HE PITTSBURGH (IAZEFL'E. ■ By KRAyTt'S BRUjOKt? • 1 PITTSBURGH: Thursday mining, April 1. 1947 - KtflJ GOVERNOR, ■ (JEN. J A »K N llt VIS, - ’"*th covstA) I’.'nt ?:.\NAt. L.'OMMIf'^VoNFIR. JUS »cf II XV . PATTOJJ, I . ■ fife CTSIBULLftXU corsrr ) \ (£}■ Suhicß&rs changing their places ol.Re*** deuce or bu&jfsi, on thy tst of April (10-day) -will please KSoi d* with their addresses TO 4ii'e PATIIOISB OP TIIE UritGll OAZBTTK. iThe subscriber ha* purchased the estahluhl aent J‘ long known a* the I>ittsbc*gh Gall its, aid ? ilh tbi* number hi* interest and rcsponubil ity l*gins. We hare been diawn to ihi* favor®] «pot. Wily from a conviction .long impressed upon oar muds, that in the wlijde exjtent of the Union, there ihoo place in the ipterioijoffcring pnwpccls i 0 desirable fir manufactures, trade, and for inland commerce, .ahd; partly-because tjic city and neighborhood of Pittsburgh present* every social inducement which tie heart of mail could desire foA pleasant home. No quarter of our country was ever tilled with a severer calamity than this devoted city was leas, ' than two yes'since; and no where have the fruits of a noble perseverance and an indomitable energy, • wrought change* sojnurkcd, or been attended with more persona 5 ! sacrifice, and in the end with greater (üblic prosperity. ■ The “oo iKci u” spirit of our age and onr caun* jy is stamped Upon every visible work upon which '/the eyes 6f man can rest. Where the despair ol ' defeat would havo controlled many, the hope of that enduring courage which never dies, has pre vailed.here. Ttys action of the yoang men here *\jm* to have ibeen, in .its spirit -and teal, of that Jdnd which lliclielieu gave la his'young friend * When he said l* him, “there is no wueh word at' fail." So let it continue now and to the end, for in .iH*the examples of a.gi**l life, there ate none moro useful, hone more worthy of remembrance ’ 'and emulation, than a manly perseverance, obi form industry, and that energy of action and de* 4 termination ol purpose that; ntvor falters in what it undertakes. ; There an) fruits ami proofsto bereofawisoand hearty co-operation between men of all ngee, and all ciasecs and conditions of society. There base been good' counsels from the old, j> well tf a vig orous pcisnverancc from the young. It is not a fabled city that bos sprungTorllj boro from the ashes. but a city of Using, industrious, tbrising m , :li a city whoso, foundation ft upon Iron, whoso gates, (be noble Ohio and lira Allegheny, whose avenues the great East and the fat greater West, whose walls the noble mountains embowel’, led with mines mote precious than gold and sil ver, and which, as. far as the mind of man can sco into the future, will eodulff to borrow the a-rong words of a German poet, “till lime itself rhall grow- gray." Hole indeed we arc upowthe great high road betwern-lhc cities of the Atlantic and the Valley of the Mw.is.ippi.« hc » J 01 the noble Ohio, itself emptying into Jho father cf watets, and this again flowing on |o the ocean. By our canal 100 we'arc wedded to,the Delaware and thus once more to the ocean. We loblt alao to the day. ond that net fa? dirtant, when the boon, darics of the two great Organs shall be spanned by . those iron bands and cords.-lhc-Rail, Bead and the Telegraph,-i-whicb, for the V“ ion “ h * ll be aa hooks of stehl in keeping us-of "one con*, try.'onc constitution and one destiny. Shsore upon the man, or seerion of the Union, who. for almost any cause ssvo the loss of his fteo iriheri-* Icnce,. Would interpose Ur destroy this'Union, but a double and undying shame to him, or them, ’ who would seek to mtr.sJuce into lhe Union an enlargement of that greatest element of political cvil-3ft; institution oj Slaccry,— every ingredi ent of which fa disease and death—a curse to the hearts and interests of men who touch it, and-the very Riagno spot of our country ai it is. But, ns it it, the mantle of tho Constitution is thrown around it, and we have not the'powcr to touch it. But against its extension, —end particularly the foul conversion of free .into sieve territory,—we will write and speak so long asswo gan lift a pen of give utterance to a free thought- ’Wo are for our country,"whatever its hcu'mTirics, hot a thou sand times we say give ov notupre territory, if tho price of territory is to adt even;. rood of ground, for a habitation for-onc additional slave. Slavery in a Republic established byJtlf men, is in anom aiy any way, but ihc doiib'arateaextensioa of alave territory, in tire middle of the nineteenth century, is and that at the price of war arid the risk of disuns, ion, is a piece or iniquity So bold that a man canj hardly-comprehend it. Al) political abolition and - all interference with the esfiblishcd rights of the Slave. Slates, wo oppose, end ss wc would not - practice injustice towardsthe Southern Slatea, so we would not loicrate any interference with our own. Slavery aside from the great moral wrong, involved in the institution, and forever incident to that abuse of power whore one rain jexcreisea own - crahip over another, is the great-enemy of free . ’white labor. In ’defending lhe rights of laboring i men who ire free, we should feel bound to oppose ■'tho institution ol Slavery, It is the wage, of labor which lias made, and which-still makea the South -■ hostile to the Protective Policy, for so long as slaves can bo brand to work for their hog, bom ' money and coarse clothes, and to be completely ~ under the control of overseers or maalera, to long will there masters oirpose. any system of tabor, which admils.of a liberal payment of wages. ’ for ouraelvc we ore brought incidentally to re msfk here we intend to defend, aa heat we may, the Protective policy of the epuntry, ft is tho true interest or the people in our judgment to .-, adopt'it and to abide by it. : ftis a ayatem entire ]. consistent with a liberal revenue for the sop j] pprl of Government. Die a-check upon there ! enormous importations which have added at time* : atn-largely to tho foreign indebtedness of lhe conn try. ft provides, as any good Christian ayatem ■will ever do. fuel fot those of onr own household, and thia without the infliction of injury upon any country or class of people.* ltd. forjthc greatest ■ good of the greatest number,and upon this good old principle of Jeremy Benthslir we rest out: De mocracy. ' , ■■''- - ' For the same reason we-opposc tho Bub 1 reaa nry law. It draws a dividing line lietwecn the Government and the people. It is. no Action to say that it gives one kind of currency to the one, . and'another kind to the other. But tho itwtitu lions of the States are overshadowed by the con . “tril power of ‘the Federal ■ Government. It, sup •s pnse/lhat a few individual part, aan officer, intb. •5 service of (be Administration, are refer agent, than - the ,'worn officer, .of a Bank-lhan » corporal** • „ ilh L Board ot Directors, a President, Cashier, ’. all receiving power from the State., -here they are,’and all responsible to tho State. 4nd the com- | , " muoity for the manner in which they administer their trusts! The Sub Treasury law is Ism eon. . Venient. more expensive. not-».sfoM the in lacllco before the Sub TrtW act bream. a ' jaw, dtwaconstanl violation of that divine prayer, j ' which’ teacher u> to pray, • lead «> »<* ““ •'“P’ . tatron bul -deliver uv from evil,” for surely no scheme which the wit"of man-over conceived of, wU belter calculates] to tempi men from ; ujrn that which place, forever befort their eyes, ui l under ibeir own control, lhe tml tre»»afe» of thi i Government., Defalcations are no new thing jn our Government. The documents are foil of i -.the®, and we hVveAehans.and JoJaae.too,aa,of 1 i pld,’ who have bern seduced Item virtue by fheir i lectured thitsl for gold- ;• ! i - IWe shall 'enter heartily into the great Rail i! fed moavucea which .re designed to make Ihjp t - city the lino of communication between the East 'i ■ " , 0 d the West, and we can nsrero the people of |. I ■ HtUhnrgh. wd of tho neighborhood, and particn- j ) ■ lily thoso ot'ihe line, of communication, aasrel|. ! ' Las (hue to 'tho vicinity of such Ilnea. Ural trttrj I in .uejtaWtltocf dnlctjullm 1. . wt” ■ ioth the products of die txui and the labor of the I woikihop. RailKoads h»*e made Boston morel Wealthy than all her foreign comnSfcrce f or all be? | Un be tho largest donation yet return of our brave men from fields of bl.*od t • the ||ls j t , (I , country. I neighborhood, Slate, and every where, we dc.-i.'*‘ ; (; l X!Illl . Scorr*s?!.titkh.—'The following to enjoy that intercourse which bt-cumc' mm i | cl . . r n| ;| j IC iei ,\ a ; tfaij itmc with iuterot whose duty it is to be both faithful chroniclers -mi [-‘r.vHif ,i n j c.u&iicnimi.i— commenutors upon the great c.enu of the day. .. i" The freedom of the Pres, is a liberty Ino great , 0 „ plJ . v :„,j , xfcrt to embark for New either to be lost or diminished by the p»-ion. , < 3l ' is .'tf„. :jtnii in*um. Uy the 12th uf Re epleen, or the di«courtcsy of those who control it- ~ m l*': l mnj'.bc m that' city, at Point Isabel the •We may find occasion often lo didVr trom those j l?ih. and O'marg.. say the 23J. in order m 1* we may nnu ocots. wi-Um iafV t«ir.*pondmg dbtir.ee trom you. It arennd n,, but we hope, our d.lTorencc m.J a Ihil u-able to vbn. Monte- | ” fcl „ , t „„. (g„ h », wavs be ciptowed in manner and term* sUf.i as ( a , j citcuinstatiees may prevent yuur coming ! ; . , _. . . Z gire no oiVence to men wilhn, to her that! “ } ' u . ! ,|..-.il n&ch regret' no, hating an ear., ; Itepolre of Santa Anna-Phre. D. . Ftgbn g , . b . , «„ 1 .rmstgriant ; ~t . hoMunit v *..l felicitating you in person upon —Mexican Loss five luousand Men Amer which other, regard a, Hue and important. ■ rrlror mstrk ho. -e m„ Ele.en Hundred.' . In taking the place of nur rc*pea i :Cf H m the intcrior'of Mcxic.*. -j* he Wdluirn Fretian bujust arriv- Bare, wo hope alwaystnbe found mxiiitsirnng 'hat j arp IjfJ my dear gmeral, to eupeicede j ro|n lhf; which pl*ic »he tell oo the interest io all que»«ons of moral and soriil im- ■ V ou in the immrd ato commaud on the the line of lQll) j n|Uot# this arrival twe learn verbally t,.*» biiherto distineui-'hed the ! uu-raH >n» .rehdr-ied illusliious by you and your h G Taylor, who had fallen backbeluro San- which have hitherto ,tt . 2 ‘ lUl , t artll v M . ~rop anJ General Taylot’a loae onr,n,he„, snd we .h,„ expect hc.,0.,,. con- j | b, o^n ““‘ '-' o °, trifcuiion*' from bis pen. The service* of • ,r 'V irnig , w ,n be aided by th* Utter* of the ' v y c are indobte«U> Uol. Huht for lhe following Manats will be secured to the office as heretofore, j s*.. cr » i. fV ~f Wi . conveyed by Mr.* Armwtead, ■ r f a | etlcr> addressed to him from Captain and every oossible attention paid to the cummer- i Msj »r Graham, aid Mr. McLanc. . bgden. of the Department, and •i A of tie natter We shall make : But. my dear! ;encrul, I shall be obliged b» Uke ; l whieh j, Jb e only written informaUbn we hav« H cial departmen P P ■ ( ju m ~u f liit , g a || sn t officer* and men . Jieen tb(f , to o t^, ni 0 , the vessel brought no mail, •rrangments also for-constant cvnirintjunns ir /f _ £u!V!| . I;iJ t ,! ol ,teer*) whom you have so i •j- IIOUR h the details given above m»T hot be exact abroad, and for the tran*n-. ; ■ r the eurliot „ m | n o!*( Cwtrom-udid. lam afraid that . there i*. we think, every reason to be news hr telegraph. Our out -...J i -riiMt wish is ; i ,hatl by imperous necessity—tho approach of lhero hftJ a jj^ t> aD j it has resob*, to win sucre., by nuking the Gxxettc wonhy the ; yellow fcser on ho Gulf c.rx.t—reduce yon. for ; gl , )lioul | J fa th. AoMKfa irms. The are. to win juccc j & a i :tX u., to stand ou tho delennve. This -will Le cx i csn repjrt* tend viry mnch to confirm confidence and respeci of the community. , t „ ynlli ,nd. for that fefts ; ,n * i , uc h a resulu Several vessels are hourly expect- ERASTUS BROOKS. But I rely upon your patriot- I anJ jt pro hsbic that weiaball have later and [o the temporary sacrifice wilh m o fo authentic advices /befori morning. ALL FOOLS DAY*. ’lita ihioj In!*; JufniU‘t. Which i» ihr gr*s»«»i to*.l rtiiuirJ Thi'mu that mnoctr.Ujr wcot Or bt that him dc*ign’*ilT wot.” Thai raas a song io Poor Robins’ Almanac fo» 1760, describing a costom more common then than now of playing franks upon wboceer would con tent to be, or be whether he would coftsent or not* the subject oflhc merrimentof thedsj. "Sbcve* lew errands” they weto called nearly ibreo bun* dred years gone by. What tHc origin of the cus tom is we cannot now pretend to determine, but for a time, whereof the memory of man runneth not tothe contrary, it has been a custom common to almost all countries. The Frcftch name the thing, Voiuon f Arnica April fish,” mjjca.l of April fool. Poisson it is said by sorab of the old writers was a corruption for our word passions, ns the Passion of ourSaaiour took place about tbi time, and as the Jews sent Christ backwards and forwards to march and torment him from Annas t> Caipha", from Uaiphas to Pitale, from Herod to Pilot and from Pilot back to HeroJ. Hence the custom. Sach is the explanation of Uellingford u we find it condensed in an interesting work on Popular Anliquitaries by John Brand. In Asia the day is observed much mote than in this coun try dt'perbap* the observance i* lew hero than any wbero else . Anciently the day was observed in Britain aa a high festival and uninterrupted hilar* Ity.wp are told reigned through every order of its inhabitant*. They call peraona imposed upon in the North of England on this day, “April Uuuka/' or a Cuckoo, that being the meaning of the word. iL Scotland they boot the Gouk by sending silly people upon ailly errands, and there i* a couplet which runs thua: . •Ontli* fint day ff April Hunt the Oouk aiwther mile.*' In India it is a great day even now, and high and low participate in .making fools of their peighbors. The great day among Hindoos is the cloce of Mirch when the greateatTnirth is made by send ing persons upon alcctelea errands; One writer supposes the origin of the Gustom io be the tricks played by Romulus upon the Sa bine* who instituted games on this day.. The Sa bines flocked to see the celebration and the Ro m»na seized upon, and secured the Sabine virgin*. | Tho true origin of »bw custom we think is ex ! plained in the following from au old number o I the Gentleman’# Magazine. .•Our year formerly began, a* to some purpose* .JJ in KID. resell, on theSSth of M.-rh which .nppowJ >o be iho Incin.lion of oui l.otd. ainl l fS.i..li w.io dsuelly el'cnded with on Oc l*.f, (or eight d.yi) where the fir.t end the lot were th. principal. April 1.1 r. the Oef.e of the 21th of Merch end we., therefore, Iho fe.U.sl o' both the Annunciation end tbeold new year. day. This ia the opinion of many who hare given much more lime than we have to bestow upon the subject : The following pretty veraea upon the day are quite fifty years old, but they are aa good a» new •nd indeed much better than many new thingam the'way of the poetic art dmne: TO A L.ADY WHO THKEATtNK.U TO .MASK Tilt AUTHOR AN APRIL POOL. •>Wfaj itmv dear rir),n>make» f-«l Of ce< aot wiie twurc . i Vel b»»ior,e»c»P*d fro** folly *• tcliool Ali if 1 ®°‘l to wboot again, mil iho* . I'm lure noltwoo wißbv vaui JThkh tbo* eaart g»»* to ««■ Ob* of thykiaiawt pntUVwk*, Tby mOw d*v«d .Arid beyond *IJ crabbed book. To rvgoWa wy heart. Tboo need* not caDMae 6irj elf. •To hfnuelf * j Or«tt4tfl«a^ n f* 3i**r» ltrmr* It ik stiWd tbit there is to be established tt Sooth Trenton, a stock companj,'eon*i«ling en* tirclv of colored The object j* tacttry on the tinning lutriue»». with a capital of $01)00 Jtrided into of None but colored person* arc permitted to own slock', Ihe shares are »aid.lo bcM.carly all laketu It is ■r*T»;n that the pxqaisite painting of the I’iituig of Kutb, Orpab, and Naomi, in the rotunda of the f’spitol ai Wishitigton, ha* been of to a gentleman in Ncjt York for the. •uis uf $5OOO. Tho Wheeling Tiroei it urging the efection of. a Bridge over tho Ohio, the city has been solicited to subscribe for $30,01)0 worth of the Stock of the /n>n Relief amount received by the committee in the city-of New r«tk 578. Albany committee hare receded $U,* 539. Gen. Gadwalnder, of Philadelphia. armed at Wheeling on Sunday nighl. ft mute, for Foil .Polk, (l\.int I»2hf/lnli»l a:.y saiially Irom thi »r • t.> will lessors t awaie of the rccqot call for uip»\ ■ j volunteers, including one ti( • , ’ho President may soon ask {'t ■ 1 wo are no*, without hope tnat : l( jJ ton oi ttvi'lve t.i the : Tncsc. l>y the -pring, say April, [ o bounties, lu? field—ihuuld ier termt of ocpanurioda before the spring. (Maidb.) it is ; If be again in force to resume of- j V..u wtll bf regiment* of Tfiiis h-jrsc. ina'iT more, 3t t;.,rii;r*!3 may c>.abii-hmpt i wtion t » hold myrelf iij prcpnrali »i ] the IBlh instant. Muchhaa been that end, and morn remains.to b ■ It W 93 ncit-1 from Washin , eivt.l an min f>r M'cxtco or done towards erecctfJ. Your deiai: od report of the operations at Mon* sly.to the SecretaryV despatch, bj mislead, were both received two css iniliucb-d to South, y dear General, yours faithfully. WINFIELD SCOTT. . oral Z: Titi-oh, ’ ,4r my, iff. tfrev. .and re l.irininnt A days af'ei 1 1 , In haste, n 1 ue(s. gmnes remarks. \t ihn public ilmner gi«cn to Mr. I*. B. King, of Georgia, in New York, one of the toast* *a» to (he Army) which was responded to by C»en*r# Gaines, of the army. .On n-dng he was greeled with protneled and gnlhesiastie applause. He said ho had Ln ri«n In inflict upon the company, ihere speech; tut a* the sem r Ma jor General i»f ’the Army, it vrould not be becom mg in hmi tn ailitw tho- toast, just gjreo, to bo passed over wiihoul a reply.. It .was with thru drepe-t mollification, mingled with the higher that be was present o,t all. (ap*- plau«!.) Elks place, if the choice was bis. would Win the fiic<“ of the common enemy. (Cheers.) The new* Which we hare been receiving f‘»r the last few days from the sent of war, ho w«. qriev ed lo.eay. was of disaster and defont. But trwUy, thank God. more encouraging tiding* had Tench* 1 ed us and from authority that seemed reliable, he j was happy u. announce, that the gallant Taylor. I had t-afclv rescind Monterey. (.Tremendous I cheers aru appbbtt ) Sit. 1 know that' I mm,' and many of the brave and rapable officers j under his command; and I feel warranted m a* | Buriug you. that bis position is ono of safely— (Reri«sre.liappUuse.)r Aftef a high eulogy uppn | Gen. Taylor and the-annj, ihn gallant t*rnr«ri commenteii upon the inception of the present con tost- • VV«Thad gone, said he. into tbu war. entire. Iv unprepired; it was an nflimswe war, and tho preparsticn for it was inadequate.' lie wished to bldme no jne for thsi -it would, not he proper for him to d.fso. They whose fault it was. »f fault it was. if fault them, were, had perhaps been had ly advised. (LtughWr and applause, long enn tinued.) (Sen. Taylor had knocked ■ down h.s urny. wh< Ujnl rose again* W»1 be fouud himself unprepared up the blow, and was com pelted to mcafnp in the valley «f Grande, during the sickly season of the year, for the space of-four n Mb*: for lack of proper, reinforcement. (Scn.ati|n.) The General wont onto r.y that in .[ho-onur, ho h. 4 mj,Jo *n«tro,rto li.ted in'the .nlloj of tho Hto Grande on arm, df50,006 mon, with: on in.lftietl.. o.tohh.hntont on tho s mi; the cnnwqurnccs of which be bo lio.od then, and otill 'believde. would here boon, in four ot fl.o monlhi. to pnt-en end to thd war. fCiioemt Dut ho woo deemed inoono. (ItoUßh ter Juil Oi, 16, jeaie ago, tho man w» tbon B ht to be insane who talked of'Hailruada in thi Slate repreeerijed by the honorable goeat of the c|onmg. (ItfnewOd laughter and appleuse.) But bo ir.tulotA himoelf that thi. imputed innmtj bad -prosed the mcarta of bringing him to this groat and EiJci.y, where, .aid ho, I hare enjoyed ond am enjoJing, e.erything that can make * Midler abwmt flomthe field of battlo. while the war la raging. JaliaGed and happy. And the .eteran re anmed Ilia aeat, amidat lha moat daafemng ap- Manae. J •’ ■- rotu’* recent work pa ‘‘Th# Prow Wriera riw,” c*U* Mttgtwt FoUat’a ((hr*'of fortes** in the 19th Cant - ‘' 4 .expression of her discontent S*w Pinut—We leceiecd yealei day tb« S'* | JJY JIAG'NETK' TELMI'RAPB Dumber Of Alfieon'e Dele Daily. fuW'Btebben- : : eille,'Called the Heiald.lhe aimc : ei-the old and well Inown Weekly. The Daily ia I email, racy iheel. If the merchant* and bji»ine*a men of Steubenville give -it a liberal nippntcthey •huuid. from every principle of ♦elf-iuieteal —by i tubscriling and auverti#ing, it Fill of very I great service to that town Ii i« complained that ouc paper doea not reach Steubenvillo regularly, and we are as! ed to rfcmedy ibe evil. We hare been trying tc do that for month*, but hardly expect to auccred until the rda»T* get tetter and we hare- a in if* energetic Postmaster General. ! Armt Miiuami.—A Corapa troop*, recruited at Philadelphia ’urv gimect bill, and under commanJ uf ( arrived yesterday by canal, and w< ly shipped on t»oird the (Jermantpwi for New Orlefos this muinic*. ; Ai ny, which was to lure arrtTed last to goon that b-o»i. The two mdsto file. A numl* r of army Forge* fca»< on iW t'.i'imur. Tim Voliiguefc stand, will i*rl thrir homes in Ken J.icitl Elrr'iun* and IV'Aig 1 7/ WhiKi'fcf Huntingdon Borough, election ro.lac.il the loco majority f< fall, which w** 110. lo 40. ami thi new towM»hij> of BraJy, with a Whig*, hail been detarheJ from it The Whig* carried llie boroug' burg at the primary br gain of'44 cincn tlnJ^prermuarlect It is stati.ii in an English p»i*«•», that a com pany is shcr'ly t) he loiaied iu London 1 , for the erection of jur'dic n»rw, on the principle afbalhs tui) *»a»h-hi at which the lab rring poor may make their mvjj bread of any reality suited to their menus. An establishment of the kind has m Paris, and is uccessfblly. *aid 1 1 w>*» !»*••»! iujst Anti H i hn«t t’rorisu men -Senl duna baa bad a aon appotntttl nl St**, on bund lb* Gernuatnwb Norfolk, h n alao aakl that he 1 law appointed under iho ten regl Mr. Brteae'a vote is now account \nnirr or a Fi’orTivs rank Ecacrt.—A#- «i»wnt Capiain Hirnmo and Officer VVilherby.of the 2 I Ward, New York, arretted on Friday a German calling himself Natbaq Levy, altai Her. tnatiT-Bondy a patscnger on board the London packet lbi|> Prince Albert, which arrived at thii port on Thursday night last, who atanda charged i with having crab*tiled some 40,000 ducats, or S about §20.000. from the hoy** of Rothachilde di i (; 0 ., *ituate at Vienna. Austria, with whom the j accused «!• employed as clerk, It appear* that. Le*y obsrondrd last August, and aince that lime I ho baa been irereted in London but was finally j pipetted to make his appearan'ce in New York, > consequently a watch was plated on all the pack ets, and yesterday the police succeeded in mak ing the arrest. The accused is detained on &e affidavit of RolbscbTtda' agent in thia city. The prisoner and bi«~biggago wen} liken before the, : Chief of Police,’ and on searching the latter a ! [ ltgf , amount of gold and Austrian scctmlies were ; found in bi* possession, evidently the proceeds of | the eme*releme.ni. The Chief committed him for a further examination, . THE RAILROAD TO PMTBBCRGH. Our. commuuity is awaiting with profound inte rest the'result of the proceedings of the Commit tee appointed no Monday last at the meeting of iho Stockholders of thcsßallimore it Ohio Rail road Company. It is a subject of very gcoeral regret that the Committee did not propeed to Pitts burgh. in conformity wfth the instruction of the Stockholder?;the expectation being confidentaud, we think, well founded; that personal inleicourae. maintained on both sidfs in .a frank and friendly ' .pint would accomplh-h. amthapplly, the object of . restoring g.*»J feeling; and a hearty co-operation m the consumation of a purpose of deep concern j u both citirt —liaUwtore American. ■\ Kloi b MtacaAHT op Bo«to.y. was mads : S.) happy by the news brought by the Hibernia on i Saturday night that viaion* Of prwpectiye propu •| mingled with his dreams’, as he quietly snooted j in church on Sunday morning. The minister 1 was dcscauting upon the unsatisfying character of : sublunarr- things. -What is the prico of all : earthly happiness V ho asked in.rather an ani mated tone. "Forty tied "ihWng* per barrel, ..j: replied the flour dealer. (JAZKTTK job office. The Proprietor of the Pittsburgh Gaxette has purchased the interial of Mrsers. White &. Hams, in the (Tjactle Job Printing establishment. Mr PißKis will, ns hitherto, superintend the office, and all orders for books _nf Job Printing of ■any kirm; willjb'c executed with [promptness, sad upon satisfactory lerms. i* a disease thst i* hurrying it* v.csiM*!' thousand* in die iomb, without bavin* Its |irogrr<* miall retarded by die medicines in common „ r; but nj.tirighit-r day if cpming; nay. b’ss already mine, wb«-L" this dreadful djscnse can be successfully ei.mhHiird. Or llogrM* preparation of Liverwort and Tar, not only give* relief lujall case* of Cold, sealed Cot,eh, Ae , immediately,'Voi from the testimony of gen ii,-men of the h.gticsl plane* hr, i* making some veiy 'n-ir.orkai.lc cures of Consumption Improvement in the li'-aiinrnt of disease is r.nwsrd, and nothing can arrest it* .pirn m Hi.* prugien.r F-.x lute Professor 11 lh c Cincinnati Eclectic Cißhl ('iie, ks fur sale, mid iolleituins .made on nearly all tl.« principal |N»inlsin tlje L’ tiled Mates Tin- highest premium paid for Foreign and American Advancr* made cm consig iments of Produce, shippei l F~i>' nil bl'cral terms. .. aichid TO TUK MCK-“I have u«cd Walter’s liinscng Panacea and I also know several <>i toy ai-'piamtance who have used it. and they «P«ak very highly of n. 1 certainly have no hesitation lu tec uiiinirnd.ng it a* a valuable medicine for coughs, colds Ai M PATRICK , Iron City llotrl, itb street, Pittsburgh Krml ihr following from Ksq. tiray, Alleghrny Cil'ys - Walter's (iiiiseng Panacea is the best medicine that ever 1 used for a Couchor Cold. -.RICIIARn fiHAV Common, Allegheny City." For s*tc nt H. Harrell's; slh st. opposite Iron Qty Ho el, di-tributuiß Agent fortpiushargh and by Druggists generally. Hoe adveiUsemem. ll£l n~T-Feraa!e Modesty often forbid* the gentle *cx from *cekmx relief, when suffering from peculm coinnlsniu • The Vegetable klectuary. prepared b| Ur Uiibnm, will be I'numl mn invaluable Remedy'’" ihe rnrc«ly cure* 11 effrnu m lli« mo»t »«veni ca«e l*ilc< • Thousand* b«veite*uSed a* to it* very emi Wholesale) KKTOHaM, l*Jt Fulionlj Market »lrect,.»ml 1. l*»U»bur. onlbrpmftorPUrcmiamct-.WuUbe pnxli’ >f malunl bf demanded of Santa Anna that be should immed lately surrender- This was declined, and Taylor hi auelf wt*-called; up tosurrender. LieduCHttend m took back thej answer, and said to 84nta Anna for his General; -GENERAL TAYLOR NEVER SURREN.j Santa Anna’s Adjutant Geherd captured and an exchange made [ 1 On the 24tU and 25th General Taylor oecupiW his command and position unmoh sted and witho any show of opposition: lbtot Brtoae oflo* lijihipraan in ihe n ju»t«*i!ed from hif twd sooa-io* [meat bill,' and bo UeJ for. Colonel Margin for whore uf ietj baa been felt, cut bin way my, and ,arri*ed *aiely at Mon the 24 Ohio Volunteer*. • The Mexican* were in ptfßK China. Mier, and all the town* and Monterey. THE KILLEI , Arao.ng the Killed were Lice tyof Mt«. Colonel Veil and Ci Itanaa*. Adjutant Vaughn, Col. Mel Jr. Captain* Moore and Mill*, tacky. Captain* Skinner, Walker, Parr of Indiana. Colonel Harding. Captain Zabriakie and Woodman, and Ida. Hazleton, Brnnton, Fletcher, Ferguraon.llollin*. Barthwn, Atherton and Price -The above alt killed. \ Colonel Jefferson Di*u. A Taylor. General Lane, and mimeroi Etery Votuntoer iColone l killed or wounded. '! Tbe slaughter among the immense, and also amqng the Gm. Taylor’s official despa -lad. All Rife and quiet at Uraza No later new* from Vera l Other account* represent o to be not more than l 7oo, and It i* said, however,'that th< eludes tirti/’lhree officers, which it an. immense proportion.’ Santa Anna * officers weto also »Uiu in great number*,'* ?* oof > »f biilced proof be wanting, tbit they fought wrjll. The odds agaiott Taylor were at lea»t. accorling to the best ac counts wo ba«o teen, ten thousand men. Tho retreat of Banta Anna deck him, and ifr was an alternat forced, aud which was beyo battle took place ot Uoena Saltillo, aud between Haiti! The volunteer* joined heart in that valorous impetuosity discretion of a true soldier, the great sacrifice. The p by the hatteric* under com Bragg, and Thomas, by sqc second Dragoon*, and hy c<. *1 Volunteer regiments froc tacky, Mi»«iasippi,..BUnoU. The Mexican* made a s md here we .are compelled jwn army in undisturbed \ try between Buena Vial* a Oornext intelligcbca.wi tie between the ”Meximii General Urrea, and thers command of Colonel Ctsi between Monte'rey and Ua ■and men, and Colonel C.I ■and, under hi* command, fought, our troop* are nod such odd*, in the event* e bly boen a very bloody 01 of warfare hardly preset and cotinurd *trife a* ha tlce of May, September, a id this last, whiqh took place on the 22d of Fe iruary. Tho victories hate all been remarkable, and the laatadda a now and imprest!** incident U the day memorable aa the anniversary birth d«y of the Pather ofh.a ioontry. To us, however, U must be a day of mourning for’tho loaa ol the brave and honored dead, as well as for the birth of hfm who was alike distinguished for lie triumphs of peace as well aa the conquests of war.' Our sin Care hope now is, liiat the successful war carried on by General Scon on the fr utiar, Mil by* General J’aylor, in the interior, w .11 lead to peace. NNA 4. CO. Puii/s, March 25th, —lO P. M. The |inc of telegraph, are in complete opera turn between New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Then is oo later news from: the army, either by way if Veta Crut:or Monte rcy. The office of the North American is illu minated!for the Victory of General Taylor over Santa Atma.j There ts j real excitement in town at this rysult, mingled w th sorrow, of course, at the loss of *o m»ny bra' o men. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Pmt-a’u- March 31 7 o’c. P- M* The receipt! of Flour ire large and increasing, but the wrivals are moetlyvdelisered to fill con tracts roafle to arrive. The demand exceeds the. supply oh sale, and. is unporving. There have 'been salei to-day to the extent of. 3000 bbls stan dard brands at t0.06i5«J124 per hbL The weeks sales have been 15,000 tjbls. " Cornmtal is selling 1 o a moderate extent at M. 50 per bbl. - . , • Bye Fleur is in fair d< mand at $5,12$ per bar*. R. .SAWtKR, ttmiliifiield «i |jxr L-ol mubUl 1 An active demand prevails for Wheat. Sales to-day of 10,000 bu prime Red at 128a130e, anil, a few tbotpand bu print Whitest‘lS-Ul3se per b °Com i, m itqocrt. The e,lee “rfS! h ”] been 30,000 bn el 8.1,8: c for prune While, enu 88e92c lorYellow. ’ Belee feu Ihounnd bnKjre el 8S«81c- The tnetfcet for Sngerae eleeJj, wllh mode»l* Xa eclin inquiry pre’ eile for Moleoee—fcUee 300 bble NO et prerloor price,. . ~ . Market to Coflee atti' e and considerable, sales at prices' showing no change. i .'FocFUnMaMtlw* i» b» inquiij ih.n prt.i- ‘>TO COM. wnn I . , j 1 1 - ii u- * 1 ar.drmsned solicit tniormalioftof lapse * c Vrfi*vTr ooily, but pne** nominally higher. ; wtthit.eTSt-.Dode of working cool Siney brtattA^ i'. .No 1 Wait Lird rouges from 9Aaloic in bbla' xti>-re oil l terna! n» wcnard iaibi* coami-y *t*depifc 1 sod kecj i 1 of Joo,o UWO.eei.ondH. K.ielandsiJtOO ftct betnw ; i me MHiau-e' Of the several straw m this pro|**».e*prn*r man p.i»*e.neraiiy. iH.ciadicefcaalH-'K'] Unwed i< felling a| per bu. i „ ai 3j:, ;on uur principal strata is two. to thi<;e No Ideal newsiol importance. 1 • . th<- iii>rknc«* of ibot in p>t«. and wah. another. I ! urea, advantage, iliai ii could l»e used on loegroono _' L TT' !" , ", ala d even w.lboul the eJt.i- The TeOnesacp liver if reported to It* Th? w _Mb. .i« ta tu l Ofiio, CutabetUbii arid Teunessee, hu neatly ture and puniYjjaajhbgVmpiril t-> ihc manufuctuirpf , r | i • ' Iron from U.,rt)r«;, f if wiU'olFer great indfccaeuta overdowed the. tdwn of Paducah. for rxi.iusfrc-npeiaijeoson this aide of the nyti- :,1 >«. ' .11 L .■ . I - „ tVi* lufve hHjl ai'plteslidii},Crum person* a^coatonrtu iThe water lacks, aaya the Kentuckian, perbufs to wo ,£ 0 * t»A i.y *haila V J*A» have fu-ongljt>ged: In two or three feet of being ro high as.lt leached in nd.irdi&'uY«s.ugin,b«ryiwniofvieivadjij^p ble BiuLlnelily We ire de.iiropvfpl the great freshet of 1835, and it is now at this o:nn on the suljcvi. and slioqld i , . , . a prove »an*fa*«aV^ f " ill fell or leaie tbepridilege place some inches higher than it has been since OI - »:,ikrnc a ihaft su.d weikinßiUe Coal ,1 n | liiit memori&le Good.; ' 'SSSBOTI MUSICy f EATON! [I d3i4.wltt] ij GiUtte. EXiro- Jews OF GEN. rapitch Ihi* wi received eoraxrienced ltd and with ado immense l tit at ail where njthe thicke* I AOESCV Foil PATENTS, | \Yashh\gton, D. ZKNAS C. ROUBINk. Mechanical- Engineer and Agenttor piocunncjPatents, will prepare the ne cessary Drhwingj* amirPupcr* lor Applicants fur Pat ents, and imiixeLall outer ’lurn'M in the line of hi« profession at thell'ateni Office. He .can >tc ro;»u'lr-l on all question* iSlatiug to the Patent f.nn-k ami dre -aroQtJti the Umicd Sutra or Europe I’r ioik n) a haying examinations made hi the PslifAi Office, prior to making appliration for a iiatcnu. thar forward (pou paril}-enclo*ing a fee of five dolUr*7 a clcttr xtalrmrnt|of their rase, when immediate oven tion will he glv4n mjit aml'all Kn- mionnatufri iln.t could he obtuinedjtiy a yisit of the applicant in neraoi-.] prompt')' communicated. \ All letters cm business wmil It po*l paid, find contain a suitable fee. where a;wntien opinion is required.\ "■Oilier oa F. stfiel.-npiiosiie the Patent Office, lie ba« the honor of referring, by penni-*"ion. u> Jliip. Kdmund Burke, Comm ssioner ol Patents; Hon HI. Kllswofth laic do do do. 11 Knowles, Machinal, Patent Office; Judge Ornnch, Wil*hineinn. I) C; Hon. R Cholir, Massachusetts. U S Senate; Hots. VV Allnn, Ohio. d oi llon.i.H Itowim. M C. Missouri, Hon. \Vtili* Halt {New York; lion. Robert Smith, Ml. Mmois, lion. S Brrese. U S Senate; Hon J IlMlelfe, M C. Missouri; ('apt. it M SnieVe; Missouri; Fjh»(u» Brooks, K»k PHIL.ADKL.PHIA AND BALTIMORE. | ErdtljicWy fot Paatngrrt ) rjnii: Canal and .Railroad being now in exrelleni. 1 order, the Packc\« ol tins Lmc will leave with pas sengers as follow*, etferv tngiil Bl # o'clock- Packet latuisiana. Capt rhi.mpsnn, Thursday. Apr. Ist d.o Kenturky. Cap! Trjfby, Friday. April thui. do i Ohio, Capt Craig. Baiurdny. April Hnl. do 1 Indiana, Capd Her key. SunJu., AptiHih. do ’ Louisiana, t-a|n. Thompson. >er f.-*pen fully calls the attention of the travelling cominuiw ty, and rtpec »Jly lm*ine»«men. to the fact that thi* hcTute ir now omen ainl i» offered for their patron 4«t- ut tht low prireru ONE DOLLAR I’KK DAY. It* location for butlnei* It n6l «orpa?*ol in > . t ork, and every comfort, With rood livtnr, clean bed*, airy room*- 4c., cap We be had a* well a* at the mo*i er irnvagam homes One call will »orely ratify anyone of thr*e fan* hnd insure to extensive patronage far the hoote i- HAML C. UIMHOP, I’rnpr.mr New York, April 1, I“4? .11 ty ao mneb apt through the en« ercy. He U;■ Bxecator'm Notice* Noricr. i* Ker-'liy Riven wall prr«on» mdel-e.l . 0 the K«ialc of *o*crjtier* MATTHKW if WKST, ■) Of Uoiiio-inTovriMhip;'t -JAMB.-* R C \VM. U HAMILTON. J lion of Ccralyo, •tween Camargo aprlwUiF V OI’TSTAJSDIKG CL AIMS— The Audi'-M or ■ hr AeeSunts cf the Over*err« of the Poor Im ih<* vrar < nJin* t»i April. ISt“. drure nil claims upaiiM the l>ver«cer4 u»|tie prn»enie UHu.ffr of thpt• be»l manner and warranted to tic tniwel tempered; 100 do/eit fcood Hay Rake*, 50 ton* Hat;. 50 *e» m niittee of Council* appointed ibe i?slh of January last, constating olf Me**t* Shipton, Denny, Allure, b rankjm and Thompson, will he held on Monday, the s:h April, instant at tj o clock. I’. M . in the Mat or’* Office. j <;K.O iv l*n a t k\ jlj*n M’Candlon.Fec’y. ' . »p*d'd_ men. . che* mt» iutorccf' ur lon irr the battle Santa Anna’* 4000. ; Dlaaolutlon of P»rln«nhlp. THKj>arlnet*hlphereiofore rx M.n* between the un dex.Wd, w (he publication of ihe Pm*t.ur*h .0h ,,,1,,. i« ihia *>»)' ili*»ol»ed by wuioal e n n*e'ii. -All the J-u-mc-u oi| ilif Ule firm will he '''Hir’d bv D N' While, ...i.., .* uulboiucil to clo»e ihe »at»e. , who. ttuiWMUct d N WIIITK Piauhnnib. April 1.1M7-d*«3:K K_F lIARRM_ DUaolniloiif TUK nartnet*h-p heretofore ei'Minß between ihe , ‘-.nußiietl, in the liu* l- -* of Job rnnunß,ujhi» American li»** in* ed the battle against *e to which he was id his The Vista, not far from !«• and Agua Nueva. |y io the pursuit, and , not always the wist is found the cause ol VESKTtA^ 1 —Tint (rreatMt raririj-ever offered m.lhj* citj ie fore—made on ihr'moit approved huMern ptaua— inoat- (4»hion»tile Kattetn natierM* nnd eolor*. « »■ TMK CU-Kal* UOLU or Uo3tt)N BIJNP, on band or made to order of all»i7M, and ai a.l price*. Country Merdbania and olhenpre tnviied ,ftCa ’ l al ?“. eiam.Aeftbe above for ihemaelve*. aa «tl will be » d Wl,olr*a!e.or reittil.aiida liberal deduction mad. 10 wholesale porcba*ers. ...-uiTcnvpiT apldl>* A ttfc?TRKVM.j_ irsuit was conducted nand of Washington, adrons of tho first and mpanies of the seser i Ohio, Indiana, Ken and Texas. tmd at Agua Nueva, to leave them, and our oosession of the coun id Monterey. .1 probably be of a bat is under command of raerican troops under is. ■* Urrea is reported nargo, with eight thou* rtia bat but two thou- If a battle has been mbltictorlbus, but with T a battle, it hu probs e. Indeed the annals a series of such fiefee i distinguished tho bat- L STRBET'IIOUSE Pearl Street, New York. SIX CESTB RKWARD-Ka» away from the lubfirrtber. living in Ohio TownjbiP. Alll**hirn> CountT 'on the*‘i-ili uItMINKR Mcit-LUKh an in dented Uy. rbfc public .reamed .*».«« ua««ng or h*rl*nn« »nl l. .y on toy "«ount. or they will be proceed*! against according it> ■». me aiovc r ward, but no chan"* will be paid for be 15 WJ» of boy. 5 ft plw3fF HUGH VI Ft FOIl 'RENT- A very coinlbnable dwelling hou«*. w«|t:«rr»!.ged for n large fa«n_iv. .muled en l-ounh abovo s*rnitbfield »troFi- ALSO. a koooXc* Orancei; . . .. aa do Lemon*; m P« ime °f de L l»uding F“‘ BIiICK-c; T un,; > y rD k»n ?E » ! , i fjr^= *■ ,' 50 wale/ and 107 front »t» C IiuARA i'a MOI. ASBKB-2J hhJ. JW, 50 bill*- Moiatica; In *torc amil for »*le l*y ISAIAH ACo g pl 58 water aud 107 from afa —iIBKS APPLES—IOO bill* Roioaniic Apptd*; yj lilili Apple*; 10 liOla I‘itiimit, in good Muppinfr order, for 5 VC MARTIN cor vraitkficld and from «t« Roll BUTTER—O bblt Fresh, just ree’U und f fat uls by. i* C MAIITIN >pl ‘ cor «tnitb6eld end ftoui it*_ \ Cl OTTOS—3W bale* Mississippi Cotton on hand / and for sale by ATWOOD, JO.NK3 * Co ■p| waicr and front «n tIOTTOK YARNS—B 000 lbs No 11» r V r £* U j by « p i _AT_WOOI). JON>' iCo C* ID ICR rc’d.}}»» * ■*}>* sale by spl t aTWOOU; JON^L* p AiTOH 00-1 *«. t BE ,ter '■' cor Liberty snJ S> Clan »< AAYd i in »ti>rr an«l for**alr by OOAP-JOOJir.Cm. no Jj BJ , A cKUURN A.Co, cor water u w.J chetrj allej- IJ.nn.ngl.ita. Art«l 1. Isl* lCnn««pei* copy.} IJRISTB, PRINTS!—A larje nswnmeat ot J'nni'.ju«l rreeivrtl AIM on liand, Kfllogj? A Thayer** I’pnu—l’liclp’* Map* and Chan*. .■ f| lVil*afalK ti wuli al Plate*, Clocks, Lj Cr«vai« und Vurjtjy all ai lowert rale* lur s. «, of |, Indemnity or Damage jf>y Fire, TUB .MUTUAL-PBINCIPLK Wuh thtt additional security ©f ■ Capital. The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co., nj rfitt a. CUARTKR PGRPKTUAIj. ihrkctoiu. , • i (J- orp.-t W.TrtJaml, _ John M. Atwood, ' •;! C. Ilf'cVtnU, IrfWis R. A»h Wn. K.Tliomptoii, * Ocorec N. Lakrr, jj Ueon-r M Stroud. . 'John J. Vaudcrkciupj! George 'V. Carpenter. ; j ' -U .. WILL make insurance against Loss or;U.amagt hv Kirft, in Pittruukoh and vicirnty,' or Homes'. Stores and other-Buildingi, and on r urm ture, Goods. Wares and Merchandise, oh .the too* fator.ble tcruis. . .»' ■ 'd Tlie Mutual Principle, combined (Capital, and the other piovisions of thejCharti?! iliis Company. hold out unusual induccnkentd.boU of profit and safely, to those desirous of cHcfting insurance, tnwhich the Company ask thfe pUenli.oi aud examination of those interested. | • • |; Those effecting insurance with this hu*c. besides the usual protection agniAst Joes, b; the oniinay me lliod of insurance, the, additions advantageof a direct participation in tUefpio/Us.o the Cdinpcny. iritkout any .tabilitv. * !| (iKORCK W. TOLAND,.President. BJH. fliNctratis, Secretary. : fl • The subscriber, wlio is the duly authorised Age' t or the above named Company,is prepared t«jn>aUc I insurance, at the Oir.ce of the Agency; to IHc Ist. rha Us Hnte*, Third at., third doOr from J:\uda street, and will give alflurthcr infrrtnatiori desifred TJIOS. J. CAMPBELL. np.K Nl)Tt*—Roasted for customers-, at the Mini* "d I and Sp.ee Factory, »7 Fifth street. . mcb Jl RHODES A ALCORN. .a i-nromers at the Mil** SI'ICKSof nil kind*, ground for customer* at the Mi lard and Spice Factory,27 Fifth street / in lfl rh3l RHOIIRS k ALCORN HORSK~KADISH, grmicd and put up in vinegar immediate u»r, cdnitantly on hand nl the Malt; ajiU Srpice K»cU*ry,Ji» Filth *W«cU ‘ rj mC ljl RjfUDKS A. ALCOR.' RICK FLOUR, frcel* ground and constantly t>\ limit) ntthc Mustard and Spic«* Factory; iff FflV sited. mcJ»a: RHODKSkALCOR? PEPI’KR SAUCK-IW hose* (pint boit(«,j ffa India Pepper*, on "hand and forsnle by ;! RHODES & ALCORN No*J7 FiAlTiircui f \ ROl’Nl> and 1(0 kcgi on hi l.r'aiM lor .dir !.>• KUODEf* tc. ALCORN mchll No‘27 Fi{lh.»tjec Gk(KJNI) PEPPKR, iiilihlt, krg«nnd boxjji, ft ifuund aud connan/H' on bund tor *ak; l>r~ ' • > RIIODB** ALCORN No V 7 Kiju/ktre (t IUU'N'I) ALLSPICK, Cinnamon and plove* 1' li i« boir«anil>mallpacltage»,con*lantly'©iihi. and lot *alr uillie Mu»Urd and t-pire Factolyvitt Fill iiirb.ll KItOUKS k ALOCIUfr R PASTED AND UROUNQ COFFEE tfteab every morning) always en hand and tor .laical No 5:7 F.ub«U«ci mcbJl KHOl*K3'& Al.gOH^ SOAP— 4 I.Mt» Hull A Son’* lu*l frc J a»2 lor mlc t.y R K SELLERS •me ii3l - NoWwwrtbi X3KED—S blits Flux*eeil for *iie »>j* |] : ' “R E SELLERS Nod? woo<^'»tre SARSAPARILLA— l-lialc V«-ra Craijuil iteM Un »ale l*y •' H-KBKUUKIIS mehlL • No 57 wood tin Rick ani> loaf scoXii— I"" Ui uirjces Rier; : •AS bbl» Loaf Sugar, for «v>c by ! • - ' J DALZKI .L . tarhH ' Noa4 yr»ieii»i MUSTARD— Scperfloc Milliard of qurfafn m»nu* fkcture. warranied equal lo the bqst.Enaluh, for •ale at alow price antic .MuMard aud: S*pic«[roclor)\ SffFifili meet. mebSl RHODES&.|Aj|COItN CIOPFBB— Roa’ied and Ground, for] atijambloati, j Ixoiel* and erocer», ol ibe Mujtard anil SbicejFac* wry. if* Fifth «t mcITJI. AIICORNi BA3D BOXES—A laifio ai«mtoerjt l*jr theiDox rn, Ne*l ot ilnele llox. for *»lc cuiup.atttae y> *H I’Rper WareliouM- o( THUS PALMER, Nofl? Mather mrrri, tirisvceaSd amJ 4th M», PiU»lAit|?h,-risnna- \ inrb-~li:3t i._ .Jj i F“ OR ItKKT-nie’Df’y Uood*’»Kie}; Np 41 'Mar ket «»cci. above Third. Apply to ' ! -i \V II GARRARD inch*'. 79 Mattel aiftcl OIL VITRIOL—7S carboys just reCeij ed&dtor *a!e at (be new Drue wnreboute of !' I I U A FAIINESTOCfy ACo mchtl „ . cor l«t fcinlfrroo4 »tt BALZAKINES>t IS|—l.milie* witniii* Mar pticcd llultannrt. Cue early Spring will find an aa*oruucui at above low price, ai ilia ilryxoodt haute of . \V R MURPHY mcli’H • - N F. cor 4th and ■ l 3,»rkei «t» SPRING -SHAWLS-eW R Mnrphvf ha* now open an assortment of new and rich *tyte Ca*aißcre rind other Spnoß s*dbwl» ' I French needle Work Collar*, Jaconet and Saris* In* jeniHß* and Kdfiiuc*. • - li I. ;>wi*» and Scotch Mull*, Jaeouci*, Nspsooks, mid Bishop Lawn*. : (I. I Navr tiyle Barred Muslin* iwid Jacoiicl*J2lc e., all ut reduced price* _i ]! , LOUISVILLE LlMB—i’rrsli huriji LodWviltc I .hoc, of the lie si qi-anty in full iircd &artt}l* con •lamly on hand and for sale m any quam.iy, from fivr to five hundred barrel*—on the n:»sttavoraJ)le tejrp* b> . \V I. ALDRICH , uich3l “ 31 Sycatrorv street, pucihonti ALSO—J Hulnie'a Louisville !iydrau)ic&em4nL iho only nruele of the kind worth osiajrftnkdftjin ihfe >\ e»* irm Country —always on hand al |»n he*. jtneh3ld3t* GL aiii! ]"(mTfil«s«Jin »t«t? ami for sale by O ULACKttUßNAjO tndijj - cor water si and c||erryj*Hey I -*ARD-5 bbli No 1 Lard now llcamei L, NailiviUc. unJ for ,ni^J IAH DI fc K L-Jr„ • 31 water-nnd.pS frtjnt ns -rfgfe.-- . [ a • 1 PBFPER-I.'U t>og« Pepper in slor# *ridlfor •« Uv BAGALEV « SM TH mchlC __ lS»nfSU»joo(l*t W’HlTfc LEAD- . ">5 keniitb&eJdjand from *ts j ROLL UDTTER-4bbl»frr»li,fo/MWiy 1' o martin eor nniihfifntrand front »t» L'GGS-MW dozen for sale by J' I i j ' VC MARTIN ‘ tncb‘<24 cor ini J from m_ GLaV— 55 iniu *\r,naan Clay in cadi* ajnl 3-ole*, now in .-Uiic uml •<»< fair tiy : .' [> I JUJUI UTsON'A JIRfTKpT mcfoU • _ . __J luVfr*co4«l fircel SHELLED CORK—IU,GUO xoclii Muisbk iOr *hil*pi*'E- oilered 00 contract.‘pan t<» dmye in a few iluyn. ROUKRTSp.VAj’.Kfmrr. iiirli'Jl lt-0..«--eo(ul»uecl i O' IITviTHIOI.—isia?l.->* Oil fctir Jl for file l,y - -UfIOD&Co * Nil 15) WO Hl^4tiret LINAMf N gu.« N»ivc ut*l Jfime IJfiainrnl ior liv ; JjKlj>>&Co - meh-24 ; . *L PTTY-iW il,.* J*utiy *1 Uiadoeiifibrslilc l.y- J KJ DU &Co ■nrb'.'l : No CO wood at Molasses andirice— MU lfol> I’laii'niioii Mo!n**er; ‘ »t>bl* Sugar llcu»e tiorj 41 Uerccuii'nme ilicei'arfaleitiy ; POI.NDKXTh It A Co No 4 water *» 17»ISU —*0 No 3 Soul!) Mackctel 4 40 ht lil't- Co do do; i . r 10 I liU No J do do; -j , . , •JUbfbblsdo do do: iu»i refc’d iOf'lal* I'OlNUKiTtatCcj mclit'4 , _ _wl«nd for]«l by J k[H H.OYIJ mcbVl '.IW hibtriy MrMs N. 1 COTTON YAHS-Oi«J lUi VrnV°rV'-' fl S KE "-St::¥;r!^, V ;4 ?cs -;'§ • iiUdjjdiffiy sifffeA. r trev.il i -,p —i-.-r. .. .j.— QUNDRIKB-’obls . ! { O i! bl.UTuooih> >«d; ;| ! j * ■ , 4 u,( ‘S&SBMSS&’' U Sdl oor lW>mllrwin>t- SiTfj Alt— tliJs pf imc N. O , for WMA - cuNMNtiHAM ifBONNK _ mP hv4 j ‘ i.j|«jHbei F’ 'KATIIEUS-Ji,UU lbs pritna Kyi jinl ret CorMleby. I’OiNDHjTKR A. me h'.’S 4 ipii ASBKS-lS t>b)a Sugar Ho'ufi?-1 jyir 113 N«w Orledi «;| for.. CUNNINGHAM ti UONN _mchtll_ \ [ |.144 lij.br; FlSn-ao bbti No*Mackerel, : i JOKfbbtado do: .![ 35 bbl» No3Booth-Mackerel •JUbbU Non Norib do: | ferule CUNNINGHAM j&j BONN I Ulptierttfi r pOBACCO-ao lij« 1 U» tump To J»eco, 1 I|oNNI|(IHSTJ ’ ii»'34* itnttion ; Salts U, Ancilanetr Bjr John D. Dr ON Thursday trorrnuE; A >fi? I»t, at Ui o'clock, attbe Commercial Auction Kioto* corner of Wood and Frith street*, wilt be told— a assortment of Silk Lawn and Velvet Bwuteis iiUbon*; c;*p*, face trimmings; leghorn hat*. Ac. an extensive Kionmrm ot staple and fane) dry good*. Ac. At 2 O'CTock. F. M. , A large ijuatuiiyof (inequality household iiinnKiu*, embracing a geheral assortment, among which are »«• hoeany dreMiug bureau*. jitnitaiidu mahogany eban*,- h:eb i*o«» bedstead*, French post do wi.li pau m spring cot beds, wash'stand*, wilhiewera and basins; dinine. 1 breakfast and coni tabir» fancy and Windsor chair*, larze ami mm all rocknitf dlialrs, carpeting, fioor mas tin* feather beds, matna**?*. locking gUt/em, cooking i stove* gltvseware,queensware, groceries, Ac. At 7 O’Clock, F. M.. | >wck of Pry.» aide* —where they solicit;!! © custom of their friend* and the publir grneiully, * jJOSf.PU H lUU. ._mcMS , .j_ ;j i WM. C CORKY , jujirtl UJHILIs iH- W*. c. CURBT. ; HILL* jj CtiRRY, BANKERS.A EXCHANGE ; UROKI RS, DEALERS IN FOREipN AXDIrio.MESTIC fIME k SIGHT DILLS' OF; F.XCILvN(q E, CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITS, BANK iNQTES AND COIN. No 65 Wood ttrcel, third l>e!ov louilh, weataide. PAR Fuitdh still Currency received an Dejiciiio and collection* made on ill the principal Cnii* inlke United State*. i '' l M ..J Sight Exchange on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Doaion'aiid Cincinpati conwantjr for tale. Ohm, Indiana. Kentnekjy. Virginia Pennsylvania Bank Note*.bought nnd favorable term*. Exchange bn toigland, Breland, Ueimany and France •procured, Ac, Ac. I ’ *•' mchls ' ~ POPULARPIIYSIOI PROF. MOKIULL.wiII ddhver a general principle*!pfiPrrrnou»GT, vratrtaiieiin/ HtaU.\>andditprettntU EVENING, at half pant IT o'clock, AT PHILO UAL Lertnieupon »b« a* applied to tie n cf i>i*MUf ( TUit These Lectures will bo illuffrated l(y numerous large’ Painting*, Diagrams u [beautiful Skeleton, splendid Models,Ac., so as to render the vat io is *ubjrcu treated of readily undemood. ; t ID"fur the subjects of each' Lei* tare, sad funber particulars,’see Programme*.; Tickets, With Programmes for sale at the Bookstore? of Kay 4c Co, Wood »t; Jphnst&n A ffiockion. and Kill ott A English, Market stj J IJ Rrad,jand at Cook's Lit eiary Depol, 4ih sti and, si the door-of Philo Unit, on the evening* of eucli Jytiijiare Admission, ttticents—-Juveniles, 10 cents. jis“Froni Seau reserved for-Ladies. ra2*MTTFtf M~~ AP OF TiiK Seat OF WAR—A correYt~Map of tne ikat of War m htexicos being •« copy of (eall,and »ettlp itieir accounts without deli?, •wriitithe ui derated »t>c«Mor». who are duly ouihoii teiiio icttlfc up lite buiiiieM of the'late firm. \ ! lIILI. ft BROWNE " ! i •No S 7 wty>g urtet RtCEI V'BD tlii* u>ota'n|ui Barrow* & Tuilier’i—A ■ fi'iiend]rciion of California Plaida, new anil beai/ti fulu» lc»; K«ucb Gin^bam* - . very nclt paucrij*. at *.3 eenu; Mrmcbcater Cipßhoms, warranted, anbt li w price of 80 cems; Prints Uruwn plaid*'and ■tripe*, netv and No 46 Market meet, roehlO ; Between 3d and 4th meets JIACKERE),, HEUIUhG, SALMON, *C. fpilEaubscriber* keep nn aiamriutciit of Pickled Pub X«if Mauocluuau* *nd Halifax Inspection, for ante in lots tut wanted a< their wartbotwe, No 40 North WliarveaJPhihidelph a. meliQ’dd'itn ■ JNO M KENNEDY * Ct> \TOTICE— Appli otioabaa been made for the re i\ newal of No 170, dated January 13. I&45; for thirty-six a inrea of the capital' stack o( thn company for ereclinjcajlfit**!* over the River Motion gabela. opposite l’.u*)*tirj:tt—which said Certificate baa been deairoyctl by finsoriou. tneb-TO , 1 ’ I GEORGE COCHRAN f\IIKDOP*Sj DIGEST—The general laws o* XJ Pennsylvania, ffonvtbe ve'sr‘lTbtMo April 23nd‘ laid; chrbQolqgically! arranged: with nbies and refer ences to all the decision* ol the Supreme Court of Pcnn ld sylvania jpTtng constructions to said law*, and a very I copious Iltdexi Compiled by Jas. Durtfop.of ibo PhuJ I burgti HaT. ! For said by fJ l. READ I mdh3U; l ? Fourth, pear Market at, NEW, BOOKBpMargaret Pen of “AtnyHerbert.” - . *> ‘ Gertrude,"’ Ac.; cjdneii hr Rev." A system of Intellectual PhiJosc Mahan. i Letters oa Aairondmy;, by D. bjlraj DTsrafli’i Amenities ot Literatnr Live* qf Eminent >y, Pliilo»opby of by Salvene Hooper* Physician's The lives: iuid tides of the uopt ' linn Fathers, to the clot# oi the 3 W. H. Coffin; j Cookery; by M'uk Anon. “• by M;is Beecher. Cook's Own Boof. French Domestic Cookery. mch3o _ | ' i-| ‘ "-j Ft or io Htrchant Ti JUST Received frontjtbe ma iiil voice of Ulackjand -Fancy Si Adjusting Stocks—nil qualities an Black arid FandyCravats. Bo* the. Troy maoufacmre; Gnmsaspi For,sale by the Agent; No SO M fehole-ak. • 1*..-! • ,'« . rochOO • . Vj: MjShji ILKGIIENY CITV PRCIPEI L&ton Federal street,*! by if feet alky. i it,, Alto; l Lotadjoininfthe above; of thesameitze.novv leased to John for twelve yeata at the rate of SI per foot and the tales. Thehbove ralosble proper ty will be sold upou favorable terms. Apply to ■ SCUTIIBERT, General Ageat mc LS6 * J . | [No 13 market street Tea, Grocery, Prnlt ana Provision Store, ‘ WIIUMWaI.E A-M> RHTAIIe KO. 141 LIUBRTt BTRSET. IYF.NjaMIN DOWN would rfespcclfuUy inform bis 13 old friends nnd'tbc public- generally, that he has again fcommeneed bo«ine»e tnjllielabove branches, next door lb hi* old aland, -where; he hope*, by keeping a supply! oi good articles, *«'«•««: In* for cash, and pay • inn strict nuentioa to bia patrons, to merit a than of pubtieipatronase. . • - meb?t Sew Ware home for Prints (Inly* SI'RINQ STYLES; 1847. U&JUDSQS* IJX, at the spacious C»e story Warthiase, No. 56Cedar New York, (the whole of which udtteled to the ethibilioa 4tld sale of this tingle article.) offer (or sale by the piece or packagt,lOOO CASES of PRINTED CALICOES, com prising'all the desirable Bew styles, la targe proportion of which haring been'contracted (or befpre the *ste rise in the market, will be sold at less than suna&etartrs’ present pri Printed lists of priee* ire put into the hands ofbttjrcrw. • N B—B>FLEE,Utt senior partner m ;»e original firm of Lee* Brewsirr, (from which he re(\psd in,lMs) harjolned the bra of Lee and Judaea,, and solicit* the patronage of bit. old triendi. The bastatn'i* conducted undef the firm ot. February gUMT«ansfr LEE.'JUDSON * LEE. NK W AND MOST EFFECTIVE RKMED V; _ Dr. WOOD’S Struiwrlllt ud Wild Cherry* BUtera* for the cure of the following diaeasea: Jaundice, Liver CompMnu alt Bilious Con platnu, tick Headache, lleatt Dura, lodifestioa,habit ual Co*tivene*aj Files; of the Heart, Low of Appeirte,Dy*p«piua.NerTou« Irrilfliona, Debiliioird Stomach. Languor, Depreastonof Spirits, Chronic Khca matiam, CutnneoßS Disease*, Caokler. Syphiloid. Diica- Scrofula Iropuriutt of the Blood, Pimplea and PoMalca ontheFmee, Heredttar) lloraor*, Cold Poier, ami all diseases arising from eq icjodieiouajise of Met* CQ, Of the invalid public, andof all the** aflticlcd bv any'of the above di»ea*ea; in letpcctfully called to the memo of a new and invaluable prepara tion l>omanoriginal'rec»peofadi«tingai*bcdpby*teia», • 'combining in itself the non active remedial properties of two ot the vtry 6t«t articles m the Materia hledica. The Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry.Bmcra were in troduced to the public, abotli twelve momhe ago, and during that permit their aucce*a ha* been 10 great aa ta indu'-c ihe proprietor t» offe? them with atil! iuoia confi dence, ia the tull belief that by entering imp nwfreei tenetve «*e, they will prove a-bleaaing to all Ihcua aufferinKifrom the diaeaae* above eitbutrrated. ’ : . Sold, wholesale and retail, by WYATT A KfTTCII AM, general agents, LU FuUoaatrart, New York; Wr. Tiioek, Market street, and P. H*. Sam as, SnulhGekl street. PittaburghJPa. Ftiee St—large bottle*. * inch«ftram.‘|l *dP ; ’ vir TUti LOU'EST POSSIBLEJPItiCF-5. ' statiusukY and paced dunk cooks RICH a LOUTREL, 01 WILIiIAM STREET, NEW YORK. HAVKjodiVJa baud,of their own ncmutkclurr, aeon* nleteartorUßCut of Ledger*. JountlU, D*V Boob*, In voice Book*, C*Jh, Order and Bill Book*. Ac, of nnou »*•* ami *lTlr»bl bimlicg, from tthieh »ct* of Account Book* can he *clrcUd«t*cf7 Jovt-jirim; *l« «» d « border, nikd W»d bound taatii wtcrtb •hortaoUce.- Foreign and Domutu &atwne ry. Quilt*. YVafen, Scaliog Was. Peat, Bbck and fird Uk, ; W?itii.rFluid,y>*J FeociU. 8M» t MMaada, Surf Bum,. j( Portfolio, Pocket-book*, 003 and Silrer l eacil Ca*e», Peti knilej, J'ea Ttn Holder*, Gum Ticket*, Pbring . Card*. BarteaaSioft Board*, Che*w«». D*e, tocy bolder., Tablet*. IlawrpWpaj Piak Tape, TwiaclUel*, 1»- dia Ink) Parchment, India Rubber IjrawrajSeiwora, Shear., ,-l HiU*. Hack*. D»arte» for IN?, Advance Book*. ; lntprt»?Table*J tTa*h Bool’* T * riff *> £lch * c T ; all other a»liele4*old by *ttti«*er», ' j i \Cheap A&ount Book*. A liwt alack oosklandy on hand, auitable&r: retail trod, - j Large \A*toriment of n riling Paper*,]. - Fookcap* pkunsßd TO led Letter r*ner,plain and ruled. Note paper* ‘wrapping]Pajwr, 800 net Board v Log, Cloth,- ILaierj,Enrfhfceanlßk>uißg Paper,Colored Papery Tlwn - trench. I’apertf Packet Port,cxtni wzed Bank Port,-TWo* ~ And Copying Paper, Untie Paper, Gold, Tracing,'Emboaml, ''and tb*ilde*eript*oo ot paper at ray low price*, l Grid Pen*, Diamond robtl. Rich A Louuel**, fiagtlcy’a, Brawn’*, and all other e*U bratrd't&akert/hMjuaaiatk* to suit, purchaser*, at tha tery kiwtrtmuuftciunr''* price*. * * : — Seller-Copying Prette*. Twenty-eit different price* dud itjki— the- Irdu Gjpyieg Pre**, w/lh kvir and actewl thd mn»t eipcditiou*, ecuaua*- cal, and aiapla mode uftakuig atopy of any letter or MS, without wriUsijt.it brer again . ' _ Improved Manifold Letter. Wriltru i By whkh_tW Utter And copy i» written at the aame tine. _ f The Urre»t asaortnevt ever otfcred.aod at the kwrat jwiee*. . 1.. Publicoffleeii Bank*, Iwuranee Loapanie*, Merchant* '“I" 1 !! ( other*,| lwith »et* of Account Book*, ruled and UnmdV My jiuern, U »lwrt uaUct. Abo with »UlioeKry , (if (be >e*t niUKlyi ' • I • I Sotartal Presses, Vor 0* tuciof B*bb* wd OrfOrtJioo*, U *ffi*«b* *M »adj lty h wit nr Dorpootiqw to (belt djcmpeei* Ti(* cper»- ' r(i«« ii nerfuiniwi vj any ooe. trni »t £rti ‘.i \Fint Premiums . / - U« by tbe'Amencu »*.W* »**f ( '^•t^iwßuledßlank Dook*-tw! Bi,TW rij^'' ■ drU-S'.- For (he MMinifcldUUrr Writer*-* Dykm± • TS9 * For be»«liIUJ 6ty*heii Copying Dipkwu >'• I * ccTThi Trade andCounlry MerdutnhSappKed. t,v '&• I j -I \ IUCK* Lotrrßß7, :k -! 'ißporUrtof Frtoebwul f-acl»*BW»«n , ( AetoumJ , MadifcU WrW Iwd Corwin* Inks, *«,*?. «• * '““®» „ •| . ca* door b»io» Ced*r NY. Vv I ', ' " Metewti? Jt«J> V Rif■ WKUUm leal; by Uieautl.oj . Sewell, B. D. ?byi by Rev. Ata >iMinf(U»iie4 Clint -1 century; by Rev. For sale l>r J L RKAD, h, neat Martel st i Liars* j faeturers, s large in tm and Bombazine j I priec*. • Joins and Collar*,.erf Anders, Ac. i&c. flood street up stairr, HOWARD TODD ■nqfociurers* Agent 2RTY FOR SALE—L jUXHeet-deep; ioi!!S