimt of buyer* to their stock
per ships Saransk. Mouongahclu/uwl Ru**ia, direct
from Ihe manufacturer* of England nnd Germany.
A l-o, supplier of American Hardware, trom the prin
cipal manufacturer* i-(' ihe-Jvastciu .States.
Their stock being entirely new, and purchased upon
the beet term* they feel great confidence in being-able
*ucic**tully to meet competition trom any quarter,
whether e««i nr wot
The Hardware l.u-ino* be continued ot the old
land. n pf*_
NY—Naiicr i* herebr given that tire dd tn»ialmeni
of Vive Dollar* per eliare tin the Capital Stock of the
Company will bo required «o he paid on or before Ihe
k>uriu day ot M ay, at the office.
By order of the Hoaid of-Manaßcra,
npadira*yl V MERRICK. President^
Du, woo IT'S Harsaparllla and Wild
Cherry Dlttara, for ihc,cuieof the fallowing
di*e»*e*: Jaundice, Liver Cotn|>Lini. all B:lliou*Cora
platnt*. tick Headache, Heuii lSurn, IndigesUO.n, habil
oat (oativene*», Pile*,.Palp.lotion*of the Heart, Loss
of Appetite,Dyt|*cp»ia. Nertoas IrritaCioas.Dehiliutcd
Stomach. Languor. Depression of (Spirits, Chronic Ithco
mati<m, Cumueoo* Disease*, Conker. Syplnlord Disea
-c* Scrofula Im|iuriur* of the Rlood. -Piinple* and
Pu*tnle< on the Face, Hereditary Humor*, Cold Soie*,
and all disease* arising from an mjumetouft ose of Mer-
CU The auennon of the invalid public, and of all iho«e
• tflicicd bv any of the above disease*, is rcapecifnlly
called 10 the lurritHOi'a new and mvalnahle prepara
uon from an original rreqteof adjstinguished physician,
combining in lUelftbe mon active remedial properties,
of two 01 ihe very first article* in the Materia Medics.
The Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Biuera were in
troduced to the public aboat twelve months ago, and
during that period their aureesa ha* been «o to
induce ihe piopnetor ta offer them with Mill more confi
dence. >ll the lull belief that by enteriug inlo more ex
tensive use, they will prove a blessiug to all those
suffering from the disease* above enumerated.
Sold, wholesale and retail, by WYATJ A SKtCll-
AM, general agent*, 131 Fulwnstrert, New York; W'st.
Tiiorh. Market street, and-P. R. Sawrss, SmilhficW
•ireeu Pittsburgh, Pa. Pricf 81—large bottles.
larttaa-fAti • •
Sew WanbooN for Prwri Onlv.
al the spacious fi»« story Wtreboose, No. SO Cedar *t.,
New Yurb, {the whole of which is desUrd to the- exhibition
and sale of this single anide,):oSer fur sale by the piece or
nrithirall the desirable pew stylet, i large prdporttew of
whieb haring been •eflotrietrd' fee before the late rite in the
market, wilihe told at lets than mano&etnrer*’. present pri
Printed lifts of price* are pat into the hands of buyers.
N B— B F LEE, late senior partner in the onriaai Ann of
Lee >{■ Brewster, (Iron which ne retired ia 184 a) bat joined
the firm of Lee and Jmltco, and solicits the patronage of hit
old friend*. The bcsioeti it conducted under the firm of
February 23, IM7-aagp. LEE, JUPSON k LEE.
y . IMPORTERS and • Dealers
SjXlMSnpt^ in Hardware. Cutlery, and
Snddlcry, Noso Wood street)
three door* above St. Charlea
Hotel Pittsburgh, Pa.
T7BPlir,Af-—**» M. Raienw; .
r bn m R«»tos 1 s,™** "> j«»i
3T.] Jrora" Fr,.; 3fr.iltD.lcK :
10 b,c Bock CamJv; SSObct.Tcnn Om. NoWl
13'do ’ e!WtlnoiK ic,
■a! ra i m-miUsi at toned Nails for sale by -
and 14 > Liberty street
D “ l ™ CH S£» E .
144 Liberty street
D u* *p»«^ijs{isrrjsiW
ap<s > 144 Liberty strci
TO LCfAW—BS,OOO for one "or” ooro fears, on the
tecoMlr bclos
apfi Wood it. next door io Eagle Saloon _
p'xebmnge on New York. I'hitndrjrbia. anil Oalu-
Hr nwre.ccmrtantlv for «ale bv HILL A CURRY
apO Wood at. next doot to Eagle saloon
nrrancy Ohio Indiana, and KcMnrk]
8.. k. w.mcJ very ...
\pt> Wood at, next door to Eagle Saloon
Collection! on Cmriuiian. Imuitvute, St L/iuis am
alt-other accessible point* in The Untied States
made on accommodating tonni.. HILL ACUKK*
apd Wood »t. next door io Ragle Saloon
RIO COPFEE 1 00 bag* nVrtprt' <?recn ; ‘i
and for rale by ENGLISH A BLNN hL l
apg No 37 wood street
TOBACCO— CoXi* is; 3J»7and lit* - pound Lumr
and 3 und |B« Rotl.ot prime uuabty. jual J^« ,ve
and for sale tow by A IlhNNhri
npC No 4? wood Urerl
«1 »KAb-iOb» ehesis V. 11. Tea; ••
1 L 3n catty hi* mid.i H. Tea;
Received and for rule by ENGLISH A HhNNKIT
B pa ; _No 37 wood rtrer
TANWidR’S OIL- in'bbl* Tanner'* Od for «
npC . No U 7 wood tltei
TtOOACCO-iu kruati Twill to arfivi*. lor *«!•• I
a ,jj N*i 37 wood s»ei
OIsAMWKS—i:m N. O;
. StiiibieS Hvfof sale Ivw by
NO. NCOAU-JU Mid* <n itinir and for rule •)
. apd KN(JUSHfcBKNNFrrr,:r7*ooJ^
L"*OAF SHUAR— a) bill* a«<oned No»; .
1 estedoublo HecuQed;
3cbk« Powdered;
'i do Cruabed; in More and
No 37 wood tun l_
for *alr lonr by
aj*C _ _
bxa WfatieCiiy I'ipet
Mbx* Slone d«\ for male low by
apC’ ENULISU ft BF.NNKTT, 3T Wood n
MHTAL —|(K» tnn*,No t Foundry Metal, received
prr *iim Swnllow »nd for ««U by
npo M ALLEN A Co, <2 water t>
BLOOMS— V-P'piere* received per *unr I’neifi*' and
formate L V - WALLEN A Co
, njjft No4‘i-wa»c» «iretl_
SWEET CIDER—IO bbl* *wret «nd prime, m
• tore and for tale liy W I'HBHI .
wuUbfleld M»‘
cor vjairr and^
A PPLBS-IW IMs prime io
*7n<j «nJ mmbfieU «>»
G&ABR— 50 bn BilO; ; , ... ~„pF B
“ p [Cbroni<ilr copy)
jpg cor water «ndWood-*ti
WIUTK BKANtf—5O bu». »roaU. jo«l received and
far xile by WICK* MeCANllLtt!*
and s+r?' watttr and wood its
DRY APPLE&-2(10 bac.')u»t rac'd and-ibrule by
apO '■ cot wood and water »U
IDKE&* ircM lh7« day.'Yw
talc'by apt 'ATWOOD,'JONE3A Co
SOAP— tUObxaCiu. No I, in More am) fi»p
cor -water at and cbm? alter
TCLAXSISKD-t-Sim received and for »ale by
i car water and .w«*d *t*
CLOVBRSKBD-U!>M« in ninre wal tor xale by
< 4 ; .. WICKiMcCANDLKJW .
cor wtier and wood »u
p ' Unction -Salts
Bjr J«ba D. OtTlit AatUekMr
ONl%urrdsy looming, thr instant, at id o’clock,
at tbe Oonunereial Auction Rooms, comer oi Wood and
Piflh meet*, will be sold—an extensive assortment of
fresh and aetueftabte Dry Oendc, asßmgwhiek are'cal •
ieoea, super, rich style prints, furniture ckiau, giog
hafaa, gro de nap prints, cambric and jaconet urn shoe,
bleached and Unb'eaehad muslias, lawns, bareges, silk
nnd eounn hdkfs. stlk'and wonted, daaaak,-brocha and
woollen shawl*.cheeks, nekingt.eountetpaaea. coiion
edee, tkaey-Temmg*. glovea, kulevy in great variety
ribbon*.botu>n*. sewing silk, *u*pender», pat thread'
spool cotton, sttperfitfe emtits, casauneres, *aiinrii*, itj
and .white flannel*, Ky. jeans, fce.
: At « O’Cloek, P. M.
One well toned second hand Piano Forte, airntcn
live assortment of new and second hand bouaeholdfnr
titore, embracing a great, variety of (mreaua, tablet,
:hair*, settees, cradles, criba, wart and wash aMhds,
wking chain, high and low post bedstead*. Also,
rooking, stoves, kitchen lurniture, Ac. Glassware,
jucenswnre, tinware, cutlery, grocertea, safe, Ac
AV7 O’clock, P. M. '•
A quantity of reaJy onde clothing, pen andltocket
knives, knives and fork., razor*, razor airopa, spceia-
gold and silver watehe*, musical iastru
ment*,dry gt>od», flmcy arucles, Ac. «p 7 ;
ON Friday morning, the 9th instant, at lb o'clock, at
the Commercial Sales Rooms, comer, of Wood and
Fifth street*, will be sold, without reserve, lor account
of whom It may concern; 13 cases Parasol*, Sun*hodcs
and Ptolettes, vix: " ‘ ,
No llftoneeatc 50 Foulard Silk Psoleitet,
69 do 50 India Silk ' do;
CO do ]UU assorted do;
61 do ACT do SilkFrixged;
C 3 do 50 do -do Sunshades:
63' do 50 Foulard Silk Parasols. Pinked;
64 do 50 assorted da do - FruUed;
. Itfld do 50 rich 'do tld -do;
316 do 34 fancy ' iba Parasoleltcs;
217 do M. do do do -Fringed:
319 do 3| superior do do nmk edged;
319 do 40 do do do do:
Will be ready furexamioation on the 7th inn. Terms
at sale. ap?
ON Ihuradav afternoon, tbe Bth inttahu atSo’clock,
inirantof the Commercial Sales Rrmtna, corner Wood
and Fifth streets, wilt be sold,for whoo-ttmay concern
for cash par funds—l6o Spanish Hides of first quality,
which may be examined previous to the »aie.‘ ap~
Good Second Hand Buggy at Auction.
AT 3 o'clock, r. x, on Thursday the 6th instant, in
frontof the commercial salea room*, earner of Wood
■ and Fifth streets; will be told—l good-secondhand
Duggy, with leather top. Ac.. s qpy .
Orphans’ Coori Balis of RaaLEktat*.
FI pursuance of directions contained in the lastwil 1
and testament of Abger Laeoek, late of Bemver Co..
deceased! and an oWer'of the Orphans’Conyt of Bca
ver county, <he nndersigned Executors will .expose to
public sale, on Monday the 104 b day of May next, at 9
o'clock, P. M.. at the CemmeWial Yale* Room*, comer
of-Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh;-all the right,
title, interest and claim of whieh the said Aboer La
cock died seized, of, in and 'ioJ a certain Lot df) ground
situated in Uto city of I'ittsbnreli, Allegheny county, at
the corner of Sectyid and Ferry strccif, fn iaid eity,
lieing numbered two hundred and tbitty-seven, [S37]
having in front thirty-five feetj ou z4ecorjd street, and
running back eighty feet, monfor lesa. One-half of the
purchase money to be p'aid-atihe time oFsale.and the
other half to-be aecared by bond and amtgagd on tifc
premlses, tobep»ld in one yekr.whb taterest, from the
confirraption of sale; on compliance with which tetmiy
a Deed will be given to (be purchaser, by I
March 39,1647. EexecVs of Abnfcr Lkcock, dec’d.
ap‘dltAw3>F j ; 'J.D DAVIS, J^nci’r
avd saaLxaa tri -
No. 0# Rood Stmulent door dhoti. Fourth, Kail tide.
tnchlbl PltUbnrghi Pa. IdAwF
CLERKSHIP WANTED—For a lad from N.
' York,in yean of age; it sithaifon in some respect
able Commercial Establishment in .the. city. Aa it i* .
the desire of hi* parents that he should acquire a know-'
ledge of business, a remuneration would only be
required (bribe first year. Reference may he had to .?
Kdilo'rof Gazelle. , ap’Af ,s
-6.OCK) just received. Also on band Kellogg AThay
er’« Prints,andPhelp'sMapsandCharta. -.- ..I'
Merchant* and Pedlars supplied at New York pneea.
aj>2 eor 4th and mod s»*
LOOKING GLASSES—GiIt and Msihdgany
l«okingGla*aea,L.G Plates,Clocka, Comb*,wild
n general assortment of Variety Good*—all at Ib+rr*;
rates—at No 63, eorner of 4U» and wood streets. - 7 . •
Real estate market-Pcreor
pun-busing property, will find it 10 their int
-call and examine my Register for Real Etian
purchasing. No m>ub|rjp show goods or to git
malion. 8 CUTIIBt
np3 _ No SUSnftthfield
FISH— 6 hbls No 1 Mackerel; -i * ,
3 kega No I Mesa do',
5 kina No 3 Mackerel; ;
10bbltNo3 do; Larger
shf bbls No 1 Trimmed Shad;
Nol Salmon, Alewive’s and Baltimore Hecn
sale by JDWILU&MSJ
upg • • ■ _ .... No MO wood
CANDLES— 30 bxs'SUr Candle*;
6 bra Sperm do; .j.
40 bxs Stearins Candler, - .
50 hxa Dipped dm for
aps J D WILLIAMS A Co, 110
APPLES— UW fins. Dried Apples, recM oneoaogn
meat and for sale by S D WILLIAM 4 ACo
apfi j No 110 wood ai reel
IMGS—IW dram* Smyrna Fi»* fortaie by
ap3 * JII WH,UAMS&C».»O wooin
CHAD ClDER—6bbi« rac'd on consignment and
foi <«le by J D WILLIAMS A Co
jps ; No UOwoddjlWel
OCUBB-«bbltb(i( Atsencu;.
I 3 do
. *ps . No 94 Wood atrwi
M^fracicHgT —Non M«ckereS, on hind
and for aale by JAB OALZELI*, >
a p3 NrW water*;
BUCKETS —34 do* Beaver Backetf, landing Boot
J'el Boat Chippewa TO?r «
DRIED PEACHES —100 ban In (lore and for
M j e by agS J DALZELL, 94 water at
CIGAR9—ISO bat Half Spaniab Organ; >
100JSO Common Cigar* in bail on a«tndand
for aileby :JAB DALZELL
a ps ' \ ‘ • ; Wo 94 wain at
BROOMS— 75 doz Brooma in (ion and foraaleby
tt> s JDALXKLL. 84 water at
Batting— so uio No* 1. *. • od
foraaleby JA$ BAL2ELL
■pA Wo 94 water at
RIO COFFEE—4OO bagi landing ffott (leaver
American Star, and foraaleby - .
aps BAG ALKY A.BMITH, 18 and SO wood at
DRIED APPI*KS-i-190 ucka for aale by
aps B AtfALEV AbMITBiIS and 90 wood ft
sSuEBSE-75 bzs prime W R Cheeae for aale by
tp i J P WILLIAMSACo.IIOwood a>
PEACHES— 200 bn* Dried Peacbca; '• • .
15 do Pealed do; ;• |on eonaign
meoiaad for aaleby J D WILLIAMS A Co
t pA < . No UP wood atrcct
LARD— Sbbla prune, rec’d on eonaignment and fo
n itby P J D WILLIAMS A Co
ip y • No 110 wood (treat
a A AGRA W A McKHIGRT, Auorneyt at UVr"5
iVJ. Office removed a few doora nearer Grant «K*i. V
on Fonnh. to Bnkowell*a Old Houae. 5
't'lSU—«» bUU No 3 Sooth Mackerel; . i
J* 40 hf LLU do .do - - do;
IObbUNoS do dQ , •
mc bv4 41 waieratreet
UGAR-**> hhda prone N. O, in afore and for aale
by J* H FLOYil'
mcb24 ..... .. . 1W Liberty atreet
Molasses mu n. 0., in »
atore and for aale by J A R ILOYl)
mebV4 . W Liberty atreti
COTTON YARN—Ib» aaaortedv In atore and
foraaleby J'A R FLOYD .
me h9< ■!« Liberty atrael
SEED— finfcau.Cloreneed; -
, 10 hoi.Tiromhy l*e<* In *u>»« tnfl wwl*.
- ■ . JiRRLOYD
meUit . , , , IBBl4&tny«iree»
StTUDIUES— 7 bbJ* Cloweed;
*bUl»ThnothySefd; ...
1 4 k«n No I Leif Lard; a prime ancle for ul—
lailinjt, for tale by BEYNuLDS k f*HEE
loctuti '_. c<h| Penn and lrwm »t» .
S~tJO AR-23bhd« prime N.d-Gw »*Jehr •
mfiivj j | 141 bibt^y,y_.
Kr..i*M rcoM »nj
foriaJeby WHKDKNTER * C*-
iucU»'3_ | _No 4» WI «
MOLaAbKS-15 MthSojpf'SlouM; •
" l■:! •• Nrw QrtniiC for** lety
jgrjfll ..... ~,r _ 4 IiU^IZ-S 1 -
f.-'isil—«ol»bi» No*M*ck«W>f; y C
i? iobfW'i<MJt> *>; j-, j >
S 3 bi.l* No iSoulij il«kf tel, - »
20\l4>i»No3 Nonh. «jAp?m».*J '
-.■.-I ' " J<< Librny tueei
NIILS-SS >«• oliphjriTlljJoJ, Latuiliig from •
piiK.l. TEA S -.«Vf Y. H. T™_ |
I &w fo,,,i;b? Russia,
B' CLK POftK-l.fiOQ Haul*; j . -
i !,000.Sboulder«; neatly trimmed
auu hWb New Orlean* Sagtfttj
SOU bbla Plantation Molai*e«; perlai* amvali
and for tale by BAG ALEV A SMITH
apt •!Not 13atnUSwood**
RALZARUBSmt IH|-UJie» wadtia*’ U»
D priced Balzarine*, for tally Spring dreura, will
.find an aaaortmrat at above low prtee. at ibe dry jooda
tetueoC W R MUBWV.
■.jaefca . N K tor Ab end Martetata
/ VBHTIcKMKSr will find »t the New YortS»n>,
xJT 79Muketctre«t,Bct*>icc Fi°*
OdlixW Bcwoxm, Craw*, Seaife, Steels, ©«>»«*•
Hdk&,saaaeadcrea*dlto*iefy- '
; i—a cad* Cum;
. -3 do Out;
3 do Applet; =-
4 do . I'ruke*;
I -do J?e«Lber«i
110 pieee!ojtuoit: lending L t S?,* imT
Comet end for by JAMK rto*<w“*«
UEMBJOHS COttltß-1 °°
band and lor rale by BRAUN *l*7,!^,
ICO CORKS—I bale of
J Urge me, for sale by BRaUNARUTBB
nehai eor Liberty »»d at Clou «■_
xpLOBiDi coo Ki-i
m <*2s. coriibeTtyaudStCUit m
tps . j DAUXELWIN waier.ii