The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 03, 1847, Image 2

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Hfr>Tni Rnmw Oult o*im«w.wWf«te4
H&r TivWvekiy,' and W««klT.—The
tnaam ikeTri-Weekly ia Fin DoUanper
W«3r UTw Dollar* pet ina, mtHn
U pill—ft • ♦ ; ■ ' . _ • ——
HftftlM to AdwertUova. .
rr Adveitraents, v> tecar* be
Idedia-by tie o'clock ifl the atoraoeo. Alien uoa
bi«,6n ike part of oar euumera, would be prouee
lllfMtßlltKlltfit .
! ass 1 . JABSI XRVIS*
(or corns win.)
'(«i csmusuib conn)
.per ijeltgvaphl* s*w*»*» next P*g*<
We bare, North end Booth, from New Orleans;
Vi ashiagtoa and Baltimore, confirmation of the'
aim previously received. It |a of such Impor
tance that we have analysed Has beet we could,
•aa present the following particular! of a great 7
betiie,aad an almost unexampled victory. We
al n five all the. Army news from the 'coast.
The intelligence largely adJt to lhe lie* o WH
ed and wounded; “Death lovea a shining mark,?
and Id the battle of ’Boens Vtote eome of tbi
brrat and beat men in the Army have
Many will with Henry .Clay in the.]
deilh of a gallant, and, we believe a favorite too
preeeaiment was. strongly fixed upon Mr.
Clay’s mind, just before be left New Orleans,
thet tad tidioga would reach him from the aeat
ofUarJand the distinguished Statesman retorned 11
to tda beloved Aabland only in aeaaoo to aympa> 1
lb: ae with bia wile for the iocs of one to deer to 1..
bob. We believe Henry Clay, Jr., was both al 1
btsband and a father, and ami to eome moat be I
the Intelligence of* that widowhood and orphan* 1
t|l which.' none can realha bat those who are I
mijde to anfier. May Uod temper the winds to I
hit thorn lambs. I
I The death of John J. Hardin, of Minor*, ia al*
•o a severe lose to the State.end country. .We I
knew him at an intelligent and industrione-tnem* I
bar 6f Congreae, and hkve beard of him in the I
Army aa a atrict disciplinarian, and a mao' highly 1
frieffpyl by all around him. Col. - Yell, of Ar* I
'kansaa, ia alto numbered among the dead.: He I
wa* a member of the last Congress, and left In
midst of the aetsion to volunteer for the .war.
Colonel Jefferson Davit, whoee name ia mention* j
ed below j ia a aon*ln*law of General Taylor, \and
wu one of hie Aidi, we believe. -There are oth
er distiognithed name* among the dead, and m*
ny vhouae Will be.made desolate, not only by the
' iJof brave officer* but of those serving asrank
and file. The hnmble bold Uvea aa valued, and
have friemfe aa warm, aa those promoted and ex
alted above them-
Webelieae, >ll ibid,that IhUwetwilh Uni.
co haa jeret the country not Icaajdrcn Bee thou
aand men already. What the coal may be. In I
■time to come; no men can* determine. I’c!:o»jl'
eania I haa nearly three thoueand men in to I
.acraice. They hare proicd their btaaery and
patriotiam by tholr aoluntary enlialmenta, and we
-hope peace wiUinterpoac to prcacnt farther blood
StaU Ann* hu been deserted by thooeuw
of hie tioope. and baa fall *oon readied to troth;
of what General Taylor aabl when told Ithat San
ta Anna.would aoon be upon him: “Lelbirn come
aaid he, “he will.go bach a great deal faaer than
he come!” Hot while Santa Anna haa retreated,
It ia frightful to read to apfCrridga of men under
hla command. They hate literallyataraed in fol
lowing Ihe fooUtepa of their deroied leader, and
death, in to midat of hunger, earn tough frond
at to cannon’a mouth, muai hare been a welcome
boom. No one will hereafter add the charge ,of
cowardice to to molUtude of aioa of which Mt|l-
Ico may hero been ghilty\ Hundreda of our own |
-brace men tealify to rearriauCe they hare found.,
It haa been a. bloody war from Brat to laat, and
we look for to end a> eameatly «a we ahouldlfor
to end of to Plague or to Cholera. The hoe
we could not help, to otor.we may. and Bon
onbly, too. ~! r
•It will’like m*ny day* before * correct of
Ibe killed end wounded under General Taylor
- can be recetaed. The deapatch of General Tay
lor only giaeato prominent penona, and cannot
be made perfect for many wceka. I |
Wj ere trader rainy ob:i|«uon« to Mri T. B.
lpi£, ratter ef tie United Bute, ermy, jeho *r
jived et Meltmom on lie 9lh inrtent. Bom, Ce
muto, foe politely fimiehioj us witi lie rabjora
rf list of Ameriera effieen billed “
the bottle of Baeni Vists oo tie 33d end j 33d
February: f
t •"
' ktv.uilm, ;
Wounded—on° U.pUin «nJ Oded Litoti^
max not ftren. \
Am**« CAT t. tmT *.
jgnsJ HoLYell. eoauaandiof ttgimthU 0«p»
—Lt F A Itol3 "'i rLtl ! :
kuu-Zm^ mhW cuy,
Lieut Moeier. -
IIDIASi *oor, ;
Wounded —Gen. Lane. ■!. '
OaaU U
Epenon |Bllluri ioot iioikw’t,
c«pl. Sleep
—LicuU W L McConnell, pnj H
sJ acems>T ’
p._, Woodward; LieaU. BruniotU.
•• KHled<- -Cipt* „ ni Ather»oc,
Fletcher, Ferfwoo, Ronm*, bww».»“
,E»”«i»rw«. «J AJjuUntlWJuu
•Sli iDumm 10 T “*
• ■ ftte&Ot'
Cwopbell, Leectra.
Wounded —Capt Conner.
■ RKsoLina. ■
/HioL—CeptG Lincoln, Sthlnfenlrj. B B««n.ltt D«I~nl. r
l.;LrwOFreoch,3lAiaU«ijiLtJPP Brum,
4lk Artillerj; tUjhUj:
xwinirri mIrL “:,. . u « .1
. Klkd-l« Lioat R B Ho~, sa Lieut McNul-
J Wmndel-Col JeflomnWu. f
i l.t a b *«“■»
Poooy, do; J P . . . ,1. K.,,,.
To j lot hu boon reinforced uneed bottle
bT Cob Morton mod hit tofifflont.
I boor nothing of Colonel Mey.
‘ Tho report by lb. »!•« end lendoleo eonOrmo
Umbel of the ooeopoof -'h™‘
notwilheteoding tbo hoJd flkbungjo,
thno doyo. It i» 0100 node certain tbot both
(Unto Amo end benorol Tojlor Untnondod io
PM It U .I*o (orthorrtoid in
which to-oohl no ftoto°®“°'
I n.O. Commercial Tl-Cth^l^r* 1
fttao between Monterey ond Munohw, bwn kept
J™unU, open, ond the credit btdon, >o b®.
..jKJJiu of Kentf. W. old the foi
lowing *l*o;
-Ail thot yon bore 4rd .boot | AjUj-^oon
non being token, it nJwol Toriot’e
member, tbot who! I recited toiGtneAdToyloPO
.newer to Sente Anneiwhen he depended .him to
. io eoocUy whfct I ron.tnnnw.ted toyoo.
tomTlnd wtiK# from)h.tpiecetoCo-
\ f
SnSbl.Tfldoc to "«" % £T2£5
Z, which hit. *OM on,
Semnnitloo from the tamer pi . ■ j
Santa Ann* led the Army rathe »«•**. » nd
*r~W' ..
Tte New Ortep Delta of Jft ttys;
T36i Mexican* advanced titan Taylor with
gteatfcoldoe**, br**ely led
bat ware met byonr gallant the
eooi finnoew of Veteran •oldiw*' A fierce'*od
loos battle eneoed, the Mesfcsw <disf«uig-intb
ibdx bayonetajtothe eery monies ofour artillery
ead^recaMn* the d**<My anddertnitiw
root, with uriflioehiof eoorage. Our men P'«
o<* an inch, hot maintained their powtion oo the
bloody'fietd the whole deyof the 2 2d, end on the
aost daV until -the evening. when the Mextcens
retired to Agoe Noe**, tearing their tailed uo
boried, end etl their wounded,, on the field where
they fell.
Tbe Mexican General, according to: hi* habit ol
crying Tietory in deleat,*ckno»ledge* that bia army *
waejcntto piece*, and obliged to retreat to Agea
Nueia, learing Generni,Taylor in poiieaaion of the
field. '.The following i« a translation or hie official
despatch to the Minuter ol War, prepared for the ;
Tatnpido Sentinel: -
<Ja»r «£»«Buc»» VuT»,Fcb23, 18«.
■ Kacellenl Cir—Alter two day. ol battle,in which
IbccnCiny■ with a hire, of 8 000 to 9 000 m.n nnd
twenty-ai. piece. 01 artillery, Inal Or. ol In. ooai
lidS/tbroe piece. of arliltery and wot flag., I V"
I determined to f o bulk to Ago. Nuev. to provide
! m «aeir with proT'uion*, not bavmg-a tingle biacmt
or* paw of nee left. Thankttothe poiiuonoccu-
Died by tbe enemy, be bat not been completely
beaten but be lea field about 20W dead.
Both armiea bare l*een cot to piece** but the tro
obie* of war will gi*» you »» idea on which aide ha*
Men the ad»sntage We hare atrug:b*l with bun-
IL and tbir.t daring forty hour*, and if «*e can
nrofide oar*elret with priJ*,iiont,we phall go again
to charge tbo eneinyJ. J>c toldiera under roy com
mand ba»e done UieFraiity, end covered lb* honor
qf Mexico with glory. Tbe enemy In*
matpeilber hia adfant.geout pontioo, nor tbo bro-
Ten nature ot the ground, dor tbe ngor of tbc.eason
for it baa been raining during the action) could
irereal the terribly char*" Ub tb- bayoneu wh'cb
left.him terri*’* * 1 B»avta Ama.
The follm , by l/ieut. i.J.L,
Bibb, U. 9. lpledtuili.
Mexican Accom st of tb* Battle. —El*jldr i
do de la Pallia, dated 37t& Fobio.ry, at St Lo„
PotoiL open* wilb • aouodrag editorial, beaded ai ,
follow*:“Yivala Republic*! Viva el lllortre Gen
eral Santa Ann*!'’
- The editor thep remark* that other leltenbave
dUieni of ?“» I ' D1 ‘* wnl *
ten from Agoe Noe*a on tb* 34ih of pebruirj.
tbew letter* tayjlhat two commiwiontr* hadl ar
rind l there from Gen. Taylor, demanding their
surrender; ihal Santa Anna exhibited to them the
•tata of hi* army, showing them the enthusiasm
and decision that prevailed among the troop*, who
had fallen bactlo that point only for the purpose
! of obtaining food; and finally g»« them a* hi* de
finite! reply,. |h*t pole** they. surrendered at de
-1 acretiU, ho wbuhl renew the battle the following
I day. and continue it until he completed their de%
*. The leltergoes on lossy that ibe Mexican
troop* are perUhing ofhonger and thirtT;tbat they
had eaten nothing trace leaving Eoctroacion.
■ave-iaalicej of roasted meat at Lavaca. It ex-1
pnuka great fear* left the army should disband
that dighl on account of the deprivation*.
1 The *ame letter aay* that Santa Anna had a
hone hilled by a grape *h t-
It uistated in the letter* of a Mexican officer,
that iA many Induces content* were ob-erred
amonglt the Mexican* over the bodies of the dead
American soldier foi tlie piece*, of meat found m
bi* haversack. and foi the wate* in hi* caoteen.
Fram fl(B< CarU*' Command*
CoL Curtis, of Ohio, with about 2000 men., was
to leave Canurgo to-aitaekCen. Urrea, who J*
thirty miles south of that place, with an army o
from four to five thooaanJ men. principally faa
: efaeros.. He has with him only 1500 regular
I troop*. A great many, if not all of theao ranebe*
roc,as «oon aa they bear of the discomfiture of
Santa Anna’s army, will disperse, anti the gallant
I colnel will no doubt obtain the victory.
I The fortifications at the Uraaos, with tbo force
of aitillery and persons in the quartermasters em
ploy. which can he raised as a garrison. »*«***»■
I dent to drive back,a command of at least «000 or
13000 Mexicans. The work, which rosy be tech
nically termed a continued line, encloses all the
'quartermaster’s andcorombsary’s stores in depot.
*j*he paparet is formed of barrets of damaged <iim
rthissary stoics, with *sikl bag* for the superior
1 ■lopo.lho sand from a ditch in-iffont thrown up
I against the batrcls forma the exterior slope- The
armament of the fort consists of. four pieces of
I artillcrr—two twelve and two six pounder*, »n
I barbette, which sweep the foot of and enns thetr
1 fires upon the level plain over which the enemy
I would be’compelled to advance, and about three
Ihondred muskeUto hue the . This was
thrown up when an ■u-Vh hourly-expccled.
I Nothing having reached us from Gen. Taylor fur
I Quay days, we beGeved him' surrounded, as was
I reported. After waiting three or four days, anx-
I iously expecting the approach of the enemy we
I received tba glorious news above. And when I
1 sailed, the artillery of Fort Harney, instead
; mowing down the Mexicans, was pealing' forth a
I salute in honor of “nU Rough and Heady and
.1 bis gallant little army at Duena Vista.
Tb® Baltimore Patriot gives the following
count of tbit position—"the National Bridge
Whence it U reportedlhc Mexican! retreated.
U a strong military poiitioo, of which MaJame
Calderon. [the lady of the Spanish minister in
Washington, to whom beautiful and. admirable
Utffe in Mexico, being a residence of two years
io Ib.leoontrj." from 1839 lo 1811, <re ini
debted for ao modi amusement and information.)
I gives the following jdcscripUon: I 1
I «We arrived (on- travelling from Vera Cifix to
1 the capital,) at Foerte Nacional, formerly Puerte
del R*y, eelelirated as the acene of many eta en
gagement daring the revolution, and byocenbythg
which, Victoria frequently prevented the passage
I of the Spaniah Uoope and that of the convoys jol
silver to tbb port. Here we stopped a short tiipe
I to admire the beautiful bridge thrown over the
4 river Antigua, wiih'ita stone arches, which brought
I Mrs. Ward’* sketch to my recollection, though it
|is very long since I saw the book. We were ac
companied by the commander of the fort. It is
nows peaceful 'looking scene. We walked to the
bridge, polled branches of Urge white flowers, sd-
Laired the rapid iWer dashing over the rocks, and
the fine bold scenery that surroand* it The vil
-1 Up is a mere collection of huts, with aome fine
, I tieqi. '
Tut Battlm or Saitillo.
One fif the editors of tfie New York Tribune,
Iwhou now in Washington, under date of Friday,
give* the following as the snmraary of the battles
!»t Saltillo. 1t i® 90 vtr V par ti£uiar lbtl ' ,t l look *
Ito us a srport of what might have occurred, in
stead of being, what it profesaca to be detail of a
three days’ battle,of which nolodyeWelbasre
ceiveJ any thing more than a report that it war
going on. But the extract U intererting as a spec
aUlion, end «• .therefore copy it.
“T he 'raSionalt of the Ule»l reliable 'edrieee
from the eeet of war, I think U th'ie: e letter bee
been receded qaile receotly by Col Teylor,—the
brothel of oor mort gallant General,—dated Sxl
taio Feb S 3, from lie motl tinjtiafionnjfe ou
(Aenfst, (•» enlhority that e promiao of eecreey
eomnele me to erithold.) gieing an account of
•hreeeeveral rttecke by Cob Polk’e “next Inend,
Oeo. Benla Anne, with nearly 20,000 men. upon
“Old Rough end Reedy,” who he# hot about 5.- onder tie commend' el. the time. ) Thu
firet attack wee made at Ague Nneee, end- alter
M me herddemooetretione of motn.lboat.lity, re-,
pnleed with coneiderehle lort to the Mexican* the
Stack wee renewed at Saltillo, to which place
Taylor had effected a retreat to perfect order. It
war again General Teyor hoed the !
tope of the honeee there with hie eharp-ehoolere,
,td ae the Mexlcane approached, dealt unerring
a -efre
loee. Generel Taylor glean eofficldnt
breathing-time tnhie berd-premwl *>,eonl.n
oed hie march toward. Monterey. At the pel* of
' Rineonede he wee again oeeitaken, by the forrea
of Scold Anna, who eeemed to bare act hie [lie
upon a cast, and determined to aland the haxard ot
the die. A third time ha wax attacked by tbo
Mexican*, and it most be eoofewed, with moch
bravery; a tbiijj time they were repoleed end with
do itKoonderabh alaogfater. It may therefore, be
m&ly preaomad that Gen. Taylor, after the three
glorioot dtya of 2let, 22dand 23J of February,
became aably eacoticed behind the protecting walla
of .Monterey, where be coald hold oataU month*,
onidded, again* all Mexico in arm.
*eft b proper to acknowledge that the. Depart
oaQt ha* received no official account of the new*,
thus tranKnitted. The late* datesat the War of
fice are mocb .antecedent—still r cannot refaae
credenoe to thi* sUtemeol I have written became
,7 come* in'no questionable thape.”
to. <’a*. '
F*o« Ba»ta F*<—A fetrtfemao writinf from
mn» t F*. aoder datoof the lQlh Jaaawy, (? hit
father 4n 8U Loot*. »«*« • ;
•iTbm bubMOt freatdeal of «ckn««i in
the 1 iraV, and'?«y B*oy. h*T#died*. Etch com«
Msy btiibat-a Dunbac of nwaibanu. TbU moat
£the WncMl dibits on fum afibctod with
tha i niSiiinr‘1 —wothL «D who bn bora
th» l«i iScM witk il taTOf dW. A pal
m ieip«»»ew» U tSb their
a, jiii.»lhtiSabiwU
;. ' ■■ ~
1 Scents in HTorttaefi* 1 . i
!llore than hall .of tbeiwholeSutoof
bet&Cft l° ti*o brother*] -Ssrietes, who ;
30.000 peou*Q. Several of their wutes
ai«rmana*ed by.*l£w*rf*> While ihertosmdet
•ft rented. 'Theirprictipal town residence is in ,
SillUlo; but-ibeir Javoiale country *c*t U tMj
tbMnificent .hacienda of Palm.' '
ftmily/logether withlhkir relations, lha£ianca*»j
Yoarros. and the Zualugoa, (own nearly theOniire j
Buie and it* population. They hate taken ad
open or active part ift ib« pre«m war, And bare
preserved friendly and *«n kindly relaliotiawith
many of oor officer.; Wot he Blanco* and Sao-
undaratood tq be prepared, under more
promising circumstances, o uphold the Mexean
government with their Wealth and influence.
Nearly all-oor expenditure* for supplies .hate
foaud their way directly p« indirectly inte the cof
fers of these princely nabob*.
Except for the education of the clergy, there
are do aeminarie* of learning, diverting °' lhe
name, in Coahuila, but there t* an ecclesiastic
college in Saltillo.ol some rjeputation.bui theVopm
of instruction eddaloushf exclude* everything
approachiog to acience, and i* confined ° ®
clonic* and to th 4 reading of the Father*. Tb
leonxaqaence of this staiejof thing* t*. that by far
I the neater porliol of tbiJ papulation are plunged
into the most proilurul ignorance, and can neater
read nor write. Many pf the .better cUas ar e
formerly sent-to tie Unitfd Slate, to b ® edoe "jJ*
bat, for some yeJ«, thi. pan has been abandmed
and they are now] sent fa[ that forpose. to France
and to the city of Mexiejo. .
Four-fifths of l ie population of northern Mexi
co are of the aboriginal kare, (pure, or .mixed in
different degree, with Spanish blood,) the lineal
deceodanU of tttWe>werf(}l Aatee monarchy.
In habits, custom., mode of lift-, words arid cml
talion, they have, probibiy changed but little,
with the exception of the abandonment of their
barbarous since tho couqnnt; and
tbey retain even much .»f their original language.
They are a gooJ'looking people and while one
seldom sees a very largo man amongst jhem, they
are certainly a well-made, agile and muscular race,
who wo base been mucli in the custom of under
ratine; of abstemious'Mbit*, and of great power*
of endurance on foot,oi on horseback. 1 hey are
scarcely equalled a« courier*, and are unaurpased
In marching. It mat i eem a paradox to *sy that
t( ie »'posset, much bollnczs and. little eburage;
they would venture where braver men would
hesitate, and yet would effer faint resistance wheb
danger is upon them. Hence it i* that they to
often fall victim* to the Indiana.
SFaney to yourself a rather light Muted In«!uu.
wmJ in a pair of lea her unmentionables, with
out suspenders, button-ng from the kiu-« down
ward., which are usual y left open jn warm wrath-,
r., r comfort, and to exhibit the drawer, under- |
a common cnt» »n shirt, generally like our
mg Shirt; a red »iah tied tightly around the
,st a pair of aapdlrsl'on hi* feet, and enormous !
on spur, ou heel, with a heavy conical fell hat, |
(that would* almost resist a table cut,) on head. (
and a long asben-iron pointed goad in band; and
you have a perfect pibture of the rancher", or I
rather vachtro , mounted on a .pined poney, wilb-l
a Uuso at hi. .addle b. w. and he i. no mean ad
versary for a single min to encounter. He rule. )
well and fcatlewly, and throws the lasso with ,
unerriug aim. hi.* beautiful sight to sec him !
with bis red-blanket worn as a poncho 'in pold
weather.) atreaming n the wind, hi. head bent
eagerly lorward. and lisao whirling ut circle* high
m air, riding down ijomo refractory animal that i
he seldom fail* to c.tdh at the first throw, by the,
neck or bind foot; bringing him violently to the,
ground. The atilmt I thus caught, feels that the
content is ended, and julctly submit* to hi. captor.
It U amazing to sec tie young urchins following
Ibe example of theii elder*, and practising on
little pig. and • lendetj kids, who by no! means ap
pear to enjoy the fur; it verifies the old fable of
the -boys and frog*. ’ it may be sport to the oue
party, but t* oft«‘dei th to the other. Every Mexi-
CAII whatever bi» condition may lie, is expert-with
the lasao; anil the throwing of it may 1* regarded
aa a nationri'amusement. One of our men be
came intoxicated at the Hacienda of Lorenzo,
near Parra*, and waij m the act of raising hi* car
bine to shoot Don Mpnurl, iu amiable andaecura
011*11611 proprietor; *rho quick a*-thought threw
the noose over him 1 , and pinioned him l.y the arms,
when out Stalwart Arkansas cavalier bourne as
meek and quiet a* a lamb.
The wralih'iet classes dies* very much in the
same style, but of richer fabrics; their button*
bring usually of *Um; and they'are particularly
,t»U*ntatiou* in their ho Idh-s and housing*, which
ar.- ofifii uvnlwidts! will heavy filter ornaments,
rt.ev are also very c.imoo* in the color and pattern
of their blankets, and the materials of theu cloaks.
The women t»r« lather'uhJer what wo regard
as the medium size,« light in figure, well funned,
and graceful and while few arc beautiful.many of
them, while young are good looking and agrea
able. Their hands and ftcl are small, with well
lurned-anclcs. They have generally white teeth,
good mouth*, roagi.lficieut black ey e-v and pfa*;y ■
black hair—in the dressing of which they daily
bestow much pains. They appear to !w amiable
and kind-hearted,’and are wid t» make good wive*
and mothers. Theynre cleanly in their habits, for
must of the towos and hacienda* being situated
running streams, they have every advantage for
bathing, of which they avail themielvi* mutt
liberally, with\>«t encumbering themwlvc* with
much superfluous clothing, Their usual dre«
consists of' ihlmalippvre, witlmul 510ck...*., a cjoth
petticoat, usually red, and a choml*e, wh:ch expo
ses more of tbe-pur* n than is, in most countries,
considetedlo be consistent with a doc regard to
modesty; but this is the cnslhro of thecountry, and
' lam not diapoabl to criticise it. With a rosaiy
around the neck, and gold earrings, and you have
tho female costume complete. When they g“
abroad, the reboso is generally worn, either over
the head, concealing the greater portion of the
face, or over the shoulder* like a shawl. It i*
wom by all Mexican women, Ua quality ‘depend
ing on lhe condition of the wearer. To theiror.
,tinary dome.Uc duttr* they add the weaving of
: reboot and blankets. The latter are pom by men,
: a* an outer covering, and i* literally “a bed by
night, a garment all tba (Uy. M Many of them
are of fine texture, and ol; beauty of figure
and color. Their prices vary from $3 U $76. and
even to $lOO. Many of the belter, cU« of fe
male* are well educated and accomplished Uoie*.
who would grace tho saloon* of the most polished
cookcry-ii. l» : my Uste, dclr.:abb;hut
many American* less fartidiou., pethap*, nff-ct to
like it. Every thing is rendered as hot as fire by
red pepper, which enter* in enormous quintttics,
each dish'a* *n essential ingredient. The favor
ite, in Mexico, b tho fnjoli (friboby.) which >»
universally brooght on the table a* a tea bouehe.
It consist* of .mall brown black-eyed beans, both
cd 6 or « hour* in soft water, and then mixed with
melted lard and salt. It t., when thu. cooked a
very agreable vegetable. AnotheraiUclo of food,
and almost aa great a favorite, is the U
i, prepared by? boiling maize in pretty strong ley
(of ashes) which separate the busk. It w after
wards washed in clean cold water till all Uie im
purities are removed, and it is then mashed (fat I
know not bow better to expris* it) on a sb-rt
i'ouc table.placed in an inclnieffposition, with o
atone rolling pin, till it i* B™gud « * ,h f' 1 -*!*
tic paste. 'A woman then, wetting her bands (t .
is to bo hoped that tbey have been previously well . T i
washed.) takes up a.mall portion of the- doughy rilo< W*wi«sm»to!«:— It has
durini . Ibuil aoto.) ««» Ww lIW *• KquimJ [ Gcn.r.l Scot!, u lb« Swiior m cnmmaad m MM
conralcncjf. .h.p., *na «■,. hi. th™ bikc.l on L G ™crnl T.jlor l.> ,ni>e Iron. b»
. griddle, fnd Uk.n hot 10 the l«h.o. where " ‘ , Nuevu •„ Meniere,', before Uie »|e
hre«d- hot in Mclieo no botler can lor found, ci- Ull . r i lcnm ,unc. thouslit u he»tto hold on, eon
cent in U» houeee uf foreigner*. It i. e,en!ex- „„ » ha,tie .r.d . eictor,. The rum
tiemel, diffieulllo procure raw', wt», notmth- , , Sett origintried in • deeire to
.undinglhelrnumcnlu. herd..end (.odt.mi.k .. . ,„ c |. „f l.a.ra.
eenerallf uiod, hot th.tcnonot he .lore,. 0U.i1.. .place (lemrat i.ytor
*1 and 11 nit fii for oao till it tow been boded.— |, «eemrd a mirafte that out m>o t-htuid cha.o a
We aacraediedoccaaiooall, in obtaining; runi. at ll)ou , atl j i Gut General Taylor, l.eri kuomt.i: bts
some of tie Jiacjcndaa. In no portion of the world s ,„ ni; ih, and the enemy'. Wnknfa., .1|...d I'y
and cnntinciod. All effort, to ,n.k. mnet.Uf
mcpir*utltf/ruil. and confectionary. tie «f this controversy will fail. If tlirr* he any
The wea!tbi'eriela**c* live in a style of great lutu- auc|l aUtin| .». It wa* at tho rcqu-il of |f.rncnl
ry and I have seldom partaken of moro elegant and . |hal (Jonrral Hcotl wci.t ln Mexico. Thry
Mirtirsrsr'sr sm:» r*
beautifni add rW.. the r.llow each ■died men . a „,l aronl.l make an,'heeommg
in, rapid kncce»aion, and the table groana with the j llH)llfa u c ...en, to eia 'he oilier.
profnaido of mejita, 1 fruju. conf.'elior.aty and,
piled ntJn it, ft gentleman, nhoan, to
dnml him tic.-fnnt thoco.r.ea at. dinner, auur
oJ toe that they eteeeded twenty in nomher.
Durini to, thorl atay at 'Saltillo, i had an op.
portnnity of witnewing tl'tir horial ntea. A yonng
Wy of great heluly, whew loa. era* deeply deplor
ed, bad recently died, and «„ .mmcnac eoncoorae
of people atten.ied the fnncr.i >o emnitte.. The
wa. mreaaeil in white, while ..tin
.Upper, lon bet feet; her head decked with gar
wETttrr ravi n lock, gracefully d,.po«d oae
her eiouidrr,; her banda crouiai in front, and
bolding a large bouquet of dowerr Thu. edurn
od *'|iko a brill, waiting bet hrtdegroom. .he
Ira, Uu*d on a while cooch-aUo trimmed with
dowera. and aormounte.! with a cannjiy of aatin,
foitliem. On Mil. bier. lb.. mortal
main, if tho J»r young giri-heauU n . eaen in
dcatbJ-wa. paraded, feel foretnoat, tbiongt.the
minciXl atrial of the city, ind .round the m.m
plira.lMpowtdjto the wondering rdare of corwu.
«r.njJer. Th!o procemion w«« headed by three
nriecuidreneduntho rich TeetmenU of theborder,
£X pr.lrer, for the docMrad-Ute ,Unnt.
log being eeceanpanied by tbre.|n.. |Olhm.
ctletllbanrtetyand croewe; Incenae wM|bomt,
four men. in ciefical eoatiimei boeii the bier on
theiriboukleri; and then followed tho mourner*,
frieoiuTand rebtivea of the dec*i*d; thtwhole
proceeded by a band of music, while ike
beU* of. the C athedrsl tolled. 'mournfully. 1 The
cnemonkw »i bio the church, were nol diflerent
he Homan Catholic religion in «th-
(‘The Mexican* have been often represented » s • j
vabtif. treacherous, and ciual »*ce; lr* whom no I
refittcc ca»be plaea9 with safety. •^ bia ma > ,
ao-fbutif I'weie lofptak of ihicp. Wttn P*** 011 **
obfenatioirilone, afctbe paififwbicb 1 have ,MU
iiah Should lay thai they a re ; naturi»ljy.h<wj'ita.
bl«Aind-h«arted, and amiable.; In their m»
■ tbff‘ axe ©itiemelyeourteous.'dnd the roost cmi.
. -people I bate ev«.kj;oarn. My Jut** generally
» carried me in advance of the army—»oroeUm,r«,
i eeseral days ahead ;aod otlen to eousjderauie-di*-j
* tince* wi«b small e»«>tu. On one occasion being
» unwell, I lemained over night, in a town of ifiW
- inhabitant*., without a soldier within eight milea
e of me ; am! another time l was fifty , nples diitaot
a fiom the camp, with -nty th-ie.? dragoon’' != a **
s. _ uar ,| • B nd ycl at n«t time did I feel the slightest
e siiprehension for roy safely, nor have I any reawn
f- in tftisi-ect lhat my confidence w« misplaced-
Wherever I went, whether to the princely b«iep*
re j 4i ( ,f jhe bumble ranch**, I Was Ire tied tvith.'kind*
10 rie4a and hospitality ; and I roust confess tbaftbo
a: impression Wide upon me was greatly in theft fa
* vor. With a belter and wiser form o! Govern-
il-orif aMii and willing t«> destroy their mis^n* »ysltin nl to insure the lilwrty of f|
thu prees, educate and liberalize the and
«ler« U>|i the resourced of the country, 1 elVinO' f
j„ul.i ih«>i they would rieu high in iho acal r * i( c
cinh*»U-M. It mW, thM tt.ry pMfrM f
many «.tihc virtue-, tin y also exhibit rnanjf.nftto (
rici-anf an ignorant and hali-birharous jWitplfi ;
Id the iiVtln’m province* of Mexico, fhcrd is a j
htr.'iju’ f.tluig lit isfor of a Jtdr'ul, and io a d*-ci-
,](>,! |l |,p.r'iii.>n to n central, form of gnrcinracnt.-
Tbieiiftho in-tinnive tcauU ol a sen-e of.nlf*
priaorva'iun; I-t thruc people arv not prone to
indulge in abrtnet speculation*. tUero may bo
■si.l t • be n - many miles beyond the
city .if Mexico, they bad th *l while they ben |n.««
lh-o II ju-t jnrjMtli.m of.tbV burii.’u of the State,
they n c ivf n.*n«* ol He fiMtrrinfe-xvre. or pirrnUi
protection Tbo fcJf ralintd arc called »bo A,men~
can, and tlio renli'Vi.tte the Mexican p-irty. , The
fjtiurr ham U-on in fame cither of Iventnine on
iutfftral J.uiti..n of . ur Union; or an
republic under our protection and guarantee. Hosfr
far t! i* would t:nw In* prurtienblts ur desirable, i*
aqoe-tior. b ribe politician w -tile; the tenor
ofwhi -h—tbo ipiiet right rd navigating the Rio
Grand.—would giye u« almost the exclusive nd
rautiae : and the intr.idnctwi qf American ma' bi
nerj. to t <■ p.iid for in tin* precibui.metaU,might
be a matter uf come c*m- quence/
•. Wi'li ti c -dig Le-t i mc.tif’sgomejit during la»l
tUrnT-r.'lw whole State of Cnahoila wnuhihare
[>ron .imed ugnm-'t the . ii*t'pg government oJ
Mexieu. V.rr truly, van •'U‘d..Rt -errant.
captain Topographical Engineer-.
I.LTTHti CHUM ilitifii March HI.
that Geii.llateii.hji* jai't v.ncJ onion-lint cilixeas
.ot llic United Stair* in that place, shall rnr .1;
Uicatsrlved trfrt.nlcr into comp.nuea, nd drill once!
a week, in order to he ready at any moment lodvtcnd
tl.ccitv. •
1 rparet-thal a duel was ioupht here a f«w day
, (* (VI I>c Kustey and Captain Copcl-md
H>ni*: l'ic latter «ai the. party. 1 lie
autagnimtt met. and C-aplain ||o»l waa-wnumledL
'l'lio atlair laal. d about ten mtnotc*. ( aphiin Hunt a
wound «u> is n»t dangerous. as he was .‘truck mi C.c
brra>t and the bone preietiled tha deep penetration
of Hie uuprd. The rerondi interfered a* aooa as the
wound was lollicted.
lien. Calcs assumed lt> * command lime on the
7tli iiui. (tenoral* (Jnitman, Shield. Jessup and
Serg't. Geyi. l*nw»on, left hereon lhe 7th for V era
Cruz ;
Km. Horn Moviumts.— in Canada and in
the Eastern aud Southern sections of the I’mlcJ
Slates great efforts are making f»r the commence
ment or completion of great Hail Hoad ctilcrpri*
ae< which hare occupied die attention ut the com
munily for a scrim of years past. Maine
New Hampshire are at work upon rival wad* to
Canada. The road Isstwrcii Gardiner and Port
land will *oon bo under way.
The Now York and Erie Hail U >ad .will pro
gress tia Pennsylvania to it* wcblmii trrminu*.
'The Cayuga and SuMjtnrhaima Railroad f -0., has
dvdanM an annual dt»:dcu.l nl. 10 per cent, This
was formeily known ns the W.u-iend O.wrgo
Railroad Company.
The Necv York and toad is com
menced already. AH fen** r<>uJ* will pay hand'
some divid. ilJ*. s.» will a r.-td b.-tw.-.n tm* miff
Uil'iinor* 1 . So nl-o the and I'i'iiid.l
-phis lCd ’.R-jaJ, aud lhe loi.g. t they arc d.-Lycd,
the greater ts»c injustice, done In the Blertlmlderß thf cijiz-iM of the »«>< »'Cm'U»-“. mid l*>
llic people all along the line. , A ioad from 1!. , n
city west, we also .predict, will of the
*m.»t fortunate mre*»mrn!> ever mill.. m the
The l.,)uisvdlc paper» an: tnging their city lo
become a slocUmldcr in tU r u-lrmplah d Rail
Road Ivetwceil Louisville nnd Frankfort. .The
j f.ipU- in town meeting am to d.-.iJ« whether they
will or i ot.
Tkc Nr.w* runx Tini Abut rvUi.Uy |
w*6,me«-f tli*' •'<
htm that w« have had for a long Unw. It com
menced with the opening of the maturin'
thei morning, when wc issued an Evlra with
the full particular* of the Batlle-Of Buena A in
U. From 11 o''dock till |i o'clock, wo U>ued
jour other?, each with taler ami exciting news
received by Telegraph. The last wa*, if an>-.
thing, the moat important. These sueces-iivo is
sues were taken with great avidity, and crraied
a great deal <j! rejoicing at the prodigious suc
cesses of (Jvii. Taylor and hU officer*
and men. \
The public mind was exultant si lh« ir heroic
achievements and deliverance from threatened
destruction. ' Their praUei were on every tip,
and Gen Tm-fm Oiled a still larger space in
the grateful roiuds of. the people! May the ll*-
io“of many fight* long live to enjoy the taurrl*
ho has *o hardly won. >
The mention of the Pennsylvania iirgimenl*
and their brave conduct, tm looked upon ns a
mailer of cours.'. il it true, but yet with that in
tense interest which always attaches to our re
lation! anJ friends in danfcl. Imagination was
bus; in filling op ilia scenes in wbfch our I)u
-quesno Grays, Jackson liluc's, Irish Greens, d-c._
were engaged, how our intimate friends laced
danger and death so coolj, so calmly, and «i gal
lantly. Then the rush, the charge, the huaaas,
the fierce confltcl, the route qf Uie enemy—how
many nf our citiien* thought Put these things!—
No doubt they did bravely! It is said they were
in fiont, anti Ih.t eVoTy thing was cortied-kfoie
them at the pnnt of the bayonet. May they all
be spared In return home to us with lauiela.
Thk N.»v»i. Foma hi the Uglf of Mexico i*
3D. r » guns, Including tlic iranspoilii, there nrr
164 tpskcU employed against Vera Unix. It will
bo a triumph second only to that «f Hie sucres
fuUsssull again*! Gibraltar, should the flag nf the
Castle of San Juan d’UHoa be lowered to our
Th« Aowt Nawa, and other intelligence fism.
Mexico, excite* ao much interest, that we have
given to it «hc l»»t part of oui reding column*.
A good deal of business is going oti along
the Allegheny wharf. The trade on that river
Isjn Cull iide.
Tax PxsMitTAWia Ratittoan.— 1 An election
was held yesterday, at the Merchant’s Exchange,
for Director* of the PennsyKatiin Uaihoad,when
the fallowing gentlemen fere chosenby .nearly
■a onammun* rhe * oue uf grcal
'strength of character, and Jalent. ;i
' UiaicTon*.—Thomas (p.-Cnpe, Samuel V.
Merrick. Robert Tuland, Uarfd S. Brown, Jame*
■Magee, Richard D. Wodd, Stephen Colwell,
W. Carpenter. Cbiistian Spangler, •£•«>?.
Lea Wm. c- Pattefcon. Henry C.Corbit, John A
fright,i-«f •****<■■ ■■ m:
H7-A Bey W»J»«’ ed -- al,be ti»rt,i'.nf
6ce ' ‘ ‘
WxsaraoTO*, March 26,1817.
Se&itirv of thioiTnataif»the |
adj&tnm<ft of caltt toge&er what
the Whig*, in a’iitbsto'Oa thftTanff. cal
led Mr Wakrr’/Con&re*;—wuaitUo* ol the of
ficer* of itufCustpli HoO»es.intha principal At
lintic'porvfor rather, it'ahould be saw, * portion
of them.-*-Mr Bogardes, of New Yorit, and Mr
Bridge of Button, aro the principal person* ,to
attendance. 1 -' ' '~' v !’ .
The object for which they were summoned waa
tojnake a tariff for live porta and plaee* in Mexi
co in' possession s f the ’ United State*. In the
ioursc-of a day or will receive .a circu
lar from the Secretary of the Treasury, headed
“Treasury Circular and Commercial Regulations
vrittt regard to Mexico. It wUI direct the various
‘ military officers in Mexico, to fevy a doty, prinei
i bally ranging, when not specific,
| from low rales to as high ias forty per cent, off
rahrem. |
The regulations will be entirely under military J
>flicers, sometimes- of the highest rank down to
ihe pursers, according to circumstance*. Tho ta-•
riff, of couise, will not apply to goods
Tho nation* ofEurope will, however, be allow
ed t<> enti-r their goods according 1 to the rales of
of the new tariff, and it is intended thst'lbo cir
cular shall be printed in time for the sailing of the
next steamer from Boston. J t
/’ On tho arrival iff any ve»el other than Amen
ican, three soldiers instead of inspectors] will be
put in tho charge of the vessel.
The rates of duly which have been.‘imposed,
hrivo in a prcsl measure been] regulated by the
Mexican Tariff, being, all around, about 'one
fourth as high as' of the latter. This new
arrangement in tho Mexican war is lona sag-/
gested by W addy Thompson, at Washington,
and General Taylor about tho same tilne in his
dc-<pa»ehe» from Mexico. It looks liknjtbe adop
tion- of a new mode of warfare, which may
bring tho enemy to peace on easier tar
'Militarystores and ammunitions of
bo prohibited from importation 'altoge|
Y. Express
Pvsxulvasa lUjikoad Cuxua
P'jb.«rriptionf if* the *U>ck_(*l this road-.*,
£3.037,050, or kilty thousand wren hui
fif y ttr*c aliarea-—^
| F ,unh u. oji|ki*il< ilir Bank-of Pi l»!*Br|h- |
! criIRENT MO.NKV r<-ec-v«.| on DcpcUr-iN*hi
U.rt-i, : U f foltccnon* uaittr on nrmrly all
ifip [ifincpal point* m the L'lnie'd Slate* I
Tim h.i>li>.'*ip'«niiuni lor Eureißn and Amermait
Adv urti made on of Produce, »h'fP«d
Kami, on liberal larni*. . , ** l M 3
*5.00. HOOTS 5,00.
corner or post orrrci: auhv
THE .u’.i-cn'.'Pr rc'»pectfuHy iiiforinvlhe public it?* l
ti<-!iuh rmmimiii'cd the , manufacture of iStntUmen
yn.hionaoU lioou, of good material nnd workmanship
Im will warren; .ul.cmn «o any Boot ever mude
11 Piu>*liui"U for the j-ili e. The»e bsndimiae bool
ri'r XT.'TS^afitSSS
l»V lirluf o( Sundry wriu of lUjPwcf, Lew*
1) Fik-is' mil Fieri Kaciut, i«oed outoflh* OulnetCojirt
, t v l!»Clifts omtttr. and to me directed, will be capoKd to
lt ~l f ( ; (l>irl !(„«►*, iu the city or PitUbargh,f» M«m
d»\ (li« -Jltli da7 of April, A. U. f(H7. at lOo'cluek.A- ST-,
~ . .
All the n'st't, title, interwl and claim of Jacob I- raw*,<;»,
i.i and l.>; a certain lot or parcel of gernrad, Wng attiule tit
IU,-r.c limit}ltip: beginning on Kerry lane at the corner of
I'arL .l-llten'cr aUmcaaid fane in ■ Kiullmwdly direction
■A fret 1,1 flit line oT lul -Ni» 4-lhener along the »*»*, ««‘*
nanllt 100 feet, to line Nv 7—thence alftng the mute,
i.iirtlmardlfr'iO Tart .1-thence along ll.ettmr, »nl
wardlv 1(KI feet. In the pl.tce of beginning; aeteed and taken
m eieeiilino a> the property of Jacob Kranee, at the *uil of
Jam" \V’«..I,
AIMUr r.eht. (iilr inlet*'! andehjm of Wm l!«n(rr, or, in,
\o and no! of. all that rcriain piece of ground, tilsate id AUe
,.l,'tiT city,«t a* follow, ttz: hegfiinim; *t (he diriaicm
f.X 1.4,31 wbiel. Oii* i»a part, purehaatd Ij- l.j^r
I'aeUiill and Wm Hunter from John Krowu, anil theura
, •( L'l felt—theure hick I‘JJ feet to a i!U (<*( al
.»er'ins a width «f feet UOro l-acoek »l la *aid
i.n '•lneli'»*'rerctr4a tw-* "lory frame anxTola>a two »la
o’ i.nrW h«>u*c; aeirod iiuJ taken in eaeculitm a*the property
\Vm Hunter at ihe »mt oi Geo ParkhilL
„ ,«.SO,
\ll tl.e racial, title, tnlerwt and claim of Kl» Comngton, of,
ifi”ajiU t*. a'l iliit t« rLiiil l"t of 'round aituatc in /Irthnra
l,iii’toi'i.»hii>, un l 'te '•«n»er of Coal laue.and Enpeli »t,
J * fl"l and iituahend in a plaotif lot* laid out in Ae-
X.r.M11.. Xo U. reel front .... l-.|al bn* V*
Wk along En-ck »»11*1 Tert, and u» which
,1 a .!or\ -ni.l (£h.df frame lll fert fruiit mod l-H
x,it), a Iwk kitchen -S-. tret l.y Id; ae.rrd and uken ...
ax the proj*ertj of Kit Cowug.on, at ,lfcy u '> « r
P.l.Urt ( •e-ley
’ll ih-xi r. r(ain lot of ground filiate in rill tuwiul..p, be- S
w v., ia m Wm .frlliurY plan ».f itie »übduuinn of
i N.i ■» in llir aiuur uri'illrturch. bounded Wm!
lulrnl-.l »» ML— »«x- l-ginuing on ll.t WllaWnjU and
*J „> ii,u TnrotaWr road, at the corner of lot No M •» tlx
L “. | I •I»"S "“I -“'l' 15 1-1 ■'t-
If/. 11' td— 11..V.T 53 H rfrs. * t * t fcrt-isr“«
"f'. If, „r 1.. t X.. li -«U.» *t!B cull* 5-15
r,,i * ili'i’g a ilrcrl .'io fret wide, northsl dec 37 mis,
IC7 6,! I 1-tiwWe-thrnw along the litre oT lot P«o
11 i.ftHti IH.IrS and-rt min. wr«tSK»B 111 feel lo the P.»ec of
hreinnins.ei uliooiug HO |*ichet and Ki 13 fret
.1.5 ,„ a ,r„„ji t i,|r.r third part of • certain pier* orbnd eon-i
I taininc W arrra Bud Hi perch**, Uriel mraraf*, fituale in\
IKS, iJTIiU. in il.c t~rccJ line! 1
,i f , a i,j j.ircc of land being thraamr *P9*h WB» >
.r.JrfSiV. lU »nnl ltaehel.M«nir.,oiert, by Samel Me-.
! i r ,J7u. ».lmiiu»ira» , *r, by a deed daled the Silh day of.
! Mnn-I, .1 U. Idllh »e»ied anJ Übeo ih circulioo »• tl»r pro*
!»m •'( IKra Keanu, admiuiatraiur'if Rachel lliji, »l lb'
|- Lit of Il'm -f rthuM -
!»„• inwreM kmiclaim tfT Win, Cablt
_/ ,n nnd tn .1 cerium tract or piece-of land .ituate in
»«" 4 To»n‘li‘l' and bounded by land* of JohuCablr
I) •![.*!.*« will andieMarneni, dated IGtirAnguat, !S34jJ
ua. Jecor.kd in Will Hook vol.S. page-iS* to »*td|
Wni OaMe n frn rimple and contain ng lOUacrei mo ret
i-’m. a i ivb.cli i-t erected a frame dwelling bou*e
-v-ir'l'ai d uk-m I" execution a« the property of
•I’aMe. at tIK nuiiof C. UwrragU foru»e.
A!l iitt* rcht. title. mtr.reai nnd claim ofllenry Peter* j
. in tlie hand*of hi* adrain:«irntor», of. i«t|
In'i'm i “"l-IA“LcI of l.nU..i , u~lr on-.hc KortU-E;...!’
11. n .- ,t lf . Alirelieny river in ha»l Deer r©wn»hip,,
nl a Oak. thence by lot No 157. Norths
I U nrir'ii' l ion White by lot No Ul,Ea«l»
•*;. ,*X. w a po.l-ibence by lot No 15*. Sooth »34
"X?! ”*~henec by lot. No. l». Wej|
*aperobe. w the place of beginning, containing 237,
ao ff. nml allowance of R per cent.
Elicit and taken >i» exeeahon a. the prtSpapy of Ueauu
p ivterwin. a lniiniairaior of llcnry Veterwn, dreM\;
at the «*ntof Uie Merchant. t>nd Manofnclurer. Bank
“f IMt.bnrsh, lor. u»* of Tig"" WonneUy. .t
All the richt. title, intere.t anJ claim of PamckCuWj
ben of m and to. part of a certain jot ot ground aitaaitp
m the t\ty of I‘ituburgli. marked u» Col. Wqpda plat
„( laid Citv No <7. bounded a*;ibllowKT‘* 5 befinnin
Irwin ’.treet, in .aid City, at the earner of propen v
l„»ly John Meek, dec’J . and running a!on| | «ireet 2s ftet to an Alley, atlhccomerof lotowne .
t.v Mary-Wolf— thence by .aid lot to property of Chad
Mownm* di.tat.ceof 60 teel-lheaCeby .aid import ' |
of Cha* llowati. 2S feet to the .aid lot of the .aid Joba ,
Merit .lec'ib —thence bv the fame toward. IrwtUil.
afoie.a.d; n di.tanceof 60 feel, tothe place oT begilfrj
nine oa winch >» erected n two .lory frame dwelling
w-.r Ac The intercut of .aid Colbert being a perpcla
I Vine .object to the paymentof 8560 fl anuuallj
inrivai to he paid <n equal quarterly payment.. Beij
taken in execution a* the property of Patrick
Culbcrt. at the- «ult of Michael-.McCullough, lot t>»e oj
11. -ClnldsJcCd. • J
?H tlul crrttiu lot, or picre of ground, miiiled in Lowed
MiV'Uir umnthip, Urlwetn Uinninghamud the Monoogih*|
in Bridie, l«>u»«W »« J de*a«brti u follows rii; Begtnnmtf
- Jl, on i| lC Northward aide of the PiUtbunh nnd Btrj
min-haio Tnwttdftp road, 43fert, we*tw»rd,of the writers "of third .trrrt, on Hid itori, thence eileudiu*. North*
bv lint of No. a, 100 fret loaouth ward lute of the*
uul ,tr«l, throee along «id »lmt. wratwdly.ltl *4
iheeiutt&rd line - f lot No. 4 theure by Ime of wudlot wuthj
wardlr 10.1 feel to the northward line of the ruod aibrentdl
thro J bv raid lw* ° r rtXilwardly. !W l-‘J &e» to tbd
roi U-*imiinc Sriaed end taken Ut eteculwm n* lb*t
'r«..;riv .if Jt'ni Slew artal the?iuilof lf*ot- Ltyn. *]
i ro ' • .-ir.Kn' J
•I'l iii»- jJilit,title- intecutand claim of Robert M'ditf* ,
aiifLet'i*!’ of iu. and to.oi out of, all tint ttt
min wid t<act of Uodiituratc mod Uinr iathe town
'.iiinof-Mi’Hin Hounded and-dcaefibed aa £>lC*wa, -m: Oi
n.r mifili »t the Morumgaheb riTcr, on the eaat by bnd o
iK» Kcifanf H'liilaker dee’d on the aoutU l*u bad
of Jaioc* in.iukeran.l .mtbfweat by UndofLlatW* tlieaa
ttmia.iaoe l.'»«rta mote dr lew; ami on whkh »*• mel
, i . }-• xn.r ilnrlliiiL' Imuw, Uain and out hoo*e* *r..
Siirr'd ai-iHiktu in *• the pioperty of M’Clire
.‘j- tn.iiaket hi the »oii ofJohii frt.Ve*!; Jr-
AH th'e'right. title, interest, and claim .ol llciij.
McLam and Henry Johnston to all that certain
nifc»«r land, situate in the city of l’ilUburgb, ;st
(1, 0 Extern corner-hf Rwi and'Hurd atrc«U; being
Jl7 |-il fvetin frenl'-tin Ron «t., by 124 1-2 Ml,
_ llfl , or Irsv, in depth along Third IUMt, to the
Penn»Tlvania < anal; said piece of gniand ha* besl
m-i-nilr par t«l into nine lot* inn proceeding mp*r
liumi.til'twocn tl.e Imir. ..M \V
in the Ori-batiV (.purt, N'». C. March 1. 11546. 11 e
iulcn at ‘>l said defend nit being two undivided mn h
part* thereof; to ml: one ninth part being bisn
thr name. 4* one "f the heirs, at law, ol J. W. i*
etnn .!« rejsed. and th rnlher ninth part being tl 0
xhare »l Wwirt Johnston,another ol the heirs at h w
r>r said I. w. Johnstotijconfcjed t«» caid Henry
Johnson, hy raid K. Johnston, by deed recordfjd to
Vol. 'id page .Ha. AI«o, , -L
All the right, title, and interest m Uenj. McLain,
the other dVlenlanl. and >uian his wife, ot.inV
anil o ft ol the foregoing described piece of gro tod
She the said .Susan being one •! the hfirsat laj
«,f said J ; \V. Johnston, deceased, and sbtt,
with l.erhb-hind, the drlendant, bating sold aih
ronteyed her interest therein, to- Henry Sp obi
■incc tiie dale or the Judgment, on which this wn
is i v »uc i. The interest said McLain therein ojtx
gold is one.motii part thereof. Also, <j
AH the right. Idle and i.nlcrcst of said tttfij. Ale
I -iffr of" in and to that certain lot ol ground i »jlh«
?th W ml, being No. 07 in Cook and Cassals pUin o!
lots on llolmV* Hill, as recorded m llnnk Z. 2cjtol
VJ (ii-o ID.-said lot being *2l feet in Ironl on Bed*
fonJ sueet.and extending hack equal with H-H*l
- to Catharine street nn which is erected a Wine
stable- said lot is bounded on one tide by property
lately sold hy the Sheriff «f AUeglienr county, at
th« property uf said Benj. McLain to Henry SiyUl,
on the other tide by properly tf Moonhead. Uf “«
the same lot eonseved to said McLain, by CLI »•
Uradford. Ktq • b f deed dated March 13.
Cd and taken in execution,’as the property ol Renj.
McCainmd Henry Jobnstoa, atthe rattV M*'o
Johnston 'lor use ruThot. Mellon. 1.
Ali tbc rigJit, title, interest and claim
•Mathews l a nil thatcerlam tract or
is? 110 S-lOptrche. »'=l SJhS
laiul* or I.HC Honon. •on* 951™>
,uinc-IWo l.r Uni of JofepnM Murray,
•uuil'-U l-ll W l
by land of \V mM'COune iI, t° ulb «ii * * P cr
Vpb*~'K>BU»'T£jr»wt perches to a
, atone, toath67|, west 1 I*lo perches to a stone—
, •Aeoce by Joseph Taylor,, north .43, west 87 perches
Tq a sloneTnotth 87,west If perches Icrh olckpiy.
jiorth Soi->.3rest perchesl<r> stone,»*oth
J7i, «Mt3o birches to nslone. eonth st,es«t6o
percbei tot eione—thence again by Und of VVm
McConnell, south 675-4, west 26 640 perches I* «
whlto'.ook— thereebjr D. Robb, north 85, werthS
perches toa slump, soutL.7o, west 8 perches to a
stone and biekory stomp—tbenee by Uod of Mtr%
garet Glenn, north 351, west 149 perH-e* mart <oe; John Herran» north 395, cut dd perches
to a poat, north 51 I*2; east 30 perches to a post—
thence hjr Secedera Church lot. south 17 3 4 (east
I 7 2-|0 perches tW a atone, north 83 I*2, east 12 2-li
j porches to a atone.north 34 1-5, east 3 b-10 perches
1 to* a stone—thence by hem or Robert Cleon, south
!55 1-2,'eaat 15 perches to a stone, north 34 1-2, eikt
1.1 8-10 perches to a stone—thence by a lot ofScud*
, der Hart, aooth 79 1-2, east 60 feet to a stone—
thence north 34, east 11 1-2 perches to a post near
Taylor's gate—thence down frlill sireetin the vib
Uge of JSoblestown,souU»7B 1-5, eastSlA perches
to a post hy McMurtty’s porch—thence by-Mc-
Murray's land, north|C2 I*2, eksl 7 perches to the
corner of his south 89 1-2, east 4
perches to a post—thence north 56 1-2, easts per*
ehea, less by one foil,to a post, north 87 1-2. east
4 1-2 perches to a post, north 34 1-2, east 9 3-10
perches to a atone—thence by J. McCreary, sooth
51, east 47 1-2 perches to the pltceof beginning—
containing 230 acres}3o perches,on which are creC*
ud oneateam grist Imill, one saw mill, driven by
water, two log dwelling houses andone frame dwel*
ling house, a frame barn, and other buildings, (and
but ot which is reserved and not granted by the
mortgage, two iota for Jos. McMurray. the one 7
aod 82 perches, and the other I+s perches.)
ticepUnglikewise from said tract alt that certiin
mrtofithe said tract which Thomas Matthews, by
is deed dated October 5Th, A. 0.1041,granted and
conveyed unto'James McMurray, containing 118
acre* and 8 percbe*, strict measure, u the saino it
described in adeed recorded in the County o» Al
legheny in' Deed Bonk N 3 Vol. 4* page 501 and
which by agreement of parties is released IVom the
lien of Hie judgment and mortgage; Wring the same
tract ol land which Scudder Hsttand Wile, by deed
1 granted and conveyed to said Thomas Mathews, ami
to secure the purchase money of a.mortgsge. Sei
sed and taken in execution as the property of
Thomas Mathews, at the suit of Scudder Hart.
All that one atonr brick dwelling houie, with a 1
biwjoent tlory, and kitchen »n the rear,*uual«.io
the Borough of Liwreneerille, on the main road
from Fitlabnrgh to the Garmon. Said dwelling
iiouie i» about SO <eet Iront, at.d, extend* back 28
feet, betidea the fcitchcn in the rear. Seixed and
[ taken in execution aa the property of George Goa
lain, owner or reputed owner, at the mil ol John
Kinney 6c Co.
All the Tight, title, interest, ol John Turin
of, m and to lot No. til in Francis llerion** plan
letron Penn and Wayne-street*, in the city 01
Pittsburgh—front on Wayne atreel 2*4 leet. and
extending back ‘JO feet, and hiring thereon erected
*ii two faooaes, each 15 feet in iront
aad attending back 15 feet, «®ee» Alao,
IoU No*. J 9 and SO in the »atd plan, Ijjng between
the aforesaid latandJiekaoa'aalley inaaid plan,be
ing each 224 feet in front on Wayne itreet, and ex-
UuS-gbacfc 'JO feet, and baring thereon erected
onethree story brick warebouae abonl 28 feet front
<*'« Wayoestreetand extending back aboot 45 leet,
Kurd or I cm, and tbred two atory bnck dwelling
houses, feet iedront on aaid alley, and ex
tending back 1C feet, and three three atory brick
dwelling 1 boose* each feet in front, and extending
tuck)ls feet, with the appurtenance*. Seized aad
Ukeh in execution a* the property of John rurbitt,
at t& suit of Lewia F.ißoothe.
*. ALSO,
Ali the tight, title,anid interest ol Tboma* Brewe
ter. bf, in, and to all Hist certain lot of ground ail
natron the north aide if Mnlberryalley, io the sth
ward, city of Pittsburgh. Said lot bring about la
feethn Iront on iaid alley, and extending back about
50 Ifcel, on iwhictTi* erected a amall frame dwelling
liotuo. Seized and taken in execution a* the prop
erty of Thpma* Brewaiterj at the suit of James An
, drew* for utc of Thomas Mellon.
]< also, ; •
I .All tint certain piece of land situate to Fill Town
awp. t'onaiatiog of lot* No*. 177,178, l"‘J,and ICO J
in took and Carnal*' plan, which ia recorded buoi
1 frge 19. bounded ad follows, to wit: beginning otr
| r'.itk atre'rt at the corner of lot No. 17G—thence |
pilindingin front on Cook street, Inward* Cawal
street 72 feet.aml in equal depth 1G32-1I fee*, to Clin
atreht, being the same lota ol ground which the
Asaiftncea of George A. Cook, by deed dated .Iho
lUhtdiy of 'April, 1839, conseyed to. the aaid A.
Ingram. Jr. Seized and taken in elocution a» Uie
property of Alexander Ingram. Jr, at the suit ol Manr
Alarww, equilJble Assignee ol Paul
1 ol Robert
lAlgtlic right, title, inlereat and eiaim
Niitrdtn. of, in,and to, all IhatceiUm lot nT gi
tia*i in the 6th Wahl, city of PiUaburnb,!
no ftn Penn street 12 feet, awl ejtcnding back
kAlls fame w Ullh IUO feet, mor,- or lea*, to Mulberry
Ailev. bounded by property of Jonathan K Kiddle
iln tSe weal, and the heir* of Jamea Lowry on tbo
<ial£and on which it erected a three atory';briek
, Wefing lioute. Seised arul taken in ••xecution as
7li>* ilrnpcriv of Holwsrl Morton at the *uil of Hamp
-1,1, Miilcr 1 (or the uae of Datid Jeremiah
or**. ,
> • ALSO,
jArt the right, title, internal and property of Ch: _
C deck of. in, ami to. the hdlowirig deacnbtd
oka if g round,vitualc in llie Gih Ward of lMuburgh,
o wU'June lot of ground ou the comer of Clarke
and JLogan. {formerly H«sa, atreeta), fronting on
Clarke atrect 16 feet, and running back the aame
Ui ib\ 13 (eel by Logan itreet, to lot >n Scott'* plan
Lumbered Jls on which »t creeled a two »lory brick
boilliris, with a covering tne whole Ironl
Ufltfcid lot, and extending back 3U feet to a yard
Skilled thereto. 000 other lot ol ground fronting
feh'llUrke street 15$ leet, and extending the same
wMlh.wnUel with Logan street 13 feet, with a
Unfee fool alley. Died'in connection with the lot,
aiGoiniog raid alley hereafter deacribed, aaid alley
6iimteociog,3l4 leet Irrnn coifeer of Clarke and
yi,, an vlreets, and running back 48 leet to lot No.
uj£" n Scott's plan or lota. Tbi* lot ol groundcom
liuencca 1G lent from corner of Clarke and Log>in
iSiceU and adtoina ooe first above deacribed, and
'liaa erected on it a two etory. brick building, with a
Uaaeuient covering the whole front of the lot, and
Attending back 30 feet, to iho yard attached thereto.
And one other lot ol ground fronting on Clarkc-st.
[sji feet and eatending tbe tame with 48 feet to lot
■jii Scoll’a plan. No. 85,'with the common use or tbe
Sfoot alley aforeaaid, adjoining ‘t.and lying between
it and the lot la»t deacribed; on Ibta lot i« erected
atory brick building wi‘h a basement covering
■the whole front, and extending back to the yard at
i ' ucheddhereto. I bia lot commence* 34$ feet, from
•the corner ol Clarke and Logan itreet*, adjoining
Itbe tald 3 feel alley. Tfie oregoing described three
il u of ground compoae lota, numbered in-Scott’s
ISan of lots, Nov. 86 and 87, and are the same which
said defendant mortgaged to aaid plamtii* the 3d of
( -Aoril 1816. recorded in book L. page ?8.. ate.—
1 Silked and taken in execution aa the property <
;Chat. A. Beck at the suit ol G. K. 6l J. H. Shoei
; All (boie two eerorat lou.ol ground marked end
inambcrcd In the pile ol the City or-Pituburgb, it
loti numbered IGS end 170 Slid lot hiring a
Iront in Final .treet of 35 Bet, ind eitendmgbick
towinb Water ttreet to lot No I 10, nod lying bus
tween lota No. 164.0 n the welt thereof, and lot No,
ISGon the eaat. SiidlotNo 170 hiring • fronton
Water atraet ol 35 leet, and extending back toward;
Front a treet 85 leet to lot No. 105 dfuii, and
I,lug between lot No. 171 on the treat, fud No. 169
100 tie unit. The .aid two lou being the name
iwbich were coureyed by Jacob lorayth and hit
wife to Simuel G-bo"!. J =ime.T. 51 VayandF rnnk
i|in M.Gordon, by deed dated July lit. A. D. 1838,
and recorded in Book H. 3e. pagan 180Ae„ ahd
uid Samuel Church, by a deed bearing 3Ut
da? of October of the Tear following, recoided id
IBook K 3c. page 135, fit c.. confeyed hi» interest
being three undivided eighth part*, to the *aid
! Joshua Hanna. On the said two lou is erected a
warehouse ol four stories, extending Irom
Water street to-Front street, tnd baTingn stone
front on Water street The said warehouse is the
one lately occupied by Haont fit Waterman, now
by Mr. Waterman. Seijed and tiken iu executien
as the property of Chester U.dwell, Administrator
of J.L. t/McVay, deceased Hanna
Franklin M. Gordon, John C. Bid well and Robert
Beer F.ieeutor of the U*tjJ*iH and testament of
Aarnl Beer,
Sheriff'll j
N. Purchaten ire hereby notified that test
per cent on tbe porchaae money will be. required
immediately after the property i* ftrock off, other.
wUe it will be eipoaetl to a reeale witbool an ad.
joornment. ;
RBAIj ESTATE MARKET-rcr*on»*t*>m
ptircbaaiiilt propanj-, will find it»th«ir internal »
porth-vo,. No irool.lo lo -.h<m (Mil
“■n a*’ No aoftmiibfirld »»icrt
(ItIED APPLBS-lWbu«.ju*lTee*denil
Sv ORUM. Mc<»RE\V * tfa
IKOOMB—'iSdoteii iu*l teccived nmi for sain l>y
j No 0 Commercial Row
L AKU -» XS°i 'rL'"*** ‘■'/•is-
B p3 water and from «f
R" BllOVAti-S Cuiltltetl haa rcroovedbl* General
Agency Office to NoM) Smilhfirld street, south Mdr,
3 doors al-ove :id .. .“I’** .
BIIOWN-J*iUHMII~V<J balesheav. tUuvro Mu\
tin, on consignment ami tor ‘Olr low 10 close *»>'
B p3 OKI) womy»t__
("HOFFKK— -AO bars R-. 0, part prime, turn rc-M anil
V for sale by ' * Co
"an 3 ' No 4i sralcr street _
f., \ m ACIkIAW k aieBRIGIIT, Attorney* »t Law
►r :V1 Odlee Trmorrd a taw door* nearer Grant aired}
W on Fourth to Bakewell'a Old llouie. _ap3dlm_.
- 1j blil» Goodalo'e S II Mola»*es
<1 15 bbi« No ? Loaf »r; landing from itmr
\ tfunliram and for »ale hy JAS D A I.Z F.LJ,
z\ ap3_ ' _ No»< water it
ie Ac.—ls bx* Kllirott'* st. Tobacco;
* t_j 1 50 hag l KTo Coffee; juat received
per Canal and (or *ale by-. - JAB DAI^R^L
ap3 NoW water at
CLOVCRBBSBD— «o bua., a'prime article, for
cor IVna and.lrwm iti
SAPBU-Wd rearnt Ruled Cap Paper;
coo bundle* 3. C. and Medium Rag Wrap
ing Paper, for sale Ly REYNOLDS ASHKK
apt cor Pettn and Irwin ns
l BPLEB baa. Dried Apples, in good ship
x. ping order f»r role by
«p 3 ■ PARSON A McKN’IOHT. Siath »t
GLAaS-a»bjc»‘*>New Genera’* Window Olata,
all sue*, far ante by _ .
af>3 : CARSON A McKNiCnT.MIh «_
BSAM S—lObblacmatl Whim B*S"* f 2L"S. , ? I || J l l
V/ 100 bxa Summer Mould Candle*.
U ; br..l.k T
7O U. •° < e A r ß^orJ t Me KNIGHT; Srnl n
open oo Monday, Apnl sih, four doofWromWood at,
rekm Tea £««-?£? JS
> of Fancy Cok<Co
FruiUke . counter eTery day, a"*®*"****
~e ir&lfa* I
Pastry. *pong* ?SVJi
. Jelly Cake; do. AJolassctP-Cait,
Ginger Nutt; Wafer Jnmb’«: £
FederalCake;lA- P’S „ S? fSt**.v?F« B e*
Orders lor Id Creams, JeU> - . ?»'**
Confect iooaij. Re., 4* , executed «n * J““Jl!rii2£j
•«IBalWin-qß2Horanabe*mr*7*«y othet ****** 1
caeni in ibis city. , ,
Frch Urrad.Tw.M, Ru»k, Ac . manufactured solely
from White Wheat Flour, and fiee from all dnign.«J«?7
moraine.' _ ap3 _ _ _ ANPttgW*;
writer respectfully informs bis friends and the public,
that be is now receiving hi» spring assortment of goods
rcted by himself, oi superior quality, and reduced
cr«. Persons about furbishing their house* would do
II to call as he is determined to eel! at small proni*
quick returns. ;
lT7“M<fcliant« supplied a* u‘u»l. with all lie >inoa*
kind* of looking aad packing earefatlr ‘■in
tended to- Liberal discountlor easli.
T A' lIILI.IKR, Looking Glass Manufacturer
,p 3 UK Wood s»h
RKMOV AL—Tht- subscriber hi* remoredhisGen
ertl Ageneyand Intelligence Office ami £om*»*-
sion burin.-a* to a Uou«e m FiAb sircet, noar'VocJ. and
oppoeite the 2d Prr ebylerinit Church, fleet the Kechenge
lUnk—where he r«»"i*e toumJ aid altl be bsppe to
Imcet hi* friend*, eostomers and U.e public. H7"™*
subscriber >• poor and ha» been obl ged 10 change hi»
bu«ine**toaca»hone,ortol>cp*Jd'n hand.
Person* who buy Good*, or wi«h to get business uot
„iU hr ejected TO pl ,-pn>« MAR[U3
Pittsburgh , Pa.
TIIR ondersigned,.- Proprietor* of Uic MoaonfjaheU
House,announce loth* - pullicthatthe House udo
con*ciotH of having spared no in
fit-inf out ibe establishment, tn «oeh a atjrleasto retnki
and auention business
to mem the patronage, solibe PON
| MononitaUela House. JAS CBOSSAN «
ipMlm < . „*
Have, now on hiuJ, of tla«ir own uanufecUw, * eoa.
nlcle aMortmcni of Ltdgera, Journal*,' D*f:Boo*», In*
foict Book*. Cub. Order and Dill Book*, fcc, ofTariou. iwi
and .tirlraorbiniling, from which »et» of Aeeocnl Book. an
be •elected at eery low price*; abo made to order, ruled and
bound tw any pattern, at »liort notice. j
Foreign and Domestic Stationery.
Quilb, Wafer*, Sealing Wax, IW.Blaek and Red Ink,
Writing Fluid, Lead Pencil*, Slate*, lnk»tand». Sand Bole*,
Portfolio. Pocket-book*, Gold and Silxeril'encillCawii, Pen
knife., Ka Rack., Pen Holder., Oom Ticket., PhTing
Card*, Backgammon BoarJ*, Cheumeo, Dice, row Folder*,
Tablet*, lU»r Strop., Pink Tape, Twineßeel*, Twine, In
dia ink, Parchment, India Rubber EraieM, Sciwort, Shear*,
«*»king Ink, File*, Rack*. Diane* for ' W t*' <rf '^£ c f, Book Y
Lntewt Table*, IPaih Book*,Tarifli, Exchange T»ble.,and
all otheraitidejwU by »laiioner». •
Cheap Account Books.
A Urge * tacit eautanily oo hand, coitabla tor retail trade
and country merehanUat eery cheap rate*
A Large Assortment of Writing Papers.
Fodlieap, plain and ruled Letter Pager, rfam and ruled
ISot* paper. Wrapping Paper, Bonnet Bowi», Log, Cloth,.
andTilotting Paper, Pape-TUtu
Ffenth Paper*. Packet Poet, extra »«ed Rank P*wl, Tiwue.
ScopjbTfter, Mutie Piper,Gold,
and eeerr other dneriptien of paper at relT low pried*.
Gold Pens, Diamond roint.
Rich k. Loutrel’*, RagaleyI*, 1 *, Bwwu’., and all other edr
bated maker*, in ijuaotui*. to *uit purchawn, at the eery
lowed manufacturer’* prim- . _
5 Letter Copying Presses. .
Twenty-*** diflerent price, and itjlc*—the Iron Oipying
Pre», with lexer and ««, the mort expediUpu*,
cal, and aimgieraode ofu|tu»gacopy of any letter or MS,
•xitbont writing'll oxer again ' _ .
Improved Manifold Letter-Writers.
Dr which'the UUer and.coM u written at the MK Daw.
Public office*. B*uk*,loiuranee Company, Merchant* and
other*, rurouhed with iet* of A«ouot Book*, ruUd and
bound to any jwttern, at Utort-'uolice. Al»o with ttationcry
of the U*t quality. , '
Notarial Presses, \
Fur the aw of Bach* and Corporation*, to alfi* the K»l
ac'ti Bank or Corporation to ibeir dpeoment* Tbit oprr*T
no U performed Gy any coe.wrra at Cnt trial .
' First Premium*
Award'd to o» by the. American Inilitate, al the late Fair,
October, JM*— . . ,
For tl.e beat Hnled Blaak Book*— A Bilrer Medal
F..r tltebr»» Manifold Letter Wrrten-A U.ploma
Fur beautiful United Copying Pre**r»— A Diploma ■
plca.u Veil etui Sr* fat Ytutsefra ■
rr>The Trade and Country Merchants Supplied.
UJ ‘ kICSI * /.OUTRE/.,
Importer* of Freneli and Kngluh Stationery,
and mkuafoeturer* uf Actouul Boor.*,
Manifold Writer*. EaetDicr. Blank ,
aud Carmine 4"*> 4| c * ® " lUiam,
one door below Cedar atrret, N Y.
Jake* V Him, )
Wi M Lounutt. <t
LOOK TO YOUR rtO«SKB1 —Pittsburgh
•Carpel Emporium, No »7 Wood street. next door io
Diamond Alley The subscriber respectfully informs
the citizen*, and strangers the C,iy, .that uc hu« |
declined ihe Auction b**n»r*.., and teinov.d m Noi *
Wood street,for the opening at alarge CAKPt!I |.M*
IHIBII'M. - Having been In the |;j« for the Inst three
months, selecting Carpeting, Ac-, for this purpose. my
stock will l»e the largest and best assorted, and sold at
rjecs lie low any similar establishment East or West
|>f the Mountains. Ocinga new nock, my Carpel*. Ac.,
Will alt be llie freshest Roods and>Jate*t pattern*. ‘ Ihe
colors of all goods sold by ime/will be warioii|efl to
slaiuLnr a deduciionmade. -
lltch and Elegant Carpets for Spring Trade.
Arraugem-Mit* having bees made with one of thelar
eeai Manufacturers, to he kept constantly suppbed m
lUtabovcanifles, my stock will always be full and
ni.lelc Now on hand:
Super, three Ply Imperial Carpet*;
Superfine Double Ingrain do;
Fine all wool do do;
Common do do do;
Splendid Tapestry. Hall and Stair Carpets;
Varieties of Cotton Ingram do;
Extra heavy twilled Venetian. do,
4-4,3 4, and S-s* striped da ..
Cotton for Stair*;
Listing, Rag and Hemp Carpel*?
Super. Sebeiticlle and Tufty Rugs;
Brussels and Common do do;
Fine Scheinelle mid Sheepskin Door Matts;
I-aige and small Alicant and Ime lltmp Molts;
{lists Stair Rods, of all sixes ..
All shades of Worsted Carpet and Binding;
Worsted and Fjnb'd Table and Piano Covers;
- Highland Flaid Table Covers;
' Transparent Landscape W tutlaw Shade*
4-4 Oil Cloths,ol rich patterns;
Sheet Oil Cloths, cut to arty fit;
Cum Finish Oil Cloth Table Covers;
4.4,5-4,-and0 4 While Matdi**;
* \ Snow-Drop Napkin*; ■ ' *
W and Sqoartcf Damask Table Listen:
UJamask and Bird-Eye Diaper,
Crash and Stair Lilian,
nSw and .most f.fffJctive remedy.
Du] WOOD’S Itrupartiu and wild.
Cherry outers* far the cure of the following
diseases Jaundice. Lifer Complaint, all Bilious Comi
, plaints,Xck Headache, Mean Bum. Indigestion, habit
ual OcsliVenr**, Pile*. Palpitations of the Heart,-Lo»*
of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Nervous irritations, Debilitated
SiomMnLangßor.wpremonof Mint*, Chronic Uhen-
Qalism, fcntnneous Diseases. Cooker. Syphiloid DU*a*-
*es, Scrofula Impurities of the Blood, Fimplesand
Pn*uilea bn tbeFtee.llfcrediUr) Humors CoM Sores,
and-all diseases arising ftom an injudicious use of Met?
W, rt’e utteLtiou of the Invalid public, and of all those
afflicted by any pf th? above disetwes, is lafpectfnlly
called to i£o. tuems of a new and invaluable prepara
tion from ah original reeipeofadisunguished physician,
combininrlo itself the most active remedial .properties
of two of the very first articles m the Materia Medics
The Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Hitter* were In
troduced to the publie about twelve months ago. and
during that period their success has been so great, aa fa
I induce the proprietor ta offer them wph Mill moroeonfi
dence,in lb« fullbeHef that by cßieriug.mlo mo/e ex
tensive use, thyr will prove a blessing to
suffering float the diseases above * VT*TCII
Sold, wholesale and retail, h> W Y ATT A KETCH
AM. ghneral agents, 131 Fulton«t<cei.New W*
Tiroes, Market street, nnrt-P. R. B*wt». SuuthfieW
street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price Pl-large bottle*. .
mehKbi’bu ■' • 1 '
Frkbii aubiyal of books at b ;
A. .MINER’S —Chemistry iiuU MnUcalioii w»A*»i
culture and Physiology; by Jn»rui Liebig. M.D.
Animal Chemistry, or Organic i Chemistry in.Jw "P*
plication* to Physiology and jPaibologyby Jnuoa
Ljrbig,' Professor of Chemistry in thejU Diversity of
Giessen! j ■
The Miller nt Martian*; by Meiuy Wtn. Herbert.
I&fitteJ the Pirate o t the Ouh} by the author of ‘•The
South Win. .
Captaiii Kyd,or the Wizard of tbeSta; by theaolhor
of Lafitityttnrton, te. ' '
IJaek Hinton, the Guardsman; by Chatlc* Lever,com
plete tu one volume, cheap edition.
Chamber 1 * .Information, No H. .
Georgejinehtuian: to which i* added the comical
saymes of Faddy from Cork. ' ~ .
lllu ufaied Magazine lot .
Col imbian do ' do;, : .
No ionai do do; |
Go« ey’s Lady * Book dnj
Thelie re»»; by MiaH*tcV<t.TA-tr.-ah aupplv."
Pori nil* it M A MiNKKd
apJJ _ Stmitbflcld street tt door froin Stco'M
havel i«*l received a complete supply of the publi
cauoua.inlhe American Burtday School union; wlneh
we uri!L*iU'ai th'.i Philadelphia prieij* . -
The price* of sotar of the leading loots nave bre „
greatly rnduccd : j
The Union Qgesiimir. Vnl. tlO I'-’, to C| c
The Union l'oa*eeuiß , e Volume, 1 -‘‘ j
Hook; In dot
The Utjinu Hymn |(i j.g .
"The aturutumof su;yri..len«b- I , n i« i nnd other* wishing
in replenish ta»r Librari*/,, called to tlio Ooe.Hpttd
ted Volume Library-, Mild at the.low price of SIU; and
to.ibe Fifty Vol'uigc lahrary, at $3 dfl.
Order* front school* in the country will l*e promptly
a'lendcti to, and great care taken iri the selections. .
ap9i •’ • Market street, bejiwcenSd and tih _
I f Couarlncrahip,
JOSEPH n. JULLi, (laic of Ihe Gun of Wm. A.
Hill A Co ,) and \VA| C.OURUY.tlaleof Krie, P.t.»
have entered min Copartnership. noder the name of
HILL A CURRY, for tin* purpose of carrying on the
Ranking and Exchange business .in all it* branebe*, at
No C$ Wood meet, three. .poor* below Fourth, wot
side—where they solicit the custom of their fur ml* aird
the public generally. JOSEPH II IHLL
nichli WM. C t:URIU__
NnO Commercial Ro«^
jMfcru n. mu.. ■; . • ivm. c.cumr*.
IIILL klct'llßT,' peg
NoGS Wood turd, ifcirJ door «*><>* FobiUi. ,
P&ai *
“Sla. on BnUimOT.'nJ&elrttt.lte*.
• n° vli’SXjJfnS » j on ftvor^.lo.lcno!.
DlMolntlon ot PtrUtnWp. . j
Ttili: partnenhinheretofore exUliBR between the on-’
■ten rnetl, 10 tu publl€*lton of Ue Pitubßrjb «*•
tie, i« cement. All iW
bu«lnea»*f tbe late firm will be MUjed'b* D NJBTutc 1
wboi» aatbotited totlose lbeM»e.
- - ,-DN WHITE
T OUISVILLE MHB-Freshibartit!tou>«Tilie
U Ume,«r the beltqua,Ur in full sUed bartelaeoa
*tantljonh»ad»oi ft>r»alß m any qnaMrty, I‘rom fire
to barrel*—an the mnt farorabl# term* by
. . . - W. I* ALPBICH ? ~
. racUl 3tSycamore•trrti,Ciaeinoaii' ,
ALSO—J Hul«rVL»uimli« Ilydtißllc'Cement, the,
dnly-aniefe o< the kind worth flaing.msdq in the We*
irmGo«»ify-T*lwnyipn band qi manofacmrcr’* pri
ce*., y . ,r . . • ImchSldth* •
Davlit A*ctl«M«r'
' fifr.
| ; of Book*.
oflf?Satordaf-*«ains. »b«,*Sd inmai 7 o'clock, at
the-tenneiciafcljaetwa Room, coiner of Wood mu
Fiflkatreeu, wilTbe tcdd—an Mtenure collection of-
▼ittt&le new Bob k *> w»t*i*e»«f illtmrmied work* »u>l>
•ble &i preaenttr'mntie, Jtinory. poetry, iheok*y aoJ >
rai»e*NaneootlJWr»iote. Alto, l«»er and cart wrlliof
paper,blank Ebok*,famil)*.bible*, nap*, cheni.watcb
t», fancy gptalt, Ac. j I ap*
ON lionday morning, the Sth iimsni. at 10 o'rlorc. ;
at the Commercial Auction Room*, corner of Wood
tndFlftti streets, yriirbe sold—•nrxieosiTP aamutyni
of staple and fancy dry goo-I*, hat*, eap*. boon. thoet.
bonnet*,fauy. millinery, *e»
- - ' . 'ju'a o’adiirrp. u.":- '
Alarßi)aaatit) ofitcar and second haadfcbaieboJd
•foiniwe, embracing nearly all ibe variety wanted by
j houicUepef* Abo,. •• <. •. • r.
3 hr chem * oaa* Hjraon Tea .
fu boar* Sperm Candle*; i \
3 dozen Coal and Devonshire Shovel*; j
s'boxes Virginia manafaetdredTobacco:
L u»a«*waTr.qtieeu»ware,tinware,' a quantity of school
l beuclie*, de*k»j Ac. ! .•
! ' . At 7 o!Clock,-F. M] !
1 -A" quantity of carpenter’* tool*, h .rdware. fine rut*
I lery, go’d and silver yvatehet, rati^ic*f : irmiomcn«*,
I ready nude clothing,* retail »»cb of dry good*, fancy
r article!*. Ac. ■ ; m-J
wTlli an) A H I Lli &. CO.,
I. . • axd dsaunas I*l ••
1 So, G 4 !lMd Strict, ant door flier* Favnk, So, «l luJr,
1 mcblb] Pltubargb, Psu , j (dAwF
CLKRKSKIIt* WASTKD— For a! iid from N. =.
V'ork 2 10 year* of brc; m »Uit4t : ba in *omc retpeci'
a<>le Commercial Ksubhfhment in the eTtjr -' A»\il i<
the ddwreof hi* parent* that h« »Ik>oM acquire aliiow- .
ledge 'of Uu<in£**fa amall re atone raimo wotth) only bo-.
required for the Gratyear. ttefeience may he held to
Editorof Gazette. ap'Jtf i
S,OOO juri received.- Al»o on bahd'Keiloge fcThay*
er** Print*, and Pbelp'i Map* and Ghana! - •*
. Merchant* and Pedlar* aopplied hi New York prices
■ ■ ' T KENNEDY,Jr
»P 3
_- r ~ i | . ; <th and wood si* _
LOOKIHG OlTABBB•—Gilfaml Uibofur
Looking flla*se*, t». o. l’laiMifclocka, Comb*, and
pgeneralaitonmentof Variety Good*— .to weal
taiea—at No 6*. corner of 4th ttreei*. - I .
SITUATION WAJUTKD-X yoaog man ag >•&'
ealogel a ti (nation u> learri tie Dry Good* l>u»ine*r;
he eta apeak ih4 German and Knglub Lanka*ge«.i
Addre*««C. L._ i f ♦ apfcPt*
n O. H< HOBIKIOV) Attorney it Law.! hat
V» •- removed hU office to (Be Exchange Building*,
Si Clair (licet; next door to Aldeimai- John*.
ttpgdJhn !. ' • ’
.BY PEACUBB-U bfala i**tre*'d per
' Arena, for .ale by : 8* W lIARBAUUII
ip'J i '■ ; •No SI wood aircct
BDLKMKAT-t.tmH.rnr ’ ;
' 1,0i9-Sti'oalilei>; Itndinr for
>2 ATWOOD, JONfcS hi Co
SO kef* Ky\6Tvri*t,'in »tore-*ad for
JL ule low to clo*<- couaintoeaL
*p*<t ISAIAH DICKEY a,'Co, water oodfuMUiU
TO I«£T—A 3 tioryßriek Dwelling fltrtiie near
3d >treet, belt w.Ferry. Rrol Wperroonlk.
' . . * li ' ' 8 CUTIIBKHT
apS SOjSmiibfictJ «1, between 3J and 4th m«.
SURDfUICS— 7,0t0 lbs luoneJ Bacon; \, .
. ! liWOlbi Yeniton Ham; *1
I- ..3M>J»Urd; \
] Sbblaßeaiu; ' \
| ,-kt Keaibert;
•k» Piaxcenl;
•otUm Mb’*****;'
w !/■..- ilotSM do}
4'j! tierce* pntue Hire; 'or n
-! j..- ; V. r ---y
FISU— IP bbts Wo3 stoutli Mtckerel;
40 b( bbl« o'o nbi , do;
JObbliNoS do i'o;
VO hr bble do do do; m«t
Si L'GAR«-2rohbil* prime N. 0., in aiaie and,for *alo
> by Xt ItFIWJ)
incb9< | ! - , 192
«yfOI<AB.SES~4U3 IrUls N.-O-, in *ood ottlrr, i
IVI aiorciunl fift aate by J t Tt I)
metal, j 192 Liberty flifM
CVJTTON YABN-POOO Jba aaaoilrd. in -aloro and.
J fur tale by JAR FLOVI)
mrli« i 192 Liberty sure!
! 10 bui.Timotlir dcc«l; in note »n<lfof sale.
• * J&. H FU»YI>
I&t* [.ibenv
•J litiUTuiOitiy'Sei-J;; _ >x
4 k«*r* Ni> 1 Lard; a prime anietr for re*
tailing, for «aleJ>y & SIIKK
■nehal .icur I'enn and Irwin Ua
SUGAR— 25 hlid* prime (or »«lc by
r?KATUKUS-'-7,00 lb*pttae Ky., but recM and
I 1 fht sale by iPOINDKXTKR *Co
mcbW "it No 4) water «t
MOI*ASSK»-IA bbWgo«rIlou»;
'IIS NcwOrtean#; (brants by
roch9< j_ ,144 l.iberiy «
IMBM-S0 Will flo* Mackerel;
“ lUhf bhla'do -do;
VS billsNoaSooUtMackere);-
¥Ubt>lsNo3NortU do;: i forulel.y
-111 l.Utrtiy aotct
T'OBACCO-*lU>x< I ll*jEump|Tobaeeo, 01 «m*
•irnmeni oud (or aale fcr'i - - i . ■
_mchri _ - • \ I No 35 Front* t
NAILS— ‘.Skc** Olipbani}* Blind, landing from •
Brown»rlHe Boot and feriale hy. . ■ !
«p| . 1 J DALZELU 81 water «t
FRESH TKAB-Jfo hr cho*:» Y-11. Tea*;
75 Hid i Toachong do;
Now landing'&nd ferule by.2JAGALKYASMITH
■pi -• • . ' , > No* >8 and 80 wood *1
CITY-CURED BACON-1500 pc* Ham*;
I . • $ pea Shoulder*;
Very *Bperibr qualityjfor tali from £«ok«
apl ,y,/ #AO ALKY A SMITH
_ i,oooSte»aid«**i nciiljr tnmmfd
* f * a ' f SwVGALKY k. SMITH
r. w i.vftfc'
nd ■nfwiiorquality,
'3UDhhd* NeyrOrlcatMBdgart; -
POBbbU PJattUUoo Welau**i per late emrele
and for **la by - BAGAI.KXA SMITH -
a p| , , .; . ~ 'Km Ig and 80 wood »l
. TM>Il BALK— IB ton* Pi* foetal. Apply w.. -r. . I
f S CI/TIIUKRTi General Agent
apl . . $' .MSmlthfield ureet |
R"’lO COFFBB-6S9bag*prime fieta Rio Coffee,
for sale by fIAGALBi kJMITII
• apt ; Noe 16 mad <0 wood it
-100 boxes Oranges( - j ....
- ••45 do. Lemons; in pnme older, landing «
from steamer Germantown and I for »alo by •
api BAOALKY A SMITH, 18 and wood et
FXB.B B&lCK—Constantly on hand and for tale
apf.. ; 1 -gC-yatcr and 107 front sta
SUGAR ASD btadt Bonr;
l • j v • SObbla Nolaner,
'* »ater and 107 front m
n (tore uid for mI« b;
SS bbls ftpitzenberA Apple*; ‘
lObblt £i{.f»in»i-iaa«« ahlppin* order, tor
’ ■ ; P C MARTIN
| ■ j cob nnltbfield end front »t»
ROLL, BUTTER-9 Übl» Frt*h, iim nrtM and
for rile l»y I P C MARTIN*
- .. and front «u
/IOTTOW—fIOO iialca Mfo»i»»ippi Cotion on band
KJ and/or late by JONKS JtCo
4pt • ; ■ - water and tront M>
GABTOU OIL-ebbU for nlebv I • • *
eor.l»rt>en>' »nd P*Claii*!i
SOAP— 100 bxnCiri. No l, *n M®*>anrt for
tachSS-"■[ • - w»r ii'ind chory alley
BALZjVIUHK„ at ifel-Multo wwitwr
priced H»J,t&tiur>. foi «irty Pjfing drewe*
find an at aOote U&f pr.c«u u . 1 , , }“' t A r ?;£? •
bowl _ , 7 WUMUBPHY
SiCUII '/ . ' K y.Vot 4lh an«t M»tfcet *** .
Two vqU.cloili. ,
•nKKTVBWBar New *“**»£-
-(j T 9 Market .treet, a^ 01aTr,'
Uo»qm«...C«*tr«»».. -"** *
IWkisSwpewkifand Uo»>cr>.^ w H (}aRRaW)
Fnn it CST-A rtrf dwelling hove,
OR lI.KnT-*A» Y fnin'lv,»iiaattdon Fouiili
vMl.rraoß'-'l form
abote j •
■ bo«w3 with p'emy of yttid teoro
• Afjood tniiaird m Caldwnl »tie»i ~
au4 oilier c«iT^ ft,r "^ r * f ,K J* at ™ jjcutHUKKT .
Tf ap\* ,t * : I ' " NoSOMnlllifietdrlreM
• 51 do lApplrS;' l
' 4 do ■
1 do Ffiihrn;
3 barrel? Ktga;
, 110 piece* Baebti: landing ucio titnr
Cornel and fof vale Ify • JaMKS DALZEIX
3j,| • NoJWWI”
|\KloaaiLCOKK»>fbile l»n«*«. **«
U lunl aud for ul« by UK A 0 X A RMIThR
: ra?b'<S> : -j and Cl«>t»i«
JUGi COKKB-jl bate of auperlor veW« Cofkt
tfcnfiiage,forpaieby BRAIINfcRKITKB *
- m»h& cor Liberty and BH. lm»r •>»
FLmUUA COBKI-t bil« for aki by__
- mcfatt.. ! eor Liberty end ft CUW »t»
~ : ,’■■■ .i' ' -j” ~" t
Tllßpirtnerthlp heretofore exinisg between.the
mder>igne& iiuhe twine** of Job Krint rtg. it tbit
dey diuolerdby mutual content. TUebutinetaor the
late firm will be settled attbe Cajnie Job OBlce, by
Geol Parkin. I 1 UROP»RKIN
Pillftmntb. April I, IM7.- WHITS * lIARIUB
' n WtrrbenurarPrinti Only.
|J at Iht aniteiwtt fife atore Warehe***, If a. Sfi Cedar «l,
Nnr York, (tba whole of which iadcfotrd to ih« nbYttMn
aadaaWof tbhtinglearticle,) Dtrr for aak by-tbeifiecc or
nekagt,looo CASES of -PRINTED CALICOES, com
retting aU tba deiinMa. onr it) Ira, • of
yUehlanttbMi(attncWi'if : Kb* i6wri»» the
marjut, wiUle told ti tat -lb*s narafiKtam* 1 peawet pyi
' Printed CtUofbriceam pet bta U>e brad* orbojm.
• N B—B P LEE, lata waior Partner in ttwoeinalftroef
Uef Brewacr7(boa«WbM ft tired in IMS) baa joined
tb« BnaorL»aaad''JMliM;.«a<;Mt>citatbe'patroaage of hit
oU frieodv-The bwiwit* it eouoetrd under the firm of
- tthmarj 3a, LEE, 4UDSON f LEE.
rcr'4 and for
•Irani’ Mill
.jiUxieM fof
ind trwuu* ’
in Libenyjrt
RoannUw A pplea;