The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 07, 1847, Image 2

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'RGH: ' ~
;G. APRIL 7, 1847.
Gauttx is putilitbetf
ly Daily i»S«*veri
ekly ,■ Five Dollar* per
lUr» per annuts, unai*
. _ ] Notice tol Advertiser*.
A«Neni»emeiit». «* wuf^n» r iuin *!,«-, «:■] l«-
bunded in by tee o ctoc* in ilir utirrnoon. Atif nuon
ip thia.on ifie part of ourjru«'.cmeri. would be i-rcitur
UTeof mutual tKnefci.
I ; , for cjovEn.\ba.
. ( (or t COUSTT )
j .(or Ct>CXTT )
••• fourth PkfefarSlluilUnioui New*.
: fUverit'and Harbor*. - \
To the Editi’ of thc i {‘ilttburgh Gazette:
Amoog the numerous exciting and interesting
topic* of the day, there is dancer that our citiwn*
may overlook- one! of great importance to their
prosperity.! I refer tu the 'movement risking
throughout lb* West for a meeting to he. held at
-Chicago on tbe 6ih of Ayly next, on'the subject
of Harbor and River Improvements. *
Your readers are.aware that a bill making lim
ited appropriations for the** passed
by the laatl Congress, but met an ••untimelyii-nd"
uy being pontignrii to the bpcechei [>ockeU of
President Polk. Tlc object of tbe convention to
be held at Chicago, is to procire tbe exprtf«eion
of tbe business men of the “G eat iVest,” without
distinction bf party, in /av< r oi liberal and regular
appropriations by the gtim r i! C .vornmenj tojvardr
tbes*- •'rojecU.
‘oti re*, id
' ani!
je«« project*.
PiiUburgb it largely inti reded, not only in the
improvement* of tb« 1 'hio ana Mitoiiuippi rivers,
but alu in impn.ygmirni of(hail>or* upon the
Weatern Lake*. ( n> Irki e the Lak«j» has.
within a few ycare, grown from almost notljing to
b« * trad* of great raigni:udi), and &• »he wo*t
increases yj|wealu and population, this trade
must increase in ol cofrei ponding ratio.- And it
•eenu to tboJwriier f thj»t PiUaburgh should! have
a numerous roi'pcetahjc repfe.enution at the
Chicago Convention. I To thi* end, 1 request that
ydU call Hie attention of jlour reader* to this sub
ject, and i irib the call!nl kin ‘eting tn k p|.rt dele.
gst**» A& I* Your*, [dcr.l Paobaies.
* Pttubuigji, April 5|1847. }
We cot) -■the 'jiewa of our corre*.
tear heartily
ib J in a pa
h Congreav,
tj the Vet.) ,
iil inierea;«i
of the grei
i-t i f*ic« of the pro
hsj occasion t.i a*k
and its injustice to
iciiraproveraeut,c>f ihe.
ies\ am) River* of nur
reading the Constitu-
1 puniry, hi n
high uflice vf
i assume, to the
ited by tta (J >i
fr*,*t«> the n
nr man, though ocrn
evident of the linked
t’enl practised,powers
not warrai Holton, or successfully
jabuto p-*w ... wlicn conferred
Jby the Constitution. Jui in thi.-*, as ip other
things, wl|ero there Ua will tlt< r*> is.away. The
jExecutist, over and ov t fuse* to approve
;of Isws et netioned by i early, all hw predecessors.
• A bill for the improvement of the inland naviga
tion of th i country, for t-cmlrving obstructions from
rivers^atW whereby the Ituits of agrtcul may be i more securely transmitted
from ,lhe[mtcri-jr btites to |hc ocean, and the lives
of passengers mijJ *'citric fmrrt .jatn*,rs»c
than thcjte of the ghat linp. is wantonly, v t iotd
• at one session of Cptij r&U, and at the next, with
much rtduled, and the fill, if pus*
aible, framed to avoid wcly objection of the Ex
ecutive, la quietly ppt ii iiofthr Prest.lotj'a breeches
pocket. It is legal in he ! iPrcsiden'.y estimation,
to remove obstructions frotji the Kio (ira'nde, ami
to make roads in Mexico, without an artjof Con
gress; bat all ibis is .monstrous when the Ohio,
Miaaouii, ftississippj, and fhe great Likes, are tflfc
places of! such improvement''. I; hgal to ex
pend ouej hundred njillinnaiif dolhrjh in pr.wecu
ting | a war of conquest, and whijj thr.-nnn-'
, disunion In the cod.aiul yet it is unronsiiiuu<*nal
to gijve a Mollar for rerppviog a rock from the lakes,
or a «aag from t river. This veto war upon the
life jand interests thru: western' people, and
against tbs judgement of Congress twice exprera,
ed, is on a :t ao bold anJ so reckless of life, prop
' ertyj pahli: sentiment, and the common gooJ, that
it ought arouse the indignation of the whole
[country. We propose not So argue, the' question
jof {tower with the President. We say, however*
! thatithe velo-pf a private claim, like that for the
; payment of spoliation.* committed upon; American
coinpercr by the French, or of a bill for clearing
out daugeroui obstructs.v.s fu|n 2-eat, public htfib
way* leading to the oc.-mi. o/j to foreign )rt<, or
fromjnne Sjat.> to another. is p<trous usurpa
-1 ttonpf powl’r. A yiiee discretion unquestionably
’ Iherp should be in miking appropriation*, and Uic
j rcpresehtaUvcs of the people are tj be (rusted upon
I sach a subject as this It' thj power is not with
ii» nowhere. The Sia'es wnui.l nnt
rers and bart.jfo i C they could, and
f they uvuld. The (fo'r.stttuifon it*r|f
mpict, agreement, or alliance between
j Congrets,.i
| improve r
could not :
forbids n c
•Slate?, wiiljotit Iho consent of Con
Oeh an alliance" would be necessary
ipletion of any pulilic work. The
./ungress miy be given, has beeitgiven,
vu given'll the lut session of to i
State company, who have power to improve the
James liver, sod to impose a tax upon Teasels
passing on the river, The <internment itself is •
stockholder, and a gtett beneficiary from the prof
its derived from stock biU in the Portland and
Louisville eattsl; and all this Uov'ernmect author
ity aod association proves the power of Congress
over the subject. But it is morally and physically
impossible for the Slate* to make birbora, construct
breakwaters, and clear out channels. It
uunt of V.
their business. “ Congress, (not the S
says the CoQititution.'vi/uz// Aak pou-rr ta
late commerce with foreign nnlitm* iin,
TOt ietebal Statis, qnd with the H
tribes.” Here is the power, and the' diati
between foreign commcree'ia as cruel to tl
nor-Slates ta it U to the whole
Rivers and harbors, indeed, aro for the be
the whole \sti ton, and the commerce of the
in one way or another, »ha|es in every gren
commercial improvement.; iTfcc I'rmidc
prove* a bill establishing lighthouse*. show
way lo a h'dtbor on'ihe lidtc, but an t/bat
which VrevfnU tho.Hjfo critrincu’ to a hart
cording to r
riQot be removed! I
! mcntat of Mi. J’ulk, c.iulJ .i|
#orcs bh tlid ajijxuvu
\irty ihree -if. tin* Jt.r'ty.ttinc J
the vcUtti lulU m the li*i (’.<)(
Hinder weft* for harlor* roimer.lfd
iis theory, can
of «ucb nip
including V
embraced it
and the rei
with the trade of ; ,th*. cumtiy: but our
“Youug Hi^ M can i'uid no authority in ihe
Conttitulior. for tbi-.. though anj-le powers f.A
bringing bn a foreign w«> by Km nirnplc word <if
| comtoand. Mr. Vjn could, do ihU,
but noMlwb. iei d ol tbi* rciMjOfnical and CJiiecicn
tiucut Administration! He ryuj,d go no far nto
"jovite the attention ot (*<>ugrc-?A to the- *ugg»-
tiona aud recommendation* of the Secretary ol
War in rtlalion lo these prominent object* oj
national- interest,” but when Congress jhcrdtd
recommendation* at d pass
«1 a bill to eaUbliah harbors when* there at r none,
ibeo the veto power is interposed between tbo act
dok* as?J hit own auggectiond! I*o>»k to the fir*t
annual roearapourAfr. I’ulk, and you will hod
the cxprrM attention of. Conors* recommended
to the following from the Secretary of War:
“The likea are entirely destitute of nat
ural harbors. Navigation upm them wu»-expo
•ed to imminent perils 'and riot unfroqucntly
attended with frightful fu*»o' life slid properly,
ftilb the aetiltment and growth of (he western
country, the* gprn these inland seas,
has rapidly increased. an.* its nlmtaled annual
I amount noU exceed* in value the entire bi|N)ru
'of the protlucts and minuf«cmr<i* of the llioite.)
Htatea to kil foreign enuntrte*. An interr-at of
thia magnitude, daily augmenting, in jvflieh *|i
many Stalk. and *o largo a p-*nr.*n ofjodr einf
xeos participated, naturally comuiand.-d ihr attrrj*
■” tion df Congress, and prop, rfprrccived it# f jstei
ing cak- “ * * *- Saojld-it ever becjnja
oecemry to'have ankval-forca upon tjsewe like*,
the numerous and comlaodious harbor* jtbua'prji
vidtd by the aiJ of Goyerument will contribute
to ita safety and suecsjwful operation*. | Beside*,
there an now the commercf of tbeae
lakea a great number td large weed end atoutjjy
i built steamer a, which wimld not have been placed
! there by individual ente'rptiH?, but for tb« tafeiy
| * and accommodation afforded t*y theao harbor#. In
i V; !
ete ofi public emergency, the** steamer* can be
eipediltpualy convened into teasel* of War. and
rendered subservient to military operation*. Nor
are the economy and - facility of transporting
troop*, monitions of war. and auppliet, to b* over*
lo iked in eatimating the poblic advantages of the
lake improvement*. Ii i* also said that oof be.t
seamen are those who have been trained in the
navigation of our lakes.”
Reason* like these avail nothing with the Pres
ident, nor his friends in Congress. The bills
passed are vetoed, or, what is worse, pocketed,
and undei the influence of the veto, ajid the at
tractive rewards of office from the Executive, the
judgment of Congress is perverted.and destroyed*
and the people made to suffer. The loss of lives
upon the lakes have not only been fearful, but the
loss In veasela and cargoes upoo the western lakes
and titers are probably not less than $2,700,000
per annum. Insurance is high in 'proportion aa
tho risks fare dangerous, and when it is known that
the los*in boats ha«e been for several years eight
perVenL upon the'value,-some estimate may be
"formed of the premiums necessarily paid.
The suggestions of our correspondent are wor>
tby ol all consideration, and e mectiog
will be called and delegates appointed to the Chi*
cagu Convention. Lei Mr. Polk learn, what he
du«>> mu seem to know, that the popular voice
is rp-ire [wtent than the one mao power of the
The RifcL Rose Melti.vo at Baltimore.—
Lettois in town represent the meeting of Situr*
day last as very spirited and unanimous in favor
of the* Pi.t«burgU connection. This is the voice
of the Merchants and Business men of Baltimore.
vVill ii prevail at the deciaiou soon to be made!
Wo have teen a letter descriptive of the pro
ceedings of (he meetiug ami it was all we
couM «ipli. We shall publish the proceedings
Tiny arc entirely consistent with the dis
j tioguidifd intelligence which has always chsi
: aclnrir-il the busmen* men of the Monumental
i city. We advert lo this unanimous call with
t plttyurr, as do our cilizetis with gratitude for this,
j it is to im hoped, timely interposition, in lending
. their aid to secure that intimate connection so
j long doired by the commercial interests of both,
i ciiie*.' Such an array of business names are call
. cd forth on lot few occasions, and it cannot be
ntbcrwj-r, than that the recommendation of tuch
a l»*Jy, wifi reedira that consideration from the
j Rail Corporations, both in Baltimore and
I this city, to which they will be entitled. Shall
we not then permit ourselves lo bopethebeit con*
i npqtirnccx, fsnd that this question which has so long
' iJiitslitcd thp public, min'd. will be brought to a
1 happy result. We Heel piuyuaded that the gen*
• l-mm here who have lhejuhj?ct in charge wi*i
lepfll nnju»l ovtrturr* with a-ciptious spirit,but on
. the Contrary with the fairest dlmposition aod-tinglc-
I ntsso, putp-- Be,meet uur Ualiiraore friends on a lib
j ersl an<i gem ra! b»sis,foi tLe adjustment of all pend*
ing difficulties, and the, removal of every obstacle.-
i We need edd no advice on the subject. Alj
; a*>er iii the iuifxtrtanec of constructing as many
Rail Road* to this point as our position can by
any means lommaml—and no part of our State
has a right i o complain of our efforts to that end.
The toluino’ of the present question is one of
! imj ortaned.—Shall we, by uniting with
our Inend
Baltimore, bare a direct and facile
route to !!>*• r city. and tbe seat of Government of
the I uiU'tl iuu*». under our ConuelUville char*
ter, or >hall we. for all time to come, divest our
selves ot thi t connexion and facility which the
pn’iposrd work offers. A few days will determine,
and, it is lo <e hoped,with srisjour.
The Copper Trade «nd Kali Roa«l.^
The bait) nore American finds a new argument
for c Kail K >aJ to Pittsburgh in the importance
«.? the i.'oppir trade with the Lakes. The Cleve
lati.l tirMlJ , t ins o'tr/itiosi tj bath the abundance
and the uccc» ability to the Cupper, and the Ameri
can ternary*,
“A railroad connection with Pittsburgh would
give ui access to this eourco of lucrative trade in
th:' Lake country. Pittsburgh hasher canal to
Erie; she will soon have her railway connection'
wi'O Clrvidiind. The ic>uh • ' Lake Superior
ar<- ju*t to hr < i Her fisheries
promise to lie an elhau.-... . u.. rvoit of wealth;
her mineril treasures ate immense. Look jp that
gigantic system of Mrditeranranseas wbiebroound
•>ur Northern frontier—-consider ibo active ener
gies of thtj population on their nearer border, the
tacilittr* oi" UarigatnQ, the prodoctiveness of the
adjacent regions, utiil judging by the rapid, yet
steady of prosperity which baa already
from lour (to five hundred steamers gud tessi l ol
burt'n n (■>( the business of traffic. let some tati
'man.* be tor nud of the faturo trade which is to
crowd itif cities and haibors of the great Lakes.
It u wph n our p>ner to share in this trade.—
By conm-cti >g with Pittsburgh we shall pieseut
to the trails of the Lakes the most Southern out
let on tbei Atlantic — an outlet which wili be open
f.r a c 'liridi'rable poilion of the more Northern
ports arc I c|o*ed and tbe more Northern routes
i>bi>lructcili.' , . ; "
In regard to ('upper we btfTCTOte-a lefokr dajjji
Cagle River, late in February tbs vein?
of Copperjuar, uf (be North American location are
very One. i New veins have been found and aotpe
of them (bn* feet wide.
' Sibley's! location* ii looking very fine, ail the
location riurjd Lake La Bebelle are first rate. I
have beard from tbs Oulenagon a number of times
this wintek'they are all doing Well, those that
are wot kink-'
Kali Bead Movements. '
h is proposed to build a road'bctween Salica
and Chicago. The estimated cost is 2 millions,“or
$20,000 per mile. It is thought that freight epn
brMransported over the length of this road for $2
per ton; wheit, C cents per bush-!; fl jar 20 cents
per bbl and passengers from $t to s2j_. A Hoad
can be built about as cheap from this point West
■ and with itaenmre -profit.
The Somajerxillc, N.J. Railroad, in operation
from Klizalletb, to Somerville, 26 miles is
soon to be elongated. It is proposed in extend
ihis.Huad/ Westward 363 mil*** to the Unaware'
riser at ijhiljipiblrg, opposite Caston, Pa., wiih
a braocblto U elvljere, 12 miles long. The cost of
the extent,>L exclusive of this Branch, is estima
ted it including equipments $l
- IHO. |
ie mtc-
lefit of
i public
:3t ap
r ng ihe
Virginia h|av prided fur the extension of the
|,oun lliilnisd lu {he Cistern base of tho Bine
"Ifi«lr* - . Ti.<- State has agrrejiu subscribe tbrep*
fifths of thr required, an! (he Board
uf lJiMv’.or* jare now engaged in railing the other
thrc« tiths by individual subscription*.
The Journal of3Ut ult contains
a lung afid inferring report from Mr. Merrill,
Pre*iJ*'i»C uf the Madison and Indionp]«lis Rail
road t-'oiqpany. up‘.‘U the cttndiUun of this impor
tas,t improvement. He supposes the entire »wk
will tie GtiuliiJ by the Ut of July next; and shoo’d
it be. hr nays the freights the current year will t>e
40,00(1 tuns, the in and ou! passengers 25,000, in
iium'wr, and (be aggregate receipts $125,000. And
in etivumr yetris he estimate* lbo earning at $ I CO,-
000 to $290.0ij0. The profile of the . work so far
he siite* at llj) per cent, and thinks the
prospect u ths( they will rather increase than di
minish. i
kr Noriov*.—-We stumbled on a curi*
Lrrday at the foot of Hay street, Alicgbr*
Jin th« shape uf a large flat Boat, Inadrd
me Si icjithr, Kikes, Hoes, die. On in
il foun 1 they belonged to a genttemsn
Kstowi, Mr. Isaac Brown. The cargo
Jl BOO 5 loz.sacatbs, 300 dox. hoes and 150
Is. all of excellent workmanship. We
I help thinking how much time Would
|i taken np a few years since by Farmers
ng crooked sticks, shaping and ; filling
their appropriate purpose. Here are
atb*. better than could easily bo made
and at a vast saving of time and' ex-j
W have eeen a Farmer work fur a day
nr, loosing time of ll)e greatest value in
o*ity yr*l
ny RjvcrJ
with ivy
quiry wo
from Jam
doz- Ra'il
could noj
.have bee
.u hunt
(hem for
9.600 am
by 1100'!,
“ o M r.
jamestkwn ii.lopatcd on the head waters of the
Allegbenir, in tbejatate of Now York and annual-
ly sends down • cooxiderable amount of auch ar
ticle*. Shine years ago we received boat loads of
machine made window sashee, buckets, dec-, but
it appears manufacturers nearer homo hart driven
them out uf this market. JWe believe the Patent :
Fence. lately introduced by Mr. Wilmirlh, comas
also from that quarter. It is really a carious
Fence and made wholly by machinery.
Prom ihe Am.m<-aa ot'Mond»>
In puraotDce of a call signed by a targfe num
ber-of Merchants and bu-inesi m-n of tbe city of
Baltimore, a pupiie meeLng, very numerously at
tended, was held in tbi rotunda of the Merchants’
Exchange on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The meeting was called to order by Chauacev*
Brooks. Esq,, on whose moJon Thomas Wilson’
Esq U was appointed President. 'j
The following gentlemen were then choaes Vice
Premdeny: Messrs. Robert Garrett, U. C. Sanders,
James George, and James Williams. The Secre
tariei jvere Messrs Robert A. Dobbin and P. H.
The object of the meeting having been slated
by the President in a brief and lucid manner—
Charles H. Pitts, Esq , addressed the meeting
in relation to the vubject on-winch it was conven
ed, and in a very impressive manner set forth tbe
idvantages to be derived from the construction of
a railroad between Ccmbeilsnd and the'city uf
Pittsburgh. He concluded by ilfering tbefoltow-
'tag resolution*
We give the important Resolution* and shall
publish the remainder tomorrow.
Resolved, That this meeting view with serious
and increasing alarm, the difficulties which sur
round the question of the extension of our rail
roa3 to the Ohio ritrer.
Resolved, That we earnestly desire a connec
tion by railroad with the city of Pittsburgh, and
that we are willing to submit to taxation and to
contribute individually to .secure that object.
Resolved, That in view of the great importance
of Pittsburgh as the bead of Western navigation,
as an opulent and rapidly growing city, with large
commercial and manufacturing resources, and a«
the p tint: of Attraction for a great system ofinler
nal improvement already completed and projected
we are called upon by every consideration of in
terest, as a bunnes* community, to extend [our
railroad jo that point; .arid that the urgency ol
such extension would not. le the less imperative
if we had at this time a.rdi!r<u-i terminu*
point farther South on the Ohio river. : |
Resolvril, That in tiewi of a railroad connec
tion with Pittsburgh, ihe first application of, our
mean* an.l effort* should be direcu-J to the com*
pletiou of- a road from ; Pittsburgh to Turkey
F.rot—leaving ihequeatiou of the route Uiw<en
the Utter, point andCumherUml a matter for fu
ture decision. I’
Reaolved. That a committee of five be appoint
ed by the President of this meeting, whose duty
it shall bo to jlraw up and present to the City
Council a memorial to signed by the citii-hs,
oip'esuic of the views ajl forth in the above*res
olotioi'sj and requrs ingjhe City Council to in*
City Directors in ihe Baltimore and Ohio Rail
r. aj Company to the necessary
to establish a speedy rai|road union between the
cities of Baltimore and Pittsburgh.
Resolvrd, That If our railroad should be extern
ded to a Wheeling terminus, and a subscription
from that city realized toltbefull extent of the cost
of the ‘C-lccgated road ailove referred to; the co*t
of working the svrae -wit}! >ut charge" would fall
on all the subscribers to the road in proportion to
their respective interests.
The resolution* having been read, the Ifon.
Wm. F. (files fkm:, and fn a e|>cerh replete with
fadts and arguments in support of the view*.stt
forth in the resolutions, urged their aJiption as
the means of accomplishing the great er I in view
—;he connection of ihe city of Baltimore with the
Ohio river.
Robert Wj lie, E*q.. then addressed in* meet
ing, an! in and forcible mam er alvo- ; NEW HOOKS.
the adoption uf the resolution* Mr Wylie'a : Practical Crammar ~f th- ;gi, .
plain and sensible rematks were well reec ved.and ; gunge. By Notiie Butler, A. M. I..>ui*>*iil*\ Kv.
at the conclusion of hia speech, the ri-wtutions | This is an excellent practical wmV. .inane d
haring been read a second time, were adopted I with great simplicity, and writ calculated t> no
wih great unanimity. j pari informa'nn 10 the student. The piling
The following gentlemen were appointed the ' exercises are admirably arranged, ml ;!).• wf.ik
c< mmittco under the fifth.resolution Cbauncev j well deserving the attention "t all -luJ.iit- .md
B ooks, James (ieorge, VVni. F. Giles Rol>ert school teachers.
Wylie and Wm. Reynolds. Esq*. | Parley* Primary Hinlanr.x. .\ >n.!i Amen, n
IIOSPITAITItIEETIXO. or tbc » nd -“W** roi » ,!r J • ', iv April b, 1547. s * F - < J -**i»»**- -Mwrt.m & (iu«w.dd, b-.,:.srV.
. An adjourned meeting of the contributors to the Pubbshrrs. t
pic ...... , We regaid S. (j. Goinlricb a* among our not.
rand lor establishing a Hospital in or near the city
, ..... , , ... , , lie benefactors. He ha** wreathed cbiUi.-h n.i^
ot J tttaburgh. met at the time and place appoint
, rn, .• • cence into a lhou*snd *wi<-i sin:!--.-. miJ u. t*ke
•J J tic meeting was organized bv Dr. H. D.
u ... , ' young heart happy. He bat add'd iul« liui m.r
ott.izSN taking the Chair, and John Harper act- • ,r '
. it, I to amiability,, and self-control to general ivi.*d.::c
ta| as Secretary. . J
.f.l , ~ . , . , »Ve commend the man and l.i» l-v k- t.. Ui
culling over the list of subscrit>crs to the '■
FinJ.jit was) ascertained that those present form# y‘"^ n C *' l h 3, l our
, . , ~ i Tom Hanson, the" Avenger, is lal - <>i tin* Bjc-I,
eu but;a minority, and were not capable of trans- 1 .
acting business binding on all; consequently their I W,XH * B ‘ Samuel \ oung J. M. (
act)- are subject to the consideration of a- future ! Who Bb.m our .* me Wm.-Tbr ••Ur^sn
I at is making fierce war upon J >hti
Thomas Bikewel!, E*q., submitted the follow- \c. Calhoun. Mr. Calhoun is charged ivi»h U:r
iog Report, which wa« accepted, anJ ibc rcqaeat j notr | <; f h,. m ,. an , r .i my.- I.> ih«- s. u’l- n. o! ..
of the Committee grunted: there nnatgnrd a* .burn; !i;t* atlborof iV \Va- •-
- It'port. —Thn Committee on tbe Location of | Speaking of tbo annexation ui Trxan. It. • ioi-r
the Hospital respectfully report—That m reply to | ..[|y hie management of that } e
the advertnement inserted ir. the newspapers, they ; , . ; .<
. . , _ . . * ■ 3 , coutnhuted m a uiittimJ tn’iiMu r t.< fj,r
have received oilers of more than twenty locations,! r . !
mttiy of them more desirable in point of aiie, po» I war > ** ■ p alr iotic administration i» n->tv «a
■ition, aod other .respects, hat that some ot the - King. anJ which he now assutius to denoting.
moat eligible are he’d at price* which the Com- j This is relieving Mr. Polk of a bad. rr.«|.nnM:.tii*
reittee would acarcely feel justified in recommend- I ...
iog under the pftSggt cbrijTmfofjhe. subscript i } ‘
tions to the -
Tty short that tia* elapsed since the qpfn*
porpetmiltcd Jhe (Com
mittee to make personal examifc'fctipn nPUie most
eligible of tbe proposed sites, which it is their
intention to do in a few days, and until that is
done, yuor Committee arc uoahlc to make a
definite report .
: With v ’a view to soch examinstipn, therefore,
abd in hope tbi 'some suitable lot may yet be
offered on more favorable terms than any now
before them, you Committee would request to Pittsbcruii (ittr-rrr: .
be allowed furthrr time to report. • - i-ti* ha* changed proprietor*
! *"•••«« * H.rr». 1..., dwp—d ~r ift, ..
gT w » D jj Gsaxsw V^ u,n - \ Iwhment to Kraslus Brooks, Kxj , formerly if
j Tijoxaa M. Hows. J I the* New" York Exprrs*, Washington ("orri-®.
■ Ou motion of the Hon. Wm. Wilkin*, it , pomlent of the Baltimore Aim-ncaji, ,Yc Air
i *b« | Brooke enjoys a high reputation ms a gentleman
M r,J. Tbit lb, rMololbw pa.«cJJ.l lb, , „„a a , „„ ..liter, ,nd r.n.gnr.. I,;, j„
laal meeting 6n the aubject of organization be • . , ,
reconsidered. : ! U,e lroH C,l >' Vl,il * , ' p
.Amendments offered by Messrs. Wilkins and ■ *' fral ‘ rni, >- il> tin m ..,u-m--nt
o . ~| , . , . I , . •he become* our l > rmtn : and we tiiitintn ilf the
were concurred in, and the rr.-fiiutiun '
same cordial uiuJ UL'i-it-abh! iutercuur>f Will, liim
adopted is follows:
it, »1 j" . .. . . I. I m this capacity, as iv<- Imre previuhslv enjoyed
i UfAohid, That rt is expedient at this lime to I !
di cjdc upon and adopt the terms and the articles I Wll 1 "" l ,rp< * J ‘^£ s,,r- ‘ \
,o a Cbarker of Incorporation. And in the mean- Harris coutniur.- m the tift ijilivjinifi.t u
tine theUociety |>e organized by (he adoption of
i tie namejof “The! Western Pennsylvania^l|n*pi-‘
| tal,’* and! by the {election of a President, a l*t
j Vice President.* Aid Vice President, and eighteen
• Hjiahagers, and ’that the President and Vicr Prr
: aldenta shall be ex ujfiein members of the Board.
I On motion of George W. Jackson, K>t[ , r
IRtnUrtd, That when this meeting adjourn, it
joornatri mfft again at this place, on [the even
J of Tueeday the 20lh intt., at 7 o'clock*
On million of I)t. G. (» Edtington, it was,
lirtulrfd. That a Committee of three heap*
inted to recommend to the tint meeting the
irnea ol suitable persons to form the Boar 1 of
I Messrs. John Irwin, Thomas M. Howe,
H|ol(tipu. Charles Knapp, jr., ami Wm. Eirhb: i
| were chosen that Committee.
|On motion of Wm. Ebbs, Esq , it was
\llrsufr<d, [That each ol tho tubt>cri!>erH to
Fund becnlilled Ho one in perron or by w
ten proxy, J'ach of the officer* to be elec'
and. that they lU invited to come to tbo meet
with f»allnrt/*-f with the offices and namrs of
persons to fill the tamo, written thereon, w ;
■hall be placed io the charge of the officer* of
'meeting, signed with the names of the voter*;
the persons fjaving a majority of votes for lh<
flees named, shall be declar'd duly eWted by
Cbairmah of the meeting.
' Adj’iu Tied to stated day.
I ; H. D. .SELLERS, Ch'm
Juris Hsarta, Sec’y.
I Twenty-two years bad a ctimi
ntl execution in Darmstadt- Recently, however
1 there has betjn one. A young man lias been guil*
1 lotined for the murder ol bis brother anil listers,
to obtain their money. He was, according to an
old custom, jxposed thrrrj days to public, prior
to hi* execution, chained than enormous cast iron
dog. <
Thk Bar [Dock.— Congress authorized a float
ing Dry Dock at I'eniarola, Kittcrey in Maine
ami Philadelphia, at the last session of Congress.
There are niany kinds of these docks, but- the
best is generally conceded to be the Sectional
Dock and such an one will doubtless be the choice
of the Government. !
- The members of, Dr. Mason's Church in Bleeck*
er street have subscribed $16,000. which is suf
ficient to pay their jJebl.* We are happy to know
(hat similar efforts have been made, or are io pro.
frets. inlotber churches, and that the feedeussi
eal affairs of the wily are improving in tneir pecu
niary ronditlon. -p*V. York Jour. Com.
rj&idcnet jtojr Ihc <
' r \ Cifl&.inu/i. Ap'i( 3/ 1" -l- .*/.
1 *eDt 'jfou enchased *>mrVfrv important new*
fratn Xt (c3/*.ciYjby vou' corrmpoaden at I.t>ui-j
mins i>rfe»t or '4,oo<> Meilentu!
.St. Lotru. Monday Ho-ning, /
. ;; March, 2U t
Dt*n Sia—W« hive this moment rremud
an Czproid from Santa Fo. The Mexican n.- 1
•umctiorists. nanhering men, tnvchedl'^ o ' * t!i"uciit came into his head,
down on Santa Fe, as was intimated by our l»>i ! * l, ‘ "• JVC ,I,m * ia d ku bread,
_,i.r _ -..t _ _ . , .. ~ ‘. . i Drink, drink, drink;
adeicts. I tier were met hv Lapl. Morn- s com- 1 it,, t m i., ~ ~ ~ , . , v ,
v ‘ n< '-‘*ll. . in* tirui ti (,ij Jyjju j*hy.
mand in ft? valley of the Mow, and TOTALLY To provide with, H. |Uor when he was dry,
DEFEVTED! A great number <d the ej.erhy ! h' : bared that without it he should die,
were kdkd and iv,lU'ided, ami tljrest tied pro.' Drink, drink, drink.
ci|,iUl,l,U Ibe mount.,ns. The action »« a! But o ... ol and 1,,.-. brote „ Jowl|i
m*»t brill Jilt one on the pa it of our men, and rj . 1 '» i h>- l-.mutv hive a i| , „ ni „ t [ Jt . ( l)wn>
llecU mu< h credit on their C'fciiiiesJ and counc!., ner iu -e the < *Ll man h:s reason would drown,
Tint n« v. ..fill- „f c;„ v . U '"‘ drink, drink, drink,
fully coni r,n0,1. Twenty B.e .dbrr Atticeo,;. j y..** ,„,,c,,_de.,i,.
fell at llte same lime. ilO, o r.iolioua j> elute your natural breath,
I have i a ton,' tor further .|iatticuljrr. a, id,. | w tth drink, drink, dtiuk;
steamer U tier t,I t. by which I send Ihi t, „,„ |a ,.j 11 ”'' h huttgty ut.d
mg to ahoVu out. Li ba-te, Yo'.n-. «V
The St Louis L'ninn, of the 2t»ih, announce*
tho arrnu of Major Dfip|.*, Indian A<<«n( fr-m
fm f’lt-mva belonging to the Fur Compijnv,
H the iu.ujlh .il the Toler or Utile Mu.oiin jr.v
Cf, I.VIU tilled UJI tlK' Missouri. Mnj >» U. !I* Il
Fort I‘ivrrr on Ihe 27ih of Fcbiuary, reached' tlu
Kantas ort the l‘d:h of March. Thu I„dmu- ii
the Upper Missouri wore nil ijuu-t. Major 1).
pissed numeM'h border Mrtil.umn'.- 1 .. and
jseni# ttll a* brine m a miserably destitute rot)'!t-
tioii. unable either to gel back to the Ol
proof.! on tiic j lurney to Un-cmi un.l f •«lif..juia
S.ifnc ol the able bodied rrien were returning or
to !j!»t during tne coming *|>rini; ami sun.
I Wr m» IL ! m hi< nil the uther day. He
Ij is coni an>J Hi.ill >\o |a- though hi ** « wrrcn.,l
' UUtn'xreJ. Ttu* Jay ttl tiu eii'Ctr i.,1» m liti ,| .Ml
the dOth of April—the preeent month. He nun.
• ifeSU no sorrow nor repentance Mo nji an
' Almanack from a newspaper, *»n»l ijrli morning
’ marks rdfa day. Ho per.!*!.; m proUy;i:u hu in
. I noceucc in the strongest term.-*.— Chr„mc!t.
! Il is difficult lo realize s s Die of mind so cu-d
< i and calculating with one *o mar Li:; end. •().;,
r | i.t/io month" and les*. will see K-mM Honeh
■ j cd Jr.-m lime lo eternity. ami vet »v.* find I,j m
: caliiily taking note t»f tune. both' t.v -it; In-. ami
i its progress. It is melanrholv lo m-«? a cruni’ -il
iI ' ’
I • djruiif man, thus braving deaih to the etui. nod
l , each day delihctatek marking . tr the Lour- as'
i they pa*9—showing neither snimev for bo emi.p.
porterror tur bis punishment, noi svinpathr ho
whom be has wronged, nor rejieniame o,r
that greatest of all rii-Q,-«, the murder ;.f urn- vL ..fp
! he liaJ swurn to lose, to protect and to rhui-hru
4-lb* apple of his rj e. hardihood m j.. me
f | mar) is beyond k-ur couiptehemnoii Lnd tve pray
j that from the band <>f Mercy: mnv drjip a rfal •
tire u|k>n the heart of this wtetchod mini tii ti -d|
[ bring repentance ere it is (.».> |*te
*T . , , i tnd tin- i'iil-'ni: r nji.\n»r- tlwnuijb which he had
(.pum Ifuint. >.f the Indiana uL ,„ |llt! .| ical :„ rt . Ar .
•r.J tillf.l wilk Col. H.idiu, at Ikul'nii . i-,- u.c AlnUr UmmfeJ Uui
a Polo lif hiili), and wa< with .No|*W*«i in *.«:,«•; *i> -•' < «>* n Midi :«-nt lorrv at lh<* itH(i->»al o!‘the
of hi* campaign*. and was al.o duili e | a,lt - l ' : - : ‘ ,r l * l '’ ' ,l " r “f traveller*. Mr.
revolt of Poland in 18;M, after which he come n; U J * lu . r ’ l*? 1 * l ' ,n ” he
Ujv. lie.l that \» IV. hr would take care“lo h»ro
lhu> country. He ta mire known n{ r, f „.,u r t Inms.if. He h likely
this country a* a lecturer upon Nap'dion and l' e ‘ j u ' now m.i make hi» pnuniM- more than g<v>d.
war*. j * *
_ . ! T»«r I*' U. mu— I*
| ,'< * I*i*» a■« ii Dt »i h [ t»«* nu'itbcr of deaf
-Tl..- 1.i., * :i! l.y an Eilin-
Our i'm „ ij. : iti»i ".vim •*' l-vi.MOO—‘ti t > ron»titu tr
*' a «uu- v..l ' !m,u_‘ n i'\.>i<v in mjvering iny
wh. r!':*• I'rijnjMim ui .I.Mt iualea i« is
Hit- tuJiiuiHT'.'iul editor. . NT r. While ri-lif-.' f.-im
the hamiAiini; iiml re>-|i'>ii-il>!e <•! tin- • ,i
-itundiip. which In- lux *<o spiritedly ami • flieji.,!
ly discharged for the lust few tears. •
It ia due'to Mr While to wiy, in j> -,rt iji w nji
him, that on &l! our lium’iivm iutenwju'rM*, wi: o|.
ha* been Jung und intimate, we have evi-r fm rUi
Inin upright ami honorable; am! he hni ,ji.-
hijjhest esteem a* ;t friend, a gentleman, 1,
Christian Our hearty good wn-lie* gu with
Imn — Christian AJv icite.
A uukrai. ofh.ii i' l |iSa S .miiu..- \ .iiij
lime sincr a S >inb.T:» gen'lrni in, l*i iiiinM < <3j/i
raiim ami Iwt* Intr'cvM one the pulii.i. >ti hu
i t llie Trac ! lm>l Feu Llemi:-!, ote* li
t!ji? meaty that he would -U|J,"nt r.jl
porteur* il th-y could find mi«•»’■!•* j>- .v..i
1.-ng before that numb- f of ColpoiU m *, u'. ilifT-n -;.l
lime* a»ij wiibin a few ilav* of imcli* **lh r. 1.. i ,
been engaged l>y the « >ci* tv. though t>» ti:-
wem appropriated lor lljetr auppirt. 'Fitxvre
iaho« epprived tn« ceiitii’inan of l!u< f.i (, ana ii.
kindly engaged to nupport them for vo-im, u!
ajTOkl of twelve thousand il'llals—.V, V. Fu/«
and ; ■=
('*rr*is Knm's Tiin»i'ui; i*tin M> !—A !<•:•
t.-r 4*l Sutyrd jy fr i n Mr. J. Bradley at Cjldarn' ’*
Landing’on tv North Uiv:-r. mi l >ui: sin: ’ n*
tong continued search wild tlm Diving Dull nan
renewed last week about 10I» yard* M>uth of lie
coder Jam, and that in the c, ut»c of two day a
cop and 14 bars of silver, and a bot contain: 14
antique jpwcl-, ret with diamonds mid other jj r
rinua stones were fi*h*nl up from the wav.: .1
Kidd’e vesssel. The whole valued at over i,.
The above looks very much like a first of A|
Tm. I’tstiiTLTAM* Tli.ecih.ii-h given,not
of a cheap campaign paper, to Ik: published fr
May I to the second Tuesday of Octol.-cr, at f
low price of fifty cent* in advance. The ti
wilt soon come when politicians will pul ont
.harness, and those who would be well aimed,v
find a quiver full of arrowsMn iho Telegraph*’
v Routaeau’s advice to the Poles was—"!f you |
cannot prevent y'our neighbors from swallowing!
you. manage at least ibfct they may not digest j
We are fast swallowing Mexico, hut the diges j 1" —'
.lion m think nill b« mor» difficult. We iiope J, rju . , ' f " 1
, . .. i'residency,
however, with the poet, that -good digestion uny I tR(I w ' # j
wait on appetite.” t . and men ur
the i'AiuuUZ'i* oiv man. •;
1 ho ok! Oca in !i;f uiJ arm chair.
Drink. drink, drink:
The tire wan dull. and. tb.‘ bight wu* drear,
j • Dunk, drink, drink;
, Hiit I.i'UCT w.v iiW, bis cattle were pom.
T: •• itl:r.'. .»it J.'.vn 11,, t>sMl t.lll JcK.r.
i Hut the/c he sat on the, rickety door,
U'fnk. drink, dims.
He l.n.i *.»' in hi* rhur frnr. room till night,
j . lirink, driuk, Jrink;
j f.i.i ! Le j*;.‘-enlecj a most horrible sight.
: Drink. drink, drink;
! Htr 111 -.rev wa* gene, hi« liquor run low,
1 Ar.J wrist he should ilo he did not know,
Hunk, drink, drink.
An t « <u!d !>•’ i ir when you are old,
I- 1 *l>*.l on' \ nor *ilv. r, shell out your gold,
For dunk, drink, drmk.
\ •>:. f.iN.Mi.% >.e M »s-, uiil ,'t na—There
i* i qutt-i, l -v«-ry Mll.itjc. hi the heart of one.of ihe
l.nftri rural iris hi .\«w England, whither
w-,- »}, ill it i • 'r> i.-uuius «»i ihc youthful sol-
Ji'-r h >rne lor scfulturr. —ami where, amongmany
ol hu honored naiß.\ ih--y n.u»t red till tiraeehall
b.' It., u.-.r., ].. delightful apotj the home
ftl im chilithtwl. the Irenaims] theme of all hia
tfd (li-'HUM:. the onlre of nli -that could -maio
yuiur,' to him. ami to which', with all
it"* {'mru-ie.i trea'tire*, »• f mother, lathery wife, aia
u*r. Urulin'r, hi-t r t dietnotf' was given,— to that
i!» lipiittul s|. >l, we *,»y, tlie new* of this victory,
nrrr .linch the IjiiJ i» noisily rejoicing, has come
hkt t*i. t.Milul ivjil -that «■; heard m Kama
iUcti miii wee|>inp, K irhel 'mourning ter
r ri.iUrcr.. :*r.<! n hfnng to he comforted, bo
tln-v rtff-' li'i: " The deccant-d was the
Ui-r 1 - m «'i il "ii !.<■*: Ltne-dn, «f Worcester,
M • s.ichu* it-, g >!m Chief Magistrate of
i’i.i' -S ate.—and .i!l 1 war-1* the Keprei-entative, in
‘ ’•’i df I'ofipre#ji, fiom hi «*.
i.iin.' tli< ri- i. .1 :ii n.irn.- el hiiicoiu is i»ne that
li;i- <'->1:1 n.e early il >w mir national. and even
rnl.itiiil l»vn hti-loncul, and connected
w- ii u. h i1... f has nuJe urn annals illustrious.
M t i!,: wo I tm-til the l«i*x of one of the
in > ' [ir -rai-irit: ut the -t i -n‘ of an honored faintly.
’*'■ Miit.'.iUila'.e the "Utuvon- that (heir
:i■ j< 1.• ;ilf 1«• 1! to them -o rirh an addition to the
■ t-' : ~v ’’ t- - 1 1 idoojtcJ iheir name.—,Y.
Al)’m i 11 i *up «m.-j ri.i *i c\.— lu iho sjje
" f \ .ili iAnitm t ln*. »•.*»iv«*iif* in t'hnsflsntty inili*
ivr-Vf ;> »*•.»j>* •• <r m-i-t. d tl Vof the Dill Idle cla*
Tin- at-nt-uluirnl population
►uii Miil-.i m i| t-. it:•• nml ><tjition.t of
T1..,r .r. »;.li s-’rli < ma, - 1 • y. t*ial the word
"!*■'- n * lr! ,|,rv nurmit* tl».» inhabitant*
..I t ill- Tr>--, 1,- : .inr i» emu lie nanu* lor
I:i ihr ratiL.*. ilie
1. .iri-M.1,,* i*.fr riii'il j !..un I nuinni; tin* nlficcrii
I l '..- nu. ri nt rh»‘ imperial court,
a,.’ in pm tu,<-.jr,mrtrd with the
i 1 ••'..l ih' » rli'wa'mn cither In
• '»» Mnpa rul l-jvor. The
. i.i I-... 1-. oil . ;.ll ;, .j t, ifa.-p thm
!,.• i! n »t .in-1 |,i.!,.|ii,t (hi- an
-..til. - - they 10v.,,1 |„
—J'cJ'.it. >] i i }i..lythcii.m. which
<> .(»•• ill >M. •; ) e lii-riiiij tu.l.nro of the
iji-f-u' u « Mtiit. Kut jM-rid* *'»»‘niilc-man l ” or
• r.’’i tc. - ti - •• ’“i'.l imlill- rctilly for a
! i '»ix n».nitirr<, and for
■ii »<i • !*• •••'i"• i ’ i’-i* ■»* * 'lin-rfianiiv.— 7Vrv
i ■■■ r.;, - ■ ' V
H.v:m Umikui-.-Mk iJti**.
* '*•* "* il-i'inir/l;, jjr.jj.ur
ritij -ili' .u-,] a- tin: 1 • •».:n>n»ma
l| i \i* t .nr .r it 1 ; ihon’
- ik-i Ji
i! ' I.IT tIUKI
l'«- ul her
a i-! U-- 1 i ••• i au-.'i; ,\ >nj t >
■< M ‘ LU- l.fiH ~{ hr^h.
• xij! t'i-' \* ■ i't -JTd )-r>unds,
-• k' r iJT'-iiil j- ixi
*» ■ H. i ...•«!■!» i, --ar, .! t., *>o,l.
i: • ' > .«»* nl agr.—.
on hi. jour
1> l t -y t|ji> \my
-•a i ■' ionl frtnn the
sus »top(iri[ by
.1 'l < {:■-•> n of thrir
I • i'-< ".c !*. •• <’■>!.. l.n r.'^r.-Ufil
i”v i 11.- :- n<-r t w ai.J' tnrinorsm’a ot
tij i, i'hlua
ri] r-.vhl!i-ili
i’ll. • ih-)>r.ip irii hi m ."'»witi»«rlanij must
m'Tlif '.!iv«ral J i ’uliariiic’j of the
i ; i. ,i »i:!i i>i*-at Nit )> e r|jrm small
I ’:i* f <l vi.’w* M life [i.’iH'lralr mixt.
t i :!.(• i.i.-.iii--! nrvrd'inri.i. !>o far from
;|. 1 |iHi;iirh(ict! In (nitty
•ivciily lii'iinr'up r* of>odeJ?Tfh
wrll Mi.’ daily t ills, and Iran-
*;•>' ; v I l '-' 1 ;nn;n'i ii i.'iik ill our condition.—
1 I'.Veil I>l 1 it 1 ’ f.;|lnri> the npcflt knowledge
i- 1 i • • • > j ' ilrtii I : i inttrucl tin? complete
• '■> 1 - T'i i' r !(■•••: ol •.trial life
;• ... ! .s.J i|».- panicle* of
i • i.'ii-•-* ;-i* us >d hiflruliy organised.
.'<! ::i. l * <«t. »* heart. Murtinruti’i
< " . o/ic/i Life.
-ftTl I t. » Ml IiUM I'l IloT-HoiXCA.
•iV Farmer ejyn : ••An invention
;i (Vi t!*ai i- .briiined. w.'lhink,
i < u r-•! .. likh in th** con
■■ . • ■ .!_>• I* .nU. !r.ll hou<iM. Thf
• i. r ui.-. ~rl .ns inn; lijiil i qua I to
it-' mr/.u'i'l |.l i'i!i iiryi«r bum tin*
■ ‘Mil K ' flujUPlit-
.i.jsiv l.wv Si itv —Dining ihe
•i| .1 in v■< .V * Vofk Huuse oi
*’j- 1 >i : sv. .r.-itig li*n organiza-
r-itK-fituttoti, ooe
vt' .1 there
rr.ijlv t'.vr ( tiial !a»X
1' ui*. ..J iUK* ry , that probably
•|; >••1:1. • !«c j i<--i , tiTtn : ami
In- f.iur tKi.'ifuul cutiaa
•r I: iv.i. ulrfi mJ Uial
t Jij '• < " th-n*>tn:i ta two thou
ill ri'li-il in tlu* Supreme
t.’!i i übiuiid dialat Piria on
•t Fi-bruarv. jI tbr , ThcJuut*
•:• H-. >ut - ..I b: r. • cinbwi'tl with nn tlu
ll ill n lively arnl apiritnl character, *be
■; i'fii i-l-ib- brilliant h.iiiriy by which
• ;:ijr •untie ! Hie noble ami Chrifttan
• j ; <- r lib* wrr • t!i\iib*J between ndmi
li jr j-it: htifbau.l. of whom ►ho
i a jtl wtjiiliv. iinl tint worktf of an uni*
:ri V."
!>ih»lt n i l.. —A Hungarian cheomt
jtl u.r iruthml at producing hi nt with
in places in contact two iron plates
r-rySinJur. highly politiheJ, turning on
ho end of a lover, with a h&Jance
p other end, to kenp the plates in con*
y moms of a very simple uparatus ind
ion. a glowing icil heat may ho pro-i
1 minute*. and maintained with case.-'
nn mr* nl
weigh; ai •!
iso, when
ihiaul in li<
is r*—n gyoit prospect —a beautiful
•t. siys the L'mteJ Stales Gmtte, a
p* ct, u pood prospect, indeed, of the
from (ho plains consecrated hy the
and the blood and life of the officer*
it the command of Gen. Taylor.
He ported for Use Plltabareh Gazette.
the election which took-pUce in Ccn
nectieot, on Monday, wu received t,y a u-legn
phic despatch to thia office, yettetday evening
In the Hartford District, we have'.a gain <>f ii e
members (o iho House of Repres, uiaiives, and
the Senate is the same'as last year. We bate
elected a Whig member ol Congress from the
N e * Haven District, —another from-tbe Hartford
District, and a third from the third District. The
New London District is donblfal. .
The indications are, that Messrs, Smith; Dixon
and Hubbard, all good, are re-elected, and
we think Mr. Rockwell will also be reflected.—
If so, the delegation will be all Whig.
We are further informed that the Whig* car
ried New Haven county by the noble m-jorily
of one thousand. The prospect is, that the
Whigs hate secured|the whole State.
LinttTxixG AoirssT Liout.vino.— The tele
graph was out of order last night after" eight o’-
clocK*beyond Cbambersburgh, in consequence of
the storm.
April 6tb, 4 o’clock, F. M.
The reccipts-of Flour aro very light.- The
North River is not yet open to Albany, and con
sequently wc have nothing yet from that-quarter.
Sales this morning 1000 to 1500 bids'Genes
see at $7,50 per bbl, since which sellers 'ha**
generally withdrawn their stocks. Buyers off r
that figure (reeiy.
Sales 2000 bbla Cornmeal a154,75j4 8H per
Of .Red Wheat a sale 1500 bu for miffing, at
140 c per bu.
Com continues in very active demand, and
sales to day of prime Wbitc at 91 a9oc, and- Yel
low of similar quality at OOalOOc per bu.
There is a belter demand for Provisions at for
mer prices.
Groceries are nnchanged in price or demand.
Tun Mississippi is very high and tbo boats
running on it have a great deal of difficulty in
getting wood. They have to send out and take
what they can from tho high grounds along thfc
river. Kven between this and Cincinnati it is
scarce, and good wood is difficult to get. .Coal is
plenty, however. Boats duo at Cincinnati three
days, when the New England left, had not jam*-
ed. i
Winns."—A good many Mexican
Whigs, more, we believe, than American Loco
Focoa, have died* upon bloody battle fields 'id
Mexico. There is the son of our Harry of the-
Wot, his relative apd friend, John J. Hardin, of
Illinois, and the ron of Ex-Governor Lincoln of
Massachusetts, All these died in the last fierce
battle, arid scores with them, and multitudes be
fore. and yet the Whigs are called “the Mexican
. Tin. wind blew a gale yesterday. No damage
was done except the ruin and loss »f sundry hats,
Tikk toust time Miss Ltrcr.—We received
Indiana papers, yesterday, of March 5, and Illinois
papers of February 16!
Tlir Proprietor of the Pittsburgh tiaxette has
purchased the interest of Meters. White & Harris,
in the (iixelle Job Printing establishment. Mr
Panic ia will. as hitherto, superintend the oiiiec,
ami all orders lor bonks or Job Printing of any
kind, "ill be executed with promptness, auri upon
eali.lartory tcruit.
I! y't'orxsumpllrTn n a diseakc Dial is burying its
v.i-'i i“ by' thousands to the lomh. without having n*
progf*.* .u retarded by the medicines hi common
u-.- I■ ut a I righter d.iv>i* coming, nay. lias already
cornr. hen this dreadful disease can he successfully
.r,*»,i- i|. R.ic-r.’ nri-,'H'il.un ol I..vci*oi| mol
I- not ni.’, rei-el'pi all ca-r. ol Cold. mod
''•men, As- . immediately, butfromthe testimony of gen
i .-inrii i»i die highest standing. i« making some very
r- martable runs of C<m*um|>lion Improve merit in the
trriiunent ui disease n onward, nnd nothing can arrest
•i» *p<r:t hi tin* progressive age; m avidruer of which
wc rivite the attention wf our cinzens to the rernfirair
ot Dr Cox. late Professor in the Cincinnati Eclectic
Oil -ije, a ;,,5. |, we i.ol.iish in. a»niher column.
ire.>rd.nary Cure-m Sviolau per formed by Dr. CuUtn't
YrgttnbU Panacea, wli-cb they will find record
••d .ii-nnoitier column of 10-day'- paper They are
w i .n-ii dojiit the rc)o*l womleriul on record. and have
mi i ron pronounced <>y in-sny of om mo-t respectable
jkiy •.c;tn» Tin* atflicted and mliom miercsird. are rc-
Cr<..Tlh i>f
in visit them 3l their »rverul placrs v( abode,
»:>J .earn iio*ii their own bp* ihe wonderful ederi» oi
medicine The first our named is Mr Isnuc iitooks.
wti.< may :u -era daily. between the hour* ol 0 A. M
i»! 1 l‘ M uißreoi Rostand* V. mum. No :C6
'U-lrt ... \ „o«;
Fourth *l. nearly, ih*- Haul of I'.tttburch-
CFKRKNr .MONEY r.r.vr.l ..n [>c|»«.i^-S IB hi
fdierks ior'sale. ntwl coHoci.ons mail.* ou nparly all
ihc pi,nopal point* .n inp l.'nupil Snip.
Tiie Inghe.tpmnnim paid (nr Foreign nud Amerieau
0..;.r r
Ailva:n‘c* marie on consignment* ol Produce, shipped
K.i*uon t.l.rral tens*. nschlS
§5,00. BOOTS .5,00.
TDK yubsrnbcr respectfully unmi<
he commenced tie
ForAienaWs Boa ti, of Rood material and workmanship
whi.-li be will wnmuil superior touny Boot ever made
in l’iiit*buigh for the price. These handsome Hoot
will he made to measure, and warrant- them as repre
scnn .l, at the very low price of FIVE DOLLARS
CASK • t'emli-meii are requested to enll and exam
ne them. . WJJ ERSKISEi •
u.r.l Salter's <J.n««-njf Panacea and I also know several
of my acquaintance who have used it, and they speak
very Inaiily or -i ! cer.iiniy have no bridaim'i in ire
oianirndnig ;t a* a valuable inrdicitie fur cough*, colds
a. m Patrick
Iron City Itoi.-I. Oth street, Putshnrgh
Read the following from Hs«) Grny, Allrghrnjr City;
••Solier's Gni»eng Pimaera i. the Lett luedicine that
ever I tor n (tough or Cold.
En*t Comtnnn, Allegheny City
F«»» •••’.• nt S lUrretiV sih »t. opposite Iron City Ho
el, .I;.ir.lulling Aacni lor Pittsburgh and vicinity, and
by l'ruxgi«l. generallv- See ailreniM-ment d'Al
91 AltlllED.
Od3oili ult, by Her. S Wakefield, Uar
tha ilowntuD 1o Ur Kobt Olirer—all of tliiucity.
On letmsl, by Ht-v. W D Lemou, .Ur Uobcrt
UeKldnwuy to .l/is* //eater UcForlund—all of
tins city.
On tin- yfitli insl, by Hev. T. Witulanley, Ur.
Theodore Webb to U.mi Uury C. Ward—both of
i-clumhiana Cu.
Ou the l£lli ult, by Her. J U Bray, Ur Levi
l> Tnvlor lo .Vi.w hr»m Cullalmir—all* of Co-.
lutnbiauH (*o. Ohio.
PICKS--A bag* PiHH-ni.), jn l.ugs Pepppi.
kj l.i krgt tiro (i.iiger. .’’.kpcstiro P.iiienio, _
in l»x« ilu lVpp.-r. tibi* do Clove*, ?
t>bx« dn (hnn.imjii; A I.a« do Ginger.
|n can* do Mu..aid, I hti! Nutmeg*.
I I.M Clove.. -JOO mats Cnssi:..
In »:<>ro and fur.alr ... TNG LI SI I A HKNNKTf
•1-5 - wood street
l* C Pi Dlt I KS—I j ch«. ■ Pepper Sauce;
O in pus.-. Tomr.n> Cutsups. i casts SaludOil;
to r.i.i- S'xdmr»;
.) cutes Gerkin* ut gallon and half gallon Jnr»;
In store anti for sale. ENi.I.ISMA HKNNKTT
33 la< Oranges. 6 lixt Lemons; in store Bud fur
up? _ ;)? wood st-ect
,;mi, u ,|i SHINGLES for sale low to close a cm
iUWjUull signinent. ENGLISH A BKNNKPT
«P 37 wood street
LOGWOOD- 131.t.l* Chipped, m Store unci for sale
ap? 3T woo l street
MACKKHEIs— IS titils No 3 Mackerel lor *jilc
np? 37 wood street i
U SUITING—n bbl* Spanish AVhiltnr for sale by •
up? ENG USHJk BENNETT, u? woo.l *f
WHITE CUAL.K-3 bbls tor sale tow by
up7_ ENGLISH A BENNCTT.37 wooti at
«i -J cu*ks Carolina Hoes, assorted nui;
V do Saucepaus, do dot
Pr.r tale by ap7 JOHN WALKER, f 5 wotal tl
6i r., Ji;i|>vr*
Lard and feathers-. 3 bbi« no i T.arJ;
' 17 tacks Keaihers, landing from sttgmei Paeihc
.mil for sate by ' iSAIAiI DICKEY ACo
‘•l’* water and frnin si*
GREEN APPLES-s bbls Apples for sale low
up 7 as Front street
I OUISVIIsIaK Xslfilß-8 bbls Lime for sale bv
Up? 35 Pront_*tre«_
LINIMENT— SO cioss Allen’s Nerve-and Bone
Liniment, jutt recti and for-salept iheiDrugAvarc*.
ap7 “rbr t»t *nd won'* »»«
BACON—30,00 b tlnm*. Snlesaim euuuioenrctciv
lug from Smokehobte and for sa’e by ’
ap* J JORDAN A SON. IPLibertr *t
k f OLASSEB—3J bbls 8. 11. for saleiowbr
ivl ap? J JORDAN fc SON, 18 Liberty it
LARD— U kerf londtnc from »tmr Michigan, for tile
by ap? 1 DALZELL. V* water *t
| r»e* ofißookrhavc now attained s jopalamy ucX
| p irallelicd m the brttory of American Seboel Books.—
I me t-Xprr»*.oa-©f many teacher* who have ibor*
ou f*uy a«eo them,that they can learn theit pupils a*
rnueb m one quarter m the u»eof these book*, a* they-
I c * tt ,n double ;he time hy h- ib: any «:hci sene*. apd. ;
mere i* i>,Jd;iulii that me orti.-ugiaph? of our biiguacc
I leHf man one hull' of the tune from
I ' * • s, jwSpellerihar|from‘"itvothCTenant t
i Ine superior eirrlleiie- and popularity of these
| ’Ooksmai be inferred from the tact thin tlrev have Ifcen
i adopted fnrthe u-eji: all the Public School*
, the foj|ow,„ s H-uinng other mipornuii cities mud
| towns. v,ii N Wk lsrouk:y n. Philadelphia and Baiti
mcre. U ilmmaum. Dei.. 1-anraMer and Reading. Pa.
lira and Hujfaln. and bv 1 -onie -gj or :U) Countv t>n
vernion. :n tbr Mate or Xew. Yoik; by Ike New
~«r.* r ' 1 01 Icacbers art.l friends of educa
rx ,n me Men among the best teachers and
mo t iiuiwriunt kiard. oi education The parbeuiar l in andcriticui examination of this seriesoflKKiks
*®. 1,11 '“scher- and board- uf education, who
bi 1 .. , rj*.”,” "f tt-l ikb| ih,
paying half jtie rein-! pr re eo-h ’ “ <}
... From ihe New. York <i.w. 0 f *•>(, l 3 ,c,-,|
e jr«‘ glad io find Mr. Cobb s„'; enrnged m prepn
rme new books, lor me »,r of schools and tbf the oenrfit
o: the rising generation Mr C.\ new Unai
nnd Ins valuable series of rending and other bewk*,
have j>i«i v g-unrd lor him a reputation that will be
more ■•ndu’-ing than uranumenis of m trble or siaiues of
brass Wc Ihm.k be h-i» done mire ui correct the dt—
crepancie* ol ihe language, lin d toward- elucnja*,,,-
and systematizing tie elements of our vernacular lar
guxgr than any oilier auilior exmnt in this enuiilry ’’
For sal.- wholesale ar.d reinu by J H .MKLI.OR
.. ®nl N"njJ wood street
tllusirared Hora—No 1-’; " 1
Animated Natufe—No d.
(•corge, or the Planter of the l»le ot Frknce—a tale
of the* land and sch: by AtexstiHer Dumisj
Tli<- Devil’s Wedding King, or the Advjetiiures of a
Watchmaker, by A Dumas. I
The King’s Migtiwuy: by fi P R J..m,fes.,
Cast'e of Khren-trm; do, 'I
Dombey A S in—No d
Tiie Yiol.n wi'thou^^master —frr-ti supply
Fi-rnch Span *b and (#>jAD«n « ithnu! a master.
Fri**{i •I'S’f'iutnt nf I>r imaii/eil Pmy», »monj{ which
«f William Trll. Itotm-o and Juliet. Charles Hie XII.
and Day *(W the Wedding.
A «upcrior aricJeof Ti»*u: Paper a««nried rr»!or».
For»ulc at __ .M A MINER’S
Smitbfielil «. 3d doorfrom Second
WASTED SOON—Places in wurcbouie* retail
and wholr»n|e Korea, on 'tcaribonts, or «r in-? use
ml em[>lovnicmiii ourciiif*. Uiivns, or country around,
itus-vera! rckhJ irool<-ker?>:-r«. salesmen, merits ware
hou»Hnm, sib<iulrn4>irr«. mrrhaniral. I'niniinr and
lal-nrinc mm . . - ‘
AUo. lot a number «f boy* of tltti'erem ngr*. . Alto,
lor :> number of colo/rd mm nnd wnmra, bort Add
S" 1 ?- ■). •■•vrral irooki. houiekeeneit
and girl* tor all work
All km.U ol A?' iic;c< ui'rndcd t'f-pr.MnpUy ti.r mod
eraic charge* at l>'\ AC. HAllKlS’d
' * J-*nrrr I Agency ami tii:el|>Krn<-e Office
■l'< - Fifth -I. near Kicliitngc llank
FOR. SALE—A valuable Property o>i ti;ar
lih Mre'ct, comtr-'HiR of 0 t.vo »u»ry Houre.
( wiih finished garni mi l good cellar. Tbcwlmie j«well
arranged for comfuit and convenience. I‘ l mode*
raie and ierm*e:ny. - .
,S« ft' A e -m .
NoSC» Sini'lilsrld
POII -^ALB*—A good two »iory Hriek Home in ihr
I **ih Ward, well arrnnerd for a mini! family. Prfee
SW*< s CirrHUKUr.f^ncrflt-Agem
No SO: i ftmklield%tr¥< > f
'Wholesale Shirt Warehouse*
OJi N'OVES A CO, No 00 William street, up
. nair*. New York, manufacturer* nml denier* in
every variety of l.mrn. Muslin Fancy tml. Common
Sinn*. ll«‘oin* Collar*, Ac arc offered for *ale
at extremely low pure* fnreath.
Mercbanis,nnd dealer* are rciiuettcd lo cull apd ex
»m;ne (mri'.flckoi Shirt*. winch it the nioM.cxieittivc
m Hie C.iy. embracing every variety nnil pattern.
Our good* are manufactured of Hie very l.e«t materi
al*. hi n »openor manner, and warranted in every par
UZ7"EK-aJe - r* who wi»h a good nrtirle' and onnhry cun.
recommend to their customer* m every rerpret.'vvili do
well to rail and examine our storlrof Good* before
purchasing elsewhere. npOtHt
Hardware Store Removed.
Vxnnr.MOKKi. WOLI F having removed the
Vf corner of Liberty and St I’lair Mreel*. to No 30
Wood street, tiircc door* almve St Cimrle* I loir I, would
rriiiectfully ask tbr attrntiun oi buyer* to their mock
per,«hips Snronak MonorgiheJa an<l Ku«*h>. direct
from the munaiudurrM of England and (Jrrmariv.
A l*o. *upnlie* of Airier.van Hardware, from the prin
cipal manufacturer. of the Eastern State*.
Their nock being entirely new. and purchased upon
the nest term, they teel great conlidrnce in bring aide
*uc.-e»«fully in turn competition fr<.m..any iiuarter,
whether ea»t or writ
Tnr Hardware bu*in»--. yill be continued .at the old
‘land. aprt
NY— Nut. rr :« he retry given that H.c *Jd utMalmcnt
of Dollar* pel -hare no tor Capital Mock of the
fonipany wdl b* rcpi-reii to l-c prml on ur befure the
UtUnli day of May. ai the oflice.
[ty ordrr of the BoanHrf Mannc-r*.
fprtdimnyl * _ SV MERRICK. President
Dll. WOOD'S Sarsaparilla and Wild
Cherry Bitters, fur the cure of tile following
di*FTr»e». Jaundice, I.ivrr Complaint, all D'lliousCoin
plaint*, *:rk ilendnche, Hc.ii.t Hum. Indigestion, habit
ual CostiVene-*. Pile*, Palpitation* of the Heart, Lot*
of Appetite. Dy*pcp»ta; Nervous Irritation*. Debilitated
Stomuch. Languor. Deprc**;on of Spirit*, Chronic Hhcu~
msti-m, Cu'iuieou* Oi»ra'e«. Cunkt r. Syphiloid l)i*en
-<■» M-rotuhi ItnpuritTie of the Jl cod, Pinple* and
I’u- tun** on'.he Fucrr, hereditary jjumor*. Cold Mite*,
and all d,*eu-e« arising from un injuutciou* use ot Mer
The attention of ibe inval.d public, ami of all (bote
alflcW try any of Ibe above dt*ea*-e«, ir re*pectfully
'cal ipd 10 ihc merit* of a new and invaluable-prewar*'
lion from an original recipe of • di*tiii?in»heJ pbyncian,
conitnnnn in it«c!f the im»«i ntirve'remedial properties
01 two ot itir vert first articles in Ibe Materia Medics.
Tin* and Wild were in
tro'i. ito llie public twelve monlb* ago. and
ilurniq ih«i p«i >od their »-icrt?*a Ji-l- «o (rriil n* 10
induce ibe prepnonr leoiTer them with mJI mine confi
dence. .n Ibe lull belief lhat by entering m'o more ex
leiinve ure. they wilt prove n ble.-mnc to all tboie
suffering from ihe disease* above emimei&ted.
*>ld, wiio!e«nle and te aii, by WYATT A KKTCII
AM. qencrul agenis. I'Jl Fulton street. New York: \Vj»
Titoe.v Market miecl, mid T. H SaWtkx, Siu thScl'*
*treet. Pittsburgh, Pa I’r.ce M-• lariro boil'd
. * -Id"
Mew U»rrhou.e for Priuu uniy.
kj at the ijWrimu fire ttury Warthon**, No. 5(1 Cedar tl.,
New York, (the whole of which i* devoted to the eiiibitiou
and tale of Itiu tingle article,) offer for tale by the met or
package,lOOO CASESof I'IUNTCD-UdUCOCS, com
peiting all the desirable new »t)!ri r e Urge proportion of
which hatinr hern cuolrarted fur hr lore the 'ale rue in Cht
market, will tie told at le»« than manufacturers’ prevent pri
I'riulrd litU nfprieetireput into the hand* ©fbujirt.
N B-Bf LEE, late Ktflur partner in the original firm of
1 rr 4" Brewster, (from which tie retired in lSk3) ha* joftred
the firm of Lee and Judmu, and Miliriu the patronage ofbi>
old friend*. The btuiueit it coodueted under the jOrm of
rbrwryja, ISIT-JmJp LEE, JUDSOft LEE^
,; . ■■ IMPORTERS and Dealr'*
tii Hardware. Bn< *
FRUIT. Ar.-JIQ in* ,M. Ilaiain-;
■JO bf bat M Kitiain*; °1 caae i’futka in Jats;
30 , '» drnm* Fijta; Jfrail* Dale*;
'.JO bxa Rock Candvs . 5i(TLu«. Tcntt. Gro. Nuts;
j/U} hale* Almond*; iFilbem;
E.AValnul*; Tjfakjl j Q »<
rerhMild V •
VAlLS—aWkee* aonrW Natlt for rale br
1> CU NM N U 1! A MAI It >NN KR
ipfi > 141 t«ihcriv Wecrt
DRV PEACHE^—SO hi»»tiet» for «sle by .
ipii 144 L'brrry meel
DRV APPIiES—SOO bu*helt for«alf by
144 htlirrty aireet
TO LOAN—tor one or more year*; on the
it qmred secuiitv uemi: given Kitfjutre of '
»p 6 • Wood <*i. next door to Eagle Saloon
Exchange on New Yor’4. Philadelphia, and Haiti
more constantly lor «:>ir iiv .4iILL A CURRC
■ p<> Wood st. next door to Kagla SnJoon_
Currency of the Ohio Indinna. and Kentucky
Hunks wonted at very '«»• rates of di«cnuni.
s|>(S Wood >l. next dour to Knelt Saloon
(Collections on Cmriimnti. I .out* Title, St [.out* ai:.i
j ml oilier »rcr<nble poiiiisin the • Uuiled States,
made oil accotumodutinK term*. HILL A CL'WHY
a|><l Wood *t. next door to Unjte Saksiu
RIO COKFKK-Jim i.t’gv (mine lir.-r-n. in store
and for »n!.- liv A. ItKNNKTV
N»i .ij-rcl
T'OBACOO— 1:0 l.** •'.* am! ia« jMtuurf Lamp.
4»d 3 i.nd I<l* Unit,of qunijt)', ju»t ri'ieived
and for U\l»l.lill .V iif.NNLTT
api> No-JT wood »lf>ct
'»’ KAS-3(1 hf rlnv»t» V It. T.-a;
1 auctui> >?*<«;. i' . tin;> n:id V 11. Trn;
Rrceived and lor **lc lijr K\Ut.lsil .V I’MNNKIT
apt! \o 'IT wood *ireri
'T'ASXKIVS OIL ! ii turK J iiuiii' t' • «i,l. for • &)?
1 i.. w i., !• a.njtit
ajill No .17 w»oJ -trei 1 !
TOBACC(>-.;iUV;H-Tw;m« rrr-vr.ior «>,!.• inv
tty V 1 f N 1.1.1511 A lli:\\K’|T
,„i; :i? W.H..1 .irtrl
MOLASSKS —lpl* lib:» N O.
; , • :o 1,1.1*,«• U: fcv.iiir loWl.y
U|l. ’ j !• Mtu-ll 4 i:|V\m.rv«,K, l M
V O. SU^AU T ill h.!„l« u, more uii.lluf Mile >V
1\ . U|>T. ‘ KMtl.lAil k Lm.NNKriV;.7 ao»,l M
LOA h' si'UAlt— I,bu a**oriPtl Now,:!-
I 1 1 r uv: di>iil-k* RrcliGcd; Powder*}?, -
V do CfuOieit; in *»orr and
for «alr low l,y
aj>U No n wimi.l *ir<u
Pipes— :>o t,».
,4i l>x» Sion-- do. for tale low liy
■_p« KNUl.lS'rl h IiKNVKTI'. :.T woo.! -I
METAL-kkiim. No l l-'ojr.Jry Meml, received
per dim Swilluw nm! i«r ►■’e by
npO M AI.LKN 4. Co, 4'J wuler d
BLOOMS— Kfc* piece* received per niur Pacific and
for *air l>v MAU.KNA.Co
[ J -.v.rr
SWKKT CIUKH-lu M>l' -w n ».»r i.r.ine, «■
*» " j “"»„„ w , w jzxg&t.
A i«r ‘" " o « ‘nkk”k 1 '
' _
{ILASS-'SI bi. Sijn by w i;bkkh
Scotch “TKiunTci''' 11
b *■■>« (or ‘I N„ J W ii!2a sreoi
apB , [Chronicle c(yy]_ ___
> pv i>KACHE>—4t>O tui. prime jum iccet»ed and
Dior 'hlc'o- UJCK AMcCaSULKSS
a pS cot water.and wodd *t»
TT'IHTE UEAN*—4O bu«. imall. ju«t received and
VV (or rale by WICK ft McU A N 111. *>S
ap6 cor water and wood at*
DRV A PPLES— jjOo l>u* >um recM and Tor aal* l»y
apfl • cot wood and water *»
CIDEftiVIREGAEUiS lil.U rec , d‘lM«'dajr','f‘»r
■ale by «pl_ ATWOOD, JONES A Co •
SOAP— 100 iiXiCin. No l. in »nre and for tale by
roakSS rr,r water *« ard ehrrrt alley
T7l«AXSjfcED—Juitrereivedand for aalehjr
ntrtiSS - cor warn and wood •»
CIiOVERSEED— 12 W»l«~in »!oreand for aale l>y
incbSS ' cot water and wood «tt
Ruction Salts' I
By D. D*rlm, Auctioneer"f'
liic ia«uiit \
ki the Commercial Auction Rooms. rnraJ. _i ... c .
F.iih sueeis. wtf 1* sold—tTS*^ »£,?' “ m *,
tn*»h and saannabie Dry Goods,amorwwWh a “ C -' nt ° f
hams, gn de nip prints. cambric and n COB i, •£’*,.
bleached aml unbleached tnuslms. UwS r,;*
and cotton hdkfr.sitk ami wonted, damaak htJLh
*ooik« tt— .ucku,p,;3" p ;;s. c^,*: d
.. r., fane, ve»iinsv, ho,i,„-
ribbon*, buiion., .earing a,U. „ , k 'JJ'
• poo! potion. .opptCoo clotha. '".mm,. „ d ’
ami win* flannels, ky. jeans, Ac. ‘ na
Al S O'Clock,. p. JU.
One well toned second hand. Piano Forte
s, »e assortment of new and second band boJ.ebold □?',,,, a great.artery „f h„,e„, “ h "
chairs setieeJ, cradles,cribs, work and wash
rockm* chair., highmod lor. |)o.y b c d „„ d ,:
eookinc stoves, kitchen Garniture, W Ola W ’
qurenswaie. unware, cutlery, groceries, safe Ae'
r At 7 OVlock, P. M. ' *
A quantity of rciily made clothing. pen andWiei
knore*. kmvt! and fork*, ra*or*. ruor «iron> • »t>ee7«
ele* .rwelfy.Ruld and tifter w»icbe*, musfcal
nn-n:», dry .Rood*, ianc>-smel*«, Ac!, •gj,."
ON Friday morniii*, the t>rh m«am, at jy o'clock
ifap (.onunercinl s*ale« Room*, eoiner ofWood and
fifthnreeu, will tie solil, without reserve. for account
.of whom it may concern; 13 case* Famaolt, Sun»hade«
anil riolette*, viz: c
No U-Vtonc cavs 50 Foulard Silk'ptoleiie#, 1
59 do sti India Silk ) do;
W 1 do. IlUaziortrd do:
«l l J° 50 do • Silk Fringed;
.« do do Son'nade*;
M 'lt, Foul * rd .Si|k Para»ola.Tinked:
I,SU fc? do do FrinVii
•»lfi J * s V r,ch do <k> do;
' sfi s* S-Vf 2 SW*
r„ d) .
mfr'n jk« »h in. Um. „ -J
! ?- r ,— *■„«-w
foi Rath par fuuda—UO’Span’ith Hid-?«f , fi“ > , COr !S^ rn
»h,th m.y l» ih>| previoo, f 0 s, r °»fc .'“."l* I '-
flood Second Hand Uuerv ..
Orphan*’ Court Sale of ReiT Eat.t*. .
IN pursuance o(r direction* contained »n the la«r will
and te»ia.nen/of Abner Laeoek, late of Heaver Co .
iiecraaed. a»d/an order of the Orphan*’Court of ilea*
'er county,'life undesigned Executor* will ext>o*e to
reV“.%°,T Mo “ d »? rU, ® ,o,hd *V of Way. next at H
or ' M A2. , ? l i«M rn, "crcial Saie* Koom*, corner
or Wood and\Fuih itrreu, Fituhurgh; alt ibr'risht,
ceek .r'r leslI esl ° n H hm of winch the mid Abner iV
iftuaw rn r ( C e^’„ of, L‘?i-* n ‘i» certain: Lot of ground
“"SJ,*"' "'V^s' “\T‘ w >'« r ßh, Allegheny countv. at
ie corner of Second and Feny Mreci*. m mid city
being numbered and ibmv revrn r"T&
runn ng hack"iglrtefeet, tnornr.r le**. Otic-hah of the
. purcba.e moneyVtTe pa.d at the time of mle.and lie
"Ihrr * ,M ‘' ~ u. l ,e wu/ed by bond nnd martgare on the
pterni*e>, to be pa.d ,n one mterT.Mroa
"p!'jw,l]| I °/, Ml ' : ?" Wiih Which lertnal
a l|e< J will Ire gn en to the purcho<cr. by
J d Dams. 5!l
.. „„ „ AN* SPKCIhJ.
‘ ,P* nooJ s,r "‘- ««' 'dear alert Fourth. Fa; ,Ue,
*2£ l i>y Plttiburgh, Pa.
/ LKUKSIItP WASTED— For a iari from N.
m ;. otk -** of » «'inAt: o u in »oi7ic rrspcci-
Ri'lc Conimeri'.iDi hMablirhaiem in ihe cuy~ A* n t»
tha uecire of iui parent* that he tiiouh! inquire at now*
leoae 01 tuiMne**, a viunli remuneration would cn’y l»e
required fur Die fittl jjar. may l.e ituj u.
(»<cile. _ upVl| -
O 5.(100 ju*t received. AI»o ou hand Kelkise A Thay
er * I'rutt*. and and Chart*. •
• 'Merchants an<l J'edlar* supplied at New York pnfcrs
cor 4ili and wood »i*
Looking g l a s s e s—uiit anj Mihoiior
Ixsokn-K UU«fe«. L. C I'lale*, Clotka, Cotnbr aft.l
a general a.*omoaii of Variety Good*— alt at lowen
iaie.«—at No fiVp.donifr ol 4th and wood tirrvi*
property, will (md n to ihrir interrot to
ciitl and rinnitin* tuy Hrgmter for Henl-K»ivt- l-eir,rr
purchasing. No trouble to show good* ot to r>iv>- urw
•nation. tt Ci; TllhKHT— '
*PO _ _ No'so Smtthfield Mr>-rt
T.MSII-G Mil* No I Maccerel; ,
L 3 keo No I Mess tio;
!» km* No a Mackerel;
10 Mil* No 3 do; Lnrjfc;
5 bf bbU No l Trimmed SbaJ:
No I Salmon. Alfcwivc’s and Baltimore Mrtrinr; Tor
a P* No 110 u-ood street
CIANDLES —Uli bn SUi Candles;
J ■ G lii«*Sperm do;
40-bxi Siearioe Candles;
5" bn Dipped do: Tor sale by
... J_ D WILLIAMS *. cp. u» wood *i '
APPLES— 100 bus. Dried Apples, rrc’d on cpn»irn •
mein aiuLfor tale by J D WILLIAM* ACo
__lP? _ ' Vo IIQ wood street
FIWS— lew drum* Smyrna Fir*, for sale by
n J D W JLl.l AMS k Co. 110 wood si
CIRAB CIDER—3 bbl* recld on consignment and
J fot tale by JP WILLIASfS A Co
*Pr. No 110 wood street
ALCOHOL— 10 bids very high prool. nnd in rood
order, for sale by J SCHOONMAKKK *Co
*P 3 ' No XI wood'street
' 5 do American;
No 24 wood nreci ~
For sale by
VIILLOW OCHRE —sbbl«be»t American;'
•* 3 do French;
Nodi wood•trcet
For isle bv
MACKEREL— iObbl* No-1 Af a ekerrl. on jband
and for tale bj: • JaS DALZELb '■
- »p 3 . No « water »t
iUCKETS—2I doz Bearer Ducket*, linding from
> Keel Boat Chippewa and fer ule by
| J DaLZELL, 34 rraiem
Dried peaches—iroVnr* in store and for
sale by ap3 J DAI,ZKLL.gI water *t ,
CIGARS- 150 bxi Half Spanish Cigars; 1 i
100,000 Common Cigar* in bit; on band and 1
for tale by JAB DALZKLL
_*p3 _ . I No tM water *t
BROOMS— 75 Uox Brooms inlsipre and for sale by
apS J IUIZKM.. ‘J4 wster st_
ATTISB—SO lialck Nos L. it, and 3 c in etore tail
for sale by , As DILZhXL ,
°P S _ J No»t water jm
110 'COPPICE—4uu L>»r» landing from simmer
American Siar, and for sale Hy
ti AUALKV* BMITI j, I? and ao wood »t
APPLES—Iap sacks for rale by
J*ps BAUALEV A SMITH' 1M and gp wood si
CHEESE— 75 bx* prime W R Cheese for sale by
tp6 D WILLIAMS* Co,no wood u
PEACHES— aoo bus] Dried Peaches; ’
IS do Pealed dor oa consign
meat ana for tale by. > J D WILLIAMS ACo
ap3 No 110 wood street
LARD— abblt prune!, rec'd oh consignment and for
tale by ; i D WILLIAMS &Co
• apS No lIP wood street
14 AGRAW fc McKSIGHT, Attorney! si Law,
;Vl Office removed afewdoor* nbarer Grant street,
on Fourth, to HtkcwcH's Old House. npidjra
FISH — 4C bi>:* Nod South Mackerel; ]
40 hi btil* do' do— do; |
TC this No !i l dp do; | .
VOhfbbUdoi do ' do; |uu rec’d for s»I«.
41 wstcrstreei
SUGAR —ISO hluis prime N. 0.1 in nore ud for sala
by { J ft R FLOYD
iueh24 a ’ 193 Liberty street
MOLASSES;— 400 bbls N. in rood order, i
store sod foriaic by 4. J .ft R FLOYD
nn-iuM ’ _J. 193 Liberty slret-l
COTTON YARN—O,OOO lb* a«*oitcd, in store and
for >ate by J ft R FLOYD
nirh'.M IM Libert) street
SEED—SfI bus. Cloveriri'd; •
•. 10 1-ui. Timoiby Seed; in store and for sale. -
lucbtM ' llii Liberty street ,
O a bbli Timothy Seed;
4 kegi No I 1-caf Lard; a prime arm !<? Tor re
iaitnie, Tor sale by KKYNOLDS~ft MIKE
iucir.H - cor Prmt and Imin »t»
SI GAR—33 bhd* pniue X 0., for sale l»v
_mcbv4 _ ' 144 Libenyst •
ri'K ATIIKRS—VI.Oii Ib« mime Ky.7jn»t reeM and
lor I‘OINiihXTKR ft Co
• tnchdS No 41 water «i
A fGLASSES— IS b!il» Sugar House;
IV± i -Ud Nrw Orleans; fertile by •«
jncbJl i _ 144 Liberty *t
F'ISII— ao bbli NoS Mackerel, ' • ‘
10 bf bbls do do; :
S 3 bbli N'o,3 South Mackerel; • > -
so bill. No 3 North ’do; for sate by \
mch*i4 144 Liberty (Meet
N*~ AILS-23 kegt Oliphant’aßrand, landing from «
Brownsville Boat and forsale by
upl I DALZELL, 84 water »1
f ciieas* Y.II. Tea*
4 ~73 do Pouehong do:
Now landing and far »aie by UAUALEY ft SMITH
a „l • Noi IS andBo wood »l
BVItJB POUK-l tiW Hams;
I 000 Sfaoalders; neatly trimmed
end «operior quality, for »ale by
O 3uo bhdi New Orleans Sugar*; .
900 bbls Plantation Molasses; per lair arrival*
and for sale by : BAG ALKY ft SMITH
«pl ; No* 18 and SW wood «
BALZARINfcS at IH|—l.adie* wanting low
priced llalzarinr*, fur early Spring dresses, wilt
find an anortmeut ut above low price, ai the dry good*
house of- • 1 . \V R MUKPMY
N K cor 4ih ami Market *l»
Gt ENTLBMBN will find at the New York Slot?,
T 79 Market street, a choice (electionof Fmefehltu,
Collar*. Bosoms, Cravat*,. Scarfs, Slock*, Glover,
Udkf»,SO(pendet*and Hosiery.
meh3 _ \V H GARRARD
SUNDRIES— 3 tacks Corn;
3 do ' Oats;
2 do i Appier;
—• 4 do Peaches;
I do Feathers;
3 barrels Ergs;
110 pieces Bacon; landing fiom itmr
Comet and Tor sale by JAMES DALZELL
apl No 94 water it
DEMIJOHN CORK!-! bale lat« sue, on
hand and for sale by BRAUN ft REITER
mch3s ! cor Liberty and 84 Clair sta ~ '
JUG CORKS—I bitle of superior velvet Corks
large sue, lor sale by BRAUN ft REITER
mchSS . eot Liberty and 9t Clair its
FLORIDA CORKS—I bale for **lebr
eer Liberty end 81 Clmir ut
BEAMS— 13 bkti Beam U»'«ar* ui) for tAle by
•ftf T t