The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 06, 1847, Image 2

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n'^'iai'FinuEKati I D4ILT OtxtrTt it pebiithed
Difir, TriAVeebly, «nd Weekly:—*ntet>«ilr# i .Be Tcn
DollaiaWf a< >ntfmi the Tri-Weekly a K»ve l>all»r* per
fcaa|W|ibe Two Dolltr* per. ■iwntn. ttruut.
•I i HotlM to Advertiser*.: ■ f
fry Atfrmi*eiaeVu, to *ecnr* mAertum, »noofiJ K
JuuS«4|la by firt tfdock in tbe nflenwca. Auenuon
to Utepitl of onr co»umer», wonld U pioouc
tire 01 natantibenefit.
| FOB ooytuautt.
Vks'J •»*»*» IKTia,
! ! ‘ lor CX3T*m COSITT-J
■ |or nxniun oocxtt )
] rlih Dll Ilian* nnd Irlah Suffering**
Ooa'nf tbeuddcit akfortonea on Ireland at tUn
liiM,)*re'.tb* .into which the
country m tbrowo. The well meant charUiea of
the mother country are received in totot quarter*
•s if designed for the enslavement of the liuh
-vpeopur. One daet attribute in Ireland
to a v|aiuUobof Divine Wralb, because the Brit*
ish Parliament sanctioned the Maynootb endow*
nijeot, which excited to much dbeoeelon two'years
rince. The Dnblin Nation, upon the contrary,
Merltlea it to M lhe deadliest crime a nation can
the Abolition of Nationhood; the telling
strain to guard iu galea? to ait in it* .judgment.
aeata; 'to train it* youth; to instruct its church.—
itioa repents ofTß mjs, #rul amend*,
ill irwte end pestilence shall wither,—
isrn the worth of • nation's todepen*
[t ii e ml epeclade lo see men quarrel
heir abundance, but when Visited, u
by a calamity that make* ; the blood
roflgh the vcina is It were io rills of
a tod sympathy, word* like these are
to dry op the fountains of both charity
<W. [ May the liberal charities of|Eng!and,
the world, lead to_crcale; something more
of 4b«rUtble ipirit, which ■boolU forerer
Ln ijmDi but e»peciilly iho*e who ere
deeply »uiejten in tortow. .* ■
We hcye retd'i German opinion u to lie
eeoee of Boflerinc in Ireland, which ic tm» to u»
to «how greet dtecrimination e» to stme of thr
caow* of ia£brio[. The present.(amine of itself
wu beyond human ■. remedy, a ad, therefore, can.
not,u we hive bad occasion to.remark before,
be traced to any political considerations whatever.
Had-e famine been anticipated, me of old inEyypi,:
it mifbt bare been prepared for; bat. want has
followed aoffirieney and abundance with such
rapid steps, that none were prepared the cj
. Unity wtdfb eame. The therefore,
which foHoW, from the Prussian State Gazette*
ere 00l altogether josl:
M Ttxe sUte\of things between the landed pro
prietor* and the population of Ireland, it calcula
ted to a great agrarian revolution, and
in order, as\it Were, to buy off this revolution for
one year, Lbtd J. Rassall i* preparing to lavish the
of r kingdom. The attempt U weak, and ;
will faiL The great convulsion which menacea
life and property in Ireland, ia the mult of cen«j
toriea of folly on the pan of tbe landed proprie
tors and the degeneracy of the people. The!
wealth ofthe‘eountiy has stood still, and ,lhe pop»l
nlalioD inci sued; and whilst England has effaced!
the last trac»of political oppression from her laws!
Ireland baa inly transformed them newly acquired
liberties into tbe means of her own destruction.
We, there! »*, believe that these measures wi l
fail In Irel: ed, although Parliament wit! probablj?
>adopt then. 'Their failure, however, will bo a
heavier blc w to the credit of the whig statesmen,
than if tbe t had not attempted to dd anything.”
There aie real and inherent evils' in the eau ie
of Ireland herself, but this is uui the time to co i
aider theoj. the hungry, to clothe the
isit tbe sick, and to comfort the forsh.
e first dnties we owe the Irish. Ui<
j the landed proprietors ha*e much o
r They have absented thcfaselves fro n
country, and drawn off the means >f
for and enriebing those, left bebinl,
i n has been one great ovll, and it h s
j ed tbe country.
We hr e quoted a word or two against Lo d
John Russ ill, and add the following as his dje
fence, or ri tber hope fdr freland in the future: l
Ido not despair ot Ireland; I *ay the>e is no
reasoD,i ui eouonected with .laws which .happily
have ctja* li to exist—unconnected with unhappy
circrnm lances, to which I do not like to advert—
there ii oq reason wt»y Ireland may hot at a fu
ture da; r rise to a state of great hsppmcM and
prosperity] ' I will reaJ the description of a coun
try in whfcb those evils were silted to occur, by
an old Etjglisb writer—
“Thk hjisbandmen l»e thrust out of their own,
or else, either by covin or fraud, or violent oppr***-
aion, tbeylbe puLbeside it; or by- wrongs and inju
ries they be so wearned, that be compelled
to sell all.] By one means, therefore, or by the
other, either by hook ot by crpok, they must
needs depart alvay, poor, wretched souls—men
womeo, husbands, wives, fatherless children, wid
ows, wofql mother* with ibeir young babes, and
thi whole household, amall in substance and njuch
in numben *■ husbandry requircth many hinih;
away they trudge, I say. 00l of their kuownlaud
aecostoihed bouses finding no place so.—
AUtheic household stuff which i* of very little
worth, though it might well ebide-the sale—yet
being suddenly thrust out, they be constrained' to
sell for h thing of nought; and when they have
wandered about till spent, what ean jtlcy
then dq but steal, and then justly; pardu behang
ed, or else go about a begging;”
This’waa a description not'unlike that of parts
of lrelspd, where wretched families, being torn
ed oot of their holdings, were driven at once eith
to the commission of robbery, or lo go about trg
ging. Vet.lbe description I bare read U thst
given ta Englatfih by Sir Thomas More—(bear,
hear) —that was an account given to England, in
bis dayJ; If toy one should suppose this was an
effort of tbcjimagiiiaiion, I can aware him that
we hard other authentic accounts which corrobo
rate it.;
their ’own
pro Tiding
■ A
: L
Scotland vu the country alluded to, where
there wpre Then, at the end of the seventeenth
century, 200,000 people begging bom door to
Uoor. Crjoe and wretchedness were in proper
tiop to other vietadindes. - It is, therefore, well
by'Lord John RaaaelU -
**Sbal( we. say, that particular laws, that a pe
culiar aljlte of society, have no influence on the
•condhlSof a population, when tje find England
•sd Scotland represented as being in this stale,
and afterward? becoming orderly, civilraed and
protperioal 1 think we shooll not be acting m
the representatives ot this country, if we
despaired ol the state of Ireland. lam not one
of those who think, that, apart from political
righu—Upart rom ol^J ? r questions connected with
politieaf institution*, a’merely henefieciit govern*
, oent cut make a country flourish. (jHear.) I
abatl beiready to undertake any thing which I
thioktnil be for the benefit of Ireland."
; ‘ Wh<*ver will read Bishop Berkeley’s address
to tb« Catholic Clergy of Ireland, writteh one
'bandrrld years since, will find “tales of., woe" por
trayed'in colors almost os vivid and truthful at
tbeywre now. The cause and remedy are poiou
ad out, tod in the oarae of Mercy, and for the Lose
of God, the clergy are urged to earnest aetion for
the reof of suffering mankind.
JUuxr aoa latLaas.
Wo come now to the performance of another
duty, and that is to urge, the claims of the needy
in Ireland. This we rao« lease to our corres
pondent,; and, therefore, commend the following
to the attention \> f * !1 re *^ crß: \
To the Editor of the rUhburgh Gazttte
\ herewith "hand you communications from the
raweetise chairmen of two important Committers,
r«sed in Philadelphia for the purpose of taking
charge of, and iransmitiog. and also of correspon
ding with various sections of the «motry, 01. the
aubisetof contribution, fot thc-reltef of tbo
feritiii pool of IreUnd. The gentlemen of tb«
ofPtlUbtirjb Jl„« heretofore cflnced M
Si liberal'll, to Ihi. C.U«, that I appeal to them
with confidence-in the.inere.nrd demrnri for e,-
The die fur information on the eubjtei.
r.h ch Mr, Duane', lettter U full end eiplieit
”*S Siir
, ' Paitaocuwia. April .i. *847. J
W« Sana. Chairman, dee. —Dm hi r:
wTried mriell fhati hr a letter dated !ha
le.Sa-.Cor which w».preaenlodtojoo.and
BBrSK Pimburab, l. had |inq aU
•in'r'fi ffisib
on t&j I7lh
ult/tf eoltek das forward ‘ «WbaUooittjr the
piijfiff org»obe4.Brthwith. r!Wiire
hU# werj opiiM wicfrtiax of
•tuff*.' Notice* Were issued invitiog donation*
d^aiiUuflpMtJ-dolUu were culler.
t«d. And i\ this stage of jibe, proceeding*, two
questions ar ire—lst, whethef money or prori*
Jofls shoo i be sent to Iriland! end secrndly,
lA whom ic reland ahould <»ntribuUons. U sent
fat tJiatnlA] i >o there?
As (n the itat «M MCertainei that
•21 articles u ntributcd would be conveyed o oar
riublic and p ivata canals and roads free of oil to.
tills city. an< that the British government' rould
pay the freig it of all donations sent from Ameri
ca for the p< ar4n Ireland. ‘ It was, therefore.ob
that bi sadstufls, and not money, ahoold be
sent to that rontry; and accordingly oor forward*
ihg commit! et, from lime tarime, converted the
lioney. coll eted here into bteadatotf*, in readi.
okas fortrar spoliation as soon as VeaseU lor the
porpote coql J'be procured. ' '.
After careful Inquiry, 1 wjj utaoimously deter
mined to seoll vcaaelv with cargoes of provisions,
Cacb to a distinct poit in Ireland; and to tend the <
bills of Udine to the Central Committee of the
Society of FViends, which aiu in Dublin, and to
authorize thjai committee to take charge of the
cargoes, to direct where and to what extent they
•hoald be landed, and to distribute tho provision*
as they should see fit.
Tftt following were aomo of the considerations
which led id this decisions Firat —Tbo members
of the Sociafy of Friends every where afe esteem*
rd for thru'probity, benevolence and prudence.
Second—J jembers of that Society were jute first
persons .in IlcUnd who tool efficient monies to
ascertain i!nd describe the true coodilioh of the
jo t) at country, as well as to reticle ibem.'
T^hifd—7 bey did not trust to the reports of otb* j
ers.but K ol their own iroembers to collect iccu- i
isto infor nation. Fourth—Tbey have ajrpl aloof
from the sectarian and political prejudice* and
fcxcilemei la, but too common in Ireland. I Fifth— I
jThey maintain there own poor, and are flottemp-1
|ted tj app y contributions to members of their own
, aecu Sitth—We know how members of the
ijSaciety h re ad on melancholy occasions, not os
tentatious y.but efficiently—not by hirpd agents,
» but persor ally; and we arc persuaded that such
will be tb i care in Ireland. In shot*, jit was be
lieved tha no description of persons
try would be *6 likely as member* of the Society
of Friend to distribute relief to. the poor‘th«jre
faithfully, impartially, and without complaint,
i And, consequently, no restrictions were imposed
I upon the"i>entral Committee in lndeed,
our knowledge of affairs and men in Irelshdretoo
impeded to justify each a course. It atsems ti>4?ej
enough to know, that the Central Committed is
composed of individual* of a nigh reputation, In* ,
dependent in fortune, aQd distinguished for phi
lanthropy.’ . i
If what I hate thus saidisjiot as full an answer
as you desire to your question - , “what is the gener.
al plan of operations for sending supplies to Ire
land, and how aro they disposed of there!" it Wilt
give me pleasure to reply toaoy further inquiries
which you make. There'are aomo observation*
which I beg leavi to add here. There may Ibe
some benevolent persons in our neighboring stares
on th* Ohio, as well as in our own, who may he
/willing to make donations in breadstuff* or prorj.
■iona.but whermsy not find it convenient to pay
for the krabsporlatien of them to this city. In sll
such cures, as heretofore intimated to you, the
costs of] transportation will be paid from the re%
i lief fund here. Of all contributions, Commeal,
j ki)n*dned, is the most desirable. Contributions
I of brerilatolD rffiowM be rent in barrels having
their needs lined, flour and meal; com,
beacia, pcfc, may be sent irf-welhuide bogs. Every
bairel And bag should be with
the oame of the place sending it, as- thns,
tion fos the poor in Ireland from Pittsburgh* P**”
: /vll contributions be consigned to Alien
1 Culhbm, E*q., Philadelphia, who .will receive
j them eaher at the store of Messrs. Sharpies*, 3.
I E. corner of Broad and Basafraa streets, or at bis
j own warehouses oo Lombard street wharf.
I I carliot close-my letter without areurirjg you,
; that thrmatrstjeeounts from Ireland are still more
deplorable than those which aroused so honorable
and genreal a sympathy throughout the Union
early in tnc last month. Indeed, tbo details are
so shocking, that, if not well authenticated, they
wouIJ I will not attetnpt-even
briefly to describe them; bull will quote ibis
passage from a speech made in the British House
of Lords:
i *•! hold it to be absolutely Impossible calmly and
deliberately to take up ihe sue*liun of permanent
policy iu relation to Ireland, while the cry of hun- -.
iger prevails over the laud, and when there is
Irealuy as well a* the cry; while the country* i* ,
distracted day by day by heart rending account*
which they havo heard; while deep misery and !
distress'are pervading Ireland, the more heart,
rending because the more touching, lythe pa*'l
li, nee, the admirable, the i-' •»- t inimitable pa-j
lienee, with i which lb* y • be borur; while | j
, there are ecenia enacted ,;.\1 ► _.lV , rcd all through ;
that country, which nothing can exceed that i* to
to found in the page of disease and death—peiti*
lence following in the train of famine, and ex*
baiting itself in eol-ws exceeding aojlhingrio bo
found in the page of Thucydidea, tho caovss*
of Poussin, or in dismal chant of D*n»e. ’
I quote this passage not ro much becau*e it
presents a frightful picture <»f sffltrtion and re~ig*
uation, as bn account ol the master by who,-*.:
pencil it was drawn. If ho had been one who
bad heretofore manifested sympathy lot Ireland,
wc think hi* description somewhat extrsv
agant; but wc may well-consider it in all resect#
accurate, coming, as it did from Lord' Brougham,
who, in relation to Ireland, has heretofore some
times allowed prejudice to triumph over reason,
anil passion to smother the voice of liumituly.
I nm, dear sir, kindly and respectfully y-ure.-
Puri.atiKi.rHia, March 26th, 1947. (
W*. Eeas, E«u.— Deer Sir r I enclose ah
advertisement showing what measures our Com
mittee have taken for the distribution of the funds
confided to them for the relu-f of the suffering
pour of Ireland. Pleas- give it such publicity a«
ywu may deem advisable
* Recent advices strengthen the call for prompt
arid libera! assistance, and wo anticipate generous
contributions from western Pennsylvania, and the
ai'ivmine 1 counties of Ohio- / t
J t w. c. Patterson. .
We second all th.-ae noble efforts of charily
with all our efforts. While we'are sending bul
lets to shy our 'feilow-men in Mexico; let u« send
Bread to sive them in Ireland ai d Scotland. To
tho tmuiane and chatiUble we sa r, in words ol ho.
|y wr jt, “Cast thy bread upon tle waters, ami af
ter many daja thou shall; find it " It shall corrie to
you in a good conscience, 'in pi raaant dreams, in
htppy waking hours, in well at >red barns and in
those blessings, which, asetndir g to. Heaven from
the, poor and famished, shall eturn to you and
poors in the rich reward boll of receiving and
doing good. Benevolence, like mercy, confers its
chief good upon the giver. ItJ quality
’ • It nnl »U.uued
lulropjbetb tike tlie penile raui-frora
l/jboii ilie |itne« lijnrs'li: It** tjvi
li M«-»»es bun tUa; pivrt, anil bun t
Corrtipontlcnte of the Pitta ■urgh,. Gazette.
Suir J. W. Cooraa. or. VtsaOßCx, ?. \
March 9ti, 1847. $ j
We left Lotos oo Tuesday, i nd armfed at tbi*
point after a passage of 2 Jay*: where the fleet i«
lying tu *ight of the Caxlla. Wc hare about tiO
TM*ei» herein ail. including th > Princeton. Mi*
sissipbi, »r. Mary, and other*. ‘Gen. Scott weut ,
offyWterJay in tho steamboat Alabama, tj» find
oot a favurcble point to land tfar troop.* and white
paajiog tho Castle, the Mexicans abot U sheila
tit the boat, but t&ej fcrtonatalj pawed oser, and
lit harm'leaaly in the water. U iubtlcaa bad they
known who waa aboard, they e ould hare atmed
with more predawn, Our ordaH fak this rooming
aic. to pack up and cook three, day’* ration*, and
bt) ready after dark to go aboa d thb steam boat,
from which we are to be landed at midnight, jogt
oU of the range of the Castle gone. It w the.
oCirion of all that we will ba+e a fight to make
~br landing. I presume yotf hare beard and
kno * all the particular* of GeO. 1 aylor *nd lien.
San a Anna’a engagements. Ti e two rennayN
ran a Regiments are on the exUcroe left of the.
SnJ dirifion of the 2d brigade under Gen. Worth.
Qurjmcn are all well, excepting three of Company :
H.two of Company E, aiiiLlwo of Company L-
But;lhey> are all now eourajeecent. 1 think 1
perrir enjoyed bet. of health ini my life —I am get
ting buite corpulent, and am aery mueh eunbornt,
,and look moioUke a Mexican than a Pittsburgher.
1 hare oo doubt but before ifaia time to-morrow
we wili.ati know what it' is to be shot at. and
howi it will operate to sleep out all night oo the ;
bare* ground, without any i ents orer ~os. ItU;
wortiiT nf note to. remark, that we left Pittsburgh
on Sunday, were drowned i-ut of the Bwamp off
Sunday, landed at Übos on the I
•hip on Sunday, and on*U ad f<* .ur firat baUle j
on Sunday. I have no farther newe to comma-';
nieate at preeent, but will Inform yon of all our
moreroeow ao loo? m.lw fortunate enough to
escape the Mexican balls./, < Of nga*u\}
elected to state, we hoi allhe e. Those who eu*
barked on the Veaite, when ibey came to Lobo-j
had some cases of small pox on board, and ware
tint permitted to land until yl the were oqj
W« Uft them >. wbc fl they will r.m»ja
until the dtoM. b» dUppei "*■ T*f* °1
Uw Cobmuto ■re,lh» l ii GuiriU.CtmCTWj
fiankWtlu All i» baafe »°d
cdofiwWp «T««oi >»“ ■****■
W’ :i. Jj. oSppik «* 1• # JJ
tween Col. HcCiwllw, and the , to Sfentisgf,"•* »■**• h §s* e llftF ,i,e L iW on ' MS* ’
Qoiney Adams. On the Subject or jthe MexiraiTOaTal ry, with which ho had oaly obstacle between Beaver and (.'leveling wav a I
-iy. nf Judge Ureckenrigejdmuly
Jodicaof Courtof IhU SMrtjft The ; smalt 3<wa on hi* own part- Captain Graham, lK>cll The fcilcns*»n is in fine order.,
two volumes for sale at Mr. Cooke. cor&Wthe ; American Quartet :* /TA hitto*
v ~. . „i ,w,rtiiCrit»,i WM ® ttrtal, r « oUD| i ad m ooeof these affiiir*. 1 - 0 t much imoomnee fo Our MercftanlsSnaWthc
fi '*« P*' l ° f lh “ “*• ™! , i»« jo doubt Ih.t tlw <Me»l Of the MlVmj
mmyr.OT.fter Ihefim,«»iirsMOT onr , ionl flcn ““,*TbiU. e . c cwumum<»Uon.,bMbeen
further on the .übject of Modem ttlnr.liy- nltc Bach funhei umojufi je.r tSitnjrter. f;enr. are.,.»rre,ul lfe.inerej.inj
■We tie informed it rai lhe< first book' primed, as mi y he necessary ih that quarter. '!■ • wealth gf ilie various towqs. and tillages toward*
west of the Mountain v more than fifty art ago • 7* lie dispositions made to hsrrass.oar re*r, . l!ie | >lkc village*. art rpringing ttprcvery
at !lhe office of the Pittsburgh Gax*lte.s j viodiiale the policy'and necessity of defending! a | yejr jv ew f„nucti, Rolling MilU and Forge*.
" ‘ • Pittsbcbdb March 2&/'*1847. position in front of Saltillo, where a defeat haa 1 pj oonil g eic., arc erected. Wo notice that
Hon. loo* Ucuict Aoirio. ’.Jr ihronn'tho enemy far bad. inti i the intenor. I bc tlJ< . 0) „;„ vl „ sl , utiu«u,Uj i.ije initial ti.reu-
H V..».,0T0i. UiTT, : (fi. O.). «mk .u'» lJ „ b “T b *f" «P"4 *■* *« ■«»cb«ch-p.o-
Dcar Sir. —A day or two after I had tKe honor hnUing . lunteiey, an o rco m on | tatted iinnmveincntr. but on tfae contrary, minj
you tt. .be ’TnE'*!"'^^rt^l «>«)' “““ 10
ol Pituburgb aod Allegheny. I met y«r at tbe ‘ 3 7 i
hoapitable table of Cot. Robinson. Hi foe, an Jto ,4, >* LO&cmiikli
auarouod. the conversation was mo»tealert«ioing. . Major C.enetal, l.iuted, Slata.;A.m, cottmaiW^
Ati tb? leading uicidents connected with the hi*- tng.
lory of Wtotcro Pennsylvania, fiom the Whiskey
Insurrection down. Beamed to be aa familiar to
you as to any native of the '‘manor born.’ I re
collect well your inquiries iclative to tho honored
widow of the author of-Modern Chivalry and
hark animated yoti were in speaking of CapL
Farrago and Teague O’Regan.
Cervantes weald have laughed and rej'.iced at j oar
iswlciation of tbe*o Western heroes with hi* own,
and tho anthorfolt complimented wjth your favois
abld criticism of a work which bo never expect
ed |o reach a second edition.
Perusing a re-print of the work this evening,
it uccoQejJ.lo me that you might tie aimised in
reading ftjsaud I have taken the liberty of en
closing it. Trusting that your health is much
irap.ovrJ, and continue so,
I have the honor to LwTwUh the most profound
regard, Your obedient, servant,
Wahii !«uto*c, April l.*t, 1817.
Witsot M'CAsnbrn, E*q. *
Dear Sir ; —l cannot lose a moment. Nffore
acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the
29th all., and-of tbo valuable present iwhicfi ee
cjmpaniea it. The two volumes of the new edi
tion of JudgoH.H.Drackenridge'aModernOhivslry,
or the adventures'of.(’-apt. Farrago and Teague
O’Regan. My visit to Pittsburgh in 1843. and
my intcrcouso with yourself, with the citizens of
that place and Allegheny, at that time, afford
mo some of the most pfenning recollections of my
grateful recollections of my obligations t»
yourself-and them. I had read the first part of
Modern Chivalry, and formrd a picasant'acquatn-
Unce wilh.Oaplain Ferrjgo end his man Teague,
at their first appearance, more than half a centu
ry since; and they bad then excited much ot cry
attention,' a# illu*iralion« of life and manners pe*
cultar to the limes, and the localities r.ut en
tirely effaced, when I became more familiarly
acquainted wjlh them, by this visit to the.latter.
Capt. Farrago 4nd Teague o’Regan are legiti
mate deaeendatfra, «n one; aide from the Knight
of La Maueba! and bis Squire Stncho," nn the
other, from t4»f Hudibraa, and bis mao Kalpb,
and if not primitive.conceptions themselves, are
at least as lineal in. their descent a«»lho pious
Aeneas, from the impetuous and vitujictive aon of
Pilras. The? re-appearaneo of this work? as a
second edition, aince the author’s- death, moie
than half a
welt warren l
prituryiftcr it* Qr«t publication,
»iprediclion, that it will la«t be-
liy ihc ancient StatStes,
P«t«, a full century.—
:»in. I hare no doubt, wsib
jooJ the pci
for tbe earn*
I ahall read
revival nl (be pleaaurc* wilt which
on iu first appearance—end -it this
' my. opinion can give any *s'.i*fac
emalning relative* of Judge Brack*
3 yourself. it i* entirely at yourldu*
wttb a vmJ *en»e, ami grateful re
of your kinjne«n, and that of my
ii of Pittsburgh and Allegheny,
end and obedient aerv’L,
a refrerhing
I„g»ectfcd it
exprcuian o
tii>n to the
enriJge, or n
pof>al, being
; fellow citiz£<
Yoor ft
tiqs» upos Tiis ~ExtM|T.—rTbe
i iiHucd a Proclamation matrusctiug
t of the Tretaoij to levy tonjribu
e enemy. Tbf Secretary b-* •ll'e*'
ionlribations are to be le*ie*
red in a letter puMuhed by
, Uimßim
President ba
the SecreUr
tions upon it
obeyed,and >
u foreehadoi
unlay. Tht
full consideration, delcrmiru
bo poiU or places in Mriio
eiciftcrmaj t*e. in ideaciui
tnd auj naval forces, shall b
liury ©ccapali.m may coi
e cf ali neutral
article* not contraband of '
, of proscribed rates of Jtt'.
r known and enlsrccJ by out
I bare, on
der that all i
now are, or
<i»n of our 1
wbiln our at
the commer
our own. in
the pjy m<n
will be raaJ<
ami na«al a
jtlc Corrcapondencc.
la Anna to (ten. 7 oy/i r.
[led by twenty thousand fcaeu,
iburnin probability. ®».>» f sut
mg cut to pit-cr* with your
r»drre consideration and par
ti to save you from a calV-tro
rpose give you tin* notice, in
surrender at discretion, under
you will {« treated with the
i lug to the Mexican character,
? i!l be G/antul an hour's limn
i nd, to'commence Irani tnemo
; of truce arrl*<» in yiur camp.
' assure you of my particular
a:iJ any f
ftnfu a and Uu
iriwvj.f*, But b< you <Ji
ticuWr.estciiu, I wilt
j>bi>, and fJf that ptli
order thatlyou juay
the aworsnce that
canti4crst on beloni
to »b'icb i nd you v
to make tp your m
ment wb< r» ray .flag
- With tiia view,
contidera ;ioo-
(lamp at Encanlal*. F«-b.
'lor, commanding the force* of
God aril Liberty,
SSd. m T. 1.01
TaCfei vral Z Ta
the U. 8.
Arntv o» }
IINYar Uu -2, IRf7.
, trfiy to date. aura
roonmj ndo ■arreiider my forcMttt-Uijcrotion. 1
l*g flute to *ay that I decline Receding V* yo«r
request. With high respect, I HQ. »ir,
i •' your obedient servant.
Mdj. Gen. I*: »- Array, commanding.
S<n«.r G41..D. Asmsio 3*vta A.i s *
Commander-in-chief. Ca f'jiieantada.
, r «.*»r Dearaniiii.*.—
Tat nx>Ji:siy,**imjilictty, ami good acqsc tjf
eral 5 Taylor, are equal i<» hi* bravery. In few
few ward*, much tyo brief U) *alisfy lljuaa .who
>oaW. know-mire <>l the commaoJer iuij hi*
brave armjfv wo lja*o the of * battle.
We subjoin ihiwc despatches: i
H*i)*<*oiUTHK| Abmt or OcccrsTiojc,
Camp on the field of ,bat!l« \ ista,
Mexico, February 34 181).
Bib : ! ba*e ije honor lo report thoS, barfng
become muted pu Ihc -Oib-iOhUnt, that Ihe rnc-
ray had assembled in *riy hoary forrr at Enr»r-
thirty mi ea to front of Agua Mifera. with
tfir ctjjeni design uf attacking !
l.ruko tip my can p at the litter place nd : the -1 >«,
and telk uns atiofiß liri* to front of Uupna
seven fnllesl aout iof Saltillo - . A cavalry! force left
•t Agi ■ Xiicva, for tins purposo of cuvtaog li<e
remoT .1 of rjpp ieC''*ij .ijfirrn in (lining tin;
iiiglit, and on thi imrniii? of the 22J the Mexi
•> my apr* ‘cd iiuniediaU*ly in front of our
a my appeau*.
pwticn. ,At VI o'clock; A. M..
bea'in [ from (federal Sonia Anna a >>i
jrorn (federal Santa Anna
urimrfililinnal iu rrndei. To which 1 iratiiednH*-.
ly r<t jrnrtfia negative reply. Tbit summon" and
my i« ply lip herewith inclosed. Tho action was
comer arcedj late in IV afternoon between ih*
light CiwjMion the left Sink, but was n.jt serious
ly engaged until tse morning of .the ‘.3d. when
the riieroy niade an efTort |o forre the li ft flank of
our poxiuoß. Aii obstiuste and aangu airy con
flict Will maintained, with shoitintervab, through
out the day 7 the result baiug. th»t the e, irray wi»
completely repulsed from our Ar atteek of
cavalry upon the rancho of "Buena Virta and a
demonstration upeu the city of Saltillo i|*elf. wero
likewise handsomely repelled. Early in the night
tho enemy-withdrow from campanil tel back up
oo Ague .iVuera, a distance uflifrehrej uha.
Our own force, engaged at all point* n thiaac
tian, fell somewhat abort of S.IUU men, while
that of tho"enemy, from the statement pf Santa
Anna, may be eatimated a» 20,600. Ouirsaceeai
-*gain*t *uch odds is a suffi-teril enconiucfa on the
' good .conduct of our troops, in'a mow 'detailed
official 1 shall ba*e the MtisUetioh of
bringing to thd notice of the government tbo coo
apicuoua gallantry of particular officers and corps.
I may bo permitted bore, boweyiuyio acknowl
edge my great ohligationa to U^Gca.
the second in. 1 command, to whom l feelpartliju
larly indfbtedlfor his valaable.»micwanlbiM>i ; .
casion. | ‘ ' [E. "TAYtOrt
Auua Nrrr a, March 1, 1847.
Sin : I thu honor to report that the troop*
of my comrwW occupied, their original camp at
this place on-'U>e 27tb ofFebru iry,the last of the
Mexican arm} leaving the mor ling of that day in
the direction bf San Ijui*. 11 it uce: tainal that
the enemy tain fell retreat,ant) ; fciy'diaorg*.
nixed conJitio'o; the ojon de*e flog iiqd dying of
etarvation in great number*, ~ ['despatch a coni’,
mind this day-as far.'** Eoetrnation to' harriM
bia rca/and*ecore whatever,liaßilarjriopplka may
be found there. , \
. Tbe enemy had fall/ reckpsed upoo our. iot»!
root, end had: made; arrangement* .io. bier cep.
oo*ietie«t,«cd cut off the army, stationing.foi
that purpose, corp* of cavalry, not only immedi
ately In oor rear, but even below Monterey. I re
gret to report that they eacceeded near the Tillage
~ R. H.K.
era tod bo«*
«n ba«jr.
Tbe Baltimore American of Friday h*» a notice
for, a Pnh'ic MetUni'.'signrd by Marly three
humlrnl Iniuneamtn ar>d,firin3, including ihc
most inb-Jligenl-and enterprising of the city, call*
mg a public me« ting to take to prosecute
the ~r>:.tom|datcd Kail ltoa:l connection between
and Pittsburgh. This look* like beiug
inWinest. ’ With thc*o three hundred .men there
is j wealth and ability enough Indenture tho con
nection'. Will they do’it! : Whoever secure*
tip- first raiboaJ connection to,:tbia city will reap
a harvest of wealth; and whnt i* bolter, prove
themselves to l*e public benefactors.
The m.-diug at Baltimore was held at four
o'clock tm Saturday afleruoou.' The American
| remaikf. in rvterfnre t> this 1 meeting, that the
senlimrut is u-itvrmsl tlial tho period for talking
has boon vxhau*t«\l,;aud that the limo for action
has arrived. . . .
The American of Saturday ag.ii« urges atten
tion lo tltf «ulj<ct, wt.iio the Patriot, of Friday
devote* nearly three columns in uigipg the
connecti on with the Ohio. The Patriot prefers
Wheeling.’ Wc regret it, but be U so,’if the rail
company in Baltimore so determine. There
ig public s|*irir, wealth and enterprise enough in
i, tbu city to make a Hoad Irom ibis point West, i
[ aiid as tDw h we base an.answer ftomSßalti*
! more, lor are tnoafirapatieniiy waiting,
j wc shall “go shall part with Balti
| chore not without reluclanccTTut yet in the full
: ki-u'anco that the will l* the loser, both from her
1 to this point of communication, and
: ,froip.thr long delayed action to which Pittsburgh
; has Veen subjected by waling for her action.—
| 'Baltimore has done to us and no good to
i \V**T»as Pc&xfliLVAiiA Hoar»T*i_—Anoth
er preliminary meeting wǤ held yesterday at the
OJeon, preparatory to the organisation of thie
humane and noble institution. Dr. Seller* was
in the Chair, and John Hardy, Esq., Secretary.
I'Dere was an important discussion »* to the or*
; gsnrrition, board of managers, firm of charter,
, dec, in which Messrs. Wilkin*. Bakevrell, Breed.
Gntwi and others took part. The contributor*
procnl adjourned to the evening of the 20th. and
with ah earnest wish that at that time there should
bo a full attendance. >
Catirossia ioxtx or*«. —A kttet from Te*
pic, publuhrd iu a . Mexican paper, <juotw-dale*
from California af the 18th of January, to theef*
fret that ficu-Kearney had arrived from Santa
Fewitba force of about two hundred met), who
Dotting Jutb orotbcr force, bad atti
of Angelea. (ijefeoded by Florea,
t»Ven after a .»*out resiitauce. F!
«nd the troop who w&!> os,tier hi
ulalfJ So ii woulJ appear. that California i«
agaiu m our pa»*f*tiuit.
| Gi:s. Tirum ron Pbxsioxst.—The Hero of
-four battle* ha* heen formally nominated a candi
idale for tbe I’tesjdcncy*, ip 1848, hylbe Whig* of
•Spruce Ward, in Philadriplii*. A *cott of
jirw*pnj i-r* ban* also nominated him for the ijame.. Ij il.crc mi* s-j>npuhir election U» mo.rrutv
Ucik uI Taylor wt*c!J *«eep the country like a
tornado. •' * .!
Tan Aamt siwv. just now more impor
tant :h»|i any utbrr, ha* occupied so much of our
•pace fiat we have Wen unable to give ta oth
er fu'-ij.*, Ik thr at!i:nf.»n which their importance
(Join«u .t-1 S-v,*rf nrce»«ry ; c‘imj-!* and no
pr.jvi-'nsnt < h»T'- af«-T prevented it* from giving
that per-ous! atientHin to our piper which We
•hill l> -‘tow htroafier.
At Urriciu DtiriTtu from Commodore
Connor, dated March JO, lay* tbit General ricoll
han now with him upwards of eleven
men. Coin. C. ad<l>: I om still of the opinion
•xprcaied in my previous communications, a* to
the inability of the enemy to hold out for on
length of tim<*. The castlr has, at most, but four
or fire .week'* provision*, and the ton'll about
enough tu last fur the 'same lime.
The Emperor of Austria is * > pleased the
success oftbe line of niagtii tic telegraph establish*
ed recently upon M-mc'H plan, that he hi* for.
hidden tiny individual, without his peimusian. to
con-truct -.imilir line*. Tnc government hw as
sumed thn control of the whole telegraph husk
A society (or the parchwc of pianodurtei has
Wen e»talili.hed in’ London. Kic'i kubs-rnbfi
pays fid entrance l.e, and «n.Wiling pcrjinuiifh.
At the cud of two greats hir ib entitled to a piano.
This-is about equal to obtaining an Instrument
(or ? 120.
Tho new Pope baa insur'd directions to byve the
Pontine marshes drained, with a view to Uie cui*
liratitm'of rice
A llfrßTnrrntc Fiat at New Orleans on the
morning of f n 25th ult, destroyed all tho houses
on both sides of Chartres street, from Cuslomhoii'e
half «s a y down to Bienville. Thu lora was at
least $3,00,001).
The Proprietor of the Pittsburgh Gazette hsa
yorrhoiri) the jßtcrcrt ol Me»«ra. ; White At Hami,
m the tinPtte Job' Printing eaUblialimenL Mr
I’a-hm* will, M.hitherto, anperintend the office,
aad ..U-order* fof hooka or Job Printing of any
kinJ. "ill beeiecotctl with'proiuptneu, ami upon
I’etimhArn Litre*—The ll ( ahiranre am] Phil, j uliaUctwy tmUi».; , ; .
■-*4r|phia line, •<> hully.wreikeii in th* 1 la!« elrnm,
te rrpalWjiijd in operation again.- The Mew
Voik and Ho»tnfMinc ii*'in operation. We do
nJ.I know Whether tbo New Vork anu Hiiiadelpli
ia inir ha* Lrcn repaired yet or pot.
lU't'ii.r, (not (’ol. .IJullcr, u'no had
i ).whYw in command tho. regiment now embark.-
in;r, arrivej yrnimlay and pul up at the Mnnoo
gshcla House, where bn held a Lever* for hi*
It ta said that .the Prcsident/ha? determined
not to appoint any one to either of the vacant
offices ot Maj ir General, declined by Mr. Denton
anJ Col. Gumming. ' '
Sine Ca.vil ibol’xo Tiit-SiCtT tit. Marx’*
—The Canal Dili bu passed both Houses of the
Michigan Legislature, received the signature of
the (iove/nor,.and is a law.
Calt -Hovaa, Owci.urATi.—Tbo attention
of the traveller ia called to the advertisement of the
proprietors of this excellent hotel, which ia one -of
the best, as we aro assured, in jtho Queen City.
Rev; J. did 'not arrive,_ as wn»j
'expected; on Saturday night.' . Multitudes who'
warp desirous of hearing him preach oh Sunday,
were disappointed.'
Tux amount of specie wbicjr arrived at Boston
and! New York, fur.tho ijuarter ending March 31.
was $8,227,000. 1
1 Hon. Roaxar C. Wiktkbop was a passen*
ger in the Hibernia,-which sa led from Boston for
. We were indebted td Cot
day, for a copy of one of •<
The aootinl of Trewtny
April 1xLwa5*7,633,83%
*-• - ‘ —u-- ■i' , i
The New York Canal fril
the 251 b instant.
rii-irg' t w ire - i-r
-jar- “asT*
enlarge. . .
The Iron (ride alone is becoming of-great inipor
>»aee. The moat extensive and thorough expert*
made in' thl* country to manufacture
Iron widTriow Coal have been ventured on there,
and though wf-partially successful, we are con*
vinced they uiu*t yet fttliy succeed.
To si-commodate the heavy transit. of business
to the Lake*, there i* a lunch larger omouat of ton*
nage urorided than ever before*. Four, and perhaps
more regular daily Lines ol (toils will run to L<tke
Kne—two to Clctellnd add two to Kric. besides »
large number of ‘Wild 1 boats, a tpeci»;Ofindepen
dent craft, increasing every year. Hence, to Bearer?
ilicio will be four steamer* in that trade alone, three
making daily trip*, and one tri-weekly, the alternate
day ruuuiug to Glasgow at the mouth of iho Sandy
and Uc.\vi*r I'jtul- , • 'h* . *
Uur commerce with the Lakes is now imm'em'o.
\\’e nend by the boat* vast quantities of iron, Glass,
Cotton fabric*, and all torts ol Pittsburgh msnulses
tuie*, to rverv point. C/ur export of Window. Glass
to Canada, is an item or impurunce, and reaches
several thousand boxe* already. Of Mschinary a
iarro amount. Within a short time a Considerable
tmde has" sprung between ttii* city snd the Lake
KS« m t»ram, parlicuUrJy Barley.
Ootho whole, we see ample cause nlgralelation
on tho favorable prospect* before u* in our com*
inerce uuli Uiotegrtal ir.laod Sca», and wo hope
i, m> . to l>o connected with, and brooghl still
nearer to them h, the HwTmad arid the Telegraph.
For rates ol Freight to Krio ancFttake point*, see
t.'ommercial head.
The'pats of Buena‘Vista is about one and three*
quartets of s mile w'de, tbe rosd being in tbs tail!*
dlu. Gen. Taybir'u right rested upon the road,
and .was so protected by the broken nature of the
ground ns m be secure ugaiost any attempt, to
(link him on that side From the road to tbe
mountains on tbe left'.is 700 or 800 lards, tbe
i fir*i half of the diitsnce'lHtng a good deal cut up
j by short ravines* running to the rosd.f Beyond
the bead* of tltexa latinas the plain extend* to
the mountain which Is almost inaccessible. On
thi< plain the bailie was main!/ fought. -
In the mean lime, thasuperior numbers of (he
encm; had pasted our left flank, while their artil
lery endeavored to maintain a raking position up
on u« from the foot ot the mouuleto. Some
1,500 of their cavalry, besides infantrj, had g>
around in that direction, end maintained aaovert
conflict for a time. Genera! Taylor diiect|d
Lieutenant Colonel May, with four
charge thi* large body of cavalry; bot whea he
got .within about one hundred yards, the enemy
l flrj, arul the infantry iu that quarter was soon al
ter teen in full retreat. Tint was about 2 o’clock,
and General Taylor despatched Mr. Critteudcn J
with it flag of truce, to Hay to the commaodcr < f
these retreating forces, if they would surrender, he
would not tiro upvo theto. - Mr. C.i oil horseback,
with bis interpreter, soon overtook the rear-of tha
retreating party, and after passing 'many of the
stragglers, was required to stop, which order was
enforced by the presentation of a gun, until tl e
inletpieier explained.
They weje thm bindfulJed, and earned for»
ward, Mr. 0. occasionally mquiiing for the officer
in commaud of the corps. They as often aaid,“A
|,t lei further on;” ■& t at one lime, whin he refo -
~j t 0 proceed, in officer-told him be could nut be
rsn**bU' for the consequences from his own
l men if l.e did not go to e-mu Anna. ■ When be
t< icried the. latter, m a s >rt i.f a ratine, b-l.»w ttc
! li.-e on.the plain, Mr. C. soon informed him that
bi» enand waa to the officer in cammiud of the
reuniting body auJ Out to himself. After a while, -
a tremendous flourish nf irumpels and itistrumcou
was (ho signabfor the bandage* to be withdrawn
from their eyes, when Santa Anna demanded the
surrender 10l General Taylor's army. -With a
♦ihil-vMr. O. rephed. 'dtneml 7 *ylor never
purrtndert'" An offircr present, wh j -understood
“English,"cxpTaTued to Santa Anna tSb nature of
the answer, when he said—“theu, bo lb'armies are
in the like condition," nr words to ll at effect.
Mr. C. then for a conductor hatbernight
return. When bo reached the plaia again, the
two armies seemed engaged in a treat -ndousstrug
gle, and after taking leave of bis onductvn, he
made his way hub, as best-bo could, in greater;
peril from tha firo of our otvn'guns than' from
thoos uf tbc Mexicans.
It i« not true, as heretofore reported, (hat Licot.
Mav, in his.’ccunnoiaaance, had lust Lieut
Wood and ten men. Tuey became JeparaU-d, but
all got back safely to camp. Lieut Bturgess was
| Jjkcn prisoner, but was released under tho subse
quent nitaogemrul for an prisoners.
Mr. 15. thinks tbs Mexican infantry behaved
much b< iter than their eavalry—the! latter woo'd
nut wait for a charge fiom cveu onu-fifUi of Ihcif
namt*«r. • ,
He doe* not know pxartly how thb three piece*
of irtill.ry wiri taken. He heard Col.Daru aay
be jrouM have spiked them, bat tupposed they
would be retaken.
The rumor that Gdn. Taylor's despatches had
been cut otf wa* unfounded. Some of them had
l«i«i delayed, at Monterey for Vranfof jm neon.
Thtwe Mr.C. obtained When ha camc'througb.and
ail have Wen safely delivered to the Adjutant
General in this city. r
We are glad to loam from Mr. C. that Ideuf..
Col. May. who is reported a* having received **a
Bcvcro coniuaion ” n'Wout'a’niJ.conridereil welt
again before Mr. C left tbo army.—l/mwri.
'A new work ha.* been.issued th Washington
which, in a writ’s of tables, shows it connected
viow of thc'Nat'ionsl HereipU end and Eipcndi
tuns from March sth, 1789.' to the preieht time.
Il appears tbst daring th»VperliMJ. government has
-received for Pnbhc Linda $127,144,320, out of
which f.B7.262d)oi)iia>*been paid, leaving a bal
ance of *39,978.411. The compensation and
mileage of Congress diirlng tb6 same period)
amounts to *18.555,688. V. «S.G<is..-
gazette JOU office.
.'jjy CoatQmpy lan la a disease that is berrying its
vieilms 6y' ibo«M»)if<U the tomb," whl*« having, lt*
ppigrevv at-irf reiirded tbYmCdlCjrtev’fn common
use, bul a brighter day is coming; nay, has airmail)
cuinc. win-n this dreadful disrase can lie successfully
cftmtuittfd. Hr. Rogers’preparation of Liverwort and
•far. not only gives relief iu all cp*e# of Cold, seated, *c , iminmhaiety, butfrom the (esiitnony of gen
lien,rn of the blgttest'slanging, i* ranking «omeveiy
rcinnikiil-le curii of Consumption tinprov, raenun the
treatment of disease it onward, and nothing can anesf
u« spirit in this progressive age; in evidence of which
ws iiiviß- the aiteunon of ourcitucn* to tbo certificate
•q! t>*x. laio Professor in the Cion.nnsu Eclectic
College, wlnrti we pnhti«h in another column
ID* We invite the oiteniiun of our readers to the tx
inordinary curr.of SrrcHuln performed l.rDr.C'Wira'j
l 4 \’igaaLU Panacea, winch ;boy will find iccortl
rj ,» number column of 10-day's jiujier . They are
without doubt lira twirl wonderful ou record,
so bceiiprunouiiced liy many of oui rao»l.respectable
pbysicuuis Tbo afflioiril and others interested. are re*
uue'.e<l to visit ihein ut'ibeir several places of abode,
and (earn hum their own lips the wouderful effects of
Mte mr-Jicuie. The first one named is Mr Isaac iiiooks,
who may b« seen daily, between tho bouts of 9 A. .M.
ami i P. M- utUio otficcof UdwamlA Walton, N 0376
Market »L l’lnlada. «0.
dashers, exchange unoKtns,
Fonnb at. nearly oppovito the ißank of Pliubargh.
- CL'RUKNT MONEY on Deposile—Sight
Cl,tick* for sale, anil .made ou nearly all
the principal poiniam ihs. United ttiawa. -.
The Idghmpremlwn paid for Ebrtign and Anrcricai
OoM ’ ' I "
Advances made on eonsignmeatiof Produce, *bippe<
East, on liberal ierins. ' rachls
used Salter’s Ginseng Panacea tiriiJ I alw know aeviril
«f ray acquaintance who have ured il, and Uiey speak
■very highly of it. I certainly have no lieaitatinir-lii lee
:<winirn*r,ng il .1' » valuable medicine for rough*, eold*
' . _ sircct, PUUbitrßli
o»er lawd tor #Co# [lu>r GRAY !
il ijtO-i.’j y fel l pi,i common, Ahegbetiy Qtf.P .
Forsel? at S. Darrleu's, Mb «, Ho
el, di-uibut lur Asenl for Pittsburgh and vicinaJrMjL
by Irrujgisi general y. See aivciiieement.-- dau
dcCandleu, y tutel
ar -despatches from
- ■ ■ r.
Notes ootitai ding
"not be open before
TETiFdRAPH & «ww4§»»ii* .!§-
M-P n s ,;J. XOYCO| Nn'flo WCltai^irretflß
v- '(3' t■ •“••■? '. “•?■ •: r.f>. NrW-Terk. irjatuifariuHfri atwdraleriSa
««|M*netl>sror> l me Pltt»bßr«h,G*xe<*e. every varxi) Muslin Feocy aafljCcmia**
fe- -» - ~ “hint, Bo*om- Obl|ars.ic . which Iflte.oaeWaMTJ!®.
RI'STOK FROM VKIU t‘Rt7. ■ <«>.• !rrn.r:j-
-!»«■= mirtn
brought no uawa, hut- our Philadelphia corirs- ; " '}‘ r< ;t >'; e'nhrjems *-vcry v «n'i) »nJ put Kin.
. „ * • Oji Rtio*U imnuuciorrjoi - the very !••■•» (**‘**ll
.pOQuont inform* UJ, at 10, P. M-, that a p»M-*n- •■■> <» •‘uj.'-tn.r nunwr, aru! tvnrrorUed in-erary far
ger had arrived from Charleston, S.C., direct.
that Vveaaer Bad .arrived’ 'lO,ll Wra
Crux at Charleston with new* tnat Vera .Crux
had fallen, with a, /au of eight hundred Amtr ►
icam. We give the rather for tjhat- it is
worth. •
The New Orleans papeuMeeeived at Washing
ton contain no new*. The lale Revolution at'
Vera Cruz, it was rumored, was unsuccessful.—-
Gomez Farias bad received $250,000 from
Church, for prosecuting the war. TJio Church
sent this a* an evidence of good feeling.
We uoubti the truth of the rumofTfrom Vera
Puil’i, April 5,—9 P M.
It is not known, certainly, whether a steamer
left Liverpool-om-the I9thalt., but tf is possible
our produce dealers are on the look out for the
new*.. This does not have much if any effect, on
the market, here, and in the neighboring cities, .but
dealers in produce *rf disposed to hold back fora
few days tq see. The Sarah Sands left l.iverpocl
on the 25th uit. ~ Her arrival, at any fixed time,
cannot be calculated with any certainly.
' April sth. 7 o’clock, P. Mi
The demand for Flour continues active, and
holders have obtained a shade of advance. The*
sales to day were at for mixed brands, and
$6,37 J for round lota. Flat Hoop Ohio is soiling
nit $6,374' The demand keeps increasing while
tbo receipts.arc light. The stock on hanJ is
Sales to day of prime White Wheat at I lie
per bu. Demand good. Red Wheat uf prime
quality is 133 c and fair sales.
Corn—The demand is unabated. Prime Yel
low sold to. day at 88a92e per bu.
For Cornmeal the market is $4,43j per bbl„
with sales to a lair extent— decline.
There is no change in tho market for groceries
'—[>ncrs are steady. Further sales N. (). Sugar
at 7jsBic. Molasses at 374 c inbbls. 260 bags
prime Rio Coffee at Bjc.
Coltoo attracts somo attention, but spinners on
ly are in tbo market for parcels, for u*e. Market
In provisions a moderate business is-doing at
Sr orday’s prices.
Our local of no importance.
A heavy forwarding Uusinow* ts doing On the
public works westward.
Bilttm«bk, April 3—74 o'clock P M
• The demand for Howard Street Floor is better.
Sales to-day oflOOO'bbls at $6,124. Lilly Mills
is held at $6,25 with few or no sales. Generally
buyers doHmot come forward with much freedom
even for inquiry.
The Sales of light. 1000 bushel*
prime Red to day at 137c1»T bu.
(loro is in demand. Sales prime-White at 82c
and 60QO bu prime yellow at 88c. -
Sales Whiskey in bbls at 27c per galL
The market for provisions has been heavy and
prices have slightly Reclined.
In groceiies there is no change. The sale* are
Nothing of local importance.
The Southern mail came in last night 15 min
utes past Iti o'clock. This is quite an improve
ment, but unluckily it brought no Western mail.
A thunder storm aod heavy rain set in last
night about 12 o’clock.
IfT-fr’emal* Modesty ot»en fortmi* the gentler
le i f'cxn rcesinff relief, when niffmii* Ituni peculiar
co nplunit* The Vrgetalr'e Kleciuary prepared h>
l»r L'ptiain, will l*e found ar. tnvuiuaMe Remedy lor
the speedy cure* it effect* in the mo*t severe ca*e« of
pdo Thousands have levtiued *« to u» 'cry etumttu,
Wholesale and Retail, by W > A‘IT 4
KETCH A M. Ist Fulianttrcrt, Nevr York; W«. Tuoaa.
Muriel MrerL and P. R. Ba'VTe*. J*i«iiUiG*clil •treet,
l\ib»burgh, Pa Price St per i-ox _ rai:hJl lw
So- 00. BOOTS 5,00.
THE • u l.*cnl>ef respectfully inform* the public that
l.c'ln* commenced Uui raauulhciure of (crHl.Vwn
FoMianaM Roots, of good material' and wornuan»h*p
which he will warrant superior io any Boot ever made
in Pimsburth for the price- These handsome Hoot
will be made lo u»ea»ure, and ivurrnm them at reprr
wmed. atthe very low price ..f FIVE DOM.AKS
CAtSU. Cenilemrn arc rc«iui:»lcd to cull und exam
lltf p,.. ra ] V d! W It KRjiKINK.
JA.S!R£ L,wn of Joshua Hanna,a*cd 7 year*. 0
month* and v 3 dirt.
The funeral will take place ihereMdetict. of hi»
p*reui>, •orner of Wa*hin«tnn ami Wylie »trcet«, at 3
'o'c:©ck itij• afternoon.
rance. Annuity and TruM tympany of rhiiadi,
fepon that .’1 persona have t/ee» ni«urcJ at their o4um ,
during the pa*' ra^nta :
ti*, 'i Manutai turor*:
•I Clerks I Cifi<)iiuir,
* Attorrtifi* at Lawp 1 of other pur»oit«.
•J Farniets.
Of tbe-c there an* nm»'.l lor slo,l*' > awl uii«l«-r, j
i(n Jo Jo 3,UK> do ?
Jo Jo •!» t.W*> Jo It,
Of tUese there are.>n»u:« <1 t veer end oner, 4
VVM It AK K WELL, A gent
gp6Jl! Oilier oaGra*ilj>t,_rin*burj-h_
wuitmoue a \volff,
yiL-ißr IMPORTER* ai.J Dcalr'i
in MarJomr, Cutlery, «mJ
' Poi’Jlerv. Noso Wood stiver.
FRIiIT.Ar-.— JOObxsM Rn.stns;
t!0 hf b*. M Railing I« a« £ouc« “» Jars;
:m drum* Fi*m JftaiWPalr*
lllhx« RoekOani'w MUhm. Teitti Oro Nui‘i
10 bales Almond': to bale* r itbertn; •
U Jo K. Walnut*: »5 «lo Biaxtl Na l ;,/’)
rerM ami for tala bf KN<iU*U A UKNNKTT
an c No 3? wood street
A NRAT, tgroktorT Rnclc House, with fl toon.*.
,* the upper end of Alleghray
Al«o, b. br'rk bou*<* -with four rooms. I o*te*«um
Mrn ,ii a few,day*. Inhutre ut'MetUodiU Book J*turr.
h.nbmwi..- . ' . .
NAILS— 2Uoke«B*>orte<l Noils tor ralehy
. - ; tit r;i,rm S.reel
DU Y PEA CHE 8— SO bushel* tor •» *«;>,
,pj lit Liberty «tiert
)RV APPLKH-1W bu.hrli forralcbj
ai/> t« Liberty «’rrci
110 LOA«-*S.OO£Mo'due or more year*, on the
"i” 1 ,i * mi.E2"duaßV
Wood M. next door io Eagle Saloon
fpxetaangc on New York, Philadelphia, and B«JU‘
lit inor«'cos»uailv f**» «»J* by HILL A CUBHN
opfl \Voo£»l next door to Kagla
Ohio Indian*,*m«l ienwckjf
L u,.,k. «>d... ...r '•»,'««^fe'-
*p6 Wood »i, next door w
Collretlo»»on.Cincinn*it. l*>ol*viU«. Si
«li other acce-*.ble points in: ihe J"'
made on aewMimodanrß ienn«. HlM.* tli: '«**'
ap.l Wood fi- Heir door 10 hag.c Saloon
R'To CTDFFBE—I«u I>*K» prime Green, m
TOBACCO— bx» A*. 3Si,mnd IS* pound Lump.
jmJ 5 -jrul Id* Roll, of prime quality. ju«» "reived
and for *u!c low by ENGLISH A HtNNLIT
X„ 'J7 wood »lf*el
-I>EAS-&Ohfche»t*Y M.TfU.
L :jfl cati) bit U. I’-. I«1|4. and f H.Tej^
Received nnd lor »sl« by ENGLISH 4 RENNKrT
and No n wood >"eft
TANNER’* OIl«—IH 1.t.1* T«nnrf'» till for »ttr
low by ENGLISH A IHLvNhrr
n^ODACCO—U» krgt U Twill 10 arrive. for «j»lo !o.w
\J N«37w.w|iur«.i
M’ OLASSES-FWI-blsN O, ....
- . s»bbli* II; for rale low by
a,.n k.nulish ajirnnett.-w ww a m
No. BCUAII—4O hhd* in »»>« and for »alo*.y
. apfl KSOUSHJt nßNNfcrr, S. wood m
LOAF SUGAR- gobble a*aorti-d No*.
1 ca*e double Rectified.
S ca*e* Powderdi
a da Onwbed; in More nnd
for ..In low t.y
• S pQ No 37 u-ood ureci
PIPBB-30bi« While Clay CjP€«
45 tn* Sinn* d*r-far tale low by
tpfi ENGLISH 4 HKN N «t
MKTAL— rial ton* No l Foundry Mciat, received
□er mki Swallow and for *ale by
M ALLEN A Co, K water *t
BI.OOMB— KJSpiece* received per »tmr Pacifle and
V.alebv M ALLEN A Co
t pA No4a water aired
SWEET CIOEH—IO tibln awrel and prune, in
• lore and for*aleby ' W GREEK .
B j,(l cor wairr and emithficld et«
APPLES— 150 bbi« prime In a'ore and for *alc by
B pf, cor water and itnithfteld m
GLASS— 50 bi» bxlO;
■5O bje 10x13, for talc by W GREER
apO cor water and «miihacUl«t*
3ALBAM— U do* Wiiiar’a Balwmof Wild Cbei ry j
io*t received and for tale by J.KIDDACo
a) iy Noj» wood *tre*t I
jcutcb sucer-M II.; b.ori,’.. ju., rocM
si.nd ( «.^ by ..
rd..>.Mti.l.. #.iinvl
DtS .Tb? S&6T«lSiN»a»!“'
y tor .water and wood *li -
•frrYitTE TieaN3—6o bui. imall. - .)d«'recelced Md
W'Ki. “ • ■ * 'IcCA KOL-V
'■W. car water and wood t|» «
DRY APPLEH-WOlma /ual rec’d andToraale by
* cot wood and Water hi
i -Ulicr- ' ' . ‘ ■' —; \
• . t> w&o wuh a good actii-io, and ouc (hryean
peromHirmt toiherreunmt»r*"Tti tfO
wrll u> ca l end cima n- our Mockof Hood* before
pur.ha»|ng cltcwbci< ap6d3Rl' ’
Corner Ntla and Sixth at*. Ctnelnttatt
r 11111*1 establishment is now iu the best order for the
1 reception of the Traveling Public Ilaving ondcr
-5 one'* thorough repair, during tbe past winter, and
avng tire mo.M-expurie.icnl flieit rbake west, iu the
various dcparmiiiii*. 1 Uittrr myself that;alt will be
pleavd who rail- ,The focai.un i«ecutr*K &>mtiiodioB«
and pleasant. Fare fH prrtlay.
t'.neiunati,March 13,1.-57. " W K MATISH'
N. H Although nql exactly a new Broom, i| j* the
's»r?ie—a new Whist on the old handle '•
Hardsvrmrc Stors Ucosoved.
W r HI TIIORK A WOLFF having removed from lire
and St CJair *(reet*. to No 3,0
Wood street, three doer* above Si Charles Hotel,would
respectfully art the attention of tmyers to tbelr cock
per ship* Saranak. ißuaongsheln and Russia, direct
irciii tbe manufacturers of England and CJvnuanv. • - ’
Al*o. supplies cf American Hardware, from the prin
cipal manufacturers cf the Eastern State*.-
being entirely tu , v, and purchased upon
the beit :eim- they feel great conStUace in being able
successfully to meet competition'from’ on'y tjuaricr,
whether can or weal. .
The Hardware business will "be coatinued aUJieold
*t*ud. ; ap6_
1847. :s3sam
.. THROULfI is a* HOUKB. •
PACKt-mtoV* Swallow and Telegrvpb leave Rea
verdnily. :it D o'clock p after the arrival of Un
moMinig iktai imin IMisbtirgli, un i arrive at. Warren n
nme lor ihe Alan Line 01 Stages which leave iromedt
ntrly thereafter, and arrive ui Cleveland aido-eloct, r
Th.« rauic i* ilie-most expeditious aud corafortab
me to ih* l.«ke«.
CrtTbos * i.f.KFi \’H WKLf« War»«n,-llbpr r *<
KEKt). I‘ARKS ft Co, Itcaver Agent* '
JOHN A I’AL’utlEV. comer W-aidr aud Smithfield *t
opr-ly -Oppositn the Mouongabe'a House Pittsburgh
1847. ' ’fcJELJ
II l..t*L*P I vr. i-npm.... . .....
Lilli# Lme coiiMStiugof freight.!ind passenger Paek:
ns, tvi’l lu-i rt-gitlarly daring t irNseasoa between
Reaver a«*t Oreeiiville, Pa. by.whiebli
idiigcotH-twevn tlie twopomts, witlberarri.
an tat ihr lowest rtit*'«
I WICK ft A RCHKR, UreenuUc, Asti's.
CRAHt ft KRAMPWN, Clarksville, dors
i McFarland ft KfNO, Big ueud, o«;
I -MAVSft i’LU'.MU,Slmrpiburgh. do;
! W C .MAI.AN. Misron, -*lo;
WAt. MATHEWS, Potass,, do/
REEL), P.\RKS ft C,t, Ueavri. do;
JOHN A P A ty'tlilF.i". earner Water and Sm-iUrjcld sts,
u[6i, the .Hnmngttho'a.Houie. PittsUcrgh-
NY—Notice i« her-rjy given that the ifd iastaiinenr
- of Five Dnlinrs per share on the Cspital.Stoek.of the -
Company wrll 1»e rerjutred to be paid oh or before the,
lounti day of May, tit the office. • 0
By order of ihe Hoard of .Manager*,
spAdimayl S V .MKRUlCK.l‘rr»ii)rnl
Wbolcatle f>rng War dboutr.'
B -A. 'K &. No. 43,-Joho at,
9 tii for »■!« a large an 4 general
amifUnei id Medicine*, D/e; Stnlf*.
Paints airy description, which th y
Incii to tell low.
id are requeitcd
trticl£i.'~Ord<r* , «tecute(i,
with faithfulness and despatch. I!. A. Pahncstnck'd
Vermifuge constantly on hand. *-
If. A7"Kalniestock, }
8.. L. Kahncsto-k, J* Pittsburgh. •’
(«. W. Kuhnestock, }
A. B. Hull, New York, aprS
• LEA D WORKS.—'The dndcrsigoctHma
completed their new works. on the lunlThk
thfc river, above the Aqueduct, ini Allegheny cily,
opposite-Pittsburgh, frfr the manufacture al a rupo-_
nor quality of white lead. both dry and gtonnd in
oil; aifo. red lead auJ lithcragc. Hariug availed
tbomiclve9 of all the recent improremeots in ita
manufacture, and erected Jtie buildings on a very
extensive scale, and w ith capacity id make lead in
large quantities, they will be able to tujply orders
10-alim»t*any extent. ' •* aprS
r IVER COMPLAINT—Aiioibtr cure perform
1 j ci! by u-iOg the ong-nal.enly true and gruuini
Liver Pill.
Arubjckx. ilruwn l ounty, Ohio; {
Match VO, IW. S
Mi. R K Srllers; In April-last my wife wa» attacked
- with Liver Cotnplnint. ami bad ibr ndVice of two phy
*.fiur.»-'vlio ir.rJ various remedies wi|li producing any
l>o<>d riled. Huving heard of your celebrated Liver
I*l,l#, I colic.udeil to give.them aiarr tr>*L I purchaaed
o'.e hoi of Mr Siou Aberdeen, and gave them accord*
ine to the direction*, hj which «hc \v:i«jrrenily relieved.
I pio-'ur.--1 n se<’<*n.ll.< x 'w~'ch eu'.frely cured bcr.'aiid
»i-o uaw ctijoj.« eicclkiit bcahli. 1 havc.AJyed them
myself. and pronounce-diem the belt family medicine I
have ever tried' Yours, respectfully,
lD“Tttv»e Pills ’stand unequalled by any medicine
known for iho cure of. Liver Cbapluinl
'Prepared and >o!d by l* E SELLERS
No 37 wood street.
1 Ua!.SA M—Tli's Hal'nm ri prohriblf almost with*
out a parallel to having. d-.iringa trial of nearly twenty
year*, fully nnlmnroen ihe hijh reputation whieh itbas
acnoired ter Consumptive Complaints and all diseases'
of the Lungs, Throat and Chest It hak been used .with,
ii,o’. ably greater success, than any oilier article known;
pa<| nisny ijiysivixns who havu baj au opporlun ly ol
witnessing it* highly *almury riTects, do not heiiiaie to
reeomraend ha* a »•£«? cnnvenieni, an<f very efßeo
ciou« oiediclne, equal if not superior to any tuber pre?
renptlon for the above complaints within their whole
knowledge, and one which has seldom disappointed the
'reasonable expectation* of those who have used-It It
i< a most va'uaMe reinrdyTJf Coosutuplioasp Asthma,
Pleurisy, Blood, Whooping Cough;
Coughs, Bronchitis, aud Pulmonary Aflectionsof every
kuid. . ’ ,
For aale wholesale abd retail byr
11. A- K«tlJ NESTOCK &Co s
apd cor 6ih and wood uhd eo*4tt aud wood «t>
open, « few piecca of superior Ulack
irr« ll Vsryß!of*y. ' ryd- '- v. i ;;
Alpacaaof ertif quality, from coounoa
io low forituality. , ‘ I . '
Alto. a. KngJuli and French, of rich
pant Illicit.
•Alio, Ulack ft|it«bn de,Latne*, all wool. /
Alio, a tiTTce*»*ort<ncni of plum «triped.figured tfpd
watered bine* Silkr, at the dry goods houae of
>p s K cor -til* and Marital Hi
in-Country Mcrdinmriumqe ioi Caih.-wtll pleaae
take n look at ibe Utfie and freig>toclr.idit retselved,
hi the room*,up-ktaii*—entrance frwm from 4lu M.
rpAKB"* ibi. opportunity of informing hia friend* and
1 the public HI general, that be baa ramovrd hi* reaw
.Icnce fiorn Allegheny City io Perm Mtcnl, PiUrb.urgJr,
nearly oppo.itr Dr UcrnmS where he w ill be pleated
io fre hi* mend* mi.t pupil*, mid impart iniirnclion on
the Piano. Arfanyiuenl* have been made io gift}
tlio*e pupil* who uke leuon* at hia boo*e an opporio
niiy of a suiftcient length of time ’ efore
leaving, to fix the hiKrueuori impacted firmly-in >bo
mind An ndditionVl and exrelletu'FfanoV mad6-<**
for ibepurjroteby Mr Uiumc.liHsbccr.ptovidetF
and nlarrd m a loom whyry the pupil rati practice eu
t.rcly undiMurlicd. hrginnera will uiao have the
ai.l of bi« daughter during their hour of practice.
A very few pupil* more mn be uceommodated. A|f
plieattoti* made at bt> resultnce.. apidiw
moMERCHAXT TAIbORS-Noa opcnli#
X a rplcndtit awoittucutof tboae Tooy manufactured
Sent*, both fine and medium <fuaiuic*. > .
A large invoice Cravat*, both black auil faueiec, di
reet from the Importer. , -
Sroekyyitll rgaaln:c« aud rolop.,\. . f
Satmitow*. «k» • ; do ! * do;/
nombailnedo do do 'do:/
For*alehy the-manofartorer'* Agent, .NoVG\Vood
• ireet.upstiur*, wholesale KDWARUTODD .
up* - Agent for Eastern MariufactuTcra.
FISH— 6 l*bl* No 1 Mackerel;
3 keg* No l M«** do-'
> kilt* No 3 Mackerel;,
ttibbl* No 3 do; . I.nrge; I
Sbf Irbla 51bATnamejd SUai.<l --
No l Salmon. Alewtvt*i’.int! B«liliporp| lleirutc: for
•aletnL v J D VVILU.VMSA>Co.
'apo' No 110 Wood »u«cu
/ Slvt Cni illm;'' ' '
ft bi» Sperm do;’.
4tl bra Siekrine C indlri:
io l>t« Dipped do: for aale bv
n( ,5 J l> WILLIAMSACo U'lwuodM
\PPLKS-IMI bu« .Dnrd'Atlples, t>ri'gon«irn
ment and for rate by J D W,U.UAM« JcO>
iij.s ’ N'qltl wood «ircrt
PIGS-lbJdranji SmyrnaKtgi Tor. »V|t byi
Pap.', J D U ll.UA.Ntri AjOo UllwOodM-_
CRAM CIUKII 3 !>bl< ree.M oftVou*!grinietit i'hd
foi Mieiijr J U U'H.r.IXMSo Co
aidJ ' No lHy.wbadHreeti
V LCOIUII. • in St.;, vrre lilgli pttjoil
A ..t.1.-t for *atr !»v J SCfkIONMA,!
apA \\--Ko*
VENETIAN IIKM-7bb:l b-,iEi
5 . do Air
For .alnl.y J SCUOQNMaI;
ap.'» .• NolMr
VfeZ't'OW OCllUE— bc<i a|i
J ' 3 do ”
For laic by > J SOUOONMAI
upS Noil
MACKKRRL-.'O IjliU N«n M B ek ■
and for iblc by JAS’GA.
BpS . NO
BUCKETS--.*! do< Heaver UucVes*
Keel Hon Chippewa nml for sale by
apS ' ■ S D/U./KI.I.
DRIED PEACHES-libbae* in
ule b)‘ . *p3 J DAL<2FLL
C IGARS- ISO lx* Mnir Spanish Cir :
100,1100 Common Cti;nr» in hr ;
for sale b> JAS IMI
, r; - No;
uic> mn ts-t, «od •
.for rile by * JAS
■l>S • . N«
RIO COPPEE-4Wnaif« landing
Aiiiffficuu Star, and ior »*te *<>'
Bps UAUAI.KV At SMITH, I!? and Wwood
DniGD APPLKS-ia uckt to iftlebj 4:t.-
B pj . OA>iALi:V fc SMITH, i. 3 andUQ wood «•
CUIEKSK-" l.m prime W R C£e't«Tof aatftfcy
i ap4 ■ ' J D ACo; I Ift wood tl
e”*OPAi VARWIJIII—t|>IiU J*mlil l VNo^\ l New
Vutk.<iuiek drying Yarm>h;.g dolltawn japan do;
1 do CoaelfdopfoT nilebj-J SCHOON.MaKRR & Co
apa •/.■ ) f ; ? r 1: ■■ ~i ‘jV stood ytreel
PEACiIDS— Dried fcanhe*; '
'* la tJo .Ppn>d. do: ‘ on'trouiffn
mcotand&r *»lc*>y''''| •• J-D' WILLIAMS k Co. ,
aps • ‘ ; ~ , yoHO wood «ir»cl
LAHI>— 2Mj!» priiae,recM a» coMtcnwcnt sad
,/• ;J 1> WILLIAMS AO©
ap3 : No-110 wooJ «tree
VI.AQB&W +. AU»f»«T* a! Law,
:V1 oCco iemdVril a icw'jjoor* ncsref.Grant \tutt\y
oa'FognH tff Hak*wyU‘« PMh'ftwt ’.. j ipMtw •
SOAP— 1»» In* I’m. No l, in mre unit for **l* bj
O lILaCKHUBN a f-o
coi wairr n and cberij *Hcy
JwiLljfeK'M A. HILL 4 CO.,
«3 Jjg AS& BtALSU IX [ "
—■ -4*o* atnn -J-'aank, Sait t*4
incM;J PH libfttr|h,P«, ' "_!***»
W iYbtki Ift yean of r
■K!p Commercial Ktu!
lhede*'Te of h»«j*«rer
' 1 < d j'i'irfTftij'frifc«r* V i
required fortfce fit»l ye
O i,IWO jutt rrcoi«cd.
erV rriQUt«n«i Phelp'
. Merchants and Pwt
Li Looking; Gtasaee,
• general anortmrat ■
ate*—at No 6*, conn
IV pjrclis*iogpropertyu . .—„« k>
eall and ex,annne toy Refuter for Eenl. E»uw before
nufcha»in«. No trouble to ihow rood*orto riveinfor
matldo. . SfCUTIIUFJIT
1 *p3 ■ NogCproithfieldatrcct '
Loaf sugar asd ~~*
25 bbl* tioodale’* S .
if iSbbl* No 7 fcoaf Born? fandinr from fimrK
Bunbeaa and »a!a by >• ■ ' JA» DaI.ZELL • >
| *P** N 094 writer'at • >
| pOFPEX) Ac.—ls bx*Vllicott'« 3*.Toh*ceo, -
l . 30 bar* Rio Codec; jUM received
per Canal andfoMalo by . DALZEU, ••
j _ «P 3 ~ : • -N094 wa-'et' *t
ban.,- * pritpn •n«eJe i for
; *>*».■• ear Penn amllrartp •(«
PAPKK— 300 ream* Ruled Cap Paper: ' ’
«V buadleabrC. and Medium Rar Writ*
pin* Paper; Ibr*atel»y REYNOLDS & SHKK
*P* • ’ • cor Penn and Irwin *i«
APPI/KS—1 ftOQ bus. Dried A)
pin*orderf-rraje l»r
" ap-1 CARSON A McK
GLASS— SOo tija “New Window Gliri.-
*ll fixer, lor,»ale Kr - _j\ m
, »I>3 . . CARSON AMcKNtGnT.Sixihtl |
BBAItS— lOI»bl«*mall WhiTeUem*fur aa i e l. t
apl CARSON A McKNIGIIT, Stub »t !
riAßDißfs AND SOAP- ,
100 b-MSomroar Mould Cindk*; :
sobx» No I Soup; lbr*al# by
ap3 CARSON A McKMOUT, Sixth »t
Diamonds ahd clay- I ..
*_oy Dimnoad Sparky ;
P”TU bis taper OarrauiCtxy; (*>r*ileby '• ••
DRIXCD APPLES—9G boi.jgtlrec’d and fertile
byj ORUM, MeURKW & Co
»P"> • j NoCjlJoraDerciit Ro*fj_~
• ntLOpHS—Sldoien jiulicceived and for vale by
. . • No 0 Commercial Row
No I Leaf l^nril;
Oo; reo-Mice.forftn
ijnr F»oorer and for said Irt
~**a>gr and front si* j
now landing
O KMOVAL—B Cuthben hat lemorcrt hi* General
(V Agency Office to NoSOSmiihfieldvtreei, totiiluidej.
3 dq>r» above «d. .j . a p3 !
tin, on coai'gnment and lor vale low to clove bv I
_J»p3 PRO. MORGAN k Co. 105 vnxKi .i I
(IOPPKK SOObagt Rio, part prime, iasr reAl and -
J fertile by , ■- < POINDEXTF.RACo :
“P?_ . '■ ' No <!' water virect -
ettoget a ti'&ation toleam-tlieDryGoodabuvinet*;.
he can (peat the German and Kngiuh Language*. .
‘ Addrcjv, C. L. : apt!d3i* . .
II O* 11. ROBINSON, Attorney's! Law, ha* l
«* • :removed hit office to the Exchange Hoiliiingtf *
St Cjat&vueei, next door to Aldeiman JoliuvT *
ap&Jgm. ’ ' : ;
.ttr bbli tmi irc’d per Meat
Arena,forealeby: Sft \V lIAKUAUGH-
No SI wood Mrpci
BULK JtEAT—MtOllanu;
tfttt SbouTderv, Innd'mr and (cr
•aiejjy apg ATU OOf), JONK9 & Co
rf'GBACCO—SOkeg* Ky. 6Twi*i, instore and for
X tale low to close euutinaieni. ...
N{ij —I3AIAU DICKEY A Co, water mil froniliu
BLOOnsi 1 '
(TONS pTnOo-Jumn* Blooms, jo»! rrc‘<T arid for
■psl AValqKreet, near Evans’ Hill
BC£jl£ PORBL-r-lO.OOOlothor'round, jo«t rr
•ale by L Js WATBRMA
npij JJ waier and frmi
ri>o JLBT—A 3 ilory Brick Dwelling..lleus :
X 3J street, below. Ferry. - Kent 94 per month. I
ap'J 50 SniitbSeld tt,between 3«1 and *jl
O UNDRIEB—7,OIO lUtissoned.llacoii;
0 1,000 lbs Venison Haras,
;*bbl» Beans; I
'.tlsacka Feather*;
; 4 ueks Fiazxrd; (or tale
Molasses and iuce-
SOU bbU Plantation Molasses;
JSJ bbl* Sugar House do;
43 ticrcet prune Biee; tor -
• : ■ xfojl wat
T^lSlT—JObbls No3South Mackerel; .
X. 40 hf bblt do do do;
IQI-bUNoi! do do;
tWhfbbls'do do dra inn ree’d <or tale. l
jnct»C4 ■ . _ 41 waterktfeet
SUGAR— 2?0 bhds prune N. O- in store and far wle
mcb24 1M Liberty street -
Molasses -too bbis n. 0., in pood'onJ
*tnre and for sale by 'J Jt RFLOVD|
toehgg • ; - • iaa Liberty »1
OTTON YaßNt-6.000 lbs as tolled, in 'atom *nd ; r
for tale by j JAR FLOYD r
mehiH , ; IW Liberty hjrtfct. ; •
SEKD—SObn*. Cloretaeed; I . .
UHms. Timothy Seed; in atore and w aajo.
" ‘ •’* Itrf Liberty «}reet. *
SCHOBIKB— 7bßtoCtore»*ed; . ;■ . ..
- ebbl»TimotbyS«d;
- 4-ken No 1 Leaf Lard; a prime enicte tor,re- ,
taUujg, for pale br ;; BEYNOLPS A SURE.
•mcfeai ’ • :: . ‘dbr Penn and Irwin >ia _■ {
SUGAR-2Sbbd*i>rime N.O-,for*alebir •' - : r ■]
mcfc4 ' .• ' •~. I 'l4l Liberty tC ? I
FBATHKRS— 77.00 iba prime Kr.» Jan xteM and :
focialeby . i
®eb23 ■ No4l ’rriief it- i
MOI« ASBKB-JS bbU So**r How; -
. .(U ..** .NewOtlevu; fertile bf
144 Liberty w ;
rocbSl t
PSH— SO bbU NoS^lickerei,
10 bf bbl* dn do;
SSbbl* No3Booth Mackerel;- ■ .
SO bbli NoaNorth dor furiitietiy
tnchSl ' ” • ' Mf liberty ftcct ,
NAILS— 25-kri< Otiphnni’* Biand, landing from a
Brearriarille Boat and for aale by '
apt.. i ? J PALZELL, 31 watarat
F~ aSBB TEAS—hf cbe»:a Y. Jl. Tea »;
75 'Pombong dot < j
Nov landing and for sate by BAfIALRY It SMITH ' - »
» - •■■ ■ • fipg |9 and»wood U; \
B tliK POHK-I.OOU Ham*: - V,
—. .l.OOOSbouldm; neatly inacfe|l ‘
and superior qoaTTtv, for sale by 1 *• *
JUOhbd* New Orleans Sugar*; . .
BUObbl* Plantation Molams; per late birirala
and foraalaby . HAGALEY A SMITH . ;
apt Sos la nn<f SO wbod a* -
BAL2ARISHB Ladies wanting ]»w
priced Balxarinrs, fiwrtuly Spring drcs*«-», will
'Rod an assortment ait above low price, atthe drygoods ’ ,
iioote-of -WRUURmV »
tnebdl~ N E cor 4ih and Market tt* •’
MRS. CHILD'S LETTERS— Letter* fiom.N,
York, by Air*. Lydia MariaCbiltl*,3d edition,—
Two vols.ctoib.' Jd»l received andfor aale by- '
nebSO cor market and Jdsts •
GENTLEMEN witlfind alike New York Slbire
70 Market steed, acbrilce selection of t'mesblm
Collars, Bosoms, Ciarat*. SeatG*, Stock*, (Glove*,
lidkfi.Suspendcisaad Hosiery.— -
mrhtj - --• \V- II GARRARD _
.. 3 do Oau;
4 do ' Apple*;
. uo ' Apple., " ]
•- 4 do Peackea; . . , Festhrr*;
/. z 3 barrel*.Kt|K'■ \
110 piece* Bacon: lanflin* from »(ar
Comet and for aalo-by '. JAMES DAI»ZEH,
apt . : .No 21 stiitrH
ÜBMIJOHN COBKfI-1 bale lanre use, on
hand and {at salt Ur , BRAUN 4; WRITER
mchas cur Kiheiiv and St Clair^t*
[VO COBKB-I bale of nuiwror »*lret Cot!
. m ■ • hn i ItU L n PI'T P D •
.■imJuj fax)
cor T.ihcrtr cod Ht C{
FLOUIUA COHK'9—I bale for tale by j -
mch23 »u,
Da. WOOD’S. Bamp>tiu» tad wild —
.Cherry jßltieray fnr.the.euteof the following
dmcaaei: Jaundice. Uvrr Complaint, tilOlliotnCota* i
nl»mt»,».ck Headache, Heart Bard, lud}ge*Upß>haMii
o»l Co»;ivf nei*, rilei, Palpitation*of Ihe Heart, Lou -
of Appeiite.Djripepiia. Nerve** lrruai;6a*,Dri>ilu«od
Stomach. Languor. Depte«uon of fepiriu, Chronic Hbetk
mtutai, Cutaneon* Diicaie*, Canker. Syphiloid Uhi.
•c» Sciofnl* lmpuriUe»;of tbe Mood, Pimple* sod
PuMalei ontbeFace.Hereduary Hnisor*, Cud Sore*,
and alldl*ca»e» ariiing from entn}udteideaa*«ofMsr
' cOry.' :
The attention of nod of all thou
afflicted by any of llw above diteaaea. U tetpeet/oHy
called to the mermcfA pew. and invaluable prepara* '
lion froin an original recipe of a di*iihgui«bed phyiieien,
combining in itaalf the moat 4eiiVe- : remedial prapertiu
of two of ihe-*errfim snlelet is the Materia Medic*.
The Seraaparilta and. Wild Cherry Binera were iH~
tredoeed to the public about twelve taoathe ago, «od
daring that period their aueocra haa.beaa eo great a*y
induce thoproprietor taoCer them with fiill mora coal
deuce, in lie foil belief that by entering ln’.o more ex*
iejMjvp die, they will prove a bleulng ki all tiO*e
suffering from the dieeaae* above rnaroeraJed. •
Sold,-wholesale und reiail, by WVATT A KfcWd*
AM,geasralegatns,t2tPiilloattreet ftfew-Yeifc'y*-
Taots. Market aircel, -aixl P- R-Sawtu, Smilhaetd
street Pinsbargb,Pa.. Price <l—large bortjei-_ : >
mehW»B» • ■ -**»-'
■ *r~- "
jrel, on Jicr.d
: m hindaud
i iMwsiterst
id ioraltf'lrj
1 j 4 «ntn tt •
osl wucrd'
from: sterner
- Now Jar »*nm*
0 it Ibe'tjaekwfirr *otj Wirtfeoaie, Na.figCabq ♦»
New Yort.ltb. whole of wfcleb bderated
wJ Mb of Ihil tlecb irtickj ofer foe mU ** £•**• <"
n»ta« # I0O0 <UBKS«f t*BJNTJU!C4UCOW,««'
ESKn lb- dtMrtU. M« -tjk*V
wbiii h**inc b«»«MlaetH. tat bed** is
niut, wiUm»Mitlcm Ibin.Miaibrtif*** P* 001 i**
W pri»«»* Ikto oftwMM w» mu fat-u- *g*iaaLkf
- W ft-B K UJLhtc*«kwSst-ihSai
Um fins of Loesod .Jod.cwTiftd -f %i»
old fri-ndi. 1 Tto b-riiiw t * t yjyj| r paow t jf A? * f
FtbnwyS3,l &f74te9|» ; LKK, JtJDgOJI
J-BiU fS JmTwJTC- CUBR\ .ttonerfcrlo J*a.)
i«ri. o»ue«d - w«dr
MILL ♦ CUBBY, <m .*•<***?* rtMminkoi»A«
Bsahinr snd Exebangt bow®«** t® branch-*, 0*
No 63 Wood »trc«L thiw door* betow Poorth,, w««
,ide—where they eolw-it the cn«om oftbetr friend* lad
'tegWrpM.dti>. . tfST^'VußlY'
’pie*, in good *hip :
Knight. w*»b