The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, December 28, 1863, Image 4

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A;t l PlMPK= l) *o 3 l,sea
MtEtalOtai tsunt a 1
. •
Arserilyig tetirt;pditaiaystrticle;:ofa.r . O;
!" 7 A l °: 4 l 3 ,4 l .l"loblelted Oita", Otiy,,,en
iiiieb* of .Pmte:stent Chrietianiy
igen - Ofjeiti*orif,ttiid.Memtiership sta .
;ntroliliglntlitence ;of each
.body, ,aver ..
tetforirth populatinn edi the entiro
natiy.are: - tinder theintlateime of the Ai
1111,10.1 ':toraltmenN or lifelhothelically ode
mated.;.the following ibtlefjts represett&
hives Alui*Ttinor Mud _went wifich this et.
dream hsiite}e*:
‘ , Jiticepal ,Eltnealt, South, 490,94; United
irethren in' Christ; 102 588 tLe kothodisi.
.Preilettantrelmieh,'6o,o . oo; Evangelical As-
Wcsleyan 7.fetletellits, 21,-
-800nd-Afrinia...biellintUsta, Y 4 ,20 - 4 1
these nutabere give scum total of 1,708,871.
dive 4mea ' ihis anni, , Or 8,644,370 shows the
tha Arminian sen.
time*, The inintersion sontiment*onpla
the next:place in point of numbers. Rep_
tiler Eapthits,lo37,pll3;,cilq* . uitle, Boo,—
p. 4.4 etheriocts,lBl,ol. In , sit, an aggro
gate.Raptiet numberahip of 1,581,837. }b
umming- Is before " wo uld: he 7,909,185; or
nearly'ene-fourtli of the entire population
r the eonhtry, ere , ediic6tal inimmemion
iewll The:Ealvinintie sentiment, rankle
itzlitt the nntehor of its adherents. Its
stmoirlidgettrepresentelives are as fol.
&hoot Presbiterians, 800,874;
dittimigonsiiits, 259,110; New School
LPresbtterinits,l3s,4s4; and °that:sects, 219,-
all9lB4sCONstronld place nOder
Irilineneo of the.CMvinistbrairGiment,
;1,545,750 people, or- about-one-Seventh of
tlurpopulation of the conatry. It; then gives
: '‘,.tite:followinglistotoxistentdencubtetione,
'which Might Oangregatc end mialese, end
insiro the fourth ot-the classification of Prot
' ;Want denominations: Lutherans, 260,185;
•.•'• • Tpiiropeliens,‘iso,s9:l; German Reformed,
- and. Reformed Protestant - Dutch,
.Thaso would. nnalce • 542,947 mom
. ..Lbenr, a.wpoia troutinrthe religious edu
- ; . ..eadiortctl 1;814,785 people, or ont4eighteenth
of Mil entire population of the country.
I,Weides - tie stove enumeration of dement
- 'national sentiment there are about
ono mtl
lionof,Catholica, influence five millions
~• -: "-The ;eel ere ,estimated nt 200,000 is mem_
Lteraliipond population,_ The object of the
article_l to advocate a spirit: of anion
Protestant Christians.
The i2eaterrOl the 28d 'contains an
editnrlal article entitled Ministers and the .
COnseription." 'lt regards a law conscript
tito minister, of religion and forcing
a into the battle field to engage in deeds
enmity and slaughter, es a new thing in
"An history. It says His a piece of ten
or-Melt -Ints - no sanction in God's Word,
..res,,preepdent, as we believe, In any
ifiannation. It is not jaatified by the
faro of auy.nivllized people. Even
have ifways regarded as sacred, and
r,iiint-lingirotiameut to perform deeds of
Buick ull -who„ ministered at their share.,
"ha` Artiste As' nearly a column long, in
rl:4liihe subject is discussed in good spirit,
mash ability.. It is of 'coarse, and
, properly, against conscripting clergy
TheEzecntiro Committee of Foreign'
the- direction of the Gen
.../matrably of the (0. S.) Presbyterian
nrroi,nallafor colleetien in the churches
thatliAtmeinination, in aid of the cause
'oreign Missions, en the first Sabbath
_ Stinau. lf it .should be inexpedient
that day in . nay Ohnrcli,:thiln it is re
-911-trae errands:lr third Sabbath ibis:
141tileet*IfiellttetiO'ed to. Thu committee
rbjartthni'eeetptatorthe'bastseeen months:
tndlbs December Ist, amount to $61,013,
"r showingbtyancpuidgingincnease this year
over t 4, corresponding-months of
tlielleTicois.Vd&F; for increased
4tienilitiiitiot : dyr not only to meet the de
;s.:,':ntairdrisrride, up* the BA.rd, but to enable
:: - AttariSArt 'Ostend - *ink in India, Chinn,
Brazil, Coriiini:i--loud calls ream for, more
7 th f i th tio e can T tho h (s i iih rd a.
emelt, • •
the 41C
•—• • m, Apostle. to
Tesl)-.*,„:;"7, herself, like 12=4.
I conten t
end vides.
Gentile° . ~...nalLehesee
discharge o f the
state of
bleedetni thei„opeative
flea - telopging
— . The t ii6Llee of tholtiorotians show
lar fact; that the membership of
• congregations consider
ads-the membership of the borne !lb17 ":- L emake3
the Idorosinne the
'-bannet'dentiminatien among the Proles
foreign mission field.
anift ?To
b y i • tisays as
the' Treasurer
1 ..-- . :oftha.htitetkei Th") e j ari ma fioclety. of the: Methodist_
'EplacitiMl'ehtuth, on the 3d fast, paid
- 7 - 44; United States currency, to realise;
Tn 11:4 19,693 15 for the use o.
Shefails - one in /am and Chain, the rate
, Uf,ers . lhange being iltlipor cent.
;Ou t s been:wary. Properl,. auggested
inn woetby of the attention of coup.;
~ 0 11 011 1 1 1`1 4 P°8 1
tiona;ihatthe most equitable Ettetho4 . o
t eatery now, would be
to or ite
it to him. e4 or gold,
@tlYilrsicatla currency.
Thtlaixiliannivirsaryof the ro
trEPISe Societyfor the. Promotion h of
p s i
:.1-.J.'ll4l Cirelatiantiy ;minis the Sew'', was ce
this Fits.. The meet
i there
gingfeatntiln_the annual reports,
sittou among the
- 4,..w.,ancouraging
'l - ateti to itear'llm claims of Jesus.
- .
7441046123 are ca
..1, hyiag- tho. - foin
4ttion or• that
it for that
tatorsa of erection '
-14° "qts-'!Mplithi,ra'zilii, ' and-th
Sullaring..i , A blowy or lb. °wet
• li.Mng, 4.lorgio, by Lieut. With..
~ : .lyStitAry. Ivo!. .
Bsyvad.tb( Min; Ari, A IS sake* Prisoner Loam
to,a;;,,iir Tar
:TN' Last Tim., lry Mot. •
WindsylPitillipe_Byreches end LectortA
Chtr AluxulaySchhotoiAtt.ltow Manage It. A
" aln4/lAbt, Yoeolve4. -
sot , itiotril street.
01'1 1 mb:cut; met ottors to ISt
oplositlot ottcY GUNS;:ttIVLISS. ItSVOL9IO4
insramitairs 8669 rownse runsasomErr
DlLift FXABEt4 1.4
brotliattta Ott markst. - - . t l i - o ot
OffOdlifrY 42 "4 4t !l g ml. '
Dr- Hall; "pro
- duos colds LAnnaut•re dextbs." Thant
Pxota'ttu:3l:ll4olVATE444/107 /MCI& Go
and et * " ' .ll l7l.ltOttirS Vlrgulot
6 0 va.clsci
.7 , 4As.vetazrz , isor, ,
teladrWa!ar, %met*
afi11i40 1 08 ,4 2 4
'77= 1. 77
IrigliatM"fallening EaltiOnt
# l le gl I 13 41 a )61 , S 0 C Exe
Celia brit Letter "froznj pits. Gait l
fine the , Attegissr Ladles' Aid
Saadi/1 1 4; I . :ll;prtinit; laid& week re-' ,
istivedis letter from the'. Wife of Gen. Begirt,'
-hithe.follaWing .street from which we invite
- -
:the sympathising notion - of all
Mimes, Attisisss.--It . you have any
oweled" for contrabandsin year vleinity,please
nal/their sttentiontii this point a one of the
most nee y promise myself to be onir of e
=Ober of ladies who: .will-mset regularly
twice a week„ eat ontelothingand teaph them
_to =kelt up, giving to carbons the glutei*,
Van kat nude . The poor refugees, however,i
are the meat pitiable persons, hunted from
their homes, destitute of every comfort, bro-_,
-ken in spirit, ignorant= thecontrabands cad
genet:a - helpless; they secure far leer -irmyps
-I.:Gsyi their condition isnot known nor under-
stood beyond the limits of their homes '
forcedly hunger or driven foes their barn-
tog houses, they teak s refuge at the nearest
town Or village, Mrs. Comas, a most noble
Christian lady hare, hes offered her 'tireless to
superintend them. Gan. Before hal set apart
shone where they may have a temporary I
asylum until meet time as they recover health
and strength to seek out employment or e new,
hem's' for . themselves. Many of them will
never go hence natil carried to their hat home
in the quiet grave. I -visited all the rooms;
there was note welt parson in any of them,
excerpt one bright little - boy. It requires a
great deal to sustain mach a house. DO you
know say association that Gould render this;
rises any assistance. I would gladly aid in the
distribution of any charities for them."
In response the ladles et the society desire to
-send theft next contributions, and calr upon
- friends of humanity to lead them aid. Most
touchlngincidenti from Mrs. Gen. Bufort's
overlent,e might be adduced, bet we send ,
the simple statement, and earnestly desire to
make our help efficient, not only giving to the
extant of our inclinations, but to the extremes t
limit of our bounden duty. "Let him that
bath two coats impart to him that bath none."
It ministers in this city of churches will
call the attention of their people to this suf
fering elms, we may at once better their con
Contributions to be left at our room in Mr.
B. H. Davis' office, censer of Federal street
and South Common, same enteranre as to
Dobbs' photograph rooms. Garments for
women and children the most no eded,hal f worn
clothing or.raw material of any description,
and portable food of any kind. We meet on
next Thursday, from three to eve, to receive
and pack up for. immediate use; but contribu
tions may be left at any time before.
A day or two sine, wo received 6 communi
cation signed by two soldier' -in the United
States Hospital at this place, eomplathing of
the treatment to which they wars eubjeeted by
toes( persons Slot named, but designated
"Antler oftleiali.", We did not deem it proper
tirlitibUali Ike article entire, but simply give ,
the , milditsuitin of ft, and expressed the hope
that, Mismanagement existed, the of -
cers'4Sellerlieyottid have it remedied. Since
then yiiihneck . heen waited upon by a gentleman
einitteeted with the hospital, who ail
thAt the charges aro wholly unfounded,
acitiliardezirearui to challenge the writers of
the thitithanniestim:Vto make good their all,
within& He 'bites that nine-tenths of the
two hundred or more soldiers now in the hos
pital, bare expressed their disapprobation
of the charges made, and that no one can be
found to acknowledge the. antliorthip of the
communication. And further, that the men
aro famished with the saute quality of bread
and meat upon which the officers subsist, and
that fresh supplies are received almost daily.
The bread and meat, at ter from being sour,
impure;ete., as alleged, are of the very best
quality. As to the delicacies furnished by
the public, we are Informed that moat of these
teschlhe hospital throne:lde Pittsburgh Buh
-1 alstance Committee, and are handed over to j
the Steen of Mercy, by whom they are
dispensed to the sick and convalescent. In
a word, the officers of the institn. I
tion deny the charges In toto, ,
aid pronounce them utterly false and ground- I
less. It h alsabotimated that' the writers of 1
the communication have boon setnated by I
malice, and is endeavoring to east reproach!
upon some of the "under officials," they are
Meting a serious injury open . the hospital.
For this reason they demand the names of the
'Artie' accompanying the communication,
that they may sift the matter through.
Now, we have only to say that, po far as wd
are concerned, we know nothing' personally
of the manner in which the affairs Of the hos.
pilot have boon conducted. The communica-'
41011 waskonehed in proper terms, itnd was
accompanied with names, the 'genuineness of
which we had no tight to question. If we
have been imposed upon, then the Writers of
the article should be exposed, but if they
have stated what is trap we shall export them
to sustain themselves.
•lEtWOcip initZET.
*ad Orglatirt
- -~-t~,
_~,. -_";
'`CAL`. .4"' Cam.
The United States Hospital.
Passed of very plea:tally and agreeably in
the two elites,. e.nd so far as wo have been able I
to learn no accidents of • serious nature ea
moved. Theidaces of atensersent were liter
crowded, day and evening, and the inane
gen have no doubt profited largely. The great
centre of attraction, however, was the "skating
ground" boleti the Island, In Allegheny. The
leo was in prime order, about one hundred end
fifty acres in extent, and was literally covered
throughout the entire day. There were young
and old, grave and gay—ministers, lawyers,
doctors, merchants, mechanics and laborers--
all met on one common level, and all enjoying
those delights which skaters only, can enjoy.
The number of ladles present was very large,
and the scene was ono of the most lively and
animated. It is impossible to estimate the
number In attendance during the day, but It
has been put down at several thousands.
The jewelry, toy, book, dry goods, and other
stores, have been doing' an immense trade,
and will continue to be largely patronised
until after New Team.
A Surprise Party
The Methodist Bpisoopal congregations of
Mansfield, Walley Chapel and Knowlton, on
Chartiers Circuit, got op a surprise party, on
Christmas day, and paid a visit to theresidence
of their senior putor, Rev. I. Dallas where
they presented him with a parse of $6O, and
sevens' spring-wagon load, of provisions. Mr.
Dallis was very much (though very agreeably)
surprised, and he expressed his gratitude la
It proper and becoming manner. An Im
promptu dinner was prepared, and partaken
of by quits a number of ladies and gentle
andT ccasion wu exceeduegly pleasant,
will he !ong remembered by the particip 7
Distresedng Accident—Man Killed
An accident of most distressing nature
occurred this morning about 11 o'clook, on
Liberty street, opposite the foot of Fourth
street, resulting in the death of an elderly
man named Samuel Vandegrift, residing on
flay street, near the A ll egheny river. He.
waa creasing Liberty street when he was
knoelred . downly a freight train, which was
running down to tho Duquesne Depot. The
wheels of one of the can peeved over his
flea, almost completely severing it, from the
body; one arm was also crashed. The coro
ner will hold an inquyst this afternoon.
&ha. Vasoswor►. — Thte lady • will giro a
needing under the auspices of the Mercantile
Library .lasociation, at Lafayette Hell, on
next. Tnerday evening—entitled, "Character
istics-of Woman. - Among the 'elections she
will read "The Beltway Beene from Ito
men and Juliet." 'Maud Muller," "Joule
Brown at Lneknow,""Zekers Courtin'," eon
eluding with Dieken'a eketelt of Mr. Bain-
ble's Wooing of Mrs. Carney. The sale of
reserved mate will commence, at tbo Library.
Booms, on Monday morning at 9 o'eloek.
Holden of tonne tickets can secure reserved
seats at the 'same time, on presentation of
"their tickets, without extra. arge. •
Coscossee Istiotars...—On day
Coreaor McClung - bald an inquest on Ire
body of Mr. John Galbreath, an unmarried
man about fifty-three Yetal of ago, who
sided near rlirty's ran. - .Mr. (lathiest& was
sitting in bit chair the time of death,
and was apparently smj eying his araal health;
The Tudiet..of the Jury was death *poi us.
tarsi emus.* -
An impost iras alio bell on tbo 10;0 - of
floury Wessdall, the lad wbo fell from a wagon,
on the samara - ilestand Ohio streets, Alla
gbenyion Wedetetday A reidietrif aaciden.
tat deathtruthessdared.
- ,
LAW . ciUsekroll *ode,
A. JoWon,,is will be moo by our: &Meares
tag oolumos, hes formed ea, tartioerahlp in the
beams of the - lavrihnd he eollectim of
SoldfaXelalem:l4Theitiofteedmit Mee w ell
and iced no fecteuttesofteolt fro at eie:
11h4fi*C—r. o, of
NiltiCont_Utike Leap* witl swat .04.1ffed.. 1
aesday nest; lath lot; Etiohlotil oonnell !i
gatAled to wad thin delegates. '
AtletSenY Chu e .
f:re elm ell dot up . ciTi' oa ifs ELL'
intenitr; Dee. •
lAsetccf, prew4, Marrs. Atr.ell, Aihworbt,
ilopkinh: Irwin, Pstterson, ktlyti
adiktirsball, Tres Moat
Thivreaaiggef the minutes of the preceding
meetifiesiai dispensed with.
The President laid before Council the • fol.
IffiSing Communication Trom the Commis
sioners on Bounty Puna . fur valuutecgs, to
gether with the proceeding of a public meet
ing °Me eitlzens of Allegtieny,held on Toes
day, the 2.54 Instant, containing a resolution
passed, authorising said •'commissioners to
memorialise the Common Councils
for an aphirepriatfoliof $llO,OOO, and to issue
the bonds of city for the sums of $5O and
upwards,wilierewith to reimburse the money
that may be subscribed as proposed :
Ms the Select nod Comma Comocils of the (ity
of Allegheny a meeting of the C 012112113-
alone's of Bounty, appointed by the citizens
at their late meeting, it was resolved that the
Board, through their Chairman, submit to the
Select and Common Councils the resolution
LIP plated tmaximettely at that meeting and re
spectfully urge their immediate action on the
Subject. HespectfUlly submitted,
Joan F. Justices, Chairman.
The communication and the proceedings
of the public: meeting referred to, being read,
Mr:Riddles:tiered the following resolution
• Re•oloed, $y the Select and Common Coen
cile of the city of Allegheny, that the Cum
mithee on Finance be and they are hereby in
structed to report a form of conditional bond,
to be lined in stuns of $5O eaehorind to be
based upon an act of the Legislature author
ising the Issue of taidhonde, in payment of a
city bounty of $lOO to each man required to
fill the eity.quota, so soon as said act shall be
passed authorising the issue of said Bonds.
The subject was debated by Messrs. Atwell,
fiddle, Bissell and Ashworth.
The question being called for, Sir. Biddle,
sustained by Mr. Bisset, asked for the yeas and
nays—which being called, wore as follows.
Teas--Messrs.llepkins, Patterson and hid
Nays—Been. Atwell, Ashworth, Bizsoll,
Irwin and President-5.
So the resolution was lost.
Mr. BisselLseconded by Mr. Atwell, el'ored
for the sttspension of the rules, for the purpose
of introducing additional business, which mo
tion was agreed to.
Mr. Ashworth then offered the hollowing
resolu lion :
'Waved, That the Finance Committee be
Inetrocted to piece to the hands of a Special
Corrimittee of three to be appointed by the
President of the Select and Common Council,
the sum of live thonsend dollars, which sem
shall be devoted to the relief of the Similes of
Lthe soldiers who ore now in the told, and
whose families-are destitute and aro residents
of this city.
The revolution was adopted unanimously,
In which action Common Council cones:: red.
In ammo. Chuneit, present, Moose, Parker
Campbell, Francis, Rlckadorn, Ilutetinsou,
Miller, Smith, Stockton, Tato, Thompson,
Patterson and President. Tho memorial and
resolution-in regard to a proposed city bounty
was presented, and discussed by Messrs.
Francis, Hutchinson, Patterson, and others,
when, on the question being called, the yeas
and nays were demanded by Mr. Francis,
which, being called were as follows :
Teas, Messrs. Barker, Campbell, -Fraud.,
Heckadorn, Mille,r, and Patterson—S.
Nays, Messrs. Hutchinson, Smith, Stock
ton, Tate, Thompson and President Lin" rtr: —ll.
[These proceedings should hare appeared
in Friday's issue, but our repot ter was not
' notified of the meeting.]
Dinner at the Hospital
There was no more pleasant gathering lc
this city on Christmas than that of the sol. !
diers at the U. S. Hospital near the Fair
Grounds. Th. e Lidie., who labored
so (labially in the country's came by :ak,ug
oars of its defenders, had prepared an elcgmt
and substantial dinner for the occasion. There
were dishes which would have graced any !
table --tarkuys, cooked to a torn: rounds of
beef, the eight of which would hare driven
all of Jeff's -Confederacy" into a rebellion
agaln.a King Famine. The tables were neat-
Iv and tastefully spread; every soldier hadhis
kcal at them, and enjoyed an abundenclo,
' cimpled with that good cheer which ac-
companies the idea that it woo a free
and willing gift. The dinner was served
lin the chapel, the Chaplain, Bev. Mr.
! Baird, being the master of ceremonies. He
I with La. Von Baru, Surgeon U. S. A., had
' every thing so admirably arranged that there
waszo o j er rix d ri e njr n o t r ly confusion, o
in o n r , d b e a r t everyiin
Katee thing
i fl 'manlmi, Miss Mary Moorhead, Mies Wey
man Mrs. Dr. Kay, and other excellent and
worthy ladies of this city, served op this
'dinner, which was provided by the Subsist
;once Committee. F. R. Bronot and Hon. T.
!J. Bighorn, of this city, Major D. L. Eaton,
! tate of the Gazette, now `Pay-master in the
! army, and residing in Worthington City, were
among the gentlemen present. A club of
young gentlemen gave the manic for tha °era
' 'ion, the principal parts being borne by the
Degby brothers, and the amorupaniment , of a
Melodeon. The songs were, " Unfurl the
(Horton' Banner," "Rally Bound the Flag
Boll," and other ones equally patriotic, the
innaence of which lighted op the faded faces
of the "boys," and brought down many a
crutch and cane In very emphatic applause.
After the immediate attention which dinner
demanded was relaxed, Mr. BighAto war
called on for some remarks which h• made.
They were Tay appropriate to the occasion.
He dwelt upon the associations of the day as
promotive and eminently suggestire of
.!Peace on Earth, good will to men," or, MS
some one hail expressed it in a (perhaps)
better Damnation which we observed as a
motto on the wall of the Chapel, "Per" on
Eurib 6 Mew of Good WWI." Piot version Ir
appropriate to the present circumstances of
the nation. After Mr. D. bad concluded,
Major Eaton wu called upon and reeptaided
lin a few brief allusions to the present eondl.
Hon of the country. lie incited the siddlers
to courage and fortitude by directicig their
thought. to the boon in store for th em and
!theirt children in the future, when they shall!,
say with pride that their fathom steed for the
, country in the boar of its trial. II s remarks
F were very favorably melee&
Mr. Brunet was called on au, instead
of making a speech, he drew from ir # 'pocket
lan original poem, entitled the "Nirtoti,Mouthe'
Mace Before. This is o beautiful production,
and we hope to see it speedily In prix 4. It
was received with immense applause. John,
the returned Soldier, waist.)a en the poem, his
clew of the "Battles of Antietam and Freder
r icksburg," in which he participated.
' Alter these exercise. were over the
with Mr. W. P. Weyman, distrih eted: gifts to
each soldier. Every soldier in the hospital re.
calved acme valuable gift—a comfort, o pair
of nice gloves, or some wilful and pleasant.
article. The day was one to be mar with
a white stone by over one who tieipatee
in this pleasant gathering.
Focarn WARD, Aiteanci
Republicans orthe Fourth s eny,
held a meeting on Thursday' , , , when
the following names were lug for nom
ination: Mayor—Simon Drum, A. C. Alasan
der; Director of Poor—Emory Gleason, Oro.
Gent, Hobert White; Select Cotircil—R. D.
Francis Wm. Miller; Common Council—Hugh
McNeal, Wm. M. Clancy, J. C. Patterson,
Wm. Smith, E. P. A..ranlbaberrS.chool
Harker, A. Young, JO!. Craig, It. C.
Leocrils; Alderman—J. li.6cott; Aasessor—
Jae. Oneham; Aeclutent A.130230T—C. Shaffer,
A. Doridson; Judge of Election ' lot Precinct
—Jno. A. Myler, S. P, Bennett; Inspector, let
Precinct—A. N. Burchfield; Judge of Election,
dd Precinct—J. D. Johnson; Inspector, 2d
Precinct—C. W. Shaffer; Constable—Wm.
Montgomery, Win. Hobson.
Tat Bct,ttiter roe Januser.—The January
*umber of the Erierrie Muyeatiae el Foreign Lie•
endure ! has been received by J. Y. Burr, Ma
sonic 11511, Fifth street. nu examination of
this number will satisfy any reader of taste
that the editor, Mr. Bidwell, is well lifted, to
perform the work ofaeleatlon andarrangement,
co that the readers of on. magazine may have
the cream of more than wally of the leading
magezlr.te and other periodicals of Europe.
There aro two very beautiful engravings In
this numbor—oncos portrait of the eminent
naturalist Agassing, the other. a oopy of s
I celebrated historical pleture."The Congress
of Tienni."—The-tommeneement of the year
and a now volume is a good time to subecrtbe.
Maar/ Rossair.—We kayo received e note
Infinitilag tts that Mr. A. It. M'Cown, a re -
!lonian . from Ohio, on his way east, was rob
bed of g 35,000, at the Orphans' Fair, 1118 t
ITl3lll3l , *the money having been extracted
from the Inside pocket of his dress east, and
tonestin of sixteen fl,OOO. bills, eighteen
poo, eighty sloo,susd forty $0 notes. The
story needs confirmation, as we hero made
*miry of an °Mem who attended the Pair,
anala• lus,beird nothing of the alleged
' :'•
rIZCTIAPAT/IT,..Dri Pdgetthe author. and
1 "- eher at, Vilte4ithy, *III rem in rap
burgh througlr the Uvula of January, for the
pupal, or latitaduag a sitcom, cuss In thia
in, buns/Lot thohealsng n, mid. for com
plotint the eusee AA patisay now ;nudeshis
i l e
intstsent , ' , Others desiring to Assn , t h eims.;.
bins of laisentonidir UPI /Ina - as it
portuatti 1a,.. do n. :,./ipplicatios sboilid be :
midis son; set& T 00123 Hi. 11.2 Toi rt hm t.
; ID:. Winks will also re main with bim.
Tea followlng new easustariidti ars in cis
enlttrott:' Iderliinies'and-Pannere • Bank
of - Itakivay, H. Y., Wall nalesdsted to deceive;
-2's Passaic Va. Pattzrson4-vig. steam
ship and failing vessel; wall done; l'allorthl
stmpston Bank, Mass.--imitatlon; 10's Nation
al Dank, Pettesson, N. J.—ralsed from ye;
la's Merit:tants' Bank, Burlinglon,
lotion; 2'e Niantle Bonk, Week:ly It. I.
Theto etunterfette are all well executed, and
require °luso etrotiny to detoet them.
A days ago, as theappraisera of the per
.o.'l property of Ilon. James' Bo MOrrison,
late of JUl2iiita, county, deceased, wdro dis
charging thoir duties, they found U7O in gold
and F2OO in sneer, tied up in old nip and hid
on the loft of a store room. They also found
o pitcher filled with Gre and ten - _cent pieces,
and a largo quantity of cents tied op in old
rags and stowed away in different parts of the
Illsozzysts, rrc.—The citizens of
Atlegheny are fortunate in having no excel
lent a book and periodical depot as that kept
by Mr. James T. Sample,' Depot building,
Federal street, and we are glad to know that
they are extending to him a liberal patron
age. His shelves are always well supplied
with the latest books periodicals,. newspapers,
stationary, eta lie has also on hand a
choice stook of albums, and fancy books, suit
able for holiday gifts, and those wishing to
purchase should call and examine his assort
to Cot. Ekin, at the
camplimentr.ry upper
evening, .1.3 a
grand affair.
Bates lloase, on Al
Ale Indianapolis dispatch says that the
1111TRIUT, December !4,11161.
Ulf-UN—Moot le quiet but firm with mall Bales
from wagon at $1,17 for Hod wad VAS for Whit.
Corn la in better .apply and ion active, but au
rhaog•d; oaks of 500 bush, in car, from wharf at sns
51,30. Them la • regular demand for Barley and
the receipts ar• becoming light; wales from tint
lima at 51,15 for Spring and $1,30 for la,ll. OatS
quiet and the nominal quntatio. from store are
FLOUR—The market Is quiet but very firm, and
the demand being entirely local, the transactions are
ilgio and unimportant. Quotations may be fairly
(teen et 56,(043,28 for Extra ST.O3 1037. 33 for Litre
Family end $7,30 tbr Fancy brands. Buckmhent.
flour is 5..11115.; fr.., atone at 8 - 4, 50 pee 011•
(311OCERIKS—Ttio gt,aary market coati:luta to
rain ree f ga i..r aaagh prim. are firm end mu-
Sogat ,l to twlllag at 13% for common 14 to
11% for gn,, to prime and 15 for 01,o1ra. Coffee to
atraidr with sal. at 33%ria35% (or good to prime.
%name. noluinsl et nt.
PROVISIONS—There Is soma excitemout in the
?costal.. market oodag to Ow sdvonce io tiss prin.
ctole western matkais, and ants packers isonerally an
asking a material .d•ance ores formor quotations.
DEIKI , FM. IT—it fltm with a steady demand
and form, prisos ;.r sell suataimst. Salsa of &O
bush Apples at s rte per 1,117,1 and SO !ods retChlt
et 14sta.
C11KF...3E--hi firm v:111 rates Itt lot, of 60 box
Wetttnt n keret - 10 at 14 and Au Lorca Goaben at 15.
BEEPS-- Flar Unrd Is arlllog from Are. band.
62,0e42.0:5 ttrr hurl, row of ono Molt from rtore
6 , 25:, free nu Titunttly Seed
remain a•Nt
Ilb • regular demand and we
note sales of some bbla at from 11,21 3.:,75
per The, rn , iv,. are felling off considerably.
in•rlint is firm mid the domain] Is folly
equal t • the ref 5 hm• haled from wharf
at $l., per ten.
Will IN T -Snooty with regular sales at .sa,iel par
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
liar Id --There I. nala Intuit, to Paltvlonm, wor •
tlij The rastket Lir Loll. Crude
and Horkn. , d Ir tery ' lrowt; sod tl.dara•nd Laing:lml
led, tlon. or.. ll4hl nod uuladlalrl•al
.'rada a •ta...1, ao l quo - dealt.. may La fairly altar. at
without and vlth parlagat; and ne adta a
tale ~171511sarrrl. as free au board can. Ilr
in I is arm, Jolt without quotable changr la prices—
M. 411 lu and 7 O 51, liar with • .-da of 1,0 b".
frea•l !Al. Said iltt IS dull sod nuAktied. tt Lll,lleul-
Idnal it •leady at form, qualatloas.
The !N.A.', au i tb Irduault dark!, tba 'not t uard . , -
roar hours wed. CA1,4 , , ollilytuatiLs, to Natr Ton.,
550 1.141:rnd , .. Ito L 1 ,1.4 Naptlalt; ill l'hiiadalphid,
5,124111. L 1 ,110 4 ,1., v 111,1. Realdium.
5 LW. Nai,t ha, \l'e., Ito I , hlt LW!,
Id•l.t rude roffilMni.
New. Vtirk Petroleum Market
Spt,Apalch to the Pittsburgh Ounetta.
Nu, Yon, snarket Las Won dull
:liusutlve ts,sls.3 •ithuut, au) tuaterls/
rlaaule In Crudr lu•lel at :t.t53.12 , i, a"sl
need $u bousl fre.. N.ipths Is
uunduml at tumour yuulall.sl7
The Pork Trade. •
nett o;, n LI. ft no uel. totems?.
those nbe deel to pork. Just mow, a. the ss tent o f
the eesolem7 io the press. /10.421,11 . • crop of thho at-
WM, and the reowm for thts Is obvious; namely, the
s pull Io r Xton article, the average
leinc 1., for the I.lg4oet ever paid Wows is the Vol.
red Stalls, mod nothing but an extremely
• b o ,t ern), not only enropare•l with the previous twn
seam., but even with the ...Maul crop of other
years, could, in 1..0r estimation. Justify; and, we
presume, In the estimation of those who,ars In a le.
to Judge Impartially. It Is true the standard
.f valor is not it speck, standard, but r• far as re.
pads the hotno &mend, this makes brit little dlr.
fors., and, as regard. the foreign markets, the
price, men .ollueted to a node standard, is • blob
one, and ewes bus admit led of !exp. foreign exports.
It will be seen lion - store, that the trade Is la • erlti
cal position, assuming that to be correet, which..
yet has not been demonstrated to be so.
Early bast September no. elated that the crop of
pork would noressartly be a abort one, as cempared
with hut season, nod subselnently, that, from what
we °Ladd escartian, thls deficiency would be 23 per
mut. '
end Intimated that It might be one-thrrd *hurt.
The Information we now have, trot. the packing
platys, though D. ns full as it will it • week or tea
lays hence, yet is ample enough to limn, no doubt la
our mind that thr datlcteney. in pounds, will not be
Ire than 7,71.. r cent, and the complete returns may
show emu a great, dellciency than this. the fall
ing off In the avenge weight of hogs is large—folly
12 per cent., we think; and the deliciency In the
yield of lard wi*till b. to a grunter ratio. In those
dist...late where the corn mi. badly Injured by We
frost, which In.-bided the greater portton of Indiana
the average weight of hogs Is the lowest
ever kaolen befere, probahly, and is L 6 to toper cent.
below that of last venison. The &dikes we have from
the dist:lets of country from when. Chitmuo derives
her supply of hone, lead, us to believe that the pm-k
-ing Meo.o In that City Iniadi. of
next month, and we think the peeklng them will
If It reaches that. At this place
the packing will hardly mach 373,030. At SL Louie
them will te follyas many hoge packed as there
worn last MOOR. In tor next V. expect to be able
to Kies detail. of the plot:log at one hundred places,
probahl) J%oo aerveu..__
\ Nett' York Grocery market.
k From tbo Commerclal List, Doe. 26.).
CLoffeto—Tbsre hal contleffed nun further inquiry
foritlnsil, but then is no important change to nu
tin. The nine en 3,400 Lags Rho, per Zephyr, end
2 do. per Flying Scud, suppoesol at dit.j, mitts,
. u di. to ion, 5t,4(34n; end 700 Muntenia port,
f nut .11, 23%434, 4 mos. The *lock of Rio le re
duced to 14,000 hags, sod on the norelpts are es•
parted to be light for some time to come, hoiden re
nnin wry firm, sod the market dons pretty strong
et our notations.
I d The
, Alle,
e euid/
. ••
Sups—Since our Lot, the Latinate has contlnned
moderate, but the mgrket Is very steady at the cow
newt°. notteed In fur lest. There is no; much dw.
[anod e but se there le no immure to sell, prices era
without further perreptible ..elation. The seise
am u 111•49. Coke at 11% rents; 319 do 20 and tierce*
fur Cuoads, 15L1. lee, the Doty; 30 bbh. Demerara.
part Chsrilled, 121,r_116; 403 blts. New °dem.. tikt
(.2113„;Y; 45 Clarified do 14%@13; and 330 bxa Havana,
10%0151%, 4 moe. fly auction, 175 bee damaged,
Havana sold at .1, 1 4(412% yenta:MA, end 100 blts,
Now 0tt...n0, 4 ,mos.•
Illolmsee—Tho demand continue* light, eel the
market le dull, pi Ira fenerillg buyers; the raiment
05 Ishile. interior Pm to Wm al 90 mute; 103 WIN new , .
crop New Orleans, n 3609; 509 crop, 41t11160, 4
ma ; and ilrirbwittss, on term. we did not
learn. Sty auation, I'LL. New Orleans .old at 35
cents Set old, and 70 for 1.11 oiop, 4 trim.
New York Tobacco Market
Pte. ?.I,—The markst.l. has active, roof. onto&
to 1115 Inclemency of the wret her than loreny
off of the deluan.l; eeka eisLhd. Kentucky at1301...1c;
and 6t5 eases Peed Leaf, IC4Xne cash. Daring the
week. fair badness has bawl done In Idenufaatured
—much larger than Ls gsnerally tranenwted during
larrattrow. week. Prices for essay style 01 Tuba..
ere well rueteined, with the popular demand yet
running chiefly on anutlV-bleck work. If the addi
tional Ismunneof ha. which I. unison:sly talked of
and reconnuentled In blab quartet., Is placed upon
Tab..., itwould seem that pile as cant advance
eoludderehly beyond what are now .usldetesl ex
trey.. figure.; the necessity of the Public Treasury
now beloreneh es to prevent the question Man in.
Ing..heived as It was during the expiration of lest
Peajtiller. Pot this raesolk, rase] parthal are more
disposed to bold thou to guy.luts which are
uflered • shod. under current rates, ere bought read
ily. The floret brands of Tens and Half Pounds is..
held firmly et VW with am supply f lral Lace not
wield to the dvsnand. Bright work is Ws inquired
atter, although, In teeny cues, the best value at los ,
runt rake.
Phlla delphla Market.
is Dec. '2ls.—Prtra6lone of all desertption • hare an
upward tendency. hairs of 1,OtI) Lamle eta Elea
Pork at illeG le 60 per barrel—now held Idgber—and
WU barrel. tra Wee Becton private tome; We
quote nen' at 11... Gre . cp pests ore held 3 cant
FVhisky front ia arm. Small sales of Vatrals at
65997 cents, nod drudge 100147 . 2 mate.
Thorn is a gooddrenuuld for Meowed and prime is
wanted. bales of SOO bushels - et $7 7568 per 64 lbe.
Small take from wagon. at 57 5057 75. Timothy la
steady at V. Ilasered commands S 3 17 per bushel.
Boston Fish Market.
Doc. 2L—Tbe morale la steady for Codfish, wills a
vs:aka:port demand for lota aul table for picking
Loots Lahore doll mid nominal. -Sao of Cu' "'AMC
at Wad 25;.. nay ruoay, 46,50015; • 44,5 0 9
4 T 3 par qtl. Halm dollar, Taw .01- Pal!
lockaelltfreat IA Vet COPeraitl.- MOLE* Isipod
!amply, toot pail:clan well•assintalneak ran of Nor
and dharalia:Lat N 14,015: No. Itlarp at 4404410N11,
and weennfaL,ldapa W; 54: 3 WV 1 , 44 30, and
madinta at SO per Lb!. dlowtroa_aallbag at V1(3,5 50
per VA,' -Pickled Darting are Alan at TS 50 for com
mon, arid VO Wad per bbl for' Labradirr. -.Nacos
CtTlO .
TAbileihey,l3BElkyd;l l 001. alcohol, -STo ite
bows; sdo do, JP Smtt; 10 do do, RE 5411 em; 10
lAdahlgherinee, LPUseelill 6 dogjetkool, Jon 'Pleas
ing; 6d6 do Rimdentorn -18 rolls. leather, 'Keys &
Stewart; 340 bath wheat, Kennedy A B.;15 bbl. 011,
B 14 Falamotork, A Co; 8 00de tobacco, .1 Grasier;Zl
ski tree:wed, 11 eke barl, 1 001 eggs, 0 id. butt er,
2 bids IleCullo , Smith A Co; scke
wheel, Bolded, Angel; ;trolls !ember, A C Taggart;
275 bozeocheme,./ II Outfield; 24 do do, 3 pkg - but
ter, Webb & Wilkinson; 41 by oats, 42 do, cam, A
Llppart; .2 bbl. batter, Keens& Coffin; 12 do do, II
Riddle; 11l she corn, Wm )14Kin; .201 eke J
5 Liggett A Co; II Olds pearl,, Bryce, Richard. et Co;
1.1 balm tow, J 11 Cbilde; lOU bbl, floor, C B Lerch;
10 toes metal, Chas Knepp; 11 halm hops, J Rhodes.
Perroneon, Ti. Warns A Cumeoo 84112000,
35.-6 eke mhos, Mciloe A Boo; 0 13 bbl, Bonn,
Knot 11eK•e; 1177 pro shoulders, fit 332 A Park.;
300 WI lard, If Sellers& co; kJ do:lncome, J Painter
A co; 360 pip lead, U A Fahneetock k co. 200 bbl,
Boer, C D Leech; I cars lumber, 10 1' Itlcheudemll 63
bbl, floor, D Wallace; 158 pigs lead, licKee A Tiro;
160 hid.., Cope A Meson; 10u bbl. dour, Jolon Zeigler;
zoo do do, Watt A Wilson; GO bbl, Withal:tee II Re-
Alullough; RI to hem., F Sellers d co; IS Pk/. twi n e,
If Correia Uo; 51 pkgs who, ft Townsend co; 2
bbl, ell, Wade Hampton; 11 logo lard, Shepard
Parker; Blake gain, 611 Floyd; 3 bales rags, Rew
ard A Cottrell; 200 bbl. flow, Jas Gardner, i i boles
broom cam, McElroy I to; 100 bbl, flour, Jae /R
-edly A an. 1.00 do do, Shomekul Lang; I.r Mum
Lyday A Chopenlag; 152 eke corn, D Wallace; ta
dos pails, J 5 Dilworth & co; 68 oil barrels, Scbmerte
A Blakely; 100 bills flour, Ilukeown A LL4kart 30 do
do, 11 Saddle A co; 0 MR cider, C C Daleley; IN eke
eats, P PicKeley; b rolls loather, II W Oliver.
A-4231CM Brume, Bee. 25-40 bbl. wheat,
*ebbe A Aageb; 108 by bailey, W Anderson; 954
elimrun A Rook; 19 pkg. produce, W.
Weaver, 1 bid bolter, J Geiger; 5 MIA bides, Lupe
A Wales.; 7 bleb; cider, 0.0 - Frallch; 21 bdle hides,
John Shedd. 6 =mama, Kennedy A Bao; 11 kgs
lard, 1 each feathers, Kahn A Bindle; 24 by barley,
11 bble floor, 0 Byers; 10 rolls leather, Groetzleger
It Son . 7 key butter; 1, bbl de, B Bayless;
all Kielce., Shawn Knox; 1 car wheat, len.
nedy A Bro;t4 Dbl. But, 19 .0. bran, Adam Lep
pert; 12 bble paint, Dr Jae Brown, 1 care hay, J
Ramiltoe; 7 pkgs paeltry, h bbl eggs, J 011blentx;
4,001 tlrebtiali, Job R. 300: /4 by barley, Col k P
Gent; 34 Ibis 7 pkge produce, J or;
4 'key produce, K Got.
~ning in the
'l, Pa., at noon
ott SATURDAY, December 28th, 181
ST Please rustles the date of tl
the letter le advertised.
Otto e boors from
b. Llst In ablet
7% a. u.t. G r.
Porter J N
Flllternstlus A.
Fleaalug War A
Green Daubed
Gist Elartha I
Gallagher Luella
Ohrlst Jo.
Green Sarah A
tOswalt Laub II
Graham Llsay
(Henry Ell.
Greates Cass D.
Grub. Cath
Garret! Den)
Gov D
;1:als Mary ,
!Grant Al.
'olllllarilm S
Ilelleve Peter
Here Wm
Harper Wm
Macey Wm
Hull Missouri
11111aucls Halal
{g . 114 117 H
McKinney Saran
McClinton Mary
Mceocraill Mina
Malarisnd iMy
McNamee Mary
31cSnagen Ronny
Mon Hook
Anderson Sand
Alexander Sarah
Adam. Jno C
Maher.. J
Armstrong Wm
Baker Antos A
Borland Annie B
Brook, A 8 I .
Beggs Chu
Bruner Ell. A
Bayßes E A
Bali Eliza
Bow Emma 2
Wmett Mary
BMXloy II 0
Bradley Henry
Baltimore Sun
Bruce &an I
Butler, Bell
Mummer Sam
Brown Jowl.
Blekerstner N.
Brown Jas
Baker Joel.
Baker Louis
Ogdrri Emily
Painter Nellie
Mrslry 4C
Porter Martha J
Patiarenn Thor C
Palmer Ju, •
Fiance Junnio
gel Ing r Clara
ROLLULC 11 Jultrt
, Iteicht r Juu
1 tildga Jaen
Used S
leton Thom
finnt Jos
thalsloger Julia
Bonham Mary
lkylard Maria
Bryan Mary
Bogue Mrs
BMW]] Matilda
Robamo 31 r
nottiwin n
Reed Wm
flood barn 1
Hammond If
Meal' Wm 2
Byers Wm
Pratt m
Snymun Darla.] "
Smith 31e.ry E
Smith lilaryt A
Stepheneon L A
Ste, cum. Mrlegt
Smith Mrs (PM
:L3.7,„' . ..
Beth,* Richard.
• C
Clara don
'orla sau!
!Jones Peter
Curry Anus SI
Canon hate X
' Still* II DI.
Sytatle7 Jo
Sloan Ju
J<II. W iiiilOl
Stiodvs.s. Ji
Smith Jam
dimple Jrlo
Smith Jos
Carmichael 1)
Campbell Ellen . 2
Craig Lima) ,
Cabrerly E/1013
Canon Parker
Crider Wm_
Crofton Nancy
Crawford Sauey .
Creighton nary,/
Campbell Maryfl
Creighton Sat J
Cowl,y Mary
Claimlan Mar A
Coppersmith L
Caldwell Jos
K Irby Murray
.Kirwan Mary J
enrio John 2
Logan !dulins I
taosratica Aria Ei
Landmck Olaf 2
I Lytle Fleury
Loitgie J M
Luca. Jacob
jLoney Lath.
'Lynch At 2' •
Hnrphy nobtrt
M ❑lut Vann. H
C . ooly John
CLalt J.
Marshall Wni ill
Morrow Wm
'Morris W W
• Murk.l Alarj A
Gallen J (so
('(wig Jallb 1
Start In Thontas
Xvore 'Seta ,
ltinel tut Join
G....m ry 1 kb
[Witt Jcunle (
' Mania Joistme
lier 83ml W
Llkarldron John
Lkan.ll ,
Dam J. A%
Ilttocau James
Morrison ELI.,
Blnr/sy Elba
31itet.11 AuLlw
Ihntlap Rr• tl
Dsvidams Mattel
bampLy tich'd
Darman Rcbuta
Dunlap Wee t R
Da•. Altort
1 Malone ..11..
liererm. J.
Ella A l
Ealey Mary%
Eaton John
:111cElevain Jru
AllcAtoer Bridot
McCafkrty CAth
llcSamo Hugh
firs!. Manogrot
Ford Itobecof
Yantswortb 0 F
Frond.; Martho
Foley Loty J
parengur Meaner LIMA OBAllAM,donroe Ayrea,
Ceramander, ham Pittsburgh wary TUESDAY, at
4 p, wt., and Larsemlll• awry VIOLAS, at II &clod,.
m. lbw new vamps" JULIA, Wm. Coulson, Com
mande, Newts Pittsbargh every PATURDAT, at 4
p. at., and P ane sellle every TUZDAY, at s'clock
a. Mi. ror [might or twosome apply on board or I.
H. 9. PIIIICS di 00., Agents,
Sanearl, Ohio
ISVILLE.—The splendid ideamer
DISSILYS, Capt.'s, B. Firma, will lease as above
THIS DAT, 80th hut, at 10 o'clock 0. In.
For height or paaenga apply on boa. or to
den JOHN PLACE, f Ag"o
14 1- OLC CINCINNATI, lAttriAtii
do. steamer OM ENT Capt. C. A. Uuton, will leave
for the tabors pooh Ti lts DAY, P.Cth 1.1., at 4p. m.
V 4. 1. ' night or pansy apply 01. board or to
> Arauts.
11,1864, at 3 p.
Strildleg, doter e•
the t Rcpt.. of fall
leetlae of Illrartan
Dy-laws, ee the to
as may los krongkt
Putiburgh. Dec tu. 1863.
EsTA 131,1811 ED 1760.
BNIIIT AND Tonacco menTAcTrusß,
(Tonna', if Chilimns stre.l, New York,/
Would call the at footlon of dogorn to the artleloo of
hls roarxfacturo.
IlttOWN fiNVlft.
MOtibay. Ph. &OW, Churns Rapp., AIII•liK11
DomigrA Pnr. Virginia, No, hitochm,
YELLOW 8141:71.
filgis T wat Scotch, Irish Ii i4ll Tort or
LundyfixA, Honey Dew Scotch, Snub& floury P.tch,
Prod& Acotrit.
Attention Is celled to tbe laiirs reduction In pric.
of Flue Cut Chewing and Preoklng Tobacco., whiz's
.111 be found of superior quality.
Bwouno—Lug, No. 1, No. S, No.. I and
limn BAT Cartunia—T. A. !UM • Caron.
dist, sr Uroot ; Baront 0r0n...a ; Tio Toil
Batur.mor—S. 'ago, Causeter,
N. B.—A ch.Lar of primal 1,111 lie applica•
ratEtitill OCTIMKR K, ISO
I :13=2=13
These eldratteye ors lateaded for the dal dame,
beating all puts albs glue equally, does pot ewes
It to coveting. E. T. DITURIDGE,
reel Pitt Obus Weeks, Washington street,
spIT PlUstmrgh, Puma.
STAMPS, of all denomination. A toll emly
kept constantly cat bait, at the Internal Demme
No. C 7 Water street cent dam. to City Trine
ory,Alleq{bauT. DAVID N. WRITE,
Oolleolar of Intemal Davirano, 234 DLL Pa.
Nara. Letter ghould to'dlreeted to Allegheny,
lea(Pittsinilsh• nelf
830 Mal. palate Gown Andra;
10 Sweet Cider,
00 bulb. Vats Nam,
• 3,000 Ma. Itactortlest floor;
Jaat malted and tar We by
nolo . . 190 and 101 Second Watt.
-urt4M 7lsl 7Dry
„IS basil Goshen
.. prittio Cl.iaxnps.44.l2de.ri
les Whit= re
'mind ime sida I 7 I. B. CA
szwi.*'a WILICHIJMi
GtiovEr. sair.Eria.
TU OLY GOLD tifEl,4l,
Ent ii:ln.rdc - 1 searro , 4 , 3 Minot
Then Hue Moot erne avr.rded the Iliglint Perm'-
. over oil nu...go, for the rEcehre
the 11.0 a!arlfarvavap the
Est Woe/. al th. fullowng STATE FAIRS,
of IBC:
Ps York Bak Frrir,
Tint Premium for family ro.uutrie.
Tint ursoLin,
itnilhstmium ',if ouch., wurk.
Fa-most SW. Poi.
First Pnimlarn for family machine.
Tint Premier. Or ruisuutanniing
Pint Premium rinchtuir , nirk.
bars limn Fear.
Mrst PTemitei for Wally or.c.hitie.
Tint Prereimm hr inenuferimirig herclutua
Tint Premiere 0.1 crievilihri• work.
kfidago.94. Foie.
Tint Premium for farriii, machine.
Tint Premium fur inemiltuituring trowliine.
Tint 4retritim for nrerlgor
Indiana nag.
Tint Premium .11
Pint Premium lor mrichlir. ark.
/Woofs Stan Ad,
• •
lint Pas.= fur nuchine tv porplues Premium for machine work.
Iroshsr.b Sus Fair,
Fitst Premium for machine for all pimp-nee
TIM Premium for diachine work.
Paragleorde Sode Fog.
First Premium for manafacturing
first Premium for boaut dui marlin. wort
Ohio sna.
First Premium for maoLluo work
And nt the fullowine County Fain
Cniftwaks 0.. (Pt.) dolultiont
Tint Premium for family machine.
Find Premium for manufacturing machine
Firth Premium for ouclithe work.
Okamploia Vthbt (Fl.) 40eles , bnvil Sorts.
First Premium fur family machine.
First Prontlian for manufacturing mean..
First Premium for niathine work.
Hampden 0.. (Muss.) Aprkathival Soubvi.
Diploma for family maehina
Diploma for machine work.
Prsuidla Co. (N. Y.) Fete.
Tint Premium fur Canny nosehlrus.
Tint Premium for reenpfacturingmachine
Quo..'. 0.. (N. Y. AsHothurol foewty.
• Find Premium fur Stonily machine..
(N. Y.) Pith'.
Fiat Premium for family tna..--hlay
Ettratorsa Co. (N. 1.) roar.
Ithil Premium for family mere.-
Kethesolee rutiode (Po.) Fnir.
First premium for machine for all purlieu.
First Premium for mulnue work.
The Oath ,imprleee ail the Fein at akich the
GROVER S DAKI:11 DIACIIINES ware exhibited
this year. At nearly all of them the leading Sowing
Machine* wore lu competition.
The work mule owe the Grover A Baker Scaring
Machine hos received the First Premium etevery
State Fair In the Lolled Stotem whom It Lao hew
exhibited to fhb date.
Sales Rooms, No. IS TITTLE ST., Pittabingth Pa.
iii.ernennesiosif Cr. CHATONEY. Agent.
T - - -
ADRIATIC, 1,229 florae-power, 4,003 tow
lIIDERNIA, 1,00 Horn-power, 2,000 tom.
COLUBI DIA, 1.00 Hone-power, MOO mem, ,
ANDLI A, 1,00 Horse-power, 2,00 tons.
The utrorulflornt Steamehip HIBEICNIA
from New York for Liverpool on TUESDAY, the 20th
of December.
Date. ofpesos, from New York, to Liverpool, pay
ablo le gold or He equivalent In currency.
Tiro cabin
Intermediate 401
Pa...neer , ferearded eleo to London, Pmds,
Howe, linemen, Itott«rdem, Antwerp, If., et
the lowoet rates.
Fares from Liverpool or Galway to New Tort and
Sumo. $23 $O2, 272, ISt, PO&
Rutter , Juscs.
or, D. O . 2ILTLL.
Desaimg Chrosin6 Building, N 0.70 Fifth et.,
yylfklywa end If Smithfield et., Pittsburgh.
ETIPOOL, touchiag at QUEENSTI)V72I,
(Co.. Eltammt.) The woll.kuown steamers of the
New York and Phi:A.l,4l,Di Steamatip
Company are lutended es followe:
SIGN BURL, if. 'tetturdsy. Jan. 2.
CITY OP ....... Aaturday, Jen. 0.
And er.ry mccoodlog Saturday, at aoom, hove Pier
44, North Weer.
Spralley Jag
iSwoger Don tol
iStoreason 'Astrah
6..unpe SOL/1111
rift 11 , 1
Sepik t Is as
Shafts Urn
MAT= Or P. 5110.
Patents in Gold, se is rowireilrat w Outman,
Pinar Cara.— —*no 000rrarrato.-- --PO 03
do to Lradon.._ SA 01) do to Loudon gf 00
do to Paris...—. 85 to do to PAM._ 40 BO
do to Hamburg. tid 00 do to IBn.mb g 37 00
l'aerougers al. forwarded to Barri% Brioneh,
tordani, Antwerp, An., at equally low rains.
Taros from Lirerpool or Quoeustown ; Win,
586. Airereg., Tho. who wish to
wad Cu their friends can buy tickets here at lb*
for Bother Information apply at e Hompanyli
(Mom JOHN G. BAH th L, Agrat.
15 Broadway, New Tort
Hand vow', first bonne from the bridge.
ALUM, Pittalwrah,
palate W II
•IrA dr., LI ts
Singleton th
Smith C A
ext la A
Tor. Alex
T<lsar A J
Sume .r .1.1
Trmtlek L II
{'s n A r
traHare Whi It
Ward laaty
%Vithera Mary
Watson Margt A
Wil.un LM
Wright Lucinda
• Whittaker Joh i•
Willa Licat pro
Wearer Ursa]
Wri.rlitanhai tit."
While }'snide
Whits. Ellen
!William* Ella
iWyrick 'at le
'Wolai Rule.
Wolf* Ague , :
Wilcox Alarlsiia
Pt ttronght cot to rittST CLASS NAIL
STLAKERS, from Livtri,ol, Lamlotottorry, goltisty
or Cork, for
I.'weonty-Five Dollar&
And by nulling rum& for TWENTY-ONE DOL
LANA, in rum -curl.
Abut, to D. O'NEILL,
Chronicle Duflting, Fifth ottnnt,
tert,brotrod and 64 Smlthfirld rt., Pittabraitt.
CU BARD LIN - E—Steam from
LIVEIIPOOL AND nur,ratsrow
gukt,. or lb egulybkat In carbency.
IROII NEW YORK. 135 In currency
dolls ovary mootk. ►piy to
i Ng.+l Kik
110 SIIITIIPIELD giItECT, (opposite the
Chiltern 'lease.) Chartered by the Legislate..
Preri&ni—JAMEs PARK. Jr.
Ww. 11. Smith, ti. F. Rudd,
Jobe r. lap, ' lA. Heineman,
The. D. Menler, Jogtau Itbodat,
Tos. 8. Blab, Jacob Stink/lab
Fritzei eeH•rs, Alen. Bradley,
Henry Llapl, Alftoll Slack.
Josiah Simi, :D. Zug, C. N. Wolff.
A. S. Bell. Joa. Drimarth, H. D. Coehrtzt
S. S. Fender, W. A. Deed, Wm. Smith,
J. W. Wooduall, R. C. Srthmerts, 0. D. Jame,
F. Halm, C. W. Ektetsam, D. Y. lerms.
J.ll Dorn., 5.11. I.llotmaa, W. IL Phelps.
•• • . - I , • 1110-ron.
SW This Janata[lot offers, especially to th...p.r.
eons whom servings are small, the opportunity to
acomniniate, by small derails., mat, saved,
which will b. • motors whim needeff their moMy
not only Mimi sails, bet hearing interest. losiead of
1 7764 - /Oi6/
n. Lurct r obearoat awl moot ktoressftsl
BUSiISCSII .Wan's College
UIR`UI.&RY, containing toll luformatioe, ..121
fain, to an,y arldroni, an applicatiou to tho Principal
R - is;
All the lateet style. .f
Fancy Cassimeres, Overcooling,
So(Lob'. for Wlntor tear, plod. to order 16 tito.loort
1.0 1 02 ae l d a abort !,i!;tim
LP • • GA* ex:, gusts )'raze.. Particular attenlion
paid to the fitting up and repitirlog I R OL WEPT
mods to Abe Brass CASTINGS, of all
thuds, made at the shortest notice,
Alf orders left at Noe. 31 and Si WATER STREET.
near Marti, will be promptly abraded to.
Aliclbe members of thle arm being • practicable.
cAerdoi, of many seam' esperionca in their Wetness
will imam to ere satisfaction In 'rely trawl.
Re are oleo agents for Guild, Garrison A Ws
STEAM PUMP, tar pumping Water, Crude and
Stied Oneida _ daily •
YON AttisintiaL, , IDIPOWIT4
AND-DEALER to 0* most Select Istedi_of
.GENITLNE HAVANA. Man% sad airkinds
N.ll.—T4Tradssuppll/4 - ms Maul terms.
TITS TRUE MiTUOD or ccur..
A great madority of diseases affecting the buman
stately are from ream derangement of the •iisatPe
organ*. The cLarc-dar of f 4g , 0 of these &was. it the
ame, though nattnifeating itsr , l to a Cm.; raraiT
forma. Thu, Lloor Complaint, wising from itk
gietton, mimed t• 7 torpidity of the Boer; and .sera
twin in th•rtomaeh, caused by castric derangement
in . t he mun.... coating of the aternanh, are lane - Moly
different mainfeetatioan of dime., but, the nape being
tho mute, they ar• Loth cured by the same mainly.
When th. atorach and amnia perform their tune-
Lions naturally ; wheil the Dorm of the ala are titan
and when the kidneys are ti , gual condition, twain;
the mime to dew healthful out clear, da r e.< diger
lions are truposaible. Wa•ri any of tilt.r agent* all
to perform their work prop-. 17, diwar sof digoation
are the natured and haeritaLle romievieure.
rellere all disrobes of digestion, uo math, uhat ote.y
he the eyrophans. Ilesatese they open the pores,
cleanse and strengthen the stomach and L t•la
make the untie Bov h.othrulty,.L.l girt t••ue and
•Iy.-er to the whole nem.
mots pet lets, are sovereign to the cure of Bilious
Gumplslets, Asthma, Constipation, Dispeinla, Peri
lapel., Low, Nmeons ..d Simple Peters, Gastric
revere, G.lpos, Ileartbmen, Iltadarhe, Indigesdien,
II ysterlie, Liver Compleint, Neuralgic Itlicurnatiern,
and all Memos arising from want of action in the
apatite erne.; 11. dis, Deficient action in Bowels,
truest Pang, Catarrh, Cough of Pregnancy, DifficultWtething,
telling, Distends, Dlepeptic Conirtimption, Im
perfect Digeetion, Determination of Dived to the
Plead, Earache, Epilopey, ,Prennent
Bleeding at the ,or, Gad tic Fever, Headache, Hys
terics, llicontioence of trine, Issflammatiou of Vital
Parts, Inflammation of the Stomach, Jaandim, Low'
It tearte mid that s Plii which te recommended
for to many different disertirre to too prildidino, and
fu it km worthy of culditletice them If it
professed tonne fewer dimes.. But e .. mentioned
Win, these complaints arbe from the mum mom--
derangement of tho digestive crgamo 7 and as a gen
eral fart, Nature corm the name clam of diseiwks on
a foe, leading principlm such as cater Into the ptc
losoplay of the Graembeig theory of core. fiarTner.s.
is • Per VIA IV I=ll M. 741 That Pay afghan I.
called Nature ; tdight of no Inm , l
an echm, nor pm/.
ed op with any mediad fulliee.
at Pills fall
harnionlonely with the Uwe of that tilijoirian and
hence their poster ostm • emit variety of dia ' ease,
arising front derangement of the mine vital
There are some complaints in which these pills are
utterly powerless—and for tho mire theee tho
reader to referred to The Grarfergog Menai of lbsalth
Jostother publications of the Uraefenberg Company.
Bat Let thine who loafer from ray of the onapitiluts
Jost em:unablet give them a fair trial, according to
dime-Dons, and they will to healed.
We, the titiderslgned, either. of Bracken County
Kentucky, certify that for many year* We have Ore- ,
quently used in our fernlike various blade of moll.
eine., mine of which ham been ptescribed by cur
family phyalcians, and s-me others, called "parrot
median.' . v. bare purcitairml from druggists edit"
merchants who had them for sale. We here
ovally wed the "Graefenberg Vegetable Pia. sad
Family nedicinee ;" we hare lay tmtedthels virtue
and merit by using - them at different times ; we have
Been and hamlet their remarkable ollicacy, both in
our awn and other families, andwe mum them deci
dedly the meet deservit,g, the safest and most vela
able medicine ever offered to the public, and we re
monmend them to all s ho medicine.R. B. ANDERSON, W 1L1.1.A1l ELY,
I, loom Homton, Jnst/ee of the Peace for Bracken
Co., Kentucky, hereby certify that the subscriber. to
the foregoing certificatn are cttbreee of Bracken
-. County, Kentucky, and I know them to he pers..
of strict veracity end good repute, and am cure they
vercued not lend their num.e above, but with utmost
onindenee in the medicine. Daring used the "Gram&
rebore Vegetable Pill" to my femily. I cheerfully add
r "Gis e. . th' uO ' d ' e T r i' my . th'h tn "r d . seal,
JAMES ciOIISTON,Jmtice of the Peace.
We, the wader - signed, and cititens of the loon cf•
Persia, Cattaraugua . .County, N. If., and the town of
Goal., Erie County, K. Y., most cheerfully certify
that or and our famillea base toed the Graefenberg
Vegetable Pilla family medicines. and with the
most gratifying maul. We believe they justly
merit the good qualities claimed fee them by the
OtteMoberg Company, and sarould coufidimtly recom
mend Mimi to the public.
Georg by.e
6. Ricker Thomas J. Ferber, (phvahlarik
Abraham Sacker, Ricker,
I. P. Roll., (termer);
John Ilaremi,(therclant); EV Page, (farmer); Stephen
Rooker, (fermer);• Gas, (drover); G. P. South
wick, (armer); P Watley, (fanner); Wm. GriMtbs,
(butcher); D. Gianni.: (wheiehnight); Edwin P.
Daily, (bad.); U. N. /looker. (merchant); Jobe
Derotteart, (fume* E. Tan broke, (cordwainer).
Sworn before
JOGS D. WILDOII, Jtutke of the Peace.
DR. GEO. U. KETSED,IIO Wood street,
deltl But. Agent for Pittaburgh.
Ara prapartd under the immediate supercLiton of a
skillful 'ophisnow:A they may he rilled upon In
all eases. The intelligence of the ormformity 4 not
insulted by the offer of a single medicine which claims
to cure all diseame, hot the Orsofenberg Itemerilre
consist of *leen different medicines, all unequalled
In the mire of the diseases for width they are recom
mended, among which may ho selected_ one appran.
priate to soy of the dinar. inel.lont to this country
and climate.
The Greenberg Vegetable Pills aro better than ary
sate kind of pills to the Teti& Prix 25 cents . box.
The Orsefenberg Elereaparilla is by fe the Ins. , §l
powerful and elcariene eelepoued In on. Price El
• bottle.
The Graefenberg Tlyelniory S7rup to a cet Isla and
quick remedy for all di.eeeea of the troweLs. Price
50 cent. a bottle.
She Graethribers Pile Remedy wirer falls to pol
casnently relieve this distressing dime, Price SI
. Will..
The Grusin:Lb..; Claldrco's PALIACESII it on !nada:
tibia compound In all dims.. inaidont to children.
Price 60 mar • hottle.
Th. Gr•Gmberg reTor and Acne Remedy le a so,
ertlign specillo_for this particular dims.. Price GO
cants . box.
The Graelenberg Green Mountain Ointment en
eeeda all other stOrea In lta curative effect. Pd.
515 oenta a box.
ne Graatanbery Consumption's .Balm afro& We
mot utonlshlog relief In all pulmonary complalats.
Price 153 • lottla.
The Grsafraberg Health Bitters aerate west piers
sot .d dellshtful teals seer prepered. Prise 25
coat. • packago
The Greefenberg Eye Lothn 4 now alteled In id
ellamxottion or Meows of - llle eye. Price ZS ceri
TA* Ormtenberg gums} of limith (viegently
Illustrated with expensive esmarlogth) Is tho mast
complete tonne,/ book In mint. Prtoe only 25 petits.
Sent b 1 matt, post-peht, to any port of the country,
on receipt of 45 cents.
The Oraafenben plan Lair.) tterine Patio,Leon
II an Infallible remedy for all female disease., mouth
!, nrerniarlthe, weaker., tumors, ulceration, In
flammation, while., felling and other local derange
ment of lb. uterine orgaus. Price fl foo per bottle;
fire bottles fur.l4.
Carnme—Au ankle, whc!ly unauthorised, neatly
reeembling this In name And label, has bean put' In
&cabala. "
oar All of the firaefauberg Family Illadiolues
be safely Sent by express. In guarani... or tiro dol
Lars worth and upward, they will be forwarded at
liberal deduction from retail prices.
den, Bolo Agent fur Pittsburgh.
The Ornef, , nberg hmUy temedles are land relia
ble. In the universal - .4 dlmzeutog dismay., or
women, the remrilm are gentle, udlcious and surely
[Alms ihr N. T. Tear; ferritorfol 3 Ner.l,lll=]
We Radom notle , any of the advertltementeht out
peter, supposing tires eret7. ad fell lwr state hie
own claims to public confulence. (Sometimes, how
ever, a matter mores op of safttrtent importance to
Justify a word from us. emit 'redeem to be the Grae
fenberg Company, t 0..:: Put. flow, *hid. has al.
most treolutionisel roodlral prank , Introdocing
nee and met saccessful methode of mire. The let
'emirate tatelmoolals from every penal the country
leer Oehler... of truth, end frpm them ore Judge that
the Directors of tire Gracfenbere Inottntion under
rate their claims to public coundence, tasked of •
claiming too much—el cartels alga that they stand
brie on tha absolute merits of the antes they Adm.
-mate. The rattle of their tartimoniale to further ea
eared by lettere from Barr. Dr. Unto, of the !Meth..
dlst Church; Francis Hall, proprietor of the (.12m
asecial el,frertirwr, and others of responsibility and
Pltt.bargh. Pa.
Pin Ms Donees teatimonhas hero established
the oet that. the 011.1,1CFENDERGI COMPAIIY'S
5tA1i51141,1,13 unuuss cvenoraccvs Le the
enty reliable nue for tboaadimils selach . Mader
ilms of women, from the age of IS upward, talstrahle
to an meant only known to thenneelem More
same giant marled and Mee, and m
Um melamine of living or cemdition in tUb, affords
any guaranty against them. Beside the load uterine
symptom, they ore lkflan attendee! with Deranged
Monthly Period., Inehnletil Its, Weakens., Faint
ness, Deranged Appetites, hallow Complexion, Pain
In the Beck and Eldneya, Chills, Coil Ilan& sad
Foot, Bloating% roserDlithes, liennahla. Palpita
tion of the. Man; Diadnese, Nerrommeo,
Rosette:Len, Fannin4 Sleep, Finder of Unt;Gen
eral kilos Crs.tilli and Pala to the Frans nod Do-
Deem the Shoulsksi, Acl.l Stomach, lemma, Indi
geetion, Maned 'pastel of Frier with. Dent or
sztartinD /Wang, Dunking or Initiation, of the
Menus Orhms: - Deepen,' riptides,.
Anklet;. iced
'1 fees;--lavu
- TwltchiK, Startle;,
IZ=i Irritable=
st a D lilnz,i dleepair 13071
Thiplesim DAM
liethes 'Claries'OrraMb.
itreliteise and PM fix Ihnlimbe, Use of Memory:
Somme of Feet. Dabs- lithe Datt. • ,
Xtia leardesire Mahn Callsolkne Is
=dby an adnatedlshysielen: and my he half
upon. Altsethic proluntion should ;el
anidat, • , CEO. U, KU/PM
desistlift Wood time, <lo.A.swit-
:c c
AM),ta , m.
[From A. New rorir Tribet we.]
Chiir QrowritnAiAilittWOmcw.j
Vi'whingtou Livtior,..Dowoobor 8,11h53.
54,41 prowooals Alb Im-tbq Rr
oappiytro; U.o'sDepOrtwoot. rat
Woohingtori,..D. C 3rd., Aterwrotria and
Fort Moor,. 'Va., or either of those Omni, with
will be recrireil fgr tho'aellstry of 6,.000 bash
of non or oats, acid Ca tons al hay or straw, iod op
lliddrms malt state at *hilt et the above named
rapt& they preposo to malty del/tank% end the eta
at which they will make Miracles thereat, theguaZi: —
tityofeetch article pet - trued to the tint.
when sold deliveries shall be can&Tuniced, end w h en
to he completel.
The price meat be wrirren out in wards ott the bid..
Corn to be pat up in good stout auks, of about two
1.-Abell each. eats be like sada, of about thee*
bushels each. The racks to be furniahal without ex
tra charge to the GOVetatuvet. The hay and straw
CO be securely bolod.
r::T:rt"''l7klod no
liyttstozzpastita muatbstatal
1 the i &eAll lici.
offered under Um blls herein In
cited will bemddect a rigid luttaallon by the
I;..vernat-at In&pector, before being aecerled•
ta , alo.edr,l f-eta time to Woe to the
I...aeat mark-m.lbl. bal.:er, a. the Interest the Go,
beenmay regal, and payment will to weds
when the whole moottet mintracted for shall have
been delivered end emitted.
The-bielder will be copertdto accoMpany pro.
roved with a culemity, signed by two t
perwm, thee er-to Ida bid is &melded he or they
veal, within tee day s tberalber, execute the contract,
for theme, with good and &efficient sureties, to a'
sum <wed to the &meant of the nontreet, t o n o n e .,
the forage ropou-sln canformity with the terms of
this advertisement; and incase the mid bidder &hold&
toil to enter Into dm contract, they to make gvotlthe
difterence trete can the offer of said bidder nod the
next lowed responsible bidder, or theyttreoLe to whom
the contract may ho alcarkal.
responsibtllty of the plum:Atm Must bo shown
by the oMeial of aU. listrict Attorney.
Collector of Customs or any other natter under the
United :tittles Gaveicruent, reepmeiLle porton
huotcti to 11111 eine..
All biliderVarlil be duly nollifell of the
or re;catinct of their proposal.
'Zhu fob name and I'. 0. addrcen of eio h bidden
mast he hisibly written in the
Preimeais most be reldreaseo 1. Delvoller General
D. 11. IlliCKI;11, Chief Depot Quartermaster. r; salo
lontoo,, D. C., hint slioqi4l La L.Lainiy marled •`l`rops-
Baia for Forage: .
Donde,. a sum equal to the amount of the con
tract, alz.l rise contractor snel both b gur
antor* will be roviired of the atrece,.ful loader or
bidder; upon Manias; tho contract.
Vann funs. of Its, guaiuntees, .d heeds, may
be obis.; mil 14,4 al.flicatiors at tht, crtie•o.
rota or PROL'UdAG.
(Town, Coon ty end /II tate,)
I. ILlssularcrlberolo hereby prof,. to tarnish sod
drupe." to the Ortltal blues, al the.Questerruutny's
'repayment at ,ragroeablyin the tartusol
Tout arlvartlseurent, issuing. proposals r frage,
hand airsalotaprou 14.111.1, IN:cumber $, lan:, the fol•
hosing articles, pis :
—bushels of Corn, In nnele, at per bushel,
of Un posunda.
—bushelsof Owls, In earls, of ior bushel,
of Mt yn.mnrln.
-, tons or bal.' Ilan, et —.
yer too, of 2,000
tna p t of ntraw,od —porton ' of. ,11013 poilnda.
Delivery to COUSITIenrC on or befarellta day of
DoC.-, and In it., consproiedea tor•fore the.
. and pledge rapid( to enter lota a
written contract with the tinned State., with good
and approved seetwitice. within itloi spate IA ten days
after tieing not In,d that tny bld hod been accepted.
Your pt. Meat servant,
9r1,7,11, Genernl P. R.
0.14 11.-r••,t. (r - mr,..rmmtra . ,
Washalgtost, D. O.
We. the undenigned, ...dente op--,
thee.nuty of , end Mateo(
h.rtl,y, Jointly_ and severally, coven •t with tie.
United eintea, and guarantee, in easy the foregoing
...Ili,, ten day. after the 01 ito id lid.
cutathecootre.tforthe tame with grad mud staclent
snretielt,bl amain egnv to the amount of the aentreet,
to furnish the foray prep.„ .fin coutfurtnityto the
term. ofadrertiaemeut dated Dew<wbe e 7. lam, under
which the bid was made, and, ln tate the sold
'bell fail to enterlnto a contradlanalerteald, wort.-
entre to make good the dfferciate between the WYer
by the sold and the neat lilacit reeponeible
bidder, or the per,en to oboe, the ...tot may 1 ,
Wlloe,a,.Given neigr our hinds and Peals
thLY —day
here) ycertify that, to the 1...-et of my I.nori
and belief, the shove named gusrantori ere good and
suflicarnt sivertuclles fer the ntectiet for which they
oCcr to be security.
To In cinallied by the UM trd States District Attar-.
thehey, Collector of Cindoriel, or any other officer under
' m Government, or responible persen
known to tote °Mee.
All propoeals received cinder this
.111 be nt this al. on WED
NESDAY and !MTV ..f math work, at 12 tn.
Blildere are respectfally /...0..1 to ba pre ant at the
*peeing of bids, if thy
Btig. Ctn. and QllAnerlllallter.
I :12 179
Orncr Or I , llr CnimeQoaargesciarsu,
Waahington. D. C.. NO. IS., lava.
Prop - wide are solicited, andarill be seabird at this
Mere for the famishing of Caro.lry Boma, re ba de
livered at Washington, V. C., St. Louis, Ma, and
Chicago, TU.
The Comm to comply bids tho tailoring apecilinm.
thins, cis: To be from fifteen (15) to sixteen (16)
hands high, from to. (3) to nine (p) J ean old,
broken to the saddle, compactly built, in good Iledb
mad free from all defects.
The ability of the hi•lder to feign his agreement
must be snare:Mead by twt, ,responelble person a,
erten. biguetwee mast Ire appended
No proposals will be entertained =lees the oeth of
orthe person or. pentane bidding shall be
on ale to this office.
Tao reeronsibillty of t h e guarantor - a
moat be about;
by the official ocrtlficate of. the Clerk of the 110.1.51.
District Court or of the tufted Efate& District
rropreals most be addrmeml to Vent. Co!. C. G.
SAMMELbE, Chief Quartermaster, Ur:dry Bureau,
and b. endorsed 011 al.' onveldpfe..l,:frofeesla fix
Horsed." . .
Cavalry Hones agreeleig olfh tbo above specifics.
tiand.lll bo phrchased opon market, st fair prices,
at the fallowing placed:viz : New Yolk City, Albany,
Halal° and Hochmter, T. ; Pittsbltrgh, Penna.;
Columbus, Ohio , Mutest, blase.; Anginas. Me.; sad
Hadiv, Wis 0 .
Lieut. Col. and Chlatiquarteramatef
no2Ddtf ' Clealry Harelt.
°STICK Of VfLt CORLDI.I.IIt or ALLTAliflnff.tb,Za...}
Pittsburgh, Daemlar Ilst, MO.
p ROPdO S p L s S a IsFO R
e -W ree E i S ve Tl at N Gh,hsO—
until Star INbIANT, inclustre, for writing and
rousing from theorising Assessment 'Book; SEV
PLICATES. ft work to be done In the Otries of
County Counnindorsera, and to be completed MI or
before the Ind of April nest. Bich f 0 he mac at
co ranch the running lire., sore tots, to include the
calculations and extension of all takes, and the com
pering of end, and all the books with the osisinals,
besides a recapitulation in cachet the books prOflOg
the totals.,! the alliereet team by,the total Inhala
tion. The CorroCfner.l of the duplicates must bepro
bated before Warrants aro lasued_in pay ment. Donde,
with ImMetent security., will, bo required for the Rd-
Ailment of the contract, andisilt•not be sesiendered
until the oofrottneos of the Duplicate* is folly veri
fied. Samples °lWO:scan is own onipiiljutioe.
Ilyslirection of CoanlY Oonunimiontra
Itlnsiltancie .t low tarn on llreat , Diltaln.lrolea.
dc. Meow ramt;:f from tirrrpool or Queenstown.
Portages forward.l to .11 parts of elm world.
oc.11:3t000d METrn , OO OM* Pittobnogh.
(Bortroaor. io J. ,t W. EIAN!.f.S..)
g alum I sal on & Forwarding Nero h mN,
Raring purchased the "Hanna Warebotuter at Oil
City, And having Imply mum and lir...intim,. we are
now prepared to store Aka Anwar - 110th AND SIM
CILLIMISE. ufcrery denolytion, nail promise ut
isfaction to ntl who may , Yana no with their patch's
EXECIJTOWS IsIOTWE. , --kLetteris tee
taiments7 unlbenitate of W 1 JOILISTON,
tats et Allegheny county, denentedi baring born
granted to the undersigned, nilpersona haring claims
dentandaagenst the rotate of sta . 014 decedent
snarequested to mob, tnerarn the UM* reltitout de
lay; and those indeldnl to zed eistido nlll mote pay
meot to either of tbeunderilmed:
• DI.ISIEL 1i11111.1'7;."o e
- •-At rant Librety. - 1
51 llorkst at., Plltstrarg.ll.)
del:Sndonor -
AD~iIiiISTRATOICS : ktuTlCK—Let! -
ten of Aamluistratioa taring hero granted to
the nedersignesi ispontliek •Setatleof Col. James 11. '
Childs, late or Allegheny county, Pa., deceased, atl
persons IrulebtoJ ti,caldedoW droxt , qutited tomato ••. •
payment to the noderrigard,audtbola baTipSdafiti• -
against Bahl cetaluvilt present:them, properly
theotleatett, CLIATILES AJEKIWY.., Adzeri:
Ofilzo of idolutl.-Welza Co.. :•••
owner of liarrieon and Pike et:este;
Or to 111T141EL PALACEIt Attorney., •
smAttlairdCwi— lio:S/1/Ittit ettlied4 ratabozdit,----
L4ST&T - E Off - RICHARD 115)11; Dee's).
.-Litter, orAdat obtration' Wats - of,
ntellstd. Hope ittcossid r hatiog tee' egraot.d to the
vadortigood, ,
tattosa lodebtatt to , stf,l <sista ore,.
- requested to A.
bat tatclatms avttott tho ttitts wtlt mats koottatto" . 7,
Libertylittoot;' , Pitt..". h t2';''
'N0.10112.1 itrott Pittabank.
F1111E1)11M - V.;- - -Peisowo who are draft
J.:ad, lobo aro entitled to eicealpticit Oaf masa
laid. down. IA the Cotocriptloa Act of Malt 3.11=i
or who wiab to Lenellocedl7 • thelatracat ril*
fro tb. wood ent/I, or Isiah to fitocuta soltiditotal
to take their platai &trial von Will Ana tt to limit
admin.* to can on toe, xi Aoa ti , t'd -f."
I , lltota, - Ae... • ••• •-•. • •--;J. 3.loEAb i ffii.i,
RECENYTTairtiIWiq.; ?OI..
SurVatlztrr44ls;, ••
- BLriirliec o
idnoet pA o n r t t iqu a o i c * t o y l o d ° .
V k t ' oc / a b tc 3ll '
Aded Pt Ctt avtP D al tldista .l
`n'sttltOs Satira A latA t
'rAgasdea SUES tiltb
:Li For ash t.,N.AT4.004.46.W0tai
A MING -LE0N.4.3 -04 * 1 / 2 ,t;
011.1304.1tTi3 . -
0 mufti ht tab Ito;itislif;iii
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