. if—hi H ' ' ■( : ' - . ------ rr '.:- r "‘' wJ “ PRICE ;! BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Albxamiikh ug, [up “S I ,;* •lrrfi, »U»ve t'uiiikfirlJ. • * A OOUIJOS. A Foryranlm* «o»n*f *f re ® KcilomLjl mHu)'. . —..--— - ■ Tt WiOOdT ao>lK»'jt Co* Coomiu;™“J •im,»l,«U.rr.,V,irraXia*UiV * smith. *» a) Wood •mutb. «*«»««* S'aSrsSJ'ff p&SXSSpB* KS»s3*. I Vn »i'* t '3l’\W J llAli.rl'ANTco"H*iiar«cmrer" / tOLKMAN, a * - d jjp rinJf t *fC«*»*f *•«»&«£ A ££jU!k •ve^dri «■«• o" ■ <*<—- * “*''•" " 0 '" J. eJSS 'WiScY? * CABOTOBB*. K2%niS3KSitL « " •*» Fro “ • M'>- _ ——* .JWJbSy.V*"-'!-!* - vrS 5S5r r&K» * jj^^TUsrss&s : V T“ J SFSI * PilUbuffib MiHUimW r». - uul oottA and I.ilk-ht. IMi4.«rftW i __ ——*- £^3?a®S*jiF burgh, J*». _ ~ ~.. - ; ~—' — r~ tfSSSs^’SSSws* m-rof M*riri »i- -■-. ' ;• T . i » ■«'* .w~- ana ' !rt, ~ F.“!; ;".«**«*. t« «•«- pasr r ll,U ' •- , - " join m:n*aMTU. ; i Co, C&uimi•*»<>'» «*•*! t-Ww-fU.nj F*m£L«? n. » !•»<*>««»• -*>'* ■ ~UAJCIS UKUI-Kltii. Jb i°S u'^sii k rrs»itTi, , »t, U . Oip. ro.l, I—7 starts t.T „,..nJCo.on..ni»oMPrcl.»i.i«, luayocx.^^ FuuVurxh l‘a —rt”''JrO— ; i4{». A. BBSS* «•...« - rnci, Ivan anil I’m •ut'rlt. - mtylT —-r- (feo. 0 iJrow&eT; I lTllisa iittOWKE iMtenana » '*s“** .' Kbcr.nßllaO'-'al Paper Warelaa-a. “ 1 ..reel “TTIiT ; H.f;, ■ luonrry, winch w * u *U, w ap** i the lowest pne<«•!_. T^H" g«sds?s A a5 n ss^» rechVl-dljr _ _ tr r -.TIT _ _ X WBJLVJEB. Wboleaale and WavadMaViusbarKhtra^:-J‘-— *'»tT »ar lifflCHOTj WHITE A. fc£D e r'"'Sb^ eri, and trilara _lll 2^- T a -Saicf..» .aJPeale,. so wv7t «ij jot *fro»n «rwi*. fiyfwgh: —?®!H- ST.£&!».*.i'. cupird T. J. CUmtie,K-«. vteei; Ac, Pittsburgh. I . —-—j—■ .•■ tiMItK ititHH, Nuc'ceseAn to TOII.'V WALRBU, Afoot <°r £fn aeUan meUt_ : Bwoonery « ”f 5“ ,l » ; nyitag* ;*?“*• i *fP— l>#nl(*Joa_*^ w ;. .. ..} . — J V7i>i \ \T. UAIaLATIAi Auoracr all Uw.we I'j,k\i Leiwecu tirwit andi*us>ltucl<£ wwlk aida, pmrapiif nlhe ..djoin.ur countlee. i^JPSEM— - ir*TBain«.\cow*E^ Ti nE« cOOPBtt * CO,. Wholesale Oroccta, i A aii*Pia»lwrKh wmmtfaetowii, Na «C l.ilarriy »t, wiwxgc the memth of Cth rt- : . aytM ions U. comer Kinb • J {>tul \V««4 oc,! ' fOUK C. mOWBiIB, AK-nL Wb«ileMle tiro- J ccrunJ Cwni*i**lon Slcrelrfm, Water wren, idooralaovetbe M«ru.n/fah>la Pmal-anc*',- . 1 a&Mfoo, NatU, (ila«4 Ac. at uuno&ettrrers* prices. ! nortS- - • i in ‘ ToussTosr *. sKtc J I'rinier* ami! #l** ‘• aHB r.Jt* UKAU’H Bowk J. cWif^.TUwOof^fcl, »Id«mi* Tid MeU*d**« BJ*» or Ckwnr Alter u>d pyCamncy fraithaied *t U> e BWUt *.!^^L —-—— |OUM GUIKQ, J «*r«, P.U«W*r*i «Miir*eM>«*i ' - .T.Jk [laUj: Floyd «|« (iioim So.lW LUftruratt \ lf l”_ AHES DAUEBI2b t »ict> Merchant, and deaWro Produce ihd rrtiiwin ■toanofaetnn’*. NoittWater u,' PitutjmrgJi.l )*?.—. L’ S. WATBRttJUB. WhoWsale Gfacer, For , iwardia* end CojattiMioa Merrbaaf,'oe*l rr i* pitj*barehMaaofaetort*«id prodwe* No*. 31 Water r ~« iWitMUU; • _ j , ••_• j Jt7 t BWIS utifOBIIOS * C«. ( Wkoieitfe j Urocera, F6n*art T n* iirtrConaaiaaioa Merchant*, ■ad'deafcf* m'Piluhaqiß Mwuftucure*, 3c., No; 43 Water aadPtFrCMlfo*. ' ■ __ aatfl ' Laihbtit' Mfl r'AMSUIT * IHIpTOV, Whrtnwlafiiocen, 1j ForwartiafWil CowaJMion *•«**»«, Beaten • a Frodeieat Dd tfoahifgli■ Pinaftcarem, Wc*j»«od t3sWood '«. Pmdmnth. ' ~ ' ( •S/ilßurifeld- • V Jm/IJ. M'GUI ii>aaXf Coo- Al wafwnW-KluwWf N#JW Libeny iitTKij Piiw* • Lnr#L >. • - . -.•.•>•. : ■• ■•■:-i*ii-*l. a!I«j * r Ahfr.'Wl»ek/-‘'' / ' if ALLKW* C(WBBlwl«r»a4Fdfw»rtuw MetvbMW? W«er»ai Ffoam»,l»t*trt Wool ndWtHreti 1,1 *' "T" •'*•-•■ u ~ " j Ming UiXUtTOSrVkbdleOfocM’.lM' oTriai Bieuller* jdmkf .-ia ~ fro£aee* : Puttbarrfi " , i «'.••>* mnd Liotttu. aaak&eM urect. toetweeaFoena «n« u 4 films o»4 .JjUey»PUab*i«h» >'• -**P" nr*B». UURTKBTjk Cd, Ow«» L W». W LiMW>«.: ,‘ivl, •- r• ’ ■'. -:■»** inU,IEA i BICKKTIOIIriWWMIIe Oo ' «o*«V9Hbpߣ;ra- •_ t U ::.J \ 1“*« EVEN DOLLARS. ■ 'IXeCORD 4. KING, l-lioleulr ami teuil Ilai JVX atid Cap manufacture!*, and «]entcr« in Fane) Fur*, vfcifrfer of Wood aitd Fifth »i». J»" *•! MWtSCUASI, VVlidieMte broeera, Dealer* m • Produce and Sail, anil Forwarding and Cotntni.- ■ ■oh Merchant*, No* fcflLiberty and SVt Wood street*, Pm*borgb._ 1 ______ M*” URPHY, WILBOS A CO., Wbolevalc Dry Good* Dealer*, No. d Wood airnei, Pituburgh _ »«rtS / NHOL9IES 4b SOW, No & Market .ireet, n-c -, ond door from comer of Fourth, Dealer* in For eign and Dorne.tic Hill* nf Exchange Certificate*--.! l ' I>T©*ir, Bank Note* and specie. “ t |T7* CaUrctfeiM mode *n ill tht prinrif+l cum Mreof*- . ouftkf Pu>t*ri Suua decl< ; ~ R W Poindexter. * A CulbetUen. C H tir«ni V POIITUKITER 4 Co, Wholemle Grocer. . and Cwnmi.ntti end itorwaidiog Metcbant., Nutl |{ Water ((reel. >Uc»- jl ' j aacca, ir. I ' t. a. ao«a»on J D Leuutcx. . C W Amwx, RBRtICB a CO. Wholrwale Grocer*. Cumnm | Imirof Pa. j Late of Na*h*ille,Tej»i». “on Me7eb.ru* am. dealer, u. Produce and , j EHMER A AMtfclUO* Dealer. >,.Cotton Pittsburgh Mmiiufaeiuie*,! I.rtterty .u oppose Smith- ij l orwardmg and Comtuinion Merchant*, No. « j field «.. Pituburgb. Pa. ; ra > s . Ffo“iMrrct, above llr<.adwuy,l.mt:mniti,T«„o. ; RICHARD BARD,I wboleadlc and rnail dedr-r j R " E J l^ _ tro . j in Leather. Morocco, !heem«kfr« rool» and I ind Ragaley A Smith. | timburgb mg». Tanner* and Cun teuTool*, and Tanuer* Oit, No. , wSußingUam. ) V |o| Wood «t. Pitubaegfa. j . . * ep _ Seay A Shepherd. ) ■nOBBKTSOS 4 REPPKBT. I'roloc. Dt>l- M.mn 4 McAli.lcr, j Nukv, lit, T.na. -•*- ■K. «• *"s'“•,, fcTGi i'Sl'ili.liii., k>'. BoiEHT~DAL2BLI 4 0., Whol.wl.Uro- - J^m.Ooknl'onT'cu I .’ I c " ielnn - 11 ' °- XV cer*, Cotrfmiwon and. Forward ng Merchant*, dea- Hewrll, Ileran A Co., New Orlean*. left m Produce and Pittsburgh M* tufacturc*. Liberty .Maggreggor A Morn*. New York. (treet, Pm*burgh, Pa. ieb~k Duvall Kcighlcr A Co.. Baltimore. ' _ Bomiaoß B *«X. ». ROBIWS. Smidi. Uugslcy A Co., Philadelphia. n . Wl 14,..0» ISH JU. duee and Cammi*»ibn.Merchant., and Dealer* in J. C. U . Le.uvieb. WC. VViUon. P?)t,burgh Manufacture. iNo. IfO Liberty meet, 1 ill*-J G/'W. LEFTWICH & vOij burgh. Pa. 1 - RECEIVING. FORWARDING, nOBEUT HOORE, Whole.ate Grocer, Rectify ! Aud Comml»*lon Merchant*, O. Reynold,. , i. L- Sbe«- j „vnlc RKYSOLDP a BURE, Forwarding and Com- Surgb. i*nl ; Hoviog taken ihr WareUou»e formerly occupied by S‘ AUCEL PALMER, Aupm«y a> Uw. I H.P. A h _ cl B f r^l 4 utmr Steam MttL n Freed** ba.lJntg, No M Foonh »trrrt. between “J, p * han j „ , u || ..jjiply of. all *ixe» of Uoilec Wood and ttauibfiejd. | l ro .i u-id Head*. Flur and Fins. Led Iron, made from hutof-/u/uofa Moowm: which>w-Hr l>e told at the lowe*l market rate*. Fuiginr Uuilder* and olbri*. are invited u call and riuin.i**- In. *n>ck promptly at iv-u.ir-dio _ . _ jyMdir STEPHEN BAHHETT, Manufacturer of Fan ry,Shaving and Toilet Soaom. Winter and Summer nrr»»cd Ij.dOiL 4c. No 17 Fifth »l, beiwcm Auod Oiid Market »t», Pirubatgh. IV - oc, »» SF. VOH BOS9UOH6T *. Whole*-*!* • Grocer* c or warding aad CoramiMJOu Merchant*, Dealer* in P.tt«‘>urgh Mannfaciures-aitd Wetteri, I *o dore, have moored io tlieir new warehouse. (old aiund) No 35, corner of Front si and Chancery 1-ane. noy SAUCKL M. KIKR, Forwarding ami Corattn* •ion Merchant. Dealer in Sail, Piodu.-c and Pm* tiurgb nianuTabUirt-d aitwje.*, Canal Ba*iu, m-ai U bare rop>*t*nlly on tu>itd a well Mfcd ,„| ixollltirnl oi ilic be*l and fre*hejt Mrd.cidc*. W-forli lir will cell on ibe m»*l iri»oii»l*ir ien.A ( i Ph> fif'»n* *erul*ng Older* will be prouiptlr attended »«ip ‘ plied with aruclr* the) o*y rely unon a* genumr t l£7“Pby»ieiin»* I*re»« npuoa* will be arcuratrlv and orally prepared truer ib - Wri material!, at any hour of the day or Right. I k AifO for tale, a large »lcck ol fre*U and good rrrtn-. m-fT- T F Fonyib R-J »or»>«b. ft i p. FORSYTH A Co, fomin.«»>ii Merchant*. L «dra!er* in Salt. Lumber Grocero-*. Produce and Pjl'tiurph .Manularni" *• Canal Uu»m. Liberty »iri;et. PiiUbutfb. : \ . rp A. IiILLIKIt, Looking Ol#** oral F.n .re J. .Frame Manuluctiirer. and Importer «t loath me GU*» piatr*;’dealer ih llurdwiu,-, a ad Fam*> Good*. tIM «irret, near t mb •P-5 'I , UMCH A H'CANDLBSS, (mrrroor* lo i. A JDWtek..) Whole*alc'Gtoer»*. Forwarding and Commotion Merrhanir. dealer* in Iron. NaJl*.<*iu»*. Coitou Yam* and PiU'buigh .Manufaciure* grncoUy, emot-fol Wual and Wat-r *t>i PnttburKh. ioehls 11. MTItPIIY invUe* Abe Vie. in rail- and . cxamime bn »tock Ficnrb Worked (otlkrs, •oiiKeai low m» cct*. • ' }■"*£ lifllOLiaAUS GROCERS and General Comm,*- V i «iofi Merrhanu. Galena. 111. ou^Zt i‘i rGREER « Co» W'boleeale Grower*. For VT ■ wardinf aud CeouKiaaton Metcbaaia. >ud Ocjai era in Produce and Piiwiurgh Manufacture*, ror pe 6f Water and Smithficld*tf, Pdubargb. Pa. novt-^ WKIITHORE At WOLFF, rmj»orwr» and Whole tale Dealera m Hardware. Cutlery. Fad tllcrTiAeiConier Liberty and St. Clair »ireet*, Fi.m burgh. ’ . .. WU. OLENH, Uookumder, ha* removed to :je eornertit Wood and'Tbird *t». above C 11. K*y, where be i* prepared to do every detenpuoit oi Ruiing and Uindiuf., J _ “F 165 ITT W. WALLiCS. Mill suue and mill furul*!*- Vv • iae cfttalrlistunem. No.*ll Liberty aw’L near the -anal. . j m * r2i • WKr'l'cCTCßiaS. fcOBT. H CtTCMOS. Wk. tt. W’CCTCHEOM, Wholesale Grocer*. • and Denier* in PituboiTii Mannfaeture*. ami AVenera Produce *coemily, No. l&l Liberty ureet, Pituburyh, Pa _ 01:11 WJt B. JUTCHKLTREE, WhdleMlrGru • eera. Rectifying Diatiller*. and Wine and Liquor Merchant*, No. 180 Liberty meet, (oppoaite'Suih *t-.) Pitt»bar|h . mayta^ty I riirjil. Boriwiy j ! .. • . lUGAS & KESAEvI, IITILtIAM It. OOHiILY. Family Grocer and ! |tjJN*ltTi; *OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS W Dealer in Proviaion*, No SIU Liberty, * dooi* a- '• ; jyj u (OWARK, CUTLKUY, dtc., l«ee!laodaire«,«Pinabcr*h. No. I*.“J Wood Street, U/lOC(£iurol£WdM)i. (irwn the burnt ( TTSBCRGII* , W Diatrict) Wfaolreale Oroeera. are now located ai > A «K no* >n the courte 01 reeetewg: lent* i No. 118 Wood at, wherether offer'for** le ala'ree a*»-.n. |t\ to U.nr extetwice aiock of ilaritwe, CBtlenr, t&eaiofGroeeneiand Pmaburgh Manufacture*, at low , Sat :<-r>. Ac . which hayinj >re« tiotebaaed on the Inr tot a and on favorable term*- »«TH (mo . adva..w B eoo* Et.gtund, and direeifran •* - •- ~—■ — 1 ihe itanuronurer* tit iln* country, enable# litetn to ol } fer : 3odi on rernt* *urpa»*eil by none and equalled by 1 fe*i i» U rcha*e«»ate r>-*pccuully mrited locall. ; 4 1» i Ww. WlLlO.ti Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, • Silver Were, Military! Good*, 4c, No. 57 Mar ket *treet- uov7 ViTHTHCaPHY, wholesale end retail dealei In V •Foreign end Domestic Dry Good*, northe.a»icor. nerof Market end Fourth eta. «ur-*l WBK. P. IttWIS, jr.rbt'r ng:pureha«ed the Drag Store of Edgar 1 born, comer of Pern and Hind etreeUi will xeeri e constant supply nf the best, lie. Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded.— Medicine* can be bad it ill hour* of tbc night . febindly* ; M. U. DARLINOTOS, Attorney at U» Pittsburgh, Pm, commissioner to take the ec* knowtedgmeni and proo of Deed*, Lease*, Contracts, Deposition*, or any oihe-Vrritiug (umler seal ornot.l lo be uked or recorded in .be State of Ohio. Office on lliird street,aboreStnii Leld. WC. AUeiIUCBACOII* Attorney at .Firth street, urar :*enl, all kind* of Merchandise at the lowest rale* or Comanssions'aiid are always prepared lo wake advances. The best of reference* given, if required. Letters addressed to either Hounj will l>e promptly attended to, jyUOJI y i l + IJ. BUVAR, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, ! AND NgUOLttALE UK4LLA IN PORliltijt k DIftKSTIU WINKS It lIQUOKS, No. 114 and r>:i Diamond ttiiey, j rii'rsHUßim, fa. irtrdi* _ WIIOI.KSAI.KaiuJ Retail Dealer »■ all km.ln of Se- j girt, Smoking ant) Chewing Tobacco ant) Snuff: Union airceknearibc Diamond, i’ltyburch ujjSl WARRICK MARTIN Ac Co., | B«nktn, lUaUts in Hrrhang*, JZanJi NeUs on.l Coin, | Comer of Third and Wood *ireeti, porlO-dlr PlitibniKti, Pa. . II W William*. Wm M Shmn. j ISwcteuor le Lcicrit f H’UiiainjJ j wiLMAnri slum, , ATTORNEYS AND COL'SsKI,LO{iS XT I.'AW. I fr>-Office Norh aide n( Fourth «l, aluvc SmilhGclil—/ij fel«|7dAwl)'F ’ _ _ j SECOND. NEAR WOOD STREET Aaint roa N*noi A (V* Srui. Ilace on band a (uU »*«ortm?nt of Cfsr, Snua. feblti - Burnca aud Uxaitia Start- A M Wallinifold. J«ba F Swgri. iITay.LIBOPOHP * Co., Comrnn«.on and For- W warding Merchants Second. Wood meet. Puitbargb, Fa, ‘ _ J" SWKLnT*An auortmeni of fine Jewelry, at Noo9 Woodftreet, vi*: Cameo. Cluiier and dthei Breacoiaa, Ear and Finger Rings * ened*. OoM Pen* ol fine qoalily.wilhor witbmrt HoWem; jujf.rre d • TIIOS. KKVNF.DY. Jr ATTORNEY Jd’ciiiiJftor oSaWi OHIO. Codecuom in Southern Oh® and in Indiana and in Kentucky, promptly anJ earela.»f REFER TO—Hon. tLchard Diddle, Wm Bel! A Son, C urna, WmM’RnwhtjCnarehACarotWera, MnlJar*. K*q-[jaac* P. Smart.Wdloek A lKtn*« IT* 9 — COMMISSION MERCHANT,> NO. »0 cheafside TITLNDOW Glaas Ola*» Ware, Dried Fnaii, Bee*- W wax. and Country Produce. Advaocoa made oa eoo«igiua«nu. Sainfmetorr r«f ereaea M>dw addreaamg l-y mad. aeplT-iy* ”john ft Oalloogh, J M'Keebno, C DCalbertaon. - jobs *rcri*i*ooon a co Commmion and Forwarding Merehantt, * 95 SOITfHST, laasnr BOWUNO* WHA*P,Bain*i*« ADAM HOEH W AIaDIIVO FORD A Co., jobs a. ncnisos, \ j PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY MORNING, 1 APRIL? 6. 1847. A. M. Waltiußtord. ! j J»«. F Singer. WALLING-FOHD it CO M COMMISSION it FORWaWUI.VG MERCHANTS, pe*i.EE*~nC I IIF.AW II A ROW A 1 K AND PITTS 11UUG11 HANt't ACTL'HKS, VI TAKEHOUSKS *tTret. near Wood, and Canal Ba»•[ to attend to the*e who may rc«iune In-■mir,lmm 1* A. M . unt.l 5 I*. N., jtler wln.-b hnui lie will attend to mi one, eleept ip e«- «e* ul liece*.n>. 11-' Would (uithvt >a»Ui tl»J»e.wbo iiuiyihiuk i>ro(«i to eiii|>lo) him. that he eXg«e».anne d.nte uayiuciit* wiilniul tin ncf*;*«.tyon hi* partjpt *cnd* ing hilt* : je!S-tf 1 ‘ i Ij S Ib.nlli ight. I i J. <4. A \V. UOi 131 AN OF ACTI I K K II W tbuibright UKIUIIT, ; u r s T A k i: H, ■! *uperk»e. to any made Wine!■ lb-> Will di»H>*t Term*. U r A Kit A N I’Kll ct[ual. ti'n in 1.. e I'M,led Male*. ..ml i ol allow *mlo.. g.nx , x«iyr UULIVAU Flit ARK AN ri'..l> *oj::c k> 1 l.ooJ* ci-i.ner W-KlanJ ]*o Bearre, Ps IC DIIK KS till- l.c*l Ki-l'tli "Stour ealc at the Wo.el ou*e AW MACI.AUEN i:ng ti'a-* Manufacm i t n:ni '.Variety. kTtU »lreet* t«9 ■ llenilltnnce* Couttlry." \ 111.N1.V .. .11 u. a). P*ri-Ol Eng.jml, liclatnl. Scul i*i tai .1 and V,'aV», .h-• ainJ oi XI and upuraid*. U> iy Is.l :*» *a.i ln«e»npkivc?s janl_ THOrl. J. CAUSOS, to Co* (JUM-MIaWION MERCHANTS, Nos. » ami 0 Light St., t * IIALTIHOHS. advance* will be i..ade on consignment to hr nGovr address, hy ;anil I >- 01 ARSON A. MrS.MO HT. Sixth it - \Vm I* Vl.u:ir. • C Inr.isc.n F Plunkett. YOUNG, lIIMSEN 4 PLUHttBTT, FI. I NT <; I. A >-?< M A N 1 F A < * T U REUS, \]|T'alU:iujL?|;Ni)* il Water and IW Fir*t street. Vf Pitfi-uigli. The Ola-* msuuruciured by a« i» warranied cijuol to any in the cooniry. All Older* *i!l rrtrV' ptiHtipi attejit'nn and filled On rea**»nable nu*. Merchant* and oilier* visiting the city are in* ed to call before purchasing el'ewn ere. febl« I ;im*» Tiinmwnv. w. itMtiniU. I THOMPSON 4 CAMPBELL, ! COMMISSION MFRCHANTS iAnd Nannlkcturtn of Ll&avtd Oil, An.'2o Columbia Street} jv CINCINNATI, OHIO, paili roatrLix«*DK£3) , *i|pt!s-ly WIIITMOHK *. WOLFF, iIMPOKTCR* AJ»I> tIEiLKU* - ■ vdwarc, Cutlery, HiddUry, \ j (TwiTicr '/.iVrfy and fit. Clair itrrett, / i PITTSBURGH, * HE now receiving per sJnp* ‘^avannae,’''Susqoe- J\. Lamia,' and • Alhambra,' their spring importation* oi afdwarr, Cutlery, Ac-, parrhased lor eaak. direct id* H the manufactories of lliaMixmisM ami Stismiu). Xi ,» a general assortment of American Hardware from lb,' nanufaclones of the Ka*t and.west. I It ,ycrs are respectfully invited lo au examination of oiii * lock, a* we ‘arc determined to sell low for cash or ap* ovrd.crediti • - *P3 i* LCnl~« LCKCIt. JOStPIiJ.KKCU. MALCOLM LEECH A SOS, LATE M. IJvKCrt A t.'O.. Wholesale (tracer*, Com miision and Flour .Merchants; dealers in atJ kinds Country Piodace, Cupper, Tin, Tin Plates. Tinners’ Tool*. Iron andNail*. Zinc, White !.rad. Dye Btull*, Hu**ia J'heet Iron, Lra-I, Cotunj Yarn*, J*alt. Ac., aod : Pittsburgh Manufurinre* generally, Nu« 4M.iH.and M ' liibeny »treet, one door «l«ve l|e head of Wood street, ifitlsliurgii, Pa. ' . ' Tl.ilmt*J advnnrc*. i.t gash or goods, made on eon sigmoeiilsof produce. Ac-. Ae. mchlS llt r i'.hi w:> v.l f. F. Tcunlmstm.^ B. P. CONWAY * CO., . 1 |Joirr?M<»UTir,o)iK'. i’nmun*‘ioir»ml Fotwrarding | and I'inducr Dc.«k»»—al*o itlrtid lo Ibe 4a>l Sln|iineiii ol I’ig 1 run.Coni, 4c. u*rnt to, Alv'ooJ, Jopc* A Co Itiown, Hailey 4 Co I j, rent, Sirilm* A fo Hfiiry Cralf draff, l.imlw-y A »‘o I) Lccrli A Cu l.yott?!niurli 4,t «> Clarke A Thaw iiinrlthlty ilfiiw* «J6ino« I'«rinml>tp. ll* A S NKI.SON liuvm* iak«-ii mto psrtnrMli'l* . wiili tLi«tii Mr Alrx. will la- In-rpui'i'-r coiulucW umirr tl.r uamr <>l il H.iß, .HKIXtA JMt.l.ufgl.. Matclil-J. I't7 i r «cvi«k>!» *. «t.vx po*tuh. 11. P. k 8. NCLBUN k. CO., MANUFACTURERS of Hammered B*>vcli and Spader. Uoe*, lla> and Manure Fork*. Ac . *«• Varehou**, No 11 Wood *lrec« l ;»*«iwbutgh J.'NKWTOS JOSES STEAMBOAT*AGENT AND COMMISSION MKRCIIANT. MONO NO AUK LA- HOUSE. Pittsburgh, Pa. ! A. LRDUUX A CO m ! •NO 11 CiNAL. STREET, NEW ORLEANS. I ft CJE.NTS for J U Armani’* Extensive Steam Kogar • A. Refiner?. '.\’lwny» on hand,a large »loek oHaral. ; Powdered, Oru.ltrd, Clan&id.and Bwiard Sugar*, in i Ti.-tcc* .tudlUtrrtl*. A bin. Sugar »lotT*e Wola**e». i ; I'rtce* liberal and n ia<«! allowance made on all *ale» ! <*M>r above, SO liarret*. i «o«»hl> wn Wattkusow, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, l Redtuuik* Pa. ; «vuldire«peclluliy inform hi* friend* F end the public that tin ha« taken the Wa*ebe«*e, , formerly occupied by J K Gould where liewilliran* 1 aact a grneraiAgcncy. Forwarding and Commie**®" | bu*me««. Particular autnuon given to all eorunra '■ mriit*. Ctiaffcv iru»om*tiie maillu | HedbauK. March I. w? , ' I'JOliik'WsiLAF, P i l,f ANUFAirri RKIi o| Tin Copper, and Sheet-Iron [VI Ware, mid ilealrr iu Umatinta and Japanned Ware, No 17‘Vufkel rtreep The-nubicritirr re*peci rally call* the attention of the Weiirnt Mercbante, Cooatry dealer*, and other*, to bit large aioek of nan* r/aetared Tut apd Copper ware, with a large aaaorl* nteot of imported Hoot* Fumiahlng Hardware. WholfMje buyer* uhd the poblte generally,'Brelim ted to call. WALLINGFORD A CO,. COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Second Street, near Wood. DFALER9 Iu Fiiuborgh Mansfactnrea and Heavy iludware-will k"'P coniunUj or hand .i Mncl nr our.w /plinj. UIJ MtoJiSL**: m,1, r 1 , v IioL»K, * 8t1.,1 Ejoliu.,., 11,0,0... .uO [S. r0110m.0.1 0« e ,,N0»M.r10ii.r.u,1',M1...t1.. i>. null MISCELLANEOUS. * TEOH~ HOMlill. ' MANCFACTURER AND IMPORTED OP WAUL PAPER, Fir* Board frtnn. Bardrrt, Lmmrftrmp* Ftp*. Omvnjn iaJDoijpu, Ttaupami *Fi»rfoi* Skoda, ft., ana Dealer fo Wrttinf and VTrappinf fmprr, B**ntt artd Bindm’ I Starflv ft. ♦ft. : I No 47 Market street. between Third end Fourth PITTSBURGH. PA , j TTAShad, at no former period,a »toek toextewiTc i il aod wjII assorted a* that to which he now most re*pectfully invite* theattention otpurcbaser*. Iteom prbes French and American Parlor, Hallw Gfliee, ; Chamber and Counting Boom Paper of every quality. The color* are brilliant and durable, and ihe wleoC pattern* uniurpaa*ed. By the Regular Line of Pack' -eti between Havre aud New York, and from the Faev ; lory, which it «1 way*in active operation, and uniform* )y supplied with the be*t workmen the country can fuf*, nish, frequent additions, during the spring and wnwnfi will be made to the goodam store. Prices, moieorar, will be •oatrnndf modtrvt* a* to meet the viewa 01 the most economical,and satisfy Merchant* and House - keepers dispoieo to examine aad judge for themwTea, thai their inleresu will be csscuuaJly subserved by baring at (Air Ma&iitkntni. nylUp. Tow and Tenner's Scrap* taken in trade, or bought *1 the regular market price*. - nplS-Iy RICHARD T. LEECH, Jr.. IMPORTER and Dealer ia Foreign and Dometne Sad! diery. Hardware, and Carriage Trimmings of nil descriptions, No 133-Wood street Pittsburgh: bets leave 10 announce to the Coach maker*, Baddlei*, Country Merchants, and buyers generally, that he expeet* to open tor sale at the above stand, abbot the Ixtier paFl of April, an extensive assorlmenUft _ . SADDLERY HARDWAIBPaiND CARRIAGE* TRIMMING*, inetpding Rfety article u*ed in those departments; such a*, ■ . .rft- , . Deer and Curled Hair; 'Carpet, for tiarelm* tags Maas: Tack*; ‘ Vamiiter; Oil Cloth; Saddle and Gig Trees; Saddler 1 * Tool*; Skin* and Leather; Glue; Glaa* Paper, fte. All of which will be sold, WTtofrxilr and R*tad, at the lowest Eastern price*; and ihoae who have been in the babit of going E«st to buy their goods, have only to call aad examine my ■lock and prices, io satisfy themselves that tune and money may be saved, by spending ai borne. 1 ' Having had six ) eats experience in ,the business, enddrtenained to devote bis whole .une and auenuon to it. he hope* to mrrit a share of public patronage mehlltf - NEW 1 H AR D W AR E HOUSK JOSEPH WOODWELL, Corner of Wood and M at*. PUtibarghi VTA VINO withdrawn from the old arm of Walker A XI Woodwell, oo the lit of Janaary, !St7j I take pleasure in announcing-to my friend* io the cuy aod country, that 1 have opened my new store at the above named place. Having purchased my goods forca*h, anti made arrangement* with, raannfaeiurer* in ibi* country and in Europe lobe constantly supplied, !< am fully prepared to furm*h Hardware of all kinds, on as good terms and p* low as any hoare Ea*t or Wp»t Merchant* and others are respectfully invited to cal , and examinemynock, before purchasing elsewhere. The following comprises a part of my stock. Steamboat and Saddlery Hardware. Gun Trimming*. Piles. NaykM'sSlrel, Cutlery. Edge Tool*. Anvils, Vi ce*. Locks, LutcbeJ, dickies, Scythes, Butt Hinge*, Sere**, Union Kacioty PlaaesjJaws Maboganv.hoard* and veneer*, aad all other article* connected with the Hardware bu*ioes*. rochlli£_ THOR. A. HILUKR. ' LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTURER, aad fantjr Furnishing Warehouse. No |O4 Wood sued, near Fifth. Pittsburgh. Pa ; Wholesale and Retails English and French Engraving*; JapanDed Waiter* and Trays; - looking Glass Plate*, by the 1«ox or single light, Table Cut'ury; Pieturf v.lassof all suer; , Britannia Tea Were, in as its or single piece*, Portrait,and Pi’tuie Fra nr*, Fire Inwis and Fenders; Mahogany Toilet Ulaaset, with 1,8. and :i drew*; Silver And Unianr isTrs A Table dpumii; Magnifying Mirror*; Candlesiiek*, &iuffei* and Tray*. (mli, Pier, aad Mantel (»U**e*, Gentlemen** Shaving Cases, Comb*. Hair Dni*hea, An.. ay-Jlcichants. Holds, and Steamboats supplied on liberal teims.enii narking carefully attended to U al discount for ea*h; feLIT UAIZ4M 8 PATEST BKDSTKAU. - -■■JSSaL NOT Wl THSTAN H 1 N « ■ ** «a*rr«toP oppowLon to thisinveil t*oq of a Pittsburgh Mechanic, a m*»' Jonty of the Cabinet makers of U U JBteSgg and Allegheny city, and their num> r. • ■ oJ• selected by vipcrieiicut mi ners, biourhl from Maryland, where the divnveiy «•«. Cist made—the fasible matter, with which it is imbed ded, ** carefally separated / They will be thoroughly bunted andjeompacily pressed by machinery, and, tm note attentionctveit'bv Messrs, Harley A Co the pro prietors. in all respects to maintain their acknowledged superiority. • . / - Orders bt mail in'otherwise, will be promptly eiecu led.on application to j| SfU W MACLAHKN KensinffUm Iron *> orks _ Oan Ormttgo ■««**• FOR LIVE FENCES, weired Will for **le by the •nbaenber. It ku been procured at o heavy ex pense from it* native country, {Text*) Thi» r'»*t >» found fiotn experiment* already made, to be preferable tot tledciflf to any other for thi* climate, being petfeci- Iv hardy and of quick growth. No domestic animal will browsd. or insect baibor in It—neithcfwill u damp off frithe lower limb* by ir, like every iborn that bn* been-tried in thii eonnlrys ir will bear pruning well, nd in A year* make* a mo»i perfect Hedge. It ibotihl be planted in h nursery and transplanted at year old—may be pruned twice a year and the cut nn set down between the plants, which will grow and aalcra perfect fence, at much lr»« expense than the ulti vaiioa or. any oU.=r ißorn WICKERS|IAM e.or wood and Oth tta KAOLB lALOOS. TO FRIENDS AND PATRONS-! have di»po»ed of jny.Bakery and Confretionary >« Diamond Alley, and for the prastiu will reeetva older* at the counter of the Eagle Saloon, for faney Cake, Confeetionary. Calf Foot Jelly, Ice Cream*. Pyramid*, add every other ar ticle nece«*nry for Supper*, Panien, Ball*. Wedding*. Ar. The Saloon wtll t»« open tor Ice Cteam* Ac., on or about the first day of April. A large amount of money faa« been 'expeiided.' ln order to make the Saloon the 'mow.attractive and pleasant place of re*ort in the wc«- tern country, for 'the approaching *ea»on. * * Proud of the patronage we have received, we will »uiveu*dc*err«acoaiinDanc« of ii. ’ ' t . ■* mar s . ■ , j ANDREWS. Wood *t MR. DUFFS iiiioKkriTiM; AND Writing Room*, N KVorner of Fifth »nit. Ma rket atreeu. The planof initnietion followed in ibis Initilution differ* from all other* in the Western Stale* li* efficiency ha* beep amply tened during Mr. D.'» eitablithmeni in this city fur (he la*t *e»cn year*, and hi* new work uponSteamboal Book-keeping, (the fini tomplrte ireaiisa upon this braneh of lhc-*eience yet published,} enable* him lot teach tin* department ul the science in the most perteei manner Person* lear ning Book keeping in this Institution have another **»- vantage: over all other#—they have on opportunity of becoming expert penamen. without wh eh thetr educa tion fur the counting home n-rnain* incomplete Professional aa*i*t*neegi*?n in all ea*e» of difficulty m opening and closing Merchant** or Steamer** oooaa. making out b. lance sheet#, poumg and adjusting de ■ auged bonks, ke. . I foil r* of Hastm-ss, 10 to ISo’elock, A- M-s S to I and 7 m tO:n the $ *** BRAVIZIO CREAM-PRICE RED Lrl all those novr Share who never Bbe*ed before, And those who alwey- Pbave now Share the more. IN offering ibis tope nor Shaving Cotnpoood to ibetto* tfce of ibepshlie.l can with confidence any th*i the opinion of all who have tried it pronoanceil the most pleasant competition that ihey have ever, used; aud in order to place it within the reeehui' alt I hare reduced the price low r.joogb to a flora an opportunity to every person to give it a trial and judge for themselves; So, Gentlemen if yon wijsh for a neb, luxurious shave, on with Tour •hating cup*, don't-be set red! it won|t rosi m och to fill them; and, if too are not «aii»fieJ. tbelmon eg will be retnrned. OTEPHEN BARRETT 1 Iron City Lard Oil Factory and Fancy Soap works, teblf fith at, oppeeite Iron Cite Hotel llsrdwiirsrCmllery, laidlerpi *c. JOIIJV 'WALKER, IMPORTER AND DEALER in Foreign and Domeee tie Hardware, would respemfolly Infetm his mends and the poblie fenerally, that he U now receiving hi* Soriai supply of Hardware, at the old stand of Walker Jt iVoodwelt No t» Wood street, which be will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. ;He will be continually reeeiemg fresh sopplietdirect from the Manufacturers.iajEuropeanitbir country, which will enable him to compete with any establish* merit, either East or West. Western Merchants are invited to examine his stgfb before purchasing elsewhere. marfi Grocery. Fralt sad Prevlalealiorsi * * VVHOLraACE AMD BKTAIL la 1«1 &!>UITT ITEKBT. BENJAMIN BOWN would mpeetfnliy infer® hi* old friend* *nd the public tenerollir, Out he h« ■nin eonuDcneed bonnet* in «h# nbove bruehe*, next Sr ®CI M «®nd, where he ho,*e#, br keroinf « Sotr.ef nod nrticto*, *e»in* low for r-Mh, nod pnj; in* *trict attention to hit pauon*, to Bent* there of public patrontie- , ntc ° w WOO'l7 WOOL, WOOL. CifKi (of *l] erode* of well w**hed Fleece. nB Jffii iSb wiSrftad PoUrf Wool, by the cobwriber, ot hi* efareboo** oo taithlcM *treet, be- LITEBAiiI INSTITUTIONS. PIIISBURCH FEMILB ISSTITOTB. THIS Institution, under the care of Rev. J. M Uotrioax'axh LaDr.in whieh ail the solid and or nameuial branebe* of a finished education are.taught t* now open WUhe reception of pupils at No* 3*4, Irwins flow. Liberty Stiait, | between 3d antltih nreU*. The Second Session wilt commence on Monday the Sib of February, and il i* important that atty who may design entering should bepre#ctua* far as practicable either before orai that lime. 1 I .They have secored the (ervicet of Profe**or. RIIO |.||OCK a 5 teacher Of Mane on the Piano sod Guitar, .wftb l* too well known to need recomme-idation Also (he service* of Motts CASIMIR author ot "Chretfomatbi' de la l.itiruiurc Francti*,” tnd other valuable schofUiookf In hi* tiatire language. Mon*. i„ is a graduate of the University and Normal School f Pan*, and stands high as a teacher, Those who de sire loohtam an aeeurutc and thorough knowledge of the French Language would do well to place them*elve* arn'er bis instnietiod For tetm*,*ce Qireulai or apply to the Principal. I*7l/ ) TOVSG LADIES’ SELECT SCHOOL, ALLEGHENY CITY. r IM!!S Institution hs» hut reeently been opened under X the tuition of Mr N. W. Metcalf, attke Cortser of fisndasky and Stratrberiy it*. Thr success which bo* thus far attended this School, in n« establishment and ptogre**, has fully equalled the .expeditions of its Instructor and Pioprietor. and wsr r*ut» the hope that he will be sustained in hik effort* to render it a desirable Institution for the education of Young Ladies In Alleghruy,and vicinity. The Fir.l Srssioaofthe tint Academic year, will commence on Monday, Feb. fith. There are'yei a few vacancies to he filled, but as the number of pupi's is limited an early application is de sirable. • For particulars, relative to lermJ, Ac., consult Circular* or apply to the 'lnstructor. fcbfrf EDGEWORTH LADIES’ SEMINARY. 'JtHIS Institution is •itantrd in ibebeautiful.and heal 1 thy Valley of Sewickley.H miles below Piiisburgh- The Summer Session will commence on Monday, 3d of May, I&I7. For further particulars see Circulars, at Jdlin IrWm ASon’*. No II: Water street, or at T 11. Nevin ACo’s. NoliM Lilieny street. mehtfJdSw D E NEVIN, Principal HOOKS, MUSH’. &(’. Y AMI ABLE BOOKS.-I'ubli.hed b, /a Ac U P James, Walnut street, between Fourth gad Fifth, Cincinonli* tiutiot’s Gibbon—The history ol the decline and faQO(es and corrections, trans lated from the French ekp*««*ly lor this' edition With a notice of the Lite and^character of Giblion, and Watson’s Reply to Gibbon. In i vols. imp. Bvn, 1073 pages. Napier's Peninsula War—Complete. Ivol. imp. Svo.ftWpsges. - Hallsm’s Middle Ages, Chamber’s Rebellion in Scotland, Kobertsoo’s Virginia and New England, Rucseii’s French and English War in America, and Jtamsay's American Revolution. I vol 410. " Xihraryol American History—Cnnlsmina selec tions from the best authors on American History, Biography, Travels, Commerce Stall*tics, Indian*, Revolutionary Battle*, ifirc. Arc. Ac. Also, Anec dotes, Poetry and Miscellaneous article*. Uluatra ted with uiorc than pOO engravings. I vol, imp Hvo 040 pages. Universal Pictorial Library—Containing saleable Capers oh various subjects, cotnpriiing Natural iitlory, Natural Sciences. Agriculture, Rural Econ« outy,Biography. Fine Arts, the .Orientals, Travel*, Geography, Botany: Miicejlaneou*- reading; Ate. die. I vol imp Svn 040 pp, fall sheep. , The Family Medical Treatise on the Prevention aod Cure of Diseases, by regimen aud simple medicine*. New edition, revised and eolar- with (be additibo ol a Vegetable Materia Med-> tea, pointing out the virtues, preparations and d«ses ofiour (nost:va!uahle native medical plants, and an frtitline of .\nat«-iiiv and Physiology. Illustrated ; wlUi one hundred Engravings, *ix of winch are ‘f colored, liy J G NorwomJ, M D—KC 4 page* H»o.' 1 American Flower Garden Companion—Adapted to the United stole*; by Edward Sayers. Landscape snjl Orokwebtal Garitem-r. P 2 mo, third edition, retired, enlarged and illustrated. I Palmer’* Oregon, Kucky Mountains,ir. &c. 1 Family 'l'esUmcM. octavo, with and without Roiyglot notes, and PsnUns in metre. - ' tlirc and Pingrce's Debate. Burn’s Works Lady «f the laVc. Lalla Kirokh. More’* Private Devo lion. Juvenile Books. Cheap editions of various wofk* in pamphlet Ifrtn. mcl-'J I .* FRKSII AHUIVAI. of NEW Ml flt' (or Tl- ANO FORTE unit UtITAR. ■y-AS' urr-JnfrJ fi>r 'Ae /’riliij . Th.- Blue Junmiii. by m U Sullivan A K. 1.. White; Kreolieclioio 01 llunie; by llutfn.li-011. . Virginia.Mn»»irel». No 10, Tlie Guinea Maui. Away Down Ka*i romic «orti—kung bv Hiitr.hiii>ons Mary Bl*ne. an Eih-opian AMuily, by Wbidock; Tlie last Farewell, a favorite piece; . The snow-Biorra. asperforui'-a.by the lluichjn-on*; j "Moonlight. Music. Ixive sml Flowet*—a Du-rit, i There’* a t»no.l I'i-iic Coininfc~hy the llulili i:»on-; j Steeping I Ilie-mi Itove— by llcwiii-; ■|ff>y:-,sj. of J.» I’s-i-. by Hina «Jo»»l. ! Arc ihe Link'thn: Bound u* tliukei..' - 1 Love be Our Guide—by Englebrechi;'^-*^ I’m Sadde»i when I Sinj; . Mairitnouial Sweet*—s Comic Duett; 1 W'Uere are ndw ihe ilopr« I Cbernbetl? . Tbr Undgeof Sigh*—»uti* by Huu (i.n»oin OU!.Summer NirUi—br Dumzru , PMai. 1 Anna Folka—by J Suau**; F*‘li-n.anew IVUyb} >l'i.«-!• l: llobru >au I'oifcn, o'. SojnJ* m> Joyful ’ Fean of IW-; Oti! Love, to me ibe Power; The W-oodpeeker; Emblem Flower; Mi.rnin|>’« Kuddv Ileum; Orjioan Ballad Angei», (l,ovelhe Free; The Wmcher—l.t Mr* S.J Hale; The Hlne Juniata—l>y Mi*. M. D Sullivan; My Soul i«T)ark—by Uyrowi I Love but Thee—by l* Meisnrn. Jun received und (or vale at the Book and Mu»:C tiiore ot , JOII.N II MELLOK m'rhiS No “l vroojtrcet l7iiE:Vii T op books at m. 1’ A. MLVKK*S—Chemistry in to Agri culture and Physiology; tty Justus i.iettig. M D. f Animal Chemistry. or Oigame Chemistry in ns ap* licutions to I’hytiolngy. anti Pathology: tty Justus .irtiig. Professor of Chemistry in the University of (Lessen The Miller of Martigne; liy llcury IV m Herbett. Lafitte. tbe-Pirate of the <>uTf; tty the author of “The South Wen. Captain Kyd,or the Wlzurd of the Pea; by the aalttor of Lnbne, Burton, Ac. Jack Hinton, tty Charles Lever,com plete in one cdtiion Chamber's InfoniialionrNo 14. CJcorge Buebanah: to which I* nd.lcJ the rom-cat sayings of I’ailtl) from Cork Illustrated Magazine for April. Columbian. do do, Nutiona) do do: Godey> Lady * Book - do: The Heire*r:-.hy .Miss Pickering-fresh supply. For sale at M A MINKR’S B pO Southfield 3d door from Second 11 AL.OAN ON TDK ROMAN*. EXPOSITION of the Epistle to (he Roman’, with remarks on the Commentaries of Dr. Markuigbt. Professor Mo*rstJiuart. ami Profes*or'Tbohck; by Rob ert llaUlan, Esq. From the fifth Edinburgh edition. 1 v«l. fcvo , “50 page*. Price S*2 50- •pl,e Wickhmto, or England in the Fifteenth cenlurv; by Mra. Colonel Mackay, author of the "Family at Ilea lUf-rtlnle." Pi rvitial Declension ami Rmval of Religion in the Soul. I.y tin- R.-v Octavius Winslow. Jane Tm> lot's t’untf ibmiona ol t( Q;2vi.ls la.un -• " M mutts oad Conrspondcmie; by I. j» • Taylor. ‘* “ K»»ays in Rlitat* APoetiral Itenuim; *» " Mother aud Dnugbirt^ •• Oriental Poems; Display. a Tale; * ’Talesof ilip S nni«h Peasantry; l»v Hrv tlenrv Dun can, D. I)! For sale by ELLIOTT A KNGU.-ill nirtilT - No 5C Marin .trret NK W BOOKS-.Marjarei Fercivai, by |be auU > ot *Aiuy Herbert ” n „ , ,; ot>br of Mißir; bjr te#lv«-ne. liooperS l , b>«iei'un , « Vitle Meeucii The li*es and time* of the wom diMinfluidietl Cbn linn Father*, to ihe clo*e of the W rentuiy; by Itr W. H. Coffin. Cookery; by Jim* Anon. •* by Mi** Beecher. Cook’* Own Book. Fiench J)onieit:c'Cookery. For sale by j L READ Fourth, near Market*! NEWJlilisiC BOOK—Pamphlet Form. —Tlio Melodeon: a Choice selection oCSougs, Duetts, Qoartctts, Rounds. Waltzes, and Marche*} with ■ History or Music. Illustrated with cumer ous engraving*. Imperial octsro. Price 25 cents. Published and Tor sale by J A & U P JAMt - S, < Walnut street, bet. Fourth tod Fifth. Cincinnati, March g)} 1847. ; VKW WORK OH MlfßKP— The American Shepherd, beiog * eotoplete-hiMory of Sberp; with their hreedr,management, and dUea»e«; by 1* A Mor rell— illurtrated wiib drawing* of ibo different breed*, Ac. "'nil an appendix, embracing upward* of twenty letter* from eminent wool power* and eheep fattenere of Uilfcreni itutea, detailing llieir rerpcciiee .mode* of nunaecutent. For »ale by ... JOIfNSTuN k STOCKTON Bookerller*, car market and 3d *ta - DUHL.OP’B DIOJEST—I** Kcneitl law* of Pennsylvania, from (be year ITWIIo April Sttnd, It**: chronologically arranged: with note* andrefer enee* to all thedeeisiansol ike Supreme Court of Pcna« •ylvauia Hiving ronstrseiitmt to raid law», and a very copious index. Compiled by Jo*. Dautop,of ihe I nu, bo'fb Har. For sale by J b READ meblO f Fourth, near Market M PIANOSI PIAIOIII HENRY-KLEBER, Dealer ill eastern Piano Fort;*, at 4 XV Wood weirs. Mo. Bft Third Street. The Pianos may be examined at all boor*, and the aabten* ber will l>« there from ITtb it- A. M .and from 4 to*. P. AL, each day. P/Usb’g, October 8 1, ’44 XV*, the undersigned, would iotoßß the eiiixens of Pittsburgh and vicinity Ihil we have appointed Wr. H. Kleber sole Agent for Western Pennsylvania, for the •ale of our Piano Fonct, from whom they tnajf beoo* Ui.*4 .tear own [N.w R CLARI[ , New Y6rk, Sep. 1,1&|4-ocS3dtf Saw Plaaoa* , .. JUST Received and-opened by the subscriber, tbe fallowing new Pianos:— ' _ . fe . , ' One elegant Rosewood,dnetave Pi*w» Forte, IFrencb P Om elegant Rosewood.dloeiave Piano Foile, with emned4fetbJe Tablets-* splendid ineuaaent. , . Also, one vety good «f"thand Piano, made by Und * Co, Pbilada. tIESRY tIXBO, - fUkH «3 W XYoodwell I *, b 5 TVtd »t MANUFACTORIES.- • PITTSBURGH BPADE m BHOVBL 9USUPACTOBV. ; REMOVED. DAi\ iCßOTTS,ifnnVanvrmofHammered Spade; «nJ Shovels, respeclfolty inform theit ft ends and the public that they liavc removed their Manufacturing establishments No. 4tTSt..Clair street, n the Facto.y lately occupied by Coleman, Ha Imtut t Co , *wbi re they will always keep oh hand a fall supply of Sboveu, Spades, Forks. Mattocks, Hoes, Picas, all of their own manufacture, which they will sell low wholesale or retail on the most accommo dating terms. Wc would call the attention of Canal contractors to our canal Shovels, which, for material and workmanship, cannot he surpassed in tbiioi any other country. Purchasers visaing the city will please call and examine our stock before bnying elsewhere, as we arc confident they ran bo accommodated. The junior Partner haa charge of the Manufacturing de partment, and a* a pra workman, is unsurpassed by any. Those purchasing nay be assuredof not being deceived. DA\ k GRUTIa, . N. B. A full supply o Heel springs and axles, well assorted, and for sale wno'esale and retail at the tnan mfaefurer's prices. ” * IvSDdTwtr _ DUQUESNE SPRING, AXLE, aTKKI. 6l IRON WORKS. COLEMAN, HAILMAN, A Co., Imvmg completed ‘ their New works, are "now prei arrd to manufac ture every description of Coach and Eliptic springs Iron axle*. American Blister, spring arid plough steel,, and alt size* uf small square and round Iron, which they offer for sale on liberal term*, at their warsaewrs No. 43 Wood street j wbe»e they alto keep on band ■ complete and handsome iassortnent of Coach irttn tniuga. Carriage hardware, malleable castings, Nails and Iron, ; -C. ||. A On, have made arrangements with Mean* Day A Croitx. manufacturers ol Shovels, Spades Forks, Ac., and will keep constantly on hand evert article made by them. Dealer* aic respectfully *<*l filed to callus prices and terras w ill toraadc liberal iv2s-dTwt Dissolution. THE Paitncisbtp heretofore erirting under the firm of Marshall. Biadlev r A‘Co , was dissolved on the sth instant by mutual consent. The buaiDeaa of the late&hu will be settled by. Marshall. Wallace A Me- Oean- JAMES MARSHALL ’ ALEXANDER BRADLEY* Wm. W WALLACE • HENRY MrtiEARY. FRANKLIN. FOUNDRY. THE business oi the above Foundry will be rontln ed by the subscril>ers under the linn of Ma rtlmll Wallace A Co , in all n» various branches, v.iz: Hollow Ware Mill Gearing Stoves and Stove Plates .Light A Heavy Maeh’ry Wagon Boles Engines Grates A Sad Irons Engine Catlings Ploughs Plough Castings, Ac. Ac. Made of the best muenal*, and at thn.loweM prices Purchaser* are invfn-d n> rail and rxaiuinr out Slock at the Warehouse 2n Liberty street No. si-, nearihr head of Wood street JAMES MARjJIIAIJL Wm W. WALLACE HENRY MrGEARV PITT MAOIII.NH WORKS AND FOUNDRY, P*. jour v.fiioiiT * co., ARE prepared lotnild Cotton and Woollen Maibin ety oi etery i c»cripiion, »ueh aj—Cardinj; .Ma chine*, Spinning Vu me* Speeder*. IHae- rig Frame*, Railway Head*. Ws rpera, Twiller*. Spool • «. l»re«*ing Frame*, lamin*. Card Orinder*, Ac, Wrought lion Shafting mri rd all «ixe* of Ca« Iron, Pullie* and Hanger*.ol' the lair I pattern*, *lide aud hand Laihei. and tool* of all kind' Commit* of every lice Pattern* mat railing, Ac. Strom Iron Window So-I Order* left at the \ erty »ttect, will ba lescnpuoo furnished on short no - |o order for .Mill Gearms. Iron Pipe for heating Factories. fust and faney Castings generally 'arehouseof J. Palmer A Co., Lib prompt attention ttkria To ’ . Co. J K Monchead A I’m.. (5 E A Son*; I'uul’urgli. t; Sleubenvilli. ' janl9 Blae\*lork. Bel Warner, John If UCtJII Wa |UE WKYUAIV, tad Dealer in all Kind*of Mannfaeiorr TOBACCO,9 AT hi* Old 9tan P.ainond Alley. I)' rail ibe attenlion 9leaoiboa( Barkeepe mriuoi Imported- Sc die following brtiltd Principe, La Norm* Regalia* all of whit bail at any other bou Al*o. ron*umlyin well >e letted nor k ot Chewing I'obaero Al*o Havana, l\ ronitaml) uu hand a NUFFS, AND CHiAllSv .comer of Sin.ihGeld street and P.it-I.urgli, Pa . would i•■■perllul if Country Mereliaiiis. Hotel and -•loa large and sup.no, a»*on • 'ar*. among wlntli will l.fr found ! , vu: Eagle. ILguiia. I’asielld*, . Star Brand. Minerva and Dollar c ti will be sold a: low a* can he j c ;n the city 1 hand .ind lor sale. U large and >i Virginia. Mi*-oun and Fun- I’m l.it ami t’-oinniun Leaf T.d.aeeo. id lor *a.e odfUd'lm JLTOJi. Hell u'nJ Ufa.* Round ,oid l a'lid.'wh, ,‘Z‘ will be |.le:.*P.l to »rr i..J ( id .'ti-luiuer* ~mi ll.eild*. Cliun- i. Mrairiboal. and Ueil» of every », lr . iroli lu 10 tu.uu |>oimd« v cuM irom warranted 10 be of ihc l>e«t materials. Mineral Writer .I’oitit**, Cucutcri, Railing, A«. A .1 • lion of friction in iiiadlnicry Theltoi.-* - ' mion ean be bud of lulu mat! tone* FltANilU.'t lIION WuICKS, W’arehouae aTrnrr of W»»/ trnei afr^'t : HTTSSrin::!. P V TUK »ob*criber* havm* i*yr< ha* -d Hi- l-.> . •• Work*, former!)' owin' 1 by Me*.*.' J v *• ,4 Co, ami made rl|.|ni-.v •• -w - [ifreyared in funnel) to ill -It- I X l'« It ANnlt - •• • toorraVfO'/>t)tiitl to dr Hie iiiirri'-i Wo al*o keep oir-liulul mil A-.’ > "• gtcel of the ben qualn.r*. Our friends v,«itnis |S « market vvtli r.:>•! i>**-j o tl.ettt .'•mi i til» ri.eu.t.,.- u er m» a- ran be obtained in tin eny mvtl " n ‘ wm.mccclly * u»- IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAVING rcconily made very mi;f.i-ajr ini.ru.»- menw in the manufacture of the al made m the Untied State*. and but hide lnniiMi to tl*. English Crown. \V( are *l»o very extensive.) enlaced m ll.e manu facture of Common Window Gian and Drufig.ft' 1 and BotlUi of every description. IVilci« sene rally aie invited to call and examine for thenisrlvo at our ware house. No. IJV Wood ttreei. Pittsburgh, Pa. ocfAl XV. XV. WALLACE, PITTSBURGH STEAM MAUULK WORKS, Vo> 244 a»J 210 Üboty street. mar I At Canal ALWAYS on band andrundf loonier, u large vnrie ty of Marble Maplcl*. Picj.Centir Table*, and Bureau Top*. Tomb Sripes. Monuments Ae : alt wlneh. hern* made of the ehthcrii marble, and mairofm-tuied pnneipaJly hr machinery, will be »old tow/orcaab. N 11 Person* wi»Huig to purchase Mantel*, are informed that ii i* henceforth uunceenury for them to so Ka*t, as I tan fimii*h them with on article in all reinecu a* good, ami (freight, insurance. Ac. consider rd I a* "cheap aa ilicy can purchase ibem tor in the E,»I_CMI and see. 1 „ COPPEiI, sSIBBT 11U>N. A.NI) TIN WAKE MANUFACTORY, No 6 Market *irr.ienbrr • having made crcal improvement! l 1 !n the cm." rm nun of their COOKING STOVE* ir»i.erUullr i ivn« prrson* tniiJJrog SlramlmaM lo caU and C xam.de before purchasing, as wi can supply them with i>eck Slave-, Forge*, and every o'hrr kmd.nl. Copper, Tin and r 1 licet Iron work utceMury in furni-h- .in* a Steamboat. We also inuki Tube* and Cham! and .every varicr frl.9 _ oi«ler on iLe jshorirki nolire Sal Copper work for Steam Engines SJI KB IFF A SMjUK TT & BROTHER, ,’AIIE MANUFaCTURKKS. im.Tnear PUtaborffb,] Pa. . 137, Wood strut, Pittsburgh. isianlly Vrt-p on bend a good ai-oil- Vdi.-, of our own rannuiacturc, and mhi>. W hote«ale and eonnir) Met rc-*in-<‘tfully invited in rail and ex Ives, a* w*. are deii-rinuied lo sell ■wr.before bevu ullen-d ro the pub- BENNE qPKKNSV Blrmlngbi H arehtmse, K< ot 1 »ui*ei .or «j cLatirs ar limnc for Uwm.* rUeaper than U:u ,y nrmLaceotiipanied by the cash or Iw praraplly ai'cnded to. CebXS Ip" Orders •*-! Hy refer*nee. « Ipade ami Pork Manuffcc* torr* ITHS & DIXON, irnced the rnanufjriurc of Spades and Manure Forks. Ar. ou an exlrli pan-d to fit! all orders ibr such arti- New SUareli GRIFF Having com! Shovels, list sivc scale, are prj clr« at Eastern p| . For the coim-m ■ ucli articles, thr o»imni*sioH Men- •rof their eiMiom--r» and ibmleram have .ippomU-d tJ.-orge Foi hran, ,CNo iW Wood *ircet. their Agenl lanufaeturt—. All orders addr.-** : e prompt aiieiitiiin, on tin* mu-ii u.l GKIFFmiS A DIXON -dly - lot the »ale OMli etl to luru will re vam'nfcou* ti nu I‘ituburgb. Ju A CO. 7t» Wood Street. Flirt oHLitsnd Mahogany looking Mani.fActl Ula«*o», ita ."Ml.ll. ..........~ » lur< ruid Dealers in laMiting Urns. Percussion Cups. Oii-ch*. Poml-s IMatet, Acoonli Jewelry mud Fd Good* rein-rally. ire making *om<' impiiivi ment* >i h men aced luciiii'* » m j.urcintu the ntipi.r anon rf many K-.ingi r able U. si'll at KntSrnt l-ritis The.! ttlie uUentioni'f ini'i’Umns The ad iben bu»iin »«, i of |V>mt!«i:c, a (■Oodt, »ltry wi( rrapci'ifult) *oli jnntiidu COTTON anil WOOLLEN MACiIINHIIY TDK »ul>»cnl»|r« ur« now enlaißiiip; Jlieii c*iuMj‘h* menuanil niel|>f*p»rcd 10 make ali hnJinf i-olion and Woollen Machinery, on ihe nw.weMounbte t«ro«. ■\ui u» will meat - wiih ptorept aUtiUion 1 . WIOIITMANADALZhI.L Orders addressed' l.ncock street'. All-ghctty Oily v n.—II. Witmn»u, who bu* patent tv ■ ***7 impormnt iiontov. men on the C*t&, and *ho tuu boen enraerd for ihe 1* *1 fifteen tears in Mime of the mull expensive and aa Fit tings pot op promptly.and on l reasonable terms. 1 uoviodly ItIPPIHCOTT IRON WORKS. IRON and Nai!«, Shovel*, Ac. for sate at our new Warehouse, No.*S9 Water street, near Wood, n>n* at the old stand, McMasteiH Row, Liberty street. Having nude great additions to the Rolling Mill, all orders ean be. filled promptly. mv* j CRAPF, UND3AV RCo. son nci mim. [FBBLbdtCRSSS, l Khscratrimts or • . • NAUR,- HOOK. HEAD BRADS, Wad .Copper Tstki. DCOPPEBBHOE NAILS, . im rr'Point*, of every daeripfam. IwTCbatlss Hotel, Third mini, { ■ pltuborfln FINIBHINO : Krom RON AN Pattern Mai ORce No. - - ' HOTELS, BfKRCIIAKTV HOTEL, . Corner of Third and Smilhfitld. struts, - ; pinsBURCH, .pa. , ; B« Weaver, Proprlatov. Till? new and apagioui HOTEL,cr«ted sinee the GREAT FIRE, and fronting oo taro of Utemoat public ftreet*, is uu*urpa**ed tu the couniry, whether as regards it* architectural arrange menu, or Uteele eance. taMe and WTofortef hs funnahin**. Bitnted in Uie inwnediAlo vletnUy c-flhc STEAMBOAT LANIV ING. BANKS,' EXCHANGE OFFICES, and principal MERCANTII-E HOUSES, it offers to TRAVELERS and BUSINESS MEN desirableeonrenieneei; whilst io FAMILIES and OENTU ; 'JVII of IdiiUic, ils uj temal arrangement* afford every jseeomroodatioa the most fastidious can desire. The! Parlor* end Chamber* are all furnished in inodern style, with .etitircly new and elegant Kumrtary; an et&cienl corps of atieiiiive aed oldigiug servant* is maintained, and the Table will always abound with the choicest delica cies the markets afford. - > The Proprietor, who has had long experience in this limi of business, assure* the public that no effort on hi* part will he spared to satisfactorily accommodate thoae who may favor him wab t)ieir custom. An Omnibus and Uaßage Car will always be in :adiness for>he guest* of the house. febt9- ' : B. WEAVER, Proprietor.' EARL STREET ROUSE, Cincinnati, JL OHIO—The subscribers having puichas*d the en tire interest of Col. G P Williamson, late of this well known eMablislment.beg Imivc to state id their friends and ibe public generally, thai they have taken this commodious Hotel for.a term of year* Uml will exert their best energiea to make it a desirable home'forTrav ellercandCii) Boarder* The Hotel is specious and admirably planned fo; coo vcnience, ligljt and air, having a number of patlors adjoining chamber*, presenting unusual aitracuous to futnilies. Theprerent pToprirtort'h*vinghad the expeneticcof year* in this city ana elsewhere Jvipe they will be able to give geodhal satisfaciintti betngdeier&uaecl to give undivided attention to the hou*r; *lone. Theloestionof the Pearl Street Uouscii eligible, having froh'» on Pearl, 1 Walnut and Third sis, •o that it is equally desirmble io view of Uie eooseui encr-of business tneror retirement for private hoarders. H is near br the Batiks, the PoM Office, the'Masonic Hall, Odd Fellows Hall, and but one square distant ftom Main street and two squares front the City \\ half, thus offtring the •greatest’innucementl, especially to country merchant* and generally io att ,i >< jQ >^|j4'r^Q^£g 1nc,,, " o *mcii27 ' i JOHN A RUBLE _ nOHONGAIIBLA IIOUSIC, mm OF WATER AIYD SSITUFIELD STS, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' THE undersigned, Proprietors of the Monongahela House, announce to the public that the House it now open lor the reception of VisiteM.. They are conscioa* of having spared no expense iu fitting out the establishment, in such a si) lea* to reodt-r every coinfort to their Guest*. - ' Th.'Y hope by conittHi eare and attention to business to merit the pa iron age,-to liberally be«towr3on the late Monongahela House. JA»3. CROSSAN A SON ap-Tdlm _ __ | MOUNT VERNON OOUS&t . S’a. B 3 North Steond Sottt, PhitaJilphia. MHK *ob»efiber* respectfully inform the dtkeaaof Pitts- A bargb and VVcslernPennsyltaniai, that they bare tab*® the aboie Itouse, where tliey are prepared lo acconunodal# persons suiting the Cilti of rhilidelpnia in the best style,'and oo the most rmooable term* The bouse is within ewe square of Market street,and ha* uademoc n thorough rroo *ati.in and repairs, and it well calculated to aeeooupMlale persrm* who may with a call . . Give n* aeall.and wefreleoufidenlyou w ill be satisfied..' SAMUEL A BRADY,-- Fthrwy23,l647-3m OTJVER H P PARKER. ' PEARL STREET HOUSE. 88 Peart Street, New York. REDUCTION IN PRICE—The subteriUer rnpeet fully call* the attention of the iravcllingcominuni ty. amf especially bntuietawen, to tho fact that thia house is now open and is offrred for their pattonage nl the low price of ONF. DOI4.AR PER DAY. • Its location for bu’inet* is not surpassed in N. York, and every gomfort. with good.living, clean beds, airy looms, 4c-,pan here be had a« well a* at the most ex travagant hou«e« One rail wtll surely ►atixfy any one -of these facia ami insure noextensivcpairnitagcforihe honae —i BAML. C.,Bl?IIIIP, Proprietor , New York, Aptil t. 1P47 ’ » - dim , u. r.JACKsun. ii. CBAKrro*. A-tor Ifou*e Of Pavilion, Rurkaway eXTT A.W H O U S E. BALTIMORE. i J ackson a cr ai^sto.n, PBO^BIKTOBK.' >aAh(|> will inrre&dinrss at the Damt* and I.Met isr.N ho convey Pur-engers, ft** nf charge, to j)22iily the Uopse... I JS S li It A N CEI tndeinulty ggnlnsl Lois or.UiniKl byr Plre. - . THE MUTUAL PKINCIPLK.CO.MUINKD \\ ;tli the additional seeuiity ot' a Stock Capiial. 77 ic lleliaiue Mutual 7/JJura/iee of PAiTfl. CHARTER PERPI-TrU-n. MKKCTOBf. Grorge \V. Toloml, Juhn'M. Atwood, Ihoma* C Rocklull. Lewi* K. Ashbnrst, K.Thompson, 1 George N. Baker, G.-oriro M- Stroud, John J. Vaoderlfcmp, . George W. <’a ,- "ter. \A7 ILL make insty • •. -t*t Lost or Damage ♦V by Fire,'in I'< ■*t t vicini'.y, on :f.- isrs. Stt.rcsami . .:«;r B> and oo turni ,.m- Good*. Ware* and Mi rdjandiae. on the most ..ue-blc terms. Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock 1 tpii.ii, and the other provisions of the Charter of • :• : 'utnpany. hold out unusual Inducements, both if profit and safely, to those desiroua of effecting i nominee, towhicli the Company ask the attention ut'i .'lamination of tbnseintorestrd. ,Tb--*e efieeting tnsuranci: witii tins Company ’• tv-:, bcsidt-a the usual protection against lo>*, by iti.,.’ or.iina y uu.thod of iiriurance. die additional v. ..Ligcof a direct partictpatiou in the piofits.of i.ii'etupeny, tct(Atml««j/.ia6tlt/y. UKOKUK .'iVi TOLAND, Preaident. rt M. HiNCuaxH, Secretary. I'he subscriber, who is the duly.auliioritcd Agent, ••r lliu above namedJ-’ottipany, is prepared lu.tnake ursunnee, at thc'Otfiec olLlhe Agency, in the St. ("ha les Third stl, third door from 'Vood street, and will gfvc ail fur*infvrniaUon desired my2>dl.y. •• *"iIDS. J. CAMFBLLL. JOU N FI ay EV, JR tULtt AT Pp£«BCBGU XOR Till DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Insurance Company of Flrtl^de’l*. FIRE RISKS Upon buiUltiie* and mcrchandno of every description, anu MARINE RISKS ap«Q Lull* or cargoes of vetfcls, taken upon the mosliavorable terms. i O* Office in the Warehoused W. B. Holmes Sl Uro , No. 37 Water,, near Market street, i'itu burgb. ) N. U. The success of this Company since theestab li*!imenlo' the Ag*-ney inJhis city, with the pnmptnru and libmiiiy with which every claim upon them for 40-« lia« beed adjusted, fully warrant thj ngtut in tn v'.t.ng die cdnfidrtict! and pi.trouage oflu* fnend* and the .roinmuitity' at Urge to the Dtlawure M. r*. Insu rance, I'ouipmiyi while it has the odJilioual advantages as an institution-among lue most douriihtnfi in Pbilad’ia—a* having an ample paid in capita*!, which bytlieoperjlionontscharteusconstanllvincreasiDg as ylelding’tq * ach person insured his due ihare ol lit* profits nf the company uilhoot iuvniviug hitc iu any responsibility tvhntever; and therefore as possusinglhc Mutual principle divested rof .every obnoxious feature, an 1 in it* most.attractive form, iiov-l ...... NATIONAL FIRE and marine insurance company, New York. fplHst wrll known .uid re-ncetnble eontpany •* P* c * 1 pared, through fiteii I'HTSBU RGM AtSKNCV to niuki* insurance ot nny kind connected with risks of iruii-lHJ'lainiu and inland ndvigati'iu ; lo insure agum«t |0«« urtlnniafc by l.ie. Du.-lling Houses, Warehouse*, Building - iu geimiiil, G«-».K \Yares, and Mcicliuitdise, uud evn / de'serq-tion of |ti r.«-i.«! vrojmity on the most favorable terms. ... Ainili.-anon-li.r InsurjiK-e.'alli-inl.--d to without delay at the odice. No U , «mF*U.-eL /jrpniNttKß HARRAIUHI Agt. AT nil FVeiioti ItclJ at me office m NY,'May lStb, lb-- lollowing iiiiiiicd ecml. im'U were cWieii Dm ciors i>i ihisCompuny, for Uti'fii»»tiiig yvar, via: J(1-MS)uem me ding of the Rourd, JOSEPH \V. SA VA<*K Kmj., was unanimously re-eleeled Pres idem for the rustling year. Wot. JAMES DtX»GS, jy-ja Pu-,1 A Journal copy > Secretary. FlItC AMI JIAItIVKINSIIItANCE. ritllE Intttraitco Company of-North America, J. through its duly authorised Agent, the subscri ber ollcnflo nuke permanent and limited Itirur anco on property, in this eity and its vicinity, and on •hiiimeuts by the Canal and Utvers. ‘ DIRECTORS. . y.miocl Brook*, . Charles Taylor, Sami. K. Smith, Auibroie While, Jacub_M. Thomaa, John R. Neil, Richard Wood, Arthur G. Coffin,See. John C. Smith Frcs’t. Alex. Henry. Sami. W. Jones, > Edward Smith, John A. Brow n, John White, Thos. Pit.'ope', Wm. Welsh; This is the oldest lasuranco Company inithe United States.having been chartered in 17W. i Its charter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience, ample means, atul avoiding all r tks «f an extra haxardnus character, it may be considered as ntlering Simple security to the pnolie. MOSES ATWOOD, - At Co'anting.Kooo of Atwood, Jones & Co., Water and Front streets; Pittsburgh:. ap^B-if INDEMNITY Ag iast Lon bj Kirer-Tbo FRANKLIN' Fire Insu rance Compfnj of i^kilsdefphik, WlLLnnke Insurance, permanent indliatited, on erery description of property, ia HUTS* BURGH and the SURROUNDING COUNTRY, ob favorable terms. Tnrhwtapany has a perpetual charter. £400,000 paw la. CONTINUKNT VUNl>]...*... SSOO,CCO - Office corner ol Third *nd Merkel iU„ t'ilUb’gh. «p“B—tf . WAIUU>*K MABTIN, Agent. - INSURANCE.- ... . &a*rteu rir* luotmc* Company; O'? PHILADELPHIA. Cu*nxt PwrRJAi.. (Urtm 6SMOO ta» i».. Office in rkikaklpkia, Ha. 7* Woinui Strut M \VM. DAVIDSON, PfeA - FanaatcE FaAirr.SeeSr. ' "'V . .TTMIltf olil and weltt«a6u*b«4l Cbmpaay la X Fanutare ana prop* •nypotef an AXtmfiuuflea* character, again** l***®*, ftr inearmnaeala PUtabarfh- .and b#r®Mi»«k ao4»«k» taka»«UlK* ■*!* ffiSwKsrxsi'”. NO»'W<«S■.**-*; - * .. VOL. XIV:—-NO. 205 PII !LADA,_ ADVERTISEMENTS • 1 I TO SOUTHERN AND IVESTEUN MKR CHANTS AND DRUGGISTS. V LW. GLENN k SON. Imfotfrrt ir\d Dralcr* tVF«n -• eg Oxpdi, Tbiltl Brushes, Caid&J’irfu'TWY: thug gists' Articles , 4 <*cs tial Oils,Gill Labeis, kc. Spe. r • A bo, a complete and eltraotaisortroeuiof and FANCY* SOAPS, of various qualilie*, aicheap aviliry can b« purcbascdiDths United State*; ‘ t Elegant show bills furnished without charge f and (mikiag warranted. > Pku*d«lphl* t March 5,1547. •TEAM IRON RAILING. FACTORY, RIDGE ROAD, above Buttonwood Street. Phil- * i adetphia. At thu establishment may befouDtl ] - the grealeat variety of Plana and ,)>eau!irul Pattern*’' ; for. IRON RAILINGS ia the United Stated to • ] ■ ~ which the attention ol thoso tn wantof any deacrip- t lion.aoid expecially for Cemeteries, i* particularly . . i invited. i j • • The principal part o( all Ute handsome Railings ~ | at Lao 1 el Hill, Monument, and other celebrated ■ cemeteries iu the city and county ol Philadelphia, ' | -r-\\ 'which have been so highly'extolled by the public. * \ press, were executed at this manufactory. ? A large Watesßoom is conuected tvith'tiir-.estab- ! ~t lishment, where.is kept ctwisunUy on liatiil wiarge. •• } -* •tpek of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental Iron | ' Settees, Iron Chairs, new style plain and7brnamen- ‘ i j . tallron (iatet. with aaeitenaiveassortmrqt oflrao - j Peats, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &r v : ADo, in great ] variety, Wrronghtand.Cast IronOrnsmcnta^niiiablt*' for Railings, and other purposes. i .: The subscriber would also alstc that iu his Pat . tern and Designing-Department he has employed 7 A same or the beat talent in tbeeonntry, whoso whole' ; ‘ attention is devoted to the busioecs—fofp»iosa|te> 'i, gather one of the most complete aud systetttaUr tfs. -77 ! tablishmenti of the kind iq the Union. o-V’. • ' ' ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor, >. ; 1 Ridge Road, above Buttonwood street. I Philndelphia, Marchld.i|Bl7df.tn6t' - , t • • CHEAP WATHnES. ! r i THF. CHEAPEST GOLD ANDriILVER WATCH . t K 9 IN PHILADELPHIA. . ' i Goldie vers, full Jewelled, •. - ' '4 Bilver 00--. do an 00 j: Gold Lcpine*; Jewelled, .SU OU “.. H 7 Silver do . do' '- 15 00 i . • SllvertJusnVer*, fincqualtiy, ittto' ' i. Gold Welches,plain, -:ISUJ * v * ; SlverSpeetaclc*, “ "I 75’ t .'Gold PeneiU, . • 1 :. • 2 ou;.. I 'i l ,~ • • Gold AOU ,- Al*o t onhand.s'large aMontnriirTtrGobi and Half ‘ ’ - . i. Bracelet*, finger breast pins, hoop rmiiugs, gold . pens, silver spoons, rogur u>ngv, thitublc*. ijoLl ncrJr,' ‘ carb end fob chain*, guard key* tutd jenreiry of every . V description, at squally.low jirices. All t wont i« a call . , f to convince, eesumer*. " J. Allkiad* of Watches and Clocks repaired and war- . ' ranted to keep good time for one year; Old gold and «tl- ' f V verbotjgbioriaketi Inrxchsngr. -i—- For sale,erghtdoyand ihiriy-boor bras* Clock*, sf . * . , : LEWIS LADOAIUB* . - • * \Vatch, Clock, and Jewelry, HturK. No Ai ll .Matk'c i street, above Kletretith. Nortb'sidc, Pln'laiielphiu:. - j. "1., . I£7 l,bave •owe Gold aod Silver Levers still chrapor ' than the above price*.- ' . jasptCns . r •CR IlamTabower, . - J „ GKtARIvKS R. DANENIIOWEIIA ,CO. f TO B A CC O CD.I 818 8 lON 91L’ It T H 191 T 8, • N« SU Sooth Wharves, and No UT south Water m PHILADELPHIA: ' ' . BEUio in limn }be trade arhl dralrnt generally of Pituburgh, that (hey bav.? made such arrangement* . Willi the Virginia manufacturer* ami die Urowers of.. tbo Wen, \ve«l Indie*, aitd other placets'* wilt Injure ' a large and eoutuni *up|ily of the following de_«cri|i* lion* gf Tobacco which will lie_*ald upon a« aceuin* . ■oodaiin; tenn* a* any other bouse in tbujtity or >-W -.where, ami ati jfood* ordered irons ihefti-wtll he war-' ranlnf equal to representation:— \ Havana; St. Uotinrigo; ■ Conn., 1 (Vara; Porto Rico; Pnnn’a ,> To *" \Culia; Iguini; and Florida,)' junto; - 'Al.SO—Branch'* celebrated Aromatic Sratj Cuveii diJb, with a large o«*ortiueiit of other popular brand. > and qnatiur* of pound*. 3* id* 1C« imd d*di 3* Gib* and Jb* Plug; Indict,' Twist; Virginia Twist, itc, #wcrt and p|aiu, in whole and Imlfboies. worn! and un. together with every vntiety t>** article b'cloii}» jpg to the trnde. ’ . j e |r* NASMYTH'S PATENT DIUECTACTION STEAM HAMMF.It. ' THIS Hammer pot'cnee* many advantage* A7er all oilier*—among which may he iiicuiiourd, lu M&oageablencss—The rapidiiity and force of Mow may tie controlled with ihe greatest cure, wbi.'C-tlu*. hammer it in operation, and tlir-hommer tnny |»o m' aiamly arretted, and suspended ai any height ‘ ■ li> Universality, or capacity lo execute v.vtfc of all kinds, fiom the larger! to tie smallest, nctW.the rutr.c hninroer.' Its Simplicity. Compaiithey and Chcaiimx. It* Accessibility upon all *iu the.uoAuioti. ' •» Atlthe hammer*are made &'f-Aeti»g. • The subscriber* continue to execute order* lor Uicfc hCmmer*, of alt size*, upon reasonable term*. Fot;further particulars, inquire of MERRICK ATOW.NK, Assignees of the Patent for the United ciiate*,* dcclMy Sotnliwarli Foundry, PHtlacl’a^ ]• STKAM SIAKULK WORKS, ‘ ifidgt Road, ulori Spring (lardin' Slrtrl, Philndtlphia. ’ I Hilt* establishment i»erected on an iruptoved plan, land by the aid ot Suiam Power manufacture* nil kind* of Marble Work in a »u|*cr:or style, and ut tiic lowert price* for Cnih. > The largest ami best as«ortrot-Di of Marble SHntt!cs tor Flooring, imported, and always on hand, ami for sale nt the moat reasonable prices r {o*.Marble Cutter* can be suppled at all limes with, any iramberof finished MaflicWor Table Top*, at re duced wholesale priees; and tho Trade will.be furnished St the shortest notice with all kititli'of Marble irvtlm block, or cut to size* for Monuineul*. Ac ; JOIIjN-HAIItD Ridge Road, above Spring Garden $t Phllad’a., February 3. loir. | UtawUni CARD, v! SITER, JAIIK.S A CO., PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. FOR the sale of Flour. Grain, Sc W, 4 r., having twn extensive Warehouses, one sltbaf'd ou the Dels—' ware No 41'North Wharves, and the olCcc oil Use Rail--: road, liroud street, above Arch, Philadelphia. All consignment* ei trusted to tlfeir care; will be punctually attended to and iciaiiiaiicrG made a? voon oi •old. Reasonable advances uiaJei.n all louiijimucnt* if equired. John M. KmnrJy A. Co , a. C.'lJjrelay, Mouii trrvm A: Co , iaL,.Wdtdr Hand*, and a complete usottmrni of uilTouL nrul Mb;. teriali belonging to the trad-; with, u lacse assortment 1 .of Gold and Lrpine, and I’liun Watches;, ' all of which he will guaranty jo null aish* .York prices. All onlert from ihecoaniry punctually executed. ■ N- U.—ConntryMerehant* ard otlieii are invited n» call and examine at Old Stand, No. I oUitli tUeel, Philadelphia' • ' jairJMii ~ 1 CAJIMAGES. mrjj.ist OGLE, A'MCJt ,ISV - Mk* » g *-HJIR.SESS *1 i Phitad’tj)io>e a*»orfcn*-nt of f**h tenable Carriages Vehicle* of all *iji« ani3de*crn>{iiHt* Bade to tsrderal Use shortest possible notice, amfewnted in Um eery beat manner, of (elected material. _ ft triply ™ r jf.a. ALLEN, • —• •>;' COMMISSION MERCHANT, ■ NO 6 SOUTH VVATKK Sl\ I’illt.ADA. •: HAS on hand and offer* for Sale.— Illeiched. Winter and-Spring Sperm Oil, blear bed \Vjnirr anil Spring Sea Klepbant Oil, HlearbM Wln'tf and Spring Whale Oil,reeked Whale Oil. light eotor and free liam feeling, andTaanen'Oil. Alio, punt African Ouaup iubags aud barrel*. ’ . : ÜBBCEIL BROTUKUh 4 . COMMISSION MERCHANT 1 Fortba'aaleor Paopncagenoiaby, FillL A DEI'III A, ■ ' v K ’Liberal advance* made oh cgnai|fiineais- a £||; r Uadi* Decemlmr *2, dCm QEOBOK COCIUtASj ' CO.M ISSION 4t FOtiWAKLIMi MMU IIAVr, >1 Noi26 Wood Stakkt, Fn-Tahutstiii, eONTiWUES to lrariaaera^t;ocKtl i v .Botiaeai/eipcealiyia - -of American Alißal«clg;ea ,aiid Jllt | /„ receiving and forwarding (Sooja ccmaigned to hU can. A* A pent for the Manufacturers, ho will bo *: cowtabllf eapplwd; mm.the ankle*of .■ ■■. ; S . .IHtlA«if»-Mmrafulam at the Lowciiwiktaale- •: pncee. Oi*n and copai*a»eala ifpfctpqctiMt AM V*' 11 ® 1 - , v j*C- 4JK . .■'.Si • ! •