`.: V , • , . : • •-:••••• ESTABLISHED :ftsi 1186. GROCER 1101,-O.lleOD ILMAN; C. 15.1.4L1Y,--,.--- DINTJESNE BRASS WORKS, Frodiee and Commission Morchanti CADMAN & CRAWFORD, iv"' nrsoinistai Illofinfaciuren of frvory rarloty of flashed ~ , • imago WORK VOW . LEIISERS, AN OR / 14 1 at , ilot In al k 1.4 0 ocamTair er-° e- re li GAS FITTERS, DIACEILNITS, AND • COPPERSIIIIIIS. Na In rd:412227 1427"124 . '- - HAAS 'S CASITNCS, of all &ascriptions, suds to order.. STEAMBOAT - WORK; frrEAN AND DAN rin.'4"B, Pa. FITTING, and REPAIRING , prompt tattettd. , to. Particular attention paid to fitting up REFINE RIES FOIL COAL AND CARBON OILS. - Alm, Soliagentafer the Western District of Penn sylvania for the sale of MAUD, LAUSDELL A co.'s PAS.VPI . STPRON-PURP, the boat era In vented. Hosing ne salve, it It not liable to get out of order, and will threw more water than any pomp 13,{ twice Its alma .. .. .... apla . ly lICKCAS 1111 . 001 CA. /NO. AIIISUCILIA (of the late fins of D.A. D. &Tumid t Pittabtumh. Co., Weller We, r , o k ti midit e E a DONALD , Whole sale Groom, Produce and C 4.111011511011 Dlee ehsntti COTES, O:ZUGAB .111110. LI.L.SESOISPINED :FOAM t STBCPB, FLOUR., DAOON, TOBACCO, TEAS,IIIGN, CHEF-9E, SBEDB, Ara. 2LI mud TEAS,. duet, • " • tiol4:ly SIIRTVRK s LAZEAIt, • GROCEUS Mg) CPBMISSION SlERcitAit s r Noe. 27 and Bt., cor. &cond. • i5;11 ... : :„ PITTSBURGH. ACICEOWII - LIL Nll4la, noun •Ro Gaels raci LL oti,Pßenecres4.llo coax:mum Stseettesms, for the teleof Elmer. Groin' roo„ Da wn, Lang, Butter Eggs, Cremette Beane, Uttar, Orease, %When. 'Petetpes, Put... 61 Pearl Ashes, Seloratte; Ltimeed and Loir,VOite, Dried and Greto Entire, Timothy, Queer. flex and Linea tjeettn. 0.4, !Oversees: mate made cm-Clomignmente. apitly : ZIT 1,1 - bortv street. Eltriburgh. W :Wilt/Li:lit% GROCER, !' No. gTI LINERTY eT,ILM, PlittWrgitto, ' '''• • • w iling p ar eh.se4 the I uter..t !as lotte'fseettiejS. will cootieae the bustooes et lbw old stand, and all! be Omani to - Mayo . tO.rpstrons,;,, Old Okuda ; am.l tostOthasi. " 4 ; ai7ls:tf WELM SWiLKINSoN; - Cons I SSION &Alen I. WESTVAI/ CUMESIL DRIED FRUITS.I3UTTER, %GIRL (MAINS, and yesduns generally. Mao, lIill.,•111DES, OILS, Ite.. 2.17 Lamely 'street. Pletsbnigh: 13.irc.b islealtroments =do. ConeliSaMr.l. United. jel2-Isrul WM: I', BECit - & CU No. 185 Llll- , 0117.8/reat, PlUaburgb, PlL,Whplea,C• ons;Gommission • Mu=!maca am L,leaters lo COUN TRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS,' BACON, LARD, BUTTER. EGGS, CIIELSE, FISH, Re., PRODUCE, FLOM:L.-GRAIN. SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED ERLEITR: . te,'SALT L jfIS JOHN 11. CAN FIELD, CoubtasiON AIM TJ Tosocuprss Ilis.usrsnd altaiasslis dealer in '‘ltirtt RTIOESERVE GUTTER, LARD, BACON,TLOIIILTISLI.POT -LSD PSALM -ASHES, MAW:ATVS; „LINSEED :AND LARD, OILS, MINI FRUIT, Prodnai grut•mlly, lit and 14S Fro. ,troot, Fittothmsh:' ; ,ITTLE irrillißLE, Wholesale'Gro ]Li ears and Es•rchante, &dery in PSODUCS, FLotru, It &CON, CASSESE, ELSE •01,1111t1S ANL SAILS) OIL, ElluS„ tiALI,s,GLAss ,i': . .WXECEE, , YASSE, End pttsblabigh 'inicaufisctores — "'g . enetatry,ll2 stall( SentAtd istr.nt,PittAncsl,-.. S. 1LLY1K521........-.11111. n. IttallVll. REYMEit (sOccessors Wag - merit Amlerton,l Wholmati Desiree to . :4•oltlatiN. 1411.32 d, - NUTS AND SPICES. CON ,creartoNsur, SUOADS, nut WOlthl3, Se., Nos., .• LW end L.'S YiN,Alntrect. aorn Fifth, Pltttbargit. Jra.l7 • :1 - .OGL_ ,r 7 -4; 'BIIEPHA Ccanatasidif ar...acnivrs and dosleri to FLoutt;'cuars; , ARDV/lODUC.Ei No. 243 Liberty stroet,Titteburgh. Choice broad* of Floor for Bakers seedWbeally use! coreidsolly nn hand. Particidac sttentiou Pad - be biting ourers for Ur reharallso generally.! .occcdl4:: - ' 14 14 .6 * tho .1. a GRAIN aE , SEEDS, /MEESE! PRODUCE. de., and neut. .for the celebrated IbtiCutolso MENT. Nos. 11i3 eicesend awl 145 First:Street', be r.• mom Wood ilia SasithSeld, Pittsburgh, —seß PRANK FAN GUILDER., Produce and. Ceiostalbsion Idirehnoti dealer FLDU14,12131-. TSCR, Biloo3lB. SEZDS, LARD r •CIINESE, PORK; • DZIEWAND GREEN FRUITS; sled produce genre , ally. Liberal cash sdrauccs conehromeats. Warehouse, No. 126 Second street, Plttetesegh- 14.41 r. S. =AD- °sown rawness. Rrap & METZGAR, Gropers Curinitraion Morettlitim end &Wens AN bads of c,....try Traduce and r.m.burgh larinfartarora, No. ?.1.9 Liberty street, opposite head of Wasl street, rietabursh- •Sp3:ly a. I. Joxie. fIEO. B. JONES k. -SON, Wkoleittle lJf Grocers and /bust Furnishers, &sten "DM thiKl,9ll; OILS, PPTCIP sad Pitts burgh Utariesetttiell 'articles, lip. 141 Water, street. . 'aka. tba.Alottougahrla Bridge. Pittsburg!, • ;10i , LATVITZELU...' 14010lltr ~ DALZE/44 lhilllO aslirigitoeare;Cootuelesiiiin and Forrarding,Visr tbaxibrotted dealers la• Produce and Pittsburg', man. Libeekl'iarlaie,,Pittsterruh. wAI3 ACE,Commission 3Pichrittt, Iniedielalallialar In PLOIllt sind GRAM, W0:153 raberty Street, optiosite Pennsylvania U. IL Passeagerr:_per.ot, Pittsburgh, Pa- storage Ware haus% metier Wayne and Pena streets. Llaonly genie 1.6.1111MET.......,011K eriu.scr.. ANIBERT, SLIIPTON & CO. 1 Whole- JLJ Ws Grocers sad Pre.lece IxnlorE, hu. 6 Sixth *greet, Pittsburer. • • _Jolt JONA WAX? -lOWA 0 luso?. WATT & WILSON, Wholciitile Oro eeri, Com:milk:Jou /lerebards, land &aloes In P r 4loa and Pitiabuttli teanolaetuteeri Ho. 1.5 S LIU e• street. Pitri . . burgh. J 025 . ..BAIIU 111. Li :11 Nat. -1 , 41t 1 .VAN WAY TILFO7IIiT i . Wholesale (11firERF!,1 2 *TAAJIL AN4PRODIAT6 DAALEIIS..I67_L . I . IISrtj - ;it'n•t, rittstnitOb. 1:11NG, COM3USSION I , ....7,7lteena.masand mrinl , Felo 41Putnis In Gl*. ''CRRIES;" FLOUR; GRAIN, PRODUCE, 'dc., Liberty slrret. . .13,11 y . LlGlffit k CO , CITY 'FLOUR, :17:111' MILTS, corner Liberty And Adana :rw - ~apxit7i Ml 9 . _ -.-411.311. .11ALZ ELI.* SO.C,ManufXT er.taii.-or tow OIL; and Comnderictu ellan4fas4ge-Tarttwe sudisak , •,1 CZUDE AND ,ARSIFIKakVILTIIOLV.I.III,-tic nuil TO Water treet, PittsbArEti. Advanen merle on mb.117......14. ;.-Llett, ii.temrames. LittoT.ELER, sae te Itrouthl' &SLR GROCERS, Na. IR oin4 tp Liberty greet, • .winvat I Partrt zu:,rilestcout...s, NS - COPE4N suceessors ,to ilt. , ..lt•Condleirk. Mans successors-,to GllOCAßS,corner of Wood a d Wstar ,_;S'4UtZtiOUSE: :- 4 14, NKY COL d Farenir i ditgand e l ctraisuslon Mer. 4.at,11 dgaler ; ln 0![ 'MI9I abort:Water, rlttsbargh. sor2 'OLLANDILIDDLE, successor to Jim 1 1 MGM A Non, No.. la 3 'Liberty aim.* Phu buret. general . rtioDucz, GROMOY AND CUM IIIaSION lilpteNANT. Contignan4u rniteit - fd.rx y :~[ ■ a r nz+olintea,':.,.e.::t: , ISALAII DiCKITS tt (A, Wholeale . Grum& Comealmrion Sierclanotot, and &etre 10 ,' Prodwo, Sus. GO A Saler street and is Front mot,,) • • • { 610. r 11 , 11.1,011111..—;: . oILWATti. H. DILWORTH Jr. Ci& Wholesale J. Groom, Ni a. 130 awl VV. F • 'lime!, pear Smill3ls4l.l•Pfttalargh. ' .136.1 Jona , TORN FLOYD 4 CQ, Wholitiale (ro am and Cknitnitaitex Sivas:sta. Non 112 Wood end =3 Liberty street, Pittebureb. jaa : ___—......._. / - 111211{LES L. CALlSWEL,(puccossor • k • tosiamwritolm...t'ed.,) PORK PACK= and dealer fu PROVISIONS, cotter or Karkiit and Flout strlets.Pattsburgel , 7 - ' ' J!,§ G TOWNSICND, (iguivessoi . to JllOlO - VOIIIC PACK.AII and deal .rty. . .12 Fourth !itren.l,) near Ur non vaS . lta, Wet Irdurr. • • • • • ff. VOIGT k CO., sacceemor4 - to • • (haff;'PIIODUCE AND conimisslos ' ENATIAM 241 lArt.r4 , greet, PlitAbargb. ;s3:l= 1: 3101:11A.. notes. TOI/2 4- ^ L . IiONE •CO., Wholesale .14D1C115 AND'OnDirISSIOS •r wtoß of amlVel.ti and Watcr rtmetx,Vltubursh. IK, Travyr & W., Commission Morchanto, aad &Wont InRODII4IB, WIXOM, DAOON, 'WOOL, GRAIN ;' U.; IL:: 12 Elmithaeld Pletsbarzb, . • myttly OWARD HEAZELTON, Wholet4p ORO= 'AND connussioarlancrre=, ';'Nedeorner of the /11.131301311,Zia r Pittabnrej. iIDrILLIA3I BACALIIY, Virholesalo - V arocerOtos. 1,8 ands Nood gimes, Pitt. beret: Ju./Adf !I L' • 'IEII. RING, ' holesalo tro ter. Importer a 273 Liberty Mroot:Plttabortb. • , - I .t.DDERTON ,t,BTEWARI, olesale J.:MR/X=9 &SD comussioN IttEECISANIM, of e 14,. rittibargh: RUIZ. -ZS TAT E G JE.lr'7l4. '!IVI1Ali D' Dealer in PROM LL---" WA IO 'Dt.,ILLCI It:WAGES, tad r: ` - --:, _..- .180a1r,.,.. 01 T.5., ._ , .. 7. i' - '- '- ', 11,10041 * 1 .,... 1 :,' ~,....s,'a neli ,43,tap, thirol Ifjb La r .ii - ,.i -:1: P orlwav-• ' 4 ,, g ood .dni „7-i t: : i 1 ,, brat PuT= 4 „,,, pp . at ~-,- ; •-- 'two . s p op bpi et!!!!'' . :., • . ,' ''-6,3tativios" ii; it i n it itkiri'dinn i ti r a ,,jp.,, ro . --- ' ' ' .•:'''' 2 , 41111e4MItallit t. Seedy 'Wilt. , - 'lola • - l''''':'''' _ .• —_ --"_sltti!MMM". , ---_ liejzzprjrfit' Arzi .?- - 2.) a. g4,s alt , wri wil o4 c ....4l'iroo .1; ' • . PAP _ . . ' ‘ 4111'' • : ''' ;' ;' s " .l)4 " . ' il ", ° l lk - ' ' - ~,,-.:*, 1. - .; , -.lzr: , ‘;i;;t.,,,,•-e,i-,-.- , i ~ ~.....-„ .„`:-•,i4-t).:...,7,-,X"..1.,1i..p5 ..--,. i. . ~......-.;,,.,: f 1 --; ~,,;,1_......,- 1.:-,• N.. -.` - • ',..., -.„,z_...—,...., - - -_,-' '„7. - _ -,',..^';-::‘', -, .. ,- , - , -„,, • .-...-, ,: ; -. ; ,: t ,'",...:, : . ,:. - 4.. - .,. : , 7 -',3 7 .: .4 ~.-,.“c : ,; , f ,;.! i _,t, ,7'.7, - .17 .x., 7 - ,-,„! : •:- ::,,::- . - - . ..7,;:';' - ':.! - -,'..4,” ; l' - ; , ;' , . - - - :..,-,, - - - -;:.:3:: , ;%Y.:::: 2., % -t f -, i -2-,,, ,, , ,-.75i4 , ..f , ... ,- N. , .- 7 7: : ,-,:0... : . r ~,..,..,„,...,..,...„_,::,..,......„...,„:,,,,„,,..._,.,....„...„.6,.„..,......,,,,,.,..:„.„......,,.....„,....._,„,„,,,,....„,„,„/„..x i: ~.,,,,,,,......,„::,...,...:,......_.......,.._:,,„„...!....;...,..,,..r...,„,,,,,:,,,..1,,,,,..:;..„;..:„.„:„...„„4„...,.....v....„1..w.....„.... .....:;.:,.,,,.7„...,„:"._..,......„..„/...:,„,„,_.......er.„27.,..„1.....?,..„5.,.... EN ;C'~~5;~ :,114.X117.1SACTVIZERS, 6pc. JOHN HALL & CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, EEZEI Hannrsztarers and dealers In all the different kinds of PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, CUT -1 GI 'BOXES. ,te. - 'With 'greatly Increased WM tri" for doing .business, an earnestly Invite dealers to give to a oalL. Ilanntsktury, Temperanceville. ' Warehouse. Coals alloy and Lib ert• St.,Pitteblet. 'JOHN HALL, T. J. HALL, STEPHEN Nrooms, MS. J. DIDOWN. MEI t. e. warm MACKINTOSH; HEMPHILL & CO., corner Pike acolollsra street., near the City I Water Works, Pittsburgh, manufacturer of RACE. INIDSLI C lINITPIIILL'S IMPROVED OSCIET.A , TING STEAM ENGINES AND SIDE VALVES, of oil ehee and best style. flaring pot up machinery of Tarp capacity and of thtri...t 4.4E1, we are prepared to do hoary Yob bib& Mut eolisit work In thie Enos Irtoting thsit:by prompluees, and tbe chsraoter of oar work, to merit public 'patronage, We invite epeeist attention to ear BALANCED VALVE, ONGILLATLNG ENGINES, as combining advantage, herstelore unattained in Obis clam of Estrus. . BLACKDIAMOND STL'EL VVOKKS, BEST QUALM'InI=I) CAST STEEL, Square, Flat awl Octagon, of all Ina. Warranted equal to auyimported er 1311111111Sclured in this wad; try. ea- 0016, and warehouse, Nos. 149 and 151 FIBS'S sod 120 and 1= SECOND STE SSTS, Pittsburgh: ' L,Thlrf NVILLIA-11 B attNILILL, a tX) , BouLas Make. and Sheet Iron Workers, PrNN SMELT. Nee-20, 2... 4 24 and Raving secured • liege Jana and turtiLhel It with the moat lenprorei InnolaineeN s wa ar• ',rep: Cord to mannfenture ereri description of BOILERS, in the test manner, and anussated equal to any souls is the csutory. CHIMNEYS, BRICIIEIi, /MRS DEUS, STEAM PIPES, LOVOMOTITS BOILERS, CVNTENSEES, SALT PANS, TAN'S-5, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and win manufacturers of BARN HILL'S rATENT p cqt.ras. Repairing done on the ehortent notice. delB3l 13k v iiitRITrieN1)BiTAKsWRI•;:g cpLLINs .& WRIGHT, Mann!.lemons et iCASTOR MAXIS, MUGS, CUPS, 'LADLES; ands great variety of BnITANNIA articles. Ains, CAILSON OIL LAMP BliltliTAlS and LAMP BRASSES gosarslly, Mo. CtS Second striso, Pittsbnrgh, ANNM (X)RAIICK dc CO.. V ALLET Fdrivor.;ritabc.gh, C3' WitretiouseiZit LIBKILIT STREET, - Xituuraitarert of COOK, PAILLOII AND HEAT ING STOVES. PABLOSANDIiaTeIIiai ORATES, IIOLLOWAVAIIE;cie4StnerawI Glare Moulds, 14,11- '44 MRI Cutup; 211[1: - Goering: Gee, Wider and Ar them Pim. gad Irons; DiriVironiN WagouLosea, So gar.Kattles. rullep,lll94aNCar:Whcel., C 0 .14 1,, P , and Cnatiags enerptly.- Alm; Jobblag - atid Muclutie Castings mud, to' radar. Patented Yortable Mill; 'will Swum er Maio Pamir.. • vlaremd JOSEPH F. 'HAMILTON A; CO.? Cor. FIRST AND LIBERTY yrs., Pirtaturgh, IMIEEIIIIOR sniun iniancw, MACHINERY, ar... SSEVER NNE, No. 53 WATE. S'S., •Eittsirorih,inanntsetarer of BOILER RIVETS; WROUGHT MIKES, common and rallroad,of every description, Parttcolar slini or shaped SEISES and nnirrs, largs or small, scads to order Ist abort oakd. A good assortment constudly on hand. sorEkorn WELLS, RIDDLE .!c CO., 3fo. 215 TT Mort' area, oppoolla Slnth, Pittdourab, atanufactureta of VaIITZ, LARRES and SWITCI3- Efy and Emory doscriptioa of LEATHER BRAIDED Orden Rated hem the trade, and coats prompt slrA4'n.e - per leetr rttoes. DA..I y D w. ITENN - Efe, Manufacturerse, WRITE STORK MINA. and CIIEA3.I. COL ORED WARE. . OM. nod Warehouse al No. 74 FIrTA STREET Pittsburgh. lohLlay, .1111 1711.ti0N...1L•3Z R. CA SA—DAVID IeC..M.C. ' WILSON, CARg Whokoole dealers In INNIIOI , I AND Dosronc 1/119 GOODS: No. 94 WuOa .trout,, thin! Imm. edam , Diamond alloy. Pittsburgh ap.lo:tt .M . L M. LTOS M ADOI,-.l=l SMITCI. LANE,. MeABOY S CO. Dedlers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 140.Yed•ral strett, (~toad door 1.,c10w. new /Berke Menne,)*AlleghenY City. • • 1 , 11N 9 37 1. - 4 1 A'rON, MACRUM ,fs C 0.,: Wholesale 1:4 arid RefailDnalnra in TRIMMINGS, EMBROI DERTFM'and DRY GOODS, of Amu description, Nos. IT and 19 fifth "freer, Plttidortrah.- VEACRUM'iriIiLYDE, Wholesale and iii. Retail Dello* in FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, TILLIMILSGA, Cc., No. 78 Mott. street, between Diamond and For th Pittabnrgli. . .(Stleathasor to • Burchfield A C0.,1 Wholeavie imd Retail Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Northeast fawner arFoutth and Market stmt.., Pitiebergh. iirtfEPllllokiST,' i - V)icteadire food Re tail 'Denim' In 'ill Rinds 'ef. T11131311NG9, DRY GOODS, tc.. Zi0,17 and 79 751arlit atzert._ JW. BA_KKER, do CO.; Deniers in all . kinds of i%hT GOODS, No. OD Market street, betteteti Tbinl .d Fourth, Pittsburgh. " IL EALISIER,"Nn. Wood Street, R Deab , rl.l3ostNETS, HATS, STRAW TRIM MINGS, and STRAW GOODS generally. - - QIMON JOHNSTON, Dealer in PURE PALMS AND CHEMICALS, ll'EnnllllW, ,FANCY GOODS,IIIMITSO FLUID, OILS, FAM ILY , TISEIRCIICES, de., a stlietly prime quality, width ke_oruss at lowest prim. Corner nraltlufleid and Fourth *tract., Pittsburgh. Prescriptions care fultycompontulcd at an beers. BPAUNESTOL'E. Whole salr Dnagzleta, and iniumfartutura of MUTE LEAIrANti LITHAItOE, corner of Waal and Front atmeta„ Pittelaugh. 017 I', Wholesale tlealer in DRINIS„ pejlirs, OILS, I'AILNISIIES AND Dra STUFFS, Sin. 2) Liberty turret, Pittsburgh. Allard= will remise prompt attention. ciguituri. a - KEYSER, Uiug&t, 41,-.1 No. 140 Wood Watt, corner of Virgin-On', rtIIARLOTTE BLUME, Dealer in MU .I.IIIC AND KIISICAL issratturszTs. agent for--K - 19Z 11 PLA,IIOB, 111109. PULKOB AB , and PIIII CO. WE et CO.'S 1,1111.0DE -20.43 FM street, necorld door abovor Wood, Plnsbnigh. Plano to let, sal taken In eltllo.4c Psaow. nplo 11.• KLEBER & BRU., Dealer. in MC . 810 AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and sets agents fur STEINWAY'S CELEBRATED PI. ANO.9, No. e 3 Fifth stroet, Pittsburgh. toyZ fiILAILLES C. MELLOR, Dealer in VV PIANOS, MELODEONS, /to., No. SI Wood et„ between Wourtb street and Dlstopn; slls7. Pitteb's _rrrsUIRVILAVE EXTS. JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent for • franklin,Miliadelphiii and II inxoronc• Compant.. Liottbemet cornet Wood and Tbl7d .t.. V/17'P.. --- TONES, Agent North America, . stale of Penzsylranta, and llnatibrd laror nce Companies, 87 Water garnet. Secretary afiiTerwil Coniany, earner Market and Water oda M. GORDON;Secretary Wotan to- • armee Compsur,D2 War= stmt. E wr • WE a. JOHNSTON & CO., Station- Etird..Ml4l.ol-1.44=. "b WAY 44 B 00. oo k s 11 --, ,645,.0.56‘00 t alon -a-Third, In .1 do or to th e cora, and t ametantly „fiC"u`.. and /LW BOOEd t ..kse er and. Stationer s Xo.7&_ FogrAriarepedtpoile Banding,. 41170RXErff. scsoni;int...:.:::..:4listro„ C. SCIII/TILM & C%I3CROY4Ik Ilk:Turfs-at. yal!!": 1 . 4 .:1 1 904".,t2:1! 1.11,441111 - 4AIXT, • ' *4_ l cf_t_t — VrttifcripfiessOW" - ..W . i114“w44 1 .• , . . DAILY PITTSBURGH, PA., prrismazt, PA. PARR, BROTHER & CO., (Socceasoro to Olio Nowtoo..) 11=nfactmron of Dar -GOODS (Late Wilson, Pay.< d 1b.,) bRUGGISTS. JCIUSIV, 4c. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1863 Vittslaurgh Mazettq. ISIONDAY 51011SING:=..DEC. 28,7386& TERMS OF TIM GAZETTE. Mumma Enztcox, 67 mall, 00. " tines Elmols° ICDmov, zuk.B,per 4XL Month—. 58. 10. •• tingle 2. Vic:LILT Darrvni, single coyly, pgrr'yesr._ 2 CC. claims of bto 7A," 1 611. " dab. of 10 or mere" 11 —aad ono extra to tL► party N0V1 . 14 , alai, Fort dub of fifteen, we will wand the Evexma Gurrrs daily. Ter a dab sif twenty,. awLU send the UNIATAQ Glasnrra daily; Single coplas, I mats. • Car All intlacriptlaniiirkatt no-advance, and papers always stappoS when the timo.aupitta. Mr. Greeley and'.Mr. Phillips. In giving a snort of Mr. Wendell Phillips's recent speech on tho ProcLunation of the President at the Cooper Institute, New York, wo omitted a few passages that wore not ne cessarily connected with the main subject— one of which was what we thought a vary un just attack on Secretary Chase. That pas sago;however, was the point of some remarks by Mr. Greeley, of the N. Y. Tribune, which, as wo find them reported in fall in Thursday's TrGerac, are worthy fur their own wake of being laid before our readers. We 'copy the introductory remarks of the Trid.ale, es' well as Mr. Greoley's speech: Somq hasty, unpremeditated remarks by the editor of the Tribum, at the close of Mr. Wendell Phillips's lecture an Tuesday oven , tug, having been deemed worthy;of partial re. production.in the eolomns of several of our contemporaries, with comments which give them a special and unintended significance, Go reasons for excluding them from oar own report of that meeting aro overruled, and.they will be given below. Mr. Phillips, it will be noted, had, with seal which seems to as not according to knowledge, Icon fit to talk of a majority of the Justices of the U. S. Supreme Court as Se cessionists, and to assume that they would be governed, in any adjudication they may he called to make on tho President's Procla mation of Freedom and the kindred acts of Congress, by old-time devotion to the Slave Power. Now, we have no acquaintance with Justices Catron and Wayne, whose proper homes are in Tennessee and Georgia mope, tirely, and neither know nor have sought to know anything of their opinions on the vital point in question. We do know, however, that they have novir been considered natural [mils, and that, whenthoy broke with the pre ponderent force in their respective States, leaving their homes and property to the mer cy of the merciless, they gave the strongest possible avian:teeth:lt they were not and would not be Secessionists. Nay, worm they could not have bean ignorant of the origin, growth, impulses, and animus of the Disunion conspi racy, and so must base known that, in reitst lug all its blandishment, and clinging to the Union, they sinned against the Slave Power In a manner and to an extent that preoludos all hops of forgiveness. Should any malignant obauco, any inacintable judgment, restore to that dark power its once omnipotent, now for feited, domination, it might possibly forgive and even trust Wendell Phillips or liorace Greeley on due profession and evidence of con trition; but it never could forgive nor trust John Caitlin or Tames 11. Wayne. We, there fore, scout all suggestions that these men can henceforth be found pandering to the "recon iitincton" of olaveholding domination over ant country; as not merely improbable but preposterous. They are the outcome of an exclusiveness and general distrust nurtured anti excused by years of undeserved suffering from persecution and popular obloquy; bpt they have no proper place in the practical conduct of the India of a great nation. As now constituted, and in view of the stern ex periences of - the last three years, we bora the fullest confidence in the Supreme Court, and are perfectly irUliug to abide by its judgments en the momentous questions now convulsing -the oauntry. • . Mr. Phillips, oiler sharply criticising Prea ident Lincoln's plea of •reconstruction"—in our judgment, en exceedingly wise, feasible and safe one—saw fit to close with a mange attack on Governor Chase as a possible can didate for tort President, coupled with an expression of preference for other worthy and truer patriots who could hardly fail to be harmed In the public estimate by such • conjunction.' Loud and persistant calls be ing made from the audience fur Mr. Greeley —who was unwell, and had determined not to say a word en this occasion—ho was impelled to speak substantially as fellows: "Mn. PIIMSIDEXT, LADIES use ESTLEISCS:— seems to me that the time has not yet a:- rived for opening a poputu canvas, for our next President. I would prefer brat to deter mine conclusively that we are to Aatra a Presi dent of the whole country. That point set tled, we may proceed to the next In order. And, whentheproper time shall have arrived, I think it may Le demonstrated, notwirhitand. log what we hero jest heard in his dispar agement, that about the largest brain and the steadlcet arm that bare given their best effort, to preserve the life of the Ration througiwut the gigantic struggle forced upon a. by alarelsolding treason are.thoso of.thn statesman whl. has been male the objeet of special assault in the eloquent address to which we have just listened. In a contest which her taxed the energies and the resources of ail patriots, his has been the most difficult and undealniblo task—that of providing the ways and means required to meet the enormous, ever-Increasing cost of this tremendous war. The campaigns of a - Ministryof Finance aro bloodless—his ach lire. merits fall to dente tho vulgar eye or thrill the popular heart—yet none are more ass-n tint, or more exacting in their demands of Capacity, integrity, and indefatigable Indus try. And, unlike those of most other Madan ip our great contest, the battles of Gov. Chase have oil resulted to victories for the National cause. And, despite ail no hove just heard to his prejudiee,ldocm him one clam sternest and moat trusty antagonists of the Slave Ponca: • "Bat I speak not so much in behalf of any man as in urgent appeal for charity and har mony. Though oar prospects have greatly Improved, so as to justify sanguine bones of an early and complete National triumph, we are by no means so far oat of the woods that wo can afford to quarrel among oursolves and divide into cliques, as the partisans of this or that great man. I have always admired, though I have not always shared, the moil denceand trust with which our loyal millions, undirmaTed by the gravest and most unex pected disasters, have regarded the overthrow of the Rebellion as merely a question of time. You are well aware that I have not always so regarded it, though my apprehensions hare contemplated rather Northern defection than • .nthern triumphs in the gold. Knowing WI I did that at one time a majority of twenty five thousand might have been had in this city, for • reunion under Jeff Davis and the Montgomery Constitution, I have often laid down at night doubtful whotber I should awake in the Milted Staters, or in the Slavoholders' Confederacy nest morning. And, though those dark hours have passed, I feel that we eadnot yet afford to distrust and disparage our leaders in the momentous strng , gle which is not yet ended. I honor and am grateful to them all, envying net even the oc cupant of the White Rouse, whether for the present or the ensuing term, and feeling that whoever has worthily tilled a post in the Cab inet throughout this trying convulsion has made a great personal sacrifice on the altar of his aorantry. And, whilo I have great cone dence• in our ultimate triumph, I feel that, in view of the indifference or hostility to that triumph hitherto evinced by so largo a portion of tho people oven of the loyal States, we shall e indebted for that consummation to the over ruling benignity of God rather than to the wisdom and valor of Man. In that faith, I hope and trust." frfeCtellan , s Report. gpeoking of the last llparagraph, or perora tion, or epilogue" of Gen. hicelellan's tre mendous Deport; w blob appeared in our die patches a day or two ago, the S. Y. Tribune makes the following rumor ke : It bears Inter nal evidence of being (ion. hicelollan'i own compluatioti, for It has the personal pronoun I eleven times, with the garnishing of no, my and mysrtf, thrown In here and there to round the periods. What ho s says Of 'the bravery of the Army of the Patentee will , bis generally agreed to, in 'piton!' his I's,- but Ida apology for not following Lee after Antlotam—whicb, by the way, lithe eld Stem about wont of ewes—may :not beset, well rewire d. . •Entarnsr - osCoiciica Tsoirs IX EMU BlLit..-T4 llistailla dispatch of the 14th hist., nisi !'The enlist:tabor totpradtioops pro. rimsmilildly. -, Effcrt i lthelag mid* tipcpiri;. taLtsl6ll frcin'the 'War. diastment to- - . etqsadlftttirtsa."' - ,..--,.-.. ~...t i •;,,,,. .. PITTS-RV ! GH '7G-AZ-ErrL, Clutlvity AnionggleArkanias Rebels. . The Memphlr Halle:Ur; Of the 22d,las the following: "One of our beat knurls citizens, Dr. D. IL Dickinson ' lately went down the river fhi tho purpose of triumacting some business in CU- cot county,near Luna Landing, Ark., within the Feder al lines. Wlpile stopping at the house of ems Sanders, be was taken in the • cad of the night by Captain darnel pepisow of Col. Bowie, of ,Hatehe2, who was wiled atthellaceo, Texas, and the man who gave his name to the formidable knife, with which all are familiar. Bowie and his men loot the doctor to their Moats noir Grans t Darker's.. They robbed him of everything. I•• baclexeopting tVZII, clothing-be had upon his. pertoh, taking home $4OO fa greenhaeka, watch, hat, cravat, shoes, blanket, saddle begat 'bit change of clothing and oven his tooth brash and pipe. lie was thee taken to lifalwortlys plantation where his captors wore joined by two com panies under Captains Hawley and Burke. Pronrthis laid camp ho was curled to Mon ti cello, Arkansas, where he was tried and dia -1 charged, as no definite charge could be sus tained against him. tie was treated frith the greatest courteey and kindness after ho fell into the hands of Burke. The lamer en deavored as for as was in his power, to recover for him the different articles that had been pilfered by the needy wretehe's of Bowie's eompany. The privates of" this - command were very poorly clad, and armed exclusively with double barreled shot guns. Oreasionally ono was seen with a :small Colt's revolver. None had sabers. There was a groat plenty of food, mat' u it woe, id the country-, and meat and flour in abundance, but no groceries. Salt was being obtained in sufficient quanti ties from the eprisYgs of Saline river. The Doctor was &Aetna to be sent to Gma. Vegan, who commanded State troop', and had ' hie headquarters at Camden, but it woo 'OJT ecrtained that Hagan had moved to Tulip, Dallas county, and was advancing -oh .14U0 'Rock, swhe wo-Smot sent. Parson'. brigade Was near Elbe, on Saline riser. Gen Hollins was about to be relieved by Gen. Leonidas Polk. Kirby Smitli was to tate the field. Ile was at that time nineteen miles south of Cam den. His headquarters, however, were at Washington, Ibunpetead county,on Red river. The Doctor gathered from what his heard, that the armies were advancingon Little Book and Pine Bluff, but could not tell whether they really intended to fight, or whether it Wee a mere feint. The Doctor was released from Confinement on Saturday the 12th, and ar rived home' on Sunday, the 20th. Ito took away with Um a largo sum of money, but he took the precaution to leave the belt contain log it with a friend before he was captured. This sum he recovered on Me retort:. Thedliethodlst BI hops to the South The afrawai.t or this week says : The recent appropriation of thirty tire thou sand dollars for the extension of our work in tho far south is likely to be followed by im portant consequences. Almost simultaneous ly with it appears the proclamation of the President offering to the people of the States now in rebellion an amnesty upon Certain conditions which ho has titought fa to pri - - scribe. Measure, hare already been taken to carry out thg plans of ourehurch. Bishop Ames, at last accounts, was ►t St. Louts, prisparing to start upon his tour down the MiSsissippi. Bishop Simpson will coop proceed to Tennes see. A prominent and popnlar Methodist minister, now stationed in New York city, has been designated for the city of New'Or leans; and though the appointment demands of him not a little satrifice, his ezeeptance is nevertheless hoped for. An order has been given by the Secretary of IPar permitting the occupation of deserted churches within .iur lines, and tho use of them temporarily for re ligious service,. No question of ownership or possession are to be raised; these can be determined only when the several States are brought back to their allegiance and vied rule is once more established or er their people. Many facts in the condition of the Southern States encourage the hopeof the return of the vast majority of Methodists in the lituth to the old church—the church of Asbury and Me• Kendra.), from which many of them separated with the greatest reluctance. The Colored Soldiers Under General Birney. A Weshington,,certespondent of the N. T. Tr;to..writes': The camp at Benedict, on the Patuxent, St. Mary's county, Md., under command 0.1 Col. Wm. Birney, yesterday promoted to a Brigadier-Generalship, his commission to date from May 23, 1063, contains 2,400 soldier., comprising the 4th, 7th, 9th and 19th Regi ments. The three former are full regiments, but of the latter only four companies hare yet been raised. Gen. Birney. however, is rapidly procuring recruits with his four steamboats, with which he pays frequent visits to adjacent plantations. Ho hes raised,le side the above named, the let and 2d Col ored Regiments, and hiss enlisted since the be ginning of the war 3,110 slaves, tbo residue being free negroes. Gen.Birney says the chief obstacle in the way of his operations is the circumstance that married slaves who enlist are obliged to leave their wives and children in the hands of masters who are sore to maltreat them in revenge for the loss of tho husband and father. Tens and hundreds of such have come to the camp offering to enlist if they could take their wires and children with them, or could be assured that they would be safe and well cared for during their absence. A law declaring the freedom of the wife and children of every store who shall enlist in thy service of his country, would, in the opinion of Hen. Birney, do mere to stimulate rolms. Leering from this class of the population than any other provision of the law except one putting them on the same footing with white soldiers as regards pay and emoluments. The 'Vanderbilt at Work. Tim N. T. Tribune of Friday says!--Tho bark Saxon, of Capetown, Cape of Good Hope, arrived at this port on Toes lay evening, from Anger Pequlna, West Coast of Africa, in charge of Acting Muter E. S. Keyser, of the United States steamer Vanderbilt. The Baton was captured by the Vanderbilt on the 28th of October, at the above place, about four hundred , miles) north of tbo Cape of Good Hope. She has on board part of the cargo of the bark Conrad, which vessel was captured by the privateer Alabama, and afterwards converted Into the privateer Tuscaloosa. The cargo Is principally wool. The Saxon was formerly the American bark Lucy Johnson, of New London, but was wrecked at Table Boy, and coo subsoquontly purchased by Mew/. Anderson A. Salton, of Capetown. She is about 250 tuns burden. The Vander bilt aloe found at Penguin Island 200 tons of coal, which had boon left thorn for the honefl of the privateers. It was .nfiscated by the Captain of the Vanderbilt. All on board the Vanderbilt were well. The Efficiency of the Colored Troops. llcknOvAercas !GUI Allll COHrt, Ilsairtua, Tenn., Doc. 17, NO. • General Orden, No. 171. The recen t affair at Mbacow, Tonneau°, ha, demonstrated' the fact that colored troope properly disciplined and ouomanded, can and will fight well, and the General- commanding Corps deems It to be duo to the officers and men of the Ad regiment Weal. Tonneau.° In fantry of African descent, thuspublicly to return his personal thanks for their. gallant and tuccaufel defense of the important posi tion to which they had been auigned, and for the manner in which they have vindicated the wisdom of the Government in elevating the rank and Ale of thole regiments to the widower freemen and soldiers. Ily order of GEN. S. A. Iluni.mir. T. 11. liAnnts,-Aesietant Adrt gun. A VZSY 8111110(ILAI RUTOILATIOII or SrRZCII. *AbOUttour month, ago a sold tor by the name of George Lam, who belonged te the 12th Virginia Infantry, and who resides In Haiti eon ammty, was attacked with a violent fever, which it was thoughtwould result in his death. The 'oleic?, however, partially recovered, bat with the loss of all power of speech. Bo had not spoken a word for more than three months, until one day be woe coming west on the Bal timore and Ohio Railroad, In company with a relative who had gone to fetch him home. Near Grafton, the cars ran off the track with 4 grout shock. Luau Jumped out of a car window upon the ground. and as he did so yelled lus tily to his relative to lookout for the baggage. Sinop that time Luau has hen able, to the sur prise of his friends, to speak all well as ever. —Whaeling lotalligsatvr. Too V. S. steam frigate Niagara arrircd at New York on 'Wednesday morning, from a short entire along the eastern meat in search of the Chesapeake. She left the Harbor of Oloneestey on Doc. 11, and visited Pubneco, LaliareAnd many other Noes Scotia har bors, antl - arrirld . at. Halifax on De 0.19, at 'shish pica*. the OtiesSiteeke was Sound, ai also listens' ot.0111: OatersaietS: .At all plaselkwAsitwtt 111tX0Y11 . Bootle, espeelatty in Hallfso, the islabiteate wars atrongly &mesh, arid. the ; moltTbletit:eiltho4 were WOO Unto .estroing.,P AzddsaablUtt/44411101'-.:-1.;: oemi_ ,,.. __,__s • P ft- T. l wkluTr grx; Titt.b.;ik— "...l.!-KWINI-:: :,,, 7:,:::',..------77'. itali4itefti e s --; oh of iitti;l:a Aitt'ifftiozum.„---'- eprd;;lett atioill'il - 4": a "" '- - ' twrof ilialsErr ASD rrsol• enticr ill '' oho prosopt stfeatilr....,- -- , ~„ — l ' 70- ., ..A ": ii :' * ' :.• : :-`' • ' '' ' ~ .4 4 -> -,.' :.:' :- ',1. - ... • ~ " ''. - ,- .' , _,; , r_. -- " - ti'' 7 „ .. 2,_.W: ' • , :. • : „, "- -,, Z -.-,, i'•- - "'- ,- ' T. ~..-,..4;64'„-,-.C,,,.:—.,,,,,,,77.-4, ;, ,1'r,,,, -.,gr7.•• : !",!.,. .:.-, 0 • ..r. „, -.... , ‘, , - ..-:•, . .-', s 7-.: ,- 7 . , - ,-- ',:V- -, f- - ,: ; ::1':!:f:;,'.-,n..-..-:7' “‘.. V- ::.; - ;; ,, ,'_• -- - , .. ,- , 1 1 ' ..4+.' • ' 4 _ . 7,'-- , , ~ i__.,_ . ,' ,- " ': . -- .ll'''”, ,-"-;:.•-:, : ',' , ~-.,,,,1tY,.: `.v1,,,',,' '` . Z •:.- " ' ' '' . ' ' '' '' - y! ..-,,f_•::-.3 ,t,,.:_,A,F;.:,.‘,,,i. : k? -, C%1:1" --, 4.,,.^_ ,, =:, fi i . f . kma,,yr,,,,..,,,,u '-'-, •-•‘.-• - .. , , , ,,- - 1 - -, ~ s t,,to, '24 2.4 .V4 . 44+,',0"...i 4.:. ~ '''. '-', -, iv., '''',,.,r,..Y-,Y,- ='," 4,-. ,`. f V" , ASZ - . ".' t':` , " . ,-,,;-`' • 7.,,' - , ...r.-;S • ..i: ''' '. 'l. ' '7" l .' ii . - i' .. ,i.ni'tia.ti ,,, . ,,,, '''' ."- I ""," • Destitution in 611aalssippL ; FIGHT ON THE RAPIDAN REPORTED. . 22d says: A gentleauto from the neighbor- .-TheMemphis:l vacua ! of the evening of tho , Collision with the Rebel Advance! hooa of Cogswell, In Iliimmond coma ty, statas ' Guard. ' that there aro quite re number of families of I rebel Soldiers In the neighborhood, who moat, _ iatircritnetst 4cred- Where relief can c cma iTfi.B WAYS AND MEANS COVIITTEE ON from . Id"1:001 - 111han any one is willing to say. I .• I'iITROL.Et H. The people are alliming placed upon an equal- _____ ity as regards ainlies. Notwithstanding the , - *h u h .. &w h iff - 0o of the poo p. , o c omp / i Special Dispatch to the Pitteburgb Quetta rebel cavalry numbering throe hundred; axe WASHTEGTOd,, Dena, 1863. stationed at that place subsistiagon the seen- We have reports of a considerable tight oo ty. - allowance of the inhabitants. Tito beet Ali Rapidan to-day, but no particulars have festivities could not afford any bettermeal Mint • Wad without salt, and pork partly tiro-erred. been received litimbes. roirest Is levying contribUtions of The movement once contemplated of nem pros-Worts and forage from all parts of the / p yt h g I COMiry. the Heights at Centerville for the win . A trowel of toll would coolly command one hadred dollars in the city ter hoe been abandoned by lien. Meade, and of .tg o gggia, IL I an advance to a position forward of that he has n will he entirely imPecelble (f any ono to ; been holding determined on. To accomplish came any bacon this season, an ens they can ' this one corps was„prushed towards the 'tapir procure salt, which is impossibl . lii 1 den to-day, which movement has undoubted- From Arkansas. ; ly brought on a collision with the enemy's tile° Rock news of the 12th lost., has the I advance guard. following: Colonel McNeil, sent come days, Feint, members of Congrea have remained ago in pursuit of the rebel force, 'teeth, en- itiere over the holidays, working in the.mmit countered the enemy, 40 atrong, two miles , tee room. beyond Princeton, and tilled eight of them, 1 The Committee on Ways and Means have wounded eighteen and took P rices. " three I become stuck on petroleum, a portion favoring commlsSioned officers and twenty-live privates. '., The aggregate 1 eoo of the enemy wee A fry . --iiib . hear y tax, while others resist It. A forego party was sent by General David; Condition of the Prisons and Hospitals snafu the rear. Merrill's advance captured at Point Lookout. iffieteef cattle, marked C. 9. A. The rebels J• „ et,o l juke, beyond th e oa a ehlia, Merrill FOnnanan Sins noa, Deo. 2s--lien. Duller wes within fourteen miles of I.d. la the i returned this afternoon-from Point-Lookout, mniait by oar troops, the loss was one man! where ho has made a thorough inspection of badly wounded. Gen. Chalmers M Ordered i the prisons and hospitals; he also ez.unined caret, of the Mississippi river. Col. Clayton into the probabilities of a revolt abbots the i d4di,pet e hee.p.o. pie. Buz, eneenesiog !rebel prisoners, and look important testimony th ~:...ithire, near that place, ofWutenant I in regard to rations and condition of rebel et . on von inen from (May's 1, Ili band.!Ceb.locts, which testimony was tatisfactorily * ' ; correct. . - A::: x ...Essas Coartssios.—The New York : The Potomac Army—Sutlers' Supplies. ge,salti, abieli fora week past has boon tun- j . stsr liah(nallTßlSS AILIIT Or Tila POTOMAC, Dec. nitiglieneral Grant for she Preeitioneir w ray! o! , . 25.....Arr00gm00t0 for ootl.ro' soppll j . o, oir i n. Priablent Lin i (h eated i - , - and directed by General Orders 105, itHe abandtin . llonest Old Abe' aw ry hope- ' in the army of tho Potomao, aro in full opera in'On-se- IV' hero i' lr ' i him, ' -i. l'"' I Lion, givi n g satisfaction to sutlers and the prosetil Lim, no have helped, him in Ciliary , "m:. • I' Wafillnit eon get no good out of him. To fee I ' 0111: trifle own homely similes, ho is a crooked j - - stiekfthat cannot be bent, and _that trill hero) ..IFCT -- iC111" SALES. WI . Irokcn." 1. ich moans that President Lincoln is the ; • - to' Y" ANCHESTER LOTS, 'ROSEDALE' I. o .7.l.lit , o ,, r t i.: io n o TZ E . ,... —On ,,,.wi T n il L yti td D . S...T th li . o p illi re.a... ina : on Chief ma g istrate formai:ly years past who I 11 d not thrown .p let the Ileruld..— fiotion : In the n0 ,„,,, h of Manchester, hf hotto ow Lou. Jody:ie.-of I , enhallilded Dom the well-kis:4m property "Dan. dale," hooting on the Ohlo ricer, betiormul Wattling. ...4". RAI! . Crir A X'r RlrlirL IN Tana Sall an —A , ton and Cherannt etreet., lo•Ing N hyhio dispatch ,n ye , E . B . E„;„„ ru ,, 13 Lots on feeble Wart, toestly 24 reel insots, oa mn y year, at th e head of the Ntwitrille 1 fleuilling back lai feet to an elley. Iln o and subsequently no active and infloen. l ~.I „ t o L d ;l r g u n o n a, D l l,s n' f .. o .n , strs ' s ,„ oo l ' o n r of ' . 4 e ' l tot l' '''''''' 1 tin rotor in the rebellion, has et turn a letter : 13 Lets on Ohio street., meetly 24 feet !roots, ni.- . to h t elativo in thin city . , I •spressing his de- n'ag:tf ., tzlek im a m ~, II "441.5te0 Yes rstenty%lrualed ' 4 ' sro near :treat. i o t'S ' return In his alie g'"" and" the Pres ' ' the I thio river , sear the Piemburcch Ind Allegheny i ldint's prerisi ti o n, end ad r is in a !I h is friends , i5,„,,,, r 14.,..,.; and being at ahe ad t weel,, l tbperone the some course. ' nee flea from the annoyanrm of dust s smoke. ' 'Tennis or Eat r—One-fierch cash, balance lu thus ednal anneal payments, with Internat. Title ' , enfant. Pious .+n In had at the Auction Dome, be Fifth street, or of D. W. I. A d Dolt, Alt noli.-at•Lvor, tin. 144 Vourth meet, Pittliburech. &L.! DA TINA IIIcILWATNE. A earn. _L.... 0 IL PA LE l'liitiS. SUPERB COLLEE- Tnist.—,n WZDNXSDAT :cats ism, Der. glib, at 10 o'clock, will b. cold by cataiogue, at the Commercbal gales Dooms, 14 l'lfth revert, a superb col/cell. of CWI Painting; thalinest ewer °tiered at public Pala Among them ere same at the choleeet works Dom the Hallam Dio.lilortf. French and American Schords. Every Painting le of rare m«l4 being the artlre collect!.o of ant Artlet al...nt leering for Europe. Among teem are warts nom the fol. l Wing rrObartlr Aetna., Met., Vertawickhoren. tihreder, Professor Jacob., George Anclleld, 0 L. Drown, Guiana, Caltenty, Hanterick. de A lm• raid , . pinta, no cone, Copper. All the Pelotloge are richly mounted In g It Dames. The snood. of Counnheenn end lovers of Ythe art* la invited to examine the collection, winch will be on exhibition null! tim, , of sale. Also. -e lot of flue Ingileb, rreueb and nmtrit an laugravitis-s. .Ir2G DA YIN .6 IletLW.l ONE. AuCre. i 10UNTEN TEAT AT AUCTION.— 5....) Ou 11 - I , .SDAIf EVENING, Doc. `:oth, at 7% , ctsck, will be .1.1, in the wood now of the lion. mercial Sales aeons., No F 4 rat, stress. Tl.l plate of twid Mil:Late on tar Butcher • Linn Plauk Dual, miles from the en,. ire., clocker a Rene walk, and aVroihg lauds of Char Ire I olidoller, 11. Graham and John kletlliode-s, having a fr.... of 13% peiches on the plank mml. tool oZknalor lw. k '2l 'lda perches. son. tw.l:.!x, a nor.-.; on Which ir •redesi a &V. stable Anil new frame dwelling of four room. and attic... - The pl. , iii onolcr newd cultivation, having • WWI, 1., of Aro., prey, Cheney and Peach trees, together etch:Rise herd.. Via lAm - ries, Currants, sod other shrnhaery, and a good well of nat.:, rissenton given immediamly. Terms at labs. dr= DAVIS A MeILIVATEII, Amiens. . ..._..___ _ .________ 0... F.. COM.) SCRER'I' it.EstpErvud AT DC/ A GC rrtne..---•en• -ruaurar -tr.ro Ili % p... 'Zitti, at 734 o'clock, will trZe'etnid, at the Conorterelal SAICIIK,umz, 64 rinb sleet, that lot of greeted Wu. at. on the cast Ode of brood streot, betwoen Starke* I alit Ferry etreete, having • front of IS feet on Second strtet and extending back So tee. on which I. tweet- ' wl the threeein,l7 Blink Dwelling No ST eleemid et . cc rankling hall. double pent, diala g .r rer ca. kitchen, wastnwom end eta bed MOM. ; gee and .uteri also root The basso la Ludt le the moat snlatantial manner, and occnpka one of the most accessible loca tions in the city. Toans—One.thlrd cash, residue to one and two Ira..-s, with interest. ,IrOS DAVIS A IteILWAINE, Aunt's.. I EYgING GUETTE TELEGRAMS, YA6rS DLOCKiDE EkNER (AMID. ToAlbin State of Things in Bebeldom n THE! REBELS ABABBOBED BY THE INDIARS. EFFORTS ToI ,E Wl F.UA w KEN 116:, s g. of th v• • r II 1 r MIME! IMIMMIMM Ni+l.4t th.l.ltl.l2mrzli Pult...l.n.rtlLl., Dec. 2G, The old and fnmots bhwkade tanning iron . ; steamer Chatham, with I carga worth SI was taken by the Huron, a tlie 44th, in ; Lt bay Sound, Ga. The Captain and en4rogive terrible accaints of the nI3IC of things In Terreallein. They say that whole canna.cr would dtaert if they could. The r-iwl sub dices aro iLtily, coaling oil to the ship after days an'd nights of fearful sufferings, capered to flap marshes and fear of being might and slaohisalacikilLsritahle fete if recaptured. Tho Chatham has been VinTitirThis Mt:swabs river fur SerCIIII 1310t1 1 / 1 4, fitting out and wait- •; Mg a favorable chance in run out. Tito isbandunment of the rebel cause by ina; ;Indians in Arkania , it fully confirmed. The Choctaw climilaa. Curtale, n..th the other relict leaders, Cool! in lo our lines awl culTeD• ; tiered themselves b. Gen. McNeil. They have; abandoned the idol allcriam c, nod desire to ; us nit themselves .4 the President's Atanerly Croclatnation. Tim que.tien of aalif3ing It to embrace the ease 0 these Indians comes • up at Washington : • tinn. tiilinoro will tr:.. tho Wrehawket, forthwith TLo ItieLtuoud portant.. filo. .out,:n, nothing izn M. Potterron Alto: O , on diet for trea EOLI. The message of the re:,l Ocreerner of Texas, is published. 110 is defiant to the last. There L. no peace he. Texas unit! the Con Wen." is neimowledged The New Passport Kysl cm—English Bark Seized—Arrivals from New orluanu—Adviers from Texas. etc Nvw Yoac, —Rules regulating the new passport system hare been extended In foreign vessels, and smell fart was eommuni rated to tho British Consul yesterday. The I.lnglieh bark Circassian wesseined here yesterday under euApicions cireutosttinees, and many arrests have bean made. The 'steamers, Washington, from New Or• loans tbe lttb, and the Mississippi on the IStb,arrised to-day. The Washington brought a hundred thousand dollars In specie. 'The Mississippi brought a lot of rebel prisoners, ineleding Maj. Ore. Gardner. Tho not igution of tho M 4.. iseppi river f. lore interrupted, the gtt nhoaL. keeping a eharp look out. Advises from Texas state that Gen. Wash .lirne had started for Indianola, and Lavaca it doubtless in unrpossessiun err Ibis. It Is he tiered that San Antonia will also mow he in our posses:ion, where our troops will concen trate for the overthrow of the rebels under Magruder. Mexican Blockaded Ports--Privileges to American Packets. Waentsolon, Dec. 26.—Information was received at the Slate Department to the ef fect that orders had been sent by the Impe rial tiovornment of Prance, to the Common der.in-Chief of the French Naval forces in the Pactlic Ocean, to place in a state of block ade the ports of Acapulco and Serbia"; but it is thought to a spirit of liberality and comity on the part of the French Emperor, he hes decided that the American packets which constitute the lino between Panama and San Francisco, shall continue to have the privilege of tonahing at Acapulco, in order to renew their stock of coal which they may need for the completion of their voyage, it being un derstood that those veasols shall not leave or receive any paasengers at that i.ort, nr any merchandise. tiurrender of Rebel Indians—A ppreh en sloaa lor an Immense Supply Train. Emu Sucre, Deen,mber 24.—W0 loam that the Choctaw chieftain, McCurtin, with other rebel Indian leaders, came into our lines to-day and surrendered themsolses to Gen.' McNeal. They have abandoned the Corded orate alliance, and profess • desire to avail themselves of the President's amnesty procla mation. Their example will have a powerful influence over all the rebel tribe.. Mitch apprehension is felt for the safely 01 an lumen., Supply train on ita way from Fort Scott, un account of tho presence of Stan- Waite and Quantrell In that direction. Rebel Ulockude Runner Captured—Ad ekes from Port Royal. Nor Yoe:, Deo. 20.—Tha rebel Wert ado runner Cheatham, was captnrod by thu gunboat Karon, about Der. lot, in Doboy Sound, On., while attempting to ran to stet, with a cargo of cotton, to Rayon Resaolo. Thn United Stator steamer transport Fal lon, from Port Royal, Leo. g2d, and Stono Inlet, at t. m. the same day, 'arrived loot tvdtting. She Firings no bows. Matters re main about the soma as at previous advices. Gen. Ullman and Robert Small not Psisoners—..Culpepper Occupied by Our Forces. PIMADELPILIIA, Loc. 26 —Cart. Irving, from Libby p,rison, 'says thoro is no truth in the ro• port that Uon. Ullman wets ti prisoner in Rich mond. . Tbo story of the capture of the negro pilot, Robert Small, by tbe.rebols in Cho:team!, is antroi. , 'lfe - still acts no pilot in oar &mt.: , 11 . e4d4wirtir ',Army of tAit Xtoutac, nee.ll6o Culpepper attd vicinity aintoir octmplatil44 titans faros , dont infantry with aiiillary: En CL4LIEF 40EXT8 7 ()ENSIGNS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY =I 13=31 by tbuo U. IS. floyerunmt. lin Ti IrTl3 STRIC.ST, 2.3 door Woo th. Onthidral ENE Penneyisanta Soldiers wet of the monntalroo, Lud as. Ohio Seidler., and Waat Virginia Soldiers, can bare their Prnabmrs, Booty and B. Pay snared at Oda °fate. Circular. will Iv gent giving faU information to the Soldiers, or to doccorml Soldiers' Helm, showing who ore entitled to the Pension, Itoonty and Bort Ihry, and the =moor of coming the maw y. , by appl lug to mo by lector or In'. • 44r No charge until mdlocted. sr9:lyaz.h, MILITARY CLAISIS. EXLMKTION CILAIEttI. W. J. 8c HALL PATTERBOR, lid Fourth Coon, Maims for PENSION, 6001:TY, PACE and =- VIA PAT, BUSSISTENOX, PRIM; lIONET, and HOUSES Imt or killed lo .orrice, promptly st toodnd to. LX MPTIOY CLAMS otters:Ad to without do lay.&Arum . - --- M HATA R Y CLAIMS, BouNTrEs.. J. PENSIONS, 'BACK PAY am! MILITADY CLAIAIS of every 0,.00-1011, , b, ,--11,tr4 by lbs 4010 geribor, cha ibllowfug valet, alt: Pensbnla elo 00; all other c 1,1101,053 50. V. C. TATLOII, Attor . p4 at Law, Nu. 7l Grunt street." Pittsburgh. Ps. N. D. No charge* are mode If 11,. claim dues not lllet.tlal. sad all luformatton Oren gratis. ue4:l7 It'.l,V7'S. ANTED.--4CO A MONTIL—Wo want W Anents at {son meet'', expenses paid, to eon one ErwW , Wian Peseik. Oriest4rDenssre, and thirteen ether new, useful and cannotarticle,. /Steen arti cles sentfrea Address, de22lnlawT BELAU' A MANN. DlddeLtrd. I. $75 AWant to biro A ts MONTHh. erery county et 975. month, t en e paid, to eell my new cheap Fondly Seeing M e Lhlrow. Address, 1. MADISON, Alfred Medea as24:3=dewT OILS. 4•e. R IDES & CLARK, WEINISSION BIZEOIIAZTB. I=l Petroleum and its Predicts, Oils Ca EID &88, da, to a BROAD Tom 94 WATER S. IS2 TAOIST 818—....Prrratosaa. oar Apntafor the PORTLAND ETROZZNIC OIL WORKS, NEW TORS PARATYINE OANDLZ COIIPANIL Ara W. A. CHAPMAN, AOlll7, apl7Bas 98 Water A II Prone ea LUaNT.OII4 WORKS. - DUNCAN, DUNLAP it CO., flartafoctnrers of Pure White Refined Carbon Oils, Waco, No. 291 LISICIVIT arm?, ITIEZETI ASID fur VW. taLE. MURAT FOB CA.9ll.—Tho Lot tan foot front on Tosnaend stroot, SLIM Ward; and raw back 100 rove to m, allay. Tho Ilona. la a tiro-glory brick, containing are rooms, and 'von lb* rear of the lot, fronting on the alloy. A good bargain may bo bad by applying room to JOttN BIiONYLSCIN, roirnsond intact, or at • deinaor !Pais 07110 E. . LADIES' 1 1 )1i,THAILT.F.- NIEPI, Writing Peaks Pocket ICltlvearGold Peak Photograph Album., Toy Ilivkai. A duaamorttionit of Games, Choke 0111 Booka Pocket Books, Marko. Abuartack 'awl 4 great variety of bettotttal good. adapted to tlaeionott, tot. Patna Feddial neat Alleghed7. • . .4141. , - T.. V:I7AKEPIA3di. IMI II MOST- AiI'AWY/I14:115,110111-1 nty tn earl; . *ha salter, is ma le ot - tooi JAS. ROSS'S; 87 Stir - Aatitrest. JfI7ISIC,Nc. THE HOME CIRCLE, Vol 1. • VIE IMRE CIRCLE, Vol. 2. EY , . . ii . .-- ZONMISSION.i7WARDING.IIS 2 4 I . !., ,prkde and • =4: Pettnlcuil! , Ha 11/ 11W13 , PITTSBpSCIEL • • ,- aPLltasl:Calk '" . 1 / 4 a eatilit'aiiiin 9a. th a 71 eittepergb or Eartepe ;Sae • - . ar~aar Myers. J. S. D ibradh a Cove Springer lisiNLagh r sq., Thompson Bell. Seq.; E Proil. mhlo:Ra C HAS. O. MELLOR.% I 1 lA.e4 a.8R0., THE SILVER CHORD Talc saovra OF PEARLS. The ,boss ere chola, collectWog corfoW std Ine itraziental Musty clostatly bowdd;'tniiablo fix CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. SOB SALE BY 4 - It BI WOOD DTLIZET. dell CHRISTMAS PIANOS. An entire nes elm% of the unrivalled KNABE PIANOS ! iTir.tiThWtiV2,Zit"X,.."Z,'Z'". Fit!' LIAISES 111108. N. V. PIANOS I . . Which base been used In this city fur Moon yen's+ and are aclinoarlostged to bo tbo beat in the countrj at the price. Moo. the Grovesteen Itasevrood 7 Ootave Plantl/4 Warrooted for lire Iran. Cheapest Plana mad.. PIIINErS MELODEONS, Flo-flostAn the_workl. _Au_efftiro_ Ina stock of Of ttio different otylesjuat roodfrd. Ai q 11,01..dfons of .then make.. CHARLOTTE ELITHEi FITTIII , It err. = 5.7 An entire um stock of the 1 I CHRISTMAS PIANOS! Unrivalled Saabs Pianos, Cemprielug,G;e' 034 and 7 octrve PIANO FONTES; trltb plan an clabors.tely carved casts. Also, lIAINES ItROS N. Y. PIANOS, which haw been mad il3 this city for the past Darien years, am' acl-nowledged to be the best In the country at the Alm, the CE. OYESTEEN 7 cat. creosoted PIANO, tel five yeare ; cheeped made. PRINCE'S MELODEONS, the Lest to the world. An rutin now stock of the different kinda just io nised. Also Ifelnleene of other mats.. CHARLOTTE BLITHE, EI:=1 MEW TESTIMONIALS.— "The Mallad Matters of diet East S speaking out In in of DECREE'S PIANO! Alter having examined the Plano Fortes of the DECHEIt BROS. very camfnily, we ham corne to the conclusion, and ch.rfully ift,tify, that they ant in every respect superior instruments. Thar than le pure, tick brilliant, very distinct, arol of an entirely toneleal character. Them workhotaship to of the mry best, plainly thanonstrittln&that cone but the very out utaterlalt are mod, orPth•fr touch, mwuness dintequality of lone throughout the whole PourtwAs of the key board, nuenrpamed by soy ethos lano - Portntre have yet seen. S. B. RIM, Theodore Themes, William Rll4ob, Chas. Pradell, Theo. Began, editor of the tixeical Beriesested World; Cori Ansliuts, Director of the German Opera; John Zundel, editor Jettracit if rub tie WorshiP F. 1.. Ritter, Carl Wolleaho, Plan." A choice lot of these superior lustrutacnte Just sr riving.. J. At HOFFMAN A 888.. th<3 61 Filth street. 011111:,:TNIAS PRF.SENT.M/ A magniAcrnt rm, ,, 0.1 7 tw1a.1.2 Concert Grand Piano, PO.ly carnet, made by liliAttk: & CO.; CHARLOTTE BLUME, a. B.lw 43 11}111 STEEL'? l'A'S URAJrCE. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FILLE.—FILANKLIN FIRE POIURANCE PANY OF PIIILADY.LPIIIA. Wilco, 415 .13 44 Chntaut street. Set , rum. Statement of Awns, January tat, pabllsbed Agreeably to an set of Aseemt beteg— First /Mortgages, amply tecureJ_..--tIJS6XI2 06 Beal LRAMs (petal val. F 169,314 61) mat 1U2..1.5 6 reailktruy 1... m w amply Collateral lA= QS Stocks (present raise 590.6G7 72) mot-. 99,7 " °C Nowa and I,lel fee 27.619 OD fss SOT the wily profile from sdemiums which. this Comp.,. am divide Ly law e.ro from riekeorbia ham Levu determine& . Itasommos made on awry dowription of pnvert• y, In town and onntrt7, at =ea as low wa an comistent with .cattily. dittos their locerrporation, a perird of thirty years, they Lore paid lo mm by in to an mnorint exceeding Far lifithost e Wien, theiclty afforang eoldonre of the atlrmititow of Irlaurtnce, en well as their shill. ty and dispoailima to meet with promptness nil tin. tusaea paid during-iLe-yr.lBng..: MILEMOTd ; • Marti...N. Barletta, Lsaac Lee, Merdemi D. Leerle, Jacob L. Smith, Tel.. Wagner, Edwaril C. Dale, David S. Balm, N. Geo. W. ILlcLards, Samuel Crept, Charge Take, CHARLES .. °ANON ER, Preadeal. EDWARD D. DALE, Vic* Pres•dnal. W. L. Brurh / J. GARDNER. COPYIN, Ape.. earl DIRro Nortbesct eor. Wood X Third .a. INSURANCK. Insurance Co. of North America. PUILADILLPHIA Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., =I PITTSBUIIGEI. PA. Hartford Fire Insurance Company =l7 - Insurance In the above old and tellable co= pant. tan be obtained en applicallon to fe:r7:dly Bagaley'all.llnra, Hf Water ettvet. INSURANCE COMPA YY NY Or PITTSTURGII, IL MILLER, ,li., Preside*. P.M. GORDON, &aviary. °®a, No. te Wear attat. Spas a Op.'. 'Ware ham°, op main. Pa-ob. - 0- DV/ itoswe qgahla an Nab of rav and Etat. Rah. A Ilea. fadle,tw. emusgred 17 Patton soar are all Inca ia roomagaity. at who aro alar m:at, by promptness rod liberrotity, taaiatoia Aortae, gala Pow kat assonant, a atr.aat) ba protection to that mho