The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 07, 1847, Image 4

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The OmischJ 1
following account.|)f this ca-saTTrailboa
i sect, .scattered he£e and there \ kxprbsj* fast packet i’.ipJKmore
O'hla State, and- P ro|.bly in oti>-1.'PflTsufßo.i ™ niII.AOA H : \
the only thing in pnqt that we re- ? ' £*dwird»*/»r » • ,nn '| ,l »«|th.*Line
;t to have seen concerning them, jrpi r pu h!.c #nr rev-*,. ‘eajo^'The'riropiicJonl
likely that «hev are penerallv con- ' A; lli «>ntm«nc*jj*rnorci*.* ot P#ckei., tmi R«ii>
,? * uiai «ney .arc generaijj con d Wlll , , xut . afeomaw , Ul i oll< -
aea wuu tbe the aril- ] i‘«v; fruiter coiutv>n louarricis. yf
is from the New Yorkfcforrespondent | ( k . n‘ c^
the Northern Christian’ Advocate j* £r*v:« u« 1© p,iM C in* m«m*c P ni*whri#.
•v.. Adam Miller, the lecturer oJ.r L pi&VwViSIS
. is the Gefman MetboiH '**>'' of 'Y'
. New York—a ma-* i ' i ti m M*mon g »iie!«
rdinary ln 4}}»ft EL K;iOU.i SECT- »?**£, p en ?.!i^»^cS.i
smaysl since, I'wasiattracted to \vEB^?Ki^lkV'* IAI,BPOR,TATIO!, co *
| . First Getmaiis Church, :by a notice | Pjpgfr*
that Bro. Miller wou|d ‘deliver: a lecture; --'
respecting a remarkable, but. fiitta know n,! & CO’S. j.
religious .sect, with-Jvhich hfc was once (1 ,/i*TA»usifc:i) traNsportatuin* unk,|
eoneerlPil : ij V - lIKPWKKM. PHTSUL'RGH. ■ I
C .rt , * ■ ' - y'PIUI.ADKt.PIIIA. lIAI.TIMOKK aNI) NEW vi»RK !
lihe lectOre 1 commenced &v 'tMiK *u,rk ih.« uuk oon».»ii. of o douMcjd«ii> ■
th.f it was well known Wll whp*?<l ii,;’'
•read ecclesiastical histon' that tb# Chris rod lo »nl » lure? t|uanuty o.i .Merchandize-and
tian'Church W divided .nth b ;«««>' of SSK&'tSSSSJ, W.„r f.L w
denominations, known by difkivni names, d*r».enc.i. *« torwurdua ire ut charge iorc<fmim.-
etld distinguished Hy jUiCUIiaHIICS of di-l’* u.i:«,_e ir*n*nvurd mnl ull n«tnienon» promptly
trine and discipline. .It «i cpramon for; „ cn „, lat . td „„
the histories of these sects to^ ! he written ; SahlrU). t Addrro, of app l > to
either bv the'mselvcs, theig,'friends, or s u i-h kcu a l i^'l l ll r °[’ l^''',' > ' i r l ,; Lur?:ll :
their enemies;! and ihotfe accounts, wlie-' A
, . i , l Vi U.-ouih rhuil*lre«i 1 oiiadeiphia
ther true or false 1 , became familiar toitue • j t -,s tan loii a suits. A*cm».
reading commimity.. Wfe 's|ould. hardly ! P ' x “ 'lf ;
believe thut iHfcro was a, di‘t|nminaiion of; n>, hta Jn o ? \Vc»iiur»Ji.s.-w York
anylconsiderntde numbe s tir influence,.! iMTT?uu7it«ii poktable|
of whom we could find no 'history.-yet 1 1547.
there was such a denom naijon cxisAngj i-'ir
both in this cbnntrv and iu tlJermanw «>f ■ r .imi m.j .Mi; oJn
whom lttile or nothing wqs known or i, rrMk ..;, antl ..,, n «,< co-ui* |
written. This people ar j Ijtown anjong ij«>uouTiTi-: a caph
themselves and bv the n -ielbors artiuud ’ n„ v;-Uarkn »orri ; pii.udciid.m
, . i - ■ 'I AAFI k A U 170.N.N0R
them, as THK omst ll,; I Ortr }•.„» !imi pnul.nrsb
s name derived |rom tha uEthrir le-<ii*r. t Vv i'j n™ ' i• AKrul '
H the sixteenth centnr •. | number of ,
persons in Germany, ' it<c a (.atlmijc , , )ur |i, r uitncr. mid .»>*• no« piri-jiJiMnior
priest at Ilieir head.' w,.lid| B w from ,W ; '"tl’wU Jj!
Romish CahurchL anil fot nefl themselves til.- *u[H-n..rm-of Hie Ponalil- juoaijcyirra.
■ i i _ 1 , i ,i . f,»r«] iij,* l'Tr «i r4[>lrtn atid Coiivi'meiM-i'ot tM<*\varp
into 8 Protestant M'rij' kifown as to*- ! . ult , r . ;i , ru & „• ,j lr i.u r atr pr-»J)ia«iy i-s.cuia-
Menonists.; At first t’i,ejl v } ry Miin
in their discipline, ami in various out* • , h ,. p B Ai »•» ru*i»i,t> mi tin.- lutarr iii|*\ n , *il«*cnu‘!ij,-
ward obscrviinJe,. km tojn l.e a in..M, a •»-
_to E row l»*. ilieir; leader »4«r.i«f I™, j
them and set up for lit nisi H. lonnoin p f lie ( u<! , r , : i.nj,i.rd m-r of *ny f»»t t'wmnj»-ion,
denomination of jwhicli now »l«-ali. ■ IZJ&Z
This ancietv. oiiginatin;; |m Germany, ,^ 0 « 1 .miiy i.p »heir j mm.y «.i.;rrt m •appiiiK
fl! • . u n i; ...» „ i..,,.. >v —t -ii-.l iln-v {• ; «-.)irr in fofwnrtl #ll 50CMH
soon 'Spread| into tlollai % anu a i«irg» Cill .. ;l j, rj|o|iir„i|,roniPt!>»nti«iiiii'im.»»»iidvaiim
number came to thi> cot tuv. setiltng in I 1 * r
Pennsylvania and J It is urn- <»l Vx'de pen d kst poii-i'a"bi.k 1
their peculiarities, to kee 1 Ahem elves as an A T 1 1M F
much as possible sepai dc frt tti i 1 t *“ t'A l
they call the world. 1 hey regard al\ j 1r.4 t. I
who do not Conform i» ik|m. ns When. •
.They themselves cons; rjutc tiie irun i hl rg;i. pmii.adklpmia and oaltimouk.
1 Church of Christ, nil nth ts, bepig expo- ' ; Tr*..o«r«wni -GJ ' ii
sed .0 his wrath, ami d mined <o ; ever- . |
! JlStinC destruction. 1 irK-t*rn.u**< imt >»’* >.’*•!rv»cti*»e*' promptly uifidrd to .
1 • . 1 , • „ J 1; I|r4 ffon. ti'tv '•xiri rfinnti- lor «inr«g- or roam t»»ion
Their firsf and most pimninent peculi*, All , lrr .. ol w ., ri lo » A mcanVlTY tit
arity, ativ deviation fronw lricl in 10l- j c.«n#i n#T, n .p.u«!|urgh I
• lowed by expulsion, istneir mtimer of ’ storage I
dress maintain and that
wearing this peculiar dress is liter-. ,iuT*n.cri!j « !aTer«inoam or Produce. Ac onStuoer #t ]
ally conforming to lh«. iLge .1 Chn,.. b -“ picK I
They will not allow a variety of -colors in ± 4 n
their attire ;{ if a Urnily sjumld venture to "* * •
nurchaSe a dress having MiflVrent colors, I »vVOU.buVrnY fo» Ike tranafnrjanea w 'May
they wjould U expelled fL. the comma- :
nity. For injy Mr.lanon ,f rut.- re-; o!C
apecling dre* ofFenu'rr iviis 'o be cut A ,- 0 »>• <i#> fexcepi ai>ii
off much tphre, prompify than, (or a lla- . '""TT
grant and oross crime. t»i - t.-i r ior n.** M"- 4-I * l ■ rro s ,,m^“,, ® , ‘
6 ® „f!!irw# tmeinv>*«. umJ lie* proprietor# ri*prC!iutH
MODE OF W-ORBHIP--RTRICTNKS*. i eol-ctu elt >er»t »li#rc of patron#^
; * / frpprtetori.
Their mode of wors up is verv pecu- j<mv pickwortu joiin
• liar, and toy variation from ~. they .e- ! Kt V.Vv' "' ir’'’'
• gard an conformity to fe wo,hi. They I r!!'a'na#U::SS‘'“' < '' ! U
are opposed to the building ol churcucs ; ,* A McA.Ntt.TY fc Co. iMuiiufgU J I
such a thing is not known and would. , , M , D ,,.,,. j rfi'i“ C K5wnM«.„. li««i,
not be tolerated among them. 1 nev * small, p.u.i.ureti ru,,G ,
build their houses with i view to arcom- LAhE HUE A.\o SIICUItjA.A LISE.
, modate as many as assemble tor divine .g— .1 i c. 17 Matm.,
.worship, the congregation is as- , ■!"►>
sembled, anil the miniater prepared f° : f 'i'l'l'i v.' uca'^rT" 1 ' 0 .! '• ••.L^.'i'.uVtu^u
semes the females arc engaged in an-' ana u C Ai*-f.-uJ ;;•••*■• *-
oci »it.-r, HM- » ■# ' nimitin Itlwccii lleuvc run t Jiidrniiriif ung wuh
other part of the house, preparing a re- M K «. «:*# Line of s-ijaiui'out Pro|iri|lrr« and Vr«*el«
pastihr the congregation'when the J
vice is over There is butt one kind of «,• potnl-ou ihe River. Cmul and Lahrt t
. ; ~ , , . . I • .. 1 ll«vtr.g c\rrv larilie for enriveyine irrtgUt an/I pa*-
food.from which no deviation is allowed. , rilJ . pl . w .:u ;m>.«;u>f *.l n 1 diaplirh. la- prrpficior
So strict are they, that fii>» time imm- j fc "t *“ l
• p o ™"- ‘H re h “ t . l r “, a - v< ]’'‘- n 'T?T!u
j in this rcsnect. t bey lu'uis<» .nur juhn a calghkV. r*n#t» i «i.Uo
peculiar niope of preparing'the food and Br.rtn to
* , . 1 | * T Wheeler, Crocker A Co. .\rw)nik I
serving it lip. i t;e« d«vi», uuft'o
Another peculiarity ir. that lliev never, «VO«v.lj.d ]
• T . * ,« l*' Ja* A Afnj'ihtitil* *'t. ihfmii i
under anv fcircumstances, allow divine MrUttrtJt'v.'ham. M.iwsitur
. worship hilt at a certa 11 hour of the day; r*»»*
. to hdld it at anv other hour, would be a 0... \ia-hcm.vrr Kv«u*i ur K h. Penn*
1 ... ! J , *. i-i 1 , _ Jt.'tn Me \rihvii. I iuiii**owii, tlo r
violation of! their disc pitmp ami expose. w . k a. A cker.< rrrh*.:ir. do >
themselves'to ibe dan. er of bvcomine as £
bad as theiworld. |t w Oounmcii# a Nr**c#»tir. do m#/5
So strict'are they in reference to mine- , reliance poiitable boat line.
ling with| the ' VO, ' IJ - *M ,f nno ° r 1)1111 1847* £swagiiaß
preachers c n ‘ ,ll ° a m ‘H’ n,,t belonging ‘ FO(l -j kansporting .mkhchandise b»>
10 their sect, and eat whir, them, it wou d j tween mTBBt.Kt»H AND THK KASTERN
r*!. ,„1, 'iri-,1 Hrother citits. « n moct tr,un»nr*r.»T
X expose him to a Chirclt'lr • f I r»Aj|E ..rn.ri*vtd m-liiud o( cwyinguird I.A Oil- inn*
Miller stated that lis grandtathcr once ;l I K*>a:.i.«h.ed Lme. * i.n* *o writ known m«t .)■*-
taking a meal will, mother family,
requested, being ar old pan, mask a; n.-ifouu ate md p-rform ihcru,.*
blessino. which he iid ; and for ihts he TuA'npat ,;>' of our W«iri,o«j*»*prtui».r* u» n| *lO,-
wi. 'brought to trill am! f*«"
i viol.tion of the ru!.-, of thptr Church
If any,of their children conlofin j|.,r o ,j i 3 iJ iiuMrr,ip<e*e. wooi.Fpatorr*.
. in every ip.mcular, t a theil rule, re,peel
ine dress, they are not illowed to eat , e su * riur U »ird to u- tb-n.i.r »»
• with the family, an, are considered ■'>»,'J,"l'E.;’" 1 *
outcasts, until after confusion and r. - ja/w‘lavls* r^‘ t,ufrh
pentance they have, seen restored. i ~ [ kv> '•roi s'it .Msikn »i. puli*j#
only truo Church, »i K«-'< «™eer P,;nl and Bridgewater,
3 > , BEAVtI COt’VTT, F4v,
l wears a .fine Ores . Vropru-ior «,■<! of »ir#mrr#
low them, can pus * [£•• ft .*■ gt—>
and to fully is thisi fifisfa*-
that very few ever
1 if it be rar« f° r an s
still more rare for
i come among them.
I ed a case of some y t
love with the dauglm
belonging to this Cbu
! matrimony, and conf«
1 for the sake ol secu
, men and their prop-rrt
• of any accessions to
. They keep therm e
than the Quakers to
( reason why so litth i
1 them, is. that they , 1
• count of themsclvct,
•i cords, and prevent!
- possible, from knoi«
them. : All their rec
handed! down from g
lion. In letters, the
to be able io read th
ries consist of a Bi
and sometimes a'fev
i 1 the latter are very J
•rial paim t« «nak«-
e thn| theirs is ilu
d lint no one u.ho
r whtf docs not fid
ihlv j|ftt to heaven ;
upon them,
cave the sect. Hut
to leave them. it is
nv from without to
Mr. filler mention
ding inert who Jell in
ers of a rich fanner
tireb, who committed
irtned to the Church
Imp the young \vo
Ik* nov'er know
the seut except by
ves far more strict
or ever did. The
s known respect rig
.ever write any ic
, keep uc? Church re- 1
others, as much as
* ing anything bou<
: >nls are traditional,
n-neratiou to genera
i f whole ambition is
i * ! lliblo. Theirlil)ra
i|i: and hymn hook,
i ’ other volumes, but
i Morn read. j
As Irish Examination.—!
, On one occasion,. in Trinity CoilcgeJ
‘v Dublin, when the Kev. John Marlirt was
examining a class. in hydrostatic.*., lie
asked 'a student, wi o was tint very pop
ular, “Mr. Spencer what would he the
consequence if 1 thr ist you into a pond?
| * (the examiner’s ohp ct being to tost the
I ' ifltudenTs kfuowledi'f ot the law, that wa-i
ter rises in propor ion weight of
the tjctfy ! immer*e<i.) The'..patient not
being able to give a solution of the ques-
I tioh, it was put to lis neighbor. ‘Mr
PlanUet, what woul be ihe'consequbnce
• if I! thrust Mr. Spencer into a pond T
apon ray word, sir*’ was the reply, “jl
think it would be Of- very Jtitle const
• gvence Another student being exam
ined on Locke, whelre ho speaks of our
relations to the DetW as those winch we
most neglect, what relations
1 were niost neglected. The youth an
swered very cooly, •‘•Poor-relations!
Dr. Cooke Taylor. / ,
He who loves nolle but himself
not expect any to loyb him.
,<mtL :'W <W*
■_— - I TSBCHjtY '
! Transportation lines.
DAlir ltT«r.tß riTT«»>C*OU ISO SIAVIK,
•firil.L I** p»ppar<d on opminKorcanal na»-
W cation to vp prfaprrtT at lua wliarl Ujaior
warp>oo*P. <nr oil on V.t.-r Kltrn.miy CrotA
Cnu ifld On.* CZoitnis. tor all pom on I.afcp hnr and
di al«o tnionrarxi prcxturp, fcr.t.y Henn’a.
Imp4Trrorni4 Applet to or ailtlrraa „
irt.vl-.ltC ] JAH Wn»F\, Be«T*T
priTsumifiii k i:i,eV"i.a.nd mne:
IS4G/ sen
|m|m T h rbmond (i Co.
lICE ti. co.,
'ommtsalon Merchant**
:avkr. pa.
rorwnrdlhg & '
! Bl
oorkior* of Jhia* (»o favor
• pablic), will l>* jirrpaiftl oh lb*
anal i.aTi*at.on 10 r*tei*ej>rwp
Krayr'. arid drlivrr ihe same al
,o ranal*. and aiaoon l.akr« Kne
t prCaie*l de-pßlch ami at f*a«-
'PHE Ar»-n!» and l'|
1 known lO ttiJ
• gnirii opening of r
rfty V I')U«MTRU undi
an) point on. Uie 4 H<
and M cb-r*". »*'h l h |
° ,l °hr nlJi.r.riof» of r th.« line folicil ihe l.u«inr»« of
t . l( . r fu»tomeij» with confidenre. knowing that
Ai.Tiiy n. or ndrirr*} ...
ti JiIhaRTON. Afft. Pituhurgh
CI.aRKK A Co. Beaver I
THE 11o» mm's Pottable Huai t'ompany Wjn* «*J»-
ilir (ximpany agon* wnl mio article* oi <-o
-p.rtim'i»ln(i uti'lri the lurne of Ihe “Iloatmrn'. IJoe,
and :ikew-.<f agreed to ivfit the f lock »o »•'o b*»c "
j ii'jinl-p* of llotii* f'iri Urn purpose of carrying (food*
thioußti m imin »n lo cigln day*. with cerieinty—and
J frcl mcourugi-d l.y ibc. I.fyeral >i yof la* I )Mi'* patron
age. to make more cxien*lve arrangement* for the en-
Wn would-therefore I’r.pccifully »n!:oit ft continu
ance of our funner pairun*,and refer all new euMOntera
l«» lho*e we have done butjneM for._ _ •>'
For ihe uainpotunoii of
*li. xiviiji or M»:nciiAHUi«c, to Asi<-l:noH
Fim.Ann.r-jiu. llaltimokk. New You, ahd Uo*ro:»
■ Corner MLcM) Mrrri knit Canal lJa4in.l'iU»tiiu*h
No %'» Mmlcpt «ir«£t, PhUadrlplnn
F.LDKH, (IF.I.STON A Cn, Agent*,
Uutiimore. MJ
PITTSBURGH—Jn»- MeCully. (ieo. Morgan A: Co
\V MrOully A Co. B A Samp*pn 4 Co. M AtlrnACo.
I’illl.AllF.lJMllA—Morn* Pknrr»»n 4 Co, Iteym/iN
Mt F»flon«J 4 Co. Fleming A IJutny. Prirr Wr.gltl A
Son. S Hi*pl>am. Jo**ph Or»u i
NFW VllßK—GooJtme A Co, Thro Perry A.Co
IIOSTU.N-Hfcd.Huid A Co. ,
CINCINNATI—Adam* A Crea|b, W \\ Pcarlor
“ft. PLEASANT. VA-P A Nmchlrr
NARHVILi.K-P Fleming. L . „
Note—Alloerchuadtfe from New Vote *"d
eoniirneJ to A L Gerhart A Co; Ph.ladelpbn, will_l*L
prnrnpily rewarded of commission. '
Ptekata Express to Pbllsdaljow*
JTirtSStfwrTSe eoatryonte of aatuaMe paeksgeaof
merchandise, aped*, bank notes, jewelry, Ac, com
menced nuning on Tbor*d*j\ March 1% S
An I*o* Citrrr will »* dttpaiehed July onul tbs eload
O ' ,, A»'pTT»" ,, ””" D LEECH*/.
oehlS tor Fenn at sad 6sas] \
i ;
MAu*lco9«n and popular Lmc of Steamers has
PpillS/vui'y' improved the pan Winter, by tUe ad
J. I,p< several new and magnificent boat.'', built
ditjgasly for the Packet Line, and the entire line .»
•irr.imposed »f cighi of t]ie largest. lie« finished and
.rurnt*bed, und mo*t powerful boats on the Wains of
the Wen. Kerry accommodation that money will pro
cure has been provided tor i’a«*engor»< and no pain*
Will be spaied to reader them comfortable and the trips
agreeable They leave Pittsburgh and Cincinnati duly
and positively it 10 o'clock, A _M *
The MONONGAHKLA. Capt Stone, will leaveTitls
burgh every Monday morning ai tU'o'clock; Wheeling
evrry Monday evening ai IU I* M : and Cmonnau ev
ery Thursday alttioclock A M
The HIUKRMa, NO- SI, Capi J Kltn>fthrr. w.l!
leave I’iilsburgh.every Tue»daytnon»mg m 10 « clo-*k.
Wheeling evrry Toeolav evening at 10 I' 51 : and
Cincinnati every Friday ai loo’clock; A. M
ThtrNKW ENGLAND. NO 2, Capi. A. />««.., mil
leave I'ltfhurgh evrry Wednesday «t_ l«
oViock; Wheeling rvn v Writne-day rven.nral 10 I .
M j and Ciuriniiali rvrij snurilu) -it 10 oY.luik. A M.
Tlie WISCONSIN. Capi It J■ fTrarr, will leave Pills-;
|,tush every Thursday morning at HJoYli-v-k;
evecy Tliur»day ev-inue at H> I' M , and Lim-lnnai:
evrry Sunday at lOo'clovi. A. M
The CI.JITI R, .NO 2, Capi Cmcij.will leave
burgh every !'r„;:iy mrnr.ii.g at HloVock;
tvery' Friday evening a! 10 J’. ,Mand l inciiinaii every •
Monday at lUoVlccli, A. M
The MSiSSKNOFRi Cupt L>- fco.'j uni h avr l’,it*y
hn-gli every Sniiij.i.iViiuiru ng at lOrif’oi k, Wheeling 1
every Sansniav «vn,"< ut 10 1’ M, and C.miimintl.
every T'icsday'ui 10 oViock. A M.
The ISAA'’ NKWTON, Capt A (r Muon, will
Irilfe P;tM.uish«v«f»y SUiulilt iiir-rturg n! 10 nVlnck;
Wlie-iu’g evnv Suf.dav even ng at lo 1* M ; and Cut*
r:a|iui, evrfv W,-ilne»dn)'fi’ lOocioek. A M
<>Ki| incut* im
J he»-e Pnvkri* vv .l lie at their lirrtll* a! Pi :-l.ntgh
gnrl C-m-mnal. rrgular.v. the day pievioo* to
rnch yvol l. ut the reception of freight. and entry ,n I’u*-.
vensef ‘ otl the llegi-ti T. ’
No Ur r.h or Slate Room eonndr ml engaged uti'il pa d
fat. • >hS
io is 47.
lime 111 1 In''.moil 'W.liour-. 1
t.. Phiindelplitu- ■»
(t)n,y r: Mile* Staging [ -•
rpiu; .j.lnndid and ia*i runn-me *.c*u» i*-* «ii*ul.
1 •« and Swa.ura-. hav ioiiim.nir.-d makit-fi.
'dniili.r trip*. One t ui.l leave the
t.cla wharf ev-i . morning pirei.ely ui - lAtlor k.-£
I , a**rng«*i* I<i th morning line wnl mtive m lluiiiixiow
lien rveii.HK m lime for the Philadelphia Mad Cent, if.
Had Knud • rr* -The evening Unlit vt,ll have th*
whan daily utliiVlu-.'l. eleept Sunday *. Pu*~ iigcr*
- t»V tni* h,,al will !u;tg- mi li.ijtil. in corni'ijii.vhle *int*
room*, leave p.roWu»vil!c ue*i morning ai d o'clock,
070** me inouninii,* niilay light. ro|> and loJiir in Corn
tieitaiid. Thu* avoiding night travel altogether The
piepaiution* on tin* route are ample, and the eo inri t.on
compteie, *o thai dt*apt'Oiuuneul* or delay* will lie un
known upon ,i
l'n4»enser* ran *top on lh~ route and resume their
«r«t* i.jmjn m pleii.urc. and Imyc ilui.ce oi Rail Road
ot Sierutii-oat helweec Itah.niore and Philadelphia
Coarhe* chaneiri! lo pari.e* to .travel a* thn deairrv
Se> ut* tour tn keU ai ihrodii e. Mnuongaliela 1 lou*e,
or Si Churlr. Hotel. v J M'KSKI.MKN
fehjfi '
run the TRiirspniiTkTios or'" -
Philadelphia, Balllaaore, Ktw York
• and Boston.
THK encnur.ijcment lh » lino lia* rcioivod mice
iti romtoenceineof. ha* induced tlic, proprie
tors to increase the stock by adding n number nl lir»l
class brnls; and instead of giving receipts as hereto
fnre ns agent*, we will give our own receipts lot
freight shipped li) thi* line
The boat* are all portable, cnnsti|iienl!y freight
is taken the whole dMancc without transhipment
thereby preventing damage from Ireqtrent handlin'
on the route, and as each boat is ~wncd by llk
| Captain "bo runs them, which is a aulfieicnt guar
j antre that there will b; no delay on th« route.
Ail Produce or Merchandise consigned to ti><
I umleuij'ftii will be forwarded l-EKE Of COM
I MlsslON for-dvancirig and forwarding, and wrl
be shipped without delay at the lowest rate* o
I treigiit ; ;
We respertfullv solicit a share of public pair
» 3 ,.; ’ WAU.iMiioitn a < o.
f-ioal llasio.
RKLI.AS *V in . Ag
Broad Street. Philadelphia
J >' MILI.KK. Agent
Bow-ley's VYharl. Baltimore
Pittuburgh, Feb. UI. UI7.
IS4U ASD 18-17.,
r r , lH*. un-lrr*.ine>i are ilow prepari-fi !<• tona-ard pro
-1 cU'-r ,Ac .mm* Ka»t*r i Market* during ihe cu»J
tiC t\ .iitrf. oil lb* - inov> favorable icrtu*. b> ii-.»rip*-
A! prb|M-nv cncitigncd tous w..!bf; forwunVi asiJu
.Owr«t fill*-* .mJ tv tfi despatch.
• !<• 11 i.uiid rtce.vrd la ih'» joule protapuy f'>f
J HlfiWKlJ.. Aff'r
I, V. C \*-t* lliow.iav
ia fflhw
OHIO haii.k6ai>.
rpUK .iib»cr.l»rr* Will free [>! :o« tiie’d-i. vrt v Pn»*
1 dur» to llailimofe b) t!ie Mannagalieta >ijc*w,*|rr
ai >rn iouo«'U!s prices.—
A-I.r*. lUcOIi. Bu!l*r, l.e*d fai.ow.
\Y <1,4 fc r v <*li*r«e, at d *'l ft- prt 1 1*1* to* Hrmp, Fi#X »r.d —l/4 cl* prr 100 Ibi
A*b*« (I'M) Applet. Cb*c-*. Fial-S-ed. t/ u/*. ■
Lra-her —lOG ei« per ll*/ lb*
#k.n« Scrilf. Wool—'l 111 rl» per 111' it**
ISre*wax. Prafiicr*. Far/ ••m»riis »ml ?«i»ik* Ituoi
_]-*ii rt» per 100 Hi*
Al prepay coii»;*iM-«J !He:l!i*f of l!i* or. >r* *«*d
ar:'l t>*'orwartied wuhoul dria'y. frer ul l*i3ini'** oit
Itsliurc uic» IV II CI/AKK. I.rn* n«V.ilr *
lIA.NN.VA WATCHMAN I‘.t: <>-4r sjli
A *■(*<!
.rarry.p* !>• ght and or Mr ba.«
R r*iit r apar .t y and potvei Am p*f*oo di«f*>* din
'[.uiilias* Will Ol enuf** .n»f *<*l her
* I c,n prnpot* to !*a»e. Mr on* Of itiof* year* m*. r"t l
WVt> and 'o n man of rsrr(y •,"d haj.u* ii**t
offer *f*al advantage* l run furnatMiie !**«••* mlirr
on of rban*/. rn\ mw Inat •'I.INKK “ I 1»
b!k> have on ta a r term* *>a l«ar*r«. itirer AfeU. and '»«
• roallmnonu Mirrit rar» wnli »op*«. bjlufr* A '-
- mad" fn' l operation* A>i r*.smuntin|i ot t ii* •• *■
< .nvilril. IVf*oli« .»Ji»p<*»«-'I li'-E"'
tv iti in* m i*lrf*r»rc If) utl'j of ihe *tK).* pan fn:*'
'may addrrta m* a: my Office m fluiiiba «4»
«ir*ei. Piiudorrb, oral Harl*ni.n*ar .Mooou«*Ji*l. city
10R ao H UAIKD
W. M
WU wr.uM i
FROV ihr vpty liberal rncotira*e
- nmi the »üb»riib«*l ha* tereiveil »mt r
OAFjV li- h*« 10-aird Itiin-rll hi A**i*y.
h»» in.Jrj*'ril him in ink- - l«a»«\tof-r*
of year*. on Ihr prnp-ll) Ik now
orruinr*, m «um, iiniiWiairij br*iJ* Hit
I’rrtbvWisu ('horrii From Ihr lon* e*|irn« of in th«
BlK.vr l,u«ine«* ainJln dt if* U» plr-M*. hr hop-* lu mrr
:■ ami rrrrivr a »h«rr 01 pubhc pairanagr „ ;
Nowon Kami ami finnhinfc toonlrf, Buckawaj Ha*-
pin., open onit lop Hoa-.r *. ap»l every (Jflrcnplion o!
null IK
riphl hunar-l ; |*rp.l-rilO JI»HN Will Ml
ISeuMbe l- : p|>er Hr dge. j
r F , HK iiropneiora of tl,r Sur </i»nou I’jciory re»pr« i
1 full* mw.nn U.r.putmc ihstllo y *rr -i«»« "• »•>«•«'
H»'.'Lnn«.r. wlm haa bad an cinef rnce of I.
m .hr principal Urtc.i.ea of Allegheny City.
U,ry wout.l mfonn W-rrha..’» «>:■* IV-Irra
i , ,» —w .ii h|«ni , have oi. hand .u(*rnof Co«!On
yiirn. of nil Noi, Uninnif. M'.rt... 0 '
" f N l "ii -M:"f. r .nl. .Ml,. *.ll, « »f »!
Il.mirrll-o.iwl.'"' II Sft'gr
Il7t l». f emeirf ''"M!""
W .hip tot in« (luipowi m it.n..i-'IHI “ I,"" 1 ”'
CifhiiuiMifin Hii'l Viirwiujliil"" “>
of • OItUM, WeUIIKW * CO.,
„„l have Urn Up N" » S'"™.' u‘i* . -
I.iUrriy meet. fiirnirrly or-cup-ed br Mf V( ** *“.,', -
where all Lumiet* «nini«icd W °u f rharge will I*
promptly aiid (■ilbfpHv attended lf»-
MOKHI3 OBli.M. formerly ol Unlade pliia
Tll(»r» H MrURKW. “ SmuhfieW, Ohio
a PitiAtiurjrti, March M, IM7.
I Family Groceries,
\ I (t*uffe«*or to Jo»hua Mbftdea & Co..|
CTOfjTH W*>T corner of Pin.ihfield nul l'ronl *l*.
j IJ Jppoaite tfcc fdonongahela IJouae—Keep* always
j on bAad a Tall variety of Famit) Gfocrnc*, which br
| wall k«ll vrrv |o* for ca»b; amonßsi whirb are the fol*
[ Coffee*; Oil«;
ITru; Soap*;
Hufara; Nun;
F>e*h pore ground Spier*. Chee»e. Foreign ru-d Do
nw*lk Fruit*. and Pituburfh Manufactured Article*-,
Freab Butler and E*f» alway* on hand
d h '
| - il KI)J CAL
NIIGATA# LOZENGES, AND FOUR MAN > j ~n 1 «■> >_lh-
SHEFIV A>j In* i’in.,l *r* ! irf; in"*Um *■> ‘
mofr* her tint hi*/aoifm.'r <* around l*-x •.•! La-:. N jT i/' - ’^'
»ttf.y,Pol <ifTo< 111 (Hlcvu llit o*l & of «»«:U FU«tfr, *lid ' Jf -| TiSk
o* DirVrlij,a* [T V A\
£-■> SHERMAN'S COUCH LOZF.NGF> _ , . *V B«- •' V'#.-fkUi;
I5tK Umucv *r >i" i'''* l r ' m ' 'v ••■■ /’/'Tv'
•• «—*»h »*»• •/ %v . \ »v y(f
Ukv.(4l.t»c«* ol 1- lu.4{»-.r rl.r»« I .v,r:v. riio|.i«>l>»i*inr , < cy -. ' \
liA»J‘Gcr kuc*u a: ii.-lKtKr !!.••< did i.i t gi»f j*ci Iml -- ; “ r “ r
irf'ii'Ummption,; tin’** lnU.riiig umirr ihr tno»l .!i*ln-»Mi.g 11 It K.L MATIS JI
cU** and rou-M TU«» d- >•-! i! aj.J Jr-, up :\.r A N'H Al.l. MJIVUI S CCI.UFLAI.YTSu
r.( T 4. , pr.-W-e ,ruH..ii.alU'|l,Hi. I In.-. ~r U n.t lin'iid!: iv 11-tv uol l.f ejplmiied.
&t»ifti.,ii, »r..l mi.« Mir prorioiatr .-r r.iril'iiFj • w»r - ** ■. >• ■’ •> r ‘ ■ Rm'irtn.ned,
»rr m*dr mui a ronil.iualHiu ol a tnoit ralnaUr r*j*r< i mu ■•» ~i., i... • • ,nr pridr. v
rougU mriljclur*, and arr UKJ'iohtrdly’»u|>r.i'K'r li> t t l.n r lumik'llJ lo • til? llirnnj andr ;
li.iuj lull:: Lit Ilnur rr'UipliinU Huudrtd* ojtfiu Inin- i M. m.- vvn -(i ;l.‘> *.i. 1 -c- Kti - ti.’ Ijeavni tie*: gli’u
tilerrlifa iK» haw trtm.ufiir* <1 ol wend* I ful »ir ,1 llir ili? kmi .....
ft??vTrotu tlrutr ml.u Latr br-cii u<rj Ir-mi an uulunr l> Il>Jt«.llK..* I' l ■. 'STJ.tI -\ A X IC_ K 1 .VI AND MAw”
jr.torr.l U. <fUct bcallj. by U»i(is Itirm. I Fl.lliJ ' .
<bnct» iuucti |uib iu U.' I'rra.i ~r *iJr, mir ♦.! j’l*ll J> rr :i..n »a. .• ..V ml mil. rccfi Ted Ine
E'our M» i'a l’Lutrri |prK* «<ul» IJ| (‘riiVi,/ llmuld Ik i I u>i .« '- ' ■ i' I- < ■»' »!>•• Iri'-iltriil |irofe«''on Ol
BikV*»d*‘'»rr ll r iart, ami uu.ii till rrli« »rj. U aliri.J. J|(. ri .i’ il: iu .: "Mi;-’ •••■ n v:• si - r-1 \ w npp'iealinli of
■y'jif n.«tirmr. , : irw taU.arlir or Uvalitr>. •rhi j 1*:. i n »ii. -i « rrut.-.'m ' i-e<-n'. J.;, mriui» ol wti.rli the
ii- i.r i-im . >Lm'.M imdii urra.iou • .-, | .iv l.a.vii'i •' iiai «'i I .l.n-ifjc a nil.. Mai: tr»* l r t Ml'
sHLIMa.\-S -V/OHM LUZLXGtS ‘} ' ' -‘"f l '- ' ,!, i a! ‘f
Wnrwl..,ha., i,.n. prm.J ■!. mole lliau i. 400 | >■«* I - " 4 ” ! ;'' 1 VV ' boU ‘
.Aaa-,--. r.c?.x^r^«rrrr.2yß!S&s?
i -
mr-* t, ■ v."" - i
: f, o : * , 1 1 ir | I-r.-c ilic (roimnic /imp I
l 1 I.rtt » —laili* .11 tl.r 1-.11.1-..r limlit, I.ffrii "••
;»W i >n->lh,jn<-I.M ;al U.c im.,«. s riii.iiD; "l H.c l«-rll. dimng * 3:i*'V r.< ' i '‘'pu-- *ol il.<- Hn>*t CiJ.enilTo M*-
.mini-, eV. U ' ,,ofC “" d 1
r't'Tl4!iiiT it Sir .asiiamiu; »« u>4ii"ti jl l!*r »ti.tnni:h. iVuli ;«• ••• *.f i. ■ iKi
Wlwi-t ..S-rAk. Rm. .kill. ». .1... i T,
' 1 IT..U. 1. ..... .V1. K 1.,,.,., .(....I. J..11..1 ■: " '-■ '" ‘ i ■"" « .oi.ilininU .re
:l\ki 11.., Ll.l U.: ... Ik. U...U1., 11.111r.1t 1....11.1.1||, ... , ' r ll.r "■ 'k 1 kl.-.r1'.l lO ..hid. WO 0.0
M'«t......V0 ... . ~,.1,, 1.1,,.,. kwi .... - i 1 "• 1 “ ■ko'.i..-.-r|..i.i.., i.oo. 0.,0 ~m.
':iJ£.i.i-„..,. 14,,:...., i.i.:..i 'v N-rv"“i
-. 11 A" ’ , ... , , , ' it .- ■! )..■•»• im* -x n.'ii <*:!■»-r •f.-tneilir»’ liavms
V • - l -: w “*:• «•' w*» iteedeil. which
• '.VF«un,l ui *u r »i j- . Ircm llif Ikiurl., auJ .r ' '" <l ' 1 1,1 lhc P ro f*
- til® - * rfi»'tiarp-* pf «Timr - .mil iiim-u»
‘br\ gm .uilwdialr Irlirf i>i nrrioiu or *n.k luadar... ~
fiLitiuu vl »1.. l mar l, io*iir*9of the ijiinb, diaf.cnjdiL.ri, •
J'nninatort . t'jiulnd r.-re thi.e.t, bnwrl nr Mimimr 1*011.• i
nl, lamim,;, vj'|irr»jicin pr a vn»r ol »tiikl|]£ »! u.r t i.r it, i ,
lir, of thr stuttiarh of IriwtU. l.a*!.’i.n!
ijGilioi,., and .ill hi rmiK diu-airi. Jr.iu.iui .* ilirough f.r
the nr;;!.'.; ili.-irra m < ,u I
'sh* lr*a*i Urn;; r alti'inJiuj; hr-t ]urtirr, u ill liu.l the iju/i
fit real!} rr*,* u.V, »tid ui.|iaittti> 11. r bin.* jin *o| Juiith; u»e.! |
ifiir ilmi[ialiini,fii.pj y ill rr-iore thr lour nl :he jj.i&iii g»u» f ■ v
Vlall), ami rrm.iir all llir U’iplra>.iol atm|>iom« armu» droni
Uic Uiki-. Vrrwmi- who l.atr t». u I.n> high lnrr>, and
&!,*amint;rd la* tr dlniiutrd habit*. will Hud !hr *. I.'neo^ri _n!-
Jitii alric coiuiKiii n of llir nrnn.
■i- 'Til* lx «l «l.TUjlhijiing ]>Uu.« rID llir wotld, Mid i *Ol t rrigr. ■
Jjrmrdt lor (tiui*, ir»iahur«« lu tin mrk, l..m*. >o)r. nr«-\. i
itialw, j- ittu v jtiiiim>li*i!i, Imnhugu, Hr. X< . Our inllll-' 11 a '
AJ-»r w ill i-'• l'>i ilrmaiul.. They rri|.nrr a lil'li t*-,rm
ib» Ixlorr <|i|.hc-*IILn. VVarraliltd *u|« rior In all nth" r«, -u..l
.Ifiir one quarter ifejutual jincr, making not ..ult lII* br»t, ink ‘
JhecUtajiOl plaal* >ia llir world. It adord* rrllM in a fro. '*'
'di.a:i*, and make* luT.uiuhmg i nrr*
Hlic rrpou of the li»rr4ir ilciu.ii ii. and ii *« ill iill. isl gj-rat'.ijii '
. mtnutthinp relief. Id rmigiii., roid«, jillim'i. diflirnlir o!
.bn alliißg, u|i]ir«>.|oU of tin che*l or innnai'h, I he* will lu. 1 ’
mediately Hmth and prtall* bri.elil lh« ju'inii, l‘fi vru« .«f '
mln.iar) hjhrti, .-r lii.»* • l.ligtit i.|»ian<l uiorh, w ill rr. l 1
Urci.lrU »uj‘|*.rl from our *>l ih»»r trul) rirniglhru.iiv I'Vi.
Ur. I'hj, wiau» grurraUj rrroiiiinrn.l ihrni. in j.r« I.'ii., . .
» lollirr*. IxcTo... thn itjrk or adlrrrr Im-'i,-r, «nd aJorrl grr at
rr r»hr|. In ll.< ir ojprraii.m. ihej arr iiumili nl. i..m< .id
»!.. '«! Tli. ) arr cnm|>x»d «f rulirrlydifiTrrrul m-;*.. ,
tui. o n. 1: « ..ilirr, and Liiown iroia U.r «■>[>» rin.rr ~i' 1. ,
•II ihi rclrbrateU »U.I ifi*lmpui»l.»'l ‘ Irl-g; »"d f-»»; 1
te (hr nuxl um lul anJ htglil) uifdi.-alcd pla*:. r.
S«irrtl (wrom. hair callrd Ril lli« »ar>l.o.irr 1, raj,-.,,
U.ur aurj.r.r* ami thauli*. ai U.r .luio.i u.iraf uUi. . ifrr» ih. •
pla»lrr» hair rfl'rrlrd.
Uim-tiont lor ur« arena lti«- |ila»(rr, w i'*” .1
far «imiU of Ur. shrrmaii % uamr. It ■« mu rh.oUd
•Inrbjt aak for Shrrinau’r l'.» r Mai. • I’lailrr, o-r ti. i‘
you g.l ilmi erumnr, a* there air iu-viv wc/rihir»» lu.m'i-•••
hawVrd about aiid xiU for the irm !*h» irna:i‘« r-, ,
UDprinriplrd dralrrt.
>..ld h Ixilrealr and’relail l» IV. J \ l KSi.N' at 1.u1*......
MrJi.-.ur Wat.hi.l:o. \... I-11-.M .tr.rt, m;t, .H >l.
aiti at '• it.
|_)KKSON'- althclitl wall Scrulu.H. Kind's IA.;
l ('nicer. Kry«i|>«-l.r\ I)\t >nri;-, i Ircr-, 1 »‘'t< •.
Mercurial l>i»ea*«s. or any i ■•fiml.nnt? an...
.Jrom ijupuritic* ol tIK an-rptjUcitctl l>’ ’>•-ii
,t!ic tuiloniiig ti-i'lmtori.ili, hi |in><»| ot liie ••r.
lul uruiicrlie* ol llu; above n :nr«l mi ilir
- «• HEAD' KKAO!' UKAlr* '
M«. .ll<r unJpniicit«l. I.avir.;' Mr, l-aar
Bmoii*. Jr. M thli oilier? of .\fV-?r» U» ant
Wallon, JIW Markfil »irro!, I’lnlaiJelpii'.i. «o?:#:ifrr
Ins ca*c tli<? remark ihlr one i\<* 1; . > -vi ’ « .?-
nested |>r hcai . of.
His disease v-ai s f‘I;OI 1 I-A aiiii :»■ < t inn.’t
hate 'ecu tl years' coiiilit'. to ,tli H:e do
• HtiHalatr, 1 r • nl> r r i<*<f «»| fn» Lnuj
per l.ijv *»i >(.<• Krpj.; i \t' Jn*r t;
d?»lfc.»ciJ. hi» } 'ire!» r. Me:, up .uui «r!
Jaw cirnwJ i»i) ,\nj w[ i
description of>lu* case.
Mr [l inlonn* ui'llut in 1.;*! l>.'’
interior o!‘ jit uiootii. is wr-'l -a' I'.’-.’ nr . - 'r<
Oil tv I U'l i-f J.tnwif In!. !:«• - .-II r.l«- '..'O.r :.■ i
Dr I i I.U N S INDIA* \ i:ot:r\!il.K i’VNV
<K\ vw the .fi-risi- ut •
s«»m 1!: -.1 l.ui'- :i.< fare JriJ jiro.-.-r*.. j»■.• it t
len:i:s»i«.'n. '
.New tin !i \ns »tn- ji.aer • t t j- i ..
cen amt J.i- t ,t.c ;* <•.( .:.
tni: h.» ituccirai ir"»iui;s feature*:.
VVe 1.- tl. it I . v <!..! i.', ' : V .
nI-1 r I»• -l.'-v IHVi* liw, «'•<••! -
(,I.\ U.OW. tu« wn>.».-M tl:
() ivHl tiei:»s.r<>u;ilr. J'
i t.jfieJ L..n«wana Mrn<H it.< f-
J vV Joar«. M p S»i on -tcomi
Jacob Lee. .N J
K ' Ji ?, ni‘ n & '.iio .
S M i iM
H M Ma.Ulurti. iii r.lri l ['!•
I. \V 1 Ni I* 1 *ii*<• .*
Dti’afi < :,c-i.Lt H. ■ l\.. .!.
j J.ifin U-iri-.i j J'.*’ I !i.,'i ►ifpti.'l'U.;a.
VVtlll.UJl .fTH i iitfil ilfprt I'hii.l.
J H- Low- r M J-U- ..-surer of M :v.r- ■, I'-
jVii.lSi *trcvi I’Mti.
L\\ Wo:i«a*rc‘»cf K.l J'h.:.: 1 •-!
jtrret. i!v
t\ tz. Uru»’i .MaiUT. .'i * Mjr*'..
Hjjra Can. Ijif I. »tr»*»-t. PfiHv
\ !D liiiicltc . I'artnr t>l Kl?«>:ilii It.i -< •'
John IXI. K/:c '• I’ri..■>>:. !,•..■ ■ N •»
can ofice.)
Aar u <* s-»na». I*»l ( nr -I'.-.-i IV .i
Djl.icl Met «l nl* v,K<-» • • • Au’'. u<>
I jn»:rn .N J
It U tr-n* tV n.:.; ,
K.chard H. V..wrfg. 'i.lj.-r 1-m »i 1 4
\V X'.hnir..,' O* ns. ■. t _
T». t\ I.iifn>gi»|iin r, ! I«» < *l>.• i ->o
B i hriml. I2J Kl» »tfiU. ■'«
I‘rJrr **kcn s i:n'.h. Kti.tof N-i.'r t
J,,j.| BuOinr. Mir* nrinu!.« tu'«-f S\ .; ■
|S J
VVV ■, l riuf:.,hii \ ,n Iw.m:. <•
l. II Mj.’i
Ki/uel ('anhcU. I’tiiW'liy i*l. I' ' pf. ■
Tliomx I* S M C. l •'•
I’tiler WrißJii. iay M*r*rt • <»«•*•« IV ••>
Jainn W Se»li-. l'»-> I l .!<•
John (.<«•.!. *74 Sjißlrr at
IVllium I'm*. Pastor -• I * ' 1
fl rim*
Jo)m l.'*, *' <^t«• l«t • < •**
■t. Jo
K P s *i , Jler«. Kditnf Oltw It I’""'
Buck.i Cl'j P
lVliAieulr; and b» l'.o*anii W aim. I/•
pnetor®..TTfi Msrkri "• i:».;.-Kr,
'.7 W<«N| .1 P-> ." "» < >»* -’ .
kjrl «t Ho ; Klt Pr«t on. M Ilir 11.1, (llim ••«”>' •'
Hu»p, ,M iy«» 1 llr K V: t\ llinri.t... «•• • 1
(Jhn., -uMIA S
\lllr. K V;L*cvcr«urk .V P*!loui. -• I .«>«>• M«
If kl ’Mdim*’. Nalrl.rj. Mt.l, *1 .n; i« . • A ’• "
,/ton \ * \« *» in,' >«•
t<r uni ■*'*•ll
•ijip.l »!(vli r><
pl« ami Mm r
l iiofr'n Im uue
rcb«*iNK rl*«*-
*r. lif!*-r H»
■?p'“ <r
at iMTTKiei iu;ii.
Ii it - >i'i: ». H.\ K I li
mill-: f»l‘|rr I • •
;1 cmily (. nI v in*' - t'<
► .ijtiwnr*- M "
sii<) 1., |.m-» in* ‘•■•'ii tl.r »or|«:
•1.W4W1 H.n h h...v<- „i'.. H J.-. 1 n..,
T*r oo» rfim/oii* kii-I mi' *ii*i * "■ 1 •
liml Iwi 11 -ol.ji cl'il.'V h<-i*v . Ji
j In /Hint' •» .11 i>' [•n-v.'l.-,l n
.iiul • o.n.niiui.;<- Jln.nU.'-
;ih. ft' ufll ' linTn»-•
[ W )».!«• .i>* < an- "I U»i«' I't' • 1
rlv.-r, cl .1 ...
< i v *-.,,r|„vr A^i>,
dikkasw of hik !:vr:
To ill/'"- >Tttnrlir* »( I’ • |>nf-I. -
ll f{* .I..«rr i.l 1..* -ili'-ril O'i li'f 111- ’ i. -
a -IIUIfP.I In :« *-1111- , mil | ,r »' > • *‘ J 1 ;,c - 1 - : 1 *'’ r
Th- lluii llfr lir/'UHI-i- 1 «!•»'»''"»' !>• •
I •hoik'll 1* *uift;.-*l' ‘I mil a* urr..*«:j| y ♦•Ji'ji }
r*,drill W.Uil til lhif r.i>. -mif'- it.'- nr.
i TiranF-ll.r rr.r.ii. l .in-lrc ll.<--.-afr Il>. I.i iiWr.
,I*o, (iriule
||'» Cf4V»l*-
»w York tm-U
tru. I’ • 'if
I <il f«rIH«T
I <( n « •- noil ran. 31
T>» Mark *
Til'- liuil'l-nj! * U'l lII*- I'tirjio-r .» ; mi ill* Ail«-v“>'i r
.-.l| VI nr • irnu'rl
I! I" No UHIl'iRtUU* d.'i'Hlir «« i. uitlii<;u’
’’ J It spi t >:
s KIliS h M
.you i»t;6ii,i.A!tt;*iorH H'orMMOii,!
U'MO**K r.|iinl um» ' ;i ...i*
fa.r young wnn r.rr l.(u;i.t • mm •. -t
*1 your own, will* r iui'Wh* and l'iuii - li" , i 1 \ rl
)M1 aid 100 Miran id Si»‘‘ fill) < cur lor 11 , <tn t j.«-
elnal llallOll Clirinirul WJiH-li .:in l «,N":r.-.
p.u lioiu tlirm. nuke ymir )<-ix»w Uni cl. ur him!
ijeallliy. C«o al oiire'll J Jtk'idi'* ?* i r*\ si l.miTiy ,>
mill r. rt 3 ‘■ -kr , ~
•‘ N II Jai-VMin » i»Hi«- uuly (ilm-f n I m-l nnv. mli.-««-
ijfe.trKNl-'INK i» to S" 1 oMoiik iI. ilcwuie «»*- i .>uiii.-f
i ll-k I tool tm.nU m inr iV.orwsy,
/ meh'l !
h toiioA.v -h <:ou<;»i f»vuui> ii ...j -t i,
IVI |»ubli'i'''d a"<l mnd' 1 known 10 the Ij u: ' i lo
wa* thr rx|.rpa«.nn..i «*" 01. l mini
■> J'lTT'i'.’ Riilt. J-rtmimy l. I*l7
Ml. Mown:—Tin* m»y '!••*« •***l«i« "’I! ci«;.l
with n iroulilcMinie c©a*h «itm» time. J Imnnlx a Imctr
•of Mflruan’aCoMfhKyfiip. anil tun happy touny.nner
o«in(fH, my Cough i« entirely 'un*<! I pwu»Hn. «• >w
Oooßbfyiupthr».p«imr-ln'ne hnvrprrrn.ftl. No
family thou <1 »-«* wilhO'M rli.«* metlirmr.
tamn> taou Allegheny Cuy
jeSEBSsr “ M/ 1 " 1
Woml r.ieel, one uonr lielow Diamond Alicy
Ptiee’tfS rent* pdT_bg lt * r l
niflK NAtilC EBAHIYiC r.-m
o-1 vuicOteve «t»oi<*i or Marks from'Uwln*.
Woolkna. Carrie, Ac, A«\. «"> f-ndenn* the .pci.
where .1.. applied eU«r, bright. ww, awl apotlcra.
Koid with full 4mr<ioM ; < V"*£ l , ! s f ,,,,w " Cl,ke :
rTT-Solil Ilf WM Liberty aireei, head
ofAVood Hi hi* Itool and Hhw »'ltn >»f ilie Hi*
Uor,i. I**
XI L'Dli'.X L
K.iv’- i.a.e l»«' , cu uvd wiiii entire sue*
>.lliiuii<ii«a. u.-uu. oi chronic, Bp*
,'ic »• >'!■ a*!- ■"* ..mi-*, lioui. fit‘DoUrrur,
!•■•'■ .i'.ri.i:. .\mnu.t et Sirk Htn'latfu,
-'ir-i ■ •tit y. hflirj'tti. Fin. (*rai/ty,
\r; ' ■ilmn !'■' 1/ n't. -lyop.Vy’f, o/ /pfnO.
.j , f \ •.> j !,/• . l r.n-'/ngv. .Sturnlgui. .Yfirom 7Yf
/>, z ...-■., i,/■:!,( llmil fain in lit ('Aul and Sidt,
■ ■ /;.••■((.■ i lufifnit* t>! AVrtvit. /'kyttedi En
v \l i.iUl > I'I'MIKIjKICS li* fiSv* o(
• i - .1 wli-«'!! i. ••in.i'ly h nervoc* d«-
,r itiy •* <• sfK-y have l.cru itiuiul
• it' 1 lie i -j i. iiiTiltuarv b lire'll upon
.• .r.l in lir hclirvcit, IJIld 21 a
l .r |.ir ;lir romplutnU tiiry
IK i!.'» '■• <r «)l d.lT'-f'-Ut
,ti , . i, jr- .mi. 1 i .1; '• v. o!'l I y lb* - 11)0*1 ilrJii-utt 1
. r nt* 1!j. Z'l llCi'livriiiriirr. 1(1 I(lCl,
: . . . '1 1 .•h-T !«■ ili:>i» o.lirrwUe,
*'he Cnlvunic If .-It**, llnvculct", Bands,
( leo, &c*
f \r:r v« re cliuiurli a, anil o; Innj!
.j,i. j- .1 j, .. : 1.; it«* liuJvutne It: Ji(t*
' j,, .. (>i iliM-u.*.- and
At- cVTfly H'lllr*
' |•(• wpr llifii :«
•1 no n'lnrh
-1.1 1. iii nil ret w>li fail
.1. "I imirlci are adu|>.
.-in'- /"..•v.-V.' I !,r Cialvanu
’-Vii.V--.'**• "n. lull)’; Ui-o in
w.iii n]n.o‘i utnrotra
'f A}.»|m.-|i> l-M*.
t li , Jlumictic Fluid
.... 1\ !,!• -ini Illllß' hlui.uli
i.1..| -i .a i>r iiunjri 11 .Cl- n> «• lli“ Ij*“
, . ,>'i> <>.• .i In ’eiuiami *A
;j .ini- iic/ii'u 'i, in.* mi-mi» cn't*ii>B
~1 >ll iOr of diSCB'P,
>.* I, ..1 J... 1 |.. .111 . 11-1 I.• liei No other
•«< : u iu,..v. .. [.iVu. t-ili** -i»*h**
(JiifMit * <*ui'uuic Mmmtlieniug
r; wnin VTJN dr Ti:‘.TI.Ui>MA!.S
1 . .. \ L ,
>ll. pi* \t \si» m i:<;iru. OFFICE.
- in \ ■*N l) At.-
.. . l.i i •» Joor« l-r!ow
'• *'• *' •>- • -~
A V-" t s':
Tin* „ io i ti ufa ’’ «■ 1 If' VPilr B|»cif<»
!-• j • • n .!■ cm- ice r HjHiici; Krii ii, tffeet.
.I'','. 111 % it \ Will ruiKMl.
\... v-; M.c, W, Alt Sulli
, j i f.; ic , l i.i • H. jo mil 1 , a« I U,„*w ll
' w ~ ...., > ai|. >ll. i.. lx inf illiblr;
,|. ..a. ral r:,.r. .»f jrflr*, inajr
(IH> Mlt.I.KIl,
•\ , ) .1 Mu I i‘c Art .''lalli.alrrrt
| ViV.-M KKTIJ-1' JTK.V.
>V« Vccrk. May, I"J.V
\; r> [c, n 1..,, 1 jib Bulletin Ml. Dial j
in r ' H..M/>• r. I .-fcii m>«* i< *cilj l.i llir nwU j 1. I. ini.lliM'‘A. 4.lti.r alt <illi»r« »ln, ara af j
, ,c . c. I. |.t - ur< ill* .if i n-1., a> Ill' y mu; |
‘ Vi-M i lllt'i I' *|>rf I.
• \V- .1 flu r. A' V. May t.\ I'M.'..
l>r. - l)r..i *.r-- 'l>i»l aou mu; b. rirlil ullirr*
»t.» in.) In aunVriiif.U' «-U H l.i rapri.amjr praliluJe lor
|| . l.i MI l, I.r ,|. ilifil lin- n.- ut ).nir »aln»Mr
. in.-. I «''i. )■"» »»i‘l mi* K 1 '* >“) li«M
11,.. 1,1 .1, lun.r cf 11. I. linn; Im*'i ' urnl of a .Vtrrri attirli of
('ll- jl-.rr Ini inj no 4 if lin r trill* ilira « l »urt r«i.
V"ur» ni'lc rr»:>rrl
o |, 4 1. .ii,.| r -Uil li) V.* M J U'K«<»N, M liia l'4l
.. \V ~.iJ ;„nl N|i„r Sli+r, N«._W
l.ll.rrti ,11 •. f. hr.,.! I.f \s\. -t, In,I S I| Prur, nO ttuli
jk r r }nn O- ‘llf-
j ivi:u cll fif I*l. AIN t- a 1 1" ;ii- *
it If. < <>U»|IJ , OI.HI. J
.%Irtf*. ti JD, {
Mi. II I) i:>r> In Aj«nl ln*i my » 'f'* w»* i* 1 m<-W*-»!
win, Ln-*T Ci.inKii.iii unrl hud l)i- mtviec or iwe |>li)-
who tricJ v;ir .'ii« rmirili-* Wiih ptoduciliß *HF
.. Iln.'tJH tipai‘l nt )(>ut l.ivttt
* r.,ni :'ii!r‘l to jjivr Uiorn u Uir trail I pufcbawil
r i'„11 i.■ Mr *».(,.J AIM-f tr-'H. (tiorn nccord
■ nr; in Uw <llTf eti‘nil lii wli'fli •lii’. wii« utf atly rH.rvnl.
I ptiv-iiri-'! n • pr-'iul Ik'ij \v :c!. ellJ.tfly riurJ llrf, "ti'l
«ti>- llf>'-v rihn> h i-11'Hlr ill hi'iillli- l IIUVC U«C«J ihcill
'iny »■*!'. uti' l pr.>nouin'i’ tlim. iu.i IwM tm-OKifie I
liave 't'l trifU- Your*. «c»[»«-Ci fnlfy •
U.7*rn *■- ri'U ‘Saint iiuntuailr.ltiy ait) incrtiomc
knun'it mi i’ll* cure of I.ivcr Cotntiiuim
l > rej' : *ii' l ! ui'j •!)’ u K SKI.LhHH
. i Nu 37 »Ti»o I *neet
BAl'ft ilot \V Kinr% lliiNnm of Wil.l Ch«*i ry,
)u«i wmvnl nnd lor -ui* hy J KIDD4t\»
‘Nn i«U woixt »ircci
FAR teller i* n to cure the Tooth-
acbe inone urtng Wheeler 1 *
Teaberry Tooth \\ a*h, than to suffer
T Ll r also to core soreur** of 'lre
vjfiner* of the guru*, stop bleeding *1 the gums,
and always keep the te*tb. gum* ami mo&ih pleu-ant,
and in the best male of health.
, Whilst introducing WHEELER’V TEABERRY
TOOTH WASH to the public, it i* the painful duty of
the proprietor to *tate thaithi* article- winch *.>••
original and only genuine Teaberry Torn Wc.h, tu
bren mutated by nurocrou* Teaberry'l o I
Teaberrv Tooth Paste*, and a variety clnrt c-eu with
the name Tratrrrg annexed to them- -when, m fart. Un*
article i» the Cnt that ever bore the name ofTeaberry.
and it the only one which possesses the real virtue of
the plant, and established ali~the celehntv for it, winch
induced other* toroakr useofjts name. iboOgb they nev
et d.d prerent it» mtrinaic virtue* to the'public. A*
evidence that tins is the first preparation of Teaberry
for the Teeth, the copy of the certified record* t>f the
I'nited States District Court i* published.
©Eastern District of Pemt«ylvnrua,
to wit: Be tt remembered, Thai on
the second day of February, Anno thoosaud. eight hundred
of the said District.*huth'dcpo«ited in
,thu» Office the Title of a Book, the ti :
tic of winch i» in the worditollowinjr, to win .
The right whereof he claim* a* Proprietor, in con
formity with an Act of Coafrns, entitled "An Act to
amend the several Act* respecting Copy Rights.” ,
* . . Clerk of U.S. Dist Court
IHi Fch ‘id, Copy deposited.
The aliovc Copy Right for the wrapper of the bottle,
showing the Title of the Article in legal language, and
gidiitriT in the legal form, will prove tins to be the orig
inal Tnibriry Tooth W.ash. and all other* arc button
intn*n*. which have gone out ot use wherever the Hen
uinc Teaberry Tooth Wash is sold . Then, remember,
nonet* genuine hut WHhJEEKR’S.
Certificates of Magistrates of the city of PhiUnT a
Huvuig made use of your much celebrated Teabetry
Tooth Wash. I feel convinced that it is the l>e*l article
I huvr evrr known, and Lereby warmly recommend
its u«e to the public in gcuerul as a pleasant and eiln-a
nou* article for ure*ervtng the Teeth and Hums.
Fot a number of years my Teeth and Gum* were so
much out m order as to prevent me trom eating with
pleasure, and caused me much pain. Having heard ot
Wheeler - * Teaberry Tooth Wash. I do certify that 1
tried one stnallbottlr.of .t, and in less than two weeks
my Teeth and (iumshpte souud and good. I believe
that the use of twoufil be an advantage to many ith
crJ J BKAAc.Ii.
Certificate* of Members of the Philudtluhia Bar
Uuviue u*cd WhcVer'l Teaberry'Tooth Wash and
powder. J have founduhcm to po**ej* cleansing and pu
rifying properties. and while they whiten and beautny
the Teeth, they have a beneficial -ffect.upon the gums,
by imparting to them free and healtbtui action. ,
r A HA i hubu.
1 have used Wheeler - * Teaberry Tooth Wash, and
,i* , fleet* upon my Teem and Hunts have given to me
a high opinion of its merit*. 1 cherrfully recommend
it to the general n*e. H R KNKASS.
My daughter has used Wheeler 1 * Teaberry Tooth
Wa-lt. land ngwder) and has found it* eflcctstobe
cleansing anfl purification *f the gums, mid a sweeten
ing of the tumuli 1 have ~o hesitation in recommend
ing it a* the tno*! beneficial preparation lor the teeth I
huvr ever *ren. C J JACK.
Certificates of Ladies and Gentlemen of
It i< with gratitude 4hm I send the follow .ng certifi
cate hotniiß that many who suffer will be ini by u pc
ru*:il ut it. to obtain \\ heeler’s Trahrrry Tooth ush,
winch urticlc I u>ed. and it has effectually cured tooth
noiie. sorciws of thr guru*, removed scurf from m)
teeth, and I fully believe ha* amircly arrested all de
c.iy I.r Iti.-ni I trust ilul aTI who suffer, having cllirr
of itic same *pccu-s ot complaint. will as soon us po**i
t.|c ~.c Wheeler - * Teaberry Tooth W»»b. ihut they
may b.- rdu-vrd JULIANA CI'THRAL. •
U-.vmg in having laker, cold, but mostly m con*e
qucrien ot the acid of a pamt used m coloring print*, my
teeth became very much injured, giving excruciating
pum at interval*, for between two and ' three ycai*
Wheeler - * Teaberry Tootb Wash was used, and ba«
entirely euted them, which, in l eriifieair form. I tend,
ihai those who a perfect remedy for painful teeth,
and ni»<> desire ■ ple|i*ant Tooth Wfirb. may con
fidence try Wheeler * Teaberry Tooth Wash 5
r 111 iltf •!.*!.;
ui-ffii'.i-, and it •* a«
Mli.i <« rr-,l w .
- '*r« ,n.;i.ll|\ i! Thf
• m «-j\ jicriVcilyli rtrni-
HI-ft ">*• re itch oi al! an,l
“Wheeler’sTeaberry Tnoih Wash” nvmg removed
scurf and cured soreness of the gum*, which had trou
bled nic fol two years It i* uiy belief tkat ni* a highly
u*eiul article, and that it .» advisable to i!ro*c who toi
ler With the teeth and gums tomake use of it.
.mary sia.i-iVAN.
‘ Your Tcßhe.ny Tooth Warli rurpd tire uxith ache;
»:iil sluj «i>ruirmo! the gum* m my family, xml I **.-n3
von Uni icrtiGouiP that thu»e who »uffer with tooth
j.'lir or *or<*iirs< ol th<* gum* iuay know-that it !• a
rrmeitv for ibi*iri. and a vprv nlea*a«il Tooth 'Va»k
14i Caihannr t;rei»i
n •• ■ upplieaiion ot
•>• i i. Hiey me mt
f’ .u ne lu.t uiiiC Hiii);* and
i-r nj-ih >’!•■ *iiinr j’lincip 1 *-, lul
W. Wheeler.
• \Vbcr« lr‘« Teahrrry 'foolh \Vft*h” having cored
•orea> *o «i the gum». and effectually flopped bleeding
„f ihe gum*. I deem n udetit of graditude for tlie r<-licl
wh.oii ii niforded nr.*, and a duty owed to my fellow l>e
»oy. dial .iV* in> firm conviction, ibattho*e who
wi:l u*e Wheeler’eTeoherry Tooth \Va«h. for the teeth
and eumv will find that it .* an intrxinam article.
No. io3Cilk>wh.lM.
irVtifc-Ku or Oj-fTtt
>;• ii * Coru;>iaiiii.«
■ V,;rr,nud they
i -UCcr-* They are
u> uml'We.-ilmr**
i-.|" rtltli\ ll |!!i!ilr!
• .1 nt the -yurin
“Tram much niycrc miTennj; of ray*clf. and other*
n( my fumitv, wuh derayrd Teeth and *ore t»um«. and
ilir iii.u-v re'-m-cia .le tr*innouml« highly .n fuvor of
Wheeler * T-Ai.errv Tooth Wn.h. I »»« m.luced lo
v i* „ ,r,*i .:«-r vvWh my iimnly u.—d H. ami I re
. r Iu •.iv-iiiuj it dd (» norm b tbuiouitii and efTcciunl
;rt tor a:*!. and ;» the I>»M artirle that I cverknewof.
>uid recommend it« u*e to tho*e who in«y he mlTcr
& No -iST Market *L
* II -I. gCIU-rJly.
\V. Wticeiel.
Many .more lc»t.momal» ar- exiling approving of
\V hr-,.i, i'» TY«l>errv Tooih \Vu*l»."
s, ij a; vv.M JaUKSOVS »inrc, No. s 9 I.ilirriy m ,
l*ni«!>ur|h, benil of U'ood*i.
ni'ipn! tltlirr- \n 51* Oir*nu! »l, l*tail*ileiph,u )
l». *rn >• 1 h • ‘houlj i>e dilairU. llir larsc*:
t .u;ih»n
it unprincipled
[■ S I 'or :W -.(wuitJrhe t *hvu!d be a'cil n llic nmli-
(10N SISTINU of hi* I'rophylactie Syrup, a cer ;
1.11 I rrun-<lv lor all f«»n «i>m pt*TE and SCroTo
aSirrt.mij; <'• ugh Svnp. (’roup syrup Con
«.r extract of Sarsaparilla, decidedly
u,.cM«>rlo .ill other extract*. hating giten rrhel
wiil-ii all others luff failed, being through a iw*
p.orrsi more concentrated than any other e*er
oUVrcil tn the public. ASTHMATIC hCIXiK.
having circled permanent curpa of that stubborn
riijrasc. »lic>n "I iii <re than 12 year* l anding,
h»uc- U iUin!* will tout a rival urthat much dreaded
Of K'>»r i l.!.MMi;vr, lor all ca.c* of weak
ni ,,„ ~r pain, aml a complete <ol-»liiute for l>li»trr».
Or- Knin m.SU Ml* I I UK. an infallibi.i
<*urr lor chit f ami fcvcra, a rut indeed t« more of a
for !tr>.rs of all M;«la tJ. in lurk or tjut-
Mhe»kn<>v>n.i< uaed in preference lo any other I
Vermdugo preparation
•Ur. Hoses TONH.’ A NTI-DIM’KPTU’, tor all ;
diseases ol the .Mouiorh and bowel*, Oi lera in- ’
frctiotv Ac Too high *o encomium cannot be j
pa,ard on the merit* ot thii medicine, iu cure ol ,
vet Di.prpiia. and all diseases that result from weak- |
“«l nr „£ „r .lomich ei Ud digestion.
:n - .:•*.> aod | lJr Hme’i FK'lAl.h 11 1 IS. a moil raluable •
«• •>*i-p| l |*« thar remedy t»r those gcncril complainlsjo which fe- |
iif \n pill e*er before ollered the public *o happily
in munhine* the qualities ol a valuaule medicine,a*an J
• •• • I', firntt aiiii.«!ir[>eptic, LIVKK or stomachic pill, correct- '■
‘ "f *cr» *» thote Unease*, and thereby presenting con* |
"ra.i!'V l V‘'-'.i‘ui,T aumpuon. A young La*ty -• year* of age, haring I
„>,( i„ ’ jili*ri*nl lircr tor some lime, her atrpngth pro*- |
,1 :,Vimu.ireiiT ■ irated ami appetite gone. w« complete)) restored,
r.n nine tirck ' n , lt weeks hr th<» u»e «d the AnU -dispeplie mis-.
. - w!...vhnft«ii irauli . „ lrr o>e«ri>ill* alone i
, th-'in t* , )r Ho . c l , jj’to.NO-'niKKMKI. S’IJKKiNIiTH*
, n uaj.. K^j N , ; pi.\>TKK. lor wt-hhra* ol the back .aide.
• ~* v i,, v;«l hr-eaat, Ac.
if> ; . H"«o a spKf 'IFIf Kl‘ll.K)‘>\,llie mffiit cer
.i-. iu.l.h uin remedy for all rsaes of tiu or convulsions,
wiirilier in infant* or ldulla. So certain s specific
)•»**•' ia II tor Mh* formidable disease that the moat oh
ai/natc ra»ev and those too of loug tlanding, hare
TH-ldrd at once
‘ Dr.Kofr'. RHF.L'MATII’ MI X'l’U Riv—After many
Vi*ar* uf ilihcr>>■ rorii' h ill.* compound was d.acov
crrit. ami n* never fading cd-acr plarr* a* efficiency
iwm ail othe ra.for ihrcutc of Kneuinatiam
llr Row*- AKTRI.Nt»I*A T COMI’tIUM). a certain
f.'fni'ily lor spilling blood. indeed for d,.charges of
m.m.l wio ihcrtioin |.uug», nowrls or oilier part* of ihe
U n\ ■ Ko.r .SYRI V for Ou.le-a and Unwet complaint*
‘rin* in. mire will eflrctnitlly < utc bowel complaints,
[>. iu-iaery.<'bntern Mortal* amt thplcra At the lime
! A*-ni r I‘holcia w«-tanng * i rhiladrlplnu a »•*»
I,’iumi io I’c ilo'ita>*i in arresting it, ruling
i,,n■ 1.-lilti* Ot nil tliO»e whj used a
\Vhin n,av tie *•!.» »>t on-' ot these may »>%
• I|ll llirii value will only he upprecinted l>e
who in (him l.ciicr*fioiinbo*e who tutvr been
!■( It.*- vsi-nii* in ilnitirßatliui afTm'.i ibr human
ii'.iinrVti'hir'srroiuln m i* various forms, so i-undcnsed
u»d crtirtcmu* Hint a- ImtUoijt |»wrr h*» »‘Wi.oW
many A o.eof Tamer occurring aithe wtic of the lii.vrriin' of {V-hurnrc. »<■ comptcirty cured in a
few niuiil'i. The cancer tiad-bcm twite cut out by.
oromnicm Surgeon*, an.f renewed ii»elfwilh mrreaaed i
(iiuligntu >cl iH*iw.iti«lmi«tiiig the drl.ifity of Cnnslilu
-iii.l r.-inoval ol the *nrt pari*, the u*e of ihe I ro-,
implr'.rly cvrfy vc‘ligc of llte
t!.»»• h:» imn.iKin
- rmrtu oi
iiiu*n><-nl *!■ "P'li tfviibtul
... .. «r|l it,.
Ca«c* intininrroMi- nl the vartmt* eurr* ihnt have
f.illtiwi'd the u«« of llir*c rcmrdir* art-i‘> Qlirpowi
*lo„. l*til ii i* not drrmrd ti*-rr*»ni ylO ruuinriale them
n» the ti*eof them will rerntmti.miilicih lo *"•
j SCH'H'NMAHKU. A. C<-, No M Mood Siren
Agent' for Piiuliurth
RK.MKDY—AVarranlcsl Jo curr, or the mop.
ry relnrneri. Tins mrdirtnc it prepared from atr In Receipt, obihineil from otto ul them in lltc Kar
West, nl great expense. Those who hare been
I,m.,liar with itic Indian*, know Ihil Ihdyl can and
do cure Venereal without tlio knowledge or Mere
rary, Balaam, nr anything ol the kind. The afr
flirted have now an opportunity of being cured the u*c of Balsam, This medicine it
i.irntai.t to the tiute, and leaves no iiiiell on the
Prepared by BOWAND &. WALTON, and sold
whoji'anle -<nd retail, by J. T. Howatid, il7ti Market
ttreet, I’hilml’a.
kjUiUti/i’tltNU IN BBABON—\Ve learn iha
M Or Jn)nr’. nicilirme, lor the cure of the SOUK
I II BOAT, tin* l.ccrt doing wonders during the laic on
l>ii-■l*olll wtnilter under fool. It n better in attend to
• I k-iit rold« in nine, and to procure the remedy applied
l<ui phyvieiant, than from unknown and irre
.|.iiii*iMe .juaeka. Dr-Jayne tiai caiabluheJ a irpuin
in... Iron: ‘nice lor professional ikill. and hit remedies
n>t cou*ii» and cold* have been proved efficacious bv
■he experience of ibou*and»—Sot. J?r. Pott
For *nle in Pullsburgh. at the I‘KKIN TF.A STORK
7.‘ Fourth street, near wood; and ai the Dtug Store
ijn* jifrimm-
P Schwartz, Federal street. Allegheny City
Dr. McLane’a Worm Specific
rlMUS to eerltfy that, by liking one vial ofJV* 1 -*®'
X McLane’t Worm Specific. a child of Jaroe» * '!* w J
parted upward* of 7n worms, and by. the u»e 01 ■* “
medicine a child of my own patted 14 large won"*.
It it t’uly the mott surprising worm medicine l ever
...... 1 ...I b.vt ~o moic -..1- ~| | MORK
Wilkin* Township
For .V.l.y J tIDUICo, No M WooJ
F'OI'AI. VAHNISII-lM' f™' 6 '* S
1/ Vork ou.ok rtryin, * B ™“
, JoO.oob .bo for *alo by J SCHOONMUtUgC*'
apoi l
KorVale in Pittsburgh by ,K B Seller*, 57 wood
• treet. surf hr Wm Thorn.KMnrket »l. oefitlwT
For ih« removal and i rrmaiient .cute of all disease* ,
an-tjite Irani an impure-state ©f the blood
' orliebifofi theaystem vir. *'•'
Sera/isfe. Kinr * Frit tOiruvislbm. W-f-nair f ul<ihacuj
f-Traj Pimvtfi OT PuMnDson Mr fad JilottJtu, {
Hths Chronir Sort £jr«, Ring XTimn nr TtUft, Scald j
HtnJ. Fnlargtmml and pain 4 f Hit Men* mid Joints, \
Stubborn Ulrrrs. Syphilitir Symptoms,Sciatica or Lvm- ]
bago, and Dismiss arising from ari bijudiciottf UM of ,
Mt'tvrf, Aiettr* or Dropsy, Erj-ntuu -or Imprudenc* t n
[jft. Aho. CAromr Fomi'Mineitnl Disorders.
IT> urnrl> administration ha* been attended with the
ImppieM n>»uii4 in many anqtnaiou* affection*; bul
il isrluedv intended lofijl the void-which exist* between
cntliimii- and nprnen! medicines; hence it* modus ap
randi i* dial »l an alterative direetly—indirectly, pro
ving a lasting nin e la tlie system
lti,*Uigliiy com rmrai'il lor convenience and-ports
bility, containing nothing but (lie expressed c*»enrs,
and i* llicrrrp.ercniauvc «i the rhirripanlU Rootlin'
the 1 same manner a* Quinine ;s of Peruvian Usrk,or
Morphia* of Op‘um. It nan t«tnl/lt>bctl lact, that a
few grain»of either Quiioue nr Morphine contains jll
the medicinal value oi. a laige (jiiHiinty of the erode
substances; hence the superiority of tbo*c preparations
and no invalid would dew* to unuk a gallon nurture
when a half pint contained the Mint uicd'cmal \ aloe.
Tlie Sarsapnnllacan be diluted when taken agreeable
10 the directions, and made to «un the taste ofthepa-
following certificate addreved lo the Agent* at
Chicago, furui»bc* conclusive proot of it* great value
in eases of FeverSorvs.
Chicago. 111-Sept. PJ. 1546.
Messrs. Siebbni* A Reed —Gent*: In .May, 1-543.1 ob- ,
tamed at you store a bottle of SandVSarwpanlla, and ,
was tlien confined to my hed. withouv sleep lor a week, ,
occasioned by violent pain lron»-u regul tr fever soreof
long standing,ou my right teg- My pl.jsicianiadvisec
me to have the limb amputated, laying it was die only
means l.kely to preserve my life. Atlcrmnng bajf the
bottle the pnitt began to subside, and by the lime l hud
nsed.ttcany three bonles, l was able to transnc.l my reg
filar business,” and before I find finished the muilli tj»l
lie. 1 wh» as wetland soufld as ever l 1 have 1 - •
no hcsiiutioa m-sayuig that Sand's Sarsaparilla writhe' >
menus under I'rovidem-e. of Hiving my limb and I
doubt not my life. 1 most cheerfully recommend it at
the bett article extain for the purification*)! the Mood
Tl,e following certificate is only unothrr link :n the
great chain of testimony to its merits: ,
Sodth Bolton. Cunnda 1541546.
Messrs, stand*—Gentlemen: Exposed as we are to
the attacks ot di-euse. and so frequently disapponitea
m proposed remedies, we cannot bul look on the effort*
of succctsiul ttrac.iilioners with tnlrye*l ai*d gratitude
This i* true rr*pecmig jour i aluaMc prcjiaraiion ol
Sarsaparilla. 1 have been‘--veielj atlili-ied t.-r aij eaf* •
with a d.M-ase tvlKiul which ••doetor's disagree.” and
lbejr.pri *criptiou» wrtr »n!l more diver,e. I tried va
rious remedies but lo.i-id no relief until 4 commenced
u«tng jour excellent medicine, at which tune. 1 wva
wholly etui fined to mj bed Altei using it a few months
1 am now üble to vv.nx ui>out.i.d>- .'ni, and enjoy a com
fortable degree.of health, wh'.c 1. I fiitribuio eulirely to
the use of band's S-arskparilitt. Plcuse m-a pt ruy as- •
suronce of gratitude and regard.
Being personally act] tainted willi the above state
ment, 1 terebv certify that the same *s true.
FaBHIEB Tt«rtstost —Tito following is. an extract
Irom a letter received from Rev. Williamlsalushn: .
Ukrxmiibk, Vt .Ort -W. 1545.
Messrs, Sund*: I buMc been alii cicd wuh a sevete
pain in uiy side, occasioned b> a di»ca*<:d liver, for the
{ »i tweiitv years- c„tr,T.i.g ut l me* w;hat lutiguage
cannot ronvry, l:if, since taking Jour >arsapuf;lbi, I
have been greatly relieved, so much mi that I !mvc l»ren
able lo aiteud lo iny bu*:ne»«. and preach
for the last filler n inon;h«. 1 wholb' dtscurde.l till other
medicine, and thoroughly tri«d tin-*upaniia. wmcli
I ran recommend in truth and sincerity to all thou- who
are .» any wny ulJlicted with any specie* of scrofulous
rojnpiantl*. There huvr been some remarkable cure*
Plfecu-G by'll* use IU till* v.cmiiy. Mr* 1. fruaw.hy
the u*e of *il bottle*, wh* restored to brio r health than
•he had before enjoyed lor teai years, mid .Mrs. \V. Mr
v-n«. who had been scveirjy uill eted with the Firysip
elits, wa* entirely cured by the u*o ol a few liouies.
Yours truly. M- fp/VLlir-HA
For further parueulur* and eonclu- iv.- evidence of n*
superior value and clEcucy. *'' r pamphiei-', which may
be obtained of Agent* gran* ' .
1 repared and *o tl by A■ 0 4c D M>nd». Prnggist.s, 100
Fulton st.cornt-rof William, New Nork.
Sold nl»o by 1,. WII.COX.fJr. Pdt.burgh; 11. Mar
| wood. Beaver; Wra. Watson, New Castle; 1). N. Iw»b
-• i«on. Browrn«ville; A. Crcigh. Wnshingion; and by
Druggist* gcnnrally throughout tli United Stairs.
I Price SI per bottle—six bottle* for So.
• i The public air respectfully requested to remember
1 that nis Sand'sSnrsupanllaibu! itiAcoiuiaiitly whiev
nit <OOll remarkable cure* of the mail dttiicull class of
diseases to Which Ihe human Irmift is subject; iherc
tore nsk for Sand’s SaTsoparllla. mtd lake no othrr
i rao-t
wbst lii* relieved him ia such a short time frum lu* dif
ficulty of brratliiug, Cough aad suffocation.’ Hr
wifi tell yon it was “the Olosanniati, or All
Ktaling BaUim.” Ask the consumptive
-what has allayed In* Cough, remossd
the Paiu iu lit* Side and Cfr-,1,
checked bit night sweats, and
plarrd the rase of health
, upon his ebrek? sod
c hr will trlt you
A»k jaurfrieudsifU.ey kuow .d'anythiug tliatwill soipeo
dily cure a loug aad tedious Cough, ltaismg of Blood, Bran
chitit, Djspeelie Consumption, Hnarseue**, laflueum, and
diseases of the Throat, as the OlJ«omiaiL : and Uisy will tell
sou No. Then- never yet hat breo a remedy introduced to
public notice which has been productive of ■>] much gm«l in
*o .hurt a ipact of time. Head the following
Aatonlahliifi Cures.
W«». BiiKD, the celebrrled Boston erackrr baker, 4W N’**-
| uu , trTrtj U r »'kUii, stab-, that in, uilc has been aiHicted.
i with Asthma for Jt) years, anJ could not find jwnnauent re
j lief from thr best medical advice which New York and
Bruiklyn could produce, was induced lo try this great rrme-
Idy She !• now uearly well fli. dauj.nter who was juffer
j lire from tile same diverse, tried it j and was alio cured by it.
.\trs Uji-id u Ui.w so well that she is able tc. nufrotn her
. bed early in tl«e morning and attend lo her u.ualdcties diraugh
! the day without any from her distressing malady.
I Haaav JiCUus, I3ih Street, near the Catholic Cetsetry,
| came to the store for the purpose of obtaining ■ bottle of the
i Oiiwnanian,l>s>iiig been afflicted stilh the Asthma Cir more
than ID years, and was »o rihauelcd on bis arrival tUt he
] rould out speak. He purchased a I.Utlr and rade home—
' Four dap afterward he walked from Un residence Ui the t»f
-l fite without Cueoe.a distance of riser two miles, lo tell of
I the wonderful relief which he had e\|<erieuced frum using
' ab«ul one half of oue brittle.
Coutuupilon of (he Lungs.
Mr. CnaioßT, !Ci White itrrtt, wi. to low in the month
„( December U»u dial he «•* given up by In* physician Hi*
{need* raltt uitied no hope of hi* reeoecry. He «i» persua
ded l« try the Olosanutau, and to hi» iwpnte il hat *.l Car
restored him lo health that hr u now able to walk about the
igteU ...•
Mm ATTsrz.the wife of Wm H. AllrtejJunet llarmin,
Kwi and tiro. W. liaj., L**j. cim ill bear tritimopj. from
their own eatwrienre of the healing pruprrtict of thu Ureal
. Remedy in Cotuumpticn of the Lung*,
i splulnK lllood.
I Mm. Tnoeaocase, 352 Monroe ttreet, who had been
! troubled for a great length of time by a terere cough, and
1 raued ijoatititie* of blood, was rrlieeed by oee bottle of the
' Ol.wxmian, and declare* It the greatest remedy in the woild.
llikni* Kzllv. 2i Water itnrhaai aleo. rrlieeed Irotn
tbr unr c<jn|datn(, although l.e wa* eery tnueli ’reduced
' when hr rommeuerd taking it, hating been under the care of
\ hit physician during the part‘winter. Allhoogh he roughed
. oouitanilr aud was eery much troubled with night twealt, 2
■ buttle* ul the remedy enabled hun U. - return lu hi* daily
work. Hr wa* rntirriy rehertd.
Dtvtn Hasotatos. CO Laieht •ireet, Ueu W. Burnett,
formerly of Newark, X. J., Henry Li*U.o, 133 Rivmgton
•treel, and auraeniu. oUirr i»r»uii» h*»e been tprrdile aud
I permanently cured of U.e .imr comphinl by thi* mined;.
Tlte Array of Name#
. which eouldbe produced of jwmoD* who hire uted lh«» grval
1 remedy Would more than 611 a column Among the number
we tre iwmittrd to refer t« A. M. Bitnnger, UK Bacelay at
i Vr Wilwm of Hoboken; Mr* Bell of Jtorrirtown, N J.;
I Jame* B Deeoc, 101 Reade »U; Mn. M' Att.irnty
I *«.; V. Smith, 9J Third A»etiur. Mm Wm H. Altneofthu
! cut, and Mr* Archibald, 35 White at
iu!k« wholesale and mail by Wm Jackton, at his Fatcnt
Medicine Wnrehouw and Bodt and Shoe, Store, No 89 Liber
! ttreet,head of Wood rtreet, Pitt*bugh. Price
Sellers' lilTer Pills.
rtviiF original- *>td) truo and genuine Liver Fill* ate
1 offered to those suffering from Liver complaint upon
the terms of nu cure. >k> pay Rend the following let*
Urtt-tn, P* . Sept 'J3. I Hid,
Mr K KSeller*--Dear S.r I ierl that it i» a doty t.
awr in (hr public ■»« well a* to the credt' of your Inver
lo mlalr ihr good rtfret produced hy them in m>*
own '< n»r Dunne the niuTTIU of June. IMS, l look vrry
uiimp’.l. ray appetite failed aml-my-’length wa« en
i.rriy pm«inneo, with a revere pain in my «idr and
'.houtdri* I wa« bv lii-dicui m-n HIV direare
w-«» a severe attack ol liver eomplumt. I look vevera!
l>ozr» ol AJriunr j fiii and *otnrt *yrup* which I wnf
told were good for that di»ea*e, but alter nil I w«« get*
tin* worSei I concluded Id pUcr tny«rli uudrr the care
ol ■ phv« run 'or better or \vor«e Dai tonunntely
io«t at tiii' wnr, 1 wa* lobl bv the Rev I Nihloek.of
lb,* place ..that n fncndnf hi* bad rent him a box of
Seller*' l.tver Pill* from Pilt«hutgh. which had hrnefil
led turn very imieh I forthwith aeni for R box of your
L,ver I’tll*,and by tbeiitne it wa» done. 1 wu* satisfied
that it was ju*t the mediciiie that rioted my ct»»e. I
•Oil lor more. look-five or*il boxer, and found myself;
entirely cured- In March lav, I caught it were cold.
I wh><'h hiought l-nck il,e d,*ra*e; and in a'hnn inrif l
wa« a* bad a« *vt r i again had recourse lo your Inv
er Pill* and took them every other night for ml week*,
aud occasionally evl > sincr.* and 1 now can *uy It,at I'
feel little if any *> mplotif of the Liver complaint. and
my gcneial heiitih i* n> good a> it has been lor thr la*l
ten yeur.. ,M> «r ■•hbot* n‘k me who vv.i- tuy Doctor.
I irll ihcm that S-i ,-r«' l.,ver P.l » u-.'> my Dm-tot, and
l.y the blr«iiof O' I'niv-detH e the mean* of cur,n<
me lam confident, a- the public tiecume* aciptamird
with the vulue of your p.ll*. ll.« demand for diem will
increase Many of hit reijjliln-r». to whom I have u-
I rcmmrndcd the p.:i». eau i. »i i\ u* thr.r value ami to
[ the fael- above >l4l. ,!, Your.A-
I t-i tnti.K v II.LKR
A* >hrr.- ii- r n /;..Miv.T |wr«on.
who warn iHc (i I-Al' IMi ni'ifif •liimiil a<li Tor. ard
tak<* nn rillirt. ll>u:i ihtl pr*'|‘DM il l-v
It V.
iurli‘A! 37 wi<ji] Kirrrl
KUY-A Hu »Miif ! A .Miracle! I A Uuudd : •
—To cure Kruptions and |li*fißuhniriil* of ihr >kio,
PitrpW. Freckle*. Suuliurn. Salt Uliruin, Scurvy, Sore
lleaiU.&c ,&r. ,
Four year* ago la»i Atijrrw»the c tpnal of-F rune?
wmi a>totn»kcd in con*cqurncr o: a omoovery made by
an Italian Chemi»t. Many doulited—it teemed itlmoM
an. itnpot«ttii!ity itint anything made t>y the hand* of
man. could have x.urh a.nguiur |hi\*ti*ui ibm rimmed
l>y Antonia Vctprtni for lit* invention. Slanv cla«*ed
linn and hi* iuvewinn a» u humbug. [mnl. nla*! many
foohih pet»on« willoot trying do Hie • rutin nim\| at
length. alter 16*1111* it in the hotpiinl*. the Mrdicai ru
dely of Pam [the-beM flic|ni«i* m tin* world!delivered
the following repott to Jugnot Vp*|ir>m:
‘•We have now minutely and carefully cjaruwrd the
lingular mvenium of Ve*pritu. We have tnnlyzr.d it*
compannit part#—we have n*rd it in aevrral cn*v».nnJ
' we hcu'ile not to pwimurr it [the Imimn Chemical
,Sonp4>a« a greal ltlc»‘Ut)t «uil a truly wonderml rcm.e
dy lor any cutanenu* eruption or di-figorrmeni °* *l‘ c
•km. It* mventnr wo conWer the Hue philaltthropiM
nf tuflaring mankind,
j (Signed)
From the inventor lum*Ht' to f*in
, . t .x. nf sacoo. 1 ilsvul-
In consideration of the rum 01 ■ ..
rvtl to Mr T Jour* rr«n!m* ’"the r«> of *' c " r »“‘ k *
t. . ‘imii-r i< of uiamiiaouninc, 'oßrlhrr
.a. a.|. me I cnHipo*uiii my Itml
wnh a nr „ K u» mnmiiheture it for sale in
WnneM: llcntj J-* o ‘ ’"JJyj-ONIA VESPRINI
__ J* m i...\v JACKSCIN. at lii* Patent Medicine
VWrchoiNr**'® Liberty street, head of \\ odd, at the
place in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE
can l«e obtained- Ail whets are ComilerfeiL -
Kotor*, No Payt
[h. Jatlnon' Pita tmbrocariori -Veter Fails,’
TH EKE are few diseases more common or Irou
blciome than the i'tlc*, anti yet, notwithilsnd
ing ereat efforts hato been made In cure by the u«e
of pill*, electuaries, liniments, dec , all were lutile
and o! little benefit. Now the Embrocation "« the ]
only medicine used. A pettQn who has beea suffer .
mg with the Piles t»f the wont kirn! came from Sa* I
lem, New Jersey, almost on purpose to express his
gratitude forthe speedy cure that ia|a medicine had
effected in bit cam.—Phila/ Sat. Pjm.
Hj*Kot tale in Piltaburgh it thirPEkEN TEA
STORK, 72 Foarth at. and also at the Drug Store
H. P'Schwarts. Federal *t. Allegheny City,
IS notv universally acknowledged lo be the *
KALI.IBLK I’.fc.MKDV for Rheumatism, Npi
ijjal Atfcclioos, Cunlracuonsof the Muscle*, Sore
I Throat and Quinsy. Issues, Old Lllcers, Fains in the
.1 Back and Chest, Ague in the Breast ancTFace.
1 ToulhAchr, Sprains,- Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns,
1 Croup. Frosted Feet and all Nervous DiseascfT
! .The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has «v
tended the application of this tuost WONDERFUL
i MEOK.'lNEmcunng the most severe ca*c« ortho
different Pueacs abiive named,—and the HIGH
.ENCOMIUMS.that have been bestowed upon it.
wherever it has been introduced, gives me the right
to call on the AFFLICTED to resort at once lo
ff-pThc faculty unile in recommending the rele
ased External Remedy, Hunt’s Liniment.
The letter from the highly emtnstt t
Physicians who have been attached to Ihe Mount
Plci*aut Stale Union for many year*, is tfii best
evidence of liie value of this eeltbrated Lintnicnl.
Smo- Smc, December 2ti. 1C45.
. 1 My. Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday,
asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Lmimen't.
as prepared by Air George E Stanton. Knowing l
iu composition, and having frequently used it. I
can recommend it to you as a safe External Reme
dy, and m my opioton, the best Liniment-now m
use. Very truly and reviicetfully yours.
Col Pierre VanCorllandt, Croton Manor.
I fully concur in the above opinion.
Yorktows, Jan. 14, I&IA.
Sir—ln reply tnynur letter, l would say that t
,havo your External called Hunt's
Linimont, in my practice since you made me bo
(juainted with iu composition, and uahcsitaliuglyr
3»y that I believe itto be tlic best External Herne
y now in use lor the couiplatnU f. r which you re
commend it. . Yours respectfully,
Geo E Stanton, Esq.
From the N Y* Sun.
(CPAmoog the tna-s of worlldcs# articles ar.d
humbugs that are poured forth it the present day
upon the country, it is really refreshing to find
something of real practical utility, something situ
* pits, speedy and cncctual in its operation, aed ct
the same time tree from those injurious eQects
which generally altrud powerful remedies.' Hunt’s
Ltnimcnt, prepared-by Geo. E Stsnton.ot Sing
Sing, though it has been but a short time before
the public, bra already obtained the coulidcuce, not
only hi our most wcjltby sod iulluential citixeus,
bul our most eminent physicians. All acknowl
edge il to be a sovereign balm for many of the ilia
that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching limb, ai d
by tU genuine stimulating inllucucc,banishing dis
ease from ihesyitudt.
Mr Stanton—Sir—S. cing your advcrlifeaieut
of Hurt’s Liniment, I was induced to try its etlecis
on my a»n, who had been crippled with a lime
Daek from an infant-, and it is u ith gratitude I hear
ti-stununy to its wonderful healing properties. My
ctiild. who in now live ycara ol age, is now iu a Lie
way efrecovury, Yuurs, lie.
'Post Offu - k, Towiu rs, Futnam.Co.
i certify Ihitlam persojulli acquaiutid with
the above namt-d r(i:ld, and think the fathe-r would
be sale.iti saying that bis sou is almost well.
N«v f>, ISI.Y Deputy pnit Master.
I'. S. i would also state that t have LtetTlor a
number nl years subject to Irequeat attacks oi the
Rheumatism, which in many inttsnces prevented
mj attending to my business.. Two or three >ppli
eatioqs of the Liniment invariably remove all af
fection* of the kind. In cases at bruises, sprain*
and sores, too numerous to Licntion, it hai m this
vicinity proved a certain reraedv. Its value can
only ba estimated by those who have given il a fair
This Liniment IS sold at 'ib and fiU cents per hut
tic, by ail the Principal Druggists and Merchants
tlijouglioul 1
WkoUtalt Agents in iSeto York .
HOADLEV, PHELPS it Co, I4S Water st.
RDSHTON it (fo. no . roadway.
A B it D SANDS. rrirnerFultonaml William.-
ASPINWALL. £6 Wiltiani street.
Orders addressed to me at Sing Stag, ft Y.vtitl
be attended to. GEORGE E STANTON,
For sale in Pittsburgh by I. Wtfcf*6X. Jr, and .*
KIDD it Co. AReglicny;City, JOHN -SARGENT.
Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. Iclily
ifi. FILLS,Tor the cure of Liver Complaint, amt
all diseases arising'from the Liver, hi nek head
ache, and aa a purgative and AntWßilious Pill, aur-»
pasted by none. '
Symptoms of. a Diseased Liver.— Chronic
inftamalion of the Liver, when not-tbc conscqunrce
nl an acute attack of tha disease, begins generally
with symptoms of a lunctionnl disorder of the diges
tive a’nd biliary nrgaci.and dyspepsia frequently
seems to be the. only aifeclion present. The' patient
complains of irregular appetite and in pa i rcd powers
of digestion, acidity, flatulence, slight cholic pains,-
occasional nausea and vomiting, and a slight dull
pain nml weight are 'ell in the rightside, accompa
nied in some cases with a dragging pain in the right
shoulder/ Most commonly, however, no distinct
pain,is experienced in the region ol the Liver,
except when firm pressure is made on this
The bowels are always very irregular, costiveneu
betng-ccmmon in some instances with diarrhoea, the
discharges scanty, dart colored, offensive, slimy,
greenish or mudc{y. One ol the most codUdl ana
characteristic' syrantoms of Chronic Liver Com*
: plaint is a dry, harsh, constricted state of tne skin,
a KliOrl dfy cough, with slight dit&cully in breathing,
is a Ircqucnt altemlani on this disease. Inllie
chronic as in tiic acute form of this disease, the pa*
u'ent cau seldom rest as easy on tlie j lel\ as on the
rigid side. As the disease advances, slight fevert
come on towards evening, attended with a burning
heat in the palms of the nabus and soles ol the feet;
the nighu are restless, and when the iufliCimatitn
lernfmates in suppuration, hectic and rapid emacia
tion consume the vital powers.
Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail by
JOHN D. MORGAN, Diuggisl.
Wood street, Pittsburgh. .
a radical DKSTeincx.
rpilK best article known for droning and whitening
i the Teeth, strengthening the cum*, sweetening the
breath, 4e. It should he used every high* with a suß.
l>ru«h and the teeta and mouth willoaly requireashgb
wa-hmg in the morning. W c t the brush, «Cih warm
water, nr cold will answer, aud rub t> * few tunc* o*
the paste, when eiu>ugh;will adhere for_efcmamg the
leetli. It leavesadelicious ta»te iu the muuitij and lm
part* a mo«t delichtfu I fragrance to the breath. It stands
unrivalled as a pleasant,'efficacious, convenient, and
: »mp d-ntrifioe It is warranted notto injure the teeth,
buito prcsrrvcthem-
Uy u»tng it tegularly. it will remove the tartar «na
prevent it* accumulation—-prevent the toothaeue,
strengthen theguios. aiid,prevent all di«ea»e» or litem..
Chemi«is. physicians, and the clergy recoinsncud. it a*
drcudciity superior to every thing of the kind in use.—
Ask for Sherman's Compound Orris Tooth Paste, and
- observe bis signature i* attached to cachrot- *
Recommended by Dr. Castle, Sul Broadway,one of
our best Dentists, and by most of the old established
ones in the United States, and ..even x»rn*iv*ly used
by the Nobility of England and Frr* '•
A large proportion of the disease, t hstalHici mankind
arise from some derangement of tbs s tomoehor bowels
which a timely use of ibe Caihn tic l-oienges weald
en irelv obviate. Persons of bilicua habit* should al.
wt ys have a box at hand, and take a dose whenever
ihJy feel the least derangement in their health. Ajudi
cu us use of these Loxenges would prevent thousands
• ° Forsaie r.l \VM. JACKSON'S*,.corner of Wood and
Lfheity sit dec, °
INGS.— Serolula in all its multiplied forms,
ajhetber in that of King 5 * Evil, enlargements *> , iba
elands or bone*. Goitre, While Swelling!. Cr,i*n:C
lUieumatisra.Ganser, disease* of ihe-Sktn ay Spinel
or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate ftam onb
jnd the* same cause, which is » poisnanu* principle >
more or letu inherent'in the human system.;
fore, unless ibis principle can radi
cal cure can be etlected, bul if the principle upoU
winch the disease depends, is removed: a euro
must of necessity follow, no matter under lorm
{ho disease should manifest itscll. This, therefore - .
Is the reason why JaVSk’a AtTeaaTtvs it so uni
versally successful in temoving so many iqaligoanl
, rjircaset. It destroys the virus or principle front
wlac t those disease* have theieorigtn, by entering
Into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
to the minutest libre, removing every p.tlicledl'
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No.
3 South Third Street. Philadelphia. -
Sold at the l’ckiu Tea Store. No. 72 Fourth street
Pittsburgh. _ meWl.
>3 it nothin? equal to it.
PiTTSiOKCH, March 27;, 1347
Mr R E Sellers—ln justice to y«.u and jj our in
'comparable Cough Syrup, I beg leave to stale lor the
benrlit of the community, that my wile l)a« been
several times afflicted with u ta<»ct distressing cough,
i purcliiscJ in January a tx-tUe *»l jour H , ™P'
w'nicb qured a cough of two tnonih* standing. About
one month since the cough u-turned, snd was •<>
vcrc that she could hardly move, from weakness in
the breast; l sent Tor two bottle* of' r ou L i C ® B *“
Syruprsnda part brone bottle cured the cough. I
gave the other Iwttle to a journeyman who w.s se
t.rcl, .ffl.Ctd. Who hid, "o «■. Id- •«» «“'*•
••cilon enough Coogh Ondy >o coo: •« Uj. p."P>
in PiiUborgh, if the c.ndy b,d boon a.good ,i rrp.
re.entcd. U. K«b.,b.-
irr.NiootT.ninc- not of t -dry boodred that 0.0
•.Lw- '. n » v..„, n say that it is-the bestLoagh
'J 1 . 1 ' . ° and sold nt ?S cent* per
flllilS medicine is last taking the place of everj
IX preparation heretofore used for diseases arising
irora Weakness or other caurc*. Alitloti* neces
sary to secure this medicine n place in lh«* Dome«»
J ic Practice of every tauiily',wnch such a medicine atrial.
j it »peak* for itself— l« innocent :n its operstion
and no injury can arise* use al any time.
| Wholesale and Retail by ROVVAND &’\VAL<
TON, Proprietors 376 Market SUcct, Phitad’a.
{For tale in Pittsburgh by K E Sellers, 57 Wood
»Vm. ThorrJ.fli Market at. nr.6dw *1
Dr- MeLane’s'Llver Plttv.
AESSRS.J KlDDfcCb.-Geuiy: pkaaelct me bavi
(I boxes of Dr. MclJane’* l.ivrf Fill*. My vhi
Wed two boxes ol lUtDocot*’ Pills 1 assare joi
they have done her more food ihan my family physicist
Kxk liv two vests aitendaeee. Two additional boxes,
think, will effect a cure. JAMES JONES
j Wilkins Townvhin
~ These valuable Pill* for sale by J KIDD A Co, No
CO W-ood streei,'Pittsburgh- . ! mchW
T AV.NE’S HAIR TONlC.—After pvine thi* mrtieJ* a fai
J trial, we unhesitatiogly praiMance it loos what It profess
r»—die bestarliek, without say sicvptioo, in forth
rvstontioa and [iiutntliwof A* human’hair. \\ chaos
of nutasnus intUncc* when hair, baa been mtoml to head
which hare been Udd tor years; and wa'tbiak werannotdo
rrvater lavor than to recommend to all our readers who ar
kwing their hair, to nuke a trial of thu Touie immediately.-
Boston jkfail. | ' • _ • „ ,
for aak is PiUibnrgb at Iht JPvakm Tea Store, No-
Fourtli street} near Wood. . w»r3q*wT
nently dyeing Ught,.Red, or Gray llmr a Park
Brown or Black color, withoutdr*ing!or mjonngthe
skin. Sold with fall directions. Price SO cenu, or 81
a bottle. - j
ETSold by WM. JACKSON, at his Patent Medicmr
\Vaxebouse, t© Libetry streei, bead of Wood, at-tbt
sign of the Big Boot.