.. ~.. .]■■■ ,'■ ~t: .., ..' : - ' ' ■ «.t V U"£)ri-'isi'4 v/'ii I+.f - «i .iIS- .'. ?i| Nr Zit Ya-i « ‘Z&Si'fzZVF’ y.l KZXd.? *.,♦ j«77.».; ,i. -i.j it*!;"' •■- . ' • •X-i - s' '. ,;1 i.-.i-- ‘iiv'i* $ ' ■''j id--lit! *■ ' *'■"■■ c' > tt » At. 2 ■■?• * i"> r s* ~~,.:_- i:E: > ~, . D 1 38" DIRECTORY BU3INE) A LBUTOKR OOftOOI,/ A. Pm*»r*lißi M Waiertwt Fauber(k. . . • AW. irOHTKO, , ; i a«t otftce [8 Ijbwij* * (■* *?* 1 tired, *U»»e . .'.tide. . . Assisfea mad, Wtutf jiwlJFiwJ.fUrtJf* l itub^gh. j\.»-iu b>eWw s^»Mr-^, - ,: ■-■J-~‘—^ SaES^iS^^^S^w 0 * wh^^°“ a T ;ss.c?S'B>iTKa, W*B»< •««■■ U-«, |«d «u CtaHJ»y. ' !'*■ .'• i-~ —•-- '-• •' ~*v .. innott* K..VCIUEB, Wtotente'aod R»* sSSkiM IIAaAUKir fc S'Bitß.'v' tol'*? 18 Omen, 18 ssMs^g^. p« !,. .. Nr.: —•!■•'_• A ÜBXASim il For*anin»fr> B«Sogb» alter.. f# pff-—**pmut««**>,vP?y toisi w.'sSiu Wa»dM. .rj^jjS y ; ?wn«*V^o*i«%KSS*.S3f '( k?.s !W- •*> nsFre “ i numnsiß,** 1 * V/ e«v ‘Commuttwo deftterrts rsodure fad lULagwy*. wtur c*»«v,, G*S2!&s&3\ Pitttbot** M*«m hrMiei Übenr. Fttukart^ CTfBAORB*.I«i •dealer In'Faiidr** the Clitt Cotab, Ufa. Mr barjh, Fa 1 . rv nrr of Mtikelji. : DBosnssuu v p' • Alter end Wmie,— -(< osi.w'Tt D Office* da JtoUhfieWt bfetweea *» “ mcu.ly. . .. p wiiT, *. febl? •' : IffSKgk) o~»».P«ggS^i gx^ssss.'S- Second mid-Tlunl «a. - _ti —— — CMIM V««*» N®* B ? '> wer »a«i_lt)o jKwol - bgryK >»- -. 1_ — ; •* -} ... m A ■ n*BbVMSr Viua Fcjw_ “***■■ r .c|iaTw«rdu»y F l ffilrA« P i*..Ko>agWj«r »u Pit Übcrj^MJ li_ CTX&kifCZS' s'^-yEOSi H‘'ii.;niiMnf'to rtodoe*, yWxS"' "t* Pitttbmrkh Po.r ‘V ! j=££- fii&gpplaj* Brewed Mklstert, 'Hw.KSS’W* Si -^'jST «£*,** wi «nd fctUrtrw**. SSS2S“**s»»k ! ' ib* to«e»M>jjg*’ 1 • ' ■ ——r —„■ JZ~S ; Zr% « BBOOKWAT, DnffW. No-jC^J* S£u b.., «« >•; . " ■■ '■, ! : M£jSSSIBiS»|aSS?S»; •sU!to«w;°s»ka°i ilary aaraox. wiiiTE *r - - UUIT MCMIjI* : tiaiAH mCKKY:£ Co# WboUab-QW”; PlSStel Mtrtkratf **&*• flH Pnwn wmrti. rinrtwnh. ajlQ - 'TOSKPiTkJIOX. & .u>.M»n °Wholeul« Groem, TISLEB Cool*«.' «< PitutKKlb omattfirotai*** No Jld*X»laProdufce*^ r 4i£*£ttfc«. .... my« '-rtf »U oppo»Uo the fa. :"- - • - >*tE23i eon vet' Kiftk Vmiß D. ViTUi Ote JandWoodtreeu, Kggggfe-^-^- *r* '*»*** . , ; foOSATOS * BTCHSKTOS, Duller. J ftlmeni *nd Pver tatnoltcwtn, No. 44 Uuke iKßiutaH 1 ' ■• •• - 1 : ' —- Ti*KgJ.oatr, w-JDS'S.S^jSS^ J Uercfeiar, *»**•£? *?”** ■- ™7 ■ ■ H W»ier *t, J.„ ..— 1 r T W. ttODltilTgoa k CO, i • J »ehmace Biokei* «om*r of Wooo “" w * I tMertJwfc Hotel gaiMlßg*,} -'?if rr n*^ nmr mt tfc» W>» «■*—» oc yi— -J, TOUS GRIER, WbßkMtoGmcet.to^taPr^ ttottiljlbcrttw. paaban*.-; ±.JS2r~ *JofcoFio»i ’-" ' ' Bktard^lOT*',. T *. B?FMm>. lU*« X Ftor* * °°-J Wh ?i2J le . J , iifoegffcWollWUbWff »Pect- 1 J~ iMlitPll.mil, VTWWmi«Ofocer.CPft»ty Bioa Wrrek*Bt,««i dealeua Piedaee nd PiU«"uX* ffft.wMfagiarffcWati ffikrw,Pimkurtfc.: -> i T - S»WAT«aWOIi; 4 Wte*?** -./ 1 j~ Kn4'Co«i»U*lo« 'Utslrri* N ]Siüb«rfh ■ ■t>4 £ , fefe«M»it •"? !■«; *.««*« , . * noißin«aj»,Oincin»»><**»• ragaajBSHMBBS ■ssaSg^sfese- I VHTJOL t-AiWVIt . .-. ,_; uJR. jucwjwo*' wtojZft'a'*- M«ni^CommissionHmhwus, Kol» *i •LLARS. IMORD A KIIO) wholesale and retail Hat m and Cap minutaetoref*. and dealers in Pane 7 Fart, corner of Wood and Fifth eta. •' lan 8 _ \yf fc «l»Yb%jXtft!Wbelesate Grocers, Dtaim in' Vi, Prodaeeaad ilall, andPonrardinf andCorDini*- sioor Merchants. Not KJ Liberie and *VI Wood streets, Pintfrarab. : ti jfUBPHT, WILMS ft OOn Wboleeate Dry '* Goods Dealers, No.' ft Wood street, Pmsbsrfb teoftS' • . • N dt~M3r» No. S& Market Street, Ke« • end door fan corner of Foorth, Dealer* in Fbr eifta.cnd Dnettu Bills of Enhance, Certificates of Deposit, Bank Notes and Specie. . . fCT CMsdisos nadr sa «D Iks frimfl Ate «***»£** oolite Dated Ms* • "1 dec!7 ft Wfntdtxto. A UUwnioo. P H Grant T)Oimxnß * Co, VVtolml* Oman -i sod CoamuioD end Forwarding Merchants, Nodi- Wutrtimi ■ j dfg ”~ i.' ' r. e. »»wu : R BBC©*-* CO, Wholesale Grocer*, Comimi Md Merehuu, an« debtors in Froduer and Ph)stmk ftUoote»res, Liberty *»■ opposite B«r|tb. Fa. _j __. __J?7£. WICIIARD SARD, wholesale and K in Leather, Romeo, 1 * atrf toe*. Tanners artfOwiieie Tools, andTanner* Oil, No. j Itq Wood st, Fittsbargb. **?_ IF’ ■nMBHTMW tuMEPPBET, Prodoce'DeaJ w fn Mtd Cofflxniuioffnerchuu. No 1W Beeood«t, lohMoh.: . ■" _ ‘ mt.tBLL t Wbolewlc Gn>- - CoStraiuum mad Ftonrudin* Mcrchmm*, d«- Produce mad Piftsbmrfh Manuuetare#, Pm. > ' ■ A C»T% w. letftia Prod| mo**.'sjjsito*. »***.». mwMoijc. r* BOBUOK * C#., Wbolewle Uroeerv Pro* it. Mercbnnu,«oJ D«*ter» in filiJbWrphMfcanftctgre*. So. ISO Übcny^aucct. ROBERT HOORE. Wholesale Oncer, Keenly ing DiwUlfr, dealer in Produce, Pmly . L.-Q. Remolds. , ' 3. L. Steei"' * IREK* Forwarding and Owa ■jtt, nusaiod hleienwtts, fat the Allegheny Riier Trade, dealers in Groceries, Predace, Pittsburgh Manufacture* and-ChbrideofLime. ' ’ ; The highest price*, in eash, paid at *ll tunes far, Country Rip,. Comer of Penn and Irwin m. janw Bttßhackleit ■* Tho*. R While. SRACKLSTT * .WHITE' Wholesale Dea fenu Foreign and 1 Domestic Dry Good* No M Wood street. Pjtobatth - ••»»«* fc V. ui&BAOGUi Wool Merehsois, iei»* J. en ia FJoor cad Prodaee jeacrmUf *"d Forward i»4 and Cbotaittiott Wetefeamo, -Wa 33 Wood atraal, Ko«bo-- ■•'•i - g l*” 1 CJAXCIL PALHK&, Attorney »' Uw. Office O * JJreed’a b»iUln*, No Fcunb meeubemeca . food and Smithield." noe3dAwly_ STKPBKS »AlU**TT»M»aa£tciarcrofPan tT,Pbaeiaff and ToiUi (https. Winter and tamer prrucd Laid CAL ke. .| No 1? hftb at, between Wood sod Market *ta, rinabWfti.Pa. v ■ ~ ocM l. Sf. Voi Boaxiunuv * c*, whok*»k • QneM ®orwerdmff and Coaraiwion Mrrebaa**, Mater* is P:ii«.boritaManuiecteßSdnd WeateraPro. Idee, bare remoted to tbeir oewwarehoote (oW naad) fo 33, eonterofFrom at aadOiaaeery Imae. no*" SAHI7KI* H. "•»»«. Forwarding and Commit ■too Merchant, Dealer in Sail, Produce and P «u» argb Kaouiaclnred article#, Canal Baun, near 7itaat ■ iH : . ' •’ Sfl. WICKKUSHAO, Dealer mSced*, Flow . er»,FriiitTree*,a»«l Agricalmrai In*p eoienU.No 132 Wood atfeet- Pmiborxfr. fOHJV J* TOWaSEHD, Dinniit and Apotbe> I can,,No 43 Market rt, tftfe« door* aboee Third 6L» ’ltuborab. will ha«e eoa*tanlljr on band a well teteel cd aMoitaeptof the beat and fteabeat Medieida*,»h»cb re will tell on ibe mrst reasonable term*. Phyaicmoa Bendin* order* will be promptly attended to, and wjh plied wab anleleatbey may rely raut aatenaino.- [ , ny Phrnciaia’ Preaeriptiwi* will be aecaratc ty and tteatlyprepandftoa the beat maieriala, at any hour of tba day or B>cbU J AUo fer *ue, * lana stock of freab and good Ferft»> me nr. t : l« nl - T P PotiTti. RJfar.,4, rp p. FOHSTTH^OotCtaanluieu&ler^banu. . . .dealer* in Salt, LBmber T G*o©erie*, Produce and Piiuborih Mtomfeciares, Canal Baain, Li^rty^ircei, rit naURKi Looking G!iu and Ficlcre X »Fnw Mabafifetorer, -and Importer of Lookinf Olsm Plates: deafer in Howe-fareubin* Hardware, ud Faney Good*, 1P« Wood rtreet, near f t/Uk. job* a, vies- , »arin * ca»nt*«* WICK * H*CiKDLEBI. {wanon iol.k J D Wick,) Wboleiale Grocer*, .Forwarding and ConmUuoa Merchant*. dealer* la Iron, Nail*, Gin**, Couofe Varoa ud-fltt*bßr|b ilimfrctoto gtofftl'T, coreeref Wood and VV*tM;u«. r>mburcb. achlS WB. KDHPHY mrjte* Uw ladieeta call and • eranicne hi* vtock of French " orked ;Lollar», tone a* low a* its cent*. Btchw *TTit.t.mngoßD * Arou for A. i*- W moot, kave'Aa hand an BMortment of hi* bopenor ■olid Bex VSec*.Sfao*eU and Spade*. ■ j . “> I ££luih C °’ {*«**•«* acW) WHOLKSAIfe GROCERS and Gencral Cotnai*- •ion Merchant*, Galena, IU. - •*hf^ ttt" -m. ra, Wboleiale Grow*, For fiV • wurdinf and Oowaaiwion Merchant*, and Deal era in Produce and Piiuborjh Manufacture*, come off Water and SraitbficM «a Paubwrgb, Pa- i nov*t fTTtirr*oaE A~WOLPP. Importer* and. rV Wholesale Deafer* la Hardware, Cailery, Sad-, dlery. Ae,comer Liberty and Sc Clair *ueeu, Pme bnrjh. . _J IT7*. «LESH, Bookbinder, h»* nnaoTed 10 ibe W comer of Wood and Third *u, abore C. 11. Kay. where belt prepared tojlo every deiwripooo of Ramif aadßindiaf. 1 *Pr*_ WW* WILLi-CSt Mill atone and uill fnmi»b -• in* tJtabliUSenvNo.*M Liberty «i*WneaMhe eaaal. ' »*»*> VX. moiWT. MCCTCMO*. WJc B. X’CtTTCIIKOS, wy**»lo Grocer!, • aad Dealer* is Pui»h#Th Maaafactarea, .and Wenem Produce fene*aUy,r No* IS* Liberty ureet, Pmibßtjh, Pa. , , I*7-dt H, MITCBELTBEE, WboleaateOroj. TV.. ten, Becd/rto# DirtUkre, and Wine and Luatf JfctEham»,No. ICO LiWity nueemopponte WBL OiRBABDi Dealer in Fancy and duple • Dnr Good*. No 79 Market meet, Fitubaryh. norlEdly > ; Wyi.rf.fTlf M. OOHHLT. Family Grocer mad Dealer u» Pnmeioa*, Ne. li 0 Liberty, * doors a toVeHMd r- —■ , oct3 «trect>ViU»»~- . . VkTiCEljQu A. 6UCWOBTU, iimuTe (mm Yf XKstrict.) WboleaaJoOroeer*. or* now located at tie. U 9 Wood M, when*tbiroffer foreale ■ lirjce aaoort* ntet of Groeenea tad Pitted ary* _Alanufoctam, at tow prleca end on favorable tern*. • - - oroyia Wt WIUOSt Dealer ia Wntehaa, Jewelry" • Silver Wire, Military Good*, Ac, No. 57 Mar* ketrernel. ;• '* • v ./ t ? r * 9 mm \if ’hi, JIllllFB?, wholesale and retail daalet la VV sFnreifaa»d Domestic Dry Good*, north eaaleor nerof Marhctond Focnh si*. / —s*l . WEf. IEWISi bav ngJporehased tbo. Dim Store of Edgar Thom, comer of Pern and jihad streets, will «en a constant aupply of (be beat I^?h7iSri*o^ carefully compounded.— Medicine* can be bad at all hour* of the night. feblMly* . Attorney at Law •TV .Pittsburgh,'. Pa,. *onuni**ioucr to take the ac* mmwrcdgmehtxQdproo of Deed*, Leases, Contracts, Depositions, o ran y other writing loader real ornoM to hcoscdCTrccomed nr die State of Ohio. Office on Third *tToer,aboTeßailAel4. • • . je»-tf. W C. AtwSutBAUOH, Attorney at Lav • Fifth (trectj Bear Smithfield. Collecting, ageO eiea and other twine** attended la with paflcuality. Eanaaicn— i BittelU k Semple, Wm. Croghin. Esq., BAFitinMonk tOo, John Herroo, £*q, GnUT, Liodur k Co, John W rifbt, E*q, June* JdcCaUr, Esq, M«)- VViUiws Larimer teM-lr AUCTIONEERS AND COMMON MERCHANTS; ALEXANDER LEVY * 8808. CINCINNATI 4 BT. LOUIS OFFES-toscilst enter esUfclishaeal, all kind* of BlerctendiM at lie lowest raw* of Commission* end, ur ahrsr* prepared to make admae**. The test of reference* p*en, If required. Letters addieued to ,ei(ter Uonae will be promptly attended to, JyJßaly J. DRUB, \ RECTIFYING DISTILLER, I- WBOLtSALX SBAfcBB l» ' fc SOHfi&m WIHEBfcLUiDORS, * te, it* liberty and 53 Diamond alley, \ PITTSUUBGH, PA. 1 wrnm i» k^ud » «* 80 Cb#w£* ToU«o end tfaeff: nenr the - WT«m f II w Wiliam*. ■ . ; -< , [Bveetuot to Lment $ ' WILLIAM! 'it ATTORNEYS AND COUNPRLLOBM AT LAW: f&O&ce NorA side «T Fowth «t, «U>ie •miUkfeiiUCO • : " ■ --U - " h Coif, > BECONJK *BAR WOOD STREET^ . ; Aoam roi NAtuh k. ck’« Bmt • ni•* ab kid »(A Cut; Ssui, fc»B - JttOT wMiuma atm- , f t!lfflgOEP * Co., Cb««i»gßßKid &r*’ WwardißS MerAtni*. Sceond, Uoo* PinobwihTW.. -•■ -— : — "fei.T/' I”*' 1 ”*' - ■■ -rang.kemnrpv. !' ATTORNEY OHIO. CoUsctiMU ia Bowk.ll> Okio jui a m 4 in Ketuaeky, promptly *nd earefollf : RKTKM. TO-MotTttlcUftl Biddle, W* Bell * «“• C iBU, Wm M’KaigfcijCiwirek kOwoUwn* Fw.H»7*> Kaq- J*w*» P.gmaruWiltocb A Den*. C J9IR Mi &ICmRB*, . COMMISSION MERCHANT, I! NO. SM> WATER CT OPPOjrTE CUEAMIDE BAI1TUO&S1, iIKTINIIbW Olm, Olaat WuvDned Frel), Beet* Yf wn*,endCc«a tryPiwdece. AdntßM* mh on CBMtfiwimtt. Beuafiwtorr ref tT»y*ioihoeesddieaeuig»r mail. aepn-ty* fi**Uoofk, janieehaa,.. C DCaUmuST jou gcpuoroa » co. . CfextuitMW *ni Forwarding McnMxnti, NOR. 93 A 95 SOirrHjST. }naJ7tjr* BOWLING’SWHAIP, »*Uim*r* ' • • n. CRAVtTOR. ftoese ' •' tfjpckvmvf AW HOUSE. lALTWORE. . & CRANSTON, . ■ ; rkofßirroKS. j . iltfsdiDeM nl (he.Diraxi aaJ Lajok f»* tenfers, Jrtt if , tkarg* x to thn House. . . ! . jAB TlCfi .f ACTOR!. - fBKLL * CHESS, 1 MATnirACTucxu at IAILS. ItOOK HRAO BRADS, mad. Coppe* Tula, COPPER SHOE NAILS, i‘ ' A£D ‘ J*otnii, of every detaiplion. 3l Cliaiy _ __ WHITMORE A WOLFF, inpoaxxaa axd dsilir* la Hardware, Catlory* Saddlery, Ac*, .Comer £A«ty and St. Clair ttrtm, PETTSBUBGiI, ABB bow TecemnjriK;r*bip*‘daraasae, , '*Sa*qß** hiuMa,' and ‘Alhambra,’ (heir spring importations o( ■ ardware, Cutlery, AcL, purchased iot casi, direct fir »< die manufactories ofuiamseiunand Siismcm. A> »>ag*neral assortment of American Hardwire from Um* nannfaetoritsofthe East,and Were. ■ j- ,ye» are respeeifallyinviied to an cxamiaauon of oet «tock.aa wc are determined to sell low lor caahor ap • .ored.crediL V ‘ -.epfr • j.-O. W. Le.vwieii. W. C. Wilson.^ *• co • Aad Commlaeloa Mutlunti, • PLA4VEEISB, Lai PARTICULAR aiuauon paid to coeaignmcau of; tterarMill*,Engines,oroibet axiicle*farOpcioora* M REFKfir{tfc*Me«r* Sheffield ALightlow, Mr. ma* Limerick; New Otlear*. . Meurc. Lunan AJJei»er»cn, Mr Z M.Fberley; Loo fasille. ”' ' * i -Metsn. Hall k Speer. Mr. Wn. O'Leary. Robert Wightman. Armstrong A Nicbolaon; Pittsburgh. Merer** Revas,Todd A Co; Ciecinoaii. Merer*, llyae* A Craighead, Merer*. Edward* A Whiieall. Uou. Zenon Lahauve, lion. Joan Dutton; PDqueni'neL* deelS-ly : . . j.uuuin*, o >v AHpitws, Lueof Pittsburgh, Pa. >J.eieof NaahvUle.Tenn. 1 KOMKB * AWORttSON, Dealers in Cotton, Xa Forwarding* and Commission Merchant*,- No. o Pioßt Broadway j Cincinnati, Ohio. RUVatB— . M Alien ACo, ) Hapiwy k. Hmith, 1 Pittsburgh. Wn. Ibngbaiß. . Seiay A Shepherd, , ) ' . ■ Martin A McAlister, 1 Nashville, Tens. , Yeatman A Anmatew. ) I W P Lane fc Co., Louisville, Ky. llewett, Ueran A Ca, new Orleans. Maggressor * Mf r r‘h New Volk., Duvall Keighlcr & CO.. Bahrmo|re. PmiJ». Bagalcy A Co„ Philadelphia. , Daniel Dolton, Uo*ton jank malcolk xckcii. Joseph a; i.kecit. :■■ MALCOLM LBBCII A 909 V» LATE U. LEECtt ACO_, WheWale Grocer*, Com atafkm and Floor,Merchants* dealer*-ia *1! kind* Ooemry Produce, Copper, Tin, Tin Plate*. Turner*’ Tool*, Iran and Nails, Zinc, White Lead. ‘Dye Stuffs. Bam* ?hee\ Inn, Lead, Cotton Taras, Kali. Ae., and PlV»retoo*e,No|t Wood«ir*ct.Fa>» .nryfa maria Wo. M Shinn, rati,) ' - : jrjißWTOf WMi . STEAMBOAT, AND^IXJMWISSJONM WISSJON 'if B&C h i H T > . i NO it OIiSfSmSEBf'new' ORLEANS. 1 A GENTS foi J B Aeratin'* l-.xlenife" A Refinery. Alrrnju on bn*l,n Powdered. Cnobed, OUrfiedondßeMnrd M«w«, In Tielcewod BnrrelA Aim, Sod*! lienee . Print* liberal nnd n felr nllowene# mode eo nil rale* lof.orabam»,Sii*berrtU. a _ »«?»«»__• I. —\y~jf. WITTEBBOHJ FORWARDING AND OOMMi-dtON MERCHANT, THRedtrenJMr would re«pecUallf Infiiw W* Wanda •ltd ibe public ihtl be bat taken ihfl W*fubctt»e» 6myrly neeuakd by J E Gould. wbcie bu wtll true* ••cl A gajuraJ Aj[(;ne)r r Fortraiding and Comtmifioft bcutw*' Fa/t-cuj*< aurn>ion gLTeii id all eoatiga* Mg|i, Chance* reaaonafcip. - i..,biiiUu Badbmtf Mareb I. IH7 . . . >ißffirwstecp; —t* r- — . ITTANUFACTUBER ofTin. Copper,'Md ?h«l (res tVI Waie. and dealer in limasate andJapaaned Wart: No J 7 Market «reet- The aob*«tib«r wpeei* feilf* catta tb* auentlofl oribe Westera Mmaaaft, rwatr* dealer*, and olbew, to hla larvexoekef maQ c£acia»id TU fUdCapparware, with a large »aaMl -#SB3swtPW@® ,m«hm ~~ • -witMIOFOBD t Cft. ' - DWSSSAi^-SSttp^Sa sledges, Ac., Ac, PITTSBURGH; SATURDAY . nit MACOMB WeBWJUiO FOOKWr, *• • • FrTTsartoa, P*. JOUI WBIOBT 4 00^ ARE prepayed to build Cotton tad Woollen Machtn exy/oi-avgiy description,.*uehae*-C»rtling Ma chines, Spinning Frames Speeder*, Drawing Frames, Railway. Hearts, Warpers, TwiUera,Bpooi • *,Dre«ui* ‘(Frame*, Loom*,-Cant Grinder*. Ac., Wrought lion. 'Snaftuig toned all aitea of Cast Jroa, PuUiesaad Hangers, of the I itmt pattern*, slide and band Lathes, and tools of all buds Casings of eytxjr description furnished on short no* t’e«j Patterns'made to .order (or Mill Gearing, iron railing,'ftc. ' Steam" Pipe fee beating Factories, A’aat Iron-window *a*h, and fancy Casings geperallv.-- Ordcn left 'at the warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Lib erty street, will have prompt attention. . -■ lion to - - • • Btdckstock, Dell A Co, J K Moarbcad A Oa., O E, Warner, John Irwin A Bona; Pituburgh,. . (j C A i II Warner; Steubenville. jatsll cuTKr!r;i;rwoeEiLErafieHisEttY THE subscriber* are now enlarging their establish* mem. aid aie prepared to make oil Ausdrof Cation and WopllenMachiaerj.on themostteasonableterras. Orders addressed to oa will meet with ptompt wtenuon i •- • WIGHTMAN A DALZELL Laeock street, Allegheny City N .8.-H. Wlghtmab, who has a patent for a very important improvemeul oa Ike' Card, and who ha* been engaged for the U*t fifteen year* ia acme of urn most extensive and anecea^ful-OonoaFactories of the west, • will give bit personal attention to potting up, to the sat Is faction' at loose concerned, all machines maaeal taut establishment- _ ■ janvwlv L ADIES Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, are often not aware how . fright/ally injurious t; is to tbeaklol how coarse. how rough, now sallee, jeltow. and unhealthy the akin appear* after using prepared chalk! ' Besides, it is injurfoas, eoataiaiQgalargeqeU' toy of lead. ’ We have prepared a beautiful vegetable • article, whieb we call JO.XES'd SPAM3HUL) WHITE! ft I* perfectly innocent, being purified of all dcleiertdasQualities; and it impart* to ike skin a n«tu rai; healthy, alabaster, clear, living white, attberems-. nmo. acting as a cosmetic oa the skin, making itwdl and emboiu. , ■ „ Dr. James AndersonvjFrmetieal Chemist of «***•* chosen*, says; “After«feiy*iog.Jor»ci’s Spanish Ltllr .White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natu ral, at the same time innocent white leversaw. i certainly can conscientiously recommend ita-tue to alt whose skin requite* beautifying." {Tj»Price » cent* a box. . „ lF7“Sold by WM.JACA«ON,aIhi»Boot and Shoe Store. A Liberty street, head of-Wood, at theaign of theßic 800 l [_ ; J* a _ GEORGE WBYSA9, Manufacturer and Dealer in all Kind* of TOBACCO, BN't/FPS, AND CIOARB, AT hi* Old Ptand. corner of.Smilhfietd street and Diamond Alley, Pittsbnigh. Pa , would respectful* ty call the aitentiou of Country Merchant*, Hotel and Steamboat Barkeepers to a large and «uperioi »s»on mentof Imported Be gars, among which wilt be found, the following brands,- vie Eagle, Regalia, Castelloa, t Principe,La'Normss,Star Brand, Minerva and Dollar ( Regalma. all of which will be sold as low a* can be; hailetanyotberboMcin the city. . • Also, constantly on hand and for tale, a l»rgo ,•»*. well.seleciedstocxof Virginia, Mitsourt and rmc Cut Chewing Tobacco. , . V Also, Havana, Cuba and Common Leaf YWiteenj,, eoattanily on hand and Tor sale . wtawn - JOHN SUEBIFF- R No*. S 3 and *4 Front Kt, Bases FocscKasandGasFtA* tui; liKLia of all site* oafil from the latest improved P*** (era* and wprraated equal ®. any- Also, Bras# Castimm, finished if iatdered, Oa* ling* pul ni> promptly and mi treasonable term*. ; 1 novlMly Patent 'PRBsi brick machine 1. e subscriber*havißgobtatnad • patent. Mart* I&lAi ra Piaaa Brtek Maeame, and 1 hating aioee wen thoto ghly tested it* ability, are now prepared to dell right* and esntrect to deliver, nuehloe* to any part of the U eted Rates. Th* maekiw i* designed to .make; Brick from crude clay, aod will make -90 JUT good’ «boqi firm bnek perday, *affieieailr bantto *tacK up, in the kila; ikna avoiding the expense end imbor offixo paria ttke etay,drying and handling ike biick:a&er ; being oouldeo. It nsimple,strong,uoi liahlelog«lout outoi repair, and is constructed that it can be taken to piece* atid pal torrthet with great facility,tbu* reader* lag it .mrtable. vV> are now building machine*, and can furnish them on short notice. Fora full description wew jid refer tea machlae now in successful opera tion c.i MUI crcck l>diom, near the Weal cud of Ltghih strtti, where we shall be happy to exptalnjcverythiug coenected with ,i to oil who may call. We have *t present •unauthorised Agent AU letters ioocraddre.se will be'promptly atiauded to .. * tSUiJIERTSON, MeMILLFA A Co.. •CKOif ; CINCINNATL PIANOS 1 PIANOS! I ' i tJENRY KLEBKR, Dealer in eastern Piano Forte*, n SI J ff Wood welt's, No. SS Third Btreeu The Piaoosmay be examiued at all hour*, and the subscri ber will he there front It to II A. At .and from fi to A P. AI, each day. October K, ’4» ‘ Wiqtbe nndertipied, woild iniomt ihe ciiixen* of Pituburgh and viciuity that wc have appointed Mr. If. Klebc-r sole Agrni for We«tern Pcnitty Iranis, for the Mle of oar Ptaoo Furtcs, from whom they may' be ob tained atoor own [New York] pnee*.- _ NU.NN9 A CLARK . ' N*w York, Beg. 1, t«»-oe»llf ’ NaW Slsotol, Spado. sad Fork nanaflu* I *OT7« . | GRIFFITHS & DIXON, SAVING eomtntuced the msoufactare or|Spadea, Hhovei*. llay and Manure Fork's.Ac,oo altexten* scale,axe prepared'to fill all order* for sack axtl at Kauera pnee*. ,j>, . . FnrXhe conveaieneeoftheir cunatoen anddefijereut each anicle*,’they have appointed George Gdchran, -Otaraiaf ion Melchant, So Wood street, their Agent for Ihereleofthcii-maoßfocture*. AllonlcrekldreM* edlb him will receiveyrwajvtattwionjOnihejgPWad vaatageow trttaa. GRIVFI flfS A LnlOfl. ■ Pnsburih. July s—dly IWOOL-, WOOL, WOOL. CASH paid for all grade* of well washed KJceee I and clean Tali Washed and Pulled Wool, by the. subscriber, at bis warehouse o* l»m:U»field street, be* w«odtbatreetand Diamond Alley. -.--m lanl-ly* AILIJAM PARKER. EAGLE COTTON WORKB, | PITTfiBCROtI. I MANUFACTURE COTTON YARN, Camdla-Wlck, DatV»Ki Twine, CorerUt Yarn, carpet chain, warps, *e, 4c., ‘ KING, PHNNOCK ACo . I' (Saccereorsof Aibuekle* A Aicety,) jitti ; Prepiieior* __ ■pTw*. XATxawa. w. y. tar ca. i MATHEWS A PATCn, {GOIHmiOH B BBC Hi NTS, | ; »-«»**" SSiV.MO. , Will give particular attention to l the aclhng of Pro* dßee,*»d loorder* forpurchating-: • Bvaa to— George Morgan A Co., Pittsburgh, Pa dull r - W. IVs WALLACE, l PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, *&>. 944 m»4 MS lAwty ttnrt, near tie Canal ALWAYS on hand and-made to order, a large vane* ty of Marble Mantels. Pier.Cemre Tables, and BureaaTopa.Tbmb Stone*, Monument*. Ac; all which, being made of the eboicett marble, and manufactured principally br machinery, will be aold low for cash. N. 6. Perwn* wishing to purchase Mautels, are informed that it I* henceforth ntmeeeaaary for thrtn to mi But, 1 can furnish them with an article in all reipectaa* good, and(freight, inaurance.Ac, confider* eif as cheap as ibey‘ can purchase them for in the Khst. Call and •**. l > ea< JOUR WALKER, r J - . [Late Walker A Woodwell] . TT7OOLD announce to his friends and the pqbue that fV lx. anil continues, the Hardware bu*me»*al!he oltl siand, No *5 Wood street. He would respceUally solicit a eoounuanco of the patronage heretofore o« hilldly huaurwed.; % _ 1 THOI. A. HILLIKE, * LOOKINO GLASS MANUFACTURER,andfoncy Famishing Warehouse. No 104 Wood meet, near Fifth. Pittsburgh; Pak Wholesale and Retail; : * : English andFretfch Engraving*; Japanoed Waiter* and Trayr, ’ looking Glare Plate*, by the box or tingle light; TaWe Cot'ery, ■ , . Picture olnss of all met; Britannia Tea Ware, in setts or-single piece*; POrtraltand Phtart Franc*; Fire Irens and Fender*; 1 Mahogany Toilet Glanes, with I. f, and 9 draw*; > GermaaSilvar and Briiaum Tea & Table Spoons; Hand Magnifying Minor*; Candlesticks, Snuffer* and Tray*, - Gilt, Pier, and Mamal Gtasaea; ' , Gentlemen'* Shaving Case*; \ Coabs. Hair Brushes, Ac. Hotels, and Steamboats supplied on liberal lens*, end parkingcarefiaUy encoded to U»o -al diaeoantfercasli- - I .. ftM7 MR. DUFF’S imkitimm; AND Writing Rooms, N K corner pf Fifth and Mar* : ket streets. Tbo plan.of instruction followed in this Institution differs from all otbeis in the Westrtu State* its efficiency baa been amply letted daring Mr. D.’sesUblisbraenrin (hi* city for the last seven years, and hi* new work upon Sleamboal Book-keeping, (the Brst complete treatise upon this branch of the aelenco yet published.) enables him to teach IhUdepartmeMof the science in the most perfect manner. Perrons lear ning Book keeping m this Institution have another ad vanuga over at! other*— they have an opponuuity of becoming expert petwnea. without wh'ch their odaea lion fbr the counting house remain* incomplete ' professional assistance given Ip all cases of difficulty is opening and eloping Merchant* or Steamer 1 * Book*, nifting out b-lanee sheets, potting and adjusting do tallied books, fcc. , . . „ . . , . liwrsof Easiness, 10 to IS o'clock, A. M.; 1»4 and y'tnlOiotbo evening., ' mb I BUAVIffU CIUCAH-PBICB fUCDUCHD a l| those now Shave who never before, And tboae who alway- Mtave now above the more. IN offering this superior Shaving Compound to the.nn-- lice of the public. I can with confidence **y that the opinion of ah who-have tried it pronounce it the most pleasant composition that they bavaevarosed; aad in ordertoplace it within the reach of all. 1 have reduced the price low enough to aflor-l an opportunity to every person togtve it a trial andjodgefor ihcmrelve*. So, Gentlemen, if yoa neh, iaxarioav »ha»e, on with yoar ahaving cap)-. d«p Be *e> redl it won't eoat mdeh to fin them; and, it yotrare not satisfied, the toon cy will be retarned.STEPHEN BARRETT ' (ren City Laid Oil Factory, and Fancy Soap Work*, febif lren Ctty Hotel For tbe /-a mi \' York eaade ibina. Alv. •aae extra bee*y «n« Sftirtt end Drawer*; black acd farcy Cravair. Vetting* tad Cawlattrcs, new tty let— ai ibe New York Store, TDMirket atrrrt .. 'jaaLtf ■ . . W lICARRABP worth anKuiiuiTt milUl Inttitafcoa la«imatedt|Ukebe»utife|eßdbfal A tbr Valley of iewkkley.il mile* be low. Pittibonb. vu gemner aessiga Will comm we oo Monday, *1 or U*y. 1647. For further nanfealara HI Ci re alert, ai irta IrWifl A 8oa’». No il Water meet, or ax T. H ,M n l ev.h. fhocpU 6W eiicisT t vnit«iirmt eompeie with ans establ sh ment, either hAstar West. ' Weitcm Merchants ate invited to call and examine bis Mock before purehattng elsewhere. I tnau. YOUNG LADIKS’ SELECT BCTIOOL, I'IIIB loatitmkm ha* but recently been opcnednnilex thk luuioH of Mr. N: \V.Metealf, attho 1 Cormer of Sandusky and Strawberry sts. 'The soceess which has thus far auemied this tfohool, io ita eMablubmem and progres*. hm\falty equalled the expectations of its Instructor and Proprietor, and war rants the hope that he will be sustained in his effbr* to render it a desirubh Institution for the education of Younglmdie* in Allegheny acd viciuity. The. Fir»l Besiionof the uext Academic year, will commence on Monday, Feb 6th. .There are yet a few vacancies to be filled, but as the noraberof pepi's is limited an eatly nppHcatiou tv de sirable. For partienlsrs, relative to terms, Ac., com alt Cirealare or apply to the. Instructor. • fcbSif - OAZZAH’S PATENT BEDSTEAD. _ — ——N O.T WIT HSTAN p l N 0 Ig, jMMIdI opposition U) thil iHTM'I lion of a Pittsburgh Mechanic,* mi- Jonty of the Cabinet makeM of un« - imm&m and Allegheny chy. and their mutter SBf oatcatLomershavethowu tbemtelvca ■^T.’oa« , .ss“.b , .^ssKaSr eiliei of Pituborgb and Allegheny, Pa., do hereby cer iKy that we havebought the right » msnnfaclore bed made with Ganao’a Patent r«tenttin. " d the same superior to any fastening* with which we are Janet Lemon J°hn M’Grew I : T B Young ACo ; ? oben £^,™“ J R Hanley f»®*» « John Liggett, Jr. J**- * 800 Lowno 3P a.bin Thomas Fatley ' L* 0 l b H t 'K„nd Davul Luker Ramaey & M C».eliand Utah Wallace Mote* Bulluek David Lakey i , A. M. W.mogion); ' , J "f F owdn^*??ffJraffi«A«!KaiATO dKALXU t!» I HEAVY HARDWARE AND PITTSBURGH HAKVKACTDREB, WAREHOUSES Second atreet, Hear" ood, and Canal Railn Liber'iy ««<** b »*« onband and for •ale 160,000 lbs aborted Steel. v«« 1 Naylor ft Co 1 * Cut. Bheir, Bli*ier ard German Jonc* fttluigg'* Am. Water Spnpgaw *ork a»doab>>rl ”_ NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. JOSEPH WOODWKLh, Cerntr of Wood and Rd .ata, Plttabnrcb. HAVING withdrawn frotmbe old firm.of « alkcr ft Wootlwrll, on the lat of January,{• 1547,.! pleaaure in announcing to my frieud* iB the city and country, that 1 have opened my at the above named place. Having purebuted ray good* for earn, and made arrangement* with manufacturer* «n Urt* coostry and i» Europe is be eonrianil v *upn|ieu, I am. folly prepared to fumi«b Hardware of alt hitrd*. otta* {aod term*, and a* low a* any bouro fcdator We*t lerchaoii and other* arc re»pectfully invited to eal and examine ray atock, before porchum* eUcwuere. The following «urpri«e» a part of my . Steamboat and Saddlery Hardware. Gun Triumnnir*, Filet. Naylor'* Steel, CutlerT, Edge Tool*. Anvil*. Vi ce*, Lock*. Latche*, S.cklc*, Scythe*. [Hull H.nge*. Screw*. Union l acioiy Mabegarvv board* and veueer*, and all oilier article* cmtnkcted with tie Hardware ba*iiiew Jj mehllif inACKLBTT B WHIT®* XTO. 9® WOOD sTHKPr, alwte Dihmund Alley, IV would call «h< ntienutnof Cllv and .(-'ouu’.fy Mer chant* to their new ‘toe* of AMERICAN and FOR EIGN LRV GOOD* It eo«nfiri*e* a very Urge a*«oMtnem of WtoUtn, Cotun and L6.ro Goods uidi a rnneiylof fine /wii Goods, aud a full a»*orun»nt o( TaiUri 7V*nt*»i«p, ~ ' of Treih [iJood* direct R«c:vine rrjrolar mppfif* «. reih | <»oou. fremmanui*c>orf«. »m! divotirß * lonrt;*>>»f® ®' U>eif attention to B*M*rn Auosoq »4W—airwhfch many foc*l« of the bail q«»‘iTy eun be bought, m extremely low prifj-i —ibef po'iCi'-Vi'Jy a»«BiepuicliU»»f*sh , >tujp> will firni ii so 10-u intrin: io examine Ihrtr *'ooai» to call nad examine before purchasing a« wa can supply taent with Deek Store*, Forges, Mtt e?ery|diher kind of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work neers-itty m funnsh-' tog a Steamboat. 1- , , We a»*o make m order on the shortest tioi.ee sal Tabes and Chamber; Cnn*rr work for Steam Engines , WOtV ’I^K^KP BENNETT L. BROTHER, - UFEKNSWARK MANUFACTURERS, . -RlrinJncbani, (near Pittsburgh,} P*» UareAcurc, AU 137, Vfood *trtets t'ittilrurgh. 1 MMfNWlLt.conriently keepon bands good < jBR/tneni ot Wart, of our own manufacture, and miff , sut>eriorijea!ity. WltoVwle un|l eoutitry Met* i W chants are respectfully invited to rail aud-eX amine for themselves. a* we are sell ebgaper than ha* ever before been oiTcred to the pub ' nj* Orders sent by mail,aceorapau ie4 by the easlt or cilV reference, will t«e promptly attended to fob'Ju - imYTiOOli*. I SHACKLETT* WiHTE, No VJ Diamond Alley,are now prepared ur offer to msr .ktni, a laree and desirable stoci: of ! ; • MBSH SPRING DRY GOODS, All oT this season's J»ircba»e— of late!: and desiiable •rylct and qoalit ea. • j ! , Coontry Merchants voting or patting ttiioucti our ciir will Bud it clearly 10 *htir A«*ant?ee » etve o» a call as We are determined to sell at *cch small prnGr*. as will make it greatly to their inteie-jtto male a bill i with os. ... . , f 1 Oor stock is now full and roroplrte; compimng a j *cneral assortment of such goods as are usually kept I bv drr roods houses. I .. I A rood supply ot heavy and light brotvn FWnngs always on hand. - L . - ** ffUl-IVAU FlllE UKICKS. EXTF.NSIVEDY tested aadapp’oteij during the past iworeata.bythe principal inn inanufueipriesin the western country, and thioughootj the interior of Pennsylvania, will be reuJy fordel.verjron tUeopemra of Navigation. The material on which their durability and superiority depends, is selected l»*y Experienced in nert, bionght from Maryland, where iht discovery w** hist made—the fusible matter, with wh'rb Jt is imbed ded, I* carefully separaied They wil( be thoroughly burned and cciupae'ly pressed by mnckmcry, «'• naieattenuongisenl.v Messrs. ilarleyv* Co. the Pro prieton. in all respect*to maintain thcixaehiiowUdgra sapdrtarity. . . Orders br at I «rotherwise, will bep»orapilT*xeca ted.mt-rKc.Uoulo- J SHAW Kcmungipp Iren VA orkt KAGLK RAliOojfr TO FRIENDS AND PATRON?—f-have disposed of my llakery and Confreiionary in'Diamond Aller. and for the present will receive oidersjnt the counter of the Eagle Saloon, for fancy Cake, Coilfectionary. Calf Foot Jelljvlce Creams. Pyramids; anJ every other nr tide necessary for Soppert, Parties, Balls. U cddlngs, Ac. The Saloon will be open for Ice Creams onor abeotthe first day of April. A large'amount of money has been expended, in order to make the Saloon the most attractive and pleasant place of resort m the wes tern country, for the «|'proscbing season - Proud mf the patronage we have received, we will “'iVrt d “'"‘ * ‘"’'"‘“"‘"tNOTKW*. .. ■ Dr. McLana*- •vorrn bpcciilc TUlS'i* 10 certify rn*t, by .akingoue rial of Doctot MeUat*. Worm.Spectnc. a child of Jamer Shaw’* pa**ed upward* of » worn*, and try the uieof *a>d medicine a child of my own pa«*eJ 14 large worm*.— !, i» truly the most »nrpri»tng worm medleine I ever 1 »«■>**•' n „. V ORE Wilkiu* Towrahip For ta e by J KIDD k Co, No 00 tVmfil «rect, I’m*- bnrfb. U? 1 :^ 0 -- 'HPPWeotT UtOS WORRIt. : Nail*, ShovrK &e. for aate at cmr new Warebbute, No. 5# Water *trect, near Wood, run- at the old .land, MeUaitert *|lavinj e inad”o»3f. «•? • Hi. , w "** * re ** **" *' minsfielorer’i pnec*, wboi«“* r * . , No 3B wood nreot, np *Uin. Order* teemed for American Hardwire,, meMB ING, APRIL 3. 1847. ALLEGHENY CU V ip.!) UaGt* waoird, ice in CASflwill be (tort of Wriliftf and .'UI.DSi SUEE rid »U. Piu»b*u|rb ilie »ulj»riibfr, ibe *iano t-'ori4, IFreoeh Piano Foitf, with jjuiiomtnf. t’nd Piano, made by V Kt.EDKR . IweH I *, 6« Third at »«Mlr J T STUART. INSURANCE ladinanlty. agalait Loao «r Daatag* by TUP. MUTUAI. PEINaPLKCOMBINED With the-additional aeeuriiy of a fMock Capital. The BeUanee Mutual Insurance Co*, of rkiTa. CHARTER PERPETUAL.. (URECTOBS. John M. Atwood, Lewi* R. Athlmrtt, ' George N. Uaket; John J. Vaodetkemp, p W. Carpenter, urance against Lon or Damage “iTTiiuROH and Ticlnltr, os other Boildmw, and onFurai and Merchandive, on the moat :»ple,l combined with a Stock! pr promion.t of the Charter oT [on t onoretl inducement*, both ’ ' to iboeo detiroua of e Sec ting the Company ask the attention thoac i fate retted. * ... inaarance with, thia Company inal protection againat low, by. d of insurance, the additional :t participation intbe ptofUt of ml on* .\abilitf. i B \V. TOLAND, PreaiSenL a, Secretary.. ho la the duly authorized Agent ] Company, it prepared i© make Dffice of the Agency/ in the Third at, third door from Wood i all further information desired THUS. J. CAMPBELL. PIHHBY, JB., r rrmatrxon roa »nx iA George W.To! Thomas C. Roc Wn. R.Thonii George M. Sira WILL (aahe by Fire, House*. Store* i turn, Gooda.Wt favonble term*; •The Mutual Capital, and th ihl* Company, of profit and * Inaurance, to* nod examinaih Those efiec have, betides tbe ordioa y i adrantageof a tbeCompcny. Gfc BJd.HiiM Tbe subsert or the abore t inioranc*. at su Cbarle*-H< street, and wil mytediy. *RE. MUTUAL /Compmay •fPMladt'l** od bnildinga snd merchandize iptlon, and MARINE RISKS » of Teasels, taken opon.lhe DEL Saftty luaa Fire risks a f oP.eTery dc»cr upon hnliaorcargo most lavorablo tern Warehouse of W.. 8. Holmes ter, oear Market street, Q 7 Office in the dt Bro., No. 57 WJ burgh. i of this Company since tbeestah* : y in ihta city; with iheprwnpfcua - uch every claim upon them for i rtl. fully-warrant th a agtni in wi and puronare of bis friends and. m rge to I)sb lietawanj BL 9. Inata it: it has the additional advantages' a moos tue 'moat flourishing in glin ample paid in eapi>al,.wnieb t :harteri*eonstanilYinerea*ing 5 etioo insured his one share ol 1 npany without involving him * whatever; anti therefore as 4l principle tfivested or every in I in its most attractive form. t N. 0. The idccer. liilmient o' the; Arm anJ ÜbtmUfy witn wl loti hat -been* adjuil ’viting (hr confidence 1 the community at lal ranee Company, whlu at aa inctitutirm d Phltad’ia—o» baatngl by the operaliooofit*l ae yielding to f. North America, .1. through it* duly aulhurixcd Agent, the vrbserv t>cr, oflera to nuke permanent and limited Insur an:c on pro; erty, in thi* cityund i!a vicinity, and on ihtpment* bv tbc Canal and. Rivera. * umKfrroKS. ? Jniin (•*. Smith I’ree't., Samuel Brook*, Ale*. Henry. (' baric* Taylor, • Sami. W. June*. Sami. K. J*mith, Kdnard Smith, Ambnwn While, John A. Broun Ja?-ib M. ThmnH, j.,hn White, ' John K. Nell, Tho*. I*. Cope, ' Richard Wood, ' W«. VVeUb, Artiiurli. Colfin.Sce. Thi* is the oldeft Insurance Company ia the United Stale*, having been chartered ut 1794. It# charter it perpetual, and from Sl» high tlanding. long cipcneaco, ample mean*, and avmdiiic a;l r aka of an e*tra liaxirdrm* chancier, it u«ay he considered aa offering ample «ecurity to. Hie public. .-JOSES AT.’. ODD, At (’minting Room of AHvo.nl, Jotmr »V (V, >Vatiirand Front itrceU, rmvbur,h. ap’JC-rt ' /NDEM NTTY Ag iuat Lo*«y KKA.NK! IN H I rplilSold dnd weH-citabfi*bed Company eutlinofi to L ib»ure liaitdißg?, Konuture and prop* eny notof anloxtru barardou* character, a*ain*l low or .damage by Ore. ~~ Applications Tor iiwaraneea in rittsboryh end n» neighborhood. will be received, end riaka taken titbcr oeroeiuaJly or for limited periods, on favorableterm* by \ CKO. COCHRAN,''Agent: ftovtg \ • _ N*o SO, Wood M. I FKKSH ARRIVAL o>\nkvv music ibr ri- I ANO FOIffTK and GUITAR. " 1 Soli** axrangri far lA« Piano. The Uloo Juiuaia; by .it. I) Sullivan ft K. L. White; l.Vcollrctio’i* of Ronfe; I>y Hutchinson; M Viig.uim Mirl*uel*. No 10; the Guinea I Away Uosrrt Ka*l runictong—aai**kTHutchin»oa* ; Mary U aiiea on Ktbiopian Melody, by Wfiutock; The la»t Farewell; * favorite nicer; I . The Snow-Storm, a»pefform*d by th« llutehioten*; Moonlight, Muaic. lajrr and Plovrcia—a Duett; Tberts’» a (inod fruo Coming—by tbe iinlebinaoiu; Sleeping l Dre.'m l.ove—by llewin*;; Dreumaof ihe Pair—by KliiaCooju j ' Jits ihe Linki that Round t*a Brokeuli Lore he Our Guide— by Englebrecbt; 1 Fm SadilcM.wbew I Sing; MatrimomaJißweei'*—a Comic Duett; Where aronow the Hope* ICbenabedt The Uridgf'qf Sigh*-*ung ty the Ha:chin«oti*;. Oh! Sammer N'.ahl—by Doniiett*; ‘ Folks*. | AonaPolka4-by J. Straus*; I Fathion.auew t'ulka— l»y Nezelskyt lloherrtan Pdlka; Celebrated lialuin Polka; Burgmullet’*. Kim Polka; J Guitar Kw. Sound* *o : Joyful! 1 Feaatofßoaya; . : - ’ Oil! Love, to me the Power; , The Woodpecker; Kmbtem Flower; j Morning l * Roddy Ream; Orphan Ballad Smgei*; 1 l«o»e the Free; 1 The Waieber—by MraS.J Hale; The lUoc Juniata—by Mr*. M. D, Sullivan; My Soul iB Dark—by Byron; J ’ 1 Love but Tithe—by D Meisnen. I ' , Juat rceeivrd and lor rale at the Book and Mune Store ol r JOHN ifMRLLOR m ehiS \ - No Fl wno»tre»t THE Panrieuhtp heretofore exiftinf under the firm of Mai»hall, ISiadler, t Co., was durolyed on the sih mViani by imiiunl eon»ent. The bmiueMAf the lateGhn willbe teltled by Marshall Uallabe i.Mc- Geary. ' • JAMES MARSHALL V ALEXANDER HEADLEY i \Vm. \V WALLACE 1 HENRY MeUEARY- FRANKLIN FOUNDRY. I'IUK bu«ine** ol the above Foundry Wit Ibc eontli . edhy the subscribers qnder the hrm of IMarshat Wallace 4. Co, in ail it* various branches, viz: Hollow Were Mill Gearing! !*love* and Stove Plate* Light 4 Heavy Mnch'ry Wagon Bose* 1 Engines j. . Gratr* & Sad lion* ‘ Engine Castings . Plough* Plough Carting*, ie. 4« Madeuf the be*t material*, and at the lowan price*.- I’urebawrvatc lOritrd tu nail andc-XAtnineour Stock at the-\t arehouw in Liberty *tr«ri .\o BL, nriii the head of Wood »lreet. JAMES MARSHALL Wm W. WALLACE _ HENRV MrOKABV _ PEABb RTUBET IIOtHE, €laclaaall f OHIO—The subscriber* having purchased the en- I tire interest of Col.O P .Wilhamsoo, late of thts well I known e(Tf!>l'»l'Ol*hL beg leave to stale to their friend* | and the public generally, that they have taken this commodious Hotel far. a term of'year* and will exert' their ben energies to make it a desirable borne far Tru?» elters and City Boaider*.' . " • The lfot**l i* apaetou* and admirably planned for con* venienee, light and air, haring..* number or juulors adjoining chambers, presenting unusual auraettous ». The present proprietor* having had the axpereneepf years in this city anti elsewhere, hope they will be able to give general satrsfactlon. being determined to givp. undivided attention to the hodse alone. . • Tholocation-of the pearl Street ItoaseMoneomsmnly eligible, having froa«» on Pearl, Walnut and Third stir so that h is equally desirable in view of the eonvenL enceof business vx*r or retirement far private boarders. It is near by the Bank*, the Post Oftce, tho.Mawni* 11.11.0dd Fellow, lUH.ood boloiwijwuo Jwlool (wm Main street and two squares from ihe City WhatT, thus offerinrthe greaiett inducements, especisilyto country merchants and generally to all M mebar JWWjA.OUOLK £ a. CA*U*. *•• A IQS THROCKMORTON begato acquaint b’t friends that be is again, lessee of the .Q.ALT HOUSE, Louisville, Ky., where he hopeslOdiifv t ail' his old friends, assorieg ihetaandtho pabllo,lhst,M eflort vbf» be spared to makoalleomfariable who favor! , ban with their natronsge . " . fanlldly. PEIfN COTTON M IUL; . - PtTTsxauoH, Pa. , - ! THE above cmattlishmeßtlbetfg'nbwltt'ssoedsefla l operation; we are manufaetetingi vory-ertoasiv^y^. , aaanicleof neavjgh*otlo«Vi well adapted to thq retail trade, which fay beaatr and quality cannot baexoeitol by any other make fn the coonlry.The atientwref ) purchasers <• »llci»ed to an •xamlauioa.■••• * i } febttdtoAwltP , KKNNEPi CHILDS fc Co ■ N' HOLHBS 4 SOSt Exchange, Banking; and • Collection OSee. No UMerket street, PilUbereb, Pv . 7 nchlfi . .. r OunOnan lnd, FOR .LIVE FENCES, received tad for airie \tf the subscriber. It be* bsen procured at a bearyex* Ma*e from iunetire country, This plant is roanafiomexperimeni* already wade, to be preferable for Hedging toony other *»r thUelimate, being petfeeK ly hardy mid of «tulck growth. No domestic animal will browse, or Inioet baibOriu It—nenhet will it damp off in the lower limb* by age. like every.ifeo.ru thxrhaa bean tried in this coamrji it will bear pruning. well., and in 4 rears males a moeVperfeei Hedge." It should be'planted ip a nonary and tikasplamed at. l'yemroM-’-tnay bo,pruned and ibo cut ins* set down between the plant*;which will grow and make a perfect fence, at much leri expense than the rohivaiionof any other (born. - " . ; . ■a N WICEERSHAM A' •; •• | • eerwned andftthra . . i'C'ui.'-' ;''. ' RIcnARDT.LKEOn, Jr., v= IMPORTER and Dealer in Foreign sndDoteilicSed - jdlerf. Hardware.-and Carriage Tinzsatngaof all description*, No 133 Wood street. Pittsburgh; Jwjrslvove to-annoaoco to the Coach maker*, Saddle!*, Country Merchants, and buyers generally, that be expects, to 1 open lor sale at the above.siand, aboal ike Utter part of; April, ao extensive aasbrtment of - " ’ w — • • 1 tf ADDIiERV lIABDtVARP, JIND CARRIAGE - TRIMMINGS,' including-erfty article ased in- those :; dcpaitmepts; as. r |. , Dear and Called Hair, . Carpet, fortiareline bags: Mess; Tacks; , .Varnish**; Oil Cloth: , ' Saddle and Gig Trees;! , Saddler's Tools; V*- . 1 ■■ Skin! and Leather,. Glue; Glass Paper, fee. Airof wbjeh.wiltbo sold, snf Urnil, at the lowest Eapteruprieks;* andihise who have beeirin the btbit of going E itt to buy their goods, have only to Call and examine my stockaod price*; 10 satisfy themselves that time and money may bo sated,by spending talk at borne. i-. * . [Having]had six thfllhosiaess, and determined to devoid'his whole into and attention toil, be hopes to merit a share of poblie patronage.' 1 - < mehlllf • •?. J . _• .... FftAMUN IBO2V . WORKS, Warehoute turned'of Wood and Frtmi itrieti - PITTSBURGH, PA. . ‘ fJIHE soUcnbers haTtngparchastd foe FHaklts-iran 2. Work*, formerly owued byAlcssrs. J. A. Stock ton 4 Coland made extensive addition* tofoem.kreßOw prepared to furnish tooider Iroaa 4 Sail* a all soe*,-' werrMtsd equal to any ip the market; ! We also keep on band Sprint Jtmtrkan SUiUt gteelorthebvst qualities. ; Oqj friends visting this nutrk«t will And «a prepared • sspplyrfoem with a fim rale article, andmras good torn* as can bebbtaisediii the city. ■ ' • mvH : 1 -- H COULTER fc Qe > • I. ■ PAM**!*, ' - MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF W P A P E R, Finßonrd Prino. Bordw*, JLandx*pt .Paper; Oracm* sal Bairn*, Tronipomi Wmdim Skoda, fa, ; and Dial* {m Writing aodßFrappint . t „• Paver. Bcnrul£ndßlndtn* • ■ *■" }•••■-•••■• - j No. 17 Market atraet. .between Third and PAunh PITTSBURGH, PA., • 1 ' HAS had: at do former period, a slock eo extensive and well assorted u that to whfchhsoow.iaost ttspeetfullyinviteifoeauenriouolpurehaser*. Itcoafr prises Frenehind American Parlor. Hail,.Office, Chamber aud Conn ting Room Paper or every quality. The color, are hriUiant and d arable, and foe style of patterns unsurpassed. By ibeßegular Line of ett between Havre and New Yore, and from the Fac tory, which it always in attire operation,' and naiform* Ijr supplied with the hast workmen foe eountrycta (uti ai*h,freqoeai. additions, doting the spring and aononor, will be made to the goods m store. Prices, .‘moreover, will be so txtrtmdp wudenti as to meet the wiewmbf (he most economical, and laiix'jr Merchant* and Houye keepers disperedie examine and judge for themselves, that their interest* writ be essentially- subserved h> baring aifoi* otaUbkmoU.- Tow and Tanner’s Serapa.takee w trade, orpought at the regular market price's. . aptMy . ' A* ■ • Y : Sb er, has rebuilt and commenced business at his old sand; where he will he pleased to 1 pee his old ciutamers and friends-. BH ' Church, Steambo'a(,"and Cell* of every. from. 10to lMOOpoonds, chitft*m mpet approved models, and: • s *w i warranted to bo of the best material*; Mineral Water Pumpv Counters,-Railing, ogethcr with every variety ©fßrmseCusongs; ifreqoir*. erhUumed and daisied in the neatest manoer. ; . pTA. F. is the sole proprietor of U*Bttrrt Ahrt- ATtamot Metal, so jntly celebrated for-ihe redoe rienof friction ia-machinery. Hie Boxes and Compos aiuoh caabebadofhim atari limes., . jahl-ly .. ■EOOIIiSTS’ HO-IEI., Corner of- Third and Smithfield itredo, prrisBURGH, pa. r . B* Weaver, : TUIS new and spaci&us HOTEL, erected since foe • GREAT KIRB, and fronting on two'of the most' poblje streets, is Busarpaseediathecouatry,whether as regard* its architeei&ral arrsnrriW:nt*,or foecle- Since, taste and comfort rf It* farofihin?*. Siitausd'ia £ immediate-vicinity effoa- STEAMBOAT LAND MNfo BANKS/EXCHANGE OKFlCES.audprincipal MERCANTILE HOUSES, it offers to TRAVELERS and III'SfNKSW MEN'de*t£d>le Conveniences: whilst re FAMILIES and GENTLEMEN of- leisaie: its ia-' ternai adonl every' accommodation the mo*t fastidious can dmire. The Pax* lor a and Chambers are aU furnished in modern style, with eatireiynew and eJegont.Fdniaurei an efficient corps ofaaentiire eed obliging servants it maintained,arid foe TabU will always abound with the. choicest delica-J elcthe marketsaflord.' ' (hr Proprietor, who ha* bad long experience in this: ..no of busmess, assures the pub-ic that no effort on his | pint will he spared to satUfacUr ’v accommodate those : »hoiai>'favor him with :eir » I'tom.-r - ■- - r "; An Omnibot and il <-. >ge t .will alwnys be In i n adrue** for »he guru-«. die lv--e.,‘ j frbis U. WEAVER, Proprietor. WM.McCULLY *. C«. r IMITATION CROWN OLASS.: HAVING recently made, very tmptmaht tmprore-i •menuin the manufociofeef the above article, and 1 nitojtf- ' H«latest improved eastern wheel oven for flat-- lenity, we aie now prepared to furnish anartideof Win-- dtnvulassjeoaaLunorsaperibMo tnrCyliadcrGla*s| maile in the (Jatled States, arid tint tittle Inferior to the; Kneli*b Crown. , i t W e ore also very extensively.eagaj>ed in ,the marra-; tenure of Common Window GlaM'HulDritggiflr’ VTuli! eud Boabsof every description. 4>cnlers gcuerelly are' nvited to eall and examine for themselves, at our waret bouse, No- Pa, ' i; . orrAl !" ' I { ■ ' • PiTTSBDBGH KEBILE ISSIITOTE. -piHS Institution, under the care of Rev. J. M: 1 liosnou an !at>?.'m wbiclshri.Uie solid and or. nnmrmnl branches of a fimahtd education.are taogbl i* for ihe reception of pupils at . i * Ko. SR, Irvrlmn Roar* Liberty Street*; , j between 3d'and"tih ftreets. Thn Second Session will commence ou Monday tbi tth.of Febraary. nmlil ls important: that any who may design entering »hoidd, be present as fares practicable either beforcor at that time., _ - •• • They have secured lbe services of PioreswwßmT HOCK ax teacher of Music on foe who is too well known to need rccomiQS^wHloßAlso foe services of Mods. CA£I.MIJIfiAI3BHYT, aatliofot da U IwiitalikiTfuncsis.” sndother vaioslile antiyc. language. Mona: 1.. is ttgpidoatn ef the University and NorraAl -School of r*Jta,Tß( J stand* bijli a»a‘ If sc her,’ Those who de-i sbetoobuiaanacearAieand.focroagh foo French Langueco wooiddo#cilto-placftihem»«JyeS under his instruction - . I ' For terms,-'see Cireatar orapnly to the Principal.' ’ JWf_ • ■- ■ : - ; ndYSRTS, BONNETS I—Bar rowv lc Turnei t 3 arc opening to-day, a -very large and beamifhl as} snnraeat of New Bonnets—the tmstspproved itylcs fov 1P47 . . ’i" ■: *. Their sloek consists in part : e£- 1 -t- t-; f (. Superior Rice Patent; Ffcreblmer; i - I Chinn and Rtce Pearl; - Kloienee Braids; . : • l English Dunstable; " Fineltofll Bir*ar,''-:-i Rntlarids. . • j Mures’Bounets. of all styles and qualities. j Also. Bonnet Ribbong.in great variety—very detim* blesiyles. Muses’ Bonnet assortment. French Artificial Flowers, if different stjles, very beautiful—all of which arc offered at unuiaally low prices ■ • : . -■ . ■ : ■ l Milliners supplied with the goods, [in any quare tityi on the most fovorabte terms,-at meh'l7 . [ N.o_ 4 6 market street ■ ISVALVABLB FAMILY COMPANION. SIX LECTURES on the I'SF.S o 1 THE LUTtps, Caoi«>i I’revcationaod pare of Comoropton, Asthma,'and Diseases of the. Heart. -Onlbe Law* of Longevity, ami mode ol preferring I 'wile and fe male health, ayiamftlr/and 1/caatyf exposing rinses and core of those dlsciac* Uni produce Coniamp- I tino, or shoitcu lifers Atleutn*a» ufl be Shift,Spine,j I Stomach,'Bowel*. Kiduryi, Liver, Sfcmlula, •(Snivel, and Female'Complaints., lt« roles, easy] practical and puretinnria guide t'• Enveloped with wrapper'of each book, Afiimdauecof eeitifleaie* CJnl fcbl7U6m -■ - j V •,. ■ • ; '.••••> Kftwaxri'VodA WOULD •lerpec.lfully’ aoodur.eeto the toerehiaii dr Fitubaif l. I*l*l he baa opened a room for the aale of E«itern oti> BfaMered good*, meha* Stocks'of every deanidtioti; tMlit*. Bosom* and-Collar** Luodonirn* derr, North.** Bd’k»nnd>i)‘e< ( Ac;.for rale at sn«. faclnreM’ jirUea. .A(*o t ;« !ar>e assortment of Black and Fatter CtvTitst f«**»te at KastenrjiHeta^wliole* 1 aala.'i - U" ■ ;r.j of fancy .braid and Igimpßonßeu.dftbcip.'lnf style.' '. AliBo-P»la Le4£, Stair-i»rLeO.MERCHA2iT; i * r -Rd.Si Woofc STntrr/Pirriabhh*, ; f JTtONTINUBB totraxcsct a |es«nt'C«WDtnttiQ V/ BuiaeM, etpeenUy W-lb* porehuanud told, l of AKericaa fdaeefaeti»«i Aid.Jfrodaef.'iod is I rtceiviog sMi forvvdlnt Goads coniigßed„to- Ms [earmf A* AjehtTor thepfsaßfsctnroin.be.WUl be I constantly supplied wlthtfie - principal artlelea ,of | BttAairfn MnnAetara' it the lowest wholesale I price*. Otdadl-aflS cocuißSßantaaraßspaetrbMf larticited.') fUICTtPtM ± Vj will befooMauhe tiore of MWif* Letch, telth* teh) street, brtwpenSd wd,*th. : dotT7 jos. g. ba via. ;■ ' i u-'s -S i' VOL. XIV:-—NO. 203 PHILADA, ADVEBTLSEMEXTS. CBAIG. BEUAB A Co,* FLOUR FAeTOBS. AND.PRODUCJ3 COM j juusaioN.sffißQiiAiTd.^ ’ T jlHUßAL*caih‘adVsace* made on receipt of cosh vl-4 stgnmcnu. Those shipping to our'aildrcss will be rAts force-toorths value in ndirancc in Casa, by RnpU. rngWtet'frihAddf ”5 1 ~ - - ■ • - • - Messrs: Walitnaford £1 tytor, PiUvbnmi. Messrs. TbomDolLA CdiSndgApon.Ohlo. >: ” Philadelphia, May 5, Wd,, . v . . raay27-tf «v hi -O; U> 0* \HnMurrd'when in foe warebotiscof.Wallingiord A-Taylor, Pituborgh, . or lit our store in Philadelphia. " C.. 11. A Co. '*■ TMPORTERof Waicbe*. W'aicjiiriahrV«'Tgul«,'aud 'LI Watch Material*, Wlolctale *riil retail.and eon-. n 4 n *[y> on Irenjtalartß aMortarntof-Luneue. Patenu‘> f fend Flam Class, Mamspringa Vereva. Dials Watch . Hinds, and'* ctßnpJetS' asstmroefti wrill Tools and Mai• •epiml# bmtoowiog- jo foe trade; wtfo a large arwuncut of Gold and SiiyerLerer.'t.rptne. and l*kni Watches: nil of which ha will gtmouttjr u> acl> at foo lowest Kum : - -York price*. All orders.Ootu the. country punctually, offecaied-;-' sure;- v-.-i* . • -•i.-’i •• N. B-—Coantry Merchants and otliei* are invited m eairand «xamllwttt'tßeOl: - . PoK the sale of Flour, Grain, Sredj Ac., fen vine i«n LT erteiuive Warehoused one situated on tlielJela wore No 41 Nanh Wbar.-es,and ihe other on die Kail »»fl, Broad street, above Arch, Philadelphia. AU'poasignmraJs et trusted ao.their care will be •poncuuUy attended to BJidteamioaces made tu soon a* »ld. yj Beatooable advances made on all consignments if \ •Kflaii'ed.L'-'. - t- "*-■ • , i .•. it . .Bjctk^xxcs. JetoM-tfennedyACo, A c: Barelhv, MoirUPaV leriou.A-Cfti a.ALTnwtaan, K*q~, Ca'hlor of the .Western Bank— Philadelphia. • _ r -BiftleyA-Bmhh,-Jas-McCoHr, MiJlertßiekeUon’ —Pittsburgh. , . . ' ‘McConnell A Plauffer—New Brighton, Pt. /“ • Wb; U.Wftl|ae*'"»i’tyi • .UEOCBIt, BROTHKAS & Co.i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, x.jK-tfttb«««JaoCP*oi»ccifeneraUf, . .. ■, >HIL ADEPHI A. fp”Uwfal Mrantea rtrade onconufcnment*: jTT P*Ui«U* • . ; . ..T 1 "" Cft-Dauenbowcr, . - IJUnaWo Salik ■ CHAIVLES K- DATUESIIOWERACo; TO B A"C C O' ' -C-o.Hfiis B.i o» Mgft-e 11 a. nr s, ■ s « .. Waier«;.f ! BF.G w '“foi® the' trad# end dealer* • gettr rsflr of I’ouborgh, that ilieylmv.i ma Je arraimcnwnu - ' wilt* lh« Vimiiia maooGieiurof* and the GrowcM of— Uie \V«t, \\ tn Judiei, uuiiother place* ae will itmaro alarseaiu! c°n»um « a •-• Uoa*#f. which wtiihc eoldupon «» aeeoni. modeling lertniii*-tuij- oilmr house in jbia ciiy or flue. wTictc, «Bd 'fcJ! jro»l>Ordwd irom vriM !.«s Trar nstea equal to rcpr&witiaiion: .. . >- • 'Havana;' ‘Sti Domingo; Conn., ) • • • - Var»i J»on>Rico; “I*efln*a.Js L *«dLear To •?r b £v^n ; , , Mi/toildb.) Ucmk . " ;.4r S ?^ B^a, * e, * Aromatic Star Csren- of other popular brand.. and;coaHuea of ponniKSX «rO:»# JC* aWtel-I aaCaSaand lOa Lodiw* Twin* VirgmiiTwuol ke, pwert and plain, m whole and half Uii e -, wuM and iia-ioge&er with every variety of article btfoh#: : 1 mg to the mid*. y jrKWlv JDBRRX &. NICKERSOX, " " . "nanurn’cfufert of ■ ■ AW.lfeßS,' 84181.18 BOTIU3IS, 'AVApOK CGyEfUAAND CRAIN RAtiri OF AEL.IIKSCIUPTJOK* ao>9fii Sonlh’Frdnt'Strecli Balk of T. A. • W iborti CnbhittWare Mariufy At if *'looo,-01 the office of the attepdrdlo. - THUS. G. DKURV Kpio-dir... ,\i ... a. o.wii;Ki'nw)y- TO BOVTBERf AAOAVB3TBUN MER t— CHAWTH and druggists. .. fc SON. Importettand Dsalrrt ■ * T-Im- - • • :?* *b'i« BnuKtt; Ccmit. JV/u w rg- Dm.*. swpMr' t l' ,; * C A'- '3O-south fourth ~ . anilClitanttL marly cypatift He lndutu Huiei. have on hand a lirrt asMirtvicnt of , • n *v*** , . lb * , Fliaa,«fthdp.owa.jßiport«Uoa tad aianufee *U. “ *K» % ««aar l®»w» F'C", aad on They tnyertfitHf tohch aa rnminatlon’of c ?? C 4<*'» d-.i.oualrtrand.prim will Among Itye article* are the fblbyr. ***oeii»h, F?mir lsn pattern; Tooth Bnidia, DO pattern.; NwljCcmb-aad-Cfoth^-tad Horn Coojbj, |tn Prrcunioa* Cap/; TmtiSfs— Calc* and‘snur Pocket Bookaand Walleu; Card Soaresi™;! ( MdloanJ Gent’, \DnZ Gilt Good, in tarirtv; “ d !T o *‘ °f« Md CtaMiha Fanl; U- • die, Brad Ban ami purses; Accordion, cad Mnwe :ElwUo.Dm»kH. ? GapvGrrain aud k>r«h ?'; t'lnlt and’Blue &iuccr>; Per. "a**™- «»U Jwirdrtjwtftnfl* ITnitod-SUtw 1 f“niuhed without cliarge, aad jm Utg Plilladelphli, iluti 5,1 BI? ~ _;«QU«T TURNON HOUSE, Nix.as- iWih*:'S«*«id Sunt, pbiiadtiphia. . rlain>V of (adiloeaUe Carxbm VehwWi ofallitjiei and df«ripUc*« made to order at tk* thortrit pouit>Ui>oliec, and etceuted in Ibt \rer7 l*» ! manner, of circled material. f«b23-ly : ’ steam moa OAU.ISO factousy' RIDGE ROAD, above •Butloavood.Street. Phil* ; odeipbia. At this establishment uny bcTonmi thel greatest variety nf Plans and beautiful Patterns for IRON RAILINGS in tbo United States to which Gbe attention of those 10 want of anyd«crip>- especially forCcmcterios; is particularly iofited.: y. ; The principal part of ail.lhe hand'eomo. Rniluigi at Lau.pl; Hill, Monument, and other—colebrmed Cenjeteriesjn the city and conbty ol Philadelphia, which hate : been so-highly ertofieJ by the-public press, we e eaeeutcd at this nnwifactory; -1 • A;Urge Ware'Kooiait connecicd witb.tte.tstab lishmoat, where.is kept.coostantly on hand al.rrgo stock ofrfca Jj-made Iron ltailingj, Ornamtntallron Settees. Ire a Chain, new itjle plain and oCbinien tal Iron fla its; with *n extensive atrertmect of Iron Posts, Ped !aUI» r lroo Arbors, &c:- AI«o, in Bleat variety, W roagfttaad Cats for !lai!iari r and otherporposea. ‘ 1 u The rabteriber wooldal«6 r abtfl that indiis Pat XfirnapdDengning he,haj eispJoyfd ■one of the brst talent.in the couotrr, whose whole attention it eeroled to the sito» gother one of the nest cproplelqtod systemaiie ts« ÜblishroenU of the kind in tho Union. .. -0- , ■ ROBERT Proprietor^ :■ 1 1 Ridge Road, above- Bu> 100 wood street. Philadelphia, Marcb.lS. JBA7 dGuio*., , . ; CUK&P WATCIIBfI.r. ; rpilK AND HJL'VER WATCH PHILADELPHIA. , • ' V kO; i- CJqJdLeter»,ft»U Jewelled, * ' [' Sifter"'** - do" "■ • 1 . v! IC«U lupine*, Je«ell(tt,> i 1 - Silver do do " ' ' . Silver Quanier*, fine qupliiy, : t'i -JB to i' i \ OoJd WlUfAevplain, • , .15 00 epeetMleV 1 * it : -v ifi'i •***««£-*kt*&tf'?a-44fct. : -,'j' £ol4-#taeclets t .. l ,- s i:.. -Vj‘4DQ, • t >;&o.eal>aad.'*. Urge aiaJrttaifit '©fCWd:'4Ba' , lfalr Bracelet*, Infer earrtß**ffoM vmK «*«• fpewu.wfcat foam, rhißjWeVaeld seek, enrlr IM fob ehalru, guard key* .and jewelry o£ fivery IdeterlpltUL. at eq Tally kiwT'ricrt.'-Aflf • call ■ cJUIJIwUqC W»whc* pad aodwar rapiedldkeepxooduineforenMeaft-cJd gold onV *? ,fJ CADOMtIIP Waten, Ctoek, and Jewelir Siorc, .No {£3l M*tke Mrtei, above Eieveirtlr.Tfonli aidf, Pbitadefpnia;' .2 frajrtba above f new-',,.-. ~, -,.;1;V %: j 1>«k80... ■sw.'«i'»?»!)_!»■■ rr.il, : offirnlbi ealg—Hleaebed Water ; 11 2* r * Bleaebed Wujicr and Xt&S^^SSStSSSL fectwf, aMTuaera , / JO