tor piTOSBIM gazette. i • gY KEASTUB BROOKB- , 'f_( I - ' PITTSBURGH! fe monpat morning, apbil visit “(rrTv Vffnsnn dailt o*xmcu W>U*m4 and Woekly.—Tbe Daily » Berea MMtB««nSiS *«TH' w “**T '« Fire Dollar* per 2SSJKwSBr U Two Dollar* per uaom,; r *t «dMw« 1 ' Li ' r .\9mam to UvnttNn.l l ... inr-'iUTOiuneßU. to ueue uuertioo, kbo«M feuded ia bp ftr« o'-doek is \be aftemoott-AiunUon talfej«.eii tluspartof oor ca*t«ert, wouid b* ptodae UTerf matnaibcaeti: ' _ / ro& oOTsazcoft, . , >4lO IBVIB» (or CX*T*» cov*TT.) CANAL COMMISSIONER. BPS W»PATTOMi (or cnooii» nvyr I .üBOAD MOVEMENTS, Among tiraesrioueßailroad moremenls in Ibis country, which now gi»e ■»<* cheering indict of Ua prtMperUy and »**A to tto'y** jtridwof.Boalooto i»aeb iba the gr*l .'Wei*, end the Miasieeippl relley, araof! T ring interest to Pittsburgh. A Utter Bon , Eetniil, poblihed in the New Toth Journal of Comncrco, iysi—“The etock of the Canada ’ la dn taken, end 170,000 armed by the uXmasaer to dotty the eipense of eurrey, *O. ~ ulmbo csLneocedfiooi one to. two miles be low the Folio of'Ntegars, end terminate I - thii pWcO, ol el Port Serden, 70 mito Bom h«fr 1 The iood Is ti be of .the mo* aubmentul ktnd i era- burtt on > ibis continent-" Th. » i sarc "The railroad from Ihte piece, west! will M shite tide ri,ty with -Chicago. The Uoetoo, Csmrony, who here porcheeed the rood, ere te . \ZTL track with ,a rkil two pohnde to the . -raid beerier then the Greet Western, ,They eie jLtttle, . whrahocee end depot her, much Hrget | then the one at Boeton on the .Worcester rood, i They ere new bttildioi nineteen beery |locotno ' ttrae to piece on the toed in the Spring-T . The «Cenede Railroad," mentioned lin the. : shore noticed letter, tone from the Nirgara rirrr, . through Upper Cenede, to Detroit,* orjn lhet neighborhood; there uniting with the Eeilroed I sense the Btele of Mlehigen to l-eke Michigan, i Bom whence to Cbirago tbfra is e rhort.stebm -1 hoetcommonicetion. A rail oed is tleo shortly to I [ be commenced. Bom Cbicew to Gelcns, 00 the I 1 eo the! when there projecte ere ell Si completed, ee they will be in e few yeere, Boston, ( [. . hr n—'• other greet We.lem rood, end the f| ndroeda new in operation in the.Suto of New } Tork, wiil uee m short end cheep Railroad com-. | rannicelion with the Mirelteippi nrer. | ,j, - “ New Yotkiaiso, beeidee the edrenteger which } 1 I iMrire Bom these improremenle; project f' -I I ed hy Bwton enterprise, end conrnmmeled by VSi I ■ B—- capital. is, with her bereuUen, powers, V | I poshing toward her Erie toed to Dunkirk. II ; puisbnrgh U e deeply interested sprrfstor of ll there moremenU north of her, end they tell her | in . robe of' werniog-porh yoor iron erp. eleo f 1 to the Went tfyou do not wieh lo lore the trade J aimed et by tSeae formidable rirala. { • At present Pittsburgh U compelled, Iby her ! V agreement with Baltimore, with much impatience, to wait the snerrer of that city to her liberal pro. powtlco.'That answer cannot be deUyed longer then near the done of line month, when, if the proposition U not accepted,, immediate itepe, wo - earrieetly trust, end confidently bcßcrej will be uken, to pot onr Western road under contract /Aid here we may stele, that Pitubnfgh ie not alone dependent upon' Baltimore for camera com nttmicetinne—nor seen upon Philadelphia. We ora informed, that s enpplement wee obtained, et the late Srion of onr Legiristure, toe prertooe Bslirood wr, by which we hero the unrestricted right ortrey to e Eeilroed Bom Pittsburgh to . the New York Sttte line. Where we can inteisect with the New York end Eric Radioed, gi-ing us continuum railroad. communications with New York, end erenlnelly with Boston. There is a Mobility, and eren a probability, that this will be theJirtt'raUnod eommunicofron jnm Pith burgh aoifA the out. Iu Brenda say it wiU. ■ Pittsburgh need not, therefore, be orer-eniious shoot Baltimore communication. U she does not choose to accept our propositions, we hope there WiU be no deUy to further useless negotiations, hot that our Western road may he commenced tod j»o*eeoted at one«./j . UJ- Few pereooe paw up or Jowll Wowl ® Water,without noticing tho mw end •P 1 ? odld wudiotua mud on the corner of Front end Wood. {We do. not know thetlhereiae more noooni or edmirabiy built hooaethan thia any crtrera thia aide of tho MoonUine. CorUinlj there j( none to excel it. Thi* Urge etrudure fieo etoeiee high area pul epW Hem. B A Fehneetoek end Co, to accmomodale tho growing botSaeai of the Im. A. Druggiete, end White Lc*l Mannfee . ctnro. they do en immecre bnshtcee requiring p-nnre. they did nog pome in their old tpiegdie j on the eonpr of Wood end SUth etreeu, eilhoogh we ehoold mention that they etiU continoo bod him then il*>o \ v . Tbtii new hooee end lot coat $23,000. If w a UUla after the behion of the near and beautiful i MonongeheU Hooee in outward deeiga hot adapt: ' ad, coarea, to the peculiar boeineae of thie enter. ' Jrfng firm. The etreet etory li ia one room ! j wilhoot any apartment, or any report of any hind in theorem. The ceiling and drew of the eecood ■atory and aU the fioore abore are .attained in the centre by ingeniously framed archc. of timber which yet are neither cnmbeone;in appetence nor in tho way. wanting room, a twit Urge enoagn ' for * and their eonrewenee* **• on iho fir* l or street floor. The whole wUbßAment i* an ornament to the city and a credit to tho gentle mantypropriatora. . . -id ■?'^V n-v W« notice quite en ettrediro Carpet etore fact opened on Wood elreet, by htr. E. W-Lynd* Son inquiry, find 6. b« eutte of’article* fa hie line eeer brooibtto thi. ' cocnpriee* e«ry deecription ofcerpete, tup, ofl doth., etrir rode. ÜbU. co-ed, tdhnpeet inducement* to thoee need to* article* fa fait line. The emolument of the elore ■ . 'httrediw, end there ie e beeuUful erindov I ten fa hoot, menufhdtned by Wm. MeCoUy * B ** Adrertieernent- j ■ . - vi-s r .;^iW. ..- v, - -vi.'i • i Inreoreneete - —Foar ot it* old; hour** on *eter etrnet, between the werehouee* of Meeete Mend, Rhey * Co, end Church dc Cerothete i hew been' polled down. Four letp werehoueee '' 4illbe erected on the pound, tunnfaf through to w root .ttwL Thue the left pp left trnee the greet fire, on Wter etreet, will be *Bed_iy .nnd STtowtpn-mt e «,lid f.ont of *ul»unt«l build lap. 1 , r | Dee ret Weeeren leewe Weehinqgn for the L Booth thie week. He wUI fo tat to f thence to Cheilweon; end, keepurj the I J -rim et New Orteene eerly in Hey. By the ! middle of month, be I -et2 piece be will reecit by theMtede he -ill ««** t . to t 1 i— ■ f- uusttothe condition of the peeetnfflte P\ !^l»L«e^.ndThird^,.nA.-»* I tit oar Bt»eet Cotnmieelimet, we hne»ine. | -~r hew owrloohed that nnieencfr £ . it Wet. O Btrreen, now in Weeiunf. ! : _|» i. eeid, le to be eppotalwl BemW 1: s£?£<*«•*»• BowyeP-on-cofUt. S 1 Beltimore PeltioC _ —- i 1 . of Heytlr~ $E ; A new g, tbe Benete on the »d ! •• |S\. • .V v. ' I.q f tSk k*Kmk'jAcebmr °% llli I w uSt M ib,lbMfce«ae(M% *• *•*%?? " lb« ptat bailie j&kSiaii Aoil*. »*-«**•«•• Jos oil theboaiting of and «• mf'.' ‘ r The Gottrnor of Bon Lnie, Benor Adorno, pole oat on oddreeetothe popolotioo. on ihe °ecf ■ion. Miauling theenonlty-on. lho- iloty which tbo victory hod ohed, end rendering oil tho merit of it lo lh« loot renowned Bohto An- XUo Gorreioa'a Amu Cmnlryntm. —Oar army wider lha order. ol hie Etcelleney. flemreito tfe la Patna, D. Antonio Lop« dr> San ta Anne, with heroic relor—orereomingtheinfi£ done of the moot trighful eoßenni, •>r°n''pB , entm, ,^"^d«t‘ '“l.'to', j it Jif ,ith glory. Ite iiloetrioua cowmen. | vfLmnaaered.*ita independence, eo perfidloualy end iJf at North Ame ,i- hoLuetcd, end our army hu Ihe national honor outraged et Rreeca EiMonterey. The Republic commence. May In adtance which will mehe it reepwtwl abroad and which will bear it 00, wtlhont doutt to that I immorulity defined for free end independent na tione. Onr immenee temtory, uenrped by thta rile end deferable horde, will be tutored to 0. intect: not e nnglo eile footprint eheU dere poUote onr eolt.end the heio, tho gening the men whom Hem Ten bee beetowed upon or ee a precioue gift. i knd the affliction.of theeountry, »■>> *“T complete tho eohlime enlerpriee which he baa commenced. Union, fellow countrymen! eternal gratitude to the illuetrioue, renowned md well-de eerring Preeident Uen-D. Anlunlo Lopei de San «. AnnCand the invincible army which wfigbl* under hi. onlcre, in defence, of onr • rweWffl- Ramos Abako. : m Ban LuiePoloei. FehtlTlSfC. j i Tu« Bh*m*• Camf, Feb. 23 1847. Ocnr Friend- TboGcnersHn-chiefi. upon the ooint of deepfttchtng ■ courier—now S o’clock, r. J 5 W« hsve taken the fortification* of the «ne me aQ J foot of bii poriUona, which he defended •ith obetinacT. and ereiy heigh* and every ravine. Tf »h?h M fnrion.l, dented. W. hare loe. muiv field and other officers out of proportion to tho number of .oldwr*. and wa have taken U om the • mv two flag* and three pieces jof sitffletf There are teryfew?ri»oneni —four, I believe the rL *o*r iroope ate periehing from hunger and llriret. The, here not drank water in two day. and have eaten nothing eineolhe day they we*‘ l "' carnation and a.lice of routed meat,elLaVaca. I am much afraid leael thra Caere ehonid die. pore. n. to night, alnc. the *!“?» reeiterior. and we hate recn bodrea of them fight ing end charging upon tho enemy whereter they ■ thought there win water.caring for nothing, and we hare aeen them dieputing among themrelrea, totally indiflerent to tho fire in tho enemy, for a pieco of ham found upon tho deal Y.nkrca Tho night ie a fearful one foe tto Repubtoi, alnco I dread leet we ehoold tiecome dtabended. In con. dneioo. dear friend, there now rename but huto fo bo done, becanre we hare been pnreolng Ute enemy all day long with the Imyonet. anri ta moro row they will be finiahed. They ktUed the hono of the General in-Übief with nj|rwe“«t- Addition, or Poaltcripl. me letter, the general .in-chief, conemced wilbmrl doubt, that Ihe army will dieh.nJnnlcrei c.n_ob. uin food, end procure weter, hu ordered lle mrieh “ Ague Sue~ where three ere aom.calll.end mter —water, which i. before eeeryfhing eUe. It ie rcry cruel, deu L, Ihet which wo hare -offered. Vile hue loet .boot a Ihoueand men, ,nj m .„, efficen killed and wounded, and onr Lombtnlioi smoog ihe re»t. It the tint setion which ihe Republic hstfoogh on a Urge ecal. retd otorinalely It f-egun atfire , miLUtu part! o'clock m the ettemocm of tho Md. They .Hacked ne on onr right end were rrpnteed .16 o'clock. OnlheMd they returned to ha, charge, at the eame point, before 6 o dock in the morning, end were drieen beck a (eagoo and a onartre to Buena VUta, the diffefemt conffiel. which we had with them being concluded at 6 m U ‘V"™l'fc«e r. dated February 241 h.-We hue gained e Moody battle, end taken from the enemy rteudanle and artillery. They here come to demand a peace, and they-hare been by the general-in-chief, *-that unUllthe who a Re public Ueeacuated by them ho will not toten to them. 1 * '. I ■ Here follow, the n»mei of of tho officer. killed. \ .. Gen. J.urpii writa me, and *«£• thatthe^oy ’-«*n killed: The t>r»ve Cj> 1 lowing office** hi*c t*fn kiU - TJFrandseo 11cm, lb* licutr: ".t colooel of tb* lit Light regiment; CM P* “ ,be , Llghl Caaalmtbe BauteoentoiloßtUf the 11th infan try, .nd who know, how mmiy b " om “'*" to. The following .rt -omiiljd: Geoer.l Lomlirdtai, ihe colorml-of the C.-raliy »nd Iho Lieutenant CoL of tho sth U.jraliy. Eirnicr mow . o.iT.T. irrrL». name Fxo £3. At the moment of witting (15 or lock of the d.y) wo ore returning from Animlor., whole wo bool T.jlot .11 d.y JO"" 5 .!' from them many point. * m ° n « “‘t k'igbt. , in.cco..ihlo, mid doing ro repeatedly, until our troop, icmliood .t night o.uhli.hod in the ; pom tonTwhich w. hod dri.en thorn V mmn force- We took from thorn throe gun., killed many of their troops oor mldior. ong.gmg them .g.m .nd delire to .peak to you of dmmjfl-. led of whom wo h.»o tort mmiy, .ltd among them rope Oiooua, Pop. Bonillo, the or Moroli.. Bern. A«u^ t La^do,me ja r o fbomn,-Tbm I 1 *,e wounded, Wn. Umbudtm, D. Angel Go*- ran. D. Miguel Connie., .nd other. ’ To d.y » »*g “f tm “ h “ “ f ™“ J' ‘ r „„; ukine trace. 1). Antonio commwided tho eye. of the officer to bo ootwndjged, th*t they, might m. our mmp, and thm if we hm! countermmehed it wu lor of of mipplie. mid not for wont of “bmu Oi.tu n.ocn »o Hill* A.w.: General Order . aflbe Arm)— 23d February. 7 o’clock of nigll—on the pantumeaf the enemy —Camp of La AngMlura.' Hi. excellency, the Gener.Un-Lhief of the At I my direct, mo to minoonce to th “. o "'"* l V f j Jd compmiy officer., .nd the mldier. whmh com poM it, that he hi. witneroed with mluhictira the £ homing of ~ch one of tbem donnk Oie die ofcombet which we h.rohml with the inr.- dtng force, of North Amorim. Booh homing r. worthy of the .oldier. ol . people who demro to be frm; .nd the ground which wo n °« ““"Pf bn which the enemy wujort now ported the pie ce. of mtillery mid the color, wo hmre <*kepe ind the thouund corpro. of the enemy which mo mattered .ronnd n., will «lw.y. be eeldence of the eelor of the coldiere-of Mexico. Hi. Excel lency .lro direct, me to my, th.t in hertmiotiy of the droll, of I.U .übordinrte., he will pro •eot them to tb« nation and to the anpreme go»- eminent with hi. commendation; .nd mkinginto 1 oonrtderation the fatigue. of thee d.y., mid the | eemcity of proririon. which the ,roo PVJ”“®'; I ing. th.tlho will direct them to boro duporod th.t S.; rn.r thomrol.e. «o» e°’>el°*’ ' With glory the enterpriro ml brilimilly commenced. Ho dhecu that thi. be commooicilod to the army to > generrt onlrr.itr.ordin.ry. By Command of hi. excellency: M. Micrtimm... Sanla Anna Retiredto Paros-Further Partic ular. of lUi BallU of Buena Vula—General . Taylor: Army StM at Buena lure of Old Bough and Beady ml An Detach mentlo ChaßUe Gen. Vereu-The .Wounded Mexican, ’ i , Tbe New Orleaoi Picojane of the «tb '?«•. mmouoeo the! Dr. Torccr, bom of from Cot Cartie. .rri.ed on th.t morrilnl rt *j o'clock. Ho .mbrnked .» the the ecboooer 8t Pool,on lb. 16tb in»L, which «wel bo left fiflj mile, below tho dtj, end took peemio to the Soto. The Pic.jrt.oe loro, from bim xetUlJ tbit it U onderrtood .t that Suita Aon* baa reined from Ago* Noe»». in |h® direction of P»«* where ili* roppo«d he wooU nuke * lulu Gen Taylor still maintained hi* portion at Boat Viata. The folloviof tetter was received at Maiaaoraa, b m « Mexican merchant of that place, from • Mem* esn of U was dated on the 6ih March, ftod |i«ea the only aceoant of the manner in whieb the battle waafoosht that has yet been re- C *l*At 3 o’clodt on the 33d nlu the. battle com* mened at "Buena Viata. five milee from The fiibt opened with artiliay. and deainjctire cannonade* 1 * kept op« nnUl rin-rt. Node eidftd advance was obtained *7 either aide— the SSd, l^*o the battle waa K S«MwSlkd httnmMoo fkjtt-ta— *«»at JL* . ! *.nei&*ng.g«iar-i»ch^u P irJ Semjinf.ptuSgwounded' and burying u '* u I'Silter UailtKlaw wee no M* s££*§: WL MMioa hMi" 1 1*’®** I '''’* wltb Qn ** T that tpy “'““.“‘.xrjfjf " dUUDCt. hot I da not entertain [he belief 'bet >“ 1 will Ttntor* mother eng*flem*nL . . ! -Mexico huTot the mean. to beer the harden of thewtr; il l.* po.ertj to ‘ b “ n^‘” c ' —weakneea to atreogth. In my opptnioo '[»»"“ be- beet for the |t«o GoeemmeoU to enwr Into neeotiation.. With the power lhe ; tnited Sute. I itVoobl be diihoooreble in her to force eeinw treatiee 'adrantageoua alone to hcnelT. a it would be for pi lb meie coneeedone froth no ““'tU reportid the! e train carryin.P-o'^ 0 ” to the Amerlcarl army waaattacked pur at Marini, by Don Joee Drree, and la poeaeaeion, with a quantity of pnrate merchendiie r takeo *ttha aarnelima.” ... . Noble Act. —A Mexican pbyalpan rending < Camargrxeaye the Flaf.haa recetfed a letter from a eurgeon at Saltillo, dated two day. aft" ihe .tile, that Gen.. Taylor P«™l«S>' Santa Arm. to haw. all hi. wounded eon.etfM into Saltillo and 1 tendered him aurgrcal aid from f l ’irlaieponed in Malamoraa that Gen. Uriel had retreated toward, the Tula t’aaa, a. “on he, undetetpod that Col. Guru* waa marching Bid that Santa Arm. »u falling lack upon San I,oi. Poto.i; bat ne we bcforj Dr. Turner thinka he baa only retreated to Fartaa Tat KILLED IK BLTTLE.—Th« Loui.TlU« JoUr bkl, apeeking of the lore of Kentucky in the great billici aaja, in WD7 lie ill el muatmuch eaeiy heail -The new* of e great gloiioni to oor emu. can neeer cooe without bunging _aot iow to the beetle of thoae whoae fneoda, lelelione and compaoiohe heee fallen in the ln thie inetanca the econrge of battle haefallen hee eil, upon Kentncky'e gallant eone. The inticpid Col. Item; Clay, eon of the Hon. Henry (.lay, hae fouml a petriot’e grave. 'A thoneentf heart, bleed for him; but oh! the ea 4 new, for hie father end mother, and, aboee all, forhiedear little chil dren, note fatherieee ae they were before mother leea. And CoL W. K. McKee, ol the eeme regi ment. aleepe in the grate, and thouaand. will giiere for him. Col John J. Hardin, from llliooie. area a natiee of thie Bute, the ;aon of an honored father, Mai tin D. Hardin. Kn.ther newaariltir.. teal yet farther eorrowe for Kentucky. Oor Stele will be fall of mout«e. Onr near neighbor, In diana, too, baa anflhied greatly. To tho unmedi- I ate relatieea of the dead era can Oder no cooaela . lion, bnt their friend a wilt at leeat icjotcathat they didnot fall by diaeaae, hot itilhe glonona eting ! gle. iuppnrting the honoi and glory of then conn. i try. ' -- 1 ' 1 I.ATK from the ** VBRA CHU*. 'mVSRKBfT or vui cue*. i We hire stirring new* from the Army j moniiog, giving the parilcotara of Ihe investment or Vera Crux. The details in few woid* *r« ihsl | ihe troops under General Scott left Anton Lsxardo j on the 9th of March, and landed in aerf boali. j three miiea below Vera Crux, at Sacrifidoa, on ihe same evening. Tho DivUion under General i Worth laoded first. The gun boat* felt the £ay. | There were fifty serf boat*;-.manned by sailors from the fleet. The men leaped from the boats to the shore, and at once formed into line; each hbat bad from 80-to 100 men. and all were safely landed; Gen. Palteiaon'a Division followed next, and were landed in good order, and the 3d follow* ed under Gen. Twigga. It was miinight | when the three divisions were all on shore. Eaeh took op their positions, and line of mirehj X amall body of Mexican cavalry were encounter; ed on the morning of the 10th and put to route. Gen- Worth marched at sunrise, and dispersed these men, ' " On t-0 l lib the troopy mo»ed nearer ibe town, —Worth on the right, Pattereon ip the cenlrp, andTwigga on lh* left, The roads lo the city, including the. rail road, U in our poeeesrfon, and d*o tho water communication, and the road lead; ing to the magazine* outside the city. A quin* tity of ammunition wa* eeiaeJ by ooi troop* and alfo part of a body of 1.000 cattle aethey were entering the city. i Tbo city of Vera Crax baa a large quantity of ammunition, and- i* pretty well supplied with pro visions. It ia believed, howerer, that there j are cot more than 4,500 men in both the city (and cattle. j There bid been couiidcnble ikinniihingirhong the troppi ind inmo loei on both liJte. I fifty Mezicani end thirteen Americini. | CipUin Albnrtii, »bo wei killed yeeterdiy.rei, lilting it the loot of •’ Uee it the lime he m lUnck. The tall tarried ireiy ilmtat hii entire [ heed, took off tho inn of • drummer boy. ind wounded • corjtonl beiidei. It tad gone entirely oeer one of the Penrayleinii regiment! before it reiched the ipol "herb the bnee but uUfbttunile captain «u silting- : I Dating the advance upon Ibe rear of the city, Pasted Midshipman Roger*, who bail not yatbeeo lent from VereCrui,>nibonndon • eirl knd or dered tr be cotjreyrd, under i gnerd, to ibe priton •t Per ole; but, fortonitely. they were encountered by our forcee, ind Hr. Roger, reicued, ind i, now on board bis ship. j On the morning of. ih« 13tb. ** h»U pjrt lhr«e, U» enemy opened with round .hot end jbell, not only from the batteriee eround the town] hot from the ceelie. Rockete were el Wocantni • Tho killed and wounded st Saltillo and Buena Vltta fill* more ihfn two clo*cly printed column* of tbe Union, at YVathinglon. add, tbe fol lowing to the hat of name* before ppb|i.»bfd: Col. G. A. May,, of 2d Regiment tirtgoona aerereljr wounded by cootuaion. j Brigadier GenJ Line, of Indiana Voluote' z? Hr 1 *" T T TK. f»[jimos*,e condensed (,1m .h, offlcl P«P«' : ( 1 I :l „ . foYtratupUnlins- Thi< U«n operation «hich mi- Rfgulira—Office,, kill«t, l —wounded, £>. Pn. .' h . bil 0 | del,jins, mid con.eqnent site, killed tnd wounded, 50. 1 |, often line their Itecr, *" J "“ft ***”'• 11 ' hl , MU.iuippi Volunteer, —Killed, 11—wounded. ' lb . .tunnpted till the e.rth u thoroughly ft*' s!—min)nt, 3. i I ' horn f,o,t. out the f„ met "1100111 b, prompt to lltinoili Volume,,.-Killed, 94 , B( hU e. it t. .ufficten (ft* 9, i“S a V 4l nnJra-Ki.«.,f-wonnd,d, =. “laifti* Volonteera-Killed, 37—wounded 93 " o \” d Mmp,,i«d *nd,lcd Volunteer.—Killed, 43-wo.jnded, {"“ Krf. with u little core >■ 5T— mitnog, 1. V I , they would bury a dead animal. Arkancai Caralry—Killed, 17—woum mlniog 4, f I . Total Lot*—264 kilted, 450 wount miaaiof, and lwt incomplete, ' Mexican Low—2,ooo killed! be*tdea t i 3,000 mining and deterUni Thle ia ,n patch of General Taylor*. , Gen. Taylor; at*o elatea in official. the 25th February, that “the enemy i* In foil. treat and In apery dimrganited condiUon, tbe men dawning and dying of aUrraUon in great num bera." General Taylor de*wtebtf a corpa a. f*r u Eneamacion to banaaa th# enemy- Tbe official detpatches from General Taylor are to. thjaSdof March. ' .j j TLo Sennenjtown end Dominion left on S»tnr* in fX New (Mease, with for. gaUrl. The MounUiaerrwiil follow. The Cif* xumm hte beio Uken-up,|to eoo«f one or two Ccmianiee. 'jit U the we,hew,ofthe to get them offu W « ttd-to uka the la* anMnt down to the ?«*•** eeiwio lead tilt to nieriy jeemey be, fa !*•» 0* letaeW the tame tj»e.V There the will Wuriinbed <7 Col. Butfer.end proceed sittwHh. to IM Bee»af;Wer—if wjeeemj, •;•_ * 1 . V A joudj curried Udy in RyrfiU, Versacet, her ~JU aorinf fee pert: eeeeon, 'ftota 3700' bee keen told ei onßfcet el id ittnie pnee el tmmty <*nte per pound, neUo'i die bendrome npn yf t*to. i|le§raph. IGN#II U reR rtOM i'K.RA'L'IU Z lat' .new* from Vera Crua. no .in? u, New. ot the brilliant Tintary nr cbcjvc-a Cnit, on the l6lb ' V" 1 l "‘' ; The -n U wtoUtgnncc tn.lhcil *th. W op tnVne Iher the c,t, no, the C«U. b«i b “" ■Col. H iroej hid .tiitnJ amt l,ridc Brno* tothe MJ. An "» retie n 3 In S.o Intuit I‘oln.i. end uudeun rffijilto coll :ct fulK*' ® EWM< it Gen. Taylor reached GerraWo wilh 10011 bone tnd mtJii b«t porauit for Ufrea. wbu btJ relnr ** led lowarJi Victoria upon the. approach of Gen- ertl Taylor. . MasuchuectU troop* were ordered to oc* cui Matirnora*. Tho Hue of communication was open from Agua Nu«»a to The new* from ;Vcra Ciox i» foor day* latter. Thr rough weather prevented the bombfcidmMit* am ffie art lleiy had not been lauded.. I i Jrn. Scott bad gt*en official notice to all the forrigneia jn the city to leato or l«he the conw- ((Utucei of remaining. lli,l of them had taken warning and got* 00 bolrd the' .»ii» ebipa of »*' lyi«B >” lhe bof. Thi f rrpmud ibataoeeral Mexican citiaena bJj bcin >bol bj the military fur aaen • faceting , ja,,iiola ion. The mOl'.arj »e>" 'Uilcntlj op !rej lo a i unconditional jaurrcnder. nef. of Gen. T.jWr'e great aictorj al Boa bad nirieed the - proaiooa day and occa! >ned ini nen«e rr joieuig. . The clnonadiuß k «he city and cwile it.tcrmwion. Na further If****, im ihe eiemngV Crehwloeeotrti. • , Comnuwoffl Perry had o« »m«d to »apon«dp lmmodate Coonoj. I' PHILADELPHIA }*ARKET. ' { Apni 3J, 7 o’clock. P. M. Flonr Buyer) are in tbo ■»“ "fcfnS S^iiS icrv lree!j,f->r Wcalern brand*,(ataudaid qoalllr.i KutaieWe no anllen at prire.b It » !■"»»» S ,o lZ "ran onion in the market I. boy. .nd Ihi. “ iLppo.ed in be Ibe c.u.c nl Co mod, tarn, on ''cTn-Snlci onho week CtbOCObn. To day prime JlVhVe. in fiDOc per bn. I}«P™U l»r lb' »" k riVkod-P-inre Bed 136.139 c. n»J P'!““ "'4 Uioe prices, with , Sales 100 hhds si usual u rra», home l Sfc'M >». » “ |M „ V.Tpria. arc .or. .mall, and arc ahj. Cooaidata&a aaloa Whitt Wheat a. HoaUsc p “ prime Y.Uow at 87.90 c. par ho„ tnJ of Whit* at 76*78e.- Rye U worth 80c and «al«. The market for sugar .a hea»y. «*»F* > 3l 7i»72c, and of Porto Rico at 7jc. r Whbkejr in bbls U worth 37c. Market for molaa»e« .doll. The Market for coffee i< dull at preacnt. Iu the Proabion market there b no change to price* or demand*. J A. .haw: Pn~“ «ka> n*riodt mentioned, «alc* 1 J,tW oo<*. White WbeaW are worth 170 c and acl- Tbe »1« -T *• Kit® b.-eo 400,000 bo. The market for «ugtH* hetijr. ? Silea Whiskey in bb!» at-Be- Market for Molasse* dull. . .There U no change in the pneea o( proemoua —market firm. ■■ . Sale* No l Lard at 10c . No local news of importance. BOSTON MARKET. April I>J. 4 ..'clock, •«» to » .ery lilt «Mt •! r^ , - Jl lt > . _ 'q.x.t F.rTii -A J.'j^riwo .inee, «!»■> Extre.* were flyiog »boul the eUeeU with new. of Gen. Tejlor’e Bxtlle., e prominent .nil nouy member of the Locofoco p>rty, we. **ked liu opinion of it. "Tut! tut!" quoth he, “I Jon t be lieve • word of it. Sure,' .nd hi.n't I the l.rt • Union,’ end it don’t toy . word .bout n!" The intelligent old gentlemen, it up|..r-, either bed heerd of the Telegrepb, h».l for t ollen it. ex. i.lence, or eerily belie.ed Cx.e Johnwn . .low dul.need the lightning.^ Greet preparetion. ero m.ktng in llirteinghem, Sligo, end indeed ell .round (he pity, to m* building, tbi. eereon. The ineree.iog popul.Uon of the city end eicinity m.U h— rbom. . I We ere indebted to the Glipper No. 2, for Cm cinnpti pepere. end « <•* «■““*“ U •* f “ ’in advance of the mail**" - MxoexTte—The egr.pb Lin. between Wilmington end PhiMt phi. i. broken et w.enteeu diStrenllpot" 1 * The repeir. between B.lttmore end \Viliningh are completed.— BalU Amtr. , V, ~ Elictio,! i» 1817.-ElecUon.eio to be licld ’T ' 4u,ii, S tborauemJ«< oflhi. ye« *■ lollo™- rom 210 Connecticut, Ap'l & «o.U*. Oct 4 j K«otockv. Aug 2 Pennty!▼»',. •• »- lcttcr of y 4. . « Ohio; Miaeouri “ “ Michigan. No, 1 Bta - ■■Mie.wppL ;; Allbemt, “ ■' " SJSS2T •• 'pj*-: v«r .sas®- - > Oeotti. Oct 4 Deleweie, - I \tkinn* *‘ “ _ . .. , ta t«d in the paper* that an cnterptii* In, Tenkee girl. Mi" B.reb L B.glr, i. now 2 operetor of the megnetie telegrepb .1 Spring. Held. Hemehumlt.. , ayAttnJgP. . ... , u , Maryland, on the 2*d u! March, .ii! K JAS aK ! RED SEARCH, United SUte. MI" M Vm-tIA C„ danghlerof the Ut« BgcaAKP K«>oooteP,E»q» A Boy woitted, -Apply auhe OaxeueO/. OAKTTB >»«» OFFICE. n.v. of u» Piltibnrjli Ollktle bte wLedUrtiolere*i utMeebre. White is (farri., Peeiiewlll, eeta»Wr npennUlii. the office. STi« £ for boobeW***ff Stf-iffb. eieooted wtflr prooptoe.., ted upon utiifacUrf teriM. •riL hitorJftht 'V . The Point® Hot— suable Sao ooithe R*. t%,cauad “ statementsi to me last Toeedejrm a coacerastion I then h.d with h.m m hj.™n geld, et McKee 1 # Keck# some two tmW frtmthls etc Mr. Wilts agrees will, the bill on . c irrrs pondert in ereiy pellicular, ahont th. worm he ir.a the only‘.and idle caose of die potato rot. ! They differ, however, in U« teaMj; . Mr. VVilrtconfiJrnlly u*erU,fn3m «^eueoce, I th.t it commencct il» dwtrectiw e»«*r when the I aine opens ill blossoms. A gtfl e/ tone,,, {.me, \f,„h .lack'd, mi dropped on la* nneunll dr,. (rot, the warn, srhlhh is laid or concealed In, or beside the sine, near tbo earth. I The rsorm is netersecn by day, unless search ed Brand then it may bo found. It appears to feed between sun set and sun nse. C or attention has been called to the article refer red jto in the Union, and as the subject is one of the/Gist importance, not only to the farmer hot Vlhe consumer of this important article of food, wi ask attention to iu The communication in the Uuion is from Uiarersck in Ireland.- The writer nj* J fj. the dry rot mule it* appearance in thiarectioiofthecoonKyi Thoreth.tgrew on mi f«io, in > dore, gravely. « »“ C V "dl. re tentive of moi.lure, were .boot h.lf- hutwhen eiona for winter ure, appeared perfectly eountl, but i ether moirter end more clammy then there mown on the temeinder of the field, which tore Ln.po.ed of e dr; eendj end gr.rellj »il -I| .nave' them a eepeiete piece in my celler. About the firal of Jenuaty ensuing helf were lost by, the dry rot The elerchy cells were empty of their contents, with the eiceplion of • Hiding amount of e detlt colored eoneUtoneo edheribg to then fibrous textures. The tuber hsd ton two fifths It. weight when stored, becoming eherd, brittle, fig neoL .obslence. The leUcr portion of the field proved reund end b0.1.h,; were planted in 1843, inenopen siry field,composed of edry will nest- Il two thitds wete lost before herveslmg them, by ■th, exmo disesee. Those epperently sound were stored.ooe-third-of which underwent • •uniUr process of destruction. In 1644, seierel hundred bushel* were eUaiucJ from a distance* of a rape nor Tarictt. wbich-hftd rotcotlj *eea grown from -the ball or ««i. » whit® «»P bright colored tuber. While dividing eight barbels of there into two [ yam for planting, ; which wa* entirely. performed lv mysclfi! discovered about ooe out of fifty ex, . hibitono, sometime* two, and even three faintly I blue-colored apolf. in.the aggregate about the . xth 1 of an inch in diameter, conuguoua to the bilam i or .tern end of the tuber, on or near’ the bulge. ! i fim I paid little "attention, and still fee* con. eetn at this unusual appearance. After about half were divided, on a close inspection, I dtscov* ered located in tubers thus affected, from tho one* fifth to the one-tenth of an inch from the surface, clusters of email eemi transparent egg*; forming a complete congeries; a sample'of wbteh,l he»* with transmit for your inspection, and alsojor other distinguished gentlemen. I fcafch?w*ttf, tho severe cotd may frerta anil before it reaches you, which cnlsrge# three :limw ill present siie at the usual periodof planting. A* the eg* is sometime* deposited neartho crown or «ed portion of the'tuber, the greatest caution i# neceiary.-patience,, a good cyo tight, ami the light of a bright sun to die cover- \V In a dark colored potato the egg cannot bo discovered Irom iu surface, in conaequente of a ritailanty or coin, eidence of appearance end color. In 1845,1 bad a tedious experimeotof the kind on a dark colored variety of excellent quality; called the Tyler ootato. in honor of the exTreaident.’ Although highly impregnated with the egg, that distinguish «a naturalist, the great and immoral Lmnsus, with all bis patience and extraordinary power* of detection, would, in hi* best days, have gjven up the task a*»total failure. . , It is clearly evident that it u deposited before the full growth of the tuber, not ooty from the depth of iu location, but also from *“»t no trace* ofMforaUooof laceration of part*- are iwible upon the skin or tire intervening pomoa from that tothe congarie*. Here a Utile djgrw* ion wu I eepereted the tlTemsd from the remaining poiUon of four bushel*. Ibe d*y was cloudy and rather dark, and the tuber* unwashed. ' *. Doubtless many escaped my circumspection, id consequence of its being sometimes deposited near the seed porliou of the tuber, anJ so- deep as nearly to elude deception, under the rao»l favor abte circumstance* for observation and inspection. In this condition they were planted »o a dry gravel ly soil, testing up. n of *Uty com*, putiiiun. the field having Ireen previously drereed with stable manure. The season proved favor* able, and also tho two prereding, for a steady and craduri dcv*l»p'iirntof the stem. On the -Olb of Augo.t 1 examined a few hill*, foot'd them Well loaded, the tubes, Mall appearance wmnfi .ml hetliby. On the 2d Sept, took up . few hit jo ft,r culinary purposes, from 5 to 5 of the first •cities or s rowlh. Ihe isrgc.l-ii) the orepld .tete ofdev-ompoaitioni I immediately commencnl txkios up e few bo.hel. for my hog.; msny or Ihe tuber. were affected with the plague .pot- I placed one of there. w«i,h'ms about 7 ounce.. m , pccilioo tccci.ins Ibo dim, r.y< of ■>>» The heat wa. electee: I- .hrenhcll thctinome ler .taodtng 91) del- m the .hide. Al Sp.;m. oUcr.ed a dark colored edbeelie .uMtanee 00x10* ftoo. a J.«o aperture.. On removing thl. poltld exhalation. email reond perforelkin. were iixible. •phi. ciTcom.teoces excited my auepicion that the | Worm wa. the caure ol the affection in thu form nr the dieexre,. The idea at once occurred to me, i, might be . flight depredator On the tn»J. of the .ame dS, I preceded wtth a •**«" •■> *• weatern portico of the field, a low .pot. the will | rertin* on a clay fotmatinn, chided by fact tree, two 01 three houta in Ihe afternoon, the growth .ix 01 eight day. later than thole Ut«> »•« d “« in Ihe morning. On clreely eiammlng t °P*- .n extremely thin white worm, the fifth of an inch iu Ungth,hy.«*‘cbed out both on tho stem «id: leif On the near approach of lighl H soon de* i «-gmda and enter* Ihe earth on ihe «da of the' I matked and pulled up the hill the next morning. Tho potatoes were.perfectly «>ond.--1 M the same timo examined the tope of the ad- > ioinin" bills; small light brown-colored spoU were; vieiMe in reveal place* on most of On the fifth evening,wftei tta disap pearente, having attained, about half it*i growth., Dimrived of farther support from tho decaying, top. it i* active, vigorous end tepoooQftt the, talrr period it* pup* state- Ui« cferely , ed that, at this stage »f ** & ow } h > H obtains it* , entire noori.hroeut exclusively from the stem leaf a. anbeequeot doselopmenla bavo proietf, h, ascending the alcm doting thnn^hl land .nek in» its iodes- The tuber te not tneaded, .ffold i„: them eulwi.te«ee nnUl the halm Di vine U i« , L»ying,®ndilion. Il hide, deep in the en,h •1 the bottom of tho hill, occaatonally in tho aofl pntnd potato., which become, w, in an Incredibly Ihn’tt .paed of lime, after being attacked, and fie iiuontly in deep crevice. leading from Ihe edge, if tho hill eonligunu. to the larger! fubere On .bout file thinl or Tourth d.y after it hu made Ihe toiler iu paMum ot exclude, food, IU touch, whether by suction or perforation, produce* tba p! flg uo .j ot. Al,st the 7th day to matu lit, J,-i'o.iu the egg, deleted, to tho bottom cf the hill located on the herd and petiahea, makin"’ Lhoot fourtene Jay" hem thp period of iratling iiorn Ihe egg, lo perfect to mefairty. rh. characlel end habile of thu xeotm on moot meld ooe, during the entire.period of to depredtUon. —prohalily more »ihen »"T o>h« re P li,e thehomo. of the earth haa' ever nouruhed, end pet •ihly 'fcngt-oderedwithin iU btuom toMMIO. knowni IDnring Ihe oecood eioge of-to dertrtte live e.reer, it revcral yard., (thu, how. ever, depend, on eiteum-.unce<., m e.xttemely werm evening., ot in a Might moonlight. It t. ■eldoro even.-) attacking different hill.. The extreme heit anJ drought, et Ihie period, from the 24th tholSlhtoptemher, un oue.lion.biy m.lnred it, ptodoced decompreltinn 'of the tuber aooner then ueuel. and nearly 01th. paled thrm here end elrewhctc whet, it prevailed. A few foil grown, in a decaying eondlUon, were found in my field, "here Ihe ecil ■» “U *"dre tenlivo of moiatnre —eoneeqnently few tuber, were perfumed. The egg •» not duco.ered In mote than one'.out of on. thouaind. The hee, end drought of .1845 WM aUn- favorable for to destruction- Ac fer ae my ob.erv.tlon. haie.ox. tended, there i« eo obundanl tupply with of tho ... ,pd larva.- In tho lobet 10 ptodoco i conaidor ablo incteare of ‘ho wet and dry tot in 184 T.— Many of there deefnfcllro reptile, are- detlroyid, before and after arriving to motonty, by the fiold | ant tnd other cxrnieetoua inrecle. In tttu form or the direrec, the fire! celling of the crop, located under the eecd tuber, which conteiued tho egg, undetgoee rapid decomposition. Tho egg b gen ettlly depneited,in tho 2d retting, conligoooo to pottid tnber. Tho queation will; uatureUy.atire, what become, of the numberlceexeoima hatched from the egg, independent of thore deetrpyedby the ent dtc. ItU o 'wellknown fact to eiety n.lnrali.ti that moat of tho ovipem of whatever genere or epeciee produeo end deptwto-lho eggi withoot having boon in the prerenco ol the mrtl •uch eggo, however, ltd not refttoducuvo,, Thir cireomitanco occure among tho|feetherod rpecteii. erpecioHy domealicoted fowlr revniffwii>«i« « thofieldknt, doobUreo the wort. T?” nidna boa been found loreleil lho tqwhJW* ntporficielly" than the ogg.of the worm, Iy email, of * clear while, bright color. ltoiicsted Irti the tuber thuoeffected, eihlhiUng rtlirW-™ biownlih oolot where it ii generally otmlinuoo eoond tu the period nf. pton*: ing end oven longer. .v l^Lui. It will be perceived thel Ihtve etetrf Iketowlth, outieommentT The length if each “ would ha inodmieteble for pojilicition. I hove |iol refoSSmy ofihjfriu -3neroo»lsifii« jij?fec*d baj&he *&&£— positions liken by W&tfbrs *jsht not lo&bm' Mgoticed: *gw the botfffltf,* I ui exirVmoj smsllimuabroon. a parasitical plant oUOT>ffilooj o1lb« de caying stemi ia the cause of the diseased tuber.— 1 tf—T*; tod have frequently *een similar phenom ena inmygaidenoo different species and tarir tiea ©fplenta, the aeed_ beet,-carrot, and . parsnip produce similar pariaitee when the root ta invaded by -a worm. The yooog peach trte and shrubs In geo eta! exhibit a dike appear* aoee on 4he leaf,?and young* scumswhen the root ia severely wounded by, the curcalio, (a fact well known to intelligent 1 and practical horu-1 eulturiats;) that nature, ever kind and bencficieot ] in her operations, guided .and supported by an un* j erring Providence, ha* endowed every plant with j I t l ) empower and capacity of throwing off to the but* 1 I free, by roeanaof excretory reaelvany aupetffc-1 out or vitiated aubstance injurious' to • the plant j which pervades the circulating flaid; that it can* 1 not bo attributed to,any of the numerous local causes that have been adnirieed; nor to atxnoapbe* 1 rical influence, vicinitudes of temperature, elouJy j weather, heavy rains, excessive host, drought, 'miasms, dec. ' We have frequently;hadJaimilsr ieasona, some of them moie unfavorable to the -growth and production of a sound and jhealihy tuber without affecting it; that the Jiseaaiwasas disastrous in many sections of this country where they enjiyed a favorable season, as it projed when it was much less propitious, for thedevclope roeut of a.fai'r and bealtbey crop; that neither clt* mate, variety of soil, low. or elevated locations, southern or 00/thern positions or exposures esca ped the dreadful pestilence in an infected district. Notwithstanding thenomeroosremeJies resorted to for iu prevention, with the exception of a few solitary locations, io which'healthy disinfected tc bera‘ ware planted, or the worm or the nidm did not exislin the soil, the latter of which doubtless feeds, grows, sod is brought to maturity by sut •Uting on the root, aod-aubsequently depositee the larva ifrlhe skin of the lober—• fact which the decaying condition of the root prior to the age* lion of the atem orlubet always exhibits. Tie curly lop is a modification of the dry rot. the rootle attacked in a similar manner, but earlier In the season, doubtless by minute insects, ami toon‘destroyed. The tuber produces, the first act ting, from four to eight in number, of stinted stxe, affording in bulk, Id the aggregate, not more than a sixth of an ordinary crop. The tuber is gener ally sound as far as my observations have extern - od. Planting such tubers would soon extirpate that portion of species. The vital Importance of the subject and the anticipated length of this | coramnnication'compelled me to abreviate ami | condense it both in the selection of language and i expression df-ideas to an acknowledged faalt.- i An examination. relativo to the cause of the •dis ease; that the worm baa no fixed period of return coraforqtable to tho'establlshcd; laws of nature, like the eurculio, and miany arcumaiances cor necled with and relative to the growth of the next potato crop, useful and important to the fmmer; that the fertile and lootny anilof Ireland, Belgium, the northern and middle portiona of France, and tome poitiooa olGermany end Prussia, arc favor* the production ofihe worm, aud.tts repro duction by means of the infected tuber, few or no carnivorous insects existing in the toil to dimmish their numbers. If the remedy hereunto annexed ahoold amount to more than a partial failure,- m 'all probability nothing short of the protecting pow er of a kind, wmeficieni,iaod merciful Providence can arrest the dreadful atiJ .deplorable pest, unless its extinction is drawing jto a close, which is high W improbable. Comments on the several subjects iost referred to, ate necessarily omitted for want i of space, while several tuples of equal Importance j hive not been alluded -to| 1 1 Rotas aid eiascxiojas rox tbs «*>“» ■“ \ Do not plant a potato, the product of the curly lop. Do not plant tboai only apparently sound, ; if avoidable; a considerable portion of the crop having been destroyed )by the worm or wet rot. ■ unless attended by the favorable etrcumsUncca o 1844, examine closely sod cot out the eg* *°** nidus portion. • Do not plant those, although ap*J ’ oarently sound, if avoidable, a portion of the crop haring been destroyed by the dry rot. Under no circumstance* plant the stem end of the potato, « 1 contains nineteen-twentieth* ofthe egg*, and owns, | -because that portion waa and is softer and easier j of perforation than the drown or seed portion.— i A Sop dettroyed by the worm: the same ground,, or poUto field, win produce a sound crop tho sac ceding year.'if perfectly healthy tubers are plant ed. unless thel worm or nidus la pn aent in the loti, bith of whictl ale imbedded, to a greater or lew extent, in the! humus of the earth; “d.'Teo extensive districu of coontiy,. dearly de monstrated byiita sudden and unexpected inva iion'ofthe stem and tuber at distant points, and extensive location!.' The worm in the secood stage is mostly destroyed by excessive beat end draught in warm soils with a fair exposure to the tuo. The egg and nidus may possibly be-deartoy ed by an exposure of the tuber to f a direct rays of the sun for aeveial bouia before planting doubtfuL The caustic alkalis will not deatroy the deep located egg. without destroying the vegeta tive power, of the tuber—they are beneficial against the dry rot and curly lop. Tho most effectual re medy, as yet triad by me. and which ha. proved very successful, is one poaod of Turk s island •ait, muriate of soda, poured cold over the whole . tubers, dr.iriin; off immediately the solution; after which cut dr plant the whole tuber, a*sfaney <“ r interest maj suggest, with the edJiUonof four bu shels of salt! to the acre—spread broadcast be fore plough ng—the remainder before harrowing, •*" * Aich ' fa " o " VJHAKHA k. CC* ICHAIIOE " ti IN TO' «\iF idcBSKY. HAKSA A CO., DAHK£EB| BXCHAIfOE BPOKBM. ANri DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC KXC»IAN\»B CERTIFICATES OF DET POSITfc, BANK NOTES, AND SPECIE; Fourth ni newly opposite ibe Bank of Pitubnrjh. CURRENT MONEY recc.vcd on Depotit*-Bi«h Check. fcfUajo,«iul rolleeiwn. .made ou nearly all the principal poiaUioUm United Stale*. .«mia»paWfW* :o « , * a “ d Aaet 's* n j G Advance, made onconnipiincnt. of Produce, .hipped [ ,Ea»t. •« i‘l>«»l lenn*- , . Modesty often forbid* the gentler apasarasaaa ss sews , Market *trret, mm r. K..S*wt*b. awa “ A , l . . . ,Mu,bß»«l».r«. fncett perbax. mAWI" *5,00. BOOTS 5,00: C TOB N »J..£”PT.Iy *. which be «?ill warrant nttivcriorw MY mJ^JISt SJK2‘M^'^rs-35Srt^ 3 s S s'' ,£ ss—^gftaSiK" 'irspw®sSiiESS •.»• *“ ■ to,J ■- lend cither in peudo or }>*NOl>- T M MOWKJs*«ret*!iei. yOll.H :»m*piwi . mEr* sssinuS: vsnssff"* {!!"* mS„ C W Ricfcet»on . W p“ot', hd "" ' •' wT , H.K r, “ n WhunSrbli Wolff. , ssafe“ Kras? ■ psdlt A PPLKS-—lOO bu. Ur.oJAppl'^'r”' A«» •»< <*»'■ '>» J 11 XhlAJilfpVM .iqg— W d, T fa gfljj „ cw;r“- s bM J cr d ** lc "7 No 110 wood «re«t yENICTI&K bbd-71»»•»•>SSiSS' ' V'-‘; 1 Yl.tioW OOHBBSISubei. Anricuj * j SOIIOONMAKER ft Co ..No«wood«ttcet For ule by M' TKfricnttt—sobbli Pto3 M«cfcarcl, oa bud -pprwg.Tg-24 doz BetTer Baekeli, llndia* (root -Hi" I*»* 1 *»* Ch ' cp "'‘ jpii3ga« »«,„■; k£AHS—I3 Übtz Bean* In »loro tad far tala by [ ,p 3 } DALZKLL, M water it niBD PBACHBB—iWbhrs Vtt lioro and tor M*rby »p 3 J DALZEU^Sl.wa^rjt Ssr»-.T ■..-■■ JAa D N^S^»- ATTIN(I-49 bAlcs to. I, S, Ind 3, in Nara and JJI for ,by , • JAS DALZELL , ' . No IS aralarn DIO OOFMHt-MOMI* '"“‘"I rre “ Aae>MUBtmr,«nd . nwoodft ~ a pS . BAOALBY * SMITH. CIIIIM • ESK blts prime R Meese bar sae by 84.3 D WILLI/XS k Co,llo wood st f S*£ AND aW|S. e % ”-h. swa***™ rm g§ pGREiI OISCOSTEm-M C? Bl -' E THEWSCOVERYOt te u S'®VNra tea to perfect hetltli «ho tut.bjjujw.JEHW.JW; | r be , !ti'tAe«l!eoC'eraVe. . . . . , I Asothkr MTtito wiTsta*.—R««i *‘ lh I uhment the wonderful core performed Swayne’s Compound Sjmp of (WILD • rHiLiDKLfma* JanuirylS, JB£. I- - Dr.-Swayne—lienrSirr In joatie* toyourwiirtnd 1 a duty 1 owe lo suffering. bhauuutjTi 1 cheerfully 1 giro toy testimony, and declare i© u»e world toe mm'. Jitoaithing c fleet*, and the great cere your Compound'Syrup of Wild Cherry performed *OB we, under toe most unfavorable erreumataoeea.--! * fU t taken with a tiolcnt*Coug&, s pitting of Blood, re vere Patna in the Side and Brcaat, which teemed ! to break down asd enfeeble my constitution,to that j my physician thought my cum borond the power of --■ ; “'ue, and my friends all gave me up to diej but mediclm . —-- o r - - • lhuk> to you acftl tbo effects oi yoar greetdtscore- Tj 1 now feel mjaelt a well man,ant! raised from a mere skeleton to aa fleshy and healthy a mas as t hate been for tear*, and shall he pleated to gite any information respecting my ease, by calling at my residence, Mechanic stree.t r thitd door below beorge , street, Northern Liberties. Jaco» Raintaiu Testimony is now received from all quarters of the Globe. The lolloping letter* are presented with a tiew , of more felly showing the opimons of ThyiieHM in tothe Medical talue or Dr. SWAYNK’b COMPOUND SYKUP OK WILD CHEKBV ; I C Dr Sw«ne—P Mr sir: Hiring uterijmr Com.] _™st Stroo op Wild Chenj eilonmel, in mj practice, ? l w» requeued Wl°" e ™^“." P rrJS! VZ --"cKoUr properties _ |Q j£j 0J i w m discharge a 53l otredhe community -in nariicular. Airmuch as l.detest Quack Rcm«> ,3 an d Patent fiortmrai. I real induced from afailute of the meet potent oipqotomoU. rocom mended in our matetll medlta in eorno came ol s-sapssffl *u')*«quent trial*, that t now prccnbe Uin prele - enco to sil other Remedies where sn expectorant!* indicated In the much Ure-ded Reeumoaiai or. Disease of the Lungs, itt the alarming form «»*«b -mirs in Kentucky, 1 regard it as an inyajoable the treatment ot that disease, roall me I have said enough, bat as this may -onk out of the vicinity of * fankfort, I will briefly add, that I bate been ocgagW in aa active practice of my profenioa ol 12 jr«ara,aod am , tegular Graduate of Traaijlvanu, and tla* ta Ibe tint Palcul Mediciue I ever thought enough of to opinion in writing. >■■ -j* e ‘ J. H. Lllisoß, M. I). IT 7iii 13-I-7. Franklm County, Kjr. 1 Frankfort, Kjf .Jan’rjr 7tb, 18*7. me above certificate it Nro«» of our Phy*** zi*t ami Apothecary. Testimonials will never cease _ • Kroui the Temperance Pledge. Now that Winter t» upon iu *“ eni3 * l tni?n of PaUmToic and Bronchial aflectiOM.ConglH S d- afe &c . we would advisothoae afflicted u Uni war to immediate Inal or Drj bwayoe. sireo qI Wild Cherry. It will never hd iSTriirma pormanentcurc. The reputation o‘ thin medicine has caused many; spnriou* article* to be not torth under its name; but. lb© prepariUon of Pr ? Swojne. be.ide. being the tir.l ever offered to the nubile, i* the only one that can be relied on. The other mixture* sold lor Wild Cnerrv Syrup, ttatsanw, *C., are all tptinoua nod' wortblee«, and tioo, Dr. SwiynoV Compound Syrop ol Wild Clcrry. - Kr om tho Springfield Eipreaa. Of Ihc thouaaoda or purported nurture nn w before the public, but Tor, row are Jonnd to t h e healing virtue. for which the. are ic eommeiidcd. Among the litter .. arc pfealrd' to none Hand a better teat than Dr. bwiycc ■ Sirup ol Wild Cherry. The afflicted fe Uuv uiciuity ure beginning to ueo it, and Wttm they dod in ile me their hopeejueed OPJO ’recommcnditionv more lhao realized. TTie.afflicted need not deepair. While there .a Ido. there opwia ho| “' A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. ! irpsince'the introduction or my article to tho unSo, there’.hare a number of unprincipledting vidnzlr got up noaUuma "hichthey uliertponUiri Wild Cherry, »ome are called Balaam*, , iad even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine is the original and only genuine preparation ©nr introdn | c?o to the public, which can be proven by the pub. i hr. Record?ol the Commonweallh of I The only safeguard against imposition is to ace that, eignaturu on each hottlo. R r SWAY[)F Prenared only by Pr.-H.iJw*T!«*, at his Pnnct corner of Eight and R*« Streets, f'biladetphia. I All Wild Cherry preparations being ficu«oos P and counterfeit hi. aignalure, C Kor sale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by \VM. THORN,S3 Market direct, • 4 OUDEN fit SNQWDKN,corner 2nddc Woodsts. *s JONES. 180 Liberty street. „ Sold also by J Mitchell, Allegheny City} Boyd, Carat A. Co., Boiler} Weaver k. Heoderann, Mer ced? Norman Calendar, Meadville*, i H Burton k g£ Erie; M’Kensie & Kaskell, C!eve aiid; I)eni. &. Son, Columbusi Millrr, BrownsviUer Marah, Va ; E ll Htnnmn.Cincinna^Ohio; Vt u Eajterlv fit Co. r SU Lotus} J b Moms A Co., Louhiriilib K,i Andrew''(jUrct Si Co., Now Or leans.. J -■ ) WboletmlTDroE Wwihouw. IK THE, CITY OP KBW YORK. B'a. FAHNKSTOtrK & Co., No. 49, John tt , . York. offcrJoraaleaUrge and general tworunenl or Drag* and Medicine*, Dye buff*, tSnU and OiU of every deacnpton, which lb J are prepared and - determined to pell low. tLiuj Merchanu .nd D«nuU «. to call and examine ihcir article*. Order* executol with factlilolnea* and de*patch. B. A.tabnertoek* Veriniloae'-cooiUnUy *n hand. • B. A. Pahr.eatock, ) 1 B. L.V Fahnealo-k, VPitUburgb.- j G. W. Fahnealock, O . A. B. Hall. New York. ' »F 5: ■ T». A. FAHNESTOCK * Co’e. WHITE D . LEAD WORKS.— The undereigned bnye completed their new worhe, located on the bank el | the riret abdre the Aquednct, in Allegheny ctltf, eppocite PitUborgh, for the manofaclote ol • “P?- TUrqualil, of white lead, both dr, and pound in oil- alto red lead and litherage. Haring arailed the'maelree of all the recent improeementa-in lU „«u”ctore. and erected the boild ng. ow n Ter, SSeeenlo. and with capacity to male lead in Urge quantities the, will be able jto an|fl, ordote to almo>t*oy «**“*»- - ~~~ v "i VEE COHPLAIaT-Aaoih f eureperforo- L*ed uiinf thß original, only ime «od genuine Liter Pill. "aBSSSI®!? i - I hn««CIWC<: loot., r^P' c, “jJt aIEBE , I3 , iV m-Thm nn.'.m»4 uneijurlled by Ml- modieltt* known fcr Ike onto of Lir«rCwlw'nj n ', I _ 8 - ;i frwwmJ «*«■“ !*. “^S^fSroot '• »l»3- • ' ti v’ vkOETABIiK pOLJIOBAB¥ k«J uopf«« “utMinilnViUT-IoiMT ■.«■“«, VZTZZi SwSS» wj«j» sys^aK^saffi^Mg™. 1 Pltaritv. PhtfiiiSe. Spitting ©f Blood. \N boopiUf Congo, Coa*b*jßrtmct»Ui», BudPalmotury Jureebowo(.?»e«7_ ...1. ..... •' cor gthWd'wood And cor In •mud wm •>»_: —Now OUPKBiOR MOIIAIB O open, a few piece* of mpertor Black Moh every- qaality, fc«a i ,fo linc»t, and very Jow for.quality. • . • Al*o, black Bort>baxinei. Engtub and riemli,of uck *, jf |lY I- 5 .N K cor 4ih and Ma-kci *t« t rr7 i Coanirr Merchant* hojinf forCaih. will p)eas« took .. ib« I. v .«i -/ml «~‘j’ | in th« loom*, upnuua-r«l>ir*nce frQtp »u ' PROPKBSOR H. ROUBOCK, I TAKES thi» opportunity «f informing hi* friend* and j tbe public in geneuMhat ho ha* w* o ?*.!? wJffk! J ilenee fiorn l6 Penn »Veeu j nearly opposite Ur. JletTOn’*, where he.wil he ple»«ed 1 to»Je bi»fneod« and papiWattd impart....tnieuon on tbe Piano. * Avtahjteawnu bate been ra * Je ihote nopila who take le«*on* at hi* hoa*e an Opportu* nuy of practitinc a .official length of tbne «fore leaving, jo fix the in»tniet*on imparled firmly la «he | imnd. An additional and excellent Piano, made i-nteuly for tbepurpoae by Mr Blame, ha»beej,protidrf aS placed in a room where the pupilcan P f tehee en tirely endUtortodd. • New beginnera will ai«o hate the aid of hi* daughter daring their hour of practice. A aery few pupil* more can be aeeommodeted. Ap plication* made at hi* residence- . apaoaw O MERCHANT TAltjOßß—Now op«*£*-! a »plendid imrtment or tho*e Tooy manufaet re. Pbirti, both fine and medium tjaaune*. , . ietr ji . A large intolce Cravat*, both black and fanpw*r *. reel from the Importer. , Aijaiun, Sujef!, .Itqulnle, *i>J tdm. .Batinßow*, do do jo- 3 . .. Bombazine do do t« aWi. N'° PoMaleby the TOPD, itreet,up*iair*. M.nnf«ciuter»- FI«I-dhhlaNolM«ke»el! • ■ | No 1 Sidmon, Alewt** * j.j) WILUANSkCo . •ate by No Udwoodaltect /lANwm* , Daewcil** Old Hou»c. . *pMla . I mr P. Oart», Amtlwitr - ■ ifce 5A >«»«♦ *» I* *Voc«. die Commercial Aacucn Room, corner of "ood • ,~i Fifth ■u—i>j-mt 14 - 11 ■«■■•»* '* 'of nnple and fancy dry Rood*, haw, cap* b©©»*, ' ' bonnets,fany millinery,«c' . . . f : -;. k t AlfcO’Ctoeky*. M. ? 5 • ; * k *A]aree-Qaaatit> of new**n4 seeond band fcoutehoid ' .alt tbeyanety .wanted by • hodMkeepera. Also, j .. ' * 5U cic»JaV«lßf H»*« . ■.l , 10 boat* Sperm Candler; ls3fft*nCoii»ndl>etoa*kifeSho»cl*J - ' StalesVirginiaiftianfaclHred Tbbaeco;' G!is»w«e,HO&a«ware,tinware, a qnantity of setaol benches, deiis, c -- r At 7 o'Cloek, l». M. A! BiianiitT of carpenter's tools, hardware, £»e cnt uZl ru'd and silver! watches, tnosieal losmunenta,: readt made clothing, a retail n*l of dry goods,' fancy. a*-. •• '■ • ■■ »**- WILLIAM; A. HILL & CO,, BASKKBS, KXCHANOITBROKRRS aKALxaa II ■ mARIRN AND DOMESTIC EXCUANQE> CERT?nCAT^OF D BANIC NOTES, | So. Hood S&tft, tu doer abac/ Fourth, Sast tUt, me hi9i pimtmrgfa) P»» . I d _*wh CLERKSHIP WASTBD-Fer * Inl from N., York, 1« year# of age; a ntwt'on m tome rwj>«ef able Commercial Embliahmentln th* city? At it-U -the tleaire of bit parent*thatbe*honld*<*«'«• *Wr■ falte of bu*inea*,a amall remuneration would only bo i reotireil for tbc fimyear.' Reference may he bad to EAitorcf Gazette. OOLE AGENCY FOR CURRIER’S PRINTS— • , d 5,000 }tm received. AltooiTbaodKellogg ATh®!*.- or’e rrinu.aad ttielp’* Mao* and -V -' r Mercbante and Pedlar*iupplieila^SawYofhjpMa la«*,Cl ? c»*,Cw«b» J aad A * - *»’ I a general aseortsent of Vat tet, Go©d*—ailatlei*?»l taiea—at NofcLeonttrof 4th and wood itrect*. i ■ ■ _ | - THOMAS KENNEDY, Jr • RBAIT ESTATE-MARKET— Venom about purchaaing property, will find It to their »ntere« to i eall and examine my Kegiater for Real £*laie before - . 1 parebasing. No trouble to *bow lpib t; 's I j H * NoCOtknlihSelJ •tieei > Loaf sugar and- modassbs— & bbta Goodate** 9 HrMolarter, IS bbla No 7 Loaf 6ogir; landing gam ,aw* OFPEE.Acu—lsbx* Filicon’* s*. • - * . 60 bae> Rio Coffee; jyatre eeived per Canal and for tala by . ab 3 ' • "* KoiW waier at CLOVKR9KED— «© ba*.. a primearnele, tor *»lebr REYNOLDS ASIILK ap3 : eor Penn and ir»m at* PAPER— 300 ream* Baled Cap Paper; ~~ 600 bdndidt A C; and Medium Rag Wrap ping Paper, for sale by REYNOLDS A SlfhK • t p | - cor Penn and Irwin *i* .a PPLKS—baa. Dried Applet, irtgooJibip-- . . A pink order f*r tale by _ ? ap-I.l_ I CARSON A McKNIOHT. Sixth «t GLASS— bOO bxt “New _t*eneva w Window, data, all aiu«i lor tale by ■ ~ apj : CaRSON A. McKNIOBT,Sixth at BEANS— 10 bbla email White Bean* for tale by ap3 i ' CAtISON A McKNIOHT.SUth at mHUIiBS AID BOAPt Ij lOObxaSaismerMoaldCanaii'i; 50 bx* No l Soap;-for tale by CARSON to McKMUHT, Sixth »t Diamonds and clay -50 Diamond Spark*; • . 70 bra iitper. Oertnin day; for tale by carson a Mcknight, sixth «t D‘ hied APPLES—Mboi.juat rec’il and for tale *{J • i ORUM.McUREWACb 1 -_*• NofiCommcrcial How • rjnooßS-a *». ?» bT : j NoS Commercial Row i,y „c, n..; iU ,di»« C^S-' - i water-and front »U REMOVAL— S Catbbert ba» temoved hi* Central Ataxy OfflM to NoMtolitfitW llrtrl , ““'Vli' 1 3 doom above ~ ——B—. bite.hc.Ti Brown Mol tin eneo:ii:rnm?i:’. tad tut .f »lelow welo*eb> ' i OKO MOHUAN.& Co. 103 wood It c < ?"“r s “ b,s,B ”'Ksr£KiT™i^" ,a - . . •No 41 water •♦wet *P? 1 " ■' ' SITUATION WANTED—A young man wiah* eauget a aituatioa tolwn tbaDry Cowl»bn»mes», bo Ibe Oonn.o .Od Eo,luh Unpwt; Addreu.C. L. ; r - t * v o. H. ROBINSON* Attorney at Law. baa W . removed hU office to,the Exchange Building*,. St Clair alieet, next door to Aldeiman John*. . '• ar»gd3m . ~ ~ht PEACHES—4S-fbbia In’iLree’d per atmr , Btw N^£!io. T>tLK *KAT— . . Sboalders; landmr and fi*r " . ATWOOD, JONtS 4Co >1 'OBACCO— SO kef* Ky- 6Tmsl, in*tore tad for sale low to close fonsimmeni. . > • : »£* ISAIAH DICKEX-fc Co, waicread from m BLOOBIO. , 50 SV J ““ EFSaISBOWEB , ap/ by Water street, near Ereas*, Mill ap“ 7 - wKr and froalstf I rTOLET-A 3 tiory Brick Dwelling llodte .1 3J street, Velow Ferry:* . • •p 3 SaSmithfieldsubelweeaadanddthrts ~ StJHDIkIES— 7,0t8 Ibsasforled Pseeh; 1,000 lbs Veniion Haas: •sibbisUfai I abblißetnij I SMcksFewbers; i - , 4 neks Flaxseed;
D_^ , • • - 1M Liberty irett COTTON YABN-6,000 lb. Mang. In i fett* Md - ramie br ■ J « K rLO> U' .iSL: r . W Liberty w* Ck)Ter*eed; . ,_... ■ lObu.Tiisothjr ««'* ™ 10* Latent «acel •. ■'■TOiSg.'gff-i sr^^ssß^gjfe-, FKATHKHB— 27,00 A ci* 11 ' ■ I CUNNINOUASI & BONNbR „•■■ , • - • • H* «i FISH— »bb\*No2M»c*er-- ffi!sss?as«!* w .*■ m«h3 '• ffasss&4 thn *»a&etar«n , \pre*i^& W»ofjpriea«* ptrt Woib* f WS^ [ Q» fan of LwteA J w^^^ktt^Pf ro Sy B £ > ‘of • oM (nab TbiM>» » 0 > Fiknwy «• tRE; J UPSON tJ±*U-: ;i SUMDaiBI-lMckiCora;" - s’ . . ' 3'do Oou; * do Appl«*s‘ -,. -. \ 4- do Pe*eh«; -. • ._. l do .-Fe*lk«t*i • ■■■' .J.- 1 B«*om Undisi fro® * t ® r ; CflmttMd-6f-te by, - JAM^DAtZ^., fcHlJoilK cottl4s-i b»io IWUSf/“ 100 cogiKa—i.iita 'C.iVfi'ifißaTra' 11 .'; yjss w ■"££}?* ■■ IllLL' 4 CDEEV, for *•. pwftf-t? iubS5K5,« 'la4in>and ExtbnpbauoeW'••{M p MIt L wmi NoKißrllT. WU C CURRY wvuutx Utw i dre*w*i will ilb* dry rood* dURPHY. . b Market** [York Star® . .= \FinelfhifU* • ..., :k«, Clotei*, .