The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 01, 1847, Image 1 \!' !j; !i; Ifi:"pifrsifSOTl^^ j ' ■ i ■' - H' I PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS. .. i •• • i _ i Directory. OftllDOX, CommiMion tad Fotlrmdmg Merrhant, 5| Waier tad IBS-Frontal*, _ jnrlilj A "\V. KOVEEIL. An, rory and CounMllor «l J\ i j.iw M.’ Vboirtie'* Luiidiuj, (np «jttr»J <t)j kirrei, ai»uv« . *3 fC 3 ly OOUDOSi CoflunmiM «nd l-or+v:*r«lmg Merchant. comer of Front «re?t and Kcdo-ilnJa’Vy noVJS ATwioOll, JOA'KK Ac Co., CoiamiMion and ForVjt*»e Mereliant., ha-ve pitnmod 10 then old •land, wlm.-r umJ Fro.a meet*. l*iu*burta. octal ABTL'AUT. Rrtjsiyn:* D>*ul!cr, and who!e»aie .tiratf mtirocrtir*, VV iuc» and LKjoora, rfo-14-*, cornet ofil-tw-ni *-,rrvJ and JUrwc.y Aliev, I'.uutmrßh, I‘a. [ 1 "V KIUK LEWIS, ittwruey at Uw Fount A. ' ... . EWlibllEixKß. mall kiDd*ofJm ; - u ,„!\i)mr*.ie Spair.aH Leaf, and . ,h wii.' „ Touacco, wlioleaole and ; eiail.No.a> Ju.'rdV-f-i I'-t'd-ursh. Jc-*V - . GEuiuji aanaa. BIIAUN Ac KEITEK, Wholewilc and .Retail Diu«.*u, eonif' 01 l.i . tty and St- Clan atreeU, I'ntaliuiitn I’u inajH i | vAltltO W.S \ *» U Lu-c.aie and Re llitatf dejwi- .-i .id Maple Dry Good*, No. 40 Mntkt; *i.2 door* tn>J_ A . Ac CO., Wholesale A . rein ! • • ’ ' »Vt»al and l-th *t*. jyl BA. SASll’riOA' CL Co., Grocer*, Conuzuiaion . Mercian* cad l>cn!rr* m I’ltttbuntfa Manufar lured un;cl- *, No. tttl.itrry *vr*y FttiaOurph._ oceff, B" AOAI.KY Ac SMITH, \Ybo!e*ale Uroecfa, IS ana 3' Wood »irrci. I'iu«l>a*/ t b. SMITH. UACALKY CL CO., VVbolt*a!e Ure ter* ii*~I t r «'■ u'-r*. No. £{J Market atrect bo wren t.,«*N-or.n * dr. Ftmadelpb.a. .«>«•, C-TA.McAan.TV A CO-, ForwanLmc and -'•! Canal lla»m, Pitwharal., p_ . MCIIC Vvm”t *,lriVn K Jrifnt'nn. Jn* \V. Uaiiinatt. / IOLfcIMAN, lIAILNAX at CO, Manufamrer* ( / otlun ■>•••• >;>r‘HT‘ a »“Axlr«i, A'. U. aud S-prmc >1„, ,r u, Coarli Trnmniiis* of every dev ermt o ri nnunrta.y on M. Cinir at. \V.r.houae« W,«.tr. t-harle* Motel jatu« «nniarU’.i"- ;.'. J. CaruUier*. •/llivitl'lt \ CAHOTIIEUS, WUoletale Cro- Ct i*-. nV'l fU'u.rr* in k'ro,luce,'and in all article* of I'itwWtKl* ‘.Vnt.aToctum, .No. i>l M nier uinl Ito Freni nifrtnk. • _____ ___ - / ItINM.-.UIIAM At DUXNKR \Vboie*aie Ore !•* p.-r* .'cl,-u i-.i-n ;«n;l Forwanlmtr Merchant*, dealer* in l'i-.and INHMnirgb inanofaciarr*. No 144 lW IMuiiorsh . _«*. 1 cVt- v *. J. itcasisKt. CAKHOA a. MrICNIOHTV (*aece»»or* lo H. l(lulll ., | \vnoii-'ule Uroeer*, Oorami**ien and l utuiiM un Atetrbam-. IVatera in I’roduce and INUibur.'b yoMi-W'iJu'i, *trect, between Wood and lai-en- . IMiii.urCh, Fa. _ YIC Vt;llit, and wholesale and retail t ,<teu« m l'»wi ~«I w»»tt v.r»ir«ho*,««M< Ua-G'i’ r.nM l , I'*’ i.Jtkti »srrrL, near Liberty, ritu ,bui«ii.ra_ . . ’ ' jT"»i. KHALICII, Dealer >n Produce and Family ,Ui Hrturl tin-rer, No td Libert)' at. next door to cor- O «of : \ rs Ht!SIIXELL,Co;.! In-alrr, ofliee corner Chert? . - - ~ lame* Dunlop. ' ' ' J - I**" l **" S * , '?* ,L if\UN’LOP StyWKLL, Attorney* ni'Law, 1 Orticc* <>n JMnnlitield.-between ad and 4th »u. '' \j raci>3 ly • _ - : •. •• jou* cumaar. VKvvLT. ft OEBiIART, Wholesale Oio- H. TVU. ... ,2 nuiliire amt I'iiubnrgli maimfue ‘ I '"“ L,nr S h ' F * T ft-ujT • ; 1 r7><. r ,:\»~ . iiJ»D V U9WCTT. ITSUbtSH i- UF.SrSKTT, Haw h**uh, Gd- H, Uifber Jt Co.i Wholesale Grocer*, Coratnunofi and Piiubursb Manumciiur*, >.<» J 7 tt ood street, between ' Second aud Tlnrd *t*. . rtuVnend' ~ Grn Rbey, J aloe» Wood. FRIEND, nil 13 V &• CO« \Ma«c«,U uroecra, ■adComm*., on M-.rrl.u.iE*, aid Anenuior Brighton ; Cotton Yon,a. >**■« .V airt and ll» Pront streeui «»- i burgh. la. it BLUJIK, Pia«*» Kntte Manufacturer and deat \ .er in Muscat In-wnfccUU, IU " ood *tieevnear 1 ruth. .. . YiW rommt. _ joua a. rowmi. rCOUYTH 4» Co, CommtMton and borurmrdmj ' ? Mefcbanu._No.“JO Water I ItRA-NCltf SELLERS, Grocer, Gommiwion U Merchant and denier in Produce, Cordage, o.l*, i fce La. So> 1? Liberty at, near fans! Basin, Pittsburgh, | N 11. bakom, Pitch, MujiH* Hope, Ac, BhrayaM j l; * VeT?Z,'wholesale arid’retail dealer in UMber h .(me,Candle*, Ae, No. 140 UJ«rtT : U,- and comerfilit and Southfield «t». J \ oto. xoaois. ' ViTunts FAur b. t rtSIOUGE ZHOBGAW 4ACO* WhoUaale Oro- «»d ComnnMiotr Merchants, 103 Woodwreet \ PittsburghJk. , ! v ~ -s^-- \ Meo. A. Bicnnv Wholesale Grocer tad Com* (j Qjisno'.i Merchant, and Dealer in FxaAect■ naA Pittsburgh AtunuiV turc*. Nolimqod at, I ‘~T- — tv 'vni.'i* ' ' M. B- Brown nEO W. SMITH A- Co., ?»ew«rj. G Wtd dealers in Hops Pttubursh and Point Brew jre*,renu_amlPUt_.lreci*. .J“’_ , \ nioBGB COCHBASi and For j G warding wltraluutt,No. SO W odaueet,! ttuburgh. i • mayir u ._i p 4iiii (ico-U- Browne. Jk BEOWS*, [enoeeMOrt W HoMebip H t Urowne,J Importer* and mwiafwlflrem Piper and UeneriU!Taper Uareboo*e, No. CT "g* ureei, l*m»tinnth. . J"r 8. BOS WORTH * .CO.* No, « B*r- Xl.kel«re-t, ueXl iloor UJTJurd'nreet,jLre jonowrn ■ Bcdexteniiee Maoruneatof Book**naSia tmnerr, they will **ll, wholewla the i_ —■ _ ■ Xvs i- OaOCKWAT, Druggists.’Na. *Co». acrcial K»w,near the canal Pittsburgh tnch'-'l-dly i.. _ _ • - tT a. WEAVER. Wholesale Uil Retail Oiwt, in t>aM’n*luce and Pittsburgh mtatifM . ure*. No 2 Wayne st, J*‘ u»burgli,Pa. fIILAJiV iltt»»OT. WHITE * RED LEAD Havas''""'-I’*""*™ Merchant, eotnet nny .liTSltn fehlh ~win nicEM. nohinT menu, J*. Tt . lA n DICKJBV * Co, Wholesale Oroeen, 1 Comim*»u>ii Merchants anddealers Hi Water anti JUT Front ureeta, Pmebtireh.. p*** B • TOSKPU KNOX, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, .1 i'a.. ha. jrmttrtl the prutHlCO Of hU plOltMiO'l ID hi, other No 7, liukl: well's ttmfdingt, Grant meet.©c* cupied during l»n Üb*eucfc uy T. J. JAMICJ» DENNEY Wlwl*-a»e and RetailCro* w..e,U IWu. .. K. Ml Ohenr .met, Pittsburgh. j .. ! ’■ TORN o. MORGAN. Wholesale Dni|gi»L and J diier n> lJic|nud., Patous Oil*, Vamsues. Ae , KowJrtWi *ireit,«w «l*»f Sutuhot Diamond Alley, VitUtiargh. • ' TAMKS fvEltiL- ia. A Co. [*?'*“*” t 0 *gjf* «) •• Mim|Ciiau»Jter», J 3 aief 0031 J 1 ~OIIX WAb&KU. Agent lor 4e»*ap A Son’* tf Mi, No ** tVooti •«“».. ** a lame us.urimcht of Kxtra Cast. Cast Double and air». ; Je SteM, German and hnglisU o«»«er.Awl* whjcb be will soil o*t the loost accommodating terms. mehJg tOHn'u. mJeLLOR, Wholesale eadltoniidesl- Jer in Slusieand Musical Instruments, 3choo! Book*. Paper, Pen*.Haiti*. Pnnlera* Card*, jnd *u£onery generally. No. tit tfood at, **»tstmrgh. tp-Uag* Imught or ulten in trade. • • **Pia t BCiIOOSMAKER db CO. wholesale Drug* «| . gists, No. 21 (tVood yPjjL rOBKPII JORDAN A SON, CommiMton and J Por.Tar littg Merchant*, NoW Liberty «, (©pp&sGe Vamhfic.ld «t 1 yaipj»i»on , s Bow. 1 ITSu-. , 'IOIW b. GALLATIN, Aitoiacy at Law. Office J 4th »i, teiwTm Grant, anti Smubteld, sooth side, Pittsburgh. i’a. {Will also anend promptly tobustnet^ a the adjoining colonies. ; _JEEr*'— JAMtI coorjta. , 3»ATBASI*L COOFKB. JAMES COOPER * CO, Wholesale Grocer*, dcalrAirt Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures; No (rt Litw-rty M, opposite the jnomb of 6th *l. wytfl JOfijTJLTJAVisX AULTIONIiia, corner Fifth Wo«» Weeu.jj» n i*urf h J~~6llX C» BIDWELL, Agent. Wholesale Gro cer and Conjtniitiua Merchant, Water street, 2nd ±LOs above the Motiongaheba.Bridge, pituborgh. ID* Iron. Nat s, Glaa*, Ac- at manufacturer, prices, iwvttt f \ ) rOH-NSTON * BTOCKTOS, BooUeller. J Hrittter-r and Paper nutuureeuiiers, No. 44 i!arlt*j ; .-Js j J £S—; r t. READ’S SooV Store, 4ib, near Hlarkei au j •J. ClassicaliTheological. Htitorjcalj Sehoot, Miscil-; aJceput -ind Mjil.pd.*t llwtksl • ajitlfl | JAMES j. GRAY, Wool Dek|er and Commtsiihn j Merchant; warehouse comer of Chertr Alley and Water Pittsburgh,'l’a. i V.. ... l* n J . i T W. ROBERTSON A CO., linker* and Ex-\ • J.ehange Hmfccts, cortier of U ood and Thud rtreeb,, r |Mefe haul's. Hotel.Uuildings,l Taubargh, la. tryCurreney purchased at the usual rales, ocalj TORN GRIER, WhoksaleGroeeir.deat ifinFto- J dace, Piitibargb manubetares, Tin Plate, Ac. Ac, No '£U Liberty at, PUtsburgh. _ ' joim FToyd’ Hichanl Floyd. TAR. FI«OYD, [late J. Ftojd A Co.] Wholesale J . Grww. No. 1W Liberty «reet. ■ JAMES OALaBI.iI. WtolesaleGroeer.Conwis sum Merchant, end dealer m Prodtieo and Piltiaurgh manofseturri. No Ut Water st. PitUborjfhi j LV. \VATERMAWrWhoIesaIe Qmeer, For . warding and ComroiMion Merchant, Dealer tn piiuborzh Manyfaciure, and Prodace, Nos. 31 water and Front ■ • '• . J 7? , LEWIS, mJTOKIISOX A CoA Wholesale Umcnrsj Pjnrard'nr and CommiAsioo Merchants and dealer* lu Pittsburgh ManuAetures, Ac.', No. 43 Water and 91 Fnmtsts. ' ' • ’ - * augjt .iieurr (Gilbert. John Shipton. LAMBERT A SHIPTON, Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and ConuntiMOn Merchant,, Dealers t n Produce act! Pittsburgh ’manufac tares, Nos 13 and 13$ Wood cl'Pittsburgh. , __ _toWJ3__ John MHlilj. 3-B- Bu.hfield- Jas.D. M’Gill M ’GILLS A BUSIIFIELD,Oncer* and Com 'misihon Merchants, No 101 Liberty street, Pitts* burgh. j lanl Iy_ M Allen; Alex. Nim.xk. Wm. KNiuuck M ALLEN A Co., Commission and Forwarding . Merchants,-Water and FrouitU,between Wood aud Market. jtIARIL UAiiILTOB, Wholesale Grocer, Hce uX nljuig Distiller, dealer in Produce. Pittsburgh Manufscturc, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic IVjj., aou Liquors, 3mitbGc!d tueet, between Fourth ■ re*» ard Dtatrond- Alley. PilUbutth. sepft., MirEUS, IIBNTBR A Co, Wholesale Urocei So. Itf Liberty st. " je2o . WSS. MILLSa C. W. JUCKZTSOa. VTIbt.BH & lUOKKTSON, WhoWlo Uro iYl cera and Commission Merchants, Kv 170 Liberty •neat, Fa . Ju>l4 McCORD ft KING, wholesale ami retail Rat ami Cap'manufaeiu'reis. and dealer* m Farley I Fur*, corner of Wood and Fifth tt*. jnn 4 I Mft J» SLOAN, Wholesale Groeer»'»' Deaierj ;n | • Produce and Salt,ami Forwarding and Commit- l iitju Merchant*, No* £3 Liberty mil 4VI Wood mkHi, . I'ituburgh. , - (a i MURPHY, WILSON ft col, Wteitotfe Dry Good* Dealer*. No. 6 Wood Bireel, Pittsburgh irnttS. "VT HOLSEB A SON, No 66 Market street, •ce ll • ond door irom corner of Foerih, Dealer* in Foi eign and Dorpcsuc Kill* of Exchange, Certificates of Deposits Bank Nous anß ; Sj»ecic. lET CaiitetmA* mode in alt iA« prinrif al atift tkro*?k* Out Ikf ffiiriof /tintrt 1 • deel7 B W Poindexter. A Cuibeitstn. C H Grunt nOIXDEXTKB » Co, Wholesale Grocer* A and Comnii**it n end Forwarding Metuhant*, No4l Water street. . decs* a. brick, jr. ~ I t. o. aousNix RBBUCE ft COl Whole»itf-: Uroter*. Column biou Merchant*, laml dealer* m Produce and Pittsburgh Mauuiactutje*. Liberty »• opposite sbnitb fielil *L. Pittsburgh- Pi. tuys RICIIARDBArSo, wholesale and retail dealer in Leather,Morocco. shoemakers‘Toni,uiM Find ings, Tanner* and Curt let* Tool*, and Tinnier* Oil, No. ibl Wood*!. Pittsburgl. _ VP 1 / ROBERTSON fcIRKPPKKT. Produce Deni er* arid Cocnouuton merchant*, No UW Second n, Pntibutgh. « t P I6 ROBERT DALZELL ft Co., Wholesale Ore cent, Conunmiuu and Forwarding Merchant*, dea ler* in Produce amf Pittsburgh Manufacture*, Liberty ttreet, Pquburgh. Pa. _L C _M“’ . boot. nohißos. sam’l. B. BOBIM*. R ROBISON dt Co., Wholesale Grocer*. Tro • duce and ConttoiMiou Merchants, nud Dealer* tu Pittsburgh Manufacture*, No. IfcO Liberty street, Pitts burgh. l f a. ■ ' l»»» u ROBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectify ing Distiller, dealer m Produce, Pmdiurgb Manu facture*.nud pH kind* ot Foreign and Dornettic Wine* ani Liquor*, No tt Litw-ny street, Pittsburgh in* N. U. On band a very large «toek of superior Old Monongabela 'Whiakey, which will be *okl low for cash. ■ • maytSMy ~*L O. Reynold*... “ t J U Shoe. REYNOLD? ftaSHEK, Forwarding and Com rai**tou MercukUt, for tbe Allegheny RiverTrndc. denier* iu Groceries. Produce, Pittsburgh Manufacture* aud Chloride of Lime. '' *| Tbe highest price*, in cash, paid at all time* for Country (tag* Comer of Penn and Irwin st*. j:irt|J3 B (1 ShackleU Thn*. II White. (JIIACKLKTT ft WHITE} Wholesale Dra let* in Foreign and Domrrjic Dry Good*. No bs* Wopd *ireet. I'lllrl.ufgb . k ! teblTtf Sft W.iIAUBAUGH, \<'ool Merchant*, deni • er« in Flour and Produce generally and Forward ing and Commission .Merchant*. No 'Si Wood street, Pittsburgh __ l ß nl SAMUEL PALMER, Attorney a< Law ' Ollier ; n Ureed'* LuilJuu. No ii Fourth street, l*et\veen 'Wood and r*nmhCHd. norldftwU^ STEPHEN BARRETT, ManufaciurCrof Fan ly.Shaving andjToilet Soap*. Winter and Summer pressed Laid Oil, ft c. No 17 Fifth »l,.betwr»u Wood and Market »ts, Pimbargh Pa. «xffl S“f. von BONNHOHST 1 k Co., Wholesale • Grocer* L 'orwaxdmg and Commission ‘Merchants Dealer* in l\tl«burgh Manufactures and Western Pro duce, have removed to their new warehouse, (old «iand) No 36, comer of Front st and Chancery Lane. _ no^/_ SAMUEL M. KIKR, Forwarding aud Commi* siou Meiehant, Dealer in Salt, Produce and P itt* burgh manufactured aitirlt-s, Canal Dasn. neat 7tl> *t. i dal SN. \VICK.EUBIIA2I, IXuirr m Seed-*. Flow ■ ers. Fruit Tree*, atid Agnduttura! Uiiplement*, No |:rj Wood street Pittsburgh. _ febtl TOnS HI TOWNSEND, Uiutgi-1 and Apoihe tt cary. No 45 Market *l, tritee door* above Third si., i’lltvbtirgh. will ha«e eonsiiwlly on bund a well reject ed assortment of the be*t and rrcsln-tt Me«bcider, he will'sell os the mm reasonable term*. ,Hhy*iei*n* sending older* will be promptly attended to, nnd *up plied With article* they may rely upon a* genuine physician* 7 Prescription* will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best materia!*, at any hoar oi tbe day or night- _ Also for tale, a large stcck of fre«h and good Pertu merr. • ’ T P Forsyth. R J Fofsyih TP, PORBYTII ft Coi .Commission Merchant*. • dealer* ui Sialt,Lumber, tltocerir*. Produce nnd Pittsburgh Manufactures, Canal Basin, Liberty street. PlUtbuTjh. ;■ / feble TA. lIXLLIER, looking Glas* and Picture ‘•Frame Mauufaeturer. and Importer of Looking Glass Plates; dealrr In llou*e-furni»h:nr-lJ*rdwiirr, aud Fancy Goods, 1M Wood street, near Fifib. • JOBS D. WICK. lixvib TICABOLtsa lIJICB ft M'CANDLEBS, (*urre»«or* IoJ.A V? Jl)Wicli.l Wholesale t»rocers. Forwarding and Commission Marchact*. dealers in Iron. Nails.Ula*-, Cotton Yaru* and Pntsbur.b Manufacture* generally, rortterof Wood and Wat-rst*. PhtaburfU atcnls^ T T R. MURPIIY invite* the U:‘ie» t > cad and • ixatntrnc hi* *ioek of French Worked Coliars, jjgc as'low a* S 3 cents. mclil3 WALLINGFORD ft.Cft, Agent* for A. U moiu. hare on hand uu assottmentof hi* superior •olid Bog Vice*. Shovel* and J»nS * V,, GROCERS and'General Cotnmis . W aioo Merchant*. Gg!eaa.-Ul. _ar|rSß WORKER A Co, Wholesale Grocers, For • warding and Oommtssiop Meschams, and Deal ers in Prodace aad Pitwiiurgh Manufacture*, come of Water and tfmjthfield tt*, Pittsburgh, Pa. norJI WlirraOKE 4 WOLFF, Importer* and Wholesale Dealer* in Hardware, Cutlery, S*d diary,&c,corner Liberty ami St- Chur ■treei*.' Pitu burgh. _ . j j __ WHi OLESN, Bookbinder, has removed lo the corner of Wood and Third •;*, above C. H. Kay, where hen prep.ired lodo every description of Ruling and Binding. _ °P— V.'WALLACSi Mtll itone and null Airuitlt • i«g establishment, No. •J-HlLi!*eny sir't, near-the canal. ."'I tnar23 WK. M'CCTCm.Ojr. SO»V. M cctccios. WJb R. M’CCTCHBOUf, Wholesale Grocers. • toil Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures, and Western Produce generally, No. 152 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, I’* _ nIU WA n. BIITCHEI/TREB, Wholesale Gro • cer*. Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquor Merchants, No- ICO Liberty meet, (opposite at-,) Pittsburgh j mayl2-dly^ STT 11. OARRAQD) Dealer in Fauey and Staple » V v Dry Goods, No 7U Market street, Pittsburgh norlS-diy f ILHAM H. Dealer in Provisions, No! hove Hand*ireet.'Pitubimrh. Y, Family Grocer and 410 Liberty, 4 door* a* EtTll, ifrvtn Uie fiuml fcr*. are now loealrd at fr for tale a large aa»ori* i Manufactures, at low nmyl3 t sinoaa Aria*jtilav oj VV District.) Wholesale Groct No. U 8 Wood si, where they, ode mentofGrbtencs and Pittsburgh prices and on favorable tenni W. WILSON, Deal. ■ Silver Ware, Military ket street • in Watclu-*. JcWe-ry, ioodt, &c, No. 57 Mar* I nov7 WrCWHPHYv botesalr slid retail dealet iu • Foreign and Domciiie Dry Goods, northea»teor* ncrof Marketand Fourth 4i>. tmgVl WBI P. lUtftS, |Jr. Drug Store of Fdgar rj Iw Unnd meets, Will seen a cu medicines,perfumery, itc. Physician's pre*cnpnons c Medicineieoa be bad at all h jeMUdly* _ biv agjpurrhated ihe n, corner of Pern and istsni supply nf the heat irr fully compounded.— umoi the night. WU. SI. DARLINGTON, Attorney at Law Pittsburgh. Ps, . oinm> <tioner to take the ac knowledgment a»d proo of IJ *«•<!«, Leases, Coturnots, Depositions, or but oihe- writ ng (under seal or not,) 10 be estd or recorded in .lie tfmie ..I Ohm. Ollier on .Thirdstreet, icld jell-tf WC. AUGCIINBAUG 11, Attorney-, si Low • Fifth street, near Sinn itield Collecting, agen cies and other bunur** alien, ed to with punctuality. Rtmneß- Bisaeils & Semple, win. Crogban. Esq., 11 A Fahnestock £ Co, Jah 11 Herron, K*q, Graff, Lindsay A Co, Jaon Wright, K*q, James MeCully, Enq, J (a). William I-srirner. |rti-]y AUCTIONEERS AND COM’ISSION MERCHANTS; ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS OFFKH tn sell at either cstahlishmenl, all kinds of Merchandise at the lowest rates of Commissions and are always prepared to make advances. The best of references given, if required. Letters *ddre««ed to either liou«e will be promptly attended to, jyJtkJly J. lIRVAR, RECTIFYING distiller, AND WltOLtflALt DKlt.f.n IX FOKEIIiS & DOjlE&TItl WLNtS& MQIJOBS, iVo. 114 Liberty at n and S 3 Diamond alley, • priTSBURGH; Pa. WIIOLKSALK and Kc'ai] Dealer m all kinds of Se* gnrt, Smoking ami Chewing Tulmcrp and Snud: Union atiret. nenrjlir Diamond. Pm»liurgh mv.l WARRICK MARTIN & Co., Benkrrt, DerUn in Bank Xtut and Coin, Corner of Third aud Wood atreetr, novjWlv ' Pltl*l»argh ( Pa. ~WrT7\i h.7„71 li w William*. [fiucrow to Laurie f ITillintm J WILLIAMS & 8 lIIXS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS \T LAW fliy*OtEce Norli aide of Fourth ti, above lel.lTd&wlyF' WALLIKOPOUD * Co., SECOND, NKA'I! .WOO D STREET roa N*tloi & Co ’• Siixl Have on hand a lull a»»onm?nt of Can, Stizaa, febld DuiTxa and UcaMAH Srsat. A M Wallingford. < Jolin l‘ Smci-i. IITALLISafORD k Co., ComstisK.oa aud Fur* W warding Merchant*! Sceond, Wood ► irret, Pittsburgh, Pa._ ... ... JEWELRY —An assortment of Cne Jewelry, at NoCU Wood street, Cameo. Cluster and oihcr Breastpins, Karand Fincer Rings Gold Pencils. Uol.l Pen*ol fine quality, with or wutimit Holder*, jumrccM w a p,m _TIIOS. KENNEDY. Jr _ E. J. HENRY. ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Collections in Southern Obio and in Indiana and m-Kcniuek>-,j.fmnnily and carefully ailcnJed w. REFER TO—Hou. Richard Riddle. Wm Ikd A Son. C urtia, Wru HFKnigbt, Church A Csrothers, Win Hay®, P Siunrl. Willock k Davis. JOHB mWiCUA.BDS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, i NO. 80 WATER BT. OPPOSITE CIIEAPSIDE BALTIMORE, ■fg/’INDOW 01km, Ulasa Ware, Dried Fruifj Bee** V* , wai, and Country Produce. .Advances made on coDtiimncnu. Satisfactory ref* erence to thou addressing by mail. iiepl?*ly° . jolin M'C'iliough. J M'Keetian, C P Culbertson. JOHS 9XXULLOVGII A CO. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, NOS. 93 * 95 SOUTH ST. janSTlr* BOWLING'S WHARF, BalUmor*. •_ *' b. r. JACKBOS. ‘ it. ctiAsrnJlir. ’ : Lht«>of the A*tar House Of Paviboi). RoLkawjy I E U T AW HOUSE’S ; BALTIMORE. | , J A C K S O N ft CRANSTON £ 1 rnnpmtTOHu, i\ foacliet will !>•■ in rcadinrs* a: the Detots uinJ Lato iscs to convey Passenger*, /'tt of cAosf, to jytfcf-dly the Hou*e. __ . BiKiIIAUHAM" TACK FACTOR^ GAHIPBBLL A CHESS, ka n c r Acrcaxit* or tt FINISHING HOOK HEAD MADS, Iron and Copper Taclta,^ IRON AND COPPER SHOE NAD,B, AXD %■ Vattcm Makers' Point*, nf every ditffnption. Otfice No. ‘J St. Charlt s .Hotel, Third *troet, tVbt . _ PlCUbJirßl*. "J,‘ I). S iVEITZEK, # ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 3d Bt> opposite St-Cbarlefjtllotcl, PirrsUE^Gß; \VXLL also attend promptly Wash »» ington, Fayette and Green Coautic*. Pa'i Kxrtta to ;< IP"B!ack«-.ock.!>llftCo ) 5 Church ft Curotheis J Pnuburgh. -j. a D T. Morgan __ ) ■ c^Xuljjldly GLO B MILTEiNBKRGEff, STKAM BOAT AGENT#- H COJUHSSIO.Y It FORWARUIMB MPCIIAST, * I'RODUCE ii MERCHANDISE BRUftKfit, aus?lO OdU'e. No. 06 \Vaic£ Street, I‘iiuj'hrgh Pa. WJl7’aT‘w AIUl # “’DeniUi, rrmovcdjlojii* former rrmJcnce on I'enn atreei.two dooita? : *3>«lbw Ir win, where hr will he happy to aiirnd *l>° may require bit *er'int*lrom tf A- M., P. M, after which hour he will atteud lo no one, in ca «es ui nnr*«iiy; lie would further *»y who may think proper inrtnpin) him. thru hr ejfcfftUinnne diutr pay menu vrnhoot the ncretutrot. hi*uiruil »cml iujc bill* | ;sj~ Jdfr-tf J. S tloubfißht- ’ \N!|^oilbrigh». jr S. «t W. BONBBIGH®' „ MAStItACTI'iUCBS OP Sf|Rcn, WARRANTED equal, if not ruperioT.Jk&niy made in me Cimrd SMaie». and which tbrymjll duj>o*e of allow Pkicr* and mi (food Trim*. gif ' ... - - BOLIVAR WRE BIUC^ \ X 7 ARR.< NTKIi superior in the btM F.frjjh ‘Stour , IT liridge.” oil hand -Hid Mr rale at Loo«e ‘•Sloan’* " hai'f,” Cairn I liai:n. «.** _ J SHAW MACpftKN - r jwr- —r THUS. KENNEDY, Jr, Looking GU»*M>nufuctu rer, and Deafer in Ctockx, Comb*, Ms.l* Variety Goods.eoroernf Woortsmit Fourth •ireclsjs.jg' . j!9 co itse-Old Coß^ry." MONEY sent 10 mb part* ol, lrystun. Scoi Uinl ami W*!«*. ui sums «»i XI in suit putcbairi*. ALLEN mare Kxrhangc Broker, cor 3d ani&buod »(« GEO. W. BBIITII A C«$S BREWERS. MASTERS AND lIOI'iWiALKRS PITTSBURGH ASD POINT BBK\V|&IKB. Corner Barker* Alley and Penn St. and faipipf Pm Si, _ PlMibnryfc P«. * ”C. DODGE, ;SIUN AND ORNAMENTAI. PAINTER, /Vo. 49 Market ft, between 3 d and'Xth fls, CIGNTINUES 10 circuit Sign*. MUitufyjFligs, 11 an- J ner», Transparencies. sod all kinds ofy*y*menul work althe itnrnest notice, aud at nncesiifii catuio po*»ibly fail to *uii hi» rmpioveM I* 0 ! TII6 s7j7 CARS ON, A Cii' i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, So*. 8 and & Light St.. 1 ! 1 J r OALTIIipRK, advance* wjl! be made on consignment 10 Jtr above aildtt *». l>v !' jait'j iv CJAIiSON fc .McKNIG HT, si- THEEIIUUSB .OF THE" JIISUTA \^OBRS, roa TUI BALK OP BOILER IRON, BOILER MEADS. FIRE BED IRON. . £ E. F. SHOEN BERGER, PITTSBURGH. PA. I Ilav.nv taken the Warehouse formerly occupied by M U llSiey A Co. \ I Water Street, near Eran'i Steam Mill, . ! keep on band a full supply of nil size* of Boiler ; lion and Head*. Flue am* Fire-Bed Iron, inaile from Xuniau biooms, which will be »old ai.lhe lowest ! mane) rale* Engine Builder* and other*, are invited a call and examine bit stock. Orders prompitv at -1 ended ui. jy-*1 dl v Win I’ Young- C lbm»cn "F Plunkett. YOUNG, lIIMBEN A PLUSKKTT, FLINT CLASS MANUFACTURERS, WTaRICHOL'SE No* i 3 Waier And UH First sirefet, I'ntsburgh. The innt'uiuclured by o« i» e-'iini to any iu the country- All older, will receive pivuipt nitcuf.pii a..J jelled t,.'i [l'CxuuMe rin*- Merchant* and (.:.Vi« visiting the c.iy arc m , ;ed to call befate purcua«ing el-cwh ore. fi-bH FRESH IM!*OKTA'I'IONS OF HAKD'WaRE. . LOGAN Sc RKKJiKD*, IMIMKTE <OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 11 ADWARE, CUTLERY, Ac., ' No. I‘Jtf Wood. Street. P TTSBURGII. AlUv now m the co'irvc. of recc:/iug Urge uiditions to tbeir extensive stock of Hardware, Cutlery. Sh • Irry, Ar_ which having been purchased oiuthe ino i advantageous tonne in England. ami direct from the ilanafaeiurerrin ibis country, en«tilc» iheia li* of fer oodn on terms surpassed by none cud equalled by few Purchaser* arc respectfully li.viLcd la eall . F-s, sse THOMPSON A CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MFRCHANTS And Kanufacturer* of LLnsecd Oil, ' A 'u., 20 Columbia Strut, CINCINNATI, OHIO. paid roa ilaX3£ko- < £D scpdfi-ly >VIIITSiOIUi * WOLKFi IUrORTXCd ISD DF.ALKUS la Uirdwarc) Cutlery, Saddlery, Ac., Corner Libert*/ and St. Cln*r rfrrtfi, PIT rsUL'RCiH, ARE uow receiving p«r ships ‘Savauuae,' 'Susque hanna,’ ami “Alhambra,’ their,spring importations oi ardwnre, Cutlery, Ar .. purchased for toiA, direct frr i.tbe manufactory* of UiavixoiUM end SiixrrtxLD. A' .1 ageneraj Rasonn-ent of American Hardware from the oaaofactorica of iNe Bait and Weil. I- tyera are reapecttuUy invited to an examinatum of . out stock, aa we' arc determined to tell low Coreaihor ap • OTed.cicdiL •' apB J. U. W. Leitwicn. 'W, C.- Wilaou. J. G. W. LEFTWJCH & CO., nBCBIVINO.vKORWAKDISu, And CommUilon Merchants, . PLA4UKIIUIE, La. PARTICULAR aMi-nuon paid u> consignments of Smsar .Mill*. Engines, or other articles for Opelousas and Atutkapasi RKFBK TO—Me**r* Sjjrfficld A ijghllow, Mr. Tho las Limerick; New Qrlcari. M<-»sr». i.unonA Detter/on, Mr 7. MSherlry; Lou isville. Messrs Jln!| A Mr Wm. O'Leary, Robert Wi*himan. AriotiroitK A Nicholson. Pnisbatgh. Missis. Kevun. 'food A Co ; Cir.onnnu Mcisr* tiynrs A Craighead, Messrs. Edwards A. Wnttcall. Hem. Zenon Labauvr, Hon John Dutton; I’iniiurmir.r l.a ( ilrclS ly j t> llmikbb, ' C W Aaoaaaa.l, Lateof Pittsburgh,Pa. Late of Nasiiviilc.Tenu. IBIIMER A ANDEUBON. Dealers inCotton. j Forwarding, and Commission Merchants. No a Front sure!, above Uroadw.<y, Cincinnati, Ohio Utrafl to— M Allen ACo, ) llagatey A Smith, j Pittsburgh. • Win. liinchum. j ) f*ea> A Shepherd, ) Muron A McAlister, J Na-hvilie, Tenn Y caiman A Armi*lcad . J W F. Lane A Co., Louisville. Ky. Springer A Whiteman, / /s,« James Johnston A Co. { Itewrii. Hrran A Co., New Orleans Maggreggor A Morris, New York Duvall Keighler A Co.. Baltimore I*in>.h. U*cal<;y A Co.. Philadelphia Daniel Deshnn. Hosion jnnll MALCOLM LEBCIiI A BON, * I ATE M. LKKCn It. CO . Wholesnle tiroter*. Com j mission nr.d Flour Merehaurs, dealers in all kinds Country Produce, Copper, Tin, Tin Plates. Tinners’ Tool*, Iron and Nftils, Zinc. White Lead. Dye Stuffs, Russia .■‘bfrv Iron, l-e-a-!. Cotton Yarn*, Salt. Ae . ana Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, No* ID. ai, and 1M (cherry * tier t, one door above the head of Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa Lit'crul advance*. in cash or goods, rattle on con sfgntnerit*of produce. Ac . Ac. inchlG U F Conway I. K Tomlinson. □ . F. CONWAY A CO., Ohio, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, and Ptoduce Dealers—also mend to the Purchase. Sale and Shipment of Pig Iron,Coal, Ac. IIM tK TO, Atwood. Jones A C<> Drown, Flniley A Co Loren* ‘ruilniK A Co Henry Or*ff 1) L.erh A Co Clarke A Thaw Gruff, Lindsey A Co Lyon A Co Firtttcrsliilp. HP. A M. NKI>ON having taken ipto partnership , with them Mr Ales Postleythe business will ! he hereafter, conducted under the-namr of II P. AS. , NELSON A Co. , • Pittsburgh, March 13 ISO li r tSCLsoM s -SFhsot * ALKI rotTLKI. 11. P.i S. NELSON A CO., MANUFACTURERS of llammereil 8 owls end Spade*. Hoes. Hay ami Manure Jscrks. Ac., Ac. Warehouse, No II Wood street, Pitumtfgli marl:) J, NEWTON JONES STEAMBOAT AGENT AND COMMISSION M KUCHA NT, MO NO Nlf Aill'liA HOUSE, Plttibnrgh, Pa. A. L'KOOUX 4 COi, . No 77 OVNALSTUEKT, NEW ORLEANS. A for J H Armvu’s Eilensive Steam Sugar /l. Refinery. Always on hand, a large stock of l»af, Po-Adernt, Crushed, Clarified and Dastard Sugars, in Tierces and Darrel*. A Iso, Sugar House Molasses.. Prices hhcral and a fair allowauec made on all rales above, Sb barrel*. mrhl I WM.W ATTIC ItSIFN, FOUWARDtNU AND POMMHSION MERCHANT, Rcdbank, Pa. 'V' HE ndv~iuser would respectfully inform bts friends 1 yrd the public that fie hi* taken the WaMtottse, formerly oecopied by J-Jft Gould. wfbeie ho will tran sact a general Ageircy.j Forwarding and Commission btisines. Particular aurnuon given to all eonfgn eentr. Charges iraaodahlc. • mnrlltl i!< dbn'.k. March I . .IM7 j JOHN nC.M.AP, |•" \ TANUJ-AtTTURERIof Tin. Copper, ana Sheet Iron IVI Warr. and dealer in Dr.taunia und Japanned Ware, No 17 Market ejiect. Tlie subscriber terpect fully call* tbs attention of the Western Merrb*a'*i Coujitry denlerr. and others, lo his Urge stock of man rfactercd Tin and Copper warr. with a large assort ment of imroned House Furnishing Hardware • Whaleiale bßJ'cri aid the public generally, are in*i led to call. I mirfl WALLINUFORD k CO« 1 COMMISSION A FdRWARDINO MERCHANTS, Second Stkreel* near Wood. DEALERS iu PittlLurgh Manufactures and Hear* Hardware—will keep constantly on hand a skxtk of carriage apringi anil a«le».hainsi*. scythes and sic*. Its. fire proof safe*, apnl», vicei, blackmutba’ bellow*, sledgti, Ac, A#. OtebßJ, URGH. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 1. !547. PITT 1 rrr machine works and foundry. Pittsbcboh, Pa JOHN \V RIGHT AGO., ARE prepared'to build Cpubn trml Woollen Machin. /jL\cry of every description, such «• Carding Ma chine*, Spinning Frame* Speeder*.- Drawng Ira rues, lUilWay-HcntU, WnrpcM. Twillyis.Hpooi • ..Dressing Frame*.'.l.©oin*. Card Grimier*. Ac., H’lought tlton Soafting tuned all sizcs'of Ca*» Irou. 1 uilie* and Hangers, or the luted patteru», tli'ie and band Lattit*, and tool* of ail kind*. , Casting* of every description furnished on suori no tice Paitem* nude to ord-r for Mill Clearing. Iron railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for heating Fuctofie*. L *** l Iron Window Sa*h; and fancy Castings generally.— Order* left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co .Lib erty street, will have prompt attention. Revkb to : ' Biaekstock, llcll A Co . J K Mo«rhi .id A Co., O b Warner, Johu Irwin A Sonsf PiUsburgli. (J C A J II Warner; Sleubenvtllt. i* nW COTTON and WOOLLEN - MACIHBsERY Tilt: subscribers me now enlarging their establish rncnt-aud'aic prepared 10 make oh kindft Cctton and Woollen Mncb>ncr>, on the most reasonable term*. Order* Bddre*»cd to Us will meet with prompt WIOIITMAN A DAL/ELL Laeock street, Allegheny City N lI—H Wtglitman, who lias «- pairnt for a vcO' unportaui imnrovemc i.l on the Card, and who baa been engaged for the last fiftren year* in-sotne of the most executive and euucesiful Cotton Factories of tbo we«, will give bis personal attention to putting up, to the *a« jsfaction ol those coucerncd, all Uiachinc* made at this esublishryent. unT^tt' LADIEA Wbo Use Common Prepared Cbalk, uie often not awaro bow frightfully tnjufioua it is to the skin! bow coarse, how rpugb, howaailo*, yellow, and unhealthy the *kin appears after u*inx prepared chalk!. Besides, it is injurious coniamingilaige quan tity of lead. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call JONES’d SPANISH LILY WHITE! It t* perfectly innocent, being panned of nil deleieriousqtMlnict; and it imparts to the *kin a natu ral, healthy, alabaster,c:e*r, liviug white, atUfeaame jime acting a* a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. * I Dr. James Andcroou, Practical Chemist of Mns*a chusetii. say*: “After analysing Jones’s hpoulsh Ltllt While, 1 find it possesses the most beautiful and itata rat. at the fame time innocent white.l ever saw. I certainly can conscientiously iveomraend it* usctokll whose ssin requirei) benutify ing,” {lj*Priee 24 cents a box IJ7-SOM by WM JACKSON, at hti Boot mud Shoe Store. W Lilwny aireei, head or Wood, at the sign of the Ujg Heat. . _ _ P?N _ ; GEORGE WEYHA.I, Msno/scturer And Dealer in all Kinds of TOBACCO. SNUFFS, AND CIGARS. AT hi* Old Stand, corner oT Ssnuhficld street and Diauioiid Alley.-Pittsburgh, Pa, would respectful- I) .-all iuc aiiention of Country Merekants, Hotel and Steamboat Barkeeper* to a large and superuu assort ment of Imported Segars. among which will be found the following brands, vix: Eagle, Regalia, CaateLos, Principe, La Normas. Star Uraud. M.qerva and Ehdfar Regalias, all of wbich will be sold a* low as ran he bad at any other bou*r m the eiiy. Also, constantly on band and for sale, a large and well selected stockof Virginia, .Missouri and Fine I'm Chawing Tubaceo. Aim. Havana, Cuba and Common Tobacco, constantly on band and for sale.' ocgM*m JOtlff gUERIPP: * Co., No*. 83hnd 81 Front l*ts, Biai* Formal and Gil Fu* Ti«»i USLL* of all iiiH east, from the latest nnpiorej i>at te.fiis aod warranted to, anV Also, Ilia** Casu'tirs, finrihed iC otderrd. Gas "Pit ting* put up promptly aod on i reasonable.term*. 1 novWdly ; PATBST piIESS BIUCK UACIIINK *1 e vubtenbert havinc obtained a patent. M*y IS IMO.I ra i’lens Urick Machine. and having *mrejthcn , iboio Mblr toted iu ability, are now prepared .10* *el! right* and contract to deliver n?*ehin*» to an)* of the l 1 med Stair*. The maeulrie i* deilgned 10 tpake Unck from crude clay, and will make bU.bUQ pood tmoo'. firm brick per day. Miffteiemlv hard to‘Hack up 111 thr kiln, ihu* a voiding ihc expense and labor ofpreV. parin * t ihe rlay. dry mg and handling the buck klier iicuij nouided li i» nunplii, siroiip. not liftbic 10 get out oeict repair, tied urouclrnctcd 11 u*n l.c lakiiti to piece* ar.dpnl lordlier with great' facility, iliuv rclidei mg il •oneble. Wt are now bmltlmg and canlumuhtbemoifbbort nonce. Fora fulldr*cts)|ioii we vr jid rufer to a machine now in rutcea*fu! opera* lion <ii X!ill crock bottom, near the Wcut end of Eighth wrccl, where we ahaU be happy to explain everything connected with it 10 all yrho may call We bavfc at preaent 09 authorized Agent All letter* to our address vftll be promptly attended to j* CWAKRTSONr'MeaUM.UN W CINClKh’m PIANOS! HENRY KLKBKR, Deafer ... eastern Piano Forte*, at J \V Woodweilfe.'Nn, S 3 Tkinl Street The Pianntmav be examined vt «U hour*, and the subscri ber will be there fiom Uto I*.'. A il, cad from Ito 5. P M , each day. PAfeb’g. Qctobcr ttt, ’W We, the undersigntd, tvouid intoru the uitizcni; pf ritlsburgh and vicm.iy thll we have appointed Mr.'.H. Klebrr solu Agent Jur Wcstcm. Pennsv tvanin. fot jlie sale of our Piano F- .tt s, from vihorit the) iimj l-c ei»- taiued atttirowu {New York! price* I NUNNS A CLARK? New York, Sep. t. IMO-oclT-M'.f | New Shovel, Spade ant! Fork Slaimfac-' cULiti ts GRIFFITHS &. DIXON. ’ ' hkavy h a itinv an n am> I 7 . X PITTSBUUaiI) WAaiUfr ACTI’UKS, A ' lM i V"* M ' mt * ! 'fT 1 ?V \ ( \rAKKHOUStS Second .tfccl, l.e«r Woo,l I ,',r„) WwveJ,, H*y and M«nur«l Ar.on »» extra... \\ c , lla<;tl Lit , fny h * w 0 „ baud Il>( ~vc .colt, u, .*>■»»<• »«■ •*“ •»««••.»•> •“ rh »*•-. ~1c 100,000 lb, i.»Wsu-cl. viz; c *s* * i * ,,eMI nfe *' r u -jiil Naylori Co’* Coat. Weir. Blister and (frnnaii w-l lot ibe convciLciiccof liicu cn.iumcri ,nd i.valet, m . Jop *„ 4. bl..ur lull K.„k - •oth article*, they have appointed G.-orge <ocl«)an, ««doz wjTirrl. mu,<iF. and Fork * Oxamiu oa Merchant. No Si Wood »troeL their A|cnt : o-, f iJL- i»-i... • ’ 6 <*' “»« «>« manufacture. Aiardp. • addiy.*- • lp . Mb \ Ml! , tfltlinK ,,„ ) cd to him will receive Sledge., Sledge .Mould*. CrowU*,,; vantageoo. urm*. - , OKJH I illS i • Furnaee Ringer*. (Juniata Iron., *• ,_P tul.'irch, July-E-dly j , .M tl . oc# ,. clay a.ttd Cjial Pick*, Ufnni XA/OQI WOOL i i Axe*. Scythe*, Sickle*. Log Oiain« J .Ac.. Ac.; V» UOL l VVUUU, WLMJL. V | ID-Salamandcr Ftta Proof Safe*, lion. JVad*, Glat* CASH paid for nil grade* of well walked Fiiitrc | and other Pdubpigh Manufacture* told at ihe l.iwcM and clean Tub Wa.bod and Pulled Wool, l»y|the l l ,rirp *- . .! feMs» ■ub*cnl>eti at hi* warebou*e ot| S;;i,tu£r 4 ld nfcel.ilie trten 4th atrr.ei and UiarutmcV Alley. ! ienl-»v* jVU.LIAM 11AKKKB. EAGLE COTTON WORKS*. ! PITTSBURGH. > ’ MANUFACTURE COTTON YARN, ' j Candlt'Wlek, BstMoSi Twine. CovekleC \ YARN, CABl'Cr CHAIN, WAUI’S, Ac. A.i', . i KING, I‘KNNO-K ACo , * J f (£aere**or*ol Arlwrkle* ft Avery* 1 ) jan9 I'mpncipi* __ | w.* NiTIlUm, W. T. PATCiI. HATHE.WH- A. PATCH, r. 031 SIS S I 0 N JIEBCIUNTS) No* 44 Water Street, ! »*t. i Will givepavtieular autnunn to die jelling of ]Fm duee, and to order* for puri-lmktne' ’ Rail to—George Murgan'A t»., Pittsburgh, t>- • aril ’ _ i " W. W.' WALLACE, > PITTHBUKf.iI STEAM MARBLE WORKS, .Yoi. 944 and 944 Liberty irmt, near the Canal. ALWAYSon band and made to order, a large varie ty of Marble Mantels, Pier, Cemie Table*, and Ruteau Top*, Tomb Sroncs, Monument*. Ac ; all wbtek, being made of the eboiee*t marble, and mannind:nien principally bv machinery, will be *old low for e'ath. N. H. reraon* wishing to pnrclia*e Mantel*} are informed that u it heucelorth unneervaary for ih<}ra to go Rant, a* 1 can furnitb them with an arlirlepii all respects a* good, and (freight, iiiinranre r Ac. consider ed.) a« cheap a*.they can i ilirm for Jn die Fast Call and sea. _ JOHN WALKER, . ! ( Walker A WoodwellJ • ATfOULD announce to hi* friend* and the pubhe ibftl VV Le »t'll continue* the .Hardware husine** at the old «>a)id, No c 3 Wood ttreet. He would rrtpeeifutiy solicit a cnuiinuanre of the patronage-heretofore o» km.tlr he»l.,wed_ _ _ ’ Jail 1-1 TIION. A. niLLIRR * lOOKING GLA>» MANUrACTL'UKR.and fancy' j Futni*huig \Varehr.u*e. No |ft4 Wood street, near Filth. Hiiuburgh.Pa : Wholesale and Retail: English and French.Engraving*) Japanned Waiter* aiidTruf*; looking Gla*» Plate-, by die box or tingle light) Table Cut’ery; Picture t.loai of all aizer; Britannia Tea Ware, lit sens ot tingle piecri) Pcrt/aitand Fi?ture Framer; Fire Iron* and Fender*) Mahogany Toilet Glasses, will, (. 4. and .'I draw.; : German Silver and Uriiniu-ia Tea A Table Sppona; - Hand Magnif) mg Mirror*) < Candlesticks, ShulTrr* and Tray*, ' Gilt, Pier, and Mantel Glosses; * I Gentlemen’* Shaving Ca»c*; Cninb*. Hair Brushes, Ac. * Hotels, and Steamboats Mipphrdon liberal term*, ant) parking carefully attended to Uru al dioroant for ea.h . fcLI? MR. DUFF’S AND Writing Room*, N ,K corner of Fmh and Mar ket streets The plan pf in traction followed in (Id* Intlituilnn differ* from-nlt oilier* in the Western • Siatra liCethciencv hit* bee.* amply tailed during Mr; It)- 1 * establishment ul tin* city for ta« last Keren J'ciyra,- and hi* new wtirk upon Steamboat Book-keeping, (ltd first tonipleie treatise upou ibi* branch of,the »o ; enen jret published.) enable* him to teach this department of the science in the nto*t perfect manner Pet<ou* pakr ring Book keeping in this Institution bare nnotbrir ad vantage over all oihera—they have an opportunity pf bccomingjcxpcrtpensßigii, without vrfach their educa tion forthk counting hour; remain* incotjpleie \'• Professional aaaiMance'given in alt case* of difficulty in opening and closing Merchant** or Steamer 1 * Book*, making out b. lance sheet*, polling and adjusting,de-* ranged books, Ac. <> ifour* of Uu»inest, JO to !5 oiclook, A- M ; 9 to 4 and 7 mi 10 .» the evening. mhl SHAVING CRE A M -T» 11JCK ItKDU CEB Let all lho*e now Shave who never Sliced before, And those who alway- hbavcjtow Hhrve the more. IN offering this superior Shaving Compound to the no nce of the puhlic, I ean With confidence aay that the opinion of all who have tried it prononnee lithe moM pleasant composition that they have ever und; and in order to place it within the reach of all, 1 have reduced the price low enough io afford an onportnniiy to every perron to give it a trial and judge for themselves. So, Gentlemen, if you with for a neb, luxurious rba*e, oa with yoor •having eup», don't be te. redt tt won’t,ccr»t ranch ta fill them; and, if you are not satisfied. the mon ey will be returned,, HTEI'HKN UARRETTf | Iron City Lard Oil Factory and FanejiSoap Work*, feMjg '• sthat.oppof.lte Iron Cnv Hotel DLICK ItEAO—4 easea best Meiiran silver D Uad foraalabr J SCHOONMAKER ACo mattU - H 0 at Notlc* lo Contractor*, OiTicr. or TiisjMoM’X9*itix& Navic.auoa bo, I Pittsburgh, Marc h 3. IM«. > PROPOS.VLS will >x> received at tint office up fo 3 o'clock r. m., on Monday ihc itli dav of April itexi for the ronatruction of an pddiiioual rui atone l.ock. a Dam No l, to l*e Cfiy-M* tfy two hundred and fifty fee in the cl.arolier. i ' - Proposal* will suite the price l«r Cash pa) inOils. al so, for payments in Ccii'fn-nies of the Companyi pu)a-' blc righi year* after daie-with mterr«t. • rUna and epcaificaiionVaf the work will be exhibited at the oilier len davs prev[ouMo the letting, ana imor auiidn respecting the tame. will be given by fylvrtmi* Lothrop, Esq.. Kugiuecr. ; ‘ PROPOSALS will also be tcc< rved at ibe tame tune ami place, for loaning llie Cdnipany 'I wemy Thousand dollar*.upouitie bona*and certificates afoieanul. mcfafUd - ;j K MOORHEAD, I’rea’l llariiavare, Cuitiery,'saddlery, Ac. JOHN WALKER, IMPiiRTKH aND DEALER itj Foreign aiid.Domeae tie llaidwute, waubl tf*pcrifully infmiti h’k friends andlhc public generally. >hat lie -.mow receiving hia J*pt ; ni »apj>ly of Hardware, at the old Maud of \\ aihcr A Wood well. No S» Worn} .ireci, ht* will dispose of on the nioal jicitns. lie will beeominuitlly receiving fres'u ruppliesdire.ri front the Manufacturer* in Europe and ihw epunnj, which will’eoablts him to compete with any cetabbab mem, either Fast or Wret} y" Wr,tern Merchant* arc invtfrd to call and eiamine bia atoclt before purcha*nic __ niaio Ur. Slchane'i Worm Bpacinp f|MllS ia to certify that, hr t aking one vial of Doctor X (McLonr 1 * Worm Spcciuc. a child of Joine# Shaw’* parsed opwards of “n worms, and by the u»c of said medicine a child of my own passed l< lurge worms.— ll' Is t'nly tl-c most surprising worm meuicine I ever seen. I man have two more vials | WM GILMORE i I Wilkins Township ' For tn’e by J KIDD A Co, No 00,\\ ood street, Pltis bargb. J j ■ mcbaO WASTED-Kor *everal respectable bote.l*. board ing house* and private families, several cook*, chambermaids, nurses aqd housekeeper*. Also want ed -oon,.places for of good clerks, salesmen, warehousemen, school tgael|eit, laborer*, Ac. Al*o, for aeveral boys of different sizes and ages. Also, for several colored mea.ani! women, boys and girls. .All kitidsof Agencies Attended tn for moderate char ges. Please call at' i ISAAC HARRIS'S • Agency and Intelligence Officer mehSU ! NoUStClaiT_»t_ LIPPINCOTIj IRON WORKS.' IRON and Naila, Shovcls-Ae- for aaie at our new Warehouse, No. 551 Water street, near Wootl, run ning to Front - { Also, au auaruneni at the old stand, Me.Masier’s Row, ljberty street. ! Having made great addjiions to the. Rolling Mill, all orders can be filled pnuuptly. novao graff.-I.indsay a co__ YOUNG LADIES’ SELECT SCHOOL. ALLEGHENY CITY. Till? Institution ha* bdi recently been opened under the tuition of Mr N. W. Metcalf. alike Comrr of Bmduiky and Strawberry it*. Tbesacee't which hasjthu* far aitenried ihu Pchool, ip it* o*iablisbmeni ami piogrc*<, lias fnll> equalled ihe eipeclattons of it* Instructor and Proprietor. and war ranis iti* hope (tiai he will Hr sustained in h'» efforts m render it b desirable Institution for the education of Young Ijdicsln Allegheny and vicinity. The Fir»l Session of the neil Acadrmie')car. vriti commence on Monday. FVb gilt. ‘ Therh are yet a few vacancies Hi be filled, but a* the nnmberof papl’s is limited an early application n Je wrable. For particolerri relative to terms, Ac.. consult Circulars or apply id ihejlnsuuctor. feb^tf , CABIKICT tfPfIIOtjSTERIKO. T AM prepared lo dp til kind* of Cabinet Stuffing. 1 Sofas. Invent, Chair*. Chair Seat*, at short'notice, Orders left aiMr. Noble'i on Third »i, promptly attend* ad to all-ku us. BEN NETT BROTHER, QFEBN9WARE M AVLFaCTURKKS. Birmingham, (near Plttibnrch,|Pa. „• Warikoute, Ao. 137,! Wood ttrrrt, PitUburgh. *fMfNWll,|,constantly keepon bxnd a rood assort- or Wart, of our otrn manufacture, and • superiornuainj.: Wholesale ondcountry Mei ™ chants are respectfully invited la call and e* | amine for themselves, a« we are detenniued to sell | cheaper than has ever before been offered to the pub- lET Order* sent by msjl, accompanied bjr ihe ca«h or rltv reference. wiH he_pi»inpi)r ■"ended in fetnU ' QAZZAJH’a'pATEHTBKDSTRApJ "■ftn&ES*. NI, ! r ' vI THBTANDINU ( * n inifrnuil opposition in thie invenj "°n oT, a Pitiiliurcb Mechanic, a iqa> jomy ff the Cabinet maker* of ibii anil A|'ef(Ueny city, and ibcintumer 1 on* rufinmcribavethown ihemteive* above \be vulgar prejudge sgain-i Amu inrenfioru. mid they give (ia//am'» llchfeirnd tUr preference, (imply because it Jt-rmt it, being the but. tironftt. at>4 mot i amrrmml Bedstead iu (fee The following IcMimoilial apeak* lor j We. the *ubrcriber». practical cablart maker* of the citie* of Pittsburgh and AHcgbeity. Pg .dn hereby cer lify ihatwc have boughtjlhe right io manufacture bed meads with Gozzauv* Patent i o*iennjg«, and cniuidrr lie same «upenof U> uny jf**trm»igi wj.h ••*lm h » e ar r ncqnsimcd. ' ; Janie.* Lemon (• John hj’Grcw T U Young A. Co : (lolieii Faimuui J R Hartley 1 Jamr* B Barr John Liggett, dr. ! J«* Lowry A Son- Imwrie A ail, n ; Riddle A l)n nn»n Thomas Failey j Hugh l| Wallace Djiytd Laker 1 Rttomcf A M’ClciUnd Hugh Wallace I Moses Uullurk , . Dav.d Lukcy :por Right* lo make hud fell ilic htovr Bed-lead* Apply to KBKNKICF.K F UAZZAM. I : decin j ■ r Patentee JNO. a.BILLBiIPIK A CO., Mo 36-WoodStrerT MANL FACTUH’F.KdoiGiftsnd Mahogany looking Glasses, lioporter«>and Dealer* iu looking Uia*» i Plater, Accord ton*, J'qrcnssion Cap*, Clock*, Comb*, Jewelry and Fancy Good* emierally. ! The advertircr* irn making mule. improve idfiii* tn | their bnsiuiss, with increased fectliuer in the purclmre |of Domciln:, and the |mpor:st:on rf many Foreign (•06d*. they drill l.c ahlejto »rll at K.t::in% yrien Turv re«pec:ful-y *o';r:t ihe ajirir.ion of pnirlia* r> jmil'AlU _ I A. M\* Wa'Pnislor.l. ' j . : Jim 1 S-nigri WALLINUFOJtD A CO., | COMMISSION A FORWaHDING MERCHANTS, PIANOS!! ~ l ‘ K. U EATON^ DEALER in Trnnmiug* and YuririyCndd*, Tortooe Thell, lyoty and Horn ciistbt/Wojllcn \ arnr and tVor»te«t«. Button*. Neddie*, Pit>», Braid* Ac., No Ul Market Hi between. Diamond aiid 4th *trtet* I'iii»burgh. _ _[ )vtKdlv_ NEW BOOKS. JUST Received and for tale by J l. KKAD, Fourth near Market .tree \ j fhilomphy of Jpnv‘lif;ie» u .uhd apparent rn.ra cle». from tiip French On Ku*e)in Jfaiverir. InieiFniuai rin'oronij), l»y Krv. A*a Mahan. ’1 he Firm Jr' ) ounjf lad r< on t],r of Kducatmn. I>y Mia Vhclp*. AinenUici of. Literature, ronalMinc of ‘ketches and characters of Ktiguah Uiternuire, 1/y'J l>*J«iae!i. The Live* of llaltam., the discorerer of the I’acilic Ocean; Hernando i‘«nri». the conqueror of Mcx-co; and Fiancisro Fiiarrtj. the tjotiquetor of l‘« tu Lives of eminent Jmtrcui .anil Furr|wan Median* tea, with ooredoiea, description*, Ac , Ac., and fifty rn. |tavin|>; lij II Howe. ; Scene* in Nature, or conversation* for children on land and water f Kantlilrs slmitt the comity, l«y Mu K. I'. Kj]r|. The Farnirr’s Companion, ir the pnitcipirsandprec lice of American Hu»>>auJry. Sc., Sc, by Hun. |tye|. i?mh edition I I /K&tubles m Mexico; J<y G i l.ulfobr, ' Letters, rpnver*nunna and recollections of S T Cole ridge - 1 TUtOLOUICtL. An ejtpOMtmo cVf the !Apocalyp»e,i t.y D N J.orJ The true hel.cvcr, hIS cuaracier, duty aid privilev *t l.y Rev. Ala Mahun. The fii*tm,if*a of; by .Mlitm Panic, A M., M. 11.. Krot«««>r of thel institutes of iSledicmc and Mat. Med , in (he L"m*er»ity,of Nevr Yolk, The treatment of Insanity; by Jtu>, M. Galt. M. 1)., luperirttendant and pljvtictan of the e.mrrn lunatic aayluinnX Virginia at WiiliaiiHnirgh. ml? •NK \V II A lljl \V Alt K i lIOIiSK. JOSEPH; WOODWRLL. Corner of Wood and !id »t», Plttkbnrch, HAVING withdrawn from the 011 l firm c3v*Vulkcr A Woodwell, on thf Ut of January, Ty«, I take pleasure m announcing to my frauds in the city and country, that I have opened my neW more at the above named place. Haviugjpim'based ny good* for ca*h, ami muJe atraiifeiAcil(i with manufacturers in this country ami in Europe to he constantly supplied, 1 am fully prepared to furm<)i Hardware of all kinds, on a* Si»d terms and as lotf as any bou*e Kan or West etcliuni* nod other* arc respectfully invited to cal nnd examine ray »tock> before purchasing clsewbere. The following compriftsa part of niy stock. •’ Steamboat and Saddlin' Hardware. Gun Trimmings, Files. Nay lor's Steel, Cutlery, Edge Tools, Anvils, Vi ces, l«cks. Lntrhes, Jkickfei, Scjlthea, Hull Hinge*, Screws, Union t-eclory ll’lancs.SttWsMnhcuun* Ixiard* ami veneers, and ail other articled,cnuiitcted with the Hardware bu«itir»». “• _ uichlUf SHACK LETT tb WHITE. NO. 09 WOOD STREET, above Dramond Alley; would call the otte|iiionof City and Country M«-r -.»» ihsrsr new stock of AMERICAN aud ROR EION LflY GOODS, i -s It compmei a very! large assortment of IFooUcn, Cotton ami Linen Goocß with a variety of Fine Drtu Good*, and a full, assortment of 7'oi, '*.>'» Tnmminei Ac.. Ac. * Receiving regular supplies of Fre«h Goods, dircrf from manutar'urers. and devoting .i rargeslmrc of their utemion to Eastern Auction a«les—at which many rood* of tbe bait quality can Be libught i t extremely low prices—they confidently aiMirelpurchasersihnttlicy will find it to their r«(er«»r to examine their stock, rpchl;! COPPER, KIUSET IRON, AMD TIM WARE MANUFACTORY, • ,‘'° * Market street, Pittsburgh, Pcmia: I wenhera having made kreat ttnpruvetnenis l m the ronftrurtion of iheir CIXJKI.NG STOVES, respectfully i ivne persons building Steamboats to call * n f® ***rarue< before purchasing, a* we can supply ihrm with Deck Stove*, Forges, and every othrr kind of tamper. Tin and Sheet Iron work necessary in fumUb-. tag a steamboat. ’ VVe also make to order on the shortest notice Sal Tubes and Chamber; Copper work for Sieatu Engines, and every variety of work in our line . 6 . '.**<■»_ . SHERIFF ft SHinK N**®JbMKB Ik BO.\| Exchange, flanking, And . CollectionOfEce,NoMMarketstreet,Pittsburgh, •I*; i rachtn - ABLACKSWITU WAKTKD-a yoonf’man acquainted with Plantation work, can have per* rnanent employment at food wayefc in a healthy part of northern mjoiiiipjn. : For furihtr information apply »• . ; ' GKO COCHRAN tn<h»g»f . __ No 2d wood n I ADIKB pleaae call at (be “New York Store” and XJ »ee a ajllciidld tiaortment of rich, fine dretifoodt, *>*• c “® lcd ," re *»3ilka, Uarrgea, Balsorinr, plaid raw Bilk*, laahmere, Jlfoaa. dc Laihea, Oingharea. and Chmlteaof all kind*. . \V 11 GARRARD ™h3 _ I No TPjtfarket at 1 1 OU«~10 bbl» Tr«nner'« Oil tor uii A by j BCUOONMAKER k. Co ••Ml ! NoMiradn | INSURANCE!; JOHN FINNEY, J R ' . aoevt at rtTr»BC«cii fob tJik j DELAW ARE' MUTUAL Safety Insurance Company of PUllade'la. FIRE RISKS upon buildings ami merchandize of every description, ana MARINE RISKS upon bulls or cargoes of -vessel*. taken upon the mokl Invorable term*. jj* Office in Ihe Warehou*col W." Bi Hohnca 6l Bro , No. 37 Water, near Market slrcr.t, Puu bufgli. * 4- I N. B. THo »ocr.e«f of thi* Company *itfec:thcc«al». lishinentu' thc Agency in tin* City . with ih» j*ornp»«r»j n„d itbrrahty with which every claim upon them for lom ha* been mljiutrd. lull} warrant lh * ng«.iii In in viting ihr confidefere and pi trohage of In* feiend* and the eominamtr at Urge to the Delaware M. S. Inau ranee Company, while itrlia* the additional advantage* a* an institution among ltie # mn*i IlouriKbing in Philad’ta—at having an ample paul in capi'al, which by the opera! ioubn is charter i* constan try incren*tng as yielding to • ach person Insured his due share ol thH profiU of the company ntthoDt njyplving him in any responsibility whatever, ami thrnclorc a*, pngsedag tne Mt'taal principle divcslrd j»f every obnoxious feature, an 1 in its moil attractive form, tin ii j , NATIONAL FIREi AND MARINE JNSURANOE OOjUPAN'Y I New York. * ; THUS well knowu and lespecublc company i* pte* ! pared, through theii PITrsBURGII Af»RNCY.It> make insurance of cvrry kind connected with ri*k* of truhsportalion and inland navigation ; to insure against loss or damage by (ire. Dwelling House*. Wtirebouse*, Buildiug* iu general, Gt-od*. Ware*, and Mcicbnndtre, and evet y description of perronul property on the iron favorable tenns. Application* for Insurance aueiided to wiUioul ddav at the office'No 33 Wood *irret. • ' . SPRINGER lIAKUAUGU Ag’t. AT an-Election held at in N. Y. May 12th, the following namrd gentlemen were chosen Ditccior* of ibis Company, for the ensuing year, viz: Joseph W. Savage, Stephen Holt, John Brouwer, John McChain, VVilliamG. Ward. William W.Campbell, John Newhou»e, ) Jacob Mihcr, ! ITilliam S. Slocutii, Marcus Spring, John F. Mackie, Joseph S. Lake, John J. Hernck. And at'a ♦ubseqneni meeting of lie Hoard, JOSEPH W SAVAGE, was uoaiumodsiy re-elected Pres ident for the ensning year. Wm. JAMES UO<if»S, Post A Journal copy _ ___ Secretory. _ ' FIRE AND MARINE"INSURANCE. THE Insurance) Company <>f North America, through its duly authorized Agent, the subscri ber, otters to make permanent and limited Insur ance on property, iu this city and iu vicinity, and on shipments by the Canal and Rivers. DIRECTORS. John C. Smith I’res t . . Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry. ' Charles Taylor, Sarul. W. Jones. Sami. F. >mith. Edward "Smith, ' Ambrose While, John A. Brown. Jacob M. Thomas, John While, John R. Nett, .. i ’l'hos. P. Cojie, Richard Wood. x | Wm. Welsh. —. ArthurC. Coffin. Sr-q. This is the oldest Insurance Comfianv ia the Uriited States, having been chartered m 1 «J 4. Its charter is perpetual, and from iu high standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding till r.sks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as ottering ample security"lo the publi^. MOSES ATWOOD, j At Counting Room of Atwood. Jones Al t.’o,, Wkter and Front strecU. Pittsburgh. apLff-tl j* 1 INDEMNITY \ Ag tost Loss by Fire—The FRANKLIN Fire Insu rance Company of Philadelphia, WILL make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in PITTS BURGH and the SURROUNDING COUNTRY, on’favorable term*. This company has a perpetual charter. !; CAPITAL i S-tOU.OOO paid HI. CONTINGENT FUND ;..S500r?0 Office corner ofThifd and Market sU,-, i iltsb’gh, np 28—tf WARRICK‘MARTIN, Agent. J T STUART. INSURANCE Alnerlean Fire Insurance Company oy PHILADELPHIA. dtIAKTZR PkBJ'VTTA.L. CAPITAL Sstfl,o<lo tAIO IN. Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 . Walnut Strut ..A ■■ „ WM. DAVIDSON, Prcs'L rsnsuci' Fralet, Svc’y r|>HlS old and w , eHfe*Lil>l>*hrd Company eontinui** io Xi' rtiiure Building*, MerrbandAc, Furniture and ptap <-rn nut of an exu*bararilou* cburaciert again* i io** nr dafunge l*y firp. , .Al 1 plivption* for iruuranre* fn Pittvbnrgh and it* npigl.U»rhood:wnl be rcppived. mid rfeks taken i illur peryvtua!!)' of lor hunted pcr:n,fe.. on (a vocable term* b> ; GW) CfJCMRAN, Agent. novlX ’ No “Jf» Won *t. F'RKSII ARRIVAL of NEW ML'MC fur rj- A.NO FORTE Slid GUITAR. .Son#* nfMiijrl /-• The Blue Juii'ttin, hy .»». Jl ru j; J.. U !i •• KrrnUceiiOii* of Horn? •• • Hi.l--.' n Virginia No in. Tin* lui.iiru V A veny Down Ka*t uontii • om- ► :n;> I Sl.irv Diane: an Fl.iuij mi M-U .. , - a The la»t Farewell; at* ,•«• j. .. The Snow-Storm. a»per nr -i t( *r\ >■ II.>• Mooilliphl. .Mu*it*. I jjvc »n >h i *.» •i ■ * i ; i. There'll Good Time I'l'inni- i-. n. i■ >. i. Sleeping I Dream l ot*-- , It • DrtJmk of >hc Pa*i—>y l: r* *>v Are the Link* that Bom. i !»ih«m |»«r l>» Out CJuitle—l>) i. I'm Sadden when l Snip. Matrimonial Stverr*—t* r.-u|.- fln«-i !\V n'C ri»’v il.e Hop.-- I Thf Jlriigeoi S -‘„ me f«. • Swnn:ri N; K ht —?»\ • Pcll-.t Anna TnlV^—l>y J. t*a*.hmn. a iif\v Folk*—li) llohetnan Polka, Celel-rai.-d I'alian Polka, ll'jrcmulltfr'' Fir-t Polkn. 1 <r mfnr /Vn-. rn Joyful >Vu*l ol Ro. {The XVooJprrlct,>’rm Flower; c'i Ruddy Rcai Oipoau Ballad tfnißin I Lore tfit Free; iTUe W aieti«»—!•> Mi*. S.J Male; rt'be Ulur Juniaia—liy Mrt. M. D Sullivan, Sly Soul 11 Dark —hy Myron; 3 I.otc i>ut Thee—t>y I) Mri<*nrti. Ju*i reeciV' >l and lor *a'e milie JU>r>* and Muoc Sijorr oi ■JOMj'MI MKU.OiI jmchVi • __ "J." DliiVlnUon.' * rpllK PBiinrrtlnp eii«ting under the firm I ui Biaillcv, & Co., wil di»*olvcd on the, Sill uiMant l>y mutual eon*rui. The biumest oi the Ittir firm tv’lt tie hy Mar»ha!l.“Wallace A. Me- i FRANKLIN FOUNDRY. • HI'HK businessoi ih<* above Foundry will be eonim J_ ed by the subscribers under the hnn 01 Marshall Wallace 4 Co , moll it■ various branches. vd: Hollow \Vare j Moves amt Stove Plates LightA. Heavy Mach'ry I Wagon lloxrs Engine* ! GratrsASad Iron* Engine Cast.ncv :[ l‘luu£ha Plough Castings, Ac. Ar, ■Madeof the beat material*. and at the lowest-puces ' purchaser* are luviied to call and examine our Stock at the M aiehou*e m Liberty street No cl.neartkr head of Wood siren JAMES MARSHALL ! Wm AV. WALLACE ■ HKN*RV MefIKARV InEARb BTREKT HOtlSE,' Cincinnati, LIT OHIO —The subscribers having purchas'd jtlm en tire interest of Co l - O <* Williamson. late of this well kuown esiablti'l m -nt. beg leave to rtate to theirjfnends ■■id the public generally, ihi' they have-uleu thii 'commodious Hotel for a term of years and n th exert their be vt energies u> make it a de*irai>|e botoefurTxav eller* anti City Bonder* The Hotel i* »[>nciou» ant) admirably ptamieJ lor con . ventence, light- and air, having- a number of parlors adjoining chambers, presenting unusual attractions to The pre«etn proprietors having bad theVtxperienceof ) ear* in tin* city el*cWhrre,hcpe they will be able to give general satisfaction, beti'i* determined to glvo un-hvidrdjf Ucnt'on to (lie bouse alone. The location of the tfearl Street House is uncommonly eligible, having fronton Pearl, Walnut and Third sis, so that n i* equally dt-*irab!e m view of ibe.'convetu* 'ence of busitio* tneror retirement for prtvdie I .nattier*. It i« neur by the liank*< the Po*t Oilier, the Masonic Hall, Odd. Fellows Hull- ami but one square distant from. Maiu.strret and two squares front the City W half, thu* offering the grimiest inducements, especially in country merchant* and genetnlly to all person* visnii r C.iicm nati. JOHN NOBLE inch'd? JOHN A DUHI.r. Ams THROCKMORTON beg* to acquaint his friends that he is again lessee of Hie HALT HUU9K, Louuviilc. Ky .where he hope* in meet all hi* old mends.. bsmu ng thrm and the public, that no elTori shall be spared to make till cniuoctaljli' who fuwr* hnn with their patronage ianlldty B P E N N COT T ON MILL I’iitsboiioh, Pa. THK above establishment ben ; iuw in operutton.wc arc munufaciuri-ig' very extensively, ait urtirle of heavy MiCcrinß*, well uil-iptcd to the rcttnl trade, which fur beauty ami quality eauttot be rxeel'ctl by any other make mi the country. The attention oi purchasers t* solicited to un eiainmut'on. feblldlmAwltK KKNNFUt CHILDS ACo F.A(iI»K HALOON, *no FRIENDS AM> PATRONS— I have, disposed 1 of my lUkefy and Confectionary itTßitirnond Aliev, and for the present will receive orders at the counter of the Engle. Saloon, (or fancy Cake, Confectionary, Calf Font Jelly, lee Crcatns. Py rant'd*, and rvi rv other ar ticlo nocennry for Supper*, Parties, Ralls. Weddings, Ac. The rtjloou will br open lor icc Creams Ac.., on or alioulthc firitduy of April. A large ainount-of money' hu< been expended, in order to make the Saloon the most attractive and pleusmit placr.ot re'Ort in the wes tern count*)-, foi the approaching season. Proud of the patronage we have rireived, we will strive to deserve a continuance of it * mars ANDREWS, W««l *t JI'OR UKNT- A latge and convenient More, ail by ] eO feet, with ruuntris and shelving, untl s good crl lat— at the stenm and canal boat landing at Beaver. The above. i« considered a good location for. an extensive bosmcis in Clothing. Drv Goods. Ac , Ac. , A good dwelling house situated near Ute above l , can be iiM if wanted Apply to S CUTHBI’RT. (jotrral Agent 'inchtffl ' No 3i market street RAGS WANTED. inn nnn lbs country mixed rags wanted, IARLUoU for which the highest price ia CASH wilt he paid Always on hrnd, every description of Writihg and Wrapping Paper and Chloride Ume. ’ REYNOLDS A SHEg tachl Comer Tcan and Irwin su, Pittsburgh.... “ PlaUOi. JUST Reeei**d and opened by the ntbccriber, jVvV -•; following new J’ieao* <, One elegui Rosewood, ‘ Paiiern] On«-elcgutRotewood > .6|octaT« p ’.- c»r»ed Goihlo Tebki*—• spleodw* - ■ • - Abo, op* Terr good aeeoAd • • i - Load A Co,Phi)eda. • HP . MkK lij.w: ■ J MINER’S;— The. Castle jof Ehfrh*:rin, in Lord* tPHf LA DA. ADVERTISEMENTS, Temporal slid spiritaal; ji»] inhabitants Earthly. and If I - - *•** Unearthly; by 6P R Jame*. Esijl inthnr of Heidrt-. CRAIO, BELLA& &Co '' * FLOUI L™°p«ra. com- National .a. u.i .♦ (_ HUSSION MERCHANTS. Godcy'* Lady-;* lbwV, • •• f . . T IHF.RAL caxV*dv.aaees made o;i receiprof con. Hie above Mngaune# neagnfullv illustrated a*utu- JLi aiga. oaqu. , Those shippingtoaur address wUt bo al-e.pecully Graham's. I’ ale fio l being a view of path thre value in adv.iace isj Cash,br anntv*' Saratoga Panic G'tound «1 St llwate —No ti, a splendid 5. ing to oud friend*,' 1 '' 1 Viewol I'ltuliurgh, euermvcf expressly for this M*ga- Mew*. |WaJlini<brd A Tartar, Pittsburgh. • ll “£* , . . _ -• Mews Tho*. Bell & Co. ltndgrpoiL Ohio. The Pa;r Isabel. or «he c f the Philadc Iphta, Mar 5, ISld. ’ - taVofilic Hußuei.otW-r by EwreSje j N. U, klljproJuce consigned to ti« ismj-rrd whan ‘ The fir»t W hue Man of the W eat. o the life and ex- m-the wJrelmuse of Wallingford 4 Tavlor Pittshnrrfc ploiu of Col. Daniel Uoon<*,tins fintwt tarof Kentucky; or in oar store in Philadelphia' C h JkY'a* t»y Timothy Flint. i - - , —TTH * • , . The Next of Kin, a tale; l»y Mir. Gore. ' and DEALKItS, Will Watch—a tale of ihe boaar, i I I J ‘ LADOMIIQ 55Ste-S'**3 r ST?i hlsS '• IHKW“«'M«he.,-lV "hm.i.'rt fcol->, .Dil the Silver ch'ps .of Alexirp. • A Watch Materials; wholcjal,. an.-t n .,-i - CliarlottcTemple— a title of trwb;:h •••Mr*. KoWson, stamly on hand a Jarre assortou-nmf 7,,'„ n i» Chamber.’ latotmaU-S], l3 •- I - •and OI.„, MmSS? \erLV T)is U fe - Knight of Gwymtr by Lever-part k HMds,«gd + complete nVmrw .'and Tales of Womans rnals-firesh supply. ; tertaU bdongiag to the trade* ■win. niieL.n^.J 1 ;?, Acte of: LV.rutth, In Dumak <lo. do; of Gold arid Silver Lever, Up.'ne and I'u'n \Vm‘S. .2 Letter Witter, F do; ■ all of whlch'be will piuramvKnanU tow«*New ..o'?:"?. «—«* 4» . o»t|e Oraact leodT suoet, Philadelphia* inn-v.*™ ! [7OR LIVE-FENCES, received And for dale by the wiiMeJu*n7mr>i.m ■ —- ,* r BuUcnber. li.has been p roc tried at a heavy ax- NASMYTH’S PATENT DIRECT-ACT lO IS; peoanfroio iunntireeounui, (Texdi.) Thu plaat'i* „, lira J, \ ■*■ oTLAM UAMMEB. fouaa ftom experiment* alrehdjr madfl.tabe preferable ! I ■*i s v"^“ ner po*»c*sca many^drantaceaover al! <bf Hedging loony other foi {his climate,being perfect- which may be mentioned, ly hardy and of quick growth*. No Idomenie antmal ___ y“[ ll S l ?< I l'ieiieB»—The rapidiuiy und farce of blow will btowre.or insect baiboij in u—netihcr will P 1 "• boojwlled»with the greatest ea.«e, while the' off in tbg lower limbs by or{*, like thorntbat hat ”“? e - r ?? M> ope ration, and the hammer may be »o--J l«een tried in this country; tti<wil| beiir pruning well. -|? , ■rfea*d,.and *su»pcnJcd at any hcirjKt. and in 4 yrara makes a mo«t]pcrfect Hedge. v .*“ ««y*eraaltty, or capacuv to eieeutO Tvork of all it should be planted in a nursery and itantplantedat {v n0 *i "dm 14c largest to the sionllcst. uider thfiraaree l year old—may'be pruned twied ii year and the cut* |*ff°L , l 3- mg# set down between the plant*; which will grow and IJ, v"tPl'?Dy, Compactnew and Cbcopnem. make a perfect lencc, at tpucb le>a' pxpenje than the *3!, upon all snl**#,*}*. the workmen, rultivationof any otherthorb ',!/ madeSelt-Actin*. V : ■' | !i» iWfCKKRSHAM , v .„cominuc to «»cme otJm for |K,«, f cor wood and fitb i s •s ,lB ?“ ,^'li^*‘*, * e **upon reasonable terms. • - - R^tdrihejiparticulars,inqnircof RICHARD T. ILEECH, Jf., ; ' Aiu'rjeeaof the Fi'&VtSsulhlJsfta TMPOR‘I ER and Dealer nJKoreignind Domestic. Sad JeelMy , Southwark Foahdry. PhUnd’n. X dlcry. Hardware, and Carriage tTi-.mmings of all . l—t, » - * descriptions, No I'dh Wood stirrrt. i’iliri>urgb; begs lease p ."ARBLE IVORKS, 10 announce to the Coach maker.,. Paddleii, Country *P r, , n * Garrfm Strr-i PhiladelpKitr- Merchsuts. and hover* generally,:that he expect* KT I hmcitt Uereetcdmi an irupiovcd plan, opm for sale auheabove sthitd, aboutths Utter part of t >“ n AI?7 Ivf *'J* trarn l owur rauitufacluirs all April, an cxtenßive]a**ort.n*nt of, * } ,f«<4 W r '* i?°l* a style; and at the SADDLKRV HARDWARE, AND CARRIAGE loweMppce^forCaili. _ TRIMMINGS, inefading eveiy artifleused in those The . J *fRJ? l *» d *»«*■ Assortment of Marble Mantsls depaitmeuts; such a*. 1 fj.*' I rejioffered to the public may lie seen Otlha Uet-r and CutlrJ Hair; Carnet, for tiasclins bags ".o™ .lO which the attenno.t of purchasers Is- Mo«s; Tacks; . . ' -Vaniriies: Oil ClotS; 'fI pMtf fte tt 0 Saddle and G.g Trees; -is»addler'ii Tools; *■ , 1 Impotted Garden Siaiuary and Vase* of tbd moat ; Skins and Leaihvr; Glue; Glass Tapes Ac.. tasteful ges (ms*and patterns, made of the finest’ and All of which will be sold, TPfofrtois m»d RoaH, At the hand»omesi|,description of Italian Marble; Tiles fut ' lowest Easiermprices', and tbo»e whqhave been m the ctoonag, {reported, and always on hand, and for sale at habit of going E.sito buy their goods] bare only tocall iheroostreasoßable prices —. ,*• and examine my stock and prices, to satisty. themselves lL* fliyujc Cutters can be supplied at all times with' that time and money may be saved, lA' spending hoik al V'f ntnabeipf Subbed ManicUof Tphh* 'l'ojis, ut re bomc. •- I l ducttl w*olc«lf pnees; aud thc Trndc will be furnished He vine had sir yearsexpefienca in .the bnsine.s, *{ aboitSw • notice wtih all k itida of Marble in the . and determined to devote his urhole bme and attention olocifOj ca(to hloauments; An. to it.-be hopes to mem a share of public patronage. j i ' , ' JOHN RAtRD ’ mehlltf - ■ 1! . • • -..J _ji -Ridge Rosd, above Spring Ganlcnst vi fhanklin iron’ - Works, . m. Warehumt evmrr of ans Front tirteit PJTTSBURGH f PA. tubseribct* havingporebssedfthe Franklin Iron .. Works, formerly owned t»v Messrs. J,-A. Stockton k Co, and made exien*ive additions tothera, are now prepared*lo furnish tool Jer Ikon Aijftslla oral! sizes, tearronted equal to any .it the marketl We also keep on hand Sprint and, Amiriean BlUut’ gtcel ol the best qualllies.lj j (Jurfnemi# Visiting this market] will find us prepared o •upply them with a first ite article, and on as good -erm< a# ran beobtained in tile-city, i my 11 | H COULTER kCo TUOHAS PALMu.It, MANUFAtrrURKK ANDTMPORTER OF 1 WALL PAP[er; , ; Firt Board Print/. BorJm, Paper, Ornturun- lai Detiym, Trantpartnt Winds te Shades,fc., - and Dtalrr in,lVriiing and \ Paper, Bonnilond'Binden , I Boardi,lke.fe, if 1 I No. 47 Market utreet. between Third and Fourth Tm'SUURGH, PA.', HAS had. at iv> former jicridd, a so extensive and Will assorted asf that to he : rrspecUull) invites the attemionql purchasers. It coat- I prise. French and American 'Tartar, Hall, Office, I Chamber and Co'iunng Rofm of evory qualify. 'The color# are brilliant and durable, and the style of patterns unsaipassed. Dylihe Regular Idne of Pack ets between Havre and Nrlw, York, and from ihe Fac , tory. which is ulways in adtivc operation, and uniform j ly supplied with the best workmciLlhe country can ftir-' : ni»li, frequent addition*, ddring the spring and summer, ! will l>e made in the goods ju lilnre. jl'ricek, moreover, w-,11 be s oestnmdy nio</r*it*jns to meet the views of the most economical, and {at)»fy Merchants and House krepers di.po>co to examUiti and judge for themselves, that their interest* will {Je cssetttihlly subserved b> buyinglnl tAis I j ( . ity-Rag*, Tsi*v aiul Taunbr's Scrpps taken m trade, or bought at the regular market price*. splS-ly A. KULXpBI, Eeljand Crass Found-- e r, has rebuilt pmd commenced business at ff bisnld .taml, where be will U* pleased to *ue his old cutjioiocrs ahdjfrieou*. gtrfß Church, and Cells of every siic, "om 10 jn 10,000 jpootids, cast from of the Writ approved models, and warranted 10 bi n v 'be treat materials. Mita-rml Water Pumj*Wov -iJ Railing, Ae. Ac. ••-•riber with cverv \ • -hf issiCasling., tfreqoir **<j. luinrd and finis:. i f i* .lestmanner. , (I >*A F n dir . ,>ny. - ;<ir|of C*BBtT>.AltTt \rntirtnv Slmu, s«i in,:;-: * ; - :->lirwed for the rcduc -0:1 oiTnctiou in niarhiiicr. I lie Cores arid Compo : hit can !*• had of hirpai'sii; timer.| Yjanl-ly- ! 1 1 'arnr.r of Third aha Smiihjitld strccti, \ pitisul'Sgh, PK-. B. Weaver:’Proprietor. 'PHIS new end .pneiou,*, HOTKIL. erected since the 1 MSK.\T finnting r4i two of the ion*t , ... >n-ci-. i* uiiruipit set! iji the country, whether. ■ • »rd* it* metiiiectc* I ntraii;ji*mrii( thecie - .-.*! . i-*!e,niiu eomionr* is fumiHJiing*. 'Situated in .I- uuiiitdiute vicinity r./itic STLA.MDOaT LAND i;.\NKS,;KXCHANt E OFFICES, and principal MERCANTILE HOLSKf it to TRAVELERS iii-1 RFSJNESS MEN dcainilile coltveniences: whilst •<* FAMILIES and of leisute. Us in •:i.i<t .irtmigemitii* adord every accommodation the fjitidioui* can TJie {Pur lora anff Cliitmbera ate all furni>hfd m modern stvle. with entirely new and elcgantlFdrntture; ait efficient com. ofnti'-ntire ned obliging s«ti vmits i» tnaiutaiiied.and the Table will always aboimlwitb he choicest delica cies ,th:' market, anord. | Tbr. Proprietor, vrhoba:{ tail long experience in this line uf l>u*mr««. iut«dres ill • jiub.ic hat no effort on hi* P«n will be spareff to .an*tlict<trily pceoinmodaie tho*o who may fakur him with iheir custom. An Omnibus and Uaggige Car [will always be in cadiitess for *bc gttesu otiarhou*<i • fcblD j. WJLVyER, Proprietor. " ;LLA” Co. : . t {RrO_W L NGLA s S Witt. 3IcCI IMITATION C Having recently ms mentsiii ihe ratumfacj adopJr ' He latest improve lenini,, we ate nowprcpar dow Glass. equal. If noi fc made in the Uaiied State English Crown. Wc are also eery extei far.tnre of Common Wind ! ami JJoniM.of'c»erydcfcr invited to call and examir house, No. 1119 Wood strc oc>-J6 1 jam ks .Marshall.. ALEXANDER BRADLEY IVm, W WALLACE HBNRV M.-GKARY. fITTSBUBGH FIIMHB INSTITUTE.'’ . Trims limitation. on ler the rare of He*. J. - M . 1 Gosuoan aso Lady ‘iu which bit the wild,and oi namenial blanches of aiuished edueatun are taught i* now oi>en for the recer (ion ol ipudils at j ■ No. S 3, Invlnar Jow, Llherty'Strtet, I between 3d am} 4th strce h. The Second Session will commence on Monday lie &ih of February, and itjia important ibmjany whc jmay design entering abduld be present a« taras pia iticaUJe either before or at that They have secured]!! a sapriceslof Professor RHO BOCK as lear.licr of!M jsie onihq Piano and Guitar, , who <t 100 well known n need recommendation Aim the lervieesof Mous.CJ Sl.Mlil LADHEYT. authorot “CUmiomathi* do Id I Sir future I*rancai*."and other valuable-school l>ookt L lus native Language. Mona. L. i* a graduate of iht l Jn versiiy ami Normal School df Pant, and stand*-Ingim.-. ii iracher, Those who de* <ir.* loohtninan uccura'C. and it.orbuph knowledge of d.e French l^ii>gua<ekrnii<.l.U>.wr!l , tu place themselves under hi* linuui’iion : I For lent*. »ce Circular or apply to the Principal, i J47tf _• ; , . . . !-rJ MIL y] COMPANION. SIX LEt-TURKa-on the THE LUNGS, Causes. Prevcnitu i ami Gore of Gomiimpt.oo, Asthma, ami Diseases of the,Heart.. On lire Laws of Longevity, and mode oi preserving male and fe male. health, symmetry and beautjy; exposing pauses and cure <>f those diseases that produce Consump tion, or shorten life,as.AfiecuVns'tor tbe'Skin, Spine, Stomach, Bowels, KJdheys, Scrolola. riles, .Gravel, and Female ( omplainti. (Is rules, easy, :prac*icsl and pure, torn a guide) tn perfect health Und long Me. £1 Enj ravings, 324 piges. 50- eta}’ Pnslacc *Ji cli" ByISAMUEL SHELDON FITCH, A. M., M. I)., 11707 IiHQAD-WAY, NEW YORK. , . j j - 'I Any person remitting filly cduts, free, will receive one copy, by mail, to at y parti i'lie trade supplied. Feb 10,1817-dom 1 [ j Oliver MarkUurn j George B* Jones. Mill Gearing O. BLACK WHOLESALE stores, and riits’iud on hand at nil 1 nic< n l foods in their line, W!d 'itisbi-rxb. ] T.IFFECrUAI.I.V and speedily cured by theoseo I j Uie Grcoi Remedy of Nututc. OIL It altiio*! tninieu’uuMy reduce* fcifl; .mruation, and con sequently is warhuitrd iu all ca cs to leave no scam or scar in the flesh.'- S»dd wholesale and retail by ' VA l JACKSON, aifats Root and Shoe Store 1 ami I'ntmL .Medicine Warehouse tO Liberty street, head o' Wood Pittsburgh Price M tent* unit St per bottle ]! i W Jack-on being tint" Kxrlu* for Western Pennsylvania i*ue ■» genuine l nt Tybalts sold by HIM or MIS appointed Agent.. \ , 1 N. 11. A Pamphletchntainin ;aiiiple directions Ac with ihe names und address-of the Proprietor and Pri J cipal Agent, is eqvelopdd with vra>per of each bottle A bundance of can Resell oi the Aorer'" febl7d6i>i ■STRAW* BOSSET T ®FiIAOAUESOBiK, NO. 83 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH ’ R. 11. j’ALMKR o«ri for sale on“. favor- term* «,uuy id iwfin Philadelphia, a W- complete assortment o Slbw, Flpr*ne*rßut „ land, Hud a great varie y of fancy brain and gimn Bonnets, of the spring style. I : ALSO—Palm I.caf. Straw ai d Lcjtkorn ll»t»i Ani final Flowers, Ac. Ac. I j •. - • mehi GBOnOiS CQ(!B.. .W. ' •*; I COM ISSION &. KORWARCIftG MERCHANT, No 26W00n STRtfcj!,P|TT»aORGII, CONTINUES tb iranaaet 4 jeawai Covniwion Butifcen, eipjsciijl; io ik*p*rebi*c and «*le or American AJantri(kitu*ea: nxJ; Produfce,abd in •rfC*mi«r and /onrardioff coaalffn'n to bn jVOL. XIV:- fo very important improve lure of above article, and I eastern (wheel oven for flat* d lo Airmail anarticleof Win*, tenor,to knyCylimler'Claw i, end bntjtiti|e inferior to the uively enmed m the mann >w Glass anu Drafuioia’ Vioii puon. pealeraffcueraJly are e for ibembelves, attar ware- M, Phubn«h,Pa. r» and] Dealer* in Oili, Dost h Mauutatmreditriicifli.'liftYe jU and jtduernl tuwrunem of tnr i:rort.|tiear Cherry Alley, •I ■ j : Janl.'l m:u>a AND icjiLDs (fO. 203 | C A fVD i BITER, JAME« «. CO., Frodi cb and general commission i : merchants, •' pQßjthe »*Jeof Flour,Cram, Seed, Ac..havlnif two ' J. txitmnt Wnrehomea, one tituaied on.thft Dola»‘ w »" N? *\ -'wh Whar.-M, and the other on the Kail road, urpadjaireet, above Arch, l’hilad*iphia. - • Ail earusied to thc.r care will t« aiirmleil toand iemiuaner* made a<«oOn oj ! required o3l ' B # ‘ UincM ““«l«on.R» coruifmmenu ft Ri»KaxsCß. A c - H»rcl,v. Mom. Pm- or,H !th ' J **' MtCoi,y ’ mi * r * niekeium New Hricluon, I’a. . \Vm.-H. j^aJloce—Port Hamer,Ohio. "‘ERT^ 7 ~„j*EncER, biiotii'kbs 1 Co., '• COMMISSION MEKCf£ANTS, f J jp-f-ii Pnl|» CUAAi fj«r!be sale of PaoDCcegeiieraty ; P PHIL A DEPili A. ilifjral advance* made on cou-»u;rimcnu..j r n >d>, dflm. V'il^ o^£ r ' ' '' f J RenulOnSaukT^ «Ki» It DASENIIOWKR& CO. , 1 TOBACC O ! co|Ba.issioji jjjuciiasis, a '" l ,lm 0»»™ or the Wd»t i" e*t Indies, end other |.Jucricn Will iniofe alargramj couuiii lbHowinr de.enp tioiif ofi ro'iacc6 which w.H |>e *o!d upon a, accom. in ,hf, city ofrW all ord«re«Hrom them wuj be war ranted eqojU to repre^cuiaaon:— UavinajL - 8l Domingo: Conn., ) Portico; i Penn’x.lSeedLeaf'.To 9t b ,?h n ~ nd /londa,) baeio; celebrated Aromatic Sta* CSv«a |di*h, with a l«rm anomoent of other popular brand-, t fI,H-,ilMn of ir Und r*’s? IC * s*<J» &tfaptflO» rlujjLadie#’ Twist; Virginia Twiatl S £?£>?? ‘“•-i * h " i » ‘"• i “f &«,, ■ t)ERRY & NICKERSON, ~ I ■ i Manufacturer*-of «ISGS, SACKING BOTioai^, ON COVERS AND GRAIN DACS I nr ILL description; p. 384 SonUx Front Sireoti p• AW/kwi’i Cabinet Ware I ... PHILADELPHIA. Irrs. ii u wnh.s. *. Moon, at the office of the ham r Hotel, lat i*urch, will-bo prooiotly •riiu? it. ih:kAy f ; A. C. NIC K ERr'O N Vfl . ■ M Backpf j T° S OCT HERN AJVD WISSTKUX U-„. AAD DRUGGISTS. T 7 'J /»anJ,. in Fnnl JJ. e r iG.«/,, To,UiErmk,i, Ccntby Prfume*. Drug. . •StafftH?** * c ,f f - *‘°- ~° SOUTH FOURT*! fir- U*Tia an<i ChtiauL nontu otposiU t'J? fW'V band a Urge aawrtiStif i U *l® fU ‘« r own .ImperlsUoa and msouike. ‘ nHI.I. U, 2n* ,H • eU #t U,e * tr J ‘owevt F‘«», «ud on ’wliat an' examination of nfid “ t Uul lht 9'“% iod p**cr» will S?S t ; Amun * T,ie «* *s follovr- K re fe“ d A W er 'c*a Hair Bruil.ei, t.V) ruiitrct; WMH 40 rwUcrni; Shaving Bn.,he. 30 .aturn*; I^ail,Coma end Cfchßru.h* Shell, DuSlo, i!*} „4 - t#rie, y* *’'««, lua Cap,; Twmm* •n U t o Uommon Uaurt; Serar Cue* ami Snuff llnett - 00,1 “ d »md Gcuf* DrevC tFifi** 1 P®«*we»»»d Chtu-.Meu: Gilt GSW. in variety; SmelW and Toilet Bottle*? Drew and Common Fan*: 1.,. P ur *»S Accordion* and : ilu*fc Bo»*v; Elastic Drinking Con., German and Freud. IST r H„^4 Or j S c tro F* ,+c «' l '‘ Bk “* Blu * Saucer.: Per- ' uroiSmaiSfclr' 1 " 0 "” “ d - “T fj’ *\'v *?AHSy of various <|ua]mr*,a*chean a.tliey b. purchased in the United Stale. ’ 1 i 1 **° W k ‘*** furniihtd without charge, aaJ packing Philadelphia. March 5.184: *i’ , EP , I? T ’ v ® R »*to"novsK. T tf VT S -J^ k Srro<i<f^ . Sl\etL PhiMflpMa. H mpectfully u&nnthc cit«n.»f Pill*. . _ "'**•« P«nn*)lran|a, that they have taken lr * P«P»«d to accommodate ■ C i7 of Philadelphia in beat .'vie, and oo reasonable term. lro,i« i, *^uare ; °f t arLetitrecL and has cadervone a thorough re no- - U ‘o accommodate P*«9« »h»may avor n* with a call Oi«* M i c*u, and we fre) confident you will hevativfied. FfrbUary g)j 18d7-3m OUVEjI « P^injtEU. ‘ M ml 'i *"l W ' :\ff|| Woodward ‘ BAOAI*KY A COm wlioi«‘»a!r drai- V c " m J ira t f* r '*- , ; T ««. Indigo. .No w, Market »trceubo!jiw Sixth, North ride, PhUaildphm. tsi \ I j' , - • I'Wwi «J'' ’ OGLK, • CO.ICir ’ .IXD fujJCjKJy HMI&’ESS_iIJtKZII,3&) Chcinut at, U3U2SZ»: - Phiiaililphux, late of the fir >. of Ogle » Witioo, revpectfullir infirm* hi* fared* I , , and the public, that b'e ha* and will keen' ‘ coutaatlrho hand and Cir «lc, . auunami of f ariuonabld Carriage* of all »lj|« and made lo orjlerat.lhe thorleit poniblenotice, and earcuud n I the eery bat muoer, of (elected material.. fcta3-ly STEAiITRO.N UAILIIVG FACTORI' RIDGE ROaD, aboro Bullnnwond Street. Phil , ade(pbia. 'At Ihi* cstabliahment miy be foaml - , ,' J ' RAU.lNC.b_in ttie Unite! Siam, in which the allenuon nl lho»c in want nCany !L°iSd 7 r ° f Ccl " c " ri '». • .Tte-fifit' C' 10 '- s " ,h « licmltnmh P.ailinj., ,t Lho.el HJU, Moniinicnl, anh nthcr cclcbrntcd 3SS hT 'f 1 h<! **?.*. nd count y nl rjnlacciphia. whicß have been .0 bijhly cilolled by the public pret, were cecnted artui. uianuraciotj. * A is connected with ter catab iishiiienU where u kept conttanlly on hand a larae lron Railing*. Ornamental Iran ch ?‘™. »«" *t.tln plain and ntnaincn u f oQ i.'j tC *.’ t 1 ,oCJt '»*»«af«ortmentar Iron "• l edwtab, Iron Arbor*, Ac: AI*o ( io nreat !? r, £ l *.-.'> rou ß«*nd.C«UronOrr l 2mcnti, .uiubJe for and other purpoaca. - The ■ujncriher would a lad state that in hit Fat tern.and pesigning Dc t he has ectploved •otoo or tjhe brat Uient in the cobiftry. »vhbs ß Vh'ol6 . ollentionj u aevofed to tho busineu—forming altiw r getherone or the most complete aud kthlcmitic es. tabliahments of the ktnrl in tho ffni«». * ROBERT \VGOlVl'rnp>ict/ir. j Rldae Roa.l) above B nt'M.ivrioJ street Fbilnttelpbia! March 184? ctimor 1 i'. CHEAP \V ATCHKfL T THE C IBAPK3T COLD AXU SILVER WATCH ES IX PHILADELPHIA. 1 . Gold Le ver*, full Jewelled, ¥-11 CO Silver do . do w-j oy Gold Lepines, Jewelled, py w , ;Silvcr do do '' -jj pg [> KjJverQusrtier*, Cne fiunliir, Hi in : Gold iVaalie*.plain, i-*. m Silver Spectacle*. - , Mi Gold reoeila, . • ' ' ~ Draeelcu, . 3m l • Ajw.onihand. ■ large iutonraenl of Gold-oS lUir 6,e -«*P io *- hoope., tiS<Su All kind*of;Watches and Clocksrcr.airrrt*Aii war’ I I r ** l . 0 * and Hdrt>-.bour bra*« Clock., n • rW-iahfe- V LfcWl* wCDOMts>»- J ai 7 h v^ "* ' J