The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 01, 1847, Image 4

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JPRfetf fast packetXine, •
L *;» /.
Roll Trt PMIIaUA. in pALTtMhBR
I Exthitirt!]/ fur foumfcri;
.tie are reppretfaliy lafonne*} thas tbit Line
' raciice ruining on or about lie Ifltb in»tim
utr Ute *e«mn. Tie proprietor*
p;acbi a *-uprr;o r tfa»* of Packet! and Rail
iMrt.tßi* rooie, with exira acromflwdationn.
gftatcrcomfort la traveler!. -
hßoatwtftia!wi)i'l>e in port, and tbl i*»v
flc lo call and ezamuia tb'em,
r ■* ir >K R«‘»aßo eUewbeie.
the > -ckcu/pill.Jeare the iindiog.(oppo*iw
[' Mi'»i llolrl,i co/ner Penh airect and the
-fco'Ji-Jhi at So’ctoek
_ . TIM K 3| 1)A VS
For mUrtntHio/i applv at the office, Mdnongahtla
UotiAc. Water i:rrci t or to DI.EECUft.Co
mcM3 / 1 enr Penn itreat indCaafti
The ?o
■iirf euniu-.
h«*e now
rua.H C*r*
-wbicb «r<!
1847- MSpJB&k
/ D. LEECH A CO'B. ,
l!l! * ii«« cson.ui* of a doubled*])
JL Line ot * ( o4:» affS-tJar« (owned by thrmi* 'Tea!]
wnteh are rr> gtxjll order. Tbe nubrcnber* are prepa
forward a larfce rjuam.ty of.Morehandiae and
with cena nty and dupstcu;
Produce or .Slrreha'idxe.<onaigne<l to any of tie an*
designed i« forwarded freed any charge for commie*
*ion or »toraje. j
Bill* Lad A.g iranantocd tad all i;mrveiiou* promptly
tuended io.l ,71’ ,
The burden of tbit Line it strictly
Sabbath-keeping principle! Aidrrsi, ot ai*pl> lo
D LKKCII A Co) Proprietor*.
1; . Ctnt3 Ba»in, PitttbUTgh '
hARRI* A LEECH, Propnetan,
(o u'Soaih Third f.iftei. Philadelphia
JOS! TAVLOR ; 4 f-ONa, Agemi,
114 North HnwjuiljtrecCßaliimore
W M \VII>ON t Agent,
_ tncblS l No 7 Wt;<t irtrtrt, New York
1647. --'ses^b
t*OU Itirliraixl-or: illm of Freigln between Pittsburgh
and ttid Ail.iii.e Cjtiea. avoidlug iramhiptncnis ou
ibe way', and iht eoircqoem mk, of delay, damage,
breakage and aeparatjon of good*. *
No 27b Market atrert. Thiladclphta
j Or Fibm nod Wayne us I'iU*bnntb
O’COVNQR A Co, Npnli «r**et. Baltimore > ,
W*JT »t*. N. V. \ As
Eicoursgcd by inrjrcared tu*ine»* tbeProprteiora
have added to thrjr « bek and extended their
inem* during the wintj-r. and art non prepared tutor*
waidfre.R.t wilt treblarit) anddiapateh u»*tjrpa>*rd
by any other lint 'j*ije:r Vjitß cxp-ttcnca a« carrier*,
ihe pilpmiiie ropeiiAtiu alike Portable Fomi ’t*) aiem.
and the rfrcai eaparjr and convenience of the ware
hog»t« mi earli end oi :h« line.'arc peculiarly ealcula*
ted *u Ihi' pfopr riura u> fnlGI thiir engajrtneiiu.
• nd iccMumn rare their rtt»tncncr« ■ fopfidcniiyoffermy
the pa*i a* a puinl): for the future, they respectfully
*o!u'-i that patronage which they now
gratefully aeknowirdyr^j-N
Alt r<»n**)tnmrn;* tn j'aaffr A O’Connor will be recHl
and’ornarCeO- Sirentbriateharf'-* paid aid L'iU» ol
Lading iran*nritird trerj of any charge .for Comrniaaion,
advaiir.ini: or Meregr ] Having tio interest directly or
indirect!) in airaudviv ».»he intere*! of the consignor*
mu»t nece»iarn> I* t inr primary object in *R:ppinß
wcai and ‘tn«) piedce i :iernael|r»to forward alt good*
cor.« cnrd io tnnn pro npuy and on the mutt adranta
geou» rerrit» ’o the own rr».
March I. ifc-47 ~. % m ,,a
184 7. easfeai
'*•" oprcare will be forwarded wuh>
jOUrrrm r»lr*. llills of (.tiling
?uuetiotu promptly a;tf-pd<dto
rgn for stomp?* or cotßmis>ion
Canal Uatin, Pimhurgb
e and roinntndioa* waret,ou«r.
-•rive im addition to lieight for
r:i of Produce, Ac . on Storage at
Til & CO’S LI.IE.
. the iraniporaiKin o t WAY
wo Put; burgh. liioir»Tjl)r, Jnhn»-
i,| Water Street, I'eterabursii and
i|he waiehooae ol C A McAnulty
•rpy day. [elCcpt Sunday*.) and
on having jjieu good* tor
i' and hi fair rale*
lor tiic
•imi me propthruin retpcrtfnily
cif patronage. • "
It It. jriltN SUU.FR
li* KOWfcUT WOOtfti
N MlM.ljll, iloirdayabafghi )
CA.NAV John-iowii ' J Agent*.
MeAM'f.rv & Co. IMUburnh)
• it Krti toe to. /
its. Jnlmlt’aiker, Robert .Moore, Bagalry
bnrch | maifi
T 'Hit* ».i«e being rempe*cr!of Steamboat* Lake Erie
Michigan, ruiniiug 'Lily ihelrr ecu Puisiiorgh
xa<3 Denver. ami rmgU and paaJecgcr Canal Boat*.
ron>'*rj; between Oat-erattJ 4 r.ejandconnecting with
C M R?iw’* Line of ntennjboni Pfopeller* and Vessel*
on ho L*k.e», will be 'prepared upon the earliest open
ing of .Navipntio.i to (carry Freight and Passenger* to
oil ,x.'iii»ou the Rtvcj, Cmial and Lake*.
Having even- lui-Jny fbr conveying freight and pas
sengers wth pmn.pirrfc*^ l and dispatch, tin* prupiietcr
and aeents ie«pertfupy »olicit f t>m ibeit friend* and
BOpubiie general!) ii>-ir patronage. "
' O M HEED, f ne. Proprietor „
HEED?*, I*AK vS £ Co. Beavrr, Art*
_ . JOHN A GAI’GIiEY, Fitisb'gb do
t-» ittrtH tc
* Wheeler. Crocker A Co, 5 ew York
Geo Davit, buffalo - -
K N Park* A Ch,Cleveland
Jas A Ana»troßg A Co. Detroit
McCturi- A Williams. Milusukie /
ilM.iol APunerp-hictyro i
Wm Power*, Pnnrrrstown, I’enna
Ceo.Mßelieluiyik Evamhurgh, Penna
John Me MiliurJjtnaHioKn, do
Wirt A Acker,(Greenville, do
Craig A Frampwii, Clarksville, do 4
W C AJulan, Sharon. do
K W CunnnflHrym SiwCwlt, do mnrS
fo(; -ir.snmpob.tinu merchandise bk
t.veen prrrsßijiujh.and the eastern
fTMIE unproved method of carrying uied by ihtt lonf
Kamblulied Lm'eJ is now »o well known ibat de
scription i» unh<fccr»a^). Gcodt are noi touched on the
route, tb\i« nil iran-h'-pjoent orcrira handling i» nave#.
The Uoat» arc of ltghi draught mad perform their trip*
in from «ix 10 »evcn ciav*-•
. The capacity of oar Warchouiet enable* fit to ftore
■ny ton*. Receiving,ajumsg, and
advancm im'of charges- *
* Uc np f-iily prepare*! to make <ale« of Produce, we
respectfully .ao:;r:;j qoUßigumcnu of western Pour,
Uaeon. Lard Hotter, L'bctw. Wool. Feathers, and oilier
article* for vale, on S*hieh liberal advance* will be
made .and other usualjfacitlUr* afforded, pledging oar--
selves Ihst any business entrusted to ui shall be aa
promptly executed and upon a* fur teno» aa by say
other bouse. | JNu-.MeKADDKN A.Co
» Canal Baatn, Pittsburgh
JAH4I 1* A VIS* Co
mchltf » .949 anJyil Market*!, Phiiada
_ r~ Jls).' DICKET, ——.
East Btcrtr Point and Bridgewater,
■ BUTIIB cocbti, ri,,
Propru-uiraiid Agent of steamer*
E | >
ijon earlieet openmpof eanal nav
ire property *i bi* wharfboaior
rioinu on Krie Extension. Cio»*
if*i for alj port* on Lake Erie and
oftnrward produce, Penu'a.
V to.dr addrere 'z~~
l jAt* filCiiO, Bgtvrr ,
1846. IBHEfiB
T. Richmond k. Co
soramisalon Merchants,
ri)t>ricsor* of tbm Line (m favor*
p public). will 1* prepared on tbe
ctenai navigation to receiveprcp
f>*vt-rj and deliver the ia»d at
canal*, andaltoon Lakei'Krie
grpateat deapbicb and airea*-
ibis line. xolicit the bniiMM of
...» mrtncr eu»u>... f wiiJi confidence, knowing that
Uieif l*c.iiiie*arr »<-ixind to .
Apply |u» o{ addreM
’ (i M lIAfITON.AgI. PiuaLargh -
’ CI.aRKK A Co. Heaver.
; T RICHMOND k Zt ' *-eland
THK itoa pi'eu’* Foiialile Bnai company lieirtg di»-
to!*' I. ib'e Company a<a.» weniitno article* of Co
panii*r*l >p under the luini of itin "Uoatmeu'h Line.”
■ml i<keV-»e ngferd to relit the Mock X> ■« in have a
number ijr Route for jibe j.orr*o»e_o/ carrying -good*
thibagn iiifroin «* to l e'diidai». with erneinty—and
*el cneonfraard l>y ilm liberality of laM year’Apairon
,-age, to inXfce mute ezmi>i«R arrangement* fdrUhe cn
atu>«< sear\ . ' ... I
We would thrreiore rejperifally *olirit a epntino
mace of bur patfon*.en'l refer all new eoglomer*
to tliO«jwe pare donclbUMnn 4 ;" ’or. '
; !l , For thritran*pr»rtat‘OJi of . •
iL? jtl!*oi oc to ’a»u| *R#a
PaiUp&rHla, Nntr Yoxt. ixa Uv*™*
Oo atr Liberty tueetand Canal Ba*tu. Pittalturgli.
i A\. GCRHAIcrtCo ,
No BG3 Maiketatrefttl'hiladelpkid-
, I V— • Baltimore, Ma-
PITTSBURGH—Jay. McCuliy. Geo. Morgan]A Co.
W MeOully k Co. U X SampwnACo, M AlletiACo,
PH;] (A DELPHI A—lMorrl* k Co, Reynold*
McFiirlaml A Cn. Firming A JJuiby. l’eier Wrrgbi k
JSoo- IJ IJlrpham, Jorrjjh (imx.
NEIV YOlUi—Gocnjtiue AGo/Hieo Perry A Co.
• BOSTON—Sletfd. Hind A CO. I
CINCINNATI—AtIanta A Crragb, W W Sealbor-
PLEASANT. -VA-rV A Maebler. 1
NiSHVIU.E-F Fjemlpg. '
• N«T«—All mercbaodirr irom New > otk and Ifottoo,
aonttgned to A L Gciliart A (10. Philadelphia, will be
promptly fotwarded,/ryeof .coinmiaaton. • • feblS -
K*|»re*n C® Philadelphia*
MT tmimms *l*l' Cnnal twin* now oMa, tie
Wf M BB MB nbol-frilUrp w» which bs« been e»>
Ui" *"«*i "u» iue conference ° r p*et»|t*rOf
merelitnJi**-. *r««e, Wnk nwr*, jewf!ry t ,*C , com
menced msninff oa Tbbr»d*y. Mnreh IS. ■
AffWs C*wt will be dUpctched i*Hj caliche elooe
1' 1 D LEECH jkCo'
is-17. "'iSSSt,
DAILY link op
THIS well known and popalarldnc of Steamer* bat
been greatly improved Hie pa»t Winter, by the ad
dition of aerora! new and uvgnifireiu host*. Imilt
expready for it-.e Packet LIUS. and il>e enure line .«.
now evunpoxd of jigbl 0/ the large*!, beat fin-shed and
furnished, and moat powerrol 1-oai* on the Water* of
tEt Wmi. Every accommodation that money will pro
cure lia* been provided ‘or l*a*»enger», and no pain*
will he tpxrcd to rradf r them Comfortable and the trip*
agreeable They leave Puuburgb and Cincinnati daily
and po«itivclj- at 10 o'clock, A M. e
. The MONONGAHEI.A-Capt Swnr. vrtllleave Pitts
burgh every Monday morning at Hi o’clock; Wheeling
every Monday evening at 10 V. M , and Cincinnati ev
ery Thursday at 10o'clock A. M
The HUiKRMa, NO U. Capi. J KinrftUe?. will
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday tncr'/iing at IDo’clok;
Wheeling .every Tuerdnv ete.iirfg at 10 P M: ai)d
Cmeianati every Friday at 10 o'clock; A. M.
Tbe NF.W ENGLAND. NO. 3, Capi N. Dron; wii!
leave Pitul.urgli eTrrjr Wedne-diy at Hi
o’clock; Wheeling evei y Wednesday evening nt 10 P.
„M; and Cincinnati every Saturday at lt> o'clock. A M.
The WISCONSIN. Capt. R.J. timer, will leave Pm*,
burgh every Thursday morning at lOo’ctoek; Wheeling
every Thur*day evening at to P. M.; and Cincinnati
every Sunday at 10 o'clock, A. M
The CLIPPER, NO 9, Capi. CrooAj.will leave .Pm*,
burgh every Friday morning at tUo’clork: Wheeling
every Friday evening at 10 P..M.; aud CmcMiiati e«cry
Monday at IQ oVinci, A. M
The MESSENGER, Capt. LinforJ wilMcave IVt*-
burgh eyery Saturday morning at Ido clock. Wheeling
evftry Saturday evening at 10 P. M.; auu Cmcjiutuu
every Tuesday at 10 o'clock. A. M.
The ISAAC NEWTON, Cipt A. G. .Mown, will
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday mooting at 10 o ilrtck;
Wheeling cvrry Sm .fay evening «t HI P and Oin
ctnnati every Weduenday ai 10o’clock. A ,M.
(S?-rTie»c Packet* wul he at iheir hertli* ut i'nuhuish
and Cincinnati, regularly, the day previous 10 leaving
each port, tor the reception of freight, umi duiry of Pa*-
renger*on the Itrgmer. 1
Nollerth or State Room con«iderrd engaged until paid
ftit. ; J sihs_
, TI.MORK AND Pllll.ADej.PHlA.
Time to Halnmore •' >.* hear-.
Time to Ph’la.lelnhic • 10' “
lOnlyfri Mile* Staging |
r | 'HR splendid and {a<t running *'e.unei Coikul, Ixui
i and have rommrnt-ed making
double u.tiij trip*. Ouc l-oat will Irnve the ?.loiu>nga-!
belt wbart every o ontiug 1 precisely ai h o'clock.—■
Pa«*ciiffrr- by ih mo niog line-will aitive in Haltitnnre
next evening m time or the Philadelphia M a I Ha.ii, or
Kail ear. Tl e evening lioat will leavi- the
wbart dti.lj at 1 o’clopk. except Sunday. P»ii«<ngrr«
by IM* lei«t will lodge on Lvard m romfonnlile Male
ruoin*; Irave Urown-vilie next morning ar b a’ljhiek;
1 day licti,; *up and lo>!ge iu Pui’ni
itg night travel uliogctner. 1 Tb.i
ute arc ample, and the to.uicci oit
fpfiniineia* or delay* will l<e un
cro** jne mountain* 11
hriland. 1 Thu* avoid
plcparalion* „q ibis r>
complete; no ibatdi*a
known upon it.
on the mute qml : their
Passenger* can -in,
seai* *gain at pleasur
6r Sicami-oat belweei
Coaches charirred :
Secure roar tickets
or S| Chirje* Hotel,
, and have cho ce of H*il Roail
Uaitimotc and I’hihdrlplna
1 pnniev to travel u«.lh- \ tirsirrv
H the odtee, Mononeahela l!ou*e
- 3 M'l>Ul.\ii:N
»’i>R THE
:rciiamhseto and from
Baltimore. New York
ad Boston.
THE eurouriger
Da eatmotcnce
ion lo incro ise Ihe
clan boats; and in*
fore us ngenU. ttc
freight shipped by 1
Xhc boats are al
is taken the Whole
on the route, ami a
C.aptiin tvlDi run* 1
antredtnt thero wii
1 lent th-i lint* Ins received since
■nent.has induced the prr-pne
itock b> adding r number o! first
ead ofgiTtng receipts a* hereto
will give our own) receipts lor
this Itnp. -
portable, conieqoer.tly f. eight
distance without transhipment,
damige from Irrrjuent handling
■ each boat is owned by Hy
irm, which is a sutfinriu guar
ill b.-, go delay on lh» route,
hl«yrci>antjue ror.signV'ft tn the
bj; forwarded I RKk OF l-'O.M
teeing and forwarding, and uill
tl delay at tbo lowent rate* <>|
‘AH Produce nr )
oruicr> will W
MISSION for .idrai
be »hip[icd without!
We respectfully
roliett a share o' public patro-
(.'anal B.ixin. P.ltrburgh.
'RAH.J, UKI.LAS i, Co.. Agl.
Br<iad Strrci, Philadelplm.
F MILI.KR: Agent
Bowley** Wharf, Kaltiiuart-.
18,1847. ’
Pittsburgh,' Feb,
. ASD --
UV 31(!.\0SiaDKLA BOLTE,
r rMIK undersigned
J. duce. the
tng Winter, on the n
dii'ous route.
ar- now nr-parrd 10 foi ward pro-
Kasiern .Ma'rkri* itiirmg the ci:*u
txi favotab'le term*, b’v iht* expe-
All property con*
lovre*i raii*< wn
HeichamJiM rre
warded. ;
tnrd lo us wtli be forwarded at I’jr
iveil j,v mi* route promptly for
I C lIIUWKI.I,, Ac’t, I’msi'ursb.
* W CASS. Brownsville
KISKRTON A Co.Cumt^nond
A*D JS-17
'TMIE »ob»cril*<r* t
l dure to Halnroon
attlic following prtr
nil receipt for the delivery of Pro
by the MonongsheU Slackwutcr
tier, Lead. |jird, Pork, Tallow,
d Cila.—TJ ct» per 100 lbs
'A*he», lUcon, 111
\\'bi«k«T.Cliee»r, m
Touaceo.lierup, F
- Atbev |f’oi| Appl
Leather--100 rt« pci
Oil** Skin*. Seed*.
UretwaXj, Frailer
—IW cii per 100 lb*.
All property com
will be forwarded w
at above rate*. V
ax and Wheat—!>l rl> per UK) It.i
Cheese. Flax-Seed. Glass,'and
100 lbs .
Wool—ilO'eu per 10t l lbs.
~ Furs, Ginseng, and Snake-Rout
igned to cither of the. undersigned
about drUy, free of Commission,
* II CJ,ARK. Urownsvillr.
iM'A A WATKRMAN. Pittsburgh.
im SALiB.
E Steamboat lIARLEM rt| tired
refiitcdin handsome style and
st the Uonongahela urban A*
t improved the it wrli&dap'eil for
assengeni or for towing. *b has
owei. Any person di«po» <i in
c inspect her
ait, for one or mor>* year* m) coaJ
|of energy anrt husnies* habile i:iry
e*. 1 cun furni.b the lessee either
|my tnw boot lie con
metis barves, three flaui and two
I can with ropes, fixture*. A<..
on*. An examination of thee*.
. Person* di*po*etl to negotiate
to>any of the ot«ove particular >.
f Office in Stuart’s UuiMm •4»
t llarlein, near Monougahet. cay
tiios ii haird
i.OV. the very liberal encourage
the subscriber hssreceivrd since
is locate it himself in Aireglirnj,
minced bitn to take u lease, for a
of years, on the property he now
street, immediately brittle the
From the long.exierir nrr id tl.c
desire to please.-hr hopes to tner
; ot public patronage,
nisbtug to order, Itockaway Rug.
BuggiCs. and every description o(
larder, from seventy! five dollars to
||sep.>din JOHN SOUTH.
Im Printers.
jUsT and t«r i*!e,
jrom the Koondryiof (Jett. Itrure
k. Co. New Yotll. the following
hBBHI *h
carrying irtijhi nml
great capacity and
purchase will ofcou
I alto'propote to (c
I Yorkr, and 'o a mau
offer great udvantag
.00 eale or charter,
alto hare on fair ten
coal bottom*, tigtee
made for fall opera
laliliahraent it inane
witb|tne m re fere net
meat r
rued, PimbargU; or
1 CO A C
- 9 teen)
occupies, in Beaveij
above batiiie** tad 4
ii and receive b ahar
Mow on hand and
gies, open and top I
Carriage* made in e
eight huntrel.
•Af*| lb* ilourgeo.*; ?
I?t lb* M.nion T.ilv. !
s:| ll.r Ucadr. ;
271 ilia Minton; i
5 lb>Two l.tnr Miimoii *h«p«;
Space rules rti.
AI .SO—For ««W a Rte!.i van
) j>e, frotn in JS line Pi
E»* Me wi'C be «ql<} Inn''
:» Market «l
fty of Stfonil hand 'I
ca. Fk>wri«, Orn»in«
for ca*li
'[Near the UpAer Bridge, Allegheny tuy i
THE proprietor* of the Star Cotton K-ciWy ie>|M*< i
foll> inform tbe public iho{tl>ey ore now in -urrr»«
Ail operation Honor *mp!oyed the *erviec»«t t». w.
Horne* oi .tfinoprrJ who hoo boil on eipenr nee ol l.“
>rtr* >n ibe puncipol taclori** of Allegheny On>.
ihrjf would inform Dfolcr* m peneto!
ibil they will bIw»;>» have on bond superior (Villon
Vormof o!l\o»..|}ainnti«, \Vorp«,ontl Brown -Vu*lu»»
of ruperior moke. . N VOKtiTi.k tt i.V»
V B —Order* left nt the .V>H. or »t the noie of .V)
er*. Hunter & Co., Ist* I.ihe lystrrtt. wnl he pmiupiiy
d in. |nehyM3m N V A Co
wiioltitlc Urns Wnrehouie Removed
HAVE erected an bxien»ire wtrehouee on the corn' r
or Wood and Filar »treet», to which they have
temoTrd tbeir Wholesale bu*ine*», where (hey will
always have on hand an exieniive assoiminm of all
the arttrlea in ibeir lilnr, to which they invite tlip alien
liort of the public. j
T ic'Drug buiineiilwill be continued at the old annul,
con < r of Cth and Wood n«. meh^i
Fatality Groceries.
ISocccmoHo Jokhaa Rhode* A Co.J f
SOUTH. WEST earner of Ptmibficld and. Front
opposite tbb Monongahela tiou*e— Keep* ulwry*
on » full variejv of Family tJrorrno. wlnehPi*
will tell very low fo4ca*b; amongst winch are the fol
lowing article*| 1
Coffee*! Dir .
Tea*; j Snap*, i
Sugar*: : Not*;
Fre*h pore (roai>djFpu:c* ; Cbeefe, Foreign »rd Do,
me«tic Frh't*. and PttUhunta Manufactured Anielr*,-
; , Freak Hotter and Egg* alway* On hand.
I . .. ;
. i..* ---£oj»artnerabtp.
WK the undesigned. have entered into Copartner
ship for the pqrpoae of trnnaacting a Produce
Otn*l«jonand Forwardlnrbu»«r»' , *«. »'>dei foe siyie
of OIUIK, (MeORBW * CO., • .
and have taken the agarebpose, No 0 Commercial Row.
Liberty street, formerly occupied by Mr. w B
where atr'bD«ineaa 'entnuted to oor .charge w,
promptly and faithfully attended to.
MORRIS ORUM.fimnerlr of Phjlfdc phia :
THOS H McGRF.W, , Smilbficld, Ohjo
SNDLEY BiMeGREW, 1 * " ‘‘
March W.IH7.
T"eebbcid RATES. ■
ftHIO, Indiana, Kentucky, and Penna. fond*; alaff
A-F County and Csiv Order* purobaaed at reduced nate
of discount, by I N HOLMES * BON 1
dost.[ . • ! Exchange Broker, AS Market at
’ ITwNEVi6rt r '-FAILS!
|3tRH)Ns alOieled with';Scrofula. King's Evil'
M. Cancrr, Erj«tr>eU*,o!d Soree, Ulcers, Tetter,;
-Mercurial.Dtaeaiee, or any other complaints ariiiog'
from ipipuntie* of. the blood, are requested to read'
the foilowing tevtirnonial*. is proof or Lbe wouder.
ful properties ol the above nimed medicine.
\V«. the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaac'
Bmok». Jr. el tbb osce of Alessrs. Rowand and
.Walton, 37n Market elrcet. PhiladeJpbta, eonaider
bi» caae the j-m *t remarkable one we ha'ie ever wit
neuedorheat 3 of. I *
. jiti* diaeaaj was .SCROFULA, and terrible rauit
have t.eeo b t twelve jeara' conflict with the de -
, HjtPalate,* l e entire roof of bis mouth, Nose, Up
per Lip, and Jower Ltd ol the Right Eye have been
l,r t? near *7 eaten up, and part of tbe:
Jaw Bone earned away. And yet we can give no •
description of bis care.
Mr. B. mlorou ut that in January la*t, the whole ‘
interior of his rnoiith, as well a*-most of hi* face
wa* a mac* of deep uiul painful ulcers!
•r On the Hth ofJamiary laal.he commenced Uktne
winch checked tbe ditease in g lew dan, and
rpui that time the cure ha* progreitctl Without inS
New deth supplied the j>lacex>f tbo deep ul
cer*. and though badly dikdgured, Li* lace it sound',
and his general health i* restored.
We are usurf-d that in the treatment of Mr.
Brooks’ case, no Mcrconnl*.Ointments, orCauaiir
have been used,—m fact, the FAN A*
LEA ALO.NL, lias wrought tnia wouderful charge
Uand Smith, Backs coQOty, Ft.
Charles L. Rotrand, AlcaUvilie, Crawford coFa.,
J \V Jones. M l> Bnuih Second street, Fhda
Jacob Lee, i'tmbertnn, N J. ,
F. IV Carr, 4fo ,N Fouilli. above Foplar at, N L
S* M’t ulipugh, Lancaster, Fa.
K M Maddock, Shi North Eleventh »L Fhila.
C W Appleton, M D 4d Sooth sl do
Timothy Caldwell, Marion co, Missouri.
Qaoiel Ycakel, Ciiesnut Hill, Phi;- delphta co. Fa.
Jonn Harocd,3!X) Huh street, Fhtla.
Willinm Steeling Af I), Camden, N. J.
William Hale. 378 High street, Fhtla.
J il Fuller,Manufacturer ol Mineral Teeth, HW S.
V . . —...-.un., v, .iiiin-ui 1 t-oui, Ivj <■»
Ninth street. I’liila.
L A Wollenwehcr, FJJ. Fhtla. Democrat 277 N 3d
street. do
Gcorgo W Menu. Brush Makpr, 317 Market St.
Ezra Carr, IM Ciiesnut street, Plula.
A D Gillette, Fuslor ol Eleventh Baptist Church,
Fbila. ;
John Bell, Eric Street, Philadelphia, (North Anicr!
earn office.)
Aaron Sands, ICf Catharine Street, Fhila.
Daniel McLinley, Kessler's Aliev, do .
Ar.dre'*! Swcalon, Camden, N J.’
R H Evans, Weal Fhila.
Richard U. Young, Gilder, 409 Market st. Fhila
John W Aehmrad.6o MnJth Niith street,' do
T S Wagner.-Lithographer, 116 Chcsnut street, do
B J Krnsil, 123 Elevcnth.atrcct, do
Feler Skcn Smith. Iklitor Native Eagle, do
Joel Undine, Giaxs nianufaitnrer, Williamvtown
N J.
Wrlum Steel>, Farmington, Van Btrrcn co. lowa
L B Coles, M D, Beaton, Mars.
Kussrl <,'anßv!d. FhiMiiloci»t, Fhilailelplua.
Thmuas F S Roby M D, Harmburgh, Fa.
Feler Wright. 239 .Market ittcet, Fhila
James \V Ncwlim, tub Filbert *t.
John Good, 171 Spruce at. 1 do
tVitinm tine, PastorM. Paul’s M.-E. Ch. Catharine
M. Fhtla;
John Chamfers, Fislnr Ut Indep. t.'hnrch. Broad
*l, do'
T L Sanders, Publisher or Fledge and- .Standard,
F F Seller... Editor Olive U irch, Doylcstown;
Bucks co, Fa.
Wholesale and Retail by Rnwand * Walton, Fro
purior*, 57b .Market St. Fhiladelpbiv R E Seller*,
.’i7 Woihl st. I'tltiburglt, Fa.; IVm, Tb • • ,52 Mar
ket *t do.; E R Fcrkttu, Marietta,Ohio; caton &
Slj.-.rp, Mayxvillp, K Y;Jnhn W Dancnbo.* er,Cm.,
Ohio; .-uitil i; Krevca. Madison'la; C Noble, Loots
>ill**, K V; Drvefouck A FcllouXj S*. Louis. Mo.
F'ii Alcfiraw, Natchez. Mi**; llardawav & John
i'.nn Yirkahiirgh.dn; t harlcj Jenkins, New Orlean
1.1 oes
’j 1M K or-ftmuii. only uur uiitl (fcnuiiie Uver Fills are
J odVfud to those xuli.-nnj from Liver complaint upon
ilir term* of >.o'int *.4 pan Itr-.iil the toliowme let
fli rLIR. F*.. Sept’ gS. I>to.
Mr K K 1 - D. ar >.t I trel that .1 i» a dutf I
line t» Itjr* puhl.r a* u. il as to the ctedi' nf your Liver
l*;iTs. to state iltr Irood rtfect procured by them in my
own ease Dm mi! the nmnili «>f June. k )d45.1 look very'
unweil. lay appetite tailed and my urenxtb wa* cu
t re'y pro-iiiti'il. witliaxevrre pain iirxajr *<do and
*ljnnl<!ri» 1 wu* luhl br metliral men ibat toy disease
w-i- n <rv<ti- ati'ick of livrr rompluint 1-iook several
"0X..01 -M> Liar’s F/hs and some syrups which I wm*
.»;<) wri« ifo.i itu trial il.«en.e. bui urtnr ail I ura* ect
-1:11a vvur»r. 1 rnneiudril to j.lurr myself unilrr the care'
m ,u pli\« ran 'or l>'it-r or worse. But innur.aiely
-u<i 41 ih:- <• me. I wa« told by the Rev I. N it.Uirk. of
tin* piai-e in it 11 fr.nul nt bis bad sent b m a UU ol
*-eHrr«' l.ivrr front Pinstitirxb. which had benrfn
:r.l n in v*-fmu-ih. I liiriliwiih sr,i> f. r « box of your
1.. vrr IM -s. iin.l b) til- it «n* dour. I was satisfied
uir*i .i ivm jo*t ror 'iteilic'iie th'il suited my ca«e 1
*cil for in >tr. tons five or * x tioxes. and lound niysrii
eniir- i> rurr-1 lu .Mann last, 1 eaughi a »-rrrr void,
wb-cli lootiuht bark the disease; aud in a short time I
wu» as bad *.» eve r I had riTnur.c to your l.i v
rr Uii-l t.iok tfirni every other n.clit for six week*.
aj,j o< eiKmnuliy evr f *inee; and ,1 now can say that I
fe.-I |:it!e if any symptom* of the Liver complaint, and
id) if-ni'ial health is,as goo-1 as 1! tins been for the la«t
ten )rai». Mr neighbor# u*k ine wlto was my Doctor.
I n-H them tbit.FeUer*’ 1.-ver IMu was my Doctor, and
I.v liir i,;.-».i.ijs rtf Frov-denec. ihe means nf curme
im- lam n--fiJr-r, a* li e pubuc beCotnes aetjuamie.l
w.ib ;‘ie va'-v- the deni ind lor them will
m-iriM- .‘.fatty of luv neighbor*, to whom 1 have ie
cotinnemlr d the (>:!:«, can tc-tity to their valoe and to
the tacts above stated Your«. fte.
A* ihere are biker p -!« rall/tl l.ivrr Fill*, person*
w‘-o vs am the fjtKN FIN K astrele should ask lor. and
tukv 1.0 oilier. u:a:i tbti*e by '
rt r* CPI t PDc
ft E SEf I.ERS
irii'.'i . - - 57 wood street
• a r IMTTSrU KUU.
f | 'till*. obj-Ct «>f this (•UMlhillßCnl l? 10 Supply « tv All
X pn-utly felt tycTiispecUblc travrilrrson our western
highway*—iiy .without family, taken sick—
and lij patients from.the surrounding town* ntid country
who report to this pts'cc ror relief from surgical nnd other
ii*ry . Such have often suffered from the want of the
various comfort* ntid *tu nboii* so necessary and agree
aide to the *.ck. and from carries* and niifaulitul nurses;
and been subjected to heavy and uiirctvonablc ciuirgLi
invalid* will here let piovidrd with cct.'ian.fa.lulu)
and comfortable aUvndmirc. aud at & ric much below
thc'u'ua! charges. »
W'uUe the care of both phy«ici*u* will be mended
ever, vanety of disease. it i* intended by Dr £p<er
civc special attention to oil •
To tbe*e branches’ of hi* profession be ha*, riven a
laige share of bis attention for the la»t iwciity-hve year*,
and he will continue to devote to them the experience
acquired by a constant practice during that time.
The Hotel for itivahdm not an experiment It* estab.
Ixhmeiit m suggested not only •« necessary io suppl) an
evident want in this eitv, in the entire absence of any
special provision.for the rck.but it warranted also by
the saecess of similar institutions at Cincinnati and New
Orlean*—the former under the care of Dra Talialrrro
Marshall and Strader—the latter onder that of Dr Stone
The building selected for thr-purpoae is pleasantly li
natedon the north bank »i the Allegheny rivrr. unir th
A'inediici. it is commodious and roomy, and furru»he
with'nil *c*'tniT>odatH/ii« «ece**ary fqr the **ek
Applications for ad»ni*«ion to be made. u» the ««b«cr
ben. at their other on Penn street, Pittsburgh. or a) ib
establishment. 1 ' '•
I Tjr No contagious diseases will be admitted.*
i«av3-*lftwt»T . S KUHN DM.
CTDNSUMPTIoS* h*» ticen a dire senunfe oi earth,
/ And »til| hold* a ternoV sway,
ftui Science now manglea the raoa*ter at binii',
And «werp» qjl her terror* away.
Among the runny mnl.nne* for the *-Cure of Con
•uiiipi'on” and d:«ea»e of the Lung*, Dr Duncan'*
Expectorant Remedy aland* foreman. Pulilm ronfi.-
drrtce bn*g:ven it preference above all other* for the
wonderful ruin it performs. In all diseases oi
the Cheat. Lungs and Liver, this medicine will be lound
to he .ite only irrrtam remrdy that will effect a p.-fte
care * ft immediately remove* ihc «-rrvt».d phlegm and
tuatier irmt arcuiriufaiei :u ibe Trachea, Air Cell*, and
Bronchial Tub-*; which, if «ufferriUnremain oiistrurt*
free the ri-tpirouna nrhreinlnug ibrougli th- lung*, ninl
causesd wn\e tl.-nre Coil-ynipiutn 4m! *|i-eily demh
“nj unp.irl l>ip and new vigor la sit the orgnn* tbrjugn
«.ui ihe t.ung*. Cough*. Cold*. Asthma. Itronehiu* d'.f
firuiiy of Itrea' und *t>rpnr»* of the Throat, Spitting
of IJlc.vl, Sive.xij, ■•ini uli other nppjoaclno#
<wn[noin» ol ('ini|■ ■ >o:i; u*e the ulovr m<*it:r-ine in
(.me, wlirii ywill he certain to have u‘l Hie-c evil
*ci;d* of Jrivni from yuur «>*icm. and your life
«n»rcd. {
Sycamore • trrrt,'Cincinnati
rar e /ol noil a.k for Dr huncan'- Kijwe-u.rjr
Rrmedy, ami Uke'ftn other . .
Sol.l >n Pittsburgh, l.y WM JACKSON, mijner o
Wood on*! L.hrrjy -met. jnj.l
1 Ell V—A ICr.-mg' A Miracle ' ' A Wornlnt’
—.To fure Frupirfin* amt Di*figu , '' l iiiPni» of the Skin,
Purple* Freckle*. Sunburn. Sdl Hiyaiti, Scurvy, Sore
Head'. At .A*-. , ZZ"
Four year* ugn lu«,t Aug'i«i, tlir eupiial of Fionrc
wa* aMoin.hril m rotire-<|unire of n discovery mode by
mi hah »n Ou<-ni.*t. .Many doubted —.l Meinritahno.l
oil iin|. •, 'that i.ityili.n- made hy the hand* ol
man <ould have «««*ii stturuUir pourei,* a* iha. i-lointi'd
by Auloinu tor loa invention .Man) clni<«-.i
Inin and hi"'invrii >on u« a lininhui:, [mid. itlu»‘ many
looli.h |ie«»orr* wiil.oul lryi"g *1“ the "atm* »inw,| at
'•Hit; U. airer il m the horplta'*. the Ainbral So
riei'v of Pan* {me hr*t rhetntat" .n ihe wor!d]delivcrri]
Hip (allowing report la signor' Vr*|<r in:
*- Wr have now m.uutely and carefully examined the
singular <n veuuon of Vcprini. We have insured it»
rpinpouent part*—we have used il in scvornl cn«.f «. and
we iie.nuie not to pronounce it [the Itniign Chemical.
Sonpi "• ■» rich ble»»mg. and a truly wonderful feme
dy n>V noy cimneou* rruption nr di'figureincnt of ihe
(k.n Iw inV* ntor we ronmdei the true philanthropist
i>r»utfe r.nv mankind.
(s,gnr|l) LEOPOLD DL’l>RK\‘
. I ! President”
READ Tills!
From 'beinventor huuwlf to the Pierent Proprietor.
! . l’*«i». Nov. 4, IMO
In io:i*id'ra'ion of the mm of 93.W0," I have divul
red to Mr T Joiie*. rending in the city of New York.
.N. A., Ihe Whole pro. e*» of manufacturing, together
with n "UteKimt of the'iiigredietit.* composing my Ital
ian rheruival Soap. He i* .n mannfacturr! il far safe tn
the United Stale* only, and In have the privilege of tia
ra nt: n ‘Jorten’ Italian Chemical Soap.”
Wnnci Htniv J. lloMiwortly
(&»Sold by W JACKSON, at h:a Patent Medicine
V. airhonre, *9 Liberty atreet, bead of W ood, at the
■ .gnof the llig Hoot. , JJJ
-The only place m Pittsburgh where the GENUINE
ran Iw nhiainrd. Ait oilier* arc Counterfeit.
!>r JayncV medicine, for the eons pf the SOUL
THROAT, ha* been doing wonder* during the late un
plrm»aui wtaiijer under fool. It i* belter to attend to
•light cold* in time, and to procure the rented}' applied
from tkilful tlian from unknown and Irre
*pon*ihle >ju*ek». Ur. Jayne ha* esiahlinheJ a repota
tioh long tmrp f3r profeinonal ■kill, opd hi* reme'lic*
for cough* and cold* have been proved elficarioua b»
the experience of thousands— Sat, Kc. Pmi
For aale in Ptituburrh. at the PEKIN TEA STORE
-72 Fourth atreet, near Wood; and at the Drug Store o
P Schwartz, Federal ttreet Allegheny^'Cnv
fWAUrABLE BOOKS-rFoblubed'br- J : A
A: L 1 P James. Walaut street, between Fourth
rfed Firrh. CincinnalL
pJv.Guizoi's’Gibbnn— 'i’he history nf Jie-dccJine and
in l ! of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon,
:K»q -Anc* Edition, revised and corrected through- ,
.OTt,preceded by a preface, sod accompanied by
.cotes critical and btrtoncal. relating principally to-
Rte pr- pagalinn of Christianity: by M.. F. Gnitot,
Mihnfernf Public instruction for tbe kingdom of
T(5c preface.notes and corrections, trans
.la’ed fctim the French expressly lor this edition
notice ol the Lde and character of Gibbon,
: :tnd WnUiio’s Kepi) lo iiibbon. In 2 Tol*. imp.
lBvo. 1073 page*.
i' Napfer » rcnimnla War—Complete. 1 sol. imp.
Bvo.B *i page*.
' -Middle Aces, Chamber’s Rebellion in
Scotland. Robertson's Virginia and New England,
RusscU's Frpoc:. and English War in America, and
Ramsay’s jkmencan Revolution. 1 vo| 4to.
Library Ol American History—Containing selec
tions from Hie best authors on American History,
Biography ;-Travels. • :onur erce, Sutiatics,lndian*)
Rcvcln-iopary Bhttlca. Ac. Ac. Ac. Also, Anec
dotes. Pogtryand Murclhneous articles. : lllostra
led with more thin 5<JO engravings. I Tollimp Bvo
bfO pages.
L’nivetsa} Pictorial .Library—JContnining valuable
paper* on va inus subjects, comprising, Natural
History Natural Srirucc*. Agriculture. Rural Econ
omy. Biography. Fine Aru, the Orientals,!Travels,
Geography, Botany, Mtace'laneous reading, Acl
Ac. I vn| imp f-vn 610 pp, sheep.-
The Family M*-d»»:al Library—A 7’reatisc on the
Prevention and Lutcol by regimen aud
umplc medicines. New cditiog,revised and enlar
ged with tl.fe aCditmn ol a Vegetable Matcria-Med*
tea, putiiting i”rt the virtues, preparations and dmei
ofoor mosLvaluJilc lutivo medical plants, and an
outline of Ans F-my and Physiology. Illustrated
with nr.e humln-d Engravings, six of which are
colored. B> J G Norwood, M D—B64 pages Bvo.
Amc'ican Mower Garden Companion—Adapted
in the Cnited i*tate»; by Edward Saycrt, Landicape
and Oniamei.tal Gar-lectr. T 2 mo, third! edition,
revised, enlarged and illustrated.
FalmrrV Oregon, Reeky Mountains, Ac. Ac.
Family Tealamnrt. octavo, with and without
Polyglot note*, -nd Psalms so metre.
Rice and Fingrec’s Debate. Bum’s Works Lady
oftl.cljke Lalla Roukh; More’* Private Devo
tion Juv.-mlc Rouk*. Cheap editions of various
work* in pr.'-.j.M.’t |..r,n. £ich29
A CARD-MARCH 93rd. "
\\r B. ML'HFHk apprise* his cu-toraerl and the
II • n uhlic gmerally, that be hat now open it large
pan 01 lot remit pur* tia«e« of staple aiul fancy Dry
Goods. seirCird in New York, and Philadelphia vSjih
much care, «ml mviie* espetitllr tbe anemion of the
Ladir* io In*, choice sioek of DRI-SS GOODS, inelu
ding new sole* of—
I’iaid Toulard S.;k»;
Chum-Icon do (plain and plaid;)
JDack D’.Am-rc do: -
PL .1 lIiH-k S.lks.
Chnairirrin Hiuiii Mohair Lasiies;
Black Wat*rrd Silks; >
C .cikL. I.oi-n Plaids
Lauin and California Plaids;
Spring Mu»bn Dr l.atnct
Bareges and Bulroinic*, ' .
l.avyns, Gingham*;
Ginghams. Lawn*. »Vc , tc , 4c.
Grateful for Hie iilici *1 pairnnage liereiofore extended
to him and uiix.ous *nll more 10 enlarge il, hi* aim will
be 10 offer lii* good* al ihr very lowest pnees ai which
■ hey can he sold. Rooms, North Eastcoiner of gib and
Market nrrei«.
lIT-Onod* »t wholesale ap-kiairr~t'niranre from 4ih,
wb-ie <lri*i»t* will fiml ft large and cheap clock, at low
r«i-h price*. meli3J
W il (MR*
".RD would re-'
rcifully invite
.• Ladies and
mu. lo cctue
id eram.qc bic
r*e and well
rcied stock of
ipte and fancy
V Go<v?« t be(are
rebating else*
here, ac be ha*
Jffle great bar*
tii 1 lo offrr to
rrn. Spring
llihon* and
rnneu at very
w price*.
Alto, (Senile,
en’c Cravats*
York made
,iru, l ! nder
''esl*. Drawers;
ill in farifTery
si is new and
■irablc can. at
?« Market «
DA \ tiCROTTS, Uanufattutma( Hammered
Spades'ind Rimvcla, respectfully inform ihtir
fr ends and tbr public that they b«ye removed their
Manufacturing rsiabli»limrni'to No. 14 Hi. Clair street,
n (he Facto-y lately occupied bv Coleman, lla Mun
A Co . wh« re they will always kc-p on hand a full
supply nf -Shovelf. Bpades. forks. Mattocks! Hoes.
Tics*. Ac. it'll of tlrer own manufacture, which they
will sell low wholesale or retail on the roo*l nccoinnK*-
dating term*. We .would call the Mlteniiouof Canal
contractors to our canal Shovels, which, for material
and workmuuship, cannot be snrpassrd in this Oi any
other country Purchasers the city will please
call and examine our nock before bnyi.rtg elsewhere,
as we arc runGJent they can be Accommodated. The
intiiur Pander has chars? of the Mamiiaetutmg de
partment, uhd turn pro workman, is unsagpassed
[■y any. Those purchasing ob> be assuredoCnotbeing
deceived • DAY A CROTrS.
,N II A fu ! i supply o sieel springs and axles, well
assorted, and Tor sale wuu esalc and retail at the man
utucturcr’s prices. DAO.
riTT*acanH rcast-runs ware aooxs,
I.ARGKnnd splendid■jbWHWßL.
assortment of Furniture,
suitable for Steamboats,
llbiel*. and private Dwel
lin'*. rons' on hand and made to order.
lh* present stock ou hand cannot be excelled l-y any
manufactory ;it the western country. Person* wi«hiaj
to do well by giving me a call, as ! am
determined my prices shall please. Part of the stock
iO So (a* with i’luih and Hair-cloth coven;
■j doi Mahogany Nur;e Chairs;
14 pair Divan*.
ItldotGne mahogany Chairs;
It! mahogany W ork S'ands;
ddox mahogany Rocking Chain,
15 marble top Dressing Bureau*;
s pair O.iomans,
’ * marble tofKAVork Stand*;
leehdrrv Work S ands;
Mahogany. .Maple. Cherry and PopUf Bedsteads of
all de'criptlon*; an-! u large assortment of Common
Furniture pud Chairs, too uumeroos to mention,
mstiSif | •
WE would beg t'i announce to our customers and
the public generally, that we have re-opened oar
oitat, i«hmcni with a full and splendid assormentof
Spring and] Summer Ready-iauda Clothing. which in
respect to sty le and woi kmanship cannot be surpassed,
by any houi£ m ihiseuy.
Oeuilt-mrh who are in want of any article in oar line
will find n to thru advantage to give n* a call, before
purchasing f,l»owhere; ms our slock, a* well a* the low
priersnf oar good*, will enable us to please a‘l who
will favoi as a call N
It i* unnecc»«B'y for us to enumerate the article*
eompuycg our smek. u* we ari weekly supplied—it
will, nimee fur us iu **y that at all nmc* our assortment
will Ue coißplete. wnli every ancle pertaining iq. the
i Sign "Golden Siar.”
N. li—(ienilfinen who leave orders al our store, far
any /•armeiii that tlyrr wish no have made in N. York,
can be rurnikbed in two week's after the receipt of their
direct,on* tnrbWO A A M
COLEMAN, HAH-M AN, A Co., having .completed
ihrir New works, are now prefared toutuisfae
tur* every description of Coach and Eiipiic springs
Iron axle*. Amen-an Bli.irr, spring un-1 ploaghSlvcl,
and alUije* square »nd round Iron, which
they'offer for tale on liberal term*, artbeir IFarrkeuji
No Ai Wood street; wli'c-c they also keep on hand ■
cemplcir and haiulsoiiie «k«orurjun of Coach trim
nitugs, Carriage hardware 1 , malleable castings. Nail
and Iron,
-t; ||.& fin . havr made arrangentPiit* with Mexrt
Day A I'rottt, utamifacturer* of Shovrli, Spade*
Fork", if., an 1 wi’i k»*rp oon*ymil> on hand rVeri
article made hr them. IValcr* are respectfully *»l
cit'd to caltji* pri<-c* arid inin* • ■ H i'C mi□ >1 c lilwrtl.
I , ■vY.VdTw
ali.kuiikny vknitian ri.inu'factorv.
TAKES 111 * icrtlioj to inform,hi* frieu'l*
and the public m I urge thnl hi* FoctorT
oi* litr Diamond. Allrgbr nv, where a con
•taut *u|.plv of Ulinvl*. or vniiou* colnrt
and>|ualiiip«. urccatKtaitlly hand,
also No. & Wood »t, l’itt« J. A
H.'oil clo.h waterootn
Veii' Bhutlcr* made to order in the Itcvi style.
Blind* repaired at the shone*! nonce, - *
N. B. ‘Hi* ltliinl*,Vjll be put un, witlmut any addi
tional exrpnse *o that they can Le tetnovrd m a fno
iment m (-arc of brr or fur wnkhmg, and without the aid
■of « crew ,lr e ocilitly&wiainly
RXPO.-nrON of the-'Ep.itle to tiic Roman., wl/h
remsik* on the Commentaries of I)r. .Mackn ght
t Priite.sor Mo'ri Htuart. and Pn>fe**orTholfck; by Kot»
I' en HoMan, !■ *.( From the Gfih Hdinbuigh edition, |
1 v.l, hvo . '.Ui page*. Puce 92 6(1 '
I. Tbr "* ckl'ib’e*. or England in the Fifteenth c-mhtvi
[|by Afr». «*.lonel Msckay, author of the -Family nl lien.
| llierdaSi.” ,
IVrsotiul U«-i-|etiMioo and Revival of Religion in the
Soul. I'\ the Rev flctaviu" \Vin«low
Jaei- TayloiN Cr.iitrihu:ion*cf q If; 2vo|* |%no.
Mcmo't* and Uoric'pondcnce; by I.
T&vlur; ■ '
E**ay« in Rhyme fcPo-tirul Remain*;
Mother and Daughier;
Original Poem*;
' Ili-pluv. a '1 ale.
Tkle*ol ii.etSi.tinti I'enaantry: bv'Rev Henry Dun
ean. |i. I). For sale by KLI.IOIT k ENOUSII
mchil _ ' No 6C Market «trcet
Barrows a turner, no 40 Marke7it^ e "t.
arc now receiving their *’.»ck. of New Spring
flood*, and invite the attention of purchoaer* lo their
D*or'mcnt of Drcu Good*, which i« phrticularly den.
ruble, coiiditing in pan of
Rich Embroidered Lawn*—veryeboice pattern*;
Rich Organdy Lawn*—faibiouable broevn*; with
other color* very baudaoine.
Printed J.nwn*. of different pattern*;
\ RtcWjlalifornia Plaid*—*tylc* very handaome;
'[ SttpeTor French (fingbam*—entirely new and beaa-
I tiful pattern*: one lot very handaome at IR| cl*,
fj Superior .Manchester Gtogbata*, [warranted] at SO
r rents. "•
j inch'JO No4B merket »treet.3doore_ahove 3d
NEW’WOIiK— In Pre«s—History of Men
co, her Civil Ware aod'Celonitl and Kevolo-
Annals, from the period ol Ute Spanish
(‘on<{ucst, IW, to the present limej ID 17; including
an account of the Kxisliog War with tho United
jjutes, iu Causes and Military Achievements, By
Philip Youeg, M D. , J A 6c U P JAMES,
mch’jy I'ubjisheri.ClneißnaU.
NEW MIJHIC DOCK—Pamphlet Form.
—The Melodcon: a choice selection of Songs,
Duetts, Quartott*. Rounds, Waltxes, and Marches;
with a History of Music. Illustrated with numer
ous engravings. Imperial octavo. Price 25 cent*.
Ifublisned and forsaloby J A dcU.P JAMES,
| Walnut street, bet. Fourth and Fifth, i
Cincinnati, March £9, *M7. j t
THREE second hand double ftne’d .boilera, 82 feet
long. 38 i ehee diameter, in good order, witlbe aatd
low If applied for aoob. EgtfH* ® r -Ji.. „
DAVID HOLMES, Marketßtreei.
aov&dt! or ROBINSON A MIN j& I
\ ' i ' ;
‘•Whs tthough the caiur* may not be explained,
Since their effects are duly ascertained,
Let not delusion, prejudice, or pridA,
Induce mankind to aet the means abide;
Means which, tho' simple, are by Heaven designed
To alleviate the ills of human kind]”
THIS remarkable invention, which has received the
universal approbation of the medical profession of
.Great. Britain, comprises an entirely new application oi
Galvanism, a* a remedial agent, by means ol which the
ordinary Galvanic Batteries, Electric and Magnetic Ma
chines, Ac., are entirely dispensed with, and the
riout power of Galvanism applied without any or the
objection which are inseparable from the general mode
now in use. The strong doses, and irregular interval*,
in which Galvanism is applied by the Machines, has
been pronounced, after a fair and impartial-trial, to be
decidedly was to remedy fhuradical de-j
feet that this new application was projected, which, af-J
ter übceoiiug toll and perseverance, has been brought
to it* present, state of perfection. The Galcumie Rmgt
answer all the purposes of the most expensive Ma
chines, and in tranyother respects are.morciq/a&nd
certain irt accomplishing the desired effect-
The 6‘eirantr Rings used in connection with the Mag
netic Fluid , are confidently recommended in all disoe
denwkick arutfnm an tnft&Ud or unktal Up slatt tf
(Ac nervous or ciiaf inian, ami these complaints Are
among the most painful and universal to which we are
subject They arise, without exception, from one sim
ple cause—a derangement of the Nervous System—
and it was iu these cases that other.'remedies’ having
so often failed, a ne w agent was greatly needed, whien
it is eonfidenilj believed, has been found in the proper
andjudicious application of Galvanism.
The Galvanic King* have been used with entire (ac
cess in all cates of Khecxstiu*, acute oi chronic, ap
plying to the head, face or limbi; Gout. Tte-Dofercwz,
JbotAaeAs, SmncAitu.-fcrtigs, Nervous or Sidr Htadaekt,
Indigestion, Paralysis, Fairy, Spilcpty. Fur, Cramp,
Palpitati sn of (Ac Heart, ApcpUxy, Stiffnas of Joints,
Spinal Complaina. Lumbago, A turalgia, Nervous Tro
'men, Dixxinos of tkt Head, earn in us Chat an d Side,
GmtraJDtbiUty. Deficiency of A'itwiu *nd Pkytical Bn
ergy. and all NERVOUS DISORDERS. Iu cares of
confirmed Dyspepsia, which Is simply a nervous-de
rangement os the digestive organs, they have been found
equally successful. Their extiaotdinary effects upon
the system must be witnessed to be believed, aud as ■
certain preventive for the preceding complaints they
are equally recommended. The Rings nreof different
prices. being made of sll sizes, ana of Tattoos orna
mental patterns, and can be worn by the most delicate
female without the sl.ghiest inconvenience. In'fact,
thn sensation it,rather agreeable.than otherwise,
The • Galvanic Belli, Bracelet*, Band*,
Verier*, Necklaces, Ac.
In some esses of a vere severe ebaraetu,and oflong
standing, the power as applied by the Galvanic Rings
ts uot sufficient to arrest the progress of disease and
nliimalely restore health. The improved modification
Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Ac- entirely reme
dies this objection; any degree of power that is requi
red cau obtained, and bo complaint which
the mysterious agent of Galvanism can elect wilt fail
to be permanently relieved. These articles are adap
ted to the waist, arms, wrists, limbs, ancles, oi any pari
of the body, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic
Necklaces are used wnhgieater benefit in cases of
Bronchitis or affections of the throat generally; also iu
cares of Nervous Deafness; and with almost uniform
success as a preventive for Apoplexy, Epileptic Fits,
and similar complaints .
Christie’s nogoelio Fluid
j Isused in connection with the Galvanic Ringe and'al]
'their modifications. This composition has been pro
nounced by the French Cbetn.ats to be one of the most
extraordinary discoveriespfmodem science. lilsbo
lieved to possess the rernsrkabiep owerof wUffiag ik
/terra tmsititt to galvanic action by this means esusing
a concentration of the ii.fluene, at the’ -eat of disea-e,
thus giving permanent itUef No other
composition in rhemistr is knownto produce the same
effect, or to impart a similar property to the nervous
■ tncansofan outward local application. The
agnclic Fluid contains nothing capable of ihe slight
est injury, it* application is agrcable. and it it as
harmless i‘i its action as it is beneficial in its rent l !,.
Full, explanation* and directions accompany it The
combined Inventions are in every way perfectly barm
les<; they arc sold at-pricct wttqrn the reach or all and
the discoverer only requests a fair trial as a lest of
their surprising efficacy aud permanent benefit.
CbrUtie'* Galtanic JSlrenffthenior Pins*
1 ter*.
These articles form another vslustle application of
’the mysterious influence of Galvanism Tney are an
important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Bants and
ttteir modifications, upon the same principle, bat
having the advantage of more local applicauoh. They
are confidently recommended as a valuable
the speed)* cure of Rheumatism, acute or chronic; mall
nervous complaint*, and as a positive re(n n> y ■» eases
o> painand Wtzknm tn the Chat or Back. Pain in the Aftkmatie Afftctionx. and in HVidsai or Oppm
rien of tk* Pulmonary Orgn 9 in Spinal Complaints
ih'eir rfftqts are of the most decided they
have often been used with coraplele-eucccrs. They are
also of the greatest advantage in Pains and Weakness
pf the Breast, and are highly recommended for many of
those eootpUinl; to which frtfjale* are especially liable.
As ati rflretual means for streugthen’ng the system
when dcliihtatcd With disease or other causes; as a cer
tain aid In Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive
fur Culdsj snd nil 111 slTrctunis of ihc Cbe*t. generally,
the Galvanic Strengthening Fluster will bo found of
great and permanent advantage.' In a few wordsj it
embraces all the virtues of tho best tonic preparation,
with the (lupocun: rddinon of the galvanic' influence,
which is brittler unpaired nor exnausieo, while ihe ae
tion cominucs. These snieles will be found emirety
free from those objections which are a constant source
of complaint with the ordinary plasters in common use.
great celebrity aiid of.these articles
ha* caused them to be counterfeited b’y-unpnneipled
-benons!: To provide again*! impoeiiion, Dr Cittisna
ha* but one authorized agent in oarb city tifilie Union.
The onlyiigent in filMburgh, W. W. J.VILSUN.
Of the higbeii and most re-pectabie ebaraeter, are con
stantly received, regarding the extraordinary value
and success of the above-articles. It is beheyed that
in the (.dr of New Yuric'aione, upwards of.KIGUT I:
iTHOUSAND PERSONS during s perrtulof less than h
'a year, hare been entirely relieved of the,udtl painful j :
chronic disorders, some of whiqh have.completely bnf- !i
fled sll former efforts of rerillegl art. Imfeed many of
ihe first physicians of this city,who of the
Galvanic and Magnetic Machines, cotmkutly recom
resud this application'pi their practice, andfwiih the ex
.eepiion of tnose wtrsate too prejudiced logive u a tri
al, the invention has received unsmmons"favor with
the roostintelligentamong Hie American Faculty. Dr
Christie’is fit all (lines ready and qjo«t bapay to give
every facility to physicians, and all inicresiad, for leaf
ing the troth of his assertions and the efficacy of-bi*
discovery * /
Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner 4th amt Market at
sepaSdly _ _ _/
MfiTv,. LEY, a few doors bekrsr
; jl Woodstroet, towards tha
wvftPSyffßßi wLrzXfi Having been regularly ed- :
'ffipitfy/l&mKZlffitlKmi ucaiea td pio-
HHUBnMHF .festiou, and beoh for some
; BBr^sllHnPr r Yt ume in fl ei >cral practice,
! now confinea h(p attention
: ffpHWflßilfeXt to the trtatmetn of those
*titSX&£Sso& l vt priyqie and delicate com
ytvttlr Vi plaints for whiet£his oppor
**T «y tunities and egperience
BcvcnWcarr assiduous r cl=voted to Sie sludy and
of I* lo ** “"P 11 l d “ rm * wbieh..time he
ha* badmore practice and : as eared more patients than
ean ever fall to the lot of s y private practitioner! am
ply qualifies him to offer hs uroueesof speedy, perma
nent arid satisfactory cure • all afflicted with delicaU
diseases, and si! diseases arising therefrom. '.
: Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted with priMt*
diseases which have becotueehroniobyiimcoraggrava
led by the use of any of ike common nostrums of the
day that their complaints ean be radically hnd tbor having given his earefuratuntton’to'
the treatment of aueh eases, snd succeeded tn'hundred*
of instances in curing pereonsef inflamat orj of be neck
of the liladder, and kmJied diseases wbicboften reaalt
from those cases where others have consigned' them to
hopelr** despair. Ho paiticularly invites sdeh as have
been Inftg and unsuccessfully treated by others to con
sult hini. when every satisfaction will be given them and
their ease* treated in a careful, thorough and mlellireni'
'manner, pointed out by long experience, stijdy',and in :
vestigajion, which it is impossible for those Engaged ir
jrenern(praetiee of medicine to give any one class 0
disease, j ,
. ip- Hernia or Rupture—Dr. Brown also invites
person* afflicted with llerois to call, as ha has paid
particular attention this disease- ' \
■ JtkinDisease*; also Plies, Palsy,etc ’speedily cored
Chargesvery low. . ,
■ n. 11 —l’atienu of either sex living'at a distance
by sutlng their disease in writing, giving allithe sympj
tnm«. ciui obtain mrdjcine* with directions for
addrrftjing T. BROWN, M. D. post pa 1 and euclo
*'tfisciNo iM Dtamond alley. opp<»siir lliei Waveu*
Houm* j ; , .
,S'.> rnie 11 nav* S ; net*
; puvfiioouT inltuASKfiir'
Dr katzs anti-billioub i.ipF.' WLi.t* an
live best medicine in the known sccom
pli*h tins all-important work. •
, Thoie atflicted with Dyspepsia, Sick SiotAaeb, Patn
in the Fide and Rack, Liver Cutnplsint, L«U> of App«>'
jiir, WrakneeS of the Stomach ami Rowels, Costive
hr**, F-vcrand Ague, Rilliou* and other Fever*,should'
at once obtain a box or two of Pilla. They purify Ur
fllooi and renovate the system in suc'i a jytaaner that it
is impoViibtr for remain, when Umv are used
to the d reeiion*. I'rice.2sceaiv. ;
Oy*A fre*h *upply of the above tm-d'eim! tun rre'd
by WM. JACKSON,eoinrrof Wood cri tltrenv sta.
No Cusp; No PayP
. Jh.Jarksan' Pila Emlrorativtt N*tv* /Joi/*/
rftHKHK are (Vf*v discaiva more cornmot} or trou-
X blesommllian the Files.'and yet. notwithstand
ing crest ullnrU have been made l<> cure qy the u*e
ol pilli, electuaries,liniments, dec., nil word futile
and of little benetit. Now the EiohntcaUon is the
onfy tncdk ine- used. A person who has been suffer
ing wifi Ibn Piles of the worst kind from Si
lorn. New -Jersey, almost on purpose to express his
gratitude for tho speedy cure that this nitdicjne had
effected in’his ca e.~Phtla. Sat. Post. •
fO*Fors#le in Pittsburgh at the PEKFJ\,TEA
y'rOHK, It Fourth stand also ai the
H. P. Schwartz, Federal st., Allegheny City.;
WIIOAK raeaime*»csn equal yours? Look at your
fait yoang wife, withjier bright sunny fact! Look
at your own, pitted with eruptions aud blotches! Yet
you sic too mean to rive fifty cenKfor a cake of the
great-lialisn Chemical jPoap, which would entirely free
you iron* them, make your yellow skin clrar and
h'-althy. Go at once to Jackson’s Store, to Liberty st
Pitubureh.and gel icake.
fV D Jackson’s I* ihe only place in Pittsbutgh where
the GENUINE is lobe obtained. :Beware of Counter
[Ij»OUSKRVF ihe Dig Boot stands in the doorway.
meh-1. _ _
i fOROAN’B COUG H SVHU P —••It should he
JVX published and made known to the public ” This
was the expressiouef an old man who tried the Syrup.
-■PtTTUcaon, February 1,1H7.
Mr. Morgan:—This may certify that being afflicted
with a troublesome cough some time, I bought'! bottle
of Morgan's Cough Syrup, and am happy tossy, after
u-irigit, my cough ia entirely sored. I proftoanco your
Cough Syrup the best medicine. I have evsrused. No
family ahobm be without this valuable medicos-
I DAVID MoROBERTS, All«ijhfnyCity
ffjMTtis medicine is prepared wholesale and- retail
at the Drue Store of JOHN D MORGAN
‘ Wood stieet, one door below Diamond Alley
Priee*'J6 ecnt«.pef bottle. v '
ving Girate spots, drains,or Mark* from Clothes,
Woollens. Carpels, 4e , Ac- and rendering *be spots
where tt is spplied clear, bright, nevr, andspotlejs.
Sold with mil directions. Price Ucenia » cake,
ITT'Sold by WSf JACKSON,» LlWrty street, head
of Wood, at his Boos and Shoe stem, sign of the Big
Booj, v , h J»
FAR better >• it u> can* the Tooth
acbejnonemtnute.tiyavingWbtclrr1 *
Tooth Wash, than to wafer'
lII' {he aching-* *l*o to cure soreness ol <be
gums, softness of ibe gums, atop bleeding ef the gun*,
and, always keep lh« le'eib, rams and mouth pleasant,
audio the beat state of heal in.
Whilst introducing WHEELER'S 'TEABrRRV
TOOTH WASH to the public, n.n t!- .*1
the proprietor to *uie that thin aViu- r ».L-ih if’tbe
origins! and only genuine Teaberry \Ya-b, in
been instated by nomerous.Tra!>erry lo h
Teaberry-Tooth Paste*. and a var*;y rfatl c-e» with
the name Tmbwrj annexed io tlienr when, io fact, tbi.
article is the first (hat ever bore the name of Teaberry,
and is the only one which posscsw* the real viiine of
the plant, and established all lbs celebrity for it. which
induced others to make uieofil* name, though they nev.
er did present its intrinsic virtues to tbe public. As
evidence that this, is the first preparation of Teaberry
for ihe Teeth, the copy of the certified records of the
United Slates District Court is published.
Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
to wit: Be it remembered, That ou
jQHtSlMiBfc the second day of February, Anno
‘"alElM Docnni, one thousand, eight hundred
• and forty-two,
of the said District, hath deposited in
[} this Office (he Title of a Book, the ti
tle of which is m the words following, to wit:
The right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in con
formity with ail Act *f Congress, entitled “AriAetio
amend the several Act* respecting Copy Rights.' 1
Si Clerk of U. S. Dist. Court
*. 164 V, Peb. Sd, Copy deposited.
The above Cony Right for the wrspper of the bottle,
showing the Tide of ute Article in legal language, and
granted in the legal form, will provo this io be the orig
inal Teaberry Tooth Wash, and all other's are but imi
tatious, which nave gone oui ot_nse wherever the Gen
uine Teaberry Tooth Wash is sold. Then, remember,
none is gentrine bul W|l EELER’S.
Certificate* of Magistrate* of the city of Pkilad'a
Having made lise of your much celebrated Teaberry
Tooth Wash, 1 feel convinced ibai it is ihe best aruele
I have ever known, and hereby warmly recommend
us use to tbe public in general as a pleasant and effica
cious artiele for preservinrthc Teeth and Gums.
v For a number of years my Teeth arid Gums were so
oriljsr as to prevent cm from eating with
pleasure, and eaused me roueh pain. Having heurd of
Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth Wash. I do certify that 1
tried one small bottle of it, and m less than two weeks
my Teeth and Gums were sound and good. I believe
that the nse of itjwould be an advantage u> mauv eth
ers. ; | J BRAZKR.
Certificate* of Member* of the Philadelphia Bar
Having used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash and.
powder,! have'found them to possess eldsatlng and pu
rifying properties, and while they whiten anil beautify
the Teeth,ufoy-have a beneficial effect upon tbe gums,
by imparling to them free and healthful action.
1 have used. Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth Wash, and
its effects upon iny Teeth and Gums have given to me
ahighopininn of it* merits. I cheerfully recommend
it to the general I nse. It RKNBA3S.
My daughter lias used Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth
Wash, (and podfdrr) and has found its effect* to be
cleansing anapunfication af the gums, and a sweeten
ing of the mouth, j I have no hesitation io recommend
ing it ai the mosi ibenrAciul preparation for ibe teeth I,
have ever seeq. I C J JACK.
'of Ladie* end Gentlemen of
. i Philadelphia.
It ts with gialiltidr that I send the following certifi
cate, hoping tliaf many who suffer will be Ird by a pe
rusal of it. to obtain wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth Wash,
which article l;uied, and ;if ha* effectually cured tooth
ache, soreness if tbe gums, removed scurf from my
teeth, and I fully believe has eutirely arrested all de
cay of them. I trust that a|l wbosuffrr, having either
of theeame specif* of complaint, will as soon as possi-.
■ble use Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth Wash, that they
may be relieved.! JULIANA-CUTHRAL.
Owing to having taken cold, but mostly in conse
quence of tbe acid of a paint used in coloring prints, my
| teeth became yetjy much injured, giving excnsciaiing
ipain at intervals, for between two and three yeas*
I wheeler’s T«al*ecry Tooth Wash was used, and has
.entirely eared Uutn.whieb. in certificate Conn I send,
that those who Wish a perfect remedy for painful teeth,
and alto desire:# (pleasant Tooth Wash, may With' con
fidence try Whirr ler’s Teaberry Tooth >Vn<b
‘•Wheeler’s Teibeny Tooth Wash” having removed
scurf and eureil'toreness of ihe gutmi, which had trou
bled me for two years. It is my belief that it is a highly
useful article, and that it is advisable to those who Bar
ter with the truth and gums to make gte of it.
“Your Tenheny Tooth Wash cured the tooth ache
and alto torenessof the gums in my family, and I send
you this certificate that those who suffer with tooth.
»ebe or soreness of the gums may know that it ita
remedy for them, land a very pleasant Tooth Wash '
j | „ FRA’3. PRKVOST,
W. Wheeler, i 148 Caihanne. Itreet.
•‘•Wbecelr’s Tqakerry Tooth Wash”-having cured
soreness of the gums, and effectually stopped bleeding
of the guma I derm u a debt of graditude for tbe relief
which n affordrdjme, and a duty owed to my fellow be
ings, to say, dial it i* my firm conviction, that those who
will use Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth Wash.‘for the teeth
and gum*, will.find, that it is an important article.
| No.gJSCailowhUltL
“From much Severe suffuring of myself, and others
•f me fimily, .with decayed Teeth ana sore Gums, and
ihe many rv-pertasle testimonials highly in fnvor of
\Vheeler'*'T,:*herry Tooth Wash. 1 was induced to
cire it ■ trial, aflfer which ray family used ii, and 1 .re
joice io sav that ii did perform a thorough and effectual
cure for alß.and is the best amrlyhatl ever knew of.
•I would recdmtnend its u»e to be suffer
ing. . ’ I • Jfc»»K'MOORE,
. *W- Wheeler. ! Na' 457 Market *u
Many more; testimonials are exisiittg anprovuts of
’Wheeler’s Teaberry Tooth Wash.”
; Sold at WMi JACKSON’S store, No. 88 Liberty *t.,
, Pittsburgh, head pf Wood at.
! (Principal Office No. 29 Chesnut at, Philadelphia.)
Observe this Article should bo dilaicd, the largest
| bottle* make a fjaart of the wash, aud the smallest a
pint ,• f 1 *
p. 3. For the toothache it should be used In the uadi
: lated stale*
ap‘J7-d|y *•’ __
CONSISTING or his Prophylactic Syrup, a cer
tain remedylorail Covsumptite tod Serofo
loas affections; [Cough Syrup, Croup Syrup. Con
centrated extract of Sarsaparilla, decidedly"
■Bperiorto all other extracts, having given reliel
when all others hare failed, being through a aew
process more Concentrated than any other erer
ottered to the public. ASTHMATIC ELIXIR,
hiring cflectedi permanent cores ol that stubborn
disease, when ol more than I? years standing,
hence it stands without a riral in that much dreaded
disease. ...
Dr. Rose’s LINIMENT, for all cases of freak
ae&s or paini frtd a complete substitute for blisters.
Dr Uosc-sfTONIC MIXTURE, an inlallibio
cure for chit f and ferera, and indeed is more of a
specific for ferert of all' kinds thia-birk or Qui
wberoknown, js used in preference to any other
Vermifuge preparation.
Dr. Rose’s TONIC ANTI-DISPEPTIC, lor all
diseases of the Stomach and, bowels. Cholera in
fection*, io' [Too high an encomium cannot be
passed on the merits ol thia medicine, iu cure of
D>spcpsia.a'nd|andiseaaosthat‘rekult from weak
: ness of atomteft or bad digestion.
Dr. Rose's FEMALE Ml I S, a most ralnable
[ remedy lor those general complaints to which fe
! males are subject.
No pill erer before offered the public siThappily
combines the qualities ol a salqiole medicines* in
anti-dispeptic,j LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct*
ing those diaejases, and thereby presenting con
sumption. A young Lady 25 -years of age, basing
s diseased liserj tor some time, her strength pros
trated and appetite gone, was completely restored
in six weeks oyj the u*e ol the Aati-dispeptic mix
ture and tbesepills alone
ENING PLASTER,torweakneasot the back,side,
breast, fine..
j Dr. Rose’s SPECIFIC EPILEPSY,the most cer
tain remedy for all cues of lit* or consuliions,
[wbetherin infants or adults. So certain a specific
is it* lor this formidnble disease that the most ob
stinate cases, and those too of long standing, hare
yielded at dnele.
Dr. Rosrs RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—After many*
years-of diligent research ihi* compound wu discov
ered, and lit nelrer failing efficacy place* its efficiency
above all others for theeure of Rheumatism.
Dr. Rose’s ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain
remedy for sp uing blood, mdeed for discharges of
blood whether fh»m Imngs, bowels or other parts of ihe
* , °Dr. Rose’tUYRUP for Cholera and Bowel complaints
—This mixture will effectually titre bowel complaint*,
Dysentenr,Cbo>*ra Morbus, and-Cboler*- Aline Mine
the AsisirqJfholrra was raging t:i Philadelphia il.was
found U> be'tbejmosl successful in arresting It, cujlng
nine tenth* of all those wbj used iu i
: Whtt may be rtidof oncof these rcmedic* may bv
said of all; their value will only be appreciated be
those wbo iry item, letters from those who have been
.cured of ibe various maladies that affiict the human
‘ body might be given, but wr are willing to rest the
rainier on the merit* of the compound*. We have a
;psnttCca:for Scrofula, in >t« various form*, so condensed
uud efficacious ihot u« lirsling power ha* astonished
many. /A case of Cancer, occurring in the wile of the
latefiovcmor of Delaware, was completely cured in a
few month* The cancer bad been twite cut oat bv
prominent burgeons, and renewed itself with increased
malignity, yet notwithstanding the debility of Cousiiut
lion and removal of the soft parts; the ute of the l*ro-
Shylactic completely rtutoved every veftige of the
i*ca«e. 1 ' • •
Ca*e« innumerable of the various cures that hav
followed the use of these remedies are id onr posses
siou, but it is oct deemed iieces'-nry to enumerate then
as the use of them will rcrommrnu them to all.
J. SCIIOONMAKF.R, & Co., No .HI Wood Strep
Agents for Pittshureh iugGdly
HOW manv persons pot off from tiraq to tni-c that
most important calling—attending lo their health
before it be too late. Look around os particularly in
our midst, and we will behold, hundreds of persons
whose countenance* bespeak suffering, with diseases
ofjtlie Lungs, and a protracted cough, fast approaching
their immortal destinations, without, perhaps, being
sentibleof theicstrious situations. May this warning
Awaken them in doe a.-ason—and at otfco seek-relief,
which is to be found in Dr. Duncan’s Expeetoraatßem
edy, a safe, pleasant, and certain medicine, for the core
of a Cough, and the premonitory symptoms that lead to
Consumption. This medicine immediately heals the
irVitated'niembrane of the Bronchi and Lungs, give*
strength and »appo|t to the enfeebled frnme,.lbas caus
ing the Lungs to throw off the.’viscid secreted matter,
that accumulates and settles upon there.
1 {iy-Rememb«r it is DR DUNCAN'S Medieine tha
is petformißg such wonderfhl Cores. A fresh supply
lust received irora the priueinal office. • tanl
Sold in I’i’tsburgh, by WMmIACKSON, comer of
.Wood and IJlwrty sis.
REMEDY—Warranted to care, or the mon
ey returned. Tbis medicine in prenared'from an In
diantßeeetpt, obtained from bne ol them in the Far
Wont, jt great expense. Those who have been,
famidiit’with the Indiana, know that they con and
do cure Venereal withoot the knowledge of Mer
cury, Balaam, or anything oMbe kind. The a*
dieted have now an-opportunity of being cored
tgilhpn .the ‘use of Balsam. Thia medicine is
Eleaiant to the taste, and feavea no ameli on tfeo
iPrepared by ROWAND A. WALTON, and sold
wholeaale m>d retail, by J. T. Rowand, 376 Market
street, Phllad'a. .-
For aala in Pittsbnrsh by R E Seller*, 67 wood,
•treat, and by Wn.Thom,W Market at.. oc6dwT
For tor removal aud j ennanearcurn of ail diseases
arising from an impure state of the blood -
or habit of the system vtxj.. - r~
Scnfula, Kmg~r Erik Rkcumatiim, Obstinate Cvlanmu
Eruptions, Pimples or Pustula on tit-Foes, fiiWdo,
RiAr'CArenlc Sore Eyes, Ring Wanw or TsOer, Scold
HtaJ, Enlargantnt and pain of the Bonn and Joint*,
Stubborn Ulrm, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica or Dustt
taco, and Diseases an H\j}uiieieus *us ef
Mercury, Asritetor Drops*, or Imprudent* in ,
Life. A’se, Chronic Constitutional Disorder*. ■ _
ITS timely administration ha* hreu aitended with the
Jiappirst result* m many anomaloiia affection*? but
it i« ehiefly inipiided to fill the void which exist* between
eathnnn.* und aperient medicine*; bencc its modus op*
randi that ol an alterative directly—indirectly, pro
ving a lasting (oaie to the system. [
I.o* highly coutfentrated Jor.conve/tiBnce and'porta
hilify, conrsining nothing but. the expressed essence,
ami i- liie rep.esenutive ef the J*ar«parilla Root, in
■ the same manner at (Quinine is of Peruvian Bark.ot
Morphin- of Op um. It it’an tswbiished fact, that a
K w grams of either CJuimne or Morphine eomuin^jl!
■Ksordieinat value ol a large quantity of the erode
RUDltances; bcsce the sunenopty of those preparations
—and no invalid would desire io onuk a guUoauliiiure
when a half pun contained the same mediciual value.
The Sarsaparilla eon he diluted when taken agreeable
to the directions, and made lo suit the tasta of the na*
The following certificate addressed to the Agent* at
Chicago, uniiifhcs conrlnsive proof of its great (value
in eases of'F'everSsjre*.
_ Ciiicaso, Ul. Sept. 1», Ifiis.
hlessrs. Siehhin* A Rred—Gems: In hlay, 1345,1 ob
tained at you' store a bottle of Sand’s Sarsaparilla, and
was-then confined to ray bed, withou. sleep for a Week,
oecasioned by violent pain trom a regtil ir fever soreol
bng standing, on my right leg. My physicians advised
me to hava the limb amputated, saying iLwa* the only
means likely lo preserve my life. Afierlusitrg half the
bottle the pain began to subside, and by ihe time I had
used nearly three bottles, I wtuublc to transact my reg
ular business, and before 1 had finished!the fourth hot;
tie, I wo* a* well and sound at evert had been. 1 have
no hesitation iu saying that Sand’s Sarsaparilla Was the
means, under Providence, of saving tn>' limb aud I
douht not my life. I most cheerfully reepmmend it as
the best article extant for the purification of tbe blood
Yours, most respectfully, 1 ,
The following certificate is only another link in the
great chain of testimony to its merits: 1
So era Boi.tox. Canada East, April 18,1145.
Messrs. Sands —Gentlemen:. Exposed as we are to
the aiiaessof disease, and to'frequentlyj disappointed
in proposed remedies, we cannot bui look on the effort*
of successful practitioners with interest oed gratitude
Tint fs truo rcspeciing your valuable pireparniion of
Sarsapanllu- I have been severely afflicted tor 10 years
.with a diseiue about which "doctor's disagree,” aad
their prescription? were siiirmoreidivene*!. 1 tried va
rious remedies but found no relief until I commenced
using i-cur excellent medicine, at which time I was
wbollyjeonfinedu* my bed. Alter using ita few mfinths
lam npw able to want about, ride out,and enjoy a com
fortable degree of health, which I attribute entirely to
the use of Sand’s Sarsaparilla, l’lease accept my as--
■urauce of gratitude and regard.
Being personally aeq iainted with the abovo state
menl, Thereby ccrtily that the same is true.
Fsantca Tmtsso.vy.—The follo«ving is an extract
Iroin a Ictirr.rsceived from Rev. William Galutlia;
UxaasmaE, Vl,Oci.*l, lb4S.
Mcur*,3aads: I have been affl cted with.a severe
ram in my side, occasioned by a liver, for the
M twenty years* lofferitig at (<mcs what language
cannot convey, but’ since taking tourSjarsaparilla, I
have been greatly relieved,*© mucasothat I have been
able lo attend to my : business, and preach occasionally
for the lost fifteen month*. I wholly discarded all other
medicine, and thoroughly tried the Sarsaparilla, which
I ean recommend in truth and sincerity to all thosr wbo
are in any way afflicted with any specie* of serofalous
complaints.. Thcrajtave been some remarkable cures
effected by its use in thi*> vicinity. IMrs.J. Shaw, by
ibe use of six bottles, .was restored to better health than
she had before enjoyed for ten year*, and Mr*. W.Ste
vens, who hod been seterely afflicted with the Erysip
elas, was entirely cured by tbe nse of a few brittle*.
Your* truly, WM. GALUbHAf
For further particular* and conclusive evidence of its
superior value andefficucj. set pamphlets, which may
be obtained of Agent* gratis. j
I reparedand so d by A. B. A DSandkDntggl*«,4oo
Fulton *t.cornerof !V illiiin. New York. 1
•Sold alto by WlfjcoX, Jr., Fituhnrgh; : n. ITar
wood,Beaver; Wm. Watson. New Canlc; D.N. Rob
isbn, Brownsville; A. Crcigh, Washington; and by
Druggists generally throughout th- United Stairs.
Price SI bottle—^lii-dottles for 95. i
—The public ato respectfaliy requested li> remember
that it Is Safld’sSartapanllaibatutsdbnsianUy r.ehiev
tog sucli remarkable cores of the most difficult class of
diseases to which tbe human frame ta asbjeei; there
fore ask for band’s Sarsaparilla, and take no other.
,For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption,
and all other affsedons of the Bnnehial tuha.
PREPARED entirely from tbe Ginseng, and war
ranted to contain no preparation of Antimony,Mer
cury or Opium. ]
nr TqjUpirt or cixcissati aloxk, with-
fxax with thk most rxttrxcT asTtarxcTtox
to;tbi rxTixxTt. • (
The Ginseog Panaesais now ordered by physicians
of the first reipecubility, in their regal arpraetiee, and
i iu claim to be considered the only aruclejever discov
ered capsfole of speedily and pe'rrnanqntly allaying
bronchial irritation, which is the solo eause of cough,
asthma, bronchitis, and .according to Dr.lEberle, who
but expresses the opinion of all the firel-knthonues in
Europe and America, of two-thirds of sill: the, cases
usually regarded as true tuberculous consumption mast
;be considered as forever settled.
" e peleet the following names from a list of hun
dreds, who bare felt its healing influence ah themselves,
and seen it in their families,.because many of them are
. well known to the basinets community, of Pittsburgh
as men of standing and influence in Cincinnati; who
would not, for a moment, lend eitner their, names or in
j fluence to the distribution ofan arurfe, except from (he
■conviction ofit* vast utility tothe shluiUiJ.
G W Phillips, Broadway v bet 3th and Homson its;
W Parvin, Broadway, near Yeaunan; ’'
G W Coffin, Buckeye Bell Foundry. <d st; '
J Vanduzcn, at Hope’s warehouse. Sycamore at;
J A Trainor, Surgeon Dehlist, Congress st;
■ i, ■ Atoms, firm of J F Bair & Co,-Syc. & L Market 1
N Noble. Canal Collectot’s-Office; • ■ r '• :
J Jones, Assiftam Clerk Ham. Co. Superior Court;
E II Wheadon.finn Wbradon A Blinn,| Auciloneais;
.Dr Rosser, 14th st, between Vine and Rite; |
■■ ■ Kerman, firm Finkbine AKcrman,Main; .
. O F Benjamin,lmporter.3dstfetMaln and Syc;
A Newell, at; ' ....
II Lyon, Finisher, Frontst;
W Johnson, Carpenter,~3d st; j
CapL Adams, Columbos House;
/ 0 V Jones, comer Ixmgwonh and Race;
8 Sterling, comer Vine and Centre; .
N M Florer, Sycamore st.
For sale by B A Fahnestock A Co, J Kidd &Co, Jno
D Morgan. R E Sellers, Wm Thorn, L Wilcox. Brian
A Reiter, Hays k. Brockwsy, Edgar A-[Thorn, D C
Kpeeland, and F L' Snowden, in the city; J II Cassel
in the flth Ward, arid by. H P Schwartz, Federal street,
-Allegheny City.
Sold atso .at Sawyer’s Health Depot, Smith
ricld 'xLbetween 3d and 4th, Pituborgb,
. a barrctt,
Fifth street, opposite the Iron City Hotel distributing
Agent for Pituburgh and vicinity.
T. BALTER, Proprietor .Cincinnati,O.
K3“Priceonlyso cents per bottle.
Kbit has relict ed him in inch a short line from bis di/«
ficullT of breathing, Cough end" • 11* I
viU tell you il teat “the Olo»*ooiin,|cr lill- |
| Hrsling Ualnm.” Aik Ihe caninnplirr . [
') what has allajtd hit Cough, madeeJ :i
. < lh* fain in his Side and Cheet, 1
checked his night meals, and.
! placed the rose of health
upon his cheek? and j
' he Mill tell you !
Aib jour friend»if the) know of anything that will to ijv
JHjf fuw a long and ledioua Cough, Hairing uf Blood, Bmp
ehitii, llfiprctie Consumption, iloanencia, Influenza, aid
diieaiea of the Throat, u the Ohnapuian* and IhrywSl till
There nertr yil Ua» herd a returjy introduced j!o
publie notice which hui been productive of eu touch good Jin
•oihort* ipwe of time. Hud ihe Allowing
AtlnnUltlng Curci,
W».; BnMD v thc ceJebreted Buatou cracker baker, S 3 Nil
«au itreet, Brookhn, italra that hia write .haa been afflicted
wiUi Aitbma for & fnn, and could not find permanent {re
lief frvtn the but medical adrice 'which New York pbd
Brooklyn eould produce, waiinduced to try thin great reme
dy. Kite 1* now nearly well. HU daughter who waa mffer
iiig from the aame diaeaae, tried it, and wai alio cured by at
Mu Bond ii now ko well that the U able U. vitifrom Iter
bed early in Ibc morning and attend to herUiaaldctici through
,h * *I*T without any annoyance 1 from her diitmaing malady;
• HttiXT J*c*»os, 13th afreet, near the Catholic Ccoe try,
came to the itore for the purroie of obtaining a bottle of the,
Olonoaniai}, haring been afflicted with Ihe Aithmafo more
than 30 year*, and wniaoohauited on hU arrival that he
could not iprak. He. purebaaed aboUle and rode .
.Four, day* afterward lie walked from hit reiidcacc to the &£■
fiee without fatigue, a dutknee of over iwo milei. to lelljof
toe wonderful relief which.' he had experienced from ujimc
about one half of one bottle. '| ,
Coninmptl<moftheLnnci< i'
Mr. Commit, 33 While atreet, was »o low in the month
of December laib that he wnsgirtn up by Liiphjiieinn- M‘*
friendi entertained no hope of hia recovery. H* waa peraun
ded to try the.Oloeaonian, and to hia ’aurpriae it baa ■> “ r
reatofed him to health that he ia now able to walk about U»«;
ateneta.: . _ I
Mn.ATTTtX, the wife of Wm H. Attire, JuneaHanp**.
E*J. and Geo. W. Iltyi, Ewj. can all.bear
their own experience of the healing propertiea o» U)ta_t»rew
Remedy in CottanmpbM of the liuagt.
r_ 1
.inff Bio* , , . '
• Mn>!Tuocaouasc, 353 Monroe, tree t, who U.ktt,
tniu b, • r«' '">«"• "Us“ 5 L’S'UL.S'M
raurd quanlitio of blood, wa?Wi«*fd by oae botfle. of lb*
Otnaoaian, asd tolim U« *f»4
Dbxxm kfttY, as Water atmt, ™ al«>U»i*d lro±
Ihe «*me complaint, altbourb be "* »«7 *«« Kd«*«l
when he ccmnieDcd tikioj it, haeia* been usd.nUe care Of
hi. phymciaa during the pa**, miaUr. Although he Oxjjiud
eon.tanUj'and «u very much troubled with aigbt rwcaU, 9 •
bolllredr the rrmedy enabled him to return to hi* duly
work.' He «x> entirely relieved. i j
Divip Huißnuox, 60 Lairht itrret, O»o W. Dureetl,
.formerly of Newark, ?f. J., Henry Lubva, RirinjloO
.tract, aod uumerotu other peraoai nave beta ipeedilr- tad 1
permanently cured of the tame eompbial by tbit remedy., j J
The Amyof flinei: >’•- 1 1 .i
which could be produced of nereoai who hare toed thu great ;
rrmedy Would more thsa fill a column.) Among lb* bomber;
we are permitted to refer to A. M. Bintnecr, 133 Barclay it], j
Mr Wmoa of Hoboken; Mr*- Beil ofilorrUlnwa, It.'J;j!
Jaawa B Dtroe, 101 Beadr>t; Mra. M’CafrtelS) AUoracy ■
tt.; F; Smith, 93 TbinLAeraoe ,Mn.. Wm. U. Alice* of thi.
city,and Mn Archibald,3SWhile*.• ; ,i i !
Sold fboloaletbdrataol by Wax. J*ekeoo,elbi»Fat*Bt
Medicine Wanbooae and Boot and Shoe Store! JfoW Libera
• tree I, bead of Wocd itrret, Pittebogh, Pnee jjl^ttbot
Z 3 : ‘ ” medtcit:; •
!■ j* ' CALCkP
IS bo# bniver*allv' acknowledged lo be ibe I X*.
[FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheatoai» B i. Sp,-
oat. Affections, Contractions of the Muscles, Sore
Throat aad.Quinsy. Itaa«a,old Ulcent.l'am* in the
Back and Chest, Ague in. the Breast and' Face
Tiuth Aehe, Sprains, BmisAs, Salt Rheum, Burns ’
Crimp, Frosted Feet and all Nervous Diseas** ’
letided t6e : application of tbi* most WONDERFUL
MEDICIN'Kin curing the most severe cases nfihe
different Dttea es above the HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed npou'ii,'
•* wrevent baa been introduced, givek.ue the right
to icall oa the AFFLICTED to resort at once to
£#*The faculty unite in recommending the ede
qted External Remedy, Hunt's Liniment
Tho following letter from the .highly, eouhsrl
Physician* .who have, been atUched to the Mount
Pleasant State Prison for many year*, is the best
evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniment, i-'
Sine St!ic[ December 26, IS-lA. *•"
Aly Dear Sir—l received jour note of ycstcrdaT,.
asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Ligireeat,.
as [prepared by Mr tieorge E SUptoo. Kno«icg\
iU \ composition, and oted it. 1
can recommend it to you as a safe Ex.lcrai),Rente,
dy.-and mmj opinion, tho best Liniment now ini '
ost*. Very tryly atid respectfully youro,
; a K Huffman.
Co| Pierro Van Cortlatnit, t 'rpton Manor.
I; fully concur in/the above opinion.
„ i . \V N BELCHER;
‘ Yoretowh, Jan. H, Dili. ,
Sir—ln reply to your letter, 1 would say that I
haye used your External. Remedy, called-Hunt's
• Lipime'nt, in my practice since you bade me kcj
‘quainled with ita compoaition. and unlicsitatinglt
say that I be tho -best External
dy;now in uactur the complaint* fj which yon rts
Geo E Stanton,Eiq.
' From the N Y Sun.
'lhe mao*'of worthless arlielea atui
hnbbugs that are poured ftrtb at the present 'dxr
upon the country, it it really refreshing Jd find
something of realpraclical utility, something aim
plq, speedy and enectuai in iu opemio'o, and rt
tho name tima. free. Trora thoa* rojuriout etleets
which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt's
Liniment, prepared by- Geo; K btauton, of hiug
.Sing, though it hat .heen but a short time before
the; public, hat already obtained the confidence, nut
only of our mo«t wealthy And inliuentiai cjtitcns,
our most eminent physieiaok. AH eeti.owl
edge it to be asatercigq balm for many of Um ilia
that flesh i.rbeir to, toothing'the aching limb, and
t>y)ta genuine atimu aling iatiueace.baniabing dts
outje from the *y»tcm. J : -‘
f Mr. Stauton—Sir—S eing your advertirertent
of Hunt's Liniment-, I was induced to try itsctlccu
on;my ann, who had been cnppled with a lame
backlrutn an jhfanl; and itia.vMtb groutude t hear
testimony to iu wonderful Isrjilinjr pn*|K , itiea. My
child, »*bo,ts how five.years of agv. ta now in a fair
way of recovery, ’ ,Y>ur*,&c.
ii PojTOrricx,Ttiwai aa, PutnamCn.!
I certify thut I am personallt • acquaint'd with
thaabovQ named ch:M. and think the father would
be[iafe to aayiog that his son it almost well.
\ \ ' . JAS W DYKMAN',
Nov 5, 1315. ' Deputy post Master,
t*. S. I would also state that I hare been fur a -
number of year* subject 10-frequent attacjrool the
Rheumatism, .whicb in many insUnccs prevented
my attending to my busioefs. .Tw o or three j-ppli
cations of the Liniment invariably remove all af
fections of tbe kind. -Incases of bruises, sprains
and (ores, too numerous to (mention, it has in this
vicinity provod a certain remedv. Its value can
on)y estimated bj those who have given it a fair
This aoldat 35 and bo ccnu per hot- 1
tie, by all the Principal Druggists and
througboot the country. ( * 4 \ , |
Wholesale Agents in 'New York „
HOADLEY, PHELPS Sc L’o, 143 WatersiJ
RUSHTONdc Co, 110 < roadway.
A B tc D SANDS, corner. Fulton and William.
■ ASPINWALL, 86 William street.
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y, will
be attended lev GEORGE K 7>T ANTON,
For sale in Pittsburgh by L Wl LCOX, Jr, and J
KIDD & Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT.
Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. fel»l9
PILLS, for the cure of Liver Complaint, and
all diseases arising from the Liver., in sick head
ache, and ns a purgative and AotUßUioua Pill, sur*>
passed by none. 1
Stmptohs or -a Diixasxd Liver.— Chronic
inffaination of the Liver, when not tbe consequence
-ol an acute attack of tha disease, begins generally
with symptoms of a functional disorder of tbe diges
tive and biliary organs, and dyspepsia frequently
seems to he the only affection present; Tbe patient
complains of irregular appetite,and iu pitred powers
ofdigestion, acidity, flatulence, slight cholic pains,
occasional' nausea and. vnmitisg r and a slight doll
pajp and weight are felt in the nghtside, accompa
niedJo some cases with a dragging pain in the right
shoulder. Most commonly, however; no distinct
pain iis'. experienced in the region of'the Liver,
except when firm pressure is made on-tbis part.—
The bowel* are always veryirrcgulail costiveness
being common in some instances with diarrhoea, the
discharges scanty, dark colored, offensive,.alloy,
greenish or mtiddy. One; of tho most contact and
characteristic symptops oC. Chronic Liver Com
plaint it idry.hxrsb.coiatricted sute of tneskin,
a ihortdry cough, with slight difficulty in breathing,
it a frequent: attendant-on thi* <fiy«»s«. In the
. chronic at in the-scute fomTof this aisetue, the pa.
tient can seldom rest as easy on the led Is on ihfl
right •[de. As the disease advances, slight fevers
come on tqyarda evening, attended with a burning
heat in the'pslms.ofthe hands and soles ol tbe feet;
the nights sre rntlrss, and when the inflammatioiv'
terminates in hectic and rapid emacta
tiomconsume the vital powers.
.Manufactured and told wholesalo and retail by
. IJOHN D. MORGAN, Dieggist,
- mcbSl *!{’j. ' Wood street, Pittsburgb.
:a ruvrcx scsrurtcK.
TUE ben article known for cleaning and whitening
the Teeth, strengthening the turns, sweetening the
breath, 4e.' I| ibooTd be tued every night with a stifl
brush, end the leethj andmoutb'willanly require a eligtt
washing in the; morning.; Wet the brash with warm
water, or cold will answer, and rub it • iee times on
.the parte, when enoujhwill adhere for e/caning the
'teeth. Itiearesadelicioustan’eia the mouth, aod'uq
parts a most delightful fragrance to the breath, inlands
uuriraJled as a pleasant, efficacious, convenient. »a«l
safe dculrificc. fit I# warranted not ta injure the ueUI, 1
batto prrtervelhem: : r. J
By osing it regularly, it will remove the tartar ana
prevent its accumulation—-prevent the; toothache,
strengthen the game; and prevent all diseases of utcm.
Chemists, physicians, and the clergy recommend, it .*a
.decidedly superior fo every-thing of the kind in use.—j
Ask for Sheraton's Compound Onie TaoilfTasie, ana
observe bis signature is atrachedto each pot.
Recommenced by Dr. Castle, 381 Broadway,‘one of
our best Demists, and by mon_pf the. old established
ones in the United States, sqd ever «<ensively nsed\
.by the Nobility of England ahri Prr- r» ■■ 1
A large proportion of the d.tease, t >;ntalHiet mankind ■
arise from some derangement of ib« s tomtehor bowots, I
which a liraelv o«e of the Cathrnic Lozenges would, !
entirely obviate.! Persons of bilious labile should a)- i
ways have'a bail atthand, and take' a cioke'whe’neverj
they-feel the least derangement m their health Ajudi*-
cious useofthese Lozenges would prevent thousands
of case*.. ' . ; {
For sale e: WU. JACKSON'S, corner of Wood and \
LiheMyatf '• : • . u' ■ . dggia (
ln all ita ;multjp!ied forms,
whoiberin'that of King's Evil, enlargements ol the . i
elands or bones. Goitre,' White' Swellings. Chronic
Rheumatism,Uanser, diseases oFthc Skin or Spine,
'prof Pulmonary-Consumption, pmanate from one
trod the same caste, which is a poisonous principle '
more or less inherent in the human system. There*
fore, unless this principle be destroyml, no rjdj
cal core can be effected, Lot if the principle upon
;whicp the disease depends, is ! removed, a care
jnastoT necesaity follow, no ualter.ander what lorn
tho disease shoald Manifest itself; This, therefore,
is the reason whs JaticeJs Altlrativk is «o uni
versally successful in removing ao many malignant
diseases; It destroyajtbe virus or principle from
wbiCji those diseases have their origin, by entering
unto ihe circulation, sad with the btood is conveyed'
to ttjs minutest fibre, removing every pirticleor.
disease from the system Prepared sod sold at No.
8 Soilh Third Street. Philadelphia.
' bold at the-Pekin Toai Store, No, 73 Fourth street
Pittsburgh. mch3l.
is potbiog equal to it. |
1: L PiTTfBUKOH,'March lB-17.
Mr R E Sellers—ln jusiicp to you and jour in*
| comparable Cough Syrup, ! beg-leare toslale forth*
beniUtof the community, tlul my wile baa been,
several times afflicted with a most distressing cough. .
I purchased in January last a tiutUe of your. SynJp,
which cured a cough of two monihsstanding About
oneimonlh since the cough returned, and was so se—
were that she could hardly more, from weakness in
•hebreast; I sent for two bottles of your Cough
Syrup, and a part of One bottle cured tbo cough. I
gave,the other-tattle to'a journeyman who, w«i se
verely afflicted, who bad, lo use his own words,
‘‘eaten enough Cough Candy to cure all\he people
in Pitlaburgb/if the candy had been asgpod as rep
resented. 1 | Respectfully yours. ■ l -
i i Arrant* B, Jvekvii..
ETNinetyriiine out of every hundred that use*
this Cough Syrup, sayjlbat «*•»»»•>•» < -’ t>o K h
Medicino in tie, Pr«p»««f »*»* w,m *l!£cenupex
bottle, by K K SELLERS.S7 Wood «t.;- mrbat
rrtHlS medicine is last taking thp nL-ice of. cvciy
Jj preparation heretofore used fordiveasea arising
from Weakness or other causes..! All that is neces
sary to securwlbis medicino a place in lthe Domes*
lie Practice oPevery family,-when sucH a medicine
It spealufor itself—is innocent in its operation,-
andinolinjuryean arise Loth its use at Anytime,
Wholesale add Retail by ROWANQ fit. WAL
TON, Proprietor* 376 Market Sliccl,
1./A’or tale in Pifasurgh by R E 57 Wood
lid Wm. Thorn,fis Market st. 1 ocfidw T
t DivMcLant'i Liver Pllli7~ "
MtSSUS- J Kipi) It CO.—Oent»j please let me have
51 boxes of Dr. McLant’s Liver Pills. My wife
has used'two hexes of the Doctors’ Pills ' I tssare you
they have dene her more pood than my family physician'
has by two years milendancs. Two additional boxes, I
inmk, will effect a care. JAMES jp.NES '
, . Wilkins Township
, These valuable Pills for sale by J KIDDiCo No.
.Co Wood • _. I mcU'.-O
JAYNE’S HAIR TONlC.—Aftergwina thU article a fcir
Inal, we uahesttalingty pronounce it tube wrist il prufrw.
M—lh« .b«*t ardde, without any cverptioa, iq ox. fer the
! restoration and pmcrratioa of lac hamsa bwrJ \Va knew
!©f nuntrous insQMt* where 1 hair has beta restored to heads
which have been bald for years; aodwe thiak we can not do a
[rreater favor than to ncottintad to atl our traders aba are
: losing their hair, to make a trial of this Tonic bamedUtety.—
, Boston Mail. t : ' |
; For sale ia. .Pittsburgh at the Ptshin Teftr
-.tercet, j
T‘hk nooitraH haiu dteJjLi
nenily, dveinf Light, Rcd.lor Cray Hair a Dark'
Brawn or Black -co]»r, without dyeing 01} injuring tha
»kiß, .'Bold whh falldirettbne. Price SO chats. orfl
a bottle. ' • ; I j i
inraold by Wit. JACfcSON, at hie Patent Medicine
WareluMiae, » Libetrjr ttrtiei, bead of Word-at the
•iin«ftWi;Bitßotitr''-|- 1 ;; .j• ~ ‘ J~