The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 01, 1847, Image 3
fj'LOUR— IOVbbU PadiVPloarlsatareud fbraaJa 1 br "H4J SLOAN ‘ • maM . • g| lAcny and SSI wood m Q AX*T—SO bblt No'l Sail, j«it rea’d and for eale by. O; j • * * ‘ • MAJ SLOAN n>Cb3o _ Liberty and wood ats ■I^AR—IS N. C. Tar in alora and for rale by i.; Mi J SLOAN _J**b3o _ ■ : Liberty and wood m . "VITIIISjyCV—'Jj bbit Rectified Wbirkey iu note ▼ V and tor mlc by M ft j SLOAN iBChIO Liberty and wood »v> ir\ DBLS Old MononeabfU Rie iV'jjiikey,in aaore 1U andiorva.e by ' A 1 A J SLOAN i - • Liberty mod wood »’« : tri;i s«>oitrJ mt*, in aioie «ndfor»*la hf )I4J BLOAV _njehiJH liberty and wood >U SBOVKXjK— <v do/iii Can*) Sl*oTel« in »wrear:d (or *»!c b,- M 4 J SLOAN jncLW liberty aod wood u* N KI’OAR - 100 Mult prtffir. frc'U per lain ar • nvi!«»njur«»leliy ' \ ' UCUBHIOGF, WJI.SOfItCo _jncb3o j , Water *tr*et NO7 arriTati.fqr « *atcu.y ju»umnx;»:, wil»o> 4 Co mchSU, 1 I Waitrtifrci II ABJ> |li i.M« No I Cooking’* Cincinnati, a J firm rat.* nnir’-, juti ar.o (or **te by ' ‘ F SKLLF.RS N« I* Ml«erty airert No 57 water »i C'OTTON YARMB—ftW' ibr assorted Number* /lour nnJ *’«>" li*« 1 C n 'o l Y»m llr.iinz, fair l *! wi.-k and. Twine, for *ajeby rtHKSI). RIIKY A «ii _ ■ eNn bj water *i jpEATIIRUS* Ar“ r '^aiJien; i iv rSSin*: i- *-i < i :> l>. HHKY A Co jmcU3o No A 7 water *t CO “5- •;<n “» for u!: by j A To tnebOO No 57j«iiteT *l /CIGARS—i •' »»rtiiutkv'C k-*i* far rale ly , ntlK.Nf>,MtflEY;&Oo meMO j i_. No AT ya;er*t_ MOLASSESi-VALld* i>«.m Mrer Dominion andjbreiiiekiy f*AlAll HICKEY tt‘« : lUrliltO ' w.ner and front »1»_ ll. Mii.-.AV.'ji-V- ■ i",,. ji Uwii, in’.torc and for tale by ij l.i: AIS linYrillSON *Cp JtncHVt j • a w»> r « d »rfrimt ; »U HAMS-ui l.i. f 'u»t r«c’J and far »ale Ly f I.M-.V!S,llf rCIH.-ON ACo mca’O •dTwnjrr audfc* front it* •s' iVkv Ari‘..t4 i'i:AOir>- XJ if-Vl'ry Apj'kf, Z<i il-ji uu rrc'.; a.iJ for »#!t by ! ROin* UaLZIIJ. 4: Co r mib-t) 1 • l.iU-rly uml I^ToUR— i: b::» Kiimiirnour for by ! nuur julzkll k Co roehno • l.d.rtty nreet S~nr3I6U.V«SIiS-IC»ObU» i k (iriutc article, jiui • received a:id lor • >•>' . iujrcw.'kj!:. wilson * co .|.niel»W • _ 7 Wa e? »:re«t I OAF StUAU-'i.* »■«*:< SiTjar, j ( L:i i-x« i!o do; a«.‘otird * Noi-, juit reCcj /eJ am! for **!•■ by V nt'UmilfcGK, WILSON A Co , mchTU . _ V X. -tfr OttASGL,-i liKSIOSB vS Uu» •** j*!**i!j Orm. In do l.ri».>n* )ii«* rccM anil forralr by . IiURMSIIXtK, WILSON A-Co ■ ’ nif h.TO . Water »m-e| PECAN NUT.*#-t. h! i. jc*i rri-Mand for aale by 'iL'KllUllrtiE, WIIaSON A Co , mebW Water urcct MOLASSKS-obObW* IBM rrc’d ami foriale by MYERS. HUNTER A Co 1 : mebftt IS* Liberty kuert. LARO —to bid. No I l-eni' i.ard fariaie by • MY Kit?, HUNTER A Co mc-hW *l*y Liberty street MBATS-FOUT OIL—IS LbU just recM and for Is aatcl.7 .MVKRS,JIUNTEKACo mettft sure! COTTON YARNS—KM"- lb. 9iar Factory, for sale hr MVKRS, HUNTER A Co. . inchiw ' _ IM Liberty Mteet^ BATTING — lt’O l ales Haiti:).* for sale by 411 W M t KUS, HUNTER A Co mch3o - lao Liberty meet ('IIDEK VINEGAR—Id bbl» in store far rate laaeautt. * .uYEttS, HUNTER *C» ; mch3o I IS? Libartv airect Naif.w— :fn*i krs* iu*oited. for rate by " MVKRS.miNTF.nACo me MO 1«9 Liberty nrecl B" B&F lIAMS-Au fM-Jmm rpc’d am! foriale by .M k Kils*. 11U NTER ACo -metSO ie3 Liberty atreet Loaf sroAR-iii bi.i. N«a ui( Su*ar{ • - . *jo do "No 0 do; 15 {ix« No 4 do; - ' Joit rre’d per ktmr Cumbria nc |)3o . LEWIS ML A Co OIIIRTINO Muslin*and Imli Linens, a f.eab »opp|y O ofmoit approred make, i uM ', te *‘!fj l ,£p£? r drjr goodi house of / w R MUBrnY m ebi» • cor Ifh and market n» TO MOROCCO bbl Nem«-Voot OiWorfofe b* _ ISAIAH DtCKKS It Co i water and front ■:• jjtebjg water and WdHU C OTTOS YARNS— Of Cay manufacture, beat quality.' at manufacturer’* Prce*. conatantly Dn kaAd and for tale by ISAIaH DICKER 4 Co ■ -achOT water and front m G RISEN APPLES- aw bbl*T«* kind*, jn« TIV lIARBAU.CiII TOe h2) 31 wood ttrert • mebgTZ f 33 wood wcei *\7 AILS—3O kert uKtlcd. jnit ree’d on coa»!rnmen/ iN J.dfo7wioby S A W IJARBAUGH o*ck» ‘ 33 wood ttreet Extra fisk kid gloves—to down Ladie*’anil Gentlemen*’ extra fiue KidOlore*— SPRING SHAWLS-Now open ni the N. York . Store, 79 J/arkel atreet.SOO iptendid aaujried Bnrinf BfrawL. W H GARRARD CHEAP PRINTS, LAWNS, Ac—A fall u •ailment ot Spring i’rinu and Lawn ; at tlie New York Store, 79 Market *treet. „ ' • Q2ck39 W II GARRARD FLAXSEED OlL—Wbblt juttrec’d and Tortile by MILLER A RICKCTSOI'f men® ' 17fl Libmr«trcct DRIED APPLES— go bur* jurt rec'd and lot •ale by » A W HARBAUGH roc b‘j9 ' 3J wood ttreet BEIiLAFS— 5 liale* id ■rrive.for 'mle hjr ! 8 * W HARBAUpII 33 wood »lrtel RICK— dtliirrce* in wore and for **«e by AIVEiIS, HUNTEK&Co loeiilO '. ' It6Liberty «irce» LOAK SUGAR—.3i.7.nt«-A**oned No*. fortaTi ~v -KBIIJND, RHKYAC© > No fl 7 water »t GOLDEN SYRUP—3 Ulf Mil* <br*al«br: KRIKNU, RIIKY AC© . No 57 water «t PEACHES— ’.i5O bur. Trarhr* (o* »*’«> bj J ; ' FRIEND, RHR.\ AC© mchW No * 7 v™»cr*t FIGS— 300 drum* Fie*h fij* m imilldrumi t oneon UfTim»nl »fi<l 1.1) (alr.Ttrr h-W 1»T J ! J SCHOONMAKF.R A Go LISSEKD OIL—3O bbla OB juil received and for *»le by ‘ J McGILLS A BUSHFIELt) nchS7 . IM Liberty meet eLOVKHSEKD— 10* foM»l* low bjr ! MeGILLS * BOSIIFIKLD IM Liberty meet FLOUR— <5 bill* Fine Flour for axle by __ ■fi. McUILLS A BUSUFIBLD me h2T ' IM Liberty street NAILS— 300 kef s Nails in atom and for sale by t* MctiILLSfcBUSHFIKLD • mchSfT • ' IX Liberty at SPTS. TUttt»KNTINE-20 bbla in fiaeorder jufl received and for sale low by J &CHOONMAKFK Jr Co mehS? . No 84 wood street (tHLORIDB LIME—O eaiki best Bleeehitif j SaJwwn »iurc and for sale by \ J SCIIOONMAKER ACo raehS7 • >No <4 waodsfreet__ TANNER'S OIL—IS bkls Brown Oil for tale by J BCHOO.NMAKER & Co BACON— Hams, Fide* and Shoulders ja»t received from Smokeboose, for sale by JOHN GIUEB . csehliT • _• «i Liberty weet ORANttKB A3D LKMOSB - [ . ; , , ! I Mbit Lemons* jurt »rri»ed in luieorfler.for sal* Sow by ' • P C MARTIN tncb'i? 'i_ ror tmiihfirirt tod f.wt «u \rK3ISON AND DEER 9KIKB> 1 i | txx» 'b» WhiNMi llama; | i i I uul Drc/Kkint; >o*tre<ei«r^at>dfarpalebir !l ! POINDKXIKR &<p4 Nt 4l;water*l ineh'f* _ . •T : f]ifl|llKl'i'AS-»A few' ea*r* rood Colton and t)A'BLA9OI»S—4 ra»e« Coiton- Gingham and Silk i'p r (.»U-op«^:.nJ i 6.r»ljbr rt wllrtE . . . md«7 WwoodAireet IKKAFPISG PAPEB- • , „ i ■* » » <4 ream* extra large and heavy Straw Piper, Hl® do a»»orted do! do; 100 do. ardiuni Tea Paper; ! .M do Pom and Cap do; for rale rrerr!low by j ! J SCHOONMAKERACo mebtf No <4 troooatreet OuJeEP PKLTA— No I; O[l ' »<0 do do No*] For ole l.y J C BIDWELI*, Agent • rnehal Water and Kyei. tot tale at mamriaetaren' lift prieel'." I EDWARD TODD _i.No C 6 wood Hrret, up »Uir»,over Geo Cochran vnebtM ; Mannfactun?r*a Agent /"'lOTTOil—lO7 ba.4« Tenaeaaee Coitou, received \v der steamer American and for aalelijr t i- FKIKND, RHKVACo 1 N<« 57 water M lb* (hog round) rec’d and fot *«le by ! . ■ FRIEND, RIIKY* Co , mfibajj Nn 57 water »t Self-adjusting stuck*-a lint *Monm«nij talk black and fancy, jail received from Ike tnano* 1 faciiirer.nnd for raannfaeurer’a Aftat, No 21 wfeod it reel, up uniri, wholesale. i | HOWARD TQDD, MannfaciureHaAireiH D" UT PEACHES—4OO bu*. Tcbnciace Peaehea, in'iiore'indfbr aalo by \ . J»AiAII DldifEY kCo tafbg? __ _t water and front ate P(t.WDKU- a.Oltokeyv llaiard Powder Co'a mao dfaeinrt; of the vinoua brand# of Rifle, Mailing aodjCaaiiur—in wartime and for aale. Apply to I. 'T i C INDWELL, Agent •*’*'« i j_ - _ Water atrect • ! «r TISDOW GLASS—I.OO) bole* extra quaJit) I Coaatjy Brand*,; fioa 6x6 to MxVO, ia (tore ui P*>« »>t J C BIDWKIX. Afeot }eM3.i. Water «tre»' STEAMBOATS. FOR SEVT ORLEANS. S" ' jWMaia The «uuncb and fail •learaei' Tyler, mailer, will leave a* alxtve (BSfIES39BfaB 'fturaday eveninf ai lit o'clock, | X? 1 For freight apply on fjoert. FOR ST. LOUIS-DIRECT. The twifl and reeplar Packet CAMBaiA, . < . Forayth, muter, wilt leave m above Thur»«ia>- eyecicf at < o'clock P. ■' Al. For ffcifblor pa**asr apply on Imd. • , • apt, REGULAR LOUISVIU.ITPACKET.' 1 . The decant ami staunch Packet ,C4| ' MT.VERMOB yMBS' Parkiufon. maitrrj will leave a* ahoTe on FitdWj Aptll Snd, at 10 o'elock.A. M. • For freigtiibr passage pply onlwanl, FOR Sf. LOUld AND PKOfUA. <MM» |l The staunch and fine steamer | If, || r J ALKICIPPA, mailer, will leave as oil Thersday, April Nt, at 10 o'clock, a u i positively. For freight or passage, hav ;og fine accommodation*. apply onioard'. . ntchll FOR NKW ORU'ANStUIBFCT. . Tne near and elegant *te*mer F= tfj PI OEttUSKTOWK, i iiu£L\£3z)hb3j Maclean, mauer. will leave a* Jflffll' jiiMaM above on Thurtfluy uiatiung, April tfod.'at 10 o'clock, A. M. , For reigbt or passage. api'ly on l»oard I* roi> - t:t11 Rtgglar Pittsburgh *ijd Zaneirllle i dpyfa The new and tienmer li Janie* F. Boyd, master’, will run as a FC-VgwSJw re color paeket between Pin-burgh; and Zanesville Haring had her eabini fitted up and : furnulieJ in superior style, the Comet offers the finest accommodation* to pa«ienger* 1 For freight or passage apply on hoaid.or to toarlO ' D wiLKi.M?. ah . WKLLSVILLE DAILY PACK Cl’. The new, elegant and fa«t Paeket f iW«*lk • WKLLSVILLE, ■ UfanftMgS' c _ c. Catlett, ma«<er, was built e«- preialy for thii trade, and will make • «U'iJy lr ,pi during the season; leaving I Pmibnrgb every morning at 9n'cLitk, and \\ ellsvtlie 1 every evening at 3 o’clock .The AN . t* furnished with ' “Faber’* Patent magnetic Water Guage.’’ For frnighi 1 or passage apply on board *; >ft!7tf Keel Boat if cooftanily at the Pittsburgh Wharf to revtive freight,end the agent always on the •put. • A McpANE. Agent. REGULAR PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE PACKET. N k. THE new and fast running steamer : liCjl.Ui' nAIILKMI will run tu a regular Packet berwern ■H3GSECah the above placed leaving, Pittsburgh, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 10 o’eloek, A- M ; and Brownsville every Monday, Wcdnv»daj and Friday, at £) o'clock. l '; For freight or passage apply on hbard. ‘ deed Pittsburgh and Snnflih Packet. The new and finf ktearaer fpam task HUDSON, IJuUMW Ebbed, muster, lju* resumed her reg ular trips and wdl leave Pittsburgh IHHDi as above every Thursday and Mon day at 3 o’eloek, P. M.' For freight or passage apply on board. X' ?£■»_ AUsgheuy dverT'Trade. • The fine and fast Steamboat' * p. AttUOW, IT. irS*. - {S' Capt. James Atkinson, will conlin ue to run us alßegular Pocket du ®sl,Jlk ' ring ibe aeasofi ijetwcrn Pittsburgh and Frauklio. For freight or postage apply on board. ocaatf ■ | REGULAR PACKET FOtt|! The new ■tcamei iRStVMjL WTOMISO, UhrifeCßr Capt. John P liny*, will commence regular trip* to the above port on Monday, tliefflth Instant, aMD o'clock. .« u For freijtht or p#i»aec apply on 1-oanl or to mchf7 J W BUTLER A »RO. Agi» . REGULAR LOUISVILLKPaCKCT „ , The ne»» light ill aught ud fast run ./f j ning fclefliner i KURFJiA. Crouer, ma«ter. will run a* u regular ■SOBSafepackat hetwden Jjiiuburg!. oud C-owa ville. during the *ra«on. 1 ! . For fretgbtor paiutge apply dn board. McKeesport, el zahetii And .mo.nonga- Ht.LA CITY PACKET. K The new ateamer . (f.*TA ? DESPATCH, yg»rEBra Nclmn master. will run ak above, l« a ■■■■EaHßEvinjr Pit •burgh every Monday. W. d netday and Friday, al 91 o'clock, A. M.,and tela City every Tuesday. Thur**Uy and Saturday it t o’clock, A. "M. Fur freight ot paaaage apply on lx>f id i#«* __ I . . [_. .. - . nesoJar P*itabnrKta and Zancn llle. ■ “ J Packet. | fllE light draueblilcamer , NEWARK. ÜbmIMMS' IJunl, MaMor,'vi!) make vycekly iup» the above poiteuciag. the aea* on. For freight or panare apply on l>oi td or to ap7 i D WILKINS, Agen fOR LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE _ 'i'Le i/ew aitdpa*icnj>rr ueamboat , I (El AMEHICAS, • Capt. AVjtttlo jrill feave for ihf ■rtSWiaMM atore and all u. iirmadisje pom, rejt- tarly. For frcightorpajsageapply on board. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING PACKET' Thesplendidand fast running »unr b 1 NEW ENGLAND. L—aa. NCantain G W Ebert, will commence .AsawagjßiyMjprncning as abore.-on the*?d dayot March, iiea\ mg Pittsburgh every Tuesday, Thursday and BnUrd*y,ur 10o’clock, A. Al and leaving Wheeling every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 9 o’clock. A M. i The Nevr England has been bought expressly tat the trade, and wit! reave regularly a* above. For freight or pauvre apply on boa nl. or to l JcblO . D jVH.KINS,_Agent PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET , />vrS9BA. The new and splendid steamer f* • OOSDOLIKB, Lyon*. matter,|w*» built expressly vSSSC22fI£a for this trade, and will leave rrgu Urly during the season. Her days will be advertised btreafer. i febtOir FOR NASH\TLLJy—REGULAR PACKET, i Tbenew andelream Packet wtdwso, cbc.Vfc3Sw Hays, roaster, built expreslfy forth* rawugswtM Piitsbutgb and Navhcilh* trails wil leave regularly-as above and far ihirrrhrdiaic ports For freint or passage apply o|i board, or to 1 W BUTLER A. BRO. febld | ] Second street REGULAR FRIDAY RACKET [for LOUISVILLE. The new and «*aunch Packet r if 0 * JW NT, VERKOS, IiMMV Parkinson, master, wilt lease lor the above port, lO o’clock. Friday mor ning. her regularity. For freight or passage, having fine accommodations, apply on board. Bard | REGULAR PACKET FOR WBLLSVII.LE AND STEUBENVILLE The new and light draught vtmr WILMINGTON, IJnIMML' O, M, Stevens. master, leases Pitts burgh'every Monday, Wrdnecda) and Fiiday atOo’eloek, n M., leave* 'Steubenville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday atSo’cloek, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. <l*o*3 Regu ar Cincinnati A'LonlevlHe Packet Hie new and elegant U. S. Msi ; steamer yWttUPff COLUMBIA, O'NEAL; Mastei, will run a* a re gular Passenger Packet belWeenJPuuburgh 'anil th« above ports during the season of IfllC. _ 'l l £ REGULAR PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING pACKifr. : • The Steam* i _ ■ Jk HIBERNIA, UmMW Samuel Smith) master, will commence running as ajrfcgular packet aboutthe 15»h Inst, leaping Pittsburgh ever) Monday, Wednesday and rruldy, at 10 o'clock, A.M , leaving Wheeling every Tuesday,Thursday and Satur day, atfio’clock,A. M. Forfreight or passage apply onboard. • -janH No 34 'wood-at FRKMSHTKRS and other* wishing , to have Fire Urffck, Produce - , 4c. biought to th'i place from Steubenville intermediate landing*, can make arrangement*. by calling on me, a» I have a Boat fanning regularly between Pittsburgh ami tkeubearille- GKO. U MILTBNBKRUKR, ]«q4 , Steamboat Agent, 90 Watcr et A Clerkship Wa'nterl, A MARRIED MAN, whobashad aitom Ci'teen year* practical experience at an accountant: under •tanas tbe>«ence ©MJook-kerptng thoroughly. by Uj£* Italian or Dooblo Entry system, together with it* prac tical application to the most nbstrusc kinds of bu*inrss. or tbe moat complicated co-paruiertbip*; u aeknow ledged to be ooe of the best Penmen in tbe city, 11 strictly tetnperaie in bi* habits; possesses s consiitution duseepuble of enduring the most constant and intense application totbs desk, and being now out of employ ment, i* desirous of obtaining a good and permanent situation, as Clerk, in some mercantile, manufacturing or other establishment I No.M wood street ft /~Tbe beet ol references can tbe given. Adilir A. (i. R. box X 4, Post Olbr’e. f rarbVOd-V THE Exccuikre Coianmiee will licrr.'Vi'aie, for the information of oil, ibm Taafle Jt O’Connor have contented to provide grniimmit »ior«ge, m ihrir • pa cion* warehouse, rorner of IVrnand Wayne vireru. where all donation* offered for the relief of the poqr > Ireland, will l>e received. nxW7if_ ' WH.lKnns. f" Mpltt Dllnda. I HAVE" Received from Philadelphia a lotjc a««oi rarni of Split ot Chamber Ulindi of vuper.or maki and Cnith and for vale low - ) WM' NOIII.IJ. UphoUterer Oppojilo Rank of Pnut-argh NEW ENGRAVINGS JUST Received, a iplendid a4*orment of KnglUU an French Engraving*. colored ind plain, of a grei vakietr of aulijecU, •tillable for Framing. i'oruobcM, t Scrap Rook ; T A IIII.LIFU jocbSO 101 wood n, ncnr iib KCELiRfIS—B doxrn Keelrfrr for »mle bv S K VON BONNHORSTfcCo No 35 From TO CARPENTERS—Jimrrceiyed and for <al e a freablol of Union Kaclory f'ismraJat llfe eL [«d3_l] .. ; JOliSW'AfcVKtt ACOW-SnCMUb. litres L a* \ tO.UOO Ibf Sidra; i v - ' 50,000 Il>» SWuldeiai Trf.'inu fiom -ViSoke Hoote and for rale by - 1 JORDAN * SO.N - v mch*3 , ‘ lben y *, Shovels and *: Co ajrntafcr A. Lament, bare on,bandan aaaon n»«ni of Homotn’* *oper*or coal, eanal.DnTon.h.rr «n.l collier Sbovelc, and Noa 1 aw-'J^P* 11 ”- . rnchjTJ _ OHIO, Indlan»,»nd Kcutncky liaak ll4* f““ 0 b £ Mlal 4 so N ; Nn 55 Mfcjkif L»l ! L* OAF SUGAR—BO bbU and tor sale by 9 3 * .L?^Pi 0 • ' ■ M t.lh*r>V : POTASH— 5 easki pur? Potash, l*n<iinr .n>m "'mr Allegheny Bellei for sale by J A-R PLOYD mcbgg. - . IM Liberty! SHOVKLI, SPADES AND FORKS— -40 dozen Canal Shovels, 10 do Coot do Non S’and ft; 10 do Devonshire Shovel*; • do Spade*; * |3 do Grain Sbovelm ! 4 do tobr pronged strapped Manure Forks; In store and for sale by L 9 WATKRMAN tachJi,. • 31 water and 64 front sis 'E PIPES—an bis in' store and tor-sale M YKRS, HUNTER ACo ' , t SBLihe rtyjt_ CIDER VINEGAR—4O bbls purr, in store and tor sale by MYERS, HUNTER A Od mchn It* Libert) it THE PI Aahea I» .* Pearl* r*corrbiiigt • • ■- Saleratu*. • - •- • • Ale—P *. •• Axle*—** ■ Bristle*— " -b American’ • • ••• Ball tnc—? ’>• Superor-.-’ Beaus—{* bus.;.'!; Small White "‘•"I Common Sc triis'd- ©H e ‘ ...““V—’T.'Sl. -»1M Fellow OT' • „ Broom*— ¥ 1£ - - Shaker .... .-I^saa* . Barka—t* cord . Cltemul Oak- •• Black Oak ® Hemlock.--•••• •■ Coal—HP’ btubcl At the Ri*er Cotton-* lb Tenn'ec f»d AlaL. •• 1 OiO 1 lb * Nuirboil. ■■■• U ® " Choca. prepan-J. •■ •• —» '•« Caudle*—* U» City dipped PuuUurgti Slat Cincinnati do Si>etyn,b«»t brand* Bo interior •• Coatings— Found.Hoi.ware lb Furnace • ju..—tfjj K!iV«i*** dol - Wagon • “* — U- net- MO S . Cottoa Yom*— Short icrl —f ' h • „ Mo. sto >o3l* “® '• fncrraMiip |olrnii V lt * 10 Mo. SI. Lon|»ier,l-tMoi. Mo. 500- *• tU(>, WKI,J,IKW Coveilei Yarn Ui- • Carpel ChR. a -Caium Twiiip Cumlle Wivk Collee-lt. java. old wliur • •1U" 1* *L Uimilip* _ — — Uavaoa jsssrz---*?* '-j ii coiMf "■ : ": r - 2 a T«rrei y '» Pxi'H y»m. 6ae -<» B ougbl.ine* 1 —o —~ tin? liajli l cent adyaner amllaßialCord*—P'do*. ; Salmoli, No I.- • —016,00 peril)]] ; ‘ Gthrrad'-- , No.S o'-r i IOO2Od JumuU 3.5003,70 . odo \W &%S> Shad- —0 7,5 u ;t0 9d “ 3.7504,00 • _ ine* — P * s Cod. ♦? lb. X.... 310 4 jCO 7d u .4,2504.50 Dom^;r ri " i - TrJJSKTn.-.. -wS g Allegheny UV- .;•- • «AO~. .tm-e-W. ->»l® 15 , *► Oregon D. Union Mill —0 V} Glaaa— | rmaburgb! •• •• —0 7 Nonawok... - g®i | llUck Bottle*. ! OlU—! ' Allegheny O'* J 7 1 Ouar:rr©** —0 0,00 .-Unwed!' •!• •• -.--OS 070 Light 4-4 brown •••*lo® ! Pint. do —0 7,00 , i.ard T Cityf • •••-••• 63 070 l Ltt«v*lek(ir’lF»ll»slw'. fl Made'a winc,3,6u>g»i-0 9,00,0111* ■ lJt5 01,30 N.M-tikelFi'Valih’ra— 0- ci»ret.;*» ero*» ... —0 9.00 I fJpeim, blebchfd J 01,80 Bleached,'lo4-d*. '"V*®.*** ■■ Windowtilaii. P box— *• uublaacbdd- —01.15, F.M UllMNuU’iiSbt’og— l ■a ’ City brand*. •• Fall ■■■■{■■ -W 01 JO 5-4 ' do) 0“ t 6xlu- r 2>50.3,tt> Whale---' ••• -v- -700 75 Ticking*— i v... i >9xl3 15.-0 4.00 Tanner*. P b1.i..15,0U082,00 Methuen* «*}• ,Uxte -0 —1 P*l»l*-p lb. o— Pateul do , lOi«4 to Piui, Blue 75 01,00 •..—0 1 *- : 16x24 i 0-e*- r Lampblack r 510 7 0“ ) Country band*. Span. V/hitins >|o 3 0“ 6xlo r-" 02.25 1 Curome ! reels 39 0 55 •• —o?* 10x12 —015 U “ . \ eilow Nol XJ 035 ••• O JOJO : Gunpowder —P keg. N 02250 89 -.■lbJo}'4 | FFFti 5.25 0550 Brnnswir* Greeli-• 15 0 20 Kogle.'cJlUi 03.00 ; WFilel.e i,\t|rv 010 Cl ...-SJO 7J Do. do/ t lbcaiiiiirr*— 07.00 1 oi't'. pt-ro, kcu--—01,63 ..... 9 015 •. KpFUdo. - 04,00 5 Ni l-- —0J.33 |UI‘» lOlol2| > fagle do m paper* — 00,00 Red l/eml C|o 6 \ Rofk powder- ••• OU-5 ' Yflluiv Oi hrc • -_.-240 3 ...13 017 i Grain—pbu*hel. I Ven. Red *--4]o 5- • • .-3(044 Wheat -070 ' •• ---:fl)0 39 •20 025 Rp* • 57340 ! plif Metal—P ion, 0 inos ol3' Oat*--' 2602 H AUrffimj/. • 10011 li»r„ - :t7J040 No. 1. Fdundfy ..31,W032,00 •3 0 023 Harley -35 I *• Fbtjc-• •-^u.bOffiO^O COMMERCIAL RECORD ASHVILLE. liudwii A. C. A. Rochester/ ••• Weil Drauch • Brown drill*- - Bleached tiood Madder--- MerVck.FJ r.vr - Dm({»—V lb. Alum i Atatslida Arrow Itoct- -,•••• Aquafortis • Borax, refined • • PlTi’SBCKfm BOARD OF TRADB OatrUe * Advertller Offlc*,) /Urine of tht UatLrt for thr tenk tnii'tg Ifn/.ia- > dojr Eef/itnf Nareh.Ul. '! State or TrJ»i»e. —The teceipls of Prutiace. except Irom ports below, to be sent forward,.hire been comparatively atnali to what tnajr oojr aoon look lor. Tin canals opening into the richest por tions Ohio, will soon be open ami U-t loose the stores awaiting shipment to this city. But a portion of the Pig Ifoo has srrircd. but li'.Uc Lumber, acd ol Produce, generally, but a meagre aggregate i what will be rent ut- Business has been improving,: md most of our merchants are pretty busy selling The carrying trade is increasing in volume. and bids fair to far exceed anythin? we have )<t witrcr»cd on" P.ivcr or (’anal Lj short the.season is most propitious. We bare endeavored below, to give a thorough re view of the market, and under the new arrangement will have much mor- tune to devote to commercial natters than previously. What we lhill do remains o be seen. ‘ _ The weather y< intmurd througl •The rains jbave caused a swell ip the Rivers.— Tbeie was feet tyaler tn the channel at dusk,and ASHES—The market is very scantily supplied wi‘h Scorching!, and or Pot* the supply is small.— Prime Scorchiogs are worth oe, ODd Pots •JiJ'itSc. Sales ol both, reported, 10 tons. So soon as the Erie’ and Cron cijt canals are opened, it is expected the market will bebeiter supplied. ALE is in.demand for shipment at previous pri- BEANS—But a small baiineu doing. Sales £0 table small White Irom stone at 51 t* bu, and pay for pegs. BUCKETS—SaIes ISOHoz, but at furmor prices. The market Well supplied. BEESWAX—3OO lbs In lots at COTTON—For a few days past the market has been it a stand. A sale or 30U bales avcraging.mul Tenn, made about two weeks ago, was at about lljc* on time. There have been sales since on private terms. Holden are asking-1 l^c. NOTIdE. CANDLES—We have to note an advance on star Candle*, both here and in Cincinnati, owing to the enhanced price* of Tallow and Steorine. Quanti* tie* over Sot* are Sic, and a teas number SJc lb Cityjdipped and mould Tallow arc very firm. COTTON YARNS—The sale* for a week pa»l have been to a moderate ezleht only. Shipment* Urge.. Wo notice no change in the market, and Spinner* are firm at quotation*. DKKtt SKINe-;JVc hate no «a!e* to Hi a price, but we understand, that liTJc. lb hat been offered for Skina in hair. ... DOMESTIC fJOODS Price* of Pittsburgh Sheetings hate been reduced J , u Jc r a*.wi!l'be'seen •n reforcnce to quotation*. Sale* large. Domcrtiee— Penn A No t Allegheny t>■ FKUlTS—lireen—Since our report the re ceipt* of Orange* and Lemon* hare be< n large,and the market it now amply Hocked with Sicily Fruit Price* ranee'ennaidcrabir, tx in quality, froip Hi-5,/0 for both kind*. Safe* to the extent 300 bx* App>e* are in tolerable *upply, wilh talc* 250 bbl* at 51 to S- 1“ bbl, ax in quality, order. Jcc. WJi.iknns, Cliniiman Dried—Figs are worth 12 li I.'lc,but not very plenty. Large arrivals of Nrts jind Fruit Sales 'Penn. tlmund Wills from I*l hand! at 51.25 f* bu. I'cachc* and Apples arc rattier dull. Salet -200 bu Fetches, •wires, at from store, and about an equal ao&unl fit Apples at sfi'.iGoc t* bu. The market is belter supplied with bz Kanins, and moderate sales. FIRK HKlty'K—Sales at previous prices, Uulirar Brick arc tn excellent demand. . market has been active sincplast week, with largo sales in the aggregate, and to tr rire, but th«\reccipts liavo been tailing olf. By 'wagon they ImVa been small, owing tu the vary bad state ol" tlio nnds By nver thoy have mo«11y been logo forward. .The sites as noticed reach fioOObbls mrsliy at 1.20, at which the market clnsea. A few superior lots have been sold at s\:U> f’ bbl. Some orders Iromyiew Orleans have been filled, FRFIdJITS —We advance our Quotations Tor Canal freights to the new rates prevalent f r 8 days pail. The Transportation Lines arc foil of business. For the period of the aoaior, the shipments are unusually heavy.- By River the t atev prevailing for a month j past, are suit, current. The- arrivals of Mdse to! go west are 'daily increasing, and with Pittsburgh manufaotiMesALumber, Ate , furnish full cargoes fur the steamers. Western Hirers are, almost without on exception, id li :c or Jer. (iROCEKIF.S—Sugar—The market has been dull of late slice the' dale of our last report. Nothing like speculation is ncdicei&le. and the sales are moderato at lormt-r prices. Tb o extremes are 1A& i«vuvi*.v »• —miv caucoies ars iaiq l U|e as in quality. Bbls syp S^lt. .Molasses have alto been rather dull. .Sales tre making •» wsote l, both to city and country af37« 33c, cash and short tube. The\business dons bas been moderate. \ CoSee—The market is.very finn'aod stocks small, bu since the opening of Canal the various dealnrt ■re filling op their stock*. Prices are the same, with sales fiOO hags Rio. \ GRAlN—Prices have scarcely viried for several week*. Wheat 70c. Rye 37itt40c. Shelled Cora 40c, tboogh we hear of a higher price but cannot verily it Barley ranges from 3frS4oc, a prime ’TBBUHGI: IND RATES OF Bs'um Peru 2,50 02,75 i -04 i >*iav rm» o*l ' Br n;«tj»ie -4 0 5 Cmet:ho-,Te s neu 4u &&. ■, ! Chloride ..rnte ca*k- :7'o ri 1 : "’oof -rs.l 02.U0 L-rt-n. Tsr ar -SU 025 1 Coppem*- 1 '- 110 3 ohe--- n an \ Gails • •• 20 k»S» 1 Gum Aral e '• -is &■ t »• Oopi.', j 4 tr jn - 'l.rasaeiAi'i • ••-j l . H ‘■•’©Shrii.i'e 15 !£»l* •*• Alaitir ISt Ipreac- •• • t>7 01.*2' Jalap, powdered-• • -h* 0100-, Litharge SJO y\ j hn|Uonci IV’ot- 7 0 0 ‘ Liquor.calliati J’J 020 Dje-'i-' ’• • • 26 o<° Magnesia:Carh X 037 Mnoder, (Jrabro -15-«17 Madder, Common---*U 010 ilyrrh-TirkeT- —O6O <*il, Viiridl 4*o 5 “ Castor 75 o>* * Cassia 3^5004-pb Cloves &C 002.00 Lemon- •- -. .1,5 on‘7s * Peppermi.t-- • -2.7jOU.iM Op mi.. Turkey • ••»,0006,3 yu. .roe - -34003.00 Kbit iatb, too( ----- 075 Sat Amonac 20 025 Sal odn[ 4 0 5 Seoul--! - -15 030 Tarta ic [Acid- • -<• •• -50 002 Vitno . Blue in 011 Dyr Wood—o lb. Camwi od- -510 7 Fusiie 2JO i Lorwot 1, chipped -•-Sl/r 3 Feai*»er»—F lb. Kentucky 26 029 OhioA lh nnsjrivania-24 029 Frail - Almond*»SeU'tl 20 025 Soft..} 15 017 ? Hard i 13014 Currants. 7 ante -12|013J Filberts 0 9 Groandnuts 1,25 OLSO F-r.TVkei ’’"lS® 14 Malaga 12|®|fl Rai*in*i Muscat — O— Boncb a,SS®4.BO Bloom, old • —o — ii*», 0 I SO l«rtnoni Sir .y, bx --3.5034 50 Onittei d 3,i<J©4.50 Peacur* r> bu.--1.25 0 I 50 •Vpplesjdry 53302 Applr»i srren bbl-1,1202, (X) Plr* U«lck-4» M Bolivar O 3,000 Common 12.00 0 | Flour -V bbl Rxirn im mb- ••• Snperfin ! Pin ; Kye rt «*ir • ■ ,bf. bbll — . Bn.-fctrheai.P it • *» ’ht' bbU Peed—i\bo»bJ*l. [Bran 5 I Shorts* i Pl.h—p’bbl Mackerel, So. I 0 No.jt.-lif.bbb-" 00,25 No-2. 9.50310,00 No. :L hf. bbb • • -3.503 5,75 ’ No.b .-5,503 7,50 kiu* 0—• 'Herrujg. Nc 1 5,2505.30 OO.MMHTKK FOH APML iitenlay blew up very cold, and so bout Uie day. «y. «9i 4 *ll4 V [ GAZETTE PRICE! marine! insurance, freigh Glue—p'ji>. Si ' i•' ' ’.ttonfinf Bork. » rm. TjtmnnnH 'Ol3 No. 1 Foundry ••-34,tti035.0u >• V outr—> ; !i , - “• For-e •-• 3*1,10 035,10 I ,Cr? ;;.»:'sr®S7l Tktirworr ; U\s- o;n eoinb.plb- I2i 01S iTenue**ee none here ‘ t.ia>enr-plb. ■ Alrren Co. [ lOjmhms* 0— .foondry • ® I K» pioo of .2000 !b». | Fore* •, 0—» } IThi * f , !7,0M1U» I oo|' ilaheiiini Co. O. | 1 lUdi»-01b.!4 ‘Foundry Pi* • -29,00 0 30,00 , ,'Mia.oui 7 0.9 -Foiae do •• -. 0 j iSna m,-. m.•• 14 016 I Piaster Parla—* ion. Do -a'l.'d i* 0— j’PlaMcr Pari*-• • —lO.tOjjia.Oi' !i>o iipn«F OI.CS I PreviilOM jOrsr i • •• it..— 04 • Dacoti Hams *l® 8 1 ttrmt»-*~P lb. 1 | Shoulder* 5| 0 6 I su«*o.»r IKy -0 4 [ “ Side* 10 7* 03J Hogrpond ciiy. cure-- .1® .J Kona* plb. ; j t ** , country do- 610? , i k'H *4l l..|i|®lB )Lsnl,lNij. 1. m krg*- *l® d an Ugo-hr packeee i >“ i iukega- —0 —, Ceuct To . ... .....1,5001,75 • “ i.;mbbl». 71® b Sfraiiu. Duuer “ Hinkesa- 7| 08 Aid. \ !. .9501,00 - “ ! ••I. u> roll-* Uo!3| •Iron -p :b. ICheefK* "*.R •• ••••Gi® e Bar.Jur itia ...--3|o 4 “ '•-Uoahen • -® 10 “dom - ‘on • •...'.J 0 31 Crtckfert. Pittbcrgb "a- Bbeer.. 51® 7f ter*bhl “g?# I Boiler 1' aie*- •••-•• '-0 ® Oi ’Do. Boiler 0J..5 ; • >*;i lr-.*si® Potatoea—P bo*hel. jPiussb vrinr* •••'•'• •••41® 5 i Common Red* 371® 40 *•* 4 0 4| Neahannocko .^-0 — 'Runoii Snrri-• • •—0 15 !' /Raja—P lb. ! L* A pH) [Country mixed-- Mia* »mPig. •• *.i ••• —0 41 ; Do. rood white -•• Bar o4| ! Rice-P ll». Co .roon aitca Pipe-*--51® 01; Rice S eel ■■■■■■ —0 6|’l Seed*—P bushel. Leather—P. lb, Clover ; Sole, Baltimore-• 180 20 Timothy- s,OOo2^ii New York- -150 171 Flaxmed M t. IOU Daraared I-.. 130 15 Mustard 2.00 0 3,00 Slaughter- •• •'•••160 20 Spteca—Plb. t Sliming S•« 810 8# Clover 33 038 Hame.*, black- ..-lO® 21 CawiaifnMat* 22 030 Dridlea, blackJperdoi Giuger- 00 0 10 aide*-- -•• ...i-I 30.00038,00 Nutmega .-n,50 0175 Rnaaet do.--, i - r-i.3O;oo042.OO Pepper* 'IOJO U Upper finished-■••23,0002400 Alapiri M ® U Kipr, finialiedl • • .-24,00036.00 Baafceroot-P lb. Calf akin do •' ; Lt3,oo<»iJO,oo Virgin* 0 ~ |jirel.eaUier----r16,000 Seneca * —® p;»»hi4fcL - •- - "«£»& FiSS- , iSJU3I aiB * w " t £ « jCa*(&lshear 10 017 fjS* 1 ' do MJ 'Do finale - 0 10 . do 1 ?»| {lWtticnuiiu Jo 75 *• Eagle -0M ISf***’- do Mi 1 “ Hoop J.* —0 lo ■]#*_„' . do 70 i Piu*but|:li Munofacmre. t CMUed Rollers. j 0 07 1 ! Ceiman steel 00* ' JJJJJ aI(d Mrdu-ine*, : <Jo },«« ! huglith Millet’ ••“•••—<S IJ| i do 1 1 10 ; American Urner- 0 ' *• **l Sprint 510 s|! ]>«"J f «“‘‘ i ?rt bW . 11601 25 Spirit*—<> gallon. Vur. ind P.’hfiea, per lit* lb* I -'5 Bndly. Bordrax 2,nu 0- so . r ' “ f,e * 1 do t Ra ,a n 01,75 ■ '' do *7| •• ,- .. ! -7Ol.0« I Xldow p«b* «M • r'“T if gw* * £• » ! ■' lair, Wi3 71351 [ “J’' i 'Jo W llavanna, -00 tlj ii„,_!! , i n ,.v“sc- drv 9U do .1 23 Brazil > , Ib.-lOj® li . . do W PolTcriwd, Philsd 0 : ■, * , r '- do 50 K B *, K X b ,-' «_ j Lard anil Lard Oil, 1 *■»•» No. 1. afloat i n ., do «5 V “ 1 inrtotr.-. l«0»Kmio '(£“ ardaildCa.iorl do'.tf w&i?'** r r : vjftsfi% S'ft Saltpetre—<Mb : ST- * • do' S?i; 30. 1. {Mot. 45,000 S. do } 35^)00 0. do 523,000 Sheepskins-•••• 5 tnntwr— From pile, it 1000 fectj ; Pine. clear, inch- - • • •—0520,00 Common r .;.•• •—OlO,OO Clear, 1} 030,00 Com*n 1| “• •• 015.00 Clear, a cl..— 040,uu Com'n 3 “ O*V>U Phor’jc c‘.‘c 1 in; do —o—- 1 in. common- •- ...—OlB,OO Oak do do • •• •’■ - • -—0 —— PineShintlc*? iUX> 1,7303.00 Lailn, sawed, 1100* 1.3301*30 Lire Stock- it lOmOan'i. Beeves -4,0005,50 Hors Sfs,to Cows £ Calveh- *• • 6.00018.W' Bbeep • 8303,00 Dielaaic*—gai. Sdrarbouse-••••••• *4 0 45 N. Orleans •• 'i“ 0 39 NaTtlStores- tibl.•UJ>Oo‘),OO Pitch .....3000.1J0 (Tar. Allegheny••• • —00,74 “ N.Cartlinai .•••37504.W *Turpennn*, ral-•••-60 0 65 Varnish, Copal- • •• • 1.7503.00 Hftlla-j-? keg, 100 lbs., [ca- tt Tobacco —P ®jct. j Tallow, ; «j® *® i . off tor ca»li for mnnufadtu- Tobacco, Leaf, j li i I red Tobacco.] do : Manufactured, "o J? ; Segar 40 ;® Wheat, j j do JV I Manufactured do ll® .S Wool. 1 • ' ‘ do— jLadica’Twitl to Whiakbr* iperbbl. I W ! Plug U i To ike Eaal via Monongdhda, 16 Turlti* • 7 ' Siaekwaler. [ ( «e* I £sESh. “‘."“•"•i* ;j£* ( - ■- ■ ■ hri |J! ‘ S"Slow,w T Glir.t* -8K - - , -Tca-HMb - , ciaa* Kt, 5-Drled Fruit, . j ; Imperial •• 5° 2i* Uathei, Oit Ruga, l ; Gunpowder «® TO IS Wool, • 1} » J • 1 oung Hy»°» J®?® 'ciaulNo -4-Beenrax, P. \VoMchopg so.® 75 Ke ;„*„ tFarti ui«ueng. j Tinplate—F box , Hopa.Mdae, loose Flax, 1,35 llancaUlock 3 — l«« . . ! j X 3i0)73 ; marine Inaornnce. Tallow—lbJ ' i Ram 6/Insutatutoo cargo** of Siearo i Rendered ••—3 s Boat* i ! Rough •t —3 j 5 From Pittsburgh lo Wheeling. Va 13— Soap Grerue 1--4J3;. 5] ' “ ' •• mfc from Cincinnati, O|3 Vlces—F lb. ■■.*'. *• •• *LouUv!lc. Ky • • |34-l j Solid l>ox«» , | >• “Si Mo.. 13l ] Wipe*-V.RaliDu. i ! •* ,• Uponvillet ilo ••1134 •L P Mudena 400 33,00 *> ' •• << Independence-• l|3u . L P Teneriffo 1.00 31.50 Galena. 11l • • .|j3l ! Li*bon 7S 01.50 •• MemnUi*. Ten. J3l , Dry Malaga 68 07V “ • a N. Orleau* 1 34 ; Sweet Wfl'6s From N Orleans lo Pittsburgh 1 3:1 j Marseille* 70 073 J •• .Si |a>oi» I3j |Port*»** 1,50 34.00 Chairesl.y good FlalDoat* I nl | ICgUbriii---* <5 0 70, -ip J j Article foictiing the latter. Oat* arc io very active | the street! than usual. ■ Oat doom money is worth demand, and ba have sold within, a day : or two ! » cent - ; at *G<i2?Bc. * 1 i ' ; HOPS—A few bataluve lx. .hIJ .1 15J*l3c i .. c a a.edjb T lor thid and 13* lor' 111 sort eastern. There is rather ' 4n y oUier ‘h™ a jlrgitimatc demand for monej) id more dqing. * j tho course of business. A gradual eipmiiop ol HIDES—Th t only sales forsome time base been ! trade has been gnirtg on for some time, and more ol rongh imlrinmed at “4c, 00 receipt. Sheet's is required now to supply that demand, tjian Pelts are in ac ive demand afbO&Soc apiece. - -- . . . - . |_ ‘‘ . . „ , . ... . , r , D t»* afforded by:ihe, Banking Capital of this city. LL.MBLR- here isnow very little seasoned Pine |.. .. .• ; J . ** Lumber ou sale in'the yards of this city. Within a l AbOBl ““ *P rln g ■®PPly °« **!ff »'°n week a lew rat s have arrived, but the great bulk ol j Lumber comesontn; market, and the sales create a UlO Spring's receipt; luve not arrived, ind the mar* j good deal or piper; which, in the* usual courih . f ket can scare dy bo to hive opened.— . • ;. *.«■ V. .1 >. , * . , Within the cofcties Week «e louk Tor opttn- I '■ P 1 "" 1 « to l,ons. .count. Large suuu are locked up in Produce,tuid | LIVE STO :K—See Cattle Market. ~ . ‘>»e year's supply Jof{ Sugar, Molasses, &c. We do I METALS— Irop—Sinco our last notice or Iron,! not tee.that thon^y‘can soon be much plenticr. there have be :n receipts 01, several thousand tons’ nwi.iv. . i , , !of r, e . which h.,0 mil with. Mhdjr ..In .1 ether »»•«•«•» IUUt ~W ». .c.rce, end ptl. n i ; advaoced nnc ss. In consequence of tins appreci* 1 ct. of pnf. , The Broken buy thd general j alios in trie ion material, the Manulaeturera are : List atij. and tel| at 4 P cl. dis. j ;holdin B theirs Ttrj full pnee.'.Matt won Jiulrt E.ehiege i, pleeiv .ed i. ,„h| a, It. stnngvnt terms tban’prcvi.iusly, hut there ir nopos- 1 . j 0 r ■ * t \ itive change n figure*. JThe sales and shipments ! P rcm * lung oales dilhcolt to «e(l arc large. , -i ' The Banks arc unwilling tb buy over thirty; day bills ; Nails are ilso in large demattd.and at rather ,from their best c*stqmera< i enhanced pri< cs. j Very few Treasury Notes are afloat here. They Pig Iron— t number ol boats arrived this week are m,, a || r remitted to the east as toon as taken u*i i from the All*'tinny, but>tili thuv arc tew compared ... > 1 ! with the num .cr expected. Buyers and scliersbad ; So fo " aro « old ', l w-noieaaylo name a pried lor I title difficulty |n couiing to terms The salfs : them. : [ i reported are— 15<J tons'Webster Furnace at $31, 4 ; Trade is in a sound and healthy condition- 1 and | ss: .^rasgsL^iSSS!s ■ »•>-*■ 4 • U I do Anchor jdi, } inns; |OO do, Furnace not named, j l circulation •*»! capital throughout all its branches. 1 “t j 314,4 mot; 3SO do Rcdbnuk 532. G mos; SOU do | We do not know n| any interest unenlivened b > the I Black riix S3O. b mo*; 0» do Jetfenon y3O. 4 mo*} , lr< Jbg pulsations of our city's commerce. ' i and KO do $31,6 mospGs doCUntoa £3O ♦ rocSj.i *' . 1 1 and hlXHomnn lotsofother Furnaces at saraetange There is some movement in Copper .stocks— lof prices, “rfo tons arrived to owners. Sales 130 j symptoms ol mofejattention to these sccufitiei. tons Canal Pm, part at S«, 6, mos, and part private? Boston It N York nsht . par3}prera terms. No recent sales ol U R may be | •' (tellin; rair) quoted from last sales ®t g34ft delivered on i udilsys interest o ff wharf. Phil. A Balt sijbt par^lpiem Blooms—Jom# arriving,by canal, but we hesr of. w 1 .. (selling "mfritnoff no s ales, aud believe the receipts are.lor Manufac ■. Cim-mnuit *icM l^cuis lurers. 1 : "So day* 1 # ini of Tin Plates -Market (urn at quotations; with fair lfOu:*. Si Louis 3,»'1 *>•• I£m od * a l ei - • N OHcsn* (selling ratr) Fieht ia\ pirm Pig Lead—T(ie market is about tho »3me,and . “ *• OUday* m 1 sales d tons in several lots at 4fc. NAVAL SPORES—But a limited business doing* Small stock >r spirits Turpentine, and a good dc mand from tiie trade. Sales Rosin and'Tar at pre vinus prices. { OILS—TI ere is not much stir in tho market.— The last co: siderable shle Linseed was &X> gals on > receipt at l|sc, ! crediC 1 A large amount or Oil Jias been shipped eastward. Holders, generally, ate firmest No I Lard Oil is higher—now sel ling at bB«7oc. 1 , PAlNTS—*nie-jalei ol White I-ead in Oil are large, but at ptevious prices. Of other kinds fair . sales. ’ PROVISIONS— Baron—Ad animated demand baa prevailed for Bacon during the past week, and the tales reach IAO.OOO lbs,including all description*. City so.okea is Gc for Shoulders, 7%r74 for Side*, ■no lor Hama . Sales 1000 net on receipt at 6sffiGe lor Shoulders, and 7Je Tor Ham*. The city Packers arb selling moder-ilc parcels nl 6.7J,and Cc, Tor Slioildert, Si.lea and Hams, 'i'lic various Smoke Houses are full of meat. Bulk Pork—The sales have been pretty large since' nur last notice,,including IZ.OOC pcs on private Lermr; &O,oMOlbs hoground tl 6c. 00,00ffdo at 61c, both 4 mo*. It is still in active demand, especially Sides. -7 •oiled unc<\ of 30,000. lb*, hoground, at <joal to (i,Je. Lard—The market i* a abode higher. Solo OCO peg* No l.tbla and keg* atBe. Butter— An active demand, hut a bare market.— Knll ha* rehdily cold at a* in quality, and keg at Be. jin all, aale* 43 bole 801 l and MX) keg*. c'herae-JMirket lure of good Clleeee. The or dinary’'lolil now here arc celling at prime article would cell quick al m >re il licre now. Large receipt* clpectr.d when the Northern Canale open. '] . . KAOS—iThe active demand dialing for t*o year* epnlinucs. (Ail oOered find eager purch :eer* at quo* tationi, in each. jTliic i« the beet market for the article of tho mountain!. A sale rc • a price not . Rl'*F.—l n trcathc price i* sjc and very firm, wjlh fiir Bale*. c , ' SEEDS--The market! lor Clover -.ha* been very dull lor ter dry# put. There iv very little inquiry, and it ia vt ry difficult (o name a price lor quaolily. We qoole 53.50ii3.b24, remarking them nominal. Timothy continura very scarce, and ia worth 2,25 on re :eint and in alWrc. Flaii<od—SnlcabOO huat §1 fir OC Itu, and annic clean 'prime lola at a : abode more. ' 1 We nolo an advance. It ia concnl.we undentani, on the part or tho Manufacturers in Louiavdle Cincinnati and thiv city. No I'Horin ia quoted at l^q r and eitra No I at 5c V lb. SALT— Since khe opening o|-the canal* a good deal nr n sw Salt baa been received, but ‘buyer* alter taking 4ft 500 bbla No I at DOc, refused to pay; that'pric —holder* refuted to accept leva, end: have ainc< t been storing. Old dry Salt is'solling at former pr cet, SHOT' -Few tale* at former-price*. TOBAI L'O—The market ia now much belter •upplic'l v ilk Leal from recent arrival*. Wo notice no parlici luf change. TALLC 'W—The market ia quite bare of Tallow. Rendered it firm at Bc. Sale* 10X100 Iba Butcher'* Rough at Jc. . WOOL—The receipt* of Wool have almost entirely ceased. What few amall lota are coming in. are of common and palled, which fetch 25e if» lb.' WHISKEY—SaIe* 150 bbla Common at I8&I84; Reet|fM 19el9Jc. ■ MONEY, ite.- The market i« quite tight and, money scarce.—| Witbia t ib few weeks- past our Banka bare done a 1 large amount Of buaineaa paper, (they are very ahy of uy o|her) and, at present; ere throwing a good deal out for want ol t|ie mean to discount it There is consequently • larger amount of paper offering in s current] ITS, AC. -j'l , Wool—Tflr. I f Prime 0 ij t-..b100d —OUl) ; I blood- 0 <b* i Mood •; - o <u |1 blow! !•«••••• —a a ! Commou 4cTul»-wa*hed-l 0 iS | Whlikey—P gallon | I CoEKDOU--- •••'••IB 01B| I Rectified- -•--190 H I Ziae-MPib. , Sheet- - • • • Slab freight*— tMW lbs- . To Cineinhat,.. , Dry Good*- i 4- ]•••*• Heavy* *---l----- To lavite\lu. Drv Good* • • o:ts ■ Heavy’- -- -1^01: ! Front LouinxlU toth - (idoil* . . . 0 fri 1 Heavy-* 1 - '.Hi lit ii Fo St Uui, Dry Good* >!• 0 5b Heavy * v - —.0:13 To Clrrtla id and Eritf Dry Goods- 0 10 Heavy “ - - 0 \H Toandfton Crutemr'iV. Dry Good*<i own) 0 I‘2J Produce, 4r« (up) - _ 0 i- Tb'.YarAn U. DryjGood* 0 fio Heavv (*'• 0 ".4 • To W'httl ng. \ Dry Good* * •• 0 -I- . Ho-;.... : ii -a J-' [ To ZarudiUt. i ; Drv Good* 0 *7 h.'.vt - »ill 3i Item . ' , Dry Oood *■ " Z.%t To Ktfo OrUant. - ' _ % S* bTio Vrl ic*'«" '»> ltaiuite«.iiii tj». rial and Railroads. TO PA.11.; DtU'llU ASS aiLtlMOJt Apple* and g«ee» fniu PC' cl Aide*. Polind Head, do hO BuuerandlUcou, do Cattle market. The offering* continuo extremely meagre. |n the yard* not over7p to 75 head of Beef t'atile wejre on •ala, ajitj theiawcnt oil at very full price*. jMott of .the islet were live weight, and at 52,50u53 t» 100 11>«. A lew: sold at $-1«5,50 net. Occasionally an extra Bed* bring* $6, but this i* no criletion of the markets j Of Sbcep a small lot of quite ordinary quality told at $2 t* head. No drove t 'alvei, A few head, uttll, brought in by wagon, sold at §2'a 3,50 t* bead. Live Hog* arc aelling at $5 p 100 Iba net. ; CITY HKTAIL MAKKKT. ! Tt»o market wa« well attended Wednesday,and on Tueiday evening was quite fyll. The market was not large. Poultry continues scarce and high. Print Butter n-il plenty, anJ sold at 18] retie] Roll atlliiiitOc, Kggs Utilise V* dox. Maple itloUs* ■esSOfitSc qi, Most nl 'the Butchers are tolling choice cuts ol Jsteak at Bc—Gd3c lor best | Veal same. The market is abundantly aupplied with fresh Fiah, which are cheap. Green Apples are telling at to«pe t*-peck. Ncthannock I 'Ufatoes [ aro tcarco, and, worth <soe (. k bu—Beds 50c. I j The Flour m irkel wju well aupplied—Wheat sold j al $1,874*1 $2 fr» KXI lb*; Cornmeal dOVi ISc.i Oats sr.«rce, and all said oil early at 28 to 3|c $> hu. BOATS LUAVIRO THIS DAY,; •imoWNSVILLK PACKKTS atOa.wJand 3 r. h. •lIKAVRR PACKKTS aty a. a. ami J 'NKW KNGI.ANU. Wheeling. 10 a. m. | ’WIbCONi IN, Cincinnati, 10 >i. | ( •WYOMING, Nanlirillc, i r. a. I UKKMAN TOWN. New Orleans, lO.a . h[ 'fThese arc regular Packets. • \ inrOHTS BY RIVEIt, - I WINCI.NNATI—Per Wisconsin—2 bbls frotninr, (L/K Mas*er-p5 bale* cotton, J Crier—l 2 hrda au #ar. M’ClorkVn At (.is—l peg. Atwood, joncli At Co —153 pea steel, W M’Cullougb—*s ibbla Vinegar, Atwtod, Jones At Cq—l bt. I) Leech At Co—lo bale* hemp, 1} Graff— 20 bhda bacon. 30 bbla do. S Wightroan—2s ires do. 20 bbla lard oil. Clarke At Thny—lo bta «ai»g, Pmrtrli'iter Ar Co—ls blits beef. Williams ‘At jDilwortb—7 j»cg*j 19 ecka oau, own ers'. I | POUT OF PITTSBURGH. t *TIK ia Jrtn CIUWSIL—RISIfcQ, AItKIVKU. j in, Hemphill, Beaver. •tie. Bali, Beaver. Bowman, Rrownaville. [ Baird, Mop. City. i icLtfne. Bennett. Brownaville. j l lecaon, Wheeling. j Nn 2, Crook*. Cin. | 1 gland. Ebbert. Wheeling. | I o, MeDotiald, Beardatowo, (II). R.) ' DEPARTED. I ; n, Hemphill, Beater. I ric. Ball, Beaver. i ; , Clarke, Brownaville. a. Smith. Wheeling. ! . Bowman, Brownaville. ! h, Melaon. Monongohela city j igland No J, Dean, Cincinnati.j j gtoa, Steven*, Steubentille. ! '• Baird, Men. City. ! Mieliijrn l.nko Ki O-naal, Harlem Loun & Arena,! t'Upper New E: I’ato Al Michjgai Lake Ef Swalan, Hibern i Consul : Deapati I New E l Wilmiiji Harlem N. YORK ADVERTISEMENTS HARDWARE. HALSTEOS 4. DASH, Ko. 34 Broad Street, -9>eir. (York* •. OFFER toi »ale, •‘TuylorV’ ?*lel>r»ted ca»t 3. and 4 prurif* Hay arid Manure J'orkp| IKoodV and oilier Grjli an! (tia*.-. Scyitii**, Scythe Snath*; Rim*n?in's anil Cn!t:nV; A*es, Sht»\rl» and Spade*; Engltihaud Arin-ricanMill nmU-n>i«Tut Saw,. Anvil*. Vice a, Tiaceand Clid*u*,£ad lrou>, llook*. and Hinge*,' Hope and Cord*, cut and wough Nail*, togeuer with a full atnmmcni ot Shelf good* of For eign andDomraiie tnattufuciure. to which they renpeci luTlr invite the attention of \Ve«ient .Mi'rcbatu.*, New York. Frli 16.1,-t? I jfjSWA wfiwF FIUKGEB, Tllijlim.\uii74(. - DA. BOOTH, 100 Williun slrtft, .\rw~V.jrk, Imjorler ■ and'..Manufacturer of Vmi,go, <iun|-., Button*, Cord* and TaaaeU, ZrrJiyr WonliO, Citnav*. Ac All kiwi* nf Uindmgt iaud Vaoey Trimming*; a Urge aoorttneni «jf Whit* ,^-r. He ipvilea attention to hi* a'tortmetil, which will lie kept full during thr tcaun, a* lie wilt be rereirmg the urn til awl taO*t iathiouble title*, offered by the package or oiberwite. Term* and priee»*!iaH be »ueh a> to gii t lauitkttion. dry- AII kind* of Trimming* imide to order. . ftlcElihn "c If K A‘P ACCOUNT HOOKS AND STATIONERY. * I FRANCIS A lA>UTRKL,77 Maiden-Lane., limit ufaem ' rcr« of every: deacnption or Blank Hooka, Jlrinoinu dum, Copy Slid i*ais* Book*, Croton Ink. Manifold letter Writer. Diamond Poiut.Gold True, Ac.. Ac.; and an poner* of English and French Stationery ami Taper A large assortment 'constant!y on hamlol the most improved atyle*—lnk-Mat.dv U n», Water*. SlaiM, Pencil*. Steel Pens twine*, motto veal*, ivor) laid' ti. ivory (older*, card*. gum labels,pen racks, card racks, ink powder, bUck, blue and <artmne ink. tuler*. gultl and ailvcr pencil cases, quill*. poijfoltoa, copying prcv *e*. Ac.. Ac. , > ’ . KN VELOPES for,Leticn Cards, Notes, fkc- in great variety. 1;' i Letter and Cap Papers, ruled and plain, at Mauui'an isrcr's prices; note papers; lustie paper, prnbrnlril tsoard. Bristol biarvD, Lomut .board, colored papers, snapping paper*, Ac. - f . Deed, Record. Docket, and other book* tor County Clerks, Courts, Hunks, Insurance Mer cnants, and others constantly on hand, or jfurnishrd to pattern at short nonce Watnirrti dto be superior m qualify und very, low in prec. ! Country Merchants, dealer* and ulhdrskvill be *up* Cliedniibe very lowest price* We shall con*tant:y ave or hand a large slock o! Ulauk llooki. Paper and Stationery; and tequeit the favor of a call from itio-se Who require articlcsin nur line. • : F.KANt'IS A LOL’TfUil. • Manufacturing b'tJlinnrr*, 77 Maiden l-ane f'JtdSm New York SILKS, SHAWLS. DIIESSUOODS. Ac. Alfred edwards * co, n... lelwi .street, New York, would respectfully call the allTjitiua of buy «r» to their EXTKNSI VfcsTIKK OF SPUING GOODS, consisting of rich figured stripe and plaid Dress Silks of ea tirelv ucw designs and meat desirable styles; block and blue black figured, watered and .Stripe Silks; together with a full assortmeut of black and blue black pbid'duf A uf J estra site and desirable ascorUneulof. Silk, Thibet, ißatrge, Her •nam .and Gauze Shawls aod Scarfs. -Tlinr assortment of Dress Goods has beeo selected with the greatest rare, consis ting of French frioted Bareges,satin ntaidaodjitripe do.’Co baiunes, Brilliaptrt, French Trinttil Muilini'ind Uiugharas in great satiety and of most desirable ixdiemi, English and Scotch Lawns and Giugham* a scry large stuck. Ajsu, Bvw net mod Cap Ribbons of sen choice'ie)«rlkm<, pluses, Vance Hdkfs. Lioca tiambricond Linen Cambric Hdkfs, S»us snd Muslin Edgings, Thread Laces, Lisle -Edgings. black and white figured IJaces of every descriplion; together with a full stock ot every Ascription of goods in their line. STJLIIf* GOODS-j A *ery large ax*oitm{ut'of Foreign and Domestic Straw Bonnets, Ac. Also, a sery extensile stock of t aney Bountls, 1 mud Flower* or theiriown raauuthr ture, well adapted to the Soutlicm and H[i-sLrn Jobbing Trade. Also, Umbrellas, I arasolt,ParasoletA, Sun Shades. £e 4-c. . ’ ■* U r Merchants visiting this market, ake respectfully invited to call and examine our stock; as'every possible inducement will be oflertd tu make it fur their interest to : trade with us. Near Y'ork, March 5, lelT-tlm • Gentlemen* Furnlalilntr EstgblUhmtnt 1 'HARLES B HATCH,«7 William street, SrW York V solicits atlenliou to his assortment of Goods W. the Gen llemen’s Furnishing Line, imported and manufactured ex prrsiiy lor the Spring and Summer seasuns. • Particular at l lenlion is ealledtu the fullowine articles. STOCKS —SiIk, Satin aud Bombazine, all styles and qua! ilirs \ . OPKR.J TlES —Plain and Fancy, light sod dark colon | J V.iSII T/ESi-Fancy Lineu and Jacouet, a new article Lr summer wear J 1 \ CK.I F.iTS.LYD SG-JlLFS—Latest style* a full assort- .Sl/SFE-VDERS—SiIk aiid Cotton, very elastic. Whit* and Fancy Linen do, to wash, an entire new article. SHIRTS, BOSOMS, .LVD COLf-fRS-Ju every vari etylof style and quality. ■L’XDER-sIWiTS .IXD nßMrEr,S—Silkt Cotion, Lisle Thread,. Mci&no, Woollen, Ac. «LO»'ES-Blaik, white, and colored Kid, of the best manufacture, Silk, Coltnn,Linen, Lisle Thread, A-t //OS/ERK—Silk, Cotton, Littc'n, Merino, Ac. OILED SJLKS—l' isiu white, of the very best quality; black glazed do, Japannrd Muslins. Ac DRESSIXG GOlFAS—J’riulcd Calico; Moioueline de jiW.VDA'ERCH/£>"S— Plain and twilled Spitnlfield, In dia Sbebew, I*oQgee, plain and fancy Liuen- Cambric, ufttiRELL.IS,IXDP.IR~ISOLS-\MI assortment. . CRJt yjTSTIFFXEKS- Various kinds He would stale that he is now using, in his SELF-.ISI JL'STJ.VQ SrOCJsS. an entire different Soring from tli* abe formerly usrd, which renders them much more comfor table and easy t* the neck than fnrtnerlj. fel>olt-3m ONLY! SPRING STYLES 1817. : ! ; LEG * n It K Ws T I-. If, - Ho. 44 Cedar Street, flew York. BEG U»ve to inform Dealers tn Drv that they hare received, and are uow elhibtbg'.al the [WAREHOUSE EXCLUSIVELY for fH.nrrJ Cai,r 500 .CABKS, (-mnpri.ißg nil the New£prtn|g Ktylra, of British. French and American Mauutselun-j. which, in ADDITION to their usual stock, renders their aswflinn tone of the most beautiful and attractive iu thecilv; and hasi ig just been pur ekaird tsr CASH AN D SHOR'i’ l IIEDIT, are oirertd by -the piree or package oo the same terms, aland below mauu- Acturen prices. , 1 Catakcim of prices {corrected* daily,) are ).' ,rr.! iq the hands olouyera. Purchasers will inform thrraselirs of the >t».- . r l%- m>r ket, and be well rcpai-J f>r an eiaini:i:iinin »>ri, if , 0.. not L. A.B. have peculiar advant.vcr. fir evlrulnn oi.),r. ‘..i prints, which are re.isectfulljr'sot.--.ud, j . I.UK A ttnC.W.UTMit. lamps, um \ mhh k-. Hall lanterns ani» c i \i*E' is. r., ii.. Spring Trade METZ, UllOT! EH (Jo , \\ illiam itnet, New York, in llir \Va«; »ii J;. - :,ir raaaufieiurioe and hair altwjion LnU r~<;npl< .< ..-ini «n«JI of artirTr* in their line, of Hm £.!!.« in” t • k up:?. which th«r will *ll jt uhotrmjr teU l.ul ? I*i> c-. for caih: Impnned Chemical Oil and Camj.ijtiic jl.-nn p” BoUr Lampi, Gill and Bronzed, in grill v..ri. i) Girindi.lev, rariiMu |iiUGru>,giU, >ifi» ml »i hi Suipcndiitg Solar*, Doric-Ca npln m Bracket Solar*, Side •Jn Solar Chandelier*, Bracket! do - Patent Lard Hand Lamp*, - Stand :Jo Briunia Hand I ' Camphene Cbiiidrlb rj, Superior Clirtniral Oil, Pure 3{irrtn Oil, do Cainpl.cnr, Solap add l*»rd Oil. do Burning Fluid, lUflutd' Whale Oil. feb-EW® - ' PAPER WAREHOrSK, . !SO. 0 BBRLiXO Sl.ll>, JSKW YORK. (tYRUS W . FIELD offer* for sale it ibr lowest ' Mannfactorcr*’'pricra. very [extenaivc anion mi-'tof PAPER, comprising every; poMil-lc variety, adi.pted to the wants of conaamurf iri ull section* of tin* country. Paper of all kind* made! 10 otJrrui thon not .*e ? | 1 leaioek of PRINTING PA.PKRI* unusually large | a pnrtof whtchisof very superior quality. PAPER MAKER'S MATERIALS of every deacription. impoit.-d and ijept conmntly on ban , vu: Felling*. Wire Cloth. Faurdnmer-Wire*, UlcM- blng Powder, Blue Ulinuuariin-.Twine. Ac , Ac. RAGS.- 1 ! CV'iva**. Rale Rope, Gras* Rope, Raising. Ac.,Ac 3 . puri based, for which .die higher; price in Cush will he paid jytCly New York. JsJv.! lidfi. Neapolitan bonnets- •PATTISON, NOE .V CO.. PATENTKKH ASD lIAKUPACTIMEKU, 23 Delaney Utriet, ?it\v York. frleSUlro i . ' KUBT PROOF I'UU.I 1 FOR RIIOt'INIi, IVISUIIW SIIUTTEKSj if. r l’ HE subscribers call the auemion of ail those 1 inlereiied in roofing, to uinr GALVANIZED TIN PLATES, and i<> the many advutungrs which they po«*et*over all mrlnlic and other substances hitherto u*ed for ihl* pur,.©i>r.po»*e«sing n»|hr)' do. the strength and lightness of irdn without luliuli-lity io ru»t. having now been levied fevers! > can. both'm this country anu in Europe They are alao lr*i sqbject 10 czponaion and contraction from sudden changes of the atmosphere. than common Tin Piaie, Iron. Ziml. Ac .or any otber metal now n*ed for roofing, and consequently toriu a much heller and tighter toot’ requiring tar les* frequent repair, whilst lhr£r«i co.i is hut astride more. The subscriber* would also call. U e attention of all dealer* and worker* in metals, to the many other pur no*««to*whieh Iron thu* protected- enu t.e appliciL— In general term* it i* applicable to nlluriich's of iron which M i* desirable to protect from the uctiun of the atmosphere. And they wouhl e*beciully call the ut - tr.niion of thnselntrresied inTEt.lylißAl’lUC LINKS, to then Galvanized Wire; uiuitm entire ly used in Europe, and which linger* rvery purpose a* n conductor of electricity, Witting only üboutonc half a* much a« copper, and po»*e»*mit equal durabili ty with that metal. ! Having lately riecied work* m ilu* cityAor the pur pose of galvanizing ntplA, spike*. boll*, wire. Ac., they will he able io,furm>-!j7my article jivhich may he drsi-, red A supply of Pltti-a (immufac'ured in Europe;), constantly on hand, from 10 to it'd wire gnngr. GKO U. MURKWOOI) ACo No*. II and 111 Reaver «ti NKW VOHIt I The Pairnt Right tor ihi« uiticje hu4 been *eeur»rd y for llie United Stale* i«» well atGrgul Urliain. ami oilier 1 European eountrtc«; nod all legul :Jnea»liiPi> will be la- j kt-n to prevent any infringement bv ini|>ort:Uio t nrmli- • erwive. f | ocj/lv JUST Received and for »nle at the |ua«u!.ictutrr j li»t puce*, a Jaige invoice of [palest litmt ICltuiic and Shirred Suipeu:!ct», or lhe'lly«*elj Manutnclunng Co., Cl For >ulc Liy the Agent. Ni> tltl wood Mrrei, up ttairr, wholesale.. k F.|J\V All|> I ODD mclrJfl Mamif.tnnrrr'* Agent WANTED 8»ON-<eVeriit g*mi berm aid*. *ml crU lor oil w»rl i«r --vrral private famiUe*. boarding li«ti>c* and lion lr :\!<n wanted. pU-c» for a number «7T ei«t:k». »alf«initt look-keeper*, warrhou*emen, n-lnx»lnia»trrv uj.d l.,iy» m More* ' Alio for a numlii.r of !ni>or tig iii'h. enurhinru Ac. tMeane call at I>AAC HARRIS’S ‘ General Agency and Intelligence Office .No WSt Clair »trrrt j mclj<7 Window olAsm-^u »>«<■• io>iv lioxcs -t»* |!±; 4<i do li’xil; 4. do JO do 11x17; < 10 do lilxte, « do 10x12, | 5 Jn IlxiO; 1 i 4 ilu siUatM, 6 rtr» Six®*; fur *jih* bv F VO.v'uUVNHOItST* Co meb‘.Sl NoUPi»i)i«t SUKDiUKS-.?0t1«.i llnv lin'd Manure t\>r\4, : ' " 10 dozen ?ejthr‘i, 10 Jo ' liinlni Rakes, , 10 do Picks oudi.Mauockr j 10 do Hors 3 do Root Haines; lit) do Twilled Ungs; & do I.aniom’* I'at «alid l>oc Vices ' 4 do We'hen*il** Origin ami com do; 800 Krg* Nail* n»*nrt«-d, ! For tale by WALLINGFORD ft Co rarbtH ( jt'econd •treat FLAX9EBD WANTGD-I 0(j0 tiuVh e |»,G!eao Flix*erd wanted, for rthich 3 high prir.e will bf paid in cub. ISAI.IH IHCKKY'ft Co ! jnehai. _ water nnd-fro'nt»ta , BALZARINXCS— .Now open,' a prtai vanety of Wonted and Wootli-n Uafzarme*, from 16J to 75 cen** per yard, at the dty good* licu’e'of I meh’JS f Wj R 3/L'RPHV! Collections on Cincinnati, Lonlmille, st, Uinta and all BceeuUtle poi-.u in the United States made promptly, and upon the lowen irnna, by ' N HOLMES fc SON, ; Kxi:hanjre RroV'en ®?J>” _ I No M Market «t Jgxeluuaco on * lew York; h ' rtuladefpbivi;’ , , . anil Uali'Rure; coniumly for »ale in iirmi lo nuit purchowr*, by ' N HOLJVJ tS i SON, Exrliin** I! raker* ' raebSSlf No AS Markai it HOUSES 1 . LOTS, FARMS, &C. ml ' Ror Reni.r”' ■' A WF.LL FinUbed aecond ilory Room. with ai good entrance on Market aireci; at preaent oc* copied a* » Dagaerreon e>tablishmpntl_ . At«o. ■ t-nn» *h< «ii»ry,>tmaaee at Ptulo Hall, end |wo well tmivhed'offiee* over I'hih* H»U. _ • Al<o- ti»i« Unacinrnt Room under the Gaxeue Office— a good »tai;d for a Hurberi ’iijS D GASUIAN uiario Oihce.MnrhetaLbeLSd amsllh_ MForße«it. ; ; "Wt* A WAREHOUSE with fronton the Ca- gfl nal.ton Washington Itreet Jwelf adapted for*» a Salt Depot and Floor and Hrodece Forwarding boore. Aim*. n Dwpll>:»g. twin or wt&dut iu i'crni *f, near th** j[ ■: Al*o. a Urek Yard. in the ?".Li “wapl. .a ihort .distance from t!ic new Court House and mi (he neighborhood of ae improving part of the city. ■ *o*»e«ion piven on the 1-ii of April. Inquire of ' DAVID tiRKKR I 'didlm Penn eettt nearthe.Cetufl M~" FOURKafTr ~7* A \KW ami elegant 3 Atoned Brick dweUing iulu-r. with Mat*\*ocf, v 4 finiahrd ut_the mon modem *!ylc— Jo which n warh house, jake hotter. Lath room.'Ac* The Loufe ij situated near the residence ofthr’subtcnlitn troming upon the Alfegheny nrrr. and alTotiif a iaa-*t eligible and retired location for a family residence; It 1» one of the belt dwelling house* m cither city.* ALEXANUEK*I*AUUIILIN ft mi -- . ],■ - Full. Ward K 32 ‘ ' "To ~ 7" pC Til LI two story brick llbuie.iii \V) lie abovt ■«»Wili|imsii ) || sure: liielr.bceoplrd br S*. W. Mlack. i:-o Apply to WIUJA.Vt S A |)IL\VORTH tf , i_ WjnoJ street M For Kent» r SIX Acre* ot'(lrouml fwltti Dwelling Haute, »ial>lr. garden, fruit treeslshrubbery, Ac., in the Seventh Ward of the city, uear the residence of John •D. Mahon. 1-Utj. | ■ : Also, a 3 »tsry frame dtvcllinghbiise. No S 7 Southfield <tre»-t, nt>ovel Sixth, adjoin!"- ’•*■* r of Martin Lytle ’ Applj’ to JAVIS tebtif !' til sth sta _ M Valuable : tauaie on • w.—.v jureel- 1 in ihe Third Ward of Alfrjjheity City. ench! 'JO; feet from ftuimn{~ lOOfert hack,upon which i* a tycostary frame dwelling-home.*J4 feet from, bijillin iUcjbe*tind mo»f modetn »iyle, with kitchen and darrjtjj* hdbae, with r large extern in the yard, and all the Walk*-paved with buck. Tiie lot* are planted With choice frail tree*, •hrulil-rry. dower*.Ac, A l* attached Itoihe ironi.extending round the WeMeud. Thi« property will he wld otfretttonable term*—lie (luyincnt at Jonly tieinp requiredin hand, ib»|halanct is ten veer* with intcreM.; Apply io r : I ' •; u 4. t n*?iiiLUPs at ihrir Oil Cloth ami Point Stoic, No 5 Wood street I'iiHhurgh. Cl • ■ i fcb9 KOU'BALkloa KKHAhfTB. A I .Of tfJby Hd feet oh tho Mujtr*ville Hoad. 7it Ward. There iron the lot o'ltfi»-*tory brick dwel4 Im.; tion.f. wah well and ctMttrii m the yard. Pruif Trrr*. \.m!i other convenient fix tire*, making a *ery{ connnm.Me plate which Will he rold_ fo| ca«h or ell changed mr u mall Farm, mtuy lie city. ForporiiciM lilr* enquire of VM. 1). BCAIpK uovlt.'.lH' From,between Wand[anil .Market it* • KORSaEk; l.OT.S—Pounded by Pehn, Liberty and Hay J 1 »ir<-et».eneh lot liovinj»Vil Ifet mint, arid .extending hark 110 iVei. J'tvobf tlietti arejcoinrr loti, and the' position of the whole piopeny (*oije ol ihntno*t advan* ißcei.ns m the eity. For further information apply to M. Fourth it. hiiwoeaj Wood mjkl Smiifcfcld aivEii LoTM. ' ; F'OK S.U.Er-Sotne valuable jl*9tr oftirotmd, *itnated on the bank p( the Allegheny ftivefr. cantiruomno theory. These lot* are most jidvaniageoutly situated fin iron Work* and other Itirgrtutaiiufariurmfcsiah lmxr-rlikwtfl jHAR.MAR DKN.HY, ~~ m”To LeTti i- A TJIKKF, Story llrft‘k|Heu»e on Secohd between Ciraiu'nml’ How jn>, with t mo parlor*, dining roam and kitchen on ij>«| Erst floor. Also, an upper parlor and.fri'en bed room*- rood cellar* and: coul vault l‘i.r tinns apply lb p.jJONKS, Hull* Head, or the «uliirober. } I '■ febWtf j - 1 i J COAI.TART I'KOI'KRTY JN VUlipliisTOWN, OillO, FOR S^R. TUK advertiser offers ;ior kale a splendid-Brick i"H* ’' wc " n S Uou*e situate on 1 Hie Nnrtb Hut corner the I'ulilic Square injVdßng«yjwn, Mabouing, county. Ohio.; 4t i* large, con(ttjo.|iou*s finished in ex* crlleni style, and in the Urn Ipeapon in- Youngstown, •miter for« dwelling or public) house; attached to it i* a yard, with water,‘stabling, add. aLI other conveniences it hand. • ■:•][}_ This town i» improving very rapidly, t* situated im* mediately on the Cunhl.and w)n, 4 ti the various Furnace*! Itollmg Mill. &e., now brine iju/il ore completed, will he the toon flourishing place Inlity* section of Ohio • Ii will l*r wld low lor ca«h-Or on tune, or exchanged for property m i'lmhnrgV !-W particobri inquire of UiiJ U of pnd Water it*, Pill*- burgh, who will give all inforpitmon. I, or'Jdiwtl ‘ |,; CMKTKKvJ T% iprjng Lot* in thi* Ceraje alum-to the Superintend ooro, Druggitl, corner i 1 CIIIsXBTT, j . Sui>eriiiteji«!int I AIjJUKUiIKNir CS£ I) KROONSdr»iroa«oi' purch} 1 tfr7 :'ue referred for infonca mu, on ih>< i(iuuml>. or id E. To Penn ami liand nrcel*. Is>- onioroi ike Doan), • j .Irrll-rt.Vwif i for *alr on atcomiiiod . ;i)0 niiiaicil in Reverse n the rear of Allegheny I .'fcarlr* Rowan, Andrerf fioui H actrfc; Stcieiurp 're i« a »ism!l orchard of 1 raj- - For So.j MTIIE »u!>*cribe&t offerl tmp irriti*; n tn*cv of Id r<.wxi*h-p, iinmfJiaivly | cii>*, adjourn? the land* of Cl Banr.anil other*, containing pf* under culh v-anon, op which cruitrd (ru<i and a of hi,* jiropuriy o bcuhtiiul ulu* dpnee coninomlUijj n fine v-irji vicini'Y There nit* a |<»j Stone ll’jarries,o£frTing*n imljn <u tun I bu .'incs», or topcr’Oi!* cultivation of the ghijic.! It Wil pur<:ha«er« ; jJ jic vine*. Tliere ii op .uon lor a private rerl jiv, of the two nO* .and rfi'l K<*nl location* for 'ctniri.Uiillio-e engaged ><> fiicr.gii iii the 'I op void in low to cuil f JOKOAN tift.N No IS Liberty mrect ''rar.s&wauiT . M COUNTRY UKSi HaVI.NCJ retCptcH laOi to prorVeiconnl ■ lujune**, Jtouw.- ami n« unntrii ate rjiclor of il.e MononJainla, one imlJ 3 . : . [ T FOR REST *“ei THK brink dvnjllinyjhr r Jin.t-Ujiirr Rnudoppoum'M | .1 n.l.nmii-g flip piojiertt 0 ! ' lie* Rope Walk :«*: » h -ry formerly-acrc* ;> :* 1 1 1* > >mnlt * Guthrie, I'M u# Rope* for (bn ill* s- .:n! I- ><jic« on tlic Allegheny >1 <unuiin». For rerrt* [j- (fl >RGE COCHRAN ? u- l« 1 : [ Notifi jWpoiJ «t! ..O.VJiHTS, MipißiETi J-Harrowa A Tun* • > < ><■ opeiiimr to d: >•< a ytiry large anil beautiful a* « -mi 11. of New'Boi nets—‘the uoit approved tiyleifo l•'ll •- : [.• •;, - —ip part o'— • : . * K.p«* I'.yii in; *f <-i cli i.urr. IUK&CB. c city, for convenience wji• rent the Maniio'n an*, fi'naie on the Muff* ,ovc J'nifburch/ JAMK3 CRAFT; .rir- -~<t pnwnrtion ibe ! .il- •-.nyCemetry, aiid ! -y, now occupied j„d Rut Pobil; Ho.en.-r Rra.d*; I l)un«cilijs; ... 1 hlnc t-oiil rirnw; Rutland*.Ac., Ac.. ir i Mikh! Bnnnet'.of all:*i!>ie« and .jollities. J At«i. Hibbnnr In gloat vnrietj—vrrf desir*- l.leMyles. M ■' Mi<ut Runnel UiLhua«-‘bcautUul assortment . i rrurii Artificial Plowerf, M deferent *t>lr«.rer>' 1 eni/i'iu!~-alt oY wliich ore ]olfeted ot unusually law - 1 M,iiincr*«upp!ied with tins ajiove goods,liaany quin? tiij | on tlir niD>i lavomH e ot j" inc'tri» i I No f 1!! market street 1 Kdtrard Todd . t TTOULD respectfully announce ip tlie merebantsof ft Pittsburgh, that he lias-opened U room for the tale of K**trrn manufaciurcdgfxidi. such a* Slock* of every deseiipliop; Shin*. Ba*otn«aild Collars; Cum3urpei)- lift", North's HooknJand Eyes; Ac ; for rule at: manu facturers’ price* Ai*o, [ Urge stsorlntertl df Black and Fancy Cravat*, for file ai Eastern prior sale. [ ! KDWARH TORD ' N<* $Q street, tip siidr*. : mcli'jn _ | jManufacuircr*' Agent _ rpOBACCO, CIGAR* AND CANDIiKS -1 • 4'keg»dTwntTobacdo: i| ISnCOC. Q Ciearr. •» j . M —. ' , VOboxe* liilf Spai.i'sh 'ieanf- ——n 10 do Regalia; do; •! tO du Melee* } . do; Sli do Mould Canjlr ; " i ' The above received ou consignment and for Mle by v '■ (1 uT.MIETKNRKRGER ■ mchttt ' . No M water at - P a toil . gCJSJaHM [ A J*AR( Hand splendid a«sOMinent uuiinguay and rosewood grind ac* If *, I I ■ tioit riaito< with inetallu Tramrs and with ail the latest intptovetnt nt«. which for durability; lone and touch are warranted to be rqu*l to anV made in the country. For saleiow for cash by ' : , ;i , • F BLUME mcliiy j ; No ns a- odstrM door Stir CANAL. B R2« I TURK; I HAVE in itioio and for a e low — Bunk Frame*! < - Mattrasses; ii - Com; 1 ... Reds; . Pillow}; Quill*; . - s-bcet*; and Trimtni >R« of all kinds'f And alio'her articles'in hi ’ line, whirls t shall sell low mid ou arcuuundpUlltti luin*. ( ' lullin' Sipje, cppoli A the, 1 jnk of Pittsburgh, 3d It . I Religion* Works* > B ARNE’S NQTEson Ha ah; do do Ida J;il' . _ ; do do yin ni.t N\ tv Tc'; Alexander on. Isnmlj; * Princeton TneAlog I . Massillon's SjenmnH; Melvifle.'s . did )■ Taylor’s dd| ; lluilcr's Complete AVo k*: .Hooker's,'.do, ;!■ di: TlallV Jo ij J<; * Hu'i-r'* Analogy;; For »a]e by :{ ; $ uoswohth *c«» mdiV’O : !' i I .. No43M*ikef*t_ Gi KNTLBMEN 'wil It ml ni ihe New York Store, r 79 jirl i»juc »rlrcuonof Fine i-hirl*, t'cllar*. Ho«on>*. ( Ciayß n. Scoil'n, Siockr. Glow*, nJkfa.SusncaJri* nndHuri tv. mrUi 1 ! W It CARRARD_ MHS. CHILD’S LISTTKUB-l,rlier« Horn N. York. by Mi«. liy*i h edition.— Two vote.clinh. Ju*trei rijvril nml for »»lj* l>V . . - JOJ NS fON 4. STOCKTON mch'-*0 _ i cor market »r,d 3d at* ATBW wbnK IsilKKP—Tbo Aimricin i\ Shepherd, bring acomMeie-hiMory of Pherp, with their breed*",mhnneement)]» n*l tli«r«rer; liy L jA Mor rell—it unrated with dfnwi tp« of the dfffetrnt! brreßi, Ac With an appcinlijr. in: bracing upward* of twenty I letter* from cmlrifni'wwl and sheep fauenrn I of different atalc*.dmihi” their fiorfe* o/ 1 uunAcrmetit. (For »altJr:y I ; ' ' 6 JOHNSTON ASTOCKtoiNI H. U i./l ■>* •> I' I r »• JAMi^AROBOP,, VT URJKUYMAN Tor kolc an exientWe and »*lcrt a»»»rtinenl of .Ornamental Plania.t'bniutiirry, <irn|)c Vinrf, 4c.,*c[ |[ I• ; .. jj: Ammi*u them are *ome hew, valaahle «)id choice Feof. l'earh.aß(l Cliefryjtrjte*, ■elected f rom epeelraena ehnurnat the HorticntiuiiltKahtbiiicn* in ilie Fa*! la*t Fall; and the co)tec|kN if Ever*l*toorpm<Jßoorboir. Noi«ot:e and Y>mn{_njp&», 'ha* been eolajfed with many »upcrb fofuoffrecepi introduction- j The collrctloU taolu' to visitor*aod tb*Oitanibn»»e« ronning rrpttari? dukinlr i!Ha day. Alidrdtri by-mail, or Inft'rfr thei •land,** Diamond market, or at the •e?d More of ft N*Wickp(«ißJO,'Wood airect, frill be at tended to punctually! If t ; •*, j _ N, U —Hoqltefa fboieo and fake BxobC Flower*, tor tVeJdiji«!*ri»U , * nie *»* rr,u, K*! *» *borl none*. . I | j, -;| | j '■ mcb<Sdaw*wttF Ago VjpilNO Ro4«a 4na Ww«reem»; Ac. ijuitallle for Oeiaetry 1 * •"•can he:furni*hed!n<i application at the Med itoro, from Nur*eneabf Ja>- WardroP, Maneheeter. i n j|-F a N WJCRERSHAM irj No IWt cot wood afo 6th M' StiOTHA— J ost fteamed ju KUmii doth*, new-pat ad of *uwrior quality, at. I i W K MURPHY’S ‘r i. : t*r 4tb and nukit v Lisbs table ■rwnmcßt of Out tern*, anil inclodinj:»ti .. 4BchlM |: ■ : •. ./.If, . i' BEL WORKS AND BPRINI* i XIX FACTORY. PnTSBBRCH 8 .’-"AND W4iCiO\*»j i joca ».-.qnw»» '"t "• IJOi TITANITPACrUBI iVI pkurt j ‘BjMte aprut««. llub Matletbfc comer of. Rou *nd F febSs_ J JfcWf Soling and Sieel. : te«t PVWA: Win*** Cow* tod i aered Iron Aslce. ww deale** « , ,nd Coach Titattirflpneraliy v fcom «reili,rit:»6nisV Paw > flATall 11AT91X -17 ft 5 i< day liie Spring FnbtOQ i rodaced, Ixy ihe mMt fu»h- S i i in New York and l*hHade^P*j !a ' lj » greal p’cafure in being enabled , * * i nsincnuii U -er.tN nml dm public . f t- prepared'to all who may. .-j* witbibe T4*h:ou»ble Uat'far Ow* | Beater*. Ncuiria*. amlexun bun j. c iilier ivbole>nle or retail. -y Meconp aviso i eor wood ottd 'Mh *t* \ [ . mTwkiuht. | • Ojsecandre*idnuce;oM.Cl*i . X i twnvcen tVnu and Liberty. - I ifa-tf ■i UATSt JsLTHIS taint ihe • Halt will be* in lonablc Mtt>lUhiD«n thr Dnd«Ri)?nrd like ■to announce to tb«*i grnrialU - , lhalj wt at iaror uswnh a-cal' •raron. compriiiuy I Moleskin Silk Hki*,"* , tnar«f-_] [| T!?r : j£3|nj PEKIN 7 1 IHaL: ipfAiu : done up ui quarter, iu rmf from s|i c per no jr-W I i EA STORK. _ : 'rr. 1 ißlitlr* ot' Green ud Mack Tr«» J If, and one .-powJ*! i ml to f 1 *ro •- A J.O l*l>. A*’t for lVltlii'lVH Co . en*»i Puf Ar.d Moleskin Halve: iua*.ii,fo* tile hy . . ; ..MeCORI) A KINl* Aotikt wtm«> fc S’.h ■* m KKW jßaren' sapenor *cp3 |; ; .K'KIK HATS—Ju« weed o 1-tenth Hai*. rail 3W l y . « MOOlti: NoM|tn**Jslr; t • Ij'BfiACll, jnoi a superior aniclt fashion, andfarsnlel - sep3 j ; |. bullion fbr Hats* r ber has junreented by Eipn**'. f »bion for Haul Tl»o»e .i» I've \* i Hat will end examine Sniffle.: >—SMOOKK-- . -i . Fall P ' THKsuhscr : \JK hiii new Fall fi wfiS «a ezirm fine fc i ~ this | ji i B *wifist WOULO Infer : that he has nos Sppnn P-'hion of Ha ciueea ou tuiuiilay nfc article -wHJ call 5a • ( mchfll I .No. W woo. fashion for 1847. 4?T.*?-- iSM DOUGLAS, ggfcs irm hi* friend* and pnirorit ' * m on ha»d a of ihe iu aud Cap*, vhich will be ifcit. Those in warn of a superior fto ?a Wood urett, iv*»t tide Jirtnerahlp*— . iavc thi* Ay loimeH n Copartner* ins of Sbacklru & While, >or the i’no|r*alc Uiy. Good* bn»ijie**-ond rfc. No D 9 W ood mcci, nest door ff Shacklf « A Gty dr. I oc ; TliOd R Wlin-'E .xf .T0.1H7. fcbl?H f|*RL.NG FAdfiiov ■(■ ' 'i; Co HpllE ondenifned I . X»hip,|uirter the S uanuctioncf ihc\V have taken tbe'fio:: above the oU Mand PilUliurgh, Jmuar) iuoduced ihie~?ay the nn\v Spring jua. (jeiiileiueti cun In* *np|ill«>! at rraaonnuln priff?, by catling *1 Wood tl, corner of hiuiocrd AHc> IVILL be iij vliiDn for Ita lijtbUini*. j llic'old iuiul : ;No W 7 JAMJ'S WIU^ON OIAMDOLGLAS, hS io manufafitirr, ami hcenmjjs hand. every vur'tiy <»f linn . •it itvie, and price* very Jojv at No «t*idc- _____ j!3T ra :p will ■gsL CONTINUE , ruxsiantij’on I sod Cap* gf ibe latej 76 Wood«rcet.Ka?l !i'KT T * WHi T ifi, • 00 Wood Street, tig an crien<ivo assortment of dr ry Goods, direct fipm ibe Eastern jfactoiers—nnd to Tyliichibey invite I'jaud Country .MeroUi.m*. fU'.irvah and : ne\v—no old goods— li lerni* and at such price* n« can* tuTactury to nil tvLn nay favor ns * . *— fcl»l7tf .. ! illACttl ' k i ; NoT ■A'rßKjnovV rccemt ill ( sir»lile Spring Ij> Importers aiiu Msntii the.aurhfon of City ; Our Slock is emir and weplTer it ousu .not fail, to prove * with tbeirctrtiom. (x/iufliio AND WICAPPiNCa PAPKR V» -j-lOu reams Cap Wriiinf ( l'oj*er. 5# Ido letter tlo 1 do; atio do tj. C. Straw; SOQ' do Medium do ilo ' do, 1 IDO do I). C. ' do do do; lutt do 'feu Bag do do; Ou hand and Tor sale by REYNOLDS ft SHKIv tneh-4 ! cor Penn and Irwin st» i'-I— • - j?iQi F*ihlonV IS4O. j RKFLIE &(COSTAR\S Style t.octlentm’sHut* Will he introduced at KEKVH/S on Thursday. 4SX Xegust STth.l Oentlernen wtshinp a cheap, fnMi ionaole llatpf Pittsburgh manofartitre ahead of fashionable [Rata imported .and advertised by tome ot‘ the trade, please cill at KEF.VU. & Co'* ; aujpKtf ] _] 153, l ,ea d°f Wood ft KiIRLBY^NAPOLKOW—NapoIeon and hj* Martha'ls; by T i Headley, author of ilia “Sacred Moumoitj», n &c., Jtc, in two volume*. Just-, received a freih supply of the above valuable nnd Very nopluar work, andifor rale by !| •JOHNSTON.A: STOCKTON, inejiiw _l| rorjnnrkt t M*'• Tts \ ‘BoCivtTR FmE'unicKtir. ” ~ EXTENSIVKLV letted and nppioved linking thepaM twoyeart.bythe principal irot the wntern country, and throughout the Ulterior of Pennsylvania, wilt be ready for delivery on tfffopening of Tnet'muienal on which thnr'dttf ability and superiority defend*, i.» selected by experienced mi ners, brought fromfMaryland, where the rii«cuvriy was Dim made—the fusible matter, witbwhirh it u> imbed* ded, is carefully separated They will be thoi'oughly bur'-' —’’ ‘'«v machinery, and rot*' arley t;c. tlie pfo tbeir acknowledged .1 l<e promptly cxre'u \V MACt.AKKN mg'on iron Worlfy -d(U Warehouse. .rtßKfcT SIREKT. , *.T D. THOMPSON, IjK3PKCTFUI.LV informs liin friends and the public » It seaijraljy, that he i* now rcteivinj: n lurßo and splendid u»/munV«t ot Nnr Sjri.s Cnrpctinj'.VOil Cloth*. Jte .'difecj from the Importer* anil .Manu'actu- ••• rpf*, composed inpait of • . _ l< ' Bnperfine Brussels Carnets: ~ j Extra or Tapestry Bnr'Sels CurpFTiofcT'— , -1 . Super tmpen al 3 ply and Kxira do; '• ,ttupcrfine Ingrain. Fine and Common Carpciiltx;-- 5-?,3-4 and 4 4 Plain Veintmn Carpctine;' . S H,'3-4and i 4 Damask do do; . 0 8 3-4'ond 4 4 Tapestry do do. „ '|\ Steamboat Trimmingr. ' Ilrotrh Dtillin;*; 4 4.5 4 and 6-4 Sheetings; 6 4 7-4 6 4 Tahle lanrnc Napkin*; ,Crash and Diaper; HoekabuckTowpllinp Carpet-Stripes; New Style Ta* hie Cctcrij Oil Cloths from 27 niche* to 21 feet wide, cut to any size; j ‘ '1 ■[ , [ TOQCTHSa WITH Rich Embroidered and PrintedTubfa~£rfd Piano cover* Kifurrd; Floor Cloths; "t _ _ lOhenieljr. Brussels. Tolled, and VVilton Kujs; iTurtrd.Clientrtle, and Sheepskin Door Mail*; Manilla and do. dr; Brass Stair Rdds Flat and Oval; Daniaskond SlripedStair L'nen; t’nrpet Olmlinr*: • >] 44. r'i-4mid 0 4 Plain ntti figurrd Indian waiting; Colored Spuntlh Matting. &c .&e. ’’ | Person» limns up Stcam'xal* Hate!*,orTriyme Hou se** are rrnue-irW io call, as he feeUconfidem they vtll_ find it jidvantage to do su bnlbte'purcbnaiiig eUesrbere. ' • ■■ • ! DRY GQOD9. “ . Ho would also inriie auention to hi* ilicu*ivt sicck of NEW SILRJtVO DRV GOODS, {embracing every thing in that liwp ] now opening at the at-ovc «und. marlCMJtwllmF {Q-Nn tin \h,,Lri „ir>-<-i I ORPHAN’S COURT SAUK. BY virtue of an order of the Oipiuu'* I’ourt of Allc' i ghcuy county, l.wilt. «*u Saturday, tlie 5d of Aprill A- b. 18H, at the hour of 2 o’cfttrk, I*. M, t on the jneiu isei, exjioie tdjsale by public vendue or outcry,' all thaaetwDeenauj.Loisol ground, marked end number ed in tbdplan of!the Reserve-Tract opposite I’m.buiel., a* Lots Nos iSt9|and 2!U.iu such parts amt in such pro ponion*[a» willauit purchasers, or I will s<-il U:c wtioU* of each lot-in a body. l.o(Not!V9 contain* G acre*,uml 2t2 l-ltl 'percbef. upon which is erected u wra thrrhoarded log] hou’£._wi'h bark building-and c-Jiri improvement*l l<ot No 310 contain* “ acre* n:id dt» fl'lO (verrbe«, irlundt-r good fene.-j and pcrfeetlt level, and fs particularly adapted for the purpose of ulnaikn gulden.* I , The above property i* mutated on the Denver road abput t&mde* below the City of Allegheny.on the llast side ouWood'A. Run, and presents a tate rlmnce for* person* [wishing to pioeure a location near the mo cit ica. £Tke lertnstbf sale are, one thiid of Uie purchase money tit caslrJ [on the delivery of the deed.] onr-iiiml in iwo Ve»r*. slidono.tliird 111 three yean, with imernt, to be secured by band and mortgage. I ! ,| f W D TAH«EV Administrator ae'bonis non, kc, of John Wood*, d'-cM. mtt9d&wt»F[ • ; PITT QOTTON MILL. ;BIIACKSTOCK/ EELL I. - I , ! I’ITTSBUKOH, PA. > Manufactory being in full and complete opera -1 lion, (having received and replaced ail their .Ma chinery by (heliatest improvement*.) are nowmakim a (veryi heavy I atlielo of brown Sbeeiincs limit uristed, handsome goods, (branded Allegheny D.)'nm! surpassed by ’none,of the same *tvir. in_thc century; - intended eiclqetvely for the Western and Soctiiju-.v trade, j Merehpnfa visiting onr etty are invited to call and examine previous to making purchase*' Orders from a 'distancp promptly aticuded to. nnt good* c:irr* tully shipped when ordered. fi*bl , «il,Vw.’)uil'' P [ JllllsL dt DROtV.VE . - I : Snceeakora to lloldaltfn k Unmne.l Manufacturers and hni»/in» m i* a pe it li A NO I NO S. No t-7 Wood »treri. Pii.!»burgS. The increasing demand for American Fnpcr ha»7riilucrrt itiepi ip enlarge and improve their Factory, and their fa c lilies for manufacturing are now eijual io any in the eisterii cities, lluving adopted the eastern rca’c nt pneesj they uuto pleasure in inviting ihrir fiiemi* and dealers to examine tbeif clock, winch is now larger than ni any former period, and may he ton ltd as follow*; Transparent Window Shade*, ! French. American, Saint, GTsird and Common f,,. per Hangings;' i ttold, Velr. l and Imitation Border?; j Landscapes, Statutes And Fire-board Prinu;. CurmiuPaper. yardwide plain green, and Gg‘d; ; Writing, Fnnting.and-Wrapping Paper Bonnet Boards, Ac. Rags and Tanners’ Scraps taken In exchafige at ninf* ket-prfees. I inrhtTddra&wthnF ; : . X>wclllnc Ilniiti* for.'Mwl«r A< COMFORTABLE two story Brick House, eon 'll* taining six room* and a bn!!, nlra*nnily 'ituMcd Mijliracken street. Price SUCti Also.lwogood Dwelling Houses in Allecheny Chy. I r|ce #1,600 - Al*o,avalo»blc Building on'T-iiinl »i, belwern Wood and Smithfield sis Atel.34_( ! . , - j)ii'Y "GOODS. - (J llACKLfci'i' A WIIITK, ftoirt Wood »ireet, giiovc O Diareocid|Al]cy, are now prepared - to offer to tn»r «iWauu a large and desirable otnebof j rkKSH SPRING DRY (SOODS. Ajl of this ieaaon’a lute nnd dr*i»*b!e i tyle* and odaliiies- _ { • : Merchant* veiling or parsing ihriitth nur ■ -ijr, yriH GmJ .t dearly to ihtir advantage to ctvo o* a ■4iU uwe aje determined in sell at, each t mall prom* ' I* will -make it greatly to-Uieir inierett !•> a l.itl . | iOor *toek| i» now full and rrroj'ktr, ,-dtr.|'i:*;iig n rynerml iMtuaent of ancli ■>. are usually kept ; : by dry geodg houses. i r s£pply of heavy uml light l>rown Sheeiinei alway* onbjml. meLV7- ' j ' “ BKMOVAL~rc AU'd; T T TAKK till* method of returning thank* toilie,. I.generally 1 ,, forlhe very lu.cmi patronage brno-.ved on me, hereibfore and l t«u«t, by stjiot aitctu on to i4i*i oca* to raeriuho same patronage at the lareesnd c«n! taodiout warehouse, comer of Wood and OtJ, now, m part- occupied by, II \ rahnratork’ 4, where ray itoek of Garden -Kieio and Hower Seeds u,,t »o*“' filjmUcMiMi iavile .lt,o c.’ll and .« me,«m T » N WICKERSIU.\|, seed,mm, ; I Addrcaa Card. ' TrHxYIk» P.T2' AR , ei ", r< " Eastern manufacturer thekaleof North a Hon let, and Kyes; Hum St:*- peiidera of |he Rnsieli Mnnutiu-toruig-Co. Ct; Smelt* of every description; Shin*; Itoecm* nnd Cellar«,ot" the Troy maou|Setory, Ac.; alt M which arc for»a!rat ; manßractorpr’* prices, wholeaale. No ytl woed etrecLop'alarm. ;eiT«d for American Hanlwntc.’ trcS-W S CU nniKRT. fJi-nctnl Akmu IVo.TI irurkrl si“ IBDGBWOHTH LADIKS’ KUUIXAUY ■fl'lllS IniMulion i» »Uo*le«J rn tbeUaatiiVi aud fee*!. :1 ,lby V*iJ«yofS<mekJfy.M mite*below P»w*bof g B. The siommer SeMioa wjU cawmraee on Monday, 3a of M»,1647. |<»r further pari.enlar* »e« CtreuUf.. „t uohßilr*uhSon'i.NoJ[ ater •tteti. or »i*T' if • tNeeia i Cs%No 180 Liberty »iwet, ft mehgdgw - DE NKVfM.Prioo.pel O IF. TKBPEII_»»CE_Ii,„„., tl „. ta w-flijr m fine utomatni of p!am,Baiin of white, eherr?*aocriaj*on. A Uaena of good quality—!owr priced— f**»**,M [mWJ Nq 46 Mattel n '